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SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON TEACHING METHODOLOGIES FOR THE INFUSION OF CREATIVE SCIENCE CLASSROOM Nurshamshida Md Shamsudin Normismah Md Yusoff Biology Education Science Education Department Faculty of Education, UiTM Abstract Science education in Malaysia faces a lot of changes and development that contribute towards conflicts and challenges among teachers in formulating and practicing effective teaching in their science classroom. Examination oriented and traditional teaching has been synonym in our education system. The infusion of creative teaching in Science has been acknowledged however still many unfold issues in selecting the best approach for science classroom. Hence systematic review of teaching methodologies is conducted for the purpose of strengthening the research framework that varieties of creative teaching methodologies are applicable and effective in science classroom. Introduction In teaching Science, systematic teaching methodologies is important to make sure students not confusing or misconception with the topic. Some of the teachers will take the serious teaching to those students who will sit for examination. Why they are not taking it seriously since the beginning? It will be late to cover the entire topics that have been learns. Besides, if at beginning the students difficult to understand and have some misconceptions, then during the teaching they will more difficult to understand and make their result decline. 1 However, there are many elements which involve in creativity in teaching, either using words as reading and written, using physical movement, using teaching tools, using melody, using graphic or colors, or teachers can explain the topic by using alternative ways such experiments. In another way of creativity, some teachers feel that they are not confidents to be creative in teaching, this lack of confident among educators was proved by research of Davies (2000). Actually there are many elements will involve into the creative teaching because the creative teaching is the elements contain in the teaching methods in the classes. Students’ achievement in sciences is the result for the science subject that students reach from paper and pencil test, science experiment and involvement during teacher lesson. There are several factors that influence student achievement in sciences such intrinsic motivation, peer influence and using many types of material during lesson as creative teaching (Anwar, Aness, Asma et. all, 2012). In addition, the Relevance of Science Education (ROSE, 2012) is a cooperative research project with the wide international participation, addressing mainly the affective dimensions of how young learner related to science and technology. The purpose of ROSE is to gather and analyse information from the learners about several factors that have a bearing on their attitudes to science and technology and their motivation to learn science and technology. About 40 countries have been taking part in ROSE including Malaysia country, and many more have shown an interest in the project. The conclusion of ROSE project according to the Malaysian students is the students are not interesting to the science subject compare to the other subject even they are realise that the science is important to them. Therefore, teachers, school administration and Education Ministry should take the several steps to help them. 2 According to Santrock (2009), there is seven points during achievement process such extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, goal setting, planning, and self-motivation, attribution, expectations, mastery motivation and mindset, values and purpose and self-efficacy. Then, the intrinsic motivation is define as the involvement with the internal motivation to do something for own sake (an end in itself). Eventhough intrinsic motivation is one of achievement process, not all educators are considering that. According to Mohamed, Mustafa et. all (2012), they are found a positive relationship between teachers attribution and their characteristics such as teaching experience and students’ achievement and a significance positive relationship between students’ achievement and teaching methods and teaching practices among Libyan students’ achievement in mathematics. It is showed that how important of teaching method during the lesson even in the mathematics subject. It is also can influence among the science students. Finally, the students’ achievement among science students is important to help teachers identify their weaknesses in their teaching methods. Therefore, science teachers should be aware always to avoid the students get the lower achievement. One of the ways that can help teachers to improve their teaching skill is to be creative in teaching. This creative teaching is based on the creativity of a teacher who will teach their students. A review of the literature relates to the aim of this study which looks on achievement of low achiever science students and the creative teaching of science teachers. On the other hands, the creative teaching of science teachers are evaluating based on the teaching method or teaching strategies that they use during their lesson. According to the review that has been made, the creative teaching is classified into a few types such written and reading types, physical types, technology and animation types, sound types, diagram and color types, and alternative types. 3 Creative Teaching In Science Classroon The creative teaching comes from the word of creativity which is give many definition based on the different observations. According to Villalba (2008), creativity is the ability to produce work that is both novel and appropriate (Sternberg and Lubart, 1999). Besides, Runco (2007) calls the creativity as “product bias” which means that all creativity requires a tangible product: “It would be more parsimonious to view creative products as inventions and the process leading up to them as creative or innovative”. Heansly and Torrance identified more than 200 instruments for measuring different aspects of creativity (Villalba, 2008). Then, Hocevar have classified the creativity in to tests of divergent thinking, attitude and interest inventories, personality inventories, biographical measures, ratings by teachers, peers or supervisors, product judgements, self-reports of creative achievements, and eminence or the study of well-known and establish creative people (Vilalba, 2008). Classification of creative teaching 4 Written and Reading Constructivist Physical Creative Teaching Technology and Animation Diagram and Color Sound Figure 1.1: The classification of creative teaching methods. This research will show a several elements which are involve in the creative teaching methods. The elements are