Gypsy MC Newsletter - Gypsy MC International
Gypsy MC Newsletter - Gypsy MC International
Gypsy MC International Gypsy MC Newsletter Volume I, Issue I April 2011 Inside this issue: Welcome to the New Gypsy MC Newsletter Gypsy MC Facebook Guidelines 2 Going for Gold 4 Area B 8 Gypsy MC³Outlaw or 11 Family Club Gypsy Tales 14 Why Should I Care About The COC 16 Happy Birthdays 18 Special points of interest: Welcome to the Gypsy MC Newsletter. This Newsletter is intended as a tool in hopes that every Gypsy MC Member will benefit from it. Any Gypsy Member may contribute articles or pictures for the quarterly Issues as often as you like. I really appreciate those who have submitted articles for the inaugural Issue and I look forward to what each next issue will bring. This Newsletter will include information on upcoming events, news that affects our rights as motorcyclists, reminders and news from International Officers, and much more. Toddster x Welcome to the New Gypsy MC Newsletter x Ein Stein Rally x Cinco de mayo x Aardvark Rally x 22nd Annual G.D.I. x Back to the Beach Bash x Hot Damn Run x x Upcoming Events List x Thoughts and Prayers x Area E Party & Tin Top Charter Party Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 2 Gypsy MC Facebook Guidelines The internet provides users the opportunity for immediate and global communications. Where web sites, i.e., WKHZZZ·VKDYH enabled us to share our message to the world, a new generation of internetbased tools like Facebook offer two-way communication visible to large audiences. Internet site content is relatively static and easy to monitor (all postings to internet sites generally go through a single ´ZHEPDVWHUµ Products like Facebook are far more dynamic information shared through Facebook accounts is accessible to huge audiences. Over the last two years Facebook has become the de-facto Gypsy MC communications tool amongst our members. Some have estimated that well over half of our membership use Facebook on a routine basis. Facebook users, especially when they identify themselves as Gypsy MC members, have a responsibility to the club to follow reasonable guidelines when posting information. The things you post: comments, photos and video may contain your personal opinion but they also reflect upon the Gypsy MC as an organization. Certainly, you have first amendment rights to free speech but you must also to conform to reasonable expectations to maintain your membership. +HUH·VDIHZWKLQJVWR keep in mind when using Facebook: )DFHERRNRIIHUV several ways to communicate: News Feeds, Messages and Groups. News Feeds provide information to the largest audience basically everybody using Facebook. Messages are for private communication to one or more Facebook users. Groups may be used to establish communication to a defined population of users. Close your Group so information remains private. Choose the right communication tool IRUWKHVXEMHFW\RX·UH going to share. 7KH*\SV\0&ORJR has been trademarked and copyrighted. Use the complete JUDSKLFZLWK´70µ printed in the lower left corner (see or and contact the webmaster if you need the authorized graphic). The Gypsy MC logo should not be distorted or manipulated -use original ratios and colors. 'RQRWSRVW information considered FRQILGHQWLDO,ILW·VQRW already public LQIRUPDWLRQGRQ·W make it so. With few exceptions (next bullet), never share personal information about other members. Never discuss subjects that might be considered sensitive. ,QIRUPDWLRQDERXW health, injury or death of a member may be posted with the approval of the PHPEHURUPHPEHU·V family -this information should come through the chain-of-command (i.e., chapter president, area vice president or E-board). <RXPD\SRVW announcements of public chapter events but do so with the approval of your chapter president. Remember that the *\SV\0&,QW·OZHE site ( has a section for events that should be the central location for all public events. 'RQRWSRVWGHWDLOHG information on private chapter or club events. Use email or closed )DFHERRN´*URXSVµWR communicate this information to only those needing to know. 'RQRWDGYHUWLVH Gypsy MC merchandise on Facebook or the internet. The Gypsy Volume I, Issue I Page 3 Gypsy MC Facebook Guidelines (continued) MC is a not-for-profit organization and does not have a resale permit. 'RQ·WSRVWQHJDWLYH comments about individuals or groups. Avoid starting or continuing topics that might be viewed as ´UDQWVµ,I\RX·YHJRWD problem, address the issue through the correct channels. 5HVSHFW\RXU audience. Don't use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable to the Gypsy MC. 8VHWKHEHVW grammar and punctuation you can and remember to use spell check. 