Issue 39 - noiZe Magazine
Issue 39 - noiZe Magazine
Number 39 • Spring 2004 • © Circuit Noize Magazine, LLC. TM The Pr emier G uide t o D ance E vents Worldwide FROM THE EDITOR It’s easy to be depressed about the state of our country there hasn’t been an administration this radical within living memory. They’re working on so many fronts to destroy social progress - squandering our natural resources for the sake of making more money, infringing on personal freedoms in the name of protecting us from terrorists, and making frightful progress at cementing their power structure for generations to come. It is also becoming ever more clear that the large-budget deficit being amassed by the Republicans is a plot to “starve the beasts”. In their minds, the beasts are the social programs in this country like Medicare, Social Security and Welfare. By bankrupting the country, they intend to end these programs once and for all. Perhaps most depressing of all is the fact that so many in this country can’t see what is happening right in front of their eyes. How can so many believe the platitudes that are spoon-fed to them daily? How can half of this country be duped into believing that we now have a president with upstanding moral fiber after the years of the “decadent” Clinton administration? Cover Photo Eye and Mind Candy Original (c) Getty Creative But is the glass half full or half empty? The history of the world is full of examples of those in power using that power for their own selfish purposes. This is not the first time that we have subjugated another country for the sake of raping it of its resources. This is not the first time that those in power have acted to consolidate and expand that power at all costs while maintaining a veneer that they are really the good guys. It is clear that much of the rest of the world is watching America without harboring any illusions about the goals of our current government. Further, half of this country is getting angrier by the day as they watch this President say one thing and then enact policies which have exactly the opposite effect. These angry Americans have had to seek out their knowledge from alternative news sources as much of the “liberal media” refuse to call Bush to task for his hypocrisy. When I start getting too stressed out about the latest outrageous lie, I force myself to sit back and look at the bigger picture. Our growth and development have always come in fits and starts. While things seem grim right now, there are many people in the world who see behind the deception that drives this administration in their lust for power. Never before have we had a mechanism like the Internet which allows the development of grassroots efforts, enabling the common man to be effective in this fight. (Join to be a part of this movement.) It’s important that we not allow ourselves to be sucked into despair. Remember, it is just after the darkest part of the night that the sun begins to rise. Circuit 4 Noize Winter Circuit Circuit Photo Album Album Circuit 54 Noize Winter Circuit Photo Album (Page 54) TM Editor in Chief Steve Kammon [email protected] Publisher Stephen Ceplenski [email protected] The Premier Guide to Dance Events Worldwide Advertising Director Gary Steinberg 818-769-9390 [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS 12 Another Cause to Call Our Own by Clovis Thorn 22 Circuit Marriage Announcements by Dennis Fleming 26 The Trouble with Tina by John R. Ballew, M.S., L.P.C 34 Tweak End by D. Michael Taylor and Dennis Fleming 36 Busted by Rahel E. Kent 42 Get Mad, Get Very Mad by C. Michael Safdiah 48 Benefit Spotlight: Volcano Party by Steve Kammon 54 Winter Circuit Photo Album 70 Circuit Tribes: The Evolution of Tribalism by Steve Kleine 74 The Ears Have It 76 Spring Circuit Schedule 96 Music Reviews West Coast Office 11288 Ventura Blvd #700 Studio City, CA 91604 818-769-9390 (voice) 818-769-5482 (fax) [email protected] ©Copyright 2004 Circuit Noize. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced without permission from the publisher. Publication of name or photo of any person or organization in Circuit Noize is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of that person or organization. DJ Profile: Tony Moran by Dennis Fleming 114 East Coast Office 954-764-8210 (voice) 954-764-6392 (fax) E-mail Website by DJ Mateo @ PerfectBeat 104 Senior Editor Jeffery Taylor Schedule Editor Tony Hayden Art Director Stephen Ceplenski Promotions Circuit Boyz Productions Cover Artwork (c) Getty Creative, Stephen Ceplenski Event Accent Photos Moody Mustafa Circuit Photos Circuit Boyz Productions Scott Goetz Alejandro Marin Steve Kammon Steven Gomez Writers and Contributors John R. Ballew, M.S., L.P.C. Dennis Fleming Rahel E. Kent Steve Kleine DJ Mateo C. Michael Safdiah David Sexton Maxwell Stark-House D. Michael Taylor Clovis Thorn Eye Candy Published in February, May, August and November by Maxwell Stark-House Circuit 5 Noize april 30 may 2 washington dc chris wren chad jack mike reeze joe bermudez tony moran alyson calagna Host Passes include guaranteed and priority admission to all Cherry events. For discounted rates at our host hotel, the Washington Terrace Hotel, visit Proceeds benefit local and national gay and lesbian organizations that play an important role in our community. Visit for more event details, discounted airfare information, sponsor and partner listings, and to purchase passes and tickets. The Cherry Fund is a DC non-profit organization, and the portion of your pass or ticket price that benefits these charities is, of course, tax deductible. design and photography • EMBRACE PRESENTS FEATURING WORLD RENOWNED DJS PETER RAUHOFER GRAMMY AWARD WINNING REMIXER, STAR 69 RECORDS TRACY YOUNG F E R O S H R EC O R D S , W W W. D J T R A CY YO U N G . C O M MANNY LEHMAN S U P E R S TA R D J/ P R O D U C E R FUTURISTIC DÉCOR & PERFORMANCES BY: RKM WWW.RKMFUTUREBOYS.COM NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL ATLANTA HOUSTON MIAMI DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS ORLANDO PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON VANCOUVER SEATTLE LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO BOSTON AND MORE TBA ON FUTUREBABYLON.COM ©2004 Showtime Networks Inc. All rights reserved. SHOWTIME and related marks are trademarks of Showtime Networks Inc., a Viacom Company. NO LIMITS is a registered trademark of Antas-Gestaoe Investimentos LDA. Showtime Networks Inc. is an authorized licensee. ANOTHER CAUSE TO CALL OUR OWN by Clovis Thorn The “War on Drugs” was intended to help society by lessening the negative impact of drugs on people’s lives. Instead, the war itself has actually done more harm than good for many people. The drug war has allowed the government to consistently overreach the bounds of its powers by intruding more and more on our personal freedoms in the name of protecting us from ourselves. A grassroots opposition movement is calling for an end to this war. Why is this new struggle arising? What does it mean to gays and lesbians? Why should we care? In October of 2001, while rubble in New York still smoldered and our nation was scrambling to protect itself from a new and very real threat, the Drug Enforcement Administration raided and closed down a stringently operated medical marijuana club in West Hollywood that served sick and dying cancer and AIDS patients. Over the past two years, while the government is on heightened alert due to undisclosed terrorist threats, the DEA has continued to raid medical marijuana operations in California. At the same time, the Office of National Drug Control Policy spent tens of millions of dollars on an ad campaign blaming drug users for funding terrorism. The logic behind these ads was tenuous at best, and at worst, the height of irresponsible scapegoating. Blaming recreational drug users for terrorism is like blaming beer drinkers for Al Circuit 12 Capone’s gangland murders during alcohol prohibition. The taxpayers’ money for this ad campaign would have been better spent on effective treatment and education instead of useless rhetoric. The movement to end the drug war is growing because people, some high and some not, have recognized that the war on drugs is not a war on an arbitrary groups of substances, but a war on people, communities (especially of color), public health, and human rights. Gay people are not isolated from this war. Many of us use or have used illegal drugs. Some have a friend or relative in prison on a nonviolent drug charge. Many know someone who has a problem with addiction. Some have seen how their friends suffering from AIDS finally found an appetite by smoking marijuana and thus have become “criminals”. In every case, prohibition has made things worse. The drug war is breeding a new generation of criminals by incarcerating nonviolent drug offenders. It targets scarce resources toward law enforcement instead of treatment. It Noize creates a dangerous unregulated black market. And now it is being twisted to keep an AIDS patient from a cheap medicine that both works and which could be personally cultivated. There are better ways for the state to address drug abuse than waging a war on its citizens. The best alternative to current drug policies is a shift toward harm reduction, which is a pragmatic approach to lessening the harms of both drug abuse and drug prohibition. Gays and lesbians are pros at harm reduction because we had to step in to take care of our own community when the gover nment didn’t respond to the impending AIDS pandemic back in the 80s. Safer sex is harm reduction. While not the beall/end-all solution to AIDS, safer sex helps the most people make wise decisions to avoid the disease. In the same way, harm reduction - while not as rhetorically appealing as “Just Say No” and “Drug Free America” is the best way to help people who choose to use drugs remain safe and healthy. Abstinence may be the only sure way to avoid risk, but expecting everyone in our society to abstain from drugs is about as likely as expecting everyone to abstain from sex. We look to progressive European countries as examples. The evertolerant Dutch were the first to recognize drug abuse as the public health problem that it is. They separated the soft and hard drug markets by decriminalizing and regulating adult marijuana use. They instituted harm reduction strategies to deal with harder drugs. Today, drug use rates in The Netherlands are lower than the United States in all categories among all age groups, and other Western countries are following the Dutch example. Circuit Politicians are slow to adopt these reforms, but voters aren’t. Citizens have passed referenda allowing marijuana as a medicine in seven states. Ten other drug refor m initiatives have been approved by voters, including California’s landmark Proposition 36, which mandates treatment instead of incarceration for nonviolent first- and second-time drug offenders. These reforms are especially important during this trying time when law enforcement resources need to be directed toward real and pressing threats, not medical marijuana cooperatives that serve sick and dying people. Citizens get it while Washington refuses to listen, as evidenced by the confirmation of John Walters as Drug Czar, who thinks we can arrest and spend our way out of the drug problem. Why should the LGBT community care about drug policy reform? Because we like to party and we want to know how to be safe if we use drugs. Because our honesty with ourselves allows us to recognize when the wool is being pulled over our eyes. Our brothers and sisters in communities of color are, by the gover nment’s own statistics, disproportionately affected by unjust drug laws – they need our support. Our friends with AIDS deserve access to a cheap herb that allows them to eat without vomiting. And finally, the ongoing social justice movement, of which we are a part, must push our government to prioritize health and safety over punishment. Our community should take on this new cause – the destruction of the increasingly irrelevant war on drugs. Clovis Thorn is the Director of Development for the Drug Policy Alliance. You can help promote alternatives to the “War on Drugs” by supporting the Alliance. To stay informed and get involved visit 13 Noize CIRCUIT MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS by Dennis Fleming artwork by David Sexton Love is found in many ways, shapes, and forms on the Circuit. Some find Mr. Right. Some fall for Mr. Right Now. Others may have to settle for Mr. I’ll Be Right Back. Following the lead of The New York Times, we are proud to announce the following Circuit Marriages for 2004. BLOER-CUMMING ROLL OVER NUPTIALS Philadelphia was the setting for a Circuit love connection between Beau Bloer of Paramus, NJ and Swifty Cumming of Dover, DE. They met at the 2002 Blue Ball, and it was lust at first sight. Unfortunately, they were committed to other guys at that time. After numerous secret rendezvous at a Holiday Inn off the New Jersey Turnpike near Trenton, the infidels decided to dump the boyfriends in time for the 2003 Blue Ball. At the main party on Saturday, January 25, amidst a sea of sweaty, shirtless strangers they repeatedly professed their love for each other - and everything around them for that matter. Admirers honored the "ecstatic" couple during the traditional Blue Ball Brunch the following afternoon. Guests begrudgingly sampled scrambled eggs and dry muffins while chugging gallons of bottled water. The couple was treated to several flagging displays, and cheap sunglasses were distributed as party favors. The newlyweds used Sunday night's party, The Blue Redo, as a chance to renew their wedding vows, since neither remembered much from the night before. Circuit 22 Noize LOVE, SPUNK AND DICK Jack Love and Jim Spunk are pleased to announce that their part-time sexual surrogate, Bob Dick, has joined their hallowed union. The couple met their new addition last year when they hired Dick from an escort service while vacationing in Las Vegas. Love and Spunk noticed how much variety Dick