2013 Auxiliary Annual Report - Durham Region Police Service
2013 Auxiliary Annual Report - Durham Region Police Service
DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE AUXILIARY UNIT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Celebrating 36 Years as Proud Leaders In Community Service For over 36 years, The Durham Regional Police Service Auxiliary Unit has provided volunteer community service to the citizens of Durham Region. Chain of Command Louise Elborn Auxiliary Inspector Dan Pilon Auxiliary Staff Sergeant Administration Paul Murray Auxiliary Staff Sergeant Training and Development Jason Pow Auxiliary Staff Sergeant Operations Bernie Kirck Heather Butler Dale Symons Gavin Alston Auxiliary Sergeant Auxiliary Sergeant Auxiliary Sergeant Auxiliary Sergeant North Division North Division North Division East Division Mike Cauchi Auxiliary Sergeant Central East Division Shane Christensen Auxiliary Sergeant Central East Division Steve Wekarchuk Auxiliary Sergeant Central West Division Rob Hutchinson Auxiliary Sergeant Central East Division Mark Blackmore Auxiliary Sergeant West Division Don Foster Dave Murchison Auxiliary Sergeant Auxiliary Sergeant East Division East Division Bob Buller Auxiliary Sergeant Central West Division Terry Bellamy Auxiliary Sergeant West Division Bob Kotsopoulos Auxiliary Sergeant Central West Division Josh Barry Auxiliary Sergeant West Division Message from Inspector Charlie Green Auxiliary Unit Liaison Officer I would like to thank all members of the Auxiliary Unit for their efforts this year by attending 221 events, the most events in our history. The Unit has seen an increase in searches and canvassing this year, and this has been appreciated by numerous investigators and divisional members. The Chief’s Inspection and Graduation was held on September 20, and we added 11 new auxiliary constables to the Unit. The parade was held at Col. R. S. McLaughlin Armoury and numerous GTA Police Services attended, as well as family and friends. At the Annual Service Awards in September, Auxiliary Sergeant Bob Kotsopoulos #2005 received his 25-year bar for the Ontario Auxiliary medal. Congratulations Bob and thank you. Auxiliary Constable Josh Barry #2165 and Auxiliary Constable Dale Symons #2162 were promoted to Auxiliary Sergeant. Congratulations to them as well. Additionally, numerous members received their 10- and 15-year awards. The Unit contributed over 21,000 hours of volunteer time to the Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) and the citizens of the Region. Nineteen new recruits were selected and their training will commence in 2014. The Unit will achieve an actual strength of 90 members in 2014. The members of the Unit are to be complimented on their work ethic, professionalism and commitment to assisting the sworn members of the DRPS. Many functions that the Unit performs throughout the Region would not happen without their participation and key role. Our auxiliary sergeants and auxiliary staff sergeants work very hard throughout the year under the leadership of Auxiliary Inspector Louise Elborn, and I thank them for their professionalism and dedication to the DRPS. Our auxiliary constables are always there when duty calls. No matter what the event or circumstance, they are always ready to assist sworn officers in a professional manner. Our auxiliary members are a credit to themselves, the Unit and the Durham Regional Police. Our annual appreciation dinner was held at Deer Creek in November and Auxiliary Constable Kelly Patterson #2181 was named Auxiliary Officer of the Year. Congratulations Kelly. Chief Constable Mike Ewles provides continued support to the Unit. On behalf of the unit, I thank the Chief, and Superintendent Greg Mills, for their guidance and assistance. I join Sergeant Kate Harrison in acknowledging our auxiliary members for their selfless contributions to the DRPS and the citizens of our Region. Thank you! Unit Statistics Authorized Strength 90 Resignations 4 Recruits 11 Year End Compliment 68 1 Inspector 3 Staff Sergeants 15 Sergeants 49 Constables Recruit Class of 2013 Sue Baxter #2500 Andrea Stewart #2501 Chris Dobbs #2502 Cathleen Lycett #2504 Kevin Magee-Bell #2505 Graem Meteer #2506 Ron Pidwerbecki #2509 Pauline Stacey #2511 John Turner #2512 Greg Wontola #2515 Stanley Igboanugo #2152 Events by Division 2013 2012 North Division 32 30 East Division 35 26 Central East Division 35 30 Central West Division 38 32 West Division 25 19 Headquarters 3 0 Speed Board 44 67 Other 9 5 Total 221 209 67 70 60 40 2013 44 50 32 30 35 26 30 38 35 30 2012 32 25 19 20 9 10 3 5 0 0 North East Central East Central West West HQ Speed Board Other Events by Month 45 2013 2012 January 5 1 February 6 3 March 14 2 April 13 17 May 41 33 June 28 25 July 18 27 August 19 19 September 25 32 October 16 17 November 29 29 December 7 4 Total 221 209 41 40 33 35 32 28 30 27 25 25 20 14 15 10 17 2012 25 19 19 16 17 13 7 6 5 5 17 3 1 2013 29 29 4 2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct In 2013, Auxiliary officers performed, on average, 216 hours. 