book of world rides - Welkom bij vakantie te paard


book of world rides - Welkom bij vakantie te paard
16th Edition
In The Saddle recommends you wear a hard hat on all riding holidays.
North America
Latin America
The information in this book has been checked and verified and is published to the
best of our knowledge but we do not guarantee the accurary. For up to date
information please call us or visit
Front cover: Riding through the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia in central Turkey (see page 233)
Group Bookings
Honeymoons & Weddings
Going Solo
Non riding Extensions
A to Z of Useful Information 270
In The Saddle is a member of the Association of Independent Tour Operators. The
Association represents Britain's leading independent tour operators and encourages high
standards of quality and service. In The Saddle abides by the Association's Code of
Conduct and adheres to the AITO Quality Charter which can be viewed on
Visit the website to find out more about the Association or call +44 (0)20 8744 9280.
Date published: January 2012
p 77-79
p 33-41
p 153-157
p 43-45
FRANCE p 23-27
p 147-149
p 161
p 159
p 145
p 151
p 143
SPAIN p 65-75
p 19-21
p 55-59
p 201
p 141
p 191-193
p 195-199
p 203-205
p 223
p 61-63
p 225-229
p 29
p 231
p 233
p 219
p 47-53
p 221
p 209-217
p 95-105
p 139
p 173-181
p 109-117
p 183-189
p 31
p 207
p 163-171
p 107
p 81-93
p 119-137
p 235-237
p 239-245
Welcome to the 16th edition of the Book of World Rides.
We continue to strive to bring you the best riding experiences from around the world.
On our travels we have found some great new rides, run by enthusiastic and
committed people who share our belief that the world really does look better from the
back of a horse.
We are as passionate today about exploring the world on horseback as when we set
up In The Saddle in 1995. It’s our firm belief that travelling on horseback adds an extra
dimension to a holiday. Thank you to everyone who has travelled with us and spread
the word about how special riding holidays can be.
If you haven’t tried a riding holiday before make this the year you take the plunge. We
have rides for all levels of experience and a wide range of budgets. The one consistent
theme throughout all our holidays is that the horses will always be well cared for and a
pleasure to ride. Our knowledgeable team have checked out the rides so they can talk
from first-hand experience. Call or email and you will get to speak to someone who
can answer your questions and give you plenty of up to date impartial advice. Our aim
is always to help you choose a ride that matches your individual riding ability.
Hopefully we will see you at an equestrian event throughout the year, maybe at the In
The Saddle Riding Holiday Show in London in November or come and visit us at our
office in Shropshire. See page 275 for a list of events we plan to attend.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you choose your next riding holiday!
The prices shown on each page of this book
exclude travel to the destination. In addition
to the riding and accommodation the price
normally includes all meals and sometimes
drinks and transfers.
Please check the website or call the office to
obtain current prices and to check specific
inclusions as these vary from ride to ride.
Financial Security
In The Saddle is fully licensed and bonded so
you can book your holiday with us in total
We are fully licensed by the Civil Aviation
Authority and hold an Air Travel Organisers
Licence (ATOL). This means that we are
permitted to sell you holidays which include
air travel. The licence is renewed annually
and we are required to go through a rigorous
inspection before it is granted.
We are members of The Travel Association
(ABTA), the most widely known standard
setting body of the travel industry. As with
the ATOL licence we must renew and be
checked annually. ABTA sets extremely
high standards to which tour operators
should comply. We are also bonded with
ABTA for the holidays we sell which do not
include flights.
Responsible Travel and Tourism
One of the most wonderful things about
travelling by horse is that we can pass
through a place and leave nothing but
hoofprints. It’s a totally environmentally
friendly way to travel. Group sizes are small
and so any impact is minimal and sensitive
interaction with local communities is
possible. As far as we can we employ local
guides and staff.
In The Saddle, together with our partners
overseas and local ground handlers, is
committed to an active conservation policy
that respects and protects local environments
and contributes to the welfare of the
communities with whom we work.
All the detailed information about each ride is
on our website, including trip reviews, maps,
photo galleries and magazine features.
Ten Reasons to Book with In The Saddle
The rides are tested by someone
from In The Saddle so you can be
confident in the quality of the horses,
guiding and accommodation. Not all rides we
visit meet our requirements, only those that pass
our rigorous standards make it onto our website
and into our brochure. We revisit the rides on a
regular basis to keep up to date with changes in
local conditions, guides and horses.
Having the right kit can make or break
a riding holiday. Our overseas riding
partners tell us that In The Saddle
clients are better informed than those from
other companies. Don’t just take our word for it,
next time you are on holiday, compare your trip
dossier and kit list with those from others on
the trip.
experienced horse people. Many
have their own horses and ride
regularly. They visit the rides and can describe
the holiday from first hand experience.
Booking with In The Saddle is a
personal experience. We tailor the
holiday to the individual. If you prefer to
arrange your own flights or extend your holiday
after the riding trip that’s fine.
Our holidays will cost you no more
than if you booked direct. This is
backed up by our Price Match
Guarantee: should you receive a lower quote
from another company for the same holiday, we
undertake to match the price. Also, we do not
surcharge. In these times of fluctuating
exchange rates we guarantee the price of your
holiday once it is confirmed.
We believe in giving you all the facts.
When you call us we won’t just tell you
the good bits, we will give you the full
picture, warts and all. In fact we are the only UK
travel company to publish on our website,
unedited, all the reviews we receive.
Olwen Law
Tel: 01299 272 997
Chris Day
Sarah Davies
Cathy Holloway Tanya Johnson
In The Saddle sends more people
abroad on riding holidays than any
other UK company. Because of this we
carry significant influence with overseas riding
centres. As an In The Saddle client you will be
part of a select and influential club.
We reward you for loyalty. For every
holiday you book with us you earn hoof
miles which can be used to discount
future holidays. When you have been on three
or more holidays you get additional benefits like
airport lounges.
Our service doesn’t stop when we send
you your final documents. We have a
24 hour support line just in case
something goes wrong when you are overseas.
As accredited members of ABTA and
ATOL the two best known holiday
financial protection schemes, any
money you pay to In The Saddle is safe; that’s
guaranteed by the government.
Abbie Wood
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tracy van der
Jo Verth
James Sales
Our Overseas Agent Partners
Ik trainde volop
en vond een
vakantie te paard
een mooie
afwisseling voor de
wandelingen op de
Stephanie Sap
Vlaamse wegen.
Zo belandde ik in
Zuid Afrika waar ik deelnam aan een
ruitersafari (Dinaka in combinatie met
Limpopo in Botswana). Dit was meteen
ook mijn eerste contact met In the Saddle
en al gauw groeide het idee om samen
te werken en de ‘wereldwijde vakanties
te paard’ in België bekend te maken.
If you live outside the UK you may prefer
to contact one of our local partners.
Tig has come to
Australia from
Germany, via a 13
year lay-over in
Hong Kong and
China. Leaving
behind corporate
law and living on a
farm outside of
Tig Lungerhausen
Sydney with her
partner and their collection of dogs and
horses is the fulfillment of a life-long
dream. Tig loves competing on her
dressage horses as much as exploring
the local bush on her little stock horse.
Previously an avid diver, Tig now can't
think of a better way to travel than
exploring a new country on horseback.
You get off the beaten track, get in touch
with the locals, have great fun on
horseback and make new friends in the
process. Having recently explored Peru,
Namibia and Botswana, Tig now has a
long list of "must do" holidays for the next
decade or so.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 02 4572 2107
Tel: 01299 272 997
‘Vakantie te paard’ is een product van
reisbureau Perlan, waarbij ik van mijn
twee passies (reizen en paardrijden) een
fulltime job heb gemaakt. A perfect match!
Paulo Junqueira Arantes, aprendeu andar
a cavalo ainda criança, em fazendas dos
avós no interior paulista e mineiro.
Participou na época das tradicionais
caçadas no interior de Minas e de
gincanas a cavalo em São Paulo.
Seguindo essa paixão foi fazer
intercambio nos Estados Unidos, para
aprender inglês e a procura de novos
conhecimentos. Nesta época teve a
oportunidade de cavalgar no Texas e no
Foi durante alguns anos criador de
cavalos Mangalarga (principal raça
brasileira) e diretor do Núcleo de
Criadores. Nesta função participou da
organização de inúmeras cavalgadas. É
um dos fundadores da ABTE –
Associação Brasileira de Turismo
Eqüestre. Como apaixonado por cavalos
e cavalgadas, fez inúmeras viagens a
cavalo em diversas regiões do Brasil,
alem de vários destinos internacionais
como Argentina, Chile, Equador, Peru,
Portugal, Espanha, Canadá, Estados
Unidos, Africa do Sul, Botswana e
Namíbia, sempre procurando identificar e
conhecer novos roteiros e destinos.
Vivendo experiências únicas e
inesquecíveis em suas viagens, resolveu
aliar sua paixão a seus conhecimentos
empresariais e criou em 2004 a
Cavalgadas Brasil, agencia cujo objetivo
é oferecer uma nova oportunidade para
quem quer conhecer os melhores roteiros
a cavalo no Brasil e no mundo.
Organizou em diversas regiões do Brasil
e em alguns países da America do Sul,
roteiros exclusivos de cavalgadas para
venda no Brasil e no exterior.
Em 2010 passou a representar com
exclusividade no Brasil, a maior agencia
do mundo especializada em viagens a
cavalo, a In The Saddle, com sede na
[email protected]
Tel: 011 7562 8884
Onbekend, is onbemind … doch het is
een unieke ervaring, en eens geproefd,
smaakt het naar meer, zo getuigen de
ruiters die reeds één of meerdere In the
Saddle bestemmingen uitgetest hebben.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 09 362 5384
Tel: 01299 272 997
Paulo Junqueira
Annuska lavora nel settore del turismo
equestre da oltre 6 anni, è appassionata
di viaggi e cavalli, ha preso il brevetto di
Guida Equestre e ha lavorato diversi anni
Ora vive in Italia e lavora per In The
Saddle, tour operator internazionale,
leader nell'organizzazione di vacanze a
cavallo nei luoghi più caratteristici e
spettacolari al mondo.
Melina voksede op på en gård nær Vejle
og havde egen pony allerede fra de tidlige
barneår. Senere blev hun tiltrukket af den
store verden og at rejse, hvilket ledte
hende til en karriere
indenfor rejsebranchen.
Hun flyttede til
København og har bl.a.
arbejdet i Kastrup
Lufthavn, på flyselskaber
og på rejsebureauer.
Ogni singola vacanza è pensata su
misura per voi, offriamo escursioni
esclusive per i cavalieri esperti e ottime
anche per i
Annuska è a
per fornirvi
tutte le
organizzare la
vacanza a
cavallo dei
vostri sogni.
Annuska Ghidotti
Melina rejste på sin
første riderejse i 2000.
Melina Woo
Hun blev fuldstændig
fascineret af denne måde at rejse på og
efterfølgende kom alle hendes rejser til at
handle om at opleve verden på hesteryg.
I 2005 tog hun orlov fra sit job i Danmark
for at prøve arbejdet som guide på
hesteryg i Namibia.
Frustrationen over at der i Danmark ikke
fandtes et rejsebureau med erfaring i
riderejser i kombination med hendes
passion og erfaring i at arrangere rejser, fik
hende til kontakte In The Saddle i 2008. Et
samarbejde blev indgået og dermed blev
riderejsebureauet Rid & Rejs skabt.
I nostri viaggi vengono promossi su, nella sezione
dedicata alle vacanze a cavallo all'estero.
Det er nu med stor glæde at hun kan
tilbyde andre de fantastiske rejseoplevelser
hun selv har haft på hesteryg.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 333 949 3337
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 22 418 418
Tel: 01299 272 997
Patricia Bakker is
met paarden
opgegroeid in Nieuw
Zeeland. Wanneer
ze naar Nederland
verhuist, rijdt ze in
de Bergense duinen
en in de
Patricia Bakker
Manege in Amsterdam. Ze beoefent
dressuur, springen, carrousel, dameszadel,
grondwerk en maakt buitenritten in
Nederland en in het buitenland.
Ingunn er utdannet sivilingeniør med
geologibakgrunn og jobb i oljebransjen.
Hun har arrangert flere helgeturer og
lengre rideferier også tidligere før hun
begynte for XXL Adventure.
Ingunn gikk på rideskole som barn og tok
opp ridningen igjen i voksen alder. De
siste årene har hun ridd regelmessig og
vært på flere rideferier i året sammen
med gode ridevenner. Hun har
hovedsaklig dratt til Portugal, Spania og
Frankrike og har en forkjærlighet til
ridning på de portugisiske
Lusitanohestene. Det har også blitt noen
kortere turer i Sør
Afrika, USA og
Canada. i tillegg til
en del helgeturer i
Norge og Danmark
- ofte på
islandshester i
nærområdet til
Stavanger hvor
hun bor. Veldig
morsomt og
Ingunn Julseth Kvamme
behagelig når får
til skikkelig tølting.
Å sitte på hesteryggen er en fantastisk
måte å se steder og natur på som du ikke
kommer til på annen måte. Det må bare
oppleves. Det er det gode liv - i tillegg til
god terapi. Den ultimate opplevelsen må
være ridesafari i Afrika.
Patricia heeft geschreven voor Hemel op
Paarden en Dressagedirect. Later werkt
ze als directiesecretaresse voor de
KNHS, de hippische bond en de FEI, de
internationale hippische bond. Met haar
eigen bedrijf Paardenpas organiseert ze
hippische clinics, sportreizen naar EK’s,
WK’s en Olympische Spelen en sinds
2010 vertegenwoordigt ze exclusief In the
Saddle in Nederland met de allermooiste
Paarden, paardensport en reizen zijn
haar passie en die deelt ze graag met
haar vrienden en klanten. Ze verzorgt
graag op maat en tot in de puntjes uw
paardenbelevenis. Zelf heeft ze een
merrie met wie ze graag in het
Amsterdamse Bos rijdt.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 06 47310175
Tel: 01299 272 997
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 48 25 47 33
Symbols Used in this Book
Riding Experience
We have classified riding ability into three broad groups, Beginner,
Intermediate and Experienced. For each ride the coloured circles give
you a quick guide to the level of experience that holiday would suit.
Also on each page is a more detailed description of the riding that you
should expect. However, this is still a guide and we always recommend
that you call us before booking to speak to someone who has been on
the ride so that you get exactly the type of riding you are looking for.
Beginner or Novice
Rider This includes
those who are
learning to ride and
those with limited
riding experience.
Small tents, sleeping
bags, limited or no
washing and loo
Tel: 01299 272 997
Intermediate Rider
Confident and in
control on a forward
going horse at a
steady canter in the
open over even
Experienced Rider
Confident and in
control on a forward
going horse at a fast
canter in the open
over rough and
variable ground.
There are likely to be
long stretches of fast
riding and/or you will
be riding in areas
with potentially
dangerous game.
Simple camping,
sleeping bags. On
most nights there are
shower and/or loo
Comfortable camping.
Walk-in tents, madeup beds, shared loo
and showers.
Beautifully furnished
spacious tents with
made-up beds and
private showers
and loos.
Centre Based Ride
Rider and horses
return to the same
place each night.
Trail Ride
Riding from place to
place. You may not
move accommodation
every night.
Game Viewing /
Horseback Safari
Beach Riding
May not be beach
riding every day.
Ideal for families
Minimum riding age
varies from ride
to ride.
Instruction Available
Working Ranch
Suitable for
Non riders
No Single
No extra charge for
singles if you are
prepared to share
Free Single Rooms
Some single
available at no extra
Short Breaks
Shorter trips available
(see website for
New Ride
Featured for the first
time in this edition.
Basic dormitories or
huts. Often mixed
sex. Usually sleeping
bag accommodation.
Limited or no washing
facilities and loos.
maybe twin, triple or
quad sometimes with
shared bathrooms.
Single rooms may not
be available.
Rooms have private
Elegantly furnished
en-suite rooms with
superb service.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Booking your riding holiday
We have negotiated excellent rates with a
number of airlines, including South African
Airways and British Airways; however to
give you increased flexibility all of our
holidays can be booked with or without
flights. The prices shown on each page
are excluding flights.
We are pleased to advise you on the best
route and to book the flights for you.
Alternatively you can make your own
arrangements although before confirming
flights, please check with us to ensure
your place on the ride is confirmed.
On most routes upgrades to business
class are available and may not be as
expensive as you think. Please call us for
individual quotes.
Particularly within Europe low cost airlines
have greatly increased the options
available. It is not always necessary to
make the trek to London and there is a
wide choice of flights from regional airports.
Choose how you fly with British Airways.
British Airways’ extensive flight network
means you can connect to hundreds of
worldwide destinations. On the ground
and in the air, British Airways sets itself
the highest standards. So whichever
cabin you choose to travel in, you can be
sure that your holiday will get off to a
flying start.
SAA offer convenient flight times from
London Heathrow departing early evening
and arriving early morning the next day.
Enjoy the flight in the comfort of knowing
that South Africa is only a dinner, movie
and breakfast away.
1. First choose your ride
Please call 01299 272 997 or email
[email protected] if you have any
questions. Each ride page on the website
gives details of how to contact the In The
Saddle consultant for your ride.
experience to help us establish that you
have the appropriate ability for the ride
and to forward to our partners overseas
to ensure that you are matched with the
right horse.
5. Payment
The usual deposit is 20% but some trips
require a deposit of 30%, or higher, and
we will clarify this with you when you call
to make a booking. If you book within 10
weeks of departure, then you should
forward full payment for your trip with
your booking form.
2. Check availability and the price for
your chosen ride
a) Check the individual ride page on for dates, prices
and to see if there is availability on your
preferred date, or
b) Email the In The Saddle expert for that
ride or our general email address
[email protected], or
c) Call us on 01299 272 997
Payment can be made by cheque, bank
transfer, credit card or debit card. A 1.5%
fee is added for payments by credit card.
3. Hold a Provisional Booking
When we have confirmed the date and
the price for your holiday we will normally
hold a provisional booking for seven days
to allow you time to complete and return
a Booking Form.
6. Confirming your Booking
After receipt of your Booking Form, we
will send you a Confirmation Pack. This
contains your Confirmation Invoice which
will show the date on which your final
balance is due. We will also include
comprehensive information on the ride,
an equipment list, maps (where possible)
and an itinerary confirming the details of
your trip.
4. The Booking Form
a) You can either complete a booking
form online at or
b) We can email or post you the booking
form to complete and return to us.
Please provide us with detailed
information on your riding skills and
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tel: 01299 272 997
Azores - Green Island Trail
Open all year
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £903
The Riding
You should be a competent rider in
control of your horse at walk, trot
and canter across sometimes
rugged terrain.
There is also a Relaxed Riding
option for those who want less
hours in the saddle and the time to
see more of the island. Lessons
are also possible. (See p 21).
Nearest Airport
Ponta Delgada.
Transfers included.
The Azores are a stunning archipelago of nine
islands in the Atlantic Ocean, almost midway
between Portugal and North America. The
islands are volcanic in origin, with a
spectacular natural beauty of vast craters,
glistening blue lakes, black cliffs, lush green
valleys, rugged mountains and hot mineral
springs and geysers.
The fertile terrain is uneven and rocky, making
for small, intensely green fields divided by
stone walls and edged with vibrantly blooming
flowers. São Miguel has a network of tracks
perfect for riding, built throughout the centuries
and still used by farmers. The highlight for
many is a day ride to Sete Cidades, an extinct
volcano crater with two magnificent lakes, one
deep blue in colour and the other emerald green.
The Green Island Trail includes three full day
rides and three half day rides with time for non
riding excursions to explore the island. Most
people opt for an exciting whale watching trip
since the Azores is one of the best places in
the world to see dolphin and sperm whale.
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Explore the lush green landscape of São Miguel, a
volcanic island in the middle of the Atlantic.
Azores - Instruction Week
Open all year
Arrive Saturday
7 nights/15 hours riding
Price from £789
The Riding
This ride is suitable for all abilities,
including complete beginners, with
lessons tailored to individual
experience. The lower age limit is
11 years.
Nearest Airport
Ponta Delgada.
Transfers included.
Your base for the week is Quinta da Terça on
the south of the island, close to the main town
of Ponta Delgada. The Quinta is one of the
oldest homes on the island and dates from the
17th century.
Over seven days you can learn to ride or
improve your skills with lessons, either in the
riding arena or out on trails. The aim by the
end of the week is to join the spectacular full
day ride to Sete Cidades.
The riding programme is flexible and it is
possible to increase the number of hours of
lessons or trail rides. Less experienced riders
or families with mixed levels of ability may
prefer to have a combination of lessons and
trail rides. More experienced riders may prefer
the Green Island Trail (p 19) which is based at
the same centre but has more riding.
You may wish to extend your holiday and enjoy
‘island hopping’ and whale watching around
the other islands of the Azores. (See p 250).
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Improve your riding amidst the exotic vegetation of
São Miguel, the largest of the Azorean islands.
France - Château Chazelles
Open May to October
Set departures
6 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £801
The Riding
The horses at Chateau Chazelles
are forward going, responsive and
enjoyable to ride. Riders should be
able to control a well schooled
horse in open country at all paces.
The pace is varied with regular
opportunities for trot and canter.
Nearest Airport
Lyon. Transfers included at set
times from the airport
or train station.
The large network of trails, long temperate
season and beautiful scenery make the
Auvergne a popular area for riding in France.
Heading out each day from the chateau you
ride through wooded valleys past Roman and
Medieval villages to open pasture and gorges
with spectacular views over the surrounding
countryside. Where the ground is stony and
volcanic the pace will be slower but with no
gates or fences the ride can generally keep
up a good pace.
As you would expect in France there is an
emphasis on good quality food. Lunches are in
an auberge or picnics provided by the support
vehicle. At dinner there are regional specialities
with ingredients sourced from local suppliers.
The Chateau is also ideal for non riding
partners especially walkers as there are many
miles of well marked routes. There is also
fishing nearby or for the more adventurous
quad bikes, rock climbing and kayaking.
See for prices, itineraries,
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A winning combination of magnificent scenery,
warm hospitality and great food.
France - Châteaux of the Loire
Runs April to October
Set departures & private groups
from 3 nights / 2 days riding
3 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £900
The Riding
You should be confident and in
control in the open at walk, trot and
canter. Some routes involve long
canters and require a good degree
of fitness; on others the pace is
more gentle with only
occasional canters. On some
routes non riders can join on
bicycle or by car.
Nearest Towns
Either self drive or take the train to
Blois, Amboise or Saumur
(depending on which route).
Tel: 01299 272 997
The Loire valley and its châteaux have charmed
visitors for centuries. Their ornate architecture,
elaborate decoration and lavishly planted
gardens were designed to impress. They
became the playgrounds of the French nobility
and ultimately contributed to their downfall.
Riding from château to château takes you back
to the 16th century when the surrounding land
was reserved as royal hunting grounds.
Highlights include the Grand Chateau de
Chambord constructed like many others in the
distinct French Renaissance style that blended
traditional medieval and classical Italian forms.
Your guide, Anne-France, brings history to life
with stories of the political and royal intrigues
that have been linked with these magnificent
estates from the time of Richard the Lionhart
and the Knights Templar, through to Joan of
Arc and the Valois and Bourbon Kings.
Overnight in elegant small family run hotels
converted from chateaux and ancestral homes.
Enjoy gourmet picnics of local delicacies and
elegant candle-lit dinners with fine cuisine.
See for prices, itineraries,
reviews and photo galleries.
A ride through the Loire valley staying in beautiful
chateaux while enjoying the finest French cuisine.
France - Vienne Explorer
Runs April to October
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 6 days riding
5 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £811
The Riding
The ride is suitable for competent
riders confident at all paces.
Depending on the terrain there is a
mixture of walking with some trots
and canters. You should be fit
enough for the sometimes long
hours in the saddle and able to
mount from the ground.
Nearest Airports
Limoges or Poitiers. Transfers
available from either at extra cost
or self drive.
French riders are privileged to have many
thousands of miles of randonées (bridle paths)
with accommodation along the way to cater for
both rider and horse. Your guide, Annemee will
take great pleasure in showing you the network
of tracks and paths which criss-cross this
lovely part of western France.
There are three different routes to choose
from. The Monts de Blond follows ancient
Roman tracks and you ride along paths
bordered by low stone walls. The Land of Two
Rivers explores the countryside around
Montmorillon and along the banks of the
Vienne and Gartempe Rivers. The Pilgrim Trail
traces part of the route to Santiago de
Compostela. Overnight at small farmhouses
and gîtes and enjoy a picnic lunch at a scenic
spot along the way.
It is also possible to base yourself at the
riding centre for the week; have a lesson in
the morning and then ride out in the afternoon
through the glorious countryside of the
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A meander through the French countryside,
exploring the valleys and hills of the Vienne.
Georgia - Tusheti Mountain Ride
July to September
13 nights / 8 days riding
5 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,683
The Riding
You should be a confident rider and
in control in all paces. Most of the
ride is at a walk, but the terrain is
challenging. You should also be fit
to cope with the number of hours in
the saddle and the amount of
walking on foot. The Chiraki rides
are for experienced riders only.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included.
