Fourth Sunday of Lent
Fourth Sunday of Lent
St. Mary's Visitation Parish March 15, 2015 ~ Fourth Sunday of Lent ST. MARY’S VISITATION PARISH 2 On the evening of Holy Thursday Lent comes to an end, and we enter into the “Three Days” that are the center of our year. Lent 2015 He came among us to lead us from darkness into the light Of faith Mass Intentions Monday, March 16, Lenten Weekday 6:30 am † Frank Montville, Jr. Sacrament of the Sick available after Mass Tuesday, March 17, Saint Patrick, Bishop 6:30 am † Mary Ann Wacker 8:00 am † Richard Johnson Wednesday, March 18, Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop 6:30 am † Lester and Marjorie Fenlon Thursday, March 19, Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 am † William Ordman Friday, March 20, Lenten Weekday 6:30 am † Joseph Auer Saturday, March 21, Lenten Weekday 8:00 am † Frank Formolo 5:00 pm † Florence Dechant Sunday, March 22, Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30 am † Beverly Gaarenstroom 9:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am † Robert Sepsted ATTENTION Homebound and/or Eucharistic Ministers! If you are currently taking Communion to the homebound either on a weekly or as needed basis, please contact Mary Sue Protz, 262-782-4575 or [email protected]. Our records need updating and your assistance would be appreciated. Thank you! Weekday Mass Schedule 6:30 am 8:00 am 8:00 am Monday thru Friday Tuesday & Fridays, school days only Saturday Exceptions: There is no 8am Mass on Friday, March 20th. There is no 8am Mass on Friday, April 3rd. On These Three Days, the Church is at its best. In song, scripture, and ritual we proclaim the heart of what we believe and celebrate throughout the year. We gather often - at church, at home - during the Triduum to reflect on the central reality of our faith, the death and resurrection of Jesus. These are the “high holy days” of Christianity. You are invited to make these Three Days different from all the other days of the year. Adults in the community are invited to plan ahead so that the entire time from Holy Thursday evening until the Easter Vigil is free of social engagements, free even of work, free of entertainment, free of meals except for the simplest nourishment. Holy Thursday 10:00 am Living Stations of The Cross 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper 10:00 pm Night Prayer Good Friday 12:30 pm Good Friday Liturgy - The Lord’s Passion 7:00 pm Tenebrae Service Holy Saturday 9:30am 8:00pm Blessing of Easter Food Easter Vigil Liturgy Easter Sunday Masses 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am Adoration Chapel The chapel will be closed from 6:00pm on Holy Thursday until approximately 10:00pm on Holy Saturday. Parish Office Hours The parish offices will be closed from noon on Holy Thursday, April 2nd until 8:30am Tuesday morning, April 7th. Collections The Holy Thursday collection will benefit St. Mary's Visitation Human Concerns Committee. The Good Friday collection benefits the Holy Land. Please be as generous as you can. Blessing of Easter Food Blessing of food for your Easter meal will be Saturday, April 4th at 9:30am. WWW.STMARYEG.ORG Postings from Fr. Peter 3 How to Make a Good Confession, Part III In my last article I spent some time talking about the preparation that is necessary for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation and taking an honest look at one’s life through an examination of conscience. The article this week will focus in on how to actually confess those sins well in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Traditionally, the Church has said that the easiest way to make a good confession is to honestly confess one’s sins by their nature and their number. This means that one is specific enough so that the priest knows what one is confessing and also gives a sense of how often these sins have been committed. Over time it may be hard to remember how often one has committed a particular sin and so it’s okay to give a general sense of it, for instance, by saying that it’s something that has been committed once or is of a frequent occurrence. This not only helps the priest to know how deep the roots of this sin go, but it also helps the penitent to get a sense of what part of their lives they need to work on, with the influence of grace and the help of the Holy Spirit. It also helps one to be more honest and to confront the sin more directly, since it doesn’t call for an explanation or excuses to be given – it’s just the confession of the sin and its frequency bluntly, honestly and directly. For this reason, it’s good to keep in mind, that it is not necessary to relay all the circumstances surrounding each sin. If the circumstances are particularly important than it may be helpful for the priest to know, however every confessed sin does not require an explanation and, the rule of thumb is often that the more succinct the better. Another thing to keep in mind is that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is not a short counseling session. While very real problems and issues can manifest themselves in various sins, if the situation requires some type of counseling or advice, it’s better to pursue that outside of the confessional by setting up a