ISSN-2244-6559 - Polytechnic University of the Philippines


ISSN-2244-6559 - Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Celebrating Gat Apolinario Mabini’s 149th Birth Anniversary
Vol. 2, Issue 6, July 2013
The Official Publication of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines
In This Issue
Celebrating Gat Apolinario Mabini’s 149th Birth Anniversary
PUP Intensifies International Research Engagement
Exploring Perspectives: College of Science Faculty Visit
Thailand’s Top University
PUPians Attend Rizal’s 152nd Birth Anniversary in Europe
“Alleviation Allowance Remains” - Pres. De Guzman
PUPian Places 4th in Board Exam for Architects
Partial List of Approved Books for Adoption and Use, Released
PUPians Qualify for “Kusina Master” Grand Finals
PUP Hosts Canopy Forum and Seminar on Sociology of Religion
PUP Professors Qualify as AACCUP Accreditors
PUP Hosts Famed Fil-Am Rondalla Ensemble
Institute for Cultural Studies Launches Forum on Filipino
PUP-OVPSS Conducts 2013 Freshman Orientation
BOR Approves Merit Promotion of 132 Faculty
PUP Mighty Maroons is Sinclair Paints’ U-22 Basketball Super
League 1st Runner-Up
NSTPO Holds CWTS Trainers Training
PUPHMAA Elects New Officers
CTHTM Launches Training Program for Employees
CTHTM Holds 1st Research Capacity Building SeminarWorkshop
9 PUP DESED Promotes Traffic Safety and Environmental
12 PUP Programming Guild Shines in 2013 Innovation
Programming Tilt
12 PUP partners with PHILPOST on Research
10 President De Guzman calls on students and youth to emulate
the “Sublime Paralytic”
18 PUP Bataan Marks 37th Founding Anniversary
19 PUP Bataan Adopts 50 Families in Mariveles
19 MOA for PUP Maragondon Annex Signed
Vol. 2, Issue 6, July 2013
The Official Publication of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Editorial Board
Angelina E. Borican
Anna Ruby P. Gapasin
Kriztine R. Viray
Ma. Junithesmer D. Rosales
Dan Esponilla Dalac
Prestoline S. Suyat
Sonny M. Verzosa
Theresita V. Atienza
Hector B. Calma
Haydn I. Calabig
Augusto Sandino B. Cardenas
Daryl Ace V. Cornell
Alfredo O. Cuenca, Jr.
Michael B. dela Fuente
Marlon Elle
Zandro T. Estella
Aida R. Federico
Cecile Suerte Felipe
Elizabeth C. Fernando
Edgardo A. Latoza
Luis Ma. Martinez
Ma. Felisa T. Natad
Lenis Aislinn C. Separa
Joseph Reylan Viray
Christine Joyce S. Bautista
Enrique C. Delgado
Jesusana S. Dejito
Hector B. Calma
Roy Mark B. Gerez
James Brian K. Ona
Israel D. Balignasay
Ellen Grace Fallarcuna
Edwin C. Padilla
20 Education as History
The Observer is a collaborative output
of the Publications Office and the Communication Management Office.
Cover Story
PUP Intensifies International
Research Engagement
Taking small steps to realize the Polytechnic University of the Philippines’ goal of becoming a
research university, officials from the different colleges and offices of the University presented their
papers in international conferences and conducted university and college visits in Asia, United States,
and Europe.
Benchmarking in United States Libraries
ince the approval of the new organizational structure of the
University making the Ninoy Aquino Library Learning and
Resources Center (NALLRC) part of the Office of the Vice
President for Academic Affairs, the dynamic leader of the office,
Dr. Samuel M. Salvador, went to the United States of America to
benchmark on leading libraries in the State of California. This was
conducted from May 20 to June 21.
Dr. Salvador visited five university and three college libraries.
Although most of these libraries have the same set-up and services
as the NALLRC, each of the visited libraries has a service that
makes it unique from other libraries.
On the former military base which was transformed into a
thriving comprehensive university stands the California State
University (CSU) Monterey Bay. Its library, the Tanimura and Antle
Family Memorial Library, serves students, staff, faculty, and alumni
of CSU Monterey Bay, as well as visiting scholars and residents of
the surrounding communities. The library’s stunning architecture,
state-of-the-art technology and 76,000-volume collection, is the
premier library facility in the Central Coast region of the state.
Likewise, San Jose State University (SJSU), one of the 200 top
research universities in the U.S., offers rigorous course work
and research opportunities to more than 30,000 undergraduate
students in seven colleges. The SJSU library is an award winning
partnership between San Jose and SJSU offering access not only
to students but also to residents of the area. Eager to know more
about the best libraries in the U.S., Dr. Salvador went to University
of Califronia (UC), Berkeley, today’s world’s premier public
university and wellspring of innovation. Because of UC Berkeley’s
research contributions, it has received in 2009 $646.46 million in
research funding for its inventions, license agreements, U.S. and
foreign patents.
The Santa Clara State University offers independent study
and thesis preparation privileges. It also imposes a policy in the
payment fines on materials (e.g. maps, books, DVDs, Kindle, Nook,
laptop, etc.) borrowed and not returned on time. Similarly, Stanford
University, the world’s leading research university, is supported
by its well-organized and famous library, the Stanford University
Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) on areas
of excellence the school is known for—from humanities to social
sciences to engineering and the sciences.
To complete the vice president’s benchmarking endeavour,
he also went to Cambrillo College, Hartnell College, and Monterey
Peninsula College libraries.
Hawaii International Social Science Confab
ix faculty members of the University presented five papers
during the 12th Hawaii International Conference on Social
Science from May 29 to June 1 at the Waikiki Beach Marriott
Resort and Spa, Honolulu Hawaii.
Associate Professor Elmer G. De Jose, Chief of Intellectual
Property and Commercialization Office, presented a paper on
(cont. on page 4)
Volume 2, Issue 5|
Cover Story
Top PUP Officials (from p. 3)
12th Hawaii International Conference
on Social Science
George Gerbner Conference on
Communication, Conflict, and Aggression
“Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors of Male and Female Heterosexual,
Gay and Lesbian Sample of University Students”. His co-authors
are Dr. Juan C. Birion, Vice President for Student Services, Prof.
Jose M. Abat, Academic Head of PUP Sta. Maria Campus, and Ms.
Ruth P. Carlos. De Jose also chaired the first psychology parallel
Dr. Juan C. Birion, Vice President for Student Services,
delivered a paper on “Prevalence of Child Abuse in Four Cities South
of Manila, Philippines: Implications on Child Abuse Management”
with Profs. De Jose, Abat, and Carlos in the research team.
Meanwhile, Dr. Edna T. Bernabe, Dean of College of
Communication, and Dr. Divina T. Pasumbal, Director of Ninoy
Aquino Library and Learning Resource Center, presented their
respective papers in three different Communication parallel
sessions. About 300 international attendees from different countries
across the globe were present in the conference.
Gerbner Confab in Hungary
Asian Media Information and Communication
Center (AMIC) 22nd International Conference
Researchers Working in Groups”. Dr. Pasumbal’s paper discussed
conflict situations that are likely to crop up between and among
researchers working in groups.
Dr. Pasumbal, Ms. Viray and Dr. Rosales likewise chaired panel
sessions during the confab. Dr. Pasumbal chaired the session on
Ethnicity, Race, Diversity and Antisocial Communication, while Ms.
