Seriall oncatenated Conti4nuous Pase Modulation wcrit n HCtdn *
Seriall oncatenated Conti4nuous Pase Modulation wcrit n HCtdn *
Seriall oncatenated Conti4nuous Pase Modulation n H wcrit e *Ctdn es Alexandre Graell i Amat, Charbel Abdel Nour, and Catherine Douillard GET/ENST Bretagne, Electronics Department, CS 83818 - 29238 Brest Cedex 3, France. email: {alexandre.graell,charbel.abdelnourcatherine.douillard}@enst-bretagnefr In spite of the wide literature on concatenated CPM systems, solutions for practical applications are still to be proposed. Indeed, most of these previous works are aimed, at optimizing the outer FEC to improve the power efficiency of a given from 0.75 to 2.25 bit/s/Hz. A two-step design procedure combining the oute to approac he power eepcomprehen ile this approach has provided a deep comprehenEXIT charts analysis and union bound techniques is used to CPM. optimize the association of the outer code and the CPM. An sion of concatenated CPM schemes, it strongly limits the exhaustive study of several quaternary and octal CPM schemes consequences of the analysis, since it is limited to particular is performed. The proposed concatenated structure offers very low err?r cases, which cannot be in general compared. This prevents floors (frame error rate below 10-6) and good performance in rom extracting strong conclusions on the performance of the waterfall region for all spectral efficiencies. A significant im- concatenated CPM systems, and hence it is not suited to provement with respect to previous concatenated CPM schemes provide solutions for real implementations. On the contrary, is shown. The envisaged application of the proposed scheme is for practical purposes, the approach should be completely the return link of broadband satellite communications. different: given a spectral efficiency, one would be interested in finding the best association of outer FEC code and CPM LT DUC'TION 1I- TROn modulation. Since the seminal paper by Aulin et. al. [1], Continuous The main goal of this paper is to fill the existing gap in the Phase Modulation (CPM) has attracted an intensive research. literature and give a suitable answer to this question. To the CPM is a bandwidth and, energy efficient digital modulation best of our knowledge none of the previous works formally scheme with constant envelope. This characteristic makes it addressed these issues, which are of primary importance for particularly interesting for band-limited systems employing actual implementation. Our work is strongly motivated, by real non-linear power amplifiers, such as satellite communication implementation. In particular, this paper focuses on the return systems. link of broadband satellite transmissions, where very low error Shortly after the invention of CPM, convolutional encoded rates (frame error rate below 10-6) are required. CPM was addressed by many researchers as a simple way to A serially concatenated CPM structure using simple eximprove power and, bandwidth efficiency while maintaining tended BCH (eBCH) codes as outer code is proposed, tarthe constant envelope 12]. After the breakthrough of Turbo geting a wide choice of spectral efficiencies, ranging from Codes and iterative decoding techniques, it seemed natural to 0.75 to 2.25 bit/s/Hz. For each spectral efficiency, the outer apply the same principles to coded CPM. Indeed, CPM is code rate and, CPM parameters are optimized by combining equivalent to a recursive convolutional encoder (known as the Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and union bound continuous-phase encoder) followed by a memoryless mapper techniques. Compared to SCCPM in [5,9], lower floors are [3], hence it can be regarded, as the inner encoder in a serial achieved thanks to the good distance properties of the outer concatenation. Therefore, iterative decoding/demodulation can block code. The proposed concatenated scheme offers frame be performed between the outer code and the CPM. error rates below 10-6 for short block lengths and good Several papers addressed the concatenation of a Forward Er- convergence behavior for all spectral efficiencies. ror Correcting Code (FEC) with CPM [4-6]. In [5] a detailed 1. SYSTEm DESCRIPTION analysis of the serial concatenation of outer convolutional code and inlner CP:M: (SCC:PM:) is given. Upper bound.s to the error A. Decomposition? of CPM probabilit and.d.esign criteria are d.erived ................ The analysis inl ..... We colnsider a C:P:M system with M-arzy symbo:ls wi [5] was extended in 16] to convo:lutiolna:l codes over rings ..l,...., zl(M-1)} transmitted everysymbol interval Twith and symrbolL interleaving, improving performance :mainlLy in the energy Es. The CPM signal can be described as [1L]: stw E/cs2ft (,) o 1 waterfall (WE) region. Abstract-In this paper, serially concatenated Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) is considered. A concatenated structure consisting of a short extended BCII code as outer code is proposed, targeting a wide choice of spectral efficiencies, ranging T Broadband Satelllite Digitall Transmissionl (BSDT), contract number 19370. A. Graell i Amat is supported by a M[arie Curie Intra-European Eellowsbip within the 6th European Communait Eramework Programme. 1-4244-1200-5/07/$25.00 ©)2007 IEEE. phase shiLft, alnd the sequ.ence of ifI-ar symbolLs vi, respectively, anld (t, w) is the inlformation carring phase, given by lKi^nD0/1+XTl,ith'.~ ~ ~ ~Iteraiv cer __ (t, w) (2) wf (t- iT) 4 h CPM modulator JIv v u w CPE MM I s(t) AWGN Q i=O --------------------------------------------------------------------------CPMdemodulatoreC (t) is the phase pulse, which is the integral of a positive normalized frequency pulse g(t). Parameter h q/p is a Filtering Demapper ttA th th 1 rational number and it is referred as the modulation index. In [3] it was shown that the transmitted signal does not change if (t, w) is substituted in (1) by the so-called tilted «r+T rnT, w) L- I 47h X 2wh [ [n-L E 1 w mod + (3) j0 whe referreLdis the phasfullrespuselystengt S hisystems withL I are referred to as partfal response systems. with Refeed toasine(RC) reystem osiHer LeL >>on1iare pandSpectral idr Cosine Ri et Raies edf (we Cy pulses g(t) (SRtC famlisC fLSRe of c with L {2 3 denotedhas tlRCtad LhasR,the trenspectivelysignalinthenth tras ed thethe tte signal th th current interval tS tilt ps istauniquely defined-by dataasymbolaccuthe interval M phase (t, ), Fig. 1. Transmitter is Hard Iteative recierF ith------------------- and receiver for the serial concatenation of extended BCH code and CPM. L,,j T)] mod2 o < <T wn f(T r(t) previous daIta s ymbolsV Wtn-L w, modwp. and theaCcuMlated phase state On _n W mod p. Therefore, the CPM modulator can be decomposed into the concatenation of a continuous-phase encoder (CPE) and a memoryless modulator At the receiver side iterative decoding/demodulation is applied. The decoder consists of two Soft-input Soft-output t(SISO) decoders 'D0 and Di matched to the outer code and to the CPM modulator, respectively. Note that if h = q/p, the CPE can be represented by a trellis with p_AIL-l trellis states. Therefore, APP decoding can be applied, provided that sufficient statistics are available. In this paper, we assume optimal detection for the CPM signal. To d.ecod.e the eBCH code the Chase-Pynd.iah algorithm was used [711 It is a wellknown 5150 suboptimal algorithm for block codes with one of the best trade-off between complexity and performance, especially for low error correction capability t (typically 1 or 2) where it is nearly optimal. III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION (MM) [3]. Most of the previous works on concatenated CPM systems focus on the optimization of the outer FEC given a particular B. SeriallyConcatenated System CPM system. To the best of our knowledge, only [5] provides We consider the serial concatenated system shown in Fig. 1. some insight into the comparison of CPM system performance The information data u of length K bit is divided into by fixing bandwidth efficiency. However, the analysis in [5] is subblocks of k bit and encoded by an (n, k, d,in) eBCH