Issue 44 - noiZe Magazine
Issue 44 - noiZe Magazine
Cover 44.qxp 4/12/2005 8:53 AM Page 1 TM Number 44 • Summer 2005 • © Circuit Noize Magazine, LLC. The Premier Guide to Dance Events Worldwide issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:24 PM Page 2 FROM THE EDITOR Our land is awash in drugs. Beyond those meant to address physical illness, the pharmacopia available to us is filled with legal and illegal substances that change our mood, our energy levels, and our feeling of well-being. Some of us need a little "boost" to get us through the day (or night) and we choose between coffee, diet pills, and crystal meth. Others soothe their nerves with alcohol, pot, Xanax, or nicotine. Need some balancing? Try Prozac, Zoloft or Ritalin. But be careful which in this bountiful harvest you choose these drugs are not all created equal. The brisk underground trade in illegal substances and the booming pharmaceutical industry are testament to the popular demand for magical drugs of transformation. Yet despite the popularity of these substances, we have allowed our government, at the urging of the religious right, to dictate what is a right use of drugs and what is not. Worst of all, the punishments for ignoring the artificial line between legal and illegal drugs are severe. Today, most any drug that promises euphoria or vision is likely to be illegal. It is ironic that the first users of such drugs were holy men. The shamans of many indigenous tribes have long used natural drugs for journeying or transformation. Ever since the hippies were "expanding their minds" there have been modern users who compare themselves to these journeyers of the inner realm. Few with such aspirations understand that shaman are successful at using drugs for transformation because they follow a rich tradition of ritual, choose the perfect time to partake, and hold knowledge of proper use that has passed from master to student through many generations. Talk of using drugs with spiritual intent seems rather quaint considering today's popularity of crystal meth. This drug is undoubtedly the antithesis of spirituality. It's important to shine a hard, bright light on the reality of the devastation in our community caused by addiction to Tina. Yet for all the horrible things we've seen this drug do, demonizing it and the people who use it will only cause more harm. Rather than continuing to focus on this shadow on our community, we need to find creative new ways to expand the light in our celebrations. That would sure be easier if someone would just invent a new drug for that. Sooner or later, they will. --Steve Kammon Circuit 2 Noize Cover Photo Kat Coric issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:24 PM Page 3 TM Editor in Chief Steve Kammon [email protected] Publisher Stephen Ceplenski [email protected] The Premier Guide to Dance Events Worldwide Advertising Director Gary Steinberg 818-769-9390 [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS 18 Pharm Boys 26 Falling on Deaf Ears 36 Safer Partying 44 Home Cookin' 50 Questioning Our Drug Laws 58 Circuit Power 66 Surviving a Police Encounter 74 Detoxification 78 Summer Circuit Schedule 98 The Ears Have It Senior Editor J e f f e r y Ta y l o r Schedule Editor S c o t t V a n Tu s s e n b r o o k Art Director Stephen Ceplenski Promotions Circuit Boyz Productions Cover Artwork Kat Coric Circuit Photos Yu r i A n d r e i Maui AIDS Foundation Phillip Bryan w w w. G r e a t P a r t y P i c s . c o m Scott Goetz Celso Badaue Writers and Contributors Kat Coric Paul Dillon Jae Jamie Nicholes Rami Ramirez Milton Shultz Michael Siebert M a r y Ta f t - M c P h e e D . M i c h a e l Ta y l o r Clovis Thorn by D. Michael Taylor by Paul Dillon by Paul Dillon by Rami Ramirez by Mary Taft-McPhee by Steve Kammon by Clovis Thorn West Coast Office 1 1 2 8 8 Ve n t u r a B l v d # 7 0 0 S t u d i o C i t y, C A 9 1 6 0 4 818-769-9390 (voice) 818-769-5482 (fax) by Michael Siebert 102 DJ Profile: Stephan Grondin 108 Spring Circuit Photo Album 120 Music Reviews 124 Kat's Rant 126 My Evolving Party E-mail [email protected] W e b s i t e w w w. c i r c u i t n o i z e . c o m w w w . p a r t y f i n d e r. c o m by Jae 2005 Circuit ©Copyright Noize. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced without p e r m i s s i o n f r o m t h e p u b l i s h e r. Publication of name or photo of any person or organization in Circuit Noize is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of that person or organization. by Jamie Nicholes by Kat Coric P u b l i s h e d i n F e b r u a r y, M a y, August and November by Milton Shultz Circuit 3 Noize #)2#5)4?!$PDF0- # - 9 #- -9 #9 #-9 + Ads 44.qxp 4/9/2005 1:19 PM Page 2 Ads 44.qxp 4/9/2005 1:20 PM Page 3 ads and photos44.qxp 4/20/2005 6:59 PM Page 4 ads and photos44.qxp 4/20/2005 7:00 PM Page 5 issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:54 PM Page 4 PHARM BOYS by D. Michael Taylor I don't do drugs. I am drugs. ~ Salvador Dali The drug war has become decidedly less sexy in recent years. The sultry outlaw images of Scarface an nd the Cali cartel have been replaced by homegrown redneck meth labs. Black helicopters and poisonouss crop dusters are a vision of the past; local Midwestern sheriffs now struggle to keep up with the suddenly brisk cold pill business at local pharmacies. I recently saw an entire hour of television de evoted to following a smalltown narcotics agent staking out a CVS in order to track cracked out metth lab junkies stockpiling pseudo-ephedrine. Not the kind of stuff that Hollywood will be clamoring to option anytime soon. I try not to fall prey to too much useless nostalgia, but I remember a time when drug culture really meant something to music-lovers. In the late eighties and early nineties you could track the evolution of dance music by following drug use trends. When acid house swept through Europe there was a seamless conceptual flow between the bleepy, punky drum machines, the skittering acid basslines, the ubiquitous smiley faces and the LSD that infused the scene with a psychedelic rawness. This was a genre literally named after the drug that created a perfect mental canvas to enjoy the sparse, gritty mindfuck of the underground warehouse party scene. In the late 70s, cocaine was the catalyst for the kinetic frivolity of Studio 54, as well as the early hip-hop scene in the eighties. The Circuit revolutionary populism of the rave scene and the club kids at Limelight in the early nineties was intimately tied to ecstasy and a neo-hippy era was born. Peace, love and glowsticks. The Circuit fused all of this into a joyous mixture of diva house, disco, and deep underground beats fueled by a healthy array of phar maceuticals. Ecstacy reigned supreme infusing the atmosphere and music with a giddy carnival vibe. In recent years, though, there's been a shift away from that type of euphoria in favor of a speed-fueled intensity that seems to sacrifice the love of music and dancing for a darker brand of drug experience. Don't get me wrong, I tweak out with the best of them. Or the worst of them, if that's what I'm in the mood for at the time. My patriotic streak extends to supporting the hard-working risk-takers out there in lonely highway hotel rooms 18 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:54 PM cooking up chemical solvents and cold medicine into Grade-A metham-phetamines. That whole crossing the border nonsense? Tired. We've got our own white trash drug mules building explosive science kits in the basement below their kids' bedrooms. We don't need your stinking coca leaves anymore. Just a few years ago it was so easy to import and obtain crystal in New York that everyone I knew in Chelsea was either buying it or selling it. Without the moblike nature of the trade that typified the violence and inter national intrigue of the coke era, it all felt innocuous and slightly fabulous. It all seemed more like a raunchy Tupperware party than a dangerous drug trade. Simultaneously, the inter net was evolving into a powerful tool for sexual networking and a new breed of bathhouse was born - our bedrooms. Circuit Page 5 Then it all started to unravel. Peter Staley's posters advertising "Buy Crystal, Get HIV Free!" popped up on Eighth Avenue phone booths and the non-profit world kicked into high-gear securing more federal funds to fight this new 'epidemic'. The gays were at it again, cracking on and fucking themselves into a new medical nightmare. People started to go to jail. We had to deal with the fact that friends and sex buddies were going up the river for 5-15 years. We got greedy, and sloppy, and people started to notice. For better or worse, our innocence has been lost. Crystal is now automatically linked to gay sex when issues of public health are discussed. Try to find an article about the recent super-virus scare that doesn't mention crystal meth. I feel sorry for law enforcement sometimes, they're just trying to do their job. But drug use is like quantum physics - once you level 19 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:55 PM your prohibitive gaze on it, it changes. The very act of observation and censure tends to create a larger demand for the substance. Risk is sexy and inebriating in its own right. Whatever your philosophical view of barebacking, it's a simple fact that the prevalence of it in our urban communities is off the charts. It's not simply a choice anymore, it's a fetish. A fetish that provides the perfect breeding ground for another viral nightmare. What does all of this have to do with the price of cold medicine in Kansas? The Midwest is in the throes of a real drug epidemic, the kind that destroys families and even entire communities. Meth ranks second, only to alcohol, for rehab admissions now. Meeting former addicts is a brutal reminder of what we have to lose if things get beyond our control. So should we all stop doing crystal? Stop having sex with each other? I don't think that's necessary, honestly. The existence of alcoholics is not an argument against alcohol itself. It is a constant war ning, though. Be careful not to let the substance become more of a burden than a delightful escape. Some people, for whatever reason, don't have the proper internal warning lights for moderating the use of their drug of choice. That's to be expected to some degree. But there's a pervasive sense right now that a large number of the rest of Circuit Page 6 us are ignoring our moderation signals. That needs to change or we will have to admit that this drug is simply more powerful than we are. My hope is that we learn to push crystal out of its prominent role in some of our lives and make it part of a more complete drug breakfast. The challenge is to return drugs to their rightful role as passports to foreign lands and fascinating escapes from the mundane. I'm not preaching abstinence or dour 12-step slogans - on the contrary, it is precisely my belief that there can be better living through chemistry that causes me concern. Pharm boys can be sexy, fun, and full of life. We need to ask ourselves if that's what we embody right now, or if some of us have allowed a tweaky darkness to overshadow our enjoyment of music, sex, and life. I've recently started that conversation with myself, and it's already been a useful guide back to a more sane exploration of the substances that can make life a bit more interesting. It's time we started to really enjoy ourselves again, as safely as possible. We deserve that, right? 20 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:55 PM Page 8 FALLING ON DEAF EARS by Paul Dillon Over the years, there have been many messages designed to reduce the harm associated with drug use. Some of these messages provide information about particular drugs while others offer controversial tips on how to use more safely. No matter what the message, if it doesn't come from a credible source or doesn't register as believable, it has little chance of being accepted. It is a problem when messages don't match users' experiences. One example is polydrug use using drugs in combination. Common examples include drinking alcohol and taking ecstasy or smoking crystal and doing G during the same session. One of the key messages we give around mixing drugs is that this practice may increase the effects of each one dramatically and may produce different and unpredictable reactions. As a result, we urge people not to mix drugs. However, what we know about most drug users is that they do mix their drugs and many of them don't appear to experience great problems. In fact, some would say that mixing actually improves their drug experience. The experience doesn't match up to the messages that we are putting out into the drug-using community and, as a result, many people simply decide not to listen to any of the messages at all. Circuit The two drugs that have caused our community the greatest concern in recent times are GHB and crystal. Both drugs have attracted widespread media attention and attempts have been made to better educate current and potential users about the risks involved with their use. But some of the messages created for these two drugs have been problematic. For example, 'G + Alcohol = Death'. Without doubt, there is the possibility of death if you mix these two depressant drugs. However, we all know people who have combined these two substances and didn't die. Does this mean that what we are saying is untrue? Certainly not. However, because the messages we are sending out are often so simplistic and sensational, they are often being ignored completely. In recent times, there has been great debate about crystal and its links with HIV transmission. It would appear that one of the biggest risks involved with this drug is unprotected and uninhibited sex while using. The liberating nature of crystal means that safe sex may be discarded at the same time sexual activity increases. As HIV infection rates rise, it is hard not to cast this drug as the villain. 