cat - tales - St James POA
cat - tales - St James POA
CAT - TALES SM August 2014 Volume 21 Issue 9 Contributors EDITORS Jim Alleborn Linda Eyler Cathy Boule Peter Braun Jim Carey Gordon Corlew Sue Crippen Barbara Voss [email protected] publisher Melody Bellamy Coastal Printing & Graphics Sharon Eisele Jack Eyler associate EDITORS Linda Eyler Bill Allen Lorraine Giffin FJ Harmon Jack Horner Mike Kirsche Judy Caruso Susan Edwards Betty Lewis Paul Maguire Sue Maguire Barbara Lemos Paul Metz Sis Mitchell John Muuss David Paxton POA Communications Chair Robert Schottenfeld 910-754-5929 Tom Turano [email protected] Linda Walsh Tom Woods Fire, Rescue or Medical Emergency (Direct # for 911 Dispatch) 911 910-253-7490 Community Center 910-253-3012 Marina 910-253-0463 POA Office 910-253-4805 Sales Office 910-253-3001 Security - Main Gate 910-253-7177 910-253-7178 Town Office 910-253-4730 Visitor Access Fire Dept (Non-emergency) 910-253-9990 Emergency Information Line 910-253-0949 (recorded message) Emergency Operations Center 910 253-4730 (when activated during an emergency) OR 910-253-9990 Brunswick County: advertising sales Barbara Voss St. James: Linda Eyler Stuart Pike Jessica Vest Important Contact NUMBERS ~ Please email photos and article information to the editors email [email protected] ~ Address changes should be submitted to POA office Emergency Services 910-253-5383 Brunswick County Sheriff 910-253-2777 Emergency Operations Center 910-253-5383 (when activated during an emergency) North Carolina: NC State Highway Patrol NC Highway/Travel Info Line 800-334-7411 511 Additional important telephone numbers including all clubs, marina and utilities are available in the St. James phone directory. Cat-Tales© is the monthly, published means of communicating information of interest to St. James Plantation property owners. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service. Neither the POA, Coastal Printing & Graphics, management or developer endorses the products or services advertised herein; nor are they responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The St. James Plantation name and Cat-Talessm logo are service marks of the developer and are used under license; unauthorized use is prohibited. All rights reserved. Reproduction of advertising and contents without permission is strictly prohibited. Many of our articles are written by St. James residents who own their own businesses or work in a specific area of expertise. While we are grateful to be able to tap into our residents’ knowledge, Cat-Talessm does not endorse or recommend any business, nor will it include advertorial columns, per our communication policy. 10 19 31 10 Yoga at St. James Military Appreciation Day Artisans Corner Developer Homer Wright Presents Fishing Derby Awards Photo by Linda Eyler See additional photos of Founders Day events on pages 12-16. Founders Day Parade by Robert Schottenfeld Table of Contents 4 President’s Column 5 SJFD: Volunteering 6 St. James POA Activities 7 St. James Service Club 9 Groundcover Program 11 ACC Report 17 What’s the Point? 19 American Legion News 22 Garden Club: Chapel Grounds 23 By the Glass 24 On the Move: DiNanno & Lund 25 Pieces of Eight: Bonny & Read 26 On the Move: DiNanno & Lund 29 Gardening Tips & Tasks 33 Brunswick Newcomers Club 35 What Is Your Credit Score? 39 Behind the Scenes 39 Photo Contest 41 Day Trip: Georgetown, S.C. Page 3 POA president’S COLUMN AUGUST 2014 Normally I focus on a time horizon that varies from “now” to about one year in the future. In this column I’ll discuss some likely POA spending priorities for the next five years. Every year most spending focuses on maintaining existing assets and services. However, every year we set aside a modest portion of the budget to continually improve St. James Plantation. That is the part of the future I will discuss in this article. As we all know St. James continues to grow rapidly. One area which will feel this growth very directly is safety and security. We expect to add two gates in the next five years. In addition, our road system will continue to grow as the developer brings on new areas. We will have to address the expansion of manpower, vehicles and technology needed to provide the level of service and protection we have grown to expect. Let’s start with sidewalks. Years ago we reached an agreement for the developer to add sidewalks to the newer (Reserve, Woodlands, Regency Park, etc.) areas as he developed and the POA would retrofit the older areas of the plantation. These sidewalk additions resulted from safety and connectivity concerns. With the completion of the St. James Drive (beyond Trailwood) and the new Wingfoot Drive sidewalks the POA has reached the end of its portion of the sidewalk program. Since we received Waterway Park we have added amenities such as a children’s playground, kayak launch and bocce courts. We have also received suggestions for additional amenities in our newest park located in the Woodlands. The POA has taken all the requests and contracted for a vision of a multiyear program to add to the amenity value of the park. We are currently in the evaluation phase and expect to finalize this program later in the year. Recently the POA formed an ad hoc committee to look at adding a new type of amenity to our community. This would be nature trails in some of the hundreds of acres that the POA already owns or expects to own. We anticipate this would include both POA and developer investments. The POA has also recently established a Ponds Committee to not only oversee the maintenance of our 100-plus POA-owned ponds but also to look at improving the esthetics and amenity value of our ponds. Both items are likely to turn into multiyear programs similar to the sidewalks efforts we just completed. Finally, it appears likely that the upgrade to the Polly Gully Bridge and possibly an adjacent walking/ biking bridge could happen as soon as late 2015. I’m out of breath just thinking about all there is to do! Gordon Corlew POA President Landscaping is our single largest ongoing maintenance area. In addition to maintenance expenses, we have also set aside 10 to 15 percent of the annual budget for enhancements to our irrigation, plantings, turf, etc. that go well beyond mere maintenance. We anticipate this to continue at eight to 10 percent of the budget in the next several years. Page 4 Fire Department Update Fire Department Update More Than the Eye MoreMeets Than Meets the Eye all read how your focused St. Fire James fire Firedepartments, Department such (SJFD) is within community by as Oak Island,our Southport, Sunset You’ve all You’ve read how focused St. your James for fire our and medical assistance. Additionally, many the SJFD and Bolivia, 82 members membersprovide supportwonderful and serve Department answering (SJFD) iscalls within community by Harbor services without any recognition to the greater Brunswick community – those folks who are not especially answering calls for fire and medical assistance. the general population of Brunswick County, residents St. James. Besides theprovide mutualwonderful aid responsetheto elderly, other local fire departments, such asbelow Oak Island, indigent and youth. Listed are the Additionally,ofmany SJFD members results from an informal survey asking SJFD members services without any recognition to the greater Brunswick Southport, Sunset Harbor and Bolivia, the 82 members support and serve the general population of what Brunswick support. community –Brunswick those folks who are not residents of St.indigent, County, especially the elderly, and youth. organizations Listed below they are the results from an James. Besides the mutual aid response to other local informal survey asking SJFD members what Brunswick organizations they support. Brunswick Area Organizations Supported by SJFD Members Board member of an organization BCC Odell Williamson Auditorium Bruns wick County Sheriff’s Department Brunswick County Schools, Teen Court and Outreach Community Service - Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, etc. # 6 1 3 4 7 Dosher Hospital Fraternal - Knights of Columbus, Masons, Shriners, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, etc. Habitat for Humanity Hospice House of worship officer Meals-on-Wheels Medical (New Hope Clinic) volunteer & board member Museum/Historical Society volunteer & board member Southport/Brunswick Rescue Squad Troop Support - OAE, Wounded Warriors, etc. Youth Groups - Boy Scouts, Experimental Aircraft 1 6 1 1 2 1 3 4 10 2 1 survey is by no means scientifically I’m From the survey responses, the involvement of theof This From the survey responses, the involvement the SJFD members outside of our immediatestrong. community sure there are sampling errors. If you will harken back SJFD members outside of our immediate community is noteworthy. Of the 53 responses, they were involved in 18 organizations as members and in