June - Frankford Radio Club


June - Frankford Radio Club
The newsletter of the Frankford Radio Club
FRC President’s Column
June 2013
FRC Calendar
June 2013:
8-10 ARRL June VHF Contest
16-17 Russian DX Contest
20 T.I.T.S. Meeting, Noon
22-23 ARRL Field Day
25 Rexy’s B Meeting, 8pm
July 2013:
13-14 IARU HF World Champ.
18 T.I.T.S. Meeting, Noon
22-23 ARRL Field Day
23 Rexy’s B Meeting, 8pm
27-28 RSGB IOTA Contest
August 2013:
3 Summer Meeting @ K2AX
15 T.I.T.S. Meeting, Noon
10-11 WAE DX CW
17-18 NAQP SSB
27 Rexy’s B Meeting, 8pm
It was a distinct honor for me to write his nomination and submit it to CQ for consideration. Many of you had contacted me directly suggesting he be nominated.
The epitome of a radiosport contester, Chas has an incredible record of multiple #1
World and #1 USA wins in CQ World Wide DX Contests over the past several decades. The Frankford Radio Club focuses its members on participation in the major
contests, including the CQ World Wide DX events. The club‟s motto is “Proficiency
through Competition”. Chas lives by that motto. He is a role model for the club
and sets the standard for other FRC members to strive to achieve.
An additional honor for me was to be at the Contest Dinner at the Dayton Hamvention, along with a multitude of FRC members in attendance, to see Chas be inducted.
I had not been to the Dayton Hamvention since the late 1970‟s. Although there
have been many comments about the Hamvention, my experience was very positive. I got to attend as the President of one of the world‟s premier radiosport contesting clubs. I was instrumental in helping to get one of our members inducted into
a Hall of Fame and then being there when it happened. I had the privilege of personally meeting many fellow contesters and DX‟ers that I have spoken with over the
past several decades in this great communications interest we all enjoy.
In this Issue:
FRC News
FRC Golf Outing
Summer Meeting @ K2AX
K3WW Inducted into HOF
Dayton 2013 Blog (by K3MD)
Our Trip to Dayton (N1IBM)
Dayton Short Takes
Most Memorable Rigs of
all time (by K3MD)
Confessions of Second Level
Contester (by N2MM)
What’s happening in DX?
FRC Honor Roll
Congratulations to Chas K3WW on his induction into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame!
June begins our traditional “off season”. However, there is much to do.
I‟ll be working on re-cabling my antennas, putting in a new rotor controller (that I
ordered at Dayton) and many other station projects in preparation for the next contest season. I‟m sure you also have a few things in mind for your station.
We look forward to the completion of the revision of the club‟s Constitution and Bylaws that will govern us for the future.
I‟ll be working with Jerry K3BZ as he reviews the various sections of the FRC, the
boundaries of each section and the members they contain. This will drive many
initiatives for the future, especially to help increase member participation in the four
major CQ and ARRL contests that are the focus for the club.
As always, thank you for all that you do.
New Members
Keith W3KB
More info on page 2
Deadline for July Issue:
Friday June 28, 2013
June 2013
No Main Meeting in June
This is a great opportunity to check out either the Meeting „B‟ at Rexy‟s or the Trexlertown International Transmitting Society meeting (see page 3 for info)!
FRC Main meetings will resume in September.
-New Member Info This month the FRC welcomes two new members. Steven M. Simons, W1SMS, and Michael Moran, K2CYE.
Steve lives in Danbury CT . Steve‟s has also held the callsign KH6AJ. Steve was kind enough to agree to
my request to provide the following bio information:
“I grew up in Northeast Philadelphia (Fox Chase section) and was first licensed in 1974 as WN3WAS upgrading to WA3WAS.
My interests started in experimentation and equipment/antenna construction. Joining the Mt. Airy VHF RC in
1977 enabled me to expand my station design and building efforts into VHF contesting. Relocating to Silicon
Valley to pursue a career in industrial RF power resulted in a call change to KF6AJ.
Danbury, Connecticut has been my home since 1984 with a larger piece of property to build the station. Holding an Advanced license, my efforts in VHF DX and contesting continue with new interests in the HF spectrum.
Currently under construction is a 130' Rohn 55 rotating tower system (to replace the tower damaged in storm
Sandy). Planned rotary antenna population will include HF through microwave frequencies. Additionally, I will
be installing various (HF) wire and vertical antennas. On the rig end, I run a pair of 756 Pro II + SDR. “
Steve is also one of the owners of Lunar-Link International - formerly owned by K1FO(SK). Lunar-Link manufacturers high power VHF and UHF amplifiers.
Michael lives in Warwick, NY, previously held the callsign KC2CYE and provided the following bio information:
“I am 30 years old and have been licensed since I was a freshman in High school at the age of 14. I have
been active since the first day I received my call!
Contesting has always been a big interest of mine since attending my first Field Day in 1998 when I was
shown how to "run" a frequency! With the help of Ray W2RE and Lee WW2DX in 2010 I installed a 50 ft tower with a tri band Yagi and 6/2 meter Yagis. That first tower lit quite a fire to my DX/ contesting passion! Since
then I have installed an 85 Ft tower with an OPTIBEAM OB 12-4 and the fun just keeps getting better!
I currently operate 160-10 as well 6 and 2 meter CW/SSB with a Yaesu FT 2000. I enjoy CW, RTTY and
Phone but prefer CW”
My thanks to both of our new members for providing me with this information. Please be sure to welcome
Steve and Michael to the FRC family when you get a chance.
