Planning Guide
Planning Guide
PreK Room Planning Guide Includes a Model Room Plan and a recommended list of Room Equipment for each Room Area Model Room Plan DIMENSIONS: 36’ x 23’ (828 square feet) SCALE: 1/4” = 1’ D E C This model pre-kindergarten plan is designed for up to 20 four-year-old children. The room provides 35 usable square feet per child plus allowance for normally excluded areas such as doorways, built-in sinks, etc. ROOM AREAS SHOWN ON PLAN F B I H G ® This model room plan features equipment from the Environments® Maple Color Line. The quiet classic color of maple woodtones sets the standard for early childhood environments. B Pretend & Dramatic Play C Block Play D E Group Activities, Shared Literacy, and Music & Movement Quiet Book & Cozy Corner F Writing & Listening G Napping & Cot Storage H Art, Science & Discovery Play I Manipulatives & Math Well-defined room areas with efficient traffic flow create supportive spaces where pre-kindergartners feel independent and ready to learn about their world. Entrance The floor grid shown on the plan makes it easy for you to quickly estimate sizes. Each square represents 1 foot. Personal Storage Play HERE! A = 1 FOOT A © 2015 Environments® Recommended List This list consists of furniture and equipment recommended for up to 20 four-year-old pre-kindergarten children. The list is organized by the learning areas shown on the Model Plan. Catalog page references and prices correspond to the Spring 2016 Environments® Catalog. LET US KNOW HOW TO REFINE IT! After you’ve reviewed this recommended list, let us know if any changes need to be made. We’ll be glad to adjust the list to fit your needs and discuss DISCOUNTS and FULL FREE FREIGHT to maximize your budget. ROOM AREA A Personal Storage Note: Many rooms have built-in cubbie and/or locker areas. We have included these items as an option in case your room does not have them already. CATALOG QTY 3 YOUR EXT. ITEM # ITEM NAME PAGE PRICE EA. PRICE 900-285 Eight-Cubbie Wall Unit, Maple Laminate 52-A $348.00 $1,044.00 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR PERSONAL STORAGE: $1,044.00 ROOM AREA B Pretend & Dramatic Play ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 1 900-172 Two 12” Hardwood Chairs 20-F $159.00 $159.00 1 900-592-20 Environments Table – 30” Round, 20” Height 22-A $152.50 $152.50 1 675-021 Dress-Up Tree 56-B $49.50 $49.50 1 675-017 Acrylic Mirror 77-H $98.00 $98.00 1 900-403 Wooden Doll High Chair 196-B $87.50 $87.50 1 900-402 Wooden Doll Bed 196-C $62.00 $62.00 1 900-048 Soft Sofa 200-C $196.00 $196.00 1 900-680 Rainbow Texture Pillows 200-G $39.00 $39.00 1 900-262 Refrigerator 203-D $349.00 $349.00 1 900-338 Big Combo Kitchen 202-G $548.00 $548.00 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR PRETEND & DRAMATIC PLAY: $1,740.50 QTY ROOM AREA C Block Play ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 1 900-503 30” High Storage Shelves, Maple Laminate 48-A $319.00 $319.00 2 163-013 Medium 9” Clear Tub 55-H $17.90 $35.80 1 900-653 Ocean Highway RoadPlay Carpet 69-B $155.95 $155.95 1 900-043 Play House 182-A $119.00 $119.00 1 900-049 Wooden Play Furniture 182-B $79.50 $79.50 1 675-006 Unit Blocks - Beginner Set 174-B $195.00 $195.00 1 675-110 Hardwood Hollow Blocks - 18-Piece Set 177-E $255.00 $255.00 1 900-377 Families and Friends Block People 180-B $67.00 $67.00 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR BLOCK PLAY: $1,226.25 QTY ROOM AREA D Group Activities, Shared Literacy, Music & Movement ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 1 900-613 Tree Life Banners 4-A $129.00 $129.00 1 900-232 Harmony Leaf Places Carpet 5-F $445.95 $445.95 1 900-866 24” Book Browser 46-A $298.00 $298.00 1 900-507 30” High Dual-Sided Storage, Maple Laminate 49-C $387.00 $387.00 1 900-568 Classroom Cabinet, Maple Laminate 53-D $362.00 $362.00 1 163-017 Large 12.5” Clear Tub 55-H $32.55 $32.55 1 900-525 Caregiver’s Cushion - Harmony 61-H $94.50 $94.50 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR GROUP ACTIVITIES, SHARED LITERACY, AND MUSIC & MOVEMENT: $1,749.00 QTY ROOM AREA E Quiet Book & Cozy Corner ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 1 900-790 Rainbow Path Mat, 4’ 43-E $138.00 $138.00 1 900-190 Wooden Book Bin 59-F $68.50 $68.50 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR QUIET BOOK & COZY CORNER: $206.50 QTY ROOM AREA F Writing & Listening ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 3 900-172 Two 12” Hardwood Chairs 20-F $159.00 $477.00 1 