“TED” CARTER JR., USN Superintendent of the US Naval Academy
“TED” CARTER JR., USN Superintendent of the US Naval Academy
Vol.41 Issue 71 January 2016 President’s Message We enter 2016 with a renewed commitment to continue our mission in support of the Sea Services. I would like to express my personal gratitude to all the Council Officers, Directors and Members for their contributions to the common cause of our great organization. At our closing dinner for 2015 we had a great drive for the “Toys for Tots” hosted by the Marines, collecting gifts for children to be distributed in the area for the holidays. Our guest speaker, Lieutenant Mark R. Ketchum, USCG, Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale, gave a great presentation on the missions of the service and in particular the tasks in the area of responsibility for Station Fort Lauderdale. During the month of January we have changes of command at the U.S. Southern Command and at the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, South. Admiral Kurt W. Tidd, USN, will assume duties as commander of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) from U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly. General Kelly will retire after more than four decades of distinguished military service as a Marine infantry enlisted man and commissioned officer.Brigadier General Kevin M. Iiams, USMC, will be the new Commander of MARFORSOUTH. I hope to see everybody at our “Mediterranean Nights at the Seven Sea Gala” on Saturday, January 30, 7 PM at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six Resort. We have the honor of welcoming Vice Admiral Walter E. “Ted” Carter, Jr., USN, Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy, as our guest speaker. Our Sea Cadets will serve as the Honor Receiving line for our military guests, they will present the colors and their Rifle Drill Team will perform for all of us. We will have lots of military attending as our guests. The Gala Committee has been working hard to make this a very special evening, so please try to attend! Oscar Romano President Fort Lauderdale Council Navy League of the United States TABLE OF CONTENTS: Seven Seas Gala Party at Blue Martini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Birthdays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Council Officers 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Winterfest Boat Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Seven Seas Gala Guest of Honor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Seven Seas Gala Invitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Seven Seas Gala Underwriting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Holiday Dinner Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7-8 Navy’s New Missle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 Bivouac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page10-11 Day at the Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 View From the Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 Social Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 Community Affiliates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 Navy League of the United States Fort Lauderdale Council January Birthdays Carin Palcer Keith Walpole Lynn Bender Leslie Leibowitz Alan Stotsky Elaine Nasta Gail Choate Barbara Greenfield Yinlay Chang Monika Lent 1/3 1/5 1/6 1/8 1/8 1/9 1/11 1/12 1/14 1/18 Lila Zedeck Russell Bratt Ben Koether Cdr. Tony Powell Margaret Russell Carolyn Mulhern Nicholas DiNunzio Shirley Burtoff Louis Antosek NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 2 1/19 1/23 1/23 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/27 1/27 1/29 NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES FORT LAUDERDALE COUNCIL OFFICERS FOR 2016 President - Oscar Romano First Vice President - Abiud Montes Second Vice President - Alan M. Starr Third Vice President - Simone Ramos Secretary - Elaine Hogg Treasurer - Harvey Kovac Assistant Treasurer - Rosemarie Dezolt Judge Advocate General - Richard Chosid SPRUANCE DIVISION SEA CADETS AFLOAT AT THE 2015 SEMINOLE HARD ROCK WINTERFEST BOAT PARADE NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 3 SEvEN SEAS GALA GuEST OF HONOr viCE AdMirAL WALTEr E. “TEd” CArTEr Jr., u.S.N. SuPEriNTENdENT OF THE u.S. NAvAL ACAdEMy Vice Admiral Walter E. “Ted” Carter Jr. became the 62nd superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy on July 23, 2014. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1981, was designated a Naval Flight Officer in 1982, and graduated from the Navy Fighter Weapons School, Top Gun, in 1985. He completed the Air Command and Staff College course and the Armed Forces Staff College. In 2001, he completed the Navy’s Nuclear Power Program. Carter’s career as an aviator includes extensive time at sea, deploying around the globe in the F-4 Phantom II and the F-14 Tomcat. He has landed on 19 different aircraft carriers, to include all 10 of the Nimitz Class carriers. Carter commanded the VF-14 “Tophatters,” served as Executive Officer of USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), and commanded both USS Camden (AOE 2) and USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70). His most recent Fleet command assignment was Commander, Enterprise Carrier Strike Group (CSG-12) during Big E’s final combat deployment as a 51 year old aircraft carrier in 2012. Ashore, Carter served as Chief of Staff for Fighter Wing Pacific and Executive Assistant to the Deputy Commander, U.S. Central Command. He served as Commander, Joint Enabling Capabilities Command and subsequently as lead for the Transition Planning Team during the disestablishment of U.S. Joint Forces Command in 2011. After leading Task Force RESILIENT (a study in suicide related behaviors), he established the 21st Century Sailor Office (OPNAV N17) as its first Director in 2013. Most recently, Carter served as the 54th president of the U.S. Naval War College. During his tenure, he established the Naval Leadership and Ethics Center in Newport, R.I., on May 1, 2014. Carter is the recipient of various personal awards, including the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal (two awards), Legion of Merit (three awards), Distinguished Flying Cross with Combat V, Bronze Star, Air Medal (two with Combat V and five strike/flight), and Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (two with Combat V). He was awarded the Vice Admiral James Bond Stockdale Leadership Award and the U.S. Navy League’s John Paul Jones Award for Inspirational Leadership. Carter was also appointed an Honorary Master Chief by the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy in 2008. Carter flew 125 combat missions in support of joint operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. He accumulated 6,150 flight hours in F-4, F-14, and F-18 aircraft during his career and safely completed 2,016 carrier-arrested landings, the record among all active and retired U.S. Naval Aviation designators. In April of 2015, Carter was inducted into the prestigious Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 4 Navy League of the United States Fort Lauderdale Council presents Mediterranean Nights at the Seven Seas Gala “Celebrating the Sea Services” Saturday, Saturday y, January y January 330, 0, 2016 2016 Guest Speaker Guest Speaker VICE V ICE ADMIRAL ADMIR RAL WALTER WA W ALTER LT TE TER ER E. “TED” “TED” CARTER CARTER RTER TER JR., JR.,, USN USN Superintendent S uperin u ntte endent n of of the the U.S. U.S. Naval Nav aava va al Academy al Academy m Hyatt Regency Hyatt Regency P Pier ier S Sixty-Six ixty-Six Resort 6(WK6WUHHW)RUW/DXGHUGDOH)ORULGD 6(WK6WUHHWW)RUW/DXGHUG GDOH)ORULGD SP&RFNWDLO5HFHSWLRQSP'LQQHUDQG'DQFLQJ SP S &RFNWDLO5HFH HSWLRQSP P'LQQHUDQG'DQ QFLQJ Black B lack T Tie ie o orr Dr Dress ess U Uniform niform ffor or Militar Military ry Please R.S.V R.S.V.P. V.P .P P. by January 23, 2016 Mail to: LLynn ynn Drucke