classified based on the way that the teacher teaching on science subject. Besides, thinking and learning style of students may influence the students understanding. According to Nordin Tahir (nd), learning style is the individual way to respond the world and communicate with the surrounding. The variety of the learning style also related with the classification of creative teaching. There are five types of learning style, such Quadrant Learning Style, Kolb Cognitive Style Model (1976), Gregorc Learning Style Model (1979), McCarthy Model (1980, 1990), and Dunn & Dunn Learning Style Model (1992). Therefore, the different of the learning style that we know may influence the factor in classifying the creative teaching methods. This research determine five types based on all elements in the creative teaching methods such written and reading types, physical 5 types, technology and animation types, sound types, diagram and color types and alternative types. Written and reading types The written and reading types are the creative teaching methods that involving the words during the teaching process. Physical Written and Reading Constructivist Creative Teaching Diagram and Color 1. 2. 3. 4. Storytelling Crossword MCQ Short Essays 5. Labelling Diagram 6. Mnemonics Technology and Animation Sound Figure 1.2: Classification of creative teaching methods in written and reading type. Classification: Story telling Siang( 2009) 6 The teaching method through story telling is a method where teacher will tell the story which is create based on the objective and learning outcomes of the science subjects. Eventhough, all of the science topics are not suitable to use the same method in teaching. According to Siang (2009), he determines that the story telling in the teaching process is one of the attractive methods that can attract the students’ interest the class in State of Matter topic,this research shows that the story telling method can help teacher to attract students’ attention during the learning process and build the students interest in science subject. Indirectly, it is can improve students’ achievement in science subject generally and matter specifically. Classification: Crossword Partridge, (2011) The research attempt to examine the effect of using an alternative hands-on type of review material, crossword puzzles, throughout an entire semester in a college level accounting course at Spring Hill College was done by Partridge. The pre and postsurveys were used to collect the data on the control and treatment groups amongst approximately 100 of accounting students. The questionnaire was containing five of subtests such interest, level of learning, difficulties, utility and creativity. Then, all statistical testing was done using the 0.05 level of significance.Results from the study indicate that students in the experimental group performed at least as well as students in the control group on all of five hypotheses that dealt with accounting achievement. The effectiveness of crossword in learning cannot be measure accurately because of students’ motivation in study or else. Generally, students have some ideas of what helps and what hinders their learning and therefore the possibility that their perceptions were accurate must be considered. 7 Classification: Multiple choice questions and fill in the blank Profiling classroom teachers’ assessment practice (Ong, nd) According to the research of Profiling Classroom Teacher Assessment Practice, the research involve of teachers in the northern region of Malaysia. The instrument used is “Teacher Assessment Practice Inventory” was sent to the school with the help of 30 part-time post-graduate students in the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. There are 602 teachers in 30 secondary and primary schools around Penang have been received questionnaire to answer. The “Teacher Assessment Practice Inventory” (IAPG- Inventori Amalan Pentaksiran Guru) which encompassing five aspects such test construction, assessment types, use of assessment results, grading and scoring, marking scheme and giving feedbacks about students’ assessment results were conducted. Then, it was analyzed with descriptive statistics and “one-way MANOVA” based on school level and subjects taught by teachers. The results showed that school often used multiple-choice objective test in assessing their students, while matching question is the least used assessment methods. objective questions, school teachers also use homework to assess students’ performance. The teachers from different school levels were developing and using different marking scheme. Pre-university teachers usually construct the marking scheme themselves for the essay questions they used in assessing students. This may due to the fact that essay is the most common assessment method used at the pre-university level. On the use of rubrics for scoring students’ work, secondary school teachers found to use the most in assessing students’ responses. 8 Classification: Short essays (Rizyan and Hashim, 2006) Based on the creative written, they expect that the students will have other than academic achievement of value-added (Rizyan and Hashim, 2006). The reasons are refer on the observation through engineering students at KUKTEM. Usually the engineering students were always labelling as the students who cannot generate the creative ideas through their written because they are exposed to the hands-on activities in most of the time. However, the communication skill is one of the Soft Skills elements that important for those to assume the brilliant of the high skills graduates Classification: Labelling diagram Wang,( 2012)One of the researches has been done to identify the effective learning methods amongst Year Three pupils’ mastery of Science subject through Visual Teaching Aids.. The population in this research is low achiever of Year Three science students’ from primary school in Malaysia. A teaching session by using visual learning for topic “External Features of Animals” was used during this research. Then, five respondent have been selected who lowest achiever and passive students that consist three girls and two boys. In conclusion, the visual aids in teaching and learning science subjects indicated an improvement towards students’ achievements. Classification: Mnemonic Johnston et. all., (2011) 9 According to Johnston et. all., (2011), there are several objectives of these researches such the comparison of synthetic phonics and analytic phonics taught children on word reading, spelling and reading comprehension. Another one is the comparison of regular and irregular word reading in analytic versus synthetic phonics classes.In conclusion, the study was found according first objective that, after 6 years at school, children taught by the synthetic phonics approach read words, spelt words and had reading comprehension skills significantly in advance of those taught by the analytic phonics method. Physical types The physical types in creative teaching methods are the types which involving the movement of physical body during the teaching process. Movement of body can help students more understand and can help to memorise the topic based on the movement that they do. 10 Written and Reading Constructivist Physical 1. 