Viray and Dr. Rosales chaired the sessions on Communication
Undermining Student Learning, Development and Research and
Communication Management and Misuse in Micro and Macro
Organizational Processes, respectively.
AMIC 2013 Conference in Indonesia
he Asian Media Information and Communication Center
(AMIC) 22nd International Conference held at Melia Purosani
Hotel in Yogyakarta, Indonesia accepted four researches
from PUP. More than 250 participants/paper presentations from 24
countries were gathered during the four-day conference from July
4 to 7.
wo researches undertaken by faculty members of the
University were read and delivered at the George Gerbner
Conference on Communication, Conflict and Aggression at
the Budapest College of Communication and Business, Budapest,
Hungary, June 14-15. The George Gerbner Conference, which
was attended by participants from 15 countries, is a tribute to the
Hungarian communication theorist George Gerbner who once
taught at the Budapest College of Communication and Business.
Dr. Racidon P. Bernarte and Chairperson Cherry C. Pebre,
of the College of Communication presented their paper titled
“Violence as Humor: A Content Analysis of Looney Tunes Slapstick
Cartoons” in a parallel session dealing with children’s issues and
the media. Likewise, Dr. Bernarte presented in a separate parallel
session dealing with cultural framing in social media another paper
titled “Online Eve: A Comparative Visual Content Analysis on the
Presentation of Filipina in Google and Yahoo.”
Mr. Joseph Reylan Viray, Ms. Kriztine R. Viray and Dr. Amalia
C. Rosales, all from PUP, presented in the said conference their
phenomenological research entitled “Explorations of Human
Sexuality and Relationships in the Era of New Media Technology”.
The paper featured the narratives of three Filipino participants,
whose exposures to online relationships brought about damage to
their lives, personalities and psyches.
Publications Office director Dr. Angelina E. Borican presented
her paper titled “Threats to the Lifeblood of Democracy: A Case
Study on Print Media Repression during the Ramos, the Estrada,
and the Arroyo Administrations” in a parallel session on democratic
ideals and the free press.
Another PUP faculty member and the current Director of the
Ninoy Aquino Library and Learning Resources Center Dr. Divina T.
Pasumbal presented in the same confab a research paper entitled
“Communication Dynamics Addressing Conflicts Encountered by
| The Observer
Athough the research titled “A Proposed Module as Reference
Material in the Course Principles in Children’s Educational
Television Programming” by Dr. Edna T. Bernabe’s, dean of College
of Communication, and her co-researchers were accepted they
were not able to present their paper due to a prior engagement.
(Ma. Junithesmer D. Rosales, Sonny M. Versoza)
Cover Story
Exploring Perspectives:
College of Science Faculty
Visit Thailand’s Top University
Theresita V. Atienza
So many firsts, countless memories.
It was a much-anticipated event for the PUP College
of Science (CS) Faculty Association led by its President,
Prof. Emelita A. Isaac and 40 faculty members who went
to Bangkok, Thailand last June 10-14 for a study-visit to
Thailand’s premier educational institution, Chulalongkorn
While several have journeyed to Bangkok on occasions
with family and friends, it was a first to travel with such a
large group of colleagues. Even to someone like me who
calls Thailand my second home, after having lived there
for a semester and conducting my research fellowship, the
excitement of experiencing Chulalongkorn University with
the faculty members I lead as Dean is one for the books.
Our Bangkok sojourn started with a city tour. Riding
three vans, we visited the temples of the Golden and
Standing Buddha. In the mini theatre of a jewelry gallery, the
group watched a video of gemstone mining in Thailand and
observed how these gemstones – rubies and blue sapphires
– are crafted into priceless jewels. A culinary exploration of
the spicy foods and sweet fruits of Thailand followed the city
tour. Later in the day, we traversed the heavy traffic through
the rain-drenched streets of Bangkok to enjoy a sumptuous
Thai and Western dinner buffet and watch the cultural show,
Siam Niramit. This performance of traditional Thai arts
and heritage was certainly world class and presented in a
state-of-the-art 2,000-seat theatre that is now listed in the
Guinness Book of World Records. The show featured over
150 performers that even included live elephants taking
center stage.
The highlight of our Bangkok trip was our visit to
Chulalongkorn University. We had to travel in small groups
either by taxi, bus or tuk-tuk, the Thai version of our Filipino
tricycles. We were warmly welcomed by Ajarn (Professor)
Dr. Sukkaneste Tungasmita Deputy Dean for Academic
Affairs and Ajarn Dr. Rojana Pornprasertsuk, Vice Director
of Center for International Cooperation Promotion. A video
presentation about the Faculty of Science was shown.
Then, Ajarn Sukkaneste, through a power point presentation
discussed the current programs of the faculty. It was the
faculty and student exchange programs that caught the
interest of most of the PUP visitors. A lot of questions on
eligibility and application procedures ensued. The formal
program ended with an exchange of tokens from the two
Universities. Afterwards, the group was led to the Faculty of
Science’s own Museum of Natural History. Barefoot (a Thai
practice), we went over the museum collection and were in
awe not only at the quantity but rarity of the materials we saw
there. Our group also had the unique opportunity of meeting
Adjarn Dr. Somsak Panha, who invited us to be part of his
Asian network of universities to work on biological diversity.
Leaving Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Science
gave us mixed feelings of amazement, excitement and
encouragement - amazed at the wealth of resources of the
Faculty of Science that has contributed to the recognition of
its numerous programs as Center of Excellence; excited to go
back home to PUP and work towards accomplishing similar
feats; and encouraged by the willingness of Chulalongkorn’s
Faculty of Science to forge an alliance with PUP’s College
of Science to mutually support our science educators and
researchers towards sustainable excellence.
Volume 2, Issue 5|
Cover Story
PUPians Attend Rizal’s 152nd Birth Anniversary in Europe
Faculty members from the Polytechnic University of the
Philippines were invited to attend and participate in the weeklong birthday celebration activities organized by different Filipino
organizations in Europe for the Philippine national hero Dr. Jose P.
Rizal from June 16 to 27.
Dr. Amalia C. Rosales, former Dean of the PUP Graduate
School; Ms. Kriztine R. Viray, Chief of the Creative Media Services;
and Mr. Joseph Reylan Viray of the College of Arts and Letters
attended and participated in various activities in Paris, France and
Rome, Italy. These activities were collaboratively organized by the
following organizations: the Order of the Knights of Rizal – Europe,
Filipino Helping Hand Association – France, and Las Damas De
Rizal – Europe, with support from Philippine Embassies in France
and Italy.
The activities included the awarding ceremony for Madam
Brigitte Terrien, wife of France’s Prime Minister Hon. Jean-Marc
Ayrault at the Hotel Matignon in Paris, France; Seminar-Lecture
on Philippine Culture and Rizal by Dr. Fernando Zialcita of Ateneo
De Manila University, organized by the Philippine Embassy in Italy;
Chartering of the Rome-Dimasalang Chapter of the Order of the
Knights of Rizal also at the Philippine Embassy-Italy; Exaltation
to the Rank of Knight Commander of Rizal of the Philippine
Ambassador to Italy His Excellency Virgilio Reyes Jr., Rome, Italy;
and Fete Dela Musique, a musical gathering which marks the start
of the summer season in France, at the Plaza Jose Rizal in Paris
organized by the Order of the Knights of Rizal – Europe, Las Damas
De Rizal, and the Filipino Helping Hand Association – Europe.
