coca-cola bottling co. - Samford University Library
coca-cola bottling co. - Samford University Library
1 e, ~e m m ~ WQtuga tQut Eutryhnby ~ ~ ~4nulb IKunw ~ ~ '-hnut ll~nt ilnpttat ildirur ~ ~ Compliments of ~ ~ THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSION AL MEN OF NORTH ALABAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~- + WRITTEN BY REV. T. J. HALFACRE, Pastor :!Japtut Clturch DORA, ALABAMA ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ m -~ Samford University Library Do These SPECIALS Interest You? 1. . PARAMOUNT PLAN-PREFERRED RISK Ordinary Life-Double Benefit for Life Expentane7'. Makes the Premium Dollar carry more Insurance. Annual Premium for $1,000 Age 25........:...............$12.86 Agel 45.....·-···········-···$24.86 Age 35........................ 16.8'2 Age 55........:··············· 39.34 2. FAMILY PROTECTOR-Copyrighted Polic1 Insur es all of the family under one policy. A YOUR DEATHI . Your insurance in Cash. 2. Their insurance continued in force, with future premium 1 deposita canceled. · 3. Your disability a.l8o cancels further premiums OJl entire group. ILLUSTRATION FOR FAMILY OF FIVE Insurance. Premium. Father, age 35 ............- ..............................................$2,500 $31.13 Mother, age 33 ........................- .............:..... 1,000 • 10.43 Child, age 12 ...............................................- .............. 1,000 8 .lj Child, age 10 .........................:...................................... 1,000 8.08 Child, age 5 ..........................:..................................... 1,000 1.68 k .............. $6,500 $65.3& ' 3. CASR DRAFT POLICY- $250.00 and $500.00 A policy your beneficiary can have cashed at the bank immediately after your death. No r ed tape. Sure to be . needed some day. These policies have been designed t o do' what is most · needed to b,e done, and for the lowest premium. It will be a pleasure to give you full information. Write to the Company. r • Lincoln Reserve Life Insurance Co. Lincoln Life Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. J . R. BUDS, President Samford University Library FOREWORD Cf S I f ind in the Baptist dcnominat ion many ~__l m embers who do not haYc timr, C''ipr<'ially many business men, to familiarize thrmsrlw'> with the general information about the working of the denomination, also the fundamental doctrines of the d enomination, and inasmuch as eYery member of any denomination should fa miliarize him elf with church goYernment and general church information, the writer fell on the following plan to gin as much gener al information as possible in concrete for m, for free distribution. As compliments of the business and professional men of i\'orth Alabama, who made this publication possible, the writer's prayer is that the book may be a blessing to tho~l' in t o whose hands it may fall. T . J. H ALFACRE, Pastor Baptist Church, Dora, Ala. Samford University Library V. J. Elmore 5c. lOc and $1 Stores ' Haleyville, Alabama The store with over 2,500 useful items, and Nothing Over $1.00 \Ve arc glad to have you spend your extra time with us looking over ou r store. Call 249-J for Flowers, Designs- More Flowers Less Money-Service Day or Night CHYSANTILEUMS, PLANTS and DAHLIAS Largest Grown. Many other best plants and cut flowers. MRS. LEE DILE, Florist JASPER, ALA. WHERE W A)JTS ARE SATISFIED - I NVEST AND GET TIIE BES'l' FRO~I G ibson Furniture Co. COM PLET E HOME F U RN ISH I N GS CORDOVA, ALA-PIIO):E Ko. 74 Dealers in FURXITURE, KJTCIIEX CABINETS CIIIFli'EROBES, l\IA'l"rRESSES, SPRIXGS BLACK DIAl\10~ D RANGES CIIAR'rER OAK RAP:GES 'rRU:\'KS, IIAND BAGS GE'r YOUR MO~EY'S WOR'l'H-BUY FROM US Cash or Credit WHERE QUALITY COUNTS Samford University Library What Every Baptist Should Know Question: Who is President of the Southern Baptist Convention? Answer: W. T. McGlothlin, D. D., of South Carolina. Question: Who is the President of the State Convention of Alabama? Answer: Rev. T. E. Barton, D. D., Montgomery, Ala. Question: Have the Baptists of Alabama an Orphanage? Answer: Yes. It is located at Troy, Alabama. Question : How many children do we have in the Orphanage at this time at Troy, Alabama? Answer: vVe have two hundred fifty-seven children. Question : Who is the manager of the Orphanage ? Answer : Rev. J. 0. Colley, of Troy, Alabama. Question: How is . the Orphanage supported ? Answer: By free-will offerings from the Baptists of the State of Alabama. Question : Who are eligible for the Baptist Orphanage ? Answer: Children who are dependent upon the public for support, mainly orphan children without homes. Question: Have the Baptists of Alabama a real church pape r, and where is it located 1 Answer: The Baptists of Alabama have a r eal church paper, and it is located in Birmingham, Ala., 516 Lincoln TJif<.> Bldg. Dr. L. L. Gwaltney is the efficient editor of thi6 paper. Question: H ave the Baptists of Alabama a hospital and where is it located 1 Answer: Yes. It is located in Selma, Ala. They also ha vc a Hospital in Birmingham, Ala. Question: IIow many Associations in the State of Alabama? Answer: There are sixty-seven Associations in the Stat c of Alabama. Question: How many members do the Baptists haYe in the State of Alabama? Answer: The Baptists have 672,800 members in t he State of Alabama. 