'RQ·WSRVWSKRWRVRU video that may be embarrassing (or incriminating). We all enjoy seeing pictures of Gypsy events -make sure your post is not unflattering to the subject(s). ´7DJJLQJµLH associating names with photos, in Facebook is popular. Use discretion when posting and tagging photos of members. Employers often research people on social media pages before and during employment, the tagged member may not want to be tagged. Please respect their wishes. Internet sites and Facebook are ideally designed to encourage positive interaction within the club and the digital world. These guidelines are intended to help us control shared content and identify risk. Even though what each member chooses to post is their responsibility, it is the *\SV\0&·V responsibility to monitor the nature and content of public postings. Ensure that content you post is consistent with Gypsy MC's values and standards. You are legally liable, no matter if your post is on your own site or page or that of others. Possible liabilities include: copyright infringement, defamation, libel, and obscenity. A final word -recognize WKDWZKDW\RX·YHMXVW read is based on the study of Facebook usage that is an assigned topic by Gypsy MC International. The task members include Toddster, Kingpin and 5DRXO:KDWZH·UH sharing here is intended as food-forthought for members and not the Gypsy MC International approved outcome of our task. ,W¶VDJRRGLGHD to check your email contacts for ex-members from time to time and remove them. Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 4 Going For Gold, by Gold Finger In March of 2011 I was asked by Toddster to contribute to a new Gypsy wide newsletter. The only parameters that were put on the DUWLFOHVZHUH´,WQHHGV to be of interest to Gypsies and is only for *\SVLHVµ7KDWJRW me to thinking. With such an unlimited subject matter it made sense to go in no particular direction! I enjoy writing, and am looking forward to SXWWLQJ´SHQWRSDSHUµ periodically and sharing with Gypsy nation. I hope it helps someone, makes a few smile, and most of all be entertaining without getting too preachy. 7KDWEHLQJVDLG´WKH road goes on forever, and the party never HQGVµ To get started I feel it is fair to lay ones ´FUHGHQWLDOVµRQWKH WDEOH,GRQ·WFODLPWR be a lifelong biker, nor do I want to claim to be someone that I am not. I did ride briefly LQ·VEXWKDGSXW those days far in my past. Riding a dirt bike in the Oklahoma countryside does not a biker make! Then in 2005 when gas prices first started to spike (again), I made a visit to the local Kawasaki GHDOHUVKLSWRMXVW´ORRN DURXQGµ,KDGEHHQ researching bikes on the internet, but this was the first time I actually went in to ORRN,ZDVQ·WVXUH what kind of bike I wanted, cruiser, sport, or dual sport. Then I saw it, a brand new Kawasaki Ninja 250. The price was under $2500 and they had a sign that said that they FRXOGILQDQFH:HOO« If they were crazy enough to finance me, then I would fill out the paper work and see what happens. Thinking it would take a couple of days I started to leave. The salesman came up and WROGPH´,I\RXZDLW about 30 minutes we FDQKDYHDQDQVZHUµ To my surprise 15 minutes later the salesman was dropping the keys into my hands. ´&RQJUDWXODWLRQVDOO you have to do is fill out a couple more forms and the bike is \RXUVµVDLGWKH salesman as he waved to the make ready guy. After a comprehensive 30 second briefing on the operation of the Ninja I grabbed the keys and jumped on my new obsession. Little did I know that this was a defining moment in my life. My expectation was I would try this out, and LI,GLGQ·WOLNHULGLQJ, would sell the bike and get my money back (or at least part of it back). Riding out of the GHDOHU·VSDUNLQJORW, passed a burly looking rider on a big cruiser bike. As we passed he JDYHPHWKHELNHU·V wave down low. I KDGQ·WEHHQEDFNRQ the road 5 minutes and all ready I felt I was part of the motorcycle scene (at least I thought I was!) I rode the bike on home and as a last minute thought, called my wife Wendy, and let her know what I had done. To say she was surprised is an understatement. We had spent a life time telling our kids they FRXOGQ·WHYHQJHW on a motorcycle, much less own one! Here I was with my shiny white full face helmet headed down the Volume I, Issue I Page 5 Going For Gold (continued) highway, looking for adventure (Hey maybe we could use that line in song?). After getting home from my first ride in 35 years, I sat down and read the manual cover to cover. I now had the knowledge and the burning desire to ride, ride, ride and that is what I did for several days. Now to say who is crazier me or my wife is up for interpretation. After my third day of riding Wendy decided to get a helmet and jump on the back for a ride. After that we rode everywhere rain or shine. Because this was a new bike a break in period was