The ride takes place right on the border
between Europe and Asia on the northern
slopes of the Caucasus Mountains.
Tusheti is a mountainous region in the north
east of Georgia where life has remained
largely unchanged for centuries. The Tusheti
National Park was established in 2003 to
protect the unique landscape and wildlife. This
is one of the last refuges of the Caspian Sea
wolf, Caucasian lynx and chamois.
You ride between villages without any backup
vehicle. This is more of an expedition than a
riding holiday and is as much about
experiencing the culture of one of the last
mountain communities in Europe as it is about
riding in beautiful scenery.
In spring and autumn there is a different
itinerary in the south east of the country, in the
semi arid less mountainous Chiraki region.
See for prices, itinerary, route
map and photo gallery.
Tel: 01299 272 997
An adventurous ride, using pack horses for support,
through an unspoilt and remote corner of Europe.
Hungary - Great Plains Ride
Open April to November
Arrive Sunday
6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £805
The Riding
You may find yourself trotting or
cantering for several kilometres at
a time so you must be riding fit and
an experienced rider. The Relaxed
Ride in summer has fewer hours in
the saddle and the riding is
not so fast.
Nearest Airport
Transfers at set times at extra cost.
The southern Great Plains of Hungary is a
landscape criss-crossed by a myriad of rural
tracks. There are no fences to hinder your route
and no gates to open, so the powerful Hungarian
warmbloods are able to travel at speed over long
distances. This must be one of the best places in
Europe to explore on horseback.
Your base is Csorva Tanya, a traditional
house with thick adobe walls and a reed
thatch roof. The house has been completely
renovated and the rooms decorated with
antiques sourced from all over Europe.
Our signature itinerary is the Great Plains
Ride where the pace is fast and the riding is
challenging at times, so only experienced and
confident riders are accepted. In July and
August, the Relaxed Ride features fewer
hours in the saddle and the riding is not quite
as fast; ideal for those looking for a less
intense summer riding holiday.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A real immersion in traditional Hungarian
equestrian culture.
A ride through southern Iceland visiting
magnificent waterfalls and hot springs.
Iceland - Golden Circle
Runs June to August
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,288
The Riding
Much of the riding is at a tölt, which
can be fast so you need to be a
confident rider able to adapt to
different riding styles. General
fitness is as important as riding
experience due to the long hours in
the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Keflavik (Reykjavik).
Transfers included at set times.
Riding in Iceland is a unique experience - an
opportunity to ride strong, willing horses over
exciting and adventurous terrain. Riding an
Icelandic horse is not only tremendous fun, it's
also a great way to experience the natural
beauty of Iceland; snow topped mountains, the
largest glacier in Europe, volcanoes, thundering
waterfalls and striking lunar landscapes.
The Golden Circle takes you through the lovely
countryside of southern Iceland. As you ride
towards the magnificent waterfall at Gulfoss
and the hot springs area of Geysir your guides
lead spare horses for you. The last two days of
the ride are more challenging as the spare
horses will now travel with you as a loose herd
as you cross the highland moor of Hrunaheði.
This tour is ideal for families and for those who
do not have the required riding experience for
the highland tours.
See for the prices, itinerary,
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Iceland - Home at Hestasport
Open June to September
Arrive/depart any day
1 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £439 (4 nights)
The Riding
The riding is adjusted to the
abilities of the group. Ideally you
should be fit enough to spend up to
five hours in the saddle but novice
riders can have shorter rides.
Nearest Airports
Akureyri and Keflavik (Reykjavik).
Transfers available from either at
extra cost.
Iceland is like no other place on earth. It is a
country of enormous, unspoilt natural beauty,
sometimes called the land of ice and fire with a
hugely diverse landscape; snow topped
mountains; volcanoes; geysers and mud pools.
The Icelandic horse is a pure-bred descendant
of those brought to Iceland by the Vikings over
a thousand years ago. Horses remain an
important part of Icelandic culture and the area
of Skagafjörður in northern Iceland is famous
for its horse breeding.
Home at Hestasport is a relaxed lodge based
ride. You stay in a private cottage and enjoy
riding out from the centre each day. You also
have time to explore the local area.
This holiday works well as a short break or as
part of an extended stay. See page 251 for
ideas of what to see and do in Iceland.
Visit for prices, the itinerary
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A centre based ride in the north-west; the famous
horse breeding region of Skagafjörður.
Iceland - Kjölur
Runs June to August
Arrive Saturday
8 nights / 6 days riding
5 - 10 hours riding per day
Price from £1,485
The Riding
Much of the riding is at a tölt, which
can be fast so you need to be a
confident rider able to adapt to
different riding styles. General
fitness is as important as riding
experience due to the long hours in
the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Keflavik (Reykjavik).
Transfers included at set times.
Famed for the natural beauty and varied
landscape of the highlands, this tour follows
the ancient Kjölur route across the heart of
Iceland to the summer parliament at Þingvellir.
Ride through remote desert-like areas and
cross wild glacial rivers. Pass extinct
volcanoes and glacier lakes. Scattered areas
of grassland are a surprise in this landscape
which has been shaped by glaciers, ice and
snow. Enjoy the experience of bathing in
natural hot springs in the heart of the country.
On the trail you change horses once or twice a
day and as you ride, the herd of up to sixty
loose horses travels with you.
Sleeping bag accommodation on the trail is in
simple mountain huts. These are comfortable
but with limited facilities and hot water is not
always available.
You can extend your holiday in Iceland by self
driving around the island or just adding a few
days in Reykjavik. See page 251 for ideas.
See for prices, the itinerary,
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A classic trail ride through the highlands on an
ancient route across the heart of the country.
Iceland - Round Up
Runs September and October
Set departures
6 nights / 5 days riding
6 - 10 hours riding per day
Price from £998
The Riding
Much of the riding is at a tölt, which
can be fast so you need to be a
confident rider able to adapt to
different riding styles. General
fitness is as important as riding
experience due to the long hours in
the saddle. Please note that riding
on the Round Up may be
additionally challenging due to the
unpredictability of the weather at
this time of year.
Nearest Airport
Keflavik (Reykjavik).
Transfers included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Driving sheep and horses into the highlands for
grazing during the summer is more than an
annual event, it is an Icelandic tradition and
way of life. As the weather changes, the
farmers ride into the mountains and collect
their animals before the winter really sets in.
The Round Up is an unforgettable sight. You
will see hundreds of horses herded down the
mountain slopes into the round up pens. You
are invited to take part in this very traditional
Icelandic event and to join the farmers on their
trusted Icelandic horse, the one means of
transport capable of meeting the rigours of the
round up.
When in Iceland a visit to the Blue Lagoon, the
open air geothermal spa, is a must and we can
help you with these arrangements. See page
251 for other ideas after your ride.
See for prices, itineraries,
reviews and photo galleries.
A highly sociable annual event that’s a key
part of Icelandic culture.
Iceland - Snæfellsnes
Runs June to August
Set departures
8 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 8 hours riding per day
Price from £1,466
The Riding
Much of the riding is at a tölt, which
can be fast so you need to be a
confident rider able to adapt to
different riding styles. General
fitness is as important as riding
experience due to the long hours in
the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Keflavik (Reykjavik).
Transfers included at set times.
The Snæfellsnes peninsula is often called
‘Iceland in a nutshell’ because of its extreme
diversity of landscape. This ride takes you
through mighty lava fields, green valleys, wideopen stretches of light-coloured sand on the
beaches and to the multi-coloured mountains
of Hítardalur valley.
The glacier covered cone volcano
Snæfellsjökull, after which the peninsula is
named, is one of the most recognised sights
in Iceland.
This is superb riding country and to ride at a
tölt on one of the Icelandic horses is an
experience not to be missed. The exciting ride
along the Snæfellsnes beaches will leave you
breathless. Nowhere else in Iceland can you
ride for hours without any obstacle to slow
down the riders and horses.
See for prices, itineraries and
photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Ride in view of the glacier covered volcano that inspired
Jules Verne’s novel “A Journey to the Centre of the Earth”.
Ireland - Castle Leslie Estate
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
3 hours riding per day
Price from £547 (3 nights)
The Riding
With 1,000 acres of woodland and
hills, 21 miles of meandering
bridleways and 300 cross country
jumps, Castle Leslie can cater for
all levels of rider. From leisurely
hacks to faster paced jump rides,
plus training provided by qualified
teachers in their large indoor
arena. Children aged five and over
are welcome to ride.
Nearest Airports
Belfast and Dublin
Self drive or transfers from either
are available at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Castle Leslie lies in Co. Monaghan within
easy reach of Dublin and Belfast. It is one of
the few remaining Irish estates still owned
and run by its founding family. The family
involvement extends to all aspects of the
hotel creating a personal, relaxed and very
welcoming atmosphere.
There is a range of accommodation from the
luxurious rooms of the Castle, furnished with
antiques and heirlooms, to the cosy,
comfortable rooms in the Lodge, through to self
catering cottages ideal for families or groups of
friends looking for a fun filled riding break.
For non-riders, carriage rides, fishing and spa
treatments are available on the Estate and
there is an abundance of long leisurely walks.
See for prices, suggested
itineraries and photo galleries.
The perfect place to discover the thrill of exploring
the beautiful Irish countryside on horseback.
Ireland - Mount Juliet
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
3 hours riding per day
Price from £503 (3 nights)
The Riding
The equestrian centre at Mount
Juliet has a range of well schooled
Irish bred horses and ponies
suitable for novice to experienced
riders. There are two arenas, a
cross-country course and 18 miles
of bridleways. The minimum age
for children to ride is six years.
Nearest Airports
Dublin, Waterford and Cork.
Self drive or transfers can be
arranged at extra cost.
Mount Juliet lies in 1,500 acres of mature
green parkland in a picture postcard setting on
the River Nore in Co. Kilkenny. There are 32
rooms in the main house and an additional 16
rooms at Hunters Yard which was created from
the original hunting stables.
The hotel has a relaxed family culture, whilst
maintaining the highest level of service and
hospitality for which Mount Juliet is
internationally renowned.
Riders can choose between flatwork or show
jumping lessons in the arenas, cross-country
jumping or hacking through the beautiful estate
grounds. After a day in the saddle, relax at the
Spa with a full range of
traditional and alternative
treatments as well as a
swimming pool, sauna, steam
room and gymnasium.
Non riders can choose from a range of other
activities, including spa treatments, golf,
fishing, archery or clay shooting.
See for prices and photo
Tel: 01299 272 997
A magnificent Georgian country mansion and spa
set in one of Europe’s finest sporting estates.
Italy - Chianti Castles
Runs May and Sep-Oct
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,499
The Riding
The horses are well-trained and
sure footed. There are two halfdays at the base and a four day
circular ride (including a leisure day
in Siena). You should be fit and
competent at all gaits. The pace is
varied according to the terrain, with
plenty of trots and short canters.
Weight limit: 85kgs.
Nearest Airports
Pisa or Florence.
Transfers from Florence train
station included at set times.
Your rides introduce you to the Arno valley and
Chianti, the unspoilt region between Florence
and Siena famous for good food, red wine and
stunning scenery.
On your first two mornings you ride out from
the farmhouse at Rendola, through beautiful
countryside with vineyards, olive groves and
extensive woodland. Afternoon delights
include eating a gourmet icecream in a
medieval village built round a ravine and a
guided tour of a famous wine farm.
Then follows a four day circular tour that takes
you past some of the seventy castles of the
Chianti region, with a chance to visit the Castle
of Brolio and its winery. Your old world hotel in
Siena is close to the famous square where the
Palio horse-race is held. You have a day in
Siena to explore and shop before riding along
the top of the Chianti hills on your return to
Rendola for a farewell dinner.
The Discover Tuscany ride (see page 51) also
from Rendola has fewer hours in the saddle.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A trail ride in fabulous Tuscany with a stay in the
medieval city of Siena.
Italy - Cilento Ride
Open March to November
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 5 days riding
2 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £555
The Riding
I Moresani has a stable of fit,
willing and sure footed horses, the
ideal mounts to explore the rugged
countryside. The pace varies
depending on the terrain but you
should be confident at walk, trot
and canter. There are many steep
ascents and descents and you
should be fit enough to stand in the
stirrups during the long ascents.
Nearest Airport
Naples. Transfer available
at extra cost.
South of Amalfi and Pompeii, just past the Gulf
of Salerno, the Italian coast projects out into
the sea in a series of dramatic headlands and
broad sweeping bays. On some days you ride
high into the mountains with tremendous
views, on others you head onto the shore and
along the sandy beaches. Trails lead through
fruit orchards onto terraced olive groves and
up to wilderness areas of wild broom,
rosemary and fennel. Other routes pass
through ancient villages clinging to the steep
valley sides.
The Cilento Ride and Campania Ride (a more
relaxed option with two hours of riding a day)
are based throughout at I Moresani. You stay
in beautifully restored cottages, with a
swimming pool and wonderful views. Cooking
classes are available at I Moresani utilising
their own wine, olive oil and cheese.
On certain dates, the Cilento Journey takes
you on a trail ride into Cilento National Park.
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Beautiful scenic trail rides in southern Italy.
Italy - Discover Tuscany
Runs Apr-Jun and Sep-Oct
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,224
The Riding
The horses are well trained and
sure footed. There are three half
day rides and two all day rides. You
should be reasonably fit and
competent at all paces. The pace is
varied according to the terrain, with
plenty of trots and short canters.
There is a rider weight
limit of 85kgs.
Nearest Airports
Pisa or Florence.
Transfers from Florence train
station included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
With its vineyards, olive groves, cypress
avenues and rolling woodland, pretty
farmhouses, medieval castles, abbeys and
villages, Tuscany is considered by
many the quintessence of Italy. The Tuscan
climate is generally mild and
each season has its merits. Spring is a
delightful time to visit when the flowers
bloom, the air is warm and nightingales sing
night and day. Autumn brings glorious colours
and an increase in activity on the land as the
farmers start harvesting the grapes.
Your base is Rendola, a charming 17th
century farmhouse with spectacular views
and the friendly atmosphere of a family
home. Much of the delicious food is produced
on the farm. The programme includes an
Italian lesson, a tour of the art city of Arezzo,
a cooking class, a visit to the market and
lunch at a gourmet restaurant.
See for prices, itineraries
and reviews.
A centre-based ride between Florence and Siena: an
ideal introduction to the area.
Italy - I Due Laghi
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
3 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £1,267 (7 nights)
The Riding
There is a wide selection of
horses and ponies to suit a broad
range of riding abilities and ages.
Lessons and hacks can be
tailored to the individual. For
experienced riders there is a cross
country course and the option of
joining a drag hunt between
October and May.
Nearest Airports
Rome Ciampino or Fiumicino.
Transfers available at extra cost.
Treat yourself to a riding holiday at this country
club hotel just north of Rome between the
lakes of Bracciano and Martignano. The BHS
approved equestrian centre has extensive
show-jumping and cross-country facilities and
a range of experienced horses to suit all ages
and abilities.
Throughout the year the seven night
programme offers a total of 18 hours riding,
which can be a combination of instruction,
show jumping, cross-country and hacking over
the 360 acre estate.
There is a swimming pool open in summer and
the Wellness Centre offers welcome relaxation
after a day in the saddle. Rome is only an hour
away by train and you are encouraged to visit
the city on your non-riding day.
There are plenty of places of interest nearby
making I Due Laghi an ideal place for nonriders.
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A country house hotel offering lessons in flatwork
and jumping as well as hacking through the estate.
One of the world’s premier locations for
classical dressage.
Portugal - Alcainça
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
1 - 3 hours riding per day
Price from £847 (7 nights
and one lesson per day)
The Riding
Some prior knowledge of dressage
is useful to get the most out of your
holiday. Equally important is an
openness to learn. You should be
competent at walk, trot and canter.
Nearest Airport
Transfers available at extra cost.
For 25 years the Escola de Equitação de
Alcainça has been providing first class dressage
instruction. The senior instructor Georges
Malleroni studied classical dressage under
Nuno Oliveira, the great Portuguese Master.
The centre has 16 beautiful pure-bred and
part-bred Lusitano horses, including geldings
and stallions. They are trained to a high level
of performance and are able to do shoulder in,
half pass, flying changes, piaffe and passage.
Alcainça specialises in dressage instruction
and one and a half hour lessons take place in
the morning and afternoon. Riders are split
according to their ability with a maximum of
three in a group. You can choose to ride once
or twice a day, which will still leave time to
relax by the pool or go sightseeing.
A combination that works well is to have a few
days at Alcainça before or after one of the
Portuguese trail rides on pages 57 and 59.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Portugal - Dolphin and Alentejo Trails
Runs March to November
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,127
The Riding
Your horses are the beautiful and
calm Lusitano. They are well
schooled and comfortable to ride
with an enthusiastic walk and easy
collected canter. You should be a
confident rider at walk, trot and
canter. It is important to be fit
enough for the long canters in the
heat of the Portuguese sunshine.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included at set times.
Our two trail rides are in the long Atlantic
coastal area of the Alentejo, a region which
covers almost a third of Portugal.
You ride through a variety of terrain: through
cork-oak plantations, wheat-fields, vineyards
and groves of olive trees; through eucalyptus
and pine forests; rice fields and estuarine
wetlands; and alongside lakes and reservoirs.
Both itineraries include an early morning ride
along the deserted wild Atlantic beaches.
The Alentejo Coastal Trail is a linear trail which
starts on the ocean near to Santa Andre and
heads inland through the forest clad Serra do
Cercal or vice versa. The Dolphin Trail is a
circular trail between Grandola, Santiago do
Cacem and the coast at Santa Andre. It
includes, weather permitting, a boat trip to see
the dolphin community which lives permanently
in the Sado Estuary.
You spend your nights at local guesthouses
and hotels and your luggage is moved on each
night for you.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Coastal trail rides south of Lisbon on fabulous
Lusitano horses.
Portugal - Kingdom of the Lusitano
Runs April to May
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,275
The Riding
Your horses are the beautiful and
calm Lusitano. They are well
schooled and comfortable to ride
with an enthusiastic walk and easy
collected canter. You should be a
confident rider at walk, trot and
canter. It is important to be fit
enough for the long canters in the
heat of the Portuguese sunshine.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The Alentejo is the heartland of Portugal and
the typical scenery is vast open countryside
with gently undulating plains. This ride takes
you through cork-oak plantations, fields of
wheat, vineyards and olive groves; through
eucalyptus and pine forests and meadows
bright with spring flowers.
You stay overnight in small country hotels and
very comfortable farms that have been
sensitively converted to guesthouses retaining
all their original character.
This part of the Alentejo is an important region
for horse breeding and the itinerary includes a
visit to one of the national stud farms to see
the mares and foals.
The same horses and guide run trail rides
along the coast, see page 57.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
A trail ride through the Alentejo on wonderful
Lusitanos including a visit to an Alter-Real stud.
Romania - Equus Sylvania
Runs May to October
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 5 days riding
5 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £795
The Riding
The riding is a mix of paces to suit
the terrain and is fast in places.
You need to be confident riding in
open spaces and in control at a
fast pace. You must also be
physically fit as well as riding fit
since there is a certain amount of
walking on foot to negotiate the
steeper descents.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included at set times.
The Carpathian Mountains represent the
largest area of pristine nature in Central and
Eastern Europe and riding here is an
opportunity to explore a land where people still
live much as they have done for centuries.
Nestled in the foothills just outside the small
village of Sinca Noua is Equus Silvania, an
equestrian centre which proudly combines
local traditions with Western standards.
Ride out from Equus Silvania on day rides with
saddlebag picnics. Ride along gorges and wind
your way through forests of beech and fir;
cross alpine meadows and discover remote
mountain settlements. Weather permitting
there is one extended ride into the mountains
when you camp overnight.
On your non-riding day you can experience a
little of the history of the area. Explore the
village of Viscri with its famous fortified church
and visit the medieval city of Sighisoara.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A great ride featuring fit horses, beautiful scenery,
and some fast riding.
Romania - Transylvania Trails
Runs May to October
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,303
The Riding
The riding is a mix of paces to suit
the terrain and is fast in places.
Riders should be competent in
handling a horse at speed in a
group situation and comfortable
riding over varied terrain. You must
also be physically fit as well as
riding fit since there is a certain
amount of walking on foot to
negotiate the steeper descents.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This is a perfect choice for experienced riders
in possession of an adventurous spirit.
Beginning at Equus Silvania, set off on a
200km journey to discover a land made for
riding. There is no better way to explore the
endless hills, meadows and medieval villages
of Transylvania than on horseback.
Experience some of the most rural and
untouched areas in Europe.
Receive an insight into what life is really like in
rural Romania by staying in guesthouses and
with farmers along the way.
This holiday is more challenging than the
centre-based riding from Equus Silvania (see
page 61). During the trail you are expected to
look after and tack up your horse.
Once or twice a year there is a special two
week trail which is by invitation only.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Explore some of the most untouched areas of Europe on
this 200km journey through Transylvania.
Spain - Catalan Coastal Trails
Runs February to December
Set departures
from 6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £770
The Riding
The horses are mainly Andalusian
and Spanish horses ridden in
English or Spanish tack. You
should be confident at all paces
riding a forward going and
responsive horse outdoors. The
pace is varied and there are
opportunities for long trots, canters
and gallops. Weight limit is 85kgs.
Nearest Airports
Barcleona and Girona.
Transfers included at set times.
These rides explore the real Costa Brava, a
diverse region of extraordinary natural beauty
and heritage. Medieval fishing villages dot the
wild coastline where secluded, rocky coves
sheltered by pine covered hills alternate with
long sandy beaches.
Highlights of the trips include rides through
charming unspoilt villages, long canters
through coastal wilderness and beach gallops
at the crack of dawn. All this is set against the
beautiful backdrop of the Pyrenees. You stay
overnight in carefully chosen country guesthouses, pensions and small family-run hotels.
There are two riding routes. The Dali Beach &
Coast Trail focuses on the area around Pubol,
Figueres and Cadaques and includes a visit to
Dali's home while the Mediterranean Trail has
some faster riding across the lowlands around
the river Ter.
For more relaxing rides in Catalonia with
slightly less hours in the saddle see the Costa
Brava Rides on page 67.
See for prices, itineraries, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Trail rides exploring the beautiful and ancient
region of Catalonia.
Spain - Costa Brava Rides
Open February to December
Set departures
from 6 nights / 6 days riding
2 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £568
The Riding
The horses are mainly Andalusian
and Spanish horses ridden in
English or Spanish tack. You
should be confident at all paces
riding a forward going and
responsive horse outdoors. The
pace is varied and there are
opportunities for long trots and
canters. Weight limit is 85kgs.
Nearest Airports
Barcleona and Girona.
Transfers included at set times.
These are relaxed trail rides that cover the
very easternmost part of Spain, crossing green
hilly landscapes, through medieval towns and
beside the beaches of the Mediterranean. This
is an area of natural beauty and heritage.
Highlights include riding past charming unspoilt
villages and through rice fields and vineyards.
You stay overnight in carefully chosen country
guesthouses, pensions and small family run
hotels with plenty of opportunities to sample
delicious local cuisine along the way.
There are four separate routes: The Coast &
Wine Trail, Beach & Discovery Ride, Gourmet
Coast Trail and The Pyrenees Summer Camp.
The Costa Brava Rides have slightly less
hours in the saddle, and so more time to relax
and explore in the late afternoon, than the
Catalan Coastal Trails and Pyrenean
Adventures on pages 65 and 73.
See for itineraries, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Combine great trail riding with the chance to relax
and explore fascinating Catalonia.
Spain - Los Alamos
Open all year
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £895
The Riding
The horses are mainly Andalucian
and Spanish-Arab crosses ridden
in English tack. You should be
confident at all paces riding a
forward going and responsive
horse. The pace is varied and there
are opportunities for exhilarating
canters and gallops. Weight limit
for the Andalucian horses is 83kg,
but there are one or two horses
suitable for riders up to 100kg.
Nearest Airports
Malaga and Gibraltar.
Transfers included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
In this quiet part of rural Spain you will find a
warm welcome, well trained horses and
fabulous riding. A network of soft sandy tracks
are just waiting to be cantered along and the
long golden beaches stretch on for miles. Ride
through fragrant umbrella pine and eucalyptus
forests and along ancient drovers' tracks which
wind their way through the beautiful La Breña
National Park.
After an exhilarating day in the saddle, return
to the lovely hacienda 'Jacaranda' with its
swimming pool, spacious gardens and large
comfortable lounge.
The holiday includes a visit to the world
famous riding display at the Royal Equestrian
School in Jerez.
For a combination of this ride with instruction
see the Ride and Train weeks on page 71.
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Wonderful riding combined with great hospitality
on Andalucia’s Costa de la Luz.
Spain - Ride and Train
Open all year
Set departures
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £1,050
The Riding
You should be confident at all
paces on a forward going horse.
An interest in learning about
dressage or improving your
dressage skills will help you get the
most from this ride.
Nearest Airports
Malaga and Gibraltar.
Transfers included at set times.
Andalucian horses are famed throughout the
world for their beauty, intelligence and
trainability. With a Ride and Train week you not
only have the opportunity to learn classical
dressage movements on Andalucians with
instruction from a top Doma Vaquera teacher,
but you also have a mixture of full and half day
rides from Los Alamos.
