Ta Matia Feb 04 - Wellington Olympic AFC
Ta Matia Feb 04 - Wellington Olympic AFC
www.goyanz.org.nz Official newspaper of GOYANZ representing the Greek Community of Wellington www.goyanz.org.nz Issue No. 21 February 2004 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: page 8 SAE Youth Conference page 10 DJ Krazy Kon page 14 Profile page 13 FOFI ZIVADINOVICH AT SAE CONFERENCE - GREECE Eleni Daniilidou page 18 JIMMY HAIDAKIS KICKSOFF OLYMPIC’S 2004 SEASON OLYMPIC GAMES SCULPTURE BY MARIA HEATH SCHOOL YEAR OPENS - NEW TEACHER COSTAS FEIMIS page 4 page 5 page 5 THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS: page 20 6 months to go! 1 www.goyanz.org.nz Community Events Calendar 2004 Welcome to the first issue of Ta Matia for 2004. The year of the Athens Olympics is finally upon us; this is met with both anticipation and nervousness alike as Athens prepares itself for the homecoming of the Olympics to their birthplace. There is no doubt that the Olympics in Athens will serve as the most memorable even if only for the fact that the games have returned to their birthplace. Time will tell the true success of the games – but there is no doubt in my mind that Athens (and Greece in general) will be THE place to be in August 2004! The last issue of Ta Matia sparked a little bit of controversy and discussion within the community with the article ‘Autokatastrofi’ which was published in Greek. The article was blunt and to the point on the issue of property owned by the various Greek Associations within Wellington. In this issue the article has been translated into English. As always, we welcome feedback, both positive and negative. The article has achieved its aim - it has stimulated at least some discussion within the community, and given many something to think about. We welcome correspondence on this matter, and I encourage anyone that is passionate enough about the issue to talk about it behind our back, to put pen to paper and submit a letter to the editor on the matter. In this issue you will see various articles with regards to SAE – the World Council of Hellenes Abroad. Beatrice Papazoglou and I were fortunate enough to attend as the New Zealand youth delegates at the conference that took place in Thessaloniki in December 2003. The conference in Thessaloniki followed what was a very productive regional conference in Wellington on November 2003. SAE is an organization established by the Greek Government to assist the ‘Apodimi Ellines’ – all seven million of us. In New Zealand, the presence of SAE has resulted in educational resources for the Greek school, music for the GOYANZ radio show, the expansion of ERT Satellite TV into areas such as New Zealand and Australia, and now the availability of Greek language Newspapers in New Zealand – drop by the GOYANZ clubrooms to read the latest Neos Kosmos newspaper (in Greek & English). In this issue Beatrice provides an insight into her thoughts regarding the conference, with mine to follow in the next issue. GOYANZ, as always, will be participating in this years annual Greek Festival organized by the Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington and Suburbs – one of the highlights of the festival has to be the Greek food bazaar which this year is taking place at the overseas terminal on Saturday 5th March to coincide with the dragon boat festival. Come along and buy your biftekia from us – we will all be there, come even if only to spot the GOYANZ crew in their funky new tops (if you want to get your hands on one of these, the only way is to join one of the GOYANZ committees – we would be happy to hear from you). On another matter, I’d like to take this opportunity to clarify the rumors regarding the venue of the Ano Kato Baraki night that took place on Saturday 28th February 2004. We had booked Curve Bar, hence all the initial advertising with that venue, however, they stuffed up and double booked us and we were only notified a week before the event. Now, if this wasn’t stressful enough, all other appropriate venues were all hired out due to the Cuba St carnival festivities and the extreme short notice. Our only option was to accept their substitute venue of SubNine or cancel - which was not an option due to the DJ’s availability. Regardless, we trust everybody had an enjoyable night. We guarantee that the Baraki Night booked with DJ Krazy Kon on July 3rd 2004 will be one of the best ones we’ve had in Wellington to date – venue included! GOYANZ have many exciting new initiatives in store for this year, amongst them a major cultural event to be launched later in the year, a GOYANZ formal ball to be held towards the end of the year as well as a revamped Miss GOYANZ annual dance, which will be held on the 6th June 2004. These new initiatives illustrate that GOYANZ is the most active organization, next to the kinotita, in the Greek community of Wellington. We hope to see you all at the up and coming GOYANZ events, remember we rely on your support. Feel free to contact Voula or myself at any stage should you have any ideas you would like GOYANZ to pursue in the future, as well as to tell us what a good job we’re doing. Kali Xronia se Olous. Stelios Manousakis – Co-President, GOYANZ March Olympic Pre-Season Function 6-28 March Greek Week Festivities 25 March Greek Independance Day 3 April 2002 Football Season Kicks-off for all divisions 01 May Greek Labour Day 18 April GOYANZ Picnic: Williams Park Days Bay 27 April Greek Easter 05 June Miss GOYANZ Annual Dance 12 June Euro 2004 - Portugal 29 June St. John The Baptist Church - Palmerston North 3 July GOYANZ Baraki - DJ Krazy Kon 15 August Assumption Day - Commemorating the bodily ascent of the Virgin Mary (Panayia) into Heaven 10 August St. Soterios Church nameday - Masterton 13-29 August Athens Olympics 2004 September Wellington Olympic Prizegiving 9-10 October U19 Upper Hutt Soccer Tournament - Upper Hutt 23-25 Oct U19 National Soccer Tournament in Napier 28 October Greek National Holiday (OXI) GOYANZ Clubrooms: 75 Adelaide Rd, Newtown ADVERTISE IN “TA MATIA” Advertising rates as follow: (price is for ads 90mm x 90mm; and price is inclusive of Advert/Artwork creation; all prices quoted are inclusive of GST): C olour: Black & White: 1 Issue: $100 1 Issue: $80 2 Issues: $180 2 Issues: $150 3 Issues: $250 3 Issues: $210 4 Issues: $310 4 Issues: $250 GOYANZ Youth Radio Program March 7 Committees 2004 A pril GOYANZ: Voula Kosmadakis & Stelios Manousakis (Joint Pres.), Theo Doucas (V. Pres), John Yiappos (Treas.), Ria Tsourounakis (Sec.), John Serepisos, Pagona Economou Olympic: John Serepisos (Chair.), Tasos Barbarouses (V. Chair), Chrisanthi Kamberogiannis (sec.), Peter Zivadinovic, George Neonakis, Dave Hooley, Peter Votsikas, John Servos, George Carras Angela, Steve and Gina 14 Vera and Voula 21 Vera and Chrisanthi 28 Peppy 4 Vera and Voula 11 Konstantina 18 Angela, Steve and Gina 25 Peppy Access Radio Studio ph 385-8783 for dedications and requests If anyone is interested in doing a radio show please call Voula Kosmadakis on 021 242 7483. Netball: Chrisanthi Kamberogiannis, Vera Georgiou, Karen Doucas, Helen Cordalis Junior Soccer: Tune in and listen to the latest Greek music. Every Sunday at 3.00pm - 4.30pm on Access Radio, 783 AM John Serepisos (co-ordinator), George Serepisos, Nick Efstratiou, John Servos, Demetrius Christoforou, Basil Bouzoukis, Nicko Lioliss Ta Matia tou Kosmou: John Serepisos, Stelios Manousakis, Meropi Kafakis, Gina & Angela Gouvatsos, Steve Samaras Τα Ματια Του Κοσµου Youth Radio: Voula Kosmadakis is produced Bi-monthly by GOYANZ PO Box 6257 Wellington or email [email protected] Events: Chrisanthi Kamberogiannis, Vera Georgiou, Helen Neonakis, Ria Tsourounakis Layout and Design & Printing TBD www.tbd.co.nz Additional Printing Ultracopy www.ultracopy.co.nz GOYANZ/Olympic Website: John Serepisos ([email protected]), Paul Kotrotsos, Basil Mitrakis 2 www.goyanz.org.nz ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE GREEK ORTHODOX METROPOLIS OF NEW ZEALAND THE GREEK ORTHODOX COMMUNITY OF WELLINGTON AND SUBURBS PROGRAMME FOR THE CHURCH OF ‘THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE VIRGIN MARY’ Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington and Suburbs Inc. NEWSLETTER MARCH 2004 1 March, Monday Newsletter of the Management Committee of the Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington and Suburbs Inc. 2 March, Tuesday 3 March, Wednesday The Greek Festival The Greek Festival for 2004 opens with the Food Festival at the Overseas Terminal on Saturday 6th March. We would appreciate any donations of food for the stalls or help from the Community but more importantly we hope the weather will be fine and we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. 4 March, Thursday 5 March, Friday 6 March, Saturday 7 March, Sunday 8 March, Monday 9 March, Tuesday Please see the Greek Festival Programme for other events of interest. Subscriptions Many subscriptions for the years 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 have still not been paid. The financial situation of the Greek Community is still perilous, so Please! Please! post in your subscriptions as soon as possible. 10 March, Wednesday 11 March, Thursday 12 March, Friday Parthenon Hall We have several interested parties for the leasing of the Parthenon Function Centre. Contracts have been sent out and offers are starting to come in. Hopefully the hall should be leased soon. 13 March, Saturday 14 March, Sunday 22 Pirie St 15 March, Monday 16 March, Tuesday 17 March, Wednesday As we were unable to find a commercial tenant we have had to lease the apartment to residential tenants. The end two car parks in front of the Cultural Centre are for the tenants use. Please do not park in these spaces nor block their entrance and exit into the car park. 18 March, Thursday 19 March, Friday School The school is in great shape. It has had a lick of paint and a thorough clean. A big thank you to the parents and the helpers who came to the Saturday morning working bee and made such a difference to the place in such a short time. More about the school elsewhere in the magazine. 20 March, Saturday 21March, Sunday 22 March, Monday 23 March, Tuesday 24 March, Wednesday Please don’t forget the playgroup! Sessions are held on a Friday morning at the Odysseus Hall in Miramar. Children start learning the basics of the Greek language with play and songs and are able to adjust to the more formal primary school learning more easily. Parents and grandparents enroll your youngsters now. 25 March, Thursday 26 March, Friday 27 March, Saturday 28 March, Sunday It really does make such a difference to their early education. Church Painting Fund Money for the painting of the church is still only dribbling in. There is not enough money for us to even buy the paint. See the next issue of Ta Matia for the Management Committee’s solution to the problem. 31 March, Wednesday Service of the Lesser Blessing of the Waters, 10.00am Compline Service, 5.00pm Compline Service, 5.00pm Service of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts, Holy Liturgy, 8.30am Compline Service, 5.00pm Compline Service, 5.00pm Second Salutations to the Theotokos, 7.00pm Vespers, 5.00pm St Gregory Palamas, Holy Liturgy, 8.30am. Compline Service, 5.00pm Service of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts, Holy Liturgy, 8.30am Compline Service, 5.00pm Compline Service, 5.00pm Compline Service, 5.00pm Third Salutations to the Theotokos, 7.00pm Vespers, 5.00pm Veneration of the Holy Cross, Hierarchical Holy Liturgy, 8.30am Compline Service, 5.00pm Compline Service, 5.00pm Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 8.30am Compline Service, 5.00pm Compline Service, 5.00pm Fourth Salutations to the Theotokos, 7.00pm Vespers, 5.00pm St John Climacus, Holy Liturgy, 8.30am Compline Service, 5.00pm Compline Service, 5.00pm Vespers for the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 7.00pm The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Hierarchical Holy Liturgy, 8.30am The Akathist Hymn, Hierarchical Horostasia 6.00pm Vespers, 5.00pm St Mary of Egypt, Hierarchical Holy Liturgy, 8.30am. After this service a Doxology will take place to celebrate the Anniversary of our National Independence, 25 March, 1821. Service of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 8.30am Parking As stated in the previous newsletter, members should feel free to park between the Church and the Parthenon and in the grounds of the Cultural Centre while attending Church Services. PLEASE NOTE The Cultural Centre car park has two designated car parks which must remain vacant 24 hours a day, every day, as these are for the Metropolitan and the Ambassador. Rutherford and Bond have entered into a lease with the Community to park their vehicles in the remaining spaces when there are no church services. EVANGELISIMOS CHURCH - Hania Street ST. ANDREWS