Page 2
June 2013
- From the Editor This issue brings us numerous member articles including two articles from K3MD. This month John follows up his list of ‘Major Contesting Advancements’ with a list of ‘Most Memorable Rigs of All Time’, and
tells us about his Dayton 2013 experience in his ’Dayton 2013 Blog’ N2MM brings us part two of her
‘Confessions of a Second Level Contester’. Skip, N1IBM, tells his tale of the Dayton 2013 experience,
and Frank, K2SQS, gives a short summary and a couple of pictures from his trip to Hamvention.
Coming next month is an invitation to ‘Get on 6 Meters’ from K3MD, as well as some other articles that
members have promised (once again, you know who you are….)
Thanks to all who have taken the time to submit material. There is always room for more so if you have
not yet made a submission this year now is the time!
73 de W2RDS
*** Submissions Needed ***
The editor is soliciting all club members to submit content for YOUR newsletter. This does not need to be a
feature length article—how about a paragraph talking about the best, or worst, moment in the last contest;
or an interesting story about a QSO you had on the air, or how you snagged TX5K on the first call on 80m CW
with your 150W to a ground mounted multiband vertical (okay, yes—that was me). Send in a photograph of
something interesting or unusual (hamshack, antenna farm, feedline after the critters got to it, whatever).
Maybe you have a story to share about your mentor, or other fellow ham who helped you out recently with
some problem or project. All of these things make, at least in my opinion, very enjoyable reading. If a just a
couple of club members each month submit something the newsletter will be much more interesting for eve-
FRC Meeting Places and Dates
Main meeting:
No Main meeting in June.
T.I.T.S. meeting:
The Trexlertown International Transmitting Society will meet on Thursday,
June 20th at 12:00 noon. Location is the Hometown Diner on Route 222 in Trexlertown.
Rexy’s Meeting B:
The Rexy’s Meeting B will be held on Tuesday, June 25th, 8pm, at Rexy’s Restaurant 700 Black
Horse Pike, Mt Ephraim, NJ 08059
Page 3
June 2013
FRC News
Last Call for
The Annual FRC Open!
Tis the season again Turn off your amps for a day and clean your clubs,
it’s time for the FRC OPEN.
June 21st, 2013
12pm Tee Off
Location: Southmoore Golf Course
235 Moorestown Dr.
Bath, PA 18014
(610) 837-7200
Contact [email protected] (Pat) with any
questions or to signup!
Page 4
June 2013
FRC News
FRC Summer Meeting
Saturday, August 3rd, 2013
324 White Horse Pike
Waterford Works NJ 08089
(click on image to go to google maps)
Email Mark ([email protected]) with any questions
Page 5
June 2013
Dayton Hamvention 2013
K3WW Inducted into CQ Contest Hall of Fame
By Rick Stoneking, W2RDS
After a five year absence I was looking forward with great anticipation to my return to the Dayton
Hamvention. I had no idea what a special trip it was going to be. On Friday while wandering around
the flea market an email announcement came out that Chas, K3WW, had been selected for induction into the Contest Hall of Fame. It was at that point I realized how fortunate I had been in getting
a last minute ticket for the annual Contest dinner on Saturday night.
When the time came during the dinner program to announce the names of those selected for the
Hall of Fame, Randy, K5ZD, introduced Ed, W3CC, who did a great job of regaling the assembled
crowd with Chas‟ journey from Multi-Ops on a hilltop site to world class Single Op Assisted performances from his Station in Perkasie, PA. When Ed was finished he turned the mic over to fellow
FRC member and ARRL President Kay Craige, N3KN, who made a few short, humorous, and moving comments regarding the contributions of „Willy Willy‟. After Kay was finished Chaz was presented with a plaque commemorating his induction into the Hall of Fame. Chas then addressed the
group briefly, clearly moved by the moment.
There have been many posts on the FRC Yahoo! Group expressing congratulations to Chas on this
well deserved honor, and detailing the many contributions he has made to not only the FRC but to
Contesting and the Radio Art, many of them saying it far better than I ever could.
Congratulations Chas on an outstanding achievement! Thank you for all that you have done, and all
that I am sure you will continue to do in the future.
Page 6
June 2013
Dayton Hamvention 2013
Dayton 2013 Blog
By John Thompson, K3MD
Due to the fact that I was hit with a very debilitating illness on 11/1/2012, I resolved to attempt to go to Dayton in 2013. Usually
I go only every 2 to 3 years. I went through the usual steps of asking 2 local club members and my son N3PUR to go with me. All
were busy. Fortunately I was able to share a room with fellow FRC member and well-known contester, Jon AA1K, which worked
out well, saving me $181. I started to finally feel better due to medication about 2 weeks before Dayton.
My first Dayton experience was in 1978 with the Steel City ARC caravan. The only thing I remember about that time was the
crowded camping trailer, listening on 146.52 on the way in and out, and meeting W7RM at the contesting suite, and being totally
psyched out by actually meeting him.
The peak attendance at Dayton was around 35,000. By the ticket numbers, this year seemed around 27,000. Inside the HARA
arena was very crowded, even though it was clear most of the weekend. The number of exhibitors was fantastic inside the HARA
arena! I count 247 from the brochure. Joe Eisenburg's kit building forum was standing room only.