Doma Vaquera evolved from the everyday
skills required to manage cattle on horseback
on the farms of southern Spain.
Three one-hour training sessions take place at
the Corales family stud in Vejer de la Frontera.
The stud specialises in breeding and training
Andalucian horses for Doma Vaquera
competitions. For the instruction you ride
classically trained Spanish horses, some of
them stallions. Work on collected trot and
canter, leg yield, shoulder in, travers, piaffe,
passage and perhaps even Spanish walk or
half pass.
Accommodation during the week is at Los
Alamos, page 69.
See for prices and photos.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Top class instruction from Antonio Corales, who trained
with the Royal Equestrian school of Art in Jerez.
Spain - Pyrenean Adventures
Open May to November
Set departures
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £841
The Riding
The horses are mainly Andalusian
and Spanish horses ridden in
English or Spanish tack. These
mountain trails are for fit and
experienced riders. You should be
confident at all paces riding a
forward going and responsive
horse outdoors. The pace is varied
and there are opportunities for
trots, canters and gallops. Weight
limit is 85kgs.
Nearest Airports
Barcleona and Girona.
Transfers included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The Herdsmen’s Trail sets off from the riding
centre in the foothills of the Pyrenees following
centuries old paths to high summer pastures.
Along the way the scenery changes from soft
rolling hills, through beech forests, canyons
and past extinct volcanoes to flat topped
mountains. Once you reach the “top of the
world” enjoy a gallop like no other over
mountain meadows framed by a panorama of
snow capped peaks.
Transfer back to Barcelona (or Girona) at the
end of the ride or stay for another week and
follow the Bandit Trail back down the
mountains to the Costa Brava. The riding on
this second week is based on the stories of the
famous "bandolero" Joan Sala Serrallonga, the
Catalonian Robin Hood. The landscape here is
even more dramatic; eagles soar on thermals
as they search for prey and waterfalls cascade
off the edge of sheer canyon walls.
A third option, the Fresh & Saltwater Trail is
through similar mountainous country but
includes opportunities to swim most days,
sometimes with your horse.
See for itineraries, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
A selection of trail rides travelling through the
breathtaking scenery of the Pyrenees.
Spain - Sierra Nevada
Runs March to November
Set departures
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,006
The Riding
You should be competent at walk,
trot and canter outdoors, with good
riding balance. The steep terrain
dictates the pace but there are
occasional places for trots and
canters. There is a certain amount
of walking on foot and we
recommend that you are physically
fit as well as riding fit. You need to
be able to mount from the ground
and rider weight limit is 83kgs.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included at set times.
Situated south of Granada, the Sierra
Nevada is the highest mountain range in
mainland Spain. Starting from the idyllic
mountain village of Bubion, the riding trails
follow ancient Moorish drovers’ paths through
steep valleys filled with Mediterranean almond
and walnut groves up to high summer pastures
irrigated by the snow melt. En-route enjoy
picnic lunches of locally cured hams and
cheeses accompanied by freshly baked bread
and salads.
The Andalucian horses have all been expertly
schooled by your guide Dallas Love. They are
fit, surefooted and responsive with the classic
good nature of the breed, enjoying their work
and a real pleasure to ride.
There are three different itineraries, depending
on the time of year. The Alpujarra Ride during
summer months stays higher up in the
mountains. The Contraviesa Ride in spring
and autumn explores the lower valleys. The
Marquesado Ride follows some of the highest
paths in Spain at altitudes up to 3,000 metres.
See for itineraries, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A trail ride through the spectacular mountains of
southern Spain.
Sweden - Explore Winter
Runs December to March
Set departures
6 nights / 4 days riding
2 hours riding per day
Price from £1,388
The Riding
The pace is not fast and is dictated
by the weather and snow but there
are opportunities to tölt. The
Icelandic horses are small, up to
13.2hh, but strong and fun to ride.
There is a rider weight limit of 90kgs.
Nearest Airports
Transfers included.
Riding in the snow is exhilarating both on
forest tracks and on ice but this holiday is as
much about trying other winter outdoor
activities as well as riding. It is also an
opportunity to learn about the Sami culture
including ice fishing and reindeer herding. You
have Sami guides who show you how it’s
possible to not only survive but thrive in this
extreme environment.
You are likely to see reindeer and moose on
the rides and hopefully the northern lights.
When not charging around the country on dog
sleds or snow mobiles there is the wonderful
peace and calm of being in a wilderness
covered in a blanket of snow.
Your base for the week is at the horse farm.
One night is at the Ice Hotel.
See for prices, itinerary and
photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A winter riding holiday with snowmobiling, dog
sledding and a night in the famous Ice Hotel.
Sweden - Grand Nikkaluokta Trail
Runs July and August
Set departures
6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £935
The Riding
The pace is not fast and is dictated
by the terrain but there are
opportunities to tölt. The Icelandic
horses are small, up to 13.2hh, but
strong and fun to ride. There is a
rider weight limit of 90kgs.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included.
The Icelandic horse is ideal for exploring the
mountains. Despite their small size they are
hardy and have great stamina. If you have not
ridden an Icelandic horse before then this trip
is a great introduction to the breed.
As well as getting to know the Icelandic horse
you will have a real outdoor wilderness
adventure with campfires, sleeping in Sami
tents (laavu) and learning about the Sami
nomadic culture.
When riding you follow reindeer tracks through
the mountains or ride across open country.
There is a pack horse to carry the camp gear
so the pace is not fast. There is a only a small
crew so riders are expected to help out with
camp chores and to care for their horse.
See for prices, itinerary and
photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
An adventurous trail ride camping in the mountains
of northern Sweden.
Botswana - Kujwana
Open all year
Set departures
5, 7 and 10 night safaris
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,150 (5 nights)
The Riding
Since you are riding in an area of
dangerous game you need to be
an experienced rider. It is important
to be comfortable and secure in the
saddle at all paces and to be able
to stay on your horse should you
need to react quickly. The pace is
moderate to fast.
Nearest Airport
Maun. Transfers available at set
times at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
To ride in the Okavango Delta, considered to
be the Jewel of the Kalahari, is a magical
experience. Imagine yourself on equal terms
with the game, cantering with herds of
wildebeest and zebra or watching quietly as
your horse grazes while a family of giraffe
browse nearby. At night the lion’s roar
accompanies your fireside reverie and a
hippo’s watery grunt punctuates your dreams.
These highly personalised safaris, run by PJ
and Barney Bestelink, explore this astonishing
maze of papyrus lined waterways, meadows
and woodland rich in birdlife and game. When
the water is high the horses wade from island
to island but along the margins the going is
good and firm allowing the ride to move on at a
trot and canter.
A unique feature of these rides is the chance to
ride to other camps in different areas of the
concession. During a five or seven night safari
you normally stay in two camps, whilst on a ten
night safari, water levels permitting, you stay in
all three camps. From December to February
riders stay at the main camp throughout.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Luxury tented horse safari in the Okavango Delta,
headed by the renowned PJ & Barney.
Botswana - Limpopo Lodge Safari
Runs February to December
Set departures & private groups
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £2,660
The Riding
You are riding in an area of
dangerous game. Only
experienced riders and those with
a spirit of adventure should choose
these rides. These are challenging
rides which include gallops,
jumping trees (optional) dislodged
by elephants, and descending the
steep river banks.
Nearest Airport
Johannesburg.Transfers available
at set times at extra cost.
The Mashatu Game Reserve in the Tuli Block
in the southeast corner of Botswana offers
some of the most exciting game viewing in
Africa. It is particularly famous for its great
herds of elephant, currently estimated to total
over 1,200.
On the Limpopo Lodge Safari you ride one of
the exceptional safari horses schooled by
Louise Carelsen of Limpopo Valley Horse
Safaris. You should choose this safari if you
want a mobile safari in this area with more
comfortable accommodation. You stay at three
different lodges (each with a swimming pool), a
farmhouse and the semi-permanent camp at
Two Mashatus (see p 93).
Ride out early in the mornings and in the
afternoons game drives and bush walks are
organised for some close up viewings of the
game of Mashatu. Non-riders are welcome and
each morning may have game drives, guided
walks or bush cycle rides to see the reserve
from a different perspective.
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A mobile horse safari staying at Two Mashatus camp
and family-owned lodges on the Mashatu Reserve.
Botswana - Macatoo
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,695 (7 nights)
The Riding
Since you are riding in an area of
dangerous game you must be a fit
and experienced rider.
It is important to be comfortable
and secure in the saddle at speed
and to be able to stay on your
horse should you need to react
quickly. The pace can be fast and
challenging at times.
Nearest Airport
Maun. Transfers available at set
times at extra cost.
Fed by seasonal rains, the Okavango river fans
out into the Kalahari desert to create the world’s
largest inland delta, supporting a diverse
profusion of plant and animal life. The Delta is a
mosaic of palm islands, grassy flood plains,
mopane forest and streams. In this magical
landscape, seated high above the long grass
and reeds, riders see giraffe, elephant, buffalo,
many species of antelope and even lion.
The riding is varied, sometimes quietly walking,
stalking big game and admiring the bird life;
sometimes galloping through the watermeadows alongside giraffe and lechwe.
Each day riders
return to
luxurious main
camp, complete
with refreshing
plunge pool.
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Fast and fun riding in the Okavango Delta, the
ultimate riding playground.
Botswana - Makgadikgadi Pans
Open all year
Set departures
5 nights / 4 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,871
The Riding
Elephant and lion are occasional
visitors to the Makgadikgadi. In
addition the pace is varied with
extended fast canters so you need
to be an experienced rider, secure
in the saddle at all paces.
Nearest Airport
Maun. Transfers available at set
times at extra cost.
This fabulous ride offers the chance to interact
with habituated meerkats, view the reclusive
brown hyaena and spend a morning learning
bushcraft from Kalahari Bushmen. On top of
this there are opportunities for long, loping
canters across the wide open grasslands and
faster canters across the salt-encrusted pans.
During the wet season (November to April) you
may encounter the herds of zebra and wildebeest on their migration across the Kalahari
while during the dry season (June to September)
the rides venture far into the pans where the
landscape seems more like the Moon than
anything you might encounter on Earth.
Rides start and finish at Camp Kalahari and
include two nights camping on the vast open
plains of the pans.
Although close to the Okavango Delta the
Makgadikgadi Pans experience is very different
to any of the riding safaris in the wetlands so
this ride provides a real contrast and combines
well with Macatoo, Kujwana or Motswiri camps.
See for itinerary, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Play host to an inquisitve meerkat and ride the
desolate wilderness of Africa’s largest salt pans.
Botswana - Motswiri Camp
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,310 (7 nights)
The Riding
Riders need to be experienced,
confident and able to control a
horse in a big game area. You
need to be able to keep up with the
group, rise to the trot and be
capable of riding at all paces. You
may be required to gallop out of
trouble so the riding is definitely not
suitable for nervous riders.
Children of any age are welcome
at camp but to ride they must be
aged 12 or over and good riders.
Nearest Airport
Maun. Transfers available at set
times at extra cost.
Located to the north east of the Okavango
Delta this riding camp offers riding in a
completely different area to exisiting safaris.
The camp setting on the edge of the Selinda
Spillway is inspired as it promises a wide
diversity of habitats to explore. To the west and
north are the open flood plains that typify the
Okavango Delta but to the east there are
contrasting riverine forests. Wildlife is plentiful
and varied with herds of elephant, a wide range
of antelope, lion, zebra, cheetah and wild dog.
A great deal of care has been taken not only in
the siting of the camp but within the camp
itself. Each tent has its own veranda
overlooking the spillway where elephants
regularly come to bathe and drink.
Taking a maximum of just ten guests at a time
ensures a personal and tailored experience.
The guides are equally adept at guiding
walking safaris as well as riding so this is an
ideal safari for groups or families where there
is a mix of riders and non-riders.
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Horseback safari in the world famous Selinda
reserve on the fringes of the Okavango Delta
Botswana - Tuli Trail
Runs April to October
Set departures & private groups
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £2,310
The Riding
You are riding in an area of
dangerous game. Only
experienced riders and those with
a spirit of adventure should choose
these rides. These are challenging
rides which may include gallops,
jumping trees (optional) dislodged
by elephants, and descending the
steep river banks.
Nearest Airport
Johannesburg.Transfers available
at set times, extra cost.
There is little to match the adventure of the Tuli
Trail, a mobile safari covering 120 miles of the
Mashatu Reserve. The area is known as "the
Land of the Giants" not only for the many
elephants but also the baobab studded plains.
It is also home to a wide variety of wildlife
species including lion, cheetah, leopard,
African wild dog and a multitude of plains
game like zebra, wildebeest and giraffe.
Your first and last nights are spent in Two
Mashatus camp (see p 93) and each night
your safari tents are moved to different
wilderness camps. A highlight for many is
spending a night or two under the stars in an
old tribal court called the Kgotla.
Each morning you rise early and ride out at
first light arriving at the new camp for lunch. In
the afternoon relax in camp and later explore
the area on a game drive or bush walk.
The horses are well schooled, versatile and
athletic; a pleasure to ride.
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A mobile horseback safari through the Mashatu
Reserve, renowned for large herds of elephant.
Botswana - Two Mashatus
Runs March to November
Set departures & private groups
7 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,205
The Riding
You are riding in an area of
dangerous game. Only
experienced riders and those with
a spirit of adventure should choose
these rides. These are challenging
rides which may include gallops,
jumping trees (optional) dislodged
by elephants, and descending the
steep river banks.
Nearest Airport
Johannesburg.Transfers available
at set times, extra cost.
This is one of three different horse safaris
offered by Limpopo Valley Horse Safaris in the
Mashatu Game Reserve, famous for its
elephant population but also home to a wide
variety of other mammals, birds and reptiles.
The centre-based safaris from Two Mashatus
semi-permanent camp are normally scheduled
for the summer months of February, March and
November but can also be arranged for private
groups at any time. Summer is a lovely time to
be in Botswana. The bush is in full bloom,
there is water in the water holes and
sometimes the river too, the young animals are
finding their feet and all the animals are
relaxed and well fed.
The riding schedule varies but usually includes
an early morning ride, when the game is more
active, and sometimes also a late afternoon
ride. There is the opportunity to try different
horses if you wish. During your stay you also
have the chance to go on a game drive.
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Enjoy a week of safari riding from
Two Mashatus camp.
Kenya - Amboseli Mobile Safari
Runs Dec-Apr and Jun-Oct
Set departures & private groups
7 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £3,259
The Riding
Since you are riding in an area of
dangerous game you need to be
an experienced rider. It is important
to be comfortable and secure in the
saddle at all paces, fit for long
hours of riding on some days and
to be able to stay on your horse
should you need to react quickly.
There may also be some optional
jumping for those with confidence.
Nearest Airport
Nairobi.Transfers available
at extra cost.
This exhilarating and often fast-paced safari
starts on a private game conservancy to the
south-west of Amboseli National Park, and
traverses 120 miles of wilderness en route to
the Chyulu Hills. Amboseli is famous for its
proximity to Mount Kilimanjaro and for the
large breeding herds of elephant that visit the
Park. Many other large mammals can be seen,
including buffalo, hippo, plains game and
predators such as lion and hyena.
The terrain around Amboseli is flat and sandy,
so this safari provides ample opportunity for
fast riding across open spaces with big game,
as well as a few long days in the saddle. The
ride ends in the Chyulu Hills, a picturesque
landscape of volcanic hills and woodland that
is in stark contrast to Amboseli.
While on safari your tented camp is supported
by a friendly crew of chefs, waiters and grooms
to ensure your comfort. Though the focus is on
riding, day and night game drives, and bush
walks are on offer. You may also like to stay on
at Ol Donyo Lodge (see p 105) after the safari.
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The variety of game you are likely to see on this ride
through Amboseli is equal to anywhere in Kenya.
Kenya - Borana
Open all year except November
Arrive / depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,649 (7 nights)
The Riding
There is a good selection of horses
to suit a wide range of riding
abilities, including children. Guest
numbers are small and the guides
will tailor the riding to suit
everyone. There is plenty of fast
and exhilarating riding for
experienced riders.
Nearest Airport
Nairobi.Transfers available
at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Ride over the 35,000 acre ranch and see a
wide diversity of wildlife while staying in a
fabulous lodge. On morning and afternoon
rides explore the length and breadth of the
ranch and experience the excitement of
viewing game from horseback.
Lion, elephant, buffalo and herds of antelope
roam the plains while the cooler forest areas
shelter bushbuck, colobus monkey and leopard.
If you wish to take a break from riding, then
you might opt for a game drive or a guided
bush walk. Or simply relax by the pool and
pamper yourself with a massage or beauty
treatment. Borana is an ideal holiday for mixed
groups of riders and non-riders.
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
A luxury lodge-based safari in the foothills of Mount
Kenya, adjoining the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy.
Kenya - Chyulu Hills Safari
Runs Dec-Apr and Jun-Oct
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,648
The Riding
The horses are highly schooled,
accustomed to the wildlife and
terrain and are a pleasure to ride.
To join these safaris you should be
a competent rider, fit and secure in
the saddle. Due to the coarse
volcanic sand and open terrain,
there is plenty of faster riding and
jumping (jumping is always
optional) interspersed with quiet
meandering amongst the wildlife.
Nearest Airport
Nairobi.Transfers available
at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This safari is aimed at riders who want to
explore an exclusive corner of southern Kenya,
rich in variety and experience.
Lead guide, Patrick Stanton, is a great
horseman and inspiring guide but what makes
the Chyulu Safari unique is the breadth of
landscapes and diversity of wildlife. Mount
Kilimanjaro provides the backdrop as the ride
progresses through savannah dotted with
plains game, into thick acacia woodland, along
dry river beds and up into volcanic hills topped
with pockets of mist forest. Each ecosystem
you ride through is the habitat of different
wildlife, birds and plants. There are 38 species
of large mammal in this area, including some
of the largest tusked-elephants left in Africa.
The tented camps are very comfortable, with
wrought iron twin or double beds, fine linen,
en-suite bathrooms, a central dining tent and a
high standard of food and drinks.
You may wish to add on a few days at Ol
Donyo Lodge (see p 105) either before or after
your mobile safari. See for
prices, itinerary, trip reviews and photo
A mobile tented safari in the shadow
of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Kenya - Maasai Mara with Offbeat
Runs Jan-Mar and Jun-Oct
Set departures & private groups
from 7 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £3,550
The Riding
You should be an experienced
rider, fit and secure in the saddle at
all paces. Much of the riding is at a
walk due to the terrain, but there
are also fast gallops.
Tailor-made itineraries will go at a
pace to suit the group; however,
since you are riding in an area of
dangerous game these safaris are
not suitable for novice riders.
Nearest Airport
Nairobi.Transfers available
at extra cost.
Tristan and Lucinda Voorspuy have organised
horse safaris from their base at Deloraine
since 1990. They are active polo players and
some of their best polo ponies go on safari.
These safaris are mobile tented safaris in the
Maasai Mara, one of the most outstanding
game reserves in the world and home to large
concentrations of wildlife. An exciting time to
ride in the Mara is during the annual
migration, one of the most impressive natural
events in the world. Between June and
October immense herds of wildebeest,
Thomson's gazelle and zebra migrate along
their annual, circular route followed by
predators, such as lion and hyaena. To
witness the Mara plains filled with these
animals is an unforgettable experience.
Longer ten night safaris include two nights at
Offbeat also run riding safaris in Laikipia in the
centre of the country and Amboseli which lies
to the south east of the Mara.
See for prices, itineraries, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This is the safari to choose if you relish the
opportunity to ride fast with large herds of game.
Kenya - Maasai Mara with Safaris Unlimited
Runs Jan-Feb and Jun-Sep
Set departures & private groups
from 6 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £3,504
The Riding
Due to the abundance of game and
pace of riding, these safaris are not
suitable for novice or nervous
riders. The pace is varied, you will
often be at a walk especially when
among the herds of plains game,
but there are opportunities to
canter and riders must be confident
at all paces.
Nearest Airport
Nairobi.Transfers available
at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The Maasai Mara is perhaps the most
outstanding game reserve in the world. As well
as vast herds of zebra and wildebeest there
are topi, gazelles, giraffe and the giants of
Africa - the elephant.
These safaris are guided by Gordie Church, a
third generation Kenyan and son of Tony
Church who pioneered long distance riding
safaris in Kenya in the 1970's. Meandering
across the wide grassy plains and onto the
escarpments you can ride for a hundred miles
without seeing a single fencepost.
Gordie has a genuine and natural
understanding of the indigenous Maasai and
their environment. His safaris involve close
interaction with local tribesmen as well as
thrilling encounters with the wildlife that
migrate through the Maasai Mara.
See for prices, itinerary, route
map and photo gallery.
A horseback adventure through the Maasai Mara
accompanied by one of Kenya’s legendary guides.
Kenya - Ol Donyo Lodge
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,081 (7 nights)
The Riding
There is a wide selection of wellschooled, athletic and fun to ride
horses. The horses suit
intermediate to experienced riders,
including children. Rider numbers
are small and the guides will
individually tailor the riding.
Nearest Airport
Nairobi.Transfers available
at extra cost.
Ol Donyo Lodge is the perfect choice for
anyone looking to combine riding in Africa with
luxury accommodation and a wide range of
activities to suit non-riders.
Situated in the Chyulu Hills of Southern Kenya,
Ol Donyo Lodge offers adventure, relaxation
and privacy in abundance.
The riding pace and terrain is varied, see
Chyulu Hills Safari page 99 for description of
the landscape and wildlife in this area. Anyone
not wishing to ride can enjoy day/night game
drives, walking, mountain biking, swimming,
massage, day trips to Amboseli National Park
or to Maasai villages and schools. Each guest
at the lodge has a personal daily itinerary
designed to suit them, with as much or as little
riding as they would like.
It is possible to combine a stay at Ol Donyo
Lodge with either a Chyulu Hills (p 99) or
Amboseli Safari (p 95) or extend your stay
relaxing on the beautiful Kenyan Coast (p 254).
See for prices, itinerary, route
map and photo gallery.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A truly luxurious lodge in a spectacular setting.
Mozambique - Tropical Sands
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
7 nights / 6 days riding
2 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,818
The Riding
You should be comfortable at all
paces and able to control your
horse in the open. You will
probably get wet when riding along
the beach and it may be possible
to unsaddle the horses and swim
with them. There is a rider weight
limit of 85kgs.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This riding holiday is in keeping with the casual
holiday feel of the area. You ride along
deserted beaches, along rugged cliffs, through
uninhabited bush and past countless inland
lakes. Riding on horseback provides an
exhilarating and marvellous way of
experiencing the beautiful scenery.
You can be based at either Vilanculos on the
mainland or on Benguerra Island. With a
mixture of half day and all day rides your
itinerary has plenty of free time for other
excursions. Many visitors combine the riding
with fishing, diving or just soaking up the
African sun.
See for prices, a suggested
itinerary and photo galleries.
A very relaxing riding holiday over tropical beaches
with white sand, palm trees and azure waters.
Namibia - Across the Namib
Runs April to October
Set departures
10 nights / 9 days riding
3 - 10 hours riding per day
Price from £3,250
The Riding
You should be a fit and
experienced rider. The pace
depends upon the terrain and
temperatures but there are many
long fast trots, canters and gallops.
There is a rider weight limit of 92kgs
with a surcharge for
riders over 85kgs.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included at set times.
This famous ride is a 400km adventure which
takes you through some of the most remote
and spectacular parts of Namibia. The
expedition starts near to Windhoek and from
here passes through gentle undulating hills
and mountain escarpments out onto rocky
desert and finally to Swakopmund and the
sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast.
Luggage is transported by truck and a simple
camp is set up each evening. Tents are
provided, although a highlight for many is the
opportunity to sleep out under the spectacular
stars of the African sky.
The horses are strong and fit. You are
responsible for grooming and tacking up your
horse throughout the expedition and you will
continually marvel at their willingness and
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
An expedition on horseback across the desert from
Windhoek to Swakopmund on the coast.
Namibia - Damaraland/Skeleton Coast
Runs April to June
Set departures
10 nights / 8 days riding
6 - 8 hours riding per day
Price from £3,500
The Riding
You should be a fit and
experienced rider. The pace
depends upon the terrain and
temperatures but there are many
long fast trots, canters and gallops.
There is a rider weight limit of 92kgs
with a surcharge for
riders over 85kgs.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
More a test of endurance than a riding holiday
this trail takes in some of the most inaccessible
parts of Namibia; vast open spaces, granite
outcrops, gorges, craters and remnants from
prehistoric times.
Damaraland supports populations of elephant,
black rhino and plains game which have
developed special characteristics to enable
them to survive in this harsh arid landscape.
Travelling west you reach the Skeleton Coast
known for its numerous shipwrecks, the result
of dense fogs which commonly form here and
hazardous offshore rocks.
Be prepared for simple camping, sleeping in
small dome tents or out in the open under a
clear African sky.
See for itinerary, trip reviews,
route maps and photo galleries.
An expedition across an iconic area of Africa, home
to some unique desert adapted wildlife.