2. 3. 4. Demonstration Games Field Trips Role Play Creative Teaching Diagram and Color Technology and Animation Sound Figure 1.3: The classification of creative teaching methods in physical type. Classification: Demonstration Adekoy and Olatoye(2011) The purpose of study in research to investigated the effect of three types of teaching strategies of teaching on students’ achievement in pasture and forage crops (Adekoy and Olatoye, 2011. The results show there is no significant effect of gender on students’ achievement in an aspect of agricultural science that is, pasture and forage crops. Thus, gender does not influence achievement in an aspect of agricultural science. However, students performed significantly at different levels in the three groups such demonstration, peer-tutoring and lecture strategies. Demonstration strategy is significant better than lecture and peer-tutoring strategy. In conclusion, the analyses and results of this study 11 showed that the demonstration strategy brought about the most significant change in the achievement of students. Classification: Games Franklin et. all.(, 2003) The outlines of this research paper was showed results of an investigation into whether first year biology students used card game discussion and crosswords provided to help the, in their learning, and how useful these resources were perceived to be. It also including the perceptions of teaching staff with respect to the resources was evaluated (Franklin et. all., 2003). The respondents for this research among students in first year biology courses from School of Biology Science, The University of Sydney, Australia are randomly timetable into 21 laboratory sessions by the university timetabling computer. Overall, first year biology students believe that the card game discussions and the crossword puzzles are useful aids to their learning and this finding encourages us to continue with their use, and develop more. Classification: Field trip Garrity et. all.,( 2010) This research study presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of science field trips and hands-on classroom activities offered and coordinated by the Maria Mitchell Association (MMA) (Garrity et. all., 2010). On the other hands, the researchers held focus groups with teachers of the each grade level, interviewed MMA staff and field trip providers, surveyed the parents of Nantucket Elementary School students, and observed field trips in the pursuit of several objectives. Through the analysis of focus 12 groups, interviews, observations, and surveys, the data can be conclude that the programs are effective in meeting the goals of local teachers. There are several conclusion was made up based on a few of objectives. First, through the evaluation of the field trips offered by and coordinated through the MMA for the Nantucket elementary School, it can be concluded that there is overall approval of the current state of these field trips. The reason is teachers, field trips providers, and parents alike unanimously agreed that field trips are highly valuable to the school climate due to the way the respondents’ supplement classroom learning by connecting curriculum content with hands-on activity. Classification: Role play Graves(2008) This research study was to identify whether or not role-playing is a useful teaching method and how often educators should use it (Graves, 2008). The participant of this research was 78 high school senior in age 17 to 18 from Pawpaw High School in Southeastern Ohio.. The data show that the majority of the students enjoyed role-playing, however five students who indicated they did not like role-playing. Besides, seventy-two percent of students said they retained more information form role-playing than other types of teaching methods. Then, seventeen of the eighteen students interviewed agreed that role-playing made their learning more meaningful because they were able to put themselves in someone else’s place or empathy. Furthermore, the classroom teacher argued that role-playing should be used with a variety of methods because if any one method is used too often it becomes ineffective. 13 Technology and animation types The technology and animation types are the creative teaching methods by using any technology of teaching aid such as internet and CD rom. Physical Written and Reading Constructivist Creative Teaching Diagram and Color Technology and Animation Sound 1. Interactive multimedia 2. Education television 3. Google website 4. Cartoon 5. Video Figure 2.4: The classification of creative teaching methods in technology and animation type. Classification: Interactive multimedia Green(2006) This research contain four components to the project such literature review, online survey of faculty, on-site face-to-face interviews with faculty and staff, and also report with discussion areas published on Academic Commons. Besides, there are 404 faculty members who completed the online survey and to the more than 300 faculty and staff who participated in individual and group interview. The responded was 14 among faculty and staffs form National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education in Wesleyan University.Overall, using images has clearly made teaching easier for many faculties. Many college teachers in this study attest to the powerful advantages digital images are currently giving them in their teaching and the richer experiences the images offer students in the classroom and in their studies. Classification: Education television Johalin, nd) According to Johalin (nd) from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kundasang, Sabah. This sample was selected for pre and post tests, they were selected based on their achievement and gender. Then, 10 teachers and 10 students were selected for interview to identify their opinion about education television in schools.The results from this research were shown that the teaching and learning through education television was interested. Then, all of the students love to watched education television and want it to use as one of teaching method at the school. However, some of the students determined that television education channel do not explained detail about the subjects and they are also already know about the topic that show in the television education. Classification: Google website Hassan( 2007) Refer to Hassan (2007), researcher was found those respondents’ understanding in science concepts were increasing by using Virtual Field Trip concepts. This research was done thought Experimental Quasi (pre and post tests) research among 70 Form Four Science students from a secondary school in Dengkil, Sepang, Selangor. She 15 was divided respondents into two groups which are experiment group and control group. Then the research data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and inferences. In conclusion, the different significant between pre and post tests show the improvement in concept understanding that have been teach by using Virtual Field Trip method. According to the control group results, there was no change in the significant after traditional method in teaching process. In additional, the significant on students’ attitude also not show any change either using the traditional method or by using internet. Classification: Cartoon Dalacosta et. all.