Drucker, Drucker, 845 S. Southlake Dr., Dr., Hollywood, FL L 33019 Name _____________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Number attending ________ $175 per person ________ Table Table of Ten Ten $1500 ________ $____________ ZRXOGOLNHWRSXUFKDVHB BB BB B BB B BBBBUDIÀHWLFNHWV#HDFKIRUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,,ZRXOGOLNHWRSXUFKDVHBBBBBBBUDIÀHWLFNHWV#HDFKIRUBBBBBBBBBBBB I would like to contribute to underwriting the Gala $____________ Total T otal $____________ ____ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ Enclosed is my check payable to Navy League of the U. S. - Fort Lauderdale Council ______ Charge ge my credit card: ___ MasterCard Charrge ___ VISA ___ AmEx Account #__________________________________ Expiration Date _____________ &RQWDFW/\QQ'UXFNHUIRULQIRUPDWLRQRUO\QQ#GUXFNHUPDLOFRP &RQWDFW/\QQ'UXFNHUIRULQIRUPDWLRQRUO\QQ#GUXXFNHUPDLOFRP Online payment at: www.bit.ly/7SeasGala www.bit.ly/7SeasGala NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 5 30 January 2016 NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 6 HOLidAy diNNEr MEETiNG & TOyS FOr TOTS COLLECTiON GuEST SPEAkEr: LT MArk kETCHuM, uSCG COMMANdiNG OFFiCEr, uSCG STATiON FOrT LAudErdALE By Lynn drucker Thank you to all of our members who attended our December 16th Holiday Dinner Meeting and Toys for Tots collection. We were honored to welcome LT Mark Ketchum, USCG, Commanding Officer, USCG Station Fort Lauderdale. Natalie Laing, an eighth grader from American Heritage School, sang the national anthem and “Oh Holy Night” beautifully, and made us all feel the holiday spirit. LT Ketchum gave an excellent presentation about the mission of the Coast Guard in South Florida. We welcomed several guests from US Southern Command and Marine Corps Forces South, including Col. & Rebecca Varicak, who brought copies of the children’s book, “The Journey of a Toys for Tots Toy”, which was written by Mrs. Varicak and illustrated by her daughter. Several of our members purchased the books, proceeds from which go to support the “Toys for Tots” program. Abi, Austin & Naia Montes, Marine, Rex Schmidt i am pleased to announce that our 2016 slate of officers were elected, as follows: 2016 Officers President - Oscar Romano • 1st Vice President - Abiud Montes 2nd Vice President – Alan Starr • 3rd Vice President - Simone Ramos Treasurer - Harvey Kovac • Assistant Treasurer - Rosemarie Dezolt Secretary - Elaine Hogg • Judge Advocate - Richard Chosid LT Mark Ketchum, USCG, Oscar Romano, Rebecca Varicak continued on page 8 NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 7 HOLidAy diNNEr MEETiNG & TOyS FOr TOTS COLLECTiON GuEST SPEAkEr: LT MArk kETCHuM, uSCG COMMANdiNG OFFiCEr, uSCG STATiON FOrT LAudErdALE continued from page 7 By Lynn drucker Continued In addition to our elections and guest speaker, we also had the holiday Toys for Tots collection. Vice President Abiud Montes collected the toys on behalf of the US Marine Corps, to be distributed to pediatric patients at local hospitals during the holiday season. It was a wonderful evening of holiday spirit. Rebecca & CI Michael Varicak, Oscar Romano Natalie Laing MSgt Abi Montes, USMC, MCPO Rex Schmidt, USN, Austin Montes NAVY LEAGUE NEWS –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¶VVXUIDFHZDUIDUHGLUHFWRU LWKDQHZRYHUWKHKRUL]RQPLVVLOHE\WKHHQGRIWKH1DY\¶VVXUIDFHZDUIDUHGLUHFWRU 5 5HDU$GPLUDO3HWHU)DQWDWROG861,1HZVLQDUHFHQWLQWHUYLHZ HDU$GPLUDO3HWHU)DQWDWROG861 1,,1HZVLQDUHFHQWLQWHUYLHZ $ $FFRUGLQJWR)DQWDHTXLSSLQJWKH/&6VZLWKDQHZPLVVLOHLV³DQDEVROXWHUHTXLUHPHQW´IRU FFRUGLQJWR)DQWDHTXLSSLQJWKH/&6VZLWKDQHZPLVVLOHLV³DQDEVROXWHUHTXLUHPHQW´IRU WWKH861DY\%\WKHHQGRIWKHDGPLUDOZDQWVWRKDYHDQHZPLVVLOHRQWKHVKLSVDW KH861DY\%\WKHHQGRIWKHDGPLUDOZDQWVWRKDYHDQHZPLVVLOHRQWKHVKLSVDW OOHDVWDVDGHPRQVWUDWLRQ HDVWDVDGHPRQVWUDWLRQ 7KH861DY\KDVUHEUDQGHGWKH/&6DVDIULJDWHGXHWRUHFHQWDGYDQFHVLQHIIHFWLYHFRXQWHU 7KH861DY\KDVUHEUDQGHGWKH/&6DVDIULJDWHGXHWRUHFHQWDGYDQFHVLQHIIHFWLYHFRXQWHU