To Court a Queen - unspoken


To Court a Queen - unspoken
Gorgeous CoverArt by Aninonymous
Gorgeous CoverArt by Altaira
To Court A Queen
By PadmeLeiaJaina
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Lucasfilm Limited. I am not profiting from this story in any
way. Uncle George, please don’t sue me.
I don’t own any of the characters except my O/C’s Raven Solo, Marxx Racees, and Brukos Olissian.
Please ask before you think of using them in your own fics.
Story Parameters:
Type: EU/AU, Romance, Angst, and Action.
Main characters:
Anakin Solo - Jedi Knight and protector of Tenel Ka
Tenel Ka – Queen Mother of Hapes and Jedi Knight
Ta’a Chume – Grandmother of Tenel Ka, mother of Isolder, and former Queen of Hapes
Brukos Olissian – old childhood friend of Tenel Ka
Secondary characters:
Isolder – father of Tenel Ka, son of Ta’a Chume, Prince of Hapes, married to Teneneil Djo
Teneneil Djo –mother of Tenel Ka, Dathomir dark witch, married to Isolder
Marxx Racees – Jedi Master, member of the Jedi Council, husband of Jaina, twin brother to Raven
Jaina Solo-Racees – Wife to Marxx, Jedi Knight and Senator for Naboo
Jacen Solo – Husband to Raven Racees, Jedi Master, teacher at Yavin 4
Raven Racees-Solo – Wife to Jacen Solo, twin of Marxx Racees, Jedi Master, teacher at Yavin 4
Han and Leia – no explanation needed- I hope
Lowbacca – Jedi Knight, nephew of Chewbacca
Sequel: Destinies Entwined is recommended reading, although not required. (If you are interested- let
me know and I will gladly forward the Word files to you so you don’t have to slog through the 4,000
posts in its thread...just PM me with your email address.)
This story centers on the confusing, romantic relationship of Anakin Solo and Tenel Ka. This story will
contain LOTS of angst and mush, and a large splash of action. Although it is not a rewrite, and very
dissimilar - this story was inspired by “The Courtship of Princess Leia” due mainly to the characters
This story is not a direct sequel to my epic Destinies Entwined it’s more of a continuation of the story
just from 2 of the main 6 characters POV. However, the pairing of these two characters arrived due to
circumstances presented in my first AU epic. I highly recommend reading DE in order to understand
exactly WHY I’ve paired Tenel Ka and Anakin together in the first place. If you chose, you can just
read the third part of the saga, Unmasked Soul to experience their budding romance, or here are key
chapters that you can read to give you a flavor of their relationship:
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 17
Chapter 22
chs 38 &39
Chapter 46
I haven’t read any NJO books and don’t know a thing about Tahiri, and not much about Anakin Solo
for that matter. Given they killed him off in the books- I’ve taken some liberties w/ his character and
really molded him into a new character of whom all of my readers absolutely adore- he’s now in his
early 20’s. He’s managed to receive some genetic throwback genes from Anakin Skywalker, and acts
quite a bit like him as well, with a healthy dosing of his papa thrown in for good measure. For any new
ladies wandering into here – my female readers call my Anakin Solo “drool-worthy” so you might want
to stick around.
For the guys- Tenel Ka’s really hot (in a cerebral kind of way) and not as boring as
she generally is in the books- I prefer to write her w/ personality- although she’s still very serious.
In case you are worried that you’ll be required to plow through my previous epic to enjoy this story…
don’t. As long as you’re open to the changes I’ve made with these characters, I think you’ll enjoy this
story immensely! Hopefully, this story will be able to stand on it’s own. There will not be that many
references to events that occurred in DE and the main bulk of it will be a standalone story.
Award Nominations:
Nominated Summer 2003 Fanfic Awards
Best Dramatic Story
Best Post-Saga In-Progress story
Nominated Winter 2003 Fanfic Awards
Best Action Story
Best Romance Story
Best Dramatic Story
All comments are welcome and encouraged! (I love feedback
Thursday, unless otherwise noted.
) I will be posting every Tuesday and
So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy this mush and angst filled tale.
To Court A Queen
The grand Fountain Palace on Hapes housed its system’s most comprehensive library that detailed the
history of the cluster’s illustrious past. From the dawn of the Royal Matriarchy, to the recent events
that nearly destroyed the cluster, each event, every detail, every custom has been lovingly recorded for
future Hapans to study, cherish, and to learn by heart. Traditions, handed down from generation to
generation were strictly adhered to in the Hapes Cluster, particularly by the Royal Matriarchy. The
Queen Mothers ruled with an iron fist, but never dared to go against the laws of the land, for to ignore
the lessons of the past, invited chaos into the future…
Footsteps echoed in the darkened halls of the library in the wee hours of the morning. A lone computer
terminal hummed to life. Stealthily, a dark figure’s fingers raced across the keyboard as expert hands
began erasing memorized sections of content housed on the mainframe of the library’s computer. He
drummed his fingers nervously on the desk as the mainframe deleted the files. When the terminal
beeped its task completed, the man returned to a search to verify that the information he had just
removed was completely erased. Satisfied it was gone, he entered codes to cover his online entry time
and shut down the terminal.
Slipping out of the Palace and into a thick, foggy night. He headed for a small hoverboat that waited on
a lapping pier far below the cliffs of the Fountain Palace. He moved a few feet out in the water, then
stood and activated a large spotlight and triggered it in a series of three flashes towards the far,
northwestern tower. A single light turning on and then off in the room signaled that his message had
been received.
A pair of eyes from inside the tower watched as the figure’s boat melted into the foggy darkness. The
Queen Matriarch Ta’a Chume turned and purposefully paced in her room. She picked up a handheld
holo-projector and flicked it on. The imager’s view showed the Queen her seductively dressed
granddaughter standing in the Palace’s grand dining room, taken with a spyvid hidden in the room’s
northern wall. The Queen frowned as the tall Jedi, Anakin Solo, dressed in black, entered the room,
zeroed in on Tenel Ka and the two embraced each other. Ta’a Chume recoiled as her granddaughter slid
her arms up and around the Jedi’s shoulders and kissed him passionately. She quickly scanned ahead
and watched a part of their conversation following their kiss.
Tenel Ka wrapped her arms tightly around Anakin’s waist and closed her eyes. Anakin tightened his
arms around her granddaughter’s waist protectively. The Princess murmured, “I could get used to
Anakin rocked the Hapan Princess in his arms and said, “Me too… I don’t suppose lowly Jedi are
allowed to marry Hapan Queens, are they?”
Tensing, Tenel Ka glanced up at Anakin. Eyes widening, she gazed up into his face quizzically. Anakin
backpedaled, “I meant that hypothetically, of course.”
Pushing herself out of Anakin’s arms, Tenel Ka walked away from the towering Jedi. She said, “Of
course that is what you meant.”
Anakin stepped towards Tenel Ka and said apologetically, “I’m sorry. I… well…I mean, we’re nowhere
near that point, right?”
Tenel Ka smiled at his obvious discomfort and said, “This is a fact. You are right. We are not anywhere
near that point yet. And who knows if we even will be.”
Anakin choked out, “You’re right, who knows.”
She stood before the tall Jedi and gazed into his eyes. Shrouding her arms around her waist, she asked,
“I guess now that we have brought this up, we should face the question. Anakin, would you want that?
Would you want to be married to a Queen? My life will not be easy from here out. And if you and I
were to mate and be married, you would most likely lose your freedom as a Jedi. Hapan Princes are
expected to dote on their Queen’s religiously, and raise their children. I just do not know if you could,
or would want that life. Do you?”
Anakin placed his balled fists on his hips and wandered towards the portal window and stared outside.
Anakin said, quietly, “I don’t know.”
Tenel Ka walked behind the tall Jedi, and placed her hands on his back. She said, “I do not know what
to do, Anakin. We have gotten so close in the last few months, you have been so good to me. I could
never have dreamed of finding such a wonderfully caring friend. I have learned to rely upon you and
your constant support. I do not know if I could have faced a lot of things I saw without you at my side.”
Anakin turned and gazed into Tenel Ka’s eyes. She continued, “I just…I do not know what to do. If we
keep this up and continue to get closer, we could end up with our hearts broken.” Placing a hand on
Anakin’s left cheek, Tenel Ka said, “You mean so much to me, I do not know what I would do if I lost
you. But if we have no future…if you cannot see us together…”
Gently, Anakin touched, her chin. He croaked, “Do we need to decide this right now? I mean, how long
is it into your reign before you are expected to marry? You’re pretty young, right?”
Breaking out of Anakin’s hold, Tenel Ka walked towards the opposite end of the table. She said, “No, I
do not have to marry right away. But what good would it do for us to allow ourselves to fall in love and
then be ripped apart? Would you be able to stand to stay on in my court as my personal protector if I
married someone else? Could you stand that?”
“Don’t say that!” Anakin spat, as he shoved away a tear that escaped the corner of his left eye.
“I am sorry, Anakin. But I am being realistic here. The reality of the situation is that if you… if we
develop these feelings, and you wish to maintain your freedom, we will never be together. I must marry.
I must produce a female heir to the throne,” Tenel Ka replied icily.
Ta’a Chume’s lips contorted into a maleficent smile as she thought, Yes, my dear Tenel Ka, you are
correct. It is your job to produce an heir. And spending your idol time with this nobody isn’t going to
get you any closer to that goal. This Cluster has survived under the Royal Matriarch rule for three
thousand years. You are the very last link in that long, royal line. If you do not produce and heir, or if
you were to be killed… this cluster will fall into complete chaos. Civil wars will be waged, and all of
the sacrifices made by our ancestors will have been in vain… Oh, you are a foolish, foolish young girl,
my dear granddaughter, you cannot just sit back and waste your time on someone not worthy of
extending our royal line. You will probably hate me deeply for what I’m going to do... but I know what
is best for you and for Hapes. I’m doing this, because I know what it will take to make your rule
glorious... And believe it or not, one day, when I am long gone and everyone in this cluster loves you,
you will thank me.”
Hugging her arms tightly around herself, Ta’a Chume placed her holo-projector in her desk and then
removed a tracking device from the drawer. Turning it on, she noted the boat had finally reached the
twenty- mile mark away from the Palace. With a purposeful press of her thumb she watched as the ship
blinked once on the screen, then vanished from view.
“Sorry, no witnesses allowed,” she said as she set the tracking device next to the holo-projector and
locked the drawer. Crawling into bed, the soon to be ex- Queen Matriarch of the Hapes Cluster fell
peacefully to sleep.
“Most recent polls are indicating that the people in your Cluster don’t fully trust you yet, Tenel Ka,”
Anakin Solo stated the following day as he flicked through a series of datapolls, compiled by royal
court pollsters. He leaned back in his swivel chair and kicked his large feet onto Tenel Ka’s royal desk,
as the titian haired Princess roamed around her office in the Fountain Palace on Hapes.
Tugging at her thick, red lips, and planting her left fist on her hip, Tenel Ka paced the office.
Anakin asked, “How many months ago was that? You would think they would have forgotten those
little attacks by now.”
Appalled, Tenel Ka turned her smoky eyes towards Anakin and said, “You know, only you would think
that Gwynalyn Palpatine’s forces destroying our agricultural planet, our military training facility, and
half of my fleet, would be little attacks.”
Anakin chuckled at the stewing Princess. Flashing him an annoyed stare, Tenel Ka waved her hand in
frustration she said, “I do not know how to make them forget, Anakin. I have done everything that I can
to try to fix what was destroyed. Did we not repair everything after the war? Is Hapes 4 not brimming
with produce again? Did I not spend months and months personally mingling with my people to regain
their faith? What more do I need to do, honey?”
Letting all air escape from her lungs, the Princess plopped her deflated self into her throne chair.
Absently, she smoothed out the creases in her iridescent teal, silk dress. Heart still aflutter from Tenel
Ka’s rare use of terms of endearment, Anakin’s eyes lingered towards the long slit that traveled the
length of the left side of her gown, and admired the tempting, toned thigh that peeked out from the
folds of the fabric. His heart raced in his chest as a dreamy smile crested his lips. Unaware of Anakin’s
wandering eye, Tenel Ka leapt restlessly out of her chair thereby closing the fabric in the gown.
Anakin’s smile plummeted into a scowl as he begrudgingly returned to his data.
Knitting her arms together, Tenel Ka said, “They still blame me for all of the deaths. They think that I
do things only how I want to do them, and that I do not adhere to Hapan laws, or to the standards that
have been set by generations of Hapan Matriarchs. They think my Jedi training has made me a pacifist
and that I am soft in the ways of war.”
“I hardly see how your decision to hold off on attacking the Dellaltians immediately without all the
facts to back up action should be viewed as weak or reckless. Quite the contrary, it showed that you
wanted absolute clarity before committing your military to battle. I don’t understand how the Hapans
could be complaining about that,” Anakin replied, mirroring Tenel Ka’s frustration.
“Hapan Matriarchs are supposed to act first, think later… they always have… and I do not seem to fit
into that bill. I think it has more to do with the images still circulating from the destruction of Hapes 4.
The press will not stop showing those poor people fleeing for their lives and showing the crops being
burned to a crisp… and my doing nothing to stop it,” Tenel Ka replied, sighing deeply. Kneading her
fingers across her forehead, she stared unseeing the green, marble floor. Weakly, she said, “I do not
know what to do.”
Dropping his feet with a thud to the floor, Anakin launched his 6’6” frame out of the moaning chair and
approached the stressed out Princess from behind. Placing his large hands on her shoulders, he moved
his thumbs along the smooth skin of her neck. Softly he began to massage her neck and shoulders. He
inhaled the delicate, wafts of her floral perfume. Leaning down, he said gently, “The press lives to take
down those who hold power. It makes their small and meaningless lives seem larger and more
important. You know and I know what really went down and that you did the right thing. It was when
you finally gave into peer pressure that you acted incorrectly. Don’t worry, baby, you’ll be a great
“I certainly hope you are right,” Tenel Ka replied. Turning her head, Tenel Ka’s eyes traveled up
Anakin’s tall, broad body. His powerful chest lay hidden behind a long sleeved, white cotton shirt that
opened at his neck, revealing his exposed, kissable neck. His musk smelling aftershave, tickled her
nose delightfully. Meeting his bright blue eyes, Tenel Ka again found herself wondering what she did to
deserve such a wonderful man like Anakin in her life. Anakin was her best friend… and something
more. She loved him deeply and he returned her love with equal, protective, ferocity. Yet thanks to the
rules of her land, if she and he were to marry, Anakin would most likely have to give up his life as a
Jedi and act as nursemaid to their children. He would have no official power or say in the government
and would spend most of his time simply raising the royal children, while she ruled the cluster.
Remembering the fate of her deceased and shamed Grandfather, Tenel Ka also knew that Anakin would
be personally scrutinized, ostracized, and ridiculed by the people of Hapes if he failed, like her
grandfather, to give their Queen a female heir to the throne. They wouldn’t care that Anakin belonged
to one the Republic’s most influential families. If he did not give his Queen a daughter, he would be
viewed as a failure or less of a man. Tenel Ka paused at the thought and didn’t know if she could ask
Anakin to put himself through that kind of ordeal. Upon confronting him once about it he exploded in
rage. He told her he could care less about what other people thought of him and that all he cared about
was their love. She couldn’t help but wonder if he really meant his words. Speculation was all well and
good, but she feared the reality of the situation would eventually get the better of him and drive him
away from their union, forever. She didn’t think she could bear losing his love. Sighing, she curled her
arms around his broad back and leaned into his chest.
Anakin enveloped her with his long arms and squeezed her tightly, as if his arms could mash out the
anguish that invaded his lady- love’s soul. His eyes fell upon the pile of thick, titian curls that covered
her head. Sitting amongst the curls sat a spiked, jewel-encrusted crown. The Jedi warrior- woman he
knew and befriended long ago as an equal, now carried the weight of her Cluster on her shoulders.
Tomorrow she would become their Queen and Ta’a Chume would be pushed to the sidelines. As his
eyes lingered on her hair, he noted three strands of white hair swirled in a sea of molten copper. He
tightened his arms further around the worried Princess and felt her melt happily in his embrace.
Anakin’s heart vowed to spend the rest of his life making Tenel Ka’s life easier and to be her rock of
support. He knew this outwardly cold seeming woman better than anyone else in the Galaxy. She liked
to present herself as serious and cool to most people, and preferred people think that she viewed life
through clear, practical lenses. But to Anakin, she could never mask her true self, whom oftentimes was
the epitome of boundless love of joy and who appreciated beauty and laughter as much as the next
person… she just sometimes needed someone to explain to her why something’s funny is all.
Clearing his throat, Anakin said, “Are you worried about the ceremony tomorrow?”
“No. It will go as planned,” Tenel Ka replied. Furrowing her brows she added, “I think I know what I
need to do.”
“What’s that?” Anakin asked.
“I think I need to figure out some Hapan custom I can follow to get the people to see that I am one of
them and not an outsider,” Tenel Ka said, closing her eyes and enjoying Anakin’s nearness.
“Interesting… what did you have in mind?” Anakin asked.
“I do not know. Maybe there is some sort of ancient sporting tournament I can reinstate,” Tenel Ka
Grinning, Anakin asked, “Well if they were outlawed, wouldn’t there have probably been a good reason
for it?”
“Humm… you are probably right,” Tenel Ka replied. Shrugging in his arms she said, “I guess I will just
have to keep my nose clean and follow whatever Hapan laws and rituals come my way. I will then only
hope that the people of this Cluster will see that I live and breathe Hapes and that it is not a mistake that
I was crowned their Queen.”
Smiling, Anakin said, “This is a fact.”
A light giggle escaped from Tenel Ka’s throat. Tipping her head upwards, her eyes caressed Anakin’s
strong features, dark unruly hair, and bright blue eyes. Feeling a bit lightheaded from the way Anakin’s
eyes bore seductively into her own, she repeated, “This is a fact.”
Dropping his head down, Anakin captured Tenel Ka’s soft, warm lips with his own. For the briefest of
moments, as Tenel Ka arms snaked up around Anakin’s wide shoulders, she forgot that the
responsibility of caring for millions of citizens would soon be resting entirely at her feet as she enjoyed
this singular, freeing moment with the man she loved.
Chapter 1
Filled nearly to over capacity, the Fountain Palace’s main ceremonial hall steamed from the heat
created by the over-packed Coronation guests. Anakin tugged on his shirt collar as his eyes fell upon
dignitaries from all over the Galaxy. His entire family sat in the fourth row as they all waited to watch
Tenel Ka’s Coronation.
Han peered down his pew at his youngest son and noted his twitching. Raising a brow, Han asked,
“You ain’t nervous for her are you son?”
“No, Dad. It’s just hotter than Tatooine at noon in here,” Anakin replied, throwing off his Jedi robe in
disgust. He noted the damp circles under his shirt’s armpits and frowned.
Jaina moaned in her seat at the edge of the aisle and pressed her hand nervously on her protruding
stomach. Whispering to her dark, curly haired husband, Marxx Racees, she grabbed hold of the pew in
front of her and launched to her feet. Hand pressing into her back, Marxx helped steady her to her feet
as she waddled quickly out of the hall towards the fresher. Marxx’s turquoise blue eyes met Anakin’s
eyes and smiled. He said, “She’s still got four months, but that kid doesn’t seem to want to move off of
her bladder. Poor Jaina, she’ll probably have to get up four times during the coronation service. We
should’ve sat in the last pew so she won’t distract people.”
“Oh, I don’t think Tenel Ka will care…trust me. So you ready to become a Dad?” Anakin asked,
“I guess, as ready as I’ll ever be,” Marxx replied with a happy smile. Leaning in close, he added, “It’s a
good thing I have the patience of a Jedi, I think Jaina’s pregnancy induced mood swings would’ve sent
any normal man off the deep end.”
“Well considering she’s not normally all that emotionally stable to begin with I really don’t envy you,
Marxx,” Jacen added from Anakin’s right side. Marxx’s twin sister and Jacen’s wife, Raven poked her
white haired head around Jacen’s shoulder and giggled at her brother.
Peaking a brow, Marxx replied to Jacen, “Don’t you get too cocky there, pal. My sister’s every bit as
bad as Jaina in that department.”
“Hey!” Raven replied, scowling.
Marxx sat back as Jaina reappeared. Cradling her stomach she plopped back down in her seat. She said,
“Your son is driving me crazy.”
“My son, eh?” Marxx replied. Leaning back and running his fingers lovingly through Jaina’s loose,
brown hair, he asked, “And why is it every time the baby does something that inconveniences you, he’s
suddenly only my child?”
Jaina’s face contorted from anger to a deep, sad frown. Tears formed at her eyes and she said, “You’re
right, I do that, don’t I? I’m so sorry honey! I don’t know why I’d say those things!”
Throwing his arms around Jaina’s shoulders, he said, “It’s ok, honey. I was just teasing with you.”
Raising his head, he met Anakin’s amused gaze and mouthed, See what I mean?
Grinning, Anakin again viewed the splendor of the hall. Long and narrow, the hall’s walls were
constructed of rich, red, Hapan mahogany. At the head of the stage a floor to ceiling fountain silently
cascaded down the wall. Pots of exotic flora, gathered from the lush planet of Hapes 5, lined the walls
and the stage. Their abundance contributed to the heightened humidity in the room.
Anakin’s eyes traveled up to the vaulted, fully glass paned windows that covered the ceiling. The bright
blue sky above showered the room with light. He noted that the thin black supports that wove the panes
together cast intricate, shadowed patterns throughout the room and the sections shrunk towards a single
point in the center.
Everyone quieted as the band, hidden behind a large platform on the stage began to play. A singular
woodwind instrument filled the room with its haunting tone. Anakin felt shivers run down his back as
he watched the waterfall in the front of the stage separate to reveal a hidden door. From the door, a
resplendently dressed Isolder, the Queen’s son and Tenel Ka’s father, stepped out with his copper haired
wife Teneniel Djo on his arm. Teneniel Djo didn’t appear too happy wearing a full length, purple,
Hapan gown, but knew enough about decorum to trade in her traditional, warrior Dathomirian wear for
this occasion. Twelve scantily dressed male Hapan guards then exited the waterfall and positioned
themselves at either side of the stage. A young, blond female page arrived carrying a pillow that held a
large, jewel- encrusted crown. Anakin raised an eyebrow as he noted how the young woman’s arms
bent under the weight of the shining headpiece.
A bold symphony of horned instruments drowned out the wind instrument. Upon the blasting of the
sound, the entire crowd stood on their feet as Queen Mother, Ta’a Chume exited out of the waterfall.
Wearing a heavy crown, a long, black, velvet robe, and purple silk dress, the Queen walked to her
intricately decorated throne that sat in the middle of the stage. Directly to her left side sat a second,
equally deluxe throne. Two less ornate thrones sat to the right. Isolder and Teneniel Djo stood in front
of those chairs. The Queen raised her hands and the music crashed to an ear-shattering crescendo. Then
she lowered her arms and the music stopped. The crowd slowly sat in their seats as Ta’a Chume settled
into her throne.
From the back of the hall, the wide doors opened. Under her ceremonial veil, Tenel Ka immediately
noticed the heat of the hall. Her nose inhaled the scents of numerous perfumes and aftershaves from the
guests, heightened thanks to the extra warmth of the chamber. I should have thought ahead to check
and make sure the air conditioning was properly set in here, she scolded herself, sighing.
Wearing a formfitting, purple dress and a long purple robe, Tenel Ka knew within a couple of moments
she would be sweating from the high temperatures. Her brows furrowed as she viewed the patterns of
light that filled the hall. The black shadows resembled an intricate spider’s web, casting its sticky
threads over all of the guests. She realized all of these uncomfortable people, like herself, were trapped
in this hot chamber. Her grandmother, dressed in dark apparel, gripped the armchairs of her throne
possessively like the mother spider lying in wait for its prey.
Although, she decided long ago that this was what she wanted Tenel Ka fought the urge to flee the
room, and her responsibility. It was one thing to be a Princess… but a Queen… and all of the added
responsibilities that go with that title…Resisting the urge to bolt, she cleared her throat. Raising her
chin, Tenel Ka threw back her shoulders and stepped into the hall. The woodwind instrument again
began its titillating call. She focused on her parent’s sitting to Ta’a Chume’s right side and noted their
beaming, proud smiles. Their support bolstered her confidence and calmed her nerves as she marched
towards the stage. Passing under the center of the web of light, knowing that there was no turning back,
she proceeded towards the stage. As she passed the fourth row, she sensed waves of encouragement and
love rippling through the Force from Anakin and her friends. Inwardly, she sent them a silent thanks for
their support as her heart pounded heavily in her chest.
Feeling her palms turn clammy, she reached the stage, gathered her dress in both of her hands and
climbed up four steps. She then knelt in front of the Queen and dutifully lowered her head.
From her peripheral vision, she saw her grandmother’s white knuckles clutching the armrests of the
Queen’s throne. Through the Force, she sensed great anxiety on her grandmother’s behalf. Reluctantly,
the Queen rose from the throne and stood over her granddaughter. She thrust her hand towards Tenel
Ka. Dutifully, the Hapan Princess lightly kissed the large ruby ring that circled her Grandmother’s left
middle finger.
Then folding her right bony hand over her left, the Queen Mother stared out at the crowd, ever mindful
of the location of the holo-vids that recorded the ceremony for the entire Cluster to view.
“Today marks the end of an era. During the past sixty years, I have ruled this Cluster justly and always
within the strictest adherence to Hapan law,” Ta’a Chume stated. The last words icily spoke felt as
though the Matriarch had just slapped Tenel Ka in the face. Her grandmother still blamed her for not
sending out their troops sooner to battle their neighboring Dellaltians, over a year ago. The young Jedi
scowled under her veil as Ta’a Chume began to rattle off her own long list of accomplishments during
her rule over the Cluster. Tenel Ka’s back molars began to grind as her grandmother’s voice droned on
and on. The weight of the long robe that hung off her shoulders and down the stairs felt heavier by the
moment as the ancient Queen prattled away endlessly. Tenel Ka felt a sickly trickle of sweat move
down her back, as the sun beat through the window and heated her dark robe. Her mouth tasted like
sandpaper due to it being dry. Sniffing slightly, Tenel Ka crinkled her nose, as she could smell the
cleaning solution used to keep her grandmother’s perfectly pressed robe. She tried to turn her attention
back to her Grandmother’s words, knowing that these accomplishments were supposed to be inspiring
to the new Queen. Tenel Ka couldn’t help but think her grandmother was grandstanding and enjoying
her boastful past to her captive crowd of onlookers.
Finally, the Queen stopped. Tenel Ka sensed waves of relief from the guests in the crowd. She secretly
grinned, noting that a few in the crowd jolted back into consciousness after drifting into sleep.
Staring at her granddaughter, Ta’a Chume noted Tenel Ka had not budged a single inch throughout her
twelve minute speech. The Queen smiled at her obedience. To her granddaughter she said, “The Hapan
Cluster has always been ruled by a single bloodline of women. Our line stems back to the dawn of the
Hapes Cluster when founding mother Trawa’ta Meeloom saved her ship from destruction, safely landed
her people on Hapes, and formed this system of planets. After scouting the ten surrounding planets, she
gave each a purpose, Hapes 4 for agriculture, Hapes 8 for military training, Hapes 5 for recreation,
Hapes 7 for commerce. We are called the Queen Mother of Hapes, because it is our duty to be the
mother over all of the people in our cluster. Our citizens are the blood that runs in our body. Without
them, our planets would not survive and we would perish.” Tenel Ka smirked at the irony that Ta’a
Chume’s own words meant very little to the self-serving woman. Over the years, Ta’a Chume cared
more for her own power and maintaining the throne than she ever showed compassion for her people.
Her ambition blinded her heart to the needs and wants of others.
The Queen continued, “Our new Queen will face many great challenges, this is sure. For Hapes is
known and respected across the Galaxy for its take charge, battle first, ask questions later philosophy.”
Tenel Ka’s cheeks burned as her teeth further ground in her mouth, as she again noted the indirect
insult. She focused her smoldering gray eyes onto the rich carpet. “She will be asked to sacrifice her
own personal needs and desires, all for the safety, financial security, and well being of her people.”
Taking a long staff in her hands, Ta’a Chume held it in front of her body, elbows out, right fist over left.
She asked to the kneeling Princess, “Do you, Tenel Ka, vow to uphold the family name and all of the
responsibilities that go with wearing the Royal Crown of Hapes?”
Tenel Ka’s vision blurred under the sweltering heat of the room. Her mind suddenly focused on the spot
where her cybernetic arm attached to her stump and the skin tingled under the feel of the soft silk of the
dress that adorned her body. The arm and the fabric felt foreign on her body. Yet, she’d already grown
accustomed to their feel. She knew by uttering her acceptance, she would be agreeing to a life that was
no longer her own. She would forever lose her freedom and be bound in the duty of her birthright that
she had spent so many of her earlier years trying to escape. Swallowing hard, she closed her eyes to
fight back a wave of nausea, she said quietly, “This is a fact.”
Ta’a Chume flicked up the corner of her mouth ever so slightly, she dared, “And do you agree to follow
the laws and codes, decreed by the Hapes Cluster, to guide your rule? Do you agree to follow them, by
the letter?”
Feeling acid churning in her stomach and the sickening sensation of sweat beading up on Tenel Ka’s
brow, she said, “I agree.”
“And do you agree to never act indecisively in matters that will affect the people of this Cluster? And
promise to rule righteously, always putting the needs of the Hapan Citizens before your own? And
always do what is best to expand the wealth and security of the Hapes Cluster?” Ta’a Chume asked.
Feeling no nausea at this question, she replied with conviction, “This is a fact.”
The Queen Matriarch pounded the staff four times on the ground. Each thump of the wand sent Tenel
Ka’s heart beat out of order, for to her it struck like the chimes of doom. When the staff silenced, Tenel
Ka raised her left hand and watched through her veil, as Ta’a Chume tugged off her Matriarch ring with
an undignified grunt. Reluctantly, she placed it on her granddaughter’s outstretched finger.
Tenel Ka then rose her newly bejeweled hand and slowly removed her veil. Her grandmother placed
the heavy crown upon her head and placed the staff before the newly crowned Queen. Reaching her
right hand forward, Tenel Ka grasped tightly onto the staff and began to rise to her feet. She lifted her
left hand above where her grandmother had grabbed the middle of the staff, stood, raised her neck and
faced the old woman. She refused to blink or turn away first. Tension sizzled in the room as the two
Matriarchs, one old, one new, commenced to stare at each other. Standing at her full height, with her
robe curled around her body, angling down the stairs, holding the staff with her left hand, and wearing
the crown, Tenel Ka finally broke the staring contest and turned and faced the audience. Although her
knees complained from their length of time spent kneeling, she deeply curtsied to the crowd who burst
into applause.
Tenel Ka jumped slightly as her grandmother moved to her left side and shouted, “All rise! And bow to
your new Queen Mother, Tenel Ka!”
In stunned amazement, the new Queen watched as everyone in the room deeply bowed. Heart seizing
in her chest with panic, she turned her eyes towards Anakin. The tall, young man immediately
perceived her distress and rose his pale blue eyes to meet her own. A sweet, encouraging smile etched
across his face and he twitched a wink her direction. Excitedly her face flushed and she sunk into the
Force to relax.
As the air filled with the thunderous cheers from the onlookers, Tenel Ka recognized that her life would
never again be the same and carefree. But she knew that with the support of Anakin, and her parents
that she would never lack love. She silently vowed to share that love with the people in her Cluster. For
the first time ever in recorded history of the Hapes Cluster, their Queen Mother would cease to care
about power and spend all of her energy caring completely for the safety of the citizens in her land.
With love on her side, Tenel Ka confidently knew she could defeat any army, any plague, and any
complication thrown in her path.
Ta’a Chume stepped aside and sat in the off-center throne and studied her granddaughter’s expression,
it seemed content. She had noticed the shared glance that passed between her granddaughter and
Anakin. As the sun shined on Tenel Ka’s royal ruby ring, the former Queen smiled smugly, for she
knew as certain as the sun would rise and set again, that Tenel Ka’s life was about to spiral completely
out of her own control. Ta’a Chume may be the passed over Queen, but that wouldn’t stop her from
spinning her web tighter and tighter around her granddaughter, forever imprinting her own personal
mark on Tenel Ka’s rule and destiny.
Chapter 2
Sitting at the Royal table, Tenel Ka’s eyes flashed in delight as a group of young acrobats from Hapes 9
danced and leapt their way across the open dance floor at her Coronation celebration, held in the great
dance hall in the Fountain Palace. Applauding enthusiastically, she leaned over and chatted with her
father who sat directly beside his glowing daughter. The entire Solo family sat at a table directly to the
left of the elevated Royal table. Entertainment provided from all over the Hapes Cluster carried on
throughout the six -course dinner. When the dessert plates had cleared, a thirty- piece multi-species
orchestra began to play music for dancing. Isolder took his daughter’s hand and led her out onto the
dance floor. Tenel Ka’s eyes gleamed delightfully as she waltzed in her father’s arms. Although she had
been raised on her mother’s home-planet of Dathomir and grew up learning the warrior customs of that
planet, waltzing practice was one of the few Hapan customs that Tenel Ka learned, and enjoyed as a
child, for it meant quality time spent with her busy father.
The audience of distinguished guests watched the tall, dark haired, Hapan Prince swirl his glowing
daughter gracefully around the dance floor. Leia leaned her chin onto her palm and smiled at the
couple. Once long ago, Isolder vied for Leia’s hand but fell in love with Tenel Ka’s spirited mother
Teneniel Djo instead, much to the distress of his overbearing mother. As Leia felt Han’s hand gently
rub her back, she happily realized that sometimes fate got things right. Her eyes turned down the table
and she noted Anakin’s dreamy expression as he watched Tenel Ka dancing across the floor.
Occasionally, Tenel Ka’s eyes flickered in Anakin’s direction and her face would pink up from the
pleasure of his stare. Leia grinned at the lovebirds, yet her eyes filled with sadness.
Han patted Leia’s back as her eyes filled with sorrow. He could sometimes read Leia easier than a
hyperdrive manual. She sensed and knew that someday soon her baby would fly the coop and get
married. As Han leaned forward in his chair his knees popped. Grimacing, he shoved a hand through
his salt and pepper hair and realized his mortality, he was no longer young. Even his beautiful wife
sported a series of lines across her face that showed her age. Han’s attention turned down the table as
Marxx helped Jaina to her feet. Groaning, his daughter waddled off towards the fresher. Marxx met his
father-in-law’s eyes and shrugged.
Leia’s warm hand cupped Han’s meaty and permanently grease stained palm, and she said, “There’s
still plenty of time.”
“For what?” Han asked.
“For you to really feel old. You’re not that old, yet,” Leia replied, smiling. Nodding her chin in Marxx’s
direction, she added, “Their child will add years to your life.”
Flashing his wife a lopsided smile, he said, “Or take years off.”
Before Leia could reply, the music ended and everyone applauded the Prince and new Queen. Tenel Ka
stood alone on the dance floor and in a spotlight held her hand out toward Anakin. Surging to his feet,
Anakin swept off his cape and walked out onto the dance floor. Wearing formfitting black dress slacks,
dress boots, and a silk black shirt that opened at the neck, Anakin’s dashing good looks made him
appear the perfect companion for the Queen. His complete lack of adornments made Tenel Ka shine all
the more in his arms. Gathering her skirt in her left hand, they began to waltz across the floor and
mesmerized the crowd. For it truly appeared that only a man as tall, and heroic as Anakin could ever be
truly worthy to be on the hand of the new Queen Mother. For the local Hapan dignitaries lucky enough
to score seating at the reception, they also knew the heroic feats Anakin performed to rescue their new
Queen during recent times of crisis. His strength and devotion to Tenel Ka made him a widely regarded
celebrity in his own right. As Anakin whisked Tenel Ka around the floor their eyes never left each
other’s faces. Each smiling brightly, the room warmed by the power of their obvious love for each
other. Although, they’d been careful in the past to hide their attraction, it seemed as if Tenel Ka decided
in her new position to throw caution to the wind and stake her claims.
As Anakin held her tightly, Tenel Ka found herself worrying less and less about Anakin’s possible
problems with their relationship. She realized that he was the only purely, perfect thing in her life and
that if she was going to survive her years ruling her Cluster without losing her mind, she would need
his love to keep her sane. Burying her head into his chest, Tenel Ka sighed as she allowed herself to
enjoy being held in Anakin’s warm arms. Any and all frustrations she felt from the coronation melted
away under his protective touch.
While holding the newly crowned Queen in his arms, Anakin felt very little difference in Tenel Ka. Her
heart beat the same as before her coronation and her spirit remained the same. The only difference was
that the crown resting on her hair sparkled brighter from more jewels. Having felt her frustration and
conflicting emotions during her coronation, he sensed her pent up tension flow out of her body the
longer they held each other and danced. As he wrapped his arm tighter around her slim waist, Anakin’s
heart pounded with pride and love in his chest for his beloved.
From her throne to the left of the vacant Queen Mother’s throne, Ta’a Chume cracked her knuckles and
buried her scowl under her steepled fingers.
When the music stopped finally, the room filled loudly with applause from the crowd of delighted
onlookers. Flushed and happy, Anakin resisted the urge to plant a kiss on Tenel Ka’s lips before
everyone. She squeezed his hand tightly and flashed him a rare, bright smile that lit up the entire room.
As her heart raced in her chest, it suddenly seized as the spotlight shifted off of the happy couple,
plunging them into darkness and illuminated her grandmother. Dropping the edge of her gown, Tenel
Ka’s grip tightened on Anakin’s hand.
“What is it?” he whispered.
Face ashen, she shook her head once to silence his question.
Standing to her feet, Ta’a Chume’s singular clapping echoed through the silent hall. She said, “That
was truly marvelous! Please everyone, give another warm round of applause to the Queen and her Jedi
Protector, Anakin Solo.”
Everyone applauded and hooted. The former Queen began to speak again, “It is the right of the Queen
just removed in Hapes to make issue one last law as a way to help usher the new Queen into her reign.”
Terror gripped Tenel Ka’s heart and stomach. Frantically, she muttered, “What are you doing,
“As many of you know, my granddaughter spent her youth learning and training to become a Jedi
instead of practicing her duties as a Hapan Princess. I do not hold this against her,” Ta’a Chume said,
smiling shark-like.
“Sure, she doesn’t,” Anakin said, through his teeth.
“Unfortunately, her time training as a Jedi did not give her much time to mingle with those in her class,
or those who will be influential during her reign,” Ta’a Chume continued. Lowering and shaking her
hands, she knitted her fingers together and dropped them towards her belly, in a position of despair.
Raising her head, she said, “Our Queen has not been able to meet the right men in her life who would
be worthy of being a husband.”
“Oh Force,” Tenel Ka whispered. Tightening her grip on Anakin’s hand she violently began to shake
her head. “She cannot do this, she cannot do this,” she repeated as she remained out of the spotlight.
Isolder’s brown eyes filled with comprehension as he observed his daughter shaking on the dance floor.
Launching out of his throne, but still unseen in the cover of darkness in the room, he growled,
Sensing her time was limited, Ta’a Chume’s mouth contorted into a wicked grin and she spat, “I hereby
decree the ritual Drempitu Ma is open!”
Tenel Ka choked down a sob, or was it a scream of rage? After years of masking her emotions, she
managed to hide all expression from her face as a second spotlight bathed her in its blinding glow to
record her reaction. The crowd murmured in confusion as Isolder turned and whispered something to
Teneniel Djo. The Dathomirian witch pounced to her feet and shook with anger as she glared at her
mother-in-law. An eerie smile crept across Tenel Ka’s lips as her hands shook from blinding fury.
Anakin’s eyes widened as he sensed her rage, and hate swelling through the Force.
Isolder’s eyes blazed with rage as he seethed, “Mother, you are detestable.”
Calmly, Ta’a Chume began to speak again, “This ritual is all in good fun! For many generations the
Drempitu Ma has been evoked when current Queen’s either have had a difficult time finding a mate, or
simply have not had the time. This custom is rich in our Cluster’s past history. Its always been highly
successful. For it is the right of the Queen to solely pick her suitor out of a broad spectrum of suitable
mates. It is how I found my husband and he and I had a happy union until his untimely death. This
ritual will bring unity and joy to this Cluster! For it is a delight, not just to the Queen, who will be
showered in gifts and affection from men all over the Galaxy but for the people of Hapes. They will
intimately get to know their new Queen and fall in love with her as she falls in love with her future
Dropping Anakin’s hand, Tenel Ka boiled with controlled fury.
Flashing her granddaughter the sweetest smile, Ta’a Chume crowed, “Your happiness darling, means
everything to me. I do this for you. Please accept this ritual into your heart freely, and enjoy it!”
The crowd bubbled in confusion. Local Hapans delighted at the prospect of the ritual, but could easily
tell that the new Queen seemed to have already picked her mate. The possibly scandalous affair
suddenly became tantalizing. The new Queen, forced herself into the briefest of bows before she
stalked off of the dance floor and crashed through an exit door leading her out of the reception hall. A
puzzled Anakin tore after her retreating form.
Racing out the long hallway, Tenel Ka ran through the Fountain Palace as tears threatened to cascade
from her eyes. Anakin’s voice trailed far behind her as he tried to catch up. Three of her personal
guards also followed in her furious wake. Storming up three flights of stairs she flung her bedroom
doors open with the Force and paced her room like a cornered, injured Rancor Monster.
Anakin stilled the guards with a wave of his hand and they stood sentry outside of her bedroom.
Ducking below her doorway, Anakin closed the door and stared at the distraught Queen. He asked,
“What was that all about? What are you so angry about?”
“That manipulative, cunning, no good, Sithspawn of a woman!” Tenel Ka seethed as she continued to
“Whoa! Come on is it that bad what she just did?” Anakin asked, clearly confused.
Anakin’s last question finally registered in Tenel Ka’s mind through her fury. Her red-streaked, gray
eyes turned up towards Anakin. She said, “Not that bad? Not that bad??” With a primal yell, she dug
into the Force and threw a lamp across the room where it exploded into flying debris against the
fireplace. Anakin shielded his face from the porcelain shrapnel that ricocheted into the air. When he
glanced up after the debris had settled Tenel Ka had collapsed into a sobbing pile on the floor. Through
gasping breaths she said, “It is worse than bad, Anakin!”
Settling at her side, Anakin gathered the crying Queen into his arms. Gently removing her crown, in
case she planned to throw it across the room, he placed it on the bed. Running his hands through her
thick hair, he asked, “Tell me why, honey. Tell me.”
Adrenalin from rage pumped through Tenel Ka’s veins as she raised her tear streaked face to meet
Anakin’s eyes. She said, “Why did I not see this coming? I should have known she would pull this out
of her hat of tricks. I just knew she would not give up her crown freely without trying to ruin me in
some way.”
“Sweetheart, I don’t know the customs of your land so you’re gonna have to explain this ritual to me
that she invoked. If you can choose your mate, I can participate, right?” Anakin asked, dark brows
lifting with hope.
Wiping the back of her palm across her face to erase her tears, Tenel Ka replied, “That is just it, you
cannot participate.”
“What? Why not?” Anakin asked, bewildered.
“The stupid, archaic law was established back in the dawn of the Hapes Cluster. It practically faded
into oblivion until my Grandmother resurrected it at the beginning of her reign. She was as nasty and
hateful then as she is now. That ritual was the only way she could find a mate,” Tenel Ka explained, as
her chest heaved from her attempting to calm herself down.
“Uh, ok. So exactly what does the, what’s it called again, do?” Anakin asked.
“The Drempitu Ma… The early Queens looked for ways to bring more wealth into the cluster. One of
the more greedy Queen Mothers came up with this idea to issue a Galaxy wide manhunt where only the
wealthiest men in the Galaxy could enter into the contest and make a bid for the Queen’s hand in
marriage. In essence, they would come into the competition to buy a royal title if the Queen chose him.
Eventually as the Hapes Cluster became more wealthy the custom dropped from existence and the
Queen’s could pick whomever they wished as their husband, for that is their right,” Tenel Ka explained.
Furrowing his brows, Anakin said, “So, I can’t participate because….?”
Eyes filled with finality and dread, Tenel Ka said, “You need to be in possession of at least one sixth of
the Hapes Cluster’s accumulated wealth to qualify the Drempitu Ma. I will only be able to select my
future husband from the wealthiest men in the Galaxy who qualify. And you need to possess the a
twenty million credits required as an entry fee.”
“One sixth…” Anakin whispered, as his heart seized in his chest. “There aren’t any other kinds of
qualifications? That’s it, wealth?”
Slowly nodding her head, Tenel Ka replied, “This is a fact. If you are not wealthy enough, you cannot
Frantic Anakin protested, “No! You’re the Queen. You can stop this ritual, change the laws… do
whatever so you don’t have to participate. This is madness!”
Placing her clammy hand on Anakin’s chin, Tenel Ka’s smoky eyes bore into his own. She said,
“Remember what I said last night about needing to stick to Hapan laws and rituals to gain the trust of
my people? I cannot break this law if I wish to gain their trust.” Eyes flooding with tears as she sensed
Anakin’s pain, she continued, “My grandmother is a genius for pulling this out. She has backed me into
a corner from which I cannot escape. She knows that the people do not entirely trust me. She found the
one thing that will get them all to hang onto every, sordid detail of my life. I shall become their
champion because my personal life will be on open display for them to gawk at. Wages will be laid,
people will gather, it will bring unity to the Hapan people… If I refuse, or if I were to forfeit my
crown… all would be lost in this Cluster.”
“What do you mean?” Anakin inquired.
“I am the last living female in the royal lineage… well the last truly pureblood. My grandmother only
produced a single male heir and I am an only child. If I were to die, or if I gave up my crown, this
entire Cluster would most likely fall apart. What few distant cousins I have do not collectively have
enough brainpower to light up a single glowrod. Each of the ten planets in this Cluster are governed by
their own elected governor who reports directly to the Queen whenever they have internal disputes
needing to be resolved. In the last year that I have spent as acting Queen, I cannot tell you how many
power disputes I have had to settle between each of the planets,” she said. Seeing Anakin’s confused
expression, she further explained, “The royal crown is the glue that holds this Cluster together. This
star system was designed such that each planet serves its own purpose in further enhancing and
increasing the wealth of this cluster. For example Hapes 4 is the agricultural planet that feeds the rest of
the cluster, and Hapes 9 is the industrial and textile planet that produces all merchandise and clothing to
allow my citizens to live comfortably. Each planet depends upon the next in order for all Hapans to live
happily and free. If the Royal matriarchy perished, each planet’s governor would begin positioning
himself or herself to claim new leadership over the entire cluster. The result would be that not one
planet would survive unscathed. They would jockey for power in this cluster, alliances would be
formed and broken between planets and eventually they would all break into Civil War. The end result,
most likely would be that the Hapes Cluster would then be left vulnerable for invasion and hostile
takeover,” Tenel Ka replied. Her hands shook as if all of a sudden the truth of the words truly sunk into
her heart, and she realized her true importance in the grand scheme of things. Sadly, she said, “I am too
important to leave my crown.”
Anakin supposed that a large part of himself, blinded by his love for her, just conveniently forgot the
complete importance of Tenel Ka’s position. “And what about you?” Anakin asked. “Does your own
heart mean nothing?”
“My grandmother loved power and was very resentful towards me for usurping her from the throne…”
Tenel Ka began.
“But it’s your rightful place to take the throne. Hasn’t she spent her whole life trying to get you to take
the crown? Now that you have finally accepted it, she wants you to be miserable? That hardly makes
any sense!” Anakin cried in frustration.
“Yes, it does not make much sense I suppose. In her own twisted way, she probably thinks this is what
is best for me,” Tenel Ka said, unhappily.
Suddenly, she rose her finger to hush Anakin’s response as angry voices echoed through the corridor.
Jumping to their feet, Anakin and Tenel Ka raced towards the door. Tenel Ka activated her hall monitor
and watched her father chasing her retreating grandmother.
Flicking on the sound, Isolder’s voice boomed, “You have NO RIGHT to do this, Mother! You are
playing God with my daughter’s life and I won’t allow it!”
“Your daughter is my heir, I can do what I please for her,” Ta’a Chume replied matter-of-factly.
“You don’t own her! Clearly she’s in love with Anakin, why would you possibly do this to her?”
Isolder shouted in confusion.
Crossing her arms, Ta’a Chume glared at her only son, and said, “He is not a suitable mate for her.”
Fuming, Isolder said, “And HOW exactly did you come to THAT decision? That is not your choice to
make, that is Tenel Ka’s decision!”
“It isn’t her choice anymore,” haughtily the removed Queen replied. “Anakin will remind her
constantly of the past she forfeited. She needs to free herself completely from that life before taking her
crown. She has begun a new life now and needs a complete fresh start.”
Isolder laughed with rancor, his dark eyes glared as he said, “You know, only you would be
disappointed to have a grandchild who was a trained Jedi Knight. People all over the Galaxy would kill
for the pride attached to being related to a great Jedi. Not you, you see it as a curse or an
“Her Jedi training has made her soft. I had to do this because our people don’t know if she’s tough
enough to be a Hapan Queen… This would have never happened had you initially followed my plans
to begin with, you dolt,” Ta’a Chume spat.
Tenel Ka watched her father’s face darken with fury. With every muscle in his body shaking from rage,
he seethed, “Had I married Leia Organa, we would still have had a child who was strong with the
Force. You just need to look at her children as evidence of that. And now that you brought that little bit
of history up… please explain to me why you think Anakin’s mother was the perfect match for me, yet
her son is not good enough for my daughter?”
Turning her back to her son, Ta’a Chume began to walk down the hall again towards her quarters. She
said, “Those are two entirely different situations.”
“Really? And why is that?” Isolder asked, planting his fists on his waists. “What’s the matter, mother?
Don’t want to face me?” he shouted after her retreating form as she moved out of the camera’s range.
Ta’a Chume returned back into the view and defiantly stood under Isolder’s large form. Glaring at her
son, she jabbed a finger in his face and said, “It is different because YOU needed to provide MY throne
with an heir. And I wanted you to mate with someone who was worthy of our rank. What did you do?
You turned your back on me and fell for that wild woman. The very least you could have done after
your disgrace was hand over your daughter to me to raise her properly. As is, she’s still not ready or
worthy to take the throne. She’s lost years of valuable time that she should have been learning the
Hapan ways. Instead, you indulged her and let her run wild just like as her godless mother.”
“Run wild? My daughter is a skilled Jedi Knight and a warrior. She has more poise and is braver than
you have ever been,” he stated. Feature’s hard, Isolder said, “So that’s it. You’re doing this to get back
at me? You truly are despicable mother. I’m ashamed to be your son. I happen to be very proud of my
daughter. She’s intelligent, resourceful, brave, and thanks to her NOT having been raised by you, she’s
unselfish and unspoiled. I am constantly amazed that she came out half as normal as she did,
considering she has you as a grandmother.”
“Oh you’re too bull headed to does no good arguing with the lesser sex. I don’t know
why I’m wasting my breath trying to explain this to you. She will one day thank me for this, mark my
words!” Ta’a Chume said, haughtily.
“I will never thank you for what you have done, Grandmother,” Tenel Ka replied as she and Anakin
stepped out into the hallway.
“Really?” Ta’a Chume replied, peaking an eyebrow towards her successor.
“This is a fact. You had no right to do this,” Tenel Ka said.
Isolder’s face fell as he saw the obvious pain written on his daughter’s face. Moving to her side, he said
to his mother, “You can’t do this to her. Take it back – go out there and tell the press you made a
Ta’a Chume shrugged, nonplussed and said, “There is no way to stop the Drempitu Ma once it has been
called. You, my dear girl, will just have to go through with it. I’m sorry Anakin, but unless your family
somehow has a stash of wealth hidden somewhere you no longer have any claim on her Highness. I
recommend you start thinking of new work arrangements if it will become too painful for you to watch
my granddaughter get married to someone worthier than yourself.”
Knitting his fingers together, Anakin clucked his tongue in his mouth and shook his head, he said, “You
just don’t know when to stop do you? You won’t be happy until everybody hates you.”
“Hate me? Well now, I’m sorry you feel that way, I was only trying to spare you of further hurting your
feelings. Take my advice or leave it, I don’t care. Now if you’ll all excuse me,” Ta’a Chume breezed
past her son, granddaughter, and Anakin and purposefully marched down the hall and entered her
private suite without giving them a second glance.
“Unbelievable,” Anakin muttered. Rhetorically he asked, “Who needs enemies when you have relatives
like that?”
Holding Tenel Ka’s shoulders, Isolder stooped down and glanced into her gray eyes. He said, “Honey,
you are the Queen. You can call this whole thing off. Don’t let her bitterness destroy your one chance at
real happiness.”
Heart trembling in her chest, Tenel Ka, threw up a Forcefield to shield the guards from hearing her next
words. She met her father’s gaze and stonily asked, “Do you know what happens to Hapan Queen’s
who go against rituals in this Cluster?” Anakin and Isolder shook their heads. “They disappear, or are
gotten rid of… As long as grandmother still lives and breathes I am vulnerable. Without any kind of
heir left she could sit on her reclaimed throne until she finally takes her last selfish breath. And if I have
forfeited my crown, this Cluster will fall apart when she finally dies. I have to do this thing. I do not
want to, nor do I believe this is right. But if it bring unity to the Hapan people… I just do not have a
choice in the matter.”
Anakin’s heart broke as he sensed Tenel Ka’s spirit shattering through the Force.
Isolder sensed this as well and asked, “What about Anakin?” Tenel Ka gazed up into Anakin’s blue
eyes and pursed her lips tightly shut, afraid to speak in fear of bursting out in tears.
Shaking his head, Anakin said, “No. I’m not going anywhere. This thing isn’t over until it’s over. There
has to be some loophole that can get you out of this. And I won’t stop until I find out what it is. For that
I need access to the library here in the Fountain Palace, and access to the scholars on the Hapan planets.
One way or another, Tenel Ka, I promise you, I will find a way out of this for you without displeasing
the people of this cluster.”
“How will you do that?” Tenel Ka asked, hopefully.
Smirking confidently, Anakin said, “Hey, it’s me. With the Force as our ally, nothing is impossible…
Chapter 3
The next morning after Tenel Ka forced down her breakfast she called the Royal family publicist to her
room. They together, along with a speechwriter, crafted her response to the Drempitu Ma to be
broadcasted over the Galactic holonet.
While changing clothes she rehearsed her speech and sunk deeply into the Force to calm her frayed
nerves, hoping that she would be able to mask her true feelings about the ritual. After changing into a
very luxurious, teal velvet dress, the new Queen headed towards the royal audience chamber, sat in her
throne and recorded her greetings.
“Greetings. Your former Queen Mother Ta’a Chume last evening invoked an ancient Hapan ritual
called the Drempitu Ma. I embrace this challenge openly and warmly, for a Queen without a proper
husband is incomplete. Within the next twenty-four hours, return to the Royal Hapan hologrid to obtain
a complete copy of qualifications required to enter into this challenge, along with the entry form. The
deadline for submitting your request, per the set regulations of the custom, and offering proof of your
earnings, will be in precisely two weeks. I look forward to meeting you all. Thank you,” Tenel Ka said,
stoically. When the vid recorder turned off she sunk in her throne and kneaded her fingers into her
forehead. What have I done to deserve this? She asked herself sadly.
Purposefully she sprung out of her throne, shucked her royal robe and crown and handed them to her
lady in waiting and left the room. She wove her way through the marble halls of the Palace. She
entered her office and dropped herself into her chair behind her desk. Switching on her computer
terminal she reluctantly called up the file containing the qualification list for her suitable Drempitu Ma
candidates. Sighing deeply, Tenel Ka fought down a lump in her throat rising from the prospect of
deciding on the other specific details beyond just wealth status. Although wealth was the top qualifier
for candidates she had the ability to further filter her dating pool by other criteria, species, age, physical
appearance, and certain medical conditions could be prohibited. She snorted noting that “sterile” stood
topmost on that list. Aloud, she said, “That would certainly make this ridiculous ritual pointless, now
would it not?”
Her heart leapt into her throat as her doors slid open. Anakin, Jacen, Marxx, and Raven entered her
office. Anakin’s broad smile failed to brighten her spirits as she propped her left elbow onto her desk
and leaned her left cheek into her palm.
“Hi, baby,” Anakin said as he sat on the corner of her desk. Jacen, Marxx, and Raven pulled over chairs
and sat in a half circle surrounding her desk.
Jacen stared at his dear friend compassionately and said, “We saw your broadcast. How are you holding
Tenel Ka’s smoky eyes turned to Jacen. His sandy hair sat disheveled atop his head, and his handsome
features furrowed in concern. She felt a wonderful sense of relief that none of her friends seemed
interested in addressing her by her new title. She said, “I am doing as well as you could expect. I really
do not want to do this ritual, but I do not have much of a choice in the matter.”
Leaning back in his chair, Marxx crossed his feet and said, “I suppose it’s too late to give up your
“This is a fact. I cannot back out of my reign now. There would be no one left to rule this Cluster and it
would fall apart,” Tenel Ka replied. She noted Anakin leaning closer in her direction. Quickly she
closed the open file on her computer least he happened to see it’s contents and further hurt Anakin’s
Anakin lightly held Tenel Ka’s right hand and stroked her delicate fingers. His blue eyes radiated
emotional heat as they bore into her own. He said, “Tenel Ka, I will find a way out of this for you… I
promise. We were actually about to go hit your library now, but just wanted to stop by and say hi and
see if you maybe needed our help with anything.”
Tenel Ka’s heart warmed at Anakin’s affection and constant attention to her emotions and wants. He
truly was a king among men, who rarely thought of himself before her needs. Lifting her cheek off of
her palm she raised Anakin’s hand to her lips and lightly kissed his palm. She said, “If there is anything
I need, it is for you to find that loophole for me… it is what will make me happy, Anakin.”
Gulping, he said, “Right.”
Absently, she glanced around the room and asked, “Where is Jaina?”
“She’s locked up in one of your conference rooms calling in on a military funds meeting with the
Senate,” Marxx replied. “A Senator’s work is never done.”
“How long is she going to continue her Senatorial duties?” Tenel Ka asked, happy for a momentary
shift in conversation. “She is pretty far along in her pregnancy to still be working.”
Marxx shook his head, and said, “Yeah, I’ve tried to ask her to take her leave early, but she won’t hear
of it. She just goes on and on how Naboo needs her to be working and that Queen Cerullia didn’t ask
her to be Senator just to have her to sit on her rear stuffing her face while waiting for the baby to arrive.
She’s turning more into her mother every day.” Feeling the need to add some levity into the room, he
smirked he added, “Besides, with her emotions fluxing like crazy, all of the other Senator’s are scared
silly to say anything that would possibly set her off into an hormonal tailspin. Last thing anyone wants
is to be on the receiving end of a pregnant Jedi Knight going Sith over one of their proposals.”
Tenel Ka recognized the attempt at humor and said, “Ah ha, that would be bad.”
Heaving himself out of his chair, Jacen stretched his arms and popped his neck and said, “Well guys,
we’ll never get to help Tenel Ka by just sitting here.”
“This is a fact,” Tenel Ka replied, sad to see her friends getting up to leave. Suddenly, she said, “Raven,
would you mind staying behind? Do you three think you can do your searches without her assistance.”
Puffing out his chest, Jacen slapped his pecks a couple times and said, “I believe we manly men can
handle the task on our own.”
Raven rolled her eyes and said, “Oh yes, please leave. The rising level of testosterone is starting to
stink up the joint.”
Swaggering over to his wife, Jacen said, “You know you love it, baby.”
Puffing out her cheeks in frustration, Raven gave her husband a light shove towards the door. Head
turned away from Tenel Ka, she mouthed to Jacen, “Get going so I can try to help her.”
Nodding his head towards the door, Jacen signaled to the guys to follow. Anakin reluctantly rose off of
the desk and leaned over Tenel Ka and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Brushing his long fingers
against her chin, he smiled at her hopefully. He said, “We’ll find something, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, Anakin,” Tenel Ka replied. She watched as he walked towards her office door. Towering
over both Jacen and Marxx, he pressed a couple fingers to his forehead, saluted the Queen and the trio
exited the room.
Turning her head away from the door, Tenel Ka beheld Jacen’s wife. A year ago, she’d harbored serious
jealous feelings towards Raven Racees. Although she’d never spoken of her love for Jacen, it was only
when he moved on and fell in love with another woman that she had realized how much she had missed
him in her life. Anakin helped her to move beyond her feelings for Jacen, and eventually she learned to
respect and even like Raven. The white haired young woman, Raven, had risked her own life to save
everyone she loved and then sacrificed herself to save the Galaxy from Palpatine’s sister’s plan for
galactic domination. She now taught students at the Jedi Academy alongside Jacen.
Raven smiled and sat herself back down in a chair. She and Tenel Ka had never managed to forge a true
friendship. She knew that Tenel Ka meant the world to her husband and found herself delighted that the
new Queen had asked for her assistance on something. Curiosity peaked, she asked, “What can I help
you with, Tenel Ka?”
“Drag your chair over here, Raven. I could really use your help,” Tenel Ka replied. Complying, Raven
carried her chair around the desk and sat behind the Queen. Leaning forward and resting her elbows on
her knees, Raven stared at Tenel Ka quizzically. Pushing a clump of titian hair off of her right shoulder,
Tenel Ka said, “I need to come up with a list of qualifications for the men who will be applying for the
Drempitu Ma. I could use someone to bounce things off of.”
“I see. I understand why you wouldn’t have wanted Anakin’s help with this,” Raven said, sadly.
Leaning back in her chair, Tenel Ka said quietly, “This is a fact. I could not ask him to help me with
this. That would be cruel. I do not think either of us could have made it through the task without
breaking down and sobbing. Well, at least I would not have been able to do that.”
Blue eyes filling with compassion, Raven said, “I’m truly sorry about this, Tenel Ka. You really had no
idea your grandmother was going to pull this one on you, did you?”
Shaking her head, Tenel Ka replied, “No. How could I? I would have thought that she would have
found Anakin acceptable as a mate. I guess I was wrong.”
Sensing that the titan-haired Queen might be on the verge of crying, Raven turned to the task at hand,
and said, “So, we’d better get on with it. What’s the first criteria?”
Flicking up the file again, Tenel Ka stared at choice number one, and said, “Species.”
“Well that should be pretty obvious, right?” Raven replied. “Why would they even have that on the list?
Haven’t all Hapan Queen’s been human?”
“This is a fact. I think they wish to include any humanoids that would be compatible genetically with
humans for mating. It is my understanding that a couple hundred years ago, one of the Queens wanted
to marry a Twil’ek. The Queen removed objected, and the Queen married him anyway. She never
returned from her honeymoon,” Tenel Ka said.
“So what does that mean? Did she abdicate her throne?” Raven asked.
“No. She simply vanished,” Tenel Ka said, gulping.
“Humm… I guess they want to give the appearance of allowing different species, without appearing
completely prejudice towards humans. What is your preference?” Raven asked.
“I really do not need to complicate matters further, I will just mark human,” Tenel Ka replied as she
selected off the multi-species options. “Next is age.”
“What were you thinking?” Raven asked.
“I think maybe forty-five and younger,” Tenel Ka said, absently scratching her cheek.
“Forty-Five? Excuse me, how old are you?” Raven asked, incredulously.
Furrowing her brows, Tenel Ka said, “Twenty–six, why does that matter?”
“And how old is your father?” Raven asked.
Tenel Ka stared uncertainly at Jacen’s wife, then she understood Raven’s line of reasoning. She said,
“Oh, I see. Yes, that would be…”
“Gross,” Raven said, contorting her face into a disgusted grimace.
“This is a fact. Thirty-five it is,” Tenel Ka said as she refigured the number.
“Besides, that should seriously cut down the numbers of contestants, right?” Raven asked, hopefully.
Knitting her brows, Tenel Ka nodded and said, “This is a fact. Alright, let us move onto physical
“I suppose you’d want to mark off anyone who reminded you of Anakin, right?” Raven asked.
Feeling an emotional blow to her stomach, Tenel Ka thought about that point. She agreed that if any of
the candidates resembled Anakin, she would probably just want to cry or give up her crown entirely.
She said, “You are correct.”
Fast fingers quickly changed the height requirements, hair color, and eyes. Then she scrolled through
the medical conditions, asking Raven for assistance as she traveled down the list.
When they were complete, Tenel Ka glanced over the list one last time and then uploaded the list and
the entry form onto the site’s mainframe. As she finished the last steps, she said, “It is done.”
Gently reaching forward, Raven clasped Tenel Ka’s hand. Turning in her seat the young Queen stared
at Jacen’s wife. Squinting her eyes in determination, Raven squeezed Tenel Ka’s hand and said, “They
will find a way out for you. The Force is with them.”
Chewing her lower lip, Tenel Ka replied, “I certainly hope so, otherwise I will be forced to marry
someone who I will never love.”
The three Jedi entered the library and Anakin parked himself in front of a terminal. Marxx and Jacen
crowded Anakin and watched as he entered his search criteria on the Drempitu Ma and requested a list
of Queens who all utilized the ritual.
Mumbling, Anakin said, “This cluster’s been around for about three thousand years. How many Queens
would you think will be on this list?”
“Depends on how long they used the ritual. My guess is about three hundred, give or take,” Jacen said.
Folding his arms, Marxx stood upright and said, “Well let’s see, an average reign would probably be 40
years or so- that can double the number of Queens during the 3000 years… I’d say think only about
Groaning, Anakin spied the exact number. He said, “One hundred eighteen Queens.” Slumping in his
chair, Anakin raked his fingers through his thick brunette hair in frustration.
“Well that’s not so bad,” Jacen piped up.
“Yeah, but there are hundreds of pages of documentation on every Queen’s reign that we’ll have to sift
through looking for the smallest detail that might help Tenel Ka out,” Anakin moaned as he buried his
chin into his palm. He asked, “How’re we gonna efficiently get through that many files in what… a
month and a half?”
Dragging a squeaking chair next to Anakin, Jacen said, “By getting to work right away.”
Slapping his hands on either side of the keyboard, Anakin said, “Right, now I know I can’t ask you two
for much work. When’re you both going back?”
Marxx said, “Master Skywalker needs me back at the Council in two days. But Jaina needs to return to
the Senate tomorrow.”
Sighing, Anakin glanced at his brother who replied, “We’re supposed to get off tonight, actually. Can’t
leave dozens of cadets alone for too long Force knows what’ll happen, or what’ll be left of the
Academy by the time we get back.”
“Look, I’ve got free time in the evening though, I’ll gladly take some with me and send you reports,”
Marxx replied, noting the stress lines etching over his brother-in-law’s forehead.
“Right, and I will too, little brother. I’m not going to up and ignore both of your problem once we leave
here,” Jacen replied. “I’d love nothing more than to find a way to get you two together permanently.
You belong together.”
“Thanks guys,” Anakin said as he downloaded the list into three groups. He took 118 of the names on
the list and gave Marxx and Jacen each 30 names. He said, “I need you to look for anything unusual in
the Queen’s histories. Note each time you find that one took a consort, or if she divorced the guy, or if
they didn’t have children, or he left her, or one of them disappeared. And of course, the obvious, if
anything blares out as a way someone managed to detangle herself from this ritual.”
Jacen nodded his head and stared at his list with apprehension. Plugging in the results into his nearest
terminal Jacen started at the beginning. Marxx, who had spent months researching his own familiar
ancestors from old files, fell right into step with the research, expertly feeling for any anomalies. By the
end of the day, the three men had read through about half of a single Queen’s profile without finding
anything out of the ordinary. So far, according to the records, it seemed that the ritual was a grand
success. Jacen handed over his notes to Anakin before leaving to seek out his wife to depart. Marxx and
Anakin worked until supper nearly eliminating their first Queens.
Gathering his cloak and datapads, Anakin stretched and said, “From all I can tell, these Queens seemed
to enjoy their wealthy husbands and wouldn’t have dreamed of finding a man solely based on love. I’m
already beginning to feel this might be hopeless.”
Shaking his dark curled head, Marxx said, “You can’t think that way… the second you do, you might
as well just give up. The answer you seek is in here… I just know it is, you just need to be patient.”
“Patience was never my strongest virtue in Jedi training. I’m a man of action,” Anakin said. Snorting he
added, “That’s probably why I’m not a Jedi Master yet.”
Slapping Anakin lightly on his back, Marxx said, “Come on, let’s go get some dinner and see if we can
count how many moods Jaina swings through during the course of one meal.”
“What’s the record?” Anakin asked, good-naturedly.
“A week ago she went through about five. After meeting with Senators all day today, my bet is she’ll
beat that record,” Marxx replied.
“And only four months to go, think you’ll survive that long?” Anakin said.
”Well I can handle it, as to whether Jaina can is an entirely different story,” Marxx replied, grinning as
they headed out of the library towards the dining hall.
Dejected, Anakin said, “You know last night when I told my parents about this whole thing, my Dad up
and offered to sell the Falcon in hopes that would garnish enough credits to grant me access into this
stupid ritual.”
Amazed by his father-in-law’s declaration to willingly part with his beloved ship, Marxx replied,
“Something tells me the Falcon mostly likely wouldn’t fetch that much cash, even on the collector’s
Nodding, Anakin said, “That’s what I told him. So it looks like I’m out of the running entirely.”
Anakin stared up at the glass ceilings in the fountain palace and gazed at the glowing sky as the sun
began its night decent outside. He said, “You know, Tenel Ka once asked me if I would be willing to
give up my life as a Jedi to be her husband and the father to her children. Before, I wasn’t really sure.
Now that there’s a possibility that I may not get to marry her, I could care less about anything else in
Galaxy. No amount of power, or no job would ever take priority to my wanting to be with her… I’d
give anything to have to go through her pregnancies with her the way you’re doing it with Jaina right
Smiling confidently in Anakin’s direction, Marxx said, “The Force is with you two. As long as you
don’t lose sight of that, nothing can keep you from your dreams. You will be her husband one day…
you just can’t give up on Tenel Ka.”
With a determined set to his eyes, Anakin replied, “I’ll never give up…. I know there’s a way out of
this mess. There just has to be.”
Chapter 4
During the next two weeks, Tenel Ka felt her life spiral out of control, as she became the eye in a
stormy media hurricane. The few times she ventured off of Hapes and into the Cluster for official
business, the press and public hounded her for any sordid personal crumb she might flick their way to
add to the growing frenzy surrounding the upcoming Drempitu Ma. As Tenel Ka’s heart sank further
into growing despair over the rapidly approaching beginning of the ritual, her approval rating in her
Cluster soared. At every opportunity she avoided her grandmother who spent her time gloating over the
reining Queen’s newly elevated status in the Galaxy. Ta’a Chume congratulated herself repeatedly and
loudly regarding her ingenious “gift” she bestowed up Tenel Ka. More often than not, Tenel Ka found
herself forced to leave the room to prevent herself from verbally assaulting the spiteful woman- or
Force choking the last bit of smugness of her wrinkled face.
Tenel Ka also paid closer attention to the time she spent with Anakin. Before she took the crown he
used to disappear into the background when they would travel across the Cluster together. Now the
press delighted and reveled to holograph the couple together at every available opportunity. If Anakin
handed something to Tenel Ka, it was immediately reported that they were holding hands. Innocent or
official whisperings were construed as private words spoken between lovers. Tenel Ka’s closest friend
suddenly became a fascinating figure to add to the drama of the upcoming three-ringed circus. Guilt
washed over her as she watched her very honorable friend oftentimes be reduced to a love-sick puppy,
or a stalker by reporters. She struggled with the reasoning behind their wavering opinions, every day
oscillating between either adoring or despising Anakin. And although she never requested any polls on
the subject, her grandmother dutifully reported whenever the public was swayed by the press’s
misgivings on the days the holonews roasted her Jedi protector.
It was after one such session with her grandmother that an angry and distraught Tenel Ka retreated to
her bedroom on the closing date for the Drempitu Ma entries. Recently, Anakin had barely surfaced
from the library. The closer the deadline date had loomed the further he dug into records actively
seeking that elusive loophole for Tenel Ka.
She changed out of her flowing gown into workout clothes, consisting of formfitting black pants and
black tank-top. Expertly twisting her hair into braids, she picked up her lightsaber and left her
bedroom. She jogged through the palace towards her exercise room, with two of her ever watchful
royal guards following her closely behind. Just outside the door, they stopped and surrounded the door
as she entered the room. Her feet halted dead in their tracks as her eyes fell upon Anakin who sat in the
center of a large mat, legs crossed, back to door, shirtless, and in deep meditation. Tenel Ka heard the
door silently shut behind herself as she stood paralyzed in admiration of Anakin’s muscled and fit back.
A large mirror covered the opposite wall. She saw her own distraught image and Anakin’s serene
expression. Sensing her own tumultuous emotions, she decided to leave him alone, in fear she would
break his concentration.
Having felt her arrival long before the doors opened, Anakin grinned and said, “Don’t go, Tenel Ka…
you’re not disturbing me.”
Tenel Ka glanced in his direction and said, “I am not really in a very good mood. I fear I might not
contribute much to your meditation. I will probably disrupt your thoughts.”
A lopsided grin formed on his lips, he said, “Sweetheart, you disrupt my thoughts almost every second
of my day. Why should now be any different?”
Seeing his smirk, Tenel Ka’s tension flowed out of her body as she decided to warm up. Throwing her
arms over her head, fluidly Tenel Ka rose onto her toes and stretched. She said, “Do not say I did not
warn you.”
Anakin peeked open his eyes and he watched as Tenel Ka stretched her limber and tight body. As she
rose her arms her tank top hiked up her waist and revealed her finely toned abdominal muscles. He
knew that routinely every day she awoke to exercise her body before working her mind all day with her
royal duties. Her training as a warrior on Dathomir from a young age made the thought of ever sleeping
in late a foreign concept. Appreciating the results of her attention to keeping herself fit, Anakin
suddenly wondered with amusement what she would look like while pregnant. Closing his eyes he
visualized her protruding stomach and her barely able to stretch over, or see the floor, because of the
girth of her immense belly. A slight smile formed and then froze on his lips at the thought. Anakin
realized that if she was pregnant in the future, and he was unable to find her a way out of marrying the
winner of the Drempitu Ma, that he would not be the father of her baby. The thought of Tenel Ka just
being with another man made his adrenalin surge and his blood boil.
Stopping mid stretch Tenel Ka became aware of Anakin’s sudden conflicting emotions through the
Force. She asked, “What is the matter, Anakin?”
Spinning himself around on the mat, Anakin faced his beloved and said, “I came up empty again today.
Jacen, Marxx, and I have been through thirty seven files now and we’ve come up with nothing to
support that any past Queen has ever successfully contested the rites or rituals of the Drempitu Ma.”
Rubbing his fingers through his dark brown hair, he sighed in frustration and continued, “It’s as if they
all just could have cared less about love and went through with it all to bring more wealth to the
Placing her left hand on her left hip, Tenel Ka leaned her body to the left and extended her right arm.
She said, “Now you see why I resisted my place to rule here for so long. These women who reined over
this cluster, they ruled without ever using their hearts, only their heads. They were mostly calculating
and power hungry, like my grandmother. Now you understand one of the reasons why I was reluctant to
become Queen. People oftentimes see me as aloof or cold because I do not express my emotions on my
face, but I am not coldhearted. I could never be like the Queens who came before me. I want to be
loved, and to love in return. I do not want to simply be a ruler without having a life at all of my own.”
Launching to his feet, Anakin walked over to the Queen. Tenel Ka rose back to an upright position and
allowed her eyes the luxury of traveling up Anakin’s tanned, muscled chest and pectorals. Her eyes
then hugged his baby blues and she reminded herself to exhale as her mind began to swim from his
nearness and masculine scent. Heart racing she took every ounce of strength and willpower to not wrap
her arms around his inviting waist.
Placing his fingers lightly under her chin, Anakin caressed Tenel Ka’s right cheek with his thumb. He
inhaled her feminine floral fragrance and said, “I certainly know you’re not cold. You’re one of the
kindest women I know. I wouldn’t love a woman who didn’t have a heart.” Dropping his hand he
grabbed both of her hands in his own and gazed deeply into her eyes. Tilting his head he said, “It’s
nowhere near over. I will find a way for us to be together… that is if that is what you want of course.”
A lump blocked Tenel Ka’s throat. She chewed her lower lip and then said, “Blast my idiocy, Anakin!
Why did I not follow my heart in the beginning? Why did I insist that we wait until after my crowning
to decide whether we wanted to marry? I just assumed that there would be all of the time in the Galaxy
and that we could be certain about things and not rush into something foolish. Now that it seems like I
have no chance to be with you, all I can do is think of you and want to be with you. I do not want to
marry someone else! How can I? I gave my heart entirely to you. And now that it has chosen you, I can
never share it with anyone else.” Dropping his hands, and storming across the room, she said
emphatically, “I want to spend my life with you.”
“I want that too,” Anakin said. Nervously, he asked, “But what happens if I can’t find anything before
you’re supposed to marry some guy?”
Tenel Ka drooped her shoulders and said, “Do you know I have nightmares of what you just described?
I am up at the alter, I say I accept because I cannot refuse, and I always wake up either screaming or
“I know it’s an impossible request, but try not to think about it. Trust me that I will find us a way out of
this mess. I can’t believe that we were thrown together, only to be ripped apart because of some stupid
ritual,” Anakin said.
Licking her lips lightly, Tenel Ka’s gaze lingered back to Anakin’s broad chest. She said, “It is stupid,
you are right. And unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it.”
Arching his eyebrow seductively, Anakin suggested, “Well then M’lady, I suggest that we work off a
little bit of your frustration…”
Feeling her mouth suddenly dry out and her palms became clammy at his sudden boldness, Tenel Ka
asked, “What did you have in mind?”
Anakin swaggered towards Tenel Ka and grinned as he flexed his pectoral muscles. Eye’s narrowing in
confusion, Tenel Ka let out a relieved laugh as Anakin called his lightsaber, through the Force, into his
waiting outstretched hand. Smiling devilishly, he asked, “And exactly what did you think I was
suggesting, My Queen?”
Caressing the carved Rancor tooth hilt of her own lightsaber, Tenel Ka twirled it easily in her fingers.
She said, “Oh I do not know- but I suppose none of it would have been appropriate behavior.”
In a low voice, Anakin asked, “And you got scared because those thoughts appealed to you, didn’t
Tenel Ka’s heart pounded in her chest as her tongue flickered to wet her dry lips. As her eyes lingered
on Anakin’s full lips, she could think of nothing more inviting than to spend the entire evening
exploring Anakin’s lips and being held in his strong arms. She realized that she missed their carefree
time together before her crowning. Huskily, she said, “I may be a Queen… but I have needs and
desires, just like everyone else.” Grinning slightly, her eyes smoldered with merriment as she added,
“And what I desire is to beat your socks off.”
“If you want my socks, you’ll have to come and get them off of me, warrior woman,” Anakin replied,
smiling deeply.
With a loud snap hiss Tenel Ka’s turquoise lightsaber extended to life. Flicking his lightsaber in his
fingers, Anakin activated his own blue blade. Stepping in a counter- clockwise circle, Anakin and Tenel
Ka raised their lightsabers over their heads. With a nimble swish, Tenel Ka struck towards Anakin’s
right arm. Lightning fast, he dropped his own azure blade and easily fended off her attack. Following
through with his motion, he sent Tenel Ka’s arms upwards, and she quickly spun to regain her footing.
Thrusting her lightsaber downwards, she chopped for his knees. Anakin leapt straight up and over her
attack. Lowering his glowing blade behind his back their blades met sending fiery sparks into the air.
Landing on his feet, Anakin’s bicep muscle strained as Tenel Ka pushed her weight into their locked
position. Their blades sizzled and sparked, filing the air with their acrid, burning scent.
Remembering the time she and Jacen were locked in a similar standstill that she had lost her arm, Tenel
Ka retreated a step and back flipped away from Anakin. Without the sudden tension of Tenel Ka’s
lightsaber, Anakin fell forward. Grunting, he extinguished his blade and tucked himself into a roll.
Landing on his feet, he reactivated his blade as Tenel Ka charged from his right. Effortlessly she placed
her left hand on his back and sprung in the air, piked, twisted and landed with her lightsaber aiming
towards Anakin’s head.
Shouting out in surprise, Anakin sprung upwards to his full, 6’6” height and met her turquoise blade
effortlessly. He disengaged his connection with Tenel Ka’s blade and aggressively began to parry and
thrust towards her alternating his charges, feinting from the left to the right, below, then right. Tenel
Ka’s heart raced and she felt sweat bead on her upper lip as she paid close attention to Anakin’s shift in
thrusting positions, connecting deeply with the Force to increase her ability to react on instinct. Their
blades snapped and crackled in quickening rhythm. Tenel Ka dropped to her knees, pitched onto her
right shoulder and rolled to avoid Anakin’s thrust towards her right ear. As she popped onto her left
foot, she kicked out her right leg and chopped the back of Anakin’s calves. He didn’t buckle or tumble.
Casually, he let out a flippant, bored yawn and watched Tenel Ka’s face screw up into a scowl.
Laughing, Anakin asked, “Need any help to your feet, love?”
Tenel Ka thrust a clump of soggy, titan braids out of her face and flickered her eyes upwards towards
Anakin’s heaving chest, slick from perspiration.
“I am fine, darling,” Tenel Ka said, sweetly. She then casually threw back her hands, kicked her legs
upwards and she flipped onto her feet. Her tank top hiked up her stomach and Anakin’s heart raced as
her enjoyed the view of her tight stomach. His reverie broke as she charged him from the front,
thrusting towards his head. Not completely ready to spar again, Anakin barely chopped his lightsaber in
time to save face, literally. He stepped backwards, only to find his feet suddenly entangled with Tenel
Ka’s strategically placed right foot. Eyes popping, he completely lost his balance. Pinwheeling his
arms, he deactivated his lightsaber, and with a loud thunk and groan, he collapsed backwards onto the
mat. Because her foot was still tangled with Anakin’s feet, Tenel Ka crashed down on top of his body.
Tenel Ka and Anakin both felt the wind forcibly knock out of their lungs. Her deactivated lightsaber
flew out of her hand and crashed into the western wall.
As they regained their ability to breathe again, both Jedi began to giggle uncontrollably. Folding her
arms across Anakin’s sweaty, bare chest, Tenel Ka said, “You owe me your socks.”
“If you really want those stinky, smelly things, they’re all yours, Tenel Ka,” Anakin replied, flashing
her a lopsided grin.
Crinkling her nose, Tenel Ka replied, “On second thought, I think that may not have been the best thing
to fight for.”
Chuckling, Anakin replied, “I agree with you there.”
Straddling Anakin’s chest, Tenel Ka sat up and stared down at her Jedi protector and smiled deliciously.
She said, “I think I will just claim you as my prize… if that meets your satisfaction.”
Anakin heard the blood rush in his ears, and his face burned with anxious pleasure. Placing his hands
on either of her hips, grinning, he said, “I definitely agree to all terms. Do with me what you wish.”
Shoving her braids back and away from her face, Tenel Ka lightly traced her fingers along the muscled
contours of Anakin’s chest. His smile broadened as his skin tingled delightfully under her delicate
touches. He closed his eyes and allowed every nerve in his chest to react to her exploring fingers.
Moaning slightly, his hands moved from Tenel Ka’s waist down to her thighs. His fingers traveled
down her muscled thighs, and he hooked them behind her knees and slid her further up his chest.
Tenel Ka’s body quivered in pleasure as she moved up Anakin’s body. Bending herself in half, she
planted her hands on either side of Anakin’s ears and gently blew warm air into his right ear. Eyes still
closed, Anakin’s hands moved from her legs and up Tenel Ka’s back, lightly pushing up her shirt. His
fingers caressed her soft, bare back. The young Queen’s heart palpitated as his hands met her bare skin.
She tilted her face upwards and stared at his slightly open lips. Breath quickening, she moistened her
lips and hovered over his inviting mouth. Anakin’s breath quickened as he felt Tenel Ka’s heat radiating
above his face. He let out a slight groan and begged for her to claim her prize.
Unable to resist any longer, Tenel Ka descended, hungrily upon his lips. Anakin’s hands flattened
against her back and pulled her tighter towards his body. Moaning, between breaths, Tenel Ka’s arms
began to shake from holding herself up. Sensing her distress, Anakin locked his arms behind her back
and lightly they rolled to the left. Tenel Ka wrapped her arms around his neck and dug her fingers into
his damp, dark hair, as her legs circled his body. Their kiss intensified as any and all reminders of the
world around them blurred into a haze of increasing passion.
Anakin rolled on top of Tenel Ka, pinning her below his large frame. She felt something unusual and
hard pressing into her stomach. Releasing herself from Anakin’s lips, she said, “Anakin… your…
“What’s the matter?” Anakin asked, foggily.
Groaning, Tenel Ka shoved hard against Anakin’s chest raising him above her small frame and glanced
down their bodies. She let out a squeaking laugh and yanked Anakin’s lightsaber off of her stomach.
Grinning, she said, “I was not sure what that was…”
Anakin chuckled and then laughed uncontrollably. Falling over to the right, he fended off Tenel Ka’s
annoyed slaps at his outburst. He said, “You are priceless, Tenel Ka.”
“Well now there is something a Queen does not hear every day,” Tenel Ka replied. Immediately, she
regretted her spoken words, for the Drempitu Ma again leapt into the foreground of her mind. Her gray
eyes darkened with sadness.
Rubbing the back of his hand across Tenel Ka’s cheek, Anakin said, “One day sweetheart, we will be
together… we were meant to be together, I can feel it.”
Melting onto Anakin’s broad chest, Tenel Ka nestled her head against his pectoral, and wrapped herself
tightly around his body. Fighting back a tear, she said, “I really want you to be right.”
Holding his beloved tightly, Anakin’s jaw set in determination, he said, “You worry about being a
Queen and let me worry about getting you out of this mess. I’m a man of action and I won’t rest, relax,
or give up until you are mine… forever.”
“So there is no question in your mind that you would want to marry me?” Tenel Ka asked, tentatively.
Anakin’s blue eyes stared deeply into Tenel Ka’s gray eyes and said, “My life belongs with you. You
need some normalcy in this crazy life of yours. It would give me no greater pleasure, or joy than to be
your constant protector, and father to our children.” Anakin watched as Tenel Ka stared in deep
concentration at the floor, chewing on her lower lip unhappily. He asked, “What’s the matter?”
“I will just say forget it and give up my throne. That is how we can be together,” Tenel Ka replied,
“You aren’t going to do that,” Anakin said, emphatically.
“Why should I not do so? I did not accept this position only to be required to give up the only person
that matters most to me! At the very least, I will just back out of this thing,” Tenel Ka replied. “Public
opinion can just be damned for all I care.”
Flashing her a lopsided grin, Anakin said softly, “But you do care. And that is why you must remain
Queen. From what I’ve read already about the woman who’ve preceded you, you come from a long
lineage of women who cared only about power, glory, and themselves. You care about your people. You
chose to rule because you knew your grandmother was slipping in her abilities to think and rule
rationally. They need a compassionate Queen. Also, as you’ve told me before that you are the glue that
keeps this cluster together. If you give up your crown all will be lost for your people. I know you,
you’d never be able to live with yourself if you just abandoned your crown and civil war waged in your
Cluster. You’ll blame yourself for every person who perished,” he said. Taking her hand in his own, he
asked, “Just let me do this for you… for us. I’ll find us a way out so we can be together. I promise,
“Alright. Of course this means I will have to go on some dates as the Drempitu Ma commences. Will
you be able to handle that?” she asked, stroking his stubbled chin.
Smirking, Anakin said, “Yeah. You know why?”
“Why?” Tenel Ka asked, curiously.
“Because, I believe in you. And I believe in us. We will make it through this, stronger than ever,”
Anakin replied.
Snuggling into his chest, Tenel Ka said, “This is a fact. I love you, Anakin Solo.”
“I love you too, Tenel Ka,” Anakin replied.
As she nestled closer to Anakin and inhaled his comforting, masculine scent Tenel Ka began to believe.
Somewhere in her troubled heart, she discovered a ray of hope and clung deeply to it and trusted that
Anakin could give it wings.
Chapter 5
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Anakin groaned as an insistent throb began to pulsate along the inside
of his skull. He realized that thirty-two candidates had successfully qualified for the Drempitu Ma.
Their names would remain anonymous until they entered the room in order to heighten the excitement
for the proceedings, and to help equal out the playing field in case the Queen were in advanced
prejudiced in favoring one candidate over another, simply by their reputations alone. Anakin reached
for his mug of caff. Each candidate would be allowed twenty minutes to make his presentation before
Queen Mother Tenel Ka in order to hope to vie as one of the top five finalists.
Off to the right of the royal throne, Tenel Ka’s parents Teneneil Djo and Isolder waited along with Ta’a
Chume to watch the proceedings. Tenel Ka’s father seated himself between his mother and his wife,
well aware that if given the chance his spitfire of a wife would gladly attack his mother for inflicting
this torturous day on her daughter. Although Tenel Ka’s parents did not approve of the ritual, they chose
to be there to offer their daughter their continued support and love.
At Anakin’s left, C-3PO cocked his golden domed head and said, “According to my calculations it will
take over ten hours to complete the presentations for the entire list of contestants for the Drempitu Ma,
Master Anakin. This would be the case if they do not break for meals.”
Staring at his family’s protocol droid, Anakin slumped his shoulders in disbelief. He muttered, “This
must be what hell feels like.”
“Pardon me, but I do not understand your meaning,” Threepio replied.
Scowling, Anakin snapped, “I wasn’t talking to you Threepio- can it.”
The golden droid balked at Anakin’s gruff comments. Prissily, 3PO remarked, “There is no need to be
rude, Master Anakin.”
The throbbing in Anakin’s temple intensified. He wondered whatever could have possibly possessed
him into actually requesting to have Threepio loaned to him for assistance today. Originally he thought
it perfect to have the droid handy to answer any questions he may have had regarding the customs of
any of the candidates. He seriously doubted his judgement in the matter. Begrudgingly, he apologized
to the offended droid and returned to his steaming mug.
As he waited for Tenel Ka to make her grand entrance, his mind lingered back to an hour earlier when
he was getting dressed. Sifting through drifts of clothes, Anakin had picked up a sock from his floor
suspiciously and sniffed it to determine its cleanliness level. As the item’s intense odor ravaged his
nostrils, his face contorted into a grimace. He heard his door’s chime. Pitching the rancid sock onto a
mound of dirty clothes, Anakin navigated through his messy chamber toward the door, barefoot. He
howled out loud as a blinding throb of pain that generated at his right pinky toe shot intense waves of
nerve numbing spasms raced clear up his leg. Annoyed, he glanced down and saw that he had just
stepped straight into the corner of his open tool chest. His pinky toe began to swell, and inflamed to a
vibrant redish-purple tone. Grimacing, he cripple limped towards the door, slamming his open palm fist
angrily against his door release, the door opened. An unreadable expression marred the face of one of
Tenel Ka’s newer bodyguards, Renttu as he patiently waited for Anakin to answer his door. Renttu’s
nose wrinkled in disgust as his eyes flickered towards the mess of Anakin’s chambers.
Seeing the guard’s wandering gaze, Anakin shifted his imposing frame to fill the entire doorway. He
asked with annoyance, “Can I help you?”
“M’lady wanted me to give this to you,” the beefy guard replied, coolly. He handed a datacard to
Anakin accepted the card then scrutinized the guard carefully before asking, “Is there something
wrong, Renttu?”
“Actually yeah, I have a problem. I didn’t work my ways to becoming one of the Queen’s royal guards
in order to be reduced to sending love notes to M’lady’s slovenly lover,” Renttu sniffed with disgust.
Feeling his neck and ears heat from rising distemper, Anakin forced a wicked grin across his face, and
replied, “Well then, I recommend that you let her Highness know of your displeasure in your duties,
I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to find someone else to take your place.”
“Hey now- I didn’t say…”
“Because that’s certainly the impression I just got from what you just said,” Anakin replied, icily.
Leaning on his doorframe, casually he asked, “Perhaps you feel you are being treated unjustly?”
Renttu’s eyes opened wide with worry. Anakin waved his hand and said, “I thought not. Thank the
Queen for me.” Before the guard could utter a word the door slammed shut in his face.
“M’lady’s slovenly lover,” Anakin mimicked in a perturbed voice. Turning, Anakin’s eyes surveyed the
debris of his bedroom. Over the past couple of weeks he’d been so intent on finding a way for Tenel Ka
to get out of the Drempitu Ma that he had spent hours pouring over data locked away in his bedroom.
His eyes met with piles of empty plates, dirty cups, and utensils. Clothes piled haphazardly all over the
room and datadisks littered the tops of all of the tables in the rooms. His room looked like a debris field
after a direct laser hit.
“Blast it, I really do live like a Hutt, don’t I?” Anakin remarked as he remembered his sister’s comment
from long ago describing his messy lifestyle. Stomping over a couple of piles of shoes, Anakin ignored
the smarting pain in his throbbing toe. He reached his computer terminal and ordered a team of
cleaning droids to take care of his room while he sat through the presentations today. He maneuvered
his way to his bed.
“Force, what does Queen Mother Tenel Ka see in me?” Anakin asked, placed the card on his bed. Then
sitting on his bed, he briefly forgot about his toe and mess and grinned as he clicked on the datacard.
Tenel Ka’s image appeared. Anakin noted the dark circles under her eyes and doubted that she had slept
much the night before.
Tenel Ka said, “Good morning, darling. I know that I do not need to ask this, but I will anyway. I need
for us to appear neutral in public, particularly whenever we are around any of the contestants to this
idiotic ritual. They cannot believe that I am not fully behind this contest. If they suspect, they will tell
the press, and then word will get to the public…” Tenel Ka sighed and massaged her forehead. She
continued softly, “I hate this. I have spent all night fighting back the urge to just race to your room,
grab you and run off and elope somewhere. This is ridiculous. What if there is nothing in those files? I
cannot marry someone just because tradition says I should.” Her shoulders drooped and she continued,
“I am tired. Do not mind me, I am rattling on senselessly. This is a fact…I know you will keep your
composure today… I just…I guess I wanted to tell you that I love you. And just because I am paying
attention to all of those other men that I would hope you would not forget that. I will see you later, may
the Force be with you.”
“Master Anakin, I think the ceremony is about to begin,” C-3PO’s prissy voice broke into Anakin’s
reverie. Anakin’s head snapped up from his caff as the royal trumpeters announced the arrival of the
Queen. The ceremonial hall filled with applause as Tenel Ka and her royal entourage entered the hall.
Teems of reporters, ranging in many different species from all over the Galaxy filled the chairs on the
left side of the hall and busily began taking holographs and jotting down notes. The rest of the hall was
open for the contestants to use the space however they deemed fit. Several large holo-imager cameras
were strategically positioned around the chamber to broadcast the proceedings live all over the Galaxy.
Most businesses in the Hapes Cluster had closed for the day, marking it as a national holiday.
Anakin studied Tenel Ka’s stately appearance. Dressed in a tightly corseted long gray dress, her red
hair twisted atop her head into a circular coiffeur of braids. Her royal crown nestled at the bottom of the
circle. Her face was painted with thickly applied makeup to last the duration of the day’s festivities. He
thought she resembled a colorful statue, for she certainly appeared about as comfortable as a figure
encased in stone. She seemed poised and pleasant enough about the forthcoming festivities. However,
Anakin noted that her smile did not reach her eyes, and the slight bags resting under her eyes puffed
from sleeplessness and crying. To his familiar eyes, he could tell that she resembled a person ready to
face an execution squad, as opposed to one delighting in meeting a possible future mate.
“Please be seated,” Tenel Ka announced. All in the room promptly sat in their chairs. Beside Anakin C3PO watched, thankfully silently, the unfolding festivities with great interest. Tenel Ka addressed the
crowd of reporters and said, “We have thirty-two men here today who have qualified for this event. I
ask that you all treat each contestant with the same level of respect and dignity that you would wish
others to treat yourselves. I will tolerate no ridiculing or ostracizing of any of the contestants. If you do,
you will be removed from the room permanently and you will be banned from all future public events
surrounding this ritual. It took great courage from these gentlemen to sign up for the Drempitu Ma.
Considering each is a man of great levels of wealth and social stature, they deserve our complete
attention and admiration. This will be a long day, I hope you are all comfortable. Thank you.” Tenel Ka
sat heavily into her throne and raised her right hand to indicate her readiness for the appearance of the
first contestant.
Anakin spent the long morning watching the first groups of men enter the room and offered Tenel Ka
with gifts and flowery words of praise. At his side, C-3PO rattled off continuing commentary on each
contestant’s social standings and protocols from their homeworlds. None of the men managed to obtain
much more than a brisk “Thank you” from Tenel Ka as they melted out of the arena to be forgotten the
second they vacated the premises. Two hours into the morning after listening to C-3PO’s ramblings, he
understood why his father seemed all too happy and relieved to abandon the droid into his son’s hands.
Even after four cups of caff, Anakin’s headache pounded steadily as the day’s festivities never seemed
to end.
As noontime approached, contestant thirteen’s allotted time began. A stream of dancing female
Twi’lek’s pranced into to room twirling sparkling ribbons above their heads. As each Twi’lek passed
Tenel Ka’s throne, they bowed and left a small box before the Queen. Casually, Tenel Ka picked up one
of the boxes and gazed inside. She extracted a gemstone and held it up to the light to examine its
clarity. Each box contained a ten-carat borealis stone. In all the Twi’lek’s deposited fifteen boxes in
front of her throne. Tenel Ka handed the gems to her jewel specialist for close examination. After a few
moments, he nodded and acknowledged the stones to be genuine. A guard removed the stones from the
Queen and immediately moved them to the Hapes Royal vault. All gifts presented to the Queen during
the Drempitu Ma became property of the Hapes Royal Family. To most women, the stones should have
caused their hearts to aflutter with palpitation. Yet, after a dozen men had already presented her with
many jewels, Tenel Ka found the sparkling stones dull and unoriginal. Anakin noted her dour and
uninterested expression and secretly covered his satisfied grin with his raised mug of caff. He hopefully
thought, Maybe that will be all she needs to do to end this. Say she finds none of the men meet her
Two of the green Twi’leks produced a large red sheet of silk and unraveled it before the entrance doors.
With a perfectly timed flip they lifted the banner and a smartly dressed, blond man walked into the
center of the room. Anakin felt his grin flop into a scowl as he immediately recognized the notorious
galactic playboy Travees Yermott swagger confidently into the room.
“Oh… that is Prince Travees Yermott from Hapes 6,” C-3PO said, happily. He added, “He is one of the
galaxies most eligible bachelors. Tenel Ka must be very pleased that he would be here today.”
Heart burning with annoyance and flashing the droid a grimace, Anakin said sarcastically, “I’m sure
you’re right, Threepio.”
Anakin watched as the beefy heir approached Tenel Ka’s throne. He was tall, blond, with dark eyes,
and sported a broad handlebar mustache. Anakin noted a slight flush to Tenel Ka’s cheeks and
wondered if this joker’s somewhat more dashing appearance than the earlier men had somehow
managed to capture her interest. Travees slightly lowered his head in a bow and said, “Greetings, Your
Royal Highness. I come to you from Hapes 6. Please accept the jewels on behalf of my family.” The
man’s dark eyes flashed with delight. He said, “You must excuse me, your Highness but your pictures
do you little justice, you are far more beautiful in person than holoimage could possible hope to
Rolling his eyes, Anakin stifled a groan at the cheesy come-on line. Gawking, he noted that Tenel Ka
appeared to be blushing under her thick makeup. Tenel Ka bowed her head lightly in
Bolstered by the advancement of his charms, Travees continued, “As you may know, I could have my
pick of any woman in this Galaxy. However, I have little interest in the usual women who flock my
way. I seek a woman of uncommon beauty, and even greater wit and intelligence as my wife.” Anakin’s
teeth began to grind in his mouth as he watched the blowhard prattle on endlessly about his dreams of
an ideal woman and how he believed that Tenel Ka perfectly matched his criteria. A two-minute
warning gonged and the heir finished his prepared speech, bowed deeply and exited the room.
Tenel Ka reached for her portable terminal and entered some notes into a file. Anakin bristled with
annoyance as he realized that she had just selected her first candidate.
The afternoon wore on and the Hapes sun waxed and waned across the sky. As the hours passed three
more men, Wesset Loorie a plantiana fruit heir of Glova, Quentiss Relinigow a topaz mining heir from
Ord Mantell, and Viktrok Arelitu, a computer entrepreneur of inner rim planet Thyferra found
themselves in the running for the coveted top five slots.
Chimes began to toll the late hour of ten at night. By this late hour the members of the press seemed
deflated and no longer interested in the activities when the final contestant’s allotted time arrived.
Anakin watched Tenel Ka closely. She had spent the last two hours shifting uncomfortably in her
throne, not yet used to spending so long wearing her overly restricting clothing. Everyone quieted as
the doors opened wide and a silver TC-7D4 protocol droid entered the room carrying a covered tray
towards Tenel Ka. C-3PO perked up as he watched the similar looking droid with heightened interest.
“This contestant must be of considerable taste,” Threepio pontificated, using the shiny, silvery droid as
a measurement.
“Greetings, Queen Mother Tenel Ka. My Master wishes you to enjoy your gift. He claims you will
recognize its meaning upon inspection,” TC-4D4 announced in a high, metallic, female voice. The
droid placed the tray on the table in front of Tenel Ka and then clattered out of the room.
Tentatively, Tenel Ka removed the large cover off of the tray and saw a clear, duraglass box, complete
with air holes lining the top. The box appeared empty. She quizzically lifted an eyebrow and glanced
towards the door. The droid was prodded back towards the door’s opening and she called through the
hall, “My Master wishes to inform you to take a very close look in that box.”
Anakin watched as Tenel Ka lifted the tiny, boxed cage towards the light and examined every corner.
She then shook the box lightly. An annoyed snarl emitted from the box. Tenel Ka shoved the box away
from her face and felt her heart leap into her throat. Quickly, she muttered a command to one of her
guards. He returned with a small bottle and brush. Tenel Ka filled her brush with dry ink, removed the
cover on the box, and gently shook the brush over the box. As the dust settled, the outlined image of a
small lizard appeared. Her heart raced as she quickly snapped the cover back onto the box, in order to
prevent the rare creature from escaping its captivity.
Looking on in confusion, Anakin stared at Threepio, hoping that maybe for once in his life, the droid
might actually have a useful clue as to what might be in the box. Excited See-Threepio said, “Master
Anakin, I believe that is a Dathomirian Night Lizard. They are the rarest and most difficult to catch
creatures on all of Dathomir. They are also quite poisonous – they catch their prey by simply biting a
passing by victim, unaware of their presence due to their ability to become invisible. They are next to
impossible to catch.”
Anakin felt a swelling of heightened interest in the Force emanating from Tenel Ka as she craned her
neck towards the door, a broad, natural grin crept across her lips. His heart palpitated in his chest
wondering what made her beloved smile. So attuned to Tenel Ka’s every motion, he heard her quietly
said, “And only one boy… would know that I would find this gift to be most acceptable.”
From the shadows of the doorframe a man approximately six-foot in height entered the room. Bald,
with almond colored complexion, sporting a black goatee, a crooked hooked nose, and sparkling hazel
eyes, the man bowed deeply to the Queen. Nobody would call the man handsome, but his smile lit up
his eyes, brightening his otherwise plain appearance. He wore a comfortable outfit with the shirt made
of a durable tan tweed fabric, covered by a dark brown cape, brown leather pants, and high laced up
leather boots that completed his rugged ensemble. He stood apart from all of the overpriced fops who
paraded through the hall earlier in the day with relatively ordinary apparel. His smile stretched from ear
to ear as he said, “Greetings, Queen Mother Tenel Ka.”
Anakin’s heart froze to ice in his chest as Tenel Ka smiled deeply, causing crater-sized dimples to
brighten her usually somber face. She leapt to her feet and exclaimed, “Brukos Olissian?”
Her first real words uttered with any kind of emotion during the day startled the reporters out of their
sleep-like states and suddenly they bathed the newcomer and Queen with flashing lights. Feeling his
hands begin to quake from frayed nerves, and way too many cups of caff, Anakin stared at the man
with confusion.
Teneneil Djo peered around her surprised husband and glared at her wickedly grinning mother-in-law.
Tenel Ka’s mother, who had spent the day stewing from the sidelines, stood up and scrutinized Brukos
as if verifying his identity. In the man’s features she saw traces of the little boy who fled from his
alcoholic parents to the shelter of her own house. His eyes traveled from Tenel Ka’s face and met her
own inquisitive gaze. Brukos smiled brightly at Teneneil Djo and nodded with familiarity. She
recognized that smile, even if the man was no longer sporting his mop of dark hair. After
acknowledging his unspoken greeting, Teneneil Djo felt the triumphant heat of Ta’a Chume’s grin
bearing into her back. Her instincts immediately surged on high alert as she doubted this meeting was
no coincidence. Sensing Anakin’s confusion, she rounded the table, then her daughter’s throne, and
squatted to his side. She placed a reassuring hand on Anakin’s forearm, in an attempt to still his shaking
arms, and signaled him to wait until after the excitement had drowned down before he asked her
“Tiki… so we meet again,” Brukos said. His deep, melodious voice rumbled in the hall.
“This is a fact. Brukos, what happened to you? How are you here today?” Tenel Ka asked as a
floodgate of questions bubbled from her mouth.
Lightly approaching the podium, Brukos calmly stopped mid hall, clasped his hands lightly behind his
back and planted his feet firmly apart. He delighted in the Queen’s interest. Tilting his head to the left,
he examined the Queen. From the corridors and waiting rooms in the Palace he spent the day watching
Tenel Ka grow more bored with each contestant on the holonet broadcasts. Originally, he selected the
eighteenth candidate slot and bargained with a spice reseller from Corellia for the last space. He had
hoped his gamble would pay off that he would leave a lasting impression on the Queen. Grinning, he
realized his strategy had succeeded in working to his advantage. Brukos said, “I do suppose this is a bit
of a shock to you considering the last time we met you’d just finished breaking my nose.” Gently, he
tapped his crooked nose and grinned as she slackened her mouth open in shame. He chuckled and
waved in her direction, “Don’t worry, M’lady. Getting beat up by you was one of the more delightful
memories of my life. My ill-formed nose is my constant reminder of the bond we once shared.”
Anakin’s brows furrowed as he watched the reporters delightfully attack their recording devices,
clinging to every word spoken out of Brukos’s mouth. Teneneil Djo whispered into Anakin’s ear, “They
were childhood friends on Dathomir. They escaped together one night when they were eleven and took
Trezwak for a ride around town without his harness…”
“Trez-what?” Anakin muttered back.
“Ah-ha, you know it was your clumsiness and not I who pushed you off of Trezwak. Do not try to pin
that on me!” Tenel Ka replied.
“Trezwak, my rancor beast. Anyway, they jockeyed for lead position and Brukos fell twelve feet to the
ground. He had a broken arm and nose,” Teneneil replied, shoving aside a clump of unruly, fiery red
Nodding, Anakin leaned back in his chair and watched suspiciously as Tenel Ka relaxed awhile talking
to her old friend. Brukos dropped his smile and continued, “I was just testing you M’lady, seeing if
your memory was as sharp as my own over the incident. When my mother was killed by that pack of
Rancors shortly after my accident, my father and I left Dathomir. My father loved my mother more
than anything in the Galaxy… he was heartbroken by her death. We spent years endlessly traveling he
Galaxy while he wallowed in the grief over losing her. I could not leave him, he had become frail from
his grief…”
Teneneil snorted by Anakin’s ear and whispered, “Knowing Rikos Olissian that frailty probably means
Brukos continued “…Until one day we landed on the third moon of Duro. I will admit openly, since I
know word will eventually come out anyways, my father fell into a ring of gamblers and lost every
single one of our possessions… including our ship Fireflight. Shortly after the thugs took our ship, they
killed my father and literally took the clothes off of his back. Abandoned, and stranded penniless on
Duro’s moon, I hiked up a tall hill and overlooked the sleazy town that seemed to now have become my
home. I continued walking and reached a high peak and sat upon a stone. As the last rays of sunlight
streaked across the horizon, I suddenly found myself blinded. Glancing down, I realized that a tiny
section of stone, uncovered by moss, on top of the mountain seemed to glow with a shimmering
brilliance. I pulled out a small knife, and broke away large sections of moss to find the iridescent stone
seemed to be all over the mountaintop. I chopped off a large chunk of the stone… it was solid
Glyrancythe,” Brukos explained. The reporters collectively inhaled a deep breath well aware that the
tiniest amount of glyrancythe stones fetch astronomical prices on the gem market. Knowing he had the
crowd eating out of his palm, Brukos grinned and continued, “So I chopped off as much as I could fit in
my pockets, replaced the moss and slept on top of the hill to protect my new found treasure. As soon as
the sun rose, I sold the stones, and immediately purchased the mountain and the entire town. After
obtaining more gems, I purchased the moon in its entirety from the unsuspecting Durons. I evicted the
scum who lived there and began my mining operations… That, my dear friend Tiki, is why I could
afford to be here today.”
Nose crinkling at the cutesy term of endearment, Anakin’s stomach began to feel queasy as Brukos
approached Tenel Ka, grabbed her hands in his own and smiled brightly, “I suppose that I am a prince
without a palace of sorts. I spend my days fending off money-hungry women who have zero real
interest in me, all they see are my billions. When I saw this ritual on the holonet and saw your name…
I just knew it to be fate’s hand at work. Who better to be my wife, than a woman who did not need
money herself? And even better yet, the woman I promised to marry so many years ago?”
Thanking the Force, Anakin heard the two-minute warning gong ring throughout the room announcing
that Brukos’ time had finished. Brukos kissed each of Tenel Ka’s hands and then backed away from the
podium, leaving her somewhat befuddled at her throne. He said, simply, “Tiki, I never stopped thinking
about you. Even from when we were children, you were always special to me. The wealth of my moon
will belong to the Hapes Cluster, forever. As you most likely know, only a certain type of planetary
magma produces glyrancythe, and my moon seems to be producing an endless supply of it. Your cluster
will be wealthier than your foremothers could have ever possibly imagined… Just think about it, Tiki.
What I have discovered in my newfound wealth is that money cannot buy happiness. I will gladly give
it all to you… if you will give me your heart again.”
With a deep bow, Tenel Ka’s childhood friend exited the hall. Shaking, Tenel Ka choked, “These
proceedings are officially closed.” With a hurried rush, she dashed out of the room.
Together Teneneil Djo and Anakin stared at Ta’a Chume. The old woman’s face positively glowed as
visions of gemstones danced in her head.
“Wealthier than your foremothers could have ever possibly imagined,” Anakin repeated, dully.
Gloomily he remarked, “I’m officially history.”
Teneneil Djo violently shook the stupefied Jedi’s shoulders. Turning his shocked eyes towards Tenel
Ka’s mother, he met her stony gaze. She whispered to him quickly, “Rickos Olissian was an opportunist
and the largest scumbag who ever walked this Galaxy. It was always believed that he killed Brukos’s
mother, so he could inherit her ship. He fled before the authorities could complete an investigation. On
Dathomir, men own nothing until the women die. Rickos wanted off of that planet badly. Brukos’s
mother used to abuse his father physically. I always pitied the boy in that situation and let him play and
train with Tenel Ka. I think he took a shining to us because we did not fight and were stable as a
family.” Anakin stared in wonder at the Queen’s mother.
Isolder stood at his wife’s side having approached the pair half way through her explanation. Grabbing
Anakin’s shoulder, he said, “Don’t worry about Brukos. And certainly don’t worry about Tenel Ka
falling for him. She loves you… deeply. No amount of wealth that Brukos can offer her would ever
make her willingly leave you for him.”
Teneneil Djo interrupted, “She loves you. And we want her to be happy. You do everything you can to
break this cursed ritual. We will find what we can about Brukos to make sure he is on the level. If he is
not, we are not afraid to expose him. Without a truly viable candidate, I would think that this whole
idiotic ritual should be nulled.”
Crossing his arms, Anakin asked, “And what happens if he’s the real deal? What if there are no
skeletons in his closet, and that he’s truly worthy of her hand?”
Clapping Anakin firmly on the shoulder, Isolder replied, “Then you better damned well make sure that
you’ve found that loophole. We know who should become our son-in-law. As much as we might have
liked Brukos as a kid, you’re the man our daughter wants to be with.”
Anakin watched miserably as Tenel Ka’s parents stood up and left the deflated young Jedi.
“Pardon me, Master Anakin. Is there anything I can do to assist you?” C-3PO asked, not quite certain
of everything that transpired between the three humans.
Launching to his feet, Anakin’s knees popped. Moaning he said, “Yeah, actually there is Threepio.
Fetch me a fresh pot of caff and bring it to my room… I have a long night ahead of me.”
Without waiting for the golden droid to respond, Anakin gathered his dark Jedi robe and stalked out of
the assembly hall. His head still pounded as Brukos’s ridiculous pet name for Tenel Ka circled in his
head. He spat the insipid name out like a curse, “Tiki.”
As he stormed through the halls and wove his way towards his bedroom any of the castle’s staff
wandering the halls immediately fled from the brooding Jedi’s path. Opening his bedroom door, the
thick smell of cleaning solution greeted his nose. He scanned the sparkling clean room and sighed. He
carried his boots to his closet and deposited them on the floor. He noted his clean shirts lined up on the
rod. Glancing out the blackened window at the twinkling stars outside, Anakin watched as an expensive
Helskan cruiser soared up into the atmosphere. Anakin sensed Brukos’s presence aboard the ship. As
the ship cleared the stratosphere, the glowing lights blinked out of existence when it jumped into
hyperspace. Although glad to see the ship leave, his heart sank knowing it would return. Throwing off
his shirt and depositing it and his socks into the laundry bin he gathered his disks and began a long
night of research. Even though Tenel Ka’s childhood friend may possess more wealth than he could
ever imagine to see in his own lifetime, Anakin knew that the most precious item in the Galaxy
belonged to him alone: Tenel Ka’s heart. With the firm support of her parents on his side, that fact made
sleep irrelevant.
