Winter 2013 - OLSH Bentleigh
Winter 2013 - OLSH Bentleigh
Vol.5 No.1 Winter 2013 ISSN 1837-5316 Magazine of the Alumnae Association of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Bentleigh e EDUCATION IN THE OLSH TRADITION CLASS OF 1962: HALF A CENTURY ON SOMEONE WHO SHAPED ME REUNIONS: WHATEVER HAPPENED TO…? CLASS OF 2012: EXCELLENCE & ENTHUSIASM Flame CONTENTS WELCOME NOTE 2 CLASS OF 1962: HALF A CENTURY ON 3 FROM THE 1950S: SOMEONE WHO SHAPED ME 4-5 CLASS OF 2012: EXCELLENCE AND ENTHUSIASM 6 CLASS OF 1992: TWENTY YEARS ON 7 HEART WORK: AFRICA CALLING 8-9 FLAME GIRLS 10 ALUMNAE NEWS 11 REUNIONS OF CLASSES OF 2011, 1991, 1971 AND 1967 12-13 ALUMNAE NEWS 14 CLASS OF 2002 REUNION: WHATEVER HAPPENED TO…? 15 EDUCATION IN THE OLSH TRADITION: THE FOUR PILLARS 16 Welcome note Dear Alumnae Family It was in 1938, that the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart opened Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Bentleigh in order to educate young women in south east Melbourne. The actual beginnings were as a commercial college for four students in one room of St Paul’s Church. Numbers grew, so it subsequently moved to the cottage in Robert Street which had been the original convent. The above excerpt from the writings within the College archives speaks of the beginnings of our College. This year we are privileged to celebrate the 75th anniversary of our foundation. The vision, commitment and dedication of the OLSH sisters who were trail blazers in the provision of Catholic education for young women is the story of our journey here at Bentleigh. In this 75th year we give thanks for the lives of so many who have followed the same journey. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! The story of OLSH College is our story – such is the blessing of being touched by our spirit... the spirit where the heart within is loved into life…with others, by others and for others! Regnet Christus! May Christ Reign Our Lady of the Sacred Heart pray for us. SH girls can do anything! Publisher: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Bentleigh *** Front cover: Paula Dolezal, class of 2012, photographed in 2010. *** Submissions to FLAME: Alumnae contributions of photos and articles for FLAME are welcome. However, please be aware that due to space and time constraints not all articles may be published. Any photos sent in must be at least 1MB in size or 300dpi resolution. The names of the people in the picture should also be included. With group photos, please supply the names from the back row first, from left to right. Maiden names should be used and if the photo is about an event, it is helpful to include the locality, the date and the purpose of the gathering. Photos can be emailed or mailed. If you are mailing any photos, please be sure to include your address if you would like the photo/s returned. OLSH girls n do anything! SH girls can do anything! *** Your say: If you have some news to share or just want to get in touch, contact Ms Shane O’Neil, Alumnae Secretary. Tel: 03 8520 9263 Email: [email protected] For the latest news about the Alumnae Association at OLSH College, go to the College website at, then select the “School Community” button at the top of the home page and follow the prompt to “Alumnae”. *** Disclaimer: Anne O’Loughlin College Principal OLSH can do Donations to the Flame Scholarship Fund: We gratefully thank Maggie (Dalton) Sleep, 1962, and Linda (Henderson) Bruce, 1966, for their generous donations to the Fund earlier this year. In addition, members of the Class of 1972 and the Class of 1961 took up collections at their recent reunions for which we also express our gratitude. Donations go towards supporting a Year 10 girl in her final two years of education at the College and are fully tax deductible. See the back of the address cover sheet for information about how you too can make a difference. OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! All care has been taken to verify the correctness of the information provided in this publication before going to print. However, we apologise if any inadvertent errors have occurred. If you would like to reproduce any of the material in FLAME, please contact the College. P2 FLAME — Winter 2013 "It was a wonderful day but too short." Margaret (Brunton) Ellis Flame CLASS OF 1962 HALF A CENTURY ON It was 50 years in the making but on Saturday 13 October 2012, 17 friends from the class of 1962 finally had their first “official” reunion at Milanos in Brighton. After so many years of not being in touch, the organisers Marcia (Bretherton) Clohesy, Margaret (Brunton) Ellis and Erika (Zimmerman) Somogyi had their work cut out for them in trying to contact all their past classmates. rls thing! So they went back to basics. A few months before the reunion, the three came into the College and painstakingly went through the old enrolment registers looking for familiar names. In the end, a list was drawn up of 25 or so names and then the search was on to locate as many people as possible. Some came from as far away as Darwin and New Zealand, and from as close as Bentleigh East. There were many hugs and much looking at old OLSH girls can do anything! Back row (L-R): Sr Margaret Fahey fdnsc, Maggie (Dalton) Sleep, Margaret (McMahon) Leeds, Dianne (Russell) Milner, Sr Carmel McCormick rsm, Margaret (Brunton) Ellis, Pauline (Conroy) Sutherland, Josephine Fazio, Margarette (Payens) Looney, Carol (Harrower) Weisner. Front row: Marcia (Bretherton) Clohesy, Erika (Zimmerman) Somogyi, Sr Elizabeth (Glenyce) Little fdnsc, Mary (Moore) Tadman, Lynette (Tooher) Emons, Jeanette (Bryant) Joseph, Kerry (Hall) Larkin. OLSH girls H girls girls can do anything! anything! canOLSH A most memorable occasion, a job well done by you all. I