Namibia - Desert Homestead
Open February to November
Arrive/depart any day
3 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,603 (7 nights)
The Riding
The riding is tailored to the
experience of the riders. Novice
riders will have shorter walking
rides. Fit and experienced riders
can enjoy miles of long canters
across the desert landscape.
Nearest Airport
Transfers available at extra cost.
The Namib-Naukluft Desert Park is one of the
largest game parks in Africa, covering almost
50,000 sq km. It is also home to some of the
rarest and most unusual plant and animal
species in the world.
From Desert Homestead explore this unique
and magical landscape on horseback,
cantering across endless open plains, over
high sand dunes or following ancient water
courses. The itinerary is very flexible. Some
days you may ride, on others opt to visit the
world’s highest sand dunes at Sossusvlei
standing at around 300 feet high, or explore
Sesriem Canyon and the Naukluft mountains
by vehicle. The horses are mainly Boerperds,
well schooled with lovely paces.
Accommodation is in comfortable thatched ensuite chalets. You can also choose to spend
nights out at a simple tented camp in the
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A lodge based ride exploring the dramatic wind
sculpted landscapes of the Namib Desert.
Namibia - Endurance Rides
Runs February to October
Set departures
7 nights / 5 days riding
2 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,316
The Riding
You should be a confident rider
capable of handling a responsive
forward going horse in open
country across varied terrain. The
pace includes walk, trot, canter and
faster riding on tracks and dried up
rivers beds. Rider weight limit is
90kgs (14 stone).
Nearest Airport
Transfers available at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Your guides Ingeborg and Sacha are advanced
level endurance riders and regularly compete
the Okapuka Arabians at endurance races
throughout Namibia. Join them and compete at
an official endurance ride. The race distance
you enter will depend on whether you have
competed at endurance before, your fitness
level and the local conditions. It can range
from 30kms up to 75kms. You will be
accompanied throughout the ride by either
Ingeborg herself or one of her staff who will set
the riding pace to help guide you.
To prepare for the endurance event you have
three days training at Okapuka (see p 117) to
become accustomed to your horse, the pace of
riding and have time to learn about the horse
vetting process. You will also be able to
explore the game reserve on safari rides.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
An opportunity to compete on a fit Arabian horse in
an endurance ride in Namibia.
Namibia - Okapuka
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,722 (7 nights)
The Riding
You should be a confident rider
capable of handling a responsive
forward going horse in open
country across varied terrain. The
pace includes walk, trot, canter and
faster riding on tracks and dried up
river beds. Children who are
experienced riders may be
accepted on private rides. Rider
weight limit is 90kgs (14 stone).
Nearest Airport
Transfers available at extra cost.
Explore one of the best private game reserves
in Namibia. Game is plentiful with animals
including white rhino, zebra, giraffe, baboon
and many species of antelope. There are also
leopard, although they are very elusive and
seldom seen.
The riding trails traverse an area of more than
85,000 acres of savannah and mountains.
Ride along open sandy tracks and dried-up
river beds, fantastic for faster riding. Another
day climb high into the mountains for
spectacular views over the plains below. All the
horses are purebred Arabians, super fit and
responsive. Many compete to a high level at
endurance rides within Namibia. It is possible
to combine a riding safari at Okapuka with
competing at an endurance ride (see p 115).
There are also usually options to do some
cattle work during a stay at Okapuka.
Accommodation is at Okapuka lodge in
spacious en-suite rooms. Non riders are
welcome and have game drives and walks in
the reserve.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A lodge based riding safari near Windhoek on
endurance trained Arabian horses.
South Africa - Ant’s Lodges
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,456 (7 nights)
The Riding
The length and pace of rides is
tailored to suit ability and
experience. The well-schooled
horses range from Thoroughbreds
and Arabs to Boerperd crosses.
There are also steady ponies for
children. Even those who have
booked as non-riders may be
encouraged to ride at least once
during their stay since one of the
best ways to get close to game is
on horseback.
Nearest Airport
available at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Ant and Tessa Baber have perfected the art of
the luxurious and personal safari. Activities are
tailored to suit each person and non-riders are
welcome. Both Lodges are beautiful and set in
their own private game reserve surrounded by
a diversity of game including rhino, buffalo and
the iconic sable.
For families or groups with non-riders there is
a range of activities including guided bush
walks, vehicle game drives and mountain
biking. Groups are typically limited to a
maximum of six riders and different abilities are
not mixed on the same ride.
The horses live out so the game are not
nervous when riders come close, allowing for a
unique opportunity to observe them in their
natural habitat. Equally thrilling
are fast canters on long sandy
tracks when the giraffes may just
join in!
See for prices,
trip reviews and photo galleries.
Luxurious lodges on their own private game
reserves offering a very personal experience.
South Africa/Botswana - Big Five Combination
Runs February - November
Set departures
8 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £2,360
The Riding
This is a challenging ride which
may include gallops, jumping
(optional) and negotiating steep
river banks. In addition, you are
riding in areas of dangerous game.
This ride is therefore only suitable
for experienced riders with a
spirit of adventure.
Nearest Airport
available at extra cost.
All riders on this safari are now required to wear hard hats.
Tel: 01299 272 997
On this riding adventure in search of the Big
Five, the combination of responsive, well-loved
horses and the magic of riding with game in
stunning wilderness areas makes for an
unforgettable experience.
Your safari starts at Dinaka (page 127) in the
heart of the Waterberg mountains, a UNESCO
Biosphere Reserve and one of the last true
wilderness areas of South Africa. Species to be
seen include rhino, buffalo, giraffe, ostrich,
zebra, brown hyaena, hippo and plains game.
The second half of your safari takes you to the
riverine terrain and the mopane bushveld of
the Tuli Block (page 91). The area is famous
for its elephant, but you should also see eland,
impala, giraffe, hyaena and hopefully also
leopard, lion and perhaps cheetah and wild dog.
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews, photo galleries, latest ride reports and
ideas for add-ons to your ride.
A two centre safari combining the Waterberg in
South Africa with the Tuli Block in Botswana.
South Africa - Blakeney
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
3 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £945 (7 nights)
The Riding
The horses are well trained,
forward going Boerperd crosses.
Riding is suitable for all abilities
and tailored for each safari. The
pace is dictated by the terrain and
the group’s level of riding
experience. For experienced riders
there are opportunities for long
trots and canters.
Nearest Airport
available at extra cost.
Your base is the beautifully renovated farm
house, Blakeney, set in a gorge on the banks
of the Tambotie river. The surrounding private
reserve lies on the edge of the Waterberg
Biosphere. Tracks weave through the Bushveld
of the mountains down to the more open
Sweetveld where the nutritious grasses and
acacia thorn attract a range of wildlife including
giraffe, zebra, kudu, waterbuck and many other
species of antelope. Canters and trots
alternate with slower rides when you encounter
wildlife or where the bush is thicker.
The number of guests is limited to six. Your
guide Corne is extremely knowledgeable. He
and his wife Pam have many years of
experience and together they provide a very
personal yet professional safari with great
attention to detail.
A real treat is to spend a night or two out in the
bush with Corne and his horses. The support
team travel ahead to set up a simple yet elegant
fly camp with beds under mosquito nets, a
camp fire and a table for dinner under the stars.
See for itinerary and photo
Tel: 01299 272 997
Enjoy your own little bit of Africa on these small
group personal safaris.
South Africa - Horizon
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £980 (7 nights)
The Riding
Horizon is suitable for novice to
experienced riders. There is a wide
selection of horses to suit all
abilities. The pace of rides is varied
to suit the rider with plenty of
challenging riding for the
experienced rider.
Nearest Airport
available at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Our rides at Horizon are some of our most
popular. The horses and riding are great, the
climate is good all year round and you receive
a welcome and hospitality second to none.
Horizon is based on Triple B ranch in the
Waterberg. You have a variety of riding options
to choose from which include polocrosse,
western games and hacking out along sandy
tracks and through the bush.
The daily activities are organised to suit
everyone and all abilities are catered for, so
this makes for a wonderful riding holiday whatever your level.
See for prices, trip reviews,
magazine feature and photo galleries.
One of our most fun and returned to rides, with
excellent horses, variety and flexibility.
South Africa - Horizon Safari at Dinaka
Open February to December
Set departures & private groups
4 nights / 3 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,080
The Riding
You must be a confident and
competent rider at all paces. The
pace is varied with walking for
game viewing and over uneven
terrain, with faster riding along
sandy tracks. Riders should be
confident and secure in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
available at extra cost.
Situated at the base of the Waterberg
escarpment, Dinaka’s views are mountainous
but its environment consists mainly of fertile
plains. Riders have the opportunity to view
larger herds of game than would normally
occur in Southern Africa's bushveld areas and
it is not uncommon to see groups numbering
hundreds of individuals.
Dinaka provides a truly magical game
experience and there may be opportunities to
canter with some of the game if the right
conditions prevail. There are also long sandy
tracks, perfect for faster riding.
You stay in a stone and thatch hunting lodge,
set high on a ridge overlooking a picturesque
hippo-filled lake, with spectacular views across
the plains.
Dinaka combines well with a few days at
Horizon (page 125).
Visit for prices, itinerary,
reviews, features and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Classic African lodge based safari with outstanding
game viewing across open plains.
South Africa - Moolmanshoek
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
5 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £938 (7 nights)
The Riding
To make the most of the riding at
Moolmanshoek you should be a fit
and competent rider, confident at
all paces. However, less
experienced riders can be
accommodated on shorter rides
from the lodge.
Nearest Airport
available at extra cost.
Situated in the shadow of the Witteberg
Mountains near the border with Lesotho this
game reserve and conservation area has been
converted from farmland and is now home to a
wide variety of wildlife and over 230 bird
species. But it’s the horses that are the real
highlight at Moolmanshoek. They are some of
the best you are likely to come across on a
riding holiday. In total there are over 300
horses at two studs based at the farm, one
Boerperd and the other Arabian endurance.
The breeding programme over the past 15
years has produced some of South Africa’s top
endurance horses. Enjoy long canters, either
on the plains amongst the wildlife or on tracks
climbing into the mountains. You also ride
through the herds of young horses which are
raised wild on the mountain sides, resulting in
characteristic sure footedness.
For non-riders there is some great hiking, game
drives, excellent offroad tracks through
mountain passes and flyfishing. There is also
the option to observe meerkats up close in the
company of the lodge’s resident meerkat expert.
Tel: 01299 272 997
See for itinerary, trip reviews,
route maps and photo galleries.
Ride top level endurance horses through some of
the most scenic parts of South Africa.
South Africa - Surf and Turf
Runs September to May
Set departures
8 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,080
The Riding
You must be a confident and
competent rider at all paces. The
pace is varied with walking for
game viewing and over uneven
terrain and rocks, with faster riding
along the beaches and sandy
tracks. All riders should be
confident and secure in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
East London.
Transfers available at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This holiday combines riding on some of South
Africa’s most spectacular beaches with the
magic of riding with game in a stunning
wilderness area.
The Wild Coast (p 135) is famous for its
rugged, unspoilt beaches, rolling hills of tribal
lands and impressive cliff top vistas. Well off
the regular tourist route, rural African village life
goes on much as it has done for centuries.
The lodge at Dinaka (p 127) is on a private
game reserve in the heart of the Waterberg
Mountains in a UNESCO biosphere reserve,
one of the last true wilderness areas of South
Africa. On this fertile plain you will see large
herds of plains game that would not normally
occur in southern Africa's bushveld areas.
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews, photo galleries and ideas for add-ons
to your ride.
A two centre ride combining the untamed beaches
of the Wild Coast with a reserve in the Waterberg.
South Africa - Wait A Little
Open all year
Set departures & private groups
Arrive Saturday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,520
The Riding
This is a challenging ride. You must
be an experienced and fit rider
comfortable at all paces. You are
riding in an area of dangerous
game and it is important that you
are secure on your horse. There
are some long canters on the
sandy tracks with the possibility of
jumping. You should be riding fit for
up to six hours in the saddle.
Nearest Airports
Hoedspruit or Phalaborwa.
Transfers available at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Based on large private game reserves near to
Kruger National Park, this safari offers
excellent potential to see the Big Five elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo. The
rivers that run through the reserves are the
lifeline of the region, supporting an impressive
array of wildlife.
Your guide Philip Kusseler leads an exciting
and, where the terrain permits, fast safari.
The itinerary is usually split into morning and
late afternoon rides to avoid the heat of
midday. The horses are beautifully schooled,
brave and responsive to ride. On safari you
stay four nights at a luxury tented camp, two
nights at Phiva Lodge and one night in a
simple bush camp.
Between June and September it is possible to
dedicate a week to improving your riding skills
as well as experiencing some exciting game
viewing on a 'Fit for Safari' week. On other
dates throughout the year there are safaris of
up to nine nights into the Makalali Reserve
with the highlight of staying three nights at
Garonga Safari Camp.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
A safari on two private game reserves with the
chance to see the Big Five from horseback.
South Africa - Wild Coast
Open all year
Set departures & private groups
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,455
The Riding
You should be comfortable at walk,
trot and canter. There are
opportunities for some long trots
and canters on the beaches and
grassy tracks.
Novice riders (who are able to trot
and canter) and children may also
be accepted on private rides.
Nearest Airport
East London.
Transfers available at extra cost.
This has to be the most spectacular beach ride
in the world. Ride along mile after mile of
deserted sandy beaches along the crashing
surf of the Wild Coast.
Most itineraries start at Endalweni, a private
reserve overlooking the Kei River Valley. Here
you ride and explore the reserve in search of
giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, impala and many
other antelope species. Later ride to the beach
and cross the Kei River to the Transkei to find
a world of rolling green hills where rural African
village life goes on much as it has done for
centuries. At night you stay in simple beach
hotels, by day you ride along this spectacular
coastline, sometimes cantering along the
water’s edge, at other times meandering along
the hills overlooking the ocean.
If you like the idea of this ride then also look at
the Surf and Turf (page 131) which combines
four nights on the Wild Coast with a four night
horseback safari in the Waterberg at Dinaka.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A trail ride along some of the most dramatic
coastline and unspoilt beaches in South Africa.
South Africa - Wildlife and Winelands
Open all year
Set departures
8 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,280
The Riding
You must be a confident and
competent rider at all paces. The
pace is varied with walking for
game viewing and canters along
the sandy tracks and through the
vineyards. All riders should be
confident and secure in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Johannesburg, Cape Town
Transfers available at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The first part of the ride takes place on Dinaka,
one of the Waterberg’s pioneering and most
impressive wildlife reserves. See page 127 for
a description of the riding and wildlife at
The second part takes you through the
winelands of the Western Cape around Paarl
where rugged mountains form a dramatic
backdrop to lush vineyards and gabled Cape
Dutch homesteads. With its magnificent natural
beauty, rich cultural heritage and worldrenowned wines, the winelands is synonymous
with all the best that the Cape has to offer.
Combining the pleasure of riding great horses
with wine tastings, fine cuisine and luxurious
spa treatments makes for an unforgettable
See for itinerary, trip reviews,
route maps and photo galleries.
A combination of game viewing on horseback with
a ride through the vineyards of the Western Cape.
Tanzania - Singita Grumeti Safari
Open May-Oct and Dec-Mar
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £3,941 (4 nights)
The Riding
You should be a confident and fit
rider, capable of controlling a horse
at all paces over variable terrain.
The riding pace is moderate with
the opportunity for faster paced
canters in places. The horses are
mainly Thoroughbreds and
Boerperds and there is a choice of
English, Western or South African
trail saddles.
Nearest Airports
Arusha, Nairobi or Kilimanjaro.
Transfers available at extra cost.
The Singita Grumeti Reserve offers an
unparalleled horseback safari teeming with
magnificent wildlife encounters on the western
corridor of the Serengeti. On this vast private
concession you stay in exclusive luxury lodges
ideally positioned on the epic migratory route
traversed annually by two million wildebeest.
The first night is at Singita Sasakwa Lodge
offering pure luxury, where exquisite views of
the Serengeti dominate every setting.
From Sasakawa you ride on to Singita Faru
Faru Lodge. Here, open-style suites, each with
an outdoor shower or bath, allow you to view
game without even leaving your suite, and a
Swahili-inspired 'beach'
offers the opportunity for
pure rest and relaxation.
This is an ideal safari for
non-riders who can enjoy
game drives morning and
afternoon, meeting up with the riders for lunch.
See for prices, itinerary and
photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Ride with the herds of wildebeest and zebra as they
move between the Serengeti and the Mara.
Tunisia - Oasis to Oasis
Open October to May
Arrive Saturday
8 nights / 6 days riding
5 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,238
The Riding
You should be a fit and
experienced rider since much of
the ride is at a fast pace and you
are riding forward going horses.
There are also times when you
need to dismount and lead your
horse over rough mountainous
terrain. It is not suitable for
nervous riders.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included.
Ride across wild wind blown desert landscapes
to welcoming oasis towns which appear on the
horizon. These include the mountain oasis
towns of Chebika, Tamerza and Mides and the
desert oasis towns of Tozeur and Nefta.
The horses are Arabian/Barb crosses and you
will be impressed at their overall fitness and
stamina for both the sand and mountainous
terrain. One can only marvel at their ability to
withstand the daytime heat of the desert and
the extreme cold of the night.
You walk where the terrain is soft sand, stony
or full of marmot holes but each day there are
opportunities for fast canters and gallops over
flat salt pans or dried up river beds.
If you like the idea of this fast desert ride then
you may also enjoy Across the Namib on page
109 or Wyoming on page 161.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, route map and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
One of our fastest trail rides with plenty of opportunities
for fast canters and gallops across the desert.
A resort ranch near Tucson, ideal for
families, with plenty of activities besides riding.
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
1 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £1,061 (7 nights)
The Riding
Lessons in Western riding are
available for all levels. Beginners
and novice riders will ride at a
walk. More experienced riders can
join the lope rides. Children aged
between four and eleven have their
own kids’ club with a
riding programme.
Nearest Airport
Tucson. Transfers included
at set times.
Tanque Verde is one of the top resort ranches
in America. Activities include horse riding,
mountain biking, hiking, tennis, fishing,
swimming and La Sonora spa.
Located in the rolling foothills of the Rincon
Mountains the ranch has over 200 horses. The
riding trails explore the rugged and unique
Sonoran desert with towering cacti all around.
There are morning or afternoon rides plus
some day rides and breakfast rides. Private
rides, at extra cost, and team penning are also
available. Western lessons are offered in the
afternoon. There are 74 fully air conditioned
spacious rooms each with beautiful desert
views. The ranch has a well deserved
reputation for delicious food and a varied menu.
Tanque Verde combines well with a visit to
Monument Valley, the Grand Canyon and Las
Vegas (see p 261).
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Arizona - Tanque Verde Ranch
Ride superbly fit endurance horses along the coastline,
beaches and Redwood forests of northern California.
Runs April to September
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,528
The Riding
You should be a competent and
confident rider. There are plenty of
opportunities for long trots and
canters on logging tracks through
the Redwood forests and on the
long sandy beaches.
Children are welcome as part of
private groups.
Nearest Airport
San Francisco.
Self drive to start of ride.
Owner and manager Lari Shea has competed
extensively in endurance for many years.
Her horses include such breeds as AkhalTeke, Arabians, Appaloosa and Quarter
Horses and many have won high placings at
endurance races.
On a set departure week, there are an average
of twelve riders making for a highly sociable
affair. On most days the group is split
according to experience level with riders taking
shorter or longer routes and meeting up a few
miles further on.
Ride on miles of sandy beaches; on coastal
headlands with the waves crashing on the
shore way in the distance; and twist and turn
through the huge Redwood forests.
You stay all week in beautiful Mendocino and
travel out each day to meet your horses which
are transported separately to the trail head.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
California - Redwood Coast
A working ranch just south of Calgary in the
foothills of Alberta’s Rocky Mountains.
Open May to October
Arrive Sunday
6 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £960
The Riding
The ranch can take all levels of
riding ability. The gentle pace of the
riding is set by the terrain and
respect for the horses. Children
over twelve years old are welcome.
Nearest Airport
Calgary. Transfers available
at extra cost.
Established in 1881, Lucasia Ranch is a 4,000
acre family owned and run working ranch. Join
the cowboys as they ride around the ranch,
checking over the 600 head of cattle and the
breeding horses.
The ranch has a herd of over 80 horses, many
of them homebred. A stay during the branding
week or one of the cattle drives will give you
an insight into the modern rancher's life and
offer more challenging riding.
The ranch accommodates an average of six to
eight guests.
We can arrange for you to combine your ranch
stay with a visit to the Calgary Stampede in
July, or to visit Banff or Lake Louise high in the
Rockies or to journey by train through to
Vancouver (see page 260).
See for prices, details of the
accommodation, trip reviews and photo
Tel: 01299 272 997
Canada - Lucasia Ranch
Explore the mountain peaks and alpine meadows of
the Coast Mountains of British Columbia.
Open June to October
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,479
The Riding
The riding is Western style and
suitable for riders confident at walk,
trot and canter. There are some
long hours in the saddle so you
need to be reasonably fit. Pace is
dictated by the terrain which is very
mountainous so much is at a walk,
particularly on the pack trips;
however there are trots and
canters where the ground permits.
Nearest Airport
Vancouver. Transfers
included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tsylos lies in the British Columbia wilderness
at the northern end of Lake Chilko. Chilko is
one of Canada’s largest lakes and is also one
of its most beautiful; surrounded by a
panorama of jagged, snow-capped peaks with
the dissolved minerals giving the water a vivid
aquamarine colour.
This is a remote and isolated place where
logging and ranching take second place to
nature, yet it takes just an hour to travel the
180 miles from Vancouver by light aircraft.
Riders can either base themselves at the main
lodge and explore the hidden valleys,
waterfalls and roaring creeks of the Coast
Range or join a pack trip to venture further into
the mountains where glaciers, wildlife and
alpine lakes offer endless photo opportunities.
Accommodation at the lodge is in comfortable
ensuite cabins or rooms; whilst on the trips
everything is carried by pack horses and you
stay in simple two man dome tents, or, on mild
summer nights, sleep out under the stars.
See for prices, details of the
accommodation, trip reviews and photo
Canada - Tsylos
A working ranch where you can learn from real
cowboys, skills such as roping and cutting cattle.
Open May to October
Arrive/depart any day
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,491 (7 nights)
The Riding
Beginners will start on steady
horses and as their experience and
confidence grows may move onto
more challenging horses. There
are lots of hours in the saddle and
you will need to take responsibility
for yourself when riding in a group
of other riders.
Nearest Airport
Denver. Transfers available at set
times at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Colorado Cattle Company in the north-east of
the state is an authentic working ranch which
is now organised to take guests and teach the
skills of the cowboy. No matter what your riding
experience they can take you from raw
beginner to roping from horseback in a week!
Rise early to work with the cowboys as every
horse is checked and fed. After breakfast the
job to be done will depend on the time of year.
In spring the ranch will be busy with branding
and moving pairs to summer pastures. From
July to September you might be moving cattle,
gathering bulls, checking water, salt and
fences, as well as looking for strays and
driving them back where they belong. In
autumn there are several cattle drives a week
as cattle are shipped to winter feedyards.
Throughout the year the afternoons are an
opportunity to learn the correct way to handle a
rope from a horse and how to read and work
cattle. Even cowboys deserve some time off so
the roping and cattle work only takes place
during the week; at weekends visitors can join
trail rides over the ranch.
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Colorado - Cattle Company
A working cattle ranch in a remote setting between
the Castle and Crazy mountains in central Montana.
Open June to September
Arrive Sunday
6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,157
The Riding
All riders must be comfortable in
the saddle, able to control a horse
and ride at a trot. On the Advanced
Rider weeks you must be able to
safely gallop in open country.
Experienced Rider weeks are for
those who know how to ride and
are comfortable at a canter in open
country but prefer a more leisurely,
scenic ride. Children eight years or
over are welcome on certain
weeks, see web site for dates.
Nearest Airport
Bozeman. Transfers available at
set times at extra cost.
This is big sky country with beautiful open
scenery and high wooded valleys. Bonanza
Creek is owned and run by the Voldseth family
who have been ranching here for over 100 years.
The ranch is suited to guests who prefer to ride
every day. The ranch horses are well schooled,
responsive and enjoy their work. Explore the
wonderful Montana landscape on horseback,
taking in breathtaking views across meadows,
wooded mountainsides and past sparkling
lakes. Rides are split according to ability and
Western lessons are available. There are
morning and afternoon rides, cattle herding
and team penning plus wagon rides and
evening cook outs. In June and late August/
September, the ranch accepts Adults only.
Accommodation, for an average of 10 guests,
is in very comfortable log cabins and guests
eat together in the main lodge.
A stay at the ranch combines well with a visit
to Yellowstone National Park (see page 262) or
Glacier National Park.
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Montana - Bonanza Creek Ranch
A family owned and run guest ranch with the
emphasis on natural horsemanship.
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £840 (7 nights)
The Riding
There are horses to suit all riding
abilities. The pace is varied from
walk on the steeper slopes to a
faster pace on the open spaces.
Western riding instruction is
available. Children from the age of
six years can learn to ride in the
corral and go on trail rides if capable.
