Budapest 1981 - Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum
Budapest 1981 - Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum
ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI NATION A L I S HUNGARICÏ Tomus73. Budapest, 1981 p. 305-312. The od on to logical aspect in the ethnogenesis of Hungarians, I . by T . T Ó T H , Budapest Abstract — Odontological data from different ethnogeographic groups of Hungarian people have been evaluated regarding some ethnogenetical problems. With 3 tables. Prolegomena. — The increasing importance of anthropology in the interdisciplinary field of ethnogenesis became clear during the last decades. The somatological and craniological analyses supplied us important information on the proportion of the main (Europoid and Mongoloid) taxonomical components enlightening the origin of Hungarians, too. The odontological aspect developed only step by step in the general anthropology relying upon surveys carried out on the main areal-morphological groups of humankind (HRDLICKA, DAHLBERG, SELMER-OLSEN, PEDERSEN). From the most important phases it is worth mentioning the recognition of the great diagnostic value of the shovel-shapedness (HRDLICKA 1920). The analysis of this odontomorphological trait became more and more systematic in the examination of living populations. The incidence of the shovel-shape had been comparatively analysed concerning the lingual surface of the upper deciduous incisors (HANIHARA 1963, 1966, 1970) as well as that of the permanent maxillary incisors (KOSKI & HAUTALA 1952; KIRVESKARI 1974, 1978; ZUBOV 1968a, 1973). As a result of these wide-ranging studies dental anthropology developed as a new branch of the physical anthropology : the principal bases of the ethnic odontology were outlined in 1966 by ZUBOV. Some years later, in 1973 he published a general synthesis having a lot of numerical data about this new field. The term ethnic odontology has been proposed also by him. Finally, a book was published on the ethnic odontology of the living populations of Northern Eurasia (ZUBOV et al. 1979). Material and methods It was the first occasion that some morphological traits of the teeth have been studied on adult males in different ethnogeographical groups of Hungarians. The period of our investigations lasted from November till March in the years of 1969/1970 and 1970/1971. The principal aim of our studies was the morphological analysis of the lingual surface of the upper permanent incisors especially regarding the frequency of shovel-shapedness. For visually evaluating the lingual surface of the medial and lateral incisors a dentistic speculum was used, grouping the surface pecularities according to the generally accepted four degrees (0-3) (HANTHARA 1963; ZUBOV 1968b). Our findings are presented in tables. Data about the above mentioned odontomorphoscopic trait have been sampled from 3310 men (aged between 20 and 60) living in 28 different localities: Őriszentpéter, Szalafő, Bajánsenye (all from Őrség), Csonkahegyhát, Kustánszeg, Becsvölgye, Milejszeg, Petrikeresztur (all from Göcsej), Karcag, Kunmadaras, Kunhegyes (all from the Middle-Tisza region), Jászapáti, Jászárokszállás, Jászfényszaru (all from Jászság), Taktaharkány, Taktakenéz, Taktabáj (all from Taktaköz), Gacsáj, Rozsály, Matolcs (all from Szamoshát), Aszaló, Szikszó, Szendrő, Boldva (northeastern group of the so-called Palócság), Gyöngyöstarján, Mezőkövesd (southern group of the so-called Palócság and the Matyós), Himód, Kisfalud (from Rábaköz). Thus samples were taken from the southwestern, northwestern, northern and northeastern groups of Hungarians living in the Transdanubian as well as in the Middle- and Upper-Tisza regions of Hungary. At the time of our investigations the absorbing effect of the industrialization was negligible. Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 73, 1981 Interpretation of the results Odontoscopical characteristics o f the lingual surface of the upper medial permanent incisors could be analysed i n 2219 men, those o f the lateral incisors in 2060 individuals (Tables 1 and 2). I n comparing these numerical data with the whole contingent o f the studied local groups (3310 male individuals) one obtains interesting information about the clinical state of their dentition strongly connected w i t h the social hygienic conditions manifested during postnatal ontogenesis. While analysing the odontoscopical data of Hungarian males it was found that in the different local groups the first two forms (0 and 1) of the lingual surface of the upper medial incisors presented preponderant majority in comparison to those o f the third and fourth forms (2 and 3) (Table 1). Concurrently the unequal geographic distribution of the first two forms according to the local groups, deserves one's attention as does the parallelism of the two forms (0 and 1). I t is worth mentioning that there is a dominancy of form 1 i n the majority o f the local groups (in 15 from 26) i n comparison to the frequency o f form 0. The geographical distribution as well as the parallelism between the first two forms reveal the same pattern as regards the lingual surface of the upper lateral incisors (Table 2). The dominancy o f the fre quency from these two forms follows the same trend as that from the upper medial incisors. Analysing the odontoscopical traits o f the different ethnogeographic groups of Hungarians one can get a clearer separation o f them i n spite o f the mosaicity pointed out above. Consider ing this aspect the proportional association of the first two forms (0 and 1) of the lingual surface o f the upper medial incisors reveals a similarity between the combined groups form Nagykunság, T a k t a k ö z , Jászság (all from the Middle-Tisza region) and from Göcsej (Transdanubia). This means that i n all of the above mentioned ethnogeographic groups form 0 is dominant over form 1 (Table 1). So a correlation to some extent is revealed between some odontoscopical traits and the southwestern and central somatological complexes stated by us ( T Ó T H 1977). Considering the whole studied contingent this correlation cannot be ascer tained as absolute, becasuse on the basis of the reciprocal association (dominancy o f from 1 over form 0) the combined group from Őrség differing from that o f Göcsej bordering on h i m is very close to the northwestern complex ( R á b a k ö z ) and the two combined groups o f the Palócság, all belonging to the central somatic complex of Hungarian men. I n the Szamos mellék ethnogeographic group the first two forms o f the lingual surface of the upper medial incisors exhibit a nearly equal frequency. I n contrast to the somatological complexes outlined by us—at least to a certain degree—in the area o f the Central Danubian variant ( T Ó T H 1977, 1979) apparently a geographical linkage is existing regarding the first two forms o f the lingual surface of the upper medial incisors. The geographical limitation o f the proportioned associ ation of these two odontoscopical forms is very important. It should be borne i n mind that the four odontoscopical forms of the maxillary incisors have been combined to form two groups (0 + 1 and 2 + 3 ) by the Japanese odontologistanthropologist H A N I H A R A (1963). This type of grouping seems very useful for analysing the distribution o f the main racial stock components. We are o f the opinion that a separate analysis of the first two forms (0 and 1) as well as their different geographical limitation might indicate the assumption of intraracial components, i.e. that of the northern and southern sub continental odontomorphological elements of the Europoid racial stock. I n this respect it deserves attention that among American and A r a b people form 0 is