Dakota Camper Spring 2013 - Family Campers and RVers
Dakota Camper Spring 2013 - Family Campers and RVers
Dakota Camper 2nd place winner in the International FCRV Newsletter Competition in 2007,2008 and 1st place in 2009, 2010 & 2011 Family Campers and RVers ND/SD FCRV Spring, 2013 JeAnne Selby, ND/SD State Director In This Issue: Gerry’s Corner 2 Business 3 Campvention 2013 4 Chapter News 5-7 Regional Report 8 State Campvention 8 Camping Schedules 9-10 Contest Info. 12-13 Camping Is 14 Youth 15 RV Maintenance 16 DSAT 17 Conservation 18 Dates to Remember May 31 - June 2, 2013 ND/SD State Campvention - LaMoure County Memorial Park July 14 - 18, 2013 - 53rd National Campvention Amana, IA March 25 - 31, 2014 43rd National Retiree Rally - Canton, TX July 7 - 11, 2014 - 54th National Campvention Essex Junction, VT July 6 - 10, 2015 - 55th National Campvention Gillette, WY Jim & Priscilla Paul, Newsletter Editors State Director’s Message FCRV Reflections by JeAnne Selby, ND/SD State Director The four-foot snow bank in and the Roaming Buffalo Club. front of my three-stall garage is gone, the While the national conversion statissun is shining, my tulips are emerging tics on Cadet memberships are 51 - 52 perfrom their Winter hibernation, and I'm cent, the conversion rate of the Night Owls anticipating another fun camping season is currently at 75 percent. and celebrating the membership recruitOrganized on August 5, 2012, the ment accomplishments of our North and Aberdeen Night Owls have elected their South Dakota FCRVers during the past first slate of officers, adopted their club byWinter! laws, and planned their first service project! North and South Dakota FCRV The newly-organized club looks forward to chapters are doing amazing work growing receiving its club charter in July at the 2013 their chapters through sharing their Cadet Campvention in Amana, IA! membership certificates, RV The RV shows, a combination of both or shows offer a personal invitations. steady stream As I write this, I've just comof potential pleted 14 phone calls reminding members. In folks that had stopped at the FCRV addition to the booth at the "Big Boy Toy Show" Aberdeen RV in Aberdeen of the second and last shows, Assis"get acquainted" meeting in Abertant State Dideen for Saturday, May 4. rector Gerry These one-hour meetings Pfirsch also provide an opportunity for the in- Roaming Buffalo Members Ted Kapp, s p e a r h e a d e d terested public to learn more about Tom Ravely, Deb Kapp, Hannah efforts to parFCRV in the Dakotas and to sign Kapp, Jennifer Kapp, Jeanette Srozin- ticipate in the ski and Assistant State Director Gerry J a m e s t o w n up for membership. The Aberdeen Night Owls, Pfirsch (seated front) pause at their Sport and Recthe Dakotas' newest FCRV chapter, booth during the 3-day Jamestown reation Show meeting regularly but not yet Sport & Recreation Show on February February 15 "officially" chartered, are building 16. 17. their chapter membership from a Following combination of two Winter 2013 RV the March 17 get acquainted meeting for shows in Aberdeen and the presentation the prospective members that had left their of Cadet memberships. names at the Roaming Buffalo booth four The current membership of the weeks before, the Roaming Buffalo Club Aberdeen Night Owls consists of five Cahas increased its club membership by six det members, three of whom have connew families, or 28 percent. verted to full memberships, while one just Thanks to Jim and Priscilla Paul recently joined as a Cadet member. Four and Bonnie Ziemann, the Roughriders have of the 10 Night Owls were recruited from recruited three new Cadet members from two recent Aberdeen RV shows. In addilate March to late April. tion, Gary and Olive Eldevik and AssisWhen Gerry Pfirsch agreed to serve tant State Director Gerry Pfirsch hold the Dakotas as Assistant State Director, Jim (Reflections: Continued on page 2) dual club membership in the Night Owls Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 2 (Refections: Continued from page 1) and I asked him to focus his energies especially on membership recruitment and retention. That was in December 2011. Last July 2012, South Dakota was honored by National FCRV with the 2012 membership award for the largest percentage gain in membership among small states and provinces. Gerry was the driving force behind the successful recruiting efforts in South Dakota. Congratulations, again, Gerry, on doing your volunteer job so well! With the long, hard Winter behind us, we look forward to getting out and enjoying the camping season! Please remember your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers that might enjoy the fun and fellowship we all share -- and invite them to join us! Gerry’s Corner Spring is now here! Isn’t it great to be camping again? We have had a great time this last winter doing the RV Show in Jamestown, ND; we had 100 percent of the people that showed up at the "Get Acquainted" meeting sign up. Granted, it was four out of four, but you must understand that the four families that joined came out in adverse conditions to the "Get Acquainted" meeting. It was snowing and blowing, with icy streets the day of the meeting. However, we welcomed four new families into the Roaming Buffalo Chapter from the Jamestown show. With the bad weather we had, a number of people asked to attend the April club meeting, as they could not make it to the March “Get Acquainted” meeting. As of the April meeting, the Roaming Buffalo Chapter has welcomed six new families, as a result of the Jamestown RV Show. The March RV show in Aberdeen gave the Aberdeen Night Owls a boost in membership, as we had two families attend the April "Get Acquainted" meetings and had two families join. Special thanks goes out to Liebelt RV, as they made the booth space available to us at no cost, saving us money that we did not have. They gave us a space that was well worth over $200.00, and they have promoted us to their customers. I hope to have them join us as a commercial member in the future. Until that takes place, we thank them for the support they continue to show us as a club, and I look forward to the RV Show with them next year. As of this article, I will be doing one more "Get Acquainted" meeting in Aberdeen on May 4, 2013. Names of interested potential members came from our sign-up sheets at the Big Boy Toy Show in Aberdeen. Hub City Radio gave us a reduced rate on the booth space, about one-half the by Gerry Pfirsch, ND/SD FCRV Assistant State Director normal cost for the booth. Had we not gotten the break, there would have been no way I could have done the show. Bill Eckmann, the National Membership Director, has agreed to pay the cost of the booth for us, and I await the reimbursement from National. State Director JeAnne Selby helped me with the phone calls for the second show, which was a big help. May 4 will be the last "Get Acquainted" meeting of the year for the 2013 RV Shows. I encourage everyone to continue sponsoring Cadet members in the coming year. The follow through is had lost their marbles or something, but after I took a few moments to think about it, I strongly support the changes. The following are some of the positive things I see in the new Cadet Program. 1) Having only six months, I need to get the new family camping or involved in the chapter activities. This does not allow us time to put off getting them involved in the chapter. 2) I can work with twice as many Cadets in a year and not spread myself too thin, thus not devoting proper time to each. 3) I think that the Cadet Program is by far the best program that we “I encourage everyone to continue have to build membership. I strongly believe that it's imperasponsoring Cadet members in the tive that we make it our mission coming year.” - - - Gerry Pfirsch to share FCRV with our friends, and get them involved in the FCRV family. the most important part of the mentorWe say that we have a great ing process. The work has only started chapter or great organization; but do we when you give that friend, relative, believe this, and do we show it by sharneighbor, etc. the Cadet membership. ing it with the people we know and/or It is imperative that after we sign the meet in our daily lives? When somenew member up, we then take them one at the campground asks about along on campouts, thus getting them FCRV, do we share with them and ininvolved in the chapter and introducvite them over to the campfire (taking ing them to the other members. It is the time to get to know them)? Or do important that we strive to include we say ”Oh, it's a camping club that we them in as many activities as we can are part of?” Then do we go back to get them to. Like a plant that has been our chapter activities, not giving the placed in the garden, we must keep it conversation another thought? When watered to get it to take root and grow. this happens, it becomes another With too little attention, the Cadet will missed opportunity, not only for the wither and die on the vine; and too chapter, but the organization as a much attention, we could drive them whole. away. I feel that we can look to ourselves to find a good balance. You know, when I first looked at and heard about the changes to the Cadet Program, I asked myself "What