The flea market did have some blank spaces, maybe 10 percent or so. I completely exhausted myself the first day looking at stuff
(?junk) in the flea market. Spotted were: Clegg 22'er, FT-950, 3 KWM-2's...$1000 each not including power supply, many 75S3's, a
Clegg HF linear using a pair of 572B's, 75A2, Heath novice ham band-only receivers, microwave 900 MHz end-mounted yagis,
Many TR-3's, nice-looking National NC- series and Hammarlund receivers, many S-38's, commercial VHF and UHF single-channel
HT's, many SB-200's, several SB-220's, several Heath single 3-500Z amps, a really nice Amp Supply GLA-1000(the sweep tube
linear without the tuned input), an AL-811, many trap beams, nice aluminum masts (cheap) with carrying cases, a working SBE-34,
many FT-1000MP's, an FT-1000D, a nice FT-450D, many Kenwood hybrid transceivers, many flashing LED arrays, the obligatory
FT-101ZD and FT-101E, many SWR bridges, many Bird Wattmeters and slugs, Coaxial Dynamics meters, three element 2 meter
direction finding antennas and attenuators, the usual $1 giant coax-seal rolls, jewelry vendors, innumerable coax connectors and premade jumpers and coax rolls, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m traps, 3 1000-watt output 6 meter linears, many nice Yaesu 3-band (VX-8R
and kin) HT's, the new Baofeng dual-band HT's, a nice dual-band 80/40 coax dipole (wideband), National NCX-5 with power supply, Johnson KW matchbox, many Heathkit HW-16's, Heath mono-band SSB transceivers, Drake L4B, Swan 500, Swan 240, Mendellson tent, many, many nice new and used parts of every size and shape (do you need a Peter Dahl used linear plate transformer or
a used monster vacuum variable?), many used tubes (labeled in boxes), etc. Just about any radio or part you might want or not want,
right there, not just pictures as on Ebay. Prices took a dip Saturday during a rainstorm, allowing me to get a mint KW dual differential-T tuner marked at $225 for $100.
Inside the building there were the usual show specials, which I used to get an MFJ 259B for $234 including tax. This replaced
my unit with no frequency counter. It is always a thrill to speak to the official representative or owner of a company or organization..... ARRL(every department from HQ), Elecraft, Begali (owner and daughter), Yaesu, Ten Tec, American Morse, M2,
WRTC2014, CQ, DX Engineering, AMSAT, Buddipole, Cablexperts, Coaxial Dynamics, DXLab, EZ Hang, Force 12, Heil, HRO,
GAP, Green Heron, Hy-Gain, ICOM, MARCO, MFJ, N3ZN, Northern California DX Foundation, Palstar, QRO, RadioWavz, RF
parts, Rig Expert, Rohn, TAPR, Slinky antennas, The RF Connection, Timewave, US Tower, W and W, Xtal Set Society... the list
goes on forever. If you needed a name badge, you could get it. See the Hamvention website or borrow your buddy's Hamvention
program! The food was unchanged, as were the restrooms and porta-potties. There were many power scooters, a hazard as they are
at almost any USA gathering, and there were also very helpful HARA arena employees giving feeble-looking attendees (me) rides to
the bus or parking lot in rented golf carts. I helped man the CWops booth.
The enormous crank-up aluminum towers at Dayton are really neat!
Skipped the Air Force museum this year.
Enjoyed seeing all my friends from the Skyview Radio Society K3MJW (Pittsburgh area).
For seminars, I went to RTTY contesting and contesting, and was able to hear K5ZD, K8UT, and others. The macros available
for the N1MM logging system these days for RTTY are truly amazing. I think I will skip the use of multiple RTTY decoders... too
busy!!! Does it really help your score to automatically turn on twin peak filter for RTTY when not tuning and APF for CW?
The contesting suite at the Crown Plaza was fun as always. It is always a pleasure to talk to and meet those who share a common
passion in amateur radio, and to put a face to a call. There is an amazing amount of camaraderie and fellowship in the contesting
community. I was startled when Dave VK2CZ came up to me and introduced himself, as I had not seen him in 11 years, although
Page 7
June 2013
Dayton Hamvention 2013
Dayton 2013 Blog
By John Thompson, K3MD
(continued from page 6)
we had kept track of each other by reading CQ contest results and via email. The thrills of Dayton 2013 for me were seeing my
good friend Chas K3WW inducted into the CQ Contesters' Hall of Fame, and having my picture taken with ARRL President Kay
N3KN and FRC President Keith W3KB, by unofficial Dayton contesting photographer Tom K8CX! In the contesting suite you are
going to meet and speak to very famous contesters, many rank-and-file contesters, and there are many linear, Dxpedition, and antenna stories, as well as pure bxxxxxxx stories. The usual comparative rig arguments rage on. Imagine my surprise when I found a
chair to rest my weary legs and found myself sitting next to Bob K3EST, the featured speaker at the Contest dinner, and “Mr
CQWW!” I skipped the CW pileup copying contest, as there were 50 or more standing in line in a hot room waiting to take the
test... standing in line 1 hour or more is something I cannot do!
The KX9X/K4RO et al. band with contesting lyrics at the contest suite is always fun!
The Dayton Grand downtown left something to be desired... broken sign, no room service Thursday, inadequate valet parking
staffing, swimming pool closed, but it was a lot better than some of the Dayton hotels at which I have stayed (including the by-thehour ones with porno on the TV), and it was easy walking distance the the Crown Plaza (contesting hotel).
