2009 Annual Report - PACE Center for Girls
2009 Annual Report - PACE Center for Girls
2008/2009 Annual Report Values and Principles Guiding Our Actions honor the female spirit We value and promote the female perspective by respecting its distinct needs, creating safe and gender responsive environments and celebrating the female experience. focus on strengths We look to identify strengths in our girls, their families, our staff and supporters. Using these strengths as our foundation, we build strong, confident, productive community participants. act with integrity and positive intent We believe that all actions and decisions must be guided by the highest ethical principles, respecting the uniqueness of all involved and honoring the differences. embrace growth and change We believe that everyone is capable of remarkable growth, and PACE values all girls and young women, believing each one deserves an opportunity to find her voice, achieve her potential and celebrate a life defined by responsibility, dignity, serenity and grace. only by encouraging change can individuals, organizations and society reach their full potential. value the wisdom of time We understand that patience can be as powerful as immediate action, and each has its place. We value the discernment required for their effective use. exhibit courage We think courage is essential in making a difference, enabling us to speak for those who cannot, take risks to do what is right, deliver just and fair consequences and be accountable for our actions. seek excellence We strive for excellence in all we accomplish by holding true to our mission while consistently meeting high standards of performance, reflecting critically upon our accomplishments, seeking innovative solutions and believing all things are possible. create partnerships We believe in developing effective partnerships and long-term relationships by listening to our staff, our girls and their families and our communities, incorporating their input and involving them in our decision-making. invest in the future We place our faith in the long-term growth and development of our girls, staff, agency and communities, believing it is the best strategy for creating results that have lasting impact. • • 1 • Letter from Interim President and CEO • 2 • Jamie’s Story • 3 • Board of Trustees and Executive Staff • 4 • 25th Anniversary Celebration • 5 • 25th Anniversary Honorary Committee 6 • Letter from 25th Anniversary Honorary Chair Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz • 7 • Letter from Senator Nelson • 8 9 • Letter from Governor Crist • 10 • 25th Anniversary Pioneer Award Recipients, Past and Present Board Chairs and CEOs 11 • The Dragonfly Story • 12 • 25th Anniversary Celebration Sponsors • • Letter From Congressman Crenshaw • • • 13 • 17 • PACE at a Glance • 18 • The PACE Program • 19 • Portrait of Risk • • 21 • Porscha’s Story • 22 • Financial Summary • The History of PACE 20 Portrait of Success • 25 • Angel’s Story • 27 • Government and Community Partners • 28 • List of Supporters • 39 • PACE Center Locations A Letter from Interim President and CEO Mary Marx dear friends of pace, the National Council on Crime and Delinquency’s (NCCD) Center for Girls and Young “Let us look to the past with grateful hearts, to the present with honest eyes, to the future with open minds, that with gratitude and integrity and vision, we may build wisely in a changing today and a challenging tomorrow, on the rich heritage of a known yesterday.” The words of Dr. Etter Turner embody Women. Through this partnership we are the transformation at PACE over this past analyzing the theoretical foundations of year. In 2008/2009, PACE Center for Girls the PACE model and aligning it with the had the unique opportunity to “look to the most current research on effective practice. past with grateful hearts, to the present with honest eyes and to the future with our relationships with our stakeholders. open minds.” We took the opportunity to PACE continues to be a strong voice for reflect on our rich heritage and look toward girls and a resource for our communities the future with vision, focus and integrity. because of the hard work and dedication of In “a changing today and a challenging our community partners. Involving multiple tomorrow”, we are building wisely on constituencies in believing in girls is the PACE’s success and history. foundation upon which PACE is built. Their PACE’s rich past is evident in the collective commitment, and the careful national recognition and impressive stewardship of the Board of Trustees, accolades received over 25 years. Most continues to advance the well-being of importantly, it is evident in the faces of all girls and young women. the many girls whose lives are changed every day at PACE. research and data effectively. And, we Over the next 25 years, we plan to engaged a network of partners who bring develop ever more effective services for diverse perspectives to our work. Through- the welfare of all girls. To prepare, we out, we are guided by how collectively we looked critically at the present and took can provide girls and young women an steps to meet the challenges of the future. opportunity for a better future. My second priority was to strengthen We had clear priorities. We used We became more flexible so we could respond to local, state and national opportunities. We became more strategic to influence issues of importance to all girls Respectfully, and young women. And, we fundamentally transformed our leadership and governance model to remain at the forefront in the development of effective public policy. These changes were essential to a strong future for PACE and the future that all — Dr. Etter Turner former dean of students, stetson university girls deserve. mary marx Over the past year, I had two priorities Interim President and CEO as Interim President & CEO. The first was to ensure that our program model remains current and effective for girls. With support from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, we initiated a 2-year partnership with 1 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Jamie’s Story “Ever since I was in first grade I was picked on for my weight, how I dressed, how I talked, pretty much anything someone could find that was wrong with me. One day I had enough, and I got into a fight. This is when my mother said — enough! And she put me in an online school. The online school was difficult because it’s hard for me to work without someone helping me. That’s when my mom told me about PACE. When I learned more I knew it was the best place for me. When I came to PACE, for the first time ever, I finally felt like I ‘fit in.’ Now I’m getting good grades. My mother is so happy and proud of me. I always thought that I would be the one to drop out in high school, but not anymore!” — Jamie M. age 13 hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 2 Board of Trustees July 2008 to June 2009 Ellen F. Parker, Esq., Chair Assistant Counsel, Darden Restaurants, Inc. Carole Eastman Zegel, Vice Chair Executive Director, State Attorney, Eighth Judicial Circuit (Retired) Jeff Blass, MBA, Treasurer Senior Vice President, SunTrust Bank, Inc. Penelope Blair, CFTA, Secretary Senior Vice President, US Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management A Florida-based, nationally recognized 501(c)3 prevention program for girls and young women. Martha Bibby, Executive Committee President, Bibby Enterprises LLS Mattie Fraser, SPHR, Executive Committee Former Governor, Summit & Florida District, Civitan International Sherrill Williams Ragans, Executive Committee Director of Student Affairs, Florida State University (Retired) Jon Boring Associate Partner, IBM Global Services Dr. Tony Leisner Professor, School of Public Policy, Walden University The Mission To provide girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. Joanne M. O’Connor Jones Foster Johnston & Stubbs, P.A. Dr. Sandra Pavelka, Ph.D. Director, Institute of Youth and Justice Studies, Florida Gulf Coast University Mindy Reeves Director of Advertising Sales, Bright House Networks Elba Robertson Board of Governors, Pensacola Junior College Foundation Juliet Sears Executive Vice President, CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services John A. Schifino, Esq. Williams Schifino Mangione & Steady, P.A. Shearna Tolbert, Ed.S Psychologist, Marion County Public Schools Dee Thomas President, Ewing & Thomas, Inc. Kristin Webster Program Director, 19th Circuit Public Defender’s Office 3 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Executive Staff July 2008 to June 2009 Mary Marx Interim President & CEO Nan Davis Director of Finance Shirley James Director of Human Resources Debbie Moroney Director of Program & Public Partnerships Jill Guffey Director of Management Information Systems 2008/2009: 25 Years of Believing in Girls It is a milestone year for Pace Center for Girls, Inc. As we recognize all that PACE has accomplished over the past 25 years, we thought it important to reflect upon our past and build wisely for the future. The courage and accomplishments of our girls continue to be our inspiration as we celebrate 25 years of Believing in Girls. The rich heritage upon which PACE is built is evident in the faces of the many thousands of girls whose lives have been changed at PACE. PACE Center for Girls, Inc. began in 1985 as an alternative to institutionalization and incarceration of girls and young women at risk of entering, or who were already involved in, the juvenile justice system. Today the mission of PACE has expanded to provide girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. The philosophical foundation of carrying out the mission is that PACE values all girls and young women, believing each one deserves an opportunity to find her voice, achieve her potential and celebrate a life defined by responsibility, dignity, serenity and grace. Over the past 25 years, PACE Center for Girls, Inc. has earned the reputation as a national leader in providing gender responsive programming and services. In doing so we accept both the accolades and responsibility that this reputation brings. The cornerstone of our work is to advocate for safe, gender responsive environments for girls and young women, to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, and to uphold our mission, our philosophy and our values and guiding principles. hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 4 PACE 25th Anniversary Honorary Committee U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz—Chair Governor Charlie Crist federal elected officials Senator Bill Nelson Congresswoman Corrine Brown Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite Congressman Ander Crenshaw Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart Congressman Alan Grayson Congressman Alcee Hastings Congressman Ron Klein Congressman Kendrick B. Meek Congressman Jeff Miller Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Congressman Adam Putnam florida elected officials Alex Sink—Florida Chief Financial Officer Bill McCollum—Attorney General of Florida Senate President Jeff Atwater Senator Victor Crist Senator Paula Dockery Senator Don Gaetz Senator Dennis L. Jones Senator Garrett S. Richter Senator Gary Siplin Senator Frederica S. Wilson Senator Stephen R. Wise Representative Sandra Adams Representative Kevin C. Ambler Representative Jennifer Carroll Representative Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed Representative Chris Dorworth Representative Eric Eisnaugle Representative Bill Galvano Representative Louis R. Garcia, Jr. Representative Audrey Gibson Representative Bill Heller Representative Dorothy L. Hukill Representative Mia Jones Representative Charles McBurney Representative Ari Abraham Porth 5 PACe ce n t er Representative Ronald “Doc” Renuart Representative Yolly Roberson Representative Darryl Ervin Rouson Representative Michael Scionti Representative William D. Snyder Representative Darren Soto Representative Kelli Stargel Representative Nick Thompson Representative Perry E. Thurston, Jr. Representative Michael B. Weinstein florida state officials Commissioner Nancy Argenziano —Florida Public Service Commission Frank Peterman—Secretary, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice George H. Sheldon—Secretary, Florida Department of Children and Families jacksonville officials John Peyton—Mayor of Jacksonville Ed Pratt-Dannals—Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools 25th anniversary Conference and celebration planning committee Sherrill Ragans—PACE Board of Trustees, Committee Chair Dr. Sandra Pavelka—PACE Board of Trustees Kristin Bennet—PACE Palm Beach, Board of Directors Vacharee Howard—PACE Collier Janie Smalley—PACE Jacksonville Glenda McClendon—PACE Center for Girls, Inc. Christy Finnegan—PACE Board of Trustees Marcus Haile—PACE Center for Girls, Inc. for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report A Letter from 25th Anniversary Honorary Chair Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 6 A Letter from Senator Bill Nelson 7 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report A Letter from Congressman Ander Crenshaw hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 8 A Letter from Governor Charlie Crist 9 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report 25th Anniversary Pioneer Award Recipients, Past and Present Board Chairs and CEOs Pioneer Awards Pat Barton Carol Carlan Senator Victor Crist Kay Cunningham Kennon Holmes Dr. Sherry P. Magill Matt and Marge Masterman Sallie Parks Senator Ken Pruitt Robert C. Radice Senator Rod Smith Mildred Thompson (posthumous) Delores Barr Weaver Founder’s Award Vicki Bryant Burke Values and Guiding Principles Award Dr. Lawanda Ravoira Past and Present Board of Trustees Chairs Gary Christian (1985 – 1986) Dr. Ed Napier (1986 – 1988) George Penick (1988 – 1990) Kennon Holmes (1990 – 1992) Paulette Pace (1992 – 1995) Dr. Sherry P. Magill (1995 – 1998) Ron Baker (1998 – 2000) Kay Cunningham (2000 – 2002) Carol Carlan (2002 – 2004) Kay Cunningham (2004 – 2006) Ellen Parker (2007 – 2009) Carole Zegel (Present) Past and Present PACE Presidents and CEOs Vicki Burke Dr. Lawanda Ravoira Donna Gallagher Mary Marx, Interim hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 10 In various cultures, the dragonfly represents prosperity, luck, strength, peace, harmony, purity and change. It can also be a symbol of the sense of self that comes with maturity. The qualities associated with the dragonfly vary, but a few traits remain constant in all of them: hope, love and change. This year we celebrate the hope, love and change that have been the cornerstone of our exciting 25-year history. 11 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report 25th Anniversary Celebration Sponsors Platinum sponsors gold sponsors silver sponsors bronze sponsors Special Thanks to Richard and Leslie Pierpont, Brooks and Linda Faison, and PACE Center for Girls of Palm Beach Board of Directors hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 12 The History of PACE 1985 to 1993 january 1985 First Center opens in Jacksonville. A broad network of supporters including Vicki Burke and her family, Judge Dorothy Pate and other local juvenile court judges, the National Council of Jewish Women, the Edna Sproull Williams Foundation, and many others come together to launch the Center. The doors open to the first 10 PACE girls who participate in a day program located at Snyder Memorial Methodist Church. november 1987 july 1989 1991 Received Juvenile Justice PACE Manatee PACE Orange Award for Outstanding Center opened. Center opened. Dependency Program – presented by Florida Juvenile Judges. february 1991 MARCH 1991 1992 PACE identified as one of four promising programs Governor PACE Broward for high-risk adolescent females in the University Lawton Chiles visits and PACE Dade of Michigan’s Center for the Study of Youth Policy’s PACE Jacksonville. Centers opened. publication Programming for Young Women in the Juvenile Justice System. MARCH 1993 april 1993 First National Girls Caucus held in PACE and the Florida Department Washington, D.C., by efforts of PACE with of Health and Rehabilitative funding from the Valentine Foundation. Services co-chaired the first Girls Over 40 participants attended with Task Force meeting in Tallahassee. 