November 2013 - Larkman Nurseries
November 2013 - Larkman Nurseries
Available NOW! trader ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo November 2013 Salvia 'Blue Abyss' Salvia 'Hot Lips' Salvia 'Waverly' Lar kman Nurseries Larkman Tel: (03) 9735 3831 PO Box B 567 Lilydale VIC 3140 Fax: (03) 9739 6370 Simon: 0438 540 241 Di: 0400 194 460 [email protected] Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd November 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 2 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Conifers Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Silver Dust' Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Limelight' Cupressus lusitanica benthamii 'Dwarf' Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta Glauca' Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan' Juniperus horizontalis 'Douglasii' * Platycladus orientalis 'Aurea Nana' * Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana' ** Leyland Cypress cones $1.40 E Z SUH Limelight Cypress cones $1.50 E O PS H C2 T1 Dwarf Mexican Cypress cones $1.40 E SUH SH3 Pencil Pine cones $1.50 E SUM T2 Grey Pencil Pine cones $2.50 E V SUM T2 Chinese Juniper cones $1.65 E Z SUH T2 Creeping Juniper cones $1.40 E Z PS M SH1 Book-leaf, Golden Biota cones $1.40 E V PS M SH2 refer: T2 Platycladus orientalis 'Aurea Nana' Climbers Pandorea pandorana 'Snowbells' Plumbago auriculata - Ready Mid Nov Snowbells white Sep-Nov $1.30 N Z PS M C Blue Cape Plumbago blue Nov-Jun $1.30 E V SUL SH2 * Lavandula angustifolia 'Avice Hill' PBR - Nursery Use * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bee' * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bridestowe Myra' PBR * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bridestowe Philippa' PBR * Lavandula angustifolia 'Egerton Blue' * Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Pink' * Lavandula angustifolia 'Miss Muffet' Lavender Impressions violet Oct-Jan $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH1 Oil Lavender purple Oct-Dec $1.40 E Bridestowe Perfume Lavender lavender Dec-Mar $1.55 E Y SUM C1 SH2 Bridestowe Culinary Lavender blue purple Nov-Feb English Lavender deep purple Oct-Jan $1.30 E Dwarf Pink English Lavender pale pink $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Dwarf Blue Lavender lilac blue Oct-Jan $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' SPECIAL Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' (seed grown) * Lavandula angustifolia 'Pacific Blue' * Lavandula angustifolia 'Sarah' * Lavandula angustifolia ssp angustifolia * Lavandula angustifolia 'Swampy' Lavandula 'Avonview' Lavandula dentata 'Allwood' Lavandula dentata candicans Lavandula dentata 'Frenchette' PBR * Lavandula dentata 'Monet' Lavandula dentata 'Ploughman's Blue' Lavandula dentata 'Pure Harmony' Lavandula 'Major' - Ready mid Nov Lavandula 'Mt Lofty' ** * Lavandula 'Pippa White' Lavandula x allardii Lavandula x heterophylla 'Riverina James' PBR (Nursery) Lavandula x intermedia * Lavandula x intermedia 'Dutch' Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' Lavandula x intermedia 'Riverina Alan' PBR (Nursery) Lavandula x intermedia 'Riverina Thomas' PBR (Nursery) Lavandula x intermedia 'Sally Lavandula x intermedia 'Seal' Lavandula x intermedia 'Super' Lavandula x intermedia 'Sussex' Dwarf English Lavender mauve Oct-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 $0.90 E Z SUM C2 SH2 Lavenders $1.55 E Y SUM C2 SH1 SUM C2 SH1 Dwarf English Lavender mauve Oct-Jan Pacific Lavender violet blue Oct-Jan $1.40 E X SUM C2 SH2 English Lavender lilac Oct-Dec $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH1 True English Lavender lavender Oct-Jan $1.40 E X SUM C2 SH1 Swampy Lavender deep purple Oct-Dec $1.40 E Avonview purple $1.20 E V SUM