Media Kit - World Waterpark Association
Media Kit - World Waterpark Association
{ } 2016 Media & Marketing P L AN N E R JuNe 2015 CON VEN T ISSU ION E octob vem er/no ber The Offic ial Magazine 2015 Dollywoo d’s Splash Cou ry Turns 15nt ! Pigeon For ge, ion sociat rk As terpa rld Wa the Wo ul nderf A Wo RLD! t a h O W HW ce of gazine cial Ma The Offi of the Wor ld Waterpar k Associatio n Tenn., u.S .A. S SPLA Fran ence, In Prov Evolution At Illinois’ Of A Waterpark Bensenville Water Park A Wonderfu l World Henderson, Of Aquatics Nevada offers a great mix With Trop of aquatic venues Lake Water ical Style! World The City of Splashing At Tianmu in Jiangsu Provin ce, China ina ference & con reg centre aked! dge Hotel slides! velo tally So Water at tra ng To Getti Waterpark! ants & dies Eleph Safari Splash case stu Soaked s akes, erpark es, Sn Zoo add five wat Giraff Fort Worth Part IIratios using n Time, texas’ At A er consumptio op One Dr g wat Unders tandin MAGAZINE The ONLY mONThLY magaziNe devOTed TO waTerparks & resOrTs & wwa ONLiNe CONNeCT A fast, convenient way to reach qualified buyers in the water leisure industry { Why advertise “Some of the best products we use in our park have come from the profiles and articles found in ‘World Waterpark Magazine.’ It’s a mustread for any waterpark operator.” Chris swarTz wiLd wadi waTerpark ?} “World Waterpark Magazine” and WWA Online Connect offer you the inside track to water leisure buyers and decision makers. More waterpark professionals read our publications than any others. That is because our publications offer news, best practices, park case studies and more—all contributed by members and other trusted industry sources. When you advertise with the WWA, you have the potential to reach an audience comprised of waterpark owners, operators, developers & administrators who represent 10,000+ readers on the forefront of the water leisure industry, many of whom make the purchasing decisions for their departments in their facilities. And when our members need solutions, they turn to the only monthly magazine devoted completely to waterparks and resorts. july/au gust 2015 ARY jANU Get lized persona e servic ou er y whenev it! need 2015 of gazine cial Ma The Offi terpark rld Wa the Wo tion Associa azone k Am etwor on N Carto Flight Takes In Bang saray, Parrot Islan in Fort smitd Waterpark h, arkansas u.s.a. , d Thailan A ‘50s Classic Del Mar Family Resort/Indoor 20% Other 3% Parr ot Has Splash La nded! The WAtERPARk sEGMENts FoR MEMbER FACILItIEs: Gets Moder aquatic Center n Upgrades in aurora, Colorado The Aqua Fun! Parque de la Costa adds a waterpark of Adven to its attracti ons mix Kettering, ture Reef Ohio’s waterpa rk renovat ion Aquafan Brings Developer 15% argentina’s The Story the City of Public Sector 20% i nnovation awaits ! re v i e w c o n v e n t i o n p re v i e w pag e 10 shTown d Spla t’n’Wil At We So New s All Year Big & U.S.A. Response It’s Soston, Texas, Drive s That In Hou keting ctions : Mar al Media Post d Brand ue attra Soci How-To ove ens with uniq Effective A Bel Make e On England reop Tak sh e New A Fre Wol Great f Lodg advertisers receive exposure in both the print and digital versions of “World Waterpark Magazine.” Outdoor 42% our services include designing an ad for you at no additional charge. WE MAkE MARkEtING EAsy! “I’ll help you launch a new product and answer your questions about this great industry.” Patty Miller E-MAIL: [email protected] PhoNE: +1-913-381-6734 FAx: +1-913-381-6722 CoNtACt: 30 W ant to swim with Scooby Doo? Or catch some rays with Betty Rubble and Wilma Flintstone? Well, guests of Warner Beach Park can do that and much more when they visit Parque Warner Madrid’s latest addition. Opened in April 2002, Parque Warner Madrid is one of the most complete and modern amusement parks in Europe—thanks in part to its amazing services, which make a guest’s visit pleasant and easy, and the park’s solid location in San Martin de la Vega, only 28 kilometers (approx. 17 miles) from Madrid. The park has been managed by Parques Reunidos since 2007. Parques Reunidos is the second largest leisure park operator in Europe. Adding a splash to the mix One thing that sets Parque Warner apart from other parks is it represents Hollywood´s atmosphere and glamour. As its core appeal, the park features six amazing thematic areas that are visited by over a million people every season. New last season, Parque Warner Madrid added its sixth themed area in 2014 at a budget of 8.5 million Euros (approx. $9.6 million). The park unveiled Warner Beach Park, its new unique aquatic park in Spain—a place where visitors can chill out, enjoy and rest surrounded with their favorite Warner Bros. character, including “Looney Tunes,” “the Flintstones,” “Scooby Doo” and “Hanna Barbera” cartoons. WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE MARCH 2015 WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE MARCH 2015 31 More Time, More Money Optimizing visitor spending at your waterpark can highly impact your bottom line. By William L. Haralson More often than not, when a waterpark owner or manager is asked how their park performed over the past season, their answer will be couched in term of attendance. “We had a good year” usually means attendance was equal to or better than last year. Seldom does the conversation extend to