15 states represented. 13 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report The History of PACE 1994 to 1998 december 1993 1994 march 1994 The NBC Nightly News with PACE Escambia-Santa Rosa President George W. Bush, Tom Brokaw featured PACE and PACE Leon Centers First Lady Barbara Bush and as a successful model. opened. Florida Governor Jeb Bush visit PACE Jacksonville. december 1994 PACE awarded the Gould Wysinger Award from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, for exceptional achievements in Juvenile Justice. march 1995 april 1995 1996 Janet Reno, U.S. Attorney Justice Research and Statistics PACE Volusia-Flagler General, featured PACE Center for Association featured PACE as & PACE Palm Beach Girls, Inc. as a successful model one of eight successful Centers opened. during a news conference. programs nationally. 1997 1998 PACE Pinellas PACE Alachua, PACE & PACE Monroe Pasco, PACE Collier, Centers opened. PACE Hillsborough & PACE Treasure Coast Centers opened. hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 14 The History of PACE 2001 to 2008 2001 2007 PACE Marion PACE Lee & PACE Polk Center opened. Centers opened. october 2007 The Children’s Defense Fund, in its groundbreaking report America’s Cradle to Prison Pipeline cited PACE as one of the nation’s promising examples of approaches to helping children avoid prison. february 2008 The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice released a report from the Blueprint Commission on Juvenile Justice Reform entitled Getting Smart About Juvenile Justice. The report identified specific services for at-risk girls as among its six major goals and PACE Center for Girls as successfully providing such services. march 2008 april 2008 PACE recognized by the Office of Juvenile “Efforts to Outcomes” data Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Girls management system fully integrated Study Group as among the most effective to ensure measurable impact on in the nation for keeping adolescent girls the more than 2,000 girls served out of the Juvenile Justice system. annually by PACE. 15 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report The History of PACE 2008 to 2009 june 2008 PACE recognized by the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT Report as an effective national model for reducing recidivism and improving school success, employment and self-sufficiency among girls. december 2008 april 2009 With federal funding sponsored by Congressman PACE alumnae Ander Crenshaw, PACE and the NCCD Center for recognized by Governor Girls and Young Women begin a partnership to Charlie Crist at Juvenile document the theoretical and research basis of Justice Success Week. the PACE model. september 2009 october 2009 Board of Trustees approves Workforce Florida approves funding new governance structure in through American Recovery and order to meet the challenges Reinvestment Act for expanded of a new era of services for girls. transition services in Broward, Jacksonville and Palm Beach. december 2009 PACE Centers in Jacksonville and Broward awarded federal grant jointly sponsored by Republican U.S. Representative Ander Crenshaw of Jacksonville and Democratic U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Ft. Lauderdale to support girls as they transition from PACE to adulthood. hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 16 PACE Center for Girls founder, Vicki Burke, with PACE alumnae at the 25th Anniversary Celebration PACE at a Glance 25 years of serving girls and young women 17 centers statewide Casey Foundation as an effective 2,072 girls served in 2008/2009 national model for 23,000 girls served since 1985 17 PACe ce n t er PACE is recognized by the Annie E. for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report reducing recidivism and improving school success, employment and self-sufficiency amongst girls. The PACE Program PACE’s program supports a proven theory of change with services linked to producing positive outcomes in education, community connectedness, behaviors, vocations, recidivism and in girls’ families. PACE Provides: Initial and Ongoing Assessment Risk factors and needed support are assessed for each girl. Academic Education Each center has a cooperative agreement with the local school board to provide daily academic instruction with remedial services, individual instruction and specialized education plans. Gender-Specific Life Management Skills Enhancement This PACE-designed curriculum, known as SPIRITED GIRLS!® is a gender-sensitive program designed specifically for the needs of girls. It consists of modules that teach positive lifestyle choices. Social Services Care management plans and services are developed to meet the individual needs of each girl. Parental Involvement Staff maintains regular contact with parents through home visits, office sessions and telephone contacts. Parent groups are provided to help parents assist in their daughters’ growth. Community Volunteer Service Girls participate in monthly volunteer service projects. Career Readiness PACE provides job skills assessment and curriculum to build school-to-work readiness skills and assistance with finding, applying and interviewing for job placements. Transition Services PACE conducts three years of comprehensive follow-up to ensure girls continue with their education, employment or appropriate referral services. hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 18 14.7 is the average age of a girl entering PACE 83% of girls have risk factors in three or four categories including school, family, substance abuse or behavior 72% of girls come from families with low or very low incomes 71% of girls were failing one or more classes in school prior to coming to PACE Portrait of Risk Girls and young women comprise the fastest growing segment of Florida’s juvenile justice system and girls now represent 32% of all youth referred to Florida’s 76.5% of girls had been suspended or expelled from school prior to coming to PACE 21% of girls were referred to PACE through the Department of Juvenile Justice Department of Juvenile Justice. Most girls caught up in the delinquency system have histories of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, and many come to PACE with a history of trauma and abuse. PACE understands the impact that gender-responsive services have in helping girls and young women find a path back to success and in keeping girls out of the delinquency system. 21% of girls have had previous involvement with the Department of Children and Families 36% of girls have had prior criminal charges before coming to PACE 50% of girls have a parent or sibling who has been incarcerated or on probation 20% of girls were physically and/or sexually abused prior to coming to PACE 19 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Portrait of Success PACE helps girls turn their lives around by providing quality education, counseling, career planning and an opportunity to be successful. PACE helps girls stay in school, reduces their chances of being involved in or becoming victims of crime or violence, and provides hope for girls and their futures. 