3 Samford University Library FAYETTE MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 97 FAYETTE, ALA. - ~ Sales Service That Satisfies MARION CO. MOTOR CO. Winfield, Alabama Service E xpert Mechanics BERRY MOTOR CO. Berry, Alabama M.ASSEY BUSINESS COtLEGE Solicits Your Patronage W rite or P hone for Cat alog BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Professional in Spinal Adjustments-Successful Treat ments for High Blood P ressure by Presperational Methods DR. W. W. HANDLEY CHIROPRACTOR Office Parrish. Alabama-Near Parrish Drug Co. Quality Merchandise at Right Prices McCUTCHEON FURNITURE CO. Complete Line of Furniture, Rugs and Radios CASKETS AND FUNERAL SUPPLIES Day Phone 7 DORA, ALABAMA Night Phone 14 Samford University Library Question: Ilow many members do the other denominations have in the State of Alabama Y Answer: All other denominations have 544,370 members in the State of Alabama. Question: Ilow many states are there in the Southern Baptist Convention Y Answer: There are eighteen states in the Southern Baptist Convention. Question: What states are they Y Answer: Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Southern Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. guestion: How many members do the Baptists have in the Southern Baptist Convention~ Answer: The Baptists have 6,635,811 members in the Southern Baptist Convention. Question: How many members do all other denominations have in these eighteen states? Answer: All other denominations have 10,946,981 members in these eighteen states. Question: How many church members of all denominations do we have in the world at this time? Answer: 682,400,000. Question: How many churches have the Southern Baptists 1 Answer: 24,274 churches. Question: How many ordained ministers~ Answer : 22,700 ordained ministers. Question: How many Sunday Schools ? Answer: 21,399 Sunday Schools. Question: llow many B . Y. P. D.'s Y Answer: 22,850 B. Y. P. U.'s. Question: llow many B. Y. P. U. members 1 Answre: 500,564 B. Y. P. U. members. Question: How many W. 1\I. U. organizations? Answer: 27,366 W. 1\I. U. organizations. Question: How many \V. J\I. U. members Y Answer: 523,736 members. Question: What is the value of church property of the Southern Baptists? Answer: $205,705,949.00. 5 Samford University Library INVEST IN REST! Replace that hard, lumpy, oldstyle mattress with a modern genuine original Perfection Mattress. Layer on layer of fleecy cotton make it supremely restful. And this amazing comfort does not disappear in a few years ... but lasts a lifetime. Your dealer has the Original Genuine Perfection Mattress. Pl!:RFECTION SUPERFLEX SPRING Complete ycmr quest for comfort with a Superflex Spring beneath y o u r Genuine 0 riginal Perfection Mattress. Perfection Mattress & Spring Co. Manufacturers Birmingham, Ala . Samford University Library Question: How do Baptist Churches secure their pastors T Answer: Baptist Churches call their pastors with at least a majority vote of their members. Question: How long can a Baptist preacher remain pastor of a Baptist church f Answer: As long as he wants to stay and the membership wants him. Question : What chur ch government does a Baptist Church havef Answer: Strictly Democratic government . E ach member has a voice in every question that comes before the church. Question: How many Deacons should a church have? Answer: A church should have one Deacon .for every 25 church members. Other tha n this, there is no set rule as to th e number of deacons any church may have. Question: How many colleges have th e Baptists in t he State of Alabama ? Answer : The Bapt ists have two colleges in the State of Alabama : H oward College, Birmingham, Ala., and J udson College for Girls, located at Marion, Ala. Qu estion : Have the Baptists a high school which is owned and suppor ted and controlled by the denomination? Answer: Yes, Eldridge Baptist Academy, a R ome Mission School under the dir ection of the Home Board. It is located a t Eldridge, Alabama, in the northwestern part of t he State in the mountain mining district. Question: Why should Baptists maintain Eldridge Academy? Answer : In the first place, because it does the work that the state colleges do not do and could not do. Second, it does the Christian work that the high schools of the State can n ot do. Third, it specializes on Bible study and Christian t raining. As an eviden ce of the work this school is doing, at t he end of the fir st thr ee months of t his session, all of the dormitory students were converted except t wo. Regular Bible courses and prayer meetings daily build up the spir~ual side of the students along with the literary work tha t is offered. All of this can be given boys and girls at the n ominal cost of $210.00 per school year, including their boar d. The school also has connected with it a commercial depa rtment where bookkeeping, shorthand. and typewriting is taugh t. These courses ar e offered at a nominal cost. 7 Samford University Library Barbecue Ham, Egg and Cheese Sandwiches, Cakes, Pies, ' Candies, All Kinds of Cold Drinks HALLMARK'S BARBECUE Quick Lunch- Stop With Us We Are Always Glad to See You Pratt City Alabama R. F. D. No.2 Jasper's Leading Restaurant That Good Place to Eat TOPIC CAFE HOME COOKED FOOD You'll Like It, for We Please You • Compliments Southern Hardware Store of Jasper, Alabama S. W. WOOD, Pres. PHONE 48 A. B. Legg & Sons Burial Ins. Co. (Incorpora.ted) Home Office Jasper, Ala. Phone 32 Ambulance Service Samford University Library Question: Can ·a church member be received into the church by the pastor only? Answer: No. A church member may be received into the church by a un'a nimous vote of its membership. Question: Ought a person to be received into the church who has never been converted? Answer: No. Every person who is r eceived into a Baptist church not only accepts Jesus Christ as a personal Savior, but convinces the church of the sincerity of the undertaking. Question: How many ordinances are there belonging to the Church of Christ? ~ Answer: There are two ordinances belonging to the Church of Christ. Question: What are they T Answer: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism is at the threshold of the church, and the Lord's Supper is in the church. Question: Does the Baptist denomination teach Close Communion! Answer: No. The Baptist denomination has been very much misunderstood on this subject of communion, or the Lord's Supper. The Baptists do not teach Close Communion, but Close Baptism. In following the teaching of our Lord we believe that the Lord's Supper was instituted for believers and the denomination thinks according to the teaching of the Holy Bible that baptized believers are the only persons entitled to take the Lord's Supper. Question: Will the Baptist Church accept other modes of baptism-pouring or sprinkling Y Answer: No. The Baptist denomination accepts immersion only. Question: Will other denominations accept the Baptist way of baptizing their members? Answer: Yes. All other Protestant denominations accept the Baptists into their churches without rebaptizing them. Question: W.qy do the Baptists baptize by immersion f Answer: Because it is a command from Jesus Christ, and it is in obedience to that command on our part. It represents the death, burial and resurrection of our blessed Cavior. It is the only ordinance that does repre9 Samford University Library DIXIE ~fiNERAL WATER NATURE'S WONDERFUL REMED Y FOR Constipation, I ndigestion, Kidney and Liv er Trouble ANALYSIS Par ts por Million !g:gg Potassium Bi~nrhonnte - - - - ------··--·------------. 1 0.00 Sodium Bi~nrhonate - - · - - - - ---------4 !':odium Chloridt> ------·-·-------------·-----·· llodium llulphntt' _ _ _ _ -· - - · · - ·----·······-·--····-------- .. 39~ .0 0 ('a ki u m ~u lp h IIlli . .•. ---------·-·-·-·-···-····-······-··-·-···--····-· .••.. 1 7 6 a. 0 0 J\fn~rnrsium Sulphntr (Epsom Salts) ·------·-·--···-······-········-······-··-········· 3 124 .00 MANOAN~:!'iJ.: SULPHATE .. ---··-··-··········-·-·····-···-······-··-··-······ 1 02.00 Nirkt'l $ulphnto -----------···---------····-·······-·----~race Co baiL Sulpha to ·-----·----·--·---' ra~~ 2 1. Iron Oxidt• ... ---------····-------··-····--------···--Aluminum Oxido . 4 .00 Silica 29.00 - - - - Rinaldo Wiiliams:-chemist,-:BT; minghiiln-;-.A!i·, both Chemical and Bacterial, approved by WALKER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR YOUR SAFETY Bacteriological examinations, sanitary handling and bottling of water is under the regulations of Alab ama State Board of Health, Permit No. 151. Write for prices and particulars. DIXIE MINERAL SPRING CO. OAKMAN, ALABAMA Jasper Laundry and Dry Cleaners PHONE 100 JASPER, ALABAMA JASPER LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANE RS HAVE REMODELED THEIR PLANT, PUT IN SEVERAL NEW MACHI NES, AND ARE NOW DOING QUALITY WORK Plant is now owned and operated by H. A. Lewis, who has had many years' experience in the Laundry and Dry Cleaning business. Satisfaction guarant eed. Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced Samford University Library 1 sent it. Therefore, sprinkling or pouring would not be sufficient because it would not permit the person being baptized to follow the full command of our Lord and Master. Baptism is not only an ordinance of the church, but it is for believers only. It is also a confession of Life. Question: Where will we find the scripture that proves that the Baptist view on baptism is well founded? Answer: There are many scriptures which prove that very clearly. Some of the scriptures are as follows: Matt. 3:1 to 17. Acts 8 :26 to 39. Romans 6 :4 to 11 These scriptures are sufficient within themselves to convince every Bible reader that the true mode of baptism is by immersion, while some of the other Protestant denominations do not practice baptism by immersion. There are none that say it is not right, and every denomination accepts baptisms from any Baptist church as being scriptural. Therefore the Baptist denomination contends that immersion is the real scriptural mode, and our churches practice this mode exclusively. Thus the Lord's Supper is accepted by Baptists as for baptized believers only. Therefore no one has the right to partake of the Lord's Supper except baptized believers. Question:. How are the Baptist Churches supported financially f Answer: By free will offerings from its membership. Question: How is the missionary work supported, both state and foreign f Answer: By the free will offerings of the members of the various Baptist Churches supporting the Co-operative Program. Question: What is the Co-operative Program f Answer : This program embraces every form of our co-operative work in which our Baptist people are engaged, foreign, home and state missions, ministerial relief, orphanages, hospitals, and our Baptist schools. This plan greatly simplifies the appeal of the denomination to the churches. It lays before our churches the whole denominational work in one plan. 11 Samford University Library "Ward's Has It" if it's sold inDRUG STORES, SEED STORES, BOOK STORES WARD DRUG COMPANY TUSCALOOSA, ALA. Hardin's Butter Krust Bread At All Grocers Compliments of PERRY CREAMERY CO., Inc. Phone 1350 Tuscaloosa, Alabama Compliments of JONES' STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS Tuscaloosa, Alabama Samford University Library I Question : ·what is holdin g the mission work hack 111 many places today 1 Answer: The lack of funds to support it. Question : What plan do the Baptists advocate for rinancin~ the work? Answer: The Bible plan. Question: What is the Bible plan? Answer: Giving a tenth of our income as God has prospcrrd us. Regardless of what our income is, God expects us to give Him the t enth to carry on His work in every department of it. · Question: Is this idea justified by the Holy Scriptures? Answer: It is, from Genesis to Revelation- in the old as well as