(2009) The study in using animated cartoons in a multimedia application meant to evaluate the students’ effectiveness in supporting teaching and learning in science was done among 179 pupils from 18 different public schools were randomly selected from Athens, Greece aged 10 to 11 years participated in it. The research title’s Multimedia Application with Animated Cartoons for Teaching Science in Elementary Education was carried out by Dalacosta et. all., (2009) who developed a cartoon-style multimedia application whereas animated cartoons where designed from scratch using appropriate programs. The experimental research design used for this research study and pre and post tests used for evaluation this study. The participants divided into two group such control group (participants who use traditional teaching method) and experimental group (participants who use cartoon-style material as teaching method). The result of this research shown, the scientific concepts with the help of cartoons and how they approach them during learning process can give participants better understanding. Refer to the pre and post tests result, the experimental group reached 16 higher in the case with the cartoons application than traditional method. It is prove that the cartoon-style is effective in students learning and indirectly the students are interested in learning science subjects. Classification: Video Aziz et. all.(2011) The video is one of the medium of instruction used in teaching and learning science. According to Aziz et. all., (2011), video deals with the knowledge of basic science by using computer to present the interactive of the combination of text, graphics, audio and video with the links. Their research conducted among 18 of eleven years old girls in one of the National Schools in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. They were used experimental in their research and giving the pre and post test to the participants to measure the effectiveness of the participants. This research finding was show the improvement not only in the participants result on pre and post tests for four topics that involve in this research study, besides it show an improvement in comprehension and memory of a topic being studied also. Most of the students’ attitudes were change and they can master the target basic concepts of science, therefore, it shows that the students are interesting with the Science subjects. Sound types The sound types in creative teaching methods are involving the sound in the teaching process. It is not about talk only but it is about the melody in the teaching or during pronounces the sentences which can help easy to say the sentences and to memorise the sentences easier. 17 Physical Written and Reading Constructivist Creative Teaching Diagram and Color Sound Technology and Animation 1.Music 2.Singing 3.Music and dance 4.Melody words Figure 2.5: The classification of creative teaching methods in sound type. Classification: Music (Spelke, nd) This study to determine whether when children or adolescents produce music, then comparing and operating on melodies, harmonies, and rhythms, their activate brain systems that also enable them to compare and operate on representations of number and geometry. This research was conducted three experiments comparing children and adolescents with training in music t those with (i) no specific training, (ii) training in sports, or (iii) training in other art forms. Separate experiments tested for effects of mild to moderate training in children and adolescents (Experiment 1), moderate to intense training in children (Experiment 2) and highly intense training in adolescents 18 (Experiment 3). Then, participants were given six behavioral tests of mathematical and spatial abilities because all of the abilities emerge in preschool children, this study able to use the same tests on participants ranging in age from 6 to 18 years. Finally, all experiments provide evidence for an association between music and geometry only when training in music is intensive and prolonged. No clear association was found in Experiment 1, which focused on a population of children whose training in music varied from light to moderate. Association emerged in Experiment 2, which focused on children with more intense music training, but they were not uniformly strong. Clear and strong relationships were obtained only in Experiment 3, which focused on older children whose primary interest and academic work centered on their music training. These findings were show improvement and effectiveness among participants. Their interest in science subjects also increasing besides their encouragement in involvements on the activities along learning process. Classification: Singing Amin(2011) Teaching and learning process in science subject through singing is the method where is the lyric is about the science subject and singing the lyric. Usually, we can remember the lyric of the song easily than remember the scientific terms. According to Amin (2011), she was done her research about the effectiveness of singing toward year five students for the Water Cycle topic. There are quantitative and qualitative methods using in this research and involving ten of students where is seven of them are boys and 3 more are girls from Sekolah Kebangsaan Darat Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu as respondents. All of the respondents are Malay and Muslim students. The objective of her research are to increasing the students’ improvement in 19 memorise the fact about the Water Cycle through singing. Then, to increasing the students’ interest on learning the Water Cycle topic and to existing the humor in the teaching and learning process through singing. In conclusion, based on the Amin (2011), the singing in teaching and learning method is effective in improving the participants memorise about the Water Cycle topic. She also prove that the melody in the song can