Chapter 6
Tenel Ka, numb from shock, impatiently waited for her handmaidens to finish removing her
constricting dress and corset. When the Queen was stripped down to her undergarments, one
handmaiden expertly unwove the intricate coiffeur that rested atop Tenel Ka’s head. As the braids fell
loosely around her shoulders, Tenel Ka removed her crown, handed it to a handmaiden and with a small
word of thanks signaled them to leave.
Trudging into the bathroom, Tenel Ka violently scrubbed off every layer of makeup from her face.
Peering into the mirror, her face screamed bright red from her intense cleansing. Throwing aside a hand
towel, she walked in an emotional fog throughout her room.
Her mind returned to the events of the day as she collapsed backwards onto her bed. Begrudgingly she
had selected several candidates for the Drempitu Ma because she really didn’t have much of a choice in
the matter. Travees Yermott, the Rugana oil heir from Hapes 6 presented himself as the perfect,
pompous idiot. Every tabloid and gossip column selected him as their golden boy for increasing
circulation sales resulting in his handsome face being plastered everywhere. From a personal
standpoint, Tenel Ka found the man physically to be attractive, but believed him to be a vapid and selfindulgent person. However, had she not selected the Galaxy’s most eligible bachelor she would have
tipped her hat as to where her heart truly existed in this whole ritual. She chose him from merely a
publicity standpoint, knowing that her people would be pleased to see a local man in the running.
The next three men managed to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack by several unique
qualities they possessed. Wesset Loorie the fruit heir on Glova presented her, not with jewels, but with
several large baskets of exquisite, fresh fruit that she in turn immediately shared with everyone in the
room. He was humble and unassuming. He was short, leather-tanned, with blond hair bleached nearly
white from hours spent tending to his pastures. Tenel Ka liked his rigorous work ethic and frank
openness. She found nothing physically attractive about Wesset.
Contestant three on her list, Quentiss Relinigow the topaz heir of Ord Mantell was boisterous,
flamboyant and charming in a clumsy way. Sporting a mop of shocking purple hair, Quentiss presented
the Queen with several fine necklaces made from his families mined blue topazes. The ease in which he
merrily chatted about his family and his love of his planet helped Tenel Ka to like the man immediately.
His friendly demeanor promised for several evenings that would not be dull.
The fourth man on her list, Viktrok Arelitu, the Bacta software entrepreneur from Thyferra was a
willowy man who did not smile once during his presentation. Serious to the point of being viewed as
droll, the man’s intellect impregnated the air. Viktrok explained how he discovered a way to predict the
exact lifespan of bacta with his inventive software. He ran a fascinating running monologue about the
computer infrastructure of the Hapes system and how he felt that its performance could be greatly
enhanced. Tenel Ka found absolutely nothing physically attractive about the man, but viewed him as a
wonderful source and ally for helping to enhance the technology of her Cluster. She chose him in hopes
of maintaining a great connection for her system’s computer infrastructure.
Exhaling a deep breath, Tenel Ka rubbed her right palm across her forehead. Brukos Olissian, Tenel Ka
thought. Her palms immediately began to sweat and her heart flopped in her chest as the name from her
far past invaded her conscience. She didn’t quite know what to make of her childhood chum showing
up and presenting himself as a self-made multi-billionaire vying for her hand in marriage. Memories of
them racing through the dangerous forests of Dathomir together surged in her mind. Being an only
child, Tenel Ka often felt as though Brukos was as much a brother as a best friend. She found it difficult
to separate the boy from the man who presented himself before her tonight.
As a young girl on Dathomir, Tenel Ka learned the value of hiding her emotions and intensely studying
the serious and structured life of becoming a Dathomir warrior. Out of her endless hours spent defining
her body and warrior mental techniques, Brukos was always there as her foil and means to escape her
rigorous training schedules. Unlike most boys on her planet, Brukos showed very little fear of women.
Most of the boys would huddle and play together while they were completely ignored by the girls.
Brukos actively pursued Tenel Ka as a playmate from early on. Tenel Ka always excelled at swimming
and Brukos was the only person close to her in age who could beat or match her strength in distance
and time. And once, together they took down a six-foot Dathomirian cobra when they were only eightyear olds.
When he was a child, Brukos had a full head of unruly black hair that constantly flopped into his eyes.
She oftentimes envied his darker skin tone for not burning immediately after the long winter months
unlike her own paler complexion. In their spare time they were inseparable as children. He acted as her
main confidant and the only real outlet for any pleasure in her otherwise rigid life. When he and his
father left Dathomir, Tenel Ka buried her loneliness by training harder. She built a defiant mask around
her persona and let very few people see her true self. It was only when she arrived on Yavin 4 and
became friends with the Solo siblings that she rediscovered the more carefree part of herself that she
had nearly forgotten.
As a feeling of contentment coursed through her body, she fleetingly thought about her friends and
inevitably an image of Anakin sprung forth. Anakin consumed most of her waking thoughts. When
listening to economists prattling endlessly about budgetary issues, she’d usually find herself
daydreaming about Anakin. Just thinking about him caused her heart to flutter and palpitate in joy. He
meant the Galaxy to her she savored his secure and loving presence. She curled her arms across her
waist and hugged herself tightly, as if she could will him into her room, as he had already invaded her
Her closed eyes snapped open. Reaching over to her nightstand she pumped floral scented moisturizer
into her hand and began to massage it over her muscular and shapely legs. Worry lines etched on her
forehead as she recalled Brukos mentioning his endless supply of wealth he would gladly give to the
Hapes Cluster in return for her hand in marriage.
She choked down a lump in her throat, and continued her hands on their circular paths up and down her
legs. Images of recent sessions with her economics advisors entered her mind. After the war with her
Dellaltian neighbors last year, the Hapes Cluster used up a tremendous amount of their reserved
resources in rebuilding after the war. Tenel Ka also gave away monetary gifts to her neighbors, the
Dellaltians, to help them to restore their homeworld as well. Although there was no immediate danger
of the Hapes government going broke, the repairs put a large dent into their cash reserves. The entry
fees for the Drempitu Ma and the gifts the candidates provided would only scratch the surface to help
to replenish the deficit.
Rubbing lotion onto her arms, she felt a burn of bile rising into her throat as she contemplated her
grandmother’s motives in activating this ritual. Before racing out of the hall earlier, Tenel Ka happened
to glimpse Ta’a Chume’s victorious grin that stretched across her wrinkled face. She harbored little
doubt that Ta’a Chume possibly knew about Brukos’s fortune before initiating the Drempitu Ma. She
figured her grandmother most likely believed that Brukos Olissian would be the ideal choice for her
perfect mate simply because of his endless wealth. She also realized that many people in her Cluster
would probably assume the same thing. People who didn’t understand the true meaning of love, always
seemed to equate money with love. The more credits a person possessed, the worthier that person
seemed to be as an ideal choice for a lover. Her gut twisted as she finished lathering her skin. She
didn’t understand how anyone could think in those terms. Pure love was the rarest thing in the Galaxy,
to deny oneself the joy of experiencing it was to deny oneself life.
Launching to her feet, Tenel Ka ambled over to her walk-in closet and flung open the doors. Entering
the large closet she stared at the rows of neatly arranged clothing ranging from rugged apparel (her
leather Dathomirian dress,) to priceless ball gowns, and casual clothing. Planting her fists on her hips
she blew a stray braid from her eyes and knew that she belonged in that upper echelon of society who
didn’t have to worry about money matters. She supposed she could understand why those less fortunate
than herself would gladly chose money over love any day. Dropping onto a soft, cream colored bench,
positioned in the middle of the closet, she absently stared at the northern wall of fashionably
uncomfortable shoes, most of which she would wear only once and never force her cringing toes into
Sighing, she selected her bright blue nightclothes and headed towards the fresher. She released her hair
from her braids, then she savored a hot shower to try to wash away an unclean feeling that piggybacked
itself onto her soul during the course of the day. After drying off and changing into her pajamas, Tenel
Ka walked to her vanity to brush out her hair. She rummaged through her drawer and wrestled to
remove a rounded brush out of the full drawer. As she yanked it out of the drawer, her eyes discovered
a small instrument. She removed the item and lovingly held it between the palms of her hands. It was a
small item designed by Anakin to braid her hair. He invented the small device and gave it to her after
she lost her arm. As she stroked the simple, durabrass casing, she experienced a swell of emotion wash
over her soul, creating a lump to form in her throat. Even as a child, Anakin’s generosity knew no
boundaries. Her eyes wandered to the small holoimage of Anakin that rested on her nightstand. Her
heartbeat surged and a she smiled at his exuberant happy grin that was captured in the image.
She placed the braider back into her drawer and gazed up into her mirror. She stared at her reflection
curiously. A pair of fairly wide-set oval, gray eyes examined her face in exacting detail. Her strong
cheekbones sat atop a sloping, triangular shaped jaw-line. Light eyebrows rested without expression
over her eyes. Her straight nose ended with a unturned lift. She hated her pug-like nose, but Anakin
always called it cute and pert. Tenel Ka thought it mocked her serious nature. She wrestled the brush
through the knots in her hair until it hung like a sheet of wet, molten copper cascading down her back.
Her mind clouded from exhaustion, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to sleep until she talked to
Anakin. Willing to face his notoriously disaster of a room, she raced to her closet selected a pair of
slippers, a robe, and finished covering herself up. She then exited her room. Her two guards fell into
step with her from an unobtrusive distance. She climbed two flights of stairs and hooked a sharp right
down a long hallway, her slippers purposeful clapping echoed off of the marble floors. She stopped at
the last door on the right and pressed herself against the door. Sinking into the Force, she sensed
Anakin stirring inside. Confident that she wouldn’t wake him from his sleep, she knocked.
The beginning traces of a smile froze on her face as the Solo family’s protocol droid, See-Threepio
answered her chimes. Throwing up his metal hands in shock, Threepio exclaimed, “Why your Royal
Highness! What a pleasure to see you. Pardon me for asking, but isn’t it a bit late to be visiting
An exasperated voice called from inside the room, “Threepio, don’t you need to shut down for the
night for your system’s check?”
Waddling around on his feet to face Anakin, Threepio replied, “Why Master Anakin, you are correct.
Are you certain you won’t be needing my further assistance this evening?”
Tenel Ka watched as the towering and shirtless Jedi approached the door and flashed Threepio his
father’s smile and said, “I’m positive.”
“You’ll know where to find me. Goodnight Master Anakin and Queen Mother Tenel Ka,” Threepio
exclaimed as he wandered over to the far corner of the room, sat in a chair and deactivated himself.
Leaning casually against the doorframe, Anakin waited until the droid’s eyes darkened, before he
arched an eyebrow to Tenel Ka and asked, “Is it a crime to murder a droid?”
“In my Cluster? I do not believe such a law exists… No worries about me creating such a law either,”
Tenel Ka replied, eyes filling with merriment.
Flicking a glance down the hall, Anakin spied her two guards facing in the opposite direction of his
door. He recognized Renttu’s bulky form. In a low voice he asked, “Are you sure it’s alright your
coming here, you know, unescorted, and late at night?”
“This is a fact,” Tenel Ka replied. Inquisitively, she asked, “Are you going to invite me in?”
For the briefest of moments Anakin’s heart seized in terror thinking his room was a complete war-zone.
Then he recalled its new cleanliness state and stepped back. Gesturing an arm inside his abode, he said,
“After you, your Highness.”
Tenel Ka’s eyes popped in amazement at the sparkling, clean room. Stepping into the room she
surveyed its extreme cleanliness with utter disbelief. She asked, “I think I am in shock.”
Smirking, Anakin shut the door behind her small form and dug his fist into his side. He said, “Well you
know, Mom always said “cleanliness is close to Forceliness,” my motto’s always been that it’s closer to
impossible.” He laughed as she flashed him a confused glance. Throwing up his hands he said, “Oh
alright, I finally had to admit that Gamorreans live in cleaner conditions than I do and I had a cleaning
team come in today.”
Grinning, Tenel Ka said, “Well your timing could not have been better.” She headed towards a delicate,
antique couch to sit down and noted Anakin’s concerned expression. “What is the matter?”
Folding his arms tightly across his chest, Anakin said, “Oh… nothing. It’s just that I’m always afraid
that if I sit on that thing I’m gonna break it. That’s why it’s usually used that furniture as coat racks.”
Staring at the small and fragile furniture, Tenel Ka sighed and said, “Why did you not mention that to
me? Of course this is completely inadequate. I will order you new furniture for your room… no
objections, Queen’s orders.”
Flashing her a roguish smile, Anakin replied, “Well then I guess I can’t say no to that, now can I?”
Tenel Ka attempted to wiggle her eyebrows seductively, yet she succeeded in appearing surprised.
Anakin chuckled as Tenel Ka moved around the furniture and crawled up onto his bed and flaked out
on her back on top of his silky comforter. Anakin stretched out along side her on his right side, and
propped his head up with his palm. Softly, he asked, “How are you?”
Turning her head to the left, she stared into Anakin’s expressive, blue eyes and said, “I have been
better. Today was a nightmare for me.”
Anakin gently picked up her left hand in his left hand and they laced their fingers together. He replied,
“You did a great job of maintaining your composure throughout most of the thing… well until the end
that is.”
Studying Anakin closely, Tenel Ka searched for a shred of nervousness or jealousy in his eyes. Finding
none, she said, “I did not expect Brukos to show up at this, I will tell you that for certain. His
resurfacing after so many years really shocked me.”
Clearing his throat, Anakin asked, “And how does that make you feel?”
“What do you mean?” Tenel Ka replied.
Lightly swaying their arms, Anakin asked, “Are you happy to see him? Did you feel guilty?”
“Guilty??” Tenel Ka asked, clearly confused.
“Well, he did say you broke his nose before he left,” Anakin said, smiling softly.
“Oh that. He fell off of my mother’s rancor. It was not my fault he broke his nose,” Tenel Ka said.
Anakin appeared skeptical. Narrowing her brows she asked, “What? Do you not believe me?”
Lips curling into an “I-know-better-than-to-argue-with-you” grin, Anakin said, “Hey, I’m on your side.
If you say that you didn’t shove him off of that Rancor, I believe you.”
Rolling over, Tenel Ka slapped Anakin’s shoulder playfully. She collapsed again on the bed giggling.
Quickly sobering, Tenel Ka gazed into Anakin’s eyes and asked, “Why can it not just be like this? It is
only one day into this ritual and I am already feeling like a fugitive in my own Palace. I need to skulk
around in the dead of night just to see you.”
“Well there is a way…”
“Did you find something?” Tenel Ka asked, hopefully.
Sighing, Anakin replied, “I just finished another history and there wasn’t anything in there. No, I was
meaning you could just break off this whole thing. Maybe the people in your Cluster would be upset
with you, but it IS your prerogative and right to end this thing, right?”
Deflating off of her temporary high, Tenel Ka picked up the edge of the sash on her robe and absently
began twirling it in circles. She said, “That would seem like an easy solution. The problem is that once
a ritual has begun, if a Queen decides to change the rules, it needs to go through four court of appeals.
By the time I got the change initiated, it would be over. Believe it or not, I cannot just wave my hand
and make things happen. Just because I am Queen, does not mean I am all-powerful, the bureaucrats
still have their says in all matters of laws. If I had been Queen longer… maybe I could have known a
better way to circumvent the red tape to expedite a change in law request...but I am still new to this
position and do not need to jeopardize my reign in any way.”
“You’re not worried about your own personal safety are you? You are a skilled and trained Jedi Knight.
I highly doubt an assassin would manage to get to you,” Anakin replied. Sniffing he added, “I’d just
like to see him try pulling a fast one over you.”
Shoving aside a streaking tear trail from her face, Tenel Ka said, “I am not worried about my own
safety. I… I do not know… wait…” Anakin waited patiently while Tenel Ka formed her thoughts. She
finally said, “I already started my reign on a bad foot when I was Acting Queen. All I wanted was to try
and cleanse myself of my past digressions. I know it really should not matter to me what the Hapan
people think of me, but I want to do right by them. I want to be a just ruler, and I want them to know
that I have their best interests at heart. How can I do that if I simply up and ignore Hapan customs on a
whim? I will be perceived as wishy-washy if I just backpedal out of decisions I make.”
“And there’s really no one else who could take your place?” Anakin inquired.
Exhaling a deep breath, Tenel Ka replied, “Let us just say that she would be unacceptable as a Queen.”
Scrutinizing Tenel Ka closely, Anakin said, “Go on…”
“My grandmother had a half-brother, Roark who has a daughter Nastya. My cousin is a self-serving,
manipulative girl. She’s as mean as she is stupid. I would sooner cut off both of my arms than ever
hand her the crown. She is worse than my grandmother,” Tenel Ka replied, passionately.
Aankin cringed and said, “Ok, that sounds like a very bad idea. Well then I guess I’ll need to just read
faster and find that way for us to get you out of this mess, quickly and legally.”
Staring into her cloudy eyes, Anakin watched as Tenel Ka forced a smile. Clasping his hand tightly she
said, “I know you will, sweetheart.” The tensions of the day finally crashed onto Tenel Ka’s soul like a
wave relentlessly pummeling a rock. She rolled against Anakin, clung to him tightly, and sobbed.
Protectively engulfing her with large arms, Anakin held Tenel Ka wordlessly and allowed her to cry out
her frustrations.
As Anakin’s arms hugged her tightly, Tenel Ka realized that from the men she chose for the Drempitu
Ma, each possessed a single quality that put together made Anakin; good looks, earnestness, a great
sense of humor, intelligence, and loyal friendship. All of those five qualities combined with unlimited
compassion and love completed the man she loved. She sensed Anakin’s fingers softly weaving
through her drying loose hair, massaging her scalp. And as she inhaled his rich, comforting, masculine
scent Tenel Ka sobbed harder as the impossibilities of situation only promised to tear her apart from her
beloved. Digging her fingers tightly into Anakin’s skin, she asked, “Why can I not be a normal person
and live a normal life?”
Rubbing his fingers gently down her spine Anakin said, “I don’t know. Unfortunately, it seems that it’s
your destiny to travel this path.”
“It is only my destiny because my selfish, horrible grandmother decided to shove me down this road,”
Tenel Ka sulked.
“Trust me, I’m not saying I like it any better than you. I hate to think of what will happen… well… it
won’t so I’m not even going to think of that,” Anakin replied, nestling his chin into her damp hair.
Narrowing her eyes, Tenel Ka sniffled and said, “Maybe this path was laid out for a reason, not just for
me but for you as well.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you were uncertain if you wanted the responsibilities, or lack there-of I should say, of becoming
a Hapan Prince. With that option having been taken away it has forced you to realize what you want in
life,” Tenel Ka stated and shifted her head so she could meet his eyes.
“Right, I suppose. But what good is that going to do if we can’t be together? Won’t that only make us
more miserable?” Anakin replied, as his frustration continued to build.
“This is a fact. But I think we need to seek out the positive to help keep us motivated,” Tenel Ka said.
“My love for you is enough to keep me motivated. I was working before you came in here…”
“Thank you, Anakin. I know you were. What I was saying is my grandmother seems to think that we
will both just give up and let this event control our lives and allow it to break us apart. She does not
realize that all it has succeeded in doing is make us work that much harder at finding a way out of it. I
think she knew Brukos would enter this event and that by my seeing my old childhood friend I would
see that there was a bright side to this whole mess and I would gratefully cling to him and his wealth,”
Tenel Ka said, excitedly, her tears all but forgotten. “My grandmother has never really loved anything
or anyone in her whole life. She does not understand the power of love. As long as we stay true to
ourselves and what is in our hearts then nothing will come between us. Our greatest weapon against
this loveless ritual is love itself.”
Furrowing his brows in confusion, Anakin thought about what she said. He replied, “True. So what we
would need to do then is to make her think that this thing is working. How are we going to do that? I’m
not leaving you.”
“I do not want you to leave me either, I need you,” Tenel Ka emphatically replied. “I will feign extreme
interest in the contestants, she will think that I have had a turn of heart.”
“You have to be very careful there, Tenel Ka. That might work for the first four guys you picked, but I
wouldn’t do that with Brukos. He seems to genuinely care about you. It would be cruel to lead him on,”
Anakin stated, hating every word spoken. He would have loved nothing better than to see that rich
childhood chum of hers get his heart stomped on.
“Do not worry, I can handle Brukos,” Tenel Ka replied confidently.
“What was that thing he said about that he was going to marry you one day?” Anakin asked, not
remembering Brukos’s exact words.
After a few silent moments, Tenel Ka shook her head and said, “I do not remember what he was talking
about. I assume he will remind me. As I said, do not worry about him. I love you and we will get out of
this together.”
“Damn straight we will,” Anakin responded with a lopsided smile. His confidence earned him a large
smile. Snuggling deeply against Anakin’s chest, Tenel Ka yawned and as she concentrated on the gentle
rise and fall of Anakin’s breathing, her exhaustion of the day overcame her and she drifted off to sleep.
After a few failed attempts to wake up the restful Queen. Anakin gentle extracted himself from her
arms. He raked his fingers through his dark hair and then lightly cradled Tenel Ka in his arms. He
glided out of his room and down the hall. The two guards immediately shocked at the sight of her limp
form. Renttu’s disapproving gaze lingered on Anakin’s half dressed appearance. Anakin flashed the
nosy guard a dirty look, lifted his chin and wove his way through the Palace halls towards the Queen’s
chambers. Commanding the door open with the Force, he carried Tenel Ka to her bed. He placed her on
top of her bed and delicately brushed aside some of her titian hair that fell across her face. He then
wrapped her comforter around her and gently stroked her cheek. He whispered, “Goodnight baby.
Sweet dreams.”
Turning he walked towards the still open door and saw Renttu gawking openly at his every move. As
he exited the door and shut it behind him, Anakin towered over the guard and snarled, “Try taking a
holoimage next time, it’ll last longer.”
A sly grin formed across the smug guard’s face. Renttu tried to hold his ground but stepped back as
Anakin’s intimidating presence invaded his personal space. He squeaked, “Maybe next time I will.”
Jabbing his finger in Renttu’s face, Anakin snarled, “You won’t if you know what’s good for you.”
“Really, or what? You gonna kill me? You gonna tell her Highness and have me fired?” Renttu asked.
Sneering, Anakin replied, “Lucky for you, Jedi don’t kill out of revenge. Trust me, if you think of doing
anything to hurt the Queen’s reputation in anyway…you will regret it.” Leaving the threat hanging in
the air, Anakin trod down the hall towards his quarters and never looked back.
Once the tall Jedi had vacated the area, Renttu glared down the empty corridor and smugly ground his
teeth together. Inwardly he warned, No, you got that wrong, Solo. You will regret that you ever hassled
Chapter 7
Shucking off his dark cloak, Brukos entered the main hallway of his mansion on his moon of Olissia.
The immense structure, built when he sixteen, was an architectural nightmare that combined style
influences from over seven different inter-galactic species movements in architectural design. The
young, and naïve Brukos had hoped the odd shaped building, consisting of spires, elongated porches,
six different styles of roofs would help make him appear sophisticated and well traveled. Most who
viewed his home thought it gaudy and a monstrosity of marble creation. Brukos, the boy from the
jungles of Dathomir, just adored his home and shrugged off anyone who openly criticized its unique
TC-4D4 gathered her Master’s cloak and asked, “Is there anything I can get for you, Master Brukos?”
“No, 4D4. I’m fine. Thank you,” Brukos replied, good-naturedly. The protocol droid clattered off down
the marble hallway to put her master’s cloak away.
Ambling through his hallways lined with large, expensive paintings Brukos remembered the events of
the day, and his encounter with the now Queen Mother Tenel Ka. Until a year or so ago, he’d been
unable to learn much about his childhood friend. He’d heard rumors that she had been training as a Jedi
Knight, but never really found out much beyond that. From early on he knew that her heritage was
something incredible beyond just being a Dathomirian warrior. While growing up her family hid their
secrets well. When he read that she was the heir to the throne of Hapes, he nearly fell off of his chair in
shock. As a young boy he idolized, and adored Tenel Ka completely. He would have died for her if the
need arose. She existed as a single bright light that shined outside of his dark home life. Even as a small
child he cherished her with every ounce of his heart. From his very early years he often dreamed of
running away with Tenel Ka, escaping his own troubled family and starting a fresh new life with his
best friend. He even dreamed of marrying her and often told her that he planned to make her his wife
one day. All throughout his lonely years aimlessly traveling the Galaxy with his father, Brukos hoped to
one day be united with his best friend from his past. He could hardly contain his excitement that his
dream had reached fruition.
Brukos paused in his wanderings and entered his militia room. Turning on the lights, the room
illuminated twenty-six duraglass cases, that lined the side walls, containing complete uniforms from
warriors, and military officers from all over the Galaxy’s colored past. On the far northern end of the
room contained a vast collection of weapons that covered the wall from floor to ceiling. They were
categorized by species and by the sectors of the Galaxy from where they were acquired. Brukos briefly
inspected the costumes, each completely authentic. He spared no expense to purchase the smallest
detail, from buttons, to sashes, to authentic leather belts. He prided himself on the fact that not one
piece on his costumes were reproductions. He studied his three ranking levels of Imperial’s uniforms,
General, Admiral, and Corporal. Each were from two different decades of the Empire’s reign. Although
personally he detested the Empire and the havoc that the Emperor wrecked on the Galaxy, he admired
the crisp, clean lines of the Imperial’s gray, monotone uniforms.
His boots echoed in the chamber as he meandered towards his clonetrooper, and stormtrooper armored
uniforms. Both gleamed white with the occasional scuff marks of authenticity from use. For the sake of
his own personal amusement he tried on the stormtrooper armor before setting up his display and he
cringed at the heft of the metal plating. He found the helmet completely claustrophobic and after a few
moments had to remove it as he resisted the urge to hyperventilate. Shaking his head at his own
foolishness, Brukos examined his ultimate prize uniform: the Emperor’s Royal Guard. Very few men
ever reached the status of holding the post as the Emperor’s personal guard, and even fewer of their
bright red uniforms survived from the last days of the Empire, since many were destroyed on the
second Death Star. This completed uniform, only one of three known to exist in the Galaxy, cost him
dearly and it was worth every penny. He turned away from the Imperial costumes and examined a few
more tribal warrior costumes, Gamorrean armor, Mandolorian trooper uniform, and an old Republic
Era Jedi Knight uniform. He sighed as he stared at the cream colored shirt and tan pants. This costume
was nearly complete, only missing an Old Republic Era lightsaber.
A part of him recognized that his expensive collections tried to fulfill the emotional holes in his life
from having no family or close friends. He’d read enough psycho-babble propaganda to recognize the
root of his compulsive, collective needs. He didn’t really care because his collecting pleased him to no
end, and he gained immeasurable pleasure in viewing his prized possessions. He only wished he had
someone he could show them off to who would actually appreciate them as much as himself. Many of
the women he dated would cringe at his armory and declare his walls of weapons as barbaric. Either
that, or they’d just try to explore the rest of his mansion in search for things they more readily
associated with great wealth. He knew Tenel Ka was a warrior by training and instinctively he believed
that she would find his assembly of artifacts fascinating, particularly the Jedi Knight uniform. He
coughed and exited his collection without gazing over his weapon collection as his thirst begged
Brukos stepped into his office and absently stared at the walls. Covered in prize stuffed heads of
vicious predators from all over the Galaxy, his dark study existed as a monument to masculine bravado.
The overstuffed, top-grade, Nerf leather furniture scented the air, as primitive earth-toned, handwoven,
Dantooinian rugs covered the polished wooden floors. He picked up a crystal decanter of Correllian
brandy and poured a slug into a glass. Planting his left palm on his hip, he swished the liquid in his
glass, allowing the alcohol to breathe and caused its heavy scent to permeate the air. As he gazed at
each of the lifeless heads roaring in silent protest to their untimely deaths, he smiled. Each head
represented a different adventure that whisked him to opposite ends of the Galaxy. Oftentimes he
consorted with individuals who widely skirted the boundaries of the law in order to hunt for his prizes.
Brukos didn’t really care. Money could buy anything. He drank a swallow of the brandy. The liquid
burned his throat and nose as he consumed the alcohol. He only drank to calm his nerves or to help him
fall asleep. He never over-indulged, knowing all too well the effects drunkenness could wreck upon a
person’s life.
Turning away from his wall of trophies he collapsed on one of his comfortable couches and replayed
his meeting with Tenel Ka in his mind. Throughout the day as he watched Tenel Ka enduring the
proceedings with utter boredom on the holovision. Dressed up in her ornate, uncomfortable looking
Queenly outfit, Brukos barely recognized any traces of his Tiki. The only real clue that she lurked
under all of that facial paint and layers of clothing was the way she chewed on her lower lip. Since as
long as he knew Tenel Ka she masked her emotions brilliantly. However, he learned her subtle gestures
that belied her true feelings. Chewing on her lower lip always indicated that she was sad or upset. He
had no doubt that she found little appealing about any of the other contestants. Tiki always resented
being told what to do. That part of her personality always captivated him about his red-haired friend.
Long ago when they were kids, he told her that as a way of showing how deeply he cared for her that
he would capture an elusive Dathomirian Night Lizard. He had delighted when she excitedly shouted
his name and recognized his gift during the day’s proceedings. The entire day a twinge of nervousness
had gnawed in his belly as he wondered if she would even remember him from her past. Throwing
back his head and sighing, he grinned realizing that his fears were groundless. He smiled foolishly as
he remembered the way her eyes traveled up and down his body upon first introduction. He got the
distinct impression that she liked how he’d turned out.
He set his glass down on a table and unbuttoned his constricting sleeves and neckline. He kicked off his
boots and let them thump onto the floor. As the brandy began to cloud his thoughts, echoes from the
past swam in his mind. Visions of his parents bitterly feuding and his racing out of his house in the
middle of the night to escape their alcohol induced battles, surfaced. Tiki would fling open her window
and allowed him refuge on the floor next to her bed. As he lay on the floor, eyes wide with terror, Tiki
would calmly run her fingers through his hair to help calm him down. Brukos would awake to the
delicious aromas of eggs and sausages. Teneneil Djo always waited in her kitchen with an extra seat at
the table already set out for him to join them at their breakfast. He adored Tiki’s mother. Although she
was stern and serious, she always made room for the distraught boy in her home and never questioned
his frequent appearances. He always assumed that Teneneil Djo liked him but despised his parents.
Brukos envied Tenel Ka for her loving, wonderful family. His family life had been far from perfect.
Earlier this evening he told the reporters that his father loved his mother and wept for her passing. He
knew that Tiki would never contradict his tiny lie. His father had been too delighted to leave Dathomir.
He hated living on that planet and being treated as a second class citizen on his own homeworld. His
mother’s ashes hadn’t even finished smoking when they shot off into hyperspace, his father wished
only to get as far away from Dathomir as possible.
Recalling the day when his father lost their possessions, Brukos, then fifteen, had already learned to be
self-reliant. His heart had already hardened to a certain degree as his father invited the worse scum into
their lives with his alcoholism and gambling. Back while living on Dathomir his training with Tenel Ka
had helped to make Brukos proficient with knives and hand weapons to defend himself against anyone
who fixated their unwanted attention in his direction. By twelve he finally sprouted over five feet and
had begun to work out. Although still small, he started inflicting physical damage on those who jumped
him, challenged him to fights, or questioned his father’s honor. He studied the teachings of many
warring cultures for new ways to keep himself and his father safe from those seeking their occasionally
At thirteen he killed for the first time.
On Coruscant, his father drunkenly wagered a large amount on an underdog racer in an underground
podrace. When his chosen pilot crashed on the first lap of the course, Brukos dragged his father out of
the stadium, straight into the waiting arms of his Gotal bookie. The gray, shaggy-furred, humanoid
pointed his two large conical horns at the retreating father and son and growled in basic for them to pay
up as he sighted his blaster square into the center of Rickos’s forehead. Brukos leapt, grabbed the alien
by the horns and twisted in the air. Unhooking a knife from his belt, he rammed it into the base of the
alien’s skull a split second before the Gotal could trigger a shot at point blank range into his father’s
head. As the creature fell over dead his shot rang wild. Brukos cleaned the knife off on the bookie’s
tunic, grabbed the still smoking blaster and vacated the premises. His father beamed drunkenly in pride.
Taking another long swallow of his brandy, Brukos’s remembered how his stomach churned and he
spent the entire night on their ship vomiting from guilt. He still occasionally had nightmares over the
incident. He felt even worse about his actions because no one questioned their rapid departure from the
planet, nor in the months following the death did it appear that the authorities had any interest in
seeking the Gotal’s killer. Thankfully he had not killed another humanoid or human since that one time.
As his eyes lingered on his stuffed prizes he knew that hunting monsters was different than killing
humans. He did not hunt because he enjoyed killing living creatures, the animals taught him to heighten
his battle instincts. Plus he liked the hunts as they were oftentimes impersonal and he didn’t have to
spend a lot of time around others, making small talk. Although his life was now secure the drive to stay
battle-ready remained in his soul. He physically exercised his demons from his past.
As much as he loathed his pitifully, indulgent father, Brukos couldn’t imagine abandoning his old man
while he was still alive. He despised his father’s weakness for hard liquor and gambling away every
last credit he possessed that didn’t end up going towards booze or fuel. Rickos Olissian was the only
family Brukos had left in the Galaxy. It wasn’t until his father bet the ship and then was killed in front
of Brukos that he finally found a strange freedom in life. He was free to become his own man. As he sat
on his couch he enjoyed the luxuries his fortune had afforded him in his life. An annoying buzz cut
through his musings and he launched himself off of his couch. Sitting behind his desk, he answered the
hail on his holoimager.
Before the receiving image completely materialized he said, “Hello, Ban.”
From the other end, a perturbed appearing, wiry man stared back at Brukos. With controlled fury he
stated, “Are you MAD?”
Sighing, Brukos pinched the bridge of his nose as his accountant’s nasal voice echoed in his head.
Brukos scratched his bald head and said, “You know it IS my moon. I can do with it whatever I see fit.”
“So is that it? You worked to become one of the wealthiest men in the Galaxy, just to give it all to the
first royal trollop who wanted to dip into your credit account?” Ban asked, incredulously.
Fury marred Brukos’s face as he spat, “Watch your mouth, Ban. Tenel Ka is not like that!”
Crossing his arms in front of his chest, the blond man, prissily pursed his lips together and arched a
brow. He asked, “Really. Then why is this generous Queen who reigns over one of the richest Clusters
in the Galaxy seeking to further increase her fortune from the wealthiest men in the Galaxy?”
“How should I know? Maybe it is as her Grandmother had said that she just never had the time to meet
the right guys. All I know is that Tenel Ka couldn’t care less about money,” Brukos replied.
Ban glared at his boss in confusion. Shaking his head he squeaked, “If that is the case, WHY did you
offer her Olissia?”
Brukos felt his mouth slacken as any real argument escaped his mind. Ban, the Galaxies greatest
manipulator of conversations, again managed to entrap Brukos with his own words. Sensing his
opportunity to further badger his superior, Ban exclaimed, “I still don’t know why you are so set on
this. She’s clearly not interested in finding a mate. I think this thing was thrust upon her and she’s doing
it because she doesn’t have a choice in the matter.”
Glaring, Brukos replied, “And how did you come to that brilliant deduction?”
“She’s in love with that bodyguard of hers… what’s his name? Oh yes, Solo, Anakin Solo,” Ban said,
emphasizing the name. Brukos boiled in growing annoyance. Ban continued his needling, “You know
that Jedi Knight saved her life a while ago? Son of the infamous General Han Solo and Former Chief of
State Leia Organa Solo? Brother-in-law of Branwen? Nephew to Luke-Force-loving-Skywalker???
Everyone’s all agog that they’re secret lovers, can you blame the girl for going after a guy with a
pedigree like that?”
“You read way too many tabloids, Ban,” Brukos snickered. He said, “I’ve known Tiki for a long time. I
know how her mind ticks. She would never do anything she didn’t want to – nobody can force her to
do anything. If she really does hate this ritual, then I should have nothing to worry about. I’ll be a
breath of fresh air, compared to all of the other pompous fools who entered the Drempitu Ma along
with me. I’m certain of victory.”
“Unless she’s in love with her Jedi friend,” Ban retorted, coolly.
“Well he didn’t enter the competition, so I’m guessing the rumors are wrong. Any man who truly loved
her would’ve entered the competition,” Brukos replied, confidently.
“I just think it is unwise of you to get your hopes up too high. And I think you should also cease with
your talks about giving her all of Olissia… you don’t want to appear… desperate… now do you?
Women detest the stink of desperation in men, they find the odor offensive,” Ban reported, flashing him
a smirk.
“Oh, don’t worry, Ban. I was just making sure I got her fullest attention. You don’t need to worry,
Olissia will always line your pockets with plenty of credits. Goodnight,” Brukos said and cut off his
signal before Ban could reply.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkened room after the bright holovid evaporated, Brukos’s stomach
churned with uncertainty. He muttered, “Ban can’t be right. If that Jedi did really love her, he would
have entered the competition.” Nonplussed he stood, stretched, and wandered over to the couch.
Picking up his boots he headed for bed and planned to dream of his new future with his Tiki.
The next morning, Ta’a Chume glared impatiently at her holo-emitter. Minutes ticked by and finally a
disheveled red-haired woman answered the call. Frowning, Mara Jade-Skywalker greeted the former
Queen Mother civilly, “Ta’a Chume. What can I do for you?”
Staring down her nose, the former Queen sniffed, “I have no need for your services. I need to speak to
your husband.”
Mara fumed at the insolent woman. A pair of large hands grabbed her shoulders. Luke whispered into
her ear and Mara shot the former Hapan Matriarch an icy glare and stalked away from the holo-emitter
to check on her laundry.
“What can I do for you, Ta’a Chume?” Luke asked, running his fingers through his sandy colored hair.
A thin smile etched across the old woman’s face. She said, “You don’t spare pleasantries, get right to
the point. I like that.”
Luke stared impassively at the screen and folded his arms across his chest. He replied, “Well I’m sure
you are busy, and I don’t want to waste any of your precious time, your Highness.”
“I was wondering how things are going in the Galaxy,” the Queen asked.
Chewing his lower lip in confusion, Luke asked, “You called to ask me…”
“What I mean to ask is, I’m sure that there are pressing matters in the Galaxy that required a skillful
Jedi Knight to attend to,” Ta’a Chume asked, innocently.
Understanding dawned on Luke. He scratched his chin and studied his ceiling dramatically for a few
moments and sighed deeply. He clucked his tongue and said, “Things are actually quite peaceful in the
Galaxy. My Jedis are all accounted for and working exactly where they are needed most.”
Fury broke like an unstoppable wave over Ta’a Chume’s face. She loomed into the holo-emitter and
seethed, “We no longer require the assistance of Anakin Solo here in the Hapes Cluster.”
Raising his eyebrows quizzically, Luke said, “Oh, I don’t know about that. The Dellaltians trust Anakin
and prefer to interact with him regarding matters of diplomacy. Dellalt is still under reconstruction
according to Anakin’s recent reports. I believe it would be ill-advised to remove him while your newest
treaty is still freshly signed with your neighbors.”
Pursing her lips, Ta’a Chume said between clenched teeth, “I want him gone from here!”
Smiling brightly, Luke replied, “Well luckily, I don’t have to do anything you request as you are no
longer Queen. Even if Queen Mother Tenel Ka requests this same request, I’ll still refuse it. It is
Anakin’s decision to stay or leave, I really have no say in the matter.”
Spewing a line of obscenities that would have made a hardened Sabbacc player blush, Ta’a Chume
angrily severed her link with Luke. In his apartment, Luke chuckled. He decided not to warn Anakin,
knowing that his nephew was probably already on heightened alert status around the former Queen.
Back on Hapes, Ta’a Chume sat in her bedroom fuming at the obstinate Jedi Master. Before calling she
knew the chances of Luke actually agreeing were practically non-existent, but she certainly hoped to
have succeeded. She picked up a datapad and read over the biographies of the five men on Tenel Ka’s
short list. She clicked to a file of Brukos and activated a holo-image of the young man. She admitted
that the man wouldn’t contribute much genetically to the gene pool in her family. He was hopelessly
plain and unattractive. Whatever he lacked in his physical appearance was more than made up for by
the net worth of Olissia. As a thin smile crested on her lips she said, “He could be green with eighteen
toes and I wouldn’t care… as long as Hapes gets his fortune… Lucky for you Tenel Ka, your old friend
isn’t that bad to look at. You two will make very wealthy babies together.”
She threw down the datapad and let her mind lingered again on the problem of Anakin Solo. Her mind
drew a blank on how to extinguish the Jedi from her granddaughter’s life. She knew killing him would
draw unwanted attention. She glanced over to her personal holo-message machine and noted it
blinking. Flicking on the message a smile crept over her dry lips as the image or Renttu flashed onto
the screen.
He said, “My Queen, I have the images you requested and have sent them, per your instructions.”
The image darkened. Excitedly, Ta’a Chume activated her computer terminal and connected her holoprojector. From her personal, secret file, Ta’a Chume activated the images sent to her by her informant.
She watched as a bare-shirted Anakin Solo carried her granddaughter out of his bedroom and down the
hall. Taken by a small can hidden in the folds of Renttu’s headdress, the shaky image followed Anakin
as he carried the new Queen into her bedroom. Leaving door open, Anakin later emerged into the
hallway and glared at her informant. Ta’a Chume paid close attention to their dicey conversation:
“Try taking a holoimage next time, it’ll last longer,” Anakin said.
Renttu squeaked, “Maybe next time I will.”
Jabbing his finger in Renttu’s face, Anakin loomed into the camera lens and snarled, “You won’t if you
know what’s good for you.”
“Really, or what? You gonna kill me? You gonna tell her Highness and have me fired?” Renttu asked.
Sneering, Anakin replied, “Lucky for you, Jedi don’t kill out of revenge. Trust me, if you think of doing
anything to hurt the Queen’s reputation in anyway…you will regret it.”
Sinking back into her chair, Ta’a Chume tapped her index fingernail against her front teeth. She turned
off the video and saved the file, locking it safely away for future consideration. The beginnings of a
slight grin tugged on the corners of her mouth as an answer to her question began to take shape. She
said, “Perhaps you will be of some use to me yet, Anakin Solo… perhaps.”
Chapter 8
The top five candidate’s names for the Drempitu Ma were randomly selected to decide the order in
which the gentlemen would date the Queen. They came up as: Quentiss Relinigow the topaz heir of
Ord Mantell, Wesset Loorie plantiana fruit heir of Glova, Viktrok Arelitu the computer software
entrepreneur, Brukos, and finally local playboy Travees Yermott.
The candidates were required to submit complete itineraries for their planned evenings with the Queen.
The locations were scouted and swept by Royal Hapan Security details, led by Anakin, to eliminate any
possible security breeches prior to the Queen’s meeting with the candidate. Realizing that he couldn’t
accompany Tenel Ka on her dates, Anakin felt a little better knowing he could at least verify the safety
of the places she would be visiting. Anakin worked with the candidate’s security staffs to make sure
that holovid cameras were positioned strategically all over the establishment, so the Queen’s every
action could be recorded in vivid detail. These images served, not only as a means for the public to spy
on the date, but for the Royal Hapan Guard to observe and protect the Queen. Each first round date
would be dinner and an invitation of the Queen to visit the homes of each of the top candidates.
A heavily armed convoy of disk-shaped, Dragon class Hapan Destroyers guarded the Queen’s sleek
Royal Yacht as she traveled deep into the Jewel Sector of the Galaxy towards Ord Mantell. Although
the planet was often best known as a refuge for people wishing to hide from the law, the planet boasted
a large, secure, wealthy sector. As the Queen’s Royal Yacht descended out of the clouds, Quentiss’
magnificent palace appeared on the skyline. Surrounded by lush, green hills, the domed mansion sat far
away from the bustle of the rest of the planet. Tenel Ka found the structure to be beautiful, as its rich
russet colors helped the building to blend into the natural surroundings.
The flamboyant topaz heir planned a grandly extravagant evening at his home, complete with live
entertainment. Tenel Ka was led into a grand ballroom and spent the evening savoring the delectable
meal and enjoying the jazzy tunes of a quartet of green skinned, Ishi Tib’s on wind instruments and a
three-eyed Gran on percussion. However entertaining and festive the atmosphere, the jovial, purplehaired, Quentiss failed to earn more than a few somber nods from the Queen Mother at his many
attempts at cracking jokes. Although she found the entertainment to be pleasurable, she frustratingly
failed to understand her host’s heavy handed approach to humor. She found herself longing for Jacen’s
corny jokes, those at least she could fake comprehending. By early in the evening an unsettling silence
rested in the air as they failed to find any common ground to stand upon. Rising to her feet the Queen
graciously thanked her host for a lovely evening and left to return to Hapes.
When later interviewed on the holonet, the round faced man said, “The Queen Mother appears to have
no sense of humor at all. I simply could never live with someone as droll and dreary as she. I am
therefore withdrawing from the competition.” The tabloids tried to make more out of the failed
evening, inciting that Tenel Ka held some unchecked prejudice towards Ord Matell. Failing to rise to
the bait, Tenel Ka released a simple statement that indicated that they had incompatible personalities,
and that she wished nothing but the best for the former candidate.
Three days later, the convoy of Hapan cruisers embarked for Glova. The once mining world now
thrived as an agricultural planet. Wesset Loorie’s family was among some of the first farmers on Glova
and were the leading supplier of sweet, native plantiana fruit all over the galaxy. The heightened ph
levels in the low acidic soil, combined with a constant dusting of nutrient rich, volcanic ash made
Glova the only planet suitable for the growth of the delicate plantianas. Having cornered the market on
the on the delicious treat, Loorie’s forefathers became wealthy. Their wealth further inflated as
herbologists discovered hidden healing powers in the fruit. Demand skyrocketed across the Galaxy, as
did their pocketbooks.
Upon landing on the planet, Tenel Ka was lead into the cavernous belly of an AT-AT. There Wesset
greeted her kindly and on board the large walking transport, they traveled around his family’s property.
Wesset nervously ran his fingers through his blond hair and provided her with a running commentary of
the history of the planet and of the crop cycles. The large terrain transport had it’s sides retrofitted with
glass paned windows so Tenel Ka could observe the view of the planet. She noted that as they passed
through the plantiana fields, workers straightened their bent backs and happily waved to their boss.
Wesset commented that many of the people working for him were former slaves of the Empire. He paid
them twice the going rate for agricultural jobs, and provided them housing and food. His workers were
more than happy to stay loyal to their generous employer.
The AT-AT walked them back towards the Loorie plantation home. Built on stilts, the large, single story
wooden home overlooked the vast plantiana fields and was surrounded by lush tropical trees that
created a calming and exotic setting. Tenel Ka exited the metal craft along with Wesset and onto a large
deck that traveled towards a single story, sprawling mansion. The Loorie home, decorated in lush
tropical fabrics helped Tenel Ka to relax. The heaviness of the humid air combined with the cries of the
exotic bird-life outside, reminded her of her home on Dathomir.
They enjoyed a quiet dinner and conversation. Tenel Ka judged by the plantation owner’s leathery skin
that he not only provided for his workers, but helped with the harvests. He was a simple man who
happened to be very wealthy. That fact made Tenel Ka realize that she could not let the man win the
competition. As her ship glided through the atmosphere after ending the evening amicably, she
instinctively knew that Wesset would never enjoy a life off of his planet and away from the life he
loved. She did decide to hold off on immediately taking him off of the list of Drempitu Ma candidates
though. He was a pleasant man and she realized if she kept him in the running, she could extend the
length of the ritual, giving Anakin more time to complete his research.
The videos of the date played across the Galaxy left most of the Hapans unimpressed with the quiet,
and dull farmer. Although polls admitted they liked Wesset it was unanimously agreed that he shared
zero chemistry with the Queen Mother. Political analysts openly wondered at the Queen’s decision to
keep him in the race. Tenel Ka’s heart seized when one of the more respected broadcasts speculated she
kept him in as a stalling tactic, because it was the reporters opinion that the Queen seemed overall
unimpressed and disinterested in the entire ritual. She relaxed as the co-anchor flashed a photo of
Brukos and countered that the Queen was most likely just holding out until she got her first meeting
with her childhood friend.
For her third date Viktrok Arelitu invited the Queen to visit his state of the art computer facility on
Thyferra. His homeworld was the Galaxy’s provider of Bacta. While working in the labs at a local
refinery, Viktrok created a software system that accurately calculated the life expectancy for the life
giving substance. By entering in the data of the patients medical problems, the program accurately
extrapolated how long the substance would still remain viable in the tanks. Prior to his software,
medics could only guess. Viktrok’s software brought forth a revolution in the medical industry as old
tanks were replaced with newer machines that required smaller holding tanks for backup bacta. At first
the consortium of bacta growers attempted to prevent Viktrok from selling his software in fear that it
would dampen their sales. On the contrary, since the medical facilities could now accurately anticipate
how much bacta was needed to be used per treatment of each patient, they were able to help more
individuals, and overall sales soared. The engineer became incredibly wealthy in the process.
Tenel Ka listened with rapt fascination as the willowy, red-haired man explained his journey of
unlocking the secret of bacta’s life expectancy. He explained that data infrastructure problems could be
easily solved in the Hapes system by finding one common flaw. Finally, unable to hold her tongue,
Tenel Ka asked him why he bothered to enter the Drempitu Ma since their date seemed more like he
was interviewing for a job than seeking a wife. He sheepishly explained that he had little experience
with women and didn’t know how to talk to them since he lived and breathed his work. Slightly
smiling at his shy reply, Tenel Ka told him she would be delighted to hire him to assist with the
software databases in her system, but feared that they probably would not make a good, personal
match. She further mentioned that maybe she could assist him in finding a girl more to his liking.
Returning to the Royal Yacht, Tenel Ka doubted that that Hapan people would much miss the software
engineer being in the race. She closed herself into her private quarters and changed out of her
restrictive, formal clothing and into a more casual, purple pantsuit. She opened a private, open
communications channel to Anakin in his quarters at the Fountain Palace.
“Well that was a bust,” Tenel Ka stated as Anakin’s face appeared on her screen.
He beamed delightfully.
“Oh, do not be so smug about it,” Tenel Ka replied, half-heartedly.
“Gee, I’m sorry. Guess I should’ve been rooting for each of the guys trying to steal my girl away from
me,” Anakin replied, sarcastically.
Tenel Ka grinned and said, “Ah-ha that would ill-advised, Mr. Solo.” Licking her lips, she crossed her
legs on her bed, flicked back her hair, and asked hopefully, “So anything?”
“Jacen and Raven spent the last two days plowing through the remainder of their files. The only thing
they came up with was that your- five time great grandmother had to obtain a consort,” Anakin replied.
“Why was that?” Tenel Ka asked, interest piquing.
Rubbing the back of his neck, and shifting his legs uncomfortably, Anakin replied, “Her husband she
chose in the Drempitu Ma couldn’t… ah… perform.”
Heart plummeting in her chest, Tenel Ka moaned, “Oh.”
Anakin continued, “We’re now through ninety- two files with twenty- six to go. I just don’t understand
why we’re not finding a single case of a Queen fighting against this ritual.”
The answer seemed to dangle like a thread floating away in a windstorm, just out of reach of the
blinded Queen. She shook her head and lowered her forehead into her palm. She said, “I do not know
what to tell you, Anakin.” From across the Galaxy she sensed Anakin clear his throat nervously. She
raised her eyes and asked, “What is it?”
“So.. ahh… tomorrow’s your date with Brukos. You sure you don’t want me to accompany you?”
Anakin inquired as his blue eyes filled with concern.
“You know I cannot allow that. You are not worried about him, are you?” Tenel Ka asked, peaking a
“Well you are his Tiki, aren’t you?” Anakin said with a sneer at Brukos’s term of endearment.
A broad, loving smile etched across Tenel Ka’s lips. She cooed, “You are my heart and my soul,
Anakin. Brukos is just a boy from my past.”
“He’s not a boy anymore and he’s seriously into you,” Anakin warned, pointing towards the holoemitter lens.
“This is a fact. But I am not interested in him, other than as a friend,” Tenel Ka firmly stated.
“I know,” Anakin replied, casting his eyes downward.
“You believe me, do you not?” Tenel Ka pushed.
“Of course I believe you. And more importantly, I believe in you. I’m…grrrrrrrrrr… I’m just getting
frustrated I think,” Anakin replied, folding his arms across his chest. “Is there anything else you think I
can be doing? Anywhere else I might find an answer for you?”
Sitting quietly, Tenel Ka absently twisted a lock of her titian hair as she thought. Her gray eyes
brightened as she said, “Blane Tia.”
“Who’s that?” Anakin asked, full of eager anticipation.
“He’s a professor of Royal history on Hapes 9, at Hapan University. My Grandmother had him fly in to
the Palace to give me lessons on our Queen ancestry lineage. He is probably ancient, and might be
retired by now. But, if anyone is going to know about a loophole, it should be him,” Tenel Ka
enthusiastically replied. Her heart palpitated in her chest. She chided herself for not remembering him
Anakin shoved back his chair and picked up his Jedi robe. Wrapping it around his shoulders, he shoved
his datadisks into his robe’s pockets, glanced into the holo-emitter and said, “I’m on my way. Take
care, Tenel Ka.”
“May the Force be with you, Anakin,” Tenel Ka replied.
“And may the Force be with you too... You’ll need it tomorrow to fend off Brukos,” Anakin replied
with a grin.
“Ah-ha. Do not worry about me, I can take him,” Tenel Ka teased.
Chuckling, Anakin said, “I have no doubt about that, hon. Bye.”
“Goodbye, Anakin,” Tenel Ka replied and blew him a kiss. As his image darkened and faded from her
holo-emitter, she whispered a silent prayer that she hadn’t just sent him into a dead end.
Anakin wove his way through the halls of the Fountain Palace towards the docking bay.
“Master Anakin, please slow down!” See-Threepio whined as he clattered behind the youngest Solo
“Hurry up, Threepio, I don’t have all the time in the Galaxy to wait for you!” Anakin growled back. He
conveniently shut out the droid’s derogative comment. As he contemplated his pending journey he
sensed a familiar stirring in the Force. A large grin cracked his face as he rounded a hall and nearly
crashed straight into Lowbacca. The blond, shaggy Wookiee roared a happy greeting.
“Lowie, good to see you, pal. How’ve you been?” Anakin asked, shaking the Wookiee’s paw.
Lowie replied that he was fine and came to deliver some computer supplies for Tenel Ka. He’d just
finished making a delivery and wanted to seek out either of his friends.
“Tenel Ka’s in flight back here from one of her dates,” Anakin replied.
Lowie noted the way Anakin spat the word “dates” and sympathetically asked how he was holding up.
“Oh, I’m doing about as could be expected, I guess. Hey, you got anything to do? Wanna join me? I’m
going to head over to the Hapan University to ask a Professor over there if he has any information on
the Drempitu Ma,” Anakin asked, hoping for the company and someone new to swap ideas.
Roaring happily, Lowie replied that he had nothing better to do and would be glad to tag along.
“Man, I could use your help,” Anakin said. The two traveled together through the halls and
immediately left Threepio in the dust as their long legs far outpaced the droid’s smaller steps. Servants
shrank to allow the imposing pair of Jedi to pass. Anakin and Lowie simultaneously ducked their heads
under low arches as they wandered through the Palace. All the while Anakin explained about the files
he, Jacen, and Marxx had been reading.
Offering his paw, Lowie asked for Anakin to fork over some of the files to him and that he would be
happy to assist with the reading project.
“Thanks, buddy,” Anakin happily replied and grabbed one of his datadisks from the folds of his robe.
They exited the Palace and stepped into the brisk Hapan night. Anakin savored the feel of the cool,
refreshing air on his face before they reached The Fiery Phoenix. Anakin punched the controls and the
gangplank lowered.
Lowie ducked and climbed onboard the ship. The blond Wookiee sensed a wave of indecision grip
Anakin who remained at the bottom of the gangplank staringly longingly at the Palace. Lowie growled
lightly that Tenel Ka would be fine and right now she needed him to find a loophole so they could end
this foolish ritual.
Glad that his friend didn’t pick up on his real concern, Anakin shook aside the image of Tenel Ka’s
enamored childhood friend from his mind. Flashing Lowiee a lopsided smile he said, “You’re right,
Lowie. That’s what we need to do. There’s nothing to worry about…. Nothing at all.”
“Master Anakin! Wait for me!” See-Threepio’s shrilly voice pierced his eardrums. Rolling his eyes,
Anakin stood to the side as and gestured for the protocol droid to move onto the ship.
Pounding the droid on the shoulder, Anakin said, “Oh, I wouldn’t leave you behind, Threepio.”
“Oh, I am so pleased, Master Anakin!” Threepio’s eyes lit up with delight.
“I might need to plug you into the Phoenix if she develops some strange system failure,” Anakin
smugly replied.
Lowie guffawed with laughter as See-Threepio audibly balked in annoyance. Anakin chased the droid
into his ship and remarked, “Oh, don’t worry Threepio, I appreciate your…ah… unique qualities.”
“Why thank you, Master Anakin!” See-Threepio replied, happily.
“Go buckle in back there,” Anakin said, pointing to the lounge area of the ship, far away from the
The engines began to warm as Lowbacca settled into the Co-pilot chair. Anakin shrugged off his robe
and dropped into his pilot’s seat. He forwarded his flight intentions to the Hapan guard that circled the
capital planet of the Hapes system. Anakin sent a silent prayer to the Force, hoping against all hope that
this journey would not be in vain.
Lowie roared and remarked the engines were ready for take off. Grabbing his ship by the sticks, Anakin
glided his golden spacecraft off of the platform and ascended out of the Hapan atmosphere. Floating
amongst the stars, Anakin and Lowie waited for the hyperdrive to process the short jump to Hapes 9.
As it chimed, Lowie barked that the Force would be with them on this trip.
Stretching out with his feelings, Anakin detected nothing out of the ordinary in the Force. A hopeful
grin etched across his face and he replied, “I believe you’re right, Lowie. Let’s punch it.”
Chasing a phantom hope, with a flick of a switch they vanished into the dark sky.
Chapter 9
Stepping out of her disc-shaped Royal Yacht, Tenel Ka glanced upon Brukos’s mansion with an
mingled expression of confusion and amusement. Her childhood friend exited the massive building and
stared at her as she studied his home. Heart palpitating wildly, Brukos raced to Tenel Ka’s side and
said, “I had it built when I was sixteen. I pointed to six different pages in an architectural design book
and told the builders to incorporate all of the styles into making my house.”
Furrowing her brows deeply, Tenel Ka simply laughed, heartily.
Brukos raised his eyebrows in surprise and said good-naturedly, “Oh man, it must look positively
ridiculous if it even got YOU to laugh.”
Stifling her giggles with the back of her hand, Tenel Ka replied, “I am sorry, Brukos. That was impolite
of me to laugh Your home is… impressive and grand.”
Grinning, Brukos drank in the sight of Tenel Ka. Her titian hair flowed loosely down her back in
ringlets, with two braids twisted atop her head. Under her black Jedi robe, she wore a simple, straightlined, teal dress that hugged her curvaceous and muscular body. He noted with delight that she wore
very little makeup, allowing her natural beauty to shine.
“Would you like to take a tour of my gardens?” Brukos asked, scratching the hair on the chin portion of
his goatee. “I know, they’re not on the specific tour, but I promise you, I have no plans to attack you, or
take you prisoner. Nor have I hired any goons to hide in my bushes, waiting to ambush you and your
men. You’ll be perfectly safe.”
Remembering the highly detailed patrol guard that circled Brukos’s moon, she had very little doubt that
she wouldn’t safe anywhere around his home. Her Royal Security team, including Anakin, marveled at
the moon’s state of the art security features. Tenel Ka’s eyes sparkled with amusement, she replied,
“Ah-ha, I would like to see someone try to ambush me.” From out of the folds of her robe, she
extracted her lightsaber and twirled it in her fingers. “I am armed.”
Peaking a brow, Brukos feinted displeasure, and asked, “Do you always come packing heat onto your
dates, Tiki? You know that might explain why you’re still single. Generally guys are turned off by
chicks who can fry them at a moment’s notice.” Further scrutiny of the object killed his desire to joke.
Brukos’s breath caught in his throat. Tentatively he asked, “Is that a lightsaber?”
“This is a fact,” Tenel Ka replied and held it up so Brukos could inspect the hilt.
Muttering in fascination he said, “I’ve never seen one in person. I don’t know how many times I’ve
tried to lay my hands on one of the babies to complete my weapon collection. All I ever run across are
forgeries.” Licking his lips, his blood surged in his veins as he asked, “Would you activate it?”
Tenel Ka shrugged off her robe and tossed it into Brukos’s empty hands. Grinning she wandered into an
open grassy area and pointed the sword downward. With a flick of the button, the turquoise blade snap
hissed to it’s full extension length. Brukos watched with rapt interest as she lightly danced around the
yard swinging and thrusting the singing sword. She turned off the lightsaber after her brief
demonstration and watched Brukos wander dreamily towards her on the grass.
“That was amazing, Tiki” he replied, breathlessly.
Extending her hand to take back her robe, Tenel Ka replied, “You always did enjoy learning new
fighting techniques from me.”
Flashing her a toothy smile, Brukos shrugged off her hands and held her robe tightly. He led her into
his meandering gardens and replied, “Well that was only because you were the best of the best. I never
settle for second best when it comes to learning anything.”
Examining a bush of rare Alderaan Dawn Roses Tenel Ka nodded her head in understanding.
Noiselessly two of Tenel Ka’s Royal Guards followed the couple, alert to their every move.
Brukos watched Tenel Ka as she lightly touched the roses and inhaled their heady floral fragrance. His
breath caught in his throat as the setting sun set her hair ablaze in fiery light. Feeling the weight of
Brukos’s scrutinizing eyes on the back of her neck, Tenel Ka stood up and walked down the path,
averting his gaze.
“You truly are beautiful, Tenel Ka,” Brukos replied, his deep voice rumbled in his throat. “I mean,
growing up I always thought you were pretty, I loved your red hair. But I could never have imagined
that you’d turn out to be as stunning as you are today. Even without the crown, and the whole being a
royal thing, you’d turn my head in a second.”
Her cheeks burned with uncomfortable embarrassment. She choked out, “Thank you, Brukos.
Although, I do not think that I am particularly beautiful, pretty maybe, but not beautiful.”
“Well I will admit, I’ve seen women who are stunningly beautiful. They were even more beautiful than
you…” Brukos replied. He grinned as Tenel Ka shot him a confused glare. He chuckled as he
continued, “But their beauty was usually superficial. They never had much to say or very many
substantial thoughts in their heads. Your beauty is not only physical, but it comes from the fact that you
are an intelligent woman who knows how to carry on a conversation… well at least I’m assuming you
do… considering I appear to be the one doing all of the talking!”
Tenel Ka smirked as he chuckled at himself nervously. She gave her old friend a once over with her
eyes. His broad shoulders nicely filled out his white silk shirt. And the crisp white shirt made his rich,
darker skin tones pop. She said, “You have grown quite handsome yourself, Brukos. You were always
this little scrawny kid with a mop of dark hair. You have certainly grown into your looks.”
Laughing, Brukos said, “I take it you always thought I was a goofy looking kid?”
“I am sorry, Brukos, but I guess I just never really thought about it much. You were just my friend,”
Tenel Ka replied, examining more exotic flora and sculptures as they ambled along the formal garden
Shrugging his shoulders, Brukos said non-committal, “I don’t blame you. Your mother and
grandmother always had you busy with so much rigorous training it’s a wonder you even had time to
spend with me.”
Turning her gray eyes towards her old friend, Tenel Ka said, “You always were the bright spot in my
structured days. I could always count on you for finding new ways to help me relax.”
Tilting his head, Brukos approached Tenel Ka and his hazel eyes carried an elevated level of heat in
their gaze. Removing his right hand from under Tenel Ka’s robe, he gently cupped her chin in his large
palm. He said, “I’d like to do that again, Tiki. I’d like to be that man who helps you to unwind at the
end of a stressful and busy day. I’ve never forgotten you, Tenel Ka. In every woman I’ve ever dated,
I’ve always compared her to you. They never matched up. Even though I know we were kids… I’d
always loved you. I only hope that maybe you can find a place for me in your heart, the way I’ve
always held a place for you in my own. Nothing would make me happier than to be your husband.”
An instant flush of tears rose to Tenel Ka’s eyes and her nose burned from the instant desire to cry. His
words hauntingly echoed Anakin’s. Guilt invaded her soul as she knew she could never return the same
level of romantic feelings for Brukos. She chewed lightly on her lower lip, dug into her skills as a
diplomat and said, “I think you would make any woman a wonderful husband, Brukos.”
Brukos let go of Tenel Ka’s chin and scratched his bald head in confusion over her response after
bearing his soul. Figuring she was probably nervous and maybe still uncomfortable with getting
reacquainted with him as an adult, he didn’t push her further. He asked, “So what’d you do with
“Do with what?” Tenel Ka asked.
“Vremat, the lizard I gave you,” Brukos replied, grinning.
Relief flooded Tenel Ka as Brukos shifted their conversation back to a more comfortable subject. She
explained, “I had the lizard sent to Hapes 12. There it was taken to a large intergalactic zoo. The
keepers were very excited to see it as not very many are ever successfully captured. Did you know that
although the lizards are invisible to the naked eye, they can be viewed through ultra-violet light?”
A sheepish grin raced across Brukos’s face. Squirming he admitted, “How do you think I managed to
catch it?”
“I am surprised you willingly went back to Dathomir. I would have thought it would have been too
difficult for you to return home,” Tenel Ka said.
“Well, I didn’t announce myself, nor did I go back to our home village. I went on a brief night
expedition, captured your lizard and got out of there,” Brukos replied.
“That could have been dangerous. Dathomir jungles are not the safest places at night,” Tenel Ka said,
impressed at his boldness.
“True. Luckily the scanning equipment aboard my ship is accurate enough that I knew there were no
rancors in the area. I swept the area of hostiles before landing…sheesh, I shouldn’t have said that,
should I? Makes me appear a lot less manly,” Brukos said with a dejected cast to his eyes.
Tenel Ka’s eyes sparkled as she said, “I think it shows you were actually using your brain- which is the
true mark of a warrior. Only the foolish would willingly place themselves in greater danger than
necessary. It would not have done you much good to have gotten killed, simply because you wanted to
capture a rare lizard.”
Brukos grinned broadly and said, “I’m glad you see it that way.”
She noted they finished the circuit of the grounds and were now near the front doors of Brukos’s home.
TC-4D4 pushed open the door and accepted Tenel Ka’s robe from her Master’s arm. As Tenel Ka
stepped inside the entry hall and immediately appreciated the calming, warmth of his home. The walls
were all painted in lovely earth tones and decorated with intricate paintings. Although the artwork, and
design of the house were obviously expensive, the place felt inviting and not a showcase.
Rubbing his hands together, Brukos’s heart leap in his chest with excitement. He asked, “Would you
like to see my armory?”
“Certainly, I would enjoy that,” Tenel Ka replied. Brukos stuck out his left arm and she accepted his
elbow. He led her down a long hallway and they approached his collectibles room. When he activated
the lights in the hall, the cases illuminated with light and flood lamps highlighted his wall of weapons.
For twenty minutes they examined and discussed the intricate details of his uniforms, costumes, and
weapons. TC-4D4 delivered glasses of wine to the couple as they studied Brukos’s prize chamber.
As he had suspected, Tenel Ka found the collection fascinating and admired his attention to even the
most minute details in obtaining the best uniform pieces. For the first time in his adult life, Brukos
experienced the thrill of standing in a room with an intelligent woman with similar interests to his own.
The fact that Tenel Ka could carry on a long conversation about subjects that were dear to him only
further endeared her to his own heart, he couldn’t have asked for a better mate. He prayed that his
earlier declaration of his feelings didn’t manage to turn her off.
Drinking the last sip of her Nubian wine, Tenel Ka said, “I should send you a Hapan guard uniform for
your collection.”
Eyes brightening, Brukos said, “That would be wonderful, Tiki. Thank you for the offer.” He watched
her examining the Old Republic Era Jedi Knight uniform closely. Her eyes took on a far-away
appearance. He removed her empty glass from her hand and stared at the floor. Tapping his heal
nervously he asked, “So…ah, what’s going on between you and that Jedi Solo?”
Panic surged through Tenel Ka’s veins. In the far northern corner of the room, their entire conversation
was being recorded and broadcasted across the Cluster for viewing. Knowing she could not openly
admit her true feelings for Anakin she searched for a proper reply. Simply she said, “He is an old friend
of mine. We went to the Jedi Academy together. I am close friends with his brother and sister.”
Brukos handed the empty glasses to TC-4D4 and scratched his goatee contemplatively. He offered, “So
there’s nothing else going on between you two?” Tenel Ka arched an eyebrow in his direction, earning
a rumbling, nervous chuckle from Brukos. He continued, “What I meant was… well, he didn’t enter the
Drempitu Ma… so I guess he’s not interested in you romantically?”
Choosing her words carefully, Tenel Ka replied, “Anakin Solo comes from one of the Galaxies most
trustworthy, and heroic families. However, fame has not managed to go to the heads of the Solos, and
they are not wealthy. He was not able to enter into the Drempitu Ma, even if he wanted to because he
did not qualify.”
“Well certainly you could have made an exception to the rules to allow him into the contest,” Brukos
Her heart leapt into her throat, and then plummeted into her chest. She stated, “The Drempitu Ma is an
ancient custom in our Cluster. Over the years the rituals have been strictly adhered to. There really is no
wiggle room to add on new amendments to the existing regulations of the ritual. Changes can only be
made if the ritual has not been evoked. Once it has been called into play, the Queen cannot alter the
rules of the game.”
“That hardly seems fair to the Queen,” Brukos replied, crossing his arms across his chest.
She thought to herself, You have no idea Brukos, no idea. Simply, she replied, “The Queens in Hapes
have always adhered strictly to the rules set in place over time. It is our duty to follow them, otherwise
chaos could erupt.”
Mindful of the cameras, and knowing these sentiments were often broadcast over the holo-net, Tenel
Ka replied, “This is a fact. The Queen’s hold the Cluster together. If we loosen our grip, or start
changing rules our matriarchy could crumble.”
“And what would be the problem with that? Is Democracy really that bad?” Brukos asked, leading her
out of the room towards his dining room. They exited his armory, past her two guards who stood
impassively out in the hallway, and down a flight of stairs to the left.
“I suppose Democracy is a good thing, however, all of the planets in our Cluster relate to one another.
If the Royal Matriarchy were to crumble, there would be much unrest. Wars would be waged, power
struggles would ensue, and lives would be lost,” Tenel Ka sadly reported.
The stairs opened to a large open room, sparkling from the reflected, dimmed light of two magnificent
chandeliers. Two places were set not far from each other around a round table. Brukos extended out a
chair for Tenel Ka and helped her into her chair before sitting down.
Unfolding his napkin into his lap, Brukos continued, “I can see why you’d wish to keep things as they
are in your Cluster then. But the rest of the New Republic is Democratic. Royal lineages and rules are
by the wayside and are considered archaic. Why would you wish to strenuously hold onto customs that
are considered by the rest of the Republic to be out fashioned?”
Rubbing her forehead in frustration, Tenel Ka would have loved to enlighten her old friend about her
true feelings about her reign, but with all of the cameras recording every word spoken, she didn’t dare
speak ill against her position. The last thing she needed was to give possible enemies ammunition to
attempt to dethrone the new Queen. Instead she took a swallow of water and replied, “The system
works in our Cluster. If it is not broken, why attempt to repair it?”
Knitting his fingers together, Brukos leaned onto the table on his elbows and gazed into Tenel Ka’s
eyes. In a low, barely audible voice he said, “I know you’re lying, Tiki. I can tell you’re frustrated.”
Flicking his eyes towards the cameras, he said, “I also know why you can’t tell me what you really feel.
We can talk about it some other time.” Relief surged through Tenel Ka at Brukos’s words.
Three servants arrived carrying covered plates. Brukos sprang backwards into his chair and the couple
enjoyed their hearty meal. They spent their dinner reminiscing and catching up on their many years
spent apart from each other.
After dinner they took a final stroll through the garden. The large blue planet of Duro hung heavily
over head illuminating the garden in an ethereal pale glow. Tenel Ka inhaled the floral scents. She
cocked her head and said, “Why is it so quiet here?”
Brukos noted the sounds of night insects and a few birds. Grinning he said, “Well I do own the entire
moon. When people aren’t at work in the mines, there really isn’t any ambient mechanical noise here.
The mines exist on the far side of the moon, so even if they did run all day and night, I’d never hear the
“Why do they not mine at night?” Tenel Ka inquired.
Brukos shrugged and said, “I don’t believe people should have to work night shifts. All of the miners
live in a town about twenty miles from the grime of work. I believe that families should be together in
the evenings and not have the added pressures of dealing with night-shifts to further complicate their
home lives.”
Understanding dawned on Tenel Ka as Brukos’s own father worked the night-shift at the weapon’s
plant on Dathomir. She had little doubt that this decision emerged from his own troubled household
growing up.
“That is very thoughtful of you,” Tenel Ka replied and pulled her robe tighter around her shoulders as a
cool breeze rustled through the garden. Seeing her movement, Brukos stepped behind her and
tentatively placed his hands on her shoulders. Tenel Ka tensed her shoulders at his touch. Sensing her
uncertainty and unease, he began to softly hum a few bars of an old Dathomirian tune they grew up
singing. Inhaling Brukos’s spicy aftershave, Tenel Ka’s heart broke. Had circumstances been
completely different, she would be thrilled by the hold of his strong arms, and sweet presence. From
her evening spent with Brukos she ascertained that the boy she grew up with had grown into a
remarkable, intelligent, compassionate man. Guilt further gnawed at her stomach for not being able to
tell him of her relationship with Anakin. For as children she told him everything. And with their time
together this evening, she found him to still be the same trustworthy man she could confide in from all
of those years ago.
Sighing, she said, “I am tired, Brukos.” Turning, Brukos dropped his arms automatically to his sides, in
fear that he had offended her in some way. Seeing his confused, and hurt expression, she added, “I had
a wonderful time tonight. Your home is as wonderful and warm as you are.”
Brukos’s face flushed bright red. He replied, “Thank you, you are also exactly as I remember you,
intelligent, charming, and… beautiful.” He chewed on his lower lip nervously, hoping he hadn’t
overstepped any boundaries.
Tenel Ka met his eyes and smiled at him brightly. Brukos felt his heart leap into his throat with joy at
her rare treat. Stepping forward, she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist in a big hug. She said,
“I am so glad to have found you again, Brukos. I guess I never really realized how much I had missed
Wrapping his arms tightly around Tenel Ka, Brukos smiled and said, “Well, I’m not going anywhere
Tiki. I’ll always be here for you… always.”
A pair of gray eyes watched the holonet with great interest. News reports repeatedly focused on the
blurry hug of the Queen and her childhood friend. Instant polls showed that the people in the Cluster
were going crazy over Brukos Olissian. They believed him honorable, charming, and a perfect mate for
their Queen.
Shriveled fingers tapped against a datacard. With deft swiftness, Ta’a Chume plugged the datacard into
her terminal and called up the Hapan News mailbox. Logging into a secure, completely non-traceable
address, Ta’a Chume attached the file of Anakin carrying Tenel Ka to bed. She stared at the letter and
briefly paused her finger over the terminal.
In sending the images, it might put Tenel Ka in a bad light. Ta’a Chume determined that most likely it
would finally tarnish the golden halo that seemed to permanently circle over Anakin Solo’s head. She
figured that if Master Skywalker wouldn’t remove Anakin’s presence from the Palace, and if Tenel Ka
would not do it, maybe the outraged cries of her people would finally force the new Queen’s hand in
the matter. Ta’a Chume determined that the citizens of her Cluster would demand Jedi blood and
Anakin would be gone from her granddaughter’s life permanently within twenty-four hours. A wide,
grin stretched from ear to ear across the former Queen’s face as she pressed the send button. Quickly
exiting out of the mailbox, she leaned back triumphantly in her chair. Anakin’s words of warning,
spoken to Renttu echoed in her mind, Trust me, if you think of doing anything to hurt the Queen’s
reputation in anyway…you will regret it.
She snorted derisively and spat, “Young man, you placed your worries in the wrong place. It is not
some meager guard you should’ve been worried about. Your days of courting my granddaughter are
officially over.”
Chapter 10
“That no good spying little twerp! He taped us and then sent that recording to the media!” Anakin
shouted in frustration into the holo-emitter.
“I have fired Renttu. He is gone from my guard,” Tenel Ka replied, pacing her bedroom angrily.
“A little too late, don’t you think?” Anakin’s life-sized projected image replied, scowling.
Glancing up, Tenel Ka noted the anger smoldering behind his blue eyes, she snapped, “It does fix one
thing, it will prevent you from ripping him to pieces, and you turning to the Dark Side.”
Drooping his head down, and raking his fingers through his dark hair, Anakin growled in frustration.
He quietly said, “I think I can understand now why my grandfather turned. It is so easy to hate and to
want to exact revenge.”
Tenel Ka continued her pacing and tapped her fingernail against her front teeth. She muttered, “What I
do not understand is why would he have done this? Surely he would have known I would have fired
him. Why risk his new career?”
Guilt spread across Anakin’s face and he said, “He and I…ah…kinda exchanged words a few times. He
actually didn’t include the images of me coming out of your room. I threatened him to leave us alone
and mind his own business.”
Planting her fists on her hips, Tenel Ka exhaled a deep breath. She said, “Even still, that does not
explain why he would have done this.”
“I’m sorry, Tenel Ka. That video should never have been made public. It makes our relationship seem a
lot more intimate than it actually is,” Anakin replied, eyes downcast and filled with worry.
“It is not your fault, Anakin. It is all mine. Obviously, I did not screen Renttu’s profile closely enough
when I brought him on as a guard,” Tenel Ka remarked.
Furrowing his brows, an unpleasant thought crossed Anakin’s mind. He asked, “Who would benefit
from exposing our relationship to the media?”
Lifting her head in confusion, Tenel Ka asked, “What do you mean?”
“Well, with me out of the picture- or exposed as your lover, or whatever people might be saying about
me, who would benefit from my dismissal from the Palace?” Anakin inquired.
Immediately knowing where Anakin was headed, Tenel Ka jabbed a finger at the holoemitter and said,
“Do not even say Brukos, Anakin. He would nev…”
“How do you know that for sure?” Anakin pushed. “I mean, you two seemed awfully chummy last
night. What better way of sealing his victory than getting me out of the way once and for all?”
Turning on her heel, Tenel Ka glared at Anakin’s projected image. Frustrated tears swelled in her eyes.
Voice hoarse with emotion, she said, “Brukos and I grew up together, we were best friends for years as
children. I am sorry that it offends you that I enjoyed catching up on lost time with an old friend. How
many times do I have to repeat myself that I am not interested in Brukos??”
Anakin turned pleading eyes in her direction, and said, “I’m sorry, Tenel Ka. I know you’re just going
through the motions of this ritual to give me more time. I’m sorry this seems to be taking me forever…
but now with this video released, I’m worried that things are really stacking up against us.”
Rubbing her forehead with her fingertips, Tenel Ka replied softly, “You do not need to apologize,
Anakin. I am as frustrated as you are. I just hope that Brukos doesn’t get his hopes up too high. The last
thing I want to do is crush his heart.”
She plopped down heavily onto her bed and stared back at Anakin’s miserably commiserating
“You really believe he’s not behind this?” Anakin asked, again.
“This is a fact. He was fishing for information about you last night. He had next to no idea who you
were. All I told him is that you are a good friend of mine. To his knowledge, that’s all he knows,” Tenel
Ka said, absently smoothing out a crease on her bedspread. “I worry what he will have to say to me
when he sees that video. He will know I lied to him.”
Running his fingers through his dark hair, Anakin said, “Well it’s not like there’s anything indecent in
the video. Blast, I should’ve put a shirt on though…Alright, well maybe it’s not him. Maybe it’s one of
the other contestants. What about Travees? He’s in your Cluster and could possibly have hired Renttu
and planted him. He certainly has plenty of money.”
Nodding, Tenel Ka’s heart trembled in anticipation at the suggestion. She said, “By placing you in a
bad light, he might think that Brukos would back off and he would be in the clear for becoming the
lead in the competition. Now that is possible, Anakin.”
“You’re going to be seeing him tonight, right?” Anakin asked, feeling certain that they had stumbled
upon the answer.
Tenel Ka rapidly nodded her head and said, “This afternoon actually, we have a lunch date. I will keep
a close eye on him and see if I can get him to confess.”
“Just be careful, don’t make it too obvious that you suspect him. You’ll be on his turf, the last thing you
want is to become a possible hostage,” Anakin warned.
“I will not reveal my true intentions, do not worry. One way or another I will get the answer out of
him,” Tenel Ka replied.
A banging on Anakin’s cabin door caught his attention. Tenel Ka waited as Lowie rumbled something
to Anakin. Thanking his friend, Anakin turned back to Tenel Ka and said, “We’re coming up on Hapes
9 right now. I need to go. I’ll send a message to your private line with whatever Blane Tia tells me. Do
the same for me with any information you have on Travees, got it?”
“Got it,” Tenel Ka responded. Apprehensive, but feeling better she offered him a slight smile.
“And don’t take any foolish chances. Don’t do anything that could possibly put you in danger. If this
guy is behind this, he’s got no scruples and won’t even think twice to try to bring you down,” Anakin
stated, cocking an eyebrow emphatically.
Flicking her fingers to her belt, Tenel Ka touched her lightsaber and replied, “Do not worry, he will find
himself on the receiving end of my saber before he will pull one over on me.”
Anakin grinned with delight. He said, “That’s my girl. May the Force be with you, Tenel Ka.”
“May the Force be with you, Anakin,” she replied and blew him a kiss. As Anakin’s image faded she
sighed, turned on her heel and headed to her closet to decide what to wear for her date with Travees
Yermott. Armed with suspicion, she felt even more apathetic towards the man. She just prayed that
Anakin’s meeting with her former Professor would finally produce a desired result so she wouldn’t
have to continue with this charade. Her trust in Anakin never wavered, yet they appeared to be running
against a rapidly ending chronometer. All she could do was believe that this would all end soon and that
they could finally be together.
After completing his morning round of circuit training, and final stretching, Brukos sucked in his flat
stomach and examined himself in his full-length mirror. With very little else going on in his social life,
Brukos spent many hours perfecting his physical appearance. His bare, powerfully-built chest and arms
could lift over four hundred pounds of dead weight. Exhaling and determining he still looked fit as ever
Brukos drank down a large cup of water and wiped off the excess sweat from his chest and bare head.
As he exited his soundproof exercise and meditation chamber, the immediate, frantic cry of his
holoemitter echoed through his house.
Sighing heavily, his bare feet padded down a flight of stairs, down the wooden floor halls and into his
office. Wiping his head again, he wrapped his towel around his thick neck, dropped into his chair
behind his desk and flicked on the communication device.
A confused smirk formed on Brukos’s face as Ban’s image formed. His accountant’s hair stuck out in
all directions and his eyes appeared wild from either lack of sleep or partying too much. Knowing the
man, Brukos immediately figured the first reason to be the cause.
“What’s the matter, Ban? You hate being wrong, or what?” Brukos asked, smugly.
Ban screwed his eyes up tight, his face contorted into an expression of complete disbelief, and he
shouted, “What?”
Taken completely aback by his accountant’s anger, Brukos asked, “What’s the matter with you?”
“Wha..wha…what’s the matter with me??? My boss has been made a chump on the intergalactic
Holonet, and you’re asking what’s wrong with me???” Ban shrieked.
Cringing, Brukos massaged his forehead as Ban’s screams wrecked havoc on his nerves. Holding up
his left hand in hopes of quieting the frantic man, Brukos replied, “Look, I have no idea what you’re
talking about. And can you please keep your screeching down on low? I haven’t had my caff yet.”
As if on cue, TC-4D4 entered the room carrying a tray with a thermos and cup of steaming caff for
Brukos. Smiling, he took the drink gladly and gulped down half a cup of the hot liquid. He snuck a
glance at his perturbed employee, and friend.
“Are you better now?” Ban shouted.
Placing a finger threateningly over his deactivation switch, Brukos softly replied, “If you don’t calm
down, I’m disconnecting you.”
“Fine, I will try to…relax,” Ban seethed. “I’m assuming you haven’t watched today’s news?”
Smirking, Brukos leaned back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head. He asked, “Did they
happen to catch our hug on holovid last night? How can that possibly upset you?”
“That doesn’t upset me. Turn on your holonet…NOW,” Ban commanded.
“Sheesh, don’t get all combative on me,” Brukos responded. Grabbing a remote a large holonet
projector silently descended from the ceiling. He maneuvered the holonet to face the desk and flicked it
onto the news channel. A green Twi’lek newscaster excitedly reported: This latest development has the
entire Galaxy in an uproar. The new Queen Mother has made many public appearances of being a
willing participant in the Drempitu Ma. After her date with multi-billionaire, and old childhood friend,
Brukos Olissian, seen here… [a photo of Brukos at the Drempitu Ma opening ceremony flashed across
the screen ] …appeared to be a perfect match for the new Queen. By all accounts, she seemed the most
comfortable, relaxed, and pleased with Brukos. However, new footage is putting her integrity into
question. For all that she enjoyed a private garden embrace with Mr. Olissian, it appears her extracurricular activities inside the Fountain Palace paint a completely different image of the Queen. [They
played the shaky video of Anakin carrying Tenel Ka into her bedroom. Brukos furrowed his eyebrows
and recorded the image to view the report again later. The feed changed to Anakin and Tenel Ka
dancing at her inauguration dinner.]… This footage taken right before former Queen Mohter Ta’a
Chume evoked the ancient dating ritual, showed Anakin Solo and Tenel Ka appearing to be a lot closer
and friendlier than one would expect a royal and her guard to be. Anakin Solo, Jedi Knight and son of
Former-Chief-of State Leia Organa-Solo and former General Han Solo is well respected for his feats
of bravery in rescuing the Queen Mother during the Palpatine crisis. The question remains as to whom
does the Queen Mother give her heart to? Is there more to her relationship with Jedi Solo? And will
this new revelation put a damper on the hopes of the men who are legally vying for her hand in
marriage? Without meeting the financial requirements, there was no way for Anakin Solo to join the
Drempitu Ma. Are they making the most of their time together before she will be forced to wed? And if
they are in love… how will Queen Mother Tenel Ka manage to detangle herself from this increasing
web of lies that seem to be enfolding her tighter, and tighter in their grasp? Onto other news… a herd
of nerfs interrupted the Boonta Eve Classic today….
Brukos stopped his recording and reviewed the scenes with Anakin and Tenel Ka. As to the footage of
Anakin carrying Tenel Ka, he noted that Tiki was fast asleep and that her door remained open after
Anakin brought her into the room. He doubted anything foul was in play and that the media was
feasting on speculation only. He assumed most people were over-reacting to the new footage simply
because both appeared to be wearing their sleeping clothes. That didn’t bother him in the slightest. He
then again reviewed the couple dancing. He noted that Tiki appeared to be completely happy while
being held in Anakin’s arms. If Tenel Ka had not smiled so broadly at him last night, he might have
been worried. But it looked like she reserved her smiles for her good friends.
“What did I tell you? That is outrageous! He didn’t even have the brains to get dressed before toting
her around the Palace after their sordid rendezvous!” Ban exclaimed.
Scratching his overgrown goatee, Brukos peeled his eyes off of the holonet images and faced Ban. He
said, “Actually, I think that all looks pretty innocent. Tenel Ka works hard all day. She probably went to
visit him late at night- because she doesn’t have much time during her busy day and fell asleep. I don’t
see anything wrong with that video.”
Fiercely, Brukos pounded on his desk. In his office on the other side of Olissia, Ban jumped. Scowling,
Brukos retorted, “I will not hear any more of this nonsense. Do you hear me, Ban? She told me they
were friends- and THAT’s it! I believe her completely. She’s never lied to me before, and she certainly
won’t lie to me now. Are you through?”
Ban folded his arms and set his jaw in a thin frown.
Brukos shouted, “Are you?”
Prissily, Ban replied, “I guess so.”
“Right… you guess so. Now leave me alone,” Brukos said and flicked off the holoemitter.
He slugged back the rest of his caff and felt his nerves throbbing from irritation and anger.
Brukos retreated from his office and raced to his bedroom to bathe. He turned on the shower, shucked
off his pants, stepped in the stream of hot liquid, and allowed the scalding water to cleanse his skin.
The water poured off of his face, then body, and circled down the drain. As he began to scrub himself
clean, Brukos set his jaw and refused to believe in rumors- no matter what Ban or any so-calledreporter said, he would never believe that Tenel Ka would lie to him about anything. Never.
Anakin and Lowbacca, and See-Threepio clanked down The Fiery Phoenix’s gangplank into the
blinding morning sun on Hapes 9. Designated as the Hapes culture and education planet, Hapes 9
gloriously personified artistic expression by boasting miles of well-trimmed gardens filled with
sculptures, and murals. The morning streets crowded with bustling groups of individuals of various
species. Most clustered together in deep philosophical conversations. The clicks of individuals ceased
speaking as soon as the towering duo of Jedi passed them, and moved aside to let Anakin and
Lowbacca pass. Threepio followed after the Jedi as quickly as he could however he feel increasingly
far behind.
Lowie’s nose caught a whiff of fresh cooked pastries at a bakery and sensed his stomach rumble in
response. He whined an imploring bark to Anakin.
Flicking his Jedi robe sleeve off of his wrist chronometer, Anakin glanced at the time. Deeming it was
likely too early to meet up with the Professor, he agreed that breakfast would be a good idea. Forgetting
all about their droid companion, they entered the bakery and stood in line to order pastries and caff.
Lowie licked his lips and examined the rows of minced-meat dough covered delights. Anakin chuckled
at his shaggy friend’s ravenous expression.
Drifts of a conversation floated on the air. Anakin picked up on a pair of teenage girls talking. One said,
“Brukos’s house is so huge! And he’s got so much stuff- she’s got to pick him.”
Her friend replied, “Yeah, but come on… just look at Anakin Solo… what a body on him… he’s
Anakin blushed as the girls began giggling uncontrollably and their talking turned to whispers. He then
perked his ear and detected a heated argument between a pair of squat green-skinned Toongs. One was
male and the other female. The female seethed, “Mi osk’ala dai. Solo no issi parusalu mewaniska. Il
esse poodoo.”
The male replied, “Mi no dobita que Solo eroniusa wallela muurroo.”
Kneading his forehead, Anakin lowered his head and averted his gaze as his cheeks turned bright
crimson. He muttered, “Well at least he doesn’t think I’m lower than pond scum.”
Reaching the counter, Lowie listed off his selections to Anakin, consisting of a dozen pastries and a
large caff. Anakin smirked at the girl behind the counter and listed all of the items for the hungry
Wookiee. He then ordered for himself two large pallenberry torts and a large caff.
The girl smiled and gathered his order. As Anakin handed her the credits, her face paled. He noted her
eyes drifted beyond his head. He heard the holovision reporter speaking his name from the opposite
end of the room. Waving his hand slyly before the girl, he said, “I only slightly resemble that poor
Robotic-like, she replied, “You only slightly resemble that poor guy.”
“Here is your change, have a good day,” Anakin directed.
Selecting out proper change, the girl handed it over to Anakin and replied, happily, “Here is your
change, have a good day!”
Lowie grabbed his box and caff and they exited out of the café. Gulping down a long sip of his
steaming beverage, See-Threepio whined, “Master Anakin, I would appreciate it if you would kindly
let me know when you are going to make stops. I spent the last five minutes wandering up and down
this street looking for you!”
Anakin rolled his eyes and to Lowbacca he said, “This is going to be a looong day.”
Chapter 11
After waiting two hours in line at the crowded, noisy, overheated, central administration hall on
campus, Lowbacca and Anakin stared on with agonized impatience as See-Threepio chatted with the
six-armed, tiny headed Xexto receptionist.
Anakin pounded on Threepio’s shoulder, “Ask her if he still has an office on campus.”
Threepio wildly swung around to face Anakin after being interrupted from his question. “Why, yes….
Exspenta eessaaa...”
Anakin again asked, “And find out his schedule to see if he’s got office hours today.”
Swiveling rapidly between the receptionist and Anakin, Threepio stared at his Master with
exasperation, then began to again try to further expand his inquiries, “Drolip maarito eessaaa li
Lowie roared a compliant to the droid about his lack of speed at getting the answers.
Flailing his arms wildly, Threepio whined, “I can only do one thing at a time!” Anakin pointed back to
the receptionist who was trying to say something.
Blinking her dark eyes, the Xexto sighed and repeated her information to Threepio. The Solo protocol
droid reported to Anakin and Lowbacca, “She says that Professor Blane Tia retired four years ago. She
said that we are in luck and he is on campus today to host a forum on the validity of the Hapan
Matriarchal System in the age of Democracy over at Yareena Hall. His speech should be starting in ten
minutes…Wait… where are you going?”
As soon as Threepio mentioned the location, Anakin consulted a campus map, waved thanks to the
receptionist and headed, along with Lowbacca for the door.
Pursuing the Jedi, the golden droid moaned, “How typical, they use me and leave me behind.”
The Jedi cruised across the crowded campus towards the conical shaped lecture hall. Fighting their way
through hoards of young students, Anakin and Lowbacca spied the towering facility on the horizon and
stopped to wait for See-Threepio to catch up. Anakin paused to glance around the student union center
and examined the sea of tables that each supported a social cause. The hair on the back of his neck
prickled, as through the Force, Anakin felt a wave of heated anger flow in his direction. Spinning on his
heel he spied a group of furious women, all converged around a table seeking the execution of all male
law offenders. The lead woman glared at Anakin and jabbed her stubby finger in his direction and
accused, “And HE’S the worst of ALL! Get him girls!”
Eyes widening, Anakin instinctively grabbed for his lightsaber. He swung his arm away from his hilt
when second thought reminded him that attacking unarmed civilians was a bad idea. Grabbing
Threepio by the shoulders he twisted the droid around to face the rapidly approaching, angry mob of
women. He shouted, “Time to use those protocol skills of yours, you reason with them, Threepio!”
With a startled yelp, Threepio threw his hands over his head and cried as the scowling, strong women
charged in his direction. Threepio yelped, “What have I done to deserve this? Please, everyone
The words caught in the droid’s throat as the women knocked him off of his feet. Taking full advantage
of the momentary distraction that sacrificing Threepio allowed them, Anakin and Lowbacca tore across
the union center. Students scattered as the imposing Jedi and Wookiee flailing their arms, yelled for
everyone to clear out of their way. Anakin flipped over a young man working on his swoop bike. Lowie
vaulted over a table of rodent-like Snivvians seeking political asylum for their brethren back home. As
Anakin jumped over the same table two moments later, his foot caught on the edge of the table and
caused their fliers to shower upwards into the air. Regaining his balance, Anakin shouted a belated
apology over his shoulder. His dark cloak fluttered behind him as he and Lowie tore out of the union
and towards a public garden. Simultaneously, they turned and watched as the mob of women had
increased in size. The women were now accompanied by the angry Snivvians who shook their
brochures angrily over their tiny heads. The Jedi both spun and turned tail, again.
Lowbacca signaled to Anakin to head towards the hall. Stopping on a credit, Lowbacca turned and
stood his ground. Filling his lungs with air, he bellowed loudly towards the rapidly approaching mob.
The Snivvians squealed and immediately retreated from the menacing Wookiee. Some of the angrier
women continued their charge, shouting senselessly about Anakin dishonoring their Queen Mother.
Lowie rolled his eyes and erected an invisible Forcefield before the charging female students. Unaware
of the danger ahead, they plowed straight into the invisible wall and bounced noisily to the ground,
stunned and shaken. Those in the back of the charge, skidded to a halt, gazed at their fallen comrades
and retreated, screaming at the tops of their lungs. With a satisfied grunt, Lowie dropped the Forcefield
and vanished into a grove of trees.
Moments later, Lowie joined Anakin at the top of the stairs at Yareena Hall. Anakin peered from around
a pillar towards the student union and witnessed crowds of confused people. From out of the masses, he
saw See-Threepio wandering around in confusion.
“Do you think he knows where to find us?” Anakin asked.
Lowie sarcastically asked if Anakin really would care if Threepio didn’t find his way back.
Stifling a laugh, Anakin replied, “Well, I’d prefer not to have to face the wrath of my mother for losing
him. She’s strangely attached to him for some reason.”
He whistled sharply into the air. From below, the golden droid halted his meanderings, searching for
the sound. When he finally gazed at the lecture hall, Anakin waved to catch his attention.
Relief filled Anakin as the droid wandered towards the building. Cocking his head in towards the hall,
Anakin and Lowie entered the building. They stood at the mouth of the cavernous, bowl shaped
auditorium and were amazed to discover the seats filled to capacity. Snatches of conversation indicated
that Brukos’s questions to Tenel Ka about the Matriarch System had triggered wide range interest in a
topic that would otherwise have been most likely ignored. They also learned from the students that
Blane Tia was considered the leading authority on the Hapan Matriarchy. He spent his career being not
only a well respected professor, but as a political consultant and celebrity of whom newscasters fought
over to retain as a guest on their shows. Peaking his brows, Anakin determined that Blane Tia would
definitely had the clout to back up any news he might be able to provide him with.
Quickly quieting, the students turned their heads forward as a shrunken man zipped across the stage in
a hoverchair. Unshaven, with wispy white hair sticking out akimbo all over his head, Anakin wondered
that the older professor could even feed himself, much less lead a lecture. Folding his arms across his
broad chest, Anakin learned that appearances could be deceiving, as the crippled man’s voice boomed
through the lecture hall with unimaginable strengths. Lowie muttered that they should probably find
their way towards the back stage so they could talk to the professor after his speech. Nodding, Anakin
agreed. Placing a hand immediately over Threepio’s mouth to stifle his complaints, Anakin indicated
for the droid to follow. Together the trio marched the perimeter of the building and waited to speak the
professor, privately.
Tenel Ka’s convoy of ships discretely descended onto an immense landing platform outside the
sprawling mansion of the Yermott family on Hapes 6. Feeling her ship flushing it’s landing vents, Tenel
Ka absently smoothed her hair and patted down a wrinkle in her constricting, light blue dress. Sighing
deeply, she dreaded this date above all others. Initially she believed Travees Yermott to simply be a
blowhard, but now that she factored in that he may have less than reputable qualities only further
deepened her dislike and unease about meeting the man.
Followed closely by two of her guards, Tenel Ka descended the gangplank into an overcast, gray
afternoon on Hapes 6. Off on the far northern horizon, she could make out the miles of smoke stacks
that pumped the waste from the Rugana Oil refineries into the air. She furrowed her brow and
wondered how the family could stand living here and constantly breathe in the polluted air.
Six lithe Twi’lek women approached the Queen Mother and led her towards the ultra modern, stark
white, angular home. As Tenel Ka noted the complete lack of green plant-life on the property, she
suddenly became self-conscious of her brightly colored hair and dress that seemed in striking odds with
the environment.
The Twi’leks guided her party through a barren entry hall, down a long, empty hallway with gray slate
floors. Tenel Ka stared at a large canvas that stretched across fifteen feet of empty wall space. The
entire canvas was white except for one three-inch gray circle. She stopped before the painting
completely baffled.
A voice from her left shoulder spoke, “It is called The Death Star’s Legacy. The white space signifies
the void of left behind in humanity from the destruction of Alderaan. Not only were billions of lives
snuffed out in mere seconds, but so were the generations of their future descendants.”
Shaking her head, Tenel Ka faced Travees Yermott, and said, “I suppose I just do not understand
modern art, this piece puzzles me.”
Flashing her a toothy, dazzling smile, Travees replied, “Oh it is meant to puzzle, and make you
question the actions of the Empire. And to never make you forget their suffering. It was painted as a
memorial to all of those who lost their lives.”
Planting her fists on her hips, Tenel Ka stated, “They should have put something else on the canvas
then. It is a waste of canvas to only paint one tiny circle on it. They did not even bother to give the
Death Star any definition or lines to it.”
Coolly, Travees agreed, “Well, my father bought it, not I. I admit that for twelve million credits the
artist could have at least done a little more to the painting… but….”
Eyes popping, Tenel Ka squeaked, “Twelve million credits?”
Chuckling, the blond man chortled, “That was my exact same response! I’m not the art critic, that’s my
father. I happen to agree with you on this piece, I don’t understand what my father saw in it. Come this
way, my Queen. Let me show you around my home.”
Taking his offered arm, Tenel Ka examined her date. He stood approximately 6 foot high, and had spent
a large amount of time curling the tips of his wide, cartoon-like mustache. He wore a dark blue pantsuit
that made his greenish eyes appear dark. She wrinkled her nose as Travees scrutinized his appearance
in every shiny object they passed in the house. She noted his manner otherwise, seemed quite different
than at the initial screening ceremony, at that time he was very expressive and showy, whereas at home
he appeared to be more sedate. An air of aloofness radiated from his being.
They toured his architecturally fascinating, yet cold house. Travees stopped to give her a complete art
lesson on each painting and sculpture they passed. Tenel Ka got the overwhelming sense that he was
bragging for the cameras that poked around every corner in his abode.
Finally he lead her into a oval room that seemed to be converted into a dining room. With a click of a
switch, the windows that peered out over the gray Hapes 6 landscape closed. Large flat screen monitors
covered the duraglass panes.
To his guest he asked, “And where would you like to visit today?”
“Excuse me?” Tenel Ka inquired in confusion.
Handing her a remote, he pointed to a button and said, “Please select a destination for us. I personally
enjoy channel 18, but it is your choice, since you are my honored guest.”
Flicking the button curiously, the flat screens burst to life revealing a densely forested landscape that
she recognized as Hapes 5, their vacation resort planet. Feeling a bit disoriented, she turned completely
around she noted that the images on each screen around the room gave the illusion that they were
located in the center of the planet with a three-hundred and sixty-five degree view of the landscape. She
found the technological illusion fascinating. The room filled with the echoing sounds of the forested
creatures to further enhance the impression that she no longer sat on Hapes 6. Clicking the button she
spun through a myriad of landscape choices from all over the Galaxy. When she landed on Channel 18,
she noted it belonged to Mon Cal and showed endless stretches of sandy beaches and bright blue
waves. The crashing surf sound gave the room a relaxed feel. Placing the remote down, she nodded to
her host and said, “This is acceptable. I see why you enjoy it. Mon Cal is a wonderful vacation resort.”
“I enjoy it myself. Every year since I was a small child, Father took me there to vacation. The warm
sun, and endless blue sea always relaxed me… and helped me to forget that I lived on such a dreary
planet,” Travees stated. Tenel Ka stared at the man quizzically, detecting his sadness. As he smiled and
held out a chair for her to sit on. Taking a seat, Tenel Ka began to doubt her assessment of the man.
However, she refused to let her guard down, for snakes attacked when least expected.
Unfolding her napkin into her lap, she felt Travees’s eyes studying her closely. The urge to itch herself,
or shift in her seat magnified as he continued his uncomfortable examination. Finally, he averted his
eyes and said, “You really shouldn’t wear all of that makeup that you wore the day we first met. You
are beautiful in your own right and do not need makeup, since you have no scars or flaws to cover.”
Pulling from the rocks that covered the ground outside the house, Tenel Ka connected with the Force
and still detected nothing out of the ordinary, or contradictory about her date’s demeanor. Slightly
distressed she realized that he was genuinely being sincere in his remarks. She replied, “Thank you. I
do not normally wear that much makeup, if any. But I had to wear that thick layer on that day thanks to
all of the cameras.”
“I suppose that would have been the case,” Travees commented. Several servants sat down bowls of
steaming soup before the couple and left. Picking up a spoon, Travees remarked, “You should enjoy
this, Hapan spice squash soup. It’s a family recipe.”
Blowing on a spoonful, Tenel Ka waited and watched Travees dig into his soup before she sampled
from her bowl. The sweet and spicy soup tasted delightful on her tongue.
Travees grinned, “Good, huh?”
“Yes, this is wonderful,” Tenel Ka agreed.
Finishing his bowl, Travees carefully dabbed his blond moustache clean and asked, “So how are you
enjoying the competition so far?”
Tenel Ka nearly choked on a mouthful of soup. She drank some water and cleared her throat, before
replying, “It seems to be going well. It does appear I made a couple of poor choices from the outset.
They were just incompatible with me.”
Picking up a spoon, he quickly examined his reflection. Then leaning forward on his elbows, Travees
knitted his fingers together and beamed, “How would you say I fair in this little race of yours so far?”
So far none of the men had dared to directly ask her such a thing. His directness sent her danger senses
on high alert, reminding her again of his possible connection to the release of Renttu’s tape.
“The day is not over yet. However, so far you are… acceptable,” Tenel Ka carefully stated.
Chuckling, Travees snickered, “I take that as a high compliment coming from you.”
“And what does that mean, precisely?” Tenel Ka retorted, feeling her dislike of the man deepen.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to offend you. I just know you are a very serious woman. I feel honored to have so
far passed your inspection,” he casually replied.
Tenel Ka frowned. Flippantly, she said, “Well those who know me best would agree that I do take time
to warm up to people. Why I will not even allow new guards come into service for me unless I find
them agreeable.” She carefully watched him as she said mentioned her security team.
Her host’s face remained blank and registered nothing, no sign of recognition whatsoever. He replied,
“I’m sure that would be very important. You can’t have people guarding your life if you don’t trust or
like them. Of course, I’d also assume you wouldn’t want to get too close to them, personally… you
know in case anything were to happen to them in the line of duty.”
Stiffening, she wondered if he was trying to bring Anakin into conversation. She explained, “My body
guards do understand that by accepting their position that they are putting their lives at risk. But anyone
who enters into any kind of public role should expect that to be a possibility.”
Glancing over his shoulder, Travees muttered, “I wonder where the next course is.” As if hearing his
distress, servants arrived and cleared away their soup bowls and placed a large tray of fruits and
sumptuous sandwich fixings. The oil heir grinned from ear to ear, and teased, “I hope you don’t mind
building your own sandwich, we get the best fixings delivered to us… the quality is fit for a Queen… I
Tenel Ka studied the man. He conveniently ended their conversation about security. She sensed he was
definitely hiding something, but could not place a finger on what was causing his apprehension. The
only thing she seemed relatively certain about was that he seemed to know nothing about Renttu.
Sighing inwardly, she forced the corners of her mouth up into a smile and said, “I am not too proud to
make my own sandwich.”
Beaming back at her, Travees allowed her to chose her fixings first. They finished their meal making
polite conversation. When it had ended, Tenel Ka rose to leave. Travees walked her out of the mansion
and showed her to her ship. Lightly he kissed the back of her hand and thanked her for their lovely time
together. Tenel Ka returned the pleasantries and ascended into the ship.
Travees stood at the edge of the landing platform and watched the disk shaped ship rise into the air.
Under the cover of the noise from the engines, he leaned towards one of his Twi’lek servants and
asked, “Did you get the device on board?”
“Of course we did, Sir. She was an idiot to have an all male crew on her ship. They were easily
distracted,” the green, pouting Twi’lek answered.
“Perfect,” he replied. Travees’s handsome face contorted into a pompous smirk. Folding his arms
triumphantly across his chest, he said, “It’s only a matter of time now and I will get everything I’ve
ever wanted.”
Chapter 12
Anakin and Lowie impatiently waited after the one- hour lecture for Professor Tia to finish speaking
with stragglers who surrounded the stage asking him final questions. Finally, the shrunken man
activated his hoverchair and headed off of the stage directly in Anakin and Lowbacca’s direction.
The professor startled as Anakin delurked out of the shadows from behind the stage. Holding up his
hands to show he had no hidden motives, Anakin said, “Excuse me, Professor Tia, I didn’t mean to
frighten you. I was wondering if you had a few minutes to speak to me and my friend here. My name is
Anakin Solo, and this is Jedi Knight Lowbacca. I work for Queen Mother Tenel Ka. She sent me here
to speak to you, because she remembered you from when you taught her lessons long ago.”
Professor Tia squinted up at the imposing, young man, and said, “Who did you say you were again?”
“Anakin Solo, Jedi Knight and court protector for Queen Mother Tene…”
“Anakin Solo! Yesssss… I know you! You’re brother married that girl, Branwen, did he not?” Professor
Tia asked, scratching his chin. He activated the repulsor lifts on his hoverchair so he could better see
into Anakin’s eyes. Gleefully, he asked, “Did she really take out Gwynalyn Palpatine’s fleet singlehandedly, then become one with the Force, and then return from the dead?”
Grinning, Anakin said, “Yeah, that’s Raven. She’s a little uncomfortable with people thinking she’s
some kind of mystic though. She’s pretty much the same person she was before she was returned from
the dead… well other than her hair being white, and she’s a little less likely throw herself headlong into
the face of danger, just for the sake of it.” Anakin cringed remembering the impossibly dangerous
mazes that Raven and he traversed under Gwynalyn Palpatine’s stong-hold in the attempts to rescue
their siblings. He had wondered about her sanity at the time as Raven joyously and excitedly faced each
“What a remarkable young woman though. Do you know when I heard about her feats, I thought to
myself that she would make a marvelous Hapan Queen Mother,” Tia replied. “I need to head to my
office, would you like to follow me?”
Lowie emitted a low moan, and Anakin nodded his head. Licking his lips nervously, Anakin asked, “Is
there anyway to get to your office without going past the student union?”
The Professor nodded and said, “It’s just upstairs in this building, actually. Follow me.” Zipping past
the two Jedi, the old man’s chair zoomed out the door of the backstage area and hooked a sharp left
down a long, brightly- lit hallway that smelled of cleaning solution. Anakin and Lowie walked behind
the hoverchair with a very perturbed for not being introduced Threepio clattering behind the trio.
Spinning his chair around so he could face the young men, Professor Tia said, “Do you know that my
first love, before learning everything I could about the Hapan Matriarchal system was mythology? Let
me tell you, when word spread across the Galaxy, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end.
Raven Solo’s journey to death just vividly reminded me of that old Alderaanian myth about King Bail
Ban and his wife Branwen. Did you say that Raven doesn’t like her new nickname?”
“She’s uncomfortable with it. She’s a very private person who spent much of her life alone, so having
people clustering around her and seeing her like some sort of deity… unsettles her a great deal,”
Anakin replied.
“Oh dear, I must apologize to her then. I think in one of my interviews on television after the event I
happened to bring up the similarities with the tale and the name spread like wildfire over the Galaxy. I
never imagined that with as technologically advanced as we are today as a society that people would
hold dear to something as simple as a mystical tale from old. If this has caused her grief, I truly am
sorry,” Tia responded with true sorrow.
Anakin remembered the tale of the lonely King who searched high and low for a suitable wife to no
avail. Sitting on a rock a raven fell dead from the sky. The man picked up the bird and cried onto it, his
tears changed it’s black feathers white and when he placed it onto the ground, the bird changed into a
beautiful woman. He had always noticed a few similarities to Raven’s return from the Force and the
tale, he never quite understood why the nickname managed to stick. Now knowing that one of the
Galaxy’s most respected professors had uttered the name, he understood. Smiling, Anakin replied,
“Well, I think since there’s not a lot she can do about it, she doesn’t really mind. She just wishes people
would leave her alone.”
Tia nodded, and changed the subject. He asked, “So Jedi Solo, what can I do for you? What is so
important that you sought me out?”
Running his fingers through his dark hair, Anakin explained, “I’m actually researching the history of
the Hapan Queens who all invoked or participated in the Drempitu Ma. From my research so far, it
seems as though none of the Queens ever went against the ritual. I was wondering if you knew of any
laws or maybe forgotten rules that might get a Queen out of the Drempitu Ma?”
Squinting his dark eyes, Tia stated, “Well that’s a strange thing to ask about. From everything I’ve seen
on the holonet, it appears our new Queen is quite happy to be entering this contest.” Still aiming
backwards, Tia swung a sharp left down another hallway. The old man’s eyes softened as a lazy smile
crested his lips and he reminisced, “Tenel Ka was a wonderful young girl. I wish all of my students
were so dedicated as she in learning her lessons. She was a very serious young woman and forgot
nothing. I knew she would make a great Queen Mother one day. It’s because of her behavior that I’m
wondering why you are here. She wouldn’t have entered into this thing if she didn’t want to. She was
often stubborn and obstinate about doing things the way she wanted to do them. I can’t imagine that
she would go through this ritual if she wasn’t interested in doing it.”
Sneaking a glance at Lowie, Anakin tried to determine how much to tell the professor. Lowie shrugged.
Finally, Anakin confessed, “Tenel Ka and I are good friends. She was best friends with my siblings
growing up. As we all got older… she and I developed feelings for each other. We think her
grandmother invoked this ritual to try and get me out of the picture.”
Professor Tia snorted. He asked, “And I suppose you both feel that Ta’a Chume is out to get you two?”
“Something like that,” Anakin reluctantly admitted.
Tia burst out laughing as they came to a set of turbolift doors. Face blushing, Anakin asked, “What?”
Slapping a button on the wall, Tia called a turbolift to take them up to his office. The professor
remarked, “Youngsters always think their elders are out to get them is all. Course you may be right in
this case.”
“Why would you say that?” Anakin asked as they entered the turbolift.
Tia called for floor seventeen and the turbolift steadily rose upwards. He explained, “Ta’a Chume was
even more stubborn than her granddaughter. Tenel Ka would at least listen to my lectures and lessons.
Ta’a Chume doesn’t listen to anyone. She lives by her own set of morals, codes, and beliefs. Her
hardened heart has made her a true hero to her people. Do you know that when the Empire rose in
power, they ousted her mother out of office? Ta’a Chume managed to divert the entire Royal savings
holdings, built up the Hapan fleet in secret, and then single-handedly defeated and kicked the Empire
out of our Cluster.” Anakin’s jaw dropped with surprise. Tia pointed at the slack-jawed Jedi and stated,
“Trust me, she may have been getting old and her instincts may have been off, but the people in this
Cluster WORSHIP that woman. My guess is their reluctance to wish to see their heroine leave is why
they’ve been so ambivalent towards their new Queen Mother.”
