club flash jj1


club flash jj1
Published by the Student
of Bangor High School
Page One
May, 1940
The Oracle's Classified Business Directory
The forgotten man of tomorrow is the man who failed to advertise today.
Phone No.
Auto Electric Service
ARVID L. EBBESON. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
600 Main St.
Phone No.
LITTLE CITY MARKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4554
298 Center St.
0. E. MILLS & SON..................
186 Center St.
2 Hammond
16 Post Office Square
Barber Shops
151 Center St.
PRINTING CO... . . . . .
182 Harlow St.
Candy Shops
CONNERS PRINTING CO.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
179 Exchange St.
Hammond St.
H. P. SNOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35 Main St.
. C. H. SAVAGE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
BANGOR FLORAL CO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
40 Central St.
Department Stores
UNITED STORES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
966 State St.
Pickering SQ.
Radios & Pianos
RICE & TYLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
98 Central St.
Funeral Directors
WHITE & HAYES...................
46 Center St.
Sea Food
JONES' SEAFOOD MARKET. . . . . . . . . . .
49 Pickering Sq.
General Trucking
LITTLE CITY TRUCKING CO. . . . . . . . .
380 French St.
Shoe Repairing
35 Central St.
Super Service Station
8 Broad St.
Corner Otis & State Sts.
The Oracle
Page T wo
For real SERVICE willingly given try
Take Pictures ofyour Classmates,
Teachers, and the dear old Alma Mater
have them developed
at the
Center Street
Post Office Pharmacy
(Opposite the Post Office)
Famous Makes of Watches
200 sheets Bond paper, 6" x 7", printed with
your name and address, and 100 envelopes to
match, printed on back flap.
Diamonds of Perfect Quality
Print copy plainly and enclose $1.00.
by mail.
Paper will be sent
Towle' s Sterling Silver
Phone- 6353
Bangor, Maine
Dial 2-0183
FACTORY: 75 So. Main St., Brewer
Melvin's Music Store
New Franklin Laundry
88 Central St.
Phone 2-1082
Published six times a year by the
students of Bangor High School, Bangor, Maine.
Entered as second class matter,
June 14, 1914, at the post-office at
Bangor, Maine, under the act of March
3, 1879.
The Oracle
CovER- Robert Petterson
Racket On 'H1) Diamond
By Bernard Wilbur
Iodorn Tarzan
By Philip Murdock
h! Love
By Paul
Assistant Editor
Business Manager ·
Circulation Manager
Robert Hanson
Thomas Hilton
'• Beverly Ingalls
Business Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . John Woodcock
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fon Ht I~ ire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page
By Louise Eastman
Book Reviews
Night. cone
By Phyllis Lipsky
Pago 10
By Phylli. Lip. ky
Marie Zoidis
John Ballou
{ Barbara Clement
Irene Rowe
George Robinson
Joe Eaton
{Robert Petterson
Giulio Barbero
Paul Ford
· p
· R ·
{ Everett Orbeton
assing in eview · · · · · · · · · Ruth Carlisle
Loui e Eastman
{ Al'ice W arr en
( Dorothy Braidy
{Natalie Costrell
Alfred Perry
Robert Petterson
Sylvia Pond
Giulio Barbero
Esther Smith
Sidney Bamford
William Drisko
Raymond Petterson
Fashions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apn'l" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P age
By Paul G. <or l
Annual H. . T. . In. p ction
By wcrctt rh ton
Literary Editors
On Th .mcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page
By Alfr d P rry
Artists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
page 16
Alumni . . . . . . . . .
ook Reviews
page 14
Boy ' Athletic
page 22
page 13
1~ . ihions . . . . . . . . . . . .. :
Hokum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
page 20
page 15
Kendall Cole
Alfred Perry
Balfour Golden
Leslie Kneidl
page 12
Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Marie Hilton
(Phyllis Lipsky
( Carolyn Fernald
Girls' Athletic
Bous' Athletics
1 ~~~~~~~a~
Miriam Merrill
Glenna Kleiner
Lois Hardison
William Fellows
Night Scene
Heavy darkness like a curtain
Drawn across the landscape.
Blackness presses;
ThPn it lessens, gradually, uncprtain;
In the west a silvry light progresses.
Hii-;ing, upward rising, till the great, white
DiHk of radianee shi1ws, no longer wiled.
Moonlight turns the water into some bright
Pool illumined hy thC' cold, hard gleam. Where
TrPes meet pond with statdy silhouetted
Branches, blackly etchC'd 'gainst lm;trous background,
Silence reigns.
This instant life is fettered.
Wind is dead; to m.;t, all life must CC'asc,
Wind revives!
Its shuddNing sigh resounds through
Forpst's night scenP, waking life anew.
- by Phyllis Lipsky.
Racket On The Diamond
II eretof ore, Bernard Wilbur' conirilnuion
have been
of the weirde t nature.
ll i late t, though Ies. weird, 1.
no le . iniere. ting. In keeping with the eason, it i.
about ba eball, and a bat ieballer.
J1~RRY "Flash" Baker was only twenty-two, but
h« was the' be st pit cher thr Paut hors had turned
out in many a day. In fact they had IH'V<'r lwIoro had so good a season, as the present one. 'Th0
PanHwrs had played, so far this season, ten straight
games, and out oi that number they had won nine,
which was a pretty good record; was it not'? Jerry. or
Flash, as ho was nickname d, because f tho sp< rd with
which ho pitched a ball, and r,111, was liked hy every one,
HP was modr-st , clean, honest, and quick thinking.
Perhaps tlw most outstanding thing about him was the
fa<·t that no mat tcr how tough a tram they had to comp< t o with, 11 lash always wont out to th mound with a
broad grin. 'I }WrP was, however, one thing about
Flash that puzzk-d p< oplo. Why did h: always < vadc
talking about his Iath: r? Why W's it that <very tine
his name was mentioned, a hurt look came into his PY<\,
an l a sad, wistf ul smile came over his tanno faec ?
01w, that is, no <11w ' s far as any one knr w, up until the
day be Ioro the game with the tato .hampions, the
H.·wgc'rs, kn: w the answer to this puzzlo except, of
course, Flash, him-« lf. HiH coach, 11 red W gner, how<'v or, was dctorminr d to find out that one sperPt in
Flash s lif P. '1 lwn c' m<' the day hdon' thP big g me
with ''Th< lb,nge rs,' thP toughPst, tPam they had to
<·ompPt<' with in the ~itatc.
Jior almo.t a month the Panther.· h· d undergm
tough, strenuous :-wlwduk gPtting int< condition for the
fortJ1comin r battle.
1~ lash klH'W what winning thi~·
game meant to the Panthers. It m<'ant winning the
title~ frorn ttw un<'OJH}UN<d Hangns, who had held it
for four cotL '< <'tlt i\ e y< ar. ·. Then, the aft< rnoon b fore
the game, somPt hing happ< 1wd which m·1 le him ~i ·k all
0\ C'l'.
r} lH f pam h< d h< C'll giv( ll the d~ y uff to 1'( .·t UJ).
· I• lash w s walking up Ow p: th t< the r< oming hotv.,
where he li vcd.
\s he r "tC'he d th porch t,wo t < u h
Jooki n r indi" iduals <'onfron t e l him.
Baker·~ dcma nd< l Oll<' of them.
"Ye;-;, ' Flash answpred.
"What can I do for you?11
" iy nanw'~ ProetN," explai1wd the' :-:;pcaker. "My
partner lH'r<\ i,' olan. \VP'v<' got a littlr -cr-bu.·iness
de'al to talk over with you.
"Okay, shoot! '
"'VIy partnN and I ha\'<' plac< d a lwt, $2,000, in fact,
on the Hang<'rs to win tomorrow's game\
"WP11, what's that got to do with mp?" FlaHh want-
Pd to know.
rl hat.':--; when\ you eom(' in.'
olan explained.
"We\ want you to .· ~<' th t your tPam lo.'(\' th game."
I 1, Hh wa:--; ·tumwd by thi.· :h tc\m<'nt. A . urpri. ed
look which quickly turn< d to angPr, e" me\ ov r his fa e.
'"I lw Panthers h· d l><'<'ll training hard for a month for
thi.· gam<, and, now thPs<' two w~ nte d him to 1 t hi.
team own hy t hrowin., th< an { :o that th \ Rang r
could win.
< u W' n t me to th row
tomorrow ·
m? Why
Page Six
you rotten-", Flash snark·d grabbing Nolan by the
"Hold it!" Procter warned. "I've got something
else to tell you that might change your mind."
Flash let go of Nolan's collar. He looked suspiciously at Procter. "vVhat?" he asked flatly.
"Baker," Procter said, "if you don't throw that game
tomorrow, I'll tell your coach something I don't think
you'd like to have him hear."
"And that is?" que8tioned Flash, half afraid of what
the answer would be.
"Oh, nothing much," Procter replied, "just a little
incident that happened about two years ago in New
York, that's all."
FlaRh's face paled. "How'd you find that out?"
Procter Rmiled wryly, answering, "I make it my busine s to find out things. Well, are you going to throw
the game, or do we tell the coaeh what we know?"
Flash was sick all over. To let his team down now
after their counting so much on a victory tomorrowwell it wasn't right. It meant loosing hiR good standing with the team and his R01f respect. On the other
hand if he didn't throw the game these crooks would
reveal to the coach the one secret in his life that would
hurt him. Either way he was in a mess. It seemed as
if there was only one thing to do.
"Okay," he said, sick at heart, "I'll throw the game."
Procter smiled crookedly, put his hand on Flash's
shoulder and said, "Now you're talking, kid, and I'll
tell you what we'll do. We'll give you one-third of the
"I don't want any of your rotten money," Flash snapped. "Now, get out of here, and get out fa8t."
"Okay, okay." Procter said, leaving. "But don't
forget, you loRc that game if you know what i8 good for
"Don't worry, I will." Flash answered, Righing heavily.
His mind was in a whirl. He was sick at heart as he
stumbled slowly up the rooming house steps. Just a
few minutes before, his spirits had been Roaring high.
Tomorrow was the big day. The whole ball team felt
confident that they were going to win, and now these
two crooks turn up and threaten to expose Flash's secret to coach Wagner, if he didn't lose the game to the
Rangers, just so that they could make a little crooked
money. Flash hated to fall down on his job, but what
else could he do? If those crooks told the coach Flash's
secret, he'd probably lose the game. Everything was
in a mess, and, as Fla h went through the doorway
and climbed the stairs to his room, he wa.c; thinking ju 't
"What a fix to be in." he was muttering to himself.
"Hang it all! There must be ome way out of thi8 mess,
The Oracle
but darned if I know what it is."
Entering his room he dropped upon his bed, and held
his head in his hands. He felt all gone inside. Fate
was working against him. Why?
"If I lose the game, I'll lo. e my reputation," he was
muttering to himself. "And if I don't, those crook8 will
spill what they know to the coach. Aw rats!"
The next day wa8 a fine one for the game. The sun
was shilling and a cool breeze was blowing across the
ball park. The . tadium was packed with about 50,000
fans. It promised to be an exciting, hard-fought battle.
In the Panthers' locker room, just a few momentA before the game, Coach Wagner was giving last minute
instructions to the player..
"Men, I don't have to tell you what we're up against,
today. 1he Hangers are a tough team to beat. Now,
we're going out there on that field with the idea of taking their title away from them; but if we lo ·e, we'll
lose as good sports should. Put forth your best teamwork and give it all you've got. Okay, lads, get out
there now, and fight!"
They jumped up, yelling excitedly, and raced out of
the gym. They were going out there and show those
Rangers that they weren't the only "roosters in the
coop." Everyone was feeling swell. That is, every
one but Flash. He was the last one out, and as he
stumbled into th0 field, h0 was wishing that he could
die, right t hc'n' in his trackR. The whole team was
(Please turn to page twenty-!our)
Forest fire
by Louise Eastman.
The coun tiyside was lwau lif ul,
The l'Oad a golden thrc'ad
Winding through thr forest
To unknowns alwad.
The birds were' there alx>"e us,
Hidden hy the !raves,
The trees W<'re swaying g<'ntly
In the summer hr<'<'Z<'.
Little did W<' rC'aliz<',
As we walked thne, hand in hand,
That soon this road would lrn,d us
Through a eharrcd and blackened land.
Hobbed of nature's trimmings,
A land of rock and waAle,
Made that way by human hand,
Through thonghtlessn('ss and haste.
Page Seven
by Philip Murdock
Sophomore Philip "Moose" Murdock has at last interrupted hi numerous athletic activities long enough to
bring us a story. This one is about a New York banker
in the Maine Wood .