95% of girls improved academically while at PACE 88% of girls had no involvement with the delinquency system after leaving PACE 83% of girls advanced a full grade level while at PACE 83% fewer used drugs and alcohol while at PACE 78% of girls are in school or employed 3 years after leaving PACE hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 20 Porscha’s Story “When I was in regular school, I didn’t understand the work. Everything went so fast and I didn’t feel comfortable asking questions out loud. I skipped school because I started to give up and didn’t want to be there anymore. At the end of my ninth grade year my mom and I were looking over my report cards and my grades were horrible. That’s when I decided that I wanted to change for the better. I wanted to finish high school and get good grades, like I know I can. That’s when I found out about PACE. The PACE teachers and counselors push me to do my best and keep me on track. Without PACE I would probably be sitting in a classroom failing. But now, I’m on my way to a better future!” — Porscha L. age 16 21 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Financial Summary PACE’s responsibility to girls is shared equally with our responsibility to our fiscal partners. The funds entrusted to us by government, community and private partners contribute to our success, and PACE enjoys a sound reputation of fiscal responsibility. Sources of Operating Revenues 50% Department of Juvenile Justice 27% Department of Education 15% Private Funds 4% Federal Grants 3% City/County Grants 1% Investment Income 0% State Grants – Other Operating expenses by category 72% Personnel 11% Occupancy 9% Other Operating Costs 5% Student/Program Support 3% Equipment and Vehicle Expenses hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 22 Statement of Financial Position as of june 30, 2009 Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $5,188,522 Grants receivable $1,923,683 Pledges receivable, current portion Pre-paid expenses and other assets Due from affiliates $648,538 $361,591 $692,458 Total Current Assets $8,814,792 Investments $2,978,968 Pledges receivable, long-term portion $624,722 Land, building and equipment, net $555,164 Total Assets $12,973,646 Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Notes payable, current portion Total Current Liabilities Notes payable, long-term portion Total Liabilities $1,662,286 $45,048 $5,214 $1,712,548 $4,779 $1,717,327 Net Assets Unrestricted $8,435,553 Temporarily Restricted $2,820,766 Total Net Assets $11,256,319 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 23 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report $12,973,646 Statement of Activities for the year ended June 30, 2009 Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets Total unrestricted revenues, gains and other support $22,094,391 Total expenses and losses $21,722,466 Increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets $371,925 Changes in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Total unrestricted revenues, gains and other support $1,241,970 Net assets released from restrictions $1,256,778 Increase (decrease) in temporarily restricted net assets ($14,808) Increase (decrease) in total net assets before transfer Transfer of net assets $357,117 – Increase (decrease) in total net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year $357,117 $10,899,202 $11,256,319 hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 24 Angel’s Story “I was extremely shy in high school, so it was difficult for me to make friends. And I had some pretty unique interests, which didn’t make things any easier — ballet and auto repair. The other kids constantly made fun of me for it. I started skipping school to avoid them and my grades began to slip. I transferred to PACE Center for Girls and it truly changed my life. The girls and staff were so positive and supportive. For the first time ever, I actually enjoyed going to school. I went from a “D” average to a solid “B+” average, earned my high school diploma and even received a college scholarship, all while at PACE. Today I’m in college studying law and I’m also enrolled in a two-year automotive program to become a certified mechanic. I grew up around cars so I thought working on cars would be a fun way to pay the bills while studying to become a lawyer.” — Angel 2009 high school graduate 25 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report “To the world, we are just girls... to PACE, we are the world.” — Laura It is because of the generosity and support from our donors that allows PACE to positively affect the lives of so many girls every single year. We sincerely thank you for continuing to believe in the girls of PACE. hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 26 Government and Community Partners Manatee Board of County Commissioners Manatee County Children’s Services National School Lunch Program Orange County Public Schools Pasco County Pinellas County Schools Polk County School Board Alachua County State Attorney’s Office School Board of Alachua County Carl D. Perkins Grant for Juvenile Justice Workforce Development School Board of Broward County Children’s Services Council of Martin County Children’s Services Council of St. Lucie County City of Tallahassee Department of Education, Title 1 Grants for Alachua, Broward, Collier, Duval, Escambia, Hillsborough, Lee, Leon, Marion, Orange, Polk and Volusia Counties School Board of Collier County School Board of Escambia County School Board of Hillsborough County School Board of Lee County School Board of Leon County School Board of Manatee County School Board of Marion County District School Board of Pasco County School Board of Santa Rosa Duval County Public Schools School Board of St. Lucie County Florida Department of Children and Families/United Way Broward Commission on Substance Abuse School District of Palm Beach County Florida Department of Education School District of Volusia County Florida Department of Juvenile Justice St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners Human Services Association U.S. Department of Justice Jacksonville Children’s Commission U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Lee County Department of Human Services 27 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report School District of Putnam County/FEFEC Volusia County The Believing in Girls Society The Believing in Girls Society allows supporters to participate in a multi-year planned giving program to help PACE plan for the future. We are honored by these generous gifts. Invest In The Future Broward Leo Goodwin Foundation, Inc. Orange Stavroula Christodoulou Bette Bonfleur Scott Coleman Ken & Mary Pat Burke John Deinhardt Virginia Depree Hull Mirta L. Duarte Joyce & Bob Epstein Escambia Teri Levin Hillsborough Angela Glazer, Ph.D. Penelope Blair Ted & Stacy Bogert Pinellas Jerome Faber Dee Thomas Barbara D. Ferguson Sandra Miller Helen Furia Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. Mary-Jane Graff Hon. William & Linda Haury Jacksonville Robert & Margaret Hill Volusia Edgar Scott & Michelle V. Carter-Scott Alan C. Hooper The Janoura Group, Inc. Ronnie L. Karlin Nancy & Gary Chartrand Lorena & Robert Lechter Susan & Jack Loving Honor The Female Spirit Embrace Growth & Change Lynda Napolitano pace center for girls, inc. Alachua Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Hon. Leroy H. Moe Mafalda Natale Jacqueline & Hugh Jones Sally Bosch Osherow Sherrill & Jimmy Ragans Aggie A. Pappas Robert Radice Nancy Perry Alachua Hon. Stacy M. Ross Eric & Gail Brill Senator Debby Sanderson Charles B. Ladd & George Rahael Lorrayne & Kenneth Bzoch Joanne & Mark Snead / Circle of John Moriarty & Associates of FL, Inc. Randy & Patty Caton Ginny & Joe Cauthen Bruno Trambusti Phyllis Delaney