leadership graduate schooland days when you were SJFD tryinghave to get a is noteworthy. Of theYou 53 responses, they were involved positions. should be proud of the interactiontothat these ladies gentlemen of your with in 18 organizations as members and in leadership response to a survey you will recognize the difficulties the larger community. Note that this survey did not include their hours of volunteerism inside our positions. You should be proud of the interaction that I had in compiling this table. My response rate was not participating as members on Town of St. James and POA committees. these ladiescommunity and gentlemen of your SJFD have with the overwhelming. I can only surmise that there are more larger community. Note that this survey did not include SJFD members that volunteer at other organizations. This survey is by no means scientifically strong. I’m sure there are sampling errors. If you will harken their hours of volunteerism inside our community Their responses would make this accomplishment even back to graduate school days when you were trying to get a response to a survey you will recognize the participating as members on Town of St. James and greater. difficulties I had in compiling this table. My response rate was not overwhelming. I can only surmise that POA committees. there are more SJFD members that volunteer at organizations. Their responses would make this Byother Jim Carey accomplishment even greater. By Jim Carey 9-1-1 - Don’t Hang Up!! If you accidentally dial 9-1-1 do NOT hang up. Stay on the line and explain your error to the Communication Center. If you hang up, even if it is before a connection is made, the concerned folks at the Communication Center will try to get in touch with you after they have dispatched a sheriff ’s deputy to investigate the interrupted call. So, unless you want a surprise visit from the sheriff ’s deputy, explain your error. Page 5 SJAC St. James POA Activities Committee BEACH PARTY - Friday, August 8 DINNERS for 5 or 6 - Fall 2014 Over 300 partygoers attended the first beach party at the St. James Beach Club June 13 to enjoy the music of DJ Don Jewell and to share food and beverages with neighbors and new friends. It’s not too late to get in on the fun. The last party is on Friday, August 8. Bring your chairs, food and beverage to this fun, free event. Please carpool, if possible, and remember to park only in the lot or legally-designated spots on the streets. To sign up, please email Carol Deets at carolmdeets@ with your name(s), address, phone number and email address no later than August 7. Carol will acknowledge the email registration and once registration closes in August, will forward a schedule, instructions and participant list. CLAM BAKE(s) - September 19 or October 24 SAVE the DATE - November 20 Mark your calendar and reserve either September 19 or October 24 for the Clam Bake sponsored by the SJAC at Waterway Park from 5-8:30 p.m. Middle of the Island caterer will prepare local shrimp, clams and oysters, which will be steamed together with Andouille sausage, corn on the cob, onions and red potatoes. Sides include fried chicken, a baked potato bar, strawberryspinach salad, baked beans, tri-colored tortellini in pesto, mac & cheese, corn bread and key lime pie. Sweet and unsweet tea are included. A DJ will provide music. BYO wine and beer plus a table and chairs. For each event 150 tickets are available and we ask that you please attend only one. Tickets will be $32 pp, which includes N.C. sales tax on live entertainment. Each purchaser will be allowed 10 tickets and must supply all names at time of purchase. Checks ONLY, please, made out to St. James POA. Tickets will go on sale August 18 at Members Club from 1-3 p.m., and, if needed, at the community center August 21 from 10 a.m.-noon. Questions? Contact Beth Nilsen at [email protected]. Page 6 Couples or singles are welcome to join in the fall series of Dinners for 5 or 6. One month you will be the host and will prepare the entrée, asking your guests to bring a side dish or dessert. When hosting you will contact the other participants and agree on a mutually convenient date. The other two months you will be the guest(s). The SJAC is sponsoring an evening of delicious food and Southern-style humor with award-winning columnist and author Celia Rivenbark. Two of her books are Rude Bitches Make Me Tired and Bless Your Heart Tramp. Ticket sale dates and time will be advertised. Upcoming Events Aug 8 Sep 19 Oct 24 Nov 20 Beach Party Clam Bake #1 Clam Bake #2 Celia Rivenbark For specific information on each event, consult the SJAC website: Submitted by Sis Mitchell President Jean Toner will kick off the meeting and Volunteer Fair that will start the Service Club’s year at the St. James Community Center September 10 at 9:30 a.m. Membership dues of $25 will be collected. If you are new to the area, consider attending the Welcome Reception September 8 to meet other “newbies” and to learn how you can get involved. FALL BOWS This autumn we look forward to seeing waves of orange bows on mailboxes throughout St. James. The Fall Bows for Children program will be celebrating its third year. The $8,500 raised last year benefited the following nonprofit organizations: • The Boys and Girls Home of Lake Waccamaw purchased IT and communication equipment for WI-FI capabilities, phone, fax and refurbished laptops for Flemington Academy, their new charter school. • Matthew’s Ministry purchased two weeks of food for the children they serve. • WAVES4K.I.D.S. supported Santa’s Village and the holiday party. A neighborhood representative will be delivering an order form to your home/paper slot between September 4 and 6 with instructions for its return. Bows will be placed on mailboxes the first week of October. The order form will also be available at SAVE the DATES Welcome Reception - September 8 at 4 p.m. Call Eileen DeSerio at 253-0005 Service Club meeting with Volunteer Fair September 10 at 9:30 a.m. - St. James Community Center Attraction Books - September/October - Available at meetings or call Fran Martin at 253-1440 The Service Club will be contacting last year’s neighborhood representatives to see if they are available to help again this year. If you are interested in adding your name to the volunteer list, or if you have a question, please contact us at fallbows@ Please watch for updates and additional information in upcoming publications. BRIDGE to WELLNESS 5K WALK/RUN & HEALTH FAIR Returning for a second year, this event will be held October 18 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Woodlands Park. In addition to the 5K Walk/Run, a health fair at the community center will feature a wide range of exhibitors and demonstrations. Watch other publications in St. James for registration information in late summer/early fall. SCHOOL SUPPLY COLLECTION Drop-off boxes for school supplies will be located just inside the community center until August 8. All materials collected will be divided equally among Community in Schools, Brunswick Family Resources, Hope Harbor Home and WAVES4K.I.D.S. FARMERS’ MARKET Every Thursday through September 18 in Woodlands Park from 3:30-6 p.m., rain or shine, you will find a nice selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, popcorn, wine, natural marinades and more. Fall Bows Campaign - September/October Bridge to Wellness 5K Walk/Run & Health Fair October 18 Halloween Dance - October 31 Trivia Night - November 9 Holiday Home Tour - December 3 & 4 Submitted by Sue Crippen Page 7 Bri Oct and Ha Oct Ho Dec Ken Logan Homes Design Studio 60 Gregory Rd, Suite 1 Belville, NC 28451 Connect with us! 800.761.4707 I Void where prohibited. Home features described and depicted herein are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are artists renderings. Some items illustrated or pictured are optional and are at an additional cost. Dimensions are approximate. Home and customer-speciic, detailed drawings and speciications will be furnished to each customer as part of their builder contract. Floor plans/elevations are subject to change without notice. © Logan Homes 2013 ort NewSqP . Feet t32r00 oP weN teeF .qS 0023 Sunroom Enclosure Special Convert yourexisting 14’x 12’Porch to Year Round use for only $4995! 