Here - God`s Children MCC


Here - God`s Children MCC
Order of Worship
Band Prelude
De Colores . . . . . . . Arr. Douglas Wagner
Welcome/Opening Prayer
Pastor DeWayne
Call to Worship (adapted from Seeking Wisdom by Jann Aldredge-Clanton )
Gracious Maker of us all, we commit ourselves to giving mutual respect to
everyone in order to help bring peace and understanding among people of
different religions, ethnic groups, and cultures.
We commit ourselves to celebrating our religious, cultural, and racial
diversity and making more opportunities for greater understanding.
We commit ourselves to creating dialogue, so that there will be an increase of
mutual trust and cooperation among individuals, among communities, and
among nations.
We commit ourselves to working for justice and freedom for all people,
so that there can be true peace in our world.
We commit ourselves to forgiving one another for past and present prejudices
and injustices.
We commit ourselves to supporting one another in our common efforts to
overcome all forms of discrimination, hatred, greed, and violence.
For how good and pleasant it is when we gather together as sisters and
brothers and live together in unity. Praise be to God.
Bienvenido / Welcome
Scripture Reading: John 15:1-8
Alba Villaldama
I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every
branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit. You have already been cleansed by the word that I
have spoken to you. Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides
in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in
me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in me is
thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you
abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is
glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.
May God bless the reading of the Word.
Praise be to God.
Community Prayer
Mourning Into Dancing
Morning Message
Gathering Song
Offering/DUO Recipient
Rev. Ashley Horan
¿Con Que Pagaremos?
Arr. . . .Lorie Line
Rainbow Health Initiative
Pastor DeWayne
Glorious . . . . Martha Munizzi
Communion Liturgy
Rose Ahmann
The Invitation and Sursum Corda
God be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to our God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give thanks and praise to our God.
It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere, to give thanks…
...those around the world who cry out for liberation, we declare in praise…
Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy
Santo, santo, santo. ¡Mi corazón te adora!
Mi corazón te sabe decir ¡Santo eres Señor!
Holy, holy, holy, My heart, my heart adores You.
My heart knows how to say to You, “Holy are You, Lord.”
Canción Del Cuerpo De Cristo / Song for the Body of Christ
We come to share our story. We come to break the bread.
We come to know our rising from the dead.
On the night of his betrayal, Jesus took the bread and broke it.
Take and eat, this is my body given for you.
Venimos a decir del misterio, y partir el pan de vida.
Venimos a saber de nuestra eternidad.
Then he took the cup from the table, blessed and passed it to his friends.
Take and drink, this is my life-blood poured out for you.
We come to share our story. We come to break the bread.
We come to know our rising from the dead.
Then with and through and in Christ, in the unity of the Spirit.
All honor and all glory be unto God.
Venimos a decir del misterio, y partir el pan de vida.
Venimos a saber de nuestra eternidad.
Glory to God, in whose image we are made, in whom we live and breathe and have our
being, and who is present with and among us, forever and always,
Thanks be to God as we gather together to meet you, to share your meal, to
celebrate your love, and to become strengthened to serve you and our neighbor.
Communion Songs
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Closing Song
Pescador de hombres / Lord, When you Came
Canta aleluya al Señor / Sing Hallelujah
De colores / Sing of Colors
Dios Bueno es / God is So Good!
Rose Ahmann
Pastor DeWayne
Alba Villaldama and Pastor DeWayne
All Around
The Pride Festival
Team is fully in gear
and looking for your
support. The 2015
theme is !!Live and Love
Boldly!! Share your
best creative ideas for
decorating our AGC
float. They are also
seeking volunteers to
lend use of 1) his/her truck/SUV and 2) an 8x12
trailer for a float. Volunteers are also needed to
decorate and staff the fabulous AGC Pride festival booth to showcase. And then, in collaboration with The Aliveness Project, volunteers are
needed for BINGO in the Park. For more information or to sign up, email the team at [email protected]. And EVERYONE can be
part of the AGC parade contingent.
MCC Clergy and Lay
Delegates to Vote on
Elder Nominees
Please pray with and for our
All God’s Children lay delegates and clergy as they consider the 7 nominees for the
position of Elder within the
denomination. They include
Rev. Pat Bumgardner (USA),
Rev. Dr. Margarita Sanchez
(PR and Portugal), Rev. Dr. Candace Shultis
(USA), Rev. Dwayne Johnson (USA), Rev. InesPaul Baumann (Germany), Nancy Maxwell (USA),
and Rev. Tony Freeman (USA). The vote will take
place May 6-7. See a lay delegate for more information or read more about the process on the
church website.