required. Having a break in period meant that the top speed would only be about 40 MPH (or at least that is what I thought) so my rides went by slowly, but it kinda fit my taking baby steps perfectly. That is until we decided to ride to Galveston. Since I have been riding this was one of the most terrify experiences I have gone through. Headed south we screamed for Galveston at a heady 40 MPH. By the time we reached the Galveston causeway I was grinning ear to ear. But then we actually got on the causeway. Cars to the left of me, cars to right of me, were whizzing by honking and staring with hate and disgust in their eyes. People leaning out their windows to let me know that I was number one (at least that is what I thought the raised middle index finger meant) I gripped the handle bar grips till my knuckles turned white. I was not going to screw up my new bike by riding over the recommended break in speed. When we finally got across the causeway we pulled into the first gas station we saw. After my nerves settled we toured the island and headed back home having to face the causeway one more time. Fast forward a couple of days. The break in period was up and now I could run with the big dogs. I took a rattle can and painted my helmet black. I was now (in my eyes) a fully qualified motorcycle rider! And ride I did. Every chance I was out gaining experience and seeing the countryside for the first time outside a car. What struck me the most were the smells. Riding by I could smell fresh cut grass, a pile of leaves burning, or the stink of animal run over days before baking on the asphalt. By now I could tie everything on my bike and go for hours of fun. As I racked up the miles I started to get the urge for something a little more in the cruiser size. A friend at work was selling his Yamaha Road Star, and I FRXOGQ·WEHDWWKHSULFH With money in hand I gave him the cash and got a start on the next phase of my motorcycle education. Now owning a cruiser bike I started looking on the internet for others that were out riding. I loved riding with my bride Wendy, but wanted a little PRUH´FRPPXQLW\µ Searching I found a pickup internet group called the Houston Cruisers. They would publish a ride date and people would meet up and ride to a destination (usually a restaurant) and ride home. Some days we would leave in the dark and get home after dark. During this time ,OHDUQHGWKH´ULGHWR HDWHDWWRULGHµPRWWR I also learned the basics of pack riding, and a lot of other useful survival tricks and tips. By this time I had a black vest with patches that I collected at various rallies and events. I was feeling like I had found out who I really was. I never felt better than when I was out riding and laughing with friends. (except maybe when my kids and grand kids were born). During this time we met and made many new friends. We had a click that we would see at least once a week, and thought it would never end. During this Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 6 Going For Gold (continued) time we meet a grizzly looking biker who GLGQ·WZHDUDEODFN vest. His vest was a faded yellow vest with a peculiar looking Gypsy MC and Moscow on the back. After that I started talking to the Gyspy who introduced KLPVHOIDV´5DW%LNH :LOOLHµ,ZDVWROG many things about Gypsy life, but the first thing he told me was ´7KLVLVQRWD\HOORZ YHVW,WLVD*ROGYHVWµ Point taken, my first lesson in Gypsy life. Wendy and I rode just about every weekend and would talk to Rat Bike whenever we saw him. (or if you know Rat Bike, it was more listen to Rat Bike than talking to Rat Bike) Slowly he filled me in on Gypsy history, and the whole MC culture. Rat Bike had been riding since dirt was invented so he could go on forever about the old days with his old club and riding around the Conroe / Tomball area north of +RXVWRQLQWKH·V and up. We listened but were still very leery of this new found direction, the Gypsies. During this time with the Houston Cruisers a trip was planned to ride to Bandera for a rally. We rode out with a group and a few friends. One of the riders was a scruffy looking guy with long hair. He had a Gypsy vest but did not have a Gypsy patch. We were told he was a ´SURVSHFWµDQGKDGQRW earned his center patch. This prospect turned out to be one of our best friends, the IXWXUH´5XP5XQQHUµ Another couple that we shared a cabin with was Charlie and Jeanine. Charlie and I hit it off and became friends riding around and having fun. Charlie is the current Surf Side Gypsy Whiskey Tango, and his wife is Gypsy Chatterbox. This weekend they were just Charlie and Jeanine, a nice couple that we got along with. Wendy was a little unsure about the scruffy, long haired prospect but ended up having a good time with him and others that rode