Camper/Parent Handbook


Camper/Parent Handbook
Camper/Parent Handbook
Table of Contents
Page 3
Camp Contact at a Glance
Page 3
Mail & E-mail
Page 4
Page 4
Page 4
Page 5
Telephone Policy
Page 4
Activity Fee
Page 5
Page 5
Camper Health and History Forms #1 & #2
Page 6
Head Lice Prevention
Page 7
Page 6
Lost and Found
Page 5
Shipping of Baggage
Page 5
Visitor’s Day
Page 7
Page 5
Participation Requirements
Page 7
Inappropriate and Prohibited Behaviors
Page 8
Social Networking
Page 9
Packing List and Conclusion
Page 8
Camper Code of Conduct
Page 10
Camper / Parent Agreement Signature
Page 11
Welcome to Camp Wekeela
In preparation for your summer with us, we would like to share our Camper/Parent Handbook with you. This handbook is intended to familiarize campers and their families with
some general information and policies that help us meet our goals of a rewarding summer
for all members of our community.
Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls believes in creating an environment that fosters selfesteem, independence, and personal growth and supports the development of specific skills
in a variety of different activity areas. We have developed guidelines with realistic limits to
ensure that our campers will find a physically and emotionally safe climate at camp. We
anticipate a fun-filled summer with your child and we rely on a partnership of understanding among our families and campers to ensure our success.
Please review this handbook with your child before he/she leave for camp.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at camp at 207.224.7878.
Lori and Ephram A. Caflun
[email protected]
[email protected]
1750 Bear Pond Road
Hartford, ME. 04220-5527
Phone: 207.224.7878
Fax: 207.224.7999
979 Allison Court
Ridgewood, NJ 07450-2201
Phone: 201.612.5125
Fax: 201.612.9927
You do not need the bunk names on correspondence as we
DO NOT give bunk assignments until campers arrive. Please
write or email your child as often as you wish. It is a good idea
to send a letter or an e-mail before camp starts. This way, there
will be mail waiting when your child arrives. Campers always
enjoy getting mail! E-mails may be sent to campers by going
through Pixiom, our e-mail service. It is important that you
put the camper’s first and last name in the subject of the e
-mail. We will print e-mails once a day and distribute them
with the camper’s mail. You may want to try Pixiom’s letter-toemail option which we previously sent you information on.
This will allow for even faster communication between you and
your child.
Campers’ laundry is cleaned twice a week. Linens are cleaned once a
week. Please send your camper with a laundry bag for their dirty duds.
To help the campers better acclimate to being away from home and
assist in getting over any homesickness, campers are not permitted
calls during the first 6 days of camp. Parents are sent a telephone schedule in
June, whereby they sign up for a time slot for their child. Parents are asked to
request a few time slots that fit best into their schedule. When the
office receives your request and confirms a time slot, you will be
emailed confirmation. All calls must be made to camp by the parent
during their assigned time. Your child will be waiting for your call. The
office gets very busy during phone call times. Please adhere to the
schedule and call at your assigned time at 207.224.7878 then press “0.”
It is VERY normal for some campers to sound “teary” or “not themselves” when on the phone with their parents. Keep in mind that your
We prefer that packages sent to camp contain only non-edibles
child may get homesick just from hearing your voice. DO NOT
items, i.e. books, games, clothing, toiletries. No electric toothPANIC! You can always call us to check on your child. Please call
brushes are permitted. Food packages from home or bringing
during office hours only. We need the phone lines for schedule campfood into camp is NOT advised. Please inform all family memer phone calls.
bers and friends of this policy. The camp food is varied and
plentiful and fresh fruit is available each day. We do this to keep If your child has a birthday at camp, you can call to wish them a Hapmice and ants out of the cabin, as well as to ensure the safety of py Birthday. Please contact the office to schedule this special time to
our campers with food allergies. Some suggestions for things to contact your child at camp. We regret we cannot accommodate phone
calls from anyone other than immediate family.
send are stationary, books, magazines and travel games. We
respectfully request you to limit the packages to one (1)
The Camp Wekeela phone number is 207-224-7878. Please call this
package per session during the summer. Of course, if you
number at your scheduled time.
have an extenuating circumstance (birthday) please let us know.
We appreciate your help and support in this matter.
First (Weeks 1-4)
Weeks 2 & 3
Rookie 1 (Weeks 1-2)
Week 2
Rookie 2 (Weeks 3-4)
Week 4
Full (Weeks 1-7)
Weeks 2, 3 & 6
Second (Weeks 5-7)
Week 6
Due to the extended time difference, all International camps will
receive their calls after lunch (1:30pm).
