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KEDUTAAN BESAR Rt ROMA BIASA PENGANTAR BERITA FAKSIMIL RUANG LEGALISASI KEPPRI hfu,e,rrrr^* MOHAMAD OEMAR NOMOR aa-lOBfioMA/rluos TANGGAL 3 SEPTEMBER 2009 JMLH HAL 10 (SEPULUH) HAL TERMASUK PENGANTAR 2ffi KEPADA MENLU, WAMENLU MENTAN MENHUT MENKEU MENDIKNAS KEPATA BPS UP UP UP UP UP UP SEKJEN, DIRJEN MULTILATERAL. SEKJEN SEKJEN ALL VIA DEPLU SEKJEN SEKJEN SEKRETARIS UTAMA 1. SAHLIBID. MANAJEMEN, DIR. PPIH. DIR. PELH.I(ARO INFO KEPEGAWAIAN 2. SAHLI HIIJ. HAL UAN KLN. I(ARO KLN. KARO Kb,PEGAWAIAN DEPTAN KARO KLN, KARO KEPEGAWAIAN DAN SDM, DEPHUT 4. KARO SDM, DEPKEU DTRJEN Dlttr, IGRO KLN, KARO KEPEGAWA|AN, DEPDIKNAS DARI DUBES RI ROMA PERIHAL PENYAMPAIAN LOWONGAN PEKERJMN DI FAO DAN IFAD DEPARTEIVI FN LUAR N EGERI KOMUNIKASI 'PU5AT KOA4UNIKASI FAK$INRIL BIASA MASUK Nornor Agende 'IslllJam Te*na Tgl/ Jam Selesai 22978 0903 0907 Paraf 1920 1 100 SRI JUL /'] { tu^, Y* ISIBERITA Merujuk perihal pada pokok brafaks, bersama ini dengan hormat disampaikan bahwa KBRI Roma telah menerima informasr dari Sekretariat FAO dan IFAD mengenai lowongan pekerjaan di kedua Badan Pangan PBB tersebut untuk posisi sebagai berikut: FAO 1. Forestry Officer - Wood Energy (level P-3) pada Forestry Department di Kantor Pusat FAO (batas waktu pendaftaran tanggal 1 Oktober 2009). 2. Agriculture Officer 3. Senior Officer - Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Management (level P-5) pada Agiculture and Consumer Protection Departmenf di Kantor Pusat FAO (batas waKu - Seeds (level P-2) pada Agrlculture and Consumer Protection Department di Kantor Pusat FAO (batas waktu pendaftaran tanggal 30 $eptember 2009). pendaftaran tanggal 4. 1 Programme Officer tSeptember 2009). - Field Security Analyst (level P-4) pada Depaftment of Human, Financiat and Physical Resources (batas waktu pendaftaran tanggal 14 $eptember 5. Statistician (level P-4) pada Regional Office for Afica di Kantor Regional FAO di Accra, Ghana (batas waktu pendaftaran tanggal 30 Oktober 2009). 6. Terlampir kami sampaikan infornasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi-posisi tersebut di atas. Kami lampirkan pula guidelines to applicants bagi lowongan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan oleh Sekretariat FAO. Soffcopy dokumen-dokumen tersebut serta personal history form dapat diunduh pada situs FAO fhftp://www.fao.org/vafuac en.html. t// IFAD 7, Technical Adviser (level P-3) pada Programme Management Department di Kantor Pusat IFAD (batas waktu pendaftaran tanggal 19 September 2009). 8. Terlampir kami sampaikan informasi mengenai lowongan di atas. Informasi pendaftaran lebih lanjut untuk posisi di atas dan IFAD's Personal History Form dapat diunduh dari situs lF AD [http://www. ifa-d. ., ,) 2009). " : orsrtob/index. httTtl. Demikian, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih. Roma, 2 September 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PnoTESSIOI'IAL VAC ANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 2227 -FOE lssued on: 6 Deadline For Application: I Po$noru TITLE: GRAOE Forestry Officer (Wood EnergY) OUTY oBcANtzAnoNAL uNtr: Forest Economics, Policy and Products FOEO Fo{estry DePartment, FO Dlvision, August 2009 Octobef 2OOg L€V€L: P.3 STATION: Rorne DUR^rroN.: Fixed lerm: 3 years PosrCoDE/N": C/0122858 CCOG coob,: ltloo DUTIES AND RESPONSIEILITIES Under the general supervision of the Director, Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division, and the direct supervision of the Team Leadier, Foresl Prqducts and Industries, will be responsible for ptanning, coordinating and implementing the wood energy prograrnme of the Foreslry Department. In particular, will: . maintain, coordinate and develop the programme on wood energy policies, technologies and utilization; . anatyse the cunent situation, hends and perspeclive developments of wood based energy and its implications on sustainabte forest managernent, clirnate ohange and environmcnt, oncrgy and food eecurity, iobs and livelihood, rura{ and industrial economic development; . participate in the development and appiication of efficient wood based energy practices and strategies, especially in developing countries and countries in transillon; . participate in the collection, dcvclopment and analysis of international statistics on wood energy in ord€r to contrihllle to iranspar"n.y in internalional negotiations and policies on wood energy and bio-energy issues: . participale in missions to assisi member govemments and multi-national institutions and donors on wood based energy issues; . acl as the Depadmental focal point on bio-energy relaled issues and aclively parlicipate in Inter-Departmental Working Groups on bio-cncrgy, in Globat Bio-Energy Partnership and other international aclivitie.s: . plan, organize and participate in training