Patchwork Press - Lebanon Quilters Guild
Patchwork Press - Lebanon Quilters Guild
THE LEBANON QUILTERS GUILD NEWSLETTER Lebanon, Pennsylvania Patchwork Press September, 2013 Volume 28, Issue 9 Message from your President: A bed without a quilt is like a night without stars! July has been passing at an alarming rate. If August goes this fast, the quilt show will be here before we know it. So don’t forget your summer challenge: The “Do Not Touch the Quilts” signs due at the October meeting. I’m thinking you can do this small challenge in about an hour. Won’t it be fun to see what we all come up with? The items for the Cornwall Manor craft table are due at the September meeting; I hope you have made an item to donate. Remember we meet here year after year for free. This would be a nice gesture on our part to support both the Fall and Spring Festivals. I would also like to take this space to THANK all of you who have volunteered (nudge, nudge) to chair or help on the various committees for this coming year. You will be making my job much easier and helping YOUR guild to be more productive and fun in the future. Getting together with old or new friends to plan something is so much fun; try it sometime! I am writing this letter just after the quilt show in Hershey. What a great weekend spent with so many quilters!! My friend Cara and I do the Sack-Sitting for Piecemakers Guild from Middletown and have a wonderful time visiting with all the out of town visitors and friends from the local area. We open the show on Thursday and close the booth on Saturday with lots of looking and spending in between. Then on Sunday we visit, do our last minute shopping and then go to dinner. This year we went to Sopranos in Campbelltown. We had a wonderful time and will be looking forward to this event again next year. Our September meeting will be our yearly organizational meeting with the committee chairmen who will report what they have planned for the new year. We will learn who our speakers will be and what workshops are planned. Any comments or suggestions will be discussed, so this is your chance to voice your opinion. Please join us for a productive meeting. See you September 3, 2013 at 7pm. THIS MONTH: Submit all articles and announcements by the 15th of each month. Next deadline: Sept 15th Rosemary Stieg, Editor [email protected] Our organizational meeting THIS MONTH: Organizational meeting HOSPITALITY: Sept Checklist : Sept, 2009 Sept 7th Checklist: 1. Name tag 2. Charms for exchange 3. show and tell 1. Name tag September drinks 2. Charms for exchange 3. BOM supplied by your 4. show and tell Members Board Page 2 Patchwork Press Secretary’s Minutes By Jennie Woodring The June meeting of the Lebanon Quilters Guild began at 6 pm. with an indoor picnic for members and guests with lots of great food and beverages. A fabric cupcake, created by Christenna Stamm, sewn by Christenna Stamm and Kathy Chickey and helpers Patty Frazier, Betsy Ross and Brenda Watson was presented to guild members and guests. A motion was made by Claudia Lawrence, seconded by Nancy Sutherland, to accept the May minutes. A motion was made by Kay Houck, seconded by Shirley Rudd, to accept the May treasurer's report. Block of the Month- 7 blocks were won by Cathy Eby; Maggie Horan won the extra Block of the Month blocks made by Doug Wilson. Ways and Means Basket- Cathy Girvin won the basket; Theresa Chasko won a bag of scraps. Community Service- Susan Commisso thanked everyone who made a quilt for Phil Haven. Joanne Martin from Phil Haven thanked everyone who made quilts and accepted 48 quilts from our guild. Susan reported that 23 quilts were made for Cornwall Manor and will be presented at a later date. Dawn Rueppel, a guild member, brought a guest, retired Pa. State Police officer, Dave Hatfield to explain next year's Community Service Project to the guild. Dave gave a brief history about when and why the Pa. State Police were formed. Dawn and Dave explained to the guild that the project will be making quilts from Trooper uniforms to honor fallen members of the Pa. State Police. The goal is 50 quilts to be made and presented at a ceremony in May to honor fallen members of the Pa. State Police. Christenna Stamm showed the guild examples of the taken apart uniforms. There will be more information forthcoming to members about this project. Jeanette