Life cycle assessment of marine fuels
Life cycle assessment of marine fuels
• Time: The data used were published 2008, 2004 and 2001 Life cycle assessment of marine fuels A comparative study of four fossil fuels for marine propulsion SELMA BENGTSSON KARIN ANDERSSON ERIK FRIDELL Department of Shipping and Marine Technology Division of Sustainable Ship Propulsion CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ISSN 1652-9189 Report No. 11:125 Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011 Report No. 11:125 Life cycle assessment of marine fuels A comparative study of four fossil fuels for marine propulsion SELMA BENGTSSON KARIN ANDERSSON ERIK FRIDELL Department of Shipping and Marine Technology CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011 Life cycle assessment of marine fuels A comparative study of four fossil fuels for marine propulsion SELMA BENGTSSON, KARIN ANDERSSON, ERIK FRIDELL © SELMA BENGTSSON, KARIN ANDERSSON, ERIK FRIDELL 2011. Technical report no 11:125 Department of Shipping and marine technology Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Gothenburg Sweden Telephone + 46 (0)31-772 1000 Cover: Island from above in Gothenburg’s archipelago, photo Fredrik Brynolf. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011 Abstract Maritime transportation is facing harder requirements on fuel quality and exhaust emissions in the coming decades, especially in the Emission Control Areas (ECAs). To address these requirements the shipping industry will either need to use alternative fuels or implement exhaust abatement techniques. Consequently, the maritime sector within ECAs is on the verge of a fuel and/or technology shift in the near future. At the same time, there is limited information regarding marine fuels’ overall environmental impact during their life cycle. The overall aim of this report is therefore to investigate the environmental performance of maritime fuels from a life cycle perspective. This has been done through a life cycle assessment (LCA) of four possible fossil marine fuels combined with two exhaust gas cleaning techniques. The geographical location is set to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and the time perspective is 2015 to 2020. The following fuel alternatives are assessed: • • • • • • • Heavy fuel oil with a sulphur content of 1% (base scenario) Heavy fuel oil with a sulphur content of 1% with a scrubber (fulfils the regulation within the sulphur ECAs 2015) Marine gas oil with a sulphur content of 0.1% (fulfils the regulation within the sulphur ECAs 2015) Marine gas oil with a sulphur content of 0.1 % with a selective catalytic reduction unit (fulfils the regulation within the sulphur ECAs 2015 and the Tier III regulation for nitrogen oxide emissions) Liquefied natural gas (fulfils the regulation within the sulphur ECAs 2015 and the Tier III regulation for nitrogen oxide emissions) Gas-to-liquid produced by the Fischer-Tropsch process (fulfils the regulation within the sulphur ECAs 2015) Gas-to-liquid diesel produced by the Fischer-Tropsch process with a selective catalytic reduction unit (fulfils the regulation within the sulphur ECAs 2015 and the Tier III regulation for nitrogen oxide emissions) It is shown that the “use phase”, i.e. the combustion of marine fuels, is the dominant contributor to the overall environmental impact. Two main results are robust during all the modelled scenarios. Firstly, the global warming potential of the compared fuels are of the same order of magnitude. Maritime transportation with LNG as fuel can be attributed to comparable or a somewhat lower global warming potential than the other fuels depending on modelling choices. Secondly, the potential contribution to acidification and eutrophication is significantly lower for fuel alternatives that fulfil the Tier III requirement regarding nitrogen oxide emissions, i.e. the LNG fuel alternatives and the fuel alternatives with selective catalytic reduction units. A problematic issue related to LCA is how to allocate the impact from crude oil refining into marine fuels. This is problematic since there is a wide diversity of refineries and since the choice of allocation method could change the result. The problem is specific for marine fuels since they only contribute to a small part of a refinery’s overall impact. It is therefore suggested to perform a separate study with focus on how future changes in refinery production and different allocation methods will change the environmental impact of crude oil based fuels. It is also recommended that a study with a longer time perspective is carried out, in order to evaluate what fuels that are desirable in the future and what fuel properties that are important. I Preface This project is a part of Selma Bengtsson’s Ph.D. studies concerning environmental impact from sea transports in a life cycle perspective and funded by Vinnova grants to Lighthouse. Lighthouse is a multidisciplinary maritime competence and research centre initiated by Chalmers, the School of Business, Economics and Law at Göteborg University and The Swedish Shipowners’ Association ( This project has also resulted in a publication in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Bengtsson et al., 2011). The following persons have contributed to this report with valuable insights and knowledge: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Britt-Helene Kvittingen, Project manager, Gasnor AS Christer André, Environmental technology, FKAB Erik Krona, Project manager, Port planning, Port of Gothenburg Filippa Fuhrman, Environmental Systems Analysis, Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology Gisle Rong, Superintendent, Seatrans AS Ingemar Nylund, General Manager, Wärtsilä Corporation Johan Hammarberg, Marine, Preem AB Johan Roos, Director of Sustainability, Stena Rederi AB Kjell Sandaker, Project Development, Eidesvik AS Lars Pennman, Chief engineer, Stena Rederi AB Linda Sahlén, Project manager, Transportgas, Göteborg energi AB Maelfeyt Stijn, LNG line manager, Fluxys NV Monica Johansson, Ph.D. student, Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology Øyvind Buhaug, Principal Engineer Marine Fuels and Engine Technology, Product Technology and Customer Service, Statoil ASA Sören Eriksson, Refinery Development, Preem AB Thomas Stenhede, Senior Application Manager, Wärtsilä EcoTech Trude Gullaksen, Gasnor AS Ulf Bäckström, Managing Director, MAN Diesel Sverige AB Gothenburg, April 2011 Selma Bengtsson, Karin Andersson and Erik Fridell III Abbreviations BOG CARB CH4 CNG CO CO2 ECA FCC F-T GTL HFO IMO ISO LCA LCI LHV LNG LPG MARPOL MGO MEPC MSD NECA NMVOC NOX Ro-Ro SCR SECA SOX SSD VOC boil-off gas California Air Resources Board methane compressed natural gas carbon monoxide carbon dioxide emission control area fluid-bed catalytic cracking Fischer-Tropsch gas-to-liquid heavy fuel oil International Maritime Organisation International Organization for Standards life cycle assessment life cycle inventory lower heating value liquefied natural gas liquefied petroleum gas International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto marine gas oil the Maritime Environmental Protection Committee medium speed diesel nitrogen oxides emission control area non-methane volatile organic compound nitrogen oxides roll on roll off selective catalytic reduction sulphur emission control area sulphur oxides slow speed diesel volatile organic compounds V Table of content 1 2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Aim .............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Method ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Identified fuel alternatives ............................................................................................. 5 2.1 Fuels............................................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Engines....................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Exhaust gas abatement techniques ............................................................................... 10 2.4 Selected fuel alternatives .................................................................................................. 12 3 LCA methodology ............................................................................................................. 15 4 Goal and scope definition .............................................................................................. 17 5 4.1 Goal of the study ................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Scope of the study ................................................................................................................ 17 4.3 Choice of impact categories.............................................................................................. 19 4.4 Evaluation of robustness of the result.......................................................................... 21 Inventory analysis ........................................................................................................... 23 5.1 Base scenario......................................................................................................................... 23 5.2 Alternative scenarios ......................................................................................................... 34 6 Results from base scenario........................................................................................... 37 7 Results from alternative scenarios ............................................................................ 45 8 7.1 Uncertainty in the emissions from gas engines ........................................................ 45 7.2 Uncertainty in the emissions from diesel engines fuelled with GTL ................. 51 7.3 Changes in engine efficiency ............................................................................................ 53 7.4 Changes in liquefaction efficiency ................................................................................. 55 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 57 8.1 Critical methodological choices ...................................................................................... 57 8.2 Data reliability and representativeness ...................................................................... 58 8.3 Reliability and robustness of the result....................................................................... 60 8.4 Comparison with other results ....................................................................................... 60 8.5 Prerequisites for the LNG fuel chain’s climate performance ............................... 61 8.6 Implications for further research .................................................................................. 61 VII 9 10 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 63 References ..................................................................................................................... 65 Appendix A – LCI results for marine transportation with HFO ..................................... i Appendix B – LCI results for marine transportation with MGO ...............................xvii Appendix C – LCI results for marine transportation with LNG................................ xxix Appendix D – LCI results for marine transportation with GTL ................................xlix Appendix E – Uncertainty in emission from gas engines ...........................................lxix Appendix F – Uncertainty in the emissions from diesel engines fuelled with GTL ...................................................................................................................................................lxxix Appendix G – Changes in engine efficiency................................................................ lxxxiv Appendix H – Changes in liquefaction efficiency ........................................................ xciii Appendix I – Specifications of the modelled vessels ................................................... xcix VIII 1 Introduction Shipping faces a number of challenges related to sustainability in the coming decades. Sea transport has been regarded as energy efficient and environmentally friendly, however in contrast to other sectors shipping has not decreased its energy demand or emissions to any large extent in recent years. 1.1 Background Marine transportation is facing harder requirements on fuel quality and exhaust emissions in the coming years as striker regulations are enforced in different regions of the world. The introduction of Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with a maximum of 0.1 % sulphur allowed in marine fuel from 2015 as compared to 1% today will increase the demand for low sulphur fuel. Nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission regulation is also introduced in a stepwise manner until 2016 increasing the pressure on low NOX energy conversion. 1.1.1 Marine fuel quality and emissions regulation Fuel sulphur conent, wt. % The main international convention regulating the pollution from shipping is the “International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships”, known as MARPOL 73/78. The convention aims at reducing pollutant emissions from ships during accidents and routine operations. It includes six technical Annexes, where the last Annex VI, entitled “Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships” entered into force in May 2005. Annex VI prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances and sets limits on NOX and sulphur oxides (SOX) emissions from ship exhausts (IMO, 2010). Annex VI includes a cap on sulphur content in the fuel oil used onboard ships, one global cap and one cap for SECAs, successively reduced until 2020 (Figure 1-1). 5% Global 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 2010 SECA 2015 Year 2020 2025 Figure 1-1 MARPOL Annex VI fuel sulphur limits. The use of sulphur dioxide abatement technologies, such as scrubbers, is recognised as an alternative to low-sulphur fuel in Annex VI. It is stipulated that “The Administration of a Party may allow any fitting, material, appliance or apparatus to be fitted in a ship or other procedures, alternative fuel oils, or compliance methods used as an alternative to that required by this Annex if such fitting, material, appliance or apparatus or other procedures, alternative fuel oils, or compliance methods are at least as effective in terms of emissions reductions as that required by this Annex...” (MEPC, 2008). The emissions of NOX are regulated based on engine speed as illustrated in Figure 1-2. These limits apply to marine diesel engines with a power output of more than 130 kW. Tier I shall apply to ships 1 Limit of nitrogen oxides, g/kWh constructed before 2000 while the regulation in force at the time the ship is constructed shall apply to ships constructed after 2000. Tier II enters into force in 2011 and is expected to be met by combustion process optimisation, that change parameters like fuel injection timing, pressure and cylinder compression volume. More advanced control technologies, such as injection of various forms of water into the chamber, exhaust gas recirculation or selective catalytic reduction will be required in order to meet the Tier III standard that enter into force in 2016 in NOX ECAs. 18 16 14 12 Tier I (Global) 10 Tier II (Global) 8 6 4 2 0 Tier III (NOX ECA) 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 Rated engine speed, rpm Figure 1-2 MARPOL Annex VI NOX emissions limits. The first designated SECA in effect from 2006 was the Baltic Sea followed by the North Sea and the English Channel in 2007. These areas are the only SECAs adopted to date. On March 26, 2010, the IMO amended MARPOL Annex VI designating a zone up to 200 nautical miles from the coast of the United States and Canada as an Emissions Control Area (ECA). The ECA is planned to enter into force in 2012 (U.S.-EPA, 2010). There are also some regional regulations in force. One example is the EU Directive 2005/33/EC limiting the sulphur content of marine fuels used by ships on inland waterways and at berth to 0.1% from January 2010. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) announced in July 2008 the adoption of a new regulation, requiring the use of low sulphur marine fuel within 24 miles of the California coastline from 2009. The regulation require vessels to operate with either marine gas oil (MGO), with a maximum of 1.5% sulphur content, or marine diesel oil (MDO), with a maximum sulphur content of 0.5%. The regulation will be even stricter in 2012 limiting the sulphur content to 0.1 % for both MDO and MGO (CARB, 2010). Emissions of greenhouse gases from the shipping industry are not regulated by the Kyoto Protocol. The responsibility to develop the mechanisms needed to reduce ship emissions of greenhouse gases have been delegated to IMO. No measures have so far been adopted. Buhaug et al. (2009) have estimated that in the absence of global policies to control greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping, the emissions may increase by between 220 and 310 percent (compared to the emissions in 2007) by the year 2050 due to the expected continued growth in international seaborne trade. The Maritime Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) within IMO adopted a work plan to mitigate this development in 2006 which includes improvement in the carbon dioxide (CO2) indexing methodology, establishment of a CO2 emissions baseline and consideration of technical, operational and market-based mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships (T&E, 2009). Development of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new vessels is one effort striving to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from shipping. It has been developed by a series of submissions to MEPCs 57-59 and the 1st and 2nd Working Groups on Greenhouse Gases. 2 EEDI baselines for six different types of vessels were first suggested by Denmark in document MEPC 58/4/8 and are under development (Ozaki et al., 2010). The EEDI is intended to be used to set a minimum requirement for energy efficiency of new vessels and enable comparison between similar vessels of the same size. 1.1.2 Response from the shipping industry To address the requirements described above, the shipping industry will either need to use new types of fuels and/or implement exhaust gas cleaning techniques. The maritime sector within SECA thus faces a fuel and/or technology shift within the near future. The industry is striving to find ways to comply with the coming regulation. One possible solution, that has been suggested, is to use liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel. LNG is a fossil fuel, but still viewed as an alternative since the sulphur content is low and less NOX is formed during combustion. LNG is also put forward as a bridging technology towards biogas and hydrogen. Gotlandsbolaget presents a vision to use liquefied biogas produced on Gotland as fuel in 2020 and hydrogen in 2030 (Gotlandsbolaget, 2009). Wallenius Marine AB describes in the brochure “Zero – A roadmap to our future emission free ships” (2009) that LNG will probably “ the next coming logic substitute to fossil oil”. They also describe a transition toward biogas and perhaps methanol in a longer time perspective. There has been a rising interest in LNG from the maritime sector during the last years. One example is Göteborg Energi’s and Gasnor AS’s plans to build an LNG terminal in the Port of Gothenburg. The goal is to start to deliver LNG to shipping companies in 2013 (Sahlén, 2009).This will create the need for a way of distributing and bunkering LNG. Svenskt Marintekniskt Forum has together with Göteborg Energi, Fartygskonstruktioner AB, Cryo AB, Gasnor AS, Det Norske Veritas AS and White Smoke AB started a project “LNG Bunker Ship to Ship” to find ways to achieve this (Svenskt-marinteknisktforum, 2010). Other ways of complying with the coming regulations are to combine existing engines and fuels with abatement technologies. Scrubbers, as previously mentioned, are one such example. A scrubber has been installed on a DFDS Ro-Pax ferry in 2009. These are examples of developments set in motions to reduce air pollution from shipping. At the same time as a technology and/or fuel shift in the maritime sector is pushed forward by regulatory demands and other initiatives, information regarding marine fuels’ overall environmental impact from a life cycle perspective is limited. Much effort has been put into investigating fuels well-towheel performance for land based transportation modes, but according to the author’s knowledge only two reports have been published in open literature regarding the life cycle emissions of marine fuels (Winebrake et al., 2007, Corbett and Winebrake, 2008). The present focus on climate change and the demand for a decrease in emissions of CO2 and other green-house gases occur simultaneously with a global competition for limited fossil fuel resources. Thus, the fuel market and the prices will be subject to large changes. The present use of oil will be impossible in a long term perspective and the result will be a search for other energy sources as well as higher energy efficiency. Emission constraints will increase the demand for low sulphur fuel from all sectors. Fuels or technologies that give low emissions of NOX and particles are also requested. In many cases there is a direct relation between the use of oil and emissions, which makes energy efficiency a starting point for reduction of emissions related to combustion of fossil fuels. Thus, the market for new fuels and emission abatement technology, as well as for new energy conversion systems is huge and the questions about the efficiency and impact from these at a systems level are growing. In light of this, the assessment of environmental impact and resource use within shipping and the effect of changes in technology or energy sources is an important research area. 3 1.2 Aim The overall aim of this report is to investigate the environmental performance of marine fuels from a life cycle perspective. The aim can be further specified into the following parts: • • • Increase learning and identify knowledge gaps of the life cycle performance of maritime transportation. Set a base-line for further studies. Identify methodological problems and special requirements when using life cycle assessment to evaluate maritime transportation. 1.3 Method In order to achieve the aim specified above a case study with some possible marine fuels is conducted. The study will first identify possible fuels and abatement technologies that can be used in SECAs and ECAs when the most stringent requirements has entered into force in 2015 for SECAs and 2016 for NOX ECAs. The second part of the report is a life cycle assessment (LCA) comparing the identified alternatives. The LCA methodology is further described in chapter 3 and detailed specifications for the goal and scope of the LCA study are presented in chapter 4. 4 2 Identified fuel alternatives This chapter introduce available technologies for marine transportation that fulfil the regulatory requirements in Sulphur and NOX ECAs. Emissions of sulphur dioxides depend on the sulphur content in the fuels. Therefore, fuels with sulphur content equal to or lower than 0.1 % needs to be used in SECAs after 2015. It is also possible to use exhaust abatement techniques to reduce the sulphur dioxide released to the air, as discussed in the introduction. NOX can be formed in two ways, either from a reaction between nitrogen and oxygen in the air (thermal NOX) or from nitrogen fixed in the fuel (fuel NOX). The fuel NOX is usually a minor part of the emissions. Emissions of NOX depend on engines characteristics, mainly combustion temperature and detention time at high temperature. 2.1 Fuels Residual fuel or heavy fuel oil (HFO) is used in the majority of the marine engines (Figure 2-1). In 2007 almost 350 million tonnes of fuels were consumed by shipping of which about 250 tonnes were residual fuels (Buhaug et al., 2009). Figure 2-1 also shows that diesel engines are dominant in shipping, especially slow-speed diesel engines. Two different grades of distillate fuels are usually used: MGO and MDO. MDO is a mix between HFO and MGO. 350 300 Boilers 250 Million tonnes Medium-speed engines 200 Slow-speed engines 150 Destillate fuel 100 Residual fuel 50 0 Consumption of fuel Consumption of fuel in 2007 by type in 2007 by combustion source Figure 2-1 Fuel consumption from shipping in 2007 divided by type and combustion source (Buhaug et al., 2009). HFO, MDO and MGO are produced from refining of crude oil. The sulphur content of fuels used for marine transportation depends on the sulphur content in the crude oil, which refinery streams used and how they are blended. The sulphur content is highest in the heaviest fractions from the distillation column. Low sulphur heavy fuel oil with a sulphur content of about 1% and marine gas oil with a sulphur content lower than 0.5% is produced today in some refineries, e.g. Preemraff in Gothenburg. There are number of possibilities to produce marine bunker fuels with even lower sulphur content. The study Impacts on the EU refining industry & markets of IMO specification changes & other measures to reduce the sulphur content of certain fuels by Avis and Birch (2009) investigates the possibility to produce low sulphur marine bunker fuels (with 0.5 -0.1% sulphur) from catalytic 5 cracking 1 and hydroskimming 2. It is motivated with that European refineries are based on catalytic cracking and have marginal hydroskimming capacity that can be used when margins are favourable. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has been suggested to be used as a marine fuel due to its low sulphur content, but there is no existing infrastructure for LNG except for along parts of the Norwegian coast. LNG is produced by liquefaction of natural gas. There are different liquefaction technologies that can be used, e.g. cascading; the number of cooling stages and type of refrigerant used may also differ. A plant in Qatar is, for example, based on three compression trains, each driven by a 125 MW gas turbine (GE-Oil-&-Gas, 2010). LNG is mostly methane and nitrogen, a small share is also ethane and propane. The composition of LNG from Gasnor AS’s LNG-plant in Kollsnes 2006 is shown in Table 2-1 as an example, but the composition differs between production sites. Table 2-1 Chemical composition of LNG at Kollsnes 2006 (Kvittingen, 2009) Composition vapour phase, % mol, at -162 °C 85.6806 methane 0.0061 ethane propane 0.0000 14.3133 nitrogen (N2) Natural gas could also be used to produce synthetic diesel and in this way make use of the existing infrastructure. Synthetic diesel, or gas-to-liquid (GTL) as it also is called when produced from natural gas, is produced by the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process or similar processes. It is a three step process consisting of syngas generation, hydrocarbon synthesis and upgrading. The process was invented by two German scientists and first used in Germany during World War II to produce synthetic fuel, e.g. diesel, from coal; it has also been used for example in South Africa and in the USA after that (Field). Historically synthetic fuel production has been limited to times when the feedstock was cheap compared to crude oil (van Vliet et al., 2009). The FT process can be used to produce diesel from hydrocarbons such as coal, natural gas and biomass. Production with natural gas as raw material (i.e. Gas-to-liquid) started first in the beginning of the 1990s. Example of the properties of low sulphur HFO, MGO, GTL and LNG is showed in Table 2-2. The MGO and GTL have much lower content of ash, sulphur and carbon residue. The heavy fuel oil contains vanadium and used lubricating oil. This is not specified for the other fuels. The viscosity of the HFO can be as high as 368 mm2/s at 50 °C while MGO and GTL have a viscosity of about 3 mm2/s at 40°C. This illustrates that the properties of the fuels differ substantially. The properties of MGO and GTL are the most similar. A lot of the properties in Table 2-2 have not been found for LNG, partly depending on that LNG is a totally different fuel, as it is a cryogenic liquid. The values in Table 2-2 can be compared with existing fuel standards for marine fuels. The ISO 8217 Fuel Standard (Third edition) specifies different qualities for marine distillate fuels and marine residual fuels (see Table 2-3). DMA is pure gas oil and what is called marine gas oil. The dualities DMB and DMC is gas oil mixed with residual fuel and called marine diesel oil (MDO). There are a number of different qualities of residual fuels specified in the standard; two of them are presented in the diagram. RMG 380 is a quality that is used a lot. The bunker fuel presented in Table 2-2 fulfils the RMG 380 standard and the marine gas oil fulfils the DMA standard. The GTL does also fulfil the DMA standard even if it is at the limit regarding the pour point. Cracking means to break long hydrocarbon chains into lighter products. Catalytic cracking is a special type of cracking that uses a catalyst to speed up and direct the process. 2 A hydroskimming refinery has a simple configuration with a distillation unit and treatment units for the lighter products but not for the residue, thereby producing a high yield of heavy fuel oils. 1 6 An update of the fuel standard (ISO 8217:2010) is expected to be released in July 2010. A new distillate grade (DMZ) is expected to be proposed with a minimum viscosity of 3 mm2/s in the coming revision of the standard. The minimum viscosity for the DMA and DMB are expected to be changes to 2 mm2/s (Odland, 2010). Table 2-2 Example of properties of low-sulphur HFO, MGO and GTL. Bunker fuel oil, 1.5% sulphur (MARINIUS) (Preem, 2009a) a 40- 42.5 989.1 88.0 -9 368.3 - Bunker gasoil (NORTHEN OCEAN) (Preem, 2009b) b 41.5-43 836.2 65.0 -27 2.747 GTL(Norton et al., 1998, Wang et al., 2009) LNG Lower heating value MJ/kg 43.709 49 3 c Density at 15°C kg/m 777.3 (784.5) 440 Flash point °C (72) Pour point °C (0) 2 Viscosity at 50°C mm /s 2 Viscosity at 40°C mm /s 2.568 (3.57) Carbon/hydrogen ratio 5.68 (5.67) Ash content % m/m <0.100 <0,010 (<0.001) Carbon residue % m/m 13.5 <0,30 (0.02) Nitrogen content % m/m (0.67) Sulphur content % m/m 1.49 <0.03 <0.01 (<0.05) Total sediment % m/m <0.01 (Accelerated) Aluminium + Silicon mg/kg <80 content Hydrogen sulphide content mg/kg 1.00 Vanadium content mg/kg 98 Aromatics % m/m <0.1 Water content % V/V <0.50 a Range of lower heating values for HFO from published measurements (Fridell et al., 2008, Winnes and Fridell, 2009, Cooper, 2003, Cooper, 2005). b Range of lower heating values for MGO from published measurements (Fridell et al., 2008, Winnes and Fridell, 2009, Cooper, 2003, Cooper, 2005). c At -162°C (Kvittingen, 2009). Table 2-3 Marine fuel standards (ISO, 2005). Density at 15°C (max) Viscosity at 40°C (max) Viscosity at 40°C (min) Viscosity at 50°C (max) Micro carbon residue at 10 % residue (max) Micro carbon residue (max) Water content (max) Sulphur content (max) Total sediment existent (max) Ash content (max) Vanadium content (max) Aluminium + Silicon content (max) Flash point (min) Pour point, summer (max) Pour point, winter (max) Cloud point (max) 3 kg/m 2 mm /s 2 mm /s 2 mm /s % m/m % m/m % V/V % m/m % m/m % m/m mg/kg mg/kg °C °C °C °C 7 DMA (MGO) 890.0 6.0 1.5 6.0 0.30 1.5 0.01 60 0 -6 - DMB (MDO) 900.0 11.0 0.30 0.3 2.0 0.10 0.01 60 6 0 - DMC (MDO) 920.0 14.0 2.50 0.3 2.0 0.10 0.05 100 25 60 6 0 - RME 180 (HFO) 991.0 180.0 15 0.5 4.50 0.10 0.10 200 80 60 30 30 - RMG 380 (HFO) 991.0 380.0 18 0.5 4.50 0.10 0.15 300 80 60 30 30 - Storage of fuel onboard Storage of LNG is more space consuming than HFO, MGO and GTL since LNG has lower density and requires pressure containers of a certain design. There are suggestions to use un-pressurised containers that can be shaped to fit the hull, but this has not been implemented so far. Experiences from Norwegian LNG ferries suggests that about 2.5 to 4 times as much space is needed (Hellén, 2009, SWECO, 2009). Below is an illustration of how the extra volume is distributed (Figure 2-2). 3,5 3,0 Relative Volume 2,5 Tank room 2,0 Tank 1,5 1,0 Fuel 0,5 0,0 MGO LNG (10 bar) Figure 2-2 Example of storage volume for MGO and LNG (Hellén, 2009). 2.2 Engines Most marine engines in operation today are two-stroke or four-stroke diesel engines. There are also vessels with steam turbines and high speed ferries with gas turbines. Gas engines for marine applications have been developed and it is possible to buy gas engines and dual-fuel engines on the market. Exhaust emissions [g/MJ fuel input] Diesel engines Slow speed diesel engines are two-stroke engines with a typical shaft power between 1500 and 100 000 kW and operates at 50 to 250 revolutions per minute. A two-stroke engine can reach as high thermal efficiency as 65% and has an exhaust gas temperature about 325-375°C (Kuiken, 2008a). Medium speed diesel engines are four-stroke engines with a typical shaft power between 500 and 30 000 kW and operates at 400 to 1000 revolutions per minute. The thermal efficiency for a fourstroke engine is in the range 25% to 55% and the exhaust gas temperature is 400 to 500 °C (Kuiken, 2008a). Exhaust emissions are affected by fuel and combustion parameters, i.e. temperature, oxygen concentration, residence time (see Figure 2-3 for typical emissions). 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 nitrogen oxides carbon oxides NMVOC SSD - HFO SSD - MGO MSD - HFO MSD - MGO Figure 2-3 Typical exhaust emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon oxide and non-methane volatile organic carbons (NMVOC) from slow speed diesel engines (SSD) and medium speed diesel engines (MSD) with heavy fuel oil (HFO) and marine gas oil (MGO) (Data are from Cooper and Gustafsson (2004)). 