Tudor City Greens News
Tudor City Greens News
Tudor City Greens News Vo lume XXIV Issue 1 August 2012 5 Tudor City Place, NYC 10017 www.tudorcitygreens.org Letter from the President Tu d o r C i t y G r e e n s i s P a c k e d w i t h Events! It has been an exciting year to experience the Greens! Beginning last fall, a record number of parents and children partook in tricks and treats as part of our Halloween Celebration. Transformed by the addition of cobwebs, bats, tombstones of Tudor City residents past, and giant pumpkins, the South Park has never looked more – er – frightful. Come Christmastime, Tudor City Residents came out to the Greens to deck the borders of the parks with yards of garland, festive bows, sparkling lights, two trees, and a giant menorah. Not even a downpour of chilly rain could dampen the spirits during the Tree Lighting where the soaring voice of soprano Jacqueline Thompson, warm cups of spiced cider (aka cheer), and specially made sugar cookies for the occasion lit up the night as much as the lights on the tree. Similarly dank weather did not wash out the Chanukah celebration. And while the garden lay dormant, plans were laid for 2012. The Easter Egg Hunt this year coincided with the spectacular annual blooming of the Tulips in the Parks. All hunters Off to the races! The Easter Egg Hunt kicks off Spring and Summer events in the Parks! had a successful day and enjoyed Easter stories, charming decorations, and most of all the sweet rewards hidden in the eggs they gathered. Another exciting accomplishment for the Greens this year is the 25th Anniversary of Tudor City Greens Inc., the 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation entrusted with the care of the Greens. We have been celebrating all summer long with not one, but three, garden parties! Taking place on three Thursdays after work throughout the summer, the parties have been drawing a new generation of chic up-andcoming New Yorkers and Tudor City Residents to the parks, while also contributing to the success and well-being of the Greens and the activities and programs they host. Finally, new this year, there’s a new way to keep up to date with the happenings in the park on Facebook at “Tudor City Greens”! We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events in the parks and also the continued support that enables the wonderful work of the Greens to continue! This newsletter brought to you by: Roland Peracca, President (3Hs) David Reiff, Vice President (The Manor) Marcia Thompson, Treasurer (Essex) Anne Stoddard, Secretary (Woodstock) Sarah Coles, Editor (Essex) Suzanne Simonelli, Vice President for Activities (2 Tudor City) Michele Keith, Alt. Director (Woodstock) Chris Sale, Vice President for Activities (Windsor) Joseph O'Connell, Vice President for Development (Essex) Hello Everyone, The Tudor City Greens Board has been working hard to preserve and improve our beautiful parks. We finished our Paths Project with the financial help of the Ford Foundation; all the new serpentine hedges and trees in both Parks were pruned by Urban Arborist; and the tree on East 43rd Street that was knocked down by Hurricane Irene was replaced. We do not expect to schedule any major projects this year due to limited monetary resources. Instead, we will continue to maintain everything we have in the best possible way with the help of our gracious volunteers, Steve Stuempel, our groundskeeper, and Gresham Lang, our master gardener and landscape designer. Our Master Plan for the South Park was revised and approved by the Board in May 2012. It will be beautiful when finished, with four garden "rooms" in the south parterre of the South Park and a redwood chip path. We’ll keep you informed as progress is made. We are greatly appreciative of the support you have given us so far this year, it is crucial to the upkeep and improvement of the Parks. We hope you will continue to be generous so that all of us can enjoy our little “bit of heaven” every day, year round. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s exciting events. Roland M. Peracca, Jr. Page 2 G o t Tu d o r C i t y G r e e n s M e m o r a b i l i a ? Tudor City Greens is interested in obtaining historical collectibles and memorabilia relating to the Tudor City Parks as well as Tudor City in general. This includes old photographs, old newspaper and magazine articles, old postcards, old letters, old pamphlets and brochures, old posters, maps, plans, and other memories and collectibles chronicling the history of Tudor City. We have found that many Tudor City Rooftop Restaurant residents within the Tudor City community have collected interesting Tudor City items over the years and here is your opportunity to share them with your neighbors via the Greens website, and perhaps allow Tudor City Greens, Inc. to reproduce any non-copyrighted material for fundraising purposes, to benefit the parks in Tudor City. Please send an e-mail with a detailed description or photo of what you would like to share to [email protected]. If you wish, items lent to us can be returned. Thank you! Tudor City above tenement house washlines Like us on Facebook to follow Tudor City Greens news! www.facebook/tudorcitygreens.com S h o w Tu d o r C i t y G r e e n s Yo u C a r e – Vo l u n t e e r o r D o n a t e ! If you live in Tudor City, you probably visit our parks often. And if you don’t, you probably wish you did. Designated a historic district by the Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1988, after fighting the likes of Harry Helmsley who wanted to erect high-rise apartment buildings there and eliminate the parks completely, they are today privately-funded, yet open to the public—a rarity anywhere! Some people come for the summer concerts, bulb planting and art shows, others bring their children for the holiday festivities, still others relax on the benches drinking in Mother Nature’s bounty to soothe their souls and clear their minds, and more and more are holding wedding ceremonies there…one of the most delightful spots in the city to do so. We have Fred F. French, a real estate developer, and his associate, architect H. Douglas Ives, to thank for our unique community. Inspired by Turtle Bay Gardens and Sutton Place, French began construction of it, the largest, single-residential project New York had ever seen, in 1927. Volunteers of all ages came out to help on Spring Planting Day! One of his hopes was that Tudor City would help stem the tide of city dwellers fleeing to the suburbs. Designed in Tudor Revival style, a favorite of the period, each building is different, but unified with exquisite stone details, sculptures of coats of arms and mythic creatures and stained-glass windows. Changes were made over the years—South Park was at first a miniature golf course—but the theme of a residential enclave with lovely, open gardens never wavered. In 1988, after a co-op conversion of most of the buildings, the gardens were spun off to Tudor City Greens, a nonprofit entity. And that’s where you come in. We rely on donations, from volunteerism to monetary, and Tudor City Greens makes it easy for you to do both. Just log on to www.tudorcitygreens.org and click the DONATE button. Click on Volunteers to find the activity best suited to you; there are many. Be part of the fun and history of the parks. We hope to see you at the next event! Page 3 Wa n t t o H o s t a n E v e n t i n t h e P a r k s ? N o w ’s Yo u r C h a n c e ! The Tudor City Parks are a