July - Gujarati Samaj of Detroit
July - Gujarati Samaj of Detroit
Shantibhai, Please use the picture in a separate attachment as the cover page. J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 2 GSOD’S DANDIA DHAMAKA—NAVRATRI CELEBRATIONS!! Mark your calendar!!! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH, 2009 U OF M DEARBORN—FIELDhouse ARENA J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 3 Community News FOGANA Update 29th Mid West Regional FOGANA Raas Garba and Folk Dance Competition is being held on July 25th, 2009 in Columbus, OH. Gujarati Samaj of Detroit is sponsoring two teams at the competition. On behalf of all GSOD members we would like to wish them BEST OF LUCK ! SEVA‘s Health Care Program The SEVA (Society Enrichment through Volunteer Activities) Committee of Bharatiya Temple is pleased to announce SEVA's Health Care Program. In this program, doctors fees are waived for temporary Unemployed/Uninsured Families. We extend an invitation to join hands with the SEVA Committee to provide this service to members of your organization. Please contact us at SEVA hotline number: 248-341-3727 if you need more information or you would like to volunteer for SEVA. Special discount for GSOD members Sukh Decorations will provide 5% discount to GSOD members for contracting services with Sukh Decorations in 2009. So, don‘t forget to mention that you are a GSOD member. Free Cancer Screening on July 11 The Bharatiya Temple of Metropolitan Detroit along with the Beaumont Cancer Instititute—Royal Oak and Michigan Association of Physicians from India present s the Southeast Asia Cancer Prevention Forum. They are offering a free breast exam and PSA testing at the Bharatiya Temple, 6850 N. Adams Rd, Troy, MI 48098 from 11:00AM to 2:00PM on July 11th. The Physicians panel includes Dr. P. Khilanani, Dr. S. Shetty, Dr. S. Balaraman, Dr. N. Kuwajerwala and Dr. N. Dekhne. Moderator is Dr. Dinesh Shah. Please call to register : Minal Engineer Temple Office Beaumont Hospital - 248 788 4886 - 248 879 2552 - 248 551 0243 2009 Scholarship Forms-Now Available—APPLY NOW!!! Gujarati Samaj has committed to award scholarships to outstanding students in high school. One of our goals is to make our members aware of this scholarship and we hope that this will give students and parents a better understanding of the requirements / criteria to gather the necessary information to apply for this scholarship. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ashok Parikh at [email protected] for additional information. The scholarship form is available on our website at www.GSOD.Org. Scholarship Award GSOD will proudly announce your son or daughter‘s scholarship award during GSOD‘s Diwali program on Saturday, October 24, 2009. Sponsorship for Scholarships Each year, Samaj looks to our community members and leaders to help with scholarship sponsorship. If you would like to contribution towards this year‘s scholarship awards, please contact Ashok Parikh at scholarships@ gsod.org or at 734-335-7001. Important information inside: Page 5 - SAT/ACT Seminar @ Bharatiya Temple Page 7 - Membership Directory Advertisement opportunity Page 9 - GSOD Golf Tournament information Page 12 - Membership Directory Front Cover Design Competition Page 13 - 2009/2010 GSY Nomination Form Page 15 - Important Membership Directory Member information verification J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 4 Variety Silks 28537 Ford Road Garden City, MI 48135 Store Hours Tues. -Sat. Noon - 7 pm Sun. Noon - 5 pm Excellent Academics Toddler ● Preschool ● Kindergarten 4 Months to 6 Years Full time - $95/Week Half day - $85/Week Morning session - $50/Week Www.BrownAcademy.US 248-476-4704 23325 Orchard Lake Rd, Farmington 48336 Holiday Sale 25to50%Off* * Reg. price of any designer Sarees, suits, Wedding Lehangas, Menswears. We make custom made * With any purchase of $100.00 & more. Limit five blouses per customer. www.varietysilks.com Visit us at www.varietysilks.com Call for appointment today at 248-320-7935 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N J U LY 20 0 9 Page 5 SAT / ACT Educational Seminar Gujarati Samaj of Detroit organized its annual educational seminar on Saturday, May 30, 2009. The SAT / ACT Educational Seminar was organized in co-operation with Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions and The Hindu Temple of Canton to help high school students in preparing for the real tests. The seminar was a huge success. 