HE Hun wa: sinking lower in the sky and Little
H rb was getting worried. Little Herb had
boon a rcgi: tered guide for nine y ars and never
before had he di. iappointed a customer. But this was
a prcnliar day. 1 h r wa. a light cru t cov ring a
thrPC) inch now base which m~d walking difficult and
deer could hear a man .oming for miles.
Prrcival McGouldri ·, a rich New York banker who
had come to hunt in Maine for a v c tion, crunched
along noi.·ily beside Herb.
"I Hay, old man," puffed 1 Goul ric, "how much
furU1Pr arr we ,.oing to walk before we come to one of
thoH<\ anirnals?"
"We might Hee on} any time now," Little H rb
groanc d back, hut down in his own min he knew it
would he luck if they ven saw a. ign of a doer, b cau: c
thoy WNe g tting . ·o near to civilization.
'frGouldric and Horh were trudging along an old
tote road loading out to th main highway. Thi. road
was banked on both ide. · by a thi k vergrcen growth.
ll of a sudd m th \re was an inf rnal era. h down on
tho right hand side of the road.
Little Ile rb yell d for McGouldric
stay in the road
bocnu:« h l new that a man of M .Gouldrie's . izc could
11< vor g< t through the thick ts. 1 hon h( plunged into
tho hrnsh himself.
"Doggone," thought Herb, "I haven t, I t Ic ouldric down y t and I'll he gosh-darn d if I'm g ing to."
Herb picked ip a hug set of fr . ·h d r tra k and
started hot on tho trail. After five minute. the track
startc l .ir fo1g back.
""1 hat, baby i.· goi11g ri ht h ck a 'ros. the tot) r ad,"
mutiercd Herb. "I hop\ e ouldri · · n g ta shot at
him. II\ tl probably get b 1 \k fever tho gh."
I 'rl> cam<' to the road and l< ok d up and own, but
no Mc \rnldri ·was to b( .·Jen.
" "o:h ' -mi rhty," T~ sprd Herb, "th t arn fool is
chaf'ing the d < r him'elf ."
nd . '\U:C < nou h, there we r
le onl ri ·' track
right on 1 he 1 nil of t,hc dc<'r.
,.1 \ ili rht, was Il<'' rin an l if Per ·iv· l k oul ri lu d
to :stn iu the woo b over ni ht, he 1 ight find i, diff 1<'nt from . ·ittin r 1 <hind'
:;k in a cw ork b nV
I"it,t,l \ forb h·td to C' tch him b .Jore it ot d rk; ·o
h .·L rtPd out on th run.
if1, n minut : .·Ii by and
Herb began to get tired. H was falling over a log
now and then.
''1hat guy claimed h had b en a track man at Harvard, but I nev r gave it much thought," grunted Herb.
''I gue he mu.ta been, though.''
The trail led down into a . wamp, which made the
tracking hardrr. Furthermor , the un had already
gone down, but th re wa~ , till light enough to track by.
1 h n from a littlr hill that ro. e out of the wamp, a
shot echo d lik a cannon. Fallowing the shot a yell
came which sounded to H rb lik a hideous death
1'Cr am.
"Oh-h, that feller\~ ·hot him, lf ," whispered Little
Herb as h da h d up the small hill. Th re on the top
of the knoll a ~ trang .·ight awaited the guide. Percival McGouldric :tood with one foot on a big buck's
body, b ating hi. ch . t like a Tarzan. Hi clothes
were torn and his arm bleeding , lightly, but there wa a
happy . mile on hi. face.
Beating his che t like a Tarzan.
"I've alway. want
to 1 e ,.I rzan," exclaimed McGouldric.
H h d literally on nm the de Pr and :hot him ju t as
h wa.~ l ou t . tart, own the < th r . ·id) of the hill.
erb :lun the d ~ _,r upo11 hi: . ·hould r: and, followed
by Mc ouldri ·carrying l oth rift J.·, .tart< d hom ward.
Th y re' ·h d h' ot \ road , f Jy, but it wa diffiCl lt w lking out to the hi hway :in· i wru· q 1it d rk.
conthm r1 on page twenty-three)
Page Eight
The Oracle
Ahl Love
by Paul Coleman
Not satisfied with honors in athleiics and scholarship,
Paul Coleman, president of the Sophomore class, has invaded the field of literature. The tool: the lender tale
intriguingly developed below.
T was a bright sunny afternoon in spring that Jim
AllC'n got into his :Model T and went up Elm
Strrc•t. Hf' was 011 his way to eall on a certain
high school sophomore' by tlw name of Tilly Farnsworth. As hf' dn'w nrar hrr house', he saw a 1940
Packard parkC'd bC'forr hN door, and in the' Packard he
saw Tilly talking to a boy. Whrn lw saw this, he
whizzC'd right by hrr hons<' and around thC' corner.
That night whpn hr wrnt up to the drug store, he
Jearnrd that thr boy with the Packard was CC'cil Van
Dom, a rich man's son, who had just movC'd up on BcrrywatC'r Hill. And he also lrarned that his own sister
had introducrd him to Tilly, and hC' had already askrd
hC'r to thr Easter Daner, and she had accC'ptC'd.
In this dire• hour, Jim tunwd for hC'lp to a boy that
his mother had told him to krrp away from. This poolroom hanger-on was "Spike'" O'Nlally. He was standing in front of the pollroom with a cigarrttC' hanging
out of his mouth.
"Spike, Spikr, you'n gotta hrlp mr," exdaim<'d Jim
as he saw Spikr.
"Whatsa matter with you? The bulls aftrr ya?"
"Gee, no, Spike•, it's more serious than that; a 1ww
kid in town stole' my girl."
"Is dat all what's hotlwrin' you? \YC'll, ()':\lally's
"Advice to the Lo\'dorn" bas IH'\'N failC'd yPt.
"First ya gotta ast anothrr girl to thr shindig. GC't
ya girl fric•nd jC'alous. Then if I was you, I'd pick a
battle wid dis sissy. Dat's all thc•n• is to it. You do
as I say. and y<,u'll gC't hC'r haC'k in no timC'. ''
"Gee, thanks a million, Spike," smil<'d .Jim as hr rnn
no orn• rise would dancr with hrr. As hC' took hrr home
that night, he rrmarkrd sarcasti<'ally, "I'vr had a prrfectly wonderful ('\'rning, ClarnlH'lla. By the way, do
you know CeC'il Van Dom"?"
"Oh, yes, he• used to c·omc• up lo my house• about e\'<'l"Y
night, but lately hr hasn't IH'rn up."
"Why don't you invite Tilly and him up tomorrow
night, and we'll ha\'(' a foursomr?"
"I think that's a wo o o ond<•rful id<'a," answrred
Clarabrlla lVIar, casting hn big brown ryf's at Jim.
"I'll ask thrm first thing in thr morning."
At C'ight o'cloek thr 1wxt rvrning Jim drew up in
front of thr LC'<' mansion and saw that the' othC'rs had
already arrivC'd. Hr went in and greetc•d thc'm. Then
Cecil was introduce•d lo him. Hf' found Cecil to lw a
boy of mrdium build, blond curly hair, and with a baby
"Ah! Lo,·r," sighrd Spike• with a shake' of his }l('ad.
\\ lwn Jim rPadH'd horn<', ll(' C"allc'd Miss C'larnlwlla
:\1ae Lc'e', on<' of the aristocrats who li\'c·d 011 thr Hill,
and askC'd her to the da1H·<•. :\Iiss Clarahella immrdiatdy acceptrd and cooed lwr thanks o\·c•r tlw t<·kphonc>.
.Jim finally hung up and breaHwd a long sigh of n•lid.
"I'se so o o frilled," cooed Claralwlla :\Iar, as thry
drow up to the' Club, "to be' goin' too o thr dancr with
you o o."
"Well, Clarabrlla, lwrc• we an' just in time for the
first dance•. GiYC' me your wrap, so I C'an chC'ck it, and
then we'll dance' a bit."
Jim had to dance with Clarnlwlla a.II en•ning l>C'C'ausc·
Cecil hit Jim tl'llh his rne.
" to know you!" c•x('\ainH'd .Jim, stieking out his
"C'harnwcl, I'm :-.11n·," lisJH'cl ('p<·il, k<'<'ping his hands
in his po<' kc· ts.
"Children, ('0111(' downstairs to tlH' ganw room,"
said th<• lW\'('ring :\Jrs. Le•<•. "C'la.ralwlb :\la<', show
your young fric•nds a. good t imc>."
"Come• on, .Jimmy," <'xelainH'd ClarnlH'lla :\Ia<'
grabbing him by the hand.
(Please tum lo page l1N•11ly-lhree)
Page Nine
May~ 1940
"Young April"
On Themes
by Alf red Perry
by Paul G. Ford
VERY other 1'Ci nc i. an "-ology."
is not the science of zoo. . Pathology i. not
the science of path. . Phonology is not the
o .-iology is not th , ionc \ of kne · .eicn ec of fakes.
length stockings, not y t of boxing.
Physiology is not
the science of carbonated drink'.
Why, the u, should Themology be the I ci nee of
thcm(\s? On the surfa c it would app ar that it should
not ho. Actually, how vor, I believ that it is,
firm i1· my xmvi .tiou, in fact, that I am content to go
no Iurt her in proof.
L rt U1' be sati: died that 1 homology
i. the scion le of themes.
What, then, is 1 homology? I haw already said
that it iH the science' of themes.
But w< c n go dr <'PN
than that
What is it, basically and fuudamcnt: lly?
What docs it entail?
In the first place, it entails a table, chair, paper, and
either pen, pen .il, or typPwritrr.
Next it rr quires a
subject, usually one of interest or importan le -thc subjoct undr r discussion is an example.
Thirdly, it requir« · an a ithor, .omconc to , 'it on the chair before the
table, and set down on tho paper with the pon, pen .il,
or typewriter tho idea: which thought upon the subjo ·
have oxeitr-d in his mind. That L' the medium throu h
whi -h the plan of a th: me becomes a the me.
This, then, is thcmology, a most honorable and
worthy :eirn ·e, and by no means 1 a.'t of tlw gc nu.'
" )logy.
In Appreciation
ITH the clo.fog of thi.· .·chool y r, Bangor
·hool i.·
thr c of it,' mo. t
promin nt
t a ·h r::
Pauli1H IcLaughlin, Mr. harle.· ( ' onnor, nd Mr.
H \rl ert. L. Pr . · tt.
11 thrr have h< \n affili t d
with d ~1 ating. Mr. Pr .·lot ha,' 1 ccn var:ity d l atP
·o' eh and advi.·or of tlw upp< r ela.\' ·luh and hrou h
his efforts it has h< come one of the mos out·tanding
or >"~UliZ'l.{ ions , 'J)OilHOl'C l by th \ , ·ehool.
\mn r has l ecn (d1'0 a:·voci~ ted with the th1< tie I PJH rim nt a.· ·oaeh of frtck. He ha.· t 1rned out
consist<\ntly good t am.·.
Miss McLau rbliu has veiy ably handled th! 'n' plra on.·, , rnl, this yv r, the '1 .
. '1 . .
All three hav b< · mr v 1 wdl lik an adn ir d
by ,·tud nL· 'n l fa ·ulty '.tlikc.
\ c 'r,, very .·orry to
sec Uiem o; JHVPrthcl \'.',we~ re h· pp that t,h y ·m
a mH·c in th< i r ·ho. ·pn ·,ncc1-. ·.
r:t of lu ·k t them!
PHOLDING the piwtige of their predecesors, the pre. ent . ·enior cla. , pre. ented on
May 17, a play entitl d Young April that defi d competition with the be. t of production1 ever enacted upon thP . tage of B. H. . The talent . cout of
Woodcod International couldn't have cal t the play any
bett r nor could the author of Young April it." lf have
found anyon that could have portrayed the part with
more xccllrnce than tho1' that participated.
For in,'tancc, th ah· nt minded Prof ,\or Mcintyre, Io I uperbly int rpr trd by Danny Orr wa. one of the best
portrayat wr had ever : n. Barbara Perry wa hi.
wife and with such a:c did .'h enact her part that the
audi n e Haw lwr a: Mrs. Mcintyre and not a. Barbara
And then th r wa.· John Woodcock!
can't des ·rilw his perf rmance, for h play-d hi role
.·o wrll nd 1"0 naturally that we wond red jf tho. e line
and action.· might not be of hi. own making rather than
the playwright'.
Wh t an outburst of m rrim nt rent the hall when
uk y Gidding. as Lula, th color d maid, made her
app aran le; on could 1'carccly believr that it wa. he.
a.'ey did marv lou,'ly in a part entirely for< ign to her own per.·onality.