Henning spoke about the love of the pillowcases made for Hershey Medical Center. Dianne Deemer volunteered to accept pillowcases during the summer for Jeanette. Jo Garvin brought 80 pillowcases from the Lancaster guild. Pauline Charles accepted 1 quilt for DVI. Education Committee- Mary Weigley thanked everyone who helped at the Lebanon Community Library program. Block of the Month- Doug Wilson spoke about next year's blocks. They will all be 12”. The blocks will be easy to intermediate to make. September's block will be red, black, and white. Quilt Show- Maureen Light and Amy Wissinger reminded members to work on their quilts and silent auction projects for the upcoming quilt show. They presented certificates of thanks to Sandy Walters and Mary Weigley for helping at last year's quilt show. Shirley Rudd and Peg Samsak told guild members they will be collecting quilt books and quilt magazines for the show. They will also be collecting stuffed animals and patterns for grab bags they are making. They will make 22 grab bags which will be raffled, one every hour, @ $1 a ticket. President Elaine Brandt offered a summer challenge to make small quilt signs reading “Please Do Not Touch The Quilts”. The signs should be smaller than 9”x12”. Fall Retreat- Joanne Baker spoke about the Fall Retreat and is looking for volunteers to help with the retreat. Cornwall Manor- Elaine asked members to bring items for the fall show at Cornwall Manor to the Sept. meeting. Guild Challenge- Winners of the Guild Challenge were: 1st place- Linda Hager / elephant, 2nd place – Pam Lutz / carousel horse, 3rd place – Anne Annibali / raccoon at bird feeder. Food Bank- President Elaine Brandt thanked all guild members who donated items and all those who helped with that project. Elaine also thanked all 2012-2013 committee chairs. After a show and tell, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm. Respectfully submitted by Jennie Woodring, Recording Secretary. Birthday Fat-Quarter Swap By Sandy Walters If you would like to participate in the birthday exchange, you sign up at the September meeting; if you are not going to be at the September meeting but still want to participate, then email Sandy at the address below. At the Guild meeting during each participant’s birthday month, bring a fat quarter for that person. You will receive a list of participants in October, or by email sooner. That list will not only include the list of participants, but the type of fabric each person is collecting; civil war, batiks, novelties, homespuns, etc...If you need a collection for a particular quilt, this may be a fun way to collect a LOT of different fabrics. Please keep track of whom you give fabric to, and from whom you receive fabric. June, July, and August birthdays should be brought to the June meeting, or before, if you wish. Questions: Sandy Walters [email protected] or (717) 533-2108 Volume 28, Issue 9 Page 3 Community Service by Susan Commisso The Lebanon Quilt Guild’s Community Service project for the 2013/2014 Guild year is a departure from our usual types. This year we have been honored by the Pennsylvania State Police to make comfort quilts as a tribute to fallen PA State Troopers. The State Police have graciously entrusted the Guild, by way of member Dawn Ruepell, with retired State Trooper uniforms that we will design into small quilts. A creative team has come up with sample blocks, entirely made up of parts of the uniforms. The unique nature of each block captures the integrity of the uniform and demonstrates our respect for those who wore these uniforms. A team of dedicated volunteers has been busy over the summer designing patterns, ripping apart uniforms, cutting pieces, pressing, and otherwise getting kits together for our members. WORKSHOPS Due to the unique nature of this project, we have decided that the best approach is to schedule classroom instruction. Christenna Stamm, the design team leader, has volunteered her time to teach members how to create the special blocks she has designed. If you were at the June meeting you were probably blown away by the unique block ideas Christenna came up with. We have been lucky enough to obtain free space at the Philhaven Training Facility for 2 weekends in October. The August workshop dates were sent to you separately in mid July .The dates we have reserved are: Saturday