broke jonna up valo ville


broke jonna up valo ville
g 8
" It'IS man mu t raise thy hand
The Strange Effects
And tell thee to grow wi,e
• Like Herod's damsel to KO
,Then ali shall gain Ihe pri';'.
\\ hen m~n begin as ~he did then,
And hke Herodias burn
To WO!-Ul~ the foe, as she did dv
J 19ln like Herod come.'1
I' marvellr
. I tell
I Will your Lo rd '''I'
. I
y.ou! It IS a Sign to me,
t Ie Lord haUl done alllhi
the Rev.
d ngs, have wntten to the Rev
' an the Rev
rmit m
'. - : - - ; but I am told, the
L or d \.... 11 never
wrillento you. IF-" our L y wr.ltlllj(s to .be prove<!, lill I hod
Wall un you, tv tell ~hat ordslnp Will Il lve me liberty, I will
grounds I have for thi, faith.
From your dutiful and humble Servant,
Pr;p,ed by Marchant aod Gal .
In~m-Coutt; and aoId by W. T.....
S Y~t"D., .Gandy-Lane, ~8the M'
f Soulhwark; altO bl W.
• OUT, Leeds; W. W"D."N
lAlo ••• St.• idweU·s,EJeter;
~!. Stourbridgei. Eb.UlIfb
.-I••• ~Lgll1'. Co1'fSl~·
Ifauncbam j R. liOLb'.1TJf G·
d oster; -C. B.,\Iu....., Di~
».& "..
aod T.
(Prire One SlIi/ling.)
man strenglhened the wo
must strenglhen her hand to b' ma:;.s and by the fall, and bo
6"t, he wiII accomplish al I:,~g·l . ck. Whal God designed'lI
can fruslrate the de,ign,
s. It IS 1I0t all the powers of bell
Lord made the wom~n t . 1I0r £urposes of the Mo.t Higb Tht
her it must be done F compthclc IllC ha.ppillC's of mall 'and~
(If as
sfllneth over the face of Il
I e sun fI~b III the horizon
Ie eart. and Ih
. th
an d TlSC again in the same I'J
' and d en ~tleth In darklll>U
ave recums to "ave with bb"
U5~ relurns todu~t; aod
the same place-so must m:n mg aDd flowmg; Jet all centre JIl
al first, in perfect happir.e . cedt~e at last, as God placed Ilia
pleled. Christ died 'or' ": an y the womall it musl be. t'r..
man s atone
,JUs .11lC3tlon. Therefore now'
men, ah rose again far 011'
tomshc:d, 0 earth! the 1.0 d hg~e ear, 0 heavens! and be &to'
and the saints must judge Ur a U a controversy wilh his people ~
take place, when m
ear 1. Tbat day uf judgmentlDllll'
nC\lcr '\ erc before sjn~ earth~ QJ\!d
; such \\ rilings II
S fOUD atlon stood.
of Faith;
1792, &c.
Of T7zings which are to come.
SHALL begin this book with the J udgme
Day for :.\1an.
It is written, the Saints must judge the ear
from the foundation of the world-" And this
century (the first in the 1900th before it is completed) is fixed for man to sit in judgment, to
Judge between ME and my vineyard. Therefore I
have called by my Spirit, and by the mouth of all
my prophets: Come, let us reason together, saith
the Lord; though your sins are as scarlet, I will
make them as white as snow. Turn unto me,
and I will turn unto yOll, I will heal your backslidings, and love you freely. For now be astonished,
oearth! I have a controversy with my people :-and
as the echo of verse gives the sound of one line to
another, so have I, by my spirit, echoed back in
"crse to the words of man. 0 simple and foolish
lhe tlllrd.~.tAll11OLl, prulled m Vctober, 1808,
by W. l\lnrebanl. Grc\'il1a Slrce1, London.
lrom the fiu.t Editiot., p'iD\~dJan.2, \PO~.
l:atcred at Sti)li"IlCf',
~ene~~ion! from the fall of m
lDlqUltles have you found in u an to this day, wha
t~r .other gods to your hurt ~ \,.that you seek af~
~~~~~ ~.ethwoman power to 'answ~~atl~e ME for
I you. For now I ' l l
r COlltro.
false up; I will kill and make WI. pull down, and
a~d I will ~eal; I \~ilI destro alive; I \~i11 WOund
will estabhsh my 'covenant
and I \~11l save'
fir~. :rhe spirit of deep sleep h~thl~ With Jnan' at
an Wisdom's words bave b a
ee~ upon yon
ears; but ye have put sweet ~~~ b!!undID g in YOU;
~~dsw;rkt ;Jye have called gOod eVil~t~rd an~l bitler
e acob's sons, all hath a ' nevI good i
dream unto those that b r
ppeared a pleasing
comeliness in the ~or(ls bee~eve tOl r see any form or
lore lem.
h' .
• But now, as J have told
Judge the earth I sh II
you, t e salllts must
lay before you the ma~n~;~e t~ that purpose, and
the earth,-when they hear'~hwhi<:h they must judge
the Lord speakiug in the
e. vO.lce of the SPirit of
world, both to men andwdmin, III every age of the
they always destroyed the ~~I
T~ men, because
came; or rose up in an ° 0 frUlh. as soon as it
been in every a"e of th
agamst It. Tbis bas
thing hath got itsOtime . e world; but Ol)W every
lIe that said to the pro~dnd bound.s are fixed for all.
shalt thou go and no r. thavhs of the sea, hitherto
~or man. A~d now
ath fixed his bounds
man. Suppose J"had n
come to reason with
man h~d stood in perfec~veb m~de the woman; aDd
vainly 'imagine the d.evil :Ol~~ence at first; do you
betray man, as he did the
~se I~O other arts to
gave themselves up to h' aneels l~ heaven, who
not Satan find th
IS temptatIOns? Would
now, if there was n~ame way~ to work on them
woman. _'Sodom and Go·
Dlorrah will rise up in judg~e~t against mankind, .
who blame the Lord ~or gIVIng the woman ;. wr
their sins were not WIth woman, but men with
men. for which they were destroyed; and this sin
the de\'il would tempt man to commit, if there was
no woman. in the world, and dust had increased
as worms in the earth, or as ,vorms increase by t e
breath of a fly; for by the breath of my mout!l I
would increase a whole race of mankind. And had
this been the case, do you not think the same snbtle arts that infused rebellion into the angels in heaven. would infuse rebellion into men on the earth?
If the whole world was rendered a paradise unto
them, Satan would soon find a way to swell their
pride, that the servant would be greater than his
master; and the very men who gave themselves
up to disobey the laws of God, and rise up in reo
bellion ag"inst his prophets, would rise up against
those men who lived in innocence, and earth would
soon become in the same rehellious state that hea·
ven was, when the devil influenced the angels to
conceit they were great and mi~hty, and ought to
worship no superior power. Thus he began in
heaven, .and thus would he b('~in upon earth; and
man, whom I created, must ha\'e been cast for ever
with the devil and fallen angels that hstened to hlln.
Therefore know, 0 "ain mall! the "ery way you
think I placed every thing for your destruction,
\\'as placed for your redemption: as e.-ery art of
Satan was known to ~IE, 1 therefore laid my plan to
catch him in a net by his own feet; and to cut him
down with his own weapons, to prevent man from
perishing everlastingly. For I w<:lI knew, if I
made man flesh and blood, and let 111m fa"U a prey
to the wrath of the devil for ever, he would say
\lith Cain, my trouble is greater. than I can bear;
therefore 1 felt for man, whom'l had created t '
herit this life.
0 In,
But as this might cause doubts to arise in
hearts" and they might question, why 1 madem~nl
so subject to the arts of the devil, that the POll':':
of darkness should have any power to tempt him?
I answer; How could 1 prove 1 had ('J'eated a bet
ter race than fa\l~n angels, if man was not liable t~
the same temptatIOns as ,they were, NolV an. weI' for
thys~lf, 0 m,an! wherem my ways arc unequal, tn
deal Justly \V:lth men',and d~vils that fell from glory?
YO ll coml?lam of belDl?' tned and tempted, Have
pot the Just suffered, the .same tel12ptatinns, and
~uch greater pcrsecutl?ns ~ For not saints, but
sl'!ners have always Judged and condemned the
sa~nts; bnt ~o~v t!le scenes are changed; aor! the.
samts must SIt In Judg:ment on the bench of justice
b~t\veen ME and I!lY vmeyard" be~ween my dealiogl
wlth men and devl,l~, and ,the J~stlce of my senteoce
on all t1~sh, Forlf the Just" III every age of the
world, tell a prey to the ~nJu~t, will yOlt say my
ways are now,unequal, to :f1ve It up to the ju~go
ment of the Just? 0 ye foolisll and Ull wise! were
ye left to sit iu judgment 011 this great jndgmeoto
day, who fear not Goel, uor discern his footsteps,
ye would soon brinl? the ?ay of \'engeance on your
own heads i and, bemg bhnd leaders of the blind, ye
would fall mto the dnch together, For Satan would
300n fill your lVeak lleads, that it was some cunningly
devised fi).ble of the woman, to clear her fall, and
cast it on the ,devil; and so yc would do as the
people of old did, who beated the furnace se\'en times
hotter tban usual, to burn themselves by cornipg
near it, For Siltan would soon cast a film orer
your eyes to make ye blind; and, under pretence of
' !'t a\vay 30'ain, would say, this was a film
that ~vas laid before you, an so make you stark
And now 1 will answer men, aft~r the manner of
If children were now their own carvers.
~~: would cut their fingers: and men would
take as great a sacrifice of themselves for t~e
·1 as i made for man on the cross; for as thIS
,eVI't' b man so ·it must stand for e\'cr, For
Iscas y ,
to Ipresent
lelllnoW are he sous of God comll1O'
selves belore the Lord; and sh~ul( atan corne
among st them ) I will answer him In the woman.
Now trace all my footsteps b~ck, an? see how I
have directed to bring it to tr!al for Just men to
'dO'ment on it, Where IS the man who can
m JU 0 when from my SPll'lt
h Ilure h Ila th beell
~arned by thy hand? And where are thy accusers,
or those who have compelled thee to stay thy hand?