We love birthdays! If your child has a birthday while at camp, the
entire camp sings “Happy Birthday” to them and they are given a
birthday cake to share with their cabin. Please call the office before
sending a birthday food package. When possible we will take photographs of the birthday event and post the images from their birthday party on our website! In the past, parents have ordered special
food for birthdays. We are no longer allowing this due to the disruption of evening programming.
Homesickness is normal. It is often experienced when transitioning to a new environment. New campers enter a situation where
they do not know the routine: they do not know other campers’
names, counselor names, the layout of the camp, etc. Once
campers have a couple of days to adjust to the new setting and
learn the basic routine, they usually shed their homesickness.
Homesickness that lasts beyond the first few days is rare. In the
unlikely event that homesickness lingers, you will be the key to
your child’s adjustment to camp life. When we are ware of proACTIVITY FEE
longed homesickness, we will notify parents and keep them postIn addition to the camp tuition, we collect $90 for Rookie session
ed on their child’s progress. We ask that you work with us to help
campers, $150 for Second session campers, $180 for First session
make the camp experience as rewarding as possible for your child.
campers and $360 for Full session campers for the purpose of can- Some campers may be afraid to share their feelings of homesickteen. This fund is to be used for the campers at our discretion.
ness with the staff. In such cases we rely on parents to inform us
This fund is used for a verity of reason: admissions, busses, profes- when they detect homesickness through phone or mail communisional photo folio, yearbook, camp calendar, chocolate, just to name cations with their children. When writing from home, please do
a few. Occasionally, cash will be distributed to campers when we go not write about anything that will make your child feel homesick.
on trips. These funds also allow for the purchase of incidental items “The dog is so sad now that you are at camp.” or “Paris is amazsuch as batteries, toothpaste, shampoo, postage stamps, etc.
ing, it would have been more fund if you were with us.” These
may seem like exaggerations; sadly, we’re not making these up.
No graffiti of any kid is permitted at camp. If a camper has been
found writing or has graffiti in the cabins or on any camp property,
that camper will be charged for the expense of removing the graffiti
or replacing the damaged item.
Cell phones, smart phones and tablets are PROHIBITED for
all campers. Some campers bring a cell phone while travelling to
camp. Upon arrival, mobiles phones will be collected and stores in
the camp safe. Campers cannot keep phones in their bunks, in their
backpacks or on themselves. Some campers have brought
“dummy” cell phone to hand into the camp office and they kept
their real cell phones in the bunk. We always catch this and this
is unacceptable. Remember, we are parents too. We expect your
cooperation with this policy as it will be strictly enforced.
Our approach to homesickness is one that we have found very
successful and have developed through many years of experience.
It is important to listen to and acknowledge a child’s feelings, but
it is also important for parents and counselors to focus on the
many positive aspects of camp, such as exciting activities and new
friends. Please do not make any “private deals” such as “Just
call me if you’re unhappy” and “We will drive up and take
you home.” These “deals” tend to undermine a child’s ability to
get through any initial homesickness period. For a parent, it is
naturally difficult not to give in to an unhappy child’s wish to
leave camp. Campers make the best of their summer experience
when parents fully support their efforts to gain independence and
strength while spending valuable time away from home. If parent
are supportive of the camp experience, it is far easier for camp
staff to help the child adapt.
ALL campers coming from the USA must ship their baggage to camp prior to their arrival. This will ensure when our
campers arrive their baggage will be waiting for them in their
bunk. You may register for Camp Trucking at 970-949-0690 or Camp Trucking will send you tags
and shipment information very soon. Please DO NOT ship hard
trunks, as we do not have ample space to store them. We ask that
you ship your child’s belongings in duffel bags. If you are taking
the charter from Rye, NY, you cannot bring bags as the bus company will not accept them. Camp Trucking serves every continental state in the USA. Only International campers may bring their
luggage. If you have any questions, feel free to call the winter
office. After June 13 please call the summer office.