CHURCH - 365 Broadway, Miramar ST. NECTARIOS CHURCH - 23 Bay Street, Petone ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST - 30 Rochester Street, Palmerston North Office Hours for the Priest: Father George Serras Monday to Friday 4.00 - 6.00pm, Evangelismos Church, Hania St Priest’s Phone Number: Home: (04) 802 5456 ; Mobile: (025) 248 9524 Church Telephone: (04) 385 1076 3 www.goyanz.org.nz The Greek School Hellenic Festival 2004 The Management Committee of the Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington and the School Committee are delighted to announce details of the new school year 2004. Our aim is to make “Greek School” the best minority community school in New Zealand and eventually lobby to have the Greek Language accepted as a ‘language option’ in the New Zealand school curriculum. Greek Food Festival, Saturday 6 March, 10.00am. A celebration of the foods of Greece at the Overseas Terminal. Enjoy authentic Greek cuisine like souvlaki, calamari, filled pita bread, loukoumades, baklava and many other treats, with drinks from the bar or Greek coffee. Come and enjoy our food, music, dancing and experience our Hellenic Culture. Everyone is Welcome. Admission is Free. We would like to welcome Mr Costas Feimis from Greece as head teacher of the Greek School. He is young and energetic and comes, highly recommended, with modern teaching methods which are more attuned to the New Zealand school system. He will be assisted by Mrs Toula Kililis. “Macedonia, 4,000 years of Greek Civilization”, Sunday 7th March at 5.45 for 6.00pm. The Hellenic/New Zealand Congress together with the Greek Orthodox Community present a screening of two videos at the Apollon Hall, 75 Adelaide Rd, Newtown. The videos are titled: “Alexander, The Peer of the Gods” and “Divinely Guarded Thessaloniki”. Refreshments will be served. Ticket price $5.00. Until now Greek has been taught as a primary language because it was the language children learned from birth. This is not the case now days. With the increased use of English spoken in the home Greek becomes a ‘second language’ therefore it is necessary for it to be taught that way. Two new teaching levels will be introduced this year. The first, a preschool where children will follow through from the playgroup to more structured learning. The ages for this will be 4-6 year olds. This level will then flow into the primary school allowing for the continuation of the Greek language. The class will be taken by Ms Ria Tsourounakis with the help of Mrs Dimitra Pantazis. To help us set up this vital first step we ask parents whose children have outgrown their blocks, Lego and jigsaw puzzles or any other educational toys/equipment to consider possibly donating these to the school. An Evening with Theodore Kondoglou, Poet and Artist, Thursday 11th March, 6.30 – 8.00pm His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph will talk on the life and works of Theodore Kondoglou in Greek and English, at the lecture hall Government Buildings, Stout St, Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the talk. Admission is free. Poetry Recital “Kostis Palamas”, Sunday 14th March 2004, 4.00pm. Ahepa together with the Greek Orthodox Community present a Poetry Recital at the Greek Orthodox Cultural Centre, 1 Hania St, Mt Vic . Refreshments will be served. Admission Free. The second new level will be that of continuing education after primary school. We are delighted to announce that His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph has consented to teach this class which will be held in the Greek Cultural Centre, 1 Hania St, Mt Vic every Tuesday 6pm–8pm. Icon Display, Tuesday 16th March – Thursday 18th March 11.00am – 4.30pm. The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 3 Hania St, Mt Victoria, will host three open days to allow interested people to view the church and its Icons from an Arts, History, Classics or Religious perspective. Admission is free. Miss Meropi Kafakis together with Mr Feimis will continue to teach mature students. We welcome the initiative of the Greek Orthodox Playgroup wanting to have closer ties with the Greek School and to be included in all school functions. They are housed at the Odysseus Hall in Miramar on Fridays 9.30 -11.30am. Anyone wishing to enroll for the playgroup may do so by contacting, Mrs Antonia Pappafloratos on tel: 934 6741. Art Exhibition and Sale, “In celebration of Olympic Spirit” A varied collection of artworks from artists of Greek descent. Renouf Foyer, Michael Fowler Centre, Tuesday 23rd March to Sunday 28th March, 10.00am -5.30pm. Admission is Free. The Sunday School will also be incorporated as part of the school. The first day for the year will be on Sunday 22nd February 2004. Times are every Sunday from 10.00am to 10.45am. The children are then taken to the church for Holy Communion where they may be picked up at the conclusion of the Service. Vespers for the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Wednesday 24th March – 7.00pm At the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 3 Hania St, Mt Victoria. Following this service loukoumades and refreshments will be served at the Parthenon Hall, Greek Community Centre, 5 Hania St, Mt Victoria. This year we will see dramatic changes both in the school curriculum and in the number and quality of resources. We propose to cater for students of all ages and all levels and we hope to make it an exciting year for everyone. There will also be more teacher/parent meetings to monitor the progress of each student throughout the year. Festive Day of The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Thursday 25 th March, 8.30am Hierarchical Holy Liturgy, at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 3 Hania St, Mt Victoria. We hope that together with your and your children’s participation we can ensure that our Greek religion, language and our heritage will not be lost to future generations of Greeks living in New Zealand. Celebrating the National Day of Greece, Independence of Greece, Sunday 28th March at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 3 Hania St, Mt Victoria at 8.30am. The Hierarchical Holy Liturgy will be followed by a Doxology at 11am. This will be attended by His Excellency the Ambassador of Greece, Mr Evangelos Damianakis and Mrs. Damianakis, Her Worship the Mayor of Wellington Ms Kerry Prendergast and other guests. The service will be followed by a wreath-laying ceremony at the Greek/NewZealand Memorial in Kent Terrace, then refreshments will be served at the Parthenon Hall, 5 Hania St, Mt Victoria. Aiasmos – the first day of the new school year. 4 www.goyanz.org.nz AHEPA Bon Voyage! A special lunch was held in honor of Mrs Fifika Koroniadis, on Sunday, 22 February 2004, at Eden Restaurant, Evans Bay. A group of Ahepans from both Olympia and Phidias had come together to wish ka Fifika Bon Voyage and Good Luck in her new home, on the other side of the Tasman. Her contribution to AHEPA and the Greek Orthodox Community at large has been immense and her departure to Queensland, Australia will be a great loss! The Koroniadis family have always been active supporters of the Greek Community. The late Christos Koroniadis had worked persistently on the committees of several Greek Associations and he devoted the last years of his life to serve the Ass. of AHEPA. His son, Atha Koroniadis, was the foundation President of AHEPA NZ and he had also served as a member of the Management Committee of the Greek Community. A skillful civil engineer, he often offered his knowledge and expertise for the good of the Community. However, the warm climate of Queensland won his heart and together with his wife Sophia decided to migrate across the Tasman, hence the migration of ka Fifika. We will miss them! We will miss the rich and beautiful gateaux and sweets, the tasty food that ka Fifika always made for the dances and cake stalls. We will miss their hospitality and generosity, their encouragement and wiliness to help. Ahepans, members of Olympia and Phidias thank ka Fifika and wish her and the family all the best for the future. ΚΑΛΟ ΤΑΞΙ∆Ι ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΗ ∆ΙΑΜΟΝΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ! CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 ANNUAL DONATION TO THE GREEK SCHOOLS 18 February 2004 To:All Greek Communities, Associations and Brotherhoods and Individuals throughout New Zealand. Dear Friends, The Olympic Games are returning to their ancient birthplace! The enormous inspiration of the Olympic Games based on human values, culture, sport, health, youth and the ambition to excel is truly upon us as a nation in 2004. Last year the Management Committee of the Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington and Suburbs and GOYANZ took the initiative to seek submissions from Hellenic Communities throughout New Zealand for a work of art suitable to be housed in the courtyard in front of the New Zealand Olympic team village. We were particularly keen to have a New Zealand artist of Greek descent who would be able to portray the bi-culturalism of Aotearoa and Hellas. We are extremely proud and happy to announce that the work of potter Mrs Maria (Yiannoutsos) Heath, has been selected. Maria’s work met all the strict criteria. It will be sculpted in Oamaru stone and will stand 2.5 metres tall. At the conclusion of the games, the sculpture will be gifted to the city of Athens from all New Zealand Hellenes as a token of friendship and love. Maria’s work is free of charge and the New Zealand Olympic Committee have generously agreed to cover the costs of transportation to Greece and the installation costs. However we must pay for the materials, crating and incidentals. Total cost will be about $6,000.00. The Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington and GOYANZ seek financial help to complete this magnificent project which will be a gift to Greece from us all. We would gratefully accept any donation, large or small from communities or individuals to help us complete this project. Would you please table this appeal at your next meeting and convey our sincere thanks to all the members for giving this meaningful project your most serious consideration. Our deadline is 29 March. One of the main principals of AHEPA is to encourage education, to promote a better and comprehensive understanding of the Hellenic Language, Culture and religion, to cultivate the attributes, ideals and legacy of Hellenism. Each year AHEPA kindly donates an amount of money to each Greek School, as a token of its love of Education. At the Opening Day, Monday 16 February 2004, the amount of $300.00 was offered to each of the schools. AHEPA welcomes the new teacher Mr K. Feimis, who arrived from Greece recently and wishes him, the teaching staff and all the school children a very happy and creative school year! AHEPA INSTALLATION AND TAVERNA NIGHT Ahepa Installation will take place on Saturday, 13 March 2004, at 3:00pm to be followed by a Taverna in the evening. Venue: Odysseas Hall, Hobart Street, Miramar For further information or Bookings please call Mrs Nikki Christy-Yiavassis Tel: 977 2479 5 www.goyanz.org.nz PROGRAMME OF HIS EMINENCE His Eminence will celebrate the 1st Acathist (27-2-2004), as well as the Divine Liturgy (28 and 29 February) in Christchurch. He will conduct the 3rd Acathist (12-3-2004) and the Divine Liturgy of Stavroproskynisis (14-3-2004) in St. Nectarios Church, Petone. He also will celebrate the 4th Acathist (19-3-2004) and the Divine Liturgy, including an Ordination (Cheirotonia) in the Diaconate, in Holy Trinity Church – Auckland (21-3-2004). NEW WEB PAGE OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE IN THE INTERNET The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, our Mother Church, opened a new web-page in the Internet. Its address is: www.ec-patr.gr This page includes a lot of information about the life of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and its history, about Orthodox life and spirituality etc. Visit it! On Palm Sunday (4 April 2004) the Metropolitan will celebrate in Saint John’s Church, Palmerston North. All the other major Feasts of the Great Lent, Metropolitan Joseph will celebrate at the Cathedral of Evangelismos in Wellington. HOLY METROPOLIS OF NEW ZEALAND The Office of the Holy Metropolis of New Zealand is now in 61-63 Taranaki Street, 6th floor, Wellington. It is open for the public from Monday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Telephone: +64 4 801 6385. Facsimile: +64 4 801 6388. E-mail: [email protected] Postal address: P.O.Box 6545 Marion Sq. Wellington Catechetical Speech on the occasion of Holy and Great Speech. Protocol No. 80 BARTHOLOMEW BY THE GRACE OF GOD ARCHBISHOP OF CONSTANTINOPLE, NEW ROME, AND ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH, TO THE PLENITUDE OF THE CHURCH, GRACE