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- DigitalCommons@Bryant University
But Seriously folks .... Page 14
Tuesday. April I. 1980
Bryant Collei!e. Smithfield. Rhode Island
Uolume 46. Number 23 Preregistration Numbers Reversed Photos by Marie Toms
Students gather at the Bryant College Office of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust National Bank, attempting to
withdraw their money upon hearing rumors of the bank's emminent failure.
Students Lose Thousands
e I land Hospital Trust Fails
by Cris
Hundreds of Bryant College
tudents will lose thousands of
dollars in deposits as a result of the
sudden failure of the Rhode Island
Hospital Trust National Bank last
week. Federal Reserve officials
attributed the failure ' to the
weakening economy and abscond­
ing of Woody Woodpecker, RIHT
President, to Guyana with all of the
bank's deinand deposits.
At the news of the eminent failure,
students crowded by the bank office
in the South wing of the
Unistructure, attempting to
withdraw their funds before it was
too late. They were met with blank
stares of tellers, who had lost their
jobs with the closing. The four
unemployed individuals will be
found work by the Career Planning
Placement Office, who is
expected to find them work in the
Candystore and at Saga.
When Bryant College branch
manager Janet Buckinghi!m was
asked if the bank was insured she
replied, "They decided to let the
insurance lapse. and with the money
saved, buy spiffy new office
furniture for all us managers." Ms.
Buckingham will be assuming her
new duties as the number checker at
.Saga, replacing Edie, who will
become assistant hostess at the new
Drinking Age Increases
Thebilltoraisethedrinkingage Thursdayandthensentimmediately
in Rhode Island passed both houses to Governor Garrahy, came as
of the State Legislature last week quite an unexpected shock to Rhode
and will be signed into law by Islanders. Most have not yet had the
Governor Garrahy this afternoon opportunity to express how they
April I.
intend to deal with the increased
The bill passed in the House last drinking age.
Tuesday after two weeks of debate.
Bryant College, one of the worst
The bill only passed after an hit establishments. has announced
amendment was tacked on- this the tentative results of emergency
being that the drinking age be raised meetings which were held Friday
to twenty-five instead of the and Saturday. The Student Center
Pub will be closed to the sale of all
proposed twenty.
The argument for the increased alcoholic beverages. A new bar will
drinking age followed the course be established. however, in the
that proponents in other states have Multi-Purpose Activities Center
used. A higher legal age. it was felt, when it is almost completed. Until
would decrease the use of alcohol on MAC is completed it will not be too
high school campuses. Rhode Island elosely inspected by state or local
Legislatures felt this move would officials. The College has decided,
not be enough. In order to truly therefore, not to complete the
reduce the consumption ofalcoholic construction. (Plans to leav.e a
beverages in the state. proponents carpet up are being investigated)
The College hopes this will
argued that the age must be high
enough to eliminate consumption eliminate any difficulties that would
on college campuses a)so. Hence the be encountered by students under
age twenty-five, by which time 98% the age of twenty-five when the bill
of the college students have goes into effect this Friday night, '
April 4. Further plans will be made
Bryant Petting Zoo (see related
The failure of RIHTNB and its
lack of insurance will mean that
most sutdents with checking
accounts at the bank will probably
be left flat broke. The College has
also lost a significant amount of cash
in the failure, but has decided to
disburse its meager remammg
millions to the students, who
suffered losses. When Actin!!
Vice President for Business Affairs,
Alton Mott, was asked about this
plan, he replied, "My staffsays I was
out of my mind when I approved the'
plan, but the agreement has been
Cont. to p. 2. col. 3
The Office of the Registrar
announced yesterday afternoon,
March 31. that all random
preregistration numbers published
last week arc to be disregarded . The
numbers assigned to each birthdate
will not ~be used in the
preregistration process. They will.
however, be used to determine what
a student's preregistration number
wi ll now be,
To determine your preregistration
number will involve a little
mathematical computation, The
steps are as follows : I) take the
random preregistration number
assigned to your birthdate last week,
2) subtract this number from 366,
and 3) use the remainder as your new
preregistration number.
This process results in a complete
reversal of the random numbers. A
student forme rl y assigned #5
becomes 11361, while a student who
was #300 now becomes ' #66.
The reversal of numbers was due
to the great number of complaints
received by the Regist rar's Office.
After careful investigation it was
found that the complaints wcre
valid - students who received low
numbers last semester also received
numbers under 175 this semester.
while students who received a
number over 175 las! fall did so
again this spring.
The reason for this "unralldom"
assignment of numbers has not been
'fully determined. A member of the
Computer Center, who asked to
remain unnamed. ha~ stated that
one theory is receiving much
support. This theor} volves around
the belief that the new computer,
installed last year. is a little too
This theory is supported b}
several members of the Comouter
Cont. to p.2. col. 5
Toilet Paper Shortage r dieted By Jeff Campbell
The Bryant Community will' be
facing a shortage oftoilet paper very
early in April according to Housing
Coordinator Jerry Ramos. The
shortage was brought about by a
number of factors Ramos told us.
Mr. Ramos, who coordinates all
housing related activities including
supplies, was on vacation from
March 17 to March 30. In his
absence, he left instructions for his
assistant to re-order needed suppiies
unless prices on any particular item
increased substantially. In such a
case he would need to justify the
increase by cutting elsewhere in the
budget. The budget is under strain
from the spiraling inflation rate.
During Mr. Ramos' absence the
price of toilet paper tripled because
of a strike by the Amalgamated
Paper a'nd Pulp Workers
International Union. That strike,
which is entering its third bitter
week, shows no sign of settlement.
The school's supplier, International
Toilet Paper initially raised prices to
cut demand in expectation of the
strike. International's strategy
wasn't successful though. In fact
demand increased despite the price
Cont. to p. 2. col 4
Indians Demand Return of Campus by Cris
Much to the surprise of
administration, faculty, and
students alike, a group of several
militant Indians invaded the Bryant
College Campus yesterday, craftily
Slipping by the Security Booth. The
reason for their visit here regarded
an old treaty negotiated in 1725
between the Mowry family, one­
time owners of our campus. and the
Ah-kec-wah Indians.
You see, about 250 years ago, the
Mowry family decided to settle in
this area, and they negotiated this
treaty with the friendly Ah-kee-wah
Indians. The Indians thought that
for the $3.43 they were being paid in
trinkets and mirrors, they were
selling the ~mall plot between what is
now the cemetary and John Mowry
Road. What they were actually
selling was the entire Bryant
Campus as we know it today.
Obviously the Indians were
swindled . The implications of this fact are astounding : Actually, Bryant College may not own this land at all.
President O'Hara stated, "This
could really screw up 0 ur b~i1d ing
UPI Photo
Indians Ride to Bryant to take what rightfully belongs to them.
program." Naturally, the College
cannot build on land it does not
The Board of Trustees met with
the long-range planning committee
to map out plans for what would
happen in the even of a court
decision against I:Jryant. One
alternative would be to move the
cQ\lege back to Providence.
To avoid the wase and expense
Cont. to p. 2. col 3
Pale 2
Let me tell you what I REALLY Think ....
I think that the Student Senate should be dissolved and replaced
with a select group of faculty and administration . This will assure
adequate representation by "The powers that be," in deciding
how student actMIy money is spent.
Getting rid of the Senate · would hove other benefits. The
Rotundo would be nowhere nearly as crowded with signs from
candidates, and THE ARCHWAY would not be this humungous size-­
overstuffed with overstuffed Senate platforms. Also, I'm sure · we
could put to good use their office space in the Unistructure, and
possibly keep from building BIG MAC.
MAC is such a useless facility--I mean thot there is no space for
faculty lounges, admin istration offices, and other valuable spaces.
Building a complete building for the students could have its
disadvantages. Today BIG MAC. tomorrow, the Official Residence-­
give the students on inch and they'll toke a mile.
• • •
I think that the pool should be turned inro a fishtank, preferably
filled with pirannah fish . Just imElgine a swimming or diving meet
held here. I'll bet that Bryant's swimmers would be able to SWim
faster than everyone else's--or perish. Survival of the Fittest, you
know, is the low of the jungle.
Questi ons have been raised lately
as to why the buildings at Bryant
have such boring names. There are
many examples of it ranging from
the numeralized Dorms &
Townhouses to the proposed MAC
(M ultipurpose Activities Center.)
What will happen to the name "New
Dorm" in ten years. Just imagine the
complications if Bryant expands
further. Will we be faced with "New­
New Dorms" or perhaps a "Pub II?"
The names so common here at
Bryant seem even more ridiculous
I think that the cities and towns of Rhode Island get a little carried
away when they nome streets. Rhode Island must be the only state
in the union that consistently names its streets, one and all with two
names. Examples: John M.owry Rood, George Washington
Highway, Mineral Spring Avenue. Pound Hill Rood, Woonsocket Hill
Rood, Twin River Rood, etc,etc. Also, what Rhode Island considers a
"Pike" (i.e. Douglas Pike, Providence Pike, etc.) are hardly "pikes"
they seem to me to be more like "bock roods." "Bumpy Bock
• • •
I think that it's high time the Pub was turned into a chapel. Last
Sunday, I attended Moss in the Rotundo and it was a fine service,
but the Rotundo locks the proper "religious" atmosphere. Koffler
Student Center (The Pub, for those of you are easily coofused) ,
seemed to have the proper cozy atmosphere necessary for a small
chopel. In fact, I know quite a few students who go there to worship,
even now (or at least they SAY that's what they're doing.)
• • •
Lastly, I think those students who put together this abominable
ARCYWAH should be shot at sunrise.
To the Editor:
[ would like to complain ab~ut the
Senior Reflections in the Archway .
No one has ever written what really
happened during their four years
here. I know that parents read this
super paper, but some of the most
interesting things have been left
unwritten, some of the memoriab[e
events have to said. Do you
remember the many times your
roommate didn't make it, [ mean to
Cont. from p. 1. col. 3
signed. and there IS nothing [ can do
about it." Starting April 2. students
will be able to claim 5% of their lost
deposits by bringing their passbooks
to the Bursa rs Office. Students with
overdrawn accounts will consider
themselves lucky and file n
la im.
[t has not been decided which
bank will replace R[HT in the
Unistructure Office. [NBANK or
Old Stone Bank are being
considered . In the meantime, the
Post Office will be handling all
banking operations and all students
are requested to bring their business
Cont. from p. l, col. 5
involved in building a new
Unistructure and Dormitories , it has
been proposed that a multitude of
helicopters come and pick up the
Unistructure in one piece and
transport it to its new location.
A court decision is expected
sometime in 1987. In the meantime.
students will be required to house
the Indians in their dormitory rooms
without notice.
THE ARCYWAH Edltor-In-Chlef ................................................... Cris Business Manager ............................................. Alf News Editor ............................................BoyWonder Feature Editor ........... ..... . ................ Rotors Feetch Sports Editor .............................................. Flounder PhotographyEdltor .............................. Tom Mar1<s Advertising Manager .................................... Hucks AdvertlslngAltDlrector .. ..._............................. J.w. Production Manager ................................Xenobia AdmlnlstratlveSecretary................................ Rose News/Features: Jeff Campbell, Paul. Janet.
Army Barracks, John P.. Soppap Nelie, Cindy,
Production: Hobbit. Dave Commuter, Sweet 'n'
Innocent. Pete. Chip 'n' Joe. Pichee, Bill
Sports: Groogan, David, Bob, Bill
Photography: Carol. Koren, Helen, Karen, John­
Boy, Maria, Sue, Patty
., Words to live
whe" used outside Bryant. Just
imagine 42nd street being r)!named
"The Multipurpose Activities
Center." How about naming a
newborn "The New Baby," he'll be
having trouble in ten years too.
I submit to the students, faculty,
and administration of Bryant
College that more imagination and
foresight be used in the future
concerning the naming of buildings
& parts of the campus.
The New Writer
by Kitty
Keep your mouth shut, your ears
open, and your feet on the ground.
For if your mouth is shut and your
ears open, you can hear what you are
being told. When your feet are on
the ground your head won't be in the
clouds. With your mouth closed and
your feet on the ground there is little
chance of sticking your foot in your
The above should be employed in
any situations where important
information is being given, you talk
to someone in a respected position,
or job interview.
Realistic Reflections Bank Fails
• • •
April I. 1980
the bathroom after being drunk,
naughty minded person you!).
Remember the funny tasting cookies
someone gave you to eat ( who said
college kids could cook)'! No one
ever mentions how little Bryant
students smoke tobaccco, and how
often the air is "polluted" with
Remember coming homc at four
a.m . and finding that your
roommate isn' t in yet? Remember
the reason you tried Sambo's or
McMannis's(what else is open at
4:30 in the morning)? Remember the
reason that the ad for Women's
Medical Center appeared in the
Archway every week?
Doesn't this letter bring back the
fondest of memories? Then why do
seniors always "forget" them in their
Senior Reflections'] What would
Bryant have been like without those
People with Fond Memo ries
Prereg Reverse
Cont. from p . 1. col. 5
Center staff, as well as by hundreds therefore rewarded by being given
of Bryant students who feel that the
low random number.
computer has taken a disliking to
To overcome this, the College has
them and will not process the perfect
decided to "outsmart" the compu te r.
programs which they feed into it.
.Numbers will be reversed in the
The assignment of the random
spring of eac h year, while in the fa ll
preregistration numbers has
they remain as the com puter asS! ns
resulted in the . same birthdates them . As long as the computer does
nOl become more " hum nile " .md
receiving low num ber. [r th
rea lize what the College is
seco nd semester In a row fo r a er~
this process should elimi nate any
similar reason . The computer has
preference being given to certain
developed a strong attraction for
birthdates in the future.
certain dates; these dates are
Toilet Paper
Cont. from p. 1, col. 5
RA's tQld them that they could get
Upon Mr. Ramos's return. on
toilet paper but it would cost them
March 30, he discovered that toilet
paper supplies were perilously low.
$25.00 per roll.
Mr. Ramos stated that the balck
He attempted to order but supplies
market problem was unexpected but
were exhausted.
"we plan on sitting down and taking
Mr. Ramos held meetings with all
the RA's on Monday of this week to
a hard look at the proble m. Un til the
a hard look at the pro blem. Until
inform them of the situation . The
then we can only urge students to
Resident Assistants were instructed
conserve and use old Archways."
to stop completely out. A rationing
plan is being drawn up.
Residents are recommended to
use anything possible instead of
Many residents have complained
toilet paper. At last resort borrow
that they cannot get toilet paper
some toilet paperfrom unsuspecting
even though they were out. Other
commuters .
residents have complained that their
t(OJ GUCl5 SEEN A\y 80l..OOc'
STllREt> r~"THE FRfG?
Advertising: Jer
Phototypesetting: Patty J.. Lorna, Miki. Nadine,
Jo-Anna, Jean
The Archway is c omposed weektv (juring the academic year by the undergraduate students of Bryant College. The publisher
is Bryant College. This newspaper is written and edited by a student stott and no form of censorship is exerted on the contents or
style of any issue. The news and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the students and may not necessarily reflect
the official views of the faculty and administration of Blvant College. The Archway is printed by Weston Graphics. Bellingham.
MAby offset.
o.adll"e.. f9' . ~-'t submissions and ads In Tuesday mldnlghl,.CopyconsideredobjectlonablebytheEditorial
Boord will not be accepted. All submissions become property of The ArChway and cannot be returned. Announcements and
news released from the College and surround ing community are printed at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
Offices are lacated on the third ftoor, south wing of the Unistructure ( Room C-376). Mailing Address is Box 37. Bryant College.
Smithfield. RI 02917. Phone number ( 401) 231-1200 Ext 311 or 313
COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES, box 4244 . Berkeley. CA. 94704
April 1. 1980
WHERE ARE YOU LIVING NEXT YEAR?? Dorm Room Capacity to ~Increase
By Army Barracks
The Office of Residence Life has
announced that housing arrange­
ments for next year will be
drastically changed due to an
increase in the resident population
(see related article), and the
converting of the spacious "Old"
New Dorm into a long-awaited
petting zoo (see related article).
The proposed change will result in
a mandatory three people per room
with the necessity for 550 rooms to
be quadrupled.
"There will be many advantages
to this new situation," stated Mr.
Ramos, Housing Coordinator,
"There will be increased interaction
among students and the great
camaraderie that will arise will add
to the Resident Experience." Also,
an economical advantage emerges:
With the closeness of bodies and
thus increased body heat, there will
no longer a need to heat the Dorms.
Says Mr. Ramos, "The college will
save tremendous amounts in heating
bill~ which I am sure will lead to a
relatively small increase in the
student's room and board charges."