October 12 and Sunday October 13 Saturday October 19 and Sunday October 20 We will have use of the facility from 9am to 8 pm each day. Class times will be announced. This will be a unique opportunity to learn new techniques from Christenna and I encourage members of all skill levels to take advantage of this OR, you can work on any of the other community service projects: pillowcases for Hershey Children’s Hospital, DVI quilts for mothers and children, that special something to donate to our Quilt Show Silent Auction, or a contribution for Cornwall Manor’s Fall/Spring Bazaars. DETAILS OF THE QUILT Each quilt will be made up of 9 blocks. Each block is 9 1/2” square, unfinished. There will be some choices as to which blocks go in each quilt. One block in each quilt will be professionally embroidered. The Guild will be providing all fabric for the tops (the uniforms), the fabric for the backing and the thread for some of the stitching. These quilts are small enough that they can be home machine-quilted. Our goal is to have 50 quilts finished in time to be presented to the PA State Police at a ceremony in June 2014. ADDITIONAL PROJECTS The Guild will continue to support the Children’s Pillowcase project for Hershey Children’s hospital and quilts for DVI mothers and children. Also keep in mind that donations are needed for the silent auction at our Quilt Show and the Fall/Spring Cornwall Manor bazaars. September Ways & Means The Theme of the September basket will be: ‘WELCOME BACK’ Tickets $1. Also find pins, totes, fabric etc for sale at the ways & means table Page 4 Patchwork Press GettingCorresponding to Know: Secretarial Notes by Kay Houck Beginning with this newsletter, I will be writing a monthly column to explain to you exactly what a correspond ing secretary does and how this position is beneficial to the Guild in general. This month I’d like to explain what guidelines are followed regarding the sending of cards, thank you notes, flowers, or donations made to/for our Guild members. The guidelines: Notes and cards are sent to guild members such as get well, thinking-of-you, congratulations, etc. 1. Thank You notes are sent to all guest speakers. 2. Donations or flowers are sent following the passing of a guild Member or any direct relative: the spouse, child, parent, or sibling of a Guild Member. 3. Other family members and relatives will receive cards. During the months of June and July 2013, we have sent the following: 1. Sympathy card to Myrna Todd for the passing of her mother-in-law. 2. one Get Well card sent 3. Congratulations to Maggie Culbert for her prize-winning quilt sold at the Kutztown Fair. Because our guild is large and we have members from several counties, the only way I know if someone is ill, died or is in need of a note from the Guild, is if YOU let me know. Within your own circle of friends, please let us know if someone needs attention from the guild. We always want to send sympathy, get-well or congratulatory wishes. Please feel free to contact me: [email protected] text (717) 269-4029 or home: (717) 866-1497 MONEYWI$E by Faye Adams Summer is almost over and the new Quilt Guild year begins. But, before heading into the new, let’s review the past. The Treasurer’s report in this newsletter consolidates all our financial transactions for last year into one report. I hope you take a few minutes to study the report. I’ll help you by pointing out some facts. We started the year with almost Thirteen thousand dollars in the bank and ended the year with less than Eleven Thousand dollars. So, for the first time in many years, we experienced a loss. This is not a bad thing as we cannot continue to accumulate cash indefinitely without some consequences. Personally, I see a constant balance between the two never veering too much in either direction. Looking at our income, the most money collected was for our quilting retreats. But, they were also our two largest expenses. We consider these activities self-funded because we only spend what we take in. The same holds true with our workshops. We rarely balance to the penny, but the closer we get the better. Next is the Quilt Show. Thanks to the many volunteers who help run the show, after deducting all the expenses, we made a profit. I predict this profit will be even greater this year Of course, the core of our income is our member’s dues. Our