PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 ^PERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS PENDIDIK \fc DAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN AKTIVITAS DAN RESPON CALON GURU DALAM PENERAPAN LESSON STUDY PADA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA BERBAHASA INGGRIS DI SMA NEGERI 3 MALANG Cholis Sa'dijah Jurusan Matemalika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang Abstrak: Makalah ini membahas aktivitas dan respon calon guru dalam penerapan Lesson Study pada pembelajaran matemalika berbahasa Inggris di SMA Negeri 3Malang. Aktivitas tersebut meliputi plan do, dan see. Calon guru yang terlibat adalah 13 mahasiswa peserta matakuliah Teaching Senior High School Mathematics in English tahun 2010. Matakuliah ini menyediakan pengalaman bagi mahasiswa untuk menerapkan lesson study dan praktek membelajarkan matematika di kelas bilingual. Calon guru memberi respon positif terhadap penerapan lesson study. Mereka merasa memperoleh pengalaman lebih dalam praktek membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggris pada siswa di sekolah, tidak hanya praktek simulasi di kampus. Mereka berpendapat bahwa kepercayaan dirinya meningkat dalam membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggris karena memperoleh pengalaman ini. Mereka juga merasakan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi matematika mereka dalam bahasa Inggris untuk membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggris di SMA masih perlu ditingkatkan. Kata kunci: aktivitas, respon, calon guru, pembelajaran matematika berbahasa Inggris, Lesson Study Sebagai unit pelaksana dari suatu lembaga pendidikan "pencetak" calon guru, dalam hal ini guru matematika, program studi pendidikan matematika mempunyai tanggung javvab dalam meningkatkan atmosfer akademik sehingga efisiensi dan produktivitas lulusan menjadi semakin meningkat. Karena adanya tuntutan pengguna lulusan dari Program Studi ini maka langsung di sekolah dalam membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggris. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata kuliah ini akan diterapkan Lesson study (LS). Berdasarkan kajian teori dan pengalaman sebagai dosen pendamping pelaksanaan LS di sekolah, LS cocok diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan perkuliahan ini. LS dilakukan melalui Prodi ini menyediakan matakuliah Teaching Junior Secondary Mathematics in English serangkaian kegiatan Plan-Do-See (Fernandez & (TJSME) dan Teaching Senior High School Mathematics in English (TSHME). Salah satu kegiatan dalam perkuliahan ini, mahasiswa menyusun rancangan pembelajaran dan praktek mempunyai kesempatan mempraktekkan langsung di sekolah. Dalam pembelajaran ini LS dilakukan sebagai berikut. Tahap "Perencanaan simulasi pembelajaran matematika berbahasa Inggris di kampus. Dalam refleksi perkuliahan ini dan wawancara dengan mahasiswa peserta matakuliah ini dapat dikemukakan tentang Yoshida, 2004). Sewaktu "do" mahasiswa {Plan) bertujuan untuk menghasilkan rancangan pembelajaran yang diyakini mampu membelajarkan membangkilkan siswa secara partisipasi efektif siswa seita dalam pembelajaran matematika berbahasa Inggris. perlunya mahasiswa peserta matakuliah ini untuk Dalam diberi pengalaman langsung di sekolah untuk membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggris. Penelitian Sa'dijah (2009) menyarankan bahwa mahasiswa perlu mempunyai pengalaman kolaboratif berbagi ide menyusun rancangan pembelajaran untuk menghasilkan cara pengorganisasian bahan ajar, proses FMIPA UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MALANG. 9 Okiober20I0 perencanaan, mahasiswa secara pembelajaran, maupun penyiapan alat bantu pembelajaran. Sebelum diimplementasikan 35 PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 ' PERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS I DAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN dalam kelas, rancangan pembelajaran yang telah disusun kemudian disimulasikan. Pada tahap ini Standards, yang diperlukan dalam pengamatan. Tahap "Pelaksanaan {Do)" bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan rancangan pembelajaran. membelajarkan matematika Standards, Developing Mathematics anticipated Instructions, learning Assessment, and School Based materials. ('urriculum Development 5-8 mahasiswa berperan sebagai pelaksana LS dan mahasiswa yang lain sebagai pengamat. Fokus pengamatan bukan pada penampilan mahasiswa yang Practice: Modelling, Developing Producing Learning Guided lesson plan. practice, shared learning Materials practice. scenario, berbahasa Inggris, tetapi lebih diarahkan pada kegiatan belajar siswa dengan berpedoman pada prosedur independent worksheet. practice media, assessment. 