workshops, rneetings, seminars, etc; . cooperale with appropriate staff on climate change, especially on carbon issues of forest products and energy: . liaise with counterparts in international organizations on energy relaled matters, especially the International Energy Agency (lEA), Intelligcnt Energy lor Europe (lEE) etc'; . perform other related dulies as required by the supervisors. MINIMUM HEOUIREMENTS Candidates should meet tha following: . . . Advanced University Degree in Forestry, Economics, Engineering or other fields related to wood energy. Five years of relevanl experience in one or more of the following: wood energy or forestry economlcs and policies, which included experience in international negotiations Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish SELECTION CRITERIA Candidates wilt ba assessed against the tollowing: . . . . . . Extent of working experience in wood energy or forestry economics and policies Extent of retevant working experience in clifferent countries and regions, especially in developing countries and counlries in transilion Extent of working experience in organizing international meetings, seminars and training courses Demonstrated analytical, coordination, negotiating and advisory skills Ouality of inter-personal and ccmmunication, both oral and wrilten. skills Depth of understanding of wood energy Extent of linguistic skills in the official languages of FAO: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Fussian and Spanish. Please nole lhat all candidates should possess computeillyord ptocessrnq skilrs and should be capable of woking wilh people of different national and ctlhral ba*grundl tength ol ippointnent fot intena! FAO candldates will be established in accordance with applicable poticles perTaining to rhe 'The extension ol REMUNERATION Level P'3 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variable element f or post adiustment) from US$ 85,967 to US$ 1 08 ' l 1 1 (without dependants) and from US$ 92,097 to US$ 1 1 6,232 (with dependants) To APPLY: Carefulty read and follow ne RtEFElffiSEHiibTlESfiF v.A 2227-FOe Send your application to: Oirector, Forest Economics, Poticies and Products Division' Forestry Department FAO Viala delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome ITALY Fax No: +39 06 57055137 E-mail: FOI-Director@ fao.org This vacancy is open to male and ternale candidates. Apptications fron qualified women candidatx and applications from qualified candidates hom nort/underiepresenled member statas are encouraged- Ptease note that FAO slalf fiembers arc intemationa! civil servants subiec! lo the authority of the Dhector-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organizelion. FAO IS A NON.SMOKING ENVIRONMENT 3/* ADM213a 06.104 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PRoFESSTONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCE MENT NO: 2228. AGP Deadline For POSTNON TITLE: oRcsrzartoNf UNrr; Issued on: 5 August 2009 Application: 30 September 2OOg Agriculture Ofticer GRADE L]EVEL: P-2 (Seeds) DUTY STANON: Rome, ltaly Plant Production and Protetion Divisian, AGP Aoricullure & Consumer Proteclion Department' AF DURATION.: PosT CODE/NO: CCOG CoD€: Fixed term: 3 Years c/0818313 1H01 OUTIES ANO RESPONSIBILMES Division and in close collaboration with a team of Under the overall supervision of the Director, Ptant Production and Proteclion policy and programrnes wrlhin the technical oflicers, the incumbent wilt assist in capacity building activities to stfengthen seed Resources for Food and Agriculture. ol Gefletic utilization ptan sustainable and conservation on ol Action lramework of the Globat ln oarlicular. the incumbent \ryill: parlicipat€ in capacity building activities for strengthening national capacities in the {ields of seed productron' quality assurance and certitication, aligning them with international norms; plant varieties and seed-related contribute to the clevptoon1.nt of knowledce tools and in{ormation systems on seed, emergency assistance; pfepare draft standards and guidelines to improve seed production, wilh particular emphasis on on-tarm and commuflity-level seed and planting material production; planl genetic participat€ in the imptementation ol rnulti-disciplinary strategies and initiatives lo enhance linkages between resources and seed ctelivery systems; production and dissemination of malerial: Assist in the prepararron of iuioetines, reports and publications and coordinate required; proiects, as for backstopping Assist in lechnical r . . . . . . Perlorm olher related dutles as required. MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS Candidates should meet lhe lollowing: Advancecl Unlvefstty Degree in Agron0nly atrd tx Seed Production or Seed Technology which included working Three years of relevantixperienJe in the field of agronomy andor