New Products Offensive 2013 Minitrix: Highlights in N


New Products Offensive 2013 Minitrix: Highlights in N
New Products Offensive 2013
Minitrix: Highlights in N-Gauge
All about the Club models
Large service section
Overview: Your benefits from our Club partners
Exclusive: a trip to the legendary ore trains
Prachtstück: Die BR 18.6 als Clubmodell 2013 in Spur N scheut den Vergleich mit ihrem Vorbild im Deutschen Dampflokomotiv-Museum nicht. Wer das Modell
bestellt, erhält auch ein Ticket zum Besuch der Museumslok – ein guter Grund, die Aufarbeitung der 18 612 zu beleuchten.
Ausgabe 02 / 2013
News: Clubvorteile Intermodellbau Dortmund / Rückblick Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg ........................................................................................ 4
Clubmodell in N: Die 18 612 existiert heute als bildschöne Museumslok – das Ergebnis einer engagierten Aufarbeitung ............................... 6
Clubmodell in H0: BR 58.10-21 – Lok zwischen den Epochen ............. 10
Urlaubs-Highlights: Reisen zu den sagenhaften schwedischen Erzzügen
in Lappland und zum Musical Starlight Express ................................... 11
Porträt: Die N-Bahner der BSW Freizeitgruppe MEC Hannover sind ein
Aktivposten – mit ihren Messeauftritten vergrößern die Modulbauer
das Renommee der niedersächsischen Modellbahner ........................ 14
Große Übersicht: Die Clubkarte spart richtig Geld – Mitglieder erhalten
mit ihr bei den vielen Kooperationspartnern des Clubs Sonderrabatte
bei Eintrittspreisen .................................................................................. 18
Sehenswürdigkeit: Der Bahnhof Hamburg-Dammtor in Spur N ......... 24
Editorial / Impressum ................................................................................. 3
In der Club-Aussendung 02/2013 finden Sie folgende Beilagen: Trix-Clubnews 02/2013,
Märklin Magazin 02/2013.
On tour: an exclusive trip takes us to the gigantic ore trains
in Sweden – and to the world’s most powerful locos.
Your service numbers
Club service: Leisure parks, railroad museums or model railroad worlds, the Club card
guarantees members concessions when they visit the large number of cooperation partners.
Dear Club members,
Customer Service
Club hotline:
Telephone Monday – Friday
from 10 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Telephone: + 49 (0) 71 61 / 6 08 - 2 13 • Fax: - 3 08
E-mail: [email protected]
Queries about technology, repairs
and spare parts / complaints:
Telephone Monday – Friday
from 10 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Telephone inland: 0 90 01 / 6 08-2 22 (49 cents a
minute from the German fixed phone network,
mobile tariffs may differ)
Telephone from abroad:
+ 49 (0) 71 61 / 6 08 - 2 22
Fax: +49 (0) 71 61 / 6 08-2 25
E-mail: [email protected]
Please inform us in good time of your new
address so we will know where we can reach
you. A forwarding address at the Post Office
unfortunately will not suffice.
The many new models for 2013 shown in Nuremberg and Sinsheim
have given Trix a super start to the exhibition season, in good measure thanks to this year’s Club models: the Minitrix loco of class 18.6 is
breaking new ground with its unusual technical equipment, and the
finely-detailed H0 loco 58 1836 with its exclusive train of coal wagons
both score with their quality. Read more about these Club models in
this issue, such as how preserved loco 18 612 was restored, and what
the essential differences are between the steam locos of class 58.10-21
and the standard locomotives.
We are particularly pleased to report on the activities of the N-gauge
enthusiasts waving the flag for their gauge in the long-established
Hanover Model Railroad Association. Two trips we are offering will
bring you enjoyment by train: in summer, we travel over the legendary ore train line in Lapland between Luleå and Kiruna and in the fall
there is a day trip for the adventurous to the spectacular locomotive
musical “Starlight Express” in Bochum.
By tradition, our spring issue also scores with a strong service section:
the overview of all our Club’s cooperation partners strengthens the
burgeoning travel fever. The table, now covering six pages, is filled
with the railroad sights worth seeing and details of the concessions
enjoyed by members of the Club when they present their Club card.
Enjoy reading your Club News!
Thank you for your cooperation!
Your Trix Club team
3G Media GmbH: Peter Waldleitner
(editor-in-chief), Lars Harnisch, Rochus
Rademacher, Stefanie Hirrle
Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH
Stuttgarter Str. 55 – 57
Gerhard Baumann GmbH & Co. KG
73033 Göppingen, Germany
No liability accepted for any dates given.
E 198514 – 02 2013 © by Gebr. Märklin
Club News is an exclusive part of this publication for Trix Club
members. Subject to changes and delivery options for all the
products mentioned here. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or
in part only with prior written permission. This also applies for
recording in electronic databases and duplication on CD-ROMs. The
Märklin Customer Clubs
Unless indicated otherwise: Trix Club
editor is not liable for any unsolicited submission of manuscripts,
Silvia Römpp (responsible)
Title: C. Dick
photographs or illustrations.
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
News & Facts
New releases show for 2013
At the 35th Intermodellbau in Dortmund
from 10 to 14 April 2013, two complete
exhibition halls are devoted to the top
theme of model railroads. With their many
new releases, Minitrix and Trix are represented in Hall 4 (Stand: A32) – naturally the 2013 Club models are there and
there are demonstration layouts worth
Messe für Modellbau und Modellsport
seeing in N and H0 gauges too. In the
10. - 14. April 2013
Dortmund Westfalenhallen, layout enthusiasts generally have very good value
for money: Around 30 model railway
layouts from several countries in Europe are on show at
the exhibition. In the seven halls taken up by Intermodellbau, all kinds of games in model building are to be found
as well as accessories. Times of opening: 9:00 to 18:00,
Sunday to 17:00. From the city, get there by subway line
U45 or U46 to the stop “Westfalenhallen”. Further
information under:
täglich 9 -18 Uhr • Sonntag 9 -17 Uhr
Besuchen Sie uns auch auf facebook.
Anz. IMO 2013_A4+3mm_4c.indd 1
Well worth a look: at Intermodellbau in Dortmund Trix is showing
the large number of new releases for 2013, including the Club models.
Benefits for Club members
For Club members the price of a day admission
ticket to Intermodellbau is reduced by 2 euro.
Simply present the QR code printed here and your
Club card at one of the box offices and pay less.
Even more elegantly, you can buy your ticket from
the online shop (
intermodellbau). Here you simply enter this code
IBInsider13 (note upper- and lower-case writing)
and print out the ticket. For adults the entrance
fee is then only 9 euro.
On presentation of their Club
card at the Trix Club stand,
Club members will receive an
exhibition memento.
11.10.2012 14:32:38 Uhr
Special car for Intermodellbau
For Intermodellbau in Dortmund, Trix has produced a special car for Minitrix enthusiasts: it is a boxcar “Dortmunder
Actien-Bier” (item 15433). And for H0 enthusiasts there
is a DB refrigerated boxcar with identical lettering (item
44211) – the AC model is suitable for running on Trix layouts after replacement of the wheel sets. The special
cars will be produced as a once-only series and will only
be offered during the Intermodellbau by dealers at the
exhibition and in the Dortmund region.
Fascination of the original:
the newly-tooled “long”
class 103.2 by Minitrix.