All campers at some time or another misplace or lose something
during the summer. A lost and found box is located at the dining
hall and is routinely gone through by the staff in hopes of returning
lost clothing and other belongings to its proper owner. In addition
to labeling clothing, all personal belongings should be clearly
marked with the camper’s name. This includes tennis rackets, baseball gloves, sleeping bags, sports equipment, etc. There are labels
you can purchase at for personal items. At the
end of the summer, any articles of clothing or personal belongings
left at camp that can be identified are shipped home at the camper’s
All camper medications including vitamins will be kept in the Health
Center. Children cannot keep medication in their bunks. After
A camper’s health form MUST be on file in our Health & Well- careful consideration and evaluation, we have decided to improve
ness Center before your child arrives at camp. Parents MUST
the method in which our camp nurses have been administering medications to our campers. While our health center is a top facility,
return the green camper health form (form #1) and the pink
camper health form (form #2) ASAP. The health form should be staffed by a terrific team of healthcare personnel, we have found a
dramatic rise in the number of campers on medication.
properly completed by a physician and must be signed by a
The increase of campers on medication is of major concern. We
parent/guardian. This health history and included waiver statement is needed for hospitalization and/or emergency treatment in estimate that 1/3 of our camp population is on daily medicine or
vitamins. With this increase of medication being dispensed at camp,
all the local medical centers.
we face the issue of finding the safest, most efficient way to dispense
the meds. We looked at other camps, as well as facilities that dis All campers must provide accurate records of immunizations. Every camper must have current MMR (Mumps, pense large amounts of medicine for suggestions. After examining a
Measles and Rubella) vaccinations. Campers MAY NOT number of alternatives, we found that pre-packaging medications is
the best possible solution.
attend camp without this evidence.
 We must have your private insurance information along with The company we have chosen to service our families,
a copy of your insurance card. Parents should also inform the CampMeds Inc., provides a convenient service that dispenses packages
and ships medications directly to overnight camps in the U.S. This
camp before your child arrives of any recent injury, illness,
pre-packaging program is in compliance with all state regulations
and emotional or potential behavior problems.
regarding medication packaging for summer camps.
 If your child carries an inhaler, Epi-pen or other selfOur camp policy and procedure for dispensing and administering
administered medication please contact us so we may provide medication requires camp families to have all of medication in pill
you with the appropriate forms. Or you can download them
form dispensed, pre-packaged and sent to camp prior to their arrival.
from our website.
This includes: All prescription medicine taken daily. THIS THE
Although it’s not mandatory, it is recommended your child
have a meningitis vaccination.
We must have a valid credit card on file as well.
Please DO NOT send campers to camp if they are sick on their
first day of camp. In such cases, please contact us to discuss a
delayed, healthy arrival date. If sickness occurs at camp, the child
will be kept in the Health Center until he or she is healthy enough
to re-enter the camp community. The camp doctor or nurse will
contact a parent or guardian if the illness is serious enough to
require sleep over in the health center. Parents are also contacted
in the case of emergencies once the emergency has been evaluated. Please ensure that campers have all of the proper inoculations
and boosters (measles, tetanus, etc.) Contact your family physician
if you have any questions.
most over the counter (OTC) items such as Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, etc. There is no need to send OTC drugs to camp.
Medications that are in pill form are individually packaged and sealed
according to date and time of administration. Each individual packet
may contain one or more pills prescribed to be given at the same
time. This method of dispensing medicine during summer camp will
minimize potential med errors, ensuring that every camper gets the
correct medication and dosage, at the right time, on the right day. It
will also allow your children to return to their camp activities sooner,
because administering meds that are pre-packaged and organized
reduces their time spent in line waiting for meds. Our nurses will
have more time to devote to your child’s other healthcare needs.
Please remember that all meds at camp are dispensed at mealtimes
and bedtime. Only if medically necessary and a specific time are
written on the prescription, will the med be dispensed at a different
time of day. You are responsible to check that your child’s prescriptions are written for exactly how and when the med is to be given.
We want to be clear that we expect 100% participation from
families with campers that will need medication and/or vitamins at camp. The only exception to this procedure is if CampMeds
notifies us that they are unable to accept your insurance. If your
camper does not take medication or vitamins, you do not need
to register with CampMeds.
If your camper will be taking medication in pill form at camp this
summer, please read the detailed letter previously sent and visit their
website, for additional information and to
register your camper.
The Camp Meds program has helped us achieve our primary
goal; the health, well-being and safety of your child. In order to
promote 100% compliance, any camper not registered that
requires daily distribution of meds will be charged a $225.00
processing fee.
Please check your child for head lice five days before they depart
for Wekeela. If you discover your child has head lice, please begin
treatment immediately. Occasionally, a camper or two will arrive
with something unexpected – a case of head lice. I’m sure that at
one time or another, you’ve heard about children with lice at your
school or neighboring schools. Lice are brought to school by children and it’s the same way with camp.