seed productiory'seed technology countries experience in developing two or ot Arabic. Chinese or Workiog knowjedge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other Russian . . . SELECTION CR1TERIA Candidates will be assessed aQain$ the folletring: r . . o . Extent of working experience in seed production Extent of working expetience in developing countries Quality of both oral and written communication skills in English Ertenl of datehese manaoement skills Demonstrated working experience in a team environment comprised of people from diverse backgrounds please note that alt canclidates snoud possess c ofltputer/wod ptocp;srng skitls and s hould be capaue of wolklng wilh people of different national and cultural backgrcvnds. . The rength o( ipptntrnent tor tntemat FAo candldates will estabfished in eccordanc€ with appliable policles pertsining to the b REMUNERANON 86,047 (without Level p-2 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variabts element lor post adiustment) from uS$ 71,620 to US$ dependants) and {rom US$ 76,357 to US$ 92,216 (with dependants) TO APPLY: Caretully raad and fotlow tfre EfiltftfiI@ffiffiEffi v.A 2228-AFH Send your application to; K. Oho$h, AOP FAO viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome ITALY Fax No: +39 06 57056347 E-mail: VA-2228-AGP @ fao.org lron qwlilied candidates lrcm is Wen to nale aN temate candktates. Applicauons ftom guatitied wanen candtdates and applicationssevaras subiecl to the authuity inlemationa! civi! bers ate FAo that rde ir" non/under-rew*ntd n*mbe( st;,ti, "t"tl ^en This vacancy ot the "n"ouoged.'please Diredot_Gene.fo?o^ffif#i:!ffi"*,r,?"::{rrg[li,f;: o( oftice or the oeanization. ADM2130 06iO4 T* Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PRoFEssloNAL VAcANcY ANNouNcEMEnt No: 221 9-AGP lssued on: 17 Deadline For APPlication: 11 September 2009 Senior Officer (Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Po$T|oN TrTLE: Management) oRcAxrzAfloNAL July 2009 UNlr: Ptant Production and Protection Oivision, AGP Agriculture & Consumer Prolection Deparlment' AG DurYSTAnoil: Rome ouRATro.{.: Fired lerm: 3 years PosTCooE/N': C/0416095 ccoc coo€: 1Hol OUT]ES ANO RESPONSIBILITIES assrgned senior officer, lhe incumbent will contribute to FAO s uoder the o€mtt supoilision ot the Directo., AGp. and uods the dir€ct superision of lhe and policy support to nalional programres wrth emphsrs on slrategic obje€tive A ff sustarnab|eclop prcduction intensification ftrcusing on technicl diradly lo xtpoviftg f@d *cur;ly a! w€ll 05 tho livelihddc of cmellholder optimizalion of ptant nutntron ano mil-fe?ility management. rhe wort( wrr c;trioute gocio€mnomic envrronmenls ln padicular' will tarmers thtough b€ilor manag€ment ol plant nutri€nt inputs. io hamony wth agrO4Cological Snd and programme fomulttioo on oplimization of plant nutritim and soil fertility . prcvida an tec11nr6l, emnom6 and po[c] anatysis and advie . loadership sustainable dop pfoduction: induding integrated nutfient managsmenl approactL thst contr'bule to intgnsiired lhrough an aclive psflnetshlp network involving' inter alia' in{ounlry fomulalioils, tinkq, to suDpan oolicy of te*nicat Feitibio diesninc$on $Iij.neparhershbs, regimal and rn(ernatiooal bodies. ptivate seclor onganizations and civil soc€ty; national and inlemational expertise to compile sciefioe-based unde6landing of Guid€ pmgEmms ot capacrty buitding to create.a ditic€l ma.ss.of linked t"ioi Jppirtuniries ano inatenges in tbnt nutntion and soil f€dilily management; @untnes. uN and €pecialized 8gencies, af,d global' r€gionat and nalbnal Ensure provisbn of l*hni:al advic€ atrd policy support to FAQ rnember standards ild manaoement oraclices to supporl pannels, inctuoing rn,urg*"u;,"nLt *g!.;."',tionr, 60. disvsiio^ add negotiation bf aerrehnnls. plant nutrilion optimization incJuding tediliztr us€' tor rehabililaiton response Policios' infomalion tools and op€rating frammrks Guide. and superyFe, the dtrolopmeni of sff€ctiye emergency and f€rtilirerrplant nufition-related emerg€nc1 assEtance; promotion of mutli'disciplinary strategbs and iniliatryes for anhancing linkages b€tweo CoilaboEt€ witr team memb€6 if, lhe d€sign, developmenl and ag'icullural polidosl prqhclion, and their greabf intcgElb' *ithi' planl nutritionisoil ferririry manig;;lltiod"sistainabie IntensifiGtim ot croP ^oiionsl with pa'licular mator agro+cosystems within its etliciency use and lo ferlitizer Gulje enhancemflt of FAo s knoflledge and daiabases wilh respecl . altention to needs of smallholde.s: Perlm olher related duli€s as requtred- . . r . . MINIMUM REQUIR,EMEMTS Csndidates shoutd meel ihe following: .Advanc€dUniversityDegreeinAgficuttureP|odt]ct|onSFtemsorAgncu|turaloeve|opmen| . . conditions with specialised exp€nence in one Ten y€ars olElevanl €iperEnce relaled to prcduction systems