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
Give-away at the International Toy Fair
Trix took trade visitors to the
Nuremberg Toy Fair by surprise
with an unusual model: an N-gauge
model of the two-axle oil tank car
with the road number 5473. The
prototype of the model has been
returned to working order by the
association of Friends of the
Historic Port Railroad in Hamburg
With the Club card,
our Club members
enjoy reduced
entrance fees to all
relevant model
railroad exhibitions, and naturally
at all the larger exhibitions like the
Intermodellbau in Dortmund or the
IMA, the Club team is generally
there to welcome our members with
a little present. We do however
ask for your understanding that it
isn‘t possible for the Club to be
represented at every exhibition.
International Toy Fair and Sinsheim Spring Fair
Trix starts product offensive
The 2013 new products from Minitrix and Trix had a successful debut both
at the Nuremberg International Toy Fair and at Faszination Modellbahn in
Sinsheim. The long-established brand is reinforcing its presence with over 100
new models this year; in particular Minitrix is making waves with its new
“long” electric loco of class 103.2 (item 16341, pictured above) or the laser-cut
building kit of Dammtor station (see rear cover of the Club news). There was
plenty of praise for the 2013 Club models from trade visitors in Nuremberg and
they were just as well received at Faszination Modellbahn in Sinsheim: the
elegant and technically outstanding Minitrix-loco 18 612 (see page 6) and the H0
class 58.10-21 steam loco (page 10). The new Trix Express models have also
evoked a very positive response; they include the DB class 103.1 (item 32779)
and the matching set of express train passenger cars “IC ’71” (item 31131).
Club service: certificates
for the class 56.2-8 have
been sent out. As a small
token of thanks for your
orders, we have enclosed
a poster (left) portraying
this unusual steam loco.
Trix-Club-Modell BR 56.2-8
Artikelnummer 22563
Sie galten unter Bahnexperten als etwas
Die Güterzuglokomotiven der Baureihe
Umgebaut aus der preußischen G 8.1
und mit einer Vorlaufachse versehen,
verrichteten die Kraftprotze fast 50
Jahre zuverlässig ihren Dienst.
Für unser Trix-Club-Mitglied
We keep our promise ...
... and have sent our Club members who ordered the second 2012 H0 Club model the
personalized Certificate of Authenticity for the
class 56.2-8 freight train steam loco. As a little
recognition for ordering this exclusive model
we have included in addition to the certificate
a poster of this unusual locomotive. By the
way: the class 56.2-8 Club model was voted
“Model of the Year 2012” by the readers and
editorial staff of the “Eisenbahn Magazin”
(see page 11). Certificates were sent out following delivery of the models to all those
who ordered them.
haben wir das exklusive H0-Modell
der Güterzug-Dampflok 56 362
im Jahre 2012 in einer einmaligen Serie
In Verbindung mit diesem Zertifikat
bestätigen wir die Echtheit des Modells.
Göppingen, im März 2013
Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH
Stefan Löbich
Wolfrad Bächle
Zerti_Trix_D_Maerz.indd 1
19.02.13 13:44
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
Club model 2013 in N: reincarnation of the original
Pearl of German steam
locomotive construction
The 2013 Club model in N as a
preserved loco is also unique: she
is the sole survivor of the elegant
class 18.6 – one of the most economical steam locos ever to run in
Germany. Thanks are due for the
refurbishment and maintenance of
18 612 to steam enthusiasts and a
special patron.
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
Building contractor and railroad enthusiasts
Günter Knauss has an idea: a German steam
locomotive museum (DDM – Deutsche
Dampflok Museum) is to be established in
Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg. As one of the exhibits,
at the start of 1974 the founder therefore
buys the S 3/6 rebuilt loco 18 612, which has
reached the end of its useful life as a
steam-heating loco in Kempten. The loco has
been standing in Munich-East depot since
May 1973, and young steam loco enthusiasts
set about the visual restoration – they will
have invested 3,300 hours of spare time in
the loco at the finish.
“18 612 was not in bad shape; the boiler for
instance was in very good condition”, relates
well-known author Carl Asmus, chairman of
the Dampflok-Gesellschaft München, of his
first impression at that time. A feeling of relief
spreads, as the sands of time have run out for
the black giants of the track; there is no longer any official source of spare parts, such as
a repair workshop. Not only that, there are
few who know much about steam locos. “But
it wasn’t our intention to restore her to working order, just to tidy her up as an exhibit for
the DDM”.
On a careful examination, it transpires that a
number of parts are missing. “They were
obtained from our own stocks and also collectors”, states Carl Asmus and he enumerates: engineer’s cab fittings and gauges,
connecting rods, air- and feed-pumps, draw
hook, safety valves and eccentric rods. Then
along come the railroad experts and set to
work on 18 612 with wrenches, hammers,
filler and pneumatic needle descalers. First of
all the team remove parts like the smoke
deflectors, then clean the smokebox and firebox. Then the metal parts are machined,
polished and primered. “Surface rust is no
Delivery: from 13 to 14 June
1975, four steam locos – at
the tail end 18 612 – are
moved from Munich into
the steam loco museum at
Refurbishment: the loco
was refurbished in the
Munich East depot. The
smokebox is seen on
the left; the large picture
far left shows the loco,
with its smokebox door
already painted.
Club model 2013: the Minitrix loco 18 612 crosses a bridge – the side view
emphasizes the length of the type bay 2’2’ T 31.7 tender.
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
Finale: 18 612 shortly
before her final painting:
to conserve the budget,
various different priming
paints were simply mixed
together. The final coat of
paint (right) was of course
Side view:
18 612 as a 3-D model
big deal but where rust has penetrated a plate
is welded over or 2-component sealant is
used as filler. It’s all well filled and then ground
flat”. For the final covering coat, some 25 kg
(55 pounds) of paint is applied with a spraygun. The smokebox is also color-keyed, so
that visitors can later follow the course of the
steam passages. “We had no great budget,
and had to go out on the scrounge for most
of the materials we used”, recalls Carl Asmus.
“The paint for instance was donated by the
German Railroad’s own main paint supplier”.
Eighteen months have elapsed when the
final coat of paint is applied, and now the
transfer to Neuenmarkt lies ahead. “18 612
was due to be moved from München Ost
depot with three further steam locos which
patron Günter Knauss had also donated to
the museum”, is how the steam expert describes the task. The locos collected for the
transport are 03 131, 64 295 and 86 283, with
18 612 bringing up the rear, as she is without
a tender. The group is given a schedule to
move on June 13, 1975, leaving Munich at 0:20
and arriving in Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg at
17:30. “Timetables like this are seldom maintained, because the speed of such a consist is
rarely constant and if any delay occurs, regular scheduled traffic must be given priority”.
So the assembly sets off at 25 km/h (16 mph).
“The connecting rods are
removed for the transport. At a higher speed,
the counterweights
would very soon cause a
major imbalance”, says
Carl Asmus by way of explanation for the snail’s
pace. Even so, problems
are already observed
with 18 612 after the first
stage in Freising: the
right hand leading cou-
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
pled axle bearing and one of the leading truck
axles have run hot, and that, despite the axle
bearing having been re-metaled by the Munich
group. “A bearing consists of a bronze shell
with a white metal lining so precisely machined
that the axle rests on it perfectly. A fine film
of oil is intended to reduce friction”, says the
expert. If the white metal lining is any less
than perfectly applied, this causes friction and
that causes heat. “After all, the weight of the
loco is supported on the oil film; the heat
causes the oil to heat up, then to boil and in
the worst case, it will catch fire”.
