Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc


Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
(Inc No. 31898)
Ph. 0417 723 956; [email protected]
Ph. 0419 662 632; [email protected]
Ph. 0412 691 651; [email protected]
Ph. 0402 939 132; [email protected]
Ph. 0412 691 651; [email protected]
Ph. 0419 662 632; [email protected]
Ph. 0419 727 744; [email protected]
Ph. 0404 033 544; [email protected]
Ph. 0423 976 001; [email protected]
Ph. 0417 723 956; [email protected]
Ph. 0422 509 776; [email protected]
Ph. 0403 460 040; [email protected]
Ph. 07/3288 9493; [email protected]
E-MAIL CORRESPONDENCE: [email protected]; or
(Please indicate the message recipient in subject line, ie. Des, Mal; Ben, John, Ross, Alex, Roger, Phil)
“To provide social activities for its members to promote the restoration of CB750/4 SOHC motorcycles and to assist
members in restoration of their Honda CB750/4 SOHC motorcycles”
No. 1 - JANUARY 2014
Club Meetings:- Monthly meetings held on the first Sunday of each month at the
Belmont Tavern, Belmont Road, Brisbane – starting at 10:00am. Plenty of parking, food
and drinks are available at the Tavern or at the adjacent shops.
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
G’day everyone.
Welcome to 2014 and another year of riding our Honda
CB750/4s. I hope Santa brought you a new bike (preferably
a Honda Four) for Christmas, or at least a few much needed
parts to keep the old girl going! My F1 got a new front tyre
for Christmas so it should be good for many years to come.
My new year’s resolution is to get my K2 back on the road
and I have been busy sorting through the shed to see what
parts I need to buy and getting the bike ready to extract the
motor for major surgery. Watch this space.
The year kicked off to a good start with a number of
members attending the HMCCQ’s Combined Breakfast Run
at the Red Cedar Picnic area on Northbrook Parkway, Mt
Glorious. For a change, it was excellent weather for this
event and bodes well for a year of hassle free riding.
We start this year with a full program of events for the first
few months which have been put together by Mal and Ian,
with a little help from John and others. Let’s hope you all
can make it to some of these.
In this newsletter you’ll find stories about some of your
club’s activities, particularly the long weekend ride to
Northern NSW, John’s trip to Tamworth with the VJMC,
the club’s day ride to Beechmont, Binna Burra and
Canungra by Owen, and a newspaper article about the
Ipswich Toy Run which was attended by Roger, Alex and
Lyn, Eric and Merilyne. You’ll also find an interesting
article about the use of ethanol fuels in motorcycles and
some other useful technical information.
On a sad note, Col Seed passed away following a heart
attack just before Christmas. Some of you may have known
Col through his spare parts business which he ran from his
home at Alex Hills. He recently sold the club a bulk supply
of spark plugs and oil filters from his extensive stock at very
reasonable prices so we will now need to source those from
somewhere else!
You might have noticed the change of heading for this
newsletter issue. I have started to number each newsletter
with an issue number and month so that it is easier to
reference past issues, as well as make it easier to identify
when new issues are due out. I thought about working out
how many issues have been done to date but gave that up as
a bad joke and decided to start with this as issue “Number 1,
January 2014”. I hope everyone is comfortable with this
Once again, if any members have attended other events, I
would be pleased to include a few paragraphs about their
experiences in the next newsletter. Simply email me the
details with a couple of pics, it’s that easy!
Ben Thurecht (Editor)
No. 1 - Jan 14
Hello to all members
Well another year has come and gone. Jose and myself wish
everyone a very happy new year. We had a really nice Xmas
with our grandkids and family. I had my father over on
Boxing Day, the first time in nearly 15 years. He even got to
meet his great grandson for the first time! We all had a great
day... My brother and I tried for 2 weeks to go fishing but
the weather was not good to us - maybe next year.
Seeing that I had plenty of time, I decided to strip down my
Honda. It took two days to get it to bare frame. The frame
and swing arm have been sent to Ace Powder Coaters as
they came highly recommended to me. I have seen a lot of
their work and thought it very nice. I am trusting Budda to
do all the painting in Candy as he does a great job. I am
using a chrome shop at Tingalpa but I don’t really know his
work so I will see when I get it all back. I won’t say what
the colour will be only to say that my Bonnie will have a big
I Hope to have the bike back on the road by the end of
January - more photos soon.
Well, that’s all for now. I hope to see everyone at the next
Des Atkins [President]
The last two months of 2013 and over the Christmas / New
Year period have not provided significant additional funds
to the club’s financial position. However, as stated in the
last newsletter, the club is quite well off financially and has
sufficient funds to meet any commitments until the end of
this financial year and beyond, with input from a couple of
the regular yearly events and some raffles.
Once again, income from the sale of spark plugs and air
filters, while not actually making any profit, has reimbursed
the club for the purchase price of those items and provided
club members with reasonably priced spare parts.
At the time of writing, the Club’s available funds were
$842.85 cash in hand and $1608.27 in the Credit Union
Australia account (not including any interest earned during
that period). The total assets of the Club are $2,451.12
(cash at hand and in the bank). The club still has a number
of polo-neck T-shirts and caps for sale (see details below)
and a stock of soft-drink cans left over from the Living in
the 70s day at Pro Honda which can be sold at future events.
Alex also has a good stock of spark plugs and oil filters for
Ben Thurecht (Treasurer)
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
The President welcomes the following new member to the
club during the last 3 months: Paul Darcy
We hope you enjoy the Club and invite you to come to the
Club meeting on the first Sunday of each month (details are
on the front page of this newsletter) and to take part in the
Club’s activities (see Ride Calendar below).
As reported in the previous newsletters, alternative
arrangements will now need to be made for having name
tags made for new members. I have made some enquiries at
local businesses but with no luck. If any member knows
where to get these made, could you please let me know and
I’ll arrange to have them made.
If you haven’t received your name tag, please contact Des
Atkins (Club President) to arrange to get your name tag sent
to you. Also, please make sure you send updated personal
details to the membership Officer (Ross Gilbert – see details
above or mail to the Club’s PO Box) if you change address
or contact details.
In this section a member of the club will be interviewed for
each newsletter. You can all expect to be interviewed at
some stage, nothing personal, just a bit of good fun and to
let other members know about the club, its members and
their interests. Last month it was Owen Finter’s turn (our
Webmaster). This month’s turn is Leon Boddington (One of
our club’s Telstra experts). Leon is an active member of the
Club and attends as many club events as he can. Indeed he
has won many trophies for his immaculate K1.
Member’s Name: Leon Boddington (Member No 156).
Age: I'm 58 years old.