separate appointment. Finally, confessing our sins directly by their type and number prevents the subtle human tendency to want to mitigate our sinfulness or to give excuses for it. It is not the amount of words that are used to confess one’s sin that makes for a good confession, it’s the honesty and the directness that they are confessed with that does. As we continue to move through the Lenten season, it’s good to take a few minutes to ask ourselves if it has been too long since we’ve gone to confession and if it is, then to work to celebrate this sacrament in preparation for Easter. There are quite a few opportunities to celebrate the sacrament here at St. Mary’s and the Archdiocesan website ( actually has a listing of the confession times at various parishes throughout the Archdiocese if you are looking for a place and time that works for you and your schedule. Imagine entering into Holy Week and the celebration of Easter without the heavy weight of sin being dragged along with us, what graces the Lord will bestow on us and what joy will fill our hearts! A PLENARY INDULGENCE is attached to the pious participation in the Lenten Stations of the Cross. A plenary indulgence, which offers delivery from all the temporal punishment (purgatory) due to sin that has been forgiven through the Sacrament of Confession is available to all those who would piously pray the 14 Stations of the Cross, including the reflections of the Scriptures and saints attached to each Station. To receive the indulgence, in addition to the praying of the Stations themselves, one must go to Confession and receive Holy Communion as close to the date of the Stations as possible, as well as offer prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father (for March: that scientists do work that serves all people while respecting God's creation, and for a better recognition of the unique contribution of women to the Church) and finally, be firmly committed to be detached from all sin in their life, including habitual sin. Quad Parish Lenten Penance Services St. Dominic Monday, March 23 ~ 7:00 pm St. Joseph Wednesday, March 25 ~ 7:00 pm Estate Planning What Your Children Need to Know Monday, March 16th 10 – 11am Senior Center Duties of power-of-attorney for healthcare/financial matters, settling debts, liquidating assets, distributing assets and documentation What happens if you become incapacitated? Are documents up-to-date for current statutes? Call Mary Sue to RSVP 262-782-4575 or [email protected] Stations of The Cross Stations of the Cross will be prayed Friday evenings at 7pm 3/20 and 3/27. Living Stations of the Cross by school students Thurs, 4/2-10am Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held Fridays - 2 to 5pm 3/20, 3/27 Saturdays - 8:45 to 9:15am 3/21 & 3/28 Confessions will not be heard on Friday, April 3rd or Saturday, April 4th FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 4 Monday: DARE Mr. Newman; 8:00-8:45am,+ Gr. 2 Reconciliation; 1:30pm,+ Band (Gr. 4-8); 2:45-5:30pm, SC Tuesday: 8am All School Mass Gr. 4 Reconciliation; 12:30pm,+ Band (Gr. 4-8); 2:45-5:30pm, SC Wednesday: School Adoration; am in church Gr. 4 to Adoration Chapel; am Troop #8628 Mtg; 2:45pm, SR Band (Gr. 4-8); 2:45-6pm, SC Friday: In Service - No School Adoration Chapel On Thursday, March 19th, we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, husband of Mary, and patron of the universal church. "Although you have recourse to many saints as your intercessors, go especially to St. Joseph, for he has great power," urges St. Teresa of Avila. In the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, "our holy patron St. Joseph has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking." Visit the St. Mary's Perpetual Adoration Chapel and through St. Joseph ask God to shower His special blessing on you, your family, our parish and the entire Church. We Need Coverage: Sundays 1-2 am Mondays (March & April) 3-4 pm Fridays 5-6 pm Saturdays 2-3 pm Saturdays 7-8 pm Call Colleen Schwarz, 414-795-3153 Call Mary Schwarz, 414-771-8738 Call Kathy Stapleton, 262-782-2658 Call Nancy Frazer, 262-786-0617 " " " The Chapel will be closed from 6:00pm on Holy Thursday, April 2nd until approximately 10:00pm on Holy Saturday. Sunday (3/15): Easter Lily Sale; After Masses Spring Plant Sale to Support Youth Ministry Trip to Steubenville YDisciple; 4:30pm, Attic Monday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm Estate Planning; 10am, SC Mary's Angels Children's Choir (Age 6-11) Rehearsal; 4:15pm,+ Musicâ Oramus (Age 12 and up) Rehearsal; 5:45-6:45pm,+ Visitation Choir Rehearsal (Age 12 and up); 7-8pm,+ Tuesday: Parish Nurse; 8:30am, West Vestibule Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm Visitation Bell Choir (Age 16 and up) Rehearsal; 9-10am,+ Good Grief; 10am, Atrium Library RCIA; 6:30pm, Attic Wednesday: Catholic Formation Classes (K5 - Gr.4) 6-7:30pm, S Thursday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-7pm Catechesis of the Good Shepherd; 3:15-5pm, SC Cantor Rehearsal; 5:30pm,+ Visitation Institute; 6:30pm, Atrium Friday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm Kiwanis Golden K of EG. Coffee served until 9:30am mtg. with James Hahn on "The Literary Council of Greater Waukesha;" SC (Visitors are Welcome) Holy Dusters; 11am,+ Reconciliation; 2-5pm,+ Musicâ Oramus (Age 12 and up) Rehearsal; 5-6pm,+ Stations of the Cross; 7pm,+ Saturday: AA Meeting; 7-8am, SC Reconciliation; 8:45-9:15am,+ Cantor Rehearsal; 9am,+ Thrift Shop Open; 9am - noon Sunday (3/22): Ford Fundraiser After All Masses YDisciple; 4:30pm, Attic Readings for the Week of March 15th: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54 Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16 Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/ Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 St. Mary's Visitation 2015 Vacation Bible School Monday through Friday, June 22-26 9am to noon in the Parish Atrium Children who will be in K4 - 5th grade this fall will be able to register soon! Teens and adults are needed to be leaders. Teens required to submit service hours, this is a great opportunity for you! 7th & 8th grade (fall 2015) students are needed to assist. 6th grade volunteers must be paired with an Adult volunteer. 7th & 8th grade volunteers will be paired with a teen or Adult. Teens and Adult volunteers are required for each activity or craft offered. VBS coordinator - adults who are really good at organizing big events, please contact me! Please contact Elizabeth Harrison at 262-782-4575 or [email protected]. MARCH 15, 2015 5 Good Friday Veneration of the Cross In the Preface for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we pray: “Father, You decreed that we should be saved through the wood of the cross. The tree of our defeat became our tree of victory; where life was lost, there life has been restored through Christ our Lord.” The Church’s custom of venerating the wood of the cross began at Jerusalem where the true cross was found in the early part of the 4th century. Since then, every generation of the faithful has longed to “Behold the wood of the cross, on which is hung our salvation.” The Good Friday liturgy calls for veneration of the cross, not the crucifix; that we focus on the wood, on the “tree” – the instrument of salvation. Christ restored creation by means of the very material which caused its fall. “The tree of our defeat became our tree of victory.” When we gaze upon the cross, we fix our eyes on the sign of victory over sin and death. In our veneration of the cross on Good Friday, we will be in “living contact with the one, undivided Church of past centuries; with the ancient Jerusalem Church; and with Calvary itself.” (Patrick Regan, O.S.B.) The Environment Committee will be taking orders for Easter Lily Gift Cards in the Atrium after all the 5pm, 9am and 11am Masses the weekend of March 14/15. For a $15 donation, these lilies will be a part of our church sanctuary decorations this Easter. You may designate the lily as a memorial or a simple gift for a loved one, friend or neighbor. Cards may also be purchased in the Parish Office until Tuesday, 3/17, or you may fill out the form below and mail in your order. Gift cards purchased via mail will be sent to you for giving . If you have any questions, call the Parish Office, 262-782-4575. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would like to order an Easter Lily at $15 each in honor of the following people _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Print the name(s) as you would like it to appear in the bulletin Total # of Lilies ordered ____ @ $15.00 ea. = _______ Total # of cards, if needed to be given as gifts _____ Your Name __________________________________________ Telephone_____________________________________ Please make checks payable to St. Mary’s Parish. Join us as we grow in knowledge of the Faith! Thursday, March 19th ~ 6:30-8pm ~ Atrium "Day to Day Morality" A panel of successful professionals sharing their insights into applying the Church's moral teachings in their work place. Parishioners and non– parishioners are all welcome to come! St. Mary’s Thrift Shop 262-784-6644 HUGE WINTER CLEARANCE!! March 16 & 17 Feast of St. Patrick (and luck of the Irish!) $5 BAG SALE! All clothing items, including shoes and purses $5 per bag (we provide the bags)! All home goods, books, and toys remain 50% off. No additional discounts will apply during bag sale. March 19-20 CLOSED for deep cleaning & restocking for spring! March 21 SPRING REOPENING with fresh spring/summer clothing (and winter clothing, too-this IS Wisconsin after all!)!!! NEW We gratefully accept clothing donations regardless of season! Remember our convenient drop-off location! Pull your car right up to the donation door behind the church! Looking for More Thrift Shop Volunteers! What most parishioners forget is the Thrift Shop is a ministry of the Parish. And just like any of the Parish ministries, its success depends on a host of enthusiastic, dedicated volunteers coming together in friendship and purpose (plus it's really fun to help run our Parish store!!). Right now we have approximately 26 wonderful volunteers but guess what?? We need more (the Thrift Shop is HUGE and we receive a TON of donations!). Please consider joining the Thrift Shop team and help our parish store provide clothing and household items to poor and lower income families, as well as to thrifty shoppers! You determine your level of involvement! Any time