After a wait to cool down, Landshut is reached
at 9:30. Another six-hour pause is made, and
Neumarkt is reached at 19:00. At 6:45 next
morning, 50 2440 is detailed to haul the array
from Weiden depot – the last trip for this
steam loco too. “Then we finally reached Neuenmarkt at 21:40”, says Carl Asmus, laughing today over the 28-hour lateness. “320 kilometers
(199 miles) in 45 hours – but it was a real railroad adventure, and it was a whole lot of fun”.
Class 18.6 – prototype and model
Closing date fo
March 31, 2013
Any Club member who orders 18 612 as the 2013 Club model
(item 16186) will also be presented with an entrance ticket for
the German steam locomotive museum (DDM) in NeuenmarktWirsberg. This is the preserved loco 18 612, on the refurbishment of which Carl Asmus, Chairman of the Dampflok
Gesellschaft München (, also worked.
“18 612 was rebuilt from 18 520 to her present-day appearance
with a new boiler at Ingolstadt repair workshops from November 2 to December 17, 1954”, the author informs us. “She last
worked from Lindau depot, and was withdrawn from service
in 1964 and then put to work as a preheating loco at Kempten”.
After being refurbished in Munich East depot, then being
transferred to the DDM, she gets the tender from 18 610.
The Z-gauge model of 18 612 is a completely new design. Loco
and tender are of die-cast metal. The can motor with bell-shaped
armature and flywheel is fitted in the boiler, and three axles
are driven by side rods. Special highlights are speed-dependent smoke generator, flickering firebox lighting controlled by
the digital decoder and the engineer’s cab lighting. A book on
the S 3/6 is also supplied, and it includes a chapter on 18 612.
Text: R. Rademacher
Photos: Kötzle, C. Asmus collection
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
Good to know: details of the 2013 H0 Club model prototypes
BR 58.10-21 – in a class of its own
As a loco representing the changing eras between the provincial railroads and the State Railroad era, the
Trix 2013 Club model in H0 has a very special position. The freight train steam loco 58 1836 is not quite a
standard loco; thanks to its design principles, the era III loco was quite simply in a class of its own.
The class 58.10-21 was originally conceived as the Prussian
G 12. Several provincial railroads cooperated in drafting
performance specifications for the machine. “Derived from
a design of 2-10-0 superheated tender loco for the Ottoman
State Railway, Henschel designed the G 12 with a 16-tonne
axle-load and ten coupled wheels”, explains Dr. Andreas
Räntzsch. The Märklin Documentarist emphatically rejects
the expression “standard locomotive” often applied to the
type. “It is no more than joint procurement of a single type,
but that doesn’t mean that spares were precisely standardized or designed to be freely interchangeable from a tolerances point of view”. It was precisely this quality of standardization – even for small parts – which was achieved in
the 1920s, pushed forward in leaps and bounds by progress in engineering machinery design. Admittedly the G 12
(and thus the class 58.10-21) broke away from original
Prussian construction principles. This is evidenced by the
pierced bar-frames, the high pitch of the boiler at 3,000 mm
(9'10") above rail level and the Belpaire firebox – on the
class 58.10-21, a wide fire-grate
was incorporated and fitted
Club model 2013 in H0:
above the axles. “On the
With its performance, the
Prussian P 8, the
prototype represented
long, narrow firethe peak of development of
box was fitted
freight train loco types in
the provincial railroad era.
between the two rear axles. The G 12 however had to fulfill
greater power requirements and this would have demanded such a long firebox that a stoker would scarcely have
been able to fuel the fire”, explains the railroad historian.
“But the most significant breakaway in tradition from the
classic Prussian freight train locomotive types like the G 8.1
and the G 10 was the three-cylinder valve gear”.
With their performance, the G 12 represented the peak of
development of freight train loco types in the provincial
railroad era. “Into the 1940s, the almost 1,500 machines of
the G 12 type were the most important and most powerful
freight train locos – the 35 standard locos of class 43 don’t
really count as competition", is the tribute Documentarist
Dr. Andreas Räntzsch pays to the H0 Club model 2013.
The loco (item 22958) is supplemented by an exclusive
seven-part freight car set (item 24258), including four gondola cars of the interchange series Om 21 (Om Königsberg).
“Between 1927 and 1941, 19,579 Om cars with 20 tonnes
capacity were built. “The DB withdrew the last ones at the
end of the 1960s", says Documentarist Thomas Landwehr,
outlining the type’s history. The freight cars for the Club
members are produced as they were running in about 1952
and all have different road numbers. Naturally, Thomas
Landwehr has chosen interesting examples of the Om
Königsberg: with brakeman’s cab (thus with manual and
compressed air brake), with brakeman’s platform, and with
short underframe without hand-brake (without brakeman’s
cab or platform). The high side gondola set is completed
by three more classics: the open boxcars Om 12
(Om Breslau), Omm 37 (Ommu Duisburg) and
O 11 (O Nürnberg).
Text: RR / photo: Trix
Closing date fo
March 31, 2013
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Day trip to “Starlight Express”
Register without
obligation by
April 30, 2013
Dramatic, exciting and simply an unforgettable experience – the musical
“Starlight Express” celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. The love of railroads naturally links Starlight Express with all model railroaders, so that’s
a good reason to visit the world’s most successful musical. The trip runs on
October 11, 2013 by train from Stuttgart to Bochum to enjoy the matinee
showing of Starlight Express, and we return by train to Stuttgart the same
evening. For this day trip, we of course offer tickets at special prices both for
the rail journey and for the Starlight Express spectacular itself.
Information on registration: Price of the trip including entrance tickets will
be between about 80 and 300 euro, depending on where you join the train.
The day trip to Starlight Express on October 11, 2013 does require a minimum number of participants. Therefore we ask you to register, without committing yourself, by April 30, 2013 under Or you can
call us or send a fax: tel: +49 (0) 71 61/6 08-2 13, fax: +49 (0) 71 61/6 08-3 08
Locomotive honored
Club models are always something rather
special, and that has just been expressly
confirmed for the class 56.2-8 H0 steam locomotive: readers and editorial staff of the
“Eisenbahn Magazin” voted the 2012 Club
model “Model of the Year” in the category
“Additional vote – vehicles”. The reason: “The
fascination of this freight train tender loco
model lies in the uncompromising replication
of all the details and its very good running
characteristics”. The vote acknowledges a
product which represents the “high standard
of today’s model railroad technology”.
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
From July 4 to 8, 2013 through the wide-open spaces of Lapland: the exclusive trip starts from Lule å to Kiruna (above) – always on the track of the Dm3 class
of rod-driven electric locos (right) and the spectacular ore trains.
Experience the uniqueness of Scandinavia with other model railroaders
Journey to the Land of the Midnight Sun
An exclusive trip will transport you in July almost to the end of the earth: immerse yourself in the
wide-open spaces of Lapland and experience its incomparable landscapes and the culture of the Sami
people. Naturally, there must be ample railroad interest in such a trip, so this trip focuses on the
famous ore railroad which will transport you from Luleå on the Baltic Sea over the Arctic Circle to the
most northerly town in Sweden.
This, the ore railroad from Luleå in Sweden to Narvik in
Norway, is the most northerly railroad route connected
with the west European network. The rolling stock in use
is every bit as unique as the line itself. That’s why this
year the class Dm3 heavy ore locomotive with its matching set of ore hoppers has been selected as prototype for
the Trix highlight product in H0 scale.