Waving his hand to allow Tia out of the turbolift first, Anakin’s group followed the professor to the
right and down a long corridor. The halls were covered with flashing notices for faculty functions and
student gatherings. He asked, “Knowing what you do about the Matriarch history, what do you think of
Tenel Ka’s reign so far?”
The professor stopped at a door on the right and typed in his entry code. The door hissed open and the
stale smell of disuse and dust greeted Anakin’s nose. Towering shelves filled with databooks filled the
room, and his desk, located in the exact center of the room appeared to have no top, as it was
completely covered with stuff. Lowie noted that the room lacked a computer terminal.
Professor Tia pointed to a couple of hole filled chairs with flattened cushions for Anakin and Lowie to
be seated. Reluctantly, Anakin sat, enshrouding himself in his cloak to avoid touching the fabric that
sent wafts of dust floating into the air. Both Lowie and Anakins coughing went unnoticed to the
professor. Scratching his chin, the Tia remarked, “Her reign’s been rather unremarkable, actually.
Which is a good thing, I may point out. Certainly no Queen wishes to enter into a Galaxy in the time of
conflict. This ritual of the Queen’s is certainly a great way to allow the people to become familiar with
Tenel Ka. The students here talk about nothing else. Every day they gossip about nothing else except
the Queen Mother’s love-life.” Jabbing a finger and flashing Anakin a wink, Tia added, “Course now
all they can talk about is that newly released video of you.”
Anakin’s cheeks blushed and he coughed. He stated, “I thought you didn’t recognize me.”
“Well it’s kinda hard to miss a celebrity who’s 6’6” tall. Sorry for not telling you immediately that I
knew who you were, but I wanted to get a feel for you without your knowing that I knew who you
were…er… does that make sense?” Tia asked, as he absently ran his fingers through his wispy white
hair, and managed to make it stick out further in ten different directions. Patting himself down, the
professor extracted a pair of spectacles and placed them on the tip of his nose. Squinting he stared at his
bookcases and lifted his hoverchair along the wall and began tossing aside datacards in a mad attempt
to locate something in particular.
“Is there anything we can help you with, Professor?” Anakin asked. He threw up an arm to shield the
right side of his head from a flying datacard.
“No, no… trust me if I can’t find what I’m looking for, you most certainly will not!” Tia mumbled and
continued on his quest.
Lowie rolled his eyes and growled at Anakin. Knitting his brows together, Anakin silently waved his
hand to his friend in a manner of asking him to wait and relax. Anakin stared around the office and
noted several Royal plaques of honor. Standing up he scrutinized one and noted it contained a photo of
a young Tenel Ka and her Grandmother standing by the old man. A lopsided grin formed on his face as
he noted Tenel Ka’s usual lack of smile, and stubborn lift to her chin.
“That was taken after Tenel Ka finished her courses with me. Ta’a Chume recommended to the
University that I receive an extra stipend for efforts in training the new generation of Queens. What
good that did… professors don’t receive raises, we receive merits. Not that I’m complaining though…
aha!” Beaming triumphantly, the little man’s fist clasped onto a datacard. His chair hissed as it lowered
down to desk level. Grunting the old man activated the card and began sifting through the disks
contents. He said, “Now in the three thousand years that our Queens have ruled this Cluster, there have
been 144 Queens. 122 of them have either evoked or had the Drempitu Ma evoked for them, during
their reign.”
Spinning on his heal, Anakin’s heart leapt into his throat and he asked, “122, are you sure? We checked
in the Royal archives and there were only 118 of them listed.”
“Oh I am quite certain, young man. I usually don’t dwell on this particular topic in my research, as it
has little to do with the actual historical events of our Cluster. However, I had studied the Drempitu Ma
a great deal after Ta’a Chume evoked the ritual when she took over the reign of Hapes after she ousted
the Empire,” Tia explained as he stared at the contents of his datacard. “This here is a thesis I wrote on
the topic after an exhaustive study of the ancient ritual. Course this was written over fifty years ago, so
I’m a bit rusty on what I may have written down. So tell me, Jedi Solo, if you do come up with a way
out of this thing, how exactly will the Queen Mother back out of this thing gracefully? The entire
Cluster’s hanging on every date and can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next. If she ups and ends
this thing, I can see her popularity going down the drain.”
Anakin approached the professor and lightly tugged on his left ear and said, “If she can find a legal
way of this thing, she believes or at least hopes that the Hapan people won’t be so completely against
her. Come to think of it, maybe it’s a mixed blessing that the video of me carrying her to bed got
released, maybe they’ll all see that she’s already got her heart set on me.”
Pointing a finger in Anakin’s direction, Tai retorted, “You both don’t know the Hapan people very well,
I’m afraid. They, like their Queens, value money and credits over love. If you think that by her
declaring that this ritual is over just because she’s actually in love with you is going to make the Hapan
people happy for you both, you’ve got another thing coming. There may be a few hopeless romantics
out there, but I can tell you this, everyone will think this has all been a complete failure if Tenel Ka
does not marry Brukos Olissian. He is the golden boy of this whole event. By his promising to hand
over his jewel covered moon to the Hapes Cluster he has the masses slobbering for Tenel Ka to marry
the man. They’re all actually quite confused as to why she hasn’t up and married him as of yet.”
“Well she did have to go out with Travees…”
“Bahh! Now that I know the truth, I can see that date for what it is, a stall tactic,” Tai replied,
Setting his jaw into a hard scowl, Anakin folded his arms and said, “So I take it you’re not interested in
helping us?”
Sighing deeply, the professor replied, “Young man, would I be looking through my old thesis if I didn’t
want to help you? I happen to be one of those few hopeless romantics of whom I mentioned. And from
what I know of Tenel Ka, if you make her happy then by all means, I’m more than willing to help you
out. That girl was more serious than a man on death row the night of his execution.”
Softly, Anakin stated, “I make her smile, and laugh.”
Anakin chuckled as the professor glanced up from his datacard with an expression of utter shock.
Smiling, he said, “Well then I guess I’d better come up with it then for you.”
Lowie uttered a low moan to Anakin, crossing his legs. The dark-haired Jedi asked the professor where
the refreshers were located. Tia replied, “Down the hall and to the left.”
Dashing out the door Lowie exited the room. As Anakin waited in silence for the Professor to find the
information he was looking for, a loud clatter echoed through the hallway. See-Threepio burst into the
office after waiting outside in the hallway. He screamed, “Please do not blame me, Master Anakin. I
thought they were just asking for directions!”
Feeling a growing disturbance in the Force, Anakin’s hand flickered towards his lightsaber. He asked,
“What are you talking abou…”
Professor Blane Tia’s office suddenly filled with a dozen Royal Hapan Guards all brandishing their
weapons, pointing them directly into Anakin Solo’s face.
The head of the security detail was Welum Plewdin, a captain who worked alongside Anakin on the
missions to sweep the Drempitu Ma contestants homes. Itching his finger on the trigger, his voice
boomed, “Put your hands up, Anakin Solo.” Into a commlink, Plewdin said, “Inform the Queen Mother
we’ve captured the target.”
Gawking at the dark skinned man, Anakin demanded, “What is this all about, Welum?”
“By the order of Acting Queen Mother, Ta’a Chume, you are under arrest,” Captain Plewdin replied.
Two beefy guards circled around Anakin, removed his lightsaber, and cuffed him with stun guards
behind his back.
Furrowing his brows in confusion, Anakin asked, “What is it with that woman always trying to assume
power? Exactly what am I being charged with?”
Flashing icy eyes in Anakin’s direction, Captain Plewdin stated, “You’re under arrest for the murder of
Queen Mother, Tenel Ka.”
Chapter 13
The deafening roar of the tractor droids, removing excess stone from the mines on Olissia went
unnoticed to Brukos as he entered the main office building that sat on the Northern hill directly across
from the excavation site’s entrance. Head down, Brukos examined the report presented to him earlier in
the day by his hired geological team providing him with exacting details on where they believed the
newest, richest strains of Glyrancythe were lying underground. The precious fiery orange gem was the
end result from magma flows. Olissia’s year-round temperate climate, combined with the nutrient rich
soil, made the perfect combination for the usually obsidian lava to change into its rarer Glyrancythe
form. The volcanic activity on the moon also stayed relatively dormant. The lava on the moon rippled
up through the lower levels of sedimentary rock embedding rich deposits to be mined underground.
Stopping in front of a large three-dimensional topographical map of the region, Brukos reread the coordinates in his notes. The foreman of the dig, a Dug named Shuurana, along with several site
surveyors encircled the large projected display as Brukos entered the new co-ordinates onto the map. A
yellow, jagged line appeared to the southeast of the current dig location. Scratching the hair on his chin,
Brukos scrutinized the map closely. The surveyors stood by silently and waited for their head boss to
finish his assessment. Having studied geology himself after discovering his gems, Brukos developed a
feel for the land and an instinct for locating hidden veins and offshoots of the precious stones.
Dropping his hands back onto the keyboard, Brukos entered a couple more series of co-ordinates and
four tiny veins shot off from below the yellow line heading northwards and running parallel with the
main strain. Clearing his throat, Brukos asked, “They’ve reached the end of the strain in the current
shaft, correct?”
“Yes, Sir. We’ve reached the end of the gem line and all that remains of the magma stone is in it’s
Obsidian form,” foreman Shuurana replied, absently plucking his cheek with his toes.
“Alright then. The new strain I just loaded onto the map here was determined from the geological team.
If you note the direction of the flow, it goes with the moon’s trajectory, axis spin. My best guess is there
will be several veins located directly below the main vein. It’s about fifteen miles from our current
location. Shuurana, how long do you think before the men can start digging over there?” Brukos asked.
He watched as the small Dug scooted along the perimeter of the display area, closely studying the new
strain for depth and location.
Jabbing a gray toe in the direction of the end of the stain, the gray- skinned dug said, “That strain is
deeper than the last deposit we dug up. It looks like the new flow is two miles below the surface. That
will take a lot of explosives and digging to get there… My guess with us not working at night… two
months for rock removal, and another month until our men fortify and create the mine shafts.”
Crossing his arms across his chest and standing with his legs spread open, wide apart, Brukos replied,
“Well I’m not changing the shifts around here. The workers don’t need sound pollution when they’re
trying to sleep at night. I find the miners work harder if they get a full night’s sleep. Stick to that
schedule, and it’s fine with me. Let me know if you need any more droids to assist you, Shuurana.”
“Yes, sir. I will be sure to do so. Alright everyone, let’s gather up our men and mark our new site. Let’s
go!” Shuurana commanded, leapt onto the floor and was followed out the door by the pack of surveyors
strapping on their hardhats.
Brukos examined the map for a few moments longer, then headed down through the crowded halls
towards his office located on the second floor. Ascending a flight of stairs, three steps at a time, Brukos
entered his office and was greeted by the smell of freshly brewed caff. He poured himself a steaming
mug and wandered past his display case containing a ten-pound chunk of raw Glyrancythe, itself worth
millions. He shucked off his cape, hung it on a peg, as the mid-day sun had considerably warmed his
Sitting behind his desk, Brukos glanced over his shoulder and out the expansive glass windows towards
the city of New Hope. When he purchased the moon, he raised the existing slum-like towns and had
some of the best landscape architects create a cozy village, complete with all of the shopping and
scholastic amenities that the families of his miners would require to live happy, utopian lives. The
constant thud of the machinery working from twenty miles away could be heard in every corner of the
town during the day. Yet, the nights were perfectly tranquil and quiet. So far, the local law officials at
New Hope had little to do other than direct traffic.
Swinging away from the window, Brukos placed his caff on his desk and sorted through his mail. The
nauseating, oily scent of Ban’s hair gel announced his accountant’s arrival.
Sipping his caff, Brukos said, “Hey, Ban. What’s up?”
Plopping down in the only chair available in the Spartan office, Ban replied, “Concerned.”
“About what?” Brukos asked, suddenly fearful of yet another tirade from his accountant.
“Did I just hear that Shuurana said it would take about three months before they can actually start
mining?” Ban inquired, knitting his fingers together tightly.
Brukos cast his annoyed, hazel eyes in Ban’s direction. He asked, “And the problem with that is???”
“Do you realize how much costs go into labor and power for the machines? You won’t be making a half
a credit in profit…for over three months!” Ban exclaimed, voice climbing in pitch.
Squeezing his eyes shut tight, Brukos sensed the threads of a headache announce themselves in his
frontal lobe. Shaking his head, Brukos asked, “What are you worried about, Ban? We’re way over
revenue from the last vein. Our profit levels far exceed our overhead. Even with three months of
gaining no new revenues, our books would still be in the black for nearly a decade.”
The small man deflated in his seat. He replied, “You’re right, Brukos. I’m sorry to be… well I’m
Knowing Ban all too well, Brukos further needled, “Come on, Ban, what’s really the problem?”
Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, Ban finally spit out, “What good will it do if three months from now
we won’t be here?”
Exasperated, Brukos asked, “What are you talking about?”
“I reviewed the footage from your date with Queen Mother Tenel Ka, again. I think you have a really
good shot of winning this thing. After seeing snatches of her date with this Travees guy- you are clearly
the victor, so far,” Ban gloomily replied.
Beaming, Brukos sucked down some more warm caff, wiped his mouth clean with the back of his hand
and squeaked excitedly, “You really think so?”
“As much as I hate to admit it, yes. I think you could be the winner,” Ban sulked.
“What’s the matter, Ban? You want me to grow up miserable and alone?” Brukos asked resentfully.
“No, it’s not that. Of course I want you to be happy. I guess I kind of always liked the idea of working
for a man who built himself from nothing. If a woman were to take over, I just don’t think it would be
the same. Nor would I enjoy my job as much,” Ban morosely replied.
Brukos chuckled and scratched his bald- head. He merrily said, “Well, I’m not really sure how long this
Drempitu Ma is supposed to last, but something tells me you’ll have a while yet before you have start
worrying about anything. Just because I might get married, won’t mean that I’m going to just up and
vanish. I have no intentions of just handing over Olissia to some royal bureaucrat who thinks he can
run this moon better than I can.”
“Bless the Force for that, I guess,” Ban remarked.
Both men jumped in their seats as Brukos’s office door crashed open, and the building’s receptionist, a
tiny dark-haired woman named, Paia entered the room with a frantic expression marring her face.
Knocking his chair almost over as he bolted to his feet, Brukos’s heart seized in his chest. Immediately,
he wondered if there was a big accident out in the mines. “What’s the matter, Paia?” he asked.
Pale, the smaller woman pointed to his holonet and said, “Oh, Master Olissian, I am so sorry!” Her
eyes opened wide, and tears streaked down her face as she wailed, “You haven’t yet heard?”
“Heard… what?” Brukos sternly asked. Paia’s panic transmitted to himself and he felt his blood
pressure sharply rise from anxiety.
“Master Olissian, it’s just terrible! Turn on the holonet!” Paia cried, and wrapped her arms tightly
around her shaking body.
Completely bewildered as to what could cause his normally sedate receptionist into a state of panic,
Brukos turned on the holonet. Ban swiveled in his seat to see what the fuss was about. Several
employees lurked outside his office door, hoping to catch a view of the holonet.
The blond reporter’s face showed no emotion as she reported, “…the debris from the Queen Mother’s
Royal Yacht was found three parsecs off of its scheduled course. There were no signs that the Queen
Mother, Tenel Ka escaped the explosion, for all escape pods were accounted for in the debris. Although
the Hapan Military and Security Guard have not confirmed that the Queen Mother is in fact dead, they
are holding out little hope that she survived the explosion. On Hapes 2 today, the Queen Mother’s
cousin Nastya Chume’da spoke briefly to reporters about this tragedy…” [The screen shifted from the
reporter to a gaunt, black- haired young woman] “This is the worst imaginable thing that could happen.
My poor cousin! If she in fact did not survive this tragic event, the Hapes Cluster will be lost without
her guidance. I only hope for the sake of our people that she returns home, safe and sound. However, if
she does not, I will reluctantly take her place and try to rule the Cluster with her spirit guiding me in
her place.” [The image shifted back to the reporter] “The Acting Queen Mother, Ta’a Chume has
already laid blame on the culprit of this heinous and vile act. We are going live to her broadcast….”
[The image shifted to the grand reception hall on Hapes where a dour and angry Ta’a Chume stood
wearing all black.] “This is the worst thing that could have possibly happened in this Cluster. You all
had only just begun to know my lovely granddaughter. We will surely mourn her passing. I want you all
to be assured that justice has been and will be swift in this manner. Even now word has been sent to me
that Anakin Solo is now in custody… Gasps were heard throughout the room, including exiting
Brukos’s mouth. “…Anakin Solo showed an unusual and unnatural fixation to the Queen. When the
Drempitu Ma began, he openly exhibited signs of jealousy towards the other men who were able to
lawfully enter the race. He even managed to force himself onto the head of security details sent to the
Drempitu Ma’s contestant’s homes. We believe that he planted the bomb on the Queen Mother’s ship in
an act of revenge, believing that if he could not have the Queen for himself, than no-one could have
her! You will be pleased to know that he is in custody and will be brought before my court for
sentencing within several hours. I promise to broadcast the hearings live. Thank you.”
As the broadcast droned on, Brukos’s heart seized in his chest and his vision blurred as a cloud of
disbelief hung heavily over his senses. Ban stared at his boss and watched the man inwardly crumbled
at the news. Absently, Brukos dropped his datacards with his mail all over his desk. Paia rushed the
others out of the room and shut the door behind the retreating employees to give their grieving boss
privacy. Brukos’s knees began to quake and he collapsed into his chair as torrential waves of grief
rocked his soul. Planting his elbows on his desk, his fingers absently massaged and dug into his face.
“Why? Why? Why now?” he muttered.
Knowing better than to say anything which might inadvertently upset Brukos further, Ban sat silently
by waiting for his boss to cue him to speak.
Snuffling, Brukos mumbled, “This just can’t be happening. I just saw her two days ago, she can’t be
dead.” Ban remained quiet and tried to determine if he should slink out of the room. The wheels in
Brukos’s head spun as snatches of the newscast replayed in his mind. Glancing up and across his office,
his red-streaked eyes didn’t register Ban. Voice gaining strength he asked, “Tenel Ka’s grandmother
just said that she’s blaming Anakin Solo for Tiki’s death, right?”
“Right…” Ban tentatively agreed.
“But Anakin is a dear friend to her. Even if he was in love with her… he would never kill her,” Brukos
pointed out. Launching to his feet he began absently pacing his office. Massaging his chin with his
right hand, he planted his left hand on his hip. He continued, “Anakin Solo is a Jedi. It is the credo of
the Jedi Order to not exact revenge. They act completely for the good of mankind.”
Crossing his left leg over his right, Ban steepled his fingers together, and replied, “Yes, but
occasionally they mess up and fall. Remember that whole fiasco years ago with Kyp Durron? He blew
up an entire star system out of revenge.”
Waving his hand dismissively, Brukos replied, “Yes, yes. There are rare occasions. The worst case in
point being Anakin Skywalker who became Darth Vader.”
Clearing his throat, Ban stated, “You know your Jedi history, sir.”
Meeting Ban’s gaze, Brukos said, “It’s my hobby to research all that I can about those who wield power
in the Galaxy. I study history. From what I’ve gathered about the Jedi… who are usually very quiet and
secretive about their habits, I may add … it generally takes a major trauma to turn a Jedi to the Dark
Side of the Force. I just can’t see the release of that video to the press being enough to turn Anakin into
a Sith Lord.”
“Well, that’s a lot of speculation considering you don’t know the man,” Ban replied, rubbing a hand
across his oily blond hair.
Raising his eyebrows, Brukos agreed, “That’s true, I don’t know him. I mean, I know a little about him,
the kind of ship he drives, and a bit about his past, but certainly not much. All I know for sure is that
Tenel Ka trusts him completely. I just think Anakin’s an easy target, though. I don’t think he’s behind
“How could you possibly know that?” Ban asked, incredulously.
“Because I know Tenel Ka. She would never associate with someone who was emotionally unstable.
Besides, remember how reports said that Anakin busted down a magnetically sealed duracrete wall in
order to rescue her last year during that whole Palpatine thing? No, Ban. This is all just too
convenient,” Brukos stated, as he commenced with his pacing.
“Are you beginning to believe, Brukos?” Ban squeaked, braving an onslaught of rage with his question.
“Believe what, Ban?” Brukos asked, absently, not really paying attention to his accountant.
“That Anakin and Tenel Ka are in love with each other,” Ban quietly replied, voice quaking.
Brukos wandered over to his large pane windows and stared out across the tranquil valley and New
Hope. From the distance, the beginning thunder of explosives breaking through the ground at the new
dig site caused the ultra enforced glass to slightly tremble. Each throb seemed to further solidify Ban’s
point into Brukos’s heart.
Massaging his scalp, Brukos stated, “The former Queen Mother would know what was going on with
Tenel Ka, wouldn’t she?” Flashes of Anakin and Tenel Ka dancing at her coronation leapt into Brukos’s
mind. The first time he viewed their expressions he thought he only saw friendship, looking back, he
now realized that they did appear to be deeply in love with each other. A prickling sensation coursed
through his body and caused the hair on his arms to stand on end as a thought entered his mind.
Thinking back to when he questioned Tenel Ka about her relationship with Anakin he realized that she
expertly evaded his question by saying he could not enter the ritual because he lacked the funding. She
never said they were not romantically involved. The angry acting Queen Mother’s face sprung into his
mind. Tapping on the duraglass, Brukos stated matter-of-factly, “Ta’a Chume invoked this whole ritual
in order to break Anakin and Tenel Ka apart.”
Stiffening in his chair, Ban asked, “What makes you think that? Why would she do that?”
“Why indeed?” Brukos absently remarked. He began to speak and stopped himself a couple of times as
he collected his thoughts. Finally, he began speaking his rapidly swirling thoughts aloud, “If Tenel Ka
and Anakin are in love…Tenel Ka told me that if the matriarchy fell apart that chaos would ensue in the
Hapes Cluster…”
“Yes, go on…” Ban said, enthralled.
“Tiki was very defensive about the matriarchy system when we spoke at dinner. Looking back on it, I
see she was covering up something. If she’s simply going through the motions of this whole ritual, just
to please her people or her grandmother who invoked it…” Brukos faded off.
Brukos felt the crucial connection in the web of details he had begun to weave together disappear.
Lowering his head, he said, “What does it matter, now? She’s dead.”
Surprised at what he was about to ask, Ban suggested, “If you are beginning to doubt the Queen
Mother’s motives in this matter, why would you possibly believe her when she says Tenel Ka is dead?”
Examining Ban curiously, Brukos approached him, and sat on the corner of his desk. He said, “You are
right. And even Hapan security can’t confirm that Tenel Ka is officially dead. Ta’a Chume seems to be
awfully quick on the draw for placing blame in this crisis.” Standing abruptly up, Brukos said, “I’m
going home, Ban. I have some investigating to do.”
“Aren’t you upset that Tenel Ka was lying to you about her feelings about Anakin?” Ban asked,
Brukos thought about Ban’s question and much to the surprise of Ban, he smiled. He replied, “Well,
technically she didn’t lie to me, she just left a couple of things out.”
“But you were sooo insistent that she was meant for you! Dear gods, you are hopeless!” Ban
Choking down a lump in his throat as the full realization that his dreams had most likely shattered, he
replied, “It was really only a foolish dream of mine that she would fall in love with me in the first
place. In reality if she is dead whatever she did or did not tell me is irrelevant.” Brukos walked towards
his door to retrieve his cape.
Standing up to follow his boss out of the office, Ban asked, “And if she’s not dead?”
With a gaze full of determination, Brukos stated, “I’m not about to let some power hungry old spinster
deny Tiki true love- even if that person isn’t me.”
Turning on his heel, Brukos exited the room, leaving a slack-jawed Ban, speechless.
Chapter 14
Anakin gawked at the dark-skinned Hapan Captain as his accusation sunk into his consciousness.
Denial screamed in his head, as Anakin demanded, “You’ve GOT to be joking. Tell me you don’t
believe this nonsense, Welum.” Seeing that Plewdin appeared not to be swaying on his charges, Anakin
added, “Where’s your proof of her so-called demise?”
“I’m not at liberty to answer that. I’m just acting on orders to bring you in. You gonna behave, or do I
need to call down three more garrisons of troops to contain you?” Captain Plewdin threatened.
Sticking his nose in Plewdin’s face, Anakin spat back, “Gee, all of this time, I thought you were a man
with a brain in your head, guess I was wrong. All you are is Ta’a Chume’s lackey, waiting to do any
small task that she bids of you.”
Plewdin replied by violently shoving Anakin out of the shocked Professor’s office. The left side of
Anakin’s face crashed into the opposite hallway wall. Immediately his vision blurred upon impact as
his face exploded with blinding pain. In the process he bit down hard upon his tender tongue. The taste
of hot, sticky blood filled his mouth. Controlling himself to not cry out, he turned and faced the group
of smirking soldiers. Turning his head, he spat blood onto Plewdin’s shoes.
“Congratulations, you shoved me into a wall. Does that make you feel like a bigger man… Captain?”
Anakin jeered. Leaning in close to Plewdin, Anakin added, “You know me, Welum. We’ve worked side
by side for months now. You KNOW this is all trumped up and that I would never hurt Tenel Ka…”
“Do I now? Well considering the Queen is dead, and you were her personal protector, I don’t know
what to expect from you. Besides, you aren’t even Hapan, I have no loyalty to you,” Plewdin coolly
replied, wrinkling his thick nose in disgust.
“Well considering how little Hapan women think of their men, I don’t see that as being a character
flaw,” Anakin retorted. His sarcasm earned Anakin a right hook to the left jaw. Plewdin turned to his
men and began barking orders.
Stunned slightly from the throbbing pain in his lower jaw, Anakin rotated it around to pop it back into
place. He snuck a glance to the left and noted Lowbacca peering around a corner, uncertain of what to
do. Anakin hitched both of his thumbs upward behind his back and mouthed, “Get the ship ready.”
Lowie nodded as the Hapan Guards flooded into the hall and prodded Anakin down the hall.
Threepio and Professor Tia spilled out into the hallway. The Professor removed his spectacles and
glanced at the datadisk in his hand and said, “Oh dear, I suppose this is now unnecessary.”
Facing the furry Jedi, Threepio exclaimed, “What do we do now?”
Having missed why Anakin was being taken away by the guards, Lowie Barked Threepio a question
for the Professor, Threepio parroted, “Jedi Knight Lowbacca would like to know if there are there any
other turbolifts on this floor?”
“Go left and second hallway on the right,” Tia replied.
Growling, Lowie pointed to the datacard and asked if he could have it.
Shrugging the Professor handed it over to the Wookiee. Nodding and grunting thanks, Lowie placed the
disk in his hip belt, lifted Threepio off of his feet and carried the kicking and screaming droid down the
hall, much to the bewilderment of the professor.
Captain Plewdin shoved Anakin out of the tubolift, through a winding maze of halls, and victoriously
marched his prisoner, surrounded by Royal Guards, through the empty auditorium towards the busy
student union. Pricking his ears, Anakin detected the increase of voices and deduced that it must be
between classes. When they exited the dark building and into the bright afternoon sunshine, he beamed
with delight as students packed the campus walkways. His left eye began swelling shut and suddenly
dozens of flying camera droids descended upon the prisoner and the guards.
As they wove their way through the throngs of students, jeers and cat-calls greeted Anakin from the
main union area from the Snivvians and women who had chased them earlier in the day. Anakin calmly
allowed himself to be viewed as a willing participant in this propaganda inspired parade. A flicker of
movement through the shady trees to his right caught his attention and he suppressed a grin at the
comical sight of Lowie, carrying a thrashing Threepio, racing towards the landing pad where they
parked the Phoenix.
Anakin began focusing his concentration through the Force onto the stuncuffs that circled his wrists.
Erecting a tiny shield to muffle sound, he blew out the stun circuits. Now no longer charged, Anakin
began surveying the campus. He detected that the Hapan guards were going to divert him to the North
in the opposite direction of where his ship was docked. Before he could determine the next course of
action, a pack of reporters converged onto the circle of guards. A dark-blue skinned, female Toydarian
wielding a microphone buzzed over the guards and shoved the recording device into Anakin’s face.
“What do you have to say about the charges that you are the one who blew up former Queen Mother
Tenel Ka’s ship?” the Toydarian barked.
Anakin’s heart stilled in his chest. All along he had assumed that Ta’a Chume was simply playing some
sort of a prank on him to get him away from the professor. Angrily, he shouted, “What do you mean
blew her ship up?”
The surprised Toydarian’s eyes grew large with merry surprise having scooped all other reporters for
the story. She excitedly said, “Oh yeah, she was returning from her date with Travees Yarmott and her
ship exploded in space. There’s debris floating for miles and miles…They found no escape pods…and
only bodies in the wreckage.”
Anakin halted his walking. His heart throbbed erratically as panic consumed his senses. A flash of
overwhelming urgency invaded his reasoning and he acted on his instincts.
“Get out of here!” Plewdin shouted to the winged reporter and chased her away from his captive.
Glancing quickly around the plaza, Anakin spotted a group of athletically built shockball players
crowded around the base of a tree. Connecting with the Force, Anakin flashed a suggested wave their
way. The Hapan Royal Guards suddenly found themselves surrounded by the shockball players
demanding to know what they needed to do to join in the Royal Guard ranks. Using the moment of
distraction, he popped the stuncuffs to pieces. Now free, he unexpectedly knocked five guards to either
side of him off of their feet with a violent shove. The confused guards attempted to scramble to their
feet as Anakin vaulted straight up in the air, tucked into a ball, and landed outside of the protected
Plewdin shouted, “Don’t let him get away!”
Anakin further pushed the suggestion into the shockball players minds that they were being ignored
and that they should become very angry. The young men began to shout, poke at, and push the guards,
demanding their immediate attention. Staying low, he raced across the commons and hid behind a tree.
From there, he focused on the melee of guards and shockball players, searching for the guard who held
his lightsaber. Two guards broke free of the huddle and charged in Anakin’s direction. As they
approached him, Anakin threw apart his hands and lifted the two guards off of their feet with assistance
of the Force. Then with a forward push, he threw them right on top of the brawl that now included
campus security men. Concentrating, he finally located the correct guard in the pack. Sinking into the
Force, he lifted the confused and frightened man off of his feet and crashed him unconscious into the
tree. Bending down around the tree, he removed his lightsaber from the guard’s belt, and freed the man
of his blaster. He then glanced up to see seven guards running towards him, blasters drawn. Switching
the blaster setting to stun, Anakin fired upon the guards, only to have nothing happen. Realizing the
blaster had been damaged, he dropped it and altered his plans. Anakin quickly erected a Forcefield. The
charging guards bounced into it sending their blasters scattering across the plaza. Random shots caused
mass panic in the crowd and the guards became lost in a sea of swarming, screaming students.
Removing his cloak and shoving it into a ball at his side, Anakin ducked through the mob. He
purposely headed towards the Phoenix. He got a block away from the commotion before he bolted, as
panic over Tenel Ka’s well-being filled his soul. He focused on controlling his erratic breathing patterns
caused by his mounting anxiety. Blindly knocking over anyone who came in his path, he charged
towards a crowded stone stairwell. Seeing that he would never successfully navigate through the
throngs of people he vaulted over the marble wall and plunged twenty-five feet down onto the ground
below, startling a couple of Ithorians enjoying a picnic.
From the stairwell, he heard Plewdin shouting, “Stop! Please don’t make me shoot you, Anakin!”
Growling, Anakin raced forward as he noted Welum was surrounded by five other of his guards. He
dodged himself through a growing throng of people heading to class. Curses and shouts echoed around
him as he protectively plunged himself deeper into the crowds, running against the flow of traffic. As
he raced past the café where he and Lowie ate breakfast earlier, he knew that the landing pad was
rapidly approaching. Ahead he spied his salvation in the form of a large flag- pole poking out from the
ground and towering up from an additional thirty feet below the current level of walkways. He figured
it to be situated approximately forty-feet away from the wall. Anakin suddenly ducked his head, along
with thirty students in his immediate vicinity as a directed blaster shot noisily pinged and ricocheted off
of a large marble planter, sending out plumes of smoke and shrapnel scattering in all directions. The
laser bounced off of his right shoulder, burning a hole through his shirt and scorching his skin. Plewdin
and the five guards began firing at Anakin.
“Everybody down!” Anakin shouted, as he snap hissed his azure lightsaber to life and expertly
deflected the bolts, sending three back towards the guards.
Growling at the stinging pain, he used the screaming, ducking students as stepstools, deflecting shots
along the way. Deactivating his lightsaber, he clipped it to his belt and began to concentrate. Sinking
into the Force to enhance his timing, he charged over the students exposed backs, clenched his robe in
his teeth, and threw himself towards the flagpole. With a grunt upon impact, he grabbed hold of the
pole, wrapped his legs around the blistering hot metal, twisted his robe around it to prevent his palms
from blistering, and slid to the ground below. From above Plewdin and his two remaining guards
appeared and began to shower blaster shots after Anakin’s retreating form.
Sneaking one last look at Welum, Anakin shouted, “You know this is right, Welum!”
Expertly dodging the blaster hits, he raced towards his ship. As sound of the blaster fire diminished into
the background, Anakin’s heart soared, knowing that he’d managed to escape the Hapan guards and
was now one step closer to getting to the bottom of what happened to Tenel Ka.
Knowing the futility in trying to follow Anakin, Plewdin stopped his guards from firing, yanked out his
commlink and barked into the communication device, “Delta Dragon, this is blue leader, we have lost
suspect. Repeat, we have lost our target. Be alert that his ship The Fiery Phoenix will be entering the
atmosphere. Use any and all means to take the suspect out.”
Hesitantly the commanding officer on the responding Dragon asked, “Are we not supposed to bring
him in alive?”
“He escaped capture and is now a wanted fugitive. I repeat, use any means to take him out,” Plewdin
“Copy that, blue leader.”
The Fiery Phoenix’s engines roared to life. The ship quaked with readiness, waiting for Anakin’s
“Really, Jedi Lowbacca I do not understand why we are waiting like this! Master Anakin was very well
guarded- the odds would be 3,862 to one that he would be able to escape their capture,” Threepio
replied, annoying Lowie to no end.
Roaring, Lowie asked Threepio if he would prefer to be left behind on Hapes 9.
“Now there is no need to be rude, Jedi Lowbacca,” Threepio stammered. “I was merely pointing out
how hopeless…”
“How hopeless what would be, Threepio?” Anakin responded as he leapt into the captain’s chair.
“Master Anakin! I knew you would escape! I just knew it!” Threepio blathered, earning an unnoticed,
smoldering glare from Lowie.
Flicking on the hyperdrive and laying in a set of random jumps, Anakin said, “Gangplank’s up, let’s
punch it and get the hell out of here, Lowie. And unless you want to be tossed all over the ship, I
recommend you strap in, Threepio.”
The droid dropped into the passenger seat and locked himself in place muttering, “Why do I have a bad
feeling about this?”
Asking what that was all about back there, Lowbacca closed the landing struts as Anakin guided the
Phoenix’s ascent towards the clouds.
Glancing at his co-pilot as the Phoenix raised into the atmosphere, Anakin gulped and explained,
“Something terrible happened to Tenel Ka’s ship and it exploded. It looks like Ta’a Chume has decided
to pin its destruction on me. Sorry to break it to you pal, but we’re now fugitives to the Hapan Royal
Guard.” Scrutinizing his control panels, Anakin advised, “Better turn on the deflector shields,
something tells me we’re gonna have to face a rather unpleasant greeting committee.”
As if on cue, the hull of the golden ship violently shook as it took a direct hit portside from a rapidly
approaching Hapan Dragon Destroyer. Anakin pitched forward in his seat and barely saved his face
from smashing into his control panel. Growling, he ducked his small ship under the large disc-shaped
Destroyer’s belly. Anakin twisted to the left on his sticks and sent his ship into a tailspin to avoid a
barrage of rapid green laserfire that exploded mere inches from the hull.
Lowie roared that the rear deflectors were online but unstable.
“I see that!” Anakin shouted, “Close down the rear cabins and divert power from life support!”
Growling in agreement, Lowie unhooked his safety belt and dashed out of the cockpit, hydrospanner in
hand. Anakin dodged a Corellian cargo bus and wove his way between three Hapan civilian freighters;
his stomach lurched and rose in his chest with each twist and turn. Knowing the civilian freighters
would be full of passengers, Anakin doubted that the Destroyer would fire upon the ships.
He was wrong.
Fiery projectiles from one freighter exploded across his cockpit viewport as it took a direct forward hit.
Threepio wailed at the close call.
Anakin muttered, “Boy someone’s gonna get it for that missed shot.” Sending the Phoenix up and over
the remaining freighters, Anakin hooked a sharp left and managed to miss two more ear-deafening
blasts from the Dragon.
Dropping back in the co-pilot seat, Lowie barked that shields were at full.
“Great, now we just need the Force on our side…” Anakin said, visually scanning the crowded
atmosphere for the perfect diversionary traffic.
“Need the Force on your side for what, Master Anakin?” Threepio shouted, nervously.
Wincing in pain, a large grin tugged on the corner of Anakin’s lips. He shoved a fist full of damp, dark
bangs out of his one fully functioning blue eye, and aimed the Phoenix towards a convoy of Hapan
Hawks. The single man combat ships tore through the sky practicing evasive maneuvers. Blasting into
the center of the fray, Anakin activated the holo-matrix onboard and in seconds, he dipped his ship into
a standard S-pattern Hapan defensive roll. As he spun, the Phoenix’s golden hull morphed into one of
the individual, gray, disc-shaped, Hapan Hawks. As he mingled with the confused Hawk pilots, the
massive destroyer ceased its pursuit as it lost its prey.
“Is the hyperdrive set yet, Lowie?” Anakin asked as he concentrated on mimicking the roll patterns of
the other practicing pilots.
Growling affirmatively, Lowie punched down on the activation key as Anakin cleared their ship just
beyond the outer rim of the swooping fighters. In a blink of an eye, pin-prick stars elongated into a
field of endless streaking lights as the Phoenix jumped into hyperspace, leaving the Hapan Destroyer’s
General grimacing in frustrated anger.
Breathing a deep sigh of relief, Anakin reached above his head and coded the life-support controls to
again fill the back quarters with breathable air. “Any damage you can see?” Anakin asked, noticing the
unpleasant smell of his own perspiration.
Lowie growled negatively as the Phoenix dropped out of hyperspace. The ship rotated ninety degrees
and launched again onto a new trajectory. Moaning with concern, Lowie asked how Anakin was doing.
Anakin’s one open eye swam in a sea of concern as he said, “I don’t understand what’s going on, you
know? I just… this all seems wrong. I think if Tenel Ka had died I would have received a premonition
from the Force in advance, or my heart would let me know that she’s dead.” His eye took on a far away
appearance as he connected with the Force and lightly sensed its drumming rhythm coursing through
his body. Shaking his head, he said, “Blast it, I don’t feel her Force signature, anywhere. But you know,
I just don’t feel that she’s dead, do you?”
Lowbacca closed his dark eyes and connected with the Force. Having been longtime friends with the
Hapan Princess he recognized her individual Force signature when she was nearby. Yet, like Anakin as
he connected with the vast, throbbing energy of the Force that spanned across the void of space, he
couldn’t specifically identify her unique presence anywhere. He sadly growled that he couldn’t find any
trace of her in the Force.
Chewing lightly on his right thumbnail, Anakin said, “You know, when Raven died, I distinctly felt a
tremendous void in the Force, that she had exited the realm of the living. I just don’t sense that kind of
gaping void that would signify Tenel Ka was dead.” Unlocking his safety harness, Anakin stood upright
and ducked out of the cockpit. He said, “I’m going to go clean up and try to decide our next move. If
she is alive, I have no idea how to locate her, or to determine if she’s in trouble… maybe meditation
will give me an answer.” Lounging in the doorframe, he apologetically said, “I’m sorry to have gotten
you into this mess, buddy. If you want me to let you off somewhere, I’d understand.”
Waving at Anakin not to worry about it, Lowie added that he was happy to help out his friends. Anakin
flashed his pal a smile and headed towards the back of the ship. Inhaling the scent of oil and grease,
Anakin’s confidence in finding Tenel Ka wavered. He wondered briefly if it was just wishful thinking
on his behalf that Tenel Ka was still alive. Shoving the thought aside, he knew that if she had died, he
would have felt something. Placing a hand against the bulkhead, Anakin connected with the Force. Try
as he might, he could not locate her against the canvass of all of life’s energies. He supposed distance
could be a factor as well. With the adrenalin now worn off from his escape, his throat constricted as he
opened his tear-filled eyes as the harsh seriousness of the situation invaded his consciousness.
Wandering into his quarters, he cursed Ta’a Chume for immediately assuming too much, too soon. The
pressure of being cut off from his loved ones started to press down on his spirit. He suddenly felt very
alone and thanked the Force that Lowie was there at his side. Alone in his quarters, Anakin curled up
into a ball on his bunk and sobbed out his frustration, and pain over not knowing the fate of his
beloved. The prospect of her actually being dead… it caused his heart to fluctuate dangerously out of
control. He had thought that the possibility of losing her to another man would be the worst pain
imaginable… he was wrong.
Shoving himself miserably off of his bed, he ripped off his ruined shirt and sent fasteners clattering to
the floor around his feet. Standing before his mirror, he twisted around and examined his shoulder. He
winced at the dull pain and when he poked an inquisitive finger at the wound to test its tenderness. He
then noticed his palms were both burned from his trip down the hot flagpole. Shock registered his face
as he studied his swollen left eye and puffy, left side of his face.
“Well, I’m certainly a mess,” he commented, noting ironically that his now blood-shot red eye gave
him a madman appearance. Shucking off the remainder of his clothes, Anakin began a shower. As the
warm water poured over his body he tried to cleanse away his doubts that Tenel Ka wasn’t alive.
Attempting to bolster his confidence, he desperately clung to the belief that because he did not feel a
void in the Force, that she must be alive, somewhere. Being a man of action, Anakin found all of this
waiting around and uncertainty to be excruciating. He violently scrubbed his face as more tears of
helplessness poured down his cheeks. Bracing himself in the shower, he fought to control his
fluctuating emotions. He balled his fist and pounded it several times against the shower stall, only to
cringe in pain from his tender burned palms complaining from the activity. He crumbled to the ground
in the shower and cried out more tears of frustration.
After several minutes of getting thoroughly drenched, he silently he cursed himself for wasting time
crying and not trying to find Tenel Ka. Finally regaining his composure, he turned off the shower and
exited his refresher. He dropped onto his bed while drying himself off. His muscles seized from a
combination of exertion from his activities earlier in the day, and his sobbing. He absently noted that
his wrist muscles were pulsing from ripping apart the stuncuffs, as his head felt mentally heavy from
the burden of uncertainty. Groaning he wished Tenel Ka was around to give him a whole body
massage. A deliciously, dreamy smile formed on his lopsided lips at the thought. He immediately
shoved the enticing fantasy aside and tried to channel his energy into trying to determine what
happened to his beloved.
A tiny, red flashing light from the corner of his quarters caught his right eye’s attention. Wincing, he
crookedly rose to his feet, put on his undergarments, and a pair of flight pants. Then he noted that the
flashing was from a message sent to his private holoemitter. Under his large feet, he sensed the Phoenix
drop out hyperspace, turn and then launch again onto a new path. Licking his lips, Anakin turned on the
message while slapping a bacta patch on his shoulder.
His heart rose with elated joy as a projected image of Tenel Ka filled the room. She had changed out of
her date apparel and was wearing a purple tank top and black pants. Sitting cross-legged on her bed she
said, “Well, I tried to get Travees to talk but he did not fess up to anything.” Rubbing her hands over
her shoulders for warmth, she continued, “I now think he may not have been the one responsible for
that tape being sent to the media… but there was definitely something fishy about how he behaved
around me. He seemed like he was just going through the motions, and was very aloof. I cannot…
could not put my finger on it, but he was hiding something. What was it? I have no idea. So much for
me using my great Jedi mind skills.” Running her fingers up through her hair, she sputtered out a long,
frustrated breath. Turning her gray eyes towards the holoemitter she said, “We will be delayed returning
to the Palace, which I am sure will put everyone in an uproar. About ten minutes ago we received a
distress signal and I advised our pilot to answer the hail to see if the ship required assistance. Its
markings are unfamiliar, but the men seem friendly enough. We are currently docked in their landing
bay. I have advised my crew to keep my identity private.” All of Anakin’s instincts heightened at the
mention of the mystery ship. Tenel Ka fiddled with her toes and continued, “So anyway, I think we will
have to seek out a new culprit. In thinking about this the most unpleasant and relatively obvious person
came to mind… Anakin spoke, “Ta’a Chume” as Tenel Ka continued, “My grandmother. She has been
determined for so long to destroy us, and obviously she has the means to…” Tenel Ka’s words caught
in her throat as her eyes darted towards her cabin’s door. Her posture stiffened into battle alertreadiness. A disruptive blast of light pounded Tenel Ka squarely in the chest. She pitched forward, and
sprawled onto the floor. Anakin’s throat tightened with rage at the unseen perpetrators. He then
immediately began to further worry over Tenel Ka’s well-being as the image abruptly ended.
Running his fingers through his damp, dark hair, Anakin couldn’t think straight, as all of the emotions
he had just bottled down crashed to the surface again. He slumped to the floor in a sobbing mess.
Crawling on his knees, he opened his door and yelled for Lowie to join him in his cabin. Lowbacca
however was waiting outside of his cabin door, having sensed Anakin’s distress. Lowie asked what was
the matter.
Anakin regained his composure, somewhat, and replayed the message for Lowbacca to view. They
watched it carefully, and silently together, over and over, seeking clues. Upon each viewing Anakin’s
anxiety deepened. After about the fourth viewing, Lowbacca roared for his friend to pause it on the
frames where Tenel Ka stiffened on her bed. Pointing his furry paw behind Tenel Ka’s left shoulder, he
focused a shining surface. Still shrouded in an emotional fog, Anakin didn’t understand what Lowbacca
was so excited about. Growling loudly, Lowie turned off the message and downloaded it in its entirety
onto a datapad and raced out of Anakin’s quarters.
“What is it, Lowie?” Anakin demanded as his nerves leapt at a frenzied rate as he fed off of Lowie’s
Gesturing wildly, Lowie plugged the datacard into a computer terminal. Anakin chewed on his right
thumb nail as Lowie began to fast forward through a now flattened version of the holo-image. He froze
the frames on Tenel Ka tensing. Lowie then activated a scanning and enhancing program and uploaded
the frozen image. As the file downloaded into the program, Lowie muttered that he thinks he found
something that might help them to identify the intruders. The terminal beeped readiness and Lowie
began to concentrate on the image above Tenel Ka’s shoulder. Anakin stared on in hopeful confusion as
Lowie concentrated on the far wall. Anakin determined that Lowie was fixated of the chrome chair rail
that hugged each wall of her quarters. As the image increased in size, Anakin’s eyes widened, and his
grasp on Lowie’s shoulder tightened. Anakin cursed himself as his burned hand stung from his
squeezing his Wookiee friend’s bristling fur. Racing to his quarters, Anakin grabbed a fist load of bacta
patches and placed them onto a table. He absently covered the left side of his face, and then stuck one
to either of his palms to help heal his wounds until he had time to go into a Jedi healing trance. He felt
like an idiot.
Hovering over Lowie’s shoulder, Anakin absently tapped his patch covered palms together and watched
with growing wonder as the image in chrome began to snap into focus. After three more enhancements,
an upsidedown picture of three menacing humanoids standing just inside Tenel Ka’s room, pointing
blasters in her direction, appeared on the computer screen. Anakin’s worry for Tenel Ka’s safety
magnified as he noted the aliens’s ferocious expressions. Without needing to be asked, Lowie inverted
the picture and blew up the image to fill the entire screen. He then downloaded the picture onto a
datacard, along with a complete copy of the holomessage.
Amazement filled Anakin’s voice as he praised Lowie’s work, “Boy am I glad I have you here. I’m in
such a state, I would’ve missed this entirely. I have no idea how you managed to spot this, but brilliant
Lowie mentioned that he spotted a flicker of movement over her shoulder and took a chance that it
would pan out.
Heart racing with newfound hope, Anakin scrutinized the faces of the aliens. They were large, barely
fitting into the doorframe, and sported two large horns that protruded out from either side of their
heads. Their reddish, brown, scaly skin enhanced their jagged, white teeth. Gulping, Anakin examined
the rugged uniforms that the aliens wore. They appeared to be a mixture of rough fabric for the pants,
and they wore vests that were made of some kind of black, reptilian scale hide or leather. Lowie
detected something on one of the alien’s right arms and began zeroing in on it as Anakin scrutinized the
image on the datacard. After further magnification, Lowie focused in on a tattooed symbol of a
sideways cross, tucked inside a right left pointing arrow. Logging onto the hologrid, Lowie plugged in
a copied image of the symbol searching for a match and came up with no results.
Anakin sighed, “They might be a little known mercenary sect working… or they are from outside of
the New Republic. Do you recognize their race?”
Lowie crossed his arms and stated he didn’t recognize their species, apparel, or their symbol.
“I don’t either,” Anakin grumpily replied, realizing that they were now pretty much back to square one.
His worry deepened again.
Rubbing his paws to slick down the fur on top of his ginger-colored head, Lowie asked what he wanted
to do next.
Pacing, Anakin examined the faces of the men and knew every moment mattered. Talking aloud, he
said, “Too bad you and I can’t specifically pinpoint Tenel Ka’s Force signature reading.”
Growling, Lowie stated that either Marxx or Raven could find Tenel Ka.
Hope rose and vanished in Anakin’s eyes, “Yeah, and I have no way of contacting them. Any attempt to
communicate with my family from the Phoenix would almost surely be intercepted. The Hapans know
my ship’s holoemitter frequencies thanks to my working with their security teams during this whole
idiotic Drempitu Ma crap. Blast, Ta’a Chume!” Anakin pounded on the bulkhead in frustration, causing
tears to burst from his eyes as his right palm flashed in pain under the bacta patch.
Telling his friend to calm down, Lowie suggested that they needed to be able to think clearly in order to
help Tenel Ka.
Anakin moved away from the wall and continued pacing. He snuffled back his tears and stated, “We
need to seek help from someone… someone who Ta’a Chume would never expect me to contact and
whose com frequencies she would never think of monitoring.”
Scratching his chin, Lowie offered Wedge as an option
Anakin dismissed the idea, and replied, “I think she’d expect him too since he’s an old family friend...”
Names of everyone Anakin had ever come in contact with swirled in his head. Suddenly a name
flickered quickly through his mind. He called it back and examined it closely. Lowie noted that Anakin
ceased pacing and determined he had stumbled upon an answer.
The Wookiee barked at Anakin inquisitively.
Rubbing his lips with his left thumb, Anakin began to absently nod his head. He muttered, “Yeah… oh
man, I think that would work.” Snapping to attention, he shouted excitedly, “Come on, Lowie.”
Bewildered, Lowie chased Anakin into the cockpit. He watched as his friend lightly pulled the Phoenix
out of hyperdrive.
Absently, he noted that Threepio sat deactivated in his seat. Anakin sang, “Ah… silence is golden.”
Impatiently, Lowie asked where they were going.
After reconfiguring the co-ordinates, the hyperdrive began to process its new settings. Crossing his
arms across his chest, Anakin sniffled back the last of his sobs and then chortled derisively, “Who’s the
one person Ta’a Chume would never expect me to ask for help from?”
Lowie shrugged his shoulders. Gripping the back of his pilot’s chair to steady himself as The Fiery
Phoenix took flight again, Anakin devilishly grinned and said, “We’re headed to Duro, Lowie. Time to
get to know Tenel Ka’s very wealthy, old childhood friend, Brukos Olissian.”
Jaw dropping, Lowie gawked at Anakin with disbelief. Smugly Anakin replied, “Time for the
consequences of that witch’s manipulative planning to bite her right back in the ass. If he’s as good of a
friend as Tenel Ka claims he is to her, he’ll do anything to help us out, right? We can call for either
Raven or Marxx’s help from his place. As a bonus, he could probably give us any financial assistance
we may need in mounting a rescue effort.”
Anakin exited the cabin and headed towards his quarters. Growling, Lowie stated that he thought Solo
had lost his mind.
He shrugged and replied, “Hey, it’s possible. But at this point… what choice do we have? Desperate
times calls for desperate measures. I’m sick of all of this uncertainty and just waiting around... Tenel
Ka’s alive, I just know it. Judging by the appearances of those creatures who boarded her vessel - she
needs our help and quick! I’m going to see if I can throw myself into a healing trance and get some of
these lovely wounds cleared up. We should reach Duros in about three hours. Wake me before we get
there, ok?”
Shaking his head, Lowie watched as Anakin retreated to the back of the ship. The Professor’s data on
the Drempitu Ma remained hidden in his belt pouch, completely forgotten. Realizing he had three hours
to kill, he decided to continue to search the hologrid to see if he could find out any information
regarding the mysterious symbol. Lowie only hoped that Brukos would be as willing to receive them as
warmly as Anakin certainly appeared to believe. Shrugging his shoulders, Lowbacca had learned one
thing over the years, never get in the way of a Solo on a mission. And when one of them comes up with
a bright idea, go along with it and don’t worry if you might get burned in the process. Because nine
times out of ten, their intuitions are usually right on the credits.
Chapter 15
Sitting on a leather sofa in his office, Brukos closely examined the taped holovid rolling before his
eyes. Upon returning home, Brukos had decided to test his theories about Ta’a Chume’s possible
involvement in trying to break up Tenel Ka and Anakin. Paying through the nose, he obtained complete
copies of the footage of Tenel Ka’s coronation and ball that followed her crowning. The holovid
recordings were from every camera angle taken at both events. After watching the Coronation four
times he determined two things: Firstly, Tenel Ka appeared to be less than pleased with taking on her
new role. Secondly, she seemed to be only truly content and happy when she and Anakin locked eyes
upon each other. The more he thought about things, and the more times he watched the images, the
more he begrudgingly admitted Ban had been right all along regarding those two, Anakin and Tenel Ka
were clearly, deeply in love with each other.
The ball footage left him in a state of irritated confusion. Most of the camera angles focused entirely
upon the former Queen Mother as she gave her speech. The room had also darkened considerably so he
was unable to make out the expressions on Tenel Ka and Anakin as they stood on the center of the
dance floor. He did, however, detect movement to the older queen’s right side and noticed Isolder
lunging threatening towards his mother under the cover of darkness.
Sighing, Brukos plugged in a fifth round of ball footage and immediately felt his heart soar. The
holocam image focused entirely on the dance floor and obviously was shot from behind the Royal
thrones. Brukos paused the footage and turned off his holovid. He hurried to his desk and plugged the
datacard into his computer terminal. Loading the data into an image manipulator software program, he
fast-forwarded through the entertainment and then finally Tenel Ka’s two dances. The room’s image
darkened as Ta’a Chume stood up to speak. Pausing the holovid footage, Brukos kicked up the overall
brightness on the image and squinted as the darkened dance floor turned into a fog of white.
Readjusting the settings and the focus, Brukos began to filter out the blackness and concentrated on the
two human forms standing together in the middle of the display. After twenty minutes of adjusting, he
could finally perfectly see Anakin and Tenel Ka holding hands. Licking the inside of his mouth, brows
furrowed, Brukos cropped out the extraneous room footage and the couple’s faces filled the screen.
Satisfied with the filtered image, he scrutinized the enhanced footage closely and it began to play. He
noticed Tenel Ka’s face registered confusion, then she began to violently shake with denial, and then
she shook with contained fury. Tugging on his lower lip with his right thumb and index finger, Brukos
replayed her reactions several times. He rewound the footage and watched Anakin Solo. Having not
paid any attention to the tabloid reports he studied Anakin’s facial features. Brukos determined that
Anakin was a handsome man who appeared easy going. He also noticed that not the slightest hint of
arrogance marred his countenance. He detected Anakin’s impressively large frame and he wondered
how tall he stood. Knowing Tenel Ka only stood at around five foot seven, he figured the tall Jedi
eclipsed her by at least a foot. He activated the footage again, and watched Anakin smugly make some
sort of jesting comment to Tenel Ka to try to stay her fraying nerves. Then his brows furrowed and his
face showed nothing but utter confusion. Brukos sensed that Anakin had very little idea of what went
down in that hall.
Stopping the footage on Anakin tearing out of the hall in pursuit of the retreating new Queen Mother,
Brukos decided that his earlier epiphany seemed to be correct. Anakin and Tenel Ka were in love with
each other, and Ta’a Chume seemed to find some perverse pleasure in destroying their bond. Alone in
his office the truth that his Tiki was in love with another man sunk in. Although he was saddened, and
disappointed to feel his dreams snuffed out, he harbored no ill feelings towards Anakin Solo. Believing
that he wasn’t the most attractive man in the Galaxy, Brukos admitted that his chances were always
slim that she would fall for him, anyway. Sighing loudly, he had hoped though that she would be the
one person who knew him well enough and could fall for him, regardless of his crooked nose and plain
facial features. He supposed that if Tenel Ka was still alive, he would happily settle for being her
friend- that arrangement always served them well in the past.
As his eyes absently wandered over his stuffed head collection, Brukos suddenly remembered an errant
invitation forwarded to him requesting to attend Tenel Ka’s Coronation Ceremony. He waded through a
mound of datadisks in a drawer and produced the summons. At the time, he dismissed it as a forgery, as
he knew that all actual invitations would possess the seal of the Hapan Queen Mother, Ta’a Chume.
This invitation did not. Looking back, he wondered if that was her way of trying to bring him into the
event prior to her announcing the Drempitu Ma. Had she sent him an authentic invite it could have
easily been traced back to the Royal Palace. He assumed then if word got out it might taint the ritual
with favoritism. So instead she had it sent anonymously. The uneasy feeling that he had been used
seeped into Brukos’s consciousness.
Slapping the disk onto his desk hard with frustration, he activated his holoemitter and waited for Ban to
answer his hail. Before Ban could even greet his boss, Brukos demanded, “Do you remember if anyone
from Hapes or anyone unusual started making inquiries into my financial standing, say… in the last six
“Sir, people ask for information all of the time, how am I supposed to determine…?”
“Just think about it Ban. They probably would have been more specific with their inquiries than just
your common snoops,” Brukos pointedly remarked.
Ban stared back at the holoemitter with an exasperated expression. Pursing his lips together, he averted
his gaze and began to think. Suddenly, his eyes widened.
“YES?” Brukos excitedly demanded.
Pointing his finger in the air, Ban replied, “There was one man. He wasn’t Hapan though… hold on, let
me look up in my mail.”
Drumming his fingers on his desk, Brukos waited as Ban muttered to himself, sifting through hundreds
of letters of correspondence. Finally, Ban responded, “Ok, I have it. The man said that he was
prospecting out somewhere in the outer rim. He claims he found a planet that was rich in Glyrancythe.
He wanted to know how you effectively ran your organization here, and the yields of your yearly
“What’d you tell him?” Brukos curiously asked.
“The usual policy lines - that if he’s interested in our posted earnings he could check on the hologrid
and through reports on the Galactic Trading Union… was that wrong?” Ban inquired.
“No, perfect answer. Can you forward his correspondence to me?” Brukos asked.
“Already done, Sir. Do you want my replies to him?” Ban suggested.
“Sure, go ahead and send those too. Thanks, Ban. Let me know if you think of anyone else,” Brukos
“Certainly, Brukos,” Ban agreed.
“Thanks,” Brukos signed off. Opening his mail. As he perused the correspondence, his security team
buzzed his commline. Slapping on the signal, Brukos asked, “What is it, Glordan?”
“Sir, there is an unidentifiable, Royal Nubian Yacht seeking approval to land. They flat out refuse to
broadcast over an active commlink channel to speak to you directly, Sir,” Glordan replied.
Squeezing his lower lip in confusion, mystified, Brukos muttered, “Nubian? Who would I know that
would fly a Nubian craft?… Did they give you any kind of message?”
“One moment, Sir.” Glordan put Brukos on hold. Drumming his fingers restlessly, Brukos waited for
an answer. His commlink chimed again and Glordan replied, “All they will say is Tiki would want you
to talk to them.”
Feeling every hair on his arms stand straight up in the air, Brukos launched to his feet, and barked into
the commlink, “Give them clearance to land on my private landing strip. And Glordan…”
“Yes, sir?”
“Don’t let ANYONE know I’ve received visitors,” Brukos demanded, as his nerves throbbed with
“Sure, no problem, sir. Over.”
Scratching his moustache, Brukos rolled up the sleeves on his blue cotton shirt and absently wondered
how he looked. While purchasing the video images he had caught wind of the news of Anakin Solo’s
escape. He knew that the Solo family had a love affair with Naboo given that both of the Solo twin’s
weddings were broadcasted all over the Galaxy. He also knew that Anakin had one of those ultra rare
spacecrafts that employed the use of holographic technology… if his instincts were correct…
Dashing through his halls he shouted for TC-4D4 to follow him outside as he crashed out of the front
doors of his house and raced out into the blinding, bright sun. Heart pounding nervously, he shielded
his eyes against the bright glare and watched the silver ship glide closer and closer to his landing pad.
The ship lightly landed, billowing dust into the air as it flushed clean it’s landing vents.
Brukos, planted his fists on his hips, and anxiously shouted to his silver droid, “Go over to the ship
there and ask who’s on board.”
Nodding, the protocol droid clattered towards the Nubian vessel as the gangplank hissed open.
Narrowing his eyes and heart palpitating in his chest, Brukos waited to see if his instincts were correct.
A pair of golden feet appeared, and a wide grin cracked Brukos’s face as he recognized Anakin Solo’s
droid. Running over to the ship, he shouted to Threepio, “Is Anakin on board?”
Startled, Threepio replied, “Why yes he is, Sir. I am See….” The offended droid’s voice trailed off with
the wind as Brukos raced up the gangplank and into the ship.
Exhaling a big sigh of relief, Brukos extended his right palm outward towards Anakin. He said, “Oh,
MAN! Boy, am I glad to see you! Welcome to Olissia, Anakin.”
Anakin lifted his eyebrows in surprise at the warm greeting. As he and Lowie had argued with his
security detail over his planet, he had begun to harbor serious doubts that Brukos would talk with them
when they had landed. Delighted that he was wrong, Anakin returned Brukos’s contagious grin and
warmly pumped his fist in greeting. He replied, “Sorry about not announcing myself to your guards up
there, but you never know who’s listening.”
“I hear you on that one, Anakin. Sheesh, man. My eyes weren’t deceiving me, you’re anything but
tiny,” Brukos commented as he craned his neck six inches back to meet Anakin’s eyes.
Smirking, Anakin replied, “Tiny… now there’s something I will never be accused of being.”
A large grin spread across Brukos’s face. Turning more serious he said, “It sounds as though Ta’a
Chume’s got you fitted for a cell on Hapes 11.” Spying the yellowish tinge to Anakin’s mostly healed
bruised face, Brukos added, “Ouch, and it looks like they tried to get you there already.”
Knowing all about Hapes prison planet, Hapes 11, all too well, Anakin agreed. Lowie exited the
cockpit and growled in greeting. Anakin introduced his Wookiee friend to Brukos.
Hooking his thumbs towards the ship’s exit, Brukos said, “Why don’t you guys come inside my place. I
have some questions to ask you both.”
“Uh…ok,” Anakin retorted. They followed their excitable host out of the ship. The trio passed by the
pair of droids, without a single glance in their direction. Anakin asked, “Did you know I was coming
“Me? Nope. I was rather stunned when the patrol announced the unexpected arrival of visitors,
actually,” Brukos stated. Grin dropping into a frown, he added, “Come to think of it, I rarely ever get
any visitors, you may be the first ones to ever come here not looking to try and sell me something.”
Anakin chuckled softly, knowing that Brukos was trying to make a light-hearted remark. However, as
he studied Tenel Ka’s old friend, he detected a certain degree of sadness emanating from his being. He
listened as the bald man continued, “Anyway, I had heard about your escape earlier and deduced that it
must be you coming here.”
Bristling with confusion, Anakin asked, “Why would you assume that?”
Waving his palms upwards to emphasize his lack of a point, Brukos laughed nervously, “Well, I don’t
know why actually, possibly because you know I’m Tenel Ka’s friend and would do anything to help. I
do know though that I’m glad you came. I’ve been doing some serious thinking since I heard the news
of Tenel Ka’s reported death.”
“Oh yeah, what’d you come up with?” Anakin asked.
“She’s not dead,” Brukos stated, matter-of-factly. “Right?”
They entered the doors of the mansion. Sighing deeply, Anakin replied, “I don’t know for certain.”
“But you’re a Jedi, can’t you tell…”
Hugging his elbows, Anakin spoke, “The Force isn’t like a light switch that you can turn off and on.
The Force is an energy shield created by all living things. So trying to find a singular life reading …is
nearly impossible, particularly if the distance is great between you and the other person. The only thing
we can ascertain for certain is that we didn’t feel a newly developed void in the Force. That usually
occurs when someone who is Force sensitive dies.”
Brukos led them into his office and motioned them to the couches. He asked, “Do you guys need
something to drink, or eat? Don’t be shy if you are, anything that’s in my kitchen is yours to the
Lowie growled at Anakin inquisitively. Rolling his eyes, Anakin chuckled, “You might think twice
about offering boundless supplies of food with a Wookiee present. Lowie says he’s hungry. Come to
think of it, breakfast was a long time ago, I could use something to eat, also. Thank you.”
Standing behind his desk, Brukos beamed in delight and pounded on his internal commlink and placed
an order to his kitchen. Rubbing his hands together, he said, “So you’re not positive she’s dead or
“That’s right. Although, my gut tells me she’s still alive,” Anakin remarked, feeling his stomach flipflop again with worry for Tenel Ka.
Sitting down, Brukos wove his fingers together and chewed on his lower lip, and contemplatively
regarded his two visitors. Feeling rather like a caged animal on display, under Brukos’s scrutinizing
stare, Anakin tried to shove annoyance out of his voice as he asked, “What?”
Quickly averting his gaze, Brukos decided to just let it out into the open, he boldly asked, “You guys
are in love, aren’t you?”
“I’m generally attracted to humans… not Wookiees,” Anakin joked, causing Lowie to bark with
Rolling his eyes, Brukos replied, “I meant you and Tenel Ka.”
Anakin’s heart seized in shock. From everything he had understood from Tenel Ka, Brukos appeared to
be completely in the dark about how they felt about each other. He stuttered, “How did…”
“Let’s just say the light finally dawned in my darkened tunnel,” Brukos chortled. Again, Anakin sensed
that Brukos was covering up his truer feelings. Leaning back in his squeaking chair, Brukos said,
“Don’t worry, no hard feelings from me. All I’ve ever wanted was for Tiki to be happy. I had hoped
that I would be that guy, but I won’t complain… You must be the greatest guy in the Galaxy.”
Uncertainty filled Anakin’s eyes as he tentatively asked, “Why would you say that?”
Pitching forward across his desk, Brukos jabbed a finger in Anakin’s direction and stated, “Queen’s
don’t usually give a flying gundark’s of a second thought to who their relatives are dating. You’re a
Galactic hero and that old witch has certainly put a lot of effort into trying to break you two apart.”
“Wouldn’t that make you think I’m less than a great guy then?” Anakin asked.
“Hardly. I believe that she’s been playing me for a chump and I don’t take very kindly to that. Any
enemy of Ta’a Chume’s is worthy of being my friend in my book,” Brukos retorted and smirked.
Anakin and Lowie laughed in amazement. Brukos downloaded the files from Ban and chucked a
couple of datacards at the two Jedi. He asked, “Do you recognize that guy’s name?”
Flicking the card around in his hand, Anakin activated the document file. His heart seized and throbbed
angrily in his chest as he recognized the name of Renttu Amazzi. He demanded, “What is this?”
“That was a letter sent to my company about two months before Tenel Ka was crowned. I don’t answer
mundane business correspondence, if I did, I would’ve been on the alert by that letter. The cluster of
planets he mentioned that he’s from are very low magma producing worlds. It just wouldn’t be possible
to find Glyrancythe on any of those planets,” Brukos confidently replied.
Scrutinizing the data in the letter, Anakin asked, “How would you know that? Aren’t these planets way
out of the borders of the New Republic?” Lowie launched himself off of the couch and began
examining the heads on the wall.
Smugly, Brukos responded, “I’m a businessman, Anakin. It’s my nature to know these kinds of
things… besides, I get bored and like to travel a lot, and add to my collections. See anything that
interests you, Lowbacca?”
Lowie pointed a furry paw at a two-headed feline creature. Anakin translated that Lowie asked where
Brukos found the feline as he’d never seen a creature like it before.
Jumping on his feet, Brukos grinned delightfully. He said, “That my friend, is a Piirrnian saber cat.
They’re only found in the Piirrnian system and have to be hunted at night. Their fangs are very
“Piirrnian system, where’s that?” Anakin interrupted.
“It’s about two thousand light-years on the other side of Tatooine – why, haven’t you heard of it
before?” Brukos inquired.
Shaking his head, Anakin replied, “Should I have?”
“Well, probably not. Let’s just say that if you think the characters on Tatooine are shady and rough…
the inhabitants of Piirrnia make the Hutts look like cuddly ewoks,” Brukos explained.
Anakin examined the heads on the walls and felt his heart beat speed up. Excitedly, he asked, “Do you
happen to know a lot of unsavory individuals?”
Curling the left side of his lip up into a smirk, Brukos planted his fists on his hips and asked, “What
exactly are you implying?”
“Sorry, nothing bad. Can you come here a second?” Groaning and getting up from the couch, Anakin
dug into the pockets of his robe and produced the datacard Lowie had made containing the image of the
men who boarded Tenel Ka’s ship. Flicking on the image, he handed the disk to Brukos. Full of hope,
he asked, “Do you recognize these aliens?”
Sneaking a glance at the fierce humanoids, Brukos grunted in annoyance. He said, “I see, you two are
testing me, right?”
“What?” Anakin asked in surprise.
“This picture, these humanoids… they’re from the Piirrnian Cluster. Lowbacca pointed to the cat just to
see if I knew about them, right?” Brukos responded, suddenly feeling rather betrayed.
“They’re Piirrnian?” Anakin replied, excitedly. “How do you know that?”
“Wait, you two really don’t know who these guys are?” Brukos demanded, wishing to clear the air.
Lowie roared in agreement.
Nodding, Brukos pointed to the man in the front, he replied, “These men are a part of an elite squadron
of bounty hunters for the Piirrnian Crime Syndicate, Black Cross....”
“They have tattoos of an arrow with a cross in them,” Anakin interrupted.
“That’s them alright. They travel the far reaches of the Galaxy looking for fighters to help further the
wealth of the Syndicate’s founders pockets,” Brukos explained.
Entirely focused on Brukos, Anakin asked, “What do you mean fighters?”
Narrowing his eyes distastefully, Brukos replied, “They have a traveling arena that goes all over the
Piirrnian Cluster. People buy passes and watch unthinkably violent fights. The kidnapped victims are
either forced to fight each other, or beasts. If they aren’t strong enough they oftentimes are just fed to
their creatures. Disgustingly enough, the Syndicate gets nearly as many people who pay to watch that
as they do the fights.”
Anakin’s face paled and his throat went dry. His nerves wrecked havoc in his system as panic over
Tenel Ka’s safety began to take hold of his senses.
“Hey, Anakin… you alright?” Brukos asked as the larger Jedi began to sway on his feet. Grabbing
Anakin’s arm, Brukos shouted, “Hey, Tiny- come back to us…”
Massaging his clammy forehead, Anakin dropped heavily onto the couch. In a thick, emotion filled
voice, he pointed to the disk in Brukos’s hand and said, “Those things are who have Tenel Ka.” He
proceeded to tell Brukos about her holoemitter message, and the stranded ship.
Having spent some time in the Piirrnian Cluster several years ago in order to hunt the saber cat on his
wall, Brukos got a broad enough education about that race of aliens to know that he never wanted to
tangle with them again. They lacked souls or any kind of a clear consciousness- just thinking that those
animals had their hands on Tenel Ka turned his blood to fire. Fuming, Brukos spat, “Those no-good,
rotten, lower than scum, thieves!” Angrily he kicked over his coffee table.
Brukos noticed that his Jedi guest seemed clearly shaken by the news and shoved at his cheeks to
quickly erase the signs of tears. Coughing, Anakin asked, “Do you know how to track down these
Piirrnians, Brukos?”
Shaking his head, he replied, “They don’t post their scheduled appearances anywhere. You need to
already be in their circle of clientele or know someone in it in order to learn where the arenas will be
arriving for their next fight.”
Lowie asked if they were usually in the habit of destroying their captive’s ships.
Scratching his chin, Brukos flatly replied, “No, actually, they usually just take their victims and run and
leave the ships for scavengers. From what I recall, they like to draw as little attention to themselves as
possible… oh man, Tiki’s going be in trouble.”
“Why do you say that?” Anakin replied, fearing the answer.
Brukos’s hazel eyes darkened with worry, and he said, “If they find out they captured a Queen, they’ll
try to get rid of her as soon as possible in fears that their little smuggling ring will be detected.”
“Why didn’t you ever alert the authorities that these guys existed?” Anakin asked, stomach churning.
Snorting, Brukos stated, “Who would have listened to me? They’re impossible to track, Anakin.
They’re in, grab their victims, and poof they’re gone… They’re ghosts.”
Rubbing circulation back into his face violently, Anakin stated, “We need Marxx or Raven.”
“Racees?” Brukos asked, incredulously. “How can they be of help?”
Standing upright, Anakin clamped his hand on Brukos’s shoulder to steady himself on his own feet, and
said, “Let’s just say there are always ways to track those who do not want to be found. Can I use your
holoemitter? Ta’a Chume most likely won’t even think of tracing your signal. I should be able safely
call Marxx at the Temple on Coruscant.”
“Sure, call whoever you want, Anakin. How will he be able to help us?” Brukos inquired, as Anakin
searched the room for the holoemitter and followed Brukos’s pointing finger to his desk.
“Marxx and Raven have this ability where they can focus on a single Force users signature, even from
great distances,” Anakin replied, as he tapped in the frequency for the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and
sent off an urgent message for Marxx to call back on Brukos’s frequency.
“And you think he’ll help you? He won’t turn you in?” Brukos warily asked.
Glancing up from the holoemitter in amazement, Anakin burst out laughing. He said, “Oh man, you
have a lot to learn about my family, Brukos. A lot to learn.”
Chapter 16
Wesset Loorie stood on the platform of his ranch home and dabbed away the tears in his eyes. The
small, quiet farmer stared at the myriad of reporters who descended upon Glova to get his reaction to
the news over Tenel Ka’s death.
Sobbing, the small man’s hand quivered as he read off a prepared statement, “I wish to send my deepest
condolences to Queen Mother, Tenel Ka’s family in their time of mourning. Although I did not know
her well, from the time we spent together I could tell that Tenel Ka was a woman of character, spirit,
and grace. I will also admit that I found myself enchanted by the young woman and would have been
more than happy to spend my life with her had she chosen me for the Drempitu Ma. I can only say that
the Hapes Cluster has lost an incredible and caring leader. I will miss her. Thank you.”
The reporters watched as the man retreated into his home. From across the galaxy on Olissia, Brukos
Olissian could not be reached for comment. His official word reported that he was in deep mourning
over the news.
On Hapes 6, stormclouds brewed overhead as Travees Yermott approached the hoards of reporters
demanding his take on the death of the Queen Mother.
Tears streaked down his face and dampened the corners of his large mustache. He eloquently spoke to
the reporters, “This tragedy I am afraid will have ramifications within this Cluster for years to come.
What a horrible thing for our young children to learn, that their beautiful new Queen was killed due to a
Jedi’s jealous rage. How will parents explain such a heinous and vile act to their children? Although our
time together was brief, I felt a real connection with the Queen Mother, Tenel Ka and could have seen
myself happily betrothed to our beautiful, fallen Queen. I am as shocked and saddened by these events
as any one of you. Her family has my deepest sympathies in their time of sorrow.”
Placing his right hand over his heart, he flicked aside tears with his left index finger. Clearing his
throat, Travees continued, “As tragic as this event is… perhaps this is a sign. Sadly, Tenel Ka was the
last link in the Royal Chume line. Her death must be the sign to show all Hapans how fragile our
Matriarchy is and exists today. The Matriarchal system has stood the test of time, for over three
thousand years. However, perhaps it is time for a change.”
From out of the Yermott home six regional, Hapan Governors stood behind the blond haired man. Each
wore an expression of resolve. Travees continued, “Why should we be forced into being ruled by just
one family? Should we not have a choice over who will call the shots? I do not wish to belittle this
heinous act with my cries. But I believe the days of royal reign are over. The men standing behind me
believe that the time is ripe for change in our Cluster. They are the members of the Hapan
Independence League. This consortium of regional governors believes that the Matriarchy is archaic,
and no longer belongs in our modern times. They believe that it is time to break apart the Hapes Cluster
and allow our planets to rule without the tyrannical, Chume reign overwatching each of our
movements. This way, each planet can become self-reliant, and not have to support those planets that
do not produce or contribute wealth to our Cluster, such as Hapes 9, the cultural planet.”
Scratching his chest, and then stretching his right hand across his heart, Travees concluded, “These
great Governors approached me to head their Consortium. At first, I was uncertain, but the more they
shared with me their beliefs that the Cluster would be better broken apart, I had to agree. The time is
here and I humbly accept their offer. From this day forward, please rise with me, one and all of you!
Join in our fight and loudly exclaim that you will NOT accept a royal substitute, and that the days of
Hapes Independence has begun! It is time for the Royal Family to realize their time here is through.
You are facing history in the making! Stand together with us, and launch Hapes into the modern
“You left the Professor? Did you not take him into custody as well?” Ta’a Chume fumed at Captain
Standing on display in the center of the acting Queen Mother’s office, the Captain’s broad nose
twitched in annoyance as he stated, “You requested us to pick up Anakin Solo, Your Grace.”
White knuckled and clenching her fingers tightly to the armpads of the high Queen’s throne chair, Ta’a
Chume snapped, “Which you didn’t even accomplish, I may point out!” Pursing her lips tightly
together, she asked, “Did you at least ask the Professor what he told Solo?”
Staring at Ta’a Chume, Plewdin’s nerves frayed as he replied, “But your Grace, surely you don’t
believe that Professor Tia had anything to do with Queen Mother, Tenel Ka’s death. He is one of this
Clusters most respected men…”
Ta’a Chume slammed her hands on her armrests and caused Plewdin to involuntarily jump. She
shouted, “SHUT UP…I DO NOT WANT EXCUSES!” Nostrils flaring, she strode out of her throne
and approached the shaken man and seethed, “Why did I even bother sending you? You have nothing to
report for me. You should have done us both a favor and not bothered to even appear before me.”
“There was one thing, My Queen,” Plewdin replied, as sweat dripped down his chocolate toned face.
Tapping her foot, Ta’a Chume asked, “What is it, simpleton?”
Staring straight ahead, and avoiding the old woman’s blistering gaze, he replied, “I believe that Anakin
Solo had nothing to do with Queen Mother, Tenel Ka’s murder. He was completely surprised and
horrified by the news, M’lady. He would have never…”
Growling, in a dangerous low tone, Ta’a Chume snarled, “Get out.”
“M’lady, I just…”
Gulping, Captain Plewdin quickly bowed and raced out of the room in the most undignified manner.
Rubbing her forehead in annoyance, Ta’a Chume muttered, “Why did I send a man to do a woman’s
A chime from the door answered her question. General Hilia Roog entered the room purposefully.
“What do you have to report, General?” Ta’a Chume asked as she forced her nerves to calm down. She
sunk back onto her throne. She appraised the blond woman impeccably dressed in her red Naval bests.
“We have begun sifting through the rubble, and have been able to recover three bodies, that of the ships
steward, the navicom pilot, and one of the Queen Mother’s guards,” General Roog reported.
Shaking her head in confusion, she asked, “Where are the other bodies?”
“We don’t know, you Highness,” the General replied. “We’ve begun searching for trace materials on
the elemental level…in case the bodies were incinerated… but so far we have had no luck.”
“How many were on the crew?” Ta’a Chume asked.
“Seven in all, your Grace,” Roog confirmed and tossed back her short hair. She continued, “Judging by
the damage to the vessel, it appears that an explosive was triggered from inside the ship. Preliminary
examinations of the wreckage seem to indicate the blast occurred somewhere towards the rear of the
ship, in the vicinity of the Queen’s quarters. But so far we are not certain of the exact point of origin.
We are optimistic in being able to find the incendiary device in our investigation.”
Tapping her finger against her front teeth, Ta’a Chume’s brows furrowed in concentration. “So there are
four missing… other than Tenel Ka, who were the other three?”
“The captain, the co-pilot, and the Queen Mother’s second guard, Yssard,” Roog recounted.
“Was there anything else? Anything else suggesting what may have happened and why their ship was
off course?” Ta’a Chume inquired.
“We’re still searching for any recording devices that may explain why the ship veered off of its
predetermined course, My Queen. There was, however, one thing that we found…confusing,” Roog
said. Her blue, piercing eyes bore into the Queen Mother’s and reported, “It appears that the landing
gear had been activated.”
“Landing gear? Why would that have been?”
“We don’t know, your Excellency.”
“Could the explosion have triggered them to fall?” Ta’a Chume suggested.
“We’ve already thought of that and are investigating, My lady,” Roog responded.
“Keep searching and report to me the moment you find out something new,” Ta’a Chume said,
dismissing the officer.
“Yes, My Queen,” Roog replied, bowed deeply and strode out of the office.
Launching out of her throne, Ta’a Chume walked over to the large window that viewed a sprawling
garden that abruptly ended overlooking the rolling Hapan sea. Folding her arms across her chest she
digested the information both officers had provided in their reports. Plewdin, though an insolent idiot,
seemed rather certain that Anakin was not to blame for the crimes. The man was incompetent, however,
she knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t a liar. She exhaled a deep sigh of confusion.
Squeezing the bridge of her nose, the acting Queen Mother recalled the news of her granddaughter’s
death. When General Roog called her and informed her of Tenel Ka’s ship being destroyed,
immediately she suspected the young Jedi for killing her granddaughter in a jealous rage. Her security
detail tracked his holoemitter signals to Hapes 9. The news that he had been apprehended in the office
of Professor Tia caused a sliver of doubt spliced through her solid belief in Anakin’s guilt. She
recognized that if he was in fact acting on orders from the Tenel Ka to talk to Tia, then he most likely
was working with her, and not intent on murder. Kneading her forehead with her fingers, Ta’a Chume
knew it was too late to call off the manhunt for Solo. Immediately after learning of his escape, she had
hired an elite team of bounty hunters to track him down. Knowing she could not be seen as waffling in
her beliefs, she decided to stand firm on her theory.
Still fuming over Plewdin’s insubordination, she glanced at her holoemitter and noted ten waiting
messages all from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and eleven from her son and his wife. Sighing again,
she had little interest in speaking to either Former Chief of State Organa-Solo, or Master Skywalker, or
her son for that matter. She had no doubt they were all calling to proclaim Anakin Solo’s innocence to
her charges. This was a matter of Hapan law, not that of the New Republic. When she finally did get
her hands on Anakin Solo… justice would be swift.
Deep in thought, she barely noticed as her office door opened and a woman entered the room
The hairs on the back of Ta’a Chume’s neck rose at the reflection of her visitor in her window, as she
realized her bad day had just suddenly gone to worse. She spat her greeting, “Nastya.”
Standing over six- feet tall and rail thin, her half-niece gazed at Ta’a Chume with a smug smile cresting
on her thin, pale lips. Nastya wore an opulent black and red, high necked dress and her pitch black hair
enhanced her sallow, shrunken, complexion, making her skin appear wax-like as it lacked nearly all
pigment color. The overpowering smell of exotic spiced perfume filled the room leaving Ta’a Chume
slightly lightheaded.
Ta’a Chume said, derisively, “I see that the sun still fears the sight of you.”
Neatly folding her right hand into her left, Nastya stood before her half-aunt and replied, “And I see
you haven’t changed a bit. Always quick to criticize and never even sparing a moment to offer a simple
“Why should I waste a greeting on the likes of you? You are of little consequence to me,” Ta’a Chume
“So quick to insult. It’s truly a wonder my father shares your blood,” Nastya remarked, coldly.
Not rising to the long lasting familiar feuding bait, Ta’a Chume sighed and stated, “Out with it.”
“Not interested in small talk, Auntie?” Nastya asked, as her right hand index finger lightly tapped her
left palm.
“I have my Cluster to run and an important investigation to lead. Honestly, Nastya, I don’t have time for
this,” Ta’a Chume retorted.
Nastya’s dark, piercing eyes fixated coldly onto the acting Queen mother’s face, and said, “Funny that
you would say that so easily.”
“Say what?”
“Your Cluster to run,” Nastya replied, in a sing-song way.
“Yes, my Cluster…oh don’t even tell me that THAT is why you are here? Trust me, the last thing you
want is to try to usurp power in the middle of a crisis,” Ta’a Chume said, condescendingly.
Narrowing her eyes, Nastya’s thin lips curled into a vicious smile. Coldly she replied, “I am here for
what is rightfully mine, Ta’a Chume.”
Ta’a Chume chuckled, “Rightfully yours...right. As if the people would choose the child of a bastard
royal offspring over me to rule the Cluster.”
Unbelievably, Nastya paled further. Fury boiled in her veins and her face then burned fiery red. She
seethed, “I am tired of your constantly belittling my family and my rightful claim to the Throne.”
Whipping a datacard out of a pocket she activated it and read off, “Section 1084, subsection 283 of the
royal codes of succession reads In the event that a current Queen Mother is removed, or killed, or dies
during her term without having produced a legitimate heir, the next viable female in the family shall
become the next Queen, regardless of how distantly related she may be. ” Before Ta’a Chume could
comment, Nastya quickly added, “Subsection 473 reads Any Queen once replaced through the
coronation of a subsequent Queen, shall not be allowed to regain the throne of Hapes.”
A satisfied smirk lined Nastya’s face as she placed the datacard protectively back into her pocket.
Folding her arms across her chest, Ta’a Chume’s teeth ground in her head. She sarcastically replied,
“Congratulations, I see you’ve learned how to read.”
Calmly approaching Ta’a Chume, Nastya replied, “Oh, that’s not all that I can do, my dear Aunt. Even
now as we speak, invitations are being sent out across the Cluster for my Coronation. Given how
vehemently you like to adhere to the laws of the Cluster, I expect you to comply with the rites of
“I would place Teneneil Djo in charge before I allow you to take the throne in this Cluster,” Ta’a
Chume growled.
“Pity, she is not a blood relative,” Nastya remarked. Lips curling into a wicked smirk, she added,
“Really, I am not the one to blame here, Ta’a Chume. Had you done your duty and produced a female
heir yourself, we would not be having this discussion right now, would we? I guess it’s a good thing
your father had an affair, is it not? Otherwise, you would have left this Cluster with nobody to run it.”
Turning her back to the fuming, former Queen Mother, Nastya called over her shoulder, “You have two
weeks. After that I will take the crown in this Cluster. Make sure that you compile a complete report of
everything you’ve found out about former Tenel Ka’s assassination, and anything else important that
you or she may have been working on. I will have a lot of work to do once I assume power.”
With a flick of her long skirt, Nastya triumphantly exited the office.
Boiling in fury, Ta’a Chume’s murderous thoughts were interrupted from, yet again, the insistent
chimes of her holoemitter. Screaming in rage, she picked up the communications device, ripped the
sparking wires apart from the wall and threw the device across the room where it shattered into a
million, smoking pieces. Shoulders heaving from exertion a call came over her commlink.
“What do YOU WANT?” she shouted.
Her assistant from the other line nervously responded, “You may wish to look at the holonet, My
Eyes blistering in fury Ta’a Chume turned on the holonet and watched as the broadcasts replayed
Travees Yarmott’s speech and call for the breakup of the Hapes Cluster. Besieged from all angles by
those wishing to defy her authority, the acting Queen Mother collapsed into her throne and wailed in
frustrated misery.
Chapter 17
Standing on the outskirts of the throbbing energy of Coruscant City, the newly erected Jedi Temple sat
in the center of ten acres of rare, undeveloped land, located directly southeast of the New Republic’s
Senate building. Built to mirror in external design the Massai Temples on Yavin 4, the pyramid’s
primitive design set it apart from the sleek, modern edifices that lined the constantly changing city
landscape of the Galaxy’s Capital City.
Constant waves of fast moving traffic wove their way around the airspace outside of the Temple’s
property perimeter. Most of the actual Jedi sanctuary was currently uninhabited. Its quarters were
empty, the hallways silent, and the sports center barren. The Temple was built as a place to expand and
grow with time as the New Jedi Order increased in size over the years. Master Skywalker planned to
eventually move the older cadets from the Jedi Training grounds on Yavin 4 to the Capital City to
complete their training. The Jedi Knights would then have the option to either remain at the Temple,
move out and report back regularly, or return to Yavin 4. Luke had studied the ways of the older Jedi
order and he disagreed with their etiquette of forcing the Knights to all live in one place. The Jedi
Master believed that leaving lines of communication open between all knights was crucial, that he
could allow his fellow Jedi any and all privacy they wished during their down time. Master Skywalker
believed that by encouraging his Knights to keep an orderly home life, that they would be better
focused when it came to their professional duties.
The noontime sun streamed into the top floor of the Temple, filling the square, Jedi Council chambers
with radiant, natural light. Masters Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade-Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, Odon
Rodersuin, and Tionne Solusar were all in attendance to an emergency session. Marxx Racees, the sixth
council member’s seat sat empty, as he joined his brother-in-law, Jacen Solo in the center of the room.
The five Jedi Council members sat in their seats intently listening to the two Jedi Masters as they
explained what they knew about the current situation with Anakin and Tenel Ka.
“Marxx, Raven, and I assisted Anakin with pouring over the histories of past Hapan Queens in order to
try to find for Tenel Ka a loophole for her to exit out of the Drempitu Ma, while still being able to save
public face to her people,” Jacen replied. Lines of distress marred Jacen’s handsome face, as he felt
deeply troubled by the reported death of his good friend Tenel Ka, and the charges made against his
“We didn’t find anything in the records to help Tenel Ka to get out of the ritual,” Marxx stated,
frowning with concern. “Reports are spreading in the underground circuits that Ta’a Chume has issued
a large bounty placed on Anakin’s head.” Reluctantly he added, “She wants him dead or alive.”
Leia’s eyes flared with hatred. Luke sensed his twin’s swelling emotions and tightly grabbed her
clenched left fist supportively. Leia had been reluctant to join the ranks of the Jedi Council considering
she had spent most of her life using her Jedi abilities in the political arena. Luke had elevated her to the
title of Jedi Master in hopes of encouraging her to finally accept her birthright heritage. She now acted
as the Council’s main liaison to the New Republic’s Senate. It was times like this however, when Leia
lost her composure that often left Luke exasperated with his sister. He wished she had taken more time
to seriously study the ways of the Jedi, and learn to better control her emotions.
Taking control of the meeting and glancing at the two younger men, Luke asked, “Have any of you
heard anything from Anakin?”
Jacen gulped down a lump in his throat and replied, “No.”
Marxx shook his head and downcast his eyes.
Sitting with her right leg neatly crossed over the left, Mara asked, “Has Ta’a Chume given to the press
or made any official announcements that she has proof to back up her charges?”
From behind the two Jedi, Tionne wove her fingers through her silver hair and said, “No, Master JadeSkywalker. She hasn’t said anything. Nor has she returned any of the calls from the Council.”
“Insolent woman,” Leia growled. Flashing her brother a smoldering glare, she snatched her hand away
as she sensed he was about to remind her, yet again, to control her feelings. “Anakin is in love with
Tenel Ka, and he DID NOT kill her! I should’ve known Ta’a Chume would have no qualms with
blindly accusing my baby of murder when she pulled that ancient ritual out of thin air. She’s been out
for my son since the day he and Tenel Ka started dating. I find it repulsive that she’s using the death of
her granddaughter to persecute him!”
“Leia, calm down! None of us believe that Anakin is a murderer. Any one of us would have felt his
anger in the Force had he crossed over to the Dark Side and exacted revenge. We are all well aware that
Ta’a Chume is fabricating these charges and all agree with you that they are unjustly aimed at Anakin.
Control your anger so we can constructively come up with a solution to help him,” Luke pleaded.
Roderuin and Tionne exchanged uncomfortable glances at the Skywalker twin’s confrontation. Eyes
full of pain, Jacen said, “Mom, please…”
Collapsing backwards into her chair, Leia’s lip quivered uncontrollably. She said, “I’m sorry everyone.
I’m just… how many times do we have to go through this? I’m sorry but I just get tired of constantly
having my children harassed by authorities and being placed in danger.” Silently Leia cursed her
abilities wondering why the Force felt the constant need to test her resolve by having her children
constantly being placed into perilous situations.
Master Rodersuin scratched his skin on his chocolate toned chin, and replied, “I think I speak for all of
us, Master Organa-Solo, when I say that we all believe in the innocence of Anakin. And we trust in his
abilities that he will be able to avoid facing danger. He is a resourceful young man and will contact us
when he is able to do so.”
Jacen absently stared out the window and watched the endless traffic sailing by. His emotional state
fluctuated between grief and anxiety. Shaking his head, he commented, “I just don’t believe that Tenel
Ka is dead. Do any of you? She is a Jedi, and her Force signature is very strong. I think I would have
felt it if she had perished.”
Mara closed her eyes and connected to the Force. The energies from the billions of lifeforms on
Coruscant clouded any chance of trying to locate Tenel Ka’s essence. Luke shook his head and replied
for his wife, “I thought the same thing when I heard the news, Jacen. In my meditation session this
afternoon, I was unable to identify her signature. However, I did not feel a void in the Force, nor
experience any kind of a manifested warning that she had indeed died.”
“Great, so what do we all know? We know the Queen Mother is out to crucify Anakin. And we think
Tenel Ka can’t be dead because you all don’t feel that she’s dead,” Leia mumbled. “So the question
remains, where are they? And how can we help them?”
“Tionne should go to the University on Hapes and see if she can determine exactly what happened and
who Anakin went there to meet. I also think Leia that you should contact Isolder and Teneneil Djo to
see if they have any information…” Luke was cut off by an insistent chime of their commlink.
Furrowing his brows in annoyance, Luke said, “She knows not to bother us when we’re in council.”
Walking over to his commlink, he spoke into it, “Yes?”
The Temple’s pale blue, Chiss librarian who also doubled as their receptionist, named Ralii Preel
excited apologized into the commlink, “Master Skywalker, I am so sorry to disturb you…”
“Ralii, what is it?” Luke requested.
“We have received an urgent message from Brukos Olissian requesting Marxx call him back,
immediately,” Ralii replied, excitedly.
Together Marxx and Jacen confusingly stated, “Brukos Olissian?”
“What did he say, Ralii?” Luke commented as he shushed the younger Masters.
“He said Need is dire, call back and ask for Thrad Daver.”
Leia and Jacen stiffened in their spots. Simultaneously, they bolted for the door, and Jacen motioned for
Marxx to hurry along with he and his mother.
“What is it?” Mara shouted.
Opening the door for Leia and Marxx, Jacen shouted back, “Thrad Daver- it’s an anagram for Darth
Vader… Anakin’s with Brukos!”
Luke and Mara stared vacantly at Tionne and Rodersuin as they digested that bit of news. Smirking,
Rodersuin stated, “See, I told you he was a bright boy and we had nothing to worry about.”
Standing up the four remaining Jedi Masters followed after the trio to listen to Anakin’s news.
“Why did he ask for you and not me?” Jacen absently asked as they entered into one of many Force
shielded, private holoemitter chambers located throughout the vast Temple.
“He wouldn’t know you were here, Jace,” Marxx replied, taking the datapad from Ralli with Brukos’s
comm frequency numbers.
Nodding, Jacen replied, “Well, I guess that’s true.”
Marxx, Jacen, and Leia stood around the holoemitter and waited for their signal to be received on
Olissia. Luke, Mara, Rodersuin, and Tionne crowded into the room and sealed the door behind them
“Why do you think he’s with Brukos?” Jacen asked, mystified.
“Don’t know, I suppose we’ll find out,” Marxx retorted as a blue, shimmering image of Brukos
Olissian emerged onto the holoemitter pedestal.
A bewildered and giddy look crossed over Brukos’s face as he responded, “Hi, everyone. Hold on a
moment, I’ve got someone here who wants to talk to you.”
The image went black and Anakin emerged into the picture. Relief and happy surprise at seeing his
brother and mother flashed across his face. He greeted them, “Hi Jace, Mom, Marxx… oh yeah, hi
Uncle Luke and Aunt Mara, Masters Tionne and Rodersuin.”
“How are you doing, Anakin? Are you alright?” Leia asked. Her brows knitted with concern as she
detected his face seemed disfigured from receeding bruises.
“Well, I’m in about as good of shape as you might expect me to be. I’m an emotional wreck, and I’m a
fugitive from the Hapan Royal Guard. I need help to find Tenel Ka,” Anakin replied.
Folding his arms across his chest, Luke asked, “You believe she’s alive?”
“Well that’s what I need help with,” Anakin said. He then proceeded in telling them about his
holoemitter message from Tenel Ka, Lowie’s finding the image of the aliens, and their seeking out
Brukos for assistance. He added on how Brukos identified the aliens. The Jedi Masters stood by and
silently digested the information. Glancing at Marxx, Anakin hopefully asked, “Marxx, do you think
you can zero in on Tenel Ka’s signature? If not I think Raven could do it too, right?”
Jacen chimed in. “Raven’s on Hoth and out of communications range with a pack of second years.”
Not wanting to disrupt his sister and her training exercise, Marxx exhaled deeply and replied, “I can
definitely try, Anakin. I do know Tenel Ka, which should help me. But I’ll need to be far away from the
noise of Coruscant, there’s just way too much interference with all of the people on this planet. I’ve
done it before, but I didn’t have to travel such great distances as this Piirrnian System. I’ll need a map
of the area so I can have some sort of visual idea of where I’m trying to locate her. It would probably
be even better if I did it closer to the outer rim of the New Republic. I think Raven would need the
same requirements.”
Brukos’s voice said from outside holoemitter range, “I have a map of the Wild Regions where the
Pirrnian Cluster is located.”
Anakin added that he needed a little time to change the holoemitter frequencies on his ship before they
take off.
Mara muttered, “I wouldn’t put it past Ta’a Chume to have placed a tracking device on your ship
“Damn, we didn’t check for that, did we Lowie?” Anakin asked offscreen. The Wookiee Jedi growled
back negatively.
“I can fix that,” Brukos replied and called up to his security team. Anakin listened as Brukos asked a
team to come down and sweep his guest’s vessel for any bugs.
“Thanks, man,” Anakin said.
“No problem,” Brukos replied.
Clapping his hands together, Luke called everyone’s attention. He said, “Alright then we need a game
plan… Anakin why were you on Hapes 9?”
Anakin told them about Professor Tia. A memory triggered in Lowie’s head and he mentioned he had
the Professor’s file. Eyes widening in surprise, Anakin said, “Well that’s good. Let’s just hope if we can
find Tenel Ka and get her back safe and sound that will be enough to void that damned thing.”
“Tionne will go visit the Professor, then. He probably will need Jedi protection anyway if Ta’a Chume
realizes why he was talking to Anakin. Leia, contact Isolder and Teneneil Djo and find out if they know
any more than we do about what’s going on with Ta’a Chume and why she’s accusing Anakin in this
matter. Rodersuin you’ll need to stay behind as our main point of contact. Marxx, you and Jacen head
over to Olissia and see if you can pinpoint Tenel Ka. If you DO locate her, contact the Temple
immediately and the rest of us will all meet at a rendezvous point and launch the rescue mission,” Luke
advised. “Any questions?”
Nobody spoke up. Everyone suddenly felt their spirits soar as their time of inaction seemed to be over.
Leia replied, “You’d better make sure you contact Han. He’ll definitely want to be involved in any
effort to help and try to clear Anakin’s name.”
“Trust me, I know better than to leave Han out of any kind of a rescue mission. I’d never hear the end
of it if I did that,” Luke replied.
Sighing deeply, Marxx replied, “And I’ll have to explain to my pregnant wife why she has to stay
behind and not get involved on this mission.”
Placing a reassuring hand on Marxx’s shoulder, Mara replied, “If she gives you any grief, let me know
and I’ll talk to her.”
A chirping from Anakin’s end caught their attention. Brukos answered the hail from his security team.
He relayed, “They swept your ship and it’s clean.”
“Great, then it’s safe for us to fly,” Anakin responded.
“Be careful, Anakin. I love you,” Leia responded, fighting back tears.
Knowing the hell his mother was probably going through, Anakin replied, “I love you too, Mom. And I
will be careful, I promise.” To his family and the other Jedi Masters, he sighed deeply and replied,
“Thank you all for your help, it means everything to me. I know Tenel Ka will appreciate it.”
“Even though she chose her destined path to become a Queen, she’s still a Jedi, Anakin. We won’t
abandon her,” Luke stated. “May the Force be with us all.”
Gulping hard, Anakin heartily agreed. With the love and support of his family, he felt assured that they
would find his beloved and help bring her back, safe and sound.
Chapter 18
Leaning in the doorframe of his home, Brukos crossed his arms and watched as The Nubian Hope
flushed its vents and softly landed beside The Fiery Phoenix. With the holomatrix still activated on
Anakin’s ship, his naked eye could not decipher which ship was a real Nubian Royal Yacht, and which
was merely an illusion.
The gem entrepreneur watched as Anakin raced towards the craft. From their brief time together, he
could sense that Anakin was desperately trying to control his emotions and deep concern over Tenel
Ka’s safety. Brukos refused to force himself upon his guest. Although he felt the briefest sparks of them
possibly building a bond or friendship, Brukos knew that they were no way near ready to bear their
souls to one another. He had carefully observed earlier during the holoemitter call how easy and happy
Anakin reacted when speaking with his family. Brukos sensed that being in the presence of his brother
may do Anakin worlds of good and give him some sort of avenue of emotional release.
A man approximately six- foot with sandy hair descended down the gangplank. His face was stressed
with concern. Anakin immediately engulfed the man in a fierce embrace and began to weep onto the
new arrival’s shoulder. Brukos recognized the man as Anakin’s brother Jacen from the holoemitter
Jacen’s voice drifted on the wind, “Don’t worry, Anakin. Everything’s going to be okay. We’ll find
her… I promise you.”
A pang of loneliness etched its way into Brukos’s heart as he watched the brothers embrace. Growing
up he had considered Tenel Ka to almost be family, but then she was gone from his life with his
mother’s untimely death. Having no true siblings of his own, he had never known the kind of closeness
with anyone that he was witnessing. As he studied the brother’s embrace he became envious of their
obvious affection and love for each other. A shiver ran down his spine as he remembered that his own
father never once touched, or hugged him as a child, scolding him that showing affection openly was
weak and unmanly. Shaking his head, Brukos saw nothing perverted in the Solo brother’s reunion.
From the moment Jacen appeared, Anakin’s shoulders appeared less tense, and his posture more open.
Brukos averted his prying eyes and blinked back a couple of tears that threatened to fall as he realized
how much he had missed out upon in his life.
He lifted his hazel eyes again as Marxx Racees descended down the ramp, his long, dark Jedi cloak
billowing around his feet. Anakin released his hold on Jacen and grabbed Marxx in bear hug. Brukos
noted all three men wore their Jedi robes. Their cloaks seemed to further link the three men together in
an exclusive brotherhood. Brukos doubted they would ever allow a stranger to enter and become a part
of their circle. He realized that just because he owned a costume of a Jedi of old, that he really knew
nothing about their secretive order, nor would that allow him the right to become one of their world.
These three men were bound not just through family, but through the Force as well.
He slammed his eyes shut tight as the consuming sensation of being alone in the universe gripped his
soul. Silently he cursed at himself for even entertaining the smallest notion that he might be worthy of
becoming a friend to anyone in the great Solo family. As he watched Anakin reacting tenderly with his
own family, Brukos couldn’t even begin to fathom why Ta’a Chume would be against the idea of this
gentle Jedi Knight wanting to marry her granddaughter.
Composing himself, Anakin regained control of his emotions, and after rounds of tousling of Jacen and
Marxx’s hair, he turned around and noted Brukos lurking under his mansion’s doorway. He sensed
great sadness emanating from Tenel Ka’s friend. Lifting the corners of his lip into the famous Solo
smirk, Anakin waved at Brukos to join the group of Jedi. Brukos fought down the urge to point at
himself questioningly. Smiling, he approached the group of young men.
Planting a comradely hand on Brukos’s shoulder, Anakin pointed to Jacen and said, “Brukos, I’d like
you to meet my big brother, Jacen Solo. Jacen this is Brukos Olissian.”
Flashing Brukos a smile, Jacen joked, “I think older brother is a more appropriate term, considering
he’s the giant in our family.”
“Hey, I resemble that remark!” Anakin kidded and punched Jacen in shoulder. Jacen hooted a
complaining laugh at his smarting arm, as Anakin motioned to his brother-in-law, “And this is the
Galaxies bravest man, Marxx Racees, who dared to marry my hot-headed sister.”
Peaking a brow at Brukos, Marxx replied, “Trust me, if my marrying Jaina is considered punishment,
I’m more than happy to accept that as my life-long sentence. I hardly find being married to his sister as
being anything other than a sheer joy.”
“Right, and how many lamps has she broken in the last week?” Jacen asked.
Rolling his eyes, Marxx wearily replied, “More than I can count… she’s pregnant.”
“Ah, I see. Congratulations,” Brukos said and laughed as he shook hands with Jacen and Marxx. His
earlier feelings melted away as the three famous men warmly invited him into their fold.
From out of the Phoenix, Lowie tromped down the gangplank. He growled a happy welcome to the
newcomers and smothered them in furry hugs. He explained that he was just altering Anakin’s comm
frequencies. He handed each Marxx and Jacen datacards containing the new codes that they could pass
on to the rest of the rescue team.
Seizing the moment to gather the group into his home, Brukos pointed towards his home. “Welcome to
Olissia, gentlemen. I’d love nothing better than to give you all a fully guided tour, but I know time is of
the essence. So if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to my map room,” Brukos advised.
Examining his host’s immense mansion, Jacen commented, “You have a room designed just to view
your mapreader?”
“Sure, doesn’t everybody?” Brukos responded, seriously. When he saw the startled expressions on all
of the Jedi’s face he burst out laughing. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’d always expected my home to be
loaded with screaming children who would occupy half of my empty rooms. As that hasn’t seemed to
happen yet, I’ve had to find other uses for them.” He led them up two flights of stairs towards the top
level of his mansion. Walking through a series of long corridors past many spare bedrooms, they ended
their journey at a rounded wall. Brukos sheepishly said, “Ok, I admit it, I did have this place designed
exclusively as a map and star reader room. I think you’ll find it’s a bit more advanced and useful than
simply using a map reader… I also think this is proof that I have way too many hobbies and interests to
idly spend my time pursuing.”
Sweeping the doors open, the four Jedi followed Brukos and entered into a dark, domed room. The
room plunged them into near darkness as the door shut behind their backs. Brukos excused himself and
walked to a long desk to their left. He turned on the soothing red lamps that illuminated his consul.
Nodding, he said, “Ok, guys, go to the center of the room for the best view. Hold onto your hats, this is
a little… disconcerting the first time anyone comes in here.”
Marxx walked carefully across the slippery floor and glanced around the room curiously. Suddenly, a
loud humming noise reverberated over the walls of the entire room and the floor shook under their feet.
Bright white, yellow, blue, and red stars filled the darkened room. Disoriented, Marxx immediately
noticed that the stars seemed to endlessly drop under his feet as the clear, glass floor illuminated
southernly distant stars. Each Jedi felt as is if they were walking on air, right smack in the middle of the
star filled Galaxy.
“Whoa… this is a trip,” Jacen exclaimed.
“Blast it, I’ve got the settings backwards, hold on a sec…” Brukos muttered.
The four Jedi’s stomachs lurched as the stars violently spun all around them, giving them the
nauseating sensation that they were caught in the center of a storm’s vortex. The stars ceased spinning
unexpectedly. To their far off right a swirling, bright cloud that signified the center of the New
Republic drifted away from their line of vision.
Peering up from his desk, Brukos asked, “You all alright? Nobody’s spewing chunks are they?”
“Nah…we’re used to getting tossed around. Fly with hotrod here a few times and nothing will faze you
either,” Jacen replied, clapping a hand on Anakin’s arm.
“Oh come on, I’m nowhere near as bad a pilot as Jaina,” Anakin retorted.
“I thought she was supposed to be a great pilot?” Brukos inquired, confused.
“Yeah, great alright… at getting into trouble,” Jacen commented.
“Careful, that’s my wife you’re talking about,” Marxx interjected as he explored the room. A bright,
dusty orange planet appeared under their feet. Wrinkling his nose in disgust as he recognized the two
glowing suns overhead, Marxx spat, “Tatooine.”
Concentrating on his controls, Brukos commented, “Ok, the Piirrnian Cluster is far outside the outer
rim of the New Republic in the Wild Space region.” He lightly kicked up the speed and Tatooine
moved away from under their feet. The pleasant glow from New Republic galaxy began to fade into the
The four Jedi watched in amazement as images of asteroids soared in their direction. Lowie
instinctively shielded his eyes as the illusionary globs of rock shot through the room and towards his
body. Jacen laughed at his Wookiee friend overreacting to the imaginary targets. Lowie slapped Jacen
hard on the shoulder the unexpected punch and slippery surface caused Jacen to land hard onto the
floor. Lowie hooted and helped his friend to his feet, apologizing.
Ignoring Jacen and Lowie’s antics, Marxx wandered across the room and focused on paying attention
to the geography of the planets, and systems that they passed through space. Anakin moved behind
Marxx’s shoulder and asked him, hopefully, “Do you think this will help any?”
Hugging his elbows, Marxx shook a lock of dark curls out of his eyes and nodded, as his eyes
continued to scan the regions. He replied, “I think so.” Squinting, he detected a large, fuzzy glow on
the horizon. As it moved further into view he distinctly noticed a massive collection of planets whirling
quickly around a binary sun system. He again noted the few random asteroids and solitary planets that
passed overhead and underfoot. Suddenly they were standing in the midst of the active cluster of
“Gentlemen, we have reached our destination, the Piirrnian Cluster,” Brukos replied. Marxx studied
each of the spinning planet’s colors and attempted to determine which planets would be teeming with
life-form readings and which would not. Keeping his eyes on each of the different worlds, the Jedi
Master attempted to memorize each ones erratic, orbiting pattern.
Lowie and Jacen wandered over to Brukos to examine the controls for the miraculous room as Anakin
and Marxx continued to gather their bearings.
Jacen peered over the consul and asked Brukos curiously, “Where in the Galaxy did you find such an
amazing holoprojector setup as this?”
Sheepishly, Brukos rubbed his left palm over his bald-head and replied, “Money can buy anything. I’d
always been fascinated with map readers, but as I gained my wealth, I wanted something grander. Star
cartography is one of my many interests. Each planet that you see in this holomatrix I personally
uploaded and added to the memory files.” A faraway grin plastered across his lips as he continued,
“When I visited the Pirrnian Cluster four years ago I stopped beside the planet of Jassinir and mapped
the planet with my holoimager. I was nearly captured because they thought I was a spy.”
Lounging over the desk, Jacen inquired, “How’d you get out of that mess?”
Smirking, Brukos replied, “I blew out their hyperdrive and got the hell out of their Cluster. Haven’t
returned since, actually… well until now.” Glancing up at the projected planets he continued, “I’ve
always had a great love of science and love using technology for whatever can help us to further
understand how the Galaxy works.”
Planting a fist on his hip, Jacen absently stated, “My students would sure love this thing. This would
make a great study aid.”
Lowie agreed and added that these rooms would actually be great if they could be distributed
throughout the Galaxy as education tools for students.
Brukos digested that bit of information as Jacen turned back in his direction and stated, “I bet you
could make a fortune installing these things.”
“Well there is a problem with that- this thing cost me several million credits to complete and install…
of course that was a long time ago now. The entire south wing on the second floor here holds the server
for storing all of the data held in this device. Course you know… if I did install one for the Jedi, I bet
that the New Republic would give me one hell of a tax break on that,” Brukos responded.
Laughing softly, Jacen jabbed a finger in Brukos’s direction and said, “Now I think I see why you’re
such a good businessman.”
Glancing over Jacen’s shoulder, Brukos spied Anakin and Marxx deep in conversation. He lowered his
voice and asked, “He really loves her, doesn’t he?”
The Solo smile etched on Jacen’s face and he replied, “Yeah, he does. Tenel Ka and I were pretty close
as kids. But then I fell in love with my wife, and Anakin was there to help Tenel Ka through dealing
with my having moved on. I never knew it, but Anakin always had a thing for her. He never acted upon
his feelings because he thought we would get together at some point. When that failed to happen, he
swooped in and swept her off of her feet.”
“That was pretty noble of him. Tell me, did he really destroy a magnetically sealed, duracrete door to
save her?” Brukos asked.
“Yeah, he did. Don’t ask me where he got the added strength to do it though. I mean, he’s huge, but
he’s not exactly a human wrecking ball,” Jacen said. Lowie wandered over behind Brukos and stared at
the controls, as always, intrigued by the software and mechanics that ran the immense holomatrix.
Brukos’s next question froze in his mouth as Anakin and Marxx appeared. Marxx asked, “Is there
anywhere that I can go to meditate? I think I can do this, now.”
“Sure, go ahead and either go outside in the garden or any room in the house. It’s very quiet around
here, so you shouldn’t have any problem with any kind of noise interference,” Brukos stated and
opened the doors.