romantic and intimate location in which to make a marriage proposal, conduct a wedding (or commitment) ceremony or renew vows. Did you know that the Tudor City Parks are available for rental on a first comefirst served basis for special events including weddings and commitment ceremonies? Prices may vary depending on various factors including the number of attendees and duration of the event, and a Special Events Authorization and Indemnity Agreement must be submitted for approval. For further information, please contact David Reiff, TCG Activities Committee at: volunteers @tudorcitygreens.org. Tu d o r C i t y G r e e n s E v e n t s P h o t o s ! From Easter egg hunts to Garden Parties to the 9th Annual Art Show, the Parks are a busy and exciting place to be during the Spring and Summer! Fall/Winter Events Calendar Concerts: Please note, rain dates will be held the following evening for all concerts. - Wednesday, August 1 - South Park, 6:30 pm - Wednesday, September 12 - South Park, 6:30 pm Garden Party - Wednesday, August 15 - North Park, 6:30 pm (rescheduled from July 26th event) Halloween Parade - Wednesday, October 31st - South Park 6:30 pm Autumn Planting Day - Saturday, November 3– North & South Park 10:00am - until complete Holiday Decorating - Saturday, December 1– North & South Park 10:00am - 2:00 pm Christmas Tree Lighting - Wednesday, December 5– South Park 6:30 pm FRIENDS OF THE GREENS Public Support Gifts Received Between October 23, 2011 and June 23, 2012 Golden Raintree Level ($1,000 and more): 2 Tudor City Tenants Corp., 304—324 Owners Corp., 320 E42nd Street Woodstock Owners Corp, 333 E 41st Corp, 5 Tudor City Place, 25 Tudor City Place, Mona Angel, Essex Owners Corp., Ford Foundation, Sherry Lambert Halpern, Pat & Robert Sailing, Tudor City Association Oak Tree Level ($500-999): Robert & Linda Allen, Shelley & Sheldon Goldseker, David Knott & Francoise Girard, Frances L. Middleman, Sally & Paul Ross, Marcia Thompson, Julie Warshaw Star Magnolia Tree Level ($300-499): Cibo, Rebecca & Lauren Harrington, Rebecca Herschkopf, Aleksey Pryadko & Drew Jones, Dr. David & Geri Wolf American Linden Tree Level ($100-299): N.A. & Malika Abrous, Eddie Baltz, Ethan Binder, Stephanie & Michael Bittle, Jenni Bourque, Rosemarie Bruno, Birgitta Bucht, Barbara & Stephen Butz, Mary Cademartori, Nancy Camarata, Juliette Choi, Marilyn & Robert Chu, Cherie & David Cohen, Leslie Cohen, Corgan Associates Architects, Constance & Clarence Denne, Dorothy Dicker, Mary & Henry Duffy, Maureen Dunphy, Verona Fernandes, Norman Field, Antonia & Gregory Fricke, Sharna Goldseker & Simon Greer, Taube Haight, Lisa Harte & James Taylor, Anthony Horan & Susan Trotter, Dana & Robert Iommazzo, Lauretta Jakobsen & Randall Maclaren, Joan & David Katsky, Michael Katz, Nancy & Peter Keil, Roisin & Kevin Kelly, Mary-Margaret Kearns, King Family Foundation, Simon Ko & Yee Huong, Richard Komar, Ann & Lowell Laporte, Claire & Robert Logler, Edith Ann Lohman, Dr. Garrett Lynch, Suzanne Martin, Charles Mathes & Arlene Graston, Muriel Michelman, William Mitchell, Paula Mohs-Thomas, Marcia Montgomery, William Moran, Andre Neethling, Joseph O’Connell, Susan Painter, Susan Pasley, Roland Peracca, Martha Pimienta, David Rakoff, Dr. Tamasin Ramsay, Susan & Alan Ravitz, Doris Raymond, Tanya & David Reiff, Iqbal Riza, Andrea & Keith Ruskin, Mary Anne & Paul Sale, April Sandmeyer, Amanda & Jeremy Sevareid, Lynn Shanley, Mary Frances Shaughnessy, Jean Smyth, Jane & Elliot Steinberg, Anne Stoddard, Robert Sullivan, Kiono Thomas, Tiffany & Co., Juan Vich & Ana Gargallo, Miriam & Brendan Ward, Deborah Waroff, Nora Weiss, David Wertheimer, Dolores Wills, Megan Walsh Wos Redbud Tree Level (up to $99): Patricia Abel, Samuel Atkinson, Maria Bard, Nancy