How long have you been a member? I’ve been a member
for about 5 years.
Employment: I am a technician with Telstra and have been
for many years.
What bikes do you own? I presently have a Suzuki GSX
1400 which I have owned for 9 years and a Honda CB750/4
K1 which I bought from our former club president, Bob
Sneil and have owned for about 6 years.
How long have you owned your SOHC? I’ve owned a
CB750/4 for about 6 years.
Previous bikes: I owned the Suzuki before I bought the
What do you like about the Club? It’s nice to get out and
meet with people who have the same interests. I also
appreciate advice from the good mechanics in the club, if I
am having trouble. As far as making changes to the club, I
think the club is going OK the way it is.
No. 1 - Jan 14
(Note 1:- If anybody has a story they would like to put in
this section of the newsletter, we would be happy to run
it in a future issue. For example, did you go on an epic
journey somewhere or you would just like to tell us
about your Honda 4. Please give this some thought. It
doesn’t have to be a long story – just a few paragraphs
and a couple of photos, if available.)
Photos for the Member’s Turn are included at the end of
the newsletter.
Des Atkins’ Bike rebuild:It appears that our club president has too much time on his
hands as he has been rebuilding his CB750/4 over the
Christmas break – I mean a complete rebuild!! You can
check out the evidence of his labours in the photos section
of this newsletter. I can’t wait to see the finished product.
Also in this issue, we have a short article by Rod Gibson
from Classic Motorcycle Mechanics magazine (August
2008) about the history of Honda CB500 and 550/4s which
makes interesting reading. I hope you enjoy the article.
Note:- See end of Newsletter for a copy of this article.
Tech Tip No. 1:Tech Tip No. 1:Ethanol Queried:- (Source: Australian RoadRider Magazine,
No. 96, November 2013, p26)
Is Ethanol good for your motorcycle?
Ethanol is a type of alcohol produced by fermentation of
sugarcane or grain. In Australia, ethanol content is limited to
10% (E10) but some countries use 85% or even higher.
E10 is becoming more prevalent throughout Australian
service stations and NSW service stations even have to
stock a minimum requirement of the fuel.
However, most motorcycle riders should steer away from
E10, at least in the long term.
According to the Federal Chamber of Automotive
Industries, only post 1986 bikes and ATVs made by BMW,
Harley Davidson, Polaris and Victory can safely use E10.
No Japanese bikes and no Piaggio products can use it. The
PCAI doesn’t mention other brands, but it can be assumed
ethanol blends are not suitable.
Ethanol doesn’t work with carburetors or mechanical fuel
injection. It is also a solvent which attacks metallic and
rubber-based fuel lines and has an affinity to water that can
cause fuel tanks to rust.
But one of the confusing things for riders is the octane
rating. (Octane is a measure of the fuel’s ability to resist
engine knocking or pinging, which is an uncontrolled burn
in the engine that can cause damage. Higher octane fuels
resist knocking).
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
Most E10 is rated at 95 RON, which seems like it could be
suitable for bikes that require a higher octane rating.
However, RACQ’s executive manager of technical and
safety policy, Steve Spalding, says ethanol-blended, higheroctane fuels may not necessarily meet the correct fuel
requirements for a vehicle designated to run on PULP.
While the RON may be high enough, there is another
property in fuel, called Motor Octane Number (MON),
which is rarely specified on the bowser.
MON is usually about 10 numbers lower than RON, so a
MON of 85 would be OK for a bike rated at 95 RON.
However, ethanol fuels have much lower MON numbers
than their RON, which would be too low for your bike.
Either ask the servo for the MON rating or fill up with nonethanol premium unleaded fuel of 95 RON or higher.
It is always best to have a higher octane rating than a lower
one, even though modern engine management systems have
knock sensors that can handle lower octane. If there is no
choice but to fill up with ethanol, make sure your next fill is
with a high-octane fuel.
Some riders believe that they are doing the Planet, Farmers
and their hip-pocket a service by filling up with ethanol, but
that debate is very complex and far from definitive. We
won’t begin to tackle the environmental concerns, which are
not proven anyway, but we do believe it is not doing your
hip pocket any favours, even though E10 is usually a few
cents cheaper per litre.
There is about 3% less energy content in a litre of E10
compared with unleaded fuel, which means your engine
performance and fuel economy will be 3% worse, or to put
it another way, your range will be limited by 3%. The price
of E10 would need to be at least 3% less than ULP for riders
to break even on the fill.
Some outback riders will have noticed servos in the
Northern Territory and remote communities selling Opal
fuel. It is a type of fuel developed by BP that prevents petrol
sniffers from getting high. Unleaded fuel is banned in these
There is nothing for motorcycle riders to fear from Opal as
it has similar properties and performance outcomes to
regular ULP (91 RON). There is no evidence to support
claims that Opal does any damage to engines that can run on
91 RON.
Tech Tip No. 2:Wheel Spindle Alignment:- (Source: unknown magazine,
March 1973 - “Tricks of the Trade”
 On both the 750/4 and 500/4 it is possible to fit the front
wheel spindle from either side of the forks.
Complaints of poor handling and rapid brake pad wear are
always signs that the spindle has been fitted wrongly. The
spindle should be inserted from the right-hand side, when
viewed from behind the machine.
Obviously the wheel spindle will fit the other way around
but the offset is very slightly different to the correct fitting
No. 1 - Jan 14
and it is this which gives the poor handling and extra wear
on the disc brake pads. So, make sure you do it properly
after a tyre change.
As discussed in previous newsletters, Ian O’Keefe has set up
a facebook page for the club which can be accessed by
anyone in the club by signing up to Facebook and becoming
Ian’s “friend”. Ian has included a lot of information and
photos, etc on the page to keep club members informed.
You should contact Ian O’Keefe on Ph 07/33331933 or
mobile 0419 727 744 for advice on how to access this page.
The Club’s page on the Shannons website has now been up
and running for some time now. Owen Finter is the Club’s
webmaster and responsible (with help from everyone) for
keeping the website up to date. As Owen says:“As the newly appointed Webmaster I can't lay claim to a
real good start. About the only thing I did right was to
register as the Administrator (Webmaster).
My first move was to delete an old image of the flyer for our
Living In The 70's Bike Show.
Well I deleted it alright, along with the entire kit &
kaboodle! The entire site for our club disappeared into
cyberspace. Fortunately the support team at Shannons were
able to help & reinstated our page where I am slowly
making progress in bringing things up to date.
I just have to learn which 'Delete' button I click on when I
want to remove something. There's a couple of issues I'm
working through including how to add a description of
images as they are posted, but I'm confident it'll all come
together in time.
