Munns Three Bar Quarter Horses
Munns Three Bar Quarter Horses
Munns Three Bar Quarter Horses 17th Annual Production & Ranch Horse Sale Saturday, August 30th 2014 Sale Time 1:00 ~ Preview 11:00 Rexburg, ID Solid Ranch Geldings Sell “Promoting the All-Around Horse, Working Horses for Working People” The Munns Family Welcomes You to Our 17 th Annual Production Sale!!! Saturday, August 30 th 2014 Preview 11:00 & Sale Time 1:00 Madison County Fairgrounds We hope you enjoy your day with us and are pleased with the stock we have to offer. The sale will be held at the Madison County Fairgrounds in Rexburg, Idaho. The babies will be available to view about 11:00, at that time we will start the day off with a preview of the saddle horses as well. This preview is a great opportunity for potential buyers to see which horses really fit them best. Cattle will be available to show the rope and ranch horses on. We will take a few minutes following the preview to regroup and move to the indoor facilities where the sale will be held at 1:00 sharp. In 1961 Keith Munns along with his father, purchased a Montana Ranch on Hebgon Lake. A year later he married his wife Ruth, and they started a family of their own. All of their life they have been involved in the livestock industry. Keith is an accomplished auctioneer. He sells the local livestock auctions, as well as handling various horse sales, estate sales, farm machinery auctions, etc. At one time they co-owned the Rexburg Livestock Auction along with Keith’s brothers, and ran cattle of their own for a number of years. Although other avenues have supplemented their income from time to time, Keith’s passion has always been his horses!!! Keith and Ruth have raised 2 children, and the family has been based around the horse world in one way or another from the very beginning. They were involved in everything from chariot racing, ranching, team roping, calf roping, and even ran a few horses on the flat track. It was pretty hard to be raised in the Munns Family and not catch the “horse fever”. Their son Jeff enjoyed chariot racing with his dad when he was young, and rode colts for a number of years. He also spent a few years riding cattle in a feedlot which really made some good horses. The past several years he has developed a new bad habit… team roping! Jeff has 3 children, Kolton, Kassie, and Katie. He and his son Kolton have really enjoyed some father/son time, spending many hours together roping. Kolt works for Keith and Ruth, helping with the farming and the horses. He spends many hours handling the young horses and getting them broke to lead. Come sale day we all appreciate the effort that he has put into making these babies gentle and good to handle. It sure makes things go smoother at the sale and gives the buyer’s a head start. Both girls are off to college in Twin Falls, and we are proud of them for furthering their education. They are both working full time jobs as well as keeping up to school, what busy girls!!! They come home every chance they get and we always look forward to their help when they do. Keith and Ruth’s daughter Becky, followed in her dad’s footsteps and loved the horses from day one. She married Dan Miller and they have 3 children; Breanna, Ty, and little Charly. They are fortunate to share many common interests, all centered around the horses. They run a few cows of their own, go to quite a few brandings each year, team rope a little, and do whatever day work they have time for. They both enjoy making a nice saddle horse, and the more cow work they can give one the better they like it. Breanna loves to ride and has spent her summer helping prepare the sale horses. She likes to run barrels and has started heading some steers pretty dang good as well. At a very young age Ty has made it clear that he prefers to help Grandpa or any willing neighbor with their farming. Thanks to a little competition from his sisters he does feel the need to ride some as well. Our little Charly is now 3, and there is nothing “little” about her, she thinks she is just as big as Ty. She is going to be our “horse lover”, along with Breanna. She rides her stick horse miles a day, sleeps with him, and hauls him everywhere she goes. Every chance she gets she is in her daddy’s shadow asking to ride “Shorty”. What is it about “Dad’s and Little Girls”!?! Keith and Ruth have dedicated 50 years to consistently breeding versatile using horses, sound of foot and mind, with conformation, eye appeal, and color as a bonus. Keith has always felt that a high quality broodmare band is a critical part of any breeding program. He strives to maintain a fancy set of mares that will enhance the qualities he is trying to produce in a foal. Each year Keith keeps a few replacement fillies that he feels will better the program. His Driftwood bred mares have proven to really cross well with several of the Hancock bred stallions we are currently using. We are really excited about our current selection of stallions. We are working hard to produce colts that are nice individuals with lots of bone and foot, good withers, pretty conformation, and trainable dispositions. The stallions we are currently using are all showing strong traits in those areas. We are finding that certain horses are crossing better on different types of mares, and each year we are learning more and more which combinations we like best. Find more detailed information on each stallion through the next few pages, and even more stallion pictures on our website at We feel strongly that a production sale must be well represented. We stand behind our horses and enjoy the friendships established while doing so. It is important to us that people can buy at our sale with confidence. We recognize that every horse will not fit every person, but we are committed to helping you find the right horse for you… the one that will fit your needs and lifestyle. We are bringing a set of horses to town that we feel have the capabilities necessary to create happy customers. This year there are 15 head of riding horses in the sale. They range from well started 3 year olds to solid ranch geldings that will fit the whole family, and kid horses alike. There will be a good variety... something for everyone! Come visit with us and we will help you decide which horses fit you best! We are pleased to have a few of Shiner’s horses in the sale again this year. We see a