Giving to God: The Bible’s Good News About Living a Generous Life
We all know that everything we have is a gift from God. But sometimes it’s hard to know just how to give back to
God. Join us for a study of a life of stewardship, exploring and demystifying what is means to live a life of
abundance and generosity. We will learn how to embrace stewardship as an act of worship, an expression of faith,
and a discipline for spiritual growth. Faithful use of our time, talents, and treasures starts with a deep, satisfying
relationship with God, to whom we belong. Please contact the Pastor DeWayne at [email protected] for more
information and to reserve your book.
Wednesdays: Apr 15th – May 6th @ 6:45PM-7:45PM in our Gathering Space
Join in on our New Partnership with Clare Housing! - Beginning in April, All
God’s Children will be gathering personal care items for residents of Clare
Housing. Once a month, on the Sunday of our Community Meal, please bring
personal items to the “Opportunities for Service” table in Ackerman Hall.
Please see flyers around the church for a list of items needed.
The Sandwich Project - The Sandwich Project is a grass roots volunteer organization dedicated to feeding those less fortunate. AGC is joining this effort by making sandwiches for the homeless! There are 3 ways
that you can help-- (1) donate money for sandwich fixings! (2) Help secure donations for the bread, ham, turkey or cheese slices or (3) Come help assemble the sandwiches on May 14th! For more information, please
contact Stephanie Meredith at [email protected] or Terrie Crosley at [email protected]. May 14th--The
Sandwich Project! 4:30-6:30pm in Ackerman Hall.
Join the Hospitality Team! - Do you like food? Do you enjoy people? Come and join the Hospitality Team as a
Hospitality Helper. Responsibilities including working with the team to help set up for the Social Hour after worship.
You can also support the team by donating food service items. Talk to a member of the Hospitality Team (Della
Linse and Nona Savino) if you have questions or want to sign up. Join in the fun of food!
Want to Get Your
Finances in Order? -
AGCMCC is pleased to
partner with Thrivent Financial to present to you a valuesbased workshop series, More Than Money Matters, on
Saturday, May 16, 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Get the tools and
resources you need to help you make informed choices
about how you share, save and spend. In this valuesbased workshop series, you’ll explore how your values
and goals go hand in hand; how to manage the pressures
to spend so you can save; and different ways to plan
(budget) how you use your money. Sessions include •
Setting Goals • Finding Money to Save • Credit and Debt •
Budgeting and Communicating. Each session will be 50
minutes long. A complimentary breakfast at 8:30 & lunch/
refreshments at 12:00. To reserve your spot for 1 or all 4
sessions, contact David Coleman at [email protected]
or (612) 824-2673.
Everything Must Change! - How do
the life and teachings of Jesus address the
most critical global problems in our world
today? In Everything Must Change, you will
accompany the author around the world on
a search for answers. Along the way you’ll
experience intrigue, alarm, challenge,
insight, and hope. Mondays April 13th May 25th, 2015 • 6:45 – 8:30pm
Events Calendar
Sunday, May 3
8am - Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel)
9am - Music Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
10am - Cinco de Mayo Worship Celebration (Sanctuary)
11am - Social Hour (Ackerman Hall and Chapel)
11:45am - Praise Team Singers Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
3pm - Revolution - Ages 18-35 (Chapel)
Monday, May 4
// 6:45pm - Everything Must Change (Gathering Space)
// 7:30pm - NA Support Group (Ackerman Hall)
Tuesday, May 5
// 7pm - AA Support Group (Ackerman Hall)
Wednesday, May 6
// 6:45pm - Giving to God: Stewardship (Gathering Space)
Thursday, May 7
// 3pm - Paul Vogel –Counselor—Drop in Counseling
(Second Floor Resource Office)
// 6:30pm - Free Rapid HIV Testing (Second Floor
Resource Office)
// 7:30pm - AA Support Group (Ackerman Hall)
Friday, May 8
DUO Fund
Saturday, May 9
This month’s DUO Fund contributions will go to Rainbow
Health Initiative (RHI). RHI is a community-based nonprofit organization committed to advancing the health and
wellness of the LGBTQ communities through research,
education and advocacy. Its various programs addresses
the significant health disparities facing members of
Minnesota’s LGBTQ communities.
