Fall Newsletter. - Christ Child Society


Fall Newsletter. - Christ Child Society
Christ Child Society News
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Red Wagon Luncheon
Big thanks to everyone who attended this year’s Red
Wagon Luncheon. Columbia Country Club was the
perfect location for this fun and informative event.
Chaired by Michele Dombo, this year’s luncheon
featured the new Literacy Initiative.
Guests were welcomed by some of our own Girls on
the Rise. It was such a treat to have the girls adding
their enthusiasm and joy to the event. The party
started with cocktails and everyone’s favorite basket
auction. The raffle area was a flurry of activity as
people took a chance to win some amazing items put
together again this year by Kerri Gardiner and Kim
Kirchgessner. Guests were also excited to shop at our
own Op Shop on the Go table. The Shop raised over
$4,000 from the luncheon sales alone.
Once guests moved into the main ballroom,
they were delighted by fabulous red wagon
themed centerpieces which were created by
Deb Glamb. The beautiful fall flowers gave
an elegant touch to our iconic mini wagons
and brightened each table.
Right before dessert, our speaker, Ellen Kentz,
delivered a riveting presentation on early literacy.
Ellen discussed her own experience as a reading tutor
as well as the larger societal issues affecting literacy.
She shared shocking statistics about the dearth of
books in low income communities and the need to
bring books and literacy experiences to our own Ward
8 through our new Book Bunch Program.
Just two days after the luncheon we launched our first
Book Bunch at the Merrick Center. We read The
Very Hungry Caterpillar then had time for play, song,
crafts, quiet book time and snacks. Each child left
with two copies of The V ery Hungry Caterpillar as
well as Touch and Feel Farm A nimals ~ one to read at
home and one to share with friends! It was a great
start to the Book Bunch. We are so excited about this
new initiative and are looking forward, as
Ellen’s talk was titled, to “Helping DC’s
Children One Book at a Time.”
Dear Members and Friends,
We are headlong into the fall and all the many programs of the Christ Child
Society of Washington, DC in this our 128th year! Thanks to your efforts and
that of all the volunteers and staff members of CCS, we are able to broaden
and deepen our services for children in at-risk circumstances across our city
of Washington, DC.
This fall I’ve had many opportunities to reference the “sainthood” of so many
in our organization, including at CCS fundraisers, guild parties and at the
National Christ Child Society Conference in September . Ther e I spoke,
along with Ange Anglade and Rolando Fuentes, about the meshing of our
volunteers with our professional staff, a topic of interest to other growing
guilds across the country. In researching the topic, I found that Mary
Virginia Merrick enlisted the help of pr ofessionals thr oughout her ear ly
establishment of the Society, in her settlement houses with medical staff;
professionals in the libraries she started, teachers who taught English to immigrants and more.
While sainthood is a term reserved for the most holy, it seems an apt word to describe the sometimes heroic
efforts of volunteers who are giving up several days of the week to serve children. Ange, director of our
Girls on the Rise pr ogr am at the Mer r ick Center and a clinical social wor ker , spoke about the volunteers who help in all the outstanding programs at the Merrick Center such as the Girls on the Run with
Posey and Delarue Guilds. Rolando, a bi-lingual, clinical social worker on our staff at Sacred Heart
School, spoke about the volunteer tutoring and Adopt-a-School programs that help so many of the children
he serves, along with the help of the Abell Guild and CCS tutors.
At the Red Wagon Luncheon, so generously chaired again by Michele Dombo, along with Kim Kirshgessner, Keri Gardiner and Deb Glamb, all saints, by the way, we lear ned about the new Liter acy Initiative with the help of Ellen Kentz, a member of the Literacy Study Group we started last year. In our research we found that the sheer numbers of available books for children were shockingly low in at-risk
neighborhoods, while shockingly high in upscale neighborhoods. In one effort to address this statistic,
Christ Child DC has now started the Book Bunch, a story hour program at the Merrick Center for young
toddlers and preschoolers that includes the five elements of pre-reading: books, music, play, conversation
and movement, along with food, of course! Our first Book Bunch at the Merrick Center was lovely testimony to the wonders of quiet, thoughtful reading and conversation with young children through many activities, also known as the “reading relationship.” Each family additionally left with the featured two books and
extra copies for neighbors, cousins and friends, given the goal of simply increasing the numbers of books in
the neighborhood.
