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The mission of Morgan County High School is to
provide meaningful and diverse learning
opportunities to prepare our students to meet the
challenges of an ever-changing world as lifelong
learners and contributing members of society.
We will be successful in our mission
because we believe that:
Students’ self-esteem is enhanced by recognition of student achievement and by positive relationships with staff;
All students and teachers work together to create a safe and supportive
All students can learn;
Students, parents, teachers, administrators, and
community share responsibility for advancing the school’s mission;
All students learn best when they are exposed to a variety of best practice
instructional approaches;
All students have an opportunity to become good global citizens and
contributing members of an
international community;
All students are special and deserving of personalized instructional
Bell Schedule
1st period
2nd period
9:00-10:05 (MHTV airs from 9:00-9:10)
3rd period
4th period
Lunch A 11:05-11:30
4th period 11:35-12:30
Freshmen 5th period
5th period
Grades 10-12
4th period 11:05-11:55
Lunch B
5th period
5th period
5th period
Lunch C
Lunch D
5th period 1:00-1:25
6 period
7 period
1st period
3rd period
5th period
Lunch 11:10-11:35
5th 11:40-1:05
5th 11:10-11:35
Lunch 11:40-12:05
5th 12:10-1:05
1:10-1:50 (MHTV airs from 1:10-1:20)
7th period
5th 11:10-12:05
Lunch 12:10-12:35
5th 12:40-1:05
5th 11:10-12:35
Lunch 12:40-1:05
2nd period
Tools for
4th period
6th period
Lunch 11:35–12:00
6th 12:05-1:30
Bulldog Boost
6th 11:35-12:00
6th 11:35-12:30
6th 11:35-1:00
Lunch 12:05-12:30
Lunch 12:35-1:00
Lunch 1:05-1:30
6th 12:35-1:30
6th 1:05-1:30
Student dismissal at 1:30 unless recommended for Bulldog Boost
Bullying Policy
The Morgan County Charter School System believes that all students have a right to a safe and
healthy school environment. All schools within the system have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance among students, staff, and volunteers. Behavior that infringes on
the safety of any student will not be tolerated. A student shall not bully, harass, or intimidate another student through words or actions. Bullying is defined as any aggressive behavior that intends to
cause harm, distress and humiliation.
Generally, four conditions must exist for an act to be considered bullying: an imbalance of power, a
pattern of repeated behavior, a student is humiliated by the behavior, and the other student receives
gratification from the humiliation. Such behavior includes but is not limited to: direct physical contact such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults such as teasing or name-calling; the use of electronic
methods to harass, threaten or humiliate, and social isolation and/or manipulation. The school system policy prohibiting bullying is included in the student code of conduct and includes but is not limited to the following:
Any student who engages in bullying shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
Students are expected to immediately report incidents of bullying to the principal or designee.
Students can rely on staff to promptly investigate each complaint of bullying in a thorough and confidential manner.
If the complainant student or the parent of the student feels that appropriate resolution of the investigation or complaint has not been reached after consulting the school principal, the student or the
parent of the student should contact the local superintendent or his or her designee. The school system prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the complaint process. All students and/or staff shall immediately report incidents of bullying, harassment and intimidation to the school principal or designee. School staff members are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur. Each complaint of bullying shall be promptly investigated. This policy applies to students on school grounds, while traveling on a school bus to and from
school or a school-sponsored activity and during a school-sponsored activity.
Bullying, harassment or intimidation will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action will be taken after each
incident of bullying and upon a finding of guilt. Disciplinary action after the first incident of bullying
may include but is not limited to the following:
Parental conference
Loss of a privilege
Reassignment of seats in classroom, cafeteria or school bus
Reassignment of classes
In-school suspension
Out-of-school suspension
Expulsion (through appropriate due process hearing)
Assignment to an alternative school (through appropriate due process hearing)
If necessary, counseling and other interventions should also be provided to address the socialemotional, behavioral, and academic needs of students who are victims of bullying and students who
commit an offense of bullying.
Bullying Policy (cont)
Students, parents/guardians and other stakeholders may report incidents of bullying to an administrator, teacher, counselor or other staff member by using the school district’s complaint procedures
or by calling the Georgia Department of Education’s 1-877 SAY-STOP (1-877-729-7867) School Safety Hotline.
Please note: Any form of electronic bullying (cyber bullying) using school equipment, school networks, e-mail systems or committed at school is strictly prohibited.
The procedures for intervening in bullying behavior include, but are not limited, to the following:
All staff, students and their parents will receive a summary of this policy prohibiting bullying at
the beginning of the school year as part of the student code of conduct.
The school shall keep a report of bullying and the results of an investigation confidential.
Staff are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur or upon receipt of any report of bullying.
People witnessing or experiencing bullying are encouraged to report the incident to the school
principal designee.
The following actions will be taken when bullying is reported:
1. Investigate- Upon receipt of any report of bullying, schools will direct an immediate investigation
involving appropriate personnel. The investigation should begin no later than the following school
day. The investigation shall include interviewing the alleged perpetrator(s) and victim(s), identified
witnesses, teacher(s) and staff members and reviewing video surveillance if available. School police,
school counselors, school social workers and/or other support staff should be utilized for their expertise as determined by the circumstances of the matter.
2. Notify—Parents/guardians of the accused and the victim must be notified as soon as possible after
the facts have been established. If the incident involves an injury or similar situation, appropriate
medical attention should be provided and the parent/guardian should be notified immediately.
3. Discipline- Upon confirming that bullying has occurred, the accused student should be charged
with bullying and given an age-appropriate consequence which shall include, at minimum and without limitation, disciplinary action or counseling as appropriate under the circumstances.
Students in grades six through twelve found to have committed the offense of bullying for the third
time in a school year shall be assigned to an alternative school through appropriate due process by
disciplinary hearing officers, panels, or tribunals. Consideration for incidents in prior years should also be considered during the disciplinary phase. While a student charged with bullying may not have
committed three acts during a given school year, a pattern of behavior established over the course of
more than one school year may need to be considered. Schools should clearly communicate to all
parties that retaliation following a report of bullying is strictly prohibited and may result in strong
disciplinary action.
4. Record- All pertinent information must be recorded accurately in the Student Information System
5. Follow Up—Follow up is important to the accused and the victim. Implement a planned method to
Attendance Policy
Our expectation is that students attend school each day Morgan County High
School is in session. Positive attendance forms lifelong habits for college and
career ready students.
State law requires any person who has control or charge of a child between the ages of six and sixteen to enroll and send that child to school, including public, private, and home schooling.
Absences from school may be excused for student illness; illness or death of an immediate family
member (parents, siblings, grandparents, relative living in household); mandated by order of another governmental agency (for example, military exams, subpoenaed court appearance); religious
holidays; when attendance is impossible or hazardous to student health and safety; one day to register to vote; or when students are visiting with a parent in the active military who is leaving or returning from deployment to combat duty; and one day for a college visit.
All other absences will be counted as unexcused, which includes, but is not limited to: family vacations/travels, missing the school bus, not waking up on time, baby-sitting, not having anything clean
to wear, or not wanting to attend school that day.