lot of similarities in our breeding programs. Our stock carries a lot of the same bloodlines, Driftwood, Peppy San Badger, Colonel Freckles, King Fritz, and Hancock to name a few. They have a nice son of Paddy’s Irish Whiskey that has been doing a great job for them. We are happy to be doing business with the Shiner family. They are honest, trustworthy people, and good horsemen. We are sure you will find the same in dealing with them. We are looking forward to a fun day full of good horses, good people, and good old fashioned western atmosphere!! Come spend Labor Day Weekend with us!! Phone bids are accepted. Please contact us and register ahead of time. We will take your phone number and call you just prior to the horses you are interested in sells. A refundable deposit is required. Keith Munns 208-351-3377 Madison County Fairgrounds, Horse Sale Hwy 20 2nd N. Street Auto Dealer Hwy 33 2nd Rexburg Exit 1st N. Street 1st traffic light 2nd traffic light Motel 8 Comfort Inn Pioneer Rd 5th W. Street Here’s how the Munns Family spends our time!!! Breanna and Lot #35 Keith and Ruth Munns with ADash For Cash “Enjoying the Magic of Kilgore” Charly and Ty (on Lot #10) Dan on Lot #1 and Charly on Shorty Keith Munns with his mares Leaving Kilgore December 2011 Kassie and Katie Munns Jeff heading on a Munns raised gelding Kolt heading on Lot #41 We’ll see you at the Sale!!! 3 High Roan Mist Munns Reference Sire Roan Prairie High Rolling Roany Vanzi Reno Bar Rolling Jax Copper High Rolling Roany High Rolling Copper Jax Copper King High Roan Mist 2005 Bay Roan Stallion Stearns Bar King Stearns Bar Jo Jo Tyrees Miss Jo Jo Watch Jo Reno High Rolling Roany Roan Misty Blue Misty Blue Bee High Roan Mist stands a strong 16.1 and will weigh 1400 lbs. Good withers, deep girthed, sturdy bone and foot. He is by a double bred High Rolling Roany stallion and out of a mare that goes back to High Rolling Roany as well. They are noted for being rugged, tough, old style type horses that make sturdy ranch horses. Lots of bone, foot, and size. The kind that stay sound and stay tough late into life. Many have went to the arena as well as making a reputation as phenomenal ranch horses. They are making rope horses, pickup horses, and just good all around using horses. Pictured as a 2 year old. High Rolling Rimrock Munns Reference Sire Rainbow Sage Red Rim Rock Cherub Tracy Rim Rocks A Poppin Red Roany Bear Things A Poppin Drifta Leo High Rolling Rimrock 2008 Bay Roan Stallion Roan Prairie High Rolling Roany Vanzi Reno Bar Rolling Sue High Rolling Roany High Rolling Peach Jax Katty Peach Rimrock is an extremely gentle stallion with a kind disposition. Kolton started him as a 2 year old and he has been problem free right from the start. He might spend 2 or 3 months standing around the corral and when we go to move cows Kolt just grabs him and he rides off like an old solid broke horse with no fuss, regardless of the time of year. Dan has branded on him and started heeling as well. He is very cowy, intelligent, and really willing with a big stop. If his temperament carries through into his babies he will be worth having around! We like his conformation as well. He is a nice headed horse with a good hip, dark solid feet, and he is well balanced. Out of a double bred High Rolling Roany daughter. We are looking forward to his future, and feel that he could have a big impact on our horse program. Hancocks Blue Bird Munns Reference Sire Continental Fly Hancocks Happy Flyer Happy Hancock 18 Waldos Top Hand Drifts Chip West 145 Miss Roxy Bar Hancocks Blue Bird 2002 Blue Roan Stallion Windchester Wind In Boston Miss Boson Belle LGJ Ima Windy Pine Barry Pine Nikki Pine Drifts Jewel Becky started Blue Bird as a two year old and loved him right from the beginning. He has an unbelievable disposition. Very kind and gentle. If you go out in his set of mares he is the first to look you up and want some attention. We have used him as a saddle horse during breeding season and he rides off like an old gelding that never had a day off. We have rode quite a few of his colts and they are gentle natured just like their daddy. His colts all have a lot of eye appeal and are up on legs good. They are favorites of the general public because of how user friendly they are. Blue Bird is a big horse. A strong 16 hands, with a big heavy bone structure under him. He has that old foundation that we are trying to breed back into today’s horses. They are the kind that stay sound and hold up under hard use. Handmade Forever Munns Reference Sire Blue Valentine Leo Hancock Hayes Doll 01 Handmade Hancock Reds Cocoa Chip Miss Sunny Cocoa Miss Sunni Holly Handmade Forever 2009 Blue Roan Stallion Drifts Chip Blackwood Twice West 249 Driftin Forever Figure Four Fritz Ms Forever and A Day Miss Eddie Dolly Handmade Forever is a horse we raised. He reminds us so much of his daddy we can’t believe it! True blue roan and a very pretty made stallion. He stands 15.3 and will weigh a strong 1300#. He is heavy boned with a good foot, deep girth, plenty of shape, and an extremely keen head for such a sturdy made horse. He is an exceptional traveler with some natural cow as well. We got our first set of colts from him this spring. Most of them are blue roans, and they look like they are going to be good ones! Most of the same mares went back with him this year as well. There is always a reason to look forward to next year!! Lots of the old time favorites in his pedigree! 