in the new dispensation, a tenth of our income has been accepted as the minimum duty and not the maximum duty of man according to the Holy Scriptures. Question: Do the Baptists teach the belief that infants. should be baptized? If n ot, why not? Answer: No. Baptists do not teach that babies should be baptized. There is not a r eal n eed of baptizing a child until it r eaches the years of accountability and commits ar. wilful sin in the sight of God; by virtue of the atonement of Jesus, and in as much as He took the little child up i~ His arms and blessed it and said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven," and again said unless we became converted and became as a little child, we would not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Not only did lie declare little children co-possessors of the kingdom of God, but taught that actual sin could not be transmitted; therefore while the child is born in this world with the taints o£ sin, it is not r esponsible for the sins of its ancestors, and notwithstanding the inherited tendencies, because of the fact that J esus died that the innocent could have life, and that they may have it more abundantly, and because of this fact there is no need of repentance in infancy; therefore no need of baptism until the year of accountability is reached and the child becomes a believer in Jesus Christ. Question: What does the Baptist teach on the question of perseverance of the Saints? Answer: Everyone who has saving faith in J esus Christ is a 13 Samford University Library When in Need of Groceries Think of J. H. SKINNER, Cordova, Ala. Where your dollar has cents, and cents makes dollars. My place is on the county line on Bankhead Highway A. PHILLIPS A r un Line of MOTOR OIL AND WOCO PEP At Jefferson County Prices Also run a. bus line f r om Dora. to Birmingh am-Leave Dora 7 a. m. Leave Birmingham 3 p. m., Arrive Dora. 4:30 p . m. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED DR. R. G. FREEMAN Chiropractor "Health Without Drugs" CORDOVA, ALA. Palmer Mercantile Company - Dealers in- Dry Goods, Groceries and Genera] Merchanise FUNERAL SUPPLIES DORA, ALABAMA Samford University Library 1 saint in the New Testament sense of the word. lie has been regenerated and is being sanctified by the lloly Spiri t. He has been set apart to the service of God and therefor e he may justly be called a saint. He is a r egenerated soul and is in process of purification, strengthened and exalted by the Holy Spirit, and for this reason may justly be called a saint. This does not mean that the man has already attained all scriptural excellence. A man is a saint by r eason of the direction he is going rather than because of t he stages of the journey he has already passed. The humblest disciple of the earliest stage of the journey of his sanctification by the Spirit of God is a saint in the sense in which that word is here used. The test of the reality of a believer is endurance to the end. The stalk of wheat must be wheat from the moment the seed germinates in the soil to the t ime when the ripened ear of wheat is tested in the mill. Wheat • naturally meets its test. It does not change to corn or tares. He cannot be anything but wheat for the life of wheat is in him. Believers are not left to resist, unaided, t he temptations which test them, nor is the help only that which is. laid hold of by the soul in its extremity. The believer sustains a special relation to God. He is especially guarded and helped by the Holy Spirit in times of need. The teaching of the .Apostle Paul was based upon his own experience as well as his knowledge of the truth of God. Because of that experience his testimony was confident and joyous. This watchcare of Providence is comprehensive, sympathetic and sufficient. It is comprehensive. The Holy Spirit knows all the way we take. There is no peculiarity in any life which is not understood; no one has any occasion t(} fear that his case is so different from all other cases that it is not comprehended by the Providence that watches over us. It is sympathetic. The Spirit of God deals with us as with children, and this we need. We are strangely childish in our needs. Often our heartaches can harly be confessed, even to our nearest friends. They would not sympathize with us. Often it would be impossible to make them understand, but the sympathy that we need comes f rom one who knows how to sympathize with child or man and gives us just the sympathy we need at all times. The watchcare of Providence is also sufficient. The provision for our saf- Samford University Library H. C. JAMES LUMBER CO. Phone 67- Dora, Ala. LONG LEAF FLOORING and SIDING RED CEDAR SHINGLES Last Longer Will Appreciate Your Inquiries WRIGHT MOTOR COMPANY GUIN, ALABAMA FORD DEALERS SINCE 1912 COMPLETE SERVICE Liberal Trades - Easy Terms - Honest Dealings has kept us in business Day Phone 24~ Night Phone 66 OSCAR FISHER UNDERTAKER AND GARAGE AMBULANCE SERVICE -.