truly enjoyed catching up with all my "old" classmates again after some 50+ years. Jo Fazio photos and even autograph books, as well as hilarity about how much everyone had changed, and yet how really people were still the same. The group was touched that the College Principal, Anne O’Loughlin, was able to attend. She presented each alumna with a statue of Our Lady made from the volcanic ash left behind by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991. These statutes are hand carved by the local people as a result of an initiative by the OLSH sisters to help those affected by the eruption find a new livelihood. The afternoon was enlivened by wonderful lucky ticket prizes donated by Margaret, and several women were thrilled to receive a gift such as a lovely set of Royal Doulton wine glasses and other pretty things. The College was also pleased to receive its own gift in the form of a $50 donation from the group to the Flame Scholarship Fund. Fifty years is a significant milestone to celebrate and after half a century there was evidence of deep affection within the group. It was especially poignant that two of the women attending had lost their mothers just prior to the reunion and no doubt appreciated the closeness and support of women who had known their parents. It was a great day for us and most of the girls I had not seen since 1960 so it was very special. Carmel McCormick girls can do anything! OLSH girls can FLAME —Winter 2013 P3 Flame FROM THE 1950s SOMEONE WHO SHAPED ME Janice Janice Recently two alumnae independently sent in memoirs of OLSH sisters who had an important impact upon them. Janice Trenair (formerly Trencher) is from the Class of 1958 and Christina Corcoran (now Anthony) is a 1961 alumna. Janice wrote her story for ABC Radio’s “Open” program and Christina was inspired by a task in a creative writing class to think of Sr Paschal, her music teacher. A person who shaped my life is a nun. Not one nun though but several. A conglomerate in fact of the many nuns who taught me. She would wear a habit with heart-shaped wimple. This nun would give the message that girls or women can do anything by her own strong presence as a single woman with a university education. But she would also teach that a religious vocation to be the bride of Christ is the highest one could attain, and not too far below that, Catholic wifehood and motherhood. I was would be better suited to nursing than the teaching I went into, without ever really mastering the skill of crowd control needed. There would not be too many other occupations for an educated girl to choose from in those times. She would also have the reverence for higher education that I absorbed without putting it to good use until in my 30's. She would have the enduring spirituality that fed on quiet contemplation, music and ritual which was quite apart from the teaching of religious beliefs she also instilled, and that would survive after some beliefs were discarded. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! Thus she would have Sr Maddalena's love of science and geography, the loud but dignified presence of Sr Florine and Mother Giovanni, the gentleness of Sr Catherine and the sewing skills and perfectionism of Sr Dominic. She would have the love of music of Sr Paschal who taught me piano. Christina It was in defiance of her values that I would study dance but only as an after-hours activity. Art was eventually taught on a Saturday morning when I was in senior classes so I was too busy to benefit. There was no drama at all though elocution was taught at least in primary school by a visiting lay teacher. So the arts that were to shape my life were not taught by the teachers who helped shape me. Yet I was given the educational foundation for future studies and the example of strong women for which I am ever grateful. And she might even have a bit of the dignified and independent spinsterhood of brilliant and inspiring lay teacher of English literature, Miss Dickson. Alas she wouldn't give me confidence in mathematics; she would leave it to stuttering Mr D, to quash any vestiges of that. SH girls can do anything! She would have the intuition and perception of those nuns who saw the fragile teenager OLSH girls n do anything! SH girls can do anything! Sr Florine Sr Paschal OLSH can do OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! Sr Lucia P4 Sr Giovanni Sr Maddalena FLAME — Winter 2013 Flame Christina Our Creative Writing class assignment for the day was to write a letter to someone who you would like to write to you. all my fond memories to her and to let her know that I felt very blessed to have her as my teacher and my friend. My mind immediately went to my much loved music teacher, Sister Paschal. So many special memories came up of all the time we shared during my music lessons in the Robert Street house. Her kindness, friendship, support and unfailing faith that I would do well, emanated in results that I never believed I could achieve. Before each exam Sister Paschal would place a picture of Our Lady behind the piano which, combined with the gentle touch of her hand on my shoulder as she left the room, calmed my nerves and trembling hands. Three weeks later, I glanced down at an envelope I’d taken from my letter box. On noticing the return address as the Sydney OLSH convent, my eyes welled up with tears. I just hugged the envelope for some time as though I was hugging her. Some years ago, I tried to find Sister Paschal and found that she was at St Peters in East Bentleigh. Due to a health issue, I didn’t get to pay the visit I intended. After writing my “in class” letter, Sister Paschal frequently came to mind, so much so that I rang the Bentleigh convent and they kindly provided me with her address in NSW. It