None of these efforts would be happening without your help. We are so grateful for your generosity of time
and treasure, and please know that all of you are on the way to Christ Child Society “sainthood” to be sure!
All the best,
Kathy Norton Warren
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Dear Members and Friends,
Fall is here with its changing leaves and cooling temperatures. Likewise, there are many changes here at the DC
Chapter of the Christ Child Society. This fall has already
been busy with our tried and true programs gearing up,
new programs starting, and member events already underway. In this newsletter you will read about the incredible volunteerism at work to support our Beloved Babies
Layette Program, our focused and intensive counseling
and tutoring services with the students in our Student
Success Program, the exciting summer camp and afterschool programs for our Girls on the Rise, and our newest literacy initiative for children ages 0-3 and their
families ~ the Book Bunch!
In addition to the day to day work of the Society to meet the educational, material and emotional needs of
children, the DC Chapter sponsors a number of larger, chapter-wide events with our members, friends, and
volunteers. We held our annual Red Wagon Luncheon, on October 15th at Columbia Country Club. Under
the leadership of Michele Dombo, Chair, and with the support of her committee of Deb Glamb, Kerri Gardiner and Kim Kirchgessner, the Luncheon was a great success. We heard an inspiring speech from member
and Christ Child tutor, Ellen Kentz (Mary Kennedy Guild) which outlined the specific need for early literacy intervention and rolled out our new and exciting Book Bunch program. We were thrilled to again have
some of our Girls on the Rise join us for the lunch to help out with greeting and registration. We also have a
number of other events this fall for our volunteers and community partners.
On Thursday, November 5th, we held our Annual Layette Agency Breakfast. Representatives from over 30
agencies who help us distribute our layettes to those in need, came together at the CCS office to network
and share ideas. Ange Anglade, Program Director of our Girls on the Rise Program presented on: “The
Power of Gratitude: Harmonious Living for Your Body and Mind.” Then, on December 3rd, we have the
opportunity to thank our over 200 knitters and crocheters at our annual Blankets for Babies Tea at Columbia
Country Club. We will feature shopping at our own Opportunity Shop table, the chance to share the thanks
of our 4000 mothers with newborns who benefit from the layette program each year; it’s sure to be a
fabulous event. Finally, we thanked our wonderful Opportunity Shop volunteers who are responsible for
supporting our programs with their unwavering commitment with a cocktail reception on November 11th at
Georgetown Visitation. Thanks to Katie Dwyer, Christine Payne, and Alicia Quick for organizing this
special event!
Enjoy all the exciting news and thanks to all of you for making these amazing programs possible!
Kathleen Curtin, Executive Director
A few more images from the
Red Wagon Luncheon
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New Logo and Tagline
The National Christ Child Society has unveiled a new logo and tagline that the Chapters will be using. Once
the details are finalized we will begin to rebrand to incorporate this updated logo and new tagline.
The purpose of the Christ Child Society is “to improve by useful instruction and charitable relief the condition of the poor
children of the District of Columbia.” (Annual Report 1938)
Call for Nominations
If you would like to nominate someone to serve on the
Christ Child Society Board of Directors, please contact
Tricia Boland Jones at 301-365-9192 or
[email protected]
Save the Date
Casino Royale
Saturday, February 28th
Columbia Country Club
Stephanie Farrell and Mary Lynn Shanahan
Gala Co-Chairs
Have any ideas for great sponsors, items, or advertisers?
Email Kara at [email protected]
Wine Wall
We are asking all of our members to donate one bottle of wine (valued at $20+)
to the Gala for our Wine Wall item. With so many members with great taste in
wines, this item has fabulous potential! Drop your bottle at the office between
now and February 11th, Monday-Friday, 9-3.
We so appreciate your participation!
