Meeting Minutes from June 2013
Meeting Minutes from June 2013
Best Start Network Meeting Minutes June 6, 2013 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Contact Bran Present: Kim Romano, Melodie Spencer, Debbie Carson, Doreen Dekker, Jane Angus, Franklin Leukam, Sue Norden, Dan Temprile, Adele Gawley, Barb Mitchell, Rita Stratford, Anca Gaston, Florence, Marg Barr, Deanna Searle, Luisa Pappert, Anca Gaston, Shelley McCarthy, Rita Stratford, Cathy Medway (recorder) Regrets: Kathy Dickens, Maria Timpener, Christina Rajsic, Darren Rorabeck, Sherry Lewis, Paula Thomlison Guests: Agenda Item 1.0 Call to Order, Additions to the Agenda Approve Minutes of April 4, 2013 Discussion/Decision Action THE MINUTES OF THE May 2, 2013 meeting was approved Additons to the agenda include: 1.2 Success Story - Rita Stratford 2.3 RFP: Wilfrid Laurier University Child Care Moved by Sue Norden 4.2 Desire2Learn - Rita Stratford Seconded by Luisa Pappert Melodie welcomed everyone to the table. Introductions were given. Carried Thank you Jane for hosting our meeting at Contact Brant this morning. A tour will be given for everyone interested following the meeting. 1.2 Success story – th Rita Sratford shared that over the weekend the 9 Annual Motorcycle ride was held in support of the children’s recreation program Every Kid Counts. The event was very successful and was enjoyed by all. Best Start Network Meeting June 6, 2013 Page 1 A Brantford parent was nominated as Mom of the Year through Walmart and has chosen Lansdowne Children’s Centre as her charity should she win the award. This is a very active Mom who runs a parent support group and has two children with autism . Lansdowne could receive $100.000. Best of luck to this outstanding community Mom. If she makes it to the next round a request for voting support may occur in July. 2.0 Business arising from Previous Minutes 2.1 Receive information: Presentation/Report on EDI (and overview of Kindergarten Parent Survey data - Anca Anca presented the Early Childhood Development in Brant (EDI Impementation Results for 2012. EDI is a 104 question survey which assess children’s development by looking at 5 key areas or domains and is implemented world wide. 5 key domains include: Physical Health & Wellbeing Social Competence Emotional Maturity Language and Cognitive Development Communication Skills and General Knowledge. Please see the attached link to this document. Anca also briefly discussed the preliminary results of the Kindergarten /Parent Survey. Best Start Network Meeting June 6, 2013 Page 2 These results are not official and will be posted at a later date. Adele shared a draft copy of the Table of Contents of the Orientation Task Force handbook. 2.2 Receive Update: Orientation Task Force Network members suggested linking the handbook to the early learning framework and provincial links and websites. Adele asks if each member could review the list of acronyms and indicate if you know of others that may need to be included. The Network would like to thank the orientation task force for the great work they have done so far. 2.3 Receive Information: Laurier University Child Care Dan Temprile has reported that the RFP process has been completed with Laurier University regarding setting up a day care centre within the university to meet contractual obligations with its employees. There was no response from the community The university is now looking to partner with the City. Council and community agencies like BSN and Service integration Committee have been included in discussions. Laurier has capital dollars but there would be a municipal cost involved. The challenge may be the operational dollars. No formal application has been received. Enrolment based on demand and new data from the Onelist program will help give a true picture of the child care demands in our community. The Laurier day care could partner with Beryl Angus Municipal Children’s Centre, at its existing location which is Best Start Network Meeting June 6, 2013 Page 3 within their tight geographical area to meet their contractual obligations. Dan welcomes all ideas and opportunities for outreach to get the message out there that Laurier is interested in partnering so there is always transparency. Please share information with your colleagues and networks. To date Nipissing is not involved in planning process. Discussion from the Network was positive noting there was lots of opportunity for enhanced research opportunities ie lab school etc. even though some colleges are getting out of lab schools the University sees it as an opportunity for enhanced student learning. 2.4 Follow up from planning day 3.0 3.1 Integrating Ministry Updates There has been discussion that we may need to survey members for future time frames and frequency for meetings. Action: Melodie will send out Survey Monkey over the summer in preparation for September meeting. Ministry of Education and Ministry of Children & Youth Services will be interjecting comments and information through out the Network meetings. They will remain as a standing item on the agenda however may or may not report specifically to 3.1. 3.2 Service Update Kim reports no new updates. 3.3 Subcommittee Reports: Receive information: Aboriginal Advisory Committee, SIC Committee, Best Start Magazine, Best Reports from Parent Fair and SIC committee were received as read Best Start Network Meeting June 6, 2013 Page 4 Start Parent Fair, Child Care Advisory Committee, Recruitment and Retention Committee Cathy reports the BS Magazine Committee is getting ready to choose articles and ads for the Fall edition of the Best Start Magazine due out in October. Action: Reminder email sent out for Ads and Articles th Articles and advertising commitments are due June 19 . Please submit to Cathy ASAP. 4.0 New Business 4.1 .Discussion : Review requirements for completing sections 8, 9, 10 of templates 4.2 Receive information and approve (vote) : Unconditional dollars for the start up costs with Desire2Learn Kim, Melodie, Jane Angus and Barb Mitchell will be meeting to form a task force for the summer to complete templates G, H, & I. Kim, Melodie and Rita (Capacity Building task force) has been meeting with Desire2Learn an agency that will be providing support/programs for web based learning. Ritais requesting that we use up to $5.500.00 of conditional dollars for start up costs. Desire2Learn will provide the actual programs for web based learning, the upload and training. Therefore a motion was made that up to $5,500 plus HST may be used for the one time start up costs of web based learning with Desire2Learn Motion by : Marg Barr May need to partner with school boards for additional training. If funds remain we may be able to have Desire2Learn develop some of the programs. The programs can be purchased . All in favour: Carried User fees will come out of capacity building dollars. View Capacity building flyer here. Child Care Services has sent letters indicating each program’s dollar amount to be used for professional development for each full time equivalent staff member. Best Start Network Meeting June 6, 2013 Page 5 Owners and operators have been informed that ECEs can be supported by providing training for first aid, and two other programs called Handle with Care and Triple P or online web based learning as well as individual professional development. Agencies would bill the city the cost of the program and the centre will bill for staff hours Kim attended the Simcoe Best Start Network meeting where Community Information Data for Halton was discussed. l.html Their Network is called “Our Kids Network” Halton used $200,000 from Innovation Funds to create a data base called where users can set up a portal where you can pull up EDI score, compare poverty, add food banks and layer more information. Data appears almost immediately They have paid a user fee for up to the year 2016, then will see if the community want to keep the program going. 