If it is necessary for the child to be absent from school, a written excuse should be sent to the
teacher upon the student’s return. If no written excuse is received, the child will have an unexcused absence.
Parents have three school days to turn in excuses or the absence will remain unexcused. The
student’s parent should write a note to the school stating the child’s first and last names, date(s)
and reason for the absence.
Parents should call the school office if the child is out for more than one day.
Schools may require students to present appropriate medical documentation upon return to
school for the purpose of validating that the absence is an excused absence.
Students may be required to attend Saturday School to make-up assignments due to excessive
Morgan County Board of Education Truancy Procedures
(Based on State Board of Education Rule JB: 160-5-1-.10)
3 unexcused days
5 unexcused days
≥ 10 excused/unexcused
MCHS will send letter through the mail
Attendance Review Team Meeting
Attendance Review Team Meeting
Students are referred to the School
Social Worker.
Code of Conduct
The Morgan County Board of Education set forth their expectations for student behavior in a conduct code (Policy JCDA). Though the ideal situation would be for all students to meet those expectations, the nature of childhood and adolescence results in inevitable violations of those rules by
some students. Teaching students that there are consequences for the choices anyone makes regarding behavior is an important part of their education. Therefore, the following guidelines have
been provided for the teachers and administrators to use in assigning consequences for violation of
the rules set forth by the Board of Education.
Morgan County High School uses a progressive discipline process which has been designed to create
the expectation that the degree of discipline will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior
leading to the discipline, that the previous discipline history of the student being disciplined and other relevant factors will be taken into account, and that all due process procedures required by federal and state law will be followed. Teachers and administrators will take each of those things into
consideration as they find appropriate consequences among the ranges specified here. Teachers are
expected to address behavioral issues in their classrooms unless the matter cannot be solved and
the offense requires a referral to the principal’s office.
There may be instances when a primary or elementary school-aged child commits an offense that
does not have specific consequences listed for that age level in the code itself. Should that happen,
the principal will determine if the consequences are appropriate based on the child's age and the
behavioral infraction. The principal may confer with the superintendent regarding appropriate disciplinary actions.
All rules apply to students on school property at any time; off school grounds at a school activity,
function or event; en route to and from school; on a school bus or other vehicle transporting students to school or school activities; or at school bus stops.
Major offenses, including, but not limited to, drugs and weapon offenses, can lead to a school being
named an unsafe school.
A. Expulsion- Dismissal of student from school beyond the current quarter or semester.
B. Long-term Suspension- Dismissal of a student from school for more than ten school days, but not
beyond the current quarter or semester.
C. Short-term Suspension- Dismissal of a student from school for not more than ten school days.
(04) Breaking &
(03) Battery
(02) Arson
(01) Alcohol
SR Incident Type
General NCES / Federal Definition
Unlawful or unauthorized forceful entry into
a school building or vehicle (with or without
intent to commit theft). (Note: The key
Intentional touching or striking of another
person to intentionally cause bodily harm.
(Note: The key difference between battery
and fighting is that fighting involves mutual
Unlawful and intentional damage or
attempted damage to any real or personal
property by fire or incendiary devices. (Note:
Possession of fireworks or incendiary
devices must be reported as "Possession of
Unapproved Items". Use of such items
should be reported as Arson.)
Violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting
the manufacture, sale, purchase,
transportation, possession, beverages or
substances represented as alcohol. Students
under the or consumption of intoxicating
alcoholic influence of alcohol may be
included if it results in disciplinary action
Level 2
In-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
with recommendation of expulsion. Bus
suspension if incident occurred while on
school transportation.
Conference to out- of- school suspension. Bus
suspension if incident occurred while on
school transportation.
Includes but not limited to pushing, hitting,
kicking, shoving, pinching, slapping, and other
physical confrontations that result in mild or
moderate injuries
Intentional physical attack with the intent to
cause bodily harm resulting in mild or
moderate bodily injuries
In-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
with recommendation of expulsion.
Includes but is not limited to trashcan fires
without damage to school property
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
long term suspension or expulsion at the
discretion of the principal. Referral to law
enforcement if required by law.
Attempt to commit arson or use of matches,
lighters or incendiary devices at school;
includes but not limited to the use of
Under the influence of alcohol without
Includes but not limited to pushing, hitting,
kicking, shoving, pinching, slapping, and other
intentional physical confrontations
Intentional physical attack with the intent to
cause bodily harm resulting in no bodily
Conference to disciplinary hearing
Unintentional possession of alcohol
Level 1
Unlawful or unauthorized forceful entry into a
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
long term suspension or expulsion
Includes but not limited to choking, pushing,
hitting, kicking, shoving, pinching, slapping, and
other physical confrontations resulting in severe
injuries; Includes any physical attack on school
personnel; includes incidents serious enough to
warrant calling the police or security
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
long term suspension or expulsion at the
discretion of the principal. Referral to law
enforcement if required by law.
Intentional physical attack with the intent to
cause bodily harm resulting in severe injuries
or any physical attack on school personnel;
Level 3 may be used for students that violate
the school policy on battery three or more
times during the same school year.
Includes but not limited to setting fires to
school property
Intentional damage as a result of arsonrelated activity or the use of an incendiary
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
long term suspension or expulsion at the
discretion of the principal. Referral to law
enforcement if required by law.
Violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting
the manufacture, sale, purchase,
transportation, possession, or consumption of
alcoholic beverages or substances
represented as alcohol
Level 3
(07) Drugs, Except
Alcohol and
(06) Disorderly
(05) Computer
Entering – Burglary
Unlawful use, cultivation, manufacture,
distribution, sale, purchase, possession,
transportation, or importation of any
controlled drug or narcotic substance, or
equipment or devices used for preparing or
using drugs or narcotics; or any medication
prescribed to a student or purchased overthe-counter and not brought to the office
upon arrival to school
Any act that substantially disrupts the
orderly conduct of a school function,
substantially disrupts the orderly learning
environment, or poses a threat to the health,
safety, and/or welfare of students, staff or
others. (Includes disruptive behaviors on
school buses)
Use of a school computer for anything other
than instructional purposes or unauthorized
use of a computer or computer network with
the intention of deleting, obstructing,
interrupting, altering, damaging, or in any
way causing the malfunction of the
computer, network, program(s) or data
difference between Trespassing and
Breaking & Entering-Burglary is that
Trespassing does not include forceful entry
into the school building.).