AND PEACE FROM OUR SAVIOR CHRIST, TOGETHER WITH OUR PRAYER, BLESSING AND FORGIVENESS Beloved brethren and children in the Lord, At the beginning of Triodion a heart searching hymn is chanted, which includes the phrase: ìLife-giver, open up the doors of repentance for meî. It is immediately understood that the Holy Orthodox Church has devoted a great deal of the time of the year to our repentance. Moreover, at every hour and every day she reminds us of the need to repent. She is fully aware that repentance is the starting point of spiritual life and salvation for every human being. In addition, the fact that both Saint John the Forerunner and our Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, started their preaching by calling people to repentance, testifies to that. As the meaning of the Greek word itself reveals, repentance consists of the changing of our minds, and of our spiritual stance toward the world and God. It certainly entails the renunciation of our sins and the decision to live henceforth according to the holy commands of God. What repentance is primarily, is the renewal and change of our way of thinking, namely, of the way we evaluate the elements of the material and spiritual world. It is also a reclassification of the hierarchy of values, by which we regulate our lives, according to Godís will. If we have been giving priority to the gathering of riches, we should hereafter strive for the beneficial utilization of financial goods to enhance public welfare. If we have been trying to primarily satisfy our own individual needs, we should from now on attend to the needs of others, starting with the people close to us, advancing to the greater societal family, within which we live, and possibly reaching the entire humanity. If, so far, the center of our interest has been to attain success in this life, we should henceforth expand it beyond this life into the next one. If our studies and research have been limited and covered only the areas of human sciences and the arts, we should delve into the holy science and art of spiritual life, which has its own rules that need to be similarly studied and learned. If we have been anxious to form good relationships with the powerful people of this world, we should henceforth take great pains to form friendly relationships with the powerful figures of the spiritual world, namely, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Theotokos and the Saints. If we have been in the habit of believing that our judgment and understanding surpass that of othersí, we should from now on recognize that many times the judgment of other people is better CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 6 www.goyanz.org.nz “Sunday of Orthodoxy”: CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 than ours. In general, we will be able to truly repent, when we are in the position to re-evaluate our notions and re-assess our thinking in order to correct it when wrong, until we align ourselves with the positions of our Holy Church. These are positions of the Holy Gospel, which are ultimately the saving and true teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, repentance must be accompanied by the confession of our sins to a suitable Confessor and it should be done in total honesty and utter humiliation. God has bestowed His authority upon spiritual Confessors to bind and to loose sins. Repentance without the clean confession of sins to the philanthropic authority of a Confessor is inconceivable and does not exist. In the Holy Sacrament of Confession, through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, the Christian is cleansed from any impurity. The wounds caused by the passions are healed through confession, the Christian is spiritually renewed and reborn, and receives strength that empowers him to continue his good fight. Continuous repentance is necessary, as the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church teach, even for the people that are most pious, if any, because the perfection of the divine teachings, with which as human beings we are called to harmonize our minds and hearts, is infinite. A day full of joy and delight by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph of New Zealand The first Sunday of the Holy and Great Lent is dedicated to our Holy Orthodoxy. After six days of strict fasting of the First Week of Lent of intensive and warm prayer, of cleansing of soul and body, the faithful are in a joyful and celebrating atmosphere. “A day full of joy and delight has appeared today” chants the sacred muse of hymnography, “for the brightness of the very true dogmas shine, and the Church of Christ lightens in splendour now, decorated with the restoration of the holy Icons and engravings, and a God-awarded harmony of the faithful is brought about”. A joyful day. Full of delight. A day on which the Church of Christ sparkles and shines decorated with the holy icons, enriched with the sacred Relics of Saints, honoured and glorified with the precious blood of the Martyrs. A day on which, in a solemn and festive way She declares that we are Her genuine children, that we hold intact the treasure of faith unadulterated from errors and heresies. That we continue the tradition of piety and the life in God. As the prophets saw. As the Apostles taught. As the Church received. As the Teachers dogmatised. As the world agreeably accepted. As the Grace shone. As the Truth was proven. As the lie has disappeared. As the Wisdom boldly appeared. As Christ rewarded. Sunday of Orthodoxy! A day dedicated to the all-pure and all-holy Bride of Christ. Our Orthodox Church always was and is conscious of Her qualities as the Bride of the Bridegroom Christ. So She never flirted with falsehood. She never embraced error and heresy. She denied the fascinations of the ruler of this world, the prince of darkness of this age, the deceiver. She has always been “in body and soul and mind” absolutely faithful and devoted to Her Heavenly Bridegroom “the most beautiful in form of all men”. She held and always holds the reproach of Christ and carries it around the world. To the world She is always poor; and weak, humble and despised by the arrogant minds and the conceited rationalists; persecuted and overrun by the powerful of the earth for twenty centuries now. Her robe is very deep red with the blood of Her children. Her feet are badly wounded all over and suffering from the continuous and incessant ascending of the narrow and sorrowful road. She does not hold in Her hands a sceptre of worldly authority; She had left it to those who loved the present age. Her flesh is dry from Her ascesis. Her face betrays that She endures with dignity the heatwave of the day. In Her eyes is reflected Her cleanliness, Her purity, Her worship for the One, Her unique love; Him, Whom, the Holy Martyr Ignatius the Theoforos named so by saying “my Love is crucified!”. The blessed Photios Kontoglou was talking and writing about “The Pained Romiossyni”. On the, pretext from this, Bishop Kallistos of Dioklia once spoke about “The Pained Orthodoxy”. I think this is a very suitable term and perhaps under these attributes we ourselves must face Orthodoxy and must present Her to those outside Her. Pained or Suffering Orthodoxy. The humble Orthodoxy. The modest Orthodoxy. The Orthodoxy for which “the world was not worthy”. The Orthodoxythat does not have to show “ecclesiastical” States and papal despotism and swords and wars supposedly in the name of Christ. The Orthodoxy that does not have to show worldly power and glory, not monetary riches, nor bank’s (sometimes blasphemously named in the name of the Holy Spirit!). The Orthodoxy which considers as Her glory the lack of glory from men; for Her riches the poverty in material and earthly things; for Her honour the humiliation from the world which lacks the Spirit; for Her wisdom the foolishness of preaching the word of the Cross. Suffering Orthodoxy of the persecutions and the martyrdom! Suffering Orthodoxy of the hesychastic Monasticism and ascesis. Suffering Orthodoxy which hides in the mountains and caves and in the holes of the earth; in the catacombs, ancient and recent; in the deserts of the earth and the wilderness of the cities. Suffering Orthodoxy of the still yesterday operating Soviet concentration prisons and “mental hospitals”. Suffering Orthodoxy of blood and tears. Orthodoxy which is not a club of sinless people, but the last hope and refuge of the sinful; A place and way of repentance and of possibility of return to the primal beauty and ancient splendour of the image of God. Orthodoxy where the prostitutes and the publicans and the sinful go ahead of many “pious” in the Kingdom, changing by sincere repentance to faithful and genuine friends of Christ. Suffering Orthodox of spiritual vigilance (nepsis) and speechless sighs of the heart. Suffering Orthodoxy which lives the agony or the Garden of Gethsemane and the furnace of the Cross. It is characteristic that at Her Centre, our most venerable Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, on Good Friday the Apokathelosis (taking down from the Cross) of the Crucified is not performed. Suffering Orthodoxy which, while being on Her cross, teaches Her children to climb up, together, with the Lord, to their Golgotha to crucify their passions and the old man who is still remaining in themselves, expecting the redemption of the Resurrection in the Kingdom “...come, therefore, and let us accompany Him, with minds purified from the pleasures of this life, and let us be crucified and die with Him that we may live with Him” (Idiomelon of the Praises, Good Monday). Suffering Orthodoxy which carries apostolically the marks of the Lord Jesus and descends daily to the chambers of hades and She is like Him “dead full of life”. Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, letís refrain from saying that we have no sins or that we need not to repent, for we are running the risk of assuming the blameworthy arrogance of the Pharisee. We all need to repent, since we are all in need to better learn the will of God, to love and forgive more, to have a more enlightened zeal, and a stronger interest for the spiritual life, despite the level of perfection that we have attained. May the Holy God, through the intercessions of the Most-Holy Theotokos and of all His Saints, bless us to traverse the holy period of Lent in physical health and in soul repentance, and to approach the Holy Pascha cleansed and restored, so that we can partake in the joy of the Resurrection during this year and we can eternally hold steadfast on the manner of the resurrected eternal life. So be it. Great and Holy Lent, 2004 BARTHOLOMEW Patriarch of Constantinople fervent intercessor to God for all But exactly all of these create for Her the presuppositions to participate both to the Light and the joy of the Resurrection chanting: “yesterday I was buried with You, O Christ; today on Your Resurrection I am rising with You: I was crucified with You yesterday. You glorify me with You, O Saviour, in Your Kingdom” (Troparion 3rd Ode Easter Canon). This is Orthodoxy, the Suffering, but whose “hope and immortality is complete” in Christ, this our Orthodoxy which is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ we commemorate and celebrate on the first Sunday of Lent, commemorating and celebrating the restoration of the holy icons and the justification of rendering, honour, respect and reverence to the sacred relics of the Saints, according to the irrevocable and God inspired teaching of the Holy Seventh Ecumenical Synod and the teaching of all the Spirit bearing and deified Holy Fathers. The Orthodox icon is the expression, in the form of paintings, of the Orthodox Faith and Life. It is the divine script in the form of figures and colours. It is a loud proclamation of the inspiration and energies of the All Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. It is the initiator, to all those who see it and venerate it with faith and devotion, into the mystery of piety. It is the bearer of the Divine Grace as so many miracle working and perfumed exuding icons confirm. On the other hand, the sacred relics of Saints, whether they are preserved as whole bodies or as parts of the body or even as fragments of the bones, by their incorruption they provide the most powerful proof of the fact that God is participable, through His Uncreated Energies. And man, by living in faith the great mystery of piety, by struggling according to the model of Jesus Christ, by cultivating the gospel’s virtues, by being nourished by the Sacraments and sanctified by his participation in the whole life of the Body of the Church “together with all the Saints”, has communion with God not only spiritually, but also bodily. The whole man, body and soul, becomes participant of divine nature. So the venerable icons and the sacred relics of the Saints together with the “sign” of the Son of God, the Precious and Life giving Cross, being at the foremost on Sunday of Orthodoxy consist a loud invitation for every faithful to live, “following the Holy Fathers”, the holy life of the Gospel and to conduct his/her life according to God, combining the correctness of the dogma (Orthodoxy) with correctness of life (Orthopraxy) so that he/she would be enabled to ascend to the likeness of God , as far as possible, like Theotokos and all the Saints, and to find himself/herself in the joy of the divine Bridal chamber “where there is the clear sound of those who feast and unceasingly cry, O, Lord glory to You” (Idiomela Praises Good Tuesday). 