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Student Success Program
Book Bunch Launched in October
On October 17th, at the Mary Virginia Merrick Youth Center, members of the Literacy Study group (Kitty
Colbert, Meghan Quinn, Ellen Kentz, Kathy Warren. Donnamarie Mills, Roseanne Kelly, and Kathleen Curtin)
hosted the first Book Bunch. Board President Kathy Warren (wearing a butterfly costume) read the classic The
Very Hungry Caterpillar book. After the story, the kids played with hungry caterpillar themed toys, building
blocks, puzzles, and coloring projects. There was even a hungry caterpillar tunnel! Following a snack and a
second book, each child left with three board books of their own – and some to share with friends.
The goal of the Book Bunch is to introduce children and families to the wonderful world of books and address
the huge gap in literacy, access and school readiness with the children of Ward 8 one book at a time.
Girls on the Rise Em
at the Mer
Girls on the Rise Program Summer Camp Recap
The Girls on the Rise had a great summer
camp with 78 girls enrolled; we focused on
helping the girls develop healthier habits, positive body image and “rock star” self esteem.
For six weeks the girls created healthy relationships, made better choices and were exposed to
new experiences that help enrich their development. The camp ended with an amazing treat
promoting self care, positive body image and
self love when we took them to a spa where
they were treated like princesses.
Physical Fitness
This year the girls participated in various physical activities which included, but were not limited to yoga,
acro-yoga, general fitness, sports drills, African dance, step and other various activities that involved team
building, confidence and encouraged the love of movement. Each girl received a minimum of 45 minutes of
structured fitness activities a day.
Project Create DC
The following programs were provided by our community partner Project Create DC:
Girls K - 2nd grade participated in Arts, Crafts & Storytelling. Girls 3rd - 5th grade participated in Photography & Collage. And the 8th graders participated in Fashion & Style Program.
Pretty Girl Linkup
All girls participated in self-esteem workshops which focused on self-love, self-acceptance, confidence building,
and learning how to be better friends.
Community Service Project
This year, the rising 8th-9th graders participated in a community service project for five Mondays which was hosted by
CCS Layette Program. This allowed the girls to have better
attachment to the organization and have a sense of civic engagement. This activity also gave the girls an introduction to
community service.
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mpowerment Program
rrick Center
Girls on the Rise Afterschool Program
The afterschool program has started on a positive note with 42 girls
enrolled and ready to participate in the program. This year in addition to providing enrichment, mentoring and individual counseling,
the program will expand to serve to our Middle and High School
students, preparing them to transition effectively into high school,
college and post graduation training and employment. Using a
positive youth development and holistic approach, the girls will
engage in enrichment activities to include: Exploring the World
thru Photography, Express Yourself through Hip Hop Theater,
Girls on the Run, and the Big Bang Book Club.
In addition, we are excited to offer Yoga as it addresses the social and emotional needs of the girls, promoting nonviolent communication and conflict resolution. Our elementary students are learning mindfulness techniques that
will help them in all areas of their lives.
3rd Annual Girls Summit
On Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 we kicked off National Bullying Awareness Month with our 3rd Annual Girls Summit This year's theme is all about living in the now. #IAMPRESENT "Helping girls live in the moment so they can
love the person they are today" The girls enjoyed workshops on setting goals, media collage and how to be present
in their bodies through movement. Parents enjoyed a workshop on “Healing our Pain in Order to Be a Present Parent” as well as Chair Massages, Zumba and Fr ee Makeover by a pr ofessional make up ar tist.
Tears were shed, hugs were shared, stories were told and the healing process began- all thanks to our powerful presenter Rhea Alexander. We love not only
serving girls but their entire families. The Parent Only Lounge provided a scared
space for parents to open up and share the struggles they face in raising powerful
girls, and their desire to heal past hurts and trauma so they can be emotionally
and physically present for their children.
Beloved Babies Layette Program
November Layette Packing
The Tumulty and Mary Virginia Merrick Guilds
joined forces for the November Layette Packing.
The room was bustling with activity as 800 were
packed. Big thanks to all who participated!
Special thanks to Nancy Focht and Joanne
Carroccio for coordinating diaper packaging ahead
of time. Having these diapers donated and ready to
be packed in the layettes is truly a blessing!
Tumulty Guild Member Leanne Boland folding sleepers during the Layette Packing.