Please register with Shannons & participate on our page by
making comments etc.
Don't forget to email me [email protected] with
any photos you wish to be published on the site, although
I'm still to learn how many may be posted at any one time.
It's there to enjoy so let's all have a play.”
To get to the Club’s website, log onto the Shannons website
at, then click on “Shannons Club”
and “Car Clubs” in the drop down menu. Click the “Filter”
icon and type in “Honda in the “Keywords” search space,
then select “Filter” again. “Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club
Inc.” will be included in the list of clubs so then click on the
club’s name which then takes you to the club’s website.
You can register as a member on the Shannons website at, then visit our
website as above, or alternatively by clicking on the
following link which will take you directly to our website:
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
Many thanks go to Owen Finter for taking on the web
master’s job and keeping it updated. He has uploaded the
Club’s “Events Calendar”, some photos and videos, and
other information about the Club which will be updated as
each newsletter is published or other information comes to
Please help Owen out by providing photos, information, etc
to be put up for everyone to see. Owen can be contacted on
0422 509 776 or [email protected].
r Sale: Honda CB750 40th Anniversary Badges and Patches.
numbers free plus postage;
non-members:$1.00 each or 7 for $5.00, plus postage. Phone Ben Thurecht
for availability on 0412 691 651 or email him at
For Sale: Honda CB750 40th Anniversary Badges and
Patches available at no cost – plus postage. Phone Ben
Thurecht on 0412691651 or [email protected].
For Sale: Honda CB750 stickers (“My Other Vehicle is a
CB750” and Club Logo stickers) available at $4.60 each
(including postage) from Ben Thurecht on 0412691651 or
email [email protected].
For Sale: Alex Long, our spare parts man has spark plugs
and oil filters for CB750/4s for sale at very reasonable
prices. Contact Alex Long on 0423976001.
For Sale: The Club still has polo-neck T-shirts and caps for
sale. Unfortunately, there are no bucket hats left. The t-shirts
are black hi-vis material and have the Club’s logo
embroidered on the front and screen printed on the back.
The caps are black and have the logo embroidered on the
We ordered a limited number of each in a range of sizes and
there are only the following sizes left:- Shirts: 3 XL, 2 L;
Caps: 1 multi fit size - so it is first in best dressed - literally!
Prices are:- shirts $35.00, cap $15.00 (plus postage) which is
very reasonable and only covers our costs of production
(payment by cash, cheque, money order, or direct deposit).
You can purchase a shirt or cap by contacting Ben Thurecht
on 0412691651 or email [email protected].
I recently bought two ladies polo-neck T-shirts with the
Club logo embroidered on the front but with no logo on the
back from a local embroidery shop. They do a neat job and
the shirts are the same as the one’s previously done (hi-vis
material). I can have additional shirts made for $35.00 (at
time of printing). However, I was told that if the club
ordered more, then the price would reduce. Please contact
Ben Thurecht if you are interested in one of these T-shirts.
OCTOBER 2013:Saturday 5th Sunday 6th & Monday 7th; The CB750/4
SOHC Club’s Long Weekend Ride to Tenterfield, Glen
Innes, Grafton and Casino in northern NSW (Ben Thurecht).
Day 1: Yatala to Tenterfield. 12 members from both the
CB750/4 Club and the VJMC turned up at the Yatala North
No. 1 - Jan 14
BP meeting place with a total of 17 people on the ride. We
managed to leave a little after 9:00am and headed west
toward Boonah for our first morning tea stop but not before
a short break at Beaudesert. It is always great to get away
for a long ride and was excellent to see so many bikes on the
ride. The weather was excellent and we were looking
forward with anticipation to a great weekend of riding.
Upon our arrival at Boonah, we headed into the café and
met Roger Horrill. However, we soon realized that Ray
Burrows was having carby trouble and a few knowledgeable
members were endeavouring to fix the problem but to no
avail. The errant carby refused to play ball and Ray made
the difficult decision to return home. Ray agreed to
accompany Roger back to Roger’s place where they would
try to fix the problem, apparently without success we were
to learn later!
After a pleasant but rather expensive morning tea, the rest of
us were then on our merry way to Woodenbong via Maroon
Dam road and Mt Lindsay Highway. The day was getting a
little warm when we arrived at Woodenbong but we found a
cool spot out the back of the pub for lunch. I have passed
through Woodenbong many times but never gone to the pub
but I now know that it has excellent food and cold beer so
will make it a lunch stop in the future.
As much as we were enjoying the Woodenbong pub, it was
time to attack the bumpy road between there and Bonalbo
and Tabulam. While the scenery along this stretch of road is
quite pleasant, it would have to be the roughest piece of
Highway in NSW. It certainly tested everyone’s shockies to
the limit, some more than others, and the stop at the park at
the turnoff to the Bruxner Highway was very welcome!
It was only a short ride up to Drake where we stopped at the
“Lunatic” Hotel for a cold drink and a look at the many
photos and memorabilia adorning the walls, not to mention
the motorbikes on display in the public bar. This is a biker
friendly pub and the publican told us about the
accommodation available there and suggested that it would
be a good venue for a weekend ride – he is right and perhaps
the club might just do that sometime!
The ride to Tenterfield up the Bruxner from Drake is one of
the best rides around with smooth bitumen and sweeping
curves which would allow very fast riding – if it weren’t for
the speed limits and the vigilance of the NSW police.
However, we had some fun in any case.
Our accommodation for the night at the Tenterfield Motor
Inn, while not 5 star, was very comfortable and very
competitively priced. After a spruce up, we wandered down
the road to the Bowls club for dinner – an excellent day was
had by all – well most anyway.
Day 2: Tenterfield to Casino via Glen Innes and Grafton
While in NSW, do like the NSWelshmen – or at least we did
with respect to their daylight savings time which got us
away around 8:30am NSW time. The ride down the
highway to Deepwater was fairly uneventful where we
turned west along a pretty country road to Emmaville and a
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look at the old Ottery Arsenic mine which is well worth a
visit as it is only about 3km off the main road and stands as
a legacy to the severe mining practices of the past!
After riding on to the small ex-tin mining town of
Emmaville, Ben missed the turnoff and we ended up on a
gravel road which would eventually lead us to Inverell. A
“U” turn and back to the correct turnoff fixed that problem
and we then had a spirited ride into Glen Innes (a really
great road). The morning tea venue was to be at the
Australian Standing Stones (the Australian Celtic
community’s celebration of its culture) but the café was
closed so after everyone had a look at the site, we rode back
to the McDonalds in town for an early lunch – at least it was
air conditioned, although the weather on the range was quite
We were looking forward to the ride down the Gwydir
Highway to Grafton and the road did not disappoint. This is
another of the finest riding roads in the country – they
certainly know how to build good biking roads in northern
NSW! Before descending the range, we stopped at
Raspberry Lookout, on the edge of the Gibraltar Range
National Park, with a view to die for. John McNair was up
to his usual pranks here by throwing stones onto the roof of
the dunny when Lynne was inside, so he got the same
treatment when it was his turn. Mike McDonald decided he
would get a better view by climbing a tree but I don’t know
how successful that was.