Karen Unger Holly Adams Cathy Ipser Theresa & Richard Zaden John Brewer John & Kathy Kish Dr. Edmond Zimski, Jr. Pete Moore Chevrolet Maureen T. Long, DVM Broward Escambia Elizabeth Muldoon Jacksonville Patricia Petty Friends Foundation Collier Arlene Shapiro J.F. & Peggy Bryan Tammy Prince Stephanie Coonan Rod & Dee Dee Smith Geoff & Cammie Disston Tom & Susan Spain Laverne and Dick Baker George & Betty Lu Grune Mark & Mary Wise Diane DeJean & William Balchunas Preston & Joan Haskell Bill & Carol Zegel Mona Brown Carol Carlan Henri Landwirth David A. Stein Family Foundation Manatee Firkins Chrysler/Jeep/Suzuki Escambia Broward Connie Clark Carla Albano CollectorSolutions, Inc. Elizabeth Athanasakos, Esq. Elaine & Brooks Davis Bank Atlantic Foundation Mike Denkler hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 28 The Believing in Girls Society Marianne Estess Stephanie Ibach Lorelei Hummel Linda Hoffman Brett Irwin Mark and Sheri Loren Frances Horton Jacksonville Aviation Authority Gail Markham Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell, Maxine M. Kroll Jacke & Arden McCurdy Echsner & Proctor P.A. Carole Lanzi Stephanie Miller Charles Liberis Allen & Delores Lastinger Cora Cisneros Molloy David Lister Meta Magevney Karen Mosteller Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Merrill, Jr. Eleanor Maxwell Gay Rebel Thompson Deborah & John Monroe Karen McCombs The Hon. James & Diann Seals Marjorie & Alan Moore June Myers Michael & Laurel Smith Marianne Moore Teresa Myers Marilyn Smith Carol Parker Randy Nader Pamela Templeton Melanie Passman Rosemary Naughton Utilities Structures, Inc. Ginger & John Porter Katherine Skinner Newton Pamela & Gene Van Vleck Nell Potter Mr. & Mrs. W. Ralph Payne Valerie Russenburger Leslie Pecci Leon Kathy Searcy Mary Pietan Alice Crew Julie Sheppard Marian Poitevent Barbara Edwards Brenda & Fred Vigodsky Michelle Preuss Jim Eikeland Linda Whitman Emily Rambo Judith Mandrell Gail Williams Susan Reese Francesca Melichar Judy Romesburg Sherrill Ragans Cyndi & Kent Schmidt Maggie Short Duane Eatherly Buddy & Mary Lou Schulz Garry Simmons Janister & Nathaniel Herring Emily Balz Smith Foundation Janet Stoner Matthew King Betty Strickland Robin Hassler Thompson Toni Sexton Teresa Stuebben Marcella Torres Marsha Taylor-Holland Tammy Wallace Clay Witherspoon Louis & Janice Walsh Hillsborough Jacksonville Manatee Kimberly Waterhouse Frank & Emily Buskirk Ruth & John Whitner Dan & Betty Callaghan Eleanor Ashby The Winston Family Foundation Jaymie G. Carter Lynn Bertram Arnold Woolverton Amanda Edge Dan & Vickie Cavey The Zimmerman Family Trina & Scott Falkner Blythe Cessac Lynn & Sharon Groseclose Lee Margaret Conolly Paul & Diana Landry Laura & Jim Crooks ACRA Electric, Inc. Sally Mills Ruth Day Avalon Engineering Vernie Pickhardt Cheryl Efstathion Doretta Bree Mindy Reeves Earnie Franklin Todd & Tracey Caruso Penny & Sandra Robinson Mattie & Stewart Fraser David & Cheri DePree Marcia Roger Ed Gallegos Scott & Mary Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Steve Tapp Sherri Geddes Grace Frey Kathy & Jim Van Elswyk George & Ann Gibbs III Linda Fried Cecil Gibson Jamie B. Gates Maribel Hernandez Amy Gravina Scott Bruce Sandra Herrington Kitty Green Ken & Dana Daley Lawsikia Hodges David Hall Ron & Lauren Spencer Susan Hughes Teri Hansen Harvey Vandeven 29 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Marion The Believing in Girls Society Orange Pinellas Volusia Dr. Sabrina Atkins Dr. Jeanne Bangtson Rebecca M. Becker David & Chris Ann Bernatavitz Beverly Beirl Jeff Blass Michelle Corbin Ann G. Blumencranz Iris Bly Eric Hendrickson Charles & Denise Bray Monica Burkett Robert & Annette Irvine Guy & Debi Burns Janet Danmhower Corbin & Lee Ann Johnson Yvonne Cahill Dr. Deborah Henson-Governor Joe Kern Lisa Carr Christine MacDonald Anna Soike McPherson Carole Brodin Christensen Melissa K. McCullough Galen Miller Joyce Cotton Cyndi H. Parker Stacey Papp Kay Cunningham Decker Youngman John & Margaret Sanders Falcon Electric Mrs. Constance Yuschok Dick Spears Bonnie Foreman Marjorie Bekaert Thomas Gail Handel Walt Disney World Co. Vicki Hano Jan & Jim Wood Gloria Hope Ph.D., R.N. Jennifer Young Bill Isaly Stephanie Garner Komarek Palm Beach Wendy LaTorre Accounts Receivables, Inc. Tony & Patricia Leisner Sara G. Bailey Nancy E. Loehr Cinthia Becton Karen Manning Kristin K. Bennett Valerie A. & J. Larry Massingill City of West Palm Beach / Jeri Muoio Robert & Joanne McIntyre Meridith Consor Ginger McQuigg Lauren Feingold Tom & Elise Minkoff Sylvia Hernandez Sharon Morrow Nona & William Kramer Progress Energy Florida, Inc. Marilyn Perez & Luis Martinez Betty K. Scrim Joanne O’Connor Carla Staats Deborah L. O’Kain The Honorable Irene Sullivan Laurel Robinson Helen M. Thal Lisa D. Russo Cecilia Tucker Dr. Robert & Diane Vollbracht Pasco Joel & Marilyn Dennison Carolyn Wall Gail Wilkes Ewing & Thomas, Inc. Physical Therapy Dr. & Mrs. Stephen & Lynn Goldman Treasure Coast Darlene Greene Kathryn Basile Carolyn Hersh Ruth Henderson Karyn Johnson-Mahorney George & Linda O’Malley Carolyn Keilman Marge Riley Amanda Murphy Horace & Theora Webb Synovus Financial Corporation George & Linda O’Malley Danielle Taylor-Fagan, Ed.D. Port St. Lucie Business Women Dee Thomas Evett Simmons Francis & Rose Marie Von Seelen hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 30 Thank You to Our Generous Supporters $100,000 – $999,999 Collier Escambia Treasure Coast D.W. McMillan Trust United Way of Martin County Impact 100 Pensacola Bay Area, Inc. United Way of St. Lucie County Naples Children and Education Foundation Hillsborough Glazer Family Foundation United Way of Tampa Bay $50,000 – $99,999 Alachua Dharma Endowment Fund $10,000 – $19,999 Jacksonville Alachua Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation, Inc. Ann & Wayne Southwick Nancy McDonald State Attorney’s Office Microsoft Broward Broward United Way of Northeast Florida Leo Goodwin Foundation, Inc. Wayne & Delores Weaver United Way of Broward County Jacksonville Lee Andrea & Harold Acker American Document Management Love That Dress! Bank of America Charitable Healy Foundation Markham Norton Mosteller Wright & The Henry & Lucy Gooding Endowment Rita & Rick Case The Jim Moran Foundation, Inc. Southwest Florida Community Citrix Systems United Way Northeast Florida Robert Radice Company, P.A. Foundation Foundation, Inc. United Way of Lee, Hendry and Palm Beach United Way of Palm Beach County Volusia Flagler City of Ormond Beach Collier Glades Counties Anita Pittman Leon Publix Super Markets Charities United Way of the Big Bend Escambia Manatee Switzer Brothers Charitable Jim & Janet Green Foundation United Way of Manatee County, Inc. $20,000 – $49,999 Alachua Hillsborough Marion Eckerd Family Foundation, Inc. United Way of Marion County Barbara & Phil Emmer Broward Jacksonville Orange Citigroup Johnny Damon Foundation Remmer Family Foundation, Inc. Deanna Still Mary N. Porter Palm Beach Collier Mrs. C. Herman Terry Landon Family Foundation The Martin Foundation, Inc. The Mimi Foundation, Inc. Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Pinellas Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Van Vleck Eckerd Family Foundation, Inc. Women’s Giving Alliance capital campaign support We welcome corrections to unintended omissions in-kind support and errors. To report errors, please contact in-kind and financial support PACE Center for Girls, Inc. at 904-421-8585 x106. capital campaign and financial support 31 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Thank You to Our Generous Supporters Kathy & Andy Mitchell Career Education Corporation Chico’s FAS, Inc. Lynda Napolitano George & Juliet Sears Milligan The News-Press/Grandeur Teresa Radice Trust Women’s Executive Club Lee Magazine Dr. Catherine Lowe - Artists’ Showcase Susan Bennett Marketing & Collier Media, LLC The Wachovia Foundation Manatee Palm Beach of Palm Beach County Barron Collier, Jr. Foundation Florida Association of Women Lawyers Board of Collier County Commissioners (FAWL) Commissioner Jim Coletta Junior League of the Palm Beaches, Inc. The Charles Henry Leach II Richard L. Klaas Norton Museum of Art The League Club Planned Parenthood of County & Publix Super Markets Charities Treasure Coasts Zonta Club of Naples Teen Angel Foundation Publix Super Market Charities Orange Escambia Tupperware Brands Corporation VNA Foundation Inc. The Kugelman Foundation Cindy Ewald Justine Simoni & Frank Rushing Betty J. Humphry Palm Beach Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Jacksonville Arbonne International Wachovia Bank, N.A. in Jacksonville Beth Dillinger Foundation, Inc. Gasper & Irene Lazzara Charitable Falcon Electric Progress Energy Florida, Inc. Miles & Marty King Polk The George W. Jenkins Fund within the Community Foundation of Greater Lakeland Pinellas Anonymous WGG Foundation Foundation Polk Medtronic Foundation Senator Paula Dockery Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Lakeland Rotary Club Winn-Dixie Stores Foundation, Inc. Polk Education Foundation & Business Partnership, Inc. Lee Bank of America Charitable Treasure Coast West Pasco Chamber of Commerce Citi The Community Foundation Pinellas Pasco Foundation, Inc. Royal Palms of St. Lucie Jack & Shelly Blais Scripps Howard Foundation Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre Treasure Coast Publix Super Market Charities, Inc. Volusia-Flagler Bernese Davis Georgia & William Akers Jr. David & Cheri DePree Bank of America, N.A. Hometown NEWS Edison National Bank Fifth Third Bank United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties Sanibel Sea School Volusia-Flagler Vineyard Foundation Trust Waterman Broadcasting/NBC-2 Zonta Foundation of Southwest Florida $1,000 - $4,999 $5,000 – $9,999 Manatee Broward pace center for girls, inc. Anna Maria Oyster Bar The Appleseeds Foundation Broward Sherriff’s Office The Kates Foundation CA, Inc. Tammy & Max Di Leo Vera Cash Foundation, Inc. Community Nutcracker, Inc. Gordon & Nan Davis Denise & Angelo Elia Jenifer & Brett Houston and Lorena & Robert Lechter Orange Everbank The Alstate Foundation Sherry Magill & Robert Willis Blue Martini Orlando, LLC Mike Fitch & Mary Marx hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 32 Thank You to Our Generous Supporters Norfolk Southern Foundation Alison C. Eager Frank Wagner Gary & Ellen Parker EBS Advisors Barbara Wagner, Esq. Elbo Room Deanne & Warren Wheeler Finizio & Finizio Law Offices, PA Wilton Manors Police Department Anonymous Gale & John Fontaine The Wine Dominion The C. Frederick & Aase B. Thompson Four Corners Bingo Annette & David Yarborough FPL Ann Zore Alachua Foundation Campaign Account of Charles Helen Furia Chris Garvin Chuck Chestnut IV Collier Carl & Rita Cannon The GEO Group, Inc. Arthrex, Inc. Peter & Lisa Gearen Georgie’s Alibi Donna Brown Tara & Bert Gill & The Gill Family Alan Goldberg Norman & Eliza Crowder Sylvia K. Goldstein Scholarship Fund Susan Crum The Gladys G. Cofrin Fund at the Goodyear Blimp in Pompano Beach Ein Fisher, Inc. Restaurants Harry T. Mangurian, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Executice Womens Golf Association Leigh Anne Howe Gainesville Community Foundation Deborah & John Hartman Nancy Grandis White Legendary Coaches Hon. William & Linda Haury E. Jean Hahm Harold Leslie Janice & Sam Jazayri Harvest Charities, Inc. Ronald & Cindy Marks John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation Howland Capital Management Montgomery Ventures, Inc. Kerzner International Bahamas Limited The Immokalee Foundation, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Dr. Thomas R. Lane James A. & Evelyn S. Belleman Fund PPI Construction Management Lou & May Jean Wolff Family Foundation of the Community Foundation of Layne & Jackson Sasser Fund of the Community Foundation Collier County UF Law Association of Women Arthur & Mary Mellen Wachovia Bank Susan & Jack Loving Roy & Peral Rogers Carole & Bill Zegel Toby & Terry Manke Southwest Florida Chapter of Maroone, an AutoNation Company The Kiwis Meike & Dominick Miniaci Trinity-By-The Cove Episcopal Church Joseph Amaturo Thomas Mulligan United Church Of Marco Island American National Bank Muvico Theaters, Inc. Wainscott Family Fund Dan Ashlin NCCI Holdings, Inc. Bank of America Linda S. O’Mara Jamie Finizio Bascombe & Timothy George Pagoumian Christina & David Alsop Joseph Piccirilli Anonymous Sheila Bechert Sara Rashti Laverne and Dick Baker Ron Bergeron Don Register The Chadbourne Foundation, Inc. Hon. Martin J. Bidwill Rick Case Enterprises, Inc. Susan Finger BJ’s Foundation Inc. Robert O. Law Foundation Inc. Cherry Fitch Penelope Blair Senator Debby Sanderson Gulf Power Foundation Boca Raton Resort & Club Seacoast National Bank Jewelers Trade Shop Kyle C. Boos Betty Sedlak Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell, Broward County Hispanic Bar Association Hon. John P. “Jack” & Susan Seiler Echsner & Proctor P.A. Carol M. Brown Seiler, Sautter, Zaden, Rimes & Weihe LLC Jo & Sam Mathews Michelle & Jeff Brundage Linda Sherwin Mediacom Cable Children’s Aid Club Hon. Arlene Joy Simon Lynn Morris City of Wilton Manors Joanne & Mark Snead / Circle of Friends Marny Needle Yasmine & Scott Coleman Jacqueline Neese Tonja Haddad Coleman, Esq. Transatlantic Wine & Spirits Nancy & Mort O’Sullivan Thomas T. Coon, Jr. Esq. / Capstone Title Melba & August Urbanek Bonnie & Wade Peters Daoud’s Fine Jewelry Linda & Douglas Von Allmen Diane & Brad Peterson Broward Bascombe 33 PACe ce n t er of Broward Foundation for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Escambia Thank You to Our Generous Supporters Pizzaz, LLC. Betty & Dwight Strickland Walmart Store #987 Quint & Rishy Charitable Giving SWAT (Students Working Kari Weggeman Karla Schmitz Trudi Williams Susan Schultz Dorothy Thomas Linda & Tom Sherry Thomas Phillips Jr. Foundation, Inc. Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Thurston Roberts Charitable Trust Anonymous Society of the Debutante Charity Walmart #5054 Ausley & McMullen P.A. Mary Warner Bank of America Wayne Welsh P.A. Berger Singerman Attorneys at Law The Woman’s Club of Jacksonville Civitan Club of Tallahassee Cotillion Howard Yonge Against Tobacco) Hillsborough Brandon AAUW Leon Pete Lowhorne Lee Harold Mardenborough Witherspoon & Carswell Lane Joseph Brooks Tallahassee State Bank N.A.W.B.O Cape Coral Community Foundation United Parcel Service Foundation, Inc. PAR, Inc. Cape Coral Rotary Club Pokorny Family Foundation CDM Suncoast CFC Chris-Tel Company Anonymous Copylady, Inc. BMW of Sarasota Darrell & Lois Courter Bright House Networks Candy Anderson Karen Johnson Crowther Barbara Brunner Arlington Lions Club Ein Fisher, Inc. Heather & Edward Bryant Bank of America Charitable Foundation Episcopal Church of Women Steve & Lynn Carlsen Bank of America United Way Campaign Family Health Centers of SWFL Lynn Chancer Paul & Tracey Bent Family Thrift Store CPA Associates Carl S. Swisher Foundation, Inc. Giving Alliance of Women Darcie Duncan CIT Group, Inc Amy Gravina The Edward & Lillian H. Bishop Citi Foundation Matching Gifts/Volunteer Karenn Halucha Daniel R. & Anne M. Harper Foundation Gulf Coast Corvette Club CREW Jacksonville Archie Hayward Charlie & Niki Hackney CSX Corporation, Inc. Hodges University John Horne David R. Damon Andi Horowitz Jeremy Hammond Chambers Florida Rock and Tank Lines Jo R. Hardwick Trust Robert & Denise Johnson Ann Elizabeth Gilbert Junior League of Fort Myers William Lawson Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Elizabeth & John Kagan Learning Preparatory Group Jacksonville Incentive Programs Soc. Inc. Manatee Foundation Kleist Family