The incredible amount of work required to organize Dayton, the contesting suite, and the contesting dinner goes without saying.
At any rate, the famed and maligned Dayton Hamvention is alive and well. If you haven't been, go! If you have been before, go
again, go to the forums of your choice, buy show specials, cruise the flea market, and get a HARA cheeseburger or something from
one of the food vendors. Yes, the lines at the food vendors were exceptionally long this year. Dayton is a singular experience, and
more fun than the RSNA (radiology) national convention(twice the size, 10,000 times the money exchanging hands). I can't compare to Visalia or one of the big ARRL conventions.... I have never been to one. In addition, if you hit Dayton, you have really no
need to go to your local or regional hamfest. You have seen it all!
FRC Table at the Contest Dinner
(from left to right) W3KB, N2TK, W2DLT, K3MD, W2UP, K3BZ, W2IRT
Thanks to FRC President W3KB for arranging for the table
Page 8
June 2013
Dayton Hamvention 2013
Our Trip to Dayton
By Skip Maze, N1IBM
Our trip to Dayton this year was not planned until a room became available from an unfortunate FRC'er that could not
make it this year. My wife and I took over the reservation. It was a vacation/trip to Dayton from the east coast of NJ. We
took two days of traveling to get there, giving us both a bit more energy once we got there. We left on Tuesday around
9am and drove to were the PA turnpike splits with route 70 and found a motel. This was just over half way based on the
mileage. Our plan was to do the trip in two days so it was not be so hard on us getting there. Wednesday we arrived in
Dayton at around 3pm and that's right when our reservation at the Crown Plaza was available. We stayed there for 4
nights. For the readers who have never been there the Crown Plaza is the place to be in the evening for the hospitality
suites and pizza parties. Many people gathered each night at the contest suite as a meeting place or just to chat. And
then of course there were the beverages and Pizza every night. There was a choice of diners to go to and we decided to
attend the DX diner.
Friday came and we had planned on tail gaiting so we got a early start and arrived at Hara arena early. Selling went well
for the smaller items as they seemed to sell quick, a higher priced item I had did not sell. I only tail gated the one day
leaving the other two days for me to see Dayton's things. I had a great time meeting people and asking the many questions I had about products. I spoke to Mr. Heil to ask about settings for the new radio. He is a great guy and told me
what to do, and said to email any time and that he would do a on air test if I wanted to. So one problem solved. Then on
to M2 antennas, with a question about what I had put up after the storm. I talked to them and got that solved too. Two
down—I was doing good. I then went to the owner and designer of DXLab, the logging software I use. He had a booth
and I just went to thank him for his hard work and effort, as you see his software is free and he puts in an amazing
amount of time keeping it up to date. Three down. Then to Yaesu to ask a few questions and they pointed me in the
direction I needed to go. That's still work in progress. Next to the ARRL and got my QSL cards checked. They did it
while I waited, and it took about 45min. I have the cards and they have the paper work. On to MFJ to get some parts for
my uncles tuner. Picked up most of what he needed, lost count. Stopped to look at the Flex 300 radio, no knobs. did not
get much time there as seems I got someone who did not know much and asked if I could come back... Well that did not
happen, but I did get to look anyway. The hot Item at Dayton was a dual band HT made in China for $40. It's just an
amazingly cheap price. I bought one, one day it was $45 and then the next day they lowered it to $40 so I bought one
We only went to one dinner and that was the DX dinner. It was not as good as the one I went to many years ago. The
talks they had were not very good and the DX countdown was rather odd. However the Top DXer was at an impressive
391. I was last one standing at my table O-boy. I did not win any door prizes anywhere, so the lucky tickets were
bought by someone else. We stayed Sunday until they stopped calling tickets and then headed toward home. We both
had a great time at Dayton but we both over did it as we walked way more than we are used to. What I did notice was it
seems that a big thing out there is the rental of handicapped scooters. They were every were. Tamie said I should rent
one. but I told her I would not go if I could not walk. Just do not think it would be any fun. But since so many were on
scooters, what I wondered was how many really needed them, or just rent them to make it easier on them and less walking. I saw one guy park one outside a bath room and he walked fine in to the bathroom. But that's not right either if you
are taking one away from someone else that needs one.
We headed east and were very tired but had a very good time. My wife who is not a ham made sure that we reserved a
room for next year as we checked out, so see you all there next year.
73's Skip/N1IBM and Tamie
Page 9
June 2013
Dayton Hamvention 2013
Hamvention Short Takes
Frank, K2SQS, reported “Bob K2QPN and I made the driving trek to Dayton - thoroughly enjoyable time. And exhausting. After a couple full
days of hiking around my old legs reminded me of muscles I forgot existed. Attached are a couple pictures of some
„new‟ equipment from the good olde days, and another of Bob K2QPN, Frank WA2VYA, and Tony K4QE.”
Rick, W2RDS, brings us “Stuff you will only see at Hamvention…”
Beehive Hair
Tupperware Headlight Lens
Gordon West…
enough said
Now that‟s a Tower!