- CULLMAN, W. H . SHORT, President ALABAMA W . T. BELL, Vice-Pres. Short &Bell Insurance and Burial Association, Inc. n ay P hone s 9o Night Pho:Re 591 GENERAL FUNERAL DIRECTORS SCIENTIFIC EMBALMERS 325 West Twentieth Street J asper, Alabama Samford University Library ety is adequate. Whatever fears we may have when we think of our own insuf ficiency, we may dismiss all fear when we think of the source of our help. Our help has been laid upon One who is mighty to save. In this perseverance the Power that keeps the believer , is keeping him unto salvation, and salvation is more than access to heaven. Access to heaven is a par t of salvation. Ther e lies before us a better world than t his. There remaineth a r est to the peo~ ple of God. "I go to prepare a place for you," said J esus. We cannot emphasize too much the preciousness of our h eavenly hope, but to think of salvation as a mere access to heaven is not sufficient. Salvation has a present as well as a future meaning. The Holy Spirit not only k eeps us fo r the hour when we have access to heaven, but he keept us at present from the pr esent evil in the world. The perseverance of the saints which comes by fait h and figh ting on the believer 's part, and by the imparted grace of God through the Holy Spirit, is a life of victory in a path which shines more and more even unto the perfect day. Stewardship ~ HEN we think of the great question of Stewardship and \ l } what a correct Bible conception of it means to us, it behooves us to think of t his great theme in a practical as well as a spiritual way. E very life is a plan of God. W e have not made our appearance in this world mer ely by chance; but our exist en ce her e was scientifically planned. We are not children of God merely by chance; but if we are His children, it is because we purposely came into contact with Him as a personal Savior an d because of a sorrow for sin ; a conscientious repentance on our par t ; and because of His taking our sins on H imself through justification, regeneration, and adoption on His part. We were purposely born into H is family as His true sons and daughters. Therefore we not only became His children, but H e has made us stewards in llis kingdom and has entr usted to us the material t hings of this world. \Ye are not our own. We are bought with a price-with the blood of our Lord and Master-and t her efore we belong to llim with 17 Samford University Library High Grade Merchandise for Less M. W. GRAVLEE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Shipping Point, Summit, Ala. Postoffice, Sumiton, Ala. A. C. TUCKER GENERAL MERCHANDISE - Also- ALL KINDS OF AUTO TIRES A.ND TUBES At Special Prices Come and See Us Sumiton, Ala. A Dog Gon Good Place to Eat - - Home Cooked Foods FRENCHY'S CAFE On Bankhead Highway Fried Chicken Suppers SUMITON, Best Lunches - Choice Steaks French Drip Coffee ALABAMA PARRISH DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Hollingsworth Candy - E astman Kodaks and Supplies Headquarters for School Supplies A. T. Bradford, Prop. P.arrish, Alabama Samford University Library a command to do His will. Let us look into His word and see just what He would have us do as His stewards left here as human agents to lead the lost to Christ. When we think about what we really own in this world we finally decide that though we may have property in our name for a little while, it soon passes, and the ultimate decision is that it all belongs to God, and He has only entrusted it to us as His stewards for a little while. The realization of the tremendous responsibility that rests upon us should ever be in our minds. So let us look into His relation to us and see what He expects of us as His stewards. He expects us as stewards to give an accolint first of our time, as He expects at least a seventh of it spent in direct efforts o£ bringing the lost to Christ and in praise and worship. He requires at least one-tenth of our income in a financial way. Let us see what the scriptures say about this. Question: What was the law concerning the tithe in the Old Testament dispensation Y Answer: "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or the fruit of the tree, belongs to the Lord; and all the tithe of the herd or the flock; whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be Holy unto the Lord."-Leviticus 27:30-32. Question: Did the Old Testament law provide for free-will offerings in addition to the required tithe? Answer: Yes. Deut. 16:10-17. Question : Did Jesus command liberal giving? Answer: Remember the words of the Lord Jesus that how He, Himself, said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."-Acts 20 :35. Question: Do the teachings of the Apostle Paul indicate both liberal and systematic giving f Answer: Yes. "Upon the first day of the week let each one of you lay by him in store as he may prosper."-!. Cor 16 :2. Also II. Cor. 8 :11. Question: Will blessings follow upon such giving? Answer: Yes. "Bring ye the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food (meat) in (mine) my house and prove me now herewith said the Lord of hosts, if I will not open (you) the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing."-Mal. 310. Also II. Cor. 9 :10. 19 Samford University Library QUICK START "ANTI-KNOCK" More Jl1iles ' Less Carbon • Woco Pep King of Motor Fuel Does What Gasoline Can't Do Fill Up at the Yellow Pump Jasper Woco Pep Co. Phone 277 Jasper, Alabama Samford University Library Our Deacons Question : W hen was the first d eacon elected 1 Answer : In th e f irst church Christ established, during the apostolic t imes. T he apostles were over-worked and could not do the pr eaching, visiting the sick, attend to the finances and ma ke t he necessary distributions of the financial end of the work satisfactorily t o the congregation, and because of t his the people began t o murmu r because they thought their widows were being neglected in their daily ministrations. Thus, the idea of the necessity of a deacon was caused and the apostles suggested the matter to the church and the church a pproved the idea and proceeded to elect seven deacons with a unanimous vote f rom the church. Question: What are the qualifications of a deacon 1 .Answer : .A deacon should be a good man, morally and spiritually, clean and earnest Christian worker, and should be the husband of one wife, but this does not mean that a man without a wife could not be a deacon. It simply means. that the deacon should control his own house and be the head of the home; and if he has a wife, be true to her. H e should also be sober. He sholud not drink intoxicatingdrinks. The deacon should not be double-tongued- he should not gossip and talk about his people. H e should bea man_of good character, also a good reputation. H e should be tr uthful that people will have confidence in his daily walk. He should be well informed as to t he workings of his church, and the doctrines of his church. H e should attend all of t he services of the church. H e should be willing, at all times, to assist the pastor in the general wor k of the church . The deacon should be instrumental in t he development of the social life of the church. The deacon should be instr umen tal in helping to look after the finances. of the church- put ting on t he every-member canvass and h elp t o car ry out t he Co-operative P r ogram. 