Now it’s easy to give! - Use Easy
Tithe! This online giving option allows
you to easily make contributions, track
your donations, and arrange to give even
when you are away. Make a one-time
contribution or a recurring donation, you
to control when, how, and how much you
donate. Questions? Email Kara Erstad at
[email protected].
8am - Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel)
9am - Music Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
10am - Worship Celebration (Sanctuary)
11am - Social Hour (Ackerman Hall and Chapel)
11:45am - Praise Team Singers Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
3pm - Revolution - Ages 18-35 (Chapel)
Get Married Here!
To give now:
Snap this QR Code
or visit:
Monthly Income
Sunday, May 10
All God’s Children is available for wedding and
reception rental. Once you’ve selected your date,
call or email the church office [email protected]
to reserve the date and time, and for additional
Year To Date - March 2014
March Actual
March Budget
General Fund
DUO Fund
Access. Fund
Other Income
Total Income
Paid Expense
Learn & Pray
Spiritual S/Heroes
May 1:
St. Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471)
Priest. Thomas was a simple Augustinian monk whose life is not
remembered so much as his writings. His best-known work on the spiritual
life is The Imitation of Christ, a classic that has been influential among both
Protestants and Catholics. He emphasized that our actions are far more
important than our knowledge: “At the Day of Judgment we shall not be
asked what we have read, but what we have done.”
May 6:
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Naturalist and social critic. While his writings were largely ignored in
his lifetime, Thoreau’s thoughts on social justice, freedom, and civil
disobedience were to later influence Tolstoy, Gandhi, and Martin
Luther King. A fiercely independent nonconformist, he followed no
particular religion, but has been described as something of a Taoist
sage. His mystical rapture with nature speaks to us today in our
ecological concerns.
May 8:
Blessed Julian of Norwich (1342-1416)
Mystic. Few details are known of the life of Dame Julian, a recluse
who was famed as a spiritual counselor. She is best known for
writing Revelations of Love Divine, the first book written in English by
a woman. At the age of 30 she became gravely ill, but recovered
following a series of visions of Christ. She spoke of God as our Creator,
Protector, and Lover, and wrote of the motherhood of both God and of
Jesus, emphasizing the goodness of creation and God’s mercy toward the
weak. “As truly as God is our Father, so truly is God our Mother.”
Reading for Reflection
“According to the experts, in this new and celebrated millennium of globalization, two
billion human beings have no place to live with a minimum of dignity and safety. When
Gustavo Gutiérrez wants to shake up the complacency of our world, he asks this simple
question: Where will the poor sleep in the twenty-first century? These data and this question are
even more painful and disheartening when an earth- quake strikes. ‘Capitalism was born without a heart,’
says Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. It has been building slums and shacks for over a century, and thus makes a mockery of the
poor who, by turns, lose their houses every twenty years . . . but the first thing— without which nothing else we do is
enough—is to let ourselves be affected by the tragedy, not to turn away or soften it . . . we must be aware of the
consequences: unless we become fully present in the reality we cannot help the people in need around us, nor
can we meet our own internal needs.” — Jon Sobrino, Where is God?
Daily Readings
Sun, May 3 | Matthew 7:7-14 • Mon, May 4 | Luke 7: 36-50
Tue, May 5 | Romans 12:1-21 • Wed, May 6 | Luke 8:16-25 • Thu, May 7 | Romans 14:1-12
Fri, May 8 | Romans 14:13-23 • Sat, May 9 | Luke 9: 1-17
Prayer Requests
Prayers of Health & Healing Steve Stormoen • Marilyn Taylor and family • Geoff + Dale
Helmbrecht • Paul Zimmerman and family • Steve Anderson
Prayers of Support Staff & clients at Nu Way, Latitudes, and Pride • Daughter Ruth • Rizer
Walton & John Burgard • 9 Supreme Court Justices • Jesus (Chuy) Ramirez • Students
finishing up the year • Max & Gabe • Antonio Jones’ surviving children • Larry & Lauretta Orr •
Scottia Holmgren • Jesse Simmerman • Jeffrey Unglaub • Scott Marquardt • Tearah Hershey •
Marc Cameron • George Jones • Luke Aaron Larson • Cheyenne Malcolm + friends (Pride
Institute) • Jeffrey “JR” Hackler • Camille + Tina + Nana Price and family • Alberto Villarreal •
Mary & Trisha Babcock • Stephanie V. Connel + family • Dyonna Wallace’s Friends and
God of all the world, creator and
preserver of all humanity, thank you for
the peace and blessing of beloved
community. Thank you for gathering all of
your people from every race, creed,
nation, and tradition as members of your
church. Inspire us to be a people of
hospitality who welcome all God’s
children into our hearts and homes.
