MAY 2014 - Apex
MAY 2014 - Apex
THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE GOLD COAST TREASURE CLUB, INC. President: Frank Nash 786-269-5744 Vice-President: Gary McNew 561-718-5523 Secretary Jan Smirnow 561-735-8921 Treasurer Eddie D'Amato 561-385-3841 Hunt Master: Linda Bennett Home: 561-290-5112 Cell Phone: 561-352-4068 Sales/Raffle Promoter: Available Photographer: Steve Hoskins Librarian: Bo Greenwood Hospitality Hostess: Available Prize Coordinator: Jan Smirnow Membership: Jim Sharp Website Administrator: John Lobota Newsletter Editor: Linda Bennett [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: Club Mailing Address: GCTC C/O Gail Hoskins 206 Russell Drive Lake Worth, FL 33461 Dues are $35 a year. New members pay an initiation fee of $5, plus: $35 if joining between Jan. 1st and the end of June, or $17.50 if joining between July 1 and Dec. 31. $5 extra for FMDAC membership. VOLUME 39 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014 THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE 7:30 PM MAY 8 AT THE SOUTH FLORIDA SCIENCE MUSEUM ANNEX (THE OLD GARDEN CLUB) IN DREHER PARK IN WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA OUR CODE OF ETHICS: HAVE PERMISSION AND DO NO HARM MAY MEETING Our next meeting will be a round table discussion on how to hunt beaches after a major storm. Thanks in advance to Paul Hamlin who will provide the mystery stumper. JOIN US EARLY AT TOM SAWYER RESTAURANT at 5:15 p.m. before the meeting. Dutch treat! 3208 FOREST HILL BLVD PALM SPRINGS, FL 33406 CLUB HUNT Mark your calendars for a hunt on Saturday, May 17 in the morning. Place and time TBA at the meeting. I will send out an email on May 16 for those who can't make the meeting TURTLE NESTING SEASON March through October is turtle season and therefore no lights on beach after dark. This includes your headlights or any other light used for metal detecting during the night. HAPPY BIRTHDAY May Trent Bowen (5/8) Mark Laur (5/22) John Lobota (5/14) Maryanne Lubinski (5/31) Ed Morin (5/17) Allen Schwartz (5/21)?? Glenford Smith (5/10) Nancy Stephens (5/27) Ashley Wedde (5/1) MEMBERSHIP CONTEST Bring a guest and earn a point. The member with the most points at the end of the year wins a paid membership for 2015 CHALLENGE LEVELS Do you enjoy a good challenge? If so, then you should join the quest to master the five challenge levels! This fun program offers a coin reward simply for finding a specific group of targets (much like a scavenger hunt) and showing those finds to the hunt master (Linda Bennett).For questions or explanations, come early to a meeting and speak with Linda. APRIL MONTHLY BEST FIND WINNERS Good Will Ambassadors Performing Random Acts of Kindness Each month, the GCTC recognizes members who provide selfless service to our community. The first time a member returns an item, that individual receives a metal detecting pin (handcrafted by Steve Hoskins) to wear on his or her hat, in addition to a certificate of appreciation. Return Recognized at March Meeting REPEAT AMBASSADOR Steve Hamedl, Amy Hamedl, Vern Blausey Best Gold Steve Hamedl Frank Nash and Jim Sharp 12 K Gold Ring Best Silver Steve Hamedl Chain with Cross Best Costume Steve Hamedl Most Unusual Vern Blausey Machete Best Coin Amy Hamedl Frank and Pauline Nash Returned Gold Ring Jim Sharp Returned Key Bracelet 1907 V Nickel Second Place t Gold - 14 K Gold - Paul Hamlin Silver- Bracelet - Gary McNew Most Unusual- Treasure Chest Locket - Paul Hamlin Costume - Bracelet - Gary McNew t Coin - 1943 Steel Penny - Steve Hamedl ONGOING CLUB PROJECTS Our club collects eye glasses, foreign coins, miscellaneous items of costume jewelry/tokens/metal toys, pull tabs, and empty ink cartridges. Give Jan Smirnow or Linda Bennett your donations. CLUB WEBSITES Be sure to check out the two club websites that John Lobota manages. He welcomes club members to share stories, local history, videos, photos and other knowledge to impart. MEMBER FOR SALE ADS Whites Pinpointer II new $100 Ruger Stainless Mark II 22 cal , 4” Bull Barrel, like new - $400 Ruger Stainless Mark II 22 cal. 5 1/2”Slag side barrel competition target model w/ red dot scope $600 (I bought both guns new and to be truthful, I’m not sure they have been fired) CZ3D modified by Tom Dankowski for sale. It is like new. Purchased for $1200+ Want $700. 2 Alum . water scoops. never used $50 each Email or call me with any questions.. Jerry Laur 561-951-1015 [email protected] *********************************************** Wanted: Gary McNew is looking for a Fisher CZ20 (not the 21). 561-718-5523 APRIL MEETING MINUTES HAVE DETECTOR, WILL TRAVEL TCAS COMPETITION HUNT MARCH 8, 2014 Bob Dobski, Irving Smith, Linda Bennett, Jim Smith and Gary McNew Speaker, Tom Dankowski kept 43 members and 7 guests spellbound for over an hour. Even during the break, he was surrounded by many for more question and answer session. FIU student taped meeting for school project. Frank Nash and Jim Sharp both donated American flag in stands. One was placed on stage for the Science Museum to use for other events. The other flag was placed in our club shed. Tom Lieberman won the raffle of an 1883 silver dollar, two tickets to the Science Museum and a natural wood stump table. Gary Spiroch provided a washer for the mystery stumper item. Three members had one. Paul Hamlin had a washer closer in size and won the silver quarter. Paul will provide the mystery item for the May meeting. 50/50 drawing was worth $50 and Irving Smith was the lucky winner. Irving Smith's token worth a Garrett AT PRO Metal Detector CFMDC SUNSHINE HUNT APRIL 5, 2014 Steve Hamedl, Phil and Kathy Marro attended this full one day hunt. Phil won a xterra metal detector. Guess you can never have too many! Borrowed from Dick Stout's website: GCTC, INC. The Tinfoil Times C/O GAIL HOSKINS 206 RUSSELL DRIVE LAKE WORTH, FL 33461 The Tinfoil Times UPCOMING EVENTS Club Meeting: May 8 at 7:30 PM Club Hunt: May 17 TBA VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Also check out:
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