management messages - GCS Medical College, Hospital
management messages - GCS Medical College, Hospital
Issue : 03 APRIL - JUNE - 2013 GCSMCH News Letter GCS MEDICAL COLLEGE, HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE Opp. D R M Office, Nr. Chamunda Bridge, Naroda Road, Ahmedabad - 380025 (Gujarat - India) Ph. +91 79 66048000 | Fax +91 79 22201915 | [email protected] MANAGEMENT MESSAGES CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Dear Members of GCSMCH, “Three years ago we began our new journey towards excellence in medical education and patient-care. I am happy to note that the GCS Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre is now a teeming hub of new initiatives, learnings and expert care. This is a great start for any institution as it is the energy and enthusiasm of the members in the initial years that creates a strong edifice for growth. This institution is indeed a special one, born of a unique people’s participation in healthcare. While on one hand our attempt is to create a fountainhead of medical knowledge and trained doctors who can serve the community, we also attempt to reach out to the people from all walks of life with this knowledge and care. So it’s not just knowledge for knowledge’s sake, our aim is to see how we can reach out, help communities around us and alleviate their suffering with this knowledge and research. It’s been a busy three years for us with new courses being floated, new members and experts joining us, organizing medical conferences and symposia on different healthcare needs. All of this will help us evolve and grow as an institution of excellence in the coming years. I am happy to share my views through this newsletter which is an excellent platform to connect and develop a shared understanding, as we contribute to this vision of excellence.” Shri Pankaj R. Patel Executive Chairman DEAN’S MESSAGE GM’S MESSAGE MANAGER’S MESSAGE On behalf of GCS and every one in GCSMC, I take great pleasure in presenting 3rd Newsletter of our institute. We all know GCSMC conducts OPD activities for diagnosis, treatment, prevention of diseases and renders free or subsidized treatment to needy patients without any distinction of cast, creed or religion. It is modern hospital serving majority of economically backward people of East & North Ahmedabad and nearby Talukas and Districts. I would like to grab an opportunity to address my students of Medical College. Discipline is highly recommended and essential during studies as they play a vital role in building personality and attitude. I firmly believe that improving the efficacy and classroom activities in which students participate, is an indirect approach to improve discipline. “The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline because it cannot be taught, it comes from within”. Wish you all the best to exam going students of 1st M.B.B.S. While memorizing the excellent celebration of “Nursing Day” at our Hospital, I could think about amazing coordination and well synchronized approach from all the level of Nurses. I also noticed huge amount of enthusiasm and passion for the event. While enjoying same, I was collecting something out of it and that was “Commitment to the Cause”. Whenever, we are committed and dedicated towards any work, any job or any task, we achieve success and feel immense pleasure of hard work, we have put in. My message to all of you is of hope, courage, and confidence. Let us mobilize all our efforts and hard work in a systematic and organized way and bring in discipline in our respective job. Let us put 100% DEDICATION & COMMITMENT at work in the organization and let our patients along with us be satisfied and feel the pleasure of the outcome of our services. Dear Colleagues, Technology penetration is imperative to our personal and professional life, balancing acceptance and resistance to translate into meaningful absorption challenges rational community and all of us are no exception. The solid fundamental principles of our institute motivate us to be accommodative and extend possible assistance to everyone. GCSMC IT Team considers our ‘News letter’ as one among the many initiatives to channelize our energy and offer common platform. The steady progress our institute makes would be ready to accept