A Bibliography of Oceanographic and Marine
A Bibliography of Oceanographic and Marine
A Bibliography of Oceanographic and Marine Environmental Research 1985-1998 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region PERSGA / GEF Companion volume to: RED SEA, GULF OF ADEN AND SUEZ CANAL A Bibliography on Oceanographic and Marine Environmental Research 1775-1984 Morcos, S.A. and A. Varley (eds) ALECSO-PERSGA-UNESCO 1990 PERSGA - ‘The Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden’ is an intergovernmental organisation dedicated to the conservation of the coastal and marine environments in the region. The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) initiated a Programme for the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) in 1974. One of its most significant achievements was the development of The Jeddah Convention, signed in 1982 by the plenipotentiaries of the governments in the region. Article XVI called for the creation of The Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. This body was officially established in 1995 at the first Council Meeting in Cairo. It has inherited the acronym PERSGA from ALECSO’s original programme. PERSGA’s Member States include Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. The headquarters of the Organisation are located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The preparation of this volume has been undertaken as Activity 4.2.4 of the GEF Project - Support to the Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, implemented by UNEP as Project Number GF/1100-96-02. The project was part of a target effort by the GEF implementing Agencies (UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank) aimed at “The identification of national and regional priorities in the coastal and marine environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region, and the formulation of a Strategic Action Programme that assures a concerted international approach to transboundary problems and the realisation of global and regional benefits.” Updating the existing bibliography, which was published by UNESCO in 1990, was one of the specific objectives envisaged in the UNEP project document. The bibliography was compiled for PERSGA under the leadership of Professor A.A. DouAbul; it was supplemented, edited and indexed by Mr. R.M. Fleming. This document was prepared solely for educational or non-profit purposes. It may not be copied or distributed electronically for resale or any other commercial enterprises. Available from: PERSGA, P.O. Box 53662, Jeddah 21583, Saudi Arabia. This publication may be cited as: PERSGA/GEF 2002. A Bibliography of Oceanographic and Marine Environmental Research 1985-1998. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region. PERSGA Technical Series No. 2. PERSGA, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 230 pp. CONTENTS Introduction ...............................................................................................................iii Abbreviations ............................................................................................................vii Reference List A – Z ............................................................................................1-126 Indexes Author Index...........................................................................................................127 Subject Index..........................................................................................................159 Regional Index........................................................................................................179 Country Index .........................................................................................................185 Location Index ........................................................................................................191 Taxonomic Index for Categories above Species.........................................................195 Taxonomic Index for Species ...................................................................................201 Geological Index.....................................................................................................209 Appendices Russian Journals ......................................................................................................212 Serial Publications List ............................................................................................213 Address List............................................................................................................227 i ii Introduction INTRODUCTION The work forms a companion edition to the 1990 publication Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Suez Canal – A Bibliography on Oceanographic and Marine Environmental Research (1775-1984) edited by Selim Morcos and Allen Varley, and published jointly by ALECSO-PERSGA and UNESCO. The original publication lists scientific and technical literature dealing with geology, biology, living and mineral resources, conservation and the impact of man on the environment. This current volume includes references published during the period 1985 to 1998. The range of subjects covered is broadly similar as is the geographical area, namely