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Johann Amos Comenius was the first who demanded a teaching based on action. He
wanted that all teachers should note this golden rule:
“ Everything should, as far as possible, be placed before the senses. Everything visible
should be brought before the organ of sight, everything audible before that of hearing.
Odours should be placed before the sense of smell, and things that are testable and
tangible before the sense of taste and of touch respectively.“
This basic thought is also the basis of our (new) comeniusproject.
In September 2012 our idea became reality. The EU-Comission had approved our applications. The Friedrich-Staedtler-Schule started the common work at the project,
named „European baking, let’s get together“, with schools from Geel (Belgium),
Polvijärvi (Finland) and Anzio (Italy).
The structure of the work followed the discussions in working out the application of the
So year one was based on the sign of growing cereals and its processing up to concrete actions of baking bread. The typical recipes were from the participating partners.
In year two we extended the subject into typical bakery products of the individual regions. After having filled out a questionnaire with children’s favorite baked goods, all
partners introduced their three favorite recipes. Pupils tried out these recipes and
judged the taste.
All recipes of year one and two are now the framework of this recipe-book.
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Thanks to staff and children
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Chapter 1: All about bread
breadrecipes of the different countries
Page 6
Chapter 1: All about bread:
45 cl of water (at room temperature)
750 g white flour (for bread and pastry)
15 g fresh yeast
10 g butter
15 g salt
How to make
1. Take a large mixing bowl.
2. Pour the water and crumble the fresh yeast in there. Stir and dissolve the yeast in the
3. Weigh the flour and place them in the water with the yeast.
4. Place the softened butter in the pot and salt.
5. Knead the dough for fifteen minutes with the dough hook until it’s smooth soft.
6. Sprinkle a little flour on your work board. Pull the dough from the dough hook and
scoop it out of the board.
7. Sprinkle some flour on your work surface and knead the dough for a few minutes by
hand. Make it a nice solid sphere. Powder a little flour on the dough ball and place the
damp towel over. Set aside for 15 minutes.
8. Knead the dough for a few minutes and squeeze out any bubbles that were formed
during rising. If the dough is too sticky, then sprinkle a little flour over quite yet. Now the
dough a little 'balls' to a perfect round shape.
9. Lay a sheet of parchment paper (or a silicone mat) on a baking sheet, and place the
dough ball on.
10. Using a knife crosswise few shallow incisions in the top of the dough.
11. Put the ball back under the damp towel and let rise for 40 minutes.
12. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. As with a shallow dish on the bottom of the oven.
13. Slide the bread dough in the oven at 220 ° C and pour some water into the dish. The
hot steam will provide a nice bread crust. Be careful and make sure you do not burn!
Bake for 45 minutes.
14. NOTE: Open the oven after 30 minutes and leave the oven door slightly ajar. Clamp
a metal or wooden spatula between the oven door. Let the bread bake for 15 minutes.
Page 7
Hoofdstuk 1: broodgerechten:
45 cl water (kamertemperatuur)
750 g bloem (bloem)
15 g verse gist
10 g boter
15 g zout
1. Neem een grote mengkom.
2. Giet het water en verkruimel de verse gist in. Roer en los de gist op in het water.
3. Weeg de bloem en meng met het water en de gist.
4. Doe de zachte boter in de pot en zout.
5. Kneed het deeg een kwartier met de haak deeg tot een gladde zachte bol.
6 . Strooi een beetje bloem op je werkblad. Trek het deeg uit de haak deeg en schep
het uit de kom.
7 . Strooi wat bloem op het werkvlak en kneed het deeg voor een paar minuten met de
hand. Maak een mooi solide bol. Poeder een beetje bloem op de bal deeg en leg de
vochtige handdoek over . Zet opzij gedurende 15 minuten.
8 . Kneed het deeg een paar minuten en knijp de eventuele luchtbellen die tijdens rijzen
werden gevormd . Als het deeg te plakkerig, strooi dan een beetje bloem over het geheel . Nu moet je het deeg een beetje ' ballen ' tot een perfecte ronde vorm.
9 . Leg een vel bakpapier ( of een siliconen mat ) op een bakplaat en leg de bal deeg
10 . Met een mes snij je dwars een paar ondiepe insnijdingen in de bovenkant van het
11 . Leg de bal terug onder de vochtige handdoek en laat rijzen gedurende 40 minuten.
12 . Verwarm de oven tot 220 ° C.
13 . Schuif het brooddeeg in de oven op 220 ° C. Zet een ondiepe schaal met water op
de bodem van de oven. De hete stoom zal een mooie korst rond het brood voorzien.
Wees voorzichtig en zorg ervoor dat je je niet verbrandt! Bak gedurende 45 minuten.
14 . OPMERKING : Open de oven na 30 minuten en laat de ovendeur op een kier. Klem
een metalen of houten spatel tussen de ovendeur. Bak het brood verder gedurende 15
Page 8
Chapter 1: All about bread: Rye Bread
½ litre water
½ litre buttermilk
2½ tea spoon salt
8½ dl ( =500g) rye flour
100 g fresh yeast (=44g dried
and also
5 dl (=300g) wheat flour
3½ dl (=200g)rye flour
How to do
Combine buttermilk, water, salt, 500g of rye flour and the yeast. Mix them well.
Let the dough rest for half an hour. Add the rest of the flour and mix well again.
Knead and roll. Bake the bread. Let them rest and rise for half an hour.
Bake in oven at 225 C for 15 minutes. Split the breads
Page 9
½ l vettä
½ l piimää
2½ tl suolaa
8½ dl ruisjauhoja
100 g hiivaa
5 dl vehnäjauhoja
3½ dl ruisjauhoja
Sekoita keskenään aineosat ja anna seisoa puoli tuntia.
Lisää loput jauhot, vaivaa taikina hyvin.
Kaulitse sitten taikina 1 cm:n paksuiseksi levyksi
jauhoja apuna käyttäen ja pistele levyyn reikiä
Leikkaa levystä valitsemaasi kuviota (klassisia
suorakulmioita teet veitsellä, pyöreitä tai esimerkiksi
sydämen muotoisia leipiä saat vaikkapa
Nostata liinan alla lämpimässä paikassa n. 20 min.
Paista 15 min. 225 C asteessa.
Paiston jälkeen viillä leipien reunat veitsellä (kuljeta
veistä reunan ympäri, n. puoli senttiä syvä halkeama
riittää) ja repäise puoliskot irti toisistaan. Repimällä
saa aikaiseksi ruispaloista tutun "rypyläisen" pinnan.
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Chapter 1: All about bread:
Dark Rye bread
750 g rye flour
15 g yeast
1 teaspoon of sugar
375 ccm warm water
100 ccm citron juice( out of concentrated citron juice)
3 teaspoons of salt
a little bit of onion-salt; caraway and cardamom
Put the flour into a bowl, make a hole in the middle, put the yeast into the hole and add
sugar and 1 cup of water.
Let it rise for 15 Minutes
Add the other ingredients, mix it all with a hand mixer ( kneading hook) until the mixture
comes off the edge of the bowl.. Dust the mixture with flour, cover it with a towel and let it
(ca. 60 minutes )
Flour your hands and work the dough thoroughly .Make an oval bread and put it onto a
floured baking tray.
Let it rise about 50 minutes
Put the baking tray with the bread into the preheated oven on the middle shelf (280° Celsius)
Lower the temperature to 200° Celsius after five minutes..
Brush it with some water in between.
Baking time:
Electric cooker: 65 minutes at 200 ° C
Gas cooker: 65
minutes at position
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Kapitel 1: Brotrezepte
Dunkles Roggenbrot
750 g Roggenmehl Typ 1370,
15 g Hefe,
1 Teel. Zucker,
375 ccm warmes Wasser,
100 ml (100 ccm) Zitronen-Würzmittel
aus konzentriertem Zitronensaft,
3 Teel. Salz,
etwas Zwiebelsalz, Kümmel und Kardamom
Mehl in eine große Schüssel geben, in die Mitte eine Vertiefung drücken und die Hefe
hineinbröckeln. Zucker und 1 Tasse Wasser darüber geben.
15 Minuten gehenlassen.
Die restlichen Zutaten zufügen und mit dem Handrührgerät (Knethaken) verkneten, bis
der Teig sich vom Schüsselrand löst. Den Teig mit Mehl bestäuben, mit einem Tuch abdecken und gehenlassen, bis der Teig sich verdoppelt hat (ca. 60 Minuten).
Mit bemehlten Händen den Teig auf dem Backbrett gut durchkneten, ein ovales Brot formen und auf das bemehlte Backblech setzen.
Etwa 50 Minuten gehen lassen.
Das Backblech auf mittlerer Schiene in den vorgeheizten Ofen schieben.
Wenn das Brot an der Oberfläche nicht reißen soll, kurz
mit 280 Grad anbacken, dann auf die angegebene
Temperatur zurückschalten. Zwischendurch mit Wasser
Elektroherd: ca. 65 Minuten
bei 200°C .
ca. 65 Minuten auf Stufe 3.
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Chapter 1:
1: All
All about
about bread:
Italian white bread
1 kg Wheat flour (type “00”)
10 gr. Salt
10 gr. Fresh yeast or active dried yeast (1 package)
½ litre warm water
1 teaspoon sugar
Olive oil
How to make
In a large bowl, stir together warm water, yeast and sugar and let proof (5 minutes).
Add flour and salt and mix to make a soft dough that can be kneaded by hand.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 8 minutes, adding more
flour if necessary, until the dough is soft and not sticky.
Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl, turning once to coat the surface of the dough.
Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let set for 2 hours in a warm, draft-free place.
Punch down and divide the dough into two equal parts. Put each part in a shape of a
Put the loaves on a large baking sheet. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise again for
30 minutes.
Preheat electric oven 220° C. Make 3 diagonal slashes on each loaf. Bake bread for
about 45 minutes.
Bread is done when golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.
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Capitolo 1: Tutto sul pane
Pane casareccio
1 Kg. Farina di grano tenero (tipo “00”)
10 gr. Sale
10 gr. lievito di birra o 1 bustina di lievito in polvere
1/2 litro acqua tiepida
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
Olio d’oliva
In una ciotola mettere l’acqua tiepida e sciogliere il lievito di
birra unendo anche lo zucchero. Con questo composto
stemperare la farina che avrete setacciato sistemandola a
forma di fontana su un piano di lavoro pulito.
Aggiungere gradualmente la farina ed il sale e lavorare finché
non si ottiene un impasto morbido. Lavorare l’impasto con le
mani energicamente per almeno 8 minuti, aggiungendo altra
farina se necessario, fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio, elastico e
non appiccicoso.
Formare quindi una palla di pasta, sistemarla in un contenitore
infarinato e coprirla con un panno umido. Attendere i tempi di
lievitazione, lasciando riposare il panetto in un luogo privo di spifferi
Trascorse circa due ore, e comunque una volta raddoppiato il
volume della pasta, riprenderla e lavorarla ancora un po’ utilizzando
sempre un piano di lavoro infarinato. Dare quindi la forma di pane
desiderata (per esempio una pagnottella, un filone ecc…) e lasciare riposare per altri 30
minuti. Tracciare dei taglietti sulla superficie e mettere in forno a 220°C per circa 45
minuti. Prima di spegnere il forno, assicurarsi che la
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Chapter 1: All about bread
Main dishes with bread or rolls
Pagina 16
French toast: Ingredients
4 large eggs
2 spoons sugar
dash salt
1 cup milk
10 to 12 slices white bread
French toast : How to make
Break eggs into a wide, shallow bowl or pie plate; beat lightly with a fork. Stir in sugar,
salt, and milk.
