April 2014 - Pendle Hippodrome Theatre


April 2014 - Pendle Hippodrome Theatre
Pendle Hippodrome Theatre
What’s On www.phtheatre.co.uk
April 2014
Saturday 5th April 2014 at 7.30 pm
Starting with the 1953 classic starring Stanley Holloway
‘The Titfield Thunderbolt’ followed by
‘Railway with a Heart of Gold’
A short film about the Tallylyn Railway.
Saturday 26th April
at 2.00 pm
On stage at the Hippodrome - see ww.mrpennine.co.uk for more information
Pendle Hippodrome
Theatre Company presents
Wed 4th to Sat 7th June 2014 at 7.30
Listen carefully I shall say ‘zis only once, book early for an hilarious evening with
René and all his friends at the Café - see page 3 for a full write up.
Saturday 14 June 2014 at 7.30 pm
‘The Man In The White Suit’
The Ealing Studios Comedy starring Alec Guinness
also featuring local historical films and clips.
Nelson Civic Ladies Choir in Concert with
Colne Orpheus Glee Union in aid of
Sat 21st June 2014 at 7.30
Saturday 28th June 2014 7.30 pm start
Join us for the presentation of the Leader/Times Stage Awards for all the best
Theatre performances in Pendle.
at DISCOVER PENDLE Boundary Mill Stores Vivary Way Colne
Open daily 10.00 am - 8.00 pm Sundays 11.00 am to 5.00 pm
RING 01282 856186
ONLINE at www.phtheatre.co.uk
Editor; Milly Greenwood Tel: 01282 690598 e-mail [email protected]
Pendle Hippodrome Theatre, New Market Street, Colne, Lancs, BB8 9BJ
Tel. 01282 863210
Registered Charity No: 513275 Limited Co: 1664358
Olivia Riley
Emilie Chadwick
Grace Hall
Ella Thompson
Those of you who came to the recent production of ‘Hello Dolly’ can’t have
helped noticing the four lovely young ladies in our picture. If you think these
youngsters are newcomers to our stage you would be wrong. Theatre is in
all their genes. Olivia, Grace and Ella’s mothers were also in ’Hello Dolly’ and
Emilie’s mother was part of our wardrobe team and is the newest member of
the Theatre Company’s Committee. Their theatre lineage does not end
there. Olivia and Grace’s grandmothers worked behind the scenes at the
show and Ella’s late grandparents on both sides of the family were very
involved with the Theatre. Emilie’s great grandmother was the oldest ever
Life Member of St John’s AO&DS until her death in December 2008 aged
104 years and Grace’s great granddad was a founder member of Colne
Operatic Society.
Well done young ladies your presence brightened up the stage
and long may you all continue to keep up the family tradition.
And the winner is!
Arrangements for ALL
Pendle Hippodrome
Boundary Mill Stores
Vivary Way Colne
Just call in to book your seats
Or ring 01282 856186
Open daily 10 am to 8 pm
Sundays 11 am to 5 pm
£1 per Booking Fee
Theatre plan available
An Evening with Andrea
9th May 7.30 for 8pm start
Tickets £7 including supper
Our very own Medium, Andrea Jackson
will host ’An Evening of Mediumship’ on
Friday 9th May in the Theatre Bar at 7.30
for 8 pm. Andrea will contact her spirit
guides and will convey their messages
from the departed to members of the
audience .
The evening is open to all, including the
general public and, due to the ever
increasing number of people wishing to
attend ‘An Evening with Andrea’, tickets
will be limited so it is recommended that
you book early.
Tickets £7 included a pie and pea super.
Follow the Online
Booking Instructions
Tickets are available from Angela Boult
07545 905 569 or email her
at [email protected]
Theatre plan available
Everyone is Welcome
Online Booking Fee
Lost Your Bottle?
Our ever active maintenance
team have been busy yet
again fitting a sound system
to the Theatre bar to
accompany the new big
Imagine their surprise when they found an
old stone bottle under the floor boards of
the circle. Unfortunately the bottle was
empty except for a candle fitted into the
top which must have been used for lighting
whatever work was carried out in those
long off days. No health and safety then!!!