72 hours above the minimum annual mandatory 144 hours. Nov Dec Hours and Mileage Statistics Hours Kilometers Events 7076 21845 In Service 2090.5 10243 Quartermaster 69.75 2189.5 Patrol 212.5 330 Speed Board 335.5 1385 RIDE 31.5 54 NCO Admin 6461.5 13783 NCO Meeting 525 2519.5 Event Meetings 90.5 648 Office Admin 509.25 4512.5 Recruit Training 1594 6433 PLC Training 903.5 2500 Training Other 1149.5 4910.5 21,049 71,352 TOTAL Hours Kilometres Events In Service 903.5 1594 Quartermaster 1149.5 509.25 90.5 Patrol Speed Board Speed Board 21845 Event Meetings 2090.5 69.75 212.5 NCO Meeting 2519.5 13783 10243 PLC Training Training Other Event Meetings Office Admin Office Admin Recruit Training RIDE NCO Admin 648 NCO Meeting 6461.5 335.5 Quartermaster 4512.5 Patrol NCO Admin 31.5 In Service 4910.5 2500 RIDE 7076 525 Events 6433 54 1385 2189.5 330 Recruit Training PLC Training Training Other Event Hours by Division 215.5 734.5 1093.5 1300 1019 1374 1339.5 15 Div 16 Div 17 Div 18 Div 19 Div HQ Other Event Hours by Month 793 83 77 Jan Feb 322 295.5 Mar Apr 877 537.5 332.5 May Jun Jul 1447 1228.5 759.5 Aug Sep Oct 323.5 Nov Dec Sharon Bowdring Auxiliary Officer of the Year The Sharon Bowdring Award was created in memory of Sharon Bowdring who was one of the 13 original members of the Auxiliary Unit when it formed in 1977. After serving only a couple of years, Sharon passed away and the members felt that something should be done in her memory. With approval of Chief Jon Jenkins, the award was made. This plaque is awarded to the recipient not only because the officer may have put in the most hours over the year. We also look for such characteristics as reliability, a strong commitment to serving the Durham Region, a positive and professional image at all times, enthusiasm, a strong team player, confidence in performing any type of duty assigned and good mentoring Auxiliary Constable Patterson was sworn in as a member of the Durham Regional Police Auxiliary Unit on April 1st, 2011. Once sworn, Auxiliary Constable Patterson was posted to 18 Division and was mentored by the best. Having two Auxiliary Sergeants with over 60 years of combined service allowed her to gain great knowledge and understanding of the unit. Policing has always been an interest of Kelly’s as a result of her father being an Ontario Provincial Police officer. She feels the best part of being at Auxiliary officer is being able to put on the uniform of DRPS and help her community, especially the children, to understand the role of policing today. In 2013, Kelly participated in 56 events and provided over 400 hours of service. She is the 32nd officer to receive this award since 1984. Auxiliary Constable Patterson looks forward to many years with this Unit and sharing her experiences with future recruits. Congratulations Kelly on receiving the 2013 Auxiliary Officer of the Year Award. Auxiliary Constable Kelly Patterson (centre) with (L to R) Sergeant Kate Harrison, Frank Bowdring, Auxiliary Inspector Louise Elborn and Chief Mike Ewles Robert Russell Best Recruit The Robert Russell Best Recruit Award was created to recognize one of the original 13 members of the Auxiliary Unit. Auxiliary Staff Sergeant Robert Russell served over 28 years with the Unit and was our first Auxiliary Staff Sergeant. He was instrumental in creating the recruitment, selection and promotional process. This award is presented at the recruit graduation ceremony to the Auxiliary officer who has consistently acted as a leader and provided guidance to their peers throughout the recruit training process. The choice for recipient is made by the instructors who conduct the recruits training. This year’s Best Recruit Award was presented to Auxiliary Constable Cathleen Lycett. Cathleen is a life-long resident of Durham Region. She has worked for the past 18 years in the social services and has extensive and diverse volunteer experience dedicating her time to the community. Auxiliary Constable Lycett was selected by her training instructors as she consistently demonstrated leadership qualities when networking with her fellow recruits and instructional staff, including the Use Of Force Instructors at the Police Education and Innovation Centre. Cathleen organized her peers for study sessions and ensured that all her fellow recruits had the necessary information if they missed a class for any reason. Along with being selected to receive this award, Auxiliary Constable Lycett was nominated by her peers as class valedictorian. Congratulations Cathleen on receiving the 2013 Robert Russell Best Recruit Award. Years of Service Award Recipients 25 Years of Service Auxiliary Sergeant