7 www.goyanz.org.nz Greek Youth Radio 783AM. We hear them every Sunday keeping us company from 3-4:30pm. Some of us may know them well or perhaps not at all, so it’s time to match the faces with the names and the voices while taking a quick peek into their brain!! Remember if you want to listen to the Greek Youth radio program, which is proudly sponsored by ‘TBD’, ‘The Nash’ of Seafood Plus and Kiwi Quality Seafood and Paper, tune in every Sunday to hear the presenters broadcasting live on Access Radio 783AM. Every Sunday 3.pm - 4.30pm What is your name? Sosty 1, DJ Vee, Voula/Vouls/Voulio What do you do for a living? Educate the future of NZ at South Wellington Intermediate School – but as some uneducated people say, I babysit! Which part of Greece are you from? Hania, Crete (the Island of the traditional Creteko moustaki!) Have you always been involved in the Greek community? Since I was a wee, innocent, girl in my mummy’s arms! What is your name? Peppy Tziakis What do you do for a living? Advisor, Human Resource Consulting for the Ministry of Health. Have you always been involved in the Greek community? No. What else do you do for the Greek community? Serve alcohol at the Club rooms (not a bad thing really), as well as food as well as being on the GOYANZ committee and attending our long, lengthy meetings that would be a disaster without Theo’s coffee-making skills! One of many who run around like a mad-man organising events for the youth and so on……. Finger in most pies really! What else do you do for the Greek community? I’m not involved in the Greek Community in any other way. However, I was on the Committee for the Cretans Association of NZ for a while. What was the reason for getting involved in the Greek radio? Who knows…..was something totally different that I would not have been able to do otherwise. What was the reason for getting involved in the Greek radio? My love for music and my interest in radio. How long have you been doing the radio for? Since I was at Intermediate school which makes it….hmmmm….a couple of years!!!!!!! (really – no lies!) How long have you been doing the radio for? Just over 2 years now. What do you aim to achieve by being involved on the radio? To get people to listen to GOOD, MODERN Greek music so that they can dance on the bar with me at the Barakia nights! Which part of Greece are you from? My mum is from Athens and my dad is from Crete (I was born in NZ). What do you aim to achieve by being involved on the radio? I try my best to make a positive contribution to the Greek Community. My aim is to entertain the listeners with a variety of Greek music for their listening pleasure. Where do you get your music? Off my shelf – seriously……Australia and Greece Where do you get your music? It is both bought and borrowed from other family members. Who is your favourite Greek artist? Why? Nikos Kourkoulis – If I explain why, we will be here for ages and this interview would take the whole magazine! But….LOOK AT HIM – hubba hubba! Who is your favourite Greek artist? Why? I have too may favourites to choose just one! My favourites include: Andoni Remo, Yianni Ploutarho, Pashali Terzi, Noti Sfakianaki and Stelio Kazantzithi. I like these artists for their style and quality of music. What kind of material do you like to use for the show? Anything that is different and going to keep people occupied for the hour! What kind of material do you like to use for the show? I basically just stick to playing music and inform the listeners of any relevant community notices. Are there some things you would like to see changed? Two-day weekends made into four, my working week cut in half for the same pay, longer lunches, cheaper petrol, pain-free child birth, men who get ‘excited’ about shopping. Are there some things you would like to see changed? It would be great to see more neolea involved in the radio. If this happened, there may even be an opportunity for us to have more time on air. What would you like to say to those people that listen to the show? We say it all on air! Tune in 3pm-4.30pm weekly!!!!!!!! Support GOYANZ events!!!! What would you like to say to those people that listen to the show? Thanks for your support and positive feedback! What would you like to say to those that don’t listen to the radio show? If they don’t listen to the show, then they won’t be reading this – otherwise, stop your moaning about not being informed about GOYANZ events – it’s all on air EVERY WEEK! What would you like to say to those that don’t listen to the radio show? You don’t know what you’re missing! SAE Conference for Oceania in Thessaloniki us,” Fofi said. “ Although the present generation tries very hard to keep their values, the peoples of the diaspora need help from Greece to maintain our heritage and our culture for future generations.” 11-14 December 2003 Little New Zealand makes a big splash at the SAE conference for Oceania in Thessaloniki. Tumultuous applause and whistling were accorded to the Wellington Greek Orthodox Community’s delegate after her speech at the conference. Mrs Fofi Zivadinovich did herself and New Zealand proud when she addressed the 600 senior members at the SAE conference held in Thessaloniki in December 2003. During her four exhausting days, Fofi said she met many interesting people who were very enthusiastic about New Zealand and were very keen to help us. The Management Committee would like to thank Fofi for taking the time to represent us in Greece and for being a great ambassador for our community. Fofi outlined some of the problems of our community mainly the absence of Greek TV, radio, libraries, books, culture and entertainment. As we are a relatively small community it is not economically viable for us to have general access to any quantity of these resources. The fact is that we cannot even afford to bring cultural groups or entertainers out from Greece but it may be possible for them to come to New Zealand from Australia. Another problem is that we are quickly losing our identity within our countries through inter-marriages. A letter was drafted to lobby parliament to take this matter further. This is a serious problem within all Greek societies outside Greece since the 1980 ’s. “We number 4,000 in New Zealand. We are two little islands at the end of the world; as far away from Greece as it is possible to be. That does not mean that we have forgotten Greece, nor should she forget Fofi shaking hands with Costandinos Karamanlis of Nea Dimocratia while others look on. 8 www.goyanz.org.nz ΟΜΙΛΕΙΤΕ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ refers to, whether they are Asian, Pacific Island, or European. Our community is actually faring well compared to most; for example, only 17% of NZ born Dutch can speak Dutch, and 13% of NZ born Italians can speak Italian. The only other groups with a higher percentage of NZ born members capable of speaking their primary language are the Korean one (57%) and Khmer/ Kampuchean/Cambodian (45%). We should also not forget the importance of migration patterns as far as the preservation of language is concerned. With a few exceptions, Greeks stopped migrating to New Zealand in the late ’60s/early ’70s, whereas other communities have had an ongoing influx of new members up until today. Naturally this increases the possibility of their population, including those born here, speaking the primary language - at least for the next few years. by Meropi Kafakis Ever since the early days of the Wellington Greek community, its members have been making efforts to ensure that their descendants learn to speak, read and write their language and find out about the history, religion and culture behind it. From the time that various members of the community taught at Greek school to the time that the Greek government started sending teachers from Greece to New Zealand, there has always been a place for New Zealand born Greek children to connect to the place of their ancestors. Deborah Potter of Statistics New Zealand has spent the last few months working on a project which used census data to investigate language retention issues in New Zealand; in a nutshell, she has been putting together the information on ethnicity and language usage given by New Zealanders in the 2001 census, in order to subsequently write a report on the extent to which various ethnic groups here (including the Greek community) have retained their primary language throughout the generations. Before we get too optimistic though we should look at the figures for Greek children and teenagers, who are the future of our community. As is evident in Table 2, only 34% of people aged 10-19 can speak Greek. The fact that many young Greeks pride themselves on being Greek and display interest in getting involved in the community can only be a positive thing; on the other hand, the declining number of youngsters who speak Greek fluently enough to hold anything more than a basic conversation (if that) is anything but a good sign for the years to come. Many Greeks who have been born outside Greece and know the language fairly well speak of culture shock when visiting Greece, even though they may still love the place. What about those whose knowledge of the language is poor or non-existent? They have both a cultural and linguistic barrier to overcome. When it comes to building a closer relationship with the country and its culture - a connection that goes a bit deeper than simply lacing conversations in English with a few Greek words (swear words included!) and considering ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ as the pinnacle of greekness (enjoyable though that film was) - those who do not speak the language are ultimately the most disadvantaged. They have to make a more conscious and concentrated effort in order to achieve such a deep connection, whereas someone who has grown up hearing and speaking Greek accomplishes that much more easily and naturally. Knowledge of a language opens up an entirely different world for whoever speaks it; it heightens their cultural awareness, because it gives them the chance to learn about the people behind it. According to Deborah, most representatives of the many ethnic minorities she has interviewed cite cultural and family reasons for wanting to retain their language. After all, language is a basic form of expression and communication with others, and a reflection of culture and history. A characteristic historical example of this can be found in the Hellenistic Period (336 BC - 30 BC), the time of Alexander the Great, during which Greek culture prevailed in the Mediterranean and as far as India. At the same time Greek was the language of the arts, politics and administration, a must for anyone who was to be considered educated. Modern Greek is not taught as widely as Ancient Greek was and still is being taught (judging from the number of Classical scholars around the world), nonetheless the English language is filled with Greek words. How many you may ask? Well, would a few - or maybe even more than a few - thousand be about right? From basic words such as cinema and telephone to scientific and medical terms, they are everywhere, providing testament to the richness and power of the Greek language. Most members of ethnic communities feel that, by speaking the language of their ancestors - even if not at the highest level of proficiency - their children will be able to forge a closer relationship with the elders in the family (who are often not very fluent in English) and gain a greater understanding of their background in general. As Deborah says, all communities face the problem of their children eventually reaching what is called the “danger age” in terms of retaining their mother tongue, regardless of their fluency. This occurs once they attend English school, when they start to become exposed to that language on a daily basis. As most Greek parents have now been born here, English does come more easily to them - and even more so in the case of mixed marriages. Having taught at Greek School for the last three and a half years, I can say that, judging from the level of Greek of many new entrants, the majority of the parents does not use much Greek with the children on a daily basis. That becomes the grandparents’ job, which means that pupils who spend a lot of time with Παππου & Γιαγια tend to speak Greek much more confidently than those who see them less frequently. It is important for parents to keep in mind that the more Greek the children already speak, the faster they will progress, especially if they show regular attendance. Until now other extracurricular activities have often taken priority over learning Greek in the case of many students. However, the Greek Community has now started to make increasingly large efforts to implement the use of computer technology and modern teaching methods which acknowledge that Greek is not the first language of most pupils. Given that New Zealand is so different to Greece in so many ways, it would be unreasonable to expect from the Greeks living here to speak, think and live exactly like the ones in the “Πατριδα”. After all, they have made New Zealand their home and many do not plan to leave it. Still, the fact remains that people who make the effort to speak the language of their ancestors will not forget where their origins are. Every Greek word contains a piece of Greece; if generations to come do not let Greek die out, they will be all the richer for it. According to the 2001 census there are 2280 Greeks (including Greek Cypriots) living in New Zealand, which works out to be 0.1% of the general population. Of course it is highly likely that certain people of Greek descent did not state this when replying to the questions regarding ethnicity. 