report 0f the executive 2008
report 0f the executive 2008
National Union of Teachers Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD Telephone 020 7388 6191 - Fax 020 7387 8458 REPORT 0F THE EXECUTIVE 2008 together with Appendices and information respecting Teacher Support Network Teachers' Housing Association Teachers' Building Society Teachers Provident Society Ltd Annual Conference 2008 Manchester CONTENTS Report of the Executive 2008 Officers of the Union ............................................................................................................................................1 Appointments & Losses ......................................................................................................................................4 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee ....................................................................................................................4 including: New War Aid Fund ………………………………………………………………….7 TUC Affairs .…………………………………………………………………………10 European Strategies Sub-Committee …………………………………………….27 International Relations, Peace and Disarmament Sub-Committee ................29 Legal & Professional Services Sub-Committee ………………………………...36 Action Sub-Committee …………………………………………………………….49 'The Teacher' Editorial Board …..…………………………………………………59 Membership & Communications Committee ......................................................................................................63 including: Professional Unity Committee ……………………………………………………74 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee .....................................................................................................76 Organisation & Administration Committee .......................................................................................................163 including: Conference Business Committee ……………………………………………….164 Salaries, Superannuation, Conditions of Service, Health & Safety Committee ...............................................173 including: Salaries …………………………………………………………………………….173 Superannuation …………………………………………………………………...200 Workload & Conditions of Service ..……………………………………………..205 Health & Safety …………………………………………………………………...209 School Funding ......……………………………………………………………….216 Wales Committee .............................................................................................................................................219 Appendices Appendix I - Attendance at Executive ............................................................................................................223 Appendix II - Membership Regulations 2008 ..................................................................................................224 Appendix III - Affiliations to outside bodies ......................................................................................................229 Appendix IV - Donations/Sponsorship ..............................................................................................................231 Teacher Support Network ................................................................................................................................232 Teachers' Housing Association ........................................................................................................................236 Teachers' Building Society ...............................................................................................................................240 Teachers Provident Society Ltd (now Teachers Assurance) ..........................................................................243 Report of the Executive 2008 1 Officers of the Union OFFICERS OF THE UNION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 During 2007, the Officers of the Union met on eighteen occasions. At four of these meetings the Officers acted as a Committee of Emergency, with the power under standing orders to take action on any urgent matters which had to be dealt with before the next meeting of the Executive. Where the issue demanded meetings of the Officers were joined by relevant officers of standing committees to give advice. As a result of a commitment made in 2006, consideration was given early in 2007 to the decision making process of the Officers who had met since 1991 to consider material contained within motions and amendments submitted for Annual Conference in the context of Union Rule 2 “Objects of the Union”. At its first meeting in January the Officers considered five possible options regarding their approach to Conference motions and amendments. These options included a retention of the status quo; reversion to decisions being taken by the President at Conference, being the pre 1991 procedure; for Conference itself to decide; for the Executive to decide; and the establishment of a new Union Rule. The Officers recommended a new Union Rule should be drafted, for consideration by Conference 2008. In the meantime, it was recommended that there be an interim addition to Committee Regulations that would govern the Officers in their consideration of Conference motions and amendments in the context Union Rule 2. It would include a requirement for a written record of the decisions to be made to the Executive and to Conference Business Committee and for a report to be included in the Annual Report of the Executive. At its meeting in February, the Executive adopted an alternative procedure such that the Executive would be the responsible body for dealing with these matters but that the Officers would continue to take appropriate decisions as a Committee of Emergency. Meetings of the Officers in February and November facilitated reports from the International Relations Sub-Committee to the Executive in the absence of a meeting of the parent committee, the Coordinating and Finance Committee. Three meetings of the Officers were held in March. The first meeting was held as a Committee or Emergency to deal with unfinished business from the Executive which could not be postponed to the next scheduled meeting in April. The second meeting of the Officers was also held as a Committee of Emergency. At that meeting consideration was given to the content of amendments submitted for Annual Conference. It was agreed that no material needed to be addressed in relation to such matters as Union rules. The Officers were required to meet as a Committee or Emergency because of the timescales between the submission of amendments and the meeting of Conference Business Committee. Conference Business Committee received a report of the decisions of the Officers. A report was also made to the Executive. The third meeting in March dealt with decisions concerning the 2008 timetable for meetings; arrangements for the Executive Away Day; and an invitation to the General Secretary of PCS to address Annual Conference. The meeting of the Officers in April was held at the Majestic Hotel in Harrogate. The Officers made a recommendation to the Executive for a priority motion to Conference on Public Sector Pay. At four meetings the Officers agreed the Union’s representation at a number of conferences overseas, including the Education International World Congress held in Berlin, teachers’ organisations conferences in America and in Australia, a delegation from ACTSA to southern Africa and attendance th at the 10 Congress of the Education, Science and Sport Trade Union (SNECTED), Cuba. The Officers further agreed the Union’s representation at the autumn party political conferences. The Officers gave initial consideration at their first meeting after Conference to the omission of the full report of the Equality Audit Working Group from the Executive report to Conference, including the necessary rule change to put into effect the decision to allow motions to be submitted to Conference from the equality conferences. The omission had been caused by an administrative error. (The report in its entirety is included in the Education & Equal Opportunities section of this report, paragraph 9.1.1 Paragraphs a) to e) were adopted by Conference 2007.) A detailed report was considered at a further meeting in June at which the Officers noted that Conference had adopted the necessary changes to Standing Orders to give effect to the proposals for motions to go to Annual Conference from the Equality Conferences. In addition it was noted that the existing rules were capable of providing the necessary authority to carry out the intentions of the Working Party, as agreed by the Executive. Some goodwill would be required of the Conference Business Committee and guidance would need to be provided to constituent associations on the submission of motions and amendments. The Officers recommended proposals to the Executive that would put into effect the intentions with regard to the creation of an Equality Section on the agenda of Conference. The proposals permitted the creation of the new section; for motions to be submitted to the new section, to be piloted first by the Black Teachers’ Conference and the LGBT Conference; for due process by CBC to be undertaken; and for amendments to be submitted in accordance with Union Rule 30. Officers of the Union 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 Report of the Executive 2008 At its second meeting in June the Officers nominated the General Secretary to serve on the Commonwealth Teachers’ Group as its Convenor. This Group had been operating under an ad-hoc steering committee and had sought to represent the views of teachers in Commonwealth structures. Their big achievement had been the agreement on the protocol on Teacher Recruitment, the aim of which was to protect vulnerable education systems and protect the recruitment of Commonwealth teachers against exploitation in developed countries. The EI Executive Board had recently approved the establishment of CTG under the auspices of EI. Two meetings of the Officers were held in July. At the first meeting the Officers took decisions in relation to unofficial industrial action by members at a school in London, which had been repudiated as required by Union Rule. The motivation of the members concerned had been to show solidarity with low paid kitchen staff. The Officers agreed that the members concerned should receive a further letter from the Union that reiterated the seriousness of the actions they had taken and the consequences should further instructions from the Union be ignored. At the same meeting the Officers received a report on proceedings in the Union’s Judicial Review against decisions taken by the Secretary of State (reported in more detail under the Salaries & Conditions of Service section of this report) and agreed on advice to withdraw the Union’s application for an oral hearing. The impetus for this decision was to create a better atmosphere to enter into positive talks with the new Education Secretary and end the current de-recognition of the Union. In addition the Officers agreed that the Union submit, with the teachers’ union in the Netherlands, AOb, an urgency motion to Education International’s World Congress regarding human rights abuses in Ethiopia. At the second meeting in July, the Officers agreed that an amendment would be put from the Officers, to be moved by the President, to a General Motion before the Executive concerning the position of members with attested religious beliefs and attendance at training courses. The amendment, if agreed, would result in a considered paper being prepared for the Officers at a later meeting on this and other issues that might arise as a result of requests made by members of the Union. One meeting was held in September at which the Officers agreed proposals for the establishment of an annual Fred and Anne Jarvis Education Award which would acknowledge individuals external to the Union, who had taken forward and campaigned tirelessly on educational issues. The award would be in the form of a certificate and would be made at Annual Conference, commencing Conference 2008. The meeting of the Officers held in October recommended proposals for the Union’s pay campaign, including campaign materials and activities and a draft timetable which would be flexible to allow earlier implementation of the ballot if circumstances required. These decisions were taken by the Officers in the absence of a scheduled meeting of the Co-ordinating and Finance Committee. The Officers were joined by the officers of relevant standing committees. In November the Officers met as a Committee of Emergency, on behalf of the Executive, to consider the text of motions submitted by Associations in the context of Union Rules. Words were deleted from a motion on War. A second deletion was made to a motion on International Homophobia and Transphobia. At its final meeting of the year, in December, the Officers considered and made recommendations to the Executive on a Rule Change with regard to admission to membership. The rule change was considered necessary as a result of a case in the European Court of Human Rights, won by ASLEF, which resulted in a ruling that UK domestic law was invalid in forbidding a union from denying membership because of adherence to the BNP. The following rule change was recommended and agreed to be put to Conference 2008 via the Executive Report: In Rule 37(b) delete – “or of a political party provided, however, that this Rule shall not prevent the exclusion or expulsion of any member or applicant for membership for reasons attributable entirely to his or her conduct notwithstanding that the conduct in question is or is claimed to be in the name of such other organisation or political party" and replace with Nor shall be it be a bar to eligibility for membership that a teacher is a member of a political party, save that it may be considered a bar to eligibility for membership that a teacher is a member of an organisation, whether or not constituted as a political party, the objects and/or policies of which are generally considered to be racist and/or fascist. Report of the Executive 2008 3 Officers of the Union So that the Rule shall read – MEMBERSHIP 37. …….. (b) It shall not be a bar to eligibility for membership of the Union that a teacher is a member of or acquires membership of another union representing teachers and seeking to negotiate salaries and conditions of service on their behalf. Nor shall it be a bar to eligibility for membership that a teacher is a member of a political party, save that it may be considered a bar to eligibility for membership that a teacher is a member of an organisation, whether or not constituted as a political party, the objects and/or policies of which are generally considered to be racist and/or fascist. 14 The Officers agreed that guidelines on the application of the new rule would be produced for constituent associations. These guidelines would address matters concerning due process and rights of appeal or to a hearing. At its meeting in December the Officers considered further issues raised following a request from a member to be accompanied by another person whilst attending a training course on the ground of religion or religious belief. This request had resulted in a motion agreed by the Executive in July that asked for the issues to be considered in an office paper. The Officers agreed that there should be sensitivity and flexibility in dealing with any request from a member; that a member’s self identified needs should be considered in a human rights and equalities context, with stereotyping avoided; and that any decision had to be objectively justified. The Officers agreed internal procedures for dealing with these matters. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 4 Report of the Executive 2008 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE The Executive met on 10 occasions during 2007 to receive reports from the General Secretary and to consider and adopt the reports of standing committees and other committees. In addition two special meetings were held during the year. The work of the committees and departments is covered in the relevant sections of the Executive Report. Losses It is the sad duty of the Executive to record the death during the year of the following members who gave devoted service to the Union: Mostyn Phillips David Roper Executive member (1994-2000) and Chairperson of the Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (1995-2000) Executive member (1988-1993) Appointments Lynn Collins Avis Gilmore Ian Stevenson Regional Secretary, Midlands Regional Office Regional Secretary, North West Regional Office Regional Secretary, Yorkshire/Midlands Regional Office Retirements Malcolm Anderson Richard Palframan Brian Carter Regional Secretary, Yorkshire/Midlands Regional Office Regional Secretary, North West Regional Office Regional Secretary, Midlands Regional Office CO-ORDINATING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairperson: Vice-Chairpersons: 1. (a) Jerry Glazier Goronwy Jones and Kevin Courtney (b) INTRODUCTION Ten meetings of the Co-ordinating & Finance Committee were held during 2007, including a special meeting held in February. The Committee co-ordinated issues which were dealt with in substantive detail by other standing committees, and which either had implications for more than one area of the Union's work, or which did not fall obviously within the remit of a particular standing committee. These included responsibility for campaign activities, in particular the Union’s major campaigns on pay and political fund ballot. 2. FINANCE AND BUDGETARY MATTERS 2.1 Subscriptions Current subscriptions received during 2007 are as stated in the Accounts Document. The Committee tenders its grateful thanks for assistance from local officers and school representatives, which has been of much value to the Union. 2.2 Subscriptions Received 2003-2006 2.3 (a) (b) Year Current Arrears Advance Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 19,283,041 20,663,434 22,085,206 23,419,449 1,734 (14,288) (24,323) (13,932) 638,915 600,236 455,932 405,676 19,923,690 21,249,382 22,516,814 23,811,193 Actual Subscription Income 19,815,067 21,338,870 22,473,404 Affiliations and Donations The Committee agreed that the Union should affiliate to the Anti-Academies Alliance, Unions 21 and the Migration Alliance. By decision of Conference, the Union also affiliated to Unite Against Fascism, Stop the War Coalition and the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. See Appendix III for a full list of all organisations to which the Union is affiliated. The Committee considered requests for donations and agreed that the Union should make financial contributions in 2007 to a number of worthy causes. A significant donation was made to the English Secondary Schools Association to support their work. See Appendix IV for a full list of annual and one-off contributions. Report of the Executive 2008 5 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (c) (d) The Committee agreed requests for donations to international worthy causes, as outlined in Appendix IV. The Committee agreed in 2006 that the Union should aim to allocate one per cent of gross subscriptions income to international developmental work in order to match by 2009, indeed exceed, the commitment recommended by Education International. This was consistent with the United Nation’s decision that 0.89 per cent of GDP be spent by individual countries on development work. The intention was to achieve this target over a three year period, commencing in 2007. The sum allocated to the 2008 budget was agreed at £218,750. See Appendix IV for the list of current projects funded through this budget. Monies unspent in any one financial year are retained within the international development fund and carried forward to the next financial year. 2.4 (a) Sponsorship The Union continued to be a major sponsor of the Schools Proms in 2007 as part of its on-going campaign to promote and protect music education in schools. The Union sponsored the Schools’ Music Association Annual Training Conference and the biennial SMA Music Festival. The Committee agreed that the Union should continue to support Show Racism the Red Card in 2008, supporting their schools’ competition at a cost of £10,000. The Committee further agreed that a review should be undertaken of the Union’s anti-racist and anti-fascist initiatives in relation to various sponsorships and Union activities in this area. (b) (c) 2.5 (a) (b) (c) 2.6 (a) (b) Walter Hines Page Scholarship 2007/2008 One NUT Page Scholarship, with a total value of £1,800 was awarded by the English Speaking Union to Ms Katherine Vincent, Advanced Skills Teacher at the Mulberry School for Girls, London, whose project centred on the role that educational institutions could play in promoting and facilitating better understanding between diverse cultural communities. One English-Speaking Union Page Scholarship was awarded to Ms Siw Thomas, Art, Design and Technology teacher at the Central Foundation Girls’ School, London, whose project centred on an examination of the Coyote Teaching method adopted in some West Coast schools and derived from Native American traditions of environmental sensitivity. The Committee agreed that the Union should offer two NUT Page Scholarships for 2008/2009 in the light of reports received from the English-Speaking Union praising the Union for the excellence of its candidates in recent years. Executive Expenses and Support Services The Expenses Regulations were up-dated following the recent Inland Revenue Inspection into the Union’s procedures for the reimbursement of expenses to Executive members and employees. The Executive agreed that, with effect from 1 January 2008, the revised expenses allowances applicable to Executive members would be as follows: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Bed & Breakfast Bed & Breakfast Car Mileage Car Mileage £7.00 £9.50 £26.50 £126.00 (London) £96.00 (other areas) £0.40 per mile (up to 10,000 miles) £0.25 per mile (in excess of 10,000 miles) (c) The Executive agreed that reasonable taxi and parking fees and London congestion charges would be reimbursed on provision of the appropriate receipts. 2.7 Executive Allowance The Committee agreed that the Annual Executive Allowance should be increased from £580 to £602 (gross), with effect from 1 January 2008, subject to deduction of Income Tax. 2.8 Examiners of Accounts Honoraria The Committee agreed that an annual honorarium be offered to the Examiners of Accounts. The 2007 honorarium was increased in line the RPI. 2.9 Gifts The following items have been declared: (i) (ii) (iii) Promotional items from Union Family: diaries, pens and desk pads Gifts of appreciation from Union members: whisky, flowers, wine, Other Gifts: box of wine, whisky, music concerts and sporting events vouchers. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 6 Report of the Executive 2008 3. UNION'S FINANCES 3.1 Budgetary Control Financial management and budgetary control continued to be a central focus for the Committee in 2007. Departmental priority targets were identified having regard to the need for all decisions of the Executive to be measured against their membership recruitment and retention potential. Standing committees continued to have responsibility for monitoring the delivery of agreed priority targets as well as budget allocations. 3.2 (a) Auditors The Committee agreed that the tendering exercise for the appointment of auditors should be delayed by one year to allow changes to be made to the budgetary control procedures and for the Union to assess accurately and put in place new auditing procedures. The tendering exercise for the appointment of auditors for the 2009 financial year will be undertaken following the completion of the 2007 audit process, including the AR21 submission on 31 May 2008. (b) 3.3 Environmentally Friendly Policies Consideration was given during the course of the year to possible ways in which the Union could further develop an Environmentally Friendly policy, including increased use of recycled products. A full report on this issue is covered under the Organisation and Administration section of the Executive report. 3.4 (a) Financial Projections and Subscriptions Income 2006-2010 Conference 2003 empowered the Executive to increase the full national subscription by a percentage equal to inflation plus 5 per cent for the years 2006-2010. The increase in the national subscription rate for 2008 was set at 5.19 per cent, giving a full in-service rate of £142 for direct debit and cheque payers. On the recommendation of the Committee, following a joint meeting with the Officers of the Membership and Communications Committee, the Executive agreed that the percentage increase in the national subscription rate for the year 2009 be set at 4.93 per cent, giving a full in-service rate of £149. The national subscription rate for retired and left-profession members was raised by the same percentage. (b) (c) 3.5 (a) (b) Political Fund The Committee agreed the arrangements and ballot timetable for the establishment of a political fund. The ballot would open on 7 January 2008 and close on 28 January. All members of the Union would be balloted. Material sent to members, including that accompanying the ballot papers would call for a “Yes” vote. The Committee agreed that the level of contribution should be set at one per cent of the full national subscription rate for all members irrespective of the subscription paid to the Union. Arrangements would be made for the collection of the fee from zero-rated members, eg life members, who wished to contribute to the Political Fund. 4. PROFESSIONAL SUSTENTATION FUND 4.1 (a) Allocation from 2007 Subscriptions Income The subvention to the Fund, as agreed by Conference 1991, must be at least one per cent of subscriptions income. On the recommendation of the Committee, the Executive agreed that 1.2 per cent of 2007 subscriptions income should be allocated to the Fund. The figure is as reported in the Union’s accounts. (b) 4.2 (a) (b) (c) NUT Ethical Investments and Policies Three meetings of the Investments Sub-Committee were held during the course of the year to consider the establishment of benchmarks for selecting and evaluating the financial performance of ethical funds, free of tax liability over the next five years. The Ethical policy, agreed by the Executive in December 2006, was extended to include benchmarks, which were designed to evaluate the Fund based on the age and size of the fund and on the minimum return on funds net of charges. A number of fund providers were contacted to facilitate the development of benchmarks. These were selected on the basis of their ratings by the Ethical Fund Directory and from the web-based list maintained by the European Social Fund Forum (Eurosif), who produced the Eurosif Retail Fund Transparency guidelines which are used by many ethical fund providers, including Friends Provident and Insight. The benchmarks were selected on the basis of i) Size – with a minimum of £30 million, although some funds that had been in existence for more than ten years were slightly over £30 million in size, such as Insight, Skandia and Teachers ii) Age of the Fund – with a minimum of 5 years iii) Returns – with funds selected on the basis that they exceeded the Eurosif average performance of ethical fund over one year, five years and ten years. iv) Diversification - with split investments over at least five funds. Report of the Executive 2008 (d) (e) (f) 7 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee The Union’s existing holdings of sustentation investments were reviewed, including the potential tax liability that the Union would incur should the investments be disposed of or deemed to be “unethical”. At the time of writing, the report from the Fund Manager had yet to be received. A meeting of the Sub-Committee is due to be held in the New Year to identify disinvestment from funds that did not comply with the Union’s ethical policy. These would then be phased out over a period of time in order to i) minimise tax liability; ii) achieve favourable returns on the Union’s original investments; and iii) reduce any potential tax liability on the level of provident benefits available. The review of investments would be extended to the Union’s cash holdings to ascertain whether there was maximum return on this asset and optimal holdings in cash. 4.3 Expenditure from the Fund Expenditure from the Fund during the course of the year accorded with the Rules of the Fund. 5. NEW WAR AID FUND The amount of the Fund as at 1 January 2006 was £17,740. In 2006 grants of £2,250 were paid to the one dependant of the Fund and the decrease in market value of investments, together with interest received, resulted in a deficit for the year of £2,338. The total value of the Fund as at 31 December 2006 was £15,402. 6. (a) (b) STOKE ROCHFORD BOARD OF MANAGEMENT The Committee received regular reports from the Stoke Rochford Board of Management. The Committee and the Executive were regularly up-to-dated on the reconstruction programme and funding following the fire at Stoke Rochford. The Committee commissioned a consultant’s report, at a cost of some £3,500, on possible options for external investment into the Halls of Residence, with a view to their being re-built. This followed the decision not to use the Halls of Residence. The Committee continued to maintain a close interest in the future business plans for Stoke Rochford. A meeting between the CFC Management Liaison Group and the Chair and Director of the Board is planned in the New Year. (c) (d) 7. RECORDS AND SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES The Records & Subscription Services Department continued to process a wide cross-section of amendments to membership records alongside the customary new applications and record lapses associated with the fluid nature of employment in the teaching profession. 7.1 (a) Record Maintenance The Department now receives 32% of its updates and new joiner applications by way of telephone calls but is now experiencing a growing incidence of internet based applications and amendments. A project has commenced to enhance the internet joining and updating process. Personalised membership record update forms were issued to all members alongside their 2007 credential and, again, within the summer edition of ‘The Teacher’. This method of updating records continued to prove very successful in prompting members to update their records and this assisted the department in its quest to provide reliable high quality membership information. i) The department has now acquired confirmation of date of birth from almost 95% of the membership and this assists in identifying trends as well as marketing endorsed products and services. ii) Over 24 per cent of members now have a specific teacher description compared with 23 per cent in the previous year. iii) Records with no valid home address currently stand at only 2.3%. The Union has a recorded email address for 42% of the current membership records and this information is assisting in the Union’s campaigning work. Two multi-association divisions agreed to merge with smaller associations to become single association divisions and all membership records were as necessary and new membership cards issued. The Union has acquired further detailed data from those members who undertook relevant school based activities such as Teacher Governor, Parent Governor, School Health & Safety Representative or NUT School Representative and this information was available to support campaigning. (b) (c) (d) (e) 7.2 (a) (b) System Developments The department moved to an internet based method of processing debit and credit card transactions and the speed of response improved the service to members. After thorough testing the department upgraded its banking software to permit the electronic transmission of new direct debits to bank branches and is now able to accept new direct debit instructions over the phone rather than by paper based mandates only. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 8 Report of the Executive 2008 7.3 Subscription Collections 94 per cent of subscription income collected during 2007 accrued from direct debit transactions, these represented over 1,882,000 instalments. A further 3 per cent of members paid by card transaction with others paying by cheque. 7.4 (a) Services to Members and Union Officers The statistics made available to Executive committees confirmed the stability of membership records and the growth in membership as a whole. Requests for membership data on disk exceeded 650 and the information passed to officers assisted with local recruitment and retention objectives. It is expected that this service will be available by a secure web based option for authorised officers early in 2008 following the necessary successful testing. The department issued over 48,000 daily credentials reflecting both new joiners and those making material changes to their records. (b) (c) 7.5 Liaison with Local Officers The department received considerable support and co-operation from officers whose local knowledge enhanced the information available to Headquarters staff. Support through the submission of individual membership data, lists of members and the checking of data held on the school file proved to be invaluable. OTHER POLICY AREAS FOR WHICH THE COMMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE 8. OUTSIDE SPEAKERS TO CONFERENCE In accordance with Union Rule 30, the Committee agreed that a number of invitations for speakers to Conference. Invitations were extended to the English Students’ Schools Association and its equivalent in Wales and to Dame Kelly Holmes. It was also agreed that presentations should be made to Conference showcasing the Union’s Charter on Commercialisation of Childhood and the Charter on Promoting the Achievement of Black Caribbean Boys. It was agreed that further invitations be explored and in relation to having a speaker from Venezuela, it was agreed that this be considered in the context of the Union’s international priorities and the list of invitations to Conference 2008. 9. QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Committee agreed that arrangements be made at Conference for a half hour information question and answer session for the General Secretary, separate to the General Secretary’s speech to Conference, as a means of extending the accountability of the General Secretary within the Union. A session would be held in 2007 with a view to considering making such arrangements a regular part of Conference in the future. 10. (a) GENERAL TEACHING COUNCIL (ENGLAND) & (WALES) In its co-ordinating role the Committee received regular reports from the Union’s elected representatives on the GTC (E) and GTC (W). Further reports on GTC matters are covered under separate sections within the relevant standing committee reports. The Union’s campaign in supporting candidates in the GTC (England and Wales) elections included circulars, communications with the Wales and regional offices, use of The Teacher and Athrawon Cymru magazines to raise awareness of the elections and attract and advise potential candidates. In particular, members of Advisory Committees and members involved with the Union at local and divisional level were approached about standing for election. The Committee welcomed the re-election of Judy Moorhouse as Chairperson of the General Teaching Council (England). (b) (c) 11. EXECUTIVE AWAY DAY At its meeting in January, the Executive agreed to hold an “Away Day” to discuss organisational and strategic matters. The intention was to hold the away day before Annual Conference. Difficulties in identifying a date suitable for Executive members outside of the Committee cycle resulted in a delay and the Away Day was held during the July cycle of the Executive. The arrangements for the away day were agreed by the Committee. The Work Foundation assisted in facilitating the away day. 12. HEADQUARTERS’ REVIEW It was agreed to undertake a review of headquarters, the last review having taken place in the late 1980s. The review was be assisted by the Work Foundation. Various meetings and focus groups were held involving Executive members and staff at all levels. Regular reports have been given to staff. A commitment was given that there would be no redundancies; the purpose of the review was not to reduce the levels of staffing, but rather to effect more efficient and effective ways of working across departments. The intention was to report on these and for decisions to be taken early in the New Year. It was agreed that there would be a period of transition towards change. Report of the Executive 2008 13. (a) (b) (c) (d) 9 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee REGIONAL/WALES DEVELOPMENT AND CO-ORDINATION The Committee received reports during the year regarding progress on the implementation of the recommendations emanating from the 2005 Wales/Regional offices review. The additional office based caseworker posts were greatly assisting in providing support to associations and divisions as well as to individual members. The additional casework support was enabling offices to work with associations and divisions to address the organising challenges facing the Union. A paper outlining possible staffing changes in the Regional/Wales offices was prepared in response to the Conference resolution seeking an urgent review. The costs associated with one option of increasing staffing at Regional/Wales officer level were considerable and it was agreed that this should not be proceeded with but further work should be undertaken to assess the impact of the changes arising from the earlier review in the first instance. Three long serving Regional Secretaries retired during the year and tribute was paid to the service they had given to the Union. Their replacements were welcomed by the Committee. Regional Councils were asked during the year to pursue through Regional TUC bodies the Union’s campaign against Academies and a draft resolution to such bodies was approved. During the year, the General Secretary reported on his visits to all regions and Wales to meet divisions to discuss the union’s education policy and how the Union could better support associations and divisions and engage younger members in the work of the Union. 14. ACTIVITIES ON DAYS OF INDUSTRIAL ACTION The Union adopted a new guidance document to assist in bringing members together on days of industrial action and highlighting the Union’s case in disputes. The guidance included advice on a range of activities including picketing and was circulated to divisions and regional/Wales offices. 15. AVOIDANCE OF DISPUTES: AGREEMENT BETWEEN NAHT AND NUT A new agreement was reached during the year with the NAHT providing a protocol which could be used when local negotiations had failed to make progress. The protocol would be used in cases where it had local support and where the headteacher was a member of the NAHT. The agreement demonstrated the good working relationships the Union had with NAHT and was intended to open channels of communication between the two organisations at all levels within their respective organisations. 16. LONDON REGIONAL COUNCIL & THE LONDON REGIONAL OFFICES As a result of the increasing number of issues arising affecting teachers and education across London since the establishment of the London Assembly and office of the London Mayor it was agreed that a single London Regional Council should be formed. This led to a review of the London regional offices to examine whether the Union should change the current arrangements. Following the review it was agreed that a single London regional office should be established under a single Regional Secretary although operating still from two buildings. The second regional secretary post would be replaced by a further regional officer but otherwise staffing would remain the same. It was felt that a single regional office would not only support the new London Regional Council more effectively but provide greater flexibility to better serve London members and lay officers. 17. (a) STUDENT PILOT PROJECTS Recognising the challenges facing the Union in recruiting new members, the committee approved two developments. The first was to undertake a pilot project to develop further the Union’s activities and profile in colleges with ITT students in one of the regions and evaluate its effect both in student membership numbers and in transfer rates into full membership. The project involved the Union’s participation in the TUC Organising Academy programme where, following interview, the successful applicant would participate in the TUC course. Carly Doyle was appointed to the project working from the Union’s Bolton office. The second initiative was to pilot projects in specific colleges with ITT courses and identify a student who would be willing to undertake some work for the Union for a small bursary. Two colleges began piloting this work during the year in Wales and the South East region. (b) (c) 18. (a) FAIRER FUTURES: PUTTING EQUALITY OPPORTUNITIES AT THE HEART OF NUT LOCAL STRUCTURES During the year the Union successfully applied for matched funding from the Union Modernisation Fund to run a two year project to further develop the Union’s equality work. The aim of the project was to generate greater involvement and participation of members in the NUT’s local structures by encouraging members to become active equal opportunities officers, and to develop tools to enable new and existing equal opportunities officers to develop local strategies to engage all members in promoting equal opportunities, including those who were under-represented in activity at local association level such as black and minority ethnic, LGBT, disabled and women members. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (b) (c) 19. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 10 Report of the Executive 2008 The project would involve training equal opportunities officers in order to develop strategies about how Wales/regions and associations could attract members to ‘take up’ the role and inspire members to ‘actively’ carry out the role thereby increasing the confidence, profile and impact of equal opportunities officers within associations. A Project Coordinator will be appointed on a two year contract and will work from the South Eastern Regional Office. TUC AFFAIRS Regular reports were given to the Committee and to the Executive on the work of the TUC. The most significant issue on which reports were made during the year concerned the public sector pay campaign. This was co-ordinated by the TUC through the Public Services Liaison Group which involved relevant TUC affiliates. At the NUT’s instigation, the TUC further assisted in taking forward the campaign on teachers’ pay bringing together the teacher affiliates for discussions where possible during the year. A General Council Statement on Public Sector Pay was agreed by Congress. The General Secretary played a key role within the TUC in taking forward the broad public sector pay campaign and the campaign on teachers’ pay. The TUC gave support to the Union in seeking to end its exclusion by government. The NUT was invited by the TUC to represent all workers in the UK at a meeting of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) held in Geneva. The Unions’ contribution centred upon Freedom of Association and reference was made to the impact of the ruling in the ASLEF case, which concerned a union’s right to determine who it wanted to have in membership, with particular reference to membership of the British National Party. The NUT was significantly involved in taking forward a number of important campaigns through the TUC, including in relation to the Sexual Orientation Regulations and to agency workers. The TUC was called on to support the Union’s position on education funding and urge the Government to extend to all state schools levels of expenditure per pupil at the same level as those in independent schools in 2006, thus honouring a commitment given by Gordon Brown when he was Chancellor. The NUT continued to give active support to TUC co-ordinated rallies around the country which were part of the on-going NHS together campaign. Membership figures produced by the TUC showed continued growth for the NUT. These were the result of the Union’s strong policies and campaigns. The gap between the NUT and NASUWT had grown by 13,000 since the last submission. This was significant as the Union’s membership only included qualified teachers in England and Wales. The Union was again successful in the TUC Press and PR Awards. The NUT won TUC award for best recruitment material in relation to its NQT recruitment campaign. The Judges had praised the work of the Union and stated that the “…best were characterised by creative approaches, mixing targeted offerings alongside high production values. Doing this best was the NUT’s newly qualified recruitment drive”. The Union was also commended in relation to The Teacher magazine and its website. The Union engaged in a wide range of activities during TUC Congress week and contributed to a wide range of debates. The Union’s motion “Organising and Independent Trade Unionism” which had been seconded by the GMB was passed unanimously. The Union received further support from the GMB who made clear that although they supported social partnership they would never support the exclusion of the NUT. 19.1 Report of the Union Delegation to the 2007 TUC Congress in Brighton The following were delegates to Congress, representing the Union: Lesley Auger, Hilary Bills, Christine Blower, Betty Calderbank , Kevin Courtney, Hazel Danson, Julie Davies, Baljeet Ghale, Jerry Glazier, Bill Greenshields, Dave Harvey, Robin Head, Mandy Hudson, Max Hyde, Elspeth Jones, Roger King, Tim Lucas, Judy Moorhouse, Rita Morris, Ian Murch, Janet Richardson, Steve Sinnott and Robert Wilkinson. 19.2 (a) Delegation Meeting Two delegation meetings were held at the Belgrave Hotel. The main meeting was held on Sunday, 9 September from 4.30 to 6.20pm to consider the recommendations of the Executive. Fr the benefit of delegates that were new to the TUC, the General Secretary gave an explanation of the materials that had been distributed to the delegation and of the processes for debates at Congress. He explained that paragraphs within the General Council report were taken during the debates on the relevant motions. In considering the motions, composites and reports debate centred on Motion 28 “Slavery”, Motion 71 “EU Reform Treaty”, Motion 72 “EU Constitution/Reform Treaty”, Motion 73 “Solidarity with Zimbabwean Trade Unionists”, Motion 80 “Childcare” and Motions 48 and 49 “Public Sector Pay”. Motion 28 - Slavery (TUC Black Workers’ Conference) - The General Secretary explained that as a principle the Black Workers’ Conference did not accept amendments to their motions. This position, however, could not be taken as denoting opposition to any amendment that was tabled. It had also been agreed that there would be a period of silence at the appropriate time during Congress for all victims of slavery. (b) (c) (d) Report of the Executive 2008 (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 11 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Motion 71 - EU Reform Treaty and Motion 72 - EU Constitution/Reform Treaty - The General Secretary explained that the TUC had attempted to find a way to composite the motions submitted by the GMB and the RMT regarding Europe. He explained that the difference between the two motions was that whilst the former argued for a referendum and the latter argued for a referendum with a no vote stipulation. The key issue for the GMB in their motion was the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Their General Secretary had argued within the General Council that the Charter gave better protection for workers than the Trade Union Freedom Bill. The General Secretary reported on the significant pressure from the TUC on the Government in recent months. At a meeting with the Prime Minister, a TUC delegation had raised the issue of the Government’s opt out on the Charter, despite it being a signatory to the Charter. The TUC was waiting for clarification from the Government. The General Secretary explained that he would be able to give a further report after the meeting of the General Council to be held on Monday. He advised the delegation, therefore, to delay consideration of any attitude to these motions. The delegation agreed to leave its decisions on motions 71 and 72 to a further meeting. Motion 73 - Solidarity with Zimbabwean trade unionists - The delegation raised concerns over the third paragraph of the motion and in this context it was moved and seconded that the delegation should abstain on the motion. The recommendation from the General Council, supported by the Executive, was to support the motion. The General Secretary explained that the Union‘s contact was with two unions in Zimbabwe, the Progressive Teachers’ Union and the Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA). The view of the trade union movement in Zimbabwe and of Education International (EI) was that the Mugabe regime was corrupt and was significantly responsible for the terrible damage to the economy of his country. There was gross repression of trade unionists and their families in Zimbabwe, who were being targeted by President Mugabe and his regime. Many had fled into exile and were being supported through EI and also by the NUT. The concerns within the delegation related to the rejection in the motion of President Mugabe’s claims that the problems facing his country were as a result of “imperialist” intervention. The delegation discussed these matters at length. The motion to abstain was lost on a vote. The delegation agreed that the Union should seek to qualify its support with an explanation. Motion 80 - Childcare (TUC Women’s Conference) - The General Secretary explained that the Union’s representatives on the General Council had supported the motion. The attitude of the Executive was also to support the motion. The General Council, however, was opposed to the motion. It would argue that the matter was complex. There were different views concerning childcare beyond the formal sessions of Congress. The professional advice of nursery nurses, members of Unison, was that children should not be cared for in a central location all day and also during the evening. The current view of the TUC was that it was possible for individual unions to make arrangements for out-of-hours child care where needed and this they would continue to support. The TUC was committed to considering the matter further and there was the possibility of a General Council Statement. The TUC was committed to quality child care arrangements during the formal timings of Congress and the equality conferences. The issue in question was the arrangements for child care outside of formal timings. It was noted that the NUT’s delegation at the TUC Women Conference had supported the motion. Composite 13 - Public Sector pay - The General Secretary explained that Composite 13, formed of motions 48 and 49, would be moved by PCS and seconded by the Union. It would be supported by the Prison Officers’ Association POA. It was reported that Brendan Barber, TUC General Secretary would make an introduction to this motion. The General Secretary reiterated that the best way for the Union to move forward with its campaign was to work with the other teachers’ organisations and more broadly across the public sector. He explained that the issue would be raised at a fringe meeting during TUC. General Council Statement on Public Sector Pay - The General Secretary reported that the General Council Statement had not been finalised and no new decisions had been made since the General Council meeting on Thursday. One area of contention related to the trigger mechanism and its application to teachers’ pay. It was reported that the TUC General Secretary was still reviewing the Statement with the teachers’ organisations and attempts were being made with the sole purpose of finding suitable wording that was acceptable to all concerned. A significant part of the Statement was the commitment that the TUC would give to campaigning and to undertaking support and co-ordination work on public sector pay. The Statement was consistent with the NUT’s position and would provide renewed campaign opportunities. Specific reference was made to the boom and bust pay policies that had categorised teachers’ pay in previous years, in addition to an analysis of economic trends and a rejection of the claims by the Government that public sector pay was the driving force for inflation. The General Secretary explained that the General Council Statement was necessarily a compromise and it was understood by the TUC that the references on multi year pay deals were not completely supported by the NUT. Both the General Council Statement and the composite motion would be taken in the same debate and the Union would have the opportunity to make its own points in seconding the composite. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) 12 Report of the Executive 2008 General Purposes Committee - The delegation agreed to support the following candidates: Phil Davies GMB Peter Hall RMT Alastair Hunter UCU Linda McCulloch UNITE Annette Mansell-Green UNISON The General Secretary indicated that he would advise the delegation further if necessary. Speakers – The delegation noted that the Union would be moving or seconding Motion 21, Composite 13, Motion 58 and Motion 45. It was agreed that speakers on these motions should be: Steve Sinnott Motion 21: Organising and Independent Trade Unionism Steve Sinnott Composite 13: Public Sector Pay Baljeet Ghale Motion 58: Comprehensive Education Christine Blower Motion 45: Child Poverty The delegation agreed that additionally the following delegates should seek to speak on the following motions: Mr Courtney Motion 1: Migrant Workers Ms Bills Composite 2: Agency Workers Ms Auger Composite 7: Violence Against Women Mr Murch Composite12: Public Services Mr Glazier Composite 14: Raising the participation age Mr King Motion 28: Slavery Mr Lucas Motion 29: Strengthening the framework for fairness Mr Greenshields Motion 73: Solidarity with Zimbabwean trade unionists Ms Moorhouse Motion 74: Columbia Ms Hyde Motion 80: Childcare (speaking for the Women's Committee) A second delegation meeting was held on Wednesday 12 September 2007, from 8.00am until 8.45am. The following delegates were present at this meeting: Lesley Auger, Hilary Bills, Christine Blower, Betty Calderbank , Kevin Courtney, Hazel Danson, Baljeet Ghale, Jerry Glazier, Bill Greenshields, Dave Harvey, Robin Head, Max Hyde, Elspeth Jones, Roger King, Tim Lucas, Judy Moorhouse, Rita Morris, Ian Murch, Janet Richardson, Steve Sinnott and Robert Wilkinson. Motions 71 and 72 - EU Reform Treaty and EU Constitution/Reform Treaty - The General Secretary reminded the delegation of the General Council position and attitude to motions 71 and 72. He reported that the General Council had considered a draft General Council Statement to Congress but agreed not to proceed. The General Secretary reported that there was strong support for the European Union within the General Council. Many members had stated that the EU had brought many benefits to workers. The General Council was appalled, however, at the Government’s handling of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The tactic of the GMB in putting forward a motion calling for a referendum was to put pressure on Government. The delegates were informed of decisions taken within the Union’s European Strategies SubCommittee and reminded of the decision to support, at last year’s Congress, a motion that rejected the European Constitution. The delegation had noted that the difference between motions 71 and 72 related to a vote in any referendum. The General Secretary explained that the Union currently had no policy on the European Reform Treaty. The delegation was advised that there was an intention in the Union on this issue to precede any policy decisions with informed debate amongst the membership. (o) The delegation considered four proposals, which were put to the vote: i) To abstain on motions 71 and 72. This proposal was lost ii) To support motion 71. This proposal was carried. iii) To support motion 72. This proposal was lost. iv) To abstain on motion 72. This proposal was carried. Report of the Executive 2008 19.3 (a) (b) 13 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Debates Motion 45 - Child Poverty Motion 45 was moved by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and seconded by the NUT. In seconding the motion Christine Blower, Deputy General Secretary, said that the NUT had been a founding member of the Campaign to End Child Poverty. She drew attention to a recent publication, “Child Poverty in Education: A Briefing” that showed that by the time they started school many poor children already lagged behind their peers, often setting the stage for a downward spiral of unequal chances and diminishing returns that would play out for the rest of their lives. The report stated that poverty predicted educational outcomes in the UK more strongly than any other OECD country. This meant that poor children had an unequal chance from the start and by the age of three poor students lagged behind by as much as nine months compared with their better off peers and the gap grew over time with many poor children falling behind by two years at the age of 14. Christine Blower made reference to Gordon Brown's pledge to raise funding for state educated children to £8,000 per year as opposed to where it stood now at £5,000 and commented that this pledge, made whilst the Prime Minister was Chancellor, had not so far been met. She told delegates that those in education were well aware of the force of targets. She urged the TUC to set a target today to say that the pledge must absolutely be met by 2014, but earlier would be better. Christine Blower highlighted the claim by the NUT that the focus of Gordon Brown’s promised additional spending had to be geared mainly towards supporting schools with a very high incidence of child poverty and social disadvantage; indeed children from the toughest backgrounds. As illustration, Christine Blower drew attention to remarks by William Atkinson, a headteacher in Hammersmith & Fulham, who had said, “I am advocating that for a selected group of schools the funding regime should be not dissimilar to that enjoyed by students in the private sector. It should be a modern day Marshall Plan.” His comments supported the position of the NUT. In her conclusion Christine Blower said that ending child poverty was a political, moral, and social justice imperative. Motion 28 - Slavery Motion 28 was moved by Prison Officers’ Association and supported by the NUT. In supporting the motion Roger King referred to his privilege in chairing the TUC Black Workers' Conference earlier in the year. The most impassioned speech at that conference had concerned the debate on slavery. It was fitting that this motion had been put forward for further debate in the wider trade union movement. The enslavement of people, in whatever circumstances, was an abomination. The trans-Atlantic slave trade had been a crime against humanity itself. Roger King noted that, as the 200th anniversary of the Act of British Parliament to abolish the slave trans-Atlantic trade was being commemorated, it should not be forgotten that Britain played by far the largest part in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Despite the legislation of 1807, slavery continued to exist in the British colonies for another quarter of a century. The majority of slaves continued to live a miserable and impoverished existence whilst former slave owners were compensated to the tune of £20 million, which was billions of pounds at today's value. Much of the racism that seen today was a legacy of the slave trade. Roger King said that this year should not be so much a commemoration of an Act of Parliament, but more a celebration of the contribution that black people had made, not only during those 200 years, but indeed to history itself and the shaping of the world. It should also be a celebration of the contribution black people continued to make to today's society. The contribution by the forebears of today’s black people to abolition was too often forgotten and not given due regard. Abolition had not been the gift of religious philanthropists, but resulted from resistance against overwhelming odds by the slaves themselves. It was this that ended slavery in the 1830s. Roger King asked Congress to honour their resistance - names in most cases unknown - and celebrate their courage. He said that teachers had a responsibility to make each succeeding generation of pupils aware of the injustice and inhumanity of the slave trade. In addition and more importantly, pupils had to understand the historical and contemporary contribution made to the world by black people. The history of black people did not begin with a benevolent Act of Parliament 200 years ago. Teachers had a duty to ensure that each succeeding generation of pupils, regardless of their ethnicity and background, were given the best possible opportunity to fulfil their potential. All too often, it was not the experience that black parents took from our school system. Teachers also had an entitlement, denied by successive governments, to be freed from a restrictive Eurocentric curriculum, to be innovative and creative, to be freed from a test-driven regime and to have the ability and wherewithal to provide an education system that met the needs of all our pupils and the aspirations of their parents. Roger King referred to the work of the NUT, as it launched a charter in the year that promoted the achievement of black pupils, ‘Born To Be Great’, which brought together black students, parents and teachers. He explained that the Charter was intended to empower all those within the school community and to challenge and articulate their entitlements as well as their responsibilities. He concluded by explaining that the lessons, the truth and the legacy of the slave trade and the pain, suffering and resistance of those who endured it had to be used to eradicate contemporary forms of slavery and ensure that such a crime was never repeated. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (c) (d) (e) 14 Report of the Executive 2008 Composite Motion 13 - Public Sector Pay Composite 13 was moved the Public and Commercial Services Union and seconded by Christine Blower, Deputy General Secretary for the NUT. In seconding the motion she told Congress, that she was very pleased to be seconding the Composite on Public Sector Pay, which she explained was one of the most important debates that Congress would have all week, for millions of public sector workers and all the services that they provided. It was absolutely vital that Congress made clear its resolute determination in 2007 to protect the living standards of public sector workers. In the past 30 years or so, governments had failed to value public sector workers. Damage had been caused over the years through pay increases that had been followed by pay restraint and erosion – “boom and bust” - which affected trade union members, their morale and their services. Christine Blower echoed the sentiments of the TUC General Secretary, Brendan Barber, when he categorised the Government's pay policies as "simply wrong". She explained that it was utterly unreasonable for the Government to assert that pay increases for public sector workers were the drivers of inflation. The Governor of the Bank of England made no such claim. She explained that it was outrageous in the face of economic growth in the UK to suggest that the health of the UK economy in the future was dependent upon pay cuts for public sector workers; even more outrageous when, as the Sunday Times had pointed out, the heads of the top 100 companies received increases in pay of 37% this year on top of 28% last year, 16% the year before and 13% and 23% in previous years. She told the delegates that campaigning in the public sector worked. She referred to the comments of the General Secretary of PCS to the pensions campaign co-ordinated through the TUC. Christine Blower explained that co-ordination and determination was needed in the public sector pay campaign to defend the future of our members' living standards and the services in which they worked. She expressed the NUT’s solidarity to friends and colleagues in the public sector in their struggle to defend their members' pay. Christine Blower explained that teachers would react with very considerable anger in November if the School Teachers' Review Body failed to act independently and protect and improve teachers' pay, or if the Government undermined its recommendations. The NUT would channel that anger into a successful, united, co-ordinating public sector campaign that had already been started by very many other workers. Christine Blower lent support to Peter Hain’s earlier comment in the morning when he stated that delegates had to fight for social justice. In her conclusion, Christine Blower called for unions to fight for social justice, to support public sector workers and to support the Composite and the General Council's Statement. Composite Motion 12 - Public Services The NUT supported Composite 12 which was moved by Unison. In supporting the Composite, Ian Murch said that the one of the biggest tests of Gordon Brown’s premiership was whether he would continue with the privatisation and marketisation policies of his predecessor. He explained that the council he worked for was saddled with a 10-year contract to have its education services run by a private company; something it was bullied into by a Government minister. He said that the company's main qualification at the time it got the contract seemed to be that it was an expert in outsourcing. It ran prisons; it ran a nuclear reprocessing facility and it ran the Docklands Light Railway. Six years later, it has not improved its own educational qualifications or done much for those of the children in the city. The gap in the attainment of the disadvantaged groups which they claimed they would narrow had actually widened. Ian Murch explained that almost nobody locally thought that the experiment should continue. He told Congress that it was not outsourcers who were needed to improve education attainment, but resources to help children overcome disadvantage. He noted that the ideological assumption that private was better continued to undermine the integrity of public services. Privatisation and marketisation had not worked in education and did not work in health, in prisons, or in the Civil Service. In his conclusion Ian Murch referred to comments made by Gordon Brown. He had put himself across as a nice, earnest sort of chap, but the real test of the Prime Minister would be whether he gave our public services back to the public sector. Motion 21 - Organising and Independent Trade Unionism Motion 21 was moved by the NUT and seconded by the General and Municipal Boiler Makers Union (GMB). In moving the motion Steve Sinnott, General Secretary, expressed the NUT’s solidarity with colleagues fighting to rectify old injustices. He said that the trades union movement was facing both old and new challenges. Steve Sinnott said that he could sense a new and developing confidence – greater in some areas than in others, but nevertheless a new confidence and a new determination. This confidence and determination had been renewed through efforts in relation to recruitment and retention and a developing acceptance of the benefits of an organising culture. Steve Sinnott drew attention to the impact of this renewed confidence on the TUC’s campaigns: campaigns on pay, on conditions, and on the equalities. These and other issues were central to the social and political priorities of the trade union movement. He told Congress that united campaigning and action had had its successes. Trade unions had experienced success over public sector pensions; there had been excellent campaigns in relation to privatisation and academies; and there were demands for efforts to be made and renewed in relation to social cohesion. Report of the Executive 2008 (f) (g) 15 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Steve Sinnott referred to the change in government, which he believed gave an opportunity for the TUC to renew some of its demands. There were also new opportunities to develop. It was essential to restate some of the fundamental principles that guided trade union work: the movement had to remain independent from government and from employers; the movement and all unions had to be democratic, led by its members; and union leaderships had to be accountable to their membership. It was essential to express solidarity between unions and give one another mutual support. It was important to emphasise the aim of organisational unity for each section of workers: blue collar and white collar workers. There should be a collective restatement of some of the fundamental principles of the trade union movement; such public restatement was essential: to potential members and potential activists; to Government and to the employers. In concluding, Steve Sinnott, said that Motion 21 was intended as a unifying and positive statement; one that deserved unanimous approval; no ifs, no buts, no qualifications. Motion 21 was a formula for recruitment, for effective action, for solidarity, for raising the profile and the effectiveness of our movement, and its standing. He urged Congress to give unanimous support to the motion. Composite Motion 2 - Agency workers Composite Motion 2 was moved by Unite and supported by the Union. In supporting the composite motion Hilary Bills drew attention to the plight of those teachers who found themselves working for certain, not all, private supply teacher agencies. She explained that to be a teacher in the public sector it was necessary to have qualified teacher status, be registered with the General Teaching Council and to have cleared an enhanced criminal background check. She further explained that it was not easy to be a teacher. For a variety of reasons, certain teachers had chosen to work as supply teachers: reasons such as caring responsibilities or, as in the case of a very close friend of hers, an international judge and trainer for dance gymnastics, because they had to be out of the country sometimes for two months at a time. Hilary Bills told Congress that a permanent teaching contract in such cases was not an option. Hilary Bills referred to a time when local authorities were providers of services, not commissioners. A time when each authority would employ a pool of teachers who would be paid under teachers' conditions of service and, in the absence of a teacher, would go in and work in a school. Unfortunately, now most supply teachers were employed through private supply agencies. Agency teachers suffer multiple exploitation. They were not able to join the teachers' pension scheme; they were denied national pay rates or terms of employment. The work they were offered was often on a self-employed basis, so they did not have access to the usual employment rights and were often dismissed at will. She drew attention to cases that the NUT had dealt with. One concerned a supply teacher being paid less than half the national pay rate and another concerned a female supply teacher's fixed term contract which was terminated early with one day’s notice, the reason being she was pregnant. Hilary Bills concluded by asking Congress to be good trade unionists. She suggested that the next time they heard about one of the children in their family having a supply teacher for the day, to ask the school management about the pay and conditions of service of the supply teachers they employed. Motion 1 - Migrant Workers Motion 1 was moved by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) and supported by the NUT. In supporting the motion Kevin Courtney said that he was very pleased to support this important motion. He explained that the trades union movement was sometimes portrayed as a self-serving interest group. This motion showed the movement at its very best, reaching out and doing everything it could to help unorganised workers and vulnerable workers, who were the bottom of every pile. Kevin Courtney recalled that the history of the trades union movement was built on waves of migrants Irish navvies, Caribbean transport workers, Asian nurses – who arrived in the UK, joined unions and helped in their revitalisation. Across the world migrant workers were revitalising the union movement. Migrant teachers had been brought to the UK to help out; they had then been treated most disgracefully. Unscrupulous employers were not just small, half-illegal backstreet operations. There were some very rich and very big teacher supply agencies who were unscrupulous employers. There were governments that were unscrupulous. At the worst time for teacher shortages a few years’ ago, many London schools could not have operated without the thousands of overseas teachers, mainly from the Commonwealth, who came to the UK. Kevin Courtney described how he had worked with many teachers actively recruited from Africa and India by an exploitative teacher supply agency. This agency had persuaded these teachers to give up their jobs at home; they were promised the earth. They were promised continual work, paid holidays and permanent residency. After a few months only, they were forced by the agencies to choose between redundancy and no work permit, or highly casualised work at low pay rates and no pay during the school holidays. Kevin Courtney said that the NUT had forced compensation out of that particular agency. The NUT was successful in persuading the Government to close down the experiment that allowed agencies to hold teachers' work permits. Yet still, this had not stopped the bad treatment of overseas teachers. Now that shortages had eased, however, the Government was tightening rules that previously had been ignored. This had led to many excellent well-qualified teachers losing their employment and their right to stay in the country. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (h) (i) 16 Report of the Executive 2008 Kevin Courtney told Congress that in June the NUT held a meeting of 300 overseas teachers; 172 of whom were faced with loss of employment. The Government was about to enforce a rule that had been ignored throughout the period of teacher shortages. With very little notice, teachers had been given a deadline of 31 August to gain qualified teacher status or face withdrawal of their work permits. These teachers were wellqualified in their home countries. They had worked in the UK for many years, with our children, and suddenly they were told they were unqualified. The NUT’s campaign scored a partial victory; the Government gave an extension of one year. Kevin Courtney urged Congress to ensure that the campaign continued, for all of migrant workers, including the teachers. Key questions had to be put to government about the comparative treatment of overseas/Commonwealth teachers against European teachers with regard to home qualifications. Government should be asked if new laws would be introduced to control agencies to ensure that all workers, manual and professional, migrant and home, were given better treatment. These changes could well damage the profits of the agencies but action was demanded by the labour movement. Motion 73 - Solidarity with Zimbabwean trade unionists Motion 73 was moved by Accord and supported by the NUT. In supporting the motion Bill Greenshields said that the NUT could not but support, and with total solidarity, our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe struggling both for their trade union rights and for their very survival in many cases. The government of Robert Mugabe had degenerated from a great beacon of change and liberation, as it had been just a few decades ago, to one of tyranny, corruption and oppression. In raising voices, however, in support of our trade union comrades and the people of Zimbabwe, the trade union movement should not give credence to the racist and imperialist views that the economic and political problems faced in Africa were simply the result of bad governance, corrupt politicians and officials; that somehow Africans were less able to manage their affairs than Europeans. Bill Greenshields noted that the British state in Rhodesia and the racist white regime that followed offered no democracy or rights, only oppression and violence. Some of those very imperialists and racists now raised their voices to lecture Africans on democracy. He said that the degeneration of Mugabe's regime was not disconnected with imperialism and the interventions during the past two or three decades. The promises of no land reform for 10 years imposed at the time of liberation on Mugabe's government. The IMF and the World Bank imposed structural adjustment programme, in the early 1990s that wiped out 30% of industrial capacity. Mugabe's government had revolted in the late 1990s against the programme and had imposed tariffs to protect industry, stopped the privatisation programme, started land reform and allowed compulsory purchase of land. The all-white Commercial Farmers Union at the time controlled 90% of all marketed produce. Britain and America took action and suspended payments for land purchase that had been agreed under the Lancaster House Agreement. Furthermore, Britain and the US established a Zimbabwe Democracy Trust. President Bush and the US Congress introduced a Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act, which gave the US power to impose economic sanctions. US representatives on the IMF, World Bank, African Development Bank, plus others, were instructed to vote against all credit facilities and loans for Zimbabwe and to claim payments on existing loans. Zimbabwe had not received any loans or credit since 2000 and had had to cease buying oil and fertilizer on the international market. The effect of drought and these sanctions caused the nose dive of the economy. Bill Greenshields said that when protests were made by Zimbabwe trade unionists, Mugabe falsely accused them of being the allies of imperialism, rather than the victims of it and attacked them politically, economically and physically. In declaring support for and solidarity with Zimbabwean trade unionists, Bill Greenshields said that Congress should recognise that such unconditional support in their brave struggle against the degeneration of their Government, which had held out so much promise three generations ago, was also the support of the trade union movement to the people of Zimbabwe and its government in resisting the effects of imperialism. Composite Motion 17 - Columbia Composite Motion 17 was moved by ATL and supported by the NUT. In supporting this composite motion Judy Moorhouse told Congress that in August 2006, with colleagues from the ATL, FBU, NASUWT and PCS amongst others, she was part of a delegation of trade unionists that visited Colombia. The delegation had been led by Justice for Colombia. The solidarity visit had been one of the most extraordinary periods of her life. Judy Moorhouse noted that it was common knowledge how dangerous Colombia was for many of its people and how trade union activists, in particular, were targeted. The delegation had had the privilege of speaking to many trade union activists and were overwhelmed by their testimonies. As a member of the NUT, the focus of interest centred on the plight of children and teachers in Colombia. Many harrowing tales where recounted by members of FECODE (Federacion Colombiana de Educadores), the teachers' trade union. The horrific incidents relayed to the delegation were met with an emotional response; however, practical action was needed. Judy Moorhouse reported that she, with colleagues from the other teacher affiliates had vowed to return to their respective unions and ask for that practical support. The three unions put aside their differences, made common cause, and campaigned alongside teachers worldwide for the release of Samuel Morales and Raquel Castro. Judy Moorhouse paid tribute to Jerry Bartlett, Deputy General Secretary of NASUWT, for his indefatigable contribution to that campaign. Report of the Executive 2008 (j) (k) 17 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee FECODE was consulted over the practical support that would be most beneficial. The FECODE President had reported that teachers had their rights of free association restricted and state sponsored violence and assassinations were carried out with impunity. Judy Moorhouse reported on the financial support and expertise being provided to FECODE to recruit 2,500 new teachers and in its campaign against the privatisation and deregulation agenda of President Uribe. In conclusion, Judy Moorhouse, told Congress that the NUT, ATL and NASUWT were acting together as trade unionists to assist teacher colleagues in Colombia. Collectively the teacher affiliates were strong, effective, and making a difference. Motion 80 – Childcare The motion from the TUC Women’s Conference was moved by Max Hyde, on behalf of the Conference, and seconded by the Fire Brigades Union (FBU). In moving the motion Max Hyde stressed that childcare was not a woman's issue; was not a men's issue; but was a trade union issue. It needed to be a core service that the trade union movement took seriously, especially if it wanted to address underrepresentation and especially if it did not want to lose young activists when they became parents. Max Hyde asked if government was putting childcare firmly onto their agenda, if they considered it an investment, could the trade union movement do any less. The motion had been overwhelmingly supported at the TUC Women's Conference to be placed before Congress. Max Hyde referred to the wide number of serious trade union issues that had been debated so far. The motion on childcare was important because of a wish for women and men to be able to play a full part in the campaigning activities of the trade union movement. The absence of free childcare prevented those with caring responsibilities from attending TUC events, in particular women and lone parents. The TUC needed to target younger women to engage in trade union activities if it was to grow. Childcare needed to be made available free of charge to enable delegates to attend fringe and other important meetings that took place outside formal conference hours. The TUC ought to be leading best practice not just following less than good practice. The TUC had to set a standard to other unions that were not generally providing wraparound childcare. Max Hyde largely welcomed the General Council Statement on childcare, including reference to childcare provision by highly trained professionals who were unionised. There were some concerns, however, about the tone in places and the practicality. The long hours culture was deplored. Parents cared about their children and would make appropriate decisions. Provision had to be fit for purpose. The issue was about the right to participate: the right to participate in fringe meetings beyond the formal sessions of Congress. Longer hours on these few occasions would not damage children and should not result in longer hours of work for childcare staff, rather the employment of more staff. Max Hyde referred to recent comments made by TUC General Secretary, Brendan Barber, who said that he wanted the Trade Union Congress to be right at the front of celebrating women in trade unions. Frances O'Grady, TUC Deputy General Secretary, had said Trade Union Congress needed to change to use every part of our talent, women alongside men. Max suggested that every part should include parents or not, lesbian, gay, straight, bi or trans, black or white, disabled or not, young and old, banjo player or not! Lack of appropriate childcare was the greatest barrier to the participation of women in unions. Motion 58 - Comprehensive Education Motion 58 was moved by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) and seconded by the NUT. In seconding the motion Baljeet Ghale, NUT President, drew attention to the report of the Children's Services Network, commissioned by the TUC, which evaluated the impact of academies. The NUT’s amendment to the motion highlighted the work of the Anti-Academies Alliance, and particularly the Committee of Inquiry, held at the House of Commons in June, when MPs heard evidence from the education unions, parents and governors, education researchers and local campaigning groups. The evidence revealed a damning indictment of the academies' initiative: sites with no playgrounds; undesirable sponsors; the closure of good and improving schools; local consultations ignored; local authorities bullied through the Building Schools for the Future programme; the manipulation of pupil intakes and admissions policies; scant regard for pupils with special needs and concerns about the curriculum being offered. Baljeet Ghale explained that academies were another example of the Government's obsession with privatisation. A new academy cost £35 million and the government had wanted four hundred of them. Baljeet Ghale explained that money required would provide half-a-million pounds for each of the 25,000 state primary and secondary schools in England and Wales; money that could make a real impact on the quality of education. Baljeet Ghale told Congress how the NUT had been at the forefront of campaigning against academies. The NUT’s campaigning document, “Academies - Looking Beyond the Spin”, set out the reasons for the Union’s opposition to the academies programme. Most crucially, academies were outside the local authority family of schools and were not accountable to the community through local councillors. She questioned why the Government did not give hard pressed inner city schools the £35 million without privatising them. Only then could the causes of improvement - private sponsors and massive injections of funds - be seen. In concluding, Baljeet Ghale asked Congress to support the motion and the amendment and send a strong message to the Government that it was time to take a different approach on academies and that education worker unions were ready to play a positive role in this process. She stressed that education worker unions would not sit back and watch the education system being destroyed and left to the vagaries of the market but would fight tooth and nail in its defence. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (l) (m) (n) 18 Report of the Executive 2008 Composite Motion 14 - Raising the participation age in education and training Composite Motion 14 was moved by the Association for College Management (ACM). In supporting the composite Jerry Glazier noted that access to education to the age of 18 had been enshrined in the 1944 Education Act. The size of the current cohort of 14-18 year olds who were not in education, employment or training was, therefore, a major concern. The composite rightly emphasised that education enabled rather than coerced learners. This principle had to be at the heart of Government policy on raising participation. There could be no place for sanctions or the criminalisation of those who refused to participate. Such an approach would simply alienate those who found participation difficult and would be counter-productive. An important focus of success had to be on those students who, for whatever reason, found participation difficult. Action to remove the barriers that stopped participation had to be a concrete part of Government policy. Jerry Glazier said that it was crucial that developed strategies were at the heart of the policy, including counteracting student disaffection; an issue central to why some students failed to participate in education and training after 16. The need for the financial support was also crucial as a means of enhancing participation. The current provision of education maintenance allowances was welcomed, but EMAs had to be made available to all students. Higher education fees had to be abolished, to remove the fear of debt from many young people. Jerry Glazier concluded in saying that it was clear to the NUT that fear of debt prevented participation from many young people, especially in under-represented groups. This undermined the achievement of increased participation beyond 16. Composite Motion 7 - Violence against women. Composite Motion 7 was moved by Accord and was supported by the NUT. In supporting the composite motion Lesley Auger said that the Union had been pleased to participate in the partnership conference held at Congress House in July, “Working Together to End Violence Against Women”. The NUT looked forward to a continuing partnership of sister unions and organisations to tackle domestic violence. Lesley Auger explained that the Union was very concerned that the Government had so far avoided implementing the United Nations' obligations to develop a national strategy to deal with violence against women. Government initiatives so far had tended to be developed in different ministries in isolation without the direction of an overall strategic framework. The Government had shown an inadequate response to domestic violence. Emphasis was placed on child protection at the exclusion of broader issues of teaching children to build equal and non-violent relationships. Schools provided a crucial contact point for families experiencing violence. Children exposed to domestic violence often suffered low educational achievement and esteem, and were at greater risk of drug abuse, juvenile pregnancy and criminal behaviour. Lesley Auger explained that domestic violence was a huge issue that required a joined-up approach by Government and partners. Lesley Auger noted that the NUT, like many unions, developed and provided policies and guidance to its members. In concluding she asked Congress to call on the Government to show a similar commitment to help bring an end to violence against women. Motion 29 - Strengthening the framework for fairness Motion 29 was moved by Unison on behalf of the TUC LGBT Conference. The NUT seconded the amendment in the name of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL). In seconding the motion Tim Lucas thanked the TUC and those affiliates that sponsored LGBT History Month in 2007, as recorded in paragraph 3.11 of the General Council Report, and hoped for continued support in 2008. Tim Lucas called for a school curriculum that gave similar recognition to LGBT history as that being sought for Black history. He said it was unacceptable for schools to accept public money, to which LGBT people contribute, and not to provide a culture in which LGBT pupils felt safe, valued, and thrived. The Government's “Every Child Matters” agenda demanded no less and it was obvious that only in such a climate would all our young people be able to do their best rather than respond to a homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic culture, for example, by truancy and self harm. Tim Lucas welcomed the words of the Prime Minister who, on the opening day of Congress, declared that “no injustice could last for ever” and “wherever discrimination and injustice existed, there unions must be”. Tim Lucas said that it was unfortunate that this message was not understood by everyone in government nor by some faith organisations. He said that every union had members whose children were LGBT, and he hoped that every union had members serving as school or college governors. Unions within the education sector had a particular interest, but everyone had an interest in justice and equality. In addition, there were particular opportunities for unions connected with, for example, the football industry where the Football Association's “Kick Homophobia Out” campaign had recently been re-launched. Tim Lucas referred to the importance of role models. The NUT had welcomed comments from Children's Minister, Kevin Brennan, MP that schools had to develop a culture that was more supportive of LGBT pupils and that schools that failed to tackle anti-gay bullying were guilty of colluding with it. He concluded that the best way to deal with bullying was to pre-empt it. Tim Lucas referred to the action being sought in the motion and the amendment and called on Congress to give its support. Report of the Executive 2008 20. (a) (b) (c) 19 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee CAMPAIGNING ISSUES The Committee considered and received reports on campaigning issues at each of its meeting. The new procedures for the Committee, which were reported to Conference in 2007, allowed one hour or more where necessary for timed business on campaigns. The key issue that dominated discussions during the year was the salaries campaign, both the public sector pay campaign and the teachers’ pay campaign. A briefing for division secretaries was held in June in relation to the pay campaign and workload issues. 20.1 Assessment and Testing The Committee received a report on the Government’s intentions with regard to assessment and testing in the context of the Gilbert report, “2020 Vision”. As part of its consultation, the Government claimed to be offering an open debate, while at the same time as seeking to maintain an assessment and testing regime for schools. The Union took the lead in responding to the proposals. The NAHT who shared the Union’s position were invited to be part of a joint campaign during the consultation period. The Union’s campaign was taken to schools and to the wider community. 20.2 (a) Education and Inspections Bill The thrust of the Union’s on-going campaign related to opposition to the marketisation of education, particularly the Government’s plans to expand its academies programme and the establishment of Trust Schools. This issue was a focus of the TUC’s Lobby of Parliament in support of public services that was held in January. The Union’s campaign in opposition to academies was supported by a model motion which was promoted within the TUC through their regional councils. The motion called on TUC affiliates to participate actively in local anti academy campaigns and to affiliate to the Anti Academy Alliance. The Union’s guidance to associations and divisions was up-dated including new campaigning initiatives. The NUT and Educational Institute of Scotland sponsored a conference, “Final Act or Fresh Start” in March. Fifteen organisations supported the conference. The intention of this conference, which brought together an education alliance of different interest groups, was to generate a credible alternative to the Government’s proposals. The establishment of local campaigning bodies was encouraged to take forward the ideas from the conference. (b) (b) 20.3 (a) (b) 20.4 (a) (b) (c) Teachers’ Workload and Working Time The Committee approved material to take forward the Union’s campaign. It included a checklist for school representatives in order to identify priorities and raise concerns, and a guide for associations and divisions on taking forward the Union’s campaign. The advice was balanced in nature. Members would decide at school level which were the priority issues to be pursued in the immediate term. Divisions would have a role in assisting in the prioritising of issues at school level. The Committee anticipated that this campaign would long term in nature, with gains being made for members that were achievable and which gained support. The materials for the campaign were placed on Hearth and would be up-dated regularly. The issue of workload was identified during the year as being of major concern to members, often more so than pay. The Union’s strategy launched in 2006 continued to guide work in this area. Pay Campaign The pay campaign dominated the campaigns agenda following the two resolutions agreed by Conference on Public Sector Pay and on Salary Policy. At its first meeting after Conference, the Committee agreed a strategy for taking forward the Union’s campaign in the context of Conference decisions and the wider context of the Union’s relations with Government. Two groups were identified on which there would be a key focus during the campaign: young members and those on UPS3. Emphasis was placed generally on the need to ensure the active engagement of all members in the campaign. Members would be encouraged to participate on their own behalf and that of their colleagues. A priority for the Union was to pursue the pay campaign through the TUC, as part of the wider public sector pay campaign and together with the teacher affiliates, co-ordinated by the TUC. The General Secretary played a key role in meetings of the Public Services Liaison Group and of the teacher affiliates. The Union sought to engage the other teachers’ organisations in joint activities. The Union’s campaign was levelled at schools, with a key role for schools representatives in maintaining its impetus among members and also raising awareness amongst other teachers. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) 20 Report of the Executive 2008 At its meeting in June the Executive agreed to commit the Union to a ballot in the autumn term in order to protect teachers from “boom and bust” pay policies. The Union wrote to the Secretary of State to demand that he gave guidance to the STRB to allow a pay rise significantly in excess of two per cent. Material was produced for school representatives and for inclusion in The Teacher to go to every member. Approaches were made to the other TUC teacher affiliates who were invited to issue joint materials. Wales/regional meetings for teachers were co-ordinated by regional offices and the NUT Cymru. At its meeting in July the Executive agreed that the timing of the ballot should be flexible to allow for the earliest possible coordination of action, having regard to any developments on pay, with the timetable for the ballot to follow the publication of the STRB report if any earlier date was not possible. The STRB report was expected, under normal practice, to be published in the first half of November. The TUC was called on again to coordinate a meeting of the teacher affiliates in relation to the trigger mechanism and to seek joint balloting and joint action if necessary. At its meeting in September a report was given on the composite motion on public sector pay that would be moved by the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) and seconded by the NUT. The motion would commit the TUC to support high level campaigning and to supporting unions that needed to take industrial action to protect their members. There were also on-going discussions on a General Council Statement on Public Sector Pay that would be put to Congress. The discussions related in particular to references within the draft to the trigger mechanism for pay review. There was evidence at grass roots levels that the Union’s campaign was impacting on the other teachers’ organisations through their members. The Committee noted that arrangements were being made for a joint fringe meeting with PCS at Congress. The materials produced by the Union in the pay campaign was reported to be very well received. The Committee again stressed the need for the campaign to be taken to and kept alive within schools. The difficulties of mobilising members outside of the large conurbations was recognised. At its meeting in October the General Secretary reported that within the TUC there was increased awareness of the potential for conflict over public sector pay. Some of the small civil service unions and those within the health service were joining calls for a co-ordinated campaign. 2008 was identified as being the year when there would be the greatest potential for conflict with the Government. The Committee was aware of the responsibility placed on the NUT in relation to its campaign, teachers in the vanguard, and in relation to the importance of securing a good turn-out and vote in any ballot. The Committee noted that the Union’s dispute would be with the Secretary of State and that there would be, as far as possible, a single count in the ballot. It was agreed that the action would be unsustained, although provision would be made for hardship cases through the use of local hardship funds and local balances. At its meeting in November, the Executive agreed that Union would plan for national discontinuous strike action following any ballot. The ballot paper would need to make clear to members that action would be through a one day strike in the first instance and would continue with further strike action should that be necessary. At its meeting in November the Committee was advised that the Government had received the STRB report but was still to publish the report and its own recommendations. Earlier decisions were to hold a special Executive. The delay by Government in publishing the report had one advantage in giving the Union more time to galvanise members and to concentrate their anger over below-inflation pay rises and the erosion of their living standards. The Committee received reports of activities undertaken in every region and in Wales in furtherance of the pay campaign ahead of the ballot of members. The Committee agreed that in addition to the intelligence provided through the Union’s lay structures as to the attitude of members in the campaign, there would be conducted a poll of members. The poll would identify which issues had the most resonance with members, would gauge members’ knowledge of the campaign and their commitment to industrial action. Special arrangements were agreed for balloting of members in academies, on an individual basis and subject to the identification of a dispute, given the position of those schools outside the local authority family of schools and outside the provisions of the Pay & Conditions Document. At its meeting in December the General Secretary again emphasised the importance of a good result for the Union in any ballot held. He reported on the London rally on pay organised by the NUT, at which PCS and UCU (Universities and Colleges Union) would share a platform with the Union. Although it was billed as a London Pay Rally, division secretaries from around the country had been invited to attend. The General Secretary reported on the support given by the TUC for the Union’s Fair Pay for Teachers campaign, which would be highlighted in an article by Brendan Barber in final issue of year of The Teacher. The TUC was also producing materials, including regular bulletins, for unions to use in their own campaigns. The TUC had stressed the importance of unions in the same sector working together to further their pay campaigns. The NUT would be exploring with the other teacher affiliates agreement on a joint statement following the publication of the STRB report. At the time of writing arrangements are being finalised for briefing for division secretaries to take place on 9 January. Report of the Executive 2008 21 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 21. GOVERNMENT AND PARLIAMENTARY RELATIONS 21.1 Parliamentary liaison The Union provides a briefing and information service to MPs and peers from all parties. The Union regularly lobbied MPs on issues of concern to head teachers and teachers, in particular, overseas trained teachers; teachers’ pay; the good local school campaign; academies and trust schools; pupil behaviour; selection and admissions; testing and assessment; workforce reform; education funding; and commercialisation in schools. The NUT was referred to in Hansard by MPs and peers across all parties on numerous occasions throughout the year. 21.2 NUT Parliamentarians Fifteen Members of Parliament are also members of the NUT. Robert Evans continued to be supportive of the work of the Union in his role as a London MEP and to act as a Union contact on European matters. 21.3 (a) NUT Parliamentary Forum In the Autumn Term the Union established a cross-party Parliamentary Forum to: ensure a continued high profile in Westminster during quieter legislative periods; allow for two-way intelligence sharing between the NUT and politicians; and assist with the development of strategic alliances. Under the direction of the Union, the Executive agreed for the Secretariat of the Forum to be undertaken by the Parliamentary Researcher to Jon Trickett MP, currently Lisa Johnson. Her duties include: helping to identify and enlist a wider group of supportive MPs and peers; arranging meetings and booking rooms in the Palace of Westminster on behalf of the Forum and tabling Early Day Motions and parliamentary questions. At the beginning of December the first meeting of the Forum chaired by Jon Trickett MP was used to launch the Union’s new publication ‘A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community’. (b) (c) 21.4 (a) (b) 21.5 (a) (b) 21.6 (a) (b) 21.7 (a) (b) (c) Bills and other legislation before Parliament During the course of the year, the Government laid a number of Statutory Instruments before parliament. Where parliamentary procedure allowed for debate the Union provided briefing materials to MPs and peers. The Union also supported a number of Private Member and Ten-Minute Rule Bills tabled by MPs. Of particular note were the Special Needs Bill which was adopted by Sharon Hodgson MP and the Food Products (Marketing to Children) Bill taken on by Nigel Griffiths MP; two of twenty MPs drawn out of the Private Members Bill Ballot in November. The later Bill was put forward by the Children’s Food Bill Campaign, of which the Union is an active member. Trade Union Freedom Bill During the course of the year the Union supported the TUC’s Trade Union Freedom Bill Campaign. The Union supports a new Trade Union Freedom Act to ensure better protection for employees; simpler and fairer industrial action balloting and notice procedures; reform of the use of injunctions by employers; allowing solidarity action in certain circumstances; prevention of the use of replacement labour during strikes and trade union rights for prison officers. NUT members encouraged their MPs to sign an Early Day Motion and to support the Bill’s Second Reading in October. The Union was also well represented at the Rally and Lobby of Parliament the day before the Second Reading. Overseas Trained Teacher Campaign The Government sought to tighten the 'Education (Specified Work and Registration) (England) Regulations 2003' which were due to come into effect in August 2007. This would have meant that it would no longer be possible for OTTs, without QTS, to continue teaching after four years under any circumstances. Earlier this year the Union conducted a successful campaign in support of those OTTs that had not previously been given the information about the four year requirement and had not, therefore, had the opportunity to access the training necessary to gain QTS. These teachers were facing dismissal and also, in many cases, their permission to remain in the UK. In July the Government announced that for OTTs, about to start, or already on a QTS programme, they would grant a one year extension until 1 September 2008 in order to gain QTS, from the original deadline of 1 September 2007. Children’s Food Campaign Following the positive impact made by MP Mary Creagh’s Children’s Food Bill last year, the Children’s Food Campaign were delighted to learn that Nigel Griffiths MP had agreed to introduce a Private Member's Bill to introduce comprehensive restrictions on all forms of junk food marketing to children. The Bill would not only introduce a 9pm watershed for junk food TV adverts, but also - for the first time in a Bill - introduce controls on all of the other ways of selling unhealthy food to children. The Bill will receive its Second Reading in April next year. Baroness Thornton has agreed to introduce this Bill into the House of Lords at the same time. As a helpful tool to encourage support for the Bill from his fellow MPs, Nigel Griffiths tabled an Early Day Motion (445 ‘Marketing of food to children’). Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 22 Report of the Executive 2008 (d) The Children’s Food Campaign is co-ordinated by Sustain and supported by the Union and over 300 other national organisations. 21.8 (a) Reshuffles In May Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP was elected unopposed as Leader of the Labour Party and succeeded Tony Blair as Prime Minister in June. He announced his new Cabinet team. Every post, except for Des Browne in Defence, changed hands and included seven new faces. Several NUT member MPs were promoted including Jacqui Smith, who became the first female Home Secretary. One of Gordon Brown’s biggest changes was to split the Department for Education & Skills in two and create two new departments: the Department for Children, Schools and Families headed by Ed Balls and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills headed by John Denham. Jim Knight MP remained Minister for Schools and Bill Rammell became Minister for Universities. The new Prime Minister also abolished the Department for Trade and Industry and replaced it with the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. The two Opposition Parties followed suit. Following the internal row about grammar schools David Cameron appointed Michael Gove MP to Shadow Ed Balls and moved David Willetts MP to Shadow Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills. Sir Menzies Campbell, the then leader of the Liberal Democrat Party, similarly gave Sarah Teather the responsibility for shadowing John Denham and appointed David Laws MP as spokesperson for Children, Schools and Families. Later in the year Ming Campbell resigned. In the ensuing leadership election the party’s Home Affairs Spokesperson and Member of Parliament for Sheffield Hallam, Nick Clegg MP narrowly defeated Environment Spokesperson Chris Huhne MP. In the ensuing reshuffle David Laws kept his Children, School and Families portfolio and also assumed wider responsibility for the party’s policy on public services. After all the reshuffles the Union sought to meet with the new frontbench spokespersons as soon as possible. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 21.9 (a) (b) (c) 21.10 (a) (b) 21.11 (a) (b) (c) Wales Assembly Government Elections The Wales Assembly Government elections were held at the beginning of May. In March the Union launched its own education manifesto for Wales. The manifesto, was sent to all candidates standing for election and all NUT members in Wales, and called on the next Wales Assembly Government to: • protect the pay and conditions of all teachers in Wales, including supply teachers • ensure fair funding for schools in Wales • maintain Wales’s commitment to comprehensive education • ensure all classes are taught by fully-qualified teachers • review the priorities and functions of the General Teaching Council for Wales • protect teachers’ jobs, and take the opportunity provided by falling school rolls to create smaller class sizes. After the election, the Welsh Labour Party led by Rhodri Morgan initially formed a minority government in the Assembly. Eventually in July Welsh Labour Party members voted for a coalition with Plaid, which was followed by a similar result from Plaid Cymru members the next day. As a result, the Welsh Assembly is now controlled by the Labour-Plaid alliance with Rhodri Morgan as First Minister and Plaid Leader Leuan Wyn Jones as his deputy. This meant that while in June Rhodri Morgan initially replaced Jane Davidson with Carwyn Jones AM in the expanded portfolio as Minister for Education, Culture and the Welsh Language, he then in July appointed Jane Hutt AM to a revised remit as Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills. Evidence to Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiries As documented elsewhere in the report, the Union provided written evidence to a number of Select Committee inquiries over the year. This included evidence on SEN assessment and funding; Ofsted; and testing and assessment. The General Secretary was invited to give oral evidence on the economic impact of migration to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs in November. This evidence session generated some positive media coverage for the Union’s work on this matter. The Queen’s Speech At the State Opening of Parliament in November the Queen announced a total of twenty-nine bills and draft bills. Of particular interest to the NUT and its members, were the Education and Skills Bill which included proposals to raise the participation age to 18; the Children and Young Persons Bill which related to Children in Care; and the draft Apprenticeships Bill. Bills on Climate Change, Employment and Pension issues were also announced. The Union provided briefing materials on the relevant Bills included in the Queen’s Speech to MPs and peers. Before the end of the year the Children and Young Person’s Bill had been introduced and read for a second time in the House of Lords. The Union circulated briefing materials and suggested amendments to interested peers. Report of the Executive 2008 23 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (d) The Education and Skills Bill was published and introduced in the House of Commons in December but was not due to have its Second Reading until the New Year. 21.12 (a) Party Conferences The Labour Party did not hold a Spring Conference this year. The Union was again well represented at the autumn party political conferences, including the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Plaid Cymru Annual Party Conferences. The NUT exhibited at all the party conferences. The exhibition stand featured the Union’s latest campaign materials and a wide range of the NUT’s information, advice and professional development documents. As in previous years, MPs, Peers and delegates were able to obtain information directly from the Union’s website at the exhibition stand and all the conference proceedings and the latest news could be broadcast from the stand so that delegates were able to keep an eye on events while browsing through NUT materials. All three of our fringe meetings this year were organised jointly with Child Poverty Action Group on the theme ‘Education: Closing or Increasing the Poverty Gap?’ Once again the Union’s fringe events benefited hugely from including speakers from the English Secondary Students’ Association. All three students Jack Lewars, Ben Bilverstone and Laura Davies gave first class speeches and were much praised by attendees and fellow speakers. In addition the NUT spoke at fringe meetings alongside the Fabian Society and Barnados. The topics covered 14-19 education, poverty, and “pushy parents”. As always the Union was grateful to Music for Youth for providing such talented young musicians at the fish and chip supper receptions. (b) (c) (d) 21.13 (a) (b) 21.14 (a) (b) 21.15 (a) (b) The Liberal Democrats, Brighton At the joint NUT/CPAG fringe the Liberal Democrat Shadow Schools Minister, Stephen Williams MP, argued that resources should be targeted at school children living in poverty at an early stage in their schooling. He also reminded delegates that there could be examples of poverty even in affluent areas and that it was important for these vulnerable children to be identified and money targeted at them. Kate Green (CPAG) welcomed the range of measures that had been introduced by the Government, however, she argued that the approach taken had still been 'nothing like bold enough', and stated that people were still inclined to protect the best educational facilities for a privileged few. Steve Sinnott welcomed the apparent political consensus and recognition of the impact of class and poverty on educational outcomes. The brilliant Gower Guitar Quartet entertained the delegates at the NUT’s packed out Fish and Chip Supper Reception. The Labour Party, Bournemouth There was the usual game of fringe musical chairs as the Schools Minister, Jim Knight MP attempted to speak at three different fringe meetings at the same time at the Labour Conference in Bournemouth. His Parliamentary Private Secretary, Madeleine Moon MP gave his speech on his behalf and then the Minister joined the crowded meeting chaired by Fiona Millar for the subsequent discussion. Ben Bilverstone from the English Secondary Students' Association (ESSA) called for more student led consultations, and for school councils to be made a legal requirement in every school. Ben said he supported the proposal to increase the school leaving age but stressed the need for it to be implemented in a way that was incentivising and attractive to students. He suggested the Government's Education Maintenance Allowance should be adapted to ensure that those facing the greatest economic deprivation received higher levels of support. Steve Sinnott argued that choice in education was damaging for those in poverty as poorer families did not access services as successfully as their middle class counterparts. The Mountbatten Jazz Combo from Mountbatten School, Romsey, Hampshire delighted Labour delegates at one of the most successful Union supper receptions ever. The Conservative Party, Blackpool In Blackpool at the Conservative Party Conference Michael Gove MP, the Shadow Secretary of State, conceded that the Labour Government had been right to express the importance of pre-school education in 1997. However, he questioned whether Sure Start had been too focused on helping middle class parents. He confirmed that the programme would not be scrapped under a Conservative Government. Steve Sinnott noted that in Sweden parental choice had led to social and ethnic segregation. The Jazz Academy from Chorley, Lancashire were once again organised by Music for Youth and were much enjoyed by delegates who attended the Union’s reception. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 24 Report of the Executive 2008 21.16 Plaid Cymru, Llandudno Early in September Plaid Cymru, the Party of Wales, held its annual conference in Llandudno. Although the Union did not, on this occasion, take a stand in the exhibition hall, it took out a large, colourful, bilingual advertisement on the back of Plaid's conference programme, ensuring a high profile for the Union. Plaid Cymru is now in alliance with Labour in the Welsh Assembly Government, thus making the Welsh Conservatives the largest opposition party. On 16 October, NUT Cymru secretary, David Evans, together with his colleagues from NUT Cymru, Dr Heledd Hayes and Rhys Williams, met Plaid education spokesperson Janet Ryder. The Union was interested to hear that Janet Ryder and Jane Hutt, the Minister for Children, Education Lifelong Learning and Skills meet weekly to discuss policy and strategy. Nerys Evans who, until the Assembly May elections, was chief education advisor to the Plaid group and someone with whom NUT Cymru was in regular contact, is now an Assembly member for Mid and West Wales. 22. (a) REVIEW OF ELECTED ADVISORY COMMITTEES The review of elected advisory committees that had been agreed in 2006 and reported to Conference was taken forward during 2007. At a meeting in June the Committee gave consideration to a detailed position paper, outlining the role, number of advisory committees, and the election process for lay members. The Committee considered the election process: whether to retain direct elections or to elect via regional councils and the Wales Council. It was agreed to maintain the direct elections. Support was given, however, to move towards internet voting. The 2007-2011 elections were postponed in the light of the review, except for the disciplinary committees, the Retired Teachers’ Advisory Committee and the newly constituted Young Teachers’ Advisory Committee. Members on the other advisory committees would be invited to continue to serve on the committees for a further four years. Vacancies that arose on advisory committees in the intervening period would be dealt with in accordance with custom and practice. The wider consequences of postponing the elections would be kept under review. The period up to the next elections in 2011 would allow the Union to publicise and make the necessary arrangements for internet voting, including preparing members, collecting relevant data, and testing the system. The move towards full internet voting would take place at the earliest opportunity. An opt-out system would operate for the elections in 2011 to allow members to elect to vote with a paper ballot rather than internet voting. The Committee agreed that consideration should be given to having two cycles of voting in order to reduce the administration burden in any one year, which with eight elected advisory committee in addition to the disciplinary committees was very heavy on resources during the year of election. The Committee considered the role and responsibilities of lay members elected to serve on advisory committees. Such consideration was in the context of increasing interest in the work of these committees and making participation in their work more meaningful. The Committee agreed that further discussion and consultation should take place to agree duties expected of and responsibilities placed on those elected to serve on advisory committees. Consultation would take place with the advisory committees themselves and with local associations and divisions. The consultation is due to take place early in 2008. The Committee agreed that the work of advisory committees should be given greater publicity among members through features in The Teacher. This could include general features on the work of advisory committees or a contribution from individual members about how their involvement had enhanced them professionally and given them greater interest in the work of the Union. There were a number of areas that the Committee agreed should not be subject to review, including the composition of advisory committees; eligibility requirements; and the process of election of the chairpersons and vice chairpersons to these committees. The Committee noted the difficulties in securing a quorum for meetings of the National Appeals Committee (NAC) and the infrequency of meetings – only three meetings in the past six years. The process for election to the NAC and the National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) did not allow for vacancies to be determined other than by new elections. With a panel of ten members and a quorum of six, problems had been encountered with organising meetings of the NAC. The Committee agreed that the quorum should not be reduced below six, but rather there should be consideration given to increasing the size of the NAC to two members per region and from Wales. Some difficulties with this proposal were identified in that the current elections, on a committee of ten, failed to deliver the full complement. Further consideration was being given to these matters and there would be consultation with associations and divisions on any proposals. Any recommended changes would be subject to a rule change to be agreed by Conference. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 23. (a) (b) PRESS AND MEDIA It was all change at the top in 2007 with a new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and a new Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Ed Balls. The Union welcomed Gordon Brown’s continued commitment to education and congratulated him on his aim to raise the amount of money spent per pupil in state schools to the level enjoyed in the private sector. A word of caution, however, was issued about setting a timescale for when this would happen, and the Union warned that it would be monitoring the Government’s progress. This was a message that was carried frequently in the media. Report of the Executive 2008 (c) (d) (e) (f) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) 25 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Annual conference gained much media coverage for the Union’s two charters on promoting the achievement of black Caribbean boys and on the commercialisation of childhood. “Born to be Great” was launched by Steve Sinnott, Professor Gus John and Dillon Max Grant, a 16 year old pupil in London. Dillon’s speech to Conference and his performance in front of the media were extremely impressive and certainly got the message across in an effective and clear fashion. The General Secretary was widely reported saying “schools must change and so must teachers, but youngsters have a responsibility for themselves. Dads, live up to your responsibilities”. The Union’s document on the commercialisation of childhood ‘Growing up in a Material World” captured the interest of the media both at conference and again at the Parliamentary launch in December. The Daily Telegraph carried a favourable front page lead and the Union had many other enquiries from other organisations for copies of the Charter. It also sparked debate on both television and radio with a 40 minute discussion on Radio 5 Live. The Union was extensively quoted on the announcement of the Government’s 10 year Children’s Plan. The timing was very good for the Union, coming the same day as its official launch of “Growing up in a Material World”. The General Secretary, while praising the Government on its vision, said “the unnecessary stress and pressure caused by the overlapping accountabilities faced by schools: tests, targets, tables and inspections, need to be reviewed and the high stakes system of league tables has to go”. Interviews with the Deputy General Secretary ran on ITV, Sky News and BBC News 24 on both the day of the announcement and the following day. The Union’s views were also quoted in the broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. The change in the timescales for Overseas Trained Teachers (OTTs) to gain Qualified Teacher Status was a victory for the Union which BBC radio, BBC online and the World Service covered widely. This in turn led to the story being picked up internationally. The press office answered many calls from the media and individuals abroad. The General Secretary said, “I welcome Ed Balls’ decision to give a further year’s leeway to overseas trained teachers to gain QTS. The Government was in grave danger of inflicting a major injustice on a group of teachers who have made a vital contribution to schools in this country”. He added, “The Government and its agencies must ensure that there are sufficient teacher training places available for OTTs. There needs to be justice for those teachers who have lost their jobs”. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s report on the under-achievement of white working class boys highlighted a major gap in the support the Government gave youngsters from the toughest backgrounds. The General Secretary pointed out in a press release, “At last the research the Union has been calling on the Government to carry out for many years has been done, but by an independent charity. Its conclusions are straight-forward common sense which should be adopted by the Government”. These statements were picked up both in the press and radio. The Union’s opposition to Academies received regular coverage throughout the year. Lord Adonis’ comment about encouraging private school sponsorship of Academies was seen by the Union as nothing short of “extraordinary”. The Union rejected the implication that somehow private schools and the teaching in them were somehow better than in state schools. Ed Balls’ plan to review Academies in November was seen as significant. The Union said that the review should bring Academies back into the maintained sector and hoped that the review was a realisation by the Government that Academies were not fit for purpose. The Union also made the point that a coherent Children’s Plan could not be realised while the fractured system of Academies remained in place. The Union’s campaign for a pay settlement in line with inflation was picked up by all the broadsheets. In April when the Union called for a re-opening of last year’s pay settlement, under the trigger mechanism, the Financial Times carried a full account of the Union’s position. Then again in June when the Government decided not to re-open the question of teachers’ pay increases from September this year, our frustration was reported. Steve Sinnott said, “Teachers have been let down. They trusted the Government to live up to its word; instead once again they have been targeted for unfair treatment”. Raising the age of participation in education to 18 was a subject that cropped up throughout the year and the Union was a regular contributor to the discussions that took place. This move was seen by the Union as being good for the country and for the economy. The Union was, however, aware that this advance could not be achieved on the cheap and any change had to be accompanied by sufficient preparation and additional resources. There were many interviews on both radio and television that got this point across as well as the Union’s concern that other ways had to be found to deal with the issue of truancy, other than the Government’s proposed route of criminalisation. Steve Sinnott said, “This is entirely the wrong approach. The Government appears to want it both ways; voluntary involvement in education and training post-16, but being criminalised if you don’t take part.” The publication of the Primary League tables caused a stir when it was reported that five schools had been stripped of their results for cheating. The Union made the point that schools were under great pressure to meet central Government targets and Steve Sinnott was widely reported condemning again the “beyond repair” league table system. The launch of “A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community” was given a good reception in the Times Educational Supplement. The website ePolitix would be carry an interview with the General Secretary, together with a copy of the Union’s policy document. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 26 Report of the Executive 2008 (m) (n) At the time of writing ninety two press releases had been issued by the Union during 2007. This year the Union said goodbye to Olive Forsythe who had been the Union’s Press Officer for 17 years. Her incredible knowledge of policy and her innate ability to either make or break a story were the stuff of legends. Olive would be missed by all who worked with her. 24. (a) (b) WALES MATTERS The General Secretary gave regular reports to the Executive on matters relevant to Wales. The NUT campaigned actively during elections for the Wales Assembly Government. A manifesto for education in Wales, consistent with “Bringing Down the Barriers” and the Union’s key principles was launched. Meetings were organised in the principality including the education spokespersons from three of the four main political parties in Wales. A new Minister for Education and Life Long Learning in Wales, Carwyn Jones, was appointed to replace Jane Davidson. The Union held a meeting was held with the new Minister in order to discuss and influence factors that shaped education in Wales. The Union reiterated its opposition to any moves towards separate pay and conditions for teachers in Wales as a result of devolution. The Union also discussed the issue of funding and a willingness was expressed by the Minister to re-consider the current funding formula. The Union furthermore received reassurances from the new Minister on the issue of the publication of league tables in Wales. Elections in June resulted in changes in the Welsh Assembly Government. The Union made clear its intention to sustain good relationships with any new Minister, whether Labour or Plaid Cymru. Neil Foden was congratulated by the Executive for his election as the new Chair of the Wales Joint Education Committee amid stiff competition. His election to this post followed the untimely death of Mostyn Phillips. Funding in Wales was a key concern. Wales had the slowest growth in terms of expenditure, reaching just 1.8 % since the Assembly had been formed. The NUT’s campaign on funding would be re-energised in order to send a clear message to the WAG and to the Westminster government. The Union would continue to oppose any cuts. The General Secretary reported on the gross exploitation of supply teachers in Wales had resulted from the growth of agencies. A clear conflict of interest had further arisen as a result of the awarding by WAG of a contract to the agencies’ trade association to develop a Quality Mark for pre-appointment checks. These issues were being taken forward by the Union in Wales. The Executive was concerned at reports on the establishment of an Independent Investigation Service (IIS). ‘Servoka Dream’ was staffed by those with a background in the police service. Teachers were subject to interrogation style interviews often on the grounds of unfounded allegations. Cases were being referred by schools without following correct procedures. This approach in Wales was an additional impediment to teachers being treated fairly. The matter was being addressed by the Union. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 25. LONDON WORKING GROUP Chairperson: Alex Kenny (a) (b) The London Working Group met three times during the year. The members of the Group were: Kevin Courtney, Julie Davies, Jerry Glazier (as Chair of CFC), Dave Harvey, Alex Kenny, Hank Roberts and Linda Taaffe. In March, the Working Group considered the report of a meeting between the Chair and Secretary and the Representatives of the Mayor of London about the report ‘Black Teachers in London’. Concerns were expressed about the Mayor of London’s proposal to set up an ‘Independent Black Teachers’ Network’. The definition of ‘black’ and ‘independent’ were not clear and the Working Group underlined the importance of including all minority ethnic teachers as well as trade unions in the network. It was reported that the Frank Barnes School for deaf children in Camden was threatened with closure. The Working Group resolved to establish a dialogue with the North Central Partnership Project on Sensory Impairment which was considering alternative provision in Haringey and Islington. In November, the Working Group discussed the situation in relation to Academies in London. Issues such as Academies for 3 to 18 year olds and freedom of information were considered. The Working Group proposed there should be consultation on freedom of information and that the Union should produce a pack on freedom of information and Academies for divisions. The Working Group received a paper on the ‘Proposal for a Single London Regional Council’. It was agreed that the formation of the single London Regional Council would be an opportunity to revitalise regional council attendance and business. The new London Regional Council would deal with issues such as organising, sharing good practice, young members and training. It was noted that the area covered by SERTUC also included the Union’s South East and Eastern regional councils and that it would be important to ensure appropriate coordination. In December, the Working Group received a draft Constitution for the single London Regional Council and made recommendations for amendments to the Executive. It was noted that the first meeting of the new London Regional Council would be held on Monday, 4 February 2008. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Report of the Executive 2008 27 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (h) The Working Group considered the proposed strategy of the London Skills and Employment Board on skills and employment in London. An office response was submitted to SERTUC in December. 26. WORKING PARTY ON SUPPORT FOR LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS AND DIVISIONS Chairperson: Ian Murch (a) The working party was established following the decision of Conference 2007. Membership of the Working Party was agreed to include one representative from each of the regions and Wales plus two executive members one of whom would act as chair. The representatives were selected following appropriate consultations in the regions and Wales. Additional members were co-opted to the Working Party in order to correct certain imbalances in its composition. The members of the working group selected by region/Wales are: Ian Murch (Chair), Executive Member, Mick Lerry, Executive Member, Mike Rought-Brookes, North Yorkshire Division Secretary, Ken Cridland, Lancashire Division Secretary, Howard Roberts, Kirklees Division Secretary, Jim Warner, Dudley Division Secretary, Martin Goold, Suffolk Division Secretary, Colin Caswell, Surrey Division Secretary, David Smale, Plymouth Division Secretary, Dennis Charman, Hammersmith and Fulham Division Secretary, Betty Calderbank, Bromley Division Secretary, Mike Harris, Rhondda Cynon Taf Division Secretary The co-opted members are: Amanda Martin, Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth Division, Betty Joseph, Southwark Division Secretary, Keith Nason, Barnet Division Secretary, Kendra Deacon, Young Teachers’ Advisory Committee & shortly Norfolk Division Secretary. The remit was agreed as follows: “To advise the Executive, in the context of the developing Union organising approach, on the following areas: 1. Enhancing support for division and local association officers in all aspects of their role. 2. Enhancing support for school representatives. 3. Recruiting and retaining the Union’s activist base.” The working group held its first meeting in November and discussed proposals for local web sites and the progress on the implementation of the previous task group’s recommendations. The group noted the considerable progress that had been made and identified areas requiring further work and discussion which would be taken forward in future meetings. A second meeting was held in December and will report to the Co-ordinating and Finance Committee and Executive in January. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 27. EUROPEAN STRATEGIES SUB-COMMITTEE Chairperson: Alan Rutter Three meetings of the Sub-Committee were held during the year, in January, March and May. At the time of writing a further meeting was planned to be held in December, but would not report to the Executive before the New Year. 27.1 The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) At each of its meetings, the Sub-Committee received reports from Christine Blower, the Deputy General Secretary, on her involvement in the European Economic and Social Committee. The Committee was a consultative body that provided a platform to express points of view on EU issues and had a key role in the decision making process of the EU. Christine Blower served on two sections of the EESC: Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion; and Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship. The work of these sections covered the general area of operation of the Union, including children and poverty. 27.2 EI Pan European Conference/ETUCE General Assembly The Sub-Committee received a report on the Union’s participation in the EI Pan European Conference and ETUCE General Assembly, held in December 2006. The British Irish Group supported nominees for positions in the elections had been successful, and the Sub-Committee noted that Ronnie Smith, General Secretary of the Educational Institute of Scotland, had been elected as President and Christine Blower, had been elected to the ETUCE/EI Pan European Committee Board. 27.3 (a) TUC organised visit to Brussels The Sub-Committee received a report on the TUC organised visit of education and health and emergency service trade unionists to the European Commission on 27-29 November 2006. The visit had been funded through the EU. Executive member, Max Hyde, and Chris Brown, NUT Parliamentary and Campaigns Officer had represented the Union on the visit. The programme included an introduction to the TUC Brussels office; a presentation on the campaign on services of general interest; a report on the programme of work for 2007 of the European Trade Union Congress (ETUC); and an up-date on the newly established International Trade Union Congress. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 28 Report of the Executive 2008 (b) The second day of the visit was spent with the European Commission and the third with British MEPs. The Sub-Committee noted the arrangements and funding opportunities arising from the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All in 2007. The Sub-Committee agreed that the Union should seek to influence any activities in the UK that would celebrate the year and would try to get schools involved. This issue was referred to the Education & Equal Opportunities Committee for consideration. 27.4 TUC European Network Regular reports were given on the work of the TUC European Network; a body composed of representatives from unions involved in European work. 27.5 Public Services – ETUC Petition The Sub-Committee received regular reports on the progress towards achieving a target one million signatures to the ETUC public services petition. The petition had been publicised on the Union’s website and on the TUC website in order to encourage more signatures. The last report given showed a disappointing response to the petition, falling far short of the numbers of signatures required. 27.6 GATS and its impact on education services At the second meeting of the Sub-Committee a lengthy discussion was held on the matter of GATS and its impact on education services. A paper was presented by the Senior Solicitor highlighting the current position where education was safe, but identifying moves by the United States, Australia and New Zealand for GATS to concentrate also on public services, including education particularly at the higher and further education levels. School education, however, was agreed to be a national domestic competence which would not be affected by GATS. The Sub-Committee noted the work of ETUCE and the EESC to ensure that countries retained the right to have Services of General Interest free from the neo liberal policies proposed in GATS. It was agreed that the Union would remain vigilant and pursue a pro-active role in this area. The potential threat to higher and further education, including post-16 FE education, would have implications for Union members and colleagues in UCU. The marketisation of education could also open the door to GATS. The Sub-Committee noted that this area of policy was dealt with through the Education & Equal Opportunities Committee. A recommendation was made that this committee should consider a strategy paper and the need for an awareness raising exercise among members. It was further agreed that an approach be made to UCU and to the TUC and, in addition, that the ETUCE should be pressed to take the necessary action to alert affiliates on the issues and the need for campaigning to protect our education services. 27.7 Green Paper: Modernising Labour Law to meet the challenges of the 21 century The Sub-Committee received a report on the discussions surrounding the Green Paper. This had arisen from the launch by the European Commission of a broad public debate on the need to review current labour laws systems to put them in step with the modern world of work. The NUT had contributed to the response from the TUC to the Green Paper, but had also submitted its own response drawing on its campaign on agency workers. 27.8 ETUCE (European Trade Union Committee for Education) The Sub-Committee welcomed the re-establishment of an ETUCE network of lawyers, originally established in 2003 at the NUT’s’ instigation. The Senior Solicitor and Assistant Secretary, L&PS, were both involved in meetings of this group, which was constituted now as an advisory group to the ETUCE. Regular reports of meetings of the group would be made to the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee discussed in advance the arrangements and papers for the ETUCE Regional Seminar that was held in Berlin on 23 May. These regional seminars were an attempt by ETUCE and EI (Europe) to explore what scope there was to create a sectoral social dialogue committee for education. Their purpose was to bolster joint working between ETUC and the European Commission on issues that could lead to Directives. Their composition included one employer representative from each country and one trade union representative from each country. The Sub-Committee noted that sectoral social dialogue specifically excluded matters related to pay, conditions of service and pensions. The Sub-Committee noted the distinction between social dialogue in the European context and social partnership in the UK context. At European level there was no requirement to “sign up to, promulgate and promote” the outcomes of social dialogue. The Sub-Committee discussed whether the Union should be involved in any social dialogue mechanism that was established for education. It was agreed to maintain a watching brief, for the moment, on developments and to consider the Union’s position further at the appropriate time. st Report of the Executive 2008 28. 29 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUB-COMMITTEE Chairperson: Helen Andrews The Sub-Committee met twice during 2007. During the course of the year the Sub-Committee considered issues relating to the use and development of IT systems by staff at Headquarters and in the Wales/regional offices and in relation to the Executive, divisions, associations and members. Reports on specific issues are covered within the relevant section of the Organisation & Administration Committee section. 29. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PEACE AND DISARMAMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Chairperson: Martin Reed Vice-Chairperson: Roger King 29.1 Introduction The Sub-Committee met three times during 2007. The Sub-Committee’s priority targets for the year included work relating to human rights, solidarity and support, peace, the Middle East, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), Southern Africa, and Cuba as well as the Commonwealth. The Union continued to work with a range of organisations including Education International (EI) and its affiliates, Education Action International, the Commonwealth Secretariat, teachers’ unions from Commonwealth countries, VSO, UNICEF, Amnesty International and Oxfam. 29.2 Working Group on the Professional Development of Commonwealth Teachers The General Secretary continued to chair the Working Group in his capacity as Convener of the Commonwealth Teachers’ Group (CTG). The published Interim Report of a survey on the policies and provision of professional development in Commonwealth countries, carried out on behalf of the Working th Group, was disseminated at the 16 Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (16CCEM) in Cape Town and more widely. 29.3 (a) Commonwealth Teachers’ Group th The Union continues to play a prominent role in the operation of the CTG. At the Education International 5 World Congress in Berlin in July, over 150 participants attended a meeting of the CTG. There was a high level debate at the meeting about the role and function of the CTG taking forward the policies of EI. The meeting also discussed a draft constitution for the CTG and the membership of the Steering Group. After a detailed discussed, the meeting agreed to retain the current membership of the Steering Group with the th General Secretary as Convener, and to hold elections for the Steering Group at the 17 Conference of the Commonwealth Education Ministers in 2009 in Malaysia. The CTG hosted a meeting on Teacher Qualifications and Equivalencies at Stoke Rochford during September. The meeting was attended by representatives from 18 member states of the Commonwealth, including countries from Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, Australasia and the UK. The purpose of the meeting was to take forward the programme of work agreed by the 16CCEM. This work included the development of a “comparability table” of teacher qualifications; the collection and dissemination of requirements for professional registration and for employment in the countries of the Commonwealth; the development of an international quality standard for professional registration, which could be awarded to teachers who meet the criteria, and which will facilitate the mobility of teachers across the Commonwealth; and establishing informal networks of teacher professional registration bodies and national and regional qualification agencies with a view to sharing good practice in these areas. Each of these matters were fully considered at the meeting and agreements reached on taking each of these forward, with a view to making recommendations to 17CCEM, in 2009. In November, the CTG was represented by the General Secretary at a meeting of the teaching/public service commissions and teacher unions of Commonwealth Asia member countries held in Brunei Darussalam. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the implementation of the Commonwealth Teacher Recruitment Protocol in Asian countries of the Commonwealth. A special meeting of the CTG with teacher union officials present at the event was also held. The purpose of this meeting was to inform those present of the work of the CTG and to make early contact for planning the Teachers’ Forum at 17CCEM in Malaysia in 2009. (b) (c) (d) (e) Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 29.4 (a) (b) (c) 30 Report of the Executive 2008 World Teachers’ Day On 5 October the Union held a joint evening reception with Amnesty International which focused on human rights violations against teachers and their trade unions worldwide. Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen spoke of the shared values between the Union and Amnesty International. UNESCO consultant Brendan O’Malley spoke about the UNESCO report ‘Education Under Attack’, the first study on violent political and military attacks on students, teachers and education officials and union members worldwide. Gerard Kelly from Justice for Colombia spoke about the dangers faced by trade unionists in Colombia. The Ethiopian Teachers’ Association General Secretary, Gemoraw Kassa, spoke of the impact that the Ethiopian Government opposition continued to have on the ETA, as well as of the support that had been provided to them by EI and the Union. Peter Colenso, Head of Education at the Department for International Development spoke about the work of his department in relation to the needs of teachers worldwide. The General Secretary ended the evening by focusing on the progress that had been made by the international community in working towards Education for All. The Union publicised World Teachers’ Day through NUT News 18 which advocated activities in which members could participate. Teachers were encouraged to: download materials from the Education International website which could be used in the classroom; to revisit the Union’s guidelines on workload; to share experiences of pay as part of the Union’s salary campaign and to find out more about oppression of teachers in Colombia and Ethiopia. 29.5 Education International The Union continued to work closely with EI to forge links with other EI affiliate unions. The Union was represented at a range of EI meetings throughout the year, including the 5th EI World Congress held in Berlin and the EI annual Development Cooperation Meeting held in Brussels. 29.6 (a) Education International World Congress The theme of the EI World Congress was ‘Educators – Joining Together for Quality Education and Social Justice’. The Congress provided an opportunity for representatives of EI affiliates to meet and consider the major issues affecting their organisations. Representatives from 331 organisations attended. Delegates voted overwhelmingly for stronger solidarity in their common struggle for social justice. At the Congress the President moved an emergency motion which focused on Ethiopia. The General Secretary spoke on a motion on budgets and the frequency of EI World Congresses. In his contribution the General Secretary argued strongly that Education International’s resources would be best used providing support for activities in the Middle East supporting unions such as the GUPT and therefore it would be apposite to move the EI World Congress to a four year cycle as against the current three year cycle. During EI World Congress the Deputy General Secretary provided a presentation on the role of school administration and management in the provision of quality education. This was followed by a discussion regarding the changing role of school leaders in quality education within the framework of the Porto Alegre Resolution. The Deputy General Secretary also spoke on the rights of the child in terms of the basic human right to an education. The Assistant Secretary, Education and Equal Opportunities, provided a presentation on teacher migration and ‘brain drain’ in terms of teachers’ experiences and good practices. He also spoke on the EFAIDS Programme in terms of the role of research in support of union policies. This was followed by a discussion based on examples of an approach by unions using research to support their activities. The NUT was also represented at Pre-Congress events including the LGBT Caucus, the Women’s Caucus and the Indigenous People’s Caucus as well as on the Communicators’ Network event. The annual Development Cooperation meeting was held in December. The aim of the meeting was to develop constructive partnerships on which the EI policy guidelines for development co-operation can be based. The meeting, which is attended by representatives of selected organisations, also aimed to enable transparency in developing EI policy. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 29.7 (a) (b) (c) Middle East The Union continued to work with EI and its affiliates in the Middle East including with the Israeli Teachers’ Union (ITU) and the General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT). In particular, the Union played a crucial role in relation to the work of the Middle East through Education International’s Advisory Committee on the Middle East of which the General Secretary is the Chair. There was on-going dialogue between the Union and the GUPT throughout the year. The Union worked with EI to identify international support for Palestinian teachers. The Union continued to support the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) through its affiliation to the campaign. In February the Union hosted a visit from twelve Iraqi teachers as part of their participation in a two week training programme in the UK. The delegation of Iraqi visitors included the Officer in Charge of the Women’s Committee and the President of the Iraqi Teachers’ Union. During the visit a range of Union departments provided the Iraqi teachers with an insight into the Union’s work. Report of the Executive 2008 (d) (e) (f) 29.8 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 29.9 (a) (b) (c) (d) 31 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee The visiting teachers had an opportunity to attend the International Relations, Peace and Disarmament Sub-Committee where they discussed the issues facing them in their work as teachers and trade unionists. It was reported that the devastating legacy of the former dictatorship had had a huge impact on the education system in Iraq. The teachers reported that Iraq was also experiencing a difficult period regarding safety for citizens as they went to and from work. The Iraqi Teachers’ Union headquarters in Baghdad is located in an area which is particularly dangerous. Despite this the Iraqi Teachers’ Union was working closely with other Iraqi trade unions to build a democratic society. In November the Union hosted a seminar between teachers from the ITU and members of the Union. The main focus of the seminar was to consider the impact of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia on education in Israel and the UK. This aimed to fulfill the resolution carried at the 2005 Annual Conference to initiate a th project on anti-Semitism, in recognition of the 60 anniversary of the Holocaust and that anti-Semitism was rising throughout Europe. The seminar, which took place over a one week period at Stoke Rochford, was attended by nine members from each organisation. Union members attending the seminar were recruited through an open advertisement in The Teacher. The seminar was facilitated by Robin Richardson and there was input from the Holocaust Education Trust. Material from the seminar was collated and the work is ongoing which aims to produce teaching materials. Tom Hurndall Education Fund During the year the Union sought contributions from associations and members to the Education Fund in the name of Tom Hurndall. Education Action International, a UK Charity, assisted in the initiative to improve the education of children with disabilities in Gaza. Proposals for funding, from six organisations working in the region, for funding which would support specific activities over a six to twelve month period were agreed by the Union. The National Society for Rehabilitation will be conducting a survey of the needs of disabled people which will identify the means of integrating disabled children into school. The Society also aims to equip teachers and families with the knowledge and skills to work with children with physical and mental disabilities. The work will increase the number of children with disabilities in education and increase the level of participation of pupils with special needs in schools and the community. The Right to Live Society aims to provide educational opportunities for pupils with Down’s Syndrome. The work will raise awareness about Down’s Syndrome and encourage community integration of individuals with Down’s Syndrome as well as enabling them to maximise their potential. The Palestine Red Crescent Society will use the funding to upgrade the facilities and services within the Rehabilitation Centre in PRCS Al Amal City with specific focus on the needs of children with mental disabilities. The centre has over six hundred clients who will benefit from the upgrade. The Elamal Rehabilitation Society, located in the Al-Zouhor Neighbourhood in Rafah, will use the funding to develop the services available to deaf children in the area and other parts of the Gaza Strip. The aim is to establish arts based programmes for deaf students to facilitate new methods of learning. The Nebras Al Ajyal Association for Rehabilitation and Development, an organisation developed by Gazan academics, will cater for children with special needs in the Jabalya refugee camp. The funding will provide education and rehabilitation for fifty children which will improve their attainment and increase their independence. The Bureij Society for Community Rehabilitation, an organisation established by the residents of Bureij, will provide support for displaced and disadvantaged families in the area. The funding will provide educational and recreational rehabilitation for two hundred children with disabilities in the Bureij refugee camp. Holocaust Education Trust The Union continued to provide support to the Holocaust Education Trust (HET) in 2007. The HET works in schools and higher education, providing teacher training workshops and lectures, as well as providing teaching aids and resource material. In January, the General Secretary wrote to school representatives to provide information on ‘Paul’s Journey’ and the Teachers’ Notes proposed by the HET. The book and Teachers’ Notes were launched on 27 January, which has been designated as Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK. In September, the General Secretary wrote a joint letter with Karen Pollock, the Chief Executive of the HET, to NUT school representatives in secondary schools and sixth form colleges bringing to their attention a new resource on the Holocaust. ‘Recollections: Eyewitnesses Remember the Holocaust’ is a unique, interactive resource which has been created by the HET in partnership with the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education. Every UK school was offered a free copy of the resource. A representative from the Union joined an HET visit to Aushwitz-Birkenau on the Lessons from Auschwitz project in October. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 29.10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 29.11 (a) (b) 29.12 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 32 Report of the Executive 2008 Ethiopia Throughout the year the Union continued to provide humanitarian support to the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association (ETA). The Union liaised with Education International as well as the TUC to monitor and respond to developments in Ethiopia. In May the Union hosted an evening reception in partnership with the ETA, entitled ‘Miscarriages of Justice against Trade Union and Human Rights in Ethiopia’. Witness statements were given by Judge Teshale Abera, President of the Oromia State Supreme Court and Judge Woldemichael Mehesha Damtto, Chairman of the Inquiry Commission on Miscarriage of Justice in Ethiopia. Judge Abera stated that the government of Ethiopia was taking extreme measures to maintain political power and while this regime prevailed justice would be unlikely. Messages of support for the Ethiopian teachers and trade unionists were received from Owen Tudor, Head of the European Union and International Relations Department at the TUC and Louise Ellman Labour, MP for Liverpool Riverside, who applauded the efforts in support of those suffering in Ethiopia Martin Hill, Researcher for the International Secretariat at Amnesty International, also spoke of his experience of the situation in Ethiopia and informed participants that Amnesty International had recently declared Professor Mesfin Woldemariam a Prisoner of Conscience. In response to this the Union issued a plea to divisions and associations to write in protest to the Ethiopian Government and to seek the release of Professor Mesfin Woldemariam. A high level EI delegation is planned to go to Ethiopia in 2008, of which the Union will be a part. Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union In September the NUT was successful in securing funding from the TUC International Development Learning Fund for an ICT Skills for Women Teachers project in Sierra Leone. The funding will enable a pilot programme, working with the Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union, for four courses accommodating twenty female teachers, eighty teachers in total. The programme will be based on the Union’s successfully established ICT Skills for Teachers programme and will focus on basic ICT skills. The pilot, which will take place in 2008, will be fully evaluated. It is hoped that a successful pilot will lead to the submission of a further bid to DfID to facilitate a similar programme in two other African countries. The sustainable benefits of the programme will include further dissemination of skills by those that attend as well as enabling capacity building of teacher trade unions in the region. Education for All Throughout the year the Union continued to work with partner organisations, including Oxfam and VSO, in support of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE). This year’s campaign called for everyone to ‘Join Up’ to get all children to school. The 2007 campaign was inspired by a quote from Nelson Mandela, ‘if all the world’s children join together they can be more powerful than any government’. Teachers and pupils were asked to be part of the world’s longest chain by making a paper chain and adding messages advocating education for all. These were then sent to Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor in her capacity as President of this year’s G8 summit. Resources for this and suggested activities were provided through the GCE UK website. The significance of the 2007 campaign was that this year was the mid-way point towards the Millennium Development Goals’ deadline of 2015 to reach the target of universal primary education for all. In January and October planning meetings took place between GCE UK, teacher organisations in the UK and Ireland, as well as the German teacher trade union GEW and GCE in Germany. The objectives of the January meeting included identifying awareness raising activities which could take place in schools, as well as joint mobilisation of representatives of teacher trade unions in the UK and Germany. The October meeting aimed to consider how northern based teachers’ unions could develop their support for the GCE within the global south and to consider how NGOs and unions could work together at a national level within the UK to increase strong public support for the GCE and increase pressure on Government to fully play its role in delivering universal primary education for all by 2015. The meeting was attended by GCE Global Co-ordinator, Owain James. The Union played a significant role in the annual global action week, which took place through schools and teachers, as part of the UK GCE coalition. The GCE week of action was held from 23rd to 29th April 2007. The General Secretary delivered a speech at a parliamentary briefing which took place at the House of Commons during the week. He spoke about what the campaign had achieved in schools in terms of pupils’ understanding of how democracy works. This has led to an expectation from young people that politicians can and will deliver promises on funding. The 2007 GCE UK DVD, which provided an update on the campaign, was shown to delegates at Annual Conference. There was a GCE stand throughout Annual Conference which provided materials to delegates, including copies of the DVD. In February the General Secretary delivered the Hugh Gaiskhell memorial lecture at Nottingham University. Subsequently the Union printed and published the lecture which focused on Education for All. Report of the Executive 2008 29.13 (a) (b) 33 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee TUC – International Development Group The Union was represented at TUC International Development Group meetings throughout 2007. The Group considered a range of issues associated with ethical procurement and global economic justice. In June information regarding the high quality international trade union education resources developed by the TUC, which focus on the lives of colleagues in the developing world, was provided to members via a circular and HEARTH. The materials, available on the TUC website, included a new educational fact file called ‘Slavery and Forced Labour in the 21st Century’ in acknowledgement of the 200th anniversary of the Slave Trade Act. In October 2007 the Union supported White Band Day, following a call from the TUC. Funding was provided to enable the TUC to call on politicians to ‘listen to the South’. The day of action demanded the right to work and better public services for the people of the global south. 29.14 DFID/TUC Forum The DFID/TUC Forum, formerly chaired jointly by Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for International Development and Ed Sweeney, Deputy General Secretary of Amicus, is now chaired jointly by Douglas Alexander, the newly appointed Secretary of State for International Development, and Steve Sinnott, the General Secretary, in his capacity as the TUC General Council spokesperson on international development. Topics under discussion during the year included; the relationship between DFID Country Offices and local trade unions; the impact of development on Economic Partnership Agreements; progress on trade union projects funded through DFID; and the UK strategy for tackling HIV/AIDS in the developing world. The Forum also considered the Commonwealth Trade Union Group submission to the 2007 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting ‘Transforming the Commonwealth to Achieve Decent Work’ held in Kampala, Uganda. 29.15 (a) Chevening Scholarship The 2006/2007 Chevening Scholarship was successfully completed by Kathleen Charles, a headteacher and trade unionist from Sierra Leone. Kathleen carried out additional duties during the year, contributing to Union training programmes and attending at the Union’s International Fringe Meeting at Annual Conference. The 2007/2008 Chevening Scholarship was awarded to Salimatu Kabba, a teacher and member of the Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union. On completion of the scholarship Salimatu aims to develop capacity building programmes in Sierra Leone, in particular in terms of the number of women members. (b) 29.16 IDUE In March the Union held an International Development Union Education workshop. The aim of the workshop was to provide members with ideas of how to get involved at local level in promoting international development. Contributors to the programme this year included Cathryn Gathercole, Education Manager at Practical Action, and Annie Watson, TUC Advisor on International Development. 29.17 (a) International Development Continuing Professional Development In April the Union was successful in securing funding for an International Development Professional Development pilot programme, through the TUC Strategic Framework Partnership Agreement Fund. The first seminar of the pilot programme took place at Stoke Rochford in November. The programme is based on the Union’s successful Teacher2Teacher professional development format. Ten pairs of secondary school teachers attended a two day initial seminar which will be followed by classroom based practice. Participants were taught peer coaching techniques so that they could support each other during the school based weeks. The programme has particular focus on development awareness, including: knowledge and understanding of global dimensions of the curriculum; strategies in the classroom; human rights; evidence based teaching about global interdependence; and explorations of concepts such as empathy and solidarity to increase motivation. The follow-up seminar will be held early in 2008. (b) (c) 29.18 (a) (b) Cuba The Union continued to work in partnership with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC). In June 2007 the CSC AGM took place at Hamilton House. Mrs Susanna Acea Terry, a member of the national secretariat of Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTECD), spoke at Annual Conference. She emphasised the success of the health and education systems in Cuba and the influence of these worldwide. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 29.19 (a) (b) (c) (d) 29.20 (a) (b) 29.21 (a) (b) (c) 29.22 (a) (b) (c) (d) 34 Report of the Executive 2008 Partnership with VSO The Union continued to work with VSO in support of teachers. Reports were received providing an update on the VSO/NUT 3 Year Partnership which focuses on teachers’ advocacy work and capacity building for teachers’ unions in Rwanda and Guyana. VSO also facilitated a volunteer placement within the Guyana Teachers’ Union who carried out a needs analysis which focused on capacity building within the union. The report provided the basis on which to develop work in the areas identified following elections within the union by raising awareness of these needs. In Rwanda the Primary Teachers Union (SNEP (Syndicant National Des Enseignants du Primaire) has benefited from partnership working with VSO in 2007 to develop capacity and advocate for better terms and conditions for teachers, as well as engaging with the emerging Rwandan Global Campaign for Education to identify education goals in Rwanda. There has also been a specific objective to increase the capacity of SNEP to raise knowledge and awareness of the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS among teachers. Project work in Rwanda expanded towards the end of 2007 to include ‘Prevention of HIV and AIDS in Rwanda through Education’. The project is using a variety of approaches, including international volunteers, training and workshops, people exchanges and information sharing to build the capacity of partner organisations. Work is underway with students, teachers and school managers of secondary schools as well as with community groups to create an environment where all stakeholders cooperate in order to promote behaviour change in schools and neighbouring communities. The project is building links between education and community networks in each province in order to break down stigma and discrimination and to increase access for people affected by HIV and AIDS to support services. UNICEF The Union continued to support the work of UNICEF. In April, the General Secretary met with Lord Puttnam in his capacity as Chair of UNICEF. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the relationship between the Union and UNICEF through increased joint activities. In November a circular was sent to divisions and associations regarding the UNICEF Day for Change 2008. UNICEF Day for Change calls for schools to participate in activities as a means of raising money towards water and sanitation projects in The Gambia, West Africa. A bespoke website address was provided for NUT members to access information and materials for use in schools. Information regarding this was also placed on HEARTH. Human and Trade Union Rights The Union responded to a number of urgent action appeals following trade union and human rights violations, such as in Ethiopia and Burma. During 2007 discussions took place between the Union and the US National Education Association (NEA) regarding a proposed seminar for teachers focusing on civil liberties, human rights and freedom. It was agreed that the NEA and NUT would draw on the expertise and experience of their highly successful professional development programmes. The seminar would facilitate knowledge and understanding of the Magna Carta, which is understood to have been influential in the development of values underpinning, for example, the US Constitution, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the 1955 African National Congress Freedom Charter, the Indian Constitution and the Commonwealth. In particular the Magna Carta has influenced the American Bill of Rights in terms of two critical decisions which have shaped equality in the United States: the 1954 Brown vs the Board of Education; and the Voting Rights Act. The seminar, which will lead to the development of teaching materials, will be held during 2008. It is planned that the seminar will be held in partnership with Lincoln Cathedral, where a copy of the Magna Carta resides. Tsunami Reconstruction Programme In February the Deputy General Secretary, along with representatives from EI, visited the Tsunami Reconstruction Programme in Aceh, Indonesia. The damage caused by the Tsunami to communities in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, included damage to two thousand school buildings and the death of two thousand five hundred teachers. In response to the Tsunami, teacher trade unions around the world had collected donations to help rebuild the affected areas and EI had elected to coordinate the funding. The funding provided by members of the NUT resulted in a key contribution to the EI development programme. The 2007 tour to Aceh included students and teachers as well as trade union representatives from Australia, Japan and the Netherlands as well as the UK. The UK group included four students and their teacher. They witnessed the development work carried out in Aceh by EI. The EI tsunami region development programme had so far enabled: reconstruction of twenty eight elementary schools; training for one thousand teachers; trauma counseling training for over two hundred teachers; and the provision of four hundred elementary school scholarships. Seminars focusing on the trip were later held at Annual Conference and the National Education Conference, where delegates had an opportunity to find out more about the programme of action. Report of the Executive 2008 35 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 29.23 Burma In response to the violence that occurred in Burma following peaceful demonstrations in October, the General Secretary wrote to the Burmese embassy in London emphasising that freedom of expression was a fundamental human right. 29.24 International Visitors As well as a range of international guests that attended Annual Conference the Union hosted visits for many international guests throughout the year including: a delegation from China; Japanese trade unionists; Iraqi teachers; Norwegian teacher trade unionists; and visitors from Kuwait. 29.25 (a) The Teacher Throughout the year The Teacher covered the Union’s international work through a range of articles. These included: • The 2007 Global Campaign for Education call to ‘Join Up!’ was featured in March. This article provided early notification of the 2007 campaign and availability of materials. In April, to mark Global Action Week, the rationale behind the campaign was covered. th • The first ever Teachers’ Forum held at the 16 Commonwealth Conference of Education Ministers was reported in the March issue. The Forum, at which the General Secretary spoke in his capacity as Convener of the Commonwealth Teachers’ Group, was reported as being a great success and resulted in the presentation of a Teachers’ Statement to Commonwealth Education Ministers. • In May an article by the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Education Advisor looked at the advantages and disadvantages of teacher migration across the Commonwealth. • The Union’s support for the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association was reported on a regular basis. In January an appeal by EI to the government of Ethiopia to respect freedom of union association was featured. The July/August issue of The Teacher highlighted the Union’s response to the Teachers TV interview with the Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The General Secretary joined a panel which responded to the broadcast. In September the magazine provided details of an urgent action appeal calling for the release of three members of the ETA who had been detained as a result of their membership of the trade union. • A visit by a group of UK teachers to Palestine was reported in September. • In March the No More Landmines Trust expressed its appreciation for the support provided by NUT members to the No More Landmines campaign. In July an article featured ‘Kick Out Cluster Bombs’, the campaign focusing on the particular impact of cluster bombs, which had been highlighted at Annual Conference. The September issue featured an article by Rebecca Maynard of No More Landmines which focused on cluster bombs, in particular in Vietnam and called for members to use the free resource pack available on the campaign’s website • In November members were called on to send messages in protest against the situation developing in Burma. The article provided information regarding the situation as well as the reaction of EI and the Union. • An article on link activities between schools, such as pupils and staff from Halifax campaigning to fund rebuilding of a school in Pakistan was featured in the January issue. There was also a report of a visit by NUT members to the Village International Education Centre in Bangkok, which provides a haven for pupils unable to cope with regular school. • Visits to the UK by teachers were also featured, such as the visit by teachers from Iraq. • In January a feature focused specifically on working in Africa. The article provided profiles of several teachers who had recent experiences of teaching in African countries. • The success of the EI programme in Aceh, in the region affected by the Tsunami, was covered in an article published in the April issue. • In November it was reported that hundreds of children from Rochdale had observed the UN Day of Peace by marching through the town, led by Wardle High School’s brass band. • The December issue included an article from Cathryn Gathercole from the international development charity Practical Action. She wrote about raising awareness of global issues through the curriculum. The article included practical steps that can be taken by teachers to introduce global dimensions in the classroom. There were also several brief reports from around the world of activities by schools, teachers and trade unions under the heading ‘Worldview’. (b) 29.26 Other Issues In January a letter was sent to the Interim Prime Minister of Fiji expressing concern about the impact of the military takeover on education. The Union sent messages of support to colleagues in Korea on the occasion of their National Educators Rally and to Trinidad and Tobago at their annual conference. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 36 Report of the Executive 2008 30. LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUB-COMMITTEE Chairperson : Christine Hood Vice Chairperson: Goronwy Jones 30.1 (a) INTRODUCTION This report again describes many of the successes and achievements of the legal cases handled by the Union’s Regional/Wales offices. Every year there is interest shown in the cases successfully concluded and reported on these pages by totting-up the totals of the sums recorded as awarded in compensation. The point is repeatedly made that this total is not in itself a true reflection of what is achieved nor an accurate reflection of the legal work done for Union members. The award achieved in a case is often made up largely of future earnings lost as a result of an injury that should not have been allowed to happen, an injury suffered at work because someone has been negligent or an injury caused by a criminal act of violence against a teacher. The amount recovered therefore differs according to the age and future prospects of the Claimant. A young teacher who suffers a serious injury will recover far more in compensation that an older teacher with a relatively minor injury. What really matters to the individual teacher who receives NUT legal assistance and representation is that justice is done and an award of £500 which provides that justice is as important and significant to the teacher who has been unjustly treated as any six figure award made to compensate a teacher who has been more seriously harmed. Furthermore, a resolution to a problem without recourse to legal action may be a greater success for the member than payment of compensation. Nor is the total of the figures reported on these pages a full and complete total. To report in detail all the cases successfully taken up would take up more space in this report than is appropriate. Also the Union’s solicitors are not the Union’s only member case file holders. They support their colleagues with their legal knowledge and experience in securing fair and just outcomes for many, many more members. That which is achieved in representing NUT members individually also sets precedents and wins arguments from which many thousands of other members benefit. In all these ways the NUT’s legal service makes its contribution to the work of representing members individually and collectively. The Union’s lawyers provide a unique form of service of which includes colleagues in the Regional Office teams and the very large number member representatives in the Union’s local associations and divisions whose work and commitment is a very special feature of the Union’s work. In 2007 the Sub-Committee approved 381 new cases for legal assistance. A mere handful of 10 cases were refused, all but one of these because either the member could not be judged to have reasonable prospects of success in legal proceedings or because he or she was not in Union membership when the case first arose. In one extreme case, the Union refused legal assistance on the grounds that whatever the prospects of success, the Union would not be prepared to be associated with the member’s admitted conduct. In some of the cases in which legal assistance was not approved because of the lack of a practical legal remedy, the Sub-Committee asked that the Regional Secretary consider other ways in which the Union might be able to assist. This approach reflects the way in which the Union can provide legal assistance where the law seems able to provide a remedy, but does not necessarily refuse Union assistance if there appear to be other ways of helping a deserving member. Breakdown of legal assistance granted (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Personal Injury Personal Injury Stress Assaults on Teachers Criminal Cases Road Traffic Accident Employment Cases Defamation Miscellaneous (g) 30.2 (a) 115 4 27 138 08 69 03 07 TOTAL new cases in 2007 381 The Sub-Committee is, as always, conscious that the Union’s representation of its members in the problems that affect them in their day to day working lives is a service which depends crucially on the energy and commitment of local officers as well as the members of the professional teams at Regional and Wales Offices and at Union Headquarters. It is important that the Sub-Committee should record in this report the thanks and appreciation of the Union for their efforts. LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Department’s role is focused on development and implementation of policy on legal issues as well as advice and guidance to caseworkers at the Regional and Wales Offices and Divisions and Associations. Report of the Executive 2008 (b) (c) 37 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Casework is only handled by the Department itself where it involves issues of national or strategic importance. Instead, caseworkers in the Offices consult the Department for advice and support as necessary, keeping conduct of each case within the Office so that the wealth of local experience and expertise can be applied to resolution of the problem. The daily contact with Office caseworkers also assists in keeping Department staff aware of the changing scene of the problems faced by teachers. Guidance on legal developments and new tactics to be used with common problems is a focus of our work. With the development of Hearth the Department has been able to continue to build up the bank of advice and guidance available to Union caseworkers. 30.3 Guidance and Policy Development 30.4 (a) Family-friendly rights The Department has built a bank of material on adoption leave and pay, including adoptions from overseas, paternity leave and pay and flexible working. In addition the Department has produced sample letters for caseworkers, with fact sheets that can be emailed or sent to members, on the seven strands of unlawful discriminatory harassment, including sex, race, disability, transgender status, sexual orientation, religion or belief and age. The Department also issued guidance to members, local officers and regional and Wales offices on changes to the statutory maternity and adoption schemes effective from April. The guidance covered the extension of the maternity and adoption pay periods to 39 weeks, the introduction of 'keeping in touch' days and reasonable contact during statutory leave, and changes to some of the statutory notice periods. The Department gave advice and assistance on several cases during the year where employers were misinterpreting the new legislation. The Department also assisted in securing the repayment to a member of her statutory entitlement to maternity pay which she had lost due to a negligent misstatement by her employer. (b) (c) 30.5 (a) (b) (c) 30.6 (a) (b) (c) (d) Child protection Two new pieces of commentary and guidance for Divisions and Regional/Wales Offices on the DCSF guidance entitled “Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education” are now available on Hearth. This first guidance document relates to those points of the document that deal with recruitment best practice. The guidance seeks to clarify the arguments that Union caseworkers can employ, in order to try to secure as balanced a local authority child protection policy as is possible. It also seeks to set out practical steps that caseworkers can take in order to try to minimize the long-term impact of a false or unfounded allegation. The second guidance document deals with the processes of the school staff for dealing with allegations of abuse of pupils made against staff. The DCSF guidance is supplemented by the Teacher Organisation/NEOST guidelines, which having last been updated some years ago are now not entirely consistent with the DSCF guidance. The Department’s guidance seeks to provide a summary of the steps that the Union would wish employers to take when an allegation is made, taking into account the two sets of guidelines and to dovetail the two sets, wherever possible. Stress and Harassment The Department has provided guidance and casework support for Regional/Wales office caseworkers on claims which may be considered under the Protection from Harassment Act. A landmark House of Lords case in 2006, Majrowski v Guy's and St Thomas's NHS Trust held that an employer could be vicariously liable for a breach of the Act that is committed by an employee in the course of his or her employment. Although the judgment makes it clear that the hurdle has been set high for proving “harassment”, in appropriate cases there can be significant advantages to members in bringing the claim under the PFHA as opposed to other legal routes. In another significant Court of Appeal case in 2007, Daw v Intel Corporation, it was made clear that where an employee is experiencing stress relating to excessive workloads, the employer will be unable to rely upon the provision of a counselling service as an automatic defence to a claim for occupational stress. Even if an employer has systems in place to support staff who are suffering from work-related stress, this is no substitute for putting an action plan in place to reduce their workload and a failure to do so may result in the employer being found to be negligent. The court also accepted that the employer did not have prior knowledge that the employee was susceptible to work-related depression. Despite this lack of knowledge, the employer was still held liable, because it was aware of the Claimant’s excessive workload but failed to take appropriate steps to reduce/manage it. In the light of this case, existing guidance to Divisions on stress at work was amended to recommend that consideration should be given to a follow-up visit to a school after a stress audit and risk assessment to assess whether any steps to reduce stress have been taken, and whether they are effective. The Department also contributed to a document for head teachers on preventing stress at work. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 30.7 (a) (b) 38 Report of the Executive 2008 Overseas Trained Teachers Particular difficulties facing Overseas Trained Teachers (OTTs) came to a head this year when the Government announced its intention to remove the flexibility in the arrangements under which OTTs can teach while training to acquire QTS. The Regulations allow OTTs to teach for up to four years without QTS, or for longer than four years if the teacher is then engaged on a programme leading to QTS. However in practice many OTTs had not previously been informed of the 4 year requirement, had not been given access to training, and were shocked to discover that their local authority employers were being told that they must be dismissed. The Union undertook a campaign to prevent the removal of the flexibility, with publicity including a lobby outside the Home Office, which was successful in that the Government agreed a delay of one year in the introduction of the provision. It became clear however that this will not remove the injustice for a number of teachers who have not been able to access training and acquire QTS. The Union supported the case of one member, who successfully appealed to an immigration judge against a decision that he should leave the country. The judge accepted the Union’s member’s case that he had been failed by the whole process and commented that the Government should recognise its responsibility for the situation. 30.8 Academies The Department worked with Conditions of Service section to produce advice and guidance on the employment rights of teachers employed in or transferred to Academy employment. Guidance regarding the application of the Transfer of Undertakings Regulations has been further developed as a result of the casework which is now being undertaken at Regional Offices on a regular basis. 30.9 Slips and trips at school The 2007 case of Ellis v Bristol City Council 2007 decided that Regulations 12 (1) and (2) of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 which render employers strictly liable if a floor or traffic route in a workplace is unsuitable in its construction for the purpose for which it is used, must be interpreted widely. The effect of this is that an employer must not only assess the construction of floor and traffic route, but also any transient substance which lies upon them on a regular basis. Guidance was prepared for Regional and Wales offices on this case, who have since been successful in persuading employers to admit liability on the strength of the argument that rain from a leaking roof which regularly falls onto a floor makes the floor unsuitable and therefore falls foul of the regulations. 30.10 (a) Other guidance The Department has drafted guidance for hearth on a number of other subjects, including redundancy pay and the four week rule; re-deployment and the DDA; Model Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan; Calculating Pension Loss, and Fingerprint Technology in Schools. The Department has also worked with the Conditions of Service Department on a number of documents including those setting out the obligations on schools in the light of the Barber decision and the Disability Discrimination Act. The Department also assisted in the preparation of a Circular to Divisions on the lessons to be learnt from the Silverhill School, Derby Asbestos incident. The Department also contributed to the guidance issued by the Education and Equal Opportunities Department on the gender equality duty, in particular in relation to the promotion of the rights of part time teachers and teachers returning to work from maternity leave. (b) (c) 30.11 (a) (b) (c) DTI Consultation 'Success at Work - Measures to Protect Vulnerable Agency Workers' The Department responded to a DTI consultation on agency workers which was limited to addressing 'bad' practices affecting the most vulnerable agency workers without placing burdens on 'reputable' agencies. The Union began by welcoming the opportunity to comment on measures to protect vulnerable agency workers but expressed its extreme disappointment at the very limited proposals addressed in the consultation. The Union urged the Government to undertake a much wider review of the status of agency workers and of the regulation of employment agencies. The Department opposed the removal of the existing protection under the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 requiring agencies supplying workers for short term assignments of 5 days or less to provide minimum basic written information on the contract to the worker. The Union also called for a statutory requirement on agencies providing workers to sectors in which the pay and conditions are statutorily regulated to be obliged to comply with the statutory structure. Such a move would prevent agencies from undercutting teachers' pay. The Union recommended that the agency sector should be subject to licence with sufficient resources for inspection and regulation. Finally, the Union supported the Government's proposal to amend the Conduct Regulations to ensure that hirers, or schools in the case of teachers, are informed when agencies have not been able to obtain copies of relevant qualifications or authorisations of the work seeker. Report of the Executive 2008 30.12 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 39 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee DTI Consultation 'Resolving Disputes in the Workplace' The Department was keen to respond to the DTI's consultation on resolving disputes in the workplace, in particular in relation to proposals to replace the statutory dispute resolution procedures. Since the statutory procedures were introduced under the Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2004, the Department, the regional offices, the Wales office and all NUT divisions and associations have spent much time considering, interpreting and applying the statutory dispute resolution procedures to secure the most favourable outcomes for our members. The Union stressed that the statutory regime was overly complicated and had confused tribunals as well as employers and employee representatives. It was with mixed feelings that the Union received the news that the Government was likely to repeal the regulations. Whilst the requirements were overly burdensome, there have been some benefits. The Union opposed any proposal to remove the statutory right to a hearing before a decision to discipline or dismiss. The Union had ensured that employers follow the statutory dismissal procedure before terminating teachers' fixed term contracts and the Union viewed the removal of the right to a hearing before the non-renewal of a fixed term contract as a retrograde step. Since the statutory rights were introduced in 2004, the Union had supported many teachers in independent schools and colleges where previously there had been no access to natural justice in disciplinary and dismissal procedures and where there was no right to raise a grievance with the employer. The Department pointed out that the statutory procedures had assisted those teachers in accessing and enforcing their employment rights. The Department supported the removal of the requirement to commence a formal workplace grievance procedure before lodging a tribunal claim. The requirement on employees to commence the statutory grievance procedure before lodging a claim to an ET had caused confusion, delay and the premature 'formalisation' of disputes which could have been resolved informally in the workplace. The Union accepted that access to grievance procedures had increased the resolution of disputes in the workplace. The Union was however in favour of a statutory provision that provided for fair workplace procedures to be implied into every contract of service and contract for services. The Union recommended that the contracts of all workers, including agency workers, should include a right of access to discipline and grievance procedures and that all employers and agencies should be required to commence the discipline procedures before dismissing, removing or imposing any disciplinary sanction on workers. The Union supported the continued involvement of ACAS in the resolution of disputes. The Department expressed the Union's opposition to the use of penalties against workers for failure to follow workplace procedures. The Department recommended the introduction of standards of behaviour to the employment relationship at the point of its inception, as a term of the contract, rather than 'from the initial occurrence of the dispute in the workplace'. A contractual right to reasonable treatment in the workplace would encourage better treatment of workers from the outset. The Union supported the provision of guidelines drawn up by the TUC and the CBI and other representative bodies setting out good practice examples for promoting the early resolution of workplace disputes, but opposed the proposal that the Government provide a new telephone and online advice service on dispute resolution. The Union was concerned that the service might not be sufficiently impartial and suggested that resources be directed instead to improving the effectiveness of ACAS and to enhancing the support and advice on workplace discrimination and harassment of the new Equality and Human Rights Commission. The Department supported the simplification of the tribunal claim form and expressed the Union's opposition to the suggestion that claimants should provide a 'statement of loss' when making a claim to a tribunal. Such a proposal could result in injustice to claimants who are not represented and who are unlikely to be aware of the statutory regime for compensation. The Department recommended that the time limits should be harmonised to six months whether or not the statutory dispute resolution procedures were repealed. The Union supported the simplification of the management of multi-claimant claims and recommended that trades unions should be entitled to bring representative claims on behalf of members where two or more members have the same cause of complaint against the same respondent. 30.13 DTI Supplementary Review - Procedural Fairness in Unfair Dismissal The Government issued a supplementary consultation paper on procedural fairness in dismissal cases. The Union supported the revival of what is known as the 'Polkey principle'. Under the Polkey principle, should an employer fail to comply with any workplace procedures a dismissal would be found to be unfair even if the employer shows that the failure did not affect the decision to dismiss. 30.14 DTI Consultation: Work and Families Additional Paternity Leave and Pay Administration Consultation Following the Union's response to the DTI consultation ‘Work and Families: Choice and Flexibility’ in May 2005, the Department contributed to a joint response with the Education and Equal Opportunities and Conditions of Service Department to a further consultation on the administration of additional paternity leave and pay. The Union supported maximum flexibility for parents and called for flexibility for fathers and partners and for the removal of the requirement to take ordinary paid statutory paternity leave in blocks of one or two weeks. (a) (b) Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 40 Report of the Executive 2008 (c) The Union agreed that where the mother or adopter of a child died before the first anniversary of the birth or adoption of the child, the father or partner should be entitled to at least the statutory leave and pay that the mother would have received had she not died (had she not yet returned to work). 30.15 (a) Jersey Employment Forum Consultation: Maternity, Paternity and family Friendly Working The Department responded to an extensive consultation by the Jersey Employment Forum on proposals for employment rights for families in Jersey. The Department viewed this as an opportunity to promote the best of the statutory and contractual benefits available to teachers in England and Wales and to recommend further provisions to benefit teachers in Jersey. The Union supported the right for women to paid time off work for ante-natal examinations and classes and supported the right of expectant fathers or partners to paid time off to attend medical appointments since the purpose of ante natal examinations is to monitor the health of the growing baby as well as the health of the mother. The Union supported the inclusion of a compulsory period of maternity leave for new mothers and appropriate work place arrangements for pregnant and breast-feeding women working in dangerous environments. The Union also supported suggestions that employers provide flexible hours, rest breaks and milk storage facilities for breast-feeding mothers returning to work. The Union supported entitlement to 52 weeks' maternity and adoption leave, the right to claim sick pay, the right to continued terms and conditions during maternity or adoption leave and the right to return to the same job. The Union supported proposals for Keeping in Touch days and reasonable contact. The Forum consulted on paternity leave, paternity pay, parental leave and flexible working and time off for dependents which the Union supported in line with current policy. The Union supported in principle the possibility of a flexible extended statutory leave entitlement for all employees to take to cover all family related requirements. Our concern was that such leave provisions should not erode specific protections and entitlements available to women who are pregnant, have given birth or who are breastfeeding. Finally, the Union encouraged the introduction of the concept of composite rights which allow employees to take advantage of the most favourable statutory or contractual employment benefits. (b) (c) (d) (e) 30.16 'Discrimination Law Review - A Framework for Fairness: Proposals for a Single Equality Bill for Great Britain' (a) The Government has a manifesto commitment to introduce a Single Equality Bill within this Parliament. To realise this, it established the Discrimination Law Review in February 2005. The DLR was tasked with undertaking a comprehensive review of discrimination legislation and making recommendations that would simplify and modernise the law and ensure better enforcement and compliance with it. After considerable delay, its lengthy and wide-ranging Green Paper A Framework for Fairness: Proposals for a Single Equality Bill was published on 12 June 2007. (b) The Department submitted a forty page response to the consultation document and stressed that though the majority of changes were on the whole positive and likely to achieve the aims of the review, UK discrimination legislation would continue to fail the most disadvantaged in society if the Government carried out its proposal to weaken the requirements of the public sector equality duties. (c) The Union argued that discrimination on the basis of perception and association should be extended to all equality strands including sex, transgender status, disability and age. The Department agreed with the proposal to extend indirect discrimination to cover gender reassignment. (d) The Union supported the proposal to harmonise the definition of victimisation in discrimination with those that apply elsewhere in employment law and that the requirement for a comparator should be removed in direct discrimination claims. (e) The Union opposed the retention of the exceptions permitting faith schools to discriminate against teachers on grounds of their religion, belief or non-belief under regulation 39 of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 and, in particular, section s 58 to 60 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. (f) The Union recommended that protection from contractual and non-contractual sex discrimination should be harmonised under the proposed single equality act and that the existing exception under section 6(5) SDA 1975 which excludes pay claims should be revoked and should not be replicated in the new legislation. The Union supported the extension of the concept of the pay equality clause being implied into all contracts of employment on all discriminatory grounds. The Union rejected the proposals for a pay moratorium and recommended instead the introduction of mandatory equal pay reviews in the public and private sectors. (g) The Union called for the re-establishment of the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Fund, particularly the reassertion of the then DfES guidance that the fund could be used for "school or area-wide support for teachers with caring responsibilities. (h) The Union called for protection for school pupils in education on the grounds of gender reassignment. Similarly, the Union supported protection for school pupils on grounds of maternity or pregnancy. (i) The Union welcomed the proposal to address the anomaly in the Race Relations Act that excluded colour and nationality from the definition of unlawful racial harassment. Such a move would reduce the scope for confusion or misinterpretation of the legislation. Report of the Executive 2008 41 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (j) The Union supported proposals for a statutory prohibition of harassment at work by third parties such as pupils or parents. The Department also recommended that there should be a statutory duty on employers of teachers to record, report and take action against all discriminatory language and behaviour in schools, particularly where the intention or effect of the language or behaviour was that the teacher is harassed in breach of the existing definitions of unlawful harassment in employment. 30.17 (a) Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme The Department drafted the Union’s response to the National Audit Office study which sought general views on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme. The Union expressed concern over the fact that the Scheme excluded victims with minor injuries (a significant proportion of the injuries to teachers) by the imposition of the £1,000 threshold. Concern was expressed that maximum compensation was capped at £500,000. This, in effect, punished the more vulnerable and the most injured. Concern was expressed over the fact that out of pocket expenses can be reclaimed only where the applicant has lost earnings or earning capacity for longer than 28 weeks, further, that the form does not clearly state this. The Union argued that the tariff system of compensation was flawed in a number of ways and it was suggested that compensation should be more in line with the JSB guideline figures for general damages in personal injury cases and that Scheme Staff should have more flexibility in awarding compensation. The Union expressed concern over the Authority’s handling of multi injury cases in terms of their valuation. It was often the case that valuations were flawed so that Union members have no option but to seek a review or an appeal. The Union argued that interim payments should be paid as the norm once eligibility was established. The Union argued that the limitation period for application to the scheme should be extended from two years to three years, so as to be in line with personal injury claim limitation. It was argued that the rule that access to the scheme should be denied to those victims who have been involved in crime prevention during the course of their employment should be removed in the case of teachers, further, that the initial form should be amended in a number of ways which would be beneficial to applicants of the scheme e.g. in the “what happened?” section, it should be made clear that access to the scheme will be denied, unless the matter is reported in such a way as to make it clear that the incident occurred as a result of an intentional or reckless act. Finally, the Union argued that the Scheme’s requirement that compensation should only be awarded to those victims of crime who have reported the matter promptly to the police, should be removed entirely in the case of teachers, who will usually be encouraged to report the matter to the head teacher only. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 30.18 (a) (b) (c) (d) Personal Injury Claims Process The Department responded to a consultation paper issued by the Department for Constitutional Affairs entitled “case track limits and the claims process for personal injury claims”. The consultation paper contained a set of proposals which were aimed at (a) increasing the rate by which personal injury claims are processed, and (b) lowering the cost of the personal injury claims process. Specifically, the government proposed: keeping the small claims limits for personal injury claims at its current level of £1,000, but increasing the limit on all personal injury claims with an injury value of between £1,000 and £15,000 (“fast track” cases) from £15,000 to £25,000. In respect of fast track claims, it was proposed that the Claimant (i.e. the member in the case of the NUT) would only be allowed to rely on one medical report in respect of his/her claim. In cases where liability has been admitted but quantum (the amount of damages) could not be agreed, and the case has a value of under £2,500, it was proposed that the Claimant should make an application to the court for an assessment of damages. However, in determining the award, the court will only have access to the medical report, claim form, schedule of special damages. That is, only in exceptional cases, would evidence from the Claimant be allowed. It was further proposed that in such cases, the Claimant would only be able to recover fixed costs for the hearing, and only if the Claimant’s last offer to settle is beaten at trial. In cases where the case is worth £2,500 or above, it was proposed that differential fixed costs should apply. The Union welcomed the government’s recommendation that the current small claims limit should remain at £1,000. The significance of the small claims limit was that costs cannot usually be claimed in respect of personal injury claims which have an injury value of not more than £1,000 i.e. not more than the small claims limit. If the small claims limit were to be increased therefore, this is likely to have a detrimental impact on Claimants generally, since they would be less likely to secure legal representation. This in turn would lead to a “driving down” of damages which would have a detrimental impact upon our members. The Union also welcomed the introduction of time limits by which the Defendant insurer must revert to the Claimant on liability. However, concern was expressed that sanctions would need to be imposed for this provision to be taken seriously by Defendants. Whilst the Union would have no objection to an increase in the fast track limit in personal injury claims from £15,000 to £25,000, the Union would be opposed to any measures whereby a Claimant would be limited to obtaining one medical report in support of their claim. Often, members who have injuries worth £25,000 or less, will have sustained multiple injuries whereby several medical reports are necessary for the purposes of quantification of the claim. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 42 Report of the Executive 2008 (e) The Union expressed concern over the government’s attempt to treat cases with a pain and suffering value of £2,500 and under, as a separate tier both in terms of the Claimant being unable to give evidence at trial and in terms of costs recovery. 30.19 (a) DCSF Consultation: Child Protection Consultation The Department drafted the Union response to the Government consultation paper entitled “Review of Implementation of Guidance on Handling Allegation of Abuse Against those Who work with Children and Young People”. The purpose of the consultation was to assess the extent of implementation of a previously issued child protection government guidance document and whether that guidance had produced any intended consequences. Specifically, the paper asked for feedback on how issues such as suspension are being handled by employers. After consulting the Regional/Wales Offices, the Union produced a detailed response. The main concerns outlined in respect of “implementation” were: (a) the fact that many Local Authority Designated Officers frequently appear to be encouraging head teachers to refer allegations against staff to outside agencies, such as the police, when it would often be more appropriate to deal with matters internally; (b) that whilst government guidance advocates disciplinary action being held in abeyance pending completion of the police investigation, that there appears to be an increasing number of local authorities moving away from this. That is, disciplinaries are being held without awaiting the outcome of the police investigation; (c) whilst the government guidance advises employers to record the outcome of an investigation into an allegation in a teacher’s personal file, and advises employers to pass a copy of this record to the teacher at the time of production of the record, teachers are not in fact receiving copies of the employer’s record before it is placed in their personnel files. Implementation of this process is crucial if teachers are to ensure that accurate records are being kept; and (d) target timescales set by the government to encourage expeditious handling of allegations are not being met. The Union expressed in some detail, concerns over the handling of suspension by the employer and made the point that head teachers are increasingly coming under pressure from some Local Authorities to suspend. Further, the Department explained that teachers are often suspended without careful thought, that teachers often receive no support or contact from the employer whilst suspended and no support upon their return. The Union expressed concern over the fact that the government’s child protection guidance encourages disclosure of references at the pre interview stage and argued that this may be contrary to equal opportunities good practice. Finally, the Union reported that pupils who have been found to have made malicious allegations rarely face disciplinary action by the employer. (b) (c) 30.20 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) DCSF Barring Consultation: The Department drafted the Union response to the Government Consultation Paper entitled: “Implementing the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the Northern Ireland Order 2007.” Under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, all barring decisions will be taken by an Independent Safeguarding Authority (“ISA”). It was proposed in the consultation paper, that if the Independent Safeguarding Authority is minded to bar an individual from working with children, that the individual be given eight weeks to submit representations to the ISA. If an individual is barred, it was proposed that there will be a minimum length of time before the individual is able to apply for a review of his/her case. It was proposed that this “no review period” be 10 years for those aged 18 and over and 5 years for those aged 17 or younger. Finally, it was proposed that that for certain offences (called “category 1 offences”) automatic barring would apply, whereas for less serious offences (category two) the individual would be “automatically barred but have a right to make representations.” The Union agreed that eight weeks was a sufficient amount of time for the submission of properly formulated representations. The Union agreed that the scheme should differentiate between young people and adults for the purposes of the no review period, but argued that the age at which the boundary between a young person and adult falls, should be linked to the age at which that person is deemed of an age to be in a position of trust, as a teacher. For example, it is common for teachers to qualify at around 22 or 23 and at this point, are expected to be able to teach as an adult, and reach the standard of care and conduct of others at this age. Therefore the boundary should fall at the age in which the employment of the individual is in a position of trust. The Union agreed that for a limited number of the most serious offences, such as rape of a child contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, automatic barring should apply. In relation to category 2 offences, the department expressed the view that “automatic barring with a right to make representations” would in fact be more accurately described as a “presumption of barring” since it amounts to a reversal of the burden of proof, which is in itself, concerning. Finally, the Union expressed the view that when a teacher is made the subject of multiple false allegations, such that the ISA may need to take a decision on whether or not s/he poses a risk to children and should be barred, it is important that a person with relevant experience in teaching at the ISA, is involved in making the barring decision, since s/he will hopefully be able to put the matter into context for others For example, she will be able to point to the fact that multiple false allegations are common in certain types of school and school settings. Report of the Executive 2008 30.21 (a) (b) (c) 43 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Trade union law – right to expel members of extreme right parties. In 2007 the European Court of Human Rights upheld a claim by ASLEF that UK trade unions are unjustifiably restricted in relation to our right to self organisation and discipline of members. The claim itself arose when two BNP members took legal action against ASLEF, which had expelled them. After losing at early stages, ASLEF sought relief from the ECHR on the basis that the UK which prevented unions from excluding or disciplining on the basis of membership of a political party, was a breach of the rights to association. As a result of the decision the Government issued a consultation document setting out its options for reform as required by the ECHR judgment. The Union took the view that reform should go far further than the minimal changes which were proposed, as the principle of the case could be applied to other restrictions on trade union autonomy. Our view on this was underscored by the international discussions on the question which had taken place at the International Labour Organisation Conference at which the Assistant Secretary had represented UK workers and presented the case for removal of the restrictions to the Standards Committee. It should also be noted that immediately the original ASLEF judgment was known, the Senior Solicitor took steps to propose amendments to the Union’s Rules to allow the expulsion of members of extreme right parties. 30.22 Training The Department provided training to staff and representatives each year, at national training events and at locally organised meetings and briefing sessions. The Division Secretaries’ Briefing was particularly successful this year, with the Department running 3 workshops, many of which were oversubscribed. 30.23 CLAIMS SETTLED OR DETERMINED BY COURTS AND TRIBUNALS 30.24 (a) Personal injury The following section describes cases that have been settled or determined by the courts during 2007. They represent injuries suffered by members of the Union where the employer was negligent in some way and consequently liable to compensate members for the damage and loss they suffered as a result. A member in the South East had been assisting with moving stage blocks from one building to another, which involved lifting the blocks off a stage and having to carry them approximately 250 meters. Whilst carrying out this task the member felt a sharp pain in her lower back which then travelled down her left leg. She was diagnosed with a prolapsed disc and required surgery. The medical evidence stated that it was likely that the member would have suffered a disc prolapse in any event within approximately 5 years and so this was an acceleration injury. The defendants accepted liability and the case was settled for £3,500. A member from the Midlands region sustained a minor back injury when a trampoline he was doing a demonstration on, for pupils in a special school, collapsed causing him to fall. Liability was admitted and the member received £3,000 compensation. A member in Eastern Region tripped on the leg of a chair in a classroom. The Claimant cut her mouth and lip and was left with a small but permanent scar on her upper lip. Our contention was that the classroom was extremely cluttered with furniture and that prior to the accident, a Health and Safety Officer had recommended the removal of some of the chairs to make the classroom safer for the users. Initially, liability was denied on the basis that the Claimant was the victim of an unfortunate accident and that there was nothing the school could have done to prevent it. After obtaining medical evidence from a maxillo-facial surgeon, general damages were agreed at £2,250. A member from the Midlands region sustained a soft tissue injury to her head, hand and knee when she tripped over a raised floor in her school. Liability was admitted and compensation agreed in the sum of £4,250. A member in London West tripped on defective floor covering in her classroom and suffered back injuries. She was off work for just over two years. The medical evidence was uncertain about the extent to which her injuries were attributable to the accident. The claim settled for £30,000 including approximately £12,000 loss of earnings. A member, in London West suffered severe psychological effects after being assaulted by an autistic child in the special unit of a primary school. The symptoms were so severe that she did not return to teaching. The medical evidence concluded that her symptoms were attributable mainly to previous psychiatric problems and the assault was a relatively minor factor. The claim settled for £2,750. A member in the South East damaged a ligament in her ankle, bruised her right ribs and had a broken right arm as a result of slipping on a linoleum floor in a science lab. The guttering in place outside the covered walkway/porch outside the classroom was defective and as a result water had formed in pools outside the classroom resulting in students bringing unreasonable amounts of water in on their shoes. The defendants finally admitted liability, initially offering £3,500 for general damages; however, after some negotiation they increased the offer to £6,000 for general plus the specials claim. A member from Manchester tripped and fell downstairs due to longstanding defective nosing on the stairs. She sustained a back injury. Following the issue of court proceedings the case settled in the sum of £3,500. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) 44 Report of the Executive 2008 A member in London West was injured when she slipped and fell on a recently washed floor at school. No warning sign had been put up by the cleaners and the member slipped and fell as soon as she stepped onto the floor. The member suffered neck and back injuries and although the back injury resolved, the neck injury did not fully settle and is likely to cause low level intermittent problems. The claim settled for £7,000. This member in London West was injured when a piece of gym equipment which was propped against the wall in the school hall fell and hit her on the head. She suffered concussion and short term symptoms as a result. The member considered that severe back problems which she experienced soon after this incident were brought on by the blow to her head but medical evidence did not support this. The claim settled for £2,500 A member in London East was walking home from school when a building site hoarding fell on him. He suffered concussion and severe bruising. His claim against the negligent building site contractors was settled in the sum of £6,190. A teacher in London East was leaning on a desk, when it collapsed beneath her as it was defective. She fell and suffered an injury to her ribs. The claim was settled for £3,000. A member from the Midlands region sustained a serious knee injury when she fell from a cupboard she was standing on in order to open a window in her classroom. Liability was disputed and court proceedings commenced. Liability was eventually settled on the basis of one third contributory negligence. The member received £18,000 in damages. A teacher in London East slipped on a wet floor at 9.00am, which had been left wet by cleaning contractors who had not dried the floor before the start of the school day. He suffered an exacerbation to a pre-existing back problem, and shortly before issue of proceedings the claim was settled for £2,700. A teacher in London East went to move a piano which was blocking a plan chest. Unbeknown to her, the piano had been left by the caretaker balanced on a small trolley, and as she went to move it, it fell to the floor, and she suffered a fractured foot. Liability was denied right up to the eve of trial, when the case settled for £4,750. A PE teacher in London East was escorting a school party on a dry ski slope preparatory to an Easter ski trip, when she fell on the slope and suffered a severe gash to the back of her leg. This was caused by the negligence of the ski slope operator, which had failed to properly maintain the site, so that a wire tie was left protruding from the ski slope, and on which the member injured herself. She was left with a scar on the back of her leg. Liability was denied, until following the Union obtaining a ski expert’s report, and on the eve of trial, the claim settled for £5,000. A member in Wales sustained a fractured elbow as a result of falling over some gym mats in the school hall. The gym mats should have been stored on a trolley designed for this purpose, but the trolley, whilst purchased, had never been assembled. The location of the gym mats had previously been criticised by the ESTYN inspection team and the fire inspection team. Following the issue of court proceedings, the member’s claim settled for £4,000. A school teacher in London East went to the toilets after school. Unknown to her, contractors had painted the floor and failed to cone off or leave any warning signs. The member slipped and fell in the wet paint, suffering minor injuries and damaging her clothing and belongings. The claim settled in the sum of £1,150. A member in Durham County slipped on ice in the staff car park at the school, sustaining a fractured left wrist. The County Council denied liability saying that the car park had been gritted, by hand, earlier that morning. Witness statements were obtained by the member’s colleagues, who confirmed that, if the upper staff car park had been gritted, then it had been done patchily. Eventually the case was settled prior to trial upon payment to the member of £8,500, together with her costs. A member in the Northern Region worked in a self-employed capacity as an Education Consultant. She was involved in an accident on Westminster Bridge Road in London on 19 May 2003, when her right heel was caught in a large triangular hole in the pavement and she fell, injuring her left knee and fracturing the neck of the left humerus of her shoulder. Liability was denied by the defendants, Transport for London, but the evidence showed that the required inspections of the pavement in question had not taken place at the time of the member’s fall. After prolonged negotiations, this case was settled upon payment to the member of the sum of £13,000, together with her costs. A member in London East walked across a school tennis court where the fence had been allowed to remain in a state of disrepair for many months. As he walked past the fence, a damaged strand caught his eye causing a minor abrasion. His claim for personal injury was settled for £500. A member in Wales suffered a neck injury following a fall in the school playground. The school playground was divided into two areas. One area had a safety surface, whilst the other area had an uneven concrete surface. The member tripped in a ‘gully’ which separated the concrete area of the playground, from the safety area. There had been various complaints made about the playground, prior to the member’s accident. Following the accident, the gully was filled in. The Defendant’s insurers offered the member the sum of £5,250 by way of compensation, and the member accepted. A member in Yorkshire/Midlands was injured during a work related meeting in a café when scalded by contents of teapot which waitress spilt over her. Scalding to right thigh, and right hand; trauma and shock. Liability admitted, but detailed enquires (including psychiatrist’s report) into accident related injuries. Member recovered £2,634. Report of the Executive 2008 (y) (z) (aa) (bb) (cc) (dd) (ee) (ff) (gg) (hh) 30.25 (a) (b) (c) (d) 45 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee A teacher in London East was entering the staffroom, when she tripped and fell over a large rock being used as a temporary doorstop. She suffered a soft tissue injury to her ankle. Liability was initially denied, but on issue of proceedings the claim was settled in the sum of £3,500. A member from Tyneside slipped upon a wet carpet in her mobile classroom where the leaks was so serious that desks were turning mouldy. She sustained a back injury. Following the issue of court proceedings the claim settled in the sum of £6,500. A member from Wales, tripped over some rolled-up maps which were lying at the top of a flight of stairs in the school in which she worked, causing her to fall down the stairs and injure her shoulder. The Defendant’s insurers denied liability. Court proceedings were therefore issued and the matter settled shortly afterwards, in the sum of £4,750. A member in a primary school in London East, was going upstairs to the staff room at lunchtime, when she was knocked down the stairs by pupils rushing down the staircase. She suffered severe injuries to her knee and wrist and was unable to return to teaching. Proceedings were brought on the basis that the school had been negligent in arrangements for supervising pupils on the stairs, and a month before trial the claim was settled for the sum of £80,000. A member in Wales slipped on the wet floor of the school hall. The member suffered 3 fractures to her arm as a result. The Defendant’s insurers accepted primary liability, and following disclosure of a medical report and Schedule of Loss, the insurers agreed compensation in the sum of £7,500. A member in Yorkshire/Midlands fell from a stepladder resulting in a broken elbow and injury to ankle. Liability was initially disputed but we obtained an expert engineers report which said that although the stepladders were not themselves faulty, the member was using them to reach plugs which were positioned too high. Once the member’s prognosis for recovery was clear, we negotiated a settlement of £7,250. A member in Yorkshire/Midlands fell over a cleaning machine flex, when cleaning staff moved the machine, causing a shoulder injury. The Defendants disputed the facts of how the injury occurred, denied liability and also alleged contributory negligence. The medical evidence was that despite ongoing problems, the members shoulder symptoms could only be attributed to the accident for 12 to 18 months. Court proceedings were issued and a settlement of £3,500 was negotiated for the member. A member in the Yorkshire/Midlands region slipped on food on a school corridor floor, causing her to break her leg with substantial consequential symptoms for some three years and minor symptoms likely to continue for a further 2 years. When we submitted a claim, the employers accepted primary liability but alleged contributory negligence which we strongly contested. The matter could not be settled until the prognosis for recovery was clear. Court proceedings were issued to protect the member form the expiry of the three year time limit for a claim to be issued at Court, and ultimately there was an agreed settlement of £17,300. A member in Eastern Region slipped on liquid in the school corridor and fractured his patella. Our contention was that there was inadequate maintenance of the floors in question. The insurers accepted liability and, after negotiations, a settlement was reached in the sum of £5,100 for general damages. A member from East Lancashire had a long-standing defective manhole cover in his classroom. As he moved the classroom computer to carry out repair he stepped upon the manhole cover which collapsed. This caused an injury to the member's knee which required surgery. Court proceedings were commenced and the case settled in the sum of £10,000. Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority A member from the Midlands region sustained a serious injury to her right shoulder/neck whilst restraining an autistic child at school. Following representations for a review of the CICA decision she was awarded compensation in the sum of £106,823; £10,750 in respect of the injury she sustained and £96,073 for past loss of earnings. A member from the Midlands region was assaulted by a pupil on two occasions and sustained injuries to her right shoulder. The CICA awarded compensation for her injuries in the sum of £2,500. A member from the Midlands region sustained damage to her wrist following an assault by a pupil at her school. She was awarded compensation in the sum of £1,000 from the CICA. A member in Scarborough suffered from an eye injury and later from post traumatic shock disorder following an incident when a laser pen, held by a pupil from her school, was directed on her house. The member took ill health retirement and the Regional Solicitor made an application to the CICA. The application was rejected and an application for a review was similarly unsuccessful. The member was then the victim of a second assault using a laser pen, and that assault was subject of a second CICA application. No award was made, and an application for a review was unsuccessful. The Solicitor entered appeals in respect of both rejections and her appeal in respect of the second incident was successful, with the member being awarded compensation of £1,750. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 30.26 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 46 Report of the Executive 2008 A member is employed by Sunderland City Council as Senior Manager/SENCO at a comprehensive school. A student had come in to school, on a day when she was excluded because of disorderly behaviour. The member and the deputy head teacher went to the student’s form room and were then required to pursue her through the school. The member attempted to restrain her, for her own safety and that of others, and she lashed out at the member with her fists and feet. She also bit the member and overturned a table onto her feet. As a consequence of this assault, the member suffered bites, bruising and a soft tissue injury to her left wrist and thumb. She was very upset and received five counselling sessions from Working Alliance. She was on sick leave for a month. A CICA application was made on behalf of the member, and an award of £1,000 was made to her. A member was employed as a special educational needs teacher at a school in Sunderland. On 21 January 2005 she was handling a pupil who had extremely challenging behaviour as well as autism and severe learning difficulties. The pupil kicked the member on her right arm, whilst wearing heavy surgical boots. She suffered a soft tissue injury and subsequently had a two month programme of physiotherapy. An application for compensation was made to the CICA, and an award of £1,000 was made to the member. A member in Wales was injured when she was hit by a canned drink, which was thrown by a pupil. The drinks can cause a laceration to her forehead requiring sutures. The CICA initially rejected the member’s claim, and again upon review. The matter was therefore taken to an appeal hearing. The member’s appeal was however successful, and she was awarded £1,500 for the injuries sustained. A member in Wales suffered psychological injuries, following an assault by an intruder at the school in which the member worked. Having investigated the matter, the CICA awarded the member the approximate sum of £65,000 by way of compensation. A member in Yorkshire/Midlands was injured whilst dealing with a child with behavioural difficulties. The injury was to her arm and forearm leading to extensive symptoms. Unfortunately not all the symptoms could be attributed to the accident because of other intervening injuries. We issued proceedings against the employer Local Authority and also pursued a criminal injuries compensation claim. The claim against the employer was settled for £7,500 compensation, and the criminal injuries compensation claim was not pursued (as compensation could not be received from both sources, and the sum payable by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority was unlikely to exceed the sum we had recovered from the Local Authority). Employment Cases A London (West) member accepted an offer of employment as Deputy Principal at an academy. He gave notice in his current employment and was later informed, before the post at the academy began, that the offer was withdrawn. The claim was settled on payment of one term’s net pay of £13,405. A London West member resigned after being suspended by the head teacher for refusing to take a pupil, who had previously been violent and threatening, into her class. An application for constructive dismissal was submitted to the Employment Tribunal and the respondents quickly agreed to settle the claim for £1,923. This was the maximum the member was likely to receive in the Employment Tribunal as she continued to be paid to the end of term and began a new post at the start of the following term. A member had an accident at work and sustained a severe fracture to her leg. Her employers refused to pay six months full pay before her sick pay entitlement began and, after extensive correspondence, a claim was issued in the County Court. The case then settled for payment of the full pay for the initial six month period and an extended period of half pay to the date of the member’s retirement. The member received a total payment of £13,230. A member who was the Union representative at a secondary school in Birmingham was suspended and then dismissed. The allegations against her included having been the source for an article which appeared in national newspapers concerning the school, but also a number of incidents connected with her role as NUT rep. She lodged a complaint at Employment Tribunal of unfair dismissal and discrimination on grounds of trade union activities. The latter complaint was not upheld but she won her claim of unfair dismissal albeit reduced by 20% for allegedly contributing to her dismissal. The compensation awarded was £22,307. A member employed by North Yorkshire County Council as a part time Hospital Tutor, who was not told that she could join the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, successfully claimed access for a period of about 20 years. A member in the Midlands taught in a primary school. He had considerable caring responsibilities in relation to his family and in addition, he himself had a disability. He claimed discrimination against him in relation to his disability and the case was settled in the sum of £22,000 plus various other agreements in relation to staff training. A member in the Midlands taught dance, part-time, in a High School. She took maternity leave and when she returned found that her replacement had been given a permanent contract. Shortly afterwards the School announced that redundancies were needed. She had applied for a job elsewhere and when her selection was announced, this was cited as a reason. It also appeared that the fact she was part-time and a partial reduction was necessary was a factor. The member contended, in a claim to the Employment Tribunal, that she had been indirectly discriminated against on grounds of sex and that she had suffered less favourable treatment as a part-time member of staff. The claim was settled through judicial mediation in the sum of £10,000. Report of the Executive 2008 (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) 47 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee A Midlands’ member had been teaching in the South of England and from the time of her appointment to the new Local Authority, she was paid considerably less than she had been in her previous post. Despite querying her salary on several occasions she was not paid the correct rate. As a result of problems at the school in which she was teaching, the member resigned. She made a complaint of unlawful deduction of wages to the Employment Tribunal and this was eventually settled in the sum in excess of £7,000. A London (West) member was dismissed without proper notice with less than one year’s service. Following correspondence the claim was settled for payment of full notice pay of £2,440. A member in the South West was employed on a Fixed Term Contract pending a review of staffing. The member was subsequently given written notification that her contract was to be terminated. A permanent member of staff notified the school of their resignation and the member attended interview for the vacant post commencing September 2006 but was unsuccessful. She also applied unsuccessfully for two maternity leave posts in the school. Two permanent members of staff then resigned in the summer term but there was no competitive interview for these two new posts which were given to previously shortlisted candidates. An application to the ET was submitted on the basis that the member’s dismissal was automatically unfair on the basis that the school failed to follow the statutory dismissal and disciplinary procedure in the Employment Act 2002. We also claimed less favourable treatment under the Fixed Term Employees’ (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002 in that the employer failed to inform her of the vacancies which arose and were given to two teachers without advertisements or open competitive interviews. The case settled on favourable terms without the need for a hearing. A South Tyneside member’s claim was successfully settled for £1,160 when her part time hours were unilaterally changed from 2 ½ days to 5 afternoons. A member in the South West suffered an accident at work but did not receive payment in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Burgundy book which provides additional sick leave entitlement where an accident has occurred at work. The member's employers were arguing that she was not entitled to payment as their medical evidence indicated that the accident had aggravated a pre-existing vulnerability. Assistance was granted to the member and following intervention by the Regional Solicitor on the member’s behalf her employer accepted that she was entitled to payment under paragraph 9 on the basis that, notwithstanding the pre-existing vulnerability, had it not been for the accident at work the member would not have been absent. An agency teacher in the Midlands was offered a two-term placement in a Secondary School. She informed the school that she was pregnant and her placement was terminated. She claimed unfair dismissal and sex discrimination. A settlement of £6,000 was reached. A member in the South West was appointed on a fixed term contract which was renewed annually over a period of three years. During her third year the school amalgamated with another school and the member was told that her contract would remain temporary due to an anticipated fall in pupil numbers, although the reality was that the pupil numbers were in fact increasing. In March the member was invited to apply for her own job. This she did but due to disciplinary proceedings which were started against her she then withdrew her application and was dismissed. A claim for unfair dismissal was commenced. The case was settled for just under one year’s partial loss of earnings and a basic award. A Midlands member taught in a middle school where she had responsibility for modern foreign languages. Other staff with similar responsibilities had a management allowance but she did not. No satisfactory explanation was offered for this. The member was of German nationality and a claim was lodged of race discrimination and/or equal pay. The member left the school two years after starting there so her losses were limited. A settlement of £2,000, reflecting her loss of income over the period, was reached. Two primary members employed by Sunderland City Council were on maternity leave at approximately at the same time, and asked to work on a part time/job share basis. The head teacher was not positive about their application, and so they made an unsuccessful application under the Flexible Working Regulations. At appeal, the regional solicitor produced evidence to counter the head teacher’s argument that there were already too many part time teachers at the school, which was having a detrimental effect on teaching and learning. The appeal was successful, and a morning/afternoon split job share was agreed. A few months later, the members’ preferred option of a two and a half day split was finally agreed. A member in Wales was informed by her employer that a redundancy situation had arisen which necessitated a reduction in her teaching hours. Subsequently, her full-time contract of employment was reduced to a 0.6 contract. Correct procedures were not followed. The member argued that she had been dismissed from her full-time post. A claim for unfair dismissal was lodged, together with a claim for breach of contract/unlawful deduction from wages. A satisfactory settlement was reached between the parties. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) 30.27 (a) (b) 48 Report of the Executive 2008 A member was employed by North Yorkshire County Council as a temporary teacher, covering for a teacher who was on maternity leave. Her terms and conditions stated that her employment would cease on the day preceding the return to work of the post holder or on 7 days notice by either side. The member was offered another job, and wrote to the head teacher resigning her post with effect from 31 August 2007. However the head teacher responded by advising her that her contract would end on 24 July 2007, the day before the summer holiday. The effect was twofold: the member would not be paid through the summer holidays, and her continuity of service would be broken. The regional solicitor wrote to the head teacher, advising him that he would be taken as dismissing our member, but without following the statutory dismissal procedure and it was finally agreed that the member’s contract would end on 31 August 2007 and that she would be paid up until that date. A member has been employed by the governors of a school in Newcastle upon Tyne since 1 September 1994. As a result of the failure of the school to promote her to the permanent position of assistant head teacher or its equivalent, we entered an application at the employment tribunal for sex discrimination. Different treatment was afforded to male members of staff, and the school had an all male senior management team. However, after 3 days of evidence at the hearing, the case was settled by way of a compromise agreement, the terms of which were confidential to the parties and beneficial to the member. A member in the Northern Region worked part-time as Education Project Officer for a museum. It was agreed that she would be paid £150 per day for an expected 21 days’ work. The member submitted invoices as she did the work, but after being paid for some of her work, further invoices were not paid. The regional solicitor entered into prolonged correspondence with the Chairman of the Museum, which was eventually successful in that the member received all monies owing. A fully-qualified peripatetic teacher from Wales was employed on an hourly basis, at rates determined by the individual schools in which he worked. The member was not employed in accordance with the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. The situation had existed since 1998. The Union argued that he was an employee of the local authority and was entitled to compensation for the shortfall in pay. A claim was lodged for unlawful deduction from wages and breach of the Fixed-Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002 and breach of the Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000. Following negotiations, the Respondent agreed to compensate the member in the sum of £60,000 and to employ him in accordance with the STPCD. In addition, the Respondent agreed to pay outstanding pension contributions to the Teachers’ Pensions’ Agency on the member’s behalf. The Respondent has indicated that such contributions may be in the region of £43,000. A part-time teacher in Wales was informed that her services would not be required the following academic year as she was to be replaced by a Learning Support Assistant. Claims for unfair dismissal, breach of the Part-Time Workers Regulations (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000, and breach of statutory duty were lodged. The claim was resolved satisfactorily. A member was offered a severance payment if she agreed to leave her employment. The member accepted and subsequently tendered her resignation. The severance offer was then withdrawn. A claim for breach of contract was issued in the Employment Tribunal. The member also made a claim for equal pay and unlawful deduction from wages, in respect of other issues which had arisen. Shortly before the case was due to go before the Tribunal, a satisfactory settlement was reached. A settlement of £6,000 was achieved for a member in Sunderland who was dismissed from a fixed term contract without being given an opportunity to attend a dismissal hearing in order to make representations. This member was employed by City of Sunderland City Council on a permanent full-time contract as a teacher. Other claims The member suffered shoulder injuries when he was driving home from work and a car coming in the opposite direction crossed the road and collided with him. The driver of the other vehicle could not be traced and witness evidence at the time was clear that the driver of that vehicle was wholly responsible for the accident. The claim was accepted by the Motor Insurers Bureau and settled for £4,800. The member was injured when knocked down by a car whilst supervising parking at an after school event. He suffered injuries to his shoulder, knee and ankle and had a slow recovery from his injuries. We conceded 30% contributory negligence as the member was standing in the road when the car struck him. His claim settled for £25,000 plus £9,000 private medical fees paid directly to BUPA. Report of the Executive 2008 31. 49 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee ACTION SUB-COMMITTEE Chairperson: Jerry Glazier Vice-Chairperson: Alex Kenny Detailed below are reports on those authorities, schools, colleges and Union policy areas with which the Action Sub-Committee was particularly involved. 31.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) 31.2 (a) (b) 31.3 (a) Teaching And Learning Responsibility Payments Campaign During 2007 the Action sub-committee continued to work with colleagues in regional/ Wales offices and divisions to provide extensive support to the Union’s successful on-going campaign to protect members’ pay and conditions during the transition from Management Allowances to Teaching and Learning Responsibility payments. Since the start of this campaign the Union had conducted 319 indicative ballots in schools, of which 112 have required progression to a formal ballot. The Union had now resolved 106 of the disputes where a formal ballot has been held. There were six disputes relating to Teaching and Learning Responsibility payments currently on-going. There had been strike action at 54 schools in relation to Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments since the campaign began. The on-going disputes were at: Barnsley – Priory school Oldham – Counthill school Oldham - Saddleworth school Oldham – South Chadderton school Swansea – Gowerton school Swansea – Penyrheol school Wigan – Bedford High school Wigan - Fred Longworth school The following TLR disputes were resolved in 2007: Barnsley – Darton High school Birmingham – Dorrington school Blaenau Gwent – Ebbw Vale school Blaenau Gwent – Blaen-y-cwn Buckinghamshire – Sir William Borlases school Caerphilly - Pontllanfraith Calderdale – Todmoreden school Cornwall – Penair school Essex – Hamford school Essex – Alderman Blaxhill school Gloucestershire – Marling school Haringey – Woodside School (formerly White Hart Lane) Hillingdon – Northwood school Lancashire – Priory School North Somerset – Clevedon Nottingham – Colonel Frank Seeley school Suffolk – Orwell School Rochdale – All Saints school Sefton – Savio High School St Helens – Holy Spirit school Swansea – Cefn Hengoed school Wigan – St Mary’s Catholic High School Workload Campaign During 2007 the Action sub-committee worked with colleagues in regional/ Wales offices and divisions to provide extensive support to the Union’s newly launched Workload campaign. By December 2007 ten indicative ballots had been authorised. Five formal ballots had so far been held. Two of the disputes involving formal ballots had now been resolved and three were on-going. There had been strike action in four schools in relation to the Workload campaign. Enfield - Edmonton County School (workload – non-contact time) The division requested a ballot in opposition to a reduction of non-contact time at the school by one hour a week from September 2007. The school was seeking to avoid a deficit budget. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 19 June 2007 and closed on 29 June 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and an initial day’s strike action took place on 18 July 2007. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (b) (c) (d) 31.4 (a) (b) 31.5 (a) (b) (c) 31.6 (a) (b) 31.7 (a) (b) 50 Report of the Executive 2008 Following the strike action the school agreed to a meeting facilitated by ACAS. The meeting took place on 23 June 2007 but insufficient progress was made. A regional officer met with members on 3 September and members rejected the terms proposed by the school for settling the dispute. The action officers sanctioned further action on 13, 18 and 19 September 2007 and notice was issued. Following progress in negotiations, action scheduled for 13, 18 and 19 September 2007 was postponed, and reissued for 25 and 26 September 2007, to allow further time for negotiations. A revised offer was made to members by the school and this was considered during a meeting in the week commencing 17 September 2007. Due to insufficient progress, members took two days of action on 25 and 26 September 2007. There had been a good turnout during the strike day. The action officers had sanctioned further action after half term at the school. In October 2007 the regional office reported that the current workload issues had been resolved through negotiations. The scheduled action did not therefore take place and the current dispute was resolved. However, concerns remained about next year’s loading and these would be addressed through further talks to begin in January 2008. Hackney - Cardinal Pole school (Workload - meetings, data in-put, cover, observations) The division requested a ballot for discontinuous strike action in opposition to excessive workload including the length and duration of meetings, the in-putting of data and copy typing, a requirement to provide material for cover lessons and concern over the conduct of lesson observation at the school. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 12 December 2007 and closes on 11 January 2008. Havering - Brittons School & Technology College (Workload & lunchbreak) The division requested a ballot in opposition to the shortening of the lunch break and the failure of the headteacher and governing body to respond to the workload concerns which members have raised at the school. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened 4 June and closed on 14 June 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive. The Union agreed to a request to extend the validity of the ballot to allow time for further negotiations. However, due to lack of progress in negotiations members took a day’s strike action on 17 July 2007. In October 2007 members rejected an offer put forward by the headteacher and indicated that they still wished for a return to a 60 minute lunchbreak. Negotiations continue and further action could be requested. Liverpool - New Heys Community School (Workload - Performance Management Policies) The division requested a ballot as a result of the failure of the school to agree acceptable student behaviour and performance management policies. Following a successful indicative ballot the Action Officers sanctioned a formal ballot for discontinuous strike action. The ballot opened on 18 June and closed on 29 June 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and discontinuous strike action was scheduled for 12 and 18 July 2007. However, action on 12 July 2007 was postponed to allow time for further negotiation. Strike action during the last period of the day took place on 18 July 2007 to keep the ballot live. Following progress in negotiations, in December 2007 members were consulted on an offer, as follows: the wording that was causing concern in the performance management policy would be changed and, in two out of three observations, dates would be agreed in advance at a target setting meeting. The third observation was subject to 5 days notification of the day (not the lesson) prior to the observation taking place. This arrangement would start in the next performance management cycle. The Union had also achieved the introduction of half-term management / union meetings with representatives of all unions invited together and released from timetable to attend. Two new NUT representatives had also been recruited in the school. Westminster - Pimlico School (Workload - lunch break) The division requested a ballot for discontinuous strike action in protest at the reduction of the lunch break to thirty minutes. The division, supported by the regional office, had been unable to make sufficient progress in negotiations on this matter. Following a successful indicative ballot the action officers sanctioned a formal ballot. The ballot opened on 29 October 2007 and closed on 8 November 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and members took an initial day’s action on 27 November 2007. The division reported that the action had been well supported by members at the school. Divisions had been encouraged to send messages of support to Westminster division and letters had gone to individual members at the school. Report of the Executive 2008 51 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 31.8 PAY & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE (excluding TLR And Workload Campaign Ballots) 31.9 (a) Barking and Dagenham - Barking Abbey/(dismissal of GTP members) In November 2007 the division requested the urgent support of the action sub-committee in relation to this school, where members on the GTP scheme had been dismissed by the headteacher after the regional office had challenged the school on the incorrect payments they were making to these members. A formal ballot for discontinuous strike action had been sanctioned immediately and the regional office had gone straight into the school. When the school was made aware of the Union’s intentions the dismissed members were immediately reinstated. The formal ballot was not therefore necessary. (b) 31.10 (a) (b) (c) 31.11 (a) (b) (c) 31.12 (a) (b) 31.13 (a) (b) 31.14 (a) (b) Brent - Access to members In November 2006 the action officers sanctioned indicative ballots of members at Brent schools. This resulted from reports that a group of senior employees from a number of different schools intended to take collective action against an elected Officer of Brent NUT. Following negotiations involving the Director of Children’s Services for Brent the Union agreed to a protocol for school visits. In March 2007 it was reported that the Brent division secretary had been denied access to a members’ meeting at a school. The division secretary met with the Union’s Action Officers on 14 March 2007. It was agreed that indicative ballots in individual schools would be required in the summer term if the dispute was not resolved, with the possibility of a move to a formal ballot in individual schools if an elected officer was not permitted access to members. There was, however, a delay in beginning the indicative ballots because of the pressure on division resources arising from the anti-academy campaign. At the end of the summer term the division requested a formal ballot at Queens Park Community school in Brent as the headteacher had not responded to a request from the division for a meeting. Shortly after notice of the ballot was issued the headteacher wrote a letter providing sufficient assurances for the dispute at this particular school to be resolved. Camden - Parliament Hill (Recruitment & Retention payments) Due to a lack of progress in negotiations the division requested a ballot in response to the decision of the governing body not to make R&R payments to new teachers and the impact this would have on the recruitment, retention and workload of members at the school. The school had previously paid level 2 R&R to all staff. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 20 June 2007 and closed on 3 July 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and members took an initial day of action on 12 July 2007. The school remained unwilling to seriously engage in negotiations and a further two days of strike action took place on 14 and 15 November 2007. The action officers met with the division to discuss disputes over R&R payments in the division on 22 November 2007 and the action officers sanctioned some further days of action at Parliament Hill. A meeting involving the division and regional office with the headteacher was scheduled for 11 December 2007 and a meeting facilitated by ACAS had been scheduled for 13 December 2007. Members were being consulted about dates so that a further six days of action for the Spring term could be issued, if required, to maintain pressure on the school. Camden - Hampstead School (R&R payments) Due to a lack of progress in negotiations the division requested a ballot in opposition to the failure of the school to make R&R payments to new teachers and the impact this would have on recruitment, retention and the workload of current members. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 11 December 2007 and closes on 11 January 2008. Camden - Maria Fidelis School (R&R payments) Due to a lack of progress in negotiations the division requested a ballot in opposition to the failure of the school to make R&R payments to new teachers and the impact this would have on recruitment, retention and the workload of current members. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 11 December 2007 and closes on 11 January 2008. Camden - Acland Burghley (R&R payments) Due to a lack of progress in negotiations the division requested a ballot in opposition to the failure of the school to make R&R payments to new teachers and the impact this would have on recruitment, retention and the workload of current members. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 11 December 2007 and closes on 11 January 2008. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 31.15 (a) (b) (c) (d) 31.16 (a) (b) (c) (d) 31.17 (a) (b) (c) (d) 31.18 (a) (b) (c) 31.19 (a) 52 Report of the Executive 2008 Halton - Riverside VI Form College (Pay) During this year the Union became aware that Riverside Sixth Form College had failed to implement the pay recommended by the NJC for Sixth Form Colleges for former staff at the College. In the spring term members requested a ballot for discontinuous strike action in response to the breach of the national pay agreement. There were many complicating issues at the College, including an Acting Principal who was not responding to correspondence and members who had been promoted being placed on new contracts. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 29 January 2007 and closed on 8 February 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and the unions involved coordinated a joint strike day on 6 March 2007. The Action sub-committee was informed later that the College had pulled out of the NJC for VI forms and were seeking to establish FE contracts. Membership at the College had decreased as staff on Sixth Form conditions of service left and new appointments were on FE contracts. Teaching and management staff were being restructured and many members were choosing to accept packages on offer. In September 2007 the regional office reported that there was no likelihood of action under the current ballot as the significant changes to membership meant that the Union could not rely on the validity of the ballot nor was there support for a re-ballot. Hants - Havant College (pay) In March 2007 the division requested support in opposition to Havant College refusing to honour nationally negotiated pay arrangements and threatening to make staff at the College compulsorily redundant. An indicative ballot was sanctioned and the result outcome was positive. The Action Officers sanctioned a formal ballot. The ballot opened on 16 April 2007 and closed on 23 April 2007. The College completed a reorganisation in May 2007. The College agreed to backdate to 1st September PSPs for staff who were not on new contracts, but not restore PSPs to those staff who had secured new jobs and were placed at the start of the Main scale. As a consequence, promoted staff would be worse off than if they had not got promotion into new posts. At a meeting on 3 May 2007which involved national officers the College refused to recognise national pay and conditions. The outcome of the ballot was positive and a very successful day of action took place on 15 May 2007, with a lunchtime rally and picketing. Action was coordinated with the ATL only as the NASUWT ballot for strike action was unsuccessful. Following the action the Principal made a new offer. In September 2007 it was reported that the Union had now secured considerable concessions eg. on PSP progression. Members saw this as a victory. The dispute was therefore resolved. Leeds - City of Leeds High School (Lack of support for staff) In March 2007 the action officers sanctioned an indicative ballot at City of Leeds School to ascertain support for discontinuous strike action in response to the failure of the management of the school to properly support and protect staff dealing with challenging and provocative behaviour by individual pupils. The action officers sanctioned the request. The outcome of the indicative ballot was positive and a request for a formal ballot for discontinuous strike action was approved by the action officers. The formal ballot opened on 10 May 2007 and closed on 24 May 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive. Notice of results only was issued and the dismissal appeal hearing took place on the following day. The member was reinstated following the appeal hearing. However some issues were still outstanding over policies and processes so that staff could be confident that they would be treated fairly. A day’s action took place on 21 June. In September 2007 the regional office reported that the dispute had been resolved. Leeds - Fountain Street Primary (compulsory redundancies) The division requested a ballot in opposition to potential compulsory redundancies of 3.5fte teaching staff and a significant reduction in support staff. Teaching assistants have had their hours reduced. Redundancy notices had been issued to two Union members. The indicative ballot result was positive and a formal ballot was sanctioned by the action officers. The formal ballot opened on 10 May 2007 and closed on 24 May 2007. The ballot timetable was coordinated with other unions involved. The outcome of the ballot was positive and an initial day’s strike action took place on 13 June 2007. A multi-union march and rally was organised. In September 2007 the regional office reported that a settlement had been negotiated that avoided redundancies, and the dispute was therefore resolved. South Tyneside - Brinkburn comprehensive (compulsory redundancies) The Division requested a formal ballot in response to the threat of compulsory redundancies resulting from a planned amalgamation of Brinkburn Comprehensive with King George V School and the lack of consultation. Twenty-one teachers and seventeen other staff were affected. Report of the Executive 2008 (b) (c) (d) 31.20 (a) (b) (c) 31.21 (a) (b) 53 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee The Action Officers sanctioned a ballot for sustained, discontinuous strike action. The ballot opened on 15 February 2007 and closed on 1 March 2007. The result of the formal ballot was positive. Notice of the ballot results only were issued initially to allow further time for negotiation and the Union agreed to a request from the school for an extension of the ballot validity to 56 days. In March 2007 the regional office reported that the Authority had made some positive moves and a second meeting took place on 5 March 2007. The appointments process was put temporarily on hold while consultations are taking place and the regional office sounded out the views of other unions on the possibility of issuing a ‘Do not apply for these jobs’ notice once they restarted. The ballot was allowed to expire without action as, in effect, the opening of the new school at the start of the summer term made the ballot invalid. However, as there was a possibility of job losses the dispute was still live. In May 2007 the regional office reported that members appeared to be getting jobs in the new school so the situation was looking more positive and there was no call for a re-ballot at this time. The Committee agreed that this item should be removed from the agenda as no further request for action had been received. Staffordshire - Newcastle-under-Lyme school (dismissal of teacher) The division requested a ballot in support of efforts to get a dismissed teacher reinstated at Newcastleunder-Lyme school. The dismissal related solely to capability matters which themselves were open to argument, but in any event should not in the Union’s view have resulted in summary dismissal. There were concerns that the investigation was not conducted properly and there was no hearing and no appeal. The teacher concerned was an ATL member and the ATL ballot was successful. The action officers sanctioned a formal ballot for discontinuous strike action. The ballot opened on 13 April 2007 and closed on 23 April 2007. The result of the ballot was not strong and notice of results only were issued. In June 2007 it was reported that this dispute had now been resolved as the teacher concerned had been reinstated and a new headteacher was now in place. Tower Hamlets - Morpeth school (class size) Following the decision of an admission appeals panel to uphold a number of appeals, four Year 7 classes at Morpeth School had more than thirty students. The division requested a ballot for action to refuse to teach oversize classes. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 24 November 2007 and closed on 5 December 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and notice was sent that class size action would commence. In response the headteacher agreed to remove a student if a class was oversized. The headteacher was in discussions with the Authority in respect of admission appeals. 31.22 DISRUPTIVE STUDENTS 31.23 (a) Oxfordshire - Shenington school (violent behaviour) Members requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive pupil following an incident in which a pupil concerned assaulted a teacher and fellow pupil. The pupil concerned has a history of violent and disruptive behaviour. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 11 June 2007 and closed on 20 June 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 27 June 2007. (b) 31.24 (a) (b) (c) 31.25 (a) (b) (c) Enfield - Hazelbury School (assault on teacher) Members requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive pupil following an incident in which the pupil concerned assaulted the headteacher. The pupil concerned has a history of violent and disruptive behaviour. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 1 June 2007 and closed on 12 June 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive although not as strong as expected. Following the ballot, members indicated that they were not satisfied with proposals which the school made relating to the student concerned, and action commenced on 21 June 2007. Haringey - Earlham Primary school (violent behaviour) The Division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive pupil following the decision of the headteacher to temporarily exclude a Year 3 pupil as a result of a serious incident of violent and disruptive behaviour. The pupil concerned has a history of violent behaviour and members feel that the child is beyond verbal control. Other agencies are involved but the child is not yet statemented. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 25 April 2007 and closed on 4 May 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 15 May 2007. In June 2007 the regional office reported that the pupil concerned was being taught partly by the behaviour support teacher and partly in alternative provision. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 31.26 (a) (b) (c) 31.27 (a) (b) 31.28 (a) (b) 31.29 (a) (b) 31.30 (a) (b) (c) 31.31 (a) (b) (c) 31.32 (a) (b) 54 Report of the Executive 2008 Manchester - Newall Green (violent behaviour) The Division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a pupil following the decision of an independent appeal panel to reinstate a pupil who had been permanently excluded by the headteacher following a serious assault on another pupil. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 10 May and closed on 21 May 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 4 June 2007. In June 2007 the regional office reported that the student concerned was being taught separately by the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. However, they had approached their own union (NAHT) to also be balloted to refuse to teach the student concerned. In September 2007 the regional office reported that confirmation was awaited that a managed move had taken place in relation to the student concerned. Monmouthshire - Usk Primary school (violent behaviour) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a pupil following several incidents of violent and disruptive behaviour. The pupil concerned had had nine short term exclusions and was in the process of being statemented. Members felt that the school could not meet the child’s needs and that the pupil’s presence was placing an intolerable strain on staff. Following a successful indicative ballot, the action officers sanctioned a formal ballot. The ballot opened on 15 May 2007 and closed on 22 May 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and notice of action was issued. However, shortly afterwards the Union received confirmation that the pupil concerned would not be returning to the school and the dispute was therefore resolved. Oxfordshire - Langtree school (Assault on Staff) In February 2006 the action officers sanctioned a request from the division for a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive student. The details of this dispute can be found in the 2007 annual report. In June 2007 the regional office reported that the student concerned was being taught either off site or by non NUT members for the rest of the term, pending a transfer to the PRUIS service in September 2007. The dispute was therefore resolved. Sheffield - Westways school (disruptive pupil) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a pupil following a series of disruptive and violent incidents including assaults on staff and pupils and an incident of self-harming. The pupil concerned had received two short term exclusions but was currently on extended leave from school as his mother agreed with the school that it was not able to deal with a pupil with such problems. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 4 December 2007 and closes on 13 December 2007. Slough - Cippenham Junior school (Violent Assault on Teacher) The division requested a ballot following the decision of the Chair of Governors to reinstate a pupil who had been permanently excluded by the head teacher following an incident of violent and disruptive behaviour on the football pitch during lunch time. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 4 June 2007 and closed on 14 June 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action was due to commence on 22 June 2007. In June 2007 it was reported that the pupil had been transferred to another school, thereby resolving the dispute. Bexley - St Columba’s Catholic Boys’ School (assault on student) The Division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student following the decision of an Independent Appeals Panel to reinstate a student who had been permanently excluded by the headteacher following an incident in which the student concerned demanded money from another student and cut the victim’s shirt with a knife. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 31 January 2007 and closed on 12 February 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on Tuesday 20 February 2007. In February 2007 it was reported that the student concerned had moved to another school and the dispute had now been resolved. Cardiff - Llanedeyrn High school (violent behaviour) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student following the decision of a governors’ appeal panel to reinstate a student who had been permanently excluded by the headteacher following an incident of violent and disruptive behaviour at lunchtime. The student concerned had a history of aggressive behaviour. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 16 April 2007 and closed on 26 April 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 9 May 2007. Report of the Executive 2008 31.33 (a) (b) 31.34 (a) (b) (c) 31.35 (a) (b) (c) 31.36 (a) (b) 31.37 (a) (b) (c) 31.38 (a) (b) 31.39 (a) (b) 31.40 (a) (b) 55 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Coventry - Sidney Stringer School (Assault on Staff) The details of this dispute involving a violent and disruptive student can be found in the Annual Reports for 2006 and 2007. In February 2007 the regional office reported that the student concerned had undergone a managed transfer to another school and the dispute was therefore resolved. Derbyshire - Aldercar Community Language School (violent behaviour) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive student following the decision of the governing body to reinstate a student who had attempted to assault the deputy head teacher. The student concerned had a history of disruptive behaviour. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 23 January 2007 and closed on 2 February 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 19 February 2007. In October 2007 the regional office reported that this dispute was now resolved. Derbyshire - Granville School (false allegation) The details of this dispute involving a student who had made false allegations against a member of staff can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. In February 2007 the Head teacher negotiated a statement from the student’s parents, retracting the allegations made by the student and members agreed to suspend action at the school following agreement on a statement from the student concerned and the student’s parents. The dispute was therefore resolved. Durham - Villa Real (false allegation) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student following a false allegation made against the headteacher by a student. The student was temporarily withdrawn from the school by the parents but was likely to return after half term. The outcome of an indicative ballot was positive. The Action Officers sanctioned the request for a formal ballot. The ballot opened on 12 October 2007 and closed on 22 October 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 6 November 2007. East Riding - Wolfreton School (Violent behaviour) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student who had been reinstated by an independent review panel following a decision by the headteacher to permanently exclude the student following an assault on a member of staff. An attempt by the LEA to negotiate the student’s attendance on a behaviour management course followed by a managed move to another school has been rejected by the parents. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 16 February 2007 and closed on 27 February 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 8 March 2007. In October 2007 it was reported that this dispute had now been resolved. Essex - Boswell’s school (disruptive behaviour) The details of this dispute involving a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive student can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. In February 2007 the regional office reported that no further action was required. Essex - Chalvedon School (assault on staff) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student following the decision not to permanently exclude a student following an assault on two members of staff. The action officers sanctioned a formal ballot. The ballot opens 1 October 2007 and closed on 17 October 2007. The extended timetable was due to the postal strike. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 29 October 2007. Gloucestershire - Lakers School The division requested a ballot following the decision of the governing body not to uphold the permanent exclusion by the headteacher of a student following and incident of intimidating behaviour towards other students involving a butter knife. The student concerned has a history of disruptive behaviour and had previously been temporarily excluded for possession of a knife on school premises. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 28 June 2007 and closed on 9 July 2007. Action commenced on 18 July 2007. In October 2007 the regional office reported that the student was being taught separately. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 31.41 (a) (b) 31.42 (a) (b) 31.43 (a) (b) 31.44 (a) (b) 31.45 (a) (b) 31.46 (a) (b) (c) 31.47 (a) (b) 31.48 (a) (b) 31.49 a) b) 56 Report of the Executive 2008 Hounslow - Feltham Community College (assault on staff) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student following the decision of the independent appeal panel to reinstate a student who had been permanently excluded for his violent and disruptive behaviour. The action officers sanctioned a formal ballot. The ballot opened on 11 September 2007 and closed on 25 September 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action was due to commence on 3 October 2007. Merton - Bishopsford school (false allegation) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student following the return to school of a student whose allegations that a teacher had used excessive force were found to be without foundation in an investigation carried out by social services. The student is being taught separately in the school’s inclusion unit but the student’s parents now wish the student to remain in the school and return to mainstream classes. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 7 December 2007 and closes on 11 January 2008. Newham - Royal Docks School (Assault on Staff) The details of this dispute involving a violent and disruptive student can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. In October 2007 this dispute was resolved. Norfolk - Ethel Tipple School (violent behaviour) The division requested a ballot following the failure of the head teacher to exclude a student following an incident of violent and disruptive behaviour towards staff and students. The student had had to be restrained and the student’s parents had made a complaint. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 8 May and closed on 17 May 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 24 May 2007. Oxfordshire - John Mason school (violent behaviour, knife and drugs) The details of this dispute involving a disruptive and violent student can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. In February 2007 the regional office reported that members had been consulted on a draft reintegration plan and had suggested amendments. A revised copy of the plan was issued by the school and accepted by the members and the action ceased on 12 March 2007. Redcar and Cleveland - Rye Hill Secondary School (Violent behaviour) The Division requested a ballot following the decision of an independent appeal panel to reinstate a student who had been permanently excluded by the deputy headteacher following an incident of violent and disruptive behaviour. The decision to permanently exclude the student had been supported by the school Governors. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 10 April 2007 and closed on 20 April 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 30 April 2007. In April 2007 the regional office reported that the Authority had identified another school for the student concerned and the student would be educated at home until the transfer. The dispute was therefore resolved. Staffordshire - Chasetown Specialist Sports College (Assault on Staff) The details of this dispute involving a violent and disruptive student can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. The student concerned had been sent to a PRU but had remained on the school roll. In February 2007 the regional office reported that the student concerned was now off the school roll and the dispute was therefore resolved. Staffordshire - Edgecliffe School (false allegations) The details of this dispute involving a student who had made false allegations against a member of staff can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. In September 2007 the regional office confirmed that the dispute was now resolved. Alternative provision had been made for the student concerned. Members passed their thanks to the Action Sub-Committee for their support. Hednesford school / Staffordshire (false allegations) Following a series of unfounded allegations against staff at Hednesford school, the division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive and violent student. The student was expected to return to school after half term and the headteacher planned for the student to be taught on a one-to-one basis. A successful indicative ballot was held. The action officers then sanctioned a formal ballot. The ballot opened on 15 May 2007 and closed on 22 May 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive. Report of the Executive 2008 57 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee c) Notice of results only was issued however, as the Union was notified that the pupil concerned would not be returning to the school. The dispute was therefore resolved. 31.50 (a) South Tyneside - Hebburn Comprehensive / (Assault on Staff) The details of this dispute over the reinstatement of a student who had been excluded by the headteacher, supported by the governing body, following an assault on a member of staff can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. In October 2006 it was reported that the student had been transferred to another establishment and the dispute appeared to be resolved. However, the student was never formally removed from the school roll and in October 2007 the Union became aware that the student’s parents planned to return the student to the school. At a meeting, members confirmed that they wished to continue to refuse to teach the student concerned. The Action Officers sanctioned a re-ballot of members. The re- ballot opened on 1 November 2007 and closed on 12 November 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 20 November 2007. (b) (c) 31.51 (a) (b) 31.52 (a) (b) 31.53 (a) (b) 31.54 (a) (b) 31.55 (a) (b) 31.56 (a) (b) Surrey - Bishop Wand Secondary School (Assault on Staff) The details of this dispute involving a violent and disruptive student can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. In January 2007 the action was suspended following a revised reintegration programme and a commitment to review and revise the school’s Discipline Policy. Tower Hamlets - Raines Foundation School (Violent behaviour) The division requested a ballot following the decision of the governing body to reinstate a student who had been excluded by the headteacher for pushing a member of staff. The student concerned had had a number of temporary exclusions and had only just returned from a two-week exclusion when this incident occurred. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 2 February 2007 and closed on 13 February 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 23 February 2007. The student was being taught in an internal exclusion unit and the parents had indicated that they wished the child to remain in the school. Tower Hamlets - St Paul’s Way (assault on staff) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a student following the decision of the headteacher to temporarily exclude a student following an assault on a member of staff. The action officers sanctioned a formal ballot. The ballot opened on 3 May 2007 and closed on 14 May 2007. Action commenced on 22 May 2007. Wirral - Rock Ferry High School (assault on member) The details of this dispute over the reinstatement of a student who had assaulted a member of staff can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. From January 2007 the Authority provided funding for the student to be taught out of borough. In June 2007 the dispute was resolved as the pupil was removed from the school roll. Cardiff - Cantonian High School - Key Stage 4, False Allegations The division requested a ballot following the decision of an independent appeal panel to reinstate a student who had been permanently excluded by the head teacher following false allegations against a teacher. The student concerned had a history of violent and disruptive behaviour. The exclusion was overturned by the Chair of Governors. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on Thursday 11 October 2007 and closed on Friday 22 October 2007. Action commenced on 14 November 2007. Croydon - Selsdon School (violent behaviour and possession of knife) In January 2006 the division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive student following the decision of the governing body to reinstate a student who had held a knife to another student’s chest. The student concerned had a history of disruptive behaviour. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 2 January 2006 and closed on 12 January 2006. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action began on 22 January 2006. In June 2007 the Union believed that this dispute had been resolved as the student concerned had not returned to the school during the last six months. However, in November 2007 the Union was made aware that the student concerned had returned to the school. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 58 Report of the Executive 2008 (c) As there had been a significant change in membership at the school since the ballot, the action officers sanctioned a re-ballot of members. The ballot opened on 6 November 2007 and closed on 23 November 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive but the turnout was low. The Executive member for the area met members at the school and they had assured him that they supported action to refuse to teach the student. Further, the student concerned was already out of school again following a fight with another student. Action commended on 13 December 2007. 31.57 (a) Haringey - Park View Academy / (Violent behaviour) The division requested a ballot following the decision of an independent appeal panel to reinstate a student who had been permanently excluded by the headteacher following an incident of violent and disruptive behaviour in the canteen. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 23 February 2007 and closed on 7 March 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action was commenced on 16 March 2007. The decision of the headteacher to make arrangements for the student to be taught separately was subject to an unsuccessful legal challenge in the High Court by the parents. In December 2007 it was reported that the student was being taught at a college and had not returned to the school. The dispute was therefore resolved. (b) (c) 31.58 (a) (b) 31.59 (a) (b) (c) 31.60 (a) (b) (c) 31.61 (a) (b) (c) 31.62 (a) (b) Merton - Bishopsford school (false allegation) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive student following an incident in which a student made an allegation against a member of staff which was investigated by social services and found to be false. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 7 December 2007 and closes on 11 January 2008. Nottinghamshire - Joseph Whittaker school (Violent Assault on Teacher) The division requested a ballot following the decision of an independent appeal panel to reinstate a student who had been permanently excluded by the head teacher following an incident of violent and disruptive behaviour in the classroom and in the school corridor. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 4 May 2007 and closed on 14 May 2007. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 24 May 2007. In October 2007 the regional office reported that the pupil concerned had been removed from the school but could return under certain circumstances so the dispute was not yet resolved. Redbridge - Oaks Park High School Key Stage 4, Violent Behaviour The division requested a ballot following the decision of the Chair of Governors to reinstate a student had been permanently excluded by the head teacher following an incident of intimidating and disruptive behaviour involving knives on a school trip to France. The Action Officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on Thursday 11 October 2007 and closed on Friday 22 October 2007. During the ballot period the student left the school. Action was therefore not required as the dispute was resolved. Westminster - Pimlico school (Assault on Staff) The division requested a ballot to refuse to teach a disruptive student following the decision of the headteacher to reinstate a student who had assaulted a member of staff after short term exclusion. The action officers sanctioned the request. The ballot opened on 10 March 2006 and closed on 23 March 2006. The outcome of the ballot was positive and action commenced on 3 April 2006. No further complaints were received in the 2006-2007 school year and in March 2007 the dispute to be resolved. Wrexham - Darland school (assault on member) The details of this dispute over the reinstatement of a student who had assaulted a member of staff can be found in the 2007 Annual Report. The Authority had proposed that a Learning Support Assistant accompany the student at all times and that the parents of the student should not be allowed onto the School premises without prior arrangements to see the Headteacher. In February 2007 it was reported that members had agreed to this strategy as the basis for reintegration and the action was therefore suspended. Report of the Executive 2008 59 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee 32. THE TEACHER EDITORIAL BOARD Chairperson: Neil Foden Vice Chairperson: David Lyons 32.1 Editorial board The editorial board met six times in 2007 to discuss how The Teacher should cover issues of importance to members, and to review each issue of the magazine and its supplements and monitor the budget. 32.2 Mission statement The Teacher’s mission statement states that “the overriding aim of the magazine, which is delivered by post to every member, is to provide all members with a professionally produced publication which will both interest them and inform them about the Union’s campaigning priorities”. To achieve this, The Teacher has published articles about Union campaigns and activities, as well as offering a range of features on education policy and classroom issues. The result is a professional and readable magazine which provides balanced coverage of the Union’s activities and serves members’ needs. 32.3 (a) Relaunch The Teacher’s editorial team worked with a professional design company to refresh the design and content of the magazine in the spring of 2007, with the new-look Teacher being launched at the NUT’s annual conference in Harrogate. The redesign and relaunch followed a market research project conducted among NUT members and division secretaries during the winter of 2006/07. Our aims with the new-look design included: • giving the magazine a more modern, lively and friendly look • making better use of the full-colour format • increasing the magazine’s appeal to younger teachers (the future of the union) and women teachers (around three quarters of the NUT’s membership) • improving signposting and navigation throughout the publication (for example with a clearer contents page, bold page tags and more clearly defined sections) • creating a strong format with which readers would quickly become familiar. Changes made to the content were aimed at: • promoting the union’s achievements, ambitions, activities and policies more strongly • presenting information in a more reader-friendly way (for example the question and answer format for the new ‘Ask the union’ section) • encouraging more members to play an active part in the union (for example with the new, regular ‘My role in the union’ column and ‘How we did it’ feature, and a more clearly defined local news section). • encouraging readers to contribute more to the magazine (for example through the new ‘Teachers’ tips’, ‘Reader’s rant’ and ‘My ICT favourites’ columns) • introducing more humour (for example in the new ‘A funny thing happened’ and ‘The things pupils say’ sections). Feedback on the new-look magazine was overwhelmingly positive. The following are a few of the unsolicited comments received from members: “Just wanted to congratulate you on the new-look magazine. It’s absolutely excellent.” “It looks really inviting and more modern – much better!” “The new-look Teacher is a big improvement. It looks much more professional and is more enjoyable to read.” “I'm very impressed with the format. The layout and use of colour make it much easier to browse and I like the bitesize information bits.” “My husband and I think the re-designed magazine looks really beautiful. ….. slick, friendly, colourful, beautifully designed and classy-looking … On the editorial side, it's a much brighter, more fun read now too.” Feedback from colleagues both within and outside the NUT has also been very favourable. (b) (c) (d) (e) 32.4 (a) UP FRONT news Fair pay for teachers Throughout the year, the NUT’s campaign for fair pay for teachers has received prominent coverage in The Teacher. The Annual Conference vote for action on pay was our front cover image in May-June, and the pay campaign was the subject of a major news story or feature in all subsequent issues of the magazine during 2007. Over the months The Teacher explored different aspects of the campaign, including facts about pay, members’ real-life stories, NUT campaign materials and activities, and wider issues relating to public sector pay. Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (b) (c) (d) (e) 32.5 (a) (b) 32.6 (a) (b) (c) 60 Report of the Executive 2008 Academies and trust schools The NUT’s many concerns about academies and trust schools were expressed in news stories and event reports throughout the year. The Teacher promoted the new NUT publication Academies: looking beyond the spin, and its messages were driven home through local news stories about campaigns and protests against academies or trust schools in Brent, Devon, Essex, Greater Manchester, Haringey, Lancashire, Westminster and elsewhere. NUT political fund First mentioned in the Annual Conference report in the May/June magazine, the Union’s political fund ballot was then explained to members in an article written by the general secretary for the September/October edition. This was followed by a double-page feature, including a letter from the general secretary and senior solicitor and a ‘question and answer’ section, in the December magazine to encourage members to vote in the ballot in early 2008. Events Coverage of the NUT’s Annual Conference extended to six pages in the May/June magazine. Other NUT events promoted and reviewed during the year included the National Education Conference and conferences for young, black and LGBT teachers. Members could also read about the NUT’s presence at the party political conferences, and at significant events in the trade union calendar, such as the TUC, Tolpuddle Festival, Burston Strike School Rally and Women Chainmakers’ Festival. NUT success stories (i) The September/October edition included news of the NUT’s successful campaign to protect the rights and status of overseas-trained teachers, and the March and May/June editions carried stories of many successfully resolved TLR disputes. (ii) New NUT publications including A good local school for every child and every community, Born to be Great: a charter on promoting the achievement of black Caribbean boys, and Growing up in a Material World: a charter to combat the commercialisation of childhood were promoted in the magazine. Other positive news stories welcomed three new regional secretaries to the union and covered the inaugural NUT Anthony Walker memorial lecture, NUT play conference, Final Act or Fresh Start conference, Generating Genius reception, and members’ successes in the Teaching Awards and other competitions. (iii) The Staffroom Monologues competition sponsored by the NUT and organised by Teachers TV proved exceptionally popular. The magazine also promoted the union’s ongoing successful working partnerships with organisations such as Show Racism the Red Card, Unicef, the No More Landmines Trust and Music for Youth. International The December 2007 edition of The Teacher had an international theme, with features on the global dimension in the school curriculum, issues affecting young people in The Gambia (linked with Unicef’s Day for Change fundraising initiative), and a Welsh primary school’s worldwide links. Articles earlier in the year promoted the NUT’s ongoing support of the Global Campaign for Education and the No More Landmines Trust, while a feature in the January/February magazine focused on the experiences of NUT members who had taken their teaching skills to Africa. Throughout the year the magazine’s international page has kept members up to date with news of three members of the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association illegally detained by the Ethiopian government. A report on the NUT’s World Teachers’ Day reception informed members about the injustices and persecution facing teachers in many parts of the world, while other news stories covered the NUT’s work with teaching unions in Iraq, Palestine and Israel. Education and equal opportunities Features supporting and promoting the work of the NUT’s Education and Equal Opportunities department have appeared in every edition of The Teacher during 2007. The new NUT play policy was the cover story for our relaunch edition in April, and EEO staff have contributed features on the future of school leadership, the secondary curriculum review, promoting the educational attainment of black working class boys, the NUT’s new disabled members’ network, and the union’s survey into sexism and sexual harassment in schools. In addition, features on the global dimension in education, commemorating the bicentenary of the treaty abolishing the transatlantic slave trade, professional development for supply teachers and working with creative experts have helped to promote some of the innovative new courses and seminars in the NUT’s CPD programme. A four-page CPD supplement was included in the July/August edition of the magazine. As always, The Teacher has also carried in-depth features exploring some of the hottest topics in education throughout the year. Simon Vevers cast a critical eye over children’s centres and the Building Schools for the Future programme. Keith Hatch looked at schools’ efforts to become carbon-neutral and at the issues facing Polish migrant pupils and their teachers. Other contributors tackled cross-curricular learning, teacher migration, the Healthy Schools programme, the decline in language learning, and more. Report of the Executive 2008 32.7 (a) (b) 61 Co-ordinating & Finance Committee Membership services A double-page feature on ‘Making your NUT membership pay for itself’ in the January/February magazine encouraged members to take advantage of the discounts and special offers available through the union’s affinity partners. A second double-page article on ‘NUT services and support’ was published in September/October to coincide with the start of the new school year. The September/October edition also included a feature highlighting the support and services available from the union for post-NQT teachers. This was one of several items during the year aimed at encouraging young teachers to join, and play an active part in, the NUT. 32.8 Conditions of service The new double-page ‘Ask the union’ section has enabled colleagues to address more of members’ frequently asked questions about conditions of service and health and safety. Among the issues tackled in this section of the magazine are classroom temperatures, asbestos, wi-fi technology, TB and the use of CCTV in schools. This year has also seen features on workplace stress and preventing tummy bugs. 32.9 Legal and professional services The ‘question and answer’ format of the new ‘Ask the union’ section has proved an effective way of tackling legal matters in the magazine. This year the LPS team has provided information about new antidiscrimination laws relating to age and sexual orientation and new maternity rights, as well as legal issues relating to job sharing, supply work, PPA time, religious observance and more. 32.10 Members in Wales The Teacher kept readers up to date with two changes of Welsh Assembly education minister during the year, and with the union’s objections to the ‘back door’ introduction of league tables in Wales. In addition, three issues of the bilingual supplement Athrawon Cymru/Teachers in Wales informed members in Wales about the news and activities of NUT Cymru, including the union’s Welsh education manifesto, first Cymru young teachers’ conference, campaign for the rights of supply teachers, and presence at the Wales TUC and national Eisteddfod. 32.11 Supplements The three Teacher-to-Teacher supplements distributed with the September/October magazine included features – written by members – of specialist interest to their colleagues in the early years and primary, secondary and sixth form, and special needs sectors. 32.12 (a) Regular items Guest contributors to the magazine’s ‘Backbeat’ opinion column this year have included Shami Chakrabati of Liberty on children’s rights, TV presenter and composer Howard Goodall on the importance of song in schools, Camila Batmanghelidjh of Kids Company on working with vulnerable children and Tony Juniper of Friends of the Earth on engaging young people with environmental issues. The regular ICT column (now named ‘Teachnology’) has covered collaborative ‘wiki’ technologies, interactive whiteboards, personalised learning platforms and now includes a section where members can share information about useful ICT resources. The ‘Noticeboard’ and ‘Reviews’ pages continue to be popular and now both benefit from a clearer layout. The most frequently recurring topics on The Teacher’s letters pages during 2007 were workplace bullying, workload, pensions, the treatment of supply teachers, the raising of the education leaving age and the decline in language learning. (b) (c) 33. NATIONAL APPEALS COMMITTEE No permanent Chairperson No meetings were held during 2007. 34. NATIONAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE (No permanent chairperson) There was one meeting of the Committee during the year, held in the London East Region. Michael Crilly was elected Chairperson for the hearing. The Disciplinary Committee was convened, in accordance with Union Rule, to hear a complaint made in relation to the Code of Professional Conduct and in particular paragraphs (d) and (g). The complaint concerned a newspaper article in the Hackney Gazette and a press release in the name of Unison and the NUT local association concerned. The complainant asserted that the article and the press release brought the Union into disrepute, specifically that personal comments about the head teacher of a school were unprofessional. The Committee agreed in a Pre-Hearing Review to hear the complaint only under paragraph (d) of the Code of Professional Conduct, which related to censure or criticism of a teacher or their work in the hearing of the pupils and other persons not directly involved in the running of the school. The complaint was heard in a full Hearing. The complainant and appellant attended the Hearing. (a) (b) (c) (d) Co-ordinating & Finance Committee (e) (f) (g) (h) 35. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 36. 62 Report of the Executive 2008 The Committee very carefully listened to and considered the written and oral evidence provided by both parties. There was concern about the difficulty of applying the Rules and it was agreed to contact the National Executive suggesting improvements to the disciplinary procedures. It was agreed however that a decision should be made in this case. On the evidence provided by both parties and on the balance of probabilities the Committee agreed that the comments were not made by the appellant as claimed. Matters were in dispute at the time at the school and the majority of the article reflected the view of the Union and its members within the school. The Committee concluded that the general complaint about the article and the press release was not upheld and concluded that there was no breach of the Union’s Code of Professional Conduct. The Committee raised concerns that the Association, in its dealing with the Press, had been misreported following a conversation with the journalist. The Committee believed that associations should be advised on procedures for dealing with the Press and that training should be provided for those who specifically dealt with the Press on Union matters. No appeal was made against the decision of the Committee. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT (CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS) COMMITTEE No permanent Chairperson The Sub-Committee met on three occasions, in May, October and November, and considered a total 16 cases under Union Rule 56(c). Eleven members were expelled from the Union. In the cases of two others who had resigned from Union membership prior to consideration of their cases the Committee decided that they should not be readmitted otherwise with consent of the Executive. In a third case in which the member had resigned the Committee decided that he should be able to reapply for membership upon his name ceasing to be on the Sex Offenders Register. The further consideration of one case has been deferred into 2008 pending the outcome the member’s efforts to secure a retrial The Committee also considered one case which was considered to be exceptional on its facts. The member involved in this case made a personal appearance before the Committee, represented by his Association Secretary. The Committee decided that although this teacher could not be permitted to remain in full membership of the Union whilst listed on the Sex Offenders Register, in circumstances in which he has already decided to leave teaching and not work with children, he should be permitted if he wishes to retain Left Profession Membership. This would enable him to retain a link with the Union and be entitled to apply to the Regional Secretary for Union representation before the Department for Children, Schools and Families which must consider his case. The Committee then further decided that this member may not be readmitted to full membership otherwise than with the approval of the Executive upon receipt of a report from the Professional Conduct (Criminal Convictions) Committee. In this case also the Committee recorded its gratitude to the Association Secretary for his representations on the member’s behalf which has raised important matters of concern to the Union generally. LEGACY FUND No permanent Chairperson No meetings were held during 2007. Report of the Executive 2008 63 Membership & Communications Committee MEMBERSHIP AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Chairperson: Vice-Chairpersons: 1. Dave Harvey Lesley Auger and Roger King INTRODUCTION In 2007, the Union continued to grow and towards the end of the year membership stood at 269,000 inservice, retired, life and left profession members, a tribute to the hard work and dedication of Executive members, division and association officers and school representatives throughout England and Wales. The Committee and Department faced major challenges, being engaged to the full in the Union’s campaigns. 2. MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS The growth in in-service membership from 2005 to 2006 was 2.41 per cent. The Committee was provided with monthly updates on membership numbers and market share information. The Committee was pleased to note the steady growth in membership over the course of the year in the face of aggressive price based recruitment campaigns by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers. In 2007, the number of teachers in service diminished whilst the number of in-service members increased, indicating that the Union had an increased share of the teaching force in England and Wales. 3. RECORDS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS SERVICES The Committee received a written paper and a verbal report from the Accountant at every meeting on the work of Records and Subscriptions Services. The Department worked in close cooperation with RSS to ensure the effective implementation of membership recording procedures. The Committee was pleased to note the establishment of the paperless direct debit method of subscription payment which would facilitate the online and telephone joining methods. 4. MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS (a) The Officers of the Committee were consulted by the Officers of the Coordinating and Finance Committee on the setting of the 2009 subscription rate. It was agreed that it would be set at £149 and this was approved by the Executive. The Committee noted that the 2007 Conference resolution on young teachers instructed the Executive “to consider free membership for the first year or reduced membership rates for the first five years given debts that NQTs are saddled with”. The Committee considered models showing the effect on the Union’s income of various subscription discount models and agreed that the current subscription arrangements be maintained, i.e fifty per cent discounts in years one and two; the situation be kept under close review; and the Union should continue to use its resources to provide tangible benefits and services for teachers at the start of their careers. (b) 5. SERVICES AND BENEFITS (a) The Committee and Department worked closely with the endorsed companies and organizations that provide services for members. The tax code checking service through Personal Taxation Services continued to be publicised through The Teacher and at November 2007 the amount of tax recovered for NUT members since the scheme began in 1996 stood at £5.3 million with an average tax refund of £222. The Union was represented on the Credit Card Liaison Committee convened by the TUC which met regularly to consider issues relating to the Union credit card programme in consultation with representatives from Halifax Bank of Scotland, the card providers. The NUT platinum card was marketed to members by direct mail in 2007. The Department worked with Britannia Rescue to promote the Union’s road rescue service. At the end of November 2007, 499 members had signed up for the Britannia service. Harry Weeks Travel, the provider of the NUT Travel Club, ceased trading in August 2007. The Department was undertaking a review of the travel service benefit and the outcome was not known at the time of this report. Travel enquiries were referred to the Countdown travel service, also endorsed by the Union. The Union continued to work closely with MB Solutions Ltd the provider of the Countdown discount service. Countdown vouchers were included in the Union’s Passport to Teaching booklet, the guide to new teachers. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 6. TEACHERS PROVIDENT SOCIETY The Union continued to work closely with the Teachers Provident Society as its introducer appointed representative for insurance and financial services covered by the Financial Services and Markets Act. The joint liaison committee met on two occasions in 2007 to exchange information and ideas. Membership & Communications Committee 7. 64 Report of the Executive 2008 TEACHERS BUILDING SOCIETY The Union continued to work closely with the Teachers Building Society Two meetings of the liaison committee with the Teachers Building Society, as the building society endorsed by the NUT, were held during 2007, including one at TBS headquarters in Wimborne, at which issues were discussed and TBS results and plans considered. 8. NAYCEO Two meetings were held with the National Association of Youth and Community Education Officers at which issues of mutual concern were considered. 9. GROUP INSURANCE The terms of the personal accident, hospitalization, personal property and malicious damage to motor vehicles insurance group insurance policies remained unchanged in 2007. The insurers, Norwich Union, met the following claims, during the year ended 30 November 2007: Hospitalization: 0 claims Personal accident: 2 claims - total paid: £16,000 Personal property: 191 claims - total paid: £20,431 Malicious damage to motor vehicles: 210 claims - total paid: £44,402 10. TEACHER SUPPORT LINE The Committee received regular reports on and took a close interest in the work of the telephone counselling service administered by the Teacher Support Network. 11. COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING – PRINT (a) In 2007 the Department focused its print communications on the core themes laid down by the Union’s campaign priorities and the recruitment of new members. It undertook each of these with some success and, in the process, has broken new ground in the use of technique and technology. The year began with mailings to promote the campaign against increased workload and a lobby of Parliament and finished with campaigns for improved salaries and the establishment of a political fund. With some 65 separate mailings and over 440 printed items, much ground has been covered in between. In March the Union co-sponsored the successful conference ‘A Good Local School for Every Child’ and its own, on ‘Play’. A new edition of ‘Academies – Beyond the Spin’, was produced and ‘Born to Be Great - a Charter on Promoting the Achievement of Black Caribbean Boys’ was launched early April. Materials th were produced in June to support the 5 anniversary celebration of the establishment of NUT Learning Representatives and foundation of the Young Teachers’ National Conference. Of particular significance was the launch and promotion in November of ‘A Good Local School for Every Child and Every Community’. This was distributed to every school and head teacher in England. Work began on a version for Wales. Specialist literature continued to be produced for NUT Soulbury members and for those in sixth form colleges. Throughout the year, the Department produced materials to support the continuing programme of ICT courses including producing an edition of ICT Teacher and the extensive series of CPD events including conferences and seminars such as ‘Talking About My Generation’ held in July. A successful evening event, Generating Genius, was held in September and the inaugural annual Anthony Walker Memorial lecture in October. The Department continued to work closely with the Organisation and Administration Department on ballots and NUT Officer elections and the production of material for the Annual Conference. The Department worked with Records and Subscriptions Services (RSS) on the production of stationery and mailings associated with retention of members and the collection of subscriptions. The Department continued to work with RSS in the use of personalised transfer forms to promote full membership of the union to students. New techniques were adopted to improve the Newly Qualified Teachers recruitment procedures. Plans are in place to develop this further. In April 2007, the UNION won the prestigious TUC Press and Media Award for the Best Recruitment Campaign for its work in this area. Each term the Union’s core mailings included a training focus which presented the programme of national training courses and officer training at the NUT training centre at Stoke Rochford Hall. Pride of place continued to go to NUT News, the Union’s principal means of communicating topical and important notices to members via their staffroom notice boards. The Union produced 20 editions each of which gave the Union a strong presence in schools and maintained NUT members as the best informed teachers of developments which impact on their working lives. In furtherance of the Union’s campaign aims the Department pioneered the use of a combination of mixed media including print, web and email. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Report of the Executive 2008 65 Membership & Communications Committee 12. TEACHERS.ORG.UK AND HEARTH (a) (c) is the NUT website which is open and accessible to all. enjoys a high level of recognition by NUT members and contains a wealth of searchable information, guidance and advice, much of it available only on the web. Whilst is open to all, the Union has developed a separate website, ‘Hearth – Gathering Together NUT Representatives for Mutual Support’. This website is open to NUT officers and entry to it is password protected. In Hearth, in a single browser, officers can use their web-based email, instant messaging, discussion forums and blogging, a directory of fellow officers and an extensive workshop of templates to support union building, recruitment and retention activities. Also available is the ‘Knowledge’ a compendium of information and guidance to action, which can be taken to support members in need. Special versions of Hearth have been built to serve different communities within the Union, from the Executive to the Teacher Mental Health Working Party and Young Teachers’ National Advisory Committee. Work has begun to merge these two websites into a powerful single publishing arena. 13. CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITIONS (a) The Union’s presence continued at a range of political and educational conferences and exhibitions throughout the year. The Union maintained its high-profile work at the TUC Congress and the Liberal Democrat, Labour, Conservative and Plaid Cymru annual conferences. In addition to the conference exhibitions, fringe meetings and receptions were also arranged, involving room hire, catering, advertisements and other promotions, discussions with security and hotel staff, liaison with Union and guest speakers, the design of backdrops, as well as the coordination of catering and musical arrangements. The Union also participated in a number of large exhibitions: North of England Education Conference 2007, BETT Show 2007, NUS Annual Conference 2007, The Education Show 2007, NUT Annual Conference 2007, Compass Annual Conference, London Pride Rally, Tolpuddle Martyrs, Rise Festival, Hazards Conference, The National Teaching Awards, NCSL New Head Teachers Conference, ESSA Student Voice Conference and London Schools and the Black Child Conference 2007. At the Union’s Annual Conference at the Harrogate International Centre, two large exhibitions showcased the Union’s publications and website as well as the CPD, NUT Training, ICT Skills, and Learning Representatives programmes. The Union’s use of graphics on the electronic big board continued, allowing for the advertising of the Union family’s services and products, the identification of speakers, and the use of supporting material for the President’s and other speakers’ speeches. In addition, a display of the National Union Membership Development Award was mounted. The department throughout the year continued to bring a greater degree of professionalism to the presentation of policy launches and conferences, training courses and division secretaries’ briefings through the use of display stand and power point backdrops. (b) (b) (c) (d) 14. MERCHANDISING The Union’s merchandising scheme continued. The Union continued to promote sales of exhibition stands and associated materials to associations and divisions. Ready-made artwork was designed and associations and divisions could have their own title included in the graphic. There were major merchandising initiatives at both the Rise and London Pride events. 15. ADVERTISING The Union’s advertising programme continued to look for value-for-money while maintaining a presence in the main educational media, especially the Times Educational Supplement (TES), as well as magazines aimed at a more specialised market. New adverts were created using innovative design and creative copy. A major emphasis was made in linking the placement of these advertisements with the Union’s main recruitment campaigns. The advertisements proved particularly effective in reaching newly qualified teachers, a key recruitment target for the Union. 16. RECRUITMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Chairperson: Roger King (a) (b) (c) The Sub-Committee met in January, March, October and December 2007. Membership trends and market share figures were monitored. The Sub-Committee welcomed the success of the Union’s recruitment and retention strategy, its healthy market share and the steady growth in membership. The Sub-Committee reviewed the effect of free membership for newly qualified teachers being offered by other teachers’ organisations. Membership & Communications Committee (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 66 Report of the Executive 2008 The Sub-Committee acted as a judging panel for the National Union Membership Development Award (NUMDA). It considered progress with the nine Regional Union Membership Development Awards (RUMDAs) and the Wales Union Membership Development Award (WUMDA). The Sub-Committee gave detailed consideration to a strategy to increase the density of accredited school representatives in constituent associations. It was considered essential that the working relationship with the NUS be continued and developed in order to recruit and retain student teachers. Feedback from the student recruitment exercise 2007 was considered by the Sub-Committee. Following reports from regional and Wales staff that the inclusion of an equal opportunities monitoring section on the student application form had limited the effectiveness of the Union in recruiting and retaining student members during the autumn term college events, the Sub-Committee recommended that the monitoring section on the student application form be removed and that equal opportunities monitoring be reviewed over the coming months. The Accountant and the Principal Officer for Records and Subscription Services were invited to attend all Sub-Committee meetings. A standing item, ‘Matters Relating to Records and Subscription Services’, was considered at each meeting. A further standing item on the agenda enabled the Sub-Committee to consider recruitment and retention issues relating to other unions. 17. STUDENT RECRUITMENT (a) The student recruitment materials for the autumn term were distributed to regional and Wales offices for use at freshers’ fairs and for other student events. The pack contained: a wall planner; a customised student version of the NUT diary; a special edition of NUTshell; a new edition of the ITT Charter in English and Welsh; and a new edition of the booklet on student finances in English and Welsh. The last three publications listed were produced in partnership with the NUS. Mobile telephone numbers and e-mail addresses were sought from new student joiners on the application form. Promotional items available were: a snakes and ladders game customised for student teachers; a magnifying card. (b) (c) (d) 18. NUT NOTES FOR STUDENT LECTURES Two sets of notes entitled: Education, the Law and You; and Pay and Conditions of Service and You were prepared for use by regional and Wales colleagues when giving lectures to students at the invitation of colleges. Each document was available in English and Welsh. 19. NUT/NUS LIAISON (a) (g) (h) The Union, through the Membership and Communications Committee, continued to have strong links with the National Union of Students (NUS) in 2007. The annual NUT scholarship, with a value of £8,600, was awarded to support a member of the NUS Executive Committee to carry out campaigning activities and research on educational issues affecting student teachers. The scholarship holder until July was Richard Angell and, from August, Katie Curtis. The NUS’s Trade Union Partnerships Manager, Joe Keenan, was in regular contact with the NUT. The NUT was represented at the NUS’s annual reception held at the House of Commons in October. The NUT was represented by Headquarters’ staff at the NUS conference in Blackpool, in March, and organised a well-received exhibition stand at the Conference. The NUT scholarship holders energetically promoted the NUT across student unions. An NUS project to set up NUT societies on campuses was successfully launched. A campaign against the hidden costs faced by teacher training students was initiated. The NUT/NUS Liaison Committee met in May and October 2007. 20. STUDENT PROJECT WORKER (a) A one-year project was established to develop the NUT societies’ project and to develop good practice ideas for improving contacts with ITT providers. The postholder is responsible for administering a project to assist in the recruitment of student members and to encourage them to remain within the Union when they qualify. The pilot project builds on the successful work of the NUT/NUS scholarship. The project is being monitored and evaluated. Carly Doyle was appointed as project worker. Based in the North West, a region, with significant numbers of ITT students, the appointment is for one year on a full-time basis. The NUT is supporting the project worker on the TUC Organising Academy programme. The day-to-day management is provided by the North West Regional Secretary. Oversight of the work is undertaken jointly by the Assistant Secretary, Membership and Communications Department, and the Assistant Secretary, Regional Co-ordination, Local Support and Action. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (b) (c) (d) Report of the Executive 2008 67 Membership & Communications Committee 21. STUDENT BURSARY (a) A pilot scheme for a student bursary has been established. The bursary is a means by which the Union will build presence in universities where the ITT courses are for one year only and therefore the NUT societies arrangement would be inappropriate. The pilot scheme is being monitored and evaluated. The bursary holder provides support for student recruitment events, registration, freshers’ fairs and student talks on the law and on conditions of pay. She or he will act as the point of contact within the college and facilitate communication between the Union and student teachers. Rhiannon Boyle was appointed as the first bursary holder. A PGCE student at Aberystwyth, she is supported by NUT Cymru. The value of the bursary is £250 per term. (b) (c) 22. NUTshell (a) (c) The magazine for student members, NUTshell, was published in the spring and summer terms with a special edition for the student recruitment pack in the autumn. NUTshell included messages from the NUT General Secretary, from the NUS president, Gemma Tumelty, and from the NUT/NUS scholarship holder. Articles were included on the hidden costs campaign and NUT societies. A special edition of NUTshell about the ballot for a political fund was prepared during the autumn term. 23. CHARTER FOR INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING (a) (b) (c) As part of the partnership between the NUT and NUS, the Charter for initial teacher training was revised and updated. The charter aims to protect and promote the rights of students on initial teacher training courses, providing a framework of recommended standards for good educational practice. The charter was distributed to student members at freshers’ fairs and other student events. The charter was produced in English and Welsh. 24. STUDENT FINANCE BOOKLET (a) (b) A new edition of the booklet, Your finances: facts and figures for student teachers, was published for students. The booklet was produced originally in response to reports from regional and Wales offices of frequent enquiries on financial matters from student members. Your finances was available in English and Welsh. 25. NQA RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION CAMPAIGN: 2006 COHORT (a) The Executive agreed to reward those newly qualified attached (NQA) members who had committed to direct debit payment of their subscription. A licence was purchased from the publishers, Continuum, to print and publish an NUT-branded version of Sue Cowley’s book, How to Survive Your First Year in Teaching. A promotional leaflet was despatched to NQAs: who had already provided details of their school and signed for direct debit; and who had provided details of their school but not signed for direct debit; who had yet to provide school details but had signed for direct debit; and who had yet to provide school details and to sign for direct debit. The mailing of the book, in January 2007, was accompanied by a flyer offering a direct debit paying NQA members a substantial discount on Sue Cowley’s other successful book, Getting the ‘*!#@*!@#’ to Behave. The NUT’s newly qualified teachers’ recruitment drive won the prize for best recruitment material at the TUC’s Press and PR Awards 2007. The offer to NQTs of Sue Cowley’s book How to Survive Your First Year in Teaching was described by the TUC judges as “An imaginative way to attract new members during difficult times”. (b) (b) (c) (d) (e) 26. TELEPHONE TRANSFER CAMPAIGN: 2006 COHORT (a) A follow-up round of calls was carried out to the 2006 cohort of student qualifiers, to encourage them to pay by direct debit and thus to qualify for the NUT’s Sue Cowley book offer. The campaign was launched at the end of April and continued for four weeks. A telemarketing company based in Ireland called Forward Emphasis carried out the project. Forward Emphasis has a range of trade union experience, including work with the TUC. At the end of the telephone transfer campaign, over 7,000 student qualifiers from 2006 had been transferred to in-service membership. (b) (c) 27. COME BACK TO US: 2006 COHORT Lapsed student members from the 2006 cohort of qualifiers were mailed with a Come Back to Us leaflet. Membership was encouraged by offering, under the autumn term joining arrangements four terms for the price of three. Membership & Communications Committee 68 Report of the Executive 2008 28. FIRST POST: 2007 COHORT (a) The NUT’s flagship publication, First Post 2007, was sent to PGCE and final year student members during the Christmas vacation and to non-members via regional offices in England and NUT Cymru in Wales. First Post 2007 was sent also to those training on school-centred in-service training (SCITT) programmes and to those training on employment-based routes, that is the graduate, registered, overseas and Teach First programmes. Regularly advertised in the TES, First Post continued to win wide acclaim with LA personnel departments indicating a high level of enquiries arising directly from the information published in the booklet. An annual publication, the booklet contained practical advice relating to job applications and interviews. First Post was accompanied by A Really Useful Map, produced in partnership with The Times Educational Supplement, showing all the local authorities in England and Wales. (b) (c) (d) (e) 29. AWAITING APPOINTMENT MEMBERSHIP: 2007 COHORT (a) Student members ‘awaiting appointment’ who applied with the Moving On, Moving Up (MOMU) form were transferred to in-service membership which entitled them to benefits, including a Countdown card, NUT training and an opportunity to participate in surveys of members’ opinions. ‘Awaiting appointment’ members were not eligible to vote in ballots. The MOMU forms were mailed to the 2007 cohort of student qualifiers during the Christmas vacation, together with First Post 2007. (b) (c) 30. TRANSFER TO FULL MEMBERSHIP: 2007 COHORT (a) (d) In addition to the Moving On, Moving Up forms, final year and PCGE students were offered further opportunities to give details of their school addresses. Receipt of this information enabled the Union automatically to transfer student members to in-service membership. Transfer forms were sent at Easter, at the summer half term and in the autumn so that the Union could update the membership records. A ‘Seasons Greetings’ special transfer form was distributed in December. 31. TELEPHONE TRANSFER CAMPAIGN: 2007 COHORT (a) During 2007, the telephone transfer campaign was repeated and developed. Students in the final year of BEd or BA/QT courses or those on a PGCE course were telephoned. In contrast with previous years, student qualifiers were urged to provide their direct debit details, as well as their school addresses, using the Sue Cowley book offer as an incentive. The telephone exercise commenced during May 2007. Telephoning continued on all weekdays and during July and September. By the end of the project, over 4,000 student qualifiers had been transferred to full in-service membership. These were sent a full membership credential, including an in-service membership credential. Those student members who expressed themselves to be very interested in the NUT but had not yet obtained their first teaching post were sent a follow-up letter from the General Secretary. (b) (c) (b) (c) (d) (e) 32. NQA RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION CAMPAIGN: 2007 COHORT (a) (b) With every transfer mailing sent out during the year, publicity was given to the special offer for Sue Cowley’s book, How to Survive Your First Year in Teaching. The special ‘Seasons Greetings’ transfer mailing highlighted the book offer in December. 33. GUIDANCE ON RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION (a) (b) Your Growing Union, a guide to good practice in recruitment, was distributed to associations and divisions in June. Setting out the essentials for recruitment, the document shared examples of good practice from local associations. A Termly Tip leaflet on recruitment was sent to NUT representatives in the all-schools mailing. 34. NEW TEACHER RECRUITMENT: 2007 COHORT (a) The Your Passport to Teaching booklet was sent to the 2007 cohort of student qualifiers during the summer half term. The newly qualified teachers’ pack, distributed to local associations at the beginning of July contained materials specifically for the purpose of recruitment by constituent associations. These were: a letter from the General Secretary; a customised new teachers’ version of the NUT Diary called A Really Useful Diary; postcard advertising the new teachers’ training course; a TBS leaflet; a booklet of vouchers supplied by Countdown; an application form; a Welsh language application form (Wales only); pen; and a customised envelope. (b) Report of the Executive 2008 (c) 69 Membership & Communications Committee (f) An additional recruitment leaflet for newly appointed, but not newly qualified, teachers was produced for use by constituent associations. A recruitment leaflet aimed at those training to teach on employment-based programmes, that is, the registered, graduate, overseas and Teach First programmes was available also. Materials were sent to associations which specifically requested them on return of the pro forma attached to the January circular. An October circular sought feedback on the 2007 materials. 35. NEWSLETTER FOR NEW NUT MEMBERS (a) (b) (c) A model newsletter for new NUT members was circulated. The newsletter could be given to new teachers who had entered membership and to more experienced teachers who were new to the NUT. Newsletter templates were available on Hearth. 36. INDUCTION GUIDANCE (a) (c) A Really Useful Guide to Induction in England and Wales for newly qualified teachers was distributed to final year students to arrive at their school addresses for the beginning of the autumn term. A good practice checklist for newly qualified teachers was circulated to school representatives in the autumn term mailing. A Really Useful Guide to Induction was produced in English and Welsh. 37. SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFERS (d) (e) (b) In order to publicise the special joining offer of four terms for the price of three, a leaflet Autumn has Arrived! was sent to all schools. Joiners during May, June and July were informed that no payment was necessary. 38. TARGETED RECRUITMENT (a) A recruitment leaflet, Working for all teachers, was revised, updated and distributed to school representatives for recruiting teachers new to schools. An additional recruitment leaflet, New School, for newly appointed, but not newly qualified, teachers was produced for use by constituent associations. A recruitment leaflet, Training on the Job?, aimed at those training to teach on employment-based programmes, i.e., the registered, graduate, overseas and Teach First programmes, was available also. A series of targeted recruitment leaflets was produced for Conference 2007. These were: For All Teachers; Why Join the Union?; New School?; Training on the Job?; Young Teachers; Overseas Trained Teachers; Supply and Agency Teachers; Primary Teachers; Secondary Teachers; Teachers in Special Schools and PRUs; and For All Teachers in Wales, in English and Welsh languages. (b) (c) (d) 39. LETTER TO NEWLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS At the end of August, a letter was sent to newly qualified teachers in NUT membership at their school addresses. The letter welcomed them to the NUT and provided key contact details for the Union. The letter to members in England contained an induction checklist. The letter to members in Wales was bilingual. 40. NATIONAL UNION MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AWARD (NUMDA) (a) (b) 2007 Conference saw the development of the membership development awards. The NUMDA, first awarded in 2006, is an annual celebration of a significant achievement in membership recruitment and retention. Through the NUMDA, the Executive aims to acknowledge and reward good practice in recruitment and retention at local levels. The Executive hopes to consolidate recruitment and retention as key elements of Union organisation and Union culture. The Recruitment and Retention Sub-Committee considered the entries at its March meeting. The quality of the entries was very high. The winner of the 2006/07 NUMDA was the Bristol Association which, during 2007: targeted groups, such as the leadership group; and embedded equal opportunities in all its work. The Secretary and Membership Secretary of Bristol NUT accepted the NUMDA which was a framed, eye-catching certificate. (c) (d) (e) Membership & Communications Committee 70 Report of the Executive 2008 41. REGIONAL AND WALES UNION MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AWARDS (RUMDAs and WUMDA) (a) Introduced in 2007 were awards at regional and Wales level. These were for individual members with significant achievement in membership recruitment and retention. The nominees for these regional/Wales awards were judged at regional and Wales level. The winners were: Northern Region: Ian Grayson, Newcastle Upon Tyne; North West Region: Cecilia Hopkins, Wigan; Yorkshire Midland Region: Andy Parsons, Central Nottinghamshire; Midlands: David Room, Birmingham; Eastern Region: Paul Widdowson, Waveney and Yoxford; South East Region: Nigel Fox, Andover and District; South West: Jez Longden, Bristol; London West: Kevin Courtney, Camden: London East: James Looker, Croydon; and Wales: Brenda Roberts, Wrexham. (b) 42. MARKET RESEARCH ON THE ORGANISING AGENDA (a) (b) (c) The Membership and Communications Committee agreed that the 2007 market research project would be on the theme of the organising agenda, to ascertain in England and Wales: the strength of organisation of the Union at school level; the steps taken by school representatives, local associations and divisions that have resulted in success at developing school level organisation; and the views of school representatives, local association and division officers on the support the Union should give in these areas of development. Labour Research Department was commissioned to undertake the survey. The report of the research will be produced in 2008. 