'rhe deacon should help tq administer the Lord's Supper and co-operate wit h t he pastor in every possible way. H e should r ead his Bible regularly and be a man of prayer. A Gospel Church Question: W hat is a Gospel Church Y Answer: The word church designates a company of people called out from others ap.d j oined together in a body by themselves. It is compoesd of p eople living on the ear t h and so r elated as t o f orm a company which can be seen of men. This phrase, visible church, is used in describing a company of baptized believers . They are called out of the 21 Samford University Library COLONIAL THEATRES Jasper, Alabama J ohn M. J ohnson, Mgr. SHOW GOOD TALKING PICTURES Good Wholesome Amusement WALKER COUNTY CREAMERY COMPANY Telephone 411 J asper, Ala. "WALKER'S ICE CREAM- It's Pure That's Sure" GRADE "A" PASTEURIZED MILK "E verybody E ats At Our House" MRS. RUSSELL'S QUICK LUNCH JASPER, ALA. Where quality and price has ruled f or 13 years and caused many to be amazed at our ability of continuation of progress Wright's Economy and Utility Stores 1814 4th Avenue 420 W. 19th St. J ASPER, ALABAMA Samford University Library world by Christ. They are a p eople saved by IIim ; baptized in His name and walking in fellowship with IIim. They heard Him say, "Come unto me," and they gather ed about llis person. They became disciples and servants. They learned of Him. They accepted all of Iris teachings. They accepted His entire message to man. They not only learned of Him in His teachings, but obeyed H im in what H e has commanded. They are governed by the Jaws of Christ. It relates to conduct toward God; it relates to conduct toward men; it also relates to conduct as memberc; of the church. It includes practices of worship and obedience of ordinances. In fact it includes the whole duty of man. Question: Why do they come to Christ at His call ? Ans,ver: They come as believers. They come to receive blessings at His hand. They come in recognition of !lis authority. They come because of the lure of His gracious fellowship. All of this is based on their faith in llim. They expect blessings because they have faith in llim. They yield t o His authority because t.fiey have faith in Him. They ar e won by His person because they have faith in llim. It is the man who has been born again by the Holy Spirit who hearkens to the call of Christ and becomes a part of His church, having accepted Christ as Lord as well as Savior, and ha ving accepted His commands, and having been baptized on profession of their faith, they become members of a Gospel Church. This not only brings them under guidance of J esus, but it brings them into association with each other because each has entered into covenant with Christ. - This covenant is the covenant of those who share in the faith and fell owship of the gospel. The scope of the relationship is defi ned therefore in terms of grace and eternal life. Question : How is a gospel church governed ? Answer: A gospel church is governed entirely by Christ. All its rules and regulations are based on His teachings. I t does not accept man-made laws. A church cannot serve two masters. It will recognize but one head, and that head is J esus Christ. Therefore, because of this fideli ty to its head, it claims all of the rights and privileges which the wor d of God promises. Question: Who are the officers of a gospel church ? Answer: The officers of a gospel church are pastors and deacons. Pastors may be called bishops. The differe nce in name may be due to the different aspects of t heir work. When a pastor is thought of as a shepherd of the flock, he may be called a bishop. Every pastor is a bishop and every bishop is a pastor. A deacon is a helper in the church, discha rging cer tain duties for which he is competent and to which be bas been set apart by the chur ch. 23 Samford University Library Cook With Electricity IT'S CHEAP IT'S CLEAN IT'S QUICK Compliments of DeBardeleben Coal Corporation The South 's Largest Pr oducers and Marketers of HIGH GRADE COALS BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA "DeBardeleben Preparation Gives Added Value" Samford University Library The New Testa1nent Church ~ HE New Testam en t church accepts the unity, sufficirncy \...) and t he sole au thority of the scriptures ac:; the rul e both of doctrine and of polity. It r equires credible evidence of regener ation and conversion as prerequisite to church membership ; immersion only, as answering to our Lord's command of baptism and to the symbolic meaning of the ordinance; the order of the or dinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper as of divine a ppointment as well as t he ordinances themselves; a right of each member of the church to a voice in its government an d discipline; the freedom of individual conscience; and independence of church and state; t he r equirement of those who are baptized t o have had a previous experience of