Come and take a look, the bottle is now
being proudly displayed behind our bar.
10.00 am - 1.00 pm
from 10th May to 6th June
Call in and book your seats or ring on
01282 863210 during opening hours.
Booking Secretary 01282 612402
Evenings and Weekends only.
Call for block booking information.
Who knows what treasures may still lie
undiscovered beneath our feet. There may
be a fortune lurking down there!!!!!!
NODA North W est has
announced the nominations for
awards that will be presented at
the Annual NODA Conference
which is being held at the Mercure
Hotel Manchester on 3rd, 4th and
5th May.
Pendle Hippodrome Theatre Company
is delighted to have been nominated in
six categories.
►Best Musical—’Sweeney Todd’.
►Steve Grist (Beadle) has been
nominated as Best Supporting Male
Actor in a Musical for ‘Sweeney Todd’.
►A Best Musical Direction nomination
goes to Lisa Manley ‘Sweeney Todd’.
►Howard Raw has received a
nomination for Best Artistic Direction of
a Musical ‘Sweeney Todd’.
►Tim Mason (Pike) is nominated for
The Best Supporting Actor in a Drama
‘Dad’s Army’.
►A Best Supporting Female Actor in a
Drama nomination goes to Dorothy
Broughton (Mrs Grey) ‘Dad’s Army’
Pendle Hippodrome Youth Theatre
have received three very well deserved
►Best Youth Male Comedy
Performance Nick Staton (Willard)
►Helen Green has received a
nomination for Best Choreography of a
Youth Production ‘Footloose’.
► A Best Leading Male Actor in a
Youth Musical nomination goes to
Lewis Bolton for his portrayal of Rev.
Moore in ‘Footloose’.
to all the nominees and we will keep
our fingers (and toes) crossed for
your success at the Awards Night.
All Aboard
Don’t forget the Theatre
Company are holding a
trip on board the Marton
Emperor on the Leeds Liverpool canal
on Friday 13th June 7.30pm from
Foulridge Wharf. Once again there will
be a quiz set by our now resident quiz
master Geoff Horn
Last year the trip was held in
September and it went dark very early.
We only had the boatman’s word that
we had actually reached Barnoldswick!
This time they are doing it in daylight so
everyone can appreciate the wonderful
tranquillity of the local country side (and
see where they are going).
Numbers are limited - we don’t want to
overload the boat and have to swim for
it - and tickets will go very quickly.
The price is £12.50 per person
including quiz and supper.
Contact Geoff Horn
on 01282 787447 or 07759 401 541
to order your tickets.
Another date for your Diary is the
Theatre’s Gala Centenary Celebration
which is being held on 4th October
2014. A specially commissioned film
about the Hippodrome over the last
100 years will be shown on the big
screen and this will be followed by a
buffet supper and dancing to The
Swing City Big Band.
Tickets are £10 Adults and £5 under
16’s. They are available on-line or any
time the Theatre Box Office is open.
This will be a night to remember as we
look forward to the next hundred
Everybody is welcome
Come and help us celebrate.
Dancing on the LOO! Attention all those who have ever ventured
onto the Hippodrome stage. Did you know that each time you have gone on stage
from the OP side you have been performing on the loo?
black floorboards
were situated the
the Theatre was
first built in 1914.
The Theatre had
a slightly different
lay out in those
days as it was
split into three
not two sections.
The very front of
the Theatre was
known as the ‘Pits’ and contained the cheap seats. The Stalls were behind, as they
are now, and the third area was the Balcony or Circle. The pits had a separate
entrance on the back street at the bottom of the Theatre with its own pay booth and
toilets. Once you’d got your ticket, entrance to the pits was via a door on the
opposite side to the present pass door of the stage.
That side of the Theatre has been altered over the
years and both the door to the back street and the
auditorium are now bricked up. During the alterations
all the bricks and rubble were thrown into the space
where the toilets had been. In order to check the drains,
which still remained, our ever busy maintenance team
worked over two weekends removing all the rubble and
debris that had accumulated there over the decades.