3 Snake River Hancock Munns Reference Sire Hancox Happy Beggar Sandhill Music West 301 Hancock Husky Hancox Happy Beggar Tontos Bart Maid Tontos Baby Jane Snake River Hancock 2005 Grullo Roan Stallion Music Mount Whiskey Music Lady Revenue Mellow Yellow Rose Imperial One One Classy Lady Flashy’s Dollita Snake River Hancock is a half brother to our senior sire, Grullo Driftwood. They are both out of Mellow Yellow Rose, one of the great conformation mares of all time. She was an outstanding producer and a granddaughter of Music Mount. She has put her look on nearly all of her foals and certainly “prettied up” several of these old foundation bloodlines. This horse has a very kind disposition. We rode him a little as a 2 and 3 year old and he was always gentle and kind. He is a good traveler, cowy, and is very willing and trainable. He has a lot of bone and foot under him and should hold up under heavy ranch use and stay sound. Big pretty hip, deep girth, and heavy chest. Pecos Little Peppy Munns Reference Sire Leo San Mr San Peppy Peppy Belle Peppy San Badger Grey Badger III Sugar Badger Sugar Townley Pecos Little Peppy 1993 Sorrel Stallion Lightning Bar Doc Bar Dandy Doll Docs Mola Joe Reed II Sierra Joanie Nighty Pecos is an own son of Peppy San Badger and out of an own daughter of the legendary Doc Bar. He is a ¾ brother to Paddys Irish Whiskey, Gallo Del Cielo, and Grays Starlight. Good cow horse pedigree and we like him as an individual as well. He is not a little tiny horse like most of today’s cow horse bloodlines. Stands 15 hands and will weigh 1200 lbs. Plus he has lots of chrome to help dress one up a little. He is a trained cutter and dang sure a cow horse himself. We are riding some 2 year olds from Pecos this year. They are easy movers and showing lots of ability. Pecos is co-owned with Zollinger Ranch of Oakley, ID. Dashof Irish Whiskey Shiner Reference Sire Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Paddy’s Irish Whiskey Doc Bar Doc’s Starlight Teresa Tivio Dashof Irish Whiskey 2000 Bay Stallion First Down Dash Spirited Dasher Dandy Doll First Down Lena Joe Reed II Dixie Lena Rose Nighty Whiskey is an own son of Paddy’s Irish Whiskey and out of a First Down Dash/Doc O Dynamite mare. We are really liking the colts that Whiskey is siring. They are really athletic, full of cow, and want to be gentle with real trainable minds. There are several colts by this horse in the sale this year. Mr Lemhi Freckles Shiner Reference Sire Jewel’s Leo Bar Colonel Freckles Christy Jay Freckles Charge Sugar Bars Gee Sugar Gee Charge Mr Lemhi Freckles 2008 Sorrel Stallion Pig Creek Roan Wales Josey Jakes Josey Blue Dyno Hancock Reed’s Tonto Rosalind Freeney Ms Chestnut Dynamo By a son of Colonel Freckles. Nice stallion with plenty of size and eye appeal. He is a good broke horse with lots of talent. We are excited to see how his colts ride. For information call Keith Munns 208-351-3377 or Becky Miller 208-221-1090 View online catalog at… Lot #1 Zandder Chex 2005 AQHA Red Roan Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Star Chex Badger HR Dry Star Chex Peppy San Badger Docs Star Chex Peppy Miss Dry Little Lenas Legend Seca De Peppy AQHA #4774952 All American Zann HCR Bay Beauty Zan Parr Bar Flash of Beauty Rafter S Bay Mare Scooter Gooding Rafter S Mary Strawberry roan gelding with a long mane and tail. Badger has been Becky’s favorite this year. He is a real good mover, has a lot of cow, and is “all business”. Nice ranch horse. The kind you can go get about any job done on. Pulls strong, lots of heart and natural talent. Very sure footed and takes care of himself in rough country. Exceptional traveler. Tough horse with a lot of try. The kind that will go all day and be the first to the top of the mountain, or is content to go a slower pace as well. Badger is very trainable and can take some heat without getting upset. His rope experience has mostly been outside, but it wouldn’t take much to go make a heel horse, And he has the ability to go make “A GOOD ONE”! Fancy gelding that is hard to part with. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #2 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Red Roan Colt Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie Sell on reg appl. Bet On This Boon Peppy Pepto Peptoboonsmal Smart Linda Megachex Peppy Mr San Cuatro Miss Megachex Take a look here!! Fancy roan horse colt. Lots of shape, super keen head, stands up straight, great pedigree, and color too!! We are riding a few Pecos colts and really liking them. They have lots of ability and are good movers. Lot #3 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Red Roan Colt Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie Sell on reg appl. Double L Boon Stylin Pepto Peptoboonsmal Double L Lena Miss Nu Cash Nu Cash Tinciette Breez Real good horse colt with color and pedigree both. Should be a real good mover and have some cow. Another Pecos colt out of a real good roan mare. Will be a high dollar gelding in the right hands. Lot #4 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Chestnut Filly Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie Sell on reg appl. Double L Boon Pepto Rosie Double L Lena Megachex Peppy Mr San Cuatro Miss Megachex Lots of cow pedigree in this filly, she will be an athlete. Lot #5 Peptoboonsmal Whiskey 2004 Grullo Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Sturdy made grullo gelding with a lot of bone and foot. Big soggy made horse. Will stand 15.3 and weigh 1300#. Whiskey has been used on the ranch, ridden extensively in the mountains, and in the arena as well. He lopes a nice collected circle and is soft and sensitive in the face and ribs. He is one our whole family has enjoyed. Whiskey has been one of Breanna’s first choices when we go to the forest to move cows. He has a good ground covering walk and is sure footed. Gentle, Rides bareback, double, in any bridle, or with just a string around his neck. Well broke and should fit about anybody. Good to be around, bath, shoe, load, stand tied quietly, etc. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #6 Bayou Irish Whiskey 2012 AQHA Black Gelding Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. Black Weasel Bayou Chex Pico Chex Should Ya Sugar Freckles Flim Flam Freckles Page Boy Flim Flam Boogie Nice black colt. We are currently riding a full brother that is going to make a great rope horse. Lot #7 Forever Driftin 2010 AQHA Black Gelding Munns Ranch Hancock Husky Snake River Hancock Sandhill Music Tontos Bart Maid Mellow Yellow Rose Whiskey Music One Classy Lady AQHA #5322890 Blackwood Twice Driftin Forever Drifts Chip West 249 Ms Forever And a Day Figure Four Fritz Miss Eddie Dolly Classy black gelding by Snake River and out of one of our best producing mares. Kolton started this gelding as a 2 year old and has got along with him great from day one. He has been gentle with a real trainable mind. Has been ridden outside a lot and learned to travel good through the rocks and brush. This young gelding could go about any direction and have a big future. Lot #8 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Buckskin Roan Colt Munns Ranch Hancock Husky Snake River Hancock Sandhill Music Tontos Bart Maid Mellow Yellow Rose Whiskey Music One Classy Lady Sell on reg appl. Fixers Crystal Brick Frosts Pretty