developm€nl undet tropiel and subtropical intensification and diveBircation o{ mgE 9a the blowing Iiotdsj production syEtems a6nomr€. !nregralod nulrienl ronaoement systems, oroduclion croppino syslems a grcnomy workhg knowl€dge of English, Ffench or Spanish and liEiled knowtedge of one of the olhef two SELECTION CRITERIA Condidalo| wlll bo aa*$ed .gzintt . . . . ahe follnwiag' policy advice on plant nuttition and soit terlility managemenl acrGs a broad Extent of kndledge and breadth of exp€rience in provision oJ tshnicel and eniifonments .ange of praduclion s'stems, espsc;fiy in developing ountries in patticular in tropiml and sUbtropi6l grodu@6 pmven experlen€ in pbnn!f,g end superyisiog work in sop maftagemenl for sustainabl€ developfient' with emphasis on soallholder of crop produclion Extenr oI prdcn .bitaty 16 te..l anrt mrk efistively in a multidisclplnsry team in lhe sfea of sustainabl€ intensificafioo m€mb€r gpvemtnenl agencics' especially in th€ mnlext of Extent of €xperiene in preparing techni€l poposals for funding and interacting wilh relevant plant nuffiion atd sdl f€rij,ity managemenl and f€rlilizsr policy . . OefiDnstral€d ability in anatysing trchni€l isEcs Extent of bolh oral and writts communicalion skills In English ptease note that all candidates should possess cnmputeilward prccessing skills and should be capable of working with people ol ditrerent natbnal aN cultunl backgounds. . Tha tength ol ippointnenllor tnlernat FAe candidates wllt be eitablished in accordancewilh ep$cable pollcies perlaining to,ho RETTIUNERAIION 126,499 to USD 149'060 Level p-5 cames a net sa1ary per year (inclusive of a variable element for post adtustment) from USD (withoutdependants) and fom USD 136,167 to USO 161,767 (withdependants) TO APPLY: Car€tully re.d snd follow the Send your application lo: E@F4fiWffiE v.A 2219-AGP Ms. L. Cotlette. Striot Offier, AGPS FAO viale dello Tenne di Caracalla 00153 Rome ITALY Far No: +39 06 57056347 Enail: VA-221g-AGP@fao org qualified candidates kom is open to mats and femate candidates. Applications frcm gualified *omen eandidates f,nd appticatioas t@m subied to the authaity norlunderaprasan!6d memDer slatos are urrcouruged. Pleaso note tr,a;l FAO staff nembers arc intemaliona! dvil sevznts of tho Direclor-General and may be assigned lo any aclivities orofrce ol the organizalion. This vacancy FAo lS A rlON-sr'lOKlNG ENvlRoNil€|lT ADM213€ 06v04 il* Food and Agricullure Organizaiion of the Un'ted Natr'ons PRoFEssIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NO: VA.2223-AFD lssued on: 20 JulY 2009 Deadline For Application: 14 September 2OO9 ER (FIELD SECU RITY ANALYST) Security Service (AFDU) GRAOE LEVEL: P-4 DurY STAnoN: Rome, ltaly Ftxed-Term: Thre€ Years Otfice of Assistant Director-General Posr coo€/N": PHOGRAMME oRGANTZAToNAL UNtr: Deoartment of Human, Financial and Physical DURATIoN +: CCOG coD€: c- 1066404 1A03d DUTIES AND RTSPONSIEIUTIES Under the overall guidance of the Chief, Security Service, Field Security Coordinator, and tho ditecl supervision o[ lhe Senior Prograrnme officer, Field Security Focal Point (FSFP), will: . . . , ' , r . coordinate security information and analysis and draft security risk assessments (SRA6) tor field activities; conducl threat and risk analysis ol FAO field programme; the UN Security monitor the compliance of rho field offices with ihe organizalion's Field Security Policy. with Standards Minige;"nr System,s (UNSMS) policies anct procecruies and wirh mandated Mlninrurrr opcrating security (MOSS) and Minimum Operating Residential Security Standards (MORSS); draft periodic assessmenls and review on lhe slatus of their comPliance; operating in various security develop security oiieting and training materials lor the benefit of FAO field managers, environments; review and moflitor all provide substantial input in the preparation and management of the biennial field security budgel; f ield security programme expenditures; field offices compliance ensure that the computerized field security moniloring system is updated to reflect the level of with the UN security standards; prornote lield compiiance with security clearance and training mandated by the UNSMS; perform other duties as required. MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS Candidates shwld meet the foilowing: . . e Advanced university degree in potitical or sociat science, international relations. law, public or business administralion or relaled field Seven years of relevant experience in field security analysis working knowledge of English and limited knowledge of French or spanish gC.LECTION CntTEnlA Candidates wil! be assessed against the following: . . . . E)ilent of experience in field security analysis Extent of knowledge of field security risk analysis and field security risk managemenl ADtlity tO analyse