dominating over form 1, the Finns are characterized on the other hand by a reversed proportion o f these two odontoscopial forms ( D O N I N A 1969). I n addition to these findings it cannot be left out of consideration that the odontoscopical traits characterizing Russian, Danish and Swedish people are quite different from those u f the Finns. Disregarding the mosaicity between the two forms (0 and 1) Hungarian men are characterized by the clearly expressed odontoscopi- cal traits of the Europoid racial stock (upper medial incisors showing the two forms 0 and 1). Does the shovel-shapedness of the maxillary insisors give an information about the proportion o f the Mongoloid racial stock i n the anthropological composition of Hungarian people? First of all it seems to be worth mentioning that the high frequency o f the semi-shovel (form 2) and the shovel type (form 3) o f the maxillary incisors is one of the most characteristic odontological traits of the Mongoloid racial stock ( H A N I H A R A 1966). I t has been found that in contrary to the medial incisors the lateral ones are characterized by the great variability and a stronger trend towards reduction and therefore the morphoscopic data concerning the lateral incisors sometimes are not reliable for evaluating their ethnogenetical significance ( Z U B O V 1968a). Concentrating our attention on the morphoscopic characters of the medial maxillary incisors, i.e. semi-shovel (forms 2) and marked shovel (form 3), a well expressed dominancy of form 2 over form 3 has been found i n every local group of Hungarian men (Ta ble 1). The relation between these two forms seems to be very similar i n respect to the upper lateral incisors, too (Table 2). Intercontinental comparative analyses carried out by Z U B O V (1968a) have shown that the summarized percentage value o f the two forms ( 2 + 3 ) o f the upper medial incisors o f the Europoid populations varies between 0 and 15 per cent. The highest frequency of shovel-shaped incisors has been found among Mongoloids (75-100%). Odontoscopic values characteristic for mixed groups have an intermediary position between the above mentioned lowest and highest frequencies. Nevertheless Z U B O V (1968a) estimated a relatively high frequency of shovel-shaped incisors i n the dental system o f many people (Oraons, Munda, Santals) of India belonging to the Europoid area. Frequency distribution of the different forms of the odontoscopical traits among the living Kazakhs is very close to that of the Mongoloids ( Z U B O V 1972, 1973). A comparative analysis of the summarized values ( 2 + 3 ) of the shovel-shapedness of the upper medial incisors according to the local groups of Hungarian men led to the conclusion that the Europoid odontoscopical traits have the lowest frequency i n the southwestern somatological complex (Őrség — 6,8%), whereas their highest frequency has been found i n the northwestern complex (Kisfalud — 14,3%) (Table 1). Our numerical data clearly show that the majority of the groups of Hungarian men are char acterized by a higher frequency of shovel shapedness; similar frequencies have been esti mated among certain peoples of the continental Eurasia belonging to intermediary and mixed groups. Odontoscopical traits having an intermediary position are present i n the area of the Europoid racial stock, too. L o w frequency values characterize the populations living i n the so-called Szamosmellék (Matolcs 15.6%), whereas very high frequency values have been found i n the Middle-Tisza Basin (Jászapáti 33.9%) (Table 1). The summarized formula ( 2 + 3 ) o f the shovel-shapedness of the upper,.medial incisors reveals a very low freq*uency (17.8 % ) o f this trait i n the groups of Hungarian men considered to be an entity. The frequency of this morphological trait is no doubt considerable among Hungarian men (6.8—33.9 % ; Tables 1 and 2); i