up that weekend. Also during this week we meet another nice guy, Terry. The people Terry rode up with wanted privacy in their cabin so he was kicked RXW´IRUWKHGXUDWLRQµ Needing somewhere to sleep he promptly walked over and asked to stay with us. We had plenty of room so we let him in. We ended up spending the rest of the weekend together. The Terry I am talking about is now Houston Gypsy Wango Tango, a great friend for several years now. I can now put my finger on this weekend as being the start of my trek to Gypsy MC. We continued to ride and hang out with the Houston Cruisers and others that we had met including Rat Bike Willie and the Prospect. Moscow also had another Prospect, Richard. Richard was a cool guy and who generated Volume I, Issue I Page 7 Going For Gold (continued) friendliness from every 300 plus pounds of his body. Riding he made his Street Glide look like a Sportster, but would always be there to talk and help out anyone. I was starting to see the quality of people that were drawn to Gypsy MC. By this time I was starting to want to take my riding to a new level. I had watched how the Gypsies that I knew seemed to have a bond that was missing with the Houston Cruisers. I had been researching different clubs and decided that I wanted to be in a club, but FRXOGQ·WILJXUHRXW which one. I finally narrowed it down to the High Rollers and the Gypsies. Picking a club was difficult, but because I already knew some Gypsies, and they all seemed like good people, it set me leaning towards Gypsy MC. So on a sunny afternoon I went with the Moscow Gypsies to their monthly meeting. When new business came up Rat Bike asked me if I was ready to prospect. I knew in my mind I was ready and that was what I wanted to do, but still I was slightly off guard at the TXHVWLRQ´KHOO\HVµ, replied while thinking how I was going to explain to my bride what I had done. A vote was taken, and I was now on my first leg of my adventure as a Gypsy prospect. ´3URVSHFWJHWPHD EHHUµZDVWKHILUVW thing I heard after that. I have never had any regrets, and knew in my heart that I had made the right decision. 7REHFRQW·G3DUW,, ´/LIHDVD0RVFRZ Gyspy Prospect and EH\RQGµ Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 8 Area B, by Jawz (Calallen, Corpus Christi, Cuero, Goliad, Harlingen, Hebbronville, Kingsville, La Feria, Oakville, Portland, Rockport) Note from Long Distance- Area B VicePresident: Long Distance would like to extend a thank you to all the chapters and members from Area B that was able to attend the Chisholm Trail Run that our fellow Cuero brothers and sisters hosted this year. This has been a run that has struggled in the past and with your help, attendance was up which made for a great time! Before I write about &XHUR·VUXQ,·OOVWDUW with what has been going on here in Area B. On February 19th, the Calallen Chapter hosted a benefit for members Hooligan, Joker, and Amanda. Hooligan has been going through cancer treatments and Joker and Amanda were in a motorcycle accident after our area Toys for Tots back in December. As always, any time there are members who are going through a tough time there is a benefit hosted for them to Long Distance and Jawz help off set any costs. We had a wonderful turnout not only from the local community but from all of Area B as well as other Gypsy brothers and sisters. The food was delicious, auction was successful, and the company was fantastic. We really appreciate all those who were able to make a showing of support by attending or donating to the cause. La Feria hosted their annual Fiesta run March 11-13th. Myself, 2-Can, Catch-Up, Loc Down, Snap Shot and Studly from the Corpus Christi chapter rode down on Saturday. It was a windy ride down there but the company made it all worthwhile. We met more members from Calallen, Kingsville, and Corpus Christi as well as our International Area B Hooligan Volume I, Issue I Page 9 Area B (continued) Hanging out on the Poker Run Vice President (Long Distance) and International Area B Sgt. At Arms (FlipHer), and the great company of Aztec as well. We all hung out around in the shade which just so happened to be the best idea because the beer was nice, cold, and near by! Thanks La Feria for your hospitality and look forward to next year. Fiesta Bike Game Results (Report from Rose): 1st Place Pickle Bite: Rose (Corpus Christi) and Strip-EZ (Kingsville) 1st Place Bike Wash: Rose (Corpus Christi) and Strip-EZ (Kingsville) Fiesta at La Feria 2nd Place Slow Race: Studly (Corpus Christi) With the above note stated from Long 'LVWDQFH,·GORYH nothing more than to be able to thank Cuero for an awesome time. It was my first time and we really pulled together as an area to come and show our support. The Chisholm Trail Run benefited local charities in the surrounding communities. And really that is what wearing gold is all about; supporting each other as well as the communities in which we reside. There was lots of entertainment that occurred over the course of the weekend. There were vendors, music, food, beer, and a great time to be had by all. The weather was perfect and the poker run was beautiful. 