8 Marine diesel engines are today fuelled with heavy fuel oil or distilled fuels, but GTL is also a possible fuel. GTL has not been tested in two-stroke diesel engines or in large four-stroke marine engines as far as the author knows. There have however been emission tests with GTL in trucks. Emissions of particles, NOX and carbon monoxide (CO) were reduced by 33.5%, 5.2% and 19.5% with GTL compared to conventional diesel in a test with an intercooled and turbocharged Euro III diesel engine (Wang et al., 2009). The emission of particles relates both to the properties of the fuel (e.g. sulphur content) and combustion characteristics, while emissions of NOX and CO mainly depend on the characteristics of the engine. Gas and dual-fuel engines The LNG propelled ships in operation in Norway are either equipped with lean burn single gas engines or dual fuel engines. Single fuel engines are supplied from Rolls Royce and dual fuel engines from Wärtsilä and MAN (SWECO, 2009). It is also possible to use boilers combined with steam turbines for propulsion with LNG. This is the dominant in LNG Carrier propulsion today. Steam turbines are less efficient than diesel engines and the propulsion trend for new LNG Carriers is toward diesel or dual fuel engines. The lean burn gas-fuelled engines run only on gas and lean refers to that the air-fuel ratio is high. The extremely lean air-fuel mixtures lead to lower combustion temperatures and therefore lower NOX formation. The engine operates according to the Otto cycle and combustion is trigged with a spark plug ignition. The gas is injected at low pressure. Rolls-Royce (i.e. its Norwegian subsidiary Bergen Diesel) started the development of lean burn gas-fuelled engines in 1980s for land power and cogeneration. It is now also used for propulsion of some of the LNG fuelled ships in Norway. Their lean burn combustion system is based on spark plug ignition in a pre-chamber where pure gas is mixed with the lean mixture in the cylinder, thus forming a rich mixture which is easily ignited. Combustion of the lean mixture in the cylinder is fostered by the ignition discharge from the prechamber (Doug, 2010). Wärtsilä has a similar lean burn spark ignited engine with a pre-chamber, but have at the moment no intentions to use it for marine applications (Stenhede, 2010). Dual-fuel engines can run in either gas mode or liquid-fuelled diesel mode. The engine works according to the lean burn Otto principle in gas mode, but the lean air mixture is ignited by injection of a small amount of diesel fuel into the combustion chamber instead of a spark plug (Figure 2-4). The injected diesel fuel is normally less than 1 percent of total fuel. In diesel mode, the engines works according to the normal diesel cycle with diesel fuel injected at high pressure just before top dead centre. Gas admission is activated, but pilot diesel fuel is still injected (Doug, 2010). Figure 2-4 Example of the operation of a dual-fuel engine in the gas mode (Doug, 2010). MAN has developed a new series of two-stroke dual-fuel engines (ME-GI Dual Fuel MAN B&W Engines). It is especially developed for LNG carriers, but can also be used for other segments such as LPG, Ro-Ro, and container vessels. The working principle is similar to MANs traditional two-stroke engines, but with the difference that the combustion process is based on higher air surplus and a pressurised gas injection system, injecting pressurized gas at a maximum pressure of about 250 bar 9 (Doug, 2010). MAN expects it to fulfil Tier III NOX requirements in combination with an exhaust gas recirculation system (Clausen, 2010). Gas diesel engines runs on various gas and diesel mixtures or alternatively on diesel. The engines use the diesel cycle, combusting a mixture of gas, diesel and air and the gas is injected at high pressure. Conversion of existing engines to natural gas operation can be made with small modifications (Doug, 2010). The emissions of NOX are higher from this engine as compared to lean burn and dual-fuel engines. Example of emissions from these engine types from Wärtsilä are shown in Table 2-4. The gas diesel engine can thus not comply with Tier III regulations. The emissions from Wärtsilä’s lean burn gas engine and dual-fuel engine show similar characteristics. Table 2-4 Typical emissions from Wärtsliä’s gas engines at 100% load and nominal speed (Hattar, 2010). CO2 (g/kWh) Total hydrocarbon as methane (g/kWh) NOX (g/kWh) Lean burn gas engine 425 2.1 1.3 Dual-fuel engine, gas mode 425 3.6 1.3 Gas diesel engine 455 0.3 6 g/MJ fuel Emissions from similar engines in stationary installations have been compiled by US EPA. The emissions the ME-GI Dual Fuel MAN B&W Engine is compared with emissions from dual-fuel and lean burn four stroke and two stroke engines from land based power installations compiled by US EPA in Figure 2-5. The emissions of NOX are considerably different for the two four-stroke lean burn engine measurements. The methane slip varies between all compared alternatives in Figure 2-5. 2,0 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 nitrogen oxides carbon oxide NMVOC Four-stroke lean Tow-stroke lean Four-stroke leanME-GI Dual Fuel burn (US EPA) burn (US EPA) burn (Wärtsilä) MAN B&W Engine methane Figure 2-5 Example of emissions from different gas engines. The emissions from a four-stroke lean burn gas engine from Wärtsilä are recalculated from the data in Table 2-4 above with the assumption that 425 g CO2/kWh corresponds to 47.3 g CO2/MJ fuel. Information about emissions of CO and NMVOC is missing for Wärtsilä’s four-stroke engine and NMVOC are missing for the ME-GI Dual Fuel engine. Emissions of methane from the ME-GI Dual Fuel engine represent total emissions of hydrocarbons. 2.3 Exhaust gas abatement techniques The possible measures to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions are scrubbing and fuel switching to low sulphur fuels. There are a number of different options to reduce NOX emissions from shipping (Table 2-5). Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is the technology with the highest reduction potential and in addition it will not increase the fuel consumption. The humid air motor abatement technology has the second highest reduction potential in the table, but it is not expected to be able to reach the Tier III reduction demands. Exhaust gas recirculation has varying potential depending on how much gas that is recirculated. MAN is planning to use an exhaust gas recirculation system together with their ME-GI 10 engine in order to comply with Tier III (Clausen, 2010). They expect to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides much more than suggested in Table 2-5 (but with gas as fuel). Table 2-5 Measures to reduce emissions of NOX and their emission reduction efficiency (Adapted from Winnes (2007)). NOX abatement technique Basic internal engine modifications Advanced internal engine modifications Direct water injection Humid air motor Water-Oil Emulsion Exhaust gas recirculation Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Cleaning potential 20% ~30% Increase in fuel consumption No Depends on modification 35-50% 70% 20-25% 22-69% 90% No No No Yes No Reference Entec (2005a) Entec (2005a), Goldsworthy (2002), Prior et al. (2005) and Sletnes et al. (2005) Entec (2005a) and Prior et al. (2005) Entec (2005a) Prior et al. (2005) Goldsworthy (2002) Entec (2005a) Only two different exhaust gas cleaning techniques have been further studied in this report: scrubbing and SCR. Scrubber Sulphur oxides are formed when sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen, over 90 % of the sulphur oxides formed in marine engines are sulphur dioxide (SO2) (Karle and Turner, 2007). Gas scrubbing is a technique where sulphur oxides react with water and form sulphates. There are two types of units for on-board flue gas scrubbing: open (seawater) scrubbers and closed (freshwater) scrubbers. It is also possible to use a combination of both, e.g. closed in harbours and sensitive areas like the Baltic Sea and open at open ocean water (Bosch et al., 2009). In an open system, seawater with natural alkalinity is used to capture the sulphur oxides. The amount of sulphur oxides captured depends of the alkalinity of the water. In the Baltic Sea where the alkalinity is low compared to open sea much more sea water is needed to capture the same amount of sulphur oxides. An example of a sea water scrubber is seen in Figure 2-6. Figure 2-6 Exhaust gas seawater scrubber (Clausen, 2010). In a closed system the water is instead re-circulated with continuous addition of alkali, normally caustic soda. The following reaction occurs in a closed system with addition of caustic soda. 11 NaOH + SO2(g)+ ½ O2(g) → Na+ + HSO4-+ H2O The scrubber will also remove particles and NOX to some extent. In tests of scrubbers for marine application the reduction of particles has been between 0 and 85 %. The seawater is filtered before it is returned into the sea leaving sludge that should be treated on land (Bosch et al., 2009). Selective catalytic reduction SCR has been commercially installed on more than 300 vessels around the world and it is the most common method to reduce NOX emissions (Lövblad and Fridell, 2006). In the SCR process NOX and urea are converted to nitrogen and water in the presence of a solid catalyst. A water solution with urea is injected to the flue gas after the combustion. The efficiency of the SCR depends on the amount of injected urea, approximately 15 g of urea per kWh energy from the engine is needed to achieve a 90 % reduction (Lövblad and Fridell, 2006). SCR systems can be installed in any type of engine, but a minimum exhaust gas temperature is needed for efficient operation, this is normally around 300 °C, but depends on the sulphur content of the fuel (Bosch et al., 2009). Hence, SCRs are less effective at low loads and for two-stroke engines, when the exhaust gas temperature is lower. There is also a period during start up and before the catalyst has reached operational temperature where the SCR cannot be used at all (Fridell and Steen, 2007). A slip of ammonia may occur when the reaction between NOX and urea are incomplete, which cause release of ammonia to the air. The reasons for ammonia slip can for example be too low exhaust gas temperature or not properly tuned urea dosage (Fridell and Steen, 2007). An oxidation catalyst after the SCR can be used to reduce the ammonia slip (Bosch et al., 2009). 2.4 Selected fuel alternatives There are a number of different types of marine vessels (Table 2-6). This report will compare different fuel alternatives in Ro-Ro vessels, since it is one of the ship types that has been identified to be suitable for LNG-propulsion in Sweden in a report by SWECO (2009). Ro-Ro vessels usually have route based operation and it is therefore easier for them to use fuels, with limited infrastructure. Most of the smaller Ro-Ro vessels have four-stroke engines, while it is more evenly distributed between four-stroke and two-stroke engines for vessel longer than 150 m according to the port calls investigated in the EX-TREMIS database. 12 Table 2-6 Segmentation and parameters of the European fleet by engine types from the EX-TREMIS database (Chiffi and Fiorello, 2009). There are a number of Ro-Ro vessels operating in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, e.g. DFDS Torlines and Finnlines. There are for example routes from Gothenburg to Immingham, Gent, Tilbury and Travemünde. Seatrans AS ordered two small Ro-Ro ships in 2008 with propulsion by LNG-fuelled gas engines. The vessels are also equipped with two auxiliary diesel engines (Sea-Cargo, 2008). The following fuel alternatives are assessed in this report: • • • • • • • HFO with a sulphur content of 1 % (base scenario) HFO with a sulphur content of 1 % with a scrubber (fulfil SCEA 2015) MGO with a sulphur content of 0.1 % (fulfil SCEA 2015) MGO with a sulphur content of 0.1 % with a SCR (fulfil SECA 2015 and Tier III) LNG (fulfil SECA 2015 and Tier III) GTL produced by the Fischer-Tropsch process (fulfil SCEA 2015) GTL produced by the Fischer-Tropsch process with a SCR (fulfil SECA 2015 and Tier III) All these fuels except LNG are possible to use with the present engine technology and infrastructure for fuel supply. HFO with a sulphur content of 1 % is selected as a baseline since it represents the most used maritime transportation fuel in the SECA area at the moment. The other fuel alternatives have been selected since they fulfil the requirement of a maximum of 0.1% sulphur content without exhaust gas abatement techniques. HFO can fulfil the SECA requirements if a scrubber is used. This option has been included in the study. In order to include alternatives that also fulfil the requirements for NOX emissions for new productions in emission control areas (ECAs) after 2016, the MGO and the Fischer-Tropsch fuel are also studied with a selective catalytic converter. In order to meet the SECA requirement in 2015 with the existing fuels it is possible to use HFO or a distilled marine fuel with 0.1% sulphur content. HFO with 0.1 % sulphur content have not been chosen to be further assessed in this report even if it is technically possible to produce. It would also be possible to use HFO with a scrubber and a SCR, but it is technically difficult and is therefore not assessed in this report. The effect of a SCR is still captured in the case with MGO and GTL. Biofuels are not evaluated in this report. 13 A lean burn gas engine will be analysed for the LNG fuel alternative while four-stroke diesel engines will be assessed in all other fuel alternatives. Four stroke lean burn gas engines and dual-fuel engines are the gas engines that are available on the market today and can fulfil the Tier III NOX for new buildings in 2016. More alternatives will possibly be presented during the coming years, but leanburn gas engines will probably still give a god representation of the environmental performance of LNG from a life cycle perspective. The lean burn gas engine is chosen instead of the dual-fuel engine, since both have similar emission characteristics but the gas engine is only dependent on one fuel chain which facilitates the analysis. Four-stroke diesel engines are chosen instead of two-stroke since the lean burn gas engines are fourstroke which will make the engines a better match. A second reason is that it could be problematic to use SCRs with two-stroke engines due to the lower exhaust gas temperature. 14 3 LCA methodology Life cycle assessment (LCA) addresses the potential environmental impact of a product or service in a cradle-to-grave perspective (ISO, 2006a). The cradle represents raw material acquisition, which is followed by production, use, transportation, waste management and final disposal, the grave. LCA aims to avoid problem-shifting from one environmental problem to another and from one phase in the life cycle to another. The holistic perspective is the unique feature of LCA. Two ISO standards (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044) with general requirements for how to conduct an LCA have been developed, but there is no single method for this; it needs to be adapted from case to case. There are however a lot of manuals and guidelines with more detailed requirements and practical advices, e.g. Bauman and Tillman (2004) and Guinée (2002) have been used as support in this study. The procedure for conducting an LCA consists of four phases (Figure 3-1) according to the ISO 14040 standard: • • • • Goal and scope definition Inventory analysis Impact assessment Interpretation The phases are dependent on each other and conducting an LCA is therefore often an iterative process. An example of this is that the goal and scope definition usually needs to be refined during the process. Figure 3-1 The life-cycle model and the LCA procedure (Adapded from Bauman and Tillman, 2004, p. 20). The goal and scope definition describes the studied system and the purpose of the study. The goal should for example include intended application and reasons for carrying out the study, according to the ISO standard. An important modelling specification that should be stated in the goal and scope is the choice of functional unit. It is a quantitative unit representing the function of the system. LCA relates the environmental impact to the functional unit. One tonne cargo transported one km with a Ro-Ro vessel, is chosen as the functional unit in this study. 15 The inventory analysis consists of three parts: construction of a flow model according to the system boundaries, data collection and calculation of resource use and emissions of the system in relation to the functional unit. The validity of the collected data shall be checked during the process according to the ISO standard. The environmental flows, quantified in the inventory analysis, are in the impact assessment classified into different impact categories and characterised, e.g. the relative contribution of the emissions and resource consumptions are calculated. Emissions of greenhouse gases are for example aggregated to one indicator for global warming. This results in more aggregated information, which is easier to interpret. The use of characterisation models might on the other hand increase the uncertainties of the result since they are simplified. This step is compulsory; an LCA without impact assessment is called a life cycle inventory analysis. Interpretation is the final phase of the LCA in which the results from either or both the inventory analysis and impact assessment are summarised and discussed. This can be used as a base for conclusions and recommendations. The LCA community recognises two fundamentally different types of LCA studies: attributional and consequential. Attributional LCA strives to be as complete as possible, accounting for all environmental impacts of a product, while a consequential LCA strives to describe the environmental consequences of alternative courses of action. There has been and is still much debate in the LCA community regarding when the different types should be used. It is argued that LCA study’s used for decision making must be consequential (see Finnveden et al. (2009) for an overview of different opinions). A consequential LCA addresses questions like what would be the environmental consequence if Fuel A is used instead of Fuel B. An attributional LCA on the other hand addresses questions like what is the overall environmental impact of marine transportation with Fuel A. Allocation is another difficult question in LCA. Allocation problems occur when several products (or functions) share the same processes and the environmental load of those processes is to be expressed only to one function. One example of a process with multiple outputs is refining of crude oil, where the refining results in a number of products (e.g. liquefied petroleum gas, petrol, diesel, asphalt) which is used in a number of different applications. When assessing the life cycle impact of for example truck transportation the environmental impacts between the outputs need to be distributed. Another example is the leachate from a landfill. How much leachate should be associated with food waste and how much with the other types of waste? This is an example of a problem connected to a process with multiple inputs. Refining Landfill Figure 3-2 Examples of multi-output and multi-input processes (Adapted from Bauman and Tillman, 2004, p. 84). Allocation can for example be done by physical relationship or by monetary value of the products. It is also possible to avoid the allocation problem by using system enlargement, incorporating additional functions to the system. The ISO standard states that allocation shall if possible be avoided either by refining the system or by expanding it (ISO, 2006b). LCA addresses environmental impacts of a service or production system. Economical and social impacts are typically not included. LCA needs to be combined with other tools for more extensive assessments. 16 4 Goal and scope definition The aim of this study is to evaluate some possible fuel choices for marine transportation and their environmental performance in a life cycle perspective. In addition it should identify uncertainties, complement earlier published studies, and give advises on further studies. Only fossil fuels have been included at this stage. 4.1 Goal of the study The goal of the life cycle assessment (LCA) is to investigate the environmental performance of marine transportation related to the fuel used. Four fuel types are compared: heavy fuel oil (HFO), marine gas oil (MGO), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and Fisher-Tropsch diesel produced from natural gas combined with two abatement technologies: seawater scrubbing and SCR. Thus, seven alternatives for marine transportation are analysed (Figure 14). Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of natural gas Extraction and transport of natural gas Crude oil Crude oil Natural gas Natural gas Production and transportation of HFO Production and transportation of MGO Production and transportation of LNG Production and transportation of GTL HFO MGO LNG GTL Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering HFO HFO MGO Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with scrubber 1 2 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 3 MGO GTL LNG Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 4 5 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 6 GTL Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR 7 Figure 4-1 Overview of the studied alternatives for marine transportation. The aim is specified by the following question: • What would be the effect of changing fuel and/or installing abatement techniques from HFO to HFO with scrubber, MGO with and without SCR, LNG and GTL with and without SCR? The fact that some of the studied fuels and technologies are in full scale use and some are only suggested or at a pilot level, makes the study a learning process, with identification of knowledge gaps and potential impacts. It can thus be seen as a starting point for further research. Another application can be as a decision support for ship owners when changing fuels and/or technology in order to adapt to the new requirements adopted by IMO. 4.2 Scope of the study This study is a comparative LCA, comparing different fuels for marine transportation and is thus consequential. A change oriented study apply that steps in the life cycle that are the same can be omitted and the data used should reflect the change in the system. 17 Functional unit The functional unit is one tonne cargo transported 1 km at normal cruise conditions with a Ro-Ro vessel. System boundaries An overview of the studied system is shown in Figure 4-2. The studied system includes extraction of raw materials, production and transportation, bunkering, storage and finally combustion of fuels for the transportation of one tonne cargo 1 kilometre. The study will thus include all activities from raw material extraction to the release of waste to the environment. Production of lubrication oil is not included in the system nor is waste treatment of oil sludge and used lubrication oil. Raw material Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Extraction of raw material Fuel production Transportation and storage Bunkering Raw material Fuel Fuel Emissions to air Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km Fuel (functional flow) System boundaries Figure 4-2 An overview of the studied system. The differences in use of lubrication oil between the investigated fuel types are estimated to be small (Nylund, 2009). The amount of sludge and solid waste could differ more between the alternatives, e.g. since LNG and GTL is much cleaner fuels than HFO, but the sludge treatment has not been included. The geographical boundary for marine transportation is set to the SECAs in northern Europe (the English Channel, the Northern Sea and the Baltic Sea), see Figure 4-3. Figure 4-3 The sulphur emission control areas (SECAs) in the northern part of Europe (Sjöfartsverket, 2009). Extraction, production and processing of the fuels are in most cases taking place outside this area. Crude oil is assumed to be imported mainly from the North Sea and Russia and refining of crude oil is assumed to be performed in Europe. LNG is assumed to be imported from the North Sea or Qatar. The 18 Fischer-Tropsch diesel is assumed to be produced in Qatar and the natural gas used in the process is assumed to be extracted there as well. Production and maintenance of capital goods, such as ships, ports and terminals etc, should ideally be included in an LCA study, since it could differ between the compared alternatives. However it is not included in this study, nor is personnel-related environmental impacts. The time perspective in this study is from today until 2020, in order to be relevant for the fuel regulations that will be adopted in 2015. If possible, best available technologies in operation today are studied. The change in production by refineries to adjust for change in demand will not be covered in this study. The fractions from the refinery considered here are produced today and they will be modelled in alignment with today’s production. Part of the infrastructure for distribution and bunkering of LNG is not available today in the studied region or elsewhere and it will therefore be modelled according to planned investments. Today’s infrastructure for diesel is assumed to be available for the distribution of Fisher-Tropsch diesel. Allocation Many products are produced in the crude oil refinery process and an allocation of the impacts between these products is needed. Natural gas is both produced as associated gas together with oil and as non-associated gas. The ISO 14044 states that allocation should if possible be avoided either by dividing the unit processes into sub-processes and collecting data for those sub-processes or by system expansion. A system expansions means that more functions are included in the system. It is commonly acknowledged in the LCA community that system expansion should be used in consequential LCAs. System expansion of either of the processes described above would, however, lead to new allocation problems, almost equal in magnitude, and has therefore not been used. Allocation is instead made based on energy content (i.e. lower heating value (LHV) 3. Energy content is commonly used as a base for allocation of fuels. Data quality requirements The collected data should be relevant for today’s conditions and a few years into the future if possible as it is the time scale of this study. Most recent available data will therefore be used. Data representative for the geographical area is preferred over generic data. Data concerning extraction and production of oil and natural gas should preferably reflect the situation in the regions exporting to the SECAs in northern Europe. Generic data is used where this is not possible. All data used in this LCA is documented in the Appendix to this report, in order to make the analysis transparent. 4.3 Choice of impact categories The flows of emissions and the resource use, described in the inventory analysis and in the appendix, are sorted into different impact categories depending on their environmental impact. The impact categories studied in this LCA are: • • • Total primary energy use The total primary energy use in MJ is calculated from the different used energy sources. Lower heating values are used for recalculation of mass into energy. Global warming IPPCs global warming potential for a 100 year time perspective is used. Acidification Characterisation into generic acidification equivalents relative to sulphur dioxide is used. The heating value is the heat released per unit mass, when the fuel, initially at 25°C reacts completely with oxygen and the products are returned to 25°C. LHV implies that the water is not condensed. The energy released from condensation is not utilised in internal combustion engines. 3 19 • • • Eutrophication Characterisation into generic eutrophication equivalents for emissions to air, water and soil expressed relative to phosphate is used. Photo-oxidant formation Characterisation into photochemical ozone creation potentials (POCPs) for high NOX and low NOX background concentrations which is expressed relative to ethylene is used. Human health No characterisation of pollutants is made in this category. The different pollutants with showed effects of human health are showed individually as an indication of potential effect on human health. The following primary pollutants are considered: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, sulphur dioxide, methane, ammonia, particles and volatile organic compounds. Table 4-1 shows to which impact categories the different emissions are related. Table 4-1 Impacts categories and related flows. Impact category Energy use Global warming Global warming Eutrophication Photo-oxidant formation Human health Flows that are related Crude oil, natural gas, coal, electricity CO2, methane, nitrous oxide Nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide Nitrogen oxides Volatile organic compound, nitrogen oxides Particles, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, CO, volatile organic compounds The characterisation factors used for impact categorisation are shown in Table 4-2. The characterisation factors are taken from a database compiled by Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) at University of Leiden. The original references are indicated in the table below. The effect of CO2 emissions on the acidification of oceans has not been included. The oceans absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and this decreases the pH of the oceans. This is an additional effect of CO2 emissions that has received more attention to in recent years. It has for example been described by the Royal Society (2005). Only primary gaseous pollutants effect on climate change has been considered. The effect of ozone and particles has not been included and neither has emissions of sulphur dioxide. When sulphur dioxide is solved in sea water this contributes to the formation of CO2 which leads to that less CO2 can be absorbed by the oceans and thereby increasing the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. 20 Table 4-2 Characterisation factors for the impact categories global warming, acidification, eutrophication and photo-oxidant formation. Compounds Global warming potential (kg CO2-eq.) (IPPC, 2007) Acidification (kg SO2 eq.) (Hauschild and Wenzel, 1998) Eutrophication (kg eq.) (Heijungs et al., 1992) CO2 4 Methane Nitrous oxide Nitrogen monoxide Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen oxides Sulphur dioxide Carbon monoxide Ammonia Non-methane volatile 4,5 organic compounds • ethane • propane • n-butane • n-pentane • ethylene • propylene • benzene • toluene • methanol • ethanol • acetone • formaldehyde 1 25 298 - 1.07 0.7 0.7 1 1.88 - 0.2 0.13 0.13 0.35 - Photo-oxidant formation ( kg ethylene eq.) High NOX background (Jenkin and Hayman, 1999, Derwent et al., 1998) 0.006 -0.427 0.028 -0.095 0.048 0.027 0.15 Photo-oxidant formation ( kg ethylene eq.) Low NOX background (Andersson-Sköld et al., 1992) 0.007 0.04 6 0.195932127 0.123 0.176 0.352 0.395 1 1.12 0.218 0.637 0.14 0.399 0.094 0.519 0.126 0.503 0.467 0.298 1 0.599 0.402 0.47 0.213 0.225 0.124 0.261 4.4 Evaluation of robustness of the result In order to evaluate the robustness of the results, i.e. to check whether the conclusions hold even if critical and/or approximate data is changed, several alternative scenarios have been identified. Critical and approximate data are changed in these scenarios and compared to the base results. The different scenarios analysed are: • • • • Uncertainty in the emissions from the gas engine Uncertainty in the emissions from a diesel engine fuelled with GTL Changes in engine efficiency Changes in liquefaction efficiency 4Note for VOC and NMVOC: In datasets where emissions of volatile organic compounds are presented as well as emissions of methane, the volatile organic compounds are assumed to be non-methane volatile organic compounds. For datasets were only VOC is stated and not methane, VOC is instead assumed to be methane, except for a few exceptions. 5 Characterisation factors for specific volatile organic compounds have been used if information about specific emissions where available. 6 This figure has been calculated from the characterisation factor for individual VOC and estimation factors for converting NMVOC group emissions into individual compounds from GUINÉE, J. B. (ed.) 2002. Handbook on life cycle assessment : operational guide to the ISO standards Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 21 5 Inventory analysis This chapter presents the processes and data used in the seven fuel alternatives presented in Figure 4-1. It is divided in two parts: one base scenario and four alternative scenarios. The base scenario uses the data that is considered as most relevant regarding geographical, technical and time representativeness. Four alternative scenarios are presented in the end of this chapter as a complement. These scenarios explore parameters and processes that are uncertain and parts of the data used in the base scenario have been replaced. All data used is extensively documented in the Appendix to this report. 5.1 Base scenario The first three sections describe the fuel chains from extraction of raw material to production and distribution. These are followed by a section about the bunkering process and a section about two possible exhaust gas cleaning techniques. The last section describes the use phase when cargo is transported with a Ro-Ro vessel. 5.1.1 Production and distribution of heavy fuel oil and marine gas oil Extraction and transportation of crude oil and the production of HFO and MGO and the data used for these processes are described in this section (Figure 5-1). MGO and HFO are both outputs from refining of crude oil and therefore presented in the same section. Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of natural gas Extraction and transport of natural gas Crude oil Crude oil Natural gas Natural gas Production and transportation of HFO Production and transportation of MGO Production and transportation of LNG Production and transportation of GTL HFO MGO LNG GTL Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering HFO HFO MGO Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with scrubber 1 2 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 3 MGO GTL LNG Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 4 5 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel GTL Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR 6 7 Figure 5-1 Modelling of the marked processes, extraction of crude oil and the production and distribution of marine gas oil (MGO) and heavy fuel oil (HFO), are further described in this section. Reservoirs of oil and gas are searched for by different geophysical techniques (e.g. seismic, gravimetric and magnetic methods). When a reservoir is discovered exploration and development wells are drilled in order to receive more information (Hocking, 2005a, Sevenster and Croezen, 2006). It is not all test wells that are successful, but if large enough quantities of oil and/or natural gas are found these wells will be used. This step is difficult to include in an LCA. Extraction is the process of transporting crude oil from the reservoir to the surface of the well. The formation pressure in most new reservoirs is enough for transporting the oil to the surface, but when the formation pressure is insufficient oil is pumped to the surface instead. If gas is present in the oil, 23 it is separated before the oil reaches the pumping section (Hocking, 2005a). The extracted crude oil contains water, dissolved gas and impurities which need to be separated (Hocking, 2005b). Crude oil is extracted from onshore and offshore locations and the characteristics of the crude oil vary extensively depending on the location of the oil field and age of the production site. Crude oil can be transported either by pipeline or by a crude oil carrier from the extraction site to the refineries. Typical crude oil contain 84,5% carbon, 13% hydrogen, 1-3% sulphur, and less than 1 % each of nitrogen, oxygen, metals and salts, but the properties varies in a wide range (Aitani, 2004). The refining process needs to be adapted depending on the characteristics of the crude oil. The first step in the refining process is to remove contaminants by desalting using chemical or electrostatic separation. The crude oil is distilled in atmospheric and vacuum towers in order to separate the crude into fractions depending on boiling temperature. In order to gain a larger share of lighter products the heavier products is usually chemically modified either by thermal or catalytic cracking (Hocking, 2005b). Many refinery processes may be used in the production of marine fuels. This includes: • • • • • • Atmospheric distillation Vacuum distillation Thermal cracking Catalytic cracking Hydrocracking Coking The exact processes that are present in a refinery vary from refinery to refinery and the feedstock to these processes also varies from refinery to refinery and with time. The outputs of most of these processes is fractionated resulting in distillate and residual fractions such as hydrockracker gas oil, hydrockracker residue, fluid-bed catalytic cracking (FCC) gas oil and FCC bottoms etc. Different worlds may be used to describe similar refinery processes. For instance, “residues” from FCC may be referred to as decant oil, heavy cycle oil or FCC bottoms. A simplified picture of different fractions that is used for the production of marine fuels is shown in Figure 5-2. Distillates from catalytic cracking Residues from catalytic cracking Residues from thermal kracking Distillates from thermal kracking Vacuum residue Vacuum distillates Atmospheric distillates Atmospheric residue Blending Distillate fuels Heavy fuel oils Figure 5-2 Fractions used in marine fuels adapted from Fiskaa (1997). 