The ride through the National Park is very pleasant and the
road is a lot of fun but once we dropped down off the range
towards Jackadgery, the temperature rose considerably and
it was quite unpleasant so we stopped for a break at a park
overlooking the river. The views along this stretch of road
are excellent, particularly while following the river valley –
it is particularly rugged country.
Rather than riding into Grafton, John took us on a bypass
through Copmanhurst and Junction Hill which was a
pleasant ride but Chris was running low on fuel so decided
to ride into Grafton to refuel. At Junction Hill, Eric and
Merilyne also left us to ride into Grafton to refuel their
VFR’s. The remainder of us rode on to Whiporie (I think)
for a well earned cold drink or ice block. Chris and Sandra,
Eric and Merilyne caught up with us here but Eric and
Merilyne left us again to head home so took off like scalded
The ride up the Summerland Way into Casino was a bit
ordinary and we were glad to get to the Casino Motor Inn
for the night. Once again our digs for the night were quite
good and reasonably priced. We walked down the hill to the
pub for dinner where we met a CB750/4 Club past member
and multi-Honda owner, Andrew Boyd and his wife Sheryl
who joined us for dinner.
Day 3: Casino to Home Once again it was an early start for
the day. A number of members had already left to get home
early and beat the heat. The ride up through Kyogle and
over the Lions Road was quite pleasant as the temperature
hadn’t had time to really heat up. We stopped at the
No. 1 - Jan 14
interstate Rail Loop at the top of the Lions Road for a break
and ogle the great view down the valley towards Kyogle
where we had just ridden and then made our way down to
Beaudesert. By this time it was very hot but we found a café
to have a break before making our individual ways home.
All in all, it was a great weekend with lots of good biker
roads and plenty of good company and discussion. I hope
everyone enjoyed themselves and look forward to doing a
similar run later this year.
Sunday 20th; Breakfast ride to Toorbul on Pumicestone
Passage (Ben Thurecht).
This ride has become a regular yearly event and is always
well attended with this year being no different with 10
members from both the CB750/4 Club and the VJMC
We got away from the Carseldine garage a little late at
around 9:00am and decided to take the back way up through
Oakey Flat Road and Bellmere, then through Caboolture
before heading up Pumicestone Road to Toorbul.
Unfortunately, the traffic through Caboolture with the
markets in full swing, held us up a bit and we didn’t arrive
at Toorbul until a little after 10:00am. The lady at the
Toorbul Tavern was a little put out by our late arrival but
still agreed to do breakfast for us, so for this year’s event we
will need to make sure we get there a bit earlier!
Breakfast was however up to its usual excellent standard
and I don’t think anyone went hungry. It certainly is a
pleasant spot and conducive to sitting around and having a
good yarn – about all things including bikes!
However, we needed to get going to make it home in time to
catch the GP racing on the tele, so everyone grudgingly
headed off - at least it’s a nice ride back along Pumicestone
Road until we hit the rat run on the Highway.
NOVEMBER 2013:Sunday 10th; Ride to Canungra for lunch and a chin wag!
(Owen Finter).
The day dawned fine enough for the meet at the BP at
Yatala, where coffees & chats were had by 8 members on 7
bikes before the ride.
We rode down the highway to Nerang where we picked up
Dave and two of his mates to join us for the ride.
The run through Beechmont to Binna Burra was as good as
ever, the twisties bringing smiles to all the faces.
There was an absolutely huge carpet python sunning himself
on the roadside on the way into Binna Burra where we all
enjoyed even more coffee & yarns.
After the stop we continued on to Canungra for lunch at the
Outpost Cafe. It had certainly warmed up by then, but the
cafe is well equipped with fans coupled up with misted
water to give everybody on the verandah a welcome cool
Storm clouds were forming in the South West, so this little
trooper decided it was time to head for home. Des & I left
together, parting ways at Tamborine village to head our
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
respective ways home. If I hadn't stopped at Woolies to pick
up some seed for the budgie, I would've made it home, but I
got an absolute drenching for the last three to five minutes
of the ride. Next time the budgie's gonna go hungry I can
tell you!
Sunday 17th; Ride to Victoria Point Café for morning tea
(Ben Thurecht).
Chris and I decided to take the F1 for a run today as it’s not
too far and the weather was good. We had a pleasant ride
down the gateway and into Victoria Point. It’s always fun
riding the old girl but because of the seating position and the
toughness of the suspension, I couldn’t ride the F1 all day!!
Anyway, the club has been to this café before and it has
been reasonable, It’s in a good location with a park across
the road and pleasant views over the bay to the north/east.
About 8 members / partners turned up for the morning tea /
breakfast and we sat around and had a good yarn. As the
storm clouds were building, we decided to get going around
10:30am and get home before the wet stuff, which we did.
However, I think the café has gone backwards during the
last year and maybe we should find another location or do
something different next time.
VJMC Ride:- Saturday 16th to Monday 18th; 3 day ride to
Tamworth for their Blue Ribbon event with Bike Show.
(John McNair)
Three bikes and four people met at the 7/11 garage on Mt
Gravatt-Capalaba Rd just off the Gateway Motorway about
5.15am on the Saturday morning for a 5.30am departure.
The bikes were VJMC members Alan Watson (Suzuki 650
V-Strom) Tom McGrath (Honda CBX 1000/6) and myself
on my Honda ST1100. With threatening skies we debated
whether to put on the wet weather gear but decided to take a
chance. I was a bit worried when we started to get a few
spots of rain on the Logan Motorway though.
The rain held off and we had a pretty straight forward ride
out to Aratula and then on towards Cunningham’s Gap. As
we approached the Gap it didn’t look good with the top of
the mountains shrouded in cloud. The temperature dropped
quite a bit as we wound our way up the range and soon we
were enveloped in cloud but amazingly the road was dry all
the way over the top and down the other side where we
started to see patches of blue sky and sunshine. Sure
enough, by the time we rode past the Maryvale turnoff on
our left it was a perfect day and we were soon approaching
Warwick. We made a quick stop at the Caltex truck stop just
before town for a drink and fuel top up.