Who thought gluing solar panels
to this beat-up Prius was a good
Sign says “Mother of ALL
Page 10
June 2013
Member Articles
Most Memorable Rigs of All Time
By John W. Thompson MD(ret) K3MD [email protected]
(not necessarily in correct chronological order)
…. there may be errors of omission or duplication which can be corrected by the knowledgeable FRC reader
Ten Tec Power-Mite 2B (given to me for free by and FRC member)
The 2A/2B/2C series... quality for a reasonable price
All Argonauts
The HT-37 and HT-32. Monsters but worked well (I still have one)
The Thunderbolt
Henry floor-mounted HF linears
The Henry 2002 and 2006 VHF amplifiers
HT-41 (neat with MV rectifiers)
IC-701(written up as the best rx in its day)
IC-740 (supposedly had a good rx, but my IC-745 was overloaded by stations during contest operation)
FT-1000D... at least 5 years ahead of time
IC-7800, IC-7700
FTDX-9000 series
FTDX-5000 series
TS-830S (variable bandwidth)
TS-950SDX (a monster but did work OK... some hated it)
Ten Tec Omni VII Plus
All Alpha amps, especially the 76 and 76PA. Last 50 years.
SX-101 (very easily overloaded... ran one during FD 1964)
Ten Tec Eagle (good rx for little money)
Swan 350 (unstable but had a lot of power)
Lunar Links
TS-2000X series... 15 years ahead of its time. Yes, it has 1296.
TS-50 (Now we can go on a DXPedition.)
Atlas 210
(continued on page 5)
Page 11
June 2013
Member Articles
Most Memorable Rigs of All Time
By John W. Thompson MD(ret) K3MD [email protected]
(continued from page 4)
National NC-303
Signal-One CX-11A
Swan 250
Drake TR-6
NCX-3 (neat... mine I restored from a hamfest wreck)
Ten Tec Scout... drifted but neat
IC-201, 211, 251, 271H, 471
FTDX-9000 series
R4C T4XC with Sherwood filters
Hallicrafters FPM-300
Amp Supply
Galaxy V MkII
E. F.. Johnson Ranger
Viking Valiant
6N2 Thunderbolt
Atlas 350
Knight-Kit R-55A (worst receiver)
Commander HF-2500
Ameritron AL-811
Ameritron AL-1200
Kenwood TR-9000
Entire IC-756 series (including IC-7600)
All other Amp Supply linears
Hallicrafters SX-101 (do you want intermod?)
IC-706... revolutionary for its time
IC-718 lots of transceiver for little money
Clipperton L amplifier
TS-50S, now we are ready for a DXPedition\
TS-120S, TS-440S, ditto
TS-820S... who could afford it?
IC-720A... general coverage/ ham band
(continued on page 6)
Page 12
June 2013
Member Articles
Most Memorable Rigs of All Time
By John W. Thompson MD(ret) K3MD [email protected]
(continued from page 5)
TS-950SDX... a monster, but looked cool
FT-450... unbelievable little rig for little money
FT-950... half of an FT-2000 for less than half the money
Eico 720
Knight-Kit T60
HQ-110, 129X, 180
Ameco AC-1
Kachina 505DSP
Ranger AR-3500
President HR-2510
Alda 103
Dentron GLA-1000 DxPedition linear
Dentron MLA-2500
Collins KWM-2, 2A
Acom amps
Yaesu FL-2100B
Page 13
June 2013
Member Articles
Confessions of a Second Level Contester
Carol Richards, N2MM
(Part 2)
The remainder of the 1960's were rather uneventful as I was occupied with school. I had been very active with the Germantown radio club. This was a club exclusively comprised of teenagers from various parts of Philadelphia. The sponsor of this club was a rather eccentric man named Don, W3LUW. (now KC3EX living in Sarasota Florida). I never really
learned everything about him as he was rather secretive. I suspected that he came from a very wealthy family; he graduated from an ivy league school, Brown University, worked as a weekend engineer at WFLN FM radio (all classical music....ugh) and then became an electronics teacher at a tough high school in Philadelphia. He was totally committed to
the club he sponsored. Although the club originally met at the Germantown Boy's Club, but it had grown too large (over
80 members at one time) to accommodate the club. Thus he bought a row house for the club and supplied a CE-200V
transceiver with a tower and Tri-bander for the use of the club members. Don would occupy the third floor that was totally off limits to anyone. I remember leaving my high school at the end of the day just to rush over to the club house and
work DX.
VHF contesting became a very big event for the club. A pair of expensive Gonset 6mtr and 2mtr AM transmitters that put
out 50W AM were used. The receivers were SX 99's with converters and nuvistor pre-amps (6Cw4). Field day was also
a yearly ritual. The site was overlooking a golf course in the Roxborough part of Philadelphia. I can still remember the
smelly army surplus tents where the stations were set up, the mosquitos, the numerous rain storms that accentuated the
holes in the tents, and the monster Civil Defense generators that always seemed to run out of gas or just die at the
wrong time. Of course, having a site next to a golf course had its' advantages, especially when someone forgot to bring
the poles to hold up the tents. Pin flags make excellent supports !!! In those days, contests were all about fun, rather
than score. I remember one field day in which we used the call K3KPV. About 2AM, someone from the 40m tent came
running out screaming about the tremendous pile-up that suddenly appeared on his frequency. Everyone was calling
him and he needed help. A group of us ran to his aid and listened. The mystery was quickly solved. His cw sending skills
were not all that good. Instead of him sending K3KPV, it sounded like he was sending....VK3KP !!!!
The neighborhood again began to change. The beloved CE-200V was stolen along with much of the VHF equipment.
Time to move again. This time Don bought an old mansion owned by Rolf, K3NUM. Rolf was a self-made millionaire
from Norway whose company only made one product. Fortunately, that one item was sold exclusively to the military.