Bro. Leo Mojica, President and Founder of the Filipino Helping
Hand Association, also showed and guided the group from PUP
in an educational retracing of Dr. Jose Rizal’s trail in Paris. He
showed apartments, hotels, boarding houses, galleries, studios,
and schools that were related to Dr. Rizal’s stay in his favorite city—
(Hector B. Calma)
| The Observer
University Highlights
“Alleviation Allowance Remains”
- Pres. De Guzman
PUP President Dr. Emanuel C.
De Guzman assured the University’s
administrative and academic workforce
that they will continue to receive the
Php5,000 alleviation allowance which
the Commission on Audit allegedly
planned to disallow.
Dr. De Guzman allayed the fears
of some one hundred Unyon ng
Nagkakaisang Kawani ng PUP (UNAKAPUP) officers and members who silently
gathered outside the Dr. Pablo Mateo
Conference Room on June 7 while the
administration was huddled with the
COA resident auditor.
The protesters accepted Dr. De
Guzman’s assurance but said they
will remain vigilant and are prepared
to launch actions should the monthly
alleviation allowance be stopped by
(Luis Ma. Martinez with
Dan Esponilla Dalac)
PUPian Places 4th in Board Exam
for Architects
Another alumnus of the College of Architecture
and Fine Arts brought honors to the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines when he emerged as
one of the top performers in the June 2013 Licensure
Examination for Architects.
Roger M. Sarmiento III placed 4th in the recent
architecture board examination which produced a
total of 40 new licensed architects from PUP. He
obtained a rating of 84.90% in the said examination
conducted by the Professional Regulation
Archt. Roger M. Sarmiento III
the entire Philippines.
PUP posted a 65.57% passing percentage,
a rate several points higher than the 50.99%
national passing percentage. Forty of the sixty-one
examinees from PUP passed the board exam which
produced a total of 901 new licensed architects for
The roster of successful examinees from the country’s first polytechnic and
largest state university includes Shenalyn P. Albis, Jaimar S. Alcantara, Kristine May
M. Asis, Mary Ann L. Balicao, Ramil M. Bautista, Blazer M. Berroy, Krizelle Antonette
Z. Blasco, Cyrelle Neil Brillante, Maria Rosanna N. Calimag, Daisy P. Casingal,
Jeanne Honeyllete S. Cruz, Diane S. Dela Cruz, Ruby Jane M. Dela Cruz, Sarrah
Jean D. Domasig, Bernadette C. Fabro, Katrine Joana H. Fernandez, Alma N. Guan,
Josephine H. Hilado, Shera C. Jagodilla and Roentgen V. Javelosa, Jonelyn L.
Lauchengco, Archival D. Licardo, Arvie S. Manlapaz, Krezelyn M. Mapacpac, Gladys
G. Martinez, Jan Kirstie V. Merino, Jean April R. Misagal, Domingo G. Morales,
Laralyn V. Mutoc, Hielene C. Paat, Jullian Rico D. Perez, Rogie Jude A. Ramos,
Genemeisel E. Saguros, Dominic R. Sanchez, Lara Camille C. Santiago, Roger M.
Sarmiento III, Karen Mae N. Tuico, Lani A. Valenciano, Czarwin C. Valiente, and
John Carlo B. Vargas.
PUPHMAA Elects New Officers
The PUP Hospitality Management
Alumni Association elected its new set
of officers during a joint outdoor activity
with the Hospitality Management
Society (HMS) and the Band of Young
and Outstanding Bartenders (BYOB).
Dave Morris E. Distrito (Batch 2011)
was elected president; Jonas King C.
Zamora (Batch 2008), vice president;
Haydn I. Calabig (Batch 2005),
secretary; John Kelvin S.L. Pantaleon
(Batch 2013), assistant secretary;
Raymund D. Ramos (Batch 2007),
treasurer; Mark Gerald M. Sotto (Batch
2012), assistant treasurer; Daryl Ace
V. Cornell (Batch 2007), auditor; Mark
Anthony G. Margallo (Batch 2012),
public relations officer; and Prof. Ma.
Cristina Q. Trinidad (Batch 2000),
(Haydn I. Calabig)
CTHTM Launches Training
Program for Employees
The Polytechnic University of
the Philippines College of Tourism,
Department of Hospitality Management
has launched a training program for the
staff of the PUP Campus Development
and Maintenance Office (CDMO), PUP
University Canteen and the Sparrow
Janitorial Services. The five-part
training program aimed to upgrade
the knowledge and skills of the
participating employees in their field of
specialization. It covered discussions
on Personality Development, Food
and Beverage procedures (Waitering),
and Custodial and Housekeeping
Personnel Competencies. The activity,
which is co-organized by the Office of
Vice President for Administration runs
from June to October 2013.
(Ma. Felisa T. Natad)
(Dan Esponilla Dalac)
Volume 2, Issue 5 |
University Highlights
Partial List of Approved Books for Adoption
and Use, Released
The Polytechnic University
of PUP President Dr. Emanuel C. De Guzman has issued a memorandum announcing
of The
the Polytechnic
Philippines University
Open has
the partial list of 45 approved books for adoption and use in the university effective first
hasa recently
network ofjoinedsemester
of School Year 2013-2014.
of seventy-one
European and
international universities
universities devoted The books were earlier recommended by the University Textbook and other
e-learning,tothe Global
Instructional Materials Evaluation Committee (UTIMEC) headed by EVP Victoria C.
Education in(GUIDE)
the Distance
Global Universities
Naval. The UTIMEC was established to evaluate and recommend books that will be
Director used
Dr. by the students and faculty members.
Distance Education
also qualified
Association. L.
Dr. university
L. Castolo having “I appreciate your cooperation and support in the effort of the Administration of
the tough
also qualified
as screening
university process
ensuring that PUP students are provided with quality instructional materials toward
by GUIDE Association.
quality and excellent education,” Pres. De Guzman said.
in ODL
her being an
passed the
tough and
Board Member
of UNESCO Pres. De Guzman also clarified that textbooks and instructional materials not
process conducted
Asia Her
and the
Pacific Region
found in the list are pending subject to full compliance with the requirements specified
in ODL for
her being
an since
in the Implementing Guidelines for the Evaluation of Textbooks and other Instructional
Member byof GUIDE
the PUP
UNESCO Bangkok
Asia and
and staff Topping the list of approved books for adoption and use came from College of
the Pacific
Region officials
Bureau for
with the
Higher Education
2003 offices
Accountancy and Finance with 19 books, College of Arts and Letters, 13 books; and
the Executive
was recognized
by Vice
College of Science with six books.
(Prestoline S. Suyat)
its Strategic Planning with the
theme “Leveling Up to Quality and
The C.two-day
activity was
held on June 11 and 12 in Tagaytay
Farm Hills, Cavite.
(Elizabeth C. Fernando)
PUP-OU, UNTV launch
Master in Communication
students of the Open University
in partnership with UNTV
launched a public information
campaign dubbed “BE ALERT”
or “Be Active and Learn
the Emergency Response
Techniques” last June 1. BE
ALERT aimed to equip its
audience with basic knowledge
and skills on earthquake, flood
and fire response. Employees
from the PUP Safety and
Security Office, PUP Medical
Services and PUP Library
attended the activity.
(Cecile Suerte Felipe and
Elizabeth C. Fernando)
| The Observer
PUPians Qualify for “Kusina Master”
Grand Finals
PUP College of Tourism, Hospitality and
Transportation Management students Alexander
Allen C. Lim and Jeffrey I. Torrente qualified for
the grand finals of the “Kusina Master: Young
Master Showdown” after winning the weekly finals
of GMA 7’s culinary show on June 21.