Endow us with generous spirits that we
may celebrate our sisters and brothers
the pride, passion, and traditions of their
heritage. Let our songs of praise and
worship honor you and draw us nearer to
each other as God’s own people. In your
many names, we pray. Amen.
Community Prayer
Source: Sunshine Cathedral MCC Readings adapted from The Book of Common Prayer
Focusing on the Future at All God’s Children MCC
Donavon Keeney
Donavon [email protected]
Main: 952.285.3100 - City Lakes Office
Direct: 952.285.3127 - 4100 Minnetonka Blvd
Cell: 612.232.5527 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416
10% of all commissions generated by this ad go
to benefit the AGCs General Fund.
Refer-A-Friend, Colleague or Family member and
10% of commissions will also go to benefit AGC!
Join us on your YOUNG
ADULT spiritual journey each
Sunday afternoon at 3:00 PM
right here at AGMCC. For more
information, pick up a brochure,
talk to Will Murray, or email
[email protected].
** Gelato! following
REVOLUTION Gatherings @
Wilde Roast Café - 65 SE
Main St, Minneapolis, MN
Upcoming Birthdays!
All God’s Children
Metropolitan Community Church
3100 Park Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407
care line: 612-LOV-E371 • phone: 612-824-2673
fax: 612-824-4609 • email: [email protected]
twitter: @agcmetrochurch
In the months ahead we are inviting our whole congregation into
the spiritual practice of discerning what God is calling us to
become and be doing in the years ahead. A series of holy
conversations will provide opportunities for prayerful reflection,
creative dreaming and meaningful dialogue. These conversations
will inspire and inform a clear sense of mission and a powerful
vision to bring transformation and blessing to many more people in
the years ahead.
At the heart of these holy conversations is a series of three
congregational forums each presented in an interactive workshop
format on a Saturday. These conversations will help to build a
clear sense of identity, purpose, and direction that can be widely
shared throughout the congregation. These forums will be
facilitated by MCC’s Rev. Elder Don Eastman.
These gatherings for congregational dialogue will be preceded by
the opportunity for input and information from congregants and
followed by further opportunity to provide feedback on the results
of the dialogue. There will be a variety of ways in which you can
participate throughout this process.
Mark your calendars for these three very special days:
Saturday, May 30: Building a Vibrant Church to Bless Our
“Where are we as a church?” Gain insights on the current
realities of this church and its opportunities for a vibrant future.
Learn the results of our online Congregational Life Survey.
Saturday, July 25: This is Our Story
“Who are we as a church?” Explore the powerful life-story of
this church along with the shared stories of personal spiritual
journeys that make this congregation unique. Consider what we
value most and discuss the various dimensions of our diversity.
Learn the results of an online Survey on Beliefs, Values and
Spiritual Practices.
Saturday, September 26: Focus on the Future
“Where do we want to go as a church?” Consider what God
is calling us to become and be doing in the months and years
ahead. Discuss two key questions: Who do we intend to reach
and serve? And: What will we have to offer?
Each congregational forum starts at 9:30 am and concludes at
3:00 pm. A continental breakfast and light lunch will be served on
each of these days.
Getting Started: Participate in our online Congregational Life
In preparation for our first congregational forum we are
conducting an online survey of our congregation. Although the
survey typically takes less than 15 minutes to complete, it will
provide some of the most comprehensive information we have
ever gathered about congregational life at All God’s Children
MCC. It is very important for everyone to participate in this online
survey. This online survey will be open for participation from April
13, 2015 to noon on May 4, 2015.
If you are already receiving email from All God’s Children
MCC, you will receive an invitation and link to participate in the
online survey. If you are not receiving email from AGCMCC and
would like to participate in this survey, please send your email
address to [email protected].
If you do not have access to a computer and the Internet, you
can receive a paper copy of the survey by contacting the church
office at [email protected] or 612-824-2673.
Your views and voice are vital as we continue to think and
pray about what God is calling us to become and be doing in the
years ahead!
Advertise in our bulletin! For information, rates and deadlines 612-824-2673 [email protected]