F r she wa. a j alou
littl flirt, making troubl if sh thought it would gain
h r own nd1·.
h is to b congratulated for a wonderful nactment of a typed part. Loi.' Hardi. on, too,
add d to th hilarity for she wa. a near . ight d (litrally,
not figuratively)
ncyclop dia worm who
couldn't \v n g \t a dat for unday night.
Di k Mor. e wa1' a "natural in the true 1' n1 of the
word a. h intrrpr t \d th character of a popular athletic
. tar.
H app ared R natural that th audience mu. t
havr th 1ght that n\hear:ing had b n unnece ary.
Evelyn Hi· , a. Terry M llntyr , app ar d a though
th) par had le \n written l\'pccially for hrr, and Erne t
onroe, too, nactcd hi.· par mo:t naturally.
Bol Hill and ~jarl mith, thou h having minor role ,
formed th ., connecting link l rtwc n the part of the
play. Had i n t l n f r them the cour . c of th play
might have l ) n far diffrr n !
Harvard W ath rb( c did mor than ju ·tic to th
en' c1ing of t "' r Miller, for it wa1' the part of a mama~ hoy t,i d to h r apron l·tring.· aud n) whJ dare,
not . ·p k for him Jf. H portray )d thi.. part uprbly for it W' ,' a rol . o apar from hi. own makeup
tha it took r \( 1 ·ting hility to p< rtray it.
jretiv ~ ar not of ~·nffi ·irant q 1ality to laud
thy1 n Bry ,r in h \r char ·t r par f r. ·. Mill r. There
1 ., whom w,, h~tH ·
n in )\ ry day lif , on .'tagc
Page Ten
The Oracle
or screen that could have done better.
Dorothy Hart and June Winchell, though they too
had minor roles, al. o gave cause for what later took
place. Who can forget Connie Dubey a Diane, the
apple of George Mcintyre' (John Woodcock's) eye.
She, too, wa, a "natural", and we congratulate her for
an extraordinary performance. No one else could have
played better their part, , and a, we stood out. ide after
this marvelous production, listening to the fragment,'
of pas. ing conversations, we heartily agreed, too, that
it was one of the b st amateur performance, V\C had
ever witnes ed.
Colonel Braley handled the battalion like a veteran.
The band mad one of the best appearances cv r, and
on that score much credit goc.· to Maurice Orbcton, Jr.,
and Drum Major Waldo Libby for their help in making the inspection a . uccc. H.
The military sea.·on waH climaxed laRt ~ riday with
the annual formal, the Military Ball.
by Phylli
Annual R. 0. T.
All men know th old n fable of that
ravc\n, foul and sable,
Perched upon the writing table of
a man named Poe.
Ju. t a.· many know the ditty, thought
by Rome to be quite witty Reading it, I still take. pity on a
guy called Jo .
C. Inspection
HIS spring p r ur ual, and it really wouldn't be
spring without it, came the annual in. pection
of the R. 0. T. C. Thi event is th climax of
the military affairs of B. H. S. and i. really a fitting exhibition to conclude a year of intern e drill.
Beginning thi: year on the twentieth, a day earlier
Often time.· I've Hat and pondered whilr my
than in former year. , we were graced by inclement
mind with sorrow wandered
weather. Monday noon at rece '", there wa a mad
the paths of woe whcr
ru h for the armory and the battalion marched away in
thiR poor guy called Joe.
the mi st. The forenoon wa pent in quad drill. and
every turning.
manoeuv n in charge of the 'quad l aders them elv s.
Dang< r-thrill.·-c\x ·itPment burningThL was the pot wh re next year's officer , had th ir
IakP mp turn despairing, yearning,
chance to hinc, It wa · c rtainly a . well army day!
1~ rom E. A. Pop to Jor
Wet! Muddy! Cold! Throe synonyms for the army.
However, that wa 0. K. with all concerned 'ince it
But, for m<\, I ll take that fighter,
wa · taken for granted that. Tuesday would be necer brain-ehild of a ma, ·ter writer.
. iarily be a good day. Tuesday came with more rain
H.avpn rwvcr wa~· politPr than thiH
and cold, and deeper mud. To offset this, th boys
guy nam<d .JoP.
were practically stuffed with energy and cnthu: iasm,
iH my hero.
ow the
Everything w mt . 'well Tue. ·day including squad, plaraven
toon, and company rill. The battalion parad w nt
GP<', I hopP that lw c·an t, hear;
well, with the band stealing the honors of the> day. HonOh, pkas' don t haunt, mP, Poe!
orary Lieutenant olonel on. stan ·e Dub y and H norary Major Evelyn Ric reviewed the battalion on
W dnesday. A very interested and appre .iative audience wa, in attcndanc to, , the honorary x \rci: cs but there was a notal J) absen ·e of 3angor Hi h illlllllllllllCllllllllllllllJflllllllllllt•!• lllllllllllllUllllllllllllUlllllHlllllt •!• llllllllllllllllllllllllllll Jllllllutlllli
chool . tud nt. . How rvcr, everyone and hi. . i. ·t r
was th r . on Thursday, whi ·h after all was th bi d y
and c rtainly des r ed a little attention. 'J hen .w for~
In tlw annual Hation- idc com pct i t,ion of
mations r cently adopted by th army at fir. t . ·e .m d
hi rJi :dwof and ('Oil!''(' pubf i<':Lf ions COil:;~ __
que r to everyone, in ·l iding th) boy.· th m~clv i, , bu
du ·1 ' l y th
at,ional ~ \;hola. ·1 ic I roHs
efficiency i. the watchwo1 d thc:c day .
. a who] \ the
.:ociation for th\ HPflSOll rn:m-rn4o, Ow
in.·pection wa~ v ry . u ·cc :ful, and fajor Ha an ·an
Oracle aehic ved the signal hm 01· of I• i r. 't,
certainly b congratulated for hi: ~ dmini. tr' tiou thi.
h ' ... n 1 in r.
y ar. It wa no ca. y job o begin a ain, ' Imo ·t f 10n
the ._ta1t, tot ach four hundr d oy how to b . oldi(\r ..
·~1111 ummn1111111111uc111111mm1t•!•1m111111111rl11111m1111c
mmmmc 1111111111111c1111111mmu111111mmr=!.
I m ntion~d two girL· in th I~ bruary i sue a. workIGHrl now I'm looking over the June Oracle
girl. in Boston, hut I failed to tell what they were
of 1938 and as I . can th Graduation speakors, Barbara Savag loom. up. "P ppy" doing. Well, I've been digging in the file and I dis(that's what th y call her up at Main ) has certainly cover d that B tty Ayer, '36, i.· now employed by the
carri d h r :p aking and acting ability to th univ r- Liberty Mutual In. uranc Company in Boston. Al. o,
Charlotte lr.ment is a contact work r for the Bo ton
sity, My coll .aguc, "Phyl" Lipsky, told y u "Prppy"
hildren's Ho. pitaL
was going to be in the Maino Masque play, Our Town;
That hand.·omr "Bill" Hawke· who de\ erted Bangor
now that it's over, people say that it was tho best play
for several years, and I'll bet it wasn't l ccauso of the last .·ummrr is now attending the Univrr. ity of Vermont. And whrn la. t . ern, }q·rd Hawkes wa going
to 1 ilton.
Jc an Baird, '3 , is in her second year at W stbrook,
John Howard i · now a . oda-jcrkrr at Po t Office
and she look· wonderful.
I saw her floating around
RO if you want a . 1p rb "cok ", ju t slam
in a . ·hiny car during vacation.
and pre. to, you have the be. t!
If oner you should st 'P into a 1 e l dross shop in
'3 , i. manager of ... pring football at
Bangor, you'll be come the happy vi ·tim of Huth urBowdoin.
why Loui. doe. n't go out for footran, '3 , who will pull every h t and drcs ·out in ord r
no douht about the ize of his
to bo obliging and also, - ahr m! - to m kc a,' le.
Miriam F .llows, '3 , and L uisr
ewman, '3 ,
Bob Blake, '3 , and tanl y Flc tcher, '38, . eem to be
an 1 oth planning to take typing and . .omething lso
oth r.· attracted hy Northea:t ,rn, or i,' it ju. t Bo (I can't rcmr mbor) a Beal Busincs ·
ollcgo t his
summ ir. Hon stly, som girls hav , more courage to ton?
Dougla. Blah, '39, is applying hi. mechanical talface typewrite rs on ni ·r hot days than - than - thanPnt.
in Army ir orp ..
Od eton, '34, . ecm: to b njoying her work
ill Jenkins, cl· ss jittcrbu of 193 , is now studying
a.· librarian at 1 rinity iollegc in Hartford, Connectiat Quoddy Youth dminis ration.
Charles Junkins is now gPtting up at h wee small cut. 1 h . ·e rbc ton. , they're all O\ er the face of the
hour. to go on a milk route for Hillman'..
Hel n ond, ':35, i.· 'way out in 1 ol do, Ohio, a. a
'1 alking it, all over with "Lib" Libb y the oth r day,
~ out rx( )utivc.
I discov ired th, t "Lib" a tually plans to trn h hool
"~ arge" Em )r.·on, '39, L· a member of th band and
next y<'ar.
w ,ndolyn Mat ·hct , '3 , rn raining 't
ra- · i.· taking th pr -medical cour. at the Univer ity of
V rmont.
eonPH. · Hospital in Bo,'ton.
harle.· Hice, 35, graduat R from Wharton School of
( ~harlottc l {. l rts, '39, i. · oing all righ for h \r~"'inancc
of th Univcr. ity of P nn:ylvania thi June .
. · \lf. ~
\n1 r ,d Be· 1 Brn.;inc. ., ·
\ 1 . fall, and
Fl atwood K. McK an, '30, i. graduating thi pring
uow .·he\· out an on her own a:. c erctary o Mr.
fr m the Qu n .·
nivc1\·ity a King. ton, Ontario,
at bl" ham I incoln.
th )r aft r to tak a po. ition
Art< mu.· W<"tthcrhc c, ';~.5, 'fter <rr' du· ting from
. , for the Brad n Copper
Iaine l· . 't yP tr, went down to \\ a:hin rton, D.
i.· connc ·ted wit,h a trainin r ~ ·hool of the ov ,rnmcnt
ow here , · he big n )w ... to top th climax. Charle.
Ro crt.·, 37, he :upcr colo... ·al ha.·k tball play r when
w : . nior.· were frc. hmcn, and L ui. Gile. ar ngaged
nd dr.· in ,d o be m rricd .· n. Congratulations,
h rlie. . uch Happinc.\, L ui: .
Dots and Dashes
Radio Aid In Sight Conservation
Broadcasting in the classroom (and at horn ) as an
aid in conserving the sight of . .chool .hildr n i. · advocated by Olive . P ck, sup rvisor of Braille and i ht~ 'aving Iasse: · in Cl veland, hio, in a r port recently
publi: .h d by the ational ~ o .icty f r the Prov ntion of
Basing her report on < xporim nt · conduct d with
65,000 hildrcn in the ol m ntary chool: of 1 v land,
Mis. Peck . tr . '."es th imp rtanco f " ye re. 't period. "
which br adcast le. son: provide.
"Education has been carrying on quit a bombardment of the visual senses for many year ," Mist Peck
points out. "1 he us of the auditory sens ha been
rather negl ctcd a,' a gat way of 1 arning in the regular
cla .. ~. But educators are now intero t d in u. fog
"On fine dovelopm nt of the use f broadca. ting
i an incr a ed int rest in spo ch.
v .ybody i b coming pe ch r radio-con. ·ciou. . T . 't, ar ho wing
that many ·p cch def ct. arc the r sult of audit ry
defects. Perhap: many of us who ar engag din. ightaving clas work haw 1 ot paid enough attcn i n to th
auditory ndition of our childr IL '
If you would like a copy of Miss Pe .k's compl te report, ju. t address the ational ss fa ion f r th Pr v ntion of Blindn s , HC
ldg., New
ork ity,
Copie, may be had for th a. ·king.
cw En land W<" ther news for all
ngland is brought to you by tho Y~ nk e N -twork
Weath 'r ervico, hoard [oca.lly ovr r WLBZ at .15
a. m. and 1. ~5 p. m. (Mon.- at) and on undays at
·' 0 a. ID. and again at 11.15. 'I hr one cxe pt,ion in
the time li.·ting iH aturday nights, when thP night
edition of the weath \r. ·ervi ·c iR hroa least at 11.45 p. m.
'] emperaturr and wcathc r ronditio1rn in
w ath r forcca:t.· for 1aine arc in fodc\d on th Y. N.