See above. Does not include auto-injectable
epinephrine as properly administered
pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-776
Conference to out-of-school suspension
Unintentional possession of prescribed or
over the counter medication. Does not
include the possession of narcotics or any
illegal drugs
Conference to out-of-school suspension
Includes but not limited to general bus
misbehavior, spitting on property or persons,
encouraging disruptive behavior
Creating or contributing to a moderate
disturbance that substantially disrupts the
normal operation of the school environment
but doesn't pose a threat to the health or
safety of others
See above. Does not include auto-injectable
epinephrine as properly administered
pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-776
Conference to out-of-school suspension
Includes but not limited to general bus
misbehavior, spitting on property or persons,
encouraging disruptive behavior
In-school-suspension to out-of-school
Any medication prescribed to a student or
purchased over-the-counter and not brought
to the office upon arrival to school
See above. Includes but not limited to
computer misuse, using computer to view or
send inappropriate material, and violation of
school computer use policy
Conference to Suspension – Student login may
be suspended
Creating or contributing to a severe
disturbance that substantially disrupts the
normal operation of the school environment
but doesn't pose a threat to the health or
safety of others; may represent a repeat
Unauthorized use of school computer for
anything other than instructional purposes
Unlawful use, cultivation, manufacture,
distribution, sale, purchase, possession,
transportation, or importation of any
controlled drug or narcotic substance, or
equipment or devices used for preparing or
using drugs or narcotics
See above. Does not include auto-injectable
epinephrine as properly administered
pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-776
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
Suspension to disciplinary hearing
Creating or contributing to a severe
disturbance that substantially disrupts the
school environment or poses a threat to the
health and safety of others. Level 3 may be
used for students that violate the school
policy on disorderly conduct three or more
times during the same school year
Includes but not limited to disruptive
behavior on school bus, misbehavior during a
fire drill or other safety exercise
Suspension to disciplinary hearing
Unauthorized use of a computer or computer
network with the intention of deleting,
obstructing, interrupting, altering, damaging,
obtaining confidential information or in any
way causing the malfunction of the
computer, network, program(s) or data;
includes disclosure of a number, code,
password, or other means of access to school
computers or the school system computer
network without proper authorization.
See above. Includes but not limited to
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
long term suspension or expulsion
school building or vehicle (with or without
intent to commit theft)
(12) Motor Vehicle
(11) Larceny / Theft
(10) Kidnapping
(09) Homicide
(08) Fighting
Mild or moderate Injuries may include but are
not limited to scratches, bloody noses,
bruises, black eyes, and other marks on the
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
In-school-suspension to out-of-school
with recommendation of expulsion. Bus
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
suspension. Bus suspension if incident occurred
suspension if incident occurred while on school
while on school transportation.
Killing of one human being by another
Killing of a human being
Includes but is not limited to shooting,
stabbing, choking, bludgeoning, etc.
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
The unlawful and forceful abduction,
The unlawful and forceful abduction,
transportation, and/or detention of a person
transportation, and/or detention of a person
against his/her will
against his/her will.
See above
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
The unlawful taking of property belonging to
The unlawful taking of property belonging to
The unlawful taking of property belonging to
The unlawful taking of property belonging to
another person or entity (e.g., school)
another person or entity that does not belong another person or entity that does not belong another person or entity that does not belong
without threat, violence or bodily harm.
To the student with a value between $25 and
to the student with a value between $100
to the student with a value exceeding $250.
(Note: The key difference between
and $250
Level 3 may be used for students that violate
larceny/theft and robbery is that the threat
the school policy on larceny/theft three or
of physical harm or actual physical harm is
more times during the same school year.
involved in a robbery.)
Includes but not limited to theft by taking,
Includes but not limited to theft by taking,
Includes but not limited to theft by taking,
theft by receiving stolen property, and theft
theft by receiving stolen property, and theft
theft by receiving stolen property, and theft
by deception
by deception
by deception
In-school-suspension to out-of-school
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary
suspension. Restitution cost to victim.
hearing. Restitution cost to victim.
hearing. Restitution cost to victim.
Theft or attempted theft of any motor
Theft or attempted theft of any motor vehicle
Includes but not limited to cars, trucks, ATVs,
golf carts, etc.
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
No injuries
A physical confrontation between two or
more students with the intent to harm
resulting in mild or moderate bodily injuries
A physical confrontation between two or
more students with the intent to harm
resulting in no bodily injuries
Mutual participation in a fight involving
physical violence where there is no one main
offender and intent to harm (Note: The key
difference between fighting and battery is
that fighting involves mutual participation.)
long term suspension or expulsion at the
discretion of the principal. Referral to law
enforcement if required by law.
A physical confrontation between two or
more students with the intent to harm
resulting in severe bodily injuries. Level 3
may be used for students that violate the
school policy on fighting three or more times
during the same school year.
Repeated physical confrontations resulting in
severe injuries that require medical attention
(16) Sex Offenses
(15) Sexual
(14) Sexual Battery
(13) Robbery
Unlawful sexual behavior, sexual contact
without force or threat of force, or
possession of sexually explicit images; can be
Non-physical and unwelcome sexual
advances, lewd gestures or verbal conduct or
communication of a sexual nature; requests
for sexual favors; gender-based harassment
that creates an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive educational or work environment
Sexual behavior against
the person's will or where the victim did not
or is incapable of giving consent; touching of
private body parts of another person either
through human contact or using an object
forcibly or against the person's will or where
the victim did not or is incapable of giving
The taking of, or attempting to take,
anything of value that is owned by another
person or organization under
confrontational circumstances by force or
threat of force or violence and/or by putting
the victim in fear. (Note: The key difference
between robbery and larceny/theft is that
the threat of physical harm or actual
physical harm is involved in a robbery)
Conference to in-school suspension
Inappropriate sexually-based physical contact
including but not limited to public groping,
inappropriate bodily contact, or any other
sexual contact not covered in levels 2 or 3
Public groping or inappropriate bodily contact
Conference to in-school suspension
Includes but not limited to insensitive or
sexually suggestive comments or jokes
Comments that perpetuate gender
stereotypes or suggestive jokes that are not
directed towards specific individuals
Out-of school suspension to disciplinary hearing
with recommendation of long term suspension
or expulsion.
Engaging in sexual activities on school
grounds or during school activities
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Sexual behavior against the
person's will or where the victim did not or is
incapable of giving consent; touching of
private body parts of another person either
through human contact or using an object
forcibly or against the person's will or where
the victim did not or is incapable of giving
Includes but is not limited to rape, fondling,
child molestation, indecent liberties and
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Physical or non-physical sexual advances;
requests for sexual favors; Level 3 may be
used for students that violate the school
policy on sexual harassment three or more
times during the same school year.
See above
Robbery with the use of a weapon
Weapons may include but are not limited to
guns, knives, clubs, razor blades, etc.
Sexual intercourse; pimping;
prostitution; indecent exposure of private
body parts
In-school-suspension to disciplinary hearing Out-of school suspension to disciplinary hearing
with recommendation of expulsion
with recommendation of long term suspension
Inappropriate sexually-based behavior
including but not limited to sexting, lewd
behavior, possession of pornographic
materials; simulated sex acts
Sexting; lewd behavior, possession of
pornographic materials; simulated sex acts
In-school-suspension to out-of-school
Includes but not limited to insensitive or
sexually suggestive comments or jokes;
Comments that perpetuate gender
stereotypes, suggestive jokes or lewd
gestures that are directed towards specific
individuals or group of individuals
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Robbery without the use of a weapon
Taking something by force or threat of force
(20) Vandalism
(19) Trespassing
(18) Tobacco
(17) Threat /
The willful and/or malicious destruction,
damage, or defacement of public or private
property without consent
Entering or remaining on a public school
campus or school board facility without
authorization or invitation and with no
lawful purpose for entry. (Note: The key
difference between Trespassing and
Breaking & Entering-Burglary is that
Trespassing does not include forceful entry
into the school building.)