1st Place Pickle Bite: Chisholm Trail Bike Game Results: Pic-A-Boo (Kingsville) Jawz (Calallen) and PicA-Boo (Kingsville) (Sorry Strip-EZ, had to put this first, wink wink) 2nd Place Pickle Bite: Rose (Corpus Christi) and Strip-EZ (Kingsville) 1st Place Slow Race: Strip-EZ (Kingsville) 2nd Place Slow Race: 1st Place Bike Wash: Chisholm Trail Run Group Photo Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 10 Area B (continued) Joker and Amanda Honoring Boomhour Rose (Corpus Christi) and Strip-EZ (Kingsville) 1st Place Tennis Ball Pick-Up and DropOff: Kamikaze (Corpus Christi) and Strip-EZ (Kingsville) 2nd Place Tennis Ball Pick-Up and DropOff: Rose (Corpus Christi) and Strip-EZ (Kingsville) Upcoming Area B Runs: Cinco-De-Mayo: Corpus Christi chapter - May 6-8, 2011 Live Oak ParkIngleside, Tx For More Information 'DQFLQJDW&XHUR·V5XQ Call: Wingman (361) 425-1801. Taco (361) 852-4606 or (361) 9601912. Run Flyer available at For those of you who are interested and heading down to Area B, let myself or another member know. We will gladly help you out with accommodations! And if any of you are around on a Thursday night, many members usually make a stop at the Blue Marlin Saloon off of North Beach. Gladly get ahold of P\VHOIDQG,·OOJHW\RX directions if unfamiliar. Much Love, Jawz [email protected] (361) 549-7809 TMRA # 40080 Night at the Blue Marlin LaFeria Volume I, Issue I Page 11 GYPSY MC Outlaw or Family Club, By Raoul I was recently asked about the Gypsy 0RWRUF\FOH&OXE·V KLVWRU\DVDQ´RXWODZµ club. The question went something like, ´ZKDWZDVWKHFOXEOLNH in the early days and how did we transition IURPDQ´RXWODZµWRD ´IDPLO\µFOXE"µ*\SV\ history summaries from as early as 1979 suggest that we were RQFHDQ´RXWODZµFOXE but we reorganized to become an American Motorcycle Association (AMA) or ´IDPLO\µFOXE,UHDOO\ GRQ·WEHOLHYHWKDWWKH Gypsy MC was ever an ´RXWODZµFOXESHUVH especially as many clubs are portrayed today and are often called Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs). There was a time, however, when *\SV\PHPEHU·V behavior and attitudes leaned far more WRZDUGV´RXWODZµWKDQ ZHGRQRZ7KHFOXE·V transition from a rough -and-tumble, hardULGLQ·KDUGSDUW\LQ· club to our current family orientation GLGQ·WKDSSHQ overnight; it took a number of years to complete. When Papa Jack started the club in Texas, the word ´RXWODZµZDVQRW widely recognized in PRWRUF\FOLVW·V vernacular. The AMA and its predecessor, the Federation of American Motorcyclists (FAM), HVWDEOLVKHGWKH´*\SV\ 7RXUVµLQDVDQ overnight rally with organized road rides and field events. After World War II, several motorcycle clubs found the AMA Gypsy Tours too restrictive and their events too tame. Many of the clubs that GLGQ·WEHORQJWRWKH AMA organized their own events and called WKHP´2XWODZ*\SV\ 7RXUVµ7KHWHUP ´RXWODZµLQHYLWDEO\ became synonymous ZLWK´HUµDWHUP the AMA allegedly used to describe the troublemakers at the 1947 Hollister, California riots. The Gypsy MC (no relationship to AMA Gypsy Tours, Jackpine Gypsys or Gypsy Jokers MC) was chartered as a motorcycle club by the AMA as early as 1968 (which was only a couple of years after the club was actually established in Texas) and has maintained an AMA charter ever since. The Gypsy MC has never been banned from membership in the AMA; in fact, Papa Jack, Blue and several other early members competed in AMA flat track races in the late ¶VDQGHDUO\¶V As the club grew WKURXJKWKH¶VDQG WKH¶VRWKHUFOXEV who became known as HU·VGLVWDQFHG themselves (by their behavior) from traditional motorcycle clubs. They created WKH´ELNHVERR]HDQG EURDGVµELNHUOLIHVW\OH and adopted outrageous acts like wearing German helmets, swastikas and various colored ´ZLQJVµ$VWLPHZHQW by, these clubs evolved from this generally harmless antisocial behavior to, at least a perceived, criminal behavior. The Gypsy MC started out with WKHVDPH´ELNHVERR]H DQGEURDGVµDSSURDFK DVWKHHDUO\HU·VDQG maintained the Page 12 Gypsy MC Newsletter GYPSY MC Outlaw or Family Club, (continued) philosophy of having fun instead of creating a business from club activities. Gypsy membership included women as full patch members beginning in WKHHDUO\·VDOWKRXJK many women were more ´DVVRFLDWHVµWKDQIXOO members. Associate membership for women became a formal membership status in the ODWH·VDQG continued until 2001. 