5.0 5.1 Re-confirm – Next meeting dates September 2013 Next meeting: SeptemberTBA, Each agency keeps its own data current. Kim will send out a link to share with network. See 2.4 5.2 Success story With a little coaxing from Melodie, Adele shared a personal story on how she transitioned from full time working professional to full time parent to once again finding her inner professional self again. Success can be measured many ways at many different Best Start Network Meeting June 6, 2013 Page 6 time of our lives. Best Start Network Meeting June 6, 2013 Page 7 DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS BRIEF HISTORY OF THE NETWORK………………………………………………………..1 EARLY YEARS SYSTEM: KEY MILESTONES………………………………………………2 FUNDING…………………………..…………………………………… ……………………………3 PLANNING DOLLARS APPLICATION FORM…………………………………………….4 PURPOSE OF THE NETWORK……………………………………………………………… …6 STRATEGIC PLAN…………………………………………………………………… …………….7 TERMS OF REFERENCE…………………………………………………………… …………..13 NETWORK ORGANIZATIONAL CHART………………………………………………….22 SUBCOMMITTEES……………………………….…………………… ………………………..23 SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT TEMPLATES………………………………………………..24 DRAFT BEST START MEMBERSHIP LIST…………………………………………………………..25 BEST START SITES…………………………………………………………………… ………….32 STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY……………………………………………………… …33 COMMITMENT LETTER………………………………………………………………… …….34 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS…………………………………………………………… …….35 DRAFT BRIEF HISTORY OF THE NETWORK Best Start is Ontario's plan to enhance early learning, child care and the healthy development of children so they are ready to achieve success in school by the time they start Grade 1. The goal of Best Start is to help children develop skills to succeed in school and beyond. The government introduced the Best Start Initiative in 2005 as an important first step toward creating a more integrated system of supports and services for families with young children. Notably, Best Start was implemented at an accelerated pace over a five year period in our community. The provincial government’s document With Our Best Future in Mind: Implementing Early Learning in Ontario included many recommendations designed to move Ontario towards a seamless, integrated service system for children and families. Chief among these was the creation of Best Start Child and Family Centres. The phasing in of universal, full day kindergarten represents another provincial step in strengthening the current early years system by expanding the roles of the Ministry of Education and Boards of Education in delivery of early learning and care services. Importantly, he province has recognizes that the progress achieved by communities has also been because of strong local leadership and respectful relationships among service providers. In the first five years of Best Start, Brantford /Brant built a strong Network of service providers to jointly plan and deliver early learning programs and services in a more coordinated fashion. Beginning with the development of a comprehensive community plan to strengthen the local early learning system, network partners built Best Start Hubs now known as Best Start Early and Learning and Parenting Centres– accessible locations (primarily in elementary schools) where families with young children can access a range of early learning programs and services . Best Start Network of Brantford/Brant has spent considerable time developing a common understanding of integration concepts and fostering a community-wide commitment to building a more navigable system of supports: a system where every door is the right door, where a family enters one program, and can be easily connected with other programs or services as needed; a system where families have to tell their story only once and are heard by staff who can identify and connect them to additional supports; a system where no child or family is ever left behind. 1 DRAFT 2 DRAFT DRAFT FUNDING The City of Brantford holds funding that was allocated at the beginning of Best Start, in 2005. Part of this funding was earmarked for Francophone and Aboriginal services. As a result of changes in provincial government policy, additional funding was allowed to be carried from year to year with no strings attached. This funding is known as unconditional funding. Some of this unconditional funding has already been put to use, for such initiatives as the Ryerson Hub. Much of this funding is still available, and can be used at the discretion of the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) to support the early learning and child care sector. The Best Start Network does not have an operating budget. The Network communicates with the CMSM in planning for the use of Best Start allocated planning dollars. . The CMSM has policies and procedures in place to manage expenditures and purchases, ensuring compliance with program service schedules and/or guidelines. All purchases are made according to needs identified by Best Start, including but not limited to planning for the early learning and child care sector, identifying community needs around early years, research and program planning, and education of early childhood staff and members of the community. The CMSM advises the cochair of the Best Start Network as dollars are dispersed. One-time requests for funding in excess of $1500, or otherwise out of the ordinary, are brought to the Best Start planning table for consideration and approval. For more information on the start up of the Best Start Network and original funding please see the report entitled Best Start implementation Plan, at the link below: 4 DRAFT BEST START PLANNING DOLLARS APPLICATION FORM Please complete all sections of this form, number all pages, and submit two copies. Planning dollar programs are administered by the Best Start Network and the City of Brantford. This application and all information received from the applicant will form part of the minutes and records of the Best Start Network which may be subject to review by the public. No information supplied can be considered confidential and the applicant expressly consents to release of information by the Best Start Network regarding applications received, decisions made by the Task Force and other matters relating to the process. Name of Organization or Applicant:_______________________________________________________ Make cheque payable to (if different from above): Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone:______________________________ Fax: ______________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________ Agency:__________________________________________ Title: __________________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Telephone:______________________________ Fax: ______________________________________ Total Cost of Project $ Amount Requested $ We, the undersigned, declare that: we have been authorized to make this application on behalf of the organization/task force/committee. we agree that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of our ability. Committee/Chair Committee One other member of Organization/Task force DRAFT About Your Project/Funding Request Clearly define how the grant funds will be used, including the following information: Purpose: What will it specifically accomplish, and how does this relate to the Best Start Workplan/Vision? What are the main goals and purposes for which funding is requested? Dates: What are the projected start-up and completion dates? (needed to determine when a final report would be due back to the Network.) Start Date: Completion Date: Who Benefits: How will this project benefit the Early Learning Community? What specific population will benefit from your project? Does another organization in the City provide a similar program? If YES, please list them: YES Who in the community or elsewhere is working on this project? What will you do that is different from or better than existing programs? If it is appropriate, how will you coordinate with them? Coordination: DRAFT PURPOSE OF THE NETWORK VISION Best Start is bringing out the best in all of us, our children, our families and our community. MISSION STATEMENT We lead a collaborative process to plan and implement strategies that support families and children prenatal to 12 years in Brantford and Brant to reach their full potential. DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1: Meaningful connections with parents and parent engagement Goals Performance Indicators Time Frame Lead 1.1 Increase communication with parents on the services that are available and those that are required 1.1A Complete a needs assessment at the Best Start Parent Fair April 2013 Committees and Task Forces 1.1B Increase the distribution of promotional materials by x% 1.1C Enhance current communication methods (print media, speaking at events, website, different languages, etc.) by x% 1.2 Build on existing community events for families 1.2A Increase the number of booths at the Best Start Parent Fair by x% Committees 1.2B Take the Best Start booth to 8 DRAFT two additional community events each year (e.g. Paris Fair, soccer registration) 1.3 Increase parent involvement on Committees so that they too are decision makers 1.3A Recruit two parent representatives for the Network and/or a Committee within one year 1.4 Increase the sharing of personal stories and make use of parent ‘champions’ 1.4A Provide opportunities for families to give testimonials (e.g. have sheets to complete at hubs) 1.5 Educate service providers on the importance of first impressions 1.5A Once a year, provide education to the Network on how to engage families NEW NEW 9 DRAFT STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2 : Community planning and partnerships Goals Performance Indicators Time Frame Lead 2.1 Review and strengthen current partnerships and community relationships 2.1A Expand the membership of the Network by five members over three years (involves expanding the membership criteria) Network 2.2 Identify new partnership opportunities 2.2A Identify five new associations that Best Start can reach out to promote its services (e.g. Shellard neighbourhood) Service Integration Committee 2.3 Ensure that the Francophone, Aboriginal and multicultural communities are priorities in 2.3A Increase consistent active participation from Francophone Francophone Committee & 10 DRAFT community planning and Aboriginal communities 2.3B Increase the knowledge of front-line staff from agencies mandated to work with immigrants about Best Start and early learning & child care supports (and invite them to the Network to advise members of their needs) 2.4 Enhance the engagement strategy in individual neighbourhoods 2.4A Identify five new associations that Best Start can reach out to promote its services (e.g. Shellard neighbourhood) 2.5 Enhance the transitioning between service providers 2.5A To be determined Aboriginal Committee STRATEGIC PRIORITY 3: Sustaining licensed child care Goals Performance Indicators 3.1 Establish a Child Care Advisory Committee (CCAC) 3.1A Invite all child care operators and supporting services (decision makers) 3.1B Re-establish Terms of Time Frame Lead Network OEYC/CMSM/ 11 DRAFT Goals Performance Indicators Time Frame Reference 3.2 Create more licensed child care options 3.2A Create an inventory of current licensed spaces and hours of service 3.2B Increase the availability of 24 hour 7 days a week licensed child care by 5% over three years 3.2C Increase the number of licensed infant, toddler, preschool and school age spaces by 5% over three years 3.3 Enhance the recruitment and retention of child care staff 3.3A Conduct an annual Job/Education Fair 3.3B Conduct a 2012/2013 salary survey Lead CCAC Dec 2012 CCAC June 2015 CCAC/CMSM June 2015 CCAC/CMSM Refer to Recruitment and Retention Committee’s Recruitment and Retention Committee 3.3C Distribute Pathways 12 DRAFT Goals Performance Indicators Time Frame brochure to all local high schools goals Lead 3.3D Use as a promotional site for recruitment and retention 3.4 Promote family-friendly work place policies 3.4A Invite large employers to community forum (family friendly environments, child care considerations, flexibility for family needs) June 2013 Network 3.4B Survey employees of large employers on current child care system and needs/gaps June 2013 CCAC 3.4C Develop promotional materials and an advertising campaign Dec 2012 and Magazine Task Force June 2013 3.5 Educate the community on the available services with an emphasis on the quality of 3.5A Develop promotional materials and an advertising Dec 2012 and June Magazine Task Force 13 DRAFT Goals Performance Indicators Time Frame licensed child care campaign 2013 3.5B Increase the utilization of licensed child care by 10% over three years 3.6 Access funding to transition the child care system, sustain programs and plan for the future 3.6A Develop a plan (with the assistance of a Consultant) and propose to the Network for the use of planning or other available dollars to transition child care over the next three years Lead Magazine Task Force and CCAC Jan 2013 CCAC STRATEGIC PRIORITY 4: Strengthening the capacity of the Network Goals Performance Indicators Time Frame Lead 4.1 Review and revise, as necessary, the Network’s Terms of Reference 4.1A Conduct the Terms of Reference review Fall 2012 Ad hoc group 14 DRAFT 4.2 Review the membership so that it is aligned with the mission and vision 4.2A Conduct the membership review 4.3 Engage in succession planning 4.3A Create an Orientation Manual for Network members Dec 2012 Ad hoc group 4.2B Promote opportunities for volunteers on Network and Committees 4.3B Existing Chairs of each Committee and Subcommittee to coach and mentor new Chairs 4.4 Review the Network’s structure 4.4A Conduct a review of the Terms of Reference of each Committee to clarify purpose and identify gaps 4.5 Undertake a collaborative review of the Network’s operations 4.5A Survey members to get information on how each Committee is operating, successes, experiences, etc. Each Committee 15 DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE Vision Through coordination, collaboration and cooperation within the early learning and child care system, all children will have the opportunity to reach their full potential, prenatal to twelve years of age. Mission To plan, implement and monitor Best Start Early Learning strategies in Brantford and Brant community priorities. that reflect Scope The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will continue to support and plan for a comprehensive integrated system of services that supports children, prenatal to twelve years of age and their families. Goals The following general directions will be taken to achieve the vision: Programs are coordinated through Best Start and are available to all children without barriers resulting from income, transportation or health issues Education programs are available in all schools Parents take an active role in programming Earlier identification of children and earlier provision of services Resources and services are available with minimal or no waiting lists Early intervention occurs in order to facilitate rapid interventions Best Start is an integral part of the community The public, service providers and the media are aware of Best Start services and resources Advocate for adequate financial resources, staffing and supports Encourage all local and provincial partners to work together Principles The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will use the following guiding principles in the planning for Best Start. The Best Start planning will: Be based on identified community needs Ensure services are available, affordable and accessible for all 16 DRAFT Be child and parent oriented Respect diverse cultural, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds Include supports re: participation for children with physical, developmental, language, learning or behavioral difficulties Work in partnership with families Consider