26 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:56 PM Page 9 However, painting crystal as the next 'plague' is dangerous. There are those people who use the drug and experience few problems. As a result, the health information we provide them does not reflect their own experience and lacks credibility. Instead, the message around crystal needs to be credibly underground. This can result in even greater harm. stated - that crystal does have unique properties that make it extremely problematic. It is a very pure drug and it is often administered in a way that ensures the drug reaches the brain quickly. This increases the risk of dependence and also psychosis. topic. Different drugs affect different people in different ways. This means the messages are not going to be relevant to all of the people, all of the time. Still, we must strive to make our messages as accurate, meaningful, and credible as possible lest they fall on deaf ears. All drug use entails some degree of risk, and some are definitely more likely to cause problems than others, but demonizing a drug is not going to assist in changing risky behavior. Experience has shown us that demonizing, or painting a drug as particularly bad or dangerous, can lead to its use being driven even further Paul Dillon is the Information Manager for the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre in Sydney, Australia. He has written regular columns examining alcohol and drug issues for a number of different papers, magazines and websites both in Australia and internationally. Circuit Messages need to be simple for people to understand them and to pick them up. Drug use is a complicated issue, however, and sometimes the messages we create aren't sophisticated enough to handle all the subtleties around the 27 Noize #*((&3"/%#&55&3 5)&4&$0/%5*.&"306/% 5)&-"3(&45"--(":$36*4&*/)*4503:** * 3PZBM$BSJCCFBOT/BWJHBUPSPGUIF4FBT +BOVBSZo'FCSVBSZ &YQFSJFODFUIFBMMHBZDSVJTFUIBUFWFSZCPEZTUBMLJOHBCPVU BT"UMBOUJTSFUVSOTUPUIFMBSHFTUBOENPTUBEWBODFEDSVJTFTIJQ JOUIFXPSME'FBUVSJOHBSPDLDMJNCJOHXBMMBDSFTPGEFDLTQBDF BOEUIBUJDFTLBUJOHSJOL"MMQBDLFEXJUINPSFFOUFSUBJONFOU QBSUJFTBOEGVOGPSUIFMVDLJFTUHBZNFOJOUIFXPSME 0VSOFXTFBTPOGFBUVSFTNPSFBMMHBZWBDBUJPOT UIBOFWFS'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOPSBGSFFCSPDIVSFTFFZPVS USBWFMBHFOUWJTJUPVSXFCTJUFPSDBMMVTBU"5-"/5*4 BUMBOUJTFWFOUTDPN $451IPUPT%BWJE.PSHBO &LUFXLW1RLVHLQGG 30 QSFTFOUT JOBTTPDJBUJPOXJUI 13*%&7"/$067&3¥ t $"/"%" +6-o"6( t UJDLFUTQBTTFTFWFOUEFUBJMTBU XXX3BQUVSF7BODPVWFSDPN ! *$)%'&%! -&"*,.$!+./,!.! *" %#$. %( ""( % "# " $ %#"#$# ((# $&" $$#$"# %"! (# "$( % $") & '"" %$ # %$ $ !# "$(%#$ TracyYoungDanceCulture.qxd 04/18/05 3:12 PM Page 1 issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:56 PM Page 10 SAFER PARTYING by Paul Dillon Even though it has never worked, the naïve still believe that the best way to address the possible negative consequences of people using drugs is to prohibit their use. This philosophy is supplemented d with "education" campaigns that use a variety of scare tactics to try to prevent people from trying g drugs. But, for many years, a new breed of health educators has been trying a different approach called "harm reduction." This philosophy recognizes that not everyone will "Just Say No", so we provide those that continue to use drugs with 'tips' to help them stay as safe as possible. The harm reduction approach to alcohol and other drug issues is extremely simple. It includes the decision to say no, because ultimately the best way to stay safe is not to use drugs at all; however, it addresses use on all levels. Years ago, the messages we gave to people who used drugs such as ecstasy were quite simple. These messages included 'drink lots of fluids', 'split the dose' and 'take regular breaks'. However, as drugs and drug-taking practices have changed, the messages have altered as well. For a long time the water message was simple - 'drink lots of fluids'. Then, in the mid-90s, a number of young ecstasy users died, and Circuit these deaths were linked to water intoxication. As a result, the message changed to 'drink lots of fluids, but not too much'. This has since been changed to 'replace lost fluids': Î Î 500mls per hour - if active 250mls per hour - if inactive The rest of this column looks at six popular drugs most likely to be used in the party places of the world and attempts to give three simple harm reduction tips for each one. Alcohol This drug, perhaps due to its legality, is undoubtedly the most popular. The major risks are associated with disinhibition and driving while under the influence. Î Î Î 36 Always start your evening with a non-alcoholic drink. You will drink much faster if you are thirsty, so start with a water or soft drink to quench your thirst. Pace yourself. Space alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks. If you know you're going to drink - Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:57 PM don't take your car keys with you and hide some money away in your wallet for the cab ride home. Page 11 Î replace those fluids. If you are wearing a hat, take it off at least once an hour. The top of your head is where most of your body heat escapes - a hat can trap this heat and cause you to overheat. Marijuana Marijuana is the most popular illicit drug. Most people will not experience major problems with this drug but some with a predisposition to mental illness will find that it can 'unlock' conditions such as schizophrenia. Î Î Î Don't smoke and drive. Sniffer dogs can detect marijuana easily - don't carry the drug around on you as it is relatively easy to get caught. Some people find that mixing pot with other hallucinogens, particularly LSD, can cause unpleasant hallucinogenic effects and higher anxiety and paranoia levels. Crystal Crystal, Tina or meth can come as a fine white powder or as clear, almost liquidlike, rice grains. It can be taken by swallowing, snorting, smoking, anally, or by injecting. Î Î Î Ecstasy Ecstasy continues to be a very popular drug on the party scene. Most ecstasy users are looking for MDMA when they buy a pill but actually have no way of knowing what it is they are actually taking. Î Î Take a break from dancing (or other strenuous activity) at least once an hour. Make sure your body temperature is able to drop to a satisfactory level. Keep hydrated. If you are sweating or going to the bathroom a lot, make sure you Circuit If you are going to buy crystal, buy it in very small amounts. Besides the fact that a little goes a long way, this is a very powerful drug and people find themselves going on binges. The smaller amount you have, the less you will use. Stock up on condoms, gloves and lube. This is a very sexual drug and many become so disinhibited they forget the basics around safe sex. If you are going to use Viagra don't use poppers as well. Viagra and amyl nitrite, especially when added to Tina, can be a lethal combination and must be avoided at all times. Ketamine Ketamine or Special K is an anaesthetic used in both human and animal surgical procedures. It can produce quite profound hallucinations and, if too much is used, users may find themselves in a 'k-hole', an anaesthetized state that can be very frightening. 37 Noize issue 44 final.qxp Î Î Î 4/21/2005 8:57 PM Don't share bumpers or bullets. There is evidence that some blood-borne viruses, like Hepatitis C, may be transmitted by small amounts of blood from the nasal passages collecting at the top of the bumper. Alcohol and ketamine don't mix. Although you may know many people who do use this combination and don't have problems, when things do go wrong it is usually the alcohol that will make the experience far worse - and the vomiting last for much longer. That 'one bump too many' can actually be caused by your nose being blocked. Rinse your nose out regularly to ensure that you're not keeping an extra supply up there which could suddenly move and make you very sick. GHB Gamma hydroxy-butyrate or GHB is a powerful depressant and disinhibitor. If a user takes too much GHB or if the strength is greater than they are used to, they may find themselves unconscious. Add another depressant like alcohol or sleeping pills to the mix and death is a possibility. Î Page 12 Î Î down far more than others you have no way of knowing the strength until you have taken it. If someone has overdosed, don't give them other drugs to bring them around. This is extremely dangerous and if anything were to happen to them, you could be held responsible. The most basic rule is don't use any other depressant with G - this includes alcohol, sleeping pills, and even pot. Remember: If you do not want any negative consequences, do not use the drug and no matter how many times you have used a substance - never be blasé. Paul Dillon is the Information Manager for the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre in Sydney, Australia. He has written regular columns examining alcohol and drug issues for a number of different papers, magazines and websites both in Australia and internationally. Try not to mix your suppliers. If you are getting your G from one source, it will likely be relatively similar in strength each time, although there are no guarantees. Some manufacturers water their G Circuit 38 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:57 PM Page 14 HOME COOKIN' by Rami Ramirez Ingredients: 200 Dristan capsules 1 bottle liquid Draino 1 car battery lighter fluid or camp fuel rubber gloves 3 iron pots 1 metal spoon 1 saw 1 ice pick or chisel commercial-grade food processor Directions: 1. Empty 200 Dristan capsules into an iron pot. 2. While you're doing this, heat 2 cups of Draino in another iron pot on the stove. Continue heating until a thick film appears at the top. 3. Spoon off the film from the Draino into the pot with the Dristan. Let this mixture sit at room temperature until cool. 6. Coat the inside and lid of a clean iron pot with lighter fluid or camp fuel. Add the mixture, cover, and let simmer for about 10 hours. (Be aware that some fumes will be produced which smell like a mixture of bur ning eggs and a sewage treatment plant, so it's best to do this somewhere well-ventilated.) 7. What you will have left is a pasty substance, which you must then clump into a glass bowl. Microwaving the mixture at this point for several minutes helps the subsequent cooling process. 4. Take the car battery and saw it in half. Depending on what brand of battery you use, the acid will be in a different place. Sears batteries are best because you can saw them directly down the middle and hit the acid compartment. Make sure you are wearing your rubber gloves for this as the battery acid will bur n your skin if it makes contact. 8. Place the bowl in the freezer for a few days. The pasty substance will become rock hard. You will need an ice pick or chisel to get it to come apart. Grind the chunks in a commercial grade food processor. 5. Add 16 oz. of the battery acid to the Draino/Dristan mixture. Stir vigorously, until even. The above recipe is not real, but is also not far from the truth. Think about what you're putting in your body. Circuit This is your Tina. Enjoy. 44 Noize TORONTO PRIDE WEEK 2005 JUNE 20TH - 26TH, 2005 FOLSOM FAIR NORTH WEEKEND FRIDAY JULY 15TH SUNDAY JULY 17TH, 2005 Woody’s is proud to host the official warm-up bash for Folsom Fair North “Agitator” Saturday July 16th, 2005 MLT LEATHERBALL XI & CHURCH STREET FETISH FAIR AUGUST 19TH AUGUST 21ST, 2005 MR LEATHERMAN TORONTO 2006 COMPETITION WEEKEND NOVEMBER 24TH NOVEMBER 27TH, 2005 BIG PUMPIN’ ALL HUMPIN’ 465-467 Church Street, Toronto 416-972-0887 issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:58 PM Page 16 QUESTIONING OUR DRUG LAWS by Mary Taft-McPhee Many in this country believe that the drug laws are just. They believe that the goal of these laws is to prevent the harm that drugs can cause to both the individual and society at large. However, a closer examination of these laws reveals that this is not the case at all. Instead, these laws are based on the context in which substances are used and an artificial line that dictates what the right use of drugs should be. This line determines whether we risk our health and freedom when using our drug of choice. Far from being based on a fair evaluation of each substance, the laws about which drugs are legal in our country came from a complex mix of history, politics, and fear. Alcohol and tobacco are socially sanctioned and regulated by the government despite the hundreds of thousands of people they kill each year. Other drugs, some of them much safer than alcohol and tobacco, remain illegal. That leads one to believe that the dangerousness of certain substances isn't the real reason that they have been criminalized. In some cases, the difference between legal and illegal drugs depends on context alone. Crystal Circuit shares a nearly identical chemical structure with Adderall and Ritalin. Desoxyn is the brand name for a p h a r m a c e u t i c a l - g r a d e methamphetamine commonly used to treat attention deficit disorder. It makes sense that people who are getting what they need to feel normal won't have to look for it on the street. The problem is that access to medical care is a privilege not everyone has. For folks who can't afford medical care or who are afraid that their doctors will judge or disrespect them, illegal dealers may be the only option. It's unfair and deceptive to draw a bright line between legal and illegal drugs and point to the consequences of drug prohibition as evidence for the danger of a substance itself. The hypocrisy of the drug laws is sometimes staggering. Clinics across the country will dole out highly addictive narcotics to people living with AIDS. These same patients, however, often cannot get access to medical marijuana - a safe, non-addictive therapy that has been shown to effectively treat wasting sickness and a 50 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:58 PM host of other conditions. Is it right to withhold valuable medical treatment because of misguided fears about the message children might take from seeing desperately ill people smoke pot? And what of the guy who smokes a joint at the end of the day to help relax a sore back or relieve a headache? There are as many different reasons for using drugs as there are people who use them. What should the criteria be for judging a right use of drugs and an illegal use of drugs? Should anyone be imprisoned simply for what they choose to put into their bodies? Drug addiction and misuse can have disastrous consequences, but prisons only worsen the devastation addiction wreaks on individuals and their loved ones, without providing any tools to combat the underlying problems. Indeed, the threat of incarceration and the shame and secrecy that prevent some from seeking help Circuit Page 17 are some of the worst consequences that come from drug prohibition. Today's cultural climate and social pressures exert a subtle but important influence on people's choices about what to use and how. As legal performance-enhancing drugs become more and more widespread, we all end up feeling the push to do more faster in order to keep up. If using drugs becomes an imperative because we're trying to meet other people's expectations, then we've given up the freedom that led us to experiment in the first place. We should have the right to choose what we put into our bodies, and the right to be fully conscious about the larger context that infor ms these choices. We deserve to be able to use as safely as possible and with as much information as we need. We deserve to live free from addiction and to receive help in dealing with addiction if we seek it. Most of all, we deserve to freely give and experience pleasure, with and without drugs. 