other metrics. In fact, attendance is not the only metric that could be employed to judge a waterpark’s performance. Others might include net income after capital expenses, net operating income, operating margins and so forth. However, one of the least discussed and understood metrics in the waterpark industry is visitor spending, more commonly referred to as per capita spending. Just how important is an understanding of per capita spending? Consider this simple equation: Revenue is the product of attendance times per capita spending. Further, a change in one of these factors is just as significant as a change in the other. For example, a five percent increase in per capita spending at a waterpark is just as important as the same increase in attendance: the increase in revenue is the same in either instance. Effecting a desired increase in revenue can often be more readily realized by increasing per capita spending than by attempting to increase attendance. Increasing revenue through increasing attendance involves a number of factors that are not always under management’s control. These factors include weather, competition, the economy and occurrences and events that may be detrimental to waterpark attendance. (I.e. a drowning, criminal activities, mechanical failures affecting the park, etc.) Per capita spending, on the other hand, is more predictable. This is not to say that problems will not arise; however, they are generally more manageable. The more challenging issue is in knowing how to manage spending. Price & value relationships It is axiomatic that a relationship exists between the level of visitor spending that an attraction engenders and the entertainment value that that attraction has to offer. Of course, the term value in any context is an abstraction and difficult to quantify. Fortunately, however, a surrogate for value in the attractions industry is length of stay. In this 44 regard, length of stay serves as a veil over entertainment value. In other words, there is a correlation between length of stay and entertainment value: the longer the length of stay a park engenders, the greater that park’s entertainment value and the greater the perceived value to patrons who respond by spending more money at the attraction. As a park owner, you need to be able to determine the average length of stay at your park. One simple way to learn about your park would be to put an attendant at your park’s entrance to pass out cards with the current time on them. When the cards are returned at the end of each attendee’s visit, simply note the time of exit, which would, then, give the time spent in the park. This method would provide a sample of the attendees visiting your park. A better, more permanent way of determining length of stay would involve using turnstiles to record time of entry and exit of virtually all of the attendees visiting the park on a given day. If monitored manually, meter readings would need to be taken at specified intervals and the data plotted. WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015 WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015 NEWS DROPS SAHARA SAM’S OASIS JOINS APEX PARKS GROUP "QFY1BSLT(SPVQSFDFOUMZBOOPVODFEUIFBDRVJTJUJPOPG4BIBSB4BNT0BTJT*OEPPSBOE0VUEPPS 8BUFS 1BSL 8FTU #FSMJO /+ 4BIBSB 4BNT 0BTJT JT ZFBSSPVOE GBNJMZ FOUFSUBJONFOU WFOVF XJUI B XJEF SBOHF PG XBUFSQBSL GFBUVSFT BSDBEF HBNFTBOEEJOJOHPQUJPOTćFTRęJOEPPS DPNQMFYCPBTUTUVCFCPEZBOESBęTMJEFTUIFSFHJPOTPOMZJOEPPSTVSĕOHTJNVMBUPSBSFUSBDUBCMF SPPGBOEPUIFSXBUFSQBSLBUUSBDUJPOTćFQBSLJT Dozens of new rides are being NJMFTGSPN1IJMBEFMQIJBBOEMFTTUIBONJMFT unveiled as GSPN/FX:PSLBOEXJMMHJWF"QFY1BSLT(SPVQB waterparks ready GPPUIPMEJOUIF/PSUIFBTU6OJUFE4UBUFT for the start of the i"EEJOH4BIBSB4BNT0BTJTCSJOHTBEJČFSFOUJsummer season BUFEFOUFSUBJONFOUDPODFQUBOFXNBSLFUBOEB in the Northern Hemisphere. QSPWFONBOBHFNFOUUFBNUPUIF"QFYQPSUGPMJPw TUBUFE"M8FCFS$&0PG"QFY1BSLT(SPVQi"T NEWEST WATERPARK UIF POMZ GSFFTUBOEJOH ZFBSSPVOE JOEPPSPVUATTRACTIONS EPPSXBUFSQBSLJOUIF6OJUFE4UBUFT4BIBSB4BNT t i)PVMB )PPQw UP AquApArc -F #PVWFSFU 0BTJT JT USVMZ B POFPGBLJOE HVFTU FYQFSJFODF 4XJU[FSMBOE B GVTJPO XBUFSTMJEF CZ 8IJUF8B- *MZB(JSMZB$&0PG4BIBSB4BNTBOEIJTUBMFOUFE UFS 8FTU UIBU BMMPXT GBNJMJFT UP SJEF UPHFUIFS t UFBNIBWFBXFMMEFTFSWFESFQVUBUJPOGPSJOOPWBi1JSBUFT 1MVOHFw UP cAstAwAy cove wAter- UJPO BOE FYDFMMFODF JO UIF FOUFSUBJONFOU JOEVTpArk8JDIJUB'BMMT5FYBTBEFHSFFMPPQJOH USZ BOE XF BSF FYDJUFE UIFZ XJMM CF KPJOJOH UIF XBUFSTMJEFUIBUGFBUVSFTBESPQMBVODIti8BJNFB "QFYGBNJMZw 8IJSMwUP wet ‘n’ wild HAwAii,BQPMFJ)BXBJJ B UXPQFSTPO JOOFS UVCF TMJEF UIBU QSPQFMT RECENTLY LAUNCHED SJEFST JOUP B GPPU CPXM t i#VDDBOFBS #FBDIw WATERPARKS UP six FlAgs greAt escApe And splAsH- t AquAFAn wAterpArk At pArque de lA wAter kingdom 2VFFOTCVSZ /: B QJSBUF costA #VFOFT "JSFT "SHFOUJOB B NJMMJPO UIFNFEXBUFSQMBZTUSVDUVSFUIBUGFBUVSFTJOUFSBD- BDSFXBUFSQBSLBEEJUJPOUIBUJODMVEFTBWBSJFUZ UJWFTQSBZKFUTXBUFSTMJEFTBOEDMJNCJOHBSFBT PGBUUSBDUJPOTB7*1BSFBBWJEFPHBNFDFOUFSTJY DPODFTTJPO BSFBT B XBWF QPPM BOE NPTU Names The Top UFSTMJEFT BOE B DIJMESFOT XBUFS Amusement & Waterparks for 2015 QM BZ TU S VD UVSF TRAVELCHANNEL.COM recently named the top 10 “Travel’s Best: CZ 1PMJO 8BAmusement and Water Parks” for 2015, featuring new roller coasters and UFSQBSLT t tHe waterslides that are sure to give thrill-seekers a case of sweaty palms. Funplex &BTU enlisted a panel of experts to help determine the 10 )BOPWFS /+ B best amusement and waterparks for 2015, including: Robb Alvey (theme park TRVBSF GPPU XBUFSQBSL expert and founder,, Erin Gifford (family travel expert BEEJUJPO UIBU JOand founder,, Bert Kreischer (host, “Trip Flip”), Arthur DMVEFTUXPGPPU Levine (theme park expert, and Lissa Poirot (editor-in-chief, CMF UIF BNPVOU Waterparks that made the list include: DVSSFOUMZ BUXJTU- New waterpark additions are uatica r ando a JOH MFJTVSF SJWFS now open at Aquafan (pictured c itter a n ew raun e s e as BOEPOFPGBLJOE top) and The Funplex (pictured XBUFSGBMM QPPM CZ bottom). i ags ite ater t anta a 8IJUF8BUFS 8FTU BEEJUJPOBM BNFOJUJFT XJMM JOp as in a ari ater ark at o ida or d DMVEF FYQBOTJWF DIBOHJOH SPPNT OFX SFTUSPPN anta aus nd GBDJMJUJFTBOEBGPPETFSWJDFBSFBt et n i d awaii apo ei awaii 58 “There is a correlation between length of stay and entertainment value.” 45 IN-DEPth boNus ARtICLEs We look for stories that focus on the latest industry developments, innovations and technological advancements. These articles provide direction and motivation to operators at all levels of management. NEWs DRoPs This news-focused section provides a variety of updates and announcements on member facilities including new waterpark projects and attraction additions to existing parks, as well as career moves by members. CHOOSING THE RIGHT MANUAL WATER QUALITY TESTING METHOD AT YOUR PARK BY LEE HOVIS titrimetriC kits Titrimetric kits are primarily used to test disinfection, total alkalinity and calcium hardness. These kits are more accurate than test blocks but replacement test chemicals are not as readily available. Titration tests are less subjective than those that compare colors through a viewer. These kits use color change as a determination factor, and depending on the test and sample size, use a number factor to get the results. test strips While the science of maintaining water quality has advanced greatly, the manual test methods still have a role to play in operations. THERE ONCE WAS A DAY when chemical adjustments were only made after manual test were recorded. With chemical automation systems now the norm instead of a luxury item, some would believe that manual test kits are not nearly as important as they once were. After all, controllers check and maintain pool chemicals, download reports, alert us when something is wrong and some can even backwash for us when the filters need cleaning. Many of these controllers will even send staff text messages or calls when something is not operating the way it is setup to operate. While we do depend on our automated controllers more and more, we should not and cannot forget the importance of manual pool checks. There are several reasons why manual pool checks still matter to your facility, including calibrating the controllers, meeting the local code requirements and checking water balance chemistry that cannot be checked with normal automation systems. Choosing the right kit for your facility can depend on your need, your code requirements or even your personal preference. Different methods have different pros and cons. Here, we will look at these different methods in more detail. Choosing the right kit for your facility can depend on your need, your code requirements or even your personal preference. 22 ColormetriC testing Colorimetric testing (probably the most commonly used) relies on reagents in water samples to allow the operator to compare colors from a test block. Some use tablets while others use droppers. Because these kits are more widely used, replacement reagents are easily found. The longevity of these kits can vary but most should be replaced after one season. The reagents themselves should be stored in cool areas out of sunlight. Failure to properly store and protect these kits will result in false test readings. Test strips are also an alternative testing method. Regarded mostly as a consumer product, these treated plastic strips offer a quick check on pools. Many states however do not accept test strips as an official testing method for commercial pools. An advantage of these tiny pieces of plastic is the fact that one strip can provide multiple test results with just one quick test. eleCtroniC test probes Electronic test probes offers another quick check test method. Using the same technology as automated controllers, these handheld portable devices can provide readings for pH, TDS, ORP, nitrates and others. Advances in technology have made these once expensive tools much more affordable. Drawbacks include the need for constant calibration and proper storage; while a quick accurate reading is an advantage worth considering. Choosing the right method for you: Before you throw out your old test kit for the latest and greatest in technology or those massive test kits that can check one hundred and one different types of pool chemistry, here are a few suggestions that may help on the selection process. Most government agencies and staff are prohibited from providing recommendations on specific kits or testing methods. They must allow the operator to make selections based on the code requirements. However, finding out which test kit your local Heath Department officials use during site inspections can benefit your facility. Different methods can produce different results