n this respect Hungarian people are very close to the Azerbaidjans (4.0—22.0 % ; GHASIMOVA 1979), to the Tadjiks (2.4—27.4 % ; Z U B O V et al. 1979) and to the inhabitants o f Daghestan (0.0—25.3 % ; G H A D Z H I Y E V 1979). I n this connection we have to take into considerations the fact that odontoscopical traits of the East Ugor stand closer to those of the Mongoloid racial stock than those from Hungarian males (Table 3). There is no doubt about the similarity o f the frequencies of the odonto scopical traits existing between the East Finns (Maris and Komi-Zyrians; Table 3) and H u n garian men. I n clarifying the origin of Hungarian people one must consider the odonto-anthropological traits of the southern subcontinental area of the Europoid racial stock (Tadjiks, Azer baidjans, Daghestans). Forms 2 and 3 are represented i n the percentage values of the four forms of the medial maxillary incisors w i t h a low frequency: 14.7 viz. 3.1. Relatively high frequencies (25—55 % ) have been found not only i n the Europo- Mongoloid mixed groups, but also in the southern subcontinental area of the Europoid racial stock. This situation led Z U B O V ( 1 9 7 9 ) after a careful comparison of the continental distribu tion of this trait to the outlining of three odontological complexes (types) as distinct in Eur asia (the northern gracilic, the middle-Europaean, the southern gracilic). According to his investigations a relatively high frequency of shovel-shapedness o f the medial maxillary inci sors seems to be characteristic for the southern gracilic type. I n considering his findings the results of our odonto-anthropological studies cannot be interpreted as the only effect of the Mongolid components, because the odontoscopical trait just analysed is represented with a relatively high frequency in the southeastern area of the Europoids, too. The results given in this paper are i n full agreement with the information about the dermatoglyphy ( G L A D K O V A & T Ó T H 1 9 7 9 ) and somatology o f Hungarian men ( T Ó T H 1 9 7 7 , 1 9 7 9 ) , demonstrating the considerable share of the southern Europoid subcontinental complex in the anthropo logical composition of Hungarians. Acknowledgements — The author wishes to express his appreciation to professors Y A . Y A . ROGHINSKY and A. A. ZUBOV for their consultative advice about odonto-anthropological problems as well as to the leaders and leading corporations of the counties and villages in the mentioned territories for their administrative help. References AKHSIANOVA, G . A . (1979): Naselenije basseina Petshori i nizhnei Obi. — I n : ZUBOV, A . A . & HALDEEVA, N . I . , Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva, 93-113. DONINA, N . I . (1969): O nekotorueh epohalnueh izmeneniah v stroienii zubnoj szisztemue tshelovieka. — Sov. Etnogr., 2: 35-47. GHADZHIYEV, Y U . M . ( 1 9 7 9 ) : Daghestan. — I n : ZUBOV. A. A . & HALDEEVA, N . I . . Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva, 141-163. GHASHIMOVA, U . F. (1979): Odontologitsheskaia harakteristika sovremennogo naselenia Azherbaidjana. •—Quest. Anthrop.. 60: 140-146. GLADKOVA, T. D . & TÓTH, T. A. (1979): The Dermatoglyphical materials of Hungarians from Gyöngyöstarján and Kisfalud. — Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., 71: 329-339. HANIHARA, K . (1963): Crown characters of the deciduous dentition of the Japanese-American hybrids. — Dental Anthropology, Pergamon Press, Oxford-London New York-Paris; p. 105-124. HANIHARA, K . (1966): Mongoloid dental complex in the deciduous dentition. — Zinruigaku Zassi. 