2010 - 2011 PARADE OF HOMES DIAMOND AWARD WINNER TEL: 888.747.6820 WWW.SIGNATUREGROUPNC.COM Page 8 910.777.3363 Paul & Mary Maki, Owners Gro u n d c o v er Pro g r a m Many of you have noticed that each fall and spring season brings a hardy group of individuals into your neighborhood delivering long needle pine straw and varietals of bagged bark mulch. The individuals who volunteer are highly motivated to be of service to the community. First, they want to make it easier for residents to obtain the groundcover they need by delivering to your property. Second, they know the net proceeds from the sale go directly to the St. James Fire Department (SJFD) general fund, helping it purchase everything from cleaning materials to new equipment. Each year the groundcover program contributes in excess of $25,000 to the operation of the SJFD. Each resident who makes a purchase helps to make this possible. Think of it another way; these purchases help to stabilize the funds that need to be provided by the town to support the SJFD. The volunteers annually deliver around 10,000 bales of pine straw. Placed end to end, that would be about five miles of bales. There are about 15,000 bags of mulch delivered. If these bags were stacked on pallets, they would reach to 1,600 feet high. We are fortunate to have Steve Richert, owner of Greener Way Landscaping here in St. James, donating his time and equipment to help with the deliveries of this vast quantity of mulch. The heavy lifting and delivery of full mulch pallets is done by Builders Source of Southport. The success of this program is made possible by the dozens of volunteers from the community. We hope that each resident will consider donating a small amount of time to volunteer to help your community. In late August our order and volunteer forms will be available for the fall program. They will be available on the SJFD page on the Town of St. James website (www.townofstjamesnc. org) and at the Town Hall. Many thanks for your mulch orders and the time you volunteer. By Paul Metz Page 9 Yoga at St. James Yoga has become popular as a way to cope with the pressures of modern life or ease the aging process. Most people think it is an Eastern exercise program, but in fact it is a lifestyle that embraces mind, body and spirit. Through meditation, breath control and body postures (asana), yoga seeks to release the life force (prana) so that it flows naturally through every part of our being. The word “yoga” comes from Sanskrit, expressing the belief that the individual is part of the universal whole. Numerous St. James residents have enthusiastically adopted the yoga lifestyle. Most attend classes while others prefer a home-based practice or private classes. My own daily practice at home, which is based on a model I learned while attending Kripalu Institute, is done to retain flexibility, reduce back pain and practice mindfulness. Yoga devotees have a choice of classes. The Members Athletic Club has classes twice a week. There are also classes taught locally. Two St. James residents are popular certified teachers, Pam Moulin and Pamela Schottenfeld who encourage students to incorporate yoga into their daily lives. Pam provides feedback, “When students tell me how much better they feel overall, how much better they sleep, how yoga has diminished some health issues, particularly high blood pressure, arthritis, back and shoulder pain, I feel a sense of pride that I’ve been a part of their journey.” Pamela also comments, “I hope the participants gain not only the physical benefits of yoga practice but also increase their concentration and focus which can help to reduce stress and promote calmness.” Jan Gasper discovered, “It is more than exercise. It is a way of life. Yoga instills such a calmness, a clearing of the mind.” Pranayama (breath work) is a particular benefit for her to reduce stress and even help her golf game. “Standing over a golf ball, trying to clear my mind, I breathe deeply and find I can hit the ball. I am not suggesting that because of yoga my golf game is any better, but I do find I do not get upset about a miss-hit ball!” Joan Herrett says, “I have arthritis and started practicing yoga in the early 2000s. By doing yoga, I was able to put off a hip replacement for close to five years.” In addition to asana and breath work, reading excerpts from ancient texts and chanting provide more inspiration. Pamela concurs, “To enhance and deepen the asana practice, I begin and conclude with an inspirational reading, aphorism, poem or words of yogic wisdom.” Whatever the setting or style, those who practice yoga are achieving positive physical benefits for the body such as discipline and strength; for the mind, calmness and focus; and for the spirit, mindfulness and deeper understanding of our true being. If you are curious about yoga or are ready to begin your own journey, why not try taking a class soon? Namaste (“I bow to the divine in you”). By Sharon Eisele Page 10 Page 35 ACC Report JUNE 2014 Completed to Date 2660 Under Construction 231 Approved Not Approved Totals New Construction 10 2 12 New Construction Change Requests 10 2 12 Existing Home Modifications 26 7 33 New Construction Re-submissions 7 0 7 New Construction- Others 42 4 46 Landscape Improvements 12 11 23 New Construction 14 7 21 Modifications 18 0 18 139 33 172 Preliminary/Appeals Applications: Submissions: Custom Window Treatments | Interior Design Consultations Free Shop at Home Service | Sewing and Alterations | Window Film Final Inspections: Totals Frank D. Galtieri | 910-854-0028 | Garland E. Lowe Attorney At Law Private Practice Since 1969 Former Estate and Gift Tax Attorney for the IRS 4493 Lenox Ct. St. James (910) 454-9007 Estate Planning Wills and Trusts Living Wills Power of Attorney Probate Probate Litigation Page 11 Founders Day 15 Year Celebration Big Band Concert - Photos by John Muuss Cruises - Photos by John Muuss Model Sailboat Regatta - Photos by Linda Eyler and John Muuss Page 12 Founders Day 15 Year Celebration Youth Fishing Derby - Photos by Jack Eyler, John Muuss, David Paxton & Rober Schottenfeld Page 2 Page 13 Founders Day 15 Year Celebration Parade - Photos by Barbara Voss, John Muuss and Robert Schottenfeld Page 14 Founders Day 15 Year Celebration Kids, games and movie - Photos by John Muuss Town’s History and Cake Tasting - Photos by John Muuss Page15 33 Page Founders Day 15 Year Celebration Picnic and Fireworks at Reserve - Photos by John Muuss and Shawn Eisele Page 16 WHAT'S THE POINT? Do you want to win? Of course you do! Everyone who gets on a tennis court has the ambition to do the best they can and be better than the opponent. We want to have fun, hence the term, friendly competition. It's American to compete. We grew up competing with the “Joneses” and everyone else in town. We wouldn't be who we are if we did not compete. We compete at home for attention; we compete in school; we compete at work and play. We have game shows, dance contests and vocal competitions. This is my first point (15-Love). Numerous articles have been written about the growing popularity of tennis at St. James. We have 346 members in the association. Each year we have many league and state championship teams and one team won the sectionals being the best team among nine state champions! St. James is a prominent center for tennis in southeast North Carolina. The distribution of player talent is statistically normal, which means we have beginners, average players and above average players. The largest number of players is in the average category. Some of us have discussed forming a team of the “best” average players to potentially improve our chances of winning the sectionals and competing at a national level. Maybe this will happen someday, but for now our teams are selected more for personal reasons, still resulting in three very competitive average player teams. This is my second point (30-Love). The talent is good and player personalities are entertaining. We have some trash-talking guys, some who use delay tactics to impact momentum, some who are theatrical when they miss or hit a winner and some who just smile. It's like Wal-Mart; the product is good and players are fun to watch. This is my third point (40-Love). So what is the point of this article? Neither of the three St. James teams in the Men's 3.5 league are league champions this year. But, in the spirit of friendly competition, the St. James team with the best record in head-to-head competition is the team with a record of three wins and one loss. Congratulations to this year’s “Best Men's 3.5 Team from St. James.” Team members include Jim Alleborn, Mike Farage, Marty Gasper, Wes Juda, Bill Kamszik, Dave Laughton, Chet Michewicz, Mike Norton, Gary Rainier, Alan Robidoux, Dave Samuels, Mike Stephenson, Jim Straub, Rich Strukel and Ihor Zyga. This is my final point (Game over). By Jim Alleborn Page 2 Page 17 2012-2013 Parade of Homes Diamond Award Winner CONSOLIDATED ASSET MANAGEMENT We work with retirees many of whom are our St. James friends and neighbors. Portfolio management for assets beginning at $500,000. George Crane Builder, Polysteel Certified, ICF PO Box 11219 Office: 910.363.4070 3921 Executive Park Blvd., Fax: 910.401.1211 Suite A Cell: 910.713.1976 Southport, NC 28461 [email protected] Give us a call to explore the possibility of improving your retirement assets. Dennis S. Moore President 1418 N Howe Street, Ste 3B Southport, NC 28461 910-454-9706 800-922-6583 w w w.cranebui ldingcomp Residential • Commercial • Post-construction Cleaning Services A Clean House, Inc Lift • Clean • Place Insured & Bonded Maureen Morabito • Fran Loesch 910-269-1029 • 910-269-1113 Call Us For A Free Quote Today! 