63% of those who claimed that they were of Greek origin (regardless of their birthplace) also claimed they could speak Greek, and 92% said that they could speak English. Looking at intergenerational patterns, 84% of Greeks born outside New Zealand (it is not stated where, although their place of birth would most likely be Greece, with the obvious exception of Greek Romanians and Cypriots) speak Greek, as opposed to only 43% of those born here. A similar pattern follows for all ethnic communities that the report 9 www.goyanz.org.nz technicalities. This verbosity coupled with being addressed by groups such as the boy scouts of Greece (we are still trying to work out the relevance of that one), meant that virtually nothing was decided, agreed or acted on at any time of the sinedrio. I can only speak for the neolea here, but I deliberately set out to see if the other groups were having the same problem, and my clear impression is that they faced the same struggle. THE VIEW FROM HERE I have had a lucky summer. By Beatrice Papazoglou I was privileged enough, after several hurdles, to attend the 2003 SAE World Conference in Thessaloniki, and then spent the next three weeks in Athens with my father’s family. As for the Oceania youth the time at Thessaloniki served to strengthen our ties, both official and personal. We were also fortunate to have had our highly successful meeting in Wellington (thank you GOYANZ) in November, only a month away from the world conference. This gave Stelio and I the opportunity to continue to action the decisions made at Wellington via personal interfacing. The trip began with the endurance test that is flying to Greece. I am sure that many readers will know what I mean when I say that the best thing about long haul flights is that one really gets to know how to use the in-flight entertainment system. However my traveling companions were very pleasant, and after the excellent Stelios “I can’t sleep on planes” Manousakis and I had misbehaved our way to Thessaloniki, we went sightseeing briefly before passing out in our respective rooms at the ABC Hotel. This is a very decent establishment, which provides delicious breakfasts and overheated rooms. Each delegate had an individual room, and you will be fascinated to know that I won the very mature ‘Who has the best room?’ contest because Stelios’ room had one balcony, but mine had two. Stelios however won the prize for endurance, as he went out The greatest test however came at the end of the conference. We were all (and don’t forget, that means nearly a thousand people) supposed to vote for the various committees that will run SAE for the next four years. And the voting papers were not ready. For a conference that had been going 4 days. And had been scheduled for two months. At which the main point was this election. So we all waited, crushed and overheating, for an hour and a half before they opened the voting. That means an hour and a half beyond the official starting time, so we were really waiting much longer than that. As you can imagine, everyone was truly thrilled. So, what are some of the good memories of SAE at Thessaloniki 2003? – The blessing when the President of Greece arrived at the conference on day one with Metropolitans acting as each other’s cantors. Standing on top of the white tower and seeing far out over the Aegean. Leaning out of one of my two balconies and seeing the Byzantine fortress of the city. Getting to know Kyria Fofi. Sitting outside the conference center on the steps and having a mini meeting about a film festival. The solidarity of the Oceania youth council. The communication that happened outside the meeting rooms. Katina from Adelaide making friends with absolutely everybody. I think though, that my enduring image from Thessaloniki will always be from the party that SAE put on for the youth at their world headquarters. At one point I went up to the Mezzanine for a rest and leaning over the railing I saw nearly a hundred young Greek people from all over the globe but in one room. And they were dancing as all Greeks do – together. And suddenly I knew that despite the politicking, the poor organization and the heat, that this was what it was all about: celebrating our similarities through our differences. And it was good to be alive. A lucky summer indeed. Prime minister of Greece, Costas Simitis, opens the sae conference every night, but I was hit with jetlag and attended only a few evening functions after each full day at the conference. We met each day at the Trade Fair Centre – nearly a thousand Greeks from all over the world, all wearing different colored tags for each of all the regions, plus the presence of, or messages from virtually anyone who was anyone in SAE, the Greek government and the Orthodox church. Lunch that day and for the rest of the sinedrio was a gigantic affair where we all came together to chat and make a huge mess. I am grateful not to have been involved with the clean up for that meal. As with nearly all conferences, the real connections and business seemed to happen outside the meeting rooms. The neolea (at least) found common ground straight away through our dissatisfaction with the organization of the shebang. All of the meetings, whether worldwide, regional or for the separate networks, worked on what one could call “Greek-Time Plus”, with people wafting in and out of each gathering at their leisure. Also, once each meeting had finally begun, ineffective chairing (or sometimes no apparent chairing at all) meant that delegates would talk or argue forever about simple, resolvable problems or sae youth delegates chairing the meeting. Stelio Manousakis, who also attended the conference, will write a report in the next issue of Ta Matia tou Kosmou 10 www.goyanz.org.nz 11 www.goyanz.org.nz PROFILE - Sophia Economou-Nikiforakis CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 Sophia Economou was born in Greece and grew up with her family in Wellington, New Zealand. Her whole family was involved in Community life, from her uncles Father Elias Economou an active and dynamic priest who remains a legend amongst the older generation, Constantine Economou (a former president of the Community) and Anastasios Economou (a former President of GOYANZ and involved in the Greek Community leaving his last breath on the psaltiri at Evangelismos), to sister Pagona Economou who as the first female on the executive committee of GOYANZ hosted the first ever and highly successful Greek radio programme Kalispera Sas on commercial radio 2ZB. Sophia couldn’t help but follow the example of the rest of her family and became the first woman to be elected on the Executive Committee of the Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington and Suburbs. Things have certainly changed a lot since then! Actively involved in GOYANZ, the Greek Dancing Group, the Church Choir, Sophia is a graduate of Victoria University of Wellington in Commerce and Administration as well as Arts. Sophia left Wellington and went to Greece for the usual OE (Overseas Experience) and decided to stay, fascinated at and quite at home in the Greek way of life. It did help, of course, that she got a great job with a privately-owned oil company, and having abandoned the white liquid of the New Zealand Dairy Board for the black liquid gold of petroleum, she spent 13 years living out of a suitcase in hotels and getting in and out of airplanes bound for the various places where the group had offices – Geneva, London, Paris, Milan, Houston, even Beirut, when things settled down there after the Gulf War. Strong ties with New Zealand meant Sophia made an annual trip home to see her mother and catch up with family and friends, ensuring that she kept abreast of the developments in her home community and was always available to help in any way if any support or help was needed from Greece to get something for the Community. In 1997 she responded enthusiastically to a call for assistance and helped ensure that the George Dalaras visit materialised. When New Zealand closed its Embassy in Greece in 1991, Sophia led the call for a petition protesting the closure, which she presented to the New Zealand Government in 1992 on behalf of the hundreds of New Zealanders living in Greece. The positive result of this was the establishment of the Hellenic-New Zealand Association in Athens and Sophia is currently the President of the Association. In 1995, in a beautiful little Byzantine church under the Acropolis, Sophia got married to George Nikiforakis, and a few years later, in 2000, they happily welcomed the arrival of little Anastasia-Aimilia, their very own Y2K baby. In 2002, Sophia started working in the Department of Greeks Abroad of the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, ATHENS 2004, enthralled by the enormity and the challenge of the undertaking and wanting to do her bit for the land of her birth. The tremendous support, the fervour and enthusiasm of all the Greeks living abroad is invigorating and rewarding as the preparations intensify for the historic homecoming of the Games. In her position, Sophia has been directly involved with almost all aspects of the participation of Greeks living abroad and communicates daily with prospective volunteers and communities from all over the world. The dedication and enthusiasm of all the volunteer applicants, irrespective of their origin, give these Games an extra special quality and perspective. According to the official website more than 142 000 applications have been registered to date! As Athens enters the final stretch in the preparations to host Games on a Human Scale enhanced by its unique historical perspective, and the building and transport infrastructure construction which has tortured the average Athenian over the last seven years draws to an end, the city is beginning to buzz with the excitement of what is to come! With just 6 months to go, Sophia has no doubts at all that these will be the best Olympic Games ever – unique and special from all points of view!!! Her overwhelming encouragement to all of us is not to miss this once-in-a-lifetime event, this unique opportunity to actively participate in any way we can in the biggest ever celebration of sport, youth and culture so as to be able to proudly say ‘ I WAS THERE TOO’ TOO’! 