When asked if the administration
expects students to enjoy the new
"sardine" aspect of living Mr.
Ramos replied, "Well. that is not all
we have planned . We are developing
a new co-ed policy (see related
article) which when announced, is
expected to create a run on every
available space.
New Dorm Turned into Petting Zoo
by Xenobia and Hobbit
- - I-­
'New' New Dorm to be Built by Cris
To accommodate Bryant's ever­
increasing resident popUlation, the
Board of Trustees has once again
decided to build new dormitory
facilities. The dorm, to be called the
"New New Dorm," will be a lUXUry
high-rise, consisting of five
traditional dormitories stacked on
top of each other. Mr. Peter Barlow,
Director of Resident Life stated
that, "This would provide the extra
dorm space we need without taking
too much land . Also, people complain if the dorms are more than 100 feet from the Unistructure. This way, we can put the "new" new dorm , anywhere we like and please everybody!"
Since the original dormitory plans
did not have elevators, they will be
omitted from the New New Dorm.
When asked about how the students
would react to a 20-flight walk-up,
Housing Coordinator Jerry Ramos
said, "Elevators in Dorms? First you
give them elevators, next thing you
NewsBriefs by Boy Wonder & Cris
The RI State Legislature has
finally passed the bill which is going
to raise the legal drinking age. Being
delayed in the State Senate for quite
some time, the bill was approved
only after it was slightly modified.
The legal drinking age in RI will be
25 as of April 4, 1980. Taking into
consideration the consumption of
alcohol on the state's college
campuses, the legal age was changed
to wipe out this problem entirely.
(See related article.)
of souvenirs, which contained
radiation left over from the accident,
followed by the release into the
atmosphere of some token
The U.S. Congress, after many
long hours of debate, has done away
with selective service registration,
and has voted to enact a military
draft. Beginning in May, tile
,government will be sending out draft
notices which will require the first
draftees to report on June I, 1980.
President Carter, in an emergency The draft will include all American
news conference held yesterday, citizens between the ages of 18-35.
shocked the entire nation by Two out of every three draft notices
announcing that he is dropping out will be sent out to women to ensure
of the presidential campaign. Noting that women's equal rights will not be
the defeats his re-election campaign violated .
s uffered in New York and
Connecticut as a factor in his
decision, Mr. Carter regrets having
A master plan has been developed
to make such a decision.
for the city of Providence according
to the City Council. Plans call for
evacuating the city completely,
Friday, March 28, was the first dropping an H-Bomb on it, and
anniversary of the nuclear starting over, "We hope we can get it
powerplant accident at Three Mile right this time," according to a city
Island.. The anniversary was spokesman. Mayor Cianci will not
commemorated by the distribution be told of these plans.
Because of the many complaints
from upperclassmen, it has been
decided to turn the vast amounts of
space in the lobby of the New Dorm
into a new classroom. The course
to be taught there will be Zoology
The course will bring the students
at Bryant closer to nature. It will be a
required course for Accounting
The first new animal to be:
moved in will be Ripp, the campus
mascot. This will give the dog a place
to sleep on rainy days .
Arrangements are being made to
have residents smuggle beef on
campus, since only fish will be found
in the dining hall (see related story).
Other pets to be moved into the
zoo will include the giant Koala
recently removed from the bell tower
know they will want heat in the ,
This building will add yet another
landmark to the Bryant College
campus. The 225 foot tower will be
the tallest building on campus. The
glass windows will be installed by
the same company that glazed the
John Hancock Tower in Boston.
The masonary will be done by the
same people who built the library at
U. Mass; therefore, students will be
cautioned about falling glass and
bricks after the building is
Naturally, living in the "New New
Dorm" will cost slightly more than
either traditional housing or the
"New Dorm." However, students
should be reminded that a 20-story
view must be paid for, even though
one has to climb 20 flights of stairs to
get to it.
The building should be completed
sometime next week. Applicants
wishing to live there next year must,
submit a 5,000 word essay on "Why
Climbing Stairs is Good for Me," no
later than March 31, 1980.
(see related story), Dave the Snake.
and a pirranha (to teach students
what not to pet).
The c')urse will be held on five
consecutive Friday nights starting
April 4. Sign up for the classes will
be on March 31, 1980 from 2:00 -4:00
in the Registrar's Office.
Co-Ed Living
Arrangements Revised
By Rotors
Along with recent changes in
dormitory living arrangements
comes a slight modification in the
co-ed dorms. According to Jerry
Ramos, Housing Coordinator,
Dorms 9, 10, and II will be co-ed by
room, not by floor as originally
planned. Mr. Ramos explained the
change; "Somebody bet me $1,000
that I wouldn't allow co-ed rooms
and, frankly, I could use the money.
I'll never get rich on what the
College pays me."
The new living arrangements will
necessitate some new rules. The one
that will affect students most forbids
sexual relations between
roommates. To enforce this rule
hidden cameras will be installed in
all rooms (we're not allowed to
reveal where, but we can give you a
hint--don't remove the lightbulbs) to
keep tabs on t he residents' activities.
Another new rule pertains to
showers. Female residents will
shower between 6:00-7:00 a.m. or
8:00-9:00 p.m. Male residents will
shower between 4:45-5:45 a.m. or
9:15-10:15 p.m. To enforce this rule
hidden taperecorders will be
installed in all bathrooms. (We're
not allowed to reveal where, but
residents are cautioned not to flush
too often.)
Students presently assigned to live
in Dorms 9, 10, and I I will be
reassigned a roommate of the
appropriate sex. Room assignments
must be picked up in the Student
Affairs Office no later than March
31, 1980.
Unistructure to Get 3rd Floor , By Sappap Nelle
Bryant College announced today
that a third level will be added to the
Unistructure. The number of newly
enrolled students who will be, living
in the New New Dorm (See related
article) will boost enrollment figures
up dramatically to the point where
the thrid level is deemed necessary.
However, , the large number of
studeRts who will be admitted next
year is only a secondary reason for
building the third level of the
While interviewing . a Bryant
spokesman, the primary reason for
the addition was revealed . The
proposed third floor will stop the
second level from leaking. After
numerous attempts over the last
seven years to put a halt to the
typical scenes of students dodging
wet wastebaskets and jumping
puddles, the only sound alternative
(besides' J MiF) left is to construct a
third floor to cover the present
Unistructure roof.
When asked about the high cost of.
such a proposal, the Bryant official
gave the following statement: "This
alternative in the lorig run will be less
expensive than having to replace
rusted wastebaskets, water-ruined
Rotunda posters, potentially
dangerous wet light fixtures. and
saturated rugs forever!"
The third level proposal was
passed unanimously during the last
rainstorm after the switchboard was
literally flooded with calls from
Bryant facuIty and administrators
complaining about leaks. Before the
final resolution was arrived at, the
Board entertained the idea of
supplying each individual ,in the
Bryant Community with umbrellas,
The bathroom facilities off tht
Rotunda would have been where the
umbrellas would have been stored.
This proposal was unanimously
defeated because o( the cost
involved. Because only about 10% of
the Bryant Community knows the
location of the Rotundl
facilities, hundreds of directional
signs would have to have beer
posted throughout the Unistructuf(
at an "exorbitant cost." (Not 11
mention the fact that each membel
of the Bryant Community would ge
seven years bad luck for opening al
umbrella indoors.)
The choice of the architect tc
design the third floor of tht
Unlstructure should be made b~
early April.
Page 4
April 1. 1980 THEARCYWAH
Last week we asked the students
what they thought of the new trees;
this week we asked these trees what
they thought of the Freshman Girls.
Photo by Mark Toms
"Some of them are really starting to
Bud this spring."
"I think a lot of them are "Stuck Up"
"I like the ones who have nice roots
down under."
"\ ha t girls"
"All I know if these kids keep on
using us as bulletin boards - they're
going to kill us just like the last ones.
"I really like the skinny ones ."
A Tree Grows in Bryant
By Barry Robbins
"Call Back."
"I'd like to wrap my twigs around
One evemng while standing alone
in the' Koffler Rotunda, I caught a
glimpse of a small fragile tree
standing imprisoned in a concrete
cubical. Its mangled arms seemed as
though they were desperately trying
to reach upward toward a beam of
light that was transcending down
through the plexi-glass dome. ·1
gazed upward through the iron grid
that supports the plastic umbrella,
and saw that the once blue sky had
begun to darke n . Alone. I could not
help but realize how lonely this small
tree must feel.
During the day there were no .
birds to sing or nestle in its branches,
just the blare of pocket radios from
Sears. There was no' beautiful blue
sky above or cool tears from heaven.
Instead , once a week. a frightening
splash from a janitor's bucket would
flow .
Slowly walking towards the small
imprisoned tree, I hegan to realize
what a gorgeous eo n.t ry-side
surrounded the /{otunda and how
horrible it must feel to be left to d ie
in a concrete prison . Slowly sitting
down near the small tree, I gently
caressed its distorted limbs--and it
quivered with tears. linconsciously,
a cool tear slid down my c hee k,
Beneath the helpless tree lay
rubbish--trash, crumpled Coca­
Cola cans. eigarrette butts of variou ~
brands. and a partially chewed
peanut butter and jelly' sandwich .
As the moonshadows dan ced
across the Rotunda's carpeted floor.
I looked up. The magnificent dome
was no longer thought of a s Ileing
beautiful. but it was like a hu ge.
ugly, barren window. Suddenly. I
was ove rcome hy the fee ling that I
was a prisoner just a ~~he ~m a ll tree.
I quickly turned and ra n loward
the closest exit. Once outSide. the
crisp mid-night air swe pt up to meet
me. I was free--but just for a
moment. We are all prisoncn; in Olle
way or another. We should all grow
w ild--thcn. and only th cn. we will
truly be frec" ...
April 1. 1980
Pase 5
New IIAII Fish" O'iet to be
Introduced at Saga
dietitians are now busy re-writing
the recipes to these popular
favorites. so they now can be made
with fish instead of beef, pork, chicken, etc. Saga will save even
more money by buying fish that is
"day old ." At this news. The
Arcywah staff decided to move its
office to the closet next to the
Candystore. because at present,
Saga's HV AC unit vents directly
into the Arcywah office. According
to Arcywah Editor Cris Broccoli,
"It's bad enough when they cooked
brussel sprouts to death- just think
what day old fish will be like!"
A n unnamed S aga emp Ioyee sows
b.y C ns
Matt Reiter, Manager of the
Bryant College Dining Hall for Saga
Fo od Services, today announced
that a new "all fish" diet has been
adopted in response to rising meat
prices. At the current board fees,
even with the increases plann.ed,
Saga can no longer afford any kind
rf tomorrow mght's
UPI Photo dinner. of meat or chicken. Therefore,
starting tomorrow, only fish will be
served at lunch and dinner.
Says Matt, "Since everyone was
always complaining about cold,
greasy hamburgers, unedible Beef
Ragout, and horrible Hoagies, we
felt it would be a nice (if not sound)
alternative to the usual fare.' Saga's
Bits and pieces of news of The
Wonderlust in 1968, by taking up
with her 944th boyfriend--Way to
go Feetch!
Arcywah staff and friends.
BOY WONDER, recently
appointed News Editor of The
Arcywah. was observed the other day to have four hairs out of place. The offending hairs, numbered
22,149B; 31.347T;; 473F; and 1,392A were observed to be out of place by
Hobbit, production person, about 3:30 last Monday afternoon. Upon
hearing this, Boy Wonder ran and
locked himself in the darkroom until
someone handed him a . Promax
Compact. The hairs were subdued, The new fish diet will cause an d Boy W onder is now back to his
certain changes in the menu. norma I sel~f .
f th 'fh
"Shaved Steak" will become ALF ,usmess
anager 0
e e
"Shaved Perch." Large flounders A rcywa h , was recen tl y 0 serve
J W Ad t"
will be roasted instead of beef or ta 109 to . .;
ver Ismg
D' t
b t
b' t th t as
pork. Cold cuts wl'll be replaced wl' th
a outo a su
t or,
The~ec A a wh'
rcywa s
sardines. and Bryantonl'ans wl" 1 be no re
' Iy
b ud'get. H aVlng
introduced to "fishburgers" which
ta Ik ed exc l
will become a staple of Saga menu
about the beleaguered budget for the
last month, it was thought he could
talk about nothing else. Will
One side .benefit of this new diet
wonders never cease!
'ROTORS FEETCH, Feature will be that Saga may save enough
money to put out one container of Editor of The Arcywah, has
tuna fish ice cream. out for lunch. . now broken. the Bryant ~olle~e
But don~t c~unt on It.
record of dating 943 men dur~g td e
freshman year set by
an a
reporter, was surprised to receive a
letter f~om President Jimmy Carter
congratulating her on her recent
engagement. Because of the superb
effort of Jeff Cambell in promoting
the engagement. it wasn't really
surprising that the President heard
about it.
PAUL LOUIS, freelance satirist
for The Arcywah, was nearly
pummelled to death by several
people he has ragged on in his
articles. Using his former Armed
Forces Karate training, he
successfuly fought them off,
escaping with only scrapes, cuts and
bruises. Paul should be up and
around for this issue . of The
staff writer, has recently
returned from the National Student
Convention .In Worcester,
Massachusetts, where he was a guest
spe~ker on the topic of "Bro~nnosing for Fun and Grades." HaVing
recently completed his third
consecutive semester with a 4.0 cum,
**t *********************************************************************
::* and
having done no visible
schoolwork to support it, it was felt
himself, of course) that he was
** (by
more than qualified to speak on this
:: subject.
* Gerri H., Director ' of Life and
* once
Advisor to The Arcywah,
again unsuccessfully tried to
0 JUS an even...
** Says,
retire for the fourth time this year.
Geri, "I keep having
parties, but no one will
*** gmretirement
et the message. " Geri has her
a m txer.
onthly retirement party at 5 p.m.
n the first Friday of each month. A
::* goood
time will be had by all.
** Feature
Editor, and current
Advertising Art Director the The
are co-starring in a
** An:ywah,
weird porno flick , according to The
** iDt aily Tribune.
The movie, Menage
has a
plot about six
** e .
*:: Townhouse
people who lived together in a
sometime in the 70's.
HOBBIT, Production Staff
of The Arcywah, was
*** *** Member forced
to resign from her
position as President of Little
** People
United, a Bryant
(Yl c!li
~kiuui£s i
in tq£ *
** *** *
*E *::*
*** ::
** *
organization formed last year by the
Little Beeper. It seemed that she
grew one-half inch, which put her
above the maximum height
SIMPS, Recently Appointed
* Production
Manager of The
Arcywah was making her usual
squeals a few days ago when a
representative of the Memorex
Corporation came in and offered
her a job making commercials.
Previously. Simps' squeals have
shattered every piece of glass in The
Arcywah office. including the
Comp l Set picture tube, and have
been picked up by Russia n
CRrs, Editor-in-Chief of The
Arcywah, was commend'~d
(We pau uou 10 come tn your
::* Arecently
on his slogan for the
skivvies. .....
uburn Tourists Committee. The
** America
slogan is "Auburn, Crossroads of
. Former News Edltorof
~ \,\ .
The .Arc~wah, was treated. to .a
* surprise birthday party last mght
~ * geniuninely
The Arcywah office. She was
surprised--her birthday
isn't until June. Way to go, Arcywah
* stam!!!! They really keep on top of
* things.
.. ~::
TOM MARKS, Arcywah Photo
** excuses
Editor, broke the worlds record for
last week when he offered
his 3.978th excuse for why the
c.!JsCYl'lim, is llcl. advised!
:: photos weren't "up to par." This
* week's ' excuse was the most
* imaginative yet: "I spilled beer in the
J . /
*** *
* ******************************************************************
April 1. 1980
Paee 6
Because of the extreme popularity of such
features as "Senator of the Weak," and
"Athlete of the Weak," The Arcywah
Photos lJy Mark Toms and Maria Romero
Security Officer
of the Weak
Saga Worker
of the Weak
Postal Worker Of the Weak Faculty Member · Of the Weak
Stray Dog Of the Weak Custodian Of the Weak Hair Stylist Of the Weak Globe Of the Weak
DJ Of the Weak
Car Of the Weak
Object Of the Weak
All the "People of the Weak " were treated to a
reception in The Arcywah office and a good time was
R.A. Of the Weak
haa by-all. ­
April 1. 1980
THE ARCYWAH r:~Tr:~TAI ~Mr:~T Tii r:
Pale 1
Jesus Christ Superstar to be Filmed at Bryant Paramount Studios recently
announced that Bryant College has
been se lected as the production site
for its upcoming movie, Jesus Christ
S uperstar II. Bryant was selected for
t he filming of the $50 million movie
ver the 1238 other college
campust:s world-wide which also
applied .