Or who have called for justice: or, who have pleaded
fo: truth? None, but my servants, whom 1, have
chosen' none but lI1y people, in whom 1 dehght,;
who ha~e strengthcned the hand that hilUgs ~own.
and confirmed the feeble knees; who have saId to
the feeble mind, be strong; who ha\'e a?ded to
their faith, virtue; to virtue" brotherl,y kllldness;
to brotherly kindness, chanty; chanty towards
God, and charity towards man,
Ane the ways 0
good men are ordered by the Lord; and ,I, the
Lord have established their goings; for their feet
are shod with the preparation of the Lord; and}.
the Lord work in the hearts of m)' people. to \I III
and to d~ of my .good pleasure,
And now remember what, I told thee at 1i
that tIIey should be a williug people ip the da lit,
my power j for I have hearkened and heard j.h~r
ea,ch ~nanl has said to his brother; and thry shall ~
mIDe ID t 1e "y I Il'ake lip my jewels; and I will
spare the,m, as a man spareth his own SOil that
servtth hun., For I was hungry, and they gave
!IE meat; thirsty, and they gave It! l; llrink' nak ri
a~d they clothed It! E; in prison, and th~)' a"~i:
!llstered unto It! E: for as much as they have d, oe
It to the least of my disciples, they ha"e done it
unto It! E. Thou hast been hungry, and thry gave
thee meat, and, thou livest now on their b~unlJ'
tl10u stood~st III want of c10thinlr for thy fJther:
when he (hed, and they Jun'e sent clothing nnto
thee: ,My other friend is in pr~son, and, they hal'e
ac!tmlllstered unto 111m; that IS, by theIr wlilings
they are tl ying tn deliver him. Now all this is
done unto ME; for it is by ~E, and through AlE, J'e
~re both come to poverty and want. Now all tbis
IS done, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled: and
now cometh the end-Come, ye blessed children of
my Father, inheJ it tl.e kingdom prt'pared for you
from the foundation of the world. For such men
as, these wei e my disciples j and had they been in
my da,}'s, they would have followed liE, as myeliscipIes did; and those who mocked in these days, are
snch as mocked in my days.
. And no-'ll', ye fo~ls, who despise prophecies! was
I try all nlen in
t1~e end? How could I bring a blessing on my
fr~end~, or how could 1 bring a curse on mine eoe·
nul'S, If I was not to try them by prophecies, 15 the
prophets were tried? For I 'said, all the righteous
blood should come on this generation, from the
1t not for prophecies, how could
blood of tighteous :Abel, unto the blood of Zachariah
son of Barachiah, whom they slew between the temple and the altar.
Now the blood of a.lI has fa lien on the Jews; and
was it not for prpphecles, how coulll I try the Genuk ? for 1 shall deal alike with both. And now 1
shall try all; and it must cOllie back on all that
mnck the prophets of the Lord. For now I shall
beain with man, and end with the devil: for now
he"hath tried men upon earth, as he tried tbe angels
in beaven; and he hath found men as firm in tbeir
worship to God, as the angels were in heaven; ami
those \fhol11 he has drawn away, he does not find
sn firm to him, as the an~els were that fell: when
men see him, they hate hIm. But how could 1 do
justice to fallen angels, if "1 had not giyen them a
fair trial upon earth of the pOlVer they wanted? I
koew their nature, or I never should have cast them
nut of heaven. Bjlt would they not say, I judged
them wrong, if I had not proved the truth of my
judgments? So all shall fin'd 1 am clear when I
judge, and just when 1 condemn, Mercy, meJl
will finn, is my darling attribute j judgment is my
strange work.
Now' I have ~hewed you my strange works in
citation and preservation. That in creation all the
arts of hell were known to ME j and I placed all for
man's redemption; he being pronounced dead, undrr the fal~ as to 'the knowledge of God, man bath
room to look for redemption in and through the merits of his Son, who took. upon him the nature' of
man, and f-Qund the devil had confidence enough to
tempt the Lord his God. Then was I not clear he
would te~lpt man. in a state of innoc,encl', to 11'01'-
ship him, and offer him the kingdoms of the earth
as he offered ME? But how fat:tl must have b '
man's case, if he had fallen· in that manner lee\l
rebel agalllst the Lord that formed him and' to
~very bl essmg .unto
Ill: t en he must have fallen
hke th~ angels, a,~d have perished like
them; out herein I have laId my plan to redeem
man from the power of darkness. When they
the evil of their ways, and turn unto ME I W~I~
t~rn unto them, and plant them into th~ nob;e
ville; for I au~ the roo~ and they shall be tbe
bran.ches. ~ut If they reject my voice, and despise
my Just deahngs; I will cut them off from the vine.
So now hearkcn and hear, all ye families of the
~arth! I ~ave ~egun, and will go on, till judgment
IS turned mto victory.
The following lines were explained to me, from
Jeremiah, chap. ii. verse 21, 22, and Zephanial~
chap. iii, verse 15.
. " Yet I had planted thee a noble 'Vine, wholly a
right seed: how then m·t thOll turned into a de-e.
nel'ate plant 0/ a stl'ange 'Vine IIl1to me?
" Fol' though tllOlt 70ash thee 70ith nit/'e, and takl
thee much soap, yet thine illiquity is marked before
me, saitlt the LOI'lI God."
" Tile Lord hath taken away t/~ judgments he
hath cast Ollt thine enemy."
These two chapters were shewn to me by a friend,
who had opened the Bible at the abO\'e-mentioned
places, wishing to knolV if my writings were from
the Lord. They were much distressed in mind on
reading the first verses, fearing the judO"ments were
pronounced against themsel,es, but fo~nd comfort
reading the last.
Those passages were ex-
~ned to me in the following manner.
"I will put'away these judgments from those that
believe' but all these judgments will fall on those
that do'l1ot believe: For ~he Gentiles were planted
noble vine a pure and TIght seed. But holV can
iliey be call~d noble, that despise the very thing, that
makes them noble'? To make them noble, IS to
cast the enemy of the Lord.
All these judgments
will fall on them that despise this calling.
So'ti. your land hath this to fear,
What to their sight I then brougbt near.
"But those tbat tremble at my word
Will find tbe goodness of tbeir Lord,
To put these judgments an awayo---!--! tbis I say,
That as tbis chapter dolh appear,
You an may bope, and an may fear.
If like tby friends they do begin,
To say, tbey fear from what tbey've seen;
'l'hen an these fears I'll put away;
Thesejudgments will not come 'A yeo
But if these thing< ye do not fear,
But say, " We're nobly planted he.. ;
For Christ hath plac'd in us tbe vine,
And nitre in bis blood Joth shine
II To wash away our every guilt,
II And 'twas fOf'us his Blood was spilt j
Then an these washing< will not do ;
My Bloud I neyer .bed for)"ou;
And all your soap wl11 be 1R "am,
To wash away your every stain:
And let the stain of man appear,
And tben I'll fully answer bere.
At first-my honour man did stain,
And witb bi. !\Jaker did conlOnd,
That it was J brought on bi. guilt,
To give the woman, as he fell
A change in him that did appear:
That if 'twas so, I'd bear tbe blame;
And to the \'Voman next 1 came,
'Vho cast it on the serpent's head,
And to the root the axe was laid,
And to tbe root it now must come;
For I'll begin to answer man:
I gave thes('rpcnt up bis will, _
To work in man, my hean to chIn;
And aU his wiH for man tlid bear,
Until tbe) pierc'd llE With a spear.
He did not say U The serpent there
Tempted the woman for to lake
And I with ber the Jaws did br:ak'
" Because he said, we should not die·
" Bul soon as gods appear to be
U And good from evil for to kn~\V .
U 'Ve eat the fruit the truth to shc·,~
U 'Ve had no knowledge of a lie
.. As he declai'd we should not die·
.. N or d0 we know how he could speak
U Unlcss rhy power did undertake
H To !11ake him speak in words so clear."
Then they'o. condemn'd the Sf'rpent there,
So S.,an he had every will,
And all 'my friends their hearts did chill.
But bad Ih~e things come all from man,
1\ly Blood must sure been spilt in ,ain,
And brought on man a more sad cune,
And man for ever must been lOlitAnd lost for ever m:{n must be,
If I've no friends the truth to see,
And from 1115 power man must die.
Thjs is a mystery, thou dost cry;
Because his knowledge must be dead
~Ian knew not how his arts were laid.
But here, thou 5..1.y'S( tbau'rt puz21~ mort
HolY Salan all the hIarne must hear:
If hoth on him had cast the hlame
Thou say'sl, to man what death
co~ld come?
Why then the death must been to sin
And know the evil he had done;
And dead to nil his powers he'd he,
As ~be good fruit was on the tree,
Wh,ch I would give them both to la'te
And then the serpent must be cast.
nul here, thou cry'st thou'rt stumbled mOre,Could I not then in man appear
That '-ery way to cast the blame,
But tben his arts I well did know,
And how he meant to cast the blow
From which I'd meant to screen the ~an·
No \.vjll nor power \"as in him j
And quickly cast the blame on "'E.
I !ook
challenge then from he,
When he in man so proudly spoke,
And instantly in man did mock,
To say, the woma.n I gave he
Had given the fruit forbade by ME;
And so by her he di5Ohey'd,
And so on ME the hlame " .. laid.
I answer'd then the blame I'd bear,
But knew my second then must come
To take the sword out of my hand
And plunge it in the rebel's heart,
And 50 turn back the every dart.
I( justice did my Blood demand,
To take my challenge from h,s hand;
Then 5u,e my second n w must ~ome,
And plunge the dagger back agam;
And say, U !tty Lord Will not to blame;
For m them both Ilben did rule:
lJis.. srts are more than man can tell .
Therefore I left them all alone,
It next on Satan so must fall.
So here you see is a noble "inc,
Tn ta~e my challenge for mankind,
And in tbe field I would appear;
And put the serpenl then to shame I
Yes, so 1 know it could be done'
] might in power then worktd in 'man,
And never left him to his will'
And so tbe serpent's heart to ~hlll.
Aud Satan form'd himself in man,
Tbat wben I have gon. through the whole,
From Satan aU tbe mischief came,
.. Who first betray'd me with a Ii.,
U I was not then pronounc'd to die,
.. And good from evil I should know,
And. every lie from Salan flow,
.. Which brought my Lord upon the tree,
.. And bore th. deatb proQouQO'd Cor III.,
" And since for me he did ~ppcar
His Father's promise must be c1~nr
" That all thy lies must bruise lb)- he~d
II If I"'e an adYoc:lte to plead.
U Therefore my cause he now" HI plead
:: And bring his .Blo?d upon thy head; ,
Or he must brJllg It all on mille
u I"or hcarkcnina to the lies of lhi'ne
.. I
- ~
was my SIOS that made him bleed
For h<-arkening to the lies thou'sts;id
And so the sword went through my so~1 .
ADd wilt thou triumph over all I
'fhen I must have no foot to stand
No advocate is nigh at band'
" No Father's promise for to cI~im •
H rrIy Saviour's Blood was all in vain.