Over medium-low heat, heat griddle or skillet coated with a thin layer of butter.
Place the bread slices, one at a time, into the bowl or plate, letting slices soak up egg
mixture for a few seconds, then carefully turn to coat the other side.
Transfer bread slices to griddle or skillet, heating slowly until bottom is golden brown.
Turn and brown the other side.
Pagina 17
Wentelteefjes : Ingrediënten
4 eieren
2 eetlepels bruine suiker
snuifje zout
200 ml volle melk
10 tot 12 sneden oud brood
klontje boter
Wentelteefjes: hoe maak je het?
Snijd het oud brood in dikke sneden.
Doe de eierdooiers met de suiker en de melk in een kom en klop goed op met een garde.
Smelt een klontje boter in een anti kleeflaagpan.
Dompel de sneden even in het opgeklopte melkmengsel, laat even liggen en leg in de gesmolten boter.
Bak de dikke sneden verloren brood op een laag vuurtje aan iedere kant goudbruin.
Page 18
Finnish Fish Pie
4 dl water
7 dl rye flour
3 dl all-purpose flour
50 g butter
2 tsp salt
800 g small fish (vendace, perch)
200 g side pork or bacon
1 tbsp salt
Clean the fish and strain well. Prepare the dough. Mix the flours and salt and then stir
them into the water. Add the soft butter and knead into a firm dough. With a rolling pin,
roll out the dough into a circular, approximately 1 cm thick crust (the center of the crust
should be thicker than the edges). Sprinkle the center of the crust with rye flour.
Place the fish, salt and side pork, in layers, onto the center of the crust. Raise the edges and close the seam tightly with water and flour. Form into a round shape. Place the
pie upside down (the seam downwards) onto a baking tray covered with greaseproof
Bake at 200°C until the crust has a brownish color. Wrap the pie in foil, lower the heat
to 75 - 100°C, and bake for approximately 5 - 6 more hours. After removing the pie
from the oven, cover it with a kitchen towel to soften the crust.
(This pasty can also be filled with rice and meat or with potatoes and meat or with
swedes and meat.)
Page 19
4 dl vettä
7 dl ruisjauhoja
3 dl vehnäjauhoja
50 g voita
2 tl suolaa
800 g pieniä kaloja (muikkuja, ahvenia)
200 g siankylkeä tai pekonia
Puhdista kalat ja huuhtele hyvin. Valmista taikina. Sekoita jauhot ja suola ja lisää ne
veteen. Lisää pehmennyt voi ja alusta kiinteäksi taikinaksi. Kauli taikina pyöreäksi, noin
sentin paksuiseksi kuoreksi (keskeltä paksummaksi kuin reunoilta). Ripottele
taikinalevyn keskelle ruisjauhoja.
Asettele kalat, suola ja pekoni kerroksittain taikinan keskelle. Nosta reunat ylös ja liitä ne
yhteen tiukasti veden ja jauhojen avulla. Muotoile pyöreäksi. Asettele kukko ylösalaisin
(liitos jää alle) leivinpaperilla päällystetylle pellille.
Paista 200 asteessa kunnes kuori on saanut ruskean värin. Kääri kukko folioon ja alenna
uunin lämpötilaa 75-100 asteeseen ja paista vielä noin 5-6 tuntia. Kun olet ottanut kukon
uunista, peitä se keittiöpyyhkeellä, jotta kuori pehmenee.
(Kukossa voi olla täytteenä myös riisiä ja lihaa; perunaa ja lihaa; lanttuja ja lihaa.)
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Chapter 1: All about bread:
Simple bread-pan
1 pole of leek
200g dark rye bread
4 carrots
200g ham
2 onions
1 courgette
2 peppers
fresh herbs
salt, pepper
Cut all ingredients into small pieces. Heat oil in a pan, fry bread pieces with onion and ham
until gold brown. Add the rest oft the vegetables, Season with salt, pepper and herbs.
Page 21
Kapitel 1: Für alle, die es herzhaft mögen
Schnelle Brotpfanne
1 Stange Lauch,
200 g Schwarzbrot,
4 Karotten,
200g Schinken,
2 Zwiebeln,
1 Zucchini,
2 Paprikaschoten,
frische Kräuter,
Salz, Pfeffer
Alle Zutaten in kleine Würfel schneiden, Öl in einer Pfanne erhitzen, die Brotwürfel mit
Zwiebel und Schinken goldbraun rösten. Nach und nach das restliche Gemüse dazugeben. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Kräutern würzen.
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Chapter 1: All about bread:
Bread dumpling
4 – 6 dry rolls
4 eggs
½ - 1 onion
Cut rolls into small pieces and give them into a bowl. Add eggs and milk until you get a
thick paste. Cut onions and fry them with parsley in a pan. Mix all things together. Put the
paste into a freezer-bag and tie it with a thread. Hang the bag into a pot with boiling water.
Fix the thread at the handle of the pot.
Let it simmer for ½ hour circa.
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Kapitel 1:
4-6 alte Brötchen,
4 Eier,
½ - 1 Zwiebel,
Die Brötchen zerkleinern und in eine Schüssel geben. Die Eier verquirlen und darüber geben, danach Milch darüber gießen bis eine breiige Masse entsteht. Zwiebeln schneiden
und mit der Petersilie (getrocknet) in Öl andünsten, darüber geben und mischen. Die Masse in eine Gefriertüte füllen und mit einem Bindfaden verschließen. Diesen an den Henkel
eines Topfes binden und den Beutel in kochendes Wasser geben.
Ca. ½ Stunde köcheln lassen.
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Chapter 1: All about bread:
Caraway-curd cheese-rolls
Ingredients (for about 30 pieces):
500 g flour
1 package of baking powder
2 tsp of salt
1 tsp of ground caraway
500g curd cheese
2 eggs
flour for shaping
Put flour into a bowl and stir it with baking powder, salt and caraway. Form small balls out
oft he dough, each ca. 30g. Put the balls on a greasy baking sheet. Bake them in a preheated oven. Take the highest runner.
Time: ca. 20 min
Temperature: 180°C
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Kapitel 1
Zutaten für etwa 30 Stück:
500 g Weizenmehl
1 Packung Backpulver
2 TL Salz
1 TL gemahlener Kümmel
500 g Magerquark
2 Eier
Mehl zum Formen
Das Mehl in eine Schüssel geben und mit Backpulver, Salz und Kümmel mischen. Den
Quark und die Eier hinzugeben und allesen miteinander zu einem festen Teig verkneten.
Mit bemehlten Händen längliche oder runde Teigbällchen von je etwa 30g Gewicht formen
und auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes oder eingefettetes Blech legen. Die Brötchen auf
die oberste Leiste in den vorgeheizten Backofen schieben.
Backzeit: etwa 20 Minuten
Temperatur: E 180°C / G Stufe 3
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Chapter 1: All about bread:
Ingredients for 6 persons:
150g dark rye bread ( 3 days old)
4 rolls from yesterday
3 eggs
350 ml milk
150 ml cream
50g sugar
ground lemon peel
½ package vanilla sugar
750g cored cherries
75g butter
mixture out of 75g of sugar and 3g of cinnamon
First cut bread and rolls into slices and then into pices of 3 cm.Put them into a bowl. Add
the cored cherries. Mix milk with cream, eggs, spices and sugar with a whisk and pour it
over the breadpieces. Stir everything carefully and put the mixture into a greasy baking
dish. Cut butter into thin slices and put them on the top. Powder it with sugar and cinnamon.
Time: 30 – 35 minutes
Temperature: 180 °C
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Kapitel 1: Für Süßschnäbel
Zutaten für 6 Personen :
150 g Schwarzbrot, ca. 3 Tage alt
4 Brötchen vom Vortag
3 Eier
350 ml Milch
150 ml Sahne
50 g Zucker
geriebene Schale einer viertel Zitrone
½ Packung Vanillezucker
750 g entsteinte Süßkirschen
75 g Butter
Mischung aus 75 g Zucker und 3 g Zimt
Butter zum Ausstreichen der Form
Brot und Brötchen in dünne Scheiben und dann in max. 3 cm lange Stücke schneiden. Alles in eine Schüssel geben. Die entsteinten Kirschen dazugeben. Milch, Sahne, Eier, Gewürze und Zucker mit dem Schneebesen verrühren und ebenfalls in die Schüssel geben.
Alles vorsichtig unterheben und in eine gefettete Form geben. Die Butter in dünne Scheiben schneiden und auf der Mischung verteilen. Mit Zucker und Zimt bestreuen.
30 – 35 Minuten
Umluft backen
bei 180° C mit
Page 28
Chapter 1:
1: All
All about
about bread:
Pizza Margherita: Ingredients
For the dough:
25 g. fresh yeast
1/2 litre warm water
1 kg. all purpose flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
A healthy pinch of salt
For the topping:
mozzarella cheese
tomato sauce
olive oil
Pizza Margherita: How to make
Begin by dissolving the yeast in the water, in a large mixing bowl; let it stand for 5
Add the remaining ingredients and mix, either by hand or with a mixer set to low speed,
until the ingredients are blended. Now hand-knead the dough or mix it with a dough
hook setting the speed to low for about 20 minutes, or until the dough is smooth and
elastic. Then cover with plastic wrap and set the dough in a warm place to rise for two-
three hours until it doubles in volume.
Divide the dough in half, shape each half into a ball and let them sit for half an hour.
Grease a metal baking pan, roll the dough and put it in the pan. Then spread tomato
sauce on it and add chopped mozzarella cheese on it. Add olive oil and basil. Bake pizza in preheated oven to 250° C for about 20 minutes.
Page 29
Capitolo 1: Tutto sul pane
Pizza Margherita: Ingredienti
Per l’impasto:
1 Kg. Farina
1/2 litro acqua tiepida
25 gr. Lievito di birra
2 cucchiai olio di oliva
1 pizzico di sale
Per la farcitura:
Salsa di pomodoro
Olio di oliva
Pizza Margherita: Procedimento
In una ciotola mettere l’acqua tiepida e sciogliere il lievito di birra.
Lasciare riposare per 5 minuti. Aggiungere l’olio, la farina ed il
sale e lavorare finché non si ottiene un impasto morbido.
Lavorare l’impasto con le mani energicamente o nell’impastatrice
per almeno 20 minuti, aggiungendo altra farina se necessario,
fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio, elastico e non appiccicoso.
Formare quindi una palla di pasta, avvolgerla nella pellicola e
attendere i tempi di lievitazione, lasciando riposare il panetto in
un luogo privo di spifferi d’aria.
Trascorse circa due-tre ore, e comunque una volta raddoppiato il
volume della pasta, riprenderla e lavorarla ancora un po’
utilizzando sempre un piano di lavoro infarinato. Dividere
l’impasto a metà, formare due panetti e lasciare riposare per altri
30 minuti. Ungere con olio di oliva una teglia per pizza e
stendervi l’impasto. Condire con salsa di pomodoro, mozzarella
tagliata a dadini, basilico ed olio di oliva. Cuocere in forno
preriscaldato a 220°C per circa 20 minuti.
Page 30
Chapter 1:
1: All
All about
about bread:
Bruschetta with tomatoes and basil: Ingredients
(for 4 people)
8 slices of white bread
4 ripe plum tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
6-8 fresh basil leaves, chopped
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Bruschetta with tomatoes and basil: How to make
Wash and cut tomatoes in halves and remove the seeds and juice from their centers.