24 Gas oils are light and heavy gas oil fractions, and blends thereof, from straight-run and cracked origins, in a boiling range between 200 and 350 °C. They are predominantly used as automotive diesel fuels and as domestic heating fuels. MGO are produced from this fraction (Alfke et al., 2007). Heavy fuel oils consist of various mixtures of residual oils from distilling and conversion processes in the refinery. These products are used as marine bunker fuels, in power stations and in industrial furnaces. The heavy fuel oils can be blended with gas oils to adjust density, viscosity and sulphur content (Alfke et al., 2007). For reasons of cost and stability light cycle oils are much used for these type of blending (Buhaug, 2010). Hydrotreating is for example used to remove sulphur components by reaction with hydrogen in the presence of a suitable catalyst, to form hydrogen sulphide. It can also be used to remove other contaminants such as nitrogen and to saturate molecules such as olefins and aromatics. Hydrogen sulphide is removed from the process gas stream and is then usually converted into elemental sulphur (Alfke et al., 2007). Cracking means to break long hydrocarbon chains into lighter products. This can be achieved by extreme temperature such as thermal cracking or coking or at lower temperature by the use of a catalyst to speed up and direct the process. Atmospheric residue is the most important feedstock after the introduction of metal-resistant catalysts and installation of feed pretreatment facilities in the mid 1970s. Distillate fractions from crude oil are also used as cracking feedstock — mostly heavy gas oils (vacuum gas oils) and to some extent de-asphalted oils. Fluid-bed catalytic cracking is the most commonly used catalytic cracking process. The cracked gas oils are referred to as light and heavy “cycle oils” since they have been widely used as recycle feed, that is blended back into the cracker (Alfke et al., 2007). The hydrocracking process was developed to produce high yields of distillates with better qualities than can be obtained by fluid-bed catalytic cracking. Distillates from vacuum distillation, from catalytic and thermal cracking, or de-asphalted oils are typical feedstock to the hydrockracking process. Metal sulphide catalyses the reaction in the presence of hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced inside the refinery from catalytic reforming of naphtha into gasoline (Alfke et al., 2007). Distribution of oil products is done by pipelines or product tankers. Data used The European Commission Joint Research centre on LCA Tools, Services and Data has published a life cycle inventory database, ELCD core database, where life cycle inventory data for European heavy fuel oil and light fuel oil production are available (ELCD-core-database-version-II, 2009a, ELCD-coredatabase-version-II, 2009b). The allocation has been based on energy content (i.e. mass and LHV) and considerations has been taken for that different refinery outputs passes different processes, i.e. allocation has been made after each process in the refinery. The average sulphur content of the heavy fuel oil is not specified in the database and the light fuel oil has a sulphur content of 2000 ppm. The data for heavy fuel oil is assumed to be representative for heavy fuel oil with 1 % sulphur content and the data for light fuel oil with 2000 ppm sulphur content is assumed to be representative for MGO with sulphur content of 0.1 %. These data sets represents cradle-to-gate, which covers exploration, processing, transportation and production of HFO and MGO. The fuels are assumed to be transported by pipeline to the harbour. Distribution from refinery to harbour is not included in this data set. 5.1.2 Production and distribution of liquefied natural gas The data for extraction and transportation of natural gas and the liquefaction process is described in this section (Figure 5-3). 25 Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of natural gas Extraction and transport of natural gas Crude oil Crude oil Natural gas Natural gas Production and transportation of HFO Production and transportation of MGO Production and transportation of LNG Production and transportation of GTL HFO MGO LNG GTL Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering HFO HFO MGO Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with scrubber 1 2 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 3 MGO GTL LNG Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 4 5a,5b Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel GTL Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR 6 7 Figure 5-3 Modelling of the marked processes, extraction of natural gas and the production and distribution of liquefied natural gas (LNG), are further described in this section. Natural gas is extracted both offshore and onshore and both associated and non-associated to oil. The energy requirement and pollution of course differ with location and method. After extraction, the gas is cleaned from water, acid gases, nitrogen and hydrocarbons (Sevenster and Croezen, 2006). The treatment processes for the gas depend on raw gas quality and required standard for the processed gas. Most treatment processes requires electricity for valves and pumps. Electricity is usually produced on site, but if the field is located near the grid this is also a possibility. Methanol is used in the dehydration process, when water vapour that exists in solution with the gas is removed; it is usually recovered and recycled. Other inputs are active carbon and glycol which are used in the desulphurization and dehydration steps (Sevenster and Croezen, 2006). As fields mature the amount of water produced with the oil and gas increases and this water may harm the environment then dumped. Natural gas is transported from the extraction place by pipeline or liquefied on site; it is also possible to transport the gas by compressed natural gas (CNG) carrier (Beronich et al., 2009). The alternative to transport natural gas with CNG vessels is not common at present, but it is suggested as a solution for remote gas fields. Before the gas is transported by pipeline it is compressed to approximately 70 bar, but the initial pressure might be higher more than 200 bar with subsea pipelines. The gas is compressed along the pipeline in order to maintain the pressure due losses caused by friction. The compressors are generally driven by natural gas since this is always available (Sevenster and Croezen, 2006). There is also leakage of methane during pipeline transportation which is hard to quantify. The methane emissions from the long distance pipeline network from Russia are approximately 0.6 % of the gas delivered (Lechtenböhmer et al., 2007). The processing step for LNG is essentially the same as for natural gas. If LNG is produced at the extraction site, the processing and liquefaction step can be integrated, and the undesired hydrocarbons can be removed during the liquefaction process (Figure 19). The heavier hydrocarbons condense at higher temperatures than methane and are then removed. Ethane is usually added to the methane again after liquefaction. There are different technologies that can be used to liquefy the gas (e.g. cascade cycle, throttling cycle etc. 7), the number of cooling stages and type of refrigerant used For more information see for example: KIRILLOV, N. G. 2004. Analysis of Modern Natural Gas Liquefaction Technologies. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 40, 401-406. 7 26 may also differ. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and gasoline are by-products from the process (Sevenster and Croezen, 2006). The liquefaction efficiency varies between different plants. Gasnor’s LNG plant in Kollsnes uses approximately 12 % of the natural gas (Kvittingen, 2009). C3 C2 C4+ Fractionation Natural gas Reception Acid gas removal CO2 removal Dehydration and Mercury removal Liquefaction Hg CO2 Nitrogen removal LNG storage and loading N2 LNG Refrigeration Sulphur recovery Figure 5-4 Typical processing elements in a modern LNG production (Brendeng and Hetland, 2004). ○ LNG is stored and transported below -162 C and absorption of heat from the surrounding continuously takes place as tanks cannot be perfectly insulated. The absorbed heat evaporates liquid at the surface, called boil-off gas (BOG). BOG is generated during the whole LNG supply chain (Figure 5-5). LNG is stored in atmospheric storage tanks both at LNG plants and receiving terminals. BOG is usually compressed and exported back to the fuel system at LNG production plants while it is either flared or sent to regasification at receiving terminals. BOG is also produced during loading and unloading of LNG, this BOG is usually also handled by the LNG plant or receiving terminal (Hasan et al., 2009). The tubes, used for loading, are filled with nitrogen before and after loading and unloading of LNG at Gasnor AS, in order to minimize the leakage of methane (Kvittingen, 2009). Gasnor AS estimates the boil-off during loading and unloading to 0.2 %. This gas is then used for production of electricity according to Kvittingen (2009) Figure 5-5 Boil-off sources in the LNG supply chain (Hasan et al., 2009). Large vessels with insulated tanks of membrane or moss type without external refrigeration, i.e. LNG carriers, are used for transportation of LNG. A significant amount of the transported LNG evaporates during voyage. The BOG can be used as fuel, re-liquefied or burnt (Dimopoulos and Frangopoulos, 2008). The handling of the BOG effects the emissions and energy requirements during the transportation. A part of the LNG needs to be left for the return journey in order to cool the tank, called heel. The heel directly influences the revenue of the trip and it also affects the boil-off rate during loading, unloading and ballast voyage. A common practice is to use 5% of the total cargo capacity as heel (Hasan et al., 2009). Zeebrygge is one of the largest LNG terminals in Europe with four storage tanks at total volume of 380 000 m3 of LNG. The boil off rate is approximately 4.5 tonne per hour from the tanks and 2.5 tonne per hour for the cold circulation. LNG is circulated in the transfer lines to keep them in cold condition. The BOG is mixed with sufficient amount of LNG in a recondensor vessel, thereby cooled down and 27 reliquefied due to the large heat exchange surface and the intense contact with LNG. This LNG is then pumped to the vaporizers and sent to the grid. Energy is required for the electric engine driven compressors, these compressors discharge in the recondensor vessel. The average storage time in Zeebrugge terminal is about 10 days (Maelfeyt, 2009). Most of the LNG imported to Europe originates from Algeria, Nigeria, Qatar and Egypt (Figure 5-6). Trinidad & Tobago 9% Belgium 0% Norway 3% Nigeria 26% Libya 1% Equatorial Guinea 0% Egypt 12% Qatar 14% Oman 0% Algeria 35% Figure 5-6 Trade movements of LNG to Europe (BP, 2009). Data used The data used for extraction, processing and pipeline transportation of natural gas is from the CPM database (SPINE-LCI-dataset, 2008). The natural gas produced as associated gas and the allocation for natural gas is based on mass and lower heating value. This data is representative for natural gas and crude oil from the North Sea in 1991. This data is rather old, but still chosen since it is representative for the region and extensive, including information about more flows than only greenhouse gases. The data for energy use and emissions of CO2, methane and nitrous oxide in the liquefaction process is from the report “Well-to-Wheels analysis of future fuels and powertrains in the European context” by CONCAWE, EUCAR and JCR (Edwards et al., 2007, JEC, 2008b, JEC, 2008a). This data is used since it is representative for LNG used in Europe. Specific information about energy balances are taken from JCE (2008a). Methane losses of 0.17% and flaring of off-gas of 0.25% of the produced LNG from the liquefaction process is used (Edwards et al., 2007). Further it is assumed that all energy is supplied by natural gas combustion in a combined cycle gas turbine. Emission factors for a combined cycle gas turbine is from Global Emission Model for Integrated Systems (GEMIS) Version 4.5 (2010). The liquefaction process also includes storage at LNG terminal before distribution, information about this is also from JCE (2008a). The overall liquefaction efficiency is 92% and approximately 8.5 % of the natural gas is expended in the process including storage (see Figure 5-7). This data is representative for a large LNG plant. 28 0.06173684 MJ natural gas 1.02313 MJ natural gas CCGT, 57% efficiency 0.03434 MJ electricity Liquefaction 1.01 MJ LNG 0.00085 MJ electricty Storage at terminal 1 MJ LNG Figure 5-7 Modelling of the liquefaction process. Two distribution scenarios for LNG are studied, either transportation from the North Sea or from Qatar. This is done since there is no existing distribution network for LNG in the region at the moment. The transportation from North Sea is chosen since Göteborg energi AB and Gasnor AS have plans to establishing a LNG terminal in Gothenburg, which could be supplied with LNG from Kollsnes. Qatar is chosen since they are a major exporter of LNG to Europe and is fairly representative for transportation of LNG from North Africa to Europe. In the case of transportation from Qatar it is assumed that the LNG is first transported from Qatar to Zeebrygge and then to Gothenburg. Electricity consumption from the LNG terminal in Zeebrygge is not modelled. Transportation distances have been calculated by the webpage (, 2010) and presented in Table 5-1. Gasnor AS plans to distribute LNG with the vessel Coral Methane. For the distance between Qatar and Rotterdam an LNG carrier with a cargo capacity of 147000 cubic meters and as steam turbine with an efficiency of 30% is assumed to be used. Coral Methane has a gas engine and a diesel engine and it is assumed to only use the gas engine for both LNG and ballast transport (Gullaksen, 2009). For more vessel details see Appendix I. Table 5-1 Transportation distances for LNG distribution. Distance North Sea (Kollsnes) - Gothenburg Qatar - Rotterdam Rotterdam – Gothenburg Vessel Coral Methane LNG carrier Coral Methane Distance 150 NM 6500 NM 500 NM Days of journey 1 14 1.5 The boil-off rate is typically between 0.1-0.15 % of the full cargo content per day over a 21-day voyage according to Hasan et al. (2009). The evaporation rate is assumed to be 0.15 % of the gas per day and 5% of the LNG is assumed to be left in the tank to cool the hull. 5.1.3 Production and distribution of Fischer-Tropsch diesel The data for extraction and transportation of natural gas and the Fischer-Tropsch process is described in this section (Figure 5-8). 29 Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of natural gas Extraction and transport of natural gas Crude oil Crude oil Natural gas Natural gas Production and transportation of HFO Production and transportation of MGO Production and transportation of LNG Production and transportation of GTL HFO MGO LNG GTL Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering HFO HFO MGO Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with scrubber 1 2 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 3 MGO GTL LNG Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 4 5a,5b Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel GTL Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR 6 7 Figure 5-8 Modelling of the marked processes, extraction of natural gas and the production and distribution of gas-to-liquid (GTL), are further described in this section. The life cycle starts with extraction and processing of natural gas as described above in section 5.1.2. The gas is transported to a Fischer-Tropsch (FT) diesel production unit instead of a liquefaction plant. It is most efficient to produce GTL near the natural gas reservoir to be able to use the same infrastructure as for liquid fuels. The FT process mainly consists of three steps: syngas generation, carbon synthesis and upgrading. Syngas is produced through methane reforming and non-catalytic partial oxidation. The syngas is then converted to synthetic crude by carbon synthesis and then further refined into the desired products, e.g. diesel (Jaramillo et al., 2008). Fuel combustion, vents and fugitive emissions are sources of air emissions from a FT conversion plant. The primary fuel combusted in FT plants is fuel gases generated during the FT conversion and upgrading (Marano and Ciferno, 2001). Data used The same data as in the case of LNG production is used for extraction, processing and pipeline transportation of natural gas. It is representative for natural gas from North Sea and not for natural gas produced in Qatar. Data from the Well-to-Wheels study by JEC (2007) is used for energy use and CO2 emissions for production of FT diesel. Since the report only includes data regarding energy use and greenhouse gas emissions a life cycle inventory report by Marano and Ciferno (2001) is used for the other emissions. This has not been used for all flows as it is not adapted to European context. In the report by Marano and Ciferno different feedstock for FT production and a few different FT processes are modelled. The option that was considered most relevant for this study was FT diesel produced from associated gas with conventional product upgrading with 2000 years state of the art FT production and cogeneration of electricity. The included emissions sources in the study are fuel gas combustion, incineration, flaring, direct and indirect venting of CO2, and upstream emissions from all ancillary feedstock to the processes (Marano and Ciferno, 2001). The data sources are compiled in Table 5-2. 30 Table 5-2 Overview of the data sources used for GTL and upstream processes. Covered processes Covered flows Allocation Reference Natural gas extraction, processing Based on LHV and mass (SPINE-LCI-dataset, and pipeline transport 2008) a FT diesel production Energy use, Substitution (Edwards et al., CO2, CH4 2007) FT diesel production Based on LHV and mass (due to co(Marano and production of electricity) Ciferno, 2001) a The JEC Well-to-Wheels study uses the following allocation method: “All energy and emissions generated by the process are allocated to the main or desired product of that process. The by-product generates an energy and emission credit equal to the energy and emissions saved by not producing the material that the co-product is most likely to displace” (Edwards et al., 2007). The GTL is assumed to be transported from Qatar to Gothenburg with a product tanker of Panamax size, see Table 5-3. The vessel is assumed to use HFO with a sulphur content of 2% outside SECAS and MDO with a sulphur content of 0.1% inside SECAs. An average sulphur content of 2 % has also been used in the study by Eyring et al. (2005) for the year 2020 in a business-as-usual scenario meeting IMO emission regulations. For more details of the vessel see Appendix I. Emission factors for fuel combustion are from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafsson (2004). Table 5-3 Transportation distances for GTL distribution. Qatar – SECA border SECA border – Gothenburg Vessel Product tanker Product tanker Distance 6000 NM 1000 NM Fuel and sulphur content HFO, 2 % sulphur MGO, 0.1 % sulphur 5.1.4 Bunkering The data used to model storage, transportation and bunkering of all the fuels is described in this section (Figure 5-9). Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of natural gas Extraction and transport of natural gas Crude oil Crude oil Natural gas Natural gas Production and transportation of HFO Production and transportation of MGO Production and transportation of LNG Production and transportation of GTL HFO MGO LNG GTL Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering HFO HFO MGO Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with scrubber 1 2 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 3 MGO GTL LNG Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 4 5a,5b Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel GTL Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR 6 7 Figure 5-9 Modelling of the marked processes, storage, transportation and bunkering, are further described in this section. When the fuel is unloaded in the port of Gothenburg (or another port in the SECA area) it is stored and loaded at bunker ships for distribution of the fuel to the Ro-Ro vessel. Emissions of VOC are released during storage and unloading of the fuels. For HFO, MGO and GTL the dominant parts are non-methane VOC while methane is the dominant part for LNG. The oil harbour in Gothenburg has a 31 vapour recovery unit, which recovers approximately 90 % of emitted VOCs (Port-of-Gothenburg, 2008). VOC emissions will not occur during unloading of a vessels tank. Air or inert gas is drawn into the tank as the liquid levels drops and the pressure in the tank will be slightly below atmospheric pressure (Rudd and Hill, 2001). VOC emitted during loading of tanks result from vapour present in the tank before loading commences and from evaporation of the loaded product. The rate of emissions depends on a number of factors: • • • • • • • • Nature of previous product Nature of current product Temperature Loading rate Turbulence in the vapour space Sea conditions (for offshore loading) Time since unloading of previous cargo Design of ship (Rudd and Hill, 2001). Since LNG continuously evaporates, it needs to be either re-liquefied or combusted during storage. The average storage time for LNG at Zeebrugge is about 10 days (Maelfeyt, 2009). If it is combusted, emissions from the combustion are released to the air. If it is re-liquefied instead, electricity is needed either from the grid or from natural gas used to generate electricity. To Produce electricity from the boil-off gas and feed it to the grid is also a possibility, as is done at Gasnor AS storage facility in Kollsnes. The pumps used to move the fuel during unloading and loading is usually driven by the auxiliary engines; another possibility at port would be to drive the pumps with shore power from the grid, but no such possibilities are available at the oil harbour in Gothenburg presently. The bunker ship transports the fuel to the Ro-Ro vessel and the fuel is pumped to the vessel. Data used For all fuels except for LNG the environmental report for the Port of Gothenburg (2009) has been used in order to quantify the emissions of VOCs. These emissions are assumed to not include methane. Equal amount of VOCs are assumed to be emitted from all the products loaded at the Port of Gothenburg, this is a simplification. Methane emissions from LNG during loading have not been modelled. It is assumed that the bunker ships transport the bunker fuel 10 km and the emissions during this transportation have been included. The bunker ship is assumed to be equipped with medium speed diesel engines, fuelled with MGO with 0.1% sulphur content or in the case of LNG lean burn gas engines, fuelled with LNG. The emissions from the bunker vessel during loading have not been included. Table 5-4 gives an overview of the data sources used to model this process. The emissions during the actual bunkering are not included. 32 Table 5-4 Overview of the data used to model the storage, loading, transportation and bunkering of the fuels. Covered processes Loading of HFO, MGO and GTL at port terminal Covered flows Fugitive emissions of VOC (not from combustion) Allocation Based on mass of loaded and unloaded products Electricity consumption LNG terminal Transportation 10 km with a bunker ship ( HFO, MGO and GTL) Reference Port of Gothenburg (2009) JEC (2008a) None Transportation 10 km with a bunker ship (LNG) For emissions from combustion (NTM, 2008, Cooper and Gustafsson, 2004). For estimations of fuel use per tonne and km see Appendix I Emissions from Hattar (2010) and Stenhede (2009) None 5.1.5 Transportation of cargo The data used to model the “use phase”, transportation of one tonne cargo one km with a Ro-Ro vessel is described in this section (Figure 5-10). Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of crude oil Extraction and transport of natural gas Extraction and transport of natural gas Crude oil Crude oil Natural gas Natural gas Production and transportation of HFO Production and transportation of MGO Production and transportation of LNG Production and transportation of GTL HFO MGO LNG GTL Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering Storage, transportation and bunkering HFO HFO MGO Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with scrubber 1 2 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 3 MGO GTL LNG Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel 4 5a,5b Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel GTL Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with SCR 6 7 Figure 5-10 Modelling of the marked processes, transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel, the “use phase” are further described in this section. Transportation with a Ro-Ro vessel has been chosen as a functional unit in this study. However it is easy to use the cradle-to-gate life cycle emissions for the studied fuels and combine them with direct emission for other types of marine transportation, e.g. passenger transportation and container transportation. Data used The vessel is assumed to travel at normal cruising condition at design speed. Specifications for the vessel are presented in Table 5-5. The characteristics of the Ro-Ro ships are intended to be as representative as possible for the different fuels cases, since there are some differences between a vessel propelled by oil and gas products. The transportation of one tonne of cargo one kilometre with the Ro-Ro vessel is assumed to require 0.06 kWh of work at the crankshaft. (The work is slightly higher for the LNG propelled vessel due to the lower cargo capacity: 0.060 as compared to 0.057 kWh per tonne and kilometre.) See Appendix I for more details. 33 Table 5-5 The characteristics of the Ro-Ro vessel. Ro-Ro vessel fuelled by HFO, MDO or GTL 14680 KW Medium speed four-stroke diesel engine 85% 15000 tonne 50% Ro-Ro vessel fuelled by LNG 14680 kW Lean burn four-stroke gas engine 85% 15000 tonne 48% Load factor 88% 88% Average amount of loaded cargo Speed Vessel efficiency 6600 tonne 18 knots 0.057 kWh energy per tonne km 6336 tonne 18 knots 0.060 kWh energy per tonne km Total engine capacity Engine type Engine load Cargo capacity Pay load The specific fuel consumption (mass of fuel per engine work) differs between the studied vessels depending on the fuel used. The reason is that the energy content of the different fuels varies. The values used are shown in Table 5-6; these values are from literature or modelled. The efficiency of the engines fuelled with HFO and MGO is approximately 41% (NTM, 2008). The specific fuel consumption for natural gas has been calculated based on 41% efficiency and a lower heating value of 48 MJ/kg. Table 5-6 Specific fuel consumption with different fuels. Type of fuel HFO MGO LNG GTL Specific fuel consumption 203 g per kWh 213g per kWh 183 g per kWh 203 g per kWh Reference NTM (2008) NTM (2008) Assumption based on NTM (2008) Assumption based on NTM (2008) The emissions factors used for HFO, MGO and GTL are from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafsson (2004). The same emissions factors from combustion of GTL as for MGO have been used, expect for sulphur dioxide emissions which is set to zero. The emission factors from Wärtsilä’s four stroke lean burn gas engine from Hattar (2010) and Stenhede (2009) have been used in the base scenario. An open sea water scrubber is assumed to be used in fuel alternative two. It is modelled to reduce the emissions of sulphur dioxide from HFO with 1 % sulphur content to the same levels as the sulphur dioxide emissions from a fuel with 0.1 % sulphur content. The sulphur dioxide released from 1 tonne of fuel with a sulphur content of 1% is calculated from the chemical reaction, , according to Endresen et al. (2005), to be 20 kg as compared to 2 kg for a fuel with 0.1% sulphur content. The reduction required by the scrubber unit is thus 90 %. A scrubber unit is modelled to remove 25 % of the particles according to Entec (2005b). The extra fuel consumption due to the scrubber is 0.2-1.4 % of the engine fuel consumption (Linde, 2009). A 2% increase of energy consumption is assumed in the calculations. It is assumed that the SCR reduces the NOX emissions with 85%. To achieve 90% efficiency approximately 15 g of urea per kWh energy from the engine is needed (Lövblad and Fridell, 2006). 15 g of urea is here assumed to be used for 85% reduction in NOX emissions. The same emission factors as without SCR are used except for the 85 % reduction of NOX and for emissions of ammonia. The specific emission of ammonia is assumed to be 0.025 g per kWh (Cooper, 2001). This was measured on a medium speed diesel engine with a SCR unit installed. Data for the production and transportation of urea are from as study Andersson and Winnes (2011). 5.2 Alternative scenarios Four alternative scenarios are modelled where some uncertain data are changed. The data that have been changed are described in this section. 34 5.2.1 Uncertainty in the emissions from gas engines The emissions to air from a gas fuelled engine at real operating conditions are uncertain. Data from emissions tests with Wärtsilä’s four-stroke lean burn gas engine has been used in the base scenario. US EPA (2000) has published data for emission tests from stationary lean burn gas engines, gathered from 70 emission reports containing over 400 source tests, which differ substantially compared to the data from Wärtsilä. These emission factors do not fulfil the coming Tier III requirements for emissions of NOX and the methane slip from the engines is much higher, approximately 0.6 g/MJ fuel as compared to 0.3 g/MJ. 5.2.2 Uncertainty in the emissions from diesel engines fuelled with GTL As was mentioned in chapter 2 GTL has not been tested in two-stroke diesel engines or in large fourstroke marine engines. Therefore the same emission factors as for combustion of MGO are assumed in the base scenario. Some emissions were decreased in emission tests with GTL compared to diesel in trucks. For example, emissions of particles, NOX and carbon monoxide (CO) were reduced by 33.5%, 5.2% and 19.5% with GTL compared to conventional diesel in a test with an intercooled and turbocharged Euro III diesel engine by Wang et al. (2009). These reductions are used in this alternative scenario. 5.2.3 Changes in engine efficiency The efficiency of the lean burn gas engine is much more uncertain than for the four-stroke diesel engine that has been used for marine applications much longer. The same efficiency of about 41 % of the lean burn gas engine as for the four-stroke diesel engines has been assumed in the modelling. In order to test how this assumption will affect the result an increase to 46% and a decrease to 36% of engine efficiency are tested. 5.2.4 Changes in liquefaction efficiency When Europe’s largest LNG plant on Melkøya island off Hammerfest was to be put into use in 2006 it was expected to be the most efficient liquefaction plant as only 5% of the gas was assumed to be needed for liquefaction (Brendeng and Hetland, 2004). An alternative scenario where only 5% of the gas is consumed during liquefaction is studied in order to study the impact of improved liquefaction efficiency. Gasnor AS estimates that approximately 12% of the gas is used in the liquefaction process (Kvittingen, 2009). This is also included here as an example of decreased liquefaction efficiency as compared to the base scenario. A 0.17 % leakage of methane and 0.25% flaring of natural gas are also included in both cases (Edwards et al., 2007). 35 6 Results from base scenario Results for the base scenario are presented as potential environmental impact, which uses the data that are considered as most relevant regarding geographical and technical representativeness. The impact categories, total primary energy use, global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication and photo-oxidant formation are presented. Emissions of particles are also presented as an indication of the impact category human health. The results will both present which emissions and which processes in the life cycle that contribute to the respective impact category. All results are related to the functional unit, i.e. one tonne cargo transported one km with a Ro-Ro vessel (in the unit tonne km). Total primary energy use and global warming potential Energy use and global warming potential for the investigated fuel alternatives are presented in Figure 6-1. Life cycle GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 60 7 - GTL with SCR 50 2 - HFO with scrubber 40 1 - HFO 6 - GTL 4 - MGO with SCR 3 - MGO 5b - LNG from Qatar 5a - LNG from North Sea 30 20 10 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Life cycle energy use [MJ/tonne km] Figure 6-1 Energy use in MJ for goods transportation compared to global warming potential in g CO2 equivalents for heavy fuel oil (HFO), marine gas oil (MGO), liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the North Sea and Qatar and Gas-to-liquid (GTL). HFO is in this study found to be the most energy efficient fuel while LNG from North Sea is the fuel with the lowest global warming potential. The transport distance for LNG from Qatar compared to LNG from North Sea is about 45 times longer, which make both the energy use and the contribution to global warming higher. GTL is the fuel with highest contribution to both categories. The use of exhaust gas abatement techniques (scrubber and SCR) increases both the primary energy use and the emissions of greenhouse gases. The contribution to global warming is presented in more detail in Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3. The results are divided among the processes in the life cycle in Figure 6-2 while Figure 6-3 shows the contributing emissions. 