august 2016 newsletter - American Legion Post 11-11
august 2016 newsletter - American Legion Post 11-11
Vol. XVI II Issue 8 JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, JR. AMERICAN LEGION POST 11-11 9959 Wadsworth Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 Telephone: (303) 466-1278 AUGUST 2016 NEWSLETTER COMMANDER’S CORNER As you may have noticed, the soldier shipment board has been moved to the lower part of the dart board in the lounge. This board was previously mounted in the men’s restroom. Several women mentioned that they would like to donate but could not Chuck Blay because of its location. Commander Every $1.00 donation helps to defray the shipping cost ($16.75 per box) and helps to buy needed items in addition to donated items. Suggestions for a phrase to spell out are welcome. Give your suggestion to Jim Friel or Tim Schenck (Pappy). Renewal notices have been sent out by National. Renew early and help us achieve our goals this year. We missed them last year, do your part so we don’t miss them two years in a row. ticularly those in need – help them if you can. Keep our active duty service men and women in your thoughts and prayers, especially those who may be in harms way. See you at the Car Show on August 20th. Chuck Blay, Commander AUXILIARY UNIT 11-11 The Cranker’s Car Show is coming! This year it will be Saturday, August 20th and the Auxiliary participates by holding a Bake Sale to benefit the Wounded Warriors of Colorado. Please help the Ladies Auxiliary to bake your favorite cookies, cakes and/or candy. Your baked goods donation should be at the Post by 9am, Saturday, August 20th. We are also looking for volunteers to work at the Bake Sale table. The signup sheets are posted throughout the Post. We would love your help in this effort. Special thanks goes to Dave Honeyman for coming in on Father’s Day to cook breakfast. We were able to give over 30 special Dad’s a free breakfast and man- At the July meeting of the Post. It was voted on and passed that the Legion will take a couple of months off in the summer. This year we will take September off only. Important items that may come up during the off month will be handled by the Executive Board. AS always, keep our veterans in your thoughts, par- aged to make a profit for the Auxiliary. Auxiliary Breakfast Sunday is the last Sunday of each month. August’s will be Sunday, August 28th, please come enjoy some of Annie’s amazing cooking. Proceeds from breakfast goes to the Auxiliary. We will be folding those newsletters after breakfast @ noon, come join us and bring your favorite recipe to share. August Newsletter PAGE 2 The Auxiliary monthly meeting will be starting back up in September. We usually meet on the first Thursday of each month starting @ 6pm. This year we decided since the first Thursday is September 1st, starting the Labor Day weekend, that it would be best to have our meeting for this one time on the second Thursday, September 8th @ 6pm. Please join us on the 8th! Live The Auxiliary Motto- “Service not Self!” Stacey Honeyman, Auxiliary President ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2016/2017 LEGION OFFICERS Commander: Senior Vice Commander: Junior Vice Commander: Adjutant: Finance Officer: Chaplain: Service Officer: Sergeant At Arms: Legion At Large: Chuck Blay Marv Benbrook Bud Dangreau Larry Starley Walt Lee Bob Martin Open Bob Martin Ava Barden 2016/2017 UNIT 11-11 AUXILIARY OFFICERS SAL BINGO August 13th & 27th Come out and support our SAL charities— Children’s Welfare Foundation, Colorado Wounded Warrior and Fisher House. Bingo is held on every second and fourth Saturday of the Month at Post 11-11 beginning at 6:00 PM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUPPORT OUR TROOPS President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Chaplain: Sgt at Arms: Historian: Stacey Honeyman Janet Lee Donna Flygare Lenette Wallace Dee Jacobson Ava Barden Robyn O’Bryan CARE PACKAGES 2016/2017 Don’t forget to drop off some items to be shipped to our troops. A basket is located at the entry of the Post along with a suggested list of items needed by our troops. The DOD approved list of items is also on our website: SAL SQUADRON Commander: First Vice Commander: Second Vice Commander: Finance Officer: Adjutant: Sgt at Arms: Chaplain: Historian: Legion Liaison: John Ahrens Jeff Baker Larry Barden Tim Schenck Tim Schenck Jim Sutherin Open Open Tim Schenck Page 3 August Newsletter AUGUST 2016 Mon 1 7 Tue Wed 2 3 Robyn Cooking Jake Cooking Dinner Burgers 6 PM 6 PM Thu 4 Fri Sat 5 6 Keith Cooking Steak Night 6 PM Karaoke 8 9 10 TexasHold’em Jacob CookingKeith 7 PM Dinner Cooking 6 PM Burger s 6 PM Legion Meeting 7 PM 11 14 Paul Cooking Breakfast 9 AM 15 16 17 TexasHold’em Robyn CookingDennis 7 PM Dinner Cooking 6 PM Burger s 6 PM 18 19 20 Keith Cooking Cranker’s Car Steak Night Show 6 PM 9 -3 Benefit for Karaoke Wounded Warriors 21 Paul Cooking Breakfast 9 AM 22 25 26 27 Jen Cooking SAL Steak Night & Bingo Cat Fish 6 PM 6 PM Boy ScoutBreakfast 8 AM 23 Jacob Cooking TexasHold’em Dinner 7 PM 6 PM 24 Keith Cooking Burger s 6 PM SAL Meeting 7 PM 12 Jen Cooking Steak Night 6 PM Auxiliary Annie Cooking 9 AM 29 30 TexasHold’em TJ Cooking 7 PM Dinner 6 PM 31 Burger Night 6 PM SAL Bingo 6 PM Karaoke Karaoke 28 13 August Newsletter ADVERTISERS PAGE Advertised your business here! $10.00 Month or $100.00 year. Price varies depending on size of ad Contact Editor: Shirley 303-466-1278 or [email protected]