knitting making neck scarf
knitting making neck scarf
OCCUPATIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SHORT COURSE For Papua New Guinea Non-Formal Sector KNITTING Making Neck Scarf TH015iv RATIONALE p o box 1097, waigani national capital district papua new guinea. tel: (675) 323 2633 fax: (675) 323 0944 NOT FOR SALE This short course was developed as a resource material for the trainer. The course was developed to assist women and youths in the non-formal sector to equip them with skills and knowledge in knitting so they can be able to make for their family or for sale. The development of this short course was sponsored by the ADB-PNG EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (EOSDP) and produced by curriculum officers at the SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCES UNIT (STRU) Making neck scarf TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS Pages Course Outline 2 Competency Profile 3 • Making neck scarf Curriculum Guide Overview of Learning Outcomes 4 5-6 • The product • Materials and equipment • Sizes, stitches and tension • The neck scarf Instructional Notes 6-7 • Instructional training notes Attachments 8-9 • Tension • Basic fabrics • Golden rules Acknowledgment EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT 10 1 Making neck scarf COURSE OUTLINE: Making the rib hat Program: TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY Course: KNITTING Module Code: TH015iv Module Name: Neck Scarf Module1: Learning to Knit Module 2: Standard Body Measurements/Sizing Module 3: Rib Hat Module 4: Neck Scarf Module 5: Child’s Vest Module 6: Lady’s Knitted Poncho Module 7: Man’s Jacket 2 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT Making neck scarf COMPETENCY PROFILE: Making the rib hat Duty A. Learning to knit B. Standard body measurements /sizing Task A1. Knitting description A2. Identify equipment & materials A3. Holding needles and yarn A4. Apply the casting on methods A5. Knit stitch A6. Purl stitch A7. Increasing and decreasing A8. Casting off B1. Explain standard body measurements B2. Identify and measure body parts B3. Identify Body measurements for baby B4. Identify Body measurements for child B5. Measure Body measurements for woman B6. Measure Body measurements for man C. Rib hat C1. Identify product C2. Identify materials C3. Identify measurements sizes, stitches and gauge A4. Make the rib hat D. Neck scarf D1. Identify product D2. Identify materials D3. Identify measurements sizes, stitches and gauge D4. Make the scarf E. Child’s vest E1. Identify product E2. Identify materials E3. Identify measurements sizes, stitches and gauge E4. Make the vest F. Lady’s knitted poncho F1. Identify product F2. Identify materials F3. Identify measurements sizes, stitches and gauge F4. Make the poncho G. Man’s Jacket G1. Identify product G2. Identify materials G3. Identify measurements sizes, stitches and gauge G4. Make the man’s jacket EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT 3 Making neck scarf CURRICULUM GUIDE Program: TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY Course: KNITTING Module code: TH015iv Module name: Neck Scarf Duration: The module will take approximately 7 hours to complete the neck scarf. Module Purpose: The purpose of the module is to impart and equip participants with essential skills and knowledge in knitting neck scarf. Content: Standard Body measurements/Sizing D1. The product D2. Materials and equipment D3. Sizes, stitches and gauge. D4. The neck scarf Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite to the module. Method: The short course will be delivered in a practical, hands-on manner. 1. Explanation (what we will do) 5% 2. Demonstration (how we will do it) 15% 3. Implementation (now you do it) 70% 4. Evaluation (how good did we do it) 10% Instructor: The trainer preferred will be a recognized trainer from the community or a trained vocational teacher who has the skill in knitting. Assessment Condition: In a training hall with proper: • tables • chairs • proper ventilation Evaluation: The participant will be evaluated from each completion duties. Reference: Ting, Susie (ed.). 1982. The complete book of handcrafts. Ure Smith Press, Willoughby. Bray, Bonita. 