VVZDUPGHIHQVHVDQGLVORRNLQJWRLQFUHDVHWKHVKLSV¶ILUHSRZHU1DYDOHQJLQHHUVDUHFXUUHQWO\ ZDUPGHIHQVHVDQGLVORRNLQJWRLQFUHDVHWKHVKLSV¶ILUHSRZHU1DYDOHQJLQHHUVDUHFXUUHQWO\ VVWXG\LQJZKDWPLVVLOHV\VWHPZRXOGILWEHVWRQWKH/&6 WXG\LQJZKDWPLVVLOHV\VWHPZRXOGILWEHVWRQWKH/&6 ³³,WWDNHVDOLWWOHZKLOHIRUWKHJX\VZLWKWKHVOLGHUXOHVWRILJXUHRXW«ZKDWWKHGHFNVWUHQJWK ,WWDNHVDOLWWOHZKLOHIRUWKHJX\VZLWKWKHVOLGHUXOHVWRILJXUHRXW«ZKDWWKHGHFNVWUHQJWK Q HHGVWREHDQGZKDWDQJOHWKHODXQFKHUQHHGVWRVLWDW7KDW¶VP\ELJJHVWKROGULJKWQRZLV QHHGVWREHDQGZKDWDQJOHWKHODXQFKHUQHHGVWRVLWDW7KDW¶VP\ELJJHVWKROGULJKWQRZLV JX\VGRLQJPDWK´)DQWDVDLG J X\VGRLQJPDWK´)DQWDVDLG $V,UHSRUWHGHDUOLHUWKH861DY\VWLOOODFNVDQDGHTXDWHORQJUDQJHDQWLVXUIDFHZHDSRQWR $ V,UHSRUWHGHDUOLHUWKH861DY\VWLOOODFNVDQDGHTXDWHORQJUDQJHDQWLVXUIDFHZHDSRQWR LLPSOHPHQWDUHRUJDQL]DWLRQRIWKHVXUIDFHIOHHWEDVHGRQWKH³GLVWULEXWHGOHWKDOLW\´LGHD PSOHPHQWDUHRUJDQL]DWLRQRIWKHVXUIDFHIOHHWEDVHGRQWKH³GLVWULEXWHGOHWKDOLW\´LGHD VHH³7KH861DY\¶V1HZ6XUIDFH:DUIDUH6WUDWHJ\µ'LVWULEXWHG/HWKDOLW\´ VHH³7KH861DY\¶V1HZ6XUIDFH:DUIDUH6WUDWHJ\µ'LVWULEXWHG/HWKDOLW\´ K KWWSWKHGLSORPDWFRPXVQDY\ZDQWVQHZPLVVLOHIRUOLWWRUDOFRPEDWVKLSE\HQGRI"DOOSDJHV WWSWKHGLSORP DWFRP XV QDY\ ZDQWV QHZ P LVVLOH IRU OLWWRU DO FRP EDW VKLS E\ \ HQG RI "DOOSDJHV \\HVSULQW HVSU LQW \\HV HV NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 9 SPruANCE diviSiON ANNuAL WiLdErNESS SurvivAL BivOuAC By Lynn drucker The Wilderness Survival Bivouac took place the weekend of January 10th-11th at Snyder Park in Fort Lauderdale. Early Saturday morning the Officers, Instructors, and Petty Officers reported to Snyder Park and began setting up camp, looking forward to the events of the upcoming weekend. The much anticipated Wilderness Survival Bivouac was the first overnight event of the year, and the first night ever away from home for some cadets. The equipment was unloaded and set up by the staff, petty officers and Cadets. The firepit was prepared, and the kitchen was setup. Three tents made from parachutes were setup. All of the tarps and canopies were tightly tethered to the ground. 60 Cadets checked in for the Bivouac, and were broken into squads and attended a mandatory safety briefing The weather during the day was great, and the Cadets learned land navigation, water purification, shelter building, fire building, camouflage, telling time by the sun, how to build traps and snares, and other survival skills. All classes were accompanied by hands-on demonstrations of the concepts that were presented by the instructors, and many cadets got first-hand experience in the subjects they were learning. The Petty Officers did a great job keeping the cadets on the learning track, even though they were having so much fun that they wouldn’t admit they were learning real world survival skills. continued on page 11 NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 10 SPruANCE diviSiON ANNuAL WiLdErNESS SurvivAL BivOuAC continued from page 10 By Lynn drucker continued After evening chow of cheeseburgers, the Cadets hit the sack. About 2 am it was raining so hard that the Cadets had to be evacuated to our headquarters building and changed into dry clothes. The rest of the night they slept in sleeping bags at headquarters. The cadets were roused and fed at sunup, and picked up by their parents at 9am, exhausted, but with great stories to tell. Another Bivouac was behind us, and by all accounts, it was a great success, despite the rain! NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 11 NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 12 view from the Bridge december 2015 December was another very active month for the Cadets of the Spruance Division, and the League Cadets from the Radford Training Ship. The Cadets and Color Guard stood tall and proud alongside the Crew of the Fort Lauderdale Coast Guard Station for the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Ceremony, on December 6th. LCDR Starr was the Master of Ceremonies. Father Ron Perkins, Port Chaplain from Seafarers’ House delivered the Invocation and