Chop up the tomatoes finely. Put tomatoes and 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil in a bowl
and mix. Add the chopped basil. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Preheat the oven to 200° C.
Place the bread slices on a tray and put it in the oven on the top rack. Toast for 5-6
minutes (both sides), until the bread just begins to turn golden brown.
Rub some garlic in the slices and top each slice with tomatoes and serve immediately.
Page 31
Capitolo 1: Tutto sul pane
Bruschetta al pomodoro: Ingredienti
(per 4 persone)
8 fette di pane casareccio
4 pomodori maturi
2 spicchi d’aglio
6-8 foglie di basilico fresco
3 cucchiai di olio extravergine
Sale e pepe q.b.
Bruschetta al pomodoro: Procedimento
Lavare i pomodori, svuotarli dei semi e tagliarli a dadini. Condirli con abbondante olio
extravergine d’oliva, sale e pepe. Aggiungere le foglioline di basilico lavate e
spezzettate con le mani.
Tagliare il pane casereccio a fette e farlo abbrustolire in forno a 200° C, bruscandolo su
entrambi i lati.
Strofinate la superficie del pane con uno spicchio d’aglio e condite col pomodoro.
Servite la bruschetta al pomodoro appena è pronta, col pane ben caldo.
Page 32
Chapter 1:
1: All
All about
about bread:
Neapolitan stuffed Easter bread: Ingredients
For the dough
1kg flour
50g fresh yeast
600 g water
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 spoons olive oil
For the filling
150-200 gr. lard
100 gr. salami
100 gr. ham
100 gr. bacon
100 gr. mortadella
Mix of grated sheep cheese and pepper
Neapolitan stuffed Easter bread: How to make
In a bowl, combine the water, fresh yeast and sugar, stirring till the yeast is dissolved.
Then using a dough whisk or a wooden spoon, gently add olive oil, the flour and salt to
the yeasty water, stirring till the flour is all used up. Knead the dough for a few minutes
and shape it into a ball and place in bowl. Gently oil the top of the dough and cover lightly, or with greased clingfilm (oiled side down). Let it rest for ½ hour.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to form a rectangle, brush the dough with lard and
sprinkle cubed salami, ham, bacon and mortadella on it; then add the mix of grated
sheep cheese and pepper. Roll the dough in a large sausage and place it in a ring
shaped mold greased with the lard. Cover with kitchen cloth and let it rise for at least 3
hours in a warm place.
Bake in pre-heated oven at 220° C for 1 hour.
Page 33
Capitolo 1: Tutto sul pane
Casatiello: Ingredienti
Per la pasta di pane
1kg farina
50g di lievito di birra
600 g di acqua
1 cucchiaino di sale
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
2 cucchiai di olio
Per il ripieno
150-200 gr. strutto
100 gr. salame
100 gr. prosciutto cotto
100 gr. pancetta
100 gr. mortadella
Misto di pecorino grattugiato e pepe nero
Casatiello: Procedimento
In una ciotola mettere l’acqua tiepida, lo zucchero e sciogliere il
lievito di birra. Aggiungere l’olio, la farina ed il sale e lavorare
finché non si ottiene un impasto morbido. Lavorare l’impasto con
le mani o nell’impastatrice per 5—10 minuti, finché non diventa
liscio, elastico e non appiccicoso.
Formare quindi una palla di pasta, avvolgerla nella pellicola e
farla riposare per 1/2 ora.
Stendere la pasta spalmare e massaggiare con lo strutto
cospargerli con i dadini di salumi mischiati sulla pasta; quindi
spolverare con il formaggio e il pepe; arrotolare la pasta e man
mano aggiungere formaggio e altro strutto fino ad avvolgerlo
completamente. Prendere le estremità e torcere l’impasto e
collegare poi per formare una ciambella.
Mettere in una teglia alta unta con lo strutto e porre coperto in
luogo tiepido per almeno tre ore. Quindi cuocere al forno a 220°
gradi per un’ora circa.
Page 34
Page 35
Chapter 2: traditional baking
Page 36
cupcakes: Ingredients (for birthdays)
125 g butter
125 g caster sugar
2 medium eggs
30 ml milk
125g self-raising flour
cupcakes : How to make
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
Beat together the butter and sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy.
Add the eggs, flour and milk to the bowl and beat until the mixture is smooth.
Divide the mixture between the paper cases and bake in the centre of the oven until the
cakes have risen and are just firm to the touch in the centre.
It will take about 12 to 15 minutes. Transfer them to a wire rack to cool.
Page 37
cupcakes : Ingrediënten (verjaardag)
125 g boter
125 g suiker
2 middelgrote eieren
30 ml melk
125 g zelfrijzende bloem
cupcakes: Hoe maak je het?
Verwarm de oven voor op 190 graden.
Klop de boter en suiker in een kom samen tot alles licht en luchtig is.
Voeg de eieren, bloem en melk
toe en klop tot het mengsel mooi
Verdeel het mengsel over de papieren vormpjes en bak in
de oven tot de cakejes mooi op-
Page 38
pancakes : Ingredients
250 g plain white or fine wholemeal flour
pinch of sea salt
2 medium eggs
about 600 ml whole milk
pancakes : How to make
Sift the flour and salt into a bowl and make a well in the centre.
Pour in the eggs, add about 50ml of the milk and start to whisk, gradually incorporating the
flour into the wet ingredients in the centre.
When you have a thick batter forming in the middle, add a bit more milk and whisk in a bit
more flour.Add all the milk and all the flour. So you have a smooth batter. Let it rest for at
least 30 minutes. If it's thickened up a bit, add a dash more milk.
When you have a thick batter forming in the middle, add a bit more milk and whisk in a bit
more flour.Add all the milk andall the flour. So you have a smooth batter. Let it rest for at
least 30 minutes. If it's thickened up a bit, add a dash more milk.
When you have a thick batter forming in the middle, add a bit more milk and whisk in a bit
more flour.Add all the milk and all the flour. So you have a smooth batter. Let it rest for at
least 30 minutes. If it's thickened up a bit, add a dash more milk.
To cook the pancakes, heat a non-stick frying pan.
When it'shot, swirl 1 tablespoon of oil around the pan.
Add around 50ml of batter. Cook for a minute.
Page 39
pannenkoeken : Ingrediënten
250 g volkorenmeel
snufje zeezout
2 middelgrote eieren
600 ml volle melk
pannenkoeken: Hoe maak je het?
Zeef de bloem en het zout in een kom en maak een kuiltje in het midden .
Doe de eieren erin en voeg ongeveer 50 ml van de melk toe.
Voeg alle melk en al het meel toe. Laat het vervolgens gedurende ten minste 30 minuten
rusten. Als het beslag wat dikker is, voeg je nog een scheutje melk toe en alle bloem.
Laat het vervolgens gedurende
ten minste 30 minuten rusten.
Om de pannenkoeken te
maken, verwarm je een pan .
Giet 1 eetlepel olie in de pan
en voeg ongeveer 50 ml beslag .
Na een minuut heb je een heer-
Page 40
'sand' cookies : Ingredients
300 g cake flour
2 eggs
150 g powdered sugar
15 g vanilla sugar
Pinch of salt
150 g butter
'sand' cookies : How to make
Sieve the flour into a large bowl. Make a well in the center and break an egg into the
Add the yolk of a second egg. Keep the egg white for later.
Add the powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and the salt. Chop the butter into small pieces
and add.
Knead the ingredients together until it forms a dough ball.
Wrap the dough ball in plastic wrap. Put it to rest in the fridge for an hour.
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C.
When the dough has rested, roll the dough out on a floured surface.
The dough should be about 1/2 cm thick. Use a heart or circle shaped cookie cutter to
cut out the cookies.
Place the cookies on a greased cookie sheet, brush with egg white and bake for 15 – 20
minutes or until golden brown.
Page 41
zandkoekjes: Ingrediënten
300 g cakemeel
2 eieren
150 g poedersuiker
15 g vanillesuiker
snufje zout
150 g boter
zandkoekjes: Hoe maak je het?
Zeef de bloem in een grote kom. Maak een kuiltje in het midden en breek een ei erin.
Voeg de dooier van een
tweede ei toe. Houd het
eiwit voor later.
Voeg de poedersuiker, de
vanillesuiker en het zout
toe. Snijd de boter in kleine
stukjes en voeg toe. Kneed de ingrediënten samen tot het een bal deeg. Wikkel de bal
deeg in plastic folie. Laat het rusten in de koelkast gedurende een uur. Verwarm de oven
voor op 175 graden C. Rol het deeg uit op een met bloem bestoven werkvlak. Het deeg
moet ongeveer 1/2 cm dik zijn. Gebruik een hart- of cirkelvormige vormpje om vormen uit
te snijden uit de koekjes. Leg de koekjes op een ingevette bakplaat, bestrijk ze met eiwit
en bak ze
gedurende 15-20
tot ze
Page 42
waffles: Ingredients
3 tablespoons butter
200 g flour
7 g baking powder
pinch of salt
25 g sugar
350 ml milk
2 eggs
waffles: How to make
Preheat the waffle iron. Melt butter in the microwave.
In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.
In another bowl, beat together milk and eggs.
Whisk liquid mixture into dry ingredients until just combined. Stir in the melted butter.
Brush the hot waffle iron with butter. Spoon about 1/2 cup of batter onto the iron and close
to cook.
This first waffle will be the tester. Cook the waffle until golden brown.
Page 43
wafels: Ingrediënten
3 eetlepels boter
200 g bloem
7 g bakpoeder
snuifje zout
25 g suiker
350 ml melk
2 eieren
wafels: Hoe maak je het?
Verwarm het wafelijzer. Smelt de boter in de microgolf.
Meng de bloem, het bakpoeder, het zout en de suiker in een grote kom.
In een andere kom, meng je de melk en de eieren samen.
Giet ook de gesmolten boter er bij. Borstel het hete wafelijzer in met boter. Schep het be-
Page 44
speculaas : Ingredients
250 g soft brown sugar
250 g butter
1 egg
pinch of salt
500 g plain flour
40 g speculaas spice mix
5 g baking powder
speculaas : How to make
Beat the sugar and butter together until fluffy. Stir in the egg and salt.
Sift the spices and baking powder into the flour, then gradually stir this into the creamed
butter to form a dough. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in clingfilm and leave overnight in
the fridge to develop the flavour.
Next day, bring the dough to room temperature. Knead the dough a little. Then roll it out
and cut into biscuit shapes.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Once the biscuits go in, reduce the temperature to 150
degrees and bake for 18-20 minutes until golden.
Page 45
speculaas : Ingrediënten
250 g bruine suiker
250 g boter
1 ei
snufje zout
500 g bloem
40 g speculaas kruidenmix
5 g bakpoeder
speculaas : Hoe maak je het?
Klop de suiker, de boter, het ei en zout samen.
Zeef de kruiden en het bakpoeder in de bloem. Roer dit in de romige boter tot een deeg.
Rol het deeg tot een bal, wikkel het in huishoudfolie en laat het een nacht in de koelkast
De volgende dag breng je
het deeg op kamertemperatuur. Kneed het deeg een
beetje. Rol het uit en snijd in
vormen. Verwarm de oven
voor op 180 graden. Zodra
de koekjes in de oven staan,
verminder je de temperatuur
tot 150 graden. Bak alles 18 tot 20 minuten tot alles goudbruin ziet.
Page 46
Apple cake: Ingredients
250 g sugar
2 eggs
120 g butter
5 g vanilla
5 g lemon extract
400 ml milk (or buttermilk)
500 g flour
20 g baking powder
a pinch of salt
apple cake : How to make
Make the glaze: 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract, warm water and about 125 g of powdered
sugar. Mix the ingredients together.