Back on the road with Warwick disappearing in the rear
view mirrors it was still cool and it was an enjoyable ride
down through Stanthorpe and Tenterfield to Deepwater by
which time the drink at Warwick had worked its way
through the system and I needed a wee stop. We stopped
opposite the Deepwater Hotel and I ducked in to find the
mens room when I noticed a shiny blue K2 Honda 750 in
the lounge area and a Kawasaki in the bar along with
No. 1 - Jan 14
various motorcycle photos on the walls. The K2 is registered
and ridden. If you are in that area call in and say hello.
The worms were biting at Glen Innes so we stopped in at the
Roadhouse where we topped up bikes and riders. We had a
couple of sprinkles of rain here but it cleared as we rode
through town and south towards Armidale. Soon we were
riding through Glencoe and Ben Lomond Range which is a
spectacular part of the New England Hwy. At around 1,000
metres above sea level you get 3600 views over the
surrounding country giving you that feeling that you are on
top of the country. Nice and cool through Guyra and
Armidale. Near perfect riding weather.
Things did change though and as we approached Uralla. The
horizon was a very dark shade of blue/black from one side
to the other. We topped in town to put on the wet gear, with
Tom exclaiming that I was a sook. Out with his phone and a
check of the weather map showed lots of dark red colours
just north of Tamworth. Tom quickly became a sook and put
the wet gear on too. Pretty soon we hit the rain with the sky
almost black with shades of green and it suddenly felt like it
was almost night instead of the middle of the day. The rain
was quite heavy and the cross winds were giving us a hell of
a battering with chain lightning and thunder. We passed a
Honda Goldwing who had passed us in Uralla while we had
stopped and he was sheltering under a huge gum tree from
the torrential rain and cyclonic winds. Not very smart!
Didn’t hear of any motorcyclist killed by falling trees
though. At one stage I noticed the rain drops bouncing off
my gloves. Hang on, that’s bloody hail. We did survive
though and the rain had almost stopped when we rode into
an empty garage at the back of the Central Hotel which the
owner had left open for us at about 2.30pm.
We checked into our rooms, showered and changed then
went downstairs to the bar for a few drinks with the
Tamworth members along with Sydney and Gosford
members too. For those who had arrived on the Friday or
early Saturday there was a ride organized to Manilla for
lunch. They too copped the storm on their way back with
one fellow just in a Tee shirt. Not good. All his chest and
arms were covered in huge welts. One of the Sydney riders
had huge chunks of paint stripped off his helmet. Fifty
people were booked into the dining room at 6pm for the prebooked dinner and a great social night with raffles to raise
money for the Blue Ribbon Cancer Fund. Then it was back
to the bar for a few nightcaps. I am sure someone added
more stairs back up to the rooms, like double the amount!
How rude!
Sunday morning’s sleep was shattered with the sound of
what at first I thought was a hair dryer going but as I woke
up a little more I realized it was two fellows with motorized
blowers cleaning leaves off the street below at 5am. I looked
around for something to throw at them. I would have killed
for a slingshot at that moment. It was a beautiful morning
and we all had breakfast in one of several outdoor cafés
along Tamworth’s main street. Not a leaf in sight either.
Bastards! Around the next corner a section of the street had
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
been closed off and approximately 50 bikes were on display.
These ranged from a 50cc Honda Mini Trail to an
immaculate Yamaha FJ1200 and Honda CB1100R. In
between were a K2 Honda 750, Kawasaki 900 Jaffa plus
Z1R’s, a Hodaka 125 Combat Wombat, RZ500 Yamaha,
Suzuki GT750s, SRX250 Yamaha, SL125 Honda and many
more. A few trophies were given out and Tom got one for
furthest distance travelled.
After lunch we visited the Powerhouse Motorcycle Museum
then headed off back up to Armidale and onto the Waterfall
Way towards Ebor and Dorrigo, stopping off at the amazing
Wollomombi Gorge with Wollomombi and Chandler Falls
plummeting 1,000 feet to the bottom of the gorge. The fuel
light came on about 15 klms before Ebor so I refueled at the
Ebor Garage. $1.68 p/lt. Cost $40.00. Ouch! The garage was
closing in 10 minutes and with 3 to 4 litres left it would
have been out of fuel by the time I rode the 48 klms to
Dorrigo. We got rain just before Dorrigo with low cloud so
it was good to ride into the beautiful Dorrigo Hotel. They
have about eight motel rooms at the back with 1.5mtr
verandah which was perfect for motorcycle parking. Some
other motorcyclist a few rooms up already had their bikes
under cover. Small world eh! The others turned out to be
Andrew and Sheryl Boyd from Casino and his mate Craig
from Toowoomba. We all had a fun night in the hotel that
night. One of the waitresses clearly had the hots for Craig.
Quite funny! Meanwhile the heavens had opened up outside.
Monday morning, we had breaky in the hotel then wandered
up to Juan’s Smallest Motorcycle Museum in the world.
This is a beaut café with 3 or 4 bikes and lots of
memorabilia. Leaving Dorrigo (beautiful place) we rode out
to the Grafton-Amidale Road and down the mountain to the
Old Coaching Station Hotel at Nimboyda for a coffee. The
hotel is owned by actor Russell Crowe. Have to go back one
day and check out the museum there. Refueled in Grafton
and with several black clouds around it was back on with
the wet gear. Andrew took us on a top road out along the
Clarence River to Lawrence and then along Pringles Way in
the rain to Whiporie on the Summerland Way. Pringles Way
used to be dirt but is now a great detour. We said goodbye to
Andrew and Sheryl at Casino and managed to dodge the rain
up through Kyogle and the Lion’s Road, just missing a
storm at Jimboomba. Safely home it was time for a cuppa
and to reflect on what was an awesome weekend as the
storm caught up. Thanks to the VJMC Tamworth members
for a great weekend.
Sunday 24th; Ride to Woodford for lunch at the Woodford
Pub (Ben Thurecht).
Chris and I had decided that it was not wise to ride out to
Blacksoil to meet up with other riders then ride back again,
so we decided to ride to Kilcoy and meet up with anyone
there for the ride back to Woodford. Unfortunalely, nobody
turned up so we enjoyed a pleasant morning tea on the
verandah of the Blue café before heading back to Woodford
to meet up with Alex and Lyn.
No. 1 - Jan 14
We arrived there first and checked out the pub which was
overrun with Harleys on a club run so we decided that the
café down the road from the pub might be a good option.
Alex and Lyn arrived about 30 minutes later and we headed
to the café for lunch. We only found out then that it is a
vegetarian café but the food was quite good in any case.