W ath r rrvier which, in it. fiftc en minut' pr gram.·,
give. complct wcath r cov rag of cw England a.
w-11 a.' part. of
w York and g ncral weather new
about he whol country. If you li.t n onc<\, w think
you'll b com a rrgular tuner-in of th w ather scrvic .
H v you <'VPr stoppPd to think how near we ' r to
Europc's battks?
o cloRP, indP< d, that w an hear a
man breathe in Paris, so dosr that we\ can hrar the
ru. t le c f a p prr in BNlin.
One of th ' fin Ht programs to bring late st r<'port.,
dir ·tly from th major h 1ropPan capitals is a fratun\
of th
Broade~vting ~ y. 't<\m known a.· TOD Y IN h HOPh.
B correspondent: in London,
Pari. ·,and BPrlin ~ re all heard on t,hi. · war new.· program.
nd th' rPePption from th( different eiti ,' aer RH th
oeran i.' v )ry ood, now-nPar1y 75% he't1tcr than it
wa. no . ·o long a o.
'] D
I Ji) HOPI~) i: hPard in B:n ror ov< r W BI
( Ion.-~ at,.) ~ t .00 a. m. and 01. 1 inn layH at 9.00 a. m.
not,her good new.· pro 'Tam h< ard ovPr t.h ~~ m
ne work a11d lo<'~ I :t atrion is ti tkd TJ n~ WO H Ll rl OD
-heard ( Ion.-~ ~at,.) : L 6.45 and on ~ unda.ys at
7.00 p. m., with the title ·hnngc'd t< 'I HL
"I I~ WJ1Ji.J(.
NO. 5
Student Council
A Y of you who an I <bat<' .lub me mb I\'
at tt-ndr d this Y(" r's (lass Debates. 'I hero
you hoard discu-e« d a qu: st ion of
err using importance -the quest ion of st udr nt council.
'1 his i: · a subjc et that has be c n poppin r up o ·c sion Ily
for several years: and with our prcsout princip 1 has
comr IH w intr ·c s in the problr-m.
:\Ir. lh plin has
ulrr ady < xprosscd his gn' t inter -st i11 and d sin for
student council. Howe vr r, not unlike a piece of m th
paper, the question has t we sides.
On the one side' ' re those who lx-li: vc h t ' stud cnt
council would ho an invalual k addition to
MAY, 1940
not be IH -ossary ; if it d < s n t exi: rt, t he coun il cannot
realize it: ultimat purpose the development of that
spirit whi ·h we spok of in the first part of this ditori: l.
HPgardless of which side you, tho studc nts, favor,.
you , ·hould he thinking ' ho it tho u '. .tion.
It i.
rt inly worthy of' rrat de al f con.·ideration. It ,'hould
he diH •trnsed in <- 11 your home ro m. ·; nd i would cv n
p y y 1 to take' enough timP to .·tudy h problem mor
comp let ly by your. ·rlvc s. Every stud nt ir Bangor
igh ehool should bP horoughly a ·qu intrd with it.
1 he' time m' com< in th( 1 ~ r future wh n y u will b
·alkd upon o de eidc this i... ·ue, nd you .·hould b able
to de eide i intdlig \ntly.
y will lw t h nd.
'1 o many of u
it will me an nothing mon th n v cation fr m. hool.
rI o othc rs it will lw day to .·top to think-to think,
the\ band,' playin ? "hy are
111d down? l or wh t, h vc the.
On The Bookshelf
HOV\ 1 0 DAN ~E
If the truth ho known, asid from the Reader' · igest
condensations, and a few more or less dry es iay: · on
religion and philos ;phy, about the only hook that w
have re ad is 01w for which \\P had the direst need, The
Art of Social Dancing by Lawrence Host -tler.
This i~ n't a new b . ok, l ut the un xpect d interest
manifested by every one to whom we mentiono I it
prompted us to in .ludc it here.
While a per. on wh
had never dan d bef re probably .ould not, benefit
greatly from this book, it, is a god-send to us b ginners
who . 'P nd all ntire < vening doing l ut two 01 three
different steps. It. takes up the fundamentals, explains
clearly th \ ba. .ic wal z, f xtrot, and tan o . · ep. ·, and
in .ludos many f those de lightful littl variation.' and
combinations whi ·h k ep dancing from gcttin monotonou ..
When we quizzed James Hastin .· as to his re nt
r ading, h laun .hcd into an enthu: ·ia. .ti d . , iription
of a Dick Tracy story, but desisted when told what we
w r going t do with our inf'ormati n. Jimmy said h
hadn't read mu ·h lately, but knowing him to b q iite
a tennis player, we inquired a: to the best book for anyon who want. to improve hi. tc nnis,
Without hesitation he .d l ck" H 01' tu l lay T nnis, 1 y 1 r · r
Bea.·lcy, th\ fpllow wh
coa·hed I~llsworth \irn.·.
1 hi~ book, we und \rstand, is \'Pry lucid.
n quizzing~ fac H~ rdy w< di. · '< n d the una c< untal le fact that he ha l lw )n rPa<ling hooks for 110 other
tan ibl r a. ·on than that Hwy WPn 011 th \ ~ '1cnior H a 1
rn, F'orM~de, h In h \\~l ol\, hP .aid
wa. t,he . tory of the trials d.nd t ribulatiorn' of a youn r
Engli hman who nm. 'tway f n n ehool, gc t. job, lo. .
jol, get. marri d, and tric\ to writ<.
nother, To llave
anrlto Ilolrli .
ir initllof lH J7thcentury,
t) 01 ()of a. hiploc d of rirl: import \d for
1I' c did
'.nd of l i. < n. uin p ·oblem. .
nt hu:j~. t,i ) .bout < ithn of tlw. bu t bey
(for somct hi1
01 they \H>uldrd l ) on
.·tndcnL · seem to havP rPad and enjoy d.
t lca.t two .· nior.· have n ~ d The l..?fe of Andrew
J ohn.·on by Wi1liam Ja.mps; Herbert, Travi.· .·tu t d that
it wa, · well worth r ading, and ~ mnncr _J1almet\' went
,'o far ws to Ray, "Id rpcommcn<l anyhody to rPad it~"
rl hi.· i.· said to be the l \st an<l most interc.·ting lifr of
"Old Hickory"
ver written.
Ge orgp I .ohirnmn, movie\ columim-d, and ,'hort story
writ r, pron d a. veritable gold r in<' of comm< nt. H ~
had r 'ad "Twenty-four
!lour,,, by Loui1S romfidd.
" romfi ld, quoth Ge rge, "i. · th \ mo. ,t, en t rtaining of
m< d rn no\'Pli.·t.·.'
Wh n a.·kcd what. the story was
about, he murmurPd
va rurly, "Oh, 24 hourH, of
c ur.· ,'' and went on to .·ay tha thr id a of it all wa.,
"Man i. jrn;t an im;ret, driven along paths 1 ot of his
own ·hoo,·in .
'1 h foll win i. a . ·pketion of modern book· which
we deri\ \d tlmm rh P .. haust.ivc .·tndy of many pound.·
of book n viPw. · and which should he Pnjoyc d by 11
type.· of reaclPn;.
Children of God -by Vardis FiHh< r-t he\ <·011de1vat ion
in th R arlcr . · Dige ·t (the si ory of tlw 1ormons) is
one of he mo. t f~veina.ting hits of liten tmc \\'C have
. cen in many moorrn.
Flou en ng l~arth-h
onal<l Pc)at tie-an astollishingly int.< rP~tin r history of t,lw < arth, with :pcc·ial Pmphct. i 011 pJant life. rl his is abo C'Oll l< llS( d in t,h()
Di(Je.·t 'ud shoul l he of RJH eiHl int< rp~t, to clwmi~try
.tu nt..
Wind, > 0 nrl, ond St(l!'s-l>y n t oi11 de ~ t. )i;. ·upn J rsonally
W<' didn't, likP it much whPn we t ricd it, but
man pc opl< rPally < njo <di t. H \ as a Ii t t le too dn amy
for lL.
otil )
on by ] i<'han
v\ right-nimc stor ·all< d "th<\ fo1Pst no\ Pl 1 y tH' >To author '; a "pt C'k< d
witl dy 1ai 1itc , rag<'dy >f the \rrn ric·a.n < gro pm bl \n.
tood I u 1,
Page Fifteen
May, 194
up to th . present.
Bethel M erri~ay-by incl air Lewi.' -g n rally agrc d
to b an ent rtaining l. ook although it docs not rank
with hi. other.'. An a .curat tal of a y ung girl on
tho stage.
JI ow to Read A Book-by Mortim r J. dlcr+» book
to l P read seriously by any one who w nts to giv him1'( lf a aood odncation.
A Smattering of Ignorance-by Oscar LP\ ant-tbe
rnusicritic. '1 hr f ·t that it has led the non-fi tion best
seller lists for months proves its nt rtainm nt value.
Reluctant k "tar-by M rgar t L ng.·kr-f' milir rid a
of woman who finds . .hc has only . ·ix month: to li e.
croon idol fall.' for her when sh goos to Hollyw od on
spree. Good for light reading] ( ot: : It has happy
The V<nce of D ~·tructi'on by HPnnann HauHhning.
What, makes Hitler tick, by t hc author of The Revolution rd Nihilism, who know: him as an intim: tc.
Oracle' s
A form of tax tion al lish d in many . stat \ · i. · (
in .omc t' x, ( b) poll t x, (c ) exeisr tax, (d)
'1 ho book, "Failure of a Mission' , w s writ en by
(a) ir <ville Rend 'r:on, (b) o mt i no,
( .)
'1 olcon, following his rt treat from ~ loH-
carp: t t x.
prot .tive trust rship over (a) th"' Phillipi1w:, (h) the
. ~1.,
(e) th<
uteh I~;a.·t In iP:.
Portng l will Hoon (a) c\nter lw war, (h)
its OCth 'nni\ Pr.·ary, (c) lee nnc
oratP of pain.
'l lH' amount. of money eireul tin in tlw
. 1. ·
' l nt ( ) 5 l illi n, (b) 7 billjon, ( ·) 13 billion, ( d) 4 billion.
All national b· nk· m d bd m to (a) he
York ~ to ·k Exch' ngc', ( h) Federal R .
~iy:tcm, ( ·) 1 \'.·ie
(d) th )ir d poRi-
A well-known
rt 1
Kunih lm i:.; U. . c n. ul to (a) Britain,
(b) M xico, ( ) Icrland.
to ·kholm, Sweden, i. alled th (a) City of the
un, (b) Veni ·c of the North, ( c)
Jc w )l of ·andinavia.
'1 he Grrman:' UH .. of "Trojan Hor,'e" tactic. in
rway indie tc\' that th y (a) cam uflage
roopH with fat r haystack·, rte., (b) employ
primitive' ~mvage\
s gen ral. ·, ( ) di gui e
tro p: a.· .·al ,'men, touri:t..
taly was told rrcrntly to (a) give up thiopia, or
1He -, (h) di:arm, ( c) brhav lik a n utraL
vill He ndrrson felt that it for jgn affair~' w re
in GcNing H h· nds, ( ) 11 ~nrop would now
lw t war, (h) Fnglaud would have b en d fpate\d by now, (c) the w r would have b n
avert Jd.
1 .
r ·rnt rl \ ·tion at General Motor.· r . ulted in (a)
oprn :hop, (b) a 1• I. . vi \tory, ( c) a fifth
whrrl for next yrar': cars.
"I hr old the . . ha: amount.· to (a) 250 million,
(b) 3 l illi n, ( ·) n< thing, ( d) 1 billion.
orway i.· famo rn for it· (a) fiordH, (b) ord., (c)
fine guns, ( d) pretty irk
"I h( rPsidrnt want.· a gr at r rrlief appropriat,jon (' ) to in r '~<'hi.· populari y, (b) b cau e
of lack of bu. in . ·s rr ·ov ~ry, ( c) b au. the
. is g Jtt,ing ri ·her and an aff rd mor .
3. Japan hr .· r cently hintr d a
ing gum.
A natural product, compdition f, ·r which ha
r cently cau. ed international trouble, i (a)
th airplan , (b) coff , ( c) oil, ( d) chew-
crm( n
t,hr Cz< ·h <re\. in Pvri~
Phi1lipin< s.
(an wer. on vage 22)
This Crazy Hollywood I
- """' - .
# ~
Outside The Classroom
Debate Club
til], and Miss Roberta mi h w<\re the judgrH.