the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden (including the Socotra Archipelago), the Gulf of Aqaba, Gulf of Suez and Suez Canal. Content Following the pattern of the previous volume, ‘geographical area’ was used as a primary selection criterion. As the boundaries of geological structures and ecological processes rarely coincide with geographical or political borders there were, inevitably, numerous references considered as ‘partially relevant’. The decision to include or omit a reference was often a matter of judgement. Papers dealing with oceanographic conditions in the Indian Ocean that impact on the Gulf of Aden were included whereas others that refer primarily to Indian Ocean species, whose distribution might also include the Red Sea, did not make it into the list. Several references to Lessepsian migration can be found but papers where the emphasis is on the ecology and behaviour of Red Sea species within the Mediterranean, rather than on migration, have generally been excluded. A number of references relating to aquaculture in the region (shellfish and fin-fish) will provide a researcher with an introduction to the literature available. However, references on diet, stocking, or growth-rates not specifically related to local aquaculture were selected out. Biology is an expanding field of research. In general, papers referring to laboratory studies on histology, cytology and genetics have not been included, though some have found their way in when related to behaviour or ecology. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have prepared a large number of publications on fisheries with global relevance. These, such as the FAO species catalogues that are concerned with global living marine resources, have not been included. However several FAO publications concerned with regional fisheries initiatives are listed. It is recommended that the FAO be contacted directly for further specialist information. A list of their more recent publications can be found from the FAO website. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a valuable source of information on issues such as maritime safety, navigation, carriage of dangerous goods, ship design and equipment, fishing vessel safety, Flag State control, pollution prevention and legal matters. IMO resolutions since 1985 are available in Arabic. A publications’ catalogue can be obtained free of charge. Several topic areas have been deliberately excluded from this compilation. The specialist technical publications relating to oil and gas exploration are omitted though some papers relating to petroleum geology are included. Papers from the Society of Professional Well Log Analysts (Houston, TX) and the Oil and Gas Journal (Tulsa, OK) will not be found here. Scientists wishing to find information on the use of geophysics for petroleum exploration are pointed towards the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, (Tulsa, OK). The following publications are particularly recommended as an introduction into the literature: Al-Moghrabi, S.M. & Abu-Hilal, A.H. (eds). 1999. Collected Reprints of Station Contributions to Marine Science Research in the Gulf of Aqaba. Volumes I-VII (1974-1997). Publications of the Marine Science Station, Aqaba. 862. Edwards, A.J. & Head, S.M. (eds) 1987. Red Sea, Key Environments Series. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK. 441 pp. iii Introduction 2084. Morcos, S.A. & Varley, A. (eds) 1990. Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Suez Canal, A Bibliography on Oceanographic and Marine Environmental Research 1775-1984. UNESCO, Paris & ALECSOPERSGA, Jeddah. 198 pp. 1224. Moshrif, M.A.O. 1419H. Abstracts of the Publications of the Geology Department King Saud University 1970-1997. King Saud University Academic Publishing and Press. ISBN 9960-05-768-2. 2379. Purser, B.H. & Bosence, D.W.J. (eds) 1998. Sedimentation and Tectonics in Rift Basins. Red Sea: Gulf of Aden. Chapman & Hall, London. 652 pp. 2729. Sheppard, C. Price, A. & Roberts, C. 1992. Marine Ecology of the Arabian Region: Patterns and Processes in Extreme Tropical Environments. Academic Press, London, UK. 359 pp. Tsagarakis, C.M., Seddon, P.J., & van Heezik, Y. 2000. Wildlife Conservation in Saudi Arabia. The First Years of the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development: 1986/99. CD ROM from the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Reference Format References are given in the following format. Author(s), Date, Title, Source, Page Number(s), Publisher, Total pagination. ?? ?? ?? ?? Journal articles: Title in sentence case, non-italic. Journal Title given in italics. Books: Book Title given in italics and capitalised. Reports and Theses: Non-italic, capitalised. Conference proceedings: Article Title capitalised, non-italic. Proceedings Title in italics. Where possible the titles have been given in the original language followed by an English translation in square brackets. In other cases the language is indicated at the end of the reference citation as (In Language). The editor has used modified vowels (ä, ö, ü, é, è) where possible but care must be exercised as the text has not been proof-read by native German or French editors. Russian papers have not been