The day was getting rather hot by that stage so we made a
move and headed for home. I took Alex and Lyn around the
back of Caboolture via Wamuran, Old North Road and
Oakey Flat Road which Alex hadn’t been along before. It is
a nice ride and skirts around Caboolture central. We were
home by around 3:30pm and beat the pending storm and
Alex and Lyn were also lucky not to get swamped.
I later learned that a couple of members did turn up at
Blacksoil but because nobody else turned up, they went for
a ride elsewhere. Never mind, any ride on a clear day is a
good ride and we enjoyed ourselves anyway as I suspect
they did!!
DECEMBER 2013:Saturday 7th; Combined CB750/4 SOHC Club and VJMC
Christmas party (Ben Thurecht).
Once again this event was held at the Gumdale Progress
Association Hall in New Cleveland Road, Gumdale and is
proving to be an excellent venue. 30 members of both the
Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club and the VJMC turned out for
this event. John McNair provided the music machine and
music (thanks John), Graeme Knight managed to wrangle a
helmet out of some poor unsuspecting (??) dealer, as well as
some other minor door prizes (thanks Graeme), and Ben and
Chris Thurecht put together a bunch of prizes for the
celebrity heads competition.
The helmet was won by Lyn (Alex Long’s partner) and
while it was the wrong size, she was able to take it back to
the dealer who did her a very good deal on a correctly fitting
helmet and dark visor for the princely sum of $10.00!! Well
done Lyn and thanks to Allbikes for providing the Helmet.
The celebrity heads competition was keenly (???) contested
and a number of lucky participants “headed” off with well
earned prizes. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and wasn’t too
taxing on the grey matter - just what is required for a Xmas
Food was again provided by Daniel for a nominal fee and
was OK! It was suggested that this year we should try
something different for food so any suggestions would be
gratefully received.
The night finished around 10:30pm and a band of willing
workers helped to clean up the hall before departing.
Thanks go to John McNair who is the main organizer for
this event and who is the mainstay for making it happen.
Hopefully this year’s event will be just as good so let’s see a
lot more members from both clubs attend.
Sunday 8th; Ulysses Club - Ipswich toy Run.
Four of our club’s members (Alex and Lyn, Roger, Eric and
Merilyne) attended the Ipswich Toy Run and although it
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
was reportedly quite a hot day, they all enjoyed themselves.
You can view some photos and a newspaper article of the
event in the Photos section of this newsletter.
JANUARY 2014:Sunday 12th ; HMCCQ’s Combined Areas Breakfast Run to
Mt Glorious (Ben Thurecht).
The Combined breakfast Run is an annual event sponsored
by the Historic Motorcycle Club of Queensland and is the
first event in their huge yearly calendar. This is the first year
I have attended this event and Chris and I rode out to
Samford where we met a couple of friends at around 6:30am
and then proceeded up the hill to Mt Glorious and on to the
Red Cedar Picnic Area. We arrived there around 7:15am
and found a relatively small number of bikes there and the
Ipswich branch of the HMCCQ setting up for breakfast
(sausage on a roll and cold drinks) but not an overwhelming
number in attendance, as we had been led to believe.
However, as soon as we arrived, there was a constant stream
of bikes arriving until the site was well and truly covered
with bikes and people milling around having “in-depth”
discussions about the virtues or otherwise of different
marques and models!
Des Atkins arrived just after us on his Trumpy and
immediately set about trying to fix a broken battery cable
which he managed successfully – well, enough to get him
home anyway. We also met 9 or 10 other Honda club and a
few VJMC members, as well as some members of the Gold
Coast Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club and HMCCQ members,
as I am also a member of the HMCCQ.
There was an amazing collection of bikes at this event,
including everything from old 1912 model Zenith Gradua
beautifully restored by Ian Mould who is a member of the
HMCCQ up to the very latest Indian Classic and everything
in between. At a guess, there would have been at least 300
motorbikes there and if you couldn’t find anything that took
your interest, you weren’t trying!!
After talking myself into a frenzy and checking out all the
lovely bikes in this very pleasant setting, we left at around
9:30am and rode into Esk where we stopped at the cafe at
the southern end of town for a cup of coffee. Dave and
Jeremy left us there to ride back home via Ipswich and Chris
and I rode home via Kilcoy. It was quite hot by the time we
got home around 1:30pm. However it was a great morning
and we’re looking forward to next year’s event.
Sunday 19th; Ride to The Barn, Flagstone Creek Road (Ben
We had an excellent turnout for this ride with 18 bikes and
23 people (including passengers) from both the CB750/4
club and the VJMC turning up at Yamanto. We got away a
little after 9:15am and rode out past Amberley Airbase
through Rosewood, Grandchester and Laidley. Instead of
going the normal route into Laidley and then to Gatton, our
tour leader, Ian O’Keefe, took us on a very scenic route
through Blenheim and Tenthill to arrive in Gatton from the
No. 1 - Jan 14
south. This was an interesting ride and one that I’ve not
been on before but will definitely be looking to do again.
The café and museum at the Gatton Tourist Information
Centre is definitely not to be missed. Apart from the very
cheap, good quality food and pleasant, clean environment, it
is air conditioned which is certainly a bonus in Summer. It
was hard to tear the troops away from the air-con but we had
to be at the Barn for lunch which was booked for 12:00
noon so we got going around 11:00am.
Once again, Ian had a different route in mind and took us on
a magical mystery tour out to near Ma Ma Creek before
turning off to Lilydale and on up Flagstone Creek Road to
the Barn. Arriving around the allotted time, we immediately
made our way into the restaurant which is actually the
“Barn” – a well constructed barn made up of old timber and
iron to look very authentic and even included a section of
slab hut construction. The site is near perfect with large
shady trees covering the site and a very laid back feel to the
place. Everyone made their orders and the food was
excellent and well priced.
The adjacent Scotty’s Garage is set up as a museum and
while Chris and I didn’t venture into it due to time
constraints, we were told it is well worth a visit with a
number of bikes and cars on display along with a huge range
of collectables and a 1950’s diner that will take you back in
time (if you’re old enough to remember!).
As it was getting late and Chris and I had a long way to ride,
we decided to tag on with a small group of riders heading
back through Helidon to the Highway. From there we turned
off to Fernvale and home via Northbrook Parkway and Mt
Glorious and Samford, arriving home some time after
5:00pm. We will certainly be looking to head back to the
Barn at another time and will make time to have a look
through the museum next time – in the cooler months!
This was an excellent ride and thanks go to Ian O’Keefe for
organizing and leading the tour. It’s always good to ride a
few roads that we haven’t been along before, let alone
ending up at such a great venue.