so it can be helpful to test the same way that the inspectors are testing. Health officials also appreciate your desire to use the same methods that they use (not officially of course). Forging a strong relationship with your local inspectors is a critical need of any pool operator. Consider the staff that will be responsible for taking your pool readings and making adjustments. Staff abilities vary just as much as pizza toppings. Keeping it simple and consistent is can CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE APRIL 2015 professional development WHEN A CO-WORKER LEAVES... SEEMS LIKE workplaces are going crazy these days. People come and go with blistering speed. “Restructuring” has hit businesses of every size, and personal mobility remains on the upswing. You can still get to know a co-worker pretty well these days, but suddenly find that co-worker on the way out the door some morning. People are social beings who need—even crave—ongoing relationships with their peers. And relationships abound in today’s workplaces, often taking the place of friendships and neighborhood relationships in years gone by. So face it: people feel a sense of loss when a valued co-worker leaves. Friendships among co-workers are disrupted, managers who relied on a dependable employee find themselves wondering who will pick up the slack and just about everyone feels at least a little flustered about coping with the change that results. But you—and others—must cope. Here’s how: t aDmit your feelinGS. When a trusted coworker leaves, you feel a sense of loss, even muted grief. You might even feel anger or resentment. As a first step in coping, admit to yourself that the change bothers you. t Say GooDbye ... anD thankS. Psychologists say that people need to celebrate passages, especially in today’s frantic world. When people leave the workplace, this might mean a celebratory luncheon, an after-work party or a day dedicated to the departing employee. These occasions give everyone an opportunity to ritualize the change and to offer their personal expressions of gratitude. t Summarize what you’ve learneD. Your co-worker may have offered you a few lessons: how to act diplomatically, for instance. Or how to use a new social media platform. Or how to offer better customer service to an angry guest. Identify what you’ve gleaned from the advice and example of your departing co-worker. It will leave you with a sense of satisfaction. t builD new relationShipS. Now is the time to seek out new lunch partners, new sources of advice and new members of work teams. If you’ve been meaning to get to know another co-worker better, this is the time to do it. It’s also a perfect time to repair damaged relationships or workplace fractures—all under the Find ways to embrace and celebrate the exit of a trusted co-worker. don’t make the mistake of sizing your new co-worker up against the qualities your departing worker displayed. 20 legitimate pretext of filling the gap your coworker’s departure causes. t Seek new opportunitieS. Now that the equilibrium of the workplace has been upset, what new opportunities are open to you? Can you learn new skills or take on interesting new responsibilities? Can you engage in a project you’ve always wanted to pursue? Answer these questions and you may find that your departing co-worker has left you with an opportunity to pursue one or more exciting new ventures. t keep in touch. Yes, you may have lost your coworker, but there’s no reason why you can’t remain in contact with her. Place a note on your calendar to invite her out to lunch six months from now. Make a note on your birthday list, and resolve to drop a card in the mail. And if you shared a lively interest in some subject or other, communicate with her on social media outlets about it. t Give yourSelf extra “crunch” time. You may have relied on your co-worker for help with those time-consuming monthly reports or during peak seasons. True, someone else may help pick up the slack. But just the same, build as much extra time into your schedule as possible around these high-pressure periods. t welcome your new co-worker. If your departing co-worker is being replaced, offer hearty greetings to your new colleague. Give him a tour of the workplace, and extend help and courtesy as he tries to fit into his new surroundings. The result: you’ll refocus your attention on an important task, and you’ll build a stronger workplace. t Don’t compare DepartinG anD new coworkerS. Don’t make the mistake of sizing your new co-worker up against the qualities your departing worker displayed. Each individual brings unique skills and talents to a workplace; look, then, for the new strengths and achievements your co-worker’s replacement will be sharing with you over time. t maintain perSpective. Change is constant in today’s workplaces. Experts say that the typical employee will have more than a dozen jobs spanning four different careers over the course of a lifetime. While these stunning changes may create uncertainty and more than a little confusion, they also create new challenges and opportunities for growth. An upbeat mindset about change—and changing personnel—goes a long way toward dispelling the tension and frustration that result when a trusted co-worker leaves. And that mindset helps prepare the way for positive change in the future. t WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE MARCH 2015 2015 PROFILE: SPRAY PARKS For Complete Mailing Addresses, Consult the WWA Buyers Guide | See for WWA’s online Buyers Guide | WWA Supplier Members Appreciate Your Support COMPANY INFORMATION AQUATIC RECREATION COMPANY WWA Warner Beach park features fun attractions and plenty of theming that celebrate the park’s cartoon connections. editorial content 952-345-6440 877-632-0503 [email protected] [email protected] WWA Character! Warner Beach Park offers a solarium with a sandy beach where guests can play and sunbathe. MAGAZINE How-To: MAINTENANCE 352-742-9193 352-874-1835 [email protected] 17 BOMAR SOFT PLAYGROUNDS INT’L. COM-PAC FILTRATION INC. 904-356-4003 [email protected] WWA With Plenty of IN-DEPth PARk FEAtuREs Our features are content-rich articles that focus on in-park innovations and developments. We look for parks that have compelling stories to tell. WWA A Waterpark } WWA • WAtERPARk oWNERs & oPERAtoRs • REsoRt & hotEL oWNERs & MANAGERs • DEvELoPERs & PRosPECtIvE DEvELoPERs • INtERNAtIoNAL FACILItIEs • MuNICIPALIty MANAGERs & ADMINIstRAtoRs WWA 10,000 readers ARE: ELEVEN HUNGARIANAMERICAN LTD. HUNGARY +36-20-665-8146 [email protected] EMERALD FX LLC / MAZUR NORTH AMERICA LLC 419-663-3279 [email protected] EMPEX WATERTOYS CANADA 905-649-5047 866-833-8580 [email protected] COATING TYPES OF ELEMENTS Stainless steel, fiberglass, PVC Polyurethane, enamel In ground, above ground, custom structure PLC, manual, WDC Potable, recirculation/ filtration, reuse irrigation High density foam, soft urethane, brass sprayers Soft, flexible urethanes Custom soft & safe toddler sprayers (characters) Manual Recirculation/ filtration Stainless steel, fiberglass Polyester, powder coatings In ground, above ground, custom structures PLC, manual Filtered recirculation or potable Complete line of waterplay features, structures, waterslides, pumping and filtration systems. Made in Jacksonville, FL, USA. Polyurethane, polyester, chemical and UV resistant paints, acrylic urethane, ceramic varnish Interactive, in ground, above ground, custom structure and theme Manual, touch pad, timer, PLC, DSC, RFID control Potable, recirculation/ filtration, reuse irrigation Eleven Ltd. is a domestic market leader in the development, manufacturing, integration and installation of interactive water play equipment, displays, attractions and water slides. Our signature KING product line (Kids Interactive Games) offers customized, colorful aquatic features that allow children to exercise their bodies just as much as their imaginations. Fiberglass, stainless steel Gel coat polyurethanes, chemical & UV resistant paints In-ground, above ground, interactive slides, custom design/ themes, soft play Manual, PLC, timer, touch control Potable, recirculation/ filtration Designer, manufacturer & fabricator of waterpark, splash & spray park ground water features. Work with many different industries including commercial & residential building, municipalities, pool contractors, architects & private developers. Fiberglass, PVC Acrylic urethane, clear varnish In ground, above ground, custom structure PLC Potable, recirculation/ filtration, reuse irrigation Lifetime corrosion warranty, non ferrous components offering low electrical and heat conductivity. Empex Watertoys produces both sprayparks with no standing water and shallow pool beach-entry water playgrounds. Fiberglass Polyurethane, enamel, epoxy, gel coat Above ground, custom structures, slides & sprays Sculpted fiber reinforced concrete, stainless steel and fiberglass Aqua armor Multilevel, climbable structures, themed slide units and faux rock creation DSC Potable, recirculation/ filtration, reuse irrigation Funformations offers custom theming, design and installation for dry playgrounds and aquatic play equipment. EvaTrax™, a non-toxic, UV-stable EVA copolymer LIFE FLOOR 612-567-2813 [email protected] +86-760-8878-3600 [email protected] Durable PVC, vinyl, fabric, tarpaulin Premier manufacturer of fiberglass themed water slides & sprays since 1983. Lightweight structures designed to withstand rigorous use for many years. Above water, underwater, around and on attractions Rubberized fabric Water playground, water rides & soft play # WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE JUNE 2015 54 World Waterpark Magazine JANUARY 2015 Designers and manufacturers of custom slides, waterwalks and floatables. Life Floor is a slip-resistant, soft tile designed for barefoot traffic in wet areas. Tiles are UV-stable and antimicrobial with the ability to withstand outdoor and indoor climates both above water and underwater. Life Floor is easy to customize in color and texture, making it perfect for waterpark and spray deck theming 55 MIRAGE CHINA AMUSEMENT INC. OTHER COMMENTS Specializes in versatile, interactive fun & safe spray features & systems for splash pads & pools. Stainless steel, fiberglass, PVC, high density foam, polyurethane, brass fittings, vinyl, tarpaulin, fiberglass-reinforced resin 36 512-392-1155 [email protected] CONTROLLER OPERATING SYSTEM TYPE DESIGN MATERIAL USED F.A.S.T. CORPORATION 608-269-7110 [email protected] FUNFORMATIONS WWA ouR Manual, air pressure meter Swimming pool/water spray/filtration system Indicates Ad Page Number Leading skill in manufacturing mobile waterpark and theme park for