37 GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with LNG from LNG from SCR North Sea Qatar 3,9E+01 4,0E+01 3,7E+01 Urea production 3,7E+01 3,3E+01 3,3E+01 GTL GTL with SCR 3,7E+01 3,7E+01 1,6E+00 1,8E+00 Fuel distribution 3,8E-03 3,6E-03 3,4E-03 3,4E-03 3,6E-01 2,3E+00 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 Fuel production 4,2E+00 4,3E+00 4,5E+00 4,5E+00 3,0E+00 3,2E+00 7,1E+00 7,1E+00 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 1,8E+00 1,8E+00 Raw material extraction Figure 6-2 Global warming potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g CO2 equivalents for goods transportation, divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 60 GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 50 40 30 20 10 0 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR methane 9,0E-01 9,1E-01 9,7E-01 1,0E+00 4,3E+00 4,3E+00 9,3E-02 1,4E-01 nitrous oxide 5,5E-01 5,6E-01 5,5E-01 5,5E-01 5,5E-01 6,0E-01 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 carbon dioxide 4,2E+01 4,3E+01 4,0E+01 4,2E+01 3,3E+01 3,5E+01 4,6E+01 4,8E+01 Figure 6-3 Global warming potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g CO2 equivalents for goods transportation divided between the contributing emissions, CO2, methane and nitrous oxide. The difference between the alternative with the smallest and the highest global warming potential is 31 %. The global warming potential is of the same order of magnitude for all the compared fuel 38 alternatives. LNG from North Sea and LNG from Qatar are the alternatives with the lowest global warming potential. Figure 6-2 shows that the use phase contributes the most to the global warming potential during the life cycle. The other parts of the life cycle stands for between 13 percent in the case of LNG from North Sea to 25 percent for GTL with SCR. Emissions of methane are substantially higher for the two LNG fuelled alternatives. This is a result of higher emissions during the whole life cycle. The emissions of methane during combustion with a lean burn four-stroke gas engine are uncertain, see section 5.2.1 Uncertainty in the emissions from gas engine. Methane emissions are related to the management in all stages of the life cycle and are therefore difficult to quantify. The effect of increased fugitive emission of methane is evaluated in a cut-off analysis (Figure 6-4). It can be seen that the LNG fuel alternatives have a higher global warming potential than the crude oil based fuel alternatives, if more than 2.5 % of the LNG used for transportation leaks during the life cycle for the lower estimate. 60 GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 55 50 45 40 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO 35 MGO with SCR GTL GTL with SCR 30 LNG North Sea LNG Qatar 25 0,0% 0,5% 0,9% 1,4% 1,8% 2,3% 2,8% 3,2% 3,7% 4,2% 4,6% 5,1% 5,5% Share off fugitive emissions from LNG in order to break even with different fuel alternatives Figure 6-4 Share of fugitive emissions from LNG released in order to break even with the other fuel alternatives. Acidification and eutrophication The acidification potential is presented in Figure 6-5 and Figure 6-6 and the eutrophication potential in Figure 6-7 and Figure 6-8. Emission of NOX contributes the most to the acidification and eutrophication potential. Sulphur dioxide contributes to lower extent and only to acidification. The use phase is the dominant contributor to the life cycle acidification and eutrophication potential standing for between 53 -99% of the overall impact. The LNG fuel alternatives and the alternatives with a SCR unit, which is assumed to reduce the direct emissions of NOX with 85%, have the smallest acidification- and eutrophication potentials. These alternatives have significantly lower impact than the other alternatives. 39 0,9 Acidifying emissions [g SO2-eq./tonne km] 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with LNG from LNG from SCR North Sea Qatar 8,0E-01 5,9E-01 5,5E-01 Urea production 1,0E-01 6,3E-02 6,3E-02 GTL GTL with SCR 5,3E-01 8,1E-02 8,6E-03 8,9E-03 Fuel distribution 7,7E-05 5,4E-05 5,0E-05 5,0E-05 6,9E-04 1,8E-03 3,6E-02 3,6E-02 Fuel production 2,6E-02 2,6E-02 2,7E-02 2,7E-02 1,4E-03 1,5E-03 8,0E-03 8,0E-03 1,5E-02 1,6E-02 2,1E-02 2,1E-02 Raw material extraction Figure 6-5 Acidification potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g SO2 equivalents for goods transportation divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 0,9 Acidifying emissions [g SO2-eq./tonne km] 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR Nitrogen oxides 5,6E-01 5,7E-01 5,3E-01 8,8E-02 6,9E-02 7,0E-02 5,6E-01 1,1E-01 Sulphur oxides 2,6E-01 4,4E-02 4,3E-02 4,7E-02 1,2E-02 1,2E-02 3,2E-02 3,6E-02 Ammonia 3,9E-04 4,0E-04 3,9E-04 5,3E-03 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 3,3E-04 5,2E-03 Figure 6-6 Acidification potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g SO2 equivalents for goods transpotation divided between the contributing emissions, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia. 40 Eutrophicating emissions [g PO43--eq./tonne km] 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR 1,0E-01 1,1E-01 9,8E-02 1,5E-02 Urea production LNG from LNG from North Sea Qatar 1,2E-02 1,2E-02 GTL GTL with SCR 9,8E-02 1,5E-02 9,1E-04 9,2E-04 Fuel distribution 1,0E-05 9,6E-06 8,9E-06 8,9E-06 1,3E-04 3,3E-04 3,8E-03 3,8E-03 Fuel production 1,2E-03 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 2,7E-04 2,8E-04 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 6,6E-04 7,0E-04 8,9E-04 8,9E-04 Raw material extraction Figure 6-7 Eutrophication potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g equivalents for goods transportation divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. Eutrophicating emissions [g PO43--eq./tonne km] 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR Nitrogen oxides 1,0E-01 1,1E-01 9,9E-02 1,6E-02 1,3E-02 1,3E-02 1,0E-01 2,1E-02 Ammonia 7,2E-05 7,4E-05 7,3E-05 9,9E-04 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 6,2E-05 9,8E-04 Figure 6-8 Eutrophication potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g equivalents for goods transportation divided between the contributing emissions, nitrogen oxides and ammonia. Photo-oxidant formation Ground level ozone is a secondary pollutant formed in the troposphere. Ozone formation is complex and depends on a number of factors, e.g. NO, NO2, VOC and UV radiation. The effect of different 41 emissions depends on the background concentration of NOX as well as on the location. The photooxidant potential is presented both for high and low background concentrations of NOX below. During the transport of cargo at sea, the levels of NOX are usually low while they may be high in ports. Figure 6-9 and Figure 6-10 present the photo-oxidant formation potential for high and low NOX background concentration. The photochemical ozone formation potential for high and low concentration of NOX showd similar tendency. Photo-oxidant formation potential for high NOx background ( g ethylene eq./tonne km) Raw material extraction, fuel production and transportation of cargo are the processes that contribute the most to the overall photo-oxidant formation potential. HFO without scrubber has significantly higher photo-oxidant formation potential than the other alternative; it depends on the sulphur dioxide emissions. 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 7,2E-03 7,0E-03 6,8E-03 4,8E-03 4,8E-03 5,9E-03 5,7E-03 3,1E-04 3,2E-04 3,0E-04 3,0E-04 5,2E-05 1,2E-04 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 3,0E-03 3,1E-03 3,3E-03 3,3E-03 1,8E-04 2,0E-04 2,6E-04 2,6E-04 2,2E-03 2,3E-03 3,0E-03 3,0E-03 HFO HFO with scrubber 1,8E-02 Fuel distribution Fuel production Transportation of cargo Urea production 4,1E-04 Raw material extraction 4,2E-04 Figure 6-9 Photo-oxidant formation potential for high NOX background concentrations for all compared fuel alternatives in g ethylene equivalents for goods transportation on the processes in the life cycle Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 42 Photo-oxidant formation potential for low NOx background ( g ethylene eq./tonne km) 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber 2,0E-02 9,4E-03 MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 9,1E-03 8,9E-03 6,8E-03 6,8E-03 8,0E-03 7,8E-03 Urea production 4,8E-04 4,9E-04 Fuel distribution 4,1E-04 4,1E-04 3,9E-04 3,9E-04 7,5E-05 1,7E-04 1,5E-03 1,5E-03 Fuel production 4,2E-03 4,3E-03 4,6E-03 4,6E-03 2,3E-04 2,4E-04 3,6E-04 3,6E-04 2,7E-03 2,9E-03 3,6E-03 3,6E-03 Raw material extraction Figure 6-10 Photo-oxidant formation potential for low NOX background concentrations for all compared fuel alternatives in g ethylene equivalents for goods transportation divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. Emissions of particles Emissions of primary particles smaller than 10 micrometer (PM10) are presented in Figure 6-11. It should be emphasised that only part of the particles actually formed are included, since secondary particles are formed when compounds such as NOX and sulphur dioxides react in the atmosphere. The dominant process for particle emissions is the use phase (transportation of cargo), contributing to 87-99.5% of the life cycle emissions. The LNG fuel alternatives are connected to the smallest mass of particle emissions. 43 Emissions of particles (g PM10/tonne km) 0,050 0,045 0,040 0,035 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 4,5E-02 3,5E-02 1,7E-02 1,7E-02 4,8E-03 4,8E-03 1,7E-02 1,7E-02 Urea production 5,7E-04 5,7E-04 Fuel distribution 4,4E-06 1,7E-06 1,6E-06 1,6E-06 5,3E-05 1,8E-04 1,5E-03 1,5E-03 Fuel production 2,2E-04 2,2E-04 2,3E-04 2,3E-04 1,4E-05 1,4E-05 2,3E-04 2,3E-04 Raw material extraction Figure 6-11 Emission of particles in g PM10 for goods transportation. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 44 7 Results from alternative scenarios Results from the four alternative scenarios are presented in this chapter. All impact categories as presented in the base scenario are not shown here for all alternatives. Instead the most relevant impact categories for each alternative scenario are presented. These results give insight in how robust the results are and how the results could change with different assumptions and input data. 7.1 Uncertainty in the emissions from gas engines The emissions from the gas engines are uncertain since hard to find measurement results from at real operating conditions. The effect of an alternative set of data (U.S.-EPA, 2000) is therefore tested here. Total primary energy use and global warming potential Energy use and global warming potential for the investigated fuel alternatives are presented in Figure 7-1. 60 7 - GTL with SCR GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 50 2 - HFO with scrubber 5b - LNG from Qatar 1 - HFO 4 - MGO with SCR 3 - MGO 5a - LNG from North Sea 40 6 - GTL 30 20 10 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Energy use [MJ/tonne km] Figure 7-1 Energy use in MJ per transported tonne and km compared to global warming potential in g CO2 equivalents for goods transportation for heavy fuel oil (HFO), marine gas oil (MGO), liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the North Sea and Qatar and Gas-to-liquid (GTL). The global warming potential from the LNG fuelled alternatives are higher here as compared to the base scenario. This makes the differences between the LNG fuelled alternatives and the crude oil based alternatives much smaller. One example is that the global warming potential for MGO is smaller than for LNG from Qatar. The contribution to global warming potential for all the investigated alternatives is presented in Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3. 45 GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with LNG from LNG from SCR North Sea Qatar 3,9E+01 4,0E+01 3,7E+01 Urea production 3,7E+01 3,7E+01 3,7E+01 GTL 3,7E+01 1,6E+00 GTL with SCR 3,7E+01 1,8E+00 Fuel distribution 3,8E-03 3,6E-03 3,4E-03 3,4E-03 4,0E-01 2,3E+00 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 Fuel production 4,2E+00 4,3E+00 4,5E+00 4,5E+00 3,0E+00 3,2E+00 7,1E+00 7,1E+00 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 1,8E+00 1,8E+00 Raw material extraction Figure 7-2 Global warming potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g CO2 equivalents for goods transportation, divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 60 GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 50 40 30 20 10 0 methane HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 9,0E-01 9,1E-01 9,7E-01 1,0E+00 7,9E+00 8,0E+00 9,3E-02 1,4E-01 nitrous oxide 5,5E-01 5,6E-01 5,5E-01 5,5E-01 5,5E-01 6,0E-01 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 carbon dioxide 4,2E+01 4,3E+01 4,0E+01 4,2E+01 3,3E+01 3,5E+01 4,6E+01 4,8E+01 Figure 7-3 Global warming potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g CO2 equivalents for goods transportation divided between the contributing emissions, CO2, methane and nitrous oxide. Both figures show the same results; in Figure 7-2 the results are divided among the processes in the life cycle while Figure 7-3 shows the contributing emissions. The difference between the alternative with the least and the highest global warming potential is only 20 % in this case as compared to 31 % 46 in the base scenario. MGO and LNG from North Sea and from Qatar are the alternatives with the lowest global warming potential. The contribution of methane to the global warming potential is substantially higher for the two LNG alternatives as compared to the base scenario. This is originating from an increase in the methane slip from the engine with the data set used here from US EPA (2000). Acidification and eutrophication The acidification potential is presented in Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5 and eutrophication potential in Figure 7-6 and Figure 7-7. The LNG fuel alternatives and the alternatives with a SCR unit which reduce the direct emissions of NOX with about 85% have the least acidification and eutrophication potential even in this alternative scenario. The two alternatives with LNG increase their acidification potential with about 85% and their eutrophication potential is doubled with the data set from US EPA (which does not fulfil the Tier III requirement). 0,9 Acidifying emissions [g SO2-eq./tonne km] 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO 8,0E-01 5,9E-01 5,5E-01 1,0E-01 Fuel distribution 7,7E-05 5,4E-05 5,0E-05 Fuel production 2,6E-02 2,6E-02 2,7E-02 Transportation of cargo Urea production MGO with LNG from LNG from SCR North Sea Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 1,3E-01 1,3E-01 5,3E-01 8,1E-02 5,0E-05 1,4E-03 2,9E-03 3,6E-02 3,6E-02 2,7E-02 1,4E-03 1,5E-03 8,0E-03 8,0E-03 1,5E-02 1,6E-02 2,1E-02 2,1E-02 8,6E-03 Raw material extraction 8,9E-03 Figure 7-4 Acidification potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g SO2 equivalents for goods transportation on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 47 0,9 Acidifying emissions [g SO2-eq./tonne km] 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO with SCR MGO LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR Nitrogen oxides 5,6E-01 5,7E-01 5,3E-01 8,8E-02 1,4E-01 1,4E-01 5,6E-01 1,1E-01 Sulphur oxides 2,6E-01 4,4E-02 4,3E-02 4,7E-02 1,2E-02 1,2E-02 3,2E-02 3,6E-02 Ammonia 3,9E-04 4,0E-04 3,9E-04 5,3E-03 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 3,3E-04 5,2E-03 Figure 7-5 Acidification potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g SO2 equivalents for goods transportation divided between the contributing emissions, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia. Eutrophicating emissions [g PO43--eq./tonne km] 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR 1,0E-01 1,1E-01 9,8E-02 1,5E-02 Fuel distribution 1,0E-05 9,6E-06 8,9E-06 8,9E-06 Fuel production 1,2E-03 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 Transportation of cargo Urea production LNG from LNG from North Sea Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 2,5E-02 2,5E-02 9,8E-02 1,5E-02 2,7E-04 5,3E-04 3,8E-03 3,8E-03 9,1E-04 Raw material extraction 9,2E-04 2,7E-04 2,8E-04 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 6,6E-04 7,0E-04 8,9E-04 8,9E-04 Figure 7-6 Eutrophication potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g equivalents for goods transportation divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 48 Eutrophicating emissions [g PO43--eq./tonne km] 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR Nitrogen oxides 1,0E-01 1,1E-01 9,9E-02 1,6E-02 2,6E-02 2,6E-02 1,0E-01 2,1E-02 Ammonia 7,2E-05 7,4E-05 7,3E-05 9,9E-04 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 6,2E-05 9,8E-04 Figure 7-7 Eutrophication potential for all compared fuel alternatives g equivalents for goods transportation divided between the contributing emissions, nitrogen oxides and ammonia. Photo-oxidant formation potential for high NOx background ( g ethylene eq./tonne km) Photo-oxidant formation Figure 7-8 and Figure 7-9 present the photo-oxidant formation potential for high and low NOX background concentrations. The photo-oxidant formation potential for both LNG alternatives has increased with about 4 % from the base scenario. 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 7,2E-03 7,0E-03 6,8E-03 5,1E-03 5,1E-03 5,9E-03 5,7E-03 3,1E-04 3,2E-04 3,0E-04 3,0E-04 5,6E-05 1,2E-04 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 3,0E-03 3,1E-03 3,3E-03 3,3E-03 1,8E-04 2,0E-04 2,6E-04 2,6E-04 2,2E-03 2,3E-03 3,0E-03 3,0E-03 HFO HFO with scrubber 1,8E-02 Fuel distribution Fuel production Transportation of cargo Urea production 4,1E-04 Raw material extraction 4,2E-04 Figure 7-8 Photo-oxidant formation potential for high NOX background concentrations for all compared fuel alternatives in g ethylene equivalents for goods transportation. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 49 7.1.1 Photo-oxidant formation potential for low NOx background ( g ethylene eq./tonne km) 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 2,0E-02 9,4E-03 9,1E-03 8,9E-03 7,0E-03 7,0E-03 8,0E-03 7,8E-03 Urea production 4,8E-04 4,9E-04 Fuel distribution 4,1E-04 4,1E-04 3,9E-04 3,9E-04 7,7E-05 1,7E-04 1,5E-03 1,5E-03 Fuel production 4,2E-03 4,3E-03 4,6E-03 4,6E-03 2,3E-04 2,4E-04 3,6E-04 3,6E-04 2,7E-03 2,9E-03 3,6E-03 3,6E-03 Raw material extraction Figure 7-9 Photo-oxidant formation potential for low NOX background concentrations for all compared fuel alternatives in g ethylene equivalents for goods transportation. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. Emissions of particles Emissions of particles of size from 1 micrometer and smaller are presented in Figure 7-10. The emissions of particles are reduced with almost 100% from the base scenario. 50 Emissions of particles (g PM10/tonne km) 0,050 0,045 0,040 0,035 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 4,5E-02 3,5E-02 1,7E-02 1,7E-02 1,7E-05 1,7E-05 1,7E-02 1,7E-02 Fuel distribution 4,4E-06 1,7E-06 1,6E-06 1,6E-06 1,9E-07 1,1E-04 1,5E-03 1,5E-03 Fuel production 2,2E-04 2,2E-04 2,3E-04 2,3E-04 1,4E-05 1,4E-05 2,3E-04 2,3E-04 Transportation of cargo Urea production 5,7E-04 5,7E-04 Raw material extraction Figure 7-10 Emission of particles in g PM10 for goods transportation. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 7.2 Uncertainty in the emissions from diesel engines fuelled with GTL The emissions from the GTL fuelled engine are assumed to be the same as with MGO as fuel (except for emissions of sulphur dioxide) in the base scenario. Emissions of particles, NOX and CO have been decreased in this scenario, in order to illustrate how this will change the result. Acidification and eutrophication The acidification potential is presented in Figure 7-11 and eutrophication potential in Figure 7-12. The results are the same as in the base scenario even if the acidification and eutrophication potential have decreased slightly for the GTL fuelled alternatives. 51 0,9 Acidifying emissions [g SO2-eq./tonne km] 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO 8,0E-01 5,9E-01 5,5E-01 Urea production MGO with LNG from LNG from SCR North Sea Qatar 1,0E-01 6,3E-02 6,3E-02 GTL GTL with SCR 5,0E-01 7,5E-02 8,6E-03 8,9E-03 Fuel distribution 7,7E-05 5,4E-05 5,0E-05 5,0E-05 6,9E-04 1,8E-03 3,6E-02 3,6E-02 Fuel production 2,6E-02 2,6E-02 2,7E-02 2,7E-02 1,4E-03 1,5E-03 8,0E-03 8,0E-03 1,5E-02 1,6E-02 2,1E-02 2,1E-02 Raw material extraction Figure 7-11 Acidification potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g SO2 equivalents for goodstransportation divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. Eutrophicating emissions [g PO43--eq./tonne km] 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO 1,0E-01 1,1E-01 9,8E-02 Urea production MGO with SCR 1,5E-02 LNG from LNG from North Sea Qatar 1,2E-02 1,2E-02 GTL 9,2E-02 9,1E-04 GTL with SCR 1,4E-02 9,2E-04 Fuel distribution 1,0E-05 9,6E-06 8,9E-06 8,9E-06 1,3E-04 3,3E-04 3,8E-03 3,8E-03 Fuel production 1,2E-03 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 2,7E-04 2,8E-04 1,3E-03 1,3E-03 6,6E-04 7,0E-04 8,9E-04 8,9E-04 Raw material extraction Figure 7-12 Eutrophication potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g equivalents for goods transportation divided on the processes in the life cycle. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. Emissions of particles 52 Particle emissions from the GTL fuelled alternatives have been reduced to such extent that they are lower than the emissions from the MGO fuelled alternatives (Figure 7-13). Emissions of particles (g PM10/tonne km) 0,050 0,045 0,040 0,035 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 HFO HFO with scrubber MGO MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from Qatar GTL GTL with SCR 4,5E-02 3,5E-02 1,7E-02 1,7E-02 4,8E-03 4,8E-03 1,1E-02 1,1E-02 Fuel distribution 4,4E-06 1,7E-06 1,6E-06 1,6E-06 5,3E-05 1,8E-04 1,5E-03 1,5E-03 Fuel production 2,2E-04 2,2E-04 2,3E-04 2,3E-04 1,4E-05 1,4E-05 2,3E-04 2,3E-04 Transportation of cargo Urea production 5,7E-04 5,7E-04 Raw material extraction Figure 7-13 Emission of particles in g PM10 for goods transportation. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 7.3 Changes in engine efficiency The efficiency of the lean burn gas engine is much more uncertain than for the four-stroke diesel engine that has been used for marine applications much longer. The same efficiency of about 41 % of the lean burn gas engine as for the four-stroke diesel engines has been assumed in the modelling in the base scenario. In order to test how this assumption will affect the result both an increase and a decrease of engine efficiency with 5 % have been tested. The increase and the decrease are represented by the ranges in Figure 7-14. 53 GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO 3,9E+01 4,0E+01 3,7E+01 Urea production MGO with LNG from LNG from SCR North Sea Qatar 3,7E+01 3,3E+01 3,3E+01 GTL GTL with SCR 3,7E+01 3,7E+01 1,6E+00 1,8E+00 Fuel distribution 3,8E-03 3,6E-03 3,4E-03 3,4E-03 3,6E-01 2,3E+00 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 Fuel production 4,2E+00 4,3E+00 4,5E+00 4,5E+00 3,0E+00 3,2E+00 7,1E+00 7,1E+00 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 1,8E+00 1,8E+00 Raw material extraction Figure 7-14 Global warming potential for all compared fuel alternatives in g CO2 equivalents for goods transportation. The ranges for the transportation alternatives with LNG as fuel represent a 5 % increase and decrease in engine efficiency for the lean burn gas engine. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. A five percent lower engine efficiency than for the crude oil based fuel alternatives will increase the global warming potential for the LNG fuel alternatives to the same levels as the crude oil based fuels. GTL with and without SCR are still the alternatives with the highest global warming potential. 54 7.4 Changes in liquefaction efficiency Changes in liquefaction efficiency will only change the result slightly (Figure 7-15). The case with low liquefaction efficiency has 6 % higher global warming potential than the case with high liquefaction efficiency. GHG emissions [g CO2-eq./ tonne km] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Transportation of cargo HFO HFO with scrubber MGO 3,9E+01 4,0E+01 3,7E+01 Urea production MGO with SCR LNG from North Sea LNG from North Sea 5% liq. eff. LNG from North Sea 12% liq. eff. GTL 3,7E+01 3,3E+01 3,3E+01 3,3E+01 3,7E+01 1,6E+00 GTL with SCR 3,7E+01 1,8E+00 Fuel distribution 3,8E-03 3,6E-03 3,4E-03 3,4E-03 3,6E-01 3,6E-01 3,6E-01 1,4E+00 1,4E+00 Fuel production 4,2E+00 4,3E+00 4,5E+00 4,5E+00 3,0E+00 1,3E+00 3,3E+00 7,1E+00 7,1E+00 1,4E+00 1,3E+00 1,4E+00 1,8E+00 1,8E+00 Raw material extraction Figure 7-15 Global warming potential for all compared fuel alternatives with improved efficiency in the liquefaction process in g CO2 equivalents for goods transportation. Raw material extraction and part of the distribution is included in the process fuel production for the alternatives with HFO and MGO. 55 8 Discussion There are number of critical choices both methodological and of data that affect the result of an LCA. It is therefore important to evaluate the robustness of the results and compare with other studies. One way to deal with this is to use alternative scenarios. The result from the base scenario and the alternative scenarios will be discussed and analysed in this chapter. In addition critical choices and data that have not been tested will be discussed. This chapter also describe some prerequisites for the LNG fuel chains climate performance and implications for further research. 8.1 Critical methodological choices The methodological choices made in an LCA study should be in accordance with the goal of the study. Typical choices that have great impact are functional unit, system boundaries, allocation procedures and choices of data. The functional unit was in this study chosen to be one tonne of cargo transported one km with a RoRo vessel at normal operating conditions. All operations included in marine transportation are thus not included, i.g. manoeuvring, berth and loading of cargo. An inclusion of these modes is not likely to change the relative impact of the fuel alternatives to a large extent. Another possibility would have been to choose the sailing of a Ro-Ro vessel between two ports as the functional unit. The result would then be more representative for an average journey. This was done in the study by Corbett and Winebrake (2008). This approach was not chosen here since there is a lack of emission data for manoeuvring with most of the studied fuels. The only allocation method used for heavy fuel oil and marine gas oil in this study is based on the energy content of the fuel. A detailed allocation of energy use in relation to petroleum products is performed in a study by Wang et al. (2004). Three different allocation methods at the refining process level 8 are compared with each other and with an allocation on the refinery level 9. HFO is associated to between 0.8-2.9% and gas oil between 4.6-5.1% of the total energy use at the refinery in the three process level allocation methods (Wang et al., 2004), most if mass is used as base for allocation and least if the economic value is used. The allocation method used in the data for HFO and MGO in the ELCD core database (according to the description) is what Wang refers to as an energy content based approach at a process level. Wang’s study implies that if a market value based process level allocation method had been used for HFO and MGO the energy use and emissions per tonne of product would decrease slightly compared to the data from the ELCD core database. No marketbased study has been found for European conditions. The difference in allocated energy use between HFO and gas oil is larger in the study by Wang et al. (2004) than in the ELCD core database. Approximately the double amount is allocated to gas oil compared to HFO in the study by Wang et al. while only about 14% more energy is allocated to light fuel oil in the ELCD core database. A more problematic issue related to the emissions from the refinery process is how it will change in 2020 when the maximum sulphur content allowed in marine fuels worldwide will be 0.5%. This will imply changes in the refinery process and the data used in this report are not applicable for that. The changes are for example investigated in a study by Avis and Birch (2009). They estimate that the total CO2 emissions from European refineries will increase with approximately 3% in 2020 compared to a baseline scenario without any regulation of the sulphur content in marine fuels. The bunker fuels with ultra low sulphur content (0.5, 0.1% sulphur) will then be associated to an increase by approximately 91 kg CO2 per tonne bunker fuel for the production process (compared to 296 kg CO2 emissions per tonne HFO that is used in this study for cradle to refinery gate) if all the increase in CO2 Allocation is done after each process in the refinery. Allocation is made between the products after they have passes through the whole refinery, e.g. the refinery is viewed as a black box. 8 9 57 emissions are allocated to the ultra low sulphur marine bunker fuel. A smaller change in refinery production will probably also occur in the SECA area already 2015 when the limit of 0.1% sulphur is introduced. Liquid fuels are assumed to have a distribution system similar to today’s condition, as this infrastructure already exists, and in line with the coming regulations. The HFO alternative without scrubber, which is included in order to represents today’s conditions, is assumed to be distributed with HFO with 1% sulphur content. The other alternatives, except for the LNG alternatives, are assumed to be distributed with a product tanker with medium speed diesel engines fuelled by HFO with 2% sulphur content outside SECA and MGO with a sulphur content of 0.1% inside SECA. The distribution part of the life cycle stands for less than 1% of the total acidification potential for the HFO and MGO alternatives and is therefore not considered to affect the result. When it comes to GTL, which is transported much longer distances, this is of course different. The distribution phase stands for about 6 % without SCR and almost 25 % with SCR, of the total acidification potential. That the relative contribution of the distribution phase increases with a SCR depends on that the SCR significantly reduces the NOX emissions in the use phase. The transportation of GTL takes place mostly outside the SECAs, where 3.5% sulphur content will be allowed until 2020. The distribution chain for LNG is assumed to use LNG as fuel, but is this likely? Why is not the MGO and GTL fuel chains then fuelled by MGO and GTL respectively? If LNG should be distributed with diesel engines fuelled with HFO and MGO the vessels must be equipped with reliquefaction units. This will increase both the energy use and the emissions from the LNG chain slightly. The distribution is only a small part of the environmental impact caused by marine transportation with LNG as fuel. It does not contribute to more than 6 % of the total impact for any impact category. Production and maintenance of capital goods, such as ships, ports and terminals etc, should ideally be included in an LCA study, since it could differ between the compared alternatives. However these factors are not included in this study, nor are personnel-related environmental impacts. To get a full picture of the environmental performance of marine transportation, and to be able to compare it with other transport modes the infrastructure should be included. It has been shown in other studies that this could affect the results (Chester and Horvath, 2009). There are, for example, documented differences between maintenance and service intervals for vessels propelled by HFO and MGO (Kuiken, 2008b). This would however be difficult to include in the LCA and would only change the result slightly. The analysis in this report has a short time perspective and does therefore not evaluate the marine fuels environmental impact in a longer time horizon, for example to 2050. All fuels analysed in this study originate from fossil fuels, i.e. natural gas and crude oil, which are limited. The natural gas and the crude oil of the best quality and at the most accessible locations will be used first, but a transition towards more costly and lower quality fossil fuels is necessary. This will have an effect of the life cycle performance in the longer perspective due to more difficult distribution and processing. It is an example of one factor that cannot be included in a study with a short time perspective. At the same time, if a shipping company chose to investigate in new technology for marine transportation toady, they would like to know that the technology will be a sustainable solution in a longer time perspective. There is thus also a need for studies with a longer perspective. 