First, peel, core and slice the apples.
Place the slices in a bowl and drizzle a tablespoon of lemon juice on them. Gently mix
until the lemon juice is well distributed. The lemon juice will prevent the apples from turning brown.
Then mix or sift the dry ingredients – flour, salt and baking powder – in a separate bowl.
Set aside. In the bowl of your mixer, cream the butter and sugar together. Add the eggs,
milk, vanilla and lemon extract. Then add the dry ingredients and mix well. Pour into a
greased and floured pan.
Lay the sliced apples on top in rows.
Bake for 55 minutes in a 350 degree oven.
After removing from the oven and while still warm, drizzle the glaze over the top of the
Page 47
Appelcake: Ingrediënten
250 g suiker
20 g bakpoeder
400 ml melk (of karnemelk)
2 eieren
een snufje zout
5 g citroen extract
120 g boter
4 middelgrote appels, geschild,
zonder klokhuis en in plakjes
500 g bloem
5 g vanille
250 g volkorenbloem
appelcake: Hoe maak je het?
Maak eerst het glazuur: 5 g citroenextract, warm water en ongeveer 125 g poedersuiker.
Meng de ingrediënten door elkaar.
Schil de appels, haal de kern eruit en snijd ze.
Leg de
plakjes in een kom en besprenkel de plakjes
met een eetlepel citroensap. Het citroensap
voorkomt dat de appels niet bruin kleuren. Meng vervolgens
de droge ingrediënten - bloem, zout en bakpoeder - in een aparte kom. Voeg de boter, de suiker, de eieren, de melk, vanille en het
citroenextract samen. Voeg dan de droge ingrediënten toe en meng goed. Giet het mengsel in een ingevette, bebloemde pan.
Leg de plakjes appel bovenaan in rijen.
Children’s favourite number 1
Page 48
Karelian pies (c.25 pies)
Rice filling:
2 dl water
2 dl short-grain rice
1 litre milk
1 tsp salt
Bring water to a boil in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add the rice
and cook until the water is absorbed. Add milk and simmer at a low
heat for approximately 30 – 40 minutes whilst frequently stirring.
Season the rice porridge with salt and set aside to cool.
2 dl water, 2 tsp salt, 5.5 dl rye flour, 1 dl wheat flour
Stir the flours and salt into water and knead into a solid dough. Form the dough into a bar
on a well-floured baking board, and cut the bar into 25 pieces. Form little balls from the
pieces and then flatten them.
Sprinkle some rye flour onto the baking board, and with a rolling pin, roll a piece of the
dough into as thin a round crust as possible.
When all the crusts are ready, fill the center of each crust with a thin layer of rice porridge.
Fold the edges of the crusts and pinch tightly with your fingers forming oval shaped pies.
(Turn the tips of the pies inwards to prevent them from burning during baking).
Place the pies onto a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper, and bake at 300 degrees for 12 – 15 minutes, until golden brown.
When the pies are removed from the oven, brush them with melted butter or a butter and
water / milk mixture.
Place the pies onto a greaseproof paper and cover with a kitchen towel to soften.
Serve the Karelian Pies warm together with the Egg-Butter Spread.
Egg-Butter Spread:
8 hard-boiled eggs
150 gr butter
½ tsp salt
Boil the eggs in water for at least 8 minutes. Rinse the boiled eggs under cold water and
remove their shells. Use a fork to mash the eggs finely together with the soft butter, in a
mixing bowl. Add some salt. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place into the fridge to
Lasten suosikki numero 1
Karjalan piirakat (n.25 kpl.)
2 dl vettä
2 dl riisiä
1 l maitoa
Kiehauta vesi. Lisää riisit koko ajan
hämmentäen kunnes vesi on imeytynyt
riisiin. Lisää maito ja keitä hiljalleen
kannen alla välillä sekoittaen n.30-40
minuuttia. Mausta puuro suolalla.
1 tl suolaa
2 dl vettä
2 tl suolaa
5.5 dl ruisjauhoja
1 dl vehnäjauhoja
Valmista taikina sekoittamalla veteen muut ainekset. Leivo taikinasta tanko hyvin
jauhotetulla alustalla ja jaa se 25 osaan. Pyöritä palat palloiksi ja taputtele kakkaroiksi.
Kauli kakkarat mahdollisimman ohuiksi pyöreiksi kuoriksi.
Laita jokaisen kuoren keskelle puurotäytettä ja taivuta kuoren reunat puuron päälle.
Ummista etusormilla rypyttäen.
Nosta piirakat pellille ja paista 300 asteessa noin 12-15 minuuttia.
Voitele valmiit piirakat voi-maitoseoksella. Peitä leivinliinalla.
Tarjoile piirakat lämpiminä munavoin kera.
Page 49
Page 50
Finnish Pulla / Sweet bun
5 dl water or milk
50 g fresh yeast
1 teaspoon salt
2 dl sugar
1 tablespoon ground cardamom
1 egg
c. 1 kg flour
100-150 g butter
For brushing:
1 egg, beaten
on top:
chopped almonds or nib sugar
How to make
1. Heat the water or milk until lukewarm.
2. Add yeast, salt, ground cardamom, sugar and the egg. Mix well.
3. Add around half of the flour and beat well.
4. Add softened or melted butter.
5. Add rest of the flour and knead well until the dough is smooth and elastic. The dough is
well kneaded when it doesn't stick to your hands anymore.
6. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in
7. Turn the dough out of bowl onto a floured surface and shape it for
-> little buns
-> buns with butter filling
-> cinnamon rolls
-> berry(jam)buns
-> Finnish boston cake (cinnamon rolls baked side by side in a round cake pan)
-> bun ring
-> sweet plaits
8. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the buns on it. Cover the buns
with clean kitchen towel and let them rise
9.Brush each bun with egg wash and sprinkle with the chosen toppings.
10. Bake the little buns at 225 degrees for 12-15 minutes;
Finnish boston cake and sweet plaits at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Page 51
5 dl vettä tai maito
50 g tuorehiivaa
1 tl suolaa
2 dl sokeria
1 rkl kardemummaa
1 kananmuna
noin 1 kg vehnäjauhoja 100-150 g leivontamargariinia tai voita
voiteluun: 1 kananmuna
1. Lämmitä vesi tai maito kädenlämpöiseksi.
2. Lisää hiiva, suola, kardemumma, sokeri ja kananmuna. Vatkaa ainekset hyvin.
3.Lisää noin puolet jauhoista ja alusta voimakkaasti.
4. Lisää pehmeä tai sulatettu margariini tai voi.
5. Lisää loput jauhot ja alusta taikina kimmoisaksi. Taikina on hyvin alustettu kun se ei tartu
6. Peitä kulho liinalla ja kohota taikina lämpimässä paikassa kaksinkertaiseksi.
7. Kaada kohonnut taikina jauhotetulle pöydälle ja leivo se
haluamaasi muotoon.
8. Laita leipomasi pullat leivinpaperoidulle pellille,
peitä liinalla ja kohota.
9. Voitele kohonneet pullat ja laita pinnalle
haluamasi koristeet.
10. Paista pikkupullat 225 asteisessa uunissa noin 12-15 minuuttia;
bostonkakku ja pitko 200 asteisessa uunissa noin 20-25 minuuttia.
Page 52
Autumn harvest: Bilberry Rye Pie
150 g butter
0,5 dl sugar
3 dl rye flour
0,5 teaspoon baking soda
3-5 dl bilberries
1 tbsp potato flour
1-1,5 dl jam sugar (sugar)
How to make
Beat the soft butter and sugar. Add baking soda into the rye flour. Add the flour-soda mixture into the butter-sugar mixture. Set aside about 1/3 of the pastry for the lid of the pie.
Use the rest (about 2/3) of the pastry to cover the pie dish. Mix the ingredients for the filling and put into the pie dish. Roll the remaining pastry into a lid on top of the blueberries.
Bake for 1-1.5 hours in a preheated oven (180 C). Let the pie cool a while, and serve with
vanilla ice cream or vanilla sauce.
Page 53
Syksyn satoa: Mustikkakukko
150 g voita
0,5dl sokeria
3 dl ruisjauhoja
0,5 tl ruokasoodaa
3-5 dl mustikoita
1 rkl perunajauhoja
Sekoita pehmennyt voi ja sokeri. Lisää ruokasooda ruisjauhoihin. Lisää jauhosoodasekoitus voi-sokerisekoitukseen. Erota taikinasta kolmasosa piirakan kantta varten.
Painele lopputaikina piirakkavuokaan. Sekoita täytteen ainekset ja levitä pohjan päälle.
Kauli lopputaikina piirakan kanneksi. Paista 1-1.5 tuntia 180 C- asteisessa uunissa. Anna
piirakan jäähtyä hetki ja tarjoile vaniljajäätelön tai vaniljakastikkeen kera.
Page 54
Autumn harvest:Lingonberry and sour milk pie
150 g butter 1,5 dl sugar
1 egg
2 dl wheat flour
1 dl graham flour
1 dl rye flour
1 tsp baking soda 1 dl sour milk
2 dl lingonberries or other berries
200 g sour cream,
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla sugar
How to make
1. Grease a pie dish.
2. Beat the butter and sugar together until creamy.
3. Add the egg.
4. Mix all the dry ingredients together and add into the dough.
5. Add the sour milk and mix.
6. Spread the dough into the pie dish.
7. Filling: Fill the dough with the lingonberries.
8. Mix all the topping ingredients well and pour evenly on top of the berries
9. Bake at 200°C for 30 minutes.
Page 55
150 g voita
1,5 dl sokeria
1 kananmuna
2 dl vehnäjauhoja
1 dl grahamjauhoja 1dl ruisjauhoja
1tl soodaa
1 dl piimää
2 dl puolukoita tai muita marjoja
200 g kermaviiliä
1 kananmuna
3.Lisää kananmuna vatkaten.
4.Sekoita kuiva-aineet ja lisää taikinan joukkoon.
5.Lisää piimä ja sekoita.
6.Levitä taikina vuokaan.
7.Ripottele päälle marjoja.
8.Sekoita kaikki täytteen ainekset ja kaada ne marjojen päälle.
9.Paista 200 asteisessa uunissa noin 30 minuuttia.
Page 56
Autumn harvest: Finnish Potato flat bread
3 dl mashed potato (cooled)
1½ dl whole splet wheat flour
barley flour
1 large egg
pinch of salt
How to make
1. Preheat oven to 220 C.
2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and divide the dough into 4 portions.
3. Place portions on a baking tray lined with baking paper and flatten each portion with
flour dusted fingers into a round disk.