2 Rooms $49.95 4 Rooms $99.95 Yachts, RV’s, Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 910-458-0649 Owner Operated (12’x12’ Avg rm) Includes Deodorizer & Scotchguard Page 18 The Richard H. Stewart, Jr. American Legion Post #543 Military Appreciation Day 2014 September 6 New America Legion Division Commander Past Division II Commander Mike Braswell swore in the new District 9 Commander Tom Cerniglia at a recent meeting of American Legion Post #543. Tom will be responsible for 19 American Legion posts throughout five North Carolina counties. The Military Appreciation Day golf tournament and picnic sign-up began July 25. The tournament is a four-person scramble with separate flights for men, women and couples at the Members, Founders and Players courses. Women will play teal tees and men will play white tees. The exception will be men who regularly play green tees will be allowed to play green tees. (l-r) Mike Braswell and Tom Cerniglia Ramp n’ Rails Presented With Check Also at the meeting, Commander Rick Sessa presented Paul Witmer, Brunswick Senior Resources (BSR) Ramp n’ Rails Program Coordinator, with a check for $500. BSR had asked the Navy Seabee Veterans of America Island X5 Cape Fear chapter to build a ramp for a Brunswick County veteran who needed an easier way to get in and out of his home. The $500 covered the cost of the materials for the ramp. This was a joint effort by the three organizations. There will be an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. The cost is $60, plus golf and cart fees, if applicable, and includes the afternoon picnic and entertainment at Woodlands Park. Proceeds will benefit Operation at Ease and American Legion Post 543. Sign up in the golf shop of the course you want to play. If you do not have a team of four you will be matched with other players. Tournament fees will be charged to each individual’s club account. Fees for nonmember guests who are signed up by a member will be billed to the member’s club account. Club members who are not golfing, can sign themselves and guests up for the picnic only ($20) at the Players Club Golf Shop (4570049, ext.1). Guest charges will be billed to the member’s account. If you have questions, contact Mike Himebaugh or Steve Elkins at the Players Club Golf Shop or email Paul Schnobrick at [email protected]. (l-r) Paul Witmer, Seabee members William Sraver, Coy Overton & Dennis Ruocco, and Rick Sessa Article and photos by John Muuss By Mike Kirsche Page 2 Page 19 What to Do When Death Occurs... Southport/Oak Island Chapel (910) 253-7900 ------------------------Shallotte Chapel (910) 754-6363 Serving Brunswick County Since 1983 Residential Audio-Video Home Theater SmartHome Technologies Multi-Room & Hi-Fi Audio HDTV Sales & Installation 910.371.2038 www. Page 20 .com CHANGE IS EXCITING! We would like to build Your New Home, when you are Ready! Visit Us to See the New Homes we Have Built! It’s in the Attention to DETAILS - 910-457-6901 Jack Satterwhite ~ [email protected] Post Office Box 11279 Southport, NC 28461 Call 910.457.6901 Building Homes for the Future DAVID L. DAVID L. GENERAL MASON CONTRACTOR Southport, NC - 910.454.4445 GENERAL MASON CONTRACTOR Southport, NC - 910.454.4445 Free Construction Estimates Page 21 GARDEN CLUB RENOVATES CHAPEL GROUNDS The Garden Club at St. James recently put the finishing touches on its first major community service project, an extensive renovation of the grounds of the St. James Chapel. The last two stages of the project were a general clean-up and the planting of several spots of color around the building. Plants added to the landscape include yellow Lantana around the chapel’s sign, Emerald Gayety Euonymus at the rear entrance and Pacific Blue Shore Junipers interspersed with Cora Vinca in the island bed by the walk to the front door. The project began August 2013 after Lynn Schwartzkopf, then president of the chapel board, learned that there was a newly-formed Garden Club in St. James. He asked Heather Adams, then president, if the Garden Club would do a much-needed makeover of the chapel’s overgrown landscape. Both groups agreed that the Garden Club would provide the labor and experience and the chapel board would cover the cost of materials and install irrigation. Garden Club Community Service Committee members (Emy Vig, Peg O’Brien, Barb Dempster, Mary Margaret Carman and Heather Adams); club volunteers (Betty Lewis, Beth Erskine, Sue Kleine, Roseann Summerville, Linda Tarrall, Karen Gilbert and Julie Coddington); husbands David Carman and Chris Adams; and chapel members, Lynn Schwartzkopf and Chad Mitchell, who coordinated the chapel building and grounds and worked closely with the club on this project. As every gardener knows, a garden is never finished, so the club will maintain the chapel grounds from now on. Commenting on the partnership between the chapel and the Garden Club, St. James Chapel President Dave Linton said, “The Garden Club, through many hours of labor, has created a wonderful transformation to the St. James Chapel grounds. This work embodies the spirit of volunteerism within St. James and is greatly appreciated.” By Linda Walsh What followed were many months of hard work on Thursday mornings when club members met to remove debris, rake, weed, prune, fertilize, mulch and plant. It took “woman power” as club member Betty Lewis remarked after she and Heather pried a huge rock out of a spot where a plant was supposed to go. On occasion, it took man power too when huge jobs like pruning the Crape Myrtles required help from Garden Club husbands and chapel members. Altogether, 12 club members and four men put in a total of more than 100 hours to get the job done. They are (l-r) Peg O'Brien & Barb Dempster New chapel landscaping Mary Margaret & David Carman and Heather & Chris Adams (l-r) Mary Margaret Carman, Emily Vig, Heather Adams & Barb Dempster Page 22 Tom Turano BY THE GLASS Fun Facts about Wine It’s summer time and to keep things light and casual, here’s some fun wine trivia you can impress your friends and family with during the backyard barbecue. The tradition of a celebratory “toast” began with the ancient Romans, who would drop a piece of toasted bread in their wine to buffer unpleasant tastes and excessive acidity. The Romans also boiled wine in lead pots and mixed lead with wine to help preserve it and impart a sweet flavor. There is much debate among historians about how much lead poisoning contributed to the decline of the empire. The alcohol consumed at a celebration party for the 55 drafters of the Constitution was 54 bottles of Madeira, 60 bottles of Bordeaux, eight bottles of whiskey, 22 bottles of port, eight bottles of hard cider, 12 beers and seven bowls of alcohol punch large enough that “ducks could swim in them.” In 1801, President Thomas Jefferson spent $3,000 on wine, 12 percent of his annual salary. To put that in modern context, that would be like President Obama spending $48,000 on wine this year alone. When Tutankhamun’s tomb was opened in 1922, wine jars buried alongside him were labeled with the year, the name of the winemaker and descriptions about the quality of the wine. The labels could actually comply with modern wine label laws of several countries today. In ancient Egypt, the ability to craft wine that improved with age was considered alchemy and was a privilege reserved for the pharaohs. One glass of wine consists of juice from one cluster of grapes. Seventy-five grapes comprise one cluster. One grape vine produces 10 bottles. One acre can contain 400 vines, resulting in five tons of grapes. On average, five tons of grapes can be made into 300 cases or 3,600 bottles of finished wine. Wine grapes rank first among the world’s fruit crops in terms of acres planted. You’ve probably never heard of one of the world’s most widely planted grape variety, Airén. It is grown primarily in Spain where it is used to make white wine and brandy. California, by itself, is the world’s fourth largest producer of wine after France, Italy and Spain. Washington, D.C., consumes more wine per capita than any state in the nation. (Explains a lot!) A few vine cuttings from the New World brought to Europe spread a tiny insect called Phylloxera vastatrix, which feeds on the roots of vines. The only way to save all of the European grape vines was to graft native American vines to the European rootstocks. While some European vines are justifiably hallowed, none of them are pristine and without an American element after the mid-1800s. The average age of a French oak tree harvested for use in creating wine barrels is 170 years. The Whistler Tree is the most productive cork oak tree on record. It grows in the Alentejo region of Portugal and is more than 230 years old. It has yielded enough cork for 100,000 bottles. As a comparison, the average cork oak produces material for 4,000 bottles. Named for the countless songbirds that occupy its dense canopy, the Whistler Tree is in excellent condition and is well on its way to produce a total lifetime production of more than one million corks. Salute! Reserve Picnic - Photo by John Muuss Page 23 Free agent with every policy. Free Discount Double Check® from every agent. We’ll check out your car policy to make sure your coverage is the best fit, then show you all the State Farm® discounts you could be getting. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY. Josh London, Agent 1112 E Cutlar Crossing Ste 104 Bus: 910-383-1303 [email protected] Will Rogers, Agent 106 Countryside Street SW Supply, NC 28462 Bus: 910-755-7003 [email protected]® 1003064.1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL Building your forever home Your custom home from True North Building Company will be everything you ever wanted: the highest quality materials, the best construction techniques, the most meticulous attention to detail. We are True North: Trusted and True. We don’t just BUILD in St. James We LIVE in St. James ~ 910.294.1098 4705 Southport Supply Road, Suite 105 ~ Southport, NC 28461 Page 24 Pieces Of Eight – PIRATES OF THE CAROLINAS: Anne Bonny and Mary Read This month, we profile two notorious female pirates with ties to the Carolinas. 1. Lawyers in love: Anne Bonny was born in Ireland to an attorney and his wife’s maid. Together they fled across the Atlantic with young Anne, settling in Charleston, South Carolina and living a life of wealth and privilege, but Anne, by now a teenager, yearned for more. 2. Sail away: Anne eloped with a sailor, James Bonny, and the newlyweds sailed to the “pirates’ nest” of New Providence in the Bahamas. James earned a living informing on suspected pirates, but Anne imagined a more exciting life. 3. Ladies love outlaws: Anne, dressed in men’s clothing, left James and joined the crew of the dapper pirate “Calico Jack” Rackham. Rackham had been pardoned by the Bahamian Governor for his prior plundering of small ships, but could not resist the lure of the pirate life. 4. Along comes Mary: Rackham was clearly an equal opportunity employer as Anne joined fellow female pirate Mary Read aboard his ship, the William. Mary was believed to have been born in England to an “unstable” mother who sought to claim an inheritance by passing Mary off as a male child. Raised as a boy, Mary worked the naval docks, signing onto a merchant ship which was seized by pirates. 5. Armed and dangerous: Anne and Mary were fast friends and fierce fighters with pistols and swords, and could swear like, well, sailors. Once their gender was discovered, the crew reportedly accepted them (or they were too terrified to speak up!). Together with Calico Jack, they plied the waters of the Caribbean, seizing fishing boats and merchant vessels. 6. We are not amused: The governor who had pardoned Rackham was incensed to learn that Rackham was back at sea. In September 1720, he dispatched ships to take the pirates. One ship located and engaged the William off the Jamaican coast. The male crew surrendered peacefully. Anne Bonny and Mary Read, however, fought ferociously until the end. 7. The party’s over: The men were tried, convicted and hung. Rackham’s body was suspended in an iron cage as a cautionary warning to other would-be pirates. The women were then tried. Testimony from a victim noted, “…the two women… wore men’s jackets, and long trousers, and handkerchiefs tied about their heads; and each of them had a machete [sic] and pistol in their hands, and cursed and swore at the men.” Both women were unanimously deemed guilty as charged with a sentence of death by hanging. 8. Pistol-packin’ mamas: Anne and Mary each proclaimed, “I plead my belly,” indicating that they were pregnant. A court-ordered inspection confirmed their claims and they avoided the noose. Mary died in prison from a fever; Anne may have given birth to Rackham’s child. Both women have been immortalized in books, movies and even video games as the equals of male pirates. By Barbara Lemos Page 25 Look Who's On The Move... Bob and Karyn DiNanno’s plan was for Karyn to settle into their new home during summer 2013. Bob would stay in Plymouth, Massachusetts for a couple more years, being the responsible financial advisor he is to clients that aren’t yet ready to see him go. They would take turns visiting each other. Alone between visits, Karyn kept busy bopping over to her golf, tennis or beach outings in her red convertible Volkswagen Beetle, top down. Soon Karyn’s busy schedule, combined with New England’s winters, made her realize it made more sense for Bob to travel south. After all he had no life outside of work and was living in a temporary apartment. In August 2013, 15 months after listing their home on Lake Kegonsa, Wisconsin, Don and Pat Lund moved into their new home on Majestic Drive in Woodlands. Immediately and generously, they offered it for the Service Club’s 2013 Holiday Home Tour. To be fair, the only loud parties Karyn hosted in Bob’s absence were for the junior high girls she mentors from her church’s youth group, and her nights out on the town were for serving dinner to the military at the Elks Club. Home with five children, Pat bypassed becoming “volunteer of the year” by returning to school for three degrees, the final one being a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science. Two more “darlings” arrived totaling seven college bound kids born over a 20year period; five sons bookended by two daughters, now living in five states. Pat served 12 years on the school board, eight years with the Red Cross, and was an examiner for Wisconsin’s Baldridge Award for performance excellence by organizations. Bob began to recognize that a satellite office in their new home would facilitate more frequent visits. Finally a neighbor’s comment that “work is overrated” resonated with him. By end of summer 2014 Bob will join Karyn permanently on Essex Drive in the Reserve. After a 37-year career with Northwest Airlines including international flight attendant work, Karyn now loves making room for Bob’s golf clubs in the Beetle. Two of their sons followed Bob into the financial world, and a third son is a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. This translates to six grandkids, and the stacked bunk beds are ready. Articles by Lorraine Giffin Page 26 An engineering graduate of Northwestern University, Don had a diverse career including working on ballistic missiles at Martin Marietta in Littleton, Colorado, and running Chrysler test sites in Michigan. He capped his career overseeing Spring Window Fashions in Middleton, Wisconsin and retired as vice president after 30 years. Don has a history of turning fledgling Habitat for Humanity chapters into successes and continues his service here. Remarkably for a new resident, Pat stepped up to chair the 2014 Service Club’s Flea Market. She also volunteers at a local clinic and sings a cappella four-part harmony with the Sweet Adelines. They have two grandsons in military service, two granddaughters in nursing programs and another one in fourth grade. This “can-do” energetic couple say brief winters, close beaches and easily made friends in a community of talented volunteers make this home, golf or no golf. A quality setting for your quality time. Never underestimate the impact of a lush green lawn – On your home and its value. On your neighborhood. And on your lifestyle. Which is precisely where your local Lawn Doctor comes in. of Wilmington - Brunswick Co. - Horry Co. 1.800.LAWN DOCTOR | 910.452.0090 LAWNDOCTOR.COM Each Lawn Doctor franchise business is independently operated. Your Imagination is Our Standard! OVER 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS BUILDING CUSTOM HOMES PREMIER CUSTOM HOME DESIGNS IN ST. JAMES FOR OVER 14 YEARS VISIT OUR OFFICELOCATED JUST OUTSIDE ST. JAMES– IN ST. JAMES PLAZA 877.454.0460 Page 27 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Worried about outliving your retirement savings? Adam L Powell, AAMS® Financial Advisor . 4961 Long Beach Road Suite 6 Southport, NC 28461 910-457-6644 Member SIPC fully licensed by the nC board of funeral Service. LICENSE#102 Caring | Simple | affordable Direct Cremations $750 On-site Crematory 24 hour/7 day availability • Accepting all major credit cards David Miller President & CEO 6 Jacksonville Street | Wilmington, NC 28403 910-392-6032 e-mail: [email protected] website: Serving my hometown of Southport and all surrounding counties Not Getting a Restful Night’s Sleep? One out of every 4 people has a sleep disorder... 