The seven-hour rail journey runs through the taiga crisscrossed with rivers and is an absolute essential for every
rail enthusiast visitor to Lapland. This exclusive trip from
July 4 to 8, 2013 has of course other highlights waiting for
you: enjoy getting to know about the culture of the Sami
people, find out all about the ore railroad in the railroad
museum and make a visit to the world’s biggest under-
ground iron ore workings. To add to your experiences typical of the country, we invite you to a ride on a dog-sled
with a visit to a traditional husky farm.
One particular feature of the summer in Scandinavia which
must also be mentioned is the fact that the sun doesn’t set
for days, weeks or even months, so you have the chance of
experiencing the midnight sun. The program will obviously
allow time for individual sightseeing, shopping trips and
other additional activities which you can book in advance.
Join other model railroad enthusiasts and be a Scandinavian adventurer and come with us on a trip to admire endless impressive landscapes and to far-off regions where
railroad history was written.
Photos: F. Alm/LKAB, Märklin, Visit Finland
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Register without
obligation by
April 30, 2013
Information on booking
The Scandinavian tour from July 4 to 8, 2013
does require a minimum number of
participants. We therefore ask you to register
by 30 April 2013 without committing yourself,
Or just call us or send us a fax:
tel: +49 (0) 71 61/6 08-2 13
fax: +49 (0) 71 61/6 08-3 08
The midnight sun: night becomes day on this railroad trip through Scandinavia.
Price includes
Day 1: Travel to Luleå, transfer to hotel, short cruise to evening
meal in Hotel Klubbviken
Day 2: Visit to the ore railroad’s museum, run past the signal
tower, guided tour in Gammelstad Church Town (UNESCO world
heritage site), meeting with the biggest Swedish Märklin dealer
Anders Nyström
Day 3: Seven-hour rail journey Luleå-Kiruna, with a break on the
way for a Samian lunch, evening meal in Kiruna in traditional
tents (“Lavvos”)
Day 4: Visit to the biggest underground ore workings in the world,
operated by LKAB, visit to a husky farm with a ride on a dog-sled;
options additionally bookable: river rafting and team-building activities, possible trip with the preserved railroad to the Norwegian border
Day 5: Departure, transfer to the airport
Basic price for the Märklin trip to Scandinavia will be approximately 1,990.- euro per person in a double room. The price includes
the following:
• Outward and return flights with Scandinavian Airlines from/to
German airports
• Four overnights in hotels in standard class rooms, including a
Scandinavian breakfast buffet
• Transfer airport to hotel in Luleå
• Trips in a luxury touring bus
• Entrance fees (boat trip, dog-sled ride)
• Travel documentation
• Information material and travel brochure
• Insolvency insurance
• Local public transport ticket (journey to and from airport within
the travel consortia)
Not included: rafting/team-building, travel cancellation insurance,
tips and incidental expenses.
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
Modules for discovery: In the foreground, N-railroad group leader Michael Kahler portrays operations with a steel girder bridge (center) …
Portrait: BSW Leisure Group Model Railroad Club Hanover
Venue: under track 14
There could hardly be closer contact with the full-size railroad: the BSW Freizeitgruppe
MEC Hanover is at home directly under platform 14 in Hanover Central station.
The N-Gauge group is relatively new to the long-established club. But – typical for
N-fans – the group is one of the most active.
Anything goes: At the BSWMEC Hanover, enthusiasts
of all gauges find a home;
most popular are N and H0
“All of us can do something, all of us together
can do a lot”. When Michael Kahler, leader of
the N-railroad group in the BSW Leisure Group
MEC Hanover, describes the atmosphere
amongst his model railroad colleagues, it
sounds like a motto. Relationships are friendly
and serve a purpose: “As soon as someone
building a layout gets stuck in layout construction or with the electronics, someone comes
up with a tip to help – but that’s normal for us,
anyway”. And his conclusion: “It’s a really
first-class group”.
That was demonstrated in double-quick time
on their first major outing for the N railroaders
at the Leipzig model railroad show. They traveled with around 60 modules in a 7.5-tonner
and in four cars, and the trip was a total success. “With our four stations, a junction and
a marshaling yard, our layout concentrates on
operations. We run transfer trips, and through
passenger cars are shunted at the main stations”, says Michael Kahler, as he describes
what he understands as “really operating
trains”. And that includes the highlight shortly
before the close on the first day of the exhibition. “To impress the spectators – and our own
members – we ran a train 4.5 meters (14'9")
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
… and behind it he hides living cameos – relaxation by the river with its sandbanks and the attractively-planted banks.
long, with 42 cars and 178 axles around the
layout. On the second evening, we beat even
that: 5.30 meters (17'4"), 48 cars, 184 axles.
We had to be wide awake – if you run too fast
or stop, the train can split”.
Our ingredients were obviously to the public’s taste: a great variety of landscapes, doubletrack main line, and plenty of train running,
with up to six moving at once. So that the photographers can have their turn too, all the
N-gauge modules have screens 25 cm (10")
high, and are draped with cloth right to floor
level. Size of the modules is laid down at 80 x
40 cm (15-3/4 x 31-1/2"), although special
modules may have different sizes, and controls
are analog with block control.
A barrier keeps spectators at a distance of
30 cm (12"). N-leader Kahler justifies this
precaution by telling us “Critical vibrations can
easily be caused in the layout if someone
bumps into one of the modules”. It has proved
its value, as entire classes of schoolchildren
besieged the huge layout, consisting of a long
oval with two loops, quite unconcerned by the
restriction. “For half a day they had question
after question for us to answer”, grins Kahler.
“How fast do the trains run, how long do they
need to do a circuit, what locos are they and
how you construct landscapes”.
The N railroaders make up a devoted group –
and they are still an integral part of a greater
whole. “The N railroader club approached us
in 2009”, recalls Bernd Waterholter, chairman
of the BSW Leisure Group MEC Hanover. The
association was formed in 2000 by the merger
of the Model Railroad Club of Hanover and
the railroad and model enthusiasts group in
the railroad social organization (see the box
on “Club history”). “We meet for a club evening
once a week – we, that is around fifty model
railroad fans with a weakness for H0, H0m and
N.” However, the particular gauge preferences make no difference at the meets. “We are
a club; gauge is not important”, as Hans
Zschaler, one of the club members, confirms.
Model railroad activists:
Club chairman Bernd
Waterholter (center) with
N-gauge group leader
Michael Kahler (right) and
the renowned model railroad expert Hans Zschaler.
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
On tour: The N-gaugers travel to the Leipzig Model Railroad Exhibition with every one of their modules, and are rewarded with great applause for their efforts.
Lazybones: In the protected
garden under the fruit tree,
someone is taking a rest –
one of the scenes so popular with exhibition visitors.
The world of work: Highway workers use heavy
equipment to excavate
through the rocks – modeled on real life.
Atmospherics: By using
well-designed lighting,
the conventional road
scene suddenly gets real
The well-known model railroad publicist
came to the club with the MEC Hanover, which
was founded in 1947, and in 1988, he staged
probably the most comprehensive exhibition
ever of Trix and Minitrix in the DB Museum
in Nuremberg. All the members benefit from
the extensive club rooms – space to work
and relax, to store layouts and modules, and
for exhibitions (see box “The club”).
“Three times a year, we set up our N modules
in the largest club room for running days –
only for ourselves, or semi-public with friends
and acquaintances”, as N-gauger Bernd
Grosse tells us, estimating the track length as
a good 120 meters (almost 400'). The modules
are predominantly made at home. “We have a
transition standard for the tracks and the ballast; as far as the landscape is concerned, there
is no restriction”. Naturally, the dozen or so
N-railroaders discuss the themes of the modules before construction starts to clarify where
the modules are to be connected or perhaps
whether a number of extra modules are to be
added. “That’s why you find everything on our
layout: agricultural landscapes with farmsteads, stretches of pure nature with forests
and heathland, towns and villages, industrial
areas – like a container terminal, refineries or a
scrapyard”, says an enthusiastic club member Carsten Fischer. Naturally, the N-gaugers
are represented at the club’s Open Day.