decreasing the bored felling and increasing the students interest then make the focus in the learning process, besides it can help to improve the ability to memorise. Classification: Music and dance Grafton and Cross, nd) According to Grafton and Cross (nd), premotor and parietal components of the Action Observation Network (AON) responded more to trained, relative to untrained, dance sequences. It is based on their research that investigated the hypothesized overlap of cognitive mechanisms for observational and physical learning through concurrent use of behavioural and neuroimaging procedures. The research was involving participants were trained for five consecutive days on dance sequences that were set to music videos in a popular video game context. They spent half of daily training physically rehearsing one set of sequences, and the other half passively watching a different set of sequences. Then, participants were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) prior to, and immediately following, the week of training. The result by their research was determined in terms of behavioural performance for training with videos that included an expert human model, participants performed better when a model was present. Overall, these research studies indicate that at the 20 neural level, learning by observing and physical learning lead to the same action resonance and prediction. The strong link between learning by doing and observing suggests that early exposure to dance might enhance this link, through consistencies between the training methods. Therefore, this method can be applied in teach science subject which is also can show the positive impact among science students. Classification: Melody word (Winkle, nd) Memory is developed through a variety of experiences, including melody and song (Winkle, nd). Her research study to investigate the effectiveness in learning process by including music and song in a comprehensive Language Arts Program had been done. This research was taught students the words to and sang songs that summarized their anthology selections. The participants need to sang and read the lyrics before, during and after each selection of the anthology. The participants are nineteen students who were dividing into two groups such a group for a treatment group of students who were taught using the study song. Another group was for control group of students who while they sang other songs, did not learn any of the study songs. The participants were assessed using researcher district’s required assessments for fluency at the beginning and end of the school year. The research findings showed a statistically significant difference in the rate of grade level reading fluency between the two groups, with the treatment group scoring higher than the control group. The students’ sight word acquisition in the treatment group was acquired more rapidly than in the control group. Of the twenty-three language 21 arts standards, including writing, silent reading, and comprehension, the difference between the groups was both varied and small. This research was proved that there is valuable educational benefit to including music and song in comprehensive Language Arts Program. Then, reading development and the rate of reading fluency can be greatly enhanced by including songs with specifically targeted language. In additional, singing is an opportunity to practice oral language development that is welcomed by the students. Diagram and color types The diagram and color types in the creative teaching methods are sensory method through the eyes. The eyes can capture something that more attractive then, the students can memorise a few diagram in the science subjects. Some of the process which is involve in the learning subject also may use diagram in the explanation for more understanding and clear about the process. Written and Reading Constructivist Physical Creative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Diagram Mind map Model Color Comic Teaching Diagram and Color Technology and Animation Sound 22 Figure 2.6: The classification of creative teaching methods in diagram and color type. Classification: Diagram (Teng and Sharaai, 2012) The research that to measure the effect of using big book in improving the students’ achievement and interest to the topic of Perlindungan Haiwan Daripada Cuaca Melampau have been done. This research was involving 10 student from standard 4 in a primary school at Seberang Perai Tengah, Pulau Pinang as a participants. The researchers were using a several instrument for their research such pre and post tests, interview, and survey. finding on this research shows that the respondents are more interesting in learning process because the learning through the storytelling, nice and colourful picture and also have easy window to open on the big book. When using the nice and colourful picture, the respondents can give more attention during the learning process. Classification: Mind map Kiong et. all., nd According to Kiong, et. all., (nd), the mind map is one of the thinking instruments concept which can develop the ideas more systematic and understand easily. Besides mind map, there are other instruments such questions and answers, graphic management and Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT) instrument. The mind map not only easier for participants to take their notes but it is helping the participants to memorise their note also. Mind map is one of the thinking instruments which can balance the left and right hemisphere of brain during learning process. This research 23 shows that the mind map would make students make their own note, keep it, and make revision by using their taken note effectively. In additional, mind map can apply by individual, parents, education and business, take note, finalize, revision, explanation think generally. In conclusion, mind map give the biggest impact and important in learning process of students. Then, the students can make their effective notes by using mind map because the notes are systematic and easy to keep. Classification: Model Ornek, (2008) The goals of this research paper concerning different types of models in science education is to help teachers and students in order to learn how to use and choose models in their courses and to make students can be active engaged in understanding and learning the physical world (Ornek, 2008). Based on the literature, there are different types of models in science education and applications of them in learning and teaching science in particular physics have been discussed. These models are categorized as conceptual and mental models according to their characteristics. Then, the “physics model” by the physics-education community was discussed it’s applications for learning and teaching science particularly physics along with