“Thank you. I think I’ll try the garden. I’ll let you all know what happens, or if I need to get physically
closer to the Cluster. Can you keep this activated in case I need to look at it further?” Marxx inquired,
kneading the back of his neck with his left palm.
“Absolutely, no problem, Marxx,” Brukos replied as he watched Marxx and Anakin exit the room.
Jacen noted that Brukos’s gaze lingered on Anakin’s retreating form. He asked, “Does it bother you?”
“Does what bother me?”
“Finding out that the girl you were courting is in love with another man?” Jacen asked.
“Yes…and no. I mean, Tenel Ka and I knew each other from long ago… I should’ve never gotten my
hopes up too high to begin with. I should’ve known that a great catch like Tiki wouldn’t just up and be
available,” Brukos replied. “He seems like a great guy.”
Nodding, Jacen agreed, “He is. My mother named him after our grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. Unlike
his grandfather who was unable to control his emotions, my brother’s pretty sedate and humble. He’s a
true Jedi in that sense. However, if someone he loves is in danger… let’s just say you don’t want to be
the one in between him and his family. But he’d never resort to anger to resolve his problems.”
“I guess that makes Ta’a Chume’s charges even more ludicrous, don’t they?” Brukos asked, glad for the
opportunity to gain deeper insight into Tenel Ka’s boyfriend.
“Absolutely. Anyone who knows Anakin knows that those charges are insane,” Jacen replied.
“I guess we’d better hope Marxx can find Tenel Ka then. Not only so we can save her, but clear his
name,” Brukos said as worry lines furrowed his brows.
“Don’t worry, Marxx can do it,” Jacen responded.
Staring into Jacen’s dark eyes, Brukos fought down a lump in his throat and nodded his head. He
replied hoarsely, “I’ll do anything to help.”
“Good, glad to hear it. Because at this point, we need as much help as we can get,” Jacen replied. He
and Lowie glanced up as they both felt a tremendous swelling in the Force. Glancing at Brukos he said,
“We’d better get outside, Marxx is making his journey.”
Sitting cross-legged in the middle of Brukos’s finely trimmed flower garden, Marxx appeared as
lifeless as the many marble statues that poked up around the floral path. However still the Jedi Master
appeared, everything around him was in motion; each flower, bush, rock, blade of grass, tree, and grain
of sand were vibrating.
Focusing entirely on his surrounding plains, Marxx absorbed the energy from every living entity in his
surrounding environment. He then expanded his Force connection and fed off of energy of every
human, bird, animal, and plant on Olissia. His spirit rose into the atmosphere and he discovered the life
energies of the Brukos’s security crewmen, borrowed their radiating power readings and rose to the
planet of Duro. He lingered and absorbed the energy of the large planet and then severed his link with
his conscious self. Soaring through the cosmos, Marxx’s soul left his earthly body and he focused his
consuming need to race towards the outskirts of the Galaxy. Every asteroid, and planet he passed, he
channeled their Force energies into his connection with the living Force and expanded his distance. As
he passed Coruscant, his connection swelled and solidified and he shot off across the Galaxy,
navigating his soul through space dust and debris, still channeling his Force link and absorbing more
and more energy as he raced through the darkness of space.
When he reached Tatooine, he borrowed the energy of the dusty planet and shot off towards the
unknown corridors of wild space. Marxx opened the tunnel towards his projected soul and redirected
towards his spirit the near exact locations of the planets and asteroids he remembered from Brukos’s
map room.
The further his soul soared, deeper away from his physical presence, his breathing became shallow and
his pigment paled. Driving hard, he thrust himself further and further into wild space, until the Piirrnian
Cluster emerged. Puzzled, he detected a noticeable lack of sentient life-form readings in the region. He
decided to use this void to his advantage and began seeking the individual spark of a Force-sensitive
user. A blur of movement in the Cluster caught his attention and he followed its path. The object was a
vessel, and on it he sensed a very faint pulse from the Force. Gently he nudged it with his
consciousness and embraced the being with his radiating Force signature.
From out of nothingness a spark ignited. Gruff voices, speaking in a strange dialect of Huttese, echoed
in a thick blanket of foggy darkness.
“I don’t know, it looks awfully puny. I don’t even think that the beasties would want to eat it.”
“It’s arms look muscular though, how are it’s legs?”
The sound of ripping fabric invaded the impenetrable, blackened haze.
“Humm… it’s not as skinny as I thought it might be. And look at it’s legs, I think the creature may be
pretty strong… although I doubt it would last long in the arena.”
“Yeah, but I think it’s a female. The crowds would pay big bucks to see a female battle with beasties.”
“I wonder how much fight she may have in her…”
Sharp clawed fingernails began to prod and poke at the victim’s legs, and immediately the haze
dissipated. The overwhelming sense of being physically violated caused an adrenaline rush to surge
through the young woman’s body. Instinctually, she thrust all of her power into her left leg, swung it up
over her head and connected her foot squarely in the left temple of the creature examining her body.
She then opened her eyes.
A loud, squealing cry erupted from the assaulted humanoid, as blood poured down his face from where
her foot had connected with his left horn, ripping it from his epidermis layer. Tenel Ka utilized the
momentum from her kick, threw back her arms, back-flipped, and landed squarely on her feet.
Adjusting her eyes into the dank cell, she quickly counted two, startled aliens in the room. She noted
that their rusty, scale covered skin and physical appearance was the same as the intruders from her ship.
Growling, she ran forward three large steps, planted her palms on the bent over, pain-ridden alien’s
back, piked upwards, flipped in the air, connected with the Force and shoved the door open. Landing
squarely on her feet she dashed out of the cellblock and raced down a left, curving hallway. The ripped
fabric on her ruined pants legs fluttered behind her as she ran.
The two aliens charged noisily out of the cell, one holding the side of his head, while the other pulled a
blaster from his belt and chased after his escaped prisoner.
Tenel Ka realized a couple of things almost immediately, one, she had no idea where she was or where
she was going, and two, she had no clear plan for escape. In her flight down the dark hallways, her bare
feet splashed through pools of muddy water. Flickering lights, twenty-feet above, illuminated the
dreary, windowless walls as she ran past locked cell after cell. Through the Force she detected life-form
readings in most of the rooms but could not determine anything about their identities as she charged
briskly down the path. The hallway continued to veer leftwards, and she felt as if she was running
around a circular racetrack.
The overwhelming scent of animal dung filled her nose as she passed by larger rooms. From inside the
cages, moans, growls, and roars of large creatures echoed around the corridor. Her danger senses flew
into high alert as the sound of crashing footfalls approached her from the darkened hallway around the
next bend. Twirling and stopping, she heard the footfalls of the aliens she left behind in the cell as they
began to gain ground. Tenel Ka pumped back both of her arms and bent her legs deeply, and jumped
straight up into the air. Throwing out all four limbs, she braced her arms against the outer hallway wall
and planted her feet against the opposing wall. She locked her elbows and knees out straight and deeply
concentrated on keeping her body prostrate. Silently, she hoped that none of the aliens would look up.
The two groups of aliens skidded to a halt, barely missing a collision, as they met in the hallway to just
the left of Tenel Ka’s body. She carefully controlled her breathing to make sure that it’s sound didn’t
betray her position.
The unscathed alien from her chamber shouted, “Bwin’koo, where’d she go?”
“Where’d who go?” answered the darker scaled leader in the new pack of five aliens. Tenel Ka noted
they all had blasters drawn, and all sported a tattoo on their right shoulders. All were very tall. She
approximated they stood approximately seven-feet in height.
The alien she assaulted swayed back and forth as blood continued to cover his face. Pointing to his
wound, he said, “The little alien that did THIS to me.”
From inside the closest chamber, a creature began to violently crash against the walls. Tenel Ka’s body
shook as the walls thudded from the animal’s movements.
Bwin’koo shouted to the bleeding guard, “Gluk’ta get out of here… the beastie smells your blood and
you’re getting him all excited.”
In a thickening voice, Gluk’ta replied, “I’ll go to the infirmary.”
Tenel Ka attempted to focus on the retreating alien’s life-force energy, but was unable to do so. Where
he walked, she felt no Force-energy reading. Throwing her attention to the other crowd of aliens, she
realized that they as well did not appear to exist in the Force. Gritting her teeth she realized that if they
were unreadable through the Force that they would be nearly impossible to detect on the ship, making
escape all the more difficult. They also wouldn’t fall for any Jedi mind tricks. Her arms and legs began
to quake from exertion. She channeled her Force connection onto the creatures in the pens to help
extend her physical strength, as the aliens rudely continued to hold a committee meeting almost directly
underneath her hiding place.
“I’m telling you, I saw her exit this way. She’s a tough little thing, and kicked the snot out of Gluk’ta’s
face. Bwin’koo, you don’t think she went into any of the holding cells do you?” the remaining guard
from her prison room asked the darker leader.
“She didn’t come past us, Quiss’lak. I suppose she could’ve gone into one of them,” Bwin’koo replied.
He ordered his four guards to start investigating each chamber. He shouted as they moved down the
hall, “Search for fresh blood in the beasties cages. Maybe she was stupid enough to go into one of the
paddies and get devoured.” Knocking a elbow in Quiss’lak’s direction, jokingly he added, “We’d know
then to keep THAT beastie out of rotation for the next round of fights.”
Quiss’lak found little humor in the current situation and he said, “She’s gotta be around here
Punching the smaller alien in the shoulder, Bwin’koo replied, “No worries. How were you supposed to
know something that small would put up that kind of fight? She certainly showed no signs of any kind
of strength when we captured her.”
Squeezing her eyes shut tight, Tenel Ka’s arms violently shook as she began to drift beyond the point of
exhaustion. Having no idea of the current time, all Tenel Ka could determine was that it had probably
been ages since her last meal. Her abdominal muscles screamed in agony from being contracted for so
long. Sweat began to bead on her forehead and dampen her titian hair.
Two of the guards returned to report no success.
“She is very resourceful,” Quiss’lak commented as they moved directly underneath her body. With
mounting horror, Tenel Ka watched helplessly as a large drop of sweat plunged off of her forehead and
landed squarely on Bwin’koo’s head.
Knitting his brows in confusion, Bwin’koo glanced upwards and flashed a jagged, tooth-filled grin at
the sprawled Jedi. She watched as he pointed his large blaster directly towards her chest.
He appraisingly commenting, “Yes, she’s VERY resourceful.”
A flash of blue light stunned Tenel Ka’s senses and caused her to plummet back into the darkened,
foggy void.
Chapter 19
“Why won’t Marxx listen to me? My baby brother’s in trouble, I should be there to help them!” Jaina
complained, as she folded her arms over her protruding belly and gazed out of her Coruscant apartment
Mara approached her husband’s temperamental niece, as she cautiously watched her four-year old son,
Ben out of the corner of her eye. Oblivious to his mother’s gaze, he happily played with his toy ships
on the ground, sputtering engine sounds with his lips. She replied, “Jaina, you can’t be on every
mission, all of the time.”
Staring at her wrist chronometer impatiently, she said, “I wish they’d hurry up and contact me. I called
for that emergency meeting over an hour ago. What could be taking them so long with coming to a
decision, what could they still be debating?”
“Patience, Jaina. The sub-committee will allot New Republic ships for the rescue effort. They respect
the Jedi Council and know that we would not ask for assistance unless it was necessary. Besides, up
until two minutes ago, we didn’t even know for certain that Tenel Ka was alive,” Mara said, running
her fingers through her russet colored hair.
“Well they know now that we need the support, they should’ve decided right when I gave them the
update,” she sighed, recalling Marxx’s happy message. Shifting uncomfortably, Jaina felt her baby
punching the walls of her stomach. She smiled at the strange and now familiar sensation. “He’s
kicking, again.”
“Do you mind?” Mara asked. Jaina shook her head and Mara placed her hand on Jaina’s stomach. She
beamed as it shuddered under her touch. Memories of her own pregnancy lurked in her mind, and she
sensed an envious pang of maternal yearning enter her heart to be in Jaina’s place. Believing that her
time was probably past for such notions, she simply smiled at the younger woman and shared in her
joy. “He’s a strong one, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he keeps me up all night sometimes with all of his moving around in there. I think he’s just
ready to come out,” the expecting mother replied, caressing her stomach protectively. Pursing her lips
tight, she added, “And I do know why I need to stay behind. I’m not going to put our baby in danger…
I just hate feeling useless, you know? I was once a pilot… and I still crave that adrenalin rush that
comes during battle. Politics are just…irritating. Sometimes my fellow Senators can be so thick, they
just can’t seem to see the obvious. It’s frustrating! I don’t know how Mom did this for as long as she
did. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to stop myself from using Jedi mind tricks to help them
see things more clearly.”
Nodding, Mara replied, “It’s good that you stop yourself, that would certainly make the Jedi look bad if
you started doing that. Plus such impulses to continually manipulate other’s thoughts could…”
“…Lead to the Dark Side,” Jaina completed. She turned her brand brown eyes towards her Aunt and
choked back a sob. She said, “You’ll bring them all back safe to me, right?” Slowly circling her hands
across her belly, she added, “He needs to know his father… and uncles and his Mommy’s good friend,
the Queen of Hapes.”
Wrapping her arms tightly around Jaina, Mara lightly kissed the top of her head and said, “You promise
to take good care of my son, and I’ll bring the others back safe for you. Deal?”
Forcing a smile, Jaina clung tightly to Mara’s strong arm and replied, “Deal.”
“You know my mother-in-law, Leia. Heaven forbid that she’d actually share any information about the
apparent death of my only daughter to me,” Teneneil Djo replied, angrily. “I despise that woman for
thinking she has more rights over my own daughter’s life than I do.” Scrubbing aside a trail of tears
that cascaded down her cheek, she added, “Count your blessings, Leia that you got away from her.”
Leia nodded and gently took her distraught friend’s hand in her own. Upon calling to Teneneil Djo and
Isolder, Leia had been relieved to hear that they were already en route to Coruscant, hoping to seek her
council. Turning her soulful eyes towards Tenel Ka’s mother, Leia replied, “I admit that I don’t envy
you… I’ve never much liked trying to deal with Ta’a Chume, she’s… she’s…”
“Nerfheaded, stubborn, insolent, rude, overly-critical, demanding, and an overall pain in the…”
Teneniel spewed.
“Teneniel! Stop it, this isn’t helping us any,” Isolder cried as he gazed out the Temple’s window at the
passing traffic.
Red eyed, she glared at her husband, pointed her index finger towards him and whispered, violently,
“Don’t…you…DARE defend her!”
Placing his hands on his chest, Isolder’s eyes blazed with disbelief at his wife, “Was that what I was
doing? Do you think I am enjoying being left out of the dark by my own mother? Do you?”
Slipping off of her couch, Leia moved aside as the husband and wife battled out their pent up
frustrations at each other. In witnessing their pain, she realized her own earlier outbursts while in the
Council session were in vain. Holding out her hands, Leia shouted, “Stop this!” Isolder and Teneneil
Djo ceased their arguing and stared at Leia. She continued, “This isn’t going to help us any in helping
to find your daughter or help my son.”
Isolder opened his arms and caught his wife as she began to sob, uncontrollably into his chest. The
Hapan Prince said, “I’m sorry, Leia. Our nerves are fried.”
“I certainly understand that, but getting angry and turning on each other isn’t going to help us,” Leia
Snuffling, Teneneil Djo stated, “At least you know your son is fine.”
Leia’s heart went out to grieving friend. She replied, “Even Luke couldn’t say for sure that Tenel Ka is
dead. He senses those things usually before anyone else.”
“What about Anakin?” Teneneil Djo asked, as she extracted herself from her husband’s arms.
Rubbing his hand through her thick russet hair, Isolder replied, “I think the boy would certainly have
known if she had died, Teneneil. They have a strong bond together.”
All three parents jerked their heads towards the opposite end of the room as the door chimed. Leia
raced across the room and opened the door to find Luke, Han and Chewie waiting. Grinning, Luke
stated, “Marxx sensed her presence in the Force.”
Isolder and Teneneil shouted out in relieved joy. Stepping into the quarters the two men and Chewie
made themselves comfortable. Luke explained, “Marxx managed to locate Tenel Ka’s Force Signature
in the Piirrnian Cluster. She appears to be on board a ship, as to what kind it is, Marxx couldn’t tell. His
connection was pretty weak by the time he reached her so he couldn’t accurately gauge how she was
doing physically. He tried to make a mental connection, but as soon as he attempted to do so, his
connection through the Force deteriorated. He has no idea if she felt his presence or not.”
Tapping his fingers against his left arm, Isolder stated, “We should tell my mother. She’d send the
entire Hapan Armada out there and bring her back.”
“NO!” Leia shouted from under Han’s warm embrace. “You can’t do that.”
Bewildered, Isolder asked, “Why in the hell not?”
Calmly Luke explained, “If the Piirrnians catch wind of an entire fleet of Hapan warships headed their
way, they will figure out that Tenel Ka is someone important. According to Brukos, they have no
qualms about killing their captives if they become a liability or commit even the most minor of
“They would immediately know that Tenel Ka is the one the ships are after since the Hapan Destroyers
all resemble her yacht,” Han explained. “Right?” Chewie moaned in agreement.
Teneneil choked, “We can’t just do nothing.”
“Jaina has already put in the request for ships from the Senate. We should hear shortly how many they
will provide us to use in the rescue effort,” Luke replied. “We want you both along, but I do
recommend that you leave the Hapan Destroyers behind.”
Leia met Isolder’s confused stare and remarked, “Your mother has a nasty habit of acting impulsively
and not thinking things through. My experience with her has shown that she doesn’t give my
recommendations much weight. If we let her in on this, she will most likely respond by ignoring our
wishes and sending in the Hapan Fleet. She can only make the situation more difficult, and most likely
endanger Tenel Ka’s life.”
“I know… you’re right. I appreciate that, everyone. We both do. It would be a bad idea to call in my
mother for help,” Isolder replied and gently squeezed his wife’s hand. Staring at apparently nothing, he
added, “Besides, I think my mother has her hands full at the moment. She probably doesn’t have the
time to even think about Tenel Ka.”
Folding his arms across his chest, Luke asked, “What do you know about Nastya? She keeps making
all of these public announcements that she’s ready to take over the crown. Does she actually have a
valid claim?”
Snorting, the Hapan Prince replied, “Nastya is the daughter of my half-uncle, Roark. My grandfather
had an affair with one of my grandmother’s handmaidens. Shortly after she gave birth, my grandmother
banished her and her child from the Palace as they were seen as a disgrace. Roark spent his life loathing
my mother, since he was actually the first born child. When he produced Nastya, he’s held onto this
blind hope that one day she would end up in the throne and he could finally fulfill his vendetta against
my mother.” Sighing Isolder massaged his forehead and added, “Since my mother only had myself, and
Teneneil and I only had one daughter… Nastya would be the legal next heir to the throne.”
“How do you think your mother will respond to the threats from this Consortium?” Leia asked.
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll flat out refuse to acknowledge them,” Isolder replied.
“Yes, but it looks like that half of the Hapan planets are aligning with the Consortium. I doubt your
mother will be able to prevent a full-scale civil war from breaking out,” Leia replied. She added, “And
if that happens, that could mean trouble for the New Republic. Although Hapes has never become a
member of the Republic, this civil war could have damaging consequences to our Democracy. Rarely
do large-scale wars only affect those who fight them. Surrounding planets and clusters who are loyal to
the Republic will start to receive war refugees and will want to take sides. Before long, the entire New
Republic could get thrown into the middle of their war.”
Nodding his head slowly, Isolder replied, “Yes, and that is why it is crucial that we find Tenel Ka and
bring her back safely. She appears to be the one link to maintaining the political balance and stability
back home. All of this only further re-enforces our need to act swiftly in bringing her home.”
The holoemitter chimed and Leia flicked it on. Jaina and Mara appeared on the projector.
Holding her hands on either side of her aching back, supportively, Jaina’s face scowled with
dissatisfaction and said, “They’re only giving you four destroyers and Rogue Squadron. Rogue
Squadron is patrolling the outer edges of the Corporate Sector and will take a couple of days to meet up
with you guys.”
“I don’t think it’s as grim as Jaina seems to think. That’s plenty of ships,” Mara chimed in. “I just
finished speaking to the fleet leaders and Wedge, they’ll meet us at the rendezvous point in Nubian
airspace in two days. That will give Anakin and Brukos a good head start and alert us if more ships are
Rising to his feet, Luke replied, “Wonderful. Thanks for the assistance, Jaina.”
“Do you think that will be enough, Uncle Luke? Because I can ask for more…”
“I don’t want to raise alarms, needlessly. Besides, we’ll have The Jade Saber, the Falcon, the Hope and
the Phoenix, as well as the destroyers,” Luke pointed out.
“Right. And kiddo, we had a lot less firepower than that when we took out the first Death Star,” Han
retorted, flashing her a confident grin.
Jaina’s expression showed that she was unconvinced with her father’s optimism.
Smiling, Leia said, “We’ll find her, honey. Don’t worry.”
“Alright, I believe you. Take care all of you, and May the Force be with you,” Jaina replied as Ben
moved into the picture and waved at his Dad.
Luke grinned at his titan-haired boy and waved back. He replied, “Thank you, Jaina. May the Force be
with you as well.” Heart swelling with love at the sight of his family, Luke deeply understood Isolder
and Teneneil Djo’s parental pain. He silently vowed to get Tenel Ka back safely for their sake, as much
as for Anakin’s.
Anakin and Brukos stood in front of The Fiery Phoenix in the bright, late afternoon sunlight on Olissia.
Standing just outside of Brukos’s hearing, Anakin clasped Lowie’s arm and said, “Look I want you to
go with them. You’re a much better co-pilot than Jacen is, and Marxx’ll need your help in case that
flying arena has highly skilled air protection.”
Unconvinced, Lowie asked how he was going to deal with being alone with Brukos for four day flight
to the Pirrnian Cluster. He inquired how Anakin could be sure that Brukos would cover his back. Filled
with uncertainty about their newest friend the Wookiee thought it would be better if he stayed aboard
the Phoenix.
Turning slightly around, Anakin spied the two large trunks that Tenel Ka’s old friend had packed full of
weaponry and high tech gadgets. He replied, “I believe he’s on the level, Lowie. From what he’s told
me, Brukos is a good pilot and I shouldn’t have any problems with him as my co-pilot. I appreciate
your wanting to stay with me, but I think you would serve better being with fleet. From what Brukos
has said these Pirrnians wouldn’t see you as anything other than a beast. I don’t want you getting into
unnecessary danger.”
Huffing, Lowie stated that he could take care of himself and that he didn’t like the idea that Anakin
would be without Jedi backup for a day or so.
Smiling, Anakin replied, “Thanks for your concern, Lowie. But Tenel Ka will be there, and once we
rescue her, she will gladly act as my backup…as long as she’s not hurt, of course. We’ll be fine…trust
me.” The two friends embraced, and Anakin approached his brother and Marxx who were shaking
hands with Brukos “We’re ready if you are.”
“Time is of the essence. We’ll be meeting up with the others on Naboo, then we’ll be right on your tail,
ready to back you up, Anakin. Don’t worry,” Marxx replied. His blue eyes bore into Anakin’s lighter
blue eyes and advised, “Don’t do anything foolish, understand? We’ve never dealt with these aliens
before and don’t know anything about them. No trying to be a hero, needlessly. You don’t want to do
anything that might put Tenel Ka in further danger.”
Nodding, Anakin responded, “Don’t worry, her safety is first in my mind.”
“We’ll only be a couple of days behind you… Tenel Ka is a smart woman, she should be able to take
care of herself. Don’t go after her unless you think it’s absolutely necessary,” Jacen added.
“Sheesh, lighten up guys. You’re behaving as if I’m going to barge in blasters flaring, and ask questions
later,” Anakin retorted, rolling his eyes. He noted both men peeking their brows at him as if to say
that’s exactly what they were thinking. Throwing up his hands, he added, “Fine, we’ll wait for you to
arrive… unless I can sense she’s in real danger, then all bets are off.”
Marxx and Jacen exchanged unconvinced glances. Brukos slapped Anakin on the shoulder and said,
“Don’t worry, guys. I’ll make sure he doesn’t go in without proper backup. We all have the same goal
in mind, to bring Tenel Ka home safely. We can’t have him charging in there like a reek gone wild, now
can we?”
Lowie hooted at that mental image. Anakin rolled his eyes, and then gave his brothers a hug. After
wishing each other a safe journey, they headed for their ships. As they divided, Threepio called to
Anakin as he stood below the gangplank for the Nubian Hope, ready to be returned to Leia, he asked,
“Master Anakin, are you certain you will no longer be needing my services?”
“Thank you, Threepio, but I think I’ll manage,” he responded. As the golden droid climbed into
Marxx’s ship, Anakin turned to Brukos and smirked, “That, my good man, is one thing that I am
absolutely positive of.”
Hauling his luggage aboard the Phoenix, Brukos said, “Oh, I don’t know. I kind of like my protocol
droid. Fourdeefour has always been there for me and has always been there to keep me company. She’s
like a pet that I don’t have to worry about ever dying. AND as an added bonus, she does chores for
“Well your droid sounds better than ours. Trust me, two days with Threepio, and you’ll wish you could
distance yourself from him, permanently. But we keep him around because it was my Grandfather who
created him,” Anakin said, as he and Brukos climbed into the cockpit and fired up the ship’s engines.
Knitting his brows together as he clamped himself into his seat, Brukos asked, “Darth Vader created a
protocol droid?”
“Yeah, he made him when he was a young kid… long before he even knew he was a Jedi, or turned to
the Dark Side. I’ve often felt that only a nine year-old would have the patience to endure his endless
yammering… Seems like Threepio just kinda managed to remain stuck with our family. He’s the gift
that keeps on giving,” Anakin replied as he set his hyperdrive co-ordinates for the outer rim of the New
Republic. Out the window he watched as Marxx’s ship began to rise.
His commlink chirped, and Marxx’s voice filled the cockpit, “We’re on our way. May the Force be with
you, both.”
“May the Force be with you, Marxx. Jacen. I’ll see you all in a few days,” Anakin responded.
Brukos watched the Nubian craft as it rose out of the atmosphere. He said, “Engines are online.”
“Great,” Anakin replied, and engaged his forward thrusters. The ship shook and rose off of the moon.
Leaning back in his seat, Brukos commented, “You have a real nice family, Anakin.”
Anakin strongly detected a strong feeling of sadness emanating from his companion. He said, “I guess
I’m just lucky.”
Softly, Brukos replied, “You have no idea, how lucky… no idea.”
Raising an eyebrow inquisitively at Tenel Ka’s friend, Anakin turned The Fiery Phoenix around in the
atmosphere and counted down the hyperdrive coming online. He found himself glad that he would have
a couple of days to get to know his flight companion. Although Brukos possessed all of money in the
galaxy, he certainly didn’t appear very happy. Guilt caressed Anakin’s soul as he supposed that he
probably had something to do with Brukos’s sadness. The hyperdrive chirped its ready state, and
Anakin said, “Hold on, Tenel Ka, we’re coming for you.”
Brukos nodded in determined agreement as The Fiery Phoenix launched into space.
Chapter 20
Roark Chume’da gazed out of the window of the hovel of his apartment on Hapes 10. His hooked nose
wrinkled at the overpowering stench of fried food that permeated the air in the district. Having spent
most of his life living in near poverty, Roark couldn’t wait to get out of these slums and into his rightful
place in the Palace. He turned his black eyes towards his willowy daughter who sat, hunched over a
second hand sewing machine, stitching together the final embellishments to her newest gown.
Constructed from pieces of discarded fabric, salvaged from the seconds bins in the garment district,
Nastya had dyed the pieces all black to hide any and all flaws that made the fabric less than worthy for
normal sale. Clenching her teeth she expertly finished her last hem. Moving away from her machine,
she shook out the dress and held it in front of her body. She stood before a full-length mirror and
studied its intricate folds and design.
Her father approached from behind and placed a warm hand on his daughter’s right shoulder. He said,
“That is beautiful, darling. Your mother would have been proud of you.”
The brief light in Nastya’s eyes snuffed out, she said, “I should never have had to learn to do this. This
is the job of peasants, not royalty. Poor Mother worked her fingers to the bone trying to make a living
for us. She would have never wanted me to have to learn to do this.” Nastya noted the broad streaks of
white that framed her father’s hairline. She knew all too well the impact her mother’s death had on her
own father’s health as well. He was forced to work two different jobs as a delivery man and as a lowly
janitor, just to keep a roof over their heads. It sickened her that her greedy Aunt wouldn’t offer them the
slightest bit of financial assistance.
Sensing Nastya’s thoughts, Roark squeezed her shoulder, reassuringly, “She will pay, do not worry. It is
the will of a greater power that Tenel Ka was killed. All of our sacrifices… and your mother’s will pay
off. My dear sister will learn the price of ignoring us for so long.”
The gaunt woman broke free of her father’s grasp and walked towards her tiny bedroom. There she
placed the dress in her second-hand suitcase and clasped it shut. That evening she was scheduled to
catch a bus to the Harrina, the capital of Hapes 10 where she would address the Cluster and respond to
Travees’s cries for independence. Nastya believed that he was just testing the waters, and when he
failed to obtain the support of any more planets, that the threat would fade away. Her claim to the
throne was solid and legally binding. She stared at her spartan bedroom and immediately felt waves of
anger control her soul. In her mind’s eye, she recalled the sights of each beautiful object she passed as
she traveled her way through the Fountain Palace on Hapes. These thoughts calmed her nerves, as she
knew that each gilded item would belong to her and her father, soon, very soon.
Leaning in the bedroom doorframe, Roark crossed his arms and studied his daughter. He said, “Just
think, my dear. In a couple of weeks, you will never have to sew again. You will be able to hire people
to do it for you.”
Not hearing a word her father said, she asked, “Do you know she insulted me about my pale
complexion? I’m sorry that I don’t have the time to lounge outside and darken my skin. People who
have to work for a living have very little spare time on their hands for pleasure.”
“I know, she’s horrible. So what do you have planned for my darling sister when you own the crown?”
Roark asked.
Grinning, she chortled, “I’d like to force her into refresher cleaning duty, but something tells me that
she won’t do it. Perhaps I should move her here and see how she likes living in the slums with no
money. She’d be dead in a week.”
Roark hooted with delight. “Daughter, I love the way you think. That would be perfect.”
“Of course I doubt my cousin would allow that though. I suppose I’ll just banish her from the Palace
and make her live with Isolder,” Nastya responded.
Glowering, Roark replied, “That is NOT a worthy enough solution, you know that Nastya. She
deserves to SUFFER!”
Shoulders tightening, Nastya turned on her father and retorted, “You know I can’t do that. I am mostly
unknown to this Cluster, thanks to our banishment. The people LOVE Ta’a Chume. If I outright banish
her, they will never respect or trust me. As much as I would enjoy nothing more than to utterly
humiliate that woman, I will wait and exact my payback once I am crowned. Besides, revenge is best
served cold. One day when she’s least expecting it, I’ll get her back.”
Chuckling, Roark wove a hand through his salt and pepper hair and replied, “She does underestimate
you, darling. You are much smarter than she will ever give you credit.”
Eyes full of determination, Nastya agreed, “Yes, she does. And that will be Ta’a Chume’s ultimate
Ta’a Chume stared out the window of her office and lightly tapped a datapad against her palm. It
contained a scientific breakdown of all of the debris found at the explosion site broken down to the
element level where necessary.
There was no sign of the missing four bodies. The three who were recovered were in the labs
undergoing autopsies. The coroner was not optimistic that she would be able to find much considering
they were contaminated and bloated after floating in space.
Pulled by an unseen force, Ta’a Chume stared at the object that rested on her desk, Tenel Ka’s
lightsaber. Surprisingly, the object remained in tact and did not seem to have been affected by the
explosion. Seeing the weapon made Ta’a Chume even more suspicious over the fact that the recovery
crew could not find Tenel Ka’s body. The practical side of her brain stated that the four bodies had
floated away and would probably never be recovered, yet the frequently listened to optimistic side
whispered the notion that possibly Tenel Ka was still alive. She reasoned that if her granddaughter was
alive and could return, that all of the brewing problems in the Galaxy would dissipate. Rubbing her
forehead, the former Queen Mother’s worst fears had materialized, and with her granddaughter’s
apparent death, the Hapes Cluster was in jeopardy of coming apart, permanently.
The lightsaber taunted her. Even in accepting her role as Queen Mother, Tenel Ka never let that weapon
leave her side. And here it sat, without its Master.
She had spent the morning sifting through the backlog of holoemitter messages she had received after
Tenel Ka’s death. Abruptly, a day ago all communications from the Jedi and her son had ceased. When
she attempted to reach either Master Skywalker or Master Leia Organa- Solo, Master Rodersuin simply
stated they were unreachable and off on business and he refused to elaborate any further.
She couldn’t reach her son or Teneneil Djo either. Why would Tenel Ka’s parents suddenly no longer
care about details pertaining to their only daughter’s upcoming funeral?
Frantic and threatening calls from her son had ended a day ago. When she checked with her fleet
commanders, Isolder’s assigned guard still circled Dathomir without being given any recent
instructions for altering their current course. Her son’s royal Dragon stayed with the fleet, so she could
only assume he was still on board his destroyer.
She felt like she was being left out of the loop on something. All around her the Hapes Cluster was
falling to pieces. She determined that if the Jedi and her son knew something that could prevent a war,
she would hold them personally responsible for any loss of life… or the loss of her crown.
Her eyes again fell on the lightsaber. The hilt had been lovingly crafted out of the tooth of a
Dathomirian rancor monster. On it, Tenel Ka had carved many intricate designs. The weapon contained
jewels from one of her Princess crowns that triggered the light component in the sword. That weapon
represented both sides to Tenel Ka’s heritage. And Ta’a Chume knew that her granddaughter would
rather die than be parted from the blade.
Tapping the datapad in her hand, Ta’a Chume’s mind lingered on Travees Yermott. He had been the last
person to see Tenel Ka alive, and now he was creating chaos in her cluster.
Leaning over her desk, Ta’a Chume flicked on her intercom and barked, “Bia.”
“Yes, My lady,” her secretary replied.
“Get me all recent speeches made by Travees Yermott,” Ta’a Chume commanded.
“Yes, My lady. I’ll get right on it.”
The signal went dead. Precious time was ticking by and if she didn’t act quickly, before long Nastya
Chume’da would demand to take her place upon the royal throne of Hapes.
Ta’a Chume only hoped that for once in her life, the optimistic part of her brain could actually be right.
If Tenel Ka was still alive, somewhere, then she was determined to find that out. And if she was in fact
dead, Ta’a Chume vowed to make it her personal mission to destroy whoever killed her granddaughter.
Settling down in her chair, she lightly stroked the hilt of the lightsaber and said, “Tenel Ka, you are
necessary for our Cluster to survive. I need you to be alive.”
Travees stood, staring out of his window at the darkening sky on Hapes 6. From behind him the
rustling of silk sheets, alerted him that his guest had awoken. Disheveled, curly brunette hair poked out
of the covers and a thick, sleepy voice asked, “Where’d you go, Lover? Come back to where it’s
Tightening the belt on his robe, Travees coldly scrutinized the woman. She was commonly beautiful, as
were most of the women who regularly threw themselves at his feet. He had selected her out of the
usual pack of groupies because he sensed the voluptuous woman was eager and could handle a long
night of endurance. Icily, he replied, “I want you out of my bed and out of my house in five minutes.
There will be a shuttle outside ready to take you back to whatever hole you climbed out of. Here, take
this and be gone.”
A pile of credits bounced onto the sheets. Shoving the hair from her eyes the woman grew angry and
said, “Hey, I’m not a prostitute!”
Looking down his long nose, Travees replied, “Really? Are you sure? You certainly…perform like
Flinging back the covers the woman launched out of the bed and attempted to slap him across the face.
Travees caught her wrist, twisted it and wrenched her arm behind her back. The woman whimpered in
pain as he tightened his hold. He tossed her to the ground and kicked her clothes in her direction. Tears
cascading from her eyes, the woman cried, “And here I thought you were a nice man, trying to do good
for our Cluster of planets.”
Eyes blazing with fury, Travees stood over the woman, grabbed her chin and squeezed, hard. She cried
out in pain and grabbed at his fingers to try to release their vice-like hold. He replied, “I am the best
thing that ever happened to this Cluster. But I don’t expect a common streetwalker to see that.”
Throwing back his left arm, he aimed to slap her face hard, and stopped as he saw the terror in her eyes.
She stammered, “Oh my stars, you did it, didn’t you?”
“What are you talking about?” Travees asked, as he felt the blood in his body shift from fire hot to ice
cold with fear.
“You…you killed her…”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. But if you think that making wild accusations is going to
garnish you fame, or glory, think again.” He squeezed her chin tighter and she screamed in agonizing
pain. He slammed his large hand against the right side of her face and sent her sprawling onto the floor.
He poised his left arm to strike her again. In a low and dangerous voice, he murmured, “Get out. And if
you think of saying one word of this to anyone…”
The woman’s face throbbed in pain. Not wanting him to complete the threat, she gathered her clothes
and scuttled towards the door. She said, “I won’t say anything, believe me… I won’t.”
“You’d better not,” Travees replied and kicked her out into the hallway. Turning his back the door
hissed shut, finally separating him from the despicable woman. He heard the woman crying and
fumbling out in the hallway. Satisfied that she had vanished a couple minutes later, he picked up his
commlink and called to the shuttle captain, “You know what to do.”
He watched as the still dressing woman ran out towards the awaiting ship. Grinning maliciously, he
thought how easy it was to get rid of female problems. Chuckling to himself, he beamed with
satisfaction knowing that the bomb his girls had planted aboard the late Queen Mother’s yacht had
blown the boring woman to smithereens.
He smirked, “So much for your great observation skills as a Jedi, Tenel Ka. Yes, with you now out of
the way the Cluster will be mine for the taking… All of it.”
Shaking hands encircled the complimentary glass of brandy, provided by the nice steward aboard
Travees’s shuttle. Taking large gulps, the warm liquid burned the woman’s throat. Wiping a trail of
tears off of her left cheek, her fingers gingerly grazed over the welts on her cheek and those on either
side of her chin. A sob jolted into her throat as she realized how horribly that man had used her last
evening. She vowed to herself that she didn’t care if he did hunt her down and kill her, she would
expose to the entire Galaxy the beast who lurked under his handsome exterior. She fumbled in her bag
for a portable holoimager to photograph her face. As she felt around in the bag, her vision began to
blur. She cried out as shooting pains electrified her body. Her bag fell to the floor, forgotten as her
entire body began convulsing. She frothed at the mouth. Finally, her body relaxed and stilled.
The steward slapped on a pair of gloves and picked up the corpse and all of her belongings, and hauled
her towards the back of the shuttle. Extracting a small vile, he squeezed several drops of acid onto each
of her fingertips to erase her identity. He then burned her teeth. Wrinkling his nose in disgust, he
shoved the body and her belongings into a small turbolift, used to lower trash into the ship’s external
ejection port. He tightened the lock and verified that the anti-gravity suction seal was firmly activated.
He then hit the eject button, ridding his employer of his problem, once and for all.
Chapter 21
Raging Rex - A Besalisk alien (like Dex)
SeaDog – an Aqualish alien (Walrusman)
The Merciless – A Chagrian (like Mas Amedda)
The Devourer - A Dashade–
Devious D’luik – A Devaronian
Scourge –
Nothingness wove into consciousness. Tenel Ka’s stomach lurched. She rolled onto her side and dry
heaved towards her prison floor. Tears leapt into her eyes, as waves of nausea washed over her senses,
causing her vision to blur and quake. Her stomach squirmed and growled violently at the same time.
She placed her right hand on her abdomen and sat upright on the hard bench. Bleary eyed she gazed
around her rolling, stark cell. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and concentrated her breathing.
Finally, she felt as though the room might not spin if she dared to glance around. She opened her eyes
and examined her quarters. The durasteel walls were streaked with lines of rust, and the room reeked of
re-circulated sweat and dung. Running her fingers through her matted hair, Tenel Ka felt as though
she’d been trampled by a pack of rancor monsters. She determined that her system was reacting badly
to being stunned.
Her door quickly hissed open and shut. Quiss’lak and Bwin’koo entered her cell. Each alien held out a
crackling, glowing stun rod and pointed them towards the queasy Jedi.
Tenel Ka held up her palms and said, “I have no plans to escape, you can put those down.”
“Right, as if we are going to believe you,” Quiss’lak replied, scowling. Tenel Ka warily glanced at the
alien and detected something elusive lurking behind his eyes that belied his gruff words.
Bwin’koo silenced his partner with a wave of his hand and approached Tenel Ka. He grabbed her chin
in his right hand and scrutinized the prisoner’s eyes. Roughly he released his hold and said, “My guess
is she’s telling the truth. Very few humanoids can take a full level animal stun dose and live to talk
about it the next day. She’s pretty strong… I’m impressed. She’s probably hungry, go get ‘er some
Quiss’lak exited the prison cell, leaving Tenel Ka alone with the massive, Piirrnian guard. Believing
him to having some authority, she asked, “Where am I? And why am I being held against my will?”
“You’re full of questions, ain’cha? Why should you care where you are?”
“Because, I want to know why I am being held prisoner. I have committed no crime,” Tenel Ka
responded, feeling her strength returning.
“I don’t have to explain anything to you, slave,” Bwin’koo stated. He wrinkled his nose at the battered
and torn appearance of her clothing. “We’ve got a show in forty-five minutes. I want you to eat up and
regain your strength…because you’ll need it. Put this on and be ready for when the guards come to get
you.” He chucked a small package onto the bench beside Tenel Ka.
She opened the bag, peered inside, and asked, “Where is the rest of this?”
“That’s all you get, girly. I expect you to put that on, too. No showing up wearing those rags,”
Bwin’koo responded as the door swished open. Quiss’lak and Gluk’ta entered the room. Gluk’ta, the
guard she wounded during their last encounter, glared at Tenel Ka with murderous intent written over
his bandaged face. Smartly Bwin’koo, pointed to Gluk’ta and added, “If you don’t put that thing on, I’ll
let HIM dress you up in it.”
Not liking Gluk’ta’s leering expression in the slightest, Tenel Ka agreed, “I will put it on.”
Quiss’lak dropped her tray of food onto the bench, causing a couple of items to fall onto the dirty floor.
He hissed, “That’s all you get, so you’d better eat it.”
The three guards headed towards her door. Bwin’koo replied, “If you do well at the show, you might
get upgraded to better food…Remember, forty-five minutes.” The door hissed and locked behind them,
and Tenel Ka heard their laughter echo outside the hallway. She examined the objects on her tray. They
contained a half filled container of water, a hunk of dried meat, and a few limp, rooted vegetables. On
the floor sat a chunk of moldy cheese and a lump of wormy bread.
Reminding herself that she’s been forced to eat worse, she dug into the chewy meat, and then
swallowed the vegetables without tasting them. She peered at the floor and noted its sticky appearance.
She didn’t see a waste bucket and wanted to pass on the objects that fell on the floor. However, the
promise of having to do something that was possibly physically enduring, forced her to think
otherwise. She picked up and examined the cheese. Scraping off the mold, she poured some water onto
her tray and washed it off. Hunger overwrote her disgust and she devoured the tasteless item. She could
not bring herself to even look at the buggy bread and kicked it aside. She slugged down the water to rid
her mouth of any traces of her meager meal.
Reaching into the bag, she extracted a two piece bikini outfit. The top, consisted of a single, black
leather band that clasped in the back. The bottom was a 4 inch wide, black, leather, bikini-bottom skirt,
that slightly rose up in the back. Although she prided herself for her muscled body, she figured the
skimpy skirt would barely cover her entire rear end. Cursing, she removed her ruined clothing and
wiggled into the disturbingly tight outfit. Thankfully, she noted that the top did manage to keep her
chest in place; after jumping up and down a few times, and pitching herself forward and back, she
determined that her chest would not pop out of the fabrics tiny protective band. The skirt snuggly fit
dangerously low on her hips. Rubbing her forehead in shame, she figured if she had to bend over that
someone would probably get quite the eyeful.
She rubbed some circulation into her cold arms and wondered if Anakin received her last holoemitter
message. Of course she knew that even if he did receive it, her abductors could not be seen. He most
likely had no idea what happened to her and her crew. Her crew… chills raced down her spine as she
wondered about their fate. She distinctly recalled the feeling of being embraced by someone through
the Force earlier, and hoped that possibly it was Anakin’s way of letting her know he was on his way to
help. Pacing in her quarters, she realized that the presence didn’t feel like Anakin. Tears threatened to
rise in her eyes as she began to doubt herself and thought that maybe it was just wishful thinking on her
She hadn’t been wearing shoes when they abducted her, so her feet were bare. She curled her toes in
disgust as she paced over the filthy floor. She yelped as a rodent scurried across the arch of her left foot
and quickly retreated down the one drainage hole in the room. Her misery intensified. Moving back to
the duracrete bench, Tenel Ka curled her knees up to her chin and controlled the urge to cry.
Shaking off her mounting melancholy, knowing it wouldn’t accomplish anything, she spent the next ten
minutes combing her fingers through her hair, ripping off tiny strips of fabric from her ruined pants leg,
and tied her hair up into braids. She assumed that she looked frightfully messy, given the lack of a
hairbrush, showering facilities, or a single mirror. Try as she might, Tenel Ka could not fathom as to
what she would be expected to do in this “show,” but judging by the outfit she had a sneaking suspicion
that it would involve a lot of suggestively, sexy dancing. She grimaced, knowing that kind of thing had
never been her forte. Her heart palpitated with worry that her lack of skill might earn her a one way
ticket as dinner into one of the creature’s paddocks.
The only thing she could determine so far, judging by the condition of the cell and her costume was
that these aliens didn’t know her identity. Instinct led her to believe that if they knew she was royalty,
they probably would kill her immediately.
Her time of speculating her fate ceased as Gluk’ta burst back into her room. He harshly yanked her off
of her bench, slapped stuncuffs around her wrists behind her back, and then clamped a large stun collar
around her neck. Tenel Ka dared to hardly move in fear of getting heavily burned from the devices. The
guard breathed heavily by her ear, sending rancid, hot stinking clouds up her nose. He said, “You might
just pray that you don’t make it through this round, girly. Because thanks to your actions earlier, it has
become my personal mission to make your short-term life a living hell.”
She chose not to respond in fear of further angering the wounded alien. She raised her chin to avoid the
stun collar’s electrical currents and marched out of the room. Quiss’lak, waiting in the wings, threw a
blindfold over her eyes, and grunted for Gluk’ta to fall behind. He then shoved the Hapan Queen
Mother down the right hallway and led her through an endless labyrinth of walkways. Finally, they
stopped in a room, where the doors hissed them inside. He gruffly removed the blindfold, and then both
of the cuffs. Tenel Ka blinked as her eyes met a large duracrete door.
From behind her, the guard explained, “Yer going into that room there and will have yer choice of
weapons. Pick as many as you can, or feel comfortable carrying. I recommend you try to load yerself
up. Then the door will open and you will go out into the ring and battle whatever is out there. If they
are other humanoids, you will have to kill them. All of them. Don’t think that they’ll have mercy on
you just cuz yer a female. Those warriors you meet have been here a long time and know that in order
to survive they must kill. Whoever is left standing will be allowed to go back to his quarters so he can
fight another day. Only the victor will return… do you understand me?”
Tenel Ka’s blood turned to ice and shivers ran down her clammy spine. Suddenly, exotic dancing
looked a lot more satisfactory. She choked, “Bloodsports are outlawed in the New Republic… you
cannot legally…”
“You ain’t in the New Republic, girly. Their rules don’t apply here,” Quiss’lak stated. Tenel Ka
absorbed that little bit of curious information. Approaching Tenel Ka, he tilted his scale-covered head
and bore his yellow eyes into her own. He said, “I’d be very disappointed if you didn’t do well out
there. Even Bwin’koo is impressed with your prowess. We’ve never had a female make it on to the next
round. You could become a legend around here. These guys thought I was nuts when I suggested you
should be put out in the ring- they all believe you’ll be dead in two minutes. Prove them all wrong and
kick the living snot out of everything that’s out there.”
Planting her fists on her hips she narrowed her eyes and suspiciously asked, “Why would you care how
I did or did not do in the ring?”
Caressing his left horn, he replied, “Let’s just say that after seeing how you escaped the other day, my
opinion of you has increased. I see in you the means for me to advance in the ranks around here. We
could be mutually beneficial to each other. You can help advance my career, and I can help you by
getting you, better food, better quarters…”
“My freedom?” Tenel Ka asked.
Snorting, Quiss’lak responded, “Sorry, girly. I’m afraid once you become a fighter, you live the life of a
fighter. There is no freedom for you.”
Tenel Ka remained relatively unconvinced. She did know that the longer she remained alive, the better
her chances of Anakin finding out what happened to her and seek her out. Clucking her tongue in her
mouth, Tenel Ka verified, “If I win, you will get me better food, and get me out of that stink hole of a
cell? How about a costume that covers a bit more of my skin?”
“Yeah, I guess so, I think that all of that can probably be arranged. Two of our best fighters are out
there and they’ve got nice, clean quarters… complete with private refreshers. I can move you into one
of them,” Quiss’lak promised. “Course, they are beasts… if you can beat them… you’ll definitely
deserve the change in rooms.”
“Can I take your word?”
Grunting, he said, “What other choice have you got?”
“None,” Tenel Ka admitted.
“Great. So what should we call you? You need a fighter name,” Quiss’lak responded.
Words flew through her mind, and suddenly one appeared. Recalling the sect of Dark Witches on her
home planet of Dathomir, she figured their name would be specific enough that Anakin or anyone who
might possibly be searching for her to recognize it as code. She replied, “Call me NightSister.”
Grinning, he said, “I like that. Alright, I’m gonna open the door, get in there, you’ll have about five
minutes to choose your weapons and get ready to fight. Best of luck, NightSister, yer gonna need it.”
As the door opened, Tenel Ka stood in the weaponry room. All weapons were meant for hand to hand
combat, no grenades, or blasters could be seen. Although she was trained from a very young age in the
art of war and battle, the thought of killing other sentient humanoids for the sole purpose of amusing
others bothered her a great deal. Morally, she believed it was wrong to kill others. She believed the
only valid times to kill a person would be in self-defense. And only then it should be employed if there
was no other way out of the situation, or during war. She supposed that she could reason to herself that
this kind of battling would be in self-defense, but she still found the reason repugnant. Knowing that if
she wanted to remain alive she admitted that she had zero other options than to fight and engage in this
brutal act.
Taking a deep breath she began to examine the weapons. She discovered a belt lying on the table with
slots full of throwing knives. Cinching the large belt tightly around her waist, she noted that its weight
would not hinder her movements- and more importantly the more prudish side of her brain reasoned
that it gave her the appearance of wearing more clothing. She then discovered a smaller ankle strap and
laced it to her right leg, and unsheathed the wickedly sharp blade that it held. Slamming the knife back
into its case, she quickly explored the rest of the weaponry. She cursed her skimpy costume for having
no pockets as a pile of throwing stars sat, gleaming, begging for her attention. She briefly thought of
lining the inside of her skirt with them, but feared they might rip the leather fabric and make the skirt
fall completely off.
“I suppose that could work to my advantage to distract my opponents, but that is not the kind of
offensive measure I am looking for,” Tenel Ka mumbled as that disturbing mental image flew in and
out of her head.
She shoved four of the stars into her knife belt and then began to examine the larger swords. Several
long handled spears immediately caught her eye. Picking up a couple she tested their heft and put them
back due to their being overly heavy. She also figured they would only serve as one shot uses and
dismissed them entirely. She then picked up a short handled, two sided broadax and twisted it in slow,
comfortable circles with her right hand. She then spied a sleek sword and put down the axe. The sharp
blade sung in the air as she tested a few parries and thrusts with her left hand. Picking up the two
weapons together she stood in the center of the room and swung them around in phantom parries and
thrusts. Determining she could efficiently use them both, she gave the room one last look over for
anything else she could possibly carry. Her eyes fell over some menacing and wicked looking flails and
maces, whose spiked balls promised to hurt and maim upon impact. Her body shivered at their vicious
Deep in thought, she spun as one of the walls began to rumble and slide upwards. Tenel Ka squinted
her eyes as it opened to reveal a brightly lit, slate toned, oval sports arena. A thick layer of smoke
lingered fifteen feet above the arena floor and stunk of ciggaras. The entire room was bowl shaped.
Along the rounded edges of the arena floor, she spied a large steel wire cage that soared forty feet high.
She detected a forcefield radiating outside the cage. She assumed that was added as double protection
in case one of the captives climbed their way up the cage, hacked a way out and tried to escape. Above
the grid, she saw blue sky. Squinting past the bright lights that heated and illuminated the arena, a
faceless sea of thousands of seated of spectators scrutinized her curiously.
The roar of the crowd assaulted her ears, as she heard a voice boom over an intercom: “Please give a
warm welcome to one of our newest fighters! NightSister!” To the delight of the crowd, she held the
sword high above her head. Glancing overhead she witnessed several holoimager droids circling
outside of the forcefield zeroing in on and photographing the new fighter. Tenel Ka intentionally stared
at one so it could get a solid recording of her face. Although she didn’t know where these films were
broadcast, maybe a friend would see the footage and use it to be able to find where she was being held.
She then focused on the dozen larger doors that surrounded the arena. Cautiously she stepped away
from the security of her bunker as the heavy door slammed shut. A gate to her left opened and the voice
in the microphone screamed, “Scourge, has entered the building!”
The crowd pitched into a frenzy as a scantily clad, powerfully built Nikto exited his room. The
ferocious alien threw up his arms towards the crowd, egging them on to intensify their shouts.
Responding wildly, the audience hooted and hollered as the Nikto swaggered around the arena. Tenel
Ka noted he carried a jagged spear and a machete. He wore a small pouch on his waist.
A door past Scourge opened to reveal an Aqualish. His tusks, one jagged and broken, gleamed under
the bright lights as the announcer said, “Still undefeated, welcome SeaDog!” The gray alien strutted out
into the arena amongst catcalls and cheers. He seemed to have strapped on several belts filled with
knives. He was holding a large mace in his hands. Tenel Ka silently cursed herself for not adding an
additional belt around her waist.
The next entrance opened and a blue skinned, four horned Chagrian entered the stadium. Standing over
six feet tall, the muscular alien created an impressive picture. He carried four spears that were tied
together forming an X that he spun over his head. The crowd roared as he plunged and spun his wicked
weapon theatrically. “Ah yes- welcome The Merciless… always a crowd pleaser.”
“We have another newcomer, introducing… The Taunter,” the emcee stated. Tenel Ka sensed a familiar
presence in the Force as a masked human exited the next room. Carrying an axe and a sword, the man
gazed at each opponent and stared hard and long at Tenel Ka. She recognized his physique as that of
her bodyguard Yssarrd. He nodded his head in acknowledgement to his Queen and raised up his left
hand to the lightly applauding crowd.
Tenel Ka barely noticed the arrival of the Devaronian except when the emcee shouted, “Ohhhhh….
Devious D’luik is here!” The snarling alien with large teeth and two horns sitting atop his head strutted
into the ring and began to twirl around two fifteen pound flails. Tenel Ka cringed as the light shined off
of the jagged spikes that sparkled off of the whirling globes.
The door to D’luik’s left opened and a Deshade entered the ring. A high-pitched war cry escaped his
large mouth, as he bellowed towards the audience. His dark, and greasy skin helped him to blend into
the dull surroundings. His teeth popped out in bright contrast. A loud laugh snickered into the
microphone as the crowd jumped to their feet and hooted with delight. “Ah yes, it’s been a while but
your requests have been answered, the Devourer is here!”
“But if you all think that is exciting… Look at who else we have today… making his first appearance in
two months… I give you… RAGING REX!” The crowd’s pitched roar nearly shattered Tenel Ka’s
eardrums as a lumbering, four armed Besalisk entered the stadium. Only two of his hands held
weapons. They were large hammers. He banged them together over his head. His large mouth fell open
and he heartily laughed at the crowds feverish response.
As she gazed over the six warriors, Tenel Ka noticed that all exhibited large patches of scar tissues, all
over their bodies. The Besalisk and Chagrian appeared to be missing several fingers. And the Nikto was
missing his ears. She gulped, realizing that Quiss’lak’s words about these being seasoned fighters were
The emcee shushed the crowd and said, “Contestants, you know the rules… only one of you will come
out of here alive. There are no exceptions. Today we have the greatest honor of having Lord Grilli’k to
watch today’s spectacle. All bow to your Lord!” Tenel Ka craned her neck as a large spotlight
illuminated a private box above her head. She noted that Quiss’lak stood off to the left of the
immensely obese, Piirrnian overlord. Quiss’lak signaled to her to bow, glancing behind her she noted
all of the other competitors had complied. A slight grin raised on her face as she noted Yssarrd seemed
rather perturbed by the submissive act. Dropping to her knee, Tenel Ka lowered her head in response.
The overlord boomed, “Thank you all. To the warriors, there is no shame in death, for only in death
are you finally enlightened. Embrace your demise with distinction and glory! Let the games begin!”
The crowd roared as a loud gong sounded across the arena. Tenel Ka threw up her head, sending braids
crashing around her face. Still crouched she watched as Raging Rex charged towards the Devaronian
and deftly grabbed his right leg with his upper right arm, lifted D’luik upside down and shook him
around. The Devaronian spun his flails at Raging Rex and slammed them against his legs. The large
Besalisk roared in pain and dropped D’luik on his head. Eyes filling with rage, Rex crashed his two
hammers onto the back of the alien, flattening him to the floor.
The crowd screamed in fevered delight as the emcee announced, “Oh looks like one of the favorites is
already gone… so much for being Devious, D’luik, guess your time was up!”
From the corner of her eye, Tenel Ka watched as Yssarrd battled with the large Chagrin. Yssarrd
parried and thrust his sword against the blue alien’s pinwheel of spears. Suddenly her time for
observing ended as the sound of speeding objects breezed past her ears. The Nikto, Scourge began
rapidly pitching throwing stars her direction. Tenel Ka reacted by leaping straight up into the air, halfpiked and landed behind the confused Nikto. He spun to face his prey. Using the momentum from the
landing, Tenel Ka raised her right foot and slammed it into the unsuspecting alien’s chest. Scourge’s
stomach caved in upon the impact and he crashed to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye she saw
Yssarrd standing atop his fallen opponent and put the blue creature out of his misery with a single
thrust of his sword through his back.
“Ouch! It looks like no mercy was shown to the Merciless today.”
Taking her moment of distraction, Scourge crawled to his feet, sides heaving in rage. He reached to
grab several more throwing stars, and Tenel Ka jumped and planted a roundhouse kick right to his left
temple. Vision blurred the alien swayed on his feet. Closing her eyes in disgust, Tenel Ka finished off
the nauseous Nikto with an efficient slice of her sword across his throat. Her nose recoiled as the stench
of blood filled the vicinity.
“Ohhh… looks like NightSister got the best of Scourge. But she better watch out, it looks like SeaDog
has her in his sights…”
Tenel Ka’s danger senses flared as suddenly a large metal bar crashed and tightened against her larynx.
Gasping, Tenel Ka dropped her sword and grabbed at the cylindrical object. She desperately dug her
heels into the ground, trying to obtain some footing. She raised her axe and swung it behind her in
attempts to cut and distract whoever placed her in the choke. A snuffling cry in Aqualish identified her
opponent as Seadog. He expertly dodged her thrust and held on tight with his chokehold, raising her
higher off of the ground. Lightly she suggested to the Aqualish to loosen his grip on his weapon
through the Force. Seadog complied. Growling, Tenel Ka used her control, balled her right fist tightly
around her axe handle and shoved her left elbow hard into SeaDog’s chest. His stomach imploded with
pain and Tenel Ka further suggested for him to slacken his grip on his weapon. Taking advantage of her
momentary victory, she slipped out from under the bar, dropped and rolled under his feet. Grunting in
anger, the Aqualish raced in her direction. Popping up on her feet, Tenel Ka crouched and then sprang
towards the gray alien. Wildly, he swung his mace in her direction and its spikes connected with her left
leg. Registering the immediate pain in her leg, Tenel Ka fell out of her leap and crashed to the floor,
knocking the wind out of her in the process. Gasping for air, she shielded her face with her right arm as
the crazed Aqualish readied his spiked mace over his head. He was perfectly positioned to smash his
weapon onto her head. Seeing she had next to no time to react, Tenel Ka squeezed her eyes shut tight to
avoid witnessing her senseless end. Her mind screamed out in agonizing regret into the Force,
When the expected blow did not immediately happen, she nervously opened her eyes. Suddenly,
SeaDog’s eyes bugged and he crashed down towards Tenel Ka. She rolled out of the way, just in time
as the alien’s lifeless body thudded prostrate on the ground. A large knife stuck out of the small of his
back. She glanced up to see Yssarrd nodding in her direction. Grabbing the mace out of the dead
Aqualish’s hands, Tenel Ka ignored the sticky blood that began to cover her leg and raced to Yssarrd’s
Raging Rex discovered that Yssarrd’s earlier “kill.” The Merciless was struggling to his feet.
“Oh it looks like the Merciless is not out… well yet…”
Wielding his immense hammer, the Besalisk pummeled the Chagrian until his victim ceased all
movement. The crowd roared in delight.
Tenel Ka averted her eyes from the carnage, reached into her belt and extracted two of her throwing
stars and flipped them towards the charging, gray Deshade. To her surprise, he effortlessly snatched
both out of the air and pitched them both towards the pair of humans. Tenel Ka heard a thump,
registered pain, and suddenly smoke and sparks began to fly from her left arm. She dropped her mace
and sensed her cybernetic, left-handed fingers convulse and twitch as her robotic arm violently shook.
Grimacing, she shouted out in agony as the mechanical arm’s circuits began to heat and blacken the
synthetic flesh that surrounded the metallic inner components.
To Yssarrd she shouted, “Cover me, while I take this thing off!”
“Absolutely, M’lady,” Yssarrd replied and attacked the snickering Deshade. Tenel Ka confirmed that
Raging Rex was still occupied with obliterating all of the corpses. The crowd buzzed with puzzlement
over why NightSister’s arm was smoking. Not noticing the crowd, Tenel Ka panicked, sweat dripping
down her forehead, as tiny flames began to lick their way through the steel grid in her arm. She crawled
towards the fallen Aqualish and ripped off a large section of his tank shirt. Gritting her teeth from the
heat, she covered the smoking and flaming arm with the material and snuffed out the fire. Using the
charred fabric to help absorb the heat of the metal, she then twisted off her ruined left arm and tossed it
The emcee shouted, “This is certainly an interesting development, folks. NightSister seems to now be
one armed. I think that her time is limited amongst the living, what do you all think?”
Tenel Ka lifted her right leg and reached into her ankle belt and extracted her knife. Clamping it
between her teeth, she leapt backwards and began to single-handedly handspring towards where
Yssarrd and Devourer were clashing swords. The crowd marveled at her dexterity with only one arm.
Planting her feet firmly on the ground, Tenel Ka bounced upwards, piked, and slashed her knife in a
swift left to right movement as she leveled with the alien’s face. The Deshade never knew what hit him
as he crashed to the floor, dead from a fatal blow to the throat. Landing softly on her feet, together
Yssarrd and Tenel Ka turned towards the last alien standing, Raging Rex. Yssarrd reached onto Tenel
Ka’s belt and yanked out several throwing knives. He began to pepper the air with the stinging blades.
Several hit the large alien’s torso and arms. Most of them, however, Rex swatted away like annoying
The crowd jeered at Yssarrd for daring to assault their favorite fighter. Tenel Ka sunk into the Force
and pitched the knife in her hands towards the lumbering alien. It hit it’s mark and sunk deep into Rex’s
right shoulder. Instant relief switched to disbelief as she watched Rex grab the blade, rip it out of his
arm and threw it right back at Tenel Ka. She instinctively spread her legs out into a sideways split and
flattened herself to the ground. The crowd roared at her antics as her skirt flew up behind her backside.
Tenel Ka’s vision spun from the sudden movement as she realized that she was losing too much blood
from her leg wound. Flipping backwards, she scuttled to the closest body, Devourer, and ripped apart
his pants leg. She quickly made a tourniquet for her leg, using her teeth and left arm stump to assist her
right hand at tightening the knots. Launching to her feet, she snatched up a fallen flail, and raced to
Yssarrd’s side as his broadsword crashed against Rex’s battle hammer. Sparks filled the air as the
metals clashed together. Pointing the flail outwards to mask her intent, Tenel Ka sunk into the Force
and yanked Rex’s left arm upwards, caused him to loosen his grip on his hammer and threw it into the
air. Surprise filled his face as the weapon climbed thirty feet, then plunged and landed straight onto the
top of his head.
Rex shook his head a few times and grabbed the sides of his face to try to clear his vision. Yssarrd then
ran him through with his sword. The floor quaked as the alien pitched over dead.
Relief filled Tenel Ka’s face as she met Yssarrd’s eyes through his hood. The entire arena fell deathly
Lifting her eyes to the private box, she watched as Quiss’lak hunched over the Overlord, frantically
gesturing towards the arena. The obese Piirrnian shoved him aside and grabbed the microphone. Lord
Grilli’k’s voice filled the arena, “You two make an impressive team… however one of you still has to
Swaying slightly on her feet, Tenel Ka felt perspiration slick down her face. She dropped into a bow
and shouted back, “I request you grant mercy for myself and Taunter. We have proven ourselves to be
worthy fighters. Show us your benevolent nature and allow us both to live.”
“NO!” his voice boomed. “There is always, only ONE victor. You must choose who will live and who
will die. If you cannot decide… you will both perish.”
Turning her head around the arena, Tenel Ka heard the sound of dozens of blasters being cocked. Both
she and Yssarrd’s bodies were covered in red, laser indicators. The guards in the stadium would not
miss their targets.
Yssarrd whispered to her, “M’lady, I vowed to protect your life at all costs. You know as well as I do
what must be done here.”
Guilt and horror invaded her senses as his words sunk into her mind. He continued, “I vowed to give
my life for yours. I plan on holding to that vow. There is no shame in your killing me. If I were to live
and you were to perish, my life would be forfeit. I would kill myself on the spot in shame.”
Weary from battle and loss of blood, Tenel Ka wiped tears from her eyes, leaving bloody finger trails
down her left cheek. She said, “You always were brave, Yssarrd. But I cannot outright kill you. I am
afraid we must fight to the death.”
He nodded his head and said, “Whatever you say, M’lady.”
Struggling to her feet, Tenel Ka selected a broadsword off of the ground and held it high in the air. “Let
us give them a good show,” Tenel Ka advised.
“Absolutely, M’lady,” Yssarrd whispered. He waited as she threw down her flail and picked up a
The crowd dizzyingly began to chant, Kill, kill, kill, KILL, KILL!
Holding his sword high he raced towards his Queen. The crowd burst out in cheers as their swords
crashed and sparked in a flurry of fluid movements. Each parry and thrust were met and deflected.
Tenel Ka began to take the lead and Yssarrd backed up, stepping over fallen bodies and weapons. He
paid close attention to Tenel Ka’s actions and noted that his Queen labored with each breath, her face
and skin paling from the loss of blood. Seeing that her strength may fail, he took his fate into his hands
and intentionally stepped on a rounded flail hilt and lost his balance. Turning himself over, he crashed
straight towards the wicked spiked ball and screamed as it pierced his chest. Tears sprouted out of Tenel
Ka’s eyes as she watched her guard fall. As if his fall wasn’t bad enough, she noted that he was still
struggling to breathe.
Plunging to her knees, she threw aside her sword and turned over her fallen guard and yanked off his
hood. The man’s eyes began to glaze over as his life flowed out from his self-inflicted wound.
“I.. fulfilled…my dut..ies,” he choked.
Tears rose in Tenel Ka’s eyes and she replied, “I will never let the Hapans forget you, Yssarrd. Your
bravery will live on, forever.”
A smile crested his lips as he shuddered out his final breath. Distorted sounds of cheering echoed in her
head. Her vision blurred, as any and all remaining energy left her body. Tenel Ka’s eyes rolled back
into her head and she plunged back into the darkened void.
Chapter 22
The Fiery Phoenix soared through hyperspace, inching closer and closer towards the Wild Space
regions of the Galaxy and out of the safety of the New Republic. After a few abrupt pauses in
conversation, Anakin and Brukos sensed a pregnant cloud of discomfort that soured the air. Feeling like
an intruder aboard Anakin’s vessel, Brukos couldn’t shake the unsubstantiated sensation that his
presence was unwelcome. Anakin detected Brukos’s discomfort but couldn’t pinpoint the source. He
had no idea how to break the ice. Both men wandered around the ship creating invented errands and did
everything to avoid one another. Brukos finally decided to permanently retreat into his quarters.
Anakin could cut their tension with a knife and decided to blast down the wall that separated the two
men. He headed into the kitchenette and heated a couple of bowls of prepackaged nerf stew. The smell
of the cooking food filled the cabin and presently Brukos sheepishly appeared from his quarters to
investigate. Wrestling through drawers, Anakin extracted a couple of forks and some napkins. Over his
shoulder he said, “Want to get us a couple of drinks?”
“Sure,” Brukos replied and opened the small coolerator. Peering around he spied a couple of
carbonated drinks and grabbed their containers. He opened each and placed them on the table. “Need
anymore help?” he asked, hopefully.
“Nope, I’m good,” Anakin replied and planted the steaming bowls down on the table.
“Thanks, Anakin,” Brukos replied, picking up a fork. He shoveled a fork full of the meat into his mouth
and immediately spit it out.
Brukos quickly gulped his drink as tears sprung from his eyes. He gasped, “Hot!”
“Oh, sorry about that. My thermal cooker’s really efficient…it runs off of engine fumes…” Anakin
replied, blowing on a forkful before devouring the meaty substance.
“No, not THAT hot. Spicy,” Brukos replied, waving his hand rapidly in front of his mouth. Sighing, he
gingerly took a tiny bite.
Anakin watched in veiled amusement as his companion’s bald head began to bead with perspiration.
Before long, streams of sweat poured down his face as he consumed the stew. Brukos’s face and neck
changed to an alarming shade of maroon. Placing his napkin around his mouth to hide his widening
smirk, Anakin said, “I guess you’re not used to eating hot pippers?”
Brukos shook his head and drank more of his beverage. Watching him drain the can empty, Anakin slid
out of the booth, opened the cooler and brought Brukos another drink.
“Thanks, man,” Brukos choked and popped the lid. He grumbled, “This is going to wreck havoc on my
stomach tonight… I can tell already.”
Guilt suddenly washed over Anakin. He hoped to break the ice with Tenel Ka’s friend, and instead he
might have made him sick. He apologized, “Blast it, Brukos. I’m sorry, I should’ve asked you if you
liked spicy food.” His gaze lingered on his food supplies and drearily he stated, “I like spicy stuff and
Lowie certainly never complained about it. Unfortunately…I think everything in my cupboards is like
that… or hotter.”
“Hotter?” Brukos cried. Mopping his face with a napkin, he sensed his stomach lurch in protest to his
dinner contents. “Oh boy, I guess I’m going to have to tough it out then. Just don’t be surprised if I
disappear for a while in the refresher.”
“Blast it! Why didn’t I think of that? Lowie’ll eat anything, so he never complained. Jacen and Jaina
won’t even touch the stuff I eat because they’re worried the stuff will put hair on their chests,”
gloomily Anakin scolded himself.
Offering him a conciliatory grin, Brukos replied, “Well, if there’s even the slightest possibly that this
stuff might be able to make the hair grow back on my head, I guess I should stop complaining and eat
A small grin formed on Anakin’s face and he laughed out loudly. He lightly punched Brukos in the
shoulder. His guest chuckled and pushed his bowl aside. He said, “I’ll save that for later. Don’t want to
risk my banishment immediately.” Brukos stood, wandered over to the sink and washed the sweat off
of his head. He dried off his face with a towel as he placed his food into the cooler.
Wolfing down his food effortlessly, Anakin nudged his elbow toward the cabinet over Brukos’s seat.
Shoving his stew into the left corner of his mouth he said, “Check out those holoimages that I have
stored up there.”
Brukos opened the cabinet and pointed to a large, carved box. Anakin nodded as he swallowed.
Bringing down the box, he pulled off the top and found it filled with holoimage cards. He asked,
“Which ones?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Anakin replied, and tossed his head to dislodge a clump of dark hair out of his eyes.
Taking the first card, Brukos activated it and several young children smiled back from the holoimage. A
slight grin formed on Brukos’s face as he recognized Anakin’s brother Jacen. He pointed to the shorter
girl next to Jacen and asked, “Is that your sister?”
“Yeah, that’s Jaina.”
“Man, she got shafted on the height genes,” he commented and then laughed at the image of a young
boy sticking his tongue out at the camera. “Oh, I see you were REALLY dignified.”
“What do you mean were?” Anakin asked and stuck out his tongue.
Brukos groaned as Anakin still had food in his mouth, he said, “Man, that’s gross.”
Chuckling, Anakin continued to eat. Brukos’s gaze then fell on Tenel Ka. Her expression appeared dour
and deathly serious. With arms crossed over her chest, Tenel Ka acted as if she were posing for a firing
squad instead of a photographer. She seemed to be a few years older than when he left Dathomir. Never
taking his eyes off of his friend, he asked, “When was this taken?”
Clanking his bowl and fork together, Anakin moved to the sink and cleaned them up. Sinking back
down into his seat, he said, “I think that was the twins thirteenth birthday party.”
“So Tiki would have been, what, fourteen?”
“Fifteen actually. She’s two years older than Jacen and Jaina and four years older than me,” Anakin
replied, plopping back down on the bench. He grabbed a pile of images and started activating them
looking for something in particular. Finding another image, he handed it to Brukos. The image
portrayed an unsmiling Tenel Ka wearing her Hapan gown and crown. Pointing at it the image he said,
“That was taken on Hapes after her lightsaber accident. Her grandmother called her home and she
almost didn’t complete her Jedi training.”
“Lightsaber accident?” Brukos inquired as he studied her serious expression.
“You don’t know about that?” Placing a hand just below his left elbow, Anakin said, “My brother and
she were practicing dueling, her lightsaber shorted, and my brother accidentally chopped her arm off
from here.”
Eyes widening in horror, Brukos sputtered in disbelief. “How’s that possible? She has two arms?”
“Yeah, she’s got a great cybernetic replacement… it’s so advanced you really can’t tell the difference.
She actually only started wearing it regularly a couple of years ago. She liked to go without it,” Anakin
“Why in the Galaxy would she want to go around with only one arm?” a bewildered Brukos asked.
Anakin explained with pride, “She’s tough. She blamed herself for the accident and not Jacen. She
figured that if she had built a more efficient lightsaber, the accident would have never happened.
Besides, you know Tenel Ka she’s a warrior. Warriors learn to adapt and find physical setbacks to be
challenges to overcome.”
Nodding his head, Brukos realized that Anakin’s assessment of Tenel Ka was entirely accurate. He said,
“She always was a strong girl, in a lot of ways. I think that’s why I liked her so much when we were
kids. On Dathomir all girls are raised to feel superior to males… not that there’s anything wrong with
that- it’s the social standings there… but Tiki never seemed to believe in that. All of the other girls
looked at her strangely when she’d hang around me and chose me as her best friend. None of the other
girls were friends with boys. They even ignored their brothers. Tiki was often teased about being
friends with a boy, but she always ignored the other girls. She exuded strength in character, even back
then. Sheesh, no wonder she’s Queen, huh?”
“She certainly is worthy. After reading up on the past Queens of that cluster, I’m actually inclined to
think that she may be too good for the position,” Anakin replied.
Brukos smirked in agreement, put down the image and grabbed another one. He activated it and noted
the image was more recent. It contained a picture of Anakin and Tenel Ka. Her calves were wrapped
around his neck and she hung her body upside down. Her braids reached towards the floor and her
mouth gaped open into a smile created by laughter.
“Oh, I LOVE that image,” Anakin said, grinning widely.
Brukos’s brows furrowed at the sight of Anakin and Tenel Ka together. Anakin studied Brukos’s
expression to see how he would react to that particular image. Her childhood chum finally said, “Blast
she is sooo happy! In all of my years knowing her, I never knew her to laugh aloud like that. What does
a hearty laugh from Tenel Ka sound like?”
Clearing his throat, Anakin brayed out a deep, and uneven rasping laugh. Brukos’s burst out laughing,
“You mean she sounds like a nerf in heat?”
Slamming his fist against the table, Anakin howled with laughter, he said, “Oh man, that is EXACTLY
what she sounds like! She does it so infrequently, it’s rather startling and completely hysterical when
she actually does laugh.”
“I can’t believe that she laughs, at all.”
“Yeah, well my siblings worked with her a lot. Tenel Ka still doesn’t always understand how jokes
work, but she certainly tries,” Anakin replied as Brukos continued to sift through the images. “She’s
opened up in a lot in so many ways since I’ve known her. It’s quite amazing, actually.”
“Oh this reminds me…here, let me show you something,” Brukos lifted his left hip and dug into his
back pocket. He extracted his wallet and rooted around for a tiny holoimage holder. He handed it to
Anakin activated the older mechanism and it produced an image of a very serious, very young Tenel
Ka, crossing her arms, pressing her back against that of an impish looking dark haired boy, who
mirrored her pose and expression. Although the boy seemed to be trying very hard to not burst out
laughing. A lopsided grin plastered on his face as he pointed to the boy, “Is that you?”
Caressing a hand over his bald-head, Brukos replied, “Yup, back in the day when I had hair.”
“Blast, you both are so young. How old were you here?”
“I think we were five,” Brukos said. He activated the holoimage from the birthday party and sat them
side by side. Tenel Ka’s frown and slightly perturbed lift to her left eyebrow were perfectly copied in
each image.
Anakin laughed, and studied the very young image of his beloved. Her titian hair glowed in the
sunlight and was arranged in her signature pile of braids. Blushing slightly he said, “She’s adorable.”
Brukos studied Anakin out of the corner of his eye. The giant, young man seemed to positively melt
with joy and wonder at viewing the newly viewed image of Tenel Ka. His lips slightly raised into a
smile as he recognized that Anakin truly seemed to love his friend Tiki. Averting his gaze he found a
couple more images from Tenel Ka as a teenager. As he glanced at them, the overwhelming feeling of
prying into her personal life invaded his soul. Yet at the same time he could not compel himself from
turning away from the images. Fleeting glimpses of his lost years away from his friend floated before
his eyes and he savored every insight to Tenel Ka’s past. He pressed his chin into his left palm and
studied an image of Tenel Ka and Jacen talking on Yavin 4. She wore her Dathomirian armored dress,
and although she appeared relaxed, all of her muscles were tensed, ready for battle at a moment’s
notice. Jacen appeared to be on the verge of a gagging, laughing fit.
“Didn’t you once say that your brother and Tiki were an item?”
Anakin leaned back on the bench and replied, “Well sorta. They were best friends at the Jedi
“She didn’t hang out with Jaina?” Brukos asked.
“Not really. She and Jacen really clicked as friends,” Anakin explained as he perused the images.
“I guess she’s just always gotten along better with guys than girls,” Brukos replied. Picking up a
holoimage, Brukos activated it and it showed a portrait of the entire Solo family. Judging by the fact
that Anakin towered over everyone in the background, Brukos figured it was a relatively recent image.
“When was this taken?”
Craning his neck, Anakin replied, “Oh that was last year back when at Queen Cerullia’s Coronation on
Naboo. My sister was asked to be Senator that night.”
A large smirk formed on Brukos’s face as he glanced between the three Solo kids and their father. He
said, “Goodnight, you all have your Dad’s crooked smile.”
Chuckling, Anakin consciously felt the left side of his lip curl up higher than the right. He said, “Yeah,
it’s a family trademark. I wonder if Jaina and Marxx’s kid will do the same thing.”
“You all look so… happy,” Brukos replied. Anakin sensed melancholy wash over Brukos’s spirit.
Rubbing a finger under his nose, Brukos continued, “I don’t have any siblings. Tenel Ka was probably
the only person in my life who I ever felt really close to.”
“What about your Dad? The two of you traveled all over together, surely you were close,” Anakin
Shaking his head slightly, Brukos replied, “I suppose we were close, I mean, we were all that each
other had.” Anakin watched as his companion chewed on his lower lip, obviously deciding what to say
next. Staring at the happy family, Brukos wondered if Anakin could possibly understand where he
came from. Finally, he continued, “My father was a gambler, and an alcoholic. When I was young my
parents bitterly argued all of the time. Tenel Ka was my only means of escaping their screaming
matches. She was my savior if you will. Her mother was always wonderful to me, which was amazing
considering that I came from what was one of the lowest status families in the town. When my mother
died, my Dad couldn’t get off of Dathomir fast enough. He sold everything of my mothers, bought a
ship, and we were gone shortly after her funeral. We traveled everywhere in the Galaxy together. I used
to think…still think, actually, that Dad was trying to escape from Mom and her memory.”
Brows furrowed deeply, Anakin raked his fingers through his dark hair and asked, “Why did your
parents fight so much?”
“My father worked graveyard shifts at one of the local refineries. His odd hours schedules put a lot of
strain and stress on their relationship, then my father turned to gambling and alcohol… you can guess
the rest,” Brukos replied, fighting down a lump in his throat.
“You certainly made a lot of yourself then, considering your early circumstances in life weren’t the
best,” Anakin complimented. “I’m sure you got some of your grit from your parents.”
Brukos snorted, “Grit. Yeah, I guess so. My mother always told me to never allow myself to become
my father. She taught me early on that drinking and gambling were evil pastimes and that they can only
lead to heartache for everyone that you love.”
“So they did love each other,” Anakin stated.
Rubbing his mustache, Brukos replied, “Once, long ago I suppose they did. My parents met somewhere
off of Dathomir. My father was enchanted by my mother’s beauty and willingly followed her back to
her home planet. Of course when he arrived on Dathomir, he discovered that men were not treated
equally, and he began to resent my mother for not telling him about the social environment on the
planet. His anger turned inward and he gambled to try to win enough credits so he could buy a ship and
leave the planet. He was horrible at cards though, mostly because his drinking clouded his judgment.
When I was born, he felt horrible for me and he felt like a failure. He couldn’t understand why he
would have been given a son who would have to endure a life of being treated as an inferior being. He
figured I’d be humiliated and ridiculed my entire life if we stayed on Dathomir. He taught me to be
strong and never show my true emotions about things, because that’s how manly men behave…not like
the wussy Dathomirian boys.”
“You don’t act like that though,” Anakin retorted.
“Maybe not, but a lot of his beliefs still linger in my subconscious. You saw my house. What do I do
for fun? I hunt big game, the scarier and more fierce the creature, all the better for me to help prove my
manliness,” Brukos replied. A look of utter disgust marred his features as he continued, “And what do I
do? I collect weapons of war and armory.” Laughing, he added, “No wonder I can’t attract women,
“Oh come on, Brukos. I don’t want to hear any of that. Think about it, your hobbies are what led us on
the path to finding Tenel Ka. If you weren’t interested in star cartography and big game hunting, we
may have never found her,” Anakin replied with conviction.
Brightening slightly, Brukos said, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Sometimes things happen in life because they are supposed to,” Anakin added.
“So you believe that everything in life is pre-ordained and destined to happen? Don’t you believe in
free will?” Brukos asked.
“I wouldn’t be much of a Jedi if I believed that,” Anakin replied, stretching his arms. He continued,
“The Force works in mysterious ways. It guides us in our lives, and by connecting with its power, we
are able to make better choices on how to act or react in particular situations.”
Interest completely piqued, Brukos asked, “So you don’t think that the Force controls what you do?”
“No. We’re sentient beings who are able to make our own decisions in life. Take my grandfather for
example,” Anakin said, clasping his hands comfortably behind his head. “Anakin Skywalker was told
that he was the manifested Chosen One of an ancient prophecy. He was told he would bring Balance to
the Force.”
“Your grandfather, Darth Vader?”
“Anakin Skywalker – we don’t refer to him by that other name,” his namesake gently insisted. “One has
to wonder if he never knew early on that he was supposed to accomplish some great feat, would he
have fallen to the Dark Side of the Force.”
“Why would his knowing that have made a difference?” Brukos asked, scratching his goatee.
Anakin explained, “A Jedi lives a life of compassion. We are taught to use our abilities to better help
those who are less fortunate, and if the need were to arise, possibly even give our lives in order to save
others. My mother named me after my grandfather as a way of cleansing his past deeds. Since I’ve sort
of become linked to his legacy, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about him. From what we gather, he
fell to the Dark Side because he believed his wife was dead. He became hopeless and forgot about his
destiny to restore Balance to the Force and gave into the Dark Side.”
“I take it the Dark Side is bad,” Brukos stated.
“Yeah, we Jedi try to live a life free of anger, and hatred. Unfortunately people end up suffering due to
giving into our darker emotions. My grandfather fed off of the power that consumes one created by
hatred, anger, and self-loathing, possibly created by his feelings of inadequacy for not being able to
save his wife and unborn child. Unfortunately, when you crave power, you no longer find yourself
wanting to give away a part of yourself to help believe that your own life’s more important
in the grand scheme of things.”
“I would think that not wanting die would just be viewed as self-preservation…So the Jedi credo asks
that you willingly allow yourself to be killed. That’s harsh,” Brukos replied.
“Well, it’s not like it’s something we do everyday,” Anakin said, shrugging.
Lifting a brow, Brukos asked, “Like when?”
“Well, there were three instances that I know of in recent times that when a Jedi sacrificed his own life,
others were able to survive and goodness was restored in the Galaxy,” Anakin stated. He pointed his
index finger in the air, “One was my grandfather. After his long struggle with the Dark Side, he killed
the Emperor. By doing so, he rid the Galaxy of his tyrannical reign and peace was restored.” He flicked
up his middle finger alongside his index finger, “And two was when Kyp Durron killed Gwynalyn
Palpatine. She was hell bent on destroying my entire family. Had she done so, the Jedi might have
faded out of existence as an order. Kyp sacrificed his own life so that the Jedi and my family could
flourish and live. Finally, there was my sister-in-law, Raven. She utilized a unique ability to leap
through the Force, saved everyone in my family, and then managed to destroy her grandmother’s fleet
before it demolished the entire Hapan and New Republic fleets. She died using her efforts.”
“Yeah, but she came back,” Brukos commented.
“Right, Kyp returned her from the Force,” Anakin stated.
“How did that happen?”
“We don’t know exactly, it was unprecedented. The only thing he told Jacen was that she deserved to
be with the man she loved...I guess if I ever see Kyp, I’ll have to ask him for further clarification,”
Anakin cheekily replied.
“Har har har,” Brukos said, smirking. “So your family has no problem with being the heroes of the
Grinning at Brukos’s sharp, perspective skills, Anakin found himself enjoying his companion’s tough
questions. He replied, “Well, they didn’t ask for the job, my parents sorta fell into becoming living
legends. We have all accepted our destinies of being Jedi, if ever we are called upon to help save others
we will.”
“Right, like Luke Skywalker taking on the Emperor?”
Anakin responded, “Exactly, he was given a choice by the Emperor to either join the Dark Side and
continue to hold the Galaxy in terror, or remain true to his purer self and die a Jedi. He chose to rather
forfeit his life than give into hate and further contribute to more suffering.”
Furrowing his brows in concentration, Brukos nodded his head, “Right. I can see the difference there I
guess. Of course he didn’t die though.”
“No. My grandfather saved him by killing the Emperor,” Anakin replied.
Connecting the dots, Brukos concluded, “And thereby fulfilling his destiny to Balance the Force?”
Anakin grinned broadly and said, “Exactly.”
Rubbing his goatee, Brukos asked, “So how exactly does one ‘feel’ the Force?”
Licking his lips, Anakin pitched forward and planted his elbows on the table. He tapped on the tabletop
lightly, “It’s not that easy to explain. People are usually either Force Sensitive or they’re not. A lot of
the time people could be Force sensitive and they aren’t aware of it.”
“What kinds of signs are there?”
“Really fast reflexes…like lightning fast. Marxx caught Jaina’s attention as being a possible Force user
because he podraced. Podracing requires extreme skills in dexterity and you have to be able to
anticipate the needs of your craft, even before it is aware. Most humans can’t do it. Or possibly you
have dreams or visions that more often than not come true,” Anakin replied.
“That’s interesting. So how do you use the Force?” Brukos asked, his curiosity roared in high gear as
he found himself enjoying a first hand account of the fabled and revered Galactic protectors. He was
thoroughly enjoying his lesson that he could not be learned by reading.
“You have be at peace with yourself and your surroundings. A disjointed or closed mind cannot connect
with the Force and learn to use it. Being able to utilize the power of the Force isn’t something you do
for your own personal gain, it’s more like…you use it enhance things that you can already do,” Anakin
replied with frustration.
Sitting back and folding his arms across his chest, Brukos asked, “So I take it busting down duracrete
doors is one of your particular special skills?”
“What?” Anakin asked. The memory of bursting a magnetically sealed, duracrete door open on
Nephron surged in his mind. A sly, lopsided grin formed on his lips and he answered, “Oh that. Yeah,
well, sometimes desperate times call for desperate acts. Tenel Ka and my sister were being tortured by
a maniac on the other side of that door. My Dad was out in the hall, distraught and crying. Uncle Luke
didn’t know what to do. I was in quite a state myself and I finally just bashed the door in.”
Chuckling, Brukos replied, “Only a Jedi could casually say that about doing that to an indestructible
Smiling broadly, Anakin replied, “Well it’s not something I do on a regular basis. Sometimes we Jedi
have our own individual, unique talents- like Marxx and Raven being able to seek out individual Force
signatures from great distances. But for me in the heat of the moment, I kind of called upon the Force
and asked it to enhance my strength. And then I just charged the door and busted it down.”
Chuckling, Brukos’s face then contorted into one of extreme agony. Rising abruptly from his seat, he
said, “Uh, I’ll be back in a while.”
A fresh wave of guilt washed over Anakin again, knowing that he’d caused his new friend internal
discomfort. He shouted, “Sorry, Brukos.”
Anakin’s face flushed with remorse over his friend’s condition. He half-stood, and put the holoimages
back in the box. After securing the box in the cabinet, he headed down to the engine room to give the
hyperdrive a cleaning. Loosening the top buttons on the collar on his white shirt, and rolling up each of
his sleeves, he picked up a hydrospanner, ready to check for any possible problems that needed
repairing. Suddenly, he felt a swelling of distress through the Force, followed by a phantom call of
Tenel Ka’s voice, shouting, ANAKIN!
Staggering forward, Anakin tightly gripped one of the engine’s steam conduits and scalded his right
palm. He screamed out in pain, and quickly released his aching hand as an image viewed from the
ground looking upwards, of an Aqualish raising his arms high over his head, in attack position, flashed
across Anakin’s vision. As quickly as the image and Tenel Ka’s voice surfaced they vanished, like a
puff of smoke. Squeezing his eyes shut tight, attempting to call back the image, Anakin forgot about the
pain in his hand, nor did he hear Brukos approach from behind.
Gripping his stomach and still feeling slightly queasy, Brukos said, “I certainly hope that you were
wrong about not having anything spicy… whoa what happened to your hand?” When he didn’t reply,
Brukos placed a hand on Anakin’s right bicep and said, “Hey, Tiny. What happened?”
Brukos peered at Anakin and noted a single trail of tears travel down the Jedi’s left cheek. Opening his
eyes again, Anakin croaked, “I still didn’t feel it…”
“What? What didn’t you feel? Your hand?”
Snuffling, Anakin replied, “Tenel Ka.”
“What about Tenel Ka?” Brukos asked, panicked.
Anakin turned and leaned against the doorframe. Cradling his left hand he said, “I heard her voice, in
my head. She cried out my name. An Aqualish was attacking her.”
Confused, Brukos asked, “Was that real? Or was that one of your Jedi visions?”
Voice thick with emotion, Anakin replied, “I felt her pain, buddy. It ripped open the Force. She had lost
hope… our brave Princess, who never blinks at the eye of danger called out to me, fearing that she was
going to die.”
Carefully picking his words, as he sensed his own heart race unevenly, Brukos said, “But you didn’t
feel her die? Right?”
“Right… I still didn’t feel it,” he whispered, as his legs gave out and he slid to the floor in a huddled
mass. “I fear time is getting short, Brukos. We have to find her…She needs our help.” He choked down
a lump in his throat and faintly pleaded, “She needs me…”
Brukos recalled Anakin’s little lesson on how his namesake fell to the Dark Side and he felt his heart
pound anxiously. He stared down at the desperation in Anakin’s haunted eyes and recognized
something that he had only ever seen in Tenel Ka’s eyes before… trust. One of the Galaxy’s most
heroic men appeared to be on the verge of a breakdown and Brukos knew that he needed to feed
strength to a drowning man. He glanced to the left and found a small first aid kit clasped onto the wall.
Grabbing it, he squatted beside Anakin and said, “You know, you said it yourself earlier.”
“What did I say?” Anakin asked, blue eyes bloodshot. Absently, he extended his right hand for Brukos
to bandage.
“Tenel Ka is a warrior. If you didn’t feel her die, then she’s still alive. We need to hold ourselves
together and not allow our worst fears to get the better of us. She needs us to be strong and sharp so we
can help her,” Brukos replied as he cleaned the red, puffy burn blisters on Anakin’s hand.
“You think that image was of them forcing her fight?” Anakin asked.
Gulping hard, Brukos replied, “Yeah, probably so. I told you, they’re worse than animals. They get
perverse pleasure in watching creatures kill each other.” Lightly tapping a couple of bacta patches on
Anakin’s palm, Brukos wrapped gauze around his hand and secured them tightly against his palm. He
continued, “We will get her out of there. I promise you that. Heck, I pity the Piirrnians who have her
captive, when you’re set loose on them.”
Feeling hope leveling his sinking spirit, Anakin forced a lopsided smile, snuffled and said, “Right.
Especially if they happen to be standing directly behind a magnetically sealed duracrete door.”
Brukos laughed and said, “Right.” He rocketed to his feet and then held out his left hand. “Come on…
let’s go see if there’s any real food lurking in your kitchen.”
Grinning, Anakin grasped tightly to Brukos’s left arm and climbed to his feet. He held on for an extra
moment and said, “Thanks, pal.”
“No problem,” Brukos replied.
Anakin let go and then slapped his companion on the shoulder. Pointing at Brukos he said, “The real
problem we’re currently facing is to find you something to eat that won’t make your stomach churn.”
Chewing the inside of his mouth he said, “I think I’ve got a package of rica we can make up. You know
I think we’re closing in on Tatooine, we can stop there for a few minutes and stock up some items that
will be easier on your stomach.”
“Won’t that add extra time onto our trip? Tenel Ka needs us…”
“Yeah, and she needs for us to be strong, right? I think we can afford a half hour, in and out of
Tatooine… and get you some food you can tolerate eating,” Anakin commented. “Besides, you’re not
going to help us much if you’re having to run to the refresher every five minutes.”
Irritated by the teasing, Brukos said, “Oh, blow it out your air vent.”
“And I thought you already did that!” Anakin stated, straight-faced.
Brukos burst out laughing and shoved Anakin hard into the wall. The tall Jedi howled with laughter.
Although his worry over Tenel Ka never faded from his mind, Anakin felt assured in the knowledge
that the Force would be on their side. Slapping Brukos on the shoulder he directed his new friend back
towards the cockpit. Once there he altered the co-ordinates in the hyperdrive, setting a new course for
Absently he stated, “Seems my family’s always headed to Tatooine, we can’t quite escape that place.”
“I’ve never been there,” Brukos stated.
“Well don’t get too excited about sightseeing. There isn’t much to see,” Anakin replied.
“I’ll trust you on that. Besides, we’ve got a deadline to meet,” Brukos stated.
“Right, and Piirrnian butts to kick,” Anakin said.
“You got that right. And I don’t know about you, but I’m about ready to take on their entire garrison
Nodding, with determination in his eyes, Anakin replied, “Me too, pal. Me too.”
Chapter 23
Ta’a Chume entered the rounded, official Executive meeting room ready for her weekly session with
the Governors from each of the Hapan planets. Her tired expression turned to bitter rage as her eyes
swept over the large table and found six of the seats vacant.
“What is the meaning of this?” she boomed into the room.
The governors of the planets currently not aligned with the Hapan Independence League nervously
shifted in their seats and downcast their eyes.
“Well?” she seethed.
From the left corner, General Roog stepped forward and smartly stood to attention. She held out a
datacard and said, “Your Excellency, this was delivered not long ago. They wish for you to stand by
while they call in to the session.”
“This is most irregular,” Ta’a Chume retorted and sat heavily into her royal chair, smoothing her golden
dress and purple cape. In the center of the table, a holographic image of Travees and his cronies sizzled
to life.
“Greetings, Ta’a Chume,” Travees smarmily said.
Narrowing her eyes at his insolence, she coldly retorted, “Travees.”
“Good, I see you received our list of demands,” he stated, grin plastering across his face.
“Demands? What can you possibly wish to demand of me?”
“That is our Declaration of Independence from the Hapan Cluster, Madam Chume. We have listed off
for you our reasons for wishing to leave the Cluster. Please, take a few moments to read it over before
signing it, and making our succession legal,” Travis coolly stated.
She immediately noted his lack of addressing her by her proper title. Blistering with anger, Ta’a Chume
smashed the unread list onto the table, sending shrapnel across the room. The five present Governors
jumped away from the flying debris. “Do not DARE to tell me what to do, you insolent upstart.”
Jabbing a thumb at the holoimager, Ta’a Chume growled, “What you are proposing is treason. It
appears you never paid very close attention to your history lessons, ingrate. Open acts of rebellion were
always swiftly ended by the Royal House of Chume. Your pitiful call for Independence will never
amount to anything.”
Snorting, Travees folded his arms across his chest and said, “So certain are you? I have read of the
rebellions in the past, and they were started by ill-funded idealists. We have no such delusions. We are
realists. And in these modern times, being ruled by a matriarchal system is archaic and pointless. The
people in these Clusters deserve to make their own decisions and not be told how or how they cannot
live their lives. We are offering them freedom from tyranny.”
“Tyranny? TYRANNY? You believe that I am tyrannical? Do I look like the Emperor Palpatine to
you?” Ta’a Chume shouted. Standing in her throne, she leaned over the table and glared at Travees’s
indifferent expression. “I’ll let you know that the people of this Cluster live cushy, comfortable lives
thanks to the Chume Dynasty. Have you ever really taken a close look at the tax laws enforced by the
New Republic? Our merchants, brokers, manufacturers, and businessmen pay a lot lower taxes than
does anyone living in the New Republic. With the small tariffs and taxes that my citizens pay to the
Royal House we offer them the protection of the Galaxy’s finest military…”
Smirking, Travees interrupted, “…A military that has yet to fully recover from that incident with
Gwynalyn Palpatine’s army a while back. Oh yes, Madam Chume, we are well aware of how ill
equipped this Cluster currently would be if a full-scale attack were to be issued against the Hapan
planets. I should think that you would be pleased to see half of those of whom you are responsible for
protecting to leave from under your protection. We can’t have you spreading yourself or your tiny
militia too thin.”
Controlled fury ignited the Queen-Mother’s eyes, causing each of the Governors in the room to feel
very glad that they were not on the receiving end of her scalding wrath. Simply she stated, “Your
request for independence is denied.”
Snickering, Travees rocked on his heels, and tugged on the tip of his moustache. He said, “That is
hardly your choice. We have left the Cluster and there is nothing you can do about it but recognize our
cause. We are not afraid to go out using force.”
“Really? You and what army?” Ta’a Chume challenged.
“Oh this army…” Travees stated. The image snapped in half to reveal twelve Class II Imperial Star
Destroyers hovering somewhere in outer space. General Roog stepped forward and quickly examined
the star formations in attempts to determine their possible location. The image sputtered off of the
screen, as Travees figured out what the pesky female General was attempting to do. He said, “Stealth is
our ally. You will never know when, where, or how… but we will attack. Slowly, but surely those who
do not join our cause will be obliterated.”
The Governors in the Royal chamber seethed with anger. Mallo Wrentalt, the governor for Hapes 4, the
agricultural planet immediately chimed in, “We are completely unarmed! How dare you to threaten
planets where we cannot protect ourselves. We are peaceful and serve the singular purpose of feeding
the Cluster. To destroy us would be to destroy the entire Cluster! That would be utter madness!”
Looking on quite bored with Wrentalt’s tirade, Travees examined his right-hand cuticles and stated,
“Well then, if you do not wish to be destroyed Mallo, I recommend you stand up, leave that room right
now, and agree to join us. I recommend that to all of you. If you remain seated, expect for your planets
to be fired upon and lives to be lost… you will become very, very unpopular with your constituents. No
one enjoys seeing their families deaths plastered all over the holonews.”
The seated Governors shifted uncomfortably in their seats.
“Relax everyone. Twelve Star Destroyers will not defeat our militia. Mr. Yermott has greatly
underestimated our military strength. We will defeat his pitiful rebellion,” Ta’a Chume stated,
Travees snorted as the five Governors remained planted in their chairs. He said, “It’s really a pity to all
of you. I understand, really, I do. Ta’a Chume was the last, great leader of this Cluster. She even kicked
out the Empire. But tell me, how loyal will you be once she is dethroned in thirteen days? Will you
blindly pledge your allegiance to her niece, Nastya Chume’da? Even the Queen Mother herself can’t
stand the woman… Please, Madam Chume, we are offering you a graceful way to end your illustrious
career. Simply agree to our terms, and dissolve the Cluster. Be remembered as a Queen of great vision
who allowed your planets to enter the modern Galaxy as independent worlds. Do not be remembered as
the last Queen who brought death and destruction to her people.”
Gritting her teeth and digging in her heels, Ta’a Chume said, “I will not be ordered, or manipulated into
agreeing to your pitiful and self-serving demands. Never underestimate me, Travees. I will die before I
let this Cluster fall apart.”
A light sparkle flicked in Travees’s eyes and he coldly said, “Be careful what you wish for, Madam
Chume… remember, even Royals aren’t indestructible.”
A sly smile flickered at the corners of Travees’s mouth as abruptly the message severed. Shivers ran up
and down Ta’a Chume’s spine at his last words. She noted the frightened, confused, and angry faces of
the Governors seated around the table. The tremors of an idea leapt forth in her mind, as a seed of
suspicion began to grow roots. She signaled Roog to her side. The blond haired General squatted
closely at Ta’a Chume’s side and awaited her commands.
Ta’a Chume whispered, “Go put the fleet on high alert, I want all ships in the air patrolling our Cluster.
Pull them off of any and all training details.”
“Right away, Your Grace,” Roog replied.
Lightly tugging on Roog’s tunic, Ta’a Chume added, “And there’s something else…”
“Yes, My Queen?”
Chewing on her lower lip, the Queen Mother added, “Get me all footage from our security teams, of
every second that Tenel Ka was visiting Travees Yermott. I don’t want only the footage of her in his
home, but I want footage of her ship as well. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Your Excellency.”
“Forward everything to my personal files.”
“Consider it done,” Roog replied. Ta’a Chume lightly patted the woman on the shoulder and waved her
out of the room. Turning to face the remaining Governors she boldly spoke out, “Some of you, in
hindsight, may be swayed by the pretty words spoken by Travees and his group of defecting Governors.
I ask you to hold off from doing anything rash. I know that it may seem as though staying at my side is
a futile effort. All of your planets are either agricultural worlds, housing for our civilians, or places of
learning and culture. What are these planets without the support of the manufacturing and commerce
guilds? And those who produce the crude oil that we use in our daily lives? We are the heart and soul of
this Cluster. It is the people of Hapes who make this Cluster great, not credits, or oil, or refineries.”
Launching to her feet, Ta’a Chume pounded on the table, “We have stood together as a Cluster for over
three thousand years. Do you really believe that I will let these men just up and break up my Cluster?”
Straightening, she met each Governor’s eyes and said, “Give me until the end of next week before you
decide to do something that you will most likely regret. For listen to me, and listen to me well… I…
will…NOT…tolerate… TREASON! Those men will be punished! Do you wish to share a cell with any
of them on Hapes 11?” Each of the Governors gulped and violently shook their heads. “Good. Your
loyalty will be rewarded. I am going to double all of your planetary funding, since there are now six
less planets that I need to provide financial assistance to.” The governors murmured in surprise.
Holding up her hands to silence them, she continued, “This extra money need to be used to set up
shelters for refugees from the other planets. As much as it pains me, I fear that we will most likely have
to retaliate against the Independence League’s sneak attacks. If we receive word that their leaders are
hiding in heavily populated areas, we will fire and ask questions later. You are all witness today, that
they have agreed to initiate this war, not I. I must end this session so I can broadcast a message to the
people held under the reign of these delusional idiots, and offer to them sanctuary on the loyal Royal
planets. Do you have any questions?”
Standing up, Mallo Wrentalt spoke for the entire room, “We will open our arms and fiercely embrace
our brothers and sisters by offering them shelter and food. You do what you must, Queen Mother. Send
Travees and those other traitors to hell.”
Ta’a Chume grinned as each of Governors leapt to their feet in agreement. Feeling a tightness in her
throat, she replied, “Thank you all.”
After sending her speech across the holonet to the citizens living on the defecting planets, Ta’a Chume
arrived back into her quarters emotionally spent. True to her word, General Roog safely delivered over
eighteen files to her private comm. line. Sifting through the files, Ta’a Chume stashed aside all of the
recordings her security team taped inside of the Yermott estate, figuring that Travees would have been
bright enough not to have done anything that might have raised suspicion inside his own home.
Absently tapping her fingernail against her front teeth, she pulled up a non-interrupted recording facing
the entrance to Tenel Ka’s Royal Yacht. She watched her granddaughter exit the ship, greet Travees and
follow him towards his estate. Impatiently, she watched no activity was recorded around her Yacht for
over a half an hour. Then four flouncing Twi’lek’s arrived carrying covered trays and approached the
ship’s gangplank.
Ta’a Chume muttered, “The crew was not supposed to receive food from any of the contestants.”
Sitting up and alert, she watched as one of the guards, Helmin, now identified as deceased in the
wreckage, approached the scantily dressed female aliens. Three were blue and one was green. The
Queen scowled as the guard, half-heartedly tried to shoo them off, but they flirtatiously insisted that
they inspect their dishes. Finally, he made them line up, remove the covers on their food and let him
examine the cuisine. Her brows furrowed as she watched each one of the curvaceous aliens gladly
reveal the contents on their plates. After careful examination, Helmin let them aboard with their food. A
couple of moments later three of the Twi’lek’s exited the craft, empty handed, and headed back to the
mansion. Shortly afterwards the final Twi’lek left the craft holding the four plate covers. Ta’a Chume
watched the green Twi’lek carefully. As she pranced down the ramp, her footsteps seemed carefree. She
also fought to conceal a tiny grin.
Angrily she became convinced that the green Twi’lek was up to no good. She rewound the footage,
Ta’a Chume reviewed the scenes with the aliens crowding around Helmin. After three viewings she
was unable to detect anything out of the ordinary in their movements. She watched the footage a fourth
time and felt her eyes slightly glaze over as hypnotically each alien lifted off the cover on their trays
and showed Helmin the food. Their performance was nearly flawless…
Eyes widening, the Queen reviewed the footage again. Each blue Twi’lek lifted her cover up, off of the
tray and tipped the cover all the way over so that the bottom of the lid was in plain sight of the guard.
He inspected the first two lids. By the third alien, he seemed to find the job tedious, and didn’t bother
glancing at her cover. Ta’a Chume slowed the footage and watched the green Twi’lek get to work. She
pulled the lid off of the tray and held the tray facing the inside of her leg. Helmin’s eyes nearly
wandered towards the cover and the Twi’lek shook her chest to further distract the guard.
“Clever girl… very clever. The camera cannot see what is inside the cover, and by the time Helmin got
an eyeful of the four of you, he couldn’t remember up from down… much less what he should or
should not be checking,” Ta’a Chume said and watched the green servant casually stuff the lid on top of
the tray and wiggle her way up the ramp.
She slammed her commlink, “General.”
“Yes, My Queen? Did you receive the files?”
“Thank you, yes,” Ta’a Chume stated as the footage continued to roll. She explained what she found
and told the General her theory.
Already thinking ahead, Roog replied, “We have one female Clawdite on retainer.”
Heart racing, Ta’a Chume asked, “Is she about the right height? And are they able to morph and
impersonate their lectu?”
“Checking her file now… yes it says she can impersonate a Twi’lek. She does expect her retainer to be
tripled for that particular impersonation, however,” Roog replied, excitedly.
“Good, money’s no object. Show her the footage and keep me filled in with the details of the mission,”
Ta’a Chume replied, tapping her fingers together.
“Of course, your Excellency,” Roog replied and severed the call.
Sighing deeply, Ta’a Chume reached over to turn off the footage, just in time to see Tenel Ka say
goodbye to Travees and climb aboard her ship. Unexpectedly, tears sprung to the Queen Mother’s eyes
as she rewound the footage and watched Tenel Ka speaking to Travees. She realized that so far, she was
no closer to finding out what exactly happened to her granddaughter. Final reports stated that her body
was not in the wreckage. If Travees’s Twi’lek planted a bomb on the ship and it exploded…then what
happened to Tenel Ka?
Placing a finger through the wavering blue holoimage of her granddaughter, Ta’a Chume said, “I will
find out what happened to you, my dear girl. And when I do…death will be too kind for whoever is
Chapter 24
Tenel Ka awoke to the luxurious sensation of soft sheets caressing her body. For a fleeting moment, she
hoped that she had dreamed the entire nightmare of a bloodmatch. As she raised her arms to move them
out from under the sheets, she immediately sensed her missing left limb and her hopes deflated.
Sighing deeply, she knew that she had fought in that awful match and Yssarrd… guilty tears leapt into
her eyes as she recalled his sacrifice. Tears soon gave way to bitterness and anger towards her captors
for forcing her loyal bodyguard into making the ultimate of sacrifices.
Her stomach and conscious writhed from blame. Viciously, she thought, My life is no worthier than
his! I had lost my strength, I was defeated. A worthy opponent would have killed me. But Yssarrd was
too honorable and noble to see that.
Eyes dull from pain, Tenel Ka gazed at her surroundings. It appeared that Quiss’lak kept to his word.
Her quarters no longer reeked like a sewer, but they were clean, and bright. Craning her neck slightly,
she saw a door on the opposite wall that she assumed led to a private refresher.
Nerves jumping, Tenel Ka heard the door open and Quiss’lak entered the room carrying a tray of
cooked and delectable smelling food.
Dully, she asked, “Where is Gluk’ta? I am sure he would love to deliver that and shove it down my
Snorting, Quiss’lak replied, “He’s no longer assigned to you, NightSister.” Placing the tray on a small
table next to her bed, Quiss’lak stared at the groggy woman and smiled, “You know, you didn’t do too
bad out there.”
“Yes, I survived…whoopee for me,” Tenel Ka replied, sarcastically as her heart still ached with
“Oh come on now, that’s something to celebrate, Sister,” Quiss’lak brightly said. The happy Piirrnian
pulled up a chair and sat beside her bed. Pointing a sharp claw in her direction he continued, “I forgot
to mention Raging Rex to ya. When I saw him I thought for sure that ya wouldn’t make it out of here.
He’s been with us for nearly a decade. I never thought I’d’a see the day when he’d get snuffed out. He
must’ve had something going wrong to have just lost his grip on ‘is hammer like that.”
Tenel Ka’s heart warmed with satisfaction as she realized that nobody detected her having used the
Force during her time in the ring. Crashing her head back into her pillow she said, “I did not know him,
so I cannot comment.”
“Right. Well now, we’re’a heading to Plennin 12 where there will be another match performed this
evening…” he noted the young woman’s eyes widen and her mouth dropping to protest. Raising his
hand he continued, “…don’tcha worry. I’ve told the bosses that you need a few days to recoup.
We’ve’a fixed your leg. You’ll probably always carry a scar though.”
Reaching under her covers she flipped them off of her left leg with her stump and stared at the wicked,
jagged scar that ran across her leg. She grimaced, “I take it you do not have bacta tanks here.”
Snorting, Quiss’lak replied, “Bacta’s expensive. Da bosses ain’t gonna waste it on prisoners. They’re
barely willing to keep our one healer on staff. They’d rather just obtain fighters than keep paying to
patch up the old ones. But they’ve found that clientele are happier if they can see their favorite fighters
in the ring again… happier meaning they’re willing to pay and bid more money on each fight.”
Tenel Ka absently nodded her head.
“Speaking of which, you know I had to argue to get you’s this cell. Bwin’koo was convinced that you
really didn’t deserve an upgrade in quarters, seeing that Taunter killed himself rather than you doing the
deed yourself,” Quiss’lak commented.
Squeezing her eyes shut tight, Tenel Ka tried to fight down a wave of nausea that coursed through her
body as the image of her dead bodyguard resurfaced in her consciousness.
Quiss’lak merrily continued, “But da big bosses insisted you get better quarters.” He leaned in
conspiringly and added, “Apparently not a single person bet that you would be the last fighter standing
and the bosses made a fortune. They’d’ve given you anything, I think, what with how filthy rich you
just made them.”
She slightly grimaced as Quiss’lak’s hearty laugh echoed in her heavy head. Thickly she replied,
“Anything I can do to make the bosses happy…”
Quiss’lak grinned and pummeled his fist on his leg, “That’s the spirit! Right, so there’s the refresher
over there…eat up and gain your strength. Bwin’koo advised that you’ll be fighting again in two days.”
His brows furrowed with concern, causing his two horns to droop downwards, he said, “You might
have to face a beastie this time around.”
Sighing heavily, Tenel Ka waved at him dismissively, “Whatever, it does not matter to me.”
Lurching to his feet, he planted his fists on his hips and said, “What? Ain’t you scared?”
Meeting the alien’s glowing eyes, Tenel Ka replied, “This is a fact. I am not scared of fighting, nor am I
afraid to die.”
Voice dripping with doubt, he replied, “Even with only one arm?”
“This is a fact. I will survive,” Tenel Ka responded.