in the world were the leaders thinking by changing from one year to six months?" I had started to think they Come Camp With Us Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 3 by JeAnne Selby The following are a few administrative highlights from the 2013 National Executive Board meeting in Houston in early March, recent issues of Camping Today, and National FCRV President Dave Ludwig's monthly Executive Board e-communications. Cadet Membership Program: The National FCRV Trustees unveiled a changed but continuing Cadet Membership Program on March 8 at the National Executive Board meeting. Major changes in the membership recruitment program involve shortening the time frame of the free membership from 12 months to six, effective April 1, 2013, and the availability of financial incentives to FCRV families and individuals for soliciting Cadet memberships (after the first three), as well as the individual or family that converts the most Cadet memberships into paid FCRV members between October 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. Look elsewhere in this issue for more details on the changes. FCRV website under construction: While FCRVers continue to have access to the FCRV website, at fcrv.org, it is currently undergoing several major "behind the Dakota Camper Publication Information The Dakota Camper is the official publication of North Dakota/ South Dakota Family Campers and RVers. The Dakota Camper is a quarterly publication and is printed in Bismarck, ND at the Bismarck/Mandan Area Chamber of Commerce Office. Dakota Camper is sent to members in good standing at no cost. For additional information or to be added to the mailing list, contact Jim & Priscilla Paul, Editors, at [email protected] or State Directors Jim & JeAnn Selby at [email protected] scenes" changes. According to Website Manager Vickie Roop, the website architects Sarah Camp and Jill Serbousek (plus Vickie) plan to have the changes in place by July. According to the ladies, the changes will contribute to a website that is more comprehensive, user-friendly and attractive. FCRV better utilizing social media: In addition to being liked on Facebook, FCRV can now be FCRV Website Manager Vickie Roop, Fort Wayne, IN, explains the numerous changes the FCRV website (fcrv. org) is currently undergoing, as Vice President of Planning & Development Scott Serbousek, Fenton, MO, looks on. Roop expects the new and improved website to be operational by July. found on Twitter and YouTube. FCRV made the move to Facebook in the Spring of 2011. North Dakota/South Dakota FCRV Staffing: We continue searching for FCRV families willing to assume the positions of State DASAT (Disaster and Safety Awareness Training) Director, vacated in September 2009, State Teen Director, vacated in May 2011, and State Conservation/ Wildlife Director, vacated in January 2012. Anyone interested in additional information or written job descriptions for any of these positions may contact State Director JeAnne Selby at [email protected] or 701-255-1735. F o r me r N a t i o n a l S e l f Propelled Camper (SPC) Program being revised: National CAMP Director Donella Wilkes recently announced continuing changes and revisions to the former SPC program, now known as the Campers A c t i ve l y M o vi n g P r o gr a m (CAMP). CAMP activities have been expanded to now include aerobics and line dancing. No 2013 Region 3 Regional Campvention: Because Region 3 FCRVers are hosting the 2013 National Campvention in the Amana Colonies in July, there will not be an August Regional Campvention this summer. Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 4 ND/SD Responsibilities to Campvention 2013 by JeAnne Selby As you likely know, our own Region 3 (composed of Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota) is hosting the 2013 National Campvention at the Amana RV Park & Event Center, in the Amana Colonies, in east central Iowa, this coming July 14 - 18. In only five short months, North and South Dakota, along with the other four Heartland States, will be hosting U.S. and Canadian FCRVers at the 53rd National Campvention! ND/SD tasked with 2013 National Parade: North and South Dakota's major contribution to Campvention 2013 is chairing the National Campvention parade. Roughriders Marv and Gerri Huschka have offered to chair the parade following the October 20 death of former Parade Chair Jim Selby. The Huschkas are currently in discussion with Amana city and county officials for permits and the parade route. Their most urgent, current request of our members is to seriously consider attending the 2013 Campvention! They remind us that "we'll need lots of FCRVers to help assemble the three floats for which the parade committee is responsible." They include floats for the newly-crowned National Teen Queen and her court, one for the International FCRV band, and a third for the International Retiree King and Queen, if they choose to ride in the parade. This year's parade theme is identical to the Campvention theme, "Heart of the Heartland." Campvention volunteers needed in various areas: North and South Dakota's primary Campvention obligation is the National parade; however, Region 3 FCRVers are also expected to volunteer a few hours at the teen and/or youth centers during Campvention week. Both centers have chairs and tentative daily schedules, but will need additional staffing to present programming during the week. Campvention First Timers Chair, our own Gerry Pfirsch, will also need volunteers to hand out first timers ribbons in the on-site registration area the first few days of Campvention. Other volunteer opportunities are noted elsewhere in this issue, in the Campvention 2013 upadate. Tie- dye your "work uniforms": North and South Dakota FCRVers that attended the July Regional had an opportunity to tie dye their 2013 "work uniforms," white tshirts of any style. The next tie-dying party will happen at the 2013 State Campvention in early June, for those who haven't had an opportunity to tie dye their t-shirts thus far or would like to dye a second one. The shirts will be blue, with a red appliqué Campvention logo on the front. JeAnne Selby is taking orders for the embroidered Campvention logo; the cost of each logo is $0.50. They are being produced in Kansas. Donate a door prize: FCRV families throughout Region 3 are asked to donate one door prize per family for Campvention 2013. Door Prize Chair Judy Hiatt asks that the donated items be something that "you would like to receive." Other things to remember: In addition to your tie-dyed t-shirts and door prize, please remember to bring the manufacturers' coupons (either unused current ones or within six months of their expirations, but preferably only two or three months beyond their expiration dates) you've been collecting for the military families at the U. S. Army Garrison at Kaiserslautern, Germany, the aluminum tabs for the local Amanaarea Ronald McDonald House, your red hats (and purple ensembles), construction accessories for the men's hard hat luncheon, wildlife photos or birdhouses for either or both of those national contests, and your site decorations for that contest (if you'll be entering that one). Look elsewhere in this issue for details of the various contests. Those not attending the 2013 National Campvention may send their manufacturers' coupons, aluminum tabs and door The Heartland Region Campvention Steering Committee Members presented a narrated 30-minute slide show invitation to the 2013 Campvention at the Executive Winter Board Meeting in Houston on Friday, March 8. Region 3 FCRV staff included (from left to right) JeAnne Selby, ND/SD State Director, Campvention PR Chair, Team Leader; Claudia Else, Iowa State Director, Office Manager, Scheduler; IvaLee Vanderhoff, Kansas State Director, Team Leader; Glenda Sellers, Region 3 Regional Director, General Campvention Chair; Glen Else, National FCRV Campvention Director, Scheduler; Marcia Witmer, Nebraska State Director, Team Leader; Earl Vanderhoff, Kansas State Director, Team Leader; and Ed Alft, National Teen Director, Campvention Registration Chair. prizes with other club members attending Campvention. Welcome bag inserts are ready! The "Come camp with us" 3-inch square notepads that FCRV members at the June 3 annual business meeting voted to design and order have arrived. The notepad design incorporates a watermark logo design with orange and blue ND/SD FCRV lettering along the lower edge. The notepads will be included as the Dakotas' contribution to the 2013 National Campvention welcome bags. Please register for Campvention and join us in Iowa in July! Please register for Campvention at your earliest convenience. Campvention registration forms are available in all (Campvention 2013 :Continued on page 5) Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 5 (Campventio 2013: Continued from page 4) recent issues of Camping Today, the on-line versions, and on the FCRV website, at www.fcrv.org; they can be accessed from the home page. Although the Huschkas need as many willing hands (and hearts) as they can persuade to attend Campvention and help with the parade, we're also going to Amana to have fun (both enroute to Campvention and during the week)!! If you're wondering about the "fun" part, check with anyone that has attended a National Campvention -- despite being committed to the National Parade this time, Campvention can still be a fun adventure for participants! Chapter News Roaming Buffalo Report Roughrider Ramblings by Clint Tompt by Marv & Gerri Huschka Spring is here!! The snow is gone and campers arecoming out of storage. The birds are singing and I am ready to go. I am sure the members are happy that Spring is here!! The snow is about gone, By the time you read this, I am sure some of you have already been on a campout. I have enclosed a copy of the Roaming Buffalo schedule. It is elsewhere in this newsletter. During the February meeting, it was noted that the Buffalos collected and distributed 221 pounds of food and paper items in 2012. Also, $1,246.52 was raised for the Salvation Army when the Buffalos rang the bells during the holidays. Thanks to all who contributed and helped. In the last newsletter, I noted that we would have a recruiting booth at the Jamestown Recreational show in February. Assistant. State Director Gerald Pfirsch over saw this. State Director JeAnne Selby was also there to help. We now have four new members. Thank you to all who also helped with this. At the March meeting, the 2013 schedule was discussed and approved by the members. Gerald Pfirsch gave a talk and a power point display to the new members. This was about the Roaming Buffalo Chapter and FCRV. The new members are: John & Mary Fellerer, Arnold Haugland, Richard Seekins and Curt & Jennifer Stavern. We welcome them to the Chapter and FCRV. In March, 11 members made a trip to the Soldier's Home in Lisbon. We visited Member Don Williams who now resides there. We also visited other residents. The home is in a new building and is very home like. They provided us with a noon meal. The Buffalos hosted a bingo game for all and it was enjoyed by the residents. Dan Kapp provided monetary gifts which were appreciated by all. Don Williams gave us a tour of the building and rooms. At the April meeting, the State & National campventions were discussed. Members were reminded to get their registrations in. The Buffalos will be hosting the State Campvention to be held at Grand Rapids, LaMoure County Memorial Park, on May 31st to June 2nd. Sherry McGuire is campvention chair and she reported a $50 Tesoro gas card will be one of the door prizees Also, plans are to dye shirts to be used at the National Campvention. The first “Adopt a Highway” clean up is scheduled for May 25th. Here's hoping to see you all soon, and as always, around the campfire. After a winter that just wouldn’t go away, the Roughriders are anxious to get out and do some serious camping. Our annual summer planning meeting set for March 17th at the Woodhouse was postponed due to a major winter storm. Go figure!!! So on April 7th we were finally able to get together to plan our summer schedule. You can find this schedule elsewhere in this newsletter. At our planning meeting, we welcomed three new members to our chapter: Gerald Hoff & Vickie Martin, recruited by Jim & Priscilla Paul; Dennis and Jean Sticka; and Frank and Sherry Ziemann, both signed up by Bonnie Ziemann. Welcome!!! We encourage as many as possible to sign up for the 2013 ND-SD State FCRV Campvention to be held Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 2, 2013 at the Grand Rapids Campground. Registration is $15 per unit plus $15 per night for camping. If you have not received an application and would like to attend the Campvention, contact Sherry McGuire at: 701-252-0422 or mail to [email protected] Hello from the Aberdeen Night Owls! by Gerry Pfhirsch It has been a long haul getting the Chapter off the ground and started in Aberdeen, SD. It's been three years, but it has been well worth it. The Night Owls will receive their charter at Campvention in Amana, IA this year. It looks like this will take place at the Wednesday evening program. The chapter is going to do a conservation project, working with the South Dakota State Parks, having a cleanup weekend on May 1012 at Mina Lake State Park. We have plans in the works to do a fall cleanup at Richmond Lake with the Park Service. The park service has been great to work with, and have been grateful for the offer (Night Owls: Continued on page 6) Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 (Night Owls: Continued from page 5) of help with park clean up. It is a constant struggle with funding cuts and the like for them to meet their needs, so any help makes the state parks better for all. We Night Owls feel this is a way for us to give back, and what we get back -well, there is no way to put it into words. Let’s just say we are excited about the possibilities! We are looking forward to a great year of camping here! We have added two new families at the April Get Acquainted meeting. We had two families show up and they signed up and joined the Chapter. Two more families showed up and signed up at the May 4 meeting. I have to also thank Liebelt RV for the support that they have shown and continue to show us as a chapter here in Aberdeen. They have already registered us to have a booth in the 2014 RV Show. Tom, Randy and all the crew at Liebelt RV are great people, as well as great to work with. The Night Owls say to them, “Thank you, and we look forward to a long-standing relationship with you. We had a great time at the shows with you and look forward to the next one.” We have grown over the last year! In March we added one Cadet Member. I would like to welcome Brent Furhrmann, our newest Cadet member. I also would like to welcome Roger and Linda Rohwedder, as well as Bob and Lynn Hepel, to the Night Owls Chapter. It is also great to report that we have had three of the four Cadets renew and convert to regular membership. To all of you Night Owls, I look forward to many great campouts this year, as well as many more in the years to come. Each of you Night Owls will be listed as charter members of this chapter; you are the backbone and life force of the chapter. Let me be the first to congratulate you and say “great job; and let’s make it our mission for each of us to find a new member this year.” I know you will do it. One last thing I would like to say is that it is an honor to be your Field Director. President’s Message Ron & Sharron Crowley, Roughriders TRAVELONG: Travelongs are several campers traveling together to see planned and unplanned sites and attractions. When a group of camping friends decide that they want to see sites in a certain area, a date is set and plans are made. Generally a team of couples chair the event and investigate attractions in the area that the group will travel to. An important part of this is locating and reserving camping sites for the group. When the caravan of campers arrive at the campgrounds the campers get their rigs set up. If there is enough time the group may carpool to a close attraction. If there is not enough time, a potluck supper may be in order. Afterwards, there is usually gathering around the campfire and plans made for the next day are made. In the following days there will be carpooling to local sites and area attractions. When the planned activities are finished, the caravan will move on to the next campground and Page 6 more sites and activities will be enjoyed. A Travelong can be as long or as short as the group agrees to. Normally a week is the time allotted and two or three different areas are visited. This is a great way to see areas of your state that you normally might not get to. Happy Camping!!! President’s Message Sherry McGuire, Roaming Buffalo I AM SO EXCITED! Spring weather has finally found North Dakota! It was the end of April before the snowbanks finally melted away in my yard. Our Roaming Buffalo club met in March and decided on our summer camping schedule. We also welcomed four new families to our membership. When we met in April, we welcomed another new camping family to our herd. We did have to adjust our camping schedule, as several of the campgrounds we had picked were filled for those particular weekends. We are “summerizing” our campers, anxiously awaiting the new camping season. We are also hoping the campground we picked for that first weekend out is going to have the water turned on. We can tote our own water if we need to. We were also going to clean the highway on that first weekend in May, but have postponed that to a later date, in hopes that the snow and possible water in the ditches will be diminished, and the weather will be a little warmer. Our second weekend pick might be dealing with river flooding in the area, so it will be “wait and see” for May 10th. Ah, the trials of camping in the upper Midwest! The schedule for this summer’s State Campvention is coming together nicely. Our location is reserved, as are the entertainment, conservation program, and afternoon activities. Meals have been planned, and now I just have to finetune the details, as well as get the schedule ready to send out. If you golf, bring your clubs! Some in our group are long-range planning for the July National Campvention in Amana, IA. We will be caravanning in two groups, some going early and checking out the sites along the way, and the second group arriving in time to join the