Lim and Torrente received the prestigious
“GOLDEN TOQUE” award for young master
chefs. Kusina Master host Chef Boy Logro said
“PUP students act very professional (having no
coach and worked independently) and made the
dishes like in a fine dining restaurant.”
Kusina Master is a collegiate competition of
different culinary schools and universities. It is a
four-week battle of culinary students from PUP,
Louis University of Baguio, College of Arts and
Sciences of Asia and Pacific, PWU of Pampanga,
Bluespoon Culinaire of Olongapo, Perpetual Help College, Holy Angel of Pampanga and
Dominican College.
University Highlights
CTHTM Holds 1st Research Capacity
Building Seminar-Workshop
PUP Hosts Canopy Forum
and Seminar on Sociology
of Religion
The Polytechnic University of the Philippines hosted the
Philippine Association for Sociology of the Religion’s (PASR)
Canopy Forum on the Relationship of Religion and Environment
and Seminar on Classical Perspectives of the Sociology of Religion
on July 28. The Institute for Cultural Studies (ICS) under the Office
of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning and
Development spearheaded the whole-day event that was attended
by sociologists and faculty members of different universities and
private institutions in the National Capital Region.
PASR President Dr. Esmeralda Sanchez of the University of
Santo Tomas and PUP ICS Director Virgilio A. Rivas graced the
event which dealt with the intermingling dialogue between religion
and environment - from religious perspectivism up to the sociohistorical roots of environmental conservatism.
The first speaker was Prof. Junie Quilatan from Miriam
College. Her lecture focused on environmentalism as it manifests
in religious and biblical doctrines. The next speaker was Dr. Alvin
Eballo of UST whose expertise offered an analysis on the framers
of the Malolos Constitution from socio-historical outlook.
The afternoon session featured three other distinguished
Filipino sociologists. Dr. Mina Ramirez, the president of Asian
Social Science Institute and a firebrand phenomenologist, gave
a lecture on Peter Berger. She was followed by noted theoretician
and academic scholar Dr. Gerardo Lanuza from University of the
Philippines. His scholarship on Marxism and Religion proved
that the latter is still a vibrant discourse in the academe. Last but
not the least was Dr. Susana Reyes, a noted UP scholar whose
discussion on Emile Durkheim gave light to the importance of the
sociologist’s cause from his notion of religion and the sacred.
PUP is a founding member and active participant in PASR
activities. PUP ICS Director Rivas and PUP Center for Philosophy
and Humanities Chief Jeffrey L. Bartilet are the Vice-Presidents
for Internal and External Affairs respectively of the PASR. Prof.
John Abletis of Department of Sociology is the current corporate
secretary and very own PUP President Dr. Emanuel de Guzman
is a former president of PASR and also a founding member of the
said association.
The College of Tourism, Hospitality and
Transportation Management recently launched
its 1st Research Capacity Building Workshop with
the theme “Sharpening the Educator’s Cutting
Edge in Research.” The research agenda and
directions that served as benchmarks for the twoday workshop were explained by Prof. Zandro T.
Estella of the Research Management Office. On
the other hand, Dr. Grant B. Cornell, Eulogio Amang
Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
(EARIST) research director tackled “Writing
Publishable Research,” and “Formulating Research
Title, Writing Research Problems” and facilitated
the workshop on “Title Formulation and Research
Proposal.” Other sessions focused on topics such
as “The Personality and Teaching Style Inventory,”
“Research Issues and Trends” and “Exploring
Emerging Research Topics.” CTHTM Dean Prof.
Ma. Sheila S. Ganchero and Dr. Cornell helped the
faculty generate ideas so that they could come up
with a proposed research topic.
(Daryl Ace V. Cornell)
PUP DESED Promotes Traffic Safety and
Environmental Protection
The Polytechnic University of the Philippines’
Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education (PUP-DESED) has thrown its support to
the campaign on traffic safety and environmental
protection launched by the International Association
for Traffic and Safety Science (IATSS) Forum Alumni
Philippines. Former PUP DESED Chairperson Dr.
Ma. Junithesmer D. Rosales signed a memorandum
of understanding with said organization to initiate its
planned activity. PUP DESED’s involvement in the
IATSS Forum Alumni Philippines’ campaign began
with the staging of a puppet show and shadow
play conducted last June 16 by twenty Bachelor in
Elementary Education students at the Reception
and Study Center for Children (RSCC) in Quezon
City. More than fifty young RSCC wards witnessed
the show and partook of the food provided by Honda
(Dan Esponilla Dalac)
(Marlon Elle)
Volume 2, Issue 5 |
“It is a duty of every Filipino,
especially the youth and students
to imitate the selfless service
and sacrifices that the Great
Apolinario Mabini had done for
our country.”
PUP and NHC celebrate 149th Birth Anniversary of Apolinario Mabini
President De Guzman calls on students
and youth to emulate the “Sublime Paralytic”
olytechnic University of the Philippines
(PUP) President Dr. Emanuel C. De Guzman
reiterated on July 23 that the present generation
of youth and students must emulate the patriotism,
selflessness and heroism that Apolinario Mabini had
displayed until his death.
“As we celebrate the 149th Birth Anniversary of the Great
Apolinario Mabini, it is a duty of every Filipino, especially the
youth and students to imitate the selfless service and sacrifices
that he had done for our country. Next to Andres Bonifacio, he
was consistent in his conviction for revolutionary struggle and
freedom from colonial rule and against injustices and economic
and political subjugation,” President De Guzman said.
President De Guzman also registered that it is an honor
for the University to be part of the 149th Birth Anniversary
celebration of the great hero and the unveiling of the
Apolinario Mabini Museum inside the main campus of PUP.
The Apolinario Mabini Shrine is also located in the Sta. Mesa
campus of the University.
The president of the largest state university in the country
also said that PUP will be active in the series of activities for the
country’s celebration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of the first
prime minister of the country and most popularly known as the
the “Sublime Paralytic”.
“Our main campus was named after this great hero of
our land and it is only expected that PUP must be one of the
prime movers not only to actively celebrate his 150th Birth
Anniversary next year but also to call for the emulation of his
great contributions to our country. We must persevere so that
his sacrifices and also of other heroes must not be put in vain
and forgotten by the next generations to come,” President De
Guzman said.
PUP together with the National Historical Commission
(NHC) held a program on July 23 at the Nemesio Prudente
Freedom Park, PUP main campus to commemorate the 149th
Birth Anniversary of the “Brains of the Philippine Revolution”.
Invited speakers who graced the historical event are Vice
President Jejomar C. Binay, NHC chairperson Dra. Maria
Serena L. Diokno and other distinguished guests.
(Prestoline S. Suyat)
University Highlights
PUP Programming Guild Shines in 2013
Innovation Programming Tilt
The Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Programming Guild, an organization comprised
of students from the College of Computer and
Information Sciences and College of Engineering,
emerged as one of the top teams in the 2013 Trend
Micro BIG DATA Innovation Programming Contest.
The team composed of Mark Jayson Fuentes,
Allan Crisostomo, Carl Nombrado (BS Computer
Science) and Jeremiah Tabing (BS in Electronics
Engineering) represented PUP in the competition.