It was very heavy work and over 14 tons of rubble were removed and carried to the
waiting skip outside the Theatre No wonder they were exhausted by the end of
their shifts. Refreshments were provided in the
form of copious cups of tea to ’slack the dust’ and
many bacon sandwiches were made by some
wonderful ladies who volunteered to attend the
working sessions.
When the team had finished the removals
everything had to be made ship shape and Bristol
fashion. The floor boards have now all been
replaced and no one would ever know that all that
hard work had gone on.
A huge thank you to all the people who came along to help. Let’s hope the next
project proposed by the team is not quite such heavy work. Now all that remains of
the toilets is the garish paint on the walls under the floor, and a space that is now
useable. I’m sure our enterprising stage teams will soon find something to fill it.
Some of the cast of Allo! Allo!
You may get a sense of déjà vu as Gordon Ingleby recreates the role of Café owner
Rene Artois, when the Theatre Company stages ‘Allo! Allo!’ in June. Gordon
played the role for St John’s AOD&S in the Northern Premier of the show in 1991
The feeling may increase as Dennis Royle once again appears as Le Clerc who is
described as being a master of disguise with a thousand faces, every one the
same! Rene’s long suffering but devoted wife Edith will be played by Rosemary
Osborne and his would be mistresses Yvette and Mimi will be portrayed by Gina
Smith and Jackie Edington. Josh Hindle will take on the role of Officer Crabtree, an
English agent disguised as a French Policeman, who’s French accent leaves a ‘lut
to be doosired’ to say the least. Josh’s uncle, Steve Royle, played the part in St
John’s original production so Josh is keeping up the family tradition.
Wendy Watson is Helga who is such a good German she has swastikas on her
underwear. “I shall say this only once” Michelle, the Resistance Leader, is played
by Angela Boult and Herr Flick of the Gestapo, who has a weird take on ’Air on a G
String’ is to be Barry Jackson. German Officers Strohm, Schmelling, and Gruber
will be played by Ken Horsfield, Eric Beardsworth and Stephen Burrows and Italian
Captain Bertorelli of ‘what a mistaka to maka’ fame will be played by Simon
Jackson. The two British Airmen that Rene is hiding in his cellar, just to complicate
the plot even further, will be played by Peter Hampson and Orme Green.
This adaptation of the classic BBC sitcom was written by the original script writers
Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft and is an hilarious romp into Nazi held France in the
second world war. It is Directed by Andrea Jackson.
There won’t be a dull moment as everyone tries to lay their hands on the famous
and valuable stolen painting ’The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies’ by Van
Klomp, a portrait of his mistress painted secretly while his wife was out shopping.
Tickets are £7 - See opposite for ways to book your seats
NOW! We Can Screen It
Pendle Hippodrome Theatre
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 30th April - 7.30 pm at the Theatre
The Pendle Hippodrome Theatre Annual General Meeting is a formal meeting
attended by The Board of Directors and Committee Members of Pendle
Hippodrome Theatre Company, all of whom have voting rights. All other
Company members are invited to the meeting which should take about 30
minutes. When the Official AGM has been formally closed an unofficial Open
Forum will be held where anyone can ask questions of the Board of Directors.
Please come along and support The Pendle Hippodrome Theatre.
The Annual General Meeting will be followed by a
Stewards Training Session at approximately 8.00 pm
Are you already a Steward for the Theatre
or would you like to volunteer to become one?
By law and to comply with the Theatre’s Licence every Steward has to be trained to
be able to work in the Theatre. If you are already trained you still need to attend
training updates every year to comply with the regulations. If you have never been
trained but wish to volunteer to be a steward then you can undergo training. It only
takes about an hour and is quite painless. You need to be over 18, under 80 and
able bodied and that’s about it.
The Theatre cannot open to the public unless there are FIVE Stewards in place
within the public areas. One each in the Box Office, Bar Area and Circle and two in
the Stalls. The primary duty of a Steward is to look after the audience.
We therefore need a large pool of trained Stewards to man the Theatre throughout
the season so that no one is called on more than necessary. You don’t have to do
all the shows and performances. Thelma Greenwood our Theatre staffing secretary
or whoever is in charge of the event, rings to ask if you are available and if you’re
not they ring someone else. The more stewards we have the more we can share
the job around. You may even like to ring Thelma and volunteer if you want to
come along for a particular show (better than 10 pressed men!).