C2 SH2 Mt Lofty Lavender lavender All Year $1.30 E X SUL C2 SH2 Grey French Lavender lavender All Year $1.30 E V SUL C2 SH2 Sep-May SUM C2 SH1 Dwarf French Lavender lavender All Year $1.50 E Z SUL C2 SH0 Monet purple All Year $1.30 E X SUL C2 SH2 Blue French Lavender blue purple All Year $1.40 E X SUL C2 SH2 White French Lavender white All Year $1.40 E X SUL C2 SH2 Lavender purple Dec-Apr $1.30 E Z SUM C2 SH2 refer: Lavandula dentata 'Allwood' Bi-color Lavender purple+white Dec-Apr $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Mitchum Lavender mauve Sep-May $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Florist's Choice Lavender mauve Sep-May $1.85 E X SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin mauve Nov-Mar $1.30 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin mauve Nov-Mar $1.30 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin deep purple Nov-Feb $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Riverina Alan purple Nov-Feb $1.85 E X SUM C2 SH2 Riverina Thomas purple Nov-Feb $1.85 E X SUM C2 SH2 Lavender Sally mauve Oct-Dec $1.40 E Lavandin purple Nov-Feb $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin purple Nov-Feb $1.30 E Y SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin mauve Nov-Feb $1.30 E White French Lavender Lavandula dentata 'Pure Harmony' Oct-Dec SUM C2 SH2 SUM C2 SH2 SUL C2 SH2 Lavandin Riverina Alan Lavandula x intermedia 'Super' Lavandula x intermedia 'Riverina Alan' PBR Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd November 2013 Florist's Choice Lavender 3 Riverina Thomas Lavandula x heterophylla 'Riverina James' PBR Lavandula x intermedia 'Riverina Thomas' PBR Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Succulents Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Golden Sun' * Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Rainbow' Sedum alboroseum * Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum' Sedum spurium 'Shorbuser Blut' Sedum 'Vera Jameson' Golden Pigface golden yellowOct-Feb $1.30 E Rainbow Pink Pigface deep pink Nov-Feb $1.30 E V PS M C1 GC PS M C1 GC Pink Sedum soft pink Jan-Apr $1.15 E SUM SH1 Purple Stonecrop pale yellow Oct-Dec $1.30 E FF H R Dragon's Blood deep red Dec-Feb $1.30 E X PS H GC Purple Stonecrop pink Dec-Feb $1.35 D X PS H GC Natives SPECIAL Allocasuarina littoralis SPECIAL Allocasuarina verticillata * Alyogyne huegelii 'Pink Form' * Alyogyne huegelii 'West Coast Gem' Anigozanthos 'Nugget' T/C * Brachyscome multifida 'Amethyst' Callistemon 'Demesne Prestige Pink' Restricted -Tas/WA * Callistemon 'Taree Pink' Restricted -Tas/WA * Callistemon viminalis 'Captain Cook' Restricted -Tas/WA * Callistemon viminalis 'Dawson River' Restricted -Tas/WA Callistemon viminalis 'Prolific' Restricted -Tas/WA Chrysocephalum apiculatum 'Karwarra Form' Correa 'Candy Pink' Correa 'Dusky Bells' * Correa glabra Dianella revoluta (seed) Dianella tasmanica Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls' Goodenia ovata Kunzea baxteri Restricted -Tas/WA SPECIAL Lythrum salicaria * Ptilotus exaltatus 'Joey' Rhagodia spinescens deltaphylla - Ready mid Nov * Rhodanthe anthemoides * Tristaniopsis laurina 'Luscious' PBR - Ozbreed grower * Westringia fruticosa 'Zena' Black Sheoak red orange Apr-May $0.90 N Drooping sheoak, Coast sheoak green Mar-Dec $0.90 N Z SUH PS M C2 T1 T2 Pink Native Hibiscus pink Oct-Mar $1.40 N PS M SH3 West Coast Native Hibiscus purple Oct-Mar $1.40 N Y PS M SH3 Golden Kangaroo Paw yellow gold Oct-Feb $1.85 N Z PS L CL Amethyst Cut Leaf Daisy mauve blue All Year $1.30 N Z SUL R Pink Bottlebrush pink Mar-Nov $1.30 N X SUL C2 SH2 Taree Bottlebrush deep pink Oct-Feb $1.30 N Z SUL Dwarf Weeping Bottlebrush red Sep-Dec $1.50 N V SUL C2 SH1 Weeping Bottlebrush crimson Sep-Dec $1.30 N V SUL C2 