Possession, use, distribution, or sale of
tobacco products on school grounds, at
school-sponsored events, and on
transportation to and from school
Any threat through written or verbal
language or act which creates a fear of harm
and/or conveys a serious expression of intent
to harm or violence without displaying a
weapon and without subjecting the victim to
actual physical attack
Conference to in-school-suspension
Unintentional possession of tobacco products
on school property
Unintentional possession of tobacco products
of expulsion
School-wide physical, verbal or electronic
threat which creates fear of harm without
displaying a weapon or subjecting victims to
physical attack; Note: Students that display
a pattern of behavior that is so severe,
persistent, or pervasive so as to have the
effect of substantially interfering with a
student’s education, threatening the
educational environment, or causing
substantial physical harm, threat of harm or
visibly bodily harm may be coded as
Physical, verbal or electronic threats
Includes but not limited to bomb threats or
unauthorized pulling of the fire alarm.
In-school-suspension to disciplinary hearing Out-of school suspension to disciplinary hearing
with recommendation of expulsion
with recommendation of expulsion.
Use of or knowledgeable possession of
Distribution and/or selling of tobacco
tobacco products
products; Level 3 may be used for students
that violate the school policy on tobacco
three or more times during the same school
Intentional use or possession of tobacco
Distribution and/or selling of tobacco
products on school property
products on school property
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
In-school-suspension to out-of-school
with recommendation of expulsion for students
who persistently violate the code.
Entering or remaining on school grounds or
Entering or remaining on school grounds or
facilities without authorization and with no
facilities without authorization and with no
lawful purpose
lawful purpose. Refusing to leave school
grounds after a request from school
personnel; Level 3 may be used for students
that violate the school policy on trespassing
three or more times during the same school
See above
See above
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
Conference to out-of-school suspension
with recommendation of expulsion.
Participating in the minor destruction,
Participation in the willful/malicious
damage or defacement of school property or
destruction, damage or defacement of school
private property without permission
property or private property without
permission; Level 3 may be used for students
that violate the school policy on vandalism
three or more times during the same school
Physical, verbal or electronic threat which
creates fear of harm without displaying a
weapon or subjecting victims to physical
(25) Weapons –
(24) Other Incident
for a State-Reported
Discipline Action
(23) Weapons –
(22) Weapons –
the use of a single hand; and any
combination of parts from which a firearm
described above can be assembled. NOTE:
This definition does not apply to items such
as toy guns, cap guns, bb guns and pellet
Possession of a firearm that has a short
stock and is designed to be held and fired by
Any other discipline incident for which a
student is administered corporal
punishment, detention, in-school or out-ofschool suspension, expelled, suspended for
riding the bus, assigned to an alternative
school, referred to court or juvenile system
authorities, or removed from class at the
teacher’s request (pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2738)
The possession, use, or intention to use any
instrument or object that is used or intended
to be used in a manner that may inflict
bodily harm (does not include knives or
The possession, use, or intention to use any
type of knife
Any other discipline incident for which a
student is administered corporal punishment,
detention, in-school or out-of-school
suspension, expelled, suspended for riding the
bus, assigned to an alternative school,
referred to court or juvenile system
authorities, or removed from class at the
teacher’s request (pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2738)
Conference to out-of-school suspension
Unintentional possession of a knife or knifelike item on school property without the
intent to harm or intimidate
Unintentional possession of a knife or knife- like
item without intent to harm
Intentional possession, use or intention to
use a knife or knife-like item on school
property with the intent to harm or
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement if
required by law.
Intentional possession and use of any
weapon, other than a knife or firearm, in a
manner that could produce bodily harm or
fear of harm
Includes but is not limited to razor blades,
straight-edge razors, brass knuckles,
blackjacks, bats, clubs, nun chucks, throwing
stars, stun guns, tasers, etc.
See above
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
with recommendation of expulsion. Restitution
costs in all cases.
Intentional possession of a knife or knife-like
item with intent to harm or intimidate.
Conference to disciplinary hearing.
Intentional or unintentional possession or use
of a handgun in a manner that could produce
bodily harm or fear of harm
pistols or revolvers
Unintentional possession of a weapon, other
than a knife or firearm, or simile of a weapon
that could produce bodily harm or fear of
Includes but is not limited to razor blades,
straight-edge razors, brass knuckles,
blackjacks, bats, clubs, nun chucks, throwing
stars, stun guns, tasers, etc.
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary
hearing with recommendation of expulsion.
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
Referral to law enforcement if required by law.
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Level 2 should be used for students who
display a pattern of violating local school
policies not listed among the state incident
Includes but is not limited to parking
violations, etc.
In-school suspension to disciplinary hearing with
recommendation of expulsion.
Intentional possession of a knife or knife-like
item on school property without the intent to
harm or intimidate
Conference to out-of-school suspension.
Restitution costs in all cases.
Intentional possession of a knife or knife-like
item without intent to harm or intimidate
See above
(28) Other Firearms
(27) Serious Bodily
(26) Weapons –
Firearms other than handguns, rifles, or
shotguns as defined in 18 USC 921. Includes
any weapon (including started gun) which
will or is designed to or may readily be
converted to expel a projectile by the action
of any explosive; the frame or receiver of any
weapon described above; any firearm
muffler or firearm silencer; any destructive
device, which includes any explosive,
incendiary, or poison gas (i.e. bomb,
grenade, rocket having a propellant charge
more than 4 ounces, missile having an
The term “serious bodily injury” means
bodily injury that involves a substantial risk
of death, protracted and obvious
disfigurement; or protracted loss or
impairment of the function of a bodily
member, organ, or mental faculty.
The term ''rifle'' means a weapon designed
or redesigned, made or remade, and
intended to be fired from the shoulder and
designed or redesigned and made or remade
to use the energy of an explosive to fire only
a single projectile through a rifled bore for
each single pull of the trigger. The term
''shotgun'' means a weapon designed or
redesigned, made or remade, and intended
to be fired from the shoulder and designed
or redesigned and made or remade to use
the energy of an explosive to fire through a
smooth bore either a number of ball shot or
a single projectile for each single pull of the
trigger. [Pursuant to Gun-Free Schools Act Public Law 107-110, Section 4141]
gun [Pursuant to Gun-Free Schools Act Public Law 107-110, Section 4141]
Infliction of "bodily harm" that dismembers,
disfigures, causes permanent loss of a limb or
function of an organ and causes substantial
risk of death
Any behavior that dismembers, disfigures,
causes permanent loss of a limb or function
of an organ and causes substantial risk of
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Intentional or unintentional possession or use
of any firearms other than rifle, shotgun, or
handguns (including starter pistols) and any
other destructive device which includes
Includes any weapon (including started gun)
which will or is designed to or may readily be
converted to expel a projectile by the action
of any explosive; the frame or receiver of any
weapon described above; any firearm muffler
or firearm silencer; any destructive device,
which includes any explosive, incendiary, or
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Intentional or unintentional possession or use
of a rifle or shotgun in a manner that could
produce bodily harm or fear of harm
rifles, shotguns
(30) Other Attendance Related
(29) Bullying
Repeated or excessive unexcused absences
or tardiness; including failure to report to
class, skipping class, leaving school without
A pattern of behavior, which may include
written, verbal, physical acts, or through a
computer, computer system, computer
network, or other electronic technology
occurring on school property, on school
vehicles, at designated school bus stops, or
at school related functions that is so severe,
persistent, or pervasive so as to have the
effect of substantially interfering with a
student’s education, threatening the
educational environment, or causing
substantial physical harm or visibly bodily
harm. Generally, four conditions must exist
for an act to be considered bullying: an
imbalance of power, a pattern of repeated
behavior, a student is humiliated by the
behavior, and the other student receives
gratification from the humiliation.
explosive or incendiary charge of more than
¼ ounce, mine, or similar device); any
weapon which will, or which may be readily
converted to, expel a projectile by the action
of an explosive or other propellant, and
which has any barrel with a bore of more
than ½ inch in diameter; any combination or
parts either designed or intended for use in
converting any device into any destructive
device described above, and from which a
destructive device may be readily assembled.