Perry won he Ht-.'J)< ake r, and thP Hophomor team was
When this i: · read, the De be to 'lub season for 1939- tlw winn , r. 'I he team wa.· .·upPrviH<\d by Mr.'. Mar1940-thc tenth anniversary year-will havo be n garet Carroll of the farnlt.y, ot he~r group., having b< Pn
written upon tho ro ·ord books of history.
<YvcrsPen by MiHH Alice Bocquel, MiHs Paulirw McLaughIt ha.' been uniformly a good y ar. 'I ho lub ha. lin, and Nlr. Charle.· 0 Connor.
b en strong in every department, M noy-raising ha
Bangor v rsity debater.
parti('ipt trd in th Bak:
be n successful: meetings haw boon well attended and int< rH('hola.tic: on Friday, April 19, at LewiHton. '] lwre
interesting: social and other special ov nts have b n they won two 3-0 deci.·io11H, lost two, 2-1. Charle,' .Jrl. moothly run, well patronized, and outstandin ly good.
li. ·on wa.' f>rP. ·< nt< d a medal for f X('Plknep in the semiWith all different teams th a .tual debating re cord ha.
kept to the same) high standard of former .·ra. ons, the
']he final <'V< nt (April 27) frat me\d a l anqu< t, the
per· ntago of winning decisions for Bangor being about y \arbook, class .·hmt·, and a fcaturr movie. In charge
of arrangcmpnt. were Alfred I rith and
inc the la. ·t Ot acle.
Editor of the annual wa.· ichola~ Brounta. with lfrc\d
ebating in Bangor, 'I hursday aft .rnoon, March 21, Perry a: ... ·iste nt <\ditor.
Charle. J llison and
1 dall
ol , affirmativ e, won 2-1
ext month the Oracle will carry a pictur of thi. ·
over a strong Foxcroft cadr my t am, with J lli: n ye r's varsity 1Pam and a Hummary of all activity of the
a. be. t sp ak r.
imult neously at Br w r, Dorothy
. ·raso11.
Braidy and Nicholas Brountas won 3-0 on the oth r : id
of the railroad question, with 'li.': Braidy be.' . p akcr.
Accompani d by
Ir. Prescott and Iiss Bocquel,
var. ity d bat r. · took their hie nnial out-of-stat trip,
tarting March 26 and rot irning Iar ih 29, having met
Raymond, N. H., Lawr nee, 1 Iass., and
']he~ cniorH in . cmi-seriou. · n in ra\ en.· a mo.~t intic~rMass. Cole and Jellis n rcprr H nted Ban or at H, y- c. ting program at. the) March nwc\tin of t.hc Latin j]ub.
mond, ol joining Brountas and
orothy Braidy to We understand that that 4 group thinks in Latin,
make a thr -m n team c ains Lawr nee.
rount ,
t' lk.· in Latin, (or 't lca.t in 1~~11glish th: t, i.· ' din ct
and Dorothy Braidy spoke at 01w< od.
11 debate· tran.-f r of the Lt tin idiom), and that t.hey even order
were no-decision affairs, the Lawrenc ~ mePting b ing their mPal: in Latin - somewhat to tlH\ my:-;tifi.eation
air d over ta ion WLLH. ']he t< am mad< it. he
of local waitn)f'-'<'., althou rh Uio parcntR of the. prodigie\s
quarter. in Bo. -ton, ~ nd Th ursd
c wning R w 1If u- ' re entirely aern. ·to med to it. In fa ·t, on the day of
rice 1 van. pr du ·ti n of Kin(! Richard I I.
he la. t qw rtcrly e am.·, I ord and old< n en tiered the
'1 he annual fa,.,. dPl at< s <'ame '] hur.·day evening, buildin in their u. ·uaJ bo.jstc·rous fashion . ·houting tJ1P
pril 1 , and .·aw alfour old n ~ nd tJolm \ oode ck,
omi11ou1 word: f ron th<' \C'tH id: Ille\ dies primu. leti. nior.,
lf rc d
rry, and Irene
oo. , junior.·, ~ , lly rl hi. i: the fir.·t d: of our doom!
Pear. on and John La oint, .·oph mor .·, and H \rn
Thu. iL eame about, th'lt, the ~ <'11iors presented their
Bell and Rober l .udm n, fr . hm )n, di.-cu.-. in r th\
favorit(, ch: n ctcr., 1 ido and
ern as.
nd so enquc. i n "H . olv,, : that I an or i h ~ ·hool have a Urn. ii. tic' '\re tlwy O\<'l' their .. ubjcct,, that, t,hc mecttud nt c un ·il in op r' ion by 0 ·tol r 1, 194(}1 l f re in I'' Tl )< ll 1 0\ 'r-timc.
In fact, they I ight, h:t\ C k pt,
a good 'udi ne in Hoom 307. I 'ymon J Jone. W' .· on indcfinitPly hu , to borrow~ of the inunort,,t.1
manager of th affair. Y ·ndall ol and 1Ir. Pr . ·< tt
aiu.' J 1liu., ' i rlit put an< nd t.o the proC'ce ling:s.'
w r chairm n, with h var. i y d be er. , . tin er ..
l ani< I rr int,roducP 1 the. uhjP ·t, r a .·t,rik:F rm r l 1 -m mb r. John V )1 . r, L lw rd
c ntr, ·t he hwc n JiJ lw: rd >f \\in J.·<>r who ·ho e
L tin Club
Page Seventeen
May, 1940
"the primros path of dalliance,' and th
ood A n a ,
who listr nod to the stern voi ip of duty, < ve n thou h he
strayed briefly int that path. The . .pcakors then
traced briefly tho . tory of the fall of Tr y and t hr event'
1 ading 1p to the mooting of the lover.' in
Th spirited di loguc of Book IV f the
n id wa ·
then reproduced, with John Wood ·o ·k as tho distra .tcd
A( ncas, and Dorothy Braidy as qu: n ido, beautiful
vcn in her grir f and wr: th. Wr shall not ,'O n forgot
tho spell of the voice and words of this l uso of tho enior 'lass, which held us until the last tcrribl utterance
of the doa th seen '.
lively dis .u: ·si n foll w d, a im \ humor us, and
at Limos deadly .·e rious, eon x-ruing the char ctcr of
Aeneas. Barbara
< rry, in a long and dignified P em
written in he roi · couplets, showed tha
en .· w ,' no
gc nt k-man,
(For ' ·ompl fr [ ud uucxpurg: tcd copy
of this poem WP ref or you to a re cc nt issue of 1 hr . '. P.
Q. R)
Kc ndall Cole valiantly uph: ld th· ·har et r of the
grr t classic hero, ~ nd pro ·c·PdPd, ' t k-a: 't to the' satisfaction of hims< lf and t hr other affirmative speaker·,
to say th t Arne s wa.· the finest ki1 d of gcntl m r .
~ole (along with
< n \as) w s .·upportPd hy
rb r
and ( )rbdon in argum \nts whieh made\ up in fore ful
uttenuH·e what the'y la ·k d in conchvivenrHs.
ilton ut tPrPd ' frw )' rn . ·t word·, der ga ory to th
·bar etc r of the\ piu · Aenea ·. ' 1 hc1 ·am' th s irpri.
f the afternoon, wl en Hichard Jy on, leaning ou thr
de Hk, in non ·halan fashion with < nc dhow on W b. ·tpr s di ·tionary, and Pntin\ly without b )n fit of n :,
pourc d forth a torr nt of or tory in .·upport of th ladic sin ge\1wral, of Dido in particular, and launehPd ag' in.'t
ArnPas a hlaHt of (•ondPmnation th' t, wa. · worthy of a
Hitl< r.
carri<)d away by }"aton . · eon ·ludin ,.
bur.'t of <\loqu ne , th\ dub voted almo.'t t •• ' l ody in
favor of Lat.on and
ido a.nd th 1, die~.
n fac. th
nly vote.·< n th other side eamr fro the three' ffirmn.t ivc sprakc)r.' !
In pril WP hear l from the· Juni r · In l lay, we
J anquct, and W<' banquet
Snapdr gon
1 n Downe.·. Hcna Brll and Joye March upheld the
neg fo r Hidr of the qu . t ion. The de bat ""a. won by
the rwgatiw.
non-dcei;.,ion dd at wa.· held on April 4, with Rena
ill and Inn<' BurlPigh making up th<' affirmative ide,
whi]r HarriPt Duuean and Fay Jon<:.' \\tNC the negathe
1~ ollowing thiH, th r wa. an op n di cu sion
in \\t hich almo. ·t <" ryl ody took a part.
Miss Boequrl, thr fa· 1lty advi.·or,
upervi d the
work of th<' organization.
Commercial Club
'1 wo n ry in.'tru ·tiv progr m.· from th 'tand point
of th<' ~omme'reial ,' udent wer pr .'entcd by the Commercial
lub at th regular m rting,' of March and
Ai ril.
r~Jarl MPrriman, managrr of thr N w ~ ngland Tel phmw and '1 rl graph ompany in Bangor, ,'poke at th
March me< ting.
Ir. M rriman :poke: fir. t on the
f mdamm t' 1., of making "prr.·on-to-p r:on' and " tati n-to-:tation"
·all,". H told the purp .· of the informati< n orwrator nd told what to do if the t 1 phone
i.· ou
f ordx.
1h ,'p k r h n pr,' nt d a one-reel
film in four part·:
"What'., th 1 chniqu ?" "What'
thr 1 n' tmPnt?"; "What',' th
l arance?"; and "A
rw Voi ·e' for Mr.
Tlw first d ~al with he
Page Eighteen
The Oracle
Position" was under the direction of Eileen Connors,
who presented a skit dealing with the preliminaries to,
and the actual steps of, an interview. The cast was:
Harvard Weatherbee, manager; Norman McNaughton,
office boy; Dorothy Hart, flapper sccreta1y; and Helen
Sherburne, the perfect secretary. "Mind Your P's
and Q's,'' a book by Jerome D. lVkyer that points out
the relationship of one's handwriting to personality and
character, was presented in an instructivr manner by
Norman McNaughton. Mildred Tootill dealt in detail with "Accuracy" in all phases of secretarial work.
In conclusion thr club rnjoyed a rrading by Elizabrth
Thirty-three pupils of the senior and junior typrwriting classes at Bangor High School have earned Gregg
Writer awards on the ten-minute competent typist
test printed in the January and February issurs of that
Competent Typist Ce1tificate (60-79 net words pn minute)
Caroline Fernald, Norman McNaughton, Miriam
Competent Typist Pin (50-59 net words per minute)
Helen Gruber, Glenna Kleiner, Leslie Kneidl.
Typewriting Progress Cm tificate (30-49 net words per
Velma Arnold, Esther Arbo, Ruth Atwood, Dorothy
Blomberg, Virginia Bond, Ethelyn B1yer, Pauline Cluff,
Catherine Cobb, Warren Daigle, Geraldine Dennison,
Barbara Dinsmore, Donald Eastman, Ella Faulkingham, Dorothy Gass, Laura Hanson, Dorothy Hart,
Arthur Jonason, Phyllis Jordan, Margaret LaForge,
Roselle Legassey, Hilda PNkins, Jessie Smith, Mildred
Tootill, Althea Ward, Lorrainr Wylie, Robrrt York,
Mmicl Young.
My Buddy,
Dam That Dream, but It Makeb No Difference Now,
because I was Careless when you said, " You're The
One Rose That's Left In Jlfy !Iemt." I went South Of
The Bordm· and I Thought About You but I wasn't
Faithful even when I said I would br Faithful Forever.
You were my Sweetheart whrn we dancrd to the Gaucho
Serenade In A Little Dutch Garden by the Liiacs In
The Rain. Speaking Of I-! eaven, I was Deep In A
Dream when I thought of All The Things You Are.
It's A Blue World, even though we arr At The Batilka
Day In and Day Out. You'd Be Surprised, but I Gel
Along Without You Ve1y Well, so a Goody-Good Bye.
::\Iy Best Wi::;hes To You,
Jf argie.
High Fash ions
by Louise Eastman and Alice Warre11
Second Glances
Scrn at the rxhihition: The dark ::;triped formal
with yellow roses on the girl in thr orchestra. . . the
long sleeved jaekrt and dn'ss co,·c'red with sequins .. .
speakers looked very nice.