Trains running represent era IV and later, for
a good reason: the layout is of modern design.
“We feel authenticity is important in the trains
we run – that means they can be two meters
(6'6") long”, says N-group leader Michael
Kahler. But of course at the club’s internal
Trix-Clubnews 02 / 2013
Description BSW Leisure Group MEC Hanover
The club: The weekly meetings are generally attended
by some two-thirds of the club’s 60 or so members.
“Some build modules, others discuss the latest model
railroad trends or exchange ideas, and a third group
will be planning excursions to fairs and exhibitions”,
says club chairman Bernd Waterholter describing
the varied activities in the club, which also spill over
beyond official club evenings by arrangement. The
club hold an Open Day once a year, when it goes on
the offensive to advertise its existence. “We present
layouts in all gauges from N and H0 to G”, the club
chairman tells us. “And because there are many
parents who visit us with their children, we set up a
layout with two control units, on which the young
ones themselves can run”. It’s worth the trouble: all
age groups are represented in the club, and so are all
railroad occupations. The committee is elected every
two years at the Annual Meeting and is supported
by the treasurer and the technical manager. The latter
is Michael Kahler, who is also the N-gauge contact.
The club may be contacted by e-mail (kontakt@, or by telephone during club evenings
(Tuesdays, 19:30 – 22:00) on: +49(0)5 11/2 86 25 14).
Further information will be found on the home page
running days there’s nothing at all to stop the
steam loco fan running his own era I treasure.
As to rolling stock, each club member operates his own favorite: one member only runs
freight trains, another favors diesel locos and
a third favors electric locos. Minitrix is there too.
“Minitrix follows a clear philosophy with their
drive-trains – the motor belongs in the steam
loco itself”, says Hans Zschaler, author of the
popular book “Faszination Spur Z” (“The fascination of Z gauge”), putting his finger on
an outstanding characteristic.
“A Minitrix loco is not pushed along by its
tender – and I think that’s how it ought to be”.
Michael Kahler says the draw of Z gauge is
the entire package. “We have the convenience
of building our modules at home, we meet
for companionable running operations and we
put on public exhibitions. All this gives us
enjoyment and self-confidence and it advertises
the club and the model railroad passion itself”. Contact with the other gauges within
History: The Bahn-Sozialwerk Freizeitgruppe Modelleisenbahnclub Hanover offers a “home” for all model
railroaders. “The MEC Hanover in Herrenhausen
and the BSW railroad and model enthusiasts group
both had to vacate their separate rooms in 1999, and
in April 2000 we jointly rented rooms from DB Netz
beneath the track work in Hanover main station”, club
chairman Bernd Waterholter tells us. Other BSW
leisure groups had already found a home here. The
model railroaders undertook a comprehensive renovation of the former DB electrical workshops and the
store of the former carpentry workshop of the DB AG.
“And it has all been worth while, as we have attractive
leisure rooms here, a workshop, dry storage for our
modules where there is little temperature variation and
above all plenty of room for exhibitions”, stresses
Bernd Waterholder. In 2009, an association of N-gauge
enthusiasts joined forces with the amalgamated
club. “I simply made contact with the deputy chairman of the club, Günter Jungk”, recalls Michael
Kahler, today technical manager of the club and leader
of the N-gauge section. “We reached an agreement
very quickly, and we were very well received with our
Hats off!: The collection
of international railroaders’
hats in the club rooms goes
to show just how deeply
the model railroaders are
involved in railroads.
the club is also highly valued: “As I said earlier,
’All of us can do something, all of us together
can do a lot’”.
Text: R. Rademacher
Photos: M. Grosse, BSW-MEC Hanover, RR
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
The Trix Club Cooperation Partners
As a Club member, you qualify for many discounts – here is an overview of your benefits.
Your Club benefits
01067 Dresden, Transport Museum, Dresden, Augustusstr. 1
Tel.: +49 (0)3 51/8 64 40
[email protected],
Club members pay the adult group admission
fee of 3 euro
01187 Dresden, Eisenbahnmuseum Bw Dresden-Altstadt, Freizeitgruppe der Stiftung
BSW, Zwickauer Str. 86, tel.: +49 (0)1 62/7 83 86 03
[email protected],
Reduced admission, 2 instead of 3 euro,
for an adult
01219 Dresden, Dresdner Parkeisenbahn, Grosser Garten,
Tel.: +49 (0)3 51/44 56-795
[email protected],
(increased admission fees apply for special events)
Club members receive 10 % discount on all
01824 Rathen, Trainworlds in Kurort Rathen, Elbweg 10
Tel.: +49 (0)3 50 21/5 94 28
[email protected],
Club members receive a 1 euro discount on the
regular admission fee and 2 euro discount on
the family ticket
01829 Stadt Wehlen, Miniature park “The Little Saxonian Switzerland”, Schustergasse
8, Ortsteil Dorf Wehlen, Tel.: +49 (0)3 50 24/7 06 31
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on the regular admission fee
and 2.50 euro on the family ticket
02943 Weisswasser, Muskau Forestry Railroad, Jahnstr. 53 A
Tel.: +49 (0) 35 76/20 74 72
[email protected],
Travel on the train at a reduced price
(children’s price) on publicly-scheduled trains
06484 Quedlinburg, Central German Railroad and Toy Museum, Blasiistr. 22
Tel.: +49 (0) 39 46/9 01 95 26 or +49 (0) 39 46/37 51
[email protected],
20 % discount on the regular admission fee
06571 Wiehe, Modellbahn-Wiehe, Am Anger 19
Tel.: +49 (0)3 46 72/8 36 30
[email protected],
Discount of 2.50 euro on the regular
admission fee
On presentation of the Club card 10 % discount
09488 OT Schönfeld, Erz Mountains model railroad land – world of experience for
young and old, Mittelweg 4, Thermalbad Wiesenbad, tel.: +49 (0) 37 33/59 63 57 on the admission fee for an adult or on the
family ticket
[email protected],
09548 Seiffen, Erz Mountains Toy Museum, Hauptstr. 73
Tel./fax: +49 (0)3 73 62/82 39
[email protected],
Club members pay the reduced admission
fee of 3.– instead of 3.50 euro
14728 Klessen, Spielzeugmuseum im Havelland e. V., Schulweg 1
Tel.: +49 (0)3 32 35/2 93 11, [email protected]
Club members pay 4.– instead of 5.– euro
16348 Wandlitz (OT Basdorf), Berliner Eisenbahnfreunde e. V., An der Wildbahn 2 A
Tel.: +49 (0)3 33 97/7 26 56
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on the admission fee to the
museum. A discount of 2 euro is given on the
purchase of a round trip ticket.
20355 Hamburg, Modelleisenbahn Hamburg e. V., in the Hamburg Museum,
Foundation for Museum of Hamburg History, Holstenwall 24
Tel.: +49 (0) 40/31 44 35,
A discount of 1.50 euro on the admission
fee for an adult to the Hamburg Museum
20457 Hamburg, Miniature Wonderland, Kehrwieder 2/Block D
Tel.: +49 (0) 40/36 09 11 57
[email protected],
Discount of 1.- euro on the admission fee for an
20457 Hamburg, Hamburg Dungeon, Kehrwieder 2 (in the Speicherstadt)
Tel.: +49 (0) 40/36 00 55 20
[email protected],
Club members plus a maximum of three
companions receive a discount of 3.– euro on
the normal admission fee
Please note: Always take your Club card with you to the events to verify your Club membership.