grace, accept ing Christ's deity and atonement; these are the r equirements and st andards fo r a gospel church. The World to Come Question: How many worlds does the New Testament speak of ? Answer: T wo. The present world, and the world t o come. Question: Will the world finally come t o an end Y Answer : Yes. The world will f inally come to an end. Question: W ill we have a general judgment Y A nswer : Yes. According t o Revelat ion, we will haYe a general judgment day. When the graves will give up their dead and the sea shall give up its dead, and the wicked and righteous will be separated foreve r. Question: Will the soul of man live forever ? Answer: Yes. The soul of man will live f orever. The annihilation of the soul of man is not taught in scriptures, but the scriptures t ea ch that the soul of man never dies. Question: Wher e will the wicked, or those who fail to accept God, go ? Answer : The wicked shall be cast into · helL-Mat t. 25 :41 ; Luke 16 :23; Rev. 20 :15; Matt. 10:28 ; II. P et. 2:4; Jude 6 ; Ps. 9:17. Man is a free mora l agent , capable of choosing between good and evil, and inasmuch as man is a free moral agent, one place necessitates the other. When He made my eyes He made the light to meet them. When He made my soul, H e made heaven for its home, and for the same r eason the lower world or hell was made for the unbelievers or those who fail to accept J esus. On the day of judgment the wicked will be turned into hell and they will not complain, 25 Samford University Library Eat at CITY CAFE You Really Feel At Home When You E at Here EVERYBODY WELCOME Next to Chevrolet Dealer Phone 1 S. P. Cranswell, Prop. Warrior, Ala. Furniture Clothing SOKOL BROTHERS 612 Greensboro Ave. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Radios Phone 24 C. W. LEWIS • Furniture Con1pany Tuscaloosa, Ala. Dependable Furniture and Service for 26 Years GLITTERING GIFTSGIFTS OF SIIXER-Their smart beauty insures an enthusiastic reception; their enduring quality will win new appreciation in the many years to come. Fincher & Ozment Jewelry Co. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Samford University Library because they will know that is the place for them, and the righteous shall go into full fellowship with God. This is heaven. This is the reward for righteousness. The ri~ht eous will not boast of being in heaven, because they were not saved on their own merits, but by the grace of God. Neither will the wicked blame God, because of their wickedn ess. Question: When will this day come? .Answer: That is something no one knows. Jesus said lie did n ot know. Even the angels in heaven did not know, but He did give us the assurance t ha t it is coming sometimes, and the great lessons H e gave in that connection were for us to be r eady, because we know not when He is coming. So th e gr ea t watchword for us is, be ready when lie comes. Declaration of Faith 1. On the Scriptures-We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instr uction; that it has God f or its author, salvation for its end, and truth without mixture of error for its matter; that it reveals t he principles on which God will judge us; and t her efore is and will remain to the end of the world the true center of Christian union and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, cr eeds and opinions, should be tried. 2. Of the True God-That there is one true and living God wh ose n ame is J ehovah, the maker and supreme rules of heaven and earth, inexpressibly glorious in holiness; worthy of all p ossible honor, confidenc and love, revealed under the personal and r elative distinction of the Father, the Son, and the H oly Gh ost; equal in every divine perfection, and executing distinct bu t har monious offices in the great work of redempti on. 3. On the Fall of Man-That man was created in a state of holiness, under the law of his Maker; by voluntary transgression fell from the holy and happy state, in consequence of which all mankind are now sinners, not by constraint, but by choice; being by nature u tterly void of that holiness required by the law of God, wholly given to the gratification of t he world, or Satan, and of their own sinful passions, and ther efore under just condemnation of eternal ruin without defense or excuse. 4. Of the Way of Salvation-That the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace, through the mediatorial offices of the Son of God, 'vho took upon himself our nature, yet without sin; honored the law by H is personal obedience and made atonement for our sins by His death, being risen from the dead, H e is enthroned in heaven, an d uniting in this wonderful per'27 Samford University Library Compliments of S1\NITARY MARKET H. G. Rick erson, Prop. HALEYVILLE, ALABAMA McCONNELL STORES Haleyville and Russellville, Ala. Always Earliest with the Latest And Cheapest with the Best. The Store With a Conscience LYON'S DEPARTMENT STORE Haleyville, Ala. We carry a full line of Dry Goods, Clothing· and Ready-to-Wear-Solid Leather Shoes A visit will convince you. Keep in Mind M. FELDMAN Clothes the Whole Family for Less Money. HALEYVILLE, ALABAMA Samford University Library son, the t enderest sympathies with divine perfection , in every way qualified to be a suitable, a compassionate and all-sufficient Savior. 5. Of Justif cation- That the great gospel blessings which Chr ist of His fu lness bestows on such as believe in Uim in justification, that justif icat ion consist in the pardon of si n and the promise of et ernal life, on principles of r ighteousness tha t is not bestowed in consideration of any work of righteousness which we have done, but solely through its own r edemptions and righteousness that it brings us into a state of most blessed peace and favor with God, a nd secure every blessing needful for time and eternity. 