checked; many are translated and published in English journals. A list of Russian journals and their English equivalents has been copied from the first volume. Indexes The references are arranged alphabetically by author. They have not been grouped into major subject categories as in the previous volume. It is therefore less easy to locate appropriate references by browsing through the list and an extensive collection of indexes has been provided. These include an author index, subject index, regional, country and location indexes, a taxonomic index, species index and a geological time-period index. As all the indexes have been prepared primarily on the basis of the reference titles and not the reference text, the coverage is inevitably incomplete. However, these indexes provide a number of useful gateways into the reference list and will prove to be suitable for researchers wanting to approach their literature search from a variety of different directions. Entries added to the bibliography following the compilation of the indexes are identified by a reference number with a letter as suffix, 1234a for example. This system was employed to avoid the necessity of re-numbering the entries and recompiling the indexes. Journals Abbreviated journal titles can be misleading and difficult to identify, particularly when foreign and unfamiliar. As the purpose of this publication is to facilitate the location of suitable reference material the journal titles have been presented in full whenever possible. A complete list of the journals cited has been included as an appendix. The ISSN number, an internationally accepted, concise, unique and unambiguous code for the identification of serial publications, has been provided when it could be located from Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, 1996. In some cases a publisher is provided as an alternative. iv Introduction Future trends Improvements to computer technology providing rapid access to searchable databases on CD-ROM and the Internet are rapidly making books such as these redundant. A number of organisations provide comprehensive databases of scientific literature. GeoRef, a database from the American Geological Institute, covers worldwide geology and earth sciences from 1933 and adds 6,000 new references every month. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) is the foremost database for the aquatic sciences with a global coverage of marine and freshwater management, brackish environments, aquatic organisms, aquaculture and marine technology. The Zoological Record, first published by the Zoological Society of London and the British Museum in 1865, is considered as one of the most important sources of information on all aspects of zoological research. These databases may be found at large public or university libraries. Alternatively they may be purchased or accessed via the Internet from various commercial organisations. SilverPlatter is a company that can provide access to more than 200 databases via CD or Online. Their selection includes ASFA, GeoRef, and the Zoological Record. Further information, including a full list of the databases is available at http://www.silverplatter.com. ASFA is also made available online, on a subscription basis, from Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (http://www.csa.com). BIOSIS, established as a not-for-profit organisation in 1926 to foster the growth, communication and use of biological knowledge for the common good, specialises in accumulating abstracts and bibliographic references to worldwide biological and medical literature. The BIOSIS information system had over 13 million citations by the end of 1999. It now jointly publishes the Zoological Record with the Zoological Society. Contact can be made through http://www.biosis.org. Acknowledgements The editor apologises to the authors of papers for any inaccuracies that are present and particularly for any errors of omission. It only remains for us to thank all those who have assisted with this compilation, answering obscure questions, proof-reading and giving helpful advice. Particular thanks are extended to Dr. Nizar Tawfiq and Dr. Dirar Nasr at PERSGA headquarters for their support and encouragement, Dr. Fareed Krupp and Ms. Eva Feltkamp from the Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt, Ms. Emma Harvey from the Marine Biological Association (UK), Mr. Tony Martin from the British Library, Mrs. Catherine Tsagarakis from the library at the National Wildlife Research Center in Taif, Saudi Arabia, and Dr. Mohamed Abou Zaid for access to his own bibliographical list. We wish you every success with your work. v vi Abbreviations ABBREVIATIONS AAPG ACOPS ACPM AGU ALECSO ASFA ASLO AVHRR CA CEC CIEM CIESM CIFEG COL DAM DANIDA DATZ EEAA EGPC EPC ESCWA ETDA FAO FL FRC GEF GESAMP GIS GPA HI IAEA IAPSO IBRD ICBP ICED ICES ICLARM ICZM IDRC IEEE IFREMER IMO IOC IOFC ISBN ISERST ISSN IUCN IWRB JICA American Association of Petroleum Geologists Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea Association de Cooperative des Peches Maritimes American Geophysical Union (Washington, DC) Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer California, USA Commission of the European Communities Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer (=ICES) Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée Centre International pour la Formation et les Echanges Geologiques, (Paris) Commission for Oceanography and Limnology Direction des Affaires Maritimes Danish Agency for Development Assistance Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation Environment Protection Council (Yemen) Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Egypt Tourism Development Authority Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Florida, USA Fisheries Research Centre Global Environment Facility Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (UNEP) Geographic Information System Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (UNEP) Hawaii, USA International Atomic Energy Agency Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) International Council for Bird Preservation International Centre for Environment and Development (Egypt) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (=CIEM) International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management Integrated Coastal Zone Management International Development Research Centre Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea International Maritime Organization Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission International Standard Book Number Institut Superieur d'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques et Techniques (Djibouti) International Standard Serial Number World Conservation Union, formerly: International Union for the Conservation of Nature International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau Japanese International Cooperation Agency vii Abbreviations KMFRI KSA M.Sc MA MEPA MN MO MS NATO ASI NC NCWCD NOAA NWRC NY OCA OK OPRU OSME OTEC PA PAC PAH PERSGA Ph.D RECOSCIX RESAP RI ROPME SC SDR SDR/MFMR SDR/MFMT SDR/MNP SEPM SMP TCP TMRU TX UICN UK UNCDF UNDP UNEP UNESCO UNOPS UP USA USAID VA WMO WWF Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Master of Science (University Thesis) Massachusetts, USA Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration Minnesota, USA Missouri, USA Mississippi, USA NATO Advanced Study Institute North Carolina, USA The National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development (Saudi Arabia) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Wildlife Research Center (Taif, Saudi Arabia) New York, USA Ocean and Coastal Areas (UNEP) Oklahoma, USA Oil Pollution Research Unit (UK) Ornithological Society of the Middle East Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Pennsylvania, USA Programme Activity Centre (UNEP) Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Doctorate (University Thesis) Regional Co-operation in Scientific Information Exchange in the Western Indian Ocean Red Sea Area Programme (Sudan) Rhode Island, USA Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment South Carolina, USA Somali Democratic Republic Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Transport Ministry of National Planning Society for Sedimentary Geology Somali Marine Products Technical Cooperation Programme (FAO) Tropical Marine Resources Unit Texas, USA IUCN United Kingdom United Nations Capital Development Fund United Nations Development Programme United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations Office for Project Services University Press United States of America United States Agency for International Development Virginia, USA World Meteorological Organization World Wide Fund for Nature viii A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OCEANOGRAPHIC AND MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: Bibliography of Marine Environmental Research 1. AAL, A.Y.A. 1998. Mineral and chemical composition of basalts in the neighbourhood of Giza, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 26, (1), 101-117. 11. ABDALLAH, M.A.; HASSAN, I.M.; NAGUIB , M.M.; ABODONIA, M.A. 1990. Survey of residues of organochlorine pesticides in some marketable Egyptian fish. Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 73, (4), 502-509. 2. ABBAS, M.M.; HADDAD, F.M. 1987. Inorganic nitrogen forms as indicator of sewage pollution in the coastal water off Jeddah, Red Sea. Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Cairo, 13, (1), 185-199. 12. ABDEL FATTAH, T.; AWAD, M.B. 1996. Geophysical implications of north Hurghada area, northern Red Sea, as revealed from gravity and aeromagnetic data. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 7, 87105. 3. ABBATE , E.; BIGAZZI , G.; NORELLI , P.; QUERCIOLI , C. 1993. Fission track ages and uplift of the northern Somali plateau. In: Geology and Mineral Resources of Somalia and Surrounding Regions; with a Geological Map of Somalia 1:1,500,000. Relazioni e Monografie Agrarie Subtropicali e Tropicali. Nuova Serie, 113, 369378. Istituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare, Florence, Italy. 13. ABDEL KHALEK, M.L.; ABDEL WAHED, M.; SEHIM, A. 1993. Wrenching deformation and tectonic setting of the northwestern part of the Gulf of Aqaba. In: Geodynamics and Sedimentation of the Red Sea - Gulf of Aden Rift System, Geological Society of Egypt Special Publication, 1, pp. 409-445. 