was a joy and a privilege to put down in a real letter rls thing! Sister Paschal wrote a beautiful letter to me which I will treasure always. But there was more to come. In her letter, she mentioned the VCE results achieved by OLSH Bentleigh, which led me to look at the college website. During this process I stumbled onto the Alumnae page and there looking back at me was a photo of some of my class mates. It was another ‘heart tug’ moment. I hope and pray that I do get the opportunity to see my old school friends once again. What a wonderful unexpected journey, from writing a letter in class to writing this insight into the paths taken since. OLSH girls can do anything! OLSH girls H girls girls can do anything! anything! canOLSH OLSH College Choir performing at St Catherine’s, Moorabbin, 1958. Sr Paschal said this photo “brought back the happiest of memories of my time at Bentleigh which I will always cherish”. Back row (L-R): Pat Thorburn, Marie Gobi, Renate Marek, Loretta Young, Pat Kelleher, Helen Stroud, Margaret Tonkin, Janice Trencher, Margaret Tynan. Centre row: Christina Corcoran, Mary Connell, Maria Lazzaro, Noelene Mulavin, Marie Welsh, Carol Nelson, Margaret Breen. Front row: Marcia Bretherton, Sheila Andrew, Bernadette Brennan, Barbara Bretherton, Kaye Condon. girls can do anything! OLSH girls can Editor’s note: In April, after several decades, Christina was re-connected with her 1961 classmates at their annual luncheon catch up. She said, "The day was worth gold to me." FLAME —Winter 2013 P5 Flame CLASS OF 2012 EXCELLENCE AND ENTHUSIASM Left to right: High achievers: Sarah Fitzgerald, Annie Aldridge, Victoria Cleary, Jasmine Ashkar, Lisa Healy, Paula Dolezal, Zoe Gillett, Katrina Antoniou, Trish D’Lima, Tess McCaffrey, Lisa Peres. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! Students from the 2012 Year 12 class combined high academic results with high spirits at the end of their final year at the College. Dux of the College, Annie Aldridge who was also co-College Captain, achieved an ATAR score of 97.95. She was one of the 11 students who received an ATAR of 90 or above. In total, 45 students achieved 70 or above with 30 of these students scoring 80 or more. A special VCE Excellence Awards ceremony was held at a whole school assembly on Wednesday 20 February to congratulate and acknowledge the hard work and commitment of these high achievers. which it is, then every girl in front of me in this hall is capable of greatness, not just in Year 12 but in life itself for this is the simple recipe of success that I have come to know.” Annie completed her address by raising themes echoing those made by Rebecca Chijioke in her speech at the 2012 Valedictory Dinner at Merrimu in October 2012: the importance of teachers and friends. “Two of the best resources in this school are your teachers and each other.” Victoria Cleary also addressed the assembly about the important matter of balancing school work with part time jobs, sporting engagements and social activities. SH girls can do anything! Annie began her address to the assembly by quoting the words of Colin Powell, the former four-star US Army general and first African American to serve as the United States Secretary of State: “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” She went on to explain why she believes that success is possible for everyone through sheer determination with a clear goal in mind, persistence even after failure, and diligence. “OLSH’s motto that OLSH girls can do anything is a sound one. A successful Year 12 year is not just for the intelligent. It is for the strong-minded. Those who will not give up and sprint hard until the final second. If this is the case, OLSH girls n do anything! SH girls can do anything! Her first point was about the necessity of having a great support system involving family, friends and teachers. In explaining why teachers were such valuable resources she said: “Remember that teachers are there to help you, they want to help you, and countless questions give them joy not pain! She finished her speech by saying: "As Ms O’Loughlin always says: ‘We believe! We achieve!' " OLSH can do To our teachers: the teachers who have taught us this year as well as the teachers who have been with us since year 7. You all have instilled in us knowledge far greater than what we’d see in our text books. From all you, we have learned the act of perseverance when we come across difficult obstacles. We’ve learned that our success is directly proportional to the amount of effort we put into everything that we do.That failure is just a learning experience that we must acknowledge, accept and utilise to better ourselves. Most important, you all have believed in us when at times we did not believe in ourselves. When we said we wanted to quit, you told us to keep going. When we said that there is no way we could ever do well, you told us swallow our self-doubts and realise that our abilities will lead us to greatness and for this we say “thank you”. OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! Rebecca Chijioke Year 12, 2012 Valedictory Dinner P6 FLAME — Winter 2013 “I had such a great time at the reunion. Really glad I made the effort to go down.” Donna (Stone) Jones Flame TWENTY YEARS ON CLASS OF 1992 REUNION It was a combined effort by five friends that saw nearly 40 women from the class of 1992 gather at Mentone Hotel on Saturday 13 October, 2012. The organising group of Rheika (Selvarajoo) Tompkins, Sally Haddow, Sally (Giannopoulos) Calder, Rachael (Siebel) Powers and Jenny O’Connor was very happy with the turn up which also included partners and teachers. Three women came from interstate: Belinda (Pimm) Sundaraj and Anastasia Barros, both from Sydney, and Joanne (Le Mercier) Benoit from