accolades as Centre of Excellence in all domains. We reiterate our commitment to be with you assisting best Information Systems resource usage and drive as a phenomenal force in functional effectiveness. Our wishes to all of you, beloved family members & enjoy Happy Computing! Salutes! Dr Kirti M. Patel Dean “Don’t ever give up. Don’t ever give in. Don’t ever stop trying. Don’t ever sell out. And if you find yourself succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a prayer, and start where you left off. “But never, ever, ever give up.” Be Optimistic always…! Neha Lal General Manager Hospital Administration & HR M. V. Saneesh Sr. Manager - IT & Systems HR CORNER NEW EMPLOYEES Nursing Staff Ankita Vishnubhai Patel Jasoda Virjibhai Modiya Rashmika Rameshchandra Kalasawa Bharati Ratilal Sangadiya Arpit Semualbhai Chauhan Kenethbhai Semualbhai Khristi Priti Ashokbhai Parmar Bindi Bhaskerbhai Patel Mittal Badarbhai Mariwad Sonal Rajeshbhai Macwan Falgun B. Chaudhary Selvina J. Christian Hetal M. Chaudhary Salvi Nilesh Kunjaraviya Siyona Victor Christian Juhi Anilkumar Macwan Pratikkumar Vitthalbhai Prajapati Janifer Yohanbhai Vaghela Pharmacy Bhoomika Bharatbhai Panchal Jayshree Ganpatbhai Parmar Sanjay Kalidas Patel Pathology Manisha Baldevbhai Patel Ramesh Prabhudas Marwadi Sa a Semsanbhai Sagar S a a Christian C a HR POLICY @ GLANCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT •In house training is normally provided to employees to improve the efficiency and skills. Training also increases job satisfaction, moral, motivation, efficiency and new technique of doing work. Therefore, HR department has started organizing training program of all the employees of GCSMCH & RC. Following are various of training conducted by HR department. The regular monthly schedule is prepared in advance and various departments are roped in training. 1. Occupational: This training helps to enhance job related skills and competencies to employees. 2. Soft Skill Training: This training helps to improve Team Building skill, Communication skill, Leadership skill, Etiquettes, Interpersonal Relations & Self-confidence among staff. 3. Organizational Training: This includes training on precautions to be taken at the time of Fire & other disasters, Segregation and Management of Bio Medical Waste in the hospital to provide inflectionless environment, Basic Life Support (BLS) training, Management and Prevention from occupational hazards etc. 4. I.T. Training: This training includes providing Elementary Computing to effective usage of IT resources. INDUCTION & ORIENTATION •Induction is an opportunity to generate favorable attitudes with in the new employee about peers, superiors, subordinates and the organization & to be oriented with the organizational policies. Hence, HR dept. is organizing INDUCTION PROGRAMME on regular basis for New joiners. It helps to make them aware of the organization and its core standards of regulation. It also aims to orient employees and to create the feeling of belongingness and loyalty to build the confidence about self and organization. The induction program is MANDATORY to attend for all new Joiners. •An Induction & Orientation program includes information about organization as a whole such as Information about Medical College & Hospital, Management team of GCSMCH & RC, Hospital facilities & services, Information and updates about Organization’s Milestones, Organizational Policies, HR Policies, Employee Benefits, Future Plans, Career Plan etc. MANPOWER ASSESSMENT •Human Resource is considered as an important asset to the organization and hence, it is imperative to know employee’s strengths, competencies and work specification for many aspects. To fulfill this objective, HR department has taken initiative to define the brief KRAs (Key Result Areas - Primary job function & Duties) for all employees, working in GCSMCH & RC. •Thus, now all employees’s roles are defined with us. UPDATES SIGNIFICANT UPDATES Sadvichar Parivar Hospital OPD Inauguration GCSMCH & RC has ventured into collaboration with Sadvichar Parivar Hospital, Naroda for providing subsidized consultation services to community. The inauguration ceremony was held on 28.04.2013 at Sadvichar Hospital. Our expert team of doctors visit Sadvichar hospital 5 days a