examples that can guide teachers and students in their science courses.As a result, models provide an application of the knowledge to real world situations-made to see how things apply in the real world instead of just looking at equations. Classification: Color (Zawawi and Dom, nd) 24 The research based on the document analysis and observation teaching methods have been run to identify the effectiveness by using color, melody and space in teaching religious subject (Pendidikan Agama Islam). The respondents of this research were four trainee teachers from the first phase for four weeks. The research’s aim was including Tilawah Al-Quran and Ulum Syariah. For the Tilawah Al-Quran, researchers analyze the component of reading sentences in lesson plan then, for Ulum Syariah researchers analyze the component of Sirah Nabawiyah, Adab dan Akhlak Islamiyah also Akidah in the lesson plan. differentiate the tajweed when recite the Al-Quran. Therefore, color element is important to give more understanding to the students. The finding for the melody analysis shows that trainee teacher can applied the melody in teaching methods successfully and beneficial to attract students also have fun during learning process. Most of the melody element was used during induction sets The combining between melody and video at the beginning lesson is more effective to make students think about the greatest of Allah and develop the self-awareness and motivation. Classification: Comic Hosler and Boomer, (2011) One of the research studies was done to determine how a science comic book can affect students’ learning and attitudes about biology subject (Hosler and Boomer, 2011)..The purpose of the research was determine by used pre and post-instruction instruments among four biology courses of students that taught by one of the researcher at Juniata College during Spring 2009 semester. A significant increase in 25 the median content knowledge scores was observed in each of the four courses, suggesting that the comic book was as effective at conveying information in the three classes in which it was used as the more traditional textbook used in Biology II. Constructivist types The constructivist is a learning theory found in psychology which explains how people might acquire knowledge and learn. The constructivist view of learning can point towards a number of different teaching practices. Then, it usually means encouraging students to use active techniques to create more knowledge and then to reflect on what they are doing and how their understanding is changing. 1. Group exercise 2. Individual task 3. Experiment Written and Reading Constructivist Physical Creative Teaching Diagram and Color Technology and Animation Sound Figure 2.7: The classification of creative teaching methods in constructivist type. 26 Classification: Group exercise Tan, 2012) Refer to Tan (2012), the research on 40 students from standard Four Cempaka at one of the school from Kuching, Sarawak. This research was conducted to investigate the effect of hands-on activities on the interest and involvement of pupils in learning Science as well as improve their performance in Science. In conclusion, using handson in teaching science subjects show the positive impact to the students’ interest, involvement and achievement in science subjects. The hands-on activities can increasing the ‘want to know’ feeling when do the activities, therefore, the interest of students increase because they have feel to do the hands-on. Classification: Individual task Ariffin et. all., nd) The critical thinking skill is an important in all profession, therefore, this research to discuss about the thinking skill and problem solving. The research was done among 864 of secondary school science students in Malaysia. The participants are 16 to 17 years old of students that consist of 342 of male students and 504 of female students. Then, 60.9 percents of the Malay, 23.9 percents Chinese, 13.6 percents Indian and the rest 1.7 percents are others races. On the other hands, 49.3 percents of students come from urban area schools and 50.7 percents of them are come from urban area schools. The Malaysian Critical Thinking Skills Instrument (MyCT) First version (2008) was used to measure the level of students’ critical thinking in Malaysia cultures context. 27 On the whole, all secondary students are able to presents the reflection on the result objectively and can be evaluating and integrating variety of discipline in learning process. Then, the educational curriculum in Malaysia have no different among all of schools, therefore the critical thinking among students from urban and rural area schools also have no different. Classification: Experiment Kamarudin et. al (2009) The practical method in science subject is an instructional method that gives students the opportunity to do their own scientific investigation through planning, performing and discussing (Kamarudin et. all., 2009). The purpose of this study was to explore the way teachers manage their students, in order to increase their involvements in science practical work. There are several methods have been used during this research such teachers’ observation, students’ interview and analysis of students’ documents as qualitative case studied from different schools’ area. Three science teachers who have an experience in teaching approximately 15 years were selected as purposeful sampling to get information for more understanding of research phenomenon. The results were show that students’ involvement in science practical are high when the teacher manage the students by dividing them into a group of three to five and by disseminating the work. Table of summary the research review on creative teaching method Type of Research- Title of Research creative er’s name research method 28 Finding teaching (Instrument & method participant) Written and reading types 1. Story telling Loi Kuang Kesan By using The participant interest to Siang Penggunaan interview, learn science subject and Kaedah observation, pre show the improvement in Bercerita and post test, and their understanding and Dalam Proses survey on 40 achievement level. Pengajaran dan students of Pembelajaran standard 5 at Sains Tahun 5 school in Kuching 2. Cross- Glenda A. The Effect of Research by using The data show the different word Partridge Using pre and post tests of the mean significant on (2011) Crossword to an attitude toward accounting, Puzzles As A approximately those results explain that the Review Method 100 students students enjoyable to the In Principles Of enroll in second learning process by using Accounting On Accounting crosswords puzzle. The course at Spring Achievement Hill College. And attitude Of Students 3. Multiple Saw Lan Profiling By using Teacher 29 The results showed that classroom assessment question teachers’ practice inventory choice objective test in s and fill assessment amongst 602 assessing their students in the practice. teachers from which greatly influenced by Kedah, Penang public examination. choice Ong (nd) blank school often used multiple- and Perak in the northern region of Malaysia. 