Layette Agency Breakfast
The Layette Agency Breakfast was held on Thursday, November 6th. The Layette Committee
hosted more than 30 representatives from the our partner agencies for a beautiful breakfast.
The guests were also treated to a presentation by Ange Anglade about harmonious living. The
Breakfast is a wonderful way to thank our agencies for the work they do and give them an
opportunity to network with each other.
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Service Projects
Robin Kramer, Layette Program Coordinator, has been cultivating wonderful partnerships with young people
looking for service opportunities. The Visitation incoming freshman stopped by this summer to pack diapers
and medal blankets. And our very own Girls on The Rise packed diapers this summer during their summer
camp experience. It was a great chance to “pay it forward.” The Girl Scout Troop from Blessed Sacrament also
medaled and packed 100 layettes on a Friday afternoon in September as part of their service requirement. We
appreciate and love working with these young people!
Looking for a good project to do at Church or School or Work?
Consider hosting a diaper drive!
We are always in need of diapers.
Contact Robin Kramer at [email protected]
for help setting up a drive.
Calling All Knitters!
Watch your mailbox for an invitation to the
Annual Blankets for Babies Tea in
See you there.
The Opportunity Shop
Where good deals become good deeds.
1427 Wisconsin Avenue NW
(202) 333-6635
[email protected]
Big thanks to all of our wonderful Opportunity Shop volunteers who gathered on November 11th for a Volunteer Appreciation party. Cheers to Christine Payne, Katie Dwyer, and Alicia Quick for organizing such a lovely event!
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Guild Updates
Teresa Posey Guild
The Posey Guild kicked off the year in full force as they celebrated with a 10th anniversary celebration and kickoff meeting in September, at the home of Posey member
Clare Bonsignore. At the party, the guild talked about their full calendar of activities
and had committee sign ups. In early October, Posey volunteers headed to the Merrick
Center where they helped with the Girls on the Rise Empowerment Summit. As always, the guild cherishes all opportunities to interact and spend time with the girls.
Posey also hosted their first fundraiser of the year in October at Surfside in Glover
Park. Many members and friends of Posey and Christ Child enjoyed fish tacos, burritos, margaritas and more with a portion of the proceeds coming back to Christ
Child. The Posey Guild is excited about their upcoming events - hosting the November Book Bunch at the Merrick Center and a Mamma Lucia fundraiser on November
18th. The Posey Guild would like to encourage all members to eat Mamma Lucia that
night (dine in, carry out, delivery). A good excuse to hang up your apron for a pizza
dinner! The Posey Guild continues to welcome new members. If you have some one
who is interested please contact Grace Weisser at [email protected].
Leonide Delarue Guild
The Delarue Guild had a very successful Coats and Cocktails collecting over 30 coats for the Merrick Center. We also
raised $600 to help support other events we do at the Merrick Center throughout the year. Our next event is coming up
fast. We will be hosting a Merrick Christmas Shop for the girls to find gifts for their families on December 5th! Please
contact Molly McNamara Hugo if you would like to donate money for the event.
Patricia Abell Guild
Over 50 Abell Guild members and guests boarded "The Summer Love" on the evening of June 25th and set out on a
beautiful moonlit cruise up the Potomac River. Compliments of owners, Morgan and Belle O'Brien, the party was a
huge success , with over $5,000.00 raised in support of the Abell Guild and the works of the Christ Child Society. In
September all the 7th and 8th graders at our adopted school, Sacred Heart, were able to attend a wonderful outdoor/
team building experience through Calleva Camps, compliments of the Abell Guild. Abell Guild members will host a
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon for Sacred Heart School on November 4th with member, Sandy Murphy, coordinating
all of the details to make this happen. Abell Chairman, Christine Payne, is busy making plans for another successful
year for our members with a meeting scheduled at her home on Monday, November 9th at 7:00 pm.
Adele Knobloch Guild
Our Fall meeting was held October 6th at Ann Marie Lynott's home. Board books were brought for the new Book
Bunch program. It was decided that members will prepare a meal for SOME as a pledge for Walk with Francis. Our
Christmas luncheon will be at Kenwood Country Club on December 8th. Our Guild will donate money for baskets for
the Casino Royale Gala. Ideas for our fundraiser were discussed.