week and contributes towards this noble cause through providing their expert consultation to patients. MOU with Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University GCS Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre (GCSMCH & RC) has added another milestone in the area of academic association. We have entered into MoU with Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan (HNGU, Patan) on 12.04.2013 for Masters in Hospital Management Programme. This MoU intends to remain associated professionally/ technically in the field of Academics, Research and Capacity building of Hospital Management students. The core outcome and benefits of signing the MoU are: • The pool of semi-skilled Hospital Management students will get an opportunity of placement / training at our institute. • GCSMCH & RC will not have to incur additional cost of training HNGU students for job related competencies after employment. We are the 3rd Hospital in Gujarat which has succeeded in signing MoU with Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. Visit of State Health Minister We had the privilege, having our Health Minister, Shri Nitin Patel at our Medical College and Hospital on 30.03.2013. Minister visited the entire facility and witnessed our services and approach towards patients. He had also appreciated the cleanliness and hygiene level maintained through out the departments. During his round, he also got an opportunity to talk to few patients and to know about their experiences. At last, we were given with much positive feedback for being a state-of-the-art medical college and large health care facility in this part of Ahmedabad. MCI & NCI Inspection Inspection from Medical Council of India (MCI) and Nursing Council of India (NCI) inspection was witnessed in month of April. All inspections went as expected and result for confirmation is awaited. Speciality Clinic We are in the process of commencing Super Specialty consultation OPD at specialty clinic at 1st floor. All amenities and requirements have been placed to start the service. We have also created two paying wards at 6th floor and 12 Special rooms on 8th floor. TPA & INSURANCE AND RSBY UPDATES RSBY @ 1000: It is indeed delightful to share that we have scaled up to 1000 patients, enrolled under RSBY (Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojna) scheme on 04.05.2013. We have started this scheme in March 2012. This appreciation was extended from District authorities also in the recent meet held with them as we stood 1st in Ahmedabad district for registering highest patients under this scheme out of 60 empanelled hospitals. 1. Empanelment with Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojna (MA Yojna) for Oncology services is in pipeline. All required amenities and estimation of cost associated to start the Yojna has been carried out. The empanelment is expected to be done by upcoming month. 2. We have also added few more insurance companies in our list of empanelment. These companies are: • Star Health Insurance • HDFC Ergo General Insurance • Max Bupa Health Insurance • IFFCO –TOKIO General Insurance + Launch : GCSMC On 14.06.2013, in presence of ERP Steering Committee members, Core users, End users & ERP Consultants, Dr.Kirti M Patel (Dean, GCSMCH) announced the Go-Live of 1st Phase GCSMC+, our ERP. This phase includes Back office modules covering Accounts, Purchase, Stores, Pharmacy & Maintenance. This would help the institute to build towards an integrated software solution across functional areas migrating from stand-alone legacy applications. Dean congratulated the efforts of every one contributed towards this. Customer Relation Management (CRM) & Patient’s Feedback Redressal System A new system of CRM - Customer Relation Management & Patient feedback redressal has been placed to strengthen bond with patients. This system enhances relationship with the patients and help resolve their complaints. In this process, we collect feedback from Indoor Patients, UPDATES Out door Patients, Health checkup beneficiaries. Complaint & Suggestion box placed at various locations of hospital. These feedbacks are discussed in the Patient care Committee, if complaint is of serious nature it is brought to the Management meeting. Meanwhile, a communication is made to