This summer, Visitor’s Day will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, July
20. We invite you to visit for the day and enjoy spending time with
your child. On Friday, we will run a schedule that is highlighted by
theatrical productions, a dance show and parent/camper athletic
events. It is our intent to run a regular schedule for the campers
and for the parents to observe their children at activities. The Visitor’s Day schedule is available at our website in mid-June.
As the campers arrive, we diligently do head checks. HOW DO
non-pesticide treatment and recheck them daily. In addition, we
also monitor all bunkmates and make sure to wipe down all bunk
surfaces and sweep daily. We also wash all dry all linens in high
You CANNOT take your child out of camp. Visitor’s Day offers
a full complement of activities for you to enjoy with your child.
We invite you to join us for a buffet lunch. Visitor’s Day ends at
4:30 p.m. on Friday. We will assemble the campers at this time and
reunite the camp community.
This year, we thought it would be a good idea to share some lice
prevention tips to follow in the days preceding their summer so
that we have a 100% lice free camp population upon arrival. Here
are a few tips.
Teach your child never to share hats, combs, brushes, hair
ties, towels, helmets, pillows or sleeping bags, earphones. Lice
do not fly or hop, they crawl.
Keep long hair up in a pony tail or braid.
Do not wash hair every day, lice prefer clean hair to dirty hair.
Check weekly for nits – focus on the hot spots: nape of neck,
behind ears, part lines. Use a metal comb as it catches small
Look for symptoms of head lice which include an itchy scalp,
small red bumps or sores.
If you do see nits or are unsure, please use a pesticide, chemical free treatment (RID, e.g.).
To be considered for inclusion in certain activities and special
events, campers are expected to achieve different levels of either
skill or participation. Please review the guidelines below with your
child so that they fully understand what is expected in these areas:
Outdoor Adventure Trips - Those teen campers wishing to
climb Mt. Washington, Mt. Khatadin or any kids camp camper
that wants to go on other “year-end” hikes at the end of the summer must go on other hiking trips during the summer and show
the instructors that they are capable of climbing these difficult
Swimming – All kids camp campers (freshman, sophomores and
middies) are required to attend one instructional swimming class
each programming day throughout the summer. All junior, senior
campers and L.I.T.’s will not have this requirement assuming they
pass a designated swim level to be determined by the waterfront
department head.
Camp Wekeela has a strict Zero Tolerance policy when it comes to drugs and/or alcohol. The also pertains to any form of bullying.
Any kind of illegal drugs, alcohol or harmful items are forbidden at camp and the camper (or staffer) will be sent home immediately if he
or she is found to possess, use or be involved with any of these items. Harmful items include knives, fireworks, firearms and other such
items. While it is unlikely that any of our young people would bring these items to camp, this policy reminder is a warning to the wise!
We also have a strict no smoking policy for all campers and staff.
Parents: If campers jeopardize the welfare of the camp by violating these policies, he or she will be sent home immediately with no
refund. Parents need to be aware of this policy. Please help us by supervising packing. If you know that your child smokes or drinks
(even occasionally), discuss the camp anti-smoking policy and make sure no cigarettes, illegal drugs or alcohol are slipped into their luggage.
Any child who breaks the law including, but not limited to stealing, shoplifting, illegal drug use, etc., will be immediately sent home.
We are very protective of our camp community and that includes the respect of all personal property. This applies to overnight trips
as well.
Any camper possessing or sharing and/or distributing pornography to any member of the camp community may be immediately
sent home.
Bullying: any campers engaging in any verbal or physical harassment or abuse of any kind, directed toward any member of the camp
community may be sent home.
On the last 2 pages of this handbook you will find a Camper Code of Conduct - Parent/Camper Agreement. After you have read
this with your child/children, please sign and have your child sign the Agreement and mail it back to camp. If your child is under 12
years of age only a parent or guardian signature is required.
(based on 7 weeks)
Bunk Life Ideas
Socks - 20 pairs
Underwear - 14 pair
Bathing Suits - 4
Sneakers - 2 pairs
Dress Shirts - 2
Jeans - 2 or 3 pair
Cargo Pants/Nicer Pants - 1
T-shirts - 8 (4 must be Wekeela wear)
Shorts - 7 (2 must be Wekeela wear)
Sweatshirts - 3 (1 must be Wekeela wear)
Rain Jacket - 1
Fleece Jacket - 1
Other Shoes - Flip Flops, Hiking Boots,
Dance, Riding boots etc.