43. TRAINING SUB-COMMITTEE Chairperson: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Lesley Auger The Sub-Committee met in February, June and November 2007. Members welcomed the success of the national training programme and, in particular, the new courses that had been introduced. The continuing high level of applications for NUT representatives’ courses was welcomed. The Sub-Committee welcomed the development of a system to inform divisions about members who had attended national training courses. The Sub-Committee reviewed regularly attendance at courses on the local training programme. The Sub-Committee received regular reports about the ICT Skills for Teachers programme. Members welcomed the development of intermediate and multimedia courses that were being well-received by NUT members and other teachers. The Union’s Learning Representative (ULR) project was considered at each meeting of the SubCommittee. Members welcomed the development of this project. Following a reference from the NUT’s Health and Safety Working Group, the Sub-Committee considered developing health and safety training at national and local level, with particular reference to encouraging more women safety representatives to participate. Options recommended by the Sub-Committee were: further local training modules on Hearth; and TUC training regionally delivered and modified to take account of teachers’ particular work circumstances. 44. NATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME 2007 (a) During 2007, as part of the national training programme, 13 courses were offered to members, 10 courses for local officers and 12 courses for representatives making a total of 35 courses on offer. All courses were residential at Stoke Rochford Hall. The courses offered were Academy Representatives, Division Secretaries’ Briefing, Equal Opportunities: From Policy to Practice, Heath and Safety Advisers, Health and Safety Representatives (three courses), How Representatives can Challenge Harassment and Bullying, International Development Union Education (IDUE), Learning Representatives (three courses), Local Association and Division Treasurers, Members in Independent Schools, Moving into Management, New Secretaries, New Teachers, Just Qualified Teachers’ Summer Workshop, Part-timers, Returners and Supply Teachers, Representing Members: Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures, Second Level School Representatives, School Leadership: A Trade Union Approach, School Representatives (five courses), Sixth Form Representatives (jointly with School Representatives), Stress and Wellbeing: Whole School Approaches, Student Members (two courses), Using ICT in Union Work (two courses), Women’s Development. Two courses were cancelled owing to insufficient applications being received: Overseas Trained Teachers and NUT Teachers as Governors. (b) (c) Report of the Executive 2008 71 Membership & Communications Committee 45. NEW SECRETARIES COURSE 2007 (a) (b) New secretaries from 23 divisions and associations attended the New Secretaries’ Course which preceded the Division Secretaries’ Briefing. The course addressed topics including: the role of the secretary; organising resources and managing time; using ICT in Union work; handling casework; managing school visits; negotiating skills; membership matters; press and media; and survival strategies. 46. DIVISION SECRETARIES’ BRIEFING 2007 (a) The Division Secretaries’ Briefing, 10-12 October 2007, was attended by 134 participants representing 126 divisions. The plenary sessions were: the General Secretary’s Address; Legal Overview: Graham Clayton, Senior Solicitor, New Government: new education policies?; John Bangs, Assistant Secretary, Education and Equal Opportunities; The organising agenda: the role of divisional secretaries : Paul Nowak, National Organiser, TUC; Workload: Christine Blower, Deputy General Secretary; Asbestos in schools: focus on the removal : Michael Lees; the President’s Address. There were 19 workshop topics running over five bands, making a total of 40 workshop sessions on offer. On the Thursday, there were displays by members of the Union family: TBS, Teachers Provident Society, HBOS Card Services, Norwich Union, Countdown. The Teachers’ Building Society kindly hosted a wine reception for participants at the end of Thursday’s session. (b) (c) (d) 47. NEW COURSES IN 2007 47.1 School Representatives: Second Level Attended by 24 school representatives, this course aimed to address current educational issues and their implications for NUT representatives. Participants discussed representation, negotiation and strategies to manage the representative’s role alongside the demands of a teacher’s professional role. Consideration was given to moving on to local officer roles. 47.2 (a) Academy Representatives This new course was attended by 16 representatives from Academies and from schools about to become Academies. Recognising that representatives in Academies have a responsible role in working to safeguard the pay, conditions and professional entitlements of their members, this course aimed to help representatives to support members and negotiate with management. Information was provided about the NUT’s support for its members in Academies. (b) 48. FORWARD PLANNING – NEW COURSES FOR 2008 A full programme of courses, at various levels, was planned for 2008. A new course to be introduced in 2008 was a casework course for local officers. 49. PUBLICITY FOR TRAINING COURSES (a) (b) (c) The National Training Programme was publicised in a number of ways. The training brochure for members was distributed in July. A copy of the training brochure, together with a poster for notice-board display, were distributed in September. The brochure for local officers’ courses was distributed with a circular. Articles in The Teacher highlighted courses on a termly basis. The NUT’s website continued to feature a section on the national training programme. Targeted HTML emails were sent to specific groups such as part-timers, supply teachers, leadership group and independent school members. The system of email alerts for training courses, to which members could register, continued. A training scoreboard indicating courses with vacancies operated on the website. (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 50. CERTIFICATION FOR NATIONAL TRAINING COURSES 2007 saw the development of certification for participants who had successfully on the National Training Programme. completed courses 51. TPS INPUT INTO THE NATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME (a) The Teachers’ Provident Society (TPS) successfully delivered some twilight sessions on financial planning for members at courses in the national training programme. Tracy Isaac of TPS led workshops at the Division Secretaries’ Briefing. She delivered sessions at the course for Just Qualified Teachers’ Summer Workshop and the Part-timers, supply teachers and returners course. The TPS sessions were well evaluated by course participants. (b) (c) Membership & Communications Committee 72 Report of the Executive 2008 52. HEADQUARTERS’ SUPPORT FOR LOCAL TRAINING (a) As part of the local training strategy set out in the Hunting and Farming, seven local officers attended the Training Trainers’ course held in March at Stoke Rochford Hall. Participants worked with a small group to plan, prepare and deliver a training session. They also planned a full course in outline. The course aims to equip local officers with skills and strategy for delivering training at local level. Local training modules were produced in circular format and for Hearth: NUT quiz, Health and Safety quiz, Assertiveness Taster, Case Study: Harassment and Bullying, Bullying and Harassment of School Staff, Workload. (b) 53. PILOT E-LEARNING PROJECT (a) Twelve NUT learning representatives and 13 Health and Safety Advisers volunteered to participate in a pilot e-learning project. Participants would assess the suitability of e-learning as a training method for NUT members. The project would use the TUC’s Getting Ready for E-learning (GREL) course followed by a subject specific module. The pilot e-learning project was being developed in partnership with the TUC. Registration and computer access to the learning facilities were organised during December. The course would be tutored during the spring term 2008 by Lewisham College Trade Union Studies Centre. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 54. ICT SKILLS FOR TEACHERS PROGRAMME (a) During 2007 the Union organised one hundred and twenty five courses at 53 different locations. Courses were held in each of the nine NUT regions in England and in Wales. Forty three courses were organised in the spring term, 36 courses were organised in the summer term and 44 courses were organised in the autumn term. Over 1,700 teachers enrolled on these courses during 2007. Following successes in previous years, the Union organised two summer school ICT skills courses in July and August 2007 after the end of the summer term. They were all intensive, 5-day courses and were held in Bristol and the London Borough of Haringey. The summer school ICT skills courses continued to be highly popular. The Union has organised a further forty three courses to be held at 22 different venues to start in the spring term 2008. The spring term programme includes intermediate level and multimedia ICT skills courses as well as a new pilot Interactive Whiteboard only course. The courses have continued to be very popular and the demand for course places remained consistently high. On many courses the number of applications received far exceeded the places available and 60 per cent of courses were fully booked. In total in 2007 the ICT courses were oversubscribed by over 20 per cent. The success of the courses was reflected in the course evaluations, which showed that on completion of the course, 85 per cent of course participants found the ICT skills course relevant or very relevant and 95 per cent of course participants felt confident or very confident with ICT. Many members enrolled on an ICT skills courses have reported that they are subsequently been able to use ICT in their classroom practice and have thanked the Union for organising the local ICT training. The Union continued to be very successful in making the ICT skills courses accessible to all teachers. The NUT's ICT Skills courses proved ideally suited to all teachers due to the location of course venues and course times. This was the case especially for teachers who can often miss out on school based training opportunities, such as teachers who work part time as well as agency and supply teachers. During 2007 at least 38 per cent of participants worked part time; at least 29 per cent of participants were either supply teachers or on fixed term contracts; 86 per cent of participants were women; and 57 per cent of participants were from primary schools, 26 per cent from secondary schools and 8 per cent from special schools. The Union produced a further edition of the ‘ICTeacher’ magazine to publicise the work of the “ICT Skills for Teachers” programme. The tenth edition was launched at Annual Conference 2007. The ‘ICTeacher’ magazine was used to promote the programme and was sent to MPs and to local authorities in England and Wales. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 55. UNION LEARNING FUND: REPRESENTATIVES (a) Since 2002, with funding from the Union Learning Fund (ULF), the Union has been developing a network of NUT learning representatives at both divisional level and school level within the Union in England. Since 2004 the Union has also been developing a network of NUT learning representatives in Wales. The Union was the first teachers’ union to develop the union learning representative role nationally. In 2007 the Union organised three learning representatives’ courses. The courses were held in March, June and December. Thirty one UNION members from 26 divisions attended the courses and became accredited NUT learning representatives. Since 2002 over 177 Union members have become accredited NUT learning representatives operating at both divisional and school level. There are NUT learning representatives in over 60 per cent of local authorities in England and Wales. (b) DEVELOPING A NETWORK OF UNION LEARNING Report of the Executive 2008 (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 73 Membership & Communications Committee In 2007 the Union organised the third national learning representatives forum. The ‘First Five Years: A Celebration’ forum was held at NUT Headquarters, Hamilton House on 14 June 2007 and was attended by 41 learning representatives from 35 NUT divisions. The keynote speakers included Liz Smith, Director of Unionlearn, Tricia Hartley, Joint Chief Executive – Campaign for Learning and Steve Sinnott, NUT General Secretary, as well as a panel of NUT learning representatives, workshop sessions and plenary sessions. The Union became involved in a new initiative with the Financial Services Authority (FSA). The Union supported the FSA’s ‘Make the Most of Your Money’ campaign which aims to improve the UK population’s ability to cope with financial matters through locally delivered, free and impartial financial education seminars. A seminar was piloted at the 2007 Learning Representatives’ Forum and was particularly well received. The Union wrote to all NUT learning representatives to encourage them to jointly organise local seminars with the FSA for NUT members. In addition, a copy of the ‘Make the Most of Your Money’ booklet was sent to all union members with the December 2007 edition of ‘The Teacher’ magazine. The Union publicised the success of the NUT learning representative role throughout 2007. The Union produced a further edition of the ‘Learning Report’ magazine to publicise the work of NUT learning representatives and the NUT project. The eighth edition was launched at TUC Congress 2007 and the autumn Party Conferences. The ‘Learning Report’ magazine was sent to MPs and to local authorities in England and Wales. The Union prepared a submission for further ULF funding for 2008 – 2010 which would enable the Union to establish and support network of NUT learning representatives in each region. 56. YOUNG TEACHERS’ SECTION 56.1 Young Teachers’ Advisory Committee Chairperson: Simon Jones Vice-Chairperson: Gerald Clark (a) The Young Teachers’ National Advisory Committee is made up of 20 elected members (aged 35 or under): two from Wales and two from each of the NUTs regions in England and from Wales. Elections for the Advisory Committee took place in February/March 2007. The Advisory Committee’s term of office began after the end of Annual Conference 2007 and will run until Annual Conference 2011. The Advisory Committee meet in July and November 2007. The Advisory Committee considered the timing and the programme of the 2008 Young Teachers Conference. The Advisory Committee considered the development of the NUT Young Teachers’ Section at all levels within the Union. Reports were received from the Assistant Secretary – Co-ordination/Local Support/Action on arrangements to support young teachers’ activities at regional and Wales’ level. Each regional office and the Wales Office identified a member of staff who would be responsible for supporting the Young Teachers’ Section work in their region and in Wales. The Advisory Committee received reports on the implementation of the Conference Resolution on Young Teachers and Pay. The Editor of ‘The Teacher’ magazine attended the second Advisory Committee to discuss ways to best publicise the Young Teachers’ Section in ‘The Teacher’. The Advisory Committee considered two key issues for the 2008 TUC Young Members’ Conference. Following these recommendations the UNION submitted key theme statements on public sector pay and on the privatisation of education. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 56.2 (a) (b) (c) Young Teachers’ Conference The second Young Teachers Conference was held at Stoke Rochford Hall from 2-4 March 2007. The theme of the conference was ‘Classroom Climate, Global Climate’. Applications were sought from young teachers nominated by their local associations. Applications were sought only from qualified teacher members of the NUT, aged 35 or under. Eighty six young teachers from 53 local associations attended the conference. The Conference was opened and chaired by members of the Ad Hoc Young Teachers’ Forum (AHYTF). The General Secretary gave an opening address to the Conference on the theme of the Union’s equality work. The other key note speakers were Caroline Molloy, Green Workplace Project Leader for TUC, Chris Southwood, Development Coordinator for Groundwork UK, and Dennis Sinyolo, Education Coordinator for Education International. Caroline gave a report on how young teachers could raise climate change issues within the Union. Chris outlined strategies for introducing sustainable development into local schools and into teachers’ classrooms. Dennis spoke about the status of the teaching profession around the world and issues facing teachers and education systems globally. Membership & Communications Committee (d) (e) (f) (g) 74 Report of the Executive 2008 Two bands of tasks were organised. Task Group A considered issues facing young teachers’ and ideas for a charter for young teachers. Task Group B considered what action young teachers could take on climate change issues. Topics suggested by the AHYTF were covered in two bands of workshops. Conference participants were able to choose one workshop from each band. The workshop topics were: Assertiveness: How to say 'No'; Being a Union Rep: The Union and Its Role; Finding Your Voice in the Union; International Development: How Young Teachers Can Get Involved; Learning Representatives: What Do They Do?; Money Matters; NUT and the Best Use of Electronic Communications; So You've Become the School Rep, What Next?; TSN: Looking After Your Wellbeing; TSN: Support Network For Young Teachers; Young Teachers' Career Development for You and Your Colleagues. The final plenary session entitled ‘Headlines and Goodbyes’ emphasised the importance of the annual Young Teachers’ Conference to young teachers in the Union and the importance of developing links with the TUC Young Workers’ Section. The report of the conference was received by the Executive and disseminated to all the conference participants. 56.3 Liaison with Other Organisations TUC Young Members’ Conference The Union attended the TUC Young Members’ Conference, which was held in Leicester between 13 – 15 April 2007. The Union was represented by Kendra Deacon of the Young Teachers’ Advisory Committee. The President also attended as an observer. 56.4 TUC Young Workers’ Forum The Union nominated two young members to be Union representatives on the TUC Young Workers’ Forum. They are Hazel Rees (Brighton and Hove Association) and Rosemary Stanley (Somerset Association). Reports from the NUT representatives of the TUC Young Workers’ Forum were received by the Young Teachers’ Advisory Committee. The NUT representatives also submitted a report of the TUC Mock Inquiry into Housing and Young People. 57. PROFESSIONAL UNITY COMMITTEE Chairperson: Vice-Chairpersons: (a) (b) Dave Harvey Lesley Auger and Roger King The Professional Unity Committee met in June and December 2007 to consider the implementation of the 2007 Annual Conference resolution: The resolution is set out below. Conference believes that our struggle to defend teachers’ pay and conditions and to prevent the privatisation and fragmentation of children’s education would be strengthened if teachers belonged to a single democratic and campaigning trade union. Unfortunately, the ‘social partnership’ approach adopted by the leaders of other teacher unions has undermined this struggle. Conference opposes ‘professional unity’ on this basis. However, the Union should take every opportunity to forge ‘unity in action’ with members of other unions by encouraging teachers to jointly take collective action to defend their terms and conditions. Conference wholeheartedly salutes teachers in schools, such as those at Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School in St. Helens, where members of the Union and the NASUWT took joint action over TLRs. Conference wholeheartedly welcomes the creation of the University and College Union (UCU) from the amalgamation of the AUT and NATFHE, and wishes them all the best for the future. Conference believes that there are many lessons to be learned from the successful merging of education unions and calls on the Executive to: i) Organise a one day conference/seminar on professional unity, inviting UCU to provide a key note speaker and other teacher unions to participate; the focus of the conference should be to draw up a programme around which teachers of all unions can take joint collective action. The discussion should include speakers on the platform who can give examples of successful joint action, such as St. Helens NUT and St. Helens NASUWT. ii) Commission research, in liaison with UCU, into how this merger was achieved and the benefits that such a merger of teacher unions could bring about for members and the views of the members of teacher trade unions on these issues. iii) Make representations to the other TUC teacher unions and UCU with a view to establishing a forum for discussions and consultations under the auspices of the TUC regarding moving towards greater professional unity. Report of the Executive 2008 (c) 75 Membership & Communications Committee Proposals for the conference/seminar were considered at meetings of the Committee at both its meetings in June and December. It was agreed that the event should be held at a neutral venue at some time after Easter because of the demands of the campaigns on pay and the Political Fund. It also agreed that the contributors should include those with an academic perspective on the issue and representatives of different views on teacher professional unity. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 76 Report of the Executive 2008 EDUCATION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMITTEE Chairperson: Vice-Chairpersons: Hazel Danson Angela Davies and Max Hyde 1. INTRODUCTION (a) A change of Government, in June, was accompanied by a range of policy announcements culminating in the publication of the Children’s Plan in December. This change, accompanied by a range of other national policy initiatives, has meant that the Department and Committee has considered and acted on an exceptionally wide range of issues this year. As a result of a supplementary remit given to the School Teachers’ Review Body by Government, the Committee considered a significant submission to the Review Body on the future of the leadership group and its relationship to extended and federated schools. After a year and a half’s work, the Union’s Working Group on Faith Schools completed its advice to the Executive. In December, the Executive agreed a paper to be included in the 2008 Executive Report for Annual Conference. The Department was responsible for a number of strategic policy documents which were launched publicly. A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community represented the second of the Union’s education statements, following on from Bringing Down the Barriers. A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community was launched in December at a well attended meeting in the House of Commons chaired by John Trickett with a range of guest plenary speakers including Fiona Millar, Professor Peter Mortimore, Keith Bartley, Chair of the GTC(E), Mary Lavery of Phoenix High School, the General Secretary and the Assistant Secretary, Education and Equal Opportunities. The Committee and Department were responsible for two Charters published in 2007. A Charter on Black Caribbean Boys’ Achievement was launched by the General Secretary at Annual Conference 2007 with Professor Gus John and school student, Dillon Max Grant. Introduced as a consultative document at the Union’s Annual Conference 2007, the Union’s Commercialisation Charter was launched at a highly successful meeting in the House of Commons, chaired by Helen Goodman MP, with a range of speakers including Sue Palmer, author of Toxic Childhood, the General Secretary, representatives of 11 Million, the Children’s Society and MPs, Paul Clark, David Willetts and Annette Brook. The work of the Privatisation in Education Unit within the Department focused on a range of key issues including developing the NUT’s arguments against Academy status and providing support for initiatives such as the Anti-Academies Alliance and the TUC’s report on Academy status. The Union gave financial and promotional support to Francis Beckett’s critique of the development of Academy status. The Department was responsible for co-ordinating information and guidance on school organisation and reorganisations. Links with other campaigning bodies continued to be strengthened. The 24 March conference, “A Good Local School for Every Child”, supported by the NUT, attracted an alliance of 16 education campaigning organisations. The conference was extremely successful and cemented the determination of many organisations to persuade the new Government to steer away from the focus on choice and diversity in the Education and Inspections Act 2006. For the first time, the NUT’s LGBT and Black Teachers’ conferences considered and agreed motions to Annual Conference 2008. Both conferences were extremely successful, providing a focus for discussion of black and minority ethnic and LGBT issues. The Committee and Department continued to develop actively policies supporting high quality education at the foundation and primary stages. On the initiative of the NUT and Unison, a successful seminar took place hosted by the TUC on the future of the Foundation Stage involving the NUT, Unison and representatives of the Swedish unions, Laraforbundet and Kommunal, which explored education and staffing at the Foundation Stage. The Union had pressed consistently for a review of the primary curriculum which was announced by the Government as part of its Children’s Plan proposals in December. The Department and Committee were responsible for a range of successful conferences during 2007. The Union’s National Education Conference was a major success and included, as speakers, Sue Palmer, Professor Robin Alexander, Professor Richard Pring, Dame Mavis Grant and Małgorzata Kuczera of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Committee and Department were responsible for organising a successful conference on leadership which included Alan Smithers and Pamela Robinson, John Lakin of PricewaterhouseCoopers and David Hopkins representing OECD. The Department and Committee were responsible for the Union’s highly influential policy on play which had a major impact on the Children’s Plan and was launched at a successful conference in February. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) Report of the Executive 2008 (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) 77 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Department and Committee were responsible for a range of key anti-racist events, including the Anthony Walker Memorial Lecture and Generating Genius. The Department and Committee focused on developing policy in the secondary and 14-19 areas. Many of the NUT’s proposals in its education statement, Bringing Down the Barriers, appeared in the revised secondary curriculum. Guidance on introducing the revised curriculum was prepared by the Department towards the end of 2007. The Union established bilateral discussions with the Department for Children, Schools and Families on the introduction of the new 14-19 diplomas. The Union achieved an additional professional day for all secondary schools for the academic year 2007/08. The Union’s CPD Programme continued to go from strength to strength. One of its most successful programmes was on Reclaiming Performance Management, which complemented the Union’s advice on performance management sent to all schools. 2007 saw a growth in the Union’s work on gender issues which included a highly successful meeting for women delegates at Annual Conference and a lead role in sponsoring the Reclaim the Night demonstration held in the autumn term. The areas referred to within the Introduction illustrate the wide range of work carried out by the Department and Committee in 2007. Coupled with the Department’s responsibility for the administration of the Union’s international work, the Department and the Committee has been able to sustain proactive and comprehensive policy development in all areas of its education and equal opportunities remit. The Education and Equal Opportunities Department has worked closely with other departments, regional offices and NUT Cymru within the Union. 2. EDUCATION COMMITTEE 2.1 (a) A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community The Department and Committee were responsible for the drafting of the Union’s education statement, A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community. The purpose of the statement was to build on the Union’s first successful education statement, Bringing Down the Barriers, published in 2004. It focused on four communities: the global education community, the local community of schools, and the communities of teachers and young people. The range of proposals within it were intended to change the previous Government’s direction of travel away from choice and diversity and towards emphasising the positive impact of schools within their communities. Proposals within the section on “A Globalised World” urged the UK to be at the centre of the World Trade talks, resisting the influence of privatisation on education systems, and promoting the public sector ethos. The section on evidence, structures and policy proposed a major review of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and a target date for matching the current spending on pupils in state schools with that of spending on pupils in private schools. It sought the establishment of the United Kingdom Council for Education within which the Westminster Government and the devolved administrations within the United Kingdom would share voluntarily experiences and education developments. The section, “Good Local Schools for Every Community”, included structural proposals such as the piloting of school boards, the establishment of children’s services’ forums and included also proposals for additional support for all groups of young people in need of intensive support including young people from minority ethnic groups and white working class young people. The section on the future of the teaching profession urged the establishment of a minimum funded entitlement of £1,200 annually for teachers’ personal professional development and the right of teachers as members of a profession to determine the kind of professional council they wished for in the future. The section, “The Voices of Children and Young People”, included proposals for a major review of all the current accountability mechanisms affecting schools; the establishment of a number of initiatives including increasing opportunities for play; the development of specific advice to schools on teaching about climate change; and the expansion of one-to-one tuition for all young people who needed a boost in their confidence and learning. The education statement was launched at a highly successful meeting in the House of Commons, chaired by John Trickett MP, and included as speakers the General Secretary of the NUT, Steve Sinnott; the Assistant Secretary for Education and Equal Opportunities, John Bangs; writer and journalist, Fiona Millar; Keith Bartley, Chief Executive of the General Teaching Council (England); Professor Peter Mortimore; Mary Lavery of Phoenix School and a representative from the English Secondary Schools’ Association. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES ISSUES CONSIDERED BY THE Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 2.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.3 (a) (b) 2.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 78 Report of the Executive 2008 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment 2007 (PISA) Launched on 4 December, the OECD’s PISA 2006, focusing on science, had a major impact internationally and within the United Kingdom. As a member of Education International, the NUT has been involved fully in the development of the tri-annual PISA reports. The Union was represented at Education International’s PISA 2006 briefing and liaised with the DCSF prior to its publication. The PISA studies represent the most important analyses of school systems conducted within the industrialised countries. They have had a key influence on the development of the Union’s own policies. The Union itself has been in the forefront of drawing to the attention of the UK Government in England and the Welsh Assembly Government the significance of the PISA programme. At its December meeting, the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee requested a full briefing on the implications of the PISA 2006 report for the Executive in early 2008. The Work of the Privatisation Unit The Privatisation in Education Unit produced briefings and guidance for members on all aspects of private sector involvement. The privatisation section of the Union’s website contained a wealth of information on topics such as the outsourcing of local authority services, Academies, PFI and the companies involved which was regularly updated. The campaigning section of the website has continued to be a useful resource for divisions campaigning against Academies. The Unit produced up-dates on privatisation issues for each meeting of the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee which summarised and analysed national and local developments on private sector involvement, particularly on Academies, for the information of the Committee. These updates provide a valuable resource for Committee members and were placed on Hearth for the information of local officers. Academies The Privatisation in Education Unit continued to monitor the Academies programme and provided information and advice to divisions and regional offices, in liaison with the Salaries/Conditions of Services Department, to oppose the establishment of Academies and to protect the job security and working conditions of members. The Unit has analysed reports, such as that of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee on Academies, and statistics on examination results, exclusions, the financial contributions of sponsors and other issues which relate to building up a base of evidence on Academies. The Unit tracked national political shifts and changes in the Academies programme, which included the doubling the target number of Academies to 400, and launching a new Academies prospectus. As incoming Prime Minister, Gordon Brown asserted that the Academies programme would continue to expand. However, the changes in Government resulted in some important developments. These included a reduction in the cash contributions required by some categories of sponsors, making it easier for universities and colleges to become involved in the Academies programme, an emphasis on the importance of local authority involvement and the requirement by Academies to follow the National Curriculum in English, maths, science and ICT. In November, there were press reports that the Secretary of State had ordered an urgent internal review of Academies by the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit (PMDU). Working within an eight week timeframe, the review was reported as being to examine whether Academies had achieved their original goals of tackling the weakest urban schools. In December, the Union made a submission to the PMDU on Academies and the wider issues relating to supporting schools in tackling disadvantage and offered to make a further submission if there were specific issues the PMDU had been asked to address within its terms of reference. The Academies Task Group continued to meet during the year. The Task Group was established to advise on campaigning strategies and provides members with a valuable opportunity to exchange information on Academy developments both locally and nationally. Further information on the work of the Task Group is given in the relevant section of this report. The Great Academy Fraud, written by author and journalist Francis Beckett, was published in spring 2007. The book was sponsored by the Union and the Privatisation Unit was a key source of information for Francis Beckett. The Union’s Academies Task Group provided advice on content. The book exposed the ways companies and individuals had been persuaded to sponsor Academies and the cost of the programme. An updated version of the Union’s campaigning document, Academies: Looking beyond the Spin: Why the NUT calls for a different approach, was published in September. The document was placed on Hearth and on the Union’s website and was circulated widely at events and conferences. The document contains new evidence to support the Union’s opposition to Academies and includes a section which recognised the opportunities of the change in government focus by setting out an agenda for the return of Academies to local authority responsibility. Report of the Executive 2008 (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) 79 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Annual Conference resolution on Building Schools for the Future reaffirmed the Union’s opposition to the Government’s Academies programme and set out a programme of campaigning activities. The Education & Equal Opportunities Fringe Meeting at Annual Conference had a strong Academies focus within the theme of “A Good Local School for Every Community”. Martin Rogers of the Children’s Services Network spoke on the organisation’s research undertaken on behalf of the TUC and Francis Beckett spoke about his book, The Great City Academies Fraud. The Divisional Secretaries Briefing in October included two workshops on “Academies and New Schools Competitions: Choice and Diversity”. The workshops were led by the Assistant Secretary for Education and Equal Opportunities and the Principal Officer for the Privatisation in Education Unit. Kevin Courtney also presented information about Camden’s proposals for a new Academy. Both workshops were well attended, providing an excellent opportunity for exchanging ideas and information. The issue of competitions for new schools has been closely linked with proposals for Academies in Haringey, Southampton and Camden. The Union has been involved in campaigning against Academies, working with divisions in those local authorities during the year. The first course for NUT school representatives in Academies organised by the Membership and Communications Department took place in November. The Principal Officers from the Privatisation Unit and the Salaries Department co-tutored the course with the Regional Officer for Yorkshire/Midlands. Excellent feedback was received from participants, who commented on the quality of the information provided to help them with the difficult role of representing Union members in Academies. In January, the Union affiliated to the Anti-Academies Alliance. A strong partnership was forged between the two organisations which met regularly throughout the year to discuss how they could best support one another. The Anti-Academies Alliance was invited to report on campaigning activities at meetings of the Academies Task Group. In January, the General Secretary supported a statement issued by the Anti-Academies Alliance. Academies: Give us a level playing field called on the Government to fund a control sample of schools at the level of Academies to facilitate a fair evaluation of Academy status. Following this, Ken Purchase MP tabled an Early Day Motion calling on the Government to create this level playing field. In June, the Anti-Academies Alliance held a parliamentary committee of enquiry into Academies. The Privatisation Unit was involved in planning and publicising the event and provided logistical and reporting support on the day. The General Secretary gave evidence at the event and in particular voiced concerns about the unsuitability of sponsors. Evidence was heard from the school workforce unions, parents’ and governors’ organisations, education researchers and almost 30 local campaigning groups. The summary report of the Committee of Enquiry was published in July, with the full report expected before the end of the year. The Union will continue to work closely with the Anti-Academies Alliance in 2008, including on their proposed conference on Academies planned for March. The Union continued to play a leading role in the development of the TUC’s work on Academies. A rally and lobby of Parliament on the public services took place in January. The Privatisation in Education Unit worked closely with the Union’s Parliamentary Officer to provide information for a lobbying pack. At the event, the materials available on the Union’s campaign stand attracted a strong amount of interest from many other trade unionists. Early in 2007, the TUC commissioned the Children’s Services Network to research the Academies programme. Union representatives were involved in planning meetings on the research and provided information and detailed feedback to the CSN. The report was launched at an event in July, at which the Assistant Secretary, Education and Equal Opportunities, spoke on behalf of the Union. The report examined the shifts in Government policy on Academies, particularly the greater involvement of local authorities, evaluated the evidence on Academies and identified ways in which the divisive elements of the programme should be neutralised and Academies brought back within local authority families of schools. The Union submitted an amendment on Academies to the EIS motion on comprehensive education at the Trades Union Congress 2007. The amendment was carried unanimously. Also at the TUC, Unison organised a fringe meeting on Academies which was well attended, with speakers from the school workforce unions and education campaigner, Fiona Millar. In October, the Union responded to the DCSF’s consultation on the financial implications of permanent exclusions from Academies, arguing that Academies should not be able to retain per pupil funding following exclusions, but should be on the same footing as maintained schools. The Privatisation in Education Unit provided speakers and briefings on Academies at other events throughout the year, including the North West and South East Regional Councils, the Defend State Education March and Rally in Manchester, the CSN Conference, and also worked closely with CASE. In addition, in December, the General Secretary provided an article for Forum magazine. ‘Academies: A Breakthrough or yet more spin?’ which outlined the reasons for the Union’s opposition to Academies and provided an overview of the changes in the Academies programme. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 80 Report of the Executive 2008 (w) The Unit provided support to a number of individual divisions over the year on the Academies issues, including Calderdale, County Durham, Slough, Southwark, Southampton, Lancashire, West Sussex, Camden and Islington. 2.5 (a) Commercialisation The Union continued to campaign against the targeting of children by the marketing and advertising industries. Information on commercialisation issues was included in the Privatisation up-date reports circulated to every meeting of the Committee. The Union’s consultative charter on commercialisation was first launched at Annual Conference 2007. There was excellent coverage of the charter in the press and broadcasting media, which attracted the support of organisations and individuals sharing the Union’s concerns on these issues. It was felt that the views of young people should be sought in order to inform the final version of the charter. During May and June, the Union conducted a consultation of young people’s views on issues relating to commercialisation. A questionnaire for pupils was made available through the websites of School Councils UK and the English Secondary Schools’ Association as well as the Union’s website and included questions about advertising, marketing, self image, healthy eating and the availability of foods high in fat, sugar and salt. Several hundred responses were received, which were analysed and incorporated into the charter, providing an authentic picture of the views of children and young people on these issues. Growing Up in a Material World, the Union’s charter on commercialisation, was launched in December. The launch attracted representatives from a wide range of organisations with common interests to those covered by the charter. The event was chaired by Helen Goodman MP and speakers included the General Secretary, MPs from the three main political parties and Sue Palmer, author of Toxic Childhood. The charter stimulated a good deal of press and media interest. Many of the concerns raised in the charter were echoed in the Government’s Children’s Plan, launched on the same day as the charter. The Government undertook to investigate these issues in consultation with other organisations and legislate where necessary. Issues in the Union’s charter were also explored in the Spring 2007 Edition of the NUT’s journal, Education Review. Entitled “New Directions Home? The challenges and opportunities of modern childhood”, it included a wide range of contributions which discussed the pressures that young people face today, including increasing commercialisation and the growth of materialism. The edition featured contributions from young people in response to an invitation in The Teacher for members to ask their pupils to consider whether this was a good time to be young. Concerns included issues such as violence and bullying and climate change. However, overwhelmingly they appreciated the technical advances which they felt enriched their lives and were happy with family, friends and their school life. The Unit worked closely with Compass, which published a document about the commercialisation of childhood in January. In February, the Union participated in a roundtable event organised by Compass. Other organisations which attended included the Children’s Society, Play England, Sustain and the Child Poverty Action Group. An Early Day Motion on this issue was sponsored by Helen Goodman MP. In October, the General Secretary spoke at a meeting organised by Compass on Childhood and Commercialisation at the Labour Party Conference. In March, the QCA published a consultation on cooking as a compulsory part of the curriculum up to Key Stage 3. The Union, with other members of the Children’s Food Campaign, called for cookery to be mandatory for all secondary pupils as an essential life skill and an important mechanism for helping pupils to make healthy choices about their diet. The Union continued to play an active role in the Children’s Food Campaign. The Campaign wrote to the Minister for Public Health, Caroline Flint, in April, about the promotion of unhealthy foods to children and in particular the missed opportunity to tighten the Code of the Committee of Advertising Practice. The letter urged the Government to redress the clear failure of self-regulation. In September, the Union supported the Children’s Food Campaign letter to the Food Standards Agency Board, following a Southampton study, which showed a “significant demonstration of harmful effects” of certain artificial additives. The letter requested that the Board: extend its advice on artificial additives to include all children; acknowledge that the study proved ‘demonstration of harm’; call for those six colourings to be banned with immediate effect, and; undertake studies into the effects of other artificial additives thought to be harmful. Towards the end of the year, the Children’s Food Campaign is supporting a Private Members Bill on junk food marketing. In September, the Union was represented at the Westminster Education Forum Seminar, Healthy Schools: Getting Beyond PE. The Assistant Secretary, Education and Equal Opportunities, spoke on the topic ‘Engaging young people, supporting emotional wellbeing’. In October, the Union supported the School Food Trust’s Million Meals campaign, which aimed to educate parents, teachers and pupils about the importance of providing healthy school meals. The Union’s logo and supporting statement appeared on the Trust’s letter to head teachers. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Report of the Executive 2008 2.6 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 2.7 (a) (b) 2.8 (a) (b) 81 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Trust Schools Following the introduction of the Education and Inspections Act (2006) which enabled governing bodies to propose the establishment of trust schools, which would be independent of local authority control, the Union initiated a strategy to assist members to campaign against trust school status. Information on trust schools was provided to division secretaries through regular division secretaries’ briefings. Information and guidance was also posted on the Hearth website, together with campaigning leaflets for use or adaptation by divisions and associations campaigning against trust school proposals locally. The leaflets were provided for parents, school governors, and for teachers and school staff in order to raise awareness about the Union’s position on trust schools and to present the key arguments against them The leaflets focused on the lack of democratic accountability, including the right of trusts to co-opt members of the governing body and the fact that while they were required to consult on trust proposals, there would be no compulsory ballot of parents or staff at the school in making the final decision. Campaigning information focused also on the requirements that would be placed on governing bodies and school staff to administer the trust, which could potentially detract from the core functions of learning and teaching, and the fact that, as its own admissions authority, a trust school might impact negatively on other neighbourhood schools. The Union advised that local officers should press for voluntary ballots to be conducted, and for public meetings and mailings about trust proposals to be accompanied by arguments and views setting out the case against trust status, not just the arguments in favour. The Education and Equal Opportunities Department also responded to requests for information from division and association officers who were holding members’ meetings in schools where trust school proposals had been outlined, and responded also to requests for assistance in formulating Union submissions to local consultations. Through liaison with regional offices and the Trust Schools Working Party, the Union has been able to begin to establish a bank of information about trust schools, which will continue to be built upon over time as part of the ongoing campaign against trust status. Materials will also continue to be made available on Hearth for information or to provide templates for campaigning, including those adapted from existing local campaigning work which has proven effective in presenting the Union’s views and building opposition against trust status within local communities. Federations Guidance was drafted on school federations. It emphasised that there were advantages to ‘soft’ federations of schools being established in some circumstances, although the Union had concerns about ‘hard’ federations. Federations could work where small rural schools faced closure, where there were falling rolls in a local authority which threatened the closure of individual schools and as an alternative to competitions for new schools. Criteria for the establishment of federations should rule out federations being imposed or as solutions to budgetary difficulties or to compensate for a shortage of head teachers. School communities, including staff and parents, should also support any federation proposals before they went ahead. The issue of federations was also discussed in the Trust School workshop at the Divisional Secretaries’ briefing this year and at the Trust Schools Working Party in October 2007. Born to be Great: A Charter to Promote the Achievement of Black Caribbean Boys As previously reported, in October 2006, the Union convened a group comprising teachers, pupils and parents, as well as “experts” to investigate the issues arising from black Caribbean boys’ academic underachievement. The purpose of the roundtable discussions was to produce a charter, based on a rights and responsibilities approach, which would build consensus between various stakeholders and a common understanding on the issue of raising the achievement of black Caribbean boys. Two further meetings were held in January and February. The meetings agreed a charter which included the rights and responsibilities of pupils, schools, including teachers, and parents. The charter entitled, Born to be Great, was launched successfully with considerable press and media publicity at the 2007 Annual Conference by Professor Gus John and Dillon Max-Grant, a student who had been involved in the drafting of the charter. Following the launch of the charter, it was disseminated widely and the Union sought support for the charter with all the key stakeholders. The charter has provided a template for future work notably in race equality areas but in other areas such as the Commercialisation Charter. It is intended that early next year the Union will present the charter to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 2.9 (a) (b) 2.10 (a) (b) 2.11 (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.12 (a) (b) 82 Report of the Executive 2008 Promoting the Achievement of White Working Class Pupils The November meeting of the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee considered a proposal to convene a colloquium on the achievement of white working class pupils. This initiative signifies a continuation of the Union’s work on promoting the achievement of underachieving groups in education. The colloquium planned for Spring 2008 would be a forum for those working with white working class communities such as teachers, academics, head teachers, pupils, parents, social services, housing, NGOs, youth workers, OFSTED representatives and MPs. The colloquium would discuss issues surrounding white working class pupil achievement with the intention of informing a Union position on promoting greater achievement of white working class pupils. It was agreed by the Committee that the scope of the colloquium should include areas of housing, social services and youth services which have great relevance to the needs of socially deprived pupils. The Inaugural Anthony Walker Memorial Lecture At the 2007 Annual Conference, the General Secretary announced that following discussions with the family of Anthony Walker, the Union was instituting an annual Anthony Walker Memorial Lecture. The purpose of the lecture would be to examine the state of race equality in education. It is intended that the lecture will coincide with Black History Month every October. The Inaugural Anthony Walker Memorial Lecture was held on 17 October and was attended by approximately 80 people. Mrs Gee Walker delivered the address with responses from Shami Chakrabarti, the Director of Liberty, and the General Secretary. The speakers raised issues pertaining to education notably concerns regarding parents and teachers and the responsibilities of instilling a sense of respect, the skill of listening, and the ability to understand the difference between right and wrong among young people. Music for Youth provided entertainment at this successful event. Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant The Union continued to campaign for the stability, security and coherence of race equality funding and for sufficient levels of funding to be maintained. In responding to proposed changes to funding arrangements and the operation of race equality education, the Union's priority has been to protect and increase funding for meeting the specific educational needs of minority ethnic pupils and to protect teachers’ employment. The Union also continued to argue that local authorities should hold race equality funding centrally and that devolving money to schools prevented them from using the grant flexibly in order to target resources where they were most needed. In May the General Secretary wrote a strong letter of protest to the Secretary of State for Education at the exclusion of the Union from consultation on a review of the Aiming High programme. The Union emphasised that it had taken an entirely positive role in the field of promoting race equality in education and that the exclusion of the Union from the consultation was unfortunate. In response the Secretary of State offered a discussion with the Union on a bilateral basis. In December, following the announcement of the Standards Fund Grants, the Union issued a circular to divisions and associations highlighting the changes to the Grant regime and providing advice on negotiating issues with local authorities. The circular to associations and divisions was accompanied by a comparative analysis of funding under EMAG for 2007/2008 and 2008/2011. The analysis showed that despite some additional funding from the DCSF, some local authorities across England would have to find additional funding to maintain current levels of provision. Survey on TLRs at the Black Teachers’ Conference In the absence of any national data, the NUT asked black and minority ethnic members at the 2006 Black Teachers’ Conference for information on the impact of the Government’s introduction of Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments (TLRs), which replaced the earlier Management Allowances (MAs), on black and minority ethnic teachers. The results were an interesting and informative snapshot from members attending the Conference. While the findings revealed a mixed picture in terms of how black teachers were faring with regard to TLRs, it was of concern that some schools did not appear to have consulted with staff or undertaken monitoring by ethnic group. It was discussed and agreed by the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee at its January meeting that this issue should continue to be monitored by the Union. Report of the Executive 2008 2.13 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 2.14 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 83 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Overseas Trained Teachers (OTTs) In May the Committee considered correspondence between the Union and the Minister of State for Schools and 14 – 19 Learners about OTTs and the proposed amendments to the Education (Specified Work and Registration) (England) Regulations 2003, which were scheduled to come into force on 1 September 2007. The Union had outlined the consequences of the DfES removing the flexibilities from the Regulations, which would leave many OTTs not able to continue working in England and, if they were employed on a work permit, having to leave the country. The Union pointed out that a number of these teachers were unaware of the four year time limit to gain qualified teacher status and others were finding it difficult to gain places on courses that were part of this process. The Government had ignored the Union’s argument for an extension of a further year and its suggestion that individual OTTs should be contacted to inform them of the deadline. It reiterated its view that OTTs had received sufficient time and warning to gain QTS within the four year period, even though this pre-empted the change in the Regulations which were currently out for consultation. The Committee emphasised that this was a very important issue, particularly in London, and also had recruitment and campaigning opportunities for the Union. OTTs represented a genuine pool of talent and it was vital that these teachers were not lost. It was also felt that how current OTTs were treated would have an impact on future OTT recruitment. In conjunction with the Legal and Professional Services Department and Central Co-ordinating Unit, advice and guidance were provided to individual members, divisions and associations and regional offices; information on individual cases was gathered and a London-wide briefing meeting for OTTs was organised at Union headquarters in June. The Government and other political parties were lobbied in July and the issue publicised widely in the press and media. In July the Committee welcomed the news that the Government had accepted the Union’s arguments and had decided to postpone the change in the Regulations until September 2008, to enable those OTTs who would be affected to gain qualified teacher status. The Committee noted that this was a notable victory for the Union which had been the only teachers’ association to have campaigned on this issue. Further Union representation led to the TDA agreeing that OTTs who needed to apply for courses could apply up until the last day of August 2007. Union Project to Support Equality Opportunity Officers At Easter, the Union submitted an application to the Union Modernisation Fund Round Two for a project “Fairer Futures”: putting equal opportunities at the heart of NUT local structures. In September, the Union was informed by the Government that this Round Two proposal for funding from the Union Modernisation Fund had been successful. The aims of the project are to generate greater involvement and participation of members in the Union’s local structures by encouraging members to become active Equal Opportunities Officers. The project aims to develop tools to enable new and existing Equal Opportunities Officers to develop local strategies to engage all members in promoting equal opportunities including those who are underrepresented in activity at local association levels. This would include black and minority ethnic, lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans, disabled and women members. The project involved training Equal Opportunities Officers in order to develop strategies about how regions and associations could attract members to take up the role, inspire members to actively carry out the role and increase the confidence, profile and impact of Equal Opportunities Officers within associations. It is planned that the project will last for 24 months from the date at which funding is received from the Government Department. The project aims to transform participation levels at local level by developing new ways in which Union members could have an impact on measures affecting their working lives and new ways in which the Union can promote greater diversity within the profile of its local officers and activists. The funding would allow the Union to recruit more Equal Opportunities Officers into the post and to support Equal Opportunities Officers by increasing their access to training, information and support on policy objectives and organising techniques. The purpose of the project was to enable the Union to encourage greater collaborative working on equal opportunities issues with other unions and organisations at local level and give Equal Opportunities Officers the skills to engage other association officers in work on equalities issues. It was hoped that the project would widen access to Union structures for Union members by giving Equal Opportunities Officers a role in outreach to groups of under represented members. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 2.15 (a) (b) (c) 2.16 (a) (b) (c) 2.17 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 84 Report of the Executive 2008 Lunchtime Reception at the Women’s Library for Women Teachers The Union celebrated the Reclaim the Night march on 24 November in London. The aim of the march was to raise awareness of the widespread nature of violence against women in the UK. It aimed to empower women to take a stand in saying violence against women was unacceptable and should not be ignored, condoned or minimised by policy-makers. The Union’s reception was held at the Women’s Library in the London Metropolitan University. The lunchtime reception gave delegates access to the reading room of the Women’s Library which houses 60,000 magazines, periodicals and books, reflecting women’s lives through history and today. The collections cover topics such as women’s rights, suffrage, sexuality, health, education, employment, reproductive rights, the family and the home. Following a complementary lunch at the Women’s Library, Union members received a free guided tour of Sinners, Scroungers, Saints: Lone Mothers Past and Present, which was the Women’s Library’s new exhibition. This special event for NUT women members was aimed at a celebration of the contribution of women teachers and to give women members of the Union the opportunity to meet each other and to enjoy the exhibition. The exhibition at the Women’s Library had been developed in collaboration with One Parent Families, the UK’s leading organisation for lone parent families. The Union’s Deputy General Secretary was the keynote speaker at this event, which was free of charge to women NUT members. Members who attended the lunchtime reception were then encouraged to take part in the London Reclaim the Night march which commenced at 6.00 p.m., in Trafalgar Square National Curriculum Testing The Union’s campaign in opposition to crude targets, National Curriculum tests and performance tables continued to be a high priority for the Committee and the Department. The Department and Committee submitted comprehensive evidence to the House of Commons Education Select Committee on its proposals for a fundamental review of National Curriculum assessment and testing. Guidance was produced for divisions in local authorities which were involved in the “Making Good Progress” pilot scheme, including a request to contact NUT representatives in the participating schools to establish any concerns members might have, particularly relating to workload. In addition, a survey was developed for use in the spring term of 2008 with members in participating schools. Play Policy In January the Committee considered the draft Union play policy document, as called for by Annual Conference in 2006. The formulation of the document had involved members of the Foundation Stage Working Party, Primary Advisory Committee and other Union members, who had responded to an article in The Teacher, as well as academics and those involved in relevant courses in the Union’s CPD programme. The play policy was intended to be of practical use and relevant to all members and to provide a stimulus for developing ways of incorporating play into teaching and learning across all key stages and the Foundation Stage. The play policy consisted on two sections. The policy section provided the Union’s position on play, drawn from the Annual Conference resolution and the theoretical evidence base which supported it. This was linked to the five Every Child Matters outcomes, to help members and schools justify its position. This section also included summaries of developments in Wales and Scotland. The resource pack was concerned with the practicalities of introducing and implementing a play-based approach to teaching and learning, including suggestions for developing a whole school play policy; individual teachers’ planning for play and opportunities for play in the current Foundation Stage, National Curriculum and National Strategies. Strands of these which lent themselves to playful approaches were highlighted, supplemented by case studies and examples of further resources, many of which were suggested by members. This section also examined broader issues such as behaviour, inclusion, school premises and design and break and lunch times, using the same format of practical suggestions, case studies and sources of further information. The play policy was launched at the Union’s Play Conference in February and proved very popular with members, with requests for copies from individuals, schools, local authorities, academics, students and divisions. The policy was also distributed to politicians, the DfES and relevant government agencies and formed the basis for discussion on curriculum reform. As a result of the play policy, the Union was invited to join the Children’s Play Council/Play England Play in Extended Services Advisory Group and also to become a signatory to the Outdoor Education Manifesto, the first teachers’ professional association to do so. Report of the Executive 2008 2.18 (a) (b) 2.19 (a) (b) (c) 2.20 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2.21 (a) (b) 85 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Foundation Stage The Department continued to give high priority to supporting members working in early years settings. It gave support to a number of divisions and associations where the closure of maintained nursery schools had been proposed and/or the establishment of Children’s Centres had been announced. The Department, in conjunction with the Salaries/Conditions of Service Department, produced guidance for members on the implications of Early Years Professional Status for employment, status and conditions and began developing policy work on a common class size policy for all provision covered by the Foundation Stage. In addition, it continued to build on its links with two Swedish unions, Laraforbundet and Kommunal, and with Unison to develop policy on the early years workforce. The Department and Unison organised, with the TUC, a seminar on the future of early years provision including all four unions. Primary Education In May the Committee discussed the Intensifying Support Programme (ISP), a National Strategies primary school improvement programme that aimed to reduce the number of schools which achieved below 65 per cent Level 4+ in English and/or mathematics. A number of concerns about the ISP were expressed, including increased lesson observation and linkage with capability proceedings rather than a focus on teaching and learning and developmental issues for teachers; schools feeling pressurised to increase targets, even if they believed them to be unrealistic; a focus on weaknesses rather than taking a balanced view of what the school or individual teachers had achieved; a narrowing of the curriculum, especially for lower achieving pupils; and increased workload, in particular, increased record-keeping and additional meetings. The Committee noted feedback received from members following a request from the Department in the February edition of The Teacher. Guidance for members on the ISP was subsequently produced. 14-19 Education/14-19 Diplomas During 2007 the Union continued to promote its 14-19 proposals. It disseminated its policy document, 14-19 Bringing Down the Barriers, at various events, such as party political conferences, the Union’s National Education Conference and the Young Teachers’ conference. The Union wrote to Alan Johnson, then Secretary for State for Education and Skills, early in the year emphasising its concerns about the potential initiative overload faced by secondary schools during 2008. The letter also pointed out that secondary schools were little nearer to understanding the scope and content of the first diplomas. The Union also raised the need for appropriate professional development to be in place for schools both for the revised secondary curriculum and the new diplomas. The Union made the point that many local authorities were unaware of the nature of the fundamental changes to the secondary curriculum and to public examinations proposed for 2008. The Union pressed for additional professional days for 2007/08 so that schools and local authorities could work together on the implications of the secondary curriculum changes. The Secretary of State replied in March and commented that organisations such as the National College of School Leadership and the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust would be providing a comprehensive package of workforce developments for the secondary curriculum changes. The General Secretary with other general secretaries from the Association for College Management, ATL and Unison also wrote jointly to the Secretary of State in March to emphasise their growing disquiet about the lack of progress on workforce development to support the introduction of the new diplomas in 2008. The unions asked for a meeting with the six non-governmental departmental organisations and agencies tasked with progressing workforce development. As a result of this correspondence the Union now meets bilaterally with the DCSF to discuss the introduction of the secondary curriculum and the 14-19 diplomas. An additional professional development day for 2007/08 was granted for schools to consider new secondary initiatives. This was a clear victory for the Union. Members were advised about the introduction of the additional professional day. 14-19 Diplomas The Union campaigned for more information to be sent to schools and colleges concerning applications for the gateway process – the process by which consortia would bid to introduce the first five lines of the diploma in 2008. In May, divisions were sent information concerning the results of the gateway bid as well as advice on how consortia could access further information on the key areas of diploma development. In its advice to divisions, the Union emphasised that it would monitor carefully how the new secondary initiatives would impact on schools and colleges in 2008 and how it would support members against excessive workload arising from them. The Union recommended that this monitoring should be in the form of an audit of the additional capacity necessary to introduce the new initiatives. The audits would identify any gaps in that provision so that schools and colleges could engage effectively in the delivery of the diplomas. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (c) (d) (e) 2.22 (a) (b) 2.23 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 86 Report of the Executive 2008 Divisions were asked to keep regional offices informed of developments at local authority level on the consortia agreements arising from the operation of the diploma gateway process. An update on 14-19 reforms was placed on the Hearth website in November. A workshop also took place at the annual Divisional Secretaries Briefing on the 14-19 diplomas. Single issue meetings on the introduction of the 14-19 diplomas took place with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. The Union continued to press its point about the lack of access of workforce development to consortia involved in the diploma gateway. Schools and colleges needed more information sent to them regarding the new qualification and its introduction. The Union continued to be represented at the diploma chairs’ meeting, co-ordinated by Graham Lane. The Union worked towards implementing the 14-19 resolution passed at Annual Conference. It met regularly with UCU to work towards a joint 14-19 statement which would be launched in 2008. Soulbury members were informed about the introduction of the 14-19 diplomas through the Soulbury newsletter. Newly Qualified Teacher Induction The Union continued to provide support to newly qualified members undertaking induction. The Union’s guidance on induction was revised and a checklist of entitlements, for use by NQTs, their induction mentors, head teachers and Union school representatives, was added. In addition, a publication on the financial incentives available to both newly qualified and trainee teachers was updated and widely disseminated. The document, as well as providing information, highlighted the Union’s continuing campaign to achieve financial equity between those undertaking undergraduate and post graduate ITT. It also drew attention to the new joint NUT/NUS “Hidden Costs” campaign, which sought to gain acknowledgement of all of the costs involved in undertaking an ITT course. Leadership In January the Committee considered two documents on school headship, School Headship: Present and Future, a study commissioned by the Union from Alan Smithers and Pamela Robinson of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham; and the independent study into school leadership by PricewaterhouseCoopers for the DfES, in order to inform its response to the School Teachers’ Review Body. The Smithers and Robinson report found that bureaucracy, external interference and lack of work-life balance were key sources of frustration for school leaders, which was exacerbated by their vulnerability to dismissal and excessive accountability. These all contributed to making the post of head teacher unattractive. The most enjoyable aspects of the job were reported to be the focus on teaching and learning and leading and developing staff. There was strong resistance to the idea that school leaders should not have teaching experience and some concern about the lack of parity between primary and secondary head teachers’ salaries. The report concluded that the current head teacher recruitment crisis was, in large part, of the Government’s own making. Seeing children achieve was considered to be the most important aspect of the post and gave the greatest satisfaction. An unacceptably wide range of responsibilities created immense pressures on head teachers. Training and support for multi-agency working was considered to be the top priority for their future training needs. There was also concern expressed by head teachers about accountability, which was considered to be the most time consuming aspect of the post, in terms of volume, inconsistency between initiatives and lack of resources to support implementation. The recommendations made by the Government commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers report, however, were significantly different from those made by Smithers and Robinson, such as the need to develop new leadership models, the licensing of school leaders who did not hold qualified teacher status and shortening the time taken to progress from QTS to headship. In March the Committee considered the findings of an in-house survey of Union head teacher and leadership group members and contrasted them with those of the two previous reports. The Union survey found that the aspects most under pressure from the demands of accountability and bureaucracy were those which members felt were most important and worthwhile, working with children and “making a difference”. Members stated that they often did not have the support they needed to be able to delegate responsibilities for premises management, finances and personnel, a key PWC recommendation. This was particularly the case for primary head teachers. A significant proportion of members also highlighted the need for personal involvement in these areas because of head teachers’ ultimate accountability for them. Report of the Executive 2008 87 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (h) There was a strong correlation between the conclusion drawn by Smithers and Robinson and the view of members that Government itself had made headship unattractive and unsustainable. Members felt that the total number of initiatives needed to be reduced and also given time to embed. Whilst PWC recommended radical structural solutions to dealing with shortages of head teachers, members were unanimous that head teachers should continue to have educational experience and, almost as strongly, hold qualified teacher status, to reflect the core business of teaching and learning. 2.24 (a) STRB Report The Committee agreed the Education and Equal Opportunities section of the Union’s submission to the Review Body on the future of the leadership group and worked closely with Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee and Department. The submission drew on the study conducted for the Union by Alan Smithers and Pamela Robinson and on the Department’s own internal study of the leadership group. The submission emphasised that head teachers should be qualified teachers and that they should be guaranteed a majority of the school week as headship time. The submission sought the establishment of a School Teachers’ Review Body working group to consider implications of extended service for head teachers and school leaders. The submission emphasised also the need for a single pay structure for heads involved in federations of schools. The submission pressed for immediate action to be taken to protect head teachers and other members of the Leadership Group from excessive demands and workload and to secure significant improvement in entitlements to head teacher and leadership and management time. It sought a requirement to be placed on school governing bodies’ local authorities to conduct equality audits of staffing appointments, including leadership opportunities. The submission as a whole was complimented for its quality by the School Teachers’ Review Body (b) (c) (d) 2.25 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Performance Management In February, the DfES consulted on a revised model performance management policy. The Union’s response emphasised that a performance management policy should be designed to improve teacher morale and motivation; lead to an entitlement to professional development according to identified needs; be seen by staff as enabling; encourage the development of confident and professional judgements amongst teachers; identify resources needed for the performance management process and avoid bureaucratic burdens and excessive workload. The Union published its own model performance management policy for schools for the attention of head teachers and chairs of governors as well as for school representatives. The Union emphasised key points to be included in school policies such as the importance of ensuring consistency of treatment and fairness in the operation of performance management. The model policy also stated that objective setting should be achievable, fair and equitable in relation to teachers with similar roles, responsibilities and experience. The development and implementation of a school’s CPD programme should be informed by the training and development needs identified in the training annex of reviewees’ planning and review statements. In August 2007, the Union provided division secretaries in England with guidance on how to negotiate with local authorities on performance management policies for unattached teachers. The Union emphasised in its guidance that the local authority took the place of the governing body in determining the performance management policy for unattached teachers. The same requirements for consultation with all unattached teachers and recognised trade unions applied to the local authority as they did to school governing bodies. Although there was no requirement in the regulations on the local authority to appoint qualified teachers to be reviewers for unattached teachers, the NUT emphasised that unattached teachers should have reviewers who were qualified teachers and divisions should therefore seek inclusion of this expectation with local authority policies. The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document’s provisions on annual pay determinations and upper pay scale progression applied to all post-threshold teachers, including ‘unattached teachers’ employed in local authority central services or in Pupil Referral Units. Such teachers were entitled to an annual pay determination and consideration for UPS progression in the same way as other teachers. The procedures and criteria should be applied in the same way as for teachers employed in schools. The Department also commented on local model performance management policies that were sent in by divisions and regional offices. The Department helped draft guidance published in an NUT News which advised against the use of OFSTED inspection criteria in evaluating the results of classroom observations. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 2.26 (a) (b) 2.27 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2.28 (a) (b) (c) 88 Report of the Executive 2008 Threshold Guidance: Round 8 The Department published guidance on the Union’s website on threshold applications for round 8 with a particular emphasis on the new teacher standards that were introduced for this round. The Department continued to assist with threshold and performance management queries from divisions and regional offices. It also contributed to the training of casework staff in regional offices concerning performance management. Preventing Sexual Harassment and Bullying At Annual Conference, the Union launched an NUT policy statement on preventing sexual harassment and bullying. The policy statement was the result of the feedback from several hundred teachers. These teachers had identified that more action was needed by local authorities, school leaders and the Union. Women teachers had specifically asked for advice on how to challenge sexist attitudes and sexualised violence. The policy statement stated that supporting schools in preventing the attitudes about men and women which generates sexual harassment and violence against women was a high priority for the Union. The Union argued that there was much more to be learned about how sexual bullying undermined the learning opportunities and emotional health of all young people and about which strategies worked best in practice. The statement explained that from April 2007, governing bodies in England and Wales were under a legal obligation to publish a gender equality scheme. These schemes had to show how governing bodies intended to meet their duties to have regard to eliminating unlawful sex discrimination and harassment of teachers and pupils. The Union statement reminded schools that they were under a duty to make educational provision free of sex discrimination, that the Every Child Matters outcomes included “staying safe” and that sexual harassment and bullying constituted unacceptable pupil behaviour. The Union launched the policy statement as an opportunity to inform teachers about gender equality schemes which should show how schools were working towards eliminating unlawful sex discrimination and harassment. At the gender fringe meeting at Annual Conference, attended by over 100 delegates, the publication of the NUT policy statement on preventing sexual harassment was warmly welcomed. The findings of the Union survey which had been the basis of the policy statement were confirmed by the experiences of the teachers attending the gender fringe. The policy statement also provided information about girls’ and boys’ experiences of sexual bullying, the fact that sexist stereotypes were a cause of bullying and an explanation of how sexism and homophobia were linked. Union Guidance on the Statutory Duty to Promote Gender Equality In April, the Union provided guidance for divisions on the implications of the duty to promote gender equality. The Union advised that local authorities and schools should set out reasonable steps to be taken over time, taking into account existing capacity and resources and without imposing excess or unreasonable workload on school staff. The Union advice asked divisions to raise a number of points with their authorities to promote good practice in maintained schools in relation to gender equality. The Union asked divisions to check with local authorities when and how they would be developing their gender equality schemes, and how teachers’ organisations would be consulted in the development of such schemes. The Union advice also asked divisions to check with authorities how they would be providing support information and training for head teachers and governors to assist schools in developing their gender equality schemes and action plans. The advice called on authorities to support heads and governing bodies in consulting students and teachers so that issues could be discussed including sexual bullying of female pupils, gender stereotypes in subject choices, participation of girls and boys in sport and physical activity and sexual heath issues. The Union advice included a step by step guide for employers on promoting gender equality and a checklist for NUT school representatives in relation to the duty to promote gender equality. The advice also contained a checklist for identifying priorities for action at school level in order to set gender equality objectives. Report of the Executive 2008 2.29 (a) 89 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Model Equality Clause and Rule Change In December, the Committee was asked to consider a TUC model equality clause, which inserted the promotion of equality within the objects of each union. The December Committee agreed a clause drafted by the Senior Solicitor. He explained the background to the proposed rule change which was to be added to the Union’s Rules as 2(s) (with the existing 2(s) re-lettered): “(s) (i) To promote equality for all including through(a) collective bargaining, publicity material and campaigning, representation, union organisation and structures, education and training, organising and recruitment, the provision of all other services and benefits and all other activities; (b) the Union’s own employment practices. (ii) actively to oppose all forms of harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination whether on the grounds of sex, gender, gender identity, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, religious belief or similar philosophical belief, colour, class, caring responsibilities, marital status, sexuality, disability, age or other status or personal characteristics.” (b) The rule change was endorsed by the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee and by the Executive in December. 2.30 Union Survey on the Provision of Training to Teachers in Relation to Pupils with Special Educational Needs The Union published a survey on teachers’ training needs in relation to pupils with SEN in January. One of the main findings of the survey was that centrally employed staff were not available to advise teachers on supporting pupils with special educational needs. The majority of teachers who had responded to the survey had encountered the full range of identified special educational needs. This ranged from 93 per cent of teachers with respect to behavioural, emotional and social needs, to 50 per cent of teachers with respect to severe learning difficulties. Only 18 per cent of teachers in the survey felt confident about teaching children with severe learning difficulties, with 42 per cent feeling reasonably confident teaching children with significant behavioural difficulties. An overwhelming number of teachers in mainstream schools felt that they lacked support and professional development in teaching children with special educational needs. This underlined the vital need for an in-depth, properly funded, national strategy for professional development in special educational needs. The survey received considerable publicity in the national press. (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.31 (a) (b) Fred and Anne Jarvis Education Award The Union has introduced an annual award to recognise the contribution of individuals, external to the Union, who have campaigned tirelessly on educational issues. The award recognises the example and commitment to education shown by former NUT General Secretary, Fred Jarvis, and his wife, Anne Jarvis, a lifelong NUT member and former chair of the education committee for Barnet Council. Anne Jarvis sadly died in April 2007. At the request of the Officers of the Union, the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee agreed the criterion for the award and the timetable for advertising the award and seeking nominations, via The Teacher, the Union’s website and by circular to divisions and associations. It was agreed that nominations would receive preliminary consideration by the Committee Officers, before the approval of the selected nominee by the Committee and the Executive. The award to the successful nominee will be made through the presentation of a certificate at NUT Annual Conference. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 90 Report of the Executive 2008 3. CONSULTATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLS/DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES AND OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS 3.1 (a) DfES Consultation Unit Enquiry In January the Union responded to a DfES consultation of stakeholders on perceptions of its consultation process. The consultation was particularly interested in views on the efficacy of the process and its impact on policy. The Union’s response focused on the effect responses had on Government policy, citing examples where the majority of respondents had disagreed with a proposal. In some cases, these had been ignored whilst in other cases proposals had been amended. It argued that there needed to be a much clearer identification of the impact respondents could have on policy direction, to encourage more groups and individual teachers to participate. It also questioned the weight given to responses from organisations which might represent thousands of teachers, compared to responses from individuals. The Union also made a number of suggestions about the process of consultation, including the limited format sometimes used in consultation documents; the ad hoc nature of where information about DfES consultations could be found; the timing and length of consultation periods; and the publication of the DfES’s response to submissions received. The Union also outlined the inclusive nature of its own consultation processes and suggested that lessons could be learnt from these. (b) (c) 3.2 (a) (b) (c) 3.3 (a) (b) 3.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) Implementation Review Unit In January the Committee considered a statement from the Implementation Review Unit, which set out its work and impact over the previous year. The Committee noted the IRU’s finding that the DfES still had some way to go before it reduced satisfactorily the bureaucracy and burdens it and other national agencies imposed on schools. The Committee welcomed the recommendation that there should be fewer educational initiatives but was sceptical about the impact the statement would have on Government. In October the Committee considered a letter from the IRU on lesson planning, following a meeting with the Union where this issue was raised. The IRU proposed that guidance should be developed by a range of national agencies for schools on a “fit for purpose” approach to lesson planning. The Union submitted its guidance on lesson planning to the IRU. The Gilbert Report on Personalised Learning: 2020 Vision In January the Committee considered the recommendations of the Gilbert Report. The substantial impact of the Union’s submission to the Gilbert inquiry was noted, such as the concept of “testing when ready”; additional individual support for pupils who needed it; and the importance of appropriate professional development opportunities, including sabbaticals. The Committee identified a number of implications for both initial teacher training and continuing professional development arising from the Gilbert Report, in particular the skills needed to implement effective personalised learning. It noted that these would need to be addressed by both the Training and Development Agency for Schools and the Union’s own CPD programme. “Making Good Progress” In March the Union submitted a detailed response to the above DfES consultation document on new assessment procedures for Key Stages 2 and 3, which had drawn on the outcomes of the Gilbert Report. These included “progression tests” to be taken during key stages; “progression tutoring” to provide targeted pupils with individual tuition in English and mathematics; and “progression targets” for schools and local authorities, to measure the progress made within, as well as at the end of, each key stage. The Union’s response was informed by feedback received from members on the proposals, which had been requested via a NUT News and The Teacher. The Union welcomed the proposals as a potential different direction of travel towards changing substantially the current National Curriculum testing arrangements and believed that the suggested period of piloting in a group of local authorities was an important measure to ensure that the proposals could be implemented effectively across a range of schools. It also welcomed the proposal that “progression tuition” should be undertaken by qualified teachers. The Union highlighted a number of concerns about the proposals, including additional teacher workload and additional testing of pupils, at least in the short term; the availability of sufficient funding for the additional support for pupils; the linkage of the proposed new “progression targets” for schools with “progression premium” financial bonuses; and the implications of the proposals relating to pupil support for the workforce reform agenda. The Union suggested that the Government should follow the example of Wales, which had suspended existing Key Stage 1 assessment requirements, for example, when it piloted the new Foundation Phase. Report of the Executive 2008 (e) (f) (g) 3.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) 3.6 (a) (b) (c) (d) 91 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Union’s response contrasted the DfES proposals with those contained within the Gilbert Report and noted a number of important differences, including the use of “when ready” testing to replace, not co-exist with, end of key stage testing and the need to shift focus away from national thresholds of pupil performance and average attainment levels, in order to give proper recognition to the achievement of all pupils, including those with SEN. In February the Committee considered information received from the DfES about the piloting arrangements and the invitation to local authorities to submit expressions of interest in participation. The Committee felt that participation should not be limited solely to those authorities considered to have a “good track record” in terms of National Curriculum test outcomes and that there needed to be more emphasis on consultation between local authorities and schools, including teachers and support staff. In July the Committee noted DCSF guidance documents on pupils who fall behind in Key Stage 2 and schools with outstanding rates of progression at Key Stage 2. it was felt that there were many assumptions in the guidance, such as teachers’ knowledge of the curriculum, on the nature of pupils’ progression and on school leadership issues, which did not reflect the realities of school life or of teaching and learning. Education and Inspections Act 2006: Consultation on Statutory Guidance on Schools Causing Concern In February the Union submitted a detailed response to the DfES final proposals on revised arrangements for schools causing concern, arising from the Education and Inspections Act. The Union noted that there had been little change from the Government’s initial proposals made in 2006, including the introduction of a 15 day “warning notice” for schools causing concern to their local authority, which was felt to be too rigid to be useful to genuine school improvement work. There was also still a lack of proportionality in the proposals, such as relative and absolute measures of underperformance and a lack of differentiation between the treatment of schools placed in special measures and serious weaknesses categories by OFSTED. The Union also expressed concerns about the reduction in time given to “turn around” a school placed in special measures, which under the proposals could be closed theoretically after an unsuccessful first monitoring visit. It was noted that there was a lack of clarity about the role of school improvement partners in determining whether a school was complying or “being positive” about the advice given to them and also about the role of parent champions and the extent to which parental views would be taken into account if they were contrary to those of the local authority or DfES. The response was critical of the DfES’s position that Academies and Trust schools were the “default” option for replacing failing schools, given the inconsistent performance of the former and the lack of any evidence to support the latter. It was also critical about the formulation of the consultation itself, which did not seek views on important sections of the guidance and gave more emphasis to surface features of the draft statutory guidance document, such as layout. Early Years Foundation Stage Learning and Development Requirements Order and EYFS Statutory Framework The Union responded to the DfES consultation on the statutory parts of the new Early Years Foundation Stage in January. Whilst welcoming the approach taken by the EYFS in terms of its playbased approach to education and care for nought to five year olds and the bringing together of the existing frameworks for nought to three and three to five year olds, the Union expressed a number of concerns about some of its proposals. The Union highlighted the need for more detailed guidance on the practicalities of partnership working between all those who provided education and/or care for individual children, as it was likely that teachers in the maintained sector would ultimately take greater responsibility, with serious resource and workload implications. The Union also challenged the DfES’s assertion that the EYFS would provide parents with a guarantee of quality provision in every type of setting, as different minimum standards or requirements would apply, particularly in terms of staffing. The submission emphasised strongly the importance of continuing to employ qualified teachers in the early years and its concerns about their replacement with Early Years Professionals. The response contained a detailed analysis of the revised Early Learning Goals, especially those where expectations of performance appeared to have increased and also objected to the proposals that outdoor play areas, natural daylight and air should not be statutory requirements for all providers’ settings. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 3.7 (a) (b) (c) 3.8 (a) (b) (c) 92 Report of the Executive 2008 Outdoor Play in the Early Years Foundation Stage In January the Committee considered correspondence between the Union and the Minister of State for Children, Young People and Families on the Government’s proposals for outdoor play provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage. The Union suggested practical ways in which the Government’s proposals on this issue could be strengthened so that all settings which were publicly funded could be required to have outdoor play space without, as the Government believed, closing down or putting out of business childminders and smaller private sector nurseries. The Committee was disappointed that the Minister made clear the Government’s intention to adhere to an “access only” approach and was concerned that providers could satisfy requirements by merely planning play activities, even if they were not implemented. It was felt that such an approach was not in keeping with the play-based learning philosophy of the EYFS and would be detrimental to the achievement of many of the Early Learning Goals. EYFS Learning and Development Exemptions The Union responded to the above DfES consultation in May. The Union welcomed the underpinning principle of the DfES’s proposals, that exemption from the requirement to follow the EYFS statutory framework should be in exceptional circumstances only, as the EYFS had been designed to be as inclusive as possible, to meet a wide range of children’s needs. The Union’s response focused in particular on assuring the quality of early years provision, via the welfare and other requirements set out in the EYFS document, in order that providers would be unable to use the proposed exemptions arrangements as a means of avoiding meeting these. The Union argued that any provision which was funded publicly should meet the same standards. Whilst acknowledging the importance of parental wishes in the education and care of their children, it was suggested that this must be balanced against the right of children to access early education and care. The Union felt that there was little in the EYFS statutory framework to which parents could appropriately object on religious or cultural grounds. 3.9 Planning and Developing Special Educational Provision The Union responded to the above DfES consultation on planning and developing special educational provision in April. The response emphasised the Union view that there should be an equitable education system with a wide range of appropriate provision for meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and that it was the entitlement of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, to be taught by a qualified teacher. The Union response contended that teachers should be entitled to high quality resources, sufficient non-contact time and wellresourced support services. 3.10 (a) Languages Review The Union provided a detailed submission to the Languages Review led by Lord Dearing and Lid King in the Spring term of 2007. The Union’s submission focused on its concern about the substantial decrease in the number of students opting to continue a study of a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) to Key Stage 4 and beyond following its removal as a statutory part of the Key Stage 4 curriculum. The Union supported in principle the notion of introducing MFL nationally at Key Stage 2, but expressed its concern about the capacity of schools to introduce MFL within an already crowded primary National Curriculum and in the context of the capacity of appropriately qualified teaching staff within primary teaching. The Union welcomed methods of assessment such as the Languages Ladder, which recognised language skills development on an incremental basis which provided a more graduated approach than qualifications such as the GCSE and A level. It argued also that the National Curriculum and courses available for MFL in secondary schools needed to be able to motivate and retain students on courses more than had been the case in the past. The Union argued for the reinstatement of a compulsory study of MFL to age 16, but argued that the curriculum should be reviewed carefully and that new types of qualification should be considered which might meet the needs and aspirations of all young people more appropriately, including a positive recognition of achievement at Level 1 and a reconsideration of the strong focus on written languages. The Union also noted the wealth of ‘community’ languages spoken in British schools and communities, and urged the Government not to adopt a narrow definition of ‘economically useful’ languages, noting the fact that many languages spoken within British communities reflect links with the European Union and the Commonwealth. The Union emphasised also the key role which local authorities could play in co-ordinating provision in MFL teaching and learning in both primary and secondary schools. (b) (c) (d) (e) Report of the Executive 2008 (f) (g) 3.11 (a) (b) (c) 3.12 (a) (b) (c) 3.13 (a) (b) (c) 93 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Union expressed its grave concerns about the security of MFL teaching jobs in secondary schools given the significant reduction of pupils at Key Stage 4 who opted to study languages. The Union was concerned also for the sustainability of language teaching and learning in both primary and secondary schools if fewer students with suitable qualifications in MFL entered teacher training courses. In November 2007 an NUT MFL Working Group was convened to consider how best to take forward Union policy on MFL and to support members in primary schools in the introduction of a new statutory requirement for MFL in Key Stage 2 from 2010. Support for members in primary schools would include protection from unreasonable demands where they had not had sufficient training in teaching MFL or did not hold an MFL qualification. School, Early Years and 14 – 19 Funding The Union submitted a response in May to the above DfES consultation, which was prepared jointly with the Salaries/Conditions of Service Department. The issue of the most practical “counting date” for the number of pupils in a school or other setting was considered in some detail. It was essential that this was timed to be as accurate as possible, but also provide schools with sufficient time to receive funding allocations for forward planning. The Union also suggested that numbers could be based on a fixed number of places. It was vital that arrangements ensured that there was sufficient funding available for vocational courses in further education colleges. In terms of the early years, the Union emphasised that the funding model needed to be focused on quality, as the reduction of staffing levels was often the first thing to be considered if budgets were reduced. In addition, the Union was critical of any proposals which it considered to favour the private, voluntary and independent sectors unfairly. It believed support to the maintained sector should be the Government’s priority if it wished to have “world class” early years provision. The Union argued that schools and other settings would need sufficient time to adapt to the new funding arrangements and there must be a degree of flexibility in terms of the pupil count because of the high level of pupil mobility in some areas. Above all, funding arrangements should be needs-led, to enable schools and other settings to genuinely meet the needs of pupils. The Governance and Management of Extended Schools and Sure Start Children’s Centres The Union responded to the above DfES consultation document in December 2006. Although the Union had consistently supported the concept of multi-agency provision through extended schools and Children’s Centres, it had a number of concerns about the detailed proposals contained in the consultation document for their organisation and management. It stressed the importance of reflecting all stakeholders in governing bodies, to protect both educational and community interests and also emphasised the proposals’ particular implications for maintained nursery school governing bodies on transfer to Children’s Centre status, such as widening accountability for a diverse range of functions and far less emphasis on an educational focus. The implications of the proposals for head teachers were also examined in detail, in particular, the additions to workload, accountability and liability. The financial constraints which might inhibit the provision of the “core offer” for extended schools were identified, as well as a number of other practicalities which could represent barriers to such provision, including health and safety issues and premises access, especially in PFI schools. Concerns were also expressed about the ability of nonworking families to access provision, given that the Government’s chosen funding mechanism was through the Working Tax Credit programme. Raising Expectations: Staying in Education and Training Post-16 In May, the Union responded to the above DfES consultation. The Union’s response emphasised that increasing post-16 participation was a crucial part of increasing the skills levels of the workforce and that compulsory participation for 16 and 17 year olds did not mean a requirement to stay in school or in the classroom. The success of the new requirement should not rely on untried initiatives such as the new Key Stage 3 curriculum and the 14-19 diplomas which were still in their infancy. The Union said that additional funding would be needed for the Government’s proposals to succeed. Both colleges and schools needed to receive the extra resources necessary to prepare for such a significant change to the education system. The Union believed that the focus on sanctions, particularly for failing to participate in post-16 education and training as set out in the proposals, would be counter-productive. If employers were to be required to release young people so they could attend at least on average a day of training a week, employers needed to participate more actively in youth training schemes. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 3.14 (a) (b) (c) 3.15 (a) (b) (c) (d) 3.16 (a) (b) (c) (d) 3.17 (a) (b) 94 Report of the Executive 2008 School Uniform In May the Union responded to a DfES consultation on guidance on school uniform related policies. The Union recommended that it was not sufficient or indeed appropriate for schools themselves to identify “community leaders representing minority ethnic and religious groups” for consultation on school uniform policies. The Union argued that schools should be urged to seek ways of consultation which reached as wide a range of the community as possible. The Union emphasised the importance of recognising that ultimately teachers and support staff were responsible for ensuring compliance with the school’s uniform policy. School staff must be seen as key stakeholders in the formulation and revision of those policies and have a particular contribution to make on the practicability of the application of school uniform policies. The Union also recommended that the DfES should urge schools to carry out an equality impact assessment as stipulated in the legislation governing the promotion of race, gender and disability equality in schools. Duty to Promote Community Cohesion In June the Union responded to the above DfES consultation. While welcoming the implementation of the new duty to promote community cohesion under the Education and Inspections Act 2006, the Union highlighted the importance of effective guidance to schools. The emphasis placed within the duty on faith and ethnicity in discussing community cohesion was supported but the Union argued that it was equally important to address other issues that could contribute to social unrest, including class differences, poverty, homophobia and gender discrimination. In its response, the Union said that the potential of the guidance to make a significant impact on community cohesion was heavily undermined by the Government’s wider educational policies. The Government’s obsession with the “choice and diversity” agenda fundamentally militated against fair access and community cohesion. In this context, the establishment of Academies and Trust schools could have a particularly negative impact. The Union highlighted the role of effective professional development for teachers and workforce development programmes in helping schools meet the new duty effectively. The Union also responded on specific issues relating to admissions, the curriculum and the particular role of schools. Draft Amendments to the Education (Specified Work and Registration) (England) Regulations 2003 The Union responded to the above DfES consultation in June, which had particular implications for teachers who had not passed the ITT skills tests and for overseas trained teachers (OTTs). The Union believed that the proposal to bar newly qualified teachers who had not passed all of the ITT skills tests from being employed as unqualified teachers from September 2008 was unnecessary, as there were many incentives currently for those in such a position to pass the tests. The proposal could also be seen as discriminatory to those with English as a second language and with special educational needs such as dyslexia. It was also pointed out that the proposal was illogical, as the Regulations enabled people with no training at all to be employed as unqualified teachers. The Union emphasised that all OTTs should have recognised qualified teacher status within a four year period, but disagreed strongly with the proposed timetable for its introduction, 1 September 2007. It argued that this should have the same deadline as the first proposal, as many OTTs were unaware of the imminent change in the regulations. The Union pointed out that the Government’s communications strategy publicising the change, which was referred to in detail in the consultation document, had failed. In addition, many of those who were aware of the proposals had been unable to access suitable training programmes. The Union agreed with the proposal that OTTs should receive additional time to achieve qualified teacher status if they took maternity leave and also that OTTs without qualified teacher status after four years could not be employed as instructors, in order to protect OTTs from potential exploitation in terms of salary and access to training. The Union proposed that the amended Regulations should also include a requirement on the DfES and Training and Development Agency for Schools to ensure that there were sufficient places on courses in areas where there were OTTs. General Teaching Council for England (Registration of Teachers) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 In June the Union responded to the above DfES consultation. It supported the main amendment proposed, which would enable the GTC(E) to inform applicants about whether or not they were eligible for registration, the grounds for the GTC(E)’s decision and the right of appeal to the High Court by an applicant refused registration. The Union suggested, however, that the proposed deadline for appeals, should be at least equal to that allowed for appeals from the Employment Tribunals to the Employment Appeals Tribunal, 42 days, which would also address the potential difficulty of contacting teachers during the summer holiday period. Report of the Executive 2008 3.18 (a) (b) (c) 3.19 (a) (b) (c) 3.20 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 95 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Guidance on sexual orientation In June, the Union wrote to the DCSF and to the Communities and Local Government Department to express concern about guidance posted on the Teachernet website relating to the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007. The Union noted that there were tensions between some religious beliefs and equality with respect to sexual orientation. The Union argued that the guidance went further than was necessary in developing these tensions and seemed to provide support for prejudiced viewpoints. The letter reminded the DCSF that their own literature review, commissioned in 2003, had shown how many gay and lesbian students experienced isolation and harassment in school and how many had been driven to truancy and suicide. The Union queried why the new guidance could allow an opportunity for the expression of condemnatory views in contradiction of the existing sex and relationships education guidance of 2000, which stated that young people, whatever their developing sexuality, needed to feel that sex and relationships education was relevant to them and sensitive to their needs. The Union called on the DCSF to reconsider the guidance on the Teachernet website. The Union believed that, in order to be consistent with the goods and services regulations and to assist in achieving the policy objective for which they had been made, the guidance should in fact emphasise positively that LGBT students and all young people questioning their sexual orientation should be treated as equal and have the right to learn and socialise in schools where schools leaders take positive, proactive steps to challenge anti-gay prejudice. Proposed Changes to the Key Stage 1 English Programme of Study for Reading and a Foundation Stage Early Learning Goal The Union responded to the above DfES consultation in June, which proposed changes to the English and Foundation Stage Statutory Orders in order to reflect recommendations made in the Rose Review of reading. The Union believed that there were no educational reasons to amend the Orders as proposed, which would simply limit the reading strategies which were referred to in them. It argued that other, more important and worthwhile, amendments could have been proposed, in particular, references to inference and deduction in the Key Stage 1 Order, to emphasise the importance of comprehension skills. In addition, the proposed amendment to the early learning goals did not contain an understanding of the importance of blending sounds and segmenting them for the purposes of reading and writing. The Union recommended that both of the proposed amendments should be reconsidered. Children’s Workforce Strategy: Update – Spring 2007 In June the Union responded to the above Government consultation, which provided an overview of actions taken to date by Government and set out a number of proposals for the future development of the Strategy. In its response, the Union highlighted the tensions between the core purposes of education and other sectors of the children’s workforce, with particular reference to the formulation of the professional standards for teachers and the Every Child Matters agenda. It argued that although improved integration of the workforce was desirable, specialisms also needed to be preserved and that a “generalist” approach would not be sufficient to meet the needs of children and young people. The Union stated that Sector Skills Councils should have good links with employees and with trade unions if they were to take on a greater role in up-skilling the workforce, as proposed and that a bottom-up approach to intelligence gathering on skill gaps was needed to inform the development of the national strategy, particularly in terms of funding. It pointed out that pay and conditions were key issues in terms of recruitment and retention, but no consideration of these had been included in the consultation document. It also questioned why there was no reference to the private sector in the document, as access to appropriate training in addition to adequate pay and conditions were well-documented inhibitors to recruitment and retention in that sector. The Union proposed that professional development should be an entitlement to all those in the children’s workforce, appropriately differentiated and determined by the individual as well as by the employer. In addition, time and adequate resources were needed if the strategy was to be implemented successfully and was to be sustainable. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 3.21 (a) (b) 3.22 (a) (b) (c) 3.23 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 96 Report of the Executive 2008 “Time to Talk” In October the Union responded to the above DCSF consultation, which sought views on improving the health, safety and wellbeing of children and young people; raising standards and closing the achievement gap; and increasing post-16 participation and attainment, prior to the establishment of a national Children’s Plan for the next ten years. The Union submitted a detailed response, which addressed areas including school provision; funding; community cohesion; local authority choice and diversity; child development; play; commercialisation; and one to one tuition. The response also made a series of recommendations to the DCSF, based on those contained within Bringing Down the Barriers. Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools and Early Years Settings The Union responded to the above DCSF consultation in November. The review’s aims were to establish the most effective pedagogy of maths teaching; the range of provision needed to support children with the full range of abilities; the development of an early intervention programme for five to seven year olds; and the conceptual and subject knowledge needed by primary school teachers and early years practitioners. The Union’s submission emphasised the need for the review’s recommendations to acknowledge the importance of teachers’ professional judgement and to avoid any prescriptive approaches. It stressed that pupils should experience a curriculum where learning was acquired through practical activity and should be taught to understand fully mathematical concepts and their uses, with time for reflection and recapitulation. It argued that all primary teachers and early years practitioners needed extended individual CPD entitlements for mathematics and could be further supported by guidance on making cross-curricular links and embedding mathematics in other curriculum areas. The special circumstances of mixed age classes in small primary schools were also highlighted as an important area for consideration when making recommendations about national programmes or initiatives. Ministerial Stakeholders' Group on Behaviour and Attendance The Union continued to be represented on this group which met in February, May, October and December this year. The issues discussed included DCSF guidance on school behaviour policies and the use of force; developments in anti-bullying work; reinforcing parental responsibility for pupil attendance and behaviour; At the February meeting, the members of this group discussed advanced copies of the Department’s draft new guidance to schools on school discipline and behaviour policies together, a draft of updated guidance on the use of force to control or restrain pupils and draft regulations about the non-teaching days which schools may or may not use for pupil detentions. The DfES needed to finalise the guidance, in the light of comments received, by the end of March because the relevant Education and Inspections Act 2006 provisions came into force on 1 April 2007. At the February meeting, the DfES provided an update on the process of revising the general antibullying guidance for schools, Don’t Suffer in Silence, to make it more practical, and to highlight the range of sanctions and support mechanisms schools had at their disposal to tackle bullying. The Union welcomed the development by the DfES of a suite of guidance for schools on prejudice-driven bullying but urged that such documents should be short and practical summaries. The need for more effective guidance to tackle prejudice-driven bullying in schools was highlighted by the Union. The Union was asked to provide comments and advice on the guidance on how to tackle bullying motivated by race, religion and culture and on how to prevent and tackle homophobic bullying. The Union was also consulted on the content of tailored guidance on how to tackle bullying directed at children with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. The Union was also invited to join a DCSF Taskforce, comprising the Internet Service Providers (ISPs), mobile phone companies, and professionals working in education, health, social care and youth justice to look at the growing and evolving phenomenon of cyber-bullying. As part of this programme the DCSF asked Childnet International to produce web-based, interactive guidance for schools on how to tackle cyber-bullying. At the May meeting, there was a discussion about improving pupil referral units and other forms of alternative provision. The Union pressed for pupil referral units to be able to provide a suitable broad curriculum offer. The DCSF planned to issue guidance, in the form of case studies, on curriculum delivery which would be developed with colleagues working on curriculum personalisation. The Union commented that there was a diverse range of pupils at risk – including those with severe behavioural problems, pupils with acute medical needs, pregnant school girls and school phobics. The Union made the point that there was no substitute for good PRUs in meeting these kinds of needs. There was a need for better strategic planning for pupils out of mainstream school, with clear distinctions between different groups, as for SEN provision. Report of the Executive 2008 (f) (g) (h) (i) 97 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Union commented at the May meeting that while the new legislation and guidance on school discipline had been welcome, they needed to be actively promoted in schools. This could be done through a set of positive leaflets for staff, governors and parents – raising the profile of the new powers, supporting the good work done by schools and with the messages to parents including the tough approaches taken to bullying. The Union argued that the negative public perceptions of schools generally were also fuelled by the promotion of particular types of schools, such as Academies, and by destructive rhetoric about “zero tolerance”. Turning round the negative perceptions would require a partnership approach, involving all the organisations represented on the stakeholder group plus other stakeholders. At the October meeting, the Union welcomed the quality of the DCSF guidance on the use of force to control or restrain pupils and the inclusion of advice on wider issues around physical contact with children and a safety audit was welcomed. At this meeting the issues discussed included the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and associated guidance; school partnerships to improve behaviour and tackle persistent absence and an update on the schools attendance programme. At the December meeting the issues discussed included the Children’s Plan; behaviour perceptions; and Day 6 provision for excluded pupils. 3.24 Liaison with SEN division In May the Union was represented at a meeting between the DfES and teacher associations to discuss SEN issues in schools. The group discussed the following issues: support services and outreach; BESD; the requirement for further funding for teachers in identifying and meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs; the separation of assessment from funding; the NUT’s costs of inclusion reports, the LEA guidance on making a range of provision; the relationship between disability equality and pupil behaviour and SENCOs. 3.25 (a) Reference Group Meeting on Bullying of Disabled Pupils The Union was represented in November at the first meeting of a new reference group constituted to give advice to the National Children’s Bureau and the DCSF about supplementary guidance on bullying in relation to disabled children and those with special educational needs. At the meeting, the Council for Disabled Children provided a progress report of phase one of the project, which had included consultations with children, young people, parents and school staff and research to identify existing resources and good practice. The meeting also included a review of the timetable and consideration of how the supplementary guidance could complement Safe to Learn, the main Government guidance on bullying. The Union highlighted that the DCSF also needed to consider the promotion of equal opportunities alongside positive equal opportunities work in order to prevent violence, tackle prejudice and challenge stereotypes. (b) 3.26 Reference Groups on Cyber Bullying and Homophobic Bullying The Union continued to be represented on the above DfES/DCSF reference groups. The Union welcomed the publication by the DCSF on specific guidance on cyber bullying in November, and was represented on 22 November at a national cyber bullying conference entitled, “A whole school community approach”. 3.27 (a) Advice on Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators In January, the Union advised regions, divisions and associations of a letter sent by the DfES to Chief Education Officers and Directors of Children’s Services saying that the expectation of Ministers was that SENCOs should be qualified teachers. The letter said: "In statements made to both Houses of Parliament, Ministers have made it clear that they intend that, although a number of people within a school might help with SENCO functions, a teacher should have the lead responsibility for co-ordinating SEN provision. Ministers also intend that the designated person should have a seat on the school’s senior leadership team, reflecting the importance attached to addressing the needs of pupils with SEN and/or disabilities." The Union advised that the Secretary of State had the power to make regulations which would introduce a specific legal requirement to the effect that: teachers should have lead responsibility for coordinating SEN provision across a school and SENCOs should be members of the senior leadership team. (b) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 3.28 (a) (b) 3.29 (a) (b) 3.30 (a) (b) (c) 3.31 (a) (b) (c) (d) 98 Report of the Executive 2008 DfES Research – Inter-Professional Working In June the Union was invited to meet with a representative of the DfES research team to discuss issues arising from inter-professional working. Topics for discussion included how current training addressed collaborative working and how this might be improved in the future; multi-purpose provision such as Children’s Centres and extended schools; relationships between teachers and other professionals; and obstacles to collaborative working. The Union emphasised that the qualified teacher standards contained little reference to Every Child Matters or to inter-professional working more generally and that, whilst there might already be interprofessional working at a strategic level, this had yet to impact on schools on a day-to-day basis. Whilst supporting the concept, the Union was concerned that teachers’ expertise in educational matters also needed to be maintained and enhanced. Other issues raised by the Union included teachers’ workload; access to appropriate training; and the potential use of Union Learning Representatives to identify gaps in skills and knowledge and to identify local barriers to inter-professional working. Primary National Strategies – Foundation Stage The Union was represented at termly meetings between the Director of the Primary National Strategies – Foundation Stage and the teachers’ professional associations on early years/Foundation Stage issues. Areas for discussion included the new Early Years Foundation Stage; Early Years Professional Status; the Foundation Stage Profile; and the teaching of early reading. The meetings enabled the Union to press its policies on education and care for children from birth to five years old. They also provided a valuable opportunity to receive up-to-date information and raise concerns on key issues in early years education. Early Years Conferences In March and May the Union was represented at the DfES Primary National Strategies – Foundation Stage local authority seminar and Early Years Lead Advisor conference respectively. The aim of both events was to disseminate information about current initiatives within the Foundation Stage. The March meeting focused on the implementation of the new Early Years Foundation Stage framework in September 2008 and highlighted a number of issues concerned with its introduction, in particular the support and training which would be needed by practitioners in early years settings, regardless of to which sector they belonged. At the conference in May, the content of the Early Years Foundation Stage was discussed in detail, as was the approach it took to young children’s learning and development. There was also a session on the new approach to teaching reading using synthetic phonics which was to be promoted via the new EYFS framework and Early Learning Goals. Trainee Head Teacher Programme The Union continued to be represented on the Steering Group of the above programme, which comprised of representatives from the DCFS, the National College for School Leadership, the National Strategies, NAHT and the Union. The Steering Group met eight times during the year. Following a successful small scale pilot in 2006, the primary aspect of the programme was established formally in 2007, with 14 local authorities participating in either the primary and/or secondary trainee programmes. The Union was involved in the interview and host school selection process in two local authorities. An independent evaluation of the primary programme pilot found that the content, planning and implementation of the programme was relevant and of high quality overall. A high proportion of the trainees had gone on to take up headships or acting headships in primary schools in challenging circumstances, a key aim of the programme. The two term secondment of the trainees into placement schools had, however, caused difficulties for the trainees’ home schools. The Steering Group decided, therefore, to reduce the amount of time spent in the placement school in 2007. The Steering Group discussed a number of issues connected with the programme, including the selection of suitable local authorities, the content and format of the development days for trainees, mentoring arrangements and contingency planning for low take-up on the programme. A key concern of the Steering Group was to connect the programme with other work on succession planning which was being undertaken at both national and local level and to encourage use of the programme model in local authorities outside the current cohort. Report of the Executive 2008 3.32 (a) (b) (c) (d) 99 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Central and Local Information Partnership (CLIP) Education Sub Group The Union continued to be represented on the above group, formally known as the Education Data Advisory Panel (EDAP), which met three times during the year. The January meeting focused on the changes to the National Curriculum test regime and the attainment tables. A presentation by a representative of the DfES provided visual diagrams of Key Stage achievements in 2005 and 2006. He outlined the main features of the “Making Good Progress” pilot and stated that the main advantage of the new system would be that schools could compare themselves against the national average. The Union representative noted a number of inconstancies between the presentation and the proposals contained within the DfES consultation document for the pilot. She also expressed concern about some of the terminology used in the presentation. The DfES representative agreed to report these back. Other topics considered by CLIP during the year included the importance of local authorities being able to provide accurate ward and parish statistics; data collection arrangements for the early years, school workforce and post-16 education and training; managed learning environments and learning platforms; Raiseonline; and the local government data review. 3.33 Guidance on Disability Discrimination Act 2006 The Union was a member of the DCSF group which produced the guidance for schools on the DDA 2006, Implementing the Disability Discrimination Act in Schools and Early Years Settings. The Union was closely involved at each drafting stage. The Union promoted the guidance widely as the most comprehensive information for schools rather than producing its own guidance. 3.34 (a) Government Response to the Women and Work Commission In April 2007, the Communities and Local Government Department responded to the Women and Work Commission recommendations, Towards a Fairer Future. In Towards a Fairer Future, the Government announced a new framework which would mean that young people’s horizons were not limited by stereotypes about what girls and boys can do. The Government announced new quality standards for careers advice to challenge traditional notions about gender roles that arbitrarily restricted people’s choices. The Government accepted that the case for equality was as powerful as ever and claimed to have made real progress in its practical response to the Commission’s recommendations. The Government argued further that many of the issues highlighted by the Women and Work Commission would be addressed through the new public sector duty on gender equality, which came into force in April 2007. (b) 4. HOUSE OF COMMONS EDUCATION AND SKILLS/CHILDREN, SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES SELECT COMMITTEE AND OTHER PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES 4.1 (a) Testing and Assessment In June the Union submitted detailed written evidence and proposals to the House of Commons Education and Skills Committee’s inquiry into testing and assessment. It highlighted the impact of the current high stakes testing regime and its use as national accountability measures on the education system and on children’s learning. It argued that teachers must be at the centre of defining the nature and purpose of assessment. It also emphasised the need for a coherent approach to assessment, as there did not exist currently a clear rationale for the various forms of summative evaluation and accountability, which were often in contradiction with each other. It disputed the Government’s view that the current framework of tests, targets and performance tables had helped drive up standards and suggested that these had damaged the Government’s record on education, as they gave the impression of failure rather than success. Drawing on a wide range of academic research, the Union’s education statement, Bringing Down the Barriers, and its work with other teachers’ organisations, the submission proposed key reforms of the testing system, including the discontinuation of performance tables and national targets linked to test results; enhancing teacher assessment and assessment for learning supported by appropriate professional development; the re-establishment of the Assessment of Performance Unit to provide national evidence on standards via sampling; and an independent review of the National Curriculum and its assessment arrangements. (b) (c) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 4.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) 4.3 (a) (b) (c) 4.4 (a) (b) 100 Report of the Executive 2008 Annual Scrutiny of the Work of OFSTED The Union submitted its annual evidence on the work of OFSTED in May to the House of Commons Education and Skills Committee. This focused on the newly extended role of OFSTED as the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills; the OFSTED Strategic Plan for 2007 – 2010; and the work of OFSTED in schools. The submission questioned the ability of OFSTED to maintain the expertise of the previous four inspectorates which had been subsumed as well as how the impact of the new organisation would be monitored. It also argued for clearly defined relationships between OFSTED, its Board, the DfES and the Government. It cited the Academies programme as a key example of a Government initiative which OFSTED would have been expected to have scrutinised or advised upon but had not in fact done so. The Union raised concerns about the consistency of services provided by contracted inspectors. The Union contrasted this with the casework and support it had provided to members, pointing out that it was often the quality and consistency of such inspectors which had caused problems in relation to the conduct and outcomes of inspection. The Union noted that, although the new inspectorate brought together the inspection of children’s social care, children’s services and educational provision, there had been little significant change in the focus of inspections for schools. In addition, the inclusion of the Every Child Matters indicators in the school inspection framework highlighted a long standing tension between OFSTED reports and what parents and others wanted to know about schools. Fundamental questions, such as the happiness, well-being and engagement of individuals and groups of pupils within a school were not easily answered by the current “snap shot” approach to inspection. Inquiry into Post 16 Skills and Training In its submission in December 2006 to the House of Commons Education and Skills Committee, the Union emphasised that the new 14-19 diplomas should embed the wider skills that can provide a basis for the development of specific occupational skills at work. It said that the diplomas had to succeed if the Government’s staying on rate for young people post-16 was to become a statutory requirement. Incorporating functional maths and English into the diplomas would not automatically secure participation and attainment beyond the age of 16. Any new system of curriculum qualifications should not create a system which separated ‘basic’ mathematical and communications skills from ‘academic’ maths and English studies. The Union, as part of the wider trade union movement, believed that the engagement and support of employees through workforce training was a fundamental right. Union learning representatives in trade unions had made a significant contribution by working strategically with employers to improve workforce development. The Union has recruited and trained many members to become ULRs. The Union’s submission drew attention to its involvement at the Lifelong Learning Sector Skills trade union meetings. Useful discussion had taken place at these meetings on the remit of this particular Sector Skills Council and its structures. Issues, such as workplace learning, 14-19 education, the role of frontline staff in education, development of workforce planning and higher and further education, were debated at these meetings and reported back to the Lifelong Learning Sector Skills Council. The submission emphasised that all young people had an entitlement to develop skills that would be of benefit to them in their adult lives, whether in the workplace or in the wider world. Response to the House of Commons’ Education and Skills Committee Inquiry into 14-19 Specialised Diplomas In its response to the above inquiry, the Union set out a range of key points. Teachers would only feel motivated to work towards a new system of diplomas over a development period if they were instrumental in developing curriculum modules, modes of assessments and approaches to learning and teaching. The role of teachers had not been made explicit in the designing or the delivery of the new diplomas. There was little information about how schools and colleges could be prepared to deliver the new qualifications. It was felt that the timescale for awarding bodies to implement the diplomas was very tight. The Union emphasised that teachers/lecturers and awarding bodies had to be involved in the development of the second tranche of diplomas at a much earlier stage in the process. The Union commented that it had yet to be convinced that local authorities were sufficiently prepared for the 2008 secondary reforms including the new secondary curriculum and the 14-19 diplomas. The fact that the Sector Skills Councils and the Diploma Development Partnerships had developed the diplomas so far had meant there had been little input from practitioners on whether the content was relevant to teachers. The Union emphasised that it was important that the new diplomas had built into them clearer progression routes for students at all levels of the diplomas. It was vital that achievement below the proposed intermediate level was recognised positively. Report of the Executive 2008 101 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (c) The changes facing schools and colleges in 2008 were particularly dramatic. Teachers and their representatives had very little knowledge about what training and workforce development opportunities would be available from the Training and Development Agency, the Academies and Specialist Schools Trust or the Quality Improvement Agency. These organisations needed to work coherently together to ensure that school and colleges were receiving the information, advice and support they needed. The Union emphasised that training to oversee the diplomas could not simply be “bolted on” to everything else that schools were expected to carry out, particularly in the context of other initiatives due to be implemented in 2008. 4.5 (a) Separation of Assessment of Need from Funding Provision The Union responded to the above House of Commons Education and Skills Committee consultation in June. The Union emphasised that parental and teacher concerns about the statutory assessment process arose from the way the system was operated and not from inherent deficiencies in the system itself. Central retention of funding for statemented pupils was recommended by the Union as a way of ensuring that schools did not lose funding when a pupil changed school during an academic year. The importance of SEN support services at local authority level was emphasised in the Union response as they provided the flexibility required in responding to the needs of the individual pupil at school level. The Union expressed its support for statements of special educational needs as useful tools for planning for and supporting the specific needs of pupils with SEN. The Union did not at this stage support proposals to separate assessment from funding but retained the right to further examine and consider this issue. (b) 5. LIAISON WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS 5.1 (a) OFSTED and School Inspections The Union continued to be represented at termly meetings between OFSTED and the teachers’ associations. Issues raised by the Union included the introduction of parental complaints arrangements; the use of OFSTED inspection grades by head teachers for the evaluation of individual staff, including performance management; the evaluation of Academies; issues arising from the Union’s survey of members’ experiences of inspection; OFSTED’s Strategic Plan; and lesson planning requirements. The Union continued to provide support to members on all aspects of inspection. The Union’s guidance on school inspections was up-dated to reflect alterations to the 2006 inspection framework. Members of the Department also attended a number of local association meetings to up-date members on the arrangements. In June the findings of an in-house survey on members’ most recent experiences of OFSTED inspection were published, involving a random selection of members whose school had received an inspection during the previous year. The survey had used some of the same questions from its 2004 questionnaire, in order to be able to compare results and identify whether attitudes had changed. While members said that there were improvements in the new inspection framework compared to the previous framework, there were concerns about some of its features, such as the separate subject inspections, the workload connected with the OFSTED self evaluation form and that external support did not follow inspection judgements. (b) (c) (d) 5.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) OFSTED Consultation: Responding to Parents’ Complaints about Schools In March the Union responded to proposals relating to new OFSTED powers, arising from the Education and Inspections Act 2006, to investigate complaints made by parents about the school their child attended. In discussions with OFSTED, the Union clarified that the inspectorate would expect parents to have exhausted all means of pursuing the complaint with the school and local authority before it became involved. It also emphasised the problematic nature of the proposals in the context of a high stakes accountability system, as even if a complaint was ill-founded, OFSTED would still have to make an initial investigation, which would place an additional and unnecessary pressure on schools. The Union’s response highlighted the vagueness of many of the proposals contained within the consultation document, particularly in terms of malicious or vexatious complaints. It was concerned that how the decision to initiate any of the wide range of actions which OFSTED might take in response to a complaint, from contacting the school for more information to conducting a full inspection, was not fully explained, so that schools would be unaware of how OFSTED’s powers would work in practice. It cautioned that the proposals could be seen as an adversarial system and that the process should rather be interpreted as seeking a means to foster better relations between schools and parents. There was a real danger that the proposals could be viewed as OFSTED “siding” with parents, rather than mediating between them and schools. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 5.3 (a) (b) 5.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 5.5 102 Report of the Executive 2008 OFSTED Consultation: Strategic Plan 2007 – 2010 The Union responded to the above consultation in June. It highlighted a number of sections of the document which appeared to be “spinning” OFSTED’s previous performance, rather than focusing on factual statements about future plans. It also pointed out that there were limitations to the advice OFSTED provided to Government which were not referred to in the document, such as its lack of involvement in monitoring the introduction of school improvement partners or Academies. It suggested that much more was needed about managing the relationship between OFSTED, private providers and additional inspectors, which the Union believed was a key area of weakness currently. General Teaching Council (England) The Committee received regular reports about the GTC(E) Council meetings as well as from the Audit, Monitoring and Review, Registration and Regulation, Co-ordinating and Policy and Research Committees. In January, the Committee paid tribute to the Chief Executive of the GTC(E), Carol Adams, who had died recently. The Union sent messages of sympathy to the Council and was represented at the funeral. The Committee also considered correspondence between the Union and the acting Chief Executive of the GTC(E) about its concerns that a meeting between the GTC(E) and the teacher organisations’ legal representatives had been treated as a formal consultation on issues relating to fee collection and provisional registration. The Committee welcomed the Council’s response that this would not be the case and that a bilateral meeting would be arranged. In February the Committee received a report of a meeting between the Union and GTC(E) on proposals for outstanding fee collection and de-registration. The Council emphasised that its proposals would encourage more personal responsibility for individual teachers to maintain their registration details and pay the fee. It acknowledged the workload impact of registration and fee collection on schools as employers and the fragility of the data received from some schools, which could be detrimental to individual teachers. The Union argued that there must be an appropriate period of time between notification of an outstanding payment and de-registration. It also suggested that there were equal opportunities implications to the proposals, as women and disabled teachers were more likely to have longer periods when they were not in employment and would therefore not be required to be registered. The Union suggested that improved communication about the need to register was needed and that it could include a reference to de-registration from the GTC(E) in its standard letter to retired members. In March the Committee noted correspondence between the Union and the GTC(E)’s Director of Policy on its Teacher Learning Academy programme. The Union expressed its concern that the Union had been omitted from a recent GTC(E) CPD leaflet and from the TLA partners list, despite the considerable joint work the two organisations had done in this area in the past. The GTC(E) apologised. Reference to the partnership with the Union would be made in future relevant publications. In May the Committee received reports on the GTC(E)’s work on assessment, the Teacher Learning Academy and its equality and diversity scheme. The Committee welcomed the re-election, unopposed, of Judy Moorhouse, NUT Ex-President, as Chair of the GTC(E). In July the Committee noted the GTC(E)’s submission to the House of Commons Education and Skills Committee Inquiry on testing and assessment. It also received reports on the GTC(E) review of governance, risk management and the risk register. Throughout the year, the Committee discussed the GTC(E) and (W) elections which would take place in 2008. The Department produced a strategy paper which identified a number of approaches which could be taken to the recruitment of suitable Union candidates for the consideration of the Committee and the support which would be available to them for their election campaigns. An initial circular alerting divisions and associations to the forthcoming elections and requesting assistance with the identification of potential candidates was produced in June. The Teacher also carried a feature on the elections and the support the Union offered to candidates. Current Union members on the GTCs were contacted via a letter from the General Secretary. The General Teaching Council for England – Race Equality Forum Throughout the year the Union continued to be represented at the above Forum. Topics at the meetings included race equality in schools, good practice in schools and local authorities, the GTC Survey of Teachers 2006, the GTC qualitative study on school policies on race equality, monitoring pupil progress, the community cohesion duty, inspecting for race equality and the role of governors, school improvement partners and local authorities in supporting schools to implement the Race Relations (Amendment) Act. Report of the Executive 2008 5.6 (a) (b) 5.7 (a) (b) 5.8 (a) (b) (c) 103 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee GTC(E) Consultation on Draft Statement of Inter-Professional Work with Children The Union responded to the above consultation in May. Whilst agreeing that support for interprofessional working within children’s services was long over-due, it had a number of concerns about the draft statement, not least of which was the intended purpose of the document. In addition, the Union identified a clear overlap between the document and the professional standards for teachers. The status of the GTC(E)’s document was unclear, which was particularly important given that it covered the contractual duties of some teachers. It was suggested that unless the purpose and status of the statement were made explicit, it was unlikely that it would have a significant impact on the teaching profession. Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) The Union continued to be represented at termly meetings between the TDA and the teachers’ associations. Issues raised by the Union included the Graduate Teacher Programme, in particular, employment in schools requiring special measures and its recognition overseas; specialist early years teacher training, including the alignment of the QTS Standards, ITT provider requirements and the Early Years Professional Standards; school placement difficulties; and the Overseas Trained Teacher programme, including the impact of the changes made to the “four year rule”. The Union continued to be represented on the TDA’s Continuing Professional Development Strategy Group and continued to identify the priorities within the strategy. TDA Consultation on Proposals for Improving the Quality of the Graduate Teacher Programme In June the Union responded to the above consultation. It welcomed many of the proposals it contained, which had been suggested previously by the Union in discussions with the TDA, such as personalised training programmes for trainees, with indicative amounts of time for training activities allocated as standard; the strengthening of the requirement for trainees to have experience of teaching in at least two schools; the opportunity for those on the Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) to follow an award-bearing course, as those on other ITT routes could do; and the same quality assurance mechanisms and links to placement schools as other ITT routes required. The Union’s response identified a number of concerns and further suggestions to improve the experience of trainees. It argued strongly that a statutory entitlement to a reduced teaching timetable and associated responsibilities was needed to support the training process. Improvements in the initial and on-going identification of trainees’ training needs were also required, as was support for school based mentors. In addition, the Union highlighted a number of issues on which it had undertaken casework but which were not referred to in the consultation document. These included the lack of recognition of the GTP by other countries and arrangements for trainees where a placement school was deemed to require special measures by OFSTED or a Designated Recommending Body was failed by OFSTED during the training period. 5.9 National Reference Group for Professional Development The Union continued to be represented on the above TDA Group, which met half termly during the year. The Group considered a wide range of issues, including a national database of CPD provision; a code of practice for CPD providers; the communication of the agreed national priorities for CPD; and CPD for school leaders. In addition, members of the group regularly shared their own organisations’ plans for teachers’ CPD. 5.10 National College for School Leadership (NCSL) The Union continued to be represented at termly meetings between the NCSL and the teachers’ associations. Topics discussed included the National Professional Qualification for Integrated Centre Leadership; succession planning strategies; and revisions to the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers. 5.11 National Professional Qualification for Head Teachers The Union was represented at three consultative seminars in May, June and October on the redesign of the NPQH. The events were designed to gather views on the changes necessary to make the qualification fit for purpose and relevant to the current policy climate, particularly in terms of succession planning. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 5.12 (a) (b) 104 Report of the Executive 2008 Succession Planning The Union was represented at six regional succession planning workshops in June and July. The NCSL-led workshops were designed to explore the challenge of leadership succession and to discuss the case for local solutions within a national context. They also provided attendees with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with national support materials and develop ideas for partnership working. The Union also continued to be represented on the national succession planning advisory group, which met termly throughout the year. The group continued to develop and monitor all aspects of the national strategy for school leadership succession planning. 5.13 Joint NUT/NCSL Research In partnership with the National College for School Leadership the Union agreed to conduct research on successful leadership for promoting the achievement of white working class pupils. The purpose of the research is to identify key leadership characteristics required to effectively promote achievement of white working class pupils. It will seek to identify the key challenges faced by school leaders in promoting the achievement of white working class pupils. Further it will identify the support and professional development required to enable school leaders to develop the key characteristics. It is expected that the research findings will be published by the end of 2008. 5.14 Equal Access to Promotion: A Leadership Programme for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Teachers in Middle Leadership/Management and Aspiring to Promotion During 2007 the Union renewed its successful relationship with the National College for School Leadership (NCSL) to agree a revised Equal Access to Promotion professional development programme for BME teachers. During the 2007/8 and 2008/9 school years, the NCSL and the Union’s professional development programme will, in partnership, commission four Equal Access to Promotion courses. Each EAP course will be open to around 20 BME teachers. Each Equal Access to Promotion course will create a BME forum focused on developing participants’ effective leadership skills and attributes. It will support participants in identifying and beginning to address their further professional development needs in progressing towards senior leadership. Participants will usually have between four and nine years of teaching experience and will currently be in middle leadership/management in schools and intending to seek more senior school leadership positions in the near future. (a) (b) (c) (d) 5.15 Aspiring to Lead: Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Teachers in 2nd to 5th Years of Teaching During 2007 the above highly successful CPD programme was offered to BME teachers. The aims of the programme are to: extend participants’ leadership skills and their knowledge about leadership; identify career development options with an emphasis on leadership roles within schools; focus on current pathways to leadership (e.g. NCSL/NUT CPD opportunities/ key experiences) and enable participants to plan, or consolidate, their route map to leadership; and provide entry to the NUT’s ‘BME leadership tracking’ project. 5.16 (a) Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) The Union met three times during the year with the QCA to exchange information on such areas as the 14-19 specialised diplomas, the new secondary curriculum, the new GCSE specifications, controlled assessments and functional skills. The Union expressed its concerns at these meetings about the implementation of so many initiatives for 2008. The QCA assured teacher associations that information concerning these initiatives would be made widely available on the QCA’s website, as well as notification going out to head teachers. The Union emphasised that the new flexibilities in the secondary curriculum should not be used solely for ‘catchup’ time for students. This was an opportunity for schools to adapt their own curriculum using the new QCA framework and therefore to work more creatively across the curriculum. The Union chaired these meetings on behalf of the teacher associations and of the wider group, including representatives from the QCA. (b) 5.17 (a) (b) Meeting on the Secondary Curriculum In January 2007 the Union invited Mick Waters of the Qualification and Curriculum Authority to discuss proposals for the new National Curriculum. Members of the Union’s relevant Advisory Committees and Task Groups were invited to attend. Mick Waters outlined the proposals for a new National Curriculum which was intended to be more flexible in nature and reduced in content. It was also intended to enable a greater element of cross curricular working and school curriculum design based on the introduction of cross curricular themes. Report of the Executive 2008 (c) (d) 5.18 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 5.19 (a) (b) (c) 105 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Members attending the meeting welcomed the increased flexibility but suggested that teachers would benefit from support through non statutory guidance in order to translate the National Curriculum into an effective school curriculum in the most effective manner. Concern was expressed also that while QCA’s more creative approach to the new National Curriculum and recognition of the importance of teacher professional judgement in applying the National Curriculum in an appropriate manner were welcome, that there remained potential barriers to a more creative approach to the curriculum beyond the design of the National Curriculum itself. Such barriers could include national test regimes, performance tables and targets based on test outcomes, punitive inspection arrangements, and a culture of undervaluing teachers’ professional expertise and their role in shaping the curriculum Mick Waters emphasised that the QCA would continue to work closely with the NUT on developments concerning the new secondary curriculum, and urged individuals at the meeting to complete the consultation questionnaire to make their views known. The QCA Consultation on the Secondary Curriculum In February, the NUT responded to the QCA’s Secondary Curriculum Review. The Union said that the primary curriculum should have been subject to review at the same time as the secondary curriculum with a view to stripping out unnecessary requirements and ensuring consistency and continuity in the remaining levels across each stage. The Union welcomed the QCA’s attempt to establish a professional dialogue concerning the aims and purposes of the National Curriculum and welcomed the focus in each programme of study which signposted opportunities for cross-curricula learning. There were more opportunities for schools to have more flexibility over the design and shaping of the new curriculum through the four new curriculum dimensions; the global dimension; enterprise; creative and cultural understanding. The new flexibility created, however, should not be used solely for ‘catch up’ lessons for those pupils not achieving level 4 or above. The Union believed that an independent review of Key Stage 3 assessment needed to take place which evaluated the role of assessment for learning and examined the purpose of summative assessment. The functional skills in the revised programme for study for English and maths at Key Stage 3 should not increase workload for teachers. The Union regretted that food teaching was to be optional in the Key Stage 3 curriculum and recommended that food technology become a statutory part of the new curriculum. The Union questioned the capacity for schools to introduce in 2008, both a revised secondary curriculum and the new 14-19 diplomas. The Union requested that secondary schools should be granted an additional professional day within the school year of 2007/08 in order to plan for the new curriculum and diplomas. The Union was represented at a “single issues” meeting with the QCA to discuss the introduction of the new secondary curriculum and was present at the launch in February. In July, the Union informed schools through a NUT News, that the new programmes of study at Key Stages 3 and 4 would be laid before Parliament and schools would receive them in September 2007 for teaching in September 2008. In this guidance, the Union emphasised that no revision of the secondary curriculum could be complete while National Curriculum testing at Key Stage 3 remained. It emphasised that test arrangements had an undue and damaging influence on what was taught in schools. The Union was the only teacher organisation to press for an additional training day to be given to schools for 2007/08. The Government subsequently granted this request through an announcement made by the new Secretary of State for Education that an extra INSET day would be allowed for all secondary schools to give teachers time to prepare for the new curriculum. Globalisation and Climate Change The Union welcomed the guidance in the section of the revised Key Stage 3 curriculum on global issues in the context of developing curriculum guidance on climate change. The Union endorsed the ‘signposting’ statements in the guidance, which embedded a global dimension across the curriculum. In November, the General Secretary wrote to Ken Boston, Chief Executive of the QCA, regarding the QCA advising schools on the impact of climate change. In his response, Ken Boston acknowledged the importance of young people having the opportunity to learn about the environment, sustainable development and climate change. He offered to work collaboratively with the Union to support schools further in this area. A meeting would be set up to discuss this. In his reply to a similar letter from the General Secretary, the Secretary of State referred to teaching resources on climate change available from other DCSF-sponsored agencies as well as proposed amended guidance to schools on using the film, An Inconvenient Truth. The Secretary of State asked to be kept informed of developments following the Union’s meeting with QCA. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 5.20 (a) (b) 106 Report of the Executive 2008 QCA’s Consultation on Controlled Assessments In July, the Union responded to the QCA’s report on controlled assessments. In its response, the Union emphasised that there was an overall burden of assessment within the statutory school system that was too high and should be reduced without compromising the validity and reliability of the system. The professional judgement of teachers would be central to these proposals in that teachers were best placed to set school assessment tasks. It was important that teachers and centres maintained the flexibility to adapt and choose tasks that suited their own local circumstances and the individual needs of their students. 5.21 The Institute of Educational Assessors The Union was represented on the Stakeholders Advisory Group that met three times in the year. At these meetings, teacher associations were given updates concerning membership of the Institute. The Institute had also been granted Royal Charter status and this would give the Institute the opportunity to develop the role of the chartered assessor. The Union would consider this role in future meetings with the Institute. The Union emphasised that all teachers were assessors and that all teachers should be given the opportunity to take on this role in their schools. 5.22 (a) Stakeholder Group Meeting with Teacher Associations, OCR and AQA The Union was represented at meetings with the OCR and AQA awarding bodies in November 2007 which exchanged views on the new 14-19 diplomas, functional skills, the extended project and new GCSE specifications. The Union emphasised again how crucial it was that teachers and lecturers received relevant professional development in readiness for the introduction of the new qualifications and that this needed to be in place well before the 2008 roll-out. The awarding bodies agreed they would take this issue up with the DCSF and the QCA. (b) 5.23 (a) (b) (c) (d) 5.24 (a) (b) (c) Standing Joint Committees The Union continued to provide secretarial support to the London Standing Joint Committee, which comments on the administration and content of Edexcel examinations. It continued also to nominate and support members of the Union to the Standing Joint Committees (SJCs) for the OCR, WJEC and AQA awarding bodies. SJCs are formed from nominees of each of the teachers’ and head teachers’ associations, and provide an independent commentary on the examinations process based on comments submitted by schools. There was an active NUT presence on each SJC. The LSJC met in March and September, and submitted its full report on the summer 2007 examinations process to Edexcel in November. A meeting with Edexcel officials to discuss their response to the report was scheduled for early 2008, following which it was anticipated that the report would be made available to centres on Edexcel’s website. This followed negotiations from the previous year to allow centres access to the reports without the need to place a request directly with Edexcel to be sent an electronic copy. The Union’s nominees on the AQA SJC continued to be concerned that the NASUWT had withdrawn its secretarial support from the SJC from 2006 onwards, although it continued to nominate members to the SJCs and to provide meeting rooms free of charge to the SJC. However AQA continued to work positively with the SJC and SJC nominees had been able once again to produce a full report of comments on examinations. Chairs and secretaries of the SJCs met collectively in October and agreed a joint approach to publicising the SJC comments system and to making comment forms available online for 2008. Meetings at office level would continue into 2008 to facilitate this process. Liaison with Awarding Bodies The NUT continued to be represented on the Edexcel Stakeholder’s Forum. The Union was represented also on the OCR London and South East Regional Consultative Committee. In each case the Union was able to convey its views on a range of issues related to qualifications. A significant issue dealt with through the awarding bodies was the issue of diploma development. The Union continued to outline its concerns about the timetable for reform, and urged awarding bodies to consider carefully their role in the provision of professional development for teachers who would be involved in teaching on diploma learning programmes. The Union also outlined its concerns about Edexcel’s “results plus” service to candidates, whereby candidates could be notified of their results over the internet. The Union stressed that the receipt of results could be an emotional experience for students and that they were often better receiving their results in an environment where good advice and guidance could be provided in light of their results. The Union did not consider that this kind of service could be extended to students through an electronic format. Report of the Executive 2008 107 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (d) There were also workload issues that could arise from the service to students as more staff could be expected to be in schools during the examinations period. The Union would continue to debate this issue further with Edexcel. 5.25 (a) Liaison with the National Assessment Agency The Union continued to meet on a termly basis with the National Assessment Agency through its NAA/Teacher Associations group. The group discussed a range of issues related to assessment issues from the early years to Key Stage 3. Following a recommendation to Government in November 2006, the proposal to launch a statutory Key Stage 3 ICT test was withdrawn. This reflected the Union’s preferred position that there should be no expansion of statutory testing. The Union also received updates about test maladministration procedures, in which there was no change from previous years. Investigations in maladministration continued to apply only to a very small number of schools and it was emphasised that the NAA role was to ensure the validity of test outcomes rather than to become involved in any disciplinary procedures. Very little feedback had been received on 2007 National Curriculum tests, which appeared to have gone well, although the Union maintained its policy stance of opposition to the tests and their high-stakes nature. Assurances were also received from NAA that they would continue to emphasise within the new arrangements for assessments in Key Stage 1 and the Foundation Stage the importance of the utilisation of teachers’ professional judgement and an approach that was not overly bureaucratic in terms of the collection of evidence. The teacher associations welcomed this assurance. (b) (c) (d) 5.26 The National Assessment Agency: The Examination Task Group The Union was represented at this Task Group which met three times in the year. At these meetings, OCR, AQA, Edexcel and WJEC gave an update on how the examination series had been delivered during the year. Other topics were discussed such as the modernisation of the examination system, estimated grades, the Chartered Assessor scheme and late examination entries. The Union raised issues concerning the publication of examination results, on screen marking and the 14-19 diplomas. 5.27 (a) Joint Council for Qualifications The Union continued to meet on a termly basis with the JCQ through the Teacher Association/JCQ Liaison Group. Additionally, the Union attended briefings on the summer examinations results in August, which helped to inform its response to the examination results. The Union provided the chairperson for the teacher associations’ side of the liaison group. Of continuing concern was the decline in the take-up of modern foreign languages qualifications. It was reported that the only involvement of the JCQ in this area had been in the languages strand of the 1419 diploma programme. A further continuing issue was the requirement on centres to provide estimated grades for examinations, which was seen by the Union as a bureaucratic burden upon teachers without the provision of a sufficient justification for their use in ensuring the maintenance of qualification standards. The Union, along with other teacher associations, continued to express its concern over the timetable of 14-19 reform, and in particular the development of the new diploma. There was continuing concern at the exclusion of teachers and lecturers from the development process, which had been completed through diploma development partnerships. The Union was also able to raise with JCQ concerns over the role of teachers in examination rooms at the start of examinations. A clarifying note was issued by JCQ to ensure that teachers who were required to check that procedures were in order for an examination were not then required to remain in the room if they were not invigilating The JCQ Timetabling Group met separately with the Union and other teacher associations to discuss the common examinations timetable. A particular priority was to minimise the number of clashes, although the number of examinations prevented the total avoidance of clashes unless the examinations period were to be extended. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 5.28 (a) 14-19 Alliance Meeting – Institute of Education The Union met three times with this group to discuss new developments in 14-19 education. A subgroup met to draw up the terms of a possible joint statement between stakeholders. These stakeholders also included representatives from ATL, the University of Greenwich, the UCU, NAHT, NASUWT, City and Guilds, and HMC. The sub-group concluded that more than just a statement of principles was needed and that this could be seen as a checklist or template against which to measure the effectiveness of Government initiatives and statements concerning 14-19 learning. It was intended that this would result in an Alliance Statement being published supported by practitioners with a possible launch in spring 2008. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 108 Report of the Executive 2008 (b) The group discussed the Government’s statement on expanding the 14-19 diplomas. It emphasised that this Government announcement was a rallying cry for the 14-19 Alliance in that this latest development could be portrayed as providing a more helpful policy framework against which to advocate the kind of changes in 14-19 learning the group had always sought to promote. The 14-19 Alliance would continue to meet to plan for a consensus well in advance of the proposed 14-19 Government review in 2013. 5.29 (a) 14-19 Nuffield Meetings The Union continued to be represented at the above meetings. Following its three Annual Reports, in 2004, 2005 and 2006, the Nuffield Review was producing Issues Papers which would focus upon specific areas of concern with a view to widening the debate and seeking further evidence from stakeholders, who were part of the 14-19 Nuffield Group. The Group had met three times to discuss the purpose of the new 14-19 diplomas and how they could improve learning in 14-19 education and training, 14-19 partnerships in local learning systems and the role of local authorities and their capacity to make decisions concerning diploma partnerships. The Union contributed to the debate at these meetings and would continue to be represented at future meetings. Professor Richard Pring, from the Directorate of the Nuffield Review, spoke at the Union’s National Education Conference in July and introduced an overview of the findings to date of the review, which he was leading. He said he was grateful to the Union for the support which it had extended to the review and to the help it had provided. (b) (c) 5.30 The Learning and Skills Council The Union was represented at a meeting in October to discuss the future of the Learning and Skills Council and how its evolving status needed to be clarified with stakeholder groups both at national and local level. The LSC confirmed that it was working with the DCSF on a 14-16 transition phase when the DCSF would take responsibility for overseeing new arrangements such as the transfer of school sixth form funding from the LSC to local authorities. Teacher associations raised again the importance of regional LSCs meeting with stakeholders at local level. 5.31 (a) UCU Following the advice of the Advisory Committee for Secondary Schools, the 14-19 and Examinations Task Group, and the 2006 Annual Conference resolution on 14-19 education, the Union met with colleagues from UCU to explore future areas of joint working on matters of mutual concern on 14-19 education policy. In February 2007, a delegation from each union met in Birmingham to explore areas of common interest and opportunities for co-operation. It was noted that both unions had similar policies on most aspects of 14-19 education, as well as many similar concerns about current reform, such as the development of a new diploma which had not sufficiently included representation from teachers and lecturers, the tight timetable for reform and the capacity of schools and colleges to respond to reform, and the pressures created by a system of increasing collaboration between schools and colleges. NUT and UCU members were both concerned that time and resources should be made available for liaison between schools and colleges within a local area. Both unions were concerned also that with the tight timescale for reform, effective and timely professional development was required for teachers and lecturers. Concern was expressed that the number of national agencies with responsibility for professional development co-ordination and provision meant that the system of training was complex. It was hoped that the Birmingham meeting would act as a precursor to future joint events between the unions on 14-19 education at local and national level. It is hoped that a joint national conference or seminar would be provided in 2008, and discussions on arrangements are ongoing. A joint statement of policy on 14-19 education was planned for 2008. It is intended that this will call in the longer term for a re-opening of discussions about a single diploma framework which recognises ability at a range of levels, can incorporate high quality ‘general’ and ‘vocational’ options for all students, and is based on principles of equality of opportunity and results in high quality, well regarded qualifications and offers meaningful routes for progression which will not restrict young people to narrow learning pathways or career options. (b) (c) (d) (e) 5.32 Lifelong Learning UK The Union was represented at a meeting in September 2007 with other trade union representatives to discuss issues such as professional development needs of the workforce in further education, particularly for the delivery of the new 14-19 diplomas and what role the TUC could play in supporting professional development in this sector. The group planned to meet again early in 2008. Report of the Executive 2008 109 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 5.33 NAYCEO The Department was represented at meetings with NAYCEO co-ordinated by the Membership and Communications Department to discuss educational issues such as the Union’s response to the Government’s consultation: Raising Expectations Staying in Education and Training Post-16’. NAYCEO representatives thanked the Education and Equal Opportunities Department for taking forward its concerns with the Government. 5.34 (a) Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR) During the year, the Union sponsored and worked in partnership with Love Music Hate Racism on a campaign targeting young people to tackle fascism and racism in their communities. The project involved the manufacturing and distribution of CD cover sleeves, the hosting of a live site for the new music to be downloaded and a wide media campaign notably with the music magazine NME. The project aimed to raise the awareness of fascist and racist political movements and ideological organisations which are present in society through new music promoting anti-racist messages from leading artists in the contemporary music scene. The Teacher distributed relevant materials. The Union also supported the development and production of a DVD, Who Shot the Sherriff? The General Secretary introduced the educational version of the film for use across schools as an educational resource for anti-racist education. The partnership with LMHR arose in response to concerns raised by members following the election of candidates on a far right platform on local councils in May 2006. (b) (c) (d) 5.35 Show Racism The Red Card The Union continued to support and sponsor the activities of Show Racism The Red Card. During this year, Show Racism The Red Card developed a new initiative, an Islamaphobia Education Resource. The education pack could be incorporated within the National Curriculum and featured sections which provided a variety of activities for different age groups and examined historical, social, political and current issues related to Islamaphobia. The section also highlighted contributions Muslims have made to society, including Muslim role models, and provided factual information to counteract myths and illustrated the diversity within Islam in order to challenge stereotypes. The Union was invited to be a member of the Advisory Group developing this education resource. 5.36 (a) Generating Genius In September the Union hosted an event with the above organisation which celebrated the achievement of young boys who had participated in a two year science leadership programme. The Union developed links with Generating Genius which recruits motivated school students from underrepresented backgrounds into the science leadership programme, providing students with knowledge in science, leadership, entrepreneurship, workplace experience, career planning and access into the top universities. The purpose of the event was to celebrate the achievements of a group of talented young black 14 year old boys. Speakers at the event included the General Secretary, Dr Tony Sewell, Generating Genius’s chief executive, and Professor Martin Earwicker, Director of the National Museum of Science and Industry. The young people had taken part in an exciting three year project called Generating Genius which aimed at encouraging and developing young under-privileged but talented boys from diverse backgrounds into scientific professions such as engineering, medicine, bio-technology and life sciences. Two of the project’s confident and articulate participants, Marcus and Shane, hosted the evening which consisted of research presentations reflecting the assignments that the boys had undertaken throughout the project. These presentations included topics such as malaria, robotics and mining in Sierra Leone, diabetes and a robotics fashion show. During the three years the boys took part in master classes and visited university science departments where they had the opportunity to engage in more challenging experiments. A number of participants had also spent the summer of 2005 at the University of West Indies in Jamaica. (b) (c) (d) 5.37 National Black Boys Can Association The Union worked in conjunction with the National Black Boys Can Association to host its Annual Conference. The theme of the conference was raising the academic attainment of black boys. Roger King, Executive member and Chair of the Union’s Equal Opportunities - Race Advisory Committee, represented and spoke on behalf of the Union. The event also celebrated the contributions made by educationalists to raise the academic achievement of black boys by hosting national awards in six different categories. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 5.38 (a) (b) (c) 5.39 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 5.40 110 Report of the Executive 2008 Children’s Workforce Development Council: Workforce Skills and Training Survey The Union responded to the above consultation in January, which sought views on the recruitment and training, qualifications and skills of all those working with children and young people. The Union’s response made explicit the link between recruitment and pay, citing this as the key reason for shortages of suitable numbers of well qualified staff, particularly in the early years and in the private, voluntary and independent sectors. The Union welcomed the investments made in the children’s workforce by Government to date, but argued that much more was needed if the workforce was to be up-skilled to the levels in other European countries. Compared to the rest of Europe, the proposed targets for the proportion of workers achieving Level 2 and 3 qualifications were seen as unambitious. Although the Union believed that most of the skills suggested in the consultation document were uncontroversial, it stated that they needed to be differentiated according to the particular level or post an individual was working at. It also stressed that qualifications needed to be relevant and, as part of this, qualified teacher status needed to be more valued by the CWDC and by Government in terms of the educational expertise it guaranteed. University of Cambridge Primary Education Review In February the Union submitted a detailed response to the above Primary Review. This brought together and showcased all aspects of Union policy relating to primary education, as well as setting out practical proposals and recommendations for its future development. The submission commented on a number of key areas of the review including teaching and learning; curriculum and assessment; school leadership; quality and standards; diversity and inclusion; settings and professionals; the voices of pupils and parents; community links; structures and phases; funding and governance. The Union argued that an independent review of the primary National Curriculum and its assessment arrangements was long overdue. It used a wide range of evidence to support its assertion that the current system of end of key stage testing had a detrimental effect on the educational experiences of pupils, which was subsequently referred to in detail in relevant Review Interim Reports. It recommended that the National Curriculum should be restructured as a broad statutory framework and that much greater use of assessment for learning, as well as teacher assessment, for summative purposes was needed. A system of national summary data collection, similar to that carried out previously by the Assessment of Performance Unit, could provide information on performance trends over time at the national level. The response proposed that schools needed a greater ability to innovate in order to serve the needs of their pupils. Examples given included an emphasis on play-based learning which would have benefits for children’s physical, social and cognitive development and proposed that all pupils should have a guaranteed entitlement to a range of enrichment experiences such as outdoor visits and activities. It gave consideration to the place of ICT as a primary learning tool and also highlighted the need for action to militate against the “digital divide” for some groups of pupils. A key theme of the Union’s response was the link between the quality of primary education and the qualifications, training and experience of those providing it. It argued strongly that primary head teachers must be qualified teachers who had both teaching and senior management experience in primary schools. It recommended that a baseline for primary school senior management team arrangements should be established, in order to provide sufficient support to head teachers. The Union’s response also proposed that every school should be required to have a minimum basic staffing establishment for teachers and support staff, supported by national annual targets for the total number of teachers and support staff in employment. To improve the quality of primary education, each teacher should receive an annual funded entitlement to CPD and legislation should be introduced to set maximum class sizes for the full primary age range, with further reductions for class sizes at Key Stage 1. In October and November the Committee considered the first interim reports to be published by the Review team, Community Soundings and How Well Are We Doing? The Committee felt that the Review’s findings confirmed Union policy. The Review’s findings were referred to in the Union’s manifesto, A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community. National Literacy Association (NLA) The Union continued to be represented on the Executive Committee of the NLA, which met four times in 2007. NLA continued to support literacy projects in Kirklees and Sandwell and also established a project to promote Caribbean children’s literature. In addition, it became involved in two new partnership projects, the latest publication from Authors Against SATs and a new cross-curricular resource, Reading Letters, the royalties of which would be received by the NLA. Report of the Executive 2008 5.41 (a) (b) 5.42 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 111 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Primary Umbrella Group (PUG) The Union maintained an important role in the organisation of PUG, which continued to attract high profile speakers. These included Professor Robin Alexander and Gillian Pugh, who made a presentation and led discussion groups on the Primary Review; Professor Peter Tymms on pupil achievement; and Christine Gilbert, HMCI, on the work of OFSTED. The termly meetings which took place over the year were well attended by representatives from a wide range of organisations and covered a number of important topics including personalised learning; the “Making Good Progress” pilot scheme; the Children’s Workforce Strategy; phonics and the teaching of reading; the primary mathematics review; target setting; and issues arising from the OFSTED Annual Report. Secondary Umbrella Group (SUG) The Union continued to be represented on the SUG Planning Group and to provide administrative support and resources such as accommodation for meetings held in March, June and November. At the March meeting, on “Key Stage 3 and Personalised Learning”, Di Bruce, the Deputy Head Teacher of Kidbrooke school in London, outlined the measures the school had taken in drawing up a creative curriculum to meet the needs of all young people. The approach of the school was to ensure that teaching staff supported the curriculum model in operation in the schools, and this helped to ensure that the curriculum was both coherent and motivating. Chrichton Casbon from the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority presented SUG members with information on the proposals for the new secondary National Curriculum, and the meeting was able to make a contribution to QCA’s ongoing consultation process for the National Curriculum review. The final speaker was Chris Watkins of the Institute of Education who explored the concept of personalised learning and the different interpretations placed upon it. At the June meeting, SUG members discussed the topic, “Can Assessment Better Support Curriculum Innovation?” Speakers were Ian Morris of Wellington College, Alison Ryan of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, Paul Wright of QCA and Andrew Hudson of the General Teaching Council for England, who outlined the GTC’s work and policy position on assessment issues. In November the final meeting of 2007 discussed the issue, “Why Faith Schools?” Speakers included Professor Anne West of the London School of Economics, who presented some research findings about the admissions policies and practices of London schools with a religious character and compared them to those of schools without a religious character. Keith Porteous Wood of the National Secular Society and Andrew Copson of the British Humanist Association put the case for all schools to be secular in nature, while Tom Peryer of the London Diocesan Board for Schools pointed out the popularity and demand for faith schools among faith communities, and argued that their retention provided those parents with a choice to have their child educated within the context of a religious ethos if they wished. Alison Ryan of ATL presented the outcomes of ATL’s policy work on faith schools, wherein ATL had called for the expansion of faith schools to be halted, and over time for existing faith schools to be encouraged to become secular local authority maintained schools. The meetings proved to be very informative and participants expressed their thanks to the SUG Planning Group for the quality of speakers provided and the in-depth discussion that took place. 5.43 Standing Committee for the Education of Teacher Training The Union continued to be represented at termly SCETT meetings. Discussions of this group focused on the education and professional development of teachers. Consideration was given to how the teacher associations could promote SCETT within their membership and allow for a more active involvement of learning representatives and other activists. It was also felt that the SCETT seminar programme should take into account the needs of the constituent members and engage in a critical review and debate of current policies and trends. 5.44 Council for Awards in Children’s Care and Education (CACHE) The Union was represented at the Annual General Meeting of CACHE in February and continued to be represented on its Executive Committee. CACHE had had to respond to a number of changes in policy concerning training, qualifications and skills strategies introduced recently. It had been successful in recruiting 15 per cent more candidates than the previous year and had become accredited to offer Early Years Professional Status. 5.45 (a) National Campaign for Real Nursery Education The Union’s support for the work of the NCRNE continued in 2007. The Executive Committee for the Campaign, on which the Union has full representation, met each term at NUT headquarters. The NCRNE’s campaigning activities included continuing to urge the Government to ensure that all Children’s Centres received sufficient funding to employ a full-time qualified teacher and that they were led by a head teacher with qualified teacher status. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (b) (c) 5.46 (a) (b) (c) (d) 5.47 (a) (b) 5.48 (a) (b) 5.49 (a) (b) (c) (d) 112 Report of the Executive 2008 At the AGM and Conference in June a resolution was passed which called for nursery provision to be protected and for teacher training to be improved to include the nought to three age range. NCRNE held its Parliamentary Meeting in March. The meeting was attended by 35 early years teachers. The Executive Committee discussed a range of topics at its termly meetings including: the Early Years Foundation Stage, the Early Years Professional qualification and the introduction of phonics teaching and the Letters and Sounds materials. Early Childhood Forum The Union continued to be represented at regular meetings of the Early Childhood Forum (ECF). ECF represents interested organisations across the range of provision for early years and provides members with the opportunity to exchange information. The Forum met five times in 2007 and submitted responses to a number of consultations. Sally Pickles and Joanna West updated members on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at the February meeting. Steve Broach from the Every Disabled Child Matters Campaign and Chrissie Meleady from Early Years Equality attended the April meeting. Kathryn Solly and Katie Watson talked about their work as Children’s Centre managers at the June meeting. The September meeting included presentations from Children in Scotland and the Wales Assembly Government. The November meeting was dedicated to a discussion on play. Presentations were made by Gail Ryder-Richardson from Learning Through Landscapes and Julie Fisher, who talked about play and the EYFS. The Union was also represented on the play leaflet sub-group of the Early Childhood Forum and led on the quality section of the Early Childhood Forum Workforce Leaflet. In 2008 the Union will be represented on the ECF Steering Group. Other topics discussed throughout the year included the ECF ‘Theories of Change’ document; the ECF Friends Scheme; OFSTED; the Training and Development Agency; the Maths Review; the ECF Workforce Leaflet and the Children’s Workforce Development Council. Children’s Play Council / Play England’s Play in Extended Services Advisory Group The Union was invited to join the above group following the launch of the Union’s play policy and attended two meetings in 2007. The aim of the group is to promote the importance of free play and to increase access to play provision within extended services. At the Summer meeting, the Union representative was asked to give a presentation on the Union’s play policy. The second meeting was dedicated to establishing the key issues for all of the constituencies represented on the group, including local authorities, voluntary groups and schools. Following small group discussion, the whole group prioritised areas of activity for the future. Education International School Leadership Meeting In May a representative of the Union attended the above two day residential event and gave a presentation on current issues for school leaders in England. This drew on the research the Union had undertaken and commissioned on this topic and identified a number of key themes and recommendations for action, which also had resonance with delegates from other countries. The main aim of the meeting was to enable delegates to share knowledge and experiences on how to cope with the changing role of school leaders and to discuss and recommend strategies for dealing with shortages of such staff. Die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) In February, the German teacher union, GEW, invited representatives from the NUT and NASUWT to discuss with GEW members and officers in Hamburg key issues including testing; inspection and accountability; organising and campaigning strategies; and privatisation at a three day seminar. The Union representatives made a number of presentations on the English education system, focusing on inspection/accountability and the importance of using international trade union structures such as Education International and ETUCE, as well as events such as this, to share experiences, in the same way that politicians did via European Union mechanisms. The seminar had as a theme equal opportunities and the structure of the educational system, including accountability, inspection, testing and workload issues. Working groups on these topics met three times during the course of the event. Representatives from the NUT and NASUWT were assigned to each group, to provide “expert” input to shape the discussion and answer delegates’ questions. The seminar also included a formal evening reception to meet representatives of Hamburg’s political parties and media, as well as visits to educational settings. Report of the Executive 2008 5.50 (a) (b) (c) (d) 113 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Laraforbundet /Kommunal/Unison Seminar In October the Union organised a successful seminar, “Fit for Purpose? – Exploring Workshop Issues in the Early Years”, jointly with Unison. A key aim of the seminar was to learn from the different experiences in England and Sweden, which were considered to be further ahead in early years developments. The event built on the work carried out previously on early years by Unison and the Union. Representatives from both organisations made keynote presentations, including a head teacher member of the Union’s Foundation Stage Working Party. Representatives from two Swedish unions, Laraforbundet and Kommunal, outlined the work they had done together on roles within the early years workforce, including a joint statement which addressed issues such as qualifications, staff responsibilities within teams and professional development activities. The seminar concluded with a general discussion session which enabled participants, who represented a full range of trade unions and national organisations concerned with early years provision, to put questions to speakers. 5.51 National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) In June the Union was represented at an NFER Advisory Group meeting which sought views on the current performance of NFER and its future development. Much of the discussion focused on how research achieved impact, its target audiences, dissemination of research findings and areas of activity such as consultancy and training. The outcomes of the meeting were used to inform NFER’s internal review and development plan. 5.52 (a) Personal Finance Education Group (pfeg) The Union continued to be represented on the Advisory Forum of the Personal Finance Education Group. The Union received feedback about the launch of the pfeg project, What Money Means, to be conducted in primary schools. The Union welcomed the initiative, especially as it was to be backed up with support and guidance for schools. The project was to be funded through HSBC, although the Union received assurances that pfeg would be working closely with HSBC to ensure that the programme had a firm educational basis and did not promote any financial provider’s services. The Union received assurances also that those entering schools to work on the programme would receive joint training with teachers and would be clear on the key role of teachers and the delineation of responsibilities within the classroom. Pfeg’s Learning Money Matters programme continued to be available to secondary schools and was increasing in popularity. The programme is now supported through a network of regional officers and advisers. (b) 5.53 (a) (b) 5.54 The ‘No Outsiders’ Project at University of Sunderland and Institute of Education. The Union continued to be represented on the Advisory Group for the No Outsiders project, which was researching approaches to sexualities equality in primary schools. This project is a ground-breaking new initiative to challenge homophobia and create more inclusive primary school environments, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, which is underway in primary schools in three regions of the country. The project, entitled No Outsiders, is taking place in schools in North East England, South West England, London and the Midlands. Participating teachers explored ways of challenging homophobic discrimination through the positive use of stories, drama and the visual arts, as well as through revision to school policies and the development of local authority guidance on challenging homophobia at primary level. Project outcomes include a range of approaches and resources to be submitted to a resource bank, a book of teaching ideas, a documentary film and a range of academic papers and publications. The project was led by researchers at the University of Sunderland in collaboration with the University of Exeter and the Institute of Education, University of London. The project was also supported by the General Teaching Council, Stonewall and the TDA. Stonewall Coalition Against Homophobic Bullying: Education for All The Union continued to be an active member of the Stonewall coalition, supporting its work of promoting a safe learning environment in schools for all pupils through challenging homophobia and ensuring non-stereotypical and positive information and images are provided about young people who are LGBT or who are questioning their sexual orientation. In June, the Union was represented at the annual Stonewall conference and the Union was approached to provide one of the key note presentations at this event on the links between sexism and homophobia. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 114 Report of the Executive 2008 5.55 Schools Out The Union continued to be affiliated to Schools Out and has worked closely with Schools Out to publicise and disseminate information about LGBT History Month. In November, the Union was represented at a pre-launch reception hosted by Baroness Scotland to mark the launching of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans History Month 2008. This reception was held at the Royal Courts of Justice. 5.56 Forum for London’s LGBT Organisations The Union continued to be represented at the quarterly meetings of London’s LGBT organisations at City Hall. Issues discussed over the year included the International Day against Homophobia, Pride 2007, the Stonewall campaign: Education for All, the London Olympic bid and civil partnerships. 5.57 Drug Education Forum The Union continued to be represented at the Drug Education Forum, an organisation consisting of representatives from leading national organisations in the field of health and in the voluntary sector. Issues discussed over the year included the evaluation of the Government’s drugs strategy, the Youth Matters Green Paper, the requirement for training PSHE teachers, and the Every Child Matters agenda. 5.58 (a) Gender and Education Association The Union was represented regularly at meetings of the Gender and Education Association. One of the main aims of the Gender and Education Association is to build bridges between the field of gender and education research and practice in the classroom. Issues discussed over the year included the annual GEA conference; the re-drafting of the GEA pamphlet to make it more attractive to practitioners and teachers; ways in which the GEA website could be developed to make it user friendly for practicing teachers; and ways in which the GEA could build links with teachers. (b) 5.59 (a) (b) (c) (d) Women’s National Commission Consultation on the Priorities for the Women’s Ministers. In September, the NUT participated in a consultation on the priorities for the Ministers for Women. The Union contended that the most important issue to be addressed in the area of supporting families should be enabling men to be able to spend more time with their children. The Union argued that the greater sharing of caring and work would enable women greater equality within the work place. The Union called on the Government to do more to challenge the stereotype that caring for children is women’s work. The Union called on the Ministers for Women to campaign for the UK to sign up to the EU law limiting long working hours to tackle the UK’s long hours working culture. The Union also called in its response for the Government to grant the right for all employees to work flexibly and for the Government to give much more encouragement to men to take up flexible working options whether they had children or not. The Union also argued that paternity leave should be earning related. The Union welcomed the fact that one of the top three issues outlined by the Ministers for Women was tackling violence against women. The Union argued that preventative education was a vital strand in the work towards the elimination of such violence. Preventative education would focus on students’ attitudes, expectations and values in an attempt to help them to become critically aware of the socialisation process and structures within society that lead to the problems of male violence against women. The Union argued that one of the priority issues for the Ministers for Women should be enabling black and minority ethnic women to benefit from increased employment opportunities. 5.60 Refuge The Union continued to liaise with Refuge, the National Charity for Women and Children - against Domestic Violence. The Union was represented at the fifth annual domestic violence conference in November in London. The Union was invited to provide a key note presentation on preventing domestic violence through education. 5.61 Working Together – The Trade Union Collation to Campaign to End Violence against Women In June the Union was represented at a TUC Forum at Congress House which discussed trade unions campaigning to end violence against women. Professor Liz Kelly, Chair of End Violence against Women, discussed the TUC initiative, why the campaign was needed and the importance of the gender equality duty in relation to addressing violence against women within schools. Report of the Executive 2008 5.62 (a) (b) 5.63 (a) (b) 115 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Equal Opportunities Commission In March the Union was represented at a conference in London called “Gender Equality Duty – Are Schools Ready?” The President of the Union, Judy Moorhouse, spoke at the conference and welcomed the Government’s decision to encourage schools to promote gender equality. The Union continued to be represented at the reference group for parents and carers convened by the Equal Opportunities Commission. At the March meeting of the coalition, the meeting discussed the Work and Family Bill and other related issues, such as additional paternity leave. Womankind Worldwide The Union continued to liaise with Womankind Worldwide in relation to their programme, Challenging Violence Changing Lives, which involved 11 UK secondary schools between October 2004 and July 2007. The Challenging Violence Changing Lives project aimed to create school environments where young women and men feel safe from violence and have confidence to negotiate healthy relationships. The Union was represented at reference group meetings and was asked to provide one of the keynote presentations at the launch of the project’s report in November in London, which was attended by over 100 delegates. 5.64 Disability Rights Commission (DRC) Throughout the year the Union continued to work with the DRC on issues relating to disability equality in schools, especially in the run up to the period in October when the DRC became incorporated within the Commission for Equality and Human Rights. 5.65 (a) Disabled Members Network The Union set up a Disabled Members Network following responses to an article published in The Teacher. The article asked teachers about their fitness to teach rather than whether they considered themselves to have a disability. The network has 50 members who are from the range of school sectors and divisions across the country. The Union will be working to increase the membership over the coming year. (b) 5.66 (a) (b) 5.67 (a) (b) Special Educational Consortium The Union continued to be represented at meetings of the Special Education Consortium, a broad consortium of voluntary organisations, professional associations and local government organisations concerned with children with special educational needs. The monthly meetings discussed issues such as the Government’s SEN strategy; SEN and funding issues; admissions and exclusions; exclusions rates in Academies; the separation of funding from statementing; school profiles; school improvement partners; the training needs of teachers; QCA secondary curriculum choice advisers and transition from primary education to secondary. Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) The Union continued to be represented on the London and South East User Group of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal. At the meeting held in November the group discussed the restructuring of the tribunals service and the implementation of the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act. Comments were made by the group on the quality of the SENDIST administration and some suggestions for further improvements were put forward. The Union representative commented on the delegation of statement funding to schools item on the agenda. 5.68 London Schools and the Black Child Conference In December, the Union supported and participated in the above conference organised by the London Mayor’s office. The Union had a stall displaying Union material at the conference, and also sponsored a seminar at which Professor Gus John spoke on the Union’s charter, Born To Be Great. 5.69 Black Teachers in London In February, the Assistant Secretary - Education and Equal Opportunities formally responded in a letter to the Greater London Authority Mayor’s Office responding to the Black Teachers In London report. The Union raised issues around the need for an action plan to facilitate the promotion of greater race equality in schools, including funding arrangements. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 5.70 (a) (b) 116 Report of the Executive 2008 Commission for Equality and Human Rights Following the merger of the Commissions for Equal Opportunities, Racial Equality and Disability Rights, the Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) came into being on 1 October 2007. The Union held an early meeting with the CEHR to ensure that education formed an essential and strategic part of the CEHR’s work. The Union in particular agreed to take part in the CEHR’s initiative on networks amongst equality officers across various sectors of the economy. The relationship with the CEHR is ongoing and is expected to be strengthened in the coming years. 5.71 The Runnymede Trust During the year the Union continued to enjoy a fruitful and productive relationship with The Runnymede Trust. The Union attended meetings of the Trust’s Faith Schools and Community Cohesion Advisory Group and kept a watching brief on its work to inform the Union’s Task Group on Faith Schools. 5.72 (a) Refugee Teachers’ Task Force During 2007 the Union continued to be represented on the above Task Force convened by the Employability Forum. The terms of reference of the Task Force have been to identify practical solutions to overcome the difficulties refugee teachers face. They include: accessing accurate information and advice; gaining recognition of their qualifications and previous teaching experience; accessing intensive English and communication skills; gaining exposure to the UK workplace; identifying an appropriate pathway to QTS or support role and finding a job and career progression. The Task Force also identified the challenges which employers face in recognising the potential which refugee teachers bring to the UK workforce, integrating refugee teachers and supporting their career progression. The Task Force has now completed its work and concluding discussions have been held on the implementation of its recommendations, the role of supplementary schools, engaging employers and delivering an awareness raising campaign. (b) (c) 5.73 National Coalition to Defend Religious and Cultural Expression (a) In July, the General Secretary was invited by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to join the above coalition. Its aims and objectives are: “to work to defend the right of every individual to freely pursue their beliefs, regardless of creed, gender or ethnicity, subject only to their conscience and to the necessary and proportionate protection of the rights and the freedoms of others; to raise awareness of violations of freedom of religious and cultural expression; to challenge through constructive means encroachments upon freedom of religious and cultural expression, and promote mutual understanding and respect among individuals of all faiths and none; and to monitor and raise awareness of the existence and extent of Islamophobia throughout society - in political discourse, media, education, employment, service provision, and in day-to-day life.” (b) Meetings to date have discussed a wide range of issues including launch of the coalition, membership and role of the executive group, a seminar on law, conscience and morality and open days at places of worship. 5.74 Rise: London United Against Racism For the first time, Rise combined with the Dagenham Town Show on Saturday 14 July, bringing the anti-racist message to the festival through the main stage music programme and the Rise: United Against Racism exhibition area. The Union supported the festival by sponsoring an advertisement in the festival brochure and by displaying Union materials on a stall in the exhibition area. 5.75 Kick it Out The Union continued to liaise with Kick it out throughout the year. The Union held meetings with the Chief Executive and the Education Officer of Kick it Out to agree areas of mutual interest and joint projects in the future. The Union advised Kick it Out on the establishment of an education committee to help support and develop its educational activities. The Union is a member of the education committee which consists of a number of key experts within the field who shape Kick it Out’s work within education and provide valuable advice, support and assistance. 5.76 (a) TUC Women’s Conference The Union sent a delegation of 15 to Scarborough in March, including regional representatives. The chair of the Union’s Equal Opportunities - Gender Advisory Committee, Max Hyde, was nominated to the TUC Women’s Committee. The Conference debated issues such as statutory rights for equality representatives, gender proofing public service delivery, maternity pay in the public sector, valuing part time work, pensions, human trafficking and migrant domestic workers and female genital mutilation. TRADES UNION CONGRESS (b) Report of the Executive 2008 (c) (d) 5.77 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 5.78 (a) (b) (c) 5.79 (a) (b) (c) (d) 117 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Union spoke in support of motions on promoting the gender equality duty, time off for dependants and the trafficking of Eastern European women into the UK. The Union’s motion called upon the TUC to raise awareness of the sexist and sexual bullying of young women; and to remind workers of their statutory rights to protection from sexual harassment. TUC Black Workers’ Conference 2007 A Union delegation of 11, including five regional representatives and two visitors, attended the 2007 TUC Black Workers' Conference held in Bristol in April. The theme of the conference, “Work in Freedom”, was a reminder of the slave trade of the past and a reminder that slavery is still in existence today. The Conference was chaired by Roger King of the Union’s National Executive. In his opening address he emphasised that it was vital that black activists used opportunities such as the conference productively to strengthen the bonds between black workers. He said that it was important to recognise the legacy of the slave trade in terms of racism that exists today. A PCS emergency motion on the cuts in public services was seconded by NUT President, Baljeet Ghale. She summarised the effect the Labour Government had had on education over the last ten years, including privatisation in education, undermining of conditions of work for public sector workers and attempts to introduce discriminatory and de-motivating public sector pay policies. The Union also supported a motion on slavery. Leonora Smith seconded the motion. She emphasised that adults needed to pass the knowledge and experience of black history to enable children to regain dignity. She called on delegates to explain to children that their ancestors had fought for their rights to freedom from slavery. She explained that children needed to know their history so that they could regain their pride and move forward to challenge the aftermath which had resulted from the slave trade. Aftab Zia seconded the UCU motion on demonisation of Muslim communities. He said that the pressure on universities and colleges to monitor extremism among Muslim and ‘Asian looking’ students had led to Muslim students experiencing an added burden, as preconceived ideas about Muslims existed which were negative and automatically associated them with terrorism. This pressure had had a detrimental effect which demonised the Muslim community. Guest speakers at the conference included: TUC General Secretary, Brendan Barber: TUC President, Alison Shepherd; Professor Gus John and Chili Evans, Equality Officer, Public Services International. Delegates voted in favour of the motion on slavery to go forward to the 2007 TUC Congress. TUC LGBT Conference The Union sent a delegation of 12, including regional representatives, to the TUC LGBT Conference in June. The chair of the NUT LGBT Working Party, Tim Lucas, was nominated to the TUC LGBT Committee. The Conference debated the Commission for Equality and Human Rights and LGBT issues, LGBT liberation, religious intolerance to the LGBT community, trans memorial ribbon, census 2011, monitoring sexuality in the workplace, promoting LGBT equality in the world trade union movement and supporting LGBT parents and carers. The motion selected to go to the TUC Congress in September was entitled, “Strengthening the Framework for Fairness”, which expressed concern about Government guidance for schools on the sexual orientation regulations which specifically advised that it was lawful to teach that same sex sexual activity was a sin. The motion urged affiliates to lobby for the strongest and most comprehensive single equality bill. The motion submitted by the Union was “Sharing Best Practice” and the Union spoke in the debates on LGBT portrayal in broadcasting, LGBT liberation and strengthening the framework for fairness. TUC Disability Conference The Union sent a delegation of 12, including five regional representatives, to the TUC Disability Conference. Mandy Hudson, member of the NUT Disability Working Party, was nominated to the TUC Disability Committee. She was also the co-chair of the Conference. The Conference debated the Union’s motion on sickness absence monitoring. The motion called on the TUC to bring together all affiliates to develop strategies to lobby Government to make available the funding necessary to make disability leave a practical reality. The motion was passed by Conference. The Union spoke in favour of a motion on the portrayal of disabled people in broadcasting. The Union said that the media was seriously lacking in its portrayal of disabled people. The motion called on Conference and disabled people to harness the power of the media in order to become accepted. Other motions discussed included unclaimed disability benefits, the Mental Health Bill, dyslexia and the recruitment and selection of disabled people. The motion selected to go to TUC Congress in September was on the Single Equality Act. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 5.80 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 118 Report of the Executive 2008 TUC Equality Officers Briefing The Union was represented at the TUC briefings for equalities officers throughout the year. At the November meeting there was a briefing on the Equality and Human Rights Commission by the Commissioner, Kay Carberry. The meeting was informed that the Commission would be completing work which had been started by the individual commissions. Wilf Sullivan, TUC Race Equality Officer, made a presentation on tackling race discrimination in the workplace. The NUT was thanked for sending in a good practice example of a disability leave policy to the TUC which will be used as part of a seminar on sickness absence and disability discrimination in spring 2008. Other issues on which equalities officers were updated at the meeting were: the TUC Equality Audit 2007; the Single Equality Bill; the Discrimination Law Review; the gender equality duty; the Women and Work Commission; the Trans Pride march and age discrimination. In December, the Union responded to an equality survey from SERTUC, the TUC in London, the South East and Eastern region. The TUC LGBT Committee drafted a paper outlining a new approach to sexuality and gender identity in the education system. The Union assisted in the drafting of this policy statement which argued for an overhaul of the approach to issues around sexual orientation within the education system because of the urgent need to tackle prejudice and ignorance in society. The TUC argued that young people should be educated to accept diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity in the same way that they are, or should be, taught to respect differences of gender, race and disability 6. THE NUT’S CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) PROGRAMME (a) The Union’s CPD programme has consolidated its reputation as a provider of professional development during this year. The Education and Equal Opportunities Committee and MLG have received regular updates from the Assistant Secretary – Education and Equal Opportunities based on evaluations from participants, and have been kept informed about spending against the allocated CPD budget. The majority of professional development opportunities were organised at Stoke Rochford or NUT Headquarters in London; however, events were also organised in Cardiff (4), Hull (3), Bristol (3), Manchester, Exeter (2), Southampton, Norwich, Harlow, Birmingham (2), Hounslow, Bedford, Durham (3), Cambridge, Plymouth, Scotch Corner, Leeds, Bolton, Doncaster, Stafford, Haywards Heath (2), Liverpool and Newcastle. The range of conferences, seminars and learning opportunities designed to provide sustained and collaborative professional development has continued to expand steadily. Participants have appreciated the opportunity to implement their learning in their classrooms and then have an opportunity to discuss this with other teachers who have tried out similar teaching and learning strategies with their pupils and students. The organisation of teacher-to-teacher learning to take place had to be balanced against the continuing difficulty that some schools have in releasing teachers to attend professional development outside school. Evaluations from participants have been overwhelmingly positive about the content of professional development programmes and also the ‘no threat, no blame’ learning environments that the tutors seek to establish. The evaluations have also shown appreciation for the organisation and administration of the programme and the quality of the venues that have been chosen, including the food and refreshments provided. It has continued to be a priority for the CPD programme that, as well as providing high quality, independent tutors who are leaders in their fields, the programme ensures that the learning venues used meet the very high standards that teachers deserve. The staff at Stoke Rochford, Hamilton House and all the hotels and outside venues used have played a very important part in making participants feel well looked after, valued, and ready for learning – their support is highly appreciated. The Teacher and the CPD section of the Union’s website continued to be the main means by which the CPD programme is advertised. A four page pull-out guide to the autumn term was included in the June/July edition of The Teacher; and an A3 loose insert informing teachers about the CPD Programme in the early part of 2008 was included in the December edition. Earlier in the year, in January and April, A3 posters were sent to NUT representatives in all schools for display to inform teachers about the professional development opportunities available to them as provided by the Union. Occasional adverts, as the budget allows, in the Times Educational Supplement and other journals added to the publicity given to the programme. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Report of the Executive 2008 (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) 6.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 119 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Full completion of many NUT CPD programmes by teachers in England who are registered with the General Teaching Council entitles them to achieve the GTC’s Teacher Learning Academy Professional Recognition for their learning (Stage 1). Enrolment in the TLA is optional and an increasing number of participants have chosen to complete this process. The expectations of the TLA are highly compatible with the approaches to professional learning which NUT CPD programme has developed since 2000. Participants who completed NUT CPD courses which include a follow-up seminar met all the requirements of the TLA. Participants in other NUT CPD courses which do not involve a follow-up event were given all the information they required to make an enrolment/presentation to the TLA, although they needed to arrange their own validating ‘professional conversation’ with a colleague about their learning to complete the requirements. Overall, the development of the Teacher Learning Academy has provided a welcome additional accreditation option for participants and the Union continues to support its development and expansion by the GTC in England. The GTC in Wales has continued to offer professional development bursaries to teachers in Wales and this has been welcomed by schools and teachers and applauded by Estyn. Direct mailing, by post and increasingly by email as more members inform the Union of their email addresses and use that form of communication, has been used to supplement the general publicity strategies described above. School leaders, CPD co-ordinators and the network of e-Contacts are kept informed of all the opportunities that are available to both themselves and their colleagues The NUT’s Union Learning Representatives are also regularly provided with information and invited to provide feedback about the CPD programme. They play a very important role in ensuring that teachers are aware of the opportunities available to them. Philippa Cordingley, Director of the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE), continued to act as consultant to the programme. The Department continued to co-ordinate with the Membership and Communications Department about the CPD programme and its links to the Union’s training programme. In particular, there was direct coordination around the new ‘Just Qualified’ seminars introduced during the summer term and ongoing collaboration about communications with members about the CPD programme. Regular liaison meetings continue between staff organising the CPD programme and staff leading the NUT’s national training programme. Developments During 2007 The first round of Learning Circles was completed in Bedford, Hounslow, and Harlow and Epping. The majority of participants completed the programme of seminars, submitted a portfolio of evidence based on their own in-school investigations and were awarded a post-graduate Certificate in Educational Enquiry by the University of Cambridge. Participants found that the Learning Circles were very engaging and empowering. Being able to focus on a particular teaching and learning interest of their choice ensured that participants were highly motivated and felt that their involvement in the Circle was very worthwhile. 2007 marked the bicentenary of the legislation which heralded the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The Union carried out a number of activities to commemorate this occasion. A major incentive was the development and delivery of a professional development programme entitled ‘Walking with Curators’. The NUT CDP programme brought together teachers and experts in museums in London, Hull, Liverpool, Bristol and Newcastle. Each event was based on two one-day seminars (about eight school weeks apart) and were open to all teachers. The ‘Walking with Curators’ seminars coincided with the visit of the touring exhibition/installation ‘La Bouche de Roi’, to a museum/gallery in each city. ‘La Bouche de Roi’ was created by the artist Romuald Hazoumé of the Republic of Benin, West Africa, and was named after a place on the coast of Benin from where enslaved people were transported for hundreds of years. The purpose of the CDP programme was to support teachers who wished to teach about slavery, its abolition and its legacy to diverse groups of young people; use evidence, artefacts and original documents to underpin teaching and learning – supported by visits to and borrowing from museums and the use of photographic/internet records; and to develop more sustainable and mutually-beneficial partnerships with museums, curators and museum/gallery education officers. Participants took part in an initial one day seminar at the museum working with exhibits and education/liaison staff – facilitated by Jenny Mitchell. Jenny is a writer/researcher who was commissioned by the NUT CDP Programme to take this lead facilitating role. Participants then tried out strategies/ideas in their teaching and returned for a follow-up seminar. It is intended that in 2008 a plenary day will be held in London to bring all the participants together to share learning. A joint publication with the British Museum is also being developed as an outcome of this programme, which aims to be completed by the end of 2008. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) 120 Report of the Executive 2008 In addition, to mark the bicentenary, the Union commissioned a piece of music from a Ghanaian ensemble which was performed on the first night at the School Proms in November at the Royal Albert Hall. The Union offers the most coherent and targeted mix of behaviour management CPD currently available to teachers. Teachers are now able to identify the ‘behaviour’ professional development most appropriate to them at their current career stage. A ‘behaviour’ career map was published. ‘Start Right’ seminars were offered to teachers who were just qualified and about to take up their first teaching post; ‘Getting Behaviour Right’ was offered to NQTs in their second term, as was ‘Improving Behaviour for Learning’ for early career teachers in their second to fifth years of teaching. ‘Making Effective Interventions in Pupil Behaviour’ aimed at mid-career teachers with usually 7 to 20+ years of classroom experience; and ‘Leading Behaviour Improvement’ for head teachers and other teachers in the leadership group or with responsibility for behaviour improvement across schools were provided for experienced teachers. The NUT CPD programme provided a range of other courses including courses for supply teachers; teachers on or who had recently finished Graduate, Registered or Teach First training; and more specialist courses focusing on restorative approaches to conflict, working with other agencies within the Every Child Matters agenda and for teachers wishing to use transactional analysis in responding to more complex behaviour situations. During 2007, for the first time, an additional and unique opportunity was offered to NQTs and their mentors during the autumn term. ‘Getting the ******s to Behave’, tutored by Sue Cowley and Julie Temperley, was a very successful pilot seminar at NUT Headquarters. Support for SENCOs and other teachers leading on special educational needs was increased by the introduction of ‘SEN Provision Management’, tutored by Mary Hrekow at Stoke Rochford. Following a successful bid to the Department for International Development, the CPD programme was able to invite 12 pairs of secondary teachers to a new TEACHER2TEACHER programme ‘Internationalising Learning – International Development Throughout the Curriculum’. Thanks to the DFID grant, participants’ schools were offered supply cover to release pairs of teachers to attend this exciting new professional development. The number of applications exceeded considerably the number of places available and pairs were selected to provide a broad geographical and secondary subject range to ensure that this acted as a reliable pilot for future similar courses. Tutored by Cathryn Gathercole, an expert in development education, and Delphine Ruston, a secondary teacher and expert in peer coaching grown from the NUT’s CPD programme, participants enjoyed an initial two day seminar at Stoke Rochford before trialling ‘Internationalising’ strategies in their classrooms and schools. In partnership with the General Teaching Council in England, the CPD programme introduced new ‘Gaining Professional Recognition for your Learning’ seminars for supply teachers. At courses held In Scotch Corner and Haywards Heath, supply teachers were invited to a three hour seminar – during the afternoon or early evening – during which they were introduced to the Teacher Learning Academy and its expectations. These unique GTC/NUT CPD seminars complemented very successfully the ‘Supply Teachers – Managing Classroom Behaviour’ seminars which by the end of 2007 had taken place in Stoke Rochford (3), London, Walsall, Cardiff (2), Hull, Haywards Heath, Manchester and Birmingham. To support teachers faced with new performance management regulations, NUT CPD organised a series of seminars ‘The New Regulations – Burden, Threat or Opportunity? Reclaiming Performance Management’. These seminars were organised in London (2), Exeter, Southampton, Birmingham, Durham, Cambridge and Leeds. Penny Clayton and Nicky Anastasiou provided school leaders with examples of good practice which promoted trust, purposeful dialogue, staff development and learning. For black and minority ethnic teachers in their second to fifth years of teaching, the NUT CPD programme developed a new leadership learning opportunity ‘Aspiring to Lead’. This seminar at Stoke Rochford was tutored by Jan McKenley and allowed early career BME teachers to extend their leadership skills and plan for future promotion and/or leadership roles and responsibilities. During 2007 discussions with the National College for School Leadership were successfully completed with regard to reintroducing a remodelled ‘Equal Access to Promotion’ course for BME middle leaders who are aspiring to more senior leadership roles. The planning and commissioning of tutors for four EAP programmes during 2008 and 2009 was completed. In November a programme on enhancing the achievements of young bilingual learners was offered to teachers which proved to be very popular. The seminar helped participants to: understand the research background to the achievement of minority ethnic, and especially bilingual, children of primary school age and examine learning stereotypes held about specific linguistic/ethnic groups. The seminar also considered how a range of data on their own school’s provision should be collected and used intelligently and how to reflect on the implications for themselves and their school community, in terms of pedagogy and the provision of a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum. Report of the Executive 2008 (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z) (aa) (bb) 6.2 121 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee ‘Using ‘Restorative’ Approaches to Conflict’ stepped-up from a one day pilot seminar to a full teacherstogether programme at Stoke Rochford. Tutored by Paul Howard and Helen Kenward, participants were introduced to approaches which are grounded in the notion that harm has been done to relationships by conflict and this needs to be repaired. In support of the Every Child Matters agenda Peter Hrekow and John Parrott tutored an overnight seminar at Stoke Rochford focusing on teachers working with other agencies. ‘Looked-After Children and Creativity’ was tutored by Jenny Mitchell with Andrea Warman at NUT HQ in London. ‘One+One’ seminars continued with ‘Pupil2Pupil Peer Coaching’ (primary and secondary), tutored by Will Thomas and Sarah Mook and ‘Class Action – Raising The Education Achievements of White Working Class Pupils’, tutored by Phil Beadle. The NUT’s professional development around Pupil2Pupil peer coaching resulted in a successful bid to the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) for funding to produce a pamphlet for teachers. ‘When Harry Helps Sally (and vice versa) Pupil2Pupil peer coaching’ was made available and has been widely requested by teachers. The ‘Class Action’ course provided the central stimulus for a Teachers TV programme ‘White Underachievement – Putting class into the classroom’ which has been very well received. ( A further collaboration between NUT CPD and Teachers TV led to the ‘Great Books’ poll. This allowed teachers and other influential figures in the education world to identify the books that had most inspired them to be teachers or get involved in education. The Union sponsored ‘Classroom Monologues’, four programmes with scripts from classroom teachers, commissioned by Teachers TV. Around 750 scripts were sent in and the monologues attracted the highest numbers of viewers compared to other Teachers TV programmes. Three of the four winners were NUT members. To extend and maintain the successful behaviour CPD programme run by the Union some modest fees have been introduced for ‘behaviour’ courses for senior teachers, leaders and behaviour specialists. Within this more differentiated approach to charging, a small number of ‘at cost’ professional development opportunities have been introduced. The most prominent example of this was ‘Using Transactional Analysis’, tutored by Giles Barrow, which attracted 20 behaviour specialists to a course which had a much lower subsidy from the Union. More generally, it has been possible to continue to offer ‘core’ behaviour professional development free to members and at very modest costs to non-members; and teaching and learning CPD in general has continued to be offered at very affordable rates, much reduced to members. Learning Opportunities Provided During 2007 TEACHER2TEACHER programmes: ‘Internationalising Learning – International Development Throughout the Curriculum’ (Secondary) Tutors: Cathryn Gathercole and Delphine Ruston – Stoke Rochford Teach ‘n’ Chat: ‘Improving Behaviour for Learning’ (for early career teachers) Tutors: Pete Hrekow and Paul Howard – Stoke Rochford (2) teacherstogether ‘Developing Creativity Across the Primary Curriculum’ Tutor: Anna Craft – Cardiff ‘Integrating ICT Across the Primary Curriculum’ (‘Standard’ and ‘Advanced’) Tutors: David Benzie and Bridget Shillaber – Stoke Rochford ‘Valuing Cultural Diversity and Identity’ Tutor: Robin Richardson – Stoke Rochford ‘Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in Primary Classrooms’ Tutors: Amanda Rainger and Yvonne Lickerish – Stoke Rochford ‘Leading Behaviour Improvement’ Tutor: Rob Long – Stoke Rochford (2) ‘Using ‘Restorative’ Approaches to Resolving Conflict’ Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 122 Report of the Executive 2008 Tutors: Helen Kenward and Paul Howard – Stoke Rochford ‘Making Effective Interventions in Pupil Behaviour’ Tutor: Rob Long – Cardiff ‘Using Transactional Analysis’ Tutor: Giles Barrow – Stoke Rochford TWENTY-FOURS: ‘Supply Teachers – Managing Classroom Behaviour’ Tutor: Pete Hrekow – Haywards Heath, Cardiff, Manchester, Bristol (2), Birmingham ‘Aspiring to Lead’ Tutor: Jan McKenley – Stoke Rochford ‘Managing Behaviour in UK Classrooms’ (for Overseas Trained Teachers) Tutors: Paul Howard and Pete Hrekow – Stoke Rochford ‘NQTs – I Will Cope Well’ Tutors: Liz Floyer and Pete Hrekow ‘SEN Provision Management’ Tutor: Mary Hrekow – Stoke Rochford ‘ECM Working with Other Agencies’ Tutors: Pete Hrekow and John Parrott – Stoke Rochford ‘Improving Behaviour in the Classroom – GRTP’ Tutors: Pete Hrekow and Paul Howard – Stoke Rochford One-Day Conferences and Seminars: ‘Leadership Seminar – Performance Management’ Tutors: Penny Clayton and Nicky Anastasiou – London (2), Exeter, Southampton, Birmingham, Cambridge, Leeds and Durham ‘The Other Side of Silence’ Speakers included Julie Greer, Kenny Frederick, Robin Richardson and Chris Gaine – Norwich, Plymouth and Durham ‘Raising Achievements of Looked-After Children’ Tutors: Jenny Mitchell and Andrea Warman ‘Safe Places for Learning’ Speakers included Mark Jennett, Gertie Whitfield, Marian Rawson, Elizabeth Atkinson, Renee De Palma and Tom Middlehurst – London ‘Where Venus and Mars Meet? – The Characteristics of Effective Leaders’ Speakers included Adrian Percival and Jane Creasy – London ‘Getting the *******s to Behave’ Speakers: Sue Cowley and Julie Temperley – London ‘Walking with Dancers’ (at NEC Birmingham) ‘Just Qualified – Start Right’ Tutors: Pete Hrekow, Paul Howard and Liz Floyer – Durham, Bolton (2), Doncaster, Stafford, Cambridge, London (3), Haywards Heath, Exeter and Cardiff ‘Teaching and Learning about Abolition’ Tutors: Richard Stainton and Diane Walsh – International Slavery Museum, Liverpool ‘Enhancing the Achievements of Young Bilingual Pupils’ Report of the Executive 2008 123 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Tutor: Tony Eaude – London One+One: ‘Pupil2Pupil Peer Coaching’ (Primary and Secondary) Tutors: Will Thomas and Sarah Mook ‘Class Action – Enhancing Achievements of White Working Class Pupils’ Tutor: Phil Beadle – London ‘Walking with Curators’ Tutor: Jenny Mitchell – British Museum, London; Ferens Gallery and William Wilberforce House in Hull; City Museum in Bristol; and Laing Gallery in Newcastle ‘NUT/GTC (Supply Teachers) Professional Recognition for Your Learning’ Tutor: Allyson Ingall – Scotch Corner and Haywards Heath Learning Circles – NUT CPD in partnership with the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. Tutors: Ros Frost, Amanda Roberts, Joanne Waterhouse and David Frost – Bedford, Hounslow, Harlow and Epping Distance Learning – ‘Getting the Most Out of Your Coach or Mentor’; eBookClub based on ‘Thinking and Learning with ICT’ by Rupert Wegerif and Lyn Dawes; on line forums for ‘Aspiring to Lead’ and ‘Early Careers – Improving Behaviour for Learning’. NUT CPD Programme also contributed to courses organised by NUT Training for Union Learning Representatives; the Young Teachers’ Conference; and ‘Just Qualified – Summer Workshop’. 7. CONFERENCES 7.1 (a) National Education Conference The 2007 National Education Conference (NEC) was held over the weekend of 30 June – 1 July and was attended by over 150 Union members and staff. The NEC was held at Stoke Rochford Hall, the Union’s training centre, which continued to undergo repairs following fire damage. The restricted amount of accommodation available meant that off-site accommodation at four local hotels had to be used for over half the members attending and that coach transport had to be provided between the various venues. The format of the NEC generally followed the pattern which had worked successfully in past years, with a mixture of plenary sessions, one sectional session (primary, secondary, special, head teachers and deputy head teachers) and a choice of five workshop sessions. The theme of the conference was “Talking About My Generation”. Once again, the Department was successful in attracting an outstanding range of speakers for the plenary sessions. Sue Palmer, writer and education consultant, opened the conference by speaking on the theme of her influential book, Toxic Childhood, which examined how many aspects of modern life can be damaging to children, leading to problems with learning, behaviour and social development. The second plenary session focused on curriculum developments. Professor Robin Alexander in “Other voices, other visions” spoke on the preliminary findings of the major review of primary education which he was leading. Professor Richard Pring focused on “A new vision for 14-19 education” on how secondary education should develop to encompass a broad and balanced curriculum for all learners, rather than a focus on employment based training. Saturday afternoon’s plenary session was addressed by Malgorzata Kuczera, co-author of the OECD report, No More Failures: Ten Steps to Equity in Education. The research findings echoed several of the Union’s policies, for example on the need for investment in the early years of education, and the importance of school structures which promote equity rather than diversity. The final plenary session on Sunday morning focused on the policy initiatives which had made a difference to schools, particularly those with challenging pupil intakes in areas of deprivation. Union member, Dame Mavis Grant, head teacher of Canning Street Primary School in Newcastle upon Tyne, gave a vivid and moving picture of life in her school, speaking on the theme of “Then, Now and Next: A Ten Year Journey”. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 7.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 7.3 (a) (b) 124 Report of the Executive 2008 A choice of five workshop sessions was offered to participants on Saturday afternoon as follows: Education International Post Tsunami Tour led by Christine Blower, Deputy General Secretary; Stop Sexual Bullying led by Hannah White of Womankind; Playtime! Led by Shelly Newstead, author of Playtime!; “14-19 Reports – How Can we Ensure Supportive Change?” led by Jim Tirrell, Dorset Children’s Services; “Born to be Great” led by Samidha Garg, Principal Officer, Equal Opportunities – Race/International. John Bangs, Assistant Secretary – Education and Equal Opportunities, gave an overview of the conference in the final session, picking out key themes which had emerged from the presentations and discussions over the weekend and which inevitably focused on the change of Prime Minister and early indications of what the new educational priorities would be. He believed that Gordon Brown had a more global approach and would wish to focus on the issue of child poverty and strengthening local communities. As in previous years, participants were invited to complete an evaluation form which provided valuable feedback on the NEC as well as on the planning of future events. A varied and high quality conference programme, with some outstandingly rated plenary speakers, particularly in the opening and closing sessions, resulted in a very high level of satisfaction. Comments indicated that the conference had been inspirational, and often moving, for participants, several of whom identified themselves as first time attendees. The high quality of the programme appeared to have more than outweighed any practical inconveniences caused by the use of off-site accommodation. Participants commended the Stoke Rochford staff and the Department’s staff on the organisation of the conference. Detailed reports of the NEC proceedings and the evaluation analysis were presented to the Committee at its October meeting and were referred to the appropriate advisory committees for further consideration. Preliminary plans for the 2008 NEC which will be held over the weekend of 5-6 July at Stoke Rochford Hall are underway. Play Conference: Time to Play? The Union organised a conference in February to launch its play policy and to raise awareness of the importance of play-based approaches to teaching and learning across the key stages. The conference was attended by over 150 delegates. The General Secretary launched the Union’s play policy. He emphasised the importance of play as a learning medium and highlighted ways in which Government, local authorities, schools and individual teachers could innovate using play to improve educational outcomes. Bob Reitemeier, Chief Executive of the Children’s Society, outlined the initial findings of his organisation’s Good Childhood Inquiry. The lack of access to play which was safe yet offered an element of risk was a key concern of the children and young people who had participated in the Inquiry. Dr Elizabeth Woods of Exeter University provided an overview of the academic research which underpinned the Union’s policy, for which she had acted as a consultant. Dr Susan Rogers of the Institute of Education outlined the findings of her research into play and gender. Gail Ryder Richardson and Peter Carne’s presentation provided an introduction to the work of Learning Through Landscapes, which included work with schools and pupils of all age ranges to improve access to and the use of outdoor spaces for lessons, break times and for enrichment activities. Workshop sessions were offered twice during the day, in order to maximise delegates’ choice. Topics covered by the workshops included: the Creative Partnerships programme; risk assessment; inclusive play; outdoor play in the early years; preparing a local authority play strategy; the Welsh Foundation Phase; work-life balance; and playful approaches in primary education. A range of activities were available for delegates to participate in at lunch time, including contributing to suggestions for play activities for under 12s, personal timelines of play and a display of children’s definitions of play. The conference led to some useful contacts with other organisations, representatives of which were either speaking at or attending the event. This subsequently led to the Union being invited to join the Play Council for England committee on extended school provision and becoming a signatory to the DfES’s Outdoor Education Manifesto via Learning through Landscapes. Final Act or Fresh Start? Conference The Union co-sponsored this major conference with the University of London’s Institute of Education, which was held in March 2007 at the Institute of Education. The event was intended to respond to the Education and Inspections Act (2006) and to discuss priorities for a new Government in education. The event followed a similar conference the previous year entitled ‘A Good Local School for Every Child’. The intention was to send a message to Government about what was required to ensure a good local school for every child. The theme of the conference reflected also concerns held by speakers and delegates about the Government’s approach of ‘choice and diversity’ as set out in the Education and Inspections Act. Report of the Executive 2008 (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 7.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) 7.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) 125 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee In addition to the co-sponsors, the event was supported by 14 organisations and individuals, including the Advisory Centre for Education, Campaign for State Education, Comprehensive Future, the Children’s Services Network and the English Secondary Students’ Association. Unison, PAT and NAHT were also supporters of the event. The Union’s General Secretary addressed the conference alongside David Hopkins of the Institute of Education as co-sponsors. Other speakers included William Atkinson, head teacher of Phoenix High School, Michael Davidson of OECD, journalist and campaigner, Melissa Benn, Professor Richard Pring, leader of the Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education, former Director of the Institute of London, Peter Mortimore, and Baroness Perry and Sarah Tether MP on behalf of the Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats respectively. Education spokespeople from the Labour Party were invited to attend but declined to do so. A number of opportunities for questions and discussion, as well as discussion groups to explore key themes were also provided. Key themes emerging from the meeting included the damaging effects of a ‘market’ or privatisation approach to education, the importance of fairness in admissions, the importance of teacher professionalism, enhanced democracy, smaller class sizes and schools of a manageable size, and fair and equitable funding of schools. Following the conference, which was lively and well attended, a set of key issues and concerns were sent to the Secretary of State. The Union, along with other organisations supporting the conference, set out their key policies for education within a special edition of Education Journal magazine. It is hoped that the alliance of organisations which supported the conference will regroup in 2008 for a follow-up symposium on the key issues identified at the conference, to which the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families would be invited. Annual Conference 2007 – Education and Equal Opportunities Fringe Meetings On Easter Monday at the 2007 Annual Conference, the Department organised a meeting on the theme of “A Good Local School for Every Community”. The meeting was chaired by Hazel Danson, Chair of the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee. The speakers were: Francis Beckett, journalist and author of The Great City Academies Fraud; Martin Rogers, Policy Consultation of the Children’s Services Network on the TUC research project on Academies and Debbie Weekes-Bernard, Senior Researcher and Policy Analyst for the Runnymede Trust on Parental Choice and Ethnic Segregation. The meeting was very well attended and the excellent presentations from the speakers stimulated a lively debate. On Easter Saturday, there was a well-attended gender fringe event/reception arranged by the Department to discuss the NUT Warwick University survey into the experiences of teachers of sexual and sexist bullying and harassment in schools. The findings of the Union survey which had been the basis of the policy statement were confirmed by the experiences of the teachers attending the gender fringe. The policy statement also provided information about girls’ and boys’ experiences of sexual bullying, the fact that sexist stereotypes were a cause of bullying and an explanation of how sexism and homophobia were linked. On Easter Sunday a joint fringe meeting with Unite Against Fascism and Love Music Hate Racism saw the launch of an NUT sponsored educational DVD and compilation CD. The speakers were: Steve Sinnott, General Secretary, Weyman Bennett, Joint Secretary, Unite Against Fascism, Lee Billingham, LMHR and Drew McConnell of Babyshambles who complied the CD. In the evening of Easter Sunday a social reception was held for LGBT delegates to Annual Conference which was attended by 45 delegates. Leadership Conference: The Future of School Leadership The Union organised a successful conference in May to launch its research findings on the future of school leadership and to contribute to the national discussion on this issue. The conference was attended by over 80 delegates. The General Secretary provided an overview of the main findings of the NUT’s research and drew comparisons with other research on this topic. He emphasised the importance of schools continuing to have a qualified teacher as head teacher. Alan Smithers and Pamela Robinson of the University of Buckinghamshire spoke about their research commissioned by the Union and made a number of recommendations for action at national level to increase the number of teachers aspiring to headship. This was followed by a presentation by John Lakin on the PricewaterhouseCoopers study into school leadership for the DfES. David Hopkins of the Institute of Education informed the conference about the OECD’s current review of school leadership and its implications for England. Pat Langham, President of the Girls’ Schools Association, gave a thought-provoking presentation from an independent head teacher’s perspective. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 126 Report of the Executive 2008 (e) The morning session concluded with a panel discussion featuring Union head teacher members from all phases of education. The afternoon panel discussion provided an additional opportunity for delegates to raise issues with speakers and with John Adams, Vice President of the National Governors Association. 7.6 (a) Black Teachers' Conference The Union’s sixteenth Black Teachers’ Conference was held at the Union’s training centre, Stoke Rochford Hall, on 2-4 November. The conference was attended by approximately 160 black teachers from across the country. As with the National Education Conference, the restricted amount of accommodation available meant that off-site accommodation at four local hotels had to be used for over half the members attending and that coach transport had to be provided between the various venues. The Conference combined plenary sessions with two workshop sessions on six topics, and an Open Forum session. The Union invited a number of distinguished speakers to address the conference on the theme of “Advancing Equality”. For the first time, the agenda of the Black Teachers Conference enabled NUT members attending as delegates to submit motions to Annual Conference. A quiz and drinks reception were held on Friday evening to welcome participants to the conference. Baljeet Ghale, President, opened the conference and raised the issue of equality of black and minority and ethnic teachers in the profession. Professor Gus John was the first speaker at the Conference on the topic, “Advancing Equality – Teaching for Equality and Social Justice”. The second plenary session of the conference was presented by the General Secretary and was followed by a question and answer session. This was the first time that the General Secretary had a separate session, as agreed by the Steering Group. The General Secretary gave delegates an overview of the race equality work of the Union throughout the year. The late morning session was devoted to the Open Forum which consisted of a panel including: Baljeet Ghale, President, Steve Sinnott, General Secretary, Professor Gus John and Samidha Garg, Principal Officer (Race Equality and International Relations). The Open Forum was chaired by Roger King, Chair, Equal Opportunities – Race Advisory Committee and Sandra Mitchell, Vice-Chair of the Advisory Committee. The members of the panel answered questions on matters raised by participants including: Overseas Trained Teacher status; the impact of Academies and privatisation on teachers and pupils; and Union assistance with local casework. The first plenary session on Sunday morning was presented by Professor Heidi Mirza from the Institute of Education, University of London. Her presentation was entitled, “Learning from the Past Looking to the Future: Achieving Race Equality and Human Rights in Education”. The second plenary session on Sunday was the debate on a motion to Annual Conference, chaired by Roger King. The Black Teachers’ Conference was empowered to submit one motion, selected by majority vote of delegates, to Annual Conference 2008. The Conference voted for the motion on Overseas Trained Teachers. Participants were able to attend two workshops from a choice of six topics including: Oh Yeah! Generating A Leadership Culture For Learning In Your Classroom Is Possible, How Can You Be Equal When You Do All The Work? Practical Strategies for Tackling Racial Harassment – An NUT Approach, Stress Management, Investing In Diversity and Curriculum, Community, Culture, Celebration – Tackling Islamaphobia. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 7.7 (a) (b) (c) (d) Consultative Conference on Faith Schools On 23 November the Union organised the above conference with the aim of consulting with members on its work in developing a policy statement on faith schools. The conference was attended by 80 members. The event was chaired by Hazel Danson, Chair of the Union’s Education and Equal Opportunities Committee and the Task Group on Faith Schools. The event was introduced by John Bangs, Assistant Secretary, Education and Equal Opportunities. Speakers at the first plenary session included Oona Stannard from the Catholic Education Service, Andrew Copson representing the British Humanist Association and Bill Moore, the Vice-Chair of the National Association of SACREs. The speakers spoke on their organisation’s position on faith schools, covering a wide ranging philosophical positions and more specific educational implications of faith schools in society. Breakout sessions were held on five topics facilitated by members of the Task Group. They included the impact of admission policies on the ethos and intake of faith schools, the distinction between religious instruction and religious education and the needs and desires of minority faiths and beliefs in the education system. The topics also included the implications of the duty on schools to promote community cohesion and the needs and rights of staff in faith schools, including union membership and representation. Delegates commended the work of the Task Group on producing a well balanced position paper which had had to grapple with many complex and controversial debates. Report of the Executive 2008 (e) (f) 7.8 (a) (b) (c) 127 Speakers at the second plenary session included Keith Porteous Wood, National Secular Society, Reverend Janina Ainsworth, the Church of England’s Chief Education Officer, Professor Anne West, London School of Economics and Pragna Patel and Julia Bard representing Women Against Fundamentalism. These speakers covered issues such as admissions, the inclusive nature of faith schooling, the effects of minority faith schooling on girls and the need for a secular based education system. The speakers were very well received among delegates who were challenged and stimulated by the content of the presentations. Four discussion groups were held which focussed on the Union’s Interim Position Paper on Faith Schools. This method of consultation proved popular and fruitful as delegates commented on the paper discussing issues of concern and making recommendations to the Task Group on Faith Schools. Comments collated from each discussion group were presented to the November meeting of the Task Group on Faith Schools which gave them careful consideration. LGBT Teachers’ Conference 2007 In November 2007, 60 teachers attended the Union’s LGBT Teachers’ Conference in the Ibis Hotel, in Birmingham. For the first time, this Conference offered delegates the opportunity to arrive on the Friday night in order to attend a dinner with colleagues. The keynote presentation was provided by Jonathan Charlesworth, Director of Projects, at Educational Action Challenging Homophobia, who discussed the DCSF guidance on encountering homophobic school bullying. Delegates were invited to attend one of four workshops, including a workshop on hetronormative masculinities and femininities in the primary school; setting up a gay straight alliance in your school; glad to be gay and how we made it happen in my school; and the Si Identity Project (listening to trans young people). During the lunch break, the following DVDs were shown: an anti-homophobia DVD resource for teachers which supports Key Stages 3 and 4 and a Stonewall resource called ‘Spell It Out’. In the afternoon, Del LaGrace Volcano provided a keynote presentation about queer theory, entitled ‘Corpus Queer Bodies of Resistance’. The workshops were repeated and the Conference came to a close in the afternoon with a session during which one motion was debated on LGBT people and international equality. This motion was voted by delegates to be the motion submitted to the following year’s Annual Conference. 8. ADVISORY COMMITTEES 8.1 Advisory Committee for Primary Education Chairperson: Goronwy Jones Vice-Chairperson: Anne Swift (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Advisory Committee met in March and November. At both meetings the University of Cambridge Review of Primary Education was discussed. The intensifying support programme (ISP) was also discussed at both meetings. Concerns were raised about the added pressures being placed on teachers to hit targets in the ISP schools. In both March and November, the DCSF “Making Good Progress” assessment pilot scheme was discussed. The Committee was concerned that the proposed new assessment arrangements were additional tests which would impact on teachers’ workload as well as creating further stress for pupils. Further concern was raised about its impact on SEN provision. At the March meeting, the Principal Officer – Conditions of Service/Health and Safety gave an overview of the Union’s work on planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time and reported on the School Teachers’ Review Body Teacher Workload Survey conducted in 2006. The Committee reported that many teachers were still not receiving adequate PPA time. Concerns were raised about the impact on children’s education with PPA time being covered by non-teaching staff. The most recent OFSTED statistics for schools in special measures were discussed at the March meeting. The assessment of teachers’ lesson plans by unqualified consultants from local authorities was also raised as a concern by members. The Committee discussed the implications for primary schools of the Modern Foreign Languages Review, undertaken by Lord Dearing, in March. The recommendation that foreign languages should be taught by qualified professionals was welcomed by the Committee. At the March meeting the Committee also welcomed the Union’s two play policy documents which had been successfully launched at the Play Conference, held in February. At the November meeting the DCSF Statutory Guidance on Schools Causing Concern was discussed. The Committee felt that there was an over reliance on data and that the school improvement partner role should be as a supporting partner for raising achievement. In November the Committee also discussed inclusion managers. Concerns were raised about the increase in workload and the lack of expertise of many such staff. The Committee was concerned that the role of the specialist teacher was being lost. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (h) 128 Report of the Executive 2008 Over the year the Committee also considered a range of other issues including the National Primary Strategies, the Report of the ‘Teaching and Learning in 2020’ Review Group and the NUT CPD programme. 8.2 Advisory Committee for Secondary Schools Chairperson: Eddie Ritson Vice-Chairperson: Martin Allen (a) The Advisory Committee met in March and November to provide a range of policy advice to the Education and Equal Opportunities Committee on matters related to education 11-19 in secondary schools and sixth form colleges. During its March meeting, the Advisory Committee considered the proposed reforms to the National Curriculum 11-16 and its advice was incorporated into the Union’s response to the QCA consultation. The Advisory Committee welcomed the open approach of QCA to the consultation on the new secondary National Curriculum and the intention to introduce a greater level of flexibility and professional judgement, and the cross curricular approach to the themes which ran throughout the proposed new curriculum. It emphasised, however, that clear advice and guidance needed to be produced alongside the statutory National Curriculum to enable teachers to incorporate the new requirements in a manner that most suited their schools and pupils. The Committee also considered the proposals produced by the DfES in the document, Making Good Progress. While the Advisory Committee believed that there could be some merit to a new assessment system which tested pupils when ready, it believed that the Government should make a clear commitment to the abolition of statutory end of key stage tests for pupils in England. The Advisory Committee was concerned that any review of the National Curriculum test system should reduce the workload on teachers and pupils, reduce the overall costs of annual assessment, reduce the overall burden of assessment, contribute positively to learning outcomes through a formative use of assessment, and should remove the existing ‘high stakes’ nature of the national assessment system through the use of pupil outcomes in school performance tables. The Committee also considered 14-19 education in depth at its two meetings. At the March meeting, the Senior National Official for FE from the University and College Union (UCU) was invited to attend and share policy information of mutual interest to the two unions. At its November meeting the Advisory Committee considered in detail proposals for a joint statement of 14-19 policy to be issued by the two unions. The Advisory Committee was able to provide detailed advice on locating the Union’s existing 14-19 policy. The Advisory Committee also provided advice on the proposal to introduce a new requirement for all young people up to that age of 19 to be involved in education or training. The Advisory Committee was concerned that appropriate learning programmes and capacity within schools, colleges and other institutions needed to be in place in order to ensure that the full range of needs was met. It was felt that an element of compulsion upon young people to attend learning or training programmes could be counter productive and that instead incentives were required to ensure that all young people were engaged in learning and training, including in terms of ensuring that appropriate programmes were in place to meet all learning needs and aspirations. It was noted that the 14-19 diplomas were still in development and that their ability to meet a range of learning needs was unproven. The Advisory Committee also considered that the role of employers in enrolling and supporting young people through training programmes needed to be reinforced, rather than placing the onus on young people to take up courses because of a legal obligation. The Advisory Committee contributed advice also on the review of modern foreign languages (MFL), and this was reflected in the submission by the Union to the MFL Review led by Lid King and Lord Dearing. The advice focused particularly on concerns regarding the removal of MFL from the statutory curriculum from age 14, which had led to a significant decline in the number of young people continuing to learn a language. The Advisory Committee took the view also that a new statutory requirement for languages at Key Stage 2 would be insufficient to arrest the decline in language learning at Key Stage 4 and beyond. It was said that there was an insufficient investment in MFL at the primary stage, and that in the meantime, language teachers’ jobs were under threat. The Advisory Committee advised also that the promotion of ‘community’ languages should form one of the outcomes of the review, and that the wealth of languages that were not necessarily seen as ‘economically important’, but were spoken within British communities, should be better recognised and utilised. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Report of the Executive 2008 129 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 8.3 Advisory Committee for Special Educational Needs Chairperson: Julie Lyon-Taylor Vice-Chairperson: Richard Reiser (a) The Advisory Committee for Special Educational Needs met twice this year in March and December. The Committee discussed an NUT survey on teacher training in relation to pupils with SEN. One of the main findings of the survey was that centrally employed staff were not available to advise teachers on supporting pupils with SEN. Committee members discussed the need for local authorities to provide joint training for teachers and teaching assistants and for joint advice with Unison about support both unions could give jointly to their respective members on coordinating in the classroom. The Principal Officer, Secondary Education, attended the March meeting to discuss the secondary curriculum review. Committee members commented that the monitoring, planning and preparation of the curriculum would require more of teachers’ time. It was felt that schools would require guidance about ways in which the new flexibilities could be applied in practice within the current school timetable. At the March meeting there was a discussion on the DfES paper, “Special Educational Needs and Behaviour”. It was reported that the Union was intending to meet with the new head of the DfES SEN section, Hardip Begol. Committee members commented that, although the remit of the Ministerial Stakeholder Group was pupil behaviour, this area could not be examined without also including reference to pupils with SEN. Committee members were concerned that the Government money allocated for personalised learning might replace other funding such as the vulnerable children’s fund. The March meeting also discussed the paper: “School Discipline and Pupil Behaviour Policies”. It was felt that the examples given in the document were patronising, over-simplistic and did not address the steps schools were taking to support pupils. The document was considered to be too lengthy and unlikely to be read by the target audience. Committee members considered that the paper needed to be more useful and practical for teachers, particularly in terms of the examples given. The new DfES guidance on the use of force to control or restrain pupils was discussed at the March meeting, particularly the implication in the paper that teachers may be required to search pupils. It was considered that Union advice to members should be that they should never stand in between two fighting pupils. Other issues discussed at the December meeting included: the separation of funding from assessment; the needs of looked after children; the new Disability Discrimination Act requirements; the absence of SEN training for school improvement partners; the demands on special educational needs coordinators; the Bercow review of speech, language and communication needs. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 8.4 Advisory Committee for Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers Chairperson: Neil Foden Vice-Chairperson: Marilyn Harrop (a) The Advisory Committee met in March and October. At its March meeting, the Committee considered the DfES consultation document, “Making Good Progress: How can we Help Every Pupil to Make Good Progress at School?” The Committee was concerned that the proposed tests in the document did not replace existing tests but were additional, therefore creating more workload for teachers. The Committee was also concerned about the impact the tests would have on SEN provision and felt that the needs of such children could be marginalised. At the October meeting the Committee discussed the DCFS announcement to legislate to form a new independent regulator of qualifications and tests. The Committee expressed concern that there was the ongoing pressure to hit or improve targets, on a year on year basis, but that success was always dependent upon the cohort of pupils being taught in any specific year. At the March meeting the Committee considered three leadership reports: Independent Study into School Leadership, conducted by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC); School Headship, Present and Future, produced by the Centre for Education and Employment Research; and the Union’s survey, The Roles and Responsibilities of Head Teachers. The Committee noted that the three reports had the same theme but each was interpreted differently. The Committee felt that the PWC report was written without any experience of schools. It was felt that making comparisons to the management of businesses which had no involvement with the development of children had little credibility for links to schools. The Committee reported that continual Government initiatives were a real concern for head teachers. (b) (c) (d) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (e) (f) 130 Report of the Executive 2008 The Committee discussed the Union’s submission to the School Teachers’ Review Body with regards to the leadership group, at the October meeting. The Committee felt that the differential in pay between the primary and secondary sector was quite substantial but not justified. The differential between head teachers’ and deputy head teachers’ pay, on the other hand, was considered to be small which gave little incentive for the latter to aspire to headship. The Committee raised the concern that acting heads were able to take on the role of the head teacher but that their experience accounted for very little, as it was not possible to apply for a headship post without the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH). Other topics considered by the Committee during the year included the OFSTED consultation paper, “Responding to Parents’ Complaints about Schools”, and the DCSF and Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills’ proposal for the Education and Skills Bill to extend education and training to the age of 18. 8.5 Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities (Gender) Chairperson: Max Hyde Vice Chairperson: Kiri Tunks (a) The Gender Advisory Committee met twice this year, in March and November. At the March meeting, the following issues were discussed: work/life balance; the women’s leadership and developing the leaders in the future; faith schools; the public duty to promote gender equality; the 2020 Vision Report on teaching and learning; and violence against women and the Reclaim the Night march. At the November meeting, the following issues were discussed: the success of a Union Modernisation Fund bid by the Union; the interim position paper by the Union on faith schools; the workload and pay campaign; work/life balance; domestic violence; Reclaim the Night event; the 2008 Annual Conference gender fringe meeting; the Equality Audit Working Group; the Leadership Convention 2007 and the TUC Women’s Conference 2008. The Gender Advisory Committee welcomed the decision to give the CPD Leadership Convention 2007 a gender theme. It was recognised that it was important to consider gender and leadership and what made an effective school leader. The Advisory Group welcomed the survey that had been carried out prior to the convention about attitudes to female and male leaders. The breadth of workshops at the event was welcomed, which ranged from preventing eating disorders, responding to allegations made by pupils against staff and the Gender Equality Duty. The Advisory Committee also welcomed the decision by the Executive to support the Reclaim the Night march, on 24 November 2007, by holding a lunchtime reception at the Women’s Library, in East London. The Advisory Committee discussed the interim position paper on faith schools. The Advisory Committee considered the evidence which had been provided by the organisation, Women Against Fundamentalism and said that it was essential to ensure that the views of black women, minority ethnic women and women of all the faiths within the UK were represented in the Union’s final policy paper. At the November meeting, the Advisory Committee discussed the Union’s workload and pay campaigns. The Committee considered the need for the Union to consider the issues of pay in both primary and secondary schools and for men and women. The Committee discussed issues such as women and rates of progression, women applying for the threshold, the proportion of women in leadership positions, the reluctance of some women to access leadership posts without mentoring, the reduction of payments for extra responsibilities due to the introduction of TLRs and the issue of succession planning. The Advisory Committee also discussed the Union’s work/life balance campaign and reported that many members were still facing a variety of barriers in accessing flexible working, high status part-time work and work patterns which allowed for elder care and childcare responsibilities to be balanced. At both the February and November meetings, the issue of domestic violence was discussed by the Advisory Committee, which welcomed the General Secretary’s invitation to address the Refuge National Conference, during November, and the Union’s response to the Ministers for Women consultation in September. At the February Committee meeting, the Union’s policy statement on sexual harassment was welcomed and it was recommended that the gender fringe meeting at Annual Conference should focus around sexual harassment and sexism in education. At the November meeting, the Committee suggested that the 2008 gender fringe meeting at Annual Conference should focus on the issues of girls in faith schools. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Report of the Executive 2008 131 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 8.6 Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities (Race) Chairperson: Roger King Vice-Chairperson: Sandra Mitchell (a) The Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities (Race) met twice during the year, in March and October. Throughout the year the Committee examined race equality issues in education and monitored initiatives to promote anti-racism in schools and in the employment of teachers. The Committee further considered the EMAG funding survey which was conducted in October 2006. The report of the survey was forwarded to all local authorities and to the Schools Minister, Jim Knight, for consideration. The Committee welcomed the NUT’s collaboration with NALDIC and recommended that the Union should continue its joint work with NALDIC. At its March meeting, the Committee considered the “2020 Vision” report and was concerned that it did not specifically identify the needs of black and minority ethnic groups of pupils. In addition, the Committee examined critically the issues concerning personalised learning outlined in the report. The Committee was provided with background information to the NFER Report on the Role of Schools and Teachers under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act. The Committee suggested that the Union, along with the GTC, should follow up the report in order to establish whether the Government had acted upon its recommendations. Also at its March meeting, the Committee discussed dissemination strategies for the charter, Born To Be Great: Promoting Achievement of Black Caribbean Boys, and discussed arrangements for its launch at Annual Conference 2007. At its October meeting, the Committee considered a proposal for the Union to hold a colloquium to inform a position paper regarding social class and educational success in white working class communities. The Committee agreed the proposal. Other topics considered by the Committee during the year included: the Black Teachers’ Conference, NUT survey on TLRs and Black and Minority Ethnic Teachers, the TUC Black Workers’ Conference, the TUC Race Relations Committee, Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade, the Holocaust Memorial Day, Love Music Hate Racism, the NUT Task Group on Faith Schools, the NUT CPD programmes on race equality, the Inaugural Anthony Walker Memorial Lecture, Generating Genius, the achievement of Somali pupils and SEN and ethnicity. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 8.7 Advisory Committee for Members Paid under the Soulbury Report Chairperson: Martin Reed Vice-Chairperson: Del Goddard (a) The Soulbury Advisory Committee met in March and November. The Committee advised the Executive on education and equal opportunities issues affecting members paid under the Soulbury Agreement. At the March meeting the Committee considered three leadership reports: Independent Study into School Leadership, conducted by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC); School Headship, Present and Future, produced by the Centre for Education and Employment Research; and the Union’s survey, The Roles and Responsibilities of Head Teachers. The work-life balance of all staff was raised as a key concern for schools alongside the effects of budgetary constraints and test driven targets. Committee members felt that the survey reports failed to include reference to the pressures on head teachers from the governance systems in schools and pressures of accountability relating to the management of multi-agency staffing structures. The Committee considered the DfES consultation document, “Making Good Progress: How can We Help Every Pupil to Make Good Progress at School?” The Committee emphasised that the paper appeared to represent an increase in testing and the undermining of teacher assessment. The Committee believed that the Government should look at alternative good practice models using teacher assessment. At the October meeting the Committee discussed the Union’s submission to the School Teachers’ Review Body on the leadership group. The Committee felt that the Fast Track route for teachers to gain headship was more about aspiring to become administrative managers rather than associated with teaching and learning leadership. As a result head teachers were not being fully prepared for the role and this had a negative impact on retaining head teachers. It was felt that head teachers were under continuous pressures to meet national targets and juggle budgets, which often led to their ill health and imposed on their personal lives. Bureaucratic burdens had overridden the essential work of improving teaching and learning within schools. The Committee discussed the document, “Negotiating New Local Area Agreements” (LAAs), which set out guidelines for establishing LAAs whereby negotiations began at local level. The Committee felt that the timetable of one year for the establishment of LAAs was far too constrained for the shift in local practices to develop. It was felt strongly that as a result of the implementation of LAAs the workload of educational psychologists (EPs) would be affected. (b) (c) (d) (e) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 132 Report of the Executive 2008 (f) Other topics which were the focus of attention over the year included the OFSTED consultation paper, Responding to Parents’ Complaints about Schools, and the progress report on Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards. 9. SUB-COMMITTEES, WORKING PARTIES AND TASK GROUPS 9.1 Equality Audit Working Group Chairperson: Roger King (a) The Equality Audit Working Group met in July this year. At the meeting, members requested that the item on women members in Union structures be taken as the first item. The paper outlined some of the barriers facing women teachers within the teaching profession. The glass ceiling for women teachers in relation to school leadership and on the prevalence of sexual harassment were both discussed. It was agreed that, despite the predominance of women teachers within NUT membership (76%), women members were under-represented in the Union’s lay structures. It was further noted that the only lay structure role where women members were not under-represented was the post of local equal opportunities officers. It was noted that at national level, one success was the representation of women members as Officers of the Union where they had been in the majority for probably the past decade. This success was not, however, reflected on the National Executive. The Working Group noted that the first Annual Conference gender fringe meeting held in Torquay in 2006 had been very popular and proved a useful forum for seeking women members’ views and asking them to identify priorities for women members. The Working Group noted that this constituted evidence that women members wanted to be active as long as barriers to their participation were removed by the Union. It was also noted that the gender fringe meeting in Harrogate in 2007 had attracted over 100 women, all of whom welcomed the launch of the NUT’s policy statement on sexual bullying. The Working Group agreed to recommend that its remit should in future consider the needs of women members; that the Union should continue to work on a wide range of issues in relation to women members; that the Education and Equal Opportunities Department should establish an email network of women members; and that the gender fringe meeting should continue to be held each year at Annual Conference. The Working Group commented that gender issues rarely appeared on the agenda for Conference. The development of the new Equalities Section was considered in this regard, particularly the possibility that it might result in increased opportunity for debate within the present Equal Opportunities Section on gender equality and sex discrimination motions. It was agreed to recommend that the Executive monitor the content of motions placed in the present Equal Opportunities section of the Annual Conference agenda to ascertain the impact on these of the new Equalities Section. At the July meeting, the Working Group also considered the analysis of the equality data collected from national Executive members and Annual Conference delegates. It was agreed that it was important to give reassurances on the purposes for monitoring. It was noted that the Black Teachers’ Conference to be held on 3-4 November and the LGBT Teachers’ Conference to be held on 10-11 November would both pilot the new process for debating and selecting motions to be submitted by the respective conferences for debate at the following year’s Annual Conference in the new Equalities Section. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 9.1.1 Equality Audit Working Group (2006) Chairperson: Jerry Glazier (until October 2006) Roger King (from November 2006) The following report, in its entirety, should have been presented to Conference 2007. However, in error, only paragraphs (a) - (e) were presented. Below is the full text of the report. Conference should note that paragraphs (a) - (e) and the Addition to Conference Standing Orders were endorsed by Conference 2007. (a) The Equality Audit Working Group (EAWG) met twice this year, in January and in November, to examine the implications of the debate on guaranteed representation for equality groups on the National Executive which took place at 2005 Annual Conference and to discuss the next steps. It also considered Conference’s wish to devise a mechanism to enable motions from the equality conferences to be taken forward to Annual Conference. Report of the Executive 2008 133 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Guaranteed Places on the Executive (b) At its January meeting, the EAWG considered the report of the findings of the further consultation on guaranteed places on the Executive. Consultation took place with associations and divisions and with individual black, LGBT and disabled members, to seek clarity on the way forward following the outcomes of the 2005 Annual Conference. The consultation included 271 local associations and divisions, 6,000 black members, 219 LGBT members and 134 disabled members. 183 responses in total were received, 52 from local associations and divisions, 105 from black members, 21 from LGBT members and 7 from disabled members. The consultation found that the majority of local associations and divisions that had responded were against the concept of guaranteed places, while the majority of individual black, LGBT and disabled members who had responded had supported the concept of guaranteed places on the Executive. (c) The consultation found that, in terms of whether the guaranteed places should be based on a system of whole member electorate, the majority of the associations and divisions as well as individual black, LGBT and disabled members supported this. (d) The Working Group was advised that it was the view of the Executive that guaranteed places for black, LGBT and disabled members should be established and that this should be achieved through consensus. Consideration needed to be given to identifying a formula which moved the current situation forward. One possibility could be a system whereby measures were taken following Executive elections to guarantee representation of black, LGBT and disabled members if the Executive election process did not deliver representation from the three equality strands. The EAWG has yet to conclude its discussions on the nature of its advice to the Executive on the issue of guaranteed places for black, LGBT and disabled members on the Executive. Motions to Conference from Equality Conferences (e) At its meeting in November, the EAWG considered a mechanism for taking forward motions from the equality conferences to Annual Conference. In discussing the mechanism, the EAWG emphasised that the process should be: i. capable of enabling the voices of under-represented groups within the Union to be better heard; ii. capable of gaining the widest possible support across divisions and local associations, and amongst black, disabled and LGBT members themselves and members more widely; iii. consistent with, and mirror as far as possible, the Union’s existing procedures; iv. appropriate for all the equality strands; v. consistent and clear such that it could be applied as broadly as possible; and vi. implemented so as to enable the different equality strands to move forward at a time that was appropriate to them. (f) (g) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. The EAWG agreed the mechanism, processes and time-table set out below for taking forward motions from equality conferences to Annual Conference. It was agreed that: there should be two discrete sections for motions about equalities issues on the Annual Conference agenda: • the existing Equal Opportunities section; and • a new Equalities section, comprising motions from the equalities’ conferences; local associations could submit motions to the Equal Opportunities section in the usual way and/or they could, through the appropriate equality conference, submit a motion to be allocated to the Equalities Section; motions at the equalities conferences could originate from the National Executive, local associations, or individual NUT member delegates; a paper listing the motions to be considered at the equalities conferences would be produced in the order in which they were received; NUT member delegates to the equalities conferences could amend motions on the list. Amendments should be restricted to 50 words. Amendments should be taken in the order in which they were received by the Chair of the equality conference; one motion would be agreed by each Equality Conference to be submitted to Annual Conference. The deadline for submitting motions would be 15 November as provided for in Union Rule; Conference Business Committee (CBC) would allocate specific time on the Conference agenda for the Equalities section; CBC would composite motions from the equalities conferences in accordance with established procedure; local associations should be permitted to prioritise one motion within the Equality Section, in addition to the six motions already permitted under Union Rule; Education & Equal Opportunities Committee J. K. L. M. N. O. P. (h) 134 Report of the Executive 2008 local associations should be permitted to submit two amendments to motions appearing in the new Equality Section in addition to the six amendments already permitted under current Rules. The Executive would be able to continue to submit amendments to original motions without restriction in number; the Equalities Section and Equal Opportunities Section of the Final Agenda should be taken consecutively, creating an equalities block on the Annual Conference agenda; a new rule or standing order would specify that the Equalities Section would be taken prior to the Equal Opportunities Section; both the Black Teachers’ Conference and the LGBT Conference would pilot the process at their 2007 conferences in time for Annual Conference 2008; the movers and seconders of the prioritised motions from the equalities conferences to Annual Conference would not be required to be the Chair and Vice-Chair of the relevant equality advisory committee/working party; the decision about movers and seconders would be made by the relevant steering group charged with the responsibility of planning the equality conferences; and the suggested process would be reviewed within three years from its commencement. At its meeting in December the Executive agreed that: 1) the proposals from the EAWG be piloted in 2007 for Conference 2008 by the Black Teachers’ Conference and the LGBT Conference; 2) a separate Equality Section on the Conference Agenda be established, to be taken immediately prior to the existing Equal Opportunities Section; 3) a review be undertaken after one year of operation; 4) consideration be given to how soon the disabled members’ equality strand might be included in the process; and 5) consideration be given during the next 12 months as to how to address concerns raised in respect of women members in the absence of any decisions regarding the establishment of an equality strand or conference for women. Proposed Changes to Union Rule and Conference Standing Orders Notwithstanding the omission of paragraphs (f) to (h) above from the 2007 Annual Report of the Executive, the Executive was able to proceed with consideration of proposals to secure Guaranteed Places based on paragraphs (a) to (e) above and measures previously agreed by Conference. The Executive noted that existing rules permit Conference to consider motions submitted from the Union's Equality Conferences as intended by the report which should have appeared in full in the Annual Report 2007 provided that the Conference Business Committee is agreeable to order business accordingly. The Executive therefore agreed a programme for the submission of motions from the Equality Conferences and amendments to those motions. This has been implemented. The Executive noted that Conference 2007 had also agreed a Standing Order for Conference 2008 in the following terms: “1(a) The order of business shall be as set out in the Agenda published by the Executive, subject to the provisions of Rule 30, and subject also to the requirement that no debate shall be conducted, without the approval of Conference on a motion allocated to the Equal Opportunities Section of the Agenda unless and until debate in the section for consideration of motions submitted under Rule 30(c) has been completed or closed.” Report of the Executive 2008 (i) 135 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee The Executive agreed the following Rule changes and additions to Standing Orders to regularise the position for future Conferences. In Rule 30(d)(i) delete “the six original motions, of which only two shall be asterisk motions, it considers most important” and replace with “(a) from amongst the motions submitted under Rules 30(a) and (b) the six original motions, of which only two shall be asterisk motions, it considers most important, and (b) from amongst the motions submitted under Rule 30(c) the one motion it considers most important.” Replace Rule 30(d)(ii) with the following “30(d)(ii) A Constituent Association or Division may submit up to six amendments to motions submitted under Rules 30(a) and (b) and ordered under Rule 30(d)(i) and may, in addition, submit up to two amendments to motions submitted under Rule 30(c) and ordered under Rule 30(d)(ii).” In Appendix II B(5) after “…the Annual Report of the Executive” insert “,or, in the case of motions submitted under Rule 30(c), to a section set aside for the debate such motions,” In Appendix II B(6) insert after “…each of the sections” “other than that created for the debate of motions submitted under Rule 30(c)” and add at end – “All motions submitted under Rule 30(c) shall be printed in the Agenda for Conference, under the section created for their debate, in the order of their priority as voted on by Constituent Associations” (j) The amended Rules would read: Agenda of Annual Conference (d) (i) The list of original motions for the Annual Conference, as arranged, classified and approved by the Conference Business Committee, with those motions which are already accepted as Union policy and have been debated in the previous two Annual Conferences of the Union marked with an asterisk shall be printed in January and forwarded to Constituent Associations and each Association shall be asked to select (a) from amongst the motions submitted under Rules 30(a) and (b) the six original motions, of which only two shall be asterisk motions, it considers most important, and (b) from amongst the motions submitted under Rule 30(c) the one motion it considers most important. The closing date for priority voting shall be January 31. The result of the voting shall determine the order of the subjects and the particular motions for discussion, except as provided in Rule 30(f) and 30(g). Original motions in the order of voting shall be included in the appropriate section of the Agenda of Conference. (ii) A Constituent Association or Division may submit up to six amendments to motions submitted under Rules 30(a) and (b) and ordered under Rule 30(d)(i) and may, in addition, submit up to two amendments to motions submitted under Rule 30(c) and ordered under Rule 30(d)(ii). APPENDIX II - CONFERENCE BUSINESS COMMITTEE B - PROCEDURE I - Conference Motions (5) Subject to the above provisions, the Committee shall arrange and classify, the original motions received from the Executive, Constituent Associations and Divisions and original motions received in accordance with Rule 30(c) and shall allocate them to the appropriate section based on the Report of the Committees in the Annual Report of the Executive, or, in the case of motions submitted under Rule 30(c), to a section set aside for the debate such motions, and then mark with an Asterisk those motions which are already accepted as Union policy and have been debated in the previous two Annual Conferences of the Union, and shall approve the list of motions as submitted to Constituent Associations for voting on the order of the Conference Agenda. (6) The Committee may place in each of the sections, other than that created for the debate of motions submitted under Rule 30(c), up to ten motions receiving the highest number of votes in each section, provided that the motion receiving the highest number of votes in each section shall be printed in the Agenda for Conference under the appropriate section. All motions submitted under Rule 30(c) shall be printed in the Agenda for Conference, under the section created for their debate, in the order of their priority as voted on by Constituent Associations. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 136 Report of the Executive 2008 9.2 Working Party on Disability Chairperson: Mick Lerry Vice-Chairperson: Richard Reiser (a) (b) The Working Party on Disability met three times this year, in March, May and September. At the March meeting the findings of the survey carried out by NUT Past President, John Illingworth, and reported in the “Crazy About Work” document were discussed. The document had been widely circulated and well-received and was being reprinted for circulation at the NUT Annual Conference 2007. It was agreed that the document provided useful information for teachers on coping strategies. Working Party members reported that absence monitoring was being used by local employers in a very negative way. Working Party members discussed the TUC’s publication, Is Stress a Disability? It was felt that teachers were expected to be more resilient in terms of mental health than people working in other professions. Concern was expressed by Working Party members that what was once considered to be bullying was now considered ‘strong’ management. The Working Party recorded their appreciation for the article in The Teacher which had sparked the response from so many disabled members. It was noted that by asking members about their fitness to teach and the barriers which teachers faced, the Union had found a way of contacting more disabled members and raising awareness about the definition of disability. The March meeting discussed the guidance from the DfES on implementing the Disability Discrimination Act in schools and early years settings. The Union had been involved in writing the guidance. Working Party members reported on ways in which the DDA was being implemented in their areas. The Principal Officer (Health and Safety/Conditions of Service) attended the May meeting to discuss the establishment of the Task Group on Teacher Mental Health with the Working Party. The findings in Union’s survey of disabled members that half of the sample had said that they had a form of stress or depression was discussed by the Working Party. The issue of treating stress as industrial or work-related accidents in order to secure additional paid leave for those affected by mental health illness which was caused by excessive workload or bullying and harassment was discussed. At the September meeting it was noted that the Commission for Equality and Human Rights would begin operating from the following week. Members suggested that Jane Campbell MBE be invited to speak about the work of the CEHR at an NUT disability equality event. The Discrimination Law Review was discussed by members who expressed concern about some of the suggestions made in the Review. It was felt that some of the equalities measures which had been hard won, such as disability equality schemes, would be lost under the proposal for a single equality act which may water down existing entitlements. At the September meeting the Chair introduced an agreement negotiated with Somerset LEA in relation to disability leave. The merits of the Union publishing a model policy on disability leave were considered. At the September meeting it was noted that the disabled members’ network currently had 50 members, but that this needed to increase. It was reported that an event for disabled members would take place in March 2008. Members made some suggestions for speakers and workshops at the event. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 9.3 Working Party on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Diversity and Equality in Education Chairperson: Tim Lucas Vice-Chairperson: Claire Jenkins (a) The Working Party on LGBT Equality in Education met three times this year, in January, June and November. At all three meetings of the Working Party, the speakers and topics for the forthcoming LGBT Teachers’ Conference were discussed. The Working Party welcomed the news that this year’s conference was to be held in Birmingham and that there would be an opportunity for members at the Conference to vote on one motion to be submitted to the following year’s Annual Conference. The Working Party acted as a conference organising committee for this event and provided many ideas and recommendations as to speakers and programme. The innovative project being run by the University of Sunderland called “No Outsiders” was discussed at each meeting. This project was working with a number of schools in three areas of the country to use creativity, literacy and visual arts and performing to empower staff to discuss same-sex families and same-sex partners with primary aged young people. (b) (c) Report of the Executive 2008 (d) (e) 137 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee At all three meetings, the DSCF guidance on anti-homophobic bullying was discussed. Stonewall and Educational Action Challenging Homophobia had been commissioned to provide this guidance for the DCSF and the Union welcomed this decision. Members of the Working Party considered that the guidance was practical and useful by clarifying the need for both primary and secondary schools to discuss sexual orientation and to promote LGBT equality. It was a matter of concern, however, that the guidance would be issued on the web only and would not be sent directly to schools. At the autumn meeting of the Working Party, the Union’s interim position paper on faith schools was discussed. Members of the Committee provided comments and welcomed the fact that the position paper made it clear that the employment rights of LGBT staff should be protected in every school throughout England and Wales, irrespective of faith or religious character. 9.4 Foundation Stage Working Party Chairperson: Linda Taaffe (a) The Foundation Stage Working Party met in January and September. At both meetings, the Working Party discussed the Union’s play policy document and the Play Conference. The Working Party provided comments on the draft policy and Conference programme in January. Working Party members felt it was important that the issue of play remained a priority for the Union’s work. At both meetings the Working Party discussed the University of Cambridge Primary Review which was being led by Professor Robin Alexander. It was reported that emerging issues within the Review data included: children’s health and well-being; vulnerable children; concern about the increasing centralisation of education; the National Primary Strategies; assessment and testing and the overcrowded and inflexible primary curriculum. The Working Party discussed sections of the Union’s response covering topics including the Foundation Stage curriculum and assessment, early years settings and professionals and funding and governance. The Working Party members suggested that the Union’s response could also include admissions, small and rural schools, academies and trust schools. Children’s Centres were also discussed at both meetings. Concern was raised that some local authorities were outsourcing Children’s Centres. Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) was another issue discussed in both January and September. Concern was voiced by members about pressures being put on teachers in Children’s Centres and issues regarding qualified teacher status and pay and conditions. The EYFS Statutory Framework consultation document was discussed in January. While welcoming the removal of the learning grids, the Working Party had concerns about staffing ratios, the revised Early Learning Goals, the quality of education in poorer areas and the omission of any reference to staffing ratios in Children’s Centres. A letter from the Secretary of State for Education confirming the importance of qualified teachers in Children’s Centres was also discussed at the January meeting. The Working Party had concerns about the quality of training for EYPS and the issue of the relationship between QTS and EYPS. In September Working Party members reported on EYFS training in their areas. Concern was raised about low standards of training which was largely targeted at non teaching staff. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) In January the Working Party members discussed the use of ICT in schools and its relevance as a play-based approach to teaching and learning. The Working Party also discussed a response from the Children’s Minister to the Union’s letter on the Early Years Foundation Stage in January. Working Party members were concerned by the Government’s approach to outdoor play which did not require all settings to provide facilities for outdoor play. The Working Party discussed the DCSF “Staying Safe” consultation at the September meeting. Issues were raised about poverty, deprivation, housing policy, road safety, bullying, violence and internet safety. The Working Party discussed the DCSF National Strategies’ Letters and Sounds materials at the September meeting. Concern was expressed about formal phonics sessions being introduced in the reception year. Other topics which were the focus of attention over the year included the Union’s links with the National Campaign for Nursery Education, the DCSF consultation, “Time to Talk”, and the NUT Continuing Professional Development Programme. 9.5 Education Review Editorial Board Chairperson: Hazel Danson (a) The Editorial Board met twice in 2007, in March and October. At both meetings the Board considered the marketing and subscriptions of Education Review. The Education Publishing Company, which has responsibility for the publication, marketing and subscriptions administration of Education Review, reported on subscription levels. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 138 Report of the Executive 2008 At its March meeting the Board considered the Spring 2007 edition of Education Review which focused on the challenges and opportunities of modern childhood and emphasised the importance of giving young people a chance to speak for themselves. A key feature of this edition was the inclusion of a selection of young people’s work. The work, which included letters, poems, stories and drawings, was submitted in response to an invitation in The Teacher. Schools were invited to submit children’s work in response to the question, “Is this a good time to be young?” Their input gave a vivid picture of the realities of growing up in today’s society. The Board remarked on the continued high quality of contributors, who included David Lammy, Minister for Culture, Sue Palmer, author of the influential book, Toxic Childhood, Anthony Seldon, Master of Wellington College and Bethan Marshall, Senior lecturer at King’s College. The teachers’ perspective was given by Nigel Baker, Kenny Frederick, Louisa Leaman and Ann Davies. Board members commended the decision to publish Education Review in time for the Union’s Play Conference, held on 27 February. The conference had linked in well with the theme of childhood and contributors, Gail Ryder Richardson and Ann Davies, had spoken at the event. The Board agreed that the theme of the Autumn 2007 edition of Education Review should focus on the complex issues facing teachers in today’s society, with a strong focus on race and class. At the October meeting the Editorial Board welcomed the publication of the Autumn edition entitled “Valuing Identity and Diversity”. It also marked the launch of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights. The edition included articles on issues across the different equalities strands, many of which covered several themes, such as race and class. Contributors to the autumn edition included Keith Ajegbo, former head teacher and head of the curriculum review of citizenship, Clare Tickell of National Children’s Homes, Heidi Safia Mirza, Professor of Equalities Studies, Institute of Education and Doug Jewell of Liberty. The teachers’ perspective was given by Allison Crompton and Bill Greenshields The Board welcomed the suggestion that there was scope for some ‘unconventional publicity’ by distributing the publication to the specialist press of each equality strand to introduce Education Review to a wider audience. The Board agreed that the Spring 2008 edition should be a joint edition between the Union and Cambridge University Faculty of Education. This was an interesting and innovative proposal which would add to the prestige of Education Review, with the Cambridge title and logo alongside that of the Union on the front cover. The Spring Edition would focus on themes around the future of the teaching profession with leading academics at the Cambridge Faculty, such as John MacBeath, Maurice Galton and David Frost, having a substantial input. Preliminary discussions had already taken place with the Managing Editor of the Education Publishing Company about the practicalities of a joint publication. 9.6 Black Teachers’ Conference Steering Group Chairperson: Roger King (a) The Steering Group met twice to consider the venue, date, cost, theme and format for the 2007 Black Teachers’ Conference. The Steering Group agreed to hold the Conference at Stoke Rochford Hall on the theme of “Advancing Equality” and to include a range of speakers and workshops as well as an Open Forum. The Steering Group further agreed that this year the General Secretary would have a separate session to include a presentation and question and answer session. The Steering Group considered the Programme and Evaluation Report of the 2006 Black Teachers’ Conference and the Report of the Open Forum Survey carried out at the Conference. It was noted that the survey indicated unanimous support for the retention of the Open Forum in future conferences, but that there were mixed views on whether to vary the format. It was therefore agreed to retain an Open Forum within the 2007 Conference. In addition, the Steering Group agreed to hold a variety of events at the Conference to mark the bicentenary of the Act of Parliament which heralded the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. (b) 9.7 Academies Task Group Chairperson: Hazel Danson (a) The Academies Task Group met in March and November. The Task Group continued to assist the Department in its campaigning work against Academies and provided an opportunity for division secretaries to report on developments on Academies in their areas. At both meetings the Task Group received an update of the latest national developments and trends in the Academies programme as well as a run-down of significant research documents, OFSTED reports and media coverage. It was hoped that The Teacher would continue to feature regular articles on Academies. (b) Report of the Executive 2008 (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) 139 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Among the topics discussed at the Task Group meeting in March was the request for a judicial review against the replacement of Islington Green School with an Academy and CSN’s research into Academies for the TUC. It was noted that local authorities’ sponsorship of Academies revealed the Government’s difficulty in attracting private sector sponsors. In March the Task Group discussed the Annual Report of HMCI on the work of OFSTED which included Academies’ examination results, staff recruitment and the over-reliance on the recruitment of unqualified teaching staff. Concerns were raised about the unrealistic expectations of achievement that were placed on Academies. The Task Group also discussed the Prime Minister’s announcement to double the target number of Academies to 400, examination results and exclusion rates in Academies. In March the Task Group was provided with a summary of the main points of the National Audit Office’s evaluation of Academies. It was noted that the report raised a number of critical points including poor maths and English examination results and the shortage of head teachers and senior staff. The Task Group was informed that guidance on union recognition, TUPE regulations and Union policy on Academy contracts was now on the Union’s Hearth website. At the November meeting the Task Group discussed the significance of the Government’s internal review of Academies. The Union would be taking the opportunity of the consultation on the DCSF Children Plan to emphasise its opposition to Academies and the need for Academies to be returned to the state sector if community cohesion and collaboration between schools was to become a reality. Publications discussed at the November meeting included: the TUC report, A New Direction: a review of the school academies programme and the updated version of the Union’s Academies: Looking beyond the spin. The Task Group was invited to the launch of the Union’s publication, A Good Local School for Every Child and for Every Community, at the House of Commons on 3 December. The Task Group was updated on the latest situation on Academies with a faith designation and London Academies. At the November meeting, the Principal Officer, Salaries gave an update on developments in salaries and conditions of service areas. The Task Group had concerns about the refusal of some Academies to recognise the Union and about teachers in Academies being bound by confidentiality clauses. Following reports from Task Group members on local campaigns, including from the Anti Academies Alliance, it was agreed that each meeting should have a standing item, “Action regarding Academies” to consider campaign methods. 9.8 Trust Schools Working Group Chairperson: Hazel Danson (a) A Working Group to provide policy advice and to advise on campaigning issues was established in 2007. The group met in June and November. Initial membership was drawn from division secretaries where Trust school pilots had been established by the Department for Education and Skills (now the Department of Children, Schools and Families). As the Union nationally is notified of areas outside these pilots where Trust schools are proposed, the relevant division and association secretaries are invited to join the Group. The Group also exists to share information about the progress of Trust proposals and to disseminate information about the progress of Union campaigns locally. The Working Group also includes representatives of the Union’s Legal and Professional Services and Salaries and Conditions of Service Departments. The remit of the Working Group was similar to that already established in relation to Academies. The Working Group advised that seeking the fullest disclosure of information possible from the proposers of Trusts was advantageous, including what, if any, ties with the relevant local authority would remain. Advice was also received that it was beneficial to work, where possible, in conjunction with other teachers’ associations and school staff unions at a local level. In some cases, joint indicative ballots of school staff have been conducted and these were reported to have been useful in countering claims that staff were in support of proposals to establish a Trust in some cases. In some areas the Union’s campaign was also supported by the formation of parents’ groups to oppose Trusts and through the publishing of articles raising awareness of the Union’s position through local media. The Working Group expressed concern that the Schools Commissioner and DCSF appeared to be putting pressure on local authorities to establish Trusts as part of a commitment to promoting “choice and diversity”. The Union’s view was that authorities could demonstrate that they were fulfilling this obligation without establishing Trust schools. It was reported also that some Authorities appeared to feel under pressure to establish Trusts out of a fear that Building Schools for the Future (BSF) funding would be delayed or curtailed if Trusts were not established, and the Working Group urged the Union to act in any circumstances where BSF money was used as a lever to promote the creation of Trust schools in such a way. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 140 Report of the Executive 2008 (g) On the advice of the Working Group, a briefing was provided at the Division Secretaries’ meeting in October, and a number of items such as information and advice, and campaigning materials were placed on the Union’s Hearth website for use by associations and divisions. 9.9 14-19 and Examinations Task Group Chairperson: Martin Reed (a) The Task Group met in March and November to provide a range of policy advice in relation to the education of 14-19 year olds and on matters of relevance to examinations and awarding bodies. The Task Group considered that the Education and Inspections Act (2006) would have a significant impact on 14-19 education into the future. Members of the Task Group were concerned that a comprehensive model of education should continue to remain in place as an entitlement for all young people. While it was recognised that education of the 14-19 age range might increasingly result in collaboration between schools, colleges, and workplace based training, it was felt that this should not lead to a stratified offer which led some young people to overly specialised or narrow learning routes. It was felt also that the increasing collaboration between schools and colleges placed a requirement on teachers and college lecturers to work more closely together, and for the Union to work in collaboration where possible with the University and College Union (UCU) where possible, especially where policies on 14-19 education overlapped between the two unions. Task Group members took the view that, while skills for employment and the needs of the economy represented an important context for 14-19 education, such needs should not be the sole determining factor of the educational offer available from age 14 onwards. Skills and knowledge for citizenship and lifelong learning were equally important. The Group expressed concern also that the needs of remote and rural areas needed to be considered in models which were based on increased 14-19 collaboration between institutions. It was felt that all young people, regardless of their location or any other background factor, should have access as an entitlement to high quality ‘general’ education and to equally high quality ‘vocational’ opportunities and opportunities to learn about and gain skills for employment. The Task Group also considered coursework and controlled assessments, and provided advice which informed the Union’s submission to QCA on the issue. Whilst the Task Group acknowledged concerns about plagiarism and teacher and student workload, it was argued that assessment models should be fit for purpose, according to subject areas and pupils’ programmes of study, and that coursework remained a valid method of assessment in a number of areas. It was felt that there was a need to rationalise the overall assessment burden whilst ensuring that students were enabled to engage on assessment tasks which would display their abilities in their best light and which involved an element of independent learning. The Task Group continued to express its concern at the significant changes that were to be introduced from September 2008 onwards, including the introduction of a new National Curriculum for secondary schools, the new 14-19 diplomas, and new requirements such as functional skills as an element of GCSEs for English and mathematics and the new extended project which would form part of the diplomas and would also be made available to A level students. There was particular concern that teachers’ professional expertise was not being sufficiently utilised as part of the 14-19 reform process, and the 14-19 Diploma Development Partnerships had not included representatives of teachers through the Union, providing one of the most significant examples of how teacher professionalism appeared under-valued. The Task Group advised also on the proposed policy statement on 14-19 education to be issued by the Union jointly with UCU. Continuing close policy links with UCU were welcomed by the Task Group. Particular advice was received in light of the fact that the Government had stated that the review of 1419 education due in 2008 would not happen until 2013. It was felt that this meant that the Union had to engage in an analysis and critique of 14-19 policy developments such as the new Diplomas and the proposed requirement for all young people to remain in education or training until age 18. It was noted that increased collaboration between institutions was at odds with a competitive system of ‘diversity and choice’, and that collaboration between the Union and UCU, and the two unions’ respective membership, was important in order to seek to avoid conflict between schools and colleges, and teachers and lecturers as professionals. It was noted that awarding bodies had been excluded from diploma development until a late stage, and that the pressure of the timetable for reform impacted on awarding bodies as well as on teachers, lecturers, schools and colleges. The Union continued to make representations to awarding bodies either through their board and committee structures, or through bilateral and multilateral meetings. The Union’s awarding body representatives continued to be represented on the Task Group and provided updates and feedback from the awarding bodies accordingly. Task Group members were invited to attend a joint seminar with AQA which would take place in the spring of 2008. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) Report of the Executive 2008 141 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 9.10 Modern Foreign Languages Working Group Chairperson: Hazel Danson (a) The Working Party was constituted in the Autumn term of 2007 and met in November. Membership was invited from those with MFL expertise within the Union’s existing Advisory Committee and Task Group structure, and from members who had previously contacted the Union on matters related to MFL in primary and secondary schools. Members of the Working Party were concerned that teachers in primary schools should not be placed under unreasonable demands to teach MFL. Teachers needed to have the appropriate training and MFL competence themselves to be able to teach languages in Key Stage 2. From 2010, a statutory obligation to provide MFL teaching at Key Stage 2 placed a burden on school governing bodies to meet the statutory requirement. It was therefore imperative that provision was made in terms of professional development and a supply of appropriately trained teachers if governing bodies were not to be frustrated in meeting that duty. It was agreed that an advisory note would be prepared for Regional Offices to assist in the representation of members in primary schools where any unreasonable demands were being met. The Working Party warned also that the decline in the numbers of pupils continuing MFL to Key Stage 4 and beyond could threaten teaching jobs as demand for language teachers contracted. It was noted that a recommendation of the Languages Review had been to redeploy secondary school MFL teachers to primaries to help meet the new 2010 requirement. It was agreed that the Union may have a role in facilitating such arrangements in some cases, but it was felt that the difference in culture between primary and secondary schools could mean that the number of teachers who would want to transfer to primary teaching in this manner could be limited. Owing to the continuing concerns about the role of MFL in secondary schools and the urgent need for appropriate preparation for the introduction nationally of a new requirement for MFL in Key Stage 2 from 2010, it was agreed that the Union would contact the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families to outline its concerns and to receive further information on the Government’s strategy to ensure the successful introduction of MFL to Key Stage 2 as a statutory requirement. (b) (c) (d) (e) 9.11 Task Group on Faith Schools Chairperson: Hazel Danson (a) As reported in the previous Annual Report, the Union established a Task Group on Faith Schools in order to consider the complex issues surrounding faith schools and for the development of a Union position on such issues. The Department and Committee are very grateful to the Task Group for their hard work in advising the Executive on Faith Schools. Throughout 2007 the Working Group met on seven occasions during the months of February, March, June, July, September, October and November. During the meetings the Working Group received oral and written evidence from a variety of faith groups and other organisations. Topics discussed included: community cohesion; terminology around faith schools; faith schools and pupil attainment; comparative perspective on faith schools in Europe; Muslim schools in Britain; funding of faith schools; human and civil rights; faith schools and gender; schools admissions; DCSF’s position on faith schools: Faith in the System; Academies and faith schools; the role of SACREs; and the Commission on Integration and Community Cohesion’s report: Our Shared Future. The Working Group on Faith Schools deliberated at length on many complex issues arising in response to oral and written evidence and other tabled items during the meetings. Some complex issues discussed by the Task Group included: faith schools within the state sector and private sector; state funding of faith schools; and admissions. A highly successful consultative conference on faith schools was held in November (see separate report in this section). In the December cycle, the Executive agreed the NUT Position Paper. The Paper is set out below. (b) (c) (d) (e) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 142 Report of the Executive 2008 IN GOOD FAITH AN NUT POSITION PAPER ON FAITH SCHOOLS PRINCIPLES WHICH INFORM THE POSITION PAPER 1. In its education statement ‘Bringing Down the Barriers’ (2005), the NUT argued persuasively for a comprehensive education based on the provision of a good local school for every child. Set out below are some of the statements from that document. “If an education service is to meet the needs of all children and young people, it must be comprehensive in its approach. Primary and special education are as much examples of the success of a comprehensive approach as secondary education. There is nothing ‘standard’ about comprehensive education. There is nothing in comprehensive education which holds back high expectations of young people’s achievements. Comprehensive education can contribute as much to the talented and gifted child as to the child who is currently struggling to learn. Comprehensive education is about tackling barriers to high quality education. No government committed to raising the living standards of its people and to playing a progressive role internationally can afford to have an education service which is shaped by barriers arising from, for example, the influence of social class and economic and health issues, race, gender, disability or sexuality. No civil society can permit itself to be anything other than vigilant in seeing that its leaders live up to their responsibilities. The terms ‘comprehensive education’ and ‘equality of opportunity’ are synonymous. As the OECD’s Programme of International Student Assessment (2000) report demonstrates, the best education service is one where there is a single, non-diverse, system of well resourced provision within which the needs of all children and young people are targeted and met.” 2. The NUT argued further that: ‘The greatest potential for… joined up thinking lies in the widely welcomed ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda which recognises and sustains the idea that every school is at the centre of its community. It is an approach which is equally important for urban and rural communities. If schools are essential to their communities, then all parents should be entitled to send their children to good local schools and live up to the responsibilities that go alongside such entitlements. All the evidence points to the fact that this is the wish of the vast majority of parents. Indeed, local schools are enhanced by their communities and communities are enhanced by their local schools.’ 3. The comprehensive principle was founded on the idea of ‘equality of respect’ and ‘equal worth’. Regardless of a pupil’s gender, socio-economic, disability, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and academic ability, each should be treated with equal importance according to their specific needs. 4. Comprehensive education based on equality should enable the accommodation of beliefs within which faith groups and non-faith groups can attend happily. 5. Existing voluntary controlled schools are essentially community schools with foundations. It should therefore be possible to develop imaginative ways of recognising and meeting the needs of pupils with different faiths within community primary and secondary schools. 6. The debate on faith based schools needs to focus on ways to ensure that the religious and cultural differences of pupils are recognised and valued and their different cultural needs addressed at all schools. Report of the Executive 2008 7. 143 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee All publically funded schools should be required, therefore, to meet specific requirements in relation to: • admissions; • curriculum including RE; • governance; • equality for all including in staff recruitment; • human and civil rights; and • duty to promote and foster social cohesion. Every Child Matters 8. The ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda has the capacity to contribute not only to the concept of a good local school for every community but also to the regeneration of communities. 9. The five outcomes for children and young people are given legal force in the Children Act 2004, as the components of well-being and the purpose of co-operation between agencies. The Executive endorses the five outcomes as principles which inform its position on faith schools. 10. The five outcomes (with the 25 specific aims in the brackets below) are: • • • • • be healthy (defined further as: physically healthy, mentally and emotionally healthy, sexually healthy, healthy lifestyles, choose not to take illegal drugs); stay safe (defined further as: safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation, safe from accidental injury or death, safe from bullying and discrimination, safe from crime and anti-social behaviour in and out of school, having security, stability and care); enjoy and achieve (defined further as: ready for school, attend and enjoy school, achieving national educational standards at primary school, achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation, achieve national educational standards at secondary school); make a positive contribution (defined further as: engage in decision-making and support the community and environment, engage in law-abiding and positive behaviour in and out of school, develop positive relationships and choose not to bully and discriminate, develop self confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges, developing enterprising behaviour); achieve economic well-being (defined further as: engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school, ready for employment, live in decent homes and sustainable communities, access to transport and material goods, live in households free from low income). Human and Civil Rights 11. All schools should promote human and civil rights. These rights are enshrined in international human rights’ instruments. The Executive noted, in particular, the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Task Group noted in particular the following Articles of the Declaration in relation to the issue of faith schools: Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 26 Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. 