patients on receipt of complaint and after coming on conclusion or solution, patients are being informed about the solutions. The process ends when patient gives his / her green signal as a satisficed patient. We have been succeeded to achieve more than 90% of patient satisfaction so far in all major areas. Department alloted by Counter Numbers In order to ease the communication with patients all front office departments i.e. Registration, Billing, Admission – Discharge and new Casualty Registration has been allotted counter numbers instead of room numbers. Counter numbers have been allotted as under Registration – Counter 1, OPD Billing – Counter 2, IPD Billing – Counter 3, Admission & Discharge – Counter 4 and New Casualty Registration – Counter 5. Union Bank of India ATM Facility An ATM facility of Union Bank of India (UBI) has been installed at our premises. Visitors, Patients and Staff now can access the facality for their own use. POLICIES AND SOPs Sr. No. Policy Objective Objective : To restrict visitor’s traffic as well as movement to avoid disturbance and for better administration for the admitted patients in the hospital Visitor Hours in the Hospital 1 Visitor Policy Monday to Saturday : 4:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m | Sundays / Holidays : 11.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m 4:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m • Only two visitors are allowed at a time to visit the patient during visiting hours only. • Only one attendant is allowed to stay with patient during the period of hospitalization. • Visitors should maintain a quiet environment and avoid unnecessary noise to optimize patient rest. Keep visits short and quiet. • Please cooperate to the security personnel. • Please follow Hospital policies & rules. Objective : The aim is to provide its employees with comfortable and professional uniforms that project a good image and comply with occupational Health and Safety guidelines 2 Policy : Uniform • Uniform will be provided on nonrefundable payment basis. Charges • 2 pairs of uniform will be provided to employee at the time of joining the organization. Policy • The uniform is to be submitted at Linen Store at the time of leaving the organization. If the uniform is not submitted at the time of leaving (no due), charges will be deducted from employees’ salary /full & final settlement. • New pair of Uniform will be provided to employees on completion of 2 years or as and when require on verification by HOD. EMPLOYEE’S CORNER We appreciate the bravery and courage of Ms. Bhartiben (Housekeeping staff), Mr. Shailesh Patni (Security guard) and Mr. Sudhir Brahmin (Security supervisor) as they were instrumental in trapping three thieves who were involved in bath fitting theft case. We appreciate their dedication towards their responsiveness and commitment for their work. Ms. Darshi Shah (Executive-Hospital Administration) is having one more excellency in painting. She painted a beautiful nature picture. Darshi Shah EVENTS Nurses Day Annual General Body Meeting Nursing day was celebrated on 12.05.2013 in the memory of Florence Nightingale taking in to consideration the nursing contribution towards society and healthcare services. Va r i o u s cultural p er fo r mances were presented by nursing staff on different themes and best was awarded with prize. The Annual General Meeting of GCS was held on 30.03.2013 at GCS Medical College premises. Smt. Kamalaji Benival (Her Excellency, Governer of Gujarat), Shri Pankaj Patel (Chairman) and many other dignitaries attended the meeting. World No Tobacco day Celebrated World Health Day World Health Day is celebrated on 7th April worldwide. We celebrated this day by creating awareness among society for Blood pressure. 40 employees participated for the cause. 