H And I must sink beneath tbe curse '
If now my Father·s words do hliss '
.. T o have my see d to brUIse
- thy head'
" My Father's words are all my stead'
" And trust bis word, he will fulfil '
:: And not-uphold the murderer stili.
A, Satan first a murderer came
If He knew that death was in the :1ame
" Of eating the forbidden fruit.
If He caU his eYe! 50 near the r~t
" While I in ignorance did appear'
cc And of his arts was ~naware
tco I knew no angels that had feil .
II I knew no arts that came frorr: bell .
.. I k new no power that could appear •
U But what came from my Maker de~r'
co And all I thought must tben be good'
"A 5 ' t~as pronounced by my God. •
And In tbat sbape thou did" appear
fC In what was good, j>rollounced tber:.
co And good to evil thou didst bring
U Adn Jn t be serpent plac'd a sting '
" Whereby tbou 'tung"t me to the',oul'
" For of iny children, I know all
U Tbat were like Abel
met': Cain
co And so my Lord did
U Thu" like a champion in the fiel/
U He took hi, challenge, and did yieid
I' To bear tbe blow tbat thou hast given
II And now his triumph is io heaven,.
That-he did di. to conquer all;
Then sure I know his sword must fall
u For he to give it to my hanJ~
U And vengeance now for to command.
...~, he hung bleediog on the tree,
u 1\ly Lord and Saviour dy'd for meet 'Tis thee and ] must bear the blame;
.. His murder sure from us did come.
" So take the weapon in thy hand,
" And now tby challeoge 1 will stand-.
.. A coward thou didst first appear;
et 1~he weakest vessel thou saw'st clear
U 'Vas took from man-one single bone.
,., Not formed in power like his own;
u And 50 advantage thou didst take,
" In coming like 1,\ poisonous .suake,
.. To rob my soul of every bli...
U And poison all my unborn race.
" So on thy belly thou must come,
U Thou·st not one foot to stand upon,
" To say thou actcstlike a maD
" or honour and of honesty.
" l ask what challenge thou canst g1\e,
"To-an,wer for thy b8BC design /
" Such coward prove to me and mine,
H To cheat my soul with such a lie
« As caus'tlt my children for to die,
.. By rca,on of thy cursed sting /
U And now to reason I'll begin:
H Did heaven create me for 1hy spoil'
If Create a race for tbee to foil,
" That bath no footing bere to stand /
How dar'st thou interfere with man'
'f O'r didst thou the world ever form l
~I Or didst thou e'er create the Man,
If Or take tbe partner from his side l
" llow dar'st tbou ever rob tbe bride.
U Of innocence that there was plac'd l
" 1 know my Lord 1 did disgrn~e,
H By listening to the arts of (11Inc.:
U And now with shamo 1 must resign
U To own his anger then was;
If And so my grief did ever burst,
H From age to age his anger bear,
., The weaker vcs.~l full of CIlTo,
U While thou didst triumph in my glief;
U But now my Lord will gi... t: relief,
.. To place i,
U And as tht e weapon In my band
"A d' , y challenger to stand •
n JustIce I ay
U And nO\f J askmh
now demand~
.. 'j'h
ou robb'sllby God h
appear 1
~ ~~~Sn\~:~dc:~:,s~ever'~,,~~ ~~~~:e~e;
u- Unto God's foots th~u to Interfere,
.c To rob tbe Ii
too to appear,
.. '''h
II oolSloo' of Ihy God
, en n he h d
~I pronounced "ood ,
Yct goo., t
And diel thy Goer' ou Idst turn,
H Then well b
lo;posC Opon;'
.. 'j'h
t au may sl imnose
e wflakest
on me'
If Which "ood ~csse
I~OU .didst see, ,
U And b ~h
rom ev~1 did not know'
" Wh' hY,' Y arls received the blo
vc a r h
u As 1 h
'S t to return lJac:k
"A d t e evil fruit did pluck
n now thy lies I'll m'
And knolV thaI ev,'l' ahke them good,
"A d 11
In I ee st d
n a IhJ arts I well d k 00,
" Ahd back 0
" For well I k~~weeh J II cast the blow;
To gh-c the ('hall~ ou ~anst not stand,
U Could'st thou no
nge rom my hand.
" Than like a se
better arts command
H \Vitll lies tha
~pent to appear,
.. And yet I not~ :'ito,uld sl never clear 1
..And from Ihy mo~th~hear tbem all,
.. Thou .aidsllhe 'I j °h nolV muslfall.
" A d
s ould k
n now the truth ]'11
LJ For every evil is in tbProve Jt so j
And so Ibo U h ' "
H. And all the aDo s~ up.on the tree,
(f And so the fi
wuh Jt was plac'd,
II And
rst must come a& last·
" A
so my Lord he did ap
s on the cross r
.. T b '
,may compa
at Jt was taken f
(C Thou bad'st
rom a tree-.. To fiJI m meplucklbalfruilfortbee
" T
y soul wuh envy h
o lurn on th
.. And so tb
bee, I e fatal spear:
.. T
ou ad st me pluck h
I e rod,
o prove when I d'd k
.. Him Jsbo~ld I
now my God,
.. And SO tbou :v;:and Ihee sbould hate;
a st me pluck Iby fate;
.. For if my God I now do know;
,n He promis'd to turn back '-he blow.
., So where'! the honour thou canst boast,
" Bul like Ibe serpenllick Ihe dust,
And on Ihy belly for to come 1
" Thou hast no foot to st.lnd upon;
~, For all thy words did thee condemn.
., For wclll know my God is good,
" And mercy unto me has shew'd,
" To keep me from tby every power,
U Or else my soul thou would'st devour.
" $0 here lawn thou didst nol lie ;
.. The falaltruth was pluek'd by Ihee;
"And liy thy words thou must be cast,
(C And man's Tp.dcmption must bf" plac'd,
H As 'twas my heavcnly Fatber's ""ill
" Man'. happiness I should fulfil.
.. And dosl Ibou Ihink to rob Ihy God,
" or performing the \Vords be said,
., Because thou hangedst on the tree 1
., Then know that fruit was pluck'd by me.. And now j say I'll pluek lhe whole
.. Till down Ibe evil fruit shaU fall,
.. And then the good may all remain;
Ie Al\d from thy words I'll still maintain.
., That like ns gods ,men may ~ppcar,
H The eviliruit l'U !ihcw them clear,
., That thou didst bid me for to taSte;
.' I'll sbew Iby arls, ho" all was plac'd,
Ie And thcn my judges let tht'm comc.
., I'll take my trial first from man;
U And then discover which they'll b\arne;
.., 'Tis me or thee they mUlt condemn.
U And now wilt thou in man appear,
Ie Thy innocence in ought to clear,
Ie To say tbou art not justly cast,
U Then rwre from heU such men must bunt.
" And him l'U prove an evil fruit,
.c 'Vho came from thee to saye the root,
U From whence all mischief tint did spring,
U And on my Lord to cast the blam~,
" Wbich he had gol no right 10 bear;
Ie His innocence I nOW wall clear.
" If simply I drew in the man,
" And on my bead'tbe blame doth sland,
Then I mast throw it hac. on thine
"And now I bid thee look to Cain .
" How soon a murderer he became'
:: I know tby po\V~r \~'as in my So~;
For when the frOlt dId first appear
U Then good and nil I saw clear'
.. Then good was murder'd by tb~ hand'
U And now Jet men the trial stand
U And"tee how tliey will now appc~r
U Thy innocence in oUAbt to clenr.
cc Then man must say I am a devil.
U And all my nature it was evil
u And 50 the woman now I'll bl;me
U As (rom her fall we so became.
.. Then from my full I'll answer here
.. An Abel will for me 8,,"""r
"To prove I had not tainted
.. As Ihe good frait in bim did fall.
"So here's a child by me will stand
.. Though murdered by his brother's hand
" To pro,'e I had not tainted all.
U If Pm tondemn'd, then man must faU.
" For let my children all appear:
., I've Moses and Elias here;
.. I've all lbe prophets of tbe Lord
.. To prove lhe good fruit J bave bear'd'
" But as their murderers will appear '
" \VIII man condemn me thelD to cle~r l
" Tbea surelyl'JI condemn tbe whole
~ And briag my seed before you all:
Becuuse you murder'd tben my SOli,
".' That never was ~got by man,
U And in his mouth was found no guile.
.. I as. you bow you him can foil I
,. Perform the miracles he wrought,
.. By BeeJl8bub
.. From S"tan'8 nrb to fill your b~aio,
H He nil the.. wonders did maintain.
M Then now I bid you do the sume,
.. Or el.. rll pul you all to shame.
W ..
" And prove the fault mu,t b.. in man,
.. Though you receiv'd it from my hand;
" And from my hand there did ajpear
.. All tbose Ihut did reprove y<>o tbere;
II And from my bSllU in l)ilates .a~l.t
"You know I did repro," you 311,
nAnd lold you then the man was just;
HAnd jf in me you sa.y you'll trust,
.. Why bad you not my hund obey'd
U And t'retld the just, 8S then I stud 1
U If you "ill cast the blame on 1M.
For the bad fruit was on the tree,
.. Why did you an ..fuse tbe good I
.. The I'rophul's blood is on your bead,
The ~lood of Abel and of Cain l
U And ten me if the fault was mine,
.. That be hi. brolher tben did kiU I .
You men may judge this os you will;
But I for Cain will answer now,
"Why he bis brother Abel slew;
Ie Betause in him he sa'\' the &QOd ;
.. Then how can you tbe fault allude
To say you'll cast the blame on me 1
Then the good fruit was on the tree,
" 'Vhich yOli was f'ager t? destroy,
II The eVil truil for to eDJoy.
.. For now I ...y \'U chaUenge man:
.'i '\Then unto you in vice 1 came,
" You all was ready and obey'd;
.. I'll bring O1y guilt opon youe bcad,
.. Bccuusc you did refu.. tbe good,
U And to tbe eVil YflU haye stood; "
.. For Nubotb you did phu:e on blgh;
.. Wben I bad robb'd you did comply;
"And ne'cr no in diu 1 invent
II But man was willing to- consent:
" To murdet J aud ad ullery,
.. To Lid you .in, 100 lOOn yooId fly. b II
" One s.milc of miBrt ,bal came from c.