8.2 Data reliability and representativeness In order for data to be reliable it should be representative geographically, technically and in a certain time. One problem with LCA is how to deal with old and new technologies in the same study. It is for example difficult to know which data that are representative for the LNG and GTL fuel chains. The newest and most comprehensive available information has been used for the existing technologies 58 while data for new technologies have been modelled based on information from articles and personal communication. There is thus a difference in data quality for existing and new technologies. The Ro-Ro vessel fuelled with LNG was modelled with a four-stroke lean burn gas diesel engine. Another choice would have been to model it with a dual-fuel engine which is more flexible and thus an easier step for the ship owners to take. The dual-fuel and the lean burn engine have similar characteristics when it comes to emissions and efficiency, the result differ more between different data sets than between engines as long as the dual fuel engine is operated in gas mode. The dual fuel engine can also be seen as an intermediate technology used to gain acceptance of gas as a marine fuel, where the pure gas engine is the goal. Neither of these choices are necessarily the right one for this study. The lean burn gas engine has been chosen since this choice only includes the natural gas fuel chain and is therefore easier to model. The Ro-Ro vessels fuelled with liquid fuel are modelled to be equipped with four-stroke diesel engines. Two-stroke engine are more energy efficient than four-stroke engines and the characteristic of the exhaust gas differs to some extent. The difference in efficiency is the most important factor even thought the emissions of NOX also differ significantly. All engines have therefore been assumed to have approximately the same efficiency (41%). Energy efficiency and energy management may change the condition, but the potential for all the fuel alternatives are similar in that aspect. The data for the energy consumption per tonne and km transported cargo of the Ro-Ro vessel are the most uncertain data in the study, but this uncertainty has no effect on the relation between the fuel alternatives. These data are much dependent on the characteristics of the vessel and weather conditions. A wide range of vessels with different energy consumption profiles exists. The modelled hypothetical Ro-Ro vessel has been used as a case study, in order to convert the emission from mechanical energy from the engine to propulsion energy connected to the functional unit. The relative contribution of the different fuel alternative will not change if the result is recalculated for another type of vessel. Two different data sets for the emissions from the lean burn gas engine have been used. One from Wärtsilä (Hattar, 2010, Stenhede, 2009), which is from engine tests at optimal condition and the other is from U.S. EPA (2000) for stationary lean burn gas engines and much more extensive testing. This data set differs when it comes to methane, nitrogen oxide and particle emissions. The emission of methane (methane slip) and the emission of NOX are much higher in the data set from U.S. EPA while the data set from Wärtsilä has much higher emissions of particles. The alternative scenario with U.S. EPA data show that LNG’s positive greenhouse gas contribution, compared to HFO and MGO, will dissapere if the methane silp is as high as 0.6 g/MJ fuel. Which of these data sets that is most representative is difficult to know. The data from Wärtsilä represents data from the engines that so far only have been used for land based applications but that are considered for marine transportation and the data from U.S. EPA represents data from the same type of engines, but this data is older and more extensive. The emissions of NOX from the U.S. EPA’s dataset is higher than the Tier III requirement, but it will not change the overall conclusions since it is still considerably lower than for the other fuel alternatives. There are not data for emissions from GTL in marine engines and the emissions have been assumed to be similar as if MGO with lower sulphur content was used. A decrease in emissions has been modelled in an alternative scenario, but this showed to have only a marginal effect on the overall results. There are more data that are considered as uncertain. This includes: • Emissions for other gases than greenhouse gases from the GTL process as this is from a combination of two datasets for GTL production 59 • • • • • • Data for natural gas extraction as it is from 1991 No resource use or emissions have been connected to the LNG storage terminal Emissions from the actual bunkering are not included Reduction of particle emissions with a scrubber are uncertain Methane emissions and NMVOCs during the whole supply chain Pay load for the Ro-Ro vessel fuelled with LNG as the fuel requires larger space for storage. 8.3 Reliability and robustness of the result Two main results are robust during all the modelled scenarios. Firstly, the global warming potential of the compared fuels are of the same order of magnitude. Marine transportation with LNG as the fuel can be attributed to similar or a little lower global warming potential than the other fuels depending on modelling choices. The use phase is the major contributor to the global warming potential but the upstream parts of the lifecycle are also of importance. Secondly, the potential contribution to acidification and eutrophication are significantly lower for the LNG fuelled alternatives and the fuel alternatives with SCR units, thus for the fuels complying with the Tier III requirements. The “use” phase is the absolute dominant contributor to acidificating and eutrophicating emissions. Upstream emissions have much lower contribution. The effect on photo-chemical ozone formation is relatively uncertain. This is partly due to that it is more complex to model and that the actual effect is very much dependent on factors other than release of emissions, and partly due to that the emissions of methane and VOCs are more uncertain than for example emissions of greenhouse gases. No fuel alternative can be said to be the best when it comes to this alternative, but it is indicated that HFO without scrubber is the worst alternative. Particles is just one factor affecting human health, but the only one looked at here. NOX and sulphur dioxide are example of emissions with health risks, but they have not been presented separately in this study. The LNG fuelled alternatives show much lower emissions of PM10 during its life cycle. The use phase is the dominant contributor to particle emissions. 8.4 Comparison with other results Winebrake and Corbett have developed a model, the Total Energy & Emissions Analysis for Marine Systems (TEAMS), to calculate the life-cycle performance of six fuel pathways: residual fuel oil, conventional diesel, low-sulphur diesel, compressed natural gas, Fischer-Tropsch diesel from natural gas and biodiesel from soybeans. Winebrake et al. (2007) present results from the model in three case studies of which a case with the container vessel is examined here in more detail. The lowest life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases are from the residual fuel, closely followed by conventional diesel while the greatest fuel-cycle emissions are from the Fischer-Tropsch diesel. The fact that the global warming potential is highest for the Fischer-Tropsch diesel is supported by this study. The compressed natural gas fuel chain gives rise to slightly more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional diesel. It is not possible to compare the CNG fuel chain directly with the liquefied fuel chain studied here since the processes differ. CNG is more space consuming than LNG, but more energy efficient to produce. In the study by Winebrake et al., the life cycle emissions of NOX are by far the lowest for CNG and the total life cycle emissions of sulphur dioxide are lowest for CNG, lowsulphur diesel and GTL. This is also in accordance with the results from this study. The TEAMS model has also been used in another study by Winebrake and Corbett (2008) comparing residual fuel with marine gas oil and marine diesel oil. They yield similar life cycle CO2 emissions for all cases but with slightly higher emissions for the distilled alternatives. The result is the opposite in this study, but the differences between the crude oil based alternative are not large in either case. There reason that the distilled fuels is connected to more CO2 emissions in the study by Winebrake and Corbett than in this study is that a larger proportion of the emissions from the refinery process 60 have been allocated to the distilled fuels. The contribution of the different parts of the life cycle is of similar magnitude in both studies. The study by Winebrake and Corbett (2008) has an accounting approach (even if this is not specified in the text) and is based on a typical U.S. refinery, as reported in Wang et al. (2004). The results are not applicable if the refineries change their production due to coming fuel requirements nor are the results in this study. 8.5 Prerequisites for the LNG fuel chain’s climate performance LNG as marine fuel has a global warming potential from a life cycle perspective of the same order of magnitude as today’s marine fuels. But LNG has the potential to reduce the global warming contribution from marine transportation, since approximate 25% less carbon is emitted from combustion of natural gas compared to oil for the same amount of fuel energy. Methane is however a greenhouse gas with 25 times the global warming potential of CO2 and small leakages of methane can cancel out the effect (about 2.5% is enough as shown in the cut off analysis in the base scenario). The amount of methane slip from the engine is uncertain and has a large effect on the LNG-chains global warming potential. This slip can probably be decreased in the future by improvements in engine technology. In order for the LNG alternative to have a lower global warming potential, the engine efficiency should be at least the same as for the corresponding diesel engines. Leakage of methane during the life cycle needs to be managed and kept at minimal level. Even small diffusive leakages during the life cycle can make LNG a worse alternative when it comes to climate change potential. The liquefaction efficiency can be increased in order to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases, but this potential is limited. 8.6 Implications for further research This study is in many aspects a first screening of the life cycle environmental impact of marine fuels. Therefore, important and interesting aspects have been left for future studies. It is the intent of the author that this study shall be complemented with data for those process that are missing and with more representative data when such data become available. Example of processes for which data needs to be refined are found in section 8.2. One important future research area is to investigate the impact from refining of marine fuels based on crude oil. For example questions like: What impact will the changes in refinery production have? What is the relation between the sulphur content of crude oil based fuels and their environmental impact? How will different allocation methods change the result? Are the differences between refineries bigger than between different methodologies? Another limitation with this study is that only fossil fuels have been investigated and that the time perspective has been short. It could be interesting to investigate the potential of biofuels for marine transportation. One argument for LNG has been that it can act as a bridging fuel towards biogas. What are the potential of biogas as a marine fuel? And what is the environmental impact? What marine fuels could be used in 2050 and what are their respective environmental impacts? 61 9 Conclusions The overall aim of this report is to investigate the environmental performance of maritime fuels from a life cycle perspective. It is shown that the “use phase”, the combustion of marine fuels, is the major contributor to the overall environmental impact. The aim is specified into three separate parts: • • • Increase knowledge and to identify knowledge gaps of the life cycle performance of maritime transportation. Set a base-line for further studies. Identify methodological problems and special requirements when using life cycle assessment to evaluate maritime transportation. This study has been a learning process where the knowledge of the maritime transportations life cycle has increased. However, there are still areas where information is limited or even non existing. Two important knowledge gasps have been identified: fugitive emissions of methane and volatile organic compounds during distribution and the performance of gas engines during operating conditions. In addition, several parameters have been identified as uncertain including: the emissions from the lean burn four-stroke engine and emissions from a diesel engine fuelled with GTL during normal operations, NOX reduction potential by SCRs and reduction in particle emissions from scrubbers. A methodological problem with LCA in this study is how to deal with old and new technologies in order to make the data representative for a future technological system. Old technologies are in this report been assumed to be the same from 2015 to 2020 as they are now, while the new technologies are modelled. Another problem is how to allocate the impact from refining of crude oil into marine fuels. 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An overview of the system is described in Figure A-1. The data used for each process in the flowchart are described below. 532.7 kJ primary energy /tonne km Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of HFO (ELCD core database verision II, 2009a) a1 = 12.1016 g HFO / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (Port of Gothenburg, 2009) b1 = 12.0996 g HFO / tonne km 0.057 kJ primary energy /tonne km Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of MGO (ELCD core database verision II, 2009b) 543.3 kJ primary energy /tonne km Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of HFO (ELCD core database verision II, 2009a) a2 = 12.3425 g HFO / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (Port of Gothenburg, 2009) c4 = 0.0012 g MGO /tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (Port of Gothenburg, 2009) Bunkering b2 = 12.3404 g HFO / tonne km d4 = 0.0012 g MGO /tonne km Bunkering f1 = 12.0984 g HFO / tonne km f2 = 12.3404 g HFO / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a Ro-Ro vessel with scrubber 2 1 Figure A-1 Overview of how the two alternatives HFO with and without scrubber have been modelled. The total primary energy consumption is: • • Fuel alternative 1: 532.7 kJ ≈ 530 kJ Fuel alternative 2: 543.3 kJ + 0.057 kJ ≈540 kJ i Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to HFO (A1, A2) Process type: Cradle-to-gate Reference flow: 1 g HFO at refinery gate Data source: ELCD core database version II (2009a) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Average data for EU-15 countries Technical: “HFO from refinery for combustion in power plants, vessels and combustion engines... The data set covers all relevant process steps / technologies over the supply chain of the represented cradle to gate inventory with a good overall data quality” (ELCD-coredatabase-version-II, 2009a) Time: Average data for the year 2003 Other important information: • Allocation made by the data provider: “For the combined crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids production allocation by net calorific value is applied. For all products of the refinery, allocation by mass and net calorific value is applied. The manufacturing route of every refinery product is modelled and so the effort of the production of these products is calculated specifically. Two allocation rules are applied: The raw-material (crude oil) consumption of the respective stages, which is necessary for the production of a product or an intermediate product, is allocated by energy (mass of the product * calorific value of the product). In these way products with high caloric values, e.g. gasoline or gases are assigned to higher raw material consumption and so higher environmental impacts compared with low caloric value products (e.g. asphalt, residual oil). The energy consumption (thermal energy, steam, electricity) of a process, e.g. atmospheric distillation, being required by a product or a intermediate product, are charged on the product according to the share of the throughput of the stage (mass allocation). The products, which are more complex to produce and therefore pass a lot of refinery facilities e.g. gasoline, are assigned with a higher energy consumption (and so higher emissions) compared with e.g. straight run products” (ELCD-core-databaseversion-II, 2009a) Assumptions for modelling: • • • The data set are representative for HFO produced in Europe with a sulphur content of 1% The lower heating value of HFO is 40.40 MJ/kg Only selected flows are modelled. Inputs considered is energy carriers and outputs considered are emissions to air from the substances specified in the goal and scope definition Data used: see LCI data set, column three, below Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • • 0.03861kJ/g HFO + 41.44kJ/g HFO + 0.1059 kJ/g HFO +2.381 kJ/g HFO + 0.04679 kJ/g HFO + 0.003832 MJ/kg HFO + 0.004298 kJ/g HFO + 0.005201 kJ/g HFO =44.02 kJ/g HFO A1: 44.02 kJ/g HFO × a1 kg HFO/tonne km = 530 kJ/tonne km A2: 44.02 kJ/g HFO × a2 kg HFO/tonne km = 540 kJ/tonne km Calculations of emissions: ii • • A1: 0.002944 kg CH4/kg HFO × a1 kg HFO/tonne cargo km =0.04 g CH4/tonne cargo km A2: 0.002944 kg CH4/kg HFO × a2 kg HFO/tonne cargo km = 0.04 g CH4/tonne cargo km LCI data set: Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to HFO (A1, A2) Type of flow Unit process [g (kJa)/g HFO] Inputs: brown coal; 11 MJ/kg resource crude oil; 42.3 MJ/kg resource hard coal; 26.3 MJ/kg resource natural gas; 44.1 MJ/kg resource primary energy from hydro power resource primary energy from solar energy resource primary energy from wind power resource Outputs: HFO reference flow ammonia emissions to air CO2 emissions to air CO emissions to air CH4 emissions to air nitrogen dioxide emissions to air nitrogen monoxide emissions to air nitrous oxide emissions to air NMVOC emissions to air emissions to air • acetone emissions to air • benzene emissions to air • ethane emissions to air • ethanol emissions to air • ethylene emissions to air • formaldehyde emissions to air • methanol emissions to air • n-butane emissions to air • propane emissions to air • toluene particles (PM10) emissions to air sulphur dioxide emissions to air a The inputs are expressed in kJ instead of g per g fuel and per tonne km. iii A1 [g (kJa)/tonne km] A2 [g (kJa)/tonne km] 3,861E-02 4,144E+01 1,059E-01 2,381E+00 4,679E-02 3,832E-03 4,298E-03 4,672E-01 5,015E+02 1,281E+00 2,882E+01 5,662E-01 4,637E-02 5,201E-02 4,765E-01 5,114E+02 1,307E+00 2,939E+01 5,775E-01 4,729E-02 5,304E-02 1,000E+00 2,999E-06 2,693E-01 3,687E-04 2,944E-03 7,739E-04 6,616E-12 6,223E-06 2,373E-04 6,598E-08 1,213E-06 1,600E-04 2,245E-08 1,763E-08 2,275E-07 2,073E-08 5,999E-05 2,892E-04 5,696E-08 1,798E-05 1,560E-03 12,1016 3,629E-05 3,259E+00 4,462E-03 3,563E-02 9,365E-03 8,007E-11 7,531E-05 2,871E-03 7,985E-07 1,467E-05 1,936E-03 2,716E-07 2,133E-07 2,754E-06 2,509E-07 7,260E-04 3,500E-03 6,893E-07 2,176E-04 1,888E-02 12,3425 3,701E-05 3,324E+00 4,551E-03 3,634E-02 9,552E-03 8,166E-11 7,681E-05 2,928E-03 8,144E-07 1,497E-05 1,975E-03 2,770E-07 2,176E-07 2,808E-06 2,559E-07 7,405E-04 3,570E-03 7,030E-07 2,219E-04 1,925E-02 Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to MGO (C2) Process type: Cradle-to-gate Reference flow: 1 g MGO at refinery gate Data source: ELCD core database version II (2009b) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Average data for EU-15 countries Technical: “The data set describes a mass-weighted average refinery for the respective country / region.” (ELCD-core-database-version-II, 2009b) Time: Average data for the year 2003 Other important information: • Allocation made by the data provider: “For the combined crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids production allocation by net calorific value is applied. For all products of the refinery, allocation by mass and net calorific value is applied. The manufacturing route of every refinery product is modelled and so the effort of the production of these products is calculated specifically. Two allocation rules are applied: The raw-material (crude oil) consumption of the respective stages, which is necessary for the production of a product or an intermediate product, is allocated by energy (mass of the product * calorific value of the product). In these way products with high caloric values, e.g. gasoline or gases are assigned to higher raw material consumption and so higher environmental impacts compared with low caloric value products (e.g. asphalt, residual oil). The energy consumption (thermal energy, steam, electricity) of a process, e.g. atmospheric distillation, being required by a product or a intermediate product, are charged on the product according to the share of the throughput of the stage (mass allocation). The products, which are more complex to produce and therefore pass a lot of refinery facilities e.g. gasoline, are assigned with a higher energy consumption (and so higher emissions) compared with e.g. straight run products” (ELCD-core-databaseversion-II, 2009b). Assumptions for modelling: • • • The data set are representative for MGO produced in Europe with a sulphur content of 0.1% The lower heating value of MGO is 43 MJ/kg Only selected flows are modelled. Inputs considered is energy carriers and outputs considered are emissions to air from the substances selected in the goal and scope definition Data used: see LCI data set, column three, below Calculations for primary energy consumption: • • 0.04746 kJ/g MGO + 47.13 kJ/g MGO + 0.1285 kJ/g MGO +2.695 kJ/kg MGO + 0.05568 kJ/g MGO + 0.004795 kJ/g MGO + 0.005421 kJ/g MGO = 50.06 kJ/g MGO C2: 50.06 kJ/g MGO KJ/kg MGO × c2 g MGO/tonne km = 0.06 kJ/tonne km Calculations for emissions: • C2: 0.3013 g CO2 /g MGO × c2 = 0.0004 g CO2 / tonne cargo km iv LCI data set: Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to MGO (C2) Type of flow Inputs: brown coal; 11 MJ/kg resource crude oil; 42.3 MJ/kg resource hard coal; 26.3 MJ/kg resource natural gas; 44.1 MJ/kg resource primary energy from hydro power resource primary energy from solar energy resource primary energy from wind power resource Outputs: MGO reference flow ammonia emissions to air ammonia emissions to air CO2 emissions to air CO emissions to air CH4 emissions to air nitrogen dioxide emissions to air nitrogen monoxide emissions to air nitrous oxide emissions to air NMVOC emissions to air emissions to air • acetone emissions to air • benzene emissions to air • ethane emissions to air • ethanol emissions to air • ethylene emissions to air • formaldehyde emissions to air • methanol emissions to air • n-butane emissions to air • propane emissions to air • toluene particles (PM10) emissions to air a The inputs are expressed in kJ instead of kg per kg fuel and tonne km. v Unit process [g (kJa)/g MGO] C2 [g (kJa)/tonne km] 4,746E-02 4,713E+01 1,285E-01 2,695E+00 5,568E-02 4,795E-03 5,421E-03 5,375E-05 5,337E-02 1,456E-04 3,052E-03 6,305E-05 5,430E-06 6,139E-06 1,000E+00 3,265E-06 3,013E-01 4,146E-04 3,348E-03 8,756E-04 7,529E-12 6,958E-06 2,601E-04 7,541E-08 1,319E-06 1,818E-04 2,647E-08 2,005E-08 2,662E-07 2,434E-08 6,821E-05 3,289E-04 6,685E-08 1,965E-05 1,752E-03 0,0011 3,698E-09 3,413E-04 4,695E-07 3,791E-06 9,916E-07 8,527E-15 7,880E-09 2,945E-07 8,541E-11 1,494E-09 2,059E-07 2,997E-11 2,271E-11 3,014E-10 2,756E-11 7,724E-08 3,724E-07 7,571E-11 2,226E-08 1,984E-06 Storage and loading of oil products (B1, B2, D2) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of oil product Data source: Port of Gothenburg (2009) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Oil harbour, Gothenburg Technical: The oil harbour in Gothenburg has a vapour recovery unit used during loading of oil products. Time: Average data for the year 2008 Assumptions for modelling: • • • All fuels handled at the port emit the same proportions of volatile organic compounds Emission of volatile organic compound are assumed to be NMVOC The energy consumption at the oil harbour and the emissions to water is not included Data used: • • Products loaded to vessels: Emissions of NMVOC: Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • • • • • • 12996468 tonne 2220.620 tonne 2220.620 tonne evaporated fuel/ 12996468 tonne loaded fuel = 0.0001709 g evaporated fuel / g loaded fuel 0.0001709 g evaporated fuel / g loaded fuel × b1 = 0.002057 g evaporated fuel / tonne cargo km 0.0001709 g evaporated fuel / g loaded fuel × b2 = 0.002098 g evaporated fuel / tonne cargo km 0.0001709 g evaporated fuel / g loaded fuel × d2 = 0.0000002 g evaporated fuel / tonne cargo km a1 = b1 + 0.002057 g fuel / tonne cargo = 12.1016 g fuel /tonne cargo km a2 = b2 + 0.002098 g fuel / tonne cargo = 12.3425 g fuel /tonne cargo km c2 = d2 + 0.0000002 g fuel / tonne cargo = 0.0011 g fuel /tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions: • • • 2220.620 tonne evaporated fuel/ 12996468 tonne loaded fuel = 0.0001709 g NMVOC / g loaded fuel B1: 0.0001709 g NMVOC / g loaded fuel × b1 = 0.002 g NMVOC /tonne cargo km B2 + D2: 0.0001709 g NMVOC / g loaded fuel × (b2 + d2) = 0.002g NMVOC /tonne cargo km vi LCI data set: Storage and loading of oil products (B1, B2, D2) Inputs: fuel Outputs: fuel NMVOC Type of flow Unit process [kg /kg fuel ] B1 [g /tonne km] B2+D2 [g /tonne km] product 1,000E+03 12,1016 12,3436 reference flow emissions to air 1,000E+03 1,709E-01 12,0996 2,067E-03 12,3415 2,109E-03 vii Transportation and bunkering (F1) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of fuel delivered to the Ro-Ro vessel Data sources: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the bunker ship Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the bunker ship is estimated to 0.0452 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The bunker ship is assumed to have medium speed engines The bunker ship is assumed to be fuelled by HFO with a sulphur content of 1 %. The distribution of HFO from the port to the Ro-Ro vessel with the bunker vessel is assumed to be 10 km. The emissions during the actual bunkering are not included “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 213 g/kWh 677g/kWh 14 g/kWh 0.496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.8 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • • 213 g fuel/kWh ×0.0452 kWh/tonne HFO/ km × 10 km = 96.276 g fuel/tonne HFO 96.276 g fuel/tonne HFO × 12.0984 g HFO /tonne cargo km = 0.001165 g fuel /tonne cargo km b1= f1 + 0.001165 g fuel /tonne cargo km = 12.0996 g fuel /tonne cargo km viii Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • • • 1% sulphur × 1 tonne HFO = 10 000 g sulphur /tonne fuel 10 000 g sulphur /tonne fuel × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 20 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne fuel 20 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne fuel × 96.276 g fuel/tonne HFO = 1.92552 g sulphur dioxide /tonne HFO F1: 1.92552 g sulphur dioxide /tonne HFO × f1 = 2.3E-05 g sulphur /tonne cargo km dioxide Calculations of the other emissions: • • 677g CO2 /kWh × 0.0452 kWh /tonne HFO/ km × 10 km = 306.004 g CO2 /tonne HFO F1: 306.004 g CO2 /tonne HFO × f1 = 0.0037 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation and bunkering (F1) Inputs: HFO HFO Outputs: HFO ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a tonne/ tonne HFO Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne HFO] F1 [g/tonne km] fuel product 9,628E+01 1,000E+00a 0,0012 12,0984 reference flow emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air 1,000E+00a 1,356E-03 3,060E+02 4,972E-01 1,808E-03 6,328E+00 1,401E-02 2,246E-01 3,616E-01 1,926E+00 12,0984 1,641E-08 3,702E-03 6,015E-06 2,187E-08 7,656E-05 1,695E-07 2,718E-06 4,375E-06 2,330E-05 ix Transportation and bunkering (F2) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of fuel delivered to the Ro-Ro vessel Data sources: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the bunker ship Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the bunker ship is estimated to 0.0452 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The bunker ship is assumed to have medium speed engines The bunker ship is assumed to be fuelled by MGO with a sulphur content of 0.1%. The distribution of MGO from the port to the Ro-Ro vessel with the bunker vessel is assumed to be 10 km. The emissions during the actual bunkering are not included “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • 203 g fuel/kWh × 0.0452 kWh/tonne HFO/ km × 10 km = 91.756 g fuel/tonne HFO d2 = 91.756 g fuel/tonne HFO × b2 = 0.001133 g fuel /tonne cargo km x Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • • • 0.1 % sulphur × 1 tonne MGO = 1 000 g sulphur /tonne MGO 1 000 g sulphur /tonne MGO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne MGO 2000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne fuel × 91.756 g fuel/tonne HFO= 1.835 g sulphur dioxide /tonne HFO F2: 1.835 g sulphur dioxide /tonne HFO × f2 = 2 E-06 g sulphur /tonne cargo km dioxide Calculations of the other emissions: • • 645g CO2 /kWh × 0.0452 kWh /tonne HFO/ km × 10 km = 291.54 g CO2 /tonne HFO F2: 291.54 g CO2 /tonne HFO × f2 = 0.0036 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation and bunkering (F2) Inputs: MGO HFO Outputs: HFO ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a tonne/ tonne HFO Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne HFO] F2 [g/tonne km] fuel product 9,176E+01 1,000E+00a 0,0011 12,3404 reference flow emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air 1,000E+00a 1,356E-03 2,915E+02 4,972E-01 1,808E-03 5,966E+00 1,401E-02 2,246E-01 1,356E-01 1,835E-01 12,3404 1,673E-08 3,598E-03 6,136E-06 2,231E-08 7,363E-05 1,729E-07 2,772E-06 1,673E-06 2,265E-06 xi Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U1) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: One tonne cargo transported one km Data source: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the Ro-Ro vessel Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0568 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The Ro-Ro vessel is assumed to have medium speed engines The HFO has a sulphur content of 1 %. “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 213 g/kWh 677g/kWh 14 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.8 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of primary energy consumption: • f1 = 213 g fuel /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km =12.0984 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • 1 % sulphur × 1 tonne HFO = 10 000 g sulphur /tonne HFO 10 000 g sulphur/tonne HFO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 20 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO xii • U2: 20 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO × 12.0984 g fuel/tonne cargo km = 0.24 g sulphur dioxide / tonne cargo km Calculations of other emissions: • U1: 677g CO2 /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 38 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U1) Inputs: HFO Outputs: propulsion energy ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh instead of g. Type of flow fuel reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air xiii U1 [g (kWha)/tonne km] 12,0984 5,680E-02 1,704E-04 3,845E+01 6,248E-02 2,272E-04 7,952E-01 1,761E-03 2,817E-02 4,544E-02 2,420E-01 Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel with an open scrubber (U2) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported one km Data sources: • • • Lövblad and Fridell (2006) Linde (2009) The same as for the process above: Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U1). Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Medium speed diesel engines, state-of-the-art scrubber Time: The data used for emission reduction of particles were published 2006 and in 2009 for scrubber fuel consumption Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • Assumptions for modelling: The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0568 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The Ro-Ro vessel is assumed to have medium speed engines The HFO has a sulphur content of 1 %. The scrubber can reduce the emissions of sulphur dioxide to the extent that the emissions are the same as if the sulphur content would have been 0.1%. This represents a reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions of approximately 90 %. Data used: • • The reduction of particles are 25 % with a scrubber (Lövblad and Fridell, 2006). The energy consumption of the scrubber is between 0.2-1.4 % of the engine power dependent on solution (Linde, 2009). 2% increase of energy consumption is assumed. Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • 213 g fuel /kWh × 1.02 = 217.26 g fuel/kWh f2 = 217.26 g fuel /kWh × 0.0568 kWh/tonne cargo km =12.3404 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • • 10 000 g sulphur/tonne HFO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 20 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO 20 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO × 12.3404 g fuel/tonne cargo km = 0.2468 g sulphur dioxide/ tonne cargo km U2: 0.2468 g sulphur dioxide/ tonne cargo km × 0.10 = 0.025 g sulphur dioxide/ tonne cargo km xiv Calculations of other emissions: • • U2: 677g CO2 /kWh × 1.02 × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 39 g CO2 /tonne cargo km U2: 0.8 PM10 g/kWh × 1.02 × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km× 0.75 = 0.35 g PM10/tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel with an open scrubber (U2) Inputs: HFO Outputs: propulsion energy ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh instead of g. xv Type of flow fuel reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air U2 [g (kWha)/tonne km] 12,3404 5,680E-02 1,738E-04 3,922E+01 6,373E-02 2,317E-04 8,111E-01 1,796E-03 2,874E-02 3,476E-02 2,468E-02 Appendix B – LCI results for marine transportation with MGO The two alternatives with MGO (MGO) are described in this appendix. An overview of the system is described in Figure B-1. All processes for the two alternatives are the same except for the last one since no extra energy consumption has been related to the SCR unit. The data used for each process in the flowchart are described below. 