4. Prick the breads with a fork and bake for 15 minutes.
5. Serve warm with butter, smoked or cured salmon and fresh dill or egg-butter.
-boil eggs about 7 minutes
-take out the cover and mash the eggs
-add some butter and a pinch of salt
-mix well
Page 57
Syksyn satoa: Perunarieska ja munavoi
3 dl jäähtynyttä perunamuusia
1½ dl kokojyvä(vehnä)jauhoja tai ohrajauhoja
1 suuri kananmuna
ripaus suolaa
1.Lämmitä uuni 220 asteeseen
2.Sekoita kaikki ainekset kulhossa ja jaa taikina neljään osaan
3.Asettele taikina-annoksia leivinpaperille riviin ja litistä ne
jauhotetuilla sormilla ympyrän muotoisiksi
4.Pistele rieskoja haarukalla ja paista uunissa 15 minuuttia
5.Tarjoile lämpimänä voin, lohen ja tillin tai munavoin kanssa
- keitä kananmunia n. 7 minuuttia
- kuori munat ja hienonna ne haarukalla
- lisää voita ja hyppysellinen suolaa
- sekoita hyvin
Page 58
Christmas:Cinnamon cookies
(makes about 60 cookies)
150 g
1½ dl
c.3 dl
1 tsp
wheat flour
baking powder
How to make
1. Beat the soft butter and sugar until light in colour.
2. Add the egg and beat well.
3. Mix the flour and baking powder and add them into the dough.
4. Roll the dough into strips about thickness of your little finger.
5. Cut the strips into 8-10 cm long pieces, roll them in cinnamon-sugar mixture and form
the pieces into S- shapes.
6. Place the cookies on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake in 200 C oven for
about 10 minutes.
Page 59
Jouluksi ja juhliin: Kaneliässät
60 kpl
150 g voita tai margariinia
1½ dl sokeria
n. 3 dl vehnäjauhoja
1 tl
1. Vatkaa pehmeä rasva ja sokeri keskenään vaahdoksi.
2. Lisää kananmuna vatkaten.
3. Sekoita kuivat aineet keskenään ja lisää taikinaan.
4. Rullaa taikina pieniksi, noin pikkusormen paksuisiksi pötköiksi.
5. Leikkaa pötköt noin 8-10 cm:n pituisiksi paloiksi, kieritä palat kaneli-sokeri -seoksessa ja
muodosta S-kirjaimia. Voit tehdä ässät myös pursottamalla.
6. Asettele ässät pellille leivinpaperille ja paista 200 asteessa noin 10 minuuttia.
Page 60
Christmas: Finnish Gingerbread from Parainen
1.5 dl syrup
4.5 dl sugar
500g butter or margarine
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons ginger
2 teaspoons cloves
2 teaspoons bitter orange peel
3 eggs
14dl flour
1 tablespoon baking soda
How to make
1. Melt butter in a pan and add sugar, syrup and spices and bring it to boil.
2. Allow the mixture cool down stirring it occasionally. Add the eggs into the cooled mixture.
3. Add flour and baking soda mixed together. Allow the dough to stiffen in a cool place
until the next day.
4. After the dough has stiffened, roll out a piece at a time to ¾ mm thickness. Flour your
surface and roll several times so the dough does not stick. Work quickly with small pieces
of dough, leaving the rest in the fridge to stay cold.
5. Cut out shapes and bake in a 200C oven for 5-8 minutes.
Be careful not to place the cookies too close to each other so they do not stick together
as they expand a little during baking. You’ll know they are ready when they turn slightly
brown around the edges. Keep an eye on them though as they burn very quickly. The
cookies will be soft when they come out of the oven but will crisp up once they cool on a
Page 61
Jouluksi: Perinteiset Paraisten piparit
1.5 dl siirappia
4.5 dl sokeria
500g voita tai margariinia
1 tl kanelia
2 tl inkivääriä
2 tl neilikkaa
2 tl pomeranssinkuorta
3 munaa
14dl jauhoja
1. Sulata kattilassa rasva ja lisää sokeri, siirappi ja mausteet, kiehauta sekoittaen hyvin.
2. Jäähdytä välillä sekoittaen. Lisää vaahdotetut munat jäähtyneeseen taikinaan.
3. Lisää lopuksi jauhot, joihin on sekoitettu sooda. Anna kovettua seuraavaan päivään.
4. Kauli taikina n.3/4mm paksuiseksi jauhotetulla alustalla.
5. Ota kaulitusta taikinasta muotilla pipareita ja paista niitä 200 asteessa 5-8 minuu
Page 62
Christmas: Star-shaped christmas pastries
(makes about 18 - 25 pastries)
250 g butter
250 g smooth, soft quark
250 g flour
1 - 2 egg yolks
plum jam
icing sugar
How to make
Preparing the pastry dough: Bring the butter to room temperature. Mix the quark with a
fork until smooth. Blend the softened butter thoroughly with the quark. Add the flour,
stirring gently. Mix just enough to get the ingredients blended. Shape the dough into a flat
square, wrap it in plastic wrap and place in refrigerator to harden.
Forming the pastries:
Unwrap the dough and divide it into two parts. Wrap the other part in plastic and place
back in refrigerator.
Dust a parchment paper lightly with flour, place the other half of dough on it, dust it lightly
with flour and top with another parchment paper. Roll out the dough into a square
approximately 5 mm thick. At this stage, you can fold the dough into three layers and roll
it out again, then repeat the folding and rolling once more, as this will produce pastries
with a flakier texture.
Peel off the upper parchment paper carefully. Cut the dough with a pastry wheel into
equal-sized squares, about 8 × 8 cm in size.
Cut the corners of each little square. Place approximately 1 tablespoon of plum jam in the
middle of each square. Fold every second tip of the slit corners towards the centre to form
a pinwheel-shape and press the tips together firmly.
Take the second part of the dough and repeat the rolling and cutting process.
Baking the pastries:
Place the pastries in a cool place for about 15 to 30 minutes to firm up, while you warm
up the oven to 200 - 225 °C.
Brush the pastries lightly with egg yolk and bake for about 10 - 15 minutes or until they
are golden brown and slightly puffed.
Let the pastries cool down and sift some icing sugar on them just before serving
You may use puff pastry (pâte feuilletée) instead of the quark-butter dough.
Page 63
Jouluksi: Joulutortut (n.18-25 kpl.)
250 g voita
250 g rahkaa
250 g jauhoa
1 - 2 keltuaista
Sekoita rahka ja huoneenlämpöinen voi yhteen. Lisää jauhot ja sekoita varovasti. Muotoile
taikinasta litteä neliö ja laita se kelmun sisälle jääkaappiin kovettumaan. (Itse tehdyn
taikinan sijaan voit käyttää myös valmista voitaikinaa.)
Kauli taikina jauhotettujen leivinpapereiden välissä n.5mm paksuksi neliöksi. Voit myös
halutessasi taitella taikinan kolminkerroin ja kaulia se sitten uudestaan. Kun toistat tämän
taittelun ja kaulimisen muutaman kerran, saat taikinasta lehtevämmän.
Leikkaa taikinasta n.8 x 8 cm neliöitä ja leikkaa niihin viillot kulmista keskustaan. Lisää
luumuhillo keskelle ja taita sitten joka toinen kulma keskelle ja liitä kulmat tiukasti yhteen.
Laita uuni lämpiämään n.200-225 asteeseen ja pidä tortut sillä aikaa kylmässä.
Voitele tortut ja paista n.10-15 minuuttia tai kunnes ne ovat kullanruskeita ja kohonneita.
Anna torttujen jäähtyä ja sirottele niiden päälle tomusokeria ennen tarjoilua.
Page 64
Easter: Finnish Spoon Biscuits
200 g butter
1½ dl sugar
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp bicarb soda
4 dl plain flour
raspberry conserve
caster sugar
How to make
Melt butter in a pan and let bubble for a few minutes, but don't let it brown. Transfer the
hot butter in a bowl and add sugar. Let cool, then stir. Add the dry ingredients and mix
well. Use a small deep spoon to take spoonfuls of the dough and place on a baking tray
lined with baking paper. Bake in 175C for 15 minutes or until lightly brown. Let cool, then
spread some raspberry conserve on half of the biscuits and place the other halves on top.
Roll in caster sugar.
Page 65
Pääsiäinen ja juhlat: Lusikkaleivät
200 g voita
1½ dl sokeria
2 tl vaniljasokeria
1 tl soodaa
4 dl vehnäjauhoja
hienoa sokeria
Sulata voi pannussa ja anna kiehua muutaman minuutin ajan, älä anna voin ruskistua.
Siirrä voi kulhoon ja lisää sokeri. Anna jäähtyä ja sekoita sitten. Lisää kuivat aineet ja
sekoita hyvin. Ota taikina pieneen ja syvään teelusikkaan. Painele se tasaiseksi. Irrota ja
aseta leivinpaperille pellille.
Paista 175 asteessa 15 minuuttia tai kunnes pinta on vaaleanruskea. Anna jäähtyä ja
levitä puolikkaalle leivälle vadelmahilloa. Paina sitten se vastakkain toisen puolikkaan
kanssa. Kierittele lusikkaleivät hienossa sokerissa.
Page 66
Juicy lemon cake
250 g butter or margarine
200 g sugar
4 eggs
200 g flour
100 g starch
10 g baking powder
10 g vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 lemon, juice/ peel
6 spoons of lemon juice
250 g icing sugar
Mix the butter with sugar and vanilla sugar creamy. Add yolk one by one. Stir flour, starch,
baking powder, salt, lemon peel and 3 spoons of lemon juice. Stir whipped egg whites
very carefully.
Put the dough in a greasy baking dish with breadcrumbs.
Put it in the oven( 175°C) and let it bake for one hour.
Stir icing sugar with the rest of the lemon juice.
Coat your cake with the icing and let it dry.
Time you need: about 20 minutes
Page 67
Saftiger Zitronenkuchen
250 g Butter od. Margarine
200 g Zucker
4 Eier
200 g Mehl
100 g Speisestärke
1 Päckchen Backpulver
1 Päckchen Vanillezucker
1 Prise Salz
Die Butter, Zucker und den Vanillezucker schaumig rühren. Eidotter einzeln unterrühren.
Mehl, Stärke, Backpulver, Salz, Zitronenschale und 3 EL Zitronensaft unterrühren. Den
geschlagenen Eischnee unterziehen.
Teig in eine ausgefettete, mit Paniermehl ausgestreute Kastenform geben und bei 175 ° C/
ca. 1Std. backen.
Puderzucker mit dem restlichen Zitronensaft verrühren.
Guss auf den Kuchen verteilen und trocknen lassen.
Arbeitszeit: ca. 20 Min
Page 68
Marble cake
250 g butter
1 pinch of salt
250 g sugar
6 eggs
1 package vanilla sugar
500 g flour
1 package baking powder
30 g cocoa powder
Stir the butter smoothy, than add one after another sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs.
Stir well until the sugar is dissolved.
Mix flour and baking powder and add it together with the pinch of salt to the dough.
Stir well until the dough is homogen. If it’s necessary add some milk.
Fill 2/3 of the dough in a baking pan
Mix the rest oft he dough with the cocoa powder and – if it’s necessary – some milk.
Put the dark dough on top oft he light dough. Mix both parts of dough carefully with a fork.
Bake the cake in the preheated oven for about 55 minutes at 160°C.
Page 69
250 g Butter
1 Prise Salz
250 g Zucker
6 Eier
1 Päckchen Vanillezucker
500 g Mehl
1 Päckchen Backpulver
30 g Kakaopulver
Die Butter weich schlagen; nach und nach Zucker, Vanillezucker und Eier im Wechsel hinzugeben.
Alles gut verrühren bis der Zucker aufgelöst ist.
Mehl und Backpulver mischen und zusammen mit der Prise Salz zum Teig geben.
Gut durchrühren bis ein glatter Teig entsteht – wenn nötig etwas Milch
2/3 des Teiges in eine Backform geben.
Den restlichen Teig mit dem Kakaopulver verrühren. Auch hier, wenn nötig, noch
etwas Milch hinzufügen.
Den dunklen Teig ebenfalls in die Kuchenform geben. Beide Teigsorten vorsichtig mit einer
Gabel vermischen.
Den Kuchen bei 160°C Umluft ca. 55 Minuten backen.