festivities. However we get there, it will be a good time. I say this with authority, because I was in Amana last year for the Regional Campvention and enjoyed the area and sights. I hope to see a number of you campers at State Campvention, or just around the campfire. Thank You... Dear North and South Dakota FCRV Members, Your expression of sympathy at this time was very meaningful to our family. Thank you for the $40.00 memorial to Eldon. The memorial gifts from our FCRV family were sent to the National FCRV Scholarship Fund. Sincerely, The family of Eldon Sellers Glenda, Kristine, Deanna and Charles Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 President’s Message Page 7 North Dakota FCRV Staff Scott & Christi Lutz, Night Owls It is great to be camping once again this year. We are looking forward to another great year of camping. It was great to have our first camp out of the year last weekend. It was great to share our time in helping the parks. We have a busy year planned with a joint camp out with the Roaming Buffalo from Jamestown over the Fourth of July as well as a fall cleanup with the park system. Christy and I are glad to be a part of the night owls as well as the FCRV organization. We enjoy camping and we enjoy the time spent with the other members of the group. We're pleased with the results of the RV show along with the offer to the group in seeing those shows succeed. I would like to say thank you to all that helped with the shows. It is great to see us grow as a group and we look forward to many more great campouts in the years to come. JeAnne Selby - State Director - [email protected] Gerry Pfirsch - Asst State Director - [email protected] Priscilla Paul - State Secretary - [email protected] Alice Schott - State Treasurer - [email protected] Jim & Priscilla Paul - State Newsletter Editors [email protected] Position Open - Historian Position Open - Conservation Position Open - DASAT HOMEMADE MOSQUITO TRAP: Position Open - Teens Items needed: Bill Schott - Legislation - [email protected] 1 cup of water 1/4 cup of brown sugar 1 gram of yeast 1 2-liter bottle 1. Cut the plastic bottle in half. Marv & Gerri Huschka - Retirees [email protected] Tim & Leslie Heisler - CAMP - [email protected] Dan & Jennifer Kapp - Youth - [email protected] Sherry McGuire - Roaming Buffalo Field Director [email protected] 2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle. Jim & Priscilla Paul - Roughrider Field Directors [email protected] 3. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes. Ron & Sharron Crowley - Roughrider Presidents [email protected] 4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle, taping them together if desired. Scott & Christy Lutz—Night Owls Presidents [email protected] 5. Wrap the bottle with something black, leaving the top uncovered, and place it outside in an area away from your normal gathering area. (Mosquitoes are also drawn to the color black.) Change the solution every 2 weeks for continuous control Sherry McGuire - Roaming Buffalo President [email protected] submitted by Tom Ravely, Roaming Buffalo REMINDER Let no one say and say it to your shame! That all was cleanliness here until YOU came. FCRV MISSION STATEMENT To share with all campers/RVers the FCRV fun, friendship, fellowship and family feelings of camping together and to promote and enhance the experience Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Regional Director’s Report by Glenda Sellers, Region 3 director As we get into the 2013 camping season, I hope it makes you wonder what you can do to help make Campvention 2013 a success; it is only 2 1/2 months away. Do you have an “Easy-up” tent that could be used? Has your chapter decided on a door prize to donate? Did you send your name to Rob Baker: [email protected]? Are willing to donate blood? We need 35 names before the Red Cross will • • • • set up. • Have you thought about where you want to volunteer? Send your name and the area in which you want to help to Judy Dickey: [email protected]" • Do you have a cot that can be used for First Aid? One hundred ninety is the total Camp registrations as of April 15th. These are the figures for our region: IA 22, KS 23, ND 7, SD 1, and NE 18. You can start cutting manufacturer's coupons from the Sunday paper. Read the details in a separate article. A big thank goes to all of you for your efforts in this regional venture. How many cadet memberships have you handed out? On my first report, ND was the first state in our region to report cadet memberships given. This is only being done for 6 months of the camping season. There is a contest within your state and within our region. Let's have a good response from Region #3. Cadet Membership Program continues as a contest for 2013 - 2014 by JeAnne Selby The Cadet Membership Program, unveiled in March 2010 by the NationTrustees as a new member recruitment tool, continues, but with a new twist. The primary changes in the membership recruitment program involve shortening the time frame of the free membership from 12 months to six, effective April 1, 2013, and the availability of financial incentives to FCRV families or individuals for Cadet memberships (after the first three), a shot at a $100 gift card to be drawn next October in every region, and a $500 grand prize to the family or individual that converts the most Cadet members into paid FCRV members between October 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. After FCRV members have returned three Cadet memberships, they will receive $5 FCRV merchandise certificates and an entry into the regional drawing for the $100 gift card for each successive membership. FCRV members are limited to a maximum of $30 in merchandise certificates. The FCRVer that converts the most Cadet members into paid FCRVers between October 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014 will receive $500 cash. If the winner/s are attending the 2014 Campvention in Essex Junction, Vermont, they will also receive an additional $250 and their Campvention 2014 registration fees. Revenue will be shared with those states and provinces which attain a minimum 20 percent conversion rate on their Cadet members by September 30, 2014. Revenue percentages increase as conversion percentages increase. Cadet applications and certificates are available from all field directors, program directors, Assistant State Director Gerry Pfirsch, and State Director JeAnne Selby. In late March all North and South Dakota FCRVers should have received an e-mail from their Field Directors explaining the Cadet program changes. Anyone with questions may contact State Director JeAnne at [email protected] or 701-255-1735. Page 8 2013 ND/SD State Campvention set for Grand Rapids Memorial Park by Sherry Mcguire The Roaming Buffalo FCRV Club members, hosts for the 2013 State Campvention, are planning many traditional campvention activities, a choice of several activities on Saturday afternoon, and our first exposure to a “Junkfest.” The annual Campvention is slated for May 31 through June 2 at Grand Rapids Memorial Park. If you're on your way to the Park from the north, take U.S. 281 south to ND 34. If you're coming from South Dakota, take U.S. 281 north, through Edgeley. Watch for a brown sign marked "Grand Rapids Memorial Park, 17 miles"; turn east. Just beyond (east of) Grand Rapids you'll encounter another sign directing you left (or north), to the campground. Our FCRVers will be parked on the north and west sides of the campground. On Friday afternoon we will be tie-dying the white t-shirts that will serve as our “work uniforms” at National Campvention in July. Friday evening the Roaming Buffalo will host hospitality and evening entertainment (a local male vocalist). Saturday activities will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a CAMP (Campers Actively Moving Program) hike and/or bike hike. Those FCRVers wishing to golf at the beautiful, nearby golf course will need to call for a tee-time. Noon lunch will be on your own. The afternoon will offer a choice of several activities; nine holes of golf, an opportunity to discover the locally(State Campvention: Continued on page 9) Dakota Camper (State campvention: Continued from page 8) sponsored “Junkfest,” beanbag baseball (or other group games), a conservation program, another bike hike, or fishing. If you plan to golf fish or bike, remember to bring your golf clubs, fishing pole or bicycle. A nondenominational church service will be held at 5:00 p.m. The church Spring, 2013 service will be followed by one of our outstanding POTLUCK suppers! Since there were no applicants for Retiree King and Queen this year, and consequently no Retiree coronation and reception scheduled for Saturday night, the Roughriders will host the Saturday evening hospitality. Page 9 Sunday morning breakfast, featuring “eggs in a bag,” will be provided by the Roaming Buffalo. This will be followed by a short business meeting before FCRVers hit the road. We may even be able to work in another bike ride this morning, if people aren’t in a big hurry to head out. Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 10 Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 The search for the perfect camper It was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled and roared, and the trees waved their huge arms furiously as if to protect themselves from the north wind. Rain poured down in drumming sheets. But the couple lay snuggled together, sleeping soundly through the dark and stormy night. After all, they were sleeping in their wonderful camper with hard sides, one that didn’t need to be folded up in the morning when they hit the road. Suddenly she sat upright. “Tim,” she whispered hoarsely. “Someone is outside. Get out there and see what is going on.” Tim was the woman’s brave husband whose experiences over the years with all the criminals and wild, hungry animals that a ferocious Mother Nature could challenge him with had made him somewhat of a hero in his mind. He was prepared for anything. But it was storming, and for a moment he thought about just saying no. But ferocious, terrifying creatures of the night were no comparison to the woman who now was shaking him by the stretched neck of his t-shirt. “Tim!!?? Get out there!” Ok,” our hero said, sitting upright boldly with a courage that surprised even him. He came to just a few minutes later. Note to self: don’t sit up boldly with a cabinet so close to your head. The sympathy from his traveling companion helped with his motivation. “Will you quit trying to go back to sleep and get out there! They could be stealing something. GO NOW!!!” He pulled on his raincoat, baseball cap, and sneakers. He grabbed the flashlight and started to open the door. A strong gust of wind jerked the door from his grasp. Wind drove rain into the camper. But it wasn’t a gust of wind that tore open the camper door. The tallest, meanest-looking criminal he could imagine had ripped the door from his hand. He growled a command: “Get out of this camper right now. We’re stealing it and you’ll never get it back. Don’t say anything to anyone or we’ll come back for you. And take that night creature with you.” His face had a terrifying grimace to it that made Tim think of looking a hungry, roaring grizzly bear right in the mouth. Then he realized he was looking at his wife. She was shaking him roughly. “Wake up Tim, wake up. You were having another one of your camper nightmares. Ever since we sold our camper, you’ve been having these terrible dreams. I wish we still had our camper. Page 11 by Tim & Leslie Heisler, Roughriders Sure, it was small, but at least you were happy and you could sleep through the night. Oh, I wish we had our camper back.” Yes, it is true. We sold our camper last spring, with good intentions of taking two years to save a little money and decide what kind of camper we wanted next. But, alas, being camper-less has been pure anguish for us. Camping had been our life, it was the adventure that gave our marriage that extra zing, it was how we traveled, and how we celebrated our anniversaries. Now it was gone. Oh, our anniversaries. Every year for the past seven, eight or nine years we’d celebrate our seventh, eighth or ninth anniversary by camping in northern Minnesota. After all, we spent our honeymoon there seven, eight or nine years ago. Precious anniversaries that meant so much to us. We’re not sure how long we’ve been married because they have been such happy years. OUCH! Leslie is standing here reading as I type. “No, dear. I am NOT being sarcastic.” Anyway, we have used the past ten months in our quest for a new camper constructively, having narrowed our search to a travel trailer, a fifthwheel, or a Class C motorhome. And we’ve managed to save $300 towards the next purchase. We do know for sure that we don’t want a walk-through bathroom or bunk beds, unless the price is really low. And in spite of her continuous pleading, I’m sticking to my guns that a pop-up won’t be our next camper. OUCH! To find out what new or used campers have to offer, we have visited camper stores. Lots of camper stores. Probably too many campers stores too many times. Two local camper stores have our pictures on their front doors with those red circles and a slash mark through them. Another store has put up a sign that limits time in campers to a few hours. It is embarrassing when the store manager comes into a camper we were examining just as dinner is about ready. “No, I don’t want to join you for dinner. Now get out of those pajamas and get out of here” is a phrase I’ve heard too often. So we’ve broadened our search to camper stores a few hundred miles away. Also, clever disguises allow us to slip into campers undetected. If you go into a camper store, and sales clerks are standing around a camper staring inside, and Raggedy Ann and Andy are inside opening doors and sitting on the couch, be sure to stop and say hi! The FCRV Prayer O God, who has so wonderfully made FCRV and set families in it to see their duty as Thy will, teach us to live together in love and joy and peace: to check all bitterness; to disown discouragement; to practice thanksgiving; and to leap with joy to any task for others. Strengthen the good things thus begun; that with gallant and high-hearted happiness we may work for thy kingdom in the will of families. Guide us in our daily thoughts and our appreciation of the great outdoors. Amen Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Conservation Poster Contest Rules by JeAnne Selby Will you or your child create a conservation poster this year? If you haven't already thought about a conservation topic or theme for your (or your child's) conservation poster, you really shouldn't put it off any longer! The state conservation poster contest is coming up June 1 at State Campvention at the LaMoure County Memorial Park! Local 1st place state winners in each age category receive $20.00 cash prizes and the opportunity to advance to national conservation poster competitions. In addition, 2nd place state winners in each age category will receive a $10.00 cash prize; $5.00 will be given to 3rd place state winners. Conservation posters must visually interpret a specific conservation message. Posters must be on standard-size 22" x 28" poster board. The contest is divided into six age categories: 0 - 5 years inclusive, 6 - 8 years inclusive, 9 - 11 years inclusive, 12 - 14 years inclusive, 15 - 19 years inclusive, and 20+ years. Age is determined as of July 1st of the current year. The poster must be the contestant's own work and must have been created for the FCRV contest only. Any art media may be used. Youth ages 0 through 5 inclusive may have help with lettering. The entrant's name, date of birth, chapter and complete address, along with Field Director's or State/Provincial Director's stamp/certification of membership must appear on the lower left corner on the back of the poster (to certify the entrant, or his family are FCRV members in good standing). National poster contestants must be members of FCRV who have won first place in their state/provincial or overseas competition. In the national competition, trophies are awarded to 1st place winners in each age category. Ribbons are awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places as well as honorable mentions in each of the six categories. Judging at all levels is based on adherence to National Conservation Board rules, originality, neatness, and adherence to or development of the theme. The six 1st place winners become the property of FCRV for use in promoting conservation. Contestants need not attend National Campvention in order to compete at that level. Detailed guidelines for the state and national conservation contests are available from State Director JeAnne Selby; youth conservation poster contest information and “Camping Is” poster contest information are available from State Youth Directors Dan and Jennifer Kapp. All conservation and "Camping Is" contest guidelines are also available in the program section of the fcrv.org website. I join the Kapps in encouraging you and/or your children to create an entry for either or both state poster contests in June. Page 12 Seventh Annual National Wildlife Amateur Photo Contest by JeAnne Selby For the seventh year, an amateur wildlife photo contest will be held at National Campvention, this year in Amana, IA in July. The photographs entered into competition must be of wildlife in its natural habitat or in a nature preserve (not a zoo). Photographs of dogs, cats and pet birds will not be accepted in competition. Photographs must have been taken between July 2012 and July 2013. Photographs must be a minimum of 4" x 6" and no larger than 8" x 10". On the back side of the photograph contestants must include their names, identify when and where the photograph was taken, and the age category entered. Submissions may be made in three age categories: ages 7 through 13; ages 14 through 19; and age 20 and over. First place winners will receive cash prizes in each age category ($15, $20 and $25 respectively). The photographs must be on standard photograph paper. Only two photographs per individual may be submitted. Photographs need to be registered by Sunday of Campvention week at the Wildlife booth. Photographs will be returned to their owners at the end of Campvention week. “Camping Is” Poster Contest rules by JeAnne Selby The “Camping Is” poster contest is an opportunity for youth to artistically explain what camping means to them. At the