the Gold Coast. Girls paid $25 in advance using TryBooking, a free do-it-yourself event management system that easily enables organisers to rls thing! create, manage and publish events on the Internet where people can book and pay for an event. The cost included the venue hire, finger food and a couple of complimentary drinks and as you can see from the photos, a good time was had by all. Looking at the memory board and copies of the 1992 College magazine were especially popular activities. Three teachers attended: Louise (Chaplin) Brock, Marina Coletti (also a 1979 alumna) and Mark Bannister who drove all the way from Yackandandah. Also from far away Yackandandah was Donna (Stone) Jones, who travelled down by train for five hours with baby Lenny who was one of the stars of the reunion. OLSH girls can do anything! OLSH girls H girls girls can do anything! anything! canOLSH girls can do anything! OLSH girls can FLAME —Winter 2013 P7 Flame HEART WORK AFRICA CALLING More stories of alumnae volunteering on OLSH missions, this time in South Africa. Carmel Lawry from the class of 1977 worked at the Holy Family Care Centre first for six months in 2010, and then in July 2012 returned from a 12 month placement. Jessica Rafferty from the class of 2004 spent nearly four months from May 2012 onwards working in community outreach. Carmel and Jess used to meet up on Friday nights in Tzaneen where Jess was based to do their weekly shopping. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! SH girls can do anything! OLSH girls n do anything! SH girls can do anything! Showing the love: Carmel with some of her charges at Holy Family. Carmel says: I recently had the privilege of volunteering in South Africa with a very dedicated team of OLSH sisters at the Holy Family Care Centre – a residential home for children located in Ofcolaco in the Catholic Diocese in Tzaneen in South Africa. When the HIV/AIDs crisis hit South Africa, many orphaned children suffering from the disease had no one to care for them. The home was established to meet this need and it now cares for 70 orphaned, abused or neglected children, who often arrive malnourished and traumatised. Holy Family is situated in a very poor and deprived rural area in the Limpopo Province in the north of the country. My background is in aged care nursing so I was completely out of my comfort zone being responsible for 70 children’s health care needs. Most days were taken up with administering the anti-retroviral treatment to the children, escorting them to a variety of clinics: hospital, AIDS, TB and immunisation, as well as providing general care for everyday illnesses. The days could be very busy but never boring. Volunteers play an important role in the exchange of skills – focusing on community development not just giving aid. I trained local people and by the time I left, a local woman was able to take over looking after the children. The children’s greatest need is for compassionate love and although there were sad times, Holy Family home is a blessed place where every child is loved and protected. There was a lot of singing, dancing, laughing, playing and learning. The experience has certainly enriched my life and I hope I have made a small contribution to the children’s lives. OLSH can do My 12 month placement was arranged by Palms Australia, an organisation that recruits, prepares, sends and supports skilled volunteers to reduce global poverty throughout many countries. Mission with vision (L-R): Sr Christine Martin addressing a Graduation Day at the Skills' Centre in Tzaneen where young orphaned women are helped to learn skills to return to their village and begin their own cottage industry; Sr Lee Davison, a trained nurse, is seen here in a clinic for those suffering from the HIV/ AIDS virus; and Sr Merrilyn Lee with some of the young girls in the sisters’ home of safety. OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! P8 FLAME — Winter 2013 “Jess and Carmel were of great benefit and a credit to themselves, their families and the OLSH spirit.” OLSH Sisters Flame Jessica says: Following graduation from OLSH Bentleigh in 2004, I went on to study a Bachelor of Health Science, Paramedics, and then a Masters in Public Health. Throughout my life I have dreamt of aid work in Africa and so, after completing a few years in the workforce, I decided to follow this lifelong dream. I very much believe in the message of the Chinese proverb: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." With this in mind, I researched commercial volunteer projects. While I found many, I struggled to find a grass roots program I believed was beneficial and sustainable. It was after many unsuccessful attempts that I decided to be more creative with my Google searches. I reached out to the OLSH sisters through an email address I found online, and then everything fell into place. With my backpack and a lot of enthusiasm, I arrived in South Africa in May 2012 to work in a community outreach placement. rls thing! To the surprise of many, including myself, I found myself overseeing a sewing skills centre! In this program, orphan and vulnerable young women who have had limited education and employment opportunities are taught machine sewing as a stepping stone before being assisted to set up and run a small sewing business. As part of this project, I was able to develop a teaching manual for Basic Computer Skills and another for tips on Financial Management. I also very much enjoyed the outreach program visiting young people in the village offering social and practical support. OLSH girls can do anything! My experiences in South Africa have been life-changing and I am truly honoured to have been given the opportunity to experience African culture. I have been privileged to