the needs of parents at home, work or in school Protect the best interests of children Ensure that a broad range of input affecting children is incorporated Include cross Ministerial input and collaboration Ensure quality services. Accountability The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will be accountable to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and to the community for planning and monitoring the implementation of Best Start early learning strategies in Brant. Specifically, as a collective, all members of the Network will share accountability in the development and monitoring of the Brantford Brant Best Start Plans and other directives and early learning initiatives. The Brantford Brant Best Start Network will have an internal accountability mechanism in the form of a selfassessment that the Network will conduct annually to assess: The terms of reference will be reviewed by a sub-committee annually and reconfirmed by the full Network. Roles and Responsibilities All members of the Brantford Brant Best Start Network will participate in planning and implementation. Provide advice on the best ways to organize and integrate services. They will be informed about the services available and the importance of early learning and care. Provide appropriate representation of the stakeholders that they represent and make decisions on behalf of the organization and/or sector they represent. Keep a global perspective when making decisions on what is best for the community. Undertake active participation in committee and/or task force work. Ensure appropriate preparation for each meeting and completion of assigned tasks. Membership/Voting MEMBERS: Members will reside or work in Brant County, and will include parent representatives, community representatives, stakeholder representatives and senior representatives of agencies providing early years services to children and families with children aged prenatal to 12. PARENT/ COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES: Up to three (3) parent representatives may be appointed members of the Network. AGENCIES/STAKEHOLDERS: must select one designated voting member who will be their representative. The designated voting member of an agency must be a senior staff at the agency and 17 DRAFT have the ability to make decisions and commitments on behalf of the organization. In the event that the designated voting member is unable to attend a meeting, that individual may assign an alternate FUNDERS: Funders shall participate on the Network in an ex-officio capacity and will participate in all discussions and decision-making, but will not have voting privileges. OTHER AGENCY STAFF, CONSUMERS AND/OR INTERESTED PARTIES: Individuals or agencies may approach the Chair to participate on the Network as an interested party. They may request to receive minutes and may attend meetings as guests and are not entitled to vote on decisions. NETWORK AND SUB COMMITTEE STRUCTURE The Network encourages the participation of any and all interested community stakeholders. The Network has a number of Committees and Task Forces to assist it in fulfilling its mission “to plan, implement and monitor Best Start in Brantford/Brant in a way that reflects community priorities.…” As illustrated in Appendix 3, the following Committees have been established: Aboriginal Advisory Committee Francophone Advisory Committee Service Integration Committee (SIC) Committee Child Care Advisory Committee The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will establish committees, task forces and/or working groups as deemed necessary. Such groups will designate a liaison to the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network and will consist of Brantford/Brant Best Start Network members and/or other community members as is relevant to the task. Each committee, task force or working group will be accountable to the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network through their work plans. See appendix 1 Brantford Brant/Best Start Suggested Membership Composition See appendix 2 Communications Protocol Structure of the Network Qualification and Selection of Members The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will recruit members (on the basis of identified sectors/agencies) and invite their participation. Length of Term of Appointments The terms of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network requires a three year commitment from agency stake holders. Parents/Community Representatives will be encouraged to participate for three years. Network Procedures and Operations Community Representatives The Network will have two co-chairs, one of whom will be a senior representative of Child Care Services for the Corporation of the City of Brantford. The other co-chair of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will be selected by the Network Membership for a two year term with the option to serve an additional term. Executive Responsibilities Co-Chairs The Co-Chair will: 18 DRAFT Co-Chair all Brantford/Brant Best Start Network meetings Prepare meeting agendas Ensure the Terms of Reference and other Brantford/Brant Best Start Network documents are up-to-date, and adhered to Oversee the orientation of new members as required Provide Leadership to the executive to ensure participation from all members. Vice-Chair The Vice-Chair of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will be selected by the membership for a two-year term with the option to serve an additional term. Serve as the Co-Chair in the absence of the Co-Chair Secretary/Recorder The Secretary/Recorder of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will be selected by the membership for a oneyear term with the option to serve an additional term not exceeding a total of two consecutive years. Members may delegate Secretarial responsibilities. The Secretary will ensure that: Meeting agendas are circulated to all members of Brantford/Brant Best Start Network Minutes of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network are recorded and circulated Meeting attendance is monitored All Brantford/Brant Best Start Network correspondence and records are maintained. Other Executive positions may be established as deemed necessary. Minutes and Agendas Minutes of all Brantford/Brant Best Start Network meetings will be distributed within fifteen working days to Network members with other relevant documentation attached. Brantford/Brant Best Start Network members may refer items to the agenda by contacting the Co-Chair at least two weeks in advance of the next scheduled meeting. All meeting agendas will be forwarded to the membership one week in advance of the upcoming meeting, attached with this notice will be the second distribution of the minutes. Meetings The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will determine the schedule of dates, times and locations of meetings as required. When meetings are called to order, no decisions or voting can be made unless a quorum of members are present. Meeting quorums shall be defined as 50% plus one of the Brantford/ Brant Best Start Network members. Media Spokesperson/Communications Protocol Media Media Spokesperson: CMSM (Manager of Child Care Services, City of Brantford) Secondary Contact: Co-Chair of the Brantford Brant Best Start Network (BSN) Process for Press Contact- CMSM first, can refer to Co-Chair of BSN Duties for Media Spokesperson- interviews, press releases. These are seen at minimum by the Executive of the BSN before release. 