12 www.goyanz.org.nz ΑΥΤΟΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΗ!! Due to popular demand, it was requested by members that the article Αυτοκαταστροφη (SelfDestruction) that was published in the December Issue, be translated into English and published. The ink has yet to dry on the notes taken from the SAE open forum meeting and yet the disagreements between the Greeks of Wellington remain, as we can t even unite to spend the season festivities together. One of the questions forwarded to the SAE representatives, who arrived in New Zealand for the Oceanic General Meeting in Wellington, was the matter concerning the Greek channel ERT. This request was based on the following line of thought: that ERT would bring the Greek immigrants into direct contact with their motherland consequently strengthening the feeling of being Greek, even though we live here in New Zealand. It must be taken into consideration that a great deal of money is necessary for this to happen. However here is where the irony lies. We are asking from the SAE committee to provide New Zealand with Greek channels to secure our Greekness . Nevertheless we are unable to do the most simple thing and that is to get together, the few Greeks that have remained in Wellington, to spend the New Year celebrations together, united (regardless of the efforts that the Wellington Greek Community, the κοινοτητα has placed). People have become aware that the next step in securing our future here in New Zealand as Greeks, is the unification and amalgamation of all Committees and Brotherhoods under one umbrella, one federation, to represent all Greeks no matter where they are from. The youth s interest in our community has fallen to an all time low. If we, the few Greeks that are left here remain divided into small committees with few members, how long do you think it will take before we become an extinct minority in New Zealand? Nowadays most committees are finding it difficult to get support for their events. Years ago people would fill the halls to the maximum capacity. Now they struggle to get half the hall filled. Isn t it time to amalgamate and become united? United we will only excel in New Zealand. United will be the only way for the youth of tomorrow to still live and feel as Greek as we do now. For this to happen though, certain things must take place: • The formation of a federation body with members of each committee. • The sale of assests owned by the local Greek associations. • The investment in a Community Centre that will cater for ALL our needs. For example the Indians here in Wellington come from 5 different tribes and have managed to build one of the most successful halls in Wellington. Not only that, but they have the ability to ask the government for assistance and are not refused, as they remain a fundamental minority united. On the other hand we are one community divided into so many committees and brotherhoods. What would happen if we were to unite? Would we lose our origin, forget the village we came from? This I surely doubt. To ask for the Greek TV channels to be brought over to New Zealand so we can feel Greek in order not to lose our culture, our heritage, our language is not illogical. However an essential tool to help preserve our nationality is for us Greeks to become actively involved within the Community, as it would result in more beneficial outcomes for our children in the long run. There are many closet Greeks out there that have the education, the business sense, the work ethic and the nous that could pull this off. We cannot expect our parents to continue to prop up our community and hold onto the vestiges of the past when we have the ability to move forward. But from the facts that we all know, this will remain an unfulfilled dream and the consequences will the be total extinction of our community in New Zealand within another generation. Even though, I do hope one day that the Greeks in Wellington unite to build a better future not only for us, but also for our youth. 13 www.goyanz.org.nz SAE YOUTH @ NEW ZEALAND E NTERTAINMEN T by Dean Kalimiou The weekend SAE Youth Conference that took place in Wellington over 8-9 November 2003 was certainly an eye opener, ever more so because it bore practical fruit, almost before it had closed. DJ Krazy Kon A GREEK-AUSTRALIAN DJ PIONEER I have decided to alter a little the style of this article and instead of featuring venues where Greek Nights take place, in this month’s issue I’m going to focus on the source of music, in other words the DJs. As in all honesty they are the ones that have complete control of selecting the music as well as setting the mood and atmosphere of the night. Landing in Wellington is a surreal experience. Firstly, the verdant and mountainous terrain reminds one of the majestic, uncompromising and yet at the same time serene tranquillity of Samos. This is definitely a place that has to be settled by Greeks. And so it is. Interacting with the Greek community of Wellington is like entering a parallel universe, where all things are familiar and yet subtly different. In its isolation the Wellington Greek community is remarkably reminiscent to Melbourne in the late 70s and early 80s. It is a community, much like that in Melbourne whose first generation has fragmented into 15 organisations all of which are asset rich and in direct parallel to much of the organised Greek community here, sit on these assets and do not utilise them, being contented rather, to have an annual barbeque, rather than actively engage in maintaining the identities of their members. by Gina Gouvatsos It would only be appropriate to concentrate on the true Australian DJ Krazy Kon with Anna Vissi pioneer among these artists and that would be no other than Kon Daris a.k.a Krazy Kon. Krazy Kon is an Australian-Greek born in Sydney. However his career does not remain limited within this city, on the contrary his reputation expands all over Australia. He makes interstate appearances every month, which is evident through his agenda for the beginning of the year, January-Darwin, February-Perth, March-Canberra, May-Brisbane and hopefully in the middle of the year he will be penciling in Wellington New Zealand. As a result of this ‘barbeque’ philosophy, most of the youth has been alienated. Nevertheless, it is fortunate in the interim that the ‘barbeque’ approach has been tempered by the ‘soccer’ approach in the interim. New Zealand Greeks love their soccer, the youth take an active interest in it and this has helped to cement a sense of identity. Yet this approach is losing its effectiveness. Neglect by community organisations and marginalisation of those not interested in soccer has given rise to the phenomenon of the ‘mystery Greek’ i.e. those youth that play not part in the Greek community, do not participate in its events and are met with incredulity by other Greeks who cross their path never having seen them before. As well, the limited knowledge of the language and its eventual loss will cause even this tie to become sundered. As we were informed Greek schools are few and poorly attended. This Sydney DJ has been in the Greeek Australian music industry for 13 years within which he has managed to accomplish nearly everything without exaggeration. In 1990 he worked for a mobile company but in a few years he managed to branch off specialising in Greek music. Nonetheless it must be stated at this point that DJ KK continued expanding and challenging himself. In fact he managed to break away from just djing at clubs and Greek Nights, specifically: • He has been the official support act in Australian tours for many prestigious Greek singers such as Sakis Rouvas (1997), Giorgos Alkaios (1999), Nikos Kourkoulis (1999), Despina Vandi (2002) and Anna Vissi (2002). • He is the first Greek DJ and third Australian DJ to be sponsored by Pioneer Electronics. • He has his own promotional event company called ‘Dancebox’, which you can check out at www.dancebox.com.au. • He released his own CD Compilation called ‘Greece 2004’ about 2 months ago. The older members of the community however very quickly advise the delegates of their focus. They can be summarised in two points 1. Provision of Greek television and 2. The better functioning of the Greek Embassy. It emerges from the complaints from many Greeks of Wellington that embassy staff view their post as a place of exile and do not make efforts to assist the Greek community either in organisation or in retaining contacts with Greece. As one person stated: “They come to a cocktail party once a year. That’s about it.” The SAE youth delegates were greatly moved by the passion of many of the Wellington Youth to retain their identity.[….] It has been resolved that such assistance that must be provided to the youth must take the form of increased communication with Australia given that communication with Greece is difficult and, in the words of one of the Wellington youth: ‘I only feel Greek when I visit Melbourne.” For the time being then, it appears that though we have our own problems, we have inadvertently assumed the role of a metropolis of Hellenism. Let us hope we live up to that role. Kon’s latest achievement ie releasing a fully mixed CD compilation, has been his biggest goal thus far, as this has never been done before by a local DJ in Australia. It is amazing that in the short span it has been on the market, ‘Greece 2004’ has just hit 13,000 units and has managed to commercialise Greek music in the mainstream of the Australian music industry. As Krazy Kon informed me, he is very proud of the final product in terms of music, packaging and price which was acknowledged also by SONY Music Australia who are the distributors for his new CD. ‘Greece 2004’ consists of tracks which are this artist’s personal favourites and vary from tsiftetelia and zembekika to dance and handraisers. The first CDcalled ‘Club Sessions’-has been fully mixed by the Aussie DJ KK while CD2-called ‘Bar Sessions’- is a collection of his favourite alternative baraki songs among which are some very unique and captivating tracks. This success has led to the planning of the second volume of ‘Greece 2004’ which should be out by the Olympic Games. It was moving to see the degree of church attendance and participation. Though by now it is given that wherever a Greek settles he will build a church, to celebrate the feast of St Nektarios in the packed homonymous church is an unforgettable experience. So much so when the priest conducting the liturgy is a native Kiwi [Father Ian] with no other links to Hellenism. Even in far New Zealand, our identity has managed to move others to embrace it. DJ Krazy Kon has been booked for the next GOYANZ Baraki night to be held on July 3rd. For further information check out Krazy Kon’s site www.djkrazykon.com . Source: Neos Kosmos-English Edition, Monday 17th of Nov 2003 14 www.goyanz.org.nz of February. He is close to obtaining a Greek passport, which is necessary for him to not count against the foreign player limit there. He is eligible to obtain a Greek passport by virtue of the fact that his father was born in Greece. Despite the fact that he did not get his passport in time to beat the January transfer window, he is looking forward to training with the club for the rest of the season - although he will not be able to take part in any competitive matches. It was not clear at press time if he would be able to play in friendlies with AEK before next season. Philipakos played three seasons of university soccer – the first year at St. John’s University in New York, and the last two at American University in Washington D.C. He had trained in England at one point with Manchester City and had also attracted attention from another English side, Crystal Palace. But he opted not to join either. He had spent also spent a couple of summers as a youth with Panathinaikos’ youth teams. USA REPORT By Nicholas Koliarakis NICOLE MARIE MEGALOUDIS 1984-2004 We begin this edition’s column with very sad news – the passing of Virginia Commonwealth University soccer player Nicole Marie Megaloudis. Nicole was killed in a single-car accident on the morning of February 9th in Goochland County, Virginia. According to the Richmond TimesDispatch newspaper, she lost control of her car and crashed into a tree on the median of Interstate highway 64 and later died of her injuries. A coach friend of Philipakos’ in New York, Luca Lucovic, recommended Peter to then AEK coach Dusan Bajevic (with whom Lucovic is friends), and sent him over for a tryout over the Christmas holidays. He succeeded quite well playing at a central attacking midfield position in training. According to Philipakos, Bajevic was impressed with his play and asked Philipakos’ father to meet with the club’s president and accountant to work out a contract. Playing at central midfield was a change for Philipakos as he had been accustomed to playing outside midfield with American University. Philipakos said that one of his strengths is his ability to cross the ball well from either side. He also said that facing the goal, he can take on opposing players and beat them. Despite being only 5’ 9” and weighing 160 lbs, he has a strong body and can hold the ball well. He said that his long-distance passing is another one of his strengths. He also can play at forward - such is his ability to finish. His versatility should serve AEK well in the future. Although Bajevic has since resigned as AEK’s head coach, Philipakos is looking forward to meeting AEK’s new head coach, former Romanian international Ilie Dumitrescu and is looking to make his mark next season in the A’ Ethnikis. Philipakos joins another North American, defender Stathis Kapos, at AEK. A native of Toronto, Canada, Kapos recently earned his first cap for Canada under new head coach Frank Yallop. Look for more on Philipakos and Kapos in future editions of “Ta Matia”. A native of Potomac Falls, Virginia, Nicole had just