Catalac 8M catamaran boat review
Catalac 8M catamaran boat review
CRISP CRUISING CAT JIM ANDREWS SAILS THE NEW, SMALLER CATALAC Catalac 8M Boat Test Click here to enter the complete Catalac web site Reprinted b y kind permission of PRACTICAL BOAT OWNER, CRUISING CATAMARANS, INC. 2700 NORTH FEDERAL HWY LIGHTHOUSE POINT, FL 33064 (305) 782-5184 1 -J CRISP JIM ANDREWS sails the new, smaller catalac THAT I first took t h e helm of the new catamaran after dark for a t r i a l sail was novelty enough in itself, but I very soon discovered that connected to the other side of the wheel was an excellent blend of well-tried, sea-proven and moreover much-loved ingredients. The art of blending I believe to be a gift, which can be enhanced only by long, carefully considered experience; and Tom Lack and John Winterbotham between them seem to have thus concocted yet another first - rat e cruising yacht. Recipe for new, 8 Metre Catalac: Take the seagoing qualities of the celibrated 9 Metre Catalac (see PBO No. 50); finely chop excess bits off both ends, to give an overall length of 27 feet instead of 29ft 3in; and mix in the compact but very popular family accommodation plan which Tom developed in the Mk II Bobcat (originally born of Bill O'Brien, two decades ago). No need to shake well but it won't matter if you do, because the whole thing has gone together with almost uncanny deftness, resulting in a solid, homely l i t t l e boat with a real eyeappeal and a truly sparkling performance. Knowing the 9 metre version as I do very well, I confess I had, on hearing about the impending New Arrival, entertained dark doubts as to the possible appearance of a shorter boat based on the same hulls. How, for instance, would they get sitting headroom amidships over her unusually high, 'never slam' bridge-deck, without bordering on the 'tower-block' effect? 1 still don't know how, but they did with quite remarkable success. I know they began by cutting out the 'step' in the 9 Metre's side-decks, carrying the new sheerline on a straight and gentle rise from stern to bow. On paper this reduces freeboard forward, yet in practice it doesn't (by more than an inch or two), since the new boat is considerably lighter, and thus floats higher, drawing some three inches less than her big sister at a depth of 2 feet (0.67m) exactly. The layout below decks comprises two settee berths in a bright, airy saloon; one single bunk in the port hull ( w i t h masses of lockers below it and at the end); a well -lit, roomy wash room in the port bow; and an 8 f t (2.44m) long galley in the star board hull, ahead of which is (he doo r into the double-berth forward cabin. That puts it in basic terms. To say there is ‘ample locker-space e v e r y where' is to understate, but the word 'everywhere' conveys something of the right idea. Steering is by wheel, exactly as in the 9 Metre, but in the new 9, a panel in the after cabin-bulkhead is arranged to hinge down for access to the cables, and there is no reason why the inventive owner could not easily convert this i n t o a folding chart-table, should he care not to mix pilotage with plates at the long saloon table. The latter, for those salad lunches on hot days an idea much in vogue among owners of the larger Catalacs. I have to admit that, on taking the helm for that glorious, hard-on-the wind sail down the moonlit Solent on a chill September evening after t h e Show closed down, I found myself blue with cold—and somewhat recess and wheel -h o u s e o n t h e 9 M e t r e Catalac Friendship sailing alongside! At Fellowship's helm one stayed out of the draught below chest level but head and shoulders projected above the l o w cabintop. But if I sat in better shelter within reach of the wheel on the port side-bench, my vision was obscured from straight ahead round to the s t a r board beam by cabintop and rig Doing a test sail at night has, in f a c t, certain advantages ! I was able to check that the navigation lights did not blind the helmsman, and were not being obscured by anything, f o r preference I would wish tor a higher stern-light, but I couldn't think where best to f i t it either. We found the compass light a bit dazzling, but I understand that is being "seen to' as are one or two other details. Minor oddities l i k e a double-bunk installed a trifle high so that foot- room was restricted and, as the photographs show, fractionally overlarge windows (due to a manufacturing misunderstanding) are all to be corrected in future boats. When one takes the helm of such a boat for the first time, after dark, and yet finds real pleasure in taking her (with neither instruments nor a visible burgee) most satisfyingly to windward, one has reason to believe the handling qualities are excellent—and so they proved next day in Christchurch Bay, when with a bit of a lop from the sou'west, I put her through more visible paces. As I had hoped, the new result of John Winterbotham's design skill behaved as precisely and impeccably as the renowned 9 Metre Catalac—but with the added benefit of a rather livelier zip to every manoeuvre. Nothing skittish, mind, even though we held on to the biggest genny in the locker. Sensibly, her lighter weight has been granted