19 DRAFT Seek out our own Network opportunities and agencies to keep Network informed For complete communications protocol see Appendix 2. Conflict of Interest All members of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will be encouraged to participate fully in the activities of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network. Disclosure of a conflict of interest, whether real, potential or apparent, must take place as soon as the individual becomes aware of the conflict. Conflict of interest refers to a situation where a member of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network speaks in favour of/or recommends a course of action which may have competing professional or personal interests or financially benefit them personally or the organization/agency with which they are associated. Such competing interests can make it difficult to fulfill his or her duties impartially. A conflict of interest exists even if no unethical or improper act results from it (e.g. the review and recommendation of Brantford/Brant Best Start Network proposals). The onus of responsibility will rest with each individual member to determine whether or not they are in a conflict of interest. In such instances, the member will clarify their concerns with the Co-Chair who will determine if the conflict of interest warrants precluding the member’s further participation or debate of that portion of the meeting or determine if the member will not take part in the discussion of, or vote on any question in respect of the matter, or will forthwith leave the meeting or the part of the meeting during which the matter is under consideration. The member will not attempt in any way whether before, during or after the meeting to influence the voting on any such questions. Confidentiality All meetings of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will be open to members of the general public and media. The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network does, however, reserve the right to hold in-camera sessions should the topic of discussion pertain to a property matter, information that may be the subject of a judicial or quasi-judicial hearing or inquiry, or the information pertains to a readily identifiable individual or group of individuals. Absences Brantford/Brant Best Start Network members are asked to contact the Secretary or designate if they are unable to attend a meeting. If a member resigns, the vacancy will be filled at the discretion of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network. Use of Technology The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network reserves the right to use technology, where possible and practical, to conduct its business (e.g. the electronic transfer of meeting agendas and minutes, teleconferencing, voting etc.) and according to the communications protocol. Remuneration Brantford/Brant Best Start Network members will serve without remuneration from the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network. Linkages The Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will maintain linkages with other relevant planning bodies in the community. The nature and extent of these linkages may be altered from time to time as necessary and appropriate. 20 DRAFT Decision-Making Process and Dispute Resolution Members will work toward a consensus model for decision-making. If this is not possible, a simple majority vote will be held. A motion will be considered ‘carried’ when two thirds the voting representatives in attendance are in favour of the motion. Signatures to the Terms of Reference The Terms of Reference and Membership of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network will be reviewed annually or as needed and members will sign re-commitment letter. 21 DRAFT Appendix 1 The suggested membership on the networks is listed below, recognizing that the uniqueness of the community may impact on the composition of the network. Parenting Programs - Pre-conception and Pre-natal education - Ontario Early Years Centres - Parent resource centres - Early learning services - Programs run by charitable organizations Early Learning Programs - Preschool programs - Regulated child care providers, including not-forprofit and commercial operations, centre-based and home-based programs - Agencies working with children with special needs Community Services - Recreation programs - Libraries - Charitable organizations - Faith groups - Private sector - Family Counseling Policy makers/funders -Regional Offices MCYS, EDU District Offices, MOHLTC - CMSMs/DSSABs Parents/ Community Brantford Brant Best Start Network Early Identification and Intervention Programs - Healthy Babies Healthy Children - Preschool Speech and Language - Infant Hearing Screening - Infant Development Program - Resource Teachers Program - Behaviour Management Program - Pre-school Intervention Program for children with Autism School Boards - Directors, superintendents or designate - School principal or designate - Provincial schools principals where appropriate Health and Specialized Services - Primary care services/providers - Local Health Integration Networks - Community health centres - Children’s treatment centres and other secondary and tertiary health care services - Child health networks - Public Health Units Income and security programs - Income support programs - Child protection services - Child nutrition programs 22 DRAFT Appendix 2 Communications Plan Purpose: The purpose of this plan is to outline the parameters of communications of information regarding Brantford/Brant Best Start and the responsibilities of its members. Communication Plan Objective: Communication will include, but not limited to, external communication strategies and internal communications processes among Best Start Network members. The plan will be an appendix of the Terms of Reference for the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network. Key Messages: Brantford/Brant Best Start is about Bringing Out the Best in All of Us. The key goal is to care for the children in our community in their early years so that they are ready to learn when they enter school and thus be able to be successful. To help every child in Brant realize their potential. Best Start is about supporting parents and families to give them the best opportunity for their child in the early years of life. Best Start strengthens and enhances partnerships so we can continue to build the best learning environment for families in our community. Best Start is a provincial program funding new child care and parenting services. Media: The media spokesperson for the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network (BSN) is the Manager of Child Care Services, City of Brantford. All media contact and inquiries are to be directed to the Manager. The second contact person will be the Co-Chair of the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network. Process for contact will be Manager of Child Care Services first, then Co-Chair of BSN. The duties include, but are not limited to; Media Spokesperson- interviews, press releases. Such correspondences are seen at a minimum by the Executive of the BSN before release. Internal Communications to Best Start Network: The following represents the internal communications (both electronically and through print materials) for the BSN: Communications; agenda, minutes are the responsibility of the Co-Chair or designate Participating members of the BSN receive all correspondences but other interested parties (or Minutes Only Members) will receive agendas and approved minutes only The BSN will address confidentiality issues as they arise A confidentiality disclaimer will be added to all email correspondence of the members of the Network which includes: “This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and any attachments immediately and notify the Co-Chair of the Brantford-Brant Best Start Network at [email protected] . Thank you “ External Communications to Best Start Network: 23 DRAFT The following represents the external communications (both electronically and through print materials) for the BSN: Anyone can share the key messages or distribute approved marketing information Meetings, requests for presentations and other requests are to go through the Co-Chair of the BSN Letters of support can go from agencies but not on behalf of the BSN unless this has been agreed to by majority vote of the Network Letters of