linear far from being exhaustive since only few CPM schemes are code in systematic form, CO. In this paper, a short double-error- compared, and the study is limited to very low efficiencies. correcting eBCH code, the (64, 51, 6) eBCH code, will be Indeed, quoting [4], the following issue still remains an open considered for Co, since it realizes a good compromise between question: "Which is the optimal association of coding and decoding complexity and code performance. To achieve differ- CPM for a given bandwidth efficiency and decoder complexent code rates, shortening is applied. The proposed structure ity?". In this Section, we try to give a suitable answer to this may be extended to other systematic block codes or to a family question. With the spectral efficiency (SE) as the reference of eBCH codes in a straightforward manner. If K is not a parameter, we analyze several concatenated CPM systems and multiple of k, some few dummy bits are added to the data propose a suitable scheme giving the best performance for a sequence to adjust its length to the eBCH code. Alternatively, wide range of spectral efficiencies. the eBCH code encoding the last subblock of information bits Several criteria could be adopted to select a particular may be properly shortened to adapt to the information block CPM scheme rather than another one. For instance, the CPM size K. The two solutions entail only a small rate loss. J parameters could be chosen based on capacity considerations, codewords of the outer code are concatenated to form the outer which is the classical approach for linear modulations, where, codeword v of length N = J, which is permuted to v' by in general, best systelms are those achieving higher spectralL the interleaver lrI workinlg at bit level. The binar sequenace efficiencies for a given signal to noise ratio (4 ,No). fIn v'is mapped on to the sequence wv of Alt-ar symbols wi, Fig. 2 we repor the capacit curves (expressed in bit/s/Hlz) and fed to the CPE, Ci. We assulme N to be a lmultiplLe of for severalL quaternary 2RC (Q2RC), quaternary 3RC (Q3RC), log2 (M), where AlX is the alphabet size of the CPM system. and quaternary 3SRC (Q3SRC) CPM. For instance, for SE FinallLy, the sequence at the output of the CPE is mapped to 0.9 bit/s/Hz one may choose Q3RC with lmodulation index form the modulated signal s(t) and transmitted over an AWGN h =2/7, which gives the highest capaciy lHowever, severalL chanlnel. CPMV schemes are inl general competitive for a givenl SE. -V-Q2RC,h=2IS5 Q2RC, h=317 2.25 Q2RC, h=2/7 Q3RC,h=2/7 Q3RC, h=115 015 D Q3SRC, h=217/5- 709 --- -- Q2RC, h =2/5, Ro -OP -- - -- -- 115~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3R,h2/,R 0.5,EbINo 3SRC,h=16 Q3SRC h 1. - 10 1- 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OA01-0 i i//z 31 dB - 03-04-----------05 ------06 ----O----- .7 aaicre --- --7. 10500511522533544555566577588.599.510 Fi 0.8 EbINO 1.9dB o evrlCMshms i.3EI thegoute FCandit thres (inne CPMs Thereforsee,aCPM schemes. wIth bettiper capacitymaypserfom worse tan poorerln schiemesn h rates we uEXI A--C L ---- -----07 ortoCMsseswt carto two-se 08----09---- --(C- 1- ---- E 09btsH aPprahFirtestwitE rel on9 EXITHz cha analysise toinoptimizeperformance[inItheUWEoandntheny evrhees when concatenated,wtnue inrterMs ofcptiiacity FEC. In owe deseibondcingteciihnique to d,ensurelowFloors.ngeea thi paper, insEad cofe uhsin capacritnmyconsideratieonstoeidel ine Lometinrather andanEcompldenoteihnpirgn.heetrni as the actual performance mute ntual informateiong(Ifourgolthe Fcntrcde Inyasiemsilar way, favoreof paiscussdlarCP,ter onsie cofcathecncatenasyted schemedped,o heasoitino letrfACrmandeih WF deniote thepior sandsextrinsi MIr for tero heeoe Ahe SptecraFEffCiency ofnerCM CPMMchm CPraes, weuc an two-st canpberound. viastseparaelMont Carlo in trms f cpaciy wen cncaenatd wih a outr FC. simeulatioundofnth twoconiustituentscoes for dffeorens vleso compteatio of then cpowery cospderaltDensit (PSD)e of Lb/No IE(C, thipaer TI(Ac) and.I( dntthpE(C ioTr(ancd. Lb/etrno), a CPMo sinlsi tanskdIn