(NOTE: This does not include toy guns, cap
guns, bb guns, pellet guns, or Class-C
common fireworks). [Pursuant to Gun-Free
Schools Act - Public Law 107-110, Section
Second incident of bullying as defined in
Georgia Code Section 20-2-751.4
Includes but is not limited to a pattern of
unwanted teasing, threats, name-calling,
intimidation, harassment, humiliation, hazing,
physical attacks, extortion, social exclusion,
coercion, spreading of rumors or falsehoods,
gossip, stalking, or the use of electronic
equipment on school property or using school
equipment to harass or intimidate
Conference to disciplinary hearing with
In-school-suspension to disciplinary hearing with
recommendation of expulsion
recommendation of expulsion
Failure to report to class, skipping class, leaving
school without authorization, or failure to
Repeated or excessive unexcused absences or
comply with disciplinary sanctions .
tardiness to school.
Includes but is not limited to a pattern of
unwanted teasing, threats, name-calling,
intimidation, harassment, humiliation, hazing,
physical attacks, extortion, social exclusion,
coercion, spreading of rumors or falsehoods,
gossip, stalking, or using any type of
electronic means to harass or intimidate
First Offense of bullying as defined in Georgia
Code Section 20-2-751.4
poison gas (i.e. bomb, grenade, rocket having
a propellant charge more than 4 ounces,
missile having an explosive or incendiary
charge of more than ¼ ounce, mine, or similar
device); any weapon which will, or which may
be readily converted to, expel a projectile by
the action of an explosive or other propellant,
and which has any barrel with a bore of more
than ½ inch in diameter; any combination or
parts either designed or intended for use in
converting any device into any destructive
device described above, and from which a
destructive device may be readily assembled.
(NOTE: This does not include toy guns, cap
guns, bb guns, pellet guns, or Class-C
common fireworks). [Pursuant to Gun-Free
Schools Act - Public Law 107-110, Section
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
expulsion. Referral to law enforcement.
Repeated acts, as defined in Georgia Code
Section 20-2-751.4, occurring on school
property or school possession that is a willful
attempt or threat to inflict injury, or apparent
means to do so, any display of force that puts
victim at fear of harm, any written, verbal or
physical act that threatens, harasses, or
intimidates; causes another person physical
harm; interferes with a student's education;
so severe and pervasive intimidated or
threatens educational environment.
Includes but is not limited to a pattern of
unwanted teasing, threats, name-calling,
intimidation, harassment, humiliation, hazing,
physical attacks, extortion, social exclusion,
coercion, spreading of rumors or falsehoods,
gossip, stalking, or the use of electronic
equipment on school property or using school
equipment to harass or intimidate
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
Ongoing and flagrant disregard to attendance
rules and procedures including failure to report
to class, skipping class, leaving school without
(32) Academic
(31) Other - Dress
Code Violation
Receiving or providing unauthorized
assistance on classroom projects,
assignments or exams
Violation of school dress code that includes
standards for appropriate school attire
authorization, or failure to comply with
disciplinary sanctions
May include but is not limited to failure to
cite sources
Intentional receiving or providing of
unauthorized assistance on classroom
projects, assessments and assignments
Conference to in-school-suspension
Pursuant to local dress codes, dress code
violations for Level 1 may Include but are not
limited to bare feet; trousers, slacks, shorts
worn below waist level; no belt; clothing that
is excessively baggy or tight; skirts or shorts
that are shorter than mid-thigh; sunglasses
worn inside the building; hats, caps, hoods,
sweatbands and bandanas or other head
wear worn inside school building
Conference to in-school-suspension (for
tardiness). Referral to attendance task force
Non-invasive and non-suggestive clothing,
jewelry, book bags or other articles of
personal appearance.
Includes but is not limited to Intentional
dishonesty on minor classroom projects,
assignments, homework, etc.
Pursuant to local dress codes, dress code
violations for Level 2 may include but are not
limited to depiction of profanity, vulgarity,
obscenity or violence; promote the use or
abuse of tobacco, alcohol or drugs; creates a
threat to the health and safety of other
students; creates a significant risk of
disruption to the school environment;
clothing worn in such a manner so as to
reveal underwear, cleavage or bare skin;
spaghetti straps, strapless tops, halter tops,
see-through or mesh garments or other
clothing that is physically revealing,
provocative or contains sexually suggestive
In-school suspension to out-of-school
Intentional plagiarism or cheating on a minor
classroom assignment or project
Invasive or suggestive clothing, jewelry, book
bags or other articles of personal appearance.
Conference to out-of-school suspension
Out-of school suspension to mandatory dress
code for repeated violators
Intentional plagiarism or cheating on a major
exam, statewide assessment or project or the
falsification of school records (including
Includes but is not limited to cheating on
major exams, statewide assessments or other
state mandated academic work; Includes the
falsification of school records; forgery; Level 3
may be used for students that violate the
school policy on academic dishonesty three
or more times during the same school year.
Level 3 may be used for students that violate
the school dress code policy three or more
times during the same school year.
Invasive or suggestive clothing, jewelry, book
bags or other articles of personal appearance.
Level 3 may be used for students that violate
the school dress code policy three or more
times during the same school year.
Out-of-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
authorization, or failure to comply with
disciplinary sanctions.
Repeated or excessive unexcused absences or Failure to report to class, skipping class, leaving Failure to report to class, skipping class, leaving
school without authorization, or failure to
school without authorization, or failure to
tardiness to school
comply with disciplinary sanctions .
comply with disciplinary sanctions .
(35) Gang-Related
(34) Other Possession of
Unapproved Items
(33) Other - Student
Any group of three or more students with a
common name or common identifying signs,
symbols, tattoos, graffiti, or attire which
engage in criminal gang activity (O.C.G.A. §
The use or possession of any unauthorized
item disruptive to the school environment.
(Note: The use of fireworks or incendiary
devices must
be coded as Arson.)
Insubordination or disrespect to staff
members or other students; includes but is
not limited to refusal to follow school staff
member instructions, use of vulgar or
inappropriate language, and
misrepresentation of the truth
Includes but is not limited to possession of
toys, mobile devices, gadgets, personal items,
gum, candy, etc; includes possession of
pepper spray
Conference to in-school-suspension
The possession of any unauthorized item.