4% have chronic sleep apnea. A sleep study may find your problem and determine appropriate treatment. If you or someone you love has a sleep problem, talk to your doctor to schedule a sleep study, or give us a call at Dosher Hospital...We can help! The Sleep Disorder Laboratory For More Information Call 457-3890 • 924 N. Howe St., Southport, NC 28461 • Page 28 GARDENING TIPS AND TASKS SEDGE PROBLEMS Sedges are starting to become a problem with the rain and warmer temperatures since they thrive in wet soils. They resemble grasses but have a triangular stem and leaves that are three-ranked at the base. Most grassy weed herbicides are not effective. Since many sedges are perennial and spread by underground tubers, you need a systemic herbicide to remove them, such as Image (imazaquin), Sedgehammer or Prosedge (halosulfuron) and Certainty (sulfosulfuron). SOOTY MOLD IS A SURE SIGN OF INSECTS I often get calls in the Cooperative Extension office from homeowners who ask, "What is this black stuff on the leaves of my crape myrtle or gardenia?" The answer is sooty mold, a black fungal coating caused by aphids, whiteflies, mealy bugs, scale insects and other sucking insects. The insects feeding on the plants excrete a sugary, shiny substance called honeydew. Sooty mold doesn’t feed on plant tissue, but on the secretions from these insects. It frequently develops on ornamental plants like fig, crape myrtle, azaleas, tulip tree and oleander, covering the top surface of leaves and reducing the photosynthetic process. It often goes unnoticed until many leaves are covered with a black, unsightly substance. In the summer when insect populations are high, plants may look like vegetable oil has been poured on them. Also these sucking pests take in large amounts of water and sugar from the sap which may lead to reduced vigor in the plant. Summer rains can help rinse away and even delay the onset of sooty mold, but with insufficient rain, the honeydew will stick to the leaves. To control and prevent the unsightly sooty mold, you must control the pests creating the honeydew. They can often be washed off by a strong spray of hose water which may also remove some of the honeydew and sooty mold. Remaining sooty mold will eventually dry up and flake off the leaves. For heavier insect infestations, first try horticultural oil since it is less toxic than acephate, imidacloprid, malathion or other synthetic insecticides. Read and follow the pesticide labels carefully. Send your gardening questions or comments to: tom woods@ or call Brunswick County Extension Services at (910) 253-2610. By Tom Woods AUGUST GARDENING TASKS Average Temperature Low 690 - High 880 Average Precipitation - 6.61” LAWNS Fertilize Bermuda and zoysia lawns with 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. Centipede may benefit from .5 lb. of 5-0-15 per 1000 sq. ft. Treat lawns for grubs only if you find more than 5 grubs per sq. ft. If mole crickets are a problem, treat in mid- to late summer. TREES & SHRUBS Do not prune or fertilize landscape shrubs for the rest of the year. Fall webworms form large masses of webbing on the ends of branches. Rip open with a pole. FLOWERS Pull up tired annuals and dead-head those that are healthy. Get a second bloom from faded annuals by cutting them back by 1/3 and applying liquid fertilizer. HOUSE PLANTS Begin trimming some plants in preparation for bringing them indoors later this fall. VEGETABLES FRUITS Start seeds of broccoli, kale, collard, cabbage and cauliflower in containers with potting soil. Sow lettuce, spinach, arugula and other salad greens directly into the garden. Spray peach tree trunks with permethrin to protect from peach tree borers. Harvest apples when a twist of the wrist will release them. Seed buckwheat in bare areas as a cover crop. Grow 30-45 days and till under to improve soil. Order seeds for your fall garden. By Tom Woods Page 29 A smooth move with us… it’s a ❝shore❞ thing! From Maine to Florida & everywhere in between! People’s Choice #1 Moving Company in Brunswick County 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011! Voted Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year 2008! IESEL Monthly uDnts! Disco 230 Mulberry Street - B Shallotte, NC 28470 (866) 279-MOVE (6683) NCUC-2332 MC-469689 US DOT 1172302 Frank J. Setaro, Inc. Electrical Contractors Frank J. Setaro President Lic. #18946-U • Repairs • Alterations • Additions • Cedia Certified Audio Video & Electronic Installations Serving St. James Plantation for over 14 years. 443.1754 Direct • 457.4645 Fax bc ad.indd 1 12/14/08 4:19:41 PM Quality Custom Homes… On Time…On Budget New Owners Personally Supervised Construction Call Barry Martin today 910-512-7177 Koozies, Water Bottles & More 910.579.6711 Custom Glass Etching, Wine Glasses and Beer Mugs! Barry Martin, General Contractor P.O. Box 11084 • Southport, NC 28461 NC Unlimited License #44057 Page 30 The Artisans Corner Continuing Profiles in Art Most of us have grandchildren that lighten our hearts and sometimes even inspire us. That was the case for Rich Caffrey. If you visit the Artisans Gallery, on the left you will find his forceful sculptures. Often the pieces he has on display are ballet dancers, a favorite subject, and this is the story behind these works. POA page, visit the gallery, or follow us on Facebook for more information on these sales. You have a standing invitation to share your artistic talent. Join the Artisans at St. James by calling Peggy Calenda at 363-7328, or stop by the gallery to chat and pick up a membership form. Rich studied sculpture at Saint-Gaudens, Cornish, New Hampshire, and much of his work focused on human busts. After attending one of granddaughter Sophia’s recitals, they discussed her studies, and she presented to Rich a calendar featuring Alonzo King’s contemporary LINES Ballet. Inspired by the dynamics captured in these images, he sculpted several pieces from the photos. He said, “During the process I realized they presented a beautiful combination of opposing forces: beauty and power.” After arriving at St. James six years ago, Rich noted, “In observing nature here, I saw the same combination of elements: beauty and power.” Focusing on that theme, he has completed numerous pieces over the past 18 months including a blue heron taking off, a great egret fishing, an osprey building a nest and a duck formation landing in a pond. Rich has done two pieces especially for his granddaughter, both from pictures of her in ballet positions. One was of Sophia at a practice bar in front of a mirror. When attempting to cut a mirror to match the scale of the sculpture, it broke. In Rich’s own words, “In frustration I held the broken piece behind the sculpture and realized it presented an excellent silhouette of her.” He then fashioned the clay around the broken mirror piece and found it enhanced the beauty and power of the work. There are many rewards to being an artist, but when Rich presented his sculptures to Sophia, he remembers, “She said she loved them both, and that meant a lot to me.” Stop by and visit the gallery to see Rich’s creations and those of all the artisans. We are open seven days a week from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Friday evenings until 8. We’re closed the second Monday of each month for change outs of the art. We have some exciting events planned. August 28 through September 1 the Artisans Gallery will be having their Labor Day sale. September 28 we will be participating in the Members Appreciation Weekend. Watch our By FJ Harmon Page 31 Over 6,000 sq. ft. of Gently Used Furniture & Accessories with a Splash of New... North Brunswick Shopping Center 117-B2 Village Rd in Leland Next to Ace Hardware behind BB&T • 910-383-1895 Mon-Fri:10-6 • Sat:10-5 Voted Voted 2012 2012 New New Business Business of of The The Year Year by by dden i H o Chamber Chamber of of Commerce Commerce Fees N Beautiful Homes Built to Last J.W.B., Inc. Custom Home Builder Don’t Make Any Decisions Before You Talk To Us! Our referrals come from the only source that matters - 15 Years Of Satisfied St. James Home Owners. • 910-454-0709 Page 32 Brunswick Newcomers Club When folks move to a new area, often leaving family, friends and everything familiar behind, they may feel isolated. The Brunswick Newcomers Club (BNC) can help with the transition into a different community by making new friends and joining new activities. The BNC has over 450 local members from the southern part of Brunswick County, including many St. James residents. “With so many members, it’s not hard to find people who like to do the same things you do,” says Bill Young, current BNC president. The club members meet the third Wednesday of the month, September through June (except December) at the Southport Community Building at 223 E. Bay Street. The meetings provide the opportunity to sign up for the many club activities and to hear guest speakers talk about the local history, geography, educational opportunities, museums, medical facilities, local government, activities and opportunities for community service. The light refreshments are also a big attraction. The club has a number of committees for setting up the activities. The greeters committee welcomes new members at each meeting and assists them in signing up for membership and club activities. The wine tasting committee plans monthly tastings, held in member’s homes to create a fun, friendly and comfortable setting. Each tasting has a theme (such as Italian versus French) and includes eight wines with food pairings. The very popular “lunch bunch” committee plans monthly lunches at some of the best restaurants in Wilmington, Brunswick County and as far as Myrtle Beach. The social events committee has organized dances, Cocktails for Ten and the June year-end breakfast. Other monthly activities include card groups (such as Shanghai rummy, hand and foot canasta and bridge) and book clubs. The special interest committee offers members a wide variety of activities taught by talented BNC members, such as iPad usage, arts and crafts, cooking, kayaking and photography. We always welcome members willing to share their skills. The travel committee plans day excursions to theaters, shows, festivals and holiday events as well as a longer trip such as a cruise or a motor coach road trip. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, September 17, with doors opening at 9 a.m. “The actual meeting begins at 10 a.m., but this open hour gives people a chance to check out the many activities available to BNC members,” said Bill Young. For more information, visit the website at By Cathy Boule Photos by Peter Braun Page 33 Karen Collins 910.228.7473 Serving Residents of Brunswick County Since 2005 Call For Free Estimate STJ Resident Sales Representatives Ralph Richheimer 910-253-5796 Frank Galtieri 910-854-0028 COLLINS INSURANCE AGENCY ~ Life ~ Health ~ Medicare Serving Southeastern North Carolina For 34 Years 3960 Executive Park Blvd. Suite 8 Southport, NC 28461 3115 Wrightsville Ave., Ste H Wilmington, NC 910.762.4222 Complete Residential & Commercial Interior Design Since 1993 Page 34 What is your Credit Score? A friend recently told me that someone illegally used his credit card number. The credit card company canceled the card and issued a new one with a lower credit limit, stated that his credit score did not justify the prior credit limit. He is debt free, retired and has paid bills promptly, in full, for 50 years. He can’t understand how this could happen so I did some investigating. A credit score is computed by credit scoring companies. They make the rules. Your credit score has relatively little relationship to your actual credit worthiness. Consider: 1. If your average daily card balance exceeds 20 percent, your credit score may be downgraded by 50 points (out of a possible score of about 850). Why? There is a high correlation between people with balances more than 20 percent of their limit and those who fail to pay their credit card bills. 2. If you cancel a credit card, it can lower your credit score. Why? There is a high correlation between people who cancel cards and people that fail to pay their credit card bills. score, regardless of whether you pay your bills. 7. If you are debt free, it can lower your credit score. Why? The absence of debt decreases the amount of data to determine your credit score. Moreover there is a high correlation between debt-free people and retirees. See item 4 above. 8. Credit scoring companies assume that it’s your responsibility to ensure that they have accurate data on your finances. This may all sound unfair, unjust and insane. But creditors and credit card companies are in the business of optimizing their own interests. They only provide as much service and justice as market competition and the law force them to provide. For information on how to improve a credit score, see improve-credit-score.html. By Jack Horner 3. If you have a credit card that you don’t use, it lowers your credit score. Why? It decreases the amount of data the scoring company has to determine your credit score. Furthermore, it forces the credit card company to maintain your account – an expense that they cannot easily offset by interest charges or annual fees. 4. If more than about 90 percent of your income is from an IRA, pension, social security or investments and you are retired, it lowers your credit score. This is true even if your income is in the upper one percent of incomes in the U.S. population. Why? It is harder legally for creditors to seize that income versus wages if you fail to pay your bills. 3 Authorized Window Film Dealer Prestige Dealer Network Clearly superior. • Premier heat rejection provides energy savings and enhanced comfort. • Low reflectivity enhances views and overall beauty 5. Your credit card company can lower your credit limit without cause (but must notify you in writing). If your credit limit gets halved (as done during the 20072012 credit crunch), that action will immediately double the percentage of credit limit that your running account balance has. See item 1 above. • Proprietary 3M nano-technology provides supreme performance with no metals or corrosion. 6. The period over which your average daily balance is computed is whatever the credit card company wants it to be (but must notify you in writing). If the company shortens the sampling period, it could lower your credit CAROLINA SOLAR SECURITY, INC • Reduces glare and eye discomfort • Premium 3M manufacturer’s warranty • Increases personal safety by minimizing flying glass 910.791.5820 Since 1985 Page 35 Extraordinary Care You Can Believe In Trusted by families of Brunswick County since 1997. Minutes from St. James. Deb Waters Professional Stager & Designer Locations on Hwy 211 & Oak Island. Rearrange with Style Winner of the 2013 Southport - Oak Island Customer Service of the Year Award. 910-363-4494 CALL 910.550.2334 Move-In Design Services Color Consultation | Furniture, Accessory Selection | Window Treatment | Personal Shopping Drs. Tony Michelakis, Aaron Wilharm, Darren Harrington, Matt Miller & Greg Hohl The Checking Account that outshines ordinary interest rates 1.oo%* Earn up to APY We call it FastForward Checking. Now you can enjoy the convenience of a checking account with the higher interest rate of a money market account. To find the branch nearest you, go to *Advertised 1.00% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) paid on balances of $25,000-$249,999; balances of $250,000 or more earn .10% APY; balances of $15,000$24,999 earn .05% APY; balances under $15,000 earn .02% APY. APY is accurate as of May 28, 2014. The authorized rate on this account will be guaranteed through December 31, 2014. After December 31, 2014, the rate and tiers will convert to NewBridge Bank’s standard FastForward Checking account at the then prevailing rates and tiers being offered on FastForward Checking accounts. This product offering is subject to end at any time without notice. Minimum opening deposit is $25,000. All fees and benefits subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings. Available for personal accounts only. New money only. © NewBridge Bank 2014 1 PageNBB9743_BrunswickFF_CatTails.indd 36 5/28/14 4:54 PM Fine Craftsmanship; at home in your community. An award-winning builder since 1977, Bill Clark Homes builds high quality new homes in a variety of price ranges and in many desirable locations across the Carolinas— most notably, in beautiful St. James Plantation. Since you’re in the neighborhood, stop by and see our model home, or contact us to discuss how our family can build a legacy for yours: 910.470.8691 or COME SEE OUR MODEL HOME . LOCATED IN WOODL ANDS PARK . 2585 PARK RIDGE DRIVE 114126 bch craftsmanship ad-cat tales.indd 1 COIL COATING 4/28/14 10:07 AM REGULAR SERVICE CALL (PER SYSTEM) CALL US TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT OR FOR A FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE 910-338-4154. Page 2 Page 37 Award Winning St. James Builder Sunrooms – Porch Conversions – Additions ENJOY YOUR VIEW YEAR ROUND IN TOTAL COMFORT Contact Pattie Accordino Resident/Owner for more information and referrals. 