51 Noize © 2005 RSVP Productions, Inc. select images © Star Clippers, Ltd, and © Princess Cruise Line. Ship registry - Royal Clipper Luxembourg, Diamond Princess Bermuda, Westerdam Netherlands. circut noize_5.25x8.375 4/12/05 12:34 PM Page 1 GREEK ISLES Athens Istanbul August 13 2005 Istanbul Athens August 20 2005 GREEK ISLES 2005 BIG SHIPS DIAMOND PRINCESS Los Angeles Oct 2006 HOLLAND AMERICA Ft. Laud/Mardi Gras Feb 2006 Ft. Laud/Panama Mar 2006 TOURS Ireland July & Sept 2005 Peru Oct 2005 RESORTS Tahiti & Tikehau Nov 2005 RIVERBOATS Prague & Budapest Jul 2005 & Aug 2006 see your travel agent, or 800-328-RSVP (7787) issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:59 PM Page 18 CIRCUIT POWER by Steve Kammon They looked like a mean bunch - Russian, American, French, Australian, Irish, Italian, and Canadian.. Everyone in the prep-room backstage at the World Drug-Free Powerlifting Championship in Atlanta wass glowering at one another. They were trying to psych each other out, trying to show that they were the badest of the bunch. While you might think that powerlifting is won by the strongest man, the reality is that the body is only one part of the equation. To be victorious in this sport, you really must have the ability to let your mind move matter. And if you can get your competitor to doubt himself for just one moment, he's yours. Instead of staring down his opponents, Chris Morgan from England was bouncing around the prep area, using the beats of the Tony Moran CD blasting through his headphones to get him into the zone. With a big smile plastered to his face, he was once again breaking all the rules. And it worked. Chris Morgan, who is not only gay but is also a Circuit boy, brought home a silver medal from that competition. In a sport long associated with homophobia, Circuit Chris is using a unique approach being an in-your-face gay boy who makes no apologies for who he is. He is the first gay man (or at least the first out gay man) to medal in this sport at the elite level. Interestingly, Chris is using his sexuality to his advantage in this sport. He is well aware that if he can plant the thought, "Oh my god, I might actually lose to that little faggot…" in his competitor's head, then his own unique mind game has a good chance at success. Chris got his start in powerlifting when Jim Atkinson noticed his natural ability to lift big weights at Soho Gym in London. He approached Chris and started asking him questions about his lifestyle. In particular, Jim wanted to know if Chris was a party boy. Jim, like many others in the sport world, believed that athletic performance and the party world don't mix. Nonetheless, they began working together, preparing Chris for the 1998 Gay Games in Amsterdam. 58 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 8:59 PM Page 19 These games would be magical for Chris. The electric welcome given the masses of athletes at the opening ceremony in Ajax Stadium and the experience of lifting a weight competitively for the first time was all crowned with the thrill of walking away from his first competition with a silver medal. It was then that his dream to compete and win at the worldclass level was born. His success at the Gay Games convinced him that this was something worth pursuing. He began training with a new zeal, with the goal of qualifying for the British Championships and then progressing to a World Championship. It took him five years to qualify for his first British Finals but, by the end of the sixth year, he had also qualified for the World Championship where he took a podium finish in second place. Chris maintains spreadsheets of his workout schedule, plotting out a path of ever-increasing weights in squat, bench press, and deadlift. The process of building the intensity needed to peak during a competition requires a level of discipline that few could fathom. In addition, in order to achieve the heavy lifts that he does on the platform, Chris channels an energy that might politely be called "rage". This is not the kind of energy that you would want to keep bottled up inside of you. For Chris, the best postcompetition release comes in the form of our dance celebrations. It is on the dance floor that Chris finds the necessary emotional connection he craves after spending months locked away in the gym. The week after the Circuit Atlanta World Championships, Chris was at the White Party in Miami celebrating his victory. After winning his silver medal in Atlanta, Chris was asked to be an ambassador for the Gay Games. As the first gay man to make the remarkable jour ney which started at the Gay Games and has advanced to competing at the elite level of his sport, Chris is undoubtedly the kind of role model that the Games would like to embody. Chris believes that it is all about moderation; there is room in life for both work and for play. He is certainly a model of how the party can be used to release the emotional and physical stress from a career requiring unparalleled dedication and discipline. For more information about the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago see For more information on powerlifting and Chris Morgan see 59 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:00 PM Page 20 SURVIVING A POLICE ENCOUNTER by Clovis Thorn You go to parties to relax and have fun. The last thing you need is an arrest record, a court date,, or a night in jail. Admittedly, drugs and overt sexuality are part of the scene, so learning to prrotect your constitutional rights in the event of a police encounter may mean the difference between getting it on with a cute boy and getting a date with a judge. Don't be caught with your constitutional pants down. Part of being a responsible partier is about knowing and exercising your rights, even in tough situations. Unfortunately, our current drug policies emphasize criminal prosecution over health and safety. This means that, whether you are innocent or not, police are trained to make arrests which lead to prosecutions and convictions, and your ignorance of your rights is sometimes their greatest tool. Here are five simple steps you can take to effectively assert your constitutional rights in a police encounter, thereby increasing the chances you'll be leaving the party in a taxi instead of a cop car. 1. Don't be stupid! Drugs and public sex are illegal. If an officer sees you engaging in Circuit illegal activity, most of the following points don't apply. You're screwed. Police do not need a search warrant to confiscate something that is in plain view. If you choose to break drug prohibition laws, do so in private. And remember - never, ever, do something that harms another person. 2. Don't consent. Memorize these words: "Officer, I do not consent to any searches." By saying this phrase, you significantly raise the bar for any further action by the police and prosecutors. Law enforcement officers are often trained to intimidate you into forfeiting your right against unreasonable search and seizure. Police are allowed to pat you down, or frisk you, to feel for weapons. To search for other items, they need your consent, probable cause, or a search warrant. If you do not consent, the officer must either release you or detain you and get a warrant, which is a significant burden 66 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:00 PM on the officer. The fact that you refuse to consent to a search does not give the officer probable cause or grounds to obtain a warrant. If you do not consent and the officer searches you without probable cause, any evidence he or she finds will likely be suppressed in court. While you may feel impolite by refusing when an officer asks to search your pockets, car, or belongings, remember that a police encounter is not the time for good social graces. In this case, just say no (even if the officer is hot and you have a uniform fetish). 3. Don't answer questions. The first question an officer will ask you when you are pulled over for speeding is "Do you know how fast Circuit Page 21 you were going?" You politely answer, "I was barely going over the speed limit." Bam! You're guilty, and you've made the officer's job a lot easier. Even answering what seems like an innocent question might come back to haunt you later. Sure, you want to be polite, but you have a right to remain silent before and after arrest. If you have to say something, say, "I will not answer questions without my attorney. Is there some other way I can help you?" 4. Determine if you can leave. An officer can detain you if he or she has "reasonable suspicion" that you are involved in criminal activity. He or she must be able, at a later time, to articulate to a judge why you were being detained. Therefore, it's a good 67 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:01 PM idea to ask "Am I being detained?" If an officer answers no or can't tell you what illegal activity he suspects, you are free to go. 5. Cooperate (without consenting or answering questions). It might take every fiber of your being not to jump down the officer's throat, scream at your stupid boyfriend, cry like a baby, or run, but doing any of these things will make your situation worse, not better. Stay calm and cooperate with the officer as much as possible without compromising your rights. Address the cop as "Officer." If he asks you to show ID, do it. If he asks you to put your shirt on, do it. If he tells you to get lost, definitely do it. But don't be stupid or angry, don't consent to searches, and don't answer questions. Page 22 these hints will help you assert those rights. - These rights are guaranteed to United States citizens. If you are not a citizen, the only guarantee you'll get is a oneway ticket home. - Parties on private property and with private security companies are not bound by these constitutional protections. However, private security cannot detain, search without your consent, or arrest you. You are free to go at any time. - A vast majority of police officers are hard-working, honest people who are given a tough job, and asserting your rights in no way denigrates the integrity of their work. In fact, a good police officer will respect your knowledge of your rights if you assert them. All of these hints come with caveats: - Every police encounter is different. These are general hints that will help in most cases. - None of this is a substitute for good advice from an experienced attorney. - Laws and ordinances vary by state and locality, and ignorance of the law is no defense. However, all laws are subject to the rights guaranteed in the United States Constitution, and Circuit 68 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 To sum up, remember these three phrases if you get stopped by the police: 1. I do not consent to any searches. 2. I will not answer any questions without my lawyer. 3. Am I being detained or am I free to go? The Circuit is all about celebrating and expressing freedom. Learning to protect and exercise those freedoms is an important part of the party experience. Clovis Thorn is director of development for the Drug Policy Alliance, the nation's leading organization of people who believe the war on drugs is doing more harm than good. 9:01 PM Page 23 If you know your rights, like Partyboy Bob, a police encounter might go something like this. Officerr: "Hey you! You and your friend look like you're up to trouble. You aren't doing any drugs, are you?" Bob: "Hi, officer. Is there something I can help you with?" Officer: "Yeah. I saw you hand something to your friend, and I think it was drugs. What's in your pockets?" Bob: "Officer, I do not consent to any searches. Is there something else I can help you with?" Officer: "I'm going to frisk you. Put your arms out to the side." Bob cooperates. Officer: "What's this bulge in your pocket? Mind if I take a look?" Bob: "Officer, as I said before, I do not consent to any searches. Am I being detained?" Officer: "Hell, yeah, you're being detained. I think you guys are up to something. Where are you guys from? Let me see some ID." Bob shows his ID. Officer: "What are you doing in Palm Springs? You're a long way from New York. Do they let you do drugs in New York?" Bob: "Officer, I will not answer any questions without my lawyer. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" Officer (exasperated) : "You boys think you can come here and do whatever you want. Well, we have laws here. Put on your shirt and pull up your pants. I can see your jockstrap." Bob does as the officer asks. Officer: "Now get the hell out of here and don't let me catch you doing anything you're not supposed to do." Bob (leaving immediately): "Have a good night, officer." Circuit 69 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:01 PM Page 24 DETOXIFICATION by Michael Siebert Internal cleansing is a natural, everyday occurrence in the body. The body's cleansing processes he elp to eliminate toxins. But in today's highly polluted world, our normal body processes can easily be overwhelmed. And a long party weekend can bring an entire community of impurities into the body, creating an overload condition. Luckily, there are ways to supplement the body's natural cleansing mechanisms that can assist in removing toxins from our bodies. When they can't be eliminated, our bodies try to protect us from toxins by storing them in our cells, mucous, fat, and skin. Mucus, organic toxins, and inorganic chemicals can build up in various organs and tissues of the body, severely affecting their operation. This kind of toxic build-up often affects the intestinal tract, which can develop microscopic ulcerations, imbalances in bacteria and fungus, imbalance in pH levels, Candida, or hypersecretion of mucous. Eating healthy is great for the body, but if the pipes are not clean, you won't be able to access all the good stuff you are eating. For many, an accumulation of toxins is not severe enough to be recognized as a disease unto itself. Circuit But a build-up of toxins can still lead to quite a few problems throughout the body, such as fatigue, memory difficulty, irritability, sleeplessness, and other minor ailments. In the long term, if the necessary steps to cleanse the body are not taken, toxic build-up can lead to more serious health problems. In order to reverse such health issues, the toxic build-up needs to be removed as part of an overall healing plan. There are many different cleansing techniques available to get yourself back on the right track after the party. One of the simplest techniques is to use the steam room to sweat the toxins out of your body. The staff of Saturday Night Live in the late 70s used to visit the Russian and Turkish Baths in New York after heavy nights of drugging and boozing. Green herbal tea is another powerful tonic that can help detoxify your body in the aftermath of heavy partying. These simple remedies are not going to cleanse a body that has suffered from years of abuse, however. For a more thorough detoxification, there are herbal formulations that can assist in cleansing our internal systems. If you have never performed a cleanse, I 74 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:02 PM recommend starting with a fullbody 21-day detox program. For mulated from traditional cleansing herbs, these programs guarantee to improve your health by cleansing all of the major organs of elimination including the colon, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, lymph, blood, and skin. Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth so this is an excellent time of the year to perform a cleanse. It is recommended to keep the body war m and comfortable , so cleansings are typically done in war mer weather. Some people may prefer to perform a cleanse during a vacation from work so that the work stress doesn't affect the process. Although you are not required to alter your diet during the detox, eliminating certain products such as caffeine, alcohol, meat, sugar, and drugs will deepen the cleansing effects. Also, a cleanse is not wise if you are bedridden, recovering from a medical procedure, fighting an acute illness, or simply experiencing extreme weakness. Another type of detoxification to consider is a colon cleanse. (I Circuit Page 25 would recommend performing a fullbody cleanse prior to the colon cleanse for best results.) A good colon cleansing kit is the Colon Cleansing Kit from Blessed Herbs (, a five-day program formulated with traditional cleansing herbs to give the intestinal system and colon a deep cleansing. Included in each kit is a natural herbal stimulant called " D i g e s t i v e Stimulator" that tones, cleanses, and purifies the entire digestive system. It helps to eliminate the stored toxins released during the cleanse as well as those that have been trapped in your body's intestinal walls. It comes in capsule form and works to assure that one has at least three bowel movements a day. The kit also contains "Toxin Absorber", a formula containing herbs that have been traditionally used for their strong absorptive properties and which work powerfully to cleanse the intestinal system. Toxin Absorber comes as a powder that is mixed with organic apple juice and taken five times a day. You will be required to follow a liquid-only diet during the five day cleanse; otherwise, the Toxin Absorber will simply bind to the food you are eating, rather than the waste you are trying to remove. Visit your local Whole Foods or Wild Oats to 75 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:02 PM find other colon cleansing options. It is not unusual to experience symptoms of a past illness while cleansing. This is sometimes referred to as a "healing crisis". The symptoms of a healing crisis are generally not as strong as the original illness, but you can expect to feel "off" at various stages of the cleansing. In addition, past emotions may resurface, giving you the opportunity to release them. Some of the symptoms you may experience during a cleanse include fever, headaches, aches and pains, fatigue, skin eruptions, emotional irritability, gas, temporary constipation, diarrhea, swollen glands, and tight muscles. It is important that you not use drugs to suppress any cleansing symptoms you might experience. Instead, encourage the release of toxins from the body by allowing the body to do its job. Persons with immune system-related disorders should always begin taking new supplements in tiny amounts before cleansing in order to determine if they are sensitive to the supplements. Page 26 intestinal cleanses per year may be necessary. Then, once you are on your road to healing, you can reduce the number of yearly cleanses to one or two. A visit to the steam room after a cleanse will also help your body continue eliminating toxins. When your internal environment is clean it will be visible on the outside as well. People will notice the way your skin glows. After removing years of toxic, mucus-laden intestinal buildup, one will feel the body has returned to a more natural state. You will feel the difference. Feel free to contact Dr. Michael Siebert with any detoxification questions or to begin your road to good health. He can be reached at 305.672.8513 or While cleanses can be extremely healing, it is important to balance the cleansing techniques with periods of rebuilding and strengthening. Cleansing without allowing the body to rebuild will eventually weaken your system, so be sure to take plenty of time off between cleansings. Listen to your body; it is always your best guide. Initially, two to four Circuit 76 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:02 PM Page 28 SUMMER CI RCU IT 2005 As the warm weather of summer rolls in across most of the world, many embark on their long-deserved vacations. Summer comes early to Orlando, where it will already be balmy when this city hosts Gay Days - which has grown into one of the largest events on the Circuit today. This is quickly followed d by the Gay Pride festivals in most every major city, which kick off this season. The sunshine also brings a host of outdoor parties and the gay resort towns along the beaches will all be happening - Provincetown, Laguna, Rehobeth, Saugatuck and Fire Island are just a few of the towns that become a lot more gay at this time of year. Circuit 78 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:02 PM Page 29 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 April 29 - July 23, 2005 QUEER AS FOLK TOUR - Tour Dates North America April 29 Toronto Fly Chicago Crobar The Ancient city of Babylonia, biblical May 1 Indianapolis Talbott Street birthplace of all things decadent, is May 6 Montreal Stereo coming to your town! Ancient Babylon May 7 Firestone was destroyed for being overrun with May 14 Orlando Avalon sinners and idolaters. Sounds like as May 15 Boston Velvet Nation good a reason as any to come re-live May 21 Washington Avalon the fun this summer as the Queer As May 22 New York Space Folk Ancient Babylon Tour travels to May 27 Miami S4 the hottest clubs across the country. In June 10 Dallas June 11 Los Angeles TBA each venue, Midori, Showtime Dreams Networks and Embrace Productions June 24 Denver Woodruff Arts reinterpret what Babylon (the famous June 25 Atlanta Center nightclub from the popular Queer As July 1 Vancouver Celebrities Folk television series), would look like July 2 Ft. Lauderdale Coliseum as the ancient city of Babylonia in the July 9 Philadelphia Pure year 200 B.C. The tour features the July 16 Cleveland The Grid hottest talent, including superstar DJs July 23 San Francisco Mezzanine Abel, Manny Lehman and Roland Belmares. Each tour date also features performances by Miami's RKM. Fans get to live the Queer As Folk experience firsthand by partying with the show's actors, who will make guest appearances throughout the Tour. Scott Lowell, Robert Gant and Hal Sparks all appeared during 2004's Tour. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ May 6-8, 2005 CHERRY - Washington, DC The season is ripe for the sweet taste of Cherry this year. Now in its 10th year, the Washington, DC event once again provides the ultimate spring festival. From the historic streets of DC to the magnificently grand venues, Cherry is prepared to celebrate the extraordinary. This party features hot boys, hot DJs, and plenty of cherry-pickin' fun. Experience the power, feel the music, and be part of the transformation that Washington, DC and the boys and girls of the Cherry Fund have planned for you. DJs this year include Joe Gauthreaux, Alex Cohen, Alyson For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 79 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:02 PM Page 30 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 Calagna, DeLeón, and Abel. Produced entirely by volunteers, this year's proceeds benefit Whitman-Walker Clinic, Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, Northern Virginia AIDS Ministry Mautner Project, the National Lesbian Health Organization and The Center-Home for GLBT in Metro DC. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ May 19-23, 2005 THE HOT & DRY WEEKEND - Montreal, Quebec In honor of the Eternal Egypt exhibit at Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal (Montreal Fine Arts Museum) this year's theme for the main event at Metropolis is Egyptian. If you're up for a little culture, you should check out this special museum exhibit, which features masterworks of ancient art from London's British Museum. The parties will feature imaginative shows, over the top décor, special effects and top DJ talent. This year's Fresh party will take place on Sunday at Aria, the largest and best equipped after-hours venue in Montreal. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ May 20-22, 2005 TRIBE- Long Beach, California If you live in southern California, Pride season kicks off a little early every year with the always-festive Long Beach Pride. Will Gorges and Michael Evenstar are always ready with fun parties and events to help you avoid overindulging in too much beer-swilling and sunburning. This year is no exception as Tribe 4 - Ghosts In The Machine, docks on the Queen Mary. The dome parked next to the Queen Mary once used to house the Spruce Goose. The dome is now a functioning Cruise Ship Terminal and together the pair make for one of the most unusual event spaces on the Circuit. Tribe boasts six parties with a main event Sunday evening within the Queen Mary's enormous Exhibit Hall & Engine Room. DJs Mike Oldenkamp, Phil B., Alexander, Roland Belmares and Paulo join Long Beach native DJ Dawna Montel for events Friday through Sunday night. By day, aquataxi over to the Pride Festival set aside the beautiful canals and waterways of Long Beach Harbor. After-hours in the Naga Ballroom is a particularly fun event. Stay aboard the Hotel Queen Mary (562-435-3511) in a luxurious stateroom and take the Ghosts and Legends tour of the ship that is reported to be one of the most haunted places in the country. Info: / Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 80 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:02 PM Page 31 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 May 26-30, 2005 MEMORIAL WEEKEND - Pensacola, Florida This unique gay weekend in Pensacola, Florida, keeps getting bigger and better every year. Presented by Johnny Chisholm and Oz, this year's event features shining new venues and the most vibrant entertainment and talent. Don't miss your Foreplay where DJ Jay-R gets your dancing started at the totally remodeled, redecorated Emerald City Nightclub. Bounce, the ever-popular poolside T-Dance on Friday afternoon has a new home at the Hilton Garden Inn - the host hotel. Tracy Young sets the mood. The Friday night beach party Hurricane hits the beach in front of the Hilton Garden Inn. The perky Kimberly S. is your mixmistress of the evening and she'll have you groovin' to the music all night. The natural raw talent of DJ Alyson Calagna wakes you poolside for an afternoon Tea at the Hilton Garden Inn. That night, Sweat welcomes the boys to Emerald City with DJ Roland Belmares. And for the ladies DJ Mary Pappas leads the Forbidden action at Capt'n Fun on the Beach. DJ David Knapp is champion of the turntables at Spellbound, the first after-hours party of the weekend, at the Annex. Now in its eleventh year, Abracadabra will take over the Pensacola Civic Center, with Manny Lehman blazing through his set in this massive venue. Ladies will enjoy Mary Pappas at Flounder's on the Beach. The energy will still be sky-high and that's when Barry Harris takes over to spin the after-hours at the Annex. On Monday, DJ Dewight Barkley brings you to Climax at Emerald City for the annual drink-ndrown closing party. Info: / The Hilton Garden Inn on the Beach 877-782-9444 ________________________________________________________________________ May 28, 2005 MEMORIAL WEEKEND - San Francisco, California Industry, San Francisco's biggest Saturday night dance party, brings you the hottest party in the Bay Area. Resident DJ Jamie J Sanchez headlines the night on the city's only custom-built Funktion One sound system. Mezzanine has just undergone major remodeling, including the opening of a new room featuring deep house and mashups. Men, music, muscle...Memorial Weekend! Sanctuary is where you will find the biggest men and the hottest boys in San Francisco on any big holiday weekend. Located at the huge Factory nightclub, Sanctuary will feature top-notch DJs Matt Consola and John Le Page, a monster sound system, and dancing till six. Info: / For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 81 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:02 PM Page 32 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 May 27-29, 2005 WHITE PARTY WEEKEND - London, UK It's no secret that the party animals of Europe live in the UK. So why not bring the party to them? Now in its second year, this weekend is the result of a collaboration between some of the biggest names in London including The Fridge, Crash and Beyond along with one of the biggest party promoters in Europe - Robert Riedijk. The well-rounded set of international DJ talent includes Brett Henrichsen, Steven Redant (of Lademence), Paul Heron and Steve Pitron. The three day party passes will sell out. Info: / ________________________________________________________________________ May 27-29, 2005 THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS - Dallas, Texas What started out as an annual social gathering to celebrate the beginning of summer has turned into an annual event drawing thousands of men and women of all ages to this incredible and affordable Circuit party weekend. Texas Circuit Boyz (TCB) hosts a weekend entitled Valley of the Dolls because it is DJ'd by some of the top female DJ talent on the Circuit. This stellar line-up of "dolls" includes Kimberly S., DJ Pride, Alyson Calagna and Kris Kono. The luxurious Sheraton Suites Market Center has been chosen as