Weeping Bottlebrush bright red Sep-Dec $1.30 N V SUL C2 T1 Karwarra Everlasting yellow Sep-Jan $1.30 N Pink Native Fuchsia pink Aug-May $1.30 N O PF M C2 SH2 Crimson Correa carmine Apr-Nov $1.30 N V PF M Rock Correa green yellow May-Aug $1.40 N Spreading Flax Lily blue Oct-Jan $1.40 N Y SUH C2 G Tasmanian Flax Lily dark blue Oct-Jan Silver Kidney Creeper insignificant All Year $1.30 N Z PS M GC Hop Goodenia yellow Aug-Feb $1.25 N V SS M SH2 Baxter's Kunzea red Sep-Jan $0.90 N V PS L SH3 Purple Loosestrife purple Nov-Jan $0.90 N Z SUM SH3 SH0 SUM SH3 GC SH1 PF L C2 SH2 $1.40 N V SUH C2 G Pussy Tails pink purple Aug-Jan $1.50 N Z SUL Hedge Saltbush insignificant $1.25 N V PS L C1 SH1 Chamomile Sunray white May-Feb $1.30 N V PF L C2 Luscious Myrtle yellow Sep-Nov $2.50 N Coastal Rosemary white palema All Year PS L T2 $1.30 N Z PS M C2 SH2 (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. PA PF PS R S SF SH = = = = = = = Part Sun Part to Filtered Sun Part to Full Sun Rockery Plant Frost Sensitive Shade to Filtered Sun Full Shade SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SC SU SS = = = = = = = Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m Scrambler Full Sun Full Shade to Full Sun T1 T2 T3 V X Y Z = = = = = = = Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label < 5.0m 5.0 - 15.0m > 15.0m - Various Printers - Larkman Nurseries - Macbird Floraprint - Norwood Labels Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd November 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 4 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Abutilon x hybridum 'Flamenco' Abutilon x hybridum 'Waltz' Agapanthus 'Blue Pixie' Agapanthus praecox 'Dwarf Blue' Agapanthus praecox orientalis 'Blue Baby' Agastache 'Lemon Fiesta' Ardisia japonica Argyranthemum frutescens 'Pink Single' * Argyranthemum 'Lemon Lace' TM * Artemisia alba Brugmansia x candida 75mm Brugmansia x candida 'Double White' 75mm * Brugmansia x candida 'Frilly Pink' 75mm Buddleja davidii 'Pink Delight' Buxus microphylla 'Koreana' Buxus sempervirens Buxus sempervirens 'Elegantissima' * Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa' NEW LINE Red Flamenco Lantern carmine All Year $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Yellow Waltz Lantern yellow All Year $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Dwarf Blue Agapanthus blue Dec-Mar $1.50 E Dwarf African Lily blue Dec-Mar $1.30 E Z PS M C2 CL Dwarf Blue Aggie blue Dec-Mar $1.40 E V PS M C2 CL PS M C2 SH1 Agastache soft lemon Nov-Mar $1.35 E PS Japanese Coral Berry white Oct-Dec $1.40 E PAM Pink Daisy pink All Year $1.25 E Z SUH SH2 Dazzling Daisy - Lemon lemon All Year $1.30 E X SUM SH2 Wormwood Camphor Scented green Nov-Feb $1.35 E O PS M SH2 Apricot Angel's Trumpet apricot Nov-Feb $3.00 E Z PS S T1 Double White Angel's Trumpet white Nov-Feb $3.00 E O PS S T1 Frilly Pink Angel's Trumpet pink Nov-Feb $3.00 E O PS S T1 Pink Butterfly Bush pink Nov-Jan $1.30 E V PS M C2 SH3 GC Korean Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $1.35 E V PS H SH2 English Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $1.25 E V PS H SH3 Variegated Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $1.35 E V PS H SH2 Dutch Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $1.30 E V PS H SH1 Forward Order Order now for early Summer delivery $2.25 - Tissue culture Allocasuarina littoralis Allocasuarina verticillata Chrysanthemum mawii Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' Dianthus 'Select Red' Duranta erecta Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' Erigeron karvinskianus Kunzea baxteri Restricted -Tas/WA Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' (seed grown) Lythrum salicaria Viburnum x globosum 'Jermyn's Globe' Specials valid for delivery