froOtems, clevelop alternalive sulutions and prepare policy and strategy proposals and deliver under Srrong communication and negotiaiion skills, both oral and written, and ability to work well with others pressure Relevance of academic qualifications Experlence in field security issues in the UN systern would be an asset Relovant military, police or equivalent national service would be an asset please nate that alt candtdates shouldpossess computer/word process.ng skil/s and should be capable of wo*ing with people of dilterent national ang cutu@ oackgrounqs. - The tength ippointment tar interna! FAo candidates wilt tu established in accordance wlth applicable policies Peft^ining to the ertensian d o(appoinangnts * REMUNERATION from USD 1O3 4?7 to USD 126727 Level P-4 carries a net salary per yeal (inclusivc of a variable element for post adjustment) (with dePendants) 872 to USD 136 11 1 067 (without dependants) and from USD Elidt@FffiiEl TO APPLY: Carefutly read and f ol tow the V.A ?23-AFD Send your applicalion to: Field Security Focal Point (AFDU) FAO Viale detle Teme di Caracalla 00153 Rome ITALY Fax No: +39 06 5705 56 63 €-mail: Field-Searrity-Fml-Point@ f ao-org qualified candidales trom This vacancy is W€n to mala and female candidates. App,ications lrom qualified women candidates and arylicatims lrom subiet to the authority sevants civil intefiational are staff members FAQ note tnai are encouraged.'Please states memfut noilunderiepresented i@ottheorsanizationof theokacrot-G",u,"t1r;o!?!f#i:in?#,,f;l:t_f ,"J5lffi ".$i"ft ADM2I3e 06/04 4* Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PRoFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NC: 21 9B-RAF lssued on: 7 August 2009 Deadline For Application: 30 October 2009 ORGAHIZAIIUNAL UNII: oUTYSTAIoN: Accra,Ghana DuR^rroN.: Fixed Term: 3 years PosrCooE/N": C/0123935 CCOGCoDE: 1M02 REGIONAL OFFICE FOR AFBICA (NAF) OUTIES AND RESPONSI6ILITIES under the supervisron of the Director, statistics Division, ESS, and the lunctional guidance ol lhe Assistant Director'General/Regional in the Rsgion. Reoresentative for Africa, RAF. will be responsible tor the development and dissemination of agricultural statistics Specifically to: . adviso on thc devetopmont and irnplementation of national proorarnmes lor tood and agricultural statistics and advrse on the organization ol the structures necessary to supporl lh€se programmes; . identity. fo.mulate and recnnicaity backstop statisticat field proiecb and participate ifl the setection, briefing and guidance of FAO field experts and the review of technical reports' and agriculture, . advise on tho orqanizatton and conduct ot agricultural censuses and surveys and of housohold suNeys retated to tood ol resul6: i";i";rb tne-uie-of approp{iate methodologies and lhe training ol national personnel as well as tne dlssem'nauonsession, preparation of . serve as secretary of ihe Atf'tcan commission on Agricullural statistics, including the organization of the biennial papers report; and session t€chnical of finalizatiofl topics and relevant agenda and timetaute, idantification o( . oroanize, coordinale and partcipate in meetings, seminars and training courses on food and agricuttural statislics: . ,eview regularly FAOSIAT counlry data ldentirying misslng offlcial data and nretadala and follow up on statistical questionnaires to imptovo response rates and th€ qtratity ol information; , improve the access ot users io and the dissemination of FAo's database, including preparation of starisfical indicators lor the region lor publication; . prmoto coopcration and coordina.tion b€twe€n countries and facititate th€ exchaflge of infoamation and methodologil:al experiences; . cooperat€ with other ageficies, regional and subregional bodies and dev€lop partnerships to promote eftective and efficient food and agricultural statistics systems; . prwiCe oftrer units in the Ftegional Office and Headquarlers with relevant inputs lor region-wide planning and programming exercises and other re@rt tequlrernents; . oerform other related duties as required. MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS Candidates should meet the following: - University degree in ctatblics or in economics or rslated subisc'ts with post'graduete itaining in statistics . Seven years ol relevanl experience in agriculturat statistics in national institutions and/or inlernationa{ organizatjons including field experience in statistical surveys . Working koowledge ol Engtish and French SELEGT1ON CR]TERIA Candidates wilt be assessed ag^inst the following: Extent ot experience in agticultutal statistics Exlent of exDgrience in statistacal surveys including exp€rience in the African Region Extent and relevanc€ of academE qualificauons tor t€chnical assistance Extent of experience in tormutation and/or implementation