Does not include the possession of fireworks,
matches, toy weapons, or other items that
can be construed as dangerous
Conference to in-school-suspension
May include but is not limited to general
disrespect for school staff or students;
profanity; failure to follow instructions
Classroom consequences to administrative
Failure to comply with instructions or the
inadvertent use of inappropriate language.
Possession or wearing of gang-related
clothing, jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols,
signs, or using colors to convey gang
membership or affiliation; gestures,
handshakes, slogans, drawings, etc. to convey
gang membership or affiliation; committing
Includes but is not limited to use of toys,
mobile devices, gadgets, personal items, etc;
includes the use of pepper spray without
Conference to out-of-school suspension
Wearing or possessing gang-related apparel;
communicating either verbally or nonverbally to convey membership or affiliation
with a gang
In-school suspension to out-of-school
The use of the any unauthorized item (i.e.
toys, mobile devices, or gadgets). Does not
include the possession of fireworks, matches,
toy weapons, or other items that can be
construed as dangerous
Profanity or obscene language directed
towards school staff; issuing false reports on
other students; insubordination
Classroom consequences to administrative
Blatant insubordination or the use of
inappropriate language directed towards
school staff or peers; intentional
misrepresentation of the truth
Blatant and repeated insubordination or
intentional misrepresentation of the truth;
Level 3 should be used for students who
display a pattern of violating the school policy
related to student incivility.
Issuing false reports on school staff; Level 3
may be used for students that violate the
school policy on student incivility three or
more times during the same school year.
Out-of school suspension to disciplinary
The use or possession of unauthorized items
including but not limited to toy guns or other
items that can be construed as dangerous or
harmful to the learning environment;
Includes the possession of matches, lighters,
incendiary devices or fireworks. The use of
matches, lighters, incendiary devices or
fireworks should be coded as Arson; Level 3
should be used for students who display a
pattern of violating the school policy related
to unapproved items.
Includes but are not limited to matches,
lighters, or the possession of fireworks,
bullets, stink bombs, CO2 cartridges; includes
the use of pepper spray with injury
Out-of school suspension to disciplinary hearing
The solicitation of others for gangmembership, the defacing of school or
personal property with gang-related symbols
or slogans, threatening or intimating on
behalf of a gang, the requirement or payment
for protection or insurance through a gang.
Level 3 should be used for students who
display a pattern of violating the school policy
related to gang activity.
Soliciting students for gang membership;
tagging or defacing school or personal
property with symbols or slogans intended to
convey or promote membership or affiliation
in any gang; requiring payment for
protection, insurance, otherwise intimidating
In-school suspension to disciplinary hearing.
(Other) Felony
Offenses and OffCampus Acts that
Impact Schools
(36) Repeated
Conference to in-school suspension
Collection of minor incidents
See above
A student who is charged with an assault on
another student, a violation of the drug laws,
sexual misconduct of a serious nature or any
other felony offense where the student’s
presence at school is likely to endanger other
students or staff or cause a substantial
disruption to the educational climate may be
disciplined or excluded from school.
Collection of offenses not previously
assigned a state reportable action that
occurs on a single or across multiple school
days that leads to a state reportable
disciplinary action.
In-school suspension to out-of-school
Collection of moderate incidents
See above
In-school suspension to disciplinary hearing
any other illegal act or other violation of
school policies in connection with gangrelated activity
Out-of-school suspension to referral to a
disciplinary hearing with a recommendation of
expulsion. All teachers to whom the student is
assigned will be notified of the student’s status
and given an opportunity to review the
student’s file.
See above
Out-of school suspension to disciplinary hearing
with recommendation of expulsion.
A student who is charged with an assault on
another student, a violation of the drug laws,
sexual misconduct of a serious nature or any
other felony offense where the student’s
presence at school is likely to endanger other
students or staff or cause a substantial
disruption to the educational climate.
or threatening any person related to gang
activity; inciting other students to intimidate
or to act with physical violence upon any
other person related to gang activity
Disciplinary hearing with recommendation of
Collection of severe incidents
See above
Bus Transportation
All rules in this Student Behavior Code JCDA-R(1) apply to behavior on a school bus or at a school bus stop. The Morgan County Charter School System operates bus service for all pupils. A student is expected to act in a quiet and orderly manner when loading, riding, and unloading the bus. This service is a privilege and may be denied for undesirable behavior. The bus driver must be obeyed at all times. If a student feels an order from the driver is unjust, it should be
obeyed nonetheless and then the incident reported to the Transportation Manager. Students who come to school on
the bus should return home on the bus unless he/she has a note from the parent or guardian and signed by the principal
or designee. All bus discipline cases of safety violation are viewed as serious violations. Bus conduct rules are listed in
Regulation JCDAD-R(0)/EDCB-R(0). Drivers will make the final decision as to whether or not to file a report on a student for any rule violation.
A 5(five) step discipline program will be followed before a report is filed. However, the bus driver does NOT have to
use all five steps if the offense is severe and causes immediate injury to others. Physical violence (or language that leads
to physical violence) of any kind may result in suspension from the bus for the balance of the year and some offenses
may result in a stronger penalty depending on the severity of the offense.
The “5 Step Program” and the consequences are as follows:
Step 1: The driver will assign seats on the bus to all students.
If a student misbehaves:
Step 2: The driver will have a private conversation with the student on school grounds.
Step 3: The driver will reassign the student to a seat that will help prevent the misbehavior.
Step 4: The driver will notify Transportation of a behavior problem and the manager or a representative will have a
private conversation with the student on school grounds. At this step, a phone call to the parents or a mailed communication to the parents will take place.
Step 5: The driver will issue a bus referral to the student and provide the Transportation Manager with the documentation of the previous 4 steps.
A bus referral at Step 5 will require the student and a parent/guardian to attend a One Hour Safety Program at Transportation Depot. The student will be suspended off the bus until they attend the program. When the parent/guardian
and student attend the program, riding privileges will be returned. If the parent/guardian and student refuse to attend
the program, the student will be suspended from the bus for 3 days for primary/elementary and 5 days for middle/high.
When the student returns to the bus, future misbehavior will NOT be tolerated and the “5 Step Program” will NOT
start over. The driver may issue a second referral to the student. Discipline action for future referrals for misbehavior
will be at the discretion of the Transportation Manager with the input of the student’s driver and/or administrator. Future discipline action could result in a minimum of 5-day bus suspension up to and including suspension for the remainder of the semester. If a student is suspended for the remainder of the semester, the 5 Step Program will reactivate
when the student returns to the bus.
Other Information
If you have a grievance regarding athletics equity, please contact Sarah Burbach, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Community Relations/Sports Equity/Title IX Coordinator at the Morgan County Board of Education at (706) 752-4600.”