They presented their proposal “Malware and
Internet Events Correlation System (MalInECS)”
in the Face-to-Face Country Elimination Round of
the Contest on July 6. The competition focused on
the creation of solutions/applications for Big Data
to produce information that can be used to improve
a person’s daily life or increase a company’s
business value. The solutions are evaluated based
on Big Data’s 4V characteristics: volume, variety,
velocity, and veracity. The top two highest-scoring
teams of this round will get a chance to compete
in the final round of competition on August 20 to
be held in Taipei, Taiwan together with other teams
from China, Japan and Taiwan.
(Michael B. dela Fuente)
PUP partners with PHILPOST on Research
The Office of the Vice President for Research,
Extension and Planning Development (OVPREPD)
continues to strengthen its wide network of research
industry-partners with the addition of Philippine
Postal Corporation (PHILPOST) in a meeting held
on June 20 at the Conference Room, PHILPOST
Central Office, Lawton, Manila.
PHILPOST Chairman Cesar N. Sarino
discussed with PUP representatives their agency’s
concerns and opened the possibility of a tieup with PUP in the conduct of market research.
While PUP REMD director Dr. Racidon P. Bernarte
presented to the PHILPOST Board details of the
proposed market research plan for their evaluation
and approval. Meanwhile, Assistant to the Vice
President Prof. Mely Luya, and Institute for Data
and Statistical Analysis director Lincoln A. Bautista
were also present in the meeting.
(Zandro Estella)
| The Observer
PUP Professors
Qualify as AACCUP Accreditors
Seven senior faculty members of the Polytechnic University
of the Philippines have recently qualified as accreditors of the
Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.
Asst. Prof. Norberto V. Caturay, assistant to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs; Prof. Rosita E. Canlas, Director of
the M.H. Del Pilar Campus; Engr. Guillermo O. Bernabe, College
of Engineering dean; Asst. Prof. Nicolas C. Mallari, Department
of Psychology chairperson; Asst. Prof. Raul Roland Sebastian,
Department of History chairperson; Dr. Ma. Junithesmer D.
Rosales, Publications Office production chief; and Asst. Prof.
Mary Joy A. Castillo of the College of Arts and Letters finished
the rigorous AACCUP accreditors’ training at Punta Villa Resort
in Iloilo from June 25 to 27.
The faculty members from the country’s first polytechnic
and largest state university were among the 185 educators from
various state-run tertiary schools who completed the training
which featured discussions on the AACCUP accreditation
system and the qualifications, decorum, dress code, travels and
compensation of an AACCUP accreditor.
AACCUP stalwart and Executive Director Dr. Manuel T.
Corpus; AACUP President Dr. Luis M. Sorolla Jr. (West Visayas
State University); Dr. Ma. Teresa SJ. Valdez, (Tarlac College
of Agriculture); Dr. Rosana Grace Belo, (West Visayas State
University); Dr. Nenita I. Prado (Central Mindanao University);
and Dr. Evelyn C. Cuzada, (Leyte State University) served as
(Dan Esponilla Dalac)
University Highlights
IP Boston Rondalla
PUP Maharlika Dance Artists
PUP Bagong Himig Serenata
PUP Banda Kawayan
Dr. Christi-Anne Castro
PUP Hosts Famed Fil-Am
Rondalla Ensemble
It was an ‘East meets West’ occasion as the Polytechnic University
of the Philippines (PUP) played host on July 5 to the acclaimed
rondalla ensemble of Iskwelahang Pilipino (IP) of Boston, the longest
running Filipino school in the United States of America.
The day-long event featuring the IP Boston Rondalla included a
symposium on Filipino ethnomusicology with Dr. Christi-Anne Castro
at the Claro M. Recto Auditorium (9:00 a.m.-12:00 nn.), a matinee
show (1:30-3:30 p.m.) and a gala show (5:30-7:30 p.m.) at the PUP
Bulwagang Balagtas.
World-renowned PUP Banda Kawayan, PUP Bagong Himig
Serenata and PUP Maharlika Dance Artists joined IP Boston Rondalla
in the afternoon shows dubbed “Kwerdas, Kawayan, Sayaw at
The IP Boston Rondalla performances at PUP formed part of the
stringed instrument ensemble’s “Pinoy Pa Rin!” national outreach
concert tour which aimed to contribute to the revival of rondalla music
and benefit several children and youth organizations in the Philippines.
Organized by the non-stock and non-profit PUP Research,
Extension and Development Foundation, Inc. (PUPREDFI), the
PUP leg of IP Boston Rondalla’s concert tour will benefit the PUP
Tanglaw Team which will represent the University in the Shell-Asia
Eco-Marathon competition.
(Dan Esponilla Dalac)
Institute for Cultural
Studies Launches
Forum on Filipino
The PUP Institute for Cultural Studies,
PUP Center for Social History and the PUP
College of Arts and Letters launched a
forum on Filipino ethnomusicology on July 5
at the PUP Claro M. Recto Auditorium with
Dr. Christi-Anne Castro of the University of
Michigan as keynote speaker.
Dr. Castro, a noted Michigan professor
and scholar, delved on the discourse, origin,
present status and future condition of Filipino
She claimed the challenges to Filipino
ethnomusicology center on the following:
first, the perils on ethnography; second, the
multi-sited fieldwork of ethnomusicology and
lastly the interference of digital networks in
relation to ethnomusical discourses. She
also cited poor historiography, ethnography,
theories and western-grounded musical
analysis as factors affecting Filipino
The forum was endorsed by
Commission on Higher Education.
(Marlon Elle)
Volume 2, Issue 5 | 13
University Highlights
PUP-OVPSS Conducts 2013 Freshman Orientation
The Office of the Vice President for Student Services
(OVPSS) under Dr. Juan C. Birion had its 2013 freshman
orientation at the University Gymnasium from June 25 to June
27 with 7,112 students attending on their college scheduled
date. The top University officials shared their messages through
audio-visual presentations. The heads of the different units
and services gave oral discussions/audio-video presentations
of the services of their units and the benefits the students will
get from these services. The college deans welcomed the
students in their respective colleges and pronounced the latest
initiatives in their colleges and their significance to the students’
In his message, President Emanuel C. De Guzman
welcomed the students and advised them to give their best in
all the students’ areas of concerns, namely, academics, extracurricular activities, social and spiritual obligations, among
others. He emphasized in his message that their education is
subsidized by the State making them “Iskolar ng Bayan” and as
such the more that they should be good models to other students.
He stressed that all students should work harmoniously with the
other members of the PUP community to make PUP the great
University that it has always been.
EVP Victoria C. Naval congratulated the students for
making it to PUP. She encouraged them to study well and live
up to the expectations of the University and the Filipino people
who support their education. Dr. Naval instilled in the students
their moral obligations to respect their teachers, to acquire and
share positive values, and above all, to keep on asking for
God’s blessing for with God everything will go on smoothly.
| The Observer
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Samuel M. Salvador,
called the freshmen “full-blooded PUPians” and “champions
of all” for passing the requirements to become members of
the PUP community. For students to get the most from their
stay at the University and succeed in their undertakings, the
VPAA explained the importance of sacrifices, studying well,
facing obligations, observing the instructions and advice of the
faculty and University officials, and respecting other people. He
encouraged the freshmen to choose the right friends, adopt the
PUP culture, love one another, and lift up everything to God.
VPBC Joseph Mercado assured the freshman students
that PUP would help them fulfill their dreams to be successful in
every endeavor they are going to enter. He stressed that such
values as resourcefulness, creativity and love for learning are
essential in developing individuals to be totally responsive - the
values which PUP advocates. Dr. Mercado mentioned the need
to invest knowledge because it pays the best interest.