this paculper,feormnsic wee de ote the EXI fuctodeIns of CimlawandC, patcolrCMplwex m tua ifrandtio(I ofthe compuationamtho n[]aed.onstehautcorreation Assumin infinItE ientereaes the ror nv exrgensc threhl M o ea E. prEdict adbyplottingtheEXITd cuvisespfratCMondeCarilth CPM ofsinPs funSpctionHere thebandidthis Efiie dfine as 9cc n bad poer, siuametiagram. tocosiuntcds o ifeetvauso the equvaen -20dB weve in ecthfractionalioty ofSDbandO E(, copto tono uI(C) n E(, j1(C bN equvalnt ote -0 d leelin he racionl ot o ind power function [8]. Since the capacity (when expressed in bit/channel use) is upper bounded by log2 Al, the SE of coded CPM can be approximated by IOP_____2M SE-. R 0 l,,T i//z( where B, is the normalized double-sided, uncoded bandwidth, and R0 k/in is the rate of the FEC code. From (4) it arises that the SE of a concatenated CPM is completely defined by the CPM parameters and R0. More precisely, given M, L, and the pulse tpe, the efficiency is defined by the pair {h, R0}. B. CPM parameters and code rate optimization In Fig. 3 we plot the EXIT curves for two concatenated CPM schemes with SE =0.9 bit/s/Hz. The outer code is the (64 6) eBCH code. Gray Mapping is assumed. The solid curves to Q3RC with modulation index h =2/7 and. code rate R= 0.5. It is the best scheme in terms of capacity, C 0.55 bit/s/Hz. The tunnel between the two curves opens at Lb/No =3.1 dB, indicating a convergence threshold around this value. Remarkably, the convergence threshold can be significantly improved if Q2RC and h =2/5 is used (dashed curves). The outer code rate must now be raised. to R =0.8 to achieve the same SE. The convergence threshold is now at Lb/No =1.9 dB, i.e 1.2 dB earlier. The superior performance of the second CPM scheme may r51, correspond, = TABLE I BEST CPM PARAMETERS AND CODE RATE ASsOCIATION h SE ModulatiDn Threshold R. Q2RC 1.4 dB 0.75 3/7 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.25 1.45 1.75 2.00 ___ 2.25 Q2RC 2/5 2/7 Q3RC 2/7 1/5 1/6 Q2RC Q3RC Q3RC Q3RC Q3RC 2/7 0.8 0.68 0.69 0.8 0. 76 0.77 Di__ 1/7 0.79 Therefore, a concatenated system with a single outer code and bit interleaving was assumed. The EF performance of concatenated CPM systems can be analyzed by using union bound techniques for SCCCs [11I]. The frame error rate (FER), Pw (e), is upper bounded by: 1.8 dB 2.2 dB 3.4 dB 4.2 dB PW (e 6.7 dB 8.3 dB 9.9 dB then dictate its rate. Therefore, it may happen that for some CPM schemes the matching of the two EXIT curves is worse than for others, leading to poorer convergence thresholds. It is worth to point out that better matching between the two curves might be obtained by using other outer codes, such as codes over rings and symhol interlLeaving 16] or irregular repeat accumulate (IRA) codes 19]. Unfortunately, such codes show much higher error floors for the SE of interest, due to a poor minimum distance. Also, the codes in [6] assume Ml1 which is in not in general a good choice. EXIT charts have been used to find the hest CPM schemes in terms of convergence threshold for a wide range of spectral efficiencies. Q2RC, Q3RC and Q3SRC CPM schemes have heen analyzed. For Q3SRC we assumed a roll-off factor 1. We also analyzed octal CPM schemes, but the resulting convergence thresholds were poorer. In Table I we report the best association of CPM parameters and outer code rate for for several spectral efficiencies ranging from 0.75 to 2.25 hit/s/Hz. Here, with best we mean the scheme with the hest convergence threshold yet allowing low floors (below 10-6, as required for broadband transmission). In all cases Gray mapping is assumed, since it shows earlier convergence than Natural mapping (0.3-0.6 dB gain). From Table I three main conclusions can be drawn: * For low spectral efficiencies (< 1.2 bit/s/Hz) Q2RC CPM should be preferred. * For high spectral efficiencies (>1.2 hit/s/Hz) Q3RC CPM give the best performance in the WF. . To achieve good convergence thresholds, a high-rate outer code is required. This is a crucial issue when selecting the outer code. = C. The choice of the outer