Page 70
Applepie with crumbles:
400 g flour
1 cube yeast
100 ml milk
50 g sugar
100 g butter
1 egg
10g vanilla sugar
1/2 teaspoon
for the covering:
1500 g sour apples,( e.g.
Pink Lady or Jona Gold )
as much as you want sugar
as much as you want lemonjuice
for the crumbles:
300 g flour
150 g sugar
200 g butter
cinnamon powder
Time of work: ca. 20 min. Resting phase: ca. 2 hours
Preparing the dough:
Stir yeast and warm milk with a little bit of sugar and let it rest for a while.
Riddle flour in a bowl and stir it with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Press a little hollow into
that mixture and pour the milk with the yeast into it. Let it rest for about 15 minutes. Now
add butter and the egg and mix it well to a soft yeast dough. Let the dough rest at a warm
place or in a bain-marie for about 45 minutes.
Peel the apples and cut them into thick slices in the meantime. Wet them with lemonjuice
and put sugar on them. Put a baking parchment on a baking tray and roll out the dough
on it. Now put on the appleslices like scurfs. Let the dough rest once again while you are
preparing the crumbles.
Preparing the crumbles:
Mix flour, salt, sugar and cinnamon ( according to taste) in a bowl and add butter in pieces. Mix it to crumbles with your dough hooks. Put
crumbles onto the apples and bake the cake for
minutes at 165°C.
Page 71
Apfelblechkuchen mit Streuseln
400 g Mehl
1 Würfel Hefe
100 ml Milch
50 g Zucker
100 g Butter
1 Ei
1 Pck. Vanillezucker
1/2 TL Salz
Für den Belag:
1500 g Äpfel, säuerliche
(z. B. Pink Lady oder Jona Gold)
n. B. Zucker
n. B. Zitronensaft
Für die Streusel:
300 g Mehl
150 g Zucker
200 g Butter
Für den Teig zunächst die Hefe mit der Milch und etwas Zucker zu einem Vorteig anrühren
und kurz stehen lassen.
Mehl in eine Schüssel sieben und mit dem Zucker, Vanillezucker und dem Salz vermischen. An die Seite eine Mulde drücken, die Hefemilch hineingießen und etwa 15 Minuten
stehen lassen.
Dann Butter und Ei zugeben und mit dem Knethaken zu einem glatten Hefeteig verarbeiten.
An einem warmen Ort oder im warmen Wasserbad etwa 45 Minuten gehen lassen.
Inzwischen die Äpfel schälen, vierteln, entkernen und in dicke Spalten schneiden. Danach
jede Spalte mit etwas Zitronensaft beträufeln und einzuckern.
Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen. Darauf den Teig ausrollen und die Apfelspalten
schuppenartig darauf legen. Den Teig nochmals gehen lassen, während man die Streusel
Zubereitung der Streusel:
Dafür Mehl, Salz und Zucker und nach Geschmack Zimt in
einer Schüssel mischen. Die Butter in Stücken dazugeben
und mit dem Knethaken langsam zu Streuseln verkneten.
Die Streusel auf den Äpfeln verteilen und bei 165°C
etwa 40 Minuten backen.
Page 72
“ Ant cake”
250 g margarine
3 eggs
180 g sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar
1 cup advocaat
1 packet of baking powder
250 g flour
100 g chocolate crumbles
Mix all ingredients pour the dough into a loaf tin and bake at a middle heat 30 - 40
Page 73
250 g Margarine
3 Eier
180 g Zucker
1 Päck. Vanillezucker
1 Tasse Eierlikör
1 Päck. Backpulver
250 g Mehl
100 g Schokostreusel
Aus allen Zutaten einen Rührteig herstellen, in eine Kastenform füllen und bei mittlerer Hitze ca. 30 – 40 Minuten backen.
Page 74
“ Hutzelbrot ”
750 g dried pears, plums, figs
250 g raisins
200 g chopped nuts
50 g candied orange peel
50 g candied lemon peel
½ tablespoon cinnamon
½ tablespoon clove
125 g sugar
20 cl lemon juice
2 cl rum
500 g dark-bread-dough from the bakery
almond halves
candied lemon
candied fruits
1 cup “Hutzelbrühe” (the water, you have soaked the dried fruits)
1 tablespoon potato flour
Wash the dried fruits on the day before. Put the stones out of the plums, cut all of the
fruits and let them soak in some water over night. On the next day wash the raisins and
dry them well. Mix nuts, candied lemon, candied orange, spices, sugar, lemon juice and
rum with the dried fruits. Then knead the mixture with the dark-bread-dough. Let it rest.
Form it into a bread and put it on a greased baking sheet. Decorate it with the candied
fruits and let it rest. Preheat the oven to 230 C and put the bread into it when it has
reached the temperature. Turn the oven to 175 C and bake the bread 60 – 90 minutes.
Mix the “Hutzelbrühe” with the potato flour, cook it and cover the baked bread with it. Let it
cool down.
If you can’t get a dark-bread-dough you can take a firm rhydough.
Page 75
750 g getrocknete Birnen, Zwetschgen, Feigen (Mischung)
250 g Rosinen
200 g gehackte Nüsse
50 g Zitronat
50 g Orangeat
½ Essl. Zimt
½ Essl. Nelken
125 g Zucker
20 cl Zitronensaft
2 cl Rum
500 g Schwarzbrotteig vom Bäcker
Kandierte Früchte
1 Tasse Hutzelbrühe
1 Essl. Kartoffelmehl
Am Tag vor dem Backen das Dörrobst waschen und abtupfen. Die Zwetschgen entsteinen. Alle Früchte grob zerhacken und mit wenig Wasser über Nacht quellen lassen. Am
nächsten Tag die Rosinen waschen und gut abtropfen lassen. Nüsse, Zitronat, Orangeat,
Gewürze, Zucker, Zitronensaft und Rum mit den trockengetupften Dörrobst vermengen.
Die Fruchtmischung nun nach und nach mit dem frischen Schwarzbrotteig verkneten. Den
teig etwas ruhen lassen. Danach mit nassen Händen zu einem Laib formen und auf ein
gefettetes Backblech legen. Den Laib mit kandierten Früchten verzieren und stehen lassen. Jetzt den Ofen auf 230° vorheizen und bei Erreichen der Temperatur das Hutzelbrot
in den Ofen schieben. Auf 175° zurückschalten und das Brot in 60 – 90 Minuten garbacken. Nun die Hutzelbrühe( Einweichwasser) mit dem Kartoffelmehl anrühren, aufkochen
und dann über das fertige Hutzelbrot streichen. Das Hutzelbrot auf einem Backrost abkühlen lassen.
Sollte es keinen Schwarzbrotteig geben, als Ersatz einen festen Roggenmehlteig zubereiten
Page 76
Carot cake
12 rusks
5 eggs
250 g sugar
240 g almonds
250 g cleaned carrots
juice and peel of an untreated lemon
3 teaspoons baking powder
200 g chocolate coating
marzipan carrots if you like
Mix sugar and egg yolks until creamy. Stir in the coarse-grained almonds, grated carrots,
grated rusks and lemon peel. Then stir in baking powder, lemon juice and beaten egg
Bake at 175 C for 60 minutes.
Frost with chocolate coating and marzipan carrots.
Page 77
12 Zwiebäcke
5 Eier
250 g Zucker
250 g Mandeln
250 geputzte Möhren
Saft und Schale einer unbehandelten Zitrone
3 Teel. Backpulver
200 g Kuvertüre
eventuell Marzipanmöhren
Eidotter und Zucker schaumig schlagen, grob gemahlenen mandeln, geraspelte Möhren,
den geriebenen Zwieback und die abgeriebene Zitronenschale unterrühren. Nun das
Backpulver und den Zitronensaft dazugeben, sowie das steifgeschlagenen Eiweiß unterheben.
1 Stunde bei 175 ° im Heißluftherd backen.
Zum Schluss den Kuchen mit Kuvertüre überziehen und eventuell mit kleinen Marzipanmöhren verzieren.
Page 78
Cereal Cake
200 g butter
200 g sugar
lemon peel from 2 lemons
4 eggs
200 g flour
½ packet of baking powder
250 g cereal
100 ml milk
Mix butter, sugar and egg yolks until blended. Stir in the beaten egg whites, lemon peel,
flour with baking powder, cereal and milk.
Pour the dough into a loaf tin and bake at 175 C for 60 minutes.
Page 79
200 g Butter
200 g Zucker
abgeriebene Schale von 2 Zitronen
4 Eier
200 g Mehl
½ Päck. Backpulver
250 g Müsli
100 ml Milch
Rührteig herstellen, geschlagenes Eiweiß, Zitronenschale, Mehl mit Backpulver, Müsli und
Milch unterheben.
Teig in eine Kastenform füllen und bei 175 ° 1 Stunde backen.
Page 80
“ Cold snout”
1pkt of butter cookies
For the cream:
250 g margarine
2 eggs
250 g sugar
3 tlsp cocoa
1 tlsp. coffee powder
1 pinch of salt
1 tlsp rum
Heat the margarine/butter gradually until it is in a liquid form. Then mix it with all the ingredients for the cream. Put a film in a rectangular baking tin. Then put a layer of biscuits in
the tin and cover it with 2 tablespoons of cream. Then follow with biscuits, cream, biscuits,
cream and so on until the tin is filled. The last layer should be cream. You can decorate it
if you like. Put the filled baking tin in the fridge for about 3 hours, until the cake is firm.
Page 81
“ Kalte Schnauze”
1 Paket Butterkekse
für die Creme:
250 g Margarine oder Butter
2 Eier
250 g Zucker
3 Essl. Kakao
1 Essl. Kaffeepulver
1 Prise Salz
1 Essl. Rum
Margarine/ Butter bei leichter Wärme flüssig werden lassen und mit allen für die Creme
genannten Zutaten verrühren. Eine Kastenform mit Folie auslegen. In die Form eine
Schicht Kekse legen und diese mit 2 Esslöffeln Creme bedecken. Es folgen nun wieder
Kekse, Creme usw. bis die Form gefüllt ist. Die letzte Schicht sollte eine Cremeschicht
sein. Man kann sie nach Belieben verzieren. Die gefüllte Kastenform für 3 Stunden in den
Kühlschrank stellen, damit der Kuchen schnittfest wird.
Page 82
Butter Cookies
1000 g flour
500 g sugar
750 g butter
4 eggs
peel from 1 lemon
Mix all ingredients and put the dough into the cold for one night.
On the next day roll the dough and cut into biscuit shapes.
Then bake it in the oven.
Page 83
Butterzeug - Plätzchen
1000 g Mehl
500 g Zucker,
750 g Butter
4 Eier
die abgeriebene Schale einer Zitrone
Als Knetteig zubereiten und über Nacht kalt stellen.
Am nächsten tag den Teig ausrollen und Formen ausstechen.
Danach im Ofen backen.
Page 84
Apple strudel
for the dough
250 g flour
1 pinch of salt
1/8 l of hand warm water
3 table spoons of oil
1 egg yolk
For the filling
1, 5 kg apples
a bit lemon juice
2 table spoons of sugar
1 tea spoon of cinnamon
Mix all ingredients for the dough in a bowl and knead it.
Peel the apples, remove the apple core and cut the apples into small pieces. Put some lemon juice over it and mix sugar and cinnamon under.
Roll out the dough very thin, butter it and put the apple- sugar mixture on it. Now make a roll
out of all and put it onto a buttered baking tray.