Barsotti, Christina Baylon, Carol Begley, Daiva & Steven Beinkowski, Paul & Panagiota Biederman, Anne Peracca Bijur, Dorothy Billis, Clarence & Sheila Blair, Susan Blohm, Joan Boyle, Catherine Bread, William Briggs, Hooper Brooks, Timothy Brown, James Brownell, Patricia Buttenheim, Norma & Adam Cacio, Ramona Calsada, Nomi & Richard Carrick, Erica Cashel, Ellen Chambers, Marilyn & Joseph Cina, Lyndall Culbertson, Susan & Robert Czerniecki, Eileen Dean, Brent Delf, Elisa & Cassaro Devito, Bonnie Diamond, A. Joy Diaz de Rivera, Delia Duston, Stuart Edwards, Rosemary English, James Erlander, Olive Evans, Drs. Stephanie & Leonard Farber, Maurice Figueres, Sidney and Libby Fine Foundation, Ellen First, Michael Fluss, Susan Frederick, Myra & Charles Frey, Susan & Matthew Galligan, Helen Gardner, Sheila Gilman, Inna Glick, Peter Goodman, Francoise Gordon, Mary Ellen Gordon, Wilma Gottlieb, Aine Graham, Anna Gribovsky, Cheryl & Timothy Grogan, Tracie Hales, Ellen Halperin, Christina Harris, Mitch Harris, Mark Harty, Virginia Hauer, Mary & John Heller, Curt Helmerich, Betty Higgins, Sally Hill, Suzanne Horelik, Edwin Hydemn, Constance & Ralph Iervolino, Barbara Isaacs, Talat Jafri, Francesann Judge, Craig Katerberg, Roberta Kaye, Robert Kennedy, Fidel Keymolen, Megan Kinney, Leslie Kobrin, Helga Krawany, Lilian Kyrkos, Louise Laheurte, Walter Lamont, Lucille Myra Lange, Regina Lau & Pei Li Wong, Susan Lay, Elissa Lebeck, Ruth Lederman, Gail Leeds, Sara Ling, Alice R. Linnehan, Laura Lopez, Ralph Lowenstein, Laura Lubrano, Roseanne Mannion, Barbara & Richard Marks, Ted Marks, Sheila & Denys Matefy, Meredith Corp Foundation, Laura Mochi, Michael Monahan, Virginia & Thomas Monahan, Mary Grace Montelibano, Caryl Moore, Patricia Moore, Morgan Stanley, Carrie Moye, Martin Murray & Kurt Vorndran, Rosemary Murray, Joan & Patrick Nedeau, Mark Nichols, Barbara & George Ohanlon, Susanna Organic, Michael Parent, Judy Passer, John Patello, Conrad Paulus, Robert Pedersen & Audre Allen, Marianta & Robert Perlstein, Robert Pesce, Steven Petross, Diane Petzke & John Coleman, Virginia & Robert Picchioni, Marvin Raps, Amy & Eric Richter, Jean Robinson, Elizabeth & Javier Rocio, Helene Rosenberg & Danny Bizjak, Lita Scheel, Mark Schmelz, Barbara & Joseph Schoenberg, Katherine Schoff, Susan Scully, Louise & William Segallis, Suzanne & Mark Shapiro, Barry Shapiro, Eileen & Frank Shashaty, Horisaka Shoko, Dolores & Eugene Siegel, David Simmons, Suzanne Simonelli, Martin Sirota, Suzanne & Justin Smith, Valentina Spalten & Robert Sbarra, Arlene Sparks & Daniel Ochs, Alison Spear, Steven Speiser, Clare & Michael Spillane, Janet Spinner, Boris Sporer, Muriel & Stuart Stahl, Candice Stark, Joyce & Walter Steckman, Jaclyn Steudtner, Kathleen Sykes, Judith & Michael Tanur, Barbara Thomas, Tim Evans Shoes, Keville & Robert Tomasson, Jane Tully, John Tuminaro & Deborah Berk, Hattie Vangol, Anthony Viggiani, Blane Walker & Marie Vahey, Annie Weinstein, Edith & Charles Weiss, Nancy Werfel, Adrienne & Barry Wesson, Josie West-Higgins, Robin & Thomas Westle, Raneela Wijewardane, Laura Williams, Dina Winters, Polly Woodard, Cristina Yannucci, Cheryl & Michael Zaccaro, Marie Zacher How to Become A Friend of the Greens Make your tax-deductible gift payable to: Tudor City Greens, Inc. Mail to: Tudor City Greens, Inc. 5 Tudor City Place, #1-E New York, NY 10017 Or leave at the Essex lobby desk, (325 East 41st Street), Attn: Marcia Thompson, Treasurer You may also donate online using a credit card via www.tudorcitygreens.org. Name___________________________________ Bldg________________________ Apt_______ Donation amount ______________ Thanks for supporting the Greens and our community parks!
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