The club continued to expand, the members got older, and two factions, the low-band contesters and the VHFcontesters emerged. The “mansion” was no longer able to accommodate both interests. The only practical solution was
to buy a property exclusively for contesting. As if it were no big deal, Don, once again, pulled out his check book and
bought 8 acres on top of Gaffney Hill, elevation 1100 ft asl, just 8 miles south of Easton, PA.
The site was interesting for several reasons. It was located off of a back road and at least a mile from the nearest neighbor. The drive-way was about ½ mile long, uphill, to a modest cinder-block building that once housed a 5 KW UHF TV
station transmitter. It did have some unusual amenities though. One was a sound-proof booth where the announcer had
been situated. All of the numerous racks for the transmitter were filled with big oil capacitors, large transformers, and
numerous Simpson panel meters. This equipment was actually not included as a condition of the sale, but somehow, it
all seemed to disappear before the documents were signed. Then, if by some miracle, it reappeared a week or two later!
Larry, K3KPV, then went about designing and building a transmitter and an amplifier with the acquired parts. It was the
first time I had ever seen an amplifier that would loaf along at 1KW input! (at that time, hams were only permitted to use
equipment rated in input power) To satisfy the other faction of the club, a 500 watt 6-meter amplifier was constructed,
again using the “newly” acquired parts. It was truly a work of art. The amplifier was dubbed “the six-appeal”. Contesting
had taken on a whole new meaning for me. Towers were erected with a monster 6mtr yagi as well as numerous low
band antennas. Surprisingly, no one ever considered any type of receiving antennas. I suspect it really didn't matter
since the remoteness of the site lent itself to a super quiet spot. K3MTK was re-born, and became a potent VHF contest
station. Then disaster struck in numerous ways!
Even though the site was quite remote, there was an attempted break-in. While nothing of any real value from within
was taken, much of the “hidden booty” was gone. The door to the building was immediately replaced with a heavy steel
door, a gate was installed at the end of the drive-way with a big, heavy chain and lock, and only one set of keys existed,
controlled by Don. The FCC, in its infinite wisdom, then enacted incentive licensing. The club was totally and irrevocably
(continued on page 10)
Page 14
June 2013
Member Articles
Confessions of a Second Level Contester
Carol Richards, N2MM
(Part 2)
(continued from page 9)
split. The VHF'ers in the club were almost exclusively technician class licensees and had no desire to upgrade, while the
low-banders, who held general class licenses began to embrace the new licensing structure and quickly up-graded to
the amateur extra class. Also, the club was getting older and began to resent Don's total control over the club. The new
motto of the club became...”Don, we would rather do it ourselves”. Slowly, the general class and amateur extra class
members began to migrate to another club; the “Frankford Radio Club”. Over the years, Don, had developed a large
distaste for the Frankford Radio Club and constantly preached that their members were nothing but a bunch of cheaters
who ran excessive power, used illegal tactics like 2mtr spotting networks and were destroying ham radio and his beloved club.
By the mid 70's, the Germantown radio club ceased to exist. The VHFer's joined the Mt. Airy club (the pack-rats) and
many of the low-band enthusiasts either joined the Frankford Radio Club or faded into the woodwork. Don, fed up with
the demise of education in the Philadelphia school district and the loss of his beloved radio club, retired, sold Gaffney
Hill to Larry, K3KPV upon his return after several years in Thule, Greenland and moved to Sarasota, Florida. Larry became a member of the FRC; much to Don's chagrin. He spent the next few years designing and building customized
satellite receiving equipment for the commercial market with the money Don had lent him!. Eventually, Larry married,
built a real house, and when his company went bankrupt, moved to California. He is now K3LZ. It is rather surprising
that after only a few years, this great location was never used again for contesting. A few years later, this same story in
the history of the Frankford Radio Club, will be repeated.
Lessons Learned....
Ham radio is supposed to be fun.
Don't believe everything you are told.
It's all about location, location, location.
Life is unpredictable, but embrace it anyway.
Page 15
June 2013
What’s Happening in DX?
Reprinted from the ARRL DX News e-newsletter
GHANA, 9G. Hans, PB2T will be QRV as 9G5AA from June 2 to 7. QSL to home call.
BHUTAN, A5. Shin, A52SV has been active on 17 meters around 1400 to 1500z. QSL via JA2PSV.
QATAR, A7. Mark, G0MGX plans to be QRV as A71/G0MGX until the end of 2013. Activity will be
mainly during the weekends using RTTY and JT65 on the HF bands. QSL direct to home call.
CAPE VERDE, D4. Harald, DF2WO will be QRV as D44TWO from June 3 to 20. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via M0OXO.
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DA. Oliver, DK7TX will be QRV as DK7TX/p from Wangerooge
Island, IOTA EU-047, from June 5 to 10. Activity will be holiday style on 20 to 10 meters. QSL to home
SPAIN, EA. Special event station EG5SUB will be QRV on June 1 and 2 for the Museum Ships Weekend. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL via operators'
SAINT BARTHELEMY, FJ. Jeff, K5WE and Erik, N5WR will be QRV as FJ/home calls from June 3 to
10. Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters using mostly CW with some SSB and RTTY as well. QSL to home
FRENCH GUINEA, FY. Christian, F5UII will be QRV from the FY5KE radio club in Kourou from June 5
to 14 while on business there. Activity will be limited to generally 1000 to 1100z and then after
2100z. He may also be QRV as FY/F5UII/p from Isle Royale, IOTA SA-020. Activity will be on the HF
bands. QSL via operator's instructions.