9-16 I'eer Teaching 1: Students practice, handbook of communication reflection, classroom skills feedback, revise English. Presenting focus dan instrumen yang telah disepakati pada tahap on perencanaan. Pengamat tidak diperkenankan mengganggu proses pembelajaran. Tahap "Refleksi (See)" bertujuan untuk menemukan kelebihan dan kekurangan pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Kegiatan diavvali dengan penyampaian kesan dari pembelajar dan selanjutnya diberikan kepada pengamat. Kritik basic competences ('ompetence ditetapkan prosedur pengamatan dan instrumen Dalam proses pelaksanaan tersebut, salah satu discussion Graduates Reading mathematics concepts focus on comiminical ion skills 17-32 I'eer Teaching II: Students practice as a real practice, their teacher reflection. learning feedback, revise (LESSON STUDY: plan. do, see) and revising appropriate! dan saran diarahkan dalam rangka peningkatan Reviewing materials, >•• Practicing kualitas pembelajaran dan disampaikan secara as a real teacher to show their bijak tanpa merendahkan atau menyakiti hati mahasiswa yang praktek membelajarkan matematika dalam bahasa Inggris. Masukan yang positif dapat digunakan untuk merancang ability to teach mathematics in English. kembali pembelajaran yang lebih baik. Dari Tabel 1 di atas dapat dikemukakan PEMBAHASAN Berikut dikemukakan isi Matakuliah "'Teaching Senior High School Mathematics In English" (TSHME). Mata kuliah ini berkode MAP 468, 3 sks, 4 js, disajikan pada semester VI. Tujuan perkuliahan ini adalah bahwa "the students are expected to be able to teach senior high school mathematics in English". Deskripsi matakuliah ini sebagai berikut. "The course pro vides several experiences that are required to help students be able to teach mathematics in English. Through this course, the students learn on developing learning materials, such as: lesson plan, learning scenario, students worksheet, learning media, and assessment. The students are bahwa penelitian ini dilakukan pada tengah se mester kedua yaitu dengan penerapan Lesson Study dan pemberian pengalaman langsung di sekolah. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini, pada awalnya 13 mahasiswa peserta matakuliah ini bekerja dalam kelompok, masing-masing kelompok beranggotakan 4-5 mahasiswa. Setiap kelompok menyusun draft rancangan pembela jaran matematika berbahasa Inggris, sehingga ada tiga draft rancangan pembelajaran. Pada waktu "plan" draft rancangan pembelajaran tersebut dibahas dan disimulasikan untuk menghasilkan rancangan pembelajaran yang diharapkan mampu membelajarkan siswa secara nario". efektif serta membangkitkan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika berbahasa Ing label 1. Aktivitas Perkuliahan TSHME diperoleh rancangan pembelajaran yang siap also required to practice their lesson plan/ sce Meeting t) IS gris. Dengan demikian dari tahap "plan" akan Topics Instructional Method Introduction. Question ('anient answer. and diimplementasikan pada tahap "do" di sekolah. Tusks Developing indicators of FMIPA UNIVERS1TASNEGER1 MALANG. 9 Oktobc-2010 Dalam makalah ini dibahas aktivitas maha siswa selama penerapan satu siklus lesson Study, yaitu "plan"," do", dan "see". Berikut dibahas 36 PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 PERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS PENDIDIK > DAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN aktivitas mahasisvva dalam tahap "plan", yaitu pada saat refleksi simulasi di kampus sebelum pelaksanaan "do" di SMA Negeri 3 Malang. Dalam hal ini salah satu mahasisvva berperan se- Forum paid attention to the video and together make a review about the teaching and learning process simulation inprevious process bagai moderator. Refleksi dari hasil observasi dan tayangan video selama pelaksanaan simulasi sebagai berikut. Introduction (It should be better the stu dents explain about their opinion detail and give chance to the other students; Teacher fell the slides played a big role in instruction. The teacher always look at the slides and then she spoke). Main Activity (In NHTmodel, teacherfell need to manage the class so that the process can befluent). Closing (Reflection should be after the conclusion; The conducting quiz is useful to measure students understanding). Generally, If teacher have some question for students, teacher may say "I have a question, you can see on the Moderator introduced the aim of the reflection slide ..." but teacher didn't do that, teacher have directly stated the question so that some students that day. Forum would review teaching and learning process simulation in previous process. feel confused. Ifthe students are noisy, the class Forum divided into currentfunction that are no- becomes crowded, teacher have leaded them to tulen, moderator, teacher, and observer. n ward a quiet. It is okay and very goodfor discus sion, but not while teacher was explaining the materials; Some ofslides are not clear because of unobviousness of difference of background and the main text or image. But the slides are very good, attractive and provide a lot of infor mation. Some students didn Vknow the meaning ofD,, B2, Bh ... (number in NHT). Teacher didn't use "MAPLET yet. It wasn't really important, teacher might to delete itfrom the slides. Finally, after doing simulation in internforum and reflec tion of itsimulation, the team teaching decided to use the same lesson plan involving topics, media, its instrument, and