910 253-9874 2682 Four Oak Rd. St James NC 28461 Coastalenclosures @ Member St James Small Business Assoc. Neighbors Serving Neighbors Call for a Personal Preview 910.754.8991 Join many of your friends and neighbors and discover the value and beauty of a Coastal Enclosures Sunroom. Each room is custom designed and expertly installed. We offer complimentary design and estimates so contact us today. Page 38 Behind the Scenes Summer is a great time to kick back and relax, visit with family and friends, head to the beach or to see the latest blockbuster action movie and, of course, attend a local production from one of the many theater companies in the area! There is no dearth of choices for theater, and quality theater at that, close to home. The following are a list of shows that can be seen in the month of August and early September. August 1, 2 and 3 Brunswick Little Theatre (BLT) offers up the last three performances of Into the Woods at Odell Williamson Auditorium on the campus of Brunswick Community College. I mentioned in an earlier article that although this Stephen Sondheim show revolves around numerous fairy tale characters, it is not a “children’s show.” Into the Woods deals with the theme of choices and how we must live with the decisions we make. For tickets call 910-775-7416 or go to Red Barn Studio Theater in conjunction with Thalian Association will open with the show Good People August 7. The show will run Thursday through Sunday, August 7-30. The theater, the brainchild of Linda Lavin and her husband Steve Bakunas, is located at 1122 S. Third St. in Wilmington, three blocks from the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge. For tickets call 910-254-1788 or go to www. Rounding out the offerings for the summer will be Opera House Theater Company (OHTC). July 30 they will open with Kiss Me Kate. This is a sure-fire toe-tapper with music by Cole Porter. The show will run from July 30 through August 17. Close on the heels of this show, in case you missed BLT’s offering, will be Opera House’s staging of Into the Woods. Under the direction of the immensely talented Jason Aycock, the show is bound to entertain. Did I mention the music is by Stephen Sondheim? Both Opera House shows will be staged at historic Thalian Hall, 310 Chestnut Street in downtown Wilmington. If you are new to St. James and have never been to Thalian, attending a show there is half of the experience. It is a truly grand theater seating approximately 550 people. For tickets, contact Thalian Hall at 910-632-2285 ( or contact OHTC at 910-762-4234 ( Another great bonus for seeing shows at Thalian is there are a number of really good restaurants within walking distance. That makes for a nice evening out. So if you’ve tired of seeing buildings blown up, cars and trucks transforming into dragons and giant robots, TV re-runs that just don’t excite you, and you’ve had enough of the sand and the sea, check out one of these shows. They all offer Sunday matinees if the evening drive back from Wilmington is not to your liking. I hope to see you at the theater. By Stuart Pike GET READY FOR A CAT-TALES PHOTO CONTEST! Three categories – people & activities, wildlife and scenery– of St. James and surrounding areas. Submit photos and information via POA website by August 15 (max. one photo per category). Either landscape or portrait orientation, but only portrait will be considered for Cat-Tales cover. Resident voting August 16-23 will determine grand and category winners. See detailed information on the POA website and start your camera clicking! Page 39 Have you selected a builder for your future home in St. James ? • Locally owned and operated – 15+ years in Southport area • High quality – low volume builder • Energy Star builder since 2004 – CGP designation (Certified Green Professional). Our homes are very energy efficient and we can prove it • Many St. James references are happy to discuss their building experience If you’re planning a visit to the area, give us a call. We’d love to give you a tour of our homes in St. James Plantation. Visit our website for more information and to view our gallery of homes. Cameron L. Smith, President • NEW - Web based job management program – allows our clients easy access to the schedule, selections, progress, photos, budget, warrantee work, and more • Unlimited NC General Contractor C: 910.443.5080 Email: [email protected] You may have passed one of the many homes we have built in St. James Plantation. Isn’t it time to step inside? We should be at the top of that list! We look forward to meeting you! 910-859-6707 Blinds Blinds – Shutters – Shades – Shades – Shutters Complimentary free in home Consultation and estimate Complimentary free in home consultation and estimate Serving Serving Southeastern NC Southeastern for over 16 years NC for over 16 years 910-859-6707 Quality window treatments at affordable prices Quality window treatments at affordable prices Page 40 Day Trip Georgetown, South Carolina Georgetown was settled in 1729 and named to honor King George II. It became a center for lumber, rice, indigo and naval stores (e.g., tar, turpentine, pine oil). In the 1900s a saw mill was the main industry, but now Georgetown caters to manufacturing industries and tourism. Georgetown is about a two hour drive and 110 miles south on Route 17. It’s a great overnight stop in conjunction with a Charleston visit or a long one day Riverwalk visit but well worth the time. The old town by the Waccamaw River has over 50 historical buildings as well as art galleries, antiques, boutiques and restaurants featuring seafood, low country and Italian cuisines. Deep sea fishing and water activities are big attractions here. At nearby Hunting Beach State Park you can swim, surf fish, picnic, hike nature trails or stroll on the boardwalk. sailing lumber schooners when Georgetown was the biggest lumber port in the Southeast. The small Georgetown County Museum has artifacts from the county's history, such as the prerevolutionary war and slave eras. Finally, consider stopping in Outlaw's Original Art Gallery and Museum that has artwork and artifacts of slaves. A must see is the circa 1740 Hopsewee Plantation on the North Santee River and 16 miles south of Georgetown off Route 17 ( The house, still a private residence, is a low country rice plantation house that is the birthplace of Thomas Lynch, Jr., a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Hampton House Prince George Church As you walk around town you can tour several historical buildings such as the pre-revolutionary Harold Kaminski House and the 1720 Prince George Winyah Episcopal Church with different architectures and box pews to keep worshipers warm in winter. If you can’t see Hopsewee or want to see more, there’s the nearby Hampton Plantation State Historic Site, a 250 year old rice plantation. There will be few people here so you can enjoy the quiet surroundings, the unfurnished but elegant plantation house, the interpretive history and the enormous old live oak that George Washington saved (www. Finally, there’s the Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center (www., one mile north of Georgetown on Route 17. The center provides the history, ecology and research of Hobcaw Barony and the North Inlet Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in the areas of forestry, marine biology, wildlife, flora and fauna. There’s a two hour tour (reservations required) of the 16,000 acre barony lands and plantation house that showcases the pristine marshes and former uses of the land. If you want a low country getaway, this is the tour to take. If you like cozy museums, there is no shortage here. In the Town Clock building you can visit the Rice Museum and learn that by 1840 the Georgetown area produced nearly one-half of the total U.S. rice crop. The Maritime Museum Gallery, next to the Town Clock, has a 1700-era boat on display, the Browns Ferry vessel. The South Carolina Maritime Museum focuses on maritime history such as the 1900s By Linda Eyler Page 41 Heritage Buildings, Inc. Le ading the way in high P er for m a nce | 910-383-2136 Page 42 2014_April3.indd 1 4/22/14 3:57 PM Call NOW for your Free In Home Water Analysis Advanced Water Systems Of The Grand Strand Authorized Independent Kinetico Dealer (910) 270-1214 • (843) 283-8241 • water systems designed specifically for Your needs • whole house chlorine and odor removal systems • whole house clean soft water on demand • drinking water contaminant removal systems • whole house UV, bacteria and virus protection Hundreds of Satisfied St. James Homeowners. Page 2 Page 43 CAT - TALES St. James Plantation Property Owners’ Association, Inc. 4140 Southport-Supply Road, Suite B Southport, NC 28461 Prsrt Std US Postage PAID Permit 16 Shallotte, NC 28459 Has your address changed? Please contact the POA office at: [email protected] WRITERS: Deadline is the 3rd of each month for the next month’s publication Editorial: [email protected] Advertising, Billing & Design: Coastal Printing & Graphics, Inc 910.754.5929 - [email protected] Live your life without the limits of urologic issues Novant Health Urology Partners Steven Robbins, MD Lydia Laboccetta, MD Our doctors’ expertise is matched by their compassion. Novant Health Urology Partners knows urologic issues can be uncomfortable to discuss, so we are committed to getting to know you and finding the best solution for your lifestyle. With state-of-the-art treatment options including laser therapy and minimally invasive surgery, you are in good hands. Steven Robbins, MD, joins Lydia Laboccetta, MD, in caring for our community. A urologist with more than 15 years experience, Dr. Robbins comes to us from a private practice in Long Island. 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