have been welcomed into the South African OLSH community, the homes and families of wonderful people and the local community in Tzaneen (they knew me by name at a few of the shops that I frequented almost daily). I even began to learn the local African languages, Sotho and Afrikaans. OLSH girls H girls OLSH girls can do anything! anything! OLSH OVERSEAScan AID FUND According to the sisters, Jess became a ‘Jill of all trades’. As well as giving a hand to build a shed, she helped with the church fete where the sewing centre sold their goods and she was also very happy to assist with soccer skills. I take this opportunity to thank the OLSH sisters for allowing me the opportunity to visit them in South Africa, with special thanks to the three Australian missionary sisters: Merrilyn Lee, Lee Davison and Christine Martin. Now that I am back, I miss Africa more and more each day! The work of the OLSH sisters in overseas missions is assisted by the OLSH Overseas Aid Fund founded in 1987. The objective of this fund is to encourage and promote self-help programs which aim to improve people’s general standard of living and help establish for the local people a life-style more worthy of their human dignity. You can find out more and make a donation via girls can do anything! OLSH girls can FLAME —Winter 2013 P9 Flame FLAME GIRLS Lisa-Maria (Johnstone) La Porte, 2004 Currently working in Marketing & Communications at WorkSafe Victoria, Lisa’s role involves stakeholder engagement, strategic communication, advertising, developing and implementing marketing campaigns and event management. Her past experience includes working as an event coordinator at WorkSafe and as a marketing assistant for a FMCG pharmaceutical company. She completed a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at Swinburne University and also undertook a three month Marketing/Operations internship with a tourism company in Queensland during this time. Outside work, Lisa and her husband Jason share a love of travel and they are lucky to make this a reality with Jason working for Emirates. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! Alicia (McConalogue) Cambridge, 1991 Having moved house 39 times in as many years, organisation is fundamental to Alicia’s sanity. Since leaving OLSH, she has had a number of interesting and challenging jobs, not least when she was an executive assistant with the Reuters news service in London, a fast and furious place to work. However, Alicia is convinced that her current occupation as full time wife and mother to four children is her most demanding assignment yet as she is “PA to five people”. Having amassed so many management survival skills over the years, Alicia has decided there is a market for her to help others. With a friend, she has set up a home assistance business called The Organisers. Susanna (Molino) Quinn, 1992 Carmel (Parry) Barnes, 1970 Determination, discipline and values are keynotes of Carmel’s career in the Navy. This began in 1972 when she enrolled as an officer cadet at HMAS Cerberus. She worked full time for 35 years retiring as Commander Barnes RANR in 2007 but is still in the Navy’s Active Reserves. Carmel’s last position was as Director of Navy Organisational Culture responsible for updating, promulgating and educating in the Navy’s core values. In 2005, she was appointed as Episcopal Deputy to Bishop Max Davis, who ministers to the Australian Defence Forces. Carmel has been married to Steve for 38 years. They have five children who live around Australia as well as overseas, providing plenty of opportunity for travel. Working as a flight attendant with Virgin was just the grounding experience Susanna found she needed after being employed as a social worker at the Alfred Hospital’s trauma unit. Susanna has been committed to social work from as far back as Year 10 when she did work experience at Ozanam House. She is now employed by the Office of Public Prosecutions to work with victims of crime, bereaved families and those affected by sexual assaults. Susanna credits her sanity to having a good “off” switch which she developed working with Virgin, especially as a cabin manager for three of her six years there. Recently married to Craig Quinn, a panel shop manager, she enjoys the practical challenges of home renovations. Saraid Mitten,1999 Donna (Stone) Jones, 1992 SH girls can do anything! OLSH girls n do anything! Since 2007, Saraid has been working at Tract Consultants, a multi-disciplinary firm of town planners, urban designers and landscape architects located in Richmond. Now a senior town planner, in 2003 she graduated from the University of Melbourne with Honours (Bachelor of Urban Planning and Design) and began work at the City of Port Phillip before heading over to London to gain valuable international experience as a strategic town planner. Saraid has a keen professional interest in largescale urban renewal projects, strategic planning and urban design. Outside work, Saraid is club secretary and proud captain of the Albert Park Soccer Club women’s team, a keen scuba diver and member of the Victorian Racing Club. SH girls can do anything! OLSH can do No moss on this rolling Stone. After leaving OLSH, Donna completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks, Recreation and Heritage) at Charles Sturt University in Albury, where she also met her husband Nigel Jones. She branched off into research into threatened species followed by work on private land conservation for the Victorian government’s Land for Wildlife program. But she says she left all of that behind her when she had kids. Deciding she wanted to keep moving, Donna then trained as a gymnastics coach, a job she loves. Donna is a full time mum now to Finbar, 8; Maeve, 5 and Lenny, 12 months, which