instructional models as the Forum paid attention to the video and together make a review about the teaching and learning beginning; and to revise the contain ofhand-out, processsimulation inprevious process. reducesomeproblems on the worksheet. Pada vvaktu "do" yaitu pada waktu praktek membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggis, ada mahasisvva yang berperan sebagai guru, ob server dan perekam data. Beberapa catatan tentang aktivitas mahasisvva selama pelaksanaan "do" di sekolah sebagai berikut. The lesson is taught at the scheduled time. Team teaching, other observers, instructor, and guest observer attend to the site, class XI-6 Sci ence. One member ofthe team teaches the lesson and other members attend the class to collect data. Students are briefed on the purpose ofthe study. EMIPA US'IVERSITASNEGERI MALANG. 9 Oktober 201(1 37 PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 PERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS PENDIDIK DAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN He looks sleepy He open the next paper He fust silent and move his body 08.51 His friend ask him He does not write down the re sult on the paper He yawn He discuss a little with his friendsHe looks confuse about the ma 08.53 terial He ask theirfriends (He looks hisfriends' result) He imagine the graph 08.55 He want to try answer the All observers gather rich evidence related to the learning goal during the lesson, capturing the complexity of actual teaching and learning. Observers may record detailed field notes, stu question When his friends answer, he 08.56 dent activity, or use checklists or rubrics to cate gorize student performance, thinking, andbehav Observer students may observefocus on specific students during the lesson. The number of stu He consider teacher explana 08.59 tails: an observer observes one student. In gen eral, the observationfor the students' activity are asfollows. The number ofstudents at this class is 31 students but one student is absent; The stu dents started their activity at the instructional (the introduction activity) that was started at 8.47 a.m; The main activity was begun at 9.18 a.m; The closing activity was begun at 9.42 a.m; He discuss (ask) the fiend about the material that he still 09.02 confuse (don 7 understand) He looks sleepy He see to the camera 09.03 Tabel 2. Contoh Observasi Sisvva Student's Activity Introduction He see the teacher, but his view looks like empty He daydreaming and sleepy 09.04 Time While his next friend discuss, 09.00 Berikut dikemukakan contoh observasi Observation Notefor Tasa Riski tion he fust keep silent The instructional was ended at 9.47 a.m. sisvva just smile He fust copy his friends' result He looks teacher explanation while play with the next friends ior even observer may record teacher activities. dents who are observed is 5 students with the de He try to draw it He fust look the whiteboard He looks thinking something, but it seems not related to the material 09.05 09.07 09.09 He read the handout after He looks his friends' result and observe (think) it He see the situation in the class He want to try answer the question 08.48 teacher give it, but he also look away to his next friend 09. J J He likely engage to do indi vidually, but sometimes he ask 08.49 He just keep silent He see teacher saying 09.13 his friendsHe put his left foot on the right 08.50 FM1PA UXirERSlTASKEGERI MALANG, 9 Okiober 2010 38 PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 WPERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS PENDIDIK DAN KUALITAS PEA 09.15 foot He chat with his friends Main Activity NHT (Number Head Together) 09.16 is begin and he search his group He get number 5 in group A 09.17 Teacher ask students to solve the worksheet in 15 minutes 09.18 He just open his worksheet He try to answer the problem He try to looks for the other reference 09.19 He just looks for in his map 09.22 about the reference He return to see his worksheet He try again to solve the prob lem in worksheet 09.25 He didn't solve his worksheet, but talk about football like "Barca, Arema, PerseIa. " 09.26 whether one of them is absent. Teacher asks the students to consider their handout and asks some probing questions. Students are quite active; some ofthem answer teacher questions. Teacher asked students to act with spirit when she saw her students were not so. Teacher gives confir mation, before thatshe asks to the other students function He close his worksheet 09.32 He doing his worksheet again In confirmation step, he didn 7 attention his friend who pre bysketching graphs in whiteboard. Teacher tells sent Closing Activity Teacher 09.47 dance of the member of the class and ask about other ideas. Teacher also facilitates the students in order to make conjecture of theorem oflimit offunction in addition and multiplication 09.31 09.44 laporan "lesson learned". Introduction. Teacher starts the lesson and greets the students. Teacher checks the atten problem by multiply the given He analyze the problem He play with his friend 09.40 Selanjutnya, tahap "see'" yaitu tahap