Benediction. LT Mark Ketchum, the Commanding Officer welcomed everyone to Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale. Captain Marc Fedor, Director of Response, at Coast Guard District 7 Headquarters Miami, was our Guest Speaker, and together with Youngest member of the Coast Guard Crew participated in the Wreath laying ceremony by throwing it into the waters of Port Everglades. Taps were played, and Pipe Major Graeme Massie, recently retired from the British Army Royal Scots Dragoon Guards after 30 years service, piped “Amazing Grace”, and “Going Home”. Our Very Special Guest of honor was Chief Machinest Mate Ed Hammond, one of the very few Pearl Harbor Survivors. He was only 17 the day of the Japanese Attack. Broward Navy Days sponsored the Ceremony and provided refreshments. LCDR Starr attended another Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Pearl Harbor luncheon on December 5th, at VFW Post 1966, sponsored by the District Ladies Auxiliary. Our Cadets and Staff worked really hard to prepare and decorate our new 41 foot Bayliner to ready her for the participation in the Annual Fort Lauderdale Winterfest Boat Parade. It was quite an exciting event that is televised Nation Wide on Xmas and New Years Day. We have our fingers crossed, hoping to be one of the Award Winners in the Non-Profit Category. Captain Glenn Wiltshire USCG Retired prepared and proctored the Final Exam of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Safe Boating Course. The parents committee held a wonderful holiday luncheon including a traditional Spanish roast pig donated and expertly carved by our X.O. LT Jorge Perez. A Promotion and Awards Ceremony was held and our two newest Cadet Chief Petty Officers, Green and Lagman went through the Traditional Navy/Coast Guard CPO Advancement and Pinning Ceremony, Command Master Chief John Zideck from Coast Guard Sector Miami, and Master Chief Rex Schmidt, Senior Enlisted Leader of the Navy Element of US Southern Command and their parents pinned the NSCC Chiefs Anchors on, and Chief Buck McTee from Navy Recruiting District Miami read the NSCC Chief Petty Officer’s Creed . Several Cadets gave up their Xmas vacation and attended Sea Cadet Winter Training, in Jacksonville FL, Seattle Washington, and Camp Pendleton, CA. For many of the Cadets it was their first time wearing the Navy Dress Blue Uniform. We wished all of the Cadets, Families and Staff a wonderful safe, happy holiday season. We all have a lot to be thankful for in our lives, and we are especially thankful for the support given so willingly by our sponsor, the Fort Lauderdale Navy League Council. Happy New Year! Respectfully submitted, LCDR Alan Starr NSCC, NAVY LEAGUE NEWS –13 4NAVY LEAGUE NEWS – 14 Fort Lauderdale Council 2015 OFFiCErS President: Oscar Romano 2nd Vice President: Abiud Montes 3rd Vice President: Simone Ramos Secretary: Elaine M. Hogg Treasurer: Harvey Kovac Asst. Treasurer: Rosemarie Dezolt Judge Advocate: Richard Chosid EdiTOriAL STAFF Lynn Drucker: Editor Chuck Black Jim Black Elaine Hogg Elaine Nasta Rudy Oetting Oscar Romano HHHHHHHHHHHHH BOArd OF dirECTOrS MEETiNG Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 3:30 PM SEA CAdET HEAdQuArTErS Located at: 300 S.W. 25th Street • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 HHHHHHHHHHHHH THERE WILL BE NO GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING IN JANUARY Please join us at the Seven Seas Gala Saturday, January 30th Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six Resort For more information contact: Lynn Drucker 954-325-9102 or [email protected] visit us on the web at www.flnavyleague.org FOrT LAudErdALE COuNCiL COMMuNiTy AFFiLiATES
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table of contents - Navy League of the United States
Starr was the Master of Ceremonies. Father Ron Perkins, Port Chaplain from Seafarers’ House delivered the Invocation and Benediction. LT Mark Ketchum, the Commanding Officer welcomed everyone to Co...