7KURXJKRXWWKH·V PHPEHU·VPRWRUF\FOHV ran the gambit from Harleys to British and German bikes and included the very popular four cylinder Hondas. In Corpus Christi, in the early days, the Gyspys rode with and hung out with the dominate 1% Texas motorcycle club. The clubs coexisted and many of the members became close friends; however periodic skirmishes between members of the two clubs were not uncommon. Inevitably the powder keg exploded and, in 1977, one of our members was shot by a 1%er. Even though the leadership of both clubs worked hard to contain this incident and prevent it from spreading, the majority of our members prepared for the worst; they began riding in groups and many carried weapons wherever they went. In those days the Gypsy 0&ZDVMXVWD´JRRG-ole -ER\VµPRWRUF\FOHFOXE members rode their motorcycles, camped at roadside parks and hosted parties for members, families and friends. The Gypsy MC only began to define RXUVHOYHVDVD´IDPLO\µ club when we recognized that we needed to distance ourselves from the 1% clubs. Papa Jack recognized that being ODEHOHG´RXWODZµRU would put us in a continual conflict with other 1% clubs. Jack struggled to lead the club, mostly by example, to maintain diplomatic relations with all clubs and law enforcement WKURXJKRXWWKH·V EXWLWZDVQ·WXQWLO IROORZLQJ-DFN·VPDUULDJH to Jaynie Phillips, that a leadership decision was made to make a concerted effort to Volume I, Issue I Page 13 GYPSY MC - Outlaw or Family Club, (continued) change our image. Many members feel WKDWLWZDV-D\QLH·V influence that led Jack to force this change. In June of 1979, Papa Jack called a meeting of his chapter (the Black Rockers) and the other Gypsy chapter presidents to decide the future of the Gypsy MC. Minutes of this meeting indicate that the direction of the club, outlaw or AMA, was decided by a vote. The outcome, 40 to 4 was in favor of AMA or family. Jack made a strong statement to the members, especially the leaders, that changes were expected. The meeting minutes stated that colors must be clean; International Officers would attend runs in ´IXOOXQLIRUPµDQG conduct themselves in a manner becoming a leader. Patches and pins worn on the outside of club colors were limited and restrictions were placed on wearing outlaw or obscene patches. Ever since that meeting, the Gypsy MC has held steadfast to HVWDEOLVKLQJWKHFOXE·V ´IDPLO\OLIHVW\OHµ Immediate change is seldom possible, after all, the club had over fifteen years of culture to overcome and many of our members would have preferred to see the club run the same way it did in the early years. But times change and over the years, the Gypsy MC has continued to move closer and closer to a true family club; even though we still wear a three-piece patch, which is generally thought of as the Gypsy MC in front of the North Beach Club House - 1968 or 1969 traditional trademark RIDQ´RXWODZµ motorcycle club. Papa -DFN·VSKLORVRSK\IRU influencing the culture of the Gypsy Motorcycle Club was based on priorities: Family first, then Job DQGWKH&OXE,W·VWKLV philosophy that has gone a long way towards making the Gypsy Motorcycle Club what it is today. Raoul Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 14 Gypsy Tales, by E.T. We've all done it. You're at a run. Maybe you're sitting around a campfire at the Valentine's Day Massacre. Maybe you're sitting around sweating in the midnight Texas heat at the Hot Damn run. But wherever you are, you're having a great time with your brothers and sisters, sharing a drink (or ten...) and swapping stories. I mean lies. Stories, I mean. Tall tales? However you look at it and whatever you call them, we all enjoy telling and hearing them. And we all know that as more and more people take their turns talking, and as the bottle gets emptier, the tales get taller. And that's okay; most real life stories are a little better with some spice. Brisket wouldn't be nearly as good without some rub and some sauce, would it? Every rider has at least one motorcycle story to entertain their brothers and sisters. We all have them, whether you're a Black Rocker who's been flying the Gold since the early 70s or even a prospect. So here's what I'm working on: Collecting these stories that have been told and retold until they're like a well polished novel. So start sending me your stories. Then I'll arrange them in book form and get it published. Now, before you get the wrong idea, I have no intention of making money from Gypsy MC. Once the cost of printing is recovered, all proceeds will go to either the Fallen Brother fund or possibly to the charity supported by whatever run I sell the books at. Here's what I need: You to send me your stories. I'll take care of correcting grammar, spelling, and all that, so don't worry if your English grades in school weren't the best. Just tell your story