.. Would kindle Rameo ia you 10 swell
n Until you bunt them. ~U a.brOAd,
U And ,.cd!oth in the de\:lla road:
\\'hen 1 tbe prophees blood dltl claim,
It SOQn was g',"eu me by men;. load"
" And there'. no ,ice ,hal you wllhs
.. Ilul aI_yo did refoIsa the good ;
.. For when hly children drd appe.r
H And the good fruit in them was ciear
.. Your murderous hands destroyed t"';" a'~
" The m.rty...• blood I now shall call
II How they were cast into the flames'
u And al1 the prophets I can lIame. '
Ie So here's a challenge now for man:
If on my bead you cast the blame'
" Tben } will cast tbe blame on you;
.. All .ice that I did tempt you to
U In e ....ery age was eager done j
::. And will you say you e'er did ShUll,
Becallse a Joseph there was found
" Reject my vice in every sound 1 '
:' Tben down,my. vice I say must f~lI.
, Had yo.. wIsely rejected all,
" My every viee that I had pIBc'd
U Your prisolll bad not you dislJrac'd f
U But higher honoul' to you bring
n Exalted by your heavenly King. '
U So herc·s. the fnlit that's good lO boast;.
But by hu brethren be W85 cast;
" Then how will you say I'm to blame;
~j You hated good fruit when it carne.
,c So now] bid thee answer J man,
" If on my bead thou tbe blame
'Vby nil my "ifcs thau pursu.'dsr,
And all my \'irtues e'er withstuod,
.. As things despised in thy sight I
" If I bad children walk'd uplig!lf,
u Thou soogbt's! their lives for t6 destroy_
.. Tbat I no com forI could enjoy
U From tbe good fruit was on tbe tree.
If man condemns, then answer me
And see what reasons you'll 8ssi~D
cc for hating all the good \Vas mine.
u Had 1 no children for to boast
U 'Yberein the good you see ",8! ~Iac'd'
U Then you may sure condemn me all,'"
.. And say I brollght the f.1ll1 fall ;
u But 85 I'll prove I'd many good,
U You ill their virtues might have ·stood.
U Bu t as you did not nnswer mnn
" 'Vhat made you lay such ;'retched plan
H To put my children all to death
.. Tbal I brou~hl forth by noble birth 1
U You cannot saytbat came f~olU me;
",From &rtan'6 arts tbey, all dId fiee;
U And wben t6 .1'00 he dId .ppear,
., You did no ,more discerA it there
"Thand. discern'd hi! uris nt1J.rst j
U And well 1 know, if I am cast,
., The serpent "ill betray }'ou all,
U And so mankind ,would surely fall;
" For was no woman to be found,
" I know that sin would noW abound,
·",Unless you strike unto the root,
U And men in silence must stand m~te,
_u To t,ay these reasonings now Ilre JostU 'Ve own the serpent must be casl ;
•• For if ,Ihe good fruit does oppear,
" We know tbe .evil fruit is ncar,
" That iurely doth from Satan come,
H As on the tree the fruit did hang j
~, And he must hang upon the tree,
A< His poisonous blood destroyed mu,t be;
cC For now we know he canken all,
., And like the crocodile doth call,
" Till he secures men for his prey.
U What to the woman can we lay~ •
.' ~When we see man as much. dceelv d
U As she was then for to beheve
.. Tbat they as gods should surely be,
U By subtle arts that came from h~ 1
".And he by arts batb mon betray d, d
" Or could Il\ankind so wrong,been le ,
" To putlh~ Son oH;od to deatb'l
u .consider what the woman iaith :
U The miracles that he had wrought,
.H By men nor devil' could be taught,
CI 'For 'tis not all the powcn of bell
" Could Bct like hilD, we all know well,
" Nor all the learned SODS} .
eta For .eaclh and hell may h)' In ""l~ 'miss't.. A.d all lhe po..... we kno.. wou
.. And so pr.,.d Lucifer may ~t
H J n simple foels that ,·~n,
.41 'fo think titat beU in pow~r could reIgn,
U To turn tbe water ioto Wille,
bl' d
bo was born
H Give sight to b 1m W
feed 111,
... Or 'et tbe hungry thousands,
.. Witt 6,h.. few and little bread ;
... AJld is. . ",hat nUJllbelS did Jlppoer
" That bl )ill 80& "<:Te feasted Iber:.
.. As you appTOYetho Son WllS ",ine '
"Andt0 y.....r wOL1ls J'JI OOW reoign.•
Jlut you affirm he =0 by l~a,,'
:: Tben . WlSw r n()W my w,riucu hand.
And 10 my £OJ) in 'I'Ord. HI Iland
"lAnd now will anSWf'r ~n d1ill stead t
.. Ad'
~ m h'l8 namf' 'j"II
~ flOW proceed:
Did ""er Dlao so 'you I\ppear
;: Such miracln to Wf>rJc them bere?
Vou "'y that Moses did tbd S8J1Je
•• And (urn'd Ilhe sea to be dry laod."_
But koow he WIl' " type of ME.
These thing... "'" .l>ever wrought' by he;
For 'I was J tI.,! wrought them all
.ADd there my Spirit
did fall,
Fox to upbold his "",ery haod I
The could ne'er been parr.ed by man,
No JOore lhan man can 40 appear
To do the wonders h. did there'
Sp aU these woode.,. came from E_
Aud nuw tbe brazen seIpClIt see,
Who 00 thJ, pole was lifted u
Aod "" my C""'s to you did j;.,p:
For- 8$ a serpeot '011 tbe tref' '"
V. hung I I . ~p, and nailed _£ :
A br8J'tu serpent
T~)~} I <:BOle fmm God on High,
Wile" from tbe dey;] you declare
My miracles performed were.
So Ilt'rc'. the bruen "'pent plaiD
A. J frOID hell you did conIe"" '
~Perfoxm'd lbe miracles I wrought
Aod boldly J my God -di. mock .'
Then holdly now I'll an....r
The living serpent did :appear, '
And ga.., you all .ueb fataJ .ting,
And death upon you be did hrillg.
Bec~se be wag f08 10 the aaut, •
DellpISC the blu.n eerpellt aU ;
For as l}le 58!1'!"'t _ of b.-With bruen oon6dence you say•
'ihall assUIDI! lha Son<>f (>ad,
And bl tbe>eq>lOlt to JOu show'li
The miraclea that 1 bad dOlle.
J knew before wbat you would form,
And so my pr"l'ltetJift X.1l up;
I knew your hearl. cow they would drop ;
Because YJ'Sl" bearlJi 1all had try'dTh.e mita.cles were all d.ny d,
'That ?l00es shew'd 100 aUllcl<>re;
Your gold"" coli did theDftp~,
And tru.ted lo&a<>tber p,
That Satan to your ean had bar'd.
Now your fomilthcrs.all trace back,
And lhen you may belwld the wreck
That brought your iatal destiny;
And the goodfruit )'OU all may_,
It always...... despised loy manLet 1I1oses and l:\i.. ceme;
Let all my prophets to appear,
1" ou always <lid condemn them
Then no.\II lask wbere m... call bOllsH
The good fruit you bave nhrays caat.
The e,il frwt"'r to embraDe.
And so your Lord you did disga<>e,
-To ....y a bastard he'd uphold;
Let all my ";rael.. bl' toW,
They ne'er .couW be _rk' _n,
Nor work'u by.1I your i>ellisb plaD,
Whom you with &tan <he" agreed,
From ...... nnd t1eyil• .& ","occed.
But now I'll fully ans"er b..... ;
ud de,n. now appear
And aU SGy rcir.acles perform;
Then you tbe Son of God may scorn I
But if these dungs y.,...can1lOC do,
Let aU be broagbt I>eiom your oiew,
And let 'tOW: Beeloebah.."..,.
Aud ICe if i>e .... ll ..._ .......
That he ..... "orktbe_.1>y_.
~ Drf ..ary.uacli
Or let th_ empty fool. appear
Who said from bell they \lorked
For to caU in & heathen Jand,
And make tbe Gentiles undei'stand
There surely was a. God in heaven,
By whom the promises were gil-en,
He had a Son to do his will,
And made the woman to fulfil
Wbat he at first did her d 'gn,
A .helpmate great for nll"maDkind,
ADd," tbe end complete his bliss.
.All from her seed ]'11 answer this:
He seed is sown a -noble vine,
To change your water into wine,
Tbal in my altar doth appear.
Let men aDd devils answer here.:
If I'm ~ God tbat made tbe earth,
A~cordlng as the Scripture saith,
Did I aot know all this before
The miracles that did appear'
Would so bring in • heat ben land
That to hi. G05pcJ 'bey would stand,
And honour as the Son of God
To wash them in hi. dying blo~d I
Did I not know IbeheaYenly form
His death would be kept op by ma:,;
And how to him they would appeal
HIS blood nor merit might not
To wash away their every guilt,
And say for them that it wa. spilt
And mix h~s goodness with mine ~wn,
And both In one address my tbrone,
And so address tbc Trinity,
One God united in thc three'
Then now, ye fools! ye may appear
To say,
One God we worship bere,
his knowledge we tdlow."
Appear, -vain roaD, and tell AtE bow
I gave such power unto m:m,
Who said be from my throne did come;
If hc had told you tben a lie,
I}is miracles they ,,]1 .bould die;
For I would not give it to man
'ro mix with ME upon my throne.
Vou know that 1II0se. I forbadc,
"No worship to hi, bones be laid,
HAnd 811
And of hi. death )"0", did DoHnow,
Where. to hi. body you migbt go;
Beca.UrrSC you should not worship there ;
But nuv.: tbe mystery you see clear.
And now to David you must come:
Did he not tell yo""of tbe SoD'
And alltbe prophets did tbe same;
But will you say I ne\'er came
So pcrfectly ,.lsa8c ,pokc I
You know you aU regard ME not,
Though bruis'd fOl yqur iniq'tity,
lIn casting fiht theJault on ME,
And on .. 2 laid the blame of all ;
And Jcw, and Gentil.. both I call:
From Noaa's SOIlS, you lews appear;
You r fathers' nakedness is here;
And will you Lackward cvcr go
To covcr .11 as they did do I
Or will you like the elder come,
Their ookednes wr to discern ,
Thcn all )"Oursins I'll put away,
If ye the elder brother be.
Or like tjleelder brother see
Your fathers' nakedness to be ;
The grapes ha"e madc your falhe'" tiare;
The wine destroyed their senses there;
Your younger brothers were to blame,
To cover aU your falbers' shame......
U For how can Y(e now cover here'
U He, drunk, with aoger did appear"
Ie To. cast a curse upon his SOD;
U For no great evil he hatJ done ~
U To sec his father so appear;
a He only laugh'd, as we may bere;
U And if our curse so soon must come,
U 'Ve are aU lost, and aU undone."
But here your rcnsoningthougbtsmaysay,
U The curse that 1rBS prunouoced by he
U Could never fall Upolll tbe IOD,
U Unless the Lord bad done the ....... " N,,; bere'. n mystcry tbat goes deep;
Had I not given up to it,
His words bad never curs'd the ~on,
Hod \ a bleullog .ent to him,
1'0 bame all hi. fath.r'~ will.