the host hotel and provides the venue for the pool party on Sunday. This event benefits the charity Boys4Toys, a local group that collects toys for underprivileged children in the Dallas metro area. Info: / ________________________________________________________________________ May 29, 2005 MEMORIAL WEEKEND - Los Angeles, California After-hours, Monday morning, Evenstar-Mindfold revitalizes the celebration of Mayfair at Avalon, in Hollywood, with hosts John Brady and many of the production team who created Vision. LA favorite DJ Casey Alva opens for New Orleans native Joe Gauthreaux. At the same time, DJs Mike Oldenkamp and Adien spin a crafty side-by-side set in the Spyder Room. ABEL at The Mayan on Sunday night. Info: / / For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 82 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 33 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 May 29, 2005 MEMORIAL WEEKEND - New York, New York The ever hot boys of Alegria will be swaying to the sounds of a stellar line up at this special installation of this infamous event. DJs Tony Moran and Eddie Elias make for a very powerful dance floor vibe on the main floor, plus DJ Dudu Marques from Rio will be spinning in the Prop Room. This night promises a musical journey you won't soon forget. Make your NYC weekend complete with visits to g lounge for one of their famous Martinis and to Splash for a spin with the friendliest crowd in town and the hottest stripper boys on the bars. Info: / / ________________________________________________________________________ May 26-30, 2005 INTERNATIONAL MR. LEATHERMAN - Chicago, Illinois The world's hottest leathermen will come together to compete for the title of "International Mr. Leather 2005" as IML celebrates its 27th anniversary. Expect loads of muscled, meaty men, an incredible leather market, and some good ol' no-holds-barred nasty fun. The closing party, The Black and Blue Leather Ball, explodes into Chicago's Excalibur nightclub with 5 floors of studs, daddies, and slaves. This night will be about the awesome visuals provided by some of the world's most amazing leathermen, including the newly crowned winner of Mr. International Leather making his first appearance as title holder. Rising DJ Matthew Harvat (aka Circuit Mom) takes on duel roles as producer and DJ. The Manhunt World Tour also has its start here on IML weekend. DJ Bill Bennett has created an event with visuals and remixes to send you into orbit. Info: / / / ________________________________________________________________________ May 27-28, 2005 GAY PRIDE - Las Vegas, Nevada Celebrate Pride in the only gay club that is right on the Las Vegas strip - Krave. This juicy night features DJ Adien at the turntables and the one and only Tiffany performing. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ June 1-5, 2005 GAY DAYS DISNEY - Orlando, Florida Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as Gay Days Orlando takes you on a fantasy-filled vacation. Whether this is your first visit or your fifth, this year's Circuit 83 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 34 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 celebration has something new and exciting for you. When the sun goes down, this tourist town rolls out world-class special events produced by Mark Baker Productions that are unequaled anywhere. All night, every night, there is something hot and happening to keep the party going. DJs include Brett Henrichsen, David Knapp, Roland Belmares, and DJ Abel. One Mighty Party makes a triumphant return to Disney/MGM on Saturday night. Tracy Young and Alyson Calagna spin simultaneously on two separate dance floors. Throughout the night, you'll be treated to amazing state-of-the-art sound and light shows designed by Disney. The shock of the Tower of Terror, the dizzying rush of the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and the nostalgic thrill of The Great Movie Ride just add to the fun. To cap it all off, OMP will have a huge fireworks extravaganza! The Wyndham Palace is the host hotel this year and features three days of Reunion Pool Parties. DJs for these afternoon favorite festivities include Jon Herseth, Kimberly S., Doug Healy, Don Bishop and Warren Gluck. Info: / / / ________________________________________________________________________ June 11-12, 2005 GAY PRIDE LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles, California On Saturday night Tom Whitman and Manny Lehman present Wonderland. DJs Tony Moran and Manny Lehman are your ringmasters for a celebration unlike any other. This is what Los Angeles Pride is meant to be - a dance event of gigantic proportions. Welcome to Wonderland. Christopher Street West wants to know, "How do you wear your pride?" It's either a nod to L.A.'s amusingly statusconscious label queens or an important question in the "two steps forward, one step back" political climate of our country these days. Are you out? Are you being heard? Well, good. Be seen, too, at the annual West Hollywood Pride Parade, starting Sunday morning at 11, along the usual route. Then hop over to the festival, get a few beers, a sunburn, a henna tattoo, a gay checking account, and your picture taken with a drag queen. On Sunday, Peter Rauhofer and Phil B. heat up the night at Avalon for Pandora. Come see what's inside. Info: / / ________________________________________________________________________ June 12-21, 2005 ATLANTIS SAFARI - Kenya For a sixth year, Atlantis brings back an adventure vacation to one of the most exotic destinations in the world. Kenya is home to the vast open savannahs of the Serengeti and the world¹s best game viewing. Atlantis' luxury tour is produced by leading safari professionals and customized exclusively for Atlantis. Info: 800-6-ATLANTIS Circuit 84 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 35 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 June 23-26, 2005 GAY PRIDE - Toronto, Canada Toronto celebrates the 25th Anniversary of its famous Pride Week - one of the world's largest gay and lesbian celebrations. This Year, Prism is bigger and better than ever with seven energized events. Get your engines roaring and drive hard for the pole position on Thursday night at Ignition with DJ Paulo. Friday night starts with a star-filled black-tie charity event at the newly restored Carlu theatre and then marches downtown for some harder maneuvers at Bootcamp with DJ Abel. Come and get wet at Aqua on the city's largest outdoor patio at the Docks Entertainment Complex on Saturday afternoon with DJ David Knapp. End the night in style at Joy where DJs Boy George and Tony Moran will make you happier than you ever thought possible. After the famous million-person-plus parade on Sunday, you can celebrate your Pride in the sun at Shine and then you can end your weekend perfectly with the legendary DJ Peter Rauhofer spinning on The Guvernment's world-famous sound system at Revival. Also this weekend a new series of events called Rise makes its debut. From the producer of Toronto's legendary Gay Pride Event Unity and Gairy Brown come five fantastic events. With a stellar DJ lineup - Manny Lehman, Barry Harris and Brett Henrichson and performers Flava and Kristine W. Rise will push Toronto's celebration over the top. Seamlessly presented in some of Toronto's top venues these celebrations will leave you standing proud. And while you're in Toronto don't forget to drop by Woody's and check out some of their steamy talent and the friendliest bartenders in town. Info: / / ________________________________________________________________________ June 24-26, 2005 GAY PRIDE SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco, California "Stand Up, Stand Out, Stand Proud" is the theme for this year's 35th anniversary San Francisco Pride Parade and celebration. Just be sure you pack your activist hat AND your dancin' shoes. There are a whole slate of parties to keep you up all night. Just don't sleep through the parade-it's bad karma. Friday Rob Kaftan and Joe King want you to drop your pants and dance at the red-hot Underworld underwear party. Saturday afternoon Circuit Noize sponsors another in the continuing series of earth-based dance rituals. This event is a guided dance meditation that will put you in a great headspace to launch the rest of your weekend. The doors open at 2:00pm, you must enter by 3:00pm, when the ritual Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 85 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 36 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 begins. It's located at the Women's building in the Mission district at 3543 Eighteenth St. Superclub Industry @ Mezzanine, San Francisco's hottest Saturday night party, brings you its biggest Pride weekend ever. International superstar DJs Chris Cox and Wayne G. provide the sounds. Saturday night Gus Presents the massive Colossus party with DJ Paulo. Dance under a spectacular 8 story atrium at the Gift Center Pavilion. At the all-new Ten15 Folsom, Roland Belmares presides over the new Giant tea dance. Putting the finishing touches on the weekend Sunday night, Alexander and David Knapp will be spinning in the Sanctuary, at the Factory. Info: / / ________________________________________________________________________ June 24-26, 2005 GAY PRIDE NYC - New York, New York "Equal Rights - No More, No Less" is Heritage of Pride's message to the world this year. To get this message out, they host a rally, a march, a festival, and a dance. That last event is, of course, Dance 19: The Dance on the Pier, happening on Pier 54 on Sunday, from 4pm - 11pm. Warren Gluck and Randy Bettis will be mixing sound with Guy Smith on lights. With the sunset over the twinkling Manhattan skyline, the only thing better would be some fireworks, and they'll have those too. Sunday night, Ric Sena presents Alegria Pride 2005-wall-to-wall muscles and the thundering beats of Tony Moran and Abel to keep you going well into the next day (You do have work off, right?). Meanwhile, over at Spirit, Tracy Young opens for Junior Vasquez at Speed-O, midnight Sunday night all the way through to 6pm on Monday. And all weekend, SBNY will be featuring their famously friendly crowd and easy-on-the-eyes bartenders. And while you're in Chelsea you'd be foolish not to stop into g lounge for one of those frozen Cosmos. Info: / / / / ________________________________________________________________________ June 24, 2005 GAY PRIDE - Manila, Philippines The new party powerhouse in the east celebrates gay pride in the Philippines. Experience something exotic and unique in the world of gay parties. Info: Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 86 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 37 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 July 1-4, 2005 INDEPENDANCE 10 - Laguna Beach, California By day, guys converge on West Street Beach, but as night falls, the party moves further inland. So what if you have sand in your shoes? Parties like this are why we live in California. Dance under the stars, then crash at either host hotel - The Coast Inn (949-494-7588) or Doubletree Irvine (949-471-8888) - then consider your summer officially kicked off. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 1-7, 2005 FIERY FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND - Fire Island Pines, New York It's not a quiet little sandbar when it lights up for this midsummer holiday. And on the island, the celebration lasts for a full week. The Pavilion is open every night for your dancing desires. The top New York DJs are in town for the weekend, with Junior spinning Fever on Saturday night and the amazing Tony Moran spinning Sunday night. Tea dance DJs include Super Dave, Randy Bettis, Lina and Joe Gauthreaux. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 2-8, 2005 SUMMER CAMP P-TOWN - Provincetown, Massachusetts It's the east coast's most popular July Fourth destination and it's easy to see whya cozy New England village with picturesque beaches and a local flavor that pretty much defines quaint. Plus it turns just as gay as gay gets during this long weekend of celebrating. In P-Town, everybody is your friend-even the people you haven't met, because eventually you will (Probably at 2 am in front of Spiritus Pizza, but you'll figure that out soon enough). David Flower Productions has once again lined up a stellar array of DJ talent to play at his excellently produced events. A full week of top DJ talent includes Manny Lehman, Susan Morabito, Tony Moran, Roland Belmares, Scotty K, Adien, Patrick Guay and Rob Harris. And don't miss the adventure on the high seas with two different boat cruises - the world famous Sunset Boat Party features DJ Brett Henrichsen and DJ Abel will be spinning the even more infamous After Hours Boat Cruise. Info: For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 87 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 38 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 July 2-4, 2005 THE DUNES RESORT - Saugatuck, Michigan They don't call it "Fire Island West" for nothing, you know. Saugatuck, the midwest's largest gay resort, and the Dunes, its gay anchor and social hub, play host to throngs of hot and friendly Midwestern boys this time of year. On July 4th weekend, DJs Brett Henrichsen, David Knapp and Mark Vallese spin those popular tea dances at the famous Dunes Resort. See the Dunes website for additional DJ dates and events. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 3, 2005 GIANT TEA DANCE - San Francisco, California 1015 Folsom is back. You knew it would be and after an extensive remodel and complete revamp of the sound and lights, who better to break it all in and bring it alive for us than DJ Warren Gluck. He'll be spinning his classic, yet progressive style of tea music. Dress code for this special July 4th event is red, white and blue. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 6, 2005 HUSTLABALL 2005 - Barcelona, Spain and Nois Magazine are teaming up to bring you the latest Hustlaball - this time at La Paloma in Barcelona. At first glance La Paloma is a beautiful, restored edifice more than 100 years old, but it also has a bit of a checkered past. At one time it was known for the pimps and thugs who frequented it and the dangerous bouncers who kept them in check. In other words, it's the perfect place to throw a party for special guest Chi Chi LaRue, a pack of boys from her famous stables and a crowd of hedonistic revelers from around the world. DJ DeMarco provides the soundtrack. Dress outrageous. Tickets and Info: / ________________________________________________________________________ July 10, 2005 WHITE PARTY - Barcelona, Spain You know you were just looking for a reason to go back to beautiful Barcelonawell, your wish has come true The White Party, at Space Barcelona provides the perfect excuse to visit this balmy coastal town in Spain. DJs Paul Heron and Steven Redant combine their magic with the heat of the latin locals to spin this Circuit 88 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 39 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 party into a dance frenzy. Info: / / ________________________________________________________________________ July 15-17, 2005 FOLSOM FAIR NORTH - Toronto, Canada The world's sexiest leather and fetish lovers will again converge on Toronto this July. Saturday night kicks off the nasty fun and kink with Agitator. This is a steamy leather and fetish dance party featuring DJ Chester Wong, Toronto's own notorious Master R and a mob of muscle studs from Colt Studios. On Sunday the main event, Folsom Fair North 3, kicks off at high noon at the Steam Whistle Beer Garden. An expanded entertainment stage, dance area and a large vendor market create a kinky carnival atmosphere. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 23, 2005 QUEER AS FOLK TOUR FINALE - San Francisco, California Industry @ Mezzanine will host the very last Queer as Folk Ancient Babylon stop, featuring the one-and-only Manny Lehman on the decks. Famed designers RKM will transform Industry into ancient Babylon with shows, giveaways and dancing all night. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 25-31, 2005 DIVERS/CITÉ - Montréal, Canada Divers/Cité is Montréal's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride celebration. A cultural festival, pride parade, community day, and roster of events and parties that make this a Pride weekend that ranks with the best. Friday night, HomoRama, features DJ Joffrey Frigid spinning dirty electro and Brooklyn-based cock-rock band Black Moustache provides live entertainment. LesboMonde is where the girls will be. And on Sunday, the Pride Ball is at Club Aria - Montreal's hottest new after-hours space. Info: For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 89 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 40 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 July 29-31, 2005 SAN DIEGO PRIDE - San Diego, California As always, Pride weekend in San Diego serves up a dizzying array of parties and events that often looks like a who's who of the DJ world. Friday's Pride Ball is a boat cruise aboard "The Lord Hornblower"-San Diego's largest luxury charter vessel - and features spin master Phil B. Saturday's Circuit Daze showcases the reigning prince Tony Moran at the San Diego Sports Arena. Sunday is the ever popular Zoo Party at the world famous San Diego Zoo. This year DJ Manny Lehman is at the helm. The Zoo Party usually sells out, so get your tickets in advance. And finally Sunday it will be Fete' Accompli with DJ Abel at 4th & B. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 29 - August 1, 2005 RAPTURE PRIDE - Vancouver, Canada ToyBoxBoys Productions brings you the sixth edition of this widely anticipated event, which is Vancouver's biggest party. This Pride weekend will feature DJ Mark Anthony (Montreal), Escape (New York), Paulo (LA), Deko-ze (Toronto), Mathew Harvat (Chicago) and Rob C (Vancouver). Live on stage will be performances by Circuit Mom and Derek Daniels (Hawaii). Expect Circuit sounds with a global flair in a way that only the boys from Vancouver can deliver. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 28 - AUGUST 4, 2005 PINES PARTY - Fire Island Pines, New York This is one of the only beach parties that happens at night. Décor and production values over the last years have been top-notch. The Pavillion will also be jumping throughout the week and features D.C.'s famous Rob Harris on Saturday night and Susan Morabito on Sunday night. Tea Dance DJs include Super Dave, Lina, Marco and Carlos Pedraza. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ July 30, 2005 JOINING HEARTS 18… KALEIDOSCOPE - Atlanta, Georgia This year's party is an early evening event at the Boisfeuillet Jones Atlanta Civic Center Plaza, a venue complete with fountains, shade areas, and a breathtaking view of the downtown skyline. DJ David Knapp is spinning, with a special guest performance by diva Abigail. Joining Hearts is a community based, volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to providing housing support to people living Circuit 90 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 41 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 with HIV and AIDS in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2005, the event celebrates its 18th year of fundraising; proudly acknowledging that through its 18 year history, 100% of every dollar raised through ticket sales and tips is donated to its beneficiaries. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ August 4-7, 2005 GAY PRIDE - Amsterdam, The Netherlands This year Amsterdam Pride celebrates its ten year anniversary. The kick off party on Thursday at Cockring is the perfect way to get ready for an exciting weekend and check out the locals and tourists alike. On Friday night the immensely popular Salvation party at Escape Venue attracts a great variety of people, from muscle boys to fashion queens and everything in between. Make sure to get your ticket in time, because this is a guaranteed sell-out. The party continues with the Steamy After Salvation at Thermos Day Sauna, with hundreds of horny guys dancing at the sauna. Most convenient! On Saturday celebrate Pride with thousands of gays in the streets. For the occasion Amsterdam is one big open-air club where you can drink your beer or smoke your joint on every corner of the street! The unique Pride parade, on the Amsterdam canals, features more than one hundred of the most outrageous floats and over a half million spectators. You can even buy a ticket to be on the White Party boat and be a part of the parade. Saturday night's White Party is at Powerzone, which features two floors of dancing, an outdoor terrace and a swimming pool. The theme for this year is "White Party Extravagance." Prizes will be given for the best costumes and the sounds will be provided by DJs Paul Heron, Wayne G. and Steven Redant. Another party you won't want to miss is Joystick. Held at one of the largest dance venues in Amsterdam, Joystick has all the ingredients for an incredible party experience. If you haven't been laid yet, then don't miss the safe-sex party at Cockring on Sunday afternoon. The full schedule of events includes a Sunday Tdance cruise, street parties and after-hours events all weekend long. Info: / / 877-GAYEVENTS ________________________________________________________________________ August 13-27, 2005 RSVP MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE- Athens to Istanbul This year RSVP is sponsoring two back-to-back seven-day cruises. There is no better way to experience the romance of the sea than on a small ship with RSVP. Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 91 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:03 PM Page 42 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 With 170 to 220 guests, these small ships are an intimate, more relaxed way to feel the joys of an all gay and lesbian cruise. Sail from Athens to Isantbul or from Istanbul to Athens on one or both fun-filled tours. The exotic ports of call include the famed Greek islands Santorini and Mykonos, Dikili and Kusadasi/Ephesus. Enjoy the thrill of a being on board a real sailboat in the Dardanelles channels and the Sea of Marmara. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ August 18-21, 2005 RED BALL - Fort Lauderdale, Florida Now in its fourth year, this year's theme is "Touchdown on the Retro Planet". Friday there is a welcome happy hour at Georgie’s Alibi in Wilton Manors and later the Welcome Party is at Boom Nightclub with DJ Bryan Reyes. On Saturday afternoon there is a Red Ball Pool Party with DJ Johnny D sponsored by, followed by a pre-party at the world famous Copa Nightclub. On Sunday a brunch is sponsored by Hamburger Mary's in Wilton Manors and then it's off to the main event, The Red Ball, with Retro DJ's Marc Scott and Robbie Leslie. Don't forget to wear your Red. All proceeds from this weekend are donated to Children's Diagnostics and Treatment Center taking care of Children living with HIV/AIDS. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ August 20, 2005 LEATHER BALL XI - Toronto, Canada Mr. Leatherman Toronto Competition Inc. presents Leather Ball XI, Saturday night at The Opera House. DJ Deko-ze spins. Dress code enforced. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ August 21, 2005 WHITE PARTY IBIZA - Ibiza, Spain It's one of the most stunning locales for a party on earth-right there next to the crashing surf on West Street Beach in Laguna. It's always a perfect Sunday afternoon. Music this year will be courtesy of DJ Phil B, who will spin from noon For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 92 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:04 PM Page 43 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 to 5. By August, the ocean in Laguna is even warm enough to take a quick dip. And nobody is ever in any mood to run right home, so all the boys from the party-the entire, sand-coated lot of them-adjourn to the Boom Boom Room for margaritas and more dancing to the sounds of Kimberly S. Host hotel is the Coast Inn, the west coast's only oceanfront gay resort and located, quite conveniently, right upstairs from the Boom. Info: / Coast Inn - 949-494-7588 ________________________________________________________________________ August 31 - September 9, 2005 ATLANTIS' MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE - Barcelona, Spain Atlantis' Mediterranean adventure sails from Barcelona for the largest European all-gay cruise in history. Travel in style aboard Royal Caribbean's new Brilliance of the Seas. Unique features of this ship include a rock-climbing wall and dramatic eleven-story glass elevators overlooking the ocean. The ports of call for this cruise include Nice, Rome (Civitavecchia), Mykonos, Crete and Naples, before returning to Barcelona. So you better bring two steamer trunks-you need beachwear, tourist wear and lots and lots of clubwear because when the ship is at sea be prepared to party just like it's the land-based Circuit. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ September 1-5, 2005 END OF SUMMER BLOW-OUT - Fire Island Pines, New York It's Labor Day Weekend and the boys of New York descend upon the island for a farewell to summer celebration. On Saturday night The Incomparable Susan Morabito rocks the Pavillion. On Sunday night Randy Bettis fills the air with his beats. Tea Dance DJ's include Super Dave, Randy Bettis, Lina, and Joe Gauthreaux. The final blowout of the season is the Zenith Party on Monday. This special event is held at a private house, usually on the water. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ September 4, 2005 ALEGRIA - New York, New York It's the end of summer in the land of beautiful boys and after a summer of sun Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 93 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:04 PM Page 44 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 and faithfully going to the gym they're all peaking, with a golden glow. Crobar sparkles with the sweat of the hotties that grace New York's sexiest party. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ August 31 - September 5, 2005 SOUTHERN DECADENCE - New Orleans, Louisiana When you think you're an experienced, well-traveled partier, with all your hardearned, world-weary ways and think you've seen it all, along comes Southern Decadence to show you that you haven't even been looking at the right map. It's considered the "Gay Mardi Gras" of New Orleans, it is now one of the largest free street parties you can attend, and really is something you have to see to believe. As is so often the case with these things, the actual facts surrounding the party's inception seem dubious. One can be reasonably certain of at least one thing-one lovely autumn morning, in or around 1972, something happened, and mayhem ensued. This occasion is now observed annually with more mayhem, a parade, costumes, noisemakers, drinking, dancing, and the namesake decadence, in abundance everywhere (and right out in broad daylight!). Come see and be seen in the wildest, decadent costumes on Decadence Sunday. New Orleans hot spot, Oz, has a great balcony above Bourbon St. for overseeing the street level festivities below and welcomes top Circuit DJs Barry Harris, Tracy Young, Manny Lehman, and Alyson Calagna for your dancing pleasure. The infamous Chi-Chi LaRue returns to preside over festivities upstairs at the Parade Dance Club. Their weekend talent includes DJs Warren Gluck, Kimberly S, Joe Gauthreaux, Rick Mitchell, Max Rodriguez, Darren Thomas, and Jayskee. Info: / ________________________________________________________________________ September 2, 2005 PANDORA - Los Angles, California Come on, open the box, see what's inside. Labor Day Sunday at L.A.'s hottest space - Avalon - dance to the sounds of Peter Rauhofer and Paulo. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ September 24, 2005 FOLSOM ST. FAIR - MAGNITUDE & AFTERSHOCK San Francisco, California It's a city where "formal dress" on an invitation usually means "don't chicken out and wear Levis underneath-buttless chaps are that way for a reason!" No surprise, then, that San Francisco pulls together the hottest leather festival anywhere, as nearly half a million hot leathermen and their fans descend on this Circuit 94 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:04 PM Page 45 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 city, all looking to scratch that one particular itch. The hottest of the hot will be looking for it at Magnitude on Saturday night-where the world-class music, laser lights, and the Dungeon Bed lounge (dark corners will be everywhere) pretty much guarantee the hottest, sexiest venue to let those fantasies play out. Immediately following Magnitude, DJ Abel spins Aftershock after-hours. Because that old saying is wrong-sometimes more is, in fact, more. Info: / ________________________________________________________________________ October 5-11, 2005 BLACK & BLUE FESTIVAL - Montréal, Canada Black & Blue is a party like none other. A whole week of activities ranging from art exhibits, movie screenings and athletic events, to the famous dance parties. It is all crowned by the magnificent Black & Blue main event on Sunday night. This year is the 15th anniversary and the party has been moved back to the Olympic Stadium, where no doubt a grand spectacle is being planned to commemorate the occasion. The crowd at the main event is mixed, as thousands of straight friends of our gay party community (most of them francophone locals) join us in a celebration that has earned a reputation for breaking new ground in the gay party world by hiring DJs and drawing a crowd we don't ordinarily get exposed to and fostering a kind of cultural interchange that is unique to the Circuit. The parties the rest of the weekend are, of course, good old back-to-basics Circuit parties. Montréal has some world-class clubs, and this week they're packed full of hot guys from all over North America and Europe. World class events include the Leather Ball, Military Ball, and the ever-popular post-Black & Blue Recovery Party on Monday night. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ October 15-23, 2005 ATLANTIS MEXICAN RIVIERA CRUISE - San Diego, California It's Atlantis' most popular cruise of all time, back this year with an all-new itinerary. Setting sail from San Diego aboard Royal Caribbean's Radiance of the Seas, the eight-day adventure visits five beautiful Pacific beaches in Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. While at sea, the wide-open outdoor pool deck aboard the Radiance becomes the perfect venue for those famous Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make fast travel and ticket reservations for selected events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party Tickets online at: Circuit 95 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:04 PM Page 46 SUMMER CIRCUIT 2005 Atlantis dance parties, unlike anything you've ever seen on land, featuring concert sound and massive light and laser shows. Four leading DJs will keep you dancing until the sun comes up or the ship docks in yet another glittering seaside resort. Book your stateroom soon, they're going fast. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ October 27-31, 2005 HALLOWEEN - New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans is the gay destination for Halloween, especially if you like a costume ball. There are four days of benefit events that provide funding for Lazarus House, a residential facility for men and women living with AIDS. Saturday's costume ball is like none other, with gangs of friends dressing in group themes with each group getting their moment on stage in the spotlight. A lot of these boys go all out. The Bourbon Pub video bar and The Parade dance club have a nonstop weekend planned. Across Bourbon St. is Oz, the other traditional gay party hot spot in New Orleans. Expect top drawer DJ talent, hot and bad stripper boys, and a crowd that likes to get rowdy. Info: / / ________________________________________________________________________ October 30, 2005 ALEGRIA HALLOWEEN - New York, New York Most of the buff boys of Alegria won't be dressed up for this gay holiday. They'll be sporting those fabulous physiques that they work so hard on. Resident DJ Abel provides the deep tribal sound at Crobar, with production design by Ric Sena. Info: ________________________________________________________________________ October 25, 2005 HALLOWEEN - Vancouver, Canada ToyBoxBoys Productions, in association with the Vancouver Men's Chorus, are producing the next edition of the largest gay Halloween event in the Pacific Northwest. This popular local event is a must if you are in the mood for something a little different for this year's Halloween. Info: For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ. Circuit 96 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:35 PM Page 48 THE EARS HAVE IT …you never know who’s listening! "You know you're a party girl when you add the word 'tweakers' to your Word dictionary!" "Boy, were we ever lucky tonight! We were without, but we were granted some Karma E." "Huh?" "You know, the E that comes back to you from friends because you've been generous in the past." "I don't do drugs anymore... but I don't really do them any less either!" "Do you want some more?" "No, I think throwing up in the trash can was a sign I'm supposed to stop." Circuit "Those kittens were wicked!" "Yeah, it was a healthy litter!" 98 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:35 PM Page 49 "I can't believe he's acting this way. He seemed so sweet." "You're old enough to know you can't trust drug-assisted infatuation." "We're not crack whores. We're just energetic." "People who live in glass vials shouldn't throw crack rocks." "He has everything I'm looking for in a boyfriend: Tina, X, and K!" "You're not even going to feel that one little E." "Sure, I will… I saved some serotonin just for this party!" "I just did some G. It tastes like shit. You want some?" "I said 'no' to drugs, but they didn't listen." "I'm drug-free… all my drugs are free!" Submit your own “Overheards” to us at [email protected] Circuit 99 Noize Ads and Photos44.qxp 4/17/2005 10:49 AM Page 4 Ads and Photos44.qxp 4/17/2005 10:50 AM Page 5 issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:07 PM Page 50 DJ PROFILE Stephan Grondin by Jae Stephan Grondin, a French-Canadian-born musician, producer and DJ, traces his musical career back to o the days of his childhood. As his father's musical apprentice, Stephan developed a passion for musiic at an early age. Yet, it was not until the middle of his second year of law school that he came face to face with the biggest decision of his life. Should he follow his dream of a career in music or should he continue in school, the more likely path to a stable future? For Stephan Grondin, his heart won out. His life direction had suddenly become very clear. Music was his answer. hobby, he explored splicing methods, creating remixes of his most cherished artists. His father, a DJ who played weddings, would become a mentor to Stephan, providing him with his first exposure to the skills of DJing. Stephan would accompany his dad on these gigs, soaking up his father's knowledge like a sponge. By the time he was seventeen, Stephan Grondin had developed himself into a talent interesting enough to grab the attention of a local discotheque and they offered him a job. There was only one problem - he was too young to be in a drinking establishment. The club wanted him badly enough that the police were consulted and a solution was found. The DJ booth was specially constructed such that it had its own entry from The Grondin home had always been filled with musical instruments and equipment including a piano, guitars, and percussions, as well as reel-to-reels and turntables. Everyone in the family played at least one musical instrument. Stephan played both the drums and piano. His interest in recorded music began when he became fascinated with his father's reel-to-reel. As a 102 Circuit Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:07 PM Page 51 own unique DJ sound, discovering his fascination with warm, wood sounds over hollow, metal sounds. In addition, the DJ booth was right on the dance floor, allowing for a unique interaction with clubgoers in the small, intimate space. For his Sunday afternoon sermon at CHURCH, Grondin would unleash his latest masterpieces. outside and its only connection to the club was a window that overlooked the dance floor. When it was time to attend postsecondary school, Grondin moved to Montreal to study law. Although he was an exemplary student, Grondin couldn't ignore his heart and, after two years, switched to the University of Quebec at Montreal to study music in earnest. Grondin made the leap outside of Montreal when he was noticed by the promoters of Toronto's FLY nightclub. He has held court there every six weeks for the past five years. Grondin has also graced turntables globally in worldrenowned clubs such as Salvation in Miami, Queen in Paris, Ministry of Sound in London, and Stereo in Montreal. While there, Grondin started a residency for the school's club, which was named La Fac. There he would gar ner the attention of Pierre Viens, a promoter at the club SKY, the city's newest gay hotspot. Grondin landed the Friday night gig and held the residency for six years. He then scored the Saturday night residency at the first incarnation of Unity at a time when it was the most popular gay club in Montreal. No stranger to the Circuit scene, Grondin has played eight consecutive Black & Blue events in Montreal and three consecutive Altitude (Gay Ski Week) events in Whistler, Canada. Circuit revellers also got a Grondin education during the 1999 Victory Pride Party celebration in Toronto. Most recently he played Living in Mexico City and Rise in Boston. Yet, Grondin feels that the experience that transformed him the most was at a party named CHURCH at [Club] Sisters. It was here that Grondin really found his Stephan's production career got kicked off way back in the Unity days when he met Greg Kuca. Together they formed the music production partnership XUnion. Their first effort, "By Your Side" 103 Circuit Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:07 PM by Malina was released on Tommy Boy Records and peaked at number 13 on Billboard's Dance/Club play charts. Unfortunately, due to creative differences, Kuca left X-Union . Their separation was amicable, though, allowing Grondin to keep the name. Page 52 Forthcoming this summer on Star 69 Records is Grondin's hot runway remix of Club 69's "I Look Good". Check out Star 69 Records for other stellar mixes by Grondin including Made By Monkeys "I Try" or last summer's anthem "Luv 2 Luv" from dance diva Suzanne Palmer. Stephan Grondin is a cherished entertainer whom Montrealers hold in high esteem. His abilities as a DJ and producer have shown him to be a natural at manipulating sound to create new music. He is building a unique, warm vibe that is already very popular in Toronto, Vancouver, Paris, and Boston. Those who have shared in the Grondin experience will attest he can deliver nights of unparalleled beauty. Grondin's remix of "Hit The Freeway" by Toni Braxton (Laface/Arista) was a catalyst that promoted greater recognition for him in the United States. The remix, although unofficial, was created in five hours the night before the Jock Ball of Montreal's Black & Blue Festival. The reaction on the dance floor was phenomenal. His remix triggered a curiosity, which was eventually cured when someone leaked it onto the internet. For more information on Stephan Grondin including recent news, discography and schedule of upcoming appearances please visit The future is bright for Stephan Grondin as he prepares to launch his own label, having already signed an original production by Peter Bailey entitled "Freak Show". STEPHAN GRONDIN 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 10 TOP Sound Of The Drums - Suzanne Palmer Levitate - X-Union Feat Marek (DJ Cytric Mix) Gattaca Grooves - Jerome Isma Enjoy The Silence - Angel Moraes (Peter Bailey Mix) Deeper & Deeper - Madonna (Stephan Grondin Stereo 2005 Mix) Work That Shit - DJ Cytric What Happens Tomorrow - Duran Duran (Peter Rauhofer Mix) This Is The Sound - Pedro Diaz (Midnight Society Mix) Over & Over - Antoine 909 La Nueva - Simon & Shaker 104 Circuit Noize distribution 2004.qxp 4/20/2005 7:24 PM Page 2 Pickup a FREECopy of at these Preferred Locations: Atlanta, GA Outwrite Books The Poster Hut Boy Next Door Dallas, TX Cross Roads Market Detroit, MI Austin, TX Menjo's Detroit BodyZone Club Boston, MA Hunter's DanceClub Splash We Think the World of You Metropolitan Gym MAP Fritz Francesca's Vinyl Connection Machine Fenway Health Calgary, Canada Priape Chicago, IL Sidetracks Borderline Music Universal Gear LA Tan in Century Mall Circuit Nightclub Beatnix Unabridged Bookstore Columbia, SC Club Metropolis Columbus, OH Torso An Open Book Elk Grove, IL East St. Louis, IL Faces on Fourth St. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Better Bodies Gym Georgies Alibi Colliseum Catalogue X Gay Mart Boom Cathode Ray Honolulu, HI Cabana Waikiki Tryst Angles Hulas Bar & Lei Stand Houston, TX JR's Bar and Grill M2M Fashions South Beach Nightclub Meteor Montrose Mining Co. O Rich’s Laguna Beach, CA Boom Boom Room Woody’s Mainstreet Las Vegas, NV Blue Moon Resort Krave Los Angeles West Hollywood, CA Perfect Beat The Factory PowerZone Pleasure Chest Jocko Global 61 L.A. Sporting Club Rage Nightclub Hollywood Spa A Different Light In 101 Video West VideoActive Virgin MegaStore Miami, FL Crobar Miami Score Iron Works Twist Space Ulloa Sport 11th St Diner BodyBodyWear New Concept Video Minneapolis, MN Rainbow Road distribution 2004.qxp 4/20/2005 Montreal, Canada Presse Cafe BodyBodyWear Priape New Orleans, LA Bourbon Pub / Parade Oz Nightclub New York, NY Splash SBNY Energy Kitchen XL Lounge Roxy Revision Universal Gear 19th St Gym G Lounge Wear Me Out Eagle NYC Rainbows and Triangles Orlando, FL Urban Body Men's Clothing Pulse Gay Days Palm Springs, CA 7:24 PM Page 3 Philadelphia, PA Millenium Coffee 12th St Gym Shampoo Phoenix, AZ Crobar Unique on Central La Roca Provincetown, MA Mussel Beach Crown & Anchor Ptown Gym Provincetown Deli San Diego, CA Obelisk Bookstore San Francisco, CA Mezzanine Powerhouse Citizen / Body Clothing Books Inc MASS Metropolis Sanctuary Always Tan Saugatuk, MI The Dunes Resort Tampa, FL Urban Body Men's Clothping Club Underground Chambers Chrome City Side Tomes & Treasures What2Wear Toronto, Canada 5ive Lifelounge BodyBodyWear Priape Woody's Vancouver, Canada GayMart Washington, DC Nations Night Club ATLAS Universal Gear Lamda Rising Capital City Health Café AEU Studios Heaven To Become a Distribution Point for Circuit Noize Magazine Send an Email to: [email protected] ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:14 PM Page 6 Are Are you a photographer? Do you bring a camera to events? Submit your photos to us and perhaps we’ll feature feature them in upcoming issues. Contact [email protected] [email protected] for more more information. Spring Circuit Photo Album Photographer: Yuri Yuri Andrei Andrei Location: Miami Beach, FL Event: W inter Party Circuit 10 8 Noize ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:15 PM Page 7 s s. or V isit the all New, FREE, and Interactive BOY PIX at www.cir for the LARGEST online ar chive of event photos. Circuit 10 9 Noize ads and photos44.qxp 4/21/2005 9:51 PM Page 10 ads and photos44.qxp 4/21/2005 9:52 PM Page 11 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:17 PM Page 10 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:17 PM Page 11 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:18 