577.4 kJ primary energy /tonne km 577.4 kJ primary energy /tonne km Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of MGO (A3) Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of MGO (A4) a3 = 11.5334 g MGO / tonne km a4 = 11.5334 g MGO / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (B3) Unloading, storage and loading (B4) b3 = 11.5315 g MGO / tonne km Bunkering (F3) 20.45 kJ energy /tonne km Production and transportation of urea (P4) Bunkering (F4) f4 = 11.5304 g MGO / tonne km f3 = 11.5304 g MGO / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U3) b4 = 11.5315 g MGO / tonne km 0.852 g urea / tonne km 3 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel with SCR (U4) 4 Figure B-1 Overview of how the two MGO alternatives with and without SCR have been modelled. The total primary energy consumption is: • • Fuel alternative 3: 577.4 kJ ≈ 580 kJ Fuel alternative 4: 577.4 kJ + 20.45 kJ ≈ 600 kJ xvii Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to MGO (A3, A4) Process type: Cradle-to-gate Reference flow: 1 g of MGO at refinery gate Data source: ELCD core database version II (2009b) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Average data for EU-15 countries Technical: “The data set describes a mass-weighted average refinery for the respective country / region.” (ELCD-core-database-version-II, 2009a) Time: Average data for the year 2003 Other important information: • Allocation made by the data provider: “For the combined crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids production allocation by net calorific value is applied. For all products of the refinery, allocation by mass and net calorific value is applied. The manufacturing route of every refinery product is modelled and so the effort of the production of these products is calculated specifically. Two allocation rules are applied: The raw-material (crude oil) consumption of the respective stages, which is necessary for the production of a product or an intermediate product, is allocated by energy (mass of the product * calorific value of the product). In these way products with high caloric values, e.g. gasoline or gases are assigned to higher raw material consumption and so higher environmental impacts compared with low caloric value products (e.g. asphalt, residual oil). The energy consumption (thermal energy, steam, electricity) of a process, e.g. atmospheric distillation, being required by a product or a intermediate product, are charged on the product according to the share of the throughput of the stage (mass allocation). The products, which are more complex to produce and therefore pass a lot of refinery facilities e.g. gasoline, are assigned with a higher energy consumption (and so higher emissions) compared with e.g. straight run products” (ELCD-core-databaseversion-II, 2009b). Assumptions for modelling: • • • The data set are representative for MGO produced in Europe with a sulphur content of 0.1% The lower heating value of MGO is 43 MJ/kg Only selected flows are modelled. Inputs considered is energy carriers and outputs considered are emissions to air from the substances selected in the goal and scope definition Data used: see LCI data set, column three, below Calculations for primary energy consumption: • • 0.04746 kJ/g MGO + 47.13 KJ/g MGO + 0.1285 kJ/g MGO +2.695 kJ/kg MGO + 0.05568 kJ/g MGO + 0.004795 kJ/g MGO + 0.005421 kJ/g MGO = 50.06 kJ/g MGO A3, A4: 50.06 kJ/g MGO × a3 = 577.4 kJ/tonne km Calculations for emissions: • A3, A4: 0.3013 kg CO2 /kg MGO × a3 = 3.5 g CO2 / tonne cargo km xviii LCI data set: Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to Type of flow MGO (A3, A4) Inputs: brown coal; 11 MJ/kg resource crude oil; 42.3 MJ/kg resource hard coal; 26.3 MJ/kg resource natural gas; 44.1 MJ/kg resource primary energy from hydro power resource primary energy from solar energy resource primary energy from wind power resource Outputs: MGO reference flow ammonia emissions to air CO2 emissions to air CO emissions to air CH4 emissions to air nitrogen dioxide emissions to air nitrogen monoxide emissions to air nitrous oxide emissions to air NMVOC emissions to air emissions to air • acetone emissions to air • benzene emissions to air • ethane emissions to air • ethanol emissions to air • ethylene emissions to air • formaldehyde emissions to air • methanol emissions to air • n-butane emissions to air • propane emissions to air • toluene particles (PM10) emissions to air sulphur dioxide emissions to air a The inputs are expressed in kJ instead of g per g fuel and tonne km. xix Unit process [g (kJa)/g MGO] A3, A4 [g (kJa)//tonne km] 4,746E-02 4,713E+01 1,285E-01 2,695E+00 5,568E-02 4,795E-03 5,421E-03 5,474E-01 5,435E+02 1,483E+00 3,108E+01 6,421E-01 5,530E-02 6,252E-02 1,000E+00 3,265E-06 3,013E-01 4,146E-04 3,348E-03 8,756E-04 7,529E-12 6,958E-06 2,601E-04 7,541E-08 1,319E-06 1,818E-04 2,647E-08 2,005E-08 2,662E-07 2,434E-08 6,821E-05 3,289E-04 6,685E-08 1,965E-05 1,752E-03 11,5334 3,766E-05 3,475E+00 4,782E-03 3,861E-02 1,010E-02 8,684E-11 8,025E-05 2,999E-03 8,698E-07 1,521E-05 2,097E-03 3,052E-07 2,312E-07 3,070E-06 2,807E-07 7,867E-04 3,793E-03 7,710E-07 2,267E-04 2,021E-02 Storage and loading of oil products (B3, B4) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of oil product Data source: Port of Gothenburg (2009) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Oil harbour, Gothenburg Technical: The oil harbour in Gothenburg has a vapour recovery unit used during loading of oil products. Time: Average data for the year 2008 Assumptions for modelling: • • • All fuels handled at the port emit the same proportions of volatile organic compounds Emission of volatile organic compound are assumed to be NMVOC The energy consumption at the oil harbour and the emissions to water is not included Data used: • • Products loaded to vessels: Emissions of NMVOC: Calculations of energy consumption: • • • 12996468 tonne 2220.620 tonne 2220.620 tonne evaporated fuel/ 12996468 tonne loaded fuel = 0.0001709 g evaporated fuel / g loaded fuel 0.0001709 g evaporated fuel / g loaded fuel × b3 = 0.00197 g evaporated fuel / tonne cargo km a3 = a4 = b3 + 0.00197 g HFO/ tonne cargo km =11.5334 Calculations for emissions: • • 2220.620 tonne NMVOC/ 12996468 tonne loaded products = 0.1709 kg NMVOC / tonne loaded product B3, B4: 0.1709 g NMVOC / kg loaded product × b3 = 0.0020 g NMVOC /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Storage and loading of oil products (B3, B4) Inputs: Fuel Outputs: Fuel NMVOC Type of flow Unit process [kg /kg fuel] B3, B4 [g /tonne km] product 1,000E+03 11,5334 reference flow emissions to air 1,000E+03 1,709E-01 11,5315 1,970E-03 xx Transportation and bunkering (F3, F4) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of fuel delivered to the Ro-Ro vessel Data sources: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the bunker ship Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the bunker ship is estimated 0.0452 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The bunker ship is assumed to have medium speed engines The bunker ship is assumed to be fuelled by MGO with a sulphur content of 0.1%. The distribution of MGO from the port to the Ro-Ro vessel with the bunker vessel is assumed to be 10 km. The emissions during the actual bunkering are not included “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • • 203 g fuel/kWh ×0.0452 kWh/tonne MGO/ km × 10 km =91.756 g fuel/tonne MGO 91.756 g fuel/tonne MGO × f3 =0.0011 g fuel /tonne cargo km b3 =b4= f3 + 0.0011 g fuel /tonne cargo km = 12.5315 g fuel /tonne cargo km xxi Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • • • 0.1 % sulphur × 1 tonne MGO = 1 000 g sulphur /tonne MGO 1 000 g sulphur /tonne MGO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne MGO 2000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne fuel × 91.756 g fuel/tonne MGO= 1.835 g sulphur dioxide /tonne MGO F3, F4: 1.835 g sulphur dioxide /tonne MGO × f3 = 2.116 E-06 g sulphur /tonne cargo km dioxide Calculations of the other emissions: • • 645g CO2 /kWh × 0.0452 kWh /tonne MGO/ km × 10 km = 291.54 g CO2 /tonne MGO F3, F4: 291.54 g CO2 /tonne MGO × f3= 0.0034 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation and bunkering (F3, F4) Inputs: MGO MGO Outputs: HFO ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne MGO] F3, F4 [g/tonne km] product fuel 9,176E+01 1,000E+00 0,0011 11,5304 reference flow emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air 1,000E+00 1,356E-03 2,915E+02 4,972E-01 1,808E-03 5,966E+00 1,401E-02 2,246E-01 1,356E-01 1,835E-01 11,5304 1,564E-08 3,362E-03 5,733E-06 2,085E-08 6,879E-05 1,616E-07 2,590E-06 1,564E-06 2,116E-06 xxii Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U3) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported one km Data source: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the Ro-Ro vessel Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0568 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The Ro-Ro vessel is assumed to have medium speed engines MGO with a sulphur content of 0.1% is used. “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of primary energy use: • f3 = 203 g fuel /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 11.5304 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • 1 000 g sulphur/tonne MGO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne MGO U3: 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO × f3 = 0.023 g sulphur dioxide / tonne cargo km xxiii Calculations of other emissions: • U3: 645 g CO2 /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 37g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U3) Inputs: MGO Outputs: propulsion energy ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh instead of g. Type of flow fuel reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air xxiv U3 [g (kWha)/tonne km] 11,5304 0,0568 1,704E-04 3,664E+01 6,248E-02 2,272E-04 7,498E-01 1,761E-03 2,823E-02 1,704E-02 2,306E-02 Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U4) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported one km Data sources: • • Cooper (2001) for emissions of ammonia from a medium speed diesel engine with SCR Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission except of ammonia and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the Ro-Ro vessel Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines with SCR Time: The data used were published 2008, 2004 and 2001 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • As process above: Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U3) Only emissions of ammonia and NOX are affected by the SCR unit The SCR unit is assumed to reduce the emissions of NOX with 85 %. It is possible to reach 95% reduction according to Lövblad and Fridell (2006), but 85% has been used here as this will be enough to fulfil Tier III Data used: From Cooper (2001) • Emissions of ammonia: 0.025 g /kWh Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.031 g/kWh Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • Calculations of energy consumption: • f4 = 203 g fuel/kWh × 0.0568 kWh/tonne cargo km = 11.5304 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions: • U4: 13.2 g NOX/kWh × 0.15 × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 0.1125 g NOX /tonne cargo km xxv • U4: 0.025 g ammonia/kWh × 0.0568 kWh/tonne cargo km = 0.00142 g ammonia/tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne of cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U4) Inputs: MGO urea Outputs: propulsion energya ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh / tonne km instead of g /tonne km. xxvi Type of flow fuel product reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air U4 [g /tonne km] 11,5304 0,8520 0,0568 1,420E-03 3,664E+01 6,248E-02 2,272E-04 1,125E-01 1,761E-03 2,698E-02 1,704E-02 2,306E-02 Production and transportation of urea (P4) Process type: Cradle-to-gate Reference flow: 1 g urea delivered to the Ro-Ro vessel Data source: Andersson and Winnes (2011) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Production of urea in Europe Technical: Demineralised water is used for preparation of the urea solution. Time: The study uses data for urea production published in 1999 to 2008. Other important information: • • Andersson and Winnes (2011) has assumed that the average transport distance for urea is 1000 km and 500 km each direction and empty return trip with truck. The production of the fuel used to transport urea is not included Assumptions for modelling: • 15 g/kWh urea is assumed to be used by the Ro-Ro vessel Data used: From Andersson and Winnes (2011) The production of 15 g of urea results in the following resource use and emissions: • • • • • • • • • Fuel: Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of CO: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of particles: Emissions of sulphur dioxide: Calculations of primary energy use: • 0.36 MJ 0.24 g 28.169 g 0.011 g 0.03 g 0.058 g 0.024 g 0.01 g 0.066 g 0.36 MJ/kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km =0.020 MJ/ tonne cargo km = 20 kJ/ tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions: • P4: 0.24 g ammonia/kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 0.14 g ammonia / tonne km xxvii LCI data set: Production and transportation of urea (P4) Type of flow Inputs: Fuela Outputs: urea ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a Primary energy is expressed in kJ / tonne km instead of g / tonne km. xxviii P4 [g /tonne km] fuel 2,045E+01 reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air 0,8520 1,363E-03 1,600E+00 6,248E-04 1,704E-03 3,294E-03 1,363E-03 5,680E-04 3,749E-03 Appendix C – LCI results for marine transportation with LNG The two alternatives with LNG are described in this appendix. The system is illustrated in Figure C-1. The two alternatives represent different distribution routes for LNG. The data used for each process in the flowchart are described below. The total primary energy consumption is: • • Fuel alternative 5a: 7.433 kJ + 11.8567 g × 48 kJ/g = 576.5546 ≈ 580 kJ Fuel alternative 5b: 7.903 kJ + 12.6068 g × 48 kJ/g = 613.0294 ≈ 610 kJ xxix 7.433 kJ primary energy / tonne km 7.903 kJ primary energy / tonne km Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5a) Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5b) a5a = 11.8567 g natural gas / tonne km a5b = 12.6068 g natural gas / tonne km Liquefaction (B5a) Liquefaction (B5b) b5a = 10.9291 g LNG / tonne km b5b = 11.6206 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Transportation 6500 NM with LNG Carrier (C5b) c5b = 10.9792 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading c5b = 10.9792 g LNG / tonne km c5a = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 500 NM with Coral Methane (D5b) d5b = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading Unloading, storage and loading c5a = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km d5b = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km Bunkering (F5a) Bunkering (F5b) f5a = 10.8110 g LNG / tonne km f5b = 10.8110 g LNG / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5a) Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5b) 5a 5b Figure C-1 Overview of the energy consumption for the two alternatives with LNG as fuel. The uncoloured processes these have not been included. xxx Extraction and transportation of natural gas (A5a, A5b) Process type: Cradle-to-gate Reference flow: 1 tonne natural gas delivered to the liquefaction plant Data source: SPINE LCI dataset (2008) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Norway Technical: Technology for oil and gas extraction used in Norway. Comment from the data provider: “Extraction of oil in Norway is internationally considered to be one of the most environmental friendly, because the oil companies have to follow strict environmental laws and therefore use the most advanced technology and equipment available on the market” (SPINELCI-dataset, 2008) Time: Average data from 1991 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • The data is still representative even if it is from 1991 Allocation between crude oil and natural gas is based on energy content (lower heating valued times mass) The lower heating value of crude oil is 42.3 MJ/kg and the lower heating value of natural gas is 48 MJ/kg Lower heating value of diesel is 43 MJ/kg Lower heating value of fuel gas is 36.8 MJ/m3 Lower heating value of jet fuel is 44.1 MJ/kg VOC is assumed to be NMVOC in the SPINE LCI dataset (2008) Data used: From SPINE LCI dataset (2008) Inflows Diesel Fuel gas Jet fuel Outflows 3663 11000008 123 tonnes m3 tonnes CO2 CH4 nitrous oxide CO NOX 61248 86 136 83 388 tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes sulphur dioxide NMVOC Crude oil Gas 896 817 786000 213000 tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes xxxi Calculation of allocation factor: • 213 000 tonnes × 48 000 MJ/tonne/(213 000 tonnes × 48 000 MJ/tonne + 786000 × 42 300 MJ/tonne) = 0.23518695 Calculations of primary energy use: • • • (3663 tonne × 43 000 MJ/tonne +11000008 m3 × 36.8 MJ/m3 +123 tonne × 44 100 MJ/tonne) / 213 000 tonnes natural gas × 0.23518695 = 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas 5a: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5a = 7.4 kJ /tonne km 5b: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5b = 7.9 kJ /tonne km Calculations of emissions: • • • 61248 tonnes CO2 / 213000 tonnes natural gas × 0.23518695 = 67627.8 g CO2 / tonnes natural gas A5a: 67627.8 g CO2 / tonnes natural gas × a5a g natural gas /tonne km = 0.80 g CO2 /tonne cargo km A5b: 67627.8 g CO2 / tonnes natural gas × a5b g natural gas /tonne km = 0.85 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Extraction and transportation of natural gas Type of flow Unit process (A5a, A5b) [ga/tonne natural gas] Inputs: Diesel resource 4,045E+03 Fuel gas resource 1,215E+01 Jet fuel resource 1,358E+02 Outputs: natural gas Reference flow 1,000E+00b Emissions to air 6,763E+04 CO2 Emissions to air 9,496E+01 CH4 Emissions to air 1,502E+02 nitrous oxide Emissions to air 9,165E+01 CO Emissions to air 4,284E+02 NOX Emissions to air 9,893E+02 sulphur dioxide Emissions to air 9,021E+02 NMVOC a Fuel gas is expressed in Nm3 / tonne natural gas instead of g / tonne natural gas b In tonne/tonne natural gas xxxii A5a [g /tonne km] A5b [g /tonne km] 4,795E-02 1,440E-04 1,610E-03 5,099E-02 1,531E-04 1,712E-03 11,8567 8,018E-01 1,126E-03 1,780E-03 1,087E-03 5,080E-03 1,173E-02 1,070E-02 12,6068 8,526E-01 1,197E-03 1,893E-03 1,155E-03 5,401E-03 1,247E-02 1,137E-02 Liquefaction (B5a, B5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 MJ LNG Data source: • • Data for energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from JEC (2008b, 2008a) Data for other emissions from natural gas combustion in combined cycle gas turbine from GEMIS version 4.5 (2010). Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Europe Technical: Consider technologies that are expected to be commercial available in 2010-2020 Time: 2010-2020 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • The lower heating value of natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. Data used: From JEC (2008b) • • Emissions of CO2: Emissions of CH4: From JEC (2008a) 0.06173684 MJ natural gas 4.7 g/MJ LNG 0.04 g MJ/LNG 1.02313 MJ natural gas CCGT, 57% efficiency 0.03434 MJ electricity Liquefaction 1.01 MJ LNG 0.00085 MJ electricty Storage at terminal 1 MJ LNG xxxiii From GEMIS version 4.5 Data as collected Inflows: Natural gas fuel Outflows: Electricity CO NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide Energy carrier Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Type of flow Unit 1,754386 TJ 1 73,65728 110,48592 4,4194368 7,365728 0,7365728 0,750576 TJ kg kg kg kg kg kg Comment: Emissions of CO2 and CH4 from electricity production is included in the data from JEC (2008b) and therefore not shown here. There are of cause emissions of CO2 and CH4 from combustion of natural gas. Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • • (0.06173684 MJ natural gas + 1.02313 MJ natural gas) / MJ LNG = 1.08486684 MJ natural gas /MJ LNG = 1.08486684 tonne natural gas / tonne LNG B5a: 1.08486684 tonne natural gas / tonne LNG × b5a = 11.8567 g natural gas /tonne km B5b: 1.08486684 tonne natural gas / tonne LNG × b5b = 12.6068 g natural gas /tonne km Calculations of emissions: • • • • • • • • 4.7 g CO2 /MJ LNG × 48 MJ/kg = 225.6 g CO2 / kg LNG B5a: 225.6 g CO2 / kg LNG × b5a = 2.5 g CO2 / tonne cargo km B5b: 225.6 g CO2 / kg LNG × b5a = 2.6 g CO2 / tonne cargo km Electricity use: 0.00085 MJ + 0.03434 MJ = 0.03519 MJ electricity/ MJ LNG shipped 73.65728 kg CO / 1 TJ electricity × 0.03519 MJ electricity = 0.025919997 g CO / MJ LNG combusted 0.025919997 g CO / MJ LNG combusted × 48 000 MJ /tonne LNG = 0.00012441598 tonne CO /tonne LNG B5a: 0.00012441598 tonne CO /tonne LNG × b5a = 0.0014 g CO / tonne cargo km B5b: 0.00012441598 tonne CO /tonne LNG × b5b = 0.0014 g CO / tonne cargo km LCI data set: Liquefaction (B5a, B5b) Type of flow Inflows: Natural gas resource 1,085E+00 11,8567 12,6068 Outflows: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide reference flow Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air 1,000E+00 2,279E-01 1,244E-04 1,939E-03 1,866E-04 7,465E-06 1,244E-05 1,244E-06 1,268E-06 10,9291 2,490E+00 1,360E-03 2,119E-02 2,040E-03 8,159E-05 1,360E-04 1,360E-05 1,386E-05 11,6206 2,648E+00 1,446E-03 2,253E-02 2,169E-03 8,675E-05 1,446E-04 1,446E-05 1,473E-05 Unit process [tonne/tonne LNG] xxxiv B5a [g/tonne km] B5b [g/tonne km] Transportation of LNG 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne LNG Data sources: • • • Hasan et al. (2009) for modelling the boil-off gas from LNG World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from North Sea to Gothenburg Data from Wärtsilä (Hattar, 2010, Stenhede, 2009) has been used for emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Product tanker with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the product tanker is estimated to 156.38 kWh per km and the cargo capacity is 7500 m3, see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The fillrate is set to 0.55, i.e. the vessels travels without cargo almost all the way back. Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion “THC” in the data from Hattar (2010) is assumed to be CH4. If more BOG is generated than needed for propulsion this is also assumed to be combusted in the engine. If less BOG then needed for propulsion is generated this is disregarded in the calculations as long as the fuel needed is less than the BOG and the heel together. The data from Hattar is from an engine at 100 % load and nominal speed this is not representative for real operating conditions, but it is assumed that it is approximately the same. Emissions from the gas engine are approximately proportional to the engine efficiency in a small efficiency range The lower heating value for natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. The density of LNG is 440 kg/m3. The engine efficiency is 41%. 1 Ib = 453.5924 g 1 MMBtu =1055.06 MJ Data used: From World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) • Bergen – Gothenburg: 350 NM, 1 day at 15 knots From Hasan et al. (2009) • Heel: 5% of total cargo capacity xxxv • Boil-off rate: 0. 15% per day Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of CH4: 425 g/kWh 1.3 g/kWh 2.1 g/kWh From Hattar (2010) • • • From Stenhede (2009) • • • Efficiency: Emissions of CO: Emissions of particles: Calculation of transported cargo: • • • • • • • 48% 2.1 g/kWh 0.07 g/kWh Cargo capacity: 7500 m3 × 440 kg/m3 × 0.55= 1815 tonne Boil-off-gas: 1815 tonne × 0.0015 /day × 1 day = 2.7225 tonne Heel: 1850 tonne × 0.05 = 90.75tonne Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ )/ 0.41 = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh 0.183 kg LNG/kWh × 156.38 kWh/km × 350 NM ×1.852 km/NM= 18542.47244 kg LNG ≈ 19 tonne LNG > 2.7225 tonne boil-off-gas, 19 tonne LNG < 90.75 tonne Transported cargo = 1815 tonne – 90.75 tonne – 2.7225 tonne = 1721.5275 tonne 156.38 kWh/km / 1721.5275 tonne LNG × 350 NM ×1.852 km/NM = 58.881148 kWh/ tonne transported LNG Calculations of primary energy use: • • • 58.881148 kWh/ tonne transported LNG × 0.182927 kg LNG/kWh = 10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG 10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG × c5a = 0.116463 g LNG/ tonne km b5a = c5a + 0.116463 g LNG/ tonne km = 10.9291 g LNG/ tonne km Calculations of CO2 emissions: • • • 0.995×0.75×44/12 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG × 10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG = 29472 g CO2 / tonne transported LNG C5a: 29472g CO2 / tonne transported LNG × c5a = 0.32 g CO2 /tonne km Calculations of emissions from Hattar (2010): • • • • • • • 0.995×0.75×44/12 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG / 0.048 MJ /g LNG = 57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel 425 g CO2/ kWh / 3.6 MJ /kWh = 118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine (57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel) / (118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine) = 0.4828676471 MJ energy from engine / MJ fuel ≈ 48 % efficiency. Emissions factor at 41% efficiency: 2.1 g CH4 /kWh × 0.4828676471 / 0.41 = 2.47322 g CH4 /kWh 2.47322 g CH4 /kWh × 58.881148 kWh/ tonne transported LNG = 145.626 g CH4 /tonne transported LNG C5a: 145.626 g CH4 /tonne transported LNG × c5a = 0.0016 g CH4/ tonne cargo km xxxvi Calculations of emissions from Stenhede (2009): • • • • • 2.1 g CO/kWh from engine × 0.48 = 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input / 3.6 MJ/kWh = 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel × 48 MJ /kg fuel = 13.44 g CO /kg fuel 13.44 g CO / kg fuel × 10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG = 144.762 g CO / tonne transported LNG C5a: 144.762 g CO / tonne transported LNG × c5a = 0.0016 g CO / tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG xxxvii Unit process [g/tonne LNG] D5a [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,077E+04 1,000E+00a 0,1165 10,8127 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00a 2,947E+04 1,448E+02 1,456E+02 9,015E+01 4,825E+00 10,8127 3,187E-01 1,565E-03 1,575E-03 9,747E-04 5,217E-05 Transportation of LNG 6500 NM with LNG carrier (C5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne LNG Data sources: • • • Hasan et al. (2009) for modelling the boil-off gas from LNG World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from Qatar to Rotterdam Data for other emissions from natural gas combustion from the GREET-model (ArgonneNational-Laboratory, 1999) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: LNG carrier with a steam turbine with 30% efficiency Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the LNG Carrier is estimated to 642.55 kWh per km and the cargo capacity is 147237 m3 see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The fillrate is set to 0.55, i.e. the vessels travels without cargo almost all the way back. The LNG carrier is propelled by a steam turbine fired with boil-off gas. The efficiency of the steam turbine is 30%. The steam turbine uses only natural gas. Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion. The energy used for liquefaction is generated from combustion of natural gas in a future natural gas industrial boiler. Since the data are from 1999 a future industrial boiler is assumed more representative than a current. The only difference between the emission factors is the emission of NOX 39.1 g/10^6 Btu in the future boiler and 92.9 g/10^6 Btu in the current. Emissions of sulphur dioxide are not included since LNG is assumed to be cleaned of sulphur during liquefaction. If more BOG is generated than needed for propulsion this is also assumed to be combusted in the engine. If less BOG then needed for propulsion is generated this is disregarded in the calculations as long as the fuel needed is less than the BOG and the heel together. 10^6 Btu = 1055.06 MJ The lower heating value of natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. The density of LNG is 440 kg/m3. Data used: From World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) • Qatar – Rotterdam: 6500 NM. 14 days at 19.5 knots From Hasan et al. (2009) • • Boil-off rate: Heel: 0. 15% per day 5% of total cargo capacity xxxviii From Argonne National Laboratory (1999) Emissions to air from utility/industrial boiler (current) CO CH4 nitrous oxide particles (PM10) NOX NMVOC 41.1 1.1 1.1 3.7 39.1 2.7 Unit g/10^6 Btu g/10^6 Btu g/10^6 Btu g/10^6 Btu g/10^6 Btu g/10^6 Btu Calculation of transported cargo: • • • • • • • Cargo capacity: 147237 m3 × 440 kg/m3 × 0.55 = 35 631.354 tonne Boil-off-gas: 35 631.354 tonne × 0.0015 /day × 14 days = 748.258434 tonne Heel: 35 631.354 tonne × 0.05 = 1781.5677 tonne Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg ×1/3.6 kWh /MJ )/ 0.30 = 0.250 kg LNG/kWh 0.250 kg LNG/kWh × 642.55 kWh/km × 6500 NM ×1.852 km/NM= 1933.754225 tonne LNG < 748.258 tonne BOG + 1781.5677 tonne heel Transported cargo = 35 631.354 tonne – (748.258 tonne BOG + 1781.5677 tonne heel) = 33101.5 tonne 0.250 kg LNG/kWh × 642.55 kWh/km × 6500 NM ×1.852 km/NM / 33101.5 tonne = 58.418880 LNG/ tonne transported LNG Calculations of primary energy use: • • 58.418880 kg LNG/ tonne transported LNG × c5b = 0.6414 g LNG/ tonne cargo km b5b = c5b + 0.6414 g LNG/ tonne cargo km = 11.6202 g LNG/ tonne cargo km Calculations of CO2 emissions: • • • 0.995×0.75×44/11 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG × 58.418880 kg LNG/ tonne transported LNG = 159.849 kg CO2 / tonne transported LNG C5b: 159.849 kg CO2 / tonne transported LNG × c5b = 1.8 g CO2 /tonne km Calculations of the other emissions: • • • • 41.1 g CO /10^6 Btu LNG combusted × 10^6 Btu /1055.06 MJ = 0.038955 g CO / MJ LNG combusted 0.038955 g CO / MJ LNG combusted × 48 MJ/kg = 1.86984 g CO / kg LNG combusted 1.86984 g CO / kg LNG combusted × 58.418880 kg LNG/ tonne transported LNG = 109.234 g CO /tonne transported LNG C5b: 109.234 g CO /tonne transported LNG × c5b g LNG /tonne cargo km = 0.0012 g CO /tonne cargo km xxxix LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 6500 NM with LNG carrier (C5b) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Fuel Product 5,842E-02a 1,000E+00a 0,6414 10,9792 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00a 1,598E+05 1,092E+02 2,924E+00 1,039E+02 2,924E+00 7,176E+00 9,834E+00 10,9792 1,755E+00 1,199E-03 3,210E-05 1,141E-03 3,210E-05 7,879E-05 1,080E-04 Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG xl Unit process [g /tonne LNG] C5b [g /tonne km] Transportation of LNG 500 NM with product tanker (D5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne LNG Data sources: • • • Hasan et al. (2009) for modelling the boil-off gas from LNG World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from Rotterdam to Gothenburg Data from Wärtsilä (Hattar, 2010, Stenhede, 2009) has been used other emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Product tanker with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the product tanker is estimated to 156.38 kWh per km and the cargo capacity is 7500 m3, see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The fillrate is set to 0.55, i.e. the vessels travels without cargo almost all the way back. Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion “THC” in the data from Hattar (2010) is assumed to be CH4. If more BOG is generated than needed for propulsion this is also assumed to be combusted in the engine. If less BOG then needed for propulsion is generated this is disregarded in the calculations as long as the fuel needed is less than the BOG and the heel together. The data from Hattar is from an engine at 100 % load and nominal speed this is not representative for real operating conditions, but it is assumed that it is approximately the same. Emissions from the gas engine are approximately proportional to the engine efficiency in a small efficiency range The lower heating value for natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. The density of LNG is 440 kg/m3. The engine efficiency is 41%. 1 Ib = 453.5924 g 1 MMBtu =1055.06 MJ Data used: From World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) • Rotterdam – Gothenburg: 500 NM, 1.5 days at 14 knots From Hasan et al. (2009) • Boil-off rate: 0. 15% per day xli • Heel: 5% of total cargo capacity From Hattar (2010) • • • Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of CH4: 425 g/kWh 1.3 g/kWh 2.1 g/kWh Efficiency: Emissions of CO: Emissions of particles: 48% 2.1 g/kWh 0.07 g/kWh From Stenhede (2009) • • • Calculation of transported cargo: • • • • • • • Cargo capacity: 7500 m3 × 440 kg/m3 × 0.55= 1815 tonne Boil-off-gas: 1815 tonne × 0.0015 /day × 1.5 day = 4.08375 tonne Heel: 1850 tonne × 0.05 = 90.75 tonne Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ )/ 0.41 = 0.18292683 kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh 0.18292683 kg LNG/kWh × 156.38 kWh/km × 500 NM ×1.852 km/NM= 26489.214634 kg LNG ≈ 26 tonne LNG > 4.08375 tonne boil-off-gas, 26 tonne LNG < 90.75 tonne Transported cargo = 1815 tonne – 90.75 tonne – 4.08375 tonne = 1720.16625 tonne 156.38 kWh/km / 1720.16625 tonne LNG × 500 NM ×1.852 km/NM = 84.18249108 kWh/ tonne transported LNG Calculations of primary energy use: • • • 84.18249108 kWh/ tonne transported LNG × 0.18292683 kg LNG/kWh = 15.399250 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG 15.399250 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG × d5a = 0.166507 g LNG/ tonne km c5b = d5b + 0.166507 g LNG/ tonne km = 10.9792 Calculations of CO2 emissions: • • • 0.995×0.75×44/11 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG × 15.399250 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG = 42136.2 g CO2 / tonne transported LNG ≈ 42 000 g CO2 / tonne transported LNG D5b: 42136.2 g CO2 / tonne transported LNG × d5b = 0.46 g CO2 /tonne km Calculations of emissions from Hattar (2010): • • • • • • 0.995×0.75×44/12 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG / 0.048 MJ /g LNG = 57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel 425 g CO2/ kWh / 3.6 MJ /kWh = 118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine (57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel) / (118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine) = 0.4828676471 MJ energy from engine / MJ fuel ≈ 48 % efficiency. Emissions factor at 41% efficiency: 2.1 g CH4 /kWh × 0.4828676471 / 0.41 = 2.47322 g CH4 /kWh Emissions factor per fuel input: 2.1 g CH4 /kWh × 0.4828676471 / 3.6 MJ/kWh × 48 MJ LNG /kg = 0.013520 g CH4 /g LNG xlii • • 0.013520 g CH4 /g LNG × 15.399250 kg LNG combusted / tonne LNG transported = 210 g CH4 / tonne LNG transported D5b: 0.013520 g CH4 /g LNG × 0.166507 g LNG combusted/tonne km = 0.0023 g CH4 /tonne transported LNG Calculations of emissions from Stenhede (2009): • • • • • • 2.1 g CO/kWh from engine × 0.48 = 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input / 3.6 MJ/kWh = 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel × 48 MJ /kg fuel = 13.44 g CO /kg fuel 13.44 g CO / kg fuel × 15.399250kg LNG / tonne transported LNG = 206.966 g CO / tonne transported LNG D5b: 206.966 g CO / tonne transported LNG × d5b = 0.002 g CO / tonne cargo km D5b: 13.44 g CO / kg fuel × 0.166507 g LNG combusted/tonne km = 0.002 g CO/ tonne km LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 500 NM with product tanker (D5b) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG xliii Unit process [g/tonne LNG] D5b [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,540E+04 1,000E+00a 0,1665 10,8127 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00a 4,213E+04 2,070E+02 2,082E+02 1,289E+02 6,899E+00 10,8127 4,556E-01 2,238E-03 2,251E-03 1,394E-03 7,459E-05 Transportation and bunkering (F5a, F5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne LNG delivered to the Ro-Ro vessel Data sources: • • • Hasan et al. (2009) for modelling the boil-off gas from LNG World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from North Sea to Gothenburg Data from Wärtsilä (Hattar, 2010, Stenhede, 2009) has been used other emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Bunker ship with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the bunker vessel is assumed to be 0.0858 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The bunker vessel transports the fuel 10 km Boil-off gas is not considered Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion “THC” in the data from Hattar (2010) is assumed to be CH4. The data from Hattar is from an engine at 100 % load and nominal speed this is not representative for real operating conditions, but it is assumed that it is approximately the same. Emissions from the gas engine are approximately proportional to the engine efficiency in a small efficiency range The lower heating value for natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. The density of LNG is 440 kg/m3. The engine efficiency is 41%. 