Tudor City Greens News
Tudor City Greens News
Tudor City Greens News Vo lume XXVI Issue 1 April 2014 5 Tudor City Place, #1-E NYC The Greens Kicks Off Spring with I n a u g u r a l H o u s e To u r We do many things to raise money to keep Tudor City beautiful and provide the community with events that make our lives ever more enjoyable: concerts, holiday celebrations and garden parties, among many others. But this spring we will have a first: The Tudor City Spring Home Tour. Scheduled for Saturday, April 26, from 11:00 am to 3:00 p.m., approximately ten fabulous homes will be open to view along with some amazing rooftops and gardens. The homes range from a spectacular, threebedroom penthouse with wraparound terrace to mini studio with the clever use of space to beautifully furnished apartments with gorgeous bathrooms and kitchens. There’s even a two-story “studio” that has been the setting of several movie sets — the Home Tour truly has something for everyone! I.D. bracelet that will allow you into the homes, a program describing the homes and gardens, a history of Tudor City, and a map locating each designated house on the Tour. Tickets will be $45 for one Not only fun, you’ll be doing a good deed as 100 and $75 for two people. percent of the proceeds will They can be purchased in go directly to Tudor City advance online at www.tudorcitygreens.org, Greens. Come rain or shine or on the day of the Tour in and prepare to be inspired. You’ll get great ideas, meet the South Park. However your neighbors and learn a you buy them, make your lot about this wonderful first stop the South Park. Here you will pick up your place we call home, Tudor City. This newsletter brought to you by: Roland Peracca, President (3Hs) David Reiff, Vice President for Park Rental Events (Manor) Marcia Thompson, Treasurer (Essex) Anne Stoddard, Secretary (Woodstock) Sarah Coles, Editor (Essex) Suzanne Simonelli, Vice President for Activities (2 Tudor City) Michele Keith, Alt. Director (Woodstock) Chris Sale, Vice President for Activities (2 Tudor City) Joseph O'Connell, Vice President for Development (Essex) Mary Frances Shaughnessy (Vice President) www.tudorcitygreens.org Letter from the President Volunteers are the lifeblood of Tudor City Greens. As a not-for-profit charitable corporation, we rely on the time and enthusiasm of our neighbors – to help plan and staff events, raise money, develop communications materials, and keep our Parks looking beautiful with planting days. While we have directors, alternate directors and officers appointed from each building who oversee various functions of the Greens, we cannot do it alone. If you have a little time, talent or are just interested in lending a hand, please reach out to us to see how you can help make a difference. We are always looking for volunteers on Wednesday mornings, or you can help by contributing funds to help us carry out our mission. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Chris Sale: [email protected] Spring is a great time to get involved, and you can start by coming out for Spring Planting Day on May 3. We look forward to seeing you in the Parks! Many thanks, Page 2 Ask the Gardener Q1. What plants can we expect to see in the Parks this Spring? A1. Due to a prolonged winter, many of the perennials, trees, shrubs and bulbs that bloom in succession will bloom at once. Daffodils will bloom with tulips. Magnolias, cherries, apples, azaleas, rhododendrons, forsythia will all be blooming together! Expect a short blast of color! Gresham Lang , Q2. Do you have an update on Owner, Gresham Lang Garden Design the gravel paths? and Tudor City Greens landscaper A2. After more than 17 months and Hurricane Sandy, the gravel We caught up with Gresham Lang, paths, particularly in the North owner of Gresham Lang Garden Park, have finally been repaired! Design and landscaper for Tudor The paths sunk and heaved