Huffing affirmatively, Quiss’lak said, “Something tells me you would too, missy.” That said, he exited
the cell and locked the door on his way out.
Flipping back the covers, Tenel Ka immediately scrutinized her apparel. The medics had dressed her in
a long tank top and nothing else. Glancing around the room, she spied a pair of flight pants. Picking
them up she pulled them on and found them to be too large around the waist, and the long legs
swallowed her feet. Standing, she cinched tight the waist. Stamping her left foot on Quiss’lak’s chair
she manipulated the pants leg, using her stump and right hand to roll it up to her knees. She repeated
the steps with her right leg. She stared longing at the steaming, warm food causing her stomach to
rumble violently. Deciding to wait until she washed up before eating, she went into the refresher.
Although small, the room held a toilet, a small shower, and a sink with a tiny vanity mirror. Her eyes
fell on a large thistle that sat on the counter. Lifting a brow, she realized that Quiss’lak must have left it
there for her to use to brush her hair.
She stared at her reflection and gasped. Dried blood stains covered her face, and her knotted hair had
half managed to escape from most of her braids. Quickly, she scrubbed her face raw with the water to
wash off the blood. Then she untangled her hair, stripped, and showered thoroughly, hoping that the
scalding water would erase the growing feeling of disgust that pervaded her soul. She ran her right
hand fingers through her hair, trying to untangle the knots. Glancing around she found only a bar of
soap for washing. Annoyed, she figured that the hairless Piirrnians probably had no concept of
shampoo. She rubbed the bar across her head and lathered her hair, knowing that without finalizer that
her hair would most likely knot even further. The more she painfully tugged on her hair, the more
frustrated and distraught she became. Finally, she washed out the suds and exited the shower and
climbed back into her clothes.
Grabbing the thistle, she sat on her bed and worked her way carefully through her knotted hair, an
experience she rediscovered to be more difficult with only one arm and an oddly shaped brush. As she
tugged, the pain forced tears from her eyes. She shouted as she accidentally tugged a large strand of
hair off of her scalp. Throwing down the brush in disgust, she curled her knees up to her chest and
fought back threatening tears.
Snuffling back her sobs, she picked up her tray and forced down her food to see if it would help her
feel any better. It did not. Although her stomach was full and satisfied, her heart felt heavy in her chest;
weighted down from worry and emotional pain. She’d always prided herself on being a warrior and
being able to take on any creature or enemy single-handed and without the assistance of others. Here
she was faced with now having to utilize those skills in order to survive. The victories that she
cherished as a child in defeating and taking down predators, now felt hollow. Tenel Ka’s life had
changed, for the better she surmised. She wasn’t a warrior anymore, she represented peace. Her training
as a Jedi helped her to view the Galaxy, and the creatures in a different way. She supposed her good
friend Jacen, who loved animals as a young boy, helped her to see that also. She did not want to fight a
creature, for she believed that every sentient being had the right to live and not be hunted for sport. A
part of her had found Brukos’s head collection appalling, but she certainly would not have told him that
in fear that it would have crushed his feelings. Raising her stump she stared at it with disgust. She had
also finally accepted that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad living with a cybernetic replacement, that it
would not make her any less worthy as a warrior to rely on technology. Now that it was gone she didn’t
know if she fully trusted herself to fight very well.
Doubts that never bothered her before slowly crept into her mind, leaving her eyes to widen as slight
tendrils of fear snugly embraced themselves around her heart. She snapped her head up as she
recognized the intoxicating presence of fear and shouted, “No! I am a Jedi!” In attempts to bolster her
waning confidence she stood up and began to stretch. She said, “I will not allow these aliens to defeat
me. I will not let them see me defeated. I will live. I will survive. I will go on. For I cannot allow
Yssarrd’s death to have been in vain.”
Slowly she began to exercise her body and practice lunging and fighting stances. The more she
connected with the Force, her confidence and resolve returned. And in a singular moment from near
exhaustion after an hour of flips and lunges, Tenel Ka held up her stump and shouted to her ceiling, as
her heart throbbed in her ribcage, “I will NOT give up!”
Readjusting their ponchos, Anakin and Brukos stepped out into the blinding Tatooine afternoon. The
streets of Mos Eisley thumped with vitality as droids, aliens, beasts of burden, humans, and scavengers
bustled along the sandy streets, racing from shop to shop.
Readjusting his floppy hat, Brukos inhaled the sweltering arid air, and commented, “Boy am I glad you
recommended this hat, Tiny. I think my head would’ve burned to a red crisp within moments here.”
Chuckling, Anakin replied, “Yeah, not to mention that shining red globe would make a great target for
any birds passing overhead.”
Screwing up his face in mock annoyance, Brukos watched Anakin laugh uncontrollably. Then
unexpectedly the towering Jedi stumbled over his feet and plunged towards a small vendor’s fabric
stall. His large foot accidentally crashed into one of the booth’s supports, causing the shade providing
blankets to shudder. The green Rhodian who ran the stall, cursed at them in Huttese, “Ett chutta inero
Grinning broadly, Anakin waved at the annoyed seller and said, “Sorry.”
Brukos’s bust a gut laughing at his now embarrassed friend, and said, “Oh man, I’d hate to see you
after a few drinks.”
Flashing Brukos a lop-sided sneer, Anakin snapped, “I’d like to see you walking around on size sixteen
Chuckling, Brukos watched a couple of strange aliens pass them by, he commented, “Boy, this place
sure is a melting pot, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, people from all over the Galaxy come here. Tatooine is a wonderful place to hide in plain sight,”
Anakin responded. “The result is that many of the inhabitants are wanted by the law.”
Snorting, Brukos replied, “Like you?”
Suddenly remembering his fugitive status in the Hapes Cluster, Anakin’s stomach churnled in a queasy
manner. He replied, “Exactly.”
“Didn’t you say your family was from here? Why would they chose to live on this dump?” Brukos
asked as he scanned a booth filled with spare parts.
In a low voice, Anakin replied, “Uncle Luke was brought here as a baby to hide him from the Emperor.
Tatooine’s far enough outside of the Galaxy that the Jedi can’t sense the presence of Force-users here.
Hell, even my grandfather who had the strongest Force signature ever recorded lived here for many
years undetected. It was the perfect place to hide Luke.”
Noting the squalor conditions of some of the local housing units, Brukos asked, “So any idea why this
planet isn’t interested in joining the New Republic?”
“The Hutts like to be left on their own. They’re criminals by their nature. The last thing they would
want is to be forced into changing their ways. You know, with all of your Galactic traveling, I find it
hard to believe that you’ve never been here,” Anakin commented, jumping slightly, as a pair of happy,
screaming children chased each other through his legs. Anakin whipped his head backwards to watch
them race into the crowds. A fleeting grin spread across his lips.
“Yeah well, you said it yourself, Tatooine’s not exactly a great tourist attraction,” Brukos replied,
examining a table filled with gaffe sticks.
“But they do have Krayt dragons here. Wouldn’t one of those critters look good mounted on your
wall?” Anakin asked.
“I suppose so. Now that you mention it, I don’t know why I never came here before. Must be the heat.
I’m not really into dry heat. I grew up on Dathomir where there’s humidity. I prefer that,” Brukos
Jaw dropping in amazement, Anakin screwed his face into a look of disgust and said, “Yuck, you prefer
being sticky, and sweaty all of the time?”
“Something like that,” Brukos replied, amused by Anakin’s reaction. Lifting his chin to the Dug
vendor, Brukos stared at the double-ended weapon and asked, “How much?”
Scratching his head with his toes the Dug replied, “Fifty-five.”
“Fifty-five? Look at this thing it’s filthy and nicked,” Brukos commented, eyes sparkling as the game
of bargaining began.
Anakin sighed and absently stared over the table of Tuskin Raider objects, as Brukos and the Dug
duked it out over a fair price. Hesitantly, he picked up a face-mask and gazed at the tan item. His
stomach dropped, unsettled as he remembered Jaina’s recounts of their grandfather’s brutal attack on a
tribe of the local nomads.
Twirling the stick in his hand, Brukos asked, “Hey, you alright man?”
“Yeah,” he absently commented. “You done shopping?”
“Yep,” Brukos replied, strapping the stick to his belt. Leaning in conspiringly, he added, “I talked him
down to twenty-five. This is in great condition. On the secondary market the more wear on gaffe sticks
that there are the better the price you get.”
Anakin shook his head, not understanding his friend’s obsession with collecting things. Tilting up his
chin, he indicated towards a doorway on their left. He said, “I think that’s a food shop, let’s go check it
They passed by an old woman sitting on the ground huddled under a pile of blankets. Hoarsely she
craned her neck towards the two tall gentlemen and asked, “Spare some change for granny?”
Normally opposed to giving out handouts, pity filled Anakin’s compassionate heart. He reached into his
pocket and extracted a couple of credits. He said, “Go get yourself a cool drink, M’lady. May the Force
be with you.”
The woman didn’t even glance at the money, her eyes fixated upon the shiny, cylindrical weapon that
dangled from the towering man’s belt. Throwing back her neck, to avoid suspicion she examined the
towering young man’s facial feathers and toothlessly beamed, “Thank you, sir. The gods will bless
Peaking a brow, Brukos ducked under the doorway and muttered, “Just hope that she doesn’t run off
and tell every other beggar in town that you’re giving away handouts.”
“Right,” Anakin replied. Brukos detected a flurry of movement out of the corner of his eye and the
woman was gone. Quickly the two men marched up and down the aisles of the store, grabbing piles of
non-spicy foods. Together they dumped the objects on the counter and argued over who would pay.
Finally, Brukos shoved a fistful of credits into the Hutt’s face and won by default.
Still arguing, they carried out their bags, and headed purposefully back towards The Fiery Phoenix.
From a small window inside a cantina, the old woman lurked, peering out of the dusty duraglass pane
at the street. Suddenly, her shoulder muscles seized and her leathery, claw-like fingers dug into the
man’s armor covered shoulder. Jabbing a finger directly at Anakin’s head, she croaked, “He’s the one…
he carried the lasersword.”
A savage grin etched across the face of the bandaged man wearing thick, gray armor who produced
several credits and placed them into the woman’s greedy, outstretched hands. Without a word spoken to
the woman, he silently exited the pub and followed the two men from a safe distance.
Counting his blessings, the man’s hawk eyes kept the tall Jedi and his companion in his line of sight.
He couldn’t believe his utter luck. Only two days earlier the Queen Mother had offered to an elite
group of Bounty Hunters, including himself, to look for Anakin Solo. Although official reports said she
wanted Anakin dead or alive, the Queen Mother had insisted that if they find Solo they were to bring
him back alive, or there would be no reward. Studying the two men purposefully walking along, he
supposed he could jump him here in the streets, but he didn’t know if the other man was possibly a
Jedi, too. He groused that he had left his stundarts aboard his ship. He highly doubted he could take out
two Jedi Knights in one swoop.
Cursing to himself, blind fury boiled in Dengar’s gut. He wanted nothing more than to kill the Solo kid,
out of pure and beautiful hatred. He watched the 6’6” Jedi turn his face in profile while laughing at his
friend. Nostrils flaring with annoyance, the bounty hunter recognized his long-time adversary Han Solo
imprinted in the boy’s facial features. Unconsciously, the Correllian bounty hunter rubbed his head that
still throbbed three decades later from his near fatal accident during the course of a swoop race with
Solo. Dengar spent years enduring pain, and occasional bouts of dizziness thanks to the cranial injuries
that he sustained in that crash. He has hated Solo ever since.
Maliciously grinning, he watched as Solo junior and his friend as they climbed aboard an ancient
Kessel freighter. He waited until the gangplank locked. He then extracted a small homing device from
his pocket. He activated it, and stood in the shadows of the spaceport, waiting for the pre-flight to begin
so the engines would mask all external noise. The ship fired up its engines, and Dengar threw the
device hard, onto the ship where it magnetically sealed to its outer hull.
Slinking out of the spaceport as the freighter’s thrusters kicked up sand, he raced down the road
towards docking bay twelve where his Corellian Jumpmaster5000, Punishing One rested. Climbing
aboard his ship, he uploaded the homing beacon’s co-ordinates into his mainframe. Firing up his
engines, Dengar snorted and spat sand filled spit onto his floor. He blasted his ship out of Mos Eisley
and waited until his hyperdrive beeped, affirming his prey’s coordinates.
As he punched his hyperdrive into readiness, Dengar beamed. He missed his opportunity to nab and
torment Solo years ago when Vader hired him to track down the Falcon during the days of the Empire.
Fate, he determined, was on his side now by landing Anakin Solo right into his path. Finally he would
get his revenge for the damage Solo caused him all of those years ago...
Chapter 25
Every fiber of her being screamed in pain. Her biology allowed herself to morph and to become
someone she was not. She lived the life of a chameleon. At the drop of a dime, she could change herself
into anyone she wanted, she was no one and everyone. The easiest was the Human form. Her current
assignment required her to become a blue Twi’lek. Every muscle, and inch of skin was utilized and
stretched to it’s maximum capacity to create the two lectu that wagged behind her head. An insufferable
headache pounded from the extra weight on her skull, while every inch of her body prickled from being
extended and overused. Normally, she could hide part of her Clawdite form under layers of clothing,
however Twi’lek’s traditionally wore little apparel. She had to concentrate on morphing her entire body
to perfectly mirror that of her Twi’lek target.
Ignoring the pain, her gaze scanned the gyrating crowd of dancers on board the floating Hapan
nightclub called “Harem Nights.” The stench of alcohol and the smoke from deathsticks clung to the
fabric on her enshrouding cloak. Her visual quest stopped on a tall platform in the center of the large
dancefloor. On top of the raised stage, two female Twi’lek’s seductively danced to the endless delight
of the scores of male dancers below. Zillnia groaned as she studied her target’s moves. She muttered,
“It’s a good thing I’m getting paid triple for this.”
Zillnia noted a drunken Snivvian pulling on the corner of her robe to try to sneak a peek at its occupant.
With lightning fast reflexes, she snaked her toe around the foot of his chair and flipped it backwards.
As the alien crashed, screaming onto the floor, she purposefully followed her target who had just
vacated her raised pedestal and was trotting towards the refresher. The second Twi’lek bolted for the
counter to order drinks. Shoving aside dancers, Zillnia tightened her grip on her stungun and entered
the refresher. She waited a few moments for the blue Twi’lek to settle into her stall and she extracted
her pistol from the folds of her cloak. Two clumps of scantily dressed females screamed and raced out
of the refresher. Approaching the stall, Zillnia kicked in her target’s stall and shot the terrified Twi’lek
point blank in the face.
Stroking her green lectu, Orla chatted amicably with a blond-haired human male who had bought her a
drink. Her eyes flitted to the refresher door and she brightened as she watched Una prance towards her
at the bar.
Una smiled brightly, stared at a bubbling, Fuzzy Gundark and said, “Is that for me?”
“Sure is, compliments of Fendin, here,” Orla replied, sweetly.
Seductively, Una sucked on the piece of pallenberry that the bartender had affixed to the side of the
glass. She said, “Thank you, Fendin. That was awfully sweet of you.”
“My pleasure, ladies,” Fendin beamed.
Enduring ten minutes of smalltalk about their employment and blatant flirting from Fendin, Una
grabbed Orla’s hand and dragged her away from the bar and back towards their pedestal. Turning her
head back towards the handsome stranger, Una winked at the man, and he tapped a finger to his brow
in reply.
As the two Twi’lek’s began to dance, Orla scowled and shouted over the din of the raucous music,
“What did you do that for?”
Slidling up close to Orla and dancing closely, she shot a couple of suspicious glances in the man’s
direction. She said, “Didn’t you see how he was staring at you? I think he knows.”
Blankly, Orla stared at her friend. She asked, “Knows about what?”
Una’s eyes enlarged, and she pursed her lips together. “I…think…he…knows.”
Realization ignited across Orla’s green features. She screwed her eyes together and stared at the human
again, who waved flirtatiously in their direction. Smiling and waving back, she wove her body around
Una and whispered, “What in the Galaxy gave you THAT impression. Nobody knows except us.”
Eyes full of fear, Una replied, “Didn’t you pay attention to his questions? He kept asking us how long
we’ve been working for Travees, and what we do for him.”
“Of course he would ask those questions,” Orla responded, rolling her eyes.
“But why? How would he know that we worked for Travees?”
Orla stopped dancing as it occurred to her that she had not mentioned the name of her employer to the
gentleman. Slamming her fist on the pedestal’s controls, she lowered the platform and was greeted by a
cacophony of wails of protests from the men in the crowd. Grabbing Una’s hand she shouted, “We’re
getting out of here, come on.”
The two Twi’lek’s raced out of the nightclub and retreated towards their waiting shuttle. There they
climbed aboard and the pilot calmly lifted the vessel out of the hanger and pointed the ship carrying
Travees’s two servants back towards Hapes 6.
A loud groan could be heard from inside a refresher stall an half an hour later. Una placed her hand to
forehead as waves of dizziness washed over her senses. A large cloak pooled onto the floor around her
legs. Kicking it aside, she rose on wobbly legs, exited her stall, and leaned over the sink. Splashing
water on her face she couldn’t remember what happened and why she was so woozy.
Must’ve had a bad drink, she thought, as she stumbled out of the ladies refresher. She wove her way
towards the bar to order herself a water, as the noise in the club assaulted her senses. A tall, blondhaired man, offered to order her drink. She thanked him and sucked it down.
Smiling, the human said, “I’m afraid your friend left.”
Una choked on her drink. In a strangled voice she said, “She did what?”
“Yeah, she left with some male Twi’lek. I guess she got lucky. Can I give you a lift home?” the human
A cold sweat broke all over Una’s forehead, she said, “I don’t know your name.”
“My name’s Fendin, Colonel Fendin of the Royal Hapan Guard. Trust me when I say that your virtue is
safe with me. I’m happy to just get you back home, safe and sound,” he replied, flashing her a broad
“Do you always just up and offer flight services to damsels in distress?” Una miserably asked as her
head throbbed.
Grinning, Fendin replied, “No, only to distressing damsels. Come on, follow me M’lady.”
Placing her cup on the bar, Una accepted his arm and followed him out of the bar. Only the most
observant of clubbers would have detected that the same blue skinned Twi’lek had already left the
building earlier, Fendin mused. Smiling, he delighted in the fact that most would be too inebriated to
“How could you have been so careless? Why didn’t any early warning signs go off that you should stop
talking to that guy?” Una scolded Orla once they were safely airborne.
“I dunno how I missed it ok? It was loud in there, and I was tired from dancing, I guess I’d thought that
I’d already mentioned it to him,” Orla retorted thinly.
Pursing her lips and crossing her arms across her ample breasts, Una replied, “You know that the
Master would be very displeased with you if he knew you were actively talking about him in public.”
Orla’s eyes narrowed and she spat back, “And why didn’t you stop me right off the bat then?”
“Well excuse me for thinking you had a brain in your head!” Una retorted.
Balking, Orla felt her nerves ruffle. Una had never talked back to her in the entire four years they had
worked together. She coolly said, “Lighten up will you. It’s not like I said anything about the
assassination to him. All I said was that we work in his mansion and handle food and cleaning. How’s
he going to get any evidence from that?”
Pulse racing with excitement, Una shifted her arms and calmly scratched her ear, touching the
translucent recording device secured behind her left lectu. She sniffed, “Well you’re right. I guess he
wouldn’t have been able to know about the bomb from just that.”
Orla’s eyes narrowed. She said, “You better believe it, Una. There’s no way he could’ve known that we
planted that device on the Queen Mother’s ship.”
Suddenly the shuttle, inexplicitly was ripped out of hyperspace. The entire ship shuddered under a
barrage of firepower. Orla clung to the arm rests on her seat and shouted, “What’s happening?”
A voice boomed over the ship’s commsystem, “Cease fire. We have caught you in our tractorbeam.
Prepare to be boarded.”
Slamming her fist on the captain’s door, Orla shouted, “Who has captured us? What did you do?”
The door swung open to reveal woman dressed in full Hapan military uniform. Orla’s blood ran cold.
She spun and found herself staring down the barrel of Una’s blaster. Fear sent shivers of terror through
her vein as the lectu on Una’s head disappeared, and her blue skin turned gray. Zillnia fiercely grinned
at the cowering Twi’lek as the shuttle’s doors opened and General Roog and Colonel Fendin entered
the ship.
Holding up a recording device, Roog replayed Orla’s words, There’s no way he could’ve known that we
planted that device on the Queen Mother’s ship.
The Twi’lek deflated, realizing that her big mouth had managed to get herself and her employer into
very big trouble. Fendin clasped cuffs on Orla’s wrists and shoved her out of the shuttle. They marched
her towards an interrogation room and she sat heavily in a chair. Her eyes blazed at the man from the
bar with molten fury, “That was coerced. If you all think that I’m going to sing any further, you’re
Roog calmly sat upon a corner of the desk and flipped her short blond hair out of her eyes. “I’d think
twice about denying everything, Orla. Here, take a look at these.”
Jumping back in disgust, two pictures of a bloated, female corpse were thrown activated in the center
of the table. Roog continued, “This is what happens when Travees is displeased with his women. This
unfortunate soul enjoyed one night of passion with your boss before he poisoned her, and had her
thrown out of an airlock. Luckily she had a good friend who was concerned about her and reported her
disappearance to the authorities. We found her body floating in space only about a quarter of a lightyear
away from Hapes 6.” Rounding the table, Roog stared into the disgusted Twi’lek’s eyes and added,
“Her entire body would have convulsed as the poison coursed through her body, igniting every nerve
with pain. Then after she frothed at the mouth and died, his men mutilated her by burning off her
fingerprints and dentals. Yennel Quelit was lucky- she had a friend who cared about her enough to
report her missing. Tell me, Orla, do you think anyone will care if you vanish off the plane of the
Her chair legs screeched as Orla shoved her chair as far away from the images of the brutally murdered
woman. The more Roog spoke, she remembered that she had seen the woman enter the mansion with
Travees. Her stomach churned with guilt and disgust. She choked, “How do you know he did this?”
Picking up a small, clear envelope, Roog presented it before the nervous prisoner. “Hair fiber lifted off
the victims body. We also have other samples that we are running comparisons on against Mr. Yermott.
He’s going down for murder, Orla. Frankly, the Queen Mother could care less about you, she wants
your boss. If you testify that you acted exclusively on his orders, she’s willing to offer you immunity
and relocation to anywhere that you want.”
Orla’s mouth went dry and her hands became clammy. She realized that she had no choice, other than
to be killed. She lowered her head a moment, then softly she said, “I’ll take the deal.”
Across the star system on Hapes 9, four Imperial Star Destroyers fell out of hyperspace, lasers firing.
The education planet possessed no military or defense systems. Systematically, the destroyers took out
a fleet of hoverbuses used to transport students from one side of the planet to the other for classes. The
captains of the Destroyers did not care that the buses were full of students.
As quickly as the Destroyers arrived, they vanished, leaving in their wake a trail of fiery debris that
would lead to tears and suffering over the senseless loss of life.
Armed with Roog’s report and the initial reports from Hapes 9, Ta’a Chume’s eyes blazed with burning
hatred and revenge. Staring into the holoprojector recorder, she interrupted the local holonews across
her Cluster.
She said, “Today is a grave day for Hapes. Senselessly, these rebels have ruthlessly slaughtered our
innocents at Hapes 9. They acted not out of honor or by glory, but only as cowards do, they wrecked
terror on innocent people’s lives and then they ran away. To the parents of those who lost their lives, I
am truly, deeply sorry for the pain over the loss of your children. I ask you all to direct your anger with
me towards the men of the Hapan Independence League. Let the record show that we, the Royal Crown
of Hapes did not fire first upon these men, but have tried to diplomatically find a solution to this
political crisis.”
Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I am afraid to report however, that evidence has come forth to
prove that this Consortium of men, never had any intention to peacefully leave the Cluster, in fact they
began their campaign with blood… Royal blood. I will admit that reacted and used poor judgment in
my initial assumptions over who caused the death of Queen Mother, Tenel Ka . I hope that those
previously accused parties will accept my humblest apologies for my accusations against Anakin Solo.
There has been no evidence uncovered to support these claims.” Raising her fist high, she bellowed, “I
do however, have undeniable proof, and witnesses that Travees Yermott orchestrated, planned, and
executed the murder of Queen Mother, Tenel Ka! Travees is not a man to be trusted, but feared and
loathed. He is very dangerous! I am willing to pay ten million Hapan credits to the person who will
bring me Travees Yermott, and I do not care if he is either dead or alive. Help me to bring this criminal
to justice… only with your help, will the lives of all of our children be avenged!”
As the lights of the cameras turned off, Ta’a Chume turned to General Roog who stood in the doorway.
She cricked her finger and the General immediately stood at her side. In a hoarse voice, the Queen
Mother handed her a datacard and said, “Find all of the bounty hunters on that list, and inform them
that the target has been changed. They are to immediately stop their quest for Solo and hunt down
Travees Yermott. Tell them I will quadruple the compensation for whoever can bring him to me.”
“Yes, your Excellency,” Roog replied, bowed and smartly exited the room.
As she watched the woman leave the room, Ta’a Chume’s fingers wove up to the tight bun that sat atop
her head. She expertly unwound her hair fasteners and drifts of wiry, gray hair floated down her back.
A sly smiled formed on her thin lips as an idea fluttered through her mind. She hoped that if her
granddaughter still lived, that Travees would be caught, tried, and executed before she returned to
reclaim her crown. Grimly, she said, “Your time has just run out Yermott. Soon you will be mine.”
Chapter 26
Tenel Ka roared in defiance, raising her right arm high over her head. In her hand she held a broadax.
A two headed, Piirrnian saber cat hunkered down into a crouch position, both heads lowered, the right
head licked it’s chops as the other brandished its large fangs. Two snakelike tails wiggled mercilessly,
the cat sprang, and Tenel Ka’s scream echoed…
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!” Heart throbbing wildly, Brukos bolted upright in his
bed, and smashed his forehead into the low bulkhead wall. Groaning in pain, bright white lights
exploded into the darkened room. Brukos collapsed back on his bed and grasped his pounding
forehead. In the dark, he felt a large, throbbing lump form. Moaning, he shoved aside his sheets, and
padded towards his refresher. Turning on his lights he squinted his eyes against the blinding light and
winced at the bump that began rising on the right side of his head. He muttered, “Great, nothing better
than having no hair to hide this thing.” Running the cool water over a towel, Brukos folded and slapped
the fabric against his head. Sighing, he wandered through his room, out the door, and towards the
coolerator. He jerked the freezer door open and grabbed some ice, wrapped it in the towel and sat at the
table, holding the icebag to his head.
Images from his nightmare resurfaced and Brukos’s heart quickened. He berated himself for needing
the slight detour to Tatooine to food shop. He knew that time was of the essence, and he just hoped that
their brief layover wouldn’t cost Tenel Ka her life. He would never forgive himself if that was the case.
He knew Tiki was a strong and determined woman, but his dream planted doubts in his mind. Absently,
he stood up, opened a cabinet and extracted the box of holoimages. With one hand he activated several
images until he unearthed the graph of Tenel Ka, laughing and dangling in Anakin’s arms. He smiled
broadly. They looked good together. Brows furrowing under the icepack, he prayed that they would get
to her in plenty of time. His gut churned erratically, he knew how the Piirrnians preferred their
bloodsports, the bloodier the better. He cleared his throat as a knot formed below his adam’s apple.
Visions of he and Tenel Ka stalking a Dathomirian Night Lizard crept into his mind. They were eight
years old at the time. Tiki had held her spear and threw it at the foraging creature. The weapon soared
past it’s head and missed it’s mark. It turned and snarled in their direction. Without thinking, she raced
towards the beast, threw her arms around it’s neck and clung to it’s back for dear life. Shouting at her
stupidity and brashness, Brukos raced forward, pulled out a long knife and cut the creature’s throat.
Although they returned heroes of sorts for taking down one of the nasty beasts, Brukos had always felt
very alarmed at his friend’s carelessness in her actions. Tenel Ka always presented herself as the perfect
picture of propriety and discipline, but a streak of recklessness flowed under her calm exterior.
He thought back to Anakin’s comments about how she lost her arm while dueling with his brother,
Jacen. He realized that her overconfidence caused the accident as much as her faulty lightsaber.
Gulping, he could only hope that his worries about her were groundless, and that she would be levelheaded and survive her capture.
Staring at the image, he had a sneaking feeling that he would have larger problems on his hand if Tenel
Ka was wounded…or worse. Anakin deeply loved his old friend. Their separation seemed to be doing a
number on Anakin’s spirit. He was growing more and more emotionally unstable, with his worry for
Tenel Ka being the cause of the fluctuations. Remembering how Anakin’s grandfather went off of the
deep end with the loss of his wife, Brukos could only hope that his new friend could maintain a cool
head and not let his heart guide his actions. He didn’t know Anakin well enough to gage how he would
be in battle. He could only assume that given his size and abilities that he would be a powerful ally.
Even still, Brukos had no interest in ever witnessing a Jedi, fueled by rage and hate, in action. He only
hoped that he had the ability to help calm Anakin down, if the need were to arise. Of course, he mused
if Tiki was dead, he had no moral dilemma with killing out of rage or revenge. For once, he
determined, his not being a Jedi would be an advantage, not a hindrance, and he could do what Anakin
could not.
Shoving himself out of the kitchenette, he put the holoimages away and ambled towards the cockpit,
scratching his bare chest. A yawn escaped his lips as he decided to check on their present location.
Removing his icepack he glanced at the navicom and they noted that they had entered Piirrnian
airspace approximately an hour ago. Before heading to bed, Anakin had activated his morphing
technology so that the Phoenix resembled a Correllian Waste Transporter. The disguise was certain to
make the Piirrnians immediately not take notice of the ship. Brukos’s heart raced as he realized that
they had nearly reached the Piirrnian Cluster.
His heart leapt in his throat as a strong hand grabbed his left shoulder. Stifling a yelp, he exhaled a deep
breath and said, “Hey, Anakin, don’t do that to a guy.”
“Sorry,” Anakin replied, dropping into his captain’s chair and flashing Brukos a lopsided smile. Having
thrown on a loose fitting shirt over his pajama bottoms, Anakin appeared far from intimidating,
especially with his bed-hair sticking out in ten different directions. He suddenly stared at Brukos,
“What happened?”
Rolling his eyes, and cheeks flushing in embarrassment, Brukos covered his bump with the icepack and
said, “Don’t ask.”
Shrugging, Anakin focused on the navicom. Licking his tongue across his teeth, he furrowed his brows
in concentration. He said, “It looks like we’re closing in on the target system. You said that this arena
thing is mobile, do you think it will be difficult to locate?”
“Probably not. It’s quite large. The Piirrnians are relatively secretive about where they dock it, but it’s
usually heavily guarded. We’ll just need to determine where their armada is located, and we’ll find the
arena,” Brukos replied.
Confusion stretched across Anakin’s face, he asked, “They use their guards to protect the arena and
nothing else?”
Nodding, Brukos said, “Pretty much. That arena is the main source of their financial wealth. They will
have their fleet swarming around it to protect it at all costs. Come to think of it, we should be in range
to pick up their holonet signals. Come on.”
Moving out of the cockpit, Brukos padded into the small onboard lounge. Sinking into a squashy chair,
he flicked on the holonet. He winced as loud, crackling static screamed throughout the room. Muting
the sound, he fiddled with the controls on the device in attempts to access the Piirrnian signals. Anakin
dropped onto a couch, left arm dangling over the bolster, legs comfortably spread apart. He yawned and
raked his fingers through his hair, thinking longingly of brewing a pot of caff.
Frustration mounted in Brukos as his manipulations yielded no new signals. He was about to give up
when a fuzzy image appeared on the holonet. Anakin stiffened on the couch expectantly and squinted
through the hazy pixels, and asked, “Is that as good as you can get it?”
“Not likely, give me a second,” Brukos confidently said, and moved behind the holonet projector. He
ripped off the back cover. Staring at the myriad of wires and tubs, he reached inside the projector and
wiggled his fingers through the maze of mechanics.
He heard Anakin suddenly call out, “Whatever you’re doing, you just lost the signal.”
Muffled, he responded, “Hold your Banthas, Tiny.” Suddenly, his index finger found its target.
Cranking his right shoulder to give him more room, he blindly yanked a connection out of its port.
Licking his lips, while holding the wire gingerly between his thumb and index finger, he felt around the
general location with his pinky finger. It then struck a new hole. Twisting the connector he sunk it into
the new port and heard Anakin hooting triumphantly. Wiggling his arm out of the projector, Brukos
replaced the back cover and returned to the chair. Placing the icebag back on his forehead, he
reactivated the sound as a clear image of a Piirrnian commercial for scale lotion played over the
Smirking, Anakin said, “Good to know that if the gem business doesn’t pan out, you can always get a
job as a holonet projector repairman.”
Brukos chucked a pillow at the laughing Jedi. He teased, “Well some of us have to learn to use our
hands and brains to do menial tasks. We can’t just wave our fingers and magically have things fix
“Touche.” Sobering, Anakin asked, “Do you think that they’ll actually broadcast anything on here
about the arena? I thought you said that they didn’t reveal the location of the area to the public.”
“Right, they don’t. However, they do encrypt the new locations during their news broadcasts. They like
to keep the clientele who attend the events to be as highbrow as possible. But the fights are always
broadcasted to the masses to view. When the event guests are invited, they are given a key on how to
break the encryption… oh wait here’s the broadcast,” Brukos turned up the sound and began recording
the newsfootage.
A fierce looking female Piirrnian spoke in Huttese, Everyone is still reeling over the events at the
fortnight’s match. Due to popular demand, we will give you a play-by-play of the chain of events as
they occurred last night…
Both men shared a knowing glance when Tenel Ka’s name of “NightSister” was revealed. Horror
washed over both Anakin and Brukos as they watched the footage of Tenel Ka’s bloodmatch. Anakin’s
face paled to an unhealthy white as he watched her arm burst into flames, and then her plea to the
overlord to spare both of their lives. His heart throbbed erratically as he watched his beloved, who was
obviously suffering from blood loss, battle her bodyguard. All breath escaped his body as he violently
shook his head, while watched the guard fall over onto the discarded weapon. When Tenel Ka
unmasked the fighter, sorrow filled Anakin as he recognized the man as Yssarrd. Tenel Ka’s protector
was always loyal, and in the end served his queen well. He then watched as Tenel Ka fainted.
… NightSister has emerged as the newest fighter to watch. Due to her increasing popularity, she will
be back in the ring in two days time. In other news…
“Two days? They’re only giving her two days to rest from that nightmare? They are animals!” Anakin
cried out, as his body shook from disgust and controlled fury.
Brukos turned his own damp, anguish-filled eyes in Anakin’s direction. Images of his dream again
invaded his conscious. Gulping down a lump in his throat he said, “They’ll do whatever they need to in
order to make money, Anakin. If she just earned them a fistload of cash, they’ll be wanting her back in
the ring as soon as possible.”
“That’s barbaric!” Anakin spat. Launching off of the couch he paced throughout the cabin. “How can
they do that to people? Did you see those aliens in the ring? All of them, each one, is from a planet that
is a member of the New Republic Senate! Their rights were violated…”
“Anakin! The New Republic has no claim out here. They can do whatever they wish…”
“IT’S WRONG, BRUKOS!” Anakin shouted. Yelling out in rage he lifted a cushion into the air with
the Force and threw it across the room where it smashed against the outer bulkhead wall.
Jumping to his feet, Brukos raced over to his frantic friend and slapped him hard across Anakin’s left
cheek and shouted, “Snap out of it! You’re losing control is not going to help Tenel Ka any!”
Anakin’s wide, blue eyes focused on Brukos’s worried expression. Moving his jaw left to right, as his
built up adrenalin diminished. Slowly nodding his head, he said, “Sorry, you’re right, buddy. You’ve
got quite a punch there.”
“What that? That was merely a tap, Tiny,” Brukos teased. Seeing that Anakin was out of danger from a
breakdown, Brukos headed towards his quarters, he said, “Be right back.”
Feeling like an utter fool for losing control, Anakin walked towards the kitchenette and started a pot of
caff. Brukos appeared again carrying a pile of datadisks and a portable computer. He plugged a disk
into the holonet projector and downloaded the entire broadcast footage. Ejecting the disk he loaded it
onto his computer. Anakin peered over Brukos’s shoulder, from behind the couch and watched as
Brukos opened a saved file that he piggybacked onto the news broadcast. So engulfed in the drama that
displayed over the screen, Anakin had failed to notice a scrollbar of text, located at the bottom of the
“What are you doing?” Anakin asked, absently inhaling the inviting aroma of caff.
“Just a second here and I’ll show you…remember when I said that I attended one of these things? They
gave me the key. It appears that the codes haven’t changed. I’m just waiting for the system here to
break the encryption so we will be able to pull up this week’s scheduled locations for the arena,”
Brukos explained, scratching his scruffy and prickly goatee.
“Boy, you have a solution for everything, don’t you?” Anakin replied, impressed.
Brukos smirked, “I try.”
The system beeped and an agenda backfilled into the Piirrnian program. Anakin focused on the event
two days in the future and pointed to a symbol. “What does that mean?”
Gulping, Brukos replied, “Beastie.”
Sighing, Brukos calmly waited for a new storm to explode as he explained, “Beastie. Tenel Ka is
scheduled to go against one, or several creatures in her next match.”
Alarmed, Anakin interrogated Brukos, “What kinds of creatures? How many? Will they be dangerous?”
“I don’t know! That’s part of the thrill for the Piirrnians, they get a glimpse of what they’ll be seeing,
then they’re surprised when whatever creatures appear out in the ring. It’s also a safety net. It gives
those who handle the creatures and fighters the chance to change their minds up until the last minute to
alter whatever they decide to send out there to fight,” Brukos replied, scrutinizing the tall Jedi.
Chewing on his thumbnail, Anakin cocked his head towards the front of the ship. He said, “Come on,
let’s get all of this off to the rest of the team.”
Finishing a private message to Marxx and Jacen, who would be receiving their signals and deferring
the transfers to his computer savvy friend, Anakin handed his recording over to Brukos. His traveling
companion uploaded the broadcast, the arena schedule, and Anakin’s message into a single file and
heavily encrypted it.
“I’m ready,” Brukos stated.
Reaching a hand over his head, Anakin lightly pulled the Phoenix out of hyperspace. Brukos entered
The Nubian Hope’s comm signature and fired off the message. Suddenly, Anakin and Brukos pitched
forward in their chairs as the Phoenix shuddered. The ear shattering sound of laser fire surrounded their
“Who the hell is attacking us?” Brukos shouted.
“Must be your Piirrnian friends!” Anakin replied. Reaching behind the pilot’s chair, Anakin quickly
said, “I’m turning off the holo-matrix to give the shields more power.”
“They wouldn’t be out patrolling this far, they could care less who enters their airspace!” Brukos
replied as the ship shuddered violently after being bathed in a bombardment of shots.
“Well obviously we ticked someone off!” Anakin replied as he turned on his sensors. He squinted in
confusion as the Phoenix identified a Correllian Jumpmaster5000 as the firing ship.
“Who in the Galaxy is that?” Brukos asked.
Groaning, Anakin banked the ship right to avoid a fresh barrage of laserfire. “I think we picked up a
bounty hunter on Tatooine.”
“Bounty hunter?”
“Yeah, remember, I’m a fugitive,” Anakin retorted, sarcastically. He stared out of the cockpit window
and saw a blue and green moon on the horizon. He maneuvered his ship closer to its upper stratosphere,
in hopes of causing the bounty hunter to enter at the wrong angle and crash.
No such luck.
With instinct and years of experience on his side, Dengar watched his prey soaring towards the outer
layers of the moon’s atmosphere, snorting at the rookie move, he sharply banked right and effortlessly
avoided crashing into the invisible barrier. He responded by holding back a click, then fired a sonic
charge towards the fleeing golden vessel.
Anakin and Brukos crashed into the instrument panel and their ears rattled as the explosion of the sonic
charge reverberated throughout the ship. From somewhere in the ship’s rear the stench of oily smoke
pungently filled the re-circulated air. Checking displays, Brukos moaned, “Hyperdrive’s shot.”
Grousing, Anakin retorted, “Well at least we made it here.” Irritated at being the rodent in this game of
cat and mouse, he plunged his ship into a descending spiral and leaned heavily to the left on his
throttle, only to find his stick not reacting to his direction. “Blast it! I think my thruster controls are
gone!” He watched in horror as the Phoenix spun dangerously out of control towards the green moon.
Brukos dashed out of the cockpit towards the lounge. As he raced deeper into the ship, thick smoke
filled the corridors. He coughed and stayed low as he flew down the stairs towards the engine room.
Another laser blast, sent him painfully, crashing into the corridor wall. Brukos barked in agony as the
heat of the walls seared his right shoulder. Opening his watery eyes, he watched in horror as flames
licked over the engine controls. Forgetting his pain, he grabbed an extinguisher and bathed the engine
room in the foamy fire retardant. His coughing intensified as the chemicals from the extinguisher
burned his eyes. Victoriously, he watched the flames snuff out. His elation was short lived as he stared
at the engine pressure gauge. His ears throbbed as another sonic charge blasted into the ship, throwing
him across the engine room. Stars erupted in his head as a large toolbox crashed onto his skull.
Flashing another glance at the pressure gauge, he watched as it soared from stressed to critical. Without
a glance back, he dashed up the stairs with his eyes stinging and chest burning from smoke inhalation.
With focused purpose, he picked up a supply bag and yanked open the weapons closet. From it he
extracted two blasters, Anakin’s lightsaber, and a bowcaster, and threw them into the bag. Noting his
sleeping apparel, he yanked open a second closet and pulled out two pairs of boots and threw them into
the bag, along with two of Anakin’s Jedi robes. He then raced into the cockpit, sagging the awkward
bag over his right shoulder.
He coughed, and shouted, “Come on, Anakin. I just checked and the engine’s about to blow. We have to
get out of here NOW!”
Still focused on his controls, Anakin shouted back, “We need this ship to help Tenel Ka! I can fix it.”
An internal explosion commented back, sending Brukos on his knees. The cabin’s gravity controls
briefly fluctuated and Brukos rose off of the ground and crashed back to the floor.
Launching to his feet, he screamed in misery. “We have to go NOW!”
Grabbing Anakin’s shoulder and turning his chair around, Brukos shoved his face inches away from his
stubborn friend’s sweat covered visage. He said, “We can’t very well help her if we’re both dead, now
can we? NOW MOVE IT!”
Brukos’s words sunk into Anakin’s mind and he reluctantly turned briefly and watched the green moon
loomed larger and larger across the viewport. Thrusting aside his pride, Anakin flicked open a
duraplastic shield cover and pounded on a red, distress call button. He then launched himself out of the
cockpit and followed his staggering friend through the smoke towards the escape pods. Heaving the
heavy bag into the shuttle on the right, Brukos shouted to Anakin, “Hurry up! There’s no TIME!”
Standing in the doorway to the shuttle, Anakin held the door control in his hand, ready to lock himself
inside when an idea entered his mind. Flames licked at the walls of the cabin surrounding the escape
pods. Through the smoke, Anakin sent a wave through the Force as he slammed himself shut into the
pod with Brukos. On the left hallway, the spare escape pod burst free of it’s hold, just as Anakin
activated their vessel. Closing his eyes, he blindly sent a suggested wave through the Force to the
bounty hunter, asking him to pay attention to the empty pod, instead of their own escape shuttle. Both
young men coughed, as the stench of smoke filled their tiny quarters, and crowded around the small
window as it plunged towards the moon’s atmosphere. They watched as The Fiery Phoenix lived up to
its name. The Correllian Jumpmaster5000 followed Anakin’s suggestion and fired repeatedly at the
second pod. In the same instant the smoldering remains of Anakin’s ship imploded. The Phoenix
produced a fiery display of blinding light, causing both men to shield their eyes and avert their stares.
The pod raced side by side under the cover of debris from the destroyed ship. Sighing deeply, Anakin
realized that the Phoenix had once again used her special morphing properties to protect her captain
and crew, allowing them to escape under the protective blanket and cover of her sizzling remains.
Leaning back heavily into the cramped quarters of the shuttle, Anakin dully watched the bounty
hunter’s ship vanish into the starry night as his beloved vessel morphed into a pile of burning debris
that stretched for miles. As heartsick as the destruction of his starship may have made him, the
realization that he failed Tenel Ka floored his spirit.
Even without Jedi instincts, Brukos sensed immediately what Anakin was thinking. He coughed and
placed a hand on Anakin’s shoulder and noted his blue eyes peering out of a mask of soot. They were
expressionless, and empty. He said, “Don’t give up hope, Anakin. She needs us now more than
Snorting, Anakin said, “How exactly are we going to be able to help her now, Brukos? This thing’s on a
one way ticket towards that moon, and we’re goners. We won’t be able to help her… not without
“I sent the first message to Marxx about Tenel Ka’s predicament, and you issued the distress call. Your
parents will find us. They aren’t that far behind us… they will find us, Anakin,” Brukos pressed.
Shaking his head, Anakin choked back a sob, and coughed as his heart burned with guilt and misery,
“This is all my fault.”
Clamping his jaw tight, Brukos narrowed his hazel eyes and said, “No, this is my fragile stomach’s
fault. Don’t you EVER blame yourself for this! You did something for me that no one has ever done you showed me true compassion by making that stopover. Even though our situation was dire, you
thought of my personal needs before anything else. I can never repay you for that. And thanks to my
problem, we’re now gonna be stuck on this moon and Tenel Ka might die.” Jabbing a finger into
Anakin’s left bicep, Brukos bitterly added, “If she dies, I will have to live with that knowledge for the
rest of my life. I will have managed let down the only two people who matter to me, the only two
people who ever gave a damn about me! What did I do? I ruined both of their chances at true happiness
and true love. I’ll never be able to forgive myself.”
An uncomfortable silence hung heavily in the stale, smoke scented air, as the pod descended into the
moon’s atmosphere. Focusing on the here and now, Anakin only hoped that Brukos’s words would not
become prophetic. For he realized that his friend was correct, they needed to remain positive. Only
positive energy would keep them motivated, and sane. To give into despair would be to embrace the
Dark Side, and that would not help Tenel Ka in the slightest.
Chapter 27
Two Jedi sat in the lounge on board The Nubian Hope as they drifted four light-years inside the New
Republic border, waiting for word from Anakin and Brukos on where and when the fleet would be
needed in the rescue mission for Tenel Ka.
Jacen absently moved one of his chess pieces forward on the board, placing it so that Marxx could
easily win the game. Sighing deeply, Marxx deactivated the hologame as he realized his brother-in-law
wasn’t paying the slightest bit attention to his moves.
Crossing his arms over the darkened game board, Marxx said, “I’m sure they’re both fine, Jace. If
Anakin ran into any trouble, we would’ve heard from him already.”
Running his fingers through his sandy hair, Jacen turned his forlorn filled brown-eyes towards Marxx.
Sighing, he said, “I suppose you’re right. No news is good news, right?”
“Exactly,” Marxx commented.
“It’s just, you know, it’s my brother and Tenel Ka who are in trouble. I’m worried,” Jacen said, as he
laced his fingers together and stretched them out across the game table.
“Well I don’t blame you. Their predicament is very serious, particularly if what Brukos told us is true
about the people who are holding Tenel Ka captive,” Marxx replied. “They’re both Jedi though, we
have to believe that they can take care of themselves.”
“Yeah…take care of themselves,” Jacen repeated as visions of Tenel Ka after their lightsaber duel
entered his mind. “The only thing is, Tenel Ka isn’t an active Jedi Knight anymore, she’s been out of
training for quite a while.”
Smirking confidently, Marxx replied, “I really wouldn’t worry about her on that end, Jace. Tenel Ka’s
got better battle instincts than the rest of us combined. She’s quick minded, and stubborn as hell. She
won’t give up, she’s a fighter. And with Anakin looking for her, she’s got an even greater chance of
making it out of this thing alright.”
“True. I guess she really hasn’t been a Queen for all that long,” Jacen mused.
Thinking about the disturbing news that had been filtering over the Holonet all week, Marxx veered the
subject off of their mutual friends slightly and said, “What do you make of this Civil War that’s
brewing in the Hapes Cluster?”
“I think we need to get Tenel Ka home as soon as possible so that she can put an end to it,” Jacen
retorted. “I’ve been thinking about it. Doesn’t it seem odd that Travees Yermott conveniently became a
part of this Consortium of men?”
“Well, Ta’a Chume has just issued the call for his arrest. It does appear that he was behind the
assassination attempt on Tenel Ka’s life. If he orchestrated that, he most likely already had planned to
take the Cluster apart with her out of the way,” Marxx commented.
“Yeah, but there’s something else that doesn’t fit. What about Nastya? Don’t you think the people
would support her rather than face a bloody Civil War?” Jacen asked.
“I would think that, but I don’t think anyone knows anything about Tenel Ka’s cousin, do they? If Ta’a
Chume isn’t openly supporting her, why would the people support some lower level royal?”
Shaking his head, Jacen simply stated, “Politics. How my mother can stand spending her life around
this stuff is beyond me.”
“Or, Jaina,” Marxx added.
“Right,” Jacen absently agreed.
“I have a question that’s been nagging me for a long time. Why do you think Ta’a Chume was so
against Anakin and Tenel Ka being together?” Marxx asked, as he leaned back into his chair.
Snorting, Jacen replied, “Ta’a Chume likes to be in control of everything. Anakin was a factor she
never planned or sanctioned. I have this sinking feeling that if I’d never met your sister and Tenel Ka
and I had hooked up, that she still would’ve invoked that idiotic ritual to break us apart. Besides, you
read through those files, Hapan Queens can care less about love and matters of the heart, they marry
out of duty and for money.”
“I just don’t see what would be so wrong with her marrying the man she loves is all,” Marxx
commented, still befuddled.
“Right, well see, you have to have a heart first in order to understand that. Ta’a Chume’s the orneriest
woman I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with. She knows nothing about compassion, much less
love,” Jacen complained. Kneading his fingers into his right cheek he continued, “She was always
against Tenel Ka becoming a Jedi Knight. You should’ve seen how she swooped in and nearly
separated her from us and her Jedi training after the lightsaber incident.”
“She didn’t do that out of love and worry for Tenel Ka’s safety?” Marxx asked, perplexed.
“Marxx, Ta’a Chume’s about as cuddly and sweet an old lady as your Grandmother was,” Jacen
retorted. “She doesn’t do, or say anything unless her actions or words will somehow benefit her in the
At the thought of his grandmother, Marxx shuddered. He offered, “Well at least Ta’a Chume isn’t
Jacen’s eyes grew wide, he replied, “Boy, you got that right!”
A loud sound echoed from the cockpit of The Nubian Hope. Lowie roared excitedly from the copilot
seat, where he had been napping. Jacen and Marxx scrambled out of their chairs and crowded into the
“What is it, Lowie?” Jacen shouted, heart pounding wildly in his chest.
Lowie pointed at the commsystem and barked that they had just received a message from Anakin.
Impatiently, Jacen tapped his fingers on his arms and waited while Lowie applied the descrambler
software to decipher the heavy encryption codes. The computer beeped as it finished it’s job. However,
when Lowie tried to activate the files, he received nothing but garbled, and static video.
“What’s wrong with it Lowie?” Marxx asked, while placing a calming hand on Jacen’s tense shoulder.
Grousing, Lowie commented that the files appeared to have been damaged in transit.
“Why would that have happened?” Jacen asked, worry creeping into his voice.
Shrugging, Lowie said he wouldn’t know until he dug deeper into the code.
“Well how long could that take?” Jacen demanded.
“Jace, just relax. You know that panicking won’t get us anywhere,” Marxx commented. To Lowie, he
asked, “Is there anything that you can pick up from the transmission?”
Woofing affirmatively, Lowie extracted the timestamp of when the message had been sent.
Glancing at it, Jacen groaned, “Three hours ago? Anything could’ve happened in that timeframe. I
knew we should’ve flown into the Wild Space Regions so there would’ve been less of a time delay in
receiving messages!”
“It wouldn’t have made any difference, Jacen. You know that!” Marxx retorted. “We’d still need to
contact the fleet.” Sighing deeply, he asked Lowie, “Any idea how long it might take you to fix the
transmission record?”
Lowie’s brown eyes filled with a sense of foreboding and he replied that it would take a couple of
Jacen slouched into the pilot’s seat and raked his fingers through his hair. Placing his hands on the back
of the seat, Marxx commented, “Don’t fret, pal. Lowie’s great at this stuff. He’ll get those files all set
for us, right Lowie?”
Woofing affirmatively, Lowie began to work the code. Marxx asked, “Lowie, do you need anything,
caff or snack?”
The shaggy Wookiee shook his blond head and thanked Marxx.
“I just have a bad feeling about this…”
Pounding on Jacen’s shoulder he cocked his head back into the cabin. Jacen reluctantly rose and was
about to follow his dark-haired friend out of the cockpit, when the commsystem beeped again. Jacen’s
heart throbbed excitedly.
Shoving aside his current work, Lowie glanced at the newest transmission. His heart stilled in his chest
at it’s identifying parameters. Gulping, Lowie briefly closed his eyes and said that it was from Anakin,
and it was a distress signal.
Quickly he fired the message to the pilot’s terminal, where Jacen and Marxx studied the generic
message, while Lowie returned to the first message.
“What could’ve happened?” Jacen asked.
Pointing to a line on the message, Marxx replied, “I don’t know, but look, there’s the co-ordinates for
the Phoenix’s last known location. I say we forward this info to the fleet and meet there as a rendezvous
point. Lowie can work out Anakin’s first message while we’re traveling into Piirrnian space.”
“Agreed,” Jacen replied, and punched the holoemitter, sending a message to his mother aboard The
Wearing her hair up in a series of complicated twisting braids, Leia’s face was drawn tight with worry.
She smiled at her oldest son and said, “Hi, honey. How’s it going?”
Not bothering with small talk, Jacen jumped right to the point, “We got two messages from Anakin.
One got messed up in transit, the other…was an emergency distress call.”
After years of diplomatic training, the news appeared to have no effect on Leia’s features. She replied,
“Is there any way of being able to fix the first transmission?”
“Yeah, Lowie’s working on it, but he thinks it will take a couple of hours,” Jacen said.
“Alright, he can fix it while we’re in transit. Can you forward the last known co-ordinates to The
Peacekeeper? All ships have reported in, so we’re ready,” Leia replied.
“Already done,” Marxx commented as he shot off the co-ordinates. “Did you want to contact Jaina to
let her know that we’re leaving?”
“Yes, I need to talk to with her anyway. Boys be ready for departure in ten minutes,” Leia replied.
“Will do, Mom,” Jacen said and severed their signal. Silence filled the cockpit and Marxx and Jacen
exchanged worried glances. Standing up, Jacen commented, “Come on, let’s give Lowie ten minutes of
peace before we launch into hyperspace.”
Jaina paced in her apartment living room as Ben sat curled up in a corner reading a picture databook. A
restless feeling had pervaded her soul all day. Although she couldn’t place a finger on its exact nature
she sensed a disturbance in the Force.
Peeking up from his book, five-year-old Ben watched his cousin pacing the room. His own heart began
to throb erratically, picking up on her anxiety. “Are you alright, Jaya?”
Not believing that children should be lied to, Jaina replied, “I’m worried, Ben. I have the worst feeling
that Anakin is in trouble.”
Curious about the mysterious Force that his father always babbled about, Ben put aside his databook
and asked, “Do you see something in the Force?”
Exhaling a deep breath, she replied, “No. I don’t see anything. I think I’m too far away, physically from
him.” She turned her eyes towards her cousin. His titan hair glowed as the Coruscant sunshine beat
down upon his head. His light gray eyes stared imploring in her direction. She grinned as his
expression mirrored his father’s whenever Luke would be sitting in deep thought. Jaina felt her belly
shudder as her baby shifted his position.
“You want to be with the others, don’t you,” Ben said. It wasn’t a question.
Walking across the room, Jaina lightly caressed Ben’s hair and curled her fingers under his chin, she
said, “I don’t like knowing that my loved ones are in trouble. We don’t know who we’re up against.
Facing unknown enemies is difficult, Ben. I am worried, because there are just too many unknown
factors that our family will be facing… and they’re so far away from us.”
Ben took a hold of Jaina’s swollen left hand and flashed her a small smile and said, “They know you
want to be there with them.”
A lump formed in Jaina’s throat as she wondered about her oddly wise younger cousin. The sound of
her holoemitter beeping allowed her a moment to regain her composure. Activating the device, she saw
her mother’s stern face.
Inhaling a deep breath, she said, “Hi, Mom.”
Leia told her about the two messages and that the fleet was about ready to leave. Sternly she said,
“Isolder and Teneneil Djo have agreed to stay behind in their Dragon and will act as the liaison
between the fleet and yourself. They have also called the rest of their security detail to join them. If
need be, they will fly in as a second wave of air support.”
Knitting her fingers under her nose, Jaina said, “You have no idea what happened to Anakin?”
“Not until Lowie can decipher the first message. We’re only hoping that we’re not too late,” Leia
“He’s not dead, Mom. I’ve been on edge all day, but I would’ve known if Anakin was seriously
wounded, or worse,” Jaina said, hoping to help erase some of the deep worry lines that etched across
her face.
“Luke told me the same thing,” Leia said, shoulders relaxing.
“I’m going to call another emergency session with the Senate and see if I can appropriate some more
ships. We want to avoid sending in Hapan vessels as long as possible… I’ll also ask for a medical
frigate,” Jaina stated, gulping at the implication.
“Good idea, hon. If you get one, Isolder and Tenenial Djo have our co-ordinates, make sure you send
them along to follow us,” Leia replied.
Gulping down her lump, Jaina said, “Take care of them all, Mom. May the Force be with you.”
“Thank you, darling. And May the Force be with you as well. Give our love to Ben,” Leia replied, and
offered her daughter a smile before her image faded off of the screen.
Hanging her head for a moment as the magnitude of the situation hit Jaina’s senses, she suddenly felt a
pair of small arms circling her belly. Gently she hugged Ben tight against her as her lip quivered from
the threatening of tears. Sensing that she needed to get to work, Ben let go and headed back to his
As Jaina wiped aside the water from her eyes she called up Chancellor Mon Ronta of Correllia with her
new requests. And across the Galaxy nineteen ships co-ordinated their hyperdrive settings and jumped
into the Wild Regions of space, hoping and praying that they were not too late.
Chapter 28
A heavy, blanketing fog clung to the lower levels of the swamp. The pale green light from two
glowrods helped Anakin and Brukos to navigate their way through the knee-height water that
smothered the ground for miles in every direction. Both men wore heavy packs that were filled with
supplies removed from inside the escape pod. Upon landing on the swampy forested moon, Anakin and
Brukos cleared out their supplies from the vessel before it promptly sank into a large pool of water,
shorting out it’s electrical system and killing the pod’s tracking signal.
Realizing that they needed to find a campsite, Anakin connected with the Force and determined that
they would possibly reach firm land sooner by heading on a northwesterly path. Ripping off his shirt,
he cut it into tiny strips and tied the pieces to tree limbs every so often to mark their path for anyone
who would come looking for them.
For the hundredth time, Brukos slapped his head, as he attempted to kill a bloodsucking insect. He
groused, “I recommend you include bug repellent in your emergency kits next time around.”
“Interesting, they’re not bothering me at all. Guess they think you’re sweet,” Anakin replied as he
inhaled the musky, swamp odors. Their bare feet splashed and sucked through the muck under the
“Yeah, wonderful. Not the kind of attention I was looking for,” Brukos commented as he scratched his
head which now sported two lumps and dozens of welts. Echoing shrieks of winged creatures filled the
swamp. Each call managed to further increase Brukos’s anxiety and annoyance about their current
dilemma. Feeling his feet becoming very tender from being waterlogged, he asked, “So how much
longer before we reach solid ground?”
“I don’t know,” Anakin replied, stopped and tied a tie on a branch. He examined a colony of
mushrooms that grew along the base of the tree. Noting that they were covered in angry red welts and
emitted a foul odor, he determined that they would not be edible and moved on.
Hoisting and readjusting his pack on his back, Brukos fell behind Anakin and trudged across the muggy
landscape. He spied amphibious creatures leaping and chirping across the floating grasses and plants
that decorated the depressing landscape. He said, “I suppose some of these frog things would probably
be edible.”
“Let’s hope that there’s something better tasting to be found on solid land. I don’t know about you, but
I’d prefer not to have my diet be consistent of what Hutts usually eat,” Anakin moaned.
Stomach growling in protest, Brukos replied, “Personally, I don’t really care. Why didn’t we eat the
second we woke up this morning?”
“Oh I don’t know, the little matter of trying to help Tenel Ka?”
Gulping down a wave of guilt, Brukos said, “I know… sorry, I know bitching and complaining about
things isn’t going to help us any.”
Nodding absently, Anakin continued onwards. Suddenly his danger senses flared and he unclipped his
lightsaber off of his pack and ignited it with a snap hiss. A half of a second behind him in reacting,
Brukos yanked the bowcaster out of his backpack and cocked it into the ready position. The forest went
deathly silent. The blue light from Anakin’s saber illuminated the fog, but failed to bring anything more
than seven to ten feet in front of them into clearer focus. The sound of snapping twigs, caused the men
to crane their necks upward and peer into the dark canopy of trees. Then a large, dark shape began
crashing down towards them from directly overhead. Brukos reacted by sending off a couple of
random, loud, pinging blaster bolts.
“Run!” Anakin shouted, and both he and Brukos sprinted as fast as they could through the water.
Spinning backwards, Brukos secured the bowcaster in his hands and held his finger over the trigger,
waiting to see if he’d either hit his target or they were being pursued.
Nothing followed them. Silence filled the swamp. Whispering, Brukos asked, “What happened to it?”
Heart pounding in his chest, Anakin noted that the bugs began to chirp and birds cried out to one
another again. He relaxed his shoulders and turned back onto their path. Lifting the right corner of his
mouth, he said, “Maybe it got one whiff of you and ran away.”
Scowling, Brukos asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well you are the one with the initials B.O.,” Anakin retorted as he scrunched up his nose in disgust.
Frown changing to a smirk, Brukos said, “Oh yeah, well maybe you stepped on a colony of his brethren
with those swoopbike sized things that you call feet, and it wanted to exact revenge.”
Anakin laughed, “Touche.”
They walked another couple of uneventful hours until they finally sensed the ground elevating slightly.
Stepping out of the water and onto solid ground, both men’s calves and thighs burned from the exertion
of trudging through the swamp. Stretching his arms, Brukos yawned and said, “We should set up camp
somewhere close by the edge here. We don’t want anyone who will come searching for us to have
travel even farther unnecessarily.”
“Agreed,” Anakin commented. He glanced at the grove of moss covered trees that circled the water’s
edge and said, “Let’s check out what’s beyond these trees.”
Making their way through the thick brush, they found themselves covered in scratches from prickly
bushes. Their efforts were rewarded as they came upon a perfect and clean clearing located on the other
side of the trees. Collapsing to his knees onto the soft, dry scented earth, Brukos shrugged off his
backpack. He said, “I’ll set up the perimeter alerts and tent if you want to go gather firewood.”
Dropping his pack, Anakin nodded and yawned. He snapped his jaws shut immediately as a noisy bug
flew into his mouth. Spitting it out, he said, “Sounds good.”
Brukos called after his retreating friend, “If you find anything to eat…”
“Yeah, I know, make sure it ain’t spicy,” Anakin replied, dryly. Flashing Brukos a lopsided grin, he
vanished into the surrounding forest.
Chuckling, Brukos ripped open his pack and extracted five perimeter sounders and carried them to
different corners of the clearing. Pounding each into the ground, he activated them with a remote
device. Staring absently at the blinking devices, he realized that their energy charges would probably
only last about 48 hours. Knowing that it might take several days for the rescue team to show up, he
deactivated them, and decided to turn them on only when they went to sleep. Reaching over to
Anakin’s pack, Brukos pulled off the tent, untied its sack and dropped the pieces onto the ground. He
efficiently laid out the components and set up the blue tent. Setting a small lantern outside of it, Brukos
activated its power cell and a warm glow illuminated the campsite. He started to feel his anxiety levels
drop slightly as he felt as though he were getting back into control of their situation.
When they were kids, Brukos and Tenel Ka often went camping in the pursuit of mastering their
warrior instincts, so he knew how to put a camp together. He pulled out two sleeping mats and the Jedi
Robes that he had grabbed from the Phoenix. Unable to locate any sleeping bags in the pod, they
decided to use the robes as their coverings. He laid out their two beds inside the tent. Body slick from
sweat, Brukos mused that he’d probably have to force himself to use the robe as cover to protect his
body from being further ravaged by bugs in the middle of the night, even though the planet was boiling
hot thanks to the muggy, air.
Dully he hoped that Anakin’s family would be able to sense them on this murky planet. He wandered
around the area and began gathering large stones that he strategically placed in a circle to make into a
fire pit. Examining the area, he picked up a bag, then rooted around in his backpack and extracted a
carving knife and water jug, and headed back towards the swamp. Squatting at the water’s edge, he
lowered the empty liquid vessel into the water until it became heavy. Clamping down the top, he placed
the jug on the ground and quickly shucked off his sleeping bottoms and laid them out to dry out the
legs that were drenched from walking all day through the water. After Anakin’s joking comment about
his body odor, Brukos couldn’t help but notice the unpleasant smell of his own perspiration and quickly
washed himself off as best as he could in the swamp. The cool water helped to sooth the itchy bug bites
that covered his body. Getting out of the water, he hunkered down low and began searching the water’s
edge of the swamp for fish or frogs. Lightning fast reflexes assisted him in catching three black fish,
and six frogs with his bare hands. Gathering his catches he exited the swamp and he threw them into
his sack. He then yanked on his nearly dry pants and headed back to the campground, and picked up a
few pieces of wood along the way.
Arriving back, he noted that Anakin hadn’t arrived yet. Tilting his head, he listened to the hum of the
forest, trying to decipher if any of the usual crashes, bird-calls, and bug-speak might be his tall friend
returning. Not hearing anything out of the ordinary, Brukos shrugged and began to gather wood on his
own. Hacking down a couple of fallen limbs he began assembling a fire. Whistling to fend off a
growing feeling of unease at Anakin’s absence, Brukos failed to notice that all forest sounds had
ceased. Flipping his carving knife across his fingers, he jumped as a patch of sticky, black liquid fell
onto his left forefinger. Puzzled, he glanced upwards and widened his eyes as a dark, multi-limbed
creature swooped down out of the trees, squeezed a tentacled arm around Brukos’s torso and lifted him
off of the ground. Gasping for breath, Brukos clamped his fingers tightly around his knife and
attempted to wrestle his right arm out from under the creature’s grasp. He felt dozens of suction cups
clamping tightly, and painfully onto his skin. He screamed loudly at the beast in hopes it would loosen
its grasp. Instead, the creature clamored up the trees and turned Brukos upsidedown and violently
shook his prey. Resisting the urge to vomit, Brukos focused all of his strength and energy into releasing
his arm. Victoriously, he jerked it free and jammed his blade deep into the tentacle that circled his body.
The beast screamed and drew him up eyelevel. Brukos’s eyes popped as he briefly examined the giant
creature. Black, spiky fur covered its body and it appeared to be a combination of a spider and sea
squid. Black spittle circled its gaping mouth. Opening the cavernous orifice the beast attempted to
devour its prey.
From below Brukos heard a familiar, and welcoming snap hiss. The lower levels of the trees suddenly
came alive with the bright, blue glow of Anakin’s lightsaber. From thirty-five feet below in the center
of the camping sight, Anakin studied Brukos’s situation. He had raced back to the campsite when he
felt Brukos’s anguish through the Force. He flung his weapon upwards and directed the path of the
lightsaber with the Force. Methodically, the humming device whizzed towards the creature’s head.
Taking the moment of confusion into his own hands, Brukos jammed his knife into the beast’s tongue.
Howling, the black predator flung Brukos out of its arm as it concentrated on trying to remove the
painful object. The creature then bellowed in fear as Anakin’s lightsaber bore down upon his face. The
beast’s shrieking was silenced as the glowing sword found its mark.
Quickly, Anakin flung out his right arm and attempted to soften Brukos’s fall. Plummeting fifteen feet,
Brukos stretched his arms and landed hard across an uncomfortable limb. All breath escaped his body.
Viewing stars and moaning, he clutched his stomach and watched as the black creature plummeted to
the clearing’s floor and landed with a sickening thud, narrowly missing their tent. Gulping down a
wave of nausea, Brukos clumsily climbed down the tree. Waiting below, Anakin shouted, “You
“Sure, never better,” he groused and watched Anakin approach the creature, his lightsaber humming
and back in hand.
Hobbling, Brukos picked up a blaster and gimped towards Anakin. Angrily, he shot the thing in the
head once. The blaster sound echoed through the trees. Anakin peeked a brow at Brukos who shrugged
in response, “Just to be sure.”
“I have to say, fascinating way to catch us dinner, Brukos,” Anakin replied, slapping his shoulder goodnaturedly.
Brukos stared at the carcass and then began to chuckle. He staggered towards the dead animal to try to
retrieve his knife. Anakin gently pushed him towards the tent. He said, “Go take a nap and rest up, I’ll
get a fire going and make us dinner. I found some roots and mushrooms that don’t look toxic.”
Yawning and wincing from the pain in his chest…and everywhere else, Brukos nodded. Pointing
towards his sack that had fallen near the fire he said, “There’s some fish and frogs in there if you want
to do anything with them.”
“Ok, no problem,” Anakin said, as he dug into backpack. He sensed Brukos staring blankly in his
direction. Pulling out a first aid kit, Anakin handed it to his wounded and obviously dazed buddy. “You
sure you’re alright, pal?”
Taking the kit, Brukos climbed into the tent and stared back at his crouching friend. Softly, he said, “If
you’d been a few moments later, I might’ve been a goner. And you’d have been left alone here to fight
off more of those things… I’m a failure.”
“What? What kind of nonsense talk is that? You managed to get yourself free from that thing…”
“Yeah, but look at me, I’m exhausted. If it came back after me, I wouldn’t have had the strength to fight
back,” Brukos replied, wearily.
Flipping a knot of dark hair out of his blue eyes, Anakin retorted, “You’re tired because you crashed
into that branch up there. Trust me, you would’ve been fine.”
“No, that thing had my number. I would’ve failed you and Tenel Ka,” Brukos replied, and flopped
backwards into the tent, wincing as his back began to painfully spasm. “I guess it’s just lucky you got
there in time.”
“Hey, look at me,” Anakin barked. Brukos craned his neck up and saw annoyed determination in
Anakin’s eyes. Pointing at his moping buddy, he said, “There’s no such thing as luck. It was the will of
the Force that I got here in time to help you. If you weren’t destined to die, then that must mean that
we’re destined to find and rescue Tenel Ka, right?”
Flopping back his head, Brukos replied, “I guess so.”
Swatting Brukos’s bare foot, Anakin said, “Don’t guess. You need to believe in it, pal. You’re not a
quitter, so stop acting like one.”
Sleep began to overtake Brukos’s senses, and he sputtered out, “Sure…whatever…Tiny…” before
slipping off unconscious.
Shaking his head, Anakin closed the flap on the tent and went about to finish setting up camp.
The fragrant scent of cooking meat wafted into Brukos’s nose and roused him from his slumber.
Opening his eyes, he noted the warm glow of a fire illuminated the outside of the tent. Sitting upright,
he winced from pain on his abdomen. Glancing down he noticed four rows of circular welts that
circumvented his body. His entire chest throbbed and was tinted a dark purple. Large bruises covered
both arms and he imagined that his legs were the same. Opening the medical kit, Brukos extracted a
couple of pain pills and swallowed them without water. He didn’t bother using any of the bacta patches
as they would not be large enough to cover all of his injured areas. Biting back tears as his body
screamed in agony, he opened the tent flap and crawled out towards the fire. Anakin sat beside the
raging fire, legs crossed, and eyes shut. He appeared to be meditating.
“What’re you doing, Anakin?” Brukos asked, rubbing a hand over his scruffy goatee.
“Just meditating is all,” Anakin replied, although in actuality, he had been calling upon the Force, and
was attempting to direct it to help heal Brukos’s injuries. Somehow, he figured Brukos might take
offense to his assistance, so he decided not to say anything. “Ready for dinner?”
“Sure,” Brukos commented as his mouth watered and stomach rumbled as he inhaled the meaty
aroma’s emanating from the iron pot sitting in the middle of the fire.
“Here,” Anakin said, handing Brukos a large leaf, covered in a sticky, black substance.
Lifting it his nose, Brukos sniffed the stuff and recoiled from its nasty stench. He asked, “What’s this?”
“Squid spit,” Anakin replied, flashing Brukos a lopsided grin. He laughed as his friend shoved the stuff
away from his face. He continued, “As I was butchering that thing, I got the spit all over my hands.
Look…” He shoved his hands in front of Brukos’s eyes.
“What am I looking at?”
“My hands were covered in scratches, dipped in that stuff, the scratches are gone. Even my bruises are
smaller. I figured you could put this all over your wounds and bug bites and see if anything happens,”
Anakin replied.
“Don’t even tell me that beast is good for something,” Brukos replied, as he curiously touched the
sticky goop.
“Apparently. Also, it looks like he’s good for eating too,” Anakin happily said as he took a heavy,
hooked stick and lifted the pot out of the flames and set it on the ground. With the assistance of the
Force he lifted off the cover and rested it on top of a thermal pad. He pulled out a large serving spoon
that had been packed with the other essential cooking items in the escape pod, and ladled out helpings
of stew onto two small plates for both he and Brukos.
Grabbing his knife that Anakin had retrieved from inside the creature’s mouth, Brukos pushed the food
around on his plate, blew on it and shoved a heaping amount gingerly into his mouth. The meat tasted
slightly bitter, gritty, and fishy. He didn’t care.
Amused by his friend’s trust at digging into the food, he asked, “Aren’t you worried that squiddy will
be poisonous or something?”
Shoving the food into his right cheek, Brukos said, “At least I’ll die on a full stomach.”
Chuckling, Anakin inhaled his own dinner. After four more helpings each, both men leaned back, full,
and weary from their long day.
“How’re we going to get to Tenel Ka, once we finally locate the arena?” Anakin asked.
Brukos grinned at Anakin’s confidence that they would get rescued in time. Playing along with
Anakin’s assumption, Brukos slathered the sticky spit across his wounds and said, “I think I can still
remember the frequency codes I would need to contact my old hunting acquaintance out here, Woop’ta.
I recommend that we contact him and find out if he would have any suggestions on how we can get
Tenel Ka out of her current mess.”
Anakin reached over and grabbed a handful of the slime and motioned for Brukos to turn around. He
carefully slathered it on the circular wounds on Brukos’s back. Covered in the smelly gunk, Brukos
held up his arms as Anakin wrapped the remaining strips of fabric from his shirt around Brukos’s chest
to keep the salve in place. He said, “There, that should hold you. Let’s hope that stuff works and it
wasn’t just a fluke thing that it worked on my behalf.” Wiping his hands over a few more scratches on
his own body, Anakin continued, “Do you think this Woop’ta would be willing to help us out?”
Shrugging, Brukos commented, “Sure. He knows I’m stinkin’ wealthy. Money is all that talks out
“Yeah, but you’re not on your own ship, and look at us, we don’t exactly look like men of means and
riches,” Anakin retorted staring at their tattered, and filthy pajamas.
Alarmed, Brukos said, “Your family will have spare clothes won’t they?”
“Yes, relax. We’ll be fine once they locate us. I was just meaning right now…”
“Got it. But anyways, Woop’ta is a good guy, friendly, and… did this stuff burn on you?” Brukos
suddenly asked as his skin began burning under the layers of fabric.
“It was itchy and… now that I think about it, it did burn,” Anakin replied.
Grimacing, Brukos said, “You didn’t notice before?”
“Well I only had it on in small areas. But yeah, my hands felt hot, now that I recall,” Anakin said.
“Ok, I’ll give it a couple more minutes before I start to worry that it’s eating my flesh instead of healing
it,” Brukos commented. Leaning backwards, Brukos stared at the dark, heavy branches of the trees
overhead. He said, “Do you know what woke me up this morning?”
“I had a nightmare about Tiki. She was attacked by a saber cat in the ring,” Brukos admitted,
swallowing hard.
Anakin’s pulse quickened at the disturbing image that popped into his head. Coughing, he said, “It’s a
good thing you’re not a Jedi then. To you that would just be a nightmare… but to me…”
“…it could be seen as a vision?”
“Yes. Tenel Ka is strong, and I’m sure she can survive most of the challenges placed in front of her as
Nightsister, but I am greatly worried for her safety. Just think of yourself today. All she would need is
one strategically placed wound and she’d be done for. We need to get to her…she needs our help,”
Anakin replied.
“Then perhaps you’d better come with us.”
Anakin and Brukos spun at the owner of the gruff voice, speaking in perfect basic. Four towering
Piirrnians sporting black cross tattoos had the two men neatly covered by their four cocked blasters.
Squinting his eyes, Anakin wondered why his danger senses didn’t flare at their arrival. He realized as
he reached out into the Force that the Piirrnians did not register. He then recalled Marxx’s inability to
sense Tenel Ka’s captors and figured out this was why.
“Why should we go with you?” Brukos challenged, as sweat beads began appearing on his forehead
thanks to the heat produced by the black substance and the fire.
“We can take you where she’s being held. If you come with us, we’ll take you to the overlord so you
can talk with ‘im about getting her released,” one of the four horned aliens replied.
Waving his hand, Anakin asked, “And how do we know you won’t just throw us into a pit instead?”
Snorting, he replied, “You don’t. But I will tell you, you’ll get a heck of a lot closer to being with your
friend if you come with us rather than sitting here, lightyears away from where she’s being held.”
Brukos studied the speaker, and sensed he was lying. He opened his mouth to tell the alien to go to hell,
when Anakin stilled his words with a reproachful stare and slight shake of the head. Standing upright,
Anakin snuck a peek into his backpack and noted that the hilt of his lightsaber was just out of view.
Grinning, he placed his hands behind his head and said, “We’ll come with you.”
Crooking his mouth in disbelief, Brukos gasped. Staring at Brukos hard, Anakin said, “He’s right,
they’ll take us right to her.”
Shaking his head, Brukos clamored to his feet and fell in step beside his friend. Raising his hands over
his head, he whispered out of the side of his mouth, “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Roughly, two of the Piirrnians grabbed their hands and cuffed them behind their backs. Anakin peeked
a dark brow in Brukos’s direction and flashed him a lopsided grin. He said, “Trust me.”
And as the Piirrnians kicked out their fire and shoved them out of the clearing, Brukos groaned a sigh
and rolled his eyes, wondering if his tall friend had finally and completely lost his mind.
Chapter 29
Han stared expectantly out the window of The Millenium Falcon as the streaming, stars jolted into solid
pinpricks of light. His hazel eyes adjusted to the change as the rest of the rescue fleet fell out of
hyperspace around his ship. A green and gray moon loomed in front in front of the cockpit window.
Chewie flicked on the scanning system, searching for Anakin’s ship. Dread filled the Wookiee’s senses
as he moaned the news to his friend.
“What do you mean his ship ain’t there?” Han asked. “These were the last co-ordinates that Anakin
sent us."
Pointing at the instrument, Chewie woofed that he was only reporting what it stated.
Han flicked on his commlink, and spoke into it, “Hon, we’re getting bogus readings here, must be some
kind of interference. You see any sign of Anakin?”
His wife’s voice crackled over the line, “We’re checking now, Han… hold on.”
Rubbing his oil stained, and course fingers across his stubbled chin, Han furrowed his brows as he
gazed upon the moon. He muttered, “We should’ve never sent Anakin out here alone on his own
without the rest of us.”
Chewie barked that he was sure Anakin was fine.
Both pilots jumped as Luke’s voice filled the cockpit. “Han, Mara and I aren’t picking up Anakin’s lifeforce energy on or around this moon.”
Flashing a lopsided smile at Chewie, as hope filled his heart, Han said, “Maybe he moved on…”
Jacen’s voice broke through the chatter, “Dad?”
“Yeah, Jace?”
“Marxx and I found something.”
The following silence hung ominously in the Falcon’s cockpit. Exasperated, he blurt out, “Whaddya
find, son?”
Flashing his panic filled eyes towards his navicom unit, Han punched in Jacen’s co-ordinates and sent
the Falcon on a direct path towards the opposite side of the moon. Circumventing the moon, his heart
raced erratically in his chest. Every parent’s worst nightmare entered his mind, the fear of outliving his
youngest child… the pressure upon his chest became unbearable and he could barely breathe. As she
came into view of the debris field, the sensors aboard the ancient Correllian freighter began searching
for any sign that Anakin and Brukos’s bodies were floating in the charred debris that had once been
The Fiery Phoenix. Han suddenly gained a deeper sense of compassion for Isolder and Teneneil Djo,
who only days earlier experienced the exact same torrent of emotions stormed through his soul, as they
desperately waited for news on Tenel Ka.
Jacen reported, “Dad, we’re not picking anything up out here… it looks like the guys somehow
managed to escape the ship… at least that’s what we think.”
“Can you tell anything, Chewie?” Han asked, softly.
He moaned negatively.
Opening his mouth to ask Jacen a question, his son’s voice chimed in, “Marxx is already searching the
moon, Dad, hold on…”
Clamping his jaws tightly shut, Leia’s voice came over the commline, “He’s not dead, Han. None of us
felt it.”
“Hell, I think even I would’ve sensed that one,” Han replied, wearily. Thumping his fingers against his
instrument panel, Han found the moments when his family did their whole communing with the Force
thing to be infuriatingly irritating. Scratching his chin, he waited as his son, son-in-law, wife, and
brother-in-law attempted to locate Anakin. He felt helpless as his eyes followed the tumbling path of a
hunk of golden metal siding from Anakin’s ship. He gulped down a tightness in his throat knowing how
much his son had loved that vessel. What’s more, the ship had once been Kyps. A fresh stab of misery
invaded his soul as he realized that the final physical link to his old friend was now gone as well.
A roar of happiness called over the commlines. Han and Chewie leaned forward expectantly as
Lowbacca reported that he'd finally re-organized Anakin’s first message to the rescue team. Flicking on
the computer, Chewie unstrapped his harness and peered over Han’s shoulder as a tiny image of Anakin
appeared on the screen. His jaw was clenched tightly shut. He said, Hi, guys, Mom, Dad, Uncle Luke,
Aunt Mara. Brukos and I have entered Piirrnian space. We haven’t met any resistance to our
appearance. It seems as though Brukos’s memory is correct and the Piirrnians do not protect their
borders. Brukos managed to link into the Piirrnian holonet and discovered a couple of disturbing
things. One is that Tenel Ka has been kidnapped and is being made to fight. She was forced to kill
several aliens in a bloodmatch. Then her royal guard, Yssarrd committed suicide in order for Tenel Ka
to survive and go onto the next round. She’s scheduled to fight again in two days. According to
Brukos’s interpretation of the encrypted coding, it seems that she’ll be fighting a beast of some sort. We
need to get to her quickly. Please follow me now. I’m going to attach co-ordinates, the feed of Tenel
Ka's fight that was on the news, and the encryption codes onto this message so you can pull up the
schedule and the locations of the floating arena. We’ll try to get closer and get you all a better idea on
what we’ll exactly be facing. Hurry, Tenel Ka needs us. May the Force be with you all. I love you.
Shoving the heel of his palm against his eyes in attempts to erase the burn of tears, Han croaked,
“That’s it? No explanation of what happened?”
Jacen’s voice crackled over the commsystem, “Lowie triple checked, other than the feeds with Tenel
Ka fighting and the encryption keys, Anakin didn’t include anything else. He might’ve been attacked
when he launched the message to the fleet. That would explain why the message arrived to us garbled.”
“That’s just great,” Han muttered. “So what do we do now?”
”We’re waiting on Marxx. He’s in the back of the ship attempting to find Anakin and Brukos,” Jacen
replied, tension pulled at every word spoken.
Chewie placed a paw reassuringly on Han’s shoulder and exited the cockpit, utilizing the moment to
make a quick adjustment on the hyperdrive motivator.
His eldest son’s voice broke across the commlines, “The images of Tenel Ka’s battle are very
disturbing. I don’t know how she managed to hang on as long as she did in that fight, Dad. I can bet
that seeing them sent Anakin into quite a state. I just hope that he didn’t do anything foolish as a
“Me too, Jace,” he gloomily replied. Han scanned the sensor readings of the debris field and noted
personal objects that had scattered amongst the wreckage; blankets, boots, cooking instruments, tools,
and articles of clothing. He scowled as he zeroed in on a particular object that floated, spinning towards
the Falcon. Magnifying the image, Han saved an image of it, and forwarded it to The Jade Saber and
said, “Hey, Luke, what do you make of this?”
A puzzled response came back, “Why would they have a Tuskin Raider style gaffe stick with them?”
Listening in on the conversation, Jacen piped in, “Brukos collects weapons. Maybe he’d brought it with
“Why? What good would a gaffe stick have done? It’s meant for hand to hand combat fighting. It
wouldn’t have done much good in a space battle…” Han rambled.
“…or a rescue mission,” Luke finished.
“You know, now that I think about it, I didn’t see one of those in his collection at his home,” Jacen
replied. Lowie moaned in agreement.
Squeezing his eyes shut tight, Han croaked, “They stopped at Tatooine for some reason. They
“And considering that Ta’a Chume had a bounty placed on his head, Anakin might’ve picked up a
bounty hunter when he left,” Leia said, completing their train of thought.
“Blast that meddling woman!” Han cursed, violently. His blood boiled in his veins as fury consumed
his thoughts. “If my son is hurt in anyway, I swear I will…”
“Dad! Marxx is back,” Jacen cut in.
Fuming, Han heard Chewie racing towards the cockpit. “Whatcha got for us Marxx?”
“I’m not sure, Sir..Han. Something on the moon is interfering with my ability to probe the further
reaches of space. I think before we try to leave, we should check and make sure that Anakin and
Brukos didn’t land here in an escape pod and are waiting for us to pick them up,” Marxx replied.
“Good idea. Marxx, you and Jacen head down to the moon’s surface… the rest of us will move out and
see if we can get a general feel for Anakin or Tenel Ka…” Luke replied.
“I’m going with you boys,” Han said. Hearing Luke’s protest, Han cut him off, “Don’t even try to stop
me, kid. You all might not be able to feel Anakin because he may be hurt. If my boy’s injured down
there, I’m going to be there to help him. Got it?”
Luke paused a moment and finally agreed, “No problem, Han.”
Smirking confidently, Han turned to Chewie and said, “Let’s take her down.”
Circling the tall canopy of trees on the moon, the Falcon’s sensors picked up a plethora of life readings,
and no technology.
Marxx’s voice crackled over the commlink, “This place is as primitive as Dagobah.”
“Good. That should make it easy to find the landing pod,” Han commented. True to his words, the
sensors roared to life as they covered the moon. Their sensors picked up several chunks of debris from
the Phoenix that had already plummeted to the moon’s floor. Finally, Han noted an erratic pattern in the
tree cover. He zeroed in on a concentrated metallic mass reading that lay directly under the disturbed
and broken branches and felt his heart quicken with excitement, “I think I’ve found it.”
The two ships located a clearing several miles away and landed on a rocky hill. Marxx opened the back
storage compartment and grunted as he moved The Nubian Dream, his racing pod, from it’s resting
spot. Proudly buffing the painted metal coating, Marxx strapped on his helmet, leaned over and entered
the escape pod’s location co-ordinates into the computer. Han, Jacen, and Chewie emerged from the
back of the Falcon each pushing a swoop bike.
Lowie growled in protest. Han flashed the blond wookiee a grin. “Don’t worry, pal. You can hitch a
ride with me.”
Alarmed, Marxx asked, “Will that thing support both of your weights? We’re gonna have to travel
across water. The extra weight will be hard on the repulsors and engines.”
Flashing his daughter’s husband a lopsided smirk, Han said, “Kid, you ain’t the only racer around here.
I was racing these things when I was much younger than you.” Straddling his bike and shoving his
helmet onto his head, Han added, “She’ll handle the weight.” He activated the swoop’s engine and it’s
roar sent a flock of noisy birds soaring, squawking into the sky. The scent of burning fuel mingled with
the impenetrable musk created by the damp forest.
Hopping into his pod, Marxx kicked on his racer’s engines. Chewie and Jacen’s bikes roared to life and
completed the cacophony. Lowie jumped onto the back of Han’s swoop and clung onto the Republic
hero. Grinning, Han shouted to his travelling companion, “Just watch where you put your hands there,
Lowie made a kissing noise and smooched Han’s helmet. Chewie hooted with laughter. Merriment did
not reach Han’s eyes as he shouted back, “Just let me know if you feel my son, alright?”
Roaring in agreement, Lowie tightened his grip. Flicking on his bike’s lights, and stomping on the
swoop’s accelerator, Han’s ride lurched forward. Chewie, Jacen, and Marxx roared behind their fearless
leader. The swamp’s humid air clung to the two wookiees coats and soon their normally smooth fur
curled around their bodies. Water sprayed beneath their crafts as they wove their way through the forest
of trees. Birds and indigenous creatures raced out of the quartet’s line of sight.
Marxx howled in annoyance as he crashed straight into a five-foot wide spider-web. Sputtering, he
thrashed his arms in attempts to clear himself of the sticky webbing. He glanced up, eyes popping wide
and felt his heart surge to the top of his throat in terror as a huge tree stump sprouted up in front of his
pod. Ignoring the webbing, he pushed on his thruster controls and soared over the stump, landing hard
above the water. The force of the fall sent a shower of swamp water over his pod and Marxx became
drenched in the foul smelling liquid. Sighing deeply, he glanced around through his soggy curls,
realized that the group had hooked to the south and altered his course. He noted the taillights on the
swoops brighten and he laid back on his throttle, lowering his speed. He stopped his pod next to the
three bikes, set low on hover. Jacen glanced at Marxx, and then did a quick double-take at his friend’s
Fighting a lop-sided smirk, he asked, “What happened to you?”
Standing upright in his pod and shaking himself violently, Marxx wrestled with the now wet webbing
and rolled it to get it off of his body. Grumbling, he said, “Don’t ask.”
Han and the Wookiees dropped into the water and approached the damaged and half-buried escape pod.
Gulping hard, Han stared at the vessel, wondering if they’d discover his boy and Brukos’s bodies
inside. Jacen and Marxx joined them and examined the fallen escape pod. Jacen grabbed his father’s
shoulders reassuringly and said, “He’s not in there, Dad.”
“I hope not. But we’d better check just to make certain,” Han replied. Taking that as a cue, Chewie and
Lowie pushed against the oval shaped pod in attempts to free it from the muck. Han approached the
metal object from the rear and shoved against it with all of his might. It wouldn’t budge. The three
panted from their efforts.
Standing back, Lowie joined Marxx and Jacen. Each Jedi closed his eyes and concentrated on the
throbbing energy of the swamp. Together, they gathered strength in the Force and channeled the pulsing
power towards the mired pod. Envisioning the stuck structure to be lighter than air, the three Jedi
stretched out their hands and directed the Force to extract it from the swamp. Loud sucking noises and
bubbles rose from the bottom of the pod. Chewie and Han stepped out of the way as the escape pod
gingerly climbed out of the water and was lifted until it floated at eye level. Quickly racing to the
hatch, Han swung the door open, and jumped aside as filthy, stinking water, plants and fish splashed
down into the swamp. Sharing a glance with Chewie, he peered into the pod. He breathed a loud sigh of
relief to discover the cabin to be empty.
“They ain’t in there!” he cried out, happily.
Exhaling deep sighs of relief, the three Jedi landed the pod back into the swamp. Jacen reached over
and grabbed a large mass of distracting webbing from off of Marxx’s head. Marxx’s cheeks burned
from embarrassment. He glanced to the north and saw something fluttering on a branch. Slogging
through the swamp as fast as he could, Marxx reached the object and yanked it from the tree. He cried
out, “Hey, check this out!”
Splashing water churned behind Marxx as his eyes scanned the tree line directly ahead of where he
Han yanked the item out of Marxx’s hand and examined the fabric. Marxx tromped ahead. Jacen peered
over his father’s shoulder and touched the tan material. He said, “I think that’s from one of Anakin’s
Excitedly, Marxx called out from about fifty feet ahead, “There’s another marker this way!” Running
back, Marxx ducked as a swamp bird darted in front of his face, fleeing from his heavy footfalls.
Returning, he explained, “There’s another marker ahead. I think we just need to follow them and they’ll
lead us to where Anakin and Brukos are camped.”
“You were able to use the Force just now, right?” Han asked, as he massaged his son’s fabric in his
right-hand fingers. He wiggled his left fingers and added, “Can’t you do your Jedi thing and locate
Jacen and Marxx nodded and connected with the Force. Sending tendrils and feelers out across the
surrounding environment, neither Jedi was able to pick up on Brukos or Anakin’s life-signature
When they opened their eyes, Han’s face fell at their obvious disappointment. Chewie placed his paw
on Han’s shoulder and suggested that maybe they were in deep sleep. Jacen clamped his jaw shut that
he’d have been able to detect that.
Silently, they returned to their hovering crafts and climbed aboard. Marxx lead the way this time
through the swampy forest, with Jacen behind him, followed by Han and Lowie, and Chewie brought
up the rear. They traveled along slowly, in case they accidentally missed one of Anakin’s markers.
Stretching out with the Force, Marxx realized dry land was far ahead. He deduced that Anakin most
likely had zeroed in on the higher ground and headed that way.
As they rode along, Han’s gut remained clenched in agony. Having the kids not being able to detect
Anakin didn’t instill him with a lot of confidence as worry continued to plague his thoughts. Lowie
sitting behind Han sensed his partner’s tumultuous thoughts but could think of nothing to say to help
ease his concerns. Sitting erect, Lowie sensed something unusual. Stretching out with his feelings, he
tried to ascertain what had triggered his danger senses to kick into high alert. A thick fog obscured any
view of the trees above.
“What’s up, Lowie? You smell something?” Han asked, sensing Lowie alertness from behind. His right
palm dropped to his belt and unclasped his lightsaber. As the blond wookiee scanned the surrounding
forest, he noted that Jacen also held his Jedi weapon.
Marxx stopped his pod and stood up. Turning, he whispered to Jacen, “I feel cold.”
Always one to pay close attention to the wildlife, Jacen flicked a clump of brown hair from his eyes
and said, “There’s no noise.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Han said, fingers hovering over his blaster. Chewie reached over his
shoulder and unhooked his bowcaster.
In a split second everything happened at once, Lowie’s molten copper lightsaber blazed to life, Chewie
shot off his bowcaster, Han spun on the seat of his bike as Lowie was lifted into the air and out of sight,
above the dense fog layer.
“Where’d he go?” Han shouted.
Jacen leapt off of his bike and grabbed the tree next to his father’s bike. Expertly he wove his way up
the tall tree, lightsaber clenched in his teeth. Marxx closed his eyes and raised his hands over his head,
concentrating on the surrounding environment. Slowly air particle, by air particle, he attempted, rather
unsuccessfully, on lessening the mist to help Jacen to better see. Thrashing and wookiee roars could be
heard from high up in the trees. Han turned around and noticed that Chewie had long left his bike and
was rapidly clambering the tree in hot pursuit of his nephew. Gulping, Han decided to join them up the
Marxx shouted, “Don’t go! They might need your fire from below.”
“Guess you’re right,” Han replied, secretly grateful to not be climbing trees in his old age.
Wookiees learned to climb trees before they walked. Utilizing his thick claws to assist him in charging
up the tree, Chewbacca scaled it effortlessly. He passed Jacen without giving him a second glance. The
higher he climbed he could hear Lowie’s lightsaber crackling in action as he fought off his attacker.
Reaching the higher levels of the treetop, Chewie peered through the mist and finally located his
nephew. An enormous, twelve-foot tall black creature that resembled a spider crossed with squid held
Lowie over a nest of babies. The smaller, three-foot tall youngsters thrashed their tentacles happily as
their mother dangled their dinner over their heads. Lowie roared and slashed his lightsaber deeply
towards the closest sucker covered tentacle. But the mother effortlessly moved her appendage out of
the way. Frustrated, Lowie reached out with the Force and attempted to break a large limb directly
above his head. Seeing what Lowie was doing, Chewbacca settled on a branch, raised his bowcaster
and blasted at the heavy limb.
The creature’s gaping mouth emitted a high pitched squeal as the branch crashed down. It fell to the
right of its intended target. An errant offshoot grabbed one of the babies and sent it flying out of the
nest. The mother’s milky eyes popped as it thrashed angrily. Lowie found himself being violently
shaken out over the safety of the branches. Chewie cursed as he had the mother in his sights, but
couldn’t risk dropping her in fear of Lowie falling.
The dark wookiee jumped as Jacen approached his side. In his right hand, he held the youth that had
fallen from the nest. Taking his lightsaber from his mouth, he watched the scene. He said, “Hold on a
minute, let me see if I can do anything. She’s only trying to feed her family. Let me see if I can reason
with her.”
Chewie grunted in confusion, as Jacen hopped upon a branch and wove his way closer towards the
creatures. Clipping his lightsaber to his belt, his knee-high boots gingerly side-stepped along the
branch, arms extended to his sides as he gently cradled the unconscious baby squid. He shot waves of
peaceful thoughts through the Force. The creature’s tentacles slowed their thrashing, and Lowie
breathed a deep sigh of relief as the ride lessened. Trying to refocus his sight he zeroed in on one of the
six Jacen’s swimming across his vision, calmly approaching his captor.
“Everything’s alright…that’s right… everything’s alright,” Jacen cooed. The babies continued to squall
and cry out in misery as their mother became seduced by Jacen’s calming thoughts. Nodding his head,
he said, “Just hand over our friend and you can have your baby back…” The young critter, who had
banged his head on the way down, lay unconscious in Jacen’s arms. Its mouth opened and shuddered
closed signaling that he hadn’t died.
The mother wrapped a left-sided tentacle around Lowie and loosened the grip with her right appendage,
bringing her captive closer to Jacen. Lightly dancing closer to the nest to return the fallen creature, in a
calming voice, he said, “See I’m bringing him back to you, he’s alright, he’s just sleeping.” As he
began to lower the prostrate creature into the bed, the other babies sprung and attacked. Leaping
backwards, Jacen found every one of his limbs covered in small tentacles. The mother creature
tightened her grip on Lowie and wiggled around happily at her children’s resourcefulness. Realizing
that Jacen’s plan had miserably failed, Chewie sighted the closest offspring and shot it in the head. Its
vice-like grip loosened around Jacen’s leg and fell dead to the ground.
Startled, Jacen screamed, “Chewie don’t!”
Too late. He sent off four more expert shots and downed the rest of the active youngsters. Panicking,
the mother roared a high pitched squeal in outrage. Wafts of putrid, hot breath bathed Jacen’s face. He
absently waved at his face and coughed, “Dental hygiene is obviously lacking around here!” In the
blink of an eye, the mother shot off of the tree due east and flung herself and her captive on a bumpy
ride through the misty forest. Jacen wormed his way out of the carcasses and launched himself through
the trees, with Chewie at his side in hot pursuit.
On the moon’s floor, Marxx shouted to Han, “Get in here!” As he dropped into his racer’s cockpit. Han
threw himself in behind his son-in-law and handed over the shoulder strap. Marxx locked them into the
racer in an uncomfortably tight fit. Without a word, Marxx tore off through the swamp eastwards.
Connecting with the Force, he tracked Lowie’s life-energy signature. Using it as his guide he expertly
guided his small pod through the dense brush and trees. Han’s stomach lurched in protest to Marxx’s
jarring and erratic flight patterns, as they crashed through low-hanging branches. Feeling slightly green,
Han fought to control the urge to throw up. The roaring pod again awakened every living creature in
the swamp, and Han and Marxx found themselves surrounded and chased by an angry flock of
mynocks. Yanking out his blaster, Han pinged off blaster shots and downed five before the rest of the
flock took the hint and left them alone. Happily turning his eyes forward they popped wide as a large
rock formation grew closer and closer to the pod. Gulping, Han’s knuckles whitened as he tightened his
grips on the sides of the racer. At the last possible moment, Marxx banked a hard left and ran the racer
parallel to the rock’s side.
“What’re you trying to do, kid? Give the old man a heart attack?” Han shouted.
Marxx didn’t hear the barb as he shot the racer southeast, staying hot on the creature’s new path. He
circumvented a large tree and loosened his grip on the throttles, and slowed his ride to a hovering stop.
He peered up into the misty canopy trees and moaned, “Don’t ask me how, but I’ve lost them.”
Chapter 30
Sides heaving from exertion, Jacen shoved a clump of sweaty brown hair out of his eyes. Much like
Marxx, he immediately noted his inability to connect with the Force. Puzzled by something regarding
the surrounding trees, his eyes focused on a particular, rugged elm. Brushing his hand across the wood,
he noted that he could pick up nothing from it, no life-energy reading whatsoever. The tree might as
well not even existed. He determined that the trees held Force dampening qualities similar to Ysalamiri,
however maybe not quite as strong. He did reason that they were most likely the cause of Marxx and
his ongoing problems connecting with the Force on this moon. As he hopped onto a neighboring pine,
he could detect faint traces of its life-energy reading. Peering through the woods, he noted a large
concentration of the elms and realized that he would have to rely upon his instincts to locate Lowie.
Fur heavily curled due to the humidity, Chewie jumped through the trees, sniffing the air. Catching a
scent, he roared and cocked his head to the west. Snapping a large branch off a close tree with his bare
paws, Chewie tossed it towards the ground floor and shot off after his nephew, with Jacen hot on his
From below, Marxx and Han jolted as they watched the large limb plummet and noisily splash into the
water up ahead. Charging the engines of the pod, Marxx waited and followed as tree branches fell from
overhead, signaling the path of the rescue team.
Up in the canopy, the mist began to thin, although the sun still remained hidden. Chewie signaled to
Jacen to slow down, fingering the trigger on his bowcaster at the same time. Jacen complied and
unclipped his lightsaber from his belt. The Force dampening trees grew sporadically through the area
and Jacen could finally, partially sense Lowie’s presence, through the Force. The fact that Lowie was
roaring like a madman also helped to further pinpoint his location.
Brushing errant twigs from his hair, Jacen’s heart pounded in his chest with excitement. Rounding his
tree, Jacen gasped in horror at the sight that greeted his eyes. Nests lined the upper level of the forest
for as far as he could see. Every one of them home to a large community of the black creatures, like the
one who held Lowie captive. The irate mother stood in the center of the nesting area, waving her
tentacles as she bellowed out her sad tale. Arms pinned under her tight squeeze, Lowie’s cries of his
innocence were lost under the rising, thundering outcries from the other beasts.
“Any ideas on how to get him out of this one, Chewie?” Jacen asked, hopefully.
The dark Wookiee studied the trees around the surrounding area, seeking anything that might give them
an advantage. Deeply sniffing the air, Chewie stared upwards through the netting of leaves and began
climbing up their pine. Confused, Jacen watched as his father’s friend raced noiselessly towards… a
clump of mushrooms.
Disbelief floored Jacen, as he muttered, “What could possibly possess him to want to eat at a time like
Chewie plucked and sniffed at the fungi. He then wildly spun his head around, examining the
surrounding pines. Seeing something that caught his attention he leapt towards a tree to the south.
Cringing in fear of the tree breaking under Chewie’s weight, Jacen craned his neck to watch as the
wookiee silently circumvented the trees all along the outer perimeter of the hive. Impatiently, Jacen
gazed back at drama in the creature’s habitat. Lowie remained trapped in his captive’s grasp, while
more creatures crowded in around the moaning mother.
Startled, Jacen’s heart leapt into his throat as Chewie dropped to his side and began examining the trees
to the north. “What…?” Jacen attempted to ask. Chewbacca shook his head and gave him a silencing
signal with his index finger. Scampering up another tree Chewie scanned the surrounding area.
Rubbing his temple as the fingers of a developing headache began to form, Jacen watched slackjawed,
as Chewie tiptoed out along a long branch, positioning himself above the community. The Wookiee
peered through the leaves and emitted a single, high-pitched squeal through his teeth. Lowie
immediately shifted his weary head in their direction and nodded in recognition.
Whispering harshly, Jacen demanded, “What are you doing?”
Bewildered, he watched in utter confusion as Chewie began firing off his bowcaster. Jacen jumped and
ducked for cover as the mushrooms on the neighboring tree exploded into a showering display of fire
that fell down into the surrounding nests, setting them ablaze. Altering the direction of his bowcaster,
Chewie fired at a second batch of mushrooms. They too disintegrated explosively. The wookiee
bellowed at Jacen to go save Lowie before the whole forest caught on fire.
Biting down an angry retort about being left in the dark about the plan, Jacen tore off into the center of
the chaotic scene that now filled the hive. He ignited his green lightsaber with a snap hiss. Twirling, his
crackling blade sizzled as it connected with two startled creature’s heads. Bellowing out his pent up
frustration at Chewie, he swung and chopped his way through a teeming mass of now panicking beasts.
As more fungi exploded and covered the area with flames, the spider-squids slick skin became parched
from the rising heat and their movements slowed.
The female holding Lowie forgot her prey, long enough for him to wrestle his arms free, and ignite his
copper blade with a snap hiss. Roaring, he chopped his molten blade down hard onto the arms that
constricted around his middle, severing them from their host’s body. Screeching in outrage, the mother
launched black spittle all over his fur. Disgusted, Lowie smeared the gunk from his eyes and wormed
his way out of the still wiggling appendages. Finally free, he turned and sliced a charging squid in half,
filling the air with the sickening stench of decaying fish. Thick black smoke filled the air as several of
the panicking creatures caught on fire. Their oily hides sent volumes of toxic smelling soot into the
surrounding atmosphere. More mushroom’s exploded overhead, and Lowie’s fur became pasty from
falling ash. Together, he and Jacen cut a path through the hoards of creatures and finally reached the
“Great plan, Chewie!” Jacen jeered sardonically, as he charged past the older Wookiee who had
wormed his way out of his hiding spot only moments ago.
For good measure, Chewbacca shot at the last batch of fungi and the three launched themselves down
the trees, hearts pounding wildly in their chests. They didn’t need Jedi senses to know that they were
being followed by a pack of angry, homeless beasts fleeing from the fire-filled treetops.
Han squinted at the trees and massaged his fingers across his chin. From his squashed position behind
Marxx, he asked, “So those trees are preventing you from fully feeling the Force. How will we know if
they need our help, again?”
The words were barely out of his mouth when Jacen and the two Wookiees plunged into the swampy
water. Coming up roaring, all three of them gestured wildly, and shouted, “MOVE!”
Nerves thumping wildly as he ignited his engines, Marxx unhooked their harness. Han lurched to his
feet. Standing unsteadily upright in the pod, Han yanked two blasters from either side of his belt and
rapidly began to fire at the massive dark blobs that dropped out of the surrounding trees. Angrily he
yelled, “Stay away from my kin, you flea-loving, slimos!”
Jacen, Lowie, and Chewie rocketed themselves towards the nearest hanging vines and began swinging
themselves back through the forest towards where the swoop bikes had been left behind. Marxx slowly
swung the pod and fired the engines at half throttle. Their explosive noise disturbed a large cluster of
fowl and sent the startled ducks quacking straight towards the creatures, giving Han an extra moment
of distraction to fire off and take down four more squids. At twelve-foot apiece, their carcasses began
to fill the surrounding swamp, creating mountains of immobile flesh. Marxx wove his way through the
carnage and kept his retreating friends in his line of sight. He kicked up his speed slightly as the two
wookiees and Jacen plunged themselves deeper into the forest. Still livid, and high off of adrenaline,
Han continued to fire until his blasters finally used their last energy charge.
“Sit down, and let’s get out of here!” Marxx commanded.
Han watched as two of the large creatures lumbered over the remains of the dozens of beasts he had
taken down. Grinning proudly at his handiwork, Han plopped down in the seat and hooked the harness
around them both as Marxx soared across the swampy water. Han remarked confidently, “Guess we
showed them, huh kid?”
Two towering black lumps fell from the trees right in front of the Dream. Han blindly reached around
the cab of the racer seeking another blaster. He shouted, “Don’t you store any weapons on this thing,
“It’s a racing pod, sir. What do you expect? You think I’m gonna pack heat and shoot my opponents in
order to win a race?” Marxx asked with disbelief, as he banked hard to the left, sent the pod in a roll
and bounced onto one of the spider-squid’s heads, giving him momentum to fly past the angry and
squirming obstacles. He altered his course westward in hopes of luring the creatures to follow him
instead of his friends who were still on vine and foot.
To the east, Lowie sensed a malevolent presence approaching him from behind. Using the full
momentum of his forward swing, he ignited his lightsaber, and altered the course of his swing towards
a rapidly approaching tree. Kicking up his legs, his knees absorbed the shock from connecting with the
tree, and he powered himself backwards. Reaching behind his head, and roaring in defiance, Lowie
sliced and diced two would-be attackers. Using the Force to redirect his swing he deactivated his blade,
clipped it to his belt, and plunged deeper into the forest.
Jacen’s arms throbbed from overexertion. As each muscle burned in agony, he willed himself to
continue onward, shoving all thoughts, other than finding his brother and escaping this nightmare of a
moon once and for all. He nearly choked on a sob of relief as the swoops came into view. Dropping off
of a vine and into the water, he briefly paused, noting that several of the young that Chewie had killed
now floated lifeless in the water around their hovering bikes. Try as he might, he couldn’t help but feel
compassionate for the poor things. A bellow from the wookiees snapped him out of his reverie, and he
leapt onto the closest swoop and revved up the engine. Chewie and Lowie climbed onto the other bikes.
Jacen spied a piece of fabric up ahead and shot off after the marker. He only hoped that Anakin and
Brukos would be able to help them to fight off any more attackers.
Rummaging blindly behind the seat, Han’s hands connected on a tool chest. Picking open the clasps, he
fumbled over the tools. He shouted out victoriously and extracted a hammer and a hydrospanner.
Three writhing blobs dropped out of the trees and surrounded the racer. Marxx leaned heavily on his
controls and attempted to get around the creatures. They rose and wove their tentacles high and circled
the craft. Jaws flapping, their ear-piercing screeches caused both Han and Marxx to wince.
Han tossed the hammer hard into the face of the closest beast and watched its face contort in agony.
“Take that you fishy flea-bag!” The injured creature wove its tentacles right into the pod’s purple
energy binders and plunged numb into the water.
Marxx yanked off his lightsaber and ignited the blue blade with a snap hiss. Sensing the Force around
him, he savagely grinned, tossed the blade crackling upwards and directed it to spin and slice through a
circle. With each spin, it connected with and sliced through tree limbs that crashed down upon the
spider-squid’s heads. They fought madly against the tangle of branches. Calling his lightsaber back into
his hand, Marxx floored it and narrowly escaped the trap.
Pounding Marxx proudly on the shoulder, Han said, “Good move, son.”
Beaming with pride at the rare term of endearment from his father-in-law, Marxx blushed and said,
“Thanks, Han.”
Finally free of their captors, Marxx laid heavy on the engines and roared back to the general area of
where they left the bikes. Returning they discovered the bikes gone, and slowly Marxx began his trek
again seeking Anakin’s markers. When Marxx missed one, Han would find it, and together they wound
their way through miles of trees… undetected by the creatures.
Up ahead, Han suddenly shouted, “Up there!”
Peering through the thick brush, Marxx breathed a sigh of relief as land and the swoop bikes came into
view, sitting on an empty shoreline.
Marxx pulled up onto the turf and flung off their harness. Glad to be free of their cramped quarters,
Han stood up and cracked his back. He moaned, “No offense, son. But I ain’t riding back to the ships in
that thing. My back won’t take it.”
Stooping over, Marxx stared at the sand surrounding the shoreline. Peeking a brow, Han asked,
“Whatcha looking at?”
“Foot prints. Bare footprints. I think Anakin and Brukos were here- look,” Marxx said, pointing to the
large imprints.
Han jumped out of the pod and examined the impressions in the sand. Clapping his hand on the young
Jedi’s back, he flashed a lopsided smile in Marxx’s direction and pointed to the forest, “Why don’t we
go in there and look for the guys who made those impressions.”
Feeling his cheeks burn with embarrassment, Marxx nodded, yanked out a couple of glowrods from his
belt and led Han through the grove of trees.
“Do you feel them up ahead, kid?” Han inquired, hopefully.
Connecting with the Force, Marxx shook his head, “I only sense the others.”
After a couple of minutes, they emerged from the tree line and grunted with surprise as they found
themselves staring down the barrel of Chewie’s bowcaster. Roaring in happiness to see his old buddy,
Chewie threw back his weapon and engulfed Han in a smothering bear-hug.
Flustered, and patting at his buddy’s back, Han muffled, “I’m alright, pal.”
Ignoring Han and Chewie, Marxx approached Jacen and Lowie who were examining the remains of the
campsite. He asked, “What’d you find?”
“Not much. It seems like they up and vanished on us,” Jacen replied
“They’re not here! Where would they have gone to?” Han asked after disengaging himself from
Chewie’s embrace.
“I’m not sure yet Dad. We got here only a few moments before you,” Jacen replied.
Lowie roared from the outer edge of the campsite. Marxx squinted his eyes and spotted a large dark
mass, sitting on the ground. He sighed, “Looks like they disturbed one of our friends too.”
Moaning, Lowie commented that it also appeared that they resorted to eating it for dinner. Marxx’s
stomach squirmed with disgust, and glanced at the ground. Crawling on his knees he called out, “Look
at this…footprints.”
Rummaging through Anakin and Brukos’s bags, Jacen’s heart throbbed erratically in his chest as his
fingers fell upon his brother’s lightsaber. Yanking it out of the bag he stood and said, “And I found
Examining the impressions in the dirt, Lowie and Chewie disappeared into the forest as the three men
huddled together staring at Anakin’s Jedi weapon.
“And you’re certain you don’t feel either of them here anymore?” Han asked, hopefully.