support need to be drafted by the Co-Chair of a subcommittee and can be reviewed by the full Network to be confirmed by the next full meeting or by executive and email if time does not allow. The approved format will then be sent from the Best Start Network Co-Chair Use of the Best Start logo is approved in communications of other agencies associated with the Best Start Network All Early Learning and Parenting Sites will be branded with common external signage “Best Start Early Learning and Parenting Centre” and will have signage inside the programs identifying the current operator Child Care Centres can indicate “Developed through Best Start” but are not permitted to designate sites as “Best Start Child Care” Members approached by corporations, politicians, member of council, etc, must refer contacts to the BSN as per the media guidelines. It is the member’s responsibility to inform the Network. If events/media coverage by the above is about your own agency, the members of the Network are expected to inform the Media Spokesperson and Co-Chair of the BSN if the matter may pertain to any part of the BSN plans. Website/Email: Brantford/Brant Best Start website; and email; [email protected] are hosted, maintained and monitored by Child Care Services with the support of the City of Brantford. Any changes, additions or corrections should be directed to that office. 24 DRAFT NETWORK ORGANIZATION CHART Children’s Services Committee Information sharing Brantford / Brant Best Start Network CHAIRS: Melodie Spencer Kim Romano Task Forces Aboriginal Advisory Committee Service Integration Committee CHAIRS: CHAIR: Doreen Dekker Child Care Advisory Committee CHAIR: Melodie Spencer Best Start Parent Best 18 Fair Start Magazine Month Well Baby Sherry Lewis, Leslie Thomas Recruitment & Retention 25 DRAFT SUBCOMMITTEES Aboriginal Advisory Committee – Childcare Advisory Committee – Service Integration Committee 26 DRAFT BEST START SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS DATE: TO: Best Start Network Chair FROM: name of subcommittee group CHAIR: person handing in report 1.0 TYPE OF REPORT (check if it is a recommendation, report or both) 3.0 General Meeting/Committee Report 4.0 Projects/Task Force Report 5.0 Financial Information 6.0 Recommendation 7.0 Other Recommendation item Report Only [ [ 27 ] ] DRAFT BEST START NETWORK COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ex-officio Member NAME VOTING MEMBER ADDRESS TELEPHONE ALTERNATE E-MAIL SECTOR NAME/NUMBER (Non voting) Jane Angus √ 643 Park Road N. N3T 5L8 Contact Brant √ 70 Chatham Street N3T 5L8 519-753-8681 CAS Brant Brenda Blancher √ GEDSB 519-756-6301 349 Erie Ave. N3S 2H7 GEDSB Woodview Developmental Services/Mental Health Bonnie McKay [email protected] Child Protection X337 [email protected] Child Welfare Debby Carson [email protected] Primary Education [email protected] Early Learning [email protected] Mental Health X 225 Margaret Barr Tricia Brinn [email protected] 519-758-8228 √ 233 Colborne Street N3T 2H4 519-752-5308 28 DRAFT Sharon Brooks √ Kids Can Fly Karen Calligan √ Ministry of Education 110 German School Road, RR#1 Paris, N3L 3E1 519-448-1713 217 York Street Site 201 226-919-5832 [email protected] Early Learning and Parenting [email protected] Ministry of Education [email protected] Post Secondary Education [email protected] CMSM [email protected] DAC London, N6A 5P9 Maria CantaliniWilliams Director of Concurrent Education Program √ Nipissing University Nipissing University, Brantford Kathy Dickens √ 220 Colborne Street N3T 5R7 √ 194 Terrace Hill Street City of Brantford PHSSS 519-753-7377 Anca Gaston N3R 1G7 BCHU Sue Norden √ Brantford [email protected] Community Representative 29 DRAFT Community Rep Johanne Dupre √ [email protected] CSDCSS Diane Jamieson Francophone Primary √ [email protected] Francophone Primary CSDCSS Leslie Telfer √ 322 Fairview Drive N3R 2X6 519-756-6505 [email protected] Primary Education √ 318 Colborne St. E – Satellite Office 519-753-5408 x259 [email protected] Aboriginal Early Learning BHNCDSB Sherry Lewis Brantford Native Housing Brantford, ON N3S 3M9 Health Head Office:184 Mohawk St. P.O. Box 23048 N3T 6K4 Shelley McCarthy √ Family Counseling Centre Florence Ngenzebuhoro √ 54 Brant Ave. N3T 3G8 Ministry of Children and Youth Services 519-753-4173 x 220 Maggie Inrig [email protected] Family Counseling [email protected] [email protected] MCYS 30 DRAFT MCYS CSDCSS Child Care Programs 119 King Street West, th 7 Floor Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y7 Doreen Dekker √ [email protected] Chair of SIC SIC Chair Community Rep. √ Education Darren Rorabeck 350 Brant Ave. W Ross Macdonald School N3T 3J9 NAME Ex-officio Member VOTING MEMBER ADDRESS 519-759-0730 TELEPHONE Martha Martino ALTERNATE [email protected] E-MAIL SECTOR NAME/NUMBER (Non voting) Dale Kern Mohawk College √ Brantford Mohawk Laurier Centre Office BL 105 519-756-8228 x 5767 [email protected] Post Secondary 31 DRAFT 50 Market Street, N3T 2Z5 Kim Romano √ Child Care Services Deanna Searle 519-756-3150 x 22 [email protected] CMSM 519-752-3964 [email protected] Recreation N3R 3T5 √ Boys & Girls Club Susan Yates 220 Clarence St. 2 Edge Street. N3T 6H1 √ BCHU 194 Terrace Hill Street Child Care 519-753-7377 Catherine Legault [email protected] Director [email protected] BCHU [email protected] Early Learning N3R 1G7 Melodie Spencer √ Ontario Early Years Centre: Brant Rita Stratford √ Lansdowne Children’s Centre Adele Gawley √ 30 Bell Lane P.O. Box 25040 N3T 6K5 519-759-3833 39 Mt. Pleasant St. N3T 1S7 519-753-3154 Information/Resources [email protected] Specialized Services Child Development [email protected] Parent Representative Parent 32 DRAFT Representative Dan Temprile 220 Colborne Street √ City of Brantford 519-759-3330 [email protected] CMSM [email protected] N3T 5R7 PHSSS Leslie Thomas √ [email protected] Aboriginal Services Unit CAS NAME Exofficio Membe r VOTING MEMBER ADDRESS TELEPHON E ALTERNATE Aboriginal Child Protection E-MAIL SECTOR NAME/NUMBE R (Non voting) Paula Thomliso n √ 173 Colborne Street 519-7562220 [email protected] 519-7526568 [email protected] Library Community Services Library Maria Timpener YMCA HBB √ YMCA HAMILTON/BURLINGTON/BRANT FORD Early Learning Recreation 79 James Street South 33 DRAFT Hamilton, ON L8P 2Z1 Dianne Wdowczy k √ 643 Park Road N. N3T 5L8 519-7525308 x 23 [email protected] Mental health Ste. Marguerite-Bourgeoys 519-7564750 [email protected] Francphone Primary [email protected] .ca Francophon e Woodvie w Franklin Leukam √ 60 Clench Ave.N3T 1B8 CSDCSS Marie Josee Baril √ 60 Clench Ave. Child Care Le Ballon Rouge Van Thuan ELCC √ Ste. Marguerite-Bourgeoys 60 Clench Ave. N3T 1B8 519-7564750 Francophon e CSDCSS Luisa Pappert Primary √ P.O. Box 22005, 794 Colborne Street East 519-7582703 [email protected] Child Care 34 DRAFT Wee Watch Brantford, ON N3S 7V1 Ex-officio Member NAME VOTING MEMBER ADDRESS TELEPHONE ALTERNATE E-MAIL SECTOR NAME/NUMBER (Non voting) Barb Mitchell √ Brantford [email protected] GEDSB BHNCDSB Joan Fallis Primary Education √ London, ON 1-877-421-7811 519-667-2034 [email protected] Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Sarah Hastings √ County Parks & Rec. [email protected] County Parks & Rec. √ Six Nations [email protected] Aboriginal Early Learning County Parks & Rec. Arlis Skye Six Nations Early Learning 35 DRAFT BEST START NETWORK COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP- minutes only NAME Ex-officio Member VOTING MEMBER ADDRESS TELEPHONE ALTERNATE E-MAIL SECTOR NAME/NUMBER (Non voting) Dorothee PetitPas [email protected] Francophone Primary CSDCSS Lisa Sylvester Landowne Children’s Centre Dave Levac MPP 39 Mt. Pleasant N3T 1S7 519-753-3154 x 247 [email protected] Preschool Speech and Language [email protected] Policy Maker Funder MPP Maggie Henderson 36 DRAFT Sarah Hastings County Parks & Rec. [email protected] County Parks & Rec. Sue Evenden 220 Colborne Street [email protected] Income Support [email protected] Adult Development Services