6. Of the F r eeness of Salvation-That the blessin gs of salYation are made f r ee to all by the gospel ; that it is the immediate duty of all t o accept them by cor dial and obedient fa ith, and that nothing pr events the salvation of the greatest sin ner on earth except his own voluntary r efusal to submit t o the Lord J esus Christ, which ref usal will submit him t o an aggravated condemnation. 7. Of Gr ace and Redemption- That in order to be saved we must be regener at ed and born again; that r egeneration consists in giving a holy disposition to the mind, and is eff ected in a manner above our comprehension or calculated by the power of t he Holy Spirit so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the Gospel ; and tha t its proper evidence is our voluntary obedience found in t he holy frui t which we bring f ort h in the glory of God. 8. Of God's Purpose of Grace-Tha t election is the gracious purpose of God; according to which lie regenerates, san ctifies and saves sinners; t hat being perfectly con~istent with the mor al agency of man, it compr ehends all the means in connection with the end; that it is a most glorious displa~ of God's sovereign goodness, being infini tely wise, holy and unchan geable; t hat it utterly excludes boasting, and promotes humility, prayer , praise, tr ust in God and a ctive imitation of His f r ee mer cy; that it encourages the use of means in the highest degr ee; then it ascertain ed by its eff ects in all who be. lieved in t he Gospel ; it is the foundation of Christian assurance, and t hat t o ascertain it with regard to ourseh·cs. demands and deser ves our u tmost diligence. 9. Of the Preservation of t he Saints-That such onh· are r eal believers as endure to the end; that the perseYerin'g attachment to Christ is t he grand mark which distinguishes them from the superf icial professors; that a special Providence watches over their welfare and they are kept by t he powet· of God through faith u nt o salva tion. 10. Harmony of the Law and Gospel-That the law of God is eternal and unchangea ble rule of H is government; that it is h oly, just and good, and the inability which the 29 Samford University Library Scrip tures ascr ibe to fallen men to fulfill its precepts arises ~n tirely f rom their love of sin; to deliver them from which an d restor e them through a Mediator to unfeigned obedience to the Holy Law is one great end of the gospel and of the means of grace, connected with the establishment of His visible church. 11. Of a Gospel Church-That a visible church of Christ is a congregat ion of baptized believers, associated by covenant in t he faith and fellowship of the gospel observing the ordinance of Christ, governed by His laws and exercisin g the gifts, rights and privileges invested in them by His wor d ; that its pr oper officer s are bishops or pastors and deacons, whose qualifications, claims and duties are defined in t he Epistles of Timothy and Titus. 12. Of Baptism and th e Lord's Supper- That Christian Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the F ather, Son, and Spir it; to sh ow for th in solemn and beautiful emblem of our f aith in a crucified, buried and r isen Savior ; that it is prerequisite to the privilege of a church relation and t hat the Lord's Supper, in which t he members of the church, by use of bread and wine, ar e to commemorate together t he dying love of Christ pr eceded always by solemn self-explanation. 13. Of the Christian Sabbath-That the fir st day of the week is the Lord's Day or Christian Sabbath, and that it is t o be kept sacr ed to religious purposes by abstaining from all secular labor and recreation, by devout observation of all means of gr ace, both private and public, and by preparation fo r the r est which r emaineth for the people of God. 14. Of Civil Government-That civil government is of divine appointment for the interest and good of human society, and that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientiously honored and obeyed except in things opposed to the will of th e Lord J esus Christ, who is the only Lord of conscience and the Prince of the kings of the earth. 15. Of the Righteous and Wick ed- That there is a radical and essential differ ence between the r ight eous and wicked ; that such as only t hrough the faith are justified in the name of the Lord J esus and sanctified by the spirit of God are t ruly righteous in His esteem, while such as continue in impenitence and unbelief are in His sight wicked, and under the cu rse of this dsitinction holds among men in and after death. . 16. Of the World t o Come-That the end of the world is approaching, and that at the last day Christ will descend from heaven and raise the dead f rom the grave to final retribution ; that separation will then take place, and the wicked will be adjudged to endless punishment, and the righteous to endless joy, and that t he judgment will fix forever the final state of men in heaven or in hell on principles of righteousness. 30 Samford University Library SOUTH SIDE DRUG STORE Prescription Druggist Tuscaloosa, Alabama Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles Buy By the Case from Your Dealer COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. - -SEE- - Jefferson Furniture Company Sumiton, Ala. BEFORE YOU BUY Vl e Furnish Your E ntire H ouse, and Appreciate Your Business - Co me t o See Us - E VERY ARTI CLE \VE SELL IS A REAL Y..lLUE, regar dless of th e -price you pay. You haYe known me for more than a quar ter century - G. MAY I S .ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YOU Stores at Dora and Parrish, Ala. 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