Both men shook their heads simultaneously as the wookiees came crashing back into the campsite.
Lowie explained that they discovered scorch marks and signs that a ship had recently left the area, and
that there were six sets of footprints, two were not wearing shoes.
Matter-of-factly, Han said, “The bounty hunter got to them first.”
“Well possibly. But I doubt bounty hunters travel in packs. These are four different sized footprints on
the ground, my guess would be that they were most likely captured by the Piirrnians,” Marxx added,
Jacen said, “Which would mean…”
“That they’re gonna end up as fighters like Tenel Ka,” Han said finishing his son’s sentence.
Gulping, Marxx said, “Those trees are obscuring my ability to search for Anakin’s life-energy reading
through the Force. Let’s get away from this moon so I can try to determine where he is exactly. Then
we can develop a proper plan for rescue.”
“Right.” Planting his fists on his hips, a near panicking Han digested the news about Anakin and
Brukos. Han commanded, “What’re we waiting for? Let’s pack up their stuff, and get off this rockwe’ve now got three kids to rescue...Fast!”
Spurred to action, quickly the three men and two wookiees cleared out the campsite and filled the
backpacks with the supplies, leaving nothing behind that would be in odds with the natural
environment of the moon.
Han discovered the pair of blasters left behind by the boys and placed them in his holsters, and threw
his first mate the extra bowcaster. Chewie and Lowie grabbed the packs and they all returned,
cautiously back to their rides. Tentatively they peered out of the forested area and filled with relief to
find the bikes and pod clear of spider-squids. Jumping onto their bikes and pod, they charged up their
engines and tore off across swamp, bee-lining for their ships. The three Jedi focused heavily on their
murky surroundings, searching for any sounds, or movements in the canopy of mist that would reveal
appearance of more creatures.
Han and Lowie breathed sighs of relief as the ships came into view. Racing up onto the rocky hill,
Chewie, Jacen, and Han drove their bikes straight up the Falcon’s ramp, while Marxx quickly
circumvented the Hope and shoved his pod back into the cargo hold. As he grunted and shoved it into
place, his face suddenly contorted into an expression of horror. He leapt out of the way as he closed the
cargo bay, calling his lightsaber into his hand, he ignited the green blade with a snap hiss.
The entire shoreline swarmed with the towering beasts. Marxx hunkered low as the Falcon’s upper gun
turret suddenly exploded green laser fire into the center of the angry, squirming mass. Sneaking a
glance up, Marxx saw Lowie and Jacen emerge from the Falcon’s gangplank, lightsabers ignited. And
they began to battle their way towards the Hope, Marxx watched the gangplank lift on Han’s ship.
Leaping out of his hiding place, Marxx raised his lightsaber and attacked the closest creature.
Together the trio sank heavily into the Force and fought off the relentless tide of dozens of attacking
squids. Each Jedi ducked as Chewie bathed the area in deafening laserfire, picking off several beasts in
one shot.
Jacen happened to notice that both Lowie and Marxx were rapidly approaching the Hope’s gangplank.
At that moment a squid charged him, mouth wide open, squealing loudly. Jacen pumped his arms, ran
straight at the beast, planted his foot into the underside of the creature’s mouth, and launched himself
up and over its head, piked and landed beside Lowie. The three Jedi’s crackling lightsabers chopped,
and thrusted, dicing the charging creatures into piles of lifeless goo. Finally, they stepped onto the
gangplank and set it to rise, chopping at errant tentacles that attempted to pull it back down to the
ground. Marxx raced to the cockpit and fired up the Hope’s engines.
Soggy from black spider-squid gunk, Jacen raced in, “Let’s get out of here!”
Not needing another word of encouragement, Marxx lifted his ship off of the ground, hoping that the
outer hull wasn’t covered with the creatures. Staring at his sensors, he noted that several of the
creatures had affixed themselves to the side of the ship. Hovering thirty feet off of the ground, Marxx
happened to sneak a glance at Falcon and saw that Han had the same problem with unwanted
“What should I do?” Marxx asked.
Lowie charged into the cockpit and roared a suggestion.
Smirking, Marxx said, “Ingenious.” He then activated his holomatrix. The creatures noted the shift in
appearance of the ship and altered their grip, falling and landing on the rocky ground below. Han
ignited his shields and they fried the creatures clinging to the old vessel’s hull. Chewie continued to fire
upon the squirming beasts below.
Jacen raced to the commlink and shouted, “Chewie, leave them alone. This is their moon and we were
the invaders, here. Let’s just get going.”
Han’s voice replied begrudgingly back, “I’m all for getting the hell out of here.”
Lifting out of the misty atmosphere, the five rescuers felt their heartbeats return to normal paces as the
immediate threat subsided. Leaving the moon’s outer stratosphere, Han realized that although many
questions were answered concerning the well-being of his youngest son, many new uncertainties
loomed ahead. Taking a long, deep, breath, he closed his eyes and dared to place his faith in the fact
that Anakin would be fine, and that with nearly the entire Jedi Council at their disposal, that locating
the captured kids would be much easier than he feared.
Chapter 31
The fiery sun peeked over the horizon of the glorious planet of Hapes 4, illuminating it with its
welcoming splendor. Below, dew covered meticulously planted fields of produce began to emerge from
their evening slumber as the crisp morning air tingled with fresh anticipation of a new day.
From out of the rapidly retreating darkness fire descended from the Heavens and a five-mile plot of
nearly ripened cornna burst into flames. The thunder of the explosion caused every farmer living within
a thirty-mile radius to rise from their sleep, or jolt from the morning meals to stare out their windows in
horror as billows of smoke obscured the yellow sun, turning it murderously red.
Overhead flashes of lights signaled a brief exchange of laser-fire between parties that abruptly ended as
quickly as the devious invasion began.
A public shuttle landed on the Royal docking bay at the Hapes Palace. Moments later, after flashing its
vents, carrying her own bags, Nastya descended the ship’s gangplank and marched, head high towards
the Palace doors.
Evenly narrowing her cool eyes, Nastya knew that no one would be heralding her arrival. Without
warning she had embarked on her trip to Hapes knowing that her crowning was only seven days away.
Travees and his consortium of marauding malcontents had struck again at dawn this time attacking the
nearly ripe cornna fields on Hapes 4, burning them to a crisp. Finding no way to persuade the press to
listen to any of her opinions on the matter, Nastya decided to just head to the Palace and force herself
upon her Aunt. At least being at the Palace she could find out what the interim Queen Mother was
doing about trying to put an end to Travees and his gang of troublesome rebels.
Heels clicking through the deserted reception hall, Nastya elbowed open the large swinging doors and
charged down the main hallway and then through the maze of side halls towards her half-Aunt’s office.
Puffing from carrying her bags, the thin woman’s frame sagged under the weight of one of her many
heavy, black velvetine dresses. Cheeks sallow from exertion she bashed into the door, unceremoniously
dropped her suitcases to the floor and groaned wearily as she scanned the deserted room.
“Where could she be?” she asked, as she dragged a clammy, white hand across her damp forehead. She
noticed that her heavily spiced perfume permeated the air, charged thanks to her enhanced body heat.
“Right behind you,” Ta’a Chume’s perturbed voice boomed from behind the disgruntled Royal.
Nastya jumped, and sidestepped to allow Ta’a Chume and her General to enter the office. Flicking back
a stray clump of sweaty, black hair, Nastya smoothed her damp palms across her hips, planted her
balled fists to her side and asked, “Have you managed to capture Travees and his cronies?”
Settling herself behind her desk, Ta’a Chume stared at her miserable appearing half-niece. Although
she would have preferred Nastya to remain far away from the Palace until her crowning, she admitted
that the woman had a right to be present. The hints of a smile tugged on the edge of her lips as ideas of
a plan formed in her mind. Dropping her left hand under her desk, the Queen Mother flicked up the
heat controls in the room. Then Ta’a Chume begrudgingly pointed towards a chair for Nastya to sit
Thunderstruck by the invitation, Nastya hurried to the seat and dropped gratefully into the chair. Ta’a
Chume flicked on her commlink and asked for her receptionist to send in a guard who promptly entered
the room and snapped his heels to attention.
Nodding to Nastya’s bags, Ta’a Chume demanded, “Take those to the blue room. And ask the cleaning
staff to make sure the room will be ready for its Royal occupant… Oh and guard…”
“Yes, Your Excellency?”
“Please contact the head of security. Have the boss assign two personal guards for Nastya,” Ta’a
Chume commanded, lacing her bony fingers tightly together.
“Yes, My Grace,” the guard stated, bowing deeply. He then picked up Nastya’s bags, and headed out
the door.
As it hissed shut behind the man, Roog stood at the Queen Mother’s side and arched a brow
inquisitively towards Ta’a Chume. Nastya shifted uncomfortably in her seat and tugged on the brim of
her high collar, wondering if it was possible that the heat was rising in the room.
The Queen Mother began to speak, “Travees’s men hit before dawn, right as the evening shift of
personal aboard the three Dragons assigned to protect Hapes 4 were in the middle of switching over to
the morning crew. The speed and accuracy of the attack leads us to believe that someone in the Hapes
military is talking to the men of the Consortium. They knew exactly the moment that the protective
ships would be the most vulnerable.”
Fanning herself rapidly with her hand, Nastya indeed believed that the temperature in the room had
risen considerably. Blinking away a drizzle of sweat that cascaded down her face from her hairline, she
cleared her throat and attempted to concentrate on her Aunt’s words. She replied, “What efforts have
been made to prevent such a tragedy from happening again?”
Running her fingers through her short blond hair, Roog stared at the Queen Mother for assistance. Ta’a
Chume nodded that it was alright for her to speak. Roog’s even voice stated, “We have issued a rotating
shift pattern aboard all of the ships in our fleet. Each Captain has received unique orders on how his or
her vessel is to alter the security rounds.”
Nastya asked, “And how many people are privy to these changes?”
Icily, Roog replied, “Only the Queen Mother and myself know the schedule. The orders came directly
from us.”
Smirking, Nastya replied, “Well then, I suppose if Travees’s men suddenly are able to break this new
pattern, we’ll know who to blame… won’t we?”
Bristling indignantly, Roog’s face contorted into a scowl. A vice-like grip from the Queen Mother on
her right arm stilled her from leaping forward and slapping the smug grin off of Nastya’s face. Ta’a
Chume spoke up, “I trust General Roog exclusively, Nastya. Tenel Ka trusted her. The General here has
become my most resourceful, skillful, and trustworthy military liaison – I trust her with my life. I
would advise you to do the same.”
Sweating profusely now, Nastya lowered her head slightly and apologized. Gasping back a yawn, she
asked, “What else have you been able to learn about his men? Anything about where they may be
Roog’s full lips pouted in a perturbed manner as she replied, “They’re ghosts. The second we receive a
lead on their hideouts they have vanished when scouting troops arrive to verify the claims.”
“Or they were misleading to begin with,” Nastya commented.
Boot heels clicking as she paced across the green marble floor, Roog stared at Nastya hard. She
countered, “Our intelligence officers have found each time waste disposal and spent fuel particles in the
air, signaling that the Star Destroyers had been there moments prior… our leads are valid. Soon we will
catch them with their guard down. I can feel it.”
“Really? Are you Force sensitive General?” Nastya quipped.
Planting her large palms on either armrest of Nastya’s chair, Roog cocked her head and stared straight
into the clearly intimidated woman’s face and replied coolly, “It’s called experience and intuition, your
Highness. Given time, perhaps you will learn to be able to trust your own instincts- that is if they even
Shaking in her seat, Nastya watched the General shove away from her throne and turn to face Ta’a
Chume. She said, “We’ve received reports that there’s recently been a flurry of activity around
Travees’s homeplanet of Hapes 6. There have been no sightings of Travees but the ships seem to have
no markings on them. We know not of where they originated from within the Galaxy nor what business
they could have with the consortium. We are in the process of covertly tracking a couple of them, but
so far our intelligence reports haven’t reported anything noteworthy back yet.”
“Hummm… well keep me abreast the moment they learn anything,” Ta’a Chume replied, calmly.
Peering around the General she noted that her normally pale half-niece had turned deathly white. As
she studied Nastya she watched with veiled amusement as her eyes rolled back in her head and she
slumped backwards in her chair, passed out from heat exhaustion. Grunting happily, Ta’a Chume
pounded on her commlink and ordered a team of medics to arrive.
Three men entered the room and swarmed the unconscious woman, who jerked awake after they waved
some foul smelling bacta salts under her nose. Ta’a Chume stood at her side and flashed her niece the
most concerned expression she could muster, and said, “My dear, you have obviously had a rough trip.
Please allow the medics to give you a thorough examination to make sure that your health is not in
“But…” Nastya weakly said, fluttering her eyelids in attempts to fully regain consciousness.
“Do it for me, Nastya,” Ta’a Chume said, and offered her an encouraging smile.
Gulping an offered glass of water down, Nastya nodded her head and wrapped her right arm around the
shoulder of one of the strong medics and wearily followed them out of the room. Before exiting, she
turned and smiled at her half-Aunt. For the first time in her life she got the distinct impression that Ta’a
Chume actually cared about her well-being. That thought helped restore a bit of her strength.
As the doors shut behind the group, Ta’a Chume returned to her desk and deactivated the heating
controls and pushed the cooler vents on full.
Confused, Roog glanced at the Queen Mother and asked, “Why did you allow her hear that confidential
Sitting brusquely in her seat, the older woman grinned and stated, “Who Nastya? Don’t worry about
her- she won’t remember a thing. She was too over-heated to comprehend a single word we said.”
“She seemed rather lucid to me,” Roog commented, crossing her arms over her chest.
Waving her wrinkled hand, Ta’a Chume said, “Don’t concern yourself with her. I’ll make sure the
medics keep her busy for the next couple of days to get her out of our hair.”
“And after that?”
“Hopefully we’ll have caught Travees by then and many of our problems will be over,” Ta’a Chume
“So you do intend on handing over the Cluster to this woman?” Roog asked incredulously.
Peaking a brow, the Queen Mother chewed on her lower lip and said, “My instinct tells me that will
never be necessary. But… if it comes to that, I will be forced to do so. I adhere to the laws of this
Cluster to the letter- last thing I plan on doing is deviating from that course just for my own personal
reasons. I only hope I can get this Cluster in one piece before that happens though. As you can tell,
Nastya is not mentally equipped to be the leader of billions of people. She’s easily intimidated, naïve,
and is unable to understand how and where to properly place her trust.” Snorting, she added, “I’ll hand
over that crown willingly, because within days of her coronation, she’ll be dead.”
The Queen Mother’s chilling gaze stilled any questions regarding that topic right on Roog’s lips.
Altering directions she asked, “Have you decided when you will hold Former Queen Mother Tenel
Ka’s funeral? The press has been hounding our office for details.”
“Of course they would. The media loves nothing more than to put someone famous into the ground,”
Ta’a Chume said. Rubbing her fingers across her dry and wrinkled forehead she stated, “I suppose we
should have it within a couple of days… however it would look rather odd to hold a public funeral
without her parents present.”
“You could state that they are so grief-stricken that they were unable to attend in person,” Roog offhandedly commented.
Nodding, the Acting Queen Mother agreed, “I suppose that could work. Although I really would prefer
they were here. Are you certain that you’ve been unable to locate them?”
“They’re not responding to any of our Hapan hails, My Queen. With most of our key intelligence
figures pursuing Travees and his men, the location of your son and his wife have taken a lower priority
in our queue of duties,” Roog reported.
“Right, leave them to me then. That is all for now, General. Keep up the good work,” Ta’a Chume
stated and dismissed her from her office.
Curtly bowing, Roog exited the room.
Pondering the presence of her half-niece Ta’a Chume realized that time was running short. Entering in
the codes she laid in a holo-emitter call to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Jedi Master Rodersuin’s dark
face greeted her hail and promptly told her that all other members of the Council were away on
business. No matter how much she needled or attempted to extract any information from the man, he
refused to alter his story. She severed her connection in annoyance.
Tapping her fingers against her teeth, Ta’a Chume finally arrived at a new possible alternative source
for information. She called up the public listings for the New Republic Senator’s offices and laid in a
fresh call.
Jaina Racees puffy face appeared on the screen. Showing no emotion she greeted the Queen Mother,
“To what do I owe this honor, your Excellency?”
“Senator Racees, I’m sure that you know perfectly well why I am contacting you,” Ta’a Chume
Shaking her head in mock uncertainty, Jaina replied, “Nope. Really, I have no idea.”
“Everyone in your family has up and vanished. My son and daughter-in-law are missing and no one
will tell me anything about their locations,” the Queen Mother retorted.
The left corner of Jaina’s lip curled into the Solo smirk as she commented, “Perhaps that’s because we
take offense when one of our own is labeled a murderer.”
She whined, “But I have publicly recanted my accusation on your brother!”
Face contorting into a sneer, Jaina’s hormones took control as blinding fury invaded her senses of
reasoning, “And you think that’s enough? You made the entire Galaxy think my sweet, baby brother
murdered his beloved! Not only that- but you sent bounty hunters after him with the intent to kill first
and ask questions later! Do not think that for one…single…moment that we will forgive you for that.”
Jabbing her finger at the holo-emitter, her scalding words poured from her loosened, unstoppable lips,
“You refused to talk to the Jedi Council when they attempted to contact and reason with you. You flat
out ignored my Uncle’s messages and all pleas from my mother. Do not think for ONE MOMENT- that
you have ANY right in knowing ANYTHING that we are doing. You self-serving, old bag lost any and
all rights to that. Don’t expect any gratitude or help from our end.”
Ta’a Chume jumped as Jaina’s image abruptly ended. Running her fingers across her forehead she felt
the tendrils of a headache creeping over her senses. Exhaling a deep sigh, she slumped back in her chair
wondering when the tide on her luck would finally roll forward in her favor.
A red light signaled an incoming message. Flicking on her terminal, Ta’a Chume’s eyes scanned the
new message. Her heart plummeted in her chest as icy fear gripped her senses.
Target, Anakin Solo located and executed, per your request. Attached is the footage of proof. Payment
instructions below.
Gulping she flicked open the video file that clearly showed Anakin’s unique, golden colored ship
exploding under the relentless barrage of laser-fire and sonic charges.
Pushing forward a shaking finger, the Queen Mother deactivated the footage, folded her arms on top of
the table and dropped her head onto them, wailing in frustrated misery. Slivers of terror coursed
through her empty heart as she realized that in her one reckless act, she had single handedly managed
to make life-long enemies with the most powerful family in the New Republic, by wrongfully ordering
the execution of their son.
Chapter 32
Ripping the soggy bandages off from around his body, Brukos stared in amazement as all traces of
wounds given to him from the creatures had vanished. Gently prodding the tender, pink skin, he
marveled at the healing power from the beast’s spittle.
Standing up from his side of their small cell, Anakin examined Brukos stomach and grinned, “See I
told you it would work. Bet someone could make a fortune selling that spit.”
“Yeah, but who’d want to be the poor fool who’s job it is to collect the stuff?” Brukos commented,
raising his eyebrows and smirking.
Laughing, Anakin sat down, brought his knees towards his chest and replied, “Well you can count me
out on that one. No amount of credits would be worth that.”
Feeling his gut churn with worry, Brukos stared at his tall friend and asked, “So explain to me again
why it was that you were so quick to join these guys? I’m not even a Jedi and I knew immediately that
they were lying. We could’ve easily taken the four of them out, found their ship and flown off of that
“Yeah, but how would we have known how to exactly get to Tenel Ka? They’re taking us right to the
arena ship where she’s being held captive, this is perfect!” Anakin replied, happily.
Rolling his eyes in disgust, Brukos said, “We already knew when and where she was going to have to
battle next. Had we taken out the mercenaries who captured us, we could’ve hid low, waited for the rest
of the group and used this ship as a decoy to get more of our rescue team on board the floating arena!”
Heart sinking, Anakin dropped his head and muttered, “Oh yeah, that would’ve worked too.”
“Now look at us, we’re prisoners, just like Tiki! They’ll probably throw us in separate cells and make
one or both of us battle in a bloodmatch tonight,” Brukos spat. Gesturing wildly, he added, “You saw
that footage. If they make us fight each other, one of us will most likely have to kill the other to
survive. And frankly, I’m not in the mood to die right now!”
The thinly veiled threat hidden under Brukos outcry stilled the blood in Anakin’s veins. Stamping his
bare feet defiantly on the ground, Anakin paused a moment as he sensed the ship slightly tremor,
stopping mid-flight. He retorted, “Look, as Jedi we are trained to trust our instincts. My instincts told
me that this was the best course of action that we should take.”
Sneering, Brukos pointed to himself and replied, “I’m not a Jedi, Anakin. I use my head, always have
and it’s rarely lead me wrong. And do you know what it’s telling me right now? It’s telling me that
we’re dead men walking. Your beloved is going to die, because we won’t be able to help her.”
“Look, do you really think I would’ve gotten us into this mess if I didn’t think we could get out of it?”
Anakin defensively replied.
“And how exactly do you foresee that happening?” Brukos asked. Baiting Anakin further, “Please, oh
mighty Jedi and great prophet, tell us how we are going to get out of this mess.”
Closing his eyes, Anakin crossed his legs and relaxed, and attempted to ignore Brukos’s grumpy lifeenergy readings. He said, “Think happy thoughts, man.”
“Eat a Hutt!” Brukos spat back, crossing his arms tightly across his healed chest.
“Sorry, I don’t think I could ever be THAT hungry,” Anakin kidded, chuckling softly. He heard Brukos
groan and sensed his friend’s building anger abate. Connecting with the air particles on the ship,
Anakin sunk into the Force.
Disjointed visions rumbled through his mind like a speeder train roaring out of control. Happy family
outings, the Phoenix exploding, to days training at the Jedi Academy, dinners with Tenel Ka, Brukos
and Anakin chatting on the Phoenix, Jaina screaming in agony with Marxx grimacing in pain beside
her, Tenel Ka riding a rancor beast under blazing lights…
His connection severed abruptly with the Force as the doors to their cell opened. Two of the guards
who had escorted them off of the Piirrnian moon entered the quarters, pointing sizzling animal prods at
each man’s chest. Both Brukos and Anakin angrily glanced past the guards as a nearly eight-foot tall,
and rugged Piirrnian squeezed his way into the small doorframe.
One of the guards sneered at the prisoners and said, “This is Captain Bwin’koo our Lord’s right-handman. Anything you want to say to Lord Grilli’k needs to go through him first. He understands you have
some questions regarding Nightsister.”
Anakin and Brukos exchanged stares of momentary confusion. Brukos saw a flutter of satisfaction etch
its way across Anakin’s lips. Brukos crossed his arms tighter and his expression challenged Anakin to
prove his own fears wrong.
The tall Jedi cleared his throat, bowed his head slightly and said, “Greetings Bwin’koo. I am Anakin
Solo and this is my friend Brukos Olissian. While passing through Piirrnian airspace we happened upon
holo-net footage of a good friend of ours who has been missing since last week in our regions...”
“And why did you come here looking for her?” the immense captain demanded.
Jumping in, Brukos replied, “It was coincidence, I promise you. We were both heartbroken by her
disappearance. To make my friend here feel better, I offered to take him on a hunting expedition in
Piirrnian space. We needed to get away and clear our heads. It was only by chance that we happened
upon that footage and were elated to discover that you all had rescued Tiki.”
“We want to thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for rescuing her and would ask for her release
and safe return into our hands,” Anakin said, waving his hand slightly.
His Force suggestion bounced clear off of the Captain, like water hitting oil. A deep, rumbling chuckle
erupted from his throat. Massaging his left horn, Bwin’koo replied, “My men said they found you
without a ship, living like savages on Merolth. How exactly do you expect me to believe that you
actually saw something on the holonet?”
Blood boiling, Brukos replied, “Did your men also fail to mention that large debris field floating
around the moon? We were attacked and barely survived. Before our ship exploded was when we saw
the footage of Tiki.” All civil pretenses vanished as he hotly added, “We saw you using her as one of
your fighters in a bloodmatch.”
Angrily, Bwin’koo exploded, “Are you accusing my men of lying???”
Anakin shot Brukos a silencing glare. Clearing his throat he spoke up, “Absolutely not, Captain. As my
friend stated, our ship was fired upon, by an unsavory fellow we apparently picked up along the way.
We know he was not Piirrnian. My friend did not mean to implicate you…”
“He had better not have meant that,” Bwin’koo dangerously replied. Sniffing, he commented, “If your
ship is gone, then I can assume that you have nothing to offer me in exchange for your, Tiki friend, was
“Unfortunately we did not have time to grab any of our valuables before our ship was destroyed,”
Anakin replied, he suddenly felt like a drowning man with no one around to offer him an arm.
Hazel eyes turning to steel, Brukos spoke up, “Let me make a holoemitter call, and I can guarantee you
anything you want.”
“Pahhh… what makes you think I would trust you to do that? Who do you plan on calling?” Bwin’koo
“The Piirrnian who lead me to Walrot several years ago to hunt Piirrnian Saber Cats. He will remember
me, for I was extremely generous in our dealings last time,” Brukos calmly replied.
A slim, yet fierce Piirrnian guard leaned forward and whispered something into Bwin’koo’s ear. The
Captain shuddered at whatever his goon suggested, and returned to the prisoners. He said, “Give me the
Bristling at the order, Brukos debated over revealing his only card. He snuck a glance at Anakin, who’s
face remained blank. The tall Jedi calmly shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Scowling at his friend,
Brukos stared back at the towering Captain and finally said, “Woop’ta.”
A tremor of a smile flickered at Bwin’koo’s mouth. He repeated, “Woop’ta? Woop’ta is your contact?”
He then doubled over in a laughing fit.
Frowning even deeper, and noticing the guards behind the Captain had begun chuckling behind the
back’s of their hands, Brukos angrily demanded, “Yes, why is that so funny?”
Controlling his attack, Bwin’koo sobered slightly and said, “I just love irony. Well, I am sorry to inform
you that he lost a very large bet recently. Lord Grilli’k seized all of his assets, and when he couldn’t
promise anymore money…” The Captain’s large teeth gleamed brightly as he savagely smiled, “We fed
him to our beasties.”
“And why was this ironic?” Brukos gulped.
“The bet he lost was during your friend’s last match. He lost all of his money because she won the bet,”
Bwin’koo said, chuckling.
Heart plummeting in his chest, Brukos sank onto his bench, filling with despair. Woop’ta had been his
trump chip, his meal ticket for them to get out of this mess. Imploringly he asked, “Did you seize his
financial records? I’m sure he would’ve kept a record of our transaction?”
“Sorry. We emptied his properties, incinerated everything that wasn’t valuable and sold everything else
off that was worth anything,” Bwin’koo replied.
Sensing Brukos’s obvious pain, Anakin approached the Captain and pointed to his friend and said, “My
friend here is one of the wealthiest men in the New Republic. You can name your price, Captain. All
he’d need is a secure line to his account…”
Shaking his head, Bwin’koo said, “No. We don’t have any lines of communication established to your
space. We like our privacy out here, and don’t like calling attention to ourselves. As much as I’m sure
Lord Grilli’k would love nothing more than relieving you of your financial assets, I’m afraid that won’t
be an option.”
Under his breath, Brukos muttered, “We’re screwed.”
Clapping his hands together, Bwin’koo grinned and said, “Well then, I guess we’re done here.”
“We’re not done yet!” Brukos shouted, leaping to his feet. “You’re going to take us to see Lord Grilli’k,
Eyes gleaming with delight, the Captain replied, “Absolutely, we’re taking you to see him. Just rest up
for the big meeting, alright?”
Chuckling deeply, the Captain and guards exited the room and locked the door behind the two men.
Stewing in fury, Brukos angrily ran a hand through his messy chin stubble and said, “He’s lying.”
“I know he is,” Anakin replied. Running his fingers through his disheveled dark hair. Aiming his blue
eyes in Brukos’s direction, he said, “We’ll get to her before she has to fight, don’t worry.”
A doubtful laugh strangled Brukos’s throat, and he said, “How?”
“We trust in the Force. The way will be shown to us. We must just be patient,” Anakin replied. As if his
words needed further clarification, the door opened briefly and four dirty aliens crashed into the tiny
cell, including a leathery skinned Klaatu, a short, pointy eared, humanoid Lannik, a furred Sy
Myrthian, and a pale skinned, male Twi’lek.
Brukos stared at the new prisoners and felt all traces of hope escape from his resolve. To Anakin he
muttered, “Blast it, we’re now considered to be no more than common fighters.”
Staring at their new cellmates, a broad lopsided smile settled over Anakin’s lips, as he said, “Things are
looking up.”
Squeezing his fingers tightly across the bridge of his nose as a pounding headache thudded in his
temporal lobe Brukos shook his head in dismay, and replied, “Why did I know you were going to say
“Trust me,” Anakin replied, flashing his dejected friend the famous Solo smirk.
“Do I have a choice in the matter?”
“Nope,” Anakin said, and happily pounded his friend on the shoulder. Brukos watched as Anakin stood
up and approached the new aliens and introduced himself to their new cellmates. Commanding the
attention of the new slaves, Anakin explained their situation and laid out a well, thought out plan. As
the words flowed from his friend’s lips, Brukos sensed his feelings of hope restore, and suddenly he
realized the stupidity in ever doubting the Jedi Knight. For it appeared just as Anakin had promised,
and the Force might still be on their side.
Quiss’lak’s jaw dropped in disbelief. Staring at Bwin’koo’s wavering, holo-emitter image, he shouted,
“That’s insane? Why would Lord Grilli’k do that?”
Bwin’koo folded his arms across his chest and smugly replied, “Who am I to question the requests of
our Overlord?”
“That’s suicide and you know it!”
“Why should you care, Quissy? She’s just a slave. Don’t tell me you’re getting all soft on her just
because she’s female. Taken a shine to her have you?” Bwin’koo teased.
“It’s not that and you know it,” Quiss’lak snapped back. “Grilli’k would be a fool to destroy his newest
meal-ticket. In ‘er last round earned him a ton of money… more wealth than he’s ever received from a
single fight. Why would he choose to destroy ‘er so shortly afterwards? She could have a very long
career here and make him a lot of money.”
Shrugging, the Black Cross Captain replied, “Look, I didn’t question him. No one in their right mind
questions Grilli’k’s decisions, and I would advise you to do the same, mate.”
Slumping back in his chair, Quiss’lak absently massaged his right horn. He asked, “When are you
coming back?”
“We just met up with prison ship Stinger and dropped off some new recruits, they’ll be here tomorrow.
We’re on our way back now, leaving them to return in good time and should be back late tonight,”
Bwin’koo replied.
Quiss’lak’s lips pursed tightly together. Sensing his friend’s anger, Bwin’koo added, “This is why we
don’t get too close to the prisoners Quissy. They all die…eventually. It’s really foolish for you to allow
yourself to get too attached to one of them.”
Ignoring his comrade’s advice, he stated, “This is just, plain wrong. You know it is!”
“Yes, I suppose it is. Grilli’k figures that people would be willing to spend a fortune to see her die. His
reasoning behind the match is quite ingenious, actually. He’s counting that most people will bet that
she’ll perish in the first couple of rounds. However, he thinks she’ll last much longer. The longer she’s
in that ring, the more credit’s he’ll earn. So you go do your part, make sure she eats and gets lots of rest
before tomorrow. We want her healthy and fit,” Bwin’koo said.
“Right,” Quiss’lak grumpily replied and severed their holo-image connection. Staring at nothing,
Quiss’lak’s heart thudded erratically in his chest. Usually he never gave any of the prisoners a second
glance in all of his years working for the Syndicate. But there was something about Nightsister… she
commanded attention and respect. He liked the way she nearly escaped on her first evening. The wiry
prisoner possessed great qualities of spirit and fight. She didn’t seem to take any guff from anyone
either. Launching himself to his feet, he shook his head as he replayed the rundown of her planned
match in his head. It would mean her certain death.
Clamping his jaw tightly in determination, he stated, “Not if I can help it…she’s worth too much to
me.” Angrily he stormed out of his office.
Standing in front of her tiny mirror, Tenel Ka ran her fingers through the remains of her hair. The
previous evening, frustrated from trying to remove the tangled knots that crimped around her head, she
used a dull dinner knife and cut her titan hair into an uneven bob that hit right above her earlobe.
Raising a brow, she determined that the cut wasn’t too bad, her natural curls managed to hide most of
the uneven areas around her head. She had taken the spare hair and shoved it into her pillow to give it
some enhanced softness.
“Waste not, want not,” she said to her dour reflection. Her gray eyes peered at her reflection even
further. Her usually deeply tanned skin appeared sallow, and running her hand over her chest she noted
how her collarbone sharply jutted unattractively from her skin, thanks to the lack of constant, proper
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself, at least you are still alive… unlike Yssard,” Tenel Ka muttered.
Sighing she returned to her room where she had shoved aside the table and chair to create a workout
space. Throwing her arms over her head she reached upwards to knit her fingers together to stretch,
then remembered her missing hand when her fingers met only air. Ignoring her mounting annoyance,
she fluidly crossed her legs and dropped into a seated position. Softly she rotated her neck to release
her mounting tension. Closing her eyes, she deepened her breathing and connected with the living
Force. Tenel Ka sensed the beasts in their pens around the ship, and a few errant life-energy readings of
the other non-Piirrnian prisoners. In her contemplative state she allowed the Force to guide her
consciousness. Although she tried to empty her mind, the same image invaded her memories.
Anakin Solo.
Heart constricting in her chest, she saw his sometimes brooding, but often playful, azure eyes staring
straight into her soul. In her vision, as in life, his dark hair stuck out in every direction from whenever
he unconsciously raked his fingers across his scalp. Her mouth opened slightly and a sigh escaped her
lungs as she remembered the feel of his embraces, and his soft, generous lips upon her own.
Anakin’s throaty laugh ricocheted in her head, a sound she often thought of as one of the most joyous
things she’s ever heard. Her right arm tingled as phantom traces of his large, strong hands gently
caressed her skin. She leaned forward, her heart aching with longing…longing to be sheltered in her
beloved’s arms once again.
“Where are you, Anakin?” she asked the air. After spending nearly every day together for the last
couple of years she realized that the void she felt in her life right now wasn’t because she had been
ripped from her Queen Mother duties, but being apart from Anakin. Memories of the Drempitu Ma
swirled in her mind and she knotted her brows together in annoyance. Had her grandmother not evoked
that ancient ritual, she and Anakin would possibly be married right now. At the very least, they would
be together. If she had not been on one of her “dates” she would never have been abducted. Without a
second thought her heart informed her that if she ever got out of this mess, and be with her beloved
again, she would marry him in a heartbeat – traditions be damned. She earned that right with all she has
endured in the past week… and will continue to endure.
What good is a Queen Mother if she cannot think straight because she is without the one she loves the
most? she wondered. Aloud, she said, “I do not think she would be very good at her job.”
From behind her she heard a jingle at the door and it hissed open. The mingled smell of cooked meat
and steamed roots filled the room… along with Piirrnian perspiration.
Without turning, and remaining seated she asked, “What is the matter, Quiss’lak?”
The door snapped shut. Issuing a forced chuckle, Quiss’lak replied, “There’s nothing wrong,
Nightsister. Whatcha talking about?”
Cocking her head slightly to the right and lifting her chin she arched her left brow and stared into his
face. The tray wobbled on his right palm and he quickly stilled it before the food could topple to the
floor. Gulping, he tipped over the small table and rested the tray on its top. Nervously he grabbed the
chair and made to sit upon its seat, only to miss the chair entirely and crash land on his rump. He
groaned in embarrassment.
Spinning clockwise on the floor, Tenel Ka jabbed her left stump at him and demanded, “Start talking.”
Unable to hold back the tide, Quiss’lak rubbed his left horn and spilled, “It looks like Overlord Grilli’k
has completely lost his mind and has just devised the absolute, most horrific match for you tomorrow.”
Narrowing her eyes, Tenel Ka said, “Elaborate.”
“I.. I shouldn’t tells you, you need your rest…”
“Quiss’lak, what have I told you before? I am not afraid to die,” she repeated. Seeing that he was
waffling on what to say, she reached forward with her right hand and covered his shaking right fist
reassuringly. “I will not sleep at all if you do not tell me what to expect tomorrow. I was raised as a
warrior. By better understanding my enemies and odds, I can better prepare myself for the battle ahead.
So please… tell me.”
His large shoulders relaxed. He closed his amber eyes and said, “They’re gonna release the beasties on
“Which beasties?”
A heavy pause impregnated the room with tension. Finally, he squeaked, “All of them.”
Thunderstruck, Tenel Ka gulped down a wave of nausea as her vision blurred. She whispered, “What
do you mean?”
Resigned to the fact that he’d blabbed, Quiss’lak continued, “He’s going to send in wave after wave of
our beasties into the ring. Once you take out one beast, they’ll send in another, and so forth.”
“For how long?”
Snorting, he said, “Until you’re dead, sister.”
“They do not believe that I will be victorious?” Tenel Ka asked.
“There’s no way that you could last out what they are planning. I’ve never seen them devise anything
so utterly heartless…”
“I suppose you feel that the bloodmatches are fair sports then?” she snapped.
Wincing at her icy retort, Quiss’lak replied, “Well at least you have a solid chance of coming out of that
alive. You’d need all of the stamina in the universe, twelve arms, and the dexterity of a snake to win
this round. Last time I checked, you’ve only got one arm.”
Staring at her stump, she asked, “So how are the bets lining up?”
“Consensus seems to be that you might survive five rounds, but nothing more than that,” Quiss’lak
stated. “They’re gonna get worse with each round. The first couple will be warm-up rounds, the
beasties are pretty standard fair, hulking creatures without much brains to back up their instincts. But as
the rounds go by they’re gonna become trickier to fight… the beasts are smarter, craftier, more vicious.
They’ll be fresh and ready for the kill, and you’ll be getting more tired and not able to focus as easily.”
“Do not count on it,” Tenel Ka replied.
“Don’t get cocky there, Nightsister. You’re good, but you ain’t invincible. I’ll see what I can do for
you. Maybe since you only have one arm I can ask them to give you a full spectrum of weapons
already at your disposal in the ring,” Quiss’lak suggested.
“Do you think they would go for that?” she asked, hopefully.
“I don’t know…maybe… I’ll check and find out,” he said. Lurching to his feet, Quiss’lak headed
towards the door. He met her steady gaze and added, “You eat up and get your sleep. You’re going to
need every ounce of strength that you can muster.”
“Do not worry, I will rest up,” she replied. As she watched him turn to leave she added, “Quiss’lak?”
“Yes?” he responded, hanging his head, slightly.
“Thank you, for everything. You certainly did not have to tell me what would happen tomorrow, but
you did anyway. That says a lot about your character. You are a good man. Thank you for looking out
for me,” Tenel Ka stated, matter-of-factly.
“You really think so?” he brightly asked.
“This is a fact.”
Smiling to her as his reply, the guard stepped out into the hall and locked the cell door behind his bulky
form. As he slid the key into his pocket, he muttered, “Then why do I feel like the universe’s biggest
Chapter 33
…recent polls indicate that the Hapan people are getting restless regarding Queen Mother Ta’a
Chume’s apparent inaction over the recent attacks led by the Hapan Independence League. Governor
Wrentalt of Hapes 4 claims that the destruction of this year’s cornna crops will cause ripple effects
throughout the economy. Food manufacturers have already sent statements to the press, informing the
public to expect food prices to soar in the upcoming year…. On Hapes 9 two unified protests were
staged, both supporting either side of the war. Those in support of the Hapan Independence League
claim that the Monarchy has grown stale and should be overthrown. They believe that Democracy is
the only solution to this growing conflict. Professor Blane Tia who has recently made several speeches
concerning the possibility of the Cluster going Democratic appears to be away on sabbatical and
could not be reached for comment.
In related news in the city of Winallee, on Hapes 10, looting and mass hysteria hit the city when at dusk
yesterday a 5.0 earthquake unexpectedly rocked the planet. No casualties have been reported at this
time. However, mistaking the natural phenomenon for an attack, residents took to the streets and began
smashing in windows at local stores, seeking survival supplies.[Images of buildings on fire and running
people filled the screens] With all communications being knocked out due to the quakes, and the
unrelenting display of aftershocks, very few stores remained standing without being either set afire or
looted. Experts believe that these recent events spell doom for the Hapan Monarchy. They believe that
even if the Queen Mother is able to put a stop to the Independence League that these recent attacks
have shattered the faith in many of Hapes citizens. All eyes are turning towards the New Republic,
wondering if the leaders there will step in and offer assistance to this mounting conflict…
Snorting loudly, General Tigara snapped off the holonet and met her first officer Ubia in the eyes and
said, “The day Queen Mother Ta’a Chume begs for New Republic assistance is the day I choke on the
barrel of my blaster.”
Merriment played across Ubia’s lavender eyes as her boots clanked across the bridge of Sky Weaver, the
Hapan fleet’s crown jewel Class III War Dragon, currently orbiting Hapes 9. Grinning, she replied,
“Yes, that’s what I love about our Queen, she never goes running for help from anyone.”
The Hapan officers chuckled, yet both women knew the dangers that faced their Cluster all too well.
Having been dispatched in the wake of the assault on the massacre on Hapes 9 last week, both officers
still found sleep to be difficult as visions of the charred bodies of the dead students still invaded their
conscious at night.
Tigara ran her left hand through her short brown hair and felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.
Sensing a charge in the air, she launched to her feet and raced to her command station, shouting, “All
stations on alert! Raise forward shields to maximum!”
Knowing that the Admiral possessed Jedi-like instincts, Ubia sprang to her station and activated a
perimeter alert. Warning klaxons rang through the ship. The stench of nervous anticipation clung to the
From out of the endless black sky, three Imperial II Star Destroyers appeared, blasting green laser fire
towards Sky Weaver and her flanking sister Class II War Dragons Dark Protector and Red Vector.
“Evasive maneuvers pattern delta niner and take those ships out!” Tigara ordered over the comm to her
sister ship. In a synchronized pattern, the three ships separated. Both the Protector and Vector
effortlessly rose below and above the incoming, enemy ships. The bulkier triangular shaped Destroyers
found it impossible to counter the disc-shaped Dragons stealth and easy maneuverability.
“Proton Torpedoes ready! Fire!” Tigara ordered. From the bowels of Sky Weaver’s belly a relentless
barrage of green torpedoes pounded the forward shields of the incoming Destroyers, as the Protector
and Vector sailed over and under the three massive ships, attacking their rear shields.
Squinting her eyes, Tigara’s vision became blinded as one of the destroyers launched it’s own attack on
the Dragons, blanketing her Dragon in laser fire.
Sky Weaver’s shields held.
“Three Squadrons dispatched, General,” Ubia reported as TIE fighters exited the belly of Imperial
“Send out four squadrons of our fighters, and keep engaging those Destroyers!” Tigara demanded as
she raced to her control center. Activating a holo-matrix grid, she keyed in the Royal clearance codes
and uploaded the battle images as they unfolded to the Hapan Fountain Palace.
At her side a full-scale, blue, holographic image of General Roog appeared. She asked, “Are you
Shaking her head, Tigara replied, “No, I think we’re evenly matched. Those Destoyers have taken a
beating on their shields but they’re still holding.”
Tigara and Roog watched as the Protector and Vector circled the three destroyers, together they focused
on the left flanking enemy ship, in hopes of weakening the invaders vessels, one at a time.
Seeing this as their plan, the General shouted, “Follow Protector’s and Vector’s leads and focus all fire
on that Destroyer!”
“Already on it!” Ubia replied. The left third of the red holo-matrix grid lit up as the destroyer came
under a three- way attack. Seizing the moment the other two Destroyers focused their energies on Sky
A ripple of fear raced down Tigara’s spine as she felt her ship shudder under her feet. Racing away
from the holo-matrix she stared at their shields readings, down to 63%.
Meeting Ubia’s saucer-sized eyes, she commanded, “Evasive maneuvers. We’re not allowing those
Sithspawns to reach Hapes 9, got it?”
“Absolutely, General,” Ubia replied.
A dazzling cloud of fiery debris, followed by an ear-shattering explosion marked the destruction of the
first of the three Destroyers. No one cheered as the remaining two Star Destroyers refocused their
attention and fired all weapons at Weaver. Living up to her name, the Dragon twisted portside into a
perfectly executed dive, spun and began firing upon the belly of the invading beasts.
Surrounding the five ships, TIE Fighters and Hapan Fighters engaged in dogfights neither side gaining
the advantage in the short-range duels.
The Red Vector circled the tops of the Destroyers, blanketing each in laser-fire. As she approached the
front of the Destroyers, a TIE Fighter, set ablaze smashed through her shields. In the blink of a second,
the two remaining Destroyers opened fire and Red Vector blinked permanently off of the holo-matrix
Growling with vengeful hate, Tigara shoved aside the ship’s helm control officer and leaned heavy on
the Dragon’s thrusters, pointing the Weaver upwards.
Both Weaver and Protector focused their energy on the remaining two Destroyers. Finally sensing the
shields were about to give on the leading Destroyer, Tigara shouted for the Protector to engage it point
In a fizzling blink of blue light, the Destroyer’s shields failed. Four single-man Hapan fighters flew
over the Destroyer’s main bridge and bathed it with green laser fire. Massive explosions erupted
through the enemy ship. Averting her eyes from the destroyed ship, Tigara focused on the remaining
Destroyer. Dark Protector had immediately shifted her focus to the remaining Destroyer as the other
became incapacitated. Reaching over her head she readied a seldom-used device as she detected the
Destroyer readying itself for a hyperspace jump. With a final barrage of green laser fire, the enemy
ship’s shields failed.
Tigara fired the device, moments before the Destroyer launched into hyperspace.
Ubia’s face fell, as she said, “The last one got away.”
Adrenaline pumping in her veins, a bittersweet grin plastered across her face as she downloaded some
information into a datapad. Stopping before Ubia she said, “Ask our fighters to try and capture some of
the enemy pilots. We want a few alive so we can make them sing.”
Stepping across her bridge, Tigara approached the holo-matrix and saw Roog waiting to receive her
final report.
Downloading the information from her datapad, Tigara stated, “The last Destroyer got away, but not
freely, I’m happy to report.”
Roog watched her commscreen light up as the information the General had downloaded finally reached
the Fountain Palace. Shaking her blond hair, Roog said, “Ingenious. Brilliant, General Tigara. This is
even better than having blown the ship to smithereens. The Queen Mother will be pleased.”
Blushing deeply with pride, Tigara’s elation faded as she recalled her fallen comrades aboard The
Vector. She choked, “Fifteen hundred were aboard the The Red Vector when she fell, General.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Roog nodded solemnly. She said, “Unfortunately, they weren’t the
only casualties today. The Independence League launched all twelve of their vessels across the Cluster
in a synchronized attack…We’re still waiting on word from the other three areas of battle, but so far it
looks like you might’ve been the only one to actually wound the enemy.”
“Please keep us informed of things, General. Oh and General Roog?”
“Tell the Queen Mother we’ll do anything she asks to set things right… Anything.”
Noticing the hunger for revenge lurking in Tigara’s eyes, she nodded curtly and replied, “I’ll tell her
and we’ll keep you updated, General Tigara. Good work. Roog out.”
Ta’a Chume listened to the reports from the Generals serving in the areas where Travees’s men had
attacked. Her wrinkled face deepened crimson as blinding fury overtook her senses. Slamming her fists
onto her desk, she caused the objects sitting on her desk to jump. Launching out of her chair she
absently stared at the fiery sunset that bathed the Fountain Palace in blood.
Her voice crackled with anger as she asked, “Any reports on the number of casualties?”
Clearing her throat, Roog stared at her datapad and replied, “It appears that when they took out the Ta’a
Chume Advanced Medical Center on Hapes 3 that they meant business. There’s next to nothing left of
the facility, My Grace.”
In a low voice she asked, “What kind of monster would intentionally target a medical facility???” Ta’a
Chume turned to face the ashen faced General. “It’s one thing to attack military bases, or military
outposts… but to fire upon the weak, and the sick??? He’s lost his mind.”
“He most likely targeted it only because your name was on the medical center,” General Roog
commented. Flicking a strand of soggy blond hair out of her eyes, she added, “We can probably expect
casualties to be upwards in the tens of thousands and that’s not including the lives lost when The Red
Vector fell.”
Heels clicking along her marble floors, Ta’a Chume squeezed her lips with her right fingers and planted
her fist on her left hip as she paced. She muttered, “First students, then crops, and now cripples. He has
no M.O. There’s no way for us to predict where he will attack next.”
“That’s correct. He sent his troops back to Hapes 9- we’re assuming that was to try to further torment
the academia- and his ships reached Hapes 2 and 10. They were chased off by our patrol ships before
they could wreck havoc on those systems… thankfully. Considering the recent rounds of earthquakes
that have hit Hapes 10- that seemed awfully coldhearted of Travees to deploy his ships there- the
people are already rattled,” Roog reported.
“Obviously he wishes nothing more than to feed terror with more terror,” Ta’a Chume muttered with
The doors to Ta’a Chume’s office swung open and the smell of stale and clinical bacta permeated the
room. Nastya marched into the energy charged room. Wearing a simple, white hospital gown, the
woman could almost have been mistaken for a ghost, except for her dark hair, bright red lips, and fury
filled eyes.
Nastya seethed, “I had to hear about these recent attacks from my medical bed. Were you planning on
informing me of these new developments? Or did you expect me to just sit back and let you make all of
the decisions on your own, Auntie Chume?” She whirled upon Roog and jabbed a finger into the
approaching General’s face. “Don’t try to shut me out this time. I will not be intimidated by you!” Her
bare feet slapped across the floor as she approached Ta’a Chume. “I’m going to assume that the press
doesn’t have the complete story on these attacks. What are they not reporting?”
Folding her arms across her chest, Ta’a Chume replied, “We’re not watching the Holonet in here
Nastya. We’re actually dealing with real Cluster problems. How am I supposed to know what you’ve
heard of on the news?”
“Well since time’s of the essence, why don’t you just tell me what you know?” Nastya demanded.
Seeing that neither woman was about to comply to her request, she circled her half-Aunt and snatched
one of the datapads off of her desk. Flicking through the official report on the destruction of The Red
Vector and the medical center, she slumped and sat heavily onto the edge of the desk. Calmly she said,
“He’s insane.”
Peaking a brow, Ta’a Chume studied Nastya and sensed a sliver of pride as her mousy niece had roared.
She commented, “Yes, we’ve come to that same conclusion.”
“What do you plan to do?”
Evenly sizing up her niece, Ta’a Chume asked, “No. What would you recommend that we do?”
Licking her parched lips, Nastya could still taste traces of Bacta from being wrongfully immersed in
the liquid for most of the day. Rapid ideas flicked through her head and an idea jumped into focus.
Determination set into her eyes and she replied, “Take him out.”
Rolling her eyes, Roog said, “Brilliant idea, Nastya. How do you propose that we do that considering
we have no idea where his ships are hiding.”
The Queen Mother grinned at Roog’s clever omission of the tracking device Tigara had planted on one
of the ships. Nastya shot Roog an icy stare. Crossing her legs, she drummed her fingers against the
wood desk and replied, “That’s correct, General… we don’t know where they are hiding. But, we do
know where they’ve been. We haven’t offered any retaliatory measures against these malcontents, I
think it’s time that we showed them what it feels like to have inflamed the wrath of the Matriarchy….
Take out Hapes 6.”
Snorting in surprise, Roog squawked, “That’s ludicrous. Once this war is over we will wish to claim the
Rugana Oil that the Yermott family has controlled for half a century for the monarchy. The loss of those
oil fields could cost us billions…”
Eyes hard, Nastya spat back, “What’s more important? Oil or people? Thousands are DEAD thanks to
Travees Yermott and his men. He’s having a jolly time causing chaos and death in this Cluster, while
this House sits and does nothing. Hapes 6 is rich with oil, setting a few of its refineries on fire is not
going to deplete the planet of all of its resources. The longer that those refineries stay active, the more
credits Travees will have to continue to fund his little war. It’s time we killed his supply line. You know
that even though the Monarchy is currently not purchasing his oil, his family must be selling it on the
black market.”
Roog opened her mouth to protest, but was stopped by the back of Ta’a Chume’s hand. The Queen
Mother felt traces of a smile cross her lips as Nastya’s idea grew in merit. Calmly she asked, “Roog,
didn’t you say that General Tigara would do anything we asked of her?”
“Yes, your Excellency.”
“Good, send her to Hapes 6 and blast that planet back to the stone-age. While she’s at it, have her next
stop be Hapes 7… have her fire upon the Joppka financial district, and have her flatten all of the
buildings in the core of the center,” Ta’a Chume commanded.
Nastya savagely grinned triumphantly.
“Yyyyour Grace, is that wise?” Roog stammered. “That will surely infuriate Travees. He will not let
such actions go unpunished.”
“Hurmph. All the better, General. A reckless man is more likely to make mistakes.”
“I can see that point, M’lady… but Hapes 7?”
“Hapes 7 has aligned themselves with the rebels and they need to feel the pain of war up close. The
best way to hit businessmen is through their pockets. I also believe that the Yermott family trust fund
resides in the records there. To hit Hapes 7 will mean Travees will go broke,” Ta’a Chume replied.
“Besides, it’ll be the middle of the night… no one will be working. Any idiot working this late deserves
to be killed.” Turning, she faced her indecisive General and added, “I’ve given you an order, General.
Inform General Tigara of the plans.”
Studying the two Chume women, Roog couldn’t help but wonder whether their brash plans would
prove to be poor choices in the long run. Knowing that she had been outvoted, she nodded and bowed
slightly, then begrudgingly contacted General Tigara with the plan of attack.
Staring out the window, Ta’a Chume watched the last traces of the sunset fade as the sky turned to dark
purple. As the moon began to rise she pondered her half-niece and for the first time began to sense that
maybe…possibly… the woman did have Chume’da blood running through her veins.
“It is done, your Highness,” Roog commented.
Ta’a Chume smiled and noted that Nastya’s facial expression mirrored her own. Absently the Queen
Mother thought, That girl could’ve been me as a young woman. I’ve never noticed the similarities
before. I must resemble my father more than I would ever admit.
She said, “Very good, General. May the Force be with us, and NOT with our enemies.”
Bruse Yermott sat in the dining lounge of his family estate and watched the soothing waves crash
against the shores of Hapes 5 on the large duraglass panes that covered the room’s windows. His
shaking hand brought a half-spoonful of food to his mouth and he carefully chewed the nutritious,
bland tasting food. Diagnosed with a degenerative nerve disease five years earlier, the head of the
Yermott Empire refused to be treated as an invalid and accept help from others at his feeding time.
Absently he noted that half of his food managed to collect on his shirt.
A couple of his son’s Twi’lek employees came in to help clear away some of the excess dishes. Both
women averted their gazes from the mess he had made of his clothing. The old man scowled and
continued to stare at the white beaches, secretly wishing that the program would incorporate some
lovely, scantily clad local women, but alas this being a Hapan recording only half-dressed men
Lifting another spoonful of gunk to his mouth, the contents leapt off of the utensil and slammed into his
left eye. Cursing, Bruse attempted to grab a napkin but it slid off of the table. He realized then that the
entire room was quaking as everything in the dining room jumped and rattled. Instantaneously, the
duraglass screens shattered at once, sending flying shrapnel throughout the room. Cut from every
angle, he screamed in pain and coughed as clouds of duraplaster filled the room. As each pane fell, he
peered out the gaping windows to see the blackened night blazed with fire. Jaw gaping open he
watched as refinery after refinery exploded into towering infernos. Attempting to turn his hoverchair
towards the inner safety of his modern home, Bruse Yermott’s fingers failed to properly contact with
his chair’s controls and he spun in circles. Crying out in misery, his ears registered the ominous sound
of cracking duraplaster. Lifting his eyes towards the ceiling, his mouth dropped open in horror as the
entire ceiling of the dining room collapsed upon his crippled body.
Ta’a Chume’s speech interrupted the news reports that flooded the holonet. From behind the Queen, a
straight-faced, formally clothed Nastya Chume’da stood in support of her half-Aunt.
Solemnly the Queen Mother began, “Once again the men of the Independence League have proven to
be cowards, and even worse, they are the most cold-hearted creatures who have ever walked in our
Cluster. Today they destroyed the “Ta’a Chume Advanced Medical Center” on Hapes 3, killing tens of
thousands of those seeking medical assistance. They destroyed the lives of the weak and the sick.
“These men have no moral centers. I ask of all of you to no longer allow these men to keep this Cluster
held in terror. If you know anything about the location of the Independence League, please contact the
Royal Palace publicity liaison to report any leads you may have. If they prove valid and lead to the
locations of the men of the Consortium, the Royal House of Chume will pay handsomely for the
information that lead to any of their captures.
“We have tried to not engage these men in their cowardly attacks, however with their most recent
actions, we can no longer ignore them. Tonight we have struck back, and have struck straight to the
hearts of the enemies, by destroying The Yermott Rugana Oil Dynasty on Hapes 6 and the Joppka
Financial District on Hapes 7. These actions were taken to assure that these cowards will have further
difficulty in financing their rebellion.
“I ask you all to remain calm. We do not wish to see any repeats of the hysteria that seized our citizens
on Hapes 10 because that is exactly the aim of the men of the Independence League. If you lose your
head, you will only further help Travees Yermott and his men to succeed in furthering their objective in
creating panic and chaos throughout our Cluster. Only United can we crush these rebels once and for
“We are getting closer to apprehending our foes… but your help will make this happen faster. Thank
Standing in his quarters on The Queen Crusher Travees Yermott’s body shook in fury. In one hand he
held the charred remains of a tracking device located in a systems sweep that was affixed to the outer
hull of the wounded Destroyer Eclipse. Angrily he slammed the now deactivated object against the
walls of his room. Images of his destroyed home planet invaded his vision. Aerial images of the
hollowed out remains of his family home left little doubt in his mind that his father did not survive the
attack. Silently he cursed himself for leaving the Yermott patriarch behind on Hapes 6. He reasoned
with himself that he did so because he believed Bruse Yermott would be safer at home than aboard a
warring Star Destroyer.
Even more infuriating than the loss of his father though, was the attack on the Rugana Oil refineries.
Travees’s head swam as he tried to envision what the attacks would cost his family empire in the long
run. He couldn’t even think of the costs that rebuilding each refinery would set him back. He reasoned
that his family holdings at least still remained safe and secure in the halls of the Independent Hapan
League treasury on Hapes 7.
His commlink chirped. Angrily he picked up the device and barked, “What is it?”
“They’ve destroyed the Joppka Financial district, Sir,” the voice on the other end of the commlink said,
audibly gulping.
Grinding his teeth so hard that he shattered his left front canine tooth, Travees flung the commlink to
the floor and stomped up and down upon the device, bellowing in anger. Bloodshot eyes stared out of a
mask of utter hatred.
Sides heaving, Travees charged out of his room and stormed down the twisting corridors of the
Crusher, causing crew members to leap out of his way. He stormed up three flights of stairs to the
detention level. Snatching a stun prod off of the wall his wild eyes fell upon the officers controlling the
cell blocks. “Which one is she in?”
Gulping, the officers said in unison, “Cell block 83.”
Slamming his fist on the control doors he opened the cell door, hungering for revenge. His spies had
found her living under an assumed name in a slum house on Hapes 10. The Queen Mother had
promised his former worker, Orla protection, but she didn’t count on his resourcefulness in hunting
down those who betrayed him and his men. As the doors slammed open, his heart plummeted in his
chest, the normally blue Twi’lek was gray, already dead, judging by the position of her body, he
determined that she killed herself.
Cursing he prodded the corpse with the stun prod just to make sure and then retreated out of the cell.
He seethed, “Get rid of that corpse.”
“Yes, sir.”
Storming out of the room, stun prod still clenched into his fist he aimlessly wandered the halls and an
unfortunate private, deeply immersed in reading some information on a datapad slammed his left
shoulder into Yermott’s side. Seeing the League’s leaders crazed expression he stammered an apology,
only to be replied to by a relentless assault of the weapon held in Travees’s hand. All officers walking
that corridor immediately fled, giving Travees room to roam uninterrupted.
Taking four more flights of stairs Travees entered the Crusher’s bridge. The regional Governors stood
in a semi-circle with worry lining each of their faces. Pointing the stud prod towards each man, Travees
coldly asked, “Who leaked to that Witch that we’d be invading Hapes 9 again? WHO AMONG YOU
“Sir, there are some competent officers working the Hapan fleet…” The northern Governor of Hapes
12 found his comments answered by the end of the stun prod.
The Southern Governor of Hapes 12, Quylin pointed at his fallen Governor and jumped to reply, “He
did it, Sir. I heard him send a message off to the Hapan Fleet this morning with our battle plans.”
Narrowing his eyes, Travees said, “Do you think I’m a fool? That would be too convenient, now
wouldn’t it?”
The overweight Governor shook his head and raised his palms to protect himself from the stun prod.
“Stop this, Travees!” Gunnar of Hapes 7 demanded. “Turning on us will not bring back the losses we
have suffered today! We need to think clearly in this matter and plan another attack. This time, we must
plan not just to hurt, but to maim and end the Monarchy once and for all.”
Growling, Travees turned his eyes towards Gunnar and asked, “What do you suggest?”
“We take them down with the entire Cluster… no the entire Galaxy watching.”
A sliver of a smile etched across Travees’s crazed lips. Flicking up his lopsided moustache he began to
laugh and chortled, “Oh yes, that would be too perfect wouldn’t it? We still need to continue with our
attacks though, we cannot allow them to figure out our plan.”
Sniffing at the charred, yet still alive body of the Governor, Travees said, “Take him to his quarters, and
don’t allow the medics to treat his scars. Let them be a reminder to all of you not to cross me… ever.”
Turning his back, Travees stomped off of the bridge and returned to terrorize the lower levels of the
Destroyer. Quylin and Gunnar exchanged glances.
Gunnar said, “He’s losing it.”
“He lost it a long time ago. We have to watch each of our backs from now on, I’m afraid,” Quylin
“You know, he no longer…”
Quylin shot Gunnar a silencing stare and pointed to the many cameras that circled the bridge. “Later,”
he said.
Gunnar nodded, and assisted the other two Governors in removing their downed allies body from the
bridge of The Queen Crusher. Each man suddenly found himself fearing the wrath of Travess Yermott,
more than that of Queen Mother Ta’a Chume.
Chapter 34
An ancient Correllian waste disposal ship chugged along the far outer perimeter of the planet Plennin
12 in Piirrnian space. It maintained a steady pace, yet remained far enough away from the snarling
mass of ships that surrounded an immense floating city. From deep inside the waste disposal vessel
meticulous scans captured images of the armada protecting the city. As it slipped behind the planet’s
gray, pitted moon, the ship launched, silently into hyperspace, and on its journey back to its rendezvous
point, The Nubian Hope returned to her silver form.
Recharged circuits whirred to life as the internal chronometer reactivated in C-3PO’s central computer
cortex. His golden eyes charged with life bringing Master Marxx’s quarters aboard The Nubian Hope
into view. Immediately scanning the room, C-3PO’s gaze moved down his body. In utter horror, he
shrieked repeatedly at the disturbing vision that greeted his eyes.
Pounding feet raced through the hallways of the ship and Lowie burst through Marxx’s door in time to
hear the protocol droid exclaim, “I’m falling apart! What is happening to me???”
Roaring in confusion, the ginger-furred Wookiee stepped over piles of filthy laundry, shrugged off and
haphazardly thrown about the floor by Jacen and Marxx after their failed journey on the moon. Each
Jedi had showered, then proceeded onto Plennin 12 for their spy mission and had apparently forgotten
the mess they had left behind in Marxx’s quarters… along with the deactivated Solo family droid.
Woofing with laughter, Lowie noticed that trails of black, splattered, leftover goo from their encounter
with the squid-creatures had covered the droid from head to toe. Reaching down, Lowie turned Jacen’s
pants inside out and attempted to approach the distraught droid to clean him up.
“What are you doing? Master Lowbacca keep your hands off of me! No! No! No! Can’t you see that…
that… I’m melting!!!!!”
Rolling his eyes Lowie explained to the panicking droid what the substance was and where it came
Jolting in annoyance, 3PO’s prissy voice bristled as he indignantly cried, “And no one bothered to
clean this gunk off of me? How typical and thoughtless of them. This stuff could have corroded my
delicate circuits! And would anyone have cared? Apparently not! Why am I always forgotten by my
Masters? What have I done to deserve this treatment?”
Ignoring C-3PO’s griping Lowie cleaned off the droid, buffing him to his original golden luster. He
proceeded to explain the events that transpired while they were on the moon looking for Anakin and
Secretly, 3PO found himself thrilled to have been left behind on that little adventure. However, aloud
he stated, “Well it sounds like you could’ve used my translator skills when dealing with those creatures,
as I am fluent in over six million forms of communication…”
Sighing deeply, Lowie cut off the droid before his head inflated so large that that it would rupture the
room’s roof and barked that he was finished.
“Thank you, Master Lowbacca. It’s good to know that someone around here cares about me,” C-3PO
whined. Shaking his head, Lowie left the room to return to the others.
Gathering the piles of dirty laundry, 3PO waddled towards the back of the ship to the maintenance area,
where he dumped the clothing into the washer and set it for removing grease. Muttering to himself
about his ungrateful family, he clattered towards the main cabin of the ship seeking companionship,
and wished again that R2-D2 was aboard this ship instead of being with Master’s Luke and Mara.
Rounding a corner his visual cortex rested upon Marxx, sitting in the center of the small resting area,
shirtless, legs-crossed, with his eyes closed.
“Oh my! Is Master Marxx alright?” 3PO wailed. A hand reached out from the droid’s left side and
covered his mouth.
Twisting 3PO to face him, Jacen’s brown eyes stared imploringly at the noisy droid, shook his head and
whispered, “Marxx is working, you need to be quiet.”
Jolting indignantly, the golden droid broke from Jacen’s grasp and stomped towards the cabin of the
ship where Lowbacca sat behind the navigational system controls. Recognizing the Wookiee Jedi as
being the only person on this ship who seemed interested in his feelings or opinions, he decided to
grace Lowie with his presence. Pointing his left index finger at the screen, 3PO demanded, “Where are
we? That doesn’t look like anywhere in the New Republic!”
Groaning inwardly that he’d attracted a leech, Lowie explained that they were in Piirrnian space.
Before 3PO could pose another question, Marxx and Jacen shoved themselves into the cramped
Rubbing his fingers across his eyelids, Marxx’s blue eyes, streaked red, flew open. Deep worry lines
paved their way across his tired face, as he absently scratched his tufts of chest hair. Glancing at the
chronometer he saw that it was late. Settling down in his pilot’s chair, Marxx activated the
commsystem and sent out a hail to the entire rescue fleet and was not surprised to find them all awake,
ready to hear his report.
Luke responded first to the hail and cut straight to the point, “Marxx, what did you find?”
“Anakin’s aboard a ship of some sort. His life-reading energy seemed pretty stable, like he was
sleeping maybe,” Marxx replied, kneading the back of his neck with his left palm, as he struggled
against a yawn.
“Are you sure he was just asleep and not hurt?” Han’s voice demanded, full of parental concern.
“Yeah, I didn’t pick up any readings through the Force that he was in any kind of physical distress. He
wasn’t in a healing trance,” Marxx commented. He heard audible sighs of relief across the
commsystem from Anakin’s parents. Behind him, Jacen’s tense stance relaxed at the news.
“Were you able to pick up any readings on what kind of ship he was aboard?” Mara asked.
“Not really, I could only feel a handful of extra life-energy readings aboard the ship. Considering that
earlier I couldn’t detect the Piirrnians through the Force, it’s a safe bet that they are the ones who have
Anakin,” Marxx stated, with certainty.
Folding his arms across his chest, Jacen asked, “What other kinds of energy readings did you pick up
on Anakin’s ship? Were you able to detect Brukos?”
Nodding his head and yawning, Marxx finally replied, “Yeah, I could detect Brukos on there, he’s near
Anakin. They seemed to be in close quarters with a handful of other non-Piirrnian sentient beings as
Lowie roared a suggestion that maybe they were being held in a prison cell aboard the ship.
“That’s possible,” Marxx agreed.
“Can you tell where his ship was headed?” Leia asked.
“Not really, Mom. But the ship seemed to be in the same quadrant of the Galaxy near Plennin 12,
where the arena is currently docked,” Marxx said. “I also felt Tenel Ka aboard the arena… needless to
say she seemed somewhat restless.”
He heard Jacen gulp behind him, as his brother-in-law’s obvious distress for his friend showed brightly
through the Force.
“Ok, so bottom line is you’re not entirely sure of Anakin’s situation, beyond that he doesn’t appear to
be in mortal danger right now, correct?” Luke asked.
“That about sums it up. Yes, Master Skywalker,” Marxx agreed.
Silence rippled across the commlines as each member of the mission waited for Luke to speak again.
Finally, he said, “I think we need to get down to business then. Thanks to the information provided to
us in Anakin’s final transmission, we know that Tenel Ka’s match will begin at noon tomorrow. Her
rescue needs to take first priority. Leia and her strike team have analyzed the footage Marxx and the
boys gathered for us and were able to determine that it looks like the floating arena is being protected
by an armada at least 300 strong.” An ominous silence followed his statement. “That being said, we’re
gonna need all the help we can get in fighting against those odds.”
“Knowing my son the way I do, I’m going to bet that it won’t be necessary to try to track him down,
anyway,” Han commented.
“What do you mean?” Luke asked.
“Wherever Tenel Ka is, Anakin will be there,” the Solo patriarch replied.
“You’re right about that, Dad. Personally, I’m game. Tenel Ka’s time is running out. What time should
we plan our attack?” Jacen interjected.
“Before she’s scheduled to enter the ring. Maybe our appearance will force them to hold off or cancel
the match,” Leia commented. “Hold on, message coming in from Teneneil and Isolder- I’ll be right
“You don’t think they would make her fight if the arena was under attack do you?” Jacen asked to no
one in particular.
“Well, I certainly do not see the point of that. It would be ill-advised if you ask me,” C-3PO replied.
“Nobody asked you, Goldenrod!” Han growled.
Jacen and Marxx fought back smirks as 3PO bristled at Han’s retort. “I certainly don’t see how
insulting me is going to help in this matter, General Solo. I was merely presenting my opinion on this
Before Han could snap back at the droid, Luke’s calming voice interrupted, “Thank you, Threepio. I
think we all agree with your assessment of the situation. It would be highly doubtful that they’ll make
Tenel Ka fight if their troops are under heavy attack.”
Leia returned to the commsystem, “Did I miss anything?”
“NO!” came the unanimous reply.
Obviously confused, Leia reported, “Jaina managed to convince the Senate to send us three more ships,
one of which is a medical frigate.”
“Great, so that gives us what…twenty-two ships against 300? Boy that was sure generous of the New
Republic,” Jacen asked, incredulously. A sudden feeling of deep resentment towards the Senate filled
his heart at their unwillingness to offer them more combat support.
“Oh my! The odds of surviving in that kind of battle are…”
“Shut him down please!” Han shouted, interrupting C-3PO mid-proclamation.
“Really, General Solo! I just spent a very long time recharging, I do not need to recharge at this ti…”
Jacen placed a hand across 3PO’s mouth and shot him a pleading stare.
“Fine, I will keep my informed opinions to myself,” 3PO huffed.
“Well now look at that, there’s a first for everything,” Han sarcastically commented.
“Ahem!” Leia loudly interrupted, and continued, “We’ve given Teneneil Djo the co-ordinates for the
floating arena. I think one of our ships should stay in our current location so if we need the Hapans to
assist, we can still call for Isolder’s fleet of six Dragons to join in on the battle.”
“Mom, they’re three hours outside of Piirrnian airspace. Unless they move to our current location, they
won’t get to us in time to help with the battle,” Jacen pointed out.
“It’s also doubtful that Jaina will be able to secure more ships from the Senate in time to help us,” Mara
added. “Leia, Jacen’s right. We need to contact Isolder and Teneneil and have their squadron come to
meet us, here.”
“Right. And that will eliminate the need for a middle-man and all of our ships will be available for
battle… Luke, do you agree?” Leia asked.
“Sounds great, ladies. I suggest we all get some well-needed sleep… we’ve got a long day ahead of us
tomorrow. May the Force be with us all,” Luke said and signed off as the others wished their
goodnights to the rest of the team.
Lowie, Jacen, and Marxx headed to bed leaving C-3PO alone in the cockpit to stare out at the myriad
of twinkling, endless stars. The golden interpreter droid huffed, “Of course, now that I am fully
recharged, I am left by myself.” Glancing out at the kitchenette he saw piles of unwashed plates and
marched towards them commenting, “I was programmed for etiquette and protocol, exactly where in
my programming does it say I am supposed to perform cleaning duties?” As he stopped by the dirty
plates he groaned, “Oh well, at least I can be of some service in this regard.”
As the members of the rescue team slept, 3PO cleaned The Nubian Hope from tip to stern, hoping that
maybe in the morning, his efforts will garnish him a small bit of recognition from his busy Masters.
Sitting in her cell, Tenel Ka kneaded her forehead. She felt alone, and isolated. In all of her years
growing up, learning to live the life of a self-reliant warrior, she never realized how dependant she had
become upon being around others. Brukos and the Solo kids were her true friends who reminded her
that there was life outside of thinking only of oneself.
Lowering her chin towards her chest, she inhaled deeply and exhaled her deep breath. Calmly she
reasoned that if this was to be her fate, than so be it. Although she would have preferred to live a long
life with her beloved, and hopefully make a difference to the Hapan people, she only hoped that with
her death that people would not needlessly suffer. She kneaded her forehead harder. With her gone, she
knew that Nastya Chume’da would be next in line for the crown. Her half-cousin was completely illequipped for the job. Thanks to her father’s banishment from the Palace, Nastya had no royal
upbringings, nor was she ever trained to understand what would be required to be Queen Mother.
Flinging herself off of her bunk, Tenel Ka paced her room. She thought, Nastya would not know the
first thing about ruling the Cluster. Because she has lived in exile she will focus on the luxuries that the
Palace affords her. She will cherish the jewels, clothing, and servants and she will ignore the needs of
the people.
She’d only met her half-cousin a couple of times. Both occasions left Tenel Ka with a sour taste in her
mouth regarding Nastya. The thin, pale girl openly exhibited signs of being hostile towards her cousin.
She refused to talk to Tenel Ka other than to spit rude, and jealous remarks in her direction. Ta’a
Chume came always to Tenel Ka’s side and told her granddaughter to ignore Nastya, that the girl was
resentful that she was not next in line for the royal throne. And that Roark’s daughter should be
ignored, for she didn’t matter.
“She certainly matters now,” Tenel Ka said. Walking a hole in her small rug, she thought, How can a
woman who spent her entire life being spiteful and envious of others become a fair and just ruler? She
cannot, it is that simple. A nauseous wave of guilt warmed the Jedi’s gut as she realized that she helped
to contribute to Nastya’s temperament. She spoke aloud, “I could have reached out to her, but I did not.
Instead I took my grandmother’s words to heart and treated Nastya as a cast-off, and worthless.” Sitting
heavily upon her bunk, shame filled her soul. “I am no better than anyone else. She deserves to hate
A knock at her door jolted the Hapan Queen Mother from her tumultuous thoughts. “Come in.”
The door swung open and Quiss’lak entered the room. His dour expression further marred his normally
ugly features. He waited until the door hissed shut behind him, before he spoke, “I have talked to
Bwin’koo, the Captain in charge of arranging the match tomorrow.”
“I recall Bwin’koo,” Tenenl Ka replied, remembering the large Piirrnian who stunned her in her escape
“Oh right. Anyway, I convinced him to give you a full spectrum of weapons that we’ll have available
for you, waiting in the ring. He’s gonna allow me to chose the weapons for you that you can have in the
ring. I brought you a list of all that are available,” he said, and handed her one of two datapads. “Go
ahead and tick off for me what you want out there and I’ll make sure the weapons are all top quality for
“Thank you, Quiss’lak,” Tenel Ka replied, as she rested the datapad on her left limb and began
checking off weapons she felt she would most likely need while in the ring. Jutting her chin towards his
hands, she asked, “What is that?”
For once Quiss’lak’s eyes lit up. He grinned at her and said, “I lifted this for you. It’s the order list of
the beasties they’re going to send in to you. Looks like they have a total of 10 rounds planned. Since
they figure you won’t last longer than five, they figure they won’t need to arrange more than that.”
Morbid curiosity filled Tenel Ka, and she motioned for Quiss’lak to join her on her bunk to show her
the list. Gingerly, and rather shyly he sat beside his charge and activated the datapad. Tenel Ka
examined the first three creatures names and said, “I do not recognize any of the first three, what are
“About two-thirds of the creatures you’ll be fighting are from the Piirrnian systems. The locals who
watch and pay to view these events like to see local critters in the ring with the fighters. There are a few
planned for you that are from your neck of the Galaxy though. Don’t know if you’ve ever heard of any
of them or not…”
Tenel Ka’s eyes fell upon the creature in round five and her eyes lit up. She asked, “What happens if I
do not kill a creature, but tame it to help me out?”
A laugh caught in Quiss’lak’s throat and he stared incredulously at the red haired prisoner. “You’re
joking right? That’s never been done before.”
“So there’s no precedence for that, then?” She verified.
“Yeah, it’s never happened before. Why? You think you’ve got something you can do with one of the
beasties?” Quiss’lak needled.
Although Quiss’lak genuinely seemed concerned for her well-being, Tenel Ka decided to not fill him in
on any of her battle plans. He may be friendly, but he certainly was not her friend. Coyly she replied, “I
was just wondering is all.”
“That would be quite a sight, I’d say. Anyway, I’ve included some specs for you on each of the beaties
physical attributes, their strengths and weaknesses in battle… such as round six, the Meloth spiders are
very agile and quick. They’ll climb all over the cage and jump you when you least expect an attack.
Their suckers will draw blood and you’ll become instantly weak if they catch you in their tentacles…”
Tenel Ka and Quiss’lak spent about ten minutes reviewing the list, before he grabbed the datapad
containing the weapons and checked it over. He promptly selected a couple more items that she had not
chosen. Standing up, he prepared to leave. Staring at Nightsister with a sad, and almost guilty
expression, he said, “You know, I’ve never done this before… never told my fighters ahead of time
what they will be facing. I’m not quite sure why I’m doing this.”
“I think you know that this is wrong, Quiss’lak,” Tenel Ka said. A vision of Anakin sprung in her mind
and desperation took hold of her senses. She pleaded, “Help me out of here, Quiss’lak. Certainly you
know how to get to the landing bay. I am a trained pilot, we can get out of here…”
Turning his back, Quiss’lak said, “I can’t do that, Nightsister!”
“Why not? Obviously you are already having doubts about how they run this operation. I can offer you
sanctuary in my system, I can promise you safety…”
Stiffening, Quiss’lak faced his charge and simply said, “If I were to disobey my superiors, they will kill
me. I think you’ve made a grave error in judgement regarding me. I am a coward. I’m a yes-man, a cog
in the machine. I don’t think on my own. If it came down to it, even though I am obviously a lot less
worthy of living then you are… I would chose my life over yours.” Quickly he raced out of the room
and hissed the door, locking it behind him before Tenel Ka could get another word in edgewise.
As she heard the door hiss closed, Tenel Ka shook her head once. For all that Quiss’lak’s last words
spoke of his absolute resolve not to help her to escape, she believed that he was quite possibly trying to
convince himself more than her of his position on the matter. She felt a slim sliver of hope that maybe
he would come to his senses in the morning or middle of the night. Staring at the datapad that he left
behind containing the list of beasties, she turned her attention back to its contents and decided to study
them… just in case. She knew she would be a lot better off trusting herself than her enemy.
After about an hour, she shoved the datacard aside and crawled into bed. Knowing that her anxiety
levels would probably interfere with her ability to sleep she opted to put herself into a Force healing
trance. Before she drifted off to sleep, she could almost imagine the phantom traces of Anakin’s warm
embrace, protectively enveloping her body. That sensation of warmth and love blissfully sent her into a
dreamless, and deep sleep.
Chapter 35
“What’s he doing? You call this a plan? He’s just sitting there. Hey! What are you doing??” Jykku the
Klaatu prisoner spat at back of Anakin’s head.
A vice-like grip cinched his left shoulder, causing the leathery-faced alien to wince as Brukos spun his
cellmate around, and threatened, “Leave him alone. He has work to do.”
“You call that working? He’s just sitting there, napping,” Jykku jeered.
The furred Sy Myrthian, Hu Nassu cowered in the corner and twittered, “Please stop your shouting!
You’re going to cause my poor heart to give out.”
The shifty eyed, bat-eared Lannik, named Gurwan jabbed a finger into Hu Nassu’s flabby side, and
staring up at the large, whining alien said, “Oh grow up, you cowardly nerf!”
Brukos watched the exchange with slight interest. Jykku shrugged off Brukos’s hold and stalked in
front of Anakin. Bending over he waved his palms around in front of Anakin’s face, checking to see if
the Jedi was faking his meditation.
“I’m warning you….” Brukos seethed.
Growling, Jykku stomped over to a bench and parked himself grumpily down. The Twil’lek, Fis Lunta,
stroked his white lectu and said in Huttese, “Mi wesimu de wanna jungo, Anakin.”
Peeking a brown, Brukos scratched at his out of control, itchy, overgrown goatee and agreed, “Yes, it’s
a good idea to trust him, Fis Lunta. As he told you all last night, Anakin’s a Jedi Knight and needs to be
able to concentrate on the Force. You,” he said, pointing to Jykku and then Gurwan and continued, “…
and you, need to stop focusing on the negative. And Hu Nassu, please stop worrying about everything,
its going to be alright.”
“How do I know that? These Piirrnians… they have blasters, and stun prods. How will we ever get past
them all without getting hurt?” Hu Nassu fearfully asked, shoving both of his fists into his large gaping
From the floor, Anakin stated, “You trust the Force, that is how.” Standing up, Anakin reached his arms
high over his head, then dropped them behind his back, twisting and popping his back. Bending down,
Anakin grabbed a small rantii fruit off of the leftover breakfast tray and took a large bite of the sweet,
sugary snack.
Stepping over to his friend, Brukos whispered, “So… ah… did your meditation session work?”
Crunching loudly on the fruit, Anakin wiped the back of his hand across his chin, and flashed him the
Solo smirk. He said, “We’re right on schedule.”
“Great, so you think we’re past the militia guards and are about to dock at the arena?” Brukos inquired.
Hu Nassu violently breathed in a too large lung-full of air and began coughing nervously. Gurwan
rolled his eyes.
“Yep,” Anakin replied, taking another large bite of the fruit.
Exasperated, Brukos asked, “Great! So how are you exactly planning on getting through this locked
door then?”
Scrunching his brows in confusion, Anakin pointed at the door, “You mean this thing?” Sticking the
rantii in his teeth, he calmly walked up to the door. Positioning his fingers into each grooved side, he
slightly bent his knees, lifted, tugged, and yanked the door straight off of its hinges. Each of the other
prisoners appreciatively exclaimed in alarm. Effortlessly, Anakin turned around and muttered behind
the door, “Hold dis a sec, Brukos.”
Reaching out Brukos took the door from Anakin, and proceeded to take four rapid steps backwards
under the massive weight of the structure. Regaining his footing, Brukos felt sweat beads erupt all over
his head and brow as he launched himself forward and dropped the heavy door against the far wall.
Wiping his forearm across his forehead, he watched Anakin continue to smirk and happily chomp his
fruit. Tossing the core of the snack aside, he kidded, “You alright there?”
“Sure, Tiny. I love having five hundred pound doors handed to me,” Brukos replied, rolling his eyes as
he massaged his aching triceps.
Slapping his buddy on the back, Anakin said, “Just making sure that you’re fit, pal. Anyway- time’s a
wasting, come on before they discover us.” All merriment left his eyes then as he tip-toed towards the
empty doorframe and peered down either sides of the hallway. He whispered, “Clear.” And then silently
raced out the door, to the left.
Gurwan, Fis Lunta, and Jykku followed into step behind their fearless leader. Brukos turned to the
shivering Sy Myrthian and demanded, “Come on, time to go.”
Shaking his head violently he whispered, “I can’t go. Can’t you all do your mission without me? I’ll be
safe here. Just put the door back.”
“If you stay here, the Piirrnians will find you. I can guarantee one thing Hu Nassu. If they get their
hands on you and find out how fearful you are, do you know what they will do to you?” Brukos rapidly
Hu Nassu’s eyes grew wide with terror as he shook his head.
“They’ll feed you to their beasts for dinner. And you won’t be dead when they do that either. They get
their kicks out of seeing the beasts eat their meals live. You will actually hear your bones being
crunched by creatures as they eat you, that is unless you mercifully pass out from the blinding pain
first,” Brukos taunted.
Gulping and launching to his feet, the tall, bottom-heavy Sy Myrthian raced to the door and flicked up
his index finger and pointed down the hall, “Left, correct?”
“Right,” Brukos said, as a large grin covered his face as the alien charged out of the cell.
Down the end of the hallway, Anakin opened a door on the right that led to a stairwell. He noiselessly
opened the door and charged up four flights of stairs. At the forth landing he spotted a fire emergency
box, tugged open the locked door he extracted the jagged double-sided axe. The three other prisoners
fell into step behind the now armed Jedi and waited as Hu Nassu and Brukos finally approached from
the rear.
Plastering his ear to the stairwell door, Anakin quickly yanked it open and flashed the axe out into the
hallway, smacking a passing Piirrnian guard alongside the head with the flat side of the axe. Gurwan
jumped forward and caught the immense guard before he crashed to the ground, and with the help of
Fis Lunta, they dragged him behind the door. The feisty Lannik immediately relieved the guard of his
blaster, and tossed Fis Lunta the stun prod that he was carrying. Jykku ripped the bottom of the guard’s
pants legs into strips and bound and gagged the unconscious Piirrnian. Meanwhile, Anakin cracked
open the door and peered out into the hallway again. He made a slight whistle noise and swung the
door open. Creeping along the left wall, Anakin held his axe and spied the brighter end of the hallway.
His heart pounded in his chest as he sensed Gurwan following closely behind him, blaster ready. Fis
Lunta had handed the stun prod to Brukos, knowing that the bald man, covering their rear should be
Silently, Anakin raced towards the hall intersection, his bare feet barely made any noise as they
connected with the cold, gray, durasteel tiled floor. Plastering himself against the right wall, he quickly
peered around the corner and saw two guards heading their way. He made a V with his fingers to
Gurwan, who immediately jumped forward, and shot the two guards with the blaster. The shots noisily
echoed through the hall and stilled the hearts of the escapees as they immediately worried about
discovery. Not bothering any longer with stealth, Fis Lunta, Jykku, and Hu Nassu relieved the guards of
their weapons. Brukos was now armed with a blaster and stun prod, while Fis Lunta carried a blaster
and Jykku and a whimpering Hu Nassu held the stun prods.
After two more long corridors, Brukos heard the sound of running feet and shouting as the bodies of
the two felled guards had been discovered. Over his shoulder he shouted, “We’re about to have
Fis Lunta fell back and shoved Jykku and Hu Nassu ahead of him as he and Brukos kept watching the
rear for the approaching guards. Ahead, Anakin skidded to a halt as he met up with another corner. As
he turned to peer around it, he immediately saw stars as the butt of a blaster handle connected with his
skull. Screaming out in pain, Anakin swung his axe blindly, as Hu Nassu reached forward and zapped
the guard with his stun prod. The guard violently shook and then dropped to the floor.
Working on regaining his vision, Anakin dropped the axe, pried the blaster out of the guard’s hand and
continued down the long hallway.
“Are you alright?” Gurwan asked, with worry.
“I’m fine,” Anakin lied, as the dull pain still thundered in his forehead. Blaster fire from the back of the
group made him pause.
Brukos and Fis Lunta squatted around the corner and began firing down their last corridor.
“How many?” Anakin shouted.
“Four! Wait two!” Brukos retorted. “Go! We’ll catch up!”
Briefly torn at leaving his friend, Anakin charged down the hall, leaving Brukos and the Twi’lek to fend
for themselves. He and the other three prisoners stopped at a turbolift. Anakin pressed the button and
waited impatiently for it to arrive. As the turbolift chimed and the doors hissed open to reveal five
surprised guards who found themselves shot and stunned by blaster and stun prods.
Again relieving the guards of two more blasters, and leaving the others behind for Brukos and Fis
Lunta, the team shoved the stunned Piirrnians out into the hall and shut themselves into the turbolift.
Before the doors shut, Anakin peered down the hall and did not see Brukos of Fis Lunta.
“Come on- they’ll catch up!” Jykku angrily seethed.
Closing the doors, Anakin said, “Bridge.”
The two remaining Piirrnian guards simply refused to die. Try as Brukos and Fis Lunta might, they
could not hit the two constantly weaving guards. Setting down his blaster, Brukos armed himself with
the stun prod, jumped out and attacked one of the guards. The guard in return shoved his own stun prod
towards the two prisoners. Brukos swiftly ducked out of the way, however the device hit Fis Lunta’s
left lectu.
The Twi’lek screamed in pain, “ET CHUTA!” Baring his teeth, he reached out, snatched the rod right
out of the much larger Piirrnian guard’s hands, and slammed his elbow into the guard’s face.
Impressed by Fis Lunta’s moves, Brukos dropped, rolled, picked up his blaster and shot straight
upwards as the second guard finally reached the group, dropping him mid-charge. Brukos barely
missed being squashed by the falling body. Leaping to his feet, he and the angry, yet partially paralyzed
Twi’lek, raced down the long hallway. Brukos slowed as they approached the corner and raised his
blaster. Holding the weapon at arm’s length, he turned to see a pile of bodies lying in the middle of the
“Come on,” he ordered. When he didn’t hear Fis Lunta following, he turned and saw that his Twi’lek
companion had collapsed to his knees and was grabbing his lectu. Squatting beside the wounded alien
he said, “Come on, we’re almost at the turbolift. Can you stand? There’ll be more guards coming.”
“Tu wynera. Mi tanno no wannga,” Fis Lunta forced out.
“Very noble, but I’m not leaving you. Give me your arm. COME ON!” Brukos demanded.
The partially stunned Twi’lek threw his arm around Brukos’s shoulder and winced as icy, painful
prickles raced through his body. He limped along beside the human, hoping the effects would wear off
soon. As they approached the turbolift, Brukos’s ears perked up at a noise. He and Fis Lunta spun and
found themselves facing six guards.
“Mi enusa fesa,” Fis Lunta stated, unhooked his arm, ignoring his pain, grabbed two blasters off the
stunned guards and began firing down the hall. Hiding behind the pile of bodies, Brukos slammed on
the turbolift button and fired upon the approaching guards, watching with mounting horror as they
appeared to not be taking any hits. The rising levels of smoke that filled the corridor made it difficult
for him to exactly see his targets.
“Come on, Anakin! Return the turbolift!” Brukos screamed, and coughed as he, Fis Lunta, and the
Piirnians suddenly pitched towards the left wall. In the process, Brukos’s left arm suddenly blazed with
blinding pain.
The doors of the turbolift opened and Anakin calmly stared out onto the bridge of the ship. From out of
the main viewport he watched as it made the final approach for the docking bay onto the floating arena.
Silently, he cursed himself for arriving too soon on the bridge. They needed to wait until the crew had
provided the final landing code to the docking attendant if they were to land the vessel undetected
aboard the floating city. Quickly, the escapees counted ten Piirrnians aboard the bridge and began
firing. The element of surprise allowed them to take down three bridge officers. The rest, including the
captain and navigator hid from view and began returning fire. The ship lurched to the left as it went off
its programmed course.
Racing through the bridge and risking getting hit by a blaster shot, Anakin grabbed the navigation
controls and straightened the ship out. The navigator growled and leapt towards Anakin, intent on
blood. Kicking his right leg, Anakin smashed the base of his foot into the charging Piirrnian’s face and
knocked him unconscious with a blow to the head.
Gurwan stayed low to the ground and pitched himself behind a chair and fired upon three of the
operations privates, while Jykku sought out the Captain, downing two random officers in the process.
Peering meekly around the door from inside the turbolift, Hu Nassu whimpered and hugged his blaster,
wiping his eyes as tears flooded down his shaggy face. From the navigation chair, Anakin sensed his
cowardice and shouted, “Hu, get out of there so Brukos and Fis Lunta can get up here!”
“No! I can’t move, Anakin!” From his hiding place, Klopta’tu, the ship’s captain fired upon the
whining alien. Hu Nassu screamed as a blaster shot hit him straight between the eyes. The immense
alien crashed to the floor, his body landing right in the frame so the turbolift door could not close.
Refocusing on the navigation controls, Anakin followed the blinking lights towards the proper
clearance, docking bay. Klopta’tu glanced up as Jykku stood over him, blaster aimed right at his head.
Gruffly he said, “We need the landing codes.”
“And you think I’m going to give them to you?” he indignantly snorted.
“If you want to live you will,” Jykku responded.
Viewing the slumped bodies of his crew all over the bridge, Klopta’tu snorted and cackled, “I suppose
you’ll show me as much mercy as you’ve done with my men.”
“Sorry, we don’t take too kindly to being taken prisoner and turned into fighters,” Jykku sneered.
“Like your lives were that important to begin with,” Klopta’tu jeered in return. A wicked grin spread
over his fang-teeth and he said, “Sorry, you won’t get the code from me.” Grabbing a stun prod he fell
upon it and knocked himself unconscious.
Growling, Anakin shouted, “Go move Hu Nassu’s body. And ride down there in case Brukos needs
“Got it, boss,” Jykku replied. He passed Gurwan who was busy wandering around the bridge removing
weapons from the hands of the felled crew. Grunting Jykku dropped Hu Nassu’s large form out of the
way and quickly closed the elevator doors.
Gulping, Anakin watched as their landing bay loomed nearer and nearer.
Coughing even more, Brukos tried to ignore the pain in his left arm and used the moment of confusion
to rapidly pick off three unbalanced Piirrnians. Fis Lunta roared in annoyance and began rapidly firing
in arcs at the approaching, remaining three guards. From behind those three Piirrnians, four new
reinforcements appeared.
Brukos’s heart caved in his chest, noted the still not moving turbolift and believed their number might
be up. He realized that his blaster wasn’t firing. Throwing it aside he ripped a blaster out of the vicelike grip of one of the downed guards and fired again as the closest guards were now only about thirty
feet away.
“Blast it Anakin! Hurry up!” he shouted, as he panic caused his adrenaline to surge.
Fis Lunta’s wild and erratic shooting pattern managed to hit two more guards who pitched forward. The
closest guard seeing that he had no cover, ducked behind his friend’s body and waited for the next
squad to appear to help give him more support.
Reaching down, Brukos picked up a stun prod, set it for high and launched it down the hall, and hit the
cowering Piirrnian right on the head with the stick. He watched as the guard’s eyes rolled back in his
head and he fell over, unconscious. Hooting in laughter, the Twi’lek stuck his tongue out between his
jagged teeth, pumping his left fist in approval of Brukos’s way of taking the guard out.
Grinning, Brukos continued firing down the hall. His ears rang from the constant barrage of laser fire
that echoed in the hallway. He finally detected movement and realized that the turbolift was finally
“Get ready, Fis Lunta,” he said.
The turbolift doors opened and Jykku, holding two blasters stepped out and rapidly fired down the
hallway. With his combined firepower, the three took out the remaining four guards.
Thick smoke wove through the air and Brukos’s thought his ears had ceased functioning from the
abrupt silence.
“Anakin needs the landing code. Come on,” Jykku ordered.
The three jumped into the turbolift. Brukos crinkled his nose, as he became acutely aware that the three
of them were heavily perspiring as he gripped his smarting arm. When the doors hissed open, he heard
Anakin say, “Hold on a moment, the code is right here…”
Quickly glancing around the bridge, Brukos spied a plate containing leftover fruit cores, he shouted,
“Rantti Fruit.”
“Reinforcer that is correct. Please proceed to your authorized landing platform on deck twenty-four,” a
voice announced over the commsystem.
“Twenty-four. Thank you,” Anakin responded automatically and snapped off the commline. Sighing
deeply with relief, he asked, “How did you know that would be the code?”
“I didn’t. Lucky guess, huh?” Brukos kidded.
Anakin’s jaw dropped and he said, “You mean you didn’t know? You just shouted the first thing that
came out of your mouth?”
“Yup,” Brukos lied, grinning devilishly at his friend’s obvious disbelief. “Well, ok, no I didn’t just
guess it. The Piirrnians are rabid about changing their codes, so they tend to do stupid stuff like serve
the food that is the newest code so they’ll remember it. I knew that they rarely serve Rantti fruit- it’s a
delicacy in this region of space - so I figured that would be the word of the day.”
“That’s a mighty big gamble you took there,” Anakin said, as he piloted the ship towards the correct
landing site.
Sitting in the commofficer’s chair, Brukos rapidly began to alter the frequencies of the codes in the
Piirrnian commsystem. Calmly, he said, “Sorry, I just figured I knew it out when I saw our breakfast
this morning. Or maybe I’ve got a bit of Jedi in me.”
“Well regardless, thanks, pal. You really came through for us.”
“No problem, just don’t get all mushy on me over there,” Brukos chortled.
Anakin hooted with laughter, he noted Brukos’s arm and asked, “You alright?”
“This thing? Just a scratch.”
Nodding Anakin asked, “Is it ready?”
“Yep, go for it,” Brukos agreed, as he reached down, ripped a strip of fabric off of a fallen bridge
officer’s uniform and tied it around his injured arm’s wound.
Flicking on the commsystem, Anakin said, “Dad, are you there?”
“ANAKIN??? Is that you buddy? Where are you?” his happy father replied.
“I’m on a Piirrnian ship, just about ready to land inside the arena. We’ll handle Tenel Ka’s rescue
inside,” Anakin stated.
“Well you’re Mom’s gonna try to get her out diplomatically first,” Han commented.
“That won’t make a difference, Mr. Solo. These people won’t negotiate. The longer you talk to them,
the more likely they’ll just order that Tenel Ka be killed. Whatever she does, make sure that your wife
DOES NOT mention who Tenel Ka is. If they Piirrnians find out she’s royalty, they will kill her without
thinking twice in the matter,” Brukos rapidly spoke over the commsystem.
Digesting the information, Han finally said, “I’ll let her know that, Brukos. Thanks. You boys gonna be
alright by yourselves for a while? They’ve got a sizable armada protecting that arena, we won’t be able
to help you out.”
“We’ve got some friends, Dad. We should be ok. Once we’re inside, we won’t have any way to contact
you though,” Anakin stated.
“Well, your mother will know if you’re hurt or not. Just take care of yourselves, OK? Don’t do
anything foolish. If we can get someone in there to help you out we will as soon as possible,” Han
“Thanks, Dad.”
“It’s good to hear from you son… love you. Go get her.”
“We will Dad. Love you too. Send my love to Mom.”
“You know I will. Over.”
A slight smile remained on Anakin’s face as he signed off with his father. Brukos immediately erased
the code frequencies and piggybacked a couple of routing codes into the communications system to
hide their transmissions. As he had listened to Anakin and his father sign off, he once again felt envious
of his friend- envious of the obvious love and devotion that his family freely gave to each other. He
vowed that one way or another he’d make sure that they would be reunited.
Launching out of his chair, Brukos examined the bodies of the downed bridge officers and found the
two smallest individuals. Rapidly he began removing their uniforms. As Anakin docked the ship, and
flushed the landing vents, he jumped back to Brukos’s side and together they changed out of their
grungy pajama pants and dressed themselves into the complete Piirrnian outfits. Anakin beamed as the
boots of the large aliens actually fit his large feet. He stated, “You know, I should try to remember to
take some of these back with us. It costs a fortune to have these things made to fit my monsters.”
Shaking his head, Brukos replied, “Tiny, if we get out of here with Tenel Ka alive, I’ll buy you a shoe
Chuckling, the two men finished dressing and glanced around the bridge. They located two long,
hooded robes and put them on. Jykku, Fis Lunta, and Gurwan readied themselves for the next part of
the plan, allowing the two men to affix non-activated, or connected stun guards around their wrists.
Each man carried enough blasters on their utility belts for the others to use if and when it would
become necessary.
As they headed towards the turbolift, Anakin and Brukos stared at the corpse of their large Sy Myrthian
friend. Sadness filled each man at the loss of the wimpy alien.
“Come on, Anakin. We can’t waste time mourning him,” Brukos commented.
“I know,” he sadly moaned. Averting his gaze, he added to everyone, “Alright, guys. This was the easy
part. You all know what to do, right?”
The three aliens nodded in agreement.
“Good. May the Force be with us,” Anakin said as they climbed into the turbolift and asked the
turbolift to send them to the lowest level in the ship. Closing his eyes, Anakin shot a reassuring wave of
love through the Force to his beloved, letting her know that help was on the way.
Chapter 36
One by one the rescue fleet of the New Republic dropped out of hyperspace, surrounding Plennin 12
and the floating arena that hung low into the atmosphere of the planet. The number of ships circling the
oval, concave, disc-shaped spacestation had increased exponentially since the previous evening.
“What do you make of that, kid?” Han asked over their secured commfrequency.
Studying the ships from the co-pilot chair of The Jade Saber, Luke examined the swarming mass of
ships with confusion.
Mara scanned her green eyes over the traffic and replied, “Looks like media and transport vessels are in
the mix. Tenel Ka’s match must be a huge event and have attracted a lot of attention.”
“Great, nothing like the added bonus of trying to figure out which ships contain civilians and which
ones don’t,” Luke moaned.
“Luke, here’s a tip… if they ain’t firing on you- they’re probably civilian transports,” Han cracked.
“Thanks, Han,” Luke replied, rolling his eyes.
“Anytime, kid,” Han responded.
Using Piirrnian frequencies, Leia’s broadcast message, interrupted Han and Luke’s chatter, as she
demanded to speak to whomever was in charge of arena. From outside the main window on the bridge,
she watched as four large Piirrnian war vessels approached the point of origin of the strange broadcast.
The rest of her team waited in silence for a response. Minutes ticked by and Leia repeated her message,
verifying the Piirrnian code frequencies provided by Brukos were in fact being received. So far the
hovering Piirrnian vessels refused any kind of communication, and appeared to have positioned
themselves as an intimidation tactic.
Walking across the bridge of The Peacekeeper, Leia ran her right hand over the secure braids that
circled the crown of her head. Wearing a gray jumpsuit, she appeared more as a ship mechanic than a
former Chief of State from the New Republic and frankly she didn’t care. Last thing she wanted was to
be dressed up, and then go into battle wearing some uncomfortable, or non-functional outfit while she
and Retired Admiral Ackbar directed the battle aboard the large war cruiser. The former Admiral had
heard about their adventure through friends in the Senate and forced himself upon one of the newly
arrived ships, always willing to lend a hand to his friends. Remembering her Jedi Council status, Leia
picked up her brown Jedi robe and put it on.
“Walking a hole through the durasteel floor will not make them contact you any quicker, Leia,” Ackbar
Smiling distantly, Leia replied, “You know I’ve never been one to enjoy standing around much.” Leia
stared at the Mon Calamari man, his once lustrous, red skin had paled over the years, reflecting his age.
Ackbar’s large, expressive eyes however, remained as alert and lively as ever.
“Yes, I know. From what I understand of these people I highly doubt they’ll negotiate with you. Why
are you even bothering with this route?” Ackbar inquired.
“I’m not in the habit of roaring in guns blazing into a hostage type situation. I always believe in trying
to resolve things diplomatically first,” Leia commented.
“And how often is that successful in situations like this?” Ackbar needled.
Pursing her lips tightly together, Leia planted her fists on her hips and mumbled, “Not as often as I
would like.”
Finally, the large viewscreen rippled with activity and an obese Piirrnian’s face filled the image.
Frowing deeply, he demanded, “What do you want? How dare you interrupt me on this important day.”
Leia noticed that the Overlord didn’t bother to identify himself, nor offer any pleasantries in addressing
her message. Recognizing the overweight Piirrnian from the holonet recording forwarded by Brukos
and Anakin, Leia knew that this was indeed Grilli’k. “Overlord Grilli’k, your busy day is precisely why
I am contacting you now. My name is Jedi Master, Leia Organa- Solo and I am here to negotiate the
release of one of your captives of whom you have named Nightsister,” Leia calmly stated.
Staring at the ugly woman suspiciously, Grilli’k wrinkled his nose in confusion. A tall, menacinglooking Piirrnian bent over and whispered something into his ear. The Overlord stared back at his guard
with bewilderment and spat back, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Surely you must be…mistaken, Lord Grilli’k. We have intercepted several transmissions that show
that Nightsister is being held aboard this arena. How else do you explain our appearance here at the
precise location of your city?”
“I was curious about that myself. The location of this facility is to be known only to a privileged few.
How did you know to find this place?” Grilli’k demanded.
Dark eyes twinkling with merriment, Leia smirked, and calmly replied, “You don’t honestly expect me
to answer that and reveal my sources, now do you?”
Leaning heavily back into his sagging throne, Grilli’k picked at his jagged teeth with his pinky finger
claw and shrugged. Seeing her puny fleet, he recognized that she did possess excellent tracking
abilities. He also realized that denying he knew about the fighter in question would be pointless. He
smugly said, “Fine. Let’s say I know who this Nightsister is. Why should I give her up to you? Who are
you to ask for her life?”
Carefully selecting her words as to not give away Tenel Ka’s true identity, she explained, “I am friend
of her parents, and she is my son’s beloved. Your men intercepted her ship while she was travelling
home to be with family. She is a sweet young woman who has no business being in an environment
such as this…”
Eyes bulging wide in disbelief, Grilli’k burst out laughing. The raucous sound echoed over the bridge.
Leia, folded her arms and arched a perturbed brow, waiting for the Overlord to gather his senses.
Finally he stated, “You do not know this girl very well if you think she is merely a wilting, helpless
flower. She expertly killed several of my finest fighters. I think you may be confused over the identity
of the woman who is fighting for us.”
“I am NOT mistaken,” Leia firmly stated. “We ask that you release her and forward us to our protection
Anger rippled across Grilli’k’s face. His three wattles waggled with fury, “And why should I do that?
She’s not worth anything to me if I give her to you.”
“We will compensate you,” Leia offered.
“Ha! There is not enough credits…”
“We offer four million Republic Credits for her release,” Leia countered, offering the low end that
Teneniel and Isolder had offered up as a purse to hopefully buy their daughter’s freedom.
Sneering, Grilli’k shook his head, “That wouldn’t even cover a tenth of the credits I will earn from her
match today. I don’t suppose you have that kind of money to offer, now do you?”
Paling as the thought of hundreds of millions of credits flashed through her mind, she whispered, “No.”
“That’s what I figured. Besides, even if you did, we don’t take Republic Credits out here. As you can
tell we would have nowhere to spend them,” Grilli’k smirked.
Folding her arms across her chest, Leia advised, “I would recommend you release your prisoner to us,
Snorting deeply, Grilli’k chortled, “Why would I do that? Are YOU willing to take her place?” Giving
a leering once over he added, “I bet you’d look very good in one of our fighter’s costumes.”
Teeth grinding in her mouth, and ignoring his comments she replied, “If you do not hand over
Nightsister into our possession, we will take her back forcibly.”
Viewing her tiny fleet on his screen he sniffed and dismissed her with a wave of his flabby hand, “I’m
not worried about you, do what you think you must.”
Fuming, Leia balled her fists upon her hips and watched as the viewscreen connection shuddered off.
Immediately sensing the imminence of an attack, the crew aboard The Peacekeeper raced to their
stations. Reopening her secured commline to the rest of the fleet, Leia ordered, “Negotiations have
failed, commence with battle plans. Do not, repeat, do NOT take out the arena until we have
confirmation that Anakin and Brukos have rescued Tenel Ka… May the Force be with you all.”
Turning her head to the left, Leia eyed her weapon’s operator and ordered, “Fire at those ships!”
Throwing off her cumbersome Jedi robe and tossing it unceremoniously onto the floor, Leia raced
towards the command station and stood beside Admiral Ackbar to watch the progress of the battle on
the hologrid.
“You do realize that the arena is the least of our fighters worries right now, don’t you?” Ackbar asked.
“Of course I know that, I just wanted to remind everyone up front not to attack it. This battle is a
diversion to give Anakin the time to rescue her,” Leia replied, wiping her hand over her damp upper lip.
Wedge’s voice crackled over the comm, “All wings locked in attack S formation.”
From her word to fire, the closest Piirrnian warships found themselves bathed in laser fire. Leia
watched in amazement as the New Republic’s weapons effortlesly found their marks.
“I don’t understand, why aren’t they raising their shields?” she inquired.
Shaking his large head, the Mon Calamari man replied, “I don’t think they have shield technology.”
She watched as the enemy ships commenced with firing proton torpedoes towards the New Republic
fleet. Each hit bounced effortlessly off of their ship’s shields.
“Are you sure they don’t have shields?”
Bringing up a schematic of one of the makeshift dregnaughts, Ackbar scanned the entire outer
perimeter of the ship seeking some sort of shield generator. “I do not understand. Shield technology has
been around for over two hundred years, even if they are living out here in the wild regions of space,
they should’ve been able to pick up how to adapt it to their current technology.”
Four large Piirrnian warships exploded into piles of fiery debris. Thinking back on the easy manner in
which Grilli’k treated her threat of attack she mused, “I don’t think so. We’re missing something here.”
“Leia? What is this? They don’t even have shields? Don’t tell me it’s gonna be this easy?” Han
suggested over the commline.
Watching her husband flying towards the next convoy of cruisers barreling forward in their direction,
Leia spoke over the commsystem, “Keep your guards up. Something tells me that there’s more going
on here than meets the eyes.”
From deep in the growing battle, Leia heard her brother utter the words she dreaded to hear, “I have a
bad feeling about this.”
In a blink of the eye, Leia watched as five large cruisers encircled the New Republic War Destroyer
Unperishable. At once, the five vessels activated their shields and fired upon the destroyer from all
“Get us over there to help the Unperishable! We can’t afford to lose one ship! All of our lives depend
on it!” Leia commanded to her helmsman. Over the comm, she shouted, “Do not allow yourselves to be
surrounded, evasive maneuvers. They do have shields!”
“It was a tactic to check our weaponry strength!” Acbar stated.
Before Peacekeeper could arrive in time, the Unperishable’s shields failed. Under a relentless,
concentrated Piirrnian attack, the Unperishable exploded in a display that forced Leia to cover her eyes
from the searing light. Her heart sank, and then suddenly leapt to her throat as she realized all five
Piirrnian destroyers turned away from their destroyed prey and changed flight patterns and zeroed in on
her ship.
Tenel Ka stared at the large duracrete door. Barely breathing in fear of being electrocuted by the stun
guard that circled her neck, she listened as Gluk’ta, the guard she had assaulted days before, leered
behind her neck, filling her surrounding air with his putrid breath. Earlier this morning she had woken
up refreshed, showered, and meditated, waiting for Quiss’lak to show up with her breakfast and outfit
for the ring. Her heart had plummeted in her chest when Gluk’ta had arrived instead and threw her the
items. True to Quiss’lak’s word, her new uniform wasn’t nearly as revealing, but was a fitted green
tank-top and stretch fitting pants. Her heart had sunk when Gluk’ta arrived again later to bring her to
the ring. Apparently, she had succeeded in scaring Quiss’lak off.
“Looks like I won’t have the pleasure of killing you, Nightsister but I certainly will enjoy watching you
die,” Gluk’ta sneered as he slammed on the button leading to the first chamber before the weapon’s
Not bothering to answer the stinking guard, Tenel Ka stepped forward into the room and glanced to her
left as Quiss’lak appeared from the shadows and closed the door right onto Gluk’ta’s smug face.
Dashing over to Tenel Ka, he removed the stunguards that circled her neck and elbows. Not meeting
her eyes, he explained, “I spent this morning arranging the weapons on the tables that are out in the
ring for you. If you have the time and are able to think clearly enough, remember to select the objects
from left to right. Each weapon will be best suited for attacking the beasties in the order in which they
will be released to you.”
Encouraging circulation back into her elbows by swinging her arms around, she noticed that although
his actions appeared very conscientious they effectively afforded him the opportunity to avoid her this
morning. And by delegating his chores to Gluk’ta, he skirted the issue of having to address her
suggestions from the other night. By waiting to see her right now, he was left with little opportunity to
release her from captivity.
Knowing she had precious little time, she addressed the subject, “I take it you decided not to try and
assist me in trying to escape.”
Quiss’lak’s face fell from his forced smile, he nervously replied, “I’m just not the guy you think I am
sister. I do what I’m ordered to do. You don’t know these people I work with. If… if I tried something
like that, they’d kill me for treason. Giving you a heads up on the order of the beasties is bad enough.”
Stepping closer to the cowering Piirrnian she seethed, “You had the opportunity to actually do
something right for once in your life and you decided not to grasp it.” Glancing him over, she noticed
red streaks running through the whites in his golden eyes. She added, “You look tired. Have trouble
sleeping last night?”
“I didn’t sleep a wink,” he admitted.
“Know why? That is your conscious speaking to you. You know that this is WRONG! You see the
injustice in what they are planning for me here today,” Tenel Ka pointed out.
“I did find out that if you survive the ten rounds, they’ll let you live,” Quiss’lak offered as consolation.
“You and I both know how slim my chances are for that,” Tenel Ka snapped. Taking a deep breath, she
sensed something stirring in the Force. Tilting her head slightly to the left, she heard booming in the far
off distance. A slight grin formed across her lips as hope rocketed itself into her heart. Quickly she
explained, “You have got to get me out of here! Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
Quiss’lak strained his hearing and picked up the distant rumble of laserfire. Nervously, he asked, “What
is that?”
“That is my friends coming to rescue me,” Realizing that she’d need to pull rank on her cowardly
friend, she said, “Do you know why they are here to rescue me? Do you??”
The now quaking Piirrnian shook his head slightly.