code The choice of a single outer code for the optimization of the CPM parameters and the cod.e rate in Table I was not casual. Indeed, several outer codes could be concatenated with CPM, such as single binary codes (convolutional or block codes), convolutional codes (CC) over rings or Turho-like codes. Among them, the choice should he hased on performance consid.erations in both the W:F and the fEF region. The of concatenated codes (eg. Turho Codes, LDPC codes) can he discarded hased on performance in the WF region, since they entail a penalLty in termrs of decoding conve:rgence. This is a common hbehavior for three-fold concatenations. Also, CCs over rings or binar CCs with symbol inter:leaving show high error floors and they are not well su.ited. for very high-rates. 1 - < B R (5) D where Eb is the energy per information bit and BD the number of codewords with normalized Euclidean distance D on the channel. BD can be computed from the output weight enumerating function (VTEF) of the eBCH code and the inputoutput weight enumerating function (JOWEF) of the CPM [5, 11]. As for standard SCCCs, the interleaving gain is dictated by the outer code minimum distance dd, - o-L d Furthermore, the main term contributing to the EF increases with do. Therefore, an outer code with high minimum distance is preferable. In this paper, we propose a concatenated structure using shor eBCH codes as outer code. This scheme is inspired hy the outstanding performance of serial concatenation of eBCH outer cod.e and, inner accumulator [12]. Here, the CPM can be regarded as the accumulator of the serially concatenated structure. The use of eBCH codes has several advantages with respect to CCs commonly used in the literature [4, 5]. First, they are excellent codes for high-rates, with much better dmin than CCs of similar complexit In fact, CCs are well suited for low rates. However, for very high ones (which are required according to the previous Section) CCs show a significant degradation of the EF due to the heavy puncturing of the code, which leads to poor d,i,. For instance, for rate 0.8, the 16-state and 32-state codes have drni,, 3 and 4, respectively. Furthermore, the 32-state CC leads to a significant degradation of the convergence threshold. Second, eBCHl codes show ver good convergence properties when concatenated with an inner accumulator [ 12]. To lower the error floors of the codes proposed in literature, while still achieving good convergence thresholds, we consider a short double-error-correcting eBCH code, the (64, 51, 6) -3 is code, as outer code. A high interleaver gain a achieved thanks to its large dniii1 Code rate flexibility is achieved, by shortening the eBCH code. Note that by applying shortening, the multiplicity of the error events increases, but dmin does not change, hence the interleaver gain is preserved. The proposed structure may be easily extended to a family of eBCH codes to further increase rate-flexibility. Note that the complexity of the (64, 51, 6) eBCH code, while decoded using the Chase-Pyndiah algorithmr, is rather low, comparahlLe to a 1L6-state CC in termns of numher of logic gates. In the paper, we used union hounds [5, 11L] comhuined with the EXIT charts in the previous section to optimize the concatenated CPM structure. = IV. SIMLULATION RESULTS fI:n this Section, the performance of the proposed concatenated structure is valid.ated simulationl. For all 4-state CC -- -------------------4-state 16-state--Rieg--CC-[6]-2RC 0- ~~~~~~~~~~~(64,51)eBCH 102 10-2_02RC 0- h=3/7 ~ ------- --------C C----[5]- -0 :::: 4- state [5] (64,51) eBCH 0-- 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------ 10 0-- 10-3 ~~~~~ [5] -- .A ...... -------------- ------3 ------4 45 5---- 55 -----6 ---6.5 7 7.5 10 3 8-----0 1 2 3-- 4--5-6-7-8-9 10------------------- 11---- 12-------- 13------- 14---- -- Fig-----4---FEperor ane-o-srill-co caente CPM------for------spectral--------efficincy-Fi-5-FE pefrAnce------- of-----serially--------concatenated------- CPM-or-pectal -fficenc 0. and 1.45 bit/s/H z--------0.7 and 2.0 bit/s/H z. simulation results we assumed block length K 12 2 proposed tagtn the-retu- link------of-- broadband -satellit bit,and ando tatwhn-sin-a-etede intrleaing.30 ieraionswereconsdere. wid----2--25bit/s/Hz.