soft play, colorful design and funny water slides are hot popular by kids. WWA Denotes WWA Supplier Member } hoW-to CoLuMNs These columns cover topics and technical issues with specific, succinct insight and direction on how to complete a specific project or solve a current problem. PRoFEssIoNAL DEvELoPMENt CoLuMNs From improving managerial effectiveness to implementing better business practices, this monthly column gives readers the tips they need to succeed. PRoFILEs This section provides product listings and contacts for the most used products in the industry. { { “ W oRLD WAtERPARk MAGAZINE” editorial calendar CoNtACt PAtty MILLER FoR thE Most CuRRENt INFoRMAtIoN: +1-913-381-6734 | [email protected] Scheduled features and bonus distribution are subject to change. FEAtuREs PRoFILEs boNus DIstRIbutIoN t Dino Water Park, Khon Kaen, Thailand t Oakland County Parks and Recreation, Waterford, Michigan, U.S.A. t Panachi Waterpark, Chicamocha Canyon, Columbia t Snohomish Aquatic Center, Snohomish, Washington, U.S.A. t Spray Parks t Inner tubes/Rafts FEbRuARy t Surf ‘n Fun Waterpark, San German, Puerto Rico t Tom Muehlenbeck Center, Plano, Texas, U.S.A. t Atlantis Waterslides, Vernon, BC, Canada t Yinji Kaifeng Waterpark, Henan, China t Admissions t Coatings t Lockers t The Association of Aquatic Professionals Annual Aquatic Conference, San Diego, California, U.S.A. MARCh t Lotte World, Seoul, Korea t OC Waterpark, Ocean City, New Jersey, U.S.A. t Aqualeon Water Park, Albinyana, Spain t Raging Waters San Dimas, San Dimas, California, U.S.A. t Lifeguard Uniforms t WWA Middle East Symposium, Dubai, UAE t Great Wolf Lodge, Garden Grove, California, U.S.A. t Water City Waterpark, Crete, Greece t Hasunuma Water Garden, Hasunuma, Japan t Holiday Springs Waterpark, Texarkana, Arkansas, U.S.A. t Filtration t Insurance JANuARy APRIL No other guide reaches more waterpark decision-makers around the world. Guaranteed ad placement in your product category! Advertisers receive a website link on WWA’s Online Buyers Guide as an added value! t All current and new members and industry trade shows t Rippin’ Rapids Resort, Rapid City, South Dakota, U.S.A. t Renaissance Orlando SeaWorld, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. t Wet World Water Park, Shah Alam, Malaysia t AquaSplash at Marineland, Antibes, France t Flags & Banners t IAAPA Asian Attractions Expo, Shanghai, China t Thundering Surf WaterPark, Beach Haven, New Jersey, U.S.A. t Lions Junction Family Water Park, Temple, Texas, U.S.A. t Amazoo at Granby Zoo, Granby, QC, Canada t Altoona Aquatics Park, Altoona, Iowa, U.S.A. t River Rides JuLy/AuGust t Typhoon Texas, Katy, Texas, U.S.A. t Soak City at King’s Island, Mason, Ohio, U.S.A. t Blainville’s Aquapolis, Quebec, Canada t Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai, Macau t Go-karts t Mini Golf sEPtEMbER Preconvention Issue t Splashaway Bay Harmony on the Seas, Royal Caribbean cruise ship t The Villages Resort, Flint, Texas, U.S.A. t Blue Heron Bay, Independence Lake, Michigan, U.S.A. t Villages Nature, Paris, France t Aqua Wave Waterpark, Liaoning Province, China t EAS Euro Attractions Show–IAAPA, Barcelona, Spain 2016-2017 DEvELoPMENt & ExPANsIoN GuIDE This detailed, information-rich reference guide details the steps for a successful waterpark development project. Special emphasis is placed on the unique needs of resorts and hotel development, along with traditional outdoor waterparks. t All new member welcome kits and industry trade shows t Distributed to all attendees of the WWA University: Design, Development & Expansion Workshop at the WWA show, Oct. 11-14, 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. oCtobER/ NovEMbER t LEGOLAND Dubai, Dubai, UAE t Surf City Waterpark, Ellensburg, Washington, U.S.A. t SplashiCana Water Park, Corsicana, Texas, U.S.A. t Cape Codder Water Park, Hyannis, Massachusetts, U.S.A. t Farmers Branch Aquatic Center, Farmers Branch, Texas, U.S.A. t Lagan Valley LeisurePlex, Lisburn, United Kingdom t Wild Waterparks, Hamilton, ON, Canada t Distributed to all attendees of the World Waterpark Association Show in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., Oct. 11-14, 2016 t IAAPA Attractions Expo, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. DECEMbER t Laguna Splash Water Park at Delgrosso’s Amusement Park, Tipton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. t Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, New Jersey, U.S.A. t African Lion Safari, Hamilton, ON, Canada 2016-2017 buyERs GuIDE MAy JuNE Special Convention Issue t Waterslide Flumes t Florida Recreation & Park Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. { “’World Waterpark Magazine’ is the best way to stay informed of the important issues in our industry. It helps everyone on your staff from the line level all the way up to the top management positions.” 