Foundation, Inc. Manatee Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Hands On Jacksonville - HOPE Fund Lee Memorial Health System The Mary E. Parker Foundation Birgit Harrell Patricia Limegrover Rotary Club of West Bradenton Maxine Kroll Gail Markham Service Club of Manatee County Louis Portnoy Family Foundation Morris-Depew Associates, Inc. James & Joanne Marx Deborah Nethery Debbie & Brad Steube NuStar Energy L.P. Norman Love Confections Sun Hydraulics Leslie Pecci John & Pam Nulman Taylor Family Foundation, Inc. Michael & Chantal Peterson Marian Garcia Perez United Way of Manatee County, Inc. Philoptochos Society Leonora Prevatt Tom Whealy Susan Porr Gay Rebel Thompson Prudential Financial John H. Richards Quality Images Roetzel & Andress Anonymous Robert Reese The Honorable James & Diann Seals Bernie Little Distribution, LLC Richmond American Homes Strayhorn & Strayhorn Attorneys Scott Bruce Scott-McRae Foundation Representative Nick Thompson Daryl Carter Florida, Inc. Marion hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 34 Thank You to Our Generous Supporters Maury Carter Rotary Club of New Port Richey Sylvan Learning Center Dale Cebert Southwest Florida Water Management United Methodist Women Cebert Wealth Management Charles Chestnut Top of the Bay Zonta Club Ken & Dana Daley Trinity Eye Care Brown & Brown of Florida Florida Public Relations Association Trinity Rotary Club Christ Presbyterian Church of Ormond Ocala Chapter Parveen S. Vahora, M.D., PA Gynecology Charles Forman Representative Will W. Weatherford Allen Coar Melitta USA, Inc. Angel Welker Cobb & Cole, PA District Ocala Korean Presbyterian Church Volusia-Flagler Beach, Inc. Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co. Pinellas Pasta Faire The County of Volusia S & P Management Belleair Country Club Daytona Beach Kennel Club Melanie Scott Bright House Networks LLC Daytona International Speedway Warren Byers Brenda J. Kasten Orange Diana Baynard Footlick, Donald Baynard Ormond Beach West Rotary James T. Barnes Foundation Carl Persis Junita Blumberg Frenchy’s Restaurant Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Boggy Creek LLP Stephanie Garner Komarek Radiology Associates Norman & Teresa Burchfield Heritage United Methodist Church The Walmart Foundation Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Melissa Winguist Ein Fisher, Inc. Hyundai of New Port Richey Foley & Lardner Bill Isaly IADT Ginny Lamagno Ladies Philoptochos Society Francis & Gertrude Levett Foundation Walter & Edith Loebenberg Mainlands Women’s Club No. 5 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Menna Development & Management, Inc. Nicholas Financial, Inc. Bank of America Matching Gifts Orange County Alumnae Chapter Raymond James Financial, Inc. Martha Bibby, Bibby Enterprises Jo-El Quinlan Jan & Lee Regulski Harden and Associates Doug Robbins The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Sherrill & Jimmy Ragans Scott & Susan Rose Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Gerold & Audrey Schiebler Nicole Spears Delores Lynne Thomas Wendy Toscano Unilever US, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Worner The University Club of Winter Park Wal-Mart Foundation William & Carole Zegel Winter Park Construction Women’s Club of Mainlands Reed, PA & Bruce Baynard at Countryside Foundation $500 – $999 pace center for girls, inc. Alachua Palm Beach Polk Teresa Beebe Eileen Fisher, Inc. - Retail Division Allied Scrap Processors, Inc. Debbie Bowers Mary Beth Kincey Anonymous Patricia & John Carlson Donna Mondorff Jon & Christine Boring Ginny & Joe Cauthen South FL Council of Fire Fighters Charities Grasslands Womens Golf Association Crime Prevention Security Systems Lakeland Association of Realtors Lynn Embro Marilyn Maury Skip & Lynda Everitt United Women’s Club of Lakeland Farm Credit of North Florida Pasco Cason Portrait Studio Community Service Council of West Christy Rutan Finnegan Treasure Coast Pasco, Inc. The Gator Exchange Club Ewing & Thomas, Inc. Physical Therapy Anonymous Judy Gordon Ann Hildebrand Martin County Community Foundation Peggy Gresham Nanci K. Larson Ruden McClosky Smith Schuster & GRU Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Abigail James 35 PACe ce n t er Russell PA for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Thank You to Our Generous Supporters Junior League of Gainesville, Jerome Faber Lucy Fanizzi Accessories Etc. King Insurance Agency FDOT District 4 Construction Lynda Baum John & Peggy Kirkpatrick Barbara D. Ferguson Bibby Enterprises Carol Koogler Marianne Finizio Paula Brody Bryan Kornblau Nancy P. Fischer Collier County Medical Society Suzanne Lawton Florida Association of Managing Collier County Women’s Bar Joanna Leathers Partners, Inc. Jeannette MacFadden The George Barrie Foundation, Inc. E. Jean Hahm McCallum Cabinets, Inc. Mickie & George Gore Nanci Hartnett Lee & Margie McGriff Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, PA Alan & Marilyn Korest McGriff-Williams Insurance Agency Deanna Gornstein Lucy Kuhne Shelley Meyer Barbara & Arnold Grevior Marylin Martin Christy & Jeff Montgomery Madelaine & Steve Halmos Susan Mulgrew Moody & Salzman P.A. Philip Hopkins Naples Capitol Advisors Tobi & Mike Potapow Jodi Ijac Christina Porter Forbes Robinson Renovation & Custom Barbara Jaehne Professional Publishing Systems Judy Joffe Richte Richter Leadership Fund Georgia Rolfe Tammy Kilshtok TIB Bank Jane Ryals Lenore Nolan-Ryan Catering & United Church of Marco Island Shands Health Care Mordechai & Michal Weisler Skate Station Funworks Dr. Edward & Susan Michaelson Tom & Susan Spain Steve Moorman Carol Squitieri Dee Moustakas Linda Tealer Jody & Edward Murphy Stephanie Barendrick UBS Foundation USA Nancy Norwell Carol Carlan Utopia Chalet Anne & Gar Olson Christ Church Parish Peggy Williams Joyce Picou Shirley Cronley David & Pam Wilson Premier Beverage Co. Terri Davidson Merry Lynne Wilson, CPA Principles East Kevin & Jennifer Doyle Alice & Charles Radice Emerald Coast Chapter MGMA, Inc. Patricia & Robert Radice, Jr. Forrest Faulkner Ann Adams Melissa Rapkin Cinda Felkner Alfred & Rose Miniaci Foundation, Inc. Carlos Rebollo Representative Clay Ford Katherine & Joseph Allen Summer & James Robertson Gannett Foundation Matching Gift Center Alternative Home Health Care Hon. Stacy M. Ross Rachael Gilmer Cobey Lou Bastone Kathleen Ryan Sharron Kerrigan Bob Beal The She Market, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc., The Boos Group, Morgan Stanley Soroptimist International of Broad & Cassel Pompano Beach Lauren Moore Broward Health Barbara Fast Sudbrink Pensacola Junior College Natacha & Patrick Cann Mary & Ron Ulm Susan Ragan Charlene Christiano Marilyn Van Valkenburg Scott Simmering Patricia & Donald Collins Walt Disney World Mary & Quint Studer Coral Ridge Yacht Club Wendy Weber Brenda & Fred Vigodsky Edith G. & Laurence Weiss Mindy & Richard Wierzbicki Theresa & Richard Zaden Florida, Inc. Homes, Inc. Broward Foundation Inc. Joan & Robert Elmore Essentials Boutique Cooking School Dr. Edmond Zimski, Jr. Collier Association, Inc. Women of The ELCA Escambia Matching Gift Program Hillsborough Kay Cunningham Leslie Henderson hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 36 Thank You to Our Generous Supporters Charlie Miranda Lee Manatee Jodi Perez Darilyn H. Alderman Air & Energy Sara Schifino Gary E. Aubuchon Eric Beck Showman’s Association Charities Karen Barker BOA Sisterhood Marcia Brown Bouchard Insurance Talcott Family Foundation, Inc. Richard & Susan Byrd Bradenton Urgent Care Tampa Palms Women’s Club Donna J. Caruso Shelby Curtsinger Jeanne Wolfe Michael & Sandra Corso Joshua Derome CRS Technology Vickie & Crupi Drebing Missi Davis Florida Power & Light Aetna Foundation Julia East Eunice Hartshorn Virginia Allmond Edison State College James & Ein