12. The Executive emphasised the need for the rights of parents not to be exercised to the detriment of others, for example, the rights of other parents and the views of other children. Recognition should be given to the rights of the child to be increasingly consulted about their future, in the context of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 144 Report of the Executive 2008 Equality Legislation 13. The importance of universal application of equality legislation in all schools, including in faith schools should be emphasised; in particular, the importance of the promotion of equality on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, race and gender identity. This principle must also inform staff recruitment and disability in schools. 14. Human equality in all its dimensions should be affirmed and celebrated. The importance of working for the elimination of any faith-based homophobia, transphobia and institutionalised prejudice towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people is vital. 15. Any calls by any religious leaders, seeking exemptions from equality legislation, and attempts to base this on the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, such a right being for all, not just for some should be rejected. 16. Full civil rights for LGBT staff and students are not only consistent with the right to religious freedom, but are rooted in the best and fundamental teachings of all major faiths; love, justice, compassion, and mercy, such values being shared by all who seek the common good. 17. In most cases the full civil rights of LGBT staff and pupils will not be inconsistent with the right to religious freedom. In cases where there is any conflict, however, the NUT unequivocally supports the right to race, gender and LGBT equality. 18. All schools should comply with the legal requirement to make educational provision free of sex discrimination. 19. Girls and boys should be entitled to educational provision which promotes equality of opportunity, challenges gender stereotyping and which does not prescribe narrow views about masculinity and femininity. All girls and boys should have an equal entitlement to play sport and enjoy physical exercise. All young people need to be empowered by teachers and careers advisors to make subject and career choices which are not influenced by stereotypes about what are “gender appropriate” choices or aspirations. Fair Admissions and Community Cohesion 20. In order for there to be equality of access to education, there must be in place a fair and equitable pupil admissions process. Common admissions arrangements are the key to achieving this goal. The NUT has supported consistently the concept of local admissions forums. Initiatives such as the cross borough admissions forum in London are a step forward. Local admissions forums must have teeth. No admissions procedure should be in place which advantages one school at the expense of another, including faith schools. 21. Academy status has the capacity to undermine local communities of schools and the effectiveness of local authorities’ support. Sponsorship has the capacity also to undermine democratic accountability and curriculum entitlement. Indirectly, Academy status promotes the message that by virtue of status and additional capital investment, Academies are better than other schools, irrespective of the evidence. 22. The existence of independent fee-paying schools is detrimental to community cohesion. 23. If all schools were subject to a common admissions procedure there would be no contradiction between schools developing individually and clusters of schools working together. Securing inclusive and equitable school admissions arrangements is the key to bringing down the barriers between schools. 24. As the NUT argues in “A Good Local School For Every Child And For Every Community”, admissions of pupils to schools need a new coherence. All schools should be required to be involved in the local School Admissions Forums. Schools within School Admissions Forums would be required to seek agreement on admissions arrangements for their areas. Banding arrangements would need to apply to schools in communities, not to individual schools. The local authority would be required to act in accordance with the School Admissions Code of Practice. Report of the Executive 2008 145 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 25. Once each School’s Admissions Forum had done its best to reach agreement on admissions arrangements, it would report to the local authority. The local authority would be required to have regard to the report. The local authority would be required to decide on any appeals by individual schools in the context of the School Admissions Forum’s report. The local authority would then determine the admissions arrangements for each of the areas covered by the Schools Admissions Forums. Any separate schools’ admissions arrangements would be agreed with the local authority. 26. Local authorities would be required to co-ordinate with other local authorities where there are crossborder flows of pupils. 27. Recent research from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR): “School Admissions – Fair st Choice for Parents and Pupils”, published June 1 of this year, shows that secondary schools which are their own admission authorities are far less representative of their local area. 28. The research also shows that where faith schools are their own admission authorities they are ten times more likely to be highly unrepresentative of their surrounding area. Non-religious schools which are their own admissions authorities are six times more likely to be highly unrepresentative of their surrounding area than community schools where the local authority is the admission authority. 29. The NUT has endorsed the recommendation of the IPPR research that no school should be its own admission authority. As the report states the most obvious organisation to perform this function would be the local authority which would set the over-subscription criteria for all maintained schools within its area. 30. Given that promoting community cohesion is a legal requirement on schools, local authorities should be required to consult on and establish a community cohesion plan for the Forums to which schools with their own admissions arrangements should be required to adopt. 31. The Executive noted that the Home Office defines a cohesive community as one where: • • • • there is a common vision and a sense of belonging for all communities the diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities ; and strong and positive relationships are being developed between people from different 1 backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods. 32. The Executive agreed that the Home Office’s definition, whilst useful, did not view community cohesion in a holistic way. The Task Group therefore, recommended a broader definition of community cohesion which includes the widest interpretation of the word ‘community’ to include for example, LGBT communities. 33. “A Good Local School For Every Child And For Every Community” says that local authorities should also be required to establish Community Cohesion Forums at local level with clear links with the Admissions Forums. The remit of the Community Cohesion Forum could include: • advice to local authorities on their community cohesion plans for school admissions and fair access; • considering the implications of migratory and population flows; and • advising the policy and community groups on responding to gangs based along ethnic lines. 34. Local Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education have a pivotal role to play in promoting community cohesion at local level and through the locally agreed syllabus for religious education. 35. It is vitally important to promote community cohesion in its widest sense in all schools and hence begin to tackle concerns regarding segregation along religious and ethnic lines. The promotion of community cohesion must include activities within the curriculum. 1 Home Office Community Cohesion Unit: Building a Picture of Community Cohesion, 2003, the same definition was also used in National Guidance by the Local Government Association in 2002) Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 146 Report of the Executive 2008 Diversity and Inclusion 36. Schools with a religious character often have a mix of other faiths and of no faith. 37. Schools which are inclusive of other religions are not necessarily inclusive in other aspects; e.g. admissions practices; the curriculum arrangements and other aspects of school life. 38. In order to foster community cohesion it is vital that schools with a religious character are inclusive of all faiths (and none). 39. In addition, faith schools must reflect the diverse nature of British society and their local community in relation to ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability in terms of the school population and staffing. It is also vital that such schools promote diversity and equality in the day to day activities of the school. 40. Given that public money is used to fund schools with a religious character, the Executive believes that such schools must be open to the wider community in the interests of fostering social and community cohesion. 41. That does not mean to say that needs of communities with different faiths should not be provided for in within schools. In fact there is every argument for the curriculum and staffing to respond positively both to the diversity of faiths within schools and to the needs of those with no religious affiliation. Equality of Treatment 42. Part 2 of the Equality Act 2000 came into effect on 6 April 2007 and makes it unlawful to discriminate on grounds of religion or belief • in the provision of goods, facilities and services • in the disposal and management of premises • in education • in the exercise of public functions 43. The disproportionate provision of faith-based schools by Christian denominations is unjust and unsustainable. 44. While some faiths receive provision, any faith group which can demonstrate a reasonable need and demand for their own schools, has the right to equal treatment of provision. There is a case, therefore, for independent faith schools to be incorporated in the maintained sector. 45. The Executive noted that recently a number of Academies with a faith designation had been established. These schools present a particular problem because they lie outside the maintained sector. Their staffing structures and decisions about any reserved posts will be through funding agreements and will be taken outside the local authority framework. They represent particular dangers for community cohesion and the pay and conditions of staff. Funding of Faith Schools 46. There should be an equitable approach to funding across all schools – faith based and non faith based schools, according to identified additional educational needs. All schools must be accountable to the level of state funding received. Proposed Solutions 47. In dealing with sensitive issues especially those involving faith and education, an approach that emphasises pragmatism and establishing common understanding is essential. The needs and wishes of faith communities should be considered, including the diverse views within the NUT membership. 48. The aim of achieving equity and community cohesion which takes into account the needs of religious groups and those of no religious affiliation should be based on a reciprocal approach where all schools whatever their existing status play their part in achieving those aims. A convergence of “reasonable 2 accommodation” from both the faith school and non-faith school sectors is essential. 2 The term “reasonable accommodation” has been adopted from the British Humanist Association’s document entitled A Better Way Forward – BHA policy on religion and schools 2006. Report of the Executive 2008 147 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Community Cohesion 49. It is essential that the requirement to promote community cohesion is applied equally through: • • • • • the admissions process school ethos respecting cultural requirements the curriculum their staff recruitment policies The Admissions Process 50. In determining the oversubscription criteria of admissions policies the entitlement of every child to a good local school must be paramount. The NUT is opposed to admissions policies which either privilege or discriminate against children on the basis of the beliefs, motivations or practices of their parents. 51. It is vital that all schools have admissions practices which are inclusive and which respect the diversity of the community they are situated in. See previous section on admissions (paragraphs 20-35). School Ethos 52. The principle of collaboration between faith and non faith based schools in order to promote the common good, community dialogue, respect, mutual understanding and civic engagement is essential. Respecting Cultural Requirements 53. Reasonable accommodations should be made to meet the religious needs of all pupils. For many years now many schools have attempted to be inclusive of faith communities. Examples of such ‘reasonable accommodations’ include; • • • • provision of adequate private prayer space within schools; recognising religious holidays which embrace all faiths; flexible arrangements around school uniform to allow for religious and cultural differences; and provision of suitable food in school canteens catering for all religious requirements. 54. All of the above actions can be seen as good practice and inclusive. The motivation behind schools making efforts to meet the religious and cultural wishes of parents and communities is often a desire to welcome diversity in the student/pupil population. Many schools wish to have an ethos that brings together children from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds whilst making accommodations to meet individual needs. 55. It is vital that ‘reasonable accommodations’ are made both by schools and faith communities within a spirit of reciprocity. 56. There are lessons here for policy makers. Perhaps if such accommodations were extended in breadth and depth, the call for the establishment of an increased number of faith schools, and with it the negative impact of educating children from different cultures and religions, could be avoided. Schools could develop this approach and consider the provision of space for religious instruction in addition to religious education for the children of parents who wish it. The Curriculum 57. The Non-Statutory National Framework for RE and the requirements of local SACREs should apply equally to all schools and subject to the same inspection arrangements. 58. The issue of collective worship is in need of re-examining, particularly its requirement within the 1988 Education Reform Act to be ‘wholly or mainly of a Christian character’ in order to eliminate the need for withdrawal from school assemblies. Inclusive school assemblies must replace ‘collective worship’, with separate optional prayers and worship for those that require them. 59. In addition, schools must make provision for religious education to promote education about religion and learning from religion and to encourage respect and mutual understanding. Impartial, fair and balanced teaching about all major worldviews, including nonreligious ones, in RE, provide all children an understanding of the range of beliefs found in a multicultural society and the values shared by most religions and ethical worldviews. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 60. 148 Report of the Executive 2008 No child should be exempt from receiving Sex and Relationships Education (SRE). This is an essential area of the curriculum. The teaching of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) can occur within single-sex classes in order to allow teachers to cater for specific needs during SRE sessions. In addition SRE should be taught in a values framework. Staff Recruitment Policies 61. Equal employment rights within schools are paramount to social cohesion. Schools must not discriminate against potential employees based on their religious or lack of religious affiliations, their sexual orientation, gender identity or their marital or civil partnership status. Schools should also take positive action to tackle any under representation of diverse groups. 62. The late amendment of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 which allows schools to stipulate religious belief as a criterion for employment should be repealed. It is discriminatory to prefer candidates on the basis of their religious or lack of religious beliefs. 63. The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 provide a certain level of protection for people on the grounds of religion or belief. The Regulations ensure that direct and indirect discrimination; victimisation and harassment on the grounds of religion or belief are outlawed and applies to all aspects of employment. RECOMMENDATIONS TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE 64. Many people expressed concern about the Government’s initiatives to increase the number and range of faith schools. Concerns arose surrounding the potential divisiveness and discrimination in a proliferation of faith-based schools. 65. Our society is characterised by religious diversity, including a large minority of people with no religious beliefs or affiliations. In our plural society people of faith and none co-exist peacefully. The Executive acknowledges the efforts that many schools are making to work for social cohesion in their local communities. 66. Drawing on the evidence and research that the Task Group has considered, the Executive’s view is set out below. i. ii. iii. iv. 67. All schools must make ‘reasonable accommodations’ to meet the religious needs of all pupils and respect the diversity of beliefs represented within its population. All schools (of a religious character or not) must actively promote and foster social cohesion. The education system must reflect the diverse nature of British society in relation to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. Based on the principle of equity, all schools must make ‘reasonable accommodations’ to meet the religious needs of all pupils and respect the diversity of beliefs represented within its population such that all faith groups and those with none can attend happily. Based on the principles in ‘Bringing Down The Barriers’ there should be a move away from the current position in which 33 per cent of maintained schools have a religious character. There should be a system of comprehensive schools which is based on equality and reasonable accommodation to meet the needs of pupils of religious belief and those of none and with locally agreed admissions policies which neither privilege or discriminate against children on the basis of the beliefs or practices of their parents/carers. The following recommendations are a summary of the proposals detailed in this position paper. • • • • • The universal application of equality legislation in all schools The establishment of a fair and equitable pupil admissions process. A call for a common admissions procedure requiring schools to become involved in the local School Admissions Forums. No school should be its own admission authority. At local authority level, the establishment of a local Community Cohesion forum with clear links to the Admission Forums. All schools to adequately account for their level of state funding. The promotion and fostering of community cohesion in all schools. Report of the Executive 2008 149 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee BACKGROUND 2006 Annual Conference Resolution 1. The 2006 Annual Conference carried the following resolution: “Conference believes that the Government’s policy of increasing numbers of faith schools could hinder integration and the creation of a fully comprehensive system and increase, rather than reduce barriers to achieving an inclusive society. Conference instructs the Executive to establish a working party on faith schools with the remit of producing a report for it on the issue. Conference instructs the Executive to seek amendments to the 2006 Education Bill which would: • • • • • • • ensure that there are no barriers, including barriers involving parental belief, to pupil admissions within faith schools; ensure that local authorities have the responsibility for coordinating and setting the admissions arrangements for all government-funded schools following consultation with School Admissions Forums within the context of a statutory Admissions Code of Practice; ensure that where schools offer religious instruction participation by pupils takes place with the agreement of their parents and that religious education in faith schools involves unbiased teaching about all faiths and beliefs including secular beliefs within the context of the locally agreed SACRE syllabus; prevent voluntary controlled or voluntary aided schools being pressurised into becoming trusts; strengthen the role of teacher, parent and governor organisations and trade unions on SACREs; ensure that all pupils within faith schools are taught a broad and balanced curriculum and widen the role of the local SACRE in maintaining the application of the agreed syllabus in all government-funded schools; consolidate the protection of LGBT staff in faith schools and the rights of all staff to freedom from harassment and discrimination on grounds of their actual or presumed sexual orientation, or on the grounds of religion or belief. Conference instructs the Executive to convene a seminar on faith schools to consider: 2. the impact of admissions policies on the ethos and intake of faith schools in the context of the need for inclusive schools, admission policies and practice; 3. the distinction between religious instruction and religious education in faith schools; 4. the implications of further educational reforms for faith schools, particularly in the context of the White Paper ‘Higher Standards: Better Schools for All’; 5. the needs and desires of minority faiths and beliefs in the education system; 6. the needs of teachers and Union members in faith schools; and 7. the rights of all staff in faith schools, including the rights to union representation and negotiation. Conference instructs the Executive to include a wide range of invitees to the seminar including Union representatives on local SACREs. Conference instructs the Executive to consider the results of the seminar and working party report and draw on their findings for further policy on faith schools.” Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 150 Report of the Executive 2008 Background Statistics on Faith Schools in England and Wales 8. Of the 7.5 million young people attending maintained schools in England, 23 per cent (n=1,701,310) are educated in faith-based institutions. These institutions account for 33 per cent of maintained schools. The overwhelming majority of faith schools are Church of England and Roman Catholic, with a small number of Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Other Christian schools (see Table 1). But faith schools also exist in the independent sector: OFSTED’s Annual Report for 2004/5 states that there were 51 Jewish, 116 Christian and 100 Muslim schools in the independent sector. As of September 2006, of the 47 (46) Academies opened, four were former faith schools which turned into academies with 16 altogether having a faith designation. (Census figures show that in 2001 there were 5,098,930 Christian children, 376,340 Muslim children, 62,237 Sikh children, 33,292 Jewish children and 82,952 Hindu children aged between four and 15 in England. The School Census from 2005 showed that there were 1,710,400 pupils in maintained Christian schools, 1,770 pupils in maintained Muslim schools, 14,670 pupils in maintained Jewish schools and 640 pupils in maintained Sikh schools in England, while the first maintained Hindu school 3 is due to open in September 2008 Table 1: Maintained schools: by religious character, January 2006 (England) Church of England Primary No. of schools No. of FTE pupils Secondary No. of schools No. of FTE pupils Roman Catholic Methodist Other Christian faith Jewish Muslim Sikh Other Total schools of religious character Total schools of NO religious character 4,456 1,708 26 52 28 4 1 1 6,276 11,228 17,504 772,030 405,240 4,480 9,560 8,760 930 210 310 1,201,151 2,947,440 4,148,950 201 345 0 30 8 2 1 1 588 2,779 3,367 172,590 318,880 0 27,620 5,910 840 430 290 526,560 2,780,220 3,306,780 Source: DfES (2006) Statistics of Education: Schools in England 2006 Edition, London: TSO Table 2: Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals in maintained school by type of school, DfES figures for England, 2005 Religious character Church of England Roman Catholic Methodist Other Christian Faith Jewish Muslim Sikh Other Non-religious schools Maintained primary schools 11.3 ( 12.2 in 2001) 15.6 (17.2 in 2001) 15.2 12.7 3.1 31.5 9.3 9.8 20.1 ( 20.2 in 2001 ) Maintained secondary schools 11.6 (11.8 in 2001) 14.6 (16.5 in 2001) 6.8 5.9 34.1 10.8 23.2 15.4 ( 16.8 in 2001) Table 3: Percentage of children with special educational needs by type of school, DfES figures for England, 2005 Religious character Religious schools Non-religious schools 3 Total ALL schools Maintained primary schools 16.0 18.9 Taken from the report entitled: Faith in the System (2007) DCSF. Maintained secondary schools 14.1 17.1 Report of the Executive 2008 151 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Table 4: Maintained schools: by religious character, January 2006 (Wales) Primary No. of schools Church of England Roman Catholic Church in Wales Total schools of religious character 1 75 172 248 15 3 18 Secondary No. of schools Source: WAG (2007) School and Teacher Statistics The Government’s Drive to Increase Faith Schools, in particular through the Academies’ Programme, and its Implications for the1944 Settlement 9. The 1944 Education Act achieved a settlement between Church and State over control of schools. In return for a degree of autonomy, Church authorities were required to contribute financially to their schools. 10. The 1944 settlement in relation to Church of England, Roman Catholic and non-conformist schools, was both pragmatic and fragile. There has been a continuing debate, at local level, about the relationship between denominational and maintained schools. While there have sometimes been specific and contentious local debates about admissions policies, local authorities and diocesan bodies have sought to resolve them. 11. The then Prime Minister’s intervention at the time of the publication of the Green Paper in 2001, which implied that the ethos of faith schools gave them an intrinsic advantage over non-denominational schools, was unsupported by evidence. It was enormously damaging to existing relationships. It triggered a debate which undermined the 1944 Settlement. Prime Minister Blair’s claims contradicted all that is known about school improvement, including the importance of leadership, teaching and learning irrespective of school status. Success in all schools depends on the quality of teaching and the support that teachers receive. In addition, the socio-economic background of pupils is also a key factor. The NUT’s Task Group on Faith Schools 12. The 2006 Annual Conference resolution called on the Executive to “establish a working party on faith schools with the remit of producing a report for it on the issue”. Conference further instructed the Executive to convene a seminar on faith schools and to “consider the results of the seminar and working party report and draw on their findings for further policy on faith schools”. 13. During 2006, the NUT convened a high profile Task Group on Faith Schools comprising representatives from the Executive and lay members nominated by the Regional Offices/Wales Office. 14. The remit of the Task Group has been to advise the Executive on: • • the organisation, including target audience (for example, Union representatives on SACREs), and content of a seminar on Faith Schools; and further development of Union policy on faith schools which takes into account: the impact of admissions policies on the ethos and intake of faith schools in the context of the need for inclusive schools, admission policies and practice; the distinction between religious instruction and religious education in faith schools; the implications of further educational reforms for faith schools, particularly in the context of the White Paper ‘Higher Standards: Better Schools for All’; the needs and desires of minority faiths and beliefs in the education system; the needs of teachers and Union members in faith schools; and the rights of all staff in faith schools, including the rights to union representation and negotiation. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 15. 152 Report of the Executive 2008 In addition the Working Group has considered: • • • • • • Governance Curriculum in faith schools Differentiation between primary and secondary Faith schools and community cohesion Faith schools and pupil achievement Impact of faith schools on children Summary of Oral and Written Evidence considered by the Task Group 16. The Task Group considered oral evidence given by the following: • Simon Gouldon – United Synagogue Agency for Jewish Education • Keith Porteous Wood – National Secular Society, Executive Director • Dr. Bari – Muslim Council of Britain • Robert Leach – Lesbian and Gay, Christian Movement (LGCM) • Andrew Copson – British Humanist Association • Arzu Merali – Islamic Human Rights Commission 17. The Task Group also considered written evidence provided by the following: • Professor Gerald Grace - Academic • Mr A W Hewitt – NUT member • Roz Adie – Catholic Teacher • Oona Stannard – Catholic Education Service See Appendix 3 A Summary of the Literature Search and Research Reports considered by the Task Group 18. The Task Group considered a literature search which consisted of: • • 19. The Impact of Faith Schools on Pupil Achievement (Appendix 1) The Relationship Between Church And State In Other European Countries And The Provisions For Faith Schools In These Countries (Appendix 2) The Task Group also considered the following research reports. A brief summary is provided for each report. Nasar Meer, Muslim Schools in Britain: Challenging mobilisations or logical developments? 20. Muslim minorities currently feel subjected to unwarranted suspicion. More Muslim schools could contribute to the reconciliation of faith commitments and citizenship requirements within a public sphere that has historically included other religious minorities before it. Faith schools have historically been an effective way of integrating religious minorities throughout the development of the British education system. 21. A number of factors inform the broad interest in Muslim schools; educating the ‘whole person’, separate education for boys and girls, establishments that offer ‘specialist training in the Islamic religious sciences’, more Islamic culture embedded within the school ethos and curriculum, better exam results. Pennell, West and Hine: ‘Religious Composition and Admission Processes of Faith Secondary Schools in London’ 22. An analysis of the religious composition of schools with a religious character in London found that the student mix varied. Church of England schools were more religiously inclusive than Roman Catholic Schools. Schools that set aside a proportion of places for other faiths/no faith tended to be more inclusive of other faiths than those that did not adopt this practice. 23. Schools that were inclusive of other religions were not necessarily inclusive in other aspects; e.g. admissions practices in some schools resulted in social selection. Report of the Executive 2008 24. 153 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee If community cohesion is to be fostered, schools with a religious character should be inclusive of all faiths (and none). At present this is not the case. Major tensions arise in balancing policies that aim to increase the number of faith schools and promote religious inclusion. These are not easily resolved in a pluralist society, but given that public money is used to fund schools with a religious character there is a strong case to be made for such schools to be open to the wider community in the interests of enhancing social cohesion. Faith Primary Schools: Better Schools or Better Pupils: Stephen Gibbons and Olmo Silva 25. There is no unambiguous performance advantage of faith schools that cannot be attributed purely to pupil-side selection into these schools, or to school-side selection of pupils likely to show the fastest progress. 26. Pupils who attended faith schools at the primary phase, but not at the Secondary phase, do no better in primary schools than pupils who attended faith schools at the secondary phase but not at the primary phase. The faith schools gap in attainments at primary phase seems largely attributable to differences between those pupils who choose to attend a faith schools at any stage in their school careers, and those who choose never to do so or are excluded from doing so by school selection procedures. 27. There is clear positive selection of pupils into faith schools on the basis of observable characteristics that are favourable to education. Once we control for these types of selection, our lowest estimates suggest no difference between expected attainment in faith primary schools and expected attainment in any other school type; this is based on comparing pupils who swap in and out of faith schooling between the primary and secondary phases. 28. The results suggest that pupils in faith primary schools which have autonomous governance and admissions structures progress marginally faster. A child who starts in an autonomous faith school age 7 could expect to be one percentile higher in the distribution of pupil attainments by age 11 than a comparable pupil attending a standard secular school. 29. Pupils in faith schools that are under close local authority control do not progress any faster than similar pupils in comparable secular schools. Any performance impact from ‘Faith’ schools in England seems to be closely linked to autonomous governance and admissions arrangements, and not to religious character. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 154 Report of the Executive 2008 Appendix 1 NUT WORKING GROUP ON FAITH SCHOOLS SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS ON THE IMPACT OF FAITH SCHOOLS ON PUPIL ACHIEVEMENT Background Statistics Of the 7.5 million young people attending maintained schools in England, 23 per cent (n=1,701,310) are educated in faith-based institutions. These institutions account for 33 per cent of maintained schools. The overwhelming majority of faith schools are Church of England and Roman Catholic, with a small number of Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Other Christian schools (see Table 1). But faith schools also exist in the independent sector: OFSTED’s Annual Report for 2004/5 states that there were 51 Jewish, 116 Christian and 100 Muslim schools in the independent sector. Table 1: Maintained schools: by religious character, January 2004 (England) Primary No. of schools No. of FTE pupils No. of FTE teachers Secondary No. of schools No. of FTE pupils No. of FTE teachers Church of England Roman Catholic Methodist Other Christian faith Jewish Muslim Sikh Other Total schools of religious character Total schools of NO religious character Total ALL schools 4,482 762,990 1,723 396,450 26 4,470 50 9,380 28 8,270 2 430 1 200 1 190 6,313 1,182,380 11,449 2,930,250 17,762 4,112,630 34,140 17,000 200 410 380 20 # 10 52,160 129,070 181,230 199 164,260 352 321,150 0 0 30 27,090 5 5,000 2 710 1 430 1 290 590 518,930 2,819 2,805,780 3,409 3,324,710 9,500 19,170 0 1,590 310 40 20 10 30,640 164,610 195,250 FTE = Full-time equivalent; # = less than 5. Source: DfES (2004) Statistics of Education: Schools in England 2004 Edition, London: TSO Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals in maintained school by type of school, DfES figures for England, 2005 Religious character Church of England Roman Catholic Methodist Other Christian Faith Jewish Muslim Sikh Other Non-religious schools Maintained primary schools 11.3 ( 12.2 in 2001) 15.6 (17.2 in 2001) 15.2 12.7 3.1 31.5 9.3 9.8 20.1 ( 20.2 in 2001 ) Maintained secondary schools 11.6 (11.8 in 2001) 14.6 (16.5 in 2001) 6.8 5.9 34.1 10.8 23.2 15.4 ( 16.8 in 2001) Report of the Executive 2008 155 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee Percentage of children with special educational needs by type of school, DfES figures for England, 2005 Religious character Religious schools Non-religious schools Maintained primary schools 16.0 18.9 Maintained secondary schools 14.1 17.1 Introduction 1. In support of the work of the NUT Working Group on Faith Schools, research was carried out over the summer 2006 to determine the impact of faith schools on pupil achievement. A review of the literature on faith schools, however, reveals a predominant concern with aspects of social cohesion rather than pupil attainment. 2. The range of faith schools within the maintained sector now includes Muslim, Sikh and Jewish schools. The Government refers to ‘faith schools’ in order to embrace all faiths. As the schools from the latter faiths are both few in number and also relatively new to the state system, there is as yet little evidence of their effectiveness. 3. “Although it seems reasonable to talk about ‘church schools’ in general, the character of Roman Catholic and Church of England schools is very different. Roman Catholic schools cater largely for the Roman Catholic families; they may accept some non-Catholic pupils, but the majority will have links with the Catholic Church. Accordingly, their intake tends to represent a community which is widespread geographically, but is socially cohesive. By contrast, Church of England schools function much more as local community schools, with perhaps just a small number of places reserved for pupils from further a field who request a specifically Christian education. We should not therefore necessarily expect both 4 kinds of Church school to have similar outcomes.” 4. Faith-based institutions claim that their spiritual focus helps to raise academic achievement. A shared set of values intrinsic to the faith, these institutions say, supports the development of strong working relationships between teachers and pupils. 5. Faith-based institutions claim that their paramount concern for the personal, social, spiritual and moral development of students increases a sense of self-worth among students, thus encouraging a positive response to subsequent academic demands. The principal of a Catholic sixth-form college in West London maintains, for example, that “If you can get your 16 to 19 year olds to pray with you, it is a bit easier to get the essay in at the end of the week. You are appealing to other parts of them as people, not just their identity as students with learning goals”.5 6. Faith-based schools and colleges also claim that their religious ethos and sense of purpose contributes to a vibrant team spirit and sense of collegiality among staff. Communities that can identify things that they have in common, faith-based institutions claim, are more likely to be successful than ones that are fractured. 7. The following evidence is cited in support of these arguments: • In 2004, 11 faith-based schools were judged ‘excellent’ by a Learning and Skills Council performance review. Of the 73 colleges in England judged excellent, 15 per cent were Roman Catholic. These colleges are non-selective and often draw their students from deprived innercity areas.6 • Research by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research found that pupils at faithbased primary schools are a year ahead of children at other schools. Using 2003 data on key stage 2 maths results, researchers found that children at the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham’s seven faith primaries scored 67.6 out of 100, compared with 53.9 at other schools. Based on these findings, faith school pupils appear to have a grasp of maths equivalent to a child aged 12.6 as opposed to 11.6 elsewhere. Furthermore, this gap was biggest among children in the bottom 10 per cent at both types of school. Even the worst performers at faith schools, the research report argues, had a “maths age” of 10.9, compared to 9.2 at other primaries.7 4 NFER, The Impact of Specialist and Faith Schools on Performance, LGA Research Report 28, 2002. TES, 21 January 2005. TES, 21 January 2005. 7 S.J. Prais, ‘The Superior Educational Attainments of Pupils in Religious Foundation Schools in England’ in National Institute of Economic Review, (193), July 2005. 5 6 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee • • • • • • • • 156 Report of the Executive 2008 In 2004, 51 per cent of Church of England pupils left school with five A*-C GCSEs compared to 42 per cent of children at non-denominational schools.8 2005 GCSE results showed that 46 of the 100 top-rated comprehensives were faith schools.9 A study by the National Institute for Christian Education Research, a Church of England thinktank, shows that children improve faster in Anglican schools. The Institute’s study showed that pupils’ progress at 4,468 Anglican primary schools in Britain was more than double that achieved nationally, using the value-added measure. Pupils progressed three times as much at 10 the 201 Anglican secondary schools than at other community schools. Figures produced by the DfES showed that 34 per cent of children at faith schools receiving free school meals – a key measure of deprivation – got five A*-C GCSEs in 2005, compared to 29 per cent elsewhere.11 A 2003 study by the Catholic Education Service found that Roman Catholic schools are much more successful than other maintained schools at creating an ethos where pupils learn effectively. Attendance records are better and pupils’ personal development is more effectively fostered, particularly at secondary level. From 5 to 16 years old, standards are higher than those of comparable pupils in maintained schools nationally and pupils make better progress.12 Public support for a faith-based education remains strong, according to an ORB pollster, even among non-believers. A survey of 1,000 adults conducted by ORB in March 2006 showed that 58 per cent of those who never go to church believe Anglican schools have a “positive role” to 13 play, rising to 83 per cent among people who go to church once every three months. The argument that faith schools explicitly or implicitly select their pupils is dismissed by some as being based largely on anecdotal evidence and unfounded generalisation. It is asserted, for example, that the British Catholic community is predominantly Irish urban working class with origins in poor immigrant families. The claim, therefore, is that faith schools mitigate some of the effects of socio-economic segregation, especially for pupils from disadvantaged socio14 economic backgrounds rather than reinforce them. A study of Catholic head teachers in England indicates that Catholic schools see their mission in terms of promoting faith, community and the social dimension. However, the same study also acknowledges that Catholic schools in England have given greater attention to academic performance in school prospectuses and that this development has been largely driven by government legislation. This emphasis on academic performance, it is argued, was viewed by head teachers in the sample as an education for service. Overall, however, academic success is not considered the primary aim of a Catholic school.15 8. Critics of faith schools, including Richard Pring, doubt whether faith schools still practise the nurturing of a religious morality over academic attainment as argued in defence of the establishment of faith 16 schools in the period before the 1944 Act. 9. The Office of the Schools Adjudicator was reported in 2004 as saying that the only reason Christian faith-based schools outperformed their secular neighbours was because of “their practice of selection 17 from church-going families”. Indeed there is evidence that some parents undergo co-incidentally religious conversion when considering which schools to choose for their children. 10. A 2004 study by Paul Croll of Reading University concluded that children from church-going families often outperform those who never attend a religious place of worship. More generally, the study suggests that there was a direct link between a pupil’s academic success and a parent’s willingness to take part in events outside the home. Attendance at religious services was deemed to have a positive relationship with GCSE results. Young people with a parent who attends a religious service at least once a week were found to have the highest average GCSE scores, whilst the children of parents who 18 are members of three or more organisations achieve nearly twice as many A*-C GCSE passes. 8 TES, 24 September 2004. TES, 23 September 2005. National Institute for Christian Education Research, Statistical Survey of the Attainment and Achievement of Pupils in Church of England Schools, August 2005. 11 TES, 17 March 2006. 12 Catholic Education Service, Quality and Performance: A Survey of Education in Catholic Schools, 2003. 13 TES, 17 March 2006. 14 Cf. J. Arthur, ‘Measuring Catholic School Performance’ in Faith Schools – Consensus or Conflict?, ed. R. Gardner, J. Cairns and D. Lawton, (London, Routledge: 2005), p.148. 15 Ibid., p.152. 16 R. Pring, ‘Faith Schools – Can They Be Justified?’ in Faith Schools – Consensus or Conflict?, ed. R. Gardner, J. Cairns and D. Lawton, (London, Routledge: 2005), p.52. 17 TES, 24 September 2004. 18 TES, 10 June 2005. 9 10 Report of the Executive 2008 157 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 11. A study conducted by the London School of Economics in 2003 found that church and foundation 19 schools were 25 times more likely to select pupils who will boost their league tables. “Selection, even on religious grounds, is likely to attract well-behaved children from stable backgrounds”, said a 20 spokesperson for Ofsted in the TES on 16 February 2001. 12. Faith secondary schools take significantly fewer pupils with emotional, behavioural and physical difficulties than other state schools. The Department for Education and Skills 2005 statistics show 17.1 per cent of children at non-religious secondaries have special needs compared to 14.1 per cent at faith secondaries. They also show that 18.9 per cent of those at secular primaries have special needs compared to 16 per cent at faith-based primaries.21 13. Apart from non-faith secondaries taking almost a fifth more children with special needs, which include autism, ADHD, emotional and physical disabilities, Anglican and Catholic schools have also been found to take fewer children from deprived backgrounds. DfES figures for England in 2005 have shown that in the average community primary school 20.1 per cent of children are eligible for free school meals. In the average Church of England primary it is only 11.3 per cent. Similarly, around 15.4 per cent of pupils in community secondaries are eligible for free school meals, whilst in faith-based secondaries this 22 drops to an average of 11.6 per cent. 14. Research by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) concludes that church schools do very well because they control admissions and therefore attract ambitious parents. An analysis of 3,044 schools’ results found no evidence that faith schools add more value than other state schools. The top 10 positions in the 2005 Key Stage 3 value-added tables, for example, were dominated by 23 grammar schools. 15. NFER found that faith schools outperform secular schools in two key areas: the number of GCSEs being taken by pupils and the total points score for the school. This means that, on average, each pupil at a faith school scores one more GCSE point than those at other comprehensives. However, the study argues that this may be due to Religious Education being compulsory in faith schools, often meaning 24 an additional GCSE in examinations. 16. In the case of independent Muslim schools reaching high positions in the ‘value-added’ league tables in 2006, small class sizes also play a part in the achievement of pupils. The Muslim school that came 25 highest in the table had only 6 pupils taking GCSEs. 17. Figures obtained by the TES earlier this year show that Ofsted inspectors believe that fewer faith schools are “highly effective” (OFSTED’s top mark) compared to those without a religious ethos. In the past academic year, only 1 per cent of faith secondary schools visited by inspectors was deemed to be “highly effective” compared to 3 per cent of non-denominational secondaries.26 18. NFER came to the following conclusions about faith schools: “The value-added analyses confirmed the findings of some earlier research by indicating that some……faith schools perform above expectations on some outcomes. However, further research would be needed to identify the nature of the advantage and the reasons for it. The most noteworthy findings were that: • • Jewish schools performed exceptionally well on all but one of the outcomes Church schools performed consistently well in English. It is important to note, however, that these positive associations are not necessarily causal. The analysis took into account prior attainment (the chief determinant of performance) and other important pupil-and school-level variables. However, there are relevant factors concerning intake (such as 27 ethnicity, EAL, and parental support) which could not be included because data was not available.” 19 TES, 24 September 2004. BHA Briefing 2006/4: Faith Schools Update. TES, 11 November 2005. 22 TES, 23 September 2005 and BHA Briefing 2006/4: Faith Schools Update. 23 NFER, The Impact of Specialist and Faith Schools on Performance, LGA Research Report 28, 2002. 24 Ibid. 25 The Guardian, 19 January 2006. 26 TES, 20 January 2006. 27 ibid 20 21 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 158 Report of the Executive 2008 Appendix 2 NUT WORKING GROUP ON FAITH SCHOOLS – THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE IN OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND THE PROVISIONS FOR FAITH SCHOOLS IN THESE COUNTRIES INTRODUCTION There are, roughly speaking, five major models which define the relationship between church and state in other European countries with implications for provisions for faith-based school in these countries. Model 1: No legal separation between the Church and the State (examples: Greece, Luxembourg, Norway) In countries with no legal separation between Church and State, there is usually one prevailing religion (Eastern Orthodox in Greece, Lutheran in Norway), or a limited set of religions which were predominant when the Constitution was established (Roman Catholic, Protestantism and Judaism in Luxembourg), that defines public life. Religious education plays a major part in the state education system, but there is no evidence that religious education exclusively focuses on the doctrine of the dominant religion. In Norway, children of parents who are not members of the State Church may be wholly or partially exempted from religious instruction. They are, as far as possible, offered other religious and moral education. There is no evidence in any of these countries of the establishment of specifically faith-based schools. Model 2: The character of the State is non-denominational, but public authorities co-operate with a major religious institution, i.e. the Catholic Church (examples: Spain, Portugal and Italy) In these countries, no denomination has an official status, but there is generally a Concordant between the State and the Catholic Church on the teaching of the Catholic faith in state schools. There is no specific provision for faith-based schools. In Spain, the State also has Cooperation Arrangements with Evangelical, Jewish and Muslim authorities in recognition of the individual’s fundamental right to a religious education. In Italy, relations between the State and other religions are based on agreements with the respective representatives. Model 3: The character of the State is non-denominational, but public authorities used to co-operate with a major religious institution, i.e. the Lutheran Church (example: Sweden) st On 1 January 2000, the Swedish Church separated from the State and there is no longer a State Church in Sweden. As a consequence of immigration, the Roman Catholic Church, different orthodox churches as well as religions such as Islam and Buddhism have expanded. Jewish communities have existed in Sweden since the th end of the 18 Century. An Act Prohibiting Discrimination and other Degrading Treatment of Children and st School Students came into force on 1 April 2006. It regulates the right of children and pupils to equivalent treatment throughout the different levels within the education system. Head teachers need to ensure that there is an action plan for ensuring equal opportunities. There is no specific provision for faith-based schools. Model 4: Church and State are separate, but there is provision for non-denominational and denominational schools (examples: Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland) In Belgium, all students subject to compulsory schooling are entitled to moral religious education, the costs of which are borne by the State. The State guarantees parental free choice and administers neutral education, which implies respect for parents’ and students’ philosophical, ideological, or religious concepts. Schools run by public authorities offer the choice of instruction in a recognised religion or in non-denominational ethics. Education belongs to one of the following categories: denominational (predominantly Catholic), nondenominational (‘neutral’), and pluralist (this type does not actually exist). Denominational schools are either public, grant-aided schools organised by the provinces, municipalities or by any public law corporation, or private, grant-aided schools. Schools organised by the public authorities are non-denominational. In Poland, the most important regulation is that the State guarantees introduction – according to parents’ and students’ will – of religious education (as an optional subject) into the curriculum of all state schools. The Catholic Church has a right to run education institutions according to canon law regulations and official principles scheduled in relevant Acts (i.e. School Education Act, etc.). Report of the Executive 2008 159 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee One of the key features of the Dutch education system is freedom of education, i.e. the freedom to found schools (freedom of establishment), to organise the teaching in schools and to determine the principles on which schools are based. People have the right to found schools and to provide teaching based on religious, ideological and educational beliefs. Publicly run schools are open to all children regardless of their religion or outlook, they are generally subject to public law, are governed by the municipal council or by a public legal entity and provide education on behalf on the State. Privately run schools are subject to private law and are state-funded, although not set up by the State, are governed by the board of the association or foundation that set them up, base their teaching on religious or ideological beliefs (i.e. Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu) and can refuse to admit pupils whose parents do not subscribe to the belief or ideology on which the school’s teaching is based. Model 5: The State is non-denominational, but denominational bodies have played and continue to play an important role in the provision of education (example: Ireland, Northern Ireland) The 1937 Constitution in Ireland, reflects Roman Catholic social thinking and teaching of the time but the State itself is non-denominational. Article 42 of the Constitution states that parents are the ‘primary and natural educators’ of their child/children and defines the role of the State in this regard as requiring that children receive, “a certain minimum education, moral, intellectual and social”. What exactly is meant by a certain minimum education has never been defined. Religious bodies own and manage most schools at primary and secondary level. Approximately 94 per cent of primary schools are in Roman Catholic control, most others are controlled by the minority Protestant denominations (Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches). There are a handful of schools operated by other religious groups, including the Irish Islamic and Jewish communities. Since the 1970s, parents have become active in founding multi-denominational schools. There are now 35 such schools in operation throughout Ireland. In November 1999, the Department for Education and Science announced that it was increasing the capital grant aid to 95 % of total costs and that it was putting a cap on the required level of the local contribution. Furthermore, the State would also purchase the site for a new school where it had already been given recognition and had demonstrated long-term viability. Northern Ireland does not currently have a state established church. The Church of Ireland was disestablished in 1871. Although the Protestant population is the majority, the largest religious denomination is the Roman Catholic Church, followed by the Presbyterian Church, the Church of Ireland (Anglican) and the Methodist Church. Northern Ireland’s education system has an extremely complex structure. There are 10 official bodies involved in the management and administration of the system, as well as a number of voluntary bodies that play a significant role. Secondary education is largely selective with pupils going to grammar schools or secondary schools according to academic ability. There is also a large voluntary school sector and a substantial number of Catholic maintained schools. The Department of Education in Northern Ireland oversees the central administration of education in Northern Ireland. It is responsible for the strategic planning and management of education, curriculum content and delivery, allocating funds to the Education and Library Boards and covering capital costs for most schools. There are five Education and Library Boards, which are the local education authorities and library authorities for their areas. They ensure that there are enough schools of all types to meet the needs of their areas. They fund controlled schools and meet the running costs of maintained schools. The Council for Catholic Maintained Schools promotes and co-ordinates Catholic education in Northern Ireland. It is responsible for the employment of teachers in Catholic maintained schools and for a number of other, mainly advisory, functions. It is funded by the Department of Education in Northern Ireland. There has been significant growth in the development and provision of integrated education throughout Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education promotes integrated education and facilitates the establishment of integrated schools. These bring together in one school, children, parents, teachers and governors from Catholic, Protestant and other traditions. These schools are all-ability and follow the statutory curriculum. The Council negotiates with the Education Department to facilitate the creation of new schools and to assist existing schools that wish to transform to integrated status. It is funded by the Education Department and the Integrated Education Fund. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 160 Report of the Executive 2008 Appendix 3 NUT WORKING GROUP ON FAITH SCHOOLS SUMMARY OF ORAL AND WRITTEN EVIDENCE CONSIDERED BY THE TASK GROUP The views expressed in the evidence given do not necessarily reflect the views of the Task Group Oral Evidence Simon Gouldon: United Synagogue Agency for Jewish Education 1. All UK schools are faith schools; the Established Church is formally recognised in the Education Act 1944 and all subsequent legislation. A true Community school is more likely in a faith based environment, with more examples of ‘community in action’ than in many other State Schools. Every school segregates and selects, for example by location and culture. 2. If there really is problem with faith schools, it is not one of admissions policies, but rather a challenge of curriculum. A school’s curriculum must compensate for any potential deficiencies a child might bring from home. 3. Students at faith schools achieve better exam results and Jewish schools engender in them a sense of pride in their faith as well as a respect for the cultures and views of others. Keith Porteous Wood, National Secular Society Executive Director 4. The fewer religious schools there are, and the fewer privileges they have, the more socially just our education system will be, both for pupils and teachers. 5. Even more important are the adverse implications for cohesion of the Government’s policies on faith schools. It is bad enough to have state-subsidised middle class white ghettoes, which is what some church schools have become. But even worse is the implication for future community cohesion of the setting up of new minority faith schools which will be Government-introduced apartheid in education. Integration is already in reverse for some young Muslims: this misplaced policy could accelerate that trend. Dr Bari, Muslim Council of Britain 6. Teaching about faith is an integral part of education and contributes to the holistic development of the child. 7. Faith Schools achieve better results in the physical, mental and social development of children. Academic achievement is also generally higher. 8. Faith Schools place a strong emphasis on the teaching of values such as respect and tolerance, which emanate from religious teachings. 9. Muslim faith schools do not object to accepting students of other religions and the curriculum is varied, including lessons about a variety of religions. However, students are able to gain more specific knowledge about the Muslim faith in supplementary schools. Robert Leach, Lesbian, Gay, Christian Movement (LGCM) 10. Faith schools may discriminate in their appointment of teachers who live a lifestyle which is incompatible with the precepts of that particular religion. This may include discrimination of LGB teachers. Report of the Executive 2008 161 Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 11. Faith schools must establish a principle of respect for the private lives of teachers and the Schools Standards and Framework Act should be amended accordingly. 12. All schools must pay special attention to preventing homophobic bullying, adopt a clear policy stating that homophobic bullying is unacceptable, and provide training for staff and relevant teaching materials. 13. Education differs from instruction and should offer students an understanding of what others believes or don’t believe and why. Respect for all people should underpin the PHSE curriculum. Andrew Copson, British Humanist Association, “A Better Way Forward” 14. Inclusive community schools can provide an opportunity for people of all faiths, and none, to co-exist peacefully in an environment where beliefs are respected. ‘Reasonable accommodation’ should include: inclusive school assemblies, reformed religious education, more public holidays, more respect for and flexibility on other cultural and religious requirement, better diversity training for teachers, better complaints procedure, better sharing of good practice, the involvement of local people, reform of the law, phasing out of religious schools unless they can be persuaded to become inclusive and accommodation institutions. Arzu Merali, Islamic Human Rights Commission, “ British Muslims’ Expectations of The Government; Secular or Islamic? What Schools Do British Muslims Want For Their Children? 15. 47.5% of Muslims prefer to send their children to a Muslim school rather than a state school. 40% responded that their religious values were the greatest anxiety for them as their children grow up. 38.5% of respondents would choose the best school (regardless of whether it is mainstream or Muslim) and only 8.5% chose the option of a mainstream school. 16. Muslim parents are concerned about the effects of an ideologically secular education for their children – this secularity being associated with mainstream education. 17. Whilst the preference for Muslim schools amongst those who identified themselves as highly practicing Muslims was borne out, there was no similar disinclinations towards Muslims schooling or inclination towards the ‘secular mainstream’ by those identifying themselves as secular or cultural. 18. This throws open the question of what a Muslim or faith school is perceived to be by Muslims themselves, and begs the question why those not practicing may see a role for Muslim schools in their life / the life of their children. Written Evidence Professor Gerald Grace, ‘Educational Studies and faith-based schooling’ 19. The European Convention on Human Rights (2000) states that democracies should be characterised by a variety of educational provision. This may include faith schools. 20. The UK provides substantial state funding for faith-based schooling, with each faith community required to contribute some costs towards the school building. Society has never demonstrated significant opposition to state funding for faith schools and many are oversubscribed, showing parental demand. State financial support offers economic equity in access to these schools. 21. Faith schools which provide spiritual and moral education, positive community involvement and a counter-cultural environment to a market-dominated consumer culture have a strong claim to some state financial support. 22. The modern conception of a faith-based school has moved to a community model, providing for members of the faith and for others who wish to access its services. No empirical evidence exists to show that faith schools are socially divisive and the Church of England and Roman Catholic Church Schools have religiously, socially and economically diverse populations. Most faith schools are engaged in a process of education about faith, rather than indoctrination into faith. Education & Equal Opportunities Committee 162 Report of the Executive 2008 Mr A W Hewitt: NUT Member 23. 24. In a democratic society education is the responsibility of parents and they have the right to choose a school whose aims and ethos come closest to their own beliefs. Faith Schools offer children instruction in the standard curriculum as well as inculcation to the principles of the particular faith. The whole ethos of the schools reflects the beliefs and morals of the particular faith. They are not restricted to lessons in religious education. 25. Recruiting a teacher who openly follows a lifestyle that is in clear disagreement with that faith could undermine one of the very purposes for which the schools exists; moral education. The boundaries between freedom of religion and freedom from discrimination are yet to be decided. 26. It is impossible for parents, both with faith and without faith, not to influence their children’s opinions and values. Roz Adie, Catholic teacher 27. Both teachers and children who do not meet the requirements of faith schools may be discriminated against. Catholic schools, for example, admit practicing Catholics as their first criterion; this is not inclusive. 28. There is a distinction between what Catholics believe and an educational tolerance for what others believe. Catholic schools celebrate what is common and respect what is different between faiths. 29. Ten per cent of curriculum time is given to RE in my school and it is therefore difficult to provide the full coverage required by the very full expectations of the primary national strategy and national curriculum. 30. The care and ethos of faith schools together with the stronger home-school links and community feels often seems to encourage a sense of self discipline in many pupils and result in greater achievement. Oona Standard, Catholic Education Service 31. It is counter-productive to the promotion of community cohesion to undermine the importance of faith in people’s lives. Faith informs how people wish to live their lives and therefore impacts on the education that they seek. 32. Faith is an equalities issue, being as much a part of someone’s identity as is their gender or race. To deny that and to try to relegate religion to being a private or even hidden activity would be completely unacceptable. 33. Faith schools contribute much to the education of disadvantaged minorities. Catholic schools are ethnically very diverse. They provide more value added for the most disadvantaged in their midst, and a successful education to all. There is much potential for community schools to acknowledge further the faith of their students and the importance of faith in the lives of individuals and society. Report of the Executive 2008 163 Organisation and Administration Committee ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Chairperson: Vice-Chairpersons: 1. Mick Lerry Nina Franklin, Keith Gardiner INTRODUCTION The Committee met nine times during 2007. The remit of the Committee includes the management and development of the Union’s properties, the development and monitoring of all matters relating to the organisation of Annual Conference, Union organisation, Division and Association Rules, the development and monitoring of the Grant Regulations and all matters relating to the conduct and monitoring of Union elections. The Committee is also responsible for all the Union’s personnel functions, including staff development and training and consultation and negotiation with staff representatives. 2. PROPERTY MATTERS 2.1 (a) Hamilton House A new heating system was installed at Hamilton House during 2007. Four new condenser boilers were installed and thermostatic valves were fitted to the radiators. Work to install the new system was completed satisfactorily before any cold weather and with little disruption. The tenants had co-operated with the project and any issues that arose had been resolved. Replacing the heating system was a significant investment but it was projected that the new boilers should reduce the Union's gas consumption by at least 15% and the thermostatic valves should save another 5%. It was not necessary to replace the pipework, which was in a reasonable condition and should last for several years. The Committee agreed that eventual replacement of the pipework should be included in the plan for Hamilton House. The electric hoist used to remove rubbish from the basement of the building was replaced in December for health and safety reasons. The cost of this was shared with the tenants. The smoking room on the lower ground floor was converted into an office following the legislation banning smoking in public places. The space on the lower ground floor vacated by UNISON Welfare in late 2006 was advertised as office space. A permanent tenant was not found but a company rented the space for three months during the summer. Regus G continued to lease the office space on the 3rd, 4th and part of the 2nd floors. A wireless internet system was in operation at Hamilton House from September 2007 and was available free of charge to external clients. It was anticipated that this would significantly increase the attractiveness of Hamilton House as a venue. Executive members were provided with badges that included a photograph, for their use mainly when they represented the Union at meetings. A professional art restorer restored and repaired the murals in Mander Hall. The Union continued to receive significant income from letting out meeting rooms, including Mander Hall, to outside organisations. Net income from room hire was over £160,000 in 2007. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 2.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) Regional/Wales Offices Priority was given in 2007 to finding a suitable replacement for the South East Regional Office because the lease of the present office was due to expire at the end of 2007. Complex and lengthy negotiations to purchase Victoria House in Ardingly continued for most of 2007 about issues that included the rear boundary, rights of way and planning permission for a two-storey extension. The negotiations were successful and the property was purchased in late 2007. As building work at the property would not be completed for several months a twelve month extension of the lease from the beginning of 2008 was negotiated with the landlord of the present office. The Committee's five year plan for the development of Regional/Wales Offices identified offices which were no longer adequate for the medium/long-term needs of the Union. In September the Co-ordinating and Finance Committee agreed that new properties for the Regional/Wales Offices in Cardiff and Doncaster could be purchased. Staff from the Department and the Wales Secretary visited offices in the Cardiff area. A report was prepared for the Co-ordinating and Finance Committee, which agreed to purchase a property in Neptune Court, Cardiff. This Office was purchased in December. There was also a visit by staff from the Department with the Yorkshire/Midlands Regional Secretary to a new-build site near Doncaster that would be completed during 2008. The Co-ordinating and Finance Committee agreed that negotiations in principle on purchasing the property could begin. Improvements to the car park at the South West Regional Office were completed during 2007. They included a ramp on the front of the building for use by the disabled. It was reported to the Committee that the decision to create one London Region would not affect the Union's occupation of the current premises in Hammersmith and Ilford. Organisation and Administration Committee 164 Report of the Executive 2008 3. ANNUAL CONFERENCE (a) The Committee noted the results of the survey of delegates to Annual Conference asking for opinions on Conference venues. These were particularly positive about Harrogate, which continued to be a very popular venue. Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol, Liverpool, Llandudno and London were investigated as future venues during 2007. Agreed venues for Conference were: (b) 2010 - ACC, Liverpool 2011 - HIC, Harrogate (c) The Executive had previously agreed that Conference 2009 be held at St David's Hall, Cardiff. The Executive agreed that venues on the south coast of England should be considered for Conference 2012. 4. CONFERENCE BUSINESS COMMITTEE (a) The Committee met in November to carry out its remit under the Rules of the Union. The Committee considered the motions submitted by constituent Associations and Divisions for Conference 2008. These were reduced by the Committee to 70 and were printed for circulation before Christmas to allow constituent Associations and Divisions to participate in the prioritisation process for motions to appear on the Conference Agenda. Following a decision of Conference the Committee supported a decision of Conference to create a new section for motions submitted from the Equality Conferences. One motion each was submitted from the Black Teachers’ Conference and the LGBT Teachers’ Conference. A Circular was sent to associations and divisions prior to the Equality Conferences to explain the new procedures. (b) 5. UNION ORGANISATION The Committee considered the balances of associations and divisions. These had increased slightly during 2006 to more than £6 million. It was agreed in November to refer this issue to the Working Party on Support for Local Associations and Divisions. 5.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) THE GRANT REGULATIONS The revised grant regulations were in operation for the full year commencing January 2007. An agreed modification was that it was made clear that applications from groups of associations may be submitted. The number of applications for grants increased during 2007. There were 282 applications of which 232 were approved, amounting to about £112,000. The great majority of the other 50 were approved in principle awaiting final claims. By category 34% of grants were for Training, 33% for Recruitment, 20% for Campaigning, 9% for IT and 4% were Special Grants. The Officers of the O&A Committee met regularly to consider grant applications and to evaluate the operation of the system. There were some minor adjustments to the regulations in 2007 which were incorporated into the regulations sent to all secretaries and treasurers in September 2007. Under consideration was the minimum level of balances for associations to carry out their work avoiding unnecessary cash flow problems. Attached is a list of the applications under the broad categories of grants which were approved during 2007. The Teacher included articles about local activities that had been financed by grants and below is a summary of local activities for which associations received grants during the year: A large variety of successful recruitment and training events for officers, representatives, headteachers, governors and local authority Personnel Officers DVD productions to assist with training and campaigning; Support for supply teachers involving training and drop in support facilities; Voice care and Persona Doll training; An anti-racism campaign; Many Anti-Academy campaigns; Young Teacher and NQT training events/weekends; Numerous conferences, notably: Health & Safety, Black Teachers, Education, Leadership, Disabilities and the now regular Inter-Island Conference between Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey associations; Trading Places; Multi-Cultural Arts Project and Refugee Week Poetry Competition; Report of the Executive 2008 165 Organisation and Administration Committee NUT "Road Show"; Bullying and Harassment training and an Anti-Homophobic Bullying event; "Crazy about Work"; Learning and Mentoring Training Pilot GRANTS AGREED 2007 Below is a list of the associations receiving one or more grants under the various categories during 2007. Training Grant BIRMINGHAM BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BRIGHTON & HOVE BURY CENTRAL NOTTS CHESTERFIELD & NE DERBYS CITY OF SUNDERLAND COVENTRY CUMBRIA DENBIGHSHIRE DERBYSHIRE DEVON & CORNWALL DUDLEY ISLE OF MAN LANCASHIRE LEEDS MEDWAY MERTON MIDLANDS REGION NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NEWHAM NOTTINGHAM CITY NW REGION OLDHAM OXFORDSHIRE PLYMOUTH READING READING/WOKINGHAM ROCHDALE BARKING & DAGENHAM BIRMINGHAM BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BOLTON BRENT BRISTOL CAMDEN CENTRAL CORNWALL HARTLEPOOL HAVANT HYNDBURN & RIBBLE VALLEY LAMBETH LANCASHIRE LANCASTER & MORECAMBE LEEDS LINCOLNSHIRE LIVERPOOL LOWESTOFT MONMOUTHSHIRE NEWHAM NORTH SOMERSET NOTTINGHAM CITY OLDHAM OXFORDSHIRE BARKING & DAGENHAM BIRMINGHAM BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BROADLAND BURNLEY BURY CALDERDALE CHORLEY CITY OF LEICESTER CITY OF YORK COLCHESTER & NE ESSEX CUMBRIA DERBYSHIRE DEVON EALING EASINGTON HAMPSHIRE HIGH WYCOMBE HILLINGDON HYNDBURN & RIBBLE VALLEY ISLE OF MAN JERSEY KIRKLEES LANCASHIRE LANCASTER & MORECAMBE LIVERPOOL MANCHESTER MEDWAY MERTHYR TYDFIL MERTON MID/WEST CHESHIRE NORFOLK NORTH SOMERSET NORTH/SOUTH PEMBS NORWICH & DISTRICT NOTTINGHAM CITY OLDHAM OXFORDSHIRE SANDWELL SHEFFIELD SHROPSHIRE SLOUGH SOMERSET SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE SUTTON SWINDON TAMESIDE TORBAY TRAFFORD WAKEFIELD WALES FOR DIVNS WEST SUSSEX Campaigning Grant PLYMOUTH POWYS SHEFFIELD SOMERSET SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE SOUTHAMPTON SOUTHWARK THURROCK TRAFFORD TYNEDALE WAKEFIELD WEST CHESHIRE Recruitment Grant IT Grant ALNWICK BROMLEY COPELAND FYLDE HAMPSHIRE JERSEY LIVERPOOL LOWESTOFT NORTH SOMERSET PRUDHOE POWYS SE SUFFOLK SHROPSHIRE SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE SOUTHERN DERBYSHIRE THURROCK TORBAY WEST DERBYSHIRE WESTMORLAND WIGAN WORKINGTON WREKIN PLYMOUTH POWYS RHONDDA CYNON TAF ROTHERHAM SCE GERMANY SHEFFIELD SOMERSET SOUTHWARK STAFFORDSHIRE STOCKPORT SUTTON SWANSEA TAMESIDE TRAFFORD WEST SUSSEX WESTMORLAND WILTSHIRE Special Grant BRENT ISLE OF MAN JERSEY PLYMOUTH SCE GERMANY SCE WORLDWIDE TAMESIDE WIGAN Organisation and Administration Committee 166 Report of the Executive 2008 6. PERSONNEL ISSUES 6.1 (a) Union Staffing Staff Establishment At the end of 2007 the Union’s permanent staffing establishment totalled 247, with 128 posts at Headquarters and 119 posts in the Wales and Regional Offices. These figures include 10 part-time positions. The actual number of staff employed in permanent positions was 265 with 26 of those filled on a job-share basis. A number of staff were also employed on temporary contracts throughout the year to cover maternity absences and some long term sick leave. Recruitment activity during the whole of 2007 continued at a very high level due to resignations and an unusually high number of retirements, including the retirement of three Regional Secretaries. Appointments made throughout the year, in addition to replacements for the retiring Regional Secretaries, have included Regional Solicitors, Regional/Wales Officers, HQ Principal Officers, Regional Caseworkers and a number of other professional administrative and clerical/administrative positions at HQ and in the Regions/Wales. A one-year appointment was also made to a pilot project on Student Recruitment. The post holder for this one-year appointment, which began in September 2007, is based in the North West Regional Office. The post holder is participating in the TUC’s Organising Academy Training Programme. Employee Relations During the course of the year negotiations took place with the two internal employee negotiation groups (Amicus Staff Group and Amicus JNC Group). A Smoking Policy was agreed to comply with the legislation that banned smoking in public places from April in Wales and July in England. A new Grievance Procedure for all employees was agreed as well as a new Voluntary Transfer Procedure for generic posts and a Retirement Policy. Work is ongoing to review and update other policies in the light of changes in legislation in particular policies on Maternity, Adoption, Paternity, Parental Leave, Flexible Working, Selection & Recruitment and associated policies including Equal Opportunities. Work on reviewing conditions of service across the Union’s different staff grades, with a view to harmonising where possible, also continued. Job Evaluation The Job Evaluation Panel met to grade a number of posts including the new Regional Secretary post for London (which arises from the Executive’s decision to amalgamate London West and London East into a single Region and three new part-funded posts, one to work on the student recruitment pilot project and two on the ‘Fairer Futures’ project, based in the South East Region commencing in 2008. Staff Training The training budget for 2007 was increased and this has enabled the Personnel Section, working with the Assistant Secretary - Co-ordination, Local Support and Action to develop a more comprehensive training and development programme for all Regional and Wales employees. This meant that during the year, training was offered to all staff grades in the Regions and Wales and an increasing number of employees have been attending courses, which have been organised at Headquarters when possible. A more formal induction programme for Regional/Wales employees was also developed, which has involved bringing staff to Headquarters, particularly staff in bands 5 and above. Because of the broader range of roles, staff training at Headquarters is generally organised through external providers and is more role specific. However, an increasing number of HQ employees have been seeking training opportunities. The Personnel Section has worked closely with the Unite (Amicus) Union Learning Representatives through the Learning and Training Committee, which monitors staff training, to encourage staff participation. The Union has also supported and contributed to the organisation by the Unite Amicus Learning Representatives of a number of language and other classes, such as Tai Chi, which have proved popular. Employee Assistance Programme The Union continued to provide for all Union staff the ‘Worklife Support’ Employee Assistance Programme. Usage of this service was higher than in past years. Feedback from some of the staff who used the service indicates that the service continues to be valued. Health and Safety The Health and Safety Committee met in March and September during 2007. In February it was agreed to recommend that the Union should adopt an environment policy and endorsed the No Smoking Policy, which was adopted from 1 April 2007 in Wales and from 1 July 2007 in England. Issues discussed in September included the problems experienced with the central heating system at Hamilton House prior to its replacement. Work continued on implementing the recommendations of the Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessments that had been commissioned during 2005. Flu ‘jabs’ were offered to staff in November as a trial. These proved to be popular and the arrangement will be offered again in the autumn of 2008. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Report of the Executive 2008 (g) (h) 6.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 167 Organisation and Administration Committee Integrated Personnel/Payroll/Pensions System The project to develop and implement the new integrated Personnel/Payroll/Pensions database began in January of 2007 and involved a number of staff in both Finance and Personnel throughout the Spring and Summer. The Personnel part of the database went live in the Summer and the Payroll in November, following successful parallel runs with the old system in September and October. Once all of the necessary data was in the system, work began to develop the Pensions module, which was expected to be fully operational by the spring of 2008. The Pensions Module will assist the NUT Staff Superannuation Fund to meet all of its obligations under pensions legislation. Having a fully integrated system will also assist with the flow of work between the two Sections (Personnel and Payroll) and avoid unnecessary duplication of information and tasks. All staff in the two Sections completed all of the necessary training required to work on the system. Headquarters’ Review Work on the Headquarters’ review began in early 2007 with assistance from the Work Foundation who organised meetings and focus groups with various staff and the Executive. The Personnel Section assisted the Central Co-ordinating Unit with this work. Staff were being consulted and kept informed on progress of the review, which was expected to be completed in early 2008. Work will then begin to implement the agreed outcome, which would include the development of an Appraisal Scheme. NUT Staff Superannuation Fund Management Committee The Trustees of the NUT Staff Superannuation Fund (the Management Committee) met on four occasions during 2007. In December 2006 the Committee completed its consideration of the report from the Scheme Actuary on the valuation of the Fund as at 31 December 2005 at which date the Fund had a deficit of £6.7 million. Under the regulations for Pension Scheme funding the Management Committee had, together with the employer, to agree a strategy to recover this deficit. The agreed strategy set the level of the Employer's contribution to the Fund at 24 per cent, the rate currently prevailing. At the June meeting it was reported that the Pensions Regulator had agreed the Recovery Plan and had been encouraged by the "robust negotiations" that had been held between the Employer and the Trustees. At the same meeting the Committee received an Interim Valuation Report for the Fund as at 31 December 2006 which showed that the deficit had reduced to £3.3 million. In the light of volatility of the investments the Committee agreed the Actuary's recommendation that the contribution rate remain unchanged at 24%. During 2007 the Management Committee discussed the Investment Strategy. It was agreed in June that the Fund move to an investment position of 65% in equities and 35% in long corporate bonds. Discussion of a more fundamental change in investment strategy was still ongoing at the end of the year. The Management Committee was made aware of the discussions in the Pensions Negotiating Committee on the application to the Union's scheme of the change in the Teachers' Superannuation Scheme. Negotiations in the PNC were concluded in December and a meeting of the Management Committee was arranged for January to consider the report from that Committee. 6.3 Joint Pensions Negotiating Committee Throughout the year, the Pensions Negotiating Committee has been considering a number of proposed amendments to the Rules of the Staff Superannuation Fund, mainly reflecting the changes to the Teachers’ Scheme. The principles of the changes to be adopted were finally agreed in December of 2007. At the end of 2007 the two staff groups were in the process of balloting their members on the changes, with a recommendation that they should be adopted. The Management Committee of the Staff Superannuation Fund was to be asked to adopt the changes at their meeting on 28 January 2008 and it was anticipated that the new Rules would then apply from 1 February 2008. Detailed work would then begin with HSBC, the Fund’s Consultants, with a view to producing a new Trust Deed and Rule Book and a Members’ Handbook later in 2008. 6.4 (a) Union Elections Union Officers Election The election for Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Examiners of Accounts took place in the autumn of 2007. The following were elected: • Senior Vice-President Martin Reed (President from Easter 2009) • Junior Vice-President Gill Goodswen (President from Easter 2010) • Treasurer Ian Murch (elected unopposed) • Examiners of Accounts Hilary Bills & Alyson Palmer The elections for the National Disciplinary Panel, National Appeals Committee, the Advisory Committee for Retired Teachers and the newly created Advisory Committee for Young Teachers were held prior to Easter 2007. The Members elected will serve a four-year term from 2007 – 2011. In accordance with a decision of the Executive elections for the remainder of the Advisory Committees were deferred pending a review of the electoral process. (b) (c) Organisation and Administration Committee 168 Report of the Executive 2008 (d) Revised Political Fund Ballot Rules were adopted by the Executive before being approved by the Certification Officer. The ballot to establish a Political Fund will be held in January 2008. In the event of a ‘yes’ vote, the Political Fund Rules, which already had the informal approval of the Certification Officer, are put to Conference for formal adoption before the Fund can become operational. Political Fund Rules are attached as APPENDIX A. 7. INFORMATION SYSTEMS 7.1 Introduction The Committee continued to receive regular reports from the Head of Information Systems on issues relating to the Committee’s priorities. These include the development of a new specification for the generic e-mail system, support for association/division websites, improved association access to membership information and efficiency savings that could be achieved through the use of ICT. The Committee continued to take an interest in the development of Hearth and in improved communications with divisions and associations. 7.2 (a) Modernising the Union's Information Systems The strategies followed in 2007 aimed to achieve the best ‘Value for Money’ use of current and emerging technologies available. The Windows 2003 migration completed during 2006 continued to provide all staff with access to consistent, reliable and secure IT services and applications. The Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) project was completed in 2007. The two separate sets of lines for voice and for data were brought together as one. The Department worked with the Head of Information Systems on the new personnel/payroll/pensions database, which was completed in late 2007. The Finance department selected a Purchase Ordering system which was planned to be implemented in 2008. It was considered during 2007 whether a video-conference system would be a cost-effective investment. It was expected that a final decision on this would be made in early 2008. A supplier was appointed to undertake the project on websites for associations and divisions, which would be implemented in early 2008. The ICT guidance document for Associations and Divisions was updated and made available on Hearth. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 7.3 Generic Email Improvements in the generic email system were effected, in particular through the installation of anti-SPAM equipment. 7.4 Staff Support Calls to the IT helpdesk continued to fall during 2007 and SPAM to staff was reduced by a SPAM filter and local management of SPAM. 7.5 ICT Sub-Committee In 2006 the ICT Sub-Committee became a sub-committee of the Co-ordinating and Finance Committee. It met twice during 2007 to consider issues that included the revised specification for the generic email system and Hearth. 8. TELEPHONE SYSTEM (a) (b) (c) (d) Installation of a new Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephone system was completed during 2007. It allowed calls between the Union's offices free of charge and easier transfer of calls between sites. Other features of the new system included a facility to dial numbers through a PC and an audio-conference system. Staff received training on the new system and their responses to a consultation were very positive. They agreed that the new system was an improvement and helped staff to provide a better service to members. Bills for telephone calls were reduced significantly during 2007, which was due to the new system and a renegotiated contract. All staff in the Regional/Wales Offices and some staff at Hamilton House were provided with wireless headsets following the installation of the new system. Report of the Executive 2008 169 Organisation and Administration Committee 9. CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 9.1 Introduction (a) The resolution on Climate Change and Sustainable Development carried at Conference 2007 instructed the Executive to: "Audit all the Union’s current practices and procurement procedures, such as the use of plastic bags and recyclable paper, to ensure that the principles of sustainability are embedded into our core values and activities – and to give a detailed report to Conference 2008 on progress made." (b) (c) 9.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) The Union's commitment to sustainability was demonstrated when the General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary signed the TUC's 'Green Union Commitment'. The TUC worked with the Carbon Trust on the Green Workplaces Project and in 2007 launched 'Carbon Partnerships' together, which was intended to help unions understand and tackle climate change as negotiators and as employers. A critical element of the project was the invitation for senior union figures to become 'Green Union Leaders' by signing the TUC's 'Green Union Commitment', which pledged them to promote awareness of green issues and good practice within the Union and in their public roles. The TUC would provide practical and policy support to enable the Union to share best practice, develop policy, improve the Union's own energy efficiency, encourage learning and awareness, and support Environmental Representatives. This support included a conference on climate change held in June 2007, which was attended by the Union. Work was undertaken by the Union as an employer to improve sustainability and targets were set for improvement over the next three years. The Union's practices and procurement procedures were to be reviewed to ensure that they were consistent with the principles of sustainability. This would include continuing use of information technology to streamline procedures to reduce the amount of paper used, ensuring that new equipment was sustainable, recycling old equipment where possible and replacing conventional plastic bags with sustainable alternatives. Consideration would also be given to ways in which waste could be minimised, such as changing printer settings so that default settings were set to print double-sided. In addition, the caterers and tenants at Headquarters would be asked to consider how they could contribute to improved sustainability. Reducing the Union's Consumption of Paper and Plastic Goods Reducing the amount of paper used by the Union was an important part of moving towards the principles of sustainability. Circulars to associations and divisions consumed large amounts of paper, which was why the Union encouraged their receipt by email. About half of associations and divisions received Circulars only by email and it was agreed to be a priority to increase this proportion in 2008. Papers for Executive meetings also consumed large amounts of paper and most Executive papers were now put on Hearth. Executive papers were sent to relevant staff and it would be considered if this could be reduced. For example, only one set of papers was now sent to each Regional/Wales Office. Environmental issues were considered when ordering paper from external suppliers, for example, the suppliers' own environmental policies and checking that paper was from sustainable sources. It had been decided to order thinner paper which was produced with less pulp, but it had not yet been possible to find recycled paper that was not excessively expensive or did not jam photocopiers. The Membership and Communications Department worked closely with the companies that printed the Union's publications to improve sustainability. Print contracts were only awarded to companies that recognised a print union and were members of the British Print Industries Federation. All of them supported measures to source material which was sustainable and ‘friendly’ to both consumer and producer, and increasingly paper was used that was not made from wood pulp. They had invested in expensive machinery which had eliminated harmful chemicals and one had spent considerable sums on equipment to safeguard factory air quality and recycling. There was a commitment to use chemical-free paper and board and recycled paper was used where it would not affect press speeds and print quality. The Union encouraged printers to source paper locally to reduce the use of transport. Further measures to improve sustainability would be considered at an afternoon school for all the suppliers organised by the Union. It would be led by the National Secretary for Health, Safety and Environment, of the print section of UNITE. Plastic bags were used for recruitment materials but they had now been replaced by bags made of recycled paper, jute or bio-degradable plastic. The use of plastic would also be reduced by supplying staff with a glass or mug to replace plastic cups. Organisation and Administration Committee 170 Report of the Executive 2008 9.3 Recycling Recycling the material used in Hamilton House would be a priority and the following action had been taken or would be early in 2008: i. The recycling bins for paper at Hamilton House could now be used for coloured paper and newspapers as well as white paper; ii. Recycled food containers for use in the canteen had been suggested to the caterers; iii. Printer cartridges were recycled; iv. Staff induction would include information about how to reduce, recycle and re-use resources; v. Recycling facilities would be introduced in early 2008 for cardboard, fluorescent tubes, batteries (rechargeable batteries are used where possible), plastic cups and drink cans. 9.4 Energy It had been estimated that 70% of an organisation's emission cuts would need to come from energy. The Union's emissions would be reduced through the installation of the new condenser boilers that would reduce the Union's gas costs by at least 15% and the thermostatic valves on radiators should save at least another 5%. These savings would result from a significant investment by the Union but other savings could result from measures that would cost little or nothing, for example, staff switching off non-essential electrical equipment when they left each evening. The importance of this simple measure could be illustrated by the calculation that more than 40% of an organisation's carbon footprint was likely to be created by IT equipment. Notices and posters were placed throughout Hamilton House urging staff to switch off non-essential equipment. 9.5 Travelling There was little scope for reducing the amount of travelling by staff to and from work; half of the Union's staff work at Hamilton House and would predominantly use public transport. Mobile staff at the Regional/Wales Offices were provided with cars and enquiries will be made to establish if they could be more fuel efficient perhaps by looking at diesel or hybrid cars. More cuts in emissions could result from reducing travel to meetings through the use of the new audio-conference system or any agreed video conferencing system. Air travel would also be reduced as much as possible, particularly for relatively short distances. 9.6 (a) Staff Participation The experience of the TUC's Green Workplaces Project suggests that participation of staff was crucial to the success of the Union's performance on sustainability. Guidance would be sent to staff about simple steps they should take such as printing on both sides of paper, turning off electrical equipment and to use natural light where possible, not printing all emails and specific information on recycling points. This would continue the Union's work to change staff behaviour, for example, posters urging staff to switch off lights and electrical equipment had been displayed in Hamilton House since 2006 and the Union supported Lights Out Day in London on Thursday, 21 June 2007. Staff in all the Union's offices were asked to turn off all lights and non-essential equipment in their offices when they left that evening. More complex issues were being discussed in the Health and Safety Committee and the negotiating committees. They would include the role of union representatives with possible training on basic environmental issues. "Climate change champions" had been used at other organisations to monitor and develop environmental practice, for example, by checking that lights and electrical equipment were switched off. Changes to travelling arrangements could mean that an agreement on sustainable transport would need to be negotiated. (b) 9.7 (a) (b) (c) (d) Targets and Conclusion Embedding the Union’s aspirations to reduce its impact on the environment into our core values would require monitoring. The Union's Senior Management Team would be looking at specific targets. The ability to quantify progress could encourage staff and strengthen commitment. The electricity and gas bills at Hamilton House and the Regional/Wales Offices had been analysed. It was estimated that in 2006 and 2007 the Union's use of energy produced 805 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide. This was approximately 3.25 tonnes per post (247 at the end of 2006), which should be reduced to about 3.12 tonnes per post through the savings that resulted from the new heating system at Hamilton House. From 1 January to 21 September 2007 the Despatch Section at Hamilton House purchased 3,305 (1,652,500 sheets) reams of paper. In 2006 the number of reams purchased in the same period was 3,430 (1,715,000 sheets) and the number of reams purchased for the whole of 2006 was 4,635 (2,317,500 sheets). This suggests that there would be a small decrease of paper used in 2007, although the paper purchased in 2007 was thinner. In 2006 the Union spent £66,400 for flights, of which £6,000 were for flights within the United Kingdom. It would be considered if these flights were necessary and whether other forms of public transport would be more appropriate, particularly for flights within the United Kingdom. Report of the Executive 2008 171 Organisation and Administration Committee APPENDIX A NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS RULES FOR POLITICAL FUND 1. The objects of the National Union of Teachers shall include the furtherance of the political objects to which section 72 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (the Act) applies, that is to say the expenditure of money – (a) on any contribution to the funds of, or on the payment of any expenses incurred directly or indirectly by, a political party; (b) on the provision of any service or property for use by or on behalf of any political party; (c) in connection with the registration of electors, the candidature of any person, the selection of any candidate or the holding of any ballot by the Union in connection with any election to a political office; (d) on the maintenance of any holder of a political office; (e) on the holding of any conference or meeting by or on behalf of a political party or of any other meeting the main purpose of which is the transaction of business in connection with a political party; (f) on the production, publication or distribution of any literature, document, film, sound recording or advertisement the main purpose of which is to persuade people to vote for a political party or candidate or to persuade them not to vote for a political party or candidate. Where a person attends a conference or meeting as a delegate or otherwise as a participator in the proceedings, any expenditure incurred in connection with his attendance as such shall, for the purposes of paragraph (e) above, be taken to be expenditure incurred on the holding of the conference or meeting. In determining, for the purposes of paragraphs (a) to (f) above, whether the trade union has incurred expenditure of a kind mentioned in those paragraphs no account shall be taken of the ordinary administrative expenses of the Union. In these objects "candidate" means a candidate for election to a political office and includes a prospective candidate; - "contribution", in relation to the funds of a political party, includes any fee payable for affiliation to, or membership of, the party and any loan made to the party; - "electors" means electors at any election to a political office; - "film" includes any record, however made, of a sequence of visual images, which is capable of being used as a means of showing that sequence as a moving picture; - "local authority" means a local authority within the meaning of section 270 of the Local Government Act 1972 or section 235 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973; and - "political office" means the office of member of Parliament, member of the European Parliament or member of a local authority or any position within a political party. 2. Any payments in the furtherance of such political objects shall be made out of a separate fund of the Union (hereinafter called the political fund). 3. As soon as is practicable after the passing of a resolution approving the furtherance of such political objects as an object of the Union, the Union’s Executive committee shall ensure that a notice in the following form is given to all members of the union in accordance with this rule:Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 A resolution approving the furtherance of political objects within the meaning of the above Act as an object of the union has been adopted by a ballot under the Act. Any payments in the furtherance of any of those objects will be made out of a separate fund, the political fund of the union but every member of the union has a right to be exempt from contributing to that fund. A form of exemption notice can be obtained by or on behalf of any member either by application at, or by post from NUT Headquarters, the Union’s Regional Offices or the Wales Office or from the Certification Office for Trade Unions and Employers' Associations, Brandon House, 180 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LW. This form, when filled in, or a written request in a form to the like effect, should be sent to the General Secretary of the Union at NUT Headquarters, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD. The notice shall be published to members by such methods as are customarily used by the union to publish notices of importance to members and shall include the following minimum requirements. The notice shall be published in the union's main journal which is circulated to members and will be circulated to the Secretary of each association. A copy of the notice will be supplied to any member on request and will also be available for inspection by any member at the Union’s Headquarters and at any of the Union’s Regional Office or the Wales Office. . Organisation and Administration Committee 172 Report of the Executive 2008 4. Any member of the union may at any time give notice on the form of exemption notice specified in political fund rule 5, or by a written request in a form to the like effect, that he objects to contributing to the political fund. A form of exemption notice may be obtained by, or on behalf of, any member, either by application at, or by post from, the General Secretary at NUT Headquarters, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD or from the Union’s Regional Offices or Wales Office or from the Certification Office for Trade Unions and Employers' Associations, Brandon House, 180 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LW. 5. The form of exemption notice shall be as follows:- NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS POLITICAL FUND EXEMPTION NOTICE I hereby give notice that I object to contributing to the political fund of the union and am in consequence exempt, in the manner provided by Chapter VI of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, from contributing to that fund. Signature: ............................................................... Address: ................................................................. Association: ........................................................... Date: ........................................................................ 6. Any member may obtain exemption by sending such notice to the General Secretary of the Union. On receiving it, the General Secretary shall send an acknowledgement of its receipt to the member at the address in the notice. 7. On giving such notice, a member shall be exempt, so long as his notice is not withdrawn, from contributing to the political fund of the union as from either: (a) the first day of January next after notice by the member is given, or, (b) in the case of a notice given within one month after the notice given to members under political fund rule 3 or after the date on which a new member admitted to the Union is supplied with a copy of these rules under political fund rule 13, as from the date on which the member’s notice is given. 8. The executive committee shall give effect to the exemption of members to contribute to the political fund of the union by making a separate levy of contributions to that fund from subscription paying members of the union who are not exempt, namely, a sum equivalent to one percent of the full annual national contribution payable annually. The Executive may in addition accept for payment into the Fund contributions made voluntarily by members specifically as contributions to the Union’s Political Fund. No moneys of the union other than the amount raised by such separate levy or contributions made voluntarily by members specifically as contributions to the Union’s Political Fund shall be carried to the political fund. The first levy shall not come into force until the expiration of one month from the publication of the notice to members under political fund rule 3, nor shall any levy come into force as respects a new member until the expiration of one month from his being supplied with a copy of these rules under political fund rule 13 following admission to the union. 9. A member who is exempt from the obligation to contribute to the political fund of the union shall not be excluded from any benefits of the union, or placed in any respect either directly or indirectly under any disability or disadvantage as compared with other members of the union (except in relation to the control or management of the political fund) by reason of his/her being so exempt. 10. Contribution to the political fund of the union shall not be made a condition for admission to the union. 11. If any member alleges that he is aggrieved by a breach of any of these rules for the political fund, being a rule or rules made pursuant to section 82 of the Act, he may complain to the Certification Officer, and the Certification Officer, after making such enquiries as he thinks fit and after giving the complainant and any representative of the union an opportunity of being heard, may, if he considers that such a breach has been committed, make such order for remedying the breach as he thinks just in the circumstances. Any such order of the Certification Officer may, subject to the right of appeal provided by section 95 of the Act, be enforced in the manner provided for in section 82(4) of the Act. 12. Any member may withdraw his/her notice of exemption on notifying his/her desire to that effect to the General Secretary who shall on receiving it send the member an acknowledgement of receipt of the notification. . 13. The executive shall ensure that a copy of these rules is available, free of charge, to any member of the union who requests a copy. 14. The executive shall also send to the secretary of each association sufficient copies of these rules for distribution to each member. 15. The secretary of each association shall, so far as possible secure that each member of that association receives a copy of the rules. 16. The secretary of each association shall supply a copy of these rules free of charge to each member who requests a copy. 17. A copy of the rules shall also be supplied by the secretary of each association to every new member on his/her admission to the union. Report of the Executive 2008 173 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee SALARIES, SUPERANNUATION, CONDITIONS OF SERVICE AND HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Chairperson: Vice Chairpersons: Martin Reed Helen Andrews and Tony Tonks 1. PRIMARY, SECONDARY AND SPECIAL SCHOOL TEACHERS 1.1 (a) Fair Pay for Teachers: The NUT’s Pay Campaign in 2007 The work of the Salaries, Superannuation, Conditions of Service and Health and Safety Committee and the Department was dominated in 2007 by the NUT’s work to secure a fair pay increase for teachers in accordance with Union policy. The situation facing the Union at the start of 2007 was that the Government had imposed a two year pay increase for teachers, involving a 2.5 per cent pay increase from September 2006 and a further 2.5 per cent increase from September 2007. The first of these increases had been implemented with effect from September 2006 when inflation stood at 3.6 per cent. By the start of 2007, it had become evident that the level of inflation had risen further and would remain substantially above the level of the proposed pay increases. Teachers would as a consequence suffer significant cuts in pay in real terms. The Union had already pointed out the effects of such below-inflation pay increases upon the morale and motivation of serving teachers, upon recruitment and retention into the profession and, most importantly, upon the living standards of teachers and in particular the newest entrants to the profession. The Union worked throughout 2007 to seek to protect teachers and to secure appropriate increases in pay which would restore the losses caused by these below inflation pay increases and would begin to restore pay levels to appropriate professional levels. This section of the Annual Report deals with those matters falling within the responsibility of the Salaries, Superannuation, Conditions of Service and Health and Safety Committee, including in particular the work undertaken to secure appropriate recommendations from the School Teachers’ Review Body. Other areas of the Union’s campaign are reported in the section dealing with the work of the Union’s Campaign Sub-Committee. The STRB’s Seventeenth Report, containing its recommendations on teachers’ pay levels for 2008 onwards, was submitted to the Secretary of State in October 2006 but was not published by the Secretary of State until January 2008. The first part of this section of the Annual Report sets out a full account of the work undertaken by the Committee prior to the STRB’s Report, together with full details of the STRB’s recommendations, the Secretary of State’s proposals in response to those recommendations and the Union’s initial response. The second part deals with the other work overseen by the Committee during the year, including work relating to the STRB’s Sixteenth Report of February 2007 and the range of other work undertaken by the Committee and Department to seek to protect the pay entitlements of teachers. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 1.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Teachers’ Pay for 2006 and 2007: Review Mechanism In its Report of December 2005, alongside the recommended pay awards of 2.5 per cent in both September 2006 and September 2007, the STRB had recommended a trigger mechanism for the review of the teachers’ pay award against inflation. The trigger mechanism recommended by the STRB was accepted by the Secretary of State. The trigger mechanism was as follows: “should the average rate of headline inflation [as measured by the Retail Prices Index] for the twelve months preceding April 2007 or April 2008 fall below 1.75% or exceed 3.25%, any of the consultees can ask the STRB to consider the case for seeking a remit from the Secretary of State to review teachers’ pay.” The Union monitored the rate of inflation in line with the trigger mechanism throughout late 2006 and early 2007. In January 2007, the publication of the headline inflation rate for December 2006 showed it had risen to 4.4 per cent. The Union wrote to Bill Cockburn, Chair of the STRB, noting that the average rate of headline inflation from April to December 2006 was 3.47 per cent and the indications were that inflation would remain at or around that level for some time. It was therefore clearly apparent that the average rate of headline inflation for the twelve months April 2006-March 2007 would exceed the 3.25 per cent figure specified by the STRB. The Union asked the STRB to seek as quickly as possible a remit from the Secretary of State to review teachers’ pay. The Union was the first organisation to request a review of teachers’ pay in accordance with the trigger mechanism. The STRB responded by advising the Union that the STRB wished to wait until the publication in April of the inflation rate for March before considering the matter. The Union argued in response that there was no valid reason to delay the matter; it was clear that the average rate of inflation would exceed 3.35 per cent and any delay served only to create doubts about the independence of the STRB and its motives. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (f) (g) (h) (i) 1.3 (a) (b) (c) 1.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 174 Report of the Executive 2008 The publication of the inflation rate for March confirmed that the average for the twelve months from April 2006 to March 2007 was 3.74 per cent, well above the 3.25 per cent specified as the trigger for a review. The Union wrote again to the STRB, pointing out that the conditions specified for a possible review of teachers’ pay had been met and calling on the STRB to move immediately to seek a remit from the Secretary of State to review teachers’ pay. Following the Union’s letters, the STRB wrote to the Secretary of State on 18 April noting that the average rate of inflation for the period April 2006 to March 2007 was “materially above” the STRB’s ceiling of 3.25 per cent. The STRB noted that it had received representations from the Union and others on this issue. The STRB expressed its view that there was a prima facie case for a review and sought a remit from the Secretary of State to undertake such a review. The Secretary of State did not respond to the STRB until 5 June when he refused to give the STRB a separate remit to review the pay award from September 2006. The Secretary of State said that the STRB could consider any concerns with regard to teachers’ pay for the period September 2006 to August 2008 when making recommendations on its new remit for the next teachers’ pay award. The NUT condemned this decision as a breach of promise by the Secretary of State. In late 2007, it became clear that inflation would be above the trigger level for the second 12-month period set out by the STRB. The Committee noted this and agreed to keep the situation under review. School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) Review of Teachers’ Pay and Conditions for 2008 onwards The Secretary of State wrote to the STRB of 29 March 2007directing it to report to him on a range of issues. In its remit letter, the Secretary of State directed the STRB to report in two stages. The STRB was asked to report by 26 October 2007 on issues of teachers’ pay, including a proposed multi-year pay settlement for September 2008 to August 2011, and by 17 March 2008 on a second set of issues including the future of the leadership group, teachers’ professional roles and responsibilities and short notice teachers’ pay. The Union made two written submissions to the STRB in May and June 2007 in respect of teachers’ pay issues and two further submissions in October and November 2007 in respect of the other matters. The Union took part in two separate oral evidence sessions in July and November 2007 in respect of the two reviews. The Union’s written submissions and Oral Evidence sessions are summarised below in chronological order. NUT Submission to the STRB, May 2007 The Union’s submission to the STRB of May 2007 was made in respect of the issues of teachers’ pay from September 2008 onwards. The Secretary of State had asked the STRB to make recommendations on teachers’ pay for the period September 2008 to August 2011. The Union made it clear to the STRB that its proposals on pay ranged more widely than the issues identified by the Secretary of State. In accordance with NUT conference policy, the NUT submission included its full policy proposals for teachers’ pay levels and pay structure. The Union again addressed in its submission the continuing exclusion of the NUT from discussions taken forward within the Rewards and Incentives Group. The Union argued that discussion on the detail of STRB recommendations needed to include all interested parties. The Union’s submission set out the Union’s pay claim, as determined by Annual Conference, for an immediate pay increase of: £3,000 or 10 per cent – whichever was the greater – for all teacher salaries, together with an increase of 10 per cent in allowance values and the merging of the main and upper pay scales into a single scale with annual progression up that scale. The Union reminded the STRB that teachers’ pay compared unfavourably with that of other graduate professions and that these problems of pay comparability were being exacerbated by increases in living costs, in particular housing costs, which were significantly higher than teachers’ pay increases. The teachers’ pay structure therefore failed to provide pay levels that would secure the recruitment and retention of the graduates needed. At the same time, it failed to provide a clear career path for current and potential teachers. The Union therefore believed that the Government should renew its investment in teachers, providing pay levels competitive with comparable employment in the private and public sectors and matching opportunities for pay and career progression, in order to secure the high quality education service that was its aim. The Union reaffirmed its call for the abolition of the separate Inner and Outer London and Fringe Area pay scales and their replacement by appropriately increased Inner London, Outer London and Fringe Allowances payable to all teachers in each of the three areas. The Union’s proposals were intended to ensure that teachers were compensated for the higher costs of living and working in these areas while remaining consistent with the Union’s overriding policy objective of securing competitive national pay levels of salary for all teachers. The Union therefore sought allowances of £7,000, £5,000 and £2,000 respectively, consistent with the proposals put forward by the Union over many years but also supported by the Union’s analysis of extensive independent data on the average additional costs facing teachers, in particular housing costs, across each of these three areas. Report of the Executive 2008 (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) 1.5 (a) (b) (c) 175 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The Secretary of State’s remit letter had said that the STRB: “should continue to base pay settlements on the achievement of the inflation target of 2 per cent.” In response, the Union urged the STRB to resist any attempts to impose a low pay award for teachers based on the Government’s 2 per cent inflation target. Teachers’ pay had been cut in real terms when measured against inflation. The Government’s target was designed to hold down pay rather than to accurately reflect the costs faced by teachers. A pay award based on the Government’s target would result in a return to the cycle of “boom and bust” in teachers’ pay, undermining the improvements made since 1997 and causing significant teacher supply problems of the type seen in the past when Governments had acted to hold down teachers’ pay. The Secretary of State’s remit asked the STRB to have regard to the Government’s commitment to 3year budgeting and sought a further multi-year teachers’ pay award. The Union expressed its opposition to this concept and urged the STRB to reject such a settlement. The Union argued that, notwithstanding its opposition to a multi-year settlement, that any such settlement should include an effective mechanism to protect teachers’ pay against shortfalls compared to inflation. The Union argued that the existing pay structure failed to provide a clear career path for current and potential teachers and needed to be reformed. The submission set out the Union’s proposals for a new pay structure based on the recognition that experience as a teacher resulted in increasing professional expertise which should be rewarded in pay terms. The submission brought together a range of evidence to support the Union’s view that the teachers’ pay structure failed to generate pay levels sufficient to enable the profession to recruit and retain. This evidence included: teachers’ pay losses against inflation over the period since April 2005; the extent to which teachers’ pay lagged behind increases in pay settlements and average earnings; the gap of some 12-14 per cent between teachers’ starting pay and that of the average graduate; teachers’ poor rates of salary progression compared to other graduates; teachers’ pay against that in comparable professions; and teachers’ pay in England and Wales, compared to teachers’ pay in Scotland. Evidence to highlight problems in teacher supply included: teacher numbers; recruitment and retention; senior staff; the age profile of the profession; pay and career equalities issues; teacher supply problems in London and the Fringe Area; and the increasing problems of housing costs and lack of affordable housing for teachers. The Secretary of State had asked the STRB to consider a range of other specific issues. The Union outlined the significant problems caused by the implementation of the TLR system. It argued that TLR values and SEN allowances should increase by the same amount as the general pay award. The Union expressed its continued opposition to the Excellent Teacher Scheme but stated that for as long as it was in place the same pay award should apply as for other teachers. With regard to teachers’ starting salaries, the Union argued that higher starting pay for teachers was justified by the need to compete with other graduate employers and to provide proper, professional pay levels. The Union argued that unqualified teachers on employment-based routes into teaching should be paid as qualified teachers and appropriate differentials established with those who had already obtained their QTS prior to entering teaching. The Union expressed concern at the workload and pay of leadership group teachers. The Union’s pay claim applied equally to leadership group teachers. The Union would comment further on this area in its evidence on the future of the leadership group in the second part of the STRB’s remit. The Union reminded the STRB of its evidence of 2004 and 2005 on the issue of local approaches to pay. This evidence had highlighted the significant problems with local pay. The Union summarised the reasons for its opposition to the flawed concept of regional pay, noting the lack of evidence to justify it and the lack of appetite for it. The Union concluded its submission by emphasising the need for a first class education service. That goal would not be achieved without durable pay and career prospects for teachers that could compete with other graduate employers. The STRB needed to recommend in accordance with the Union’s proposals on pay. NUT Supplementary Submission to the STRB, June 2007 The Union made a written supplementary submission to the STRB in June, responding to developments including the submissions to the STRB from the Government and other teachers’ organisations. The first part of the submission dealt with pay for the period September 2006 to August 2008, in the light of the Secretary of State’s refusal of a separate remit to the STRB to review that settlement. The Union argued that the Secretary of State’s response did not prevent the STRB from making recommendations to operate prior to September 2008. Nothing had happened to change the Union’s view that the pay award for September 2006 to August 2008 was inadequate. Without prejudice to its previous pay claim for that period, the Union argued that teachers should at the very least be compensated for the pay losses they had suffered in that period, prior to the implementation of the Union’s pay proposals from September 2008 onwards. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1.6 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 1.7 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 176 Report of the Executive 2008 The submission challenged the views expressed by the DCSF on the outlook for inflation. The Union pointed to independent evidence that higher inflation was a significant problem and that the STRB must take this into account when making its recommendations. The Union’s opposition to a further multi-year pay award had been strengthened by the Secretary of State’s refusal to give the STRB a remit to review the teachers’ pay increase for September 2006 to August 2007. Any recommendation for another multi-year award would have little credibility with teachers without action in respect of the existing review mechanism. The second part of the submission dealt with teachers’ pay from 1 September 2008. The DCSF evidence had argued for a pay award resulting in a basic settlement of a maximum of 2 per cent a year for the period September 2008 to August 2011, in line with the Government’s public sector pay policy. The Union argued that there was no justification for this and that it was wrong for the Government to force low pay awards on public sector workers. The Union’s submission included supporting evidence for the Union’s opposition to the DCSF position including evidence on pay and teacher supply that had emerged since the May submission. Teachers’ pay continued to lag behind pay settlements and average earnings increases. The gap at starting salary had remained unchanged between 1997 and 2007. On teacher supply, the DCSF evidence failed to take account of with the real and serious concerns expressed by the Training and Development Agency in its evidence to the STRB. There were no grounds for complacency on teachers supply and it was clear that competitive pay levels that compared well with those of other graduate employers were needed. The Union’s submission also raised an additional issue with regard to the definition of the highest-paid classroom teacher in the STPCD. UPS3 needed to be considered as the baseline for determining leadership group pay, in order to promote equity across schools. NUT Oral Evidence to the STRB, July 2007 The above submissions formed the basis for the Union’s representations at its oral evidence meeting with the STRB on 12 July. The Union emphasised that discussions on teachers’ pay needed to include all interested parties. The Union’s exclusion from participation in discussions amounted to derecognition. On pay, the Union sought an increase to redress the pay cut experienced by teachers in respect of the September 2006 to August 2008 period in addition to an appropriate increase from September 2008. In response to questions from STRB members the Union’s representatives gave detailed answers on the impact of below-inflation pay awards, the Union’s opposition to multi-year settlements, the Union’s proposed pay increase of £3,000/10 per cent, the need for teachers to progress on the basis of experience and leadership group pay. The Union’s representatives argued for a more effective trigger mechanism should a further multi-year pay award be implemented. The Union noted that allowances for London and the Fringe Area had clear advantages in terms of transparency and equality. The allowances needed to be based on a cost compensation approach, with the same allowances payable to all teachers in a given area. There was need to address the discrimination faced by teachers from overseas. The Union was happy with proposals to shorten the unqualified teachers’ scale and believed that the additional funding to address the problems should be found. The impact of the TLR system, particularly in primary schools, had been to remove many additional payments for responsibilities and to disrupt career progression. This had implications for equal opportunities, given that an overwhelming proportion of primary teachers were women. There was a need to pursue pay equality and meet statutory duties by requiring pay audits. NUT Submission to the STRB, October 2007 The Union’s evidence of October 2007 dealt with issues in the second part of the STRB’s remit: the future of the leadership group; teachers’ professional roles and responsibilities; and pay of short notice teachers. On leadership group issues, the Union noted that it had the second largest membership within the leadership group among the teacher organisations in England and Wales. The Union had commissioned research on school leadership from Alan Smithers and Pamela Robinson of the University of Buckingham. The research report was attached to the Union’s submission. The Union did not seek a differentially higher pay increase for teachers in the Leadership Group. The Union’s proposed 10 per cent increase for all teachers would restore pay comparability relative to other professions and better reflect the responsibilities of Leadership Group posts. Some amendments to the pay structure for the Leadership Group were needed, for example to reflect recent changes such as extended services and federations. The Secretary of State had identified in his remit aiding and promoting the distribution of leadership within schools. Noting the problems of head teacher recruitment and retention facing schools, the Union argued that heads needed the time to foster confidence and professional autonomy amongst their staff. Report of the Executive 2008 (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) 1.8 (a) (b) (c) (d) 177 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The Union proposed that there should be a requirement for new head teachers to hold, prior to their appointment, Qualified Teacher Status. The Union urged the STRB to lend its weight to demands to strip out excessive and unreasonable external demands on heads, including demands driven by school inspections and performance tables. This could be done by recommending a change to the STPCD to provide heads with a minimum weekly entitlement to leadership and management time of 50 per cent of the school timetable, rising to 60 per cent by September 2009. Funding would need to be provided for this. The Union also expressed its continuing support for sabbaticals for all teachers including heads. The important role of classroom teachers undertaking middle leadership functions needed to be recognised. The reduction in responsibility posts associated with the implementation of TLRs had undermined the promotion structure and the STRB was urged to look again at the Union’s own proposals on responsibility payments. The STRB was asked to consider the Union’s proposal for a separate set of professional characteristics and professional duties for promoted postholders and to recommend deletion from the STPCD of the misleading description of the role of UPS3 teachers. The Union rejected the proposal that there would be advantages in providing fixed term contracts for heads. On federations and other collaboration between schools, the Union noted that there were strong arguments for “soft federations” and dangers with “hard federations.” The submission explained the problems associated with the idea of an “Executive Head.” There were key conditions for the successful introduction of extended services. These included the involvement of staff, strong management, funding and pay arrangements. The need for a requirement for local authorities and schools to conduct regular equality audits of staffing appointments had been underlined by independent research on the major imbalances in leadership appointments on gender or race grounds. The Union’s previous arguments for the inclusion of a description of teachers’ professional role and responsibilities had been supported by other STRB consultees and taken into account by the STRB. The Union’s latest evidence concentrated on: the structure of the STPCD; the need to distinguish clearly between entitlements and duties for every category of teacher; and the revision of deputy/assistant head professional duties. The submission included proposals to simplify and clarify the existing statutory provisions for conditions of employment. There needed to be a separate section on contractual entitlements, for example working time and work/life balance. A list of professional duties for the various categories of teacher, including a distinct section for TLR holders, was also needed. The STRB needed to recommend an entitlement to CPD for all teachers as part of their contract of employment, to be included in the STPCD. Other issues in the context of new statements of professional role and responsibilities included the overlap of entitlements and duties, as well as the specific responsibilities of deputy and assistant head posts. The Union proposed a new definition of part time and supply teachers within the STPCD, with pay arrangements to promote consistency and fairness in the treatment of such teachers. The Union preferred the term “supply teachers” to “short notice teachers.” Supply teachers played an essential role, but were increasingly subject to inequitable pay arrangements and/or exploitation. NUT Supplementary Submission on Supply Teachers’ Pay, November 2007 The supplementary submission on supply teachers’ pay was made in response to the RIG submission of October 2007 on this issue. The Union’s view was that the RIG submission was based on a flawed understanding of the judgement of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the Robinson-Steel case. Details of the problems with the RIG evidence and the ECJ judgement were included in the submission. The problem with the Working Time Directive was that the STPCD appeared to permit the use of day-today contracts to engage teachers in the same post for extended long periods of time. The daily rate provisions were not designed for this purpose. The Union asked the STRB to make recommendations to prohibit that abuse, which the Union considered unlawful. Following this NUT submission, the NUT was contacted by DCSF officials seeking to arrange a meeting between the Union and the Department to discuss the different stances adopted by the Union and RIG on the issues of supply teachers’ pay and the applicability of the ECJ judgement. The General Secretary and other senior officials subsequently met with DCSF officials and set out the Union’s position in further detail. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 1.9 (a) (b) (c) (d) 178 Report of the Executive 2008 NUT Oral Evidence to the STRB, November 2007 As part of the STRB’s second review, NUT representatives attended an oral evidence session with the School Teachers’ Review Body on 29 November 2007. The NUT’s chief concern with regard to leadership group issues was primary leadership and teachers’ reluctance to seek such posts. While pay was not irrelevant and the NUT had made an appropriate pay claim, the principal solutions lay in action on workload and work-life balance. Allowing non-teachers to become school leaders was not a solution. With regard to the leadership group pay structure, the NUT was seeking greater clarity and consistency over the use of flexibility. The NUT again emphasised its concern at gender and ethnicity inequality and the need for an obligation upon authorities and governing bodies to monitor and publish data. With regard to teachers’ roles and responsibilities, the NUT was keen to see its members treated as professionals but also needed to secure their protection in circumstances where they were not so treated. A proper delineation and distinction of the responsibilities of postholders at the various levels in the structure was now needed. With regard to supply teachers, the NUT’s proposals would put the system on a more secure footing and prevent abuse. The NUT believed that RIG’s proposals were wrong in law, unwelcome to supply teachers and likely to encourage greater misuse of short notice contracts. 1.10 NUT Further Submission to the STRB, December 2007 (a) Following discussion at the oral evidence session, the NUT wrote to the STRB amplifying its proposals on pay for leaders in federations and on pay for supply teachers. (b) The Union emphasised the need to distinguish between soft and hard federations. In soft federations, head teachers would not surrender management responsibility for their individual schools and should therefore retain their existing levels of pay. Additional responsibilities, including any taken on by a federation co-ordinator, could be addressed through existing pay provisions. Hard federations, on the other hand, should properly be seen as school reorganisations of a new kind. The pay of federation “leaders” should be based on the total numbers and ages of the pupils within the federation. The pay for heads of individual schools within the federation should be determined fairly and equitably according to their responsibilities including the number and ages of the children for whom they had responsibility. Any substantive salary reductions should obviously be safeguarded. (c) The Union restated its position that supply teachers who undertook a full day’s teaching should be paid a full day’s pay. Schools should not be permitted to resort to devices allowing them to avoid payment of a daily rate. Payment on an hourly basis was no longer realistic or appropriate, so contracts should not be reducible below a single school session and any such engagement should be paid at a rate proportional to the total length of the day. 1.11 STRB’s Sixteenth Report and Secretary of State’s Proposals (a) Earlier in 2007, the STRB had published its Sixteenth Report which contained recommendations on a range of specific areas identified by the Secretary of State, including the use of pay flexibilities and CPD for science and mathematics teachers; the future of SEN allowances; Excellent Teachers’ pay; future arrangements for part-time teachers’ pay; teachers’ performance and pay progression; approaches to teachers’ pay in Wales; and teachers’ professional duties. (b) The STRB’s Sixteenth Report was published on 6 February 2007 together with the Secretary of State’s response to that Report. Following publication of the STRB Report, the Secretary of State initiated the statutory consultation exercise on his proposals relating to the Report. (c) The Union had made two submissions to the STRB in late 2006 prior to the publication of the STRB’s Report. The first submission covered the issues identified by the Secretary of State and also made reference to general pay issues and to the Union’s exclusion from the multilateral discussions between the DfES and others on a range of issues. The second set of evidence was made in response to other consultees’ evidence on the issues raised in the STRB’s remit. (d) An NUT circular was issued to divisions on 9 February enclosing a briefing document with information on the STRB’s recommendations, the Secretary of State’s response and the Union’s initial response on each issue. The briefing document was also placed on Hearth. The circular included website links to the Secretary of State’s Parliamentary statement and to the STRB Report itself. (e) On steps to improve the recruitment and retention of mathematics and science teachers, the STRB recommended that the DCSF should undertake a programme of action to secure a significant increase in the use of existing flexibilities in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) to address local teacher shortages in priority subjects. The STRB also made recommendations on a financial incentive for completing accredited qualifications. (f) The Secretary of State said that the DCSF would consider “with partners” the STRB recommendations on increasing the use of existing flexibilities and welcomed the recommendation on financial incentives. He proposed to consider the most appropriate mechanism for these and how to pilot their implementation. Report of the Executive 2008 (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) 179 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The STRB stated that it would give further consideration to SEN allowances once additional evidence was available. The STRB recommended that the DCSF provide additional evidence relevant to its remit, focusing in particular on the evidence requirements that it had highlighted in relation to the labour market, teachers and current local practice in schools and services. The Secretary of State accepted this recommendation and proposed to work with interested parties with a view to including SEN allowances in the STRB’s remit for 2008. On pay for Excellent Teachers, the STRB recommended that in determining spot salaries for ETS posts schools and services should have regard to the nature of the work to be undertaken, the degree of challenge of the role, and any additional criteria they considered appropriate. Review of spot salaries should follow any wider review of pay, significant changes in the nature of the work undertaken or other factors considered appropriate. The Secretary of State agreed with the proposed criteria relating to the nature of the work and degree of challenge but expressed concern at the proposal to allow schools to determine additional local criteria. He requested views on whether this would be workable and, if so, what help schools would need. He accepted the recommendation on when the pay of Excellent Teachers should be reviewed, but emphasised that this should only be in relation either to the criteria established for the post at the outset, or to a wider review of salaries. On part-time teachers, the STRB recommended that the DCSF should, in consultation with interested parties, develop provisions to stipulate how pro-rata salaries for part-time teachers should be calculated and working time specified in the STPCD. The STRB further recommended that particular attention be given to the pay of part-time teachers for additional working time, along with pay and working time issues for part-time teachers on the Fast Track scheme, in AST posts and in leadership group posts. Finally, the STRB recommended that the DSCF should ensure that provisions for the STPCD were fully compliant with employment law and that provisions resulting from this work be introduced to the STPCD as soon as practicable. The Secretary of State welcomed these recommendations and undertook to work “with partners” to develop the provisions the STRB has identified with the intention to incorporate them into the STPCD from September 2008. The Secretary of State argued that the resultant cost pressures on some schools would need to be taken into account and that the STRB needed to consider this issue in its next report. On teacher performance and pay progression, the STRB recommended that all progression on incremental pay scales should follow a performance management review and determination by the individual school or service that the individual teacher’s performance has satisfied an explicit, performance-related criterion for pay progression in the STPCD. Consequential amendments needed to be made to the STPCD, including to make explicit the criterion of satisfactory performance for pay progression on the main scale and the pay scale for unqualified teachers, and to remove provisions concerning how teachers’ performance should be managed. The DCSF needed to require inclusion of details on performance assessment in school and service pay policies. The STRB noted that there would be some differences in the management of teachers’ performance between England and Wales once the 2006 Regulations came into effect in England. Nevertheless, the pay progression criteria set out in the STPCD would continue to apply in both countries and the provisions of the STPCD therefore needed to be identical in England and Wales. The Secretary of State welcomed the STRB’s reaffirmation of “the principle that there should be a formal link between performance management reviews and pay progression.” He said that there would need to be careful consideration of how to amend the STPCD, to ensure that it was consistent with the requirements of the School Teacher Performance Management (England) Regulations 2006 and School Teacher Appraisal (Wales) Regulations 2002. The Secretary of State accepted that the STPCD should be amended to clarify that Main Scale and Unqualified teachers should complete performance management reviews. He did not, however, propose any change to the current pay progression arrangements. The Secretary of State was not minded to accept the recommendation that schools and services should include details of their performance management arrangements in pay policies. The STRB made no recommendation on the issues of approaches to pay in England and Wales in the light of devolution. It concluded that the existing framework provided sufficient flexibility to take account of the differences that had arisen between England and Wales, but suggested that the matter be kept under review. The Secretary of State accepted that the existing framework should continue, but said that this would be kept under review. The STRB and other consultees needed to alert the DfES and/or Welsh Assembly Government to any developments that might call the current arrangements into question. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (w) (x) (y) (z) 180 Report of the Executive 2008 On teachers’ professional responsibilities, the STRB recommended that the DCSF should, in consultation with interested parties, prepare new statements of teachers’ professional roles and responsibilities. These needed to be: focused on high standards and pupil outcomes; clear and accessible; credible and relevant to teachers; concise, enabling and flexible; in a dedicated section of the STPCD, separate from other conditions of employment; and distinct from, but complementary to, GTC publications and professional standards. The STRB also recommended that new statements should be prepared after the review of the leadership group had been completed, taking account of developments in relation to TLR payments, SEN allowances and the ETS and AST schemes. The STRB also said that teachers’ professional roles and responsibilities should continue to be included in the STPCD. The STRB agreed with the NUT that these should be separate from the conditions of employment and working time provisions of the STPCD. The STRB said that it was attracted to the Scottish model of concise, specific statements that did not function as a prescriptive list. The Secretary of State accepted the recommendation on new statements and looked forward to developing these “with partners.” His view was that these could be looked at in parallel with the review of the leadership group, rather than waiting until after that review had taken place. 1.12 NUT Response to STRB’s Sixteenth Report and Secretary of State’s Proposals (a) The Union wrote to the Secretary of State on 5 March setting out its response to the STRB Report and his proposals. Details of the Union’s response are set out below. (b) The Union noted that the STRB had consistently expressed the view that the further work to be done in pursuit of particular recommendations should be carried out “in consultation with interested parties.” The STRB had previously criticised the Government’s refusal to implement such recommendations. The Union’s letter gave examples of when the STRB had made such recommendations. (c) It was completely unacceptable that the Union, the largest teachers’ organisation in England and Wales, continued to be excluded from the development of proposals affecting teachers’ pay and conditions. The Union could not see this as consistent with the intentions of Parliament as expressed in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Act 1991. (d) On pay for mathematics, science and other priority subjects the Union reminded the Secretary of State of its view that pay flexibilities were not an appropriate response to teacher shortages and regretted the STRB’s approach to this issue. A wider strategic approach was needed, including higher pay levels for the whole profession, and the whole issue of teacher supply. (e) On the issues of mathematics, physics and chemistry diplomas, the STRB’s recognition of the Union’s proposals was welcome. The Union’s letter raised further issues, such as securing a match between high levels of subject expertise in mathematics, chemistry and physics rather than offering non-consolidated “golden hello” payments on completion of the diplomas and the time pressure of taking on a whole new body of subject expertise. (f) The proposed diploma was, as the STRB itself had said, more akin to retraining and professional development. The Union therefore proposed a range of sabbatical opportunities for teachers considering retraining in the diplomas, mentoring opportunities and a review of professional development for mathematics, physics and chemistry. (g) The Union expected to be fully involved in any discussions on financial incentives for diplomas. Any such incentive needed to ensure payment of a significant proportion at the beginning of a course. There were no further developments on this matter at the time of writing. (h) On SEN allowances, the Union expressed disappointment that the STRB had not recommended that the continuation of separate SEN allowances should be confirmed, in line with the Union’s suggestion. The Union was, however, confident that further analysis would support its view on the need for SEN allowances and looked forward to playing a full part in discussions on SEN allowances. There had been no further discussions involving the NUT or proposals on this issue at the time of writing. (i) The Union reminded the Secretary of State of its opposition to the Excellent Teacher Scheme. In the context of the continued existence of the Scheme, the Union took the view that professional standards and payments should be national and standard. It therefore opposed the STRB’s recommendation that local criteria could be used. No changes were made to the STPCD in respect of this issue. (j) The Union welcomed the STRB’s recognition of the need for urgent action to ensure that part-time teachers were treated fairly. The STRB had made recommendations in the context of specific concerns raised in the Union’s evidence and this underlined the lack of justification in excluding the Union from discussions on any new pay system for part time teachers. RIG had put forward no proposals on this issue at the time of writing. (k) The Union argued that the introduction of an explicit link between performance management and pay decisions, as proposed by the STRB, amounted to a further extension of performance-related pay (PRP) for teachers and undermined the positive benefits of performance management identifying professional development needs. Report of the Executive 2008 (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) 181 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The Union disagreed with the STRB’s assertion that pay progression arrangements on the main scale were “anomalous” and agreed with the Secretary of State’s view that the current arrangement should not be changed. The Union noted that linking main scale progression to performance would place an intolerable and unnecessary pressure on teachers. The absence of such a link had been a positive factor in recruitment and retention. The Union argued that schools needed to be required to monitor the performance management process according to equalities criteria. The changes made to the STPCD in respect of this issue are described in the separate section on changes to the STPCD. The Union noted that there was no appetite for significant changes to the current arrangements for pay in Wales compared to England and welcomed the STRB’s conclusion that no change was required. The Union asked the Secretary of State to bear in mind the strength of the opposition to any such change in considering this issue for future review. The Union welcomed the STRB’s view that new statements of teachers’ professional roles and responsibilities should be prepared. All interested parties needed to be included in the development of such statements on an equal basis, in line with the STRB’s recommendation. The Secretary of State issued a further remit to the STRB on this area, for consideration in its next Report. The Union noted that it wished, as part of the usual procedures, to meet the Secretary of State or the Schools Minister to discuss its concerns. The DCSF refused the Union’s request, despite the fact that such a meeting had taken place every year since the establishment of the STRB. The Union wrote to the Secretary of State to express its concern and to repeat its request for a meeting. The Union pointed out that such a meeting represented an essential opportunity for Ministers to explore the Union’s views on the STRB Report and the Secretary of State’s response to that Report. The Union had made its request for a meeting within the consultation period and the need for such a meeting should have been taken into account by the DCSF. The Secretary of State, however, wrote to the Union on 10 April refusing to accept the Union’s request. 1.13 School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2007 (a) In June the DCSF published for consultation the draft 2007 STPCD and statutory guidance. The Union met with DCSF officials and submitted a written response to the consultation on 12 July. The draft proposals, the Union response and outcome of the consultation are summarised below. (b) The Union won various amendments to the draft STPCD and guidance that were to the advantage of teachers. (c) The Union’s principal concerns related to amendments to the STPCD to implement links between appraisal/review and recommendations on pay progression following the outcome of consultation on the STRB’s Sixteenth Report. The Union was particularly concerned about the inclusion in the STPCD of the revised core professional standards for teachers. Details of the Union’s response to the consultation on the revised standards framework were reported in the Education and Equal Opportunities section of the last Annual Report. With regard to the 2007 STPCD, the Union argued that their inclusion would inhibit their role in informing teachers’ professional development. Furthermore, they would be viewed incorrectly as a statutory checklist for pay progression. The STPCD needed to provide a clear perspective on the relationship between the standards and pay progression. Following the publication of the 2007 SPTCD, the NUT’s detailed guidance on UPS progression gave detailed information to divisions and associations on this area. (d) The Union secured an amendment to the STPCD and guidance to benefit teachers entitled to be paid on the Upper Pay Scale because they had formerly been employed as leadership group teachers or ASTs, Soulbury paid staff, or on the higher level pay scales in sixth form colleges, JNCTRE establishments etc. The 2007 STPCD encouraged governing bodies to use their discretion to appoint such teachers above U1 and stated that additional points “should not be unreasonably withheld” when pay progression comparable to UPS progression was made in that previous employment. (e) The Union also secured amendment to the STPCD guidance on pay policies to include reference to the Employment Equality Sexual Orientation Regulations 2003 and the Employment Equality Religion or Belief Regulations 2003. (f) The Union raised the fact that anomalies existed within the provisions for mandatory points for service. The DCSF agreed to amend the STPCD to ensure that teachers received mandatory experience points for service in state schools in Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as other EU and EEA countries, closing a gap which had previously existed. The Union argued that service in Academies should also be recognised by the award of mandatory points on the main scale but this was not accepted. (g) The Union sought the removal of the description of UPS3 teachers in the STPCD statutory guidance, noting that this was sometimes mistakenly used to seek to justify requiring such teachers to undertake additional responsibilities without an appropriate payment. This was regrettably not accepted. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (h) (i) 182 Report of the Executive 2008 The Union welcomed the proposal that an end date should be specified for the expectation that teachers should rarely cover for absent colleagues, stating that a September 2008 deadline would give schools a full academic year to put appropriate arrangements in place and allow time for supportive guidance to be produced. The eventual outcome was that schools should expect to implement the objective that teachers should only rarely cover from 1 September 2009, setting their own interim targets on how to achieve this by this date. Following the publication of the 2007 STPCD, an NUT circular was issued to divisions and local associations attaching the final version of the 2007 STPCD and giving details of the changes. 1.14 NUT Guidance on the School Teachers’ Pay Structure (a) Following the publication of the 2007 STPCD, the Union prepared fully revised and updated versions of its guidance document on the teachers’ pay structure and the NUT model school salary policy. (b) These documents were made available to divisions and associations via the Salaries section of HEARTH which had become operational in 2006. HEARTH also included a wide range of further NUT guidance and information documents on school teachers’ pay designed to assist the work of divisions and associations. These documents included Union checklists on individual pay assessments and pay reviews and a school pay policy checklist as well as more detailed document son specific aspects of teaches’ pay such as TLRs, the Main and Upper Pay Scales, leadership group pay, additional allowances and safeguarding. HEARTH also provided users with website links to relevant external documents including the STPCD, accompanying DCSF guidance and the RIG Model School Policy. 1.15 Upper Pay Scale (UPS) Progression (a) During 2007 the Union continued to support members eligible for UPS progression, seeking to ensure that pay assessments were carried out according to the statutory provisions and the terms of Union policy. (b) An NUT circular was issued to divisions and associations in August 2007, advising them of the publication of the 2007 version of the Union’s guidance on UPS progression via HEARTH. (c) The updated guidance dealt, as previously, with the rules governing UPS progression and the Union’s policy on the application of those rules to teachers. The guidance set out in full the relevant provisions of the STPCD and the accompanying statutory guidance on UPS progression. (d) The circular noted that there was a significant change to the STPCD provisions regarding UPS progression for teachers in England. The 2006 regulations on performance management in England required performance reviewers to make recommendations on pay progression for teachers eligible for UPS progression. The 2007 STPCD in turn required that governing bodies in England should consider such recommendations when taking decisions on UPS progression. The Union guidance included advice on this area. It dealt also with the relationship between pay progression and the revised standards for teachers as detailed earlier in this Report. (e) The circular noted that the 2006 performance management regulations did not apply in Wales. The 2007 STPCD contained no requirement for governing bodies to consider recommendations from performance reviewers. The Union guidance advised specifically on the position in Wales, which was unchanged from 2006. (f) The Union’s guidance also gave specific advice on a wide range of situations commonly encountered in casework in which the application of the STPCD’s provisions was less straightforward. (g) The Union made clear that the Union would keep this area under close review in order to ensure that greater protection for teachers could be sought both through appropriate changes to the national provisions of the pay structure and through support to divisions and associations in casework. 1.16 STRB Pay Survey for 2007 (a) (b) In late 2007, the STRB published the report of its 2007 survey of teachers’ pay. The survey, conducted as at 1 January 2007, was the most recent in a series dating to 1993 but was the first to be conducted since September 2004. The publication of the survey report confirmed the Union’s increasing concern about apparent falls in the rates of progression on the UPS. The report also confirmed that the ongoing implementation of the TLR payments system had led to a substantial reduction, as the NUT had warned, in the number of posts of paid additional responsibility in schools. Between January 2006 and the date of the survey, it appeared that many as 30,000 management allowances had already been abolished without being replaced by TLR payments. Report of the Executive 2008 183 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 1.17 Unattached Teachers (a) In early 2007, the DfES undertook an investigation into the pay and conditions of unattached teachers employed by local authorities. The STRB had recommended in its December 2005 report that the DCSF should undertake such an investigation in response to concerns expressed by the Union and other organisations that unattached teachers encountered difficulties in accessing promotion opportunities, pay progression, additional payments etc. (b) The Union had, in December 2006, advised divisions and associations that the Union wished to gather information on this area prior to submitting a response to the DfES and circulated a survey form for completion by divisions. (c) In its response to the DfES, the Union set out a range of statistical information illustrating the disadvantaged position of unattached teachers, for example in terms of pay progression. (d) The Union proposed the removal of the provision in the STPCD that the pay of unattached teachers could be determined according to “whichever provisions of (the STPCD) the relevant body consider appropriate” and its replacement by clear and explicit entitlements. (e) The Union stated that a number of employers had sought to remove centrally-employed employees including unattached teachers from the scope of the STPCD. The DfES needed to draw attention to the fact that employers were not free to move teachers to other arrangements when a legal requirement existed to apply the terms of the STPCD. (f) Action was also needed to amend other STPCD provisions and the statutory guidance, in order to secure the position of unattached teachers in terms of pay progression. The STPCD criteria and guidance in this area had been drafted with a view to the circumstances of teachers employed in schools and did not take account of the circumstances of those employed in central services. This was particularly true with regard to TLR payments and SEN allowances. (g) The Union concluded its submission by emphasising that there was no justification for penalising unattached teachers because they had chosen to work in that particular sector of education. Unattached teachers needed to be subject to the same statutory provisions on pay as other teachers. (h) The DfES report on unattached teachers, published in June 2007, confirmed many of the points raised by the Union. In its letter to the STRB accompanying the report, the DCSF suggested that the report should be seen as part of the STRB’s ongoing work on the issue of unattached teachers. At the time of writing no further developments had arisen. 1.18 Young Teachers’ Pay (a) The NUT’s 2007 Annual Conference agreed a resolution on young teachers and pay which affirmed the Union’s concern at the problems facing young teachers in terms of their low comparative levels of starting pay and pay progression as compounded by high housing and other costs and levels of student debt. (b) During the year, the NUT placed young teachers at the heart of he Union’s pay campaign, seeking to ensure that members were made aware not only of the impact of the Government’s pay limits upon all teachers but also of the particular problems facing young teachers. Details of this work can be found elsewhere in this Annual Report. (c) The Union’s use of the website to gather members’ views on the pay campaign was particularly successful in involving young members in the Union’s campaign and securing further evidence of the problems facing them for inclusion in the Union’s campaigning work. (d) In the autumn term, the Union undertook a formal survey of young teachers, as required by the Conference resolution, with the assistance of the Labour Research Department (LRD). The survey sought to identify the extent of the financial problems facing young teachers, gather information on their perceptions regarding the pay levels available in teaching and elsewhere and identify the implications of these matters for recruitment and retention. At the time of writing, the survey report was expected imminently from LRD for consideration by the NUT Executive. 2. TEACHERS IN SIXTH FORM COLLEGES 2.1 National Joint Council for Staff in Sixth Form Colleges: Committee for Teaching Staff The National Joint Council for Staff in Sixth Form Colleges covers all staff in sixth form colleges within scope. Separate sovereign Committees for teaching staff and support staff deal with pay and conditions of service relevant to those particular sectors. The Staff Side of the Committee for Teaching Staff comprises nine representatives, three each from the three nationally recognised teachers' unions: the NUT; NASUWT; and ATL. The Secretary to the Staff Sides of the NJC and of the Committee for Teaching Staff is Barry Fawcett, Assistant Secretary to the Union’s Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Department. The two Executive members currently representing the Union in the national negotiations are Martin Reed and Jerry Glazier. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 2.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 184 Report of the Executive 2008 Negotiations on Pay Increase for 2007-2008 The Staff Side of the Committee for Teaching Staff of the NJC for Staff in Sixth Form Colleges gave preliminary consideration to its pay claim for 2007-08 at a meeting held on Wednesday 28 February 2007. As in previous years, the Staff Side’s overriding concern was to achieve an increase which maintained competitiveness, in terms of salary levels, with school teachers, who were to receive an increase of 2.5 per cent from 1 September 2007, and to ensure that the conditions of service of teachers in sixth form colleges were at least as good as those of school teachers. The Staff Side acknowledged that there would be problems in coming to an agreement over the pay increase from 1 September 2007 in the light of the situation in schools. In particular, the imposition of a pay increase from that date which was significantly below the current rate of headline inflation (3.9 per cent at September 2007); the activation of the trigger mechanism for pay in schools; the report and recommendations from the School Teachers’ Review Body, which would not be published until November 2007; and the expected remit from the Government to the STRB in respect of school teachers’ pay from 1 September 2008. Difficulties would arise in particular should the position not be clear by the due date of the commencement of negotiations, or should the Government decide to deal with the matter in a separate remit for report later in the year. The Staff Side recognised, however, that, although it would be regarded as inadequate in the present circumstances, the September 2007 increase for teachers in schools; i.e. 2.5 per cent, must, at the very least, be matched for teachers in sixth form colleges. Clearly the situation in schools would have a significant bearing on the approach that year to the level of the settlement for teachers in sixth form colleges. It was recognised also that it might not be possible to reach agreement until the autumn term, given the situation in the schools’ sector. Other factors to be taken into consideration were the current Comprehensive Spending Review being undertaken by the Government, the level of inflation and, as in previous years, funding for sixth form colleges. Funding would continue to be an issue also with regard to any restructuring. The pay settlement for 2006-07 had included an agreement that, as part of the 2007-08 negotiations, consideration would be given to the pay structure above points 3 on the PSP and management ranges in the light of developments in schools and the loss of points 4. The Staff Side, therefore, would need to consider possible alternative approaches to pay above points 3 in its claim. It was acknowledged, however, that that was linked inextricably with the main pay increase and any progress that year would depend on the level of the pay increase and overall affordability. A further issue raised for possible inclusion in the claim was that of pay safeguarding for teachers affected by internal reorganisations. The Conditions of Service Handbook (the Red Book) currently contained no safeguarding arrangements; the Staff Side, therefore, wished to seek the introduction of nationally-agreed provisions to mirror the mandatory provisions recently introduced for school teachers, namely three-year safeguarding in cases where salary was reduced. Such arrangements would secure the wish of both Sides that teachers in sixth form colleges did not perceive themselves to be less favourably treated in terms of their pay and conditions of service than teachers in schools. The Staff Side agreed that it would continue to seek a significant increase in the London and fringe area allowances from 1 September 2007, in pursuit of the joint commitment made as part of the 2001 agreement to seek to match the values of allowances paid to school teachers. The Staff Side continued its consideration of the 2007 claim at a meeting held on Wednesday 25 April 2007. A consensus was reached within the Staff Side that it would seek in its claim: i. a pay increase for teachers in sixth form colleges which was sufficient to recruit, retain and motivate a high quality teaching force in the face of competition from other sectors, in particular schools; ii. the introduction of nationally-agreed provisions for pay safeguarding for teachers in sixth form colleges for teachers who, as a result of college reorganisations, lost their former posts but were employed thereafter in alternative posts or whose posts were redesignated to a lower grade than before; and iii. a significant increase in London and fringe area allowances to ensure parity with those for school teachers. The Staff Side also discussed for inclusion in the claim a possible alternative approach to pay above points 3 on the PSP and management ranges in light of developments in school. Each of the constituent unions on the Staff Side had taken the matter back for consideration following its previous meeting. As a result of those discussions, it was agreed to propose to the Employers' Side, as part of the claim for 2007, an additional payment to complement the existing structure. The proposed additional payment would be awarded in respect of additional work which contributed to the effective work of colleges through the development of other teachers and which was undertaken by experienced teachers with the requisite professional standing and pedagogic skills. Potentially that would be a means of compensating teachers in sixth form colleges for the loss of points 4 by providing new opportunities for them to improve their salaries by an additional route, and without mirroring the ill advised Excellent Teacher provisions (for schools). Report of the Executive 2008 (i) (j) 2.3 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) 185 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee NUT college representatives were advised of the commencement of the negotiations in a briefing letter circulated following the meeting held on 25 April. The pay claim for 2007-08 was presented formally to the Employers' Side at a meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff held on Wednesday 11 July 2007. The Employers' Side received the claim and, in line with previous practice, gave a preliminary response pending the circulation of the claim to all constituent colleges. It was agreed that a further meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff would be held in the autumn term, at which the Employers' Side would give its considered response to the Staff Side’s claim. Continuation of Negotiations and Agreement on Pay Increase for 2007-08 Negotiations resumed at a meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff held on Thursday 20 September 2007. At that meeting, the Employers' Side offered a pay increase from 1 September 2007 to 31 August 2008 of 2.5 per cent on all points on the pay scale for all teachers in sixth form colleges. The proposed increase, although lower than inflation, maintained parity with the 2.5 per cent increase already paid to school teachers from 1 September 2007. The Staff Side’s representatives were of the view that the increase, while inadequate, could not be improved upon by further negotiation. The Staff Side, therefore, agreed that the offer should be put to constituent unions and accepted the offer, subject to ratification. The Employers' Side stated that it was not in a position to make an offer that day on an increase to the London and fringe area allowances from 1 September 2007 as it wished to consult with the colleges concerned. Negotiations would resume at a further meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff, full details of which are given later in this section of the Annual Report. The Employers' Side stated also that it did not wish to introduce separate provisions in the salary structure in respect of mentoring. Colleges had made clear that they already operated a variety of arrangements covering payment for such roles and did not want either to change those existing arrangements or to agree a set national figure. The Employers' Side did believe, however, that it might be possible to issue joint national advice to colleges emphasising the importance of such work and the need to ensure that it was recognised through an appropriate payment. It was agreed, therefore, that the Joint Secretaries would explore the possibility of drafting joint guidance for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff. No agreement was reached in respect of the Staff Side’s proposal for the introduction of nationally agreed provision for pay safeguarding for teachers in sixth form colleges similar to that for schools. The Employers' Side, at the request of the Staff Side, undertook to consider the matter further and to respond at the next meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff. The agreement on pay, set by the Staff Side in its 2007 pay claim, achieved the priority that pay relative to schools be maintained. Clearly, though, the fact that the increase was below the rate of inflation for September 2007 was an obvious and continuing matter of concern for the Staff Side. The Staff Side determined also that, if the offer was accepted, the Staff Side would call on the Employers' Side to reopen negotiations if school teachers’ pay for 2006-08 was increased in light of the awaited report from the STRB. Ratification and Implementation of Pay Increase for 2007-08 The negotiated agreement on pay for 2007-08 for teachers in sixth form colleges was put by the Union to a ballot of all its members in sixth form colleges who were within scope of the agreement, in line with its longstanding commitment to ballot members. The Executive determined, at its meeting held on Thursday 4 October 2007, that the proposed settlement should be put to a ballot of members without a recommendation but in the context of the circumstances against which the agreement was reached. Consequently, materials were circulated to members in sixth form colleges in early October 2007. The ballot closed on Monday 29 October 2007. A substantial majority of the votes - 72.5 per cent - was in favour of accepting the agreement. 31.1 per cent of the eligible membership in sixth form colleges returned a vote. The outcome of the ballot was put to the Executive for consideration at a meeting held on Thursday 8 November 2007. The Executive agreed that the offer should be accepted and that the 2007 pay agreement for teachers in sixth form colleges should be ratified by the Union. A letter advising of the ballot result, and of the ratification of the agreement and its implementation, was sent to representatives in sixth form colleges on Tuesday 13 November 2007, together with the new salary scales for teachers in sixth form colleges. Representatives in sixth form colleges were asked to contact their principals to seek to ensure that the pay increase was paid to members no later than the December 2007 pay. A copy of the letter was circulated also to Division Secretaries with sixth form colleges in their areas. In addition, a NUT News on the pay agreement was circulated in November 2007 to all NUT members in sixth form colleges. A joint Secretaries’ circular was issued to principals in sixth form colleges on 13 November 2007, informing them of the agreement and urging them to adopt and implement the pay increase from 1 September 2007. As with previous national agreements, all sixth form colleges within scope of the agreement were expected to implement it. At the time of compiling this report, no sixth form college had been reported as having refused to implement the agreement. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 186 Report of the Executive 2008 (e) The NUT was required in 2007 to deal with a small number of cases where colleges refused to implement fully the 2006 pay agreement. In all cases, the Union pursued matters vigorously, including through the use of ballots for industrial action, in order to ensure that both the agreed pay increase and the agreed pay structure were fully implemented. 2.5 (a) Negotiations on Increases to London and Fringe Area Allowances for 2006-2007 Last year’s Annual Report advised of the Employers' Side intention to consult with the London and fringe area colleges over the Staff Side’s claim for a significant increase in London and fringe area allowances from 1 September 2006 to ensure parity with those for school teachers in those areas, and to hold a meeting to discuss the outcome in the autumn term. In advance of that meeting, and in an attempt to seek evidence of teacher supply problems which might support the Staff Side’s claim, a joint Staff Side survey of turnover and recruitment in sixth form colleges had been carried out in October/November 2006. The survey had sought also information on the likely attitudes of members of the three teachers’ unions towards a possible campaign of industrial action in support of the Staff Side’s case. At the time of compiling last year’s Annual Report, arrangements were being made for a meeting of the Staff Side to consider the outcome of the survey. Meetings of the Staff Side and of the full Committee for Teaching Staff were held on Wednesday 28 February 2007 to discuss the matter. The Staff Side’s survey, however, received a very limited response, providing little helpful data and suggesting that there was unlikely to be sufficient support for any action in support of the claim. In addition, the Employers’ Side maintained that present levels of funding for colleges in London and the fringe area continued to prevent the payment of allowances at school levels. The Employers' Side, therefore, was willing to offer an increase of just 2.5 per cent, in line with the pay increase for teachers in sixth form colleges from 1 September 2006. Concluding that further negotiations would serve only to delay payment to members, and that it had no other option, the Staff Side agreed to accept the proposed increase of 2.5 per cent. The Staff Side made clear, however, that it would return to the issue of London and Fringe Area allowances in the pay negotiations for 2007-08. College representatives were advised of the new levels of London and fringe area allowances from 1 September 2006 through a joint Staff Side statement, which was circulated in March 2007. (b) (c) (d) 2.6 (a) (b) 2.7 (a) (b) (c) Negotiations on Increases to London and Fringe Area Allowances for 2007-2008 As reported earlier in this section of the Annual Report, the Employers' Side was not in a position to make an offer on an increase to the London and fringe area allowances from 1 September 2007 at the meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff held on Thursday 20 September 2007, as it wished to consult with college principals. Arrangements were made for a meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff to take place on Thursday 13 December 2007. Negotiations would be resumed at that meeting. In the meantime, the Staff Side wrote to college representatives in the London and fringe area seeking information on teacher turnover and recruitment in sixth form colleges and on the likely attitudes of members of the three teachers’ unions towards a possible campaign of industrial action in support of the Staff Side’s claim. In addition, representatives were alerted to the Employers' Side’s consultation and urged to make strong representations to their principals, preferably on a joint union basis, to seek to persuade them to support the Staff Side’s case for the restoration of pay comparability with school teachers. Division Secretaries in the London and fringe area with sixth form colleges were sent a copy of the survey for information. Funding Previous Annual Reports detailed the difficulties under which sixth form colleges have had to operate for a number of years due to inadequate funding. A joint campaign for increased funding has been underway for some time and has met with significant success. Funding, however, continues to be a problem for the sector. Increases in funding for the sixth form colleges sector in recent years have been at levels which have permitted the annual pay increases to be comfortably afforded by colleges generally. During the past year, a number of colleges have encountered financial difficulties, due in particular to downward revision of agreed student intakes or to over-recruitment or other factors. The Staff Side does not believe, however, that the circumstances of the least fortunate colleges should determine the overall national pay increase for teachers in all colleges. The reorganisations within the Government during 2007 resulted in the DfES’ being split into two sections: the DCSF (Department for Children, Schools and Families) and the DIUS (Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills). The DCSF will have planning and funding responsibilities for all the 14-19 reforms, which will include school sixth forms and sixth form colleges and which will require more collaboration between schools and colleges. An important consequence of the changes will be that sixth form colleges will move back closer to schools, with 16-19 funding being transferred from the LSC to local authorities. The DIUS, however, has responsibility for the FE sector as a whole, of which sixth form colleges remain a part. Report of the Executive 2008 187 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (d) Clearly the changes would have substantial significance for sixth form colleges and both Sides of the Committee for Teaching Staff would need to take advantage of the situation in terms of the funding gap. The changes would not happen immediately, however, which would provide the opportunity for the two Sides to pursue their long held policy objectives over funding though a joint campaign and to seek to press the case for equality of funding between schools and sixth form colleges. 2.8 (a) Professional Registration for Teachers in Sixth Form Colleges During 2007, it emerged that the then DfES was proposing to require all teachers in the FE sector in England to register with the Institute for Learning (IfL), including teachers in sixth form colleges. The proposals were linked to the introduction of statutory requirements, to be overseen by the IfL in relation to the qualifications and professional development of teachers in further education. Registration with the IfL would be required from 1 September 2007, although an exception would be made for teachers in sixth form colleges who were registered with the GTC(E) at that date, and who would be entitled to remain registered with the GTC(E) instead of the IfL. The Union was not consulted on the proposals but raised its concerns with the DIUS upon being apprised of the situation in June 2007. The Union sought to protect the interests of members teaching in sixth form colleges by securing an entitlement for such teachers to be registered with the GTC(E) as an alternative to the IfL. Although there was no existing requirement for sixth form college teachers to register with the GTC(E), a significant group of teachers in sixth form colleges were registered with the GTC(E). The NUT informed the DIUS that it believed that, if teachers in sixth form colleges were to be required to register with a professional body, that body should be the GTC(E ), which was the obvious choice for teachers in sixth form colleges given their close links with the schools’ sector and their existing CPD arrangements. Representations were made to the DIUS also from the sixth form college employers, a number of individual sixth form college principals and the other teachers’ unions. Following those representations, the DIUS agreed that sixth form college teachers would be able to join either the GTC(E) or IfL for registration purposes and that the deadline for registration would be moved to March 2008. The Government, however, despite having agreed to pay the IfL fee for all FE teachers, said that it would not pay the GTC(E) fee for sixth form college teachers. The matter was a concern for both Sides of the Committee for Teaching Staff. A joint letter was sent to the Minister concerned in September 2007 stating in no uncertain terms that teachers in sixth form colleges who opted to join the GTC(E) should be treated no differently from school teachers, for whom the fee was reimbursed. Following a negative response from the Government to those representations, a further joint letter was sent in November 2007 requesting a meeting in order that the Committee for Teaching Staff might put its case with the aim of finding a mutually acceptable solution. At the time of writing this Annual Report, the Government had agreed to a meeting with the Minister responsible, Bill Rammell, and arrangements for that were underway. Sixth form college representatives and Division Secretaries with sixth form colleges were advised of the situation in a briefing issued in August 2007. An update was given to all members in a sixth form colleges NUT News circulated in November 2007, in which members were advised of the requirement to register either with the GTC(E) or the IfL and of the fact that that registration could be with either the GTC(E) or the IfL, notwithstanding the fact that discussions were continuing over the payment of the GTC(E) fee which was reimbursed to teachers in schools. In addition, members were reminded that registration was not required yet, as no decision had to be made until March 2008. Advice supplementing that given in the sixth form colleges NUT News circulated in November 2007 was issued by letter to sixth form college representatives, Division Secretaries with sixth form colleges and Regional Offices/the Wales Office early in December 2007. Members were advised that additional advice would be issued at the start of the spring term 2008, when further details were available on the Government’s stance on the matter. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 2.9 (a) (b) Workload Guidance It was reported in last year’s Annual Report that further guidance on workload for members and representatives in sixth form colleges was being prepared as part of the Union’s campaign to seek to limit workload for all teachers. This was circulated in February 2007 along with an accompanying NUT News for sixth form colleges. The guidelines, Teachers’ Workload and Working Time Policy for Sixth Form Colleges, gave detailed guidance on the Union’s policies and the national provisions on workload, working time, professional duties, performance management and group sizes for teachers in sixth form colleges. The guidance was issued with the intention of advising members and helping them to identify their priorities and the issues to be raised in each college. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 188 Report of the Executive 2008 A checklist for identifying priorities and raising issues accompanied the guidelines. The aim of the checklist was to help members consider the position in each college and identify any particular problems to be resolved or improvements to be gained. NUT members were asked to meet and use the checklist to identify issues and concerns about workload, working time and work-life balance and the issues which should be prioritised and pursued further. The checklist also advised on the full support to be given to NUT college representatives and NUT members locally, regionally and nationally. The NUT’s approach is to resolve problems through consultation and agreement within the college. Should workload concerns not be resolved, consideration may be given to ballots on industrial action, although the NUT has always stressed that it turns to industrial action only when all efforts to reach agreement have been made and rejected. A copy of the guidelines and checklist was sent individually to all members in sixth form colleges as well as to college representatives. Copies of the guidelines were sent also to all principals and chairs of college corporations. The Staff Side of the Committee for Teaching Staff also acknowledges that the issue of workload is of considerable concern to members and continues to pursue its basic policy objective of seeking to ensure that not only the pay but also the conditions of service of teachers in sixth form colleges are at least as good as those of school teachers. The Staff Side recognises that the LSC’s funding methodology has contributed to much of the extra workload in sixth form colleges. The matter will be returned to, therefore, in light of the impending funding changes referred to earlier in this section of the Annual Report. 2.10 Conditions of Service Handbook (the Red Book) (a) During 2007, an exercise to update the Conditions of Service Handbook for Teaching Staff in Sixth Form Colleges (the Red Book) was undertaken in order to incorporate subsequent changes to the pay structure and a number of other agreements reached since. (b) Copies of the updated, revised Handbook were circulated to representatives in sixth form colleges during August 2007. The Handbook was placed also on Hearth and Division Secretaries with sixth form colleges in their areas were advised in August 2007 of its availability. In addition, the Handbook continued to be available to all members in the sixth form colleges section of the NUT website. (c) While the updating was largely a technical exercise, reflecting decisions made already and various changes in legislation and statutory improvements in maternity and other family friendly policies and other recent developments, the NUT was able to secure a number of important changes. In particular, the Red Book now made explicit provisions for a teacher in receipt of the Professional Standards Payment to retain it upon moving to another post within the same college, or to another college. (d) In addition, a form of wording for the Red Book was agreed to confirm that that PSP status, once obtained, became a permanent entitlement while employed in that college or in another sixth form college. This ensured also that PSP status and “threshold status” were fully transferable between the schools and sixth form colleges sectors. The provision gave protection to individual teachers and also contributed to maintaining comparability between the two sectors. (e) The situation remained difficult, however, in terms of management range posts should a member move to a lower range, as the Red Book and the various agreements contained no protection for progression points should a teacher move posts sideways or downwards. Consequently, the Staff Side submitted a claim to the Employers' Side that not only PSP, but also the progression point, should be made permanent in order to maintain parity between schools and sixth form colleges, and to ensure that the entitlements of teachers in sixth form colleges were no less favourable than those of teachers in schools. At the time of compiling this Annual Report, the matter was still under discussion. 2.11 Mergers/New Sixth Form Colleges (a) Full details have been given in previous Annual Reports of those sixth form colleges affected by proposals to dissolve their corporations and to establish new further education institutions. In addition to those listed previously, the following sixth form colleges were identified during 2007 as being subject to possible future reorganisation and closure/merger: i. Farnham College, Surrey merged with Guildford FE College during 2007. It remained in the Sixth Form Colleges’ Forum (SFCF) as an associate member and, as such, continued to apply sixth form college pay and conditions of service; ii. Spelthorne College, Middlesex, merged with Brooklands FE College during 2007. It too remained in the SFCF as an associate member, applying sixth form college pay and conditions of service; and iii. consultations over proposals for a merger of St Vincent College, Hampshire, with Fareham College, a general further education college, to form Solent College with effect from 1 August 2008, were initiated in December 2007. Report of the Executive 2008 (b) (c) 189 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The following sixth form colleges left the SFCF during 2007, following earlier mergers with further education colleges: i. Josiah Mason Sixth Form College, Birmingham, which had merged with Sutton Coldfield College of FE with effect from 1 August 2006; ii. Widnes and Runcorn Sixth Form College, Widnes, which had merged with Halton College of FE on 1 August 2006 to form Riverside College, Halton; and iii. North Area College, Stockport, which had merged with Stockport FE College during 2006. There are currently 102 sixth form colleges in England and Wales, including associate members. As reported previously, the Government has made clear in the past its support for sixth form colleges but, as a result of the mergers, numbers are falling. Mergers remain a great concern, therefore, to both Sides of the Committee for Teaching Staff. 2.12 Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges Chair: Martin Reed Vice Chair: Nigel Fox (a) The Union's Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges was established in mid 1999, replacing the Advisory Committee for Sixth Form Colleges, and is serviced by the Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Department. Educational issues are pursued through the Union’s Secondary Advisory Committee, on which sixth form colleges have representation, as they can be dealt with more properly through that forum. The two Executive places comprise the Chair of the Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Committee; and the Executive member representing the Union in the national negotiations. Every region and Wales has representation on the Working Group. In addition, each of the three regions with the greatest concentration of sixth form colleges and members - the North West, the South East and the Midlands - has an additional representative. At the time of writing this Report, there was one vacancy. The Working Group meets when necessary but meetings are funded on the same basis as the Union’s Advisory Committees, i.e. once in the first half of the year and again in the second half. Whenever possible, meetings are arranged to coincide with the national negotiations. (b) (c) (d) 2.13 Seventeenth Meeting of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges: Wednesday 21 March 2007 (a) The seventeenth meeting of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges was held on Wednesday 21 March 2007. It was noted that nominations continued to be sought in respect of the vacancy for the South West region. (b) The Working Group welcomed the fact that the Vice-Chairperson had been elected as its representative on the Secondary Advisory Committee. (c) The Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges received an update on the Staff Side’s claim for an increase in London area and fringe allowances from 1 September 2006, full details of which are given earlier in this section of the Annual Report. The London representative present acknowledged that members in colleges in the London and fringe areas would like parity with school teachers in terms of the London and fringe area allowances. Unfortunately, it appeared that the Employers' Side was correct in its conclusion that sixth form colleges had no significant recruitment and retention problems. Notwithstanding the lower levels of allowances, movement tended to remain within the sixth form colleges’ sector. Sixth form colleges also attracted staff from non-traditional routes, who, for the most part, actually received better pay and conditions of service than in their previous employment. Clearly the issue remained a problem. (d) The Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges also considered the Staff Side’s claim for a pay increase for teachers in sixth form colleges from 1 September 2007, full details of which are given earlier in this section of the Annual Report. The Working Group was advised of the difficulties the negotiators faced for the 2007-08 increase in light of the situation in schools. Clearly the situation was more complicated from 1 September 2007 than could have been anticipated at the beginning of the current school year and negotiations for that year would not be as straightforward as in previous years. The bottom line, however, would be that teachers in sixth form colleges must not be treated less favourably than school teachers from 1 September 2007. (e) The Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges welcomed the analysis of the difficulties facing the pay negotiations that year and supported the idea that mirroring the pay increase for school teachers from 1 September 2007 should be the bottom line for the Staff Side. Also, it was agreed in principle that an across-the-board pay increase that would benefit all members was preferable to a lower increase that had to take into account the need to fund structural changes, particularly if the Employers' Side offered an increase that was lower than the level of inflation. It was agreed that the Union’s negotiators should proceed along the lines outlined above. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) 2.14 190 Report of the Executive 2008 The Working Group raised the possibility of building a safeguard into the agreement for teachers in sixth form colleges, including possible reviews, to ensure that future settlements mirrored/were not less than those for schools. The Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges considered possible alternative approaches to pay above points 3 on the PSP and Management Ranges in the light of developments in schools and discussions within the Staff Side of the Committee for Teaching Staff. The Working Group recognised, however, that, given the financial difficulties that year, it might be necessary to postpone any structural changes in order to facilitate a higher, across-the-board pay increase for all members. The Working Group welcomed the notion of rewarding mentoring as an additional skill. That would reward experience as well. It was hoped that progress could be made along those lines in seeking to reinstate some of the salary progression lost by the truncation of the PSP and management ranges. The Working Group acknowledged that discussions were in the very early stages still. It was pointed out, however, that there could be difficulties in respect of some colleges which already operated fully developed mentoring schemes and already made additional payments for that, or placed teachers on the management ranges. The Working Group agreed: i. that the NUT’s representatives on the Staff Side pursue some sort of financial remuneration in place of PSP4; ii. to support the suggestion that the Staff Side consider a scheme that included mentoring/other CPD related elements; iii. that discussions over any scheme include objective criteria and any other issues mentioned earlier; and iv. that the NUT’s representatives on the Staff Side seek the best scheme possible. The Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges was advised that an exercise to update the Red Book was underway, the intention being to incorporate the 2002 pay structure agreement and a number of agreements reached since. The Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges welcomed the publication of the NUT’s guidance on workload for teachers in sixth form colleges, Teachers’ Workload and Working Time Policy for Sixth Form Colleges. The members of the Working Group said that they had had very positive feedback from members at their colleges, who had been very pleased to receive it. In particular, members had been grateful to receive individual copies. The Working Group was reminded that Regional Offices/the Wales Office were ready to assist with any issues that might arise as a result of the guidance. In addition, as in schools, the Union would support any sixth form college over a dispute up to and including strike action. It was confirmed that the guidance and accompanying checklist were available on the Union’s website. The Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges considered how the Union might best ensure the continuation and success of its training courses for representatives in sixth form colleges, as agreed at its last meeting. A number of courses had had to be cancelled in the past due to a lack of interest; the most recent course, although not cancelled, had had to be combined with that for school representatives because of the low number of participants. The Working Group made a number of constructive suggestions, which it was agreed would be referred to the Union’s Membership and Communications Department for consideration by the Training Sub-Committee. The NUT’s Principal Officer for CPD was welcomed to the meeting in order to give an update on the Government’s Implementation Plan for 14-19 Education and Skills. The meeting concluded with reports from members of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges with respect to their own areas. In light of discussions, and in recognition of the fact that that year’s negotiations would be difficult, it was agreed that the date for the next meeting of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges be determined in light of developments in order that the Working Group might be given the opportunity to be involved as fully as possible. Members of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges were consulted on their views regarding the Employers' Side’s offer of a pay increase of 2.5 per cent on all points on the pay structure immediately following the meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff held on 20 September 2007 to ensure that the Executive was fully informed before deciding how to proceed in respect of the ballot of members in sixth form colleges. Eighteenth Meeting of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges Following consultation with the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, it was determined that the eighteenth meeting of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges would not take place until the spring term 2008 in order that meaningful discussions might take place in light of the meeting of the Committee for Teaching Staff in Sixth Form Colleges on Thursday 13 December 2007 and the latest report of the STRB on school teachers’ pay. The next meeting of the Working Group for Sixth Form Colleges was set, therefore, for Tuesday 15 January 2008. Report of the Executive 2008 191 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 3. THE SOULBURY COMMITTEE 3.1 Soulbury Committee The Soulbury Committee is the longstanding, national collective negotiating body that determines the pay of local authority Soulbury-paid staff such as educational improvement professionals (traditionally called educational inspectors and advisers), educational psychologists and youth and community service officers. Soulbury-paid employees are the strategic, non-administrative core of local authorities’ education function, working with schools, local communities and other local authority employees to deliver core Government objectives for school improvement and to co-ordinate education and other children’s services. The Officers’ Side consists of four associations, the NUT, Aspect, AEP and NAYCEO. The Leader and Secretary to the Side are provided by the NUT through Christine Blower, the Deputy General Secretary and Andrew Morris respectively. 3.2 (a) 2007 Pay Agreement The Officers’ Side met on a number of occasions during the first half of the year to discuss and finalise its 2007 pay claim on behalf of educational improvement professionals, educational psychologists and youth and community service officers. The NUT continued to provide the Leader, Secretary and Secretariat to the Officers’ Side. Constituent associations represented on the Officers’ Side agreed that the 2007 pay claim would be particularly important. They had been aware of the potentially significant implications for local authority workforce and related pay structures of the emerging second Local Government Pay and Workforce Strategy (LGPWS) and of the evolving Children’s Workforce Strategy (CWS) connected to the government’s wider Every Child Matters agenda. The process of establishing newly unified local authority service directorates would, it was believed, bring existing Soulbury officers closer to other senior local authority professionals covered by different pay arrangements. Associations believed that effective national pay and employment structures were essential tools to help local authorities meet the obligations and challenges emerging under the integrated children’s services workforce agenda. In its claim Meeting the Challenge of Every Child Matters therefore the Officers’ Side stressed that it had wished to initiate discussions with the local employers about the implications of the various initiatives referred to above and the future of present arrangements particularly in terms of the scope and form of structures. The Officers’ Side believed that the creation of unified services/directorates created a further potential for change. Arrangements based on the Soulbury structure, but encompassing all of the senior professional groups employed within such directorates, might offer a coherent and sensible approach to pay arrangements for the children’s workforce sector. In the claim, the Side had noted that the current Soulbury structure offered a number of very real practical advantages to local employers. The Officers’ Side proposed, therefore, discussions on a new and broader single pay system for the range of specialist and senior professional staffs employed within the children’s workforce, building on the positive features of the existing Soulbury machinery, in order to address the needs of employers and employees. The claim also proposed a significant increase in pay to address ongoing recruitment and retention problems, some structural changes be made to the existing Soulbury pay arrangements and indicated that it would be prepared to consider moving towards a single pay structure in place of the current Soulbury pay structures. The claim also proposed that it would be sensible to revisit and consider the impact of the 2005 agreement, which resulted from lengthy discussions in the Soulbury Joint Working Party, on work life balance and work-related stress. In particular, the Officers’ Side proposed that a joint initiative should be undertaken in relation to that agreement with the objective of evaluating the impact of the agreement. Finally, the Side sought a significant increase in the Soulbury London and Fringe area allowances in order that they could stand comparison with the London area differentials available to school teachers. The claim was, accordingly, submitted and a meeting of full Soulbury with the employers was held on 6 June 2007. At the meeting in June following a presentation of the claim by the Leader of the Officers’ Side, Christine Blower, the Employers’ Side Secretary, placed on record their appreciation of the work undertaken by local authority Soulbury-paid officers. The employers reported that they had wanted to consult with their constituent local authorities on the Officers’ Side pay claim before making a formal offer of a pay increase. Any offer made at the day’s meeting, the Employers’ Side Secretary argued, would not be acceptable to the Officers’ Side. He confirmed, however, that the national employers wanted to retain a national Soulbury pay framework with local flexibilities. On the restructuring proposals in the Officers’ Side pay claim, the employers had expressed some concern over the proposal to change minimum and maximum pay points. They had remained convinced however that the flexibilities within the existing pay structure would help local employers address local problems and that changing those points was not necessary. They had also stressed that any costs associated with any restructuring would limit the overall pay increase. In respect of educational improvement professionals, the employers were not yet convinced by the proposal to rename groupings or to revisit minimum starting points on their pay spine. (b) (c) (d) (e) Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (f) (g) (h) (i) 192 Report of the Executive 2008 In respect of youth service officers, the employers were not persuaded about the necessity of making changes to the minimum and the maximum of their scale. In their view, PYOs might have a much more broader role than that allowed for by Soulbury and that might, in turn, explain decisions to take them off Soulbury by some local employers. In respect of educational psychologists, the employers accepted that the main Scale A was anomalous and that there was scope for some sort of restructuring. They reiterated their view expressed previously and elsewhere that the age 35 pay point had to be removed and that the scale itself was too long. In respect of London Allowances, the employers indicated their preference for local solutions rather than for large across the board increases. Differences in recruitment and retention in London boroughs were uneven and authorities preferred to target their remuneration packages to address local difficulties. In respect of conditions of service, the employers agreed that it would be useful to examine the impact of the recent work-life balance and stress agreements. In respect of SPA 3, the employers did not envisage any problems in making headroom in the existing pay scales to accommodate the third point. The Soulbury Committee therefore agreed that a further point should be added to all scales effective from 1 September 2006 and asked the Joint Secretaries to liaise over the arrangements. Both Sides agreed to reconvene Soulbury at a later date. A meeting of full Soulbury was convened on 26 July following an ‘Extended Joint Secretaries Meeting’. At that meeting, the Employers’ Side Secretary indicated that they were still not in a position to make a formal response to the Officers’ Side 2007 pay claim. He cited the negotiations in the Local Government Services NJC - where agreement had not been reached - as a factor influencing their deliberations. The employers also required more time to consider the results of the Soulbury workforce survey and the cost of proposed changes to the pay structure put forward by the Officers’ Side in its pay claim. The Officers’ Side representatives were also advised that the employers had not considered proposals to extend the scope of Soulbury as the Local Government Employers (LGE) had been involved in a consultation exercise concerning local government negotiating machinery. It would be premature to consider the scope of Soulbury until the wider consideration began by the LGE had progressed. In response, the Officers’ Side expressed its concern that local authority Soulbury staff had been affected by the high level of inflation that had been running at 4.4%. Emphasis was also placed on securing agreement to changes in the pay structure. After further exchanges, it was agreed that consideration of the results of the workforce survey and proposed structural changes would be undertaken at Joint Secretarial level prior to a further meeting of Soulbury. At the meeting of full Soulbury in November the employers pointed to agreements reached and offers put forward elsewhere including a 2.4% pay agreement for fire service employees; a 2.475% offer for local government staff: and a 2.475% agreement for chief executives and chief officers. Following lengthy and at times difficult discussions, the Employers’ Side eventually made the following offer: i. Pay Increase - The Employers offered an increase on all pay points and London Allowances of 2% plus a further 0.475% in respect of “efficiency savings” achieved in local government. That gave a total overall pay increase of 2.475%, payable from 1 September 2007, the same as that paid to staff covered by the NJC for Local Government Services. ii. Pay Structure for Educational Improvement Professionals - The Employers agreed to rename the various groups paid on the inspectors and advisers pay spine as “Educational Improvement Professionals” and provide further guidance on the treatment of all such postholders, including those in the newer types of post, but did not accept the case for removal of the lowest points on the spine and the establishment of new minimum starting points for the various groups. iii. Pay Structure for Youth and Community Officers - The Employers agreed to extend the Youth and Community Officer pay scales by a further 5 incremental points which would add around £5,000 to the maximum salary point available. iv. Pay Structure for Educational Psychologists - The Employers wished to continue discussions on the Educational Psychologists pay scales as a matter of importance with a view to restructuring with effect from 1 September 2008. v. Work-life balance and work-related stress – The Employers offered to write to all local authorities reminding them of their obligations in respect of undertaking regular assessments of risk and to consider jointly a survey of authorities following that exercise. The Officers’ Side expressed disappointment at the Employers’ unwillingness to accept so many of its structural proposals but was able to secure agreement from the Employers that discussion of all structural proposals would continue in parallel with the discussions on the EPs’ pay structure. The Officers’ Side also expressed disappointment at the level of the pay increase offered but agreed that this would be the best offer which could be secured through negotiations. The Officers’ Side therefore agreed to take delivery of the offer and to consult members. Report of the Executive 2008 193 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (j) The NUT undertook a consultation of its Soulbury Advisory Committee members on the offer. The unanimous response, by a large majority of committee members, was that the NUT Executive should reluctantly accept the pay offer and should not ballot Soulbury paid members. The Union’s Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Committee (SSCH), at its meeting on 6 December 2007, agreed that the pay offer should be accepted. The other three Soulbury associations also accepted the pay offer. The Officers’ Side’s acceptance of the offer was therefore conveyed to the Employers’ Side. A Joint Secretaries Circular JESC No. 153 was duly prepared and issued before Christmas. 3.3 (a) Soulbury Pensions The long-running campaign to defend the Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) concluded with the trade unions’ endorsement of the revised scheme which very largely mirrored the changes previously agreed by the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS). The campaign by the local government unions, including the NUT preserved a defined benefit final salary pension scheme for local government employees at a time when the vast majority of private sector final salary schemes were closed or under threat. The new-look LGPS will take effect from April 2008. The trade unions secured valuable improvements to many of the benefits provided by the LGPS. There would, however, be changes to members’ contribution rates and the “Rule of 85” will be phased out over a period of 13 years. The NUT and the other local government unions agreed to endorse the new scheme. The most important point was that the new LGPS remained a final salary scheme, open to all employees. Existing members would benefit from improvements and accrue benefits under the new scheme rules with immediate effect from 1 April 2008. Existing members as at 1 April 2008 would, on retirement, have accrued pension for service under the th old scheme at 1/80 of final salary for every year worked and an automatic tax free lump sum payment th of 3/80 for every year worked. They would also be able, if they choose to commute some of that pension into a further tax free payment in addition to the automatic payment. For service under the new th scheme, they would have accrued pension at an improved rate of 1/60 of final salary for every year worked. They would not receive a separate lump sum payment under the new scheme but could commute part of that pension entitlement into a tax free payment. New members joining the scheme after 1 April 2008 would accrue benefits on the basis of a pension th entitlement of 1/60 for every year worked which could be commuted in part into a tax free lump sum payment at retirement. Some of the negotiated improvements would apply to all members immediately. For example, the calculation of final salary for pension purposes had been improved and pensions would be based on the better of the final salary, or the average of the best three consecutive years in the last ten, revalued in line with inflation. That would protect members whose pay was cut or who “step down” close to retirement. Other improvements such as pension benefits for unmarried partners backdated to 1988, an increased death-in-service payment and an increased death-in-retirement payment would also apply to all members immediately. A new three-tier ill health retirement scheme was also introduced, which would allow some members who would currently not qualify for ill-health benefits to receive an immediate pension. The “Rule of 85”, which permitted retirement on an unreduced pension before 65 where age or length of pensionable service was eighty-five or more, would be removed but with transitional protection for some employees. The transitional protection will permit employees who are 60 on or before 31 March 2016, and who meet the former requirements of the Rule of 85, to continue to retire before 65 on an unreduced pension under the terms of the Rule of 85. Those who are 60 between April 2016 and March 2020 and who meet the former requirements of the Rule will also be able to continue to retire before 65. They would receive an unreduced pension in respect of service up to 31 March 2008 but their pension entitlements for service after that date would be reduced. The reduction factor would taper according to age with the highest reduction for those who are 60 in 2020. The Rule of 85 would thereafter cease to apply. Those entering the LGPS after 1 October 2006 would not qualify for the Rule of 85 at all. These changes arose from the age discrimination legislation. Employee contributions will be based on an underlying average 6.3 per cent contribution but on tiered contributions rising from 5.5 per cent on the first £12,000 of pensionable pay to 7.5 per cent on pensionable pay above £75,000. Soulbury-paid officers earning £40,000 will pay an overall contribution of 6.8% and those earning £60,000 will pay 7.2 per cent. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 194 Report of the Executive 2008 (h) Two new and improved provisions would be of great significance for those nearing retirement. Members would, from 1 April 2008, be able to purchase up to £5000 additional pension per year. This provision would replace “added years” arrangements, although existing added years contracts would be honoured. “Flexible retirement” provisions would permit employees aged 55 or over to “step down” into lower graded posts or move to part time working and take all or part of their pension in addition to the reduced salary. Existing members will, however, be able to take advantage of this arrangement from age 50 provided they apply before 31 March 2010. The NUT issued advice on its website and in the Soulbury Digest on the details of the new LGPS emphasising that taking independent financial advice on all of these issues would be, of course, essential. 3.4 (a) Trainee Educational Psychologists’ Pay Agreement Discussions with the local authority employers on the issue of trainee educational psychologists’ pay rates continued in the Joint Working Party on 31 January. As reported in the Annual Report for 2006, pressure from the NUT had led to discussions with the national employers over pay rates for trainee educational psychologists following the introduction of a new three year entry training route which began in September 2006. The issue of trainees’ pay had not been properly considered by those who developed the new route including the British Psychological Society and the Local Government Association. The NUT had not been involved in those discussions. The NUT had, accordingly, become increasingly concerned that the existing recruitment and retention problems would be exacerbated if trainees in the second and third year were expected to live on the then existing training grant of less than £15,000 for two extra years. At the meeting in January, the employers indicated in a written paper that they had been minded to move away from their previous offer of a flat rate payment for trainees towards pay ranges if the principle of pay ranges would help secure agreement. In their view pay ranges would provide some scope for local employers given their differing financial circumstances. In their paper the employers proposed that Year 2 trainees could be paid on a range from between £15,000 to £18,000 and Year 3 trainees on a pay range between £21,000 to £24,000. After some discussion, however, they indicated that they would consider increasing the lower range to begin at £19,000 to ensure that the net pay was no lower than that available to Year 1 trainees. They were reluctant, however, to increase the higher of the range. The employers indicated that they might be prepared to specify points within the pay ranges but would need to reach agreement on the pay levels prior to that step. The employers also proposed that they should consult with Children’s Services Authorities to assess the case for further changes to the EP pay structure. At the present, however, they were still not minded to enter into any discussions over proposed changes to Main Scale A. The employers were prepared to take steps to ensure that Year 1 trainees would be able to secure pensionable service for that period. The employers were also prepared to count the first year of training for the purposes of maternity and sick pay arrangements. The issue of redundancy remained unresolved as did death-in-service benefits which would not be payable in respect of trainees under current arrangements. In response, representatives of the Officers’ Side noted that some trainees had received firm offers of employment at pay rates in excess of those proposed by the employers. The AEP reported that some trainee EPs in their second year were receiving pay levels of between £25,000 to £28,000. Some had been placed on Scale A pay rates and some on the second point of Scale A. Most trainees, however, were not yet in employment as prospective employers were awaiting the resolution of discussions in Soulbury. Despite a full day’s negotiations, it did not prove possible to reach agreement and the talks were adjourned. At a meeting on 28 March, the employers identified a range of options: no agreement on trainee EP pay rates, pay ranges or minimum pay rates. They were willing to agree that Y2 and Y3 trainees should be employed on an employment contract and not on a bursary scheme. They were not prepared to discuss wider changes to the EP pay structure which they believed should form part of the 2007 pay negotiations. In response, the Leader reiterated that the Officers’