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Club info
Your Club benefits
25840 Friedrichstadt, Modellbahn-Zauber, Sönke Röckendorf e. K., Brückenstr. 18
Tel.: +49 (0) 48 81/5 25
[email protected],
10 % discount on the regular admission fee
27305 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein e. V., Bahnhof 1
Tel.: +49 (0) 42 52/93 00-0
[email protected],
On presentation of their round-trip ticket (Bruchhausen-Vilsen to Asendorf and return), Club members receive
a complimentary hot or cold drink and choice of pastry
(subject to availability)
28359 Bremen, Universum® Bremen, Wiener Str. 1a
Tel.: +49 (0)4 21/33 46-0
[email protected],
Exhibition catalog “Universum® Bremen
PfadFinder” as a gratis present
29614 Soltau, Spielzeugmuseum Soltau, Poststrasse 7
Tel.: +49 (0) 51 91/8 21 82
[email protected],
Club members receive a discount of 1 euro on
the day ticket for an adult and 50 cents
discount for a child
33014 Bad Driburg, Modellbahnschau MO 1:87, im Bad Driburg freight station
Brakeler Str. 4, Tel.: +49 (0) 52 53/93 40 84
[email protected],
Discount of 10 % on the admission fee for an
36041 Fulda, Deutsches Feuerwehr-Museum, St. Laurentius-Strasse 3
Tel.: +49 (0)6 61/7 50 17
[email protected],
On production of their Club card, Club
members pay the reduced admission fee of
2 euro instead of 3 euro
36093 Künzell, Fulda-Künzell Model Railroad, Johann-Friedrich-Böttger-Str. 2
Tel.: +49 (0)1 71/5 32 65 47
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on the admission fee for an
adult. Discount of 2.– euro on the family ticket
(2 adults plus one or two children)
36381 Schlüchtern, Model railroad in the Local History Museum Schlüchtern,
Schlossstrasse 15, tel.: +49 (0) 66 61/85-7 24 or 85-7 50
[email protected],
On presenting their Club card, Club members
pay 2.50 euro instead of 3 euro for an adult
admission fee
38855 Wernigerode, Miniaturenpark “Kleiner Harz”, Dornbergsweg 27
Tel.: +49 (0) 39 43/40 89 10 11
[email protected],
Club members receive a discount of 1.- euro
on the admission fee
40213 Düsseldorf, Film museum of the State capital of Düsseldorf, Schulstr. 4
Tel.: +49 (0)2 11/8 99-22 32 (pay box from 11:00), -22 56 (register for guided tours)
[email protected],
Club members plus one further
person pay the reduced admission
fee of 1.50 instead of 3.– euro
40863 Ratingen, Deutsche Briefmarken-Revue, Postfach 10 82 54
Tel.: +49 (0) 21 02/5 06 75, [email protected]
Introductory subscription (6 issues of this
monthly publication) at the special rate of
8 euro (inland) or 11 euro (abroad)
42659 Solingen, Schlossbauverein, Burg an der Wupper e. V., Schlossplatz 2
Tel.: +49 (0)2 12/24 22-6 26
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on the museum admission
fee to visit the historic railroad layout (Wednesdays and Saturdays)
44879 Bochum, Bochum Railway Museum, Dr.-C.-Otto-Str. 191
Tel.: +49 (0)2 34/49 25 16, [email protected]
Admission fee for adults 6.– instead of 6.50 euro,
children 6 –14 pay 3.– instead of 3.50 euro
45899 Gelsenkirchen, Der Deutschland-Express, Am Bugapark 1c
Tel.: +49 (0)2 09/5 08 36 60
[email protected],
Discount of 30 % on the regular admission fee
48531 Nordhorn, Nordhorn Model Railroad Enthusiasts, Oorder Weg 97
Tel.: +49 (0) 59 21/8 19 17 75
0.50 euro discount on the admission fee
49090 Osnabrück, Museum of Industrial Culture, Osnabrück, Süberweg 50a
Tel.: +49 (0)5 41/12 24 47
[email protected],
Club members receive a Club card discount of
1.50 euro on the admission fee for an adult or
on the family ticket
50739 Köln, Rheinisches Industriebahn Museum Köln e. V., Longericherstrasse 249
Tel.: +49 (0) 24 21/7 08 40 94 or 01 62/7 42 34 62
[email protected],
Club members pay 2.50 euro instead
of 4 euro admission fee for an adult.
Children pay 1.50 euro instead of 2.– euro
51645 Gummersbach, Railroad Museum Dieringhausen, Hohler Str. 2
Tel.: +49 (0) 22 61/94 76 21
Discount of 20 % on the admission fee for an
52538 Gangelt, Kleinbahnmuseum Selfkantbahn, Bahnhof Schierwaldenrath
Am Bahnhof 13 a, tel.: +49 (0) 24 54/66 99 or +49/(0)2 41/8 23 69
[email protected],
Discount of 2 euro on the price of a round trip
ticket for an adult
Photos (collage page 18): Porsche Museum, Modellbahnhof Stockheim GbR, Dresden Parkeisenbahn, Miniaturpark Wernigerode, Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein e. V.,
Härtsfeld-Museumsbahn, Märklin / photos (l. to r.): Toy Museum Soltau, Trainworlds in Kurort Rathen, Railroad Experience World, Horb on the Neckar
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Club info
Your Club benefits
54290 Trier, Trier Spielzeugmuseum e. V., Dietrichstr. 51
Tel.: +49 (0)6 51/7 58 50
[email protected],
Discount of 25 % on the regular admission
fee (excluding family tickets)
57518 Betzdorf, Eisenbahnfreunde Betzdorf e. V., Nizzaweg 25
Tel.: +49 (0)2 71/2 34 63 58; +49 (0) 27 41/93 48 29, Mon. to Fri. from 08:00 to 19:00
[email protected],
Discount of 10 % on the fare for an adult
60314 Frankfurt/Main, Historische Eisenbahn Frankfurt e. V., Intzestr. 34
Tel. +49 (0) 69/43 60 93, [email protected]