Rose The Big Fix Lil Crystal Rose Frosts Pretty Drift Drop Of Frost Dons Pretty Hep Fancy buckskin horse colt by Snake River. Lots of eye appeal and COLOR COLOR. He has been a favorite around here. Will be a high dollar gelding for sure! Lot #9 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Red Dun Filly Munns Ranch Hancock Husky Snake River Hancock Sandhill Music Tontos Bart Maid Mellow Yellow Rose Whiskey Music One Classy Lady Sell on reg appl. Grullo Driftwood Driftin Poco Music Drifts Chip Mellow Yellow Rose KM Poco Music Whiskey Music Not Quite April Cute dun filly. Super keen headed with a shapey hip!! Lot #10 Niftys Poco Splash 2003 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Makin A Big Splash Too Hot To Splash Skippa Splash Sass Bar Willa Surenuff Susie Surenuffskippa Rulers Daisy Duke AQHA #4463381 Montana Ranch Bars Nifty Go Poco Ranch Bars Lady Cortland Sperrys Gold Sperry Dude Cottonwood Poco Go Poco is a “Solid Ranch Horse” that will fit anybody!! Ability and know how to go do dad’s toughest job, but he is also content to take care of the kids. Ty has rode him gathering, trail riding, trailing cows, and in the arena. He goes where Ty points him and does it the speed Ty asks for. Big shapey gelding with eye appeal, good bone, straight, and correct. Great to catch, shoe, load, bath, etc. Hobble broke. Branded a zillion calves, doctored cattle outside, and headed some steers in the arena as well. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #11 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Sorrel Filly Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. Black Weasel A Salty Margarita Pico Chex Should Ya Sugar Deans Margarita Fast Commander Tee J Margarita Bee Sorrel filly by Dashof Irish Whiskey with 4 high stockings and a big blaze. Out of a great mare family. Lot #12 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Black Colt Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. Black Weasel Hangin Pico Pico Chex Should Ya Sugar Shy Roller Idaho Coaster Feelum Shy Black horse colt by Dashof Irish Whiskey. Nice colt out of a good producing mare daughter of Black Weasel. Lot #13 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Red Dun Colt Munns Ranch Hancock Husky Snake River Hancock Sandhill Music Tontos Bart Maid Mellow Yellow Rose Whiskey Music One Classy Lady Sell on reg appl. Adash For Cash Shes A Cash Reward Dash For Cash Hempen’s Nurse Zippos Lady July Zippo Memorial Nld Eds Show Lady Red dun colt by Snake River and out of a Dash For Cash mare we raised. This colt should get real soggy when he matures. He is out of a thick bodied mare. Lot #14 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Bay Roan Colt Munns Ranch Hancock Husky Snake River Hancock Sandhill Music Tontos Bart Maid Mellow Yellow Rose Whiskey Music One Classy Lady Sell on reg appl. Adash For Cash New Cash Dash For Cash Hempen’s Nurse Hangin Lita Chex Idaho Hangin Nunes Aqua Ches This colt is bred a lot like the last. Out of a Dash For Cash mare. Good conformation, keen head, and going to be a roan. Nice horse colt. Lot #15 Se Charger 2007 Gray Gelding Dan & Becky Miller The Signature Chivato Chubasco Noholme II Mable Chick Too Fishers Favorite Beduino Ought To Go AQHA #5013186 Monte Lux Sharon Lux Leo Lux Easter Chance Bar O Miss Bar None Captain Kent Slash D Princess Charger is a nice young ranch gelding. He has branded calves, doctored outside, and is started roping in the arena as well. Plenty of speed to go on and make a nice head horse. Good to get along with, smooth traveler that can cover a lot of country and not make you tired. Crosses water, picks his way through rough country good, and goes where ever you point him. Level headed gelding with a little cow, and a lot of ability. He likes running to cattle and is fun to rope on. Nice ground manners. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #16 Cowboy 1999 Sorrel Gelding Jeff Munns “Cowboy” has been in the family a long time. Kolt has team roped both ends on him a bunch as well as branded calves and roped outside. But the best part is he is gentle, gentle!! He will absolutely tend a little kid both outside in the mountains or in the arena. He is careful and kind whether they are riding or handling him on the ground. Charly has ridden him a lot this summer while we are roping. You can turn a steer right by him and not worry about getting her in a wreck. He isn’t 100% sound, but is sure alright for taking care of the little ones. Perfect for teaching a kid to rope and building their confidence. Questions call Jeff, 208-351-1332 Lot #17 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Sorrel Colt Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. Tyroan Jet Jet On Toad Midland Jet Jr Doc’s Raylene Toad E Sis Bayou Tiger Kaana Miss Sorrel horse colt by Dashof Irish Whiskey. His mother always produces a gentle colt that is user friendly. Lot #18 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Black Filly Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. My Cactus Warrior Ima Quick Cactus My Blue Warrior My Tiger Lily Bed Wild Late To Bed Oh Ruthie Shapey black filly with a keen head and classy black color. By Dashof Irish Whiskey and out of a real good producer. Lot #19 Blues Plenty Man 1999 AQHA Blue Roan Stallion Munns Ranch Blue Valentine Blue Kingfisher Red Man Beauty’s Dream Missus Robin Reedart Machero AQHA #3873735 Gooseberry Rapid Maid Blue Valentine Fox Hastings Sally Maid Rapid Trouble Lady Holmes Double bred Blue Valentine stallion. You don’t get any closer to Blue Valentine anymore, and he has a double dose. Nice conformation, big solid foot, and true blue roan. Stands 15.1 and will weigh 1250#. Very nice mannered stud. Broke to ride and gentle. Lot #20 Wilma 2006 Bay Mare Dan & Becky Miller Wilma is a very well broke ranch mare. She has had extensive use outside doctoring and branding calves. And is fun to rope on outside. She has also been team roped on a little. Big hearted mare that has a lot of pull. Travels out good. Great handle. Nice to be around on the ground. Not for inexperienced riders as she is really quick and a little awake. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #21 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Dun Roan Filly Munns Ranch Rolling Jax Copper High Roan Mist High Rolling Roany High Rolling Copper Watch Jo Reno Stearns Bar Jo Jo Roan Misty Blue Sell on reg appl. Grullo Driftwood Driftin Command Drifts Chip Mellow Yellow Rose Bugs Skippa Command Dustin Command Reeds Skippa Gayle Lots of color and shape!! Cute filly by High Roan Mist and out of a big dun mare. This filly should get a lot of size. Lot #22 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Bay Filly Munns Ranch Rolling Jax Copper High Roan Mist High Rolling Roany High Rolling Copper Watch Jo Reno Stearns Bar Jo Jo Roan Misty Blue Sell on reg appl. Straight Sorrel Zan Parr Volisa Zan Parr Arrow Docs Vandy Miss JR Volisa Lil Brown Eyes Jr Flair Reb Big shapey filly. Full brother was the high selling colt last year. She will get BIG! Out of a really soggy bodied mare that always has a good foal. Classy, classy filly. Very friendly disposition. She always looks you up in the field and wants some attention. Lot #23 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Bay Roan Filly Munns Ranch Rolling Jax Copper High Roan Mist High Rolling Roany High Rolling Copper Watch Jo Reno Stearns Bar Jo Jo Roan Misty Blue Sell on reg appl. Hancock Husky Husky Cowgirl Sandhill Music Tontos Bart Maid Ambers Tear Drop Docs Amberjack Borrego Zan Nice roan filly by Mist. She will have a keen head and a lot of shape. Lot #24 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Bay Roan Filly Munns Ranch Rolling Jax Copper High Roan Mist High Rolling Roany High Rolling Copper Watch Jo Reno Stearns Bar Jo Jo Roan Misty Blue Sell on reg appl. KM Freckles Roan Smokin Strawberries Charging Charley Sweet Sixteen Dottie Smokin Rickeeta King Redsmoke Flashy Sunset Big sturdy made filly. Sure to be HUGE! Both sire and dam are 16 hands and will weigh 1350# Lot #25 Peppy Blue Twister 2003 Blue Roan Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Stamped With Charm Charming Twister The Shady Fix Open Cover Rose Twister Banjo’s Flash Sandy Rose Twist AQHA #4445861 Docs Amberjack Classical Peppy Doc Doc Bar Jandon Classical Peppy Peppy San Badger Cinderella Chex Extremely heavy muscled blue roan gelding. Stands 15 hands and will sure push 1300#. Rides gentle, been used on the ranch and in the mountains. Crosses water, down timber, etc. Reins over the neck good. Has been used to brand, doctor outside, and roped a little in the arena as well. Breanna has ridden him a lot this summer and gets along great. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #26 High Roan Lady 2013 AQHA Bay Roan Filly Munns Ranch Rolling Jax Copper High Roan Mist High Rolling Roany High Rolling Copper Watch Jo Reno Stearns Bar Jo Jo Roan Misty Blue AQHA #5565560 Zippo Memorial Zippos Lady July Zippo Pat Bars Market Lady 143 NLD Eds Show Lady NLD Eddie Hancock Show Bar Echo Pretty bay roan filly by Mist and out of a real gentle mare that has produced a lot of nice using horses for us. She is big enough to ride lightly this fall. Correct in the feet and legs with real nice conformation. Lot #27 Zippos Lady July 1998 AQHA Bay Roan Mare Munns Ranch Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Memorial Three Bars Leo Pat Market Lady 143 Poco Market Marklin Miss 143 AQHA #3698427 NLD Eddie Hancock NLD Eds Show Lady Mr Roan Hancock Baby Starbine Show Bar Echo Show Bar Bob Miss Grand Dude July is the mother to Lot #26, and has consistently produced a foal with a lot of eye appeal. She is a gentle mare that is nice to handle. Pasture exposed to High Roan Mist for a 2015 foal. Lot #28 Rosewood Chips 2004 AQHA Dun Mare Munns Ranch Drifts Chip Blackwood Twice Double Drift Diamond Isle West 249 Drifts Chip Shiny Coke April AQHA #4592596 Whiskey Music Mellow Yellow Rose Music Mount Lady Revenue One Classy Lady Imperial One Flashy’s Dollita Pretty dun mare that we raised. She is out of a real good mare line. Mellow Yellow Rose produced Snake River Hancock as well as our senior sire Grullo Drifwood. She is pasture exposed to High Roan Mist for a 2015 foal. Heavy bodied mare. Lot #29 Ambers Peppy 017 2001 AQHA Sorrel Mare Munns Ranch Mr San Peppy Mr San Cuatro Leo San Peppy Belle Shelton Cuatro El Rey Rojo Shelton Dos AQHA #4135749 Docs Amberjack Ambers Tear Drop Doc Bar Jandon Borrego Zan Docs Borrego Magic Zan Dan started this mare as a 2 year old and really liked her. She had a lot of ability and was trainable. She has been used as a broodmare since and raised some nice foals for us. She is pasture exposed to KM Freckles Roan for a 2015. Lot #30 Zan Parrs Chuckle 2005 AQHA Red Roan Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Roan Bar 2 Roan Bar Chuckles Roan Bar Star’s Twin Bar Chuckle Bird Stage Bird Mike Woodchuck AQHA #4701228 Zan Parr Eagle Im N Eagle Zan Parr Bar Barbs Dream Girl Dudes Silver Miss The Silver Dude Miss Tulsa Lu Big pretty red roan gelding. Stands 15.3 and will weigh 1300#. Keen head and shapey hip. Chuck has been ridden in the mountains extensively. He crosses all the creeks and down timber with no hesitation, stays quiet, and rides off alone or with a group. He has spent some time in the feedlot and on the ranch as well. Chuck reins over the neck soft, rides in about any bridle, and is responsive to leg pressure. Catch him anywhere! Nice safe trail horse. Polite to shoe, bath, load, stands tied quietly, etc. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #31 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Grey Filly Munn Ranch Spanish Array Smokin Array Skip’s Barber Spanish Galla Dipsy Duster Smokey Duster Too Dipsy Jo Sell on reg appl. Spratsvoodoohancock TT Heidis Hancock Lowry Star Deer Creeks Bunny Jets Boogie Woogie Boogie On This Jets Cashier We purchased this mare carrying this foal. She is by a real soggy made stallion with a lot of eye appeal. Lot #32 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Brown Filly Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. A Dashing Fritz A Dashing Woman A Dashing Colonel Tammy Tyler Moore San Peppy Woman Mr San Gertrudis Otter Woman Great moving filly with a lot of eye appeal. Shapley hip and very keen head. Lot #33 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Sorrel Filly Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. Bonnets Blue Roan Bonnets Red Sage Bonnets Roan Bar Shes Miss Rose Shy Sage Pico Chex Sheza Shy Lou Lou Heavy hipped filly that is lite footed. By Dashof Irish Whiskey and out of a good Bonnets Blue Roan mare. Lot #34 Miss Rose Whiskey 2004 AQHA Sorrel Mare Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Mr Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight Easy April Bar Easy Move April Sal Bar AQHA #4639357 Cal Bar Tivio Miss Rose Tivio Cal Bar Stripped Chic Shes Miss Rose Brown King Command Strawberry Rose Minnie is a nice ranch mare that we have used for a little bit of everything. She has done all the ranch jobs, heeled some steers in the arena, and is well broke. Real gentle mare. Raised here on the ranch, out of a Paddys Irish Whiskey stallion. Cute little mare. Lot #35 Chubs 2006 Black Gelding Breanna / Becky Miller Chubs has been Breanna’s main mount this summer. She has rode him a zillion miles and done a great job with him. He is very gentle, willing, and sensible. He goes anywhere she asks him to and out walks most of our big geldings. She has roped on him a little, rode him in the arena, on the trails, in the canals, you name it… they have tried it. Stands 14.1 and just as cute as he can be. 208-221-1090 Lot #36 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Blue Roan Colt Munns Ranch Handmade Hancock Handmade Forever Leo Hancock Hayes Miss Sunny Cocoa Driftin Forever Blackwood Twice Ms Forever And a Day Sell on reg appl. Hancocks Blue Bird Risky Blue Bird Waldos Top Hand LGJ Ima Windy Pine Risky Driftin Blackwood Twice Roanee Risk Nice blue roan horse colt. Real nice conformation, and stands up correct. We feel this colt could be a stallion prospect. Or will make a high dollar, fancy gelding. Lot #37 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Blue Roan Colt Munns Ranch Handmade Hancock Handmade Forever Leo Hancock Hayes Miss Sunny Cocoa Driftin Forever Blackwood Twice Ms Forever And a Day Sell on reg appl. Hancocks Blue Bird Idaho Blue Jay Waldos Top Hand LGJ Ima Windy Pine Collins Roanie Mac Roanie Rings Icy Vodka Here’s another blue horse colt by Handmade Forever. This was the first foal for Idaho Blue Jay and she hasn’t milked very good. He has had a little slower start than some, but when he gets to eating good and has a chance to grow he will get a lot of size. His mother is huge, she will stand 16.1 and weigh 1350# easy. Lot #38 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Bay Roan Colt Munns Ranch Handmade Hancock Handmade Forever Leo Hancock Hayes Miss Sunny Cocoa Driftin Forever Blackwood Twice Ms Forever And a Day Sell on reg appl. Hancocks Blue Bird Miss Roan Rose Waldos Top Hand LGJ Ima Windy Pine Driftin Command Grullo Driftwood Bugs Skippa Command Shapey, keen colt. He has been slow to show that he is going to be roan, but we are starting to see him change. By sale time he will be roan. Out of a big pretty mare. He will be a heavy muscled, soggy made gelding. Lot #39 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Black Filly Munns Ranch Handmade Hancock Handmade Forever Leo Hancock Hayes Miss Sunny Cocoa Driftin Forever Blackwood Twice Ms Forever And a Day Sell on reg appl. Roany Gumbo Dancer LF Devils Dancer Gumbo Roany Honey Dew Dancer BNH Hey Ladywood Driftwoods Devil Becky Lady Black filly by Handmade Forever and out of a Gumbo Roany mare. Double bred Blue Valentine with a little Driftwood cross. Lot #40 Four Dusty 2002 AQHA Chestnut Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Handy Eddie Cinco Figure Four 437 Eddie 40 Hancock Cinco Watch Joe Classy Watch Joe Jack Classy Tyree AQHA #4186821 Snickelfritz Chex Four Duster King Fritz Poco Brickhouse Eightys Duster Eddie Eighty Dusters Kim Big, pretty, and gentle!! Liver chestnut that is a real rich pretty color. Dusty is an all around nice using gelding. He has done all the ranch jobs and is safe for about anybody to ride. Real smooth gaited horse with a long stride. We have used him to wrangle horses, brand calves, start colts, trail ride, and just about anything else you can do a horseback on the ranch. Has some cow sense as well. Will stand a strong 15.3 and weigh 1300#, straight in the legs and good footed. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #41 Whipp Hancock Tregor 2005 AQHA Bay Roan Gelding Kolton Munns Hancocks Blue Boy JP Hancock Nineteen Mr Roan Hancock Bluebird Hancock Mayme Hancock Clarke Hancock Tigeress Bar Leo AQHA #X0647930 Oakward Snazzy Mickey Ward Ashman Arquitecta Another Mickey Tiny Charger Mickey Bar Tregor is a big country gelding. He can cover a lot of ground and feels like a Cadillac while doing so. He goes where asked to, crosses bridges, water, down fall, etc. Been used outside to doctor on, trail cows, and has been in the branding pen. He has headed some steers in the arena and Kolt has used him at some team roping jackpots. He handles the commotion of town well in that setting. He’s gentle but has a big motor with lots of go. Questions 208-390-6736 Lot #42 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Brown Colt Shiner Ranch Freckle Charge Mr Lemhi Freckles Colonel Freckles Dinah D Kid Blue Dyno Hancock Wales Josey Rosalind Freeney Sell on reg appl. Mr Irish Whiskey A Nigh With Moolah Paddys Irish Whiskey Easy April Bar One Eyed Weasel Black Weasel A Night With You Brown horse colt by our Colonel Freckles stallion and out of a top producing mare of both ranch and arena horses. Lot #43 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Brown Colt Shiner Ranch Freckle Charge Mr Lemhi Freckles Colonel Freckles Dinah D Kid Blue Dyno Hancock Wales Josey Rosalind Freeney Sell on reg appl. Dashof Irish Whiskey Pure Irish Whiskey Paddys Irish Whiskey First Down Lena Bonnets Margarita Bonnets Blue Roan Deans Margarita Out of a great mare family that has produced lots of top rope horse. Great performance bloodlines top and bottom. Shapey colt. Lot #44 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Sorrel Colt Shiner Ranch Freckle Charge Mr Lemhi Freckles Colonel Freckels Dinah D Kid Blue Dyno Hancock Wales Josey Rosalind Freeney Sell on reg appl. Leo Senko Senko Parade Rajas Bueno Leo Princess Lana Leo Cheetas Parade Parade The Moolah Badgers Cheeta Horse colt by Mr Lemhi Freckles. We have really liked the colts by this horse. They have plenty of ability and good minds. Lot #45 This My Drift 2011 AQHA Grullo Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Drifts Chip Grullo Driftwood Double Drift Diamond Isle Mellow Yellow Rose Whiskey Music One Classy Lady AQHA #5415725 Joes Blue Boy Little Berridoll Blues Wyo Jet Plum Hancock Berridoll Drifts Chip Skullberri 3 year old gelding that is BIG and GENTLE!! He will stand 15.2 and is still growing. Big solid foot and bone. Keen headed, pretty grullo color, and will mature to be thick as well. He has been kind and gentle to the extreme. Breanna rides him a lot with no worries. He has had lots of outside miles and is ready to go do a job, both mentally and physically. Very user friendly gelding. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #46 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Black Colt Munns Ranch Waldos Top Hand Hancocks Blue Bird Hancocks Happy Flyer West 145 LGJ Ima Windy Pine Wind In Boston Nikki Pine Sell on reg appl. Blackwood Twice Risky Driftin Drifts Chip West 249 Roanee Risk A Le Bar Isle Risky Doll Black horse colt by Bluebird. Good hip and keen head. Bluebird’s known for his great disposition. Most of his colts are extremely user friendly and well liked by the general public. Lot #47 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Brown Colt Munns Ranch Waldos Top Hand Hancocks Blue Bird Hancocks Happy Flyer West 145 LGJ Ima Windy Pine Wind In Boston Nikki Pine Sell on reg appl. Blackwood Twice Mega Chips Drifts Chip West 249 Miss Megachex Pico Chex Bunny Kay Bar Another Bluebird horse colt. Will be shapey and have some size. Keen headed colt out of a kind mare. Lot #48 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Bay Roan Filly Munns Ranch Waldos Top Hand Hancocks Blue Bird Hancocks Happy Flyer West 145 LGJ Ima Windy Pine Wind In Boston Nikki Pine Sell on reg appl. Rolling Jax Copper Rolling Jax Trace High Rolling Roany High Rolling Copper Iz Trace Iz He Te Miss Spiros Trace Bluebird filly out of a big framey High Rolling Roany mare. She should get a lot of size and make a nice using horse. Lot #49 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Black Filly Munns Ranch Waldos Top Hand Hancocks Blue Bird Hancocks Happy Flyer West 145 LGJ Ima Windy Pine Wind In Boston Nikki Pine Sell on reg appl. Hancock Husky Husky Hanna Sandhill Music Tontos Bart Maid Hangin Lita Chex Idaho Hangin Nunes Aqua Chex This filly is out of a pretty black mare we raised that has been one of dad’s favorites. She should have a lot of shape and is jet black. Lot #50 Vern 2004 Gray Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Nice ranch horse. Stands 15.3 and will weigh 1300# with a shapey hip and good foot. Vern is tough, and one you can go get your job done on. Rides gentle with other horses or off alone. Has a strong long trot and a good walk. Can cover a lot of country. Pleasant to ride with a smooth stride. He is polite to be around with good basic ground manners. Hobbles, ties quietly, good to load, bath, etc. Has been used in the feedlot some as well as on the ranch. Has some rope experience outside and has roped a few in the arena as well. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #51 Douglas 2004 Sorrel Gelding Munns Ranch Douglas is a gentle gelding that has been used on the mountain gathering cows and trail riding. He has done all the ranch jobs and been roped on a little as well. He is a good traveler. All Broke Horses Sell Sound unless otherwise announced. If the buyer questions the soundness of a horse purchased they have one week from the day of the sale to contact the seller and return for further inspection at the buyers expense. Lot #52 Phoebes Lil Angel 2001 AQHA Sorrel Mare Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Wind Me Up Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Wind Up Doc’s Prescription Miss Cutter Billie AQHA #4153224 Docs Phoebe Phoebes Angelena Doc’s Hickory Phoebe King Freckles Memory Jewel’s Leo Bars Miss Doc O Lena Royal bred mare. Lots of good cow horses in her pedigree. Pasture exposed to Pecos for a 2015 foal. Nice to handle, gentle disposition. Lot #53 Pecos Peppy 13 2013 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie AQHA #5565561 Mr San Cuatro Megachex Peppy Mr San Peppy Shelton Cuatro Miss Megachex Pico Chex Bunny Kay Bar Very nice conformation, keen head, and good pedigree. He will be ready to start right away. Has the capability of making a top performance horse. Will be a good mover, have some ability and cow. Lot #54 Little Peppy at Dawn 2012 AQHA Sorrel Filly Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie AQHA #5512563 Aquas Trouble Hangin At Dawn Colonel Jay Bar Nunes Aqua Chex Hangin Copper Dawn Idaho Hangin Lenas Heavy Dawn Smooth muscled filly. Ready to start riding now. She is very quick and athletic. Out of a real talented mare and by Pecos. Lot #55 Cool Poco Par 2005 AQHA Red Dun Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Zan Parr Sport Zan Parson Zan Parr Sun Star Eyed Sally Rowdys Lady Bar Rowdy’s Big Time Roan Missie Sell on reg appl. Cool Little Lena Cool Poco Lena Doc O’Lena Freckles Memory Miss Poco 042 Poco Bueno Tom Poco Miss One Cool Poco is gentle, and a nice gelding to go ride in the mountains. He has a fast walk and likes to go. He can cover a lot of ground and is sure footed while doing so. He has been ridden both in the arena as well as outside. Reins good and will go where ever you ask. Straight legs and a good foot. Questions 208-221-1090 Lot #56 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Sorrel Colt Shiner Ranch Paddys Irish Whiskey Dashof Irish Whiskey Peppy San Badger Doc’s Starlight First Down Lena Spirited Dasher Dixie Lena Rose Sell on reg appl. Black Weasel Pico Scoot Pico Chex Should Ya Sugar Miss Freckles Scoot Freckles Page Boy Miss Eagle Creek Horse colt by Dashof Irish Whiskey with lots of chrome. Four high stockings and a big even blaze. Real classy looking colt. He should have plenty of athletic ability to go along with his eye appeal as well. Lot #57 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Red Roan Colt Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie Sell on reg appl. KM Freckles Roan Bloody Red Freckles Charging Charley Sweet Sixteen Dottie Smokin Peppy 014 Mr San Cuatro Smokin Rickeeta Red roan horse colt by Pecos and out of a Freckles mare. This colt should be talented and have a little speed as well. Nice colt that is straight and correct with a good head. Lot #58 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Red Roan Filly Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie Sell on reg appl. KM Freckles Roan Idaho Red Rose Charging Charley Sweet Sixteen Dottie Collins Roanie Mac Roanie Rings Icy Vodka This filly is bred a lot like the last one. Lots of eye appeal. Pretty head, and shapey