in writing and email it to me at [email protected]. Also, make it around a page or two. I've had several people tell me D´VWRU\µWKDW consisted of two sentences. That's just a start. Include details. Tell the story like you would if we were drinking at a poker run stop and decided to blow off the rest of the poker run because we were having so much fun talking. If you don't want to type, come find me at a run. I usually have a recorder with me, or at least I can take notes on paper. Also, if you're into facebook, I've set Volume I, Issue I Page 15 Gypsy Tales, by E.T. (continued) up a profile just to collect stories. It's under the name Gypsy Stories. What the book is: A way to collect great entertaining stories from our Gold family for future generations to enjoy and learn from. The stories can be about just about anything. Road name stories are particularly interesting. Good subjects are run stories (really fun, funny or ´HYHU\WKLQJWKDW could go wrong GLGµVWRULHV breakdowns, trips, fights, funny stuff. Pretty much anything you'd tell your brothers and sisters. Just remember to keep it PG; we're a family club after all. What the book is not: A definitive history of Gypsy MC. We have one history already, and a brother is working on a longer, more detailed version. Like I mentioned above, sometimes the best stories are, shall we say, ´HPEHOOLVKHGµDELW And that's fine. As long as there's a true story at the core, that's what I'm looking for. So, write me, email me, call me, come find me at a run or hit me up on facebook. Just get your stories out there so we can all enjoy them. Love, Loyalty, & Respect GFFG E.T. Got a cool picture or an idea for an article for the next newsletter? Send it to: [email protected] Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 16 Why Should I Care About The COC, by Limey Unless you live under a rock you will have noticed lately that many governments around the world are having problems with people that want their freedom and the right to vote, and you can guess who they are going to blame for all the unrest. God bless America. The founders of the Government of America have already had this fight with the great oppressors of days gone by. Unfortunately a lot of the politicians have forgotten what that fight was about, but we have not. The Constitution of the United States is one of the two greatest statements of human liberty ever written, the second one being The Declaration of Independence. The people in these countries around the world want what we in the USA have and we are so very fortunate. Like the politicians in these countries some of the politicians that we have here do not appreciate the common folk speaking out about the Government. We need to make sure that these politicians understand the meaning of this statement and I quote Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg: "government of the people, by the people, for the people." Sputnik wrote in his book that the police were originally labeled Peace Officers and now they go by Law Enforcement Officer which I think is a major difference, from protect and serve to harass and fine. Collecting funds is now the number one job. The COC was born from NCOM, a national organization of motorcyclist who get together and share experiences, inform, and educate us on how to fight against discrimination towards all motorcyclists. There is no perfect organization but when we get involved we can steer these groups towards what we support. Or we can sit in a bar and whine. COC, TMRA2, ABATE, and other 052·VDUHZRUNLQJ together for the benefit of the whole motorcycle community. They get their power from the members of these groups and when they go to discuss regulations and rulings they are armed with FRSLHVRI·VRI letters that citizens have written or e-mails that have been sent. The legislators are impressed by the backing and the organized effort they portray. Only with this ammunition can Volume I, Issue I Page 17 Why Should I Care About The COC, (continued) are pissed off that the folks they protected with their life and time cannot get involved for one hour a month to help their own brothers oppressing rules and laws, which are aimed to collect money, be avoided and laws that support our freedoms be supported. Many members of the COC and TMRA2, etc. spend weeks and many weekends away from their families, friends and jobs. They do this for their own good and their own freedoms but they also do it for our benefit. They are willing to sacrifice their time so we During our last CTA, I was told that some of our members thought it was confusing and could not understand the requirements. I would like to ask how hard is it to pick up the phone can continue to ride with a choice of friends, and ask an