VPREPD Muhi told everybody that in entering College,
each student is full of hopes and dreams of what lies ahead.
He stressed that if one has hope then he is not afraid to face
anything, thus, everything is possible. He said that achieving
one’s dreams only needs hard work which is one of the traits of
a true PUPian. He stressed that turning hopes and dreams into
reality always lies in our own hands.
VPA Alberto C. Guillo stated that the freshman students
made the right decision to enroll in PUP. He told everybody
to take every opportunity to learn and to grow in this institution
and to recognize and feel that everyday life spent in the campus
is a fruitful and beneficial one. He pointed out that “anumang
pagsubok at inaasam ay mapapagtagumpayan ibigay lang ang
buong kakayahan upang mapagtagumpayan”.
University Highlights
VPF Marissa J. Legaspi, emphasized that the freshmen are
now part of the University. She said they are very fortunate for
they are now “Iskolar ng Bayan”. The VPF reminded them to do
their best, study hard and above all to acknowledge God and
commit themselves to the Almighty.
Dr. Juan C. Birion, Vice President for Student Services,
assured the freshmen that the quality of education the PUP
gives is of the highest degree. He advised the students to be
diligent enough in handling tasks to sustain good grades. “This
exercise, coupled with hard work and perseverance and with
the Lord always in life, success in all endeavors is possible,” Dr.
Birion declared.
The directors and heads of the different offices/units,
namely, Student Information System, University Registrar’s
Office, Admission Services, Office of Student Services; Office
of Scholarship and Financial Services, Student Affairs Section,
Guidance, Counseling and Testing Services, Career and
Placement Services, University Center for Culture and the Arts,
Alumni Relations Office, NSTP/ROTC Office, and the Ninoy
Aquino Library and Learning Resources Center assured the
incoming students that the University is a haven of studentcentered activities and services, specifically the OVPSS which
aims at student’s holistic development. All the basic services
and programs are designed to ensure and promote student
On the other hand, the ICTC representatives explained
carefully the importance and operations of the Student
Information System (SIS). They elaborated that under the
system all PUP students have their own accounts making
possible the access of information relative to University calendar
and pronouncements, section offerings, registration, profile,
schedules, grades, accounts, library, and other announcements.
Director Segundo C. Dizon of UCCA presented the members
of the Maharlika Dance Artists and Contemporary Dimensions,
Bagong Himig Serenata, PUP Ramp Artists, Banda Kawayan,
and the Sininglahi Polyrepertory, who showcased their talents.
The cultural presentations are indications that PUP preserves
and conserves the country’s cultural heritage and focuses on
the total student development, not only on the academic side
but in all areas of growth and improvement.
Prizes in the form of cash and in kind solicited by the
Ways and Means Committee headed by Engr. Florinda H.
Oquindo were awarded to the students who answered correctly
questions about the orientation. The three-day orientation
was a success. It was made possible through the concerted
efforts of the students themselves, the University staff, and the
different committees with the GCTS Chief, Professor Barbara
P. Camacho, as Chair. Prof. John Mark N. Nero, Dr. Armando
A. Torres, Prof. Jonna Karla C. Bien, and Prof Florinda H.
President De Guzman gives his welcome message
to freshman students.
Deans of the different colleges were present at the orientation to
welcome the freshmen.
Thousands of freshmen, divided into several clusters
(Edgardo A. Latoza)
Volume 2, Issue 5 | 15
University Highlights
BOR Approves Merit Promotion of 132 Faculty
The Polytechnic University of the
Philippines’ Board of Regents (BOR)
has finally approved the 132 out of
186 applications for faculty one-step
merit promotion on July 1. The faculty
positions ranged from Instructor II to
Professor V.
Thirty-three (33) out of 42 faculty
applicants moved up from Instructor 1
to Instructor II. Twenty-two (22) out of
25 faculty applicants moved up from
Instructor II to Instructor III.
The following faculty positions were
also filled based on the slots available
in the plantilla: Assistant Professor 1
with 13 slots; Assistant Professor II
with seven slots; Assistant Professor
III with nine slots; Assistant Professor
IV with 16 slots; Associate Professor
I with 11 slots; Associate Professor II
with three slots; Associate Professor III
with four slots; Associate Professor IV
with four slots; Associate Professor V
with two slots; Professor I with one slot;
Professor II with one slot; Professor III
with three slots 3; Professor IV with one;
and Professor V with one slot.
The faculty members who were
promoted from Instructor I to Instructor
II are Abril, Denise A.; Acierto, Marife A.;
Almase, Veronica S.; Almirante, Elaine
Carie P.; Alvarez, Lourdes V.; Alvendia,
Flordeliza E.; Ambag, Silvia C.; Apa-ap,
Renato E.; Ariraya, Arapia C.; Bernarte,
Racidon P.; Caras, Madeleine S.;
Castillo, Melani L.; Coronado, Armin
S.; Cruz, Artemus G.; Dizon, Rogelio
G.; Fernandez, Alma C.; Manamtam,
Jay-R A.; Maniego, Norie L.; Mapanao,
Carmelita P.; Matchete, Evelyn M.;
Mayrena, Marissa L.; Mendoza,
Mary Jane G.; Nero, John Mark N.;
Nieva, Sherwin N.; Oñate, Michaela
B.; Oquindo, Florinda H.; Ortiz, Alvin
M.; Ortiz, Marianne C.; Pambuena,
Elizabeth L.; Rural, Faustino R.;
Sibayan, Noli B.; Soriano, Elmer M. and
Tenerife Jr., Pedrito M.
Promoted from Instructor II to
Instructor III are Balasa, Ma. Teresa
| The Observer
M.; Bueza, Rufo N.; Bungato Jr.,
Guillermo C.; Carpio, Perla D.; Claudio,
Sanjay P.; Dela Fuente, Michael B.;
Dolorosa, Rodrigo S.; Fajilago, Ria S.;
Gallego, Manuel P.; Gonzaga, Agnes
Y.; Gutierrez, Jaime P.; Labay, Lilian
S.; Layos, Emelinda C.; Malabuyoc,
Abegail A.; Marcos, Salvador J.;
Mariano, Edelyn M.; Monzon, Demelyn
E.; Prudente, Henry B.; Publico, Ana
Liza R.; Tan, Mary Jane M.; Trinidad,
Ma. Cristina Q. and Usona, Laurence P.
Faculty members who were
promoted to Assistant Professor I from
Insructor III are Almirañez, Gecilie C.;
Babiera, Josefina P.; Briones, Virginia
G.; Cabrera Jr., Honorato I.; Crescini,
Cleotilde L.; Dastas, Lydinar D.; Estella,
Zandro T.; Frivaldo, Florenda S.;
Gapasin, Anna Ruby P.; Malabanan,
Sophronia S.; Panibio, Bernadette
M.; Pastrana, Angelito G.; Publico Jr.,
Juan L.; Sagum, Ria A. and Tugade,
Luzviminda O.
Faculty members who were
promoted from Assistant Professor I
to Assistant Professor II are Aranza,
Realin C.; Bernardo, Romeo R.; Del
Castillo, Jesusa T.; Comendador,
Benilda Eleonor V.; Gatan, Pascualito,
B.; Sevilla, Margarita T.; and Umali,
Antonius C.