conformation. Color and pedigree as well! Lot #59 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Sorrel Filly Munns Ranch Peppy San Badger Pecos Little Peppy Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Docs Mola Doc Bar Sierra Joanie Sell on reg appl. Docs Amberjack Zamber Doc Bar Jandon Eagles Majesty Zan Parr Eagle Majestic Mam Zamber has been one of our better producing Amberjack mares. Dan is riding a full brother to this filly right now. He is real athletic and has been pretty kind. Jeff’s head horse is also a son of Zamber’s. They all tend to ride good. Lot #60 Mr King Crocker 2009 AQHA Bay Gelding Dan & Becky Miller Smart Crocker OLena Docs Crocker OLena Smart Chic OLena San Crocker Doc Hallie Easy Illusion Docs Cara Belle AQHA #523308 Warrior Command Miss Rio Command Fritz Command Sugar Chicks Witchs Kate Rio Pekoe Ccs Cowgirl Crocker has been a favorite at our house! He has a fantastic mind and lots of ability. He is a real good mover and an easy stopper. He has so much natural stop, and natural cow sense that he is super easy to train. He comes with a good pedigree that promotes that kind of ability. Crocker has been gentle, kind, and extremely trainable. Dan has him soft in the face with a good handle. Very bright future if kept in good hands. He has been ridden outside, in the arena, branded some calves, and is started roping the hot heels. He is to a point you can go get your job done and come home happy. Big round foot, straight and correct in the legs, and nice conformation. 208-221-1090 Lot #61 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Bay Colt Munns Ranch Rim Rocks a Poppin High Rolling Rimrock Red Rim Rock Things a Poppin Rolling Sue High Rolling Roany High Rolling Peach Sell on reg appl. Gumbo Roany Beecher Gumbo Rose High Rolling Roany Valentine Rosebud Smokeys Rich Roller Smokeys Fool Rich High Roller Double bred High Rolling Roany horse colt. Big good bay colt with a nice hip and muscle definition. Lot #62 Unnamed 2014 AQHA Black Filly Munns Ranch Rim Rocks a Poppin High Rolling Rimrock Red Rim Rock Things a Poppin Rolling Sue High Rolling Roany High Rolling Peach Sell on reg appl. Rolling Jax Copper Rolling King Dream High Rolling Roany Valentine Rosebud Kings Serena Ima King Bar Private Cellar Here is another double bred High Rolling Roany foal. Keen made filly. She is a little younger than some of the others but she is catching up now. High Rolling Roany Mares!!! Terms and Conditions of the Sale The highest bidder will be the buyer. If a dispute arises among two bidders, sole authority to settle the dispute is reserved by the auctioneer. His decision will be final. The seller reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Terms of the sale are cash. Bankable personal check is considered cash. Canadian checks must be paid in U.S. Currency. All buyers need to get a buyers number prior to the sale. The buyer is then responsible for any and all charges marked against that number. No horses will leave the premises until final settlement is made. Horses are at the buyer’s expense, risk, and responsibility at the time of purchase. All guarantees are between the buyer and the seller. Sales management will not be involved. It is the buyer’s responsibility to inspect horses for visible blemishes. All 2014 foals will sell on breeding certificates unless otherwise stated. The breeding certificate and transfer will be mailed to the buyer. It is then the buyer’s responsibility to apply for registration and pay the fees applying Responsibility of transfer of registration and the fees applying will be that of the buyer. Sales Management reserves the right to hold all registration papers until funds have cleared the bank. At that time registration papers, breeding certificates, and transfers will be sent directly to the buyer. Every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this catalog. However, Sales Management will not accept responsibility for errors or omissions. All persons attending do so at their own risk. And the owners assume no liability, legal or otherwise for any accidents. Broodmares will be guaranteed only to have been bred to the stallion indicated. If they are vet checked in foal they are presumed in foal, but no guarantees are made as to eventual foaling. No return privileges or live foal guarantees accompany mares unless otherwise stated by the seller. All broke horses sell sound with the exception of unsoundness announced from the block. If the buyer questions the soundness of a horse purchased, the buyer has one week from sale day to contact seller and return for further inspection at buyer’s expense. Adjustments will be made at that time, providing the horse is found to be unsound and seller did not announce it before horse was sold. Announcements made from the block take precedence over any and all printed material. Contact Information... Keith & Ruth Munns 208-356-3372 or 208-351-3377 Dan & Becky Miller 208-221-1090 or 208-221-9799 Jeff Munns 208-351-1332 Local Motel Accommodations Comfort Inn Days Inn Best Western Super 8 Motel Americinn Suites 208-359-1311 208-356-9222 208-356-4646 208-356-8888 208-356-5333 Please settle up in the office. Be sure to get your brandinspection as you pay for your purchases. It is your proof ofownership, and should be taken care of at the time of settlement. The registration papers, transfers, and all other paper workapplying will be sent to you when checks have cleared the bank. It is important that you leave a legible mailing address as to where you want the paperwork sent, especially if it is different than the address on your buyer’s number card or your check. Feel free to contact us with questions in regards to yourpaperwork, we are happy to help. Munns Ranch 41 W. 8000 S. Rexburg, ID 83440 17th Annual Production Sale We would like to extend a special thank you to all of our buyers. We hope you are happy with your purchases and are headed home with one that will fit your lifestyle. To our families and friends, to our business associates, and to all who has had an impact on our horse operation... “We sincerely appreciate your support and help towards the sale. We are all grateful for the chance we have to raise nice horses and work with good people. The lifelong friendships established through our horse business is what makes it all worthwhile”.
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