brought to their sagging relationship, so they asked him to join them permanently a few months later. Dick expressed his desire for Love and Spunk on Saturday, June 7th in a public ceremony held at the base of Snow White's Castle at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. To commemorate Gay Days at the Disney theme park, the trio wore matching white shorts and red polo shirts from Tommy Bahama. Witnesses included Chip and Dale (Disney's only out gay duo) and several curious retirees from Des Moines, Iowa who were just looking for a cool place to sit down. Love, Spunk and Dick reside in Houston where Jack is an executive with Texaco and Jim works in student affairs at Rice University. Until Bob finds work, the other two are still paying for Dick. Circuit 23 Noize PORN STAR MARRIES FLUFFER Erotic dancer and video porn star, Dixon Butz, married his long time fluffer, Orel Lipman, in a small but garish ceremony on July 5th at a spa facility on Ivar Avenue in Hollywood, California. The couple met on the set of the XXX-rated feature, Romancing the Bone. Butz had requested a full time fluffer because he was "straight" and needed constant stimulation to keep him from falling flaccid. Orel's service was so extraordinary that Dixon demanded him for every video he made after that, and the two fell secretly in love. Shortly afterwards, Butz was discovered strapped in a harness during a gang bang party in the Hollywood Hills over Gay Pride weekend in Los Angeles thus exposing his true sexual identity. Since that incident, he and Lipman have traveled around the country encouraging confused and frightened gays and lesbians to come out and accept their sexual orientation. The couple honeymooned in Provincetown, Massachusetts then returned to their apartment in Van Nuys, California to begin production on their series of instructional sex videos for bi-curious men. Circuit 24 Noize THE TROUBLE WITH TINA by John R. Ballew, M.S., L.P.C Crystal meth is part of gay life for large numbers of guys, especially in the club scene. Studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that about 10% of gay men in large urban areas have used methamphetamine (a.k.a. crystal, Tina). One study in San Francisco put the number of gay men who had used meth at 40%. Of course, it’s not just gay men and not just city dwellers who are attracted to Tina. Meth labs can be found in small towns across rural America far from the Circuit scene. It’s easy to understand why the drug is so popular. Tweaking activates the central nervous system, producing an intense rush. Guys who are out with Tina typically feel great. Shy men are more outgoing. People struggling with depression feel their blues go away. And everyone seems to have the energy to dance all night – and maybe go home and clean their condo afterwards. Methamphetamine reduces both hunger and fatigue. Many people use crystal on occasion with no apparent problems. Sure, they may feel awful afterwards, and yeah, they are breaking the law by buying the stuff. They may get sketched out and kind of paranoid. And they may spend money they don’t have. OK, so maybe those actually are problems, but at least there aren’t Circuit 26 serious long-term consequences. Others aren’t so lucky. The sense of power and well-being that comes from crystal can lead people to make reckless choices. One of the more devastating is unprotected sex. On the West Coast, crystal use has been associated with dramatic increases in the rate of HIV transmission. The sense of being allpowerful makes condoms seem a waste of time. And even when used, they are more likely to be used improperly. Some guys find they have sex almost like the Energizer bunny, just going and going and going… even wearing out condoms in the process. While crystal turns many men into sex machines, some guys experience trouble maintaining an erection – sometimes called “crystal dick.” That has led some party animals to use Viagra to keep it up while they are out with Tina. This combination is potentially fatal for men with hidden cardiac problems. (Check with your doctor.) And the combination of tweaking and a V iagra-enhanced erection often leads men into trouble. Noize Weekend bingeing on Tina can deplete the brain of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. There’s a bit of a lag effect; it often hits most intensely a day or two after the binge ends, causing the phenomenon known as “Suicide Tuesday.” The high has worn off. The brain’s chemistry is out of whack, and the body is exhausted from the weekend. The effect is worse for some people than others. Many men decide the answer is more Tina. What started out as a weekend party favor has slipped its way into the work week. To make matters worse, they find their performance at the office is better, at least at first. They feel more efficient and more confident. So they use a little more. Before they know it, dependency is born. Becoming dependent on meth is a mess. The long-term effects are horrendous for both physical and mental health. Methamphetamine injures the immune system and depletes the body of nutrients, making people more prone to illness. Depending on how it’s used, it can damage the lungs, liver and kidneys. Snorting (bumping) or smoking is more dangerous than popping a pill; booty bumps or injections are more dangerous still and can put the user at risk for HIV. Then there’s the effect on the psyche. Users become anxious (due to the stimulant effect on the nervous system) and depressed (when the brain becomes depleted of serotonin). The anxiety can worsen into isolation and paranoia. There are ways to avoid these traps and lessen the potential for harm. The best, of course, is to avoid Circuit using methamphetamine altogether. No one intends to develop a drug problem; it isn’t always possible to know who will have trouble and who won’t. If you choose to use, set limits. Don’t spend more than you can afford. Limit bingeing; give your body recovery time. Set limits for yourself: no use during the week, for instance, and not using every weekend. Notice if there are times or circumstances when you’re more likely to overindulge and take a look at whether that’s your best life strategy. Unprotected sex while tweaking should raise a big red flag. If you find yourself doing things while using that would be too dangerous for you to do while sober, you’ve got a problem. It’s a matter of respect: your self-respect as well as respect for the guy you’re hooking up with. Unfortunately, setting limits doesn’t work for everyone. Sure, some men party without having many problems, but others get in over their heads before they know it. A lot of guys assume that the problem is will power: know when you’ve had enough, and cut back if your life is getting out of control. That’s reasonable advice for some people, but methamphetamine is strong stuff and potentially dangerous. Drug addiction isn’t moral weakness. For some men, will power isn’t enough to regain control. If life is really getting crazy, know when to get help. John R. Ballew, M.S., is a licensed professional counselor in private practice in Atlanta. He specializes in issues related to coming out, sexuality, relationships and spirituality. He can be reached via the web at 27 Noize M I D W E S T ’ S L A R G E S T G AY & L E S B I A N R E S O R T CO M P L E X Pure Ecstasy. No matter where you live, Saugatuck is the great destination spot for GLBT travelers. With pristine beaches, miles of hiking trails, world-class galleries, exquisite dining, and amazing places to shop, we have everything you’re looking for. No matter what you do, the Dunes Resort is the place to stay and party while visiting Saugatuck. We are one of the largest GLBT resorts in the country with 80 rooms, a pool and pool bar, and, of course, our famous disco/bar complex with plenty of room for you to see and be seen. Our in-house and guest DJs such as Julian Marsh (7/8 - 7/26), Don Bishop (6/19 & 8/21- 8/22) and Lydia Prim (7/3) will keep you and your friends grooving all night long with their cutting edge dance mixes. The Dunes Resort. Plan on coming. 269.857.1401 SA U G AT U C K , M I TWEAK END by D. Michael Taylor and Dennis Fleming It looks like we’re witnessing the birth of a full-fledged movement against crystal here in New York. Signs have appeared all up and down 8th Avenue mocking the tweaker lifestyle and advertising boldly, “Huge Sale! Buy Crystal, Get HIV Free!” The New York Times picked up the story and did an expose of the West Side Club, our own little tweaker’s paradise. So we got to wondering what life might be like if such sentiments caught on in our community. What will the effects be if this campaign is successful? Will we find something to do with all of that extra butane? Will some decent restaurants finally open up in Chelsea/South Beach/West Hollywood when everyone gets their appetites back? Will our sphincters stop being mistaken for the Holland Tunnel at rush hour? Will there be a spike in the therapy community as people start feeling emotions again? Will “crack” once again mean the stuff Whitney does? Will Junior have to start playing at night? W ill we ever find anything in common with truck drivers and mobile home dwellers in the Midwest again? Will we suddenly find everything in our apartments? Will “partying” mean hanging out with friends, with their clothes on? Will Viagra become a drug for old guys again? Will that scab on our cheek finally heal? Circuit 34 Will AOL go out of business? W ill we stop thinking there are surveillance cameras hidden in the ceilings of public bathrooms? Will we stop sounding like Rosalind Russell in “The Women”? Will daylight now be our friend? Will “it’s not good Tina” only be a line from the gay cult classic, Mommie Dearest? Will we actually have to set aside a day to clean our apartments? W ill we actually now have to look fabulous to feel fabulous? Will after-hours clubs now go by the way of disco and Daisy Duke shorts? Will we no longer need the Army Corp of Engineers to get an erection? Will we no longer be able to dance to music at 178 bpm? Will our co-workers actually see us in our offices on Monday morning? Will there be fewer pigs at the trough? Noize BUSTED by Rahel E. Kent Whether on the Circuit, at your local club or at a get-together at a friend’s house, a night of fun that includes drinking and partying can quickly turn sour when you see those red lights in your rearview mirror. If you want to prevent the fun from turning to tragedy, this situation calls upon your deepest abilities to maintain and behave in a way to defuse the situation. Whether it is drama in a bar and the cops get called, drama at home and the neighbors call, a little “extracurricular activity” in a place you shouldn’t be, or you’ve chosen to push the envelope of legality in some other way, your initial contact with the police can ultimately mean the difference between the words “Guilty” and “Whew! I got away with another one!” While costs vary depending on what state you’re in, it is likely that a first time DUI will cost you lots of personal time, at least $2000 in fines and DUI school, as well as your driver’s license. In DUI school, you’ll learn to sleep with your eyes open and generally be miserable. And finally, you’ll have to pay a lawyer or else spend at least one full day sitting in court, mostly in boredom and bewilderment. If you are stopped by the cops, here are some tips to follow that may Circuit 36 keep you both out of jail and out of your lawyer’s office: Be polite! Many people screw themselves by being rude, copping attitude or trying to be funny. Remember that the police are probably used to dealing with characters much more shady than you. By simply presenting yourself as an upstanding citizen, you may gain their sympathy and thus get a break. Give all identification information that is requested of you. Don’t admit anything! Do not tell them you’ve had a few drinks, do not tell them you’re coming from a party or bar, don’t say that you had sex in the car – admit nothing. If asked, do submit to a breathalyzer test. You’ll be in deeper trouble if you don’t. Do not give blood or urine if you’ve had any drugs in your system in the past 72 hours. You are not required to take such a test under any circumstances. However, if you are sure that you’re clean, then go ahead - piss away. This test will give a far more accurate reading of the alcohol Noize levels in your breathalyzer test. body than a Tell your friends to shut up! The driver should be the only person who says anything to the cops. The less they say, the better off everyone will be. You should also remember that the police are under no duty to tell you the truth while questioning you. Many people have the misconception that if you ask an undercover cop if he’s a cop, he has to tell you – this is not true! They have no duty at all to tell you the truth. If you are stopped and questioned by police, whether on foot or in a vehicle, beware that there are several tricks that cops will use to try to get you to admit to a crime: Do not sign! Sign only a promise to appear in court that does not admit guilt. While I’m not encouraging you to break the law, many of us will do something at one time or another of which we’re not particularly proud. Some of us are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And sadly, some of us fit “profiles” which are more likely to draw the attention of police. Often, it is your attitude and behavior in the initial contact with police that will determine whether or not you are arrested. Remember how a fish gets caught – he opens his mouth. Rahel Kent has been practicing law in California for almost 15 years. She caters mostly to the gay community and specializes in criminal defense and contract law and will happily refer you to an honest lawyer in other fields. She can be reached at (323) 874-9658. They’ll tell you that if you admit to it, they’ll go easy on you. Don’t believe this - they’re lying! Allow your lawyer to make these kinds of deals for you later as they are more likely to have better bargaining