guild remains strong because of our members. Additional funds are raised through our monthly basket raffle, bi-annual auction, and other sales. So, where did our money go? Much went to our core missions, Education (through our Programs) and Community Service. This year we also spent a good sum for Professional Services. Specifically, this money went to a Lawyer and a CPA who guided us through our application for not for profit status as a 501(c)(3) corporation. We also spent over one thousand dollars for the totes and pins with our Guild Logo. Each one we sell is money in the bank. I hope you read the rest of the report and find it as interesting as I do. It’s also important for everyone to keep an eye on the money. If you have any questions or comments, I hope you let me know. Contact me at [email protected] Volume 28, Issue 9 Treasurer’s Report By Faye Adams Year Ending July 31, 2013 Beginning Cash……….……..….$12,904.18 INCOME: Retreat Fall, 2012………..…$4,350.00 Retreat Spring, 2013…….....4,160.00 Quilt Show 2012……..………….4,124.01 Membership dues………..….…2,925.00 Auction………………………………...1,570.00 Workshops………………….……….1,200.00 Ways-n-Means………………....…1,089.83 Merchandise……………………….....429.50 Sales tax for state…………….…277.36 Quilt Show 2013………. ………...225.00 Interest earned………………..….…….1.07 ————————————————————————————————————–——-—— Page 5 Education by Mary Weigley September 14 and 15: Historic Schaefferstown Harvest Fair I would like the Guild booth to have a quilt in a frame that could be worked on during the fair by the volunteers. We would need a large number of volunteers. If you can donate one or more hours, please contact me. HOURS: Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday, 12 to 5 pm. Please email me as soon as possible if you are willing to volunteer. Mary Weigley [email protected] September 27: There will Quilt talk and show by Pauline Charles at Juniper Village out near the Vo-Tech in Lebanon. It is an assisted-living and cottage community; The activities Director is Becky Duke, a member of the Guild. TOTAL INCOME…….... .$20,351.77 EXPENSES Retreat Fall 2012……….....$4,161.89 Retreat Spring, 2013……...4,160.37 Quilt Show 2012……….….....3,933.13 Programs……………………….…..2,637.94 Com Service…….…………........1,959.20 Professional Fees……..………1,331.90 Merchandise for sale……...1,156.20 Workshops……………..………...1,020.00 Office Supplies………………….636.75 Application fee…………….…….400.00 Newsletter………………………....244.54 Sales Tax paid………….………..206.03 Memoriam……………….…….…….200.00 Raffle Quilt……….….…………...145.04 Library………………………………...143.03 Quilt Show 2013………………..132.50 President’s Discretion…..…...32.39 Furniture/Fixtures………….…..31.10 Bank fee…………………..…..……….14.00 —————————————————— TOTAL EXPENSES….…..$22,546.01 NET LOSS………………………..(2194.24) Ending Cash……………………….10,709.94 Behind every good quilter are stacks of fabric that need one more piece!! October Block-of-the-Month by Doug Wilson This block is from Marsha Hohn’s website: QUILTER’S CACHE Printed with permission The October BOM is called: ANVIL 1. Color 1: orange Color 2: black 2. See this link below: AnvilBlock_Page2.html And then move on to page one to complete the block. Page 6 Patchwork Lebanon Quilters Guild Charm Explanations The Lebanon Quilters Guild has been exchanging 5” fabric squares for many years. This is a voluntary activity and a fun way to quickly expand your fabric collection … especially if you want to make a "Charm Quilt." While most quilts derive their name from the design of a block, or from the technique used in construction, a Charm Quilt is defined by its one-patch construction: each piece cut from a different fabric. A large number of shapes can be used to make a one-patch quilt. The shape must tessellate; it must fit patch-to-patch without spaces between. Squares, right triangles, equilateral, and isosceles triangles, diamonds, hexagons, and octagons are the most common. Other shapes work well, too, including the Ax (or Spool), the House, Tumbler, and Kite. You may participate in the Charm Exchange as many or as few months as you choose. If you participate each month, at the end of the year, you will have 320 5" charms! Charms also are great to have on hand to make a quick child’s quilt or one for charity (or for the Guild’s annual Exhibition). If you plan to participate in the exchange, please follow the directions below. Any