Paramount decided to produce
Superstar II after realizing the
enormous success of the original
il m Jesus Christ Superstar. To
a oid the monotony that most
seq ucls encounter, Paramount has
added a new twist to the movie - the
entire cast and production crew will
be composed of Bryant students and
facuity .
Auditions for the cast of
characters will be held in May,
during the week of culmination. The
reason for the selection of this week,
according to Studio officials, is to
insure that the students selected will
be able to endure great stress. The
greatest test of stress that could be
inflicted is to make students think of
An unnamed Arab multi-millionaire, whose corporation is investing in the
filming of Jesus Christ Superstar II, inspecting Bryant from afar.
Non wedding
CONCERT REPORT By Gaary Arcywah Staff Writer
April 4 Ja.nis Joplin at the Ocean State at 7:30
April 7 Frank Sinatra at Providence Civic Center at 8:00
April 17 Jim Croce at the Ocean State at 7:30
April 18 Jim Croce at Music Hall at 7:30
April 19 Doors at Symphony Hall at 8:30 April 20 (J"osby Stills Nash & Young at Music Hall at 7:30
April 23 5th Dimension at Berklee Performance Center
at 7:30
April 27 Pink Floyd at Providence Civic Center at 7:00
April 31 Arrows at New Haven Colliseum at 7:30
May 4 Beatles at Madison Square Garden at 7:30
May 4 Beatles at Madison Square Garden at 7:30
May 13 Lynard Skynard at Orpheum Theatre at 7:30
Morrington Vs.
Historic Seamen's Bethel in New
Bedford will not be the setting for
the wedding of Jayne "Pizzfay"
Morrington and J. W. Harris, which
will not take place on May 24. The
ceremony will not be performed by
The non bride is the daughter of
her parents. Racine will not be maid
of honor, and Kevin "Shrinking
Mac" McKenna will be nonbest
The nonbride is a former Feature
Editor of The Arcywah, but will not
admit it. The nongroom is currently
Advertising Clip Art Director, and
will not graduate.
The nonphotographer is Nick
Danger, who will now be able to go
to the Indy 500.
The couple plans to continue
living in sin in Lincoln, RI.
Ready to clip Letter Home
DEAQ .------- -- _______ ....................
pass book of 20 tickets for $400, a
anything but exams during
culmination. All students who savings of $IOO.}
Fina election of all cast members
complete the auditions and pass
be completed by September.
more than one final exam will have
The scheduled completion date of
top priority in role selection.
the movie is June 28,1999.
(Seniors: Do not disregard the
possibility of auditioning. By
at least one exam you make you
eligible for an additional year
study at Bryant, and therefo
eligible for a role in the movie.)
Bryant has been assured
Paramount that it will have
finance no more than one-half oft
cost of the film . The necessary
million can easily be
through an increased
Activity Fee. (A proposal to i
the fee to $10.000 per student is
before the Senate.)
Additional revenue will
provided through increased food
and beverage sales in the Student
Center and from a pay toll which
will be installed on the main
The $25 per car toll will
decrease the number of spectators
who will flock to the campus to
Bryant students are starting
watch the film production. (Bryant to rehearse for the upcoming movie
students will be able to purchase a production.
THE CALENDAR Your weekly guide to "What's happening " in and around
the BrYilnt Community.
April 1- Meeting of Little People's
United in TH A-4 at 11 :59 p.m.
April 2-Whine & Sleaze in the Pub.
April 4-SBP presents Jim Croce live
concert in Rm 231, Dorm 7 at 8:30p.m.
April 5-Easter Egg Hunt in the Pond, 2
in the afternoon.
April 6-Easter Buffet at Saga, 11 am­
April 7-Easter Sale at Folletts
Bookstore 1 am-3am (99% of all items).
AT SCHOOL. LAST NIGHT I SPENT OVEQ _............................. __ .......___ .... HOUQS IN THE .......................................... .............................................. ING WITH FQIENDS. I MET THIS ONE ................................................... _... THAT HAS A NiCE................................., AND HIS/HEQ QOOMMATE IS ....................................................... , TOO. The SBP
LAST WEEKEND I WENT TO A........................................... AND HAD A QEAL
.. .. ............. -..................................... .TIME. WOW, WAS I EVEQ ................................... 1
THE NEXT MOQNING I WOKE UP IN DOQM .......................... HOW
CLASSES AQE QEALL'" .......................................... M'" ...................................... .
............................. -.......................... WITH A ..........................................
MONE'" DOESN'T LAST HEQE. I SPENT ................_............................ _.. _... DOLLAQS ON ............... _...................... ~......_............ LAST WEEK. I WASSOBQOKE I PAWNEDM'" QOOMMATE'S ........... _.................._.............. _.~ ..... HE/ SHE WAS ALITTLE UPSET. M'" PET .................. _..........,................................. DIDN'T HELP THINGS. HE QIPPED UP M'" QOOMMATE'S .............................................. INTO LITTLE PIECES AND THOQOUGHL'" DESTQO"'ED HIS/ HEQ .................................................... . MA"'BE IS HE / SHE TOOK A SHOWEQONCE INA .......................................................... THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN. I GUESS I'LLHAVE TOGET QIDOF M'" .................................... . WELL, ......... _................................................ IHAVETOGONOW,I'LLWQITEAGAIN
.................................. LETTEQS.
'{OUQS ................. ~ ................ , (SIGNATUQE) ................. _..................... . Two renowed Bryantonians
do their favorite activities.
itt the pub, on II
Wednesdll~ night to be
Pa!!e 8
April I. 1980
SBP Gets "Slim"
By Bill
The Student Programming Board
announced their plans for the
upcoming Spring Weekend late
yesterday. Over the last couple of
years efforts to attract top-notch
musical entertainment for Spring
Weekend has not been too
successful. This year, however,
promises to be quite different. A
spokesman for the SPB informed
The Arcywah early in March that
they had almost reached an
agreement with the legendary Elvis
Presley. Elvis told his public
relations man that he was just dying
to tour again. Unfortunately, he has
been advised by his personal
physician that he is in no shape to
tour at this moment and that it
might be awhile before he would
ever be ready to go on the road
again .
Not disappointed, the SPB
contacted the world renown
recording artist "Slim" Whitman . Of
course, Slim Whitman needs no
introduction to rock 'n' roll fans .
l.ast · year alone, he sold more
albums than Elvis Presley and the
Beatles combined. He has been on
top of the charts for months now
and his c u rr e t be s t - S eYI e r
"Rosemaria" has grossed over two
billion dollars . He has reportedly
agreed to terms and if his past
performances are any indication of
what to expect, then we can expect
an incredible show. Just last
semester, he was to open for The
Who in Cinncinnati . When fans
........................................... •• •••• •••••
This ingenuous game is designed
to help you save time and
aggrevation when in the Dining
Directions: Starting at "GO" you
must maneuver your way. utilizing
the shortest path, to ' either serving
line for seconds.
Good l.uck .
- ..
.­ -
•• I
-- •
.- .'=-------­
- •••
0-'" :
•• .
............. ••.J.•••••:1.•••••••. ,••••.J.•••••••••••••••••••••••
- I -~--.-
4 •••••
heard this, however, they got out of
control. He had to leave escorted by
state troopers and The Who were
left to play by themselves. That
should give some insight as to the
excitement and energy he draws
wherever he goes. Slim has been
using theatrical arrangements
similar to Pink Floyd and with
81' le.U Campbell
permission he will probably utilize a
laser light show almost identical to, In a surprise move, the Board of
Blue Oyster Cut't. It will Directors ofWJMFannounced that
undoubtedly be a tremendous show they have applied to the F.C.C. for
and the S PB should definitely be an A M radio station . General
thanked for luring this superstar to Manager Paul Rochelle said "It was
the Bryant College scenario.
the logical move for The Sound
Alternative. We recently applied to
the Federal Communications
Commission for a power increase
for our FM operation. We are
optimistic that we will be getting
acceptance on that any day now.
There is a need for an AM station .
We feel it is our duty to fill that
by Arcywah Ghost Writers
need ."
Hobbit and Zenobia, Arcywah
The proposed station, WJ M F­
Production staff members, were
AM, will be located at 1250 on the
found dead at 6 a.m . on April I st.
dial. The Publicity Director,
Accompanying the dead bodies was
Dwayne L., is credited with
the note, "We couldn't take it any
choosing the frequency. "It will
more ." They apparently died oi an
allow us a lot of latitute for catchy
overdose of alcohol. Earlier they slogans and contests" reports
were seen doing shots of Barcardi
151 and Popov 80 proof vodka
When queried about the need of
respectively and saying that it had
two radio stations on campus
been too long of a night.
Program Director, Penny Laine ,
Hobbit, a senior, leaves behind
informed us "that even with an
her three brothers,two parents, and
increase in power, most commusters
a few friends. (There will be a party
won't beableto get the station. Most
in townhouse A-4 on April 12th
of them only have AM radios and
celebrating her departure). She was
this is an ideal way to pick them up."
the president of Little People
Station officials expressed their
United. and also held the 'honorary'
optimism that th application will be
position of "Smallest Member in
accepted without allY problems. As
New England ." Hoping to take her
one reliable source pointed out
place as President is Peshee (see "There's a need, the application is
College Groups-l.ittle People solid and the bribe was accepted ."
United). Among things known to
There is preselltly a trend among
have gone wrong lately were tests, colleges and universities to have
too much pressure. and Sweet or both an AM and an FM station .
Innocent found to be Sweet not Approximately 48 % of the
instutions with FM operations have
Zenobia. a freshman, leaves A M operations too .
behing a brother, two parents, a
WJMF-AM will be non­
p uppy dog. and sevcn rabbits. Her comm rcia l as is the p resent station .
r e a ~o n f r drin ki ng was II d ispute
I h f. rma t htl\\ C . n\ill tlit cr
wit h R otor~ f-eetch on lb' ,nc:lhng
A M operatIon \\ ill be lOp 40 Vic
of "Xeno bla" and being fo r~ d to
Michaels, a WJ M F dj will be
type a ft er midnight on the C o mp­
Cant. to p. 9, col. 5
WJMF Applies
For AM Station
This month·s special selection:
*Every Student Leader's Guide to DeaJing with Geri Hura
This informative guide . written by two experts in the field , Cris Broccoli and
Paul RochellE', and edIt ed by Jeff Campbell , outlines for all newly elec ted
student leaders the secrets for g~tting along with the Director of Life at Bryant.
Topics include : CreatIve brown· nosing, Budget understa tement, How to fill out
all Student Affairs' forms, and the most important rule : Never approach her at a
computer terrninal. An informative and interesting guide to student leading.
Other selections ava ilable:
"Drugs or Persona lity: My Choice; An Autobiography m y Me rria m Wa lte rs
experts in the field.
·What Jrs Like
Grea t fo r Begin ners o r
the Top , By "Bos ton" Hee ney- For all oll.lou who wished .I'-OU wer there.
"There and Back;. by Herb Erba-~ The rise and fall of the Roman Empire , SBP style.
·Sex vi thout Guilt ; b y J. W . Ha m s Ma y be too intense for children unde r' 35.
*' wo e a sy W ays
to Get Financial Aid; By The ta Bop - He r m e thods of ge tting finan cial a id a re eaS1) !
"The ABC's of Meeting Deadlines; Edited ' bv Cheryl, Ellen. and Fra n- D o it the right way!
Ves! I'd like lajoin The Arcywah Book Club . lam enclosing 9'X (plus $1 2.95 postage and hu"dling)
for any ollhe three books above tha t you'd like to send me. After I r~ceiye my books I am thereby
: ..
Take any three
:11199 ¢
obligated to buy 25 more books at the regular club price of $24.95 (plus postage and h;;mdliog) 10 the nexl
15 minutes. I realize that I have absolutely no right to cafl(:el. return books, or gel refunds .
Name .. ~
~~ ~ ~ .. ......~. ~~ .... ~ ... ~ ......~ .._....... .. ~~
Address ....~~~~~ ............. ~ ... ........ .. .~~~ .......... ~~~_ .. ~ ..... ~~
Legally Binding Signature ..
~~ ...... ........ ~ ..........~~ ~
...... ..... .~ ~~ .~~ . ... ~.~ .. ~~~ ~.~.. ..
If you agree to the simple
I terms
of membership outlined at the
=.=~ =====~=~ =._=.= ~=.= .=. J left.
Photo by J. W. Harris
Waiter, a koala living in the townhouses. went berserk yesterday after
consuming eucalyptus leaves believed to have been treated with "angel dusl."
The animal. who had previously shown no signs of life, gret\· several hundred
times and scaled the bell tower, where it remained staring fixedl~' in the
direction of the Woonasquatucket Reservoir. Smithfield Rescue Squad
workers brought down the fuzzy marsupial, and also got it off the bell tower.
The koala belongs to "Rac," of TH B-6, who declined to give her real name.
April I. 1980
Paae 9
How to Build an Igloo----­
. _- - -- ­- - - - ---,
-i<q '
(lilt:: L. J}'
A. Fo r tIle first f(:lv tiers the Olltside
pe:r~ uII C:l II lJa nc.l bloch ol'cr the wall
to the: im ide: [lc r;Ofl.
a ril1g of blocks ,
B. Hilt as tht: walls i: lc re~ sc ill heigh t
al/Cl tilt illlvJrrl, Jl""dillg llcav)' hlocks
on:r tht: wa ll hce:()/llt:, too d ifficu lt
for the olltsidc I' ~TS IJfl ,
Stc'[l TII'o: Cu t a 1.1l np.
. ~----
C. So, ClIt rt hole ill the igloo's wa ll anc.l
slide tlK' blocks I-llfougIJ .
~- L /' -­
" " ' ~"-'~
- " -~
' ~y,
-. , ­
The hole :! t fl ool /;.:I'c l call 1lot be
u.lcd for the fill al t ll /ra llCC bee:a use
th e floor will be at tllc same tempera ­
ture as the IJlltside air.
,"-­ ~ ~- - ---­
~IC i'
Th rec: La) IIp;J seconc.l course of
" lue b ill ;I ~[lirJ1.
E. Fill til.:: temporary open ing with
blocks, th ell dig a tW/1Iel bellcath the
igloo's wall lip in to thc inside . The
ligllter lI'an" :lir im ic.le will he trapped
hya pool of ll ca v)' cold air :]t the
bottol/l uf tllC tU/J llel, lIl uc h as the:
cold wale] hcncall l a heal'cr llOLlSC
trJps.tllc warlll air abo ve it.
1<'. Igloo il completed by b\li!dinci a
roof over the tUlln el. At night , slide
a SIIOIV block i llto the tlillnel to bloc!:
tlIC cntr,IIKC ;/gainst cold ol ltside air.
~fI "
Bry~. ~t
by' JER
Even before the first brick has
been laid , for the Multipurpose
Activity Center (nicknamed 'Big
Mac') eighteen students of a Bryant
Fraternity have vowed to eat it. not
matter how large. M cDonalds. in an
upro'ar at the potential loss of
business had decided to sue Bryant
for SIO,OOO,OOO, the comparative
amount fo hamburger and Coke
sales lost due to the building of , Big
The case was settled out of court
however, since during the
proceedings the Bryant lawyers
discovered an amazing fact about
McDonalds. It appear s the
McDonalds corporations has been
paying Saga to serve the students
sub-standard food . It was also
revealed that Saga has to capacity to
prepare food as good as camp­
quality but they refuse to do so.
In the agreement reached by
McDonalds and Bryant. Bryant has
agreed to allow some of the
McDonald's clowns to guard the
structure. When asked if those
clown s were Ronald , Mayor
McCheese and the others .
McDonalds said they are too
valuable to lose. They are going to
use their top-management men
instead .
St ep jo'O llT: C Oll tilll:e up to apex, sbnt­
ill!: ';!ell CO llrse slig htly illll arc/.
Cont. from p. 8, col. 5
higher tll Jll t llc
o llt.lide bcc,lI/sc
of ?cl:tI1llubtioll
of broken blol: b
<I/ld extra Sl/OIV
from COIlSt rllC/IOII ,
. 4-'
Photo by John-Boy/ UPI Photo
A group of militant students, enraged over the hockey team's departure,
took hostage the occupants ~f Dorm I, The militants held the Dormitory for
fifteen, hours before the Smithfield SWAT team, in a dramatic helicopter
ollerahon, rescued ~he hostages a.n~ captured the militants. The 88 hostages
are reported to be In good condition at Smithfield Medical Center where
they are undergoing observati9n at this time.
tapped to run the new operation
because of his experience in top 40 at
PRO-FM . Vic is enthusiastic about
the new station. "We're all ready to
kick off in September but
realistically January 1981 lOOks
good. The FM operation will be
moving to the new tudios in the
Gym Annex and we can take over
the Unistructure Broadcast Center.