Hawblitzel Arlington Congregational Church Suzanne Sass Edwards JBK Distributors Inc. AT&T Telecom Pioneers - Jacksonville Life Florida Gulf Coast University Kiwanis Club of Suncoasts Professional Corporation Jacksonville Member Club Eric S. Grindley Sean Murphy Bank of America Penny Henkel Tommy & Leanne O’Brien Elwanda Carter Hope Hospice and Community Services Glenn & Ranie Phillips Casa Marina Hotel JJB Management & Consulting, Inc. Mindy Reeves Shereth Coble Jane Kuckel Regions Financial Corporation Marie Connolly Mark & Sheri Loren Marcia Roger CREW Foundation Kirk Lisa Martin Michelle P. White CSX Corporation Inclusion Council Kathy & David Maus Mike & Catherine Datres Lee Meyers Ron & Lyn Davis Paul Homes, Inc. American Lung Assocation Elkins Constructors, Inc. Robert & Jeanne Quinn Country Club of Ocala Helen Euston Sanibel Capitva Trust Company Michael Dean Laura & Brad Gonzalez Wachovia Corp. Raymond & Nancy Dunleavy Birgit Harrell Janet Watermeir First Presbyterian Church Robert & Lindsay Helms Webb, Scarmozzino & Gunter, PA GFWC Women’s Club of Ocala, Inc. James Helms Jr. Zonta Of Sanibel-Captiva Harley-Davidson of Ocala Julie Holt Marion Debby Maddux Leon Stella Martin Robert & Mariann McClary Elaine Mosley Capital Insulation, Inc. Mary K. Potapow June Myers Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky, Rhonda Uranick Diane Pearce Zonta Club of Ocala Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum Alice Crew Becky & Gert Schumann Roxanne Dow Diana Spicer GFWC Woman’s Club of Tallahassee, Inc. Charlene & Russell Abney Sally Surface Emily Haymes Gordon & Susan Arkin Swisher International, Inc. Kia Autosport Mark & Dee Dee Bender Stephanie Tamplin Norma Meier Kathy Cardwell Ted & Loretta Thranhardt Sandra Rackley Edward Davis, III Beth Touchton Radiology Associates of Tallahassee, P.A. Sam & Leda Evans Neely Towe Rudnick Development Russell & Charlene Fauley-Abney Jennier Vandeloo Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic Robert & Karen Fornaro Dee Wilcox Janet Wells Dean & Jean Horning Abate P.A. Orange Vicky Wild Hunters Creek Women’s Association Dennis & Arlene Wolfson Bob Luthura 37 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report Thank You to Our Generous Supporters Geraldine MacLeod The Honorable Candy Morris VanDercar Shirley Whitney John & Wendy McCormick VIP Black Belt Champions Training Wine & Roses Catering Mike Mulhall Woman to Woman Magazine Gary & Ellen Parker West Pasco Board of Realtors Center H. Jean Wright Joan Rinaldi Servetronics Incorporated Pinellas Treasure Coast Dale Spears Curt Balchunas Al d la Entertainment Craig Stephens Janet L. Baustert Always a Clean Cut Washington Mutual Scotty Birch Patricia Baldwin Douglas & Lauren Carlan Mark Barnes Kathryn A. Carlson Battle Creek Foundation Anonymous Deborah S. Descheemaeker Ann E. Boylan A.M. & M. O’Brien Chalik Donna Doyle Al & Alice Cicchese Dade County Association of Fire Fighters Marsha & Ed Droste Gerald & Barbara DiBartolomeo Palm Beach Terry England Paula Earl Lisa M. Danks Charities, Inc. Doris Hanson Alisha Gordon Carol S. & James H. Howell Chloe M. Harriman Roger Gorman Eulanda Johnson Gregory & Sheryl Hatfield Steve & Vicki Hornbecker Kelly Kratchman Ein M. Holohan Pink Rose Foundation Lesser Lesser, Lesser, Landy & ICS Consolidated Inc. Port St. Lucie Newcomers Club Smith PLLC Vivien W. Ingersoll Success Club of the Treasure Coast Peter Marshall Kiwanis Seminole Unity Property Development Corporation Lisa I. & William S. McDulin Richard Krueger Francis & Rose Marie Von Seelen MaryKate O’Brien Kristina LaTorre Horace & Theora Webb Jill & Daniel R. Pando Bernie & Denise McCabe Unity of the Palm Beaches, Inc. David Simon Washington Mutual Carol Whaley Bright House Networks Xerox Corporation CRC Insurance Services, Inc. Pasco Anne Marie Hutton of Anne Marie’s Fitness Volusia-Flagler Cyberspace to Paradise, Inc. Polk Daytona Beach Area Association of Arabella’s Anonymous Black & Brew Daytona Beach News-Journal Aurelia’s Jewelers Cakes for the Connoisseur Linda Downs The Gulf Harbors Yacht Club Anchorettes Catering & More DuvaSawko Rotary Club of Keystone Sunrise Curves Fraternal Order of Eagles Judith Koutsos Drummond Co., Inc. Greg Kopp / Charles Schwab Co. Inc. Scott M. Lampert, D.M.D., P.L.C. Eleanor Gardner Dr. Robert & Candice Lankford Donna O. Lancaster Cheri Glogower Kimberly Miller Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Bob Jacobson Ormond Beach Fraternal Order of Eagles Vining & Midyette Munson Ormond Beach Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. Lisa M. Lusk Terri Obb Sam’s Club Foundation Minuteman Press Sam’s Club Foundation Dean & Kathryn Schimpf Denise Olds St Francis Thrift Boe-Tique Alexis Sieg Pejot Wilson Law, P.A. Trade Winds Island Resort Spanish River Grill Shirley Pheasant Tyler Floral Shoppe Kathn Tomlinson Law Office of Charles S. Phillips, P.L.L.C. United Insurance Company of America Travelers Port Richey Rotary Club United Methodist Temple Men’s Club Walmart, Ormond Beach Store Republic Bank Wal-Mart Foundation Kevin K. Thomas William Watkins Saints - St. Petersburg Stake Realtors (DBAAR) Foundation hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 38 PACE Center Locations 39 PACe ce n t er for g irl s 2008/2009 annual report PACE Center Locations Agency Office Mary Marx Interim President and CEO One West Adams Street, Suite 301 Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-421-8585 Broward Aggie Pappas, MSW Executive Director Leo Goodwin Campus 2225 North Andrews Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954-561-6939 Jacksonville Lynn Bertram, MSW, LCSW Executive Director Thompson-Weaver Building 2933 University Blvd. North Jacksonville, FL 32211 904-448-8002 Pasco Collier at Immokalee Vacheree Howard, MSW Executive Director The Isabel Collier Read Center 160 North 1st Street Immokalee, FL 34142 239-377-9860 Volusia-Flagler Renee McQueen, EdD Executive Director 208 Central Avenue Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-944-1111 Lee Alice Brunner, EdD Executive Director 3760 Schoolhouse Road W Fort Myers, FL 33916 239-425-2366 Orange Jill Gentry, MS, CAPP Executive Director 728 Gear Lake Avenue Orlando, FL 32803 407-992-0456 Manatee Amy C. Wick Mavis, MEd Executive Director 3508 26th Street West Bradenton, FL 34205 941-751-4566 Treasure Coast Lisa von Seelen, MHS Executive Director 3651 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34981 772-595-8880 x23 Hillsborough Chantel Griffin-Stampfer, MSW Executive Director 1933 E Hillsborough Ave, Suite 300 Tampa, FL 33610 813-739-0410 Palm Beach Angela Clarke, BS Executive Director 1225 D South Military Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33415 561-472-1990 Polk Michele DeLoach, MS Executive Director 440 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, FL 33801 863-688-5596 Pinellas Sally Zeh, MPA Executive Director 5540 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park, FL 33781 727-456-1566 Danielle Taylor-Fagan, EdD Executive Director 5462 Grand Boulevard New Port Richey, FL 34652 727-849-1901 x23 Marion Cathleen Blagay, JD Executive Director 1601 NE 25th Avenue, Suite 302 Ocala, FL 34470 352-369-0571 Alachua Kathie Southwick, EdS, LMHC Executive Director 1010 SE 4th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601 352-374-8799 Leon Marcella Torres, MTh Executive Director 1344 Cross Creek Circle Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-921-9280 Escambia-Santa Rosa Laurie Rodgers, MS Executive Director 1201 College Boulevard Pensacola, FL 32504 850-478-7060 hop e . love . c h a n g e . for 25 ye ar s. 40 PACE Center for Girls, Inc. | One West Adams Street, Suite 301 | Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone 904-421-8585 | Fax 904-421-8599 | pacecenter.org
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