--------rane ofspecral fficencis i However, noteB:3SCH code7 a comuniatios. covered,- from--- 075 ----to By-combiing-EXI sim plestopping -be----cha-----analysis ---and---union -------bound -------techniques--------- -the-----association------------- ofcriterion,----- ----------------------based -------on - the --syndrom e,----------may--applied,thus--- reducing---- the average-number -o FEC----code-----andCPM-----parameters-- was----------optimized--------------for------eve--iterations--------- the----InFig.4 we show ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _tS_performance-------of------the-----proposed----struc-------spectral---efficiency--S ignificantly---lower--error--floors --with -respecth e turefor spectral- efiie ce 0.9---and--145--bit/s/Hz.---The--best--to--structures----proposed---in--literature---are--achieved---thanks--to--the a re---considered------The--set--of--curves----good--distance----prope-----es--of-BCH--codes,----while ---a-limited----lossconfigurations------ of--- Table----onthe left-------- corresond-toQ2RC- 2<,-whil-the-setof-in-covergenc is------------------- shown with------- respect --tosymbol--------- interleaved-------curves on the~~~~~~------2/7.-----------Inbth srutre.Th-rooedsrutreofesfrm-err-ae rIghtco-rateeson to_Q3C case thouter----------- code- - ---------is ---0-8.- Very--low-error-floors--below10-----------------for - -shbolock------lengths------and-- good-------------convergence------------------------are observed for~~-------------- the propose -schem lso,----- note- that---------- if- - an-----thresholds--------- for all spectral---------------efficiencies.-------------------optimized- interleaver-is used,---------- the -----error----------floor----------would----------be------pushed-------- -----------ACK LED EM EN TS down. For comparison~~~~~~---------purposes--------we-als-repo in-th-figue Theauthos-woud-lik to-acnowldge-D-Delruell-fro the performance for the codes in [5] and [6] as well as for NEWTEC for providing the capacity curves of Fig.2.- - - -state C--------- and-------------------\ 32-state--------CC .---For----all----curves------bit---interleaving--------isxet ohecd6i6 whr sybo inelevn REFERENCE asue,0 is used, The------ codes------ in [6 have- been-punctured-to-achie C.--E.--Sundberg----Continuous--- Phase--------------------Mod-----------------a------the-[1]-T--Aulin-N.-Rydbec and-------------------desired coderates. To this scope~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------- optim ized--puncturings---have-tion --CPM)----Pa--and--Part-------E---Trans---Comm--vol. COM--------------------- ---------2------- no------been found.--------The------proposed----structuresinificanty-lower 3---19-225-Ma.-1981 shows--Aulin-an C.-------------------------------S---ndbe----g -Phaebi-[]- B.--Anderson T.-------than-----------------with oltina-o te-coe-nd floors~~~~~~~~~-----N ew-------York:--------Plenum---1986.--interleaving,while marginal or no performance degradation in [3] B. Rimoldi 'A Decomposition Approach to CPM JEFF hans. Jnf The-------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------- ------------- the schemes con B. useofsmbo 5 inelevn.5 For SE 1.45 th gain is large (0. dB). HowFEverfothese codesillshowncaepatableCP Ef,r duetoa thiceir poor adis45btance z. 49 no 4 pp 67-8 Apr 2001. Digitl Mod latio 12131 MoqispefrandcTMfAuin'erially Concatenated CPfonpetinuousfPhasenc 011n pp.0190-195s NvHz 001 [5]. 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FoSsorierg "CSeriauonatenatio Mofulnar sufguaitablefo arte lessrobu estpopncturing than binar For isetance CCs.e Ien thisdpapepr,oaoserill conucatuenae CPMwstruifcature using doube-errcorrectingh ecHnvltodesasouter codean is shoorsta [10 5.tnBrnconvergence Besow bloc code and225 Marat- covltonlcd8i c4hItrntoa podesion, T.urbo Codean & Relabedropc, 3-7iApitl 2006Moultin 2JSy.