national level, youth may compete in six age categories; 0 to 2 years, 3 to 4 years, 5 to 6 years, 7 to 8 years, 9 to 10 years, and 11 to 12 years. Their parents or legal guardians must be FCRV members. A copy of the official, pre-designed 2013 contest piece for children through age four is on the next page of this issue of Dakota Camper. The piece is also available for download on the national FCRV website, fcrv.org (and found under the youth program), from State Youth Directors Dan and Jennifer Kapp or State Director JeAnne Selby. Coloring contest entries may be done in any non-electronic drawing or art media. Other entries, developed by youth ages 5 to 12 years old, must be created on the standard-size, approximately 22” x 28” poster board. All entries must be the youth's own work. Posters may be done in any media. In national competition, ribbons are awarded for first, second and third places. First place winners will receive an additional award (a medallion or trophy) to be determined by National contest officials. Judging is based on age, original(“Camping Is”:Continued on page 13) Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 (“Camping Is”: Continued from page 12) ity, neatness and the youth's idea of what “Camping Is.” Each first place poster becomes the property of FCRV, for promotional purposes. All others may be claimed at the end of Campvention. State Youth Directors Dan and Jennifer Kapp chair the state “Camping Is” poster contest. Each state is eligible to submit only one entry per age category, usually the state's first place winner (to be determined at State Campvention), in the National “Camping Is” and Conservation poster contests in July at Amana, IA. The name of the youth, complete address and birth date, Fourth Annual Build-A-Birdhouse by JeAnne Selby Contest National Wildlife Directors Al and Joanie Stone of Nebraska recently announced guidelines for participation in the fourth annual build-a-birdhouse contest, to be held at National Campvention 2013. Bird houses may be designed and constructed by individual FCRV members, FCRV families, or by chapter members. The bird house must be handmade, not purchased. It may be one that actually could be used by birds in your yard, or it may be a home or campsite decoration. When registering your birdhouse, please indicate which category you are entering, along with your name and adult or child division. At the direction of the contestant, the bird houses will either be returned to the entrant or sold, with the proceeds going to the wildlife grant fund. For complete contest rules, contact your state director or click on Programs, then Wildlife, on the Home Page of the FCRV website, fcrv.org. Help Wanted: State Historian State DASAT (disaster & safety awareness training) Directors State Conservation/Wildlife Directors Page 13 along with the Field Director’s or State/Provincial Director’s certification of membership must appear in the lower left hand corner on the back of the poster. The entrant’s age is determined as of July 1 of this year. For complete conservation poster rules, for both youth and adults, look elsewhere in this issue of the Dakota Camper. Your State Director joins State Youth Directors Kapps in urging your participation and that of your youth in either or both of the competitions -- the “Camping Is” poster contest and/or the conservation poster contest. RV tire maintenance tips http://www.goodyearrvtires.com When to check your RV or trailer tire pressure: • Before and after storing your vehicle •On long trips, every morning •On short trips, before you leave and when you return home • At least once per month while the vehicle is in storage How to check your tire pressure: • Tire pressure should be checked when your tires are cold and haven’t been driven more than one mile. The load capacity for a given cold inflation pressure is based on ambient outside temperatures. The pressure in a hot tire may be as much as 10 to 15 psi higher than the cold tire pressure. That means you’ll only get an accurate reading when you check your tires when they’re cold. • To ensure your tire pressure readings are accurate, Goodyear recommends that you use a quality truck tire gauge with a dual-angled head. This way, you can check inner and outer dual wheels at the same time. •Do NOT bleed air from hot tires. • Inflation pressure should be adjusted to the tire carrying the heaviest load, and all tires on the axle should have the same inflation pressure. •Use proper sealing metal valve caps or quality flow-through valve caps. • Tires that have lost more than 20% of their recommended inflation pressure should be considered flat. • Flat tires should be professionally inspected and repaired. or replaced by a tire professional. State Teen Directors For additional information or written job description, Contact: JeAnne Selby, State FCRV Director 701-255-1735 or [email protected] At the 2012 State Campvention I stated I would be retiring as State Historian. I want to thank all FCRV members for their help in collecting items for the scrapbooks. I will be turning the scrapbooks over at the ND 2013 Campvention in June. Thank you again, Clinton Tompt Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 14 Dakota Camper News for youth Spring, 2013 Page 15 Dan & Jen Kapp, State Youth Directors Just a reminder for all youth that it's time to be thinking about “Camping Is” poster and coloring contests. The “Camping Is” contest gives the youth of FCRV an opportunity to express themselves through art in defining what camping means to them. The contest is divided into 6 age groups; 0-2 years, 3-4 years, 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-10 years, and 11-12 years. The 0-2 and 3-4 year olds will have a coloring contest with an official entry form /coloring page which can be downloaded from the Youth Page of the FCRV web site. The coloring page is also available on the previous page. The other age groups will have a poster contest of their own design. There is a cash award for first, second and third places for each age division at the State level. The winners of each age division will advance to National competition. The complete contest rules and official coloring contest forms can be downloaded at fcrv.org or you may contact Dan and Jen Kapp at [email protected] for rules and regulations. Below is a fun recipe for the youth to try this camping season. Please be sure there is adult supervision, especially while cooking around a campfire. Campfire Coffee Can Casserole Ingredients: 1 lb Ground Beef 4 small potatoes 4 small carrots 2 small onions Salt and pepper 1 Clean 3 lb coffee can Directions: 1. Peel the potatoes and carrots with a vegetable peeler and grate them or cut them really thin. 2. Remove the skins from the onions and cut them in really thin slices. 3. Make four layers in a clean 3 lb. coffee can starting with the ground beef, add the onions, then the potatoes, then the carrots. Sprinkling each layer with salt and pepper. 4. Cover with aluminum foil and set in or on the campfire. 5. Cook 30 to 60 minutes, depending how hot your campfire is. Remove carefully with pot holders. Enjoy! Here's to a “Happy Camping, Making Lasting Memories Season”. Stop throwing out your unused coupons! Region 3 FCRVers want you to stop throwing out your unused and unwanted manufacturers' coupons and start saving them, to be collected at the 2013 Campvention in Amana, IA, in July! Following Campvention, “Coupons for the Military” Chairs Ken and Sandy Kendall will package our coupons and forward them to the U. S. Army Garrison at Kaiserslautern, Germany. As you likely know, stretching our dollars has become more difficult for all of us in recent years, and it has become more so for our military families, especially those stationed overseas. Unfortunately, manufacturers’ coupons are not readily available to troops and their families stationed overseas, so they need to rely on the kindness of others. One way we can help is by saving expired or unused coupons and sending them to designated family support centers overseas that offer coupon exchanges. Overseas military commissaries, similar to our civilian grocery stores, accept manufacturers' cents-off coupons for up to six months past their printed expiration dates. Military families also shop on base at their PX or BX, the military equivalent to our civilian department store. The Kendalls will separate the coupons into “food” and “non-food” categories and label the baggies of coupons, so that base volunteers get them to the appropriate venue more quickly. A collection box for coupons will be placed in the central registration area at Campvention, for you to deposit your neatly-trimmed coupons. The Kendalls will also have a donation can available as well, for FCRVers’ contributions for shipping the coupons following Campvention. The cost per flat-rate priority mail box from the Postal Service is approxi- from JeAnne Selby, 2013 Campvention PR Chair mately $15. The Kendalls welcome donations for all or any part of that per-box rate. In order to truly be of service, a few guidelines are offered: Military families stationed overseas can use coupons that state they are manufacturers’ coupons. • Coupons from all sources, provided the magic words “manufacturers’ coupon” appear on them, can be used. These coupons include printable coupons, tear-pads, insert coupons, booklet coupons, grocery store dispensed coupons, etc. • Military families stationed overseas cannot use storespecific coupons (eg., Walgreens, Target, Publix, etc.), restaurant coupons (eg, Olive Garden, Dairy Queen, Pizza Hut, Red Lobster, etc.), and local coupons (eg., coupons good at a local dry cleaner in your town). • Cut and trim the sides of the coupons. This is helpful to receiving centers, but we also don't want to pay additional postage for “dead weight.” • Separate the coupons into two categories; food (for humans), and non-food (such as vitamins and dog or cat food), so they can be more easily placed in the correct venue upon arrival on base. • Place your sorted coupons in baggies or envelopes and label the outside of each, either “food” or “non-food” coupons. Our military families stationed overseas can use coupons that are expired up to six months past their expiration dates, however, they can also use any unexpired coupons you may (Coupons: Continued on page 16) Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 16 (Coupons: Continued from page 15) have and are not using too! Another reminder comes from the OPC (Overseas Coupon Program) website: remember that the volunteers at the receiving military base need time to process the coupons once they arrive on base and get them out to be used by military families. In fact, OPC recommends not sending coupons older than 2 months expired on the date of shipment, to allow for processing time. The Kendalls look forward to being inundated with coupons during Campvention week! Can you find them? ND/SD People & Places Corn Palace Hot Springs Josh Duhamel Mt. Rushmore White Buffalo Crazy Horse Badlands Black Hills Bismarck Lawrence Welk Medora Missouri River Pierre Spearfish Sturgis Sylvan Lake Terry Redlin Theodore Roosevelt National Park Wall Drug CAMPER FOR SALE: 2010 Super Lite Denali travel trailer by Dutchmen Twenty six foot, front bedroom, rear bath, Super Slide With table and chairs and couch, electric awning, electric hitch jack, electric stabilizer jacks, spare tire, TV, micro wave, gas oven, brown tone interior, fiberglass exterior, excellent condition. Contact Leon Nesja at 701-663-8818, or 701-527-1643, or [email protected]. Asking $27,000. Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Preparing your house for your vacation Page 17 submitted by JeAnne Selby Vacations are supposed to be times for fun and relaxago where they can be seen. tion. "Getting away from it all" helps improve our attitudes • Sliding glass doors should be secured with a metal rod about our everyday schedules and/or jobs. But before we let in the track or with the addition of a bolt lock. our minds wander off to the sparkling blue waters of the Car• If you live in an apartment or condo, mute the ringer on ibbean, the smell of pine trees at Yellowstone National Park your telephone, so unanswered calls go unnoticed by or plumeria blossoms along the Hana Highway in Maui, we others. need to get real about preparing and protecting our homes • Don't leave a message on your answering machine sayduring our absence. ing that you will be out of town! Don't let your vacation, whether it be two days or two • If you'll be gone more than a day or two, make arrangeweeks, result in your becoming another crime statistic! Bements with a trusted neighbor or friend to pick up your fore you leave on that well-deserved vacation, take time to newspapers and mail, or have deliveries stopped. prepare your home so those fun vacation memories won't be • If possible, leave a car in your driveway, or ask a overshadowed by loss, fire, flood (from burst pipes), or poneighbor to park in your driveway occasionally. lice reports. • Lock your garage door. If the door has an automatic The following precautions will help ensure a safe, enopener, unplug it. joyable vacation -- and peace of mind while you're away! Protecting Against Disaster: Protecting your home Preventing Burglaries and Break-Ins: Nine of 10 home against electrical mishaps, fire and flooding while you're burglaries could have been prevented if home owners had gone is also important. taken appropriate precautions. The best way to protect your • Check to be sure the oven, range and small heathome from burglary in your absence is to make it appear that producing appliances, like you are home! Light, time and noise are your best coffee pots, toasters, irons, allies in accomplishing the illusion of your presence! “It's hard to remember from one hair dryers and curling Follow the following tips to keep your home safe trip to the next everything you need irons are turned off. Small while you're away on vacation. to do to get your house in order for heat-producing appliances • Leave a house key and emergency numbers for your vacation or trip, so make a are better left unplugged, to your vacation destination with a trusted neighbor checklist of what needs to be done.” guard against appliance or friend who is willing to watch your home and malfunction and potential enter if needed. Make sure they have the phone fire. Computers and televinumbers for the places you're staying as an alternative to sions may be damaged by an unexpected lightening your cell number. Provide flight numbers, hotel names strike; they also drain energy, even when you're not usand addresses, and a rough schedule of activities. ing them. • Take your valuables (expensive jewelry, important • If you're gone a week or more, turn off water to sinks, documents, etc.) to a bank safety deposit box, or lock toilets, dishwasher and washer. Homeowners have rethem away in a good home safe. turned from vacations to find a washer hose broken or • Mow the lawn and trim the shrubbery. Shrubs and dishwasher part broken -- and a flooded house. hedges should be trimmed to below windowsill height, • Turn your water heater to low or vacation setting, to for increased visibility by your neighbors. conserve energy. If you plan to be gone for an extended • Arrange for continued lawn or snow removal services, if period of time, you may want to turn off your water you'll be away for an extended period of time; a neheater. glected yard is almost an engraved invitation to burglars! • Keep the air conditioner or furnace on, but adjust the • Store all ladders, tools, lawn equipment, etc., in a locked thermostat so that it saves energy by not running as ofshed or garage. ten. In cold weather, set the temperature a bit lower to • Install good locks on all doors and windows; check to be conserve energy, and set the thermostat for air condisure all doors and windows in your home (including the tioning a bit higher than normal. second story) are closed and locked securely. Other General Tips: If you're gone longer than a week, • Remove all exterior “hidden” house keys. remove items from the refrigerator that may spoil. Place • Set automatic timers for various lights inside and outside them in an outdoor garbage receptacle. Ask a neighbor to the house. Set them for your radio and/or television as take the garbage out on your specified trash day/s. Take out well. This will create the illusion that someone is home. your (kitchen) garbage before you leave! • Leave blinds and curtains just as you would if you were • Ask a friend or neighbor to water plants; be sure to home. leave a note detailing the location of all plants you'd like • Keep the outside of your home well-lit; burglars won't (House: Continued on page 19) Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 18 The pros and cons of natural-gas vehicles Clean. Abundant. Cheap. Domestic. What's not to like about natural gas? So why not use it to power a car? Most Americans think of natural gas as a fuel source to heat their homes or run their clothes dryers or stoves. But natural-gas cars have been zipping around foreign highways for decades. According to the industry group NGV Global, there are more than 15.2 million natural-gas vehicles on the road worldwide. However, natural gas has been slow to gain traction in U. S. passenger vehicles. Nationwide, there are only 120,000 natural-gas vehicles, or NGVs. Game changers: price of gasoline. You'll also need to change the car's oil less frequently because of the cleaner-burning fuel, says Okhtay Darian, an energy engineer for Associated Renewable Inc., an energy consulting firm in New York. “A regular gasoline-powered car averages 32 miles per gallon while a CNG-powered car averages 43 miles per gallon,” Darian says, referring to compressed natural gas. • Home advantage: Eighty percent to 90 percent of the natural gas we use comes from domestic sources, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. • Similar to driving a gasoline-powered car: Consumer Reports.org says drivers won't notice any difference except that "acceleration is typically slower." • Drive in the fast lane: In some states, NGVs can use a high-occupancy vehicle, or HOV, lane anytime. The recent discoveries of massive natural-gas reserves in the U.S. may be a game changer, says Rich Kolodziej, president of Washington, D.C.