74: 6 1 - 7 2 . HANIHARA, K . (1970): Mongoloid dental complex in the deciduous dentition with special reference to the dentition of the Ainu. — Zinruigaku Zassi, 78: 3-17. HRDLICKA, A. (1920): Shovel-shaped teeth. — Amer. J. phys. Anthropol., 3: 429-465. KIRVESKARI, P. (1974): Morphological traits in the permanent dentition of living skolt lapps. — Proc. Finn. dent. Soc, 70 (Suppl. II.) 1-90. KIRVESKARI, P. (1978): Racial traits in the dentition of living skolt iapps. — In: BUTLER, P. M . & JOYSEY, K . A., Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth, London, p. 59-68. KOTSHIYEV, R. S. ( 1 9 7 9 ) : Zakavkazie i Severnui Kavkaz. — I n : ZUBOV, A . A . & HALDEEVA, N . I . , Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva, p. 114-141. KOSKI, K. & HAUTALA, E. (1952): On the frequency of shovel-shaped incisors in the Finns. — Amer. J. phys. Anthropol., 10: 127-132. TÓTH, T. (1977): Somatologia i paleoantropológia naselenia Vengrii. — Doct. thesis (Moscow)., p. 1-35. TÓTH, T. (1979): Some problems in the somatology of Hungarian people. — Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., 71: 3 1 5 - 3 1 9 . ZUBOV, A. A. (1966): K vuedeleniu novoi oblasti v sziszteme antropologii(Principue etnitsheskoi odontologii). — Sov. Etnogr., 1: 3-13. ZUBOV, A . A . (1968a): O rasovo-diagnosztitsheskom znatshenii nekotorueh odontologitslieskih priznakov. — Sov. Etnogr., 3: 49-59. ZUBOV, A. A. (1968b): Odontologia. — Metodika antropologitsheskih issledovanij, Moskva, p. 3-199. ZUBOV, A. A. (1972): Materialue po odontologii kazahov. — Sov. Etnogr.. 4: 51-63. ZUBOV, A. A. (1973): Etnitsheskaia odontologia. — Moskva, p. 3-203. ZUBOV, A. A. (1979): Vvedenie, Zaklutshenie. — In : ZUBOV, A. A. & HALDEEVA, N . I . , Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva; 3-8., 229-251. ZUBOV, A. A . , BABAKOV, O . B . , D U B O V A , N . A . , R U E K U S I N A , G. V. & HODJAIOV, T . K . (1979): Narodue Srednei Azii i Kazahstana. — I n : ZUBOV, A. A. & HALDEEVA, N . I . , Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR, Moskva, 164-186. ZUBOV. A. A. & HALDEEVA, N . I . (1979): Etnitsheskaia odontologia SSSR. — Moskva, p. 1-256. Author's address: D R . T I B O R T Ó T H Anthropological Department Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1062 Budapest, Bajza utca 39 Hungary Table I . Distribution of shovel-shapedness in the medial incisors of Hungarians (males) Degrees or forms Ethnic groups Őrség Csonkahegyhát Kustánszeg Becsvölgye Milejszeg Petrikereszt úr Karcag Kunmadaras Kunhegyes Jászapáti Jászárokszállás Jászfényszaru Taktaharkány 1+ I I Taktakenéz Taktabáj Gacsáj Rozsály Matolcs Aszaló Szikszó Szendrő Boldva Gyöngyöstarján Himód Kisfalud Mezőkövesd * (59) (43) (83) (144) (50) (106) 001) (41) (93) (53) (90) (107) (145) (117) (98) (70) (36) (83) (80) (90) (114) (66) (127) (66) (77) (80) * General number of medial incisors 0 2 l 3 % (N) % (N) % (N) 15.2 13.9 43.4 50.0 56.0 63.2 50.5 43.9 35.5 41.5 26.7 49.5 60.0 49.5 50.0 57.1 33.3 33.7 12.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (9) (6) (36) (72) (28) (67) (51) (18) (33) (22) (24) (53) (87) (58) (49) (40) (12) (28) (10) (-) (4) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) 77.9 79.1 45.8 36.1 28.0 27.3 41.6 36.6 46.2 24.5 46.7 32.7 31.0 33.3 31.6 25.7 52.8 50.6 70.0 71.1 74.5 78.8 71.6 74.2 85.7 72.5 (46) (34) (38) (52) (14) (29) (42) (15) (43) 03) (42) (35) (45) (39) (31) (18) (19) (42) (56) (64) (85) (52) (91) (49) (66) (58) 6.8 7.0 9.6 13.2 16.0 5.6 6.9 17.1 12.9 24.5 21.1 13.1 8.2 16.2 11.2 14.3 8.3 15.6 16.2 26.7 17.5 18.2 22.8 19.7 10.4 23.8 (4) (3) (8) (19) (8) (6) (7) (7) (12) (13) (19) (14) (12) (19) (11) (10) (3) (13) (13) (24) (20) (12) (29) (13) (8) (19) % 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.7 0.0 3.8 1.0 2.4 5.4 9.4 5.6 4.6 0.7 0.8 7.1 2.8 5.6 0.0 1.3 2.2 4.4 3.0 5.5 6.0 3.9 3.7 2+ 3 (N) % (N) (-) (-) (1) (1) (-) (4) (1) (1) (5) (5) (5) (5) (1) (1) (7) (2) (2) (-) (1) (2) (5) (2) (7) (4) (3) (3) 6.8 7.0 10.8 13.9 16.0 9.4 7.9 19.5 18.3 33.9 26.7 17.7 8.9 17.0 18.3 17.1 13.9 15.6 17.5 28.9 21.9 21.2 28.3 25.7 14.3 27.5 (4) (3) (9) (20) (8) (10) (8) (8) (17) (18) (24) (19) (13) (20) (18) (12) (5) (13) (14) (26) (25) (14) (36) (17) (11) (22) Table 