65 kids from our community participated in this free seminar. This year again, many non-members also took advantage of the seminar, giving good visibility to GSOD in the community. Phil Tealander from Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions proctored the SAT & ACT combo practice test, which was approximately half the length of the actual test. After the tests, there was a workshop seminar for students and parents in which he gave helpful hints and answered any and all questions from the audience. Kaplan offers a number of free events as well as classes that can help students prepare for their ACT, SAT and PSAT tests. More information can be obtained by calling 1-800-KAPTEST or visiting www.kaptest.com. We have received a lot of positive feedback from the participants and their parents about the seminar. Please send any feedback and/or suggestions for other similar events to [email protected] or to any of the EC members. We would like to organize more such events which benefit the youth. GSOD would like to thank The Hindu Temple for letting us use their facility, Mr. Phil Tealander for his time and input, and all the kids and parents who made this a very successful event. Scores are available: Practice tests have been graded and are with Jesal Shah. If you haven‘t collected your test results yet, please contact Jesal at 734-721-5703 to make arrangements. -Jesal Shah ****************************************************** Based on popular demand, following a very successful seminar in Canton Gujarati Samaj of Detroit has organized another one in Troy ! (in co-operation with Kaplan, Inc. & The Bharatiya Temple) SAT / ACT Educational Seminar Targeted for children in 9th through 12th grades, this seminar will help in understanding: Why these tests are needed, When & How to prepare for them & How to get maximum score Sunday, July 12, 2009 From 2:30 PM to 7:30 PM The Bharatiya Temple, 6850 Adams Road, Troy, MI 48098 2:30 – 2:45 2:45 – 6:15 6:15 – 7:30 Agenda: Welcome and Proctoring Instructions SAT/ACT Combo Practice Test (students only) Workshop Seminar with Q&A (Parents & Students) Seminar is free for GSOD and Bharatiya Temple members Registration is required for proper planning of the seminar. Please register by calling 1-800-KAPTEST. Mention the following code for this event: AKDE9048 For questions, call Jesal Shah @ 734-721-5703 OR Hemal Dave @ 248-330-3765 J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 6 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N J U LY 20 0 9 Page 7 GSOD Member Directory will be published in October 2009. Would you like to place an advertisement? The events organized by Samaj have made a huge impact in the community and provide a tremendous opportunity to market your products and services. It‘s because of Samaj‘s growth and success that we are attracting more members and advertisers from Metro Detroit area. Our 800+ members are represented by professionals, such as doctors, attorneys, IT professionals, engineers, business owners, and accountants. Many businesses have found advertising in our directory to be worthwhile investment as Samaj has a remarkable advantage of reaching out to a diverse group of professional individuals. Over 900 copies of the directory will be printed. Our membership directory is widely used by our community for networking purposes and also for business and social events. This is one opportunity you DON‘T WANT TO MISS in advertising your products & services. It‘s an investment well worth it for the next 2 years as the directory is published every 2 years. The GSOD directory will be published in October 2009. We encourage you to mail in your advertisement form, payment and your advertisement material no later than September 30, 2009. Advertisement form, payment instructions and detailed information is available on GSOD website at www.gsod.org. Thank you in advance for your patronage and support of Gujarati Samaj of Detroit. Advertisement Rates (Deadline: September 30, 2009) Advertisement Category Price $1,000 SOLD Back Cover Inside – color $750 SOLD Front Cover Inside – color $750 SOLD Full Page - color $600 Full Page - black & white $500 Half Page - color $350 Half Page - black & white $250 Back Cover Outside – color Why not include a discount coupon for GSOD members? Advertisers will have the option to publish discount coupon(s) at no additional cost. This is a great way to attract members to your business. J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 8 J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 9 Annual GSOD Golf Tournament September 13, 2009 Hilltop Golf Course 47000 Powell Road, Plymouth, MI 48170 (734) 453 - 9800 Play, Mingle & Have a Great Time! Tee times start at 12:00PM Packaged lunch provided. Basic Training by a PGA Pro included. Friendly competition. Show off your Golf skills. Sumptuous catered dinner. Trophies for longest drive, closest to the pin and best score (non-members not eligible). Register Now! Register early by Aug. 29th and pay only $45 for GSOD members and $55 for non–members. After Aug. 29th $55 for GSOD members and $65 for non-members. Dinner only tickets are $15. Advance registration a must. Registration deadline is September 10th. Call Jignesh Mehta Cell: (313) 215-1676 or, buy Golf ticket at www.gsod.org/golf J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 10 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N J U LY 20 0 9 Page 11 gaujratI samaaj Aaof DIT/ao[T saInaIyasa- caoPTr ³GSS) samaacaar rivavaar ta.14 juna naa “lanca Anao mauvaI“ naao p`aoga`ama saaO Ao Kuba j sauMdr rItoo maaNyaaoº 135 vyaiktAo }maLkaBaor to maaM Baaga laIQaao Anao sauMdr svaaidYT Baaojna tqaa gaujratI pIkcar “maoM tao palavaDo baanQaI p`It” naao rsaasvaad laIQaao. naIxana pTola Anao pIyauYa dvaoe gaujratI pIkcar laavaI AapvaamaaM Kuba sahaya AapI to badla tomanaaoo AaBaar. Many Thanks to Ms.Ruth Daniels- Marketing Manager – and staff members of Emagine Theater e saInaomaa haola ivanaa maulya Aapvaa badla tonaao‚ BaartI baona tqaa AruNaBaa[ BaavasaarAo baooHamaoMnTmaaM lanca maaTo vyavasqaa krvaa maaTo Anao Cayaabaona tqaa ASaao kBaa [ zookDI Ao sarsa KmaNaZaokLa pIrsavaa maaTo toomanaao — to saaOnaao Amao AaBaar maanaIAo CIAo. G S S naa baQaa kaya-k`maaomaaM hMmaoSaa salaah‚ saucana Anao sahkar Aapvaa badla gaujratI samaaj naa p``mauK EaI caMid`ka pTola Anao tomanaI TIma tqaa baIAaoTI caormaona Anao tomanaI TIma naao Amao AaBaar maanaIAo CIAoº AntmaaM saaOqaI ivaSaoYa tmaara Kuba Kuba saaqa Anao sahkar ko jonaa vagar Aavaa kao[pNa p`aoga`ama safL na qaaya‚ tovaa Amaara saaO maombar ima~ Baa[—bahonanaao haidk AaBaar maanaIAo CIAo. Aap saaOnaa Aavaa j p`omaBayaa- huMf—saaqa Anao sahkar naI Apoxaa saaqao frI jladI maLvaa Aatur‚ p`fulla Bauta — sauroSa Saah — risak gaaMGaI — naa sasnaoh smarNa. Did you know? ...that casually shaking either one of the minarets at the Sidi Bashir mosque in Ahmedabad causes the other minaret to vibrate a few seconds later? ...that the Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat, home to the endangered Asian Wild Ass, is the largest wildlife sanctuary of India? ...that Iranshah Âtash Bahrâm in Udvada, a town in Gujarat, India, is the holiest fire temple for the Parsi community? ...that the non-profit Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association is the largest association for textile research and allied industries in India? ...that Kal Penn (Kalpen Modi) of ―Harold & Kumar‖ and ―House‖ fame is taking a sabbatical from acting to work in the White House Office of Public Engagement as an Associate Director? ...that the Vavs or stepwells of Gujarat and Rajasthan are examples of exquisite architecture that were being built as early as in the 6th century and ones built as long back as the 11th century still exist today? ...that Dwaraka is rated as one of the seven most ancient cities in India and that it has submerged 6 times and modern day Dwaraka is the 7th such city to be built in the area? ...that the Somnath temple near Veraval has one of the 12 sacred Shiva lingas and that the temple has been destroyed 6 times and re-built every time? ...that the Kachchhi language bears more similarity to Sindhi than Gujarati and that it used to have its own script which is now extinct? J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 12 BEST WISHES TO GUJARATI SAMAJ OF DETROIT DR. SARJU S. SHAH MD, MBA (734) 981-1086 WWW.CANTONDOCS.COM 2009 MEMBER DIRECTORY ―FRONT PAGE DESIGN COMPETITION‖ Deadline: August 30, 2009 To promote and preserve our culture, Gujarati Samaj of Detroit (GSOD) organizes various events and activities throughout the year for its members, seniors and youths. GSOD is introducing for the 1 st time in the History of Samaj, the ―Front Page Design Competition (―Design‖) for GSOD‘s 2009 Member Directory, to provide a platform for its members to bring out their creative graphic design talent. Get your Design Published on the Front Page, receive Recognition and Cash award!!!! Please visit www.gsod.org to review competition rules & guidelines and to download an application form. Would you like to contribute a Gujarati article or poem in the 2009 Member Directory? If so, e-mail it to Jwalant Lakhia at [email protected]. GSOD will try its best to include your article or poem in the directory. Please note that GSOD reserves the right to make the selection at its own discretion. J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 13 GUJARATI SAMAJ OF DETROIT 2009 / 2010 GSY NOMINATION FORM Qualifying Requirements: I am at least 14 years old My parents are current members of Gujarati Samaj. Membership Number (required): _____________ I am eager and committed to participate in all GSY meetings & activities starting from October 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010 I am aware of the ―3 Strike Out Rule‖ where if I am not able to attend 3 consecutive meetings or GSY/GSOD events then I will not be part of GSY Core Committee. I will however be part of ‗Member at Large‘ and will help GSY Core Committee I will bring two letters of recommendations and understand that without the recommendation letters I can not apply to GSY-Core Committee I will follow all the rules and guidelines of Gujarati Samaj and are available to me at www.gsod.org/gsy I understand that one of my parents will be attending the GSY election process. Without the attendance of one of my parents, I understand that I will not be elected part of the GSY Core Committee I am aware that No walk-in nomination forms will be permitted I am aware that incomplete, illegible and late