4. ABBATE , E.; BRUNI , P.; SAGRI , M. 1993. Tertiary basins in the northern Somali continental margin; their structural significance in the Gulf of Aden rift system. In: Proceedings of the International Conference, Geoscientific Research in Northeast Africa, (Thorweihe, U.; Schandelmeier, H. eds), pp. 291-294. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. 13a. ABDEL-RAHMAN, N.S. 1993. Ecological studies on the distribution of zooplankton communities in the northern part of the Suez Gulf (Suez Bay). M.Sc. Thesis, Suez Canal University, Egypt. 316 pp. 13b. ABDEL-RAHMAN, N.S. 1997. Suez Canal as a Link in the Migration of Zooplankton between Mediterranean and Red Seas. Ph.D. Thesis, Suez Canal University, Egypt. 402 pp. 5. ABBATE , E.; HUSSEIN, A.S.; BRUNI , P.; SAGRI , M. 1993. Pre- and syn-rift sedimentation in a Tertiary basin along the Gulf of Aden (Daban Basin, northern Somalia). In: Geology and Mineral Resources of Somalia and Surrounding Regions; with a Geological Map of Somalia 1:1,500,000. Relazioni e Monografie Agrarie Subtropicali e Tropicali. Nuova Serie, 113A, 211-240. Istituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare, Florence, Italy. 14. ABDEL RAZEK, F.A.; ABDEL RAHMAN, S.H.; ZAGLOL, S.S. 1996. Aspects of the reproduction of the prawn Penaeus latisulcatus Kishinouya in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 7, 153-159. 6. ABBATE , E.; PASSERINI, P.; ZAN , L. 1995. Strike-slip faults in a rift area - a transect in the Afar triangle, east Africa. Tectonophysics, 241, (1-2), p. 67. 15. ABDEL-AAL, A.; LELEK, J.J. 1994. Structural development of the northern Sinai, Egypt and its implications on the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Mesozoic. In: Geo '94. Middle East Petroleum Geosciences Conference, (Al Husseini, M. ed.), pp. 1530. Gulf PetroLink, Manama, Bahrain. 7. ABBES , R. 1989. Rapport de mission en République de Djibouti (10-24 Fév. 1989). [Republic of Djibouti Mission Report.] FAO Technical Cooperation Programme, FI: TCP/DJI/7851(A). FAO, Rome. (In French). 16. ABDEL-AAL, H.K.; KHAN, M.M.; JOHN , V.C.; AMIN, M.B. 1990. Sea thermal power: a survey study for the Arab coastal waters. Energy Sources, 12, (4), 393405. 8. ABD-ELSHAFY, E.; ABU -ELLILE, M.M. 1989. Stratigraphy and correlation of Belayim Cenomanian, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 9, (1), 77-85. 17. ABDEL-AAL, T.M.; BANAJA , A.A.; AL-ZANBAGI , N.A. 1985. Trematodes of fishes from the Red Sea. Two new species of Lepidapedon Stafford, 1904 (Lepocreadiidae). Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 15, (1), 165-170. 9. ABDALLAH, A.M.; DARWISH, M.; EL-ARABY, A.; GAUPP, R. 1993. Diagenesis related to unconformities in Late Carboniferous/Permo-Triassic sediments of northern Galala, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. In: Proceedings of the International Conference, Geoscientific Research in Northeast Africa, (Thorweihe, U.; Schandelmeier, H. eds), pp. 345-349. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. 18. ABDEL-HAMID, M.E.; MONA, M.H.; SHOUKR , F.A.; ABOU -S ENNA , F.M.; EL-DAMHOGI, K.A. 1986. On the genus Clibanarius (Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) in the Egyptian Red Sea coasts. Delta Journal of Science, 10, (3), 1039-1069. 10. ABDALLAH, A.M.; EID, F.M. 1989. On the steric sea level in the Red Sea. International Hydrographic Review, 66, (1), 115-124. 19. ABDEL-KADER , A.F.; NASR , S.M.; EL-GAMILY, H.I.; EL-RAEY, M. 1998. Environmental sensitivity analysis of potential oil spill for Ras-Mohammed coastal zone, Egypt. Journal of Coastal Research, 14, (2), 502511. 10a. ABDALLAH, M. 1993. Reproduction study on the spotted sardine (Sardinella sirm Walbum, 1792) in the north-western part of the Red Sea. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt, 15, (1), 537-550. 20. ABDEL-RAZEK, F.A.; BEBARS, M.I.; YASSION , M.H.; GHOBASHY, A.F.A. 1993. Reproduction of the prawn Penaeus latisulcatus Kishinouya in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian-German Society of Zoology, 12(D), 77-92. 10b. ABDALLAH, M. 1997. Some fishery biological aspects of the deep water shark Iago omanensis in Aqaba Gulf. Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt, 23, 413-425. 1 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: Bibliography of Marine Environmental Research 21. ABDEL-S ALAM, H.A.M. 1993. Impacts of landfilling on coral reef ecosystem of South Magawish, Hurghada, Red Sea. Journal of the Egyptian-German Society of Zoology, 11(D), 187-198. Bab el Mandab. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 6, 3-12. 36. ABDINE, A.S.; MESHREF, W.; S HAHIN, A.N.; GAROSSINO, P.; S HAZLY, S. 1992. Ramadan Field; Egypt, Gulf of Suez Basin. In: Structural traps; VI. AAPG Treatise on Petroleum Geology, Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields, A24, 113-139. 22. ABDEL-S ALAM, H.A.M.; MOHAMED, H.A.; AHMED, M.S. 1994. Diversity indices of shallow reef corals around Al-Ain El-Sukhna, Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Journal of the Egyptian-German Society of Zoology, 14(D), 431-443. 37. ABED, M.M. 1987. Quaternary deposits from the Gulf of Suez region, Egypt. In: Shallow Tethys 2, (McKenzie, K.G. ed.), p. 540. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. 