questions, please contact: Kitty Zackey 273-9850 or [email protected] Each month’s exchange follows a color theme (see above). Use printed fabrics - no solid colors. Prewash and iron the fabric, then carefully cut eight (8) 5” squares from each of the four fabrics (no selvages!). Make 8 identical charm sets of the four different fabric squares and put each set into a separate selfclosing plastic sandwich bag. Put your name inside each bag so the bag can be reused (an address labels works well). Put all 8 charm set bags into a gallon zip-lock bag and write your name on that bag in permanent ink. (This is your "travel bag" to use each month that you participate in the charm exchange.) Bring your travel bag with the 8 charm sets to the guild meeting and sign in at the charm table. Remove the 8 charm sets from the travel bag and place them in a stack on the gridded numbered plastic sheet. Sign in on the corresponding number on the tablet and leave your travel bag next to the charm grid. At the meeting break, you may collect your charms after they have been sorted. Charming Thoughts…. About Exchanging Charm Squares and Getting the Most Out of Your Fabric If you like exchanging charm squares, here are some thoughts on how to use/buy your fabric wisely: Most of us seem to have an abundance of fabric from which to cut our charms. However, sometimes, we need to buy one or two or more fabrics to fill out the colors we need so the question is….how much fabric should we buy? Firstly, one should take into consideration that whatever length you buy will be shortened a bit by uneven cutting, washing and slight fraying. Now, ….is one fourth yard enough? After you cut your 5” squares, you have approximately 3” or at most 4” left. If a third yard is purchased, then you have approximately 6-7” left. A half yard? Then you would have approximately 11-12” left…...all reasonable cuts depending on how you visualize your fabric and whether you buy randomly or with a plan. Here are some ideas: When buying fabric for charms, buy enough in colors you like to actually do something with the fabric. For example: if you only want to purchase a quarter yard, why not use the remaining 3-4” to make strips for a log cabin or another quilt requiring you start with strips. If you buy a third yard, the remaining 67” can be very productive if it is in colors and pattern you would actually use. If you buy a half yard, you can cut off a fat quarter for another project and still have enough left to get eight charms for exchange, one charm left over to use another month in the charm lottery or save for yourself, plus an 18” long 2-3” strip. A very productive way to use a half yard of fabric! Even though the charm colors change every month, you can gear your color choices to fabrics you can use or other projects—brights, pastels, jewels, muted….flowers only, geometrics only, etc. You get the idea. Buy your fabric wisely and get the most out of every inch!! I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions! Page 7 Volume 28 Issue 9 We’ve had fun exchanging color sets for Charms by Kitty Zackey Charm Books by Rosemary Stieg the past few years; now let’s get back to basics and let the fabric design be the theme for each There are quite a few ‘Charm’ quilt books* out on We’ve had fun exchanging color sets for month. You may bring your 8 sets of 4 fabrics in what-the market, all filled and brimming with photos the past few years; now let’s get back to baever color you like, unless specified. (Novelties are okay; and ideas of how to make charm quilts using the sics and let the fabric design be the theme NO SOLIDS) variety of collected charms. I bet you had no idea for each month. You may bring your 8 sets of 4 fabrics in Charms there were this many devoted to the simple 5” whatever color you like, unless specified. (Novelties are SEPTEMBER…..let’s start out with STRIPES charm square!! Read the details about the books okay; NO SOLIDS) OCTOBER…..we’ll harvest some HOMESPUNS at SEPTEMBER…..let’s startshould out with STRIPES NOVEMBER…..we parade our PATRIOTICS 1. CHARM QUILTS by Beth Donaldson OCTOBER…..we’ll harvest some DECEMBER…..clearly we’ll HOMESPUNS celebrate CHRISTMAS Or too much fun with a stack of squares and NOVEMBER…..we should parade our PATRIOTICS JANUARY…..the cold nights bring clear STARS one template! This about says it all. DECEMBER…..clearly