Definite word from the FCC is
not expected until August but
po.ssible floor plans are presently
bemg drawn up. Engineer Steve
Berger was quoted as saying, "I'm so
excited '!" "Me too Steve"
interrupted Business Manager J~ff
2 Liters
.... SALE
Puppy Woofers
only 51 29 per box of 12
Birdie tweeters
only 89¢ per 8 pock
while supplies last
puppy UPPERS
from the folks at Happy
This week only 52 J9 per 100
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April 1. 1980
THEARCYWAH PaSle 11 Varsity Spots
• • • •& Hockey is Back on Ice .,
By Boy Wonder
Volleyball Forfeits
Less than two weeks ago, the
Athletic Depaqme,n t at Bryant
made a decision to terminate the
hockey program. Since making the
decision, the adament response of
the past and present Bryant
Community .a gainst this decision
has been overwhelming. In response
to these and numerous other
(;omplaints, the Athletic Depart­
ment has rescinded its decision.
The Athletic Department
stipulated however that in order for
this rescission to be put into effect,
certain modifications of the hockey
program would have to be
undertaken. Bryant's new hockey
program is unique and there is none
other like it anywhere in the world .
The new program doe~ not
necessitate that the Smithfield Ice
Rink be rented any longer. The pond
ARCYWAH Staff Photo between the unistructure and the
were a bit sketchy, but it appears residents parking lot will now serve
that Kestutuis did not sign. the as the Indians home ice. The
proper papers when he first came to naturally raised banks surrounding
Bryant College and began to play the pond serve as boards, so any
volleyball. costs normally incurred in 'building
The Bryant·volleyball squad was boards wiII be done away with. .
13-1 for the season, with an excellent
Instead of building goal judge
chance to win the Volleyball boxes and lights, the program will
Championship held in late April. call for something else. The College
Now, because of this turn-around, is offering a new course this fall
the team is 0-14 with no hope of even called Goal Judging 102 and three
playing in the championships. sets of two passing biased Bryant
Team reaction to the situation students registered in this course will
was mixed. Most of the players were be used on a rotating basis as goal
distraught because of the team's fine judges. Each judge wiII be given a
play throughout the season. Others chair to sit in and each will have in
blessed the circumstances stating, hand a relay switch so when a goal is
"The season was getting to drag on. scored the fountain in the adjacent
Now, with no hope of the
championships, we can quit playing
now and cut our season by one
Bryant Volleyball lost it's match
Thursday, March 27, to Tufts
They lost in three
straight games to a team which had
not given them any trouble
The game was overshadowed by
the effect of some sad news received
by the volleyball squad after the
Bryant Volleyball has
forfeited all it's previous games due
to an illegal alien on the team.
Kestutis Karalius, a Lithuanian, was
found to be an illegal alien. Because
of this finding, Bryant must give
back their tournament trophy won
earlier in the year. They also are no
longer considered number one in
New England due to these
unfortunate circumstances .
Kay, as he is known to his fellow
teammates and friends, was one of
the leading players on the team. He
was both embarrassed and heart­
broken by this unfortunate turn of
events. He seemed shocked that the
New England Collegiate Volleyball
As~ociation (NECVBA) found out
about the illegality of his
participation. The specific details
ARCYWAH Staff Photo
pond can be activated.
Now, if you say well what is the
College going to do about cleaning
the ice, buy a Zamboni? All is not
lost because the Athletic
Department has an answer to this
problem also. The new Bryant
Zamboni Club will be responsible
for cleaning the ice. Club members
will be required to bring their suite's
sponge mop and a full bucket of
water with them to each game. The
water will be poured onto the ice
surface and then will be pushed
around by the Zambonies using
their tool of the trade, the sponge
The College does not intend to
build lights around the pond. The
following plan has been developed
to supply lighting for night games.
The cars in the front row of the
residents parking lot will be required
to turn on their car headlights for the
entire game. The lights can be turned
off between periods, however, unless
of course you have a Sears Die Hard
battery. The cars in the second row
will be moved and strategically
positioned on the remaining three
sides of the pond to provide
additional lighting.
These are just a few of the changes
to be made. When all features of this
program have been completed, the
operating of the hockey program
will require only 10% rather than the
30% of the athletic budget
previously required. This is another
example of Bryant's commitment to
"education of the whole person!"
Red Sox Trade Yaz The team would like to extend it's regrets to their fans, and also thank The Boston Red Sox have always
them for their fine support during
been known for making the best
the volleyball squad's home
trades, and last night they did it
Next year the team
promises to make a thorough check
In an unexpected news conference
of everyone on it's roster.
at the Prudential Building in
"Yellowmen" Win
Boston, the club's General Manager announced that Carl Yastremski, Fred Lynn, and Gary Allenson had been traded to the New York Yankees for Reggie Jackson, Luis
Tiant, and Greg Nettles. I.
Most fans were shocked at this
trade, but the owners are confident it
will work out. Another trade is in the
near future, and word has it that the
Red Sox might be making a deal
with the: Oakland A's to possibly
trade Don Zimmer for Billy Martin.
. :
Team captain "Manny" was ecstatic:!!
at the victory but refused to --p
The Bryant College Coffee-Break comment. The Yellowmens' strategy.
Team captured Ist place in a · has long been top-secret although ~
tournament held recently at the much speculation has been raised--P
Universitv of Connecticut. The abut a possible union connection.",
The victory is the second in two --p
members - 0 f t h'IS team are a II
employed maintenanc.: worker~ at years for Bryant. a new Collegiate ~
Bryant College . The team is record . In response to the growmg--p
affectionately known a5 the finan cial burd~ns which accompany.
"Yellowmen" and are consistently the Yellowmens' success, the SChO?I.
top finishers year after year.
has considered dropping certam
The winners are chosen on ~he "unnecessary" sports to provide'"
pasis of most hours s~ent screwm~ funds for the :ellowmens' trip te ...
around in relation to hours worked . Flonda next wmter.
by Bob ~
•... T
•• Visit Scenic • · WOONSOCKE
..•. L-------------------------~A~R~C~YUW.iA~~H~S~t3~.f~fP.Phh,O~tO. 101:
-----------------------. ...
The Bryant Baseball team on their r~ct!nt trip to .. lorida ra.n Into ~n ~
unexpected snowstorm. In order to get mto shape, the team sUited up
CopY"Shc ' 1980. The " I love Woonsockec" Comm"'.. of rI", G' •• le' Woon,ockec Developmen c and Toum' Comm,,,,on All R'Sh " R.,."ed
heavy parkas and snowshoes. Flourescent orange baseballs were used tOT
aid infielders and outfielders in seeing the ball. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~
THEA Pale 12
OBJECT: To lose all your money before Spring Weekend .
AGES: 6 - 10
PLA YERS: Two to Eight
DIRECTIONS: First, clip out the playing pieces and the Gerri
Hura Cards being careful not to cut any of the pieces. Each
player should choose one playing piece depending on which one
he wants or which one he wants out of those playing pieces
remaining. If more than person wants the same playing piece,
the person with the largest shoe size gets to pick first. If those
people interested in the same piece have the same shoe size.
consult your astrological forecast for clarification.
After the players have chosen their playing pieces they should
decide the order in which they will go. This order is determined
by the players' New Preregistration Numbers (see related
article). If any of the players don't have a preregistration
number. their number is determined in the following manner.
Take the last four digits of that player's phone number and add
Divide this number by 218 .
Players without
preregistration numbers should also report to the Registrar's
Office immediatly.
Each player collects $35,000.00 in cash or American Express
Travelers Cheques ("I never leave home without them"). All the
players should place their playing·pieces on the Start Wedge in
the above mentioned order. The first player closes his eyes and
randomly points to one of the numbers in the Random
Number Degenerator (RND) . The player should move his
playing piece the number he chose on the RND going in a
clockwise direction. The second player now uses the RND and
moves the proper number of spaces in the correct direction . The
third player goes, the fourth and so on and so forth .
Listed below are specific instructions about specific types of
things. Good Luck!!!
PICK A GERRI HURA CARD - The player who lands on this
space should pick a Gerri Hura Card. If the player picks the
Gerri Hura Card that says "Gem Initials Form" hel she gets 5
Bonus Points. If the player gets any Gerri Hura Card but the
"Gerri Initials Form" Card the player must pick another Gerri
Hura Card. The player continues picking cards until they get
either the "Gerri Initials Form" Card or the "Eleven of Hearts"
Card .
~ ",9.cw.~"'~
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April 1. 1980 will also be featured in a segment of the film .
Dr. Floyd. an author and an authority on America's
only Nobel Priie winning playwright , is thrilled by the
idea of her seminar's being filmed for the festival. "This
is the first time anything like this has ever happened at
Bryant." she said . "It's exciting."
MENT. APRIL 9TH AND 10TH_ _ _ _ __
Tuesday, April I Lunch: Hot roast pork sandwich.
Spanish macaroni. Broccoli Quiche. April 9th: Rotunda-Information booth. 12 noon - 2 pm. 4
-R . 1. Hospital
-Accupuncture Center of Cambridge '
-Counseling Center
-Film: "Dealing with Stress"
3: 15 pm Room 342: Seminar by Accupuncture Center of Cambridge and
3: 15 pm Room 346
R.1. Hospital Seminar
7:00 pm C.M .D. Room Band C
Film: "StressL A Disease of Our Times"
Dinner : Oven fried chicken. Italian Sausage Sub. Fruit
Fritters. Beef pot pie .
Wednesday, April 2 Lunch: Hamburger. Macaroni and
Cheese. Fruit plate w cottage cheese
Dinner: Shaved steak sandwich. Fish fillets. Crepes.
Pork C;hop suey w ! fresh vegetables
Thursday, April 3 Lunch : ' l.i·1 Abners. Beef noodle
casserole. Assorted cold cut plate - THE ARCHWAV Photo
The Archway Annual Photo
Contest! This hallowed six-year
Bryant tradition provides the
photographically inspired with an
outlet for their creative talents . The
contest is open to all members of the
Bryant community ·- not j ust
students! Rules
I. The contest is open to all
members of the Bryant community.
except the staffs of The Archway
and The I.edger. and of course. the
judges. 2. All entries must he delivered to The Archway office by 3 p.m . on
April 16. 19110. All entrants must
register on the sheet provided in the
orfice. 3. There will be two categories:
Black and White. and Color. A
maximum of three prints(maximum
size II" x 10") will be accepted from
each entrant in each category. No
slide will be accepted. only prints.
4. The following prizes will be
awarded :
Black and White
Ist prize : $25
2nd prize: $15
3rd prize: $10
Ist prize: $25
2nd prize: $15
3rd prize:$IO
In addition to the cash awards the
honorable mentions will be awarded
at the descretion of the judges.
5. On the back of each print must
be the following information:
Entrant's name. phone number. and
local address. All entries should be
submitted in a sealed manilla
envelopes: all color prints from one
entrant should be in one. and all
black and white in another. The
outside envelope should hear no
markings. other than the entry
number which will be assigned when
you regislt:r.
6. Entries will be judged according
to the following criteria: Visual
effectiveness. 60(/(: this includes
appeal. creativity. originality.
composition. and subject matter.
Technical Ability. 40t;,( .
7. Judging will be conducted by a
six member panel conSisting of Dave
Alfredson. Business ManagerofThe
Archway; Mark Toms. Photo
Editor of The Archway: J. W.
Harrington, Advertising Art
Director of The Archway ; Sean
McNamee, Past Photo Editor of
The Ar.... xay; Charlie Picket, Plant
-~.'. "pril 17. 1980. at which time thejudging will take
place. Judging will be closed to insure objectivity. 9. All decisions by the judges are finaL
10. Winners will be announced in
the April I R issue of The Archway.
Non-winning entries can be claimed
in The Archway office beginning
April 21. The Archway accepts no
responsibilit~' for prinb not ciaimed
by May 16. 19RO.
. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .
Monday, April 14
lOam to 3pm in the ROTUNDA
Blood Type • Eye Testing. Hearing Testing. Blood
Pressure. Equalizer (Lungs) • Blood Drive in
Center for Management Development (B+C)
.. FOR INFO CALL 231-1200 EXT_ 341
April 10th:
12-1 pm Film and Discussion-"Stress: A Disease of Our
3: 15-5: 15 pm Room 342
Seminar and discussion "Stress and Biofeedback" with
Dr. Harold Musiker I Director of Behavioral Medicine­
R.1. HQspital
Bryant Students: movie stars? Believe it or not.
Twenty-four Bryant students, members of Dr.
Virginia Floyd's Eugene O'Neill seminar, will be
featured in a segment of a 60-minute documentary to be
shown at the Eugene O'Neill festival this summer in
Mexico City.
Dr. Floyd reports that Fredric von Stange, the
producer-director of the documentary, will arrive at
Bryant on April I with a four-member MeXican film
crew to tape the segment.
In the film, Dr. Floyd's students will provide their
views and opinions of O'Neill and his works. They will
also.discuss how O'Neill's plays related to his life and
times, and his messages can be applied today.
The Bryant segment will be one part of the 60-minute
production for this summer's O'Neill festival.
Prominent O'Neill professionals such as Director Jose
Quintero, Critics Louis Sheaffer and Barbara Gello,
and Actors Colleen Dewhurst, Jason Robards and Liv
Ullman will be featured in another segment of the film.
Scenes of O'Neill's home in New London, the
Provincetown Playhouse where his plays were first
performed. and other significant places in O'Neill's life
There will be a cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) course taught on Sunday nights, April 13th,
20th, and 27th from 6:30 p.m .-9:30 p.m. the course will
be taught by Steven Schlamp, CPR-BLS Instructor,
Red Cross. Class size will be limited to sixteen people.
Sign up in Security or call Steve Schlamp at 232-0113 . The course will be held in Conference Room A, C M D .
There will be a Freshman Committee meeting on
Tuesday, April 1st at 7:30 pm in Room 360 to discuss
~ec~nt developments for Casino Nite. Everyone is
HOUSING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
All resident students attending Intersession or
Summer Session will be housed in the Townhouses.
Students interested in a housing assignment foreither
session must pick up an application from the Student
Affairs Office beginning April 14, 1980. The deadline
for requesting housing is May 12, 1980.
Because there is limited housing available for these
sessions, assignments will first be given to those student
enrolled in classes. Others will be considered for
housing on a place available basis. Final assignments to
housing will be made by May 14,1980.
Due to the fact that housing for the Summer and
Intersessions will be in the Townhouses, there will be no
mandatory meal plan . The snack bar will be available
on a cash basis to those individuals who prefer not to
cook their own meals.
Current townhouse residents who are planning to
attend either e~ s io n should be aware that they will be
consolidated into the Townhouse units which will be
Furthermore, current
used for Summer housing.
Townhouse residents must pick up housing
applications by above deadline. If you reside in a
Townhouse and will be taking an Intersession course,
there will be no charge for Intersession housing. There
will, though, be a housing charge for Summer Session
Please stop by the Student Affairs Office if you need
further information.
Emergency Medical Procedure
In the past few years, the Bryant
Community has progressed both in
physical si7e and population . This
increase in size has led to an
increased number of first-aid related
injuries and sicknesses . The new
demand on the College has been met
with the formation of the Bryant
~eOcl~~i~~an'~ ~~::c~a~~:n
M ed ica I
(B.C.E.M.T .A.). This group is totally comprised of
fully trained and equipped volunteer
students who are state licensed
EMT's The students became EMT's
by completing an intensive 81-hour
rescue practices and emergency care
course approved by the Rhode
Island Department of Health. The
Association is fully sanctioned by
Student Affairs to operate in the
following areas.
The B.C.E.M.T.A. will act as the
First Responder Unit for ALl. first
aid-r.elated incidents on Campus.
Our main objective. is to
incorporate a prompt. efficient. and
.fully trained EMT First Aid
Response System to meet Bryant's
ever-increasing first aid needs.
The following procedure should
be followed in ALL EMERGENCY
FIRST AID situations for thb.
system to be effective:
(I) Notify the Security Office
•• immediately. and supply them with
• the following information: (A)
CPRCOURSE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Location of injured person; (B) Type
of injury or sickness. Security
• Telephone number is 231-1200 (ext.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 200) or 231-2860.