Bob Kotsopoulos #2006 15 Years of Service Auxiliary Sergeant Mark Blackmore #2070 10 Years of Service Auxiliary Sergeant Shane Christensen #2126 Auxiliary Constable Aric Davies # 2117 Auxiliary Constable Bruno DiMartino # 2114 Auxiliary Constable Jeff Statham #2124 Promotions Auxiliary Constable to Auxiliary Sergeant Auxiliary Sergeant Josh Barry #2165 Auxiliary Sergeant Dale Symons #2162 Community Events North Division – 32 Events East Division – 35 Events Cannington Santa Claus Parade Sunderland Santa Parade Public Opinion Survey Distribution (x3) Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival (x2) Uxbridge Half Marathon Huck Finn Fishing Derby Uxbridge Walk for Multiple Sclerosis 90th Anniversary of 1st Port Perry Boy Scouts Durham Ride for Dad Law Enforcement Torch Run Port Perry Canada Day Parade and Fireworks Jennifer Ashleigh Charity BBQ Interconnect Cannington Sunderland Fall Fair Parade Port Perry Terry Fox Run Beaverton terry Fox Run Uxbridge Terry Fox Run Sunderland Terry Fox Run Uxbridge Scugog Animal Shelter Walk-A-Thon North Division Halloween Patrol Cannington Remembrance Day Ceremony Beaverton Remembrance Day Ceremony Port Perry Remembrance Day Ceremony Sunderland Remembrance Day Ceremony Uxbridge Remembrance Day Ceremony Beaverton Santa Claus Parade Port Perry Santa Claus Parade Cannington Santa Claus Parade Uxbridge Santa Claus Parade Farmers Festival of Lights Parade Public Opinion Survey Distribution (x2) Lock It or Lose It Bowmanville (x5) 5/10K Easter Dash Event Lock It or Lose It Bowmanville Bowmanville Mandarin MS Walk Lock It or Lose It – Bowmanville Clarington Race Against Drugs 11th Annual Alfie Shrubb Classic East Division Ground Breaking Orono Community 90th Anniversary Parade Bowmanville Canada Day Orono Orange Parade Kids of Steel Triathalon (x2) Port of Newcastle Door to Door Canvass Beaverton Fall Fair Parade Bowmanville Terry Fox Run Bowmanville Take Back the Night Clarington Family Safety Day Scouts Jamboree “On the Air” Newtonville Early Remembrance Day Service Orono Remembrance Day Parade and Service Bowmanville Remembrance Day Newcastle Remembrance Day Service Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Newcastle Santa Claus Parade Bowmanville CP Rail Holiday Train Orono Santa Claus Parade Courtice Santa Claus Parade Community Events Central East Division – 35 Events Central West Division – 38 Events New Year’s Eve Celebration Resolution Run Public Opinion Survey Distribution (x2) Durham Children’s Aid Society Easter Egg Hunt Doors Open - Intrepid Park Battle of the Atlantic Parade Relay For Life Oshawa Fire Services Community Day Police Week (x10) 3rd Annual Durham Pride Parade Oshawa Fiesta Parade Canvass - North Oshawa Canvass – Simcoe and Beatrice Oshawa Canada Day Oshawa Women's Provincial Ball Hockey Championship Durham Refuge 1/4 Marathon Motorcycle Ride for Sick Kids Bikes on Bond Auto Fest Kick Off Oshawa Ribfest (x2) CIBC Run for the Cure Festival of Remembrance Oshawa Remembrance Day Ceremony Oshawa Santa Parade of Lights Whitby Santa Clause Parade Public Opinion Survey Distribution (x5) OPG March Break Madness at the Kids Safety Village 5/10K Easter Dash Event Easter Egg Eggstravaganza Educational Letter Delivery Canvass - North Ajax Sexual Assault Racing Against Drugs Durham (x5) Kids and Cops Fishing Day Prescription Drop Off 4 Annual Winn Marathon Brooklin Spring Fair - Evening (x3) Brooklin Spring Fair Parade Operations Training Centre Opening Ceremonies Whitby Canada Day Whitby Rib Fest (x4) Lock it or Lose it Brooklin Harvest Festival Whitby Heritage Day Chief For A Day Selection Process Youth in Policing Halloween Food Drive Kids Safety Village Halloween Haunt Brooklin Remembrance Day Service Whitby Remembrance Day Ceremony Brooklin Christmas in the Village Community Events West Division – 25 Events Headquarters – 3 Events Claremont Winter Parade and Run Public Opinion Survey Distribution (x3) Pickering Easter Parade Steps for Life Walk Davi Mandir Walk Lock It or Lose It – Pickering (x2) Pickering D-Day Parade Ajax Home Week Fireworks Law Enforcement Torch Run – South Leg Pickering Canada Day India Heritage Festival Police Exemplary Service Awards Night Pickering Terry Fox Run Run Ajax Police Appreciation Dinner and Awards Night DRPS Children’s Games (x2 ) West Division Halloween Patrol Ajax Santa Claus Parade Pickering Santa Parade Ajax Remembrance Day Parade Pickering Remembrance Day Ceremony Funeral for Guelph Police Constable Jennifer Kovac Canadian Police & Peace Officers’ Memorial Ontario Police Memorial Other – 9 Events Traffic Services Speed Board - 44 OPP Auxiliary Graduation Chief’s Inspection and Graduation Parade Graduation Parade Drill Practice (x3) Festive RIDE Kick Off Assistance with Auxiliary Recruit Interviews Peterborough Auxiliary Graduation Public Order Unit Exercise Deployments and Retrievals (x44) Letters