ol projects and in providing support to countries Excellent cornmunication and inter-personal skills, and ability to organize and coordinate technical meetings and seminars Ouallty of Miting and reporting skills please note that all candidales sfiourdpossess cunpueoword processlng skilts and sltould be capable of wor*ing with people ol dilferent national and cultural backgrounds. . The lfntgth ol ippolntnzeat lor intefita! FAO candidates wiil he established ln accordance with applicable Policles pertainlng to the . . . . . . REMUNERATION Levet p-4 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variable element for posl adiustment) lrom USD 91,620 (without dependants) and from usD 98,3881o To Ap pLy: carerulty read and f ol low the to USD 112'260 usD 121247 (with dependants) !frffi1lM@S V.A 219A.RAF Statistics Division, ES Department FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 0O153 Rome ITALY Far No: +39 OG 57 055615 E<nail: [email protected] ' Send your aPPlication to: from qualified candidates frcm rhis vacancy is open to male and femate candidates. Awliations lrom quattfied women canddates and applicatiuts subied ta tho authotity inte,r:,alional civl! sevants membes drc stalf thai FAQ Ptease nate states are encouraged. member non/underiepreiented orthe AOM213e 06,/04 DirwTot'6en"*'"FotrrT o**3""3;3i,tfo":"* ii;Xlf;uff"o* ottha orseniatiffi' 7lw GUIDELINES TO APPLICANTS the Duties & Responsibilities ot the poslrlon and lhe Examine carefullY the relevancy o{ your qualilications by reviewing requirements that are needed in order to perform the iob successfully' HOW TO APPLY P|easeprovideacomPletedFAoPersona|HistoryForm,|oundontheInternetsite. ' . . . . dated' Your applicatiorr slruuld be lyPewritten (where posciblc)' signed and personal and on the front of your application, the title of lhe post and Form History on the box clearty indicate in the appropriate the Vacancy Number. Submit a separate application for each position for which you are applying' the vacancy Announcement. Send your application to the address (mail, e-mail, or lax) indicated on Internal candidates should provide 10 copies of their application' Apptlcants will be contacted dlrectly it selected lar en interview' FILLING tN THE FAO PERSONAL HISTOHY FORM !+hN-qsAcf fsl#sl.i$,ij$!*t ri ii"i']i'**l ?i 1;:i$Ie-:;'f'' your knowledge as: please list the tanguages with which you are familiar, beginning with your mother tongue, indicating the extent of the language required, to prepare a . Fxcetlent/Good = workrng knowledge: You will be expected to work independently usingparlicipate aclively in meelings and in workpapers, etc"'1, to working ;po'1", (corresponden;, wrilten communications variety ot related discussions, etc. . or meetings, even though you may wish lo Fair = Limired knowtedge: you will b€ expected to fotlow work relaled discussions you will be expected to par{icipate in simple conversations, to use the telephone' to read intervene in another J6at language. and understand work-related texts and to write simple communications, etc. Sliuttl ,r{^&ipriiEHls-tftllj3,'rri;,',''i . . ji*4'riii;;i$lil;', ;ii:r$ :f$ ' .,,..;1::r' . .:,,i$1i1ffi$c1i. or any other oflice automation lndicate your word processing skills and knowledge of databaseispreadsheet (e-9. Excei, Access), used. software known and programming skills. Indicate knowledge of programfljng ll applicable, specify your work experience in data entry/retrieval and syslemslanguages and operating ,abbbe,&iffQ"u-iffiFje.ffifiiFj lffi rl;:F's$i*xli;i,*s -i r$iffi1;:Skr*:fl:riiri.rl**:r.'#lt:li;s*:iilif!rllrsr*'*#i1#&t Starting with the present and going in back in time, please give details of: . . . Period of study with narne and location of the academic institution, year degree' Title of study oblained, both in the original language and in English, indicatlng the sublect(s) of specialization and to be awarded, was/is List any other relevanl training or {ormal education that may be relevant to your application. ft selectecl for an lnlerylew, yov wil! be erpeted to provide FAO wi,h ccrtlfiei oopies of your aczdcmic quzlificztionsto a BA or BSc) from a bona fide . degree ls a liue of study substantiated by at leas,l3 years ot futl time study (equlvatent A unlversity lnstitution. An advanced ufltversity degrce . . ls equlvalent to a Masters degree. relevanl degtee. Relevant prolessional experience is counted from the time of attainment of the first post' Endeavour lo demonstrate how your experience rneets the requirements of the publicationsl{ applicable, give the number of publications and provide a list and the dates of the most relevant Provide samples of written work only upon requesl. slw ADM2I3€ O6,/Od zr-ott-ut, 14:47 Pg: ,r./ ;f.,roo I FIDA E rabling po{,r rursl Frcoplo lo ovurcornd povcrly Guvrer pour que les populatbns