Bake it 40 minutes into a 170 ° heated oven. After this time pour a quarter of milk over the
baking and bake it for 20 more minutes.
Page 85
für den Teig:
250 g Mehl
1 Pr. Salz
1/8 l lauwarmes Wasser
3 Essl. Öl
1 Eigelb
für die Füllung:
1,5 kg Äpfel
Alle Zutaten für den Teig in einer Schüssel mischen und dann zu einem glatten Teig verkneten.
Äpfel schälen, Kerngehäuse entfernen und die Äpfel in kleine Stücke schneiden. Mit Zitronensaft beträufeln und Zucker und Zimt darunter mischen.
Jetzt den Teig ganz dünn ausrollen, mit flüssigen Butter bestreichen und die Äpfel darauf
verteilen. Vorsichtig zusammenrollen und in eine gefettete Pfanne geben.
40 Minuten bei 170° backen. Nun einen viertel Liter Milch über den Strudel gießen und
noch einmal 20 Minuten backen
Page 86
Cake: Ingredients
200 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
200 g ground blanched almonds
200 g sugar
200 g butter
4 large eggs
: How
to How
maketo make
Preheat the oven to 180° C and line a round pan with parchment paper.
Slowly melt the dark chocolate, chopped into pieces, and butter over a double-boiler.
Let them cool.
In a bowl mix the eggs and the sugar until soft and creamy (about 10 minutes).
Add the melted chocolate and butter; mix well.
Add the ground blanched almonds and mix.
Pour the cake mixture into the pan. Make sure
the mixture is smooth on top.
Bake at 180°C for
50-60 minutes.
Let it cool and
dust with powdered
Page 87
own language
Torta Caprese:
200 g di cioccolato fondente (70% cacao)
200 g mandorle pelate
200 g zucchero
200 g burro, 4 uova grandi
own language
Tritare le mandorle nel mixer.
Sciogliere il cioccolato e il burro a bagnomaria.
Lasciare intiepidire.
Montare bene, per circa 10 minuti, le uova con lo
zucchero fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso.
Aggiungere quindi il cioccolato ed il burro fusi, le
mandorle e mescolare bene.
Imburrare e infarinare una teglia di 30 cm di diametro
e versare il composto.
Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180° C per 50-60
Lasciare freddare e spolverizzare con zucchero a velo.
Page 88
Ring Cake:
3 eggs
300 gr all purpose flour
270 gr sugar
½ glass of extra virgin olive oil (100 gr)
1 glass of milk (250 gr)
1 packet of baking powder
orange or lemon peel
: HowHow
to make
Ring Cake:
to make
Preheat the oven to 180°C .
Grease with butter a ring-shaped pan and flour it.
Put the eggs and the sugar in a bowl and beat with a mixer till the mixture is soft and
Add the extra virgin olive oil and the milk. Go on whisking.
Add the flour and a packet of baking powder. Mix well.
Add the grated lemon or orange peel.
You can make the dough richer adding raisins.
Pour the batter into the ring-shaped baking pan and bake at 180° C for forty-five
Page 89
own language
3 uova intere
270 grammi di zucchero
100 g di olio extravergine
250 g di latte
300 g di farina
1 bustina di lievito“Pane degli Angeli”
blabla: own language
Sbattere tre uova intere con 270 g di zucchero fino a
rendere cremoso l’impasto.
Aggiungere mezzo bicchiere(100g) di olio extravergine
di oliva e un bicchiere (250 g) di latte.
Continuare a sbattere.
Unire tre etti di farina a pioggia ed una bustina di
lievito “Pane degli angeli”.
Aggiungere la buccia di limone o di arancia.
Si può rendere più ricco l'impasto aggiungendo anche
uva passa.
Versare tutto in una teglia ed infornare a 180° in forno
preriscaldato per 45 minuti circa.
Page 90
Swiss Roll: Ingredients
For the sponge
4 eggs
100 gr. All-purpose flour
120 gr. Sugar
1 packet of baking powder
For the filling
4 tablespoons of hazelnut and chocolate cream (Nutella)
To garnish
Icing sugar
How to
Nutella: Swiss
How to make
Mix the egg yolks with sugar until creamy and pale. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg
whites at room temperature until they become foamy.
Incorporate the beaten eggs to the egg yolk/sugar mixture and stir from the bottom to
top. Sift in flour and the baking powder.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cover a 18×13-inch baking tray with parchment paper,
pour this mixture on top, use spatula to level the batter evenly and bake it for just
10-12 minutes (don’t let it become brown).
As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, remove the parchment paper, place the
cake on a clean towel and let it cool down for at least 10 minutes.
Drop a few tablespoons of Nutella at the top of the base, spread it over the cake
making sure not to cover the whole surface but leaving the border “clean”.
Roll the cake. Dust with icing sugar before serving.
Page 91
Rotolo con
Nutella: Ingredients
Per l’impasto
4 uova
100 gr. farina
120 gr. zucchero
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
Per il ripieno
4 cucchiai di Nutella
blabla: con
Nutella: Procedimento
Sbattere i tuorli con lo zucchero fino ad ottenere un
impasto spumoso.
Aggiungere l’albume montato a neve, la farina
amalgamando il tutto ed infine il lievito.
Rivestire la teglia del forno con la carta da forno,
versare il composto e far cuocere per 12 minuti circa a
180 gradi (in forno preriscaldato).
Quando l’impasto è cotto toglierlo dal forno e metterlo
su di un canovaccio bagnato con acqua e ben strizzato.
Togliere la carta da forno, spalmare la nutella e, con
l’aiuto del canovaccio, arrotolare il tutto per formare
il rotolo.
Conservare in frigo e spolverizzare con zucchero a velo
prima di servirlo a tavola.
Per guarnire
Zucchero a velo
Page 92
Cake: Ingredients
For the pastry
500 g all purpose flour
200 g butter or margarine
200 g sugar
2 eggs and 2 yolks
0,5 g vanillin
16 g baking powder
For the custard
6 tablespoons of sugar
1 l milk
4 egg yolks
6 tablespoons of flour
0,5 vanilla powder
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of butter
1 lemon zest
: How
to make
How to make
For the custard
Put milk in a saucepan with the lemon zest and vanilla powder. Bring to the boil gently.
In a large bowl, vigorously beat the egg yolks with the sugar until light in colour and frothy.
Add the flour and beat well.
Add the milk gradually (remove the lemon zest), beating constantly with a whisk, and butter. Slowly reheat, stirring constantly, always in the same direction, until quite thick. It will
thicken even more once it cools. Allow to cool with clingfilm (saran wrap) touching it so
that a skin does not form.
For the pastry
Grease a large (30 cm, 12 in) tart pan with butter and then add some flour and move the
pan to even distribute the flour on the surface.
On a wooden work surface, mix together the flour and sugar. Make a well.
Put eggs, softened butter cut into pieces, vanilla powder and baking powder in the centre
of the well. Work the ingredients together, first with a fork, then with your hands, until you
have a smooth, soft pastry dough.
Wrap the pastry dough in clingfilm and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
To assemble
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
When the pastry has rested in the fridge, divide it in two pieces,
and delicately roll out one half to a disk of the size of the tart dish
(approx 1 cm/half inch thickness).
Put the disk in the tart pan and bake it till is golden brown (20/25 minutes).
Take it out of the oven and pour on the custard.
Roll out the remaining pastry dough and place on top of the
custard, closing the pie.
Bake the pie for 10 minutes, until the pastry is golden. When
the pie is almost baked, sprinkle a handful of pine nuts on it
and let them toast for 3 or 4 minutes. Take the pie out of the
oven, let it cool and dust with icing sugar.
Page 93
Torta della
Per la pasta frolla
16 g lievito per dolci
0,5 g vanillina
500 g farina
200 g burro o margarina
200 g zucchero
2 uova intere e 2 tuorli
0,5 g vanillina
Per la crema
6 cucchiai di zucchero
1 l latte
4 tuorli
6 cucchiai di farina
1 pizzico di sale
1 buccia di limone
1 cucchiaino di burro
Disporre a fontana, su una spianatoia, la farina e lo
zucchero mescolati. Nel pozzetto, mettere le uova, il
burro lavorato e ammorbidito, la vanillina ed il lievito.
Amalgamare, piano piano, gli ingredienti. Quando la
pasta sarà omogenea, fare una palla. Passarla nella
farina e metterla a riposare per mezz’ora in frigorifero,
coperta da un tovagliolo.
Intanto preparare la crema per guarnire la torta.
Trascorsa mezz’ora, togliere l’impasto dal frigo,
tagliarne la metà e stenderla con le mani in uno stampo
precedentemente imburrato e infarinato. Cuocere in
forno a 180° C finchè la pasta risulterà leggermente
dorata. Togliere la teglia dal forno e disporre la crema
sulla pasta frolla. Intanto su della carta da forno
infarinata, stendere con il mattarello la parte restante
della pasta; arrotolarla al mattarello e velocemente
stenderla sulla crema. Togliere le parti in eccesso ed
infornare per altri 10 minuti circa. Verso gli ultimi minuti
di cottura, distribuire sulla torta (ancora in forno) i
Togliere la torta dal forno, farla raffreddare e
cospargerla con dello zucchero a
Per la crema
In una casseruola unire i tuorli allo
zucchero; con un mestolo di legno
girare il composto sempre nello stesso verso finchè non diventerà soffice e chiaro. Mettere
la casseruola su fuoco moderato e versare il latte lentamente sulle uova e, mescolando
sempre, aggiungere la buccia di limone, la vanillina, un pizzico di sale, un pezzettino di
burro e poco alla volta la farina setacciata. Agitare di continuo sempre nello stesso verso,
facendo in modo che la crema diventi densa e senza grumi.
Page 94
Apple Ingredients
Cake: Ingredients
150 gr sugar
2 eggs
200 gr all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons of milk
8 gr. baking powder
Juice of 1 lemon
1 kg apples
3 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 grated lemon zest
2-3 teaspoons of butter
: How How
to make
Apple Cake:
to make
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Peel the apples and cut them into thin slices. Add the lemon juice. Mix together and
set aside.
Break the eggs into a large bowl. Add the sugar and beat together well.
Add the milk, the flour, the baking powder and the grated lemon zest, mixing well.
Butter and flour a round cake tin (5x24 cm).
Pour the batter into the cake tin and put the apple slices on the top.
Sprinkle the brown sugar on top and add a little bit of butter here and there.
Bake for 40 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out
Remove from the oven, let the cake cool and sprinkle icing sugar before serving.
Page 95
Torta di own
200 gr. di farina
150 gr di zucchero
2 uova
1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci
1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci
2 cucchiai di latte
buccia grattugiata di un limone
3 cucchiai di zucchero di
qualche fiocco di burro
1 kg di mele sbucciate e tagliate finemente (bagnate col succo di limone per
blabla:di own
Sbattere bene le uova con lo zucchero.
Aggiungere poco alla volta il latte, la farina setacciata con il lievito e infine la buccia di
limone grattugiata.
Imburrare ed infarinare una teglia rotonda con un bordo alto almeno
5 cm, con un
diametro di circa 24 cm.
Versare l'impasto nella tortiera e ricoprirlo con le mele. Spolverare con dello zucchero di
canna la superficie e disporre qua e là qualche fiocchetto di burro.
Infornare a 180° per circa quaranta minuti (infilare
uno stecchino nella torta per
controllarne la cottura). Estrarre il dolce dal forno. Si può cospargere dello zucchero a
velo sulla torta quando si è raffreddata, prima di servirla.