Nearest Airports
Helena and Great Falls. Transfers
included from Helena or at
additional cost from Great Falls.
The ranch has over fifty horses, all much loved
and well mannered. Most are trained using
Parelli Natural Horsemanship techniques.
You are encouraged to be involved in
grooming and saddling your horse and the
wranglers will show you the Western reining
and Parelli approach.
The itinerary is flexible with a mixture of half day
and all day rides. Explore the beautiful Montana
valleys, or ride up into the Rocky Mountains,
where on a clear day there are views of up to
250 miles. Try your hand at moving cattle, barrel
racing and roping. Non riding activities include
archery, fishing and hiking. Massage treatments
can also be arranged.
Accommodation is in one of eight spacious ensuite rooms at the ranch. Stay for two weeks
and use the ranch as a base to explore the
local area. In July and August there are a
number of local rodeos nearby.
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Montana - Rocking Z Ranch
A wonderfully remote ranch in its own valley at the
base of the Crazy Mountains.
Open June to September
Arrive Sunday
7 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,103
The Riding
The ranch has over forty horses to
suit all kinds of riding experience.
The pace is set by the terrain
which ranges from high alpine
meadows to the foothills and out
into the lower rolling country of the
winter ranch. There is a choice of
long all-day rides, as well as
morning and afternoon rides.
Nearest Airport
Billings. Transfers available at set
times at extra cost.
Guests at Sweet Grass are welcome to take as
active a part as they like in all aspects of ranch
life. There is cattle work on most weeks,
moving cows between pastures. In June the
land is lush and green and the meadows are
literally blue with forget-me-nots. July is time to
drive the cattle to the higher mountain summer
grazing. In August there are long all day rides
into the high mountains and in September the
cattle need bringing back to their winter
When you are not riding there is good fishing
in the creek, ponds and lakes around the
ranch. Trout fishing in the rivers fed by the
snow-melt from the mountains is especially
good. You can swim in the creek or try out
some of the many hiking trails. There is no TV
and there are no organised activities other than
Accommodation ranges from rooms in the
main ranch house to traditional log cabins.
Many of the cabins have their own fireplace or
wood burning stove.
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Montana - Sweet Grass Ranch
Work alongside the cowboys as they undertake
their daily tasks.
Open April to October
Arrive/depart any week day
variable hours riding per day
Price from £975 (8 nights)
The Riding
You should be confident at all
paces, able to look after yourself
and keep up with the ranchers. The
pace of riding varies with the
terrain and the type of work. Not
suitable for children under 16 years.
Nearest Airport
Rapid City. Transfers
available at extra cost.
The Fortune family work cattle in much the
same way as their grandfathers did with
horse, rope and neighbour helping neighbour.
The ranch runs a herd of Black Angus on
10,000 acres of South Dakota Badlands and
prairie. This is a homestay experience and
just one or two guests at a time are taken in
as part of Charlie’s family, living and working
alongside Charlie and his father Bob.
The ranch calendar is dictated by the seasons
and also very much influenced by the
weather. May, June and late August to early
October will see the most action. You should
be prepared to get up early and ride from first
light if necessary. Sometimes you trailer the
horses to help on a neighbouring ranch and
on some days there may be no riding, if there
are other jobs to be done.
Try to make time to stay on and visit Mount
Rushmore, the Black Hills and the Badlands
National Park, where bison still roam free.
See for prices, trip reviews
and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
South Dakota - Fortune Ranch
Challenging rides in the foothills of the
Big Horn Mountains.
Runs May to July
Set departures
7 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,309
The Riding
You should be a fit and
experienced rider, confident to
canter and gallop in a group of
horses over rough terrain. You are
also expected to brush and saddle
your own horse. You ride Western
style with a loose rein at all times.
These rides are demanding in
terms of distance, pace and terrain
and are not for the timid or
inexperienced rider.
Nearest Airports
Worland and Cody.Transfers
included from Worland or at
additional cost from Cody.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Your guide, Belinda Daugherty, is full of
knowledge of the area and will lead you on
a fast, fun ride through this rough and
rugged land. Be prepared to lope through
knee-deep sagebrush and gallop through
grassy meadows.
Belinda has different itineraries running from
late May to early July. Each ride has a
different theme, but all include challenging
riding over a variety of terrain; from open
hilly sagebrush covered Badlands, to giant
red cliffs and deep limestone canyons. The
views are unsurpassed and the wildlife
abundant. You are likely to see antelope,
coyotes, eagles and sage grouse.
The rides are limited to seven guests, which
provides a very personal riding experience.
During the week you will either work with
local ranchers “gentling” colts, move cattle,
or horses or visit the local rodeo. Most of
the rides have two or three nights camping.
See for prices, detailed
itineraries, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Wyoming - Renegade Rides
Traverse the Andes from northern Argentine
Patagonia to the Chilean Lake District.
Argentina/Chile - Across the Andes
The Riding
You should be an experienced rider
fit enough to canter for extended
periods over uneven ground and to
spend long hours in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Bariloche. Transfers included
at set times.
This is a mythical journey, a ride with a real
purpose - to cross one of the world's greatest
mountain ranges on horseback.
The expedition sets off from Estancia
Huechahue near Junin de los Andes in
Argentina and ends at Puente Barras in
Chile. What makes this ride particularly
fascinating is the very noticeable change in
the flora and fauna as you ride from the dry
wide-open landscape of Argentine Patagonia
to the lush green temperate rain forests of
Chile. Riding on the Argentine side is fast
across the open pampa, whilst on the
Chilean side the pace is steadier.
Due to the remote location the camping each
night is fairly basic but you are made as
comfortable as possible.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs November to March
Set departures & private groups
9 nights / 8 days riding
5 - 9 hours riding per day
Price from £3,163
A fascinating adventure in the steppes of Argentina
and the Valdivian forests in Chile.
Runs November to February
Set departures & private groups
13 nights / 11 days riding
3 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £2,977
The Riding
You should be a confident rider
and in control at all paces. The
terrain is challenging so much of
the ride is at a walk. You should
be fit to cope with the number of
hours in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Bariloche. Transfers
included at set times.
The route of this Andean adventure starts near
the popular ski town of Bariloche in Argentina
journeying south and west to finish at Puerto
Varas in Chile. During the first half of the ride
to the Chilean border you ford rivers and climb
high mountain passes with panoramic views as
you ascend ever higher into the Andes. Early
settlers came to this area to find gold; others to
establish estancias and you get a feeling for
how tough their life must have been.
Leaving behind the Argentine Criollo horses,
the border crossing into Chile is by boat across
the vivid blue Lago Puelo.
Meeting fresh horses on the Chilean side, the
landscape becomes much greener and the
forests more dense. There are some exciting
river crossings where the riders travel by boat
and the horses swim. The ride continues for
six days in Chile as far as Tagua-Tagua Lake,
famous for its floating islands of vegetation.
Accommodation on the Argentinian side is a
combination of camping and guest houses
while in Chile you stay in farmhouses that take
in guests as well as on the remote island of
Las Bandurrias.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Argentina/Chile - Grande Traversee
An expedition trail ride in the Andes.
Argentina - Frontier Ride
The Riding
The horses are mountain bred
Argentine Criollo ridden Western
style. Criollos are famed for their
stamina and surefootedness, the
perfect horse for long rides through
demanding terrain. The pace is not
fast as you travel with pack mules
but you need to be a fit and
balanced rider, confident tackling
steep ascents and descents.
Nearest Airport
Mendoza. Transfers
included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Your guide Daniel Videla is a descendent of
the original Spanish settlers who have been
ranching in Mendoza for six generations.
From the family farm at Puesto Videla, Daniel
leads the ride up to the border with Chile,
following the same route taken by great
historical figures including Charles Darwin and
General San Martin, the liberator of Chile.
Eventually you reach a height of 4,200 metres.
This is pure wilderness. The reward for long
days in the saddle is the most spectacular
mountain scenery. A land of glaciers and
volcanoes, alpine lakes and primal forest.
Overnight camping on the trail is basic with
comforts limited to a campfire, a warm sleeping
bag and a few bottles of the local wine for
which Mendoza is famous.
See for itinerary, trip reviews,
route maps and photo galleries.
Runs January to March
Set departures & private groups
8 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 8 hours riding per day
Price from £2,600
A lovely estancia with great hosts, fabulous horses
and the chance to play a few polo chukkas.
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,617 (7 nights)
The Riding
Riding on the estancia is suitable
for novice to experienced riders.
With a herd of over 80 well loved
riding horses there is something
for everyone. Experienced riders
may enjoy riding the Paso
Peruanos which have a fifth
gait; a running walk.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included.
This 6,000 acre working cattle estancia and
stud farm, dating back to 1574, lies in the
Sierras Chicas, a beautiful area north of
Cordoba. Guests are welcomed by the Begg
family who have lived on the estancia for four
generations. The beautifully restored
farmhouse is steeped in family history with
many references to the Jesuits who first
organised farming in the area.
Each day on the estancia is different; canter
along rugged hills covered in 'paja brava'; take
a dip in natural rock pools; visit local churches
on horseback; help the gauchos round up the
young horses; during the summer take an
overnight trip north into the sierras; watch the
horse-trainer at work; try your hand at lassoing
or polo.
There are specific polo weeks throughout the
year for those who want a more intense polo
experience. Another option is a trail ride
through the Sierras starting and ending at Los
See for prices, trip reviews,
articles and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Argentina - Estancia Los Potreros
A trail through Patagonia from estancia to estancia.
Long days in the saddle and some fast riding.
Argentina - Pioneer Trail
The Riding
The riding on The Pioneers trail
can be fast and exciting and you
should be competent at all paces
and a confident rider.
Nearest Airport
Bariloche. Transfers included
at set times.
The Pioneer trail ride starts and ends at
Estancia Huechahue near the historic
settlement of San Martin de los Andes on the
edge of Lanin National Park. The route takes
you across the open rolling grasslands of the
Andean foothills.
The early settlers to this remote area arrived
as recently as the early 1900s. They were welleducated, well travelled and worldly in their
outlook; pioneers and adventurers who came
from Europe looking for space to create new
homes and enterprises for their families.
At the end of a long day in the saddle you stay
in some beautiful and historic accommodation
and meet some of the descendents of these
early pioneers who still live on these huge
estancias in the shelter of the trees their
ancestors planted.
Instead of the trail ride you can choose a
centre based ride, staying at Estancia
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Open October to February
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,181
Canter along palm fringed beaches with turquoise
sea glistening beside you.
Brazil - Bahia Beach Ride
The Riding
You should be a competent rider,
capable at all paces and used to
riding in open spaces. The horses
are well mannered, forward going,
sure footed and very obedient. You
ride at walk, jog (sitting trot)
and canter.
Nearest Airport
Porto Seguro.
transfers included.
Brazil is best known for its beaches, the
excitement of Carnival and the vibrant city of
Rio de Janeiro. But when Brazilians
themselves go on holiday, they head for the
golden sands and sparkling seas of Bahia.
With its warm climate and natural beauty,
Bahia makes for the perfect exotic getaway.
The ride begins and ends at Pousada do
Outeiro, a lovely hotel situated atop cliffs with
stunning beaches below. Ride to the
captivating village of Trancoso, one of the
earliest settlements founded by the Portuguese
in Brazil. Colourful guesthouses line the wide
main street and at night the trees are lit by
hundreds of lanterns. Stay at the remote and
pretty village of Caraiva. Only a dozen or so
shops and restaurants line the sand streets,
but if you want to see the village from a
different perspective, then hire one of the taxicabs which are pulled by donkeys.
Consider combining this ride with one of our
other exciting rides in Brazil or for other
suggestions see page 265.
See for prices, itinerary and
photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Open March to November
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,873
This trip has some of the most spectacular scenery
of any riding holiday anywhere in the world.
Brazil - Canyons and Waterfalls
The Riding
You should be confident on a
horse at all paces. The pace is
varied to include walk, jog (sitting
trot) and canter. This trail might
not be enjoyable if you are very
afraid of heights.
Nearest Airport
Porto Alegre.
Transfers included.
A journey on horseback in the state of Rio
Grande do Sul in southern Brazil, staying at
comfortable mountain lodges along the way.
You ride on a high plateau through quite
amazing scenery of open pasture which is
suddenly interrupted by canyons up to 900m
deep. From the edge of the escarpment you
can see for miles. The land is crisscrossed
with rivers which sometimes create sparkling
rapids and then disappear off the cliffs in
dramatic waterfalls.
You ride on fine Brazilian Criollo horses which
are forward going and fit. This is the land of
the gaucho who will greet you in the morning
with their "chimarrão", a gourd of hot maté tea.
The ride would combine well with the Bahia
Beach Ride (p 173) or the Pantanal
Experience (p 181).
See for prices, detailed
itinerary and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
March to November
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,274
Journey through the coffee growing highlands
staying at historic plantation houses along the way.
Brazil - Coffee Trail
The Riding
You ride at walk, canter and
“travelling pace” which being
similar to a Western jog, is very
comfortable. Private groups of
mixed ability may be accepted.
Centre based rides, with instruction
if desired, are also possible.
Nearest Airport
Sao Paulo.
Transfers included.
Ride through one of the main coffee growing
regions of Brazil in the northeast of Sao Paulo
state. Visit and stay at some of the historic
plantation homes, ride through rolling
meadows, along woodland paths and splash
through clear streams.
There are still areas of the state that have not
given way to coffee growing. In these pockets
of land the Atlantic rainforest still remains and
here you can find the Jequitiba tree. A giant of
the forest, this species can grow to over 40
metres tall and three metres in diameter.
The horses are bred and trained at Fazenda
Nova from where the ride begins. They are
mainly Arab and Mangalarga crosses. Some are
pacers, some are trotters, but all are very
comfortable, well mannered and easy to handle.
Since most international flights to Brazil are to
Sao Paulo, there are plenty of options for
extensions after this ride (see p 265 for ideas)
or to combine with one of the other Brazilian
Visit for prices, detailed
itinerary and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs January to November
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 5 days riding
5 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,282
Marvel at the bird and plant life of the rainforests
visited by Charles Darwin.
Brazil - Darwin’s Trail
The Riding
You ride at walk, canter and
“travelling pace” which being
similar to a Western jog, is very
comfortable. There are some steep
ascents and descents with narrow
Nearest Airport
Rio de Janeiro.
Transfers included.
Rio de Janeiro State has some of the best
preserved parts of the Atlantic Rainforest in
Brazil. In 1832 this Atlantic Rainforest
overwhelmed Charles Darwin with its beauty
and biological diversity. Ride through these
exuberant forests of ancient trees and see a
little of what enchanted the young Darwin.
Birdwatchers will discover an enormous variety
of birds; the rainforest is also rich in reptiles,
amphibians and butterflies. The vegetation is
thick, lush and fantastic. Many trees are thick
with epiphytes and there is an enormous
variety of orchids and bromeliads.
During the week you ride a well trained
Mangalarga Marchador horse on narrow tracks
through the rainforest, over pastures, crossing
rivers and following winding mountain trails.
You will most likely wish to extend your holiday
by staying a couple of nights in glorious Rio de
Janeiro. See pages 265 for ideas.
Visit for prices, detailed
itinerary and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs May and September
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,698
Ride through Brazil's unique wetlands, famous for
their animals and birdlife.
Brazil - Pantanal Experience
The Riding
For the two centre ride you should
be confident at walk, trot and
canter and open to a different way
of riding. Due to the terrain and the
cowboy culture of slow riding when
working cattle, much of the riding is
at a walk with occasional canters.
There are also centre based
versions of this trip suitable for
families, beginners
and novice riders.
Nearest Airport
Campo Grande.
Transfers included.
The Pantanal is a low lying plain which floods
annually to create the largest wetlands of the
Americas; an area the size of Portugal. The
land is mainly privately owned fazendas (cattle
ranches) with the culture of the cowboy
dominating this frontier land.
Cattle are still worked and moved in the
traditional way so horses and mules are
indispensable partners to the Pantaneiro
(Pantanal cowboy). You are likely to take part
in some cattle work on the fazendas and
experience a little of their gritty lifestyle.
The Pantanal is most famous for its rich variety
of flora and exuberant fauna. Be amazed by
exotic birds such as the fabulous hyacinth
macaw and huge tuiuiú (jabiru stork); fish for
piranha and look for the capybara. Catch a
glimpse of the feathery tail of a giant anteater
or see the sandy coloured back of an armadillo
disappear down a hole.
Combines well with other rides in Brazil or a
visit to nearby Bonito (see p 265).
Visit for prices, detailed
itinerary and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs March to October
Set departures & private groups
6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,615
Centre-based ride in Chilean Patagonia on the
banks of Last Hope Sound.
Chile - Bories House
The Riding
The riding is for all levels and
tailored to match individual
ability/experience. The horses are
a mixture of pure-bred Chilean
Criollo's and cross breeds which
are extremely good natured and
willing. Longer trail rides of 7 or 11
nights which journey towards
Torres del Paine are also available
for competent riders.
Nearest Airport
Punta Arenas. Transfers included
from Puerto Natales.
Tel: 01299 272 997
If time is short but you still wish to experience
riding in southern Chile then consider a stay at
Bories House.
Bories House is a newly refurbished house just
5kms outside Puerto Natales within sight of the
spectacular scenery of Bernardo O'Higgins
National Park. From this comfortable base you
can ride out each day on their well-loved
horses or take a transfer to the nearby Torres
del Paine national park to explore the area on
This is a great option for mixed groups of
riders and non-riders as there are plenty of
activities on offer, for example take a boat trip
to the Serrano and Balmaceda Glaciers, go
kayaking on the Serrano river or hike in the
national park. Each itinerary is personally
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Runs October to March
Arrive/Depart any day
from 4 nights / 3 days riding
2 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £879
A trail ride through Torres del Paine
camping in often remote locations.
Chile - Glacier View
The Riding
You should be a competent rider, fit
and confident riding outdoors. The
horses are willing and forward
going Chilean Criollos and Criollo
crosses. There are opportunities
for fast riding where the terrain
permits with slower riding in the
steeper sections.
Nearest Airport
Punta Arenas. Transfers
included from hotels in Punta
This ride in and around the Torres del Paine
National Park in southern Chile is in some of
the world's most spectacular scenery. The
Glacier View ride is suited to those who enjoy
camping and the outdoors and who will feel
privileged to enjoy a glass of wine in some of
the most beautiful campsites on earth.
The ride follows a similar itinerary to Torres
Vista (p 189) except that you have the
opportunity to ride to Glacier Dickson, one of
the rarely visited glaciers in the Park due to
its remoteness.
The campsites have been chosen with care
and all are different. Some are official
campsites in the Park whilst others are
wilderness sites with no facilities.
For ideas on extending your holiday in Chile
see the suggestions on pages 263 and 266.
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs November to March
Set departures & private groups
10 nights / 7 days riding
6 - 8 hours riding per day
Price from £2,121
Trail ride through the remote Puelo Valley of the
Chilean Lake District.
Open November to March
Set departures & private groups
7 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,985
The Riding
Riders need to be balanced and in
control at all paces. The riding is
technical in places with steep
ascents and descents which limit
the pace. The Criollo horses are
sure-footed for this mountainous
terrain yet still keen to canter when
you reach open meadow.
Nearest Airport
Puerto Montt.
Transfers included from hotels in
Puerto Montt or Puerto Varas.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This trail ride follows the Puelo River as it
twists through this remote valley south of
Puerto Montt. The slopes of the Andes are
covered with dense forest and the trails carve
their way through this unspoilt landscape - the
people who live here still rely on horses for
transport and as there are few roads your
belongings are carried by packhorse. Snowcapped mountain peaks reflect in the crystal
clear lakes and the glacial rivers are a startling
blue. During the week you cross these rivers
many times, both on horseback and by boat
with the horses swimming alongside.
The Puelo Valley ends at Lago Inferior and
Lago Puelo where you cross the border to
Argentina by boat and are transferred by road
to Bariloche. From there you can either
continue your holiday in Argentina or return
across the Andes to Chile.
See for itinerary, trip reviews,
route maps and photo galleries.
Chile - Lake District
A trail ride through Torres del Paine
staying in estancias and guesthouses.
Chile - Torres Vista
The Riding
You should be a competent rider, fit
and confident riding outdoors. The
horses are willing and forward
going Chilean Criollos and Criollo
crosses. There are opportunities
for fast riding where the terrain
permits with slower riding in the
steeper sections.
Nearest Airport
Punta Arenas. Transfers
included from hotels in Punta
The ride takes a circular route through the
Torres del Paine National Park in the extreme
south of Chile, where you experience towering
peaks, glacial rivers, azure lakes and huge
glaciers. With slow riding on the mountain
paths and fast riding across the open pampas,
each turn of the trail affords a more
breathtaking vista than the last.
Weather permitting, you should see the
impressive Torres from both the south and
north side of the massif.
Accommodation in the estancias is comfortable
and welcoming. All have been chosen for their
beautiful locations and unsurpassable views.
At the end of the season guests are welcome
to join a special horse moving ride.
The Glacier View (see p 185) follows a similar
route but is under canvas.
Visit for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs November to March
Set departures
10 nights / 8 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,631
Explore the coastal rainforest, mangroves and
Pacific coast of Costa Rica.
Costa Rica - Rainforest Adventure
The Riding
The horses are the deceptively
sturdy Criollo, ranging from 14hh to
15hh. You should be open to a new
style of riding and be confident on
a horse at all paces. The pace is
varied to include walk, jog (sitting
trot) and canter. We can
accommodate more novice riders
in a private group.
Nearest Airport
San Jose.
Transfers included.
Explore the coastal rainforest, mango
plantations, lowland mangroves and the Pacific
coast of Costa Rica. From horseback you will
discover an exhilarating diversity of flora and
fauna, contrasting landscapes, beautiful vistas
and plenty of local culture.
Guests stay at Cerro Lodge, close to the
Carara National Park and one of the main
refuges for the scarlet macaw. Ride out from
nearby Maravilla, which is located on a
hacienda encompassing over 1,500 acres.
Explore routes that were once the Spanish
“Conquistador” trails into the inner part of a
then unknown land - the true backcountry of
Costa Rica.
You are accompanied by a professional guide
who will help you identify the birdlife and
wildlife such as parakeets, scarlet macaws,
toucans, monkeys, coatimundis, iguanas and
anteaters. A number of exciting non riding trips
are possible such as a crocodile boat safari,
ocean kayaking and canopy trail for a unique
opportunity to view birdlife in the tree tops.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
7 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £1,057
A trail ride taking in three distinctly different areas
of the country.
Costa Rica - Riding Odyssey
The Riding
Your horses are the study Criollo,
ranging from 14hh to 15hh. You will
find them eager, strong and
amazingly sure footed. You should
be open to a new style of riding,
confident on a horse at all paces
and fit enough to ride for long hours
in the heat.
Nearest Airport
San Jose.
Transfers included.
With its varied terrain, intriguing wildlife and
diverse landscapes, Costa Rica is an ideal
country to explore on horseback. The Riding
Odyssey allows you to see the highlights of
this magical place.
Ride two sets of horses and transfer by vehicle
between three key regions. Begin your
adventure at the rustic Maravilla hacienda, with
rides through the lush coastal rainforest, deep
velvety green mango plantations and along
winding mountain trails. Next, spend time
exploring Arenal and its majestic volcano and
nearby, visit a thermal spa to relax in the hot
springs. Finish the ride by discovering the
rolling pastures and grasslands of Guanacaste.
Extend your stay with a visit to the lush
rainforest and secluded beaches of Manuel
Antonio, or relax on the wide, white sandy
beaches of Tamarindo.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, articles and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs all year
Set departures
9 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,329
A ride between Ecuador´s historic haciendas among
the snow-capped peaks of the Andes.
Ecuador - Colonial Haciendas
The Riding
You should be a competent and
confident rider in control of your
horse at all paces in open and
difficult terrain and also prepared to
ride on steep slopes. The ride is at
high altitude and so it is important
that you have good overall physical
fitness as well as riding fitness for
the long hours in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Quito. Transfers included. We
recommend you arrive two days
prior to the ride in order to
adjust to the altitude.
Ride along ancient Inca highways and
Spanish colonial routes in two stunningly
beautiful, yet very distinct areas of the
Ecuadorian highlands. Nights are spent in
historic haciendas, homes of the noblest
Ecuadorian families and dating back to the
17th and 18th centuries.
Begin the week riding between the patchwork
fields of the green valleys of the northern
highlands. On the fifth day make a short
journey by vehicle through the stunning
scenery of the 'Avenue of Volcanoes'. Meet
fresh horses and ride south into very different
scenery. Continue towards the perfect conical
shape of the Cotopaxi Volcano and ride up into
the gently undulating grasslands, across the
Cotopaxi foothills and into the pine and
eucalyptus forests. End the ride galloping
across the arid plains below the snow-capped
Cotopaxi peak.
A trip to Ecuador would not be complete
without visiting the Galapagos Islands, see
page 267 for cruise options.
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs June to February
Set departures & private groups
7 nights / 7 days riding
5 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,881
A challenging route encompassing varied terrain
with faster paced riding across the arid plains.