23. ABDEL-S ALAM, H.A.M.; MOHAMED, H.A.; KAMELBADAWI, H.; S HOKRY AHMED, M. 1993. Population studies on the shallow reef corals around El-Ain ElSukhna area, Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Journal of the Egyptian-German Society of Zoology, 11(D), 239-257. 38. ABELSON , A. 1991. ‘Suspension feeding’ versus ‘bedload feeding’ in sessile organisms inhabiting two distinct environments within coral reefs. American Zoologist, 31, (5), p. 144A. 24. ABDEL-S HAFY, H.I.; FARGHALY, M.E.S. 1995. Accumulation of heavy metals by the benthic algae in the Suez Canal. Environmental Protection Engineering, 21, (1-4), 5-14. 39. ABELSON , A. 1994. ‘Suspension feeding’ versus ‘bedload feeding’ animals inhabiting two distinct microenvironments within natural and artificial coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science (Fifth International Conference on Aquatic Habitat Enhancement), 55, (2-3), p. 1324. 25. ABDEL-WAHAB , A.; ALLAM, A.; KHOLIEF, M.; S ALEM, A. 1992. Sedimentological and palaeoenvironmental studies on the clastic sequence of Gebel El-Zeit area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 14, (1), 121-129. 40. ABELSON , A.; GALIL, B.S.; LOYA , Y. 1991. Skeletal modifications in stony corals caused by in-dwelling crabs: hydrodynamical advantages for crab feeding. Symbiosis, 10, (1-3), 233-248. 26. ABDEL-WAHAB , A.A. 1992. Provenance of Gebel ElZeit sandstones, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Sedimentary Geology, 75, (3-4), 241-255. 41. ABELSON , M.; AGNON , A. 1992. A model for the creation of transforms in mimicry of the Gulf of Aden. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting 1992, (Polishook, B. ed.) pp. 1-2. Israel Geological Society, Jerusalem, Israel. 27. ABDELLATIF, E.M. 1993. Factors Threatening the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Red Sea in Sudan, a Call for Attention. Sudanese Environment Conservation Society, Khartoum. 31 pp. 42. ABELSON , M.; AGNON , A. 1997. Mechanics of oblique spreading and ridge sedimentation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 148, (3-4), 405-421. 28. ABDELLATIF, E.M.; EL HAG , A.G.D.; GORE, P.W.; MISHRIGI , S.Y.; KRUPP, F. 1998. Sudan Country Report. Report prepared for the Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, PERSGA, Jeddah. 43. ABOU -AISHA , K.; S HABANA , E.F.; EL-ABYAD, M.S.; KOBBIA , I.A.; S CHANZ, F. 1995. Pulse feeding with nitrate and phosphate in relation to tissue composition and nutrient uptake by macroalgae from the Red Sea at Ghardaqa (Egypt). Journal of Basic Microbiology, 35, (3), 135-145. 29. ABDELMONEIM, M.A.; ALY, A.E.; EL-MOSELHY, K.M.I. 1994. Level of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in Mugil seheli from Suez Bay, ‘northern part of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt’. Bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries, Egypt, 20, (1), 69-82. 44. ABOU -AISHA , K.M.; KOBBIA , I.A.; EL-ABYAD, M.S.; S HABANA , E.F.; S CHANZ, F. 1995. Impact of phosphorus loadings on macro-algal communities in the Red Sea coast of Egypt. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 83, (3-4), 285-297. 30. ABDELMONEIM, M.A.; EL-MOSELHY, K.M.; HASSAN, S.H. 1996. Trace metals content in three fish species from northern part of the Suez Gulf, Red Sea, Egypt. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 7, 15-23. 45. ABOU -AISHA , K.M.; S HABANA , E.F.; EL-ABYAD, M.S.; KOBBIA , I.A.; SCHANZ, F. 1997. Seasonal changes in Cystoseira myrica and phosphorus input at two sites of the Red Sea Egyptian coast. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 93, (1-4), 199-211. 31. ABDELRAHMAN, S.M. 1993. Hindcasting wave climatology off Jeddah coast. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 4, 3-16. 32. ABDELRAHMAN, S.M. 1995. Estimating wind field offshore Jeddah based on land weather measurements. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 6, 15-23. 46. ABOU -AUF, M.A. 1996. Variation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in different microenvironments along the shore zone north of the Rabigh coast, eastern Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. 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Benthic foraminifera from littoral sediments of Al Lith - Al Qunfidhah Coast, south eastern Red Sea. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 17, (3), 217-221. 59a. ABOUL-DAHAB , H.M.; HUSSEIN, M.A.; ISMAIL, T.G. 1998. Morphology of oostegites and brooding habits in the marine amphipod Parhyale hawaiensis from the Red Sea. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 39, (77), 179-191. 50. ABOU -O UF, M.; EL-S HATER , A, 1992. Sedimentology and mineralogy of Jizan sediments, Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 3, 39-54. 60. ABOUL-DAHA B , H.M.; EL-HELW, M.R.; YASEEN , A.E.; AMIN, G.S. 1994. The digestive system of Dosinia radiata (Mollusca: Bivalvia) collected from the Red Sea, Egypt. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 31, (61), 5686. 51. ABOU -O UF, M.; EL-S HATER , A. 1991. The relationship between the environmental conditions of the Jeddah coast, Red Sea, and benthic foraminifera. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, 2, 49-64. 61. 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