With The . MTI PhotoScreener


With The . MTI PhotoScreener
Optimum Results
With The .
MTI PhotoScreener
Camera Operations Guide
A Location & Using The MTI PhotoScreener
MTI PhotoScreener'" mu st be used in a
mly l it en vironm ent. Ou td oor screeni ng ca n
accomplished by using the porta b le Ph otoScreening Center ava ilable from Medica l
Tech nol ogy , Inc. Please be sur e you r locarion meets
the conditions listed in this gu ide to ensu re the
quality of the photogra phs.
The screening room setting is ve1y im po11a nt t o
obtaining good quality photographs. The MTI
PhotoScreener's sensitivity increases with the size of
the su bject's pu pils. To maximize the pupil size, the
room light level should be such that you are ju st able
to see the su bject's face. In rooms withou t variable
illum ination , we recommend tu rning off all lights
and placing a night light in the room to create sufficient dim illumination. The night light should be ou t
of view of the child so that it does not distract the
child's attention. The pupils should be allowed to
dilate for 15 - 30 seconds. Use this time to properly
aim the MTI PhotoScreener on the subject.
It is also important to position the su bject away
from reflecting surfaces that may boun ce u nwant ed
light into the camera lens resulting in overexposed,
"washed out" pictures.
Do Notp hotogmjJ/J across a table and amid
hauing peopl e stand beside the subject u ·here their
clothing could rejl cct l(f!,ht back to the ca111ero.
plac e t/J e subject at least 2 f eetjj' cm1 all
u·alls and d oors.
The MTI PhotoScreener batteries are not
charged when shipped from the factory. You may
charge the batteries overnight prior to a session or,
for immediate capability, use the AC/DC adapter.
For AC operation , plu g the AC/DC adapter into an
electrical outl et a nd plu g the cord into the power
j ack on the camera's left side.
Obse1ve th e Low Battery indicator light when
operating on batte1y power. The light blink s to
indicate when batte1y power is low. When the
batte1y is no longer capable of operating th e MTI
PhotoScreener (a few photos after blinkin g begin s),
the light will glow steadily and the system will shut
itself off. When this occurs, the MTI PhotoScreener
should be operated with the AC/DC adapter or the
batteries should be recharged.
The MTI PhotoScreener utilizes rechargeabl e
Nickel Cadmium (NiCad) batt eries which should
provide hundr eds of recharges and several years of
use before requiring replacement. You can maximize
the ba ttery's life by recharging only after the low
battery light begins to blink. Repeated charging of
the ba tteries before they are fully discharged or
continu ous charging for more than 16 hours will
lower their future useable capacity.
To recharge the batteries , simply plu g the
AC/DC Adapter cable into the camera 's left side j ack.
The camera can now be left to charge the batteries
or can be operated in the normal mann er off the
AC power. Charging will continu e even if you use
the camera .
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:,,,,.,,,..-..- ---
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. ..... ..... .. .
"'" ------"""
As long as the external power remains
plugged in, the battery will continue to charge.
For maximum battery life, the charger should be
un-plugged after 16 hours.
You may wish to have your battery replaced if
the NiCad batteries will not hold sufficient charge.
Call Medical Technology, Inc. for further information.
......... . .....................
which is the number of film images remaining in
the MTI PhotoScreener.
The MTI PhotoScreener system is equipp ed
with an auto shutdown function that turns the
system off after 5 minutes of inactivity. To reactivate,
press the Aim/ON button for a full second. The
number display will briefly show "on" then change
to the number of film images remaining.
Two V-shaped lights project onto the forehead
of the subject and seive as a combined range finder
and alignment mechanism. There is no "throughthe-lens" focusing. The camera has a pre-set focus
of about one meter (3.3 feet) from the subject.
After the system is on and the Picture 1 LED
blinks, press the Aim/ON button to turn on the
aiming lights. The aiming lights may be turned on
or off at any time via this button but must be on to
release the shutter and take the photograph. Proper
focus and alignment are obtained when the points
of the two lights overlap just enough to form an "X"
centered on the forehead, approximately 1.5 inches
above the mid-portion of the pupils. This position
will center the eyes correctly on the photograph.
The aiming lights will remain on for 25 seconds
The MTI 3200 B/W film is the only approved
film for the MTI PhotoScreener. Refrigerated film
should be allowed to warm to the recommended
processing temperature of 60-85'F/16-29'C prior
to use.
(A) Open the film door by pressing the latch
on the camera back. (B) Remove film from its
protective foil package and insert into the film
compartment. The film pack is inserted with the
cardboard side up and the yellow pull-tab out. Slide
the film container gently into place . (C) Close the
film door until the latch clicks. (D) Keep developer
rollers clean by using a soft lint-free cloth dampened
with water if necessary.
Press the Aim/ON button for one full second
to turn the power on for all operations of the MTI
PhotoScreener. If film has just been loaded, the
large numeric display will briefly show "on", then
it will flash "no F " and the green LED 's will blink
in sequence. Press the Aim/ON button a second
time and the cardboard dark slide will immediately
eject and the number display will change to "10 '',
and."then automatically turn off. If the ahning
lights turn off dilling the process of focusing
the camera, press the Aim/On button again to
immediately turn them back on for another ·
25 seconds.