2. Distribution of shovel-shapedness in the lateral incisors of Hungarians (males) Degrees or forms Ethnic groups Őrség Csonkahegyhát Kunstánszeg Becsvölgye Milejszeg Petrikeresztúr Karcag Kunmadaras Kunhegyes Jászapáti Jászárokszállás Jászfényszaru Taktaharkány I + I I Taktakenéz Taktabáj Gacsáj Rozsály Matolcs Aszaló Szikszó Szendrő Boldva Gyöngyöstarján Himód Kisfalud Mezőkövesd 0 % * (47) (40) (63) (123) (46) (93) (100) (39) (88) (45) (76) (97) (138) (113) (93) (72) (35) (78) (81) (80) (117) (59) (124) (60) (76) (77) * General number of lateral incisors 36.2 55.0 47.6 42.3 45.6 44.1 34.0 28.2 29.5 26.7 18.4 30.9 30.4 28.3 27.9 27.8 17.1 29.5 3.7 1.3 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 l CN) (17) (22) (30) (52) (21) (41) (34) (11) (26) (12) (14) (30) (42) (32) (26) (20) (6) (23) (3) (1) (2) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) % 46.8 40.0 31.7 34.9 34.8 33.3 42.0 48.7 44.3 24.4 39.4 42.3 40.6 40.7 46.2 54.1 45.7 41.0 38.3 61.2 53.8 71.2 58.9 50.0 64.5 54.5 3 (N) % (N) % (22) (16) (20) (43) (16) (31) (42) (19) (39) OD (30) (41) (56) (46) (43) (39) (16) (32) (31) (49) (63) (42) (73) (30) (49) (42) 17.0 5.0 20.6 18.7 19.5 20.4 22.0 17.9 17.0 40.0 30.3 22.7 27.5 27.4 23.6 16.7 37.1 24.4 43.2 32.5 32.5 22.0 38.7 36.7 27.6 42.9 (8) (2) (13) (23) (9) (19) (22) (7) (15) (18) (23) (22) (38) (31) (22) (12) (13) (19) (35) (26) (38) (13) (48) (22) (21) (33) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 2.2 2.0 5.1 9.1 8.9 11.8 4.1 1.4 3.5 2.2 1.4 0.0 5.1 14.8 5.0 11.9 6.8 2.4 13.3 7.9 2.6 2+ 3 (N) (-) (-) (-) (5) (-) (2) (2) (2) (8) (4) (9) (4) (2) (4) (2) (1) (-) (4) (12) (4) (14) (4) (3) (8) (6) (2) % (N) 17.0 5.0 20.6 22.7 19.5 22.6 24.0 23.0 26.1 48.9 42.1 26.8 28.9 30.9 25.8 18.1 37.1 29.5 58.0 37.5 44.4 28.8 41.1 50.0 35.5 45.5 (8) (2) (13) (28) (9) (21) (24) (9) (23) (22) (32) (26) (40) (35) (24) (13) (13) (23) (47) (30) (52) (17) (51) (30) (27) (35) Table 3. Some comparative data of shovel-shaped incisors in different ethnic groups (males) Dental traits Groups, authors, years " — Mongols (Mongolia; Zolotaryeva; ZUBOV 1973) Kazakhs (ZUBOV 1973) Tadjiks from Tshusts (ZUBOV 1973) Uzbeks from Namangan (ZUBOV 1973) Oraons (East-India, ZUBOV 1973) Munda (East-India, ZUBOV 1973) Santals (East-India, ZUBOV 1973) Gudjars (North-India, ZUBOV 1973) Russians (ZUBOV 1973) Ukrainians (Diatshenko; ZUBOV 1973) Finns from Helsinki (ZUBOV 1973) Upland Mari (ZUBOV 1973) Meadow M a r i (ZUBOV 1973) Komi-Zyrians (Izhem-district, AKSIANOVA 1979) Komi-Zyrians (southerns, AKSIANOVA 1979) Finns (KOSKI & HAUTALA Medial incisors ( 2 + 3 ) 1952) Khantis (northerns, Davidova; AKSIANOVA 1979) Mansis (northerns, Davidova; AKSIANOVA 1979) Osset-Digors (Diatshenko; ZUBOV 1973) Osset-Irons (KOTSHIYEV 1979) Osset-Dzhava (KOTSHIYEV 1979) Lezghin-Samours (Daghestan; GHADZHIYEV 1979) Gruzhins (Tbilisi, Donina; ZUBOV 1973) Azherbaidjans (Ahsuin; GHASHIMOVA 1979) Azherbaidjans (Khiurdamir; GHASHIMOVA 1979) Azherbaidjans (Shamhor; GHASHIMOVA 1979) Azherbaidjans (summarized; GHASHIMOVA 1979) Tadjiks (Ghantshi; ZUBOV et al. 1979) Tadjiks (Sanghardak; ZUBOV et al. 1979) Tadjiks (summarized; ZUBOV et al. 1979) Uzbekhs (summarized; ZUBOV et al. 1979) Hungarians (summarized; TÓTH 1977) N 90.4 62.6 20.5 21.9 58.4 56.4 57.0 5.5 3.6 10.5 5.5 20.0 21.8 17.0 20 2 14.7 54.8 52.5 8.7 2.0 1.8 25.3 2.7 17.8 19.4 22.0 10.9 27.4 19.2 15.9 23.1 17.8 273 131 129 166 65 39 72 108 109 141 91 105 110 129 79 423 62 162 103 101 109 79 291 7 7 7 2030 113 104 910 501 2219 Lateral incisors (2 + 3) % 98.6 56.5 24.2 33.7 48.4 56.4 47.2 6.6 5.4 13.0 5.5 28.5 34.4 12.8 37.7 19.6 69.1 75.8 20.2 8.8 0.9 24.1 16.8 —. — — — 27.7 31.7 22.5 35.2 31.1 N 286 131 128 157 64 39 72 106 110 141 91 103 110 125 77 408 55 149 103 102 109 79 288 — — — 119 104 915 492 2060
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