1977. Afghans traditional and Modern. Spinnerin Yarn Co. 4 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT Making neck scarf Overview of Learning Outcomes On successfully completion of the module each participants will be able to: D1. Identify the product. D2. Identify materials and equipment. D3. Identify measurements, sizes, stitches and gauge. D4. Make the neck scarf. APPENDIX 1: Training and Assessment Guide (Learning outcome) Task D1.1: The product. Suggested minimum instructional time: 30 minutes Learning outcome D1.1: • Identify the production to make Teaching strategy: Learning activities for the trainee must include the instructor to; 1.1 Identify and explain the product to make. 1.2 Identify other types of wool to use. 1.3 Identify who to wear the product. Assessment condition: In a classroom situation or a training hall where all participants are provided with a; • wool (yarn) • tape measure • hooks • training notes Assessment criteria: The trainee has; 1.1.1 Stated the product to make. 1.1.2 Outlined other types of wool to use. 1.1.3 Named who to wear the product. Assessment method: • Oral question • Observation • Practical demonstration APPENDIX 2: Training and Assessment Guide (Learning outcome) Task D2.2: Materials and equipment. Suggested minimum instructional time: 30 minutes Learning outcome D2.2: • Identify materials and equipment Teaching strategy: Learning activities for the trainee must include the instructor to; 2.1 Identify materials and equipment to use. 2.2 Identify the type of wool to use. 2.3 Identify size of hook and wool to use. 2.4 Explain and demonstrate use of each item. Assessment condition: In a classroom situation or a training hall where all participants are provided with a; • wool (yarn) • tape measure (optional) • hooks • training notes Assessment criteria: The trainee has; 2.1.1 Listed materials and equipment to use. 2.2.2 Outlined the type of wool to use. 2.3.3 Selected size of hook and wool to use. 2.4.4 Applied methods in use of each item. Assessment method: • Oral question • Observation • Practical demonstration APPENDIX 3: Training and Assessment Guide (Learning outcome) Task D3.3: Measurements, size, stitch and gauge. Suggested minimum instructional time: 1 hour Learning outcome D3:3 • Identify measurements, size, stitch and gauge Teaching strategy: Learning activities for the trainee must include the instructor to; 3.1. Identify size and measurements of the article. 3.2. Identify the correct stitch and gauge to use. Assessment condition: In a classroom situation or a training hall where all participants are provided with a; EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT 5 Making neck scarf • • • • wool tape measure knitting needles training notes APPENDIX 5: Instructional Notes NECK SCARF Assessment criteria: The trainee has; 3.1.1 Applied the correct size and measurements to make the article: a. Approximately 6 x 50 ins [15x127 cm]. 3.2.2 Applied the correct stitch and tension to use: a. stocking stitch, b. 15 stitches and 20 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] Assessment method: • Oral question • Observation • Practical demonstration APPENDIX 4: Training and Assessment Guide (Learning outcome) Task D4.4: Make the neck scarf. Suggested minimum instructional time: 5 hours Learning outcome D4.4: • Make the neck scarf Teaching strategy: Learning activities for the trainee must include the instructor to; 4.1 Demonstrate procedures in making the neck scarf. Assessment condition: In a classroom situation or a training hall where all participants are provided with a; • wool • tape measure • knitting needles • training notes Assessment criteria: The trainee has; 4.1.1 Applied the correct procedures in making the neck scarf. Assessment method: • Observation • Practical demonstration 6 D1: Identify the product. NECK SCARF This is a fun, easy rib hat pattern knitted in a two coloured yarn. This cap can be for a adult man or a woman depending what colors you choose to use. This pattern is worked in a stocking stitch, it is very simple and a great beginners project. It is also an excellent way to begin using yarns for adults. You will find that the yarn will do all the work for you, if correct combination of colour is selected to knit the cap. If the yarn (wool) is not available, you can substitute with the common wool that you can purchase in shops. D2: Identify materials and equipment. MATERIALS 100 g/3.5 oz MC: (0342 charcoal) 1 ball A: (03430 Wine) 1 ball Pair of sizes 6 mm (U.S. 10) knitting needles or size needed to obtain tension. EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT Making neck scarf D3: Identify measurement sizes, stitches and tension. MEASUREMENTS Approximately 6 x 50 ins [ 15x127 cm]. TENSION 15 sts and 20 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in stocking st. D4: Make the neck scarf. INSTRUCTIONS Note: Work 2 rows on RS then 2 rows on WS. With pair of double pointed needles and A. cast on 23 sts. 1st row: (RS). With MC, K2. (yf. S11 wyif. yb. K3) 5 times. K1. Do not turn. 2nd row: (RS). With A, P1. (P3. yb. S11wyib. yf) 5 times. P2. Turn. 3rd row: (WS) With MC. P1. (P3. yb. S11wyib. yf) 5 times. P2. Do not turn. 4th row: (WS). With A, K2. (yf. S11wyif. yb. K3) 5 times. K1. Turn. 5th row: (RS). With MC, K2 (yf. S11wyif. yb. K3) 5 times. K1. Do not turn. 6th row: (RS). With A, P1. (P3. yb. S11wyib. yf) 5 times. P2. Turn. 7th row: (WS). With MC, P1. (P3. yb. S11wyib. yf) 5 