“Because, your idiot friends failed to bother to learn the markings on the Hapan fleet. When they
kidnapped me, they sealed the fate of your Lord Grilli’k and his operation. I am Queen Mother Tenel
Ka, ruler of the Hapes Cluster, and Jedi Knight. I was taught the Jedi arts under Master Luke
Skywalker and am friends with his entire family. Right now, I can sense through the Force that they are
all out there working their way through your meager defenses to rescue me,” Tenel Ka explained. She
forced Quiss’lak into a corner with his back plastered against the wall. Her steel eyes bore into his face
using every ounce of her authority to intimidate. She continued, “They will not stop until I am safe.
And when I am safe, they will kill every last one of your lawless brethren, for the leaders of the New
Republic show no mercy to criminals.”
Shaking, the guard whispered, “I don’t believe you.”
“Do you not? Why is it you have been drawn to me? It is because you could sense that I am royalty,”
Tenel Ka seethed. Using the Force, she picked up the neck stun brace sitting on the table behind her,
raised her right hand and caught it effortlessly. Quiss’lak’s eyes opened wide. “If you help me… I will
spare your life. It is the least I can do for the kindness you have offered me these few days. If you do
not, consider your life to be doomed.”
Swaying on his feet, Quiss’lak cleared his throat. “What you are suggesting would mean my immediate
death. We have the best army outside protecting this arena, your friends, no matter how important they
may be, will not break through our defenses.”
“Do you really believe that your pitiful army will be able to hold up against the heroes who brought
down the mighty Empire?” Tenel Ka stated. Suddenly she dropped the stun collar as a familiar presence
penetrated the surrounding Force, embracing and comforting her spirit. Tenel Ka realized that she
needed to convince Quiss’lak right now to aid her escape. As if sensing the urgency of the moment, the
lights dimmed and the red signal flashed over the door to the arena. It was time for the battle.
Quiss’lak stated, “You have greatly overestimated me, your Highness. I am a weak man, and I must do
my duty.”With that he reached his long, left arm across the wall and slammed on the button that raised
the duracrete wall, exposing the arena floor.
Bright lights flooded the room and Tenel Ka flashed him a disappointed stare. She whispered to him,
“You have one chance to redeem yourself in my eyes. My beloved, Anakin Solo is here, on this facility
as we speak. Go find him and lead him to me. Do that and I will still spare this life of yours which you
seem so desperate to preserve. If you do not do this I certainly hope that your Gods will spare Mercy on
your wretched soul. Because I can promise you this much, if Anakin finds out that you had a chance to
lead him to me and you did not, death will be too kind a fate for you.”
“How would I know who he is?” Quiss’lak whined as he watched the unarmed Queen Mother of Hapes
step towards the lighted doorway.
Over her shoulder she commented, “Easy, he is about the same size as his grandfather, Darth Vader.
Follow the trail of blood and bodies, and you will find him.”
Quiss’lak’s jaw dropped as he watched Tenel Ka turn her back to him throw back her shoulders and
marched forward, unafraid, towards her doom. As the roar of the crowd deafened his ears, he tapped on
the door control with shaking fingers and locked himself into the cell. Falling into a quivering mass
onto the floor, he hugged himself and asked, “What have I done?”
Chapter 37
Nastya slumped back into her throne and half-listened as Ta’a Chume and General Roog continued
their shouting match. In her fingers she fiddled with an activated datapad that contained the statistics on
the latest attack made by the Hapan Independence League. During the night the rebels had wiped out an
entire convoy of ships carrying refugee supplies. Four hundred more Hapans lost their lives in the
attack. Cupping her chin in her right palm, Nastya again flipped the screen to display the findings of the
counter attacks on the Yermott homeworld and Hapes 7. In the rubble, rescue teams discovered that ten
civilians died on Hapes 7, while at least thirty staff members of the Yermott family and the Yermott
patriarch perished in the raids. Her nauseous stomach churned with guilt as she tried to come to terms
with what that information meant. In all of her years of dreaming to become Queen Mother, the
actuality that her actions caused deaths to Hapan citizens weighed heavily on her conscious.
Roog shouted, “The press is all over this like a maggot to rotting meat. Your reckless attack killed an
enfeebled man…Bruse Yermott…”
“…Is of no concern to me. If Yermott were so concerned about the well-being of his frail father, he
would’ve had the man committed to some facility where he could’ve been properly protected. That
idiot should’ve known that his homeworld would become a military target. The fact that he didn’t
bother to find a more secure place to stash his old man speaks volumes about what Yermott really
thought of him,” Ta’a Chume snapped back.
Grinding her teeth, Roog stated, “Yes, well the press isn’t seeing things that way.”
“Of course they’re no. Just because they can put a single, famous name to one of the dead, they
conveniently forget the thousands of invalids that Yermott murdered when he took out the medical
center,” Ta’a Chume coldly snapped. Crossing her arms over her chest, and tapping her foot she added,
“I will not apologize. It was the correct course of action.”
“Then I’m afraid your boldness is going to have dire consequences,” Roog said.
Ta’a Chume’s holo-emitter chirped and she dismissed the General with a wave of her hand. Scowling,
the blond woman stalked towards the duraglass doors of the tactical room and marched onto the patio.
Rising unsteadily from her chair, Nastya followed the seething woman into the bright Hapan morning
sunlight. Roog’s eyes were closed as she took a long draft off of a cigga. Its pungent scent infused the
air, blocking out the soft floral aromas that rose from the surrounding gardens. As she squinted into the
blinding sun, Nastya watched three squawking birds tumbling and playing in the blue sky completely
unaware of the problems faced by the humans below.
“What is it, Your Highness?” Roog asked; her voice tainted with annoyance.
Clearing her throat, Nastya closed the doors to the office to block off their conversation from the Queen
Mother. She wrinkled her nose at the cigga smoke.
Rolling her eyes, Roog admitted, “I know, it’s a nasty habit. But trust me- work with that woman long
enough, you’re gonna develop some vices.”
Slightly nodding, Nastya ignored the smoke and nervously asked, “What did you mean in there about
the attacks having dire consequences?”
Blowing out a large puff of smoke, Roog squinted at the pale woman, and sized her up. Nastya wore a
simple gray, shift dress that had most likely been pilfered from deceased-Queen Mother’s closet
because the dress was a few inches too short and the sleeves did not reach her wrists. It did appear that
someone had altered it slightly so that it did fit more securely around Nastya’s rail thin, flat figure.
Uncomfortable with the General’s scrutinizing stare, Nastya leaned against the railing to hide that she
had not been able to hem the dress properly.
Taking another long puff on her cigga, Roog explained, “By taking out Yermott’s home and by
destroying his financial resources, you’ve succeeded in making him a desperate man. The unfortunate
fact that Bruse Yermott died also just managed to launch this damned war in a direction that nobody
would have foreseen or wanted. You’ve made this war personal to Yermott.”
“Yes, I suppose that’s true. But think of all of the lives that he destroyed…”
“Immaterial. Listen to me, Your Highness, this man now has nothing to live for… nothing to hold onto.
The only thing that will keep him going is his utter hatred for the Queen Mother, and for you. I fear for
the both of you. And I cannot guarantee your safety from this man. He will be relentless,” Roog’s
husky voice warned, as she took a long drag off her cigga.
Gulping, Nastya furrowed her brows and sensed her stomach twist into tighter knots. She whispered,
“So what do we do?”
Extracting another cigga from her pocket, Roog lit up a second one with the butt of her remaining stick,
then crushed it into an overflowing ashtray. She inhaled off the fresh stick and stared across the
gardens. Absently brushing a couple of short blond hairs out of her eyes, she shook her head and said,
“I’m not sure. I think we’ll have to just keep on alert. The thing is by destroying the Joppka Financial
District on Hapes 7 the Queen Mother shot herself in the foot. This war is getting costly. Whenever we
apprehend or kill Travess, she could’ve seized his Rugana Oil assets and appropriated them in the name
of the Monarchy… used his money to pay for the repairs made by war. Now with the center leveled
there’s a good chance that we’ll never know exactly how much money he had.”
“Why didn’t you mention that before we attacked?” Nastya asked with bewilderment.
Jabbing an accusatory finger in Nastya’s direction, Roog seethed, “Because neither you or Her Grace
were paying any attention to me and demanded that I order the attacks without bothering to think things
through.” Tamping her finger against the marble balcony, Roog continued, “Every aspect of war, every
battle, every weapon fired will have a consequence that will cause a ripple effect that will filter down to
the most minute aspects of life… it’s called cause and effect. You were both were so anxious to extract
immediate pain to the enemy that you didn’t try to see the larger picture of what could happen
afterwards.” She took a long drag off of her cigga and added, “The Queen Mother’s approval rating is
dropping. She needs the support of her people to maintain control. With the death of Bruse Yermott the
people are sympathizing with Yermott. They are able to humanize him now.”
“But he’s a monster,” Nastya reasoned.
“Yes, he’s a monster and a mass-murderer who just lost his father. You need to understand something
Nastya, people are fickle and they like to sympathize with martyrs. They like to believe in pretty, empty
promises. People are stupid and will believe anything to end their suffering. All Yermott needs to do is
get his crying face onto the holonet and this war might as well be over with him declared the winner,”
Roog commented, burning out her cigga.
Nastya wiped sweat off of her brow as she shuddered. “We can’t let that happen.”
Snorting, Roog demanded, “Why not? What is there exactly left to preserve here?”
“Tr...tradition of the monarchy?” Nastya stammered, somewhat stumped as to how to answer that
Roog’s calculating eyes softened slightly, and she leaned towards the Queen Mother’s niece. She said,
“Again, why maintain a dead tradition? Look, I’m sure you’re a nice enough person Miss Chume’da,
but I think you know that you are in way over your head with this thing. You’ve not been trained to be
Queen Mother… and what’s more, you don’t possess the analytical mind needed to rule this Cluster. As
you’ve witnessed Ta’a Chume doesn’t spend her days being told what to do by her advisors. She listens
to us, but ultimately she makes the laws and decisions around here on her own...course sometimes we’d
prefer that she listened to us more often… I really just don’t get the impression that you know what to
do. She orders the death to people and that doesn’t faze her in the slightest. She’s calculating and able
to distance herself from the realities of war. Can you honestly say that you can do that? I saw your
expression in there when I reported the deaths of the people. You wanted to vomit – that doesn’t bode
well for your ability to make a great Queen Mother…When you take over the crown, this Monarchy
will be dead. Tenel Ka was the last hope for maintaining any semblance of order to this ancient
tradition. She had all of the makings of a great Queen Mother. She could detach herself emotionally
and was able to clearly think things over. She was also compassionate, which actually would’ve been
something needed in the Monarchy.” Suddenly realizing that she might’ve overstepped a line, she
quickly added, “I apologize for my bluntness.”
Gazing down at the too-short sleeves on Tenel Ka’s old dress, Nastya knew that she wasn’t qualified to
become Queen Mother. Half of the time when she sat in on the tactical meetings with Ta’a Chume and
General Roog she had no idea what they were talking about and would absently agree with them in
hopes that they would believe she understood what they were yammering about. Knitting her large,
knobby fingers together, she stated, “No offense taken. You are right… I’m not fit to rule this Cluster.
However, I have no interest in just giving up on the Monarchy. I’m sure in the past that Queen’s of
olden days have faced worse situations and survived. There were probably Queen Mothers who were
much like me who came into the position far less than ready to helm the crown. But we must prevail.
We cannot just give up and let murderers win. They need to be brought to justice for their crimes
against the Hapan people. The people may be fickle, but I believe that ultimately they will side with the
Monarchy in the end. The crown’s never let them down before and we need to believe that we won’t
fail now. If we believe, the people will believe it as well.”
“You’re right, Your Highness,” Roog agreed. Staring at the frail Ta’a Chume through a window she
admitted, “You know she’s not as strong as she likes you to think she is. Tenel Ka forced her to give up
her crown because she was starting to use poor judgement. The fact that she would listen to someone
with very little experience over me shows that her judgement is again failing. If you want to help save
this Cluster, I need you to use your influence on her to listen to me. She seems to have decided to trust
in you and your ideas. If you remember to seek my council before deciding on something… maybe we
can squash Yermott, together.”
“And if I do that?”
“I will be your head council when you are crowned, your Highness. You have my word,” Roog
Nodding her head, Nastya smiled to seal the deal.
Later in the morning, Nastya aimlessly wandered back to her room with her two personal guards
shadowing her movements. In the last few days she had become accustomed to seeing the objects of
wealth in the Palace and felt a strange detachment towards the glittering items. Upon first arriving here,
she had believed that she was owed them, that it was her right to possess these things. As her feet
silently traveled over the green marbled floor, she realized the futility of such thoughts. Even if she did
own each exquisite lamp and vase that she passed, they wouldn’t make her any happier in life. They
simply prettied up her dull existence.
She entered her room and allowed the door to close behind her back, cutting herself off from her
guards. Moving across the plush carpet, Nastya stopped in front of a large mirror and stared at her
reflection. She immediately decided that the too short dress looked ridiculous. Angrily, she wiggled out
of it and tossed it aside and was left to examine her thin, pale, bony body. Tears welled in the corners of
her dark eyes as she could find nothing attractive about the woman staring back at her in the mirror.
Her long, bony arms quickly wrapped themselves around herself in an attempt to shield her eyes from
her repulsive image, and she shook her long ebony hair out, fanning it around her shoulders to further
cover her shamefully malnourished body. Tears trailed down her cheeks as she entered her closet and
quickly changed into a pair of black, loose fitting pants and a long sleeved, high-necked black top.
Running in front of the mirror again, she discovered her pale face and skeletal, white hands popped
morbidly out against the dark fabric. Miserably she averted her gaze and threw herself onto her bed.
Her long fingers traced over the bones in her face. Fighting back a crying fit, she launched herself off
of her bed and ran towards her bedroom door. As it opened she stared at her guards and asked, “Where
is the wellness center in the Palace?”
“Fourth floor west wing, My lady,” her guard Ezgar stated, uncomfortably noting the tears running
down her face.
Meekly she thanked him and ran up the stairs towards the facilities. Once inside, she again shut herself
off from the guards and wandered around the rooms of the complex. Off to the left of the workout room
she spied what she hoped to find, a tanning facility. Slipping out of her apparel she grabbed a pair of
protective contact lenses and placed them over her corneas. Activating the controls for only ten
minutes, knowing her waxy white skin would burn if she stayed in there any longer than that, Nastya
settled down upon the glowing beams and allowed the lights to illuminate and nourish her skin.
She twitched on the bed, trying to figure out how to just relax. Having never taken a vacation, or ever
being able to afford the luxuries that belonged with personal grooming, Nastya felt out of place, and
even guilty for using the tanning room. She tried to quiet her discomfort and confusion and settled on
allowing her fingers to rap against the solar lights. As she lay in the room she tried to make sense of her
life. Current events aside, she realized that she was bored… bored with her seemingly mundane
existence. All of her life, her father Roark had filled her head with ideas that by becoming Queen
Mother all of her prayers would be answered. He promised that she would no longer be poor, could live
in luxury, and be well respected and loved.
She supposed that the being wealthy part of his promise was a given, but was she respected? Roog
seems to have begrudgingly decided to offer her respect. Although she doubted that if her cousin Tenel
Ka was still in the picture that the General would have given her a second thought. Was she loved?
Snorting, she would have liked to believe that Ta’a Chume had suddenly developed a soft place in her
icy heart for her half-niece, but Nastya didn’t kid herself. She knew that Ta’a Chume was faking
interest. What’s more, her crafty Aunt was probably trying to manipulate her into becoming her puppet.
“No. As I should’ve always suspected, Ta’a Chume doesn’t love me. For that matter, I don’t love her
either,” Nastya moaned aloud. She supposed her father loved her, but realizing that he had filled her
head with all of these empty dreams made her rethink things. She began to believe that even her own
father was just using her to get back at Ta’a Chume. Nastya never liked being told what to do by others
and it suddenly dawned on her that everyone she has ever been in association with has tried using her
in one form or another. To herself she wondered, Is that all I’m good for?
Wiping a stray tear from her left eye, Nastya felt utterly alone and miserable. Absently, she thought of
the controls in the room and an idea entered her head. She could turn up the controls of the room and
given an hour or so, she would probably be blissfully dead- well burned to a crisp- but dead
nevertheless. Who would really care? Her Aunt wouldn’t. Ta’a Chume would be thrilled to have her
pesky niece out of her life. Her father would probably mostly be upset because he’d know that he’d
have to spend the rest of his miserable life as a janitor and would’ve lost all chances of ever gaining the
throne. It could be so easy to just give up and let the Cluster go completely to hell.
The tanning room’s timer went off and the warm lights deactivated in the solar panels. Sighing deeply,
Nastya knew that suicide was out of the question. Even though she may not know her own purpose in
life, she figured that maybe the answer would eventually reveal itself in time. That in itself, she
decided, was a reason worth living. Wandering out of the room, she removed the contacts and
examined her reflection. Her pale skin appeared slightly peachy. Even though it wasn’t a huge change,
Nastya felt her spirits rise as she decided that maybe instead of cursing the things she didn’t like about
herself, she’d work on changing those things that she detested. As General Roog pointed out, she may
not be fit to become Queen Mother, but it looked like that would be her destiny. If that were to be the
case she had better start looking the part.
Wrapping a towel around her body she nervously stood in front of a couple of doors, and clenched her
fingers around a strand of her long black hair. Determination welled up inside her and she burst into the
beauty parlor and was immediately greeted by the startled handmaidens who ran the shop. She shyly
asked them to help give her a complete makeover. The excited girls immediately showered her with
attention and Nastya forgot about all of her problems or self-doubts as she allowed herself to become
the center of their universe.
Three hours later, after her style makeover and a quick stop at the tailors to have them create a new
wardrobe for her, she quickly dressed and exited the facility. Her two stunned and confused guards
followed her back towards her bedroom.
Nastya decided that starting today she would never doubt herself or her life again. Wandering over to
her mirror she studied her reflection and caught her breath. Her once long, straight, pitch black hair
now hung in soft, brown layers around her face, curling just below her neckline. The layers around her
face helped to soften her angular face. The makeup techniques that the girls applied to her features
helped make her face appear less harsh overall… even making her seem… pretty? Handsome maybe,
she was still too gaunt, and pale to be considered pretty. Flinging off her dark clothes she slipped into a
long sleeved, red dress and headed to her door. As it opened and she stepped out into the hall, she heard
Ezgar intake a deep, involuntary breath of air.
Flashing him a bright, thankful smile her cheeks hued pink with delight, as she realized that no man
had ever noticed her before as a woman. Throwing her shoulders back and bolstered with newfound,
giddy confidence, Nastya headed towards the dining room to have her mid-day meal with her halfAunt.
The lights in the dining room were set to full illumination. Nastya’s eyes fell upon her small half-Aunt
staring out across the Hapan sea. The aged matriarch turned and immediately furrowed her brows in
confusion over the young woman who had entered the room.
Nastya’s smug grin remained the same even if she had managed to obtain some cosmetic changes.
Snorting, Ta’a Chume sat down at the head of the table and said snidely, “Well at least you now no
longer look like death warmed over.”
Flashing her aunt a sickeningly sweet smile and batting her long eyelashes, Nastya cooed, “No, I’ll
leave that job to you, Auntie dear.”
The attendants quickly placed the first round meal plates before both Royals and couldn’t exit the room
fast enough, fearing what could become an utterly bitter battle of words. Cutting into her greens,
Nastya placed a large mouthful of salad into her mouth and savored its freshness, waiting to see how
the Queen Mother would react.
Ta’a Chume bit into her salad and curiously watched her niece devour her meal with gusto. She kidded,
“Careful there, if you keep eating like that you’ll split out of that dress.”
“That’s the plan,” Nastya responded as she wolfed down two large hunks of bread.
“Why would you want to do that?” Ta’a Chume asked. “Don’t women like being thin and waif-like in
“Not if I’m going to be Queen, I don’t. The people won’t respect a woman who they can see every bone
in her body. A Queen Mother should look like she’s well fed, not look like someone living off of
whatever she can find on the street. I look like I do because I didn’t get enough to eat growing up,”
Nastya spat. She glowered at her Aunt and threatened, “You gonna deny me food now?”
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Ta’a Chume coughed, “No.”
“Good,” Nastya commented and grabbed the main meal plate out of the servant’s hands and dug into
her nerf steak without bothering to make any false pleasantries with her Aunt. After finishing off her
meal, Nastya stood up, bowed slightly to Ta’a Chume and dismissively said, “I’m going to go now.
There are lots of files that I still need to read- I have years of lost training to catch up on. If you’ll
excuse me.” Without waiting to be formally released, Nastya confidently strode out of the room.
Pursing her lips, Ta’a Chume shook her head with confusion. Supposing that Nastya had every right to
hate her, she ignored her niece’s bitterness. What concerned her most was that Nastya suddenly seemed
to have developed a rebellious streak which in the end could make her harder, if not impossible, to
control. Not much liking this unexpected turn of events, the Queen Mother decided she had better keep
a closer eye on her niece, least Nastya suddenly decide to do something foolish… like start believe she
could start thinking for herself.
That, Ta’a Chume knew, would be the biggest tragedy of all. “Pity, and I was just starting to admire that
Nastya curled up in her large throne chair and read through the findings on the destruction of Tenel
Ka’s transport. She noted the information that the body of her cousin along with several of her crew
members, were never discovered. Shivers ran up and down her spine as a thought entered her mind.
Could her cousin still be alive? If so, where was she? Racing over to her half-Aunt’s terminal she
pulled up the outgoing holoimager messages from the last couple weeks. In the listings she saw several
calls made to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
“Jedi Temple… why was she calling there?” she mumbled. As she scrolled down the list she spied a
call made to Senator Racees office and her blood pulsed excitedly in her veins. Peering anxiously
towards the doors, Nastya secured their magnetic shielding and made a call to the Senator.
A swollen young woman’s face filled the screen. Jaina began, “Your Highness, I’ve already told you I
have noth… who are you?”
Gulping, Nastya explained, “I am Nastya Chume’da, Tenel Ka’s cousin and possibly the next heir to the
Hapan throne. I saw that my Aunt contacted you and I was wondering why she did that.”
Snorting, Jaina groaned, “Why does Ta’a Chume do anything?”
“She’s not exactly the nicest person, is she?” Nastya asked, taking a sudden liking to Jaina.
Biting her lower lip, Jaina scrutinized the young woman and admitted, “Nope. She doesn’t exactly
belong on my list of favorite people.”
Licking he lips, Nastya quietly asked, “What aren’t you telling her?”
“What do you mean?” Jaina flippantly asked, glancing at her fingernails.
“You’re keeping something from her… it’s about Tenel Ka, isn’t it?”
Evading the question, Jaina fumed, “Ta’a Chume is rude and overly demanding. She’s got no people
skills whatsoever.”
Chuckling, Nastya stated, “You’re right.”
Staring suspiciously at Tenel Ka’s cousin, Jaina asked, “What would you do with the information I give
you? You gonna spill to her?”
“Only if it becomes necessary. But for now, I’d be willing to keep the information from her if that
meant you’d tell me what was going on,” Nastya offered. “Look, Tenel Ka and I have never been close,
in fact we hardly even know each other. But if there’s a chance she’s alive, I’d rather give her the
chance to come back and regain her throne than take it from her.”
Sighing deeply, Jaina told the entire story to Nastya. Bewildered by the end, she said, “And you didn’t
tell this to Ta’a Chume??”
“Nope. She accused my brother of being a murderer, and refused to talk to us. Why should we return
the courtesy? Besides, she’s all action and never bothers to think of the consequences beforehand. She
would’ve sent the whole Hapan fleet in, lasers firing, and could’ve gotten Tenel Ka killed before we
had someone on the inside, helping her to escape,” Jaina scowled. “She’s a reckless, know-it-all. And
that doesn’t make her much of a help as an ally.”
Nastya heard echoes of things that Roog explained earlier, and understood how wise the Jedi were in
not involving her half-aunt. Quickly she picked up a commlink and called to General Roog. A few
moments later the startled General entered the office. Nastya asked Jaina to please repeat her story.
Roog listened intently to the turn of events and felt her adrenaline throbbing in her veins. She asked,
“And you’re sure the New Republic won’t offer more air support?”
“Nope. They’ve given me all that they can spare, they say. Apparently they’re under the delusional idea
that Ta’a Chume may call us asking for help with the war brewing in your Cluster. They seem to think
that would be a more worthy allotment of military resources than trying to rescue the current Queen
Mother,” Jaina fumed.
“How far into the Wild Space Regions are they right now?” Roog demanded.
“Takes about four standard hours to arrive at the arena. Teneniel and Isolder are waiting with their six
destroyers to offer assistance if needed,” Jaina reported.
“Sounds like they’re gonna need more than that… Senator Racees, send a message to the Prince and let
him know that Hapan help will be on the way… if that’s alright with you Your Highness?” Roog asked.
Grinning broadly, Nastya said, “Absolutely. Let’s get my cousin back here as soon as possible.”
Exhaling a large sigh of relief, Jaina offered her thanks and severed the connection.
Quickly Roog opened a private line and contacted a special-forces team of twelve Destroyers reserved
entirely for the protection of the Queen Mother. She sent them the Prince’s co-ordinates, telling them to
keep their comfrequencies clear of chatter and ordered them to leave their orbit around Hapes.
Nervously, Nastya stated, “That’s going to leave our planet wide open for attacks.”
Tapping her fingers on her forearms, Roog replied, “I’ll work on reallocating our troops so we won’t be
unprotected for long. Besides, I don’t think Yermott’s ready yet to attack the Palace. Something tells me
that he’s waiting for a big event to even his score. Speaking of which, we need to hold Tenel Ka’s
funeral and give no clues that she might be coming back alive.”
“When should that be held?”
“Tonight, or this afternoon would be better. All we need to do is get a couple of clergy men to pray over
a closed coffin, have you and the Queen Mother sitting by respectfully and broadcast it over the holonet,” Roog explained, while preparation details swirled in her head.
“Won’t people be suspicious if there’s no congregation of mourners? Particularly with her parents
missing?” Nastya asked.
Shaking her head, Roog commented, “It’s immaterial. They’ll believe anything we put out there- as
long as it’s official footage with the Royal seal on it. Let’s not tell the Queen Mother anything about
what’s really going on until we hear back from the fleet.”
“Sure, no problem.” Nervously she chewed on her lower lip and she asked, “Can you erase my
conversation to the Senator?”
“Yes, we can’t let that stay on file. Get back to your research and leave everything to me,” Roog
commented as she expertly erased the files.
“I will. Thank you for your help, General,” Nastya replied.
Flashing her a confident stare, Roog nodded and felt relief flood her soul. Maybe the Monarchy still
had a chance afterall… maybe.
Chapter 38
Leia’s emotional call of alarm lit up the Force as she watched the five Piirrnian vessels surround The
Peacekeeper. Studying the smaller enemy ships out the bridge’s viewport window, Leia crossed her
arms over her chest and asked, “Can’t we just ride right through them?”
Ackbar’s inky eyes widened in alarm as he cried, “That would be suicide!”
“Really? Look at the size of those things, we’re easily ten times larger than they are. Helmsman- how
are our shields holding?” Leia barked.
“Full, My Lady,” the Snivvian helmsman nervously replied.
Swinging down from the observation deck and boots clanking across the main bridge, Leia stared at the
firing enemy ships, narrowed her eyes and stated, “We can do it.”
“Leia that is insane! Such a maneuver has never been executed before in battle. How could we possibly
know if we would succeed or not?” Ackbar demanded in befuddlement.
Arching a brow, Leia listened as the enemy laser fire intensified upn their shields. She coolly
commented, “Ever watch Demolition Wars?”
The retired Admiral’s large mouth gaped open in confusion, wondering what a holonet program had to
do with battle tactics.
Grinning devilishly, Leia kidded, “Trust me… Helmsman take us right through those two destroyers.”
The helmsman’s mousy features screwed up in protest. However, the icy, relentless glare of the
Peacekeeper’s highest ranking officer made him change his mind. Pushing full throttle on the thrusters,
the alien gulped and charged the New Republic’s cruiser straight towards the attacking destroyers.
Ackbar’s eyes grew fearfully wide, and he sensed his heart seize in his chest as he watched their ship
ram straight into two of the enemy destroyers. Upon impact the Piirrnian ships spun wildly out of
control. Nervously eyeing the battle hologrid Ackbar released an involuntary squeak of surprise as the
two Piirrnian vessels unceremoniously tumbled up and crashed into two of the other surrounding
enemy ships. As the Peacekeeper charged through the fiery debris, the remaining Piirrnian vessel
headed towards the relative safety of the heart of the battle and away from the marauding New
Republic battlestation cruiser.
“Shields?” Leia coolly inquired.
Gulping and wiping sweat off of his brow, the helmsman reported, “Down two percent.”
“Not bad! I can accept that. How about you, Admiral?” Leia proudly exclaimed.
“That was far too reckless, Leia.” Sitting heavily into his chair, Ackbar miserably mumbled, “I am way
too old for this. This is exactly why I retired. ”
From over the commlines Han’s voice kidded over the bridge, “Honey, I’m so proud of you- you do
pay attention to my flying techniques.”
Leia laughed as Ackbar’s salmon skin took on a greenish hue.
“Helmsman, take us out of battle range, please,” Ackbar ordered.
“Gladly,” the small operator replied.
“We’re not going back in there until it’s absolutely necessary,” Ackbar firmly stated to Leia. She
shrugged her shoulders and promptly returned back to the hologrid to watch as the battle unfolded.
In the heart of the swarming mass of ships, Mara Jade pointed The Jade Saber towards one of the larger
Piirrnian destroyer’s underbelly.
“Where did Artoo say that the ship’s most vulnerable spot is again?” Mara demanded from her
Calmly, Luke relayed, “Almost there… keep it steady…” Massaging the proton torpedo controls with
his steady hands, Luke anxiously watched as they approached a spot nearly in the center of the bottom
of the Piirnian cruiser. Artoo’s examination of the ship’s matrix revealed that by firing at this location, a
single torpedo could deactivate the vessel’s shields. Connecting with the Force, Luke waited for his
instincts to guide his fingers. Closing his eyes he sensed the electrical throbbing of the shields. Then he
sensed the weakness and fired. A slight fluttering out of an electrical charge signaled that the
deactivation was successful.
Grinning, Luke shouted, “Shields are down Han, take it out!”
“Got it under control, kid. Get out of there!” Han ordered. The Jade Saber banked a sharp left straight
towards the underbelly of another enemy destroyer, ready to take it’s shields out as well. However, as
the previous destroyer exploded in an ear-shattering display behind them, a group of three one-manned
enemy fighters descended upon Luke and Mara preventing them from reaching their next target.
The Jade Saber quaked as it became bathed in laserfire. Growling, Mara leaned heavy on her thrusters
and sent the Saber into a downward right corkscrewed turn in attempts to shake the fighters off of their
tails. The nimble Piirrnian ships effortlessly followed their prey and relentlessly pounded Mara’s
Artoo squealed with worry. Luke reported, “Shields down ten percent… twelve percent.”
Mara’s breathing shallowed as she concentrated further on trying to shake the ships. She grimaced,
“These guys are quick, I’ll tell you that.”
From their left, laserfire crossed in their direction, skipped over the Saber and destroyed two of the
Piirrnian fighters.
“Thanks, Wedge,” Luke happily shouted.
“Anytime, Luke,” Wedge’s reply crackled over the commsystem.
Mara abruptly leaned forward on her thrusters and slowed her ship. The remaining fighter shot past its
prey and became the target. Relying on instincts, Luke blasted the tiny ship into fiery dust fragments.
Not waiting on her laurels, Mara returned to the underbelly of the larger destroyer and Luke took out
the shields.
One of the New Republic’s battle cruiser’s Star Light effortlessly destroyed the unshielded larger vessel
As they flew along, seeking a new target Luke mumbled, “There must be an easier way to deactivate all
of their shields at once.”
“That’s doubtful. They’re not being protected by a single energy source,” Mara explained, as she
charged after a group of four one-manned fighters.
Luke picked them off effortlessly. Shoving a damp clump of sandy brown hair from his blue eyes and
grumbled, “It was just a thought.” Scanning the battle field, Luke’s heart sank as the number of enemy
fighters more than quadrupled their own troops.
Sensing her husband’s growing distress, Mara flashed him her deep green eyes and reassured him,
“Patience, hon. Don’t worry, we’ll get them. It’ll just take one ship at a time.”
“Right. Let’s just hope Anakin’s making progress with releasing Tenel Ka. The faster we can get out of
here the better,” Luke grumbled.
“No arguments here, Skywalker,” Mara agreed, and raced towards yet another larger Piirnian destroyer.
“Just remember, a heroes job is rarely ever accomplished with only one well placed proton torpedo. It
usually takes a lot more work.”
Flashing her a grin, Luke fired off a proton torpedo and destroyed the shields on the destroyer.
Unbeknownst to the couple, from above the Star Light followed Luke’s lead and took out the
navigation controls on the Piirrnian cruiser. As she watched the burning vessel spin out of control, and
out of the battle range, Mara rolled her eyes and muttered, “Show-off.”
Luke’s soft laughter filled the cockpit.
Thunderous cheers and roars of the crowd assaulted Tenel Ka’s ears, and the stench of anticipation
permeated the air. The blinding lights burned down upon the top of her head as she stood in the center
of the fighting arena. The floor under her feet shook from the reverberations of the pounding fists onto
knees of the impatient, bloodthirsty crowd, circling the arena floor. Her heart involuntarily raced in her
chest from a combined surge of anticipation and revulsion to her upcoming match. Lifting her defiant
gray eyes towards Lord Grilli’k’s enclosed box, she spied Bwin’koo hovering over his obese lord’s
Over the intercom the announcer yammered on about the day’s match, “Today is a very special event,
in which Nightsister will get to test her strength and endurance by battling a bevy of our fiercest beasts.
Betting for this event is now officially closed. Please give a warm hand for Overlord Grilli’k and show
fealty to our protector!”
The slovenly lord raised his waggling three chins in recognition of the ear-shattering applause. Tenel
Ka noted that he appeared quite calm considering that his fleet was under attack. His cruel eyes bore
down upon his prisoner with contempt as she refused to bow. Detecting his lord’s annoyance,
Bwin’koo leaned over and whispered something into his ear. The perturbed Jedi watched as they both
pointed at her then burst out laughing. She angrily chewed the inside of her mouth and planted her right
fist on her hip.
A loud gong sounded across the room and a sudden hush fell over the arena. Tenel Ka dashed towards
her weapons while across the far northern wall of the room, a small portal door opened.
Anticipating the creature’s appearance, Tenel Ka grasped a long spear in her right hand. Native to the
Piirrnian System, three, winged Anatogas flew out of the hole and buzzed across the ring. Calmly, the
Jedi studied the flight pattern of the three-foot long, wasp-like insects. According to Quiss’lak’s notes
they would circle their prey and communicate to each other via changing the colors of their
exoskeltons. When their hulls turned magenta, they would then fall upon their prey in a single-file
attack formation.
Lightly she kneaded her fingers around the pole of the spear and forced her breathing to remain steady
and calm, hoping that Quiss’lak’s information had been correct. The insects zipped and hummed
around the arena. She watched as their exoskeletons changed from yellow, to orange, to red, and then to
blue. Licking her lips she breathed in deeply sensing the imminent moment of attack. The outer shells
changed to a bright magenta and they lined up to descend upon their victim. Expertly hefting the spear
over her shoulder she planted her body in attack position and then launched the spear skyward. The
whizzing weapon sliced through the air and hit its marks with sickening accuracy, skewering each bug
onto the end of the blade. The spear thudded to the ground and flattened the dead insects.
The startled announcer said into the unnaturally quiet crowd, “Looks like Nightsister took care of the
Anatogas without problem. But will she be so lucky in the next round?”
Prancing towards her weapons, Tenel Ka snuck a glance up royal box. Grillik’s large fist waved in
annoyance. She glimpsed Bwin’koo mutter something into his commlink.
Expecting another round of flying creatures, Tenel Ka selected another spear. Her ears perked as she
heard the creaking door of a larger pen open… Bwin’koo had changed the order of the beasts. Still
holding the spear, Tenel Ka waited for the newest creature to arrive, and would change her weapon as
Her hand became clammy as she waited… nothing came out of the pen.
Opening herself to the Force she stretched out with her feelings, searching for the presence of her
attacker. Immediately she recognized the life-force signature. Racing toward the center of the arena,
she flung her spear towards the ceiling. The flying object shattered a large lamp overhead. The lantern
exploded in a fizzling, sparking display. Filament and dust rained down upon the arena floor. Around
the arena, confused outcries from the crowd as acrid smoke impregnated the air. Ignoring the
onlookers, Tenel Ka handsprung backwards towards her weapons and called a broadsword into her
palm. Lightly she twirled it, croaching, as she carefully watched the floor for movement. As the dust
settled, four-toed footprints began to appear. And although they were still nearly invisible to the naked
eye, the slight outlines of two lumbering, full-grown, 8-foot-long, Dathomirian Night Lizards took
shape as the light fixture debris stuck onto their bodies, allowing Tenel Ka to just barely see the beasts.
Feeling a connection to her homeplanet, Tenel Ka experienced a brief pang of homesickness and
longing, before she dashed towards the closest of the creatures, planted a foot upon the bridge of its
nose, launched herself over its head and sliced down with her weapon. The flashing blade severed the
creature’s head from its body. She tucked and rolled onto the floor. Headless and trailing blood onto the
floor, the lizard’s body instinctively continued to walk forward. The crowd gasped as a trail of blood
seemed to materialize out of thin air.
Seeing its mate slain, the remaining lizard screeched in fury, causing the confused crowd to jump from
the phantom, bone-chilling noise. Heart racing in her chest, Tenel Ka watched as its deadly, poisonous
tongue slithered in and out of its mouth. The lizard pawed the ground and charged the ready Jedi.
Lightly, she bounced into the air, piked and landed behind the creature. It swung its head wildly around
in confusion, spun and glared murderously at Tenel Ka. Risking a peek around her, Tenel Ka spied the
wandering copse of her slain lizard to her left and jumped towards it, just as the second lizard charged.
The crowd mumbled in amazement as Nightsister seemed to be floating in mid-air, before some unseen
assailment. Feet planted upon the back of the stumbling corpse, she threw the broadsword straight into
the chest of the approaching lizard, and jumped off of the lizard’s back as the second creature pitched
forward, slid and crashed dead into the carcass.
The stunned crowd watched in amazement as the two invisible creatures materialized. They broke out
in thunderous applause, now realizing the full effects of Nightsister’s victory.
From up in the observation booth, Grilli’k boiled with fury. “How did she know they were out there?
Weren’t those things supposed to be her ninth round creatures? No one has ever defeated those things!
This is an outrage!”
Pacing, Bwin’koo’s heart seized with realization. Gawking, he picked up a pair of macrobinoculars and
examined the order of the weapons resting on the ground. He growled bitterly. Handing over the
commlink to the Overlord, he seethed, “She’s been tipped off. We have a traitor in our midst. Please let
me dispatch of the infidel, immediately.”
A bloodthirsty grin stretched across Grilli’k’s face and he agreed, “Give him my personal regards.”
Turning back to the commlink, Grill’k ordered the random release of another creature into the ring as
Bwin’koo stalked out of the room, ready to find Quiss’lak and take off his head.
Anakin and Brukos wandered through the mazes of hallways below the floating arena, trying to locate
an entrance to the upper levels of the ship. Fis Lunta, Jykku, and Gurwan wandered ahead of the two
humans, posing as prisoners, in case they were surprised by any Piirrnian guards. Anakin’s mission
would require the three aliens to continue to navigate their way towards the prisoner holding cells,
release them from captivity, and then to return to the ship. Anakin and Brukos would free Tenel Ka and
meet up with the rest of the motley crew and they would all then leave the arena and fly back to New
Republic space.
Stretching out with his feelings, Anakin located Tenel Ka’s Force signature but couldn’t decipher a
readily accessible way of reaching her location. Hearing the echoing, muffled shouts of the crowd,
Anakin understood why she felt agitated. She was already in the ring. That fact caused his adrenaline to
surge and worry plagued his thoughts.
Turning a corner, the group ran into a trio of Piirrnian guards. The leader of the group suspiciously
eyed Gurwan and snickered, “That thing would barely be a snack for any of the beasties. I wonder why
they even bothered to capture him.”
Concealed in the long cloak, Brukos snorted, “Guess they’ll take free food wherever they can get it.”
The guards laughed loudly as the shorter Gurwan scowled in annoyance back in Brukos’s direction.
One of the other guards examined Jykku and remarked, “Looks like he might be able to replace
Remembering the name as the unfortunate Nikto who died in Tenel Ka’s last match, Anakin gruffly
commented, “Humph, if he’s lucky.”
Furrowing his scaly brows in confusion, the third guard asked, “Weren’t there supposed to be a couple
more prisoners?”
Brukos grumbled, “They resisted, so we…ah… dispatched them.”
“Idiots. Why do they do that? They’re worth more to the boss alive than dead,” the leader grumbled
under his breath.
Fis Lunta lurched forward and growled ferociously at the guards, giving the increasingly anxious
Anakin the window to say, “We’d better get moving.”
The guards stepped aside to let the group pass. As they stepped forward, one of the guards detected a
whiff of human sweat, he commanded, “Hold on a minute…” In a flash he yanked Brukos’s hood off of
his head. With lightning reflexes, Brukos turned and fired a round into the guard, throwing his lifeless
body against the wall. Before the other two guards could react, Anakin fired and took out the leader,
while Brukos turned and finished off the remaining guard.
No longer bothering with their guise, the aliens retrieved their weapons from Anakin and the group
raced down the hall, away from the bodies. They failed to witness the leader yank his commlink from
his belt and issue a panic call before dying.
Running down the hall, Anakin shouted, “We need to find a turbolift, NOW!”
“I know, I know!” Brukos agreed and skidded to a stop. He shouted, “Over here!”
Anakin turned around and saw the stairwell that they had passed and grinned at his buddy. “Good
catch.” Turning to the others, he said, “Free as many of the slaves as you can and get back to the ship.
We’ll meet you there as soon as possible. May the Force be with you.”
The group nodded nervously and took off, leaving Anakin and Brukos alone to wind their way through
the back stairwells of the arena.
Quiss’lak’s nerves rattled as he wandered in the middle levels of the arena, aimlessly going wherever
his legs directed. Try as he might he found it difficult to concentrate on anything other than his
duplicitous actions with his prisoner. She had been right, in his heart, he knew that this match was
wrong. In his entire tenure aboard the arena, he’d never given a second thought to the prisoners as
being anything other than collateral. But something about Nightsister’s attitude reawakened his
slumbering conscious, and he could find no effective way to shut off it’s annoying whispers.
His ears pricked towards the sounds of a broadcast from the arena. Rounding the corner he discovered a
security guard station. Four guards sat huddled around the three screens displaying the Queen Mother’s
battle. Slipping into the booth behind a large panel, Quiss’lak detected a flashing panic call-light from
one of the beasties guards. Tenel Ka’s words echoed in his head, …he is about the same size as his
grandfather, Darth Vader. Follow the trail of blood and bodies, and you will find him
With frayed nerves, he keyed in a message and cued up the cameras in the lower level hallways.
Quiss’lak caught his breath as the sight of three dead guards filled the screen. His heart shuddered as he
realized the truth of her words. His ears already confirmed that a space battle waged outside, but seeing
the dead bodies finally drove the truth into his heart. If help was on the way for her rescue, he needed
to help them out. Slyly, he cancelled the help call and took the live feeds in that corridor off-line.
Knowing his time was running out and he would likely be discovered soon, he furiously scanned the
rest of the live feeds looking for Anakin Solo…he abruptly stopped and back pedaled four screens to
the far western stairwell. There he saw two shrouded forms charging up the stairs. His heart seized in
his chest with terror as he stared at the towering presence of the first humanoid. His form devoured the
steps whole and filled the entire hallway with his immense presence. The dark cape, coupled with the
purposeful gate echoed stories passed down from generations of The Dark Sith Lord named Vader who
wrecked havoc in the Empire, and whose famed fury sent the Piirrnians into self-imposed exile into the
Wild Space Regions. Tenel Ka had not lied - Vader’s spawn was here. Quickly he erased those feeds as
well, and snuck out of the booth before the guards were any wiser.
Filled with purpose he raced through the halls towards the stairwell. As he skidded towards it, he
locked himself inside. From below he heard the pounding of feet, getting louder and louder on the
metal steps. Suddenly the two forms were upon him, blasters raised and readied. Throwing his hands in
the air, Quiss’lak cowered at the menacing presence that he feared above all else. He whimpered,
“Anakin Solo?”
The blaster wavered in Anakin’s hands, slowly he removed the hood of his cloak revealing his youthful
face. Screwing his brows together in confusion he said, “Maybe, who’re you?”
“I’m Quiss’lak. Tenel Ka sent me to find you,” Quiss’lak half-lied. His eyes nervously flashed to the
shorter bald man, who’d just removed his hood and whose fierce expression seemed to doubt his claim.
“Honestly, I can help you… lead you to her.”
“Why would she trust you?” Anakin demanded.
“I’m the only one around here who seemed to pay her any mind. I saw she was special,” Quiss’lak
stammered. Overcome by guilt. Reaching towards the door, he wailed, “This is all my fault – come on
let’s get her out.”
Brukos slammed his hand against the door to prevent Quiss’lak from opening it, and used his body to
block in the quivering Piirrnian. Evenly, he seethed, “What do you mean this is all your fault?”
“I could’ve helped her to escape earlier today… but I was afraid. My superiors would’ve killed me. In
fact they probably will kill me. But what they are doing to her is wrong! She won’t survive out there, I
know it,” Quiss’lak blurted.
Sneering, Anakin snickered, “And you expect us to believe a coward?”
“What other choice do you have?” Quiss’lak stupidly asked.
Brukos’s eyes filled with murderous intent as he shoved the barrel of his blaster under Quiss’lak’s chin.
He cooed, “Oh, I can think of a couple of things.”
Whimpering, Quiss’lak pleaded, “Please, I want to do right by her. I will take you to the ring.”
Stepping forward, Anakin’s pale blue eyes bore straight into Quiss’lak’s soul and asked, “Are you
willing to die to help us? Because from what I understand of your people, that will most likely be your
“If it were to mean seeing Nightsister free…” Quiss’lak gulped. “I will give my life.”
Gruffly removing the blaster from under his chin, Brukos grabbed Quiss’lak by the scruff of the shirt
and yanked him towards the door. His eyes changed from angry to hopeful. Flashing the shaking
Piirrinan a smile he merrily chirped, “Alright then! Lead the way, Quiss’lak.”
Gulping, the Piirnian pointed to the stairs and relayed, “We’ll go up four more flights. Then take a left
down the hall. Five doors on the right will lead us to the far edge of the spectator’s entrance. I can get
you into the ring from there.”
“How’ll we get Tiki out of the ring then?” Brukos asked, covering his head with his hood.
“I’ll get you to the door, you wait for my signal and I’ll turn out the lights so you can go in and rescue
her… and just hope she doesn’t get attacked in the meantime,” Quiss’lak replied.
Pulling up his hood, Anakin stated, “Let’s get moving then.”
The three raced up the stairs and Quiss’lak swung the door, purposefully open and guided them down a
brightly lit hallway. Calmly Anakin and Brukos followed the twitching Piirrnian. From their elevated
level in the facility the walls now thundered from the noise of the crowd. They passed four doors and
then Quiss’lak opened the fifth door and ushered them inside. The roar of the crowd made the small,
concealed entrance shake. To the left was a long walkway that would lead to the seats, while a door
appeared on the right. Entering a passcode, Quiss’lak opened the door and Anakin and Brukos ducked
inside. Their feet located a claustrophobically small stairwell.
From above them, Quiss’lak stated, “Get to the bottom. The door down there will open to the ring and
it will be unlocked on this side. You’ll need to jam it open to get back. I’ll keep this door unlocked for
you. Good luck.” That being said, Quiss’lak slammed the door shut. Brukos and Anakin raced down the
cramped stairwell and found the door, whose handle effortlessly moved in Anakin’s sweating palm.
“Do you think we should’ve trusted him?” Brukos belatedly asked.
“I certainly hope so,” Anakin retorted. Sinking into the Force he sensed Tenel Ka concentrating fully on
whatever she was doing in the ring. “She’s alright, at the moment.”
Brukos shucked off his robe and readied to drop it on the floor to keep the door open. They stared at the
pale light, waiting for it to flash off, and signal them to race into the ring.
Quiss’lak wrung his hands and stepped out of the spectator entrance… straight into Bwin’koo and an
entire garrison of Piirnian guards. The captain grabbed the terrified Quiss’lak by the shoulder and
sneered, “I see you didn’t bother to listen to my advice. I should’ve known with your little request that
you were going to tip Nightsister off. You’re pathetic. You’ve always been pathetic. And you know
“What?” Quiss’lak squeaked.
“Your time is up,” Bwin’koo stated with delight. He grabbed his blaster and readied it to blast off
Quiss’lak’s head. As he watched his captive squeeze his eyes shut tight a new idea entered his head.
“No wait, I’ve got something better planned for you.” Shoving Quiss’lak towards the hidden stairwell
door, he said, “You wanted to help her so much. Looks like you’ll get the chance.”
Horror filled Quiss’lak’s eyes as he realized that Brukos and Anakin were about to be trapped.
From below Anakin and Brukos heard the door and gruff voices echoing down the stairwell.
“Oh no, something tells me this isn’t good,” Brukos moaned. Both he and Anakin readied their blasters
under their coats just as Quiss’lak got thrown down the stairs. The Piirrnian’s body blocked any chance
of them being able to effectively fire in the confined space.
“What…?” Bwin’koo stared at the two men in surprise as he rounded the corner, “YOU TWO! I
should’ve known you were even more of a rat, Quiss’lak.”
“Please, they just want to help Tene.. Nightsister,” Quiss’lak whined.
“Oh I’ll let them…and you…help her,” Bwinkoo stated, then burst out laughing. Anakin, Brukos and
Quiss’lak suddenly pitched forward as the door to the arena opened, spilling the three startled would-be
rescuers into the blinding bright lights. The door snapped tightly shut behind them.
Surprisingly the crowd seemed to have not noticed their entrance into the ring. A bone-chilling roar
reverberated in every fiber of Anakin’s soul. As he reoriented himself on the floor, turned his head and
peered towards the center of the ring. There under the bright lights he saw the lumbering form of a
Rancor Monster, bringing a squirming, two headed Piirnian Saber Cat up to its mouth to eat.
Tenel Ka stood precariously on the shoulders of the Rancor Monster and was wincing in obvious pain.
As his eyes traveled down her body, he saw her left leg stuck out at an awkward angle, broken.
Through the Force, Anakin sensed the excruciating pain that his beloved felt from her injury. Quickly
glancing around the ring Anakin spied no means of escape for them.
Groaning deeply, he grumbled, “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Chapter 39
Heat radiated from the fuming body of Teneneil Djo as she paced in the luxurious quarters of her cabin
aboard The Prince’s Fury. Isolder sat with his elbows planted on his knees, mesmerized with the
images displayed on two different holo-net screens. One feed displayed Tenel Ka’s blood match and the
other one showed a weak signal from the Hapes Cluster.
Filled with dismay Isolder studied both screens. On the Hapes screen a farce of a funeral for Tenel Ka
signaled from one end of the galaxy, while she faced certain death in the second screen.
Teneneil Djo approached their private terminal that linked all activity from the bridge to their quarters
and scrutinized the call logs for, yet again, any requests from Leia for their ships to join into the fight.
Annoyed, she realized that glaring at the logs wouldn’t make the Hapan reinforcements arrive any
“I don’t understand what’s taking her so long. We should be there fighting along with the New
Republic ships! That is OUR daughter in that blasted ring. We should be out there risking our necks to
save her life, not them!” Teneneil Djo cried, slamming her left fist at the side of the terminal.
Isolder jumped at the sound, and called out, “Leia said she would contact us, just be patient dear.”
“Right, but what if something happens to Leia? What then? How will we know to get there? Are we
just going to sit by and allow the rescue team to get slaughtered?” she seethed.
“Will you relax! Blast it, Teneneil. It’s stressful enough without you losing your head. Screaming is not
going to resolve anything… oh my stars, what the…?” Isolder faded off as his eyes glued to his
daughter’s match. The Prince of Hapes found himself morbidly fascinated with the blood match. He’d
watched his daughter effectively dispatch of her first three rounds of creatures without incident. By the
fourth round, the Piirrnians had released two ugly two-headed cats into the ring. One had managed to
sneak up behind Tenel Ka and grabbed her left leg. By her own sheer strength and determination, she
had rammed a sword into its two heads and wrenched her leg from the cat’s mouth. Her lower left leg
suffered the consequences and audibly had snapped. Wobbling around on one good leg, she helplessly
watched as the Piirrnians released the Rancor into the ring prematurely. That had turned out to be her
salvation. Obviously in pain, Tenel Ka imitated the cry of a wounded youngling Rancor Monster,
effectively manipulating the beast into wanting to protect her young. On the screen now the Rancor
Monster held the remaining squirming two headed cat in its claws. As she brought the cat up towards
her mouth, three people sprawled into the ring. “Oh…no…”
Sensing her husband’s dread, Teneneil Djo raced behind his chair and peered at the screen over his
shoulder. Her mouth dried immediately as she groaned, “Oh no… Anakin and Brukos!!!”
Tearing her eyes off the screen, she ran back to the terminal and broke her communication silence with
Leia’s ship.
“Teneneil? I was just about to cont…” Leia’s voice announced.
“I think you’re going to need to order up a rescue team for your rescue team. It looks like Anakin and
Brukos have just been dumped in the ring along with Tenel Ka,” she interrupted.
“Are you sure they’re not just trying to rescue her?” Leia proposed.
“No…what’s happening Isolder?”
“The Rancor’s eating the cat and hasn’t seen Anakin and Brukos yet. Tenel Ka is shouting something to
them… the boys seem to be looking all over the place. I don’t think they planned on being there, nor do
they seem to have a method of escape,” Isolder relayed.
“Did you catch that?”
“Yeah…” Leia replied, in a high, strangled voice.
“Want us to come?” As Teneneil finished pleading her suggestion, her eyes fell upon their external
tracking systems display and noted a blip flashing past them through hyperspace. In a blink the spot
was gone. She shook and cleared her head, thinking she had imagined the signal.
“How long before the Hapan reinforcements arrive?” Leia demanded.
Glancing at her chronometer, Teneneil reported, “An hour and a half.”
“They should be in range to receive your signals then. Let them know you’re coming to the battle and
forward them our co-ordinates. I’ll send Jacen and Marxx in to help Anakin and Brukos,” Leia
explained. “I was just about to call you. We’ve lost five from Rogue Squadron and four cruisers- we
could use your help.”
“We’re on our way,” Teneneil acknowledged, feeling grateful to finally be able to help in matters.
Quickly severing her link she called to the fleet of approaching Hapan ships, then she commanded their
six ships to battle. As the six Hapan destroyers jumped into hyperspace, Teneneil Djo felt her nerves
calm, knowing that finally, she would be of some real use to her daughter.
“We’re doomed!” C-3PO wailed as The Nubian Hope quaked under a barrage of laserfire.
“Every…single…lasershot,” Marxx grumbled under his breath as he rolled his eyes.
“Do you know the odds of us surviving this battle?” Threepio demanded.
“No, Threepio, do you know? Please tell us, because we’d really love to know… for the six- hundredth
time today!” Jacen shouted from the navigation station.
Marxx struggled to maintain a straight face as Threepio bristled in his seat, “You don’t need to be rude,
Master Jacen. It …. OHHHHH!” The golden protocol droid threw his arms over his eyes as six onemanned, firing, Piirrnian fighters charged straight towards and soared over the Hope. “I think I’m going
to overcharge my circuits. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
“You could always go and take yourself offline,” Jacen suggested, hopefully.
Throwing the Hope into a downward spiral Marxx caused two Piirrnian crafts who were on an intercept
course to crash and explode into each other. Lowie bellowed in delight from the co-captain seat.
Spying a larger enemy freighter ahead, Marxx aimed for the underbelly of the vessel using Artoos’s
instructions to deactivate the shields. As he fired, Leia’s voice cut over their commsystem, “Boys,
Anakin needs assistance. Can you get over there and offer him and Brukos some help?”
“What do they need us to do, Mom?” Jacen asked.
Leia audibly sighed and reported, “Get them and Tenel Ka out of the ring.”
Marxx and Jacen exchanged worried looks. Jacen responded, “Got it, Mom. We’re on our way.” As he
laid in their new coordinates, Jacen complained, “So much for my baby brother being able to
effectively complete a rescue mission.”
“And when exactly was the last time that you all ever had a rescue mission go off without a hitch?”
Marxx challenged.
Snorting, Jacen agreed, “I guess he is just following family tradition.”
Marxx swung the Hope in a graceful two-hundred seventy degree arc and bee-lined for the floating
arena. As he wove through the battle, Marxx contacted the fleet, alerted them that he was altering his
form, then, using a design provided by Brukos before they all had left Olissia, he activated the holomatrix aboard the cruiser to change into a smaller Piirrnian destroyer. As they approached the floating
city, Jacen asked, “Uh… don’t we need some code to get in?”
“Codes? We won’t need no stinking codes… Lowie, open up our back exhaust port and switch us over
to Piirrnian commfrequencies,” Marxx ordered.
Grunting in confused agreement, Lowie did as was requested.
Inside the floating arena, the hanger guards watched as the Piirrnian cruiser approached. It appeared to
be losing steam rapidly from its life-support valves.
A hoarse voice called out over their comm., “I need a docking bay…we’re losing air in here.”
“Right, I just need the code…”
Rasping, wheezing, and urgent coughing answered his comment. Panicking, the guard shouted,
“Docking bay twelve is open. Follow the lights if you can.”
“Thanks,” the pilot choked out. The cruiser wobbled into the hanger and filled the air with thick
exhaust smoke, obscuring the view of all Piirrnians in the hanger.
Quickly altering course, Marxx roared towards his assigned hanger as Lowie and Jacen released
themselves from their seats.
“Smart thinking, Marxx,” Jacen complimented.
“I try,” Marxx nonchalantly replied.
Jacen ran into the main living area on the ship, pened a closet, yanked out Anakin’s lightsaber and an
extra, practice saber for Tenel Ka as Marxx finished docking the ship. Lowie and the Hope’s captain
spilled into the room, readying themselves to exit the ship.
As he clattered after the retreating Jedi, Threepio tried to find an effective way to ask to remain
onboard. Marxx whirled around and suggested, “Why don’t you stay behind, Threepio. You can study
the battle readouts and let us know what’s going on outside when we return.” Pressing a commlink into
the droid’s hands, he added, “We’ll contact you if we need your help. Don’t call us unless it’s
absolutely necessary.”
“That sounds like an excellent idea, Master Marxx,” Threepio agreed. “You can count on me.”
“Riiiight,” Jacen replied, rolling his eyes.
Hooking a pair of spare blasters to either side of his belt, alongside his lightsaber, under his cloak,
Marxx ordered, “Let’s get moving.”
The three Jedi exited the Hope without being seen by the Piirrnians. They dashed across the open bay
floor, they entered the first door available to them that lead down a long, winding, dank corridor.
“Any idea where we’re going?” Jacen chided their fearless leader.
“Yeah, straight ahead,” Marxx sarcastically shot back.
“We’ll be some rescue team if we just wander around in circles all day,” Jacen moaned.
Lowie sniffed the air and issued a short warning bark that he smelled blood. Each Jedi’s blood began to
pump anxiously in their veins as they snatched their lightsabers off of their belts, and readied their
thumbs over the activation switches. Peering around the corner they spied three Piirrnian corpses.
“Anakin’s been here,” Jacen reported, brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
“Yeah, question is where did he go from here?” Marxx inquired.
Charging ahead, Lowie stared at the floor and pointed to the series of bloody footsteps on the floor.
They followed them until the bloodstains disappeared and then they lost track. The three Jedi stretched
out with their feelings and sensed muddled life energy readings sprinkled throughout the ship.
Collectively, they decided to proceed forward where they sensed the most energy signatures, in hopes
that would lead them towards the ring. They raced forward and found several spots where recent blaster
shootouts had occurred leaving Piirrnian bodies littering the floors. By the sixth batch of bodies of
downed guards, they also found a dead Lannik slumped along the floor.
Knitting his brows together, Jacen wondered, “Who was this?”
“He’s probably one of the friends that Anakin mentioned. Come on, we need to keep moving,” Marxx
The three Jedi traveled for a while longer then rounded the corner and heard a struggle ahead. As they
neared the source of the noise they saw four Piirrnian guards racing purposefully in pursuit of someone
at the opposite end of the corridor. Blasterfire ricocheted noisily throughout the smoke filled hallway.
The Jedi plastered themselves against the walls for protection from flying debris. Grabbing their
blasters, they began shooting down the Piirrnians. Now surrounded, the guards had nowhere to go but
to their deaths. Effortlessly, the Jedi, and their unseen allies ahead downed the guards.
A gruff voice shouted, “Anakin, Brukos, is that you?”
Jacen called out, “I’m Anakin’s brother. Hold your fire, the three of us are coming.”
When the three Jedi approached Anakin’s friends, they saw mingled apprehension, and near exhaustion
in their eyes. Jykku, the Klaatu doubled over to gain his breath, and wheezed out, “They keep coming.
We lost Gurwan back there and were beginning to doubt that we’d ever make it to the prisoner’s cells.
We were starting to think of turning back and giving up our mission.”
“Teyana woonga?” Fis Lunta demanded.
“We’re here because Anakin and Brukos were captured. We’re here to rescue them,” Jacen answered.
“Poodoo,” Fis Lunta cursed.
“Alright we’ve got no time for lazing about. You think the cells are down here, right?” Marxx asked,
jutting his thumb down the left hall. Stretching out into the Force, he felt erratic life energy readings
that he now recognized as many different aliens and beasts. Massaging the back of his neck with his
left palm, Marxx suggested, “I can feel them all down here. If the beasts are down here- there’s a pretty
good bet that there’s probably an entrance into the arena, right?”
Lowie growled in agreement.
“Good, let’s see if we can kill two mynocks with one stone. Follow me,” Marxx ordered and charged
down the hall.
They rounded several corners without resistance and exhaling a collective sigh of relief, they reached
the holding cells. Peering down the dark corridor, Marxx noted it was clear and signaled to everyone to
follow. Passing the first door, Lowie sensed an alien moaning inside and grabbed the door. With a
mighty yank, he attempted to break the lock, but to no avail.
Flashing his furred friend a lopsided smile, Jacen lightly shoved Lowie aside and suggested, “Allow
Turning on his glowing, green lightsaber he effortlessly sliced through the lock and the door slid open.
One by one, they released the confused prisoners out of their holding cells. Jacen and Marxx were
startled to see one of Tenel Ka’s guards, Noorro stumble out from one of the stinking holding tanks.
Jacen felt his anxiety levels rise as it often took several minutes to convince the prisoners that they
weren’t there to hurt them… knowing that with each passing minute that they were losing precious
time to help his brother and Tenel Ka.
“Lowie, what do you think? Can you bypass the codes so we can get in there?” Jacen asked.
Snorting, the ginger furred Wookiee shoved Jacen out of the way from beside the centralized lockbox
that controlled the entrances to the beast’s pens. Each of the doors were magnetically sealed and
fortified with extra strength durasteel, causing the Jedi to seek an alternate way of entering the pens,
other than simply slicing through with their lightsabers.
Always quick at handling software overrides, Lowie tugged off the locked cover to the panel and
pounded away at the control’s main keypad. As he entered the mainframe matrix of the facility he
perused the subdirectories seeking the animal pen’s access codes.
From behind him, dozens of newly released prisoners huddled together, many of whom growled and
sneered at each other, having faced each other as foes previously in the ring. Jacen walked up and down
the rows of the escapees, attempting to keep the general mood calm all the while, his nerves felt like
they were on fire as he sensed precious moments were ticking by.
Tenel Ka’s eyes widened with surprise when she saw Anakin, Quiss’lak, and Brukos tumble into the
arena. Why are Anakin and Brukos together? was the first thought that entered her mind. As she stared
at the door, she realized with sinking heart that the three were locked into the ring along with her now.
There was no way for them to escape.
Standing upright and flinging off his robe, a very well armed Anakin Solo rose to his feet. He shouted
into the roaring crowd, “You alright, Sweetheart?”
“Never been better, Anakin,” Tenel Ka lied. Her eyes opened wide as she grabbed on tightly to the
Rancor’s head as the beast chomped down onto the cat. Tenel Ka winced as the pain in her leg became
unbearable, and she struggled to avoid passing out. When done with her meal, the drooling monster
sniffed the air and immediately picked up the scent of the humans and the Piirrnian.
A scream strangled in Quiss’lak’s throat as the Rancor opened its mouth and roared in delight at spying
her new snack. Knees rattling, Quiss’lak widened his mouth and squeaked out, “Go! I’ll lead her away
from you two.” Anakin and Brukos exchanged glances and watched the Rancor’s heavy, floor shaking
feet boom in their direction and together they dashed to the other side of the arena floor, under her legs.
The hot lights from above the retreating Quiss’lak’s head were suddenly eclipsed by the imposing
shadow from the Rancor Monster looming over his cowering form. He closed his eyes as large, vicelike fingers wrapped themselves around his waist.
From above on the beast’s shoulder, a horrified Tenel Ka watched as her Rancor brought the deflated
Piirrnian towards her mouth. He stared at the Queen Mother and whimpered, “It’s alright, my Queen. I
deserve this fate.”
Tenel Ka attempted to imitate a male Rancor Monster’s mating cry to distract her creature, but the
noise caught in her throat and she squeezed her eyes shut in horror as Quiss’lak was shoved face first
into the Rancor’s ravenous mouth. Tenel Ka lost her hold on the beast’s head and tumbled down her
back, and landed, on her broken leg. Blinding pain rocketed through her senses, causing Tenel Ka to
howl in misery.
On the floor, both men winced as Quiss’lak’s muffled screams were drowned out by the sound of
crunching bones.
“Tenel Ka!” Anakin shouted as he watched her fall. He attempted to cushion her fall with assistance of
the Force, but was unable to stop her from tumbling to the floor. Both men raced to her side. Throwing
his arms around his beloved, Anakin pushed a mass of soggy, titian curls out of her pale face. Heart
throbbing wildly in his chest, Anakin lightly shook her shoulders, “Come on baby, wake up! You need
to get up hon.”
From the side Brukos watched Anakin’s anxiety and concern spiral out of control. Knowing how his
friend had freaked out in the past, he attempted to lighten the mood and quipped, “Maybe she just
needs a kiss from her Jedi Knight protector to wake up.”
Wide eyed, a bewildered Anakin inquired, “Do you think that would help?”
“Seems to work in the romance stories. How should I know, if you kissed me- I’d certainly wake right
up; course I’d have to punch your lights out immediately afterwards,” Brukos snickered.
Ignoring Brukos’s remarks, leaning lightly forward, Anakin placed a couple of fingers on Tenel Ka’s
neck. Her pulse was thready and weak. Tipping her head back, he lightly blew air into her lungs. Tenel
Ka’s gray eyes flew open as she coughed. Once her eyes focused and she saw Anakin looming over her,
she planted her head back onto the floor and grumbled, “Blast it, I must be dead.”
Flashing her a lopsided smirk, Anakin replied, “Honey, we aren’t dead…well at least not yet. Can you
stand? Give me your arm.” Lifting her to her feet, and careful not to disturb her wounded leg, Anakin
helped Tenel Ka as they moved towards Brukos who was studying the Rancor with a keen eye.
“Hey Tiki, glad to see you’re back with us,” Brukos said with obvious relief. He then shot Anakin a
worried expression, and asked, “Do we try to kill it?”
“Do you know how to take out a Rancor Monster in one perfect shot with any of the weapons we have
on hand?” Anakin inquired staring at their blasters, the stun sticks and the few metal weapons scattered
on the floor.
“Their hides are too thick, they’ll easily deflect the blaster shots,” Brukos expertly explained. “Their
vulnerable spot is the base of their necks.”
“I do not know how they ever expected me to defeat her. No single person can take out a Rancor
Monster with just the weapons they provided me to use,” Tenel Ka groggily commented.
“Unfortunately, I think that was the point, Tenel Ka. These Piirrnians have no honor,” Anakin sneered.
He then suddenly remembered his Uncle Luke’s story about killing a Rancor Monster by crushing its
head under a steel grate. Not seeing that as an immediate option, Anakin suddenly felt the hackles rise
on the back of his neck. Swiftly turning around, he watched as a pen door opened and three, snarling,
bellowing Reeks thundered into the ring.
Brukos dashed away from Anakin as one of the reeks charges straight in their direction.
“Hold on, Tenel Ka,” Anakin demanded. Clinging her arms tightly around his shoulders, Tenel Ka
watched as Anakin sunk into the Force and jumped straight up in the air. He stretched out with his
fingers and lightly grabbed hold of the metal grid surrounding the arena. As they dangled from above,
he watched Brukos turn, and run directly away from them. Opening his mouth to shout at Brukos to
come back, Anakin clamped his mouth tight as a reek tore out from behind the Rancor in hot pursuit of
his friend. Brukos swiftly swirled around, leveled both of this blasters and shot at the charging reek. He
succeeded in only blasting off the angry quadrapod’s right horn, making the creature angrier. Seeing the
error of his aim, Brukos then lowered his range and shot the beast clean through the right eye. It
skidded to a deathly stop, but not before his body rammed into Brukos skewering his left foot with his
left horn.
Brukos howled in fury and pain as he hopped around on his right foot. Grabbing a grappling hook off
of his utility belt, Anakin awkwardly began extending its line. Tenel Ka wrapped her left limb tightly
around his neck, careful not to cut off his oxygen, and took the hook from his hand, with her right
fingers. She stretched and with assistance of the Force secured the hook onto one of the durasteel bars
where it tightly fastened in place. Twisting the line into a harness around his beloved, and making sure
she was secure, he glanced uncertainly down into her gray eyes. Lightly pecking Anakin on the cheek
she hoarsely ordered, “Go get him, I will be fine.”
“I’ll be back- don’t go anywhere,” Anakin promised, flashed her a half grin as she let go of his neck
and shoulders. He released himself from the ceiling and plummeted towards the floor, and grabbed
Brukos off of the floor, seconds before a charging reek passed over the spot.
Anakin let go of the cord and the men dropped to the ground under the Rancor. Fixating his gaze upon
the arena, Anakin attempted to figure out a way to rid themselves of all of the beasts so Tenel Ka could
return to the floor, however before he could formulate a plan of attack, a loud crack turned his blue
eyes upward. From the ceiling Tenel Ka’s eyes popped as the grappling hook jolted under her weight.
Fixating her gaze on the point where the line connected to the hook, she watched as the cord slowly
began to pop. Wrapping her good leg around the cord, she scuttled down the cord as it continued to
unravel. Ten feet above the ground, the line gave and Tenel Ka landed hard upon her rear.
One of the two remaining reeks pawed the ground, bellowed, and then thundered straight towards Tenel
Ka, horn lowered. From his position, Anakin didn’t think - he reacted. Skidding in front of the Tenel
Ka, he faced the charging beast. Sinking deeply into the Force, Anakin pulled from the strength of the
molecules in the air and the throbbing energy of the life-giving field and allowed it to increase his
strength. As the reek approached, Anakin let out a mighty roar and seized the creature’s horns. Using
the reek’s forward momentum he twisted its head to the right. The unexpected change of motion caused
the reek’s neck to snap and it fell over dead onto the floor. Brukos having been in the process of
running towards Tenel Ka to help move her out of the way, stopped, slack-jawed as he watched the reek
let out its final breath.
From around the arena the cheers and catcalls drowned out the announcer’s surprised reaction, “I’m…
just…speechless! I don’t know if this activity negates all of your bets or not- all I know is this
excitement is soooo worth the cost of admission!”
Growling at the ease in which the unnamed man took out one of his precious reeks, Grilli’k picked up
his commlink and spat off an order that he had to repeat twice before his underlings begrudgingly
agreed to his directive.
Marxx paced the hall as he sensed Anakin’s rising anxiety levels. He approached the Wookiee Jedi and
murmured, “We need to get in there quick, Lowie. I’m not sure what’s happening, but Anakin’s not too
Suddenly Lowie, Marxx, and Jacen felt a swelling in the Force, and in that moment security lockdown
measures raced through the Piirrnian files. Roaring in annoyance, Lowie bashed his fists angrily against
the terminal. A loud screech echoed in through the hallways. Everyone immediately covered their ears
and gritted their teeth against the bone-chilling noise. Terror filled the eyes of each of the Jedi.
“What did you do, Lowie?” Jacen whispered.
The Wookiee roared back defiantly that he didn’t do anything.
Panicking and racing towards the nearest pen door, Jacen activated his emerald blade with a snap hiss
and shoved it straight into the middle of the thick, heavily enforced wall. Marxx and Lowie quickly
joined him, hoping that with the combined energy of their three lightsabers that they could break
through the door’s many secured layers to help their friends on the other side.
Turning towards Jykku and Fis Lunta, Marxx yelled, “Get them out of here on the ships! If anyone
wants to stay and help us to free Anakin and our friends, then please stay… but we’re not going to
force anyone to help out.”
Marxx watched as all but eight of the prisoners retreated down the hall. Tenel Ka’s royal guard Noorro
remained behind and said, “I will die before I betray and leave my Queen Mother.”
“Good, because I don’t know what just happened, but most likely, she’ll need your help,” Jacen replied
and turned back to his job at hand.
The crowd roared in blood thirsty delight as they still tried to comprehend the way the reek was killed.
Panting, Anakin examined his situation. With one remaining reek on the loose and two injured friends,
Anakin felt that their odds of escape were not getting any better. Rushing towards Brukos and Tenel
Ka, he again offered his lady-love his arm and helped her to her feet. As they stared around the ring
trying to decide what to do next, Anakin’s eyes widened in horror as every door to every pen
surrounding the arena opened at once.
Chapter 40
Six Hapan destroyers materialized out of hyperspace. Teneneil Djo and Isolder now stood on the bridge
of the Fury witnessing the chaotic battle.
Immediately, Ackbar patched a live feed to their Dragon containing the current battle stats. Scanning
the data, Isolder reported, “New Republic’s still only down by nine ships. They’ve taken out forty-two
enemy fighters, including sixteen larger destroyers.”
“Well then, only a couple hundred more to go. Dragons, engage!” Teneneil Djo commanded across the
Hapan commfrequencies. The large disc shaped vessels entered the fray without hesitation and
immediately began targeting every enemy fighter in their path. Sticking together in a V formation, the
Hapans cut a path straight through the battle, destroying eight smaller crafts and wounding two medium
sized destroyers in mere moments.
“Your presence is most definitely welcome, Fury,” Leia’s grateful voice echoed over the bridge.
Large viewscreens received live feeds on the bridges of both the Fury and Peacekeeper showing the
arena fight in progress. Two mothers ripped their eyes off of imminent battle and watched the horror
from the arena continue to unfold.
Leia’s personal commlink chirped and from the heart of the battle, Han asked, “How’s our boy doing,
“He’s in trouble, Han. I sent Jacen and Marxx in to help him out,” Leia carefully replied.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve gone in too,” Han complained.
“Yes, I know you would’ve. But Marxx’s ship has the correct stealth capabilities to be able to penetrate
the defenses of the Piirrnian facility. I’m afraid the Falcon wouldn’t be able to do that,” Leia explained.
Grumbling under his breath, Han agreed, “I guess I can’t go on every rescue mission, right?”
“Right. Besides, we need your exceptional fighting prowess here in battle, General,” Leia teasingly
“Don’t think that sweet-talking flattery will get you completely off the hook for keeping me out of the
loop, Princess,” Han retorted.
“I know. And I’m counting on you to come back and give me a proper scolding,” Leia replied to her
husband, as she struggled with a tightness developing in her throat.
“I’ll take you up on that, and raise you double,” Han quipped back. “Keep me updated on news of our
boys. Talk to you in a bit.”
“Be careful, Han,” Leia signed off. Glancing at the arena viewscreen, she allowed her maternal
instincts to seize her emotions. In horror, she watched all of the pens open at once, releasing a stampede
of creatures heading straight towards her son and his friends.
Anakin’s palms began to sweat. He glanced at Tenel Ka and Brukos as they waited for the complete
onslaught of creatures entering the ring. He knew that Tenel Ka was nearly immobile.
Groggily she requested, “Let go of me, Anakin. I need to be free to fight.”
Anakin barked, “You are NOT fighting in your condition. What did you do before to get up on that
Rancor?” She stared blankly back at him through a haze of pain. Anakin caressed a finger across her
pale cheek and continued, “You’ll be safe up there.”
Limping slightly, Brukos averted his eyes from the exchange between Anakin and Tenel Ka. Even the
tiniest of gestures between them spoke of their deep love for each other.
Nodding with understanding, Tenel Ka released her hold off of Anakin’s shoulder, doubled over, and
emitted a loud wail. The poor sighted Rancor quickly turned around and spied her youngling. Lightly
the enormous creature lifted Tenel Ka into her palm and placed her gently upon the back of her neck.
The floor rumbled as the stampede began. Six dozen beasts of various sizes, shapes and forms all
entered the ring- much to the overwhelming delight of the obnoxious crowd. Overhead a pair of
Pteradacinines soared through the air extending their impressive twenty-foot wide wing-span.
“We’re in trouble,” Brukos understated as he quickly snatched both blasters into his hands. Anakin
stood back to back with his friend and also held his blasters. Together they shot at, and took down a
large, furred, and fanged quadrapod heading in their direction.
“We need to get off of the floor or we’ll be dead in a heartbeat,” Brukos shouted over the thundering
cries of the creatures.
“I know!” Anakin cried, sneaking a glance towards the ceiling for a possible escape route. The large
winged creatures hovered over their heads blocking that option.
From the Rancor’s shoulder, Tenel Ka called the grappling line up and into her hand using the Force.
Lowering the line down to the men, she emitted a loud whistle.
“Grab that and go, Brukos!” Anakin commanded.
“I’m not leaving you down here alone, Tiny!”
“No arguing, get up there and make sure Tenel Ka is alright… please?” Anakin asked.
“What about you?” Brukos inquired.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be with you shortly,” Anakin promised.
Limping over to the Rancor, Brukos grabbed onto the line and ascended it hand over fist. Suddenly, he
slipped four feet as something grabbed a hold of his left calf. The crowd roared in delight, sensing
another human kill on the horizon. Yelping, Brukos let his left hand go of the line and unclipped his
blaster. Aiming downward, he spied a large Piirrnian beast who’d wrapped its long, snakelike neck
around his leg, its jaw hungrily snapped at its captured prey. Sending off a silent prayer not to shoot his
own foot, Brukos fired. The beast recoiled, and ran screaming throughout the ring. Dangling
precariously from the Rancor, Brukos searched the floor for his Jedi friend.
Anakin somersaulted over the back of the remaining reek, searching for some method- any method, to
attack the vast array of creatures spilling into the ring. He noted out of the corner of his eye that the
Rancor Monster seemed to be enjoying her meals on the go, and assisted his team by picking up the
occasional beastie to feast upon. Blasters blazing, Anakin tore across the ring and ducked behind one of
the fully visible Dathomirian Night Lizard’s corpses. Using it as a shield he picked off whatever
creatures seemed to be heading in his direction.
Grimacing, Tenel Ka shouted, “Keep climbing, Brukos!”
Assured that his buddy was in reasonably fair shape, Brukos holstered his blaster and scuttled up the
line. Climbing onto the Rancor’s back beside Tenel Ka, he finally got a good look at his old friend. She
was a mess: pale, disheveled, bloody, and bruised.
“We need to get to Anakin and get him off the floor. It’ll be suicide if he stays down there for long,”
Brukos explained, as he massaged his slick, bald forehead. “Can’t you use your Jedi-mind mumbo
jumbo and get our ride to go wherever you want.”
“I would, except I think we have more immediate problems at the moment,” Tenel Ka groaned and
pointed towards the ceiling.
The announcers voice snickered, “Looks like Nightsister and her new friend are about to become bait
for some Melothian spider-squids.”
Brukos’s heart seized as he recognized the seven black forms expertly flinging themselves along the
ceiling’s metal grid in their direction. Pointing at them he demanded, “We have to get away from those
things- they’ll drain us of all of our remaining energy, Tiki.”
“Not if I can help it, hold me in place for a moment,” Tenel Ka ordered. Brukos placed his hand against
her back to help keep her secure on the neck of the beast. Searching the ground below, Tenel Ka
stretched out through the Force and called three spears up into her hand. Snatching them out of the sky,
she glanced up and saw that the Melothian spider-squids were rapidly approaching their position.
Awkwardly she attempted to situate herself in a comfortable, convenient throwing stance, and flung
one spear directly towards the closest climbing creature… and missed her mark. Brukos unhooked his
blaster and while still holding Tenel Ka’s back carefully balanced himself with his knees. Holding the
blaster in his left hand, he fired at the rapidly approaching squids. The nearest creature exploded,
showering them both with sticky, black goop making it even more difficult to stay in a fixed position on
Rancor’s back.
Tenel Ka fired off another spear, this time hitting her target square in the eyeball. The second squid
bellowed in agony, lost its hold on the grid and fell to the floor where it splattered to its death.
From around her feet, the Rancor beast continued to scoop up large fistfuls of various creatures and
either flung them across the arena or shoved them into her mouth. One discarded beast nearly landed on
top of Anakin. He placed a blaster to its head and ended its suffering. Deciding that he’d rather face the
odds of fighting the squids and flying beasts than dozens of fanged, furred, and scaled creatures below
on the arena floor, he ran to the side wall and began climbing the durasteel grid. As rapidly as he could,
he directed himself towards Brukos and Tenel Ka. Hanging upsidedown, Anakin bee-lined towards the
writhing Melothian spider-squids, knowing that in Tenel Ka’s weakened condition, one of those things
could easily finish her off. Hooking the back of his knees around one bar he swung downwards,
grabbed two blasters off of his belt and fired upon the nimble dark creatures. As he concentrated on
hitting his marks, Anakin failed to notice a winged Pteradacinine on a direct approach course.
Screeching triumphantly, the Pteradacinine wrapped its talons around his waist and yanked him from
his perch.
“Anakin!!!” Tenel Ka shouted in alarm. Just as she helplessly watched Anakin get carried around the
arena in the air, a second Pteradacinine swooped and plucked Brukos off of the Rancor’s back. Tenel
Ka pinwheeled her arms as she lost balance from her precarious perch. However, before she would’ve
plummeted to the floor, a Melothian spider-squid wrapped one of its long, sucker covered tentacles
around her waist and carried her off across the arena.
After successfully breaking through the door, the Jedi and prisoners navigated their way out of the dark
cell towards the blinding light of the arena. As Marxx and Jacen’s eyes readjusted to the bright interior
of the facility, they scanned the floor for their friends. With a sickening thud, a body fell from the sky
and landed twenty feet away from the Jedi. Jacen dashed to the man’s side and rolled over Brukos’s
limp, and groaning body, while Marxx and Lowie scanned the room for Tenel Ka and Anakin.
Before they could finish their scan, three very unfriendly looking tauntaun-like creatures ran in their
direction, snarling and hissing for blood. Unlike those native to Hoth, these creatures possessed longer
arms that ended in fists full of sharp claws and they sported a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. One
skidded to the left and swung his heavy tail in Lowie’s direction. The Wookiee barely leapt out of the
way in time to escape the attack. The tip of the creature’s tail brushed against Marxx and sent him
sprawling onto the floor. Marxx glanced up in horror as a second of the three creatures loomed over
him and raised one of its large feet to stomp on the center of Marxx’s stomach. Reacting quickly,
Marxx rolled, activated his lightsaber and stabbed the fiery blade up and through the chest of the
attacking beast. Its terrified scream gargled and faded out as it perished.
“Are you alright?” Jacen asked as Brukos attempted breathe after getting the wind knocked completely
out of his lungs.
“Can you stand? We can get you out of here…”
“No!” Renewed strength filled Brukos’s senses and he lumbered to his feet. “I’m not leaving here
without Tiki and Tiny.”
Jacen pounded Brukos on the shoulder and said, “Glad you’re alright. You armed?”
Grabbing at his belt, Brukos found his remaining blaster and unhooked it, “All set.”
“Come on, let’s go help the others,” Jacen commanded and unclipped the spare lightsabers from his
belt. Searching the arena, he saw Anakin’s Pteradacinine playfully swooping down around the Rancor’s
head, baiting her with Anakin as fast food.
“Anakin!” Jacen howled. With assistance of the Force he flung his brother’s lightsaber up into his eager
hand. The purple blade hummed to life and Anakin neatly severed the legs of his captor’s legs. The
crowd cheered as the Jedi plummeted through the air. Anakin fell, and landed flat on top of the
Rancor’s head. From his high vantage point he sought out his beloved and found her halfway across the
arena being dragged by the Melothian spider-squid. Squatting and planting a hand onto the top of the
Rancor’s head he shouted with extra suggestive urgings through the Force, “Move!”
Brukos and Jacen raced across the arena floor, assailing every creature crossing their paths. Not seeing
Tenel Ka, Jacen ignited the second azure blade along with his own to use. Finger on the trigger of his
blaster, Brukos’s face screwed up in annoyance as it failed to fire. Throwing the dead weapon aside, he
threw himself onto the floor and picked up a broadsword. Flipping over onto his back Brukos watched
as the remaining reek charged straight over his prone form. Raising his sword, he thrust it upwards into
the soft part of the reek’s belly. Grabbing the sword, he rolled and leapt to his feet. Careful to not step
too hard on his wounded foot he waited until the reek turned and stared him down. Bleeding profusely
and obviously in pain, the reek gathered the last bit of his strength and made one final charge. Swinging
the sword over his head, Brukos waited as the floor thundered under his feet from the wounded beast’s
plan of attack. Waiting just for the right moment, Brukos spun directly out of the way, then slammed
the broadsword through the creature’s jugular. The reek twisted its head a few times attempting to
release the lodged object from his bleeding neck. Then with a loud wail, it collapsed to the floor dead.
Not wasting time celebrating, Brukos approached the creature and wrestled the sword out of the neck
and glanced around seeking a new target.
Having complied with Anakin’s suggestion the Rancor stomped across the arena towards Tenel Ka.
Again the Rancor saw what she believed to be her youngling, screamed in outrage and plucked the
squid off of the ceiling with her right fist. The squid wrapped it’s tentacles around the Rancor’s knotted
fingers and Tenel Ka fell into the Rancor’s open left palm. Lightly the Rancor brought Tenel Ka back
up to her shoulder and attempted to fling the annoying squid from her finger. Anakin wrapped his arms
tightly around his wounded beloved and brushed her shorter than usual titian hair out of her gray eyes.
He asked, “Are you holding up?”
“I have had better days. All things considered, I think I have decided that I prefer the life of a Queen
Mother to that of a warrior,” Tenel Ka woozily commented as she grimaced from the pain in her leg, as
well as the rising welts that surrounded her body from the squid’s tentacles. Worried about her wound,
Anakin ripped her pants leg open and gasped in horror. A nasty black bruise swelled at the spot where
her leg had broken and he began to worry about internal injuries.
Holding her tenderly against the protective crook of his left arm, Anakin’s eyes darted around the ring,
hoping for any kind of a safe passage out of the carnage. With the help of Jacen, Marxx, and Lowie’s
effective use of their lightsabers, along with the assistance of the other prisoners who utilized Tenel
Ka’s weapons, the number of threatening beasts had greatly diminished. At the Rancor’s feet Noorro
protected his Queen Mother by wielding a broadsword and battled to keep creatures from the immense
beast. Again Anakin stared at her leg. It appeared to swell larger and bloat more out proportion by the
moment. Flashing a suggestion to the Rancor, the beast raised her right hand towards Anakin. The
determined Melothian spider-squid still clung to the Rancor’s finger. Anakin shoved his fist straight
into the creature’s mouth and covered it with spit. Before the spider-squid could chomp his hand,
Anakin suggested the Rancor to move it away from him. Quickly he slathered the sticky, black
substance around her lower leg, and then administered the stuff over the sucker marks on her back and
His danger senses went on high alert as the two Pteradacinines once again swooped towards the couple.
Anakin shielded Tenel Ka with his body, called his lightsaber into his hand and smote the two flying
beasts by slicing off their wings. The creatures plummeted to the floor below.
“BRUKOS!” Anakin shrieked in horror.
From the middle of the ring, Brukos raised a broadsword to challenge another of the serpent necked
creatures when he thought he heard someone call his name. As he involuntarily looked towards the
sound, he pitched forward and his world faded to blackness.
The crowd roared in delight. Crassly the announcer joked, “Looks like we’re finally down one human.
He’s gonna certainly be a lot thinner once they get him out of there.”
Hefting the now unconscious Tenel Ka over his right shoulder, Anakin placed the Rancor in a trance,
jumped in the air, squeezed his legs tightly together and slid down the back of the beast. He landed
squarely on his feet and dashed towards the wailing, wounded Pteradacinine who continued to smother
Brukos the more it struggled.
Noorro raced to Anakin’s side and took Tenel Ka from his arms. Angrily, Anakin beheaded the creature
with his lightsaber, hooked it back on his belt, and then pushed upwards on the eight-hundred pound
Lowie and two of the other prisoners worked their way towards the Rancor to help Anakin. With the
combined strength of Lowie’s assistance, the two Jedi lifted the dead weight off of Brukos. The
prisoners reached underneath and extracted Brukos’ limp body out from under the corpse.
Dropping to his knees, Anakin blurted, “You alright, Brukos? Come on man, give me a sign.”
The sounds of struggling had ceased in the ring as the Rancor continued to wander around dazed,
having the distinction of being the last beast still standing. She aimlessly wandered seeking out the
remaining Melothian spider-squids. Worried about his friend, Anakin blanked out the blood-thirsty calls
from the crowd to KILL THE RANCOR! Jacen and Marxx fell to Brukos’s side. Jacen felt along the
fallen man’s neck for a pulse.
“He’s alive… but his pulse is weak. We need to get out of here, NOW if we want to save his life,”
Jacen reported.
Seeing both Tenel Ka and Brukos unconscious tore at Anakin’s soul. He thrust his hands angrily
through his thick hair and moaned, “This is all my fault! I wasn’t fast enough. I didn’t do enough to
protect them.”
“You’re not all powerful, Anakin… you did the best you could. Come on, we’re done here. We can
make it out on the Hope, little brother. They’ll be alright,” Jacen urged, deeply worried for Tenel Ka
also. As they struggled to their feet, Anakin bleakly looked around for something to construct into a
stretcher for Brukos, but other than a couple of broken spear handles, he could see nothing.
Begrudgingly he picked up his unconscious friend, hoping beyond all hope that he wasn’t further
exacerbating any internal injuries by moving him.
The Jedi and prisoners surrounded Anakin and Noorro as they headed back towards the paddocks to
Over the loudspeaker, Grilli’k’s voice boomed, “If you think that you are going to leave this place
alive, you are all gravely mistaken.”
The tiny commlink on Marxx’s belt chirped and Threepio’s tinny voice exclaimed, “Master Marxx I
believe you may be in for some trouble.”
From out of the door of the paddock, one hundred Piirrnian guards entered the ring and surrounded the
Jedi and escaped prisoners, barring them any chances of escaping the arena.
Grinning victoriously Bwin’koo signaled two of his men forward and they tossed the lifeless bodies of
Fis Lunta and Jykku to the ground in front of the small rescue team.
“It appears that it is time for you to decide, are you going to die with dignity, or beg for your miserable
lives?” Bwin’koo taunted triumphantly.
Chapter 41
Artoo silently sat, forgotten in the back of the cockpit of The Jade Saber plugged into a computer port
analyzing data. During the course of the battle, Artoo had maintained a steady eye over the stream of
information available to him by linking into the open Piirrnian commfrequencies. Once inside the
infrastructure, he located a binary code sequence that allowed him to piggyback into the Piirrnian
computer’s central mainframe.
As his Master continued to battle with the Piirrnians, Artoo fought his own secret war by infiltrating the
enemy’s system. At one moment, his sensors nearly overheated as a lockdown measure tore through the
entire Piirrnian mainframe. Clamping his access rights down tight, Artoo weathered the enhanced
security measures and continued his purposeful fishing expedition. Finally, the squat droid discovered
the key to his query and he invaded the Piirrnian Defense records. Rummaging through file after file of
useless information, he beeped in delight as he came upon a file encoded “Shield frequencies.”
Swiveling his domed head back and forth he tried to alert his Master of his discovery. Luke’s eyes
remained forward and without Threepio there to translate, Artoo decided to simply take action.
Entering into the files, he proceeded in corrupting, and mixing up the code. He knew that his measures
would eventually be discovered, but all he cared about was giving his team the extra time to put some
real damage into the enemy fleet. Hopefully by the time the Piirrnians fixed the code, the New
Republic would be long gone. Unbeknown even to Artoo, the shields protecting the arena fizzled out of
use. Carefully covering his tracks, Artoo activated the new coding and quickly retreated out of the
secured database.
“Firing!” Luke thumbed the targeting controls on his proton torpedo and watched as the missile soared
straight through where the ship’s shields would be located and crashed into the exterior hull of the
“What happened?” Mara demanded.
“I don’t know. Artoo, can you get a reading on their shields?” Luke shouted in bewilderment.
The excited droid’s beeps and whistles moved through the translation software and Luke read the
readouts in amazement, “Way to go, ARTOO!” The silver droid bristled with happiness at the
“What?” Mara asked, as she moved towards the starboard engines on the Piirrnian vessel.
Chuckling, Luke shook his head in amazement and activated an open commline to the fleet, and said,
“All Piirrnian shields are DOWN! Time of window is not yet to be determined, so take advantage of
the situation while you can!”
“Artoo did that?” Mara squeaked incredulously.
Shaking his head, Luke stated, “Yep, I don’t know what we’d do without that little droid.”
“You heard him, Chewie. Let’s go get ‘em!” Han howled happily.
Roaring in delight, as Han threw the Falcon into a downward spiral, Chewie charged up the proton
torpedoes and blasted the targeting array on the closest Piirrnian destroyer. Seeing the Saber darting
around, and firing upon the same ship, Han’s face lit up in a lopsided smile. He said, “Boy this feels
like old times doesn’t it, Luke?”
“Han, battle isn’t exactly the best time to get all sentimental,” Luke retorted.
Running a hand through his graying hair, Han coughed and replied, “Right… Get out of there, kid. I’m
gonna send this bunch of Piirrnian scum back to hell.”
Swooping low, the Falcon flew on an intercept course towards the vessel’s bridge. The sight of the
rapidly approaching Correllian cruiser caused the Piirrnian crewmen to scatter.
“Fire, Chewie!” Han ordered. Howling in agreement, Chewie pounded on the targeting controls and let
a pair of proton torpedoes fly. The missiles crashed through the bridge’s window and exploded
throughout the inner hull. The explosion rocketed through the entire network of systems aboard the
destroyer and internally, a series of implosions caused the large ship to sink and spiral out of the field
of battle.
Pulling sharply to the left on his thrusters, Han swung the Falcon out of the way of the disintegrating
ship, and let out a loud, celebratory whoop.
One by one, the Piirrnian’s began to fall. Without their shields, their fleet’s captains proved to be
ineffective in initiating alternate battle plans. To further seal their fate, one dozen Royal Hapan Dragons
materialized out of hyperspace and proceeded forward, helping the rescue team to clear out the trash.
“I would highly recommend that you let us go,” Jacen evenly suggested to Bwin’koo.
Snorting, the Piirrnian Captain sneered, “Why should I? You’re sorely outnumbered.”
“If you don’t let us go, there will be no mercy for you, or your kind,” Jacen coolly retorted.
“What do you want?” Marxx demanded.
“Want?” Bwin’koo snarled.
“What will it take for you to let us go?”
Chuckling, Bwin’koo replied, “You just don’t get it do you? All we want from you is to see you die!
We only want your blood to be spilled.”
“Credits?” Marxx offered.
Bwin’koo snorted derisively and signaled his men to ready their weapons. “You put on a great show for
us, but your time is up… Jedi.”
Jacen noted that their negotiations were going nowhere and he could sense Tenel Ka and Brukos were
failing. Furrowing his brows he gazed around the arena and spotted the entranced Rancor Monster
wandering around in the far corner trying to grab one of the spider-squids off of the grid. Closing his
eyes, and lightly lifting his fingers, Jacen connected with the Force and let fly a suggestion to the
wayward beast.
Swinging her head away from the slimy black creatures, the Rancor let out a room shaking bellow and
stormed towards the large circle of guards. Completely distracted by the approach of the drooling beast
the guards turned and all fired upon the Rancor. Using the moment of distraction, Marxx, Lowie, and
Jacen raised their lightsabers and attempted to work their way towards the door, only to have the
Piirrnians closest to them place blaster barrels directly at the base of their necks, preventing them from
going anywhere.
Suddenly, an ear-shattering explosion thundered through the arena sending molten pieces of the
durasteel grating raining down onto the arena floor. Two more explosions rocked the facility, causing
the crowd to duck and take cover from the barrage of fiery shrapnel. A large piece of jagged shrapnel
pierced the skull of the Rancor Monster. With a roar she fell to the floor and collapsed upon a dozen
Piirrnians before issuing out her last breath.
From overhead a sleek, white ship descended through the hole it had created in the grid. The remaining
Piirrnians began bathing the ship in laser-fire, only to discover that their shots were easily deflected
from the vessel’s shields. The blaster bolts noisily ricocheted throughout the arena taking out dozens of
guards and spectators.
As the ship flushed its vents, filling the arena with exhaust fumes, Jacen’s lip curled into an
appreciative smirk in recognition of the craft. Anakin’s heart leapt in his throat as he sensed both
Brukos and Tenel Ka’s life energies failing, and only prayed that they could get out of there in time.
Silence fell over the cavernous room as the gangplank hissed and extended. A single figure, shrouded in
a dark Jedi robe floated towards the blood covered floor.
Holding a blaster on the back of Lowbacca, Bwin’koo barked, “Don’t just stand there gawking,
Jumping at the command, the Piirrnians fired upon the lone figure. In a heartbeat, a single, slim hand
jumped out of the folds of the robe, palm facing towards them. Each shot bounced effortlessly off of
the outstretched hand and pinged back to their points of origin. Confidently snaking a delicate hand
around the rim of the hood and flinging it aside, the figure revealed a wave of long white hair.
A unanimous, sharp intake of breath spread throughout the arena, as one word traveled on the air,
Jutting up her chin, Raven watched as those in the stands immediately dropped to their knees and
bowed upon recognizing her face. Inwardly she thought, It’s about time that annoying Branwen story
paid off!” The Piirrnian guards followed suit. Marxx curled the left side of his lip up in wonder. The
Piirrnians didn’t blink at dealing with negotiations with an ex-Chief of State, nor were they intimidated
by live Jedi Knights fighting before their eyes, but this woman of myth managed to cause their coldblooded hearts to cower.
Seizing the moment, Lowie sensed Bwin’koo’s blaster move slightly from the base of his neck. Each
Jedi spun and in one fell swoop, with their lightsabers they severed each of their guard’s hands.
Needing no further incentive Anakin sent forth a Force wave and knocked a dozen Piirrnians to the
ground, giving the group a path of escape. He, Noorro, and the seven remaining prisoners fled towards
Raven’s ship The Serenity. Anakin and Noorro tore up the gangplank, taking Brukos and Tenel Ka to
safety. The others followed right behind with Jacen standing proudly by his wife’s side with his
lightsaber activated in case anyone wanted to take a pot shot at Raven.
Shaking out of his stupor, Bwin’koo roared, “This is trickery! Get up you fools, she is not a goddess!
You will not get away with this!”
Smirking, Raven shouted back, “But we already have. And if your Overlord there were to check his
monitors, he will see that his fleet is lost…you are defeated.” Blowing Bwin’koo a kiss, Raven grabbed
her husband’s hand and they dashed up the gangplank as Marxx and Lowie charged up The Serenity’s
engines. As the door shut, Raven activated her ship’s shields and found herself captured in a tight
embrace from her husband.
“Where did you come from?” Jacen demanded.
“I’ll explain later… come on, let’s get out of here,” Raven cried as she grabbed his hand and led Jacen
towards the cockpit.
Jumping out of the pilot’s chair for his sister, Marxx pushed a clump of dark curls out of his eyes and
called into the commlink, “Threepio, come in.”
“Master Marxx! Thank goodness you are alright!” the droid happily replied.
“Threepio, you’re gonna need to fly the Hope out of there,” Marxx explained.
“I beg your pardon?? Master Racees, I have never done that, nor do I have any formal training and the
odds of me being able to properly navigate…”
“Just sit down in the pilot’s chair, please?” Marxx scolded, knowing Tenel Ka and Brukos needed
medical attention as soon as possible. Raven, feeding off of her brother’s concern lifted the Serenity out
of the middle of the arena floor. For good measure, she swung the ship around in an arc and bathed the
arena in close-range laser fire, thereby throwing the remaining Piirrnians into a state of utter confusion.
Marxx verified, “Are you there?”
Reluctantly, the golden droid responded, “I am sitting here, however I have no idea…”
“Just follow my instructions, Threepio,” Marxx commanded and told the protocol droid which buttons
and levers to push to get the ship’s engines warmed and prepared for takeoff. Retreating out of the top
of the arena, Raven turned her ship around and headed towards the hanger to give Threepio weapons
coverage in case any errant enemy fighters remained in the general area.
“SIR! They’re firing on me!” Threepio wailed. Dim sounds of blaster fire could be heard through the
“Just relax, you’re bigger than they are. You’ve got your shields activated, so you’ll be fine,” Marxx
“Oh my, I…I’m flying! Master Marxx, I am flying!”
Jacen listened to Threepio’s excited cries as he watched his brother-in-law sink into the Force, and
connect with his ship. Through the short distance between the two ships, Marxx visualized Threepio’s
movements and miming the actions with his hands, directed the droid, through the Force, how to safely
fly his ship out of the hanger. Just to give the excitable droid something new to brag about, Marxx
allowed Threepio to fire off a couple of proton torpedoes into the hanger for good measure.
As the disguised ship soared out of the hanger, Marxx helped Threepio to turn off the holo-matrix, to
help conserve power.
“I would never have guessed that flying could be this effortless. Oh I only wish Artoo were here to see
me now!” Threepio crowed over the commsystem, giving everyone in the cockpit aboard Serenity a
reason to grin.
The silver and white ships soared side by side through the flotsam and jetsam aftermath of battle. As
they bee-lined for the medical frigate, eighteen Hapan Dragons surrounded the floating arena.
Overlord Grilli’k screamed at the monitors as one by one the last remaining ships of his fleet vanished
off of the screens. Over his holo-imager a wavy, blue image stood full-length in the middle of Grilli’k’s
chambers. Scalding anger lined Prince Isolder Chume’s features as he stated through gritted teeth, “You
should’ve bargained with the New Republic for the release of Queen Mother Tenel Ka of the Hapes
Cluster, for you would have found that they are a lot more forgiving than I am. You recklessly
endangered the life of my daughter with your lawlessness and insatiable greed. For this you will be
spared no mercy…Do you have any last words to defend your actions?”
Snorting, Grilli’k spat, “I am not afraid of you.”
A freakishly calm grin stretched across Isolder’s face, as he coolly replied, “That’s the last mistake
you’ll ever make.” As the Hapan Prince’s image faded to black and Grilli’k’s ears registered the
bombardment of heavy artillery being emptied upon the facility.
From space all eighteen Dragon’s fired upon the facility. And with one well placed hit to the facility’s
engine rooms, the station’s reactor core buckled, causing a chain reaction to spread throughout the
arena. The Dragons moved away as anti-gravity matter, shrapnel, smoke, and fire shot out of the
Piirrnian structure. As the ships sped away towards what remained of the New Republic’s rescue team,
the Piirrinan structure exploded in a brilliant display of fire, sending a shock wave booming throughout
space and through the atmosphere of the planet Plennin 12.
A tiny shuttle flew from The Prince’s Fury and delivered Isolder and Teneneil Djo to the medical
frigate where they could be near their daughter. Han had picked up Leia from the Peacekeeper and both
parents were also now aboard the medical facility to be with their youngest son. Chewie picked up
Lowie and together they would fly the Falcon back to New Republic space and deliver the seven
prisoners from the arena back to their homeworlds.
Ackbar’s voice sounded over the commsystem when all ships reported in, “Let’s go home.”
Chapter 42
As Leia stared at the back of her 6’6”, youngest son she couldn’t help but think of how small he
appeared. Unshaven, he still wore the appropriated disheveled and blood-soaked Piirrnian guard outfit.
Deflated and standing with his hands plastered along a pane of smooth, cold, duraglass, Anakin gazed
forlornly into the secured clean room where both Brukos and Tenel Ka floated in bacta tanks. He
sniffed the stale, re-circulated air. Tears streamed down his face while his mind’s eye replayed the
sequences of events in the ring, wondering for the millionth time if there had been anything he could’ve
done that would have prevented his friend and beloved’s injuries.
Leia carefully extracted herself from Han’s heavy, sleepy arms and rose from her seat on a nearby
couch to talk to Anakin.
Standing next to her towering son’s side, Leia snaked her arm around his waist. He turned and
enveloped her in a bear hug, and breathed in a lungful of his mother’s reassuring floral scented
perfume. Although much of his childhood was spent either in hiding, or away from his mother, he
always associated her scent with a feeling of security and love. He allowed the fragrance to embrace his
drifting soul.
“It was my fault, Mom. Don’t try telling me it wasn’t,” Anakin informed.
Leia said, “You can’t think that way, Anakin. It’s destructive to beat yourself up like that. I watched the
live feed of you in that ring and you did everything you could to try to protect them both.”
“I should’ve been able to do more,” Anakin pushed, as guilt ravaged and gnawed at his gut.
“What if they don’t make it?”
Glancing upwards into her son’s haunted blue eyes, Leia pointedly stated, “The medics said that
Brukos and Tenel Ka were in as good of shape as they could’ve hoped for them to be when they arrived
here. Whatever you did to Tenel Ka’s leg in the ring, helped to control her internal bleeding. The
medics think that she’ll recover the full use of her leg… because of you.”
“Yeah, I’m glad to hear Tenel Ka seems to be in relatively good shape, but what about Brukos? The
medics aren’t saying anything… If I’d only called out his name earlier… or used the Force to knock
him out of the way…”
“Stop that, Anakin. You tried to warn him. You can’t blame yourself,” Leia argued.
Extracting himself from his mother’s embrace, Anakin stalked across the waiting room and stared out
the window at the streaming stars as they headed back home. Teneniel Djo and Isolder returned from an
in depth conversation with the medics. Their faces were drawn and tight. Anakin’s heart flopped in his
chest then nervously plummeted into his stomach as he prepared himself for the worst.
Clearing her throat, Teneneil Djo reported, “Tenel Ka should be fine. The medics were able to stop all
internal bleeding and have repaired the break in her leg. She had a mild concussion, but they don’t see
any swelling in her brain scans- so they figure that she’ll fully recover.”
Anakin and Leia both breathed large sighs of relief. Having awoken when Isolder and Teneneil Djo
entered the room, Han joined the group, stretching and offered, “That’s great news.”
Still noting the gravity of Tenel Ka’s parent’s expressions, Anakin ventured, “What about Brukos?”
Isolder and Teneneil Djo exchanged a worried, knowing glance. Teneneil took a hold of Anakin’s hand
and through tear filled eyes divulged, “He’s in bad shape, Anakin. His brain scans show that he did
have swelling in his brain cavity. They’re going to have to operate to release the pressure. Only
afterwards will they know if he’ll come out of it fine or not.”
All sound faded in the room as Anakin’s heart ached in his chest from the news, and he gasped aloud as
the discouraging news struck home. Staring at Isolder, he sensed that they were holding something
back. He demanded, “What else?”
“You know we adore that boy like a nephew, right Anakin? You’re not the only one hurting over this
news,” Isolder said. Numbly, Anakin nodded. “He’s… the pressure on his back isn’t fading. He might
be paralyzed.”
“If he recovers from the brain surgery,” Anakin flatly stated.
“Yes, if he recovers,” Isolder agreed.
Leia turned and attempted to embrace her son, but Anakin shook himself away from her arms. Tears
flowing down his face again. As he raced out of the room, through his anguish he didn’t hear Teneneil
Djo shout, “No one blames you for anything, Anakin!”
Having no idea where he was heading, all that Anakin concentrated on was the pain that constricted
itself tighter and tighter around his heart. Blindly he ran through the external waiting room where
Marxx, Jacen, Noorro, and Raven all anxiously sat. When he tore past them, the Racees twins shot
worried glances at Jacen as all three of them sensed Anakin’s anguish permeating the surrounding
Han charged into the room and stopped as Anakin continued down the hallway.
“Dad, what happened?” Jacen demanded.
Flashing his hazel eyes towards his son and the Racees twins he explained, “Tenel Ka should be fine,
but Brukos is in really bad shape. I think your brother is blaming himself for everything.”
Bolting upright, Jacen made to move after his brother. Han stilled him with a hand on the shoulder and
said, “No… let me go talk to him.” Reluctantly sitting down again, Jacen watched as his father
continued down the hall, giving his youngest son a large head start so he would have time to gather his
The corners of Raven’s mouth dropped and quivered as she commented, “I should’ve gotten to you all
sooner. Just a few minutes earlier and Brukos might not be in such critical condition.”
Wrapping his arm around his wife’s shoulder, Jacen pulled her close to him and said, “You got to us in
time, hon, don’t you start blaming yourself, too.”
Marxx glanced towards the door as Leia entered the room. Sitting next to her son-in-law, she placed her
hand on his knee and explained the full extent of Brukos’s injuries to the group.
“What are his chances of full recovery?” Marxx asked, kneading the back of his neck with his left
“I think the medics will be happy if he wakes up without any brain damage. I don’t even think they’ve
even considered that he might come out of this unscathed,” Leia reasoned.
Thinking about their jovial new friend being paralyzed sent Jacen into despair. “He can’t be
paralyzed… that’ll just kill Anakin.”
Flatly, Leia responded, “I know it will. We need to all just pray for Brukos.”
They all nodded in unison. Changing the subject, Leia asked, “Raven, honey, how did you know where
to come?”
Lifting her head, Raven stared at the group and realized she hadn’t given them an explanation for her
unexpected appearance. She narrated, “I was on Hoth with the students when Glenniss Breezestorm
developed a terrible cold. Not wanting to have her infect the rest of the kids we left the base. On the
flight back to Yavin I started receiving visions through the Force with you all in danger. I stopped off at
Naboo, dropped off my students with my Mom, and contacted Jaina. She told me where you were and I
took off. If you weren’t alerted that I was coming, then you all must’ve been out of communications
range from Jaina. When I got closer to the battle, I could sense my twin’s life signature like a beacon. I
scanned the arena and found that its shields were down so I headed straight there in hopes I would’ve
made it in time to help rescue you all.”
“Did you know that the Piirrnians would react the way they did when they saw you, babe?” Jacen
“I’ve been living with this damned myth story for nearly a year now. From one end of the Galaxy to the
next I’ve seen the hardest, most dangerous looking men cower at the sight of me… ME! As if I’m some
strange and mystical being or something. I just knew that those Piirrnian thugs would behave the same
way as all the others before them,” Raven explained.
“It’s a good thing they were superstitious idiots then. We’re all glad you made it when you did, Raven,”
Marxx said. “What did Mom think of having a whole class of apprentices dropped off on her
Smirking lightly, Raven recounted, “Oh you know Mom, she was pleased as punch to have a bunch of
kids to wait on. My real concern is that after a day or two of being pampered by her, the kids might not
want to return back to the Academy!”
Everyone softly chuckled, then fell into a contemplative silence, and begun their vigil for Anakin’s
Anakin finally stopped running when the pressure in his chest made it difficult to breathe. Crashing
into an empty recovery room, Anakin allowed his emotions to explode, resulting in body quaking sobs.
His mind spun and he revisited the scene over and over: the two prisoners yanking Brukos out from
under the carcass of the dead Pteradacinine and then his just picking up his friend without supporting
his back or neck.
Letting out an angry bellow, Anakin pounded his fists clear through the wall of room and did not, could
not stop.
Following the ruckus, Han entered the room and raced to his son’s side. “Son, stop that! Anakin!
You’re making yourself bleed!”
Numbly Anakin opened his eyes and noted the bloody smear marks all over the walls. As he twisted his
fists towards his eyes he observed that they were scratched and bloody. Dropping his arms to his sides,
Anakin crumbled to the floor. He wailed, “Why, Dad? Why did I do it?”
Han plucked a first aid kit off of the wall and sat down beside his son. Taking one of Anakin’s hands he
lightly cleaned his wounds and asked, “Did what son?”
“Brukos. I carried him around with his neck and back unsupported. You know while I was carrying him
I kept thinking to myself-this is wrong Anakin, he could have injuries that you can’t see. I didn’t… I
should’ve…” Anakin rambled.
“Son, you really had no choice in the matter. You didn’t know Raven was going to show up, and there
were no stretchers around there that you could’ve used. You had to do what you could to help your
friend. What would you have preferred, leaving him there to die?” Han reasoned, hoping to get through
his son’s thick skull.
Wiping tears off of his face, and leaving a streak of crimson blood across his cheek, Anakin whispered,
“No. Course I wouldn’t have left him.”
“I know what you’re going through, Anakin. But you have to learn that things in battle or war just ain’t
always fair. Unfortunately, wartime can leave little options for us warriors, you gotta work with what
you’ve got,” Han explained.
Shamefully, hanging his head Anakin divulged, “He’s got no one Dad, nobody other than a protocol
droid to take care of him.”
“He doesn’t have nobody-he’s got you,” Han pointed out. “I can tell the two of you have become good
friends, and I know you Anakin, you won’t turn away from him if he needs your help.”
“He’s not going to want to see me again when he learns I caused his paralysis,” Anakin matter-of-factly
“That’s crazy talk, Anakin. He’ll see that it wasn’t your fault. He’ll probably just be grateful to be alive.