Pajamas - 5
Long Sleeve Shirts - 4 (1 must be Wekeela
Pictures of Family Bug Repellant
Favorite Pillow Soap
Comfy Blanket
2 Soft Sheet Sets
Bunk Stuff Organizer
Hair Product
Hair Brush
Toothbrush (No electric toothbrushes
Water Bottle
Backpack Pens
Sleeping Bag
Sunblock/screen (A few bottles)
3 Beach Towels
3 Bath Towels
*Pack clothes similar to what your
camper would wear when hanging out
with his or her friends.
*Please modify list for shorter stays.
If you believe there is a problem, or any programming or bunk issue may be negatively affecting your child at camp, please call us and
bring any issues to our attention. We are unable to correct a current situation of which we are unaware of. Please help us meet your expectations and requests. We hope to work with parents to ensure that their child has a fantastic camp experience.
We hope that both campers and parents find this handbook useful. Adherence to these policies will enhance your child’s experience at
camp. If at any time parents or campers have questions regarding these helpful hints, we strongly encourage you to call us.
Every year we form an exciting community at Wekeela. To reach our goals, we believe that we do not merely serve
campers, but we serve their families. Parents know that camp is an experience that will last a lifetime. We strive to
be partners with our parents as we help their children grow and thrive. That said, we want our children to become
successful adults. Camp may be the only environment where a child can unplug from the Internet and have face
time. We realize our camp community extends beyond the borders of our property. At Wekeela we recognize that
social networking is part of today’s society and is an important way for people to communicate. At the same time
we want to make sure that the use of social networking sites by Wekeela campers and staff does not create any legal or reputational problems for Camp Wekeela. As a result, we ask our campers and staff to exercise discretion,
are mindful of their actions and be thoughtful and respectful of the anticipated audience of the content. To help
guide you in your use of social networking sites, we have created this Social Networking Policy. This policy will
help you open up a respectful, knowledgeable interaction with people on the Internet and also protect the privacy,
confidentiality and interests of Camp Wekeela, other campers, our staff and our partners of Wekeela.
1. Defamatory Comments: You may not post any comments that are considered defamatory.
2. Inappropriate Material: You may not post any photos or images, or use language that is obscene, contains nudity or sexual images, or is violent or otherwise offensive in nature.
3. Harassment: You may not post anything on a social networking site that is derogatory, offensive or threatening
to another person. This includes anything that may be considered “bullying.”
4. Proprietary Information: You may not post any proprietary or otherwise confidential information about Camp
Wekeela or any third party or using trademarks, without the express written consent of the copyright or trademark owner. You should only post content that they have the right to post third party.
5. Confidentiality: You may not reveal personal information about an individual or otherwise invade the privacy
of another person.
6. Misrepresentation: You may not discuss any public or camp-related issues in a way that create the impression
that you are representing the camp in this matter. Such postings could lead to legal action or hostile exchanges
with Camp Wekeela.
7. Spamming and Technical Abuse: When using social websites, campers and employees should not create multiple accounts in order to disrupt or abuse others’ use of the site, create accounts to prevent others from using
that account name or for the purpose of selling the account, send mass invitations, duplicate or resell a site’s
products or services, publish malicious content, or cause intentional damage to others’ browsers or computers.
8. Statements about Camp Wekeela: When posting content, you may not make disparaging statements about
Camp Wekeela or that would otherwise reflect negatively on Camp Wekeela.
9. Status check. Before posting your status consider an “e-waiting period.” Write it, then leave it for five minutes.
Think of this line from The Social Network: “The Internet’s not written in’s written in ink.”
I understand this Camp Wekeela Social Networking Policy and understand that violation of this Policy will result
in disciplinary action, which may include suspension or dismissal from camp.
Print Name:
Camper Code of Conduct
The Camper/Parent Agreement
Read, Sign and Return to our New Jersey office Immediately by E-Mail (Scan), Fax or Snail Mail.
Any camper found engaging in any illegal activity or breaking the rules as outlined below, will be sent home. NO EXCEPTION, NO WARNINGS and NO SECOND CHANCES. If a camper is sent home for any of the specified reasons, the
parents will receive no refund whatsoever for the prorated remainder of the summer’s camp tuition and will be solely responsible for the new plane ticket home. A camper will be sent home for the following reasons:
1) Drugs. Use, possession or attempted purchase of any illegal drug in any quantity. Your personal use, attempt to purchase,
possession of or being in the company of anyone using or possessing any illegal drugs in any quantity, (i.e. marijuana,
hashish, ecstasy, cocaine, crack, inhalants etc.) or any unauthorized prescription drugs, or possession or purchase of any drug
equipment, paraphernalia is prohibited. Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls staff reserve the right to conduct a cabin search or
personal effects search should drug or any illegal possessions be suspected. The seniors and L.I.T.’s will take trips to Canada
(second session) where they will cross an International border. All luggage and persons are subject to inspection and search
by U.S. and Canadian customs officials.