ru.al€s pauvr€s s€ libdrsnt de b oauvret6 Oar a la pob{acidn .ural pobr€ la oportunidad do salir d6 la pooreza .iiJl jtr eriitt J..l,lij{ 4+LJr i,tf4ll j&l Vacancy Announcement \/ncancy onnounccment No,: Date of issue: Deadline for a pplications: Position Title: Organizational flnit Level: CCOG Code: Duty station: 09D0lP 20 August 2009 19 September 2009 Technical rtdviser. Environment and Natural Resource r\{anagement Technical Advisory Division (pT) Programme Management Department (pMD) P.J 1.A.01 Rome As soon es possible Dete of entry on duty: Duration cf assignment: l-year lixed term bility of renewal) @ossi 0rganizational Context: The Technical Adrisory Division (PT) provides quality :rssurance support ro IFAD's porfolio of country Programmes (comprising loans, grants and associated actilities) as regards to technoiogical, institutional and policy aspects- This Division also suppoltf IFAD investmenr lnowledgc basc on pro-poor, community-led rwal development. in developing ani applying a Under the general guidance of the Director PT; and the skategic and direct supenision of the Senior Tochnical Adviser in Environment and Natural Resource Manigement the incumbent will assume the duties and responsibilities described bclow. Duties and Responsi bilities Report on performance of functions in agreed format and frcqucncy to the Scnior (sTA) in Environment and Nafural Resource Management in accordance with pT Technical Adviser Divisional/project Ivlanagemcnt Department Plan deliverableg ' . ' : in project deeign and.r'or country programmc ftarraBsrlsnt tcam$, provide technicat assessmcnts and recommendations, and contribute to implerncntation support and superv.ision of projectvprogrammes involving em..ironment and nafural rssource managemenr; Participate in IFAD's Quality Enhancement procef s (loans and grants); supPort the devclopment and supervision of innovative gtrnt and food security initiatives relevanf to IFAD's target group; Participate thc mainstreaming of ' Support policy/programme/proje in environrnental and social ct levels; assessment procedures at ' Assist ' Contribute to effective.knowledge management on Environment and Natural Resourcee ar IFAD, including participation in its knowledge mlnagemcnt (e.g. thernatic, groups, communiries of practice) ' . ' developing corporate products such as the proposed IFAD Environment and Natural Resource Management (ERNM) policy; and innovation mechanisms ; Strengthen and develop partnerships in the area of environment and Nahrral Resource lvlanagement (NRM) with tochnical ccntsrs of exccllence, panicularly IFAD hosfed entities, UN agencies and lhe Consultative Group on Intemational Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers; ,rpr"r"rrr, "ni requested IFAD in international fora; ", support the mobilization of resources for the above-mentioned activities; Undertake any other duties as assigned by the Director PT or Senior Technical Adviscr in Environrnent and Natural Resource Management. lnternatiodai Fund for Agriicultural Deveropment via paoto di Dono, 44 oo r 42 Rome, ltary Tel,: +39 06 54591 Fax: +3g OB 5049469 E-mait: [email protected] Web slte: R #w.tfad.org 1/w z,a-ov-o, l4:4? .r,/" Pg l Ja,too I F|DA EnatJling poer rurdl peoplg to ovurcornd povarly Quvrw pour que les poputstbns rursl€e pauvr€s s€ libdr€nt de la oauvret6 Oar a la poblacidn .ural pobre la oportunidad do salir d6 la pokeza .Jir ulr +iifi a. dy'lrt q*i',Jt os4u j&l Vacancy Announcement \/ncancy $nnounccment No.: Date of issue: Deadline for applications: Position Title: Organizational flnit Level: 09D0lP 20 August 2009 19 September 2009 Technical rtdviser. Environmen t a nd Natural Resource r\{anagement Technical Advisory Division (pT) Programme Management Department (pMD) P-3 CCOG Code: Duty station: LA.01 Rome As soon as posslble l-year fixed term Date of entry on duty: Duratlon of assignment: (Possi bility of renewal) Organizational Context: The Technical Advisor)' Division (PT) provides quality :rssurancc support to IFAD's porfolio of country programmes (comprising loans, grants and associated actilities) as regards to technological, institutional and policy aspects. This Division also supports IFAD investmettt in developing and applying a knowledgc basc on pro-poor, community-led rural development. Y"9*-the general guidance of the Director PT; and the strategic and direct supervision of the Senior Tcchnical Adviser in Envirorunenl and Natural Resource Manlgement the incumbent will assume the duties and responsibilities described below. Duties and Responsibilities Report on performance of functions in agreed format and frcquoncy to the scnior Technicat Adviser (STA) in Environment and Natural Resource Management in-accordancc with pT Divisional/project lvlan agement D epartment ' . ' Participate in Plan deliverables : project deeign