in November 2013 Note: Minimum specials order is one tray per variety. Salvia 'Blue Abyss' The bright blue flowers on smokey blue calyxes make a stunning sight when in flower Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' ‘Hot Lips’ has flowers from Spring to winter some being entirely white, some completely red, and most bicolor. Salvia 'Waverley' ‘Waverley’ is an attractive low growing shrub that thrives in our local conditions. Note: We are now able to ship Myrtaceae plants to Sth Australia. The WA and Tasmanian restrictions on all Myrtaceae plants are still in place. The relevant plants have the words ‘ Restricted - Tas/WA after the plant name. It is unlikely that WA and as will be eased. Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd November 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 5 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Canna x generalis 'Tropical Bronze Scarlet' Chrysanthemum mawii * Cistus ladanifer Cistus x pulverulentus 'Sunset' - Ready mid Nov Convolvulus sabatius Coprosma 'Evening Glow' Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' * Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Golden Ruby' Cuphea x purpurea 'Firecracker' Dianthus 'Select Red' Diascia barberae 'Diamonte Coral Rose' Dichroa febrifuga 'Blue Cap' Duranta erecta Echeveria affinis 'Chocolate' (L) Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow White' Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow Wild Berry' Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' Erigeron karvinskianus Escallonia 'Red Elf' Eucomis comosa 'Oakhurst' (L) Eucomis zambesiaca (L) * Euonymus japonica 'Gold Thumb' Euonymus japonica microphyllus 'Green Rocket' Felicia amelloides Fuchsia 'Florabelle' Fuchsia 'Tom Thumb' - Ready end Nov Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Goblin' Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza Dark Pink' Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza White' Gaura lindheimeri 'The Bride' Gaura lindheimeri 'White' Gazania rigens 'Daybreak Yellow' Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden' * Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake' Hebe 'Black Beauty' * Hebe buxifolia Hebe diosmifolia Hebe 'Icing Sugar' Hebe 'Oratia Beauty' * Hebe 'Wiri Cloud' * Hebe 'Wiri Image' Hebe x franciscana 'Blue Gem' PA PF PS R S SF SH = = = = = = = SPECIAL Scarlet Bronze Canna scarlet Jan-Apr $1.50 E Y PS CL SPECIAL Chrysanthemum mauve Nov-Jan $0.90 E Z SUL SH2 white Oct-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Sun Rose mauve pink Oct-Jan $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH1 Mauve Bindweed mauve Bronze Coprosma insignificant Aug-Oct $1.40 E Z PS M C2 SH3 Gum Cistus SPECIAL Golden Tickseed Nov-Feb $1.30 E V SUM yellow Sep-Nov $0.90 E Golden Cuphea red purple All Year $1.30 E Z PS L R Firecracker Cuphea scarlet All Year $1.30 E Y PS M R SPECIAL Select Red Dianthus Coral Twinspur Blue Evergreen Hydrangea bright red Apr-Nov $0.90 E Z SUL R Sep-Apr $1.30 E O SUM R blue Jan-Apr $1.85 E X PF M SH2 blue All Year $0.90 E V SUM SH3 Chocolate Echeveria orange Dec-Feb $1.95 E V SUM R White Coneflower white Nov-Feb $1.30 E Z PS H SH2 Deep Rose Coneflower deep rose Nov-Feb $1.30 E Z PS H SH2 SPECIAL Sky-Flower, Pigeon Berry SPECIAL Variegated Silverberry insignificant Mar-May $0.90 E SPECIAL Fleabane, Seaside Daisy white+pink All Year $0.90 E V SUL SH2 red Oct-May $1.30 E Z PS L SH3 Purple Pineapple Lily burgundy Jan-Mar $2.10 E X PS L CL Summer Hyacinth white Jan-Mar $2.10 E X PS L CL Gold Thumb Box cream Nov-Jan $1.40 E X SUM SH1 cream Nov-Jan $1.40 E SH1 Blue Marguerite blue Sep-Nov $1.30 E V PS M R Fucshia crimson All Year $1.35 E X PF L SH1 Fuchsia crimson All Year $1.35 E Z PS L SH1 Blanket Flower yellow+crimsFeb-May $1.30 