power. They’ll tell you that they already know you did it, so you might as well admit to it – again they’re lying! An admission from you will allow them to begin proceedings that they might not otherwise undertake. They’ll separate you from your friends and tell you that one of your friends said you did it. In this case, you should simply and calmly say that it isn’t true. They’ll ask you to sign a statement. Circuit 37 Noize GET MAD, GET VERY MAD by C. Michael Safdiah I got up this morning to see if, in my “delicate condition,” I could shovel some more blizzard snow from my front door. I did quite a lot before my shovel, not I, gave out. New York City sidewalks had worn the old blade down. I laugh out loud with gratitude when I remember I’ve got CDC-defined AIDS and that I can still do shit like that. I stop feeling sorry for myself. I wonder about others, and count my blessings. I’ve just spent weeks watching the Senate filibusters on the “Kill Medicare” bill. I’m angry, and I’m afraid. I fear what the Republicans, robber barons, people who only give a shit about making more money are doing to world trade and to our planet. Piece by calculated piece, bit by painful bit, they are implementing their plans - the planet and our ecology be damned. What? You don’t fear the Republicans? You should. There was a TV show about the demonstrators who were protesting the World Trade Conference. What I saw made me so very sad. These humans, exercising their constitutional rights, were being attacked by police who wore masks and shields. The police had no real identities. The face of hate will always be anonymous. Lynch mobs still wear hoods and kill. A chilling thought. Meanwhile the real players were inside, protected from the protests, Circuit 42 shielded from the reality of their actions. It’s a giant game of chess: lose a piece here or there, but in the end the players live on and keep on with their robbing, cocktail-studded conventions, and rapacious behavior. As to the mobs in the street – well, just keep them out of sight. I remember the many times I marched on D.C. to let a congressman or a president know what I felt, only to realize he or they were nowhere in sight or earshot of our screams for help. It was such a demoralizing experience, and yet uplifting too. It let me know we do have a voice and that there were so many of us who felt strongly about a war, or AIDS, or civil rights. History teaches that the wisdom of people who are willing to march will eventually prevail. As gay men, our very lives are under attack. The moral perjurers have openly decided to attack gays as being the spawn of the antichrist. Their movement is growing and is frighteningly wellfunded. Their agenda is to reverse all the rights we have so far been afforded. You think the rights we’ve earned are permanent? Guess again. Author David Nimmons in his book “The Soul Beneath the Skin” made the case that we (gays) are the best examples of the human race nature ever created. We’re more noble, more nurturing, and Noize take better care of each other and of the planet than everyone else. While I’m glad to be lumped in with the good guy group he’s created, David has it only half right. We’ve taken what gains we’ve made for granted. W ith nobility comes responsibility, and we as a people are being remarkable at being not responsible. I’m no one to point fingers, my pot being as black as the kettle. But maybe I can piss you off just enough to get you to act: to vote the mothers out of office. The incredibly accurate portrayal of Roy M. Cohn by Al Pacino in “Angels in America” reminded me how clear and close the danger is. For the people in power, it is easy to pack the courts and thus stop laws wherever and whenever they like. I knew Cohn in my early days in the late 70s/early 80s. His summation of homosexuals was “men who in fifteen years of trying cannot get a pissant anti-discrimination bill through City Council. Homosexuals are men who know nobody and who nobody knows.” He understood power. He knew we didn’t use the power we have. He knew we didn’t give a crap. He was disgusted by us because we never used the power we could have had. He told me this himself. He spoke with me – a nobody – as though I meant something. That was his charm. When I saw Pacino, it was Roy sending me yet another message this time from the grave. gardens, but unless we mobilize, and act, we’re screwed. We need to become more than just their bad dreams - we need to become a reality. Unless gays start to vote I’m afraid for the state of the entire world. We may well be the answer nature has created to balance out the losses the world is suffering, but all we seem to want to do is drugs, dance, fuck and fuck some more. What we really need to do is to get off our lazy asses and vote on Election Day. Become a voice that is heard. If only we placed as much thought into whom we allow to run our government as we do on our ensembles for the White Party. Throw an Election Day party, get bumper stickers, wear tee shirts - we do tee shirts very well, dears and encourage your friends to vote. Please. I so closely relate to beautiful Justin Kirk’s character in Angels. We’re both survivors, you see. And he so perfectly conveyed the rage and confusion, and finally the resolve of a man who has decided to fight, and not to give in. Prior came as close to his end as any one I’ve known and who still bounced back. From personal experience, I know how that feels. I was a surprise to my doctors, too. I can’t find better words to close than to simply quote the last words of the film, of playwright Tony Kushner, and of Prior Walter. This disease will be the end of many of us, but not nearly all, and the dead will be commemorated and we’ll struggle on with the living, and we are not going away. We won’t die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come. Bye now. You are fabulous creatures, each and every one. And I bless you: More Life. The Great Work Begins. The game ain’t over yet. We have only those rights which are guaranteed to us by the laws and those laws are every single day being challenged by the powers who believe there should be no separation between church and the state. We can laugh all we like, as they did in Berlin while Hitler was screaming his rhetoric in beer Circuit 43 Noize BENEFIT SPOTLIGHT by Steve Kammon photos courtesy of Odyssey Magazine, Hawaii The first Maui AIDS Foundation dance party fundraiser was held in 1985 at the now defunct Hamburger Mary’s in Lahaina. It was considered a success, drawing a huge local crowd of about 40 people and raising eight hundred dollars. For a small island like Maui, and at such an early point in the epidemic, it truly was a success. A tradition was born. Each successive year there would be a benefit dance party to help fund the foundation and its programs. Each year the event would take on a different name, such as “March Forth” (when the event was held on March 4th) or the “Red, White and Blue Party” another year. Only last year was this grand old e v e n t christened with the m o r e permanent name, the “ L a v a D a n c e Party”. Circuit The Maui dance fundraiser came to be known as one of the biggest and best dance parties of the year on Maui, attracting a very diverse crowd of visitors and residents both gay and straight. Because of its extensive outreach and support programs, the Maui AIDS Foundation has earned the respect of Maui’s gay community. In return, the locals have always turned out in big numbers for the agency’s fundraisers, especially the annual dance-a-thon. One of the m a j o r highlights of the Maui dance party’s history happened about ten years ago with a surprise visit by Elton John, who frequents Maui when on holiday. 48 Noize The Volcano party didn’t come into existence until more than fifteen years after the original Maui fundraiser. The year was 2001, and after surviving several years of government funding cuts, new and very severe cuts were being initiated by the Bush administration. The very existence of some important programs, like the case management program that was using culturallysensitive methods for reaching the native Hawaiian population, were now in jeopardy. Jonathon Berliner, Executive Director of the foundation, lear ned that Atlantis Events was doing their first Hawaiian Islands cruise, beginning and ending in Honolulu. With the promise of this influx of gay tourists, he took the risk of taking his small benefit dance party to the big time. His idea was to grow his little dance party and put it on the Circuit map. Paradise Ride – from the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA). The HTA is the lead tourism policy branch of the state’s government. Through this project, the foundation had not only built many important relationships with the HTA and tourism providers, but they had also convinced many of the decision makers about the lucrative nature of the gay travel market. The foundation now embarked on their drive to get government funds to create their new event – the Volcano Party Festival. They presented a model of gay-friendly dance celebrations that raise funds for community organizations. They showed that in places like Montreal, Miami, and Sydney, these events have grown to become among the largest tourism earners of the year. Their hard work at putting together a well thought out proposal led to the awarding of a $50,000 grant from the HTA through its Major Festivals Program – and this was what made the first The first Volcano party was planned to coincide with the Atlantis cruise. Though Atlantis was never a cosponsor of the event, they did agree to include a promo piece on the party with their cruise events promotions. The synchronicity feeling that these extra 2200 visitors brought was short lived as the team realized what a challenge they had on their hands. Their plan called for radical growth. They wanted to grow their little dance party to several times its previous size. And making it even more difficult, they planned to hold the event on a different island than the one where they lived and worked. It was clear from the start that more funding would be needed to turn this dream into a reality. The foundation was fresh off a political victory, having been awarded a product development grant for its gay-friendly bicycle tour – The Circuit 49 Noize Volcano party possible. This level of government support for a gay event was unprecedented. The State of Hawaii House of Representatives and State Senate both issued separate proclamations acknowledging the Maui AIDS Foundation’s efforts in producing the Volcano Party as a new fundraiser and as a new avenue for bringing in additional tourism dollars to Hawaii. Additionally, Hawaii Governor Benjamin Cayetano wrote a letter of congratulations and an official welcome to Volcano Party attendees. Furthermore, the Hawaii Tourism Authority has committed to support the Volcano Party Festival for 2004 through 2006. Plans for the first Volcano Party Festival quickly took off with support from the f o u n d a t i o n ’s staff, many volunteers, and the local b u s i n e s s community, as well as support from national entities such as United and A m e r i c a n Airlines. The HTA grant allowed the foundation to make the leap into large scale production – using well-known DJs, a major laser light show, and a main event in the impressive Hawaii Convention Center located at the gateway to Waikiki. The first year drew 1500 people and raised more than $34,000 for the Maui AIDS Foundation. That first event was not without controversy, however. Mike Gabbard, Hawaii’s well known Circuit 50 religious right leader, distributed a tenpage document accusing the HTA of promoting homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, and illegal drug use to members of Hawaii’s governing bodies. He also showed up at the main event with a group of 25-30 of his followers, all with protest signs in their hands, attempting to intimidate the arriving Volcano Party goers. Then, to everyone’s surprise, an even larger contingent of counter-protestors showed up. The Hawaii chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) arrived and welcomed each and every Volcano Party attendee. This touching show of the “aloha” spirit of the islands was a memorable part of that first year. The momentum of this first event carried on into 2003. But this second year b r o u g h t significant new challenges. The threat of a war with Iraq and no planned Atlantis cruise were factors that made the team wonder whether they could pull it off a second year. The foundation was deter mined to prove to the HTA that they could indeed create a gay festival in the Islands. They decided to press ahead, even growing a little by adding a new outdoor pool party at the host hotel. This was the first time the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort ever hosted a so-called gay event. The hotel’s management was so impressed with the crowd that Volcano was invited back again this year. The pool party was an important addition, taking advantage of the gorgeous Hawaiian climate and providing a place where people could socialize in a relaxed environment. Noize Volcano has always enjoyed tremendous grassroots support both on the Islands and abroad. “DJ Brett Henrichsen really came through for Maui AIDS Foundation and the Volcano Party Festival II last year,” stated Jonathon Berliner. “If it weren’t for Brett’s support and donation of varied services, Volcano Party II would not have been the success it was.” This would also be the year that the small Maui community dance party was linked with the larger Volcano Party. The grand finale event was held at the Grand Waikapu Golf Course Country Club House. Frank Lloyd Wright designed this house for Marilyn Monroe, so it is better known on Maui as the “Marilyn Monroe house”. This site features amazing views across the valley isle to Haleakala Volcano – the “House of the Sun.” DJ/Producer Julian Marsh spun here in his debut Maui perfor mance. This event was uplifting and a great musical finale that built on the mana – life-force energy – of the Islands. After all the positive feedback on last year’s pool party, it was decided that the main event should be outdoors – to use one of Volcano’s biggest assets – the gorgeous weather of the Hawaiian Islands. So for 2004, Volcano Party’s signature main event will be held outdoors under the evening stars at the Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park. It will once again coincide with Atlantis Event’s cruise Circuit aboard Norwegian’s luxury liner Star. Masterbeat’s DJ Brett Henrichsen spins the main event with a special performance by Kristine W. Other events include the Friday A l o h a Welcome Party at Hula’s Bar & Lei Stand with a big Friday night party at the new Volcanoes Nightclub with DJ Hex Hector. The Saturday night afterhours event will feature DJ Paulo and the Sunday night T-dance features DJ Barry Harris. The most important thing to note about Volcano Party is that 100% of the profits benefit the Maui AIDS Foundation. The foundation provides comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention and care services across the three islands of Maui County which include Maui, Molokai and Lanai, and works collaboratively to reduce the impact of the AIDS epidemic throughout Hawaii. The Volcano party is a part of a new trend in Circuit party dance benefits. It is a party at a “destination” where your trip can incorporate something more than just a party. With their tremendous dedication and their warm spirit of “aloha”, you can be sure that the guys from Maui will grow this event into the kind of event that both feeds the soul of the attendees and provides valuable funding for a worthy cause. To purchase tickets or get more information about the Volcano Party festival, visit 51 Noize A T L A N T I S P R E S E N T S 7th Anniversary Memorial Day Weekend May 28 – 31, 2OO4 Five Incredible Parties in the world’s greatest playground Featuring DJs Phil B, Jason G, Warren Gluck, Brett Henrichsen, & Manny Lehman and more! Weekend Passes On Sale Now! Only $189. 