Runs June to February
Set departures & private groups
7 nights / 7 days riding
5 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,319
The Riding
You should be a competent and
confident rider in control of your
horse at all paces in open and
difficult terrain and also prepared to
ride on steep slopes. The ride is at
high altitude and so it is important
that you have good overall physical
fitness as well as riding fitness for
the long hours in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Quito. Transfers included. We
recommend you arrive two days
prior to the ride in order to
adjust to the altitude.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Explore the spectacular and colourful
landscape of the high Andes and ride in the
wild open foothills and seldom visited plains at
the base of Cotopaxi. The seven days of riding
will at times involve some tricky terrain and
long days in the saddle. Ride across a
landscape shaped by lava flows and dotted
with rocks catapulted out from the eruptions of
the volcano.
You stay in a mixture of comfortable
haciendas and farmhouses; some are built of
adobe with thatched roofs, others contain
original Inca stone. The trail takes you along
old Inca routes and past tiny fields farmed by
the ladies in their brightly coloured pleated
skirts and traditional hats.
Besides the Galapagos Islands (see p 267),
other good extensions are visits to the Amazon
basin or the Mindo Cloud Forest.
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Ecuador - Cotapaxi Adventure
A challenging route encompassing very varied
terrain with faster paced riding across the plains.
Ecuador - Volcanoes and Vistas
The Riding
You should be a competent and
confident rider in control of your
horse at all paces in open and
difficult terrain and also prepared to
ride on steep slopes. The ride is at
high altitude and so it is important
that you have good overall physical
fitness as well as riding fitness for
the long hours in the saddle.
Nearest Airport
Quito. Transfers included. We
recommend you arrive two days
prior to the ride in order to
adjust to the altitude.
This exciting ten night journey begins in the
verdant valleys of the Andes, where you ride
close to the glacier-topped Cayambe Volcano.
Wind your way through the Zuleta Valley, past
pre-Inca pyramids and into the San Pablo
Valley, with views of the lake and the jagged
peaks beyond.
Continue on to the foothills of Antisana, prime
condor country and with superb views across
the ridges and valleys to Quito. Here you will
find Jesuit haciendas, cobbled roads, rocky
outcrops and wetlands.
The ride then continues on to the Cotopaxi
National Park, where you ride across vast
grasslands below the snow-capped Cotopaxi
Volcano. Experience breathtaking wild
highlands and seldom-visited open plains high
in the Andes.
Nights are spent in a wonderful mixture of
historic haciendas, working farms, inns and
remote farmhouses.
See for itinerary, trip reviews,
route maps and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs June to February
Set departures & private groups
10 nights / 10 days riding
4 - 8 hours riding per day
Price from £1,874
Explore the fabulous scenery of the Sierra Madre
Mountains on high quality horses.
Mexico - Cabalgatas La Sierra
The Riding
The horses are Trakehner,
crosses and Mexican Criollos
ranging from 15hh to 17hh.
You should be a confident and fit
rider, able to control a horse at all
paces in the open. There is also a
Relaxed Ride with fewer hours in
the saddle, suitable for less
experienced or less fit riders.
Nearest Airport
Mexico City. Transfers
included at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Ride through pine forests, rolling meadows and
sugar cane fields; explore fragrant wooded
valleys with panoramic views of the Sierra
Madre Mountains. Your base in this beautiful
part of central Mexico is Finca Enyhe, a
hacienda style house set in gardens with a
swimming pool.
Our signature trail is the Classic Ride which
follows a circular route around the Valle de
Bravo lake. At the end of each day's ride the
horses stay out on the trail and you are
transferred back to the comfort of Finca Enyhe.
Between November and mid-March, a highlight
is a visit to the Monarch Butterfly sanctuary, to
where millions of butterflies migrate from
eastern Canada. They survive the winter by
clinging to the fir trees.
See for prices, itineraries, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Runs October to June
Set departures
7 nights / 6 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,268
An adventurous ride taking in the highlights of this
colourful country.
Peru - Peruvian Odyssey
The Riding
You should be a competent and
experienced rider, capable of riding
a forward-going horse and happy
to try out a new way of riding. This
is a tough ride for pioneering souls
only as there is difficult terrain to
cross and some challenging riding.
Nearest Airport
Arequipa. Transfers included
at set times.
You first visit Arequipa, known as the city of
eternal spring due to its dry sunny climate.
There follows three days of adventurous
riding through the unforgiving terrain of the
desert to the shores of the Pacific.
After a rest day to recover from your exertions
the adventure continues with a two day ride
following coastal trails and negotiating steep
sandy gorges. Then take a spectacular flight
over the Andes to the vibrant city of Cusco.
Spend the afternoon exploring the delights of
this historic city before travelling on to the
Sacred Valley. Next day you take the train
from Ollantaytambo to spend a day amid the
wonderful ruins of Machu Picchu.
Accommodation is varied, with two nights of
basic camping, rustic cabins on the coast,
one night in a hacienda and the remainder in
hotels with private bathrooms.
Consider extending your holiday in Peru by
visiting the Amazon Basin, Colca Canyon or
Lake Titicaca (see p 268).
Visit for prices, detailed
itinerary and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs November to March
Set departures & private groups
10 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,431
A ride through breathtaking landscapes on
beautifully trained Peruvian Pasos.
Peru - The Sacred Valley Ride
The Riding
You should be a competent and
experienced rider, capable to ride a
forward-going horse and happy to
try out a new way of riding. There
are some steep slopes to negotiate
and you should be fit enough to
hike at high altitudes. The pace is
dictated by the terrain and altitude;
much of it at a walk or the fabulous
paso llano, a four beat lateral gait.
Nearest Airport
Cusco. Transfers included
at set times.
Our ride in the Sacred Valley is at the heart of
the Andes between Cusco and Machu Picchu.
This is one of Peru's most beautiful and
atmospheric landscapes. The scenery is
dramatic with snow-capped mountains, deep
blue lagoons and spectacular flora and fauna.
Ride through villages and across farmland
where the people you meet will have a smile
on their face. And so will you - the beautiful
Peruvian Paso horses can keep up the "paso
llano" for hours on end and you will be
astounded at how quickly you cover the ground
without ever cantering.
The itinerary allows time to explore Cusco and
to visit Ollantaytambo's impressive Inca ruins
and the extraordinary Machu Picchu. During
the trail you stay in comfortable hotels except
for one night under canvas (weather permitting).
Consider extending your holiday in Peru by
visiting the Peruvian Amazon or Lake Titicaca
(see pp 268). See also the Peruvian Odyssey,
page 203).
See for prices, detailed
itinerary, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs April to October
Set departures & private groups
10 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £2,810
Ride through stunning coastal scenery in one of the
least known countries in South America.
Runs October to April
Set departures
7 nights / 7 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,785
The Riding
You should be a strong
intermediate or experienced rider
happy at all paces including gallop
and fit enough for up to six hours
riding a day. There are
opportunities for faster riding on the
grassy pastures and firm beaches.
Nearest Airport
Montevideo. Transfers
included at set times.
This ride takes place in the province of Rocha
and crosses the Banados del Este Biosphere
reserve, a UNESCO site. It is a unique place
with a diverse landscape perfect for riding.
Within a relatively small area you find
wetlands, hills, native forest, palm groves,
sandy and rocky beaches, rivers, coastal
lagoons, savannahs and some of the largest
expanses of inland water in South America.
The horses are the local Uruguayan Criollo
breed and Criollo crosses which are ideally
suited to the terrain. The Criollo is a strong
horse with an excellent walk and good
character. There will normally be three
changes of horses during the ride as you move
onto different estancias.
Centre based itineraries, staying at Estancia El
Charabon, can also be arranged for parties of
two or more.
This ride combines well with a few days at one
of the numerous beach resorts at Punte del
Este or for more riding continue to Los
Potreros in Argentina (see p 169).
Tel: 01299 272 997
Visit for prices, itinerary and
photo galleries.
Uruguay - Coastal Estancias
A ride through Rajasthan combined with sightseeing in the
famous golden triangle, Delhi-Jaipur-Agra.
India - Fairs and Festivals
The Riding
The Marwari horses are spirited
and forward going. You should be a
competent rider, confident on a
horse in the open at all paces.
There are some long stretches of
canter and you need to be able to
keep your distance.
Nearest Airport
Delhi. Transfers included
at set times.
The Fairs and Festivals itinerary includes
seven days riding through Rajasthan followed
by visits to Jaipur, the bird sanctuary at
Bharatpur (now a UNESCO world heritage
site), one of the largest horse fairs at
Bateshwar and the glorious Taj Mahal at Agra.
Travelling by horseback is surely the best way
to experience rural Rajasthan. Whilst riding
through the ancient kingdoms of Shekhawati
you experience the complete spectrum of life
from subsistence farmers who maintain a very
simple existence to the privileged life of the
maharajas. During the day you pass through
small villages and farmland and are greeted
enthusiastically by local families. Between
villages the terrain opens out allowing for
plenty of faster riding.
Combine your riding trip with a visit to one of
the national parks where you can see tigers in
their natural habitat. See page 269.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs in October to March
Set departures & private groups
15 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,392
A ride through the Great Indian Desert and on to
the enormous Nagaur Camel Fair.
India - Nagaur Fair
The Riding
The Marwari horses are spirited
and forward going. You should be a
competent rider, confident on a
horse in the open at all paces.
There are some long stretches of
canter and you need to be able to
keep your distance.
Nearest Airport
Delhi. Transfers included
at set times.
Few tourists visit the Nagaur Fair in northwest
Rajasthan and it is mainly for local people and
those who travel hundreds of miles to visit and
trade. You travel from Delhi to Bikaner by
overnight sleeper train and then ride for seven
days through the spectacular desert landscape
of the Great Indian Desert. The terrain is open
so there are good opportunities for long
canters. You camp in the desert near to
villages for several nights as well as staying in
some really interesting hotels in the cities.
Following the ride you visit the great cities of
Jaisalmer and Jodhpur with their magnificent
forts and palaces.
If this is your first trip to India, don't miss out
on the magical Taj Mahal. We can make the
additional arrangements for you, please see
page 269.
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs in January and February
Set departures & private groups
14 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,997
A ride centered around India’s most famous horse,
camel and cattle fair.
India - Pushkar Fair
The Riding
The Marwari horses are spirited
and forward going. You should be a
competent rider, confident on a
horse in the open at all paces.
There are some long stretches of
canter and you need to be able to
keep your distance.
Nearest Airport
Delhi. Transfers included
at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The Pushkar Fair in Rajasthan is one of the
world’s largest camel fairs. This ride is run in
two halves with the Pushkar Fair in the middle.
You can choose to do just one half or both.
The first half - the Pushkar Shekhawati Ride is
through the ancient kingdom of Shekhawati, a
desert area interspersed with small villages.
The Marwari horses used on this part of the
ride come from the stables at Dundlod Castle,
home to Kanwar Raghuvendra Singh, known
to everyone as Bonnie.
The second half - the Kumbhalgarh Ride
moves west of Pushkar and south of Jodhpur.
The terrain changes to more fertile ground with
more mountainous scenery. The days can be
longer and the pace slower due to the terrain.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Runs in October and November
Set departures & private groups
from 11 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,612
Tailor made rides through colourful Rajasthan on
striking Marwari horses.
India - Shekhawati Rides
The Riding
The Marwari horses are spirited
and forward going. You should be a
competent rider, confident on a
horse in the open at all paces.
There are some long stretches of
canter and you need to be able to
keep your distance.
Nearest Airport
Delhi. Transfers included
at set times.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The Indian state of Rajasthan was once known
as Registhan, "land of desert". You can ride
over a wide variety of terrain, including not only
desert but farmland, rocky gorges, acacia
forests, jungle scrub and the fertile Aravali hills.
Historically this is one of India's richest regions
littered with magnificent forts and palaces that
were once home, and in many cases still are,
to royal princes. Some of these are now hotels
where you stay during the ride.
On pages 209 - 213 you will find the rides
scheduled to coincide with specific festivals.
Other rides take place during the winter
months so please ask for details or we can
tailor make an itinerary for groups of two or
See for prices, suggested
itineraries, trip reviews and photo galleries.
Runs October to February
Set departures & private groups
From 6 nights / 5 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,751
Ride on the banks of the mighty Brahmaputra amid
the lush tea gardens of Assam.
India - Eastern Himalayan Tea Gardens Ride
The Riding
You should be a competent and
confident rider on a forward going
horse. Riding through the tea
gardens is at a walk; however
there are opportunities for trot and
canter when you explore the
Nearest Airport
Transfers included.
Your base at Mancotta is a beautifully
renovated former tea manager’s Heritage
Chang bungalow set in the midst of the tea
estate. From your veranda and over morning
tea, you will hear the jingle of bicycle bells and
the chatter of the tea workers as they walk or
cycle to work. The trail rides explore the
surroundings area of the Brahmaputra, rain
forest and tea gardens.
During the week you take a break from riding
for a two day safari when you journey west to
Kaziranga National Park. This world heritage
site boasts the largest population of the onehorned rhinoceros among herds of elephants,
buffalo, tigers and swamp deer. Sightings are
relatively common and you should be able to
see these amazing animals from your vehicle
and also from the back of an elephant.
Northeast India has a fascinating mix of tribal
groups who have retained their distinct culture.
We can arrange extra days after the ride to
allow you to experience their traditional way of
life (see page 269).
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Open November to April
Set departures & private groups
9 nights / 7 days riding
2 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £1,236
An exhilarating and captivating tour of Israel, its
history, people and nature.
Israel - Galilee and Jerusalem
The Riding
This trip is suitable for confident, fit
riders, who are capable of
controlling a horse at walk, trot and
canter in the open across rugged
country. There is a mix of paces
and speed is determined by the
terrain. The horses are mainly
Quarterhorses ridden in Western
tack and with a loose rein.
Nearest Airport
Tel Aviv.
Transfers available at extra cost.
Starting near Nazareth this ride takes you
through the mountains of Galilee to the Jordan
River, the Sea of Galilee and the Sirin Heights.
Later the horses are transported southwards
where you ride across the Judean Desert and
climb to the ancient ruined forts and UNESCO
world heritage site at Masada.
There is tremendous variety of terrain from the
beautiful Jordan valley to the bleak, haunting
scenery of the southern desert. As well as a
journey through changing and dramatic
landscapes this is a cultural experience.
Characters and places from the Old and New
Testaments will be brought to life as you ride to
the sites of Roman battles, follow ancient
trading routes and visit places mentioned in the
Bible. You also have guided walking tours of
the important holy sites in the old parts of
Nazareth and Jerusalem.
Accommodation is a mix of basic camping and
simple kibbutz lodges. Towards the end of the
trip there is the opportunity to take a dip in the
healing waters of the Dead Sea.
Visit for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs September to June
Set departures
8 nights / 7 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,785
A trail ride through the Wadi Rum on Arabian horses
with nights camping under a clear star-filled sky.
Jordan - Footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia
The Riding
The horses are all Arabians. They
are active, forward-going and fun to
ride so you need to be a confident
rider, able to control a horse at all
paces in wide open spaces. There
are some long trots and canters so
riders also need to be fit.
Non riders can follow the group on
camel or on the support vehicle.
Nearest Airport
Amman. Transfers included
at set times.
This trip starts with a visit on foot to the
fascinating ruins of the "rose red city" of Petra.
You then head south to ride in Wadi Rum. To
the Arabs, Wadi Rum is known simply as The
Valley of the Moon. The pink sands stretch as
far as the eye can see, broken only by the
near vertical cliffs which have been scuplted by
the wind over millions of years. The scale of
the rock formations combined with the colours
and awe-inspiring shapes create a landscape
that is out of this world.
For six days, guided by local Bedouin, you ride
beautiful Arabian horses through this
spectacular landscape, staying each night in
simple desert camps.
At the end of the ride there is a day in Aqaba
where you can try snorkeling on the coral
reefs; however, in winter (mid November to Mid
March) the Aqaba trip is replaced with a visit to
the Dead Sea.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs September to May
Set departures & private groups
9 nights / 6 days riding
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,341
A long trail ride across the mountains and valleys
of central Kyrgyzstan staying in camps and yurts.
Kyrgyzstan - The Great Trek
The Riding
The horses are Kyrgyz mountain
horses ranging from 14.2hh to
15.2hh. They are strong, stocky
and used to living in a herd.
You must be a confident rider and
in control at all paces. You should
also be fit enough to cope with the
number of hours and days in the
saddle. The pace is dictated by the
terrain and includes canters in
open flat country.
Nearest Airport
Transfers included.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This adventurous trail ride follows part of the
ancient silk route and takes you through a real
contrast of landscapes. There are deep fertile
valleys and arid canyons separated by high
mountain passes. Reaching the high
grasslands, home to nomadic families in
summer, the route takes you over open
pastures with a stunning backdrop of snow
capped mountains.
Welcoming travellers is central to Kyrgyz
culture and the opportunity to spend some time
with the herders who live their life on
horseback is a once in a lifetime experience.
You stay in a combination of guest houses,
yurts and simple dome tents with a backup
crew transporting the camp luggage by vehicle.
See for prices, itinerary, route
maps and photo gallery.
Runs June to September
Set departures & private groups
17 nights / 13 days riding
6 - 8 hours riding per day
Price from £1,386
Ride in Mongolia and experience the nomadic life
with a touch of comfort.
Mongolia - Big Skies Horse Trail
The Riding
You should be a fit and competent
rider capable of riding forward
going horses over varying terrain
for up to seven hours a day. The
riding includes long trots and
canters. There is a rider
weight limit of 90kg.
Nearest Airport
Ulaanbaatar. Transfers
included at set times.
Joining a Mongolian ride means choosing to
experience the life of the nomad and glimpsing
a way of life so different from our own. The
Mongolian people are famous for their
hospitality and to spend some time with them
is a privilege.
This trail ride takes you through the Khan
Khentii Special Protected Area, north-east of
Ulaanbaatar towards the northern wilderness.
You experience two strikingly different areas as
you ride through the treeless steppes and into
the Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, which is
mountain taiga forest.
Supported by yak carts, accommodation is in
spacious gers with made up beds and is ideal
for those who enjoy simple comforts and a
stove for warmth on cold nights!
See for prices, itinerary, photo
gallery and ideas for add-ons to your ride.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs June to September
Set departures & private groups
10 nights / 7 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £2,314
A ride across the Bogdkhan mountains and sand dunes
to the giant rock formations of Zorgol Hairhan Uul.
Mongolia - Gobi Steppe Ride
The Riding
You should be a fit and competent
rider capable of riding spirited,
forward going horses over varying
terrain for up to seven hours a day.
The riding includes long trots and
canters. There is a rider
weight limit of 90kg.
Nearest Airport
Ulaanbaatar. Transfers
included at set times.
The vast, treeless steppes of Mongolia were
the homeland of the largest herds of horses
the world has ever seen. In the early days of
mankind, somewhere in these steppes,
nomads invented riding and opened up vast
new horizons.
The Gobi Steppe ride takes you south of the
capital Ulaanbaatar beyond the Bogdkhan
Mountains, through grassland steppes, sand
dune areas and the giant rock formations of
Zorgol Hairhan Uul. There are no rivers or
forests in these semi-arid areas, although you
may be lucky enough to see a variety of birdlife
and animals. This is the area of the best horse
trainers in Mongolia.
The simple camp is moved on each day by
camel carts.
The main Naadam Festival is held in
Ulaanbaatar in July and we can arrange for
you to visit this before or after your ride.
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews, photo galleries and ideas for add-ons
to your ride.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs June to September
Set departures
11 nights / 8 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,309
A trail ride through the treeless steppes and into the
Gorkhi-Terelj National Park.
Mongolia - Mongol Horse Trail
The Riding
You should be a fit and competent
rider capable of riding spirited,
forward going horses over varying
terrain for up to seven hours a day.
The riding includes long trots and
canters. There is a rider
weight limit of 90kg.
Nearest Airport
Ulaanbaatar. Transfers
included at set times.
Riding in Mongolia is an experience that
cannot be compared with anywhere else on
Earth; the high elevation of Mongolia creates
unusually clear air and gives a real sense of
emptiness and vastness.
Your journey on horseback is a close encounter
with Mongolian horsemen and their horses - a
nomadic people who to date have survived
modern pressures and lifestyles. You ride
through the homelands of your horse guides,
where there are no fences, no tracks and no
telegraph poles. The only signs of life are the
nomadic herders you meet along the way.
The trail starts in the treeless steppes and
gradually the scenery changes to the forest
steppe mosaic and southern taiga of the
Gorkhi-Terelj National Park.
The guiding team are all local and include an
English translator. Support crew travel by yak
cart and set up camp each day to await the
arrival of the riders.
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews, photo galleries and ideas for add-ons
to your ride.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs June to September
Set departures
10 nights / 8 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £1,232
A camping based ride with no vehicle backup
through the high summer pastures of eastern Tibet.
Tibet - High Plateau Ride
The Riding
The pace will be dictated by the
terrain but there will be
opportunities for some canters.
The horses are local Tibetan
mountain horses: small (12.3hh –
14.3hh), sturdy and surefooted.
These are working horses, used on
the open grassland for herding.
There is a rider weight limit
of 85kgs.
Nearest Airport
Chengdu. Transfers included
at set times.
Ride on the 'Roof of the World', through the
vast grasslands of the highest plateau on earth
and experience the untouched nomadic culture
in eastern Tibet. Visit some of the remote
Buddhist monasteries and gain a glimpse of
Tibetan Buddhism.
Tibet became part of China in the late 1950s
and you will be riding through what is now
Sichuan Province. The lush rolling hills of the
Tibetan High Plateau are framed by the snow
capped peaks of the Min Shan and Anye
Machin mountains.
The ride takes you along the great divide
between the Yangste and Yellow Rivers, home
to herds of yaks and their nomadic shepherds.
There should be plenty of opportunities to
spend time with the people you meet.
This is an authentic wilderness experience;
equipment on the trail is carried by pack
horses and there is no vehicle support. You
stay in a combination of guesthouses, family
houses and small tents.
See for prices, itinerary,
reviews, route map and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs July to September
14 nights / 7 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £2,017
Experience the incredible and unusual beauty of
Cappadocia from the back of a horse.
Turkey - Cappadocia Trails
The Riding
You should be a confident rider,
able to control a horse at all paces.
The horses are a mixture of pure
Arabians, Arabian-Anatolian and
Akhal-Teke crosses. Some are
lively and strong in canter. The
terrain is varied with some steep
ascents and descents and
technical riding. There are also
some long canters.
Nearest Airports
Nevsehir and Kayseri.
Transfers included at set times.
The distinctive rock chimneys of Cappadocia
have formed where hard volcanic rock overlies
a much softer layer. This geological oddity is
responsible for the many caves and
underground houses of the area and also
explains why the site has been continuously
inhabited since the Bronze Age.
We have three different trails exploring this
unique landscape. On the six night
Cappadocia Highlights you stay in comfortable
hotels and guest houses. The Valleys, Lakes
and Rivers is also six nights but camping
based and is able to venture into more remote
areas. The eight night Fairy Chimney Ride has
the most riding and overnights are in a
combination of camping and hotels.
For those in search of a unique adventure we
also have the Great Anatolian Ride. Running
each year in September this two week journey
on horseback through northwest Turkey follows
the route taken by the 17th century Islamic
explorer and writer, Evliya Celebi.
Juergen Frank
See for prices, itineraries,
reviews, route maps and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs Apr-Jun and Sep-Oct
Set departures & private groups
from 6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £819
A trail ride along the Sunshine Coast of
Australia - Bush & Beach
The Riding
The horses are Australian stock
horses famous for their all round
ability and temperament. Riders
need to be confident and
comfortable at all paces on a well
mannered forward going horse.
Nearest Airports
Sunshine Coast and Brisbane.
Transfers included from Sunshine
Coast and available at extra cost
from Brisbane.
The route takes you into the Australian bush,
across rolling farmland, through tropical
rainforest and finishing on the beach at
There are some great canters over the wide
open fields and an opportunity to muster cattle.
You ride in the morning leaving the afternoon
free to relax, explore the local towns or go for
a swim. At night you stay in comfortable B&Bs,
full of Aussie character.
The variety of scenery and wildlife is amazing
and you are likely to see kangaroos and koalas
as well as hundreds of
native Australian birds
including many species of
colourful parrots.
After the ride you may wish
to continue north along the
coast to the Great Barrier
Reef. Snorkelling or diving on the reef for a few
days makes a great extension to this riding
See for prices, itineraries and
photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs March to November
Arrive Sunday
6 nights / 5 days riding
3 - 4 hours riding per day
Price from £1,928
A camping ride through the Kosciuszko National
Park in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales.
Australia - Snowy Mountains
The Riding
The rides are suitable for
intermediate to experienced riders.
Due to the terrain much of the
riding is at a walk, though there
may be some opportunities to have
a canter.
Nearest Airport
Transfers available at set times at
extra cost.
Experience riding through Australia's
magnificent Snowy Mountains alpine country,
home to picturesque Kosciuszko National
Park. Rides cover a distance of up to 150 km.