E V PS H SH1 Dark PinkWand Flower dark pink Sep-Apr $1.40 E Z PS M SH1 Belleza White Gaura white Sep-Apr $1.40 E Z PS M SH1 White Gaura white Feb-May $1.30 E PS M SH2 White Butterfly Bush white Feb-May $1.30 E PS M SH1 Treasure Flowers yellow Aug-Apr $1.30 E Y SUM C2 GC Yellow Chilean Aven yellow Sep-Dec $1.30 E Z SUL SH1 Baby's Breath white Nov-Mar $1.35 E SH2 SUM PS M Black Leaved Veronica purple Jan-Mar $1.40 E X PS M C2 SH2 Hebe/Veronica white Aug-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Hebe/Veronica white Sep-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Pale Hebe pink+white Sep-Dec $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Pink Veronica pink+white Dec-Jan $1.30 E V PS M C2 SH1 Wiri Hebe pink Dec-Feb $1.30 E Z SUM C2 SH0 Violet Wiri Hebe pale violet Nov-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Blue Veronica blue Sep-Dec $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Belleza White Gaura Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza White' = = = = = = = PS M C2 SH3 Dwarf Red Escallonia Dark Pink Wand Flower SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SC SU SS SH1 rose Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza Dark Pink' Part Sun Part to Filtered Sun Part to Full Sun Rockery Plant Frost Sensitive Shade to Filtered Sun Full Shade SUM GC Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m Scrambler Full Sun Full Shade to Full Sun T1 T2 T3 V X Y Z = = = = = = = Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label < 5.0m 5.0 - 15.0m > 15.0m - Various Printers - Larkman Nurseries - Macbird Floraprint - Norwood Labels Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd November 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 6 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic * Helichrysum italicum serotinum Curry Plant mustard Dec-Feb $1.30 E Z PS M Helichrysum petiolare Helleborus niger 'HGC Snow Frills' TM Helleborus x ballardiae HGC 'Pink Frost' (L) * Helleborus x hybridus 'Court Ladies' (L) Helleborus x hybridus 'Duke of Burgundy' (L) Helleborus x hybridus 'Pink Baron' (L) - Ready mid Nov Heucherella 'Sunspot' (L) Hydrangea varieties - ring Simon Lamium maculatum 'Pink Nancy' - Ready mid Nov Lantana montevidensis - Ready mid Nov Libertia formosa Limonium peregrinum - Ready mid Nov Limonium perezii Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' Lupinus polyphyllus 75mm Mecardonia procumbens 'Magic Carpet Yellow' * Metrosideros excelsa 'Moon Maiden' Restricted -Tas/WA * Metrosideros excelsa 'Pink Lady' Restricted -Tas/WA Nepeta x faassenii 'Six Hills Giant' Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Blue' Osteospermum eklonis 'Starshine Mauve' (L) * Parahebe catarractae 'White' Pelargonium citrosum 'Vanleenii' Penstemon 'Garnet' Penstemon 'Hidcote Pink' Penstemon hirsutus 'Snowbells' * Penstemon 'Maurice Gibbs' Penstemon 'Midnight' Penstemon 'Pensham Czar' Penstemon rubicundus * Penstemon 'Thorn' Photinia x fraseri 'Camilvy' (L) * Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tandara Gold' * Platycodon 'Fuji White' Platycodon 'Sentimental Blue' 10cm Plectranthus caninus * Plectranthus hybrid 'Purple Angel' Prunus laurocerasus * Prunus lusitanica Rosmarinus officinalis Rosmarinus officinalis 'Gorza' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Herb Cottage' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Salem' * Rosmarinus officinalis 'Santa Barbara' Salvia 'African Sky' Salvia 'Anthony Parker' Salvia 'Blue Abyss' Salvia chamaedryoides'Marine Blue' Salvia chamelaeagnea Salvia chiapensis Salvia coahuilensis 'Blue Lightning' Salvia 'Costa Rica Blue' Salvia dorisiana * Salvia greggii 'Navajo Dark Purple' * Salvia greggii 'Navajo Rose' * Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' Liquorice