Seen at the sehool and <'lsewhrr<': The long slrevcd
rose drrss with gold buttons . . . many whi!C' frilly
blouses . . . white anklrts with angora tops . . . the
sisters whos(' bbnd hair is always attractively arranged
. .. blue• shirt-waist dress with barber-pole stripes
and large pock<'ls . . . bunches of braeelets. . the
whit<' turban on our dark hairrd ch<'<'r leadrr. .. the
strip<'d bolrro jackrt with very full sleeves . . . vivid
red jcwehy worn with thr long slc'evcd black dress . . .
tan collarless suit with th<' vrry full skirt. .. red cherries in the hair worn with navy and white . . . a freshman wearing a navy blue two-piece dress trimmed with
white' yarn stitehing, made by hen:;plf . . . another
freshman, this time om valuable' aid, wearing a grey
suit and hat trimmed with n'd, also matching red gauntlets.
Flowrrs both in tlw hair and on the dress . . . pink
with n'd . . . dressy sandals with sport clothes and visa
versa. . . campus boots on very plump girls . . . knee
lengths on very thin lrgs . . . morr than three shades of
a color used at once.
Summer Prevue
Jump in the beach wagon with us and we're off for a
quick prcvu<' of summc•r fashions. Fir,.;t we sec a crowd
on thr brach, wearing wcdgirs, gn'y play suits; over
there is a darl~ng by Nrlli<' Don. It's a sun-back
play fmit in monotonr, worn with or without a matching rcdingotc. Most of the bathing suits we notice are
in those lovely new pastel shad<'s.
Nrxt W<' corn<' to a group lounging on the lawn. We
see washable dotted swiss, barbrr polr stripes, monoton<'s with dashing lwlts, all done in "Tom-Boy" fashion.
Passing tlw Tea Room we sec many redingoks, a
darling white top, blue skirt, three quart<•r kngth red
military jackrt ensemble', also many hooded jpr·sics.
Did yous<'<' the April issue of a stylr magazine which
showed Ann ut ton spun-rayon, washable frocks? These
an' being sold by one of our smartPst shops. Also thr
Kay Du11hill li1w of frocks is to lw a featurr of a new
Bangor shop. Wateh for them . Now let's turn back,
for a pink n<'l <'\ rning dr<'ss tiimmed with black and a
rww white flannel <'mhroidcn'd <'wning jackd are wait111~~· , <'<' you at the dan<'r!
kl ay, 1940
· Page Nineteen
Norman Torrey. Freshmen, Freshmen, all about us, so we'll take this one
that at least trie to look Iike an upper
Norman is a cla sical fres hman. What a nerve, to take up where
others have failed. A v rv tudious
lad, he admits that he likes to dance
and al ·o that he arrived at good old
~~. ~I.
one jump ahead of the new
junior high schools. Torr, as all the
lads call him, is quite a ha. ·eball play r
and with a httle experience should he
able to do quite a good job on the turf
at Mary Snow. Deer I.'1C intrigue.' him
during the summer, lik . · to take a crack
at all salt water sports, and now and
then does a litt! Latin, just a little.
. Lucy Leavitt. There's no need to
mtro<lucr her, h .cause you all know
Lur-y, th gal with the beautiful voice.
Gary Cooper and Lor tta Young arc
Lucy's inspirution ; no wonder she's a
great movie fan. She Hays . .hc lov H
hamburg rs, hut if th re's anything
she can't stand it's liver and rainy
wcath r. Glenn Mill r's iH her favorite orch )s~ra, and we can s e why. MusH' school rn Lucy's future hope, and if
you vo ever heard her sing, you know
as well as I, she'll he a great success.
. George Lougee.
The out door man
<>~ the senior elass, George sp nd: · all
his spar ~ tim roaming around the
great out-doors of Maine. An ardent
8portsman and dog lov r, h has a
couple of ace hu gl hounds th: t'll
track any rahhit in the. rtate. The solo
trumpet player in tho hand, G org
woukt . Ii ke to 1 ttcnd a. conservatory
<>f. musrc in order to perfect his talents.
His summer is . ·p nt at hi: camp on one
of thp m1m0rou · Jal s of Maine and is
diV:idcd cquall. r hctwc en fishing ~ nd
Ile isn't. quite sure wh<;re
he will f urtlH r his < dU<·ation but it'll
ithcr h)
the ( .
. K
Con. ·0rvatory.
bro~vn-cy \d boy~ kc p Franni lu ppy.
B \'Hies heing prc.'id \nt of the Honor
'ouncil, the Public Aff~ ir. and Dranmtic luhs he]p fill UJ h r spar ~ f crnoons, not to mention, of cour. · ,
C<!aching and playing basketln II. fir· nme Jovcs stn vb )1Ty shortcu l·c and
n xt to that on her fost comes Errol
11 ly~m. "A typical hero", I1 r· nnic . ay ..
H 's1d 'sh~ sl· tb: J], Jq·a.n lih,s the Hit
Parade, . pinach, ~ nd tenni. . W ll,
that's a rood comhin, t,ion, don't you
thin) Y Fn nnic al. o think. . chool te~· chin~ is a fine thing, so he want::5 to do
i~ h ·1-. elf, · lthough . he h·t n' y t d <·1dcd where ~h > wttnt.s to pr par· fol' it.
Elizabeth West. Basketball
tennis~ hockey, and swimming are Betty's
delights and she ays, ''Baseball
<!efinit ly out!" Although
like' algebra, Deanna Durbin, Mickey
Rooney, and Ellery Queen, she thinks
Clark Gable and the Green Hornet are
terrible! Natarswi is where Betty
spends her summers and hamburgers
and milk make her camping rno~t enjoyable. I wonder why she doesn't
like Clark
Gable? How unu ual!
"Well, anyway," .Betty tells me, "I
want to be a nm e." And right off
quick, like a bunny, ,'he stated, "I'm
sure of one thing-that I want to go to
Well, that'.') definite.
Hayden Clement. At last we've
<·orner d the man we've been looking
for-Hayden Clement, the out tanding mu. ician of Bangor High School.
It', a queer coincidence, but every tudent lead r of the band to date ha been
fu]ly enlightened on the ubject of the
nefariou, ne
of the axaphone, and
Hayden ays he's prepared to carry out
thi tradition. He i intere ted in all
sports, but e. pecially swimming and
Although he is a incere
lover of the classical ma terpiece , a Iittl mod rn mu ic rather brightens up the
home! or so they say. You'll. ee a lot
of th1 fell ow the next few year. and
we hope hi. contribution to the mu. iral activitie. · are duly appreciated .
Constance Cratty. Here is apricot
loving, hor. ·eback riding
Cratty, who hails straight from Abraham Lincoln. Be ides that, hot dogs,
John Garfield, and Ellery Queen make
Bonny's life exciting.
Mu ic played
by Kay Ky.'er i. the apple of her ear
and boats ju t give her the biggest
thrill imaginable.
Although Bonny
plays basketball, and plans to take up
hockey, she says there' nothing like
nur.-ing for a career. Going to cout
Camp in th ·ummer ke ps her healthy
and when sh i ·n't there he's at ~ ullivan. You'll .: e n. lot more of thi gal
in future y ar.·!
Edgar Pearson.
The r al h -man of
th) Junior ch . 's ha: at Ia. t consented
to indul,. in a littl publicity.
i.- on ) of the . ·ur -,'hooting Hharp .-hooter.· of the Rifl
luh. Ile'. r ally a
da.n rem. man with a sh otin'-iron.
Orrington i., a ·well pla ·e to hang one'.
hat during the .'Ummer, esp ·ially if
th r ~'.· a nice big boat around; right,
Edgar'? A r al outdoor enthu. i ·t and
sport. ·ma.n, Edgar i. doing all h can to
pres rv the wildlif of Maine. Anyone
who wi. h . to talk ' bout the out-ofdool' , ju.-t run out. and . e Edgar.
MF"'N: Grieve d , m I to rela e
that this is the last time I shall have tho .han ·e
to "dig" you, so I must do a ood job.
month 'ti .. · niors alon , and then ... ! ! !
Evid ntly the strain l ft upon Lucy L a itt after the
Musical Revue la. t month was so gr .at that she can't
driv , for w s e liff R ynold: chauffcring her about
in her car.
peaking of the Mu ical Revue, I attended
more reh arsals to try to find out if it was the reflo .tion
of Lucy'. hair upon Walde Libby': fac or .· mcthing
else that made hi count nanc« so rosy wh .n ho and
Lucy . ang that , entiment l du ,t whil holding h nd. ·
and gazing one at th other.
In th we h un of the morning during Easter va .ation, while m st of us w ,r . no zing, Dick
11 ws wa.
up-and up arly-to t k Joan Jordan to "coffe ,:. '
to be told.
. iurpri: ·c < f . .urprises, ' . .k Bud VI ullin: · whore hi« haskr-t l all pin i: ·. If he doc. ·n 't t c 11 y ou that lonnio Dubey
ha: it, thr-n I will.
nd morr surprising than anything
else is that twosome, namely; Murgarot Langley and
Wendy Cary. Iwdyn ,' going to 11 lorida permitted
this, yon know.
Yes, of course. JiJ1 heh !
11 or first hand inf orrnat ion 011 wl hr- .. lat, ·h amp"
com to ~ \'nior Play n'lwarsal. Barban P rry will
prove a v cry l odaciou. · instru ·tor.
nd th n th< r 's Billi Lov joy traveling ' bout in a
Willys 1 night with BrPwer numh<r plat<H or doc1--1n't
Br wer havr rrnmbe r plat( H?
Who would have h \liPwd what a jitterbug Windy
Work wa/? If you don t b lie\ me, aHk inna Thorpe,
for i W' . · she with whom he was "jitkrbugging" out at
the ar L.
fay} ( I shouldn't haw S'tid that, for he's
.·nppo.'ed to b, going with H \lPn ~ he rburne\
Iinchor 1 aving the theat r
Of our· , Im the b. ·t pPr. ·on to snoop into othPr
people~' affair.·, but one night we .·aw Phyllis
l an Vin 11Jliot over the head with ' sofa, pillow there
in her living room. Don t worry-I wasn t there; I
wa.· m r ly looking thr 1 the window Pr ... that i.·, I
m , n John Wood ·o ·k was. H< told me. hh h \h! Of
·o mse (. tammer st~ mrrn r).
\nonymou. · ldt.Prs an floating about ,tgam.
I re - .
·ei v )d on<' the ot hPr day an<l no name wa1--1 si rwdt,h' t 1--1c )m. · to be a charaet cristic of ~ n anonymou.'
Iett \r-but, th monoqrmn wa.· N N Q!
ow I know
but on JWr. 011 in t hi.· . ·chool ( uppPr clas.'tn' n a.nyway)
who. la..· n me lw rin~ with ~ Q. l n cede tlu t n: me
(Quinn) with all
11d ten to OJH you won t make more
than two w ... ·c.· a. to it.· cmnpo.·< r. Luckily for 1~ r(tnci: P: r.'Oll .' .·i.·tcr
lly, tJu corttc nts of this le ter WaR
• ..Jl. orcd!
foci dent alJy, spectkin r of ~ ally, this 1>1 ing~
me to my n<
point. (Whc r' have we heard that lw
,Johnnie Lor i:-;11 t writing .'o many kttc rs lately
It mu.'1 he be <"a use it s. ·pring and h SJH nds
hi.· im, hunt in r Wn n (s .
I d like to know what the attn C't ion i: out of town. If
I< rvelou. ·
quit(' the
.·aw h< r
Pa,ge Twenty-one
May, 1940
gadding about one night with that Earl King. bury, and
tho next night it was Frank O'Co1 noll. ~P didn't.
hor tho n xt night; th r f re, we pr sumcd Bill Alby
must he "visiting" her.
ometry a triangl h: ,' it: p ints, l u I don'
know aH it do \s in the ca.' of Paul "ol man, Eunic
Crowder, and "Duni ' (Bill) Work, f r w s w h m
lumbering home after th Mu·ital Revue as though
th err was nothing L ·c in th world. . .cxcc pt a third
ncidcntally, you might ask Dot
ur .h who. e
ring that is that sh i: w .aring. I a skcd h r and she
told mo to mind my own busin ss, (Lit 1 did she realizo that other peopl 's bu. in . , , i min . )
Report comes to me that th t D n Ju n of th) ophomores, Johr nio rookin . , fr qucnt: Molly
udg tt'.
dornicil most of th tim (who h isn' with his fift en other girl fri .nds). It .ouldn't be th d ughnut ~
I. mak , that indu ·c. him th r ., ·ould it?
trange how a follow lmost always f 11.' for a girl who:
moth r is a good .ook.
Ernu.;t Monroe is still Th Man That ome · Around
:36 Webster Avcnu
orth. 0 well, 1rnest, W( s
your point, for Mrs. Bl k is ' g od .ook t . 'There
couldr 't 1 at y other r as n could th re? ·? ? '?