UQt Jew, "nJ Genlil.. nolY <tand 51il1'-
This " .. uiml'letype of lila.!,
To sbew wben power was in bis baM',
HolY he tbat powa would .nstlUlt ruk
And soon Oesuoy bi. cbildren all.
As Noah bad If" right obey'd,
And bu.llthe ark, as I baer SlIid,
I gave him will, I ga... bir.l power,
And now Y?" seetbe fatal Dour,
When man III power began to ru~
How soon hinDg", leI him fall '
To ruin ati his unborn nee,
And every child disgra«.
So now lask wbal man can hour,
When power in him by _It is "lac'''l
In pride and peosion he'd soon swell,
And send his chil~ren fBot tlllm).
be <Gllid ooa bear.,.
Too soon bis o08"r did 1IJIIlftJ'.
Wbicb I in onllCJ' gl"lUlkd he,
That in tbe cad you aU mil;bt "'"
}fan is ualit to ban tbe power'
Their children. they'd too _lI'deYllur,
As Noah did unto his son,
And now to reason I shall ~dmt.:
If I1li1te IJI81J should so appear,
To cursc my children every whert',".. 1JI0lthey bavelaugb'd at "'J:
Like Noah's soa y<tO all would De; ,
And so you oU would lind 0 cu.... ;
For Satan's. uta i. aU areptac'd,
When r tbo worId complelelydtown'd,
One uprtght maa there SOle was found
Whom I pr_rved in the ark;
But Satan n"""r mili8'd his maB,
And, lib! a r&¥l!IIO""
t of prey
He watch'd my dlU
e - r way;'
Whea r crestroy'd Ibe world of sin,
He studyd then how to be~in
To make it bad as 't\\'tl8hcfore,
A. . sooa 10 Noah did appear,
To make him drunk at fi~t with wine,
(Tbis nakedness i. in mankind)
Wbicb was disco..r'd hy Ibe son,
And Satan quickly Iaugh'd in bi""
His father'..""ger for_.o beat,
And ~ for botIi he laid his net,
To catch the simple in his snareI ask "bat woman then was there?
You all may answer, you read none;
The father and the sons alone;
No sooner '~cap'd out of the snare,
Not perish'd with the deluge tbere,
Than all togetber tbey begin,
By Satan's arts, to fall in sin;
For when tbe father CUl"!t the son,
You know not how his beart did burri,
And thought his falher 10 unjust,
Such heavy sentence for to cast.
So sin and anger did abound,
Thougb all the world of sinners drown'd;
But still there was the man of sin,
\V;th aU his poisonous darts witmn,
To ...t the beart. on fire for hell;
And so his mischief eyer will,
While in this world be has got power
He studies tbe unwary to devour.
For should I now in wrath appear,
And burn tbe stubble every where,
And set this world all in a Barne,
And save no more tban fear my name,
1 know tbat fear would not ahojlnd ;
Too soon tbe tempter would he found
To works by arts and to betray,
And draw my children fast away.
Trace all the judgments I ~ave sent,
In ages past tbat bave been penn'd,
And yet the world is full of sin;
And now to reason rJl begin:
The Jews a proverb they do stand,
And scatter'd now from land to lond,
'Vlthout a bouse, withouta home,
That they can boldly call their own.
And there's no nation they can boast
That is their own; they're so-outcast,
And all their judgments tbey do see,
And yet they do not live 10 " ' ,
According as their la" was plae'd
But live in .in, like all the resl.
• 0'
I know thciJ" arts, I know their liQlt,
And hOlv to cheat they'll all disg"ise;
I know the form they all do make,
And know the truth tbey all forsake,
And all my judgments are in vain,
'Vhile Satan's arts in mau do reign;
I see no peace thue will appear,
'Vhile Satan's. witchcrafts are &0 ncar,
Until I rid him froa, tM coast,
And then may man in virlue boast.
So let the Jews for to appear,
And my demand to a.nswer here,
And say they wo~hip1lOW one God,
As it was "'ritlen by his word;
And say their conscience now is c\enr,
They dl> not lie, nor do they swear,
They do oot cheat, tliey do ItOt .teal,
My sabbath they do nover fail
To keep it boly to tlocir Lord;
They love and fear their oDly OP<!,
And by tli law tbeir con5Cience free,
No sin Ihlly do commit 'gaipst )IE;
But perfect as my lain 110 0 ,!DOd,
They live in all w"S" per~ t l(lOd,
ADd upright men they say tbey bo
In evory I.w ,_ givon by >fE,
Now if tbcoetbiags they.1I cudear,
They need to hue"" Sayjj>"r here,
For their transgr"",iollll to "Klre,
If rhey can pro... t4.>at they laa.. non~
But live as meD before tben Lord,
That bave eac:lI evil'\'lo<d ab\lorr'd.
For by my law tl¥y are not free,
Unl""" their Ii... 90 uprigbt bo;
And if
c~n~ieaoe now is ~tart
To say, "
•• lID 111""".
Tben 1Iooy do want no s.u;OUT', blood,
If in my laws tiley've pm1ec:t slOGd;
But if their con5C~ cio"We broke the lawl thattbou bast:nara'd;'
Tben DOW I .." I'll break 'them all,
And veDg_ sball upoIl them feU,
Unless they instantly do turn,
And see tbe evil tbey have done;
U \Ve have no merit for to plead,
U If that our sins are on our betLds ;
•• In guilt we know we must appear,
H Unless our Saviour tom-es to clear;
" And this we have been waiting for,
U Tbinking he would for us appear,
U To be our prince, to be our king,
And David's throne to us he'd briog."Then read your Bible back once more,
And anS\vcr aU my questions here,
And teU }Ill who was crucityd,
To beaf rbe sin of man, tbat did,
And you regard it not at all,
When J did bear the blame for all;
And who was smitten then of God,
And boro for man tM fatalluad,
That bore (he burden for you all,
That trom the woman than did fall,
II answer now, ye sons of men,
These tbing1 by man <:ould not be done;
Had I no' blinded tbeD your eyes;
Could man the 80n of God despise,
To put bim to <0 shum~ful death I
Consider what tbe Scrtptufe.wtb;
If you bad known wha' you bad done,
You all must wi,h tbe devil,eome;
For how lbe man could I e'cr free t
No wa-r was kindled then for ME,
As allgcls k,ntlled it i h~veD . .
A nd bow could men be e er forll'\"en,
If they bad known what they bad doneTo .crucify God', only Son I
But as tbeir blindness did appear,
Because DIan', blame I said I'd 1Ieart
Asman did cut the blame on )1:£:
But here's my travail all .hall see,
Wbcrein'mysoul i. utisfy'd,
To see tb. woman', claim apply'd;
How Illan wiU c1aroour for his 1IIood,
And sa)' that promise 01..0)'1 .tood;
Aud that promiae I fulfil, .
TheserpeDt'. bear. lib.. m",:,cbill,
And all thase thiAjp must br_ bia head,
ADtI all in public must be tail}.
For here's Ike Judgment-Day for man,
To judga the eartb bow all <Iotb 'land.And th... tbo, caD't a40rd l<> hay,
I know Ja,ifielld.
"m Ai'. ""'y;
"ben tbeyba\'c prov'd it came from heaven
Unto the public 'twill be given;
And then men's hearts I soon shall try,
Andfast my arrnws they shall fly;
For If men now do mock the word,
They soon shall find my glittering sword
To cnt the rebels to the heart,
That will not now turn back the clart;
For every mystpry I'll make clear,
And pro-yc the Day of Judgment's bere,
Wherein the saints must judge the earth
According as the Scripture saith,
Spoke by the Spirit and the Bride;
And all my la,vs are here apply'd.
And every law I'll now make good;
I bought your (ttOSo-ffi t as I said,
Upon the fatal cursed tree;
Did atan pluck the fruit (or ~IBJ
Or tempt Wle woman 60 to do?
Bring all tbe mysteries to your view,
How in the garden all was plac'd,
And then discern how all was cast j
The good and evil fruit hung tbere;
The serpent's ~rls did soon appear.
To tcmpt the woman it to take,
And eat the fruit, mv laws to break;
And boldly he appe'-r'd in man
To answer then the fault was mine,
To make the ,.,oman to appear;
And wen I knew he mock'd 1'1 E there:
But was 'the power in alan's hand?
Did I not know how all did stand,
That if the \\ oman he beiray'd.
]n her I'd .urely bruise his hend]
And now in her 1 ",ill appear,
And nll her pl'{,mi
shall dear.
Tbat sbetb a rigbt for to demand;
And now the trial she must stand,
And shew the evil aDd the good,
ADd ask to whieh you'll DOW allude.
To pluck the whole from off the tree,
That nought but good fruit there must be.
For to her hand I'll now resign, .
And tell ME if the fault was mine.
To give the woman to your band,
kause the serpent did command
Tor ber to pluck the evil fruit!
.And now she strikes it to the rout;
And let mankind as close obey
As Ada", did that very day;
"Then I no more the ma.n will blame,
If he with her alike condemn,
And say the woman I had gh-en;
He saw it wisdom then in heaven
"To take tbe partne:r fr('ltU 'his side,
'Vbom<iod in wisdom callstbe bride;
And as the serpent did appenr
To rob the bride, as you see clear,
Your laws will now condemn the man
That robs your wives and so become
For to bring in a bastard race,
And so your fa.milies disgracc;
-But if the ,.,oman free consents,
And with the man i. fully bent
Witb ber betrayer for to go.
Divorcement you've a right unto;
flut if by arts she is betray'd.
And no deceit in her was laid,
As»e at first hod made ber blind.
And drown'd her senses, for to find
A way to get admittance there,
And e\'ery truth 'She shew'd you clear,
And you should prove as blind as she.
And in like manner to agree
There was no evil in the man;
You see noarts in him could come,
When both alike you were betrald.
When ..l1 is clear before you laid;
And if the bride do first eondemn,"" By arts 1 was impos'd upon;
U For-now his arts ( plain do see,
U By all his arts for to rob me,
., Is all tbe gold he otfer'd berc;
., And all his arts 1 now see clear
U Is for to seek my overtbrow,
.U Is all hi.s friendsbip 00,,,1 know."
Now if the wife doth thi see clear.,
And then discern his every snare ;
Then if in violence lie goes on,
I ask the husb.nd how he'll stand
For to support a faiLbful bride,
Wben all the orts of man sbe
So cleaT and open to his vie",
Despise Ibe sins he did lempt her to ?
Will not the husband feel alarm'd,
To keep his wife from future harm,
And jealousy within Wltl burn I
And now 10 reason I shall cOlUe;
A man of honour will appear..