4 CoLoR 1x 2x 4x 6x 10x Full page $2365 $2270 $2230 $2160 $2100 1/2 page $1610 $1550 $1510 $1475 $1425 1/3 page $1220 $1180 $1130 $1115 $1095 1/4 page $1000 $970 $950 $935 $915 1/6 page $795 $770 $755 $740 $725 Mechanical data FINAL tRIM sIZE: 8.5” x 10.875” please keep all live material (important text/photos/artwork) .5” from the trim on all sides. On two-page spreads, leave 1” gutter for all live material. AD sIZEs (width x depth): bLACk & WhItE size 1x 2x 4x 6x 10x Full page $1730 $1660 $1590 $1530 $1465 1/2 page $1080 $1020 $980 $945 $900 1/3 page $785 $750 $725 $705 $670 1/4 page $595 $565 $545 $530 $510 1/6 page $475 $450 $435 $420 $405 sPECIAL PosItIoNs size { 2016 print advertising rates Lee hOvis NOCaTee waTer park/ TOLOmaTO COmmuNiTY deveLOpmeNT disTriCT size MAGAZINE 1x 2x 4x 6x 10x 2-page spread $3495 $3330 $3245 $3130 $2915 Covers 2 and 3 $2775 $2690 $2640 $2550 $2455 Cover 4 $3060 $2950 $2880 $2800 $2700 2-page spread including bleed: 17.25” x 11.125” live area: 16” x 9.875” minus 1” gutter in the center Full page including bleed: 8.75” x 11.125” Full page no bleed: 8” x 9.75” live area: 7.5” x 9.875” live area: 7.5” x 9.75” 1/2 page vertical: 3.875” x 9.75” 1/2 page island: 4.875” x 7.625” 1/2 page horizontal: 8” x 4.75” 1/3 page vertical: 2.375” x 9.75” DIGItAL sPECIFICAtIoNs WWA requests that advertising materials be sent in digital format as a high resolution (press optimized) PDF. All fonts and images must be embedded in the file. All images must be converted to CMYK. RGB images are not acceptable. If creating a PDF from an Adobe Illustrator file, please convert all type to outlines prior to shipment. Ads accepted in electronic format by e-mail, ftp or CD. Finish trim size of publication is 8.5” by 10.875.” Bleeds require 1/8-inch additional over final trim size on all four sides. Advertisements are accepted upon the representation that the advertiser and its agency have the right to publish the contents thereof. In consideration of such publication, advertiser and its agency agree to indemnify and hold the publisher harmless against any expense or loss by reason of any claims arising out of publication. The publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error. The publisher shall not be liable for any costs or damages if for any reason it fails to publish an advertisement. 1/3 page square: 4.625” x 4.625” 1/4 page: 3.875” x 4.75” 1/6 page vertical: 2.375” x 4.75” { } Abou t PRE CON VEN TIO N ISSU E septem ber 2015 MAR Ch 2015 The of gazine cial Ma The Offi WWa online connect terpark rld Wa the Wo The Officia l Magazine of the World Kalaha Journeyri tion Associa rpark Wate ! Waterpark Association Kalahari reso Conventio rts and U.s.A. ns in pennsylvania, A cterrk Ch’saWraraner Beach Pa y of Plent With An Aquat Spain ic Gem Adventure bay Family Water park, Get Ready Windsor, Ontario , Canada New Jersey’s & Set for the Cooles splashplex makes its debut t Summer Yet! Turning Up At Volente The Heat beach Water In Texas park i nnovation awaits ! re v i e w c o n v e n t i o n p re v i e w pag e 1 2 e y, Attitud New Jerse h A Big Summit, k Wit Center in atic all Par ction A Sm Family Aqu t attra Summit ’s lates The Flow bai, India With ns Going amagica, Mum Operatio At Aqu Safer ty : Safe Reports For -To ent How Incid U.S. A. Utilizing WWA Online Connect offers you even more great ways to reach out to waterpark owners, operators, developers & administrators. Gain additional exposure for your brand and your services and products through these digital mediums. DIGItAL MAGAZINE oPtIoNs: Digital Magazine Logo & Ad Package This package includes your company logo with a direct link to your site on the launch page and in the toolbar, as well as a full page ad next to the front oh and back cover! This option, available on a e re monthly basis for $1,000 (with print ad), $2,000 (without print ad). febRUARy 2015 r You a d h e re log Welcome Jungle! r You The Official Magazine of the World Waterpark Association to the Vana Nava Hua Hin Logo Specs: Please send GIF files at 70 dpi. Final file size must be less than 130 KBS. Launch logo: 480 x 480 pixels (maximum) Corner logo: 128 x 42 pixels (maximum) Ads: 8” x 9.75” A Waterpark Original The Action Park brand returns to Vernon, New Jersey, U.S.A. Fun On A ‘Grand’ Scale Wisconsin’s Grand Lodge Waterpark Resort Powered By Its People At Wild Water West Waterpark in South Dakota, U.S.A. r You a d h e re W AT E R PA R K W I S D O M WWA NEWS REGISTER TODAY AS A WLSL HOST LOCATION Register your facility as a WLSL Host Location and tell your community that Swimming Lessons Save Lives™! Registration for this year’s World’s Largest Swimming Lesson™ event, June 18, 2015, is officially open. New this year, all Host Locations will teach their lessons at 10 a.m. in their local markets as the lesson travels around the globe over the course of 24 hours. In prior years, aquatic facilities hosting WLSL events conducted lessons simultaneously at 3pm GMT. In the last five years, Team WLSL has set five Guinness World Records™ (GWR) for the World’s Largest Swimming Lesson™, with 36,564 swimmers from 22 countries participating in 2014. More importantly, our team effort has spread the vital message Swimming Lessons Save Lives™ through more than 150 million media impressions. We encourage all WWA members to consider becoming a Host Location for our 6th year of this important and impactful water safety event. Tragically, drowning remains the leading cause of unintended, injury related death for children ages 1-5, and the second leading cause of accidental death for children under 14. Research shows participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 88 percent among children aged 1 to 4, yet many kids do not receive formal swimming or water safety training. Visit to register as a Host Location. Registered