Aim/ON button
and malee the tzuo
lights overlap to
form an "X" in
the middle of the
subject's head, 1.5
inches above the
midportion of the
To obtain an acceptable,
interpretable photograph, the subject
must be looking directly at the aperture
of the camera when the photograph
is taken. The attention span of young
infants is very brief and therefore
attracting their attention at the appropriate time is crucial to taking accurate
photographs. We advise that the fixation
light be illuminated only after you
obtain accurate alignment and focus
so the child does not get bored with
the light display and look away rather
than at the flashing light. Press the
Fixation button to activate the
light pattern.
The lights can be toggled off
and on by pressing the button. If the
subject is old enough, ask them to
"look at the blinking light".
If the fixation light does not
adequately attract the child's attention
to the camera, activate the Sound
button to regain attention and accurat
fixation. The musical tune can be
turned on or off at any time by using
the sound button .
If neither fixation controls provide
adequate fixation on the flashing light,
turn both off, re-align and re-activate
the light and sound a second time.
Don't keep the stimulus constant or
the infant's interest will be lost.
The photograph is taken as soon
as adequate alignment and focus has
been obtained and the child's attention
is directed to the camera aperture. The
flash is activated and the shutter released
by pressing the blue Shutter button
on the right side of the control panel.
After the first picture is taken,
the MTI PhotoScreener will rcitate the
flash from the horizontal to vertical
alignment and the camera back will
slide forward into position in order to
take the second photograph of the
eyes. The film will not eject until
both photographs have been
taken. To take the second photograph ,
repeat the procedure . The Picture 2
green LED light will blink to indicate
when the flash has been recharged and
is ready for the second photograph.
Until this time, the aiming lights will
not illuminate and the shutter will
not operate.
Once the second photograph
has been taken, the flash and camera
back return to their original positions
and the photograph ejects from the
camera. The instant photograph will
develop automatically in approximately
2 minutes. Do not squeeze or bend
developing pictures and never cut
photographs or take them apart.
Once the tenth picture has been
ejected , the large LED display on the
control panel will illuminate "noF ''.
At this point, it is necessary to load
a new pack of film as described in
Loading The Film.
If you opeµ the camera back
while film still remains or remove
the pack, the top piece of film wil!
be exposed. If a partially used pack
is removed and then reinserted, the
film counter will reset to 10 giving an
incorrect count of film remaining.
The quality of the photograph
is essential for allowing proper
interpretation. Please take a minute
to review the examples on the back
of this guide to familiarize yourself
with the occurrences that require a
retake of the photograph .
arrows onto
subject's forehead
in the appropriate
location. Press
Fixation Light button
to attract subject's
attention. Pus/J the
Shutter button to take
allow the
flash to rotate from
horizontal to vertical
Inno vative Vision Screening/or KIDS
on subject's forehead
in appropriate location. Press Fixation
Light button to
re-attract subject 's
attention. Pus/.J tbe
Shutter button to
take photo.
The MTI PhotoScr eener At A GIanee
Lef t Side View
Shutter Button
Reset Button
Fixation Button
Aim/ON Button
AC/DC Power Jack
Front View
Aiming Light
,;.;..;;:;:;...;.....; =-- Strobe
.;;,;,-,...........;.,,.----- Fixation Light
i----...;;....-'---'-- -
Checking The Qualitf} Of Your Photos
efore a proper interpretat ion can be made, the qu ality of the photo must be assessed. There
are four conditi ons that must be satisfied in order for the photogra ph to be considered accepfabl e
for interpretation. If all fou r a re not met , the photo mu st be retak en.
1. Four Pupils
. Fixation
T n order to achie\ e proper fi:-.:ation. the su hjecr
must l ook direct l y a t th e centra l flashi ng l ight on
the camera. There a re t\\ 'O i mporta nt du es to
eva luating subject fixation:
Pupil Brightness
All plljJils 11lllSt be visible in both t/J e lljJper
and lower photos. Vvhen one or JJW re pupils are
not visible, because of poor alignn 1ell t of t/Je
Phot0Screene1; an abnormality may be missed.
2. Focus
If the subj ect is notfL'Cating on the central
flashing light, the pupil will appear to be nemiy
or entirely white.
Corneal Light Ref lex
Bo th the upper and lower photos must be
clear and injocits. In this example, the exan1i11er is toofar away from the subject, making
the bnage blurred and uninte1pr etable.
3 . -8mm Pupil Si:ze
T!J e pupil size s/Jould be between 4 mm
and 8 nun in diam eter to enable accurate
inte1p retation. If the pupil is less than 4 mm
in size, attempts s/J ould be made to increase
pupil diameter by /Jiwing the subject sit in
decreased illumination for approx imately 1
JJ1 irzute before retaking the photo. If pupil is
more than 8 mm, attempts should be 1nade
to deaease pupi l dia111eter by i11tmduci11g
more light into tbe screeni11g e11l'iro11ment.
The comeal light rejle:r (ll'hite spot) must be at
l 'ertical cell ter and slig/Jtly nasal i1z the p upil. At
least one ye in the upper p/Joto alld one ill t/.Je
lower photo must haue the corneal reflex located
in the correct position or the photo must be retaken
In this example, the loiuer p /J oto has at least one
)le with corneal light reflex in the center and
sl(f? htly nasal of t/Je p upil. The corneal light reflex
is not £ •isible in the upper photo, making t/Je jJ/Joto
uninterpretable. The pboto must be retalwn.
.-- ----------- ---------- ------------------- ------ - --- ---
Customer Service
If you have any questions, pl ease contact
Medical Technology, Inc. at
3125 Nole Road • Lancast er, PA 17601 USA
Phone:_ (800) 277- 1710 or (717) 892-6770
Fax : (717) 892-6788 • Website: http://www. mten com