Condemn the man, his wife to clear,
And from his house he will forbid
A man that doth with ncts proceed,...
To rob the virtue of his bride,
When she the whole hefore him laid, your Bibles you trace back;
For in that manner 1 have spoke,
From age to aae, 1 say, to man,
And 10 tbat purpose now I'll come;
For all Ihe arls of Satan here,
J in tbis manner may compare,
And those that freely do consent.
To say, U Our minds are fully b.ent
.. With this betra)'er forto go;
U \Ve do not wilh his overthrow j;
4l His ways and arts U'C love 100 well,
.. To have him banisb'd down to h.I1:·
Then like a husband, now I say.
Such brides I aH will pUI awar.;
And Moses' law6 I'll now f.1Ii ,
And all such brides tbeir hearlS I'll dUll;
For my divorcelll<!llt now shall come;
And this you'll fiud in every laud;
For mark the words J said before,
That like a bridegroom I'll appear;
And as a bridegroom now I'll be
Of honour and of bonesty ;
But if my brides do now complain,
(For men and women both J me..,)
Tbat Satan ti~e a man appears
'Vl1h eve:ry art invented here,
To rob their hcaru aDd steal away.
And li~e th.... treacherous kna,'" doth 10)
)n every unLusb. for the bJide,
I am the husband unw apply'd.
That will take vcDg""Oce of you,r in.
Some men of hono",r they did kIll
Such 10<'1\ U did illsult their wiic,
To rob her of & virtuous life;
And now such man I'll surely he,
Of honour and of honesty, .
And shew my rage thl'O_gb Jealou.)',
As men by jealousy have done;
And <0 tut purpose now I'll come.
'fo tree O1J !>Tides <bat do complaIn,
(I speak of wo,neo aud of men;)
For Dinah's brethren; all shall ..-,
Are now withia the heart of ME;
And no the ehI... did a.ppear,
I say ag in Susallooh's here-,
Just an lbe devil. I do know.
By "le arts seek yeur o\'Crthro~;
And those Ire cunAOt lelllp~ t~ 8111,
I know W6 malice burns wlijlUl"
And false wit"... be dotl. !><ar
A ainst O1y brides that shunn'd him here;
A~d now 'the mysteries all I'll clear.
As in thy heart thou dOlit co..plalll, ,
These my' all do 510... thee pl....
That if I now would act Iik~ man,
The serpeut', ruin now PlU~ come;
For were's the man that Will 6PP_
To have hiB wife an tempted here I
If she 110 him did !>oJt """,plain, ,
Thou say'st he'd free her of her p... ;
Because Iris ,,"fe be would prot':"t;
Bul here's a nry!ltery thou kaow st not.
Let ""'" witb roan _ bold ClOllteUd,
His wife's a harlot .... U .-J"wu,
AOIl he can easily make ber .. ;
The husband's prudence may let to
His every art, 1x> try awhile,
To see if he his wife can fOIl
By any art he can adopt ;
And whoa he fiads tIW vaio's his plc>t,
His lo.e and ang... wiU ame ,
A ainst the man tbat d,d.<le.,..
S~cb ....etcb6d schtmes tn rob tbe w,fe;
And 10v8 aod anger end tae st.rlfe :
In I.... lInto his wife declarc,-
J. The ,;llnio's arts, I
see clel\r.
: Was but ber virtue t~ destroy,
" That I no comfort m.ght enjoy
'VJtb one whom I did love so diar';'
" But all his arts J now see clear. r
And as a man of bonour here '
I'll make the villain· for to fly .
No morc his honour he shall try
As she with prudence hath withs:ood
Th~ very arts that be pursu.'d."
So thIS may be the case with man,
Wh~re subtle.knaves bave laid such pia
Against tbe Ylrtues of a bride;
And bere the field i. open wide~o sooner had I fonn'd the man.,
Than Satan's arts began. to burn
And said ho'd cast them out of hcaven_
And must the place tbey left be oaiyen
To such a foolish worthless worm
'Vha like the angels soon would turn
To rise against liE and rebel,
Or el e with pride they soon ~vould swell,.
That !bey were g?ds as great as 11.£,
And like lhe devils I should see
How in a short lime tbey'd become ~
1 plac'd
better in their room
To fill tbe aogel:/ vacant seats,
Enlar&e the heRveps in 'prai~s ~reat;
For l]le" and angels, tbey WIll J01P
Than what. before I had cast ou~
And of thOlr Y>rlues he did doubt
I had not made a better race
To .fill the fallen angels's place.
So Instantly he did complain;
I ga\ e the tflal then, like men
\Vhose wisdom 1 have mentio;'d here·
lIut now my brides I'll ,urely clear •
Ancllike a husband now ]111 come'
To clear a race that he condemns'
'Vhose virtues be has ever try'd, '
As man by arts can try tbe bride.
There are no arts that man can use
But Satan first did them infuse· '
And tbere .he tbought tbat he c~uld boast,.
As they their virtues all bad lost
And in his hands he had them there
To try my children e'fery where.
And. thus] let him to go on,
To shew wbat virtue was in man,
Whom he at first so much did liCOrlJ\
Taken from earth a simple worm.
And nolY these worlD' he soon ~hal1 ....
Are fit companions for to be
Join'd wilh the glorious heavenly h"",
And 11,1 their virtues now I'll boast,
In ";Vbat they've suffer'd aU for 11'£
And now a husband let him see.
My friends they did not fear !p run,
WbeR he inlus'li the thoughts in solllf',
Wbat dange", mal faU on tbeir heajl
ror duing as tbe ~l'irit said,
So h~re the tempter miss'd his,
And' IR the end you'll all ¥C plain
Which way the temple< Wd hi, daN
To jYound tbe mep of upright hCjtrt.
For wcUl knuw the just will turn,
,And SOl''' repent of wh"t th~y've done;
And so the n.ystt:rirs all ""ill sec,
\Vhat virtue in my children be,
And all my childre" gone before,
And ali together you compare,
rll prove fve made a better race
Tball those that did in heaven tr~nsg,"",
pral~ beav~nly 3n~ ~ivine,
And my delight shall be 111 !')en.;
They'll find love was not JO valO,
To rup ~~ch Illwuds for my sake,
And know their lives were at Ihe ~fake.
'So 'npw' let all together como,
The dead t\leir names I'll raise to Ulan;
The evil fruit must disappear
Whe" I·tbe bluod of Ab.el clear,
WbO slil1 for vengeance luud doth c1'1I;
So it must now lurll back on all.
I tel! all you th,at nre like Cain.
The evil fruit have had their orne;
And noW 1 see they're doad-ripe come,
J'11 raise the winds and blow lbem down;
But us the' good fru~1 do app"ar,
The wind and weather they call,bcar;
Becau~e th"y nre not dC,ad-npe grown:
And they \\ill stand agrunst tbe storm,
Besides in blossoms some appear,
I h;ne l1Iuch fruit to ript"o here,
And well I Imow that it will stand,
And every bounds I fix'd for man,
The evil fruit have had their time,
To pluck the good fruit tLat was mine;
And some they pluck, and some 'hey pull .
And now I say I'll shake the whole;
And those that will not boldly stand,
And answer 10 'hy written hand,
To say my sentence aU isjust,
Like evil fruit shall all be cast.
For now I'll turn it back on man,
If they do mock thy written band,
The blood of Abel now shall turo,
And Cain shall perisA in his room,
And all the prophets' blood tbe same
I'll bring on those that mock my name.
As men the furnace did prepare
For to destroy my children there;
Just so I'll heat it now for all .
That do despise the heavenly call;
And as the lions did appear,
The mockers shall in pieces tear;
For I will now preserve the good,
As in the flames they tlrmly stood,
And in the lions' den were found
Prescrv'd unhurt, though compass'd round
By hungry lions wanting prey;
And now like Daniel all shall be,
That do not fear the wrath of man;
Like Daniel now they all shall stand;
'For all the days I've DOW gone through,
And saw the fruit how all did grow;
And was my labour then in voin,
One thousand years [0 work \"itb man,
From every day \Vas mention'd here,
Till the six thousand did appear I
Then sec bow near they aU are upIt was the sixth day I did drop,
To hang upon the cursed tree j
Then sure that day must shorlen'd be,.
From the sixth hour to the nintbGreat is the mystery to mankind.
For as the nintb did tten appear,
To change tbe darkness that was there;
So shall thi, century be for man;
Their rocky hearts I'll Nnu in twain,
And all the graY" then now shall bunt,
And raise the names of all tbe just,
And range them aU before your view,
And in their days the same you'll do,
That do despise the calling here,
And on your head, ,ball all appear,
The blood of all that you have slain;
They all were murder'd by such men,
Who now appear these things to mock,
And 110,," all them I'll bring the stroke;
As down the kettle" ,hen did fall,
You shnll perceive I'll bring on all ;
But those who do not It despIse,
My Blood, before them, as it li~
Shall wash away their every gu~lt.
They'll see their names though It was splIt;
Throuoh all tbe dirt it will appear,
And then I say I'll wash them clear;
But those that now do mock the call,
This caution I shall give to all,
That as the dirt does now appear,
Your sins before ME now are clear;
For in one Spirit all was done;
And in tbeir dnys if you had been,
The pruphets _you'd have mock'd the same.
No greater Prophet ever came,
Since earth's foundation it was. r1ac'd,
And all yourselves you must disgrace,
To think that e'er a wOlDan's baDd
Could ojve such challenge unto man,
And d';'ils boldly challenge here,
H from her hand did all appear.
• Just as I had written, " these things to ~~ck(
my meat kettle which was on the fire, fell su en y
off, and In
my ' stOOfUng
to t ake 1't up" I threw my
writings before it which iuvolved them ID smo, e,
ashes, and water;, .ortunate
' ' on 0O'ettmg
dry, I found no part of tbem obhterawd.
Her wlfd6m must uul.bine ydo all,
H ~ply yool do w~igh her CAll; .
A nd it she Ito.. so wisely speak,
And mC11 litt~ adt1en mind if not;
Then men hk' adders will appear,
I know tb~lr sting, I knQw their spt"lir;
But I'll
back their every sting,
And like a hosband will begin,
In 10\11 and jeoloosy appear,
And on thE' n'lJckers turn th~ speat',
Who mOck Ihe .irllies of lh. bride,
Whum ni~ and devi" bolh have try'''.
And yel In virfue ,he doth Slaild.-"An,w~r lhe Cl\allenge from her band:
Do I MI know, do I not see
The challengo sh'e balh givell thee,
I say, IDa",. for to Bppear, .