8OO-6-ATLANTIS Viva Las Vegas 7 The Greatest Party Weekend in the West Friday Splash! • Wet n’ Wild Water Park • 8pm to 2am • DJ Manny Lehman Saturday Rhythm • Sport Center Las Vegas Arena • 10pm to 6am • DJ Brett Henrichsen • DJ Phil B. • Live Performances Sunday Anthem • MGM Grand Adventures Park • An indoor/outdoor extravaganza • 7pm to 6am • DJ Warren Gluck • Additional DJs to be added • Live Entertainment Monday Morning Host Hotel Deep • Location TBA • 5am to Noon • DJ Jason G. Weekend Pass only $189! Our host hotel is the spectacular Westin Casuarina Las Vegas featuring a special rate of only $165 per night! Please call Westin directly at 877-508-0172 and request the Atlantis weekend rate. Winter Circuit Photo Album Photo: Grand Olympic Auditorium, New Year’s Eve, Los Angeles, CA: Masterbeat 2004. Photographer: Scott Goetz Circuit 54 Noize Find your friends. V iew amazing performances and light shows. Perhaps even see yourself. For even mor e photos, visit our r enowned website, www.cir, for the largest online library and ar chive of event photos. Are Are you a photographer? Do you bring a camera to events? Submit your photos to us and we’ll feature feature them in upcoming issues. Contact [email protected] [email protected] for more more information. Circuit 55 Noize Miami White Party@Vizcaya CIRCUIT TRIBES: THE EVOLUTION OF TRIBALISM by Steve Kleine Critics of our dance floor culture will tell you that the friendships we make on the dance floor are shallow and meaningless. Certainly, one does make many, many more dance floor acquaintances than true friends when traveling the Circuit, but many of us have experienced the joy of becoming a part of a gang of dance floor buddies whose love and support has sustained us both on the dance floor and beyond. Many of us have called these gangs a “tribe”. Part of the reason for this comes about because our tribes generally form by dancing together – a tradition with much history. But are we really justified in using this ter m to describe our extended dance floor gangs? I found this definition of a tribe: A unit of sociopolitical organization consisting of a number of families, clans, or other groups that share a common ancestry and culture and among whom leadership is typically neither formalized nor permanent. “consisting of a number of families, clans, or other groups that share a common ancestry and culture” Let’s take a look at each of these aspects to see if we really do qualify: “sociopolitical organization” The Circuit was for med, among other reasons, to give gay men (and women) a safe place to gather and to celebrate. There is no doubt that the Circuit is a social scene. The main draw for most attendees is to Circuit join a celebration where they can explore their gay identity. The Circuit was formed as a protest as well as a fundraising vehicle to combat HIV/AIDS in a time when the government was ignoring the plague. Presently, the Circuit has lost a little of its political edge, especially since the Circuit “feel” has been mimicked in weekly clubs. However, there are still many events that raise money for vital gay causes. Many of the gay culture’s social and political needs are still funded by the Circuit. 70 It is obvious that the Circuit has created a common culture, and tribes tend to create even more specialized styles of dressing, communication, traditions, rituals, diet, and approved and disapproved behaviors. We have created our ancestry through generations that span only a few years. Those of us that have been on the Circuit for ten years or more can point to a line of people we have introduced to this magic world, who in turn have Noize introduced others. I am proud that I am a Circuit great-granddad! Like most social groups, tribes have a core (central family unit) and then a few outer layers of members (extended family). While these outer layers are still part of the tribe, they are not as close as the core members. A difference from a traditional tribe is the fact that many Circuit boys are members of more than one tribe. This overlap brings together different clans that can create a larger and more loosely organized tribe. “leadership is typically neither formalized nor permanent” Perhaps the most positive thing about Circuit tribes is that there is no one leader. However, there are certainly members who influence the direction of the group. These are the members who get on the phone or the Internet first and say “We just have to go to the Black Party this year!” or “I have this great idea for a group costume for the White Party!” Enthusiasm tends to drive this kind of leadership and as one attends more and more parties, that enthusiasm may wane. It is at this point that the newer members of the tribe start giving direction. “I know you’ve done the Black Party ten times and that seeing sex acts with snakes and midgets just does not do it for you anymore, but we’ll all be together and Susan will be spinning!” Speaking of DJs, I’ve seen many tribes form around the admiration for a certain DJ or a certain style of music. Susan Moribito has a large “cult” following with tribes that give her an almost deity-like status. In fact, when asking if someone is a fan of Susan’s, the question is normally Circuit phrased with religious undertones: “Do you pray at the church of Moribito?” Junior Vasquez arguably has the biggest following. Some of his disciples actually write entire set lists on their PDAs and then post them to the Internet for other disciples to enjoy, moments after the party has ended. My first tribe was formed around the music of Neil Lewis at Pleasuredome and Magnitude in San Francisco. To this day, we still go to Magnitude, even if Neil is not spinning, because it is part of our history. A Los Angeles tribe that I recently joined formed around DJ Mike Duretto during the Probe days. I was not present then, but I have picked up the fever, traveling to hear him spin whenever I get a chance. Being in many tribes gives one a secure feeling. One can attend pretty much any event across the country and be assured that there will be a few tribal members in attendance. Traveling with just a small group of friends on a recent Atlantis Cruise, I had found half a dozen tribal members by the end of my first night on the ship. Caring for tribal members is an important aspect of Circuit tribes. Personal barriers can be broken down at an event, and that can lead to risky behavior. A tribe provides vital information on how to reduce these risks as well as a safety net if something goes wrong. Some tribes have rules for behavior and consequences for breaking those rules. For example, some tribes will not tolerate the use of certain intoxicants (you can guess which ones are most frequently banned). However, the care goes beyond the party itself. Help with work, relationships, and other life matters are a natural part of tribal membership. There are many times that I’ve seen a tribe issue the wake up call that prevented someone from 71 Noize destroying their life when that person started playing too hard. Indeed, it seems that Circuit tribes can justify calling themselves a “tribe”. However, Circuit tribes are also unique in that they exhibit many of the positive aspects of human tribes without acquiring some of the negative traits. For instance, Circuit tribes never war against each other. What would we use for weapons? Glow sticks, flags, and packs of gum? Would we pound water bottles into our fists as a “call to arms”? In fact, when tribes are brought together, they are more likely to merge than create drama. If tribes are standoffish or pretentious, they normally don’t last long. That kind of tribe is too insular - as members leave, there are no newer ones to replace the for mer members. Excessive attitude acts as a repellant to new members. The fun of a tribe is about creating an accepting space where you feel freer to be yourself rather than a place where personal spirit is squashed. Circuit tribes are not based on controlling behavior or abuse of power. A person that tries to control the group is more likely to be left on his own than to be obeyed. In the healthiest Circuit tribes, each member is not only allowed to express their true selves, they are expected to contribute to the tribe with their unique personality and talents. Sure, choices such as clothing, music, or which parties to attend are heavily influenced by the tribe, but many other choices are up to the individual. Some members like to wander around the floor and look for new experiences; some like to stay put and guard the tribe’s “real estate”. Some like to talk Circuit 72 about what is going on around them; others stay quiet, absorbing all the marvelous stimuli. For some, looking for sex is high on the list of priorities while others are at a party for the music and their friends. Some go completely sober while others party hard. In general, there is much more freedom of expression within a Circuit tribe than is found in most other moder n peer groups. I am lucky to be the member of a few tribes. My “mother tribe”, if you will, is the JOY!Tribe. The JOY!Tribe was for med years ago when I was at a fundraiser for a gay softball team. They had a DJ and a dance floor, but no one was dancing. It was one of those moments when the music was so good you really wanted to dance, but hesitated since there was no one on the floor. When the DJ started to mix in snippets of “Unspeakable Joy”, I lost control and got up to dance. At the same time, soon-to-be JOY!Tribe cofounder Santos did the same thing. A friendship was for med. When my friends and his friends got together the first time, everything clicked. When we started hanging out, we named our tribe for the song that brought us together. That was five years ago and the tribe is still going strong with over twenty core members. We are fortunate that our Circuit culture mimics a human behavior that has existed since the dawn of time, for tribes have always provided a place where we humans find much needed support. Many critics of the Circuit seem to think that friendships formed on the dance floor are not as strong as ones formed during the course of normal life. We know that the opposite can also be true. Circuit friendships span the range of the superficial to deep connections steeped in tribal traditions, fortified by shared journeys and experiences. Noize THE EARS HAVE IT …you never know who’s listening! "My English is not very good." "That's OK. I only speak six words of French. And that's counting 'ménage a trois' as three." "There's no such thing as a straight man in the steam room." "Yeah, I call them heteroflexibles." at the Parrot Jungle Party: "Well I didn't see any parrots, but I did see a cock-or-two." "You see how much happier I am when I'm sober?" "Yeah, that's the difference between you and me." Circuit 74 "Did you see that?" "Yeah, I saw it out of the corner of my crotch." Noize "I don't want to marry you. I just want to get naked and rub the places you can't reach." "So, you really hated the music, huh?" "Hate is too strong of a word. 