PM Page 12 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:19 PM Page 13 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:20 PM Page 14 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:20 PM Page 15 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:21 PM Page 16 ads and photos44.qxp 4/19/2005 10:21 PM Page 17 issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:07 PM Page 54 MUSIC REVIEWS by Jamie Nicholes for the most part, they could be played years from now and still wake you from the misery hole you were digging for yourself at the bottom of a cocktail because "nameless buff circuit guy #14" groped your friend and not you, and lift you from your cave in the cor ner, depositing you in the middle of the skin carnival. Like the album of the same name by Junior Vasquez, all tracks are mixes and productions by Wayne G himself. Many of these tracks were unavailable prior and will not be included on anything but this compilation. Anthem 2 Wayne G Initi8-Zero Upon first inspection of Wayne G's Anthem 2, my immediate response was, "Oh my god, he actually used [nearly all] the original artists, this is gonna rock!" My friend's response was somewhat less enthusiastic: "Yeah, but who cares about those songs now?" The answer: everyone. An anthem is "a song of devotion or loyalty" and the way I interpret that is: no matter how old or frequented the song becomes, it will still command your love and respect. The one that will probably command the most attention, ironically because the vocalist is a no-name compared to track listing companions like Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Anastacia, and Angie Stone, is "I Just Wanna Dance" by Jerry Springer, which most will recognize by the yell-a-long lyrics, "I don't give a fuck no more, if people think I am a whore… I just wanna fuckin' dance!" Along with that poetic beauty, Wayne G's compilation includes his I-only-play-this-at-HeavenLondon mixes of "Like I Love You", Not all these tracks are as "anthem-qualified" as others, but 120 Circuit Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:07 PM Page 55 "Beautiful", "I'm Outta Love" and "I W ish I Didn't Miss You" (corresponding to the aforementioned "big name" artists) along with a 2005 mix of Tears for Fears' "Shout", Shauna Jensen's big-room cover of Britney's "Everytime", and a fierce "busy working gal" cover of "Pride (A Deeper Love)" by Cie. Wayne G's usually a bit too hokey for me, but Anthem 2 is pure perfection. Freedom Manny Lehman Tommy Boy Manny's the man. What more is there really to say? I knew I was going to love this one from the first track - the Offer Nissim Remix of Kristine W's overdue, but finally released anthem "The Wonder of It All". Divided into a "Big Room Session" and a "Tribal Session", Freedom takes everything you love about Circuit music, both peakhour and wee-hour, slathers it with an enthusiastically uplifting energy and serves it up continuous and expertly compiled. As expected, most of the vocals are contained within the first disc and the majority of the second is tribal beats with the vocals appearing only sporadically. It might be described as the heaviness of Peter Rauhofer with the inspirational tone of old skool Frankie Knuckles - it's got all the Circuit "wham, bam, thank you Sam" that makes Circuit music what it is today. And Manny has chosen enough "happy" tracks that by the set's conclusion, your mood matches the warm, light color scheme of the album's cover and you want to step into Manny's smiling, outstretched embrace. This is the Circuit sound of a midsummer evening. In the past, when asked what my favorite tribal Circuit album was, I was always immediate to preach the shining star that is Abel's Alegria , but after listening to this one, I think that we may be in for an unexpected eclipse. Buy these releases and all your other dance music favorites at 121 Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:07 PM Page 56 original into a dark trance construction that re-shaped one line of the chorus into a foggy haze that drifts aimlessly over a low beat and a bass groan. Miami '05 finds Schulz following that same trajectory as he stitches together works by other artists across a 2-disc mixed set that illustrates the darker side of a city I've always associated with sun, sand, and retirement. Schulz's jour ney is a smooth but emotionally dynamic one, so get ready to dance with your eyes shut, your hands up, and your mind free to wander through your own memories. It is stunning. And if you're looking for a point of departure - a place to start from as you navigate the discs' tracks (I can never just start from the beginning. It's like a magazine, right?), go straight for "I Know You're Gone" by Max Graham featuring Jessica Jacobs. It pretty well sets the tone for an experience that can only go further inward from there. Miami '05 Markus Schulz Moist Music Markus Schulz is a name that really only recently started to mean something to me, but looking back has actually been a part of the music I love for quite some time. Schulz's trademark brooding, layered and melodic sound has been sought out for remixes by artists like Jewel ("Intuition", "Stand"), Everything But The Girl ("Lullaby of Clubland"), PQM featuring Cica ("The Flying Song"), Andain ("Beautiful Things"), Oceanlab ("Satellite"), Motorcycle aka Gabriel & Dresden ("As The Rush Comes") and Telepopmusik ("Breathe"). Self-described as a "studio geek", Schulz is known for surprising crowds during live sets with unique reconstructions of well-known songs. The first time I really fell in love with Markus Schulz's vision was upon hearing his nearly 10minute "Coldharbour Mix" of Jewel's "Stand", turning the plunky Buy these releases and all your other dance music favorites at 122 Circuit Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:08 PM Page 57 of the album is just production, there is so much creativity and originality contained within the beat. Holding true to the African roots of tribal drumming, most of the vocals on this album are employed in the track with no more significance than any other element. The voice is used as an instrument not meant to contrast the beat, but to deepen it. I can't think of a better example of this than in "The Hum Melody 2005" in which a woman's voice is morphed into what sounds like an electronic bagpipe and then back again. The voice is being utilized as just another way to make sound, layered with the other tracks to create an intricate composition in the same way that a high-hat playing 16th notes is used to complicate a kick drum stomping out the rhythm's foundation. Juicy Music, Vol. 1 Robbie Rivera Star 69 The subtitle of this album - "A Beatmix" - holds true; it's just sexyass beats. However, this is not meant to instantly alienate this beautifully constructed 2-disc mixed set from those that comprise the masses who cry out for divavocal Circuit house. Trust me when I say that these beats never get boring and never leave you wishing a wailing female would come along. Robbie Rivera has always been the underdog, producing quality remixes but being overshadowed time and again by companion mixes on the same single by household producers whose names tend to more frequently fill the parentheses following every pop track that makes a crossover to a club DJ's playlist. It's not that he was ever unnoticed or unsuccessful; he just never seemed to get the recognition or spotlight time that he deserved. Regardless, he has struck gold with this release. While this type of sound seems to be most commonly understood as what fills the dark, heavy air at after-hours, the energy Robbie infuses his mix with is absolutely peak and could easily satisfy a Saturday night crowd at midnight. This is the album that should be kept with you at all times to prove wrong all the haters who classify all club music by the sound effect that I believe originated in the movie Mallrats - "uhn-tsss-uhn-tsss-uhntsss-uhn-tsss". While the majority 123 Circuit Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:08 PM Page 58 KAT'S RANT by Kat Coric I knew it was coming. And though I tried, I could not stop it. It was a natural progression, this in nvasion of my beloved city of Montreal. Like a slow-moving infection, it spread across the border fro om the south. Dark, insidious, it has crippled our community. Is there anything I can say about crysttal meth that hasn't already been said? There was a time when I felt total apathy for crystal users. I avoided them at all costs. Difficult as it is for me - instead of turning away from tweakers, I now try to engage them. I try to see what makes them grind. I try to plant seeds, full well knowing that the earth here is rather toxic. But I try to be more understanding of the complicated circumstances involved in crystal use. I listen, but I don't condone the use. successfully left Crete on the wings they'd crafted, but Icarus, exhilarated by the thrill of flying, got careless and flew too near the sun. The wax melted and he fell to his death. If you choose to fly, crystal is a sun that sooner or later will entice you to fly too near. The crystal meth experience can be equated to fast food. It's like when you walk by one of these places and you are seduced by the smell of the fries. That smell lures you in. Against your better judgement you eat the greasesoaked food, only to find that you are sick to your stomach afterwards. Is the party getting super-sized? In my opinion, all drugs legal and illegal have the potential to be dangerous, but crystal meth is the most harmful I've ever seen. It is destructive and unforgiving. So why do we still do it? Are we hurting ourselves intentionally? Is crystal use an act of self-directed civil disobedience? It is almost like collectively we have a repetitive motion injury of the brain. We all know the history and we know the facts. We've all heard the stories from friends and others, yet we refuse to acknowledge them. Are you one of those with the wide eyes? Like a doe in the headlights, you don't understand what is about to hit you. I have too many friends and acquaintances who are revolving around crystal like it's their sun. It is like the sun in the Greek legend of Icarus. Remember him? He and his father, Daedalus, fled Crete using wings made from feathers and wax. Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun. They If you're one of the professional party people and want to collaborate on creative ways to stop the pandemic contact me at [email protected] 124 Circuit Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:09 PM Page 60 MY EVOLVING PARTY by Milton Shultz In the beginning, my party landscape was populated with outrageous fun, friends, and fond memories. There were so many extraordinary extravaganzas beneath the lights, wearing fabulous outfits with welllplanned accessories, dancing to great DJs on sound systems that you could feel in your body. during the 90s. There are so many who have languished in the creativity and spirituality that can thrive beneath the disco ball. Slowly and unknowingly, they have left the party behind in search of bigger and better highs. I think part of it has to do with the evolution of available drugs. And always, at the center of the party were the drugs. They served as a gateway into a magical world infused with color, drama, and glamour. There seemed to be so much beauty… and a feeling of acceptance… and the music… and the dancing. It was good for many years. When Coke, X and K were the vogue, silly reverie and flamboyance were celebrated. With the advent of GHB and Crystal, the party has just become a means to an end. These drugs are truly the Circuit's WMD. And with them, the party has changed. In fact, the party has simply gotten in the way. Party-nPlay has become the ultimate goal, replacing the party altogether. But eventually the frolic crossed a line. It became something uncontrollable. I changed from a wild and crazy party boy into an excessive and unhappy party monster. Gone were the photo albums filled with pictures of looney party antics - in their place were online pictures of potential sex tricks. My party experience had morphed into an insatiable, neverending hunger-lust full of frightening and dangerous sexual encounters. I had been feeding my soul with empty calories and the more I ate of this seemingly fulfilling bounty, the hungrier I became. In the bur ned-out, unemotional landscape that became my life in the aftermath of these drugs, I would often try to figure out why I would repeatedly walk out onto those burning coals time after time knowing that I would end up engulfed in flames. But the powerful drug-induced sexual validation experienced while high was a potent fuel for a boy who had grown up feeling inferior and lonely. My story is shared by many of us who grew up in the party scene 126 Circuit Noize issue 44 final.qxp 4/21/2005 9:09 PM Page 61 After four months in rehab and countless AA meetings, I could never get past the first step: admitting that I am powerless. I have always adhered to the notion that as long as I work hard enough, I can do whatever I put my mind to. I can excel where others have failed. I am powerful and committed to winning this battle with unmanageable elements. I am not convinced that it is the job of some higher power to enable this success. This will come from within. It took me a few years to become aware of my descent into this hellish inferno. My first trip to the ER was not enough. Nor was my second ER experience which involved paramedics removing me from my car - passed out at a red light. It was the third trip. A nurse very bluntly suggested that I might have a problem. I was left to think about what she'd said, laying beneath the bright lights in an open-ended hospital gown with a catheter in me, hearing the homeless crack addict in the next bed rambling incessantly. I am not ready to accept a life of abstinence either. I will limit the selection of things that I choose to use. But my path right now is about finding joy in life again. One way I think I can do this is to rekindle the delight that parties once brought me. I aim to reignite the laughter and to play with my friends on the dance floor once again. As a man in my forties with a loving partner and family, good health, and a solid career, I had too much to lose. I finally took a muchneeded break to re-evaluate the costs versus the benefits and to realign my strategy. 127 Circuit Noize advertise.qxp 4/20/2005 8:01 PM Page 1 Advertise! Everyone Else Does. On the Street: August 1, 2005 Ad Deadline: July 1, 2005 (818) 769-9390
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