And Satan boldly cballeng'd here I
And in the end I'll ehallenge all,
If on ber ~ead the blame dOlh fall I
That 1'9, I IMan, it men do blame,
The serpent I sball put 10 shme:'
* .... ,
As I have sh!lwn you in verse, how the Spirit
spake in the woman throughout the w6rld, and it
may appear marvellous in Yl?ur eyes, I must call
your attention to the Bible. You s~y, as in Adam
all died, even so in Christ shall all be made ali\'l~; and
when the fuluess of the time was come, God seni
his Son, made, of a 'vomau. Now, how do you
prove your Bibles, where you say, that death
passed on man, came first by the woman? Then it
was by the woman all died; and by the woman aU
an: to be made alivf. You say, by one man's di!Obedi~nce many 'iI"ere made sin.ners, and by one mao's
obedle!,ce many were made righteous; yet you s~y,
by the woman's disobedience lJ1any ",er~ made sIn"
ners; then by the woman's obedience many Inust bt
made righteous: if in the woman all died, eten,e
st be all made alive. Now I shall c~me to
ye IlJ\I rpose. Ye cause your Bibles to become a
!be t~~y anG all is a mystery j for ye say, all came
~Y~he \~omafi ~ and yet ye say again, by the man
,Y entered into the world. Now 1 a~k, how you
~~ove it-?- But this I will prove, t l~t all c:ame
from the man at first: He was the first IU creatIOn;
f Ulan but of God; and the hone was
DO I made O
laken from man to complete IllS happlll~ss.
S tan found arts to rob man of that happllless, by
b~eaking the bOlle; that rs, she fell, an~ br?ke off
all the happiness from mail. Now Chnst IS .com~ ami to the second Adam; then there must come
~ second Eve, to bring the godhead and manhood
to a pe rfect likeness. For as the. bone. was
from man, and made woman 10 tnao s I eness;
then Christ, who is the second Adam, must have a •
bone takell from him also, to fu161 the law ~f
God and the guspel of Christ, .that the bone that IS
given to man as a huue at Christ, cannot be broken.
For on the c'ross the bones of men were brokel~;
bul the bone of Christ was not broken; nnd he. saId
I caine to do thy will, 0 God! It was the WIll of
God to make the woman to be a helpmate fO.f man,
and to complete his happiness-:-" A~d by her It sh~ll
be done; for if· Satan had hiS Will at first, I WIll
have mine at last. So all men shall know my word
shall not be broken, nor the bone of thn.t man,
Christ Jesus; for now shall mottal put on Immortality' that is the bone of man, that was fotmed
after {he a;ner of man, as Christ was born afler
their manner; though he came f~m .God, yet he
tame into the ....orld after the manDer of men, not
after the manner of .Adam, but born of a woman
after the manner of rjJtn; so noW the woma~, who
fame iDt~ the wollfl ubt as Eve did, but alter the
manner of women, even so Christ came after the
manuer of men." Now to be clearly understood in
this mystery, at his first coming, he carne in the
form and fashion of a man, but in the power and
spirit of God. At his second corning he promises
to redeem the fall; then he must come in power
and in spirit, to the woman, and imperfection must
put on true perfection; and the bone of Christ, that
is the spirit of Christ, must come in the same likeDess as the hone of man did; and this must fillt
be completed, before man's redemption can come,
or the tall of man be repaIred.
., So now let learned. men dispute,
And prove their Bibles clear,
The bone of man to aU is come,
Witb every knowledge bere.
So let your knowledge DOW appear
That J pronouDced dead;
But hy my bODe I'll pro'"e it here
I am the living head."
Here I shall drop this subject for the present; a
word to the wise is enough, for the wise to weigh
their Bibles deep.
And next I shall come to the Revelation, which
is a wonder in heaven aud on earth. And here
is a wonder of me, and a wonder of men. The
distress of my mind causeth the wonder in me, as
many mysteries confuse my mind; but the many
truths ought to change my doubts. So I am a won·
Iler to men and angels, aud men are a wonder to both,
how they can read such writings, and judge them
the productions of the devil, from whom Dought
but blaliphemy proceeds. Allother wonder is, how
any man can jndge it from myself, and see the
bible so plain before him. These wondrous thoughts
llI ust lead them to the Revelation, where the mys!ery is revealed-the prayers are daily before the
throne, crying to be deliveredII
\Vhile saints amaze, and angels gaze
To !'ee the beads of men,
Tbey do DOt see tbe mystery,
Tbe RevelotioD's plaiD.
Sucb words from bell do aDgels tell
To an cnltghteo'd race;
Wbile others judge it from thyself_
fI The woman must disgrace
The learned meu, we sec it plain,
" Gross darkness doth appear;
II The wonder now to heaven is come,
U How man so much can err! n
Those are the wonders now above,
EDlighten'd saints to see
How strong my Spirit here doth move;
Can man so darken'd blo,
Not to discern from whence it came 1
The wondrous angels fly
To tell that man knows not my name-
The glorious Trinity
Hath DOW agreed, the se~pent's bead
Muot fall by that weak hand
That he so artfully betray'd,
And man's redemption come.
This wonders
to see such call,
And man so long stand out;
Had Adam done it lirst of all,
Tben maD might well dispUl.;
But be did not
now see your lot,
Like Adam all go aD;
He cast on ME his destiny j
to lit: E 'tis come.
The woman bere doth DOW appcnr
That I have given to men,
And now I bid you persevere,
ADd judge ber writteD band,
And answer then, &5 he began,
II The woman us beguil'd ;"
TheD I'll appear to answer here,
The serpeDt must be foil'd.
So alH 0" ME.,-om' dest,"y,
To giYe the woman hece;
;l,mprove YOllr ca)I, I \Ill! YOll .U.
I'll act like Satan there,
'Vho claim'd my word, condemn'd his'Lorcf,
For to bring on the fall;
For man mUll die, was his reply,
And death was past on aU ;
Then now ' 00 the otrifl>Behold an infant cry,
The motMr'. pain doth all re"lIin
When it is brougllt.., nigb,
Ye sons of men, could you dii.enl
The lines that here go deep,
You'd _ what birth muot hrins )"''' {onK,
And all like cJIildren weep,
That you slood out so full of donht,
Refus'd yOUt" Maher'. call,
From Sata,', h""8 too lIOOn betray'd,
And so brought on your fall.
But now be wise betimes to rise;
The fulness now ts come,
That'n disl;uise, before )our eye.,
I'm in the WOIaau-S iOrm ;
Eut like the Jews y011 bear the ne....
My wounds you ell'''fl here,
'Tis all afresh; tile Scripture .. ith,
My Spirit dom appear."
Here I shall end with the Reve.1ation, fOI the
present, and come to the Law and the Gospel. To
be more plainly understood, I shall come to the bra.
zen serpent, Numbers xxi. 8, 9. "And the Lord
.. said unto Moses, make thee ;l .fiery serpent, and
.. set it u.pon a poLe: and it shall co e to pasl,
.. that everyone that is bitten, when he looktth
.. upon it, shall live.-And Moses made a serpent
" of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to
"pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when
"he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived,"-No~
I shall bring this to St. Matthew's Gospel, c. XXVI.
Y. 64, &c.
" Jesus saitb un to him, ThOll hast silId;
"Nevertheless I say u.nt? you, 11l~~~fter shall ye
"see the Son of ~an .slttmg on the TIght hand of
"power, and comlllg In the clouds of heaven.-"Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, be
"hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have
"we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his
"blasphe,mY.-'Y hat .think ye ~ They answered
"an.d ,said" he IS gUilty of death.-Then did tbey
"Spit JD h1S fllce, and buffeted him' and others
"smote him with tbe palms of their hands."They also mocked him on the cross, sayinO' .. He
"saved othel'll, him~t' he cannot save," 0>
Now J shall answer those passages of the Old and
New Testament together; the shadow and the su blance. T~le serpent of ~I't', that I commande4
Moses to Irft up III the wdrlerness, and which was
made of b~ss, was my foreknowledge, ho'\\' my SOli
would be htted up. They condemned him for blasphemy, for doing' his miracles by devilW, and blaspheming the name of the Lord, by "ymg he was t1u:
Son of Goel. So they placed him on the cross, as a
serpent that had acted III l'Very form as a serpent of
fire; for fire is a body of ht:at, and so 1hey judged
my Son a body of heat in the form of the devil.
Brass is considered an embletn of boldness' and fQl:
boldness tbey judged him. NOW'the bl'u;n serpent
.lfed all that looked up to him; but himself he
could not save; because, being in the hands of men,
tItey turned him in what forlll they pleased. Jun
10 was my Son: He sa ed all thlltfoolred to blrn for
~emption; but IrimRlf be could Dot save. If he
~GUld destroy the work. of the devil, he must cut
him.down in his own tikenes ; fur to Cure the AdDg
at: Sin, be muat «:ome, as have said, in like manDer
"itb tbe lel'pent-I will bear the blame - the mall.
cast oQ me; and thou shalt bear the blallle the Woman cast ou thee; and thell I will cure the sting of
sin. So look. unto me, all ye to the ends of lilt
e",rtb, and be ye saved.
" Bind up the testimony, seal the lalV amongst
" my disciples." Isaiah, c. "iii. v. 16.
" For unto us a Child is .born, unlQ lIS a Son is
" gil'en: and the government sball be upon hi!
" shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonder"ful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlast.
'<-ing Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the incrtlSCl
• of his government and peace there shall be no
.. end." lsaiah, c. ix. v. 6, 7.
.. The Lord will cut off from Israel bead and tail,
.. branch and rush, in one day. The ancient aod
"honourable, he is the head; and tbe prophet that
"teacheth lies, he is the tail." Isaiah, c. ix. ,',
14, 15.
"And tqey set up over his head this accusation
"written, This is Jesus, the King qf tpe Jt:<I.',.'
Matthew.' c. xxviL v. 37.
It The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of pro·
II phecy."
Revelation, c. XIX. v. 10.
Now 1 will bring these mysteries together. A
Child was born unto all men that believed in him;
and on tlie cross his government was written, the
King of the J eIVs; and they have had no kiogsiuce
this. That was die governmeut that was to be 011
my shoulders, the destiny that Pilate wrote, whom
they called my judge. This was the prophecy that
was written on my cross; and for their unbelie~
lheir honourable men, their wise Dlcn, and proJlbets, were cast out; for they would Dot have a
prophet but such as prophesied lies unto thern; 10
all were cut off in' one day; for the wisdom'of their
wise men is perished, and the understandinO" of the
prudent mau is hid; for they do not understand
their \,roph~ts. They. prophesied of my first anp
second com 109 ; but dId not say, one was my first,
the other was my second; so they expected at my
eomin,g, to see my go.vernment and my kingdom
Cltablrshed. Now I 'nil tell them the meaning of
the words; my government being on my cros , was
IO'govern myself, and be brought as ~ sheep to the
slaughter; and as a lamb before the silearer is
dumb, so I opened not my mouth. If ye will goym the world, ye must first govern yourselves, and
set an example for others to walk by. So I set an
example before all men, to bear patiently my destiny, that my ad versary may bear his."