900-595-AD Environments Table – 24” x 48” Rectangular, 15”-22” Adjustable Height 22-F $174.00 $174.00 1 727-003 Mobile Wooden Computer Station 60-D $249.50 $249.50 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR WRITING & LISTENING: $900.50 QTY ROOM AREA G Napping & Cot Storage ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 2 800-334 Dozen White Flannel Blankets 84-C $149.99 $299.98 2 900-617 Dozen White Standard Cot Sheets 83-K $106.20 $212.40 4 607-003 Five Standard Cots 83-M $239.99 $959.96 607-001 (This is a total of 20 cots – adjust order to meet your needs.) Carrier for Standard Cots 83-M $58.50 (Each carrier holds up to 20 cots – adjust order to meet your needs.) $58.50 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR NAPPING & COT STORAGE: $1,530.84 QTY 1 ROOM AREA H Art, Science & Discovery Play ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 3 900-172 Two 12” Hardwood Chairs 20-F $159.00 $477.00 1 900-594-AD Environments Table – 42” Round, 15”-22” Adjustable Height 22-C $229.00 $229.00 1 900-503 30” High Storage Shelves, Maple Laminate 48-A $319.00 $319.00 1 145-006 24” Sand and Water Table With Top 287-H $233.00 $233.00 1 675-002 Adjustable Double Easel 296-D $128.80 $128.80 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR ART, SCIENCE & DISCOVERY PLAY: $1,386.80 QTY ROOM AREA I Manipulatives & Math ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 900-172 Two 12” Hardwood Chairs 20-F $159.00 $636.00 1 900-598-AD Environments Table – 30” x 60” Rectangular, 15”-22” Adjustable Height 22-H $228.00 $228.00 1 900-863 30” Multi-Storage Unit, Maple Laminate 51-D $497.00 $497.00 1 675-099 Five Clear Tote Bins 55-L $47.65 $47.65 1 900-525 Caregiver’s Cushion - Harmony 61-H $94.50 $94.50 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR MANIPULATIVES & MATH: $1,503.15 QTY 4 Gross Motor Play ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 1 900-865 Giant Shapes Toss Target 159-K $149.50 $149.50 1 184-002 Shape Toss Bags 159-M $26.95 $26.95 1 617-005 Rainbow Playground Balls 162-G $35.75 $35.75 2 111-041 MyRider® Midi Trike 165-E $149.99 $299.98 2 304-003 Child’s Helmet 166-A $12.80 $25.60 1 111-001 Large Traffic Signs 167-K $89.99 $89.99 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR GROSS MOTOR PLAY: $627.77 QTY Daily Care Routines ITEM # ITEM NAME CATALOG PAGE YOUR PRICE EA. EXT. PRICE 2 800-272 12 Plates, 7.25” Red 93-F $49.60 $99.20 2 800-273 12 Bowls, 5” Red 94-A $33.60 $67.20 4 163-050 One Serving Pitcher 96-B $9.49 $37.96 1 800-567 24 Tumblers - 6.4 oz. 96-C $32.00 $32.00 20 800-566 Child-Size Three-Piece Place Setting 96-J $13.75 $275.00 2 800-308 Short-Handle Measure Right Serving Spoons 98-D $38.80 $77.60 2 800-579 Plastic Serving Utensils Set 98-F $14.20 $28.40 2 800-572 Set of Eight Serving Dishes 99-H $46.00 $92.00 4 784-001 Round Serving Basket 99-L $8.80 $35.20 5 127-001 Small Play Tub 100-E $11.95 $59.75 2 524-001 72 Child’s Toothbrushes 101-M $37.80 $75.60 2 409-003 Portable Toothbrush Holder 101-O $21.95 $43.90 TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS FOR DAILY CARE ROUTINES: $923.81 QTY Total of ALL items: $12,839.12 on an order of $495+ shipped to one location in the 48 contiguous United States Does “FULL FREE FREIGHT” include… NO YES! Standard Truck Shipments? Standard UPS / FedEx Ground Service? Parcel Post Shipments? Direct Shipments? Special Services such as overnight delivery? These services are available, but extra charges may apply. Call for more information. Shipments outside the 48 contiguous states? Call for quote 1.800 .EI .CHILD Call 1. 800.EI. CHILD or email [email protected] Lease-to-Own FINANCING GREAT FOR NEW CENTERS AND CENTER EXPANSION PROJECTS! We can help you secure the financing that’s right for your Environments order! Our Lease-to-Own Financing lets you get the equipment and materials you need now without a major cash outlay. For qualified customers. The minimum amount that can be financed is $2,000. QUICK-ACCESS FINANCING Competitive interest rates Flexible payment schedule No down payment LEASE-FINANCING BENEFITS Easy-to-budget fixed payments Tax advantages Credit protection For more information, contact your Early Childhood Sales Specialist. Environments® 501 Carteret Street Post Office Box 1348 Beaufort, SC 29901-1348 ph: 831.333.2583 fax: 831.333.5765 [email protected] Call toll free: 1.800.342. 4453 .EI.CHILD 1Fax.800 toll free: 1.800.343.2987 . .EI.FAX.US 1Order 800online: En√
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