Plant cream Jan-Apr $1.30 E Z SUM C2 SH2 Double White Winter Rose white Jul-Oct $4.00 E X PS H SH0 Pink Frost Hellebore pink Jul-Oct $4.00 E X PS H SH0 Mixed Lenten Rose mixed pastelsJul-Oct $1.75 E X PS H SH0 Crimson Lenton Rose burgundy Jul-Oct $1.95 E X PS H SH0 Pink Hellebore pink Jul-Oct $1.95 E SH0 Golden Foam Flower pink Oct-Dec $1.95 E X SF M R GC PS H Pink Dead Nettle rosy pink Sep-Jan $1.30 E Z PF M Trailing Lantana mauve All Year $1.30 E V PS L C Showy Libertia white Nov-Feb $1.30 E X PS M G Pink Statice rosy pink Jan-Mar $2.10 E V PS M SH1 Sea Lavender mauve Jan-Apr $1.30 E V PS M SH1 Blue Lithodora deep blue Sep-Jan $1.30 E V SUL GC Russell Lupins assorted Sep-Jan $1.75 E SH2 PS H Yellow Summer Carpet bright yellow Sep-Apr $1.30 E Z PS M Cream Christmas Bush cream Nov-Dec $1.85 E V PS M C1 T2 = = = CL CR D = = = Bulb - Decidious/Evergreen Climbing Shrub Frontline Coastal / Secondline Coastal Clumping Shrub Creeper Decidious, Non Australian E F FF G GC H IP = = = = = = = GC $1.85 E V PS M C1 T2 Pink Christmas Bush pink Nov-Dec Catmint mauve Sep-Dec $1.30 E V PS L GC Blue Catmint blue Sep-Dec $1.30 E Z PS L GC Mauve Veldt Daisy mauve All Year $1.25 E X PS M C2 GC White Veronica white Dec-Feb $1.30 E V PS M SH1 Mossies Buster mauve pink Nov-Apr $1.40 E Z PS M SH2 Red Penstemon red Dec-Feb $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Hidcote's Pink Penstemon pink Jan-Apr $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Snowbells purple+white Nov-Dec $1.30 E X PS L R Pink Penstemon red purple Dec-Feb $1.30 E V PS L SH2 Penstemon blue purple Dec-Feb $1.30 E Z PS L SH2 Purple and White Penstemon purple+white Dec-May $1.30 E Z PS L SH1 Penstemon Firestem red+white Dec-Feb $1.30 E X PS M SH2 Penstemon pink+white Dec-Feb $1.30 E X PS M SH2 Camilvy white Oct-Nov $1.50 E X SUM C2 T1 'Tandara Gold' Pittosporum black Oct-Dec $1.30 E Z SUM T1 White Balloon Flower white Jan-Mar $1.30 E PS M SH1 Blue Balloon Flower blue $2.39 E Z PS M SH1 Dog & cat repellent lavender Oct-Dec $1.15 E V PS L SH1 Purple Cape Angel purple Mar-Sep $1.30 E Z PF M SH2 Cherry Laurel cream Sep-Oct $1.65 E V PS H T1 Portugese Laurel cream Sep-Oct $1.65 E Z PS H T1 Common Rosemary mauve Aug-Oct $1.30 E V PS M C2 SH3 Culinary Rosemary pale blue Jul-Sep $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH2 Oil Rosemary blue Jul-Sep $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH2 Deep Blue Rosemary deep blue Jul-Sep $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH2 Carpeting Rosemary pale blue Jul-Sep $1.30 E X PS M C2 GC African Sky Sage blue Sep-Apr $1.30 E Z SUM C1 SH2 Anthony Parker Sage blue purple Mar-Jun $1.30 E X PS L Blue Abyss Sage dark blue Oct-Jun $1.30 E Y PS M C2 SH3 PS M SH3 Blue Oak Sage blue Jan-Apr $1.35 E Blue Haze Sage bright blue Sep-Nov $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH2 SH1 Chiappan Sage cerise Sep-Apr $1.30 E V PS L SH1 Blue Lightning Sage blue Jan-May $1.30 E X PS H SH1 Costa Rica Blue Sage violet blue May-Aug $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Fruit Salad Sage pink Jul-Oct $1.30 E SH3 PS S deep purple Nov-Apr $1.50 E V PS M SH1 Navajo Rose Sage rosy pink Nov-Apr $1.50 E V PS M SH1 Black 'n' Blue Sage black + blue Jan-May $1.30 E X PS M SH3 (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. BD/BE C C1/C2 SH1 Exotic, Non Australian Filtered Sun Filtered to Full Sun Grass Ground Cover Heavy Frost Tolerant Indoor Plant SH L M N O ¶ * = = = = = = = Indoor Shrub Light Frost Tolerant Moderate Frost Tolerant Native Plant Pictorial Label - Other Printer Must purchase label Less than 250 plants in stock Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd November 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 7 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Salvia