Kathleen Conway Witts Guild
Ann and Brand Fowler have kindly agreed to host our annual Christmas fundraiser. It will be held on Friday, December 4th at their home in Bethesda. In September we provided the Merrick Center with 150 backpacks which included
supplies. We will make another donation to the Merrick Center for uniform vouchers or for Girls on the Run. The guild
is recruiting members to be running buddies for our Merrick Girls at their December Girls on the Run 5K. The Guild
will be actively involved in the Gala planning and plan to put together a trip to Las Vegas for 4. In addition, a number
of the guild members are tutoring this year. We had a new tutor training and a refresher in September. We are conducting an ongoing collection of diapers for layettes and are looking for more volunteers to help with the new Book
Bunch early literacy program.
Agnes Kavanagh Guild
The Kavanagh Guild’s first meeting of the year, was at the home of Anne Easby-Smith. We received updates on
Don Bosco Cristo Rey, our adopted school, and the Merrick Center. Our guild has helped DBCR students through
the college process and with coat drives and Thanksgiving baskets. Last year we gave 750 DBCR students t-shirts.
We plan to provide the students with t-shirts again this year. Our guild would like to assist the Merrick Center’s
“Girls on the Rise” efforts by conducting a book drive. Future needs of the Christ Child Society were also discussed
including the layette unpacking/packing date, reinforcing the good works of the Op Shop, our contribution to the
Gala in February, and the schedule of our meetings over the course of the year.
Members are busy planning our guild fundraiser in November and look forward to supporting Anne and Bob EasbySmith, who are again, graciously hosting a Christmas dinner for the faculty and staff of Don Bosco Cristo Rey in
Dorie Leeper continues to volunteer to teach people to crochet at her home. Please contact her at [email protected] if you plan to attend. Dorie welcomes members of all guilds in order to support the Christ Child
Society’s layette program.
Esther Neill Guild
The Esther Neill Guild held a successful end-of-the-year fundraiser on May 30th at Columbia Country Club. This
was a Sunday brunch to which spouses were invited as well as members.
On September 30th the Guild had its first luncheon meeting of the year at Tavira Restaurant in Chevy Chase. The
luncheon was well attended and members agreed to participate in a book drive this year to support the Merrick
Center and the Girls on the Rise programs. The Guild also voted to provide books for the new Toddlers' Reading
Program at the Merrick Center.
Our next meeting will be on December 9th at the Cosmos Club. Agenda items will include a discussion of items we
would like to contribute to the Christ Child Society Gala in February and our participation in the Layette program in
March 2016.
Mary Virginia Merrick Guild
The Mary Virginia Merrick Guild held its first meeting of the year on September 23rd at Our Lady of Lourdes rectory. At the meeting we decided on our donations to the Chapter for the annual appeal and the layette program and
to St. Anthony's, our adopted school. We also decided on our baskets for the Gala. Members brought hygiene items
for the girls at the Merrick Center. Eleven members attended the Red Wagon lunch. Our Fundraiser is "Guys and
Dolls" at Olney theater on Sunday at 2:00 November 15. Please come join us.
Mary Byrne Tumulty Guild
Tumulty is off to a busy start this fall fulfilling several requests from one of its sponsored schools, St. Augustine. In
September, Marguerite Nealon organized washing and repairing of old uniforms for the school to pass out as needed. Twenty one new, warm coats have been purchased and delivered for students in need. Our volunteers will also
be helping eighth grade students edit essays for their high school applications. A lucky few of us will be chaperoning a field trip to a pumpkin patch!
A second focus this fall has been to provide and repack diapers for our layette packing assignment in November.
Under the guidance of Joanne Carroccio and Nancy Focht we have collected thousands of diapers. Both ladies hosted "Packing Parties" where volunteers broke down the large packages of diapers and put them in individual packets.
A little wine and the company of good friends, make this "work" a pleasure.
Our thanks to Peggy Conley for hosting our September meeting. The large attendance and enthusiastic participation
at this meeting rocketed us to a fabulous start!