we’ll celebrate FEBRUARY…..forget the reds CHRISTMAS – JANUARY…..the coldlet’s nights bringwith clear STARS go bold BLACK & WHITE 2. CHARM QUILTS by Susan McNeill FEBRUARY…..forget theright, reds we’ll – MARCH…..all march, 3. THREE TIMES THE CHARM by Leisure Arts let’s go so bold with BLACK & WHITE let’s manage some METALLICS 4. THREE TIMES THE CHARM, Book 2 MARCH…..all right, we’ll march, APRIL… April’s showers, so let’swe’ll manage some METALLICS prance with POLKA DOTS 5. CHEERFUL CHARM QUILTS by Martingale Press APRIL… April’s showers, MAY…..finally, FLOWERS (let’s keep them small) 6. COUNTRY THREADS GOES TO CHARM we’ll prance bust with out POLKA JUNE…..let’s the DOTS BATIKS SCHOOL: 19 little quilts from 5” squares MAY…..finally, FLOWERS (let’s keep them small) by Mary Tetherington and Connie Tesene JUNE…..let’s bust out the BATIKS 7. BACK TO CHARM SCHOOL: More Fun Quilts from Country Threads (That Patchwork Place) by Kitty Zackey by Mary Tetherington and Connie Tesene 8. CHARM QUILTS WITH STYLE by Bobbie Aug, Sharon Newman, Barbara Smith & N Kay Jesse CHARMED: A FRESH TWIST ON CHARM school-free-charm-patterns/ Just look at all the ‘scrappy’ patterns available and fit your QUILTS by Jodi Crowell favorite colors into the patterns. Not difficult. Lebanon Quilters Charm Want to make aGuild charm quilt?Explanation Traditionally, charm quilts were just simple one-patch quilts but today...there are many shapes that can done as charm quilts—a scrappy hexagon quilt, an apple core, tumbler, spools, tumbling blocks, clamshell and a host of other shapes are all ideal for making charm quilts. You are only limited by your own imagination. Some patterns for you: Interested in how charm quilts originated? See below for some short histories of ‘Charm’ quilts: idx=250 10. BEYOND CHARM QUILTS: The Ultimate Challenge by Catherine L. McIntee and Tammy L. Porath 11. NICKEL QUILTS Great Designs from 5-inch scraps By Pat Speth and Charlene Thode 12. MORE NICKEL QUILTS: 20 New Designs from 5-Inch Squares by Pat Speth 13. AMAZING NICKEL QUILTS: 11 New Designs from 5-Inch Squares by Pat Speth and Roxie Speth 14. NICKEL QUILTS & BORDERS: 7 Quilts & 260 Borders from 5-Inch Squares by Pat Speth and Roxie Speth *all these books available at your local quilt shop or at Page 8 Patchwork Lebanon County Fair Results: July, 2013 Class 1: PIECED BED QUILT, HAND-QUILTED, QUILTED BY MAKER 1st: Kitty Rose Zackey Class 3: BED-SIZED, OTHER, HAND-QUILTED BY MAKER 1st: Cheryl Maulfair Class 4: BED-SIZED, PIECED, MACHINE-QUILTED BY MAKER 1st: Susan Vachino ***BEST OF SHOW*** 2nd: Jill Laudermilch Class 6: BED-SIZED, OTHER: 1ST: Gina Groff Class 7: PIECED BED QUILT, HAND-QUILTED, BY SOMEONE ELSE 1st: April Sabia Class 10: PIECED BED QUILT, MACHINE-QUILTED, BY ANOTHER PERSON 1st: Kay Hauck Class 11: BED-SIZED, APPLIQUE, MACHINE-QUILTED BY ANOTHER PERSON 1ST: Lily Saison Class 12: BED-SIZED, OTHER, MACHINE-QUILTED BY SOMEONE ELSE 1ST: Lily Saison Class 13: CRIB QUILTS, ANY TECHNIQUE, HAND-QUILTED 2nd: Kitty Rose Zackey Class 17: WALL-HANGING, PIECED & HAND-QUILTED 2nd: Claudia Lawrence Class 19: WALL-HANGING, MIXED TECHNIQUES, HAND-QUILTED 1st: Claudia Lawrence 3rd: Cheryl Maufair Class 20:WALL-HANGING, PIECED, MACINE-QUILTED 1st: Susan Vachino ***BEST OF SHOW*** 2nd: Jill Laudermilch Class 21: WALL-HANGING, APPLIQUE, MACHINE-QUILTED 1ST: Gina Groff 2nd: Claudia Lawrence 3rd: Myrna Todd Class 22: WALL-HANGINGS, MIXED, MMACHINE-QUILTED 1ST: Gina Groff Class 24: TABLE RUNNERS, PIECED OR APPLIQUE, MACHINE-QUILTED 1st: Myrna Todd 2nd: April Sabia Class 25: TABLE RUNNERS, OTHER: 1ST Vicki Nice Class 30: QUILT BLOCK CONTEST: 2ND: Kitty Zackey 3rd: Claudia Lawrence 4th: Cheryl Maufair CONGRATULATIONS LADIES! A NOTE FROM KITTY ZACKEY: We had a lot of winners at the Lebanon Area Fair this year. Congratulations to: Gina Groff, with 3 blue ribbons; Kay Hauck, with a blue ribbon; Jill Laudermilch, with a red ribbon; Claudia Lawrence, with 1 blue and 3 red ribbons; Cheryl Maulfair, with 1 blue and 1 white ribbon; Vicki Nice, with a blue ribbon; April Sabia, with 1 blue and 1 red ribbon; Lily Sayson, with 2 blue ribbons; Myrna Todd, with 1 blue and 1 white ribbon; Susan Vachino with 2 blue ribbons (both also winning Best of Show ribbons); and Kitty Zackey with 1 blue and 1 red ribbon. Volume 28, Issue 9 Collectible Corner By Rosemary Stieg PINCUSHIONS, Part V: ‘Make-do Pincushions’ Have you ever heard of this phrase? ‘Make-do’ pincushions were most often found from the mid to late 19th century and commonly found in Pennsylvania. Kerosene or oil lamp bases, solitary candlesticks, etc all make good bases. The cushions themselves were made out whatever was handy scraps of wool put together with decorative stitching, velvet scraps either whole or pieced….whatever was available. I personally have seen these occasionally in an antique store; sadly they can be pricy. 