'Loathe with all of my being,' would be more accurate." "There's a fine line between fierce and tragic... and you have drawn it." "Always shoot for the top!" "Especially when you're a bottom!" "This music sucks, this crowd is ugly and I hate this space!" "Hon, read your ticket. This is section E. You belong over there in section T." "Oh, I thought so - way too many fucking smiles over here." "Damn, that boy could really eat some good ass!" "Really? Major boodie lingus, huh?" "I would stick my tongue so far up his ass he'd feel like we were French kissing." "Don't push me, bitch - I'm just one crackle and snap away from pop!" Submit your own “Overheards” to us at [email protected] Circuit 75 Noize SPRI N G CI RCU IT 2004 In some cities the winter never arrived at all while in other cities it arrived with such fury that the residents thought they had moved to Antarctica. For most of the Northeast and Mid-West, spring may not be sprung until summer. In the meantime, there are plenty of warmer destinations to head to in the South and West. While January through May is a time for getting a jump on the year by keeping your head in your work, there are a few prime events that allow for weekend getaways, or an all out blowout. While you finish up your spring skiing, consider Miami Beach, Palm Springs, Rio in Brazil and even Washington DC. Springtime and Cherry Blossoms will coincide for Cherry 9 in DC. If you want a beach city, consider Miami for Winter Party and enjoy one of the best beach events there is. Head to Palm Springs if you’re in the mood for sunning by the pool and dancing all night long. If you fancy something more exotic head to Rio in Brazil for Carnival - which is where Circuit Noize and our travel group will be for the largest parade and party event in the world. Look for photos, reviews, and the plans for 2005 in our next issue. Circuit 76 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 January 31 - February 9, 2004 ALTITUDE TWELVE - Whistler Resort / Vancouver, Canada Over 4,000 skiers and snowboarders from around the world hit the slopes, the dance floors and the hot tubs for North America's number one winter festival. Whether you come for the skiing, snowboarding or all-night dance parties there is something for everyone. It all begins in beautiful Vancouver with an over-the-top fashion show and the Avalanche kick-off party. Once in Whistler, it's non-stop fun with more than 24 events and activities including a cowboy night, a uniform party, a mountaintop tea dance, the high-energy Snow Ball, the Meltdown and Recovery parties. An all-star DJ line-up including Roland Belmares, Victor Calderone, Alex Lauerstein, Tony Moran and more. Whistler Resort was recently awarded the honor of hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ February 5 - 15, 2004 FIREBALL WEEKEND - Chicago, Illinois Don't let the calendar fool you, Chicago is hot this time of year! The Fireball Festival is a terrific example of a community coming together (perhaps they're just driven to stay warm?) DJ Tracy Young is definitely on fire and this year her smoldering sexy sounds surround the Fireball main event at the Aragon Ballroom. On Saturday, the musical magic of Abel and Ralphi Rosario (Rosabel) are back again, complete with 50-ton cranes at the Finkl Steel Mill. Temperatures are rising on Sunday because these girls are playing with Fire. Together for the first time are the sizzling superstars Kimberly S and Lydia Prim, and later that evening Susan Morabito shatters the thermostat with her sexy, steamy closing party. The Fireball Festival is a whole week of events starting with the Hearts Gala Reception and ending with the most incredible Fireball dance events. The Hearts Foundation exists to support the efforts of service agencies that promote the health and well being of the Chicago LGBT community. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ February 12 - 15, 2004 RED PARTY WEEKEND - Montreal, Canada Let the color red seduce you to join a heart-pounding weekend of the BBCM's best. Although Montreal is a vibrant city all year long, Red Party Weekend turns the volume up with pulsating productions and international DJs. If you love DJ Paulo, then this year's main event is for you. Featuring DJ Norm Robert, The Red Party will keep your heart racing all night long. At the Fever Party, which returns to Club Stereo, there's a hot French Canadian boy ready to raise your temperature. Circuit 77 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 The sweaty sounds of DJ Charles Poulin and Alex Lauterstein fill the night. This spectacular feverish feast combines all the global allure of Canada's best with the warm, welcoming atmosphere so characteristic of this wonderful city. The events of the Red Weekend benefit the BBCM Foundation, a non-profit organization which organizes several annual events and distributes donations to direct AIDS care groups and to gay community organizations. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ February 13 - 15, 2004 SAINT AT LARGE WHITE PARTY - New York City, New York You are cordially invited once again to experience all that The Saint has to offer. The Circuit's longest running and most celebrated franchise returns for a night in white. Superstar DJ talent and an unequalled energy wake up New York for this extended-hours party. This weekend the city has plenty of parties to pick from. Celebrate President's Weekend at Splash Bar with the annual Snowball party. It always brings out the beefy New York boys looking for some sexy winter activity. Opening DJ Kevin Frank will begin thawing out the dance floor, and DJ Max Rodriguez promises to keep the Fahrenheit rising. Also on Sunday night, Crobar New York's newest premier upscale dance and show club welcomes Ric Sena's man-magnet - Alegria. There's a new twist on an old tradition and Alegria is turning up its own volume on this President's Day Weekend with mind-blowing music, hotter men and incredible production - all in their spectacular new home. Dance all night long as DJ Tony Moran spins one for the record books at the new home of the legendary Alegria - Crobar New York. Info: / / __________________________________________________________________________ February 18 - 24, 2004 CARNIVAL - Rio de Janiero, Brazil Brazil has long been the home to the largest celebration in the world - Carnival. Millions watch the parade of outrageous floats and costumes that would make any drag-queen jealous. Through the years a large contingent of gay events have also evolved during the week's festivities. Renowned X-Demente promoter Fabio Demente hosts two big events during this week: Saturday the 21st with Tony Moran at Fundição Progresso, and Tuesday the 24th with Brett Henrichsen at Marina da Gloria. (See page 104 in this issue for a DJ profile on Tony Moran). On Monday the 23rd, Steven Gomez & Orlando Capaluto present Scandal with Abel at Asa Branca. This year, Circuit Noize presents its first group trip to Rio for Carnival 2004, which is highlighted by a once in a lifetime opportunity to actually be a costumed participant in the famous Carnival parade. This group is sold out for 2004, but watch for more information and plans for 2005 in the upcoming May issue of Circuit Noize. Info: / / Circuit 78 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 February 19 - 24, 2004 MARDI GRAS WEEKEND - New Orleans, Louisiana Still one of New Orleans' most fun weeks, Mardi Gras still reigns supreme as the biggest free show on earth - with more than 50 parades, hundreds of floats, and thousands of hot boys all around the city. The Bourbon Pub / Parade continues to be one of the cool spots for gay entertainment with its 21st century HDTV format video bar, state-of-the-art laser light show and the best assortment of dancing meat on the bartops. This weekend features some of the nation's best Circuit DJs including Lydia Prim, Max Rodriguez, Kimberly S., Rick Mitchell, Darren Thomas and Jayskee. The music and fun never stop and you'll want to be on the balcony every day to see the happenings on Bourbon Street. You'll certainly get an eyeful! Throughout the weekend, Oz will feature beautiful male dancers on the bartop and award-winning DJs from around the country. Info: / / __________________________________________________________________________ March 1 - 6, 2004 MARDI GRAS FESTIVAL - Sydney, Australia February is summertime in Sydney and the whole month is a celebration of gay culture that includes a wide range of events in theatre, performance, music, comedy, dance, sport and the visual arts. These events all lead up to the most joyous event on the gay Australian calendar. On Saturday March 6th a crowd of 600,000 lines the Golden Mile of Oxford Street cheering drag queens, dykes on bikes, leather bears, buff boys and gay parents with their kids. This is the night of nights when we take over the city and celebrate the diversity of gay, lesbian transgender and bisexual life and culture. Cheeky, noisy and colorful this parade only gets sexier with age! After the parade join 25,000 celebrants for the largest dance party in the world. With the best in lighting, music, design and sound, the Mardi Gras Party is one of the world’s most phenomenal dance experiences. Big, spectacular, raunchy and always memorable this dance party is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Info: For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 79 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 March 5 - 7, 2004 VOLCANO PARTY FESTIVAL - Honolulu, Hawaii Excitement continues to build for the biggest dance party weekend ever to be held in the Hawaiian Islands. The Volcano Party III will explode at the Hawaiian Adventures Water Park. This wild and wet playground transforms into an exclusive private party for our Volcano guests. With DJ Brett Henrichsen of Masterbeat spinning under the evening stars, Scotty K, Kristine W. and eruptions of fun all night long. This party paradise weekend also features DJ Hex Hector, Paulo, and Barry Harris, so embrace the fire and enjoy the glow. Your support will help Maui AIDS Foundation continue to realize their mission, providing much needed services to individuals and families living with HIV and AIDS, important HIV prevention services, and advocacy. See the Benefit Spotlight article on page 48 in this issue. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ March 7 - 14, 2004 ATLANTIS HAWAIIAN ISLANDS CRUISE - Hawaiian Islands Join Atlantis Events in the largest all-gay cruise to ever sail, aboard our favorite ship. Atlantis charters the 2,200-passenger Norwegian Star for the weeklong Hawaiian Island cruise. Check out the fabulous Hawaiian Islands, tour some of the world's best beaches, and even visit Fanning Island - in the republic of Kiribati! On board you will have plenty of options for fun and excitement - tea dances, theme parties, and daily gathering will be catered to the all-gay clientele and feature wellknown DJs. Gay celebrities will host pool games, perform in the three-story theater, and mingle with quest. Atlantis' first Hawaiian cruise sold out in record time. Don't miss out! Info: / 800-6-ATLANTIS. __________________________________________________________________________ March 7 - 14, 2004 WINTERFEST 2004 - Lake Tahoe, Nevada It's a run on fresh powder, majestic mountains, breathtaking views, and dazzling casino action. This is pure exhilaration! Join hundreds of skiers and boarders from around the country and around the world enjoying Lake Tahoe's hospitality and beauty. Stay where the action is at the Horizon Casino Resort. Hot casino action teamed with the beauty of Lake Tahoe will make Lake Tahoe WinterFest 2004 one hot winter party! Info: Circuit 80 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 March 4 - 8, 2004 FUN UNDER THE SUN - Fort Lauderdale, Florida Enjoy incredible nightlife, meet new friends, and enjoy the beaches and sporting activities as well as an incredible Sunday nighttime beach party with DJ Roland Belmares and Robbie Leslie. Think of it as a warm up prelude to next week's Winter Party in Miami Beach - a seven-day celebration of Greater Fort Lauderdale's unique and diverse culture. Enjoy a spectacular Saturday pool party lounging, playing, and dancing just steps from the tropical waters of Fort Lauderdale beach with DJ Phil B. Later, DJ Chad Jack shakes the late night at Coliseum. On Sunday, a late night party at Voodoo Lounge features DJ Monty Q. All of the net proceeds of Fun Under The Sun will go to support leading charitable organizations serving Greater Fort Lauderdale's gay community. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ March 11 - 15, 2004 WINTER PARTY - Miami Beach, Florida Leave behind March's slush and snow and take off to Miami Beach's sun-drenched shores and pulsating nightlife. Winter Party 2004 is the ultimate in sun and fun. There will be non-stop play at some of the hottest nightclubs and most popular hotels in Miami Beach. And let's not forget what all that sun and sand does for the soul after being deprived during a long, cold winter! Winter Party 2004 promises to be anything but an ordinary day at the beach. The week kicks off on Thursday with the DJ Showcase at Opium Gardens. Space is the place Friday with DJ Tracy Young. Saturday morning, DJ Susan Morabito wakes you for a Revelation at Crobar. DJ Lydia Prim is poolside later that Saturday at the Surfcomber. Get lost in Manny's Maze later on Saturday night as DJ Lehman reminds you what Winter Party Weekend is all about. Sunday, DJ Tony Moran spins the seaside signature party right on the beach. A Sunday T-dance at Score features Alyson Calagna. Those beats are as deep and dark as your new tan at Crobar later Sunday night as DJ/Producer Victor Calderone beckons all to the dance floor. And for those who remember and want to experience the pleasure that was Paragon, DJ Abel and Alyson Calagna make Space for your musical memories at Miami's premiere party palace - Space. The party at Space starts Sunday night and doesn't stop until Monday afternoon. Monday night, DJ Adien is at Maze for the Closing Party. Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 81 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 Where else but on Miami Beach can you have the sun on your back and thousands of sexy hard bodies dancing all around you? Winter Party Week benefits the Gay and Lesbian Foundation of South Florida. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ March 18 - 21, 2004 THE SAINT AT LARGE BLACK PARTY - New York City, New York The hottest of the hot turn out for this renowned party. Black leather, uniforms, and a touch of bondage doesn't come close to describing these manly hours of darkness. Unleash your fetish for a wildly wicked night to the pulsating sounds of the finest DJ/Producers. Want to take a bigger bite out of the apple? SBNY pays tribute to the sexiest party of the year with sinful celebrations each night of Black Party weekend. Expect to see the hottest porn stars in exclusive LIVE performances at Splash Bar with music by some of NY's best DJs - and don't forget SBNY has the hottest bartenders New York has to offer! For maximum intenseness, you have to go Xtreme! Extend far beyond the norm and leave your inhibitions behind Sunday night at Crobar. Ric Sena's legendary Alegria party has always been "mucho macho" - however, this year, DJ Abel tests your testosterone with the fourth edition of Xtreme. The sexiest are in town this weekend and ready to play all night long. Info: / / __________________________________________________________________________ March 25 - 28, 2004 ELEVATION 2004 - Mammoth Lakes, California This is the Laguna Beach of snow. We're hitting the slopes and enjoying four days of après-ski and nighttime events. During the day, the best spring skiing and snowboarding in North America await you. Mammoth is one of the top-ranked mountains in the world, and now has a new high-speed Village gondola and the Village at Mammoth open. We'll be building on last year's successful Elevation 03, with amazing DJs, a great crowd of fun and friendly people, discounted lodging and events every day. Masterbeat DJ Brett Henrichsen headlines the Saturday main event and DJ Scotty K spins the signature après-ski parties. This is one of the fastest growing gay ski events in the country and will soon be bringing boys from all over the continent. Info: / Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 82 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 April 8 - 11, 2004 JUNGLE 12 WEEKEND - Houston, Texas Gather the tribe! The gods have been summoned to Houston on Easter Weekend 2004 as Bayou City Boys Club presents the 12th edition of its highly acclaimed Jungle weekend. Superstar DJ/Producer Manny Lehman headlines the Saturday night main event, produced by BCBC, which returns to the Verizon Wireless Theater in the heart of downtown Houston's arts and entertainment district. BCBC is once again teaming with local clubs and promoters to create an entire weekend of high-energy fun. The festivities begin with an informal meet-and-greet at Meteor on Thursday night. LA's Mark Tarbox ramps up the energy at Rich's Houston on Friday night. After the main event with Manny Lehman on Saturday night, LA's Dawna Montel presides over the Tribal Communion after-hours event at Boaka Bar/Mercury Room. On Sunday evening, DJ Roland Belmares returns home to Texas to bring Jungle 12 to a joyous climax during Tribal Lust at South Beach The Nightclub. Ticket proceeds from the main event and a portion of the proceeds from the rest of the Jungle 12 weekend events are donated to Houston-area HIV and AIDS service and education providers. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ April 8 - 12, 2004 WHITE PARTY - Palm Springs, California White Party wizard Jeffrey Sanker is going to astonish you with a gigantic celebration for the 15th year of the largest event in the country! Friday night, DJ Manny Lehman digs deep into his little bag of tricks and pulls out the hottest, sexiest sounds around. Saturday night, Superstar Producer/DJ Tony Moran makes his first appearance as archangel of the turntables for White Party XV. His music will lift you up and take you on a trip to paradise along with 8,000 other beautiful, sexy angels. Ride the wings of this incredible DJ as he transforms your mind and lifts your soul into an ethereal realm. DJ Abel prepares you to "Climax" at after-hours. Sunday, your favorite tea dance is back - Rio style! Kimberly S. spins the sunset Sunday event with a super-sized sound system that will make you want to samba! Later, heartthrob hotties DJ Talla and Brett Henrichsen spin the closing party. Energize yourself with bigger pool parties, extraordinary performances, and beautiful men from all over the world in the gorgeous desert community of Palm Springs, California. This weekend will be one you will never forget! If you think you've been there, done that... think again. White Party XV will revitalize you! Info: Circuit 83 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 April 11, 2004 WHITE PARTY SBNY - New York City, New York For all those boys who couldn't make it to Palm Springs, Splash Bar New York offers up its own version of White that could only happen in New York. 50 West 17th Street is crawling with the beefy and brawny, the strapping and the strong on this white night of excite and delight. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ April 11, 2004 BUNNIES ON THE BAYOU - Houston, Texas Bunnies on the Bayou, Houston's largest gay party, is celebrating its Silver Anniversary on Easter Sunday. Starting as a small party, Bunnies has grown steadily in its 25 years, and now is one of the most eagerly anticipated gay events in Houston. Described once as the "world's largest cocktail party," thousands of partygoers spend an Easter afternoon with great music, seeing old friends and making new friends. 100% of the gate receipts go to local charities. Celebrate Bunnies on the Bayou's 25 years of parties this Easter. Think Silver! Info: __________________________________________________________________________ April 16 - 18, 2004 RITES OF SPRING - Birmingham, Alabama From the moment you enter Birmingham's premier Circuit weekend on Friday, you are greeted with one down-home smile after another. "Rites of Spring" is three flowering, fun days of primo parties and sexy southern gentlemen. One of the most amazing venues on the Circuit calendar can be experienced Saturday night at the historic Sloss Furnace. ROS is a non-profit organization benefiting Birmingham AIDS Outreach and The University of Alabama Clinic. Info: For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 84 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 April 25 - May 2, 2004 RSVP MEXICAN RIVIERA CRUISE - West Coast Mexican Riviera With an itinerary that is better than ever, this West Coast Mexican Riviera cruise sails from San Diego and includes the popular ports of Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta. Aboard the newer, faster Oosterdam, you'll be able to arrive in Puerto Vallarta in the evening for a great night on the town and continue your stay until the next evening. Puerto Vallarta is a favorite Mexican destination and your stay here offers you plenty of time to explore this gay-friendly village. And your two full days at sea allow you time to enjoy the romance of life on a this amazing ship. The RSVP extras make 'days at sea' the best part of any RSVP cruise; parties, entertainment, activities, and a chance to savor the Oosterdam with your newfound friends. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ April 29 - May 2, 2004 PURPLE PARTY - Dallas, TX They say everything is bigger in Texas! The Purple Party, one of the fast growing parties on the Circuit, will be approaching its fourth year and is extremely proud of the accomplishments made thus far. The Purple Foundation prides itself on creating an entire weekend of high-energy fun with some of the nations top DJs Paulo , Alyson Calagna, Angelo Cortez and James Anderson just to name a few. Watch for more DJs and entertainment news as the event gets closer. The Purple Foundation is a non-profit organization that has donated in excess of thirtythousand dollars to AIDS service organizations and breast cancer support charities. We promise to make your visit to the Big "D" one you won't soon forget. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ April 29 - May 4, 2004 QUEENS DAY AMSTERDAM ORANGE BALL IV - Amsterdam, Netherlands You are invited to a real Queen's Birthday. Party in the streets with thousands of sweaty, smiling guys from all over the world. Cruise the canals on a boat with a live DJ and work up a sweat at the exclusive and hot "Worker's Party". You have to experience the Orange Ball, one of Europe's top gay dance events that allows you to party canal-side in the streets of this picturesque city. Riedijk Productions presents the main event of the weekend "Orange Ball Amsterdam IV". The sexy Masterbeater DJ Brett Henrichsen promises to keep you dancing all night at the historical Amsterdam Stock Exchange "Beurs van Berlage" along with International DJs Miguel Pelletero (UK), Steve Pitron (UK) and Doug Gray (NL). Take to the streets in Europe for the largest Mardi Gras celebration because this is the perfect time to visit this vivacious city. "Orange you glad you came?" Info: Circuit 85 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 April 30 - May 2, 2004 CHERRY 9 - Washington, D.C. Cherry 9 in Washington, D.C. is set to transform your experience of the most powerful city in the world. Bring your passport, because this is a journey that will take you places! The annual cherry blossoms turn this incredible city into an even more beautiful destination each year. The music, venues, sights, performances and activities planned will move you to the next level. Enlisted are the tantalizing beats of DJ/Producer Tony Moran along with Chris Wren, Chad Jack, Mike Reeze, Joe Bermudez, and Alyson Calagna. For discounted rates at the host hotel, the Washington Terrace Hotel, call (866) 984-6835 and mention "Cherry". Experience the power, feel the music, and be part of the transformation that Washington, D.C. and the boys and girls of the Cherry Fund have planned for you. Produced entirely by volunteers, all proceeds benefit local and national gay and lesbian organizations that play an important role in our community. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ May 13 - 17, 2004 HOT & DRY WEEKEND - Montreal, Canada The award winning BBCM's creation team is at it again. Wildly avant-garde, Hot & Dry sparks unconventional productions and brilliant performances by international DJs. It's going to get hot in here, so take off all his clothes as you vibrate to the beat of one imaginative event after another. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ May 14, 2004 RIDE - Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, California Are you ready for the Ride of your life? Odyssey Adventures, promises to stir your senses and take your breath away with "Ride". Between five and ten thousand gays take over this huge theme park during this exclusively gay, annual event. This year Ride features the nationally known Masterbeat DJ, Brett Henrichsen and LA's everpopular DJ4play. Join us this year for dancing, entertainment, rides, arcades, thrills and chills. Info: Circuit 86 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 May 22 - 23, 2004 TRIBE 3 - LONG BEACH PRIDE - Long Beach, California Will Gorges and Evenstar invite you to return to the historic Queen Mary Resort for the 3rd edition of Tribe. Early birds will want to check out Tribe’s opening party on Friday night at the Naga Ballroom with DJ Alexander. On Saturday, the festivities begin in the Carnival Cruiseship Dome with Masterbeat DJ Brett Henrichsen and Factory rising star DJ Jack Jones. The party continues at nearby Club Naga on the Long Beach waterway with LA's mistress of after-hours, Dawna Montel. On Sunday, climb aboard the Queen Mary for Manny Lehman and LA up-and-comer DJ Casey Alva in the Main Exhibit Hall. Close the weekend at midnight with legendary DJ Michael Duretto at Club Naga. You can ride the aqua taxis to the Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride festival during the day, an event that attracts over 100,000 annually. Host hotel for the weekend is the Queen Mary: 562-432-6964 - for the best rate mention Tribe when you call. Info: / __________________________________________________________________________ May 27 - 31, 2004 GAY DAYS HOLLYWOOD - Los Angeles, California Over 15,000 participants are expected at Gay Days Hollywood, held Memorial Day weekend in sunny southern California. With Hollywood and the movie industry as the backdrop, you will be assured a unique experience that can only be found in the entertainment capital of the world. Saturday night features the main dance event of the weekend: a spectacular Hollywood party produced on the Universal back lot. Top DJs, multiple dance areas, and live performances make this a night to remember. And on Sunday, attend a t-dance at a venue that showcases what makes LA a special place to be! Plenty of fun at all of your favorite hangouts all weekend long. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ May 27 - 31, 2004 INTERNATIONAL MISTER LEATHERMAN - Chicago, Illinois Spit-shine those boots and buff up those chaps this Memorial Day Weekend for Chicago's 26th annual International Mister Leather Weekend. The worlds hottest leathermen will once again come together to compete for the title of International Mr. Leather. Sunday night brings a "Victory Party" to the House of Blues and on Monday, the traditional "Black and Blue Ball" closes out the weekend at Excalibur. Expect loads of muscled, meaty men. Don't miss the event's leather market, located at Hyatt Regency Chicago, with the world's biggest collection of leather/fetish vendors, and some good old time no-holds-barred nasty fun all weekend long. Info: Circuit 87 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 May 28 - 31, 2004 MEMORIAL DAY NYC - New York City, New York Hot damn, summer in the city! When summer kicks-off, it's time to peel-off, and there's no better place to see mouthwatering men than at Ric Sena's legendary Alegria parties. Sunday night, Memorial Day weekend in NYC brings over-the-top production, visuals, and DJs to Alegria's all-new home - Crobar New York, 530 West 28th Street. Fans of Circuit legend DJ Billy Carroll can catch him at SBNY also on Sunday. Splash Bar New York notoriously has the hottest bartenders waiting for you with a drink and a smile. Info: / __________________________________________________________________________ May 28 - 31, 2004 PENSACOLA MEMORIAL DAY - Pensacola, Florida Bounce, Sweat, Wave, Abracadabra and the Spellbound after-hour parties all return this summer to Pensacola - shouldn't you? Johnny Chisholm and Oz present a weekend of events under the Florida sun that are more intimate, more individual, and more accommodating than any of the other sunshine state's destination weekends. The days are magnificent and the nights are magical during Memorial Day Weekend in Pensacola. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ May 28 - 31, 2004 MELTDOWN reTOOLED - Austin, Texas Party Austin has taken it to the tool shed to bring you more hot boys and more exciting DJ's than before. Get your tool ready and pack up your belt as you head to the crown jewel of Texas, for Memorial Day 2K4. Buff out that body and hit the dance floor with the fantastic DJ Roland Belmares (LA) on Saturday night. Get out your drills and screw it to it with the amazing sounds of MasterBeat DJ, Brett Henrichsen (LA) Sunday night. Grease up your machine and lose your grip as DJ Ric de Barros (Austin) moves and grooves you on beautiful Lake Travis on Saturday afternoon. Hammer it out or pound the nail in as you beat it to the magical tuning of DJ Michael Tank (Houston) for after-hours. Info: For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 88 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 May 28 - 30, 2004 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND - San Francisco, California DJ Abel...returns to rock the bay area with AfterShock "4.2" at 715 Harrison (3rd & Harrison) Memorial Day Weekend with the hottest music and the hottest MEN. This is San Francisco's original Circuit party weekend with three nights of big events held at some of San Francisco's finest dance venues, including the beautiful Regency Ballroom. This year features an amazing DJ line-up that will surely kick off your summer in style. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ May 28 - 31, 2004 VIVA LAS VEGAS 7 - Las Vegas, Nevada The world's greatest casinos and hotels welcome the wildly entertaining Viva Las Vegas 7 back to town. The deck has been reshuffled and this year, all the glitter, the glamour and excitement hit Memorial Day Weekend. Join DJs Phil B, Jason G., Warren Gluck, and Brett Henrichsen for more Vegas than ever. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ May 30, 2004 WHITE PARTY - London, England Enjoy the best of Europe in 2004! Riedijk Productions is serving up some Circuit sounds in some of the tastiest cities. Are you ready for White Party London? With an international menu of appetizing DJs including Steve Pitron (UK) and Doug Gray (NL), the Cinema and Elephant & Castle London will offer plenty of energetic indulgences. Info: Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 89 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 June 4 - 7, 2004 GAY DAYS DISNEY - Orlando, Florida Friday night gets Gay Days started with an awesome, over-the-top party experience at the "Coliseum Party: Crazy World" at Hard Rock Live with DJ Brett Henrichsen. Or dance and swim under the stars at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon, which hosts "Beach Ball" - Gay Days' wildest and wettest party with DJ Lydia Prim. Then, it's the opening night for "Magic Journeys" at Arabian Nights - three incredible nights of lights, lasers, and amazing music compliments of the Circuit's best DJs, David Knapp, Roland Belmares and Tracy Young. Saturday night, like Madonna says… "Everybody comes to Hollywood" at the Disney-MGM Studios. Mark Baker joins forces with Jeffrey Sanker to bring you a brand new celebration with a new attitude and the always-incredible Disney magic. This year's party features a mega dance floor with DJ Tony Moran and world-class thrill attractions. Look to the sky for a super-sized fireworks spectacular. Sunday, get ready as an allnew "Stars Party 2004: Amazing Universe,” blasts off at the state-of-the-art Orange County Convention Center with DJ Manny Lehman. This one-time "shock and awe" stop at the OCCC allows the creation of some of the biggest and most spectacular show effects ever. Enter a multi-dimensional party experience that rockets you through out-of-this world sights and sounds. It's Gay Days' biggest party spectacular ever. There's plenty of magic during the day as well. The first Saturday in June brings the seventh edition of the pool parties known as Reunion! Reunion moves from the (closed) Hyatt Orlando to the much larger and more glamorous Wyndham Palace Resort and Spa in the Walt Disney World Resort. This will be Gay Days Central - directly across the street from Downtown Disney and close to all parties. It's all at the Wyndham in 2004 - the official Gay Day Welcome Center and the ticket office, all of your favorite party boys, DJs, promoters, and entertainers will be in one easy to use central location this summer. Rooms are limited and moving fast. Reserve yours through Info: / / __________________________________________________________________________ June 18 - 20, 2004 GAY PRIDE LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles, California The theme for the 34th annual L.A. Pride Celebration is "Hello... pride". This is one of the largest Pride celebrations in the country with the parade, as always, on Sunday. There are plenty of praised parties to pick from all weekend. Info: For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 90 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 June 25 - 27, 2004 GAY PRIDE NYC - New York City, New York The queer New York City tradition returns again. Heritage of Pride, organizers of the New York City Pride events, present the annual Dance on the Pier. There is a sizzling afternoon waiting for you on Sunday after the parade as DJ Tony Moran and Robbie Leslie take over the Pier 54 in Hudson River Park. Dance the day away against the backdrop of the sun setting against the New York City skyline and prepare to be dazzled by a flurry of fireworks set to music. Another in the lineup of your pride choices is the Freedom Party presented by Rod Ladd and Marc Katz. The countdown has begun for a new party, a new day, a new time and a new venue as this season's most stimulating new event is being added to the New York City Pride calendar on Saturday afternoon. DJ Manny Lehman is at the helm. Sunday night, Ric Sena presents Alegria Pride 2004 during New York City's Gay Pride Weekend. This extremely popular party pledges to be a legendary night. Creating an endless energy with his groovy grace, DJ Abel is guaranteed to attract the hottest boys and the sexiest men in the country to NYC's newest party palace Crobar. Keep the gaiety coming all weekend long at the spectacular Splash Bar. SBNY features the city's hunkiest bartenders and the city's most hospitable crowd. Info: / / / __________________________________________________________________________ June 25 - 27, 2004 GAY PRIDE SF - San Francisco, California Splash! - San Francisco's favorite daytime, outdoor, t-dance in the sun returns for another successful installment. Add 500 guys in their Speedos to the West Coast DJ Showcase featuring five DJs selected for their new musical talent and you have a party not to be missed. The courtyard of the Phoenix Hotel is host to the sip and twirl social event of the weekend. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ July 2 - 4, 2004 INDEPENDANCE 9 - Laguna Beach, California Will Gorges is packin' 9! That's nine years of producing the highly fun IndepenDANCE. Hot "daze" on West Beach is a unique dance event, where you can dance under the stars in Laguna Beach. Book your rooms at either host hotel: The Coast Inn (949-494-7588) or Doubletree Irvine (949-471-8888). Info: Circuit 91 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 July 4, 2004 AFTERSHOCK 4.4 - San Francisco, California Wake and Shake the Bay area on the most patriotic party weekend of the year. Whether you continue the party, or wake up early, don't miss Jito's signature San Francisco sunrise spree early Sunday morning, July 4th. Jito promises you the hottest music and the hottest men. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ July 3 - 9, 2004 SUMMER CAMP P-TOWN - Provincetown, Massachusetts Once again, David Flower and his gorgeous staff have put together a colossal week of parties, unique venues, and superstar DJs to celebrate this country's independence. Summer Camp July Fourth Week in P-Town promises the return of the infamous After Hours Boat Party and a reunion of the best Circuit DJs including Manny Lehman, David Knapp, Phil B, Susan Morabito, Brett Henrichsen, Paulo, Adien Aggenbach, Rob Harris, Gustavo Motta, Patrick Guay and many more. So pack up your beach shorts and prime those dance muscles to prepare for a week of sun, sand, and music in the gayest place in the world - Provincetown. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ July 30 - August 2 VANCOUVER PRIDE, RAPTURE 5 - Vancouver Canada Vancouver's hottest pride event returns this year as TBB Productions presents "Rapture 5." The weekend's sound-scape is provided by L.A.'s DJ Roland Belmares and NYC's DJ Escape. Rapture is a cutting-edge, world-class dance event, featuring top-of-the-line sound and light systems, exciting venues and live entertainment. Rapture also includes the best gay after-hour events in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest, attracting partiers from all over North America and abroad. Info: __________________________________________________________________________ August 5 - 9, 2004 GAY PRIDE AMSTERDAM - Amsterdam, The Netherlands Be ready to experience the closest thing we have to gay paradise on earth! Every first weekend in August, gays from all over the world go to Amsterdam to celebrate gay pride. Where else would you find a gay pride held on the water? With almost 100 of the most outrageous floats (that literally float) and 500,000 spectators, Circuit 92 Noize SPRING CIRCUIT 2004 Amsterdam Pride is one of the largest and most unique pride celebrations in Europe. The weekend features more than six parties with top international DJs. Following Salvation and the steamy after-Salvation party at the sauna on Friday, Riedijk Productions presents one of the top European Circuit events and the main dance event of the weekend - "The White Party". Held at the largest dance venues in Holland. Info: / __________________________________________________________________________ August 6 - 8, 2004 RUSSIAN RIVER MORNING PARTY - Guerneville, California 4,000 muscle boys descend on the sleepy summer town of Guerneville, California for a long weekend of sun, fun and lots of dancing! Four parties in three days. The most fun you'll have all year with top-notch Circuit DJs and high production values. Info: T H E Y S AY S M O K I N G M A R I J U A N A C A N W R E C K Y O U R L I F E . A N D T H E G O V E R N M E N T I S M A K I N G S U R E O F I T. More than 500,000 Americans are arrested on marijuana charges every year. They can lose their jobs or student loans or access to public housing. Many end up in jail. Prohibition didn’t work for alcohol, and it’s not working for marijuana. It’s clear to us that the war on drugs is actually a war on people. We’re the Drug Policy Alliance. We stand for reason, compassion, and justice. Join us. MUSIC REVIEWS by DJ Mateo @ Tribaland Volume 2 Ministry of Sound Presents Clubber’s Guide 2004 Global Net Ministry of Sound By far the BEST Ministry to come across our counter in a long while. They held the cheese on this release, and stuck with nothing but ethereal trance and quality house. So much new music which we can't wait to start getting in CD single format over the next few months. Get a jump on the music that's gonna rock 2004 by grabbing this compilation. Circuit It's hard to final a tribal compilation that truly matches the style most people are looking for when they list the genre among their favorites, so it's especially exciting when we find one that actually exceeds one's expectations. Such is the case with the fantastic Tribaland Volume 2, a blockbuster collection of unmixed and extended tribal hits from such luminaries as Alma Matris (the Ralphi Rosario remix of "Rapido"), Max Rey ("Tribal Sensation") and Passkal ("Netarre E.P."). Did we already mention it includes the unedited Ralphi Rosario remix of "Rapido"? Oh... I guess we did. 96 Noize Hed Kandi Presents World Series UK Mix Vol. 1 Future Trance Volume 26 Hed Kandi Universal A rare one folks... a 3 CD set from Hed Kandi, and all 3 discs are mixed! Each disc is a different vibe. Disc one coats us with smooth house cuts to enjoy by the "Beach House". Next up is the "Disco Heaven" disc to kick it up a notch and get your feet tapping. If tapping just warmed you up to get full on shakin', yer in luck because disc 3 ends your night with big room house anthems. An amazing collection of songs put together by the pros of this sound! The obvious intention of this collection was for you to listen to a full 3+ hour music set to hear the true progression of music. Hmmm, that's perfect. I feel like taking a drive to Vegas! Get em while they are hot! If you think the popular Dream Dance series is the only place you can find practically all of Europe's biggest trance anthems, well, you're obviously not paying very close attention. On the other hand, with cheap-ass artwork like the kind found on the cover of Future Trance, we kinda sorta don't blame you for failing to study its tracklisting. But once you manage to get past it (we suggest a good pair of very dark sunglasses), you'll see that Future Trance is a killer 2CD collection of unmixed radio edits worthy of residing beside even the best edition of Dream Dance. The 26th edition of the series includes brand new tracks from Groove Coverage ("Poison"), Brooklyn Bounce ("X2X"), Paul Van Dyk ("Connected") and 37 other hits any trance fan would be happy to add to their collection. Buy these releases and all your other dance music favorites at Circuit 97 Noize Madonna Love Profusion Maverick / Warner Brothers Those of us who continue to find entertainment in following Madonna’s musical endeavors have lately had plenty to squeal about. Forget the forced controversy of the MTV kiss or the forgettable Gap ads, Madonna’s real story still lies in her music; the cornerstone of her career that has always been vastly underrated in terms of its artistic merit and originality. Sure, with recent duds like the joyless "Hollywood" and limp "American Life" we’ll admit that her latest string of singles have been more "miss" than "hit," but any true Madonna fan knows that with patience comes rich rewards. Her latest treasure is "Love Profusion," the new single off her American Life album, currently available as a 2CD UK import, with a forthcoming domestic release tentatively set for Circuit February. The hot pink packaging of CD1 contains the original album versions of both "Nothing Fails" and "Love Profusion," the latter of which is also included here in an extended club remix from the Passengerz - a fantastic dance interpretation with sensual circuit arrangements and echoing vocals. The mustard CD2 also features a remix of "Love Profusion," this time from the usually imaginative Ralphi Rosario who appears to have been in a mellow house mood when he recorded his uninspired interpretation. Good thing, then, that CD2 also includes the phenomenal Above & Beyond remix of "Nobody Knows Me," arguably her best remix since the titanic trance remix of "What It Feels Like For A Girl," also produced by Above & Beyond. Seriously, this one will give you Goosebumps - the kind you can only get with a great Madonna single. 