forms will be disqualified. Nominee‘s Name: _____________________Email: __________________________________ Nominee‘s Cell Phone: _________________________________ Parent‘s Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Email: _________________________________________ A brief description of each Core Committee position and expectations are described and available on GSOD website. Please check your 1st and 2nd choice below: GSY Core Committee Director Co-Director Secretary Treasurer Public Relations Cultural Event Publication Support Web Design Member at Large (14 position) 1st Choice 2nd Choice Parents Acknowledgment: In an effort to continue increasing awareness, bring more enthusiasm and value to our future generation, Gujarati Samaj has outlined GSY election process and guidelines. Gujarati Samaj needs your support, as children lead by example from their parents, to make GSY more actively involved in Samaj activities. GSY will be recognized and rewarded based on their individual performance. With your support and commitment to GSY, together we will make a difference in our GSY community. I agree with the guidelines in the GSY election process and the GSY Core committee requirements and job descriptions as outlined on the GSOD website. Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: ____________________ Please complete the entire form legibly and mail it or hand-deliver before September 15, 2009 to Darshan Parikh, 37781 Hollyhead Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Novi’s Premier Destination for Banquets.Family Gatherings.Parties ****Outdoor Dining Available**** Happy Hour Monday - Firday 4-7pm. Live Entertainment Fridays and Saturdays 42050 Grand River Avenue, Novi, MI 248.349.7770 Facebook/Novi Mezza [email protected] Page 14 J U LY 20 0 9 S A M A J D A R S H A N: A G U J A R A TI S A M A J O F D E TR O I T P U B LI C A T I O N Page 15 GSOD 2009 Member Directory will be published in October 2009 VERIFY YOUR INFORMATION NOW!!! In an effort to ensure that Gujarati Samaj of Detroit (GSOD) has your most current information in our records, we need you to review your information for accuracy. This year in addition to your phone number and address, WITH YOUR AUTHORIZATION, GSOD would like to include your child(ren)‘s names and ages in the Member Directory (not applicable to single, senior and student members). At the time of printing this issue of Samaj Darshan, our records have the following information for you & your family members: Membership #: _____________________ Name:_____________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:______________________________________________ Phone #:______________________ Spouse‘s Name:______________________________________________ Child 1 Name & Age:__________________________________________ Child 2 Name & Age:__________________________________________ Child 3 Name & Age:__________________________________________ Child 4 Name & Age:__________________________________________ Child 5 Name & Age:__________________________________________ E-mail address: __________________________________ (will not be published in the directory) If there is any information that you wish to correct/update, please cross out the information above and write the updated information next to it. Mail the updated form to Jesal Shah, Secretary at 1624 Brookdale Drive, Canton, MI 48188 or e-mail it to [email protected] no later than August 31, 2009. AUTHORIZATION: (Please select one box below) I authorize GSOD to publish the above information, with changes/updates as indicated above, if applicable. I authorize GSOD to publish the above information, with changes/updates as indicated above, if applicable. I DO NOT authorize GSOD to publish my child(ren)‘s names and ages in the Member Directory. Member Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________ PLEASE NOTE: If GSOD does not receive your form by August 31, 2009, GSOD WILL include the above information ‗AS IS‘. GSOD reserves the right to NOT publish the child(ren)‘s names and ages, if necessary. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOW!!!---2009 Member Directories provided only to 2009 GSOD members. Members who have not renewed their 2009 membership are encouraged to renew their membership. Become a member today. Go to www.gsod.org. Gujarati Samaj Of Detroit Jesal Shah 1624 Brookdale Dr Canton, MI 48188 We apologize for any printing errors or omissions -Visit Samaj Website forSamaj Event Details Online Membership Buy Events Tickets Special Events Online Samaj Darshan Archived Samaj Darshan Scholarship & Other Forms Member Discounts/Specials Business Directory Feedback/Suggestions & much more! Vision Preserve Gujarati cultural and linguistic heritage through diversity and sense of belonging for the upcoming and future generations of the membership Mission Preserve and promote Gujarati heritage by providing exposure and opportunity to the membership JAYA Travel & Tours: 877-FLY-JAYA
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