(2) Security will dispatch the
EMT's and a security unit to the
scene and they will determine the
course of action to be taken.
The College requests that the
following guidelines also be
foll owed closely:
FIELD RESCUE on your own. as
they will respond only to direct
Bryant College Security requests.
DO NOT MISUSE this new
system as a visiting doctor's or
pharmacy service . It is for
ONLY. such as sprains.
dislocations. severe sicknesses.
bleeding. respiratory, or heart
problems. and others ....
Archvvay Attends
Over the Spring Break. Archway
Editorial Board Members Craig
Brickey and Mark Toms attended
the Columbian Scholastic Press
Association Annual Conference in
New York City. At the conference. Mr. Brickey
and M r. Toms attended seminars
and discussions on editing and
producing the college newspaper.
According to Mr. Brickey. "We
found out quite a few tips to make
the paper more readable and
attractive-owe also found ourselves
giving advice to other newpapers
based on methods that we have tried
and were successful with."
One side benefit of the conference
was The Archway's meeting with the
editorial staff of The Anchor, the
newspaper at Rhode Island College.
The Archway found that it was not
aione in its problems. To encouragt:
further cooperation between the
papers, there will be another
conference at RIC which will
include editors "nd staff from all the
college newpapers in Rhode Island.
The Archway plans to attend this
In" addition to attending the
seminars, the Archway delegation
also toured the N.W. Ayer Agency
to hear people from the advertising
While this conference may not
change The Archway overnight, a
list of recommendations is being
made up which will be presented to
the Editorial Board in early ApriL
Students will then begin to notice
subtle changes to make The
Archway a better ove ral l
April I. 1980
Paae 15
'T HE OPINIONS We welcome your-letters on matters
that concern the Bryant Community,
The few simple rules to follow about
Letters To The Editor are: I. They
must be sign'cd (With phone number
wc did not go against anything
if the clu b or organization requested charge at the Pu b for this one night.
or box number for verification), 2.
written in our constitution , The
it, we decided to leave it at that. The
Why can a board of 40 members
They must be ligible (not necessarily
constitution, which was revised last
chairperson of the Student be overrruled by the 5 members of
typewritten) , 3 , They cannot be
spring, cannot specifically answer
Programming Board when totally at the Executive Council ofthc Senate'?
termed, in our judgment, libelous,
obscene, o~ in poor taste. 4. If a
each and cvcry situation which
odds with what to do .asked for
As for the chairperson of the SPB
advice from our advisor. It was only voting against the Programming
signers name is,to be withheld, it can
comes up , This means that the
Program ming Board must interpret
after his advice and a lot of debate
Board's decision, which she allowed
~~li~O~a~o~e WIth the approval of the
that we voted to allow the increased
ConI. to page 20, col. 1 Ui.ll.llOloLl.l&L..llIl;O~ai!.!r.l:!d:..._ _ _ _ _ _-1
it s constitution every time a
que"ionable matter comes up.~
before us, If you hae ever attended •••
a[l SPB meeting you would know ..: .
..• •
that many times issues are debated :
..: .
for quite awhile before a decision is
reached . Thi s often
because of the different points of
view, and the different inter- ....
... ..
pretations of t~e constitution by the .:.
40 voting members of the Board. :
Getting 40 members to make a
decision is sometimes nearly +.+
impossible, but when it is done it's ....
..• •
usually the best decision . In both of ..: .
the instances where the SPB was :
ruled unconstitutional there had
been some controversy beforc a
decision was reached .
In the specific instance of the ....
Board raising the door price for ..: .
..• •
SAMwehadaverylongdebateasto :
When you trade-In your men's
whether we could do it or not. The .:.
10K 10141 hllh school rinllor .....
question of the price at the door of .:.
on a Lustrlum collele riDl,
the Pub has been an issue with the +.+
Programming Board since last ....
America's newest Rne
semester. There had even been a ..: .
Jeweler's alloy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
spec.ific amendment to the :
constitution proposed to take off all
price limit on the Pub or to have the ....
SPB set a price for each specific .:.
our reb a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. •
event . This amendment was ....
defeated because it was decided that :
Trade-In your women's 10K 10141 hllh
..: .
school rinl lor S3Z.00 and buy your
it would only result in creating .:..
problems over what a fair price + : " L u s t r l u m collele rinllor on'y 47.95.
would be for the different events, ....
and since it was already in the ....
constitution (a fact stated by the .:.
10K 10141 hllh school trade-iDs also apply
chairman of the committee which :
on all Josten's 10K 10141 collele rinls.
revised the constitution), that the ~:..
Programming Board had the power
to raise the price allowed at the door ~:..
Lois Rebuts Rebuttal
To thc Editor.
I would like to thank the students
for showing a reaction to my letter to
the editor in The Archway of March
6. Perhaps I should now furthcr
explain some of the points I was
trying to make. I did not intend it to
be a criticism of the Senate. I meant
my letter to inform the students of
Bryant of some of the matters that
they should know about.
Before writing my Letter to the
Editor. I listened to both Senate and
non-Senate s tudents regarding
evcrything that was written . I
formed my opinion and that is what
I wrote. I've also listened to many
comments on my letter, both good
and bad. but at least there was a
reaction and maybe now students
will begin to look into matters which
concern them.
In my lettcr on the sixth I
mentioned that the Senate Banquet
was subsidized from the Senate
budget. In a Letter to the Editor on
March 21 st it was pointed out that
the amount of cost to the students
was only $1,000. I think that a
$1,000 is a substantial amount. As I
said in my letter, Senators take their
positions voluntarily, expecting
nothing in return. I know that many
hours of hard work are put in by our
senators and that at other colleges or
universities these positions are paid
or are given credits. I think the
Senators should recieve something
but when the Data Processing
Management AssociatiQIl is refused
$400 for a mixer. which is open to
everyone, because they had $538 .99
and the Senate alots itself $1,000 for
one night for the 30 members
involved I think the students ought
to kno w.
As for the. tudent Programming
Board being ruled unconstitutional,
.....:. +:'*
.i.+.'* +:'*
Vandalism Accusations ...
:1: ..:.
oun~v~. l'anmt~~uon~lll~
Vandalism at Bryant College has
been a serious problem and seems to
be on the increase. It is hard to
believe that since the majority of the
culprits have not been caught,
circumstantial evidence must be
used to attempt to find those
We are three such students faced
with this delemma . On the evening
of Friday, February 29th, we were
indirectly involved in an incident of
vandalism at the Freshman Dorm.
A third floor fire hose box window
was shattered . We were on the
second floor at that time when we ,
heard a crash from above. After
hearing the noise, we left the Dorm
without concern about the incident.
Latter that evening, we re-entered
thc dorm where we were confronted
by numerous new dorm people. We
were accused of the vandalism . At
this point, we made a poor decision
by failing to properly identify
$79 9 5
h f
t ha t
was ue Ito t e act b hwe w~
Improper y confronted y t e grow...
of students in the main lounge.
..:. $6 05
To the Editor:
$86 00
~+ ..~
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
After a slight commotion, we did.
identify ourselves and left the dorm:
wanting no further problems.
As we look back at the incident. •
we realize that we should have :
investigated the crash from above
and ' also properly identified •
ourselves. We hope that all students :
at Bryant College will benefit from :
our misfonune and learn from our •
mistakes by being aware of the
proper actions which should have
...., ~
L - ~ L .:;:7
.... TII"\~
~LU -=~,.,
L~ •
be~ t~~~n'point,
we are seriously
regretting our actions of that
evening and hope that all Bryant
students will react in a manner more
serious and adult in nature. '
e• .i :
TH Fire Alarm System ••••
To the Editor:
of the mghi. K.csldents
townhouscs have become more and = ACADEMIC
After the tragedy of the fire in
Townhouse G-6 a new fire alarm
sys tem was installed in the
know the system is faulty. What i
townhouses in the event of a similar
makes me mad is that haven' t seen .
incident. Yet I must wonder as to the
quality of the new system insta lled . . an ybod y come check the system in order to find whcre the pro blem li es. ! CHOICE OF COURSES.
th eir inst a llat io n th e new fi re
is a real fire and
a la rm s have hee n go in g off
'ontinu all\' ff" - poo apparent reason. somehody gets hu rt . I hopt: the e
I a m not bl(t m in g stud ents for th ese system is fixed.
lal a la !'m. bt:ca us e th ere
David Pulcini
Lawrence Chodor
William Garrity
lilt: I
~ i llce
th e n~
lo ul plav invo lved , I n my bloc'
" I me e have had at leas! fif teen
f!l.I~· a larms ~ i ncc wlI1tcr session. a
lot of t h o~ coming in t he wee hours
11 0
A nt hony [k lla Rocco
Ron Sulli va n
Mike Co utu
K en Ives
Dave Sa lk
e ..................
. '.
......•...• •
Paee 16 April 1. 1980
Senate clubs and organizations recognized by the Senate. This is a very important committee and I was
proud to be a member. I feel that my greatest asset is the year of
experience I have had as a Senator, and hope that you the voters realize the importance of this experience to your representation. I feel that we have a good base in the reQently clected Executive Council and hope that we will have a dynamic hard working Senate. I hope my credentials have ICild to a vote for myself and Fred . Thank You for your support in the past. ilnd remember on April 9 ilnd 10. vote for the EXPERIENCED TEAM.
My name is Karin Gosman and
I'm running for a Sophomore scat
on the Student Senate . I fee l the
Senate is a very important part of
the Bryant community: unfo.tun­
ately. many students do not realize
the power or potential of the Senate.
I'm running because I'd like to
represent our Sophomore class . I
want to find out what is going on
and be involved . I also want to be
available to you concerning any
proble~s. lJucstions. or ideas. You.
the student. should get more
involved in Bryant if you want to improve student life . Take the time to vote in the upcoming elections on April 9 & 10. Remember my name. KARl:\, GOSMAN and MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT' --
Lynn C. Muller
Hi! My nilme is Lynn Muller and I
am running for iI seat in the Student
Senate . Though I have never held
an elected position. I have been
involved in many civic ilnd cultural
activities. such as my church youth
group. senior class play and a
member of the National Honor
Society . This upcoming year. I hope
to have our whole class get involved .
Through questioning some of my
fellow students. I have gotten many
suggestions of what should be done;:
letting freshmen park wherever they
want as in a fii'l:t-come. first-serve
way. also a separate non-smoking
section in the dining hall. and
keeping our hockey team active . I
want to be a voice in the Senate for
the good of our class and I feel that a
vote for me would benefit the whole
Bruce Michael Bonin
My name is Bruce Michael Bonin
and I am currently running for re­
election to the Student Senate next year as a Sophomore Senator. I am a
brotlJer of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity.
but feel that I will be able to
represent all Sophomores equally
whether Greek or independent.
resident or commuter. it makes no
difference to me. As a Senator thi s
past year. I was a member of
numerous committees. They
included Freshmen Class. Poster.
Paints. and Signs. Faculty l.iaison.
Et han Edwards
and Ways and Means. My duties as
Hi. my name is Ethan Edwards.
a member of the Freshmen Class
Committee were to represent the Please take a couple of minutes to
think about what kind of senator
best interest of my class members.
you want to represent you! Do you
hopefully we will be having a Casino
Night or something of that nature to • want a senator who is aggressive and
who has a knack for ettin thin s
promote class unity in late Apnl. As
done. a senator who sees a need for
a member of the Poster. Paint. and
Sign Committee. I was responsible
the ad ministration . for all signs being in compliance students and
with regulations. and the control of and most Importantly, a senator
paints and paper. The Faculty who is willing to devote his time and
Liaison Committee is a link between effort into representing )'011 in policy the faculty and students, we offered ~aking decisions of this college?
I feeI I can success fu II y ex hI'b'II such services as course descriptions
qualities for our class. I n order and departmental fairs in the past. I was one of the two Freshman to' do this I will need your support . members of the Ways and Means and your vote. So please. vote for
Committee, along with my running Ethan Edwards on April 9 and 10.
mate Fred Clark . The duties of this for the kind of senator you want
committee are to allocate money to • representing you . Platforms
L.et us first introduce ourselves.
My name is Chris I.izotte from
Cindy Bibbins
Aeushnct. Massachusetts. and I am
Hi! My name is Cindy Bibbins and an Accounting major. I am a
member of the Accounting
I'm running for re-election to the
Association and was on the staff for
Student Senate. As a freshman
the Parents' Weekend Committee. I
senator I was on the Faculty Liason.
have assisted the Senators in
Elections. Public Relations and
Freshman ClasS' Committees. On distributing and tabulating student
surveys. I am also an active member
these committees I learned the role
of the Karate Club .
and function of the Student Senate;
My name is Jackie Pirone and I
how it is the link between the
am from New Canaan. Connecticut. students and the administration .
This past year I viewed the activities
of the Student Senate to understand
and learn the wily certain
committees and organizations arc
run and regulated. The experience of
being on the Student Senate as a
freshman is something that will be
useful to me always. and it puts me
one step ahead of other students.
because I already have the contacts
needed to have effective
communication between the
students and the administration .
So. Freshmen, remember to vote
for me as you go to the polls
Wednesday and Thursday. April9 &
10. to choose your Sophomore
Maureen Kinne
representativ.es. Thank you.
My name is Maureen Kinne.
Richard Pelaia
The Student Senate is a vital link
between you and the decision
milking process of Bryant College.
In reality it is a process that not only
should make the administration
aware of your recommendation
needs and concerns. but should also
alert YO\I after the thinking of the
administration with regard to the
Issues .
This strategy for client (student)
participation in the affairs of the
institution should not be taken for
granted. nor should its importance
be diminishcd . It is in this spirit that
I ask you to take an inventory of
your relationship to the Freshman
Senate . I. Do you know
representatives are?
Cont. to p . 22. col. 3
Cont. to p . 19. col. 1
Kathy Whalen
better known to most people as Mo,
My name is Kathy Whalen and
I'm running for the o ffice o f
and I am running for a position as
Sophomore Senator. I feel that I
Sophomore Senator. I am fro m
would be an asset to the Student
Norristown, Pennsylvania and I'm
Senate because of my enthusiasm . an Accounting major here at Bryant.
for class activities and my desire to
My past experience as treasurer of
become even more involved with
my high school class for three years
members of my class. I would be an
has exposed me to the leadership
effective intermediary between the
qualities necessary to fullfill this
students and the administration. as I
position of Sophomore Senator.
have the chance to talk to many of
Starting next year. it is going to be
the students in my class because of
Cont. to p . 19. col. 1
the position that I hold. I work at the
Information Desk in the New Dorm.
which has givcn me the opportunity
to get to know illot of my classmates
in a more personal way that might
normally have been possible. As a
senator. I would make myself
available to them whenever possible.
Cont. to p. 24. col. 3 Jeff Hull .
your 2. Do you know how many issues
have been brought up to help the
F hi?
res man c ass . . .
~. Have your pOSitIOns regardmg the
Issues been advanced by the
F h
res man. enate .
hi f your answer to all or most of
t ese"que~tlOn IS "no" or "I don't
know then both of us should make a commitment to make the system
work even better than it has in the
past. A s your Sophomore Senator for 80-81 I would translate your support of my candidacy as a mandate for energetic. vital, open
majoring in Business Teacher
Education. I have acted as campaign
manager for student government in
high school and have had succes ful
victories. I have been actively
involved with the Freshman C lass
through the New Dorm Resident
Hall Association and the
Community Development Commit­
tee. Our main objectives as future
members of the Senate are to
increase student awareness and
promote more commuter / resident
Bill Melillo
My name is Bill Melillo. I live in
Norrh Haven . CT. and I am
currently running for a soot on the.
Sophomore class Senate. I have had
no previous experience in the
operations of student government
but this inexperience will translate
into a fresh approach to Senate
There are two main goals I would
pursue if I am elected sophomo're
class senator. Onc would be to plan
and run a sophomore class function
Cont. to p. 22. col. 5
Hi. my name if Jeff Hull. My.term
as Freshman Senator is rapidly
drawing to a dose and once aga in I
am seeking your support in my bid
for re-election to the Senate. Du ri ng
this past year I have gained a grea t
deal of experience as a Freshman
representative; yet. I also realize tha t
I have much more to learn abou t the
Senate and its relationship wit h
Bryant College. After serving as
Chairman of thc Fresh m an
Committee and Grounds C om­
mittee and the Faculty L.iaison
Committee I have become aware of
the duties involved in running a
I have devoted much time and
effort towards the Senate and wi ll
continue to do so if re-e lected .