of Appreciation I just wanted to express our gratitude for the assistance provided by our Auxiliary Officers on April 18 2013. On such short notice, seven members responded for the request for help. They are an incredibly motivated group of individuals and were only too happy to receive their instructions. With little direction, they completed the task that quite frankly is tedious and time consuming. But, as with most investigations, the hard work in conducting a canvass reaps rewards in furthering the investigation. The officers conducted themselves with professionalism and integrity while completing the detail in the public eye and in the presence of cameras. The officers were able to canvass the required 150 homes in under four hours which is quite incredible. This was my second opportunity to be jointly involved in a canvass with the Auxiliary Officers and on both occasions, they have been tremendous. They should be commended for their efforts. I had the opportunity to speak with Aux. Sgt. Murchison post canvass. He informed me of the rigorous selection process by which they are subject to when they apply for the position. The passion these individuals exhibit is outstanding. Although I expressed our gratitude on the night of the canvass, please pass along this message because without their assistance, we would not have been able to complete this important step in the investigation. Thanks again. Detective Constable Colin Rose #995 Katharine Granger (Race director) and I, on behalf of the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital Auxiliary and our Run for the Diamond Committee, would like to thank you Bernie and your crew for once again providing professional and excellent service. It was nice to finally meet you Bernie! Appreciated your professionalism and commitment to ensuring all our participants were safe as well as our many onlookers! Please pass along our thanks to all of your crew who worked on Sunday. Paula Donahoe, Uxbridge Cottage Hospital Auxiliary I just wanted to comment on the efforts of Eileen Barber, Sue Baxter, Pauline Stacey, and Robin Williams at the Oshawa Fire Safety Day event on Saturday. Each came full of enthusiasm and presented themselves professionally and was clearly committed to ensuring the day was safe and enjoyable for all. Their efforts made my day stress, and trouble free. Sergeant Greg Knopp #760 I wanted to say THANK YOU so much for all your hard work and effort at the Oshawa Canada Day event. It was another exciting year down at Lakeview Park. You do a great job ensuring that traffic runs as smoothly as possible throughout the entire event. The event would not be as successful without your commitment and dedication to your positions. Thank you for all your help this year and in previous years we look forward to working with you again with this event and others. Laura Iantomasi , Coordinator Events & Community Engagement, City of Oshawa Letters of Appreciation I would like to thank you for the use of the Auxiliary members and the Mobile Command on Saturday up in Cannington. Your members were an integral part of the initial steps in a Pilot project to “interconnect” Cannington with the police. The 10 Auxiliary members were enthusiastic, worked very hard and were very positive with the task. The whole premise was to go door to door in an attempt to get members of the community to sign up and give the DRPS their e-mail address so we can advise them of issues that are happening in their community. Staff Sergeant James Stewart-Haass #128 I wanted to take the opportunity to thank the school officers and the auxiliary for picking up the participants this morning and supporting them during this year’s Chief for a Day contest. It means so much for the Deputy's and their families to spend time with officers. It makes for a truly memorable day for them all. Thank you again for your assistance. Constable Heather M. Wilson #864 I presented Clarington Town Council with a Municipal Policing presentation this morning. I shared with them the large number of events supported by our Auxiliary Unit and informed them that they have dedicated about 18,000 hours of their own time every year to helping run the many events in Durham Region and Clarington in particular. The General Purpose and Administration Committee Councillors wanted me to ensure that you were informed of how grateful they are for the dedication and professionalism of your members. They were genuinely impressed. I most certainly echo those comments. Your members are very organized and well turned out for Duty every time they come out. My sincere appreciation - we often come to expect these things because it seems the norm - it does however take a lot of work and commitment from you all and your excellent people. Inspector Rolf Kluem #217
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