involves mental, physical and emotional gymnastics all the time. OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! P 10 FLAME — Winter 2013 Flame Our OLSH alumna often make news for all sorts of reasons. Here’s a sampling of recent appearances. Alumnae News Spurti D’souza, 2007 In late 2012, Spurti received a Dean’s Honour award from Monash University for her exceptional achievement in her Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business and Commerce. Her academic performance was in the top 2% of her course. Last year, Spurti moved to Canberra to begin work at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as part of the Graduate Development Program. She currently conducts qualitative research into respondent behavior for the Data Collection Methodology Section. Chelsea (Kelly) Thomas, 2000 I Heart bargains is the name of a fashion web site Chelsea started while on maternity leave with her first child, Jude. On 4 February 2013, Chelsea’s story was featured in The Age “My Small Business” section with the title “Landing on your feet after taking a leap of faith”. What started as a blog launched in September 2012 to her mother’s group quickly turned into a retail hub. I Heart Bargains not only displays clothes and fashion accessories priced under $100, but also allows people to click links that take them to where the products are sold online. Even in her high school years, Chelsea was known for trawling the Bentleigh op shops with her grandmother, Joan, who has been her main source of inspiration. Joan passed away two years ago and Chelsea says her Nanna would be extremely proud that the shopping prowess and skills they shared to hunt down a bargain has now turned into Chelsea’s full time job. Chelsea and her sister, Sharni Kelly, 2001, are still very connected with the local area. Her youngest sister, Chloe Lewis is currently completing Year 11 at OLSH. rls thing! defying the odds and not letting a little thing like disability get in the way of living life to the utmost was very well received. Liz is the founder of The Self Centre which exists to help teenagers know themselves better and work out how to nurture a happy and fulfilling understanding of who they are, how they study and how they interact with others. Melina (Bagnato) Gianuzzi, 1998 The mercurial Melina appears to be everywhere at the moment. As well as running her own fashion business, Style Me Over, she has appeared on the top-rating cooking show, My Kitchen Rules, and recently hosted the Logies’ night of nights. Melina hopes to continue her passion of helping women with their confidence and style by pursuing a career in the media and having her own segment or style show one day. “It’s absolutely crazy at the moment between juggling being a mum, running a business and MKR but I love it....I operate my best under pressure and on full throttle.” VALE Elizabeth Eugenie (Dalton) Stephens, 1954 Born on 23 September 1936, Elizabeth was the seventh child in a family of 14 children. After her primary education at St Kevin’s in Ormond, Elizabeth came to OLSH in 1950, together with Cecily, her younger sister. Catherine and Margaret Mary followed them shortly afterwards. Now Elise and Amelia Sutherland, Elizabeth’s great nieces, have joined the school community at Bentleigh. Elizabeth was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2001, but lost the battle with it on 18 January 2013. May she rest in peace. OLSH girls can do anything! Jacqueline Merrey, 2008 Inspired by a 2007 OLSH trip to the Kiribati mission, Jacky is now preparing to leave Australia in July to travel to the Marshall Islands to work for a year as a volunteer teacher with WorldTeach, a nonprofit organization. She needs to raise $6000 for expenses and wants to also be able to take additional material supports for the Marshallese community with her. As well as completing her Bachelor of Education, Jacky works at Yooralla in disability support for the physically or intellectually disabled. Since being accepted by WorldTeach, she has increased her workload to raise funds. If you can assist Jacky, please contact her by phone 0433 673 851 or [email protected]. OLSH girls H girls girls can do anything! anything! canOLSH Liz North, 2000 A true example of the mantra: “OLSH girls can do anything!” is Liz North, 2000 College Captain. Liz came back to school on 20 February 2013 to speak with the Issoudun (Year 9) girls about her inspiring story growing up with a physical disability and how to build self-confidence. Her story about dealing with spina bifida was extremely captivating and her message about Beverley (Brazel) Smith, 1957 Born 23 September 1940, Beverley attended OLSH from 1952-1956, along with sister Maureena, class of 1961. Beverley was a first cousin to Maureen Brazel (Sister Mary Brian) and also her sister Margaret. Beverley’s devoted husband, John Xavier Smith, her four superb sons, 12 grandchildren, and huge number of friends will miss her humour, wit, wisdom and love. Her passing has changed people's lives just as did her living. Beverley died on 9 December 2012. girls can do anything! OLSH girls can FLAME —Winter 2013 P 11 Flame AFTER 21 YEARS: CLASS OF 1991 REUNION Girls from the class of 1991 had a relaxing get-together at the Mt Erica Hotel, Prahran, on Caulfield Cup Day evening 2012. Alicia, Amanda, Jenny (Joseph), Jessica, Leanne, Lynda, Maria, Megan, Michelle, Sabine, Sonia and Ulricka enjoyed the casual catch up – many not having been in touch since leaving OLSH 21 years ago. The group shared their stories of the past two decades and it was agreed that while people hadn’t changed all that much, it was interesting to see the different directions they had chosen. The girls will continue to catch up in Melbourne on the night of Caulfield Cup Day and have started a Facebook page – CLASS OF 1971: FAITHFUL AT THE FORESTERS Every year on the last Saturday in February, women from the class of 1971 gather for their annual reunion at the Foresters Arms Hotel in Oakleigh. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! This year on 23 February, the group welcomed two new faces, Teresa (Gaynor) Dunkinson and Elizabeth Cavanagh. Also attending after missing a couple of years due to other commitments, were Valerie (Bennett) Melder, Bernadette (Oakley) Johnson and Jenny (Mahoney) Boyle. It was good to catch up with everyone. SH girls can do anything! Back row (L-R): Annette (Rowe) Lloyd, Janine (Connors) Naylor, Bernadette (Oakley) Johnson, Jenny (Mahoney) Boyle, Julie (O’Toole) Reid. Front row: Teresa (Gaynor) Dunkinson, Maree (Healy) Winduss, Elizabeth Cavanagh, Valerie (Bennett) Melder, Marg (Smith) Elgar, Barbara (Finn) Bux. CLASS OF 1967: ANNUAL CATCH UP OLSH girls n do anything! SH girls can do anything! For the last 45 plus years, a group of classmates from 1967 has been catching up for an annual Christmas lunch which is held on a rotating basis at a different home each year. Last year, members of the class celebrated their friendship on 2 December 2012 at the Rosebud home of Margaret (O’Neill) McKinnon. If you’d like to come along next year, please contact me on [email protected] or call me on 03 5998 2057. I’d love to hear from you. Margaret (Smith) Elgar OLSH can do If you would like to attend the next reunion, please contact Kathleen Appleton on 03 9870 2649. The reunion is usually held on the first weekend of December on Saturday or Sunday (whichever suits the hosting person). Kathleen (O’Brien) Appleton OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! P 12 FLAME — Winter 2013 Flame FIRST YEAR OUT CLASS OF 2011 REUNION Amber’s Lounge at the local Boundary Hotel was the venue for the class of 2011’s first year out reunion on Wednesday 10 October 2012. It was a happy night for those who were able to attend with finger food, a choice of two cocktails and the use of a juke box, not to mention friends some hadn’t seen since the last school day in October 2011. Six teachers came along to catch up on all the news. They were Bernadette Anderson, Dina Oro, Maureen Malone, Pauline Canty, Phil Cassell and Kellie Watson. Others sent their apologies. There were lucky ticket prizes of jewellery kindly donated by Roza and Patrick Warren, owners of The Present Cupboard and parents of Dakota in Year 7, as well as beauty goods generously given by Morea (Stevens) Reid, owner of SalonQuip and a 1961 alumna. Thanks also to Rebecca Rosenfield and Victoria Simpson who helped send out the invitations. Thank you for such a great reunion last night. I really enjoyed myself and it was so good to see so many people again. I'm looking forward to the next one! Deanna Taylor rls thing! OLSH girls can do anything! OLSH girls H girls girls can do anything! anything! canOLSH girls can do anything! OLSH girls can FLAME —Winter 2013 P 13 Flame ALUMNAE NEWS Weddings Angelina Mercuri, 1999 Angelina met Carlo Piccolo in early 2011 through a mutual family friend. They married on 10 November 2012 at Angelina’s parish church, St Peter's in East Bentleigh. All three bridesmaids were OLSH alumnae: sisters Josephine, 2000; Salvina (now Noonan); 2004 and friend Angela Locantro, 1999). The bride’s mother Maria, (Manafo) is also an OLSH alumna, 1973. A two week honeymoon at sunny Cable Beach in Broome followed the reception held at the Lincoln of Toorak. Angelina is connected to several other OLSH alumnae which include those from the Accetta, Sonno and La Rocca families. She works as a radiation therapist at Peter MacCallum Hospital and Carlo is a team leader at the Melbourne Museum. Madeline Hickey, 2006 Madeline’s first date with Billy Haralambidis was the Year 12 formal. Six years later, on 20 October 2012, they married at St Catherine Greek Orthodox Church in Malvern East. Sister Jessica, 2000, was maid of honour and 2006 classmate, Georgia Henmore, was one of the bridesmaids. Nearly 200 guests attended the reception at The Powerhouse, Albert Park. The happy couple honeymooned in Mexico, New York (just as Hurricane Sandy hit); Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Madeline, an electrician, and Billy, a car salesman, have settled in their unit in Highett. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! SH girls can do anything! OLSH girls n do anything! SH girls can do anything! Anna Doran, 1989 Anna and Jo Marino were married at Inglewood Estate, Kangaroo Ground, in Victoria on Sunday 23 Sept 2012. They currently live in Cairns, Far North Queensland, with their six children. Anna has two girls: Isabella and Caelan, and Jo has four children: Jayde, Rhys, Demi and Bryce. Jo is a maintenance fitter for Skyrail, the famous cableway above the Kuranda rainforest, and Anna works in administration in a clothing manufacturing company. She is still very close friends with several classmates although they all still live in Melbourne. Anna’s sister, Elizabeth Doran, is from the Class of 1988. Sarah Salvatore, 2004 Sarah and Robert Duzelovski first met through friends in 2006. They married on 2 March 2013 at St Dominic's in Camberwell with a glamorous reception at Central Pier in the Docklands. Natalie Curovic also from the class of 2004 was the maid of honour. Sarah trained as a hairdresser and is now assistant manager at Mecca while Robert is an architectural draftsman. They are saving for their honeymoon in America at the end of the year and are looking forward to all the excitement of a white Christmas. Stacey Powles, 2002 Stacey and Stephen Zuluaga met in 2006 at Monash University and married on 6 October 2012 at Merrimu in Murrumbeena. Stacey is currently working as an accountant in public practice and Stephen is a senior systems engineer. The bridal party included her sister, Shelley Powles, 2006. OLSH can do OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! P 14 FLAME — Winter 2013 Flame CLASS OF 2002 REUNION WHATEVER HAPPENED TO…? REUNIONS IN 2013 Plans are afoot for the following reunions to take place this year. For more information, contact the nominated person and check the Alumnae section of the College web site regularly (refer page 2). 