This alpine wilderness has a history rich in
legends of mountain horsemen. Find yourself
meandering through carpets of wildflowers,
around mountain lakes, across open plains,
over mountain ranges covered in eucalypt
forest with stunning views. Take a swim in
crystal clear streams to refresh in the
afternoon. This area is home to kangaroos,
emus and wombats, birdlife as well as herds of
wild horses (brumbies).
For first and last nights you stay at the
homestead. On other nights you camp in
roomy tents with comfortable mattresses. All
riding and camping gear is supplied with
sleeping bags and oilskin coats available for
hire. Luggage is transported between camps
by vehicle.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs October to April
Set departures
from 4 nights / 3 days riding
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £824
Experience the rugged beauty of the high country
of South Island.
New Zealand - Explorer Trails
The Riding
Due to the nature of the terrain and
the fact that you have pack horses
on the trail, the pace is at a walk.
However, it is important to be
physically fit and able to mount and
dismount unaided.
You will be expected to get off and
lead your horse down the steep
hills. Due to the terrain these rides
are not suitable for nervous riders
nor for those who suffer from vertigo.
Nearest Airport
Christchurch. Transfers available at
set times at extra cost.
Tel: 01299 272 997
These rides are incredible adventures
exploring the magnificent scenery and station
life of the remote high country of New Zealand.
Pack horses are used for carrying luggage and
supplies although a support vehicle will meet
the ride every few days on longer trips.
Your guides have lived and worked in this area
most of their lives and have mustered sheep
on many of the farms you ride over. Their local
knowledge is vast and they are well equipped
to show you this part of their world. You stay in
basic shearers’ huts and get an understanding
of how life works on sheep stations.
The horses are the famous station-bred
Thoroughbred Clydesdale crosses of at least
16hh which can be ridden or used as pack
horses. They know their jobs well and will
surprise you with their ability to climb hills like
a mountain goat.
See also the Tekapo Expedition on page 243.
Visit for prices, itineraries and
photo galleries.
Runs October to May
Set departures
from 4 nights / 3 days riding
4 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £536
A perfect opportunity to share the hospitality and
lifestyle of a New Zealand farming couple.
New Zealand - South Kaipara
Open all year
Arrive/depart any day
4 - 6 hours riding per day
Price from £1,068 (4 nights)
The Riding
You should be comfortable at walk,
trot and canter. You should also be
fit enough for long canters
on the beaches.
Nearest Airport
Auckland. Transfers available at
extra cost.
South Kaipara lies on the coast not far from
Auckland in the North Island. Much of the
riding is on the Muriwai Beach, known locally
as the 30 mile beach, along which the horses
just love to gallop. Venturing inland you ride
over some dramatic sand dunes and through a
patchwork of farmland, forests and lakes.
Your host and guide, Rod Hedley, is a
descendant of the first European settlers in
the area. He is a farmer by profession and
first started riding on the family horse to
school. Rod has extensive knowledge of local
history, fauna and flora. Meals are prepared
by his wife Bev, who takes great care to
provide delicious menus.
See for prices, itinerary, trip
reviews and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The house has two guest bedrooms and there
is normally just one or two riding visitors.
An expedition ride through the Southern Alps to
parts of the country that few people get to see.
New Zealand - Tekapo Expedition
The Riding
This ride is suitable for any level
of rider although you will be
spending long hours in the saddle.
It is more important to be
physically fit and able to mount
and dismount unaided. You will be
expected to get off and lead your
horse down the steep hills,
sometimes for up to an hour. Due
to the terrain this ride is not
suitable for nervous riders nor for
those who suffer from vertigo.
Nearest Airport
Christchurch. Transfers available at
set times at extra cost.
This is our longest pack trip in New Zealand.
Once a year the ride heads south from the
horse base near Hawarden to Lake Tekapo.
After a few days rest the reverse journey is
done with a new group of riders. The scenery
is spectacular and varies dramatically along
the way. From snow capped peaks and open
tussock pastures to wide flowing rivers and
beautiful mountain lakes.
The horses are homebred, surefooted
Thoroughbred Clydesdale crosses. The
accommodation can be very basic and
sometimes everyone sleeps in a one room
musterers' shack; other nights are spent in
more comfortable shearers’ quarters or at
farms. Everything is carried on the pack
horses, although a support vehicle does meet
you every few days with fresh supplies.
You may need a few days to recuperate after
this ride or if you feel like more excitement
head to Queenstown, the adventure capital of
New Zealand for bungy jumps, white water
rafting and jet boating.
See for prices, itinerary, route
maps and photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Runs November
Set departures
14 nights / 11 days riding
5 - 7 hours riding per day
Price from £2,682
A trail on the north-east coast of the North Island
following routes set by Maori warriors in days gone by.
New Zealand - Warrior Trail
Open November to May
Set departures
4 nights / 4 days riding
4 - 5 hours riding per day
Price from £1,601
The Riding
You need to be comfortable at all
paces and able to mount and
dismount unaided.
Nearest Airport
Auckland. Transfers available from
Wellsford at extra cost or self drive.
This ride takes you along ancient trails of the
Maori warriors. They did these trails on foot so
you will appreciate their stamina and courage
as you cover the same ground on horseback.
Your host Sharley is of Maori decent. The
Maori people are very proud of their heritage
and enjoy sharing their culture and history.
Sharley has a riding centre and horse base
from where she also breeds beautiful grey
Arabians for showing, riding and endurance.
The horses for the trail ride are a mixture of
breeds and Sharley has chosen them over the
years for their kind temperaments and
surefootedness. They love their work and are a
pleasure to ride.
See for prices, itinerary and
photo galleries.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Group Bookings
Whether getting together with a group of
friends or arranging a social event for
your riding club or hunt, we can take the
hassle out of organising your trip. So, if
you and your friends have a shared
interest in riding why not plan your
holiday around it?
Group sizes for a riding holiday can be
as small as eight or even less, while
some destinations have the experience
and horses to cater for groups of up to
30 riders.
Booking as a group means that the
riding and itinerary may be tailored to
what you and your friends want to do.
Going Solo
Why book a group holiday?
Names can be changed free of
charge, if we haven't yet booked
We can hold options for longer than
the normal week while you collect
We provide a dedicated support
contact to ensure that everything goes
smoothly and efficiently.
If your group is spread around the
country we can organise flights from
different regional airports to meet up
at the destination.
We offer discounted rates for groups.
Sometimes a free place for the
coordinator, the person gathering
everyone together, or an across the
board discount for each person.
Some people may be put off the idea of
booking on their own but riding holidays
are great if travelling solo. In fact over a
third of people who go on our holidays
are travelling alone.
The great thing about riding holidays is
you are travelling as part of group who
have a common passion for riding and
Shared experiences bring everyone
together very quickly and by the end of
the second day anyone looking at the
group would be hard pushed to identify
those who had booked together and
those who booked on their own.
On many of our rides there are no single
supplements if you are prepared to share
and on others singles get their own room
without having to pay any extra. Look for
the and
symbols on each ride page.
Each holiday is different so please
contact us and we can answer any
questions and make some suggestions.
Group sizes are typically around eight on
a riding holiday and we find this is an
ideal number for a group. We have many
people who have met on riding holidays
and made lifelong friendships.
So, if you are thinking of a riding holiday
but don't relish the idea of convincing
your non-riding partner that they will
enjoy it, why not take the plunge and just
book it for yourself.
You also have the security of knowing
that your money is completely protected
as In The Saddle is bonded with ABTA
and ATOL.
Tel: 01299 272 997
All you need to do is nominate one
person in the group to act as coordinator. So why not contact us and
speak to our groups specialist today.
Call Chris on 01299 272 237 or email
[email protected].
Tel: 01299 272 997
Honeymoon Riding Holidays
A riding holiday makes a truly
memorable honeymoon. Whether it’s a
luxury lodge on a game reserve in Africa
or a ride along the beaches of
Andalucia; many of our destinations
make wonderful honeymoons.
Please ensure that you let us know when
booking that this is your honeymoon so
we can notify your hosts on the ride.
The price is the same as if you book as a
holiday but there is always that little bit of
extra care and attention to detail that
goes into organising honeymoons.
Honeymoon suite at Ant’s Hill, South Africa, p 115
Tel: 01299 272 997
Weddings on Horseback
A number of the horseback safaris have
honeymoon suites but it is essential to
reserve these early as there are usually
only one or two per camp or lodge.
A wedding on horseback has to be the
most romantic way to start your life
We also operate a guest gift service
where instead of buying you a traditional
wedding present your friends and family
can contribute to your once in a lifetime
holiday by giving you a honeymoon voucher.
Honeymoons tel: 01299 272 240
We have been privileged to arrange a
number of weddings over the years with
venues ranging from a ranch in the Rocky
Mountains of Montana to an escarpment
in the middle of the African bush.
Tel: 01299 272 997
We only do a
few weddings
each year so
each one is
unique. There is
no set wedding
package and it
can be as
simple or flamboyant as you like. It may
be just the two of you or a full plane of
friends and family but we can help make
the most important day of your life even
more memorable.
If you would like to discuss some ideas
and suggestions please give us a call.
Weddings tel: 01299 272 237
Azores | Extensions
Iceland | Extensions
Swimming with Dolphins
The Azores offer the once in a lifetime opportunity to swim
with dolphins. The four species regularly sighted in the
waters off Sao Miguel are Common, Bottlenose, Risso and
Atlantic Spotted.
The most northern capital in Europe is a friendly, vibrant
and modern city worthy of a few extra days either before or
after your ride. There are world class galleries, a choice of
top restaurants and the city boasts some iconic
architecture. Activity tours vary from river rafting and quad
biking to whale watching or a jeep tour combined with a
snowmobile tour on a glacier.
These encounters are organised with respect for the
animals, with only one person allowed in the water at a time
and no actual contact with the dolphins permitted.
Iceland - Self drive
Whale Watching
Explore this fascinating country with the freedom of your
own vehicle. We can arrange only the car rental, or provide
you with detailed itineraries highlighting "must sees". If you
prefer we can arrange the complete package and prebook
your accommodation along the way. There are a variety of
routes depending on how long you have and where you
want to go.
The Azores are one of the best places from which to see
whales. The emphasis of these trips is not only to view
these magnificent mammals but also on understanding and
conservation. Frequently seen species are sperm and pilot
whales, beaked whales and false killer whales. Whale
watching excursions can be arranged during your ride or
as additional days; alternatively you can extend your stay
and join a Whale and Dolphin Research Trip from the
island of Faial.
You can visit Greenland on a day trip from Iceland but we
recommend a stay of at least two nights. Flights from
Reykjavik arrive at Kulusuk, the gateway to East Greenland
and the small settlement is an excellent introduction to the
way of life. The town lies on a small rocky island between
saw-toothed mountains and extensive fjords and is almost
always surrounded by icebergs and a glittering Arctic
Ocean. Ammassalik lies just south of the Arctic Circle and is
the largest town in East Greenland. The ten minute
helicopter ride from Kulusuk is one of the most scenic flights
imaginable as you cross the ice-filled seas separating two
mountainous islands.
Scuba Diving
You may also want to explore the underwater world around
the islands through a PADI certified dive centre. The volcanic
origins of the Azores has created a fascinating landscape
inhabited by a wealth of marine life. There are arches, vertical
drop offs and numerous sea caves to explore. As well as reef
fish many other species abound including rays and sharks
as well as large groups of tuna and amberjacks. The diving
in the Azores is very uncrowded and best in the warm
summer months of June to September.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tel: 01299 272 997
Botswana | Extensions
Victoria Falls | Extensions
Mashatu Camps
Stanleys Safari Lodge
If you’ve been on one of the Limpopo Valley rides and feel
like you’ve done enough on horseback but want to spend
some more time on safari then Mashatu Main Camp (14 air
conditioned suites) or Mashatu Tented Camp (8 luxury
tents) are ideal. The camps are located on the same
reserve so its just a 30 minute drive through the game park.
As well as 4x4 game drives there a guided walking safaris
and mountain bike safaris.
Stanleys Safari Lodge is a wonderful oasis for visitors to
Victoria Falls. With only ten private cottages it is able to give
you an unrivalled level of personalised service. The lodge
borders the Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park and the opensided design affords a unique view across the Park to the
Zambezi River and Victoria Falls.
Tree Lodge
Tree Lodge is situated just outside Maun and in its own mini
reserve. If you are booked onto one of the riding safaris in
the Okavango Delta this is an ideal stopping off point for a
night or two before flying into the Delta. The rooms are large
and spacious and you can even start your riding safari here
as there is a stable of good quality horses based at the
On the banks of the Zambezi, upstream from Victoria Falls,
Tongabezi is a unique upmarket lodge, perfect for a few
days before or after a riding safari. Five cottages are
situated close to the river. A further five open-fronted
thatched houses offer spectacular views of the river, with
open air sunken baths, loos with a view and open decks for
private dining.
Camp Kalahari
The River Club
This small very comfortable tented camp lies on the edge of
the vast Makgadikgadi salt pans. Expert guides bring the
natural history alive, assisted by the Kalahari bushmen who
demonstrate how they have survived in this harshest of
environments using their ancient understanding of plants
and animal behaviour. Spend some time with the habituated
meerkats, explore the pans on quad bikes or search for
stone tools, fossils and learn about the origins of early man.
This beautiful lodge is in an idyllic setting on an island at the
meeting place of the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers. The
surrounding area is an amazing mosaic of waterways,
floodplains and bushveld - host to exceptional game viewing
and the waters provide outstanding fishing opportunities.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tel: 01299 272 997
Kenya | Extensions
Mauritius | Extensions
Ngong House
Mauritius has some of the best beach hotels in the world and all offer snorkelling, diving, fishing and
sailing. With regular direct flights between Johannesburg and Mauritius the island is an ideal add-on
to a riding safari in South Africa, Botswana or Namibia.
Ngong House is just outside Nairobi only a few minutes
away from what used to be Karen Blixen's coffee farm. This
is an ideal base for your first night in Kenya, or if you need
to overnight between safaris. Accommodation is mainly in
luxurious tree-houses raised from the ground to gain an
uninterrupted view of the Ngong Hills.
Le Saint Geran
Le Saint Geran, on the east coast, is the very embodiment
of high luxury and style. Set on a sixty acre private estate, it
is fringed by an impressive crescent of pure white sands
and the turquoise waters of a reef-protected lagoon.
Boasting spacious and luxurious suites (175 in total) with
handmade individual features, every conceivable comfort
is provided. All suites have a private terrace or balcony
facing either the ocean or bay, with a sliding door opening
onto Le Saint Geran’s secluded tropical garden. It is a
Leading Hotel of the World. Perhaps the crowning glory at
Le Saint Geran is the unforgettable food. A virtuoso chef
and his talented team produce exquisite creations in which
to indulge.
Offbeat Mara Camp
A traditional small safari camp in the Mara North
Conservancy, adjacent to the Maasai Mara National
Reserve. This is an area rich in wildlife but with one of the
lowest tourist densities in the entire ecosystem. The
camp itself is situated on the Olare Oruk, a tributary of the
Mara River. Game viewing is exceptional with four of the
big five regularly seen around camp (Buffalo, Lion,
Leopard and Elephant).
Paradise Cove
On the northern tip of Mauritius, next to the fishing village of
Cap Malheureux, you will find Paradise Cove, a small and
secluded resort built around a lovely horseshoe-shaped
lagoon, just three miles from Grande Baie. Personal service
is of the essence at Paradise Cove and guests are
welcomed with heart-warming hospitality and treated as
honoured visitors in a private home. The hotel has 97 luxury
rooms and suites.
The Driftwood Beach Club
This fun and relaxed beach lodge near Malindi offers
superb value accommodation for a beach extension after
your riding safari in Kenya. The spacious cottages are all air
conditioned and set back from the shore, amongst the palm
trees. Between October and February whalesharks are
often seen offshore and there is deep sea fishing, diving
and snorkelling year round.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The rooms and suites scattered around the bay are
decorated with chic simplicity. Stone tiled floors, fine
polished wooden furniture and wonderful artworks all create
an ambience that is casual yet elegant.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Mozambique | Extensions
Namibia | Extensions
Ongava Safari Lodge
Lying a few miles off the coast of Mozambique, the Bazaruto Archipelago is famous for its pristine
white beaches, warm clear waters, game fishing and water sports.
Ongava is situated on the edge of Etosha National Park,
Namibia’s premier game viewing destination. A huge variety
of game from elephants to meerkats congregate around the
waterholes in the dry season.
There are regular flights between Johannesburg and Vilanculos and then easy transfers to the
beautiful lodges dotted around the islands. Benguerra and Indigo Bay make an ideal add-on to a
southern Africa riding safari. The warm tropical waters surrounding the islands support a huge variety
of fish, coral, marine mammals and plants. There is reef diving for novice to advanced divers and tag
and release game fishing.
The lodge has 14 very comfortable rock and thatch built
chalets. There is also an inviting pool to cool off in. Outdoor
dining under the stars, whilst viewing game drinking at the
waterhole, is something never to be forgotten.
Dolphins, sharks and dugongs are all prevalent in the waters at various times of the year. Humpback
whales migrate though the islands between June and November. Sightings of whale sharks are
common from April to July and four different species of dolphins can be seen year round.
Wild Dog & Crazy Kudu Safaris
Benguerra Lodge
These great value safaris take in the highlights of
Namibia and range from a three day visit to the Kalahari
to a two week odyssey that really gives you a feel of the
entire country.
Benguerra Lodge lies on the sheltered north-west side of
Benguerra Island. This small intimate lodge has all the
charm of a luxurious but rustic African safari lodge and is
the ideal destination for romantic, private, relaxing holidays.
All 12 suites have private decks with plunge pools and
direct beach access. A recent addition are two villas each
with four bedrooms.
You can join one of the small group set departures
alternatively we can arrange private group itineraries or
self-drive trips of any duration.
Indigo Bay Resort
Sossusvlei Wilderness Camp
Indigo Bay is on Bazaruto Island, the largest in the
archipelago. The resort comprises 29 chalets and 12 suites,
all are thatched and blend in with the natural surroundings.
The chalets are situated on or around the beach. They are
sheltered and secluded, with interlinked chalets available
for families. The suites are privately positioned higher
above the beach with glorious views of the bay. The resort
offers many activities, both land and sea based and children
are welcome. Their Sanctuary Spa boasts an extensive
treatment list and is well worth visiting.
Tel: 01299 272 997
This nine room camp is situated on a private reserve on one
of the most remarkable sites in Africa. In the park, huge
towering dunes, said to be the highest in the world, rise
dramatically above the plains. Early morning drives take
you to this spectacular desert scenery with possible
sightings of the wildlife which has adapted to these harsh
conditions. For the ultimate scenic view, we can also
arrange balloon safaris from the camp.
Tel: 01299 272 997
South Africa | Extensions
The Blue Train & Rovos Rail
We have picked two of our favourite lodges but there is a wide range of options if you wish to extend
your holiday in South Africa, including exclusive safari lodges, luxury hotels and welcoming guesthouses.
The Blue Train combines the luxury of a quality modern
hotel with the charm of train travel. Think of it as an all
inclusive rail cruise with an opportunity to view spectacular
landscapes along the way. The train runs once, sometimes
twice, a week between Johannesburg/Pretoria and Cape
Town, departing in the morning and arriving early afternoon
the following day.
Rocktail Beach Camp
Rocktail Bay lies on the edge of the Maputaland Marine
Reserve, a World Heritage Site. The area offers
extraordinary diving and snorkelling, including exciting
encounters with dolphins and whales. Accommodation is
in 17 en-suite rooms, tucked away just inland amongst
the trees.
The Rovos Rail service on the same route is a more
leisurely journey using rebuilt classic trains. The cabins are
even more spacious and furnished traditionally with period
decor. The service and style is reminiscent of the golden
age of rail travel.
During summer the lodge is integrally involved in the
ongoing loggerhead and leatherback turtle research that
has been going on since the 1960s. You may be able to
accompany the resident turtle expert at night helping to
monitor the turtles’ nesting numbers and behaviour.
Cape Town
Cape Town is a vibrant and bustling city with plenty to see
and do. The cable car will take you up Table Mountain for
the best view over the bay, take a boat to Robben Island or
visit the Waterfront for great shopping and restaurants.
There are a number of world class hotels like the Mount
Nelson and Twelve Apostles as well as great value boutique
hotels and charming guest-houses.
Jaci’s Safari Camps
The Garden Route
Jaci’s comprises two separate, eight room lodges in the
Madikwe Reserve. The Safari Lodge masterfully blends into
its surroundings, with thatched rooms and a magnificent
main area built around an ancient termite mound. The Tree
Lodge is constructed amongst the Riverine forest on stilts,
up to six metres above the ground.
Jaci’s is renowned for the quality of its guides and the
special programmes for children, making it especially good
for families.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tel: 01299 272 997
Between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth lies the Garden
Route, one of the world’s most scenic drives. You can easily
spend a week exploring the area, staying at some of the
many lovely guest-houses along the coast. This is also a
great place for whale watching. Between July and
November this is the breeding ground for Southern Right
whales. The shallow sandy-bottomed and sheltered bays
are perfect for mating, calving and nursing their young.
Calgary | Extensions
Arizona | Extensions
Calgary Stampede
Grand Canyon
The ten day Calgary Stampede in July is billed as “The
Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth”. Each day there is a
world class event from bareback riding to bull riding, and
the evening Grandstand Show includes the daily
chuckwagon races. There are stages and venues around
the Stampede which include an authentic First Nations
village, a recreated frontier town and a variety of agricultural
events. Visits to the Stampede can be arranged from
Lucasia Ranch (page 147).
It stretches a massive 227 miles in length, zig-zags from
four to eighteen miles across and at its deepest, drops for
more than a mile beneath your feet. Nothing prepares you
for that first glimpse of the Grand Canyon. A visit to the
Grand Canyon combines perfectly with a stay at Tanque
Verde (page 141)
as part of a longer trip including
Monument Valley and Las Vegas.
Two nights at the Grand Canyon is the bare minimum to
give you time to walk down as far as Plateau Point and see
the Colorado river. This is a safe day’s hike and although
you descend 3,800ft, it is easily walkable in a day, taking a
picnic lunch and lots of water. By just going as far as
Plateau Point you will get a very special view over the
canyon’s 1.8 billion year old inner gorge. Stay longer, if you
can, as there are endless hiking opportunities. If you are
determined to dunk your feet in the river you can go a
further five miles but then you must stay at Phantom Ranch,
actually in the Canyon, and extend your expedition by 24
hours. This hotel needs to be booked well in advance.
Rocky Mountaineer Train
The Rocky Mountaineer takes you between Vancouver,
Calgary, Banff and Jasper on one of the most spectacular
train trips in the world. The route goes through the valleys
and mountain passes of British Columbia, Alberta and the
Canadian Rockies. The Gold Leaf service has clear domed
carriages for 180 degree views of the scenery and wildlife,
whilst the Red Leaf carriages have large picture windows.
Upon leaving the Grand Canyon we suggest you drive
along the rim, heading east along Desert View Drive to the
Grand View Point and beyond. Then head south taking the
scenic route to Sedona which comes as a real surprise, just
when you think nothing will ever be as impressive again.
Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper
An alpine community nestled in the Rocky Mountains, at an
elevation of 1,383m, Banff is the highest town in Canada.
Lake Louise, with its famous turquoise waters, is a
spectacular 40 minute drive from Banff through the Bow
Valley. Dominated by the majestic Victoria Glacier this is
probably the most photographed scene in the Canadian
Rockies. The road north to Jasper is also renowned for its
breathtaking views with mountain peaks crowning the
horizon in every direction.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Las Vegas
Tel: 01299 272 997
By either flying into Las Vegas and back from Tucson or
vice versa you can choose to visit before or after your ranch
stay. One way car hire is easy to arrange and we can prebook all of your accommodation enroute. In Las Vegas we
suggest you fully immerse yourself and stay in one of the
themed hotels on The Strip, perhaps at The Venetian or the
Luxor Hotel.
Montana | Extensions
Chile/Argentina Cruises | Extensions
One of the first visitors to Yellowstone was John Colter in
1807. He discovered a region of steaming geysers
bounding with wildlife. In 1872 that same area became the
first national park in the world. If you are staying at one of
the Montana ranches then the perfect extension to your
holiday is to hire a car and explore the area in and around
Yellowstone National Park.
There are various routes into the park and Cody on the
eastern side is an ideal stopping point. Cody hosts a rodeo
each night throughout July and August. This is the home
town of Buffalo Bill and the museum is definitely worth a
visit. Have tea at the Irma hotel which he built in 1902 and
named after his daughter Irma Louise Cody.
Cabo de
The voyages take you through channels, bays, fjords and
past glaciers, snow-capped mountains, islands and
unexplored forests of incomparable beauty. Each day you
disembark on various excursions to experience the flora
and fauna of this area - native forests, sea lions, penguins,
seals, cormorants, exotic flowers and dolphins.
Day 1: Check-in at Punta Arenas.
Day 2: Arrive at Ainsworth Bay and enjoy a walk in the
Magellanic forest. On the beach you will hopefully see a
colony of elephant seals. Continue on to Tucker Islet.
Day 3: Enter Pia Fjord and continue through Glacier Alley.