The Steward in the box office calls the emergency services in case of an
emergency, the Bar Steward keeps an eye on the Bar area and all stewards help
with evacuation from the Theatre if required. All Stewards and Bar Staff wear black
and white as this is the Theatre’s code of dress for all Front Of House staff.
Come along to one of the training sessions to find out more and register.
Stewards Training nights are to be held Wed 30th April at 8 pm
(following the AGM) and Tues 6th May - 7.30 pm at the Theatre
Remember; It is compulsory by law for the Theatre to be fully stewarded
during an event. Unless we have enough stewards the show cannot go on.
When Martin Cleaver of Foulridge Canal Cruises, who has become one
of our Theatre’s regular maintenance team, helped organised a canal
heritage film show at the Hippodrome last year he vowed never to do one
again. However a few months later he organised a private film night for a friend’s
birthday and both nights proved extremely successful. And Martin was smitten!!!!!
The Hippodrome was already equipped with a full size screen, transporting the
Theatre back to its origins as a Cinema, but the costs of a suitable projector for the
Theatre were way beyond the Theatre’s budget. The average price for the ideal
equipment was £66,000. Martin had offered to sponsor a projector but the price
was beyond even his generosity Back to the drawing boardSSS.
The Theatre crew had made several attempts at erecting a suitable rig to support
the projector we already owned. Those of you who attended the Titanic
Commemoration Night may remember the extension from the balcony to the centre
of the auditorium. But this temporary structure had to be removed after every
screening and was not a permanent solution to the problem.
Martin however was not to be deterred . He searched for a cheaper alternative and
sourced just the thing at Reading University. It took four people to lift it and would
have taken up half the lighting box, plus the lens did not work. Start againSSS.
Just before Christmas, lo and behold, three projectors came up for sale at the same
time. All in good condition, all at the right price and at 5300 lumens were much
brighter than the 3700 lumens projector that the Theatre owned. Martin hurried
down to Skegness to seal a deal and came back with not only the projector but
spare bulbs and optical units and it only weighs 20 lb. The Theatre has decided to
purchase the projector that Martin sourced, not at £66,000 I hasten to add, as it is a
wonderful asset to the Theatre, and it is now proudly ensconced in our lighting box.
Thank you so much Martin for everything.
Imagine sitting in a fully restored Edwardian Theatre built as a Cine/Variety Theatre
exactly 100 years ago watching classic vintage films instead of watching television.
Well you don’t need to imagine any more because now you can!
Now that we have our new projector we are about to launch a series of heritage film
nights that can be seen nowhere else on the Big Screen.
Martin Cleaver of Foulridge Canal Cruises has joined forces with Pendle
Hippodrome Theatre and has put together a fantastic programme of both classic
films and short factual films. The evenings will be of interest to not only to film
enthusiasts but, as an added extra, each evening will be based around the featured
film with added clips of interesting facts about the chosen subject.
The first ‘Classic Heritage Film Night’ will be held on Saturday 5th April at 7.30pm
and will be ‘Railway’ based featuring ‘The Titfield Thunderbolt’ first shown in
cinemas in 1953 and starring Stanley Holloway. It will be accompanied by various
short factual films including ‘Railway with a Heart of Gold’. Tickets are just £5 and
can be booked at Discover Pendle Boundary Mill or online at www.phtheatre.co.uk.
Look out for our next Classic Heritage Film Night on 14th June
‘The Man in the White Suite’.
New Arrival
Secretary Angela Boult and
her husband Mark are
delighted to announce the
birth of their first Grandchild.
Give or take a few months
Their daughter Gaynor and her partner
Chris McCann presented them with
Jakob Anthony who weighed in at
7lb 11oz on March 16th.
Gaynor was a member of the Theatre
Company and appeared in many
Congratulations to all the family
A Silver Lining
It was a sad moment for
the Theatre Company
member of Colne Operatic Society and
the Theatre Company Renée
Blackburn died in December 2012.
However every cloud has a silver lining
and the Theatre Company were
amazed when they were named as one
of the beneficiaries in Renée’s will.