from City Greens, to answer some of uprooted trees and erosion from your most pressing questions the torrential rains caused the about the Greens… gravel to settle and sink in many areas. Tudor City Greens repaired them at a great cost. Come out on May 3 at 10:30 a.m. and help us plant this year’s annuals! All volunteers welcome! Q3. Who maintains the Parks? A3. On a daily basis, we have our groundskeeper, Steve Stuempel, who recently received his Master Gardener certificate from the NY Botanical Garden. Steve, along with John Reynolds, the weekend caretaker who lives in Woodstock, have both been working in the Parks for almost 15 years. In addition, my staff and I oversee the maintenance and continue to implement parts of the Master Plan. Finally, without our core group of volunteers who come on Wednesdays and Saturdays, we couldn't afford to keep the Parks in such immaculate condition. Q4. Are there any exciting plans to replace the mature trees lost in the storm? A4. In addition to the seven mature trees lost in the Parks, we also lost street trees on the sidewalks adjacent to the Parks on 41st and 43rd Streets. Our plan is to plant lower growing trees with extensive root systems that can withstand stronger winds. We are also continuing the Master Plan in the South Park so look for some new native plants and different views! Like us on Facebook to follow Tudor City Greens news! www.facebook/tudorcitygreens.com H o s t Yo u r N e x t E v e n t I n t h e Tu d o r C i t y P a r k s ! The Tudor City Greens, Inc. (TCG) parks are privately owned and operated, and available for rental year-round on a first comefirst served basis for private parties and special events including weddings and commitment ceremonies, corporate receptions, movies and photo shoots, musical and theatrical performances, and other private special events. Since the Parks are outdoors, they can be beautiful in all seasons depending on your preferences. For example, a wedding took place this past winter and the attendees were covered in snow (and it made for beautiful photos.) Many prefer the beauty of the plantings coming to life in the Spring, some like the Fall leaves changing colors, or the Parks bustling with Summer energy The Parks can comfortably seat 50 people for a wedding or similar event, and approximately 100 standing persons. All events held in the TCG Parks require an application and prior written authorization. A volunteer from TCG will be available to meet with you personally, go over your event and logistics plan, discuss Park -related event details and other services you may need, and schedule a site walkthrough. (bear in mind that the Parks are not air conditioned, so if you are considering July or August, we highly recommend you hold your event later in the afternoon when the sun begins to set). It is a good idea to schedule your event as far in advance as possible to make sure the Park is available, and that there are no other private or special events planned for that day. You will be asked to complete and return a questionnaire detailing information such as timeline of the event, the nature of your organization, event activities including food and beverage plans and musical entertainment, number of attendees, and any other special requirements for your event. Liability insurance may be required at the discretion of TCG. No Park rentals will be issued for events that fall on major holidays or over holiday weekends. For further details, please contact David Reiff at [email protected]. PARK RULES: A FRIENDLY REMINDER! Persons may not sell, or offer for sale, any merchandise, article, or thing in the TCG Parks. Use of the Tudor City Greens name, logo or likeness is not permitted without written permission from the Board. Smoking is not permitted in the Parks. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in the Parks (without prior written permission from TCG). Feeding of the birds or squirrels is prohibited in the Parks. Dogs are not permitted in the TCG Parks. Page 3 A Look Back at 2013: The Greens in Photos Many thanks for the ongoing support from our neighborhood businesses! TOY BALLOON CO. 2014 Events Calendar Easter Egg Hunt - Sunday, April 20, North Park 11:00 a.m. Tudor City Greens Home Tour - Saturday, April 26, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Spring Planting Day - Saturday, May 3, North and South Parks 10:30 a.m. Concerts Please note, rain dates will be held the following evening. - Wednesday, May 28, South Park, 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday, June 25, South Park, 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday, August 13, South Park, 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday, September 10, South Park, 6:30 p.m. Garden Parties - Thursday, July 17, 6:30 p.m. (rain date Friday, July 18) (Inaugural) Halloween Pet Parade - Saturday, October 25, outside South Park 3:00 p.m. Halloween Parade and Festivities - Friday, October 31, South Park 6:30 p.m. Fall Planting Day - Saturday, November 15, North and South Parks 10:30 a.m. Holiday Decorating - Saturday, November 29, North and South Parks 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Christmas Tree Lighting - Wednesday, December 3, South Park 6:30 p.m. Chanukkah Celebration - Tuesday, December 16, North Park, 6:30 p.m. * Note, dates are subject to change. Please check our website (tudorcitygreens.org) or Facebook page for the most up-to-date calendar. FRIENDS OF THE GREENS Public Support Checks Received Between Jan 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 Golden Raintree Level ($1,000 and more): 2 TCP (Tudor City Tenant Corp.), 5 TCP Windsor Owners Corp., 25 TCP Tudor Owners Corp., 45 TCP Prospect Owners Corp., 304-324 E 41st Owners Corp. (3Hs), 320 East 42nd St (Woodstock Owners Corp.), 325 E 41st St (Essex Owners Corp.), 330 E 43rd St. (The Hermitage), 333 East 43 Owners Corp. (The Manor), Hillary Chamberlain, Gewirtz Char Trust, Sherry Lambert Halpern, Maria & Vito L. Sacchetti, Marcia T. Thompson, Tudor City Association, Inc. Oak Tree Level ($500-999): 321 East 43rd Street Owners Corp. (The Cloister), 333 E 41st Street Corp., Linda & Robert J. Allen, Sr., Corgan Associates, Inc., Shelley & Sheldon Goldseker, Karen E. Kennedy, Francoise & David Knott, Arlene Graston & Charles Mathes, Frances L. Middleman, Geraldine E. Ponto, Paul & Sally Ross, Celine Ruben-Salama, Bonnie H. Selfe, David J. & Geri Wolf Star Magnolia Tree Level ($300-499): Sharna Goldseker & Simon B. Greer, Luke Murillo, Roger M. Schaffland, Mary Frances Shaughnessy, Suzanne & Justin Smith, David F. Wertheimer, Woo Family Charitable Fdn, Kathy Ng & Edward Yung American Linden Tree Level ($100-299): Mona Angel, Eddie Brazill Baltz, Estelle & Charles E. Berthiaume, Linda J. Blatz, Daniel Boccardo, Jenni L. Bourque, Jere T. Brassell, Barbara & Stephen C. Butz, Mary Cademartori, Ramona Calsada, Leslie H. Cohen, Mary J. Cohen, Philip Cohen, Doris Darrer, Marion T. Davidson, Christine & Peter Del Rio, Tracie & Thomas J. Deluca, Stephanie DeYoung, Carol & Frederick W. Dohrmann, Olive Evans, Norman Field, Susan J. Galli, Curtis S. Gathje, Victor Guaglianone, Taube Haight, Susan Trotter & Anthony J. Horan, Michael B. Katz, Nancy & Peter A. Keil, Josephine J. Kellejan, Mary-Margaret Kerns, Fidel Keymolen, King Family Foundation, Richard A. Komar, Helga E. Krawany, Loreto Kudera, Ann & Lowell Laporte, Claire E. Lathrop & Sarah Steinmetz, Marian Leblanc, Lengyel Family Trust, Jane & Barry R. Linsky, Claire & Robert F. Logler, Ira Brad Matersky, Muriel Michelman, William Mitchell, William R. Moran, Lisa & James Nolan, Susan Painter, Pamela A. Gregory & David L. Palladino, Roland M. Peracca Jr., Lauretta Jakobsen & Maclaren Randall, Susan & Alan Ravitz, Doris W. Raymond, Reger, Inc., Sharon & Thomas F. Reilly, Irene Ruperti, Barbara & Joseph Schoenberg, Rose Sculley, Amanda & Jeremy Sevareid, Lynn T. Shanley, Suzanne & Mark H. Shapiro, Mary Frances Shaughnessy, Carolyn & Erik S. Smith, Deborah & Kenneth Sofer, Clare & Michael Spillane, Muriel & Stuart Stahl, Anne Stoddard, Lynn H. Strudler, Robert E. Sullivan, Gustav Szabo, Deborah Berk & John P. Tuminaro, Edan G. Unterman, Janyce Q. Vaughan, Deborah Waroff, Nora L. Weiss, Veronica Windmuller, Kenneth, J. Witkin, Meggan & Konrad Wos Redbud Tree Level (up to $99): John H. Abeles, Shari & Robert J. Abramson, Ennio Amato, John S. Anastasi, Erika Bach, Maria J. Bard, Jacquelin & Philippe Bertrand, Panagiota & Paul Biederman, Dorothy Billis, Lindsay Borden, Jacqueline & Raymond Boyce, Joan P. Boyle, Gisela Lewke Brady, Hooper L. Brooks, James G. Brownell, Eileen & David Buckler, Patricia M. Buttenheim, Norma Bellanti & Adam Cacio, Kathryn & Byron Calame, Catherine & Bruce Caulfield, Christopher Cherry, Peter Charles Clemente, Robin G. Cohen, Gati & Andrew D. Curtis, Martha & Delmonte Davis, Eileen F. Dean, Lilia & Oscar B. Delacruz, Patricia A. Donegan, Marlene Yvonne Doran, Wenyan & Kenneth Doucets, Bridget Droney, Joan E. Dubinsky, Delia M. Duston, Rosemary English, Monica Farrell, Maurice C. Figueres, Shirley E. Finley, Mary A. Fordham, Myra & Charles Frey, Christopher S. Galazzi, Rocco Gammone, Celia Gianfrancesco, Dorothy Greene, Eva Grunspan, Theresa Guarnieri, Randy Eckert & Claire Hanley, Jody Schaeffer & Robert W. Harris, Kristen A. Haunss, Ursula Hayn, Mary & John R. Heller, Constance & Ralph Iervolino, Josephine & Kenneth J. Iovino, Barbara Isaacs, Lois & William J. Jakobsen, Jeffrey H. Johns, Robin & Peter W. Jovanovich, Dimitra B. Kessenides, Leslie I. Kobrin, Kevin Kornobis, Walter H. Lamont, Lucille Myra Lange, Janet Cooper & Walter Langford, Susan M. Lay, Elissa Lebeck, Sara Ling, William H. Macarthur, Rosanne Mannion, Joan Martino, L. Motteler Martins, Paul Matten, Deborah J. Matz, Laura J. Mochi, Michael J. Monahan, Caryl A. Moore, Kurt Vorndran & Martin Murray, Rosemary Murray, Joan & Patrick R. Nedeau, Mark S. Nichols, Hiroshi Okada, Susanna Organic, J. H. O’Sullivan, Monica K. Otoole, Joan M. Oury, Samuel M. Outerbridge, Michael Parent, Tracy & Matt Parisi, Judy E. Passer, John M. Patello, Cynthia J. Pavia, Marianta & Robert S. Perlstein, Rosemary & Alessandro Pugliese, Marianne T. Roncoli, Danny Bizjak & Helene Rosenberg, Steven P. Rosenfeld, Steven L. Rosenthal, Marilyn & Howard Ross, Judi & Gary Roth, Regina Safdie, Robert & Sarah (Sally) Sawyer, Zachary G. Schurkman, Louise & William Segallis, Dianne S. Selditch, Edward Seltzer, Eileen & Frank Shashaty, Suzanne Simonelli, Alison Spear, Steven & Lois Speiser, Janet M. Spinner, Candice J. Stark, Joyce & Walter G. Steckman, Masotaka Ozaki & Rena Suno, Kathleen Mahoney Sykes, Judith & Michael Tanur, M. Amira & William Thoron, Tiffany & Company, Daryl M. Tress, E. Jane Tully, Mary & Justin C. Vallon, Susan L. Van Santen, Maryann Vanacore, Cleone & Bruce R. Von Elten, Melissa & Ryan P. Watkins, Edith & Charles Weiss, Josie West-Higgins, Robin & Thomas R. Westle, Laura Williams, Dina V. Winters, Abigal Chen & Brian Wong, Polly D. Woodard, Cristina Yannucci, Marie G. Zacher, Ana & Neil Zobler How to Become A Friend of the Greens Make your tax-deductible gift payable to: Tudor City Greens, Inc. Mail to: Tudor City Greens, Inc. 5 Tudor City Place, #1-E New York, NY 10017 Or leave at the Essex lobby desk, (325 East 41st Street), Attn: Marcia Thompson, Treasurer You may also donate online using a credit card via www.tudorcitygreens.org. Name___________________________________ Bldg________________________ Apt_______ Donation amount ______________ Email________________________________________________________________ Thanks for supporting the Greens and our community parks!
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