ITALY, I. Special event station II4BTK will be QRV on June 1 and 2 for the Museum Ships Weekend. This station will be near what is left of the Elettra, a two-masted steam yacht that Marconi used as
a floating laboratory. QSL via IQ4FE.
ALASKA, KL7. Jeff, KL2HD will be QRV as KL7NWR on Attu Island, IOTA NA-064, in the Aleutian Islands. Activity will be on 20, 17 and 15 meters as propagation permits. QSL via operator's instructions.
LITHUANIA, LY. Sam, LY5W is QRV as LY605W until June 20 in celebration of 605 years of Kaunas. QSL to home call.
MARKET REEF, OJ0. Harry, OJ0VM will be QRV June 2 to 6. He is a member of the Finnish Lighthouse Society and repairs Lighthouses together with his fellow members. QSL to home call.
BONAIRE, PJ4. Steve, 9M6DXX plans to be QRV as PJ4V beginning either June 4 or 5 until June
16. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands using SSB. QSL via M0URX.
ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. Special event station R155C is QRV until June 30 to honor 155 years of the
city of Chabarowsk. QSL via RZ0CWA.
MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Mike, KJ6MZ will be QRV as V73MZ from Kwajalein Island, IOTA OC-028,
beginning in June and active for a few months. QSL via operator's instructions.
INDONESIA, YB. Adhi, YB3MM will try to be QRV as YB3MM/p from Karangjamuang Island, IOTA OC237, on June 1 and 2. Activity will be on 15 meters using SSB. QSL via IZ8CCW.
LATVIA, YL. Eddie, ES2TT will be QRV as YL0WANTED from June 5 to 9 during the American Cars
Fan Meeting. Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL to home call.
Page 16
June 2013
conducted by N2SS
30 Meters
K2FL ....345
N2TK ....... 343
W3BGN ... 337
N2LT ........ 333
W8FJ ........ 328
W2YC ...... 327
N3RD ....... 317
WA2VYA . 311
N2SS ........ 309
W2UP....... 305
WØMHK . 300
W2IRT ..... 299
K2PS ........ 294
N2MM ..... 269
N1IBM ..... 267
K3II .......... 251
N2VW ...... 244
KQ3F ....... 229
W2LE ....... 227
K2QPN..... 215
N2CQ ....... 182
N1RK ....... 178
WA3F ....... 177
AB2E ....... 166
W2YR ...... 160
N2WKS .... 138
WT3Q ...... 136
K2AX ....... 129
N3NA ....... 110
K3ND ......... 96
W2RDS ...... 78
N3NR ......... 66
W3CF ......... 62
Almost a
17 Meters
K2FL .... 346
N2TK .... 346
N2LT .........343
W3BGN ....341
N2SS .........333
WØMHK ..331
W2YC .......330
W2UP .......329
N1IBM ......318
W8FJ .........316
W2IRT ......315
K2PS .........314
WA2VYA ..313
N2MM ......308
N1RK ........300
KQ3F.... ....284
K2QPN .....283
N3RD ........275
N2VW .......244
W2YR .......229
WA3F ........224
KC2TN .....217
K3BZ ........ 211
K3II ...........204
N2CQ ........191
N2WKS ....167
AB2E ........135
WT3Q .......135
NW3H ....... 118
N3NA........ 112
N3NR ..........75
WA3RHW ...70
12 Meters
K2FL .... 340
N2TK ........ 339
N2LT......... 331
W3BGN .... 327
WØMHK .. 319
W2YC ....... 316
N2SS ......... 312
W3CF ....... 307
W2UP ....... 294
WA2VYA.. 293
N1IBM...... 287
W2IRT ...... 287
N1RK........ 276
K2PS ......... 270
W8FJ ........ 254
KQ3F ........ 242
W2LE ....... 225
N3RD........ 221
N2MM ...... 210
W2YR ....... 209
K2QPN ..... 206
N2SR ........ 204
K3II .......... 204
WA3F........ 179
N2VW ...... 175
K3BZ ........ 146
K2AX ....... 128
N2CQ........ 128
N2WKS .... 121
KC2TN ..... 117
WT3Q ....... 102
AB2E .......... 96
NW3H ........ 91
N3NR.......... 40
WA3RHW .. 29
RTTYf Digital
W2UP ............. 348
N2LT ....................344
K3SWZ ................339
W2YC ..................326
K2PS ....................306
W2IRT .................301
N2TK ...................300
W3CC ..................252
KQ3F ...................244
N1IBM .................243
K3SX ...................242
K2QPN................. 211
W2LE ...................207
N2CQ ...................188
WA2VYA .............147
W3BGN ...............142
W2YR ..................136
N2SS ....................130
WA3F ...................127
N2WKS ................123
N1RK .....................39
W8FJ ......................12
1 60 Meters 2013
1.5K Club
K3II ............ 1470
W2IRT ........ 1457
N2SR .......... 1441
N1IBM ....... 1399
N1RK ......... 1393
N2VW ........ 1393
W2YR......... 1322
W2LE ......... 1267
AB2E .......... 1263
K2AX ......... 1246
N3NA ......... 1229
K2QPN ....... 1155
WA3F ......... 1135
N2WKS ...... 1103
K3BZ .......... 1060
KC2TN ......... 953
WA3RHW .... 875
NW3H .......... 861
K3MD ........... 660
AA1K ........... 319
W2IRT.......... 163
W3BGN ....... 319
N1IBM ......... 141
WT3Q ........... 299
K3ND ........... 137
N2LT ............ 278
K2AX ........... 131
N2TK............ 277