Promoted from Assistant Professor
II to Assistant Professor III are
Goyenechea, Merlinda O.; Nobles,
Bernadeth G.; Nocon, Angelita E.;
Pelayo, Sharon Joy F.; Rivas, Virgilio
A.; Rosales, Ma. Junithesmer D.; So,
Odette G.; Sumande, Carolina T. and
Villaruel, Angelita S.
Faculty members who moved up
from Assistant Professor III to Assistant
Professor IV are Agcaoili, Zenaida A.;
Avila, Lourdes B.; Bernabe, Edna T.;
Fabregas, Aleta C.; Jacolbia, Rovelina
B.; Lavadia, Edna S.; Macarubbo,
Josefina B.; Malabuyoc, Edwin G.;
Rebecca E.; Piers, Cristalina R.; Rosal,
Aurea Z.; Santos, Gloria S.; Sumadsad,
Concepcion R.; Velasco, Antonio Y.;
Promoted from Assistant Professor
IV to Associate Professor I are Ado,
Remedios G.; Bien, Jesus J.; Borican,
Angelina E.; Caturay, Norberto V.; Cruz,
Liwayway M.; Esperanza, Edwin C.;
Felices, Lina S.; Ferrer, Marissa B.;
Pinalas, Joey S. and Serencio, Serapia
On the other hand, Vice President
for Branches and Campuses Joseph
Mercado was promoted from Assistant
Professor I to Associate Professor I.
Faculty members who were
promoted from Associate Professor I
to Associate Professor II are Cabiling,
Diosdado L.; Camacho, Barbara P.;
Dizon, Segundo C.
Promoted from Associate Professor
II to Associate Professor III are De Jose,
Elmer G.; Latoza, Edgardo A.; Seril,
Evangelina S.; and Viray, Roland C.
Associate Professors III Domingo,
Iluminada Vivien R.; Duque, Apolonio A.;
Montemayor, Charito A. and Sarmiento,
Zenaida R. were promoted to Associate
Professor IV.
Promoted from Associate Professor
IV to Associate Professor V are Buan,
Nenita F. and Cruz, Myrna G.
Associate Professor I Cecilia S.
Austerio was promoted to Professor I.
Professor I Ben B. Andres was promoted
to Professor II.
Promoted from Professor II to
Professor III are Atienza, Theresita V.;
Garcia, Ma. Lourdes D. and Rillon, Nora
Finally, Professor III Melly L.
Paraiso was promoted to Professor IV
and Milagrina A. Gomez was promoted
from Professor IV to Professor V.
Office of the University Board Secretary)
University Highlights
PUP Mighty Maroons is Sinclair Paints’
U-22 Basketball Super League
1st Runner-Up
Despite winning convincingly in their first three games against Lyceum-Subic
Bay (83-78), Laguna-B (81-71), and Zamboanga (110-84), the PUP Mighty Maroons
was defeated by Laguna Team A in an exasperating 103-100 score during the
championship match of the 2013 Sinclair Paints sponsored U-22 Basketball Super
League held at the Laguna Sports Complex in Sta. Cruz, Laguna on July 7.
The PUP squad was the early favorite before the championship game after
beating the tallest line-up of the tournament, PRISAA Region III champion LyceumSubic Bay and Laguna Team B in the group stage of the tournament.
Trailing behind the championship match, the Mighty Maroons, however, put up
a gallant stand and refused to give up as they rallied to get back on the contention
by cutting their 16 point deficit.
Led by the team’s top shooter, Melgar Murillo, who fired five three-pointers in
the fourth quarter and assisted by exquisite clutch plays by Maroons’ team captain
and ace scorer Christian “Ichi” Trance, the home team went panic as they committed
consecutive turn-overs.
Trainers Training
The National Service Training Program
Office (NSTPO), led by its director, Prof.
Lailanie G. Teves, conducted the Civic
Welfare Training Service Trainers’ Training
from June 13 to 15 at the Claro M. Recto
The 2013 Sinclair’s U-22 Basketball Super League is also sponsored by Laguna
Sports Development Office, Office of Governor George E.R. Ejercito Estregan, and
organized by Evangelista Aquatics and Sports Management Incorporation.
The NSTPO partnered with different
organizations such as the Zero Waste
Enforcement Agency (PDEA), and the
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
(MMDA) which shared their expertise to
PUP’s CWTS trainers through the three-day
training program . Program Officer Christine
Vergara and National Coordinator Aileen
Lucero from ZWC facilitated workshop on
Solid Waste Management and Composting.
IO3 Marjuvel Bautista from PDEA lectured
on Drug Education, and representatives from
MMDA discussed Disaster Risk Reduction
for the second day of the training. A handson training about various rescue techniques
under the assistance and supervision of
MMDA capped the three-day training of
CWTS trainers.
(Sandino B. Cardenas)
(Sonny M. Versoza)
Employing their signature pesky full court pressure defense, the Maroons
managed to trim the lead of Laguna to a single point (101-100) in the last 43 seconds
of the regulation courtesy of the trey converted by Jayson Bondoc.
Unfortunately, ball possession was given to Laguna on the last 19 seconds
of the game which made the Maroons desperate until a foul committed by Jayson
Bondoc in the last 15 seconds increased the pressure on the Maroons’ side when the
opponent’s two free throws went inside the basket.
In their last possession, Laguna tightened their defense on Trance who never
got a chance to find a decent shot. This forced the ace player to pass the ball to
Murillo who failed in his attempt to shoot a three-pointer in the last two seconds of
the game.
Volume 2, Issue 5 | 17
Branches/Campus News
PUP Bataan
Marks 37th Founding Anniversary
The oldest branch of the country’s first polytechnic university
which was established in Mariveles, Bataan during the Martial Law
period marked its 37th founding anniversary on July 1 and 2 with a
mass, parade, and convocation that drew the participation of over a
thousand students, faculty, and staff.
Bataan Governor Albert ‘Abet’ Raymond S. Garcia and Authority
of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) Chairman and Administrator
Deogracias G.P. Custodio graced the celebration which carried
the theme “PUP Bataan @ 37: Responding to Challenges through
Multidisciplinary Excellence.”
Gov. Garcia and Chairman Custodio emphasized in their
speeches the importance of having a ‘symbiotic relationship’ between
the current local government and the University in the development
of potential manpower for both existing and future AFAB locators and
for the continuous momentum of transforming Bataan into a more
progressive province in the region.
Meanwhile, Chairman Custodio has approved the request of
Branch Director Prof. Leonila J. Generales for the former to grant PUP
Bataan a site inside the Freeport which can serve as the permanent
location for the University.
PUP Bataan has been leasing its past and present sites from
Bataan Economic Zone (BEZ), now Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB).
This causes the Branch to experience restrictions and limitations in
implementing major infrastructural repairs and expansions.
The three (3) possible sites proposed by the FAB Planning
Department were visited by PUP Vice President for Administration
Prof. Alberto C. Guillo on July 5.
One proposed site for the said infrastructure is the 6-hectare
sloping land infront of the mini dormitory area. This space used to
be a picnic ground and a camping site before it was closed to the
public. Just beside it is a smaller vacant flat land opposite to the
Our Lady of Fatima Chaplaincy which is considered as the second
probable location for the Branch. These sites are currently along the
route of Public Utility Jeepneys allowed inside the residential area of
the Freeport. Compared with the previous places which are only 5
minutes away from the present PUP site, the third proposal is one of
the coves in the coastal area of Brgy. Sisiman which is a 30-minute
travel from the PUJ station. At present, this location serves as the
home for the vessels of the fishermen in the municipality.