completed her freshman season playing for the women’s soccer team at VCU. She played at outside midfield and started twelve of the team’s 20 games, logging one goal and one assist. She led all VCU rookies in points, shots, and minutes played. She was also looking to represent Greece on their women’s soccer team in the Olympics this summer in Athens. Nicole was an outstanding soccer player in high school, having played on her school’s state championship team in 2000 and being named to several all-star teams. She also helped her club side, Pride of McLean, to win six Virginia state championships. She also was a star in the classroom as she was a member of the National Honor Society at Potomac Falls High School. A third-generation Greek-American soccer player, she was a first cousin to St. Peter’s College soccer player Chris Megaloudis, whose story we documented in the last edition of “Ta Matia”. Her brother, also named Chris, has played at the University of Virginia and will play at Florida International University next season. Her father Nick Megaloudis and uncle Gus Megaloudis were professional soccer players. Her stepfather, Thomas Rongen, coached the U.S. national Under-20 team to the quarterfinals in the World Cup for that age group last year in the United Arab Emirates. Mother Gail Rongen works as an Administrative Assistant to U.S. national team coach Bruce Arena. Her untimely passing was a major blow to those who knew her. She was praised by Chris Brown, co-women’s head soccer coach at VCU, for her personal qualities as well as her soccer abilities. Brown told the TimesDispatch that Nicole “had already had an immediate impact as a freshman and was only going to get better as her career went on”. Brown also told the Times-Dispatch, “But, believe me, whatever I could say about her as a player, I could multiply by 100 when talking about her as a person. It’s going to be impossible to replace the energy and enthusiasm she brought to every day.” AHEPA POSTER CONTEST In keeping with their mission of perpetuating Hellenism, the Order of AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) recently held the “Spirit of Olympism and Hellenism” poster contest. The contest, open to students in grades 10, 11, and 12 across the United States, sought to give those students who entered it a greater appreciation and understanding of the spirit of fellowship and peace through sport. It is such a spirit that brings athletes from all over the world together for the quadrennial Summer and Winter versions of the games. The contest’s other purposes were to celebrate the return of the Olympics to the country of their origin and also to highlight the cultural and athletic legacy of the Hellenistic Period, which greatly influenced Western Civilization and led to the modern revival of the games in 1896. The winner of the contest was Jisoo Kim, a 12th Grade student at Bayside High School in the New York City borough of Queens. She wins an all-expense paid trip for two to Greece. The second through seventh place winners were awarded cash prizes. Congratulations Jisoo Kim with her winning entry in the AHEPA contest. She is faned by two AHEPAns. to Jisoo and all the Poster On the left is Empire District 6 Governor young people who Theodore Manolios. On the right is Poster Contest Project Coordinator John Koronakos. participated. As this was going to press, a funeral service was scheduled for February 14th at St. Katherine’s Greek Orthodox Church in Falls Church, Virginia. We at “Ta Matia” send our condolences out to Nicole’s family and friends. May her memory be eternal. PHILIPAKOS SIGNS WITH AEK In our last issue, we documented Paul Kolovos’ exploits playing for the youth team at AEK Athens. After the youth team played to a 1-1 tie against their counterparts from Panathinaikos the weekend of January 31st, Kolovos left AEK and returned to the U.S. He informed “Ta Matia” that he will play for Florida International University this fall as he has retained his collegiate eligibility. Kolovos’ leaving the club, however, does not mean that AEK will be without American representation. Peter Philipakos, a native of Glen Cove, Long Island, New York, has signed with the team and was to leave for Greece on the 20th 15 www.goyanz.org.nz COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD KAITI GARBI - Emmones Idees BRILLIANT, simply brilliant. Emmones Idees is one of Kaiti Garbis best ever albums. There are 15 tracks, plus a bonus remix on the CD and also a bonus DVD. Antres is a superb trademark tsifteteli and is worth the price of the album alone. GREEK COMMUNITY PLAYGROUP NEEDS YOUR HELP! THE PLAYGROUP IS IN NEED OF MORE BLOCKS, LEGO, JIGSAW PUZZLES OR ANY OTHER EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT THAT YOUR CHILDEN HAVE GROWN OUT OFF FOR THE GREEK COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL CLASS. PLEASE CONTACT ANY MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE IF YOU CAN ASSIST All of the ballads are so well sung and produced that they deserve to be hits in their own right. There are 3 hasapika, 2 zeibekika, 1 karsilama ballad, 2 modern dance tracks including the remix, there’s also Antres and the remaining tracks are all modern ballads. This album was a pleasure to listen to. This album is up there with Ploutarhos and Sfakianakis. Emmones Idees is a must have... 8/10 Χρυσο Πακετο DOUBLE CD NZSO Released every year, the Χρυσο Πακετο double CD always offers a wide selection of Greek songs. The idea is that it can’t go wrong in terms of its popularity with the greater part of the music loving public, as it is a compilation of some of the most recent hits of the Greek music scene. These two CDs contain something for everyone, whether you’re a fan of Greekstyle bubblegum pop or the more intense λαικα/ζειµπεκικα…or anything in between! Αννα Βισση, Nατασα Θεοδωριδου and Γιωργος Αλκαιος are all here, as are Tριανταφυλλος, Mαντω and Antique. Some of the many highlights of the two CDs are ‘Tρεµω’ (Aντωνης Ρεµος), ‘H Aγαπη Αρχηγος’ (Xρηστος Παζης), ‘Tετοια Αγαπη’ by newcomer Eυα Mιλλη and the very upbeat songs ‘Ενα Πλασµα του Θεου’ by Αννετα Μαρµαρινου and ‘Θελω Αποψε να Χορεψω’ by Καιτη Γαρµπη. CD 2 also contains a bonus track, namely the Ketchup Song - remember that hit from about a year ago? Yes, the one that was so bad it was good! Of course the collection wouldn’t be complete without the obligatory few tracks featuring various new “artists” (more like one hit wonders) that the Greek music industry regularly churns out. But if you put those to the side, you have two CDs that will enrich your Greek music collection. 7/10 th On Friday 16 April at 6.30pm the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra is performing in the Michael Fowler Centre. One of the highlights of this concert will be the World Premiere of New Zealand composer John Psathas’ Piano Concerto, performed by New York based pianist Stephen Gosling. Based at Victoria University, John Psathas is Co-ordinator of Composition and is well know for his affinity for Greek music. Also included in this lovely programme will be Grieg’s famous and captivating Peer Gynt Suite No 1 and Brahms’ magnificent Third Symphony. We are delighted to offer members of the Wellington Greek Community a 10% discount off single ticket prices. Tickets from only $18 (normally $20) can be purchased from Ticketek (04) 384 3840. (Booking fees will apply). We can now receive the Greek TV Channel ERT TELEVISION, here in NZ. Andonis Remos - Χωρις Αναπνοη It is without any exaggeration a CD which made thousands of people ecstatic. This new CD with the title ‘Χωρις Αναπνοη’ (Breathless) broke all sale records and reached platinum within 7 days, selling over 80,000 copies. The funniest thing is that the well-established artist Andonis Remos was not even in Greek territory to taste his dramatic success as he was touring America with his counterpart Aλκηστη Πρωτοψαλτη. An one off installation is necessary, valued $650.00. This amount covers the aerial cost, the receiver and, of course, labour. For assistance please call: From this album Andonis has been characterised as the most important artist of his generation who has a lot more to offer in the years to come. However this singer couldn’t have achieved his success without Γιωργο Θεοφανους, who was once again the sole creator of the lyrics and melody to these songs. Most of the tracks provide a rather different style to Remos’ older CDs as the melodies are much softer and sweeter but the lyrics remain just as deep and meaningful as in his previous work. Don’t expect to find any upbeat tunes or remixes, as this album mirrors Andonis more mellow and mature side. 9/10 TELSAT COMMUNICATIONS LTD PO Box 1537, 5 Harrow Place, Palmerston North Tel: 6 - 355 2161, Fax: 6 - 355 2141 Attention: Selwyn 16 www.goyanz.org.nz ΑΠΟΚΡΙΕΣ: MILITARY SERVICE IN GREECE It is a well-known fact that for various reasons Greeks can be found scattered all around the world. Some of these Greeks migrated to these countries in search of a better life and future and others were born in these countries. However the yearning to be Greek remains and Greek blood continues to run through their veins. Mardi Gras the Greek Way! As a result many of these immigrants first and second generation want to return to Greece either permanently or for vacation. This leads to a sea of questions and the majority concern the compulsory military service for men, such as whether or not it is required for immigrants to carry out their service in the army and if so for how long etc. The main points are: Apart from those balmy Summer months, one of the most fun times to visit Greece is in February or March every year, during the celebration of Αποκριες. Αποκρια literally means the last day of eating meat before the beginning of fasting; the celebrations last for the 3 Sundays before Σαρακοστη (Lent), so this year the celebrations are on from the 8th until the 22nd of February. The following day is Καθαρη ∆ευτερα (“Clean Monday”), the first official day of Lent. It is a public holiday in Greece and a time most people spend in the countryside, eating νηστησιµα ϕαγητα (Lenten foods) such as λαγανα (unleavened bread) and χαλβα. It is also customary for everyone to fly kites. • Greeks that are permanent residents abroad do not have to serve the Greek army. If you’re wondering who is considered to be a permanent resident abroad it includes those individuals who were born abroad or who left Greece for another country before the month January of the year they turned 11. However it must be noted that a permanent resident of a foreign country can visit Greece up to 6 months either consecutively or not within a year (ie 1st of January-31st of December). In the case that an individual stays longer than 6 months within this one year they will automatically be considered as permanent residents of Greece. Therefore they will be required to carry out the service for at least 12 months with the condition that they are between the ages of 19-45. The celebration of Αποκριες - the Greek equivalent of Halloween and Mardi Gras - contains many non-Christian elements. These can be traced back to Ancient Greece and the Dionysian rituals which celebrated the end of Winter and ensured a good harvest for the rest of the year. Dionysus was the God of wine and merrymaking, and the connection between Αποκριες and the jovial pagan rites (such as singing and dancing) through which his followers worshipped him is evident in the festive atmosphere that overtakes towns and villages throughout Modern Greece during that time. By tradition Christians turn inward in preparation for Easter during Σαρακοστη, and Αποκριες provide everyone with the opportunity to let loose before that period of discipline starts. During the Carnival people of all ages - especially the younger ones of course - take to the streets dressed in all sorts of costumes, laughing and playing practical jokes on each other. We all know how much Greeks love a good party! Traditionally everyone made as much noise as possible, in order to ward off evil spirits - though today most people just see it as an excuse to have a blast without caring too much about decorum. There are streamers and confetti everywhere, and various events are organised in many towns and villages. The best-known festival is that of Patra, but other important carnivals take place in Xanthi, Komotini and Kastoria in Northern Greece, Kerkyra (Corfu) in the Ionian Islands and Rethymno in Crete. These are only a few examples, so if you ever find yourself in Greece during that time of the year, there’s bound to be some sort of festivity near you - enjoy! • An important exception to this is made for those individuals that wish to study at tertiary level in Greece, in which case they are allowed to stay in Greece up to 12 years without loosing their status of a permanent resident abroad. • The Greek