N2VW .......... 128
K3SX ............ 275
K2PS ............ 121
W2YC .......... 256
AB2E ............ 116
W8FJ ............ 252
N3NR ........... 106
W2UP ........... 222
W2YR .......... 106
N3RS ............ 212
N2WKS ........ 103
K3SWZ ........ 211
KQ3F .............. 99
N2MM .......... 203
WA3F ............. 90
N3NA ........... 187
N2SS .............. 82
WA2VYA .... 182
W2LE ............. 82
N3RD ........... 173
W3CF ............. 78
WØMHK ...... 171
N1RK ............. 71
K2FL ............ 165
K3NL.............. 70
K3II .............. 164
K2QPN ........... 30
AA1K & W3BGN in a dead heat at the
K2FL .......... 1754
W3BGN ..... 1745
N2LT .......... 1737
N2TK ......... 1735
W2UP......... 1705
N3RS .......... 1690
W2YC ........ 1677
N3RD ......... 1660
W8FJ ......... 1660
N2MM ....... 1652
W3TQ ........ 1620
N2SS........... 1571
K2PS .......... 1565
WØMHK ... 1553
WA2VYA .. 1551
KQ3F ......... 1542
K3ND ......... 1510
W3CC ........ 1511
W3CF......... 1507
Top of Top Band!
Sly old K2FL still at the top.
6 Meter DXCC
N2LT ...............119
WØMHK ............. 117
K2PS.................... 110
K3OO .................. 109
K3SX ................... 106
W3CC .................. 105
AA1K .................. 100
WA2VYA............ 100
W3BGN ................. 88
WT3Q .................... 88
W2YC.................... 87
N1IBM .................. 84
N2TK ..................... 77
KC2TN .................. 64
W2YR.................... 64
N1RK .................... 56
N2SS...................... 55
W2LE .................... 51
K3MSB.................. 51
W2IRT ................... 48
N2MM ................... 42
K2QPN .................. 36
WA3F .................... 34
K2AX .................... 21
K3II ....................... 10
N2WKS ................... 8
N2VW ..................... 6
W2RDS ................... 4
NW3H ..................... 4
MOBILE DX AA1K ........... 282
W2YC .......... 276
N2SS ............ 234
NW3H .......... 205
KC2TN ........... 67
W2YR ............ 47
W2RDS .......... 41
Jon continues as our Big Wheel.
Send your FRC Honor Roll updates to
me at: [email protected]
ARRL DXCC Challenge
N2LT ............. 3030
N2TK ................. 3027
W2YC ................ 2954
WØMHK ........... 2747
WA2VYA .......... 2657
W2IRT ............... 2510
W3CC ................ 2490
K2PS .................. 2472
N1IBM ............... 2379
KQ3F ................. 2317
N1RK ................. 2103
N2VW ................ 2058
W2LE................. 1974
N2SS .................. 1952
W2YR ................ 1891
N3RD ................. 1778
WA3F ................ 1712
AB2E ................. 1658
N2MM ............... 1652
K2AX ................. 1631
N2WKS ............. 1627
K2QPN .............. 1510
K3BZ ................. 1402
KC2TN .............. 1341
K2FL .................. 1288
N3NR ................. 1138
NW3H .................. 801
W2RDS ................ 728
Islands On The Air K2FL ............. 1076
N2SS .................... 899
W2YC .................. 810
W8FJ .................... 709
WØMHK ............. 590
N1RK ................... 586
NW3H .................. 405
W3CF................... 402
K2QPN ................ 385
WA3RHW ............ 355
N1IBM ................. 316
K2AX ................... 298
N2VW .................. 295
W2YR .................. 294
AB2E ................... 219
W2RDS ................ 153
The newsletter of the Frankford Radio Club.
P. O. Box 431 Alburtis, PA 18011-0431
Celebrating 86 Years of Excellence (1927-2013)
Affiliated Club
The Frankford Radio Club is a proud sponsor of
World Radiosport Team Championship 2014
The Frankford Radio Club
Club Officers
Vice Pres:
Keith Beebe
John Crovelli
Mark Kempisty
Dave Hawes
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dave Hawes
[email protected]
Committee Chairman
Newsletter & Roster
W2RDS Rick Stoneking
Distribution: AA3K
Mark Kempisty
[email protected]
[email protected]
Telnet DX Clusters
k3ww.gofrc.org 7300
wt3q.gofrc.org 7300
Ryan Jairam, N2RJ
[email protected]
FRC Section Managers
Phila & SE PA
South Central PA
Northeast PA
Northern NJ
Central NJ
Southern NJ
Southeast NY
Southern CT
Jerry Keller
Keith Beebe
Wayne Kline
Ryan Jairam
Andy Blank
Rick Stoneking
Jon Zaimes
Tony Kazmakites
Bob Shohet
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The main FRC meeting is held at the Holiday Inn in Lansdale (1750 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA) between 7-9 pm on
the second Tuesday of each month, September through May. Summer meetings are held at member homes (one Saturday/
Sunday per month).
Page 18
June 2013