PHSSS Debbie Cavers Community Living Early Years Alayn Courtois 519-756-4750 [email protected] CSDCSS Primary Francine 416-397-6564 [email protected] Francophone Primary Education Denomme CSDCSS Josephine Atanas Francophone 220 Colborne Street [email protected] Income Support 220 Colborne Street [email protected] Income Support [email protected] Adult Development PHSSS Sue Evenden PHSSS Debbie Cavers Community 37 DRAFT Living Services Early Years Martha Martino 350 Brant Ave. W Ross Macdonald School Brantford, ON N3T 3J9 519-759-0730 [email protected] Education *Please see the subsection Members/Voting in the Terms of Reference for an explanation about why some members vote and some do not. 38 DRAFT Best Start Early Learning and Parenting Centres April - August 2013 **NOTE** Dates and hours may change. Call 519-759-3833 to confirm. Listing of FREE interactive parent-child (0-6 years) drop-in programs Location Bellview School 97 Tenth Ave., Brantford Bellview School-Aboriginal Best Start 97 Tenth Ave., Brantford Days Mon & Wed Tues at Slovak Village CLOSED during school closure Tues (Playtime with our little ones) Fri (Onkwehon:we Family Circle) CLOSED during school closure Time 9:00 am - 11:30 am 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Neighbourhood Eagle Place 9:30 - 11:30 am 9:30 - 11:30 am Branlyn - Notre Dame School 238 Brantwood Park Road, Brantford Tues, Wed & Thurs 9:00 am - 11:30 am CLOSURE TBA during summer months Banbury Brantford Public Library Fri 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Core 173 Colborne Street, Brantford Burford District Elementary School Mon & Wed 9:00 am - 11:30 am 35 Alexander Street, Burford CLOSED during school closure Burford, West Brant County Centennial-Grand Woodlands School 41 Ellenson Avenue, Brantford Tues & Thurs CLOSED during school closure 9:00 am - 11:30 am FairviewGreenbrier Eastdale at Echo Place School Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 11:30 am East Ward 723 Colborne Street East, Brantford Mon, Tues, Wed 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Graham Bell - Victoria Public School 56 Grand Street, Brantford King George School (relocated from Major Ballachey) 265 Rawdon Street, Brantford Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri CLOSED during school closure Tues, Wed & Thurs 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Terrace Hill 9:00 am - 11:30 am East Ward North Ward School Mon & Wed 9:00 am - 11:30 am Paris, West South Dumfries 107 Silver Street, Paris Ryerson Heights Elementary School 33 Dowden Avenue, Brantford St. Anthony Daniel School 85 Bishopsgate Road, Scotland CLOSED during school closure Tues & Thurs CLOSED during school closure Tues & Thurs Thurs 9:00 am - 11:30 am Shellard Lane 9:00 am - 11:30 am 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Scotland, West Brant County St. Gabriel School CLOSED during school closure. Mon, Wed & Fri 9:00 am - 11:30 am West Brant 14 Flanders Drive, Brantford Mon & Wed 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm St. James Anglican Church Fri ( use entrance at Fairmount St.) 8 Burwell Street, Paris CLOSED during school closure 9:30 am - 11:30 am nd Except for 2 Friday of each month (closed). Paris, West South Dumfries The drop-in programs above are operated by one of the following agencies; CAS Brant, Family Counselling Centre, Kids Can Fly or Ontario Early Years Centre: Brant For agency contact information, please contact OEYC: Brant at 519-759-3833. Other Parent – Parent & Child Drop-in Programs Parenting and Family Literacy Centres (0-6 years) Parenting and Family Literacy Centres are drop-in Centres that provide a play environment where you and your child can come together and learn through play. These programs are offer by Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board and Grand Erie District School Board. No registration is needed and everyone is welcome. For more information on Parenting & Family Literacy Centres call 519-720-5149 Ext. 162008. Christ the King Catholic Elementary School 165 Duffering Ave., Brantford Monday – Friday Jean Vanier Catholic Elementary School Monday - Friday 120 Ninth Ave., Brantford CLOSED during school closure. Princess Elizabeth Public School Monday – Friday CLOSED during school closure. 8:30 am – 12:30 pm CLOSED during school closure. 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 60 Tecumshe Street, Brantford 8:45 am – 12:45 pm DRAFT Major Ballachey Public School 105 Rawdon Street, Brantford Monday – Friday CLOSED during school closure. 8:45 am – 12:45 pm DRAFT Ontario Early Years Centre: Brant (OEYC: Brant) 30 Bell Lane, Brantford - Call 519-759-3833 The Ontario Early Years Centre: Brant offers a number of FREE servies for parents, caregivers, educators and young children ages 0 to 6 years. Drop in programs, Parent and Parent-Child Workshops, Early Years Literacy Workshops and Resources, Quality Child Care Infromation and Directory and more. Visit for more information or drop-in for a tour. Together Time (0-6 years) Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Parent & Child drop-in program Mon, Tues, Wed 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Mon & Thurs 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Just Baby and Me (0-12 months) Parent & Child drop-in program Brant County Health Unit (BCHU) - Family Drop-in Programs at various locations Visit a Family Drop-in Program and talk to a Public Health Nurse about growth and development, parenting, breastfeeding, sexual health, preconception and more. Note: Days, hours, locations may change. Closed at school locations when schools are closed. For more information on the Family Drop-in Programs call 519-7534937 ext. 259. st Family Resource Centre 14 Henry Street, Brantford rd 1 and 3 Monday each month Teen Parents Only 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (ages 2 and up) Ontario Early Years Centre: Brant Tuesdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am Tuesdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am Tuesdays 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Wednesdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am Wednesdays 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm 30 Bell Lane, Brantford King George School (relocated from Major Ballachey) 265 Rawdon Street, Brantford Slovak Village 144 Fifth Ave., Brantford Ryerson Heights Best Start ELP Centre 33 Dowden Avenue, Brantford Stepping Stones 50 Pontiac Street – Unit 36, Brantford Family Resource Centre nd th 2 and 4 Wednesday each month 10:00 am – 11:00 am DRAFT 14 Henry Street, Brantford Teen Parents Only (ages 0 - 2 years) Thursdays 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Thursdays Some youth services available. 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Thursdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am New Beginnings 17-359 Darling Street, Brantford Main Library 173 Colborne Street North Ward School BSELP Centre 107 Silver Street, Paris Breastfeeding Clinic (BCHU) All Breastfeeding Questions – Contact 519-753-4937 x 259 Ontario Early Years Centre: Brant Fridays 9:00 am – 11:30 am 30 Bell Lane, Brantford Parachute Program – Transitioning to Parenthood Free taxi and child care on site. Call 519-755-9482 for more information. St Andrews Community Centre Wednesdays 1:30 – 3:00 p.m 95 Darling St, Brantford Patta-Cake A lively, interactive program for you and your baby (0-18 months). Join us for songs, bouncing rhymes, sharing and discussion with other young parents. For more information contact 519-753-8681 ext. 310. Family Resource Centre Mondays 10:00 am – 11:30 am 14 Henry Street, Brantford ** To find the most current information please visit or DRAFT DRAFT STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY • All members of the Brantford Brant Best Start Network will participate in planning and implementation. • Provide advice on the best ways to organize and integrate services. They will be informed about the services available and the