After much consideration the Theatre
Company Committee in conjunction
with the Board of Directors of the
Theatre decided that the best way to
honour Renée’s memory would be to
purchase something that would benefit
the whole Theatre.
For many years the stage has been
hung with a set of black drapes that are
well past their sell by date and badly
needed replacing. Our stage manager
David Miller sourced a new set of
specially commissioned drapes which
have now been purchased and hung.
Thank you Renée for remembering us
and your beloved Theatre. We now
have something to remind us of you for
many years to come.
We do hope you approve.
The three ladies in the picture have
dedicated around 120 years service to
Pendle Hippodrome Theatre Company
and its predecessors.
Not each of course (they’re not that
old) that is an estimated total.
For their dedication and hard work in
all aspects of the Theatre they each
received the Company’s highest
honour at the recent Annual General
Meeting - Life Membership of Pendle
Hippodrome Theatre Company.
Between them over the years they
have held the positions of Secretary,
Treasurer, Social Secretary and have
all been on stage in various roles in
countless shows. They have prompted,
worked in make-up and props,
dressed, wigged and acted as general
They have brewed,
cooked, sold numerous tickets, worked
in our wardrobe department etc etc etc.
in fact there is very little these ladies
have not done.
Gillian Herbert was also presented with
a 40 year Long Service NODA Award
and Rosemary Osborne received a 10
year NODA Award at the AGM.
Congratulations to all the ladies
Following Pendle Hippodrome
Theatre Company’s AGM on
25th February two new
members were elected to the Committee.
Stephen Burrows and Leisa Chadwick who
have taken over the vacant positions left by
Kevin Mason and Sam Crabtree.
Kevin Mason is Chairman of Pendle
Hippodrome Theatre Limited and his
dedication to the Theatre is immeasurable.
He feels that by stepping down from the
Theatre Company Committee he will be able
to spend more time on Theatre matters and
concentrate on his Chairmanship. He is not
bowing out of the Theatre Company
completely, he has just acted as Stage
Manager for the Company’s ’Hello Dolly’.
Sam Crabtree has found that balancing his
new job and other commitments does not
give him as much time as he would like to
dedicate to the Theatre. However like Kevin
he has not left the Company altogether and
appeared as one of the ’galloping waiters’ in
Hello Dolly’.
The two ‘new’ committee members are no
strangers to the Hippodrome in fact the
opposite applies to both the new
incumbents. A long serving member of the
Company and it’s predecessor's Stephen
has served on the Committee before and
has just finished Directing ‘Hello Dolly’.
Leisa is new to the Committee although she
has worked backstage for many years. They
will both be a very welcome addition to the
running of the Company.
The Committee would like welcome Stephen
and Leisa and to thank Kevin and Sam for all
the commitment, hard work and dedication
shown to the Company over the years.
Following the Theatre Company AGM there
has also been a change to the Board of
Directors of the Theatre. In a very close vote
Stevan Manley was elected to the Board
replacing Peter Hampson. The Board would
like to welcome Stevan and to thank Peter
for his hard work and commitment to the
Theatre Board in the last two years.
If you are a Steward for the
Theatre then you should
receive a Stewards ‘What’s On’
list along with your Footlight
Forum every couple of months.
If you don’t then please contact
Milly Greenwood on 01282
690 59 8 or em ail h er at
[email protected].
These lists with times and dates
etc inform Stewards what events
are planned at the Theatre in the
near future so they may ring and
volunteer their services for a
particular event if they wish.
Thelma Greenwood– Tel 864766
is responsible for staffing Hire
Only and Theatre Events, Awards
Night, School Performances,
Dance Festivals, Variety Shows
Joe Whittam - Tel. 612402 is
responsible for staffing Theatre
Company shows, ‘Hello Dolly’,
‘Allo! Allo!’ etc.
Russel Piercy - Tel. 07523 639
923 finds staff for the Youth
Theatre Shows.
Paul Thompson - Tel. 720564
Staffs the Bar for EVERY EVENT
at the Theatre.
If you can't remember who to ring
for what, just ring Thelma
Greenwood and she will point you
in the right direction.