Please vote Jeff Hull Sopho more
Senator on April 9 and 10.
April I. 1980
More Sophomore Candidates
If elected Sophomore Senator.
some of the things I would like to sec
on campus would be:
I. Closer relations with the
students and the administration.
2. M ore involvement of st udents
with school activities.
3. More girls involved In
intramural and varsity sports.
My enthusiasm and abilities to
work hard will be an asset to me if I
am elected. I feel I will work well
with the newly elected executive
board and also with other fellow
senators. So Vote for my running
mate and myself. Vote for Ethan
Edwards and John Lang on April 9
& 10.
Judy Haley
Hello Bryant Freshmen! I am
I.arry Wright and I am running for
Sophomore Senator. In high school
J participated ' in Student
Government and J feel my past
experience with it will enable me to
be a good and hard working senator.
As senator, I would like to better the
lines of communication between the
student body and the administra­
tion. I feel that we, the student body,
should be able to voice our opinions and idea'S concerning campus issues
which effect the Bryant community.
Bryant is one of the finest business
institutions in New England. and I
feel we should all strive to preserve
that fine reputation. The
administration must be made aware
of our interests. ideas, and feelings
on issues. I feel I could be a strong
voice for you. the students of
Bryant!! Vote Larry Wright--You
can't go wrong!!! April 9 and 10.
Thank you. Larry
F red Clark
My name is Fred Clark and I am
cu'ttently running for re-election to
the Student Senate next year as a
Sophomore senator. As a Senator
this past year, my duties and
responsibilities were greatly
conducted through different
committees . I was an active member
of several committees. They include
such committees as Freshman Class,
Poster, Paints, and Signs, Faculty
Liaison, Ways and Means and
Public Rehu lOns. My work In the
I- re bm an
l.a ss Committee
in cl ude d re presentin g va rious
Freshman interests a nd develop­
ment of class unity. Work in this
commit tee will hopefully soon bring
a Freshman Class-Casino Nite in the
pub with entertainment. In my
involvement on the Poster. Paint
and Sign committee · we were
indirectly re s ponsible for
implementing a sign policyjn the
New Dorm. While in this committee
I was also responsible for signs being
Cant. to P. 24, col. 1 Robert Stemphowski I'm John Lang. I would like to
give you a little insight about where
I'm from and what I would like to do
if I am elected Sophomore Senator.
I graduated from Hun School of
Princeton in Princeton N.J . where I
played golf, lacrosse. and footbalL I
am a new brother of the Delta Sigma
Chi Fraternity and I am an active
member in the Lacrosse and Ski
Karen Cyr
Hi! My name i!> Karen Cvr. an 1
a m a can d ida ! for the posit ion of
So ph mor Sena to r.
1 attend ed iu nior high and high
school in a French community in
Northern Maine. Throughout t hese
years. i was very active in student
government besides being involved
in other church and school groups. I
first became involved in student
government in the eighth grade
when I was elected as a
representative for my class. The
following year I was elected
President to the Student CounciL It
was also at this time I became active
in my Parish's CYO. My sophomore
year in high school I became the
youngest female ever to be elected
President of my town's CYO.
I also served on the Student·
Senate and served on such
committees at Blood Drives.
Cant. to p. 23. col. 1
Samuel Camhe
I have declared my candidacy for
a Sophomore scat on Ihe Student
Senate because I feel that a voice
must be presented for the majority
of the Bryant community that feels
alienated from the affairs of the
largest and most powerful
Cant. to p. 19, col. 1
Scott Porter
Hi, I'm Scott Porter and I am
running for the office of sophomore
class student senator. I have been
involved in student government in
the past and I feel that I could do a
good job as part of the Bryant
My main objective ' if elected
senator would be to get more
students involved in school clubs
and activities. I feel that the more
students that become involved, the
better and more successful the
organizations and activities on
campus will be. New faces with bold,
new ideas can only help the Bryant
But nothing will
happen' unless you vote. So get ou!
and vote on April 9th and 10th for
the people you feel can do a good
Junior Candidates
Michael Gilman
Fellow Classmates:
Mark Cake
Hello, My name is Mark Cake
and I am presently a Fresliman
Senator here at Bryant College. I am
running for re-election so I may
continue working on the objectives
that I am currently involved with. r
have headed the Security
Investigation committee along with
having the position of Assistant
Treasurer for the past four months. I
enjoy representing the student body
in the affairs of the college . I have
always worked hard a nd will
continue to ' do so when I am re­
clected . R e-Elect M ark Cake!
These four years here at Bryant
should be the most rewarding
experience of our hves and I am
asking for the chance to help better
them. Given this opportunity, I will
set forth some goals to make our
stay here at Bryant more enjoyable
and memorable and do my best to
achieve these goals . With your vote.
I can have this chance and prove my
,am bitions.
John Lang
Hi, my name is Judy Haley and I
am running for Sophomore
Senator. During my junior and
senior years in high school r served
as Vice President of my class and I
was also a member of the student
counciL Having 'a lreadyexperienced
a role in student government I feel
my past will indeed be an asset in
aiding me to be a good
representative for our class . If I am elected to the senate my
utmost concern will be for the class
itself. I feel that a greater bond
should exist between our class,
therefore I would propose that more
activities be available for the
students. Also, I would like to see all
of the students have an equal say in
whatever the class sponsors for our
Sophomore year, in doing so more
class meetings should be held so that
we may all share our views on these
matters .
I hope on either April9 or 10 you'll
vote for me, Judy Haley.
Tracy Cusack
Hi Future Sophomores!
My name is Tracy Cusack and I'm
running for a position as sophomore
senator. While in High School, I was
very active in the Student
Government. I served on the
Student Council during my
f.reshman and sophomore year. As a
Junior, I was class Secretary and in
my Senior year, I was Treasurer.
Presently, I am one of your
Freshman Senators. I serve on the
Freshman Class Committee,
Faculty Liason Committee and
Planned Parenthood Committee.
Soon all the senators seats will be
vacated and six sophomore students
will replace these seats. I want to be
one of them. I feel I have the
·qualifications and most impor­
Cant. to p. 19, col. 1
I would like your support and
vote during the upcoming Student
Senate elections. I feel having served
on the Student Programming Board
as a committee chairman that I have
the quality experience and the
knowledge that is needed to serve as
a Senator of the Junior Class during
the academic year 1980-81.
Furthermore, I believe that there
eXists a need for a strong channel of
communication between the studcnt
body and their class representatives,
and I would like to be this channel.
So get "pysched" and vote for Mike.
Thank you , Michael Gilman
Heidi Kenyon
Hi my name is Heidi Kcnyon. I
am running for Junior Senator
under The People's Choice with
Donna Jabs.
During the past two years here at
Bryant, I've been involved in many
school activities. Presently, I'm
a voting member of the Student
Programming Board, a member of
the Ledger staff, a voting member on
two college committees, and a sister
of Beta Sigma Omicron Sorority. In
the last two years I've had the
o~portunity to work with many
different people. I've listened to their
ideas, given them my input, and
Cant. to p . 24, col. 2
Michael Quint
Fellow Sophomores:
My name is Mike Quint and I am
running for a Junior Seat in the
Student Senate. I am very confident
that I can fulfill and represent the
needs of my fellow classmates.
I am an accounting major fro 1
Marblehead, Ma. Being an acti \
member for The Studen t
Programming Board has enabled
me to get ideas and opinions from all
organizations . If I am elected to th e
Senate, every organization will be
represented fairly and equally. [
learned a great deal about the Senate
by working with them on last year.
Alumni Weekend. I am presently
working on Spring Weekend and it
Cant. to p. 22, col. J
Donna Jabs
Hi my name is Donna Jabs. I am
running for Junior Senator under
the the PEOPLE'S CHOICE with
Heidi Kenyon. I am an education
major here at Bryant College. I
believe that the students of Bryant
College have the right to be well
represented . I would like to have the
opportunity to represent the Junior
class as a member of the Senate.
Creative ideas. hard work and
enthusiasm are qualities every
senator should posses. Voting
PEOPLE'S CHOICE will put these
qualities into the next year's Senate.
Thank You.
and you the students.
Remember. I'm a student too! All
decisions affect me also: therefore. I
know we need reliable. senators with
a commitment to get things done. So
sophomores. please take your time
and think about who you are voting
for. Elect t he six most competent
students you can, They are in office
for a whole year a very important
year for us' And rlcase remember,
vote for Brian Shaughnessy. ht:'ll
put you where you want to bell'
SPB since day I
freshman year. This candidate
worked with Student Affairs on
several of t heir functions. on several
occassions has worked with the
Senate. and all other smaller
committees and sub-committees
that one finds himself on when he
does enjoy getting involved .
Just remember--A Vote Cast for Jeff Boesch is a Vote for Yourself! Thomas Fole)
My name is Tom Foley and I am a
sophomore managt:ment major
from Bayonne. '\ ..1 . During the few
months I have been on the Senate I
have gained invaluable experience
while serving as the Chairpersons of
the Upper Cia,s Ruddy system and
the student hookserviec. Also. ( am
on the Student Programming Board
and the Sophomort: class
I feel that being In these
committees and organilations has
given me experience and knowledgc
needed to be an effective senator.
When re-elected i will continue to
serve you. the student. to the best of
my ability.
I urge all students to vote for the
bcst candidate and for sophomores
the candidate is Tom Foley .
Daniel McDermott
•Hello. I'm Dan McDermott . I'm a
Sophomore Public Administration
major running for Junior Senator.
While in high school. I was involved
in Student Government. being a
class officer for three years.
. Presently I am a disc jockey at
WJ M F and have coached and
played on intramural athletic teams
at Bryant.
The reason for my wanting to
become a senator is because over the
past year I have become more aware
of the problems and needs of the
students at Bryant. and I would like
to see more of an equal
representation of all students. I would appreciate your help in reaching these goals. So please remember to vote Dan McDermott for Junior Senator. April 9 and 10.
Lainie Levinson
• Sophomore Students:
Hi, l.ainie Levinson IS my
name. and I am running for Junior
Class Senator. The Student Senate
is a very powerful and important
organization on our campus . An
ambitious and hardworking person
is needed for this position and I am
confident that I have these qualities.
Some of my activities include:
Girls Varsity Tennis Team. Delta
Omega . Hillel (Secretary 1979-80)
and also Intramural Sports. As Jeff Schwartz
sccretary of Hillel I have learned
My name is Jeff Schwartz and ( how an effective organization works am running for Senator of the excmplified by the importance of Junior Class. Since being in college I people working together as one have been involved in various group. I assure you that the Senate
organizations. I have been a member will be first on my list of priorities.
of the Karate Club and have played
( consider myself a friendly person
intramural basketball. volleyball. who gets along well with people.
and indoor soccer. ( have also worked at the Counseling Center. One of my favorite pasttimes is
Presently I am a brother of Delta talking with you, the students and
Sigma Chi fraternity. This past year hearing your views and opinions on
in the fraternity r held the position of matters. Your concerns are my own. I am a hard worker and have the
Greek L.etter Council Representa­ tive. I was responsible to make sure motivation that is needed for this
position . There are many changes that all Greek L.etter Council and improvements that can be made responsibilities that involved the on our campus . With your help and fraternity were attended to. support I will see that these changes The position of Student Senator is begin to take shape.
a very important position. The "LEAVE THE L.EADING TO
Student Senate speaks for you. the l.AINIE". Please vote, L.AINIE
students. This year with the drinking LEVINSON for Junior Class
age possibly going up and also many Senator' Thank you, Lainie
organizations unhappy with the Levinsoll.
Senate funds they are receiving. it is
important to have a fair and
responsible person in this position. I f you elect me. I will work hard and
do my best to represent the student
Jeff Schwartz
Junior Senator
Jeff Boesch
With the new issues arising at .
Bryant College, I feel that my input
will be quite effective as your
senator. The ideas that this
candidate has will be put to the test
at times when only a quick accurate
decision can be made.
I feel my qualifications and
involvement with campus functions
will provide the necessary
experience that it takes to be an accomplished Senate representative.
This candidate has been a member
on April 9& 10.
April I 1980
Pa2e 18 Carol Oliver
My name is Carol Oliver and I am
running for re-election for the
Junior seat in the upcoming Senate
elections. I have been involved with
Clubs and Organizations for the
past 2 years and last year was my
first year on the Senate. I have
learned a lot this year about the
Senate. other clubs and
organizations, and Bryant College
as a whole. I believe that I worked to
my fullest potential in trying to help
the students. In any and all issues, I
lOOK at the facts and vote in the
fairest way. Experience does count
and I believe that I have gained the
experience over the past year needed
to be an active senator and to work
for the students.
My Senate committees for the
past year have been; Chairman
Sophomore Class Committee. Co­
Chairman Public Relations
Committee, Chairman of Arts &
Crafts Fair during Parents
Weekend, Faculty Liaison
Committee (fall semester), and
Ways & Means Committee (fall
L....!;...___~====:::::::::::::==~~ ____...::Cont. to p. 22. col. 4
Brian Shaughnessy SOPHOMORES! My name is Brian Shaughnessy and I'm running
for the office of Junior Senator. I am
a management major, and I am
currently Vice-President­
Membership for the Society for the
Advancement of Management. I
think it is obvious to our class that
each year here at Bryant becomes
more important to us. Next year we
make the move into the ranks of
upperclassmen. we're half-way through college. I know that at this stage. of our education. students have become more interested in the
school and are more sensitive to the changes and decisions that effect
them . This fact influences my outlook on the Senate and its
functions . If I were to be elected, my
decisions and votes in the Senate
would be derived directly from the
feelings, needs and wants 01 the
students. My personal feelings
wd\Jld have to take a back-seat. I
look at it this way: since it is the students that place the senators in
their positions, it is the obligation of
the senators to listen to and try to
implement the ideas of the students.
After all, I'd be working for vou, I'd
have to (and want to) listen! Since I
would represent you., I hope you
would not hesitate to approach me
and talk to me. Get involved in decisions affecting you, I would be glad to be 'a liaison between the
Chris Madna
My name is Chris Macina and I'm
running for the p,psition of Junior
Senator. The reason I chose to
further my eduealion in the business
field was the fact that I enjoy and
take pride in working on
organizations such as the Senate. I
like to take a project and see it
developed from an idea to a
successful reality. I was very active
in my high school student
government. and now after two
years of observing the Bryant
College Community, I feel I can give
the students a new voice that is not
afraid to stand up and fight for their
rights. The Senate should be
powerful organization, respected by
students and administration alike.
We should work with the
administration but never allow
ourselves to become a tool of the
administration .
Next year is going to be a big year
for the Senate, especially with the possibility of the State of Rhode
Island raising the drinking age. The
Senate will have to make their voices
heard as far as Bryant College
drinking policy goes and for that
matter any policies effecting the
students .
If elected, I will be one of your
strong voices; but in order to be that
voice, I will need your support on
election day and throughout the
school year.
Thank you.
Chris Macina
Diana Gibbs
Hi--For thosc of you who don't
know me. my name is Diana Gibbs.
Since I have been a student here at
Bryant. I have been interested in
being a Student Senator. Although I
have not held a position as Senator,
I have' been actively working within
the Senate .
For the past two years I have becn
a member of The Alternative
Program (TAP) planning
committee . This program has
proven to be very successful in whi h
many members of Bryant College
and surrounding communities have
benefitted . I would like to be able to
do my part, through the Senate. to
establish and carry out new
programs such as TAP.
t f elected I plan to initiate
programs to make the Student body
more aware of the functioning of the
College and the decisions that are
made that effect our lives here at
Bryant. I would be a Senator who
will work for the entire Bryant
College Community. I hope you all
will feel free to come to me with
questions or suggestions!!!
Just remember--PLACE YOUR
would appreciate your SU pport
April 9 and 10. Thanks. D ia na
Scott Ireland Hi, my name is Scott Ireland and (
am currently running for the
position of junior senator. As a
concerned and involved Bryant
student over the past two years, I
have had the opportunity to become
quite active in various organi­
zations. Probably my primary
Bill Vanore
interests over the past year has
fo the Sophomore Class,
focused on being an active, voting
As a senator for the past two member of the Student" Program­
years, I have seen the Student Senate ming Board. As a board member, I
progress . immensely. We will hold the position of Date Request
continue to progress because of the Chairperson, as well as being a
growing needs and concerns that
voting committee member on both
pertain to you the students.
the Weekend Committee and Mid
As a result of my experience. I see
Week Entertainm~nt Committee.
what you need and know the proper
Other responsibilities involve that of
channels to go through to address assisting in the organization of
these needs. I hope to be re-elected
Spring Weekend, as well as working
to the Senate and continue to be a
with Student Advisors on \'arious
helpful part of the Bryant
programs including primarily the
community. After all, the Student
annual Bryant College Health Fai r.