Discount of 10 % on the regular price of
tickets for Hafenbahn trips
61212 Bad Nauheim, Eisenbahnfreunde Wetterau e. V.
Tel.: +49 (0) 60 32/92 92 29
[email protected],
Discount of 50% on the regular price of
train trips
61444 Steinbach (Taunus), JOFFI® GmbH – Simulator Events, Postfach 113
Tel.: +49 (0) 61 71/98 10 67
[email protected],
Experience a flight simulator at a special price
63695 Glauburg/Stockheim, Modellbahnhof Stockheim GbR, Bahnhofstr. 51
Tel.: +49 (0) 60 41/9 60 12 21
[email protected],
Discount of 1.– euro on the admission fee,
family tickets instead of 11 euro only 9 euro
64291 Darmstadt, Darmstadt-Kranichstein Railroad Museum, Steinstr. 7
Tel.: +49 (0) 61 51/37 64 01, Fax/Info-Tel.: +49 (0) 61 51/37 76 00
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on the regular admission fee
64658 Fürth, Modellbahnschau Odenwald, Siemensring 9
Tel.: +49 (0)1 72/6 25 25 95
[email protected],
Club members pay 5.50 instead of 6 euro
admission fee for an adult
65385 Rüdesheim-Assmannshausen, Rössler Line Shipping
Lorcherstr. 34, tel.: +49 (0) 67 22/23 53
[email protected],
Discount of 30 % on the regular adult ticket
price for all scheduled Rhine trips
67346 Speyer, Technik Museum Speyer, Am Technik Museum
Tel.: +49 (0) 62 32/67 08-0
Club members pay the advertised group
admission fee
67403 Neustadt, Eisenbahnmuseum Neustadt/Weinstraße, Postfach 10 03 18, tel.:
+49 (0) 63 21/3 03 90 (Museum & Kuckucksbähnel) Tu. to Fri. from 9:00 to 13:00;
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on the admission fee to
the museum for an adult
68165 Mannheim, TECHNOSEUM (Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit)
Museumsstr. 1, tel.: +49 (0)6 21/42 98-9
Discount of 2 euro on the admission fee for
an adult to the permanent exhibition
70001 Stuttgart, UEF-Historischer Dampfschnellzug e. V., Postfach 100116
To order tickets: Tel.: +49 (0) 7 11/1 20 97 05
[email protected],
Discount of 10 % on the ticket price for
an adult
70435 Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, Porsche-Museum, Porscheplatz 1
Tel.: +49 (0)7 11/911-20911, Tu. to Sun. and on public holidays, open 9:00 to 18:00.
[email protected],
On presentation of their Club card, Club
members pay only 4,– instead of 8,– euro
admission, including audio-guide
72074 Tübingen, Boxenstop Auto and Toy Museum, Brunnenstr. 18
Tel.: +49 (0) 70 71/92 90 20 oder 55 11 22
[email protected],
Club members pay the group adult admission
fee of 4.50 instead of 5 euro
72160 Horb am Neckar, SVG Railroad Experience World Horb on the Neckar
Isenburger Str. 16/2, Museumshalle, Tel.: +49 (0) 74 51/55 57 50
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on the regular
admission fee
73326 Deggingen, INTI Tours e. K., Hauffstr. 15
Tel.: +49 (0) 73 34/95 97 41
[email protected],
Discount of 7 % on advertised rail trips
73450 Neresheim, Härtsfeld-Museumsbahn, Dischinger Str. 11
Tel.: +49 (0) 73 26/57 55 or Tel.: +49 (0) 1 72/9 11 71 93
[email protected],
Club members receive 50 cents discount
on a ticket (round trip ticket 6 euro)
74080 Heilbronn, Süddeutsches Eisenbahnmuseum Heilbronn e. V., Leonhardstr. 15
Tel.: +49 (0) 71 31/3 90 74 34
Discount of 1.– euro on the admission fee
for an adult
Photos (l. to r.): Miniature World of Experience Dietenhofen, Odenwald Model Railroad Show, Railroad Museum Darmstadt-Kranichstein
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Your Club benefits
74564 Crailsheim, DBK Historische Bahn e. V., Horaffenstr. 32
Tel.: +49 (0)7 00/32 58 01 06
Discount of 10 % on all shuttle trips operated
by the DBK in the Wieslauftal and on DB lines
74889 Sinsheim, Auto & Technik Museum Sinsheim, Museumsplatz
Tel.: +49 (0) 72 61/9 29 90
Club members pay the advertised group
admission fee
77756 Hausach, Black Forest Model Railroad Hausach, Eisenbahnstr. 52a
Tel.: +49 (0) 78 31/96 60 10
[email protected],
Discount of 50 cents on the admission fee
for an adult
78170 Blumberg, Sauschwänzlebahn (Stadt Blumberg), Postfach 120
Tel.: +49 (0) 77 02/47 76 04
[email protected],
Please ask the promoter directly for details of
your Club benefit
78628 Rottweil, Eisenbahnfreunde Zollernbahn e. V., Bahnhof 10/1
Tel.: +49 (0)7 41/17 47 08 18
Discount of 25 % on fares for trips organized
by the association
79822 Titisee-Neustadt, Märklin-World Titisee, Seestr. 21/1
Tel.: +49 (0)1 71/4 25 59 46
[email protected],
Club members receive a 1.- euro discount on the
admission fee for the Märklin-World Art Gallery,
Adventure Minigolf and combined ticket
79859 Schluchsee, Model Railroad Center Schluchsee, Eisenbreche 4
Tel.: +49 (0) 76 56/98 84 01
[email protected],
Club members receive 50 cents discount on the
admission fee for an adult, 1.50 euro on the
family ticket
82031 Geiselgasteig, Bavaria Filmstadt, Bavariafilmplatz 7
Tel.: +49 (0) 89/64 99 20 00
[email protected],
Club members receive a 1.– euro reduction on
the cost of a guided tour and on the “Filmstadt
83395 Freilassing, Loco World Freilassing, Westendstr. 5
Tel.: +49 (0) 86 54/77 12 24 (Mon. to Fri. 8:00 to 12:00) or 77 12 25
[email protected],
Club members pay the reduced admission fee
of 3.50 euro instead of 4.50 euro
85716 Unterschleissheim, MICHEL Schwaneberger Verlag, Ohmstr. 1
Tel.: +49 (0) 89/3 23 93 02
Discount of 20 % on ordering the MICHEL
on-line catalog and on all MICHEL software
86159 Augsburg, Bahnpark Augsburg, Firnhaberstr. 22c
Tel.: +49 (0)8 21/45 04 47-100
[email protected],
Club members receive a discount of 2 euro
on all regular admission fees
86720 Nördlingen, Bavarian Railroad Museum Nördlingen, Am hohen Weg 6a
Tel.: +49 (0) 90 83/3 40, [email protected]
Discount of 50 % on the regular
admission fee
87534 Oberstaufen, Mini-World Oberstaufen, Wengen 15
tel: +49 (0) 83 86/96 07 11
[email protected],
50 cents discount on the regular
admission fee
87616 Marktoberdorf-Thalh., Eisenbahn Museum & Laden Allgäu, Am Hörtnagel 2
Tel.: +49 (0) 83 42/91 61 60, [email protected],
Club members pay 3 instead of 4 euro
admission fee to the museum
88416 Ochsenhausen, Öchsle-Bahn-Betriebsgesellschaft
Tel.: +49 (0) 73 52/92 20 26
[email protected],
Discount of 20 % on the regular fare for trips
on the Öchsle narrow-gauge railroad
89537 Giengen/Brenz, Steiff Museum, Margarete-Steiff-Platz 1
Tel.: +49 (0) 18 05/13 11 01
[email protected],
Club members pay the reduced admission fee
of 7.– instead of 8.– euro; the family ticket costs
16.– instead of 20.– euro
90443 Nuremberg, DB Museum in the Nuremberg Museum of Transport, Lessingstr. 6 Discount of 1.– euro on the admission fee for
an adult
Tel.: +49 (0)9 11/2 19 24 28, [email protected]
90599 Dietenhofen, Miniature World of Experience, Langenzenner Strasse 10
Tel.: +49 (0) 98 24/92 31 20
[email protected],
Discount of 1.– euro on the admission fee
91541 Rothenburg o. d. Tauber, Puppen- und Spielzeugmuseum, Hofbronnengasse 13
Tel.: +49 (0) 98 61/73 30, [email protected]
Club members pay the reduced admission
fee of 3.50 euro
Photos (l. to r.): Schluchsee Model Railroad Center, Bavaria Film City, Miniature World Oberstaufen, Bavarian Railway Museum Nördlingen
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Your Club benefits
91757 Treuchtlingen, Miniaturland Treuchtlingen, Elkan-Naumburgstraße 35
Tel.: +49 (0) 91 43/83 78 51
[email protected],
On production of their Club card, Club
members pay 4 instead of 5 euro. Children up
to 12 years pay 2.– euro instead of 3.– euro
94032 Passau, Passauer Eisenbahnfreunde e. V., Haitzinger Str. 12
Tel.: +49 (0)8 51/9 66 39 71
[email protected],
Discount of 20 % on all fares for special trains
operated by the PEF
95339 Neuenmarkt, German Steam Locomotive Museum, Birkenstr. 5
Tel.: +49 (0) 92 27/57 00
[email protected],
Please ask the promoter directly for details
of your Club benefit
Club members receive a 30 % discount
on the purchase of a CinemaxX-Card
CinemaxX – the film palace
2231 Strasshof, Strasshof Railway Museum, Sillerstr. 123, tel. +43 (0) 22 87/30 27 11
(Tu., Wed., Thur. 10:00 to 13:00) [email protected],
Discount of 0.80 euro on the regular admission
2320 Schwechat, Eisenbahnmuseum Gross Schwechat, Sendnergasse 26
Tel.: +43 (0)6 76/4 75 75 97
[email protected],
2,– euro reduction on the admission price for
adults, 1.- euro reduction for children. 3.- euro
reduction on the family ticket.