4. Short assay Ida Penulisan Engeneering There are several benefits of Risyani Kreatif sebagai students at written that have been survey Tahir and Penyumbang KUKTEM by previous researchers such Haslinda Kepada give a chance in Hj Membudayakan entrepreneurship professions Hashim Kreativiti and one of treatment mental (2006) Pelajar and physical illness. Besides, Bersandarkan it is important for students’ Teknologi di qualification in academic and KUKTEM – to give advance in their Satu Pemangkin career. Kepada Pelaksanaan Soft Skills 5. Labell- Christoph Kesan The observation, The results were show that ing er Lu Wei Penggunaan interview, survey, the visual aids in teaching 30 diagram Wang (2012) Bahan Bantu tests and and learning science subjects Mengajar evaluations were were show the improvement Visual Dalam used in this of students’ achievements. Pengajaran research to collect Subjek Sains data from five of Tahun Tiga Standard 3 students. 6. Mnemo- Rhona S. nic Long-term The experimental In conclusion, the synthetic Johnston, effects of research design phonics approach read Sarah synthetic versus has been used words, spelt words and had McGeown analytic phonics amongst 10 year reading comprehension and Joyce teaching on the old boys and girls skills significantly in E. Watson reading and from schools in advance of those taught by (2011) spelling ability Scotland. the analytic phonics method. of 10 year old Then, no impairment in boys and girls. reading irregular words compared with the analytic phonics group. Physical types 1. Demonstration Y.M. Senior Using a 3x2x2 Demonstration strategy is Adekoya secondary pre and post-tests significant better than lecture and R.A. school students’ of experimental and peer-tutoring strategy. In Olatoye achievement in design on 150 conclusion, the analyses and 31 (2011) 1. Games an aspect of selected Senior results of this study showed agricultural Secondary School that the demonstration science II Agricultural strategy brought about the Science students most significant change in from Ogun State. the achievement of students. Sue Non-traditional Qualitative and First year biology students Franklin, interventions to quantitative believe that the card game Mary Peat stimulate among 270 of discussions and the and discussion: the first year biology crossword puzzles are useful Alison use of games students in the aids to their learning and this Lewis and puzzles University of finding encourages us to Sydney, continue with their use, and Australia. develop more. (2003) First, the field trips can be 2. Field Jetta An evaluation Interviewed Garrity, of the MMA staff and Kellen effectiveness of field trip Pastore, science field providers, and trips and jands- observed field Allison on classroom trips, and Roche activities at the surveyed the (2010) Maria Mitchell parents of Association, Nantucket Nantucket, MA. Elementary concluded that there is trip overall approval of the current state of these field trips. Second, teacher consistently agrees that the field trips were successful in addressing science curriculum content. Third, the field trip providers typically are well-educated School students. 32 in their respective fields, but not necessarily in education per se. The data show that the 3. Role Elizabeth Is Role-playing The data was Ann An Effective collected by Graves Teaching distribute the (2008) Method? questionnaires majority of the students play enjoyed role-playing, however five students who indicated they did not like and surveys, role-playing. Besides, 72 observation and percent of students said they interview on a retained more information few of 78 form role-playing than other students of in age types of teaching methods. 17 to 18 years at Then, 17 of the 18 students U.S Government interviewed agreed that roleclass. playing made their learning more meaningful because they were able to put themselves in someone else’s place or empathy. Technology and animation types David Using digital There are online By using images has clearly tive Green images in surveys on 404 made teaching easier for multi- (2006) teaching and faculty members many faculties. Many college 1. Interac- 33 learning media and interview on teachers in this study attest to more than 300 the powerful advantages faculty staff from digital images are currently National Institute giving them in their teaching for Technology and the richer experiences and Liberal the images offer students in Education off the classroom and in their Wesleyan studies. University. 2. Educa- Losinin Kajian There are pre and The results were show that tion Johalin keberkesanan post tests among the students are interested televi- (nd) penggunaan TV 36 form two and teaching method by pendidikan students from using education television melalui astro Sekolah gives the higher dalam Menengah improvement also easier for pengajaran dan Kebangsaan teachers to teach in the pembelajaran Kundasang, classroom with education Sabah. Then, 10 television. sion teachers and 10 students were selected for interview. 3. Google Nafisah Keberkesanan Pre and post tests, Using traditional methods website Hassan kajian interview and does not show any change 34 (2007) pembelajaran survey among 70 but the treatment group show berbantu of form four the improvement when using computer students from Virtual Field Trip. However, (Penggunaan primary school at the observation on students internet- Virtual Sepang, Selangor attitude does not show any Field Trips) change either using internet terhadap or not during teaching penguasaan prcess. konsep sains 4. Cartoon K. Multimedia The experimental The findings of this research Dalacosta, application with design research are shown, the students who M. animated was used and learning by cartoon-style Kamariota cartoons for questionnaire was reached higher achievement ki- teaching science distributed on 179 than traditional method. It is Paparrigo in elementary pupils aged 10 – prove that the cartoon-style poulou, education. 