government however welcomes those permanent residents abroad who wish to carry out their military service. Furthermore they add an additional incentive that they will only have to serve in the army for 6 months either consecutively or break it up into shorter segments, for example 2x3 months or even 3x2 months. It is advisable that you contact the Greek Embassy for more information. “T H E A P O L L O N ” 75 ADELAIDE ROAD, NEWTOWN A UTHENTIC G REEK M ENU Mititie - Fish - Steak - Greek Salads - Tiropita Baklava - Greek Coffee - Specials OPEN Friday 11am - 7pm Saturday 11am - 7pm Sunday 11am - 7pm Bookings Essential Ph 3844763 17 www.goyanz.org.nz SPORTS profile Families Rent Out Homes For Olympics A RUNDOWN OF ELENI DANIILIDOU’S STEPS TO VICTORY IN NZ OPEN 19/02/2004 EleniDaniilidou More than 600 Athens families have signed up to a home rental scheme during the Olympics, organisers say. Country: Greece Birthdate: 19.09.1982 Birthplace: Hania, Crete Plays: Right-handed Current Ranking: 22 Highest Singles Ranking: 22 Career Singles Titles: 2 Their target is a minimum of 3,000 homes with an optimistic goal of 5,000. With Athens hotels having half the capacity of Sydney or Atlanta, organisers are also bringing in cruise ships to accommodate visitors to the Games in August. “We have 600 contracted residences with an average of 15 deals signed daily,” Konstantinos Pallis, managing director of Filoxenia ’04, told reporters. Filoxenia ’04 is the joint venture of two consortia appointed by organisers to rent private homes for visitors. Round 32 Defending Champion, Eleni Daniilidou from Greece, started Round 32 in Auckland with a great win over Jelen Kostanic from Croatia, beating her in 2 sets, 6-2, 7-6 with 2 tie-breaks in the second set. After the match Eleni said, “ In the second set I was not moving as well or hitting the ball well. I just tried to fight and finally at the end of the second set, I found my game again. I didn’t feel any pressure as I felt confident due to being the defending champion. I’m happy it only went to 2 sets, because it was really hot out there.” Pallis said more than 24,000 homeowners have expressed interest in the scheme. So far there are confirmed bookings for more than 300 homes. Rates for a minimum stay of six nights range from 2,520 euros for two to three people in a typical Athenian house to as high as 3,600 euros for the same number of people in a luxury residence in the capital. Prices also depend on the distance to sports venues and the size of the homes. Smaller homes in the city centre could be added to the scheme after the Greek National Tourist Organisation lifted a ban on homes built before a 1981 earthquake that struck the capital, Pallis said, provided they met safety requirements. Eleni Daniilidou (GRE) bt Jelen Kostanic (CRO) 6-2, 7-6(2) Round 16 It was another glorious day in Auckland for Round 16 and for Eleni Daniilidou. Eleni met Emmanuelle Gagliardi in a heated first set for Daniilidou, beating Emmanuelle 7-6 with 2 tie-breaks. Eleni showed in the second set what champions are made of, beating Emmanuelle 6-2. Angelina Jolie to Be Torchbearer for Athens Olympics Tue February 24, 2004 Oscar-winning American actress Angelina Jolie will trade her leather Lara Croft outfit for a tracksuit later this year after agreeing to be one of the final torchbearers at the Athens Olympics. In a letter to Athens Games organizers released Tuesday, Jolie, star of the two “Lara Croft” adventure movies, agreed to run one of the very last legs of the relay in Athens, the day before the lighting of the Olympic cauldron at the opening ceremony on August 13. Eleni Daniilidou (GRE) bt Emmanuelle Gagliardi 7-6(2), 6-2 Quarter Final Quarter Final time and Eleni Daniilidou met Meilen Tu from Japan. Eleni once again took the first set with a tie-break beating Meilen 7-5 in the first set and comfortably winning the second set 6-2. Eleni Daniilidou (GRE) bt Meilen Lu (JAP) 7-5, 6-2 The 29-year-old actress will carry the Olympic torch for a few hundred meters on the afternoon of August 12, as the international relay comes to a close in the Greek capital after crossing all five continents. “I would consider it an honor to run with the Olympic torch as a gesture of hope for refugees and to express my active support for sport and world peace,” Jolie said. Semi Finals In the Semi Finals, Daniilidou was determined to go all the way to the Finals. Her next opponent, Paolo Suarez from Argentina, had bet her last 3 opponents at the tournament with ease. Suarez served ten double faults including three in the vital first set tiebreak and made numerous unforced errors as Daniilidou mixed up the pace and depth of the rallies. The first set tie-break won by Daniilidou 15-13 equaled the fifth longest in WTA history and kept a vocal crowd on the edge of their seats. Both players had numerous chances to clinch the set, before the defending champion finally clinched the 28-point epic. Fears that Daniilidou would tire after three matches on Thursday did not come to fruition as Suarez’s unforced errors continued. Both players struggled to hold serve in the second set and it was fitting that Daniilidou clinched the match on Suarez’s 44th unforced error in the tenth game. Daniilidou was far from perfect herself, serving 8 double faults and dishing up 31 unforced errors but the crowd left the center court happy. They love Daniilidou and Daniilidou loves the ASB classic. Border checkpoints upgraded for 2004 Olympic Games Athens, 20/02/2004 The Hellenic Tourism Real Estate (ETA) company, in cooperation with the Development, Public Order, Internal Affairs and Culture ministries, as well as with regional authorities, has designed and implemented a renovation program to upgrade Greece’s border checkpoints which, being entrances to the country, are often vital in creating the first and lasting impression a visitor has of the country. The five checkpoints, termed ‘’Olympic Gates,’’ that were upgraded in view of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games are: Evzonoi, Promahonas, Kipoi, Kakavia, and Nike, northern Greece. Public Order Minister George Floridis will inaugurate the Evzonoi checkpoint on Saturday, while Development Minister Akis Tsohatzopoulos will inaugurate the Promahonas checkpoint. The projects began in March 2003 with a total budget of 5 million euros and involved a complete refurbishment of the checkpoints, including the external structure and premises used by the public inside. Eleni Daniilidou (GRE) bt Paola Suarez (ARG) 7-6(15-13), 6-4 Finals Eleni Daniilidou retained her ASB Classic title with a 6-3 6-2 victory over American teenager Ashley Harkleroad in 1 hour and 9 minutes. Harkleroad had become a favourite during the week of the continued on page 19 18 www.goyanz.org.nz tournament, but the 18year-old was no match for Daniilidou, who wasted no time in taking the first set 63 where Harkleroad dropped her serve in the first game of the second set to begin an uphill struggle. Although the teenager fought back even in the second set at 11 by breaking the Greek’s serve, she quickly lost the next two games and could not come back from 3-1 down. Daniilidou’s victory sees her ranking climb to 22 in the world. Greece’s defending champion became the first woman in fifteen years to defend the ASB Classic title in Auckland on Saturday 10th January 2004. Harkleroad took home a cheque for $18,350, while Daniilidou won $33,650. {RECIPE} HALVAS SARAKOSTIANOS (Halva for Lent) Lent is just around the corner and in specific it starts this year from the 23rd of February-thn+Kaqara+Deutera until the 11th of April-Pasca ie for 40 days. During this time it is customary for many people to sacrifice some main components of the food chain (such as meat, all dairy products etc). The main reason for this procedure is on the one hand to show respect and gratitude to Christ who gave up his life for mankind, and on the other to cleanse their body and soul to receive Holy Communion. However this by no means implies that your diet must become boring and mundane, on the contrary several are those that become very creative during this time of year. Consequently in order to avoid just eating xero+ywmi a very easy and delectable recipe has been selected to sweeten up these religious days of Lent. Ingredients: + cup of oil 1 + cups of semolina [email protected] 1 +-2 cups of sugar • Dear Thea, At the baraki night, I was blinded by the amazing shining medallions hanging off the hairy chests of the Greek boys. Where can I get a chest like that from? Maria 1 piece of cinnamon 5-6 cloves Dear Maria,You can order them off the net at hairychestsareus.gr. Postage and handling is included in the E150 fee. These are exclusive hair attachment pieces and are to be treated with respect. Good luck and enjoy. Thea 2 cups of water cinnamon Procedure: • Dear Thea, I went to an Engleziko kafeneo and asked for a trim goat’s milk latte. They looked at me as if I was the fresh-offthe-boat WOG that I am and gave me cow’s milk instead. How am I meant to drink this skoupedi? Manoli 1. Heat the oil in a saucepan with a thick base and add the semolina. On a low heat, stir until the mixture whitens quite a bit. Add sugar, spices and water. Dear Manoli, In New Zealand, we drink cow’s milk. You’re not in the village now Doctor Manoli. Get use to it! Thea 2. Mix the halva mixture for a few minutes and when it thickens remove the saucepan from the element. Then cover it with a tea towel and the lid to the saucepan. Leave it for 20 minutes until placing the mixture into a single big tin/tupper or into several smaller ones. Serve the halva cold after having sprinkled it with cinnamon or nuts. • Dear Thea, The e-mail has gone around showing the Greek Olympic swimming team. How do they manage to reach the finishing line? Efi Dear Efi, At the finishing line, there is a Yiayia, dressed in black, with a big piatela of feta, kalamata olives, psomi and baklava waiting to replace any calories that may have been burnt off in the race. This is how they keep their amazing figures as well as aiming high to reach the finishing line. Thea With almonds: Add to the semolina + cup of finely cut blanched almonds. With walnuts and sultanas: Follow the recipe above but when removing the saucepan from the element add + cup of thickly cut walnuts and 2 tablespoons of white sultanas. • Dear Thea, Paska is upon us. I have shied away from church recently due to my amazing social life at the moment. Can I just give up kreas for Paska and nothing else? George Υλικα: Dear George, I totally understand that your social life is vital to your survival amongst your Englezi friends since the Greek kids are forced to come around to your house all the time with their parents to visit. After all, giving up meat is enough as you can still eat “lamb” like Thea Voula said on My Big Fat Greek Wedding!! To refresh yourself with this line, hire the video. This is gospel. Thea 1 flitzani+tsagiou ladi 1 flitzani+tsagiou contro simigdali 1-2 flitzania tsagiou zacarh 1 kommati flouda kanelaV • Dear Thea, Bob the builder, Taso the train driver and now Yianni 5-6 garufala the rubbish collector. Is this true? (You know who I’m talking about). Panayioti 2 flitzania tsagiou nero Kanela Dear Panayioti, Bob the builder? Yes. It’s true. From one good sector to another – especially now after the foods. Thea 19 www.goyanz.org.nz Hilton Petone Cup - Olympic A v Brooklyn A The Wellington Olympic Afc first team started the 2004 Hilton Petone in solid fashion with a 2-0 win over a combative BNU side. With a number of practises cancelled due to weather conditions, the players produced a display that had some inconsistency but overall they shown signs that they have the ability to build on last year’s efforts. Joe Lupi in action The first half saw Olympic dominate across the park with a number of opportunities being created, Geoff Brown caused major problems with his pace and control, with solid performance in the midfield from Darren Cheriton, Steve Romijn and Karl Whalen, with the defence being marshalled well by Barry Lewis. Benn Dawson “skirts the tall timber” The second half saw a continuation of Olympic’s dominance plus the introduction of Benn Dawson and Joe Lupi, the latter producing a excellent 45 minutes scoring two goals and hitting the bar once. Overall the team produced some good passing football and clearly showed that they have the ability to step to the next level to ensure they are ready for the beginning of what will be a vital Premier season for all clubs in the Wellington region Karl Whalen in the “thick of it” Goal Scorers : Joe Lupi (2) Olympic: Dave Finley / Rowan Gwilliam / Barry Lewis / Sam Higgins / Jared Curtis / Darren Cheriton (c) / Karl Whalen / Steve Romijn / Jimmy Haidakis / Scott James / Geoff Brown - Subs: Wayne Rooker / Brett Stevens / Joe Lupi (on for Scott James) / Benn Dawson (on for Jared Curtis). 20