2) Alcohol. Use or possession of any alcoholic beverages or attempting to purchase any alcoholic beverage. This policy also
includes non-alcoholic beers. Being in the area where alcohol is consumed will also be grounds for dismissal. Camp Wekeela
for Boys and Girls staff reserve the right to conduct a cabin search or personal effects search should alcohol possession be
suspected. Any possession or use of a false I.D. is prohibited.
3) Inappropriate and Prohibited Behavior. The following behavior is not permitted and if exhibited, may result in the
camper being sent home.
4) Smoking/Tobacco Products. There will be no smoking, use, possession or purchase of tobacco products, including
cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.
5) Leaving the Immediate Camp Grounds. No camper shall be found leaving the immediate camp grounds unattended.
6) Use and/or possession of cell phones. Cell/mobile phones and their use are prohibited at camp. Any cell phones found
will be confiscated and returned on departure day. Any camper found using a cell/mobile phone camera or video camera
may be suspended or dismissed from camp.
7) Gambling. Gambling of any kind is prohibited.
8) Harassment & Bullying. Any campers engaging in any verbal or physical harassment or abuse of any kind, directed toward any member of the camp community.
9) Pornography. Any camper possessing, sharing and/or distributing pornography to any member of the camp community
10) Trading or Selling of Personal Property. The trading or sale of a camper’s property or possessions is prohibited.
11) Photographs. Photographs may not be taken which contain any inappropriate content. Photographs in any private areas
including but not limited to bathrooms, changing areas, etc. are strictly prohibited and will result in the confiscation of the
equipment used to take these photographs and may result in the camper’s immediate dismissal from camp.
12) Social Network Sites and/or Personal Websites. Campers cannot create a camp group on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Form Spring, MySpace, Bebo, etc. It is strictly prohibited without express consent by the Directors. Posting of any photograph on a social network site where camp facilities, campers or staff can be identified is strictly prohibited without express
consent by the Directors. Mistakes may be as innocent as posting a picture with camp in the background, or with people
wearing a Camp Wekeela shirt. The posting of pictures of campers, staff or facilities on websites where photos can be
“dumped” or downloaded are also prohibited.
Responsibility Clause: MaineWekeelaCo, LLC (Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls) is not liable for any negligent or
willful act or failure to act of any such person, or of any third party not under its control. Without limiting the
foregoing in any manner, Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls accepts no responsibility for any risks or resulting injury, delay, inconvenience, damages, or death which results from criminal activity, weather or other acts of God,
accidents, illness, the demands of outdoor activities, strikes, political unrest, acts of terrorism or any other events
beyond its direct control. Participants and parents/guardian agree to recognize and assume these risks. Campers
must be covered by medical insurance by their parents or guardians as Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls cannot
assume any medical costs incurred during the program.
Any dispute concerning this contract, the brochure, or any other advertising materials concerning this program
itself, will be resolved exclusively by arbitration in the State of Maine pursuant to the then current rules of the
American Arbitration Association. Maine substantive law will apply to all issues concerning any such dispute.
I/We agree to adhere to the general rules and regulations as stated in the Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls Camper Handbook and the decisions concerning these rules. Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls reserves the right in its
sole discretion to terminate the enrollment of any camper who does not abide by the rules and regulations, and/or
whose conduct is deemed by the directors to be such as to endanger the camper, the success of the camp or the
welfare of other campers and/or the directors or staff members. If the camper violates these rules and regulations,
it is understood and accepted that he/she may be sent home immediately, receive no refund whatsoever for the
prorated remainder of the summer’s camp tuition and be financially responsible for the transportation cost home
(including the purchase of a new return ticket home). We agree that if the camper is sent home for any such violation, that there will be a parent, guardian, relative or emergency contact adult to meet and pick up the camper from
the flight the camp arranges home.
I/We hereby give permission to participate in all excursions and take part in all activities scheduled by the directors
of Camp Wekeela for Boys and Girls.
I have read and fully understand and accept the rules and regulations set forth by Camp Wekeela for Boys and
Print Camper Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Camper Signature (12 years of age or older): ___________________________________Date______________
Parent or Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________Date______________