Note:- The monthly Club meetings are held at the
Belmont Tavern in Belmont Shopping Centre, Belmont
Road, Belmont. Meetings are scheduled for the first
Sunday each month and start at 10:00am when the
Tavern opens up for business. The Tavern has excellent
coffee and cake deals and of course plenty of cold drinks
- beer, wine, spirits, etc and pokies (if that’s your vice).
It’s an excellent venue with plenty of free parking within
sight of the meeting location. So, please make an effort
to come along and take part in your Club’s activities.
Regular Weekend Rides:- For those members who want to
go for a ride on the weekend, regular rides can be arranged,
leaving from designated starting points on both Saturday
and Sunday each weekend. Anyone interested in going for a
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
ride, please arrange a time to meet with others at the
following designated start points. The ride destinations will
be determined on the day:Northside – Caltex garage, Gympie Road, Carseldine.
Southside – BP Roadhouse, Yatala North, M1 Exit 38.
Westside – Yamanto Caltex garage next to Maccas on
Warwick Rd, Yamanto.
Any Saturday morning -meet at Tony's Cafe for breakfast.
The cafe is at Springwood Suzuki on Kingston- Beenleigh
Rd Underwood. Meet there from 9am.
FEBRUARY 2014:Sunday 2nd, The 7th Annual Australian Motorcycle Museum
Swap Meet held on the museum grounds at Haigslea.
Vendors set up on Saturday only and Swap Meet Sunday
from 5am. $2.00 admission per person. On-Site catering.
Sunday 2nd, (after swap meet) Club meeting at the
Belmont Tavern in Belmont Shopping Centre, Cnr Belmont
Road and Burstall Ave, Belmont. Meeting starts at
Sunday 9th; Ride to Canungra for lunch. This is a chance to
bring your Honda 4 and trust me the old bikes can do it, this
is a short ride for people on the South Side, meet at Yatala
BP at 8.30 am leave by 9am.
Sunday 16th; Day ride to Pelican Waters south of Caloundra
on Sunshine Coast. Lunch at the Tavern overlooking water.
Ride via Zillmans Crossing and Wamuran. Leave Caltex
Garage Gympie Rd Carseldine at 8am.
Sunday 23rd; Day ride to northern NSW via Beaudesert
and Mount Lindesay to Urbanville Hotel for lunch. Leave
the BP Garage on Mt Lindsay Hwy (opposite the Wineglass
water tower) at 8am.
MARCH 2014:Sunday 2nd; Club meeting at the Belmont Tavern in
Belmont Shopping Centre, Cnr Belmont Road and Burstall
Ave, Belmont. Meeting starts at 10:00am.
Sunday 9th; Ride to Mt Glorious via Mt Nebo. Meet at BP
Waterworks Rd the Gap at 8.30 am leave by 9am. let’s all
bring our Honda 4’s for this short run, they’ll love the crisp
mountain air.
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th; Maleny Swap Meet at
Maleny Showgrounds on Stanley River Rd Maleny.
Sunday 23rd; Day ride to northern Gold Coast via Jacobs
Well. Meet up with any Gold Coast members. Leave from
BP Garage Yatala (exit 38 of M1 motorway to Coast) at
APRIL 2014:Sunday 6th; Club meeting at the Belmont Tavern in
Belmont Shopping Centre, Cnr Belmont Road and Burstall
Ave, Belmont. Meeting starts at 10:00am.
Friday 4th to Sunday 6th; Inverell Classic Restorers Rally.
For more info contact John McNair (0402 939 132). Get
together with VJMC members on the Friday night. Leave
No. 1 - Jan 14
Woolworths Garage near Macca’s in the Yamanto Shopping
Centre carpark, Warwick Rd Yamanto at 7am.
Sunday 13th ; Club ride to Canungra for lunch. This is a
chance to bring your Honda 4, and trust me the old bikes
can do it, this is a short ride for people on the South Side,
meet at Yatala BP at 8.30am leave by 9am.
Sunday 20th (Easter Sunday); Ride to Queen Mary Falls.
Meet at BP Yatala at 8.00am for an 8:30 departure. Ride via
Beaudesert and Boonah, then onto the Falls. We are hoping
the road will be open by this date, fingers crossed, it’s a
beautiful ride.
Sunday 27th; Ride to Kilcoy via Dayboro and Mt Mee.
Meet at Caltex garage in Samford Village at 8:30am for
9:00am departure. Return via Esk for those on South Side.
The following are some suggested rides/events that have not
been scheduled at this stage and could be discussed at a
future club meeting. If anyone is interested in hosting one of
these rides, please contact Ben Thurecht for inclusion in the
next newsletter or Ross Gilbert to email proposed date,
meeting time/place, etc to members: Ride to the RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre
 Ride to Queensland Air Museum, Caloundra Airport.
 Ride to the Apollonian Hotel at Boreen Point.
 Ride to Rudds Pub at Nobby, Near Clifton.
 Ride to Stradbroke Island for the day.
 Weekend Ride to Drake in Northern NSW;
 Breakfast BBQ at Cleveland Point.
The Gold Coast Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (GCMEC) has
rides scheduled over coming months that we are invited to
attend if we wish. Contact Rod Moorcroft (GCMEC Events
Coordinator) on 07/55379812 who will be happy to help.
You can also log onto their web site at
The Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club (VJMC) also has
regular events which we are able to attend if we wish.
Contact John McNair for details.
The following is a list of providers of parts and service to
keep your CB750s running smoothly or for repairs. If
anyone knows of other providers who should be included,
please advise Ben Thurecht:ALBION BIKE WRECKERS
Suppliers of Black Diamond valves and A.P.E. heavy duty
stud kits for Honda CB750/4s. For a small discount, show
your membership card. 15 Bogan Street, Albion Qld 4010.
Ph 07/32621800; e-mail [email protected].
Unit 2, 41 Randall St., Slacks Creek, Qld 4127. Ph 07/3208
2753; Fax 07/32994715; Mob 0402481665; Em
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
[email protected]; or see his website at
Chris rebuilds Honda CB750/4 engines as a part time
business. Chris works from his home at 572 Afterlee Road,
Kyogle NSW 2474. Ph 02/66321726; Mob. 0432032739.
Unfortunately Col passed away following a heart attack on
19 December 2013. As such, supplies of spare parts, etc are
not available from this source.
Rod Campbell at CutGrafix does restoration decals,
graphics, replica sticker sets (made to order), and vintage
and rare motorycle stickers. Contact Rod on 0418621111 or
[email protected], or website at
Providers of ‘K-Line’ valve guide inserts. 23 Queen Street,
Murwillumbah NSW 2484. Ph 02/66723115.