Any student or parent or guardian (“grievant”) may request an impartial hearing due to the school system’s actions
or inactions regarding your child's identification, evaluation, or educational placement under Section 504. Requests
for an impartial hearing must be in writing to the school system’s Section 504 Coordinator; however, a grievant’s
failure to request a hearing in writing does not alleviate the school system’s obligation to provide an impartial hearing if the grievant orally requests an impartial hearing through the school system’s Section 504 Coordinator. The
school system’s Section 504 Coordinator will assist the grievant in completing the written Request for Hearing. The
Section 504 Coordinator may be contacted through the school system’s central office. Copies of the 504 Procedural
Safeguards and Notice of Rights of Students and Parents Under Section 504 may be found at the system website or
may be picked up at the central office or at any of the school offices. Sarah Burbach, Assistant Superintendent for
Student Support and Community Relations is the Morgan County Section 504 Coordinator and can be reached at
the Morgan County Board of Education central office (706) 752-4600.
Note: The Student Code of Conduct may be amended at any time by the
Board of Education. The updated version is always available at
Dress Code
Cover up areas that should be covered. No shirts that promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, suggestive pictures or
words, objectionable images, or anything that may be disruptive to school,
Ladies skirts/shorts should be no further than 3 inches above the knee
Gentlemen’s pants should be worn at the waist and not expose undergarments
NO HATS in the building—not even during lunch
The principal may determine clothing, grooming, or attire not addressed in this policy which creates a distraction
to the educational process and may prohibit the clothing or attire on campus.
Tardy to School
1st-3rd Offense
4th-5th Offense
6th Offense
7+ Offenses
Extended detention/Saturday School
Referral to Administrator (Loss of parking, ISS, OSS)
Tardy to Class
1st-2nd Offense
3rd-4th Offense
5th Offense
6+ Offenses
Extended detention/Saturday School
Referral to Administrator (Loss of parking, ISS, OSS)
Cell Phones / Electronic Communication Devices and Other Electronic Devices Used By
Students may possess and use electronic communication devices in accordance with the
following rules and procedures:
A) Students may use Cell Phones/Electronic Communication Devices and other Electronic Devices that are not otherwise restricted, during the following times: before
and after school, during class changes, and during scheduled lunch periods.
B) Students may not use Cell Phones/Electronic Communication Devices and other
Electronic Devices during instructional time (unless requested to do so by the teacher) and other times that may interfere with the educational mission of the school or
if they pose a safety hazard. This includes but but not limited to Test Sessions, Advisement, assemblies, fire or
inclement weather drills, etc.
C) Electronic Devices must be turned completely off (not on silent or vibrate mode) and should not be visible during instructional time. Exception: device is used as an instructional tool as approved by the teacher.
D) Taking pictures or videos and making audio recordings of students, teachers, administrators, or other MCHS
personnel is prohibited at any time without the expressed written permission of an administrator.
E) A write-up of a Violation of these rules and procedures will result in confiscation of the device.
F) A confiscated device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. If a student has committed
multiple violations, the device will be held for the student’s parent to pick up.
G) The failure of a student to relinquish an electronic device at the request of a teacher, administrator, or other
member of the MCHS staff will result in an automatic assignment to ISS.
The principal has the right to modify or revoke the terms and conditions for the possession and use of Cell Phones/
Electronic Communication Devices and other Electronic Devices at any time. Changes to this policy will be communicated through daily school announcements and will be posted on the Morgan County High School Website.
Note: The student code of conduct is not intended to cover every possible circumstance occurring at Morgan County High School. The administration will develop school policies and procedures necessary to carry out the mission of
Morgan County High School.
Academic Honesty
Cheaters cheat themselves. When students cheat, they deprive
themselves of the opportunity to learn important skills and information. The stakes for cheating and dishonesty after high school are
high. For that reason, we strive to help students understand their
ethical responsibilities.
There are a range of possible consequences for violating the Academic Honesty Policy. The severity of
the violation and/or the number of violations will have an influence on which consequences are applied.
First offense:
Teacher discusses incident with student and explains why the incident is considered academically dishonest.
Student receives an “incomplete” for the assignment.
Teacher completes referral on Infinite Campus and notifies the administration.
Student is placed on probation.
Student and parents sign a contract outlining actions the student will need to take to get
off probation.
Student is required to redo the assignment after completion of the academic honesty tutorial. If timeliness of the make-up assignment is important, the teacher may choose to
offer the student an opportunity for the redo and “hold” the assignment until the tutorial
is completed. The maximum grade for the completed assignment is a 70.
All other offenses:
Student receives a zero for the assignment.
Teacher notifies the administration.
The administration notifies the student’s parents.
Student is referred to appear at the next meeting of the Academic Honesty Committee.
The Academic Honesty Committee will determine a recommendation for consequences
that will be submitted to the principal.
The full version of the Morgan County High School Academic Honesty Policy
can be accessed online at
Student Information
Morgan County Foundation for Excellence in Public Education (MCFEPE):
The mission of the Morgan County Foundation for Excellence in Public Education is to support and
enhance the educational programs of the public schools of Morgan County, Georgia. The Morgan
County Charter School System would like to acknowledge the following individuals and companies
for their outstanding support of this invaluable gift to our children.
Signature Sponsor: Paschal Orthodontics; Bryans Foundation, Inc.; Farmview Market; Longview
Wealth Management; Morris Wrecker; James Orr and Elizabeth Bell; Stan and Kaye DeJarnett;
Christine Lambert; Erica Veasley; Fierman Law Office; Madison Realty, Inc.; Pagett & Whetzel Familyi Dentistry; The Ralph Blanchard Revocable Trust; Eula Colbert; Drs. Hiram and Babs Johnston; Jim
and Carol Jones; Rev. Alfred and Gerri Murray; Anne Philpott; Dan Rather; Wayne and Debbie
Tamplin; Robert and Anne Trulock; and Thomas Wommack.
Nondiscrimination Notice:
Morgan County School System does not discriminate in any educational, employment or other activity under its jurisdiction on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, disabling condition, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Morgan County BOE will honor all appropriate laws and regulations relating
to discrimination. Any person who believes he/she has been discriminated against or harassed in violation of this policy must make a complaint in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Morgan County Policy Manual and should contact Sarah Burbach, Assistant Superintendent for Student
Support and Community Relations/Sports Equity/Title IX Coordinator at the Morgan County Board
of Education at 706-752-4600.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that all schools obtain parental written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the
student's education records. However, the Morgan County Charter School System may disclose appropriately designated "directory information" without written consent, unless the parent has advised to the contrary in accordance with system procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the school system to include this type of information from your child's education
records in certain school publications. Examples include a playbill, showing your student's role in a
drama production; honor roll or other recognition lists; the yearbook, graduation programs, and
sports activity sheets.
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA):
PROTECTION OF PUPIL RIGHTS AMENDMENT (PPRA) - PPRA affords parents certain rights regarding privacy in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection, disclosure,
or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes. Specific activities
and surveys covered under the requirement include: (1) collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution, (2) administration of any protected information
survey not funded in whole or part by the state or by federal Department of Education, and (3) any
non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above.