1 2 Photos 1 & 2 from Sewing Tools and Treasures by Helen Thompson. printed with permission. Page 9 Page 10 Patchwork Lap quilts for the Cornwall Manor Inpatients. Presented June 2013 Cornwall Manor residents, an aide and a family member Blessed are the quilters for they know how to cut corners Susan Commisso (in red) and Fay Whitlow (with yellow quilt), Dr Whitlow, a resident and some of the nursing staff Blessed are the quilters for they make great comforters Volume 28, Issue 9 Page 11 Sept 10 to Nov 30, 2013 ‘Half-Stitched’ The Musical WHAT: An Amish Quilt Musical WHERE: Bird-in-Hand Family Restaurant & Stage, 2760 Old Philadelphia Pike (Route 340) Bird-in-Hand, Pa COST: - Lunch & Show Monday thru Saturday $45 - Dinner & Show Mon thru Thurs $49 Friday & Sat $51 - Show Only Monday thru Sat $33 MORE INFO: http:/ September 19 –22, 2013 WHAT: Pa National Quilt Extravaganza WHERE: Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, 100 Station Avenue, Oaks, Pa 19456 HOURS: Thursday-Saturday 10am to 6pm, Sunday, 10am to 4pm COST: $14 (includes re-admission) MORE INFO: October 5, 2012 WHAT: Cornwall Manor Bazaar** WHERE: Cornwall Manor Lobbies HOURS: 9am to 1pm COST: FREE MORE INFO: Sally Renda [email protected] **PLEASE ATTACH THIS FORM TO EACH DONATED ITEM ** NAME:___________________________PHONE NUMBER:____________________ ITEM CONTRIBUTED:_________________________________________________ COST TO MAKE ITEM_______________HOURS TO MAKE ITEM________________ October 7th Guild Meeting WHAT: President’s Summer Challenge (Please do not touch the quilt signs) are due at the October meeting!! We are all excited to see what you have created! Oct 16, 2013 WHAT: Board Meeting WHERE: Jennie Woodring’s house TIME: 7PM MORE INFO: Elaine Brandt [email protected] Page 12 Patchwork Nov 1, 2, 3, 2013 WHAT: Annual Guild Retreat Sign up before the slots are all gone!! WHERE: Camp Swatara HOURS: after 1pm Friday thru 12pm Sunday COST: $130 total: $65 due at the Sept meeting, $65 due at the October meeting $130 total MUST be paid by the October meeting REMINDER: Space is filling up quickly. You can still sign up at the September meeting MORE INFO: Joanne Baker (610) 589-2783e-mail her at [email protected] Nov 22, 23, 24, 2012 WHAT: Lebanon Quilters Guild Quilt Show WHERE: Lebanon Area Fairgrounds HOURS: Friday 12pm to 8pm Saturday 10am to 5pm Sunday 10am to 5pm COST: $6.00, 10 and under: free, $1.00 off admission price with flyer Guild members are free with current membership card MORE INFO: Amy Wissinger (717) 679-5522 [email protected] Maureen Light (717) 273-6357 [email protected] PillowTalk by Jeanette Henning Imagine being a child stuck in the hospital; doesn’t matter if it is because of an illness or an accident, and the only thing that is colorful and cheery in your room is the pillowcase that is on the bed, and then being told that you are able to take the pillowcase with you when you leave. That is what a lot of children experience when they are patients at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. The joy that those pillowcases give the children is indescribable. Unfortunately I know the story all too well; you see, as last September my then 2 ½ year old grand-daughter, Sienna, was diagnosed with Leukemia. I remember telling my cousin, Dawn Rueppel, that I wanted to do something for the children other than just donating money to the different organizations that are there for the children. Well, boy was that conversation a Godsend to me, because a couple of months later, I got a call from Dawn telling me that Susan Commisso was in need of someone to help her with a community service project and she thought of me. I was thrilled to say the least, and truthfully, I was not even a member of the guild, but you ladies welcomed me with open arms and from that point on, I am a proud to say