refleksi. Sebelum melakukan refleksi, dikaji beberapa catatan observasi selama tahap "do" dari He try again to solve some 09.30 09.35 .":-k to the students if they have difficulties in posing ideas/questions it is noproblem if they pose the questions with Indonesian language. Teacher asks the students to discuss with their friends about the next problems, after the time is over one of (he students come infront of the class to explain to the otherfriends and teacher asks an asks students to collect their worksheet other idea to the other students. Main Activities. Teacher divides the class Teacher and students reflect into some groups randomly according to their the instructional desk and then students start to move on. Teacher He didn't give opinion, but his next friend, Raff said that there are many people who observe the class make they cannot comfortable in doing spreads the worksheet and gives the label of the the lesson Besides that, the lesson is videotaped for fu ture reference and review. number to each ofthe students butsome students cannot see the graph of g(x) clearly. Then stu dents start to do the worksheet with their group but some groups can't do the worksheet coopera tively. At the process ofdiscussion, some groups do not understand with the problem in the work sheet and then teacherfacilitates them. Discus sion spends about 30 minutes and all groups have done the worksheet. After time to do the worksheet is over, teacher choose the label of number randomly and students who has that number presents infront of the class. When the representative student presents the answer, the FMIPA UNIVERSITASNEGER1 MALANG, 9 Oklober2010 39 I'ROSIDING SEiMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 PERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS PENDIDIK DAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN other students keep busy. Then teacher askabout PENUTUP the other ideas to the other member ofthe class. After that, teacher gives confirmation about the answer. Closing. Teacher asks the students make conclusion together about the lesson that just Masing-masing mahasiswa selama penera pan lesson study ini aktif. Baik mereka yang se bagai guru model, observer, maupun sebagai perekam data. Calon guru memberi respon posi- now execute, and then teacher confirms it. They tif terhadap penerapan lesson study. Mereka do reflection. A student said that he cannot do inerasa memperoleii pengalaman lebih dalam praktek membelajarkan matematika berbahasa the problem on worksheet well because the pres ence of a lot ofpeople disturbed him. Another student saidthat she was confused. Teacher asks the students to submit their worksheet. Teacher closes the lesson by saying goodbye. Inggris pada siswa di sekolah, tidak hanya prak tek simulasi di kampus. Mereka berpendapat bahwa kepercayaan dirinya meningkat dalam membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggris Dari kajian hasil observasi, dikemukakan refleksi sebagai berikut. The allocation time is too long, so that the team teachers need to re duce some contents of handout and worksheet. Since the quiz doesn 't holdon so that teacher has karena memperoleh pengalaman ini. Mereka juga merasakan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi matematika mereka dalam bahasa Inggris untuk membelajarkan matematika berbahasa Inggris di to manage the time allocation as long as the in lebih terbuka dalam menerima masukan untuk perbaikan pembelajaran. Mereka merasa leebih SMA masih perlu ditingkatkan. Mereka merasa structional activities happen. The next lesson study will be heldon next week. For the next les tidak canggung kalau ada yang mengunjungi ke- son study, the timeallocation is about 65 minutes lasnya sewaktu mereka membelajarkan mate matika berbahasa Inggris, yang tentu saja hal ini include introduction, main, and closing activities. For the next lesson study, the center teacher is onlytwo teachers and the others teacher and ob- akan meningkatkan keprofesionalan mereka se bagai calon guru masa depan. server should be in the behind of the class. Obseiver students have to close to students when discussion process occur. The problems on the worksheet are clarified not only in printing but also about the quality of the question (especially in graph problem). The teacher has to manage the class. Give probing question when the stu dents are active less and conduct the class if the DAFTAR RUJUKAN Fernandez, C. & Yoshida, M. (2004). Lesson Study: A Japanese Approach to Improveing Mathe matics Teaching and Learning. London: Lawlence Erlbaum Associated, Inc. Lewis, C. 2002. Lesson study: A handbook ofteacher- led instructional change. Philadelphia: Re students less concern in material. search for Better Schools. Lewis, C, Perry, R., Hurd, J., & O'Connel, M. P. 2006. Teacher collaboration: Lesson study omes ofage in North America. Tersedia pada http://www.Lessonresearch.net/LS_06Kappan. pdf. Roy, R. (2008). Active learning. Mathematics Teaching. 