guaranitica 'Tequila Blue' Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii' * Salvia involucrata 'Mulberry Jam' Salvia karwinskii 'Floss' Salvia 'Magenta Magic' Salvia 'Meigan's Magic' TM Salvia microphylla 'Baby Sage' Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' Salvia microphylla 'Margaret Arnold' Salvia microphylla 'Snow White' Salvia muirii Salvia nipponica 'Crug Cream' Salvia semiatrata * Salvia 'Timboon' * Salvia uliginosa Salvia 'Waverley' Salvia x jamensis 'Yellow' Santolina chamaecyparissus Santolina chamaecyparissus 68mm-20/tray-lge Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' (L) Stachys lanata Streptosolen jam.'Ginger Meggs' - Ready mid Nov * Strobilanthes anisophyllus Sutera cordata 'Snowtopia' Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'White' Thymus herba-barona Thymus serpyllum 'Rainbow Falls' Thymus serpyllum 'Westmoreland' * Thymus vulgaris 'Fragrantissimus' Tibouchina laxa 'Skylab' Ugni molinae Verbena x hybrida 'Feugo White' Veronica umbrosa 'Georgia Blue' * Viburnum plicatum tomentosum Viburnum x globosum 'Jermyn's Globe' Tequila Sage blue purple Jan-May $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Large Mexican Sage deep pink Jan-Jun $1.30 E Z PS M SH3 Mulberry Sage bright pink Jan-Jun $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Pink Floss Sage pink Aug-Oct $1.40 E PS L SH3 Magenta Magic Sage magenta Feb-Oct $1.30 E PS M SH2 Meigan's Sage Navy+white Nov-Jun Dwarf Sage crimson Jan-May $1.30 E V PS M SH0 Bicolor Sage red+white Jan-May $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Margaret Arnold Sage red pink Oct-May $1.30 E PS M SH1 Snow White Sage white Jan-Apr $1.30 E SUL SH2 Cape Sage blue+white Oct-May $1.30 E X SUL SH1 Crug's Cream Sage cream Mar-May $1.40 Riviera Sage purple+mauv Sep-May $1.35 E X PS M C2 SH3 PS L SH2 $1.30 E V PS M SH3 Timboon Sage carmine May-Aug $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Bog Sage blue Mar-May $1.30 E Z PS M SH3 Waverley Sage pink+white Feb-Oct $1.30 E X PS M SH2 Yellow James Sage lemon yellow Nov-Jan $1.35 E PS L SH1 Santolina - Grey yellow Dec-Feb $1.25 E V PS L SH1 Santolina - Grey Yellow Dec-Feb $1.50 E V PS L SH1 Little Japanese Spiraea pale pink Oct-Dec $1.40 D X PS H SH2 SH1 Lamb's Ear, Wooly Betony purple Jan-Apr $1.25 E V PS H Ginger Meggs orange Sep-Jan $1.30 E Goldfussia SUL SH2 green yellow Sep-Dec $1.20 E V PS M SH2 white All Year $1.40 E Z PS M GC Small White Aster white Jan-Apr $1.30 E R Caraway Thyme pink Nov-Jan $1.30 E Z SUM GC Thyme Rainbow Falls mauve Nov-Jan $1.30 E GC Turkey Thyme mauve Nov-Jan $1.30 E Z SUM R Orange Thyme mauve Nov-Jan $1.30 E O SUM R Climbing Tibouchina purple Apr-Jul $1.30 E V SUS C Chilean Guava cream Nov-Dec $1.30 E Z FF L SH3 White Vervain white Oct-Mar $1.30 E Z PS L SH1 Blue Veronica blue Jul-Jan $1.30 E V PS L GC Double-file Viburnum white Oct-Nov $1.50 E V SUL SH3 white May-Oct $0.90 E X PS M SH2 SPECIAL Jermyn's Viburnum PS M SUM Dwarf Sage Chilean Guava Climbing Tibouchina Salvia microphylla 'Baby Sage' Ugni molinae Tibouchina laxa 'Skylab' (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. PA PF PS R S SF SH = = = = = = = Part Sun Part to Filtered Sun Part to Full Sun Rockery Plant Frost Sensitive Shade to Filtered Sun Full Shade SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SC SU SS = = = = = = = Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m Scrambler Full Sun Full Shade to Full Sun T1 T2 T3 V X Y Z = = = = = = = Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label < 5.0m 5.0 - 15.0m > 15.0m - Various Printers - Larkman Nurseries - Macbird Floraprint - Norwood Labels Available NOW! November 2013 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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