and talent you lend directly impacts: those in need, the Thrift Shop's atmosphere and our Parish bottom line! What a fun way to give back! So consider volunteering with some old friends and leave with some new ones, all while helping others as well as the Parish! We guarantee you are going to love it! If interested, please stop in during normal hours of operation or contact Mia Giampietro, (manager) at 262-784-6644 or [email protected]. Weekday Ministers ~ The Week of March 15th Server Jim Maciejewski Sacristan Kraig Klapperich Lector Jerry Shimek Eucharistic Ministers Kraig Klapperich and Steve Moyer Cemetery Notes In preparation for Easter, we will be cleaning up the cemetery over the next few weeks. If you have any winter decorations that you would like to keep, please remove them by Monday, March 30th. Thank You. Join Us In Welcoming Our New Parish Nurse ~ Tuesday, March 17th Following the 8:00am Mass on Tuesday, March 17 th, parishioners are invited to meet our new Parish Nurse who will be serving our parish community on a continuous basis, offering a wellness clinic twice monthly. Our nurse is sponsored by St. Camillus Home Health Services and her services are complimentary to SMV parishioners. Through education, counseling, visits, health screenings, referrals and advocacy, the Parish Nurse will assist parishioners in leading a healthier lifestyle. Some of the services provided include: Health Screenings (ie. blood pressure checks), Health Education, Medication Management, Community Resource Coordination, Flu Clinics and Health Related Presentations. Please join us in welcoming our new nurse on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, 8:30-10:00am, in the west vestibule of the church. Breakfast treats will be served! Our Parish Nurse will be available on the following dates, from 8:30 – 10:00am in her office on the south end of the west vestibule: March 17 and 31; April 16 and 28; May 14 and 26, June 11 and 23; July 7 and 21; August 4 and 18. Adult Formation Notes Scrutinies The Scrutinies are an ancient tradition of the Church where the local community prays with those to be Baptized so that they might be more prepared to receive this great Sacrament on Easter. Pray for our 2 members going through their final Scrutiny next Sunday! ARISE MISSION Is Coming! Set aside your calendar for April 14th, 15th and 18th, 2015! ARISE is coming to St. Mary's Visitation to present a three-day parish mission. On Tuesday, April 14th & Wednesday, April 15th from 7:00pm-8:30pm ARISE will host inspirational talks on "He Who Loved Us First" and "Being Fully Alive in Christ." The third and final mission night on Saturday, April 18th from 7:00pm-9:00pm will be a powerful evening of Eucharistic Adoration, accompanied by uplifting music, with the sacrament of Reconciliation available for all in attendance. The Arise Parish Mission Week is open to all ages and backgrounds. For more information please visit For more information on any of our Adult Formation happenings, contact Josh Dieterich at the parish office, 262-782-4575. Milwaukee Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women Convention (MACCW) ~ April 17 & 18 ~ Cousins Center ‘BE THE VOICE OF CATHOLIC WOMEN, Celebrating 95 Years in Song and Prayer'. All are welcome; we are saving a place for you! Join us on Friday April 17, at 5pm for a social hour followed by a Banquet and entertainment by the dynamic duo Groovy. Cost for Friday is $30 and includes beverages/appetizers, the banquet and entertainment. Scholarships will be awarded. Saturday begins at 8am with registration and continental breakfast. Saturday morning’s speakers are Anna and Nancy who invite you to their “Be Love” tour. Mass with Bishop Sklba follows. In the afternoon Fr. Joe Rodrigues will present his theme “The Divine Voice in Women of Faith”. Cost for Saturday is $30.00 and includes lunch and materials or $55 for both days – a savings of $5! Vendors will be present both days and opportunities to win raffle baskets. Make checks payable to MACCW and send to P.O. Box 259, Muskego, WI 53150. Registration forms are available at under events or call Jean Kelly @ 262-797-0937 for more information. You Are Invited to Participate in the Foot Washing Rite Mass of the Lord’s Supper ~ Holy Thursday ~ April 2nd ~ 7pm This is an invitation to each of you to consider participating in the foot washing ceremony of Holy Thursday’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper. To what am I inviting you? I am inviting you to enter into a ritual experience that will be memorable, life-giving, faith-renewing & deepening. One writer says, “We have to ‘let’ Jesus wash our feet, let Jesus give himself to us, let him be our servant.” It is indeed humbling to think of this action so personally. The author continues, “Perhaps I need to ‘name’ the part of my life, the part of myself, I want to surrender to the Lord to be embraced and loved, washed and healed.” Is this a consideration in your life? Take a moment and reflect on your place in the journey of faith. Is the Spirit speaking to you to enter more deeply into the Paschal Mystery? This may be a most fitting response. If so, please email Jenny in the Liturgy and Music Office ([email protected]) or call her at 262-782-4485.