I doubt he’s gonna hold you responsible,” Han explained.
Anakin mumbled, “He’s got every right to think that, though.”
Placing his hand on his son’s shoulder, Han flashed him a lopsided smile and replied, “If he’s as good
of a friend as you know he is…he won’t.”
Nodding, Anakin forced a half-smile, “Thanks.”
Footsteps made both men peer towards the door to see Teneneil Djo standing in the doorframe. “Is
everything alright?”
Wiping tears off his face, Anakin lied, “Sure.”
“Great, because they’re moving Tenel Ka into recovery. I’m sure she’d love to see you when she wakes
up,” Teneneil stated, grinning.
Sniffing the air, Anakin detected the unpleasant dried stench of perspiration and worked his way to his
feet. Helping his Dad up, he replied, “Thank you, Teneneil. I’m going to go get cleaned up first. Can’t
have her seeing me look and smell like wild Wompa.”
Chuckling, Han kidded, “Yes, please do clean up, son, you stink.”
Feeling the pressure around his heart loosen a bit, Anakin forced a small grin to his Dad. He snickered,
“Thanks for the heads up, Dad. FYI- you don’t smell so sweet yourself.”
Sniffing the air, Han smiled and chortled, “That’s testosterone, kid… Hey Anakin?”
“Yeah, Dad?”
“Who took out the Phoenix?” Han asked, scratching his chin.
Anakin shrugged, “Don’t know, I thought it was a bounty hunter.”
“Really? What was he flying?”
“A JumpMaster5000. I don’t remember much else other than he fired seismic charges at us,” Anakin
“Seismic charges? Hardly anyone uses those things anymore,” Han muttered, scratching his scruffy
Shrugging, Anakin walked away, hanging his head and meekly added, “Have the New Republic send
me the costs for repairing the wall in there.”
“Son, you’ve got plenty else to worry about other than that, get moving,” Han scolded, as the
possibilities of who could’ve tried to harm his son swam through his thoughts. From out of the depths
of his mind a candidate took form. He’d have a bit of research still to do before he could be certain.
Smiling slightly, Anakin sulked off to find a place to clean up. Leaning against a wall, Han watched his
son departure. Mirroring the concerns of his family, he stated to Teneneil, “I sure hope Brukos will be
alright. I don’t know what will happen to Anakin if his buddy’s not able to fully recover.”
“Anakin’s in shock and is grieving right now. He’ll be able to see things clearer later. If Brukos is
permanently disabled, let’s just hope my daughter will be able to talk some sense into the boy,”
Teneneil offered, running her hands through her thick red hair.
“Right, thank the Force that she’s alright,” Han commented as they walked back towards the group.
“Yes, we must thank the Force,” Teneneil replied, well aware that her daughter’s problems were far
from over. In fact, she knew that the moment she was strong enough, Tenel Ka would have a lot to deal
with and take care of when she returned to Hapes.
Clean and wearing a standard issue, gray jumpsuit Anakin approached the door to Tenel Ka’s recovery
room. Noorro, having recently showered stood alert by the door and allowed the Jedi to enter.
Anakin slunk into Tenel Ka’s recovery room and pulled up a chair and gazed longingly upon her
sleeping visage. Happily he noted that her coloring appeared normal again. Lightly he brushed a clump
of hair from face and lightly caressed her soft cheek. Staring at her sleeping so peacefully he couldn’t
believe how close he came to losing his beloved. His heart ached at the thought.
Softly moaning, Tenel Ka’s gray eyes fluttered open. After a moment of confusion, she zeroed in on
Anakin’s face and offered him a rare smile. Clearing her throat she said, “I am alive.”
Raising the corner of his lip in the famous Solo smirk, Anakin replied, “This is a fact.”
Lifting her left arm, Tenel Ka stared at her stump and murmured, “I am so tired, yet I feel like I have
been sleeping for days. How long have I been out?”
“About six hours,” Anakin responded.
“Is that all? It feels like it has been a lifetime,” Tenel Ka moaned. Gazing into Anakin’s eyes she
detected something was amiss. “What is troubling you?”
Reaching across her bed, Anakin took Tenel Ka’s right hand and gently caressed the silky, smoothness
of her skin. Squeezing his eyes shut tight, Anakin forced down the lump that rested near his Adam’s
apple. Opening his blue, tear-filled eyes he began, “Brukos…”
Tenel Ka’s eyes opened wide and she cried out, “He is not dead, is he?”
“No! Thank the Force, no he’s not. But he’s in really bad shape,” Anakin quickly stated. He then
explained the full extent of Brukos’s injuries… and how he acquired his wounds.
Evenly sizing up her beloved, Tenel Ka matter-of-factly stated, “You blame yourself for his condition.”
“Yes,” he meekly replied.
“Anakin, it sounds like there was not anything else that you could have done given the circumstances,”
Tenel Ka reasoned.
“I should’ve been able to do more. If he doesn’t fully recover, I don’t know what I can ever do to make
things up to him,” Anakin uttered.
Tenel Ka gauged Anakin’s reactions and asked, “You really care about him. What happened? How did
the two of you pair up?”
“That’s a really long story, Tenel Ka. You need your rest, I don’t want to over-tire you,” Anakin
explained, knowing that she wasn’t strong enough yet to take the whole story. “Let’s just say that we
both initially found common ground to want to help find you. Along the way, we both became friends.
He’s a great guy, I understand why you and he were friends growing up.”
Nodding at his truncated explanation, Tenel Ka stifled a yawn. Seeing her need to sleep, Anakin leaned
forward, brushed a mass of titian hair off of her face and lightly kissed her smooth forehead. “Get some
sleep, baby. Trust me, you’ll need it.”
Groggy from the need to sleep, from her heart Tenel Ka uttered, “I love you, Anakin Solo.”
“I love you too, Tenel Ka,” Anakin replied, knowing she did hear his words, as a tiny smile crossed her
lips before she drifted off to sleep.
“I would’ve thought you’d be overcome with joy that your Coronation was tomorrow,” Ta’a Chume
spat towards her niece.
Pacing in the Queen Mother’s war-room, Nastya fidgeted with her dress sleeve as she nervously paced
the floor. Hours had passed and they still had received no word from the ships if they had found Tenel
Ka or not. Knowing her half-Aunt was sharper than Roog liked to give her credit, she covered her
actions by coolly commenting, “Of course I am delighted to finally be taking the crown tomorrow.”
Moistening her lips with her tongue, Ta’a Chume proposed, “You know it probably will take a while
before you feel completely adjusted to your new roll. I think it would be prudent of you to not let any
valuable resources go unheeded.”
“And what do you mean by that, Auntie dear?” Nastya challenged.
The older Queen Mother sat herself down in the imposingly large throne and lovingly rubbed her hands
over the roughened, velvet fabric that covered the armrests. She knew every ridge, bump, and curve in
the armrests for she had sat in that throne for so many years that the cushions had conformed to
perfectly support her slight weight. The thought of her naïve and idiotic niece sitting in her throne, still
made her blood boil. She glared at the insolent girl who continued her nervous meanderings across the
Nastya didn’t need to be Force-sensitive to know what her Aunt was thinking. Running her hand
enjoyably through her new silky, brown hair, she sighed, rolled her eyes and allowed her aunt to
maintain a shred of dignity. She offered, “Of course I know it will be difficult. I would be pleased if
you would stay on as an advisor.”
A sly grin etched across Ta’a Chume’s thin lips, as she relaxed. “I think that would be a wise decision,
Nastya. Truly, I only want for you to succeed and I do believe that you would be able to learn a great
from me.”
“Of course I would, Ta’a Chume. How could I not? You’ve been the ruler of this Cluster for a very,
very, VERY long time. I definitely wouldn’t want to not at least listen to your ideas based on your vast
amounts of experience,” Nastya needed, smiling sweetly.
Ta’a Chume bristled at her niece’s smug demeanor. As she tried to come up with a retort, the doors
hissed open and General Roog entered the room and immediately stared at Nastya.
“What is it, General?” Ta’a Chume demanded with irritation.
Seeing that she would have no way of speaking to Nastya alone, the General cleared her throat, altered
her course, and approached the Queen Mother directly. Picking a slight topic off of the top of her head
to explain her appearance, she reported, “There have been rumors that Yermott’s fleet might be massing
just outside of Hapes 7.”
“Really? That would seem like a rather obvious place for them to gather. Have you sent our any spies
to verify these claims?” Ta’a Chume suggested.
“Yes, My Queen. We’re still waiting on word,” Roog nervously replied.
Knitting her knobby knuckles together, Ta’a Chume sneered, “I am curious as to why you bothered to
bring such an insignificant rumor to my attention, General. You usually know better than to bring me
reports until they’ve been substantiated.”
Fumbling for a reply, Roog explained, “Our source has proven to be quite reliable in the past. I thought
you might be interested in hearing if it comes to fruition and then personally give the orders to squash
Yermott’s rebels once and for all.”
Launching herself out of her throne, Ta’a Chume stalked towards Roog and stared up into her eyes. In
her peripheral vision she watched as Nastya walked just behind her to stare at the General as well.
“What are you lying about? Don’t deny it! I can detect deceivers better than anyone.”
“I am not lying about anything, Your Grace. I promise you that. All I wanted to do was to report that
we are still waiting word from our spies, but are expecting word any time now,” the General reiterated
with conviction, putting more emphasis on the last of her remarks in hopes Nastya would pick up on
their hidden context. A slight nod from the younger Chume’da confirmed that the message had been
Folding her arms across her chest, the Queen Mother waited until Roog shifted uncomfortably and
released her from the interrogation. Turning away she admitted, “I would love nothing more than to
personally give the order to take out Yermott’s murdering behind. But I’m sure you have other work to
do. Just call me if this pans out… thank you for the heads up, though.”
“Yes, your Highness.” Roog lowered her head and curtly exited the room without a glance in Nastya’s
When the doors hissed shut, Ta’a Chume turned to Nastya and explained, “That woman is impeccable.
I trust her with my life. But just a bit of friendly advice, sometimes you need to test those closest to you
in order to verify that they are still your allies. For in the world of politics, even those who you think
are your friends will gladly go behind your back and stab it without second thought.”
Fighting away a smirk over the irony of Ta’a Chume’s comments, Nastya replied, “You are right, Aunt
Ta’a Chume. I will be wise to remember that. If you would please, I think I’m going to retire, as
tomorrow will be a busy day. But please, contact me if this latest development comes to light.”
“Of course I will let you know of the outcome. Goodnight, Nastya,” Ta’a Chume bade her niece
farewell. As Nastya exited the room, Ta’a Chume returned to her throne and sat back into the
comfortable seat. Although she wrote off her interrogation of Roog to Nastya, Ta’a Chume felt a sense
of unease creep into her soul. She believed that even though she still possessed the crown, the torch
may have already been passed, and short of killing her niece outright, there was nothing she could do
about it.
“Here is the report you requested, Sir,” the officer nervously said as he approached the skulking figure.
Angrily snatching the datapad out of the officer’s hand, Travees demanded, “And?”
“Our best teams of engineers are on it, Sir, round the clock,” the officer reported.
“Fine. Get out,” Travees seethed. More than happy to comply, the officer dashed out of the sight of the
crazed head of the Alliance.
Travees gloomily stared out the window at the image of Hapes 7. Having covertly sent a recovery team
to the corporate planet, Travees had ordered the fleet to orbit their allied planet for a couple of hours in
order for the team to bring up whatever scraps they were able to locate from the destruction of the
financial district. Under his feet he felt the engine’s on his ship getting ready to launch into hyperspace.
Staring at the datapad he scanned the endless lists of broken data that comprised of his family’s life
savings. The team had been able to partially save the jumbled data from three of the large servers,
melted in the rubble. The code meant nothing to his untrained eyes, all he could hope was that the
group of engineers below could salvage the transactions and determine what happened to his fortune.
Turning off the datapad, his eyes wandered over to the holo-net. Absently he turned it on for
background noise.
A reporter popped up on the screen, Final preparations are being made for the Coronation of Nastya
Chume’da to be crowned Queen Mother tomorrow on Hapes. Recent polls show a complete lack of
confidence in the estranged royal. When asked, most people simply say that they have no real
knowledge of her background to create an informed opinion of her. Nervous tension continues to mount
due to the recent rounds of attacks led by the Independent Hapan League. Acting Queen Mother Ta’a
Chume is confident that they will defeat their adversaries, however many people are doubting that the
monarchy will last to see another change in Royal power. The seeds of democracy have been planted
and have begun to take root in the mind’s of many Hapan citizens.
Flicking off the holo-net, Travees maliciously grinned. Activating his commline, he called up their
military co-ordinator, General Geers and demanded, “Are the plans for tomorrow set?”
“Yes, Sir. Everything will go down exactly as planned,” Geers reported.
“Excellent. Over,” Travees ended. Twisting his large, blond moustache back into its curved shape, his
dark eyes gleamed with merriment as he said to himself, “Tomorrow, the time of Queen Mothers will
finally be over…this Cluster then will be all MINE.”
Chapter 43
During the early evening hours the rescue team crossed back into New Republic space without fanfare.
In examining the data from the war waged on the Piirrnians, over 1,800 people who volunteered or
participated in the battles had died.
The fleet orbited their rendezvous point over Naboo. Under a tight cloud of secrecy Tenel Ka and
Brukos were shuttled to the large Medical facility on Theed for further treatment and examinations. In
the wee hours of the morning, Brukos came out of brain surgery. After examinations were complete
from a second round in the bacta tank, the medics cautiously were optimistic with his prognosis.
Further scrutiny on his spinal cord confirmed that massive bruising centered around the lower
vertebrates in his back. Until the swelling were to go down, the medics dared not risk any invasive
procedures that might further exacerbate the damage.
Refusing any further treatment, Tenel Ka joined Anakin in a vigil at Brukos’s bedside. As dawn pushed
out the night, Teneneil Djo and Isolder decided it was time to fill in their daughter on the trouble back
home after catching word on the holonet that Nastya’s Coronation would take place later in the early
afternoon at the Fountain Palace. With Anakin holding her hand at her side, Tenel Ka was drained.
After digesting all of the news on the war, Tenel Ka felt like she was emotionally being pulled in
twenty different directions. She struggled with the notion that Travees Yermott was now considered an
enemy, when only a couple of weeks earlier, she and he had shared a pleasant enough meal together.
However difficult that notion she found to be, his actions and brutal slayings of the Hapan citizens
offered her little remorse or sympathy for the man. Upon hearing that he had attempted to assassinate
her, and that the Piirrnians kidnapping of her had become a blessing in disguise, Tenel Ka found herself
loathing the man. She couldn’t wait for the opportunity to bring the Consortium down and restore
peace in her Cluster.
Leia came to her side and offered the continued support of the New Republic fleet to help her to take
down the Consortium. “Considering they inadvertently helped to frame my son for murder, I’m willing
to offer my resources to help you to eliminate them.” Knowing where her concerns really lay, Leia
added, “The medical frigate will come with us. Brukos is going to need a lot of rest and probably won’t
wake up until well after you’ve returned from the Coronation.”
“But your fleet lost so many people, just to rescue me. I cannot ask you to put your people in further
danger just on my account,” Tenel Ka reasoned.
Taking Tenel Ka’s hand lightly in her own Leia explained, “Understanding that you need help from
friends is the first step in showing a mark of a great ruler. Your Grandmother foolishly always thinks
that she can handle her problems on her own. If you allow yourself to be proud or to not take advantage
of every resource that is available to you, your people could end up suffering. You must always
remember that their needs come before your own.”
Nodding, Tenel Ka agreed, “Thank you. I will be glad to accept your support.”
Chewie and Lowie rendezvoused with the fleet after delivering the freed prisoners to Coruscant where
they could be debriefed and returned to their homeworlds. Lowie joined Anakin and Tenel Ka aboard
The Prince’s Fury, while Jacen stayed aboard the medical frigate in case Brukos woke. Raven had
retrieved her reluctant students from her mother’s care and returned to Yavin 4, while Marxx returned
home to be with his pregnant wife and fill in Rodersuin and Tionne on recent events.
As Teneneil Djo, Isolder, Lowie, Tenel Ka, and Anakin sat in the Royal living quarters aboard Isolder’s
Dragon while it hurled forward through hyperspace, Tenel Ka asked, “Do you think we all will get
there in time?”
“I think it will be close, but you should get there in time to stop the Coronation,” Isolder replied.
Launching to her feet and staring out the window at the streaming stars Tenel Ka digested the situation
that she would be facing back at home. Sitting on a couch, Anakin’s eyes drank in the sight of his
beloved. She stood with her arms crossed and had changed into a long saffron dress. He found her
shorter, bouncing curls fetching, since with their lift they exposed her supple neck. Standing, he came
behind her and placed his large, strong hands on her shoulders. Lightly rotating his thumbs in circles he
kneaded out some of her mounting tension.
“No rest for the weary, eh?” Anakin kidded.
“This is a fact,” Tenel Ka agreed. Turning slightly she stared into Anakin’s compassionate eyes and
stated, “It always seems to be one thing or another, does it not?”
Enveloping her in a bear hug, Anakin affirmed, “Yes.”
Closing her eyes and reveling in the closeness of Anakin, Tenel Ka inhaled his masculine scent and fed
from his strength. The numbers of lives lost in Hapes during her absence numbed her mind. She found
it difficult to believe that she would be returning to a home that would be scarred from war. Into the
nook of his right arm she divulged, “I need you, Anakin.”
Brushing his hand through her curls, Anakin replied, “I’m not going anywhere, baby.”
“Do you really even need to ask?”
Nestling into his strong arms Tenel Ka’s heart already knew the answer.
The elitists in Hapan society descended upon Hapes for the second time in a short while to witness a
Royal Coronation. Most in attendance agreed that they were uneasy with the change in power, feeling
that it would have been prudent to allow the formidable Queen Mother Ta’a Chume to remain in
interim power until the crisis with the rebels had abated. In her waiting room, fully dressed in a long,
newly made, burgundy colored dress, Nastya paced as she fully agreed with the general opinion.
Cracking her knuckles nervously she jumped as her door opened and General Roog purposefully
entered the room. Snatching up the sides of her dress, Nastya ran towards the frazzled looking woman
and demanded, “What is the news?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Your Highness. The Royal fleet has maintained complete comm. silence
since they departed. I have no idea if Queen Mother Tenel Ka will be returning or not,” General Roog
Deflating, Nastya cried, “Well that’s not good! I can’t very well take this crown if she is still alive!”
Plucking her full lips nervously with her fingers, Roog hinted, “They may not have reported anything
back to us, because they may not be coming back.”
“Well that’s a cheerful thought.” Groaning loudly, Nastya demanded, “Is there any way to confirm
“Not in the short time we’ve got. It’d take hours to send out scouts,” Roog reported.
Plopping onto a plush bench, Nastya became aware of a mounting throb in her forehead. “Well then I
guess I have to go through with this thing.”
“That appears to be the case, Your Highness,” Roog agreed. Turning towards the door, she added, “I’d
better go. You’re up in five.”
“Thanks,” Nastya wearily replied. Ever since learning that Tenel Ka had survived the explosion on her
ship, Nastya had completely ceased thinking about actually being crowned Queen Mother, believing
that the event would never take place. Now that it appeared to be at hand, she was gripped with
apprehension. She didn’t want to be Queen Mother, however, there was no way out of her destiny. A
knock at the door signified it was time for her to face the music. Standing on unsteady feet, she
smoothed the creases from her dress, gripped her hands together below her breast and approached the
door. Under her breath she uttered, “Bless the Force, please, just don’t let me embarrass myself out
Slinking out of hyperspace, the dozen Star Destroyers of the Hapan Independence League circled
Hapes, and using stealth as their ally they systematically took out the four Dragons protecting the
Capital Planet. Three shuttles exited the hanger of the lead destroyer and descended with purpose
towards the Fountain Palace.
The Palace’s main ceremonial hall felt insufferably stuffy to Nastya. Outside, a blanket of fog engulfed
the Palace, making the room seem even more claustrophobic. A haunting call of a woodwind
instrument began to play a traditional Hapan song and heralded Nastya’s arrival.
All eyes turned upon Nastya, and her knobby knees began to quake as she walked down the long aisle
towards the perturbed looking Queen Mother Ta’a Chume. The overpowering urge to flee invaded her
senses. She leapt in fright as the doors slammed shut behind her, locking her to her fate.
Her breathing became labored as Nastya closed in on the stage, climbed the stairs and dropped into
kneeling position. Ta’a Chume walked before her half-niece and clutched her Royal scepter tightly in
her boney hands. The music continued to titillate and fill the air with its beautiful melody, and then
ceased on a high note.
Methodically, Ta’a Chume invited the guests to the event. She told them, “We were only here a few
short weeks ago heralding in the reign of Queen Mother Tenel Ka. Sadly, she is gone. Today will begin
the mark of the new reign of Nastya Chume’da. For those who are unfamiliar with her, she is a woman
of character, intelligence, and strength. She will do this crown justice.” Nastya lifted her brows in
amazement over the words spoken by her great-aunt. “In these troubling times we must always recall
the power of the throne. The monarchy has always been subject to scrutiny under the whims and
changes of time. During the Hapan Cluster’s three thousand year reign, the monarchy has been
challenged over and over again. Yet, always, we have prevailed over our enemies. Please be assured,
that this time will be no different.”
The crowd murmured under its breath over Ta’a Chume’s confident words. As if on queue, the heavy
doors of the chamber crashed open, revealing a garrison of armed guards surrounding Travees Yermott
and his group of supportive Governors. Racing into the hall the Independence League guards showered
the hall with blaster-fire, taking immediately out all of the scantily dressed royal guards. The crowd
shrieked in terror as the guards lined the aisle and pointed their weapons towards the onlookers, daring
anyone to attempt to challenge their presence.
The eighteen Hapan Dragons and assorted New Republic vessels dropped out of hyperspace before
Hapes. From the deck of The Prince’s Fury Tenel Ka stared at the dozen Star Destroyers that were
positioned between themselves and the planet.
Isolder reported, “Those must be Travees’s fleet.”
Stretching out with the Force, Tenel Ka was unable to detect Travees’s life energy reading on the ships.
Icily, she ordered, “Take out the Destroyers. Helmsman, get us through the battle and down to Hapes.
My grandmother will require our assistance.”
Not the slightest bit intimidated by Travees and his cronies, Ta’a Chume demanded, “What is the
meaning of this interruption?”
Resplendently dressed in his finest, Travees stepped onto and over the bodies of the dead guards,
climbed the stairs to face the fuming Queen Mother. He chuckled, “Oh we just came here to pay our
respects, Ta’a Chume…our last respects… to a dying institution. It’s over, your Excellency. The days
of your precious matriarchy are through.”
“Hardly,” Ta’a Chume coolly retorted.
“Maybe you should try checking with your fleet, we’ve taken out the entire Hapan guard protecting this
planet. And you will discover that all of your troops inside this building are dead. You’ve got no-one
left to protect you,” Travees explained. His white teeth gleamed in delight. From out of his pocket he
extracted a datapad. Extending it forward, he offered, “This here is our Declaration of Hapan
Independence, if you sign it and agree to dissolve the Cluster without a struggle, we will let you and
your niece go.”
“I know better than to trust the words of a lying murderer, Yermott,” Ta’a Chume sneered.
“We’ll never give up the crown to you, Travees!” Nastya shouted.
Phony smile fading into a grimace, Yermott shouted, “QUIET! You half-breed Royal!” He then pistolwhipped Nastya across her right cheek. Explosions of pain blinded Nastya as she cried out, lost her
balance, and tumbled down the stairs.
As the crowd shrieked in protest, Travees grabbed Ta’a Chume violently around the neck, and shoved
the datapad into her hand. Holding his heated barrel a mere centimeters from the Queen Mother’s
cheek, he growled, “Sign the damned treaty.”
Nursing her throbbing cheek, Nastya stared imploringly up at her half-aunt seeking some sign of what
she should do to help them get out of this mess. Ta’a Chume licked her lips and stared towards the
holonet cameras, grateful that they were recording every second of this treasonous act.
“DO IT!” Yermott screamed, bathing Ta’a Chume’s face in his hot breath. “This Cluster is MINE!”
“Let her go,” ordered a familiar, cold voice. Nastya beamed in delight as she turned towards the voice’s
Startled, Travees’s crazed gaze zeroed in on the doorway and spied Tenel Ka, her parents, Anakin,
Lowie and three garrisons of Hapan troops flooding into the hall. Ta’a Chume nearly forgot about her
predicament and balked in cold fury at the appearance of Solo. That damned bounty hunter had lied to
her, Anakin was not dead. Staring at her one-armed Granddaughter, confusion seized her senses.
Although she had suspected that Tenel Ka hadn’t died in the explosion, she couldn’t for the life of her
figure out how she had managed to survive or what had happened to her. All she knew within a
heartbeat was that someone, somewhere, had lied to her and kept her in the dark regarding Tenel Ka’s
Tightening his grip around Ta’a Chume’s neck harder and snapping her back to reality, Travees
shrieked at Tenel Ka, “YOU’RE DEAD!”
Folding her arm and limb across her chest, Tenel Ka retorted, “News reports of my so-called demise
have been greatly exaggerated. I would advise you to let go of my grandmother…NOW.”
With a flick of her finger, her guards swarmed the hall, incapacitating the Hapan Leagues hoods.
Surrounded by those who loved her most, Tenel Ka boldly marched down the center of the aisle
amongst startled murmurs from the crowd. A comlink chirped on Teneneil Djo’s belt. Leia’s voice
echoed in the chamber, “The Star Destroyers have all surrendered.” The Governors squirmed from the
news as they were surrounded by the Hapan troops.
Ta’a Chume felt Yermott’s palm turn clammy as he registered the report. Standing at the base of the
podium, Tenel Ka ordered, “Looks like your men are very wise and know when they are defeated. Your
rebellion is over. Let go of Ta’a Chume.”
Flashing his razor-like teeth he seethed, “I can snap her neck like a twig.” Taking the tense moment as a
distraction, Travees shifted the position of his blaster and fired at Tenel Ka. Leaping in front of his
beloved, Anakin’s lightsaber zipped into his hands, igniting the purple blade with a snap hiss. Expertly
he deflected the blaster bolt towards the cascading waterfall behind the stage causing the room to fill
with steam, weakening the visibility in the hall. From Tenel Ka’s side, Isolder snatched a blaster from a
guard’s belt, aimed and fired. Ta’a Chume’s eyes bugged out in surprise as she tipped over and
collapsed to the ground. The crowd shrieked in panic. Climbing over a mass of bodies, Nastya located
the body of the fallen Queen Mother. Tenel Ka, Isolder, and Teneneil Djo surrounded them mere
seconds later.
“Get this two-faced corpse off of me!” Ta’a Chume demanded from the ground. Isolder pried the vicelike, dead fingers of Yermott from around his mother’s neck. Carefully, he offered her his hand and
assisted her to her feet. The crowd cheered in delight to see their former Queen Mother alive and well.
Flashing her son an appraising glance, Ta’a Chume congratulated, “Good shooting, son.”
“Anything for you, Mother,” Isolder beamed. Teneneil Djo rolled her eyes as her heart plummeted in
her chest. Even though they had all just traveled through hell thanks to Ta’a Chume, old habits were
impossible to break when it came to her husband’s constant need to dote on her mother-in-law.
Seeing Tenel Ka standing on the podium, Ta’a Chume announced to the crowd, “This coronoation is
officially void. Queen Mother Tenel Ka has returned! To the main reception hall for celebration,
The noisy crowd filtered out of the hall as the guards directed the shamefaced Governors towards
Exhaustion fell over Tenel Ka and she fainted. Anakin caught her in his arms, lifted her lightly and said
to Ta’a Chume, “I’m taking her to bed. She needs lots of sleep. She’ll debrief you when she wakes up.”
Before Ta’a Chume could issue a protest, Anakin carried his exhausted beloved out a side door and
delivered her to her bedroom. Gently shifting her in his arm he flung back her covers and laid Tenel Ka
into her bed. In her sleep, she softly groaned and stretched out her arm seeking Anakin. Shucking out of
his boots, Anakin laid on top of the comforter, wrapped his arm around her and fell peacefully asleep
beside his beloved.
When he awoke three hours later, Anakin brushed a lock of titian hair out of Tenel Ka’s face. Softly, he
kissed her velvety forehead and carefully extracted himself from her embrace. She curled up into a ball
at his absence, but did not wake.
Leaving her room, Anakin acknowledged Noorro and her other guard posted outside her door.
Unclipping a comlink from his belt, Anakin asked, “Hey, Mom?”
“Hi, honey,” Leia greeted.
“Where’s Brukos?”
“He’s been moved to a guest chamber there in the Palace, per Tenel Ka’s standing orders,” Leia
Turning towards the guards he raised a brow. Noorro stated, “He’s in the room next to your quarters,
“Thank you,” Anakin replied, and waved to the guards. Running through the halls Anakin felt a strange
sensation pass over him as he navigated the passage ways that he had so frequently roamed in the past.
Recent events made him feel like a stranger within the Palace walls. He approached Brukos’s door and
cautiously entered the room.
Shock filled his senses upon viewing his friend. Brukos’s head was wrapped completely in bandages
and he had tubes sticking out of him all over his body that were all connected to numerous machines
registering his vitals. Two medical droids buzzed silently around the chamber examining the machine’s
readouts. For the rest of the day, Anakin sat in silent vigil at his friend’s side. And even though food
was brought to him, it sat untouched as he sunk deep into a Force induced trance, trying his best to
concentrate on healing his friend’s injuries. Although he didn’t admit it to himself, he hoped that by
assisting his friend in recovery, he could help alleviate some of the guilt that strangled his heart.
The hours uneventfully crept by and in the middle of the night, Brukos stirred. His head felt
insufferably heavy, and he found that turning it took a vast amount of effort. Squinting his eyes, he saw
Anakin’s stooped over form sitting in a chair at his bedside. He tried to create some saliva in his mouth
and croaked, “Hey, Tiny.”
Bolting upright in his chair Anakin stared at his friend with an expression that mixed fear and delight.
“You remember me?” Anakin asked.
Chuckling, that turned into a cough, Brukos croaked out a joke, “How many giant Jedis do you think I
Smiling sheepishly and handing his friend a glass of water, Anakin wondered, “How are you feeling?”
Brukos gulped down the cool liquid and kidded, “Like I had a speeder dropped on my head.” He
instantly noted Anakin stiffen at the jest. “What’s the matter?”
Choosing his words carefully, Anakin explained, “Nothing, just tired I guess.”
“How’s Tiki? Man… what is this on my head?” Brukos inquired as he finally sensed the bandages
wrapped around his head.
“Leave those alone, buddy. Tenel Ka is fine. She still needs her cybernetic replacement, but her leg has
been healed. She seems no worse for the wear, other than she’s catching up on well needed rest,”
Anakin reported, hoping to distract Brukos from continuing to ask about his own heath.
“That’s good. I was worried about her…” Brukos admitted and then mightily yawned. Flashing Anakin
a loopy, painkiller induced smile he said, “Glad to see you’re alright, Anakin.”
Fighting back a wave of threatening tears, Anakin swallowed a lump in his throat and murmured,
“Thanks. You ahhh… better get your sleep, Brukos.”
“Ok, glad to hear our mission was a success…even if we did have to do a lot of improvising,” Brukos
“Right, you’re a big hero, pal.”
Smiling sleepily, Brukos muttered before drifting off to sleep, “And you got your girl back…”
Wiping tears from his eyes, Anakin felt like the biggest jerk in the Galaxy.
Chapter 44
Ta’a Chume examined the reports again in confusion. Drumming her fingers on her desk, she called
into her commsystem, “Get me the General… and Nastya.”
Three minutes later both women entered the war-room, followed closely by the Skywalker twins, her
son, and daughter-in-law. Ta’a Chume stared at Luke and Leia in confusion, but decided that maybe
one of them could answer her questions. Floating in the center of the room glowed a holoimage of the
New Republic and Hapan Fleets as they simultaneously entered Hapes airspace.
“Please, someone explain this to me,” Ta’a Chume demanded. Using a laser indicator she pointed to her
eighteen Royal Dragons and seethed, “These should’ve been protecting Hapes in the first place. Had
they been where they were supposed to be Yermott would have never made it down to Hapes and
destroyed some of our best troops. That would’ve prevented that entire spectacle yesterday.”
Stepping forward, Nastya pushed her brown hair out of her eyes, daring to take the brunt of the former
Queen Mother’s wrath, and explained, “I take full responsibility for deploying those ships. I seriously
doubted your ability to think rationally. I decided to look through your files and saw that you had been
in communications with Senator Racees. I contacted her and when I realized the seriousness of Tenel
Ka’s situation, I offered extra Hapan assistance.”
Flashing Roog an icy stare, Ta’a Chume demanded, “I suppose you helped her out.”
“Yes, Your Grace,” Roog dutifully replied.
“TRAITORS! Why would you go behind my back on this matter? Do you think I am so heartless that I
wouldn’t have liked to have known that my granddaughter was safe?”
Stepping forward, Luke interjected, “Your past indifferences towards Anakin and refusing to co-operate
with the Jedi and New Republic also factored into the decision to keep you out of the information loop.
Also, Tenel Ka’s situation was very delicate and we feared you would’ve done something rash in trying
to help her. Nastya offered support and we were able to use their help to our advantage.”
Ta’a Chume squawked in protest, “That hardly justifies what you all did!”
Fury welled in Leia’s eyes as she reminded, “You branded my son a murderer.”
“Oh yes, I did. And I apologized afterwards! Can’t you all just let go of your grudges? I thought that
sort of thing was supposed to be a no-no for you goody-goody Jedis,” Ta’a Chume sniggered.
“Mother, it is that kind of callous attitude that helped us all to decide to keep you in the dark,” Isolder
pointed out.
“You too, Isolder? My own flesh and blood? You all are despicable. And you!” She said, jutting her
index finger towards Roog, “You can pack your bags and hand in your clearance tags, because you are
THROUGH with the military!”
“No, she is not,” Tenel Ka announced from the door. Anakin followed in her wake. Pale pink dress
swishing around her feet, Tenel Ka approached her grandmother. “She was doing what she was
supposed to do, and that was to protect her Queen Mother.”
“But I…”
“YOU are not the Queen Mother and can no longer make such decisions. General Roog, thank you for
your foresight in sending the extra fleet to the rescue mission. Their appearance finally tipped the battle
in our favor.” Grabbing a datapad from Leia, she handed it to her grandmother, “On this datapad you
will find the specifics of the events that transpired over the last week and my disappearance. After you
finish digesting the news, I hope that a public word of thanks is issued to the New Republic, the Jedi,
and Anakin for their assistance in orchestrating my rescue.”
Nose sniveling in annoyance, Ta’a Chume growled, “Well it appears as though everything is back on
track, doesn’t it?”
“It appears so,” Tenel Ka agreed, folding her arm over her limb.
A sly smile crested the old woman’s lips as she retorted, “Well then, I guess a royal wedding is in order
then. I see you brought your chosen Groom back to the Palac. As soon as he is well enough to stand, I
assume you will wish to be wed.”
Confusion rippled through Tenel Ka’s body as she clutched Anakin’s hand and asked, “What do you
mean as soon as he is well enough?”
“Brukos Olissian, darling. Did your vacation away from Hapes allow you to forget that the Drempitu
Ma is still in effect? Just because Anakin here protected you from a stray laserbolt, doesn’t mean he’s
suddenly qualified to enter the race.”
“Why you ungrateful…” Leia seethed as she leapt forward with her outstretched hands ready to
strangle the life out of the old hag. Luke jumped and snatched his sister before she could scratch the
eyes out the cackling older woman.
“So dignified, Leia.” Ta’a Chume wandered over to Anakin, snaked a wrinkled hand up and patted him
on the cheek and cooed, “You’re a good boy, Anakin. But unfortunately, thanks to Tenel Ka’s time
away, Hapes incurred a lot of war related damage. It will take considerable financial resources to
recover from our losses. I’m afraid that my granddaughter swore under oath to do everything she could
to ensure the safety and financial security of her people. She will do the right thing. Considering
Yermott also whetted the people’s desire for Democracy, I hardly think now is the time for her to
disregard ancient traditions.” Flashing a triumphant smile in the directions of the shocked crowd, Ta’a
Chume exited the war room, her bubbling laughter lingered in the air after her like an unpleasant odor.
Nastya felt horrible for her cousin, seeing the anguish burning behind Tenel Ka’s smoky eyes. Having
been very interested in the gossip surrounding Tenel Ka and Anakin during the time of the Drempitu
Ma, Nastya paid close attention to them when they entered the room. And in a short few moments,
Nastya managed to size up the couple and determined that they were very much in love. She loathed
her half-aunt even further for continuing to meddle in the lives of others. Mind already reeling on how
she could assist her cousin to get back at her callous aunt, Nastya quickly gathered the group and they
exited the room to give Anakin and Tenel Ka privacy.
Staring at the floor, Anakin softly whispered, “It’s over.”
“No. I am NOT giving you up, Anakin!” Tenel Ka ranted, feeling a mounting pressure constrict tightly
in her chest.
Anakin met her blazing, defiant eyes, grabbed her right hand and replied, “But it IS over, Tenel Ka.
Way back before you were kidnapped, Lowie and I were unable to find anything that would either
allow the Drempitu Ma end, or for you to get out of it. I’m afraid you’re stuck.”
“I am stuck? Anakin, we can run away and get married! The entire time I was trapped in that rotten
facility, all I wanted was to be with you. I vowed that I would marry you traditions be damned!” Tenel
Ka emphatically reported.
“Your people…”
“They will just have to understand. They will all see from the footage how hard you fought to protect
me, and how you saved my life in the ceremonial hall. They will not care that you are not wealthy!
They will love you for being a hero,” Tenel Ka explained.
Quietly, Anakin uttered, “And what about Brukos? He suffered more than any of us. He loves you
Tenel Ka… and he’s a good man. I’ve gotten to know him over the past couple of weeks and he’s a
great guy. You’d do a lot worse…”
“Anakin, do not do this to me…to us!” Tenel Ka sobbed. “We do not have to follow this stupid
tradition, the people will understand…”
Knowing that she wasn’t paying attention to reason, Anakin did something he detested, he played on
her guilt and interrupted, “…will they? By marrying Brukos… his financial resources can help ease
your people’s burdens. I can’t provide that kind of comfort for them.” Anakin set his jaw hating every
word he had spoken, mostly because he was certain that they rang with a slight twang of truth.
Walking away from Anakin, out of arm’s length, Tenel Ka timidly ventured, “Have you stopped loving
Anakin’s heart ached in his chest at her words. “No, of course not. Never!”
“Then why will you not listen to me? I am willing to face the consequences of my actions. And I will
find an alternate way to pay for the war damages. I want to marry YOU – not Brukos,” Tenel Ka
Gulping down rising bile, Anakin stated, “Sometimes we must let go of those things that we love the
most to do what is right.”
Bewildered, Tenel Ka croaked, “Are you dumping me?”
“No, honey, I’m releasing you in order for you to do what is best and right. You are the Queen Mother
and you have to put your people’s needs above your own. Foolishly, I thought I had a right to court a
queen, but I was wrong. There is no place for me here any longer,” Anakin replied, heart breaking with
each word spoken.
Unable to bear the pain burning in her eyes any longer, Anakin ripped himself from her presence and
fled from the war room. Quaking with disbelief, a dumbfounded Tenel Ka stood alone as a sharp,
blinding pain blossomed in her chest.
Twenty minutes later, after regaining some control of his emotions, Anakin entered Brukos’s room
clutching a datapad. Still attached to all of the machines, Brukos slept on blissfully unaware of the
drama that had just transpired between his best friends.
Slumping in the chair next to his sleeping friend, Anakin began talking to Brukos, “Buddy, I fully
expect you to take good care of her. You know that I would do anything for you, pal. At this point, the
only thing I can see to do is to give you a little happiness… give you a little joy in your lonely life. You
deserve it.”
Through a fog of painkillers, Brukos vaguely heard Anakin’s prattling. He nodded slightly in
acknowledgement of his friend’s presence and grinned broadly. Noting Brukos’s movement and
apparent understanding of what he said, Anakin continued, “Take care of her, and just know that I hold
no ill grudges toward you for marrying her. In fact, I give you my full blessing. I just hope you
understand why I won’t…can’t… be at your wedding.”
Launching to his feet, Anakin planted the datapad on a side table, and tore out of the room to avoid
breaking down in front of his friend. As the door hissed shut behind him, Brukos’s hazel eyes fluttered
open and he stared around the room in confusion, seeking the presence of his best friend. Strange
words floated through his drugged out mind, overcome by the need to rest, he ignored their meaning
and drifted back to sleep.
Lowie found Anakin in his old room about thirty minutes later, throwing all of his personal effects into
a couple of bags. “Here, grab this Lowie,” Anakin ordered and chucked the Wookiee a bag. Lowie
growled in confusion.
“That’s right, pal. I’m leaving. She’ll be better off without me moping around here,” Anakin divulged.
Roaring that he wasn’t thinking clearly, Lowie threw the bag on the ground defiantly. Anakin’s
bloodshot eyes glared crazily at his friend and he demanded, “Pick that up, Lowie. I’m out of here.”
Zipping up his last bag, Anakin flicked a datapad in his fingers and placed it on the center of his bed.
Exhaling deeply, he hefted two large totes in his hands, cocked his head and challenged, “You gonna
pick that up, or am I going to have to carry all three?”
His Wookiee friend’s eyes softened with worry and he begrudgingly stooped and picked up the bag.
Together they hurried through the Palace and out to the landing bay where they located and
appropriated Leia’s shuttle. Climbing aboard, Anakin and Lowie stashed their bags and warmed the
ship for takeoff.
Moments after Anakin abandoned his room, Tenel Ka raced inside and found to her horror that all of
the closets were empty and drawers were bare. She then discovered a datapad sitting on the bed and
activated it. Anakin’s drawn face appeared in a holo-message: You know this is the only way, Tenel Ka.
You are the most rational person I know and I would think that you of all people would understand why
I’m doing this. I’m freeing you. We knew this day would arrive, but we only fooled ourselves into
believing we could stop the tide from coming in. I love you, I’ll always love you and the only way I
know to show you is to leave.
“NO!” Tenel Ka shouted. Shutting off the message and the rest of Anakin’s senseless words, she sunk
into the Force, and felt his presence outside. Bolting through the halls with her guards trailing far
behind her, Tenel Ka dashed to the landing platform, not caring if she damaged her newly healed leg.
Crashing through the doors, and her lungs burned from needing oxygen. She sensed the heat generated
from the shuttle’s exhaust ports as they plastered her hair and dress to her body. She screamed,
Ignoring the burning air, helplessly she watched as the shuttle lifted off of the landing bay and retreated
into the sky. Collapsing to her knees, and letting out a loud, wordless wail, Tenel Ka accidentally
activated the datapad, and Anakin’s voice stated before her ear, You will always be the Queen who
captured my heart. Take care…I love you, Tenel Ka. I always will.
Swaying in the stilled air, Tenel Ka fixated her gaze upon the retreating ship until it vanished out of the
atmosphere. Shaking uncontrollably, she collapsed in a heap onto the duracrete ground, believing that
her life had ended.
Chapter 45
Brukos awoke to the sensation of a damp cloth being patted against his forehead. Opening his eyes he
discovered a young woman administering the soothing cloth against his face.
“Who’re you?” he demanded.
“I’m Nastya, Tenel Ka’s half-cousin,” she explained. Knitting her brows in confusion and not quite
knowing how to make small-talk, she asked, “How does it feel to about to become the Queen’s
“How should I know? Ask Anakin,” Brukos suggested, enjoying the attention of his nurse. Studying her
features, Brukos thought Nastya to be very pretty, in a normal kind of way. Unlike most of the women
who regularly threw themselves at his feet, Nastya was not overly made up or caked in makeup. In her
tan pantsuit she seemed a bit on the thin side, and the way she nervously fiddled with the cuffs of her
sleeve made her appear rather shy. He was intrigued.
“I can’t, he’s gone,” Nastya informed, removing the cloth.
Still enjoying the view, Brukos chuckled, “He was just here, he’s not gone.”
“You’ve been out of it for a while then. Anakin and Tenel Ka had a huge blow up. Apparently, you’re
going to marry Tenel Ka,” Nastya reported, averting her eyes from Brukos’s intense gaze.
A blinding headache announced itself in Brukos’s head as her words finally sunk into his mind, he
blurted, “What? That’s NOT possible.”
“Here, I think Anakin left this message for you,” Nastya replied and handed him the datapad.
Shaking out the remaining cobwebs of sleep, Brukos activated the pad to see his buddy morosely
staring at him. Anakin began: Ta’a Chume refused to relent on the Drempitu Ma. Since I still don’t
qualify for it, that leaves you, pal. I need you to agree to marry her. Look, don’t argue with me. If you
decide to drop out of the race, she’ll have to marry that fruit farmer guy… whatshisname… Anakin
laughed, pathetically. How sad is that? It’s only been a couple weeks and I don’t even remember the
guy’s name. Apparently he was all broken up over Tenel Ka’s death, though. So he’ll most likely expect
to marry her if you bail out on the ritual. I know- this isn’t exactly ideal. But you deserve some
happiness, and I know you and Tenel Ka will be happy together. I’d rather have you with her than the
other guy…Wesset Loorie! That’s his name. Blast I feel like I’ve lost my mind today. Anyway, no
arguments, Brukos. Marry Tenel Ka, have a happy life together and don’t worry about me. You owe me,
pal...I saved your life more than once. Do this and we’re square. Anakin paused awkwardly as he
seemed to be trying to put on a strong front. Flashing a half-hearted, utterly miserable looking Solo
smirk he ended, Please, accept my apology to you for your legs.
Utterly bewildered and befuddled, Brukos howled, “Tell me that Tenel Ka isn’t supporting this
madness!!!” Allowing all of Anakin’s words to sink in he shouted, “What did he mean about my legs?”
Throwing the blanket off of his body, Brukos stared at his legs and then attempted to move them from
the bed. They wouldn’t budge. He tried again to the same effect. Tendrils of fear rippled through his
nerves and he gazed imploringly in Nastya’s direction, “What’s going on?”
Gulping at his obvious distress, she tucked a stray, brown hair out of her eyes and pointed to the
holonet projector. Clicking on a control, she activated a stored image from the arena in Piirrnian space.
Brukos watched as Anakin sliced two Pteradacinine to pieces with his lightsaber, saw him shriek, then
gawked as one of the corpses fell directly on top of his own body. “I’m paralyzed,” he stated,
Nervously, Nastya nodded. She explained, “I think Anakin blames himself for allowing that thing to
fall on you.”
“How do you know that?” Brukos asked.
“Well, that’s certainly how it sounds with that last part of your message. He also spent practically every
moment at your side, waiting for you to wake up,” Nastya reported.
Leaning his head heavily back into his pillow, Brukos muttered, “This can’t be happening. This isn’t
how things were supposed to work out. We were supposed to rescue Tenel Ka, have Anakin return a
hero and he be allowed to marry her. Anakin’s got to marry Tenel Ka. He loves her and she loves him.”
Nastya had nothing to say. Staring at Tenel Ka’s cousin, he watched as she continued to fidget with the
hem on the sleeve of her pantsuit. Shaking his head in misery, he asked, “Why are you here and not
with Tenel Ka? Not that I’m complaining mind you… just curious.”
“Tenel Ka’s not exactly in the mood to see people at the moment. Everyone has forgotten about me and
I had nowhere else to go. I figured you might need to be told of the happy news,” she replied,
Creating a timeline in his head, Brukos prattled, “My best friend thinks he’s at fault for my being
paralyzed, Ta’a Chume refused to call off the Drempitu Ma, so instead of fighting the idiotic ritual
Anakin decided to be all noble and leave the picture, and gave me the ok to marry his girlfriend.”
“I think that about sums it up,” Nastya agreed.
Kneading his fingers over his face, Brukos felt the edges of the bandages around his head and laughed,
“Let me guess, I needed brain surgery also.”
“Yes,” Nastya confirmed.
Chuckling loudly at the insanity of the entire situation, Brukos let out a loud sob at the entire mess. He
chortled, “You know what’s ironic about this whole thing?”
“What?” Nastya asked.
“When I saw Tenel Ka in the ring with Anakin, I felt nothing romantically for her. NOTHING. I saw
her like she was my sister or something. I have ZERO interest in marrying her- because I no longer see
her that way,” Brukos scoffed.
Realizing the full magnitude of the situation, Nastya leaned forward, planting her elbows on her knees
and asked conspiringly, “Well then if that’s the case, what do we do to bring those two lovebirds back
Gazing at Nastya again, Brukos inquired, “Who are you again? I don’t seem to recall Tenel Ka ever
mentioning that she had a cousin.”
Face flushing, Nastya quickly broke eye contact and fiddled with her sleeve hem again. She admitted,
“My father’s not exactly welcome at Chume gatherings… he was an illegitimate Royal.”
“Interesting. Hey, half-cousins are better than no cousins though, trust me,” Brukos replied. Retargeting
the conversation back to neutral territory he added, “So do you have any ideas for Tiki and Anakin?”
“I don’t know. I have read up on the Drempitu Ma before though, back when I was in grammar school.
I always enjoyed the more gossipy things about the Matriarchy,” Nastya confided.
“Do you remember anything specific?” Brukos excitably asked.
“No,” Nastya replied, face falling in disappointment. “I was only six when I wrote that report.” Her
eyes brightened, “You know… Anakin did go to see someone at that university, right? Before he was
nearly captured and Tenel Ka went missing? I saw all that on the holonet. Maybe if I find his contact
and I can find you a way out of this mess?”
Racking his brain, Brukos tried to remember if Anakin mentioned anything about finding a way out of
the Drempitu Ma. He didn’t think so. Shrugging, he agreed, “I guess that’s better than nothing. It
couldn’t hurt.”
“Will you be alright if I have to leave here?” Nastya asked. Dropping her gaze she continued, “I just…
one of my neighbors has to use a hoverchair and I thought that maybe I could help you out a little bit.”
Suddenly being reminded of his legs, Brukos sighed, “Thank you. But please, don’t worry about me.
Just do whatever you can for Anakin and Tenel Ka.”
Nodding and rising to her feet, Nastya turned to leave the room. Brukos called out to her retreating
form, “Thank you.”
“For what?” she asked.
“I don’t know, coming in here, I guess,” Brukos faltered, suddenly very sad to see the nice young
woman leaving his presence.
Flashing him a small smile and feeling her face unexpectedly blush, Nastya ducked her chin down and
dashed out of the room, ever aware that crippled man’s intense hazel eyes never left her as she made
her way through the room.
A couple hours later, Brukos still lay awake, mind reeling over Nastya’s news. He startled at the sound
of his door hissing open. Tenel Ka entered the room, pushing a hoverchair. She saw him studying her
and stopped short, uncertain as to how she should broach him with the things she needed to talk to him
“Come on over here, my dear bride-to-be,” Brukos called.
Confusion gripped Tenel Ka. Abandoning the chair she came to his side and sat down. “How did you
Picking up Anakin’s datapad, he explained, “He left me a note. And Nastya came to visit me earlier and
filled me in on the details.”
“That was awfully nosey of her,” Tenel Ka scowled.
“No, no- don’t think like that. She’s worried about you and wanted to help is all,” Brukos informed her,
hoping to cool her rising temper.
Massaging her forehead, Tenel Ka exhaled a long deep sigh and said, “I do not know where to begin,
Patting her lightly on the leg, Brukos confided, “Tiki, I don’t want to marry you.”
Head bolting upright, Tenel Ka’s red streaked eyes bore into Brukos’s hazel orbs and demanded, “Why
Bursting out laughing, Brukos chortled, “Gee, I thought that would’ve made you happy. Look, I know
you and Anakin are deeply in love with each other and the last thing I could ever do is come between
my two closest friends. Unfortunately, I don’t know a way out of this mess, do you?”
“No,” Tenel Ka answered, glumly.
“Is there any chance of Anakin coming to his senses?” Brukos asked.
“That is doubtful. He is as stubborn as his mother,” Tenel Ka responded.
“So we’re supposed to get married, then,” Brukos stated. Heavy silence filled the room. “When?”
Sighing deeply, Tenel Ka despondently reported, “Since you are awake, it would be tomorrow.”
“Thanks to the time I spent away from the Cluster, the time of the ritual has elapsed. Tomorrow would
have been the appointed date of the nuptials for the Drempitu Ma,” Tenel Ka explained, fighting back a
fresh round of tears.
“That’s utterly insane, we should be allowed an extension of the time.” Seeing that she was about to
lose her composure, Brukos reiterated, “There has to be a way to delay this.” Thinking wildly of
anything, he remembered his legs and piped in, “Does your husband have to be in perfect health?”
“Well, what if with my paralysis, I…uh…couldn’t…perform,” Brukos stated, wincing at the
implication. Not only did he find the idea of degrading his own masculinity to be offensive, but the idea
of possibly having to engage in such an act with his best friend’s girlfriend…made his stomach churn.
“I’m gonna be ill, I think.”
Letting out a sob, Tenel Ka reported, “I actually thought of that and asked the medics. They said that
even with your being paralyzed that should not hinder your abilities.”
“Wonderful… I can’t feel what I’m doing, but I can still do it,” Brukos growled and choked down a
strangled laugh thinking things couldn’t get any worse.
“This is a fact. And we will have to offer proof of the act being completed on our wedding night,” Tenel
Ka added, tears flooding down her face freely.
Staring at her with wide, confused eyes, Brukos hissed, “I don’t think I even want to know the details
on how they confirm that.” Turning his attention to Tenel Ka, he noted the tears of misery that trailed
down her cheeks. His heart ached from her pain. Exhaling a deep breath, Brukos gently thumbed away
some of her tears, and lightly held Tenel Ka’s hand as she sniffled back her misery. “We need time,
“That, unfortunately, is something I cannot give us. The wheels are in motion, besides half of those
who would be in attendance at the wedding are already here thanks to Nastya’s aborted Coronation.
This wedding is all just perfectly falling into place,” Tenel Ka flatly pointed out. Standing up, she
relayed, “I will send in the tailors to fit you with a suit, and some attendants will come in to acquaint
you with how to use your chair. I will then return to share dinner with you.”
“He’ll come to his senses, Tiki. He loves you too much,” Brukos called out to her as she approached
the door.
Turning and staring darkly at Brukos she commented, “It is because he loves me so much that he will
not be returning.”
As the doors shut behind her, Brukos felt his heart swell with pain. Kneading his fingers across his face
he whispered aloud, “This just can’t be happening.”
The doors hissed open again and Nastya raced into the room. Holding a datapad, she reported, “He had
traveled to Hapes 9 and met with a Professor Blaine Tia. Apparently this guy’s an expert on the history
of the Matriarchy. I’m going to head over there, find him, and bring him back here –hopefully before
the wedding tomorrow. I don’t know if he’ll be able to help us much, but it’s a shot.”
“At this point, a long shot is better than no shot,” Brukos reckoned.
“That’s what I thought. I just wanted to let you know where I was going,” she said, fluttered a small
smile and turned to dash out of the room. Quickly, Brukos reached out and snatched her fingers, stilling
her departure.
Heart pounding rapidly in her chest, Nastya squeaked, “Yes?”
“Thank you, Nastya. Really, you have no idea what it would mean to Tenel Ka and Anakin if you can
find us a way out of this,” Brukos implored.
Smirking, she commented, “At least I’d be serving a purpose. I’d better go…” She rudely, and fearfully
snapped her fingers out of Brukos’s hold and dashed out of the room before he could say another word.
As she raced down the hallway, she wiped off a layer of perspiration that formed on her forehead. She
noted that her fingers still tingled from the phantom traces of Brukos’s gentle touch. She suddenly
realized how rudely she behaved to Brukos and felt her cheeks heat with shame. Completely confused
by how strangely she seemed to be behaving, she plodded on to find General Roog, hoping she would
again be willing to assist her in this time of need.
Back in his bed, Brukos closed his eyes and pounded on the Hapan intercom, requesting that he be
brought a portable holo-imager projector. When it arrived he sent a message off to Jacen- hoping that
maybe Anakin’s brother would be able to get in contact with his idiotic younger brother. Leaning his
head back heavily against his pillow, he had no way of knowing if Anakin would receive his
protestations… but he could only hope.
Trying to give him something different to concentrate on other than his own misery, Brukos screwed
his brows together in confusion over Nastya’s behavior when she bolted out of his room. It seemed like
she couldn’t wait to get out of his sight. He then thought about his useless legs and felt his cheeks burn
in embarrassment. He thought that maybe she couldn’t stand being near a cripple. Then her words from
earlier, wondering if she could help him crossed his mind. Gripped in utter confusion, Brukos shrugged
his shoulders and muttered, “Women.”
Walking out of the Palace’s medical facility, Tenel Ka squeezed and opened her new left hand. Fitted
with the most advanced technology, the droid insisted that this cybernetic replacement would not be so
easy to short out as her last arm. Running her right-hand fingers over the new hand, the skin felt soft
and she could see the phantom trails of synthetic blood vessels traveling under her skin.
Her mind lingered back to the first time Anakin touched her old cybernetic arm, and how his gentle
caresses sent shivers down her spine. It was then that the first real sparks flared between them and she
started to view him, possibly, as something other than a friend. Back then she saw him as a nuisance, an
unwelcome arrival into her life. Now every waking moment he permeated her thoughts…and yet he
was gone.
Begrudgingly she entered the royal tailor’s workroom and silently allowed them to build her the perfect
wedding dress. Not caring in the slightest, she robotically did what they asked. By the end of the six
hour session, she stood in front of long mirror wearing a beautifully sculpted, high collared, white dress
for her wedding tomorrow. In it, she appeared outwardly as the perfect part of the dutiful, virginal
bride, ready to embark on her new life with her new groom. However, inside her body, her soul felt
hollow and empty, filled to the brim only with intense sorrow. She experienced no joy for the role she
was expected to play in the next day’s festivities. Gazing at her reflection she realized the absolute truth
of her situation that she was being forced to marry someone she did not love romantically…all for the
sake of her crown and her people.
The once brilliant sun that illuminated the office sank under the horizon. She noted that the collar of the
dress constricted tightly around her neck like a noose while the bodice of the dress imprisoned her
body. The red sky cast a crimson glow over Tenel Ka’s wedding dress, bathing her in sacrificial blood.
Like so many of her foremothers who sacrificed everything of themselves in order to hold the Hapan
throne, Tenel Ka realized that in that moment, her heart died and she ceased to matter.
Chapter 46
With the images fresh in the mind’s of the Hapan people of Queen Mother Tenel Ka’s misadventures in
the Wild Space regions, support for Her Majesty is running high. Most people seem genuinely pleased
that the Hapan Independence League has been dissolved and will no longer be holding the Cluster in a
grip of terror.
However, the legacy of this rebellion appears to have planted a seed of Democracy in the minds of
many of the Cluster’s citizens. Many cite that they are uncertain that the Monarchy is still a valid form
of rule in these modern times.
Tomorrow’s planned events seem to be overshadowing these outcries, as wages are being laid over
whom the Queen Mother will choose to marry. Hapan citizens seem to be split down the middle with
deciding upon which man to pledge his or her support. Brukos Olissian, though crippled, had
previously pledged to give his entire wealth to the Hapes Cluster. After these times of war, most who
have been directly affected by the battles, seem to be in clear support of Tenel Ka choosing the gem
heir as her groom.
Anakin Solo, son to the famous Solo family and Jedi Knight, on the other-hand has proven himself
repeatedly as the Queen Mother’s personal protector. And even yesterday, on live feed, he protected
Her Majesty from her certain death. Seen as a hero to those in the Cluster, there is an underground
swelling of sentimental support for the selfless young man. Rumors have circulated for months that he
and the Queen Mother are in fact in love, although, recently, things seem to be rocky in paradise. Word
on the streets indicates that Tenel Ka and Anakin Solo had a falling out and that Solo has left the
Fountain Palace for good.
Angrily slamming off the evening news, Professor Blaine Tia glared at the holonet. Having recently
being allowed to return home after spending several weeks under the protection of Jedi Master Tionne,
the small man scratched his head in confusion over the news reports.
Aloud, he proclaimed to his messy office, “What is wrong with that Anakin Solo, boy? Didn’t I give
him the ammunition he needed to end that charade of a ritual?” Fluttering the controls of his
hoverchair, the professor elevated himself up his office wall and began searching yet again for another
copy of his Drempitu Ma dissertation. He grumbled, “Maybe he lost it.”
From far below he heard a chime at his office door. He called out, “Come in!”
The door hissed open to reveal a young, brown-haired woman. Squinting at her, he tried to place her
face from one of his courses. She seemed familiar…
“Professor Tia?”
Her voice gave her identity away. “Nastya Chume’da! To what do I owe this unexpected honor?”
Smirking at the chipper man, Nastya folded her arms across her chest and proclaimed, “I don’t know
what an honor it is to have me here…”
“Nonsense, it’s always an honor to be in the presence of Royalty!” Tia exclaimed, adjusted his
spectacles and continued rummaging in his bookcases.
Nastya jumped as datapads began raining down around her from above. She called out, “I was
wondering if you’d be able to help me… well with Tenel Ka and Anakin Solo.”
“HA! I was wondering if maybe Anakin was a numbskull and forgot that I gave him that report of
mine. Must’ve been when he hit his head in the hallway- cleared the memory right out of his noggin,”
Professor Tia cried.
“You have a report that can help them out?” Nastya excitedly asked. “Is there a way out of the
Drempitu Ma for them?”
“Well that’s just it, I wrote that research eons ago, and I don’t remember the specifics of it. That
Wookiee Jedi took my datapad containing the essay. But I believe that I have a spare copy sitting
around here somewhere…”
Leaping out of the way as more datapads crashed down to the floor of the messy, unkept office, Nastya
coughed through a dust cloud, picked up a handful of disks, and offered, “Can I help at all?”
Fumbling on the shelf, Tia extracted a large box, blew an inch thick pile of dust off of it and coughed as
the cloud bloomed in the air around his face. Waving down the dust, he pried off the top and discovered
the container to be filled with hundreds of unlabeled datapads. His heart sank as he examined them
closely. “Oh dear. I think I will definitely need that help. How long until the wedding?”
Staring at her chronometer, she replied, “Fourteen hours.”
Lowering the hydrolics on his hoverchair, Tia handed her the box and informed, “If I have a spare copy,
it’s in there.”
“This could take all night to go through all of these,” Nastya moaned.
“Yes, which is why I suggest we make our way back to the Palace, immediately. We can go through
them as we head to Hapes,” Tia suggested.
“Great idea, follow me,” Nastya replied. Together they headed back towards the shuttle provided by
Roog. As she and the chatty professor dashed towards the ship, Nastya’s hopes rose, and she only
prayed that they would be able to find an answer in time before her cousin would end up marrying the
wrong man.
Sleep came uneasily for the bride and groom-to-be. Brukos and Tenel Ka both spent their nights lying
awake, unable to comprehend what fate had sent in their direction. Their brief, uneaten dinner together
had been tense with barely a word spoken. Neither could say anything that wouldn’t further deepen the
hurt each of them was currently experiencing.
Brukos spent much of the evening randomly driving his hoverchair around in circles, since he was
unable to pace the room. By morning after only catching a few hours of restless sleep he still had
managed to come no closer to accepting the fact that he would be marrying Tenel Ka. The entire night
he’d argued with himself that he would simply run away, but Anakin’s warning about Wesset Loorie
stilled such thoughts. He would reason that it would be a lot less awkward for everyone if she was
forced to marry someone other than himself. Being a decent guy, he couldn’t do that to Tenel Ka and
make her marry a complete stranger. He could find no way out of their predicament, short of just
abandoning Tenel Ka at the alter, yet again his honor wouldn’t allow that to happen. He would never be
the cause of that much embarrassment and further pain to Tenel Ka.
He also felt bound by obligation to Anakin. His best friend had saved his life. Even though he might
remain permanently paralyzed, at least he was alive. As much as he hated to think about it, he owed
Anakin for that and it would be unfair to him and their friendship to refuse entering this emotionally
blackmailed marriage.
As to Anakin, he felt more saddened and hurt rather than angry towards his friend. He wished that
Anakin would’ve trusted him enough to wait to talk things through instead of making the decision for
everyone. It was quite obvious that Anakin wasn’t thinking clearly when he up and left the Palace, not
that Brukos blamed him for that. Having spent time with his friend, Brukos had learned that Anakin
tended to act first and think things through later. Brukos was an emotional mess, he hated to imagine
what kind of a state Anakin was currently in. He only prayed that Anakin hadn’t physically harmed
himself in his grief.
It also pained Brukos to know that his best friend wouldn’t be standing at his side on his wedding day.
Of course he could find no fault on Anakin with that either. Brukos knew with certainly that he
wouldn’t be able to marry Tenel Ka if Anakin was in the room, their collective emotional agony
would’ve ripped his heart right out of his chest. He felt it odd that in a short period of time, Anakin had
become like a long lost brother. Painfully he realized that he probably would no longer be able to hang
out with Anakin after he married Tenel Ka. That loss made his heart grieve more than when his father
was killed.
On top of everything surrounding the wedding, he had his legs to worry about. Finally finding the time
to talk to him, the medics explained that the paralysis might be temporary and the use of his legs could
return once the swelling went down in his back. Although he also understood that there was a
possibility that he might never walk again, he couldn’t blame Anakin for his condition. Brukos
contended that it wasn’t his big-hearted friend’s fault that he happened to be standing in the wrong
place at the wrong time. He supposed that eventually it would really hit him that he couldn’t walk, but
for right now other things plagued his worries.
After spending so much time with Anakin and having someone to talk to, Brukos now felt very alone
and abandoned. Tenel Ka was too wrapped up in her own emotions and thoughts about their wedding
day. Knowing that he could find little to say that would comfort her, he didn’t dare try to talk to her
since the last thing he wanted to do was to deepen her pain any further. As if feeling his despair, a
knock at the door brought him an outlet for his distress. Teneneil Djo, dressed in a flowing pale blue
gown for the wedding, came into the room to chat.
“How are you holding up, Brukos?” She asked.
“Not very well. I feel like I’m betraying my closest friends. I know that Tenel Ka doesn’t want to marry
me. And I know this whole thing must be just killing Anakin,” Brukos groaned.
“Why would you agree to do this if you feel this horrible?”
“If I didn’t marry her, she’d have to marry that farmer guy. I’d like to think I could offer her a little
more joy in life than being with someone she didn’t know and has only met once,” Brukos complained.
Teneniel Djo nodded her head in understanding, “I see.” Glancing into his haunted eyes she muttered,
“This situation is impossible for everyone involved. I truly want to murder my mother-in-law right
“Trust me, you’d be in line behind me,” Brukos sneered. Violently wiping tears from his eyes, he
stated, “I almost wish I’d never heard about this damned ritual in the first place. I’ve lost my best
friend, and will be forced to marry his beloved. This is all just WRONG.”
Teneneil Djo’s heart throbbed compassionately for the young man. She couldn’t blame him for this
fiasco for he was as much a victim as her daughter. Massaging his shoulder, she stated, “You’re a good
man, Brukos.”
“Not good enough, apparently. A good man would do everything in his power to try to find a way out
of this disaster,” he grumbled.
“You can’t blame yourself, you’re still recovering from your injuries,” Teneneil Djo stated.
“That shouldn’t be stopping me! Don’t ask me why, but I feel like I should know the answer to how to
get us all out of this,” Brukos relayed.
“You are not from this system, Brukos. Nobody expects you to know how to solve this mess,” Teneneil
Djo reasoned. Sighing deeply she smiled at the frazzled young man and added, “I am glad to hear that
you are bothered by all of this and you recognize how hard this idiotic ritual is and has been on my
daughter. Isolder and I have talked and neither of us can figure a way out of this thing either. As much
as we would love to do everything we can to prevent this wedding- we don’t know how to stop it. As
much as we hate to do it, we’ve agreed to let it happen. The last thing we want to do is make this event
even more difficult for you and Tenel Ka by causing a scene.”
“I don’t know, making a scene might actually allow us to stop this farce,” Brukos muttered, crossing
his arms over his chest.
“I doubt that. Unfortunately, I believe my mother-in-law would see through it and still manage to get
you two hitched,” Teneneil groused.
“What’s her agenda, anyhow? Why would she force this upon Tenel Ka? It’s obvious that she’s in love
with Anakin,” Brukos commented.
“Do not ask me to tell you what is going on in that twisted woman’s head,” Teneneil groaned. The
chime at the door chirped and a servant appeared with breakfast. Sighing again, Teneneil rose from her
seat, leaned over and lightly kissed Brukos’s forehead. “Try not to stress out too much, Brukos. I will
see you later.”
Choking on a lump in his throat, Brukos couldn’t reply and watched Tenel Ka’s mother exit his
Slowly as morning wore on, the servants began to appear in his room to assist him in getting ready for
his nuptials. The scars had healed enough on his head that all but a small bandage, located on the back
center of his skull, were removed. As he examined his reflection in the mirror he barely recognized the
face staring back at him. Any and all traces of outward boyish appearances seemed to have melted off
of his face. The man staring back at him knew that he had to face the consequences and do everything
he could to make his friend Tenel Ka as happy as possible… no matter how much he hated it.
Tenel Ka spent her night in emotional agony. As she paced in her room, a part of her reasoned that she
had known that this might transpire, that she may be forced to marry Brukos. A large part of her just
never expected it to actually happen. Things always seem to just work out for the Solo family, she
assumed that a loophole would be discovered. She berated herself for not doing more on her own to try
to discover a loophole out of this mess.
She’d emotionally oscillate between sobbing uncontrollably to bitterly cursing her Grandmother for
forcing her back against the wall. Several times during the night she had run outdoors to stare at the
stars, hoping and praying that by sheer desire and will she could make Anakin materialize and return to
her empty arms.
Thinking back on family history, she found herself wishing that Anakin would show up and kidnap her,
much like Han Solo did to Leia before she nearly married her father, Isolder. Her heart sank whenever
she’d realize that Anakin wasn’t coming to save her from her wedding – he had too much blasted honor
to follow in his father’s footsteps.
As the hours passed, she came to terms with the situation. Knowing Brukos was no longer so eager to
marry her was a bit of a comfort. She saw his willingness to go through this disaster as the ultimate
sign of devotion and friendship. She supposed he would make an acceptable husband. They had always
gotten along well and continued to do so. She may not be in love with him, but she did respect and
admire her old friend. Begrudgingly she could see why Anakin forced her into this situation. She would
never have been able to set him free. Although a Queen should be completely selfless when it came to
her rule, Anakin was the one and only thing she desired to possess and keep for her own. She silently
cursed him for daring to think rationally for once.
When dawn’s light crept over the horizon, Tenel Ka’s hopes sank and dissipated like the morning fog.
As dawn rapidly disappeared, stormclouds raced over the Hapan horizon and soon smothered the
daylight off of the Fountain Palace. The lack of sunlight further dampened Tenel Ka’s mood. Facing the
music, she allowed her servants to enter her room, providing her breakfast and caff. As she attempted to
swallow a piece of bread, she realized that preparing herself for her final Piirrnian bloodmatch was
easier than preparing herself for her wedding to a man who wasn’t her beloved. She adored Brukos,
and knew that she should try to put on a happy face for his sake. However, her heart wouldn’t allow her
to feel anything other than bitter, emptiness.
As the hours passed she trudged through the motions, not hearing a word spoken to her from any of the
buzzing staff. Mind numb she barely noticed when the hairdressers gave her hair a proper cut and style.
Blankly, she allowed her handmaidens to bathe and dress her in her constrictive white dress.
Dismissing the girls when they were done, Tenel Ka waited for the execution of her heart.
“I told you, Lowie, I don’t want to hear it,” Anakin growled. Loud jazzy music contrasted with the
dank, alcohol scented air in the hovel of a bar on Hapes 8 where the two Jedi had parked themselves for
the past seven hours.
Blissfully anonymous in the crowded joint, Anakin melted into the dark background with Hapan locals
nursing glass after glass of Correllian brandy…his father’s favorite. Sipping the fiery, hair-raising brew,
Anakin understood why his Dad enjoyed it so much, because when drinking it, he concentrated on the
heat generated by the alcohol, instead of the pain that had seized control of his heart.
Slamming his paws on the tabletop, Lowie groused that Anakin wasn’t thinking clearly, that he needed
to be with Tenel Ka. Only together would they both figure a way out of the Drempitu Ma.
Slightly slurring his words, Anakin pointed to his ginger friend and moaned, “We already tried that,
Frowning at Anakin’s drunkenness, Lowie stood up and left the table to head for the refresher and then
afterwards he’d order his friend a pot of caff. Half-way across the bar he turned around and watched as
Anakin pitifully covered his head with the hood of his dark Jedi robe.
Sitting alone in his booth, Anakin dug his fingers into his forehead. He couldn’t believe that things
were over between he and Tenel Ka. Wallowing in his misery, he failed to notice a sandy haired man
enter the bar.
Fists pounding upon the table caused Anakin’s heart to launch into his throat and throb erratically out
of control. Peering wildly through his hood he found himself staring into the harshly judgmental eyes
of his older brother.
Sighing deeply, Anakin moaned, “How’d you find me?”
“Oh, I just followed the stench of brandy across the stars and it led me right to you. Thanks for making
Lowie alter Mom’s shuttles logs… made it really easy for me find you,” Jacen seethed as he slipped
into the stall across from his slouching brother.
“Leave me alone,” Anakin groused.
“Why? So you can run off like an idiot and forever lose any and all chances of being happy?” Jacen
Flinging back his hood, Anakin’s blood-streaked blue eyes bore into his brother’s angry face and spat,
“I didn’t have a choice! What was I supposed to do? Stay on at the Palace and watch the love of my life
marry my best friend? Why else do you think I left?”
“They’re not married yet, laserbrain! You should be there fighting for her until the very last second. It’s
not like you to run away like this!”
Anakin growled distastefully, “If I didn’t leave when I did, I wouldn’t have been able to leave, ever. Do
you know what I would’ve been reduced to, Jacen? Do you? I’d have been forced to become a
concubine for Tenel Ka. I have too much respect for our love to allow myself to be reduced to that
status. We’d end up hating each other over time, I think. No, it’s better that I just made a clean break…
Brukos is a good guy- he loves her…”
“No, he doesn’t,” Jacen protested confidently.
“Of course he does. Why else would he have entered the Drempitu Ma?” Anakin reasoned.
Reaching into his vest pocket, Jacen extracted a datapad and shoved it into Anakin’s meaty palm. “Why
don’t you find out for yourself?”
Mistrust marred Anakin’s handsome features as he examined the datapad. Wiping his nose, he flicked it
on to see Brukos’s panicking face fill the holographic image.
Jacen… boy I hope you receive this in time. Do you have any way of knowing where your brother might
be? I need to talk to him…desperately. He’s done the most insane thing. He’s up and left the Palace and
has abandoned Tenel Ka so she will be forced to marry ME. Anakin watched as Brukos clenched his
teeth, angrily growled, and clutched at his head bandages. I didn’t go half-way across the Galaxy, and
become permanently wounded just to end up marrying someone I wasn’t in love with! I think your
brother thinks he owes me or something crazy like that- he’s not thinking clearly. Damn his being
noble! I don’t love Tenel Ka! How can I? I never even knew what love was until I saw the way that
Anakin felt for Tiki. How can I ever compete with that? I can’t – nor do I want to. I don’t feel that way
towards Tenel Ka. She’s my friend, but I certainly don’t want to spend the rest of my life with her- that’s
Anakin’s job…Find him, please. Talk some sense into him. Tenel Ka’s a wreck- she needs him here…
NOW. I guess that’s it. Good luck, Jacen.
“See, he doesn’t love her… Brukos wants you to marry Tenel Ka- as we all do,” Jacen pointed out.
Anakin numbly stared at the darkened datapad. Running his fingers through his dark hair, Anakin felt a
fresh swell of tears threatening to fall down his face. One escaped and trickled out from his left eye.
Staring at his brother, Anakin moaned, “Even if I went back there, Jacen. She can’t marry me. Her
whole Cluster nearly fell apart because the Matriarchy had disintegrated without her there to rule. She
can’t marry me because she’s bound to that idiotic ritual. And I still don’t qualify to enter into it!”
Jacen reasoned, “But you love her, Anakin. That’s what matters. Did you know that your heroic feats in
the Piirrnian ring are being broadcast all over the Hapes Cluster? The Hapan people love you. I think
they really couldn’t give a flying gundark about this ritual. They’d much rather see their Queen Mother
happy and they know that you’re the man for the job. Think back to before Jaina and Marxx got
married and they traveled all over war-ravaged Naboo. Their love helped to spark rebirth all around the
planet. I have very little doubt that you and Tenel Ka could do the same. ”
Snorting, Anakin retorted, “Right, but our love would be little consolation to those who lost their
homes or loved ones during the war. I can’t just up and marry her, Jacen. There’s been too much
suffering in her absence. She needs Brukos’s financial resources to rebuild the Cluster.”
Pointing his finger accusingly at his brother, Jacen replied, “Do you think Brukos is the only rich
person in the Galaxy? Have you forgotten who you are, bro? You come from one of the most influential
families in the New Republic. Do you really think that you don’t have family connections to be able to
help Hapes to rebuild itself? Mom’s made more allies over the years than enemies. I know that she’d be
able to find people in the New Republic who’d be willing to loan the Hapan Government advances to
help clean up Ta’a Chume’s mess. I wouldn’t concern yourself over the needing money to rebuild the
Cluster. Between you and me, I think that old bat has over-exaggerated the war damages just to get
Tenel Kato marry who she wants. Ta’a Chume is a conniving, manipulative woman. By running away,
you’re feeding right into her plans to control Tenel Ka’s life. Because you’ve left her no options, Tenel
Ka’s going to force herself into marrying Brukos because she’s trapped.”
Anakin silently stared at the table and absently swirled his Correllian brandy as he absorbed his
brother’s words. Jacen continued, “Growing up with Tenel Ka, I always tried my hardest to make her
laugh and openly express joy and happiness, but she was always so blasted serious. All I ever wanted
was to see her happy. I was never able to do that- it wasn’t until the two of you fell in love that she
finally blossomed as a person. Tenel Ka actually laughs now. You brought joy into her life. No one else
has ever done that. If you leave her now… if you force her to marry Brukos… I can guarantee you that
she’ll never laugh again. The light that you sparked in her soul will be extinguished, forever.”
Thinking about Tenel Ka braying laughter, and how her face positively lit up when she smiled, Anakin
felt his heart break wide open all over again. Collapsing into his arms, he began to sob miserably. As
Jacen watched his brother’s anguish, he sensed that maybe he was actually getting through Anakin’s
thick skull.
Emerging from the refresher, Lowie plopped himself at a seat by the counter and roared his order to the
barkeeper. Handing over a pot of caff, the keeper shouted, “Good thing you came to order this, I was
about to kick that guy out of here. Twelve credits.”
Opening his pouch, Lowie thumbed out the credits. As he poked around in his large sack his finger ran
across a datapad. Furrowing his furry brows, he placed the caff aside, allowing it to cool. Lowie
removed the datapad and activated it. He jolted in his chair with recognition; it was the paper from
Professor Blaine Tia about the Drempitu Ma.
Excitedly, Lowie removed a small handcomputer from his pouch and uploaded the datapad’s
information. Creating a duel directory, Lowie synched the two lists of Queen Mother’s names – those
that Anakin, Marxx, Jacen, and he had studied, verses those in the new list. Canceling out the repeats,
four names appeared. Clicking on the first name, Lowie brought up the file. Lowie impatiently waited
as the data loaded. Finally the information leapt forth. Scanning it quickly, the Wookiee’s heart
palpitated wildly in his chest- there might just be a way!
“What do you say, Anakin? You gonna let Tenel Ka be miserable for the rest of her life? Or are you
going to go and give her the one thing her heart yearns for? You?” Jacen asked.
Lifting his head, Anakin wiped tears off of his face and mumbled, “I just…we need a way to gracefully
get her out of this thing.”
A flurried movement of fur caught Anakin’s attention. Averting his gaze from his brother, he spotted his
buddy. Lowie appeared to be ready to streak right out of his fur with excitement. Waving at Anakin
Lowie grabbed the caff and dashed over to the table. When he excitedly arrived, he barely even
registered that Jacen was sitting at the table.
Anakin launched to his feet and demanded, “What is it, Lowie?”
Handing Anakin the caff, Lowie roared that he might want to sit down and listen to what he found out.
Settling back down onto his bench, and greedily gulping down the hot drink, Anakin intently listened to
the Wookiee explain about finding the disk and relayed his findings regarding the missing files.
Jacen and Anakin exchanged a knowing glance. “Oh man, do you think we can get there in time?”
Anakin asked.
Powering to his feet Jacen retorted, “Not unless we get our asses in gear… come on!”
In a swirl of dark robes Anakin, Jacen, and Lowie quickly headed towards the door. Before they
reached it, two large Gamorreans stood up, crossed their meaty arms, and blocked the exit.
One of the pig-like aliens wore a patch over his left eye. He sneered, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, Solo.”
Frowning deeply, Anakin waved his hand, “We have no beef with you.”
The Force suggestion somehow bounced right off of the Gamorrean, and the menacing alien grunted,
“Yes, I do. You see I have a large bet placed that you ain’t gonna show up at this wedding. I intend on
winning that bet. Gots me lots of repair work on my ship to pay for.”
Mounting panic filled Anakin, glared at the Gamorreans who stood between himself and his beloved.
Sensing Anakin’s frustration, the second Gamorrean pulled a blaster.
Outside, a Hapan couple walking towards the door of the bar yelped, and dove to the ground as flying
duracrete violently exploded into the air. Dust and debris filled the air as two Gamorreans crashed clear
through the wall and splattered into unconscious heaps onto the street.
Peering up through the mess, the Hapans heard a voice from inside the bar say, “Sorry about the mess.
Just send your bill to the Royal Palace on Hapes, they’ll pay for the damages.”
In utter amazement the couple watched as the famous Solo brothers and their Wookiee friend stepped
right out of the massive hole, and over the remains of the Gamorreans.
Anakin sensed the pedestrians confused presences, turned his head and asked, “Are you two alright?”
The man and wife looked over each other, not seeing any obvious wounds they wobbled to their feet
and nodded their heads unable to speak.
“Great. If you’ll excuse me, I have a wedding to stop,” Anakin explained. And with a swirl of his dark
cape, the three Jedi hurriedly raced towards the landing bay.
Chapter 47
Isolder trudged into his daughter’s darkened room. Outside the howling wind moaned through the
cheerless chamber as rain pummeled the windows. He spied Tenel Ka sulking by her large paned
window gazing out across the water, caressing a cylindrical object in her hands. Her now medium
length red hair bounced around her neck and large, jewel crusted crown rose from the center of her
titian curls. The formfitting, long-sleeved, high-necked white dress made her appear every bit her role
as Queen Mother. But a father knows his little girl best, and she was miserable. Slowly she turned her
perfectly made up face in his direction; her red-streaked eyes were empty, devoid of all emotion.
Wearing his Hapan best, red suit, Isolder’s heart ached. He didn’t know what to do to bring to the light
back into his little girl’s eyes. Stepping forward and clearing his throat, he stated, “Regardless of what
your grandmother says, you don’t have to do this, Tenel Ka.” He offered, “I will fly you out of here
myself, nobody needs to know how you left.”
“I cannot do that, father,” Tenel Ka wearily responded.
“Listen, honey, I can’t allow this to happen to you,” Isolder informed Tenel Ka. Taking her hands in his
own, Isolder advised, “You’ve already agreed to give up your entire life for the crown. Trust me when I
say that having someone by your side with whom you truly love, makes a big difference. Your husband
will be your partner, and if you don’t truly love him, your marriage will be unbalanced… In our crazy
lives you need a good spouse to ground you when your Royal responsibilities get too insane.”
Not allowing herself to hear her father’s words, the thoughts she had began chanting in her mind
parroted out of her mouth, “He is a good man, he cares about me…” She fought to breathe as her tight
dress crushed her ribs. “Brukos will make an acceptable husband.”
“Acceptable? You sound like your grandmother. She would deem him as acceptable and believe you’ve
found the perfect mate just because of his wealth. You don’t agree to marry someone whom you only
find acceptable! Don’t you want for him to be happy as well? Both of you are being forced to marry
someone with whom you don’t love. Where is the fairness in that?” Isolder cried.
Tenel Ka snorted, “Since when has fairness ever entered this picture?” Tenel Ka paced across her room.
“I vowed to do everything I could to provide for the people in this Cluster. I made the choice to accept
my inheritance, my birthright. I could have refused it and allowed the Cluster to fall into Nastya’s lap,
but I knew she was unfit for the job. I still believe that I was meant to help the people of Hapes, Father.
If I have to do that with Brukos at my side instead of Ana…” her voice trailed off, unable to finish his
name. “I will do it. Losing the man I love is not nearly as bad as losing the lives of billions of citizens.
This Cluster nearly collapsed in my brief absence. If I ducked out of this ritual now that could spark the
beginning of the end for Hapes. I cannot allow this Cluster to fall apart. Although I did not spend my
entire childhood here, I love Hapes. I love the culture, and the spirit of the people here. I cannot let
them down.”
Isolder studied his daughter and felt a mingled sense of pride and pity over her maturity. She was
working very hard at convincing herself that she was doing the right thing. The last thing he would do
is make this any more difficult for her by continuing to argue the pointless nature of the Drempitu Ma,
she had made her decision. He fully believed that the Hapes Cluster had no idea what an amazing
woman ruled their Cluster, for she truly embodied everything that a Queen Mother should possess.
Beyond all qualities was an endless depth of compassion and devotion to her cause. It moved him to
realize that even when he had been faced with a similar situation long ago, he chose to turn his back on
tradition. His daughter truly was a better person than himself.
Tenel Ka closed her eyes and focused on her old friend Brukos, remembering their time on Olissia,
laughing and enjoying catching up with each other. If they could rekindle that warmth and joy, she
determined that her marriage to him could be bearable.
“Maybe someday, we can all be friends, again,” she whispered, knowing deep in her heart that would
most likely be impossible. Turning her eyes to her hands, she gazed at the hair braider Anakin had
created for her so long ago. The gift had been long forgotten until they met up again a couple of years
ago. Now she cherished the thoughtful object and as she held the simple item she could almost feel
Anakin’s presence in the Force. Sighing deeply, in her soul, she knew that she would most likely never
see Anakin, again…it would be too painful for both of them. Her heart constricted tightly at the
Approaching a dresser, Tenel Ka gingerly opened a drawer and reluctantly put the braider away, forcing
herself to put the past in the past. Aloud so her father could hear her, Tenel Ka stated, “He did this for
me. He knew that I would have never voluntarily agreed to this marriage. It was actually a gift that he
left things the way he did. I believe that in time, I will learn to transfer all of my love for him to that of
my people. Just think about it, Father. Think of how much good a Queen Mother could do if she loved
her citizens as much as she adored the love of her life?”
Draping his hands on Tenel Ka’s shoulders, Isolder unwillingly agreed, “That would be amazing, dear.”
Battling to offer him a slight grin, the bride asked, “Well then, I guess I should not keep the people
waiting, should I?”
Shaking his head, Isolder offered his daughter his arm and led her towards what he knew would be her
doomed marriage.
Brukos tugged at the collar of his dress tunic and gazed over the sea of curious faces that bobbed over
the seats of the Hapan Ceremonial Hall. His hoverchair, positioned at the top of the stairs of the stage in
the venerable room, hummed along with the buzzing gossip that circulated with the air in the chamber.
To his left he saw Teneneil Djo waiting beside General Roog for the ceremony to begin. Tenel Ka’s
mother’s mask-like expression gave him little comfort as the howling wind and relentless rain shook
the duraglass windows overhead, mirroring the storm of fluctuating emotions that raged in his heart. He
fiddled with the ring removed from the Royal jewel archives to be placed on his bride’s finger. Briefly
studying it he realized that it had been made with some of his own Glyrancythe stones. He wondered at
that coincidence.
His forehead beaded with sweat. Darting his eyes around the hall, he searched for Nastya’s face
amongst the sea of rubbernecking spectators. All morning he kept hoping she would show up with
news from the professor…finishing his visual sweep he realized that she wasn’t there. He also noted
the complete lack of any of Anakin Solos family in the hall. Shortly after Anakin and Tenel Ka’s
blowup and Anakin appropriating Leia’s ship, the Skywalker twins had left the Palace to return to
Coruscant. He supposed that just seeing any of them would have set Tenel Ka off into a worse
emotional tailspin. Nastya had been his last hope. And as a high pitched reedy instrument sounded
throughout the hall, his heart sank, knowing that single hope had just expired.
The waterfall behind the stage parted and three troops of scantily dressed guards entered the hall,
followed by a resplendently dressed Ta’a Chume who wore a broad, triumphant grin across her face.
Brukos scowled contemptuously at the smug woman. More reedy instruments joined into the song and
the doors at the end of the chamber hissed open. Together, Tenel Ka and Isolder rounded the corner.
Brukos thought Tenel Ka looked like a porcelain doll: beautiful, fragile, and ready to break at a
moments notice. He’d never seen his somber friend wear her emotions so clearly on her face. This
simple fact jolted him into realizing how seriously disturbed she was over these proceedings. As father
and daughter stoically marched down the aisle, coming closer, and closer towards his position, words
swirled through his head, What can I do? What can I do? What can I do?
Sweat poured down his face from stress. Reaching up, he wiped the perspiration off with his damp
palms and rubbed them all over his pants. He didn’t know how it happened, but suddenly Tenel Ka was
standing next to his hoverchair. One quick glance into her eyes and Brukos threw his stare elsewhere.
His normally emotionless appearing friend was a sliver away from crumbling to pieces.
If Ta’a Chume detected the obvious pain in the bride and groom’s eyes, she ignored it completely.
Instead, she boomed through the chamber her greetings, “Welcome one and all! Today is a joyous
event, the union of a perfect couple, Tenel Ka Chume Djo and Brukos Olissian stand before you today
to declare before you all their intention and desire to be joined in marriage.”
Brukos noted that Ta’a Chume had enough sense not to mention love.
“Since the beginning of the Hapes Cluster, Queen Mothers have utilized the Drempitu Ma as a means
of helping our fair rulers to find a mate worthy of their Royal standing.” At Brukos’s side, Tenel Ka’s
hands clutched her bouquet with white knuckles at hearing the words. Alarmed, he noted that she was
clutching her hands so tight that she was making her right hand bleed from digging her fingernail into
her fleshy palm. Gently, Brukos reached out a hand to still her quakes. Grateful, Tenel Ka closed her
eyes and fought down a wave of nausea. Sinking into the Force, she attempted to center herself and
attempt to disassociate herself from the proceedings and words spoken.
“The Queen Mothers of Hapes have had a long and successful standing relationship with the Drempitu
Ma. Every Queen who has ever been involved in this ritual has enjoyed great success with their chosen
mates. Just check the Royal Archives for proof of that,” Ta’a Chume challenged.
Tenel Ka raised her bloodshot eyes towards her grandmother and thought, All except my grandfather
who could not wait to die fast enough to get away from you.
“A Queen Mother must live by her title. She is the sovereign leader of her children. In this role it is her
duty to show to all that her own life is nothing without those whom she serves. A Queen Mother must,
at times, make difficult personal sacrifices for the betterment of her people. Today marks such an
occasion. This union between Tenel Ka Djo and Brukos Olissian is the perfect solution to bring unity
back to our broken, war ravaged Cluster. Through their marriage, the pain of war will more readily be
erased,” Ta’a Chume explained.
As the former Queen Mother droned on, the wheels in Brukos’s head spun wildly as a spark ignited in
his mind. The heavy, floral fragrance of Tenel Ka’s perfume dizzily sifted through his nose as he
mentally searched for kindling to stoke the fire. It’s just in my grasp, what is it? How can I end this? he
mused. The only reason they were being forced to marry was because of… before he could complete
the thought Tenel Ka lightly tapped his arm.
Ta’a Chume repeated her question, “Do you Tenel Ka Chume Djo take this man, Brukos Olissian to be
your lawfully wedded husband, remaining faithful only to him for as long as you both shall live?”
Brukos’s hazel eyes filled with horror as he watched her struggle to croak out the words, “This is a
Ta’a Chume flashed a triumphant, beaming smile towards the holonet projectors that were broadcasting
the event all over the Galaxy. Feeling his shoulders coat in cold sweat, his palms, and forehead soaking,
Brukos lost all color from his face as he concentrated hard, and imploringly stared into Tenel Ka’s eyes.
Alarmed, she wrinkled her nose and brows in concern and whispered, “Are you alright?”
Sensing that the groom’s feet had grown cold, Ta’a Chume boomed forward, “And do you, Brukos
Olissian take this Queen Mother, Tenel Ka Chume Djo to be your lawfully wedded wife, remaining
faithful only to her for as long as you both shall live?”
Mind reeling, flashing like a bolt of lightning the answer struck home. Relief flooded Brukos and he
beamed at his friend, “I don’t.”
Isolder and Teneneil Djo clutched each other and waited with baited breath for his explanation. The
crowd murmured in surprise and confusion. The former Queen-Mother’s smile plunged into a
displeased, angry scowl. She sneered, “What did you say?”
“Brukos…” Tenel Ka began, trying to talk some sense back into him.
Plunging forwards on the thrusters on his chair, Brukos hovered up eye level to the Former Queen
Mother and declared loudly, “I do not love Tenel Ka, and I believe that it would be wrong of me to
marry her.”
The crowd hissed louder. Scowl changing into a sneer, Ta’a Chume countered, “Since when did love
ever enter into this ritual? You freely entered this race knowing that you might end up marrying her
without her love.”
Sensing that Ta’a Chume was attempting to intimidate him with her murderous glare, Brukos refused to
look away. He continued to explain, “I believe that in order for a Queen Mother to effectively rule she
needs to be married to someone whom she loves, not someone who she was forced to marry. Tenel Ka’s
not in love with me, she’s deeply in love with someone else… someone who’s been banned from these
proceedings simply because he’s not wealthy enough to participate. In my opinion, that is just wrong. It
is wrong to deny a heart what it yearns for the most. It is for that reason that I am handing over my
entire fortune to Anakin Solo.”
Excitedly the crowd’s noise pitched twelve octaves louder.
“Quiet!” Ta’a Chume bellowed. Infuriated by this unexpected turn of events, Ta’a Chume growled,
“Are you saying that you would gladly give up your ENTIRE fortune to someone else?”
Everyone in the chamber gasped. Tenel Ka’s legs quaked as the meaning of the words sunk into her
Smiling broadly, he shrugged and stated, “There is only but one thing that truly endures with time, it
withstands war, Empires, poverty, tragedy, and pain… and that thing is true love. True love is not
something that can be traded, nor can it be forced upon two people by being linked to an ancient
tradition. Love is pure and nourishes and feeds the soul. Without it, or if one is denied its power, the
soul will perish.” Staring at the now weeping Tenel Ka, he concluded, “Anakin is truly worthy of all of
my wealth because only his love for the Queen Mother helps her to truly live. He is also worthy,
because he quite honestly could care less about credits. He’s the most humble and gracious person I
Thunderous outcries filled the chamber at Brukos Olissian’s generous act and reasons. Grabbing the
arm of his hoverchair, Tenel Ka pulled him closely towards her and whispered, “Are you insane? You
cannot do this, Brukos. I cannot allow you to sacrifice your happiness for ours.”
“Tiki, if I’ve learned anything during my time spent with you and Anakin, it’s that the only way I’ll
ever be happy is if I can find a love that is half as strong as what you and Anakin share. If handing over
my fortune to him allows you two to love each other and be free to marry, then so be it,” Brukos
explained, heart throbbing wildly in his chest from excitement.
“Oh, Brukos! You are amazing!” Tenel Ka exclaimed and threw her arms around his shoulders in a
large embrace.
A sardonic chortle forced the relieved giddy Queen Mother to stare at her smirking grandmother,
“What now?”
Smugly, Ta’a Chume examined the bloody red polish painted on her fingertips then revealed, “Well,
this is all lovely and fine, but you seem to have forgotten something my dear.”
“What did I forget?”
“Only that YOU personally made it impossible for Anakin to participate in the Drempitu Ma,” Ta’a
Chume explained, snorting with delight.
Confusion churned into comprehension; Tenel Ka’s face fell.
“What is she talking about, Tenel Ka?” Brukos demanded.
Nearly swooning from feeling light-headed due to her own stupidity, Tenel Ka replied, “When I entered
the physical descriptions of the preferred contestants for the Drempitu Ma, I intentionally altered it so
anyone matching Anakin’s physical description would not be able to enter the ritual. Those choices are
binding and cannot be changed. I am afraid we will have to marry.”
“No you won’t,” a loud voice called from the opposite end of the hall. All eyes whipped down the aisle
to fall upon Anakin, Jacen, and Lowie. Right behind them, Nastya and Professor Tia breathlessly
dashed through the doors, to join the party of wedding crashers. Having listened to the entire ceremony
via Hapan radio frequencies, Anakin had heard Brukos’s declaration. Storming up the aisle, the
imposing Jedi, soggy from the rain, wrapped his arms around Tenel Ka protectively and announced,
“As of this moment, Tenel Ka Chume Djo and Brukos Olissian are free from the obligatory pact of the
Drempitu Ma.”
The crowd roared in excitement. Across the Cluster bookies collectively held their breaths as the odds
fluctuated wildly out of control.
Lips pursed tight in a thin bloodless line, Ta’a Chume demanded, “And why is that, Jedi?”
“Because according to the rules of the Drempitu Ma section five hundred eighty-two, subsection
eighteen, if the chosen contestant declines to enter into the agreed marriage for whatever reason, the
ritual is hereby void, releasing the Queen Mother of her obligation,” Anakin proclaimed, squeezing his
beloved tightly in his arms. “So you see Brukos, you don’t need to part with a single credit.”
A sliver of fear jolted through Ta’a Chume’s soul. How did he learn about that clause? I paid a high
price to have that data erased from the archives, Ta’a Chume wondered, remembering her spy who she
terminated, weeks ago before Tenel Ka’s coronation. She declared with certainty, “That clause does not
“Oh yes, I can confirm with absolute clarity that it does exist, Ta’a Chume,” Professor Tia affirmed.
The well-respected, Hapan professor added his own weight to Anakin’s claim by stating, “In my studies
of the Drempitu Ma back in the days when you evoked it, I had downloaded a complete listing of all of
the rules. That clause is in the original records. It unfortunately took me a while to unearth my copy of
the list of requirements, but I can confirm that Brukos has indeed voided the Drempitu Ma.”
“Impossible.” Sniffing she challenged, “You don’t have direct access to the Royal Matriarchy Archives,
how would you know the exact stipulations of the ritual?”
The jolly professor failed to cower under Ta’a Chume’s smoldering glare, and he explained, “It seems
age is finally catching up with you, Queen Mother. Back when you evoked the Drempitu Ma for
yourself many, many,many years ago, your mother granted me one-time exclusive access to the files
concerning the ritual. I copied the entire series of records directly out of the Royal databank.”
Refusing to back down, Ta’a Chume sneered, “You must’ve copied them down wrong then.”
“No, he didn’t,” came a voice from the back of the hall. All eyes turned towards a shrouded figure who
was weaving his way out of a row of wedding guests. Hobbling down the aisle, the figure limped
towards the stage. Pointing an accusing finger in Ta’a Chume’s direction he spat, “You ordered the files
to be removed from the Royal database before you invoked this ritual and unleashed it upon our Queen
Jacen and Anakin’s eyes grew wide in disbelief. The crowd collectively gasped. Isolder and Teneneil
Djo stealthily moved to their daughter’s side. Teneneil’s eyes blazed with utter fury towards her
mother-in-law. Ta’a Chume snuck a glance at her son and detected something she’d never seen there
before, shame. Isolder, her greatest ally, found his omnipotent confidence in his mother wavering.
Tenel Ka’s body went rigid in her beloved’s arms at that news. Shocked beyond belief she whispered,
“Is that true? Did you do that to me Grandmother?”
“Of course it is not true, Tenel Ka. These people are all delusional,” Ta’a Chume stated, chuckling.
“Are we?” Anakin challenged, arching a brow. To the figure who’d managed to creep his way up the
stage, he implored, “Please explain who you are and how you know this to be true.”
Squinting her eyes, Ta’a Chume studied the individual. Her mind raced as she couldn’t for the life of
her figure out who might be under the robe.
A gravelly voice sneered, “You thought that you had taken care of all of the evidence of your
duplicitous acts, but you failed Your Excellency.”
“What is he rambling about?” Ta’a Chume coldly spat.
With a flourish he threw off his robe to reveal a near naked, hopelessly burned and scarred body. His
left arm had been amputated, and he was missing his right eye and both ears from burn scars. Everyone
recoiled in horror at the magnitude of the man’s disfigurements. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is how the
former Queen Mother Ta’a Chume repays her snitches and spies. After we do her evil bidding, she
attempts to burn us to a crisp,” the man declared. Hunching over the man cowered under the weight of
the gawking stares of the stunned audience. Flicking up a datapad in his twisted, remaining fingers, the
man explained, “This disk contains all of the files that Milady paid me…well would’ve paid me if she
hadn’t first tried to KILL ME… to remove from the Royal Hapan Archives. As you can tell, I wasn’t
stupid enough not to make backups. Once I signaled her that the deed had been done and cleared a safe
distance from the Palace… she set off a series of explosions on my boat, leaving behind the monster
you all see before you now. A small fishing ship picked me up and they managed to save my miserable
The former Queen Mother’s smug expression turned to one of blinding fear and terror. Shocks coursed
through her body as she whispered, “No, this isn’t possible…”
Lurching forward, the man hobbled towards her, and sniggered, “My deformities are almost worth
seeing that priceless expression on your face.” Having made his point, the man covered himself again
in his robes. To Tenel Ka, he pleaded, “My life means nothing to me…imprison me for my crimes, I
care not. I have had my revenge and I can now die a happy man.”
Anakin felt his beloved stiffen in his arms. Releasing her from his embrace, Tenel Ka stalked her
cowering grandmother and demanded, “Is this true?” Pointing at the ruined man, she shouted, “Did you
do that to him??? Did you order files to be deleted from the Royal archives???”
Remaining silent, Ta’a Chume’s eyes smoldered defiantly against Tenel Ka’s interrogation.
Never taking her eyes off of her grandmother, Tenel Ka demanded, “Anakin? What was on those other
deleted files?”
“Contrary to Ta’a Chume’s earlier statements, four former Queen Mothers who were forced into the
Drempitu Ma were allowed out of the ritual by the clause I mentioned. Only one of the Queen Mothers
actually opted to start the ritual all over again… the rest chose their own mates. Those marriages, based
on love-matches, were some of the most successful marriages ever in the history of the Hapan
Matriarchy,” Anakin explained, curling his lip into the Solo smirk as he watched Ta’a Chume squirm
under each word spoken.
“You hid this from me? Why? Why would you force me to go through this hideous spectacle?” Tenel
Ka howled.
Eyes blazing with fury, Ta’a Chume seethed, “If you thought for one moment I was going to allow you
to marry a Solo, you were gravely mistaken! That family is not worthy of kissing the ground you walk
upon! Thirty years ago his father insulted and humiliated this Cluster by stealing away Leia Organa, the
one woman who would’ve been worthy of my son’s hand. But no, instead my son was forced to marry
far below his social standing and wed that Sithspawn of a witch! The last thing I was going to do was
to allow for your future to be destroyed like Isolders was!”
Tenel Ka froze in utter amazement over her grandmother’s hateful confession.
Ta’a Chume shuddered realizing that thanks to her big mouth she had inadvertently admitted her guilt.
Trying to create a distraction, she screamed at Brukos, “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! You ungrateful
little SNOT! I sought you out and did everything I could to throw Tenel Ka your way. I thought for sure
that I had you pegged, the lonely orphan who would’ve jumped at any chance to be with his dreamgirl! You were so desperate for having a family, how could you just throw this opportunity away?
You’re pathetic!”
Coughing on a surprised laugh, Brukos narrowed his eyes, and chuckled in disbelief, “I’m pathetic? I’m
so sorry that my kind and generous heart interfered with your callous plans to destroy your
granddaughter’s life.” Jacen stood at Brukos’s side and planted a hand on the jewel tycoon’s shoulder
Holding his wife’s hand, Isolder’s eyes blazed at his mother. Icily he boomed his anger, “How DARE
you! How dare you to interfere with my daughter’s life! AND how DARE you to insult my wife like
this! I always knew you disagreed with my decision to marry Teneneil Djo over Leia, but to harbor
such a grudge that could’ve affected my daughter’s life… is completely unforgivable! You had no right
to do this! I should’ve known from the very beginning when you invoked this blasted ritual that it was
entirely for your own selfish reasons. I now understand.”
Cowering, Ta’a Chume whispered, “Understand what?”
Gazing upon her with eyes filled with utter disgust, Isolder explained, “I finally understand what it is
that my wife has always seen in you, your heart is ugly. You have no shame, no remorse, and no
compassion. You are shallow, vindictive, and selfish. I’m ashamed to be related to you.”
Ta’a Chume’s jaw dropped wide open in shock. From the side of the stage, General Roog approached
Ta’a Chume and flashed the reining Queen Mother a glance. Tenel Ka nodded her head.
Head swiveling furiously as Roog gruffly grabbed the old woman’s arms and tightly cuffed them
behind her back, Ta’a Chume shouted, “What are you doing? Get your lousy hands off of me!”
Two of the other guards surrounded the former Queen Mother’s spy, ready to take him away.
Staring at her grandmother, Tenel Ka experienced a flurry of emotions surge through her soul, but
above all she found herself pitying the former Queen Mother. She also felt deep regret for what she was
about to do.
Taking a deep breath, Tenel Ka loudly decreed, “Ta’a Chume, former Queen Mother of Hapes, you are
hereby sentenced to life imprisonment on Hapes 11 for attempted murder, reckless endangerment of
others, defiling Royal property, and interfering with the rule of the Queen Mother.”
Ta’a Chume’s mouth went dry as images of the arid, desert, prison planet of Hapes 11 entered her
mind. All prisoners were locked in single, non-air conditioned rooms and were left there to swelter and
perish to their deaths. The irony of the fact that long ago she personally signed the order forbidding the
prisoners any kind of cooling relief was not lost upon her. She croaked, “You can’t do this to me… I’m
your own flesh and blood!”
“I cannot offer differential treatment to you just because you are related to me. Any other citizen in this
Cluster found guilty of these crimes would suffer the same fate…worse actually. Defiling Royal
records is a crime punishable by death. I am granting you mercy with my sentence. This was your own
hole that you dug, it is time you accepted responsibility and jumped right into it,” Tenel Ka explained.
Writhing in the hands of the guards, Ta’a Chume shrieked, “You IDIOT! I did this to save THIS
CLUSTER! The people here LOVE me! They will not allow me to suffer! You pious fool, if you think
that you are above cutting corners and skirting the law in order to keep this Matriarchy in order, you are
truly naïve! One day you will look in the mirror and you will see that you have turned into me. I
promise you that!”
Not wishing to make her grandmother appear any more foolish than she already had, Tenel Ka signaled
Roog to take her and her accomplice away. Ta’a Chume’s obscenities echoed through the chamber as
she was forcibly removed from the hall.
Reaching a hand behind her neck, Tenel Ka closed her eyes, and deftly unclasped the top six buttons on
her dress, allowing her neck to move without restraint. From overhead the clouds brightened and three
brilliant sunbeams flooded the Ceremonial Hall with their light.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Anakin and Brukos pounding each other’s fists and grinning like a
couple of fools. Jacen nudged his brother in a conspiring manner. Swaying and fiddling with the sleeve
on her shirt, Nastya seemed ready to bolt. Tenel Ka flashed her cousin a teary-eyed smile as thanks.
Turning back towards her beloved, she watched as Brukos slammed something into Anakin’s palm and
encouragingly waved his friend in her direction. Jacen reached out and gave his brother a bear-hug and
then shoved him towards Tenel Ka.
Nearly tripping over his massive feet, Anakin’s bright blue eyes nervously fell upon his beloved.
Bucking up his courage, he walked the length of the stage and dropped to his knee before the Queen
Squinting her gray eyes in confusion at Anakin, she asked, “What is wrong, Anakin?”
Sneaking a peek at Tenel Ka, Anakin’s heart palpitated wildly in his chest. The sparking sunlight set her
titian hair ablaze, ringing her head in a fiery glow. Clearing his throat, Anakin lightly took her hands in
his own and said, “I’m going to do something I should have done long ago, Tenel Ka. You and I have
known each other for a very long time…I suppose that maybe it was the Dathomirian witch blood that
runs through your veins, but something about you always bewitched me. I was drawn to you, even as a
child. Maybe it’s your relentless pursuit of justice and goodness, maybe it was your unfaltering and
unwavering sense of honor that attracted me, I don’t know for sure. All I know is that my life has
been…is better, because I know you. You enrich my life with your devoted pursuit of fairness to all. I
always knew that at a drop of a hat, I’d fall head over heels for you. But never in my wildest dreams
did I think that you could ever bestow the honor of falling in love with me. It’s a humbling thing being
loved by a Queen- for even without your crown, that is what you are. I mean, most men believe that
their beloveds are Queens, but that actually is fact for me.” The crowd lightly chuckled and held their
collective breaths, awaiting Anakin’s question.
Feeling light-headed, Tenel Ka’s eyes flashed in delight as she finally understood what was about to
transpire. Anakin cleared his throat and charged forward, “There are no questions, there are no doubts.
The one thing I wish for and desire more than anything in this entire universe is to spend my entire life
as your husband. I love you more than life itself. Tenel Ka will you marry me?”
From out of his large hands, Anakin held up the same ring that Brukos was to give Tenel Ka. Crafted
from his best friend’s stones, Anakin saw that the ring was not just a sign of some good coming out of
this insane day, but a symbol that would bind the three forever in their friendship.
Happiness flooded Tenel Ka’s soul, and for the first time in many hours she flashed her beloved a
dazzling and true smile. Loudly she declared, “This is a fact, I will marry you Anakin Solo!”
Breathing a deep sigh of relief, Anakin slipped the ring onto her finger, leapt to his feet, engulfed her
into his powerful arms, and sought her lips in a kiss. The crowd of onlookers loudly applauded and
cheered for the joyous couple.
From her place on the stairs, Nastya wiped a trail of tears from her face as she wildly clapped in joyous
relief for her cousin. Suddenly she felt like she was being watched. Lifting her eyes towards the top of
the stage, she saw Brukos’s rich marbled eyes seeking her own. Together they had helped to bring the
light back into the lives of two people who had lost all hope.
It would later be noted that the esteemed Professor Blaine Tia’s presence at the ceremony had
convinced the people of Hapes that their once revered Queen Mother Ta’a Chume deserved her
sentence. Without Tia’s affirmation of the irregularities in the rules of the Drempitu Ma, they might not
have been so willing to agree with Queen Mother Tenel Ka’s ruling.
As Nastya and Brukos shared a delighted smile, Anakin lifted Tenel Ka lightly up into his large arms
and kissed the life and love back into her heart.
Removing his lips from hers he flashed her a lopsided smile and declared, “I guess without your
grandmother here to officiate the ceremony we can’t get married today can we?”
“Would you want to? None of your family is here,” Tenel Ka pointed out.
“Oh, right. Guess we need to plan things out then, huh?”
“This is a fact, and this time, my wedding will be how I want it to be, set up on my terms…with your
input and approval of course,” Tenel Ka quickly added.
Laughing loudly, Anakin responded, “Honey, do whatever you want, just tell me where to be and what
to say, you know I have complete trust in you.”
“And I in you…always,” Tenel Ka cooed. Running her fingers through his dark hair, she brought his
lips towards hers again and savored his sweet kiss. As the sunlight streamed through the happy couple
for the first time in a week, their restless hearts finally felt at peace as they basked openly, before the
eyes of the entire Galaxy, in the glory of their love.
Chapter 48
The weeks leading up to the wedding were filled with furious activity. Having an entire Cluster to whip
back into shape, Tenel Ka and the future Prince of Hapes made a quick, personal tour of the destruction
of the war ravaged places in the Cluster. Tenel Ka and Anakin’s obvious love for each other helped to
lift the spirits of the Hapan people.
After going over all of the reports, friend to the Hapan Cluster, Brukos Olissian, offered to pay for the
entire reconstruction of the destroyed Ta’a Chume Medical Center on Hapes 8. When finished Tenel Ka
announced that the building would be renamed in his honor. He also set up a large trust that would
allocate funds for the reconstruction of Hapes.
As the public reviewed the footage and poured over the unbelievable events that transpired surrounding
their young Queen Mother disappearance, a swelling of support for Prince Isolder of Hapes emerged.
His cool head in the heat of the Piirrnian battle started a change in view of men and their roles in the
Cluster. Although the prejudices towards men had abated some in the last couple of decades, the
Cluster still hung tight to the old belief that men were inferior to women. The heroic acts of both
Anakin and Brukos in their rescue effort for the Queen Mother further helped to dispel those
In examining the polls and media coverage of the war, Tenel Ka noted a recurring theme, that there was
still a mounting movement in her Cluster seeking Democracy. After several long discussions with Leia,
Jaina, Queen Cerullia of Naboo, and Anakin, Tenel Ka formulated a plan for bringing Hapes into the
modern era and using her full authority as Queen Mother, she made a decision that would irrevocably
change the lives of every Hapan citizen.
After finalizing some paperwork, she came before her Cluster and issued a broadcast message that
rocked and shocked the Hapan people. With its release, Queen Mother Tenel Ka’s approval ratings
Recent events have led me to seriously examine our role in the Galaxy. For so long the Hapes Cluster
has existed as a single, sovereignty. We have been able to withstand foe time after time again thanks to
our tremendous financial resources and our ability to constantly stay ahead of the rest in the game of
war. However, in these modern times, it does not make sense for us to remain isolated and not have a
say in the important decisions that are being made concerning the Galaxy. Since their creation we have
been strong allies with the New Repu