4843 Ampflwang im Hausruckwald, Loco park Ampflwang, Bahnhofstr. 29
Tel.: +43 (0)6 64/5 08 76 64, 10:00 to 17:00
[email protected],
Club members receive a discount of 1 euro on the
5020 Salzburg, Spielzeug Museum Salzburg, Bürgerspitalgasse 2
Tel.: +43 (0)6 62/6 20 80 83 00
Discount of 50 cents on the regular adult
admission fee
6020 Innsbruck, Localbahnmuseum der Tiroler MuseumsBahnen,
Pater-Reinisch-Weg 4, tel.: +43 (0)6 64/1 11 60 01 (Herr Lassnig)
[email protected],
Club members pay the advertised group
admission fee when visiting the museum
6870 Bezau, Bregenzerwaldbahn “Wälderbähnle”, Verein BregenzerwaldbahnMuseumsbahn, Bahnhof 147, tel.: +43 (0)6 64/4 66 23 30
[email protected],
Discount of 1 euro on an adult single ticket
1897 Le Bouveret, Swiss Vapeur Parc
Tel.: +41 (0)2 44 81 44‑10
CH [email protected],
Discount of 25 % on the regular
admission fee
6850 Mendrisio, Galleria Baumgartner, Via Stefano Franscini 24
Tel.: +41 (0) 91/6 40 04 00
CH [email protected],
Discount of 2 CHF on the regular
admission fee
8914 Aeugstertal, PEGASUS SMALL WORLD, Habersaat 3 beim Türlersee
Tel.: +41 (0) 17 76 22 77
CH [email protected],
Admission is free
68200 Mulhouse, Cité du Train, 2, rue Alfred-de-Glehn
Tel.: +33 (0)3 89 42 83 33
[email protected],
5000 Odense, The Danish Railway Museum, Dannebrogsgade 24
Tel.: +45 (0) 66 13 66 30
DK [email protected],
ad-mission price and only pay 14 euro instead of 16 euro
for a combined ticket (Loco park + museum rail trip)
Club members receive a discount on
the admission fee
Club members plus max. 2 adults and 3
children receive a discount of 25 percent on the
respective admission fees
Please note: always take your Club card with you to the events to verify your Club membership.
Photos (l. to r.): Railway Museum Schwechat, Verein Bregenzerwald Museum Railroad, Miniature World of Experience Dietenhofen,
Miniature park “The Miniature Saxonian Switzerland”, Loco park Ampflwang, Miniature Wonderland Hamburg, The Danish Railway Museum
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Club info
Miniworld Rotterdam
Miniworld Rotterdam
Weena 745, 3013 AL Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0) 10 / 2 40 05 01
Email: [email protected]
Home page:
Times of opening: Wed., Thur. and Fri. 12:00–17:00; Sat. and Sun. 10:00–17:00. Exception:
From April to June we are open on Weds. 12:00–17:00 and Sat. and Sun. 10:00–17:00.
Extended opening hours apply during school holidays: current information is to be found
on our home page.
» Your Club benefit: Club members receive
a discount of 20 percent on the standard
admission fees. Adults therefore pay
7.88 euro, children (3 –12 years) 5.84 euro
and seniors (65+) 6.76 euro. Admission
for accompanied children under 3 is free.
Miniworld Rotterdam is an attraction for the entire family. The mini-inhabitants of the
biggest miniature world in the Benelux countries don’t just live and travel; they enjoy exciting
adventures as well. So for the spectator on a tour of discovery, time goes by in a flash. One
day in the Miniworld Rotterdam lasts exactly 24 minutes – then night falls and thousands
of lights twinkle in the darkness. In the twilight, the population of over 27,000 awakes and
life comes into the tiny world: trains run, trucks carry their loads to Europe’s biggest
miniature port – everything starts to move again. Party arrangements are also available for
the Miniworld Rotterdam, for instance as works outings, familiarization tourism, school
trips and children’s parties. A guided tour behind the scenes is also offered.
Five highlights for Club members
Unforgettable moments are waiting for Club members at the two musicals “Starlight Express” and “Cats”, also at the “Quatsch Comedy
Club”, the rhythm-dance performance “Mayumana” and the exciting
exhibition “Top Secret”– and there are reductions on all events. In
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s helter-skelter roller-skate musical “Starlight
Express” in Bochum, the audience is live at the Locomotive World
Championships. The original musical “Cats” is on tour in Frankfurt/Main
(09.04. – 09.05.2013) and Graz (16.05. – 16.06.2013). “Mayumana” is
running at the Capitol Theater Düsseldorf (20.08.–25.08.2013) and the
stand-up comedy show “Quatsch Comedy Club” (26./27.04.2013;
24./25.05.2013 and 28./29.06.2013). The great exhibition “Top Secret –
the secret world of espionage!” is open 365 days a year in the very
heart of the Ruhr – directly by the CentrO Oberhausen (
» Your Club benefit: On quoting PIN 123953, Club members receive a
discount of 10 % on the net value of tickets for the five events listed above.
Tickets and information can be obtained under +49 (0)2 11/7 34 41 20.
Tension, action and spectacle Discounts are also
offered on the espionage exhibition “Top Secret”
and the musicals “Starlight Express” and “Cats”.
Maxi-stage for Minitrix stars
Dammtor station forms a great backdrop for models
With the laser-cut building kit Dammtor station (item 66140) for
Z gauge, Minitrix has hit the bull’s-eye. At 729 mm (28-3/4")
long, the station is imposing, the building, in an Edwardian
Baroque style, is pretty as a picture and since the days of
the Kaiser, all the finest trains have stopped there, including
F-trains and the ICE. Thus this major Hamburg station forms a
super platform for presenting fantastic Minitrix models. In the
E 198514
picture (from left) are 218 153-8 (12393) in traffic red, the striking
green diesel loco 220 053 (16221) of the Brohtal Eisenbahn
(BE) as V 200 of the DB and naturally the electric loco 103 235-8
(16341) – the celebrated new tooling of the stretched class 103.2.
Two further laser-cut kits are available as authentic scale extensions to the station: The Dammtor bridge (66141) and then the
Dammtor arcades (66142) connect up with the four-track station.