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Guild Updates
Mary Kennedy Guild
The Kennedy Guild hit the ground running in September with a morning of layette unpacking and assembling, preceded by a quick guild meeting. Our members, along with the Delarue Guild, packed an impressive 800 layettes in the
fabulous new layette room. Kennedy held a successful happy hour fundraiser in October at the home of Jill and Rudy
Casasola. A stormy evening did not dampen spirits as a lively and festive group kicked off a new year of Christ Child
events and volunteer work. Our guild assembled a table at the Red Wagon Luncheon to hear our own Ellen Kentz
speak eloquently and passionately about literacy, books and the our new Book Bunch program. A big thanks to Kennedy’s Debby Glamb for once again doing the gorgeous centerpieces. Looking ahead, in November the guild will
clean up, rake leaves and mulch the garden at the Merrick Center. Also in November, we will hold our annual shopping event and guild meeting at the Opportunity Shop. In December, Kennedy will once again sponsor a Shopping
Boutique at our adopted school, San Miguel, gathering an assortment of gifts for the nearly 90 boys to select, wrap and
give to their parents and caregivers for Christmas. The winter promises to be busy for Kennedy as well with our annual cocktail fundraiser, the Christ Child gala and hosting lunch for the faculty and staff San Miguel for Catholic Schools
Regis Boyle Guild
The Regis Boyle Guild held a delightful and very successful fall fundraiser at the beautiful home of Melissa and John
Pflieger. Cocktails were served in the gorgeous Belgian designed formal garden followed by a delicious buffet dinner.
Our thanks to Chapter President Kathy Norton Warren for joining the festivities and talking about the important work
of the CCS. Thanks to all Regis Boyle Guild members who made this such an enjoyable evening especially Melissa
Pfleiger, Christy Mooney, Terri Smith, Robin Kramer, Cissy Glading and Stephanie Farrell. And a sincere thank you
to the Pfliegers for being such generous and gracious hosts.
We also want to thank Mary Lynn and Jim Shanahan for hosting a very special evening with Father John at their lovely
home, a Regis Boyle Guild Silent Auction item at this year’s Gala. The highlight was the mass on the Shanahan’s
deck celebrated by Father John with Deacon Jim Shanahan assisting. Those present felt so privileged and blessed to be
drinking from the chalice the Pope gave to Catholic Charities during his recent trip to Washington. A delicious sit
down dinner followed prepared and served by Mary Lynn, Terri Smith, Cissy Glading and Nancy Armstrong. A special thanks to Cissy for her incredible flower arrangements and her husband, Bill Glading, for helping with the bountiful delivery.
Thank you to Toni Maria Ayers for generously donating a car wash
basket to the CCS Red Wagon Luncheon and to Christy Mooney for
spearheading our efforts to collect 60 coats for the Washington
School for Girls (WSG).
Regis Boyle will organize and run the Spring Book Fair at WSG.
Nancy Ridgway, Cissy Glading and Sue Cassidy have kindly volunteered to head up this effort.
Finally, we want to thank Guild Members Lisa Lawler, Cissy Glading and Tricia Jones for volunteering to serve on Chapter Committees and a special shout out to our own Stephanie Farrell and Mary
Lynn Shanahan for Chairing next year’s Gala.
Christ Child Society
5101 Wisconsin Avenue N.W. Suite 304
Washington, D.C. 20016
Phone: 202-966-9250
Fax: 202-966-2880
E-mail: [email protected]
United Way #8997
CFC # 24654
A blast from the past!
We might be fully immersed in the digital era but the demand for a paper membership directory has been unwavering. So we have finally brought back this kitchen counter favorite. Please note that the directory only includes members who paid their dues by October
15, 2015. If you missed the deadline, don’t worry! We will be producing this Directory
again next fall. We hope that this will be a valuable resource!
In Memoriam
Jean Seeback
Suzy Van Massenhove , mother of Gaby Van Massenhove
Norman Francis Hecht Sr., Father of Christine Payne
Joseph Cardillo, husband of Rita Cardillo
James Sassa ,husband of Beverly Sassa
Mary Ugast
Geraldine Coakley
Joan Reilly
Dr. Maurice Conley III, husband of Pat Conley
Richard T. Horigan, Father of Melanie Mbuyi