-based Natural Gas Vehicles for America, or NGV America, a trade association for the natural-gas vehic l e i n d u s t r y . NGVs could help to break the U.S. free of dependence on foreign oil, Kolodziej says. They are also better A typical NG engine. for the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, NGVs pave the potential to emit 25 percent less greenhouse gases than diesel-powered vehicles. • Best of all, natural gas is cheaper -- $1.50 to $2 less per gasoline gallon equivalent, according to NGV America. • Those significant savings have not gone unnoticed by businesses and municipalities. Today, 40 percent of new garbage trucks and 25 percent of new buses in the U.S. can run on • natural gas, Kolodziej says. "In the city of Los Angeles, all the buses are now running on natural gas," he says. The potential of natural gas to fuel our cars has not gone unnoticed by the U.S. government. In February 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a $30 million competition aimed at finding ways to "harness our abundant supplies of • domestic natural gas for vehicles." The money has since been awarded to 13 research firms, which are working on breakthrough technologies to bring • NGVs to the general public. Advantages of NGVs: For the average motorist, there are good reasons to switch. • Safety: Lighter-than-air natural gas dissipates in an accident -- a safer scenario than flammable liquid fuel. • Efficiency: While similar models of natural-gas and gasoline-powered cars get the same miles per gallon, you'll spend a lot less filling up the tank. Natural gas is about half the Downsides of NGVs Before you run out to buy an NGV, consider these limitations. • Limited options: Only one all-natural-gasvehicle model, the Honda Civic Natural Gas, is available in the U.S. although Ford, General Motors and Ram have recently announced new 2013 pickup truck models that are bi-fuel. That is, they run on gasoline and natural gas. More expensive: The NGV Honda is about $5,000 more than its gasoline-powered cousin. Limited driving range: The NGV Honda can only go 220 miles without refueling. That's 130 miles less than a gasoline-powered Civic. Limited fueling stations: There are about 1,000 natural gas fueling stations across the U.S., but only 536 are available for public use, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's Alternative Fuel Data Center website -and the majority are clustered around major metropolitan hubs. Home refueling is expensive: A refueling device costs from $2,000 to $5,000, plus installation. And, it takes overnight to refuel. Natural gas is a nonrenewable fossil fuel: The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects that there's enough natural gas to last us about 90 years. But it is not an inexhaustible supply, although NGVAmerica's Kolodziej says the industry has the technology to make biomethane -- chemically identical to natural gas -- from renewable sources such as agricultural waste. (Natural Gas: Continued on page 19) Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 (Natural Gas:Continued from page 18) Not practical for cars? Not everyone thinks putting more natural-gas vehicles on the road is a good thing. While NGVs are ideal for fleets where refueling is done in a central location, there are “serious challenges in spreading NGVs to the general public,” because of the enormous expense to create a nationwide refueling infrastructure, says David Friedman, deputy director of the Clean Vehicles Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit organization in Cambridge, Mass. (House: Continued from page 17) watered. Otherwise, invest in self-watering stakes. Make arrangements for the care of your pet/s. Give the pet sitter or boarding facility detailed care instructions. Make sure the one you choose has plenty of your pet's favorite foods, treats, toys, medicines and other supplies on hand. It's hard to remember from one trip to the next everything you need to do to get your house in order for your vacation or trip, so make a checklist of what needs to be done. Plan ahead, but do a final walk-through, to make certain you haven't overlooked something! Careful planning can help you protect your home and belongings while you're on vacation, giving you the added peace of mind that will keep your mind on your vacation. • Information for this article was compiled from the following resources: "Before You Leave: Preparing Your Home for Winter Vacation," Plymouth Rock Assurance, Dec. 27, 2011; "Home Sweet Home: Keeping Your Nest Safe and Secure During Summer Vacation," InsureMe; "How to Prepare Your Home When You Leave on Vacation," Home Safety and Household Tips, eHow; "How to Prepare your Home -- and Family -- for Summer Vacation," by Janice Lloyd, USA Today; "How to Prepare to Go on a Vacation," by Mandi Rogier, USA Today; "Preparing Your Home for Summer Vacation," Homesite Home Insurance; "Preparing Your House for Vacation," the Escondido Police Department, Escondido, CA; "13 Easy Steps to Prep Your Home for Vacation," HGTV. Time to get ready for Mosquito invasions Here's an easy & pleasant repellent recipe you can make at home: Combine in a 16 oz bottle: • 15 drops lavender oil • 3- 4 Tbsp of vanilla extract • 1/4 Cup lemon juice. • Fill bottle with water. • Shake. Submitted by Tom Ravely, Roaming Buffalo Page 19 “This (refueling) infrastructure could become obsolete as soon as cleaner technologies emerge,” he says, adding that in foreign countries where natural-gas cars are popular, the fueling infrastructure has been built using huge government subsidies. Plus, the economics of buying an NGV don't add up. They are thousands of dollars more expensive than a gasoline-powered or hybrid car, plus you'll be shelling even more out to install a home refueling system, Friedman says. “You'd be better off with a hybrid,” he says. Friedman adds that while NGVs' greenhouse emissions are better than gasoline, these cars are still carbon-emitters. “We'd be better off on using our natural-gas resources to displace coal to generate electricity and run (zero-emission) electric cars,” he says. by Marcia Passos Duffy • Bankrate.com Top 15 Apps for your Smart Phone: Be prepared for emergencies Mobile apps and social media tie as the 4th most used popular service during a disaster! While these are not apps you’ll use every day it, is a good idea to have some of them on your smart phone for when the unexpected happens. Even better, familiarize yourself with their content in your leisure time so you can meet any emergency situation with confidence. Also, in a real emergency, battery power will be an issue so the more you know ahead of time the better! l. Winter Survival Kit 2. iWrecked - Auto Accident Assistant 3. iTriage 4. Pet First Aid 5. iMap Weather Radio 6. Flashlight 7. First Aid 8. Police Scanner 9. Disaster Preparedness 10. Repair Pal: Auto Repair Expert 11. Road Trip Weather 12. SafeGuard 13. Red Cross 14. Red Panic Button 15. GPS Tracking Pro These are just some of the many apps that can be useful in case of emergencies and disasters. Try them now and be ready for whatever disaster or emergency situation you will encounter. Taken from Chillin’, Produced by Townsquare Media, Bismarck, ND Winter 2012 - 2013 Dakota Camper Spring, 2013 Page 20 Homemade Tick Repellents For Humans & Dogs… Ticks can be troublesome outdoor pests, as they feed off the blood of mammals, and can carry and transfer bacteria and disease such as Lyme disease. Some retail products are designed to repel ticks, but these are many times highpriced items and no more effective than a simple homemade solution. submitted by Tom Ravely areas including eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. When outdoors for an extended period, spray this solution on two to three times per day. When pets are outdoors generally to use the restroom only, spray the solution onto the animal's coat once per day. Repellent for Humans: Repellent for Pets: For pets, add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle, followed by 2 cups of distilled white vinegar. Ticks hate the smell and taste of vinegar, and will be easily be repelled by this ingredient alone. Then, add two spoonfuls of vegetable or almond oil, which both contain sulfur (another natural tick repellent). To make a repellent that will also deter fleas, mix in a few spoonfuls of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil, which will all repel ticks and fleas while also creating a scented repellent. Spray onto the pet's dry coat, staying away from sensitive Dakota Camper Jim & Priscilla Paul 312 Division St. NW Mandan, ND 58554-2026 A simple homemade repellent can be made with a few inexpensive household ingredients. In a spray bottle, mix 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of water. To make a scented solution so you do not smell like bitter vinegar all day, add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil or bath oil. Eucalyptus oil is a calm, soothing scent that also works as a tick repellent, while peppermint and citrus oils give off a strong crisp scent that also repel ticks. After mixing the solution, spray onto clothing, skin, and hair before going outdoors. Reapply every four hours to keep ticks at bay, and examine the skin and hair when returning home to make sure no ticks are on the body.
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