Senate represents all of the student
body and is concerned with
I feel that with your vote, I could
increasing communication and
increase this involvement with the
awareness between students and
students and help to improve the
Bryant Community for us all. So
Thank you for your time. Good
remember to vote for your voice
luck to all the candidates!
in student government and VOTE
Sincerely yours,
Bill Vanore
SENATOR APRIL 9th and 10th.
Sophomore Senator
April 1. 1980
PaS!e 19 Senior Candidates students. I wish to work hard and get
s.tudents involved in organizations
and functions on campus.
A school governed by the st udents
will fill the students needs. So if you
wish to see unity, GET
Don't forget to
Colin B. McCormack
After serving a term as Junior
Senator. I have decided to seek re­
election for the position of Senior
Senator. My reasons for this are
simple. The Senior Class needs a
strong voice on the Senate. I have
been an ' active member of the
Student Senate this past year
working on Elections Commi ttee.
Clubs and Organiz.ations, Ways and
Means, and most recently, the
Bryant Fund Phonothon. I want to
be a Senior Senator because I feel I
can handle all the responsibilities,
t he Ieg wor k as we II as
spea k 109
up w hen I fee I some th 109
R emem b er for
nee d S d ·ISCUSSlon.
EXPER IENCE. re-elect
McCOR MACK Senior Senators .
Frank Mazzalta
My name is Frank Mauattaand I
am running for re-election for the
p sition of Senior Senator. Through
ex penencc I have learned that a
Senate position requires hard work,
dedication, and any big word you
n come up with to stereotype this
jo b. I don't mean to sound sarcastic
but I do know that when people arc
'lectcd and don't do the job it creates
more pressure on the rest of the
senator~ .. As you know from our
politicians in Washington , promises
don't mean anything, actions do.
One promise I will keep is, if elected
I will continue to do the job properly
as I have done in the past. When I
vote on an issue it is not to benefit
my select group b ut to represent the
Brya nt Commun ity as a whole. I am
als o the chairperson of Weekend
C omm ittee for the Student
Programming Board. For
exper ie n ce please re-elect
for . en ior Senators.
gain insight into the concerns of
Bryan~ Students. If I am elected as a
Senior Senator, I will dedicate
myself to resolving those problems
which confront us as students.
The Senate is there for the
stude,[lts, and I would like to be
given the opportunity to represent
you. I feel that I have the
enthusiasm, the desire and the time
to do a good job as a Senior Senator.
Don Clark
Hi, my name is Don Clark and I'm
running for Senior Senator.
Presently I'm a member of the
St udent Presidents Advisory
Council. President of Bryant
Lacrosse Club, and have been
selected to be an orientation leader
for the incoming Freshmen. I feel
student involvement is the most
important point to be brought out.
Most groups and organizations are
open to all individuals but they don't
explain the possibilities to the
Wendy Monroe
Hi! My name is Wendy Monroe,
and I am running for Senior
Senator. After being at Bryant for 3
years, I have been involv d in many
activities which have enabled me to
...............••...... ...
Nancy J. Prayzer
Hi! Election time is once again
upon us. As students of Bryant
College you must now choose the
best qualified individuals who will
represent you most effectively- an
important decision indeed! I feel I
Cont. to p. 23, col. 1
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : :::::::::::::: : : :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~
- ••••~ !! ! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ! • : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~: 0' ,e••-
• •••••
Samuel Camhe
Cont. from p. 17, col. 3
orga ni7llt io n o n campus. As a
propone nt 01a n " open door" policy,
part of my dutie~ will be to disarm
. tudent a pprehension concerning
dealings with the ~ nate. The
') nate' ueei io n. hould reflect the
opiruom and views of the en tire
stude nt body. not just a fe w senators
and members of the Executive
The ke} wo rds are involvement
and expe r ie nce . Through the
integration of these two qualities
into Senate duties and policies, the
hi ghest level of achievement and
service can be realized . When
elected , I can provide innovative and
straight-forward ideas and
solutions. I will not only accomplish ~..
these objectives to the best of my
ability, but also provide a Senate
seat that is ·-Geared For the Future.
• ••
•••••• ......
ii~W •
~:~~.yf~!a~~n,6. col. 5
. . . .. ••••••
I::::: •••...
very Important to untte as a class. I
have many ideas to accomplish this :::::
goal and through Senate, being the •••••.
major link between the students and •••••.
the college, I feel I can initiate
Tracy Cusack
Thanks . Kathy
I.:.:••• ·.·.
~~ .....
.0. .·:::=
programs to fulfill this o~jective.
We need both enthUSiasm and •••••.
dt:dication which I possess in surplus
quantities. So remember. If you're •••••.
. 'fiIS h"m go Wh aI
Y our support wou
appreciated April 9 and 10.
• • • • • . •
m~u •
to vote for YOUR candidate(s) in the upcoming
~: ~
Dynamic Duo
Cont. from p . 16, col. 5
involvement on campus. In an
undertaking such as this dedication
and hard work ensure things to be
done effectively and efficiently, and
that is what we want to offer you!
With our involvement in various
activities we feel that we are best
qualified to represent you as
Sophomore Class Senators. So
mark your ballot for the
DYNAMIC DUO--Chris and
Jackie--working for the students in
mind .
0 N5
·••. .
10 to V"'pm ·In the 1"\
4:30 to 6:30pm on WEDNESDAY :::::1
.:.:•.::•• •
Cont. from p. 17, col. 5
tantly. the experience necessary to •
make our sophomore year •••••.
productive. So lets get started early.·····
..... .
and plan a great sophomore year
with lots of student involvement.
Re-elect me. Tracy Cusack for ••:.~~:::.;;;;;.;;;::;::;:::;:;;:::;:::;::;::;:;;:::::;::::;::::::;::::;:::::::::;::;::;:;::;;;;::: ~ .~;::.:••
• • • •• • • • • • ••• • ••• • • • • • • • • ••• • ••••••• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • •••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •
Your sophomore Senator!
A revote for the ACTIVITIES FEE REFERENDUM will also be done at this time.
:::• • •
: .........................................................................................••
................................................................. •
~ ..
Pa2e 20
April 1. 1980
THE ORGANIZATIONS l.EA. On Tuesday. March 19. several
m ~ mbers of the Law Enforcement
\ ssociation toured the Smith and
W esson arms manufacturing plant
a nd the Smith and Wesson
\ cadamy. both located in
"i p ringfield. Massachussetts. After
... iewing th.e entire handgun
manufacturing process. the group
'.~ ,.. tched
the current Academy
Ira inees engage in a night-stimulated
ha ndgun firing ~xercise . The
'\ adcmy IS opcn to law
en forcement personcl and any
~ riminal justice or law enforcement
L o llege student. Academy brochures
ca n be obtained from the Law
E nforcement Association .
On Wednesday. March 20. scveral
members toured the Adult
Correctional Institute. or ACt. in
Cranston. RL Members viewed the
entire prison system · first hand.
gaining better knowledge of the
Rhode Island corretional facility.
The I..E.A . has obtained
permission to view an autopsy from
Dr. William Sturner. Chief medical
examiner for the State of Rhode
Island. The group has to be limited
to ten people. and those that have
signed up may be going this week.
The L. E.A. is currently planning
its annual LAW DAY program for
April 29. 1980. This year's LAW
DA Y program is focused on the ·
topic of "Law and Lawyqs:
Working for Your." l.A W DAY
1980 will consist of display booths
from various federal. state. local.
and private agencies in the criminal
justice field. A panel discussion.
Police dog show. and continuous
film series have also been planned.
The program will run from 10:00
a .m . to 2:00 p.m.
l\ext l..E .A . meeting--Tuesday.
April 1. 3:20, Rm 270.
D.PMA --
On Monday. March 24 .
nominations were held for the
offices of President. ViLe-President.
Secretary. and Treast.r~r .
Constitution was a!so revised.
Our club members did an
outstanding job on the phonathon.
Many thanks to those who
participated ,
Elections for next years officers
will take place on Monday. March
J I . Please make every effort to
attend this meeting. We need your
which managers today deal with.
Members of S.A.M. will be
participating in the Hearing, A
lawyer and various local industry
representatives will also be present.
You are invited to view the
Hearing on April 9 and see how it is
Management majors
may be particularly interested in
watching this presentation. as it will
be a learning experience. and your
'reactions to how the case is handled
will be welcomed.
Lacrosse Club
CI.UB has shown l\ew England tha~
lacrosse can be played at a small
school. The two previ')lls matches
against Providence College and
Western New England College
pr'oved to be a great learning
experience. Player awareness and
support have both improved not to
m.sntion the stick handling of all.
Defense is still in the learning stage
but, is competitive when it comes to
The previous match at Bryant
against Western New England
College was lost 11-2. It turned into
a "mud bath" in the second half as
the field started to get sloppy.
Defense for Bryant was excellent
and the hits were timed perfectly.
Ethan Edwards played a beautiful
first half in goal. as Western ~ew
[ngland became flustered at the
containment of defense . But. second
half mistake~ took it's toll on the
team and we went down in defeat 11­
2. '-'ext match is at Providence
College April 13. at 2:00. All
Don't forget about Spring
Weekend as we play Providence
College at Bryant. We will really
need your support. Flags go out to
Ethan. George. Steve. Bill. and Jack
for their excellent play against
The Backgammon Club had it's
tournament this past Saturday. We
would like to congratulate Lynn
Donnelly, first place; Joe Fischer,
second place; and Lynne Miller,
third place.
Special thanks to
George Griswold for the sign. Bob
Boyle for helping with the set up .
and special thanks to John
Falardeau for getting the trophies
for us.
Wi: will be having an Easter Bake
Sale on Wednesday. April I. 1980
please come and support.
Our next meeting will be on
Tuesday. April 8 in Room 355. All
members are expected to attend and
everyone else IS welcome .
Sec:ero:lc.1 Society
Many thanks to Karen Cooper,
Theresa Faraci, Kathy Gagnon.
Karey Cable, Annie Putira, Patty
Dorio and Ann Maitland for
helping in The Big Mac Attack
Phonothon on March 18, 25, & 26.
We raised a total of 2,170 dollars.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday,
April IS, 1980. Please make every
effort to attend.
Accounting Assoc.
at 3'l9 Putnam
in Esmond.
So come on in!
SAM The Society for the Advancement
of Management will be having its
annual Arbitration Hearing on
Wednesday. April9 at 7 o'clock p.m.
in the Faculty Dining Room. At this
time there will be an assimilation of
a dispute between a labor union and
management. This year's grievance
case. Jury Workers of America, will
be up ' to date and typical of those
- ...
Lois Rebuts
Cont. from Page 15; col. 4
to go through. perhaps we don't
have the best system t{) get the
person who is most qualified for the
position. Maybe it's time the SPB
was taken out from being a
committee under the Senate and
given total control of itself. or at
least have the position changed from
Vice President of the Senate to
Chairman of the Student
Programming Board.
As it is set up now everyone tends
to think of the position of Vice
President of the Senate as being
basically a Senate position. I don't
know everything that is involved
with the position but I do know that
the major part of it is being
Chairman of the SPB. Most
students don't know this and don't
realize how important this position
is. I think this point should be
stresSed whenever discussing the
position of Vice President of the
Student Senate.
I.ois Therrien
Our newest restaurant is open, and we're ready and waiting to
serve you all the food you love,
We've got hand-made pizzas, delicious pasta, a choice of
sandwiches, and our famous make-it-yourself Salad Bar, .
We're open for lunch, dinner and late-night snacks, Just call 20
minutes ahead", and your order will be ready when you arrive - to eat in
the restaurant, or take out.
/)~Pft· ™
So for good food, good fun and good
(}I'''L.,r. I
value, come on in to Pizza Hut and you'll be
~ ~
-comin' in for good !
Phone 232~2120
Monday-Thursday, 11:30 AM-ll:00 PM
Friday-Saturda'lll :30 AM-Midnight
Sunday, Noon-1I:00 PM
. -
., We urge you to conSIder runmng
for office for ncxt year. The
Accounting Association needs
energetic people to continue to run
the organization in a profession a l
"manner and to keep providing
essent ial services. The purpose of t he
organization is to sponsor programs
that aid students in their career
search. The meeting will be h Id
Tuesday. April I. at 3:30 in the CM D
Conference Rooms C & D.
Spring Dinner--Wednesday.
April 9. at Bell Farm Steak House.
Speaker: Paul Mello, Audit
Manager. Outlet Company
Cocktail Party--Wednesday,
April 30, in the Faculty Dining
Room. Meet with professionals in
the field on an informal basis. Semi­
formal dress suggested.
If wish to run for office and
cannot attend the meeting, send a
representative to speak for you.
Election procedure for Tuesday's
meeting: Nominations, Short
Speeches by Candidates, Elections.
Hut. ill<'.
April 1. 1980
MEC: How was the birds-eye-view of the
bottom of the pond?
KMB-I told you not to say that \/\lord. MFP
AI-Watch the roadll
Hi Weaselill
" Runnin on empty"
Sazy-Next time get the Papa Gino 's
Pitcher tool
Bobbin Hood
s it going?
Karen, Joanne, Nancy, and Miki-I hope
you have a terrific time over Easter; I will­
Behavel Nancy
Bing, Bing, Bing, W-W-,II
Bria n-Can we see your rolls tonight?K&L
Joh n -Where does your tan end?K&L
" Sexy " Did they rent out you room yet? I
hope not, we "lay need it. Love, " Sweetie "
Kalh-Who was that tall prince charming
you were dancing with Saturday night?
Reet and Weasel , Let 'S go get some
M aureen·W elcome bacl< to the 01' you
egeinl Love ya , M is
" Sexy" Thanks for everything, I'll love you
always . " Sweetie"
What ever
Carolyn : He is a big boy now, he knows
where to go to get it.
the Bob plays with his RAT cause ifsall he CAN
Brother--"Thanks for the
Timberlands ." Sis Linda LEV1S ARE FOR KIDSI
LEVIS, we' ll burn you in tennis- ­
Lee and Jeanie Bean : How many people did you meet this weekend II I (How do you do it?) Sally-Time Time Time, don 't wait too long.
Sue-How's yur white lines? I hate the smell of V-8 juice.
D.W .:My turn to sleep with you? Who stole my clothes?
Steve L.-Wanna sell your van for Bail. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE 011 it ' takes
scrages of human euphoria to reach the big
one niner-good luckage, Reverend H.
Dodi- You moan in your sleep. Sue -Good sexl Meg - -Just remembering , 6 '19?77
Dodi -Who screwed the maid? LEE -- How w as your vacation I h ad a good
time at the G.R. Let 's do it again sometime I
be dan gerous toyour healt hl You too Mary.
Napkin from Kathy-NO MORE NUDE NAPS.
Babin Hood and Friar Zuck can't hat 'em ,
gatta love 'em .
APRIL 17 & 18
What do qualudes do to you?
How m any Tom Co ll ins did you have
Saturday night- -8'1
Lynn --"Whllt about the man
Volkswagon Saturday night?" three
So Miki~dia you find what you were looking
Bob-you look like your RAT
Brian : Rolls only count in Bolivia .K&L
John-Modesty is a virtue in strip poker . K&L
Wessel : Want another snakebite? (ssss ...) Bob brings his pet rat to the Pub cause he
can't get a girl.
Ma ry -watch out for those late night w alks,
yo u never know wnen someone will throw
you In -AGAIN II
Lee-Did you get those blood suckers off yet
after that swim? (They probably wouldn 't
attack if you wore a bathing suit or
someth ing .)
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. dumb, and stupid
aga in .
LEE--I don 't get mad I get even land I don 't
care if you like my shoes or not)1
So Mare, do you have all your clothes back
Cheerleader I How's Ernie doing? " Just fine
I bet "
Melissa -Forget him .. He's not worth itl
Reet : Has the handrail at the library
attacked you lately?
Ter-Aga in we' re really sorry about Saturday
night. Please forgive and forget love S. and
Peanuts-stay off the bal hroom floor. It
uld E.J .- The bu llets are back and goil1g stronp
But I have a feeling we will be snowed
under very soon ..
The Blizzard of 1980 ---TKE
Forma l
Where's the Porker? Lukel The barn is on
fire! You 're a maniac. Get o ut of here .. and i
mean it.