8 teams were formed and various locations were selected to create awareness among community through campaign. To award the volunteers for the cause, Appreciation certificates were presented by Management to all participants. The outcome of this was remarkable. Every year 31st May is being celebrated as World No Tobacco day. The purpose is to make the people aware regarding various ill effects of Tobacco related products. Community Medicine Department of GCS Medical College has celebrated the World No Tobacco Day 2013 at field practice areas of U.H.T.C & R.H.T.C. At Urban Health Training Center Saijpur, drawing competition on various tobacco related aspects was arranged amongst school going children while in Rural Health Training Center, Dabhoda, presentation was made by faculty member of community medicine department on Tobacco use and its Hazards and also short film was shown for awareness. ACADEMICS Clinical Meeting of Psoriasis in Pregnancy “A case of Psoriasis in Pregnancy” was discussed by Dr Jigna Padhiyar, Dr Purvi Shah and Dr Pooja Taneja during well attended clinical meeting on 07.06.2013. Faculties were made aware about recent reports of strong association of psoriasis and other component of metabolic syndrome like hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Speakers also highlighted importance of diagnosing and proper management of psoriasis in pregnancy of favourable maternal and fetal outcome. Paget Disease of Breast A CME Programme was arranged at GCS Medical College, Hospital. Department of Pathology presented incidence and pathology of paget disease and department of surgery professor Dr R. I. Dave discussed clinical picture, surgery and treatment of paget disease of nipple and areola. Paget disease of breast causes skin and around nipple to be red, sore and flacky, on scaly with itching and burning. Occassioanlly there may be yellow or bloody dicharge. Diagnosis is clinically easy and can be confirmed by cytology and biopsy. This uncommon disease (less than 1%) can be treated by mastectomy in most of the cases. In about 5% of cases conservative breast surgery can be employed. Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy has very little and only palliative role. Few cases can be offered reconstructive surgery if needed in young patients. In our experience in GCSMCH we had two cases of paget disease in advance stage and both were treated with modified radical mastectomy with good result. Both cases were presented in the CME programme with review of literature. Dr R. I. Dave (Prof. & HOD - Surgery) MEDICAL CORNER {kÁ Lkk{ hksuþ¼kR Ãkxu÷ (Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au) Au. nwt Ãkk÷eíkkýkLkku hnuðkþe Awt. ykþhu 20-25 ð»koÚke {Lku økwxfk yLku ÃkkLk-{Mkk÷kLke ykËík Ãkze níke. Ãknu÷k Ãknu÷k íkku {ò ykðe. ËkuMíkkuLke MkkÚku ¾kíkku yLku ykLktË WXkðíkku. Ãknu÷k nwt 2-3 ¾kíkku ÃkAe Äe{u Äe{u íkuLke MktÏÞk ðÄíke økR yLku hkusLke ÷øk¼øk 20-25 sux÷e økwx¾k yLku {Mkk÷k ¾kíkku ÚkR økÞku. yk fkhýu {khk {kuZkLke nk÷ík çkøkzíke økR, yLku {khk økk÷Lke ytËhLke [k{ze òze Úkíke økR. hkus s{ðkLkk Mk{Þu Ãknu÷k nwt {khk nkÚkLke 2 yktøk¤e yLku ytøkwXkÚke fku¤eÞku çkLkkðeLku ¾kíkku níkku fkhýfu {kÁ {kuZwt ÷øk¼øk çku yktøk¤e sux÷wt ¾w÷íkwt níkwt. 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SMkeyuMk nkuÂMÃkx÷u økík {rnLkkyku{kt y{ËkðkËLkk rðrðÄ MÚk¤kuyu su{fu økwÁîkhk- MkhMkÃkwh, Mðk{eLkkhkÞý {trËh çkkÃkwLkøkh, {MSË-Lkhkuzk, MkktRçkkçkk {trËh-MkisÃkwh, {eLke fktfheÞk, Lkhkuzk økk{, siLk {trËh nðu÷e-çkkÃkwLkøkh yLku ò{k {MSË-MkhMkÃkwh suðk rðrðÄ MÚk¤ku yu fuBÃkLkwt ykÞkusLk fÞwo yLku ÷øk¼øk 650 sux÷k ËËeoykuyu íku{Lkk hkuøkkuLke òýfkhe yLku íkuLkk ÞkuøÞ rLkËkLk {kxu yk fuBÃkLke {w÷kfkík ÷R íkuLkku ÷k¼ ÷eÄku níkku. Editorial Board Publisher Dr Kirti M Patel (Dean) Chief Editor Neha Lal (General Manager - Hospital Administration & HR) Editors Kalpesh Parmar (Asst. Officer) & Darshi Shah (Executive) Graphics Design & Layout Kalpesh Parmar (Asst. Officer - Communications) Contributors Dr. R. I. Dave Dr. Gunjan Shah Dr Pooja Taneja Dr. Purvi Shah Dr. Jigna Padhiyar Mr. M. V. Saneesh Ms. Darshi Shah All interested readers may send their piece of creativity in any field or informative contents in any format send it to [email protected] | darshi. [email protected] Or you may post your manuscript to: Kalpesh Parmar, GCS Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Opp. DRM Office, Nr. Chamunda Bridge, Naroda Road, Ahmedabad 380025 (Gujarat) Help Lines : 079 6048128 | 6048121 9712922203 | 9727769432 GCS Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre Opp. D.R.M. Office, Nr. Chamunda Bridge, Naroda Road, Ahmedabad - 380025 (Gujarat - India) | Ph. +91 79 66048000 | Fax +91 79 22201915 | | [email protected]
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