50 years – Class of 1963 Classmates are invited to attend a reunion lunch on Saturday 9 November at a venue to be confirmed. Contact Liz (Child) Freeman-Hume on 0408 140 513 or [email protected]. 40 years – Class of 1973 Reunion at the College on Sunday 13 October from 2.00pm onwards. Contact Jenny (Martin) Killian on 0421 899 908 or [email protected]. Facebook: “Class of 68-73 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Girls College Bentleigh”. This is a closed group so you need to ask to be accepted. OLSH girls can do anything! 10 years – Class of 2003 rls thing! Back row: (L-R): Mary (Dramis) Constantinou, Stacey Barry, Danica Ellicott, Metalle Balot, Nicole Munari, Kate Hedge, Bec Foord, Christina Abriani. Front row: Jodie Davis, Krystle (Westcott) Bleazby with daughters Acaila and Ehlara, Gabby Callander, Adele (Bretherton) Chen, Payal Singh, Anne (Gleadall) Duff. Interstaters, Gabby Callander flew in from Palm Beach in Queensland and Danica Ellicott came down from Canberra to attend the 10th anniversary reunion of the 2002 class on Saturday 10 November 2012. Still, as all the girls who gathered on the top deck of the Middle Brighton Baths on a dazzling blue sky afternoon agreed, it was good to be there because “how often does a 10 year reunion come around?” It’s all happening on Friday 30 August 2013 at 7.00pm at the Bay Hotel, Mordialloc. Invitations will be sent by email. Contact Monica O’Neill on 0402 521 453 or [email protected]. Facebook: “OLSH Bentleigh Class of 2003”. 1 year – Class of 2011 Contact Shane O’Neil, OLSH Alumnae Secretary, on 03 8520 9263 or alumnae@ Open Day OLSH girls H girls girls can do anything! anything! canOLSH But the prize for effort probably goes to Rebecca Foord who drove all the way from Shepparton to say “hello” to her classmates even though she had only been at OLSH for Year 7. “All tired out after an afternoon of reunions, rocks, bird watching and chip sharing – nice to see everyone again!” said Kyrstle (Westcott) Bleazby. She was of course referring to her children, not herself – wasn’t she? “It was such a lovely day catching up with the girls, and hearing from those who couldn't attend through Facebook.” From Stacey Barry who provided this photo. Once the initial introductions were over, the girls settled into a corner of the deck and went round the group one by one giving a speed snapshot of their last 10 years. There were lots of “do you remembers?” and laughs and a general feeling of good will towards each other, their school days, teachers (“is he really still there!”) and absent class mates. This reunion in real time and space precipitated a wonderful exchange of stories in cyberspace via Facebook from many who could not physically be at the reunion, either because they had other commitments, were busy with small children, or were overseas. Messages came in from far and wide including Barcelona (Sarah Graham), Budapest (Andrea Grubel) and Nice (Amy Mullan). THURSDAY 22 AUGUST 2013 Come to Open Day and take a tour. Learn about all the educational OLSH gir opportunities on offer and enjoy the can do anyt visual and performing arts showcase. All welcome! It was really satisfying to hear that so many girls have found success and happiness, be it a thriving career after extensive studies, starting businesses, travelling, finding their soul mate and settling down, starting a family – or all of the above! girls can do anything! OLSH girls can FLAME —Winter 2013 P 15 Flame EDUCATION IN THE OLSH TRADITION THE FOUR PILLARS Our motto “May Christ Reign!” is our tradition. For members of our school community, this means living the OLSH Spirit as expressed in the four pillars of OLSH education. We are Heart people who are Faithfilled We are Heart people who Pursue Excellence We believe in God’s personal love for us. This gives us meaning and purpose in our lives and enables us to help others find meaning in their lives too. We believe in Jesus’ words: “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10). We pursue excellence in everything we do. OLSH girls OLSH girls n do anything! can do anything! We are Heart people who Reverence Relationships SH girls can do anything! We believe in the dignity of every human person. Our OLSH family is both local and international and we make an effort to build and support community. OLSH girls n do anything! SH girls can do anything! We are Heart people who Touch the Hearts of Others We believe in our call to be united with the mission of Jesus. Together we seek to build the Kingdom of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of justice, love and peace. Our tradition of service and outreach and our option for the poor are vital aspects of our OLSH identity. OLSH can do These beautiful paintings giving artistic expression to the four pillars were created by Mrs Bronwyn Cottrell, Arts Domain Leader at the College. OLSH girlsOLSH g girls nything! can do anything! Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College 111 Jasper Road, Bentleigh, VIC 3204 Tel: 03 8520 9200 Fax: 03 8520 9299 Web: P 16 This magazine is printed on Sovereign A2 Silk, an environmentally responsible paper manufactured under the world’s best practice ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. FLAME — Winter 2013