Day 4: Sail through the Beagle and Murray Channels
visiting Cape Horn National Park and later Wulaia Bay.
Day 5: Arrival in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world.
You can choose to stay in the park itself but accommodation
is limited and therefore gets booked up early, particularly in
the peak months of July and August. The town of West
Yellowstone on the western side of the park boundary also
makes a great base from which to explore the area.
Ushuaia to Punta Arenas
Other sights worth visiting while you are in southern
Montana are the Wild Horse Range in the Pryor Mountains
and the Little Bighorn Battlefield, scene of Custer’s Last
Stand. The Battlefield exudes a powerful aura and honours
the fallen from both sides. Today it exists as the most
moving memorial of the struggle by the Native Americans to
retain their lands against encroachment by settlers.
The Mare Australis, Via Australis or Stella Australis will take
you through the Straits of Magellan and the Beagle
Channel, exploring one of the wildest and most beautiful
regions of the world - Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. The
cruises run between October and April and are an excellent
way to start or finish your ride in Patagonia.
Punta Arenas to Ushuaia
It is a short drive between Cody and Yellowstone and two
loop roads take in the best of the park. The scenery is
spectacular at any time of year but is particularly stunning in
September as the aspen trees turn a deep yellow. The Old
Faithful geyser erupts on average every 74 minutes and
there are a host of other geothermal features, including
terraced springs, mud volcanoes and brightly coloured
mineral pools.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Yellowstone National Park
Tel: 01299 272 997
Day 1: Check in at Ushuaia.
Day 2: Sail through the Beagle and Murray Channels to
Cape Horn National Park and later Wulaia Bay.
Day 3: Sail through the desolate Brecknock and Ocasion
Channels. Later arrive at Chico Sound to observe great
Day 4: Early morning visit to Magdalena Island the home of
an immense colony of Magellanic Penguins. Arrive Punta
Arenas late morning.
Argentina | Extensions
Brazil | Extensions
Buenos Aires
Rio de Janeiro
With its broad avenues Buenos Aires has been dubbed the
Paris of the west. This is a very easy and welcoming city to
explore on foot, with great shopping, restaurants and
nightlife. The Palermo and Recoleta districts are especially
worth exploring but each area of the city has its own identity
and places of interest. In the evening take in a Tango show,
the Buenos Aires equivalent of London’s West End theatre.
Rio de Janeiro is one of the most spectacular cities in the
world. The heady mix of stunning beaches, historical city
centre, awe-inspiring Sugar Loaf Mountain and Corcovado
combine to create a fabulous experience whether you can
stay for a week or just one night.
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls regularly tops lists of the most impressive
waterfalls in the world. Situated on the border between
Argentina and Brazil, the falls are strung out for two and a
half miles along the rim of a crescent-shaped cliff. Some
275 individual cascades and waterfalls plummet up to 269ft
into the gorge below. Walkways allow visitors to get up
close to the falls and experience the roar and spray of the
thundering water.
Bonito makes a great extension to the adjacent Pantanal. In
Bonito the lime rich soils create some of the clearest and
most transparent rivers in the world. A relaxing snorkelling
float down the Rio da Prata reveals shoals of fish in the
most amazing clarity. There are also arial walkways through
the treetops and impressive cave systems.
Valdes Peninsula
The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical forest in the
world, covering six million square kilometres in nine
different countries. Occupying a vast portion of the northern
part of Brazil, the Amazon is an unrivalled natural paradise
of incredible vegetation and rich biodiversity. Cruise along
the Amazon River in an air conditioned cabin and let your
naturalist guide show you the wondrous creatures and flora
of this captivating place. Or stay in a comfortable jungle
lodge and set out in search of astounding creatures like
howler monkey, dolphin, macaws, sloth or caiman.
The Valdes Peninsula in northern Patagonia juts out into the
Atlantic and is one of the premier wildlife viewing areas in
South America. The image that typifies Valdes is of killer
whales beaching themselves in attempts to catch sea lions.
From June to November, during their breeding season, it is
one of the best places to see Southern Right whales. There
are also large populations of elephant seals and penguins
as well as guanacos and rheas on land.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tel: 01299 272 997
Chile | Extensions
Ecuador & Galapagos | Extensions
Enjoy a couple of nights in a downtown hotel in this
impressively located city, sitting between the coast and the
Andes. The city is full of hustle and bustle and the historic
part contains some impressive colonial buildings.
We recommend a few days in Quito to acclimatise to the
altitude and also to experience the city. Quito's large, well
preserved historic quarter of cobbled streets and impressive
colonial buildings, many with ornate facades and richly
decorated interiors, is an UNESCO Cultural World Heritage
Site. Half or full day guided city tours can be arranged.
Chile’s immense length gives rise to huge geographic
contrasts, from the driest desert in the world in the north of
the country to the forests, lakes and glaciers of the south.
Galapagos Islands
Chilean Lake District
Six hundred miles off the coast of Ecuador far into the
Pacific lie the thirteen major islands of the Galapagos. On
these isolated volcanic islands life has adapted in ways that
helped to inspire Darwin's theory of evolution. Today there
has been such little contact with man that the animals have
no particular fear of humans and allow you the great
privilege of getting close to them in their natural habitat.
The scenic lakes and volcanoes of the Chilean Lake District
are an easy stop-off en-route to the southern tip of Chile
and our rides in the Torres del Paine National Park. Fly to
Puerto Montt and base yourself at Puerto Varas on the
shore of Llanquihue Lake. There are day excursions around
the lake visiting Osorno volcano and the Petrohue Falls.
Walking on the islands can bring you right up close to
courting or nesting seabirds, sun bathing iguanas, relaxing
sea lions or perhaps even a rare giant tortoise. Snorkelling
is wonderful with the thrill of swimming with penguins,
turtles and curious young sea lions.
You can also take a ferry across to Chiloe Island and the
town of Ancud, with its traditional shingle tiled houses and
brightly coloured churches.
Atacama Desert
We recommend either Ecoventura who have a fleet of firstclass motor-yachts, or Haugan Cruises who offer weeklong and shorter cruises on luxury catamarans. Both
operators boast experienced naturalist guides, the
exclusivity of small groups and so you experience the
islands in a highly personal way
San Pedro de Atacama, at an altitude of 2,400m, has easy
access to some of Chile’s spectacular wilderness areas.
From here you can visit the salt flats where the air is so
clear and dry that perception is distorted and the far side of
the flats which is 70kms away, appears much closer. The
flats contain several lakes, including Laguna Chaxa, home
to a great number of flamingos. Other attractions include
the Moon Valley, Tatio geyser and the Banos de Puritama
thermal springs.
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tel: 01299 272 997
Peru | Extensions
India | Extensions
Lake Titicaca
Ranthambore & Bandhavgarh National Parks
Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, is
well worth a visit. Board the Andean Explorer train in Cusco
early in the morning; sit back and relax as you travel all day
through some of the most beautiful scenery in Peru before
arriving at Puno on the shores of Lake Titicaca.
If you have a passion for nature then visiting one of the
National Parks is a must. Tiger can be spotted in both
Ranthambore and Bandhavgarh alongside many other
interesting flora and fauna. Ranthambore is easily reached
after any of our rides. Bandhavgarh requires a longer
journey but you will be rewarded with the highest density of
tiger population in India.
Reserva Amazonica
Taj Mahal
Reserva Amazonica on the banks of the Madre de Dios
River is a short flight from Lima or Cusco and a great spot
for exploring the Amazon jungle.
The Taj Mahal on the banks of the Yamuna river in Agra was
built by Emperor Shah Jehan in memory of his consort
Mumtaz Mahal. Today it is one of the seven wonders of the
world and the white marble of the Taj at any time of the day
is a breath-taking sight.
We recommend at least two nights at Lake Titicaca so that
you have time for a full day sailing tour of the lake exploring
the floating islands of Uros.
The lodge has one of the longest canopy walkways in South
America, where you can walk for a quarter of a mile
suspended at over 100ft. The biodiversity is astonishing
with an estimated one third of the entire world’s animal
species living in the Amazon basin, while a single tree is
home to more species of insects than exist in the whole of
the UK.
Tribes of northeast India
Colca Canyon
The Colca Canyon in the south, near Arequipa, is a real
highlight of Peru; twice as deep as America's Grand
Canyon, but with less steep walls. It is a dramatic
landscape of deep valleys, natural lagoons and rushing
rivers. Condors can be seen at close proximity as they glide
on thermals up the sides of the canyon. The best times of
the day to see them are early morning and late afternoon
when they are hunting.
Tel: 01299 272 997
The hilly forested areas of Assam are home to over 20
separate tribes and a number of sub tribes, each having
their own language and cultural identity. Many of these
tribes originate from Tibet to the north and Burma and
Thailand to the east. Local guides accompany you into the
community where you can spend time with individual
families and experience their traditional way of life.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A - Z of Useful Information
There is sometimes confusion over the
terminology of bed arrangements. “Double” is
recognised as meaning a room with a double
bed (this may be two beds pushed together);
“Twin” as having two separate beds. We will
always pass on requirements for a double
bed but we cannot guarantee this, particularly
as many of the hotels and lodges we use
take only a small number of guests and
choice of accommodation is limited. In
Shared Accommodation, for example in
Iceland, you may be sharing your room with
several other people of both sexes. A
bathroom means a toilet and shower or bath
tub. Bathrooms are shared unless specified
as “en suite” or “private”. Private bathrooms
may not be adjoining your room.
See page 17 of this book for details of how to
book your holiday. Our booking conditions
are on or we will post
or email these to you. The useful information
on pages 270 - 274 of this book form part of
our booking conditions.
Discounted child rates where available are
shown on Usually it is
assumed that the family will wish to ride and
enjoy their holiday together and so if you
would like a child minding service for part or
all of a day, this needs to be specially
Where a child rate is offered, then it is
presumed that the child will be sharing the
Tel: 01299 272 997
same accommodation as the parents.
If there is no child rate offered, then we may
be able to offer a group discount for your
There may also be discounted flight rates for
children under 12 at the time of travel.
Before you confirm your booking please read
the booking conditions which are included on
the booking form or on our website at The booking
conditions set out our policy on how we
manage the personal information you provide
us with when we arrange your holiday.
If you are making your own flight
arrangements you must not confirm a flight
booking until your riding holiday has been
confirmed by us in writing. You must also
ensure the flight times will coincide with the
transfer times for the rides, which may be at a
set time.
If you have asked us to book flights, please
note that we are not always in a position to
confirm the airline, aircraft type and destination
airport which is to be used. When this
information is provided at the time of booking
or subsequently, it is subject to change. The
flight times given on booking are for general
guidance only and are subject to change by
the airlines. The actual flight times will be
shown on your final itinerary which will be sent
to you approximately two weeks before your
departure. You must accordingly check your
itinerary very carefully immediately upon
receipt to check you have the correct flight
times. It is possible that flight times may be
changed even after the final itinerary has been
sent and we will contact you as soon as
possible if this occurs. You must also ensure
you observe any instructions for reconfirming
your return flight.
From time to time the British Foreign Office
(0845 850 2829 or issues
Travel Advisory Notices giving advice
regarding travel to a particular destination,
which you should consult before making a
booking. If the FCO advises against travel to
the country, then following the advice of our
insurers, we may have to cancel your holiday.
Many of the holidays can be booked by
private groups, some from as few as two
people. In these cases the itinerary can be
tailored for your group. We offer discounts
depending on the size of group.
If you have any medical problem or disability
which may affect your booked arrangements
you must advise us in writing at the time of
booking giving full details. If we feel unable to
properly accommodate your particular needs,
we must reserve the right to decline/cancel
your booking.
Any medical or physical condition that is not
disclosed at the time of booking but which, in
the opinion of the guide, could affect your
ability to ride safely, will result in you being
refused to ride.
Tel: 01299 272 997
A full passport, valid for at least six months
beyond the date of your return travel, is
essential for all the holidays in this brochure.
If you expect to need to renew your passport
you should leave plenty of time for it to be
processed. Information on how to apply for or
renew a passport can be obtained by calling
the UK Passport Office on 0870 521 0410 or
online at All children
under 16 who are not already included on a
valid ten year passport will need to hold their
own passport since it is not now possible to
add children onto British passports. If you are
16 or over and have not yet obtained a
passport, our recommendation is that you
should apply for one at least six weeks
before your holiday.
We are always interested in seeing
photographs of your holiday and the best
may be printed in a future brochure. We also
reserve the right to use in our brochure any
photographs taken during your holiday which
may include you.
Ranch holidays are a highly personal affair.
You may dream of being a cowboy and
rounding up cattle, galloping across the
prairies, camping out under the stars or riding
into the mountains. We will do our best to
help you choose a ranch to fulfil your dreams.
However, it is important that you tell us what
it is you really want to do. For example, if you
want to meet other people and have quite a
sociable holiday, then you will not wish to
pick a ranch where you might be the only
guests. If you want to work cattle, then it is
important that you visit at certain times of the
year. It is not possible to guarantee a specific
activity, since ranch work is dependent on the
weather and local conditions.
At many ranches you are a guest of the
family. You may eat with the rancher and his
family and spend most of the day with either
the rancher or one of the wranglers. They
welcome you into their lives and take great
interest in sharing their lifestyle and
knowledge of the mountains and ranch life.
The vast majority of people find the ranchers
totally charming; however, we cannot
guarantee that you will find them so and
occasionally there are personality clashes.
We are confident that we offer excellent
riding holidays; but we cannot guarantee that
you will enjoy the rancher’s company. The
ranchers are characters and they may have
different beliefs and attitudes to you.
When completing the Booking Form, please
provide us with detailed information regarding
your riding skills and experience to help us
establish that you have the appropriate ability
for the holiday. This information will be
forwarded to our partners overseas to ensure
that you are matched with the right horse.
If you have overstated your ability the guide
may refuse to take you on the ride if he/she
considers it would be unsafe to do so.
Tel: 01299 272 997
We recommend for your own safety that you
wear a hard hat that meets current PAS and
BSEN safety standards. Some
establishments may have hats to hire but you
must not rely on these hats and you should
always take your own. It is important that
your hat fits properly. Some riders choose to
wear a lightweight endurance style hat, such
as those made by Troxel or Champion.
Alternatively, wide brimmed covers in a range
of materials which are designed to fit over a
skull cap are available to purchase in the UK.
We would be pleased to advise you on where
to obtain either.
Whilst riding or in the vicinity of horses, you
must comply with the instructions of your
guide. It is a condition of your booking that
you accept that the guide is entitled to
require you to dismount or to refuse to allow
you to ride if for any reason, such as ability,
behaviour or health, they consider that you
may endanger the safety or welfare of the
horses or any person.
There are inherent risks involved in horse
riding. At many of the riding holidays you may
be required to sign a separate
acknowledgement of this and acceptance of
personal liability. If you are not allowed to ride
because you refuse to sign this disclaimer or
to wear a hard hat, you will have no claim
against In The Saddle and will not be entitled
to any refund or compensation.
On some holidays a limited number of single
rooms are available at no extra charge. On
others, paying a single supplement will
guarantee you a single room and in some
cases, if you are willing to share then no
single supplement is charged. On other
holidays single accommodation is not
available and you will be expected to share.
For further explanation please look at the
explanations of the symbols used throughout
this book on pages 14 and 15.
Special requests should be noted on your
booking form. It is unrealistic to expect
special diets to be effectively catered for in
many of the locations we feature; some
cannot be accommodated and you must be
prepared to compromise. Whilst we will
advise our suppliers of such requests, we
can never guarantee their availability.
Where tips to overseas staff are obligatory
they are included in the prices. Otherwise
tipping guides, wranglers or other staff is at
your discretion. We give guidelines along with
your booking confirmation.
Transfers from the nearest airport are
sometimes included in the price of the
holiday and sometimes they are quoted
separately. The web site, states exactly what is
and what is not included for each ride. The
transfer may be at a specified time so if you
Tel: 01299 272 997
are making your own flight arrangements you
must ensure that the flight times coincide with
the times of the transfers.
Travel insurance is obligatory for all clients
and you must confirm to us in writing that you
have cover for the riding activities to be
You are responsible for arranging your own
insurance with protection for the full duration
of your vacation in respect of at least;
medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation,
cancellation and curtailment. Protection of at
least £50,000 emergency medical evacuation
plus £50,000 medical expenses is mandatory.
In The Saddle reserves the right to cancel the
booking if you have not taken out appropriate
You should familiarise yourself before
departure with the precautions recommended
by health authorities. If travelling directly from
the UK, no vaccinations are legally required
for any of the countries featured in this
brochure, but most medical experts will
advise precautions against tetanus, hepatitis,
typhoid and polio for travel to Africa, Latin
America or Asia. Malarial protection is
strongly recommended if visiting India or
Africa, however our rides in Namibia and
South Africa are in areas considered to be
non-malarial, except for Wait A Little.
Full information about health requirements for
travellers is available from ‘MASTA’ (Medical
Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad) at the
The Riding Holiday Show
London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine. Tel: 0906 822 4100 or
If you are a British Citizen you will need to
obtain a visa in advance of travel for
Australia, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and
Tibet. Visas are issued on arrival for Jordan,
Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Turkey and
You must have a machine readable passport
to visit the USA. All travellers to, or via, the
United States must complete a Visa Waiver
Form (known as ESTA) at least 72 hours
prior to departure.
Other countries featured in this brochure do
not currently require British Citizens to
purchase a Visa; however regulations can
change so you should check with the relevant
consulate or embassy prior to travel. The
cost of the visa is not included in the price of
the holiday but we will supply full details and
the relevant application forms on request.
Visas need to be applied for around two to
three months prior to departure.
It is important that non-British citizens check
with the relevant consulate or embassy as
visa requirements may differ.
We regret we cannot accept any liability if
you are refused entry onto any flight or into
any country due to failure on your part to
carry the correct passport, visa or other
documents required by any airline or
Tel: 01299 272 997
On most rides there is a weight limit of 15
stone (approx. 100kgs or 220 pounds) and
on some rides it is less than this.
Furthermore, there may only be one or two
horses suitable for this weight but since it
does depend on your experience and riding
ability you must check with us before
booking. Please inform us if your weight
changes significantly prior to your holiday
since this may affect horse allocation.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are
in possession of all necessary travel and
health documents before departure. All costs
incurred in obtaining such documentation
must be paid by you. We regret we cannot
accept any liability if you are refused entry
onto any transport or into any country due to
failure on your part to carry correct
If you or any member of your party is not a
British citizen or holds a non British passport,
you must check passport and visa
requirements with the Embassy or Consulate
of the country(ies) to or through which you
are intending to travel. If failure to have any
necessary travel or other documents results
in fines, surcharges or other financial penalty
being imposed on us, you will be responsible
for reimbursing us accordingly.
The Riding Holiday Show takes place in
London in November. Riding guides from
the Americas, Asia, Africa and across
Europe come together to share stories
about their rides. It’s a great place to
learn about new trips, plan you next
adventure and to meet up with old
Tickets can be requested online at, by email
[email protected] or call us on
01299 272 997. For the latest information
about the event visit
If you are unable to come to the Riding
Holiday Show in November we hope to
see you on our tradestand at one of
these other equestrian events
throughout the year.
March | Flanders Horse Expo, Belgium
May | Badminton Horse Trials, Gloucestershire
May | Rolex Three Day Event, Kentucky, USA
June | Bramham Horse Trials, West Yorkshire
August | Burwarton Show, Shropshire
August | Burghley Horse Trials, Lincolnshire
October | Horse of the Year Show, Birmingham
October | JKB Horse Show, Denmark
November | Equitana, Australia
Tel: 01299 272 997
Tel: 01299 272 997
Colorado - Cattle Company
Costa Rica - Rainforest Adventure
Costa Rica - Riding Odyssey
Ecuador - Colonial Haciendas
Ecuador - Cotopaxi Adventure
Ecuador - Volcanoes and Vistas
France - Châteaux Chazelles
France - Châteaux of the Loire
France - Vienne Explorer
Georgia - Tusheti Mountain Ride
Hungary - Great Plains Ride
Iceland - Golden Circle
Iceland - Home at Hestasport
Iceland - Kjölur
Iceland - Round Up
Iceland - Snæfellsnes
India - Eastern Himalayan Tea Gardens Ride
India - Fairs and Festivals
India - Nagaur Fair
India - Pushkar Fair
India - Shekhawati Rides
Ireland - Castle Leslie Estate
Ireland - Mount Juliet
Israel - Galilee and Jerusalem
Italy - Chianti Castles
Italy - Cilento Ride
Italy - Discover Tuscany
Italy - I Due Laghi
Jordan - Footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia
Tel: 01299 272 997
Inte er
rm e
e ri e
Cen nced
il R sed Rid
Gam de
Bea Viewin
Idea Riding
l for
Suit g Ranc ble
e rs
rt b
Acc r this e
o mm
oda tion
Argentina - Estancia Los Potreros
Argentina - Frontier Ride
Argentina - Pioneer Trail
Argentina/Chile - Across the Andes
Argentina/Chile - Grande Traverse
Arizona - Tanque Verde Ranch
Australia - Bush & Beach
Australia - Snowy Mountains
Azores - Green Island Trail
Azores - Instruction Week
Botswana - Kujwana
Botswana - Limpopo Lodge Safari
Botswana - Macatoo
Botswana - Makgadikgadi Pans
Botswana - Motswiri Camp
Botswana - Tuli Trail
Botswana - Two Mashatus
Brazil - Bahia Beach Ride
Brazil - Canyons and Waterfalls
Brazil - Coffee Trail
Brazil - Darwin's Trail
Brazil - Pantanal Experience
California - Redwood Coast
Canada - Lucasia Ranch
Canada - Tsylos
Chile - Bories House
Chile - Glacier View
Chile - Lake District
Chile - Torres Vista
Inte er
rm e
e ri e
Cen nced
il R sed Rid
Bea Viewin
Idea Riding
l for
r u ct
r ki n
Ran able
or N
on R
rt b
N e w e a ks
Acc r this e
o mm
oda tion
Tel: 01299 272 997
Romania - Equus Silvania
Romania - Transylvania Trails
South Africa - Ant's Lodges
South Africa - Blakeney
South Africa - Horizon
South Africa - Horizon Safari at Dinaka
South Africa - Moolmanshoek
South Africa - Surf and Turf
South Africa - Wait a Little
South Africa - Wild Coast
South Africa - Wildlife and Winelands
South Africa/Botswana - Big Five Combination
South Dakota - Fortune Ranch
Spain - Catalan Coastal Trails
Spain - Costa Brava Rides
Spain - Los Alamos
Spain - Pyrenean Adventures
Spain - Ride and Train
Spain - Sierra Nevada
Sweden - Explore Winter
Sweden - Grand Nikkaluokta Trail
Tanzania - Singita Grumeti Safari
Tibet - High Plateau Ride
Tunisia - Oasis to Oasis
Turkey - Cappadocia Trails
Uruguay - Coastal Estancias
Wyoming - Renegade Rides
Tel: 01299 272 997
Inte er
rm e
e ri e
Cen nced
il R sed Rid
Gam de
Bea Viewin
Idea Riding
l for
Suit g Ranc ble
e rs
rt b
Acc r this e
o mm
oda tion
Kenya - Amboseli Mobile Safari
Kenya - Borana
Kenya - Chyulu Hills Safari
Kenya - Maasai Mara with Offbeat
Kenya - Maasai Mara with Safaris Unlimited
Kenya - Ol Donyo Lodge
Kyrgyzstan - The Great Trek
Mexico - Cabalgatas La Sierra
Mongolia - Big Skies Horse Trail
Mongolia - Gobi Steppe Ride
Mongolia - Mongol Horse Trail
Montana - Bonanza Creek Ranch
Montana - Rocking Z Ranch
Montana - Sweet Grass Ranch
Mozambique - Tropical Sands
Namibia - Across the Namib
Namibia - Damaraland/Skeleton Coast
Namibai - Desert Homestead
Namibia - Endurance Rides
Namibia - Okapuka
New Zealand - Explorer Trails
New Zealand - South Kaipara
New Zealand - Tekapo Expedition
New Zealand - Warrior Trail
Peru - Peruvian Odyssey
Peru - The Sacred Valley Ride
Portugal - Alcainça
Portugal - Dolphin and Alentejo Trails
Portugal - Kingdom of the Lusitano
Inte er
rm e
e ri e
Cen nced
il R sed Rid
Bea Viewin
Idea Riding
l for
r u ct
r ki n
Ran able
or N
on R
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N e w e a ks
Acc r this e
o mm
oda tion
United Kingdom Office
In The Saddle
Reaside, Neen Savage
Cleobury Mortimer
Shropshire DY14 8ES
01299 272 997
email [email protected]
Overseas partners
Australia | In The Saddle | 02 4572 2107
Belgium | Perlan | 09 362 5384
Brazil | Ride in Brazil | 11 7562 8884
Denmark | Rid og Rejs | 22 418 418
Ireland | In The Saddle | 1 800 550 490
Italy | In The Saddle | 333 949 3337
Netherlands | Paardenpas | 6 47310175
Norway | XXL Adventure | 48 25 47 33
USA | In The Saddle | 888 732 7505
Rest of World +44 1299 272 997
Introduced by