98 Noize Alma Matris Rapido Mantra Vibes / ZYX His name is Giangi Cappai and you’ve absolutely got to hear the tribal masterpieces he creates. First brought to the attention of more educated tribal fans via Peter Rauhofer's ongoing support of tracks like "Music Electrica" and "Rumore Chimico," Giangi Cappai's Alma Matris moniker has slowly emerged as one of the most consistently kickass names in the genre. Alternate work, such as the incredible yet incredibly hard-to-find "Humeda" (under the name GC) and "Make it Phunkee" (under the name Motibus) have already played major roles in turning out a memorable DJ set. Perhaps that’s why few record stores are able to keep his vastly above-average tribal entries in-stock. lesser tunes) or in limited vinyl pressings. Both of Cappai's original mixes of "Rapido" are included on ZYX’s German import in their full, extended formats - although the single is not without its imperfections. Devoted dance enthusiasts are well aware of Ralphi Rosario having remixed "Rapido," mixes that don’t appear on this import; but this minor exclusion is more than made up for with Giangi’s own "Dark Male Mix" - a seething, dark tribal epic with a euphoric and uplifting climax. A must-have single to add to your tribal collection. It's especially exciting to at last find his latest work, "Rapido," on CD single, since his previous work could only ever be found on compilations (usually crunched between a set of Circuit 99 Buy these releases and all your other dance music favorites at Noize DJ PROFILE TONY MORAN by Dennis Fleming When party revelers take to the dance floor on March 14th for Miami Beach’s Winter Party, they will be treated to one of music’s most innovative and multi-talented DJs – Tony Moran. His twenty-year journey in the world of popular music has included experiences as a songwriter, singer, producer, actor, television host, music remixer, and now - Circuit DJ. His unique career is not likely to be repeated anytime soon. His skills, talents, and experiences in the world of music have created an artist who has developed mass appeal with audiences of every sexual orientation, race, age, and gender. He is quite literally a man dripping in talent. and perfor ming their own music whenever and wherever they could. The group quickly became celebrities among young, urban Latinos, and their appeal widened when their re-edited versions of hit songs enjoyed major airplay on WKTU, New York’s premier dance radio station. Tony Moran grew up The record industry on the streets of took note of the duo, Brooklyn listening to and they were asked many different styles by Fever Records to of urban music write and produce including post-disco, songs for their new funk, rap, and pre- Photo courtesy of Project Publicity act, The Cover Girls . Their work resulted in Moran’s first gold hip-hop. In 1981, he teamed up record, Show Me, and led to numerous with Albert Cabrera to form The Latin Rascals. They developed their other writing and producing gigs. This own sound by producing, singing, was a very happy time for Moran both Circuit 104 Noize Publicity Project urtesy of Photo co professionally and personally. “I loved being a part of the Latin Rascals and had no desire to go out on my own.” Moran’s jour ney took another distinctive twist when he was asked to host Second Generation, a video music show on MTV aimed at Latino teenagers. Not content to just introduce videos, the show turned into a mini-sitcom complete with informative talk, comedy skits, and celebrity appearances. “The show made me a star in the Latin community,” said Moran, “and allowed my creative process to expand even further.” Noticing his talent and fame, Fox offered Tony a development deal for a new Latino-themed sitcom. He moved to Los Angeles, but before Circuit the show came fully into being, the network dropped the idea. He decided to move back to New York, but the experience on the opposite coast had made him a very different person. Tony began to understand and accept what it meant to be gay for him personally. He realized that ‘gay’ was just one aspect of himself and that he needed to be around people who didn’t define him solely on that characteristic. Professionally, Tony decided that he no longer wished to pursue acting. “Actors need to be too self-absorbed. I am not criticizing that. They need that quality to succeed in their career. But that just isn’t who I am.” He decided he wanted to return to music, but not in the form of singing or performing. Once back in New York, Tony realized that he was no longer the “man of the hour”. He contacted all his friends in the music business, but with no success. It was hard to believe, but in just one year of being away he had become a has-been. No one was returning his calls. No one, that is, until Frank Ceraola from Sony Music called back. Tony presented his idea of remixing some of the a cappella works of Sony Artists. He so wanted this opportunity that he offered to do the remixes for free. As fortune would have it, Ceraola gave Tony Gloria Estefan’s cover of Everlasting Love. Tony’s former experience in the music business proved vital. “I took the approach of a producer, not of a DJ, in remixing this song,” Tony said. “Frank and Gloria liked my work, and the song became a huge hit.” This one remix led to many more, and soon Tony was 105 Noize remixing and producing for Cyndi Lauper, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson. Tony was now in great demand and back where he felt he belonged. His remixes were not just great dance floor hits, but radio hits as well. Tony remembers this as an exciting time in dance music. “Junior Vasquez, Victor Calderone, and others were also doing great mixes and each had a totally different feel. I loved going out just so I could hear how other DJs were mixing the same songs.” Although Tony was on top of his game and getting projects like never before, he started to feel a little burned out. Luckily for us, this burnout was partially responsible for Tony’s entrance into the gay party Circuit. BTONY MORAN Tony had spun a few select parties on Fire Island and elsewhere, but was not considered a major Circuit DJ. But then he met Circuit Mom at the Alegria party in New York, and all that changed. Circuit Mom was familiar with Tony’s remixing and producing work, and persuaded him to spin a party for her at Crobar Chicago. The crowd, as well as the Crobar management, loved Tony, and he was asked back for several more parties. Word got around, and Tony was invited to spin in the United Kingdom and at Carnivale in Rio de Janeiro. And that brings us to his present gig at this year’s Winter Party. Tony said that he is excited and looking forward to being the sole DJ at this year’s beach party. “This party is very special to me. I met my boyfriend at Winter Party five years ago, and we are still together.” 10 All Time TOP 01. Dream Lover (David Morales Mix) - Mariah Carey 02. Relight My Fire - Dan Hartman 03. Desert Rose (Victor Calderone Mix) - Sting 04. Together Again (Tony Moran Mix) - Janet Jackson 05. Unbreak My Heart (Hex Hector/ Soul Solution Mix) - Toni Braxton 06. Let No Man Put Assunder - First Choice 07. Outlaw - Olive 08. I Turn To You (Hex Hector/ Dezrok Mix) - Mel C 09. You Don't Know Me - Armand Van Helden 10. You're So Beautiful (Tony Moran Mix) - Donna Summer Circuit 106 Noize When asked if he prefers playing for large mega parties or small intimate gatherings, Tony said he only prefers the right party. “I could be asked to play a party for 800 in a shack somewhere. But if it was the right shack with the right crowd, I would enjoy it as much as Carnivale in Rio with 10,000 screaming on the dance floor.” For Tony Moran, spinning at parties is the ultimate release therapy. “Playing music for five to seven hours for a crowd allows me to release my feelings, emotions, and creativity, and those can certainly change over the course of the party.” He added that he never worries about what record to play or what the crowd might want to hear. Rather, he focuses on establishing a connection with the dance floor. When he succeeds, his process is less about deciding what to play next than simply being in the flow. Tony admits that he doesn’t just like to mix and spin for a nightclub full of revelers. He also likes to be one of those revelers. “I love to dance. When I am not working, I love spending time on the dance floor.” He credits this with keeping him from becoming bored or complacent in his work. Tony is quick to credit those who have inspired and influenced him along the way. He credits his first boss, producer Arthur Baker, for showing him how to use his creative talents to produce new and exciting sounds. Tony remembers listening to dance remix legends Shep Circuit Pettibone and Jellybean Benitez as a kid in Brooklyn. He also doesn’t hesitate to acknowledge the inspiration he received from the myriad other producers and DJs throughout the world. “Listing all those would be a whole other article,” confessed Tony. But there are two gay party DJs that have his utmost admiration and respect - Junior Vasquez and the late DJ Buc. Tony marvels at their abilities to spin with no fear whatsoever. He loved that there was always a purpose to what they were playing, although that purpose was not always immediately understood. Although he is rapidly gaining fans in the gay party Circuit, Tony has not lost the fans he collected over his twenty years in the business. “It never fails,” admits Tony with a rather sheepish tone to his voice, “no matter where I am playing, someone comes up asking me to sign their copy of one of my old records from the 1980s. It can really be embarrassing.” Despite this bit of modesty, Tony Moran has a career in which he can be very proud. No other Circuit DJ has worn as many hats in the world of music and entertainment and been so successful in so many roles. He admits that he is in a very happy and peaceful place in his life. “I used to think that being happy meant being successful - the more successful I was, the happier I would be. Now, I realize that the most happiness comes from being content and enjoying what I have.” For more information on Tony Moran, visit 107 Noize Advertise! The 10 Year Anniversary Issue Collector’s Edition Increased Distribution Special Advertising Rates Circuit Retrospectives Gay Pride and Summer Coverage On the Street: May 1, 2004 Ad Reservations Accepted: March 1, 2004 (818) 769-9390 Pick Me Up... Pickup at these Fabulous Locations: New York Heartbeat Records Rainbows and Triangles XL Lounge SBNY Wear Me Out 19th Street Gym Revision Roxy BodyBodyWear Krash Los Angeles / West Hollywood Perfect Beat The Factory Capital Drugs Raving Rainbow Pleasure Chest L.A. Sporting Club Rage Nightclub A Different Light In 101 Video West Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Crobar Ironworks Colliseum Georgie's Alibi Score Twist Whittal and Shon GayMart Sea Monster Chicago Universal Gear Unabridged Books Beatnix BodyBodyWear Century Tan Borderline Music Circuit Nightclub Sidetracks Washington, DC Nations Night Club Capital City Health ATLAS Universal Gear Lambda Rising To Become a Distribution Point for Circuit Noize Magazine, Send an Email to: [email protected] San Francisco Mezzanine BodyBodyWear Mainline Gifts BODY Club 220 Books Inc New Orleans Bourbon Pub & Parade Oz Dallas, Austin, Houston PGW/Getty Images Cross Roads Market The Brick JR’s Bar and Grill Splash The Forum Atlanta Outwrite Books Boy Next Door The Poster Hut Backstreet Montreal BodyBodyWear Priape Philadelphia 12th Street Gym Millenium Coffee Toronto 5ive Lifelounge Woody’s BodyBodyWear Laguna Beach Boom Boom Room Woody’s Mainstreet Honolulu Hula’s Bar and Leistand Cabana at Waikiki Tryst Angles EYE CANDY by Maxwell Stark-House Eye candy is everywher e I look at the jungle rave My body is under contr ol But my mind does not want to behave Bodies scattered across the sandy rock embedded beach The ancient wisdom of the stars just out of r each Clouded vision but dir ected decision as I r each far above and beyond Dancing with the hallucinations Letting them wash away my fears into the br eeze While in sear ch of the missing keys To unlock my inner child and let him fr ee into the wild Fr ee expr ession with nothing to hide My eyes open completely wide The wind still blows While consciousness still gr ows Spr outing new cr eations of energy Each passing second of time While in sear ch of the sublime Beauty and truth and the innocence of the youth Their minds opened up to the divine Attuned and unattached a baby egg just hatched Fully exposed with nothing to lose All that is left is the right to choose Identities set fr ee Given the br eath of eter nity no right fr om wr ong no wr ong fr om right We ar e coming into the age of de-light. Circuit 114 Noize
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