After seeing all these proposed sites, the team of VP Guillo
proposed to conceptualize a campus development plan for the Branch
which will be presented to the Board of Directors of the Authority of
the Freeport Area of Bataan on their next visit.
(Lenis Aislinn C. Separa)
| The Observer
Branches/Campus News
PUP Bataan
Adopts 50 Families in Mariveles
Fifty families of Sitio Tinanlakan, Brgy.Ipag, Mariveles,
Bataan were chosen to be the recipients of the outreach
program of the Third Year B.S. Accountancy students of PUP
Bataan on May 18.
Dubbed as “Hatid Saya, Hatid Impormasyon”, this activity
was the culminating activity of the course Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) of Prof. Aiza Buensuceso last summer.
Over a hundred children gathered near the barangay hall to
participate in the prepared program for the residents. Ms.
Tricia Padul, an accountancy student, delivered a talk about
nutrition while another student, Ms. Rona Carino, oriented the
participants on sanitation awareness. Parlor games were also
done by the group after the informative sessions. The activity
ended with the giving of grocery items for the participating
The site of this outreach program can be travelled through
land or sea. From the town proper of Mariveles, residents
need to hike for an hour to reach the elevated location of the
sitio. An alternative route going there is through a 25-minute
boat ride from Sitio Porto in Brgy. Balon Anito.
The barangay is a remote area. Residents barely become
recipients of outreach programs like this. And having learned
this situation, the CSR class plans to raise funds for the
provision of a water tank system for the residents and to
eventually adopt the sitio for future extension activities of the
MOA for PUP Maragondon
Annex Signed
The signing of the Memorandum of Agreement for the
establishment of PUP Maragondon Annex in Alfonso, Cavite
was forged between the Provincial and Local Government of
Cavite and the Polytechnic University of the Philippines on
May 17 at Belleview Hotel in Alabang, Muntinlupa.
Present during the ceremonial signing were Gov. Juanito
Victor C. Remulla from the Provincial Government of Cavite;
Mayor Virgilio Varias and the councilors from the Local
Government of Alfonso; Dr. Emanuel C. de Guzman, PUP
President; Dr. Victoria C. Naval, Executive Vice-President;
Ms. Marissa Legaspi; Vice-President for Finance; Dr. Joseph
Mercado, Vice-President for Branches and Campuses; Prof.
Denise A. Abril, Director of PUP-Maragondon Branch; and the
heads of offices from PUP-Maragondon Branch.
In his speech, Gov. Remulla expressed his all-out support
to the new annex of PUP in Alfonso while Mayor Varias and
the rest of the town officials were very thankful for they believe
that PUP’s existence would make a difference in the lives of
their townsfolk.
Prof. Buensuceso said that aside from instilling the value
of social responsibility to students, this activity exposes and
trains them to become future business practitioners with a
sincere concern for common people.
The establishment of the annex of PUP Maragondon
in Barangay Mangas, Alfonso, Cavite is a realization of the
project initiated by Cong. Jesus Crispin C. Remulla of the 7th
District of Cavite to build another tertiary institution for the
marginalized sectors of the province and the long time dream
of Mayor Varias to open a PUP in his municipality. Through
the efforts of the Remulla brothers, Gov. Juan Victor, Cong.
Jesus Crispin, and former Cong. Gilbert, with the support
from Dr. Emanuel C. de Guzman and Dr. Joseph Mercado, all
the plans became a reality.
(Lenis Aislinn C. Separa)
(Aida R. Federico)
Volume 2, Issue 5 | 19
Opinion and Commentaries
Alfredo O. Cuenca, Jr.
e cannot foretell a nation’s destiny, but we can more or less gauge the quality or character of its acts,
whether political, social, economic or cultural, usually in the form of policy and often promulgated by
its leaders in pursuit of certain courses of conduct based on principles or expediency. A nation’s policy
may be an act of deliberate choice, but always it is subjected to the so-called power dynamics which, in turn, are
ratified everyday.
Not Absolute
This means that history is never
absolute. For that matter, education
as an institutional force, is also never
absolute. Education has no power or
life of its own other than what man puts
into it. Can we not, in all humility, accept
the diversity, complexity and uniqueness
of human society, and from there strive
to define our destiny, whatever it is,
commensura te with our own limitations
and unique talents?
Periods in History
The educational, cultural and social
achievements of nations and societies
are by themselves unique, although
some are more unique than the others.
The Greece of Homer, for instance, or
the France of Voltaire; the England of
Shakespeare or the China of Li Po; as
well as the Japan of Hokosai, cannot
be compared to the Deutschland of
Bismarck that in later period resonated
with the chilling Hitlerian cries of “Seig
We are talking here of periods.
The Byzantine period in the Age of
Reason was by all means superior to the
Age of Carthage with its tremendous war
Pinoys: Unique Race
We, too, are a unique people. We
have produced such spirits as Andres
Bonifacio, Jose Rizal, Apolinario Mabini,
Victorio Edades, Vicente Manansala,
Fernando Amorsolo, Francisco Baltazar,
Amado V. Hernandez, Gregorio C.
Brilliantes, F. Sionil Jose, and even an
incorigible aesthete in Jose Garcia Villa,
| The Observer
to cite a few. But it is our rather fuzzy
assumptions in contemporary times
about the nature of our social millieu that
is leading us to a kind of Faustian passion
that is not even ideological because
we do not know what democracy or
governance means in terms of the
ordered and limited use of public power;
nor Christian, since we do not fully or
truly practice basic charity in a land of
mass poverty.
EDSA ‘86
A lot of emotions were let loose
in 1986, albeit to the good.
Maybe it’s time to realize that the
Holy Grail, if it exists, is meaningful
in the search, not in the acquisition.
Education, for that matter, is a
process, subject to the vicissitudes of
history. We are not without a choice.
We can, for one, choose humility
Philippine Education
which is also the pride of a people.
We can choose the things that truly
On the other hand, it is not exactly matter. Or we can choose the Tower
correct to say that we are a self-indulgent of Babel.
race. But neither can we say that we
are capable of the bitterest self-denial.
Neither is it right to say that education is
About the Writer
the ultimate salvation of a people, which
is rather too generalized; nor to invest to
it a moral transcendence when in fact it
does not. Education is not a panacea for
our social ills. At best, it is a utilitarian art
whose famous concern is to create the
conditions to which all the other arts, all
the other pursuits of man, can thrive or
flourish: culture, science and technology,
economic growth, governance, social
mobility, civil order and peace.
Not an End in Itself
Education is not an end in itself, nor is
it the pursuit of the absolutes. Education
– Philippine education – can only
succeed if it addresses itself to certain
specific goals and objectives, limited in
the use of the power of the mind, and
maybe even in emotional overtones.
Too much emotions can be dangerous.
Gabriel D’Annunzio’s emotional rantings
led to the growth of Italian fascism.
Hitler’s racial exhortations set Europe
on fire. Pol Pot’s ethnic cleansing led to
Cambodia’s killing fields.
Alfredo O. Cuenca, Jr. has varied
experiences as a radio writer, public
information officer, executive of a
government broadcast network,
film reviewer, freelance writer and
promotions man, and a political ghost
writer. His works have appeared
in major national publications, little
magazines and anthologies. He
is a jazz buff, a nationally rated
chessplayer, man about town, and
has dabbled in art abstractions.
He is presently a special lecturer
for literature and creative writing
at the Polytechnic University of the

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