host facilities receive access to a complete Host Location Guide, which includes ready-to-use marketing materials such as logos, web banners, flyers, posters and much more! BE AN IN-STATE SPONSOR FOR NATIONAL WATER SAFETY MONTH The WWA needs a WWA member in all 50 states to assist with submitting proclamations in support of National Water Safety Month this May. Most Governors’ offices require that proclamation request come from a resident from within the state before they will approve a request. Thanks to the unprecedented support we received from in-state sponsors in 2014, the WWA received proclamations in support of National Water Safety Month from all 50 states! Being an in-state sponsor costs nothing and only requires a small amount of time to sign and mail a letter to your state’s Governor’s office. If you are interested in being an in-state sponsor, call Cathy Haggarty at 913599-0300 x18 or email [email protected]. Waterfronts™ by ADG enhance guest appeal with designs built to complement your property. From large indoor and outdoor waterparks settings to unique resort escapes, keep your patrons onproperty longer with Waterfronts™ by ADG. WWA encourages members to support the Pool Safely Pledge The World Waterpark Association is an official Campaign Safety Partner for the CPSC’s Pool Safely Campaign. As such we are asking that WWA members consider taking and supporting the Pool Safely Pledge this season. Launched in 2014, the Pool Safely Pledge is a commitment to water safety that serves as a visual reminder of the safety steps everyone should be using every time they are near the water. So far, more than 5,000 people have taken the pledge! For more information on the Pool Safely Pledge, visit pledge/. And, Tweet us @WWA if you take the pledge and include @WWA when you share this news via your social media feeds. 6 WORLD WATERPARK MAGAZINE MARCH 2015 WWA BOOTH No 501 IAAPA BOOT H No 2854 Capacity. Retail. Photo. Cabanas. Food & Beverage. Entertainment Value.#WaterRevenue to see how it all comes together. Don’t let your profits slide. Visit us at or call 800-458-WAVE Pop up Ads Give your ad a little something extra by having it in the digital edition. Available in a 1/3 page vertical option, your ad will “float” into and sit next to a page of your choice. G This option is available on Wate o to r p a per issue basis for $300 curren t_issu (with print ad), $500 & clic k on “ e.asp Dig Maga (without print ad). zine” ital r e to view Specs: 2.375” x 9.75” the la t issue! est nk h e re You r li “’World Waterpark Magazine’ offers an incredible amount of information in each and every issue. Whether it is the park features, howto columns, product profiles or specific topic features, there is always valuable information to share with your staff. The magazine is one of the best tools to use to improve your business.” sTeve mikLOsi breakers waTer park Pop-up videos Want to call attention to your latest ride innovation? Highlight it with a YouTube video link placed directly in your existing print ad. You provide the video link and we’ll do the rest for you! This option is available on a per issue basis for $95. Specs: Must provide URL to video posted on YouTube. E-NEWsLEttER oPtIoNs: Reserve one of five spots for a web banner in our e-newsletter. You’re guaranteed exposure in all e-newsletters sent out to 4,000 key contacts directly to their inbox. This option is available on a monthly basis. Specs: Please send GIF file at 70 dpi. Final file size must be less than 90 KBS. Top banner size: 515 x 95 pixels, $975 Middle banner size: 420 x 120 pixels, $645 Sidebar banner size (2 available): 180 x 240 pixels, $645 Bottom banner size: 420 x 120 pixels, $645 Your banner he 515 x 95 pixels TOp 420 x 120 pixels middLe side 180 x 240 pixels re bOTTOm 420 x 120 pixels * ad boxes shown above are 25 percent actual size r You r You Your banner he re Your banner he re b an n e r h e re b an n e r h e re NEW WAtERPARks.oRG WEbsItE oPtIoNs Web buttons Launched in November 2015, the all new features a modern feel that combines award-winning design with easy-to-use navigation. WWA’s member-based website is a go-to spot for water leisure owners, operators and developers. Ensure your products are noticed by industry professionals on a regular basis with a web button on the homepage or an inside landing page. The following options are available on a monthly basis for $1,000 per space. Your banner he Specs: Please send GIF files at 70 dpi and provide URL Homepage side: 390 x 270 pixels re Homepage bottom #1 (also carries through to multiple landing pages): 950 x 165 pixels Homepage bottom #2 (also carries through to multiple landing pages): 950 x 165 pixels Inside landing page side #1 (not pictured at left): 174 x 243 pixels Inside landing page side #2 (not pictured at left): 174 x 243 pixels hOmepage side Your banner he 390 x 270 pixels re hOmepage bOTTOm iNside LaNdiNg page side 950 x 165 pixels 174 x 243 pixels * ad boxes shown above are 25 percent actual size Get ed naliz o s r e p e servic r you eve when ed it! ne “The WWA is a great association to be a part of! Call me anytime and together we can figure out what options work best for you and your budget.” Patty Miller E-MAIL: [email protected] PhoNE: +1-913-381-6734 FAx: +1-913-381-6722 CoNtACt:
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