.....and you said?" After you, before mel Sassy : Wallace (TEE HEE HEEl) (GIGGLE­
Hondo screwed the I.BH maidl I~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Nice tool nu
r. Jt~ 1 Isn 't life exciting? ~
Hey Buckwheatl Excuse mel? 1 Lemonade -2 straws I Mike, we 're coming in nowII I Jeannoe and Marsha-How's 007 Doing? Brinksy 'M assive Ral'sl' This weekend only Flurried! : Wait unlll New port l TKE C. Licorice Please I You 're a great roomie!
Love ya, B.
The Doobie Siste rs?
Boy Wonder- You 1111 owe me a dance I LS
Roo mie Thanks for I ' king ca re of m e In my
night of agony. I w ould h ave died W1lhout you T, I~ ~
Meet me for an egg roll with sweet and sour sauce?-About 2:00 AM Sheryl R. likes to Wadel Katy: Are you breadv tor a gre at w ee kend? Happy 10th Anniversary. I love you . Rock , A fool is a fool by any oth er name. right?l?ll! ~ ~ ~
Cook are you real iy going to the P.F. With
K.P. I kever knew management could be so
much funll I' m therel
~ I
Dorm 11 , 330's-Thanks for the parI\'. Lo've that Disco Halll II I JB, Sleazy, Sazy. Reet, Cookie & Weasel. OS-I'll be there anytime you need me, cause I love to " party" and I love to " talk" P and K "How's My God child?" Orb-Do you always go after your coat the day after? Jo-We missed you this weekend but hope you had a great time . I
author of .
Liz-I heard yu saw quite a bit of the bathroom this last weekend. LA- You're so h-what Jude-I never knew anyone who could sleep in a sitting position . Bandit-You 're looking slimmer everyday . Jellybean : Hey I'm CRUSHED TOOII
Tuesdoy. April 8 ot 7:30pm in the AUDITORIUM.
Jellybean: We've all chipped in, and we 're going to buy toothpicks for your eyes . Lo is-Maid of Honor and Godmother and don 't forgel itl Karen that was some balance beam act I
Sunny-Go for itl
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More personal:. can be found on
p . 22
April I. 1980
More Personals
•••••••• ! ••••
Rick-Have you overcome your horniness?
I .• • I~I • • •
so: it is my mother-she made it home okay.
Ed-Who do you want to meet next?
TISERS form that will be available
there. There will be a limit of
one classified per form, but no
limit on how many forms will
be filed . It must be
remembered that there is a
limited amount of space for
"Personals", and that if one
person places an excessive
number of Personals, it may
deny space to ot.!!.ers.
After April I, 1980 (Today),
the "Old" Classified Ad form
will no longer be accepted.
Those wishing .to place
Classified Ad in The
Archway--any category-­
must come up the The
Archway office and fill out a
WHAT'S YOUR MAJOR?~ Departmental Fairs will be held in the ROTUNDA. Come talk with department repre~entati\'.es and learn about your major and career choices. Saturday night. We had a great time. Love Cont. from p. 18, col. 2
Bill Melillo
your best '"ends Di and Lau
. semester). I have been very active the Cont. from p. 16, col. 4
past year and wish to continue.
Ana- You wild womanliGreat parties-Sex.
Drugs, and Rock-n-Roli.
Besides my Senate Committees, I (e.g .. happy hour, mixer. .. ) This
Knips-Happy belated Birthday-Love Ana,
have been President and originator would enable the individuals or the.
Di, and Lau
of the Commuters In Action Club sophomore class to become more
on campus.
., acquainted and hopefully be drawn
I hope that you would consider closer together. Secondly. to
Sorry, no more space for personals
this week. If we've missedyours we'll me for Junior Senator and please increase sophomore c l a s s
remember to get out and vote. participation in Bryant College
try to print it next 'week.
RemembeJ--the people who are activities. Especially in decisions
elected will represent.you!
that affect students and life on
Michael Quint
Sincerely yours, campus. Thank you for taking the
Cont. froin p. 17. col. 5
Carol Ann Oliver time to read this and remember to
will be a great one.
Sophomore Senator vote on April ninth and tenth.
If elected to the Senate. I will
make our Junior year very
rewarding and exciting. I feel that I
am qualified for this position and
your vote for me will insure
everyones voice will be heard.
Thank you, and remember- Vote
MIKE QUINT for Junior Senate.
Tuesday AprilS, 3:30-5 p.m.
Tuesday April 15, 3:30-5
"What does Sex mean to
p.m . "Birth Control" Info.
Richard Pelaia
you?" Sex info and Myths.
Presented by Planned
Cont. from p. 16. col. 3
Presented by Plan ned
Parenthood .
. and informed representative.
Two more sessions on:
Piease note that I have not offered
For more info call 231-1200 Tuesday April 22 and Tuesday
a host of promises except to
April 29 ext. 341
represent you in the most effective
manner possible. As a representative
type of decision making process it is
Any Students interested in setting Campus please attend the April
important that you I am sensative to
up a Sexuality Info center on
8th session . how YOU feel and that my conduct
in the Senate reflects my
constituency--namely you the
Sophomore class.
Planning is a way of simulta­
present and planning for the future.
The idea is not to control the future
but rather to orient ones self which is
·ABORTIO N PROCEDURES to say our college toward the future.
·STATE lISENCEO FACILITY component of a Senator's
responsibility to provide leadership
and it is in this spirit that I seek your
support of my candidacy as
Sophomore class representative of
80-81 . Remember the process of the
100 Highland Avenue
For Information Senate is at least as important as the
product. Keep the process alive and
Suite 104
and AppOintment well at Bryant by voting--and when
RI 02906
you do. consider RICHARD
APRIL 8-11 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
C ~ C
Trip to
Limit: 20-25 people
Date: April 15
For reservations call
Time: 8:15-4:00
Cost: $2.00
Jim Sieger 232-0413
Be in front of Rotunda at 8:15 sharp
.............. .................. .
• • • •8
Hockey Team Dropped
Bryant Baseball-1980
by Bob Todaro
Archway Staff Writer
The 1980 Baseball season will get
underway this afternoon as the
Indians travel to S.M.U. for the
season opener. This year's team is
very optimistic about improving last
year's overall record and it seems the
Indians have the talent to do it.
In the pitching department, the
Indians will rely heavily on Co­
captain Paul Sangeloty, Co-captain
Brian Rodden. Freshman Mike
Walsh and Junior Donny Connors
as starters. Other pitehers who will
undoubtedly see a lot of action will
b e Freshman Dave Lees,
. ophomore South Paw Brian
Degins and Junior Dave Pellerin.
The bullpen will be led by senior
Kevin "Deuce" Harrison and
rou nded out by rookie relievers Erie
Mendleson and Dave AlbiJi .
In the field , the Indians will be
strong with Senior Co-captain Doug
C obb at third , Sophomore sensation
J oe 'ca nlon at short. Junior Gene
Ro~i dm o at second and Freshman
Dave "Hammering Hank" Henry at
fi rst. Behind the starters.
Sophomores Bob Todaro and
Lucien Rolduc and Freshmen Jerry
S" hmid t and Wally Houle, provide
excer: ;ona l depth for the Indians.
The Indian's outfield looks to be a
big as ct fo r this year's team. Senior
D ave Lucia will patrol left,
ophomore Mike Huber will handle
nler and Freshman Neil Taylor
ill patrol right.Junior Dave
P lIerin a nd Sophomore Matt
(j reenhlol\ will provide depth a nd
orne ffens ive pun h as both will
get a shot at t he D. H. job. Catching
ecms strong with Sophomore
wo rkhorse Paul Mangan handling
tarting j b and versatile
S r lo more K.:n Spitzbard will add
cali .1ing to his list of playable
So basica lly, it looks as if the
Indians have the talent to be
winners, but this year's success will
depend greatly on attitude and
Nancy Prayzer
Cant. from p . 19. col. 5
ha ve the ambition and enthusiasm
needed to be a dynamic senator.
Working closely with the Senate
this past year as a stenographer, I
have gained invaluable experience. I
have attended every Senate meeting
th.is past year and have acquired an
understanding of how pur student
government operates.
It's time for some new blood in the
enate. I am willing and eager to
contribute new ideas and will work
my hardest to represent the entire
student body.
I hope all Juniors will support me
in the upcoming Senate elections­
vote Nancy Prayzner.
Karen eyr
Cant. from p. 17. col. 2
Concessions at basketball games,
and Winter Carnival. During my
junior year I directed my energies to
my class as Class Secretary and
followed that by being elected Class
President my senior year. Having
had experiences in such
organizations, I feel I can handle the
ma ny responsibilities which come
with the title of Sophomore Senator.
I would like to see more
interaction between commuter and
re ident students. I would also like
to see students morc informed with
wha t goes on in the Student Senate
and for more students to get
involved with the Senate. I believe
that in any organization there is
room for improvement and I know I
can make a positive contribution as
a Senator.
Paae 23
April 1. 1980
coaching. So far the attitude has
been good. Each player seems to be
excited about the season and if this
enthusiasm keeps up throughout the
season, it will be a definite plus for
the team. Coaching seems to be the
biggest key to success for this year's
team. Second year Coach Mike
McGuinn got a rough lesson in
coaching last year; hopefully that
experience has broadened his
horizons on the game. One big
addition to the coaching staff this
season is that of Marketing
Professor Mr. Richardson as hitting
instructor. His knowledge of this
essential part of the game has
already made a difference with some
hitters and his addition to the staff
should pay some long run dividends.
The 1980 Bryant Varsity Baseball
team has a chance to gain back lost
respect by competing this season as a
gutsy team that won't give up. It
seems that that's the attitude the
players and coaches will take into
this season.
bv Elly Pappas
Archway Staff Writer
The Bryant Hockey Team has
been cut from Bryant College's
Athletic Pr()gram. The announce­
ment was made on March 7. Mr.
Leslie LaFond, Vice-President of
Student Affairs stressed that the
decision was not made against
hockey as a sport, but strictly as a
fiscal decision. It is the College's
goal in athletics to meet the needs of
the majority of the people on
campus. There has beena significant
portion Qf the total athletic budget
alloted towards hockey, yet it has
only served relatively few
individuals. Thirty percent of the
total varsity athletic budget was
alloted to the Hockey team this past
With the approximate 9 percent
increase in the total athletic budget,
all rising sports costs in general had
to be covered plus the women's
sports program had to be
strengthened. Title IV is a mandate
by the federal Government on any
institutions receiving federal funds
that prohibits discrimination in
. activities on the basis of sex or funds
will be taken away. The
administration felt that there were
two alternatives, the first being to
water-down all other sports
programs and eliminate upcoming
sports, and the second being to
eliminate the Hockey Team. Mr.
Leon Drury, Athletic Director at
Bryant, gave his personal '
assessment as to where the hockey
team is now and where it is headed to
Mr. LaFond. Problems he sighted
now and for the future were lack of
student interest, lack of our own
rink, and scheduling difficulties.
Eleven Thousand dollars of the
money that would have been alloted
to the Hockey team will go into the
women's sports program. Next year
there will be seven women's varsity
teams. Four Thousand Five­
Hundred dollars will be used to
elevate the Men's Volleyball club to
a varsity sport.
The Hockey Team members do
not want the team dissolved or
removed from the varsity level. At a
special open senate meeting last
Thursday, the hockey issue was
discussed with members of the
Hockey team, Senate, Mr. LaFond
and Mr. Drury. One Hockey player
felt that next years projected hockey
budget was inflated. An $11,000
increase was what Mr. Leon Drury
felt would be needed to support the
team next ye1r. The point was raised
that the budget has not been
increased for four years. Also, Mr.
Drury in his assessment of the
hockey team, made note that the
team was the doormat of division II.
The point was brought up that if the
team's record had nothing to do with
Bryant's decision, why was the issue
A petition was also circulated
among the Bryant Community and
town 'of Smithfield to save the team.
Approximately 1200 signatures were
obtained. The administration did
not feel that this was a valid
indicator because they wonder just
how many 1200 people ever attended
one hockey game. At the same time,
supporters of the hockey team felt
that the visual counts of attendance
at the games by Reople employed at
the rink was much too subjective.
Supporters felt attendance was up
from last year, while the
administration reported attendance
to be down.
Despite the efforts of many to save the Hockey team, it appears that Hockey at Bryant will not be played on a varsity level in the near future.
The Student Programming Board
of Br)'ant College
Opening the Show
Saturday, April I9th, I980
In The Gymnasium
Concert Begins at 8:00 p.m.
Doors Open at 7:30
$4.00 for Br~ant Students
$s.oo·without B~ant ID
$6.00 at the door
......----------------------- -
- - -
Pase 24
Fred Clark
Cont. from p . 17. col. 5
in compliance with Senate
regulations and in the inventory and
disbursement of paper and paints to
different st udent organizations. The
Faculty Liaison Committee was
committed to developing better
relationship between faculty and
students. This was accomplished
through such services as course
descriptions in The Archway and
Departmental Fairs held prior to
preregistration. On the Ways and
Means Committee, my duty as
Freshman senator was to help in the
allocation of student monies to the
various clubs and organizations.
The last committee that I was
recently appointed to as its
chairperson is the Public Relations
Committee. It is the job of this
committee to publicize Senate
activities to the public through
various school media ·- The
Archway, W.lMF, etc. Through
my involvement in thi~ year's
activities on the Student Senate. I
ha ve gained much kno'wledge about
the school. it's administrati o n, it's
organizations, and it's students. My
year of experience on the Senate will
prove to be most valuable in issues
facing the Student Senate in the year
to come. We have recently elected a
new Executive Council and now
have the capability to elect a
hardworking Senate. A vote for me
and my running mate, Bruce Bonin.
will be a positive step in this
direction. I want to thank you all for
your past support and help. and I
hope you will come out again and
support and V,OTE FOR US.
Heidi Kenyon
Cont from p. 17. col. 4 4
worked with them to get things
T he Senate needs people who are
"doers". It needs people with
creative ideas and enthusiasm. The
Senate need s people who aren't
afraid to speak up for you--the
student bod y! Next year let The
People's Choice represent you. the
Junio r Class. in the 1980 Senate.
Thank you for your consideration.
By Brian L. Sherm an
f he Che J Challenge last week
w ~ a djfficult o ne. There was only
one co mbinat io n that lead directly
to mate and that was the followi ng:
more attem ps on this one.
White to move and mate in 2.
Maureen Kinne
Cont. from p . 16. col. 4
I will be open to new ideas, and may
be able to offer fresh thoughts to the
governing process. My particular
areas of interest would be in the
budgeting of money, Faculty
Liaison. and class unity. The
budgeting of mone y is a very
important field. because it
encompasses almost all aspects of
April I. 1980 the campu s at Br yant. and
ultimately affects every student.
Faculty Liaison is also very
important beca use it provides a link
between the students and their
administration . an important aspect
of campus life. I would also like to be
involved in class projects that woulq
bring a large part of next year's
Sophomore class closer together. A
very import a nt a' pee! of a s!ud('nt's
happiness while he is at school is the
people that he becomes involved
with. If we could promote mo re cla. s
unity. a lot of student apathy could
be eliminated .
I-will do the best job possible a~ a
Sophomore Senator. and togethe r
we will make it a better Sophomc>re
232-2222 Auto Body Works Guaranteed American & Foreign Service Complete Car Care 100% Guaranteed Used Autos Take Rt. 7 to 116 and go left. Beside Timberlands Restaurant.
Nx R
I. R -Q5 +
2. B-K 2+
3. R-R7 +
4. RxR ma te
Black h as onl y a usel e ss
interposition with his pawn in move
Attempts to solve this Challenge
wete sent in by a few people.
Unfortunately. there were no correct
solutions to the Challenge las t week.
This week's Chess Challenge -.S
somewhat easier. Let's have a few
Please send your answers to Box
37 c / o The Archway. All winning
names will be published in next
week's Archway .
..................................................... ·•
Would you like practical experience in
every phase of operation in a corporation
.-experience that will give you that added
advantage when you go to apply for a job
upon graduation?
Do you feel that you have experience
and/or ideas that could be valuable in a
corporation designed to serve the needs of
students here at Bryant?
If you answered yes to either ot these
questions, then BRYCOL Student Services
Foundation, Inc. could be for you.
BRYCOL presently has seats available on
its Board of Directors. Me~bers of the
...... .. ..
Board work on a volunteer basis to oversee
the operation of numerous student
services including the Country Comfort
IIand the Boutique.
also has
unlimited number on Senior Director
positions available. Use your last year at
Bryant to apply what you have learned In
the classroom.
Application forms are available at the
BRYCOL House. Completed forms must be
returned by Thursday, April 10. For more
information, call BRYCOL at 231-1220.
·..................................................... .