I shall drop this subject for the present, as I
intend filling my book with different subjects; and
sball h~re insert a letter I sent to a reverend gentleman/ in J une, 179~.
" Rev. Sir,
" As J heard yon inquired about
me at a pu blic pariah meetin~, 1 must refer yon to
a private meeting, and call yo'!r attention to the
RevelatiollS. Were they made to be fulfilled and
anderstood, or not? As I heard a minister once
fl.1 in his pulpit they were designed for eternity to
"plain; for no mah living could
~nd them
lilt. Sir, I grant th,at n& mab. by learning, can
mr find hem out; bild they been plain, impostors
1JOil1d bave risen to fullil them, aDd rendered tbe
perfect truth of them more difficult to be discovered,
tIaan it is now; for DoW the crooked paths are made
. t before you. .
with. the wonders .John saw i\
heav.e\l. Are they to be fulfilled in heaven, or on
earth? If you say, on earth; I answer. then l~
wonder of the woman travailing in birth, and cry.
ing to be delivered, muat take place on earth, and
the wonelers which were seen in heaven by John,
must come all earth tu men. If you say nay. they
are past already, as some simply dispute of the Vir.
gin ~lary and our Saviour; I ask, when was tbis
vision seen? was it before our Saviour was bora,
or since r Your auswer must be, since. Tllen I
ask, if Satan could appear in heaven to Christ 10
clestroy him there, or the Virgill Mary could be tra.
vailing with child after (:;hrist ascended into glory
and all was finished f Then if you canuot make it
good that it is J>'l~sed, it must be to come. YOII
will then be ready to ask me, who is the Man Child
that is to rule all nations with a rod of iron r This
I am ready to all$wer. when an explanation is de·
«I shall
" Now I will call your attention further. When
John saw Michael and the angels fighting againsl
the Dragon, and ~be Dragoo was cast out, was Sa·
tan then in beaven t You will ~ ready 10 ans"".
110; Satan Wall oast out before man was made. Thq
it must be castiag from earth to hell. You may
why tben was it \nitten, he is come down in gftll
wrath, because he knows bia time is sbort? I ...
swer. his casting is first from heaven: though lit
is not in heaven, yet he is the power of darkness'"
prince in the air j you mill see him ia the QIOOlli
though some have simpl.1 ~aiQ it i•• mall, but l!II
Spirit of revelatioa or di\"ioe iuspiration wreY'"
to me it is the devil: therdore it is said of tbe WClI'
der of the woman in the Reveh\lioD, "Tlic ...
• 'i'aS uader her feet, and Oil hsr head a crown of
Iwelv~ stara." ¥ ou may then be ready to ask
who are the twelve stars? Sir, I answer, tbe
Iwtlve chostlll men, who strengthen my hands.
Therefore the moon will be turned into blood be.
fore the great and terrible day of the Lord; but
that terrible day is for devils.
"No\v I hl\ve given you a short account of what
is very clearly explained to me, 1 must call your atleotion to the twellty-four elders. Do you think it
means, Sir, in heaven or on earth r If you judge it
in heaven, whom do you jutlge to he the prophets,
apostles, or I1lartyrs ( Do not all the hOEts of heavell
fall down and worship him? But if it is fulfilled on
eartb, \Vhen was it done? Al~ must be fulfilled on
eartb. which John S:1\V in heaven. I will tell you
who will be the twenty.four ciders, when 1 know
who are the twenty-four men that will preve theae
wondrous things.
After my hands ha..e been
strengthened by tweh-e Ulen, they will gain other
Inlve; tllen they will see \I·hat no man ever
lhought, IUId what never enlered into the heart of
m~ to conceive.
When .hey_ see the wondrous
wisdom of God in- creation and preservation, his
10M to man, is mercy and goodneas over all his
work., aod how be has conde cended to lay befi»e
men ,,111 he has done all things; then \Viii the
twenty-fou r elden cast their crowns before him,
saying, .. Thou art wOTth~ 0 IAlrd. te receive glory,
and 110000r, and power, 'lor thou bast created all
things, and for thy pleasure tbey are, and were erea~ed: wise is the Lord in all his ways, just lWld
nghteous in all his works," will be the language of
~ry heart; aud well it may.
The Bible ends
Jri&b the Revelation; and 'til' hen the 'Hi ble is re-
tbey will be convinced they have b~ dead
wbile they Ivere alive, as Adam was pronounced'
yet, as we call life, he Jived long after; but he I~
pronounced d~ad. Just every man under the
fall; but as JD Adam all dIed, even so in Christ
shall all be made alive.
" Now I must call your attention to the 5th
chapter of the Revelation, respecting the seven
seals. In 1792 I left my writings at Plymtree.
and when t?ey were brought to me, they we~
sealed up wltb seven seals, undesignedly by me'
but whether designedly or promiscuously done
know not; hut they were written within and wi~b­
out, and I was ordered to put them in Mr. T.'I
llossession? and no man can read them: and what
JS sealed on earth, is said to me to be sealed in
heaven. I am now ordered to write to five different
ministers, by sending a letter, sealed up, to each
of them.
'I And n~\V I must call you to the 6th chapter f)f
tl1e RevelatJO~; as the~ five seals are explained to
me, but the SiXth seal II not explained at present.
" I must beg you will weigh your letters together, as they are all on different subjects.
" So now your parish meetiDI' call,
And qui~ yourselves like men;
The tree of knowledge comes to all
And tbe good fruit must come." ,
The following Letter was sent in the year 1799, to
avery dignified Clergyman.
Rigbt Rev. Sir,
Eseler, &c.
I trust, from the amiable, worthy, and good charactar I hear of your Lordsbip, you ,.ill pardon the liberty I am
pug to take, in sending }"Ou the following lines; the weightiest
subject that ever entered the human brain-such an instance has
~r happened to any human being since earth's foundation was
plated before; the deepest inspired penman, the most learned di__ nor ,b. deepest philosopber that ever wrote, DC"er had uch
dMluSblS of divinity or philosopby, as bay. been re,'ealed 10 me by
1bo SPirit of Be"e1ation; and what Spirit that is, must be judged
lJ gn.- w,n your Lordship be astonisbed, wheD I tell your LordIb,p, in 1792 I was foretold all was comin~ on the earth I Perle<dy as I ",as forelold, all has happened in every nation; but tho
... it not yol.-When the truth of my writings began to come, I
. . encouraged strongly in faith, that has been impoosiblc for DlAIt
III destroy, although their argumenlS have often shakrn:my failb, by
Ie1liDg me it came from tb. devil; hut the .nsw~rs given;me CO
!heir words, and the wondrous manner in whicb the Rible ill ell:plained, truly convinced :me their judgment W8S wrong; .....
IInowilig oil into lhe fire makes tho II......... burD the grea_ thlo
wry ...y "",n wen to chill m), faitb, confirmub. trDth -of the Bible
aad the trutl> of my wrilings, as being furetoh!. bow every man I
was ordered to write to wnuld Dcl. And who can tell the heart and
thoughlS of man, Lut God Dian. I
Now, my Lord, will yoa he astonished when I tell you, the end.
of all thingo is et haod, and tbe powers uf darkness must be dcmoyed f~m the face of the earth, by tbat weak hand that he first
destro)'e" 1 lIere your Lordship may be lost '" wonder, how Satan shall fall by a ...oman's hand. lIIysterious as it may appear,
yet .ery d .... It is explained to me. by my perfect obedience to Ihe
commands of the Lord} who made the same promise to me, us
HnDcI did to lhe damse1; "nd I was ordered to ask in writingand my petition and request was, If I had fuund fa,our in the sight
of the Lord, that Satan mi~ht be cut olI"rrom the face of lhe earth,
15 Jobn tbe Rapt"t
1 .... ~ . tbe I.ord will gl1\nt my
poritioD, and 8;"a me my request; and ~ should seal it lip will.
lhrre seah, aJld carry it with me to the allar wben t reee;"ed tbe
lOChllleat-1 <lid; and waa thOD answered. what I have spoke by
111 Spirit, sealed with my _I, I will no f seal wilh my blood.Bat it is said to I'm',
.. It is man
lim raise thy hond
Alld tell thce to grow
}.ike Herod's dam",,1 to go on,
Then all shall gain the prize.
When meu begiu as she did theu,
AI". like Herodias bum,
To wouncltbe foe, as .he did do,
I wiII like Herod come."
Strange Effects
The man strengthened 4be wOIIIan's band by the laU, aDd he ...
strengthen ber baod 10 briog it bad<. Wbat Ood dcsisned II &II;
he "'ill accomplish at I.... It is not all lho p_en 0( WI . .
fnoolrate lhe designs nor purp.- of the Mosl High. '1M .....
made tbe woman to COIllpiele tile hooppiness of man, and loy
musl be done. For .. the SUll rUelb ill the honaon, aJN1 Ib_
--. the face of tbe eerlb, and tlwn II!tleth in dar.n.... and .....
i .. i.. the .... pl.... ; and dUll reI urns 10 dUll; .nd
lIS to - ... witb ebbi1lg ud ....i.g I )« all C\'nlle in the_
lII1I8t m.......tre 81 Iut, .. God placed him at int, i.
i1ct.beppi...... 1 and ~y the wom.n it must be comple.ed. CCial
I (or man's .10_1. atod rose . . . (or our jastificalioa.
hkJre now give ear, 0 heavens! aud be aolDniohed, 0 eartIo I
LonJ hnth a cootra'.....y wilb bis people, .nd lhe lliata II.
d. Ibe earth. That day 0( j a ._ _ take p'-o w... . ,
wliUIlllS .re 1'ro.-.l; such writiugs as ""ver were belo.. . _,h's foaad.lion stood.
Will your Lordship manel i( I teU yollo il is 0 lip to . . w!IJ
Ibe Lord halb done all tbings' I have wrinea 10 Ihe R••. - - ,
Bad tbe
but I BID loId, tilt
Lord. w,U never permit my writing. to be proved, ull I had wril'"
to ;YOlL If your Lordship will give me liberty, I will wait 011 yC\lh
o II what &n>UIlda J h...·e {or this faith.
From JOur dutiful and humble
of Faith.;
I i9!Z, &:e, '
Of 'Ihings Tlf)hich are to come,