that I am now known as the ‘pillowcase lady’, who is a member of the Lebanon Quilters Guild. I personally want to thank all of you for your generous contributions to the pillowcase project. At our last guild meeting held in June, 127 pillowcases were donated, some were from the ladies of our guild and some were from the Lancaster guild in which Jo Garvin is a member. On Monday, June 24th, Susan Commisso and Trish Geeseman conducted a pillowcase workshop at the 4-H Regional Fashion Revue and I had the great pleasure of being invited by Maureen Light to attend the ceremony and be presented with the pillowcases that were made by the 4-H attendees. As it turned out, my granddaughter Sienna was able to attend the event and the pillowcases were presented to her. We then stayed and watched the fashion show and I was blown away by all of the talent and skills that the 4-H’ers possess. A shout-out goes to Trish for her donation of not only her time to present the workshop, but also a little birdie told me that she donated all of the materials needed to make them. Another shout-out goes to Anne Annaboli, who made and donated 21 pillowcases, and I have had several calls from other members with donations in the works. I also want to thank the many guild members who month after month handed me bags with 5, 10, 20 and more cases in them. Together we can put smiles on the faces of the children, one pillowcase at a time………. Thanks to all, Pillowcase Count: January 2013-June, 2013: 858 Jeanette, aka: the pillowcase lady Page 13 Volume 28, Issue 9 Membership Dues are due!! CORNWALL MANOR RESIDENTS PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: Even though you do not pay membership dues, you MUST fill out the membership form every September and either mail it in or turn it in at the membership table. This is the only way you will be in the membership roster and receive the newsletter each month. PLEASE NOTE: ALL guests MUST register at the membership table at ‘guest registration,’ and IF you bring a guest in a month when there is an outside speaker, there will be $5 charge for that guest. Editor’s Note: Please help the congestion at the Membership table at the September meeting. Pay your dues by mail to Emily Kreps. Her address is listed below on the membership form. Then, just stop by the table to sign in and pick up your membership card. LEBANON QUILTERS GUILD Membership Form Please fill in and submit with $20.00 mail to: Emily Kreps, 2530 Derry Street, Harrisburg, Pa 17111 OR Bring filled out to the September, 2013 meeting. *dues due by the October meeting for inclusion in the membership list! NAME:_____________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________ CITY____________________ ZIP CODE __________ PHONE: _________________ BIRTHDAY__________ Month and Day only EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________________________ Officers/Committees 2013-2014 President………………Elaine Brandt…………….926-8166 Vice Pres……...……...Patty Frazier……………..272-2276 Secretary…………...Jennie Woodring……...865-9690 Treasurer…………....Faye Adams……..……….679-9040 Cor. Sec…………….... Kay Houck………………...866-1497 MAL……………………...Pauline Charles……......867-2660 ****************************************** Communication……Rosemary Stieg………...273-7737 Web Site…….Katy Shaheen…………….926-2627 Com. Service…......Susan Commisso…...…..228-2592 Education…………….Mary Weigley…………….866-4455 Historian……………..Rosemary Stieg….……..273-7737 Librarian…………..….Donna Sherk…….…..…....832-1115 Long Range Plan….currently inactive…………………...…. Membership………..Emily Kreps…...…...……...228-7499 Programs……………..Patty Frazier………………272-2276 BOM…………..Doug Wilson……………..….665-7783 Charms……..Kitty Zackey……………..….273-9850 Fabric/Ex...Sandy Walters……...…....533-2108 Quilt Show………...Amy Wissinger……..……..865-7566 Maureen Light….………...273-6357 Retreat-Fall ……..JoAnn Baker……….………589-2783 Ways & Means…....Myrna Todd….…………...273-0477 Get an Early Start on Christmas: How cute are these mug rugs? Wouldn’t these make fun Christmas presents? Bits and pieces of fabric and look at the end result! Think how good you’ll feel to have several Christmas presents done before the Xmas chaos begins! These patterns are just $1.99 at: (more available on the web site) Find us on-line at: Rosemary Stieg, Editor 1800 Fieldcrest Drive Lebanon, Pa 17042 THE LEBANON QUILTERS GUILD NEWSLETTER