Free and Reduced Lunch Information:
A balanced lunch and breakfast are served to any child whose parents choose to have him/her eat at
school. These meals are nutritious and are provided at a cost of $2.00 for lunch and $1.35 for breakfast. Reduced priced meals are $.40 for lunch and $.30 for breakfast. Additional information on this
program is given to parents at the time of enrollment or the start of the school year. The School
Breakfast and Lunch Programs provide healthy and nutritionally balanced meals to students each
school day. School breakfasts and lunches must meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and fed-
eral nutrition standards. In order to qualify for this benefit program, the parent or guardian must
be a resident of the state of Georgia and a parent or primary caregiver responsible for a child(ren)
who attends school (high school or under). Students may qualify for free or reduced price meals if
the household income falls at or below the limits set forth by the federal government. (A chart will
be provided to parents by the first day of school.) Parents may apply for free or reduced price
meals at any time throughout the school year. An application for free or reduced price meals may
be obtained from the student’s school or from the Morgan County Board of Education.
In emergency situations, students may charge a lunch/breakfast up to 5 times. Parents are encouraged to keep lunch/breakfast accounts up to date. After 5 charges a student may receive an alternate meal unless arrangement for payments have been made with the school cafeteria manager or
School Nutrition Director. When excessive charges occur, parents will be contacted so that free
and reduced meal application information can be shared to determine when the money will be paid
and/or to explain the convenience of paying for meals in advance. Based on federal law, any unpaid
balances at the end of the school year roll over to the next school year and must be collected. Students with outstanding charges may not purchase a la carte items. Students will not be allowed to
purchase a parking permit or walk at graduation until their outstanding balance has been paid. Payments may be made by day, week or month by cash, check or online at
Hospital/Homebound (HHB) services are designed to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and home or hospital for students in Georgia public schools whose medical
needs, either physical or psychiatric, do not allow them to attend school for a limited period of
time. HHB instruction may be used to supplement the classroom program for students with health
impairments whose conditions may interfere with regular school attendance (e.g., students receiving dialysis or radiation/chemotherapy or students with other serious health conditions). Students
must be enrolled in a public school in Georgia in order to receive HHB services.
HHB services are not intended to supplant regular school services and are by design temporary.
The student must anticipate being absent from school for a minimum of ten consecutive or intermittent school days due to a medical or psychiatric condition. The student’s inability to attend
school for medical or psychiatric reasons must be certified by the licensed physician or licensed psychiatrist who is currently treating the student for the diagnosis presented. For more information
about this service, please contact Pam Benford, School Social Worker, at 706-752-4600.
No Child Left Behind: “Parent’s Right to Know” Teachers’ and Paraprofessionals’ Qualifications:
No Child Left Behind Act/ Parent’s Right to Know: Qualifications of Teachers and Paraprofessionals
In compliance with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind statute, parents may request information about the professional qualifications or their child's teacher(s). The following information
may be requested: 1. Certification, 2. College major/graduate certification or degree held by the
teacher; or 3. Qualifications of any paraprofessional working with their child. Parents should contact
their child's school to request this information.
Student Directory Information Notice:
Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion
of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent's prior written
consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class
rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies receiving
assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide military recruiters, upon request, with the following information – names, addresses and telephone listings – unless
parents have advised the school system that they do not want their student's information disclosed
without their prior written consent.
For more information, visit the system website at .
The Morgan County Board of Education recognizes the serious detrimental effect that use/abuse of
illegal drugs and alcohol has on the entire community, and especially on young people. School buildings and campuses are places of learning. We strongly believe school buildings and campuses should
always be safe and secure environments for students and the adults who work with them. In accordance with this belief and effective immediately, all Morgan County Schools are designated DRUG
AND ALCOHOL FREE ZONES. The possession, transmittal, handling, use, distribution or being under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogen, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic
beverage or intoxicant of any kind on any school campus is strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy
will result in as severe consequences as School Board policy and criminal law will permit. This policy
applies to all students and adults who may be on a public school campus in Morgan County at any
time or off school grounds at any school activity, function or event, on the school bus or any other
vehicle transporting students to or from school or any school activity.
Search and Seizure:
School officials have the authority to conduct reasonable interrogations of students in order to
properly investigate and mange student misconduct. Any student can be searched with a duly executed warrant, or a student can be searched without a warrant if reasonable suspicion exists and
there are exigent circumstances which make it impractical to secure a warrant. This applies where
reasonable suspicion exists when a school official has knowledge of facts which cause him/her to believe a crime or rule infraction has been committed. Searches based on reasonable grounds shall
proceed without hindrance or delay, but shall be conducted in a manner that is not excessively intrusive in consideration of the age and gender of the student. In the event the search of the student’s
person, personal possessions, belongings, or desk reveals the student is concealing substance(s) or
weapon(s) or other contraband prohibited by federal, state or local law, school officials will notify local law enforcement authorities so that they may take appropriate action.
ADMISSIONS – The admission of students to the appropriate general and special education programs operated by Morgan County School System shall be strictly and solely in accordance with the
provisions of Georgia law and these policies and rules. The conditions of admission, assignment and
attendance, including curricular and extra-curricular offerings under the auspices of Morgan County
Schools shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, gender, disabilities, marital or parental status. A child must present a birth certificate when he/she enrolls in Kindergarten or First Grade in Morgan County School System. A birth certificate will be requested from
students transferring into the school system. All children entering Georgia Public schools for the first
time are required to have hearing, vision, and dental screenings by a qualified member of the local
Health department or by a private physician. Verification of those screenings must be provided on
the official form issued by the State of Georgia. Every child entering Morgan County Schools for the
first time, regardless of grade level, must present a completed Certificate of Immunization to the
school on the official form issued by the State of Georgia. A copy of the child’s social security card is
also requested in order to verify that the number is correct. Two proofs of residency in Morgan
County are also required at the time of enrollment. All registration forms must be completed before
the child is enrolled.
Withdrawal procedures: Contact the counseling office and/or Gail Slaughter
Morgan County School System does not discriminate in any educational, employment or other activity under its jurisdiction on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, disabling condition, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Morgan County BOE will honor all appropriate laws and regulations relating
to discrimination. Any person who believes he/she has been discriminated against or harassed in violation of this policy must make a complaint in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Morgan County Policy Manual and should contact Sarah Burbach, Assistant Superintendent for Student
Support and Community Relations/Sports Equity/Title IX Coordinator at the Morgan County Board
of Education at 706-752-4600.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: Education for Homeless Children and Youth
The Morgan County Charter School System ensures that each child of a homeless individual and
each homeless youth has equal access to the same free appropriate education including a public preschool education as provided to other children and youths.
Section 504 Grievance Procedure
Any student or parent or guardian (“grievant”) may request an impartial hearing due to the school
system’s actions or inactions regarding your child's identification, evaluation, or educational placement under Section 504. Requests for an impartial hearing must be in writing to the school system’s
Section 504 Coordinator; however, a grievant’s failure to request a hearing in writing does not alleviate the school system’s obligation to provide an impartial hearing if the grievant orally requests an
impartial hearing through the school system’s Section 504 Coordinator. The school system’s Section
504 Coordinator will assist the grievant in completing the written Request for Hearing. The Section
504 Coordinator may be contacted through the school system’s central office. Copies of the 504 Procedural Safeguards and Notice of Rights of Students and Parents Under Section 504 may be found at
the system website or may be picked up at the central office or at any of the school offices. Sarah
Burbach, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Community Relations is the Morgan
County Section 504 Coordinator and can be reached at the Morgan County Board of Education central office (706) 752-4600.