times Do not turn 8th row: (WS). With A. K2. (yf. S11wyif. yb. K3) 5 times. K1. Turn. Rep last 8 rows until work from beg measures approx 50 ins [127 cm], ending with RS facing for next row. Next row: With A, *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. K2. P1. With A, cast off in ribbing (WS). Abbreviations Description A alternate 2tog knit or purl 2 stitches together alt alternate approx approximately beg beginning cont continue (ity) dec decrease k knit MC main colour p purl rep repeat rem remaining RS right side s11wyib slip next stitch with yarn at back of work s11wyif slip next stitch with yarn at front of work st(s) stitch (es) WS wrong side yb bring yarn to back of work yf bring yarn to front of work * repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed. EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT 7 Making neck scarf ATTACHMENTS TENSION Before beginning any garment, work a small stitch sample about 4 ins [10.2 cm] in the main pattern and on the needles stated. Place the knitted sample on a flat surface and mark out 1 in [2.54 cm] (or 2 ins [5.1 cm] if stated) with pins. Count the number of stitches between the pins carefully and if your tension is correct then you may proceed with the garment. If you have fewer stitches to the inch than stated, your tension is too loose and you should work another sample, using a size smaller needle. If you have more stitches to the inch, then your tension is too tight and you should work another sample, using a larger size needle. Continue in this way, altering the size of your needle until you obtain the correct tension. BASIC FABRIC 1. Garter Stitch This fabric is formed by knitting every row. Reverse Stocking Stitch Worked exactly the same as Stocking Stitch. The purl row is the right side of work. 3. Moss Stitch Moss stitch is normally worked over an uneven number of stitches, thus; Moss Stitch row: K1, (p1, k1) to end. This row is repeated throughout. 4. Ribbing The closest form of ribbing is k1, p1 rib, normally worked over an even number of stitches, thus: Rib row. (K1, p1) to end. The row is repeated throughout. There are many variations in ribbing built up from the basic k1, p1 rib, such as: K2, p2 rib – cast on a multiple of 4 stitches. Rib row. (K,2 p2) to end. This row is repeated throughout. Or K3, p3 rib – cast on a multiple of 6 stitches. Rib row. (K3, p3) to end. This row is repeated throughout. 2. Stocking stitch This fabric is formed by knitting one row and then purling one row alternately. The knit row is the right side of work. 8 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT Making neck scarf GOLDEN RULES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Never rush you work – relax and enjoy it. Always have smooth, clean hands. Buy full quantity of yarn require completing the garment or project you are working on. Check tension from time to time during the making. Keep you needles and yarn clean. Join in new yarn only at the end of a row. Do not leave your knitting in the middle of a row. Never push your needles through the ball of yarn. Wash knitted garments frequently and carefully. Always use the yarn specified in the instructions. Never alter the size of your needle in an attempt to produce a larger or smaller garment. If knitting has been left for a time, unpick a few rows before beginning again. No two people knit alike –don’t allow anyone to help you with few rows. Always measure knitting on the flat. Make sure you cast off at the same tension as you have worked your garment or project. If you have difficulty in understanding a pattern and have reached the point of exasperation, don’t persevere. Lay your work aside and come back to it later on when you will no doubt see your error clearly. EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT 9 Making neck scarf Acknowledgement This short course module, developed in Papua New Guinea, is based on the competency-based training model. The Skills Training Resources Unit (STRU) of Employments Oriented Skills Developments Project (EOSDP) in conjunction with Education Department (TVET) division and the implementing agency Department for Community Development Services wish to express their thanks to the people who have contributed in producing the module. We hope it will provide basic knowledge and skills for the informal and the formal sectors especially the women and youth to be employed or self-employed through having better skills for tomorrow. 10 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCE UNIT p o box 1097, waigani national capital district papua new guinea. tel: (675) 323 2633 fax: (675) 323 0944 The development of this short course was sponsored by the ADB-PNG EMPLOYMENT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (EOSDP) and produced by curriculum officers at the SKILLS TRAINING RESOURCES UNIT (STRU)