211, 36-36. Diakses 20 Oktober 2009 dari Academic Research Library (ID Dokumen: 1864856581) Sa'dijah, C. (2006). Pengembangan Model Pembela Pada Lampiran dikemukakan "lesson learned report" dari penerapan lesson study di SMA Netzeri 3 Malans. jaran Matematika Beracuan Konstruktivisme untuk Siswa SMP. Mathedu Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika. 1 (2): 111-122. Sa'dijah, C (2009). "Unjuk Kerja Mahasiswa Peserta 'Teaching Junior Secondary Mathe matics In English' dalam Membelajarkan Matematika Berbahasa Inggris Berbantuan Teknologi Informasi dan Ko munikasi" dalam Jurnal Pendidikan dan FMIPA UNIl -ERSITAS XEGERI MALANG, 9 Okiober 2010 40 {•m . :r PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 ^5^PERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS PENDIDIK DAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN Pembelajaran, 16(2): 171-179. Malang: LP3 UM. Yoshida, M. 2002. Developing Effective Use of the Blackboard through Lesson Study.http://ww\v.rbs.org/lesson_study/confen rence/2002/paper/Yosh idablacboard .shtml. Zane, T.(2009). Performance Assessment Design Principles Gleaned from Constructivist Learning Theory (Part 2). Tech Trends, 53( 3), 86-94. Diakses 20 Oktober 2009 dari Aca demic Research Library (ID Dokumen: 1796217141) the number to each of the students. Then stu dents starts to do the worksheet with their group. Some of group are not understand with the problem in the worksheet and then teacher facilitates them. After time to do the worksheet is over, teacher choose the label of number randomly and students who has that number presents in front of the class. Then teacher ask about another ideas to the other member of the class. After that teacher gives confirmation. Closing Activity : starts at 09.30 Teacher asks the students make con LAM PI RAN clusion together about the lesson that just now execute, then teacher confirms it. They "Lesson learned report" dari penerapan lesson study di SMA Negeri 3 Malang. submit their worksheet. Teacher closes the INSTRUCTIONAL IDENTITY Subject: Mathematics Topics : Theorem ofLimit ofFunction Class: XI The number ofstudents : 30 School: SMAN 3 Malang THE SUMMA R Y OF INSTR UCTION Introduction : starts at 08.36 Teacher starts the lesson and greets the students. She checks the attendance the member of the class and ask whether one of them is absent. Teacher asks the students to consider their handout and asks some prob ing questions, students are quite active, some of them answer teacher questions. Teacher gives confirmation, before that she asks to the other students about other ideas. Teacher also facilitates the students in order to make conjecture of theorem of limit offunction in addition and multiplication by sketching graphs in whiteboard. Teacher tells to the students if they have difficulties in posing ideas/questions it is no problem if they pose the questions with Indonesian language. Teacher asks the students to discuss with their friends about the next problems, after the time is over one of the students come in front of the class to explain to the other friends and teacher asks another idea to the other students. lesson. IMPORTANT NOTES FROM REFLEC TIVE DISCUSSION The time allocation ofintroduction is too long, maybe you can rearrange your handout in order to manage the time. Because the introduction time is too long it implies the time until the end ofthe lesson, the consequence not all ofyour lesson plan is run well. Before you do the teaching andlearning process, it is better ifyou prepare the tools so thatyou can do the instruction as your plan. Mrs. Ani says that in order to make the students understand about the concept of the limit ofjunction, first she gives comprehension intuitively byshowing that the limit offunction at a point both in left andright side aresame by using the tableas yours, but in your lesson plan youjustfrom the left. After that she shows the limit offund ion at a point by approachingfrom the graph. And then move on to the limit ofalgebraic expression. VALUABLE LEARNING (LESSON LEARNED) In this teaching and learning process, actually the process is run well but maybe the time allocation should be rearrange in order to make the lesson is Main Activity : starts at 09.10 Teacher divides the class into some groups randomly according to their desk, then students starts to move on. do reflection. Teacher asks the students to Teacher spreads the worksheet and give the label of FM1PA UNIVERSITASNEGERI MALANG. 9 Oktober2010 run as the plan that written in lesson plan. Not all ofthe students are active and spirit, maybe the reason is theyare shy 41 PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LESSON STUDY 3 PERAN LESSON STUDY DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALITAS PENDIDIK DAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN topose their ideas or questions in English, but teacher has confirmed to them that it's noproblem if they pose the ideas/questions in Indonesian language. Actually the students have take on this material but infact theystill don 7 comprehend thematerial, maybe it is because they do not understand the concept of limits well. FMIPA UN1VERSITAS NEGER1 MALANG, 9 Okiober 2010 42