Area VP, an Assistant Legislative headgear, pipes, Officer, or a US handlebars, motor size, Defender, what needs to HOV lanes (the list of be done or how can I what they have help? Do we really need accomplished goes on and on). They do this for Hap, Chuck, or Dilligas to tell us to get all motorcyclists, even the ones that cannot spend an hour a month writing a letter or making a telephone call on behalf of their own freedoms. I think our veterans who sacrificed so much involved? Please make no mistake; the politicians and Law Enforcement do not like us and their ultimate goal is to shut us down. In their eyes we are all ·V Why should I care about WKH&2&"%HFDXVHLW·V one of the last organizations that gives a s*@t about us. Love & Respect Gypsy Limey Assistant Legislative Officer Gypsy MC Newsletter Page 18 Happy Birthdays* Please visit April /DJR9LVWD0HPEHU:LQJPDQ«««««/ODQR3URVSHFW6KHUU\'««««««« +RXVWRQ6JW#$UPV0LOOKRXVH««6XUIVLGH9LFH3UHVLGHQW:KLVNH\7DQJR« /XFNHQEDFK0HPEHU6FUDWFK«««««1HZ%UDXQIHOV3UHVLGHQW'HUHPHU«« 1HZ%UDXQIHOV5RDG&SW:URQJ5RFN\&UHHN6JW#$UPV0DS4XHVW«« 5RFNSRUW9LFH3UHVLGHQW+DOI'H7LPH«/ODQR0HPEHU5RRNLH«««««««« May 'HO9DOOH0HPEHU+RRFK\0DQ««««5RFNSRUW0HPEHU9DON\UH«««««« 5RFN\&UHHN5RDG&SW-DU««««««%LJ-´'µ9LFH3UHVLGHQW:KLWH\«««« 0HVTXLWH5RDG&SW7DXQMD««««««&DODOOHQ0HPEHU6XSHU&KLHI««««« 0XQFKHQ3UHVLGHQW)XQN\««««««+LOO&RXQWU\0HPEHU&DSW«««««« /ODQR0HPEHU7ZHHW\«««««««+RXVWRQ0HPEHU%REE\7««««« +RXVWRQ0HPEHU$QWKRQ\«««««/HDJXH&LW\3URVSHFW$QGUHZ«««« &DODOOHQ0HPEHU8QR0DV««««««%UD]RV9DOOH\0HPEHU3LWD«««««« /XFNHQEDFK9LFH3UHVLGHQW,PD[«««&RZWRZQ5RDG&DSW-DJXDU««««« $ODPR&LW\0HPEHU%UDQG=««««5RFNSRUW3URVSHFW:HV««««««« 0RVFRZ0HPEHU%UHH]H««««««/XFNHQEDFK-U0HPEHU$PEHU«««« 6XUIVLGH0HPEHU6DJRQ«««««««5RFNSRUW0HPEHU/LO·6LV«««««« *<36<0&««««««««««««3DULV3URVSHFW.HQGUD«««««««« 0XQFKHQ$VVRF0HPEHU:DVWL««««%LJ-´'µ-U0HPEHU+XQWHU««««« *XP%D\RX6JW#$UPV$IILUPDWLYH««+RXVWRQ0HPEHU(O&DEULWR««««« June 5HWLUHG/LIHU3RROPDQ«««««««5D\+XEEDUG0HPEHU-DPLH««««« *DEOLQJHQ5RDG&SW2K0RVHV««««)W%HQG0HPEHU*72«««««« 5D\+XEEDUG7UHDVXUHU7KXPS«««*XP%D\RX0HPEHU7LPHUUU«««« Forever Chapter, Jelo-6KRW««««««$ODPR&LW\7UHDVXUHU&LQGHUHOOD««« %UD]RV9DOOH\7UHDVXUHU5LSSHU««««5RFNSRUW0HPEHU/XQFKWLPH«««« )RUHYHU&KDSWHU+RW/LSV««««««5LYHU&LW\9LFH3UHVLGHQW7RUWXJD««« )RUHYHU&KDSWHU+DQG\$QG\««««+LOO&RXQWU\-U0HPEHU/HJRV«««« /HDJXH&LW\0HPEHU:DONLQ(DJOH««)RUHYHU&KDSWHU%ODFN-DFN««««« 0XQFKHQ6HFUHWDU\%LJJL««««««/XFNHEDFK0HPEHU0RWR0RWR««« $ODPR&LW\0HPEHU6NLUW««««««0XQFKHQ3URVSHFW5RODQG««««« &DODOOHQ0HPEHU7RR6RRQ«««««+LOO&RXQWU\0HPEHU1RUPDQ«««« 'HO9DOOH7UHDVXUHU7XPS2YHU«««$ODPR&LW\3URVSHFW&DURO««««« /DJR9LVWD0HPEHU'U3LGGOHV««««)W%HQG-U0HPEHU$OLVVD«««««« )W%HQG0HPEHU(DJOH6FRXW««««)RUHYHU&KDSWHU,URQ%XWW««««« &DODOOHQ-U0HPEHU&&«««««««&RZWRZQ0HPEHU&KXQNV««««« /HDJXH&LW\9LFH3UHVLGHQW0DQ««5HWLUHG/LIHU%HHWOH«««««««« 3DULV5RDG&SW/HIW2YHU««««««5HWLUHG/LIHU/LO'XNH««««««« &DODOOHQPHPEHU%XV0DQ««««/LEHUW\+LOO0HPEHU6OLQN\««««« /DJR9LVWD0HPEHU*URXFKR««««5RFNSRUW0HPEHU'HEELH««««« 'HO9DOOH0HPEHU'D]HG««««««&RPPHUFH0HPEHU:RXQG7LJKW«« /LEHUW\+LOO0HPEHU6FXED6WHYH«««3RUWODQG6JW#$UPV)ULFWLRQ«««« /DJR9LVWD6JW#$UPV+DUG7LPH««)W%HQG0HPEHU%UXMD««««««« Calallen Vice President, 2-&DQ««««/XFNHQEDFK-U0HPEHU&RG\««««« 5D\+XEEDUG-U0HPEHU/RQQLH«««*DEOLQJHQ9LFH3UHVLGHQW$OGDPDQQ«« /DJR9LVWD7UHDVXUHU7ZLWFK\««««/XFNHQEDFK0HPEHU1HPR««««« *Information is taken from Chapter rosters. Gypsy MC International Toddster 3328 Silver Creek Dr Mesquite, TX 75181 Help us name the newsletter. Send your idea to Email: [email protected] [email protected] Thoughts and Prayers -Calallen Member Hooligan continues his fight with cancer. -Calallen Members Joker and Amanda continue their recovery from a motorcycle wreck.. -Brazos Valley Member C-YA is in ICU following a serious motorcycle wreck. -Del Valle Member Iron Butt transferred to the Forever Chapter. GFFG -Paris President Jumpy continues to recover from a house fire in which he lost everything.. Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Upcoming Events 4/22-24 Einstein Rally, Seguin, TX, 4/29-5/1 Area E & Tin Top Charter Party 5/6-8 Cinco de Mayo, Ingleside 5/27-30 Mandatory 6/24-26 Aardvark, Seguin, TX, 6/25-26 Commerce Chapter Anniversary Party 7/8-10 GDI, Lost Valley Resort, TX, 7/15-17 Hot Damn Run, Brownwood, TX 7/15-17 Not Lake (Girls only), Tahlequah, OK 8/12-14 Cannonball Run, Goliad Chapter 8/19-21 Beach Bash, Surfside Chapter 9/3-4 Labor Day Party, Big-µ'µ&KDSWHU 9/16-18 Wild Child Run, Oakville Chapter 9/16-18* Forever Free Rally, Lone Oak, TX 9/30-10/2 Fall Down Run, League City Chapter 9/30-10/2 Knockout Run, Hill Country Chapter 10/14-16 Nactoberfest, Nacogdoches Chapter 10/21-23 Halloween Run, Calallen Chapter 11/5 Blanket Run, Corpus Christi Chapter 12/3 Monty Mann Memorial Run 12/18 The Big Texas Toy Run, Dallas, TX *Estimated date