And th n thrrc\· Barbara
a.'ey, ( noth r
John Brooking: vietimH) who i:-; futur
'.'t 1 o ' and
admits :-;h) Like· to do di ·he·. ~! irabile dictu! ! 1 h r ''
(continued from page twelve)
unday. from 6.00 to 6.30 p. m., locally over
tation WLBZ.
March 31. t wa. Bangor nirrht ou the program which
originat d that night in Bangor and wa. piped to the
Yank r e work through th<: fa ilitir of WLBZ.
h nd in Bang r for thr program was Billy B. Van, g ni 1 go d-will mba.·sador.
i.· heard
On of th finr.'t "family radio scriaL is h ard over
WLBZ (Mon.-hi.) at 11.00 a. m. when NB
pr Hent.
G' Ji AMIN, ,"pon.orcd by
ossibly, by th· time you rrad hi', the program.
may be changed, du , to ba. cbal1 broadca t in th afternoon whi ~h w think wi11 lik ly change the tim of
mois of your
af tcrnoon Rrrial. , if not all of th m.
Bnt if thi.· i.· th ·a: , w 'r .·ur you'll njoy to the
utmo:t hearing th) afkrn on ba.· ball game.·. Gcnrally WLBZ and th
olonial n twork follow the game
of the Bo. 'ton Br . or Rrd ox, long ba. eball favorite
with N w England people.
Yr., . pring i. her ! And
it': "T ke Mr ut t-0 the Ball Game!"
Record of the Rams
Boys• Athletics
op n d its ,' ason 1 y dcfr ating the
Buck port nine six to three in an xtra inning
gam . Three Bangor pitch rs, Woodcock,
Braley, and P rry allowed only thrr e hits, but walked
seven men.
Bill Work bang d a doubl in be fifth and 1~ rank
Blair sdell aL o whack d an -x ra ba, hit. 1 h . · were
the only double · f the ame.
ick Mor. , who played
fir. t base, was the only man on either team to get mor
than one hit.
Three Bucksport pit .h 1-.~ yi l cd fiv hit: and fourte n walks,
The gam was . ch duled for Rev in innings, but carri .d through eight. In that la t inning the Rams got
across thre run. on two hits, a . .a rifi e, a hit batt r,
and three walk .
trike-outs: Ban or 7, Bu ·k port 5.
Winning pitcher:
Phil Perry· losing pit her: M .r-
Bar Harbor pit ·her raw 1.5 hit:, 12 walkH, and i-.;truck
ou 11. Th< longc.'t hit of the ramr waH a hom \run by
Windy Work, which .·ailed ov r th< }pft, fielder'.· }wad.
Windy collcctrd two other hitH, whil< fonw, Duny
Work, Babcock, and Woodcock got. t,wo each.
In tho Hpring a youn r man'.· fan<'y lightly tunrn to
thou hts of -baH ball. W \ have ha k with UH thi ·
. · a. ·on. ·u ·h player:-:; aH: Windy and Dtmy Work, Wilber BrnJ y, Dick Ion.;e, John Woodcock, hd Bah ·ock,
nd Harold 1hason. J1 rom John Ba1mt
·om . · Phil Perry who has achic n d much hme aH a
pit ·h \r. Phil .J' me. ·on, who is unable to play be <·auH
of his illnc..,·, will b grrntly mi:-:;sed.
Mo.·c anigan, who did .·uch a rr(\a job eoa fong the
football . quad, i: eoaehin th< ba:eball team. Hi: able
a::iRtant, l I cnt, will shape up a football :qua,d for
xt fall.
Led by th p w rful hitting of th Work 1 ro h rs and
Dick Ion e, the Rams pound d out de, n hit: and
. ·cor d fift n m n to defeat Ellsworth 15 to 3 at Iary
now. In all, thr
homers w re hit before he final
out of the game. Luther pringer start d th m in th
fourth wh n he go hol of one of Lefty I rs r au . ·
fa. 't on
nd pol d it over th"
ntcr fipl r. · he d. n
the . ame inning Dick Iorsc b It d one over thP ri ht
fi Id fenc wh \n h b . .,~ were lo de . D my \\ rk
hit hi. with two on.
Both t am: u:cd thr ~ pit ·h \rs. Ban or
with l f 1\ ercau, who wa. ·re it d with the win.
wa. followed l y Woodcock
nd h n Phil
1 e n nd Guthrie hurl d for hll:worth.
w· lk d hroc.
Poll tax.
2. ~ ir
c ville Hendr rson .
3. 1 h \ J hast Indies.
n 'n
Celcl rat its OOth anniversary.
7 l illion.
F der 1 Resr rvc ~ ystPm.
ovornor of Minnesot.n.
I ·eland.
1 .
1 .
~ mith,
·k of hu~i tH :s r ' ·over
Page Twenty-three
of horror, Gold n and Ford. The "newcomers"
Bori. Karloff and Bela Lugo. i. Their tarring vehicle
i. Black Friday. "\\ ond r how it will compar with
(continued from page twenty-one)
o, w say, KE ~p LISTENING-for
fin ~ t m
W .'vo enjoyed bringing you the radio n \WH throughout the past scl ool y ar and hope tha you'v \ njoyed
our tips al..o, It's be n our privilege to rovi ,w all the
big sponsored n twork shows which are .arriod y Bangor stations,
AH well, wr-'ve tried to point out , ome
local shows intermingled with general n ws from th
grc at land of radio. But now it,': time to "sign ff. '
W( 'll be
Q--ING you!
(continued from page fifteen)
On thr other fence is I rwcy
With his terrible moust eh !
~ ~o you HP< it all is hoo )y;
o man can wield the lash.
I p and at < m, ra ·.i \!
Your rougish tongue will win
0 or each out-modcd chas is
Of politicians, fat and thin.
While WP arc dealing with th: insanity of ollywood,
let : consider t he re cont ly completed mov ie, Too 1 cmy
Husbonds, triple -starrin T Jean Arth ir, Fr: d l Ia· urray, and . Iclvyn
ouglas. 'I h film was adapt d
from ~ omorset Maugharn's play.
Too Many Il usband ·is the fee bk st ry of ~ mo crn
Enoch Ardon, who, upon findin his wife marri d aft r
ho had hP< n gone only six months, .·tc rtr d to do thing,'.
rl lW,'(' "things, althOll Th \llt rt ini g, k to ~ Jl imp( nctrable wall.
err, t,hc movi -land se ,n' ri.·t.' we r
f cpd with th< dil mm' of ettin rid of 01w of t\\o
N}uall ~ tt l" cti\ < makH ( !l I and bed). 'I hu ·, h \
w , kllPH. · <~f the ending n ~ y he , · ·o mtcd for. t·n t
it nmazin r how th<' rna.ny ,'tupid pcopl in th\ Indu. ry
ca.n ovc\rHhadow the r \ally "hri ht. boy· '?
Road to the Tomb?
r1 he ime ha, come to ay farewell (we both hope) to
B. H. . Mor power to u~!
o Long!
(continued from page seven)
Littl Hcrh wa.· n vcr ,·o glad to. ee hi old jalopy as
he waR that night wh n they got out of the woods.
·limb< d up into the old ·rat and b . id him , at Pereiv al
e ouldric ,wiling proudly at hi trophy on the
running hoard.
"Th t ,· the crazir.·t day Iv
ver had," chuckled
Little crh ,'th/ Model T .·puttered to life.
(continued from page eight)
cil nd 1 illy follow d mor carefully; Cecil helped
Tilly d wn in a mo t g ntlcmanly manner.
Down in the gam room wa a pool tabl , and th y
Htartcd to play p 1. It wa. more than an accident
wh .,n
\ ·il hit Jim on th h ad with hi cue. At the
:--1ame m m nt Jim, tum 1 d ov r the rack on the floor,
a1 d, when he f 11, h hit hi. h ad on the floor, ufficiently
t daz him for minut .
·il Van Dom, y u l rut ! You hit my poor, poor
Jim with a .·ti ·k whc n h wa,·n t. looking.
You, you
cow rd, you ead. '
" ut 'lilly, it wa: all an a· ·id nt," pl aded Cecil
~ lmo,'t on the v r ) of tear ..
I .·han
cv(r .·ppak to you gain,' replied Tilly
\ < ry frigidly.
' 1om<\, you poor boy, 'h 1"'aid to Jim,
"le, me help you out of thi.· pla · , d wn to ur own
le\ I. G< od ni h . '
nd Jim, .·milin lu ppily, wa. led ou of the hou 'e
on the arm of the irl of hi.' !reams.
Why is ~ la,r
log.~ b il?
lo T l in
lik a d ad
.. tL'.
I c to l· up a cup '
d , a' , . ir. (. u · r ).
Page Twenty-!our
(continued from page six)
counting on a victory, and he was going out there to
lose the game. He felt low and cheap because of the
thing he was about to do- to lose the game that meant
so much to the club to win. The whole team was trusting Flash to win, and he was going to throw the game,
just so those two could win a littk gambling money,
but, more important, so that they wouldn't reveal to the
coach a certain little unpleasant incident that happened
two years ago in N cw York, an incident that would,
Flash frlt, ruin his career as a pitcher. He didn't want
to lose, and he dared not win. What could he do? It
seemed that his 011ly alternative was to go out there and
As the players crossed the field to their respective
places the excited crowd was yelling itself hoarse. As
Flash reached the mound, he was only barely conscious of the cheC'ring throng. Suddenly he became
aware of someone calling his nam<'. He looked up and
saw his closest friend, Biff Gordon, corning toward him.
Biff was catcher for the Panther:-;. Except for his mask
he was fully adorned· for the game. Flash met him
half way.
"Say, Flash," Biff said, with a puzzled laugh, "I
noticed just before we came out here on the field, your
face was drawn up tighter than a bass drum. ·w hy so
Hober? Anything gone haywire?"
Flash started to say there was, hut thinking better
of it he replied, "No."
''"Well," Biff sighed, "if you're sure you arc all right."
"Don't worry," Flash assured, trying to appear as
if nothing were wrong.
"Okay," Biff laughed, "Now let's go. We'll show
thos<' Hangers where they get off, ch?"
"Yeah. Sure." Flash replied, forcing a smil<'.
Then returning to thrir respective places, the boys began to warm up for the game. Finally the umpire appeared bchind home plate. Thr hall was returned to Flash.
The umpire raiRed his hand as a signal for the stands to
quiet. An exprctant hush sC'ttlcd over the hall fiC'ld
and he spoke.
"Pitching for the Panthcr:s, Flash Baker!"
A thundrrous cherr arosr. The umpire movrd for
silence and added, "Catching, Biff Gordon. Pitching
for the Hangen;, Sidnry Taylor. Catching, Charley
Anothrr chrcr arose from the stands, and again the umpin' raised his hand for quiet.
Then he yelled, "Play ball!" And the game was on.
The first man up for the Raugl'!"t> waR Terry anborn,
one of their best batters. Flash wound up and threw a
fast curve. Sanborn swung for strike one. The next
one went high and wide for ball one. Flash took his
The Oracle
time on the next onr. Slowly he wound up. Hr wait rd
a few seconds pondering over just where to place it. He
saw Biff signaling for a low and fast onr. From long
experiencr he km'w this to be Sanborn's wcahst batting
point. Then, remrmb('ring Proctor and Nolan's warning, he gritkd his teeth, and, half sick at what he was
about to do, slammed an elbow high fast one at Sanborn, who 8wung. Thrre was thr unmistakable 'crack'
as hall and bat connectrd, and, dropping hii-; bat, Sanborn dug his spiked shoes into thr dirt and tor<' for fin;t,
whilr tlw ball soared into the air lo land on thr ground
a few feet from Pow<'rs, C<'nlrr fiddN.
Sanborn cross<'d firnt and head<'d for second. Powers scoop<'d up the ball and thrrw it toward Taylor on
second, but Sanborn 8lid to thr bas<' a second lwforr thr
ball. Flash avoid<'d Biff's <'yrs. Hr k1ww thal that
play should n<'V<'r have' hap1wned. It wouldn't have,
had he dared to obry Biff's signal. Th<' ball was returned to Flash and h<' turnrd to fac<' th<' next man up.
Flash moved up slowly and let go a fast onr. Thr batter knockcd a groundrr out to him. It landrd about
ten feet from Flash and h<' scrambkd toward it. HC'aching down he got hold of il, fumblrd and dropped it,
recovered and firrd it to Grant on fin;l. But rvrn as
the ball was in the air th<' runner crossed first, Rak
Flash turn<'d to 8C'e Sanborn safely on third. The
1wxt man up, Nicken;on, was th<' mo;;t dangerou;; battrr in the Hangern' ball club. Flash slowly wound up and
at the amr time wondered just when' to put the hall.