importance of early learning and care. • Provide appropriate representation of the stakeholders that they represent and make decisions on behalf of the organization and/or sector they represent. • Keep a global perspective when making decisions on what is best for the community. • Undertake active participation in committee and/or task force work. • Ensure appropriate preparation for each meeting and completion of assigned tasks. DRAFT COMMITMENT LETTER Brantford/Brant Best Start Network C/o Child Care Services 220 Clarence Street Brantford, ON N3R 6P2 Dear Brantford/Brant Best Start Network Member: This letter is to confirm your membership and commitment to the local planning table for early years services under the Best Start initiative. As a member of this planning network, you have agreed to: _Participate in planning and implementing Best Start _Provide advice on the best ways to organize and integrate services _Be informed about services available and the importance of early learning & care _Provide appropriate representation of the stakeholder that you present _Make decisions on behalf of the organization and/or sector you represent _Keep a global perspective when making decisions on what is best for the community _Be able and willing to undertake active participation in committee and/or task force work _Ensure appropriate preparation and completion of assigned tasks with the full Network _Review information in preparation for each meeting When the original Terms of Reference were signed by members, the membership committed to a three year term. Since a great deal has happened in the past year that has impacted our local plan we felt that recommitting to our local planning and attendance at meetings was timely. By providing your signature and organization information below, you are confirming your commitment to this local planning table and the obligation to the schedule of meetings and requirements as per the Terms of Reference. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the direction of the Network, please feel free to contact Marg Barr at 519-753-8681 or Kim Romano 519-756-3150 Please complete and return this form at the September meeting on Thursday, September 20, 2012. Sincerely; Kim Romano Marg Barr Co-Chair, Brantford/Brant Best Start Network Co-Chair, Brantford/Brant Best Start Network I, __________________________ am confirming my membership at the Brantford/Brant Best Start Network and am representing __________________________________. I understand that my signature indicates my commitment to this planning table, the attendance at meetings and all other duties outlined in the Terms of Reference _____________________________________ ____________________________ Signature Date DRAFT ACRONYMS BCHU- Brant County Health Unit BSN- Best Start Network BSELPC- Best Start Early Learning and Parenting Centres CAS- Children’s Aid Society CMSM- Consolidated Municipal Service Manager DAC – Data Analysis Coordinator EDI – Early Development Instrument ELC- Early Learning Centres ELK – Early Learning Kindergarten ELP- Early Learning Programs EYSIS – Early Years Services Information System FDK – Full Day Kindergarten HBHC- Healthy Babies Healthy Children IHP- Infant Hearing Program LEAP- Learning Earning and Parenting MCYS- Ministry of Children and Youth Services MOED- Ministry of Education OEYC- Ontario Early Years Centre OW- Ontario Works DRAFT PFLC- Parent Family Literacy Centre PSL- Preschool Speech and Language RPF – Request For Proposal SIC – Service Integration Committee SNR- Special Needs Resourcing TOR – Terms of Reference DRAFT BEST START SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS DATE: May 28, 2013 TO: Best Start Network Chair FROM: Best Start Parent Fair Committee CHAIR: Melanie Mears 1.0 TYPE OF REPORT (check if it is a recommendation, report or both) 3.0 Recommendation item Report Only [ [ x ] General Meeting/Committee Report The parent fair was held on April13, 2013 at a new location the Brantford Civic Centre. It was a huge success we achieved our goal, which was to have more families attend from neighbourhoods scoring higher on the social risk index. The majority of participants lived in the Core, Brier Park and West Brant. The event was a little crowded but was enjoyed by a variety of different entertainers and a variety of local booths from community agencies. I have included our detailed evaluation report and I encourage each of you to read it. It is also located on the Best Start website. Thank you to Anca for such a detailed report. 4.0 Projects/Task Force Report ] DRAFT th Our goal is to have the 2014 event on April 12 from 10-2pm in the core area. We are presently looking at two core options as a possible venue. These options are the Civic Centre or the Pleasant Valley Church. This will hopefully be decided by the end of June. 5.0 Financial Information In January 2014 we will be approaching the Best Start Network and both boards for their continued financial commitment. 6.0 Recommendation To have continued support from the Best Start Network both with financial and community support. 7.0 Other No event is ever run with just one person and I must say that our committee works extremely well together and manages to make this event a success every year. I want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to each one of them for their dedication and commitment, as well as, our community partners for making this such a success. We are always looking for new members. Please consider joining the Parent Fair Task Force. Committee Members: Lisa Kuyper Barb Radmore Debby Carson Maria McCann DRAFT Sara Van Every Adele Gawley Marie Josee Baril Anca Gaston Kim McClelland Amanda Detmar Pauline McMillian Melanie Mears DRAFT BEST START SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS DATE: June 6/13 TO: Best Start Network Chair FROM: Service Integration Committee CHAIR: Doreen Dekker 1.0 TYPE OF REPORT Recommendation item Report Only 3.0 [ √] [ General Meeting/Committee Report Reviewed Strategic Plan to update; many accomplishments were noted: Re: 1.4A “provide opportunities for families to give testimonials”: new template was developed to capture quotes from parents; 10 were submitted by Melodie Spencer (OEYC); reminder given to remember to implement in all sites-catch a parent saying something good & have them write it down; Kim Romano requested that Anca (DAC) send some quotes to herself or Cathy Medway when the call for articles comes out for the Best Start Magazine Re: 1.3 “increase parent involvement on Committees so that they too are decision makers”-one parent representative currently involved & Melodie Spencer to follow up with a another parent that expressed interest on a committee Re: 2.2A “Identify five new associations that Best Start can reach out to promote its services: Melodie Spencer (OEYC) & Sarah Robertson (CAS Brant) will provide a package with details on neighbourhoods where the Prosperity Hubs are developing (Major Ballachey-East Ward & BellviewEagle Place); in June meeting, strike a task force to do promotions at ] DRAFT other areas/neighbourhoods); in June meeting, strike a task force to do promotions at other areas/neighbourhoods Re: 4.5 “Survey members to get information on how each Committee is operating, successes, experiences, etc. : Has been completed, Anca Gaston (DAC) will provide results in June meeting Re: 1.2A “Increase the number of booths at the Best Start Fair”; discussed the possibility or re-wording as it is more about the type of vendors at the fair vs the numbers alone; there was good representation this year and a better location for walkers and bus travel 4.0 Projects/Task Force Report Taskforce on Handbook for Operators/Principals: Melodie Spencer to pursue to confirm status; Brenda (GEDSB) through email and voicemail to Melodie has stated there is currently one for third party operators for child care that they have developed based on the Y document DRAFT DRAFT
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