andlor country programmc managernsnt tcam$, provide technical assessmcnts and recommendations, and contribute to implernentation support and supenision of projects/progranmes involving enrironment and natural resource management; Participate in tFAD's Quality Enhancement process (loans and grants); supPort the development and superrrision of innovative grant and food securiry initiatives relevant to IFAD's target group; thc mainstreaming of ' Support policy,/programme/project environmental and social levels; in developing corporate produots such assessment procedures at ' Assist ' Contribute to effective.knowledge managoment on Environment and Natural Regources at IFAD, including participation in its knowledge mlnagement (e.g. thernatic groups, communities of practice) ' . ' Resource Management (ERNM) policy; as the proposed IFAD Environment and Natural and innovation mechanisms; Strengthen and develop partnerships in the area of environment and Natural Resource trlanagement (NRM) with tcchnioal ccntsrs of excsllencE, panicularly IFAD hosted entities, IJN agencies ind the Consultative Group on lnternational Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers; ,rp."r"rrr, ,, "ni requested IFAD in intemational fora; support the mobilization of resources for the above-mentioned activities; Undertake any ofher duties as assigned by the Director PT or Senior Technicat Adviscr in Environrnent and Natural Resource Management. lnternationat Fund tor Agricultural Deveroprnent via paolo di Dono, 44 o0 | 42 Rome, rta,y Tel.: +39 06 54591 Fax: +3g 0B 5043463 E-mail: llad@itad-org Web stte: www.lfad.org 9lw rg; J Pro fessional requirenrents: . lvlinimum l-Jacltclor's (or cquivalcnt) degrec in onc or morc of lhese areas: Dcvclopmcnt studies, Natural Resource NIan:rgemont, .\griculturc/Agricultural Scionccs. .Socio-Gcographv or relatcd ficlds; At least five vcars of profcssional dxpericnce in rural clcvclopmcnt and/or rural pogerty reducrion programmcs, including rvith rhc UN antl Civil Sociery fw,;Os1, preferatrly on VRlt ' related topics; Prerious field rvork experience in .'\frica, Asia or Latin ,{merica in the above mentioned field.s; ' ' Familiarijy rvith key rcgional and global centres ivlanagement relevant lo IFAD. of excctlencc in Naturat Resource Communication: E.rcellent nritten and verbal communication skills in English, inclucling thc abilirl' lo set out a cohercnf analysis in presentalions. \l'orking knowledge of another official language (Arabic, French, Spanish) is an asset. Core competencies: Planner and Organizer/Decision-Maker; you will have e.rcellent judgment and the ability to think strategically, assessing and responding to nelv challenges in eivironment and natural rcsource rnanagement. You will be able to set priorities and stick to them; ' ' ' Team worker/Builder: you rvill have strong interpersonal skills, that will allorv you to develop a close and effective working relafionship with intemal and external partners at alt levels. Team performance comes before personal goals. You will have the abilii both to lead and to rvork ellectivcly in leams; Performer: you will have excellent management skills, and be able (o deploy them in a multiwill have the ability to inspire feams to work together to achieve cultural setting. You stretching objectives; ' Facilitator of change: you rvill balance a responsive, responsible and pro-active approach to meeting internal and e.tternal parlner and superviso.'n""bq encour"ging .tu* io understand panner needs and conc€rns and ensuring provision of customized si^ice, and products as appropriate; ' Model of integrity, trustworthy and confident: you rvill champion IFAD core values- Results, Professionalisrn and Respect. Applicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD, and may be assigned by him to any of the activities of IFAD. For this reason the.v should be willing and ready to take field assignments and/or rotate within IFAD. Interesled candidates are eJlcouraged to apply by compteting IF.{.D's Personal History Fornl availablc on the rveb-site hnp://wwl.if-ad.org, and sending ileir appticaiions to the office of Human Resources, via Paolo di Dono 44, 00142 Rome,. ltaly, Fax *jS-Og-SOij463, Email vacancy@ifad-orgAlplications from women candidates are particulady encouraged. Candidates must indicate clearly the vacancy number and are kindlv requesred not to send their application via multiple routes. Any application receivsd by IFAD afrir the closing date rvill not be considered. In rhe interost of making most cost effective us" bf funds and resourcer, ,i* rr" onl1. able to respond to applicants rvho are short-listed for interview. Short listed candidates may be required to sit a lvritten test. candidates who do not receive any feedback rvithin thrEe months should consider their application unsuccessfuL P/*