11 years from 18 is effective in students J.A. different schools learning and indirectly the Palyvos of Athens, students are interested in and N. Greece. learning science subjects. Spyrellis (2009) 4. Video Zahara Teaching By using pre and The students show an Aziz, Strategies to post test on 18 improvement on tests given Shurainee Increase pupils in Year in topic Water Cycle, Solar 35 Hanim Science Subject Five from one of System, Constellation and Mohamad Achievement: the National The Movement of The Earth, Nor and Using Videos School in The Moon and The Sun. The Rozalina for Year Five Bangsar, Kuala students’ interest in learning Rahmat Pupils in Lumpur Science subjects also (2011) Primary School increase by showing change in their attitudes. Sound types 1. Music Elizabeth Effect of Music The participants These findings were show Spelke Instruction on were given six improvement and (nd) Developing behavioural tests effectiveness among Cognitive of mathematical participants. Their interest Systems at the and spatial in science subjects also Foundations of abilities, then, increasing besides their Mathematics tests on encouragement in and Science participants involvements on the ranging in age activities along learning from 6 to 18 process. years. 2. Singing Mohd Keberkesanan By using Pre and The result was show Amin, Nur Kaedah Post test, improvement and Farhanah Nyanyian observation and effectiveness among Dalam interview on 10 participants. Their interest in 36 Meningkatkan students in science subjects also Ingatan Murid standard 5 at SK increasing besides their Tahun 5 Bagi Darat Batu Rakit encouragement in Tajuk ‘Kitaran involvements on the Air’ activities along learning process. Scott Dance and the The participants The neural level, learning by and Grafton Brain were trained for observing and physical dance and Emily five consecutive learning lead to the same Cross (nd) days on dance action resonance and sequences with prediction. The strong link different methods. between learning by doing Then, participants and observing suggests that were scanned early exposure to dance with fMRI prior might enhance this link, to, and through consistencies immediately between the training following, the methods. 3. Music week of training. 4. Melody word Diana Van Reading, The students were The treatment group who Winkle Memory, and involved in the were taught using the study (nd) Melody experimental song, scoring higher than the group which is control group. The students’ treatment and sight word acquisition in the 37 control groups. treatment group was acquired more rapidly than in the control group. It was proved that there is valuable educational benefit to including music and song in comprehensive Language Arts Program. Diagram and color types Using the big book in the 1. Diagra Tam Hui Meningkatkan Pre and post tests, Teng and pencapaian dan survey and Amir minat murid interview on 10 Hamzah tahun 4 dalam of Year 4 students Sharaai tajuk from primary (2012) perlindungan school near haiwan Seberang Perai daripada cuaca Tengah, Pulau melampau Pinang learning process can help m students to achieve the science subject and can increasing their interest compare to the traditional methods. Then, the nice picture and the written in the large size of font and simple can help students to understand. 2. Mind map Tee Tze Kepentingan Interview on The mind map is effective to Kiong, Peta Minda students in everyone around the world to Malaysia use it not for study only but Jailani Md Sebagai Alat Yunos, Berfikir Dalam 38 also in other purpose such Baharom Mengambil business. Besides, mind map Mohamad, Nota Kuliah helps students take their Widad notes easily, keep it and do Othman the revision faster and and Yee effective. For those using Mei Yong mind map in study can show (nd) their improvement in their results also. 3. Model Funda Models in Literature review This research concerning Ornek Science on A Physical different types of models in (2008) Education: Model of the science education is to help Applications of Solar System teachers and students in Models in order to learn how to use and Learning and choose models in their Teaching courses and to make students Science can be active engaged in understanding and learning the physical world. The trainee teachers’ uses 4. Color Zulina bt Elemen warna, Based on analyses Ahmad ruang dan of Lesson Plan Zawawi irama dalam and observation (nd) pengajaran dan in teaching and pembelajaran learning process pendidikan in classroom the color element maximizes and gives impact to the teaching and learning process. The color element is important to give more 39 islam dalam amongst semester understanding to the kalangan guru 5 trainer teachers students. Then, melody pelatih semester from IPG, analyze finding shows that 5 IPG, Kampus Pendidikan Islam trainee teacher can applied Pendidikan Campus. the melody in teaching Islam. methods successfully and beneficial to attract students also have fun during learning process. 5. Comic Jay Hosler Are Comic By using pre and The Sensory Biology class and K. B. Books an post-instruction was very different from the Boomer Effective Way instruments other three comparison (2011) to Engage among four groups. A significant Nonmajors in biology courses increase in the median Learning and of students that content knowledge scores Appreciating taught by one of was observed in each of the Science? the researcher at four courses, suggesting that Juniata College the comic book was as during Spring effective. Besides, these 2009 semester in change in individual students a rural setting in attitudes about biology were central positively correlated with Pennsylvania. changes in their attitudes about comic. 40 Constructivist types 1. Group exercise Mary Tan Kesan By using survey, Those hands-on activities Mui Yee penggunaan observation and were shows the positive (2012) aktiviti “hands- document analyse impacts to the students on” dalam on 40 of Year through students’ interest, proses Four primary involvement and pembelajaran students from one achievement in science sains tahun of the school at subjects. empat Kuching, Sarawak 2. Indivi- Ariffin, s. Kemahiran By using MyCT The Malay students are able dual R. Et. all. Pemikiran instrument to to differentiate the main task (nd) Kritikal dan measure the level problems and side problems Penyelesaian of critical easily. However, the Chinese Masalah thinking skills on students can generate the Pelajar-pelajar 864 science evidence and support data Sains di students in ages accurately and overall. After Malaysia between 16 to 17 that, the Chinese and Indian years old in students are able to make Malaysia decisions based on the appropriate information. 3. Experiment Nurzatuls Pengurusan The qualitative The results were show that hima Penglibatan method was use students’ involvement in 41 Kamarudi Pelajar Dalam in this research science practical are high n, Lilia Amali Sains through teachers’ when the teacher manage Halim, (Management observation, the students by dividing Kamisah of Students’ interview, and them into a group of three to Osman Involvement in students’ five and by disseminating and T Science documents the work. Additionally, Subahan Practical Work) analyses. students giving out positive Mohd rewards and cooperation Meerah from lab assistant in (2009) monitoring students. 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