He lookrd at Biff and saw him signaling for a fast dropcurvc. Flash obeyed the signal and put evrrything h('
had into that throw. Nickerson swung and miRsed.
One strike on Nickerson. Flash n'C<'iV<'d the ball as it
flew toward him, wound up and let go another fast one
that W<'nt high, wide, and handsomr for hall one. The
count, now, one and on('. Flash took careful pains on
the nrxt pitch. It waH a bC'autiful throw, ;;traight
across the platr, and Nickerson swung and missrd. As
Flash wound up for thr third pitch hr wondered if Nickerson would 'nail it' or 'fan.' For an instant his eyeR
foeusrd on th<' grandstand and hr thought he saw Proctor and Nolan, but he wa8n'l posiliv<'.
He Highed and th<'n pitch<'d a Hlow ball to Nicker:-;on.
Fla8h heard a "sock" aH the bat connected with thr bal 1,
and thr nrxt thing he ;;aw was th<' ball 1,;ailing over his
head. It land<'d 1war Powrn;. Pow<'rs s<·oo1)('d it up
and firrd it lo first. Niekrrson's hit brought anborn
in for the Hangprs' first run, and he, himself, r<'ach<'d
fir:-;t basr safely. The other rnnnrr had gainrd third.
Flash waited patiPnlly for thr nC'xt batter to step up
to the platr. As he waitrd, one thought stuck in his
mind. Prodor and Nolan be hangrd! Ile was going
to put out this next man. Up to thr plat<' stepped
(Please turn to page twenty-six)
.May, 1940
Page Twenty-five
If you want to stay single; that's yottr business.
If you want to get married; that's our business,
for we can give you
Wedding Invitations & Announcements Bring Your Girl .....
of quality at reasonable prices.
to our swell new soda bar because
nothing is too good for her. We'll
take special pains with her order,
We serve your friends/ let us serve yott
giving just the right amount of
feminine fluff to her favorite soda
108 Exchange
or sundae. It's Stoeet's for the sweet
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine
School of Commerce
An Institution of
Character and Distinction
Where the atmosphere is
and good food
a ·specialty
Free Catalog
C. H. HUSSON, Prin.
The 01acle
Page T wenty-six
(continued from pa(Je twenty-four)
The Klyne Studio
Post Office Square
Bangor Maine
DIAL 6605
Diamonds-Watches -Je·welry
Fine Watch R epairing
Palmer, one of the Hang<'r's lwavim;t hitters. Flash
wound up and kt go a fast curve and Palmer swung for
strike one. Th<' next ball roared aeroRs the plate for
th<' second strike. Palm<'r looked worried and indeed
he might, for th<' next hall spelled his fatr a8 he fann<'d
for the Hangers' first out. The Hang<'r:-:' brought in
one more run that inning. Th<' next man up bat l<'d out,
and th<' next. Thus the finit inning wa:-: over wilh tlw
Hangers leading 2-1. The game was a hard fought one.
Each team was doggedly striving for the titl<', the
Hangers lo kerp it and thr Panthrn; lo win it.
The PanthcrH didn't gain mu<'h ground until the laHt
half of the Hixth inning when Biff, Flash, and PowC'rs
brought in thrcr runs. In the firRl half of thr Rrventh
the Hangers HC'ored two more runs and in the last of
the eighth inning, the Panthers tied thr Rcore for 5- a ll.
Flash was just leaving for thr mound. Hr waH siC'k.
Hr was going out thrrr and krrp on brtraying hi:-: team,
going to throw t hr gam<'. Hr wantrd lo cry, and hr
bit his lips as a big lump camr up in to his throat.
usdenly the unexp<'clrd happr1wd.
Thr coach was running toward F lash waving a p~tprr
in his hand.
"Flash, h<'r<"R a te'kgram that ju:-:t <'amr for you!" he•
.. exclaimed.
!''lash took it tore it 01wn and read it. Imnwdiatrly
the wo<'-brgonr look of mis<'ry vaniHhed from his face,
and was quickly replacc'd by an excitrd and joyful :-:mile'.
"Flash, hoy," the coad1 was saying, "vVlrnt'::; wrong?"
"\¥hatrver haH brPn wrong up till now, i::;n't any
more. This trlrgram is what I'w l><'e'n waiting to rC'ad
for two yrars. I can go oul then' now and n'ally play
He rrachcd his mound and as he' we'nt hiH hrart Hang.
"Boy, is this going to makr ProctC'r iwd Nolan sick."
As he waited for the fir:-:t man to :-:l<'p up to lml he was
thinking, "Bring '<'m up! Tlw more' t hr merriN."
The' firnt man up fan1wd; tlw :-:ccond, stru<'k out,
and the' third was put out at firnt. Tlwn Hw Pa.ntlwrs
returned to bat. F la."lh was fir:-:( man up. The' first
ball came for a C'allrd Htrike'. A:-: F laHh waile'd for the
next one he' waH praying that he could kno<'k it for a
homr run. In the nrxt pitC'h FlaHh :-:w1mg for Hlrikc
two. He' waite'd hrea.thlC':-:sly for tlw ne'x( pilC'h. Th<'
standc; we're' hushrd. Tlw pitC'her wound up and tlwn
thrrw a faHt ball Htraight at him. It loohd like a
blurred stream of :-:mokc as it <'anw 01i. Fla:-:h brought
his hat around as far as tw C'Ould a nd a:-: the hall flaslw<l
across, he :-:wung, putting e'V<'I)' 01111C·e of force' hC' could
mu:-;ter into that final :-:wing. ThPrc wa:-: a (C'rrific C'rnC'k
(Please tum to page thirty)
Page Twenty-seven
May, 1940
153 Center St.
Phone 4922
Bangor, Maine
Dial 4753
Not an experiment but the result of
22 years experience.
W. I. Brookings
Charles R. Gordon, Inc.
f9altn ~. ~onb Co.
I 3 3 Center Street
Bangor, Maine
39 Hammond Street
Fox & Ginn, Inc.
Motor Express Lines
The policy of
Main Office and Terminal
324-A French Street
Phone 5608
Bangor, Maine
Page Twenty-eight
The Oracle
When you think of the
think of
Prentiss & Carlisle Co., Inc.
Merrill Trust Building
Bangor, Me.
ohe Systeni Co.
The Besse System Store
With best wishes to
Te ache rs and Pupils
Bangor Loan and Building Association
92 Central Street
Harry D. Benson, President
Carroll A. Weeks, Secretary-Treasurer
The Haynes &Chalmers Co.
174-182 Exchange Street
Bangor, Maine
PfJ.,{Je Twenty-nine
May, 1940
Comer Allen and Hammond
_ •
Film C!!_p~- _ _
e Printers
e Printing Frames ~
DIAL 6523
Dakin's Sporting Goods Co.
COAL co.
I nd R n
Bangor Gas Light Co.
5664 - 5665 - 2-0623
17 I
All Gr de o
Always at Your Service
1 Central St.
Page Thirty
The Oracle
Buy Shoes That Fit
----~ ----
Hub Shoe Store
44 Main St.
(continued from page twenty-si:r)
and the hall ;;oar<'d high in th<' air, h<'ad<'d out inlo the
outfield. Fla;;h dropp<'d hi;; hat and ploughed toward
firnt. The ;;tand;; went wild, ;;creaming as Fla.-;h reached
first aud rac<'d for H<'eond. He thunden'd across sceond and tore toward third. H<' cro;;;;ed and hradcd for
home. Suddenly Fla;;h ;;aw something that mack his
hC'art almost slop lwating. The hall ''as on it;; way to
thC' pitchPr. He' ;;ummonC'd all his str<'nglh, fighting
dcsperatC'ly lo n'ach hom<' first. On and on eamC' t he
hall, and with a pray<'r on hi;; lip;;, on came Flash. He
took his rye's from the' ball. He• dan'd not look. If he
lost thi;; run it would mPan his finish. For by this time
Proctrr and olan had ;;pillrd ev<'rything to the coach.
He must win. It was right that he ;;hould haw the
opportunity to squan' himself. He' would have that
needed strrngth.
rarer and ne'a1w he' came to the
home plate.
Compliments of
Opposite Bangor House
"Famous for Fine Foods"
"Get out of this 71ark."
The spectators wen• 011 t he'i r frC't. The'y were screaming and crying hoarsdy. Who would re'a<'h th<' ha;;e•
fin;t, F lash or the hall? Th<'n amid the• H<'reaming, and
cheering of the throng, Fla;;h crossC'd tlw platr an instant befon· the• ball. lIC' had madP it, and hi;; hC'art
was singing. He had done', what hC' frlt lwfore the
game', hr couldn 't do. Th<' Pant h('l"s had won and the'
score' was 6 .5. His l<'am mate's su1Tounded him slapping his ba<'k in congratulat ion for what lw'd don<'.
"Fine' work, Flash!" BiIT <'Xclaimed. "I knew you
wouldn't kt us down." F lash Htarte<l to ,;pc•ak but
;;omrthing eaughl hi;; <'Y<'. Prodor and Nolan W<'re
talking to the• eoaC'l1. Flash';; e•y('s blazed in angC'I".
(Please turn lo page thirty-two)
Page Thirty-one
Compliments of the
Murray Motor Mart
Richfield Hi-Octane Gasoline
Richlube 100% Pure Pennsylvania
· woou ·
Motor Oil
only a "jump" from
B. H. S.
L t u
quote you prices
or yo r
John J. Nissen Baking Co.
Bangor, Maine
chool publicatio
The Oracle
Page Thirty-two
(continued f rorn page thirty)
Agents for Shaw-Walker line of
Office Furniture
rn cut your cooking
cost, too with one of
those new l 9 40 Electric Ranges. Look
them over and also
find out about our
Trial Plan.
Bangor-Hydro Stores
"Excuse nw, boys, hut l'n' got a littlC' something to attend to."
Hr walked O\'C'r to tlw coach and, fill<'d with curior-;ity, lh<'y followed.
"Flash,'' tlw <'Oach askC'd. "What's this I lH'ar ahouL
your fathC'r lwi ng. . ."
"!, coach!" Flash b<'gg<'d.
"LC'! me• C'xplai11.
About two y<'ars ago Dad was sent to prison for some
big time' grafting of which hr was innocent. That telegram I reC'civC'd a li!tk whik ago said that lw had !)('en
found innoc·c'nt and that th<' r<'al off<'nders had been
caught. YPskrday tlwsr two rats, Proeter and Nolan,
came to tlw house whc'n' I room. Tlwy told nw t h<'y
had laid a $2,000 ll<'t on the H.ang<'rn to win and th<'Y
said that if I didn't throw the game• thpy'd tell you
about my fathe'r. I was afraid of what it would do to
my rqmtation and standing in tlw ball duh, if it got
to the nrwspa1><'rs, and y<'i I k1ww that my ba;.;rball
carrPr would])(' ruine'd if I thr<'W th<' game', hut it sc'<'mC'd
to be tlw only altC'l'nativC' I had. We,11, you C'an se'<'
what a prrdicamC'nt I was in."
"Y<'s, Flash," rPplied th<' coach, "I do. And undpr
th<' circumstanc<'s, I think we can forg('( about it."
"\\ hy, you!" Prnct('f' y<'ll<'d, lunging at Flash. But
tlw gangstn's int<'ndPd sock nC'\'C'r landC'd. Flash
smashe'd a nC'al right upp<'l'cut to Proc!er's jaw and
sc'nl him spra~ling, and a ldt to tlw face droppPd Nolan.
"Now," said Flash, "you two birds g<'t out ol thi;.;
park beforp I gC'l sore' and th row you out. And if you
ever tiy to pull anothC'r raC'kC'l on this diamond again,
I'll pnsonally brC'ak yom neck;;.
ow, g<'L going!"
Proeter and olan se·rnmllkd to tlwir i'C'C't and swil'tly
kl t the field.
The learn was laughing thPir hrnds off. "Boy oh
boy!" Biff cxdaimC'd. "\\:hat a wallop you pack.
You should have bC'<'n a prize figh!c'r im;lc'ad of a ball
Flash gave Biff a playful shove' and said laughingly,
"An<l if I wc'n' a boxC'r, the' Hangc'rs would Htill he' the•
How long did Cain hate' his lirolhc'r'?
Ans. As long as IH' wa,.; able'. (Abel).
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WhC'r<' did Noah strike' the' fir,.;( nail in the ark?
Ans. On its he'ad.
\.\110 wrnte' "Paradis<' Lost" and then when his wife
diC'd wrote• "Parndi;.;c' l:C'gainC'd?"
An,.;. :\filton.
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