Stewards and Bar Staff play a
very vital part in running the
Theatre and your services are
very much appreciated.
Without YOU the Theatre could
not open. Please say YES if
you are asked but volunteering
would be even better.
Youth Theatre News
Theatre Company News
Annual General Meeting
Pendle Hippodrome Youth Theatre are to hold their
Annual General Meeting
at Colne Ambulance Hall on Sunday 11th May at 10 am.
All members and parents are welcome.
As part of Pendle Youth Theatre’s 25th year celebrations the
fabulous ‘Phantom of the Opera, Youth Edition’, will be taking to the
Hippodrome stage in February 2015. A Meet And Greet morning
has already taken place where the Director Howard Raw, Musical
Director Lisa Manley and Ballet sequence choreographer Helen
Cheung outlined their plans for the show to the enthusiastic throng
of youngsters who attended. Rehearsals have already begun and
auditions taken place. A cast list will be in the next edition of Footlight Forum with
more details about this spectacular show.
will be even more to celebrate for our Youth Theatre
as they stage a very special 25th Anniversary production of
Disney’s ‘High School Musical’ in October this year.
‘High School Musical’ is a spectacular show full of fun for the whole family. Its large
cast and upbeat numbers make it the ideal show for our talented Youth Theatre.
Rehearsals began on 30th March with auditions to take place in the summer.
The Directors will be Josh Hindle and Angela Boult, Musical Director is Stuart
Dickinson, the amazing dance numbers will be set by Vicky Royle and Fiona
Thank You Sainsbury’s
The Annual General Meeting of the Pendle Hippodrome Theatre Company
was held on 25th February 2014 at the Theatre.
The following Officers and Committees were elected.
Chairman; Keith Walton
Milly Greenwood
Alison Watson
Secretary; Angela Boult
General Committee; Helen Atkinson, Stephen Burrows, Leisa Chadwick
Catherine Cox, Geoff Horn, Liz O’Connell, Rosemary Osborne,
Andrew Scott,
Susan Thorp,
Fiona Thompson,
Liz Rowell,
Board of Directors Pendle Hippodrome Theatre;
David Farrer,
Milly Greenwood, Thelma Greenwood, Frank Lomax,
Kevin Mason,
Stevan Manley,
David Miller,
Paul Thompson,
Autumn Musical
The announcement date for the Theatre Company’s Autumn show is drawing
ever nearer (May 1st) and I can promise everyone that the name of the show
will be revealed in the next edition of Footlight Forum.
An introductory evening to the ‘Show’ has already been held and members of
the Theatre Company were invited along for a full introduction and a meet
and greet session with the production officials. Howard Raw, Director,
presented a brief outline of this spectacular production. Richard Patel is
Musical Director.
Rehearsals are Monday and Thursday evenings at Colne Ambulance Hall
beginning Thursday 27th March to Monday 14th April at 7.30 prompt.
A rehearsal for audition pieces only will be held on Thursday 17th April.
Auditions will be held in a workshop format on April 24th, 28th and 1st May.
We realise that some of you do not have or like Facebook but this is the only
way we can keep our members updated without disclosing information to
everyone as this would violate our contract. If you wish to join the ‘closed’
group for this show on Facebook please contact the Hippodrome Facebook
page and they will put you in touch with the closed group.
Anyone wishing to audition for this fantastic show must have attended at least
50% of pre audition rehearsals.
Sainsbury’s in Colne allowed Pendle Hippodrome Youth Theatre to
do a fund raising bag pack at their Colne store in February.
The willing youngsters of our Youth Theatre raised an amazing
£606.30 by their efforts and helped promote the Youth Theatre and
the Theatre to the shoppers of Colne.
A big Thank You to Sainsbury’s for allowing the youngsters the
opportunity to raise some much needed funds.
***ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS*** Annual Members Subscriptions
for Pendle Hippodrome Theatre Company are now due for 2014
Our photo shows PHYT mascot Herbert with one of our
young members who helped with the packing.
Please see Liz O’Connell or Susan Thorp to pay your subscription.
Under 16’s and over 80’s FREE Age 16-19 and 60-80 - £10 Age 20-60 - £20.