Page 96
Red wine
ring-shaped biscuits: Ingredients
450/500 g all purpose flour
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of red or white wine
1 cup of vegetable oil (sunflower seeds oil is perfect)
50 g of sugar to garnish
: How
to make biscuits: How to make
Red wine
Preheat oven to 180° C
Make a well with the flour on a wooden work surface.
Put the sugar in the centre of the well.
Pour the vegetable oil and mix oil and sugar with a fork.
Pour the red or white wine and mix with a fork.
Add flour in small measures, mixing at each addition until a soft dough has formed.
Knead lightly for a few minutes, until the dough is smooth, and form a ball.
Put 50 g of sugar in a plate.
Break off walnut size pieces and roll between your hands or on the bench until a slim log
forms – thick less than a finger and about 10-15 cm long. Wrap the ends around to meet
and pinch together.
Dip the ring-shaped cookies into sugar on one side, crushing a little.
Place the biscuits on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Bake for 20 minutes at 180° C.
Page 97
own al
vino rosso: Ingredienti
450 g di farina
1 bicchiere di zucchero
1 bicchiere di vino rosso o bianco
1 bicchiere di olio di semi di girasole
Ciambelline al vino rosso: Procedimento
Preriscaldare il forno a 180° C
Disporre la farina a fontana su una spianatoia.
Mettere al centro lo zucchero e l’olio di semi di girasole e mescolare con una forchetta.
Versare il vino rosso e mescolare con la forchetta.
Aggiungere la farina gradualmente e continuare a
mescolare fichè non si ottiene un impasto morbido.
Impastare delicatamente per pochi minuti fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio e formare una palla.
Mettere 50 g di zucchero in un piatto.
Prendere un po’ di pasta alla volta e formare dei
“salsicciotti” spessi come un mignolo e lunghi un
palmo. Chiuderli a cerchio, immergerli nello zucchero
semolato solo da un lato e disporli (con lo zucchero
verso l'alto) sulla placca precedentemente ricoperta
con della carta da forno. Cuocere in forno a 180° C
per circa 20 minuti.
Page 98
“Ugly but
good” hazelnut cookies: Ingredients
500 gr. Sugar
500 gr. Hazelnuts, finely ground in a food processor
5 egg whites
How to
make cookies: How to make
but :good”
Preheat the oven to 180° C and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
Mix the ground hazelnuts and the sugar in a bowl.
In another bowl beat the egg whites until they become foamy and form glossy peaks.
Gently fold in the mixture of hazelnuts and sugar.
Using a tablespoon, gently dollop the cookie mixture onto the baking sheet, leaving 2 cm
space from one cookie to another.
Place in the oven and bake until golden brown and firm to the touch, about 25-30
minutes. Remove and cool completely before serving.
Page 99
Brutti ma
500 g di zucchero
500 g di nocciole sgusciate, non tostate
Tritare le nocciole e unirle allo zucchero.
Aggiungere gli albumi montati a neve
e mescolare il tutto.
Versare un cucchiaio di impasto, per ogni biscotto, in una leccarda
ricoperta di carta da forno a circa due cm l’uno dall’altro.
Infornare a 180° e quando sono dorati, modellarli con due cucchiaini
tentando di sollevare l’impasto, infine infornare di nuovo fino a cottura
Page 100
Log: Ingredients
175 gr. sugar
3 eggs
175 gr. all-purpose flour
16 gr baking powder
125 gr. walnuts (cut into small pieces)
125 gr. hazelnuts (cut into small pieces)
125 gr. almonds (cut into small pieces)
50 gr. pine nuts
50 gr. raisins
50 gr. candied fruit (cut into small pieces)
100 gr. dark chocolate (cut into small pieces)
blabla : Log:
How to
to make
Preheat the oven at 180° C.
Beat the eggs and the sugar with a mixer, till soft and creamy. Gradually add flour and
baking powder.
Add walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts, raisins, candied fruit and dark chocolate.
Mix well.
Butter and flour a rectangular baking pan (like the one we use to make plumcakes).
Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 40-45 minutes.
Page 101
Natale: Ingredienti
175 gr. Zucchero
3 uova
175 gr. Farina
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
125 gr. noci sgusciate
125 gr. nocciole
50 gr. pinoli
50 gr. uvetta
50 gr. canditi
100 gr. cioccolato fondente (a
Tronchetto di Natale: Procedimento
Unire le uova con lo zucchero, aggiungere la farina setacciata ed il lievito.
Sbattere il composto.
Aggiungere le noci, le nocciole, le mandorle, i pinoli, l’uva passa, i canditi, la cioccolata.
Imburrare una vaschetta di alluminio rettangolare (n.2 porzioni).
Cuocere in forno già caldo a 180 gradi per 40 – 45 minuti.
Page 102
St. Joseph’s
Day cream puffs: Ingredients
For the puffs
½ litre water
100 gr butter
300 gr flour
4 eggs
For the custard
6 tablespoons of sugar
1 l milk
4 egg yolks
6 tablespoons of flour
0,5 g vanilla powder
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of butter
1 lemon zest
To garnish
Powdered sugar
Cherries in syrup or
Cherries jam
: How
makepuffs: How to make
St. blabla
For the custard
Put milk in a saucepan with the lemon zest and vanilla powder. Bring to the boil gently.
In a large bowl, vigorously beat the egg yolks with the sugar until light in colour and frothy.
Add the flour and beat well.
Add the milk gradually (remove the lemon zest), beating constantly with a whisk and butter. Slowly reheat, stirring constantly, always in the same direction, until quite thick. It will
thicken even more once it cools. Allow to cool with clingfilm (saran wrap) touching it so
that a skin does not form.
For the puffs
Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a medium saucepan, combine water, butter, sugar, and salt. Bring to a boil. Remove
from heat. With a wooden spoon, beat in flour all at once.
Return to low heat. Continue stirring until mixture forms a ball and no longer sticks to the
sides of the pan (it takes about 10 minutes).
Then, remove the pan from the heat and transfer the batter to a bowl to cool.
Once the batter reaches room temperature, add the eggs, one at a time and mix together,
beating hard after each addition until smooth.
Put the dough in a pastry bag with a large star tip. For each pastry, pipe a ring of dough
on the baking sheet.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until golden brown. Remove and
allow to cool before garnishing.
To assemble the puffs
Put the custard in a pastry bag with a star tip. Pipe a small
amount of the custard into the hole in the center of each pastry.
Place a maraschino cherry or a teaspoon of cherries jam in
the middle.
Dust the pastries with powdered sugar.
Page 103
di San
Giuseppe: Ingredienti
Per le zeppole
16 g lievito per dolci
0,5 g vanillina
500 g farina
200 g burro o margarina
200 g zucchero
2 uova intere e 2 tuorli
0,5 g vanillina
Per la crema
6 cucchiai di zucchero
1 l latte
4 tuorli
6 cucchiai di farina
1 pizzico di sale
1 buccia di limone
1 cucchiaino di burro
Per guarnire
Zucchero a velo
Sciroppate o
Di amarene
blabla: own
di San
Giuseppe: Procedimento
Per le zeppole
In un tegame far bollire l’acqua con il burro. Quando l’acqua arriva ad ebollizione,
aggiungere un po’ alla volta la farina e girare fino a che si amalgama bene e il composto
comincia a staccarsi dal tegame. Togliere dal fuoco e far raffreddare. Nel frattempo
sbattere le uova e aggiungerle all’impasto ormai freddo. Impastare bene con le mani fino
all’assorbimento delle uova. Mettere l’impasto nella siringa per dolci e creare delle forme a
ciambella. Preparare uno stampo coperto da carta da forno, adagiarvi le zeppole e
cuocere a 180° C per circa venti minuti.
Per la crema
In una casseruola unire i tuorli allo zucchero; con un mestolo di legno girare il composto
sempre nello stesso verso finché non diventerà soffice e chiaro. Mettere la casseruola su
fuoco moderato e versare il latte lentamente sulle uova e, mescolando sempre,
aggiungere la buccia di limone, la vanillina, un pizzico di sale, un pezzettino di burro e
poco alla volta la farina setacciata. Agitare di continuo sempre nello stesso verso, facendo
in modo che la crema diventi densa e senza grumi.
Finita la cottura, togliere la buccia di limone e lasciar raffreddare.
Per guarnire
Mettere la quantità di crema desiderata nella siringa per dolci e guarnire il centro della
zeppola; mettere un’amarena e spolverare con lo zucchero a velo.
Page 104
Carnival pastries“Frappe”: Ingredients
500 g all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of lard
A pinch of salt
2 eggs and 2 yolks
Powdered sugar to garnish
: How pastries
to make “Frappe”: How to make
Make a well with the flour. In the middle put the eggs and the sugar and mix with a fork.
Add a pinch of salt and the lard. Mix with a fork. Gently add the flour and make a fairly stiff
dough, kneading it thoroughly, and adding more flour if it comes out too soft. Make a ball,
After that, divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll them out on a floured surface with a rolling pin to form a strip as thin as you can.
Instead, if you use a pasta maker, set it on the widest setting, take one piece of the dough
and with the palm of your hand flatten it a bit, turn the crunk and feed the dough through
the rollers.
Fold the edges of the strip towards the middle and feed it through the rollers several
times, changing the setting of the pasta maker until you reach the smallest.
Use a pastry wheel to cut it into strips as long as your palm and two fingers wide.
Make a cut down the middle of each “frappa” and put them on a baking sheet lined with
parchment paper. Bake for 10 minutes at 180° C.
Dust the “frappe” with powdered sugar when they’re cool.
Page 105
Frappe: own
500 g. farina
2 cucchiai di zucchero
2 cucchiai di strutto
Un pizzico di sale
2 uova intere e 2 tuorli
blabla: own
Disporre la farina a fontana. Mettere al centro le uova con lo
zucchero e mescolare con una forchetta. Aggiungere un pizzico
di sale e lo strutto. Mescolare con la forchetta. Aggiungere
gradualmente la farina fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido ed
omogeneo. Fare una palla, coprirla con uno strofinaccio da
cucina e lasciare riposare per mezzora.
Spianare con il mattarello ottenendo una
sfoglia il più possibile sottile. Se si usa
una macchina per la pasta, passare
spessore fino ad arrivare a quello più
sottile. Fare delle strisce lunghe un palmo
e larghe due dita, usando una rotella
dentata. Fare un taglio al centro di
ciascuna frappa. Disporle in una teglia
rivestita di carta da forno e cuocere in
forno a 180° C per circa 10 minuti.
Sfornare, lasciare raffreddare le frappe e
spolverizzarle con zucchero a velo.
Page 106
Page 107
Unit of measurements
Page 108
Unit of measurements
1 l = 1000 ml = 10 dl
1 dl = o,1l = 1oo ml
1/8 l = 125 ml
1/4 l = 250 ml
1 glass (standard size) = 300 ml
1 cup = 120 ml = 120 g
1 teaspoon = 5 ml = 3 - 5 g
1 table spoon = 15 ml = 12 -15 g
Page 109
Participating colleagues from:
Friedrich - Staedtler - Schule
Christine Stöckel, coordinator
Ulla Röder
Isabel Meighörner
Elke Dauer
Vrije Basisschool
Sint Dimpna
Martine Belmans
Ils Cooymans
Marcel Vanlommel
Kirkonkylän Koulu
Päivi Andersin
Kati Eriksson
Margit Pieiläinen
Reetta Tolpannen
Laura Tukiainen
Mari Pulliainen
Anzio I cirAmelia Criscuolo
Nicoletta Di Bona
Francesca Morelli
and pupils of these schools