1 Ib = 453.5924 g 1 MMBtu =1055.06 MJ Data used: From Hattar (2010) • • • Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of CH4: 425 g/kWh 1.3 g/kWh 2.1 g/kWh Efficiency: 48% From Stenhede (2009) • xliv • • Emissions of CO: Emissions of particles: Calculations of primary energy use: • • • • 2.1 g/kWh 0.07 g/kWh Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ)/ 0.41 = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh × 0.0858 kWh /tonne LNG km × 10 km= 156.951 g LNG combusted / tonne LNG transported 156.951 g LNG / tonne × f5a = 0.00169679... g LNG combusted/tonne km c5a = c5b = f5a + 0.0017 g LNG /tonne transported LNG = 10.8127 g / tonne km Calculations of CO2 emissions: • • • 0.995×0.75×44/11 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG × 156.951 g LNG combusted / tonne LNG transported = 429.457 g CO2 / tonne LNG transported F5a, F5b: 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG × 0.0016968 g LNG combusted /tonne km = 0.0046 g CO2 / tonne km Calculations of emissions from Hattar (2010): • • • • • • • 0.995×0.75×44/12 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG / 0.048 MJ /g LNG = 57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel 425 g CO2/ kWh / 3.6 MJ /kWh = 118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine (57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel) / (118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine) = 0.4828676471 MJ energy from engine / MJ fuel ≈ 48 % efficiency. Emissions factor at 41% efficiency: 2.1 g CH4 /kWh × 0.4828676471 / 0.41 = 2.47322 g CH4 /kWh Emissions factor per fuel input: 2.1 g CH4 /kWh × 0.4828676471 / 3.6 MJ/kWh × 48 MJ LNG /kg = 0.013520 g CH4 /g LNG F5a, F5b: 0.013520 g CH4 /g LNG × 0.0016968 g LNG combusted/tonne km = 2.3 E-05 g CH4 /tonne transported LNG Calculations of emissions from Stenhede (2009): • • • • • 2.1 g CO/kWh from engine × 0.48 = 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input / 3.6 MJ/kWh = 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel × 48 MJ /kg fuel = 13.44 g CO /kg fuel 13.44 g CO / kg fuel × 156.951 g LNG / tonne transported LNG = 2.10942 g CO / tonne transported LNG F5a, F5b: 13.44 g CO / kg fuel × 0.0016968 g LNG combusted/tonne km = 2.3 E-05 g CO/ tonne km xlv LCI data set: Transportation and bunkering (F5a, F5b) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) a In tonne/tonne LNG xlvi Unit process [g/tonne LNG] F5a, F5b [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,569E+02 1,000E+00a 0,0017 10,8110 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00a 4,293E+02 2,109E+00 2,121E+00 1,313E+00 7,028E-02 10,8110 4,641E-03 2,280E-05 2,293E-05 1,420E-05 7,598E-07 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U5a, U5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported 1 km Data sources: Data from Wärtsilä (Hattar, 2010, Stenhede, 2009) has been used other emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Ro-Ro vessel with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) with and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0591 kWh per tonne transported cargo and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The efficiency of the engine is 41% Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion “THC” in the data from Hattar (2010) is assumed to be CH4. The data from Hattar is from an engine at 100 % load and nominal speed this is not representative for real operating conditions, but it is assumed that it is approximately the same. Emissions from the gas engine are approximately proportional to the engine efficiency in a small efficiency range Data used: From Hattar (2010) • • • Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of CH4: From Stenhede (2009) • • • Efficiency: Emissions of CO: Emissions of particles: 425 g/kWh 1.3 g/kWh 2.1 g/kWh Calculations of primary energy use: • • 48% 2.1 g/kWh 0.07 g/kWh Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ)/ 0.41 = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh f5a = f5b = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh × 0.0591 kWh /tonne km = 10.8110 g LNG / tonne km xlvii Calculations of CO2 emissions: • • 0.995×0.75×44/12 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG U5a, U5b: 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG × f5a = 30 g CO2 /tonne km Calculations of emissions from Hattar (2010): • • • • • • • 0.995×0.75×44/12 = 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG 2.73625 g CO2 /g LNG / 0.048 MJ /g LNG = 57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel 425 g CO2/ kWh / 3.6 MJ /kWh = 118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine (57.0052 g CO2 / MJ fuel) / (118.056 g CO2 / MJ energy from engine) = 0.4828676471 MJ energy from engine / MJ fuel ≈ 48 % efficiency. Emissions factor at 41% efficiency: 2.1 g CH4 /kWh × 0.4828676471 / 0.41 = 2.47322 g CH4 /kWh Emissions factor per fuel input: 2.1 g CH4 /kWh × 0.4828676471 / 3.6 MJ/kWh × 48 MJ LNG /kg = 0.013520 g CH4 /g LNG U5a, U5b: 0.013520 g CH4 /g LNG × f5a = 0.15 g CH4 /tonne transported LNG Calculations of emissions from Stenhede (2009): • • • • • • 2.1 g CO/kWh from engine × 0.48 = 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input 1.008 g CO/kWh fuel input / 3.6 MJ/kWh = 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel 0.28 g CO /MJ fuel × 48 MJ /kg fuel = 13.44 g CO /kg fuel 13.44 g CO / kg fuel × 10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG = 144.762 g CO / tonne transported LNG 144.762 g CO / tonne transported LNG × c5a = 0.016 g CO / tonne cargo km U5a, U5b: 13.44 g CO / kg fuel × f5a = 0. 15 g CO/ tonne km LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U5a, U5b) Inputs: LNG Cargo Outputs: Cargo Propulsion energy CO2 Type of flow Fuel Functional unit 10,8110 1b Functional unit 1b 0,0591 2,958E+01 1,453E-01 1,462E-01 9,048E-02 4,843E-03 Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) a Propulsion energy is in kJ per tonne km b In tonne per tonne km xlviii U5a, U5b [g (kJa)//tonne km] Appendix D – LCI results for marine transportation with GTL The two alternatives with GTL are described in this appendix. The system is illustrated in Figure C-1. The data used for each process in the flowchart are described below. 9.973 kJ primary energy / tonne km 9.973 kJ primary energy / tonne km 22.23 kJ primary energy /tonne km 22.23 kJ primary energy /tonne km Extraction and transport of natural gas (A6) Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of MGO (G6) Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of MGO (G7) a6 =15.9099 g natural gas / tonne km Fischer-Tropsch diesel production (B6) g6 = 0.4440 g MGO /tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (H6) h16 =0.3821 g MGO /tonne km a7 = 15.9099 g natural gas / tonne km Fischer-Tropsch diesel production (B7) g7 =0.4440 g MGO /tonne km b6 = 11.5324 g GTL / tonne km Transportation 6000 NM with product tanker (C6) Extraction and transport of natural gas (A7) Unloading, storage and loading (H7) b7 =11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h17 = 0.3821 g MGO /tonne km c6 = 11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h26 =0.0607 g MGO /tonne km c7 =11.5324 g GTL / tonne km Transportation 1000 NM with product tanker (D6) h27 =0607 g MGO /tonne km d6 = 11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h36 = 0.0011 g MGO /tonne km e6 = 11.5304 g GTL / tonne km Bunkering (F6) Transportation 1000 NM with product tanker (D7) d7 =11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h37 = 0.0011 g MGO /tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (E6) Transportation 6000 NM with product tanker (C7) Unloading, storage and loading (E7) e7 = 11.5304 g LNG / tonne km 20.45 kJ primary energy /tonne km Bunkering (F7) Production and transportation of urea (P7) f6 = 11.5304 g GTL / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U6) 0.852 g urea / tonne km f7 = 11.5304 g LNG / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel with SCR (U7) 7 6 Figure D-1 Overview of the energy consumption for the two alternatives with GTL as fuel. The total primary energy consumption is: • • Fuel alternative 6: 22.23 kJ + 15.9099 g × 48 kJ/g = 785.9052 ≈ 790 kJ Fuel alternative 7: 22.23 kJ + 15.9099 g × 48 kJ/g + 20.45 kJ = 806.3552 ≈ 810 kJ xlix Extraction and transportation of natural gas (A6, A7) Process type: Cradle-to-gate Reference flow: 1 tonne natural gas to the Fischer-Tropsch plant Data source: SPINE LCI dataset (2008) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Norway Technical: Technology for oil and gas extraction used in Norway. Comment from the data provider: “Extraction of oil in Norway is internationally considered to be one of the most environmental friendly, because the oil companies have to follow strict environmental laws and therefore use the most advanced technology and equipment available on the market” (SPINELCI-dataset, 2008) Time: Average data from 1991 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • The data is representative even if it is from 1991 Allocation between crude oil and natural gas is based on energy content (lower heating valued and mass) The lower heating value of crude oil is 42.3 MJ/kg and the lower heating value of natural gas is 48 MJ/kg Lower heating value of diesel is 43 MJ/kg Lower heating value of fuel gas is 36.8 MJ/m3 Lower heating value of jet fuel is 44.1 MJ/kg VOC is assumed to be NMVOC Data used: From SPINE LCI dataset (2008) Inflows Diesel Fuel gas Jet fuel Outflows CO2 CH4 nitrous oxide CO NOX sulphur dioxide NMVOC Crude oil Gas Calculation of allocation factor: • 3663 11000008 123 tonnes m3 tonnes 61248 86 136 83 388 896 817 786000 213000 tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes 213 000 tonnes × 48 000 MJ/tonne/(213 000 tonnes × 48 000 MJ/tonne + 786000 × 42 300 MJ/tonne) = 0.23518695 l Calculations of primary energy use: • • (3663 tonne × 43 000 MJ/tonne +11000008 m3 × 36.8 MJ/m3 +123 tonne × 44 100 MJ/tonne) / 213 000 tonnes natural gas × 0.23518695 = 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a6 = 10 kJ /tonne km Calculations of emissions: • • 61248 tonnes CO2 / 213000 tonnes natural gas × 0.23518695 = 67627.8 g CO2 / tonnes natural gas A6, A7: 67627.8 g CO2 / tonnes natural gas × a6 g natural gas /tonne km = 1.1 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Extraction and transportation of natural gas (A6, A7) Type of flow Inputs: Diesel Fuel gas Jet fuel Outputs: natural gas CO2 CH4 nitrous oxide CO NOX sulphur dioxide NMVOC a The fuel gas is expressed in m3 instead of g per kg fuel and tonne km. li Unit process [g (m3a)/kg natural gas] A6, A7 [g (m3a)/tonne km] Refined Refined Refined 4,045E+03 1,215E+01 1,358E+02 6,435E-02 1,932E-04 2,161E-03 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00 6,763E+04 9,496E+01 1,502E+02 9,165E+01 4,284E+02 9,893E+02 9,021E+02 15,9099 1,076E+00 1,511E-03 2,389E-03 1,458E-03 6,816E-03 1,574E-02 1,435E-02 GTL production (B6, B7) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne GTL Data sources: • • JEC (2008b) Marano and Ciferno (2001) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Europe and USA Technical: From study by Marano and Ciferno (2001) - FT diesel produced from associated gas with conventional product upgrading with 2000 years state of the art FT production and cogeneration of electricity. Time: 2010+ for the JEC Well-to-Wheels study Other important information: • • The JEC Well-to-Wheels study uses the following allocation method: “All energy and emissions generated by the process are allocated to the main or desired product of that process. The byproduct generates an energy and emission credit equal to the energy and emissions saved by not producing the material that the co-product is most likely to displace” (Edwards et al., 2007) The study by Marano and Ciferno (2001) has used allocation based on LHV and mass (due to co-production of electricity). Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • Two different studies have been used for different flows from the Fischer-Tropsch process and it have been assumed that the result will still be representative even if the studies have used different allocation methods and different system boundaries. The lower heating value of GTL is 43 MJ/kg The lower heating value of LNG is 48 MJ/kg The density of GTL is 738.443683 kg /m3, calculated from Marano and Ciferno (2001) All energy used in the process is supplied from natural gas Data used: From JEC (JEC) • • Energy expended 0.54 MJx/MJf Emissions of CO2 13.8 g/MJ Marano and Ciferno (2001) CH4 nitrous oxide NOX CO particles (unspecified) NMVOC Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air lii 30 20 632 154 14 27 mg/dm3 mg/dm3 mg/dm3 mg/dm3 mg/dm3 mg/dm3 Calculations of energy use: • • • • 0.54 MJ energy is expended when 1 MJ GTL is produced => 1.54 MJ natural gas is needed to produce 1 MJ GTL if all energy is supplied from natural gas. For 1 tonne GTL: 1.54 MJ × 43 000 MJ/tonne /48 000 MJ/tonne = 1.379583 tonne natural gas a6 = b6 × 1.379583 = 15.9099 g/tonne km a7 = b7 × 1.379583 = 15.9099 g/tonne km Calculations of emissions: • • • • 13.8 g CO2 /MJ GTL × 43000 MJ /tonne GTL = 593400 g CO2 /tonne GTL A6, A7: 593400 g CO2 /tonne GTL × b6 = 6.8 g /tonne km 30 mg CH4/dm3 GTL / 738.443683 kg /m3 GTL = 40.6 g CH4 /tonne GTL A6, A7: 40.6 g CH4/tonne GTL × b6 = 0.00047 CH4 g/tonne km LCI data set: GTL production (B6, B7) Type of flow Inputs: Natural gas Outputs: GTL CO2 CH4 nitrous oxide NOX CO particles (unspecified) NMVOC liii Unit process [g/tonne GTL] A6, A7 [g /tonne km] product 1,380E+00 15,9099 reference flow emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air 1,000E+00 5,934E+05 4,063E+01 2,708E+01 8,559E+02 2,085E+02 1,896E+01 3,656E+01 11,5324 6,843E+00 4,685E-04 3,123E-04 9,870E-03 2,405E-03 2,186E-04 4,217E-04 Transportation of GTL 6000 NM with product tanker (C6, C7) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of GTL Data sources: • • Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the bunker ship World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from Qatar to Gothenburg. Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • The energy consumption for the product tanker is estimated 0.0140 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The product tanker is assumed to have medium speed engines The product tanker is assumed to be fuelled by HFO with a sulphur content of 2%. “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 213 g/kWh 677g/kWh 14 g/kWh 0.496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.8 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • From World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) • Qatar – SECA border: 6000 NM Calculations of primary energy consumption: liv • • • 213 g HFO/kWh × 0.0140 kWh/tonne GTL/ km × 6000 NM × 1.852 km/ NM = 33135.984 g HFO/tonne GTL h16= 33135.984 g HFO/tonne GTL × c6 = 0.3821 g HFO/tonne cargo km h17= 33135.984 g HFO/tonne GTL × c7 = 0.3821 g HFO/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • • • 2% sulphur × 1 tonne HFO = 20 000 g sulphur /tonne HFO 20 000 g sulphur /tonne HFO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 40 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO 40 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO × 33135.984 g HFO/tonne GTL = 1325.44 g sulphur dioxide /tonne GTL C6, C7: 40 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne HFO × h16 = 0.015 g sulphur dioxide /tonne cargo km Calculations of the other emissions: • • 677 g CO2 /kWh × 0.0140 kWh/tonne GTL/ km × 6000 NM × 1.852 km/ NM = 105320 g CO2 /tonne GTL C6, C7: 677 g CO2 /kWh × 0.0140 kWh/tonne GTL/ km × 6000 NM × 1.852 km/ NM × c6 = 1.2 g CO2 /tonne HFO LCI data set: Transportation of GTL 6000 NM with product tanker (C6, C7) Inputs: HFO GTL Outputs: GTL ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a In tonne per tonne GTL Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne GTL] C6, C7 [g/tonne km] fuel product 3,314E+04 1,000E+00a 0,3821 11,5324 reference flow emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air 1,000E+00a 4,667E-01 1,053E+05 1,711E+02 6,223E-01 2,178E+03 4,823E+00 9,287E+01 1,245E+02 1,325E+03 11,5324 5,382E-06 1,215E+00 1,973E-03 7,176E-06 2,512E-02 5,562E-05 1,071E-03 1,435E-03 1,529E-02 lv Transportation of GTL 1000 NM with product tanker (D6, D7) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of GTL Data sources: • • Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the bunker ship World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from Qatar to Gothenburg. Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • The energy consumption for the product tanker is estimated 0.0140 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The product tanker is assumed to have medium speed engines The product tanker is assumed to be fuelled by MGO with a sulphur content of 0.1 %. “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • From World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) • Qatar – Gothenburg: 7000 NM Calculations of primary energy consumption: lvi • • 203 g HFO/kWh × 0.0140 kWh/tonne GTL/ km × 1000 NM × 1.852 km/ NM = 5263.384 g HFO/tonne GTL h26 = 5263.384 g HFO/tonne GTL × d6 = 0.0607 g HFO/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • • 0.1 % sulphur × 1 tonne MGO = 1 000 g sulphur /tonne MGO 1 000 g sulphur /tonne MGO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne MGO D6, D7: 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne MGO × h26 = 1.2 E-04 g sulphur /tonne cargo km dioxide Calculations of the other emissions: • • 645 g CO2 /kWh × 0.0140 kWh/tonne GTL/ km × 1000 NM × 1.852 km/ NM = 16723.56 g CO2 /tonne HFO D6, D7: 645g CO2 /kWh × 0.0140 kWh/tonne GTL/ km × 1000 NM × 1.852 km/ NM × d6 = 0.19 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of GTL 1000 NM with product tanker (D6, D7) Inputs: MGO GTL Outputs: GTL ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a In tonne per tonne GTL Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne GTL] D6, D7 [g/tonne km] fuel product 5,263E+03 1,000E+00a 0,0607 11,5324 reference flow emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air 1,000E+00a 7,778E-02 1,672E+04 2,852E+01 1,037E-01 3,422E+02 8,038E-01 1,289E+01 7,778E+00 1,053E+01 11,5324 8,970E-07 1,929E-01 3,289E-04 1,196E-06 3,947E-03 9,269E-06 1,486E-04 8,970E-05 1,214E-04 lvii Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to MGO (G6, G7) Process type: Cradle-to-gate Reference flow: 1 kg of MGO Data source: ELCD core database version II (2009b) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Average data for EU-15 countries Technical: “The data set describes a mass-weighted average refinery for the respective country / region.” (ELCD-core-database-version-II, 2009a) Time: Average data for the year 2003 Other important information: • Allocation made by the data provider: “For the combined crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids production allocation by net calorific value is applied. For all products of the refinery, allocation by mass and net calorific value is applied. The manufacturing route of every refinery product is modelled and so the effort of the production of these products is calculated specifically. Two allocation rules are applied: The raw-material (crude oil) consumption of the respective stages, which is necessary for the production of a product or an intermediate product, is allocated by energy (mass of the product * calorific value of the product). In these way products with high caloric values, e.g. gasoline or gases are assigned to higher raw material consumption and so higher environmental impacts compared with low caloric value products (e.g. asphalt, residual oil). The energy consumption (thermal energy, steam, electricity) of a process, e.g. atmospheric distillation, being required by a product or a intermediate product, are charged on the product according to the share of the throughput of the stage (mass allocation). The products, which are more complex to produce and therefore pass a lot of refinery facilities e.g. gasoline, are assigned with a higher energy consumption (and so higher emissions) compared with e.g. straight run products” (ELCD-core-databaseversion-II, 2009b). Assumptions for modelling: • • • The data set are representative for MGO produced in Europe with a sulphur content of 0.1% The lower heating value of MGO is 43 MJ/kg Only selected flows are modelled. Inputs considered is energy carriers and outputs considered are emissions to air from the substances selected in the goal and scope definition Data used: see LCI data set, column three, below Calculations for primary energy consumption: • • 0.04746 kJ/g MGO + 47.13 KJ/g MGO + 0.1285 kJ/g MGO +2.695 kJ/kg MGO + 0.05568 kJ/g MGO + 0.004795 kJ/g MGO + 0.005421 kJ/g MGO = 50.06 kJ/g MGO G6, G7: 50.06 kJ/g MGO × g6 = 22 kJ/tonne km Calculations for emissions: • G6, G7: 0.3013 kg CO2 /kg MGO × g6 = 0.13 g CO2 / tonne cargo km lviii LCI data set: Extraction, transportation and refining of crude oil to Type of flow MGO (G6, G7) Inputs: brown coal; 11 MJ/kg resource crude oil; 42.3 MJ/kg resource hard coal; 26.3 MJ/kg resource natural gas; 44.1 MJ/kg resource primary energy from hydro power resource primary energy from solar energy resource primary energy from wind power resource Outputs: MGO reference flow ammonia emissions to air CO2 emissions to air CO emissions to air CH4 emissions to air nitrogen dioxide emissions to air nitrogen monoxide emissions to air nitrous oxide emissions to air NMVOC emissions to air emissions to air • acetone emissions to air • benzene emissions to air • ethane emissions to air • ethanol emissions to air • ethylene emissions to air • formaldehyde emissions to air • methanol emissions to air • n-butane emissions to air • propane emissions to air • toluene particles (PM10) emissions to air sulphur dioxide emissions to air a The inputs are expressed in kJ instead of kg per kg fuel and tonne km. lix Unit process [kg (kJa)/kg MGO] G6, G7 [g (kJa)/tonne km] 4,746E-02 4,713E+01 1,285E-01 2,695E+00 5,568E-02 4,795E-03 5,421E-03 2,107E-02 2,092E+01 5,707E-02 1,196E+00 2,472E-02 2,129E-03 2,407E-03 1,000E+00 3,265E-06 3,013E-01 4,146E-04 3,348E-03 8,756E-04 7,529E-12 6,958E-06 2,601E-04 7,541E-08 1,319E-06 1,818E-04 2,647E-08 2,005E-08 2,662E-07 2,434E-08 6,821E-05 3,289E-04 6,685E-08 1,965E-05 1,752E-03 0,4440 1,450E-06 1,338E-01 1,841E-04 1,486E-03 3,887E-04 3,343E-12 3,089E-06 1,155E-04 3,348E-08 5,857E-07 8,073E-05 1,175E-08 8,901E-09 1,182E-07 1,081E-08 3,028E-05 1,460E-04 2,968E-08 8,725E-06 7,778E-04 Storage and loading of oil products (E6, E7, H6, H7) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of oil product Data source: Port of Gothenburg (2009) Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Oil harbour, Gothenburg Technical: The oil harbour in Gothenburg has a vapour recovery unit used during loading of oil products. Time: Average data for the year 2008 Assumptions for modelling: • • • all fuels handled at the port emit the same proportions of volatile organic compounds emission of volatile organic compound are assumed to be NMVOC the energy consumption at the oil harbour and the emissions to water is not included Data used: • • products loaded to vessels emissions of NMVOC Calculations of energy consumption: • • • • • 12996468 tonne 2220.620 tonne 2220.620 tonne evaporated MGO/ 12996468 tonne loaded HFO = 0.00017 g evaporated fuel/ g loaded fuel 0.00017 g transported MGO/ g loaded MGO × b3 = 0.001960 g HFO/ tonne cargo km d6 = e6 + e6 × 0.00017 g evaporated fuel/ g loaded fuel =11.5324 g GTL /tonne km h16 + h26 + h36 + e6 = 11. 9743 g fuel /tonne km g6 = h16 + h26 + h36 + (h16 + h26 + h36) × 0.00017 g evaporated fuel/ g loaded fuel = 0.4440 g fuel /tonne km Calculations for emissions: • • • 2220.620 tonne NMVOC/ 12996468 tonne loaded products = 0.170836 kg NMVOC / tonne loaded product E6, E7: 0.170836 g NMVOC / kg loaded product × d6 = 0.0020 g NMVOC /tonne cargo km H6, H7: 0.170836 g NMVOC / kg loaded product × g6 = 7.6 E-05 g NMVOC /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Storage and loading of oil products (E6, E7) Inputs: fuel Outputs: fuel NMVOC Type of flow product reference flow emissions to air lx Unit process [kg /kg fuel] E6, E7 [g /tonne km] 1,0002E+00 11,5324 1,000E+03 1,709E-01 11,5304 1,970E-03 Storage and loading of oil products (H6, H7) Inputs: fuel Outputs: fuel NMVOC Type of flow product reference flow emissions to air lxi Unit process [kg /kg fuel] H6, H7 [g /tonne km] 1,0002E+00 0,4440 1,000E+03 1,709E-01 0,4439 7,585E-05 Transportation and bunkering (F6, F7) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 kg of fuel delivered to the Ro-Ro vessel Data sources: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the bunker ship Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2008 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the bunker ship is estimated 0.0452 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The bunker ship is assumed to have medium speed engines The bunker ship is assumed to be fuelled by MGO with a sulphur content of 1.5%. The distribution of MGO from the port to the Ro-Ro vessel with the bunker vessel is assumed to be 10 km. The emissions during the actual bunkering are not included “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • 203 g fuel/kWh ×0.0452 kWh/tonne GTL/ km × 10 km =91.756 g fuel/tonne GTL h36 = 91.756 g fuel/tonne GTL × f6 =0.0011 g fuel /tonne cargo km lxii Calculations of emissions of sulphur dioxide: • • • • • 0.1% sulphur × 1 tonne MGO = 1 000 g sulphur /tonne MGO 1000 g sulphur /tonne MGO × 2 g sulphur dioxide / g sulphur = 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne MGO 203 g MGO/kWh × 0.0452 kWh/tonne transported MGO/km × 10 km = 91.756 g MGO/tonne transported GTL 2 000 g sulphur dioxide/tonne MGO × 91.756 g MGO/tonne transported GTL = 0.183512 g sulphur dioxide /tonne GTL F6, F7: 0.183512 g sulphur dioxide /tonne GTL× f6 = 2.1 E-06 g sulphur dioxide /tonne cargo km Calculations of the other emissions: • • 645g CO2 /kWh × 0.0452 kWh /tonne GTL/ km × 10 km = 291.54 g CO2 /tonne GTL F6, F7: 291.54 g CO2 /tonne GTL × f2 = 0.0034 g CO2 /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation and bunkering (F6, F7) Inputs: MGO GTL Outputs: GTL ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide a In tonne per tonne GTL Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne GTL] F6, F7 [g/tonne km] fuel product 9,176E+01 1,000E+00a 0,0011 11,5304 reference flow emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air emissions to air 1,000E+00a 1,356E-03 2,915E+02 4,972E-01 1,808E-03 5,966E+00 1,401E-02 2,246E-01 1,356E-01 1,835E-01 11,5304 1,564E-08 3,362E-03 5,733E-06 2,085E-08 6,879E-05 1,616E-07 2,590E-06 1,564E-06 2,116E-06 lxiii Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U6) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported one km Data source: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the Ro-Ro vessel Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines fuelled with MGO Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2001 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0568 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The Ro-Ro vessel is assumed to have medium speed engines GTL has zero sulphur content Emissions from medium speed diesel engines fuelled with MGO are roughly representative “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of energy use: • f6 = 203 g fuel /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km =11.5304 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions: • 645 g CO2 /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 36.636 g CO2 /tonne cargo km lxiv LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U6) Type of flow Inputs: GTL Outputs: propulsion energy ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh instead of g. fuel reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air lxv U6 [g (kWha)/tonne km] 11,5304 5,680E-02 1,704E-04 3,664E+01 6,248E-02 2,272E-04 7,498E-01 1,761E-03 2,823E-02 1,704E-02 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U7) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported one km Data sources: • • Cooper (2001) for emissions of ammonia from a medium speed diesel engine with SCR Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission except of ammonia and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the Ro-Ro vessel Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines fuelled with MGO, SCR Time: The data used were published 2008, 2004 and 2001 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • As process above Only the emissions of ammonia and NOX is affected by the SCR unit The SCR unit is assumed to reduce the emissions of NOX with 85 %. It is possible to reach 95% reduction according to Lövblad and Fridell (2006). An 85% has been used here as this will be enough to fulfil the Tier III. Data used: From Cooper (2001) • Emissions of ammonia: 0.025 g /kWh Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.031 g/kWh Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • Calculations of energy use: • f7 = 203 g fuel /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km =11.5304 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions: • 13.2 g NOX/ kWh × 0.15 × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km = 0.112464 g NOX /tonne cargo km lxvi • 0.025 g ammonia /kWh × 0.0568 kWh/tonne cargo km = 0.00142 g ammonia /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U7) Type of flow Inputs: GTL urea Outputs: propulsion energy ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh instead of g. fuel product reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air lxvii U7 [g (kWha)/tonne km] 11,5304 0,8520 5,680E-02 1,420E-03 3,664E+01 6,248E-02 2,272E-04 1,125E-01 1,761E-03 2,698E-02 1,704E-02 Production and transportation of urea (P7) See process production and transportation of urea in the section, Appendix B – LCI results for marine transportation with MGO. lxviii Appendix E – Uncertainty in emission from gas engines The emissions to air from a gas fuelled engine at real operating conditions are uncertain. US EPA (2000) has published data for emission test from stationary lean burn gas engine, which is used in this scenario as a complement to the data from Wärtsilä. These emission factors do not fulfil the coming Tier III requirements for emissions of NOX and the CH4 slip from the engine is much higher, approximately 0.6 g/MJ fuel as compared to 0.3 g/MJ. The data for the processes that are yellow in Figure E-1 have been changed from the base scenario. lxix 7.422 kJ primary energy / tonne km 7.903 kJ primary energy / tonne km Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5a) Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5b) a5a = 11.8567 g natural gas / tonne km a5b = 12.6068 g natural gas / tonne km Liquefaction (B5a) Liquefaction (B5b) b5a = 10.9291 g LNG / tonne km b5b = 11.6206 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Transportation 6500 NM with LNG Carrier (C5b) c5b = 10.9792 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading c5b = 10.9792 g LNG / tonne km c5a = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 500 NM with Coral Methane (D5b) d5b = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading Unloading, storage and loading c5a = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km d5b = 10.8127 g LNG / tonne km Bunkering (F5a) Bunkering (F5b) f5a = 10.8110 g LNG / tonne km f5b = 10.8110 g LNG / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5a) Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5b) 5a 5b Figure E-1 Overview of the energy consumption for the two alternatives with LNG as fuel. The uncoloured processes these have not been included. The data for the yellow boxes are exchanged from the base scenario. lxx Transportation of LNG 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne LNG Data sources: • • • Hasan et al. (2009) for modelling the boil-off gas from LNG World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from North Sea to Gothenburg Data from US EPA (2000) has been used other emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Product tanker with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the product tanker is estimated to 156.38 kWh per km and the cargo capacity is 7500 m3, see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The fillrate is set to 0.55, i.e. the vessels travels without cargo almost all the way back. Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion If more BOG is generated than needed for propulsion this is also assumed to be combusted in the engine. If less BOG then needed for propulsion is generated this is disregarded in the calculations as long as the fuel needed is less than the BOG and the heel together. The lower heating value for natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. The density of LNG is 440 kg/m3. The engine efficiency is 41%. 1 Ib = 453.5924 g 1 MMBtu =1055.06 MJ Data used: From World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) • Bergen – Gothenburg: 350 NM, 1 day at 15 knots From Hasan et al. (2009) • • Heel 5% of total cargo capacity Boil-off rate 0. 15% per day lxxi From U.S. EPA (2000) Emissions to air from a lean burn four-stroke engine CO CH4 NOX NMVOC particles (PM10) Ib/MMBtu 5.57E-01 1.31E+00 8.47E-01 0.223 7.71E-05 Calculation of transported cargo: • • • • • • • Cargo capacity: 7500 m3 × 440 kg/m3 × 0.55= 1815 tonne Boil-off-gas: 1815 tonne × 0.0015 /day × 1 day = 2.7225 tonne Heel: 1850 tonne × 0.05 = 90.75tonne Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ)/ 0.41 = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh 0.183 kg LNG/kWh × 156.38 kWh/km × 350 NM ×1.852 km/NM= 18542.47244 kg LNG ≈ 19 tonne LNG > 2.7225 tonne boil-off-gas, 19 tonne LNG < 90.75 tonne Transported cargo = 1815 tonne – 90.75 tonne – 2.7225 tonne = 1721.5275 tonne 156.38 kWh/km / 1721.5275 tonne LNG × 350 NM ×1.852 km/NM = 58.881148 kWh/ tonne transported LNG Calculations of primary energy use: • • • 58.881148 kWh/ tonne transported LNG × 0.182927 kg LNG/kWh = 10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG 10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG × c5a = 0.116463 g LNG/ tonne km b5a = c5a + 0.116463 g LNG/ tonne km = 10.9291 g LNG/ tonne km Calculation of emissions: • • • • 0.557 Ib CO /MMBtu /( 1055.06 MJ /MMBtu) × 453,5924 g /Ib = 0.239466 g CO /MJ 0.239466 g CO /MJ × 48 MJ/kg LNG = 0.0115 g CO /g LNG 0.0115 g CO /g LNG ×10.770952 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG = 123.866 g CO / tonne transported LNG = 123.866 g CO / tonne transported LNG × c5a = 0.0013 g CO /tonne km LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX NMVOC particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG lxxii Unit process [g/tonne LNG] D5a [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,077E+04 1,000E+00a 0,1165 10,8127 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00a 2,947E+04 1,238E+02 2,912E+02 1,883E+02 4,957E+01 1,714E-02 10,8127 3,187E-01 1,339E-03 3,148E-03 2,036E-03 5,359E-04 1,853E-07 Transportation of LNG 500 NM with product tanker (D5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne LNG Data sources: • • • Hasan et al. (2009) for modelling the boil-off gas from LNG World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) for transport distances from Rotterdam to Gothenburg Data from US EPA (2000) has been used other emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Product tanker with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the product tanker is estimated to 156.38 kWh per km and the cargo capacity is 7500 m3, see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The fillrate is set to 0.55, i.e. the vessels travels without cargo almost all the way back. Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion If more BOG is generated than needed for propulsion this is also assumed to be combusted in the engine. If less BOG then needed for propulsion is generated this is disregarded in the calculations as long as the fuel needed is less than the BOG and the heel together. The lower heating value for natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. The density of LNG is 440 kg/m3. The engine efficiency is 41%. 1 Ib = 453.5924 g 1 MMBtu =1055.06 MJ Data used: From World Port Distances Calculator (, 2010) • Rotterdam –Gothenburg: 500 NM, 1.5 days at 14 knots From Hasan et al. (2009) • • Boil-off rate 0. 15% per day Heel 5% of cargo lxxiii From U.S. EPA (2000) Emissions to air from a lean burn four-stroke engine CO CH4 NOX NMVOC particles (PM10) Ib/MMBtu 5.57E-01 1.31E+00 8.47E-01 0.223 7.71E-05 Calculation of transported cargo: • • • • • • • Cargo capacity: 7500 m3 × 440 kg/m3 × 0.55= 1815 tonne Boil-off-gas: 1815 tonne × 0.0015 /day × 1.5 day = 4.08375 tonne Heel: 1850 tonne × 0.05 = 90.75 tonne Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ )/ 0.41 = 0.18292683 kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh 0.18292683 kg LNG/kWh × 156.38 kWh/km × 500 NM ×1.852 km/NM= 26489.214634 kg LNG ≈ 26 tonne LNG > 4.08375 tonne boil-off-gas, 26 tonne LNG < 90.75 tonne Transported cargo = 1815 tonne – 90.75 tonne – 4.08375 tonne = 1720.16625 tonne 156.38 kWh/km / 1720.16625 tonne LNG × 500 NM ×1.852 km/NM = 84.18249108 kWh/ tonne transported LNG Calculations of primary energy use: • • • 84.18249108 kWh/ tonne transported LNG × 0.18292683 kg LNG/kWh = 15.399250 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG 15.399250 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG × d5a = 0.166507 g LNG/ tonne km c5b = d5b + 0.166507 g LNG/ tonne km = 10.9792 Calculation of emissions: • • • • 0.557 Ib CO /MMBtu /( 1055.06 MJ /MMBtu) × 453,5924 g /Ib = 0.239466 g CO /MJ 0.239466 g CO /MJ × 48 MJ/kg LNG = 0.0115 g CO /g LNG 0.0115 g CO /g LNG × 15.399250 kg LNG / tonne transported LNG = 177.091 g CO/ tonne transported LNG 0 177.091 g CO/ tonne transported LNG × d5b = 0.0019 g CO /tonne km LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 500 NM with product tanker (D5b) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX NMVOC particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG lxxiv Unit process [g/tonne LNG] D5b [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,540E+04 1,000E+00a 0,1665 10,8127 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00a 4,213E+04 1,770E+02 4,163E+02 2,692E+02 7,086E+01 2,450E-02 10,8127 4,556E-01 1,914E-03 4,501E-03 2,910E-03 7,662E-04 2,649E-07 Transportation and bunkering (F5a, F5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne LNG delivered to the Ro-Ro vessel Data sources: Data from US EPA (2000) has been used other emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Bunker ship with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0591 kWh per tonne transported cargo and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The efficiency of the engine is 41% Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion 1 MMBtu = 1055060000 J 1 Ib = 453,5924 g The lower heating value of natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. Data used: From U.S. EPA (2000) Emissions to air from a lean burn four-stroke engine CO Ib/MMBtu 5.57E-01 CH4 1.31E+00 NOX 8.47E-01 NMVOC particles (PM10) 0.223 7.71E-05 Calculations of primary energy use: • • • • Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ)/ 0.41 = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh × 0.0858 kWh /tonne LNG km × 10 km= 156.951 g LNG combusted / tonne LNG transported 156.951 g LNG / tonne × f5a = 0.00169679... g LNG combusted/tonne km c5a = c5b = f5a + 0.0017 g LNG /tonne transported LNG = 10.8127 g / tonne km Calculation of emissions: • • 0.557 Ib CO /MMBtu /( 1055.06 MJ /MMBtu) × 453,5924 g /Ib = 0.239466 g CO /MJ 0.239466 g CO /MJ × 48 MJ/kg LNG = 0.0115 g CO /g LNG lxxv • • 0.0115 g CO /g LNG × 156.951 g LNG combusted g CO = 1.80494 g CO g CO 1.80494 g CO g CO × f5a= 1.6 E-05g CO /tonne km LCI data set: Transportation and bunkering (F5a, F5b) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX NMVOC particles (PM10) a In tonne/tonne LNG lxxvi Unit process [g/tonne LNG] F5a, F5b [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,569E+02 1,000E+00a 0,0017 10,8110 Reference flow Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air 1,000E+00a 4,293E+02 1,803E+00 4,241E+00 2,742E+00 7,220E-01 2,496E-04 10,8110 4,641E-03 1,950E-05 4,585E-05 2,965E-05 7,805E-06 2,699E-09 Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U5a, U5b) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported 1 km Data sources: Data from US EPA (2000) has been used other emissions from natural gas combustion in a lean burn four-stroke engine Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Technical: Ro-Ro vessel with lean burn four stroke engines (main engines) with and four stroke diesel engines (auxiliary engines) Time: - Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0591 kWh per tonne transported cargo and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The efficiency of the engine is 41% Natural gas has a carbon content of 75% and 99.5% of the carbon in natural gas is converted to CO2 during combustion 1 MMBtu = 1055060000 J 1 Ib = 453,5924 g The lower heating value of natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. Data used: From U.S. EPA (2000) Emissions to air from a lean burn four-stroke engine CO Ib/MMBtu 5.57E-01 CH4 1.31E+00 NOX 8.47E-01 NMVOC particles (PM10) 0.223 7.71E-05 Calculations of primary energy use: • • Specific fuel consumption: 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ)/ 0.41 = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.183 kg LNG/kWh f5a = f5b = 0.1829268... kg LNG/kWh × 0.0591 kWh /tonne km = 10.8110 g LNG / tonne km Calculation of emissions: • • • 0.557 Ib CO /MMBtu /( 1055.06 MJ /MMBtu) × 453,5924 g /Ib = 0.239466 g CO /MJ 0.239466 g CO /MJ × 48 MJ/kg LNG = 0.0115 g CO /g LNG 0.0115 g CO /g LNG × f5a = 0.1243 g CO /tonne km lxxvii LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U5a, U5b) Inputs: LNG Cargo Outputs: Cargo Propulsion energy CO2 CO CH4 NOX NMVOC particles (PM10) a Propulsion energy is in kJ per tonne km b In tonne per tonne km Type of flow Fuel Functional unit 10,8110 1b Functional unit 1b 0,0591 2,958E+01 1,243E-01 2,923E-01 1,890E-01 4,975E-02 1,720E-05 Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air lxxviii U5a, U5b [g (kJa)//tonne km] Appendix F – Uncertainty in the emissions from diesel engines fuelled with GTL Emissions of particles, NOX and CO were reduced by 33.5%, 5.2% and 19.5% with GTL compared to conventional diesel in a test with an intercooled and turbocharged Euro III diesel engine by Wang et al. (2009). The effect of similar reductions in marine engines is tested in this alternative scenario. The processes that are changed from the base scenario are yellow in Figure F-1. 9.973 kJ primary energy / tonne km 9.973 kJ primary energy / tonne km 22.23 kJ primary energy /tonne km 22.23 kJ primary energy /tonne km Extraction and transport of natural gas (A6) Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of MGO (G6) a6 =15.9099 g natural gas / tonne km Fischer-Tropsch diesel production (B6) g6 = 0.4440 g MGO /tonne km b6 = 11.5324 g GTL / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (H6) h16 =0.3821 g MGO /tonne km Transportation 6000 NM with product tanker (C6) Extraction and transport of crude oil, production of MGO (G7) Extraction and transport of natural gas (A7) a7 = 15.9099 g natural gas / tonne km Fischer-Tropsch diesel production (B7) g7 =0.4440 g MGO /tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (H7) b7 =11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h17 = 0.3821 g MGO /tonne km c6 = 11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h26 =0.0607 g MGO /tonne km c7 =11.5324 g GTL / tonne km Transportation 1000 NM with product tanker (D6) h27 =0607 g MGO /tonne km d6 = 11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h36 = 0.0011 g MGO /tonne km e6 = 11.5304 g GTL / tonne km Bunkering (F6) Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U6) Unloading, storage and loading (E7) e7 = 11.5304 g LNG / tonne km 20.45 kJ primary energy /tonne km f6 = 11.5304 g GTL / tonne km Transportation 1000 NM with product tanker (D7) d7 =11.5324 g GTL / tonne km h37 = 0.0011 g MGO /tonne km Unloading, storage and loading (E6) Transportation 6000 NM with product tanker (C7) Bunkering (F7) Production and transportation of urea (P7) 0.852 g urea / tonne km f7 = 11.5304 g LNG / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel with SCR (U7) 7 6 Figure F-1 Overview of the energy consumption for the two alternatives with GTL as fuel. The data for the yellow boxes have been changed from the base scenario. lxxix Transportation of cargo (U6) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported one km Data source: Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the Ro-Ro vessel Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines fuelled with MGO Time: The data used were published 2004 and 2001 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • • • • The energy consumption for the Ro-Ro vessel is estimated to 0.0568 kWh per transported tonne and km see Appendix I Specifications of the modelled vessels for more details. The Ro-Ro vessel is assumed to have medium speed engines GTL has zero sulphur content Emissions from medium speed diesel engines fuelled with MGO are roughly representative “HC” minus CH4 in the data from NTM is assumed to be representative for NMVOC “PM” in the data from NTM is assumed to be PM 10 Emission of sulphur dioxide is calculated from the chemical reaction, under the assumption the all sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen and forms sulphur dioxide. Particles, NOX and CO (CO) are reduced by 33.5%, 5.2% and 19.5% compared to if MGO would have been used Data used: Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of ammonia: Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.003 g/kWh 0.031 g/kWh Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • • Calculations of energy use: • f6 = 203 g fuel /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km =11.5304 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions: • 1.1 g CO/kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km ×(1- 0.052) = 36.636 g CO2 /tonne cargo km lxxx • • • 1.1 g CO/kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km ×(1- 0.195) = 0.050 g CO /tonne cargo km 0.3 g PM10 /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km ×(1- 0.335) = 0.011 g PM10/tonne cargo km 13.2 g NOX/kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km ×(1- 0.052) = 0.71 g NOX /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of cargo (U6) Type of flow Inputs: GTL Outputs: propulsion energy ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh instead of g. fuel reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air lxxxi U6 [g (kWha)/tonne km] 11,5304 5,680E-02 1,704E-04 3,664E+01 5,030E-02 2,272E-04 7,108E-01 1,761E-03 2,823E-02 1,133E-02 Transportation of cargo (U7) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 tonne cargo transported one km Data sources: • • Cooper (2001) for emissions of ammonia from a medium speed diesel engine with SCR Data from NTM (2008) and Cooper and Gustafson (2004) were used for emission except of ammonia and fuel consumption (g/kWh) for the for the Ro-Ro vessel Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Emission inventory for marine transportation mainly in Sweden and Europe Technical: Medium speed diesel engines fuelled with MGO, SCR Time: The data used were published 2008, 2004 and 2001 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • As process above Particles, NOX and CO (CO) are reduced by 33.5%, 5.2% and 19.5% compared to if MGO would have been used Only the emissions of ammonia and NOX is affected by the SCR unit The SCR unit is assumed to reduce the emissions of NOX with 85 %. It is possible to reach 95% reduction according to Lövblad and Fridell (2006). An 85% has been used here as this will be enough to fulfil the Tier III. Data used: From Cooper (2001) • Emissions of ammonia: 0.025 g /kWh Specific fuel consumption: Emissions of CO2: Emissions of NOX: Emissions of NMVOC: Emissions of CH4: Emissions of particles (PM10): Emissions of CO: 203 g/kWh 645g/kWh 13.2 g/kWh 0. 496 g/kWh 0.004 g/kWh 0.3 g/kWh 1.1 g/kWh Emissions of nitrous oxide: 0.031 g/kWh Data from NTM (2008) • • • • • • • Data from Cooper and Gustafson (2004) • Calculations of energy use: • f7 = 203 g fuel /kWh × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km =11.5304 g fuel/tonne cargo km Calculations of emissions: lxxxii • 13.2 g NOX/ kWh × 0.15 × 0.0568 kWh /tonne cargo km ×(1- 0.052) = 0.11 g NOX /tonne cargo km LCI data set: Transportation of cargo (U7) Type of flow Inputs: GTL urea Outputs: propulsion energy ammonia CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) a Propulsion energy is expressed in kWh instead of g. fuel product reference flow emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air emission to air lxxxiii U7 [g (kWha)/tonne km] 11,5304 0,8520 5,680E-02 1,420E-03 3,664E+01 5,030E-02 2,272E-04 1,066E-01 1,761E-03 2,698E-02 1,133E-02 Appendix G – Changes in engine efficiency The same efficiency of about 41 % of the lean burn gas engine as for the four-stroke diesel engines has been assumed in the modelling. In order to test how this assumption will affect the result an increase and decrease of engine efficiency with 5 % has been tested. All processes are changed by this and therefore yellow in Figure G-1 and Figure G-2. Figure G-1 represents the processes and their energy use if the efficiency of the lean burn four stroke engine is 46% and Figure G-2 represents the processes and their energy use if the efficiency of the lean burn four stroke engine is 36%. lxxxiv 6.617 kJ primary energy / tonne km 7.032 kJ primary energy / tonne km Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5a) Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5b) a5a = 10.5555 g natural gas / tonne km a5b = 11.2177 g natural gas / tonne km Liquefaction (B5a) Liquefaction (B5b) b5a = 9.7297 g LNG / tonne km b5b = 10.3402 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Transportation 6500 NM with LNG Carrier (C5b) c5b = 9.7695 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading c5b = 9.7695 g LNG / tonne km c5a = 9.6372 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 500 NM with Coral Methane (D5b) d5b = 9.6372 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading Unloading, storage and loading c5a = 9.6372 g LNG / tonne km d5b = 9.6372 g LNG / tonne km Bunkering (F5a) Bunkering (F5b) f5a = 9.6359 g LNG / tonne km f5b = 9.6359 g LNG / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5a) Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5b) 5a 5b Figure G-1 Overview of the energy consumption for the two alternatives with LNG as fuel. The uncoloured processes these have not been included. The data for the yellow boxes are exchanged from the base scenario. lxxxv 8.478 kJ primary energy / tonne km 9.020 kJ primary energy / tonne km Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5a) Extraction and transport of natural gas (A5b) a5a = 13.5237 g natural gas / tonne km a5b = 14.3883 g natural gas / tonne km Liquefaction (B5a) Liquefaction (B5b) b5a = 12.4658 g LNG / tonne km b5b = 13.2627 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Transportation 6500 NM with LNG Carrier (C5b) c5b = 12.5307 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading c5b = 12.5307 g LNG / tonne km c5a = 12.3147 g LNG / tonne km Transportation 500 NM with Coral Methane (D5b) d5b = 12.3147 g LNG / tonne km Unloading, storage and loading Unloading, storage and loading c5a = 12.3147 g LNG / tonne km d5b = 12.3147 g LNG / tonne km Bunkering (F5a) Bunkering (F5b) f5a = 12.3125 g LNG / tonne km f5b = 12.3125 g LNG / tonne km Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5a) Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km in a RO-Ro vessel (U5b) 5a 5b Figure G-2 Overview of the energy consumption for the two alternatives with LNG as fuel. The uncoloured processes these have not been included. The data for the yellow boxes are exchanged from the base scenario. lxxxvi Extraction and transportation of natural gas (A5a, A5b) See Appendix C. Calculations of primary energy use: • • • • • (3663 tonne × 43 000 MJ/tonne +11000008 m3 × 36.8 MJ/m3 +123 tonne × 44 100 MJ/tonne) / 213 000 tonnes natural gas × 0.23518695 = 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas 5a, 46%: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5a = 6.6 kJ /tonne km 5a, 36%: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5a = 8.5 kJ /tonne km 5b, 46%: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5b = 7.0 kJ /tonne km 5b, 36%: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5b = 9.0 kJ /tonne km LCI data set: Extraction and transportation of natural gas Type of flow Unit process (A5a) [ga/tonne natural gas] Inputs: Diesel resource 4,045E+03 Fuel gas resource 1,215E+01 Jet fuel resource 1,358E+02 Outputs: natural gas Reference flow 1,000E+00b Emissions to air 6,763E+04 CO2 Emissions to air 9,496E+01 CH4 Emissions to air 1,502E+02 nitrous oxide Emissions to air 9,165E+01 CO Emissions to air 4,284E+02 NOX Emissions to air 9,893E+02 sulphur dioxide Emissions to air 9,021E+02 NMVOC a Fuel gas is expressed in Nm3 / tonne natural gas instead of g / tonne natural gas b In tonne/tonne natural gas A5a (46%) [g /tonne km] Extraction and transportation of natural gas Type of flow Unit process (A5b) [ga/tonne natural gas] Inputs: Diesel resource 4,045E+03 Fuel gas resource 1,215E+01 Jet fuel resource 1,358E+02 Outputs: natural gas Reference flow 1,000E+00b Emissions to air 6,763E+04 CO2 Emissions to air 9,496E+01 CH4 Emissions to air 1,502E+02 nitrous oxide Emissions to air 9,165E+01 CO Emissions to air 4,284E+02 NOX Emissions to air 9,893E+02 sulphur dioxide Emissions to air 9,021E+02 NMVOC a Fuel gas is expressed in Nm3 / tonne natural gas instead of g / tonne natural gas b In tonne/tonne natural gas A5b (46%) [g /tonne km] lxxxvii A5a (36%) [g /tonne km] 4,269E-02 1,282E-04 1,434E-03 5,470E-02 1,643E-04 1,837E-03 10,5555 7,138E-01 1,002E-03 1,585E-03 9,674E-04 4,522E-03 1,044E-02 9,522E-03 13,5237 9,146E-01 1,284E-03 2,031E-03 1,239E-03 5,794E-03 1,338E-02 1,220E-02 A5b (36%) [g /tonne km] 4,537E-02 1,362E-04 1,524E-03 5,819E-02 1,748E-04 1,954E-03 11,2177 7,586E-01 1,065E-03 1,685E-03 1,028E-03 4,806E-03 1,110E-02 1,012E-02 14,3883 9,730E-01 1,366E-03 2,161E-03 1,319E-03 6,164E-03 1,423E-02 1,298E-02 Liquefaction (B5a, B5b) See Appendix C. LCI data set: Liquefaction (B5a) Type of flow Inflows: Natural gas resource 1,085E+00 10,5555 13,5237 Outflows: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide reference flow Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air 1,000E+00 2,279E-01 1,244E-04 1,939E-03 1,866E-04 7,465E-06 1,244E-05 1,244E-06 1,268E-06 9,7297 2,217E+00 1,211E-03 1,887E-02 1,816E-03 7,263E-05 1,211E-04 1,211E-05 1,234E-05 12,4658 2,840E+00 1,551E-03 2,417E-02 2,326E-03 9,306E-05 1,551E-04 1,551E-05 1,580E-05 Liquefaction (B5b) Type of flow Inflows: Natural gas resource 1,085E+00 11,2177 14,3883 Outflows: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide reference flow Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air 1,000E+00 2,279E-01 1,244E-04 1,939E-03 1,866E-04 7,465E-06 1,244E-05 1,244E-06 1,268E-06 10,3402 2,356E+00 1,286E-03 2,005E-02 1,930E-03 7,719E-05 1,286E-04 1,286E-05 1,311E-05 13,2627 3,022E+00 1,650E-03 2,572E-02 2,475E-03 9,901E-05 1,650E-04 1,650E-05 1,681E-05 lxxxviii Unit process [tonne/tonne LNG] Unit process [tonne/tonne LNG] B5a (46%) [g/tonne km] B5b (46%) [g/tonne km] B5a (36%) [g/tonne km] B5b (36%) [g/tonne km] Transportation of LNG 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) See Appendix C. LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 350 NM with product tanker (C5a) Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne LNG] D5a (46%) [g /tonne km] D5a (36%) [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,077E+04 1,000E+00a 0,0925 9,6372 0,1511 12,3147 Reference Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to 1,000E+00a 2,947E+04 1,448E+02 1,456E+02 9,015E+01 4,825E+00 9,6372 2,531E-01 1,243E-03 1,251E-03 7,743E-04 4,145E-05 12,3147 4,133E-01 2,030E-03 2,042E-03 1,264E-03 6,767E-05 Transportation of LNG 6500 NM with LNG carrier (C5b) See Appendix C. LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 6500 NM with LNG carrier (C5b) Type of flow Inputs: LNG LNG Fuel Product 5,842E-02a 1,000E+00a 0,5707 9,7695 0,7320 12,5307 Reference Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to 1,000E+00a 1,598E+05 1,092E+02 2,924E+00 1,039E+02 2,924E+00 7,176E+00 9,834E+00 9,7695 1,562E+00 1,067E-03 2,856E-05 1,015E-03 2,856E-05 7,011E-05 9,607E-05 12,5307 2,003E+00 1,369E-03 3,663E-05 1,302E-03 3,663E-05 8,992E-05 1,232E-04 Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG lxxxix Unit process [g /tonne LNG] C5b (46%) [g /tonne km] C5b (36%) [g /tonne km] Transportation of LNG 500 NM with product tanker (D5b) See Appendix C. LCI data set: Transportation of LNG 500 NM with product tanker (D5b) Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) a In tonne per tonne LNG Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne LNG] D5b (46%) [g /tonne km] D5b (36%) [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,540E+04 1,000E+00a 0,1323 9,6372 0,2160 12,3147 Reference Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to 1,000E+00a 4,213E+04 2,070E+02 2,082E+02 1,289E+02 6,899E+00 9,6372 3,619E-01 1,778E-03 1,788E-03 1,107E-03 3,619E-01 12,3147 5,909E-01 2,903E-03 2,920E-03 1,808E-03 9,675E-05 Transportation and bunkering (F5a, F5b) See Appendix C. LCI data set: Transportation and bunkering (F5a, F5b) Inputs: LNG LNG Outputs: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) a In tonne/tonne LNG Type of flow Unit process [g/tonne LNG] F5a, F5b (46%) [g /tonne km] F5a, F5b (36%) [g /tonne km] fuel product 1,569E+02 1,000E+00a 0,0013 9,6359 0,0022 12,3125 Reference Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to Emissions to 1,000E+00a 4,293E+02 2,109E+00 2,121E+00 1,313E+00 7,028E-02 9,6359 3,687E-03 1,811E-05 1,822E-05 1,128E-05 6,036E-07 12,3125 6,019E-03 2,957E-05 2,974E-05 1,841E-05 9,856E-07 xc Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U5a, U5b) See Appendix C. An engine efficiency of 36% and 46 % is modelled. Calculations of primary energy use: • • • • Specific fuel consumption (46%): 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ )/ 0.46 = 0.163043 kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.163 kg LNG/kWh f5a = f5b = 0.163043 kg LNG/kWh × 0.0591 kWh /tonne km = 9.6359 g LNG / tonne km Specific fuel consumption (36%): 1 / (48 MJ/kg × 1/3.6 kWh /MJ )/ 0.36 = 0.208333 kg LNG/kWh ≈ 0.208 kg LNG/kWh f5a = f5b = 0.208333 kg LNG/kWh × 0.0591 kWh /tonne km = 12.3125 g LNG / tonne km LCI data set: Transportation of 1 tonne cargo 1 km with a Ro-Ro vessel (U5a, U5b) Inputs: LNG Cargo Outputs: Cargo Propulsion energy CO2 Type of flow a Propulsion energy is in kJ per tonne km b In tonne per tonne km xci U5a, U5b (36%) [g (kJa)//tonne km] Fuel Functional unit 9,6359 1b 12,3125 1b Functional unit 1b 0,0591 2,637E+01 1,295E-01 1,303E-01 8,065E-02 4,317E-03 1b 0,0591 3,369E+01 1,655E-01 1,665E-01 1,031E-01 5,516E-03 Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air Emissions to air CO CH4 NOX particles (PM10) U5a, U5b (46 %) [g (kJa)//tonne km] Appendix H – Changes in liquefaction efficiency An alternative scenario there only 5% of the gas is consumed during liquefaction and no other leakages of CH4 than from the combustion process is studied as an example on the effects of improved liquefaction efficiency. An alternative there 12% of the gas is used in the liquefaction process is also investigated. The processes marked with yellow in Figure H-1 are changed from the base scenario. It is only the alternative with LNG produced in Norway that is analysed. LNG from Qatar will be affected in the same way by increased and decreased liquefaction efficiency. Figure H-1 Overview of the energy consumption for the alternative with LNG transported from North Sea as fuel. The uncoloured processes these have not been included. The data for the yellow boxes are changed from the base scenario. xciii Extraction and transportation of natural gas (A5a) See Appendix C. Calculations of primary energy use: • • • (3663 tonne × 43 000 MJ/tonne +11000008 m3 × 36.8 MJ/m3 +123 tonne × 44 100 MJ/tonne) / 213 000 tonnes natural gas × 0.23518695 = 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas High efficiency, 5a: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5a = 7.2 kJ /tonne km Low efficiency, 5a: 626.871 MJ / tonnes natural gas × a5a = 7.7 kJ /tonne km LCI data set: Extraction and transportation of natural gas Type of flow Unit process (A5a) [ga/tonne natural gas] Inputs: Diesel resource 4,045E+03 Fuel gas resource 1,215E+01 Jet fuel resource 1,358E+02 Outputs: natural gas Reference flow 1,000E+00b Emissions to air 6,763E+04 CO2 Emissions to air 9,496E+01 CH4 Emissions to air 1,502E+02 nitrous oxide Emissions to air 9,165E+01 CO Emissions to air 4,284E+02 NOX Emissions to air 9,893E+02 sulphur dioxide Emissions to air 9,021E+02 NMVOC a Fuel gas is expressed in Nm3 / tonne natural gas instead of g / tonne natural gas b In tonne/tonne natural gas xciv A5a (high) [g /tonne km] A5a (low) [g /tonne km] 4,641E-02 1,394E-04 1,559E-03 4,951E-02 1,487E-04 1,662E-03 11,4756 7,761E-01 1,090E-03 1,723E-03 1,052E-03 4,916E-03 1,135E-02 1,035E-02 12,2406 8,278E-01 1,162E-03 1,838E-03 1,122E-03 5,244E-03 1,211E-02 1,104E-02 Liquefaction (B5a) Process type: Unit process Reference flow: 1 MJ LNG Data source: • • Data for energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from JEC (2008b, 2008a) Data for other emissions from natural gas combustion in combined cycle gas turbine from GEMIS version 4.5 (2010). Representativeness: • • • Geographical: Europe Technical: Consider technologies that are expected to be commercial available in 2010-2020 Time: 2010-2020 Other important information: Assumptions for modelling: • • • • • The lower heating value of natural gas is 48 MJ/kg. The combined cycle gas turbine have an efficiency of 57 % in the case with high efficiency and an efficiency of 52.5% in the case with low liquefaction efficiency 5% of the gas is consumed in the case with high efficiency 12 % of the gas is consumed in the case with low efficiency 100% of the flared gas is converted to CO2 according to the following formula: CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O. 1 g flared CH4 thus results in approximately 0.363636 g CO2 emissions. ( • .) The liquefaction process is modelled according to Figure H-2. o High efficiency: X + 1.02313 MJ natural gas = 1.05 MJ natural gas => X = 0.02687. Y = X × 0.57 – 0.00085 = 0.0144659 MJ electricity o Low efficiency: X + 1.02313 MJ natural gas = 1.12 MJ natural gas => X = 0.09687. Y = X × 0.525 – 0.00085 = 0.05000675 MJ electricity xcv X MJ natural gas 1.02313 MJ natural gas CCGT, 52.5% alt. 57% efficiency Y MJ electricity Liquefaction 1.01 MJ LNG 0.00085 MJ electricty Storage at terminal 1 MJ LNG Figure H-2 Modelling of the liquefaction process. Data used: From JEC (2008b) • • 0.17% leakage of CH4 from the liquefaction process 0.25% of the gas is flared From GEMIS version 4.5 Type of flow Inflows: Natural gas fuel 1,754E+00 1,905E+00 TJ Outflows: Electricity CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide Energy carrier Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air 1,000E+00 9,676E+04 7,366E+01 5,524E+00 1,105E+02 4,419E+00 7,366E+00 7,366E-01 7,506E-01 1,000E+00 1,051E+05 7,997E+01 5,998E+00 1,200E+02 4,798E+00 7,997E+00 7,997E-01 8,149E-01 TJ kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg Data as collected (57 % efficiency) Data as collected (52.5 % efficiency) Unit Comment: The efficiency is 52.5%. Calculations of primary energy consumption: • • High efficiency: o (0.02687 MJ natural gas + 1.02313 MJ natural gas) / MJ LNG = 1.05 MJ natural gas /MJ LNG = 1.05 tonne natural gas / tonne LNG o B5a: = 1.05 tonne natural gas / tonne LNG × b5a = 11.4756 g natural gas /tonne km Low efficiency: o (0.09687 MJ natural gas + 1.02313 MJ natural gas) / MJ LNG = 1.12 MJ natural gas /MJ LNG = 1.12 tonne natural gas / tonne LNG xcvi o B5a: 1.12 tonne natural gas / tonne LNG × b5a = 12.2406 g natural gas /tonne km Calculations of CH4 emissions: • High efficiency: o 0.00085 MJ electricity + 0.0144659 MJ electricity = 0.0153159 MJ electricity / MJ LNG o 5.524 kg CH4 / 1 TJ electricity × 0.0153159 MJ electricity / MJ LNG = 8.46050315 E05 g CH4 / MJ LNG o 8.46050315 E-05 g CH4 / MJ LNG × 48 000 MJ /tonne LNG = 4.0610415 g CH4 /tonne LNG o 4.0610415 g CH4 /tonne LNG + 1700 g CH4 / tonne LNG = 1704.0610415 g CH4 / tonne LNG = 1.704 E-03 tonne CH4/ tonne LNG o B5a: 1704.0610415 g CH4 / tonne LNG × b5a = 0.019 g CH4 / tonne cargo km Calculations of other emissions: • High efficiency: o 0.00085 MJ electricity + 0.0144659 MJ electricity = 0.0153159 MJ electricity / MJ LNG o 73.66 kg CO / 1 TJ electricity × 0.0153159 MJ electricity / MJ LNG = 0.001065558 g CO / MJ LNG o 0.001065558 g CO / MJ LNG × 48 000 MJ /tonne LNG = 54 g CO /tonne LNG o B5a: 54 g CO /tonne LNG × b5a = 0.00059 g CO / tonne cargo km LCI data set: Liquefaction (B5a, high efficiency) Type of flow Inflows: Natural gas resource Outflows: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide reference flow Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air xcvii Unit process [tonne /tonne LNG] B5a (high) [g/tonne km] 1,0500 11,4756 1,0000 7,204E-02 5,415E-05 1,704E-03 8,123E-05 3,249E-06 5,415E-06 5,415E-07 5,518E-07 10,9291 7,873E-01 5,918E-04 1,862E-02 8,877E-04 3,551E-05 5,918E-05 5,918E-06 6,031E-06 Liquefaction (B5a, low efficiency) Type of flow Inflows: Natural gas resource Outflows: LNG CO2 CO CH4 NOX nitrous oxide NMVOC particles (PM10) sulphur dioxide reference flow Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air Emission to air xcviii Unit process [tonne/tonne LNG] B5a (low) [g/tonne km] 1,1200 12,2406 1,0000 2,573E-01 1,952E-04 1,715E-03 2,928E-04 1,171E-05 1,952E-05 1,952E-06 1,989E-06 10,9291 2,813E+00 2,134E-03 1,874E-02 3,200E-03 1,280E-04 2,134E-04 2,134E-05 2,174E-05 Appendix I – Specifications of the modelled vessels Eight different ship types has been modelled in this study, two bunker ships, three product tankers and two Ro-Ro vessels. The model parameters are presented in Table I-1. Table I-1: Specifications of the modelled ship types. Ship type Engine load Engine (kW) Bunker ship. HFO 0.85 Bunker ship, LNG Product tanker/ Crude carrier, HFO LNG carrier, LNG Product tanker, LNG Design speed Cargo capacity Load factor Pay load Fuel Engine 0.55 0.95 HFO MSD 2460 (knot) 8 (km/h) 14.816 DWT 6370 (m3) 6800 0.85 2460 8 14.816 6370 6800 0.55 0.95 SG LNG 0.85 12330 15.2 28.15 50301 57741 0.55 0.95 HFO 0.85 27300 19.5 36.114 83050 147237 0.55 0.95 0.85 4770 14 25.928 4700 7500 0.55 Ro-Ro vessel 0.85 14680 17.98 33.3 15000 - Ro-Ro vessel, LNG 0.85 14680 17.98 33.3 15000 - Comments Reference Whitona: double hull bunkering tanker. Bunkering capacity 3 1000 m /h Bunkering capacity 3 1000 m /h Significant ships of 2006 (Knaggs, 2007) MSD EMIRATRS STAR. Handymax Significant ships of 2008 (Knaggs, 2009) LNG Steam turbine Significant ships of 2008 (Knaggs, 2009) 0.95 LNG 0.88 0.5 0.88 0.48 HFO. MGO . GTL LNG Diesel engine and gas engine MSD Dapeng sun: first Chinese-built LNG carrier Coral CH4 xcix 4-stroke. lean burn Significant ships of 2007 (Knaggs, 2008) (Gullaksen, 2009) Assumptions Assumed bunker 3 capacity 1000 m Assumptions based on information from Gisle Rong (2009) at Seatrans AS The pay load for the Ro-Ro vessel fuelled with LNG is 0.48 instead of 0.50 as for the other Ro-Ro vessels. This depends on the extra space needed for the LNG tank. Gisle Rong (2009) at Seatrans AS estimates that a volume of about 19.4 x 10.6 x 2.8 m would be available for cargo if their ordered LNG vessels were to be fuelled with HFO instead. This space could be used for 9 containers, which corresponds to about 180 tonne (if 1 TEU in average represents 20 tonne as suggested in IMO’s document Interim Guidelines for Voluntary Ship CO2 Emission Indexing for the Use in Trials (IMO, 2005)). Seatrans AS’s Ro-Ro vessel that Gisle refers to have a tank capacity of about 460 m3 LNG which represents approximately 200 tonne LNG. The Ro-Ro vessel would need to bunker approximately each forth day if about 50 tonnes LNG are used each day. The energy consumption per tonne and kilometre for the modelled ship types are calculated either based on the dead weight tonne (dwt) or based on their tank capacity. The following formulas are used: (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) c The result of the calculations from equations (1.1) – (1.5) is presented in Table I-2. Calculations based on tank capacity are used for all tanker vessels (bunkers ships. product tankers and the LNG carrier). For the Ro-Ro vessels calculations based on dwt is used instead. Ship type Bunker ship. HFO Bunker ship. LNG Product tanker, HFO LNG carrier. 10 LNG Product tanker. 10 LNG Ro-Ro vessel Ro-Ro vessel. LNG Table I-2 Energy consumption per tonne and kilometre for the modelled ships. The calculations are based on the information in Table I-1. Energy consumption (kWh/km) Calculations based on dwt Calculations based on tank capacity Used value Average cargo loaded (tonne) Energy consumption (kWh/tonne km) Average cargo mass (tonne) Energy consumption (kWh/tonne km) Energy consumption (kWh/tonne km) 141.13 3328 0.0424 3123 0.0452 0.0452 141.13 3328 0.0424 1646 0.0858 0.0858 327.30 26282 0.0142 26518 0.0140 0.0140 642.55 - - - - - 156.38 - - - - - 374.71 6600 0.0568 - - 0.0568 374.71 6336 0.0591 - - 0.0591 10 Energy consumption (kWh/tonne km) depends on the duration of the journey since the boil-off gas differs and therefore the amount of transported cargo. The energy consumption is thus modelled separately for each journey. ci