a modest working sail area of 275sq.ft, resulting in perfect balance with impressive acceleration while retaining all the steadiness and stability of her elder sister. Heaving-to by simply putting the helm down and giving her a bit of sheet on both sails, she ranged about hardly at all, and lay very quietly making leeway. Letting draw again and changing to the much smaller No. 1 foresail, I was surprised to find the windward speed almost the same as provided by the genoa, which, considering that the wind had by now fallen a shade lighter, was not a little interesting! Directly compared to the 9 Metre the Catalac's performance was fascinating. Sailing against an almost equally lightly loaded 9 (also fitted with outboard rather than inboards) the 8 Metre gradually overhauled her to windward, and seemed faster when running. To me it looked as though in the puffs she made a little more leeway than the bigger, slightly deeper boat, but she appeared to be pointing a mite higher, perhaps because of a slightly higher aspect-ratio rig. Some people (like 'Fred' perhaps?) might carp at the total lack of 'ventilators' as such. I did, but I now think unnecessarily. The middle section of the side windows in the saloon area open, and can in fact be lifted right out of the frames on hot days, to great effect. There is no apparent risk at sea, as the amply weathertested 9 Metre Catalac, with four such windows per side, has shown, even in severe conditions. The forecabin and washroom each have hinged, rather small forehatches, and while I like a boat with a forehatch or two, I do prefer to see the things hinged along their forward edges, so that they can be left propped open aft, to act as 'extractor vents' even on a rainy night at anchor, without dripping. The hatches on CL8 No. 1 were, however, fitted the other way round; hinges along after edges hatch mouth therefore open forward. Like this they will doubtless scoop in lots of air when head-to, and plenty of rain too on many a British summer night. Another disadvantage showed up when on that same moon lit night, we snagged a genoa sheet in the partially open gap under the fore edge of the starboard hatch, and fortunately noticed just in time to avoid a nasty ripping sound. As anyone who buys boats from them knows, the Lacks pay very close attention to people's comments. The hatch problem was therefore instantly remedied by the assurance that, since some folk like hatches opening forward and others don't, owners can choose which way they want them fitted. In dry weather, ventilation will certainly be first class indeed almost total, since a vast sliding hatch can uncover the entire end of the saloon! A proper 'sunshine roof to use old motoring parlance. Motoring? Well now, here came a special surprise. Since the boat was berthed stern to the Show pontoon when I arrived, I could see she was fitted with an outboard engine, slung jn a little "pod' just below the rear part of the cockpit. Very neat. And so was the smart cowling in the cockpit itself, which one lifted aside to angle the motor in and out of the water Now, I have a large outboard on the back of my own 9 Metre, and fully appreciate the wonderful drag-free sailing performance tilti ng it out of the way permits. On the 8 Metre how ever, the outboard cannot be readily connected to the ship's steering system; so I was anxious to see how seriously manoeuvrability would be affected. The first demonstration came when the Lack's son Bruce took a crowd of eleven adults and four kids out from the Show for a trial run and reversed back at the end of it into a berth only two feet wider than the overall beam of 1 3 f t 8in (4.2m) without touching either side. Wind on the quarter, but not strong. The secret lay to some extent in his own skill of course, but also in the choice of engine, which was a 28h.p. Yamaha Long-Shaft. This has a particularly effective reverse- quite apart from giving really vivid acceleration and a cruising speed of around 6 to 7 knots. In 'sailaway' form, complete with working sail and all gear to warps, fenders and boathook, but otherwise unfinished below decks, the 8 metre Catalac seems exceptional value. Someone suggested to me that there is a close similarity between this boat and the 9 Metre Catalac. True; but there are big differences, 'the most basic of which are that while the 8 is purely a 5 berth boat, the 9 has 5 permanent bunks plus the saloon, and costs a lot more. And that is quite a saving for a cruising boat with the same loadcarrying capacity, definite handling qualities, strength, and above all that positive, safe stability which the name 'Catalac' has well and truly earned for itself in the last five years of very assorted sailing. She is the sort of cruiser I like to see around, but if you'd fancy a sail in one yourself, contact Tom Lack Catamarans Ltd., The Quay, Christchurch, Dorset (0202) 477414/5/6. SAIL and ACCOMMODATION PLANS 8 METRE CATALAC TOM LACK CATAMARANS LTD AVON WORKS, BRIDGE STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. LENGTH. O.A. BEAM DRAUGHT WORKING SAIL AREA ....... 27.0’ …...13' 8” ........ 2’ 0" 8.0 M 4.2 M ) .67 M ) ....... 275 ft sq
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