Copper head gaskets made to order. Contact John at home
at Petrie north of Brisbane Ph 07/32857320 or 0407963914;
[email protected];
Jim does decals, logos and badge stickers. Top class
authentic reproductions to the finest details for instrument
faces, dials, gauges and tank badges, etc. Contact Jim on
07/33792132 or 0412246905;em [email protected].
Honda CB750/4 engine parts. Contact Les on 07/32826375
or 0402616425; [email protected].
Brian Harper provides a mobile road worthy service (7
days). Phone Brian on 0402544115 or 07/32991556;
 Specialised Motorcycle and Race Car engineering
 Motorcycle Frame, wheel and Fork Straightening
 TIG Welding of Aluminium, Magnesium, Chrome Moly
and Alloy Steels (cooling fin repairs)
 Machining, Fabrication, Sheet Metal and Component
Contact Nic Comelly, Unit 17, 8 Riverlands Drive,
Loganholm, Qld 4129. Ph 0413783616 or 07/38015520.
Pro Honda is the sponsor of the “Living in the 70’s” day
each year which assists the Club financially. They are also
specialists on Honda CB750/4 engine parts (eg. big end /
main bearings and hard to get bits). Address: 1644 Ipswich
Road, Rocklea Qld 4106. Contact Ray for Honda 750/4
parts on 07/32770722 or email [email protected]
or Jeff Hollaway – email [email protected].
No. 1 - Jan 14
Russell has stainless steel spokes with stainless steel nipple
sets to suit all Honda fours with standard rims. They are the
exact same gauge as original - made in England to original
specs. They are waist-shrunk - the spoke reduces in size a
small amount after they exit the rim as per original specs
and made of the top grade English stainless steel. Russell is
selling his spoke sets for $320.00 (plus postage) for two
wheels - that’s one front and one rear. Russell can also
arrange polishing for all those shiny alloy parts on
CB750/4s and re-braiding of oil lines with stainless steel.
Please email Russell on [email protected].
Tecshox has an extensive range of shockies that they import
to suit classic bikes, including Honda CB750/4 and 500/4,
etc, and priced from $70.00 per pair! Please contact Keith
on [email protected] (Tec-Au, PO Box 1739, Toowong,
Qld 4069).
Contact Wayne Jacobson on 0411332834 or 1300850626; or
Component Restorations 57/193 Strathpine Road Brendale,
Qld. Ph 0409433964; [email protected].
A few web sites worth checking out include: David Silver Spares in England has a large range of
genuine and after market parts on sale at reasonable
 Consolidated Motor Spares in the Netherlands has an
 Yamiya specializes in Honda CB750/4 parts;
Laugh No. 1:A woman decides to take her husband to a strip club for his
birthday. They arrive at the club and the doorman says:
“hey, Dave! How are you”? His wife is puzzled and asks if
he’s been to this club before. “No”, says Dave. “He’s in my
footy team”.
At the table a waitress asks Dave if he’d like his usual and
brings over a XXX. His wife is becoming increasingly
uncomfortable and says, “How did she know you drink
XXX”? “She also works in the canteen at the footy club”, he
says. A stripper then comes over to their table and says:
“Hello again Dave”. The wife, who is now furious, storms
out and jumps into a taxi. Before it can drive off, Dave
jumps into the back seat and his missus starts to yell at him
while he protests his innocence. After a few minutes the
cabbie turns and says “looks like you picked up a real
livewire tonight, Dave”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laugh No. 2:You don't stop riding because you get old,
you get old because you stop riding.
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
Note:- Anybody who has any bikes or bits of bikes that
they would like to sell by advertising in the newsletter,
please email information to Ben Thurecht at
[email protected], preferably with photos. Please
ensure that you include all the details of the part / bike, the
price you want for it and how you can be contacted – phone
number, email address, etc. The cut-off date for putting ads
in the newsletter is one week before the publication date so
simply phone or email Ben Thurecht with your ad.
For Sale:- Classic 1976 Honda CB750 K6 series. 830
Engine Kit. Hog Wheel. 4 into 1 exhaust. Rebuilt Engine.
Good Condition. Original Parts Included. Heaps of Spares.
$8,500. Phone Wayne (07) 3264 2098.
Yatala BP meeting point!
First stop at Beaudesert
Mike McDonald’s “K”
If anybody has photos of events or bikes that they would like to
share with other Club members, please email a copy to Ben
Thurecht. I will endeavour to put as many in the newsletter as
possible and will email out to all members. Owen may also be
able to put them on the Club’s Shannons hosted web site.
You can view photos by loging onto the Shannons website or
Ian’s facebook page where some photos will also be posted.
Stop in park at junction of Bruxner Highway & Clarence Way
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
Stop in park at junction of Bruxner Highway & Clarence Way
Alex, Lyn and Chris at the Drake Hotel
Eric posing with some collectables at the Drake Hotel
Entry to the Ottery Mine
Cathy & Lyn cooling off at the Drake Hotel
Information board at the Ottery Mine
The arsenic kilns at the Ottery Mine
Holding up the bar at the Drake Hotel
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
A couple of K’s at Raspberry Lookout, Gibraltar National Park
What a fine specimen - John McN at the Ottery Mine
The Celtic/Australian Standing Stones, Glen Innes
Last Stop – Interstate Rail Loop, Lions Road
Raspberry Lookout, Gibraltar Range National Park
Leon & Ross taking in the view.
Mike McDonald gets a better view at Raspberry Lookout, Gibraltar
National Park
Eric, Merilyn, Des, Mal & Deb.
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
A nice Hodaka
A very nice K2
An equally nice FJ1100
A pretty Honda CB350/4
An equally, equally nice Z1000
Craig, Andrew & Cheryl Boyd with John McNair
Glynn Leech’s newly acquired K6
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
Graeme’s and Tom’s Honda 305s
Feeding their faces at Gatton Information Centre
A mob of old Indians
The rustic “Barn” restaurant
A small section of the crowd!!
Another section of the Crowd!!
The rustic “Barn” restaurant
Scotty’s Garage Museum
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
Bikes hiding under trees!!
Alex and Lyn trying to blend in with the crowd
A brace of (mostly) Honda K1s hiding under the trees!!
Eric making out he is on a Harley!
Happy campers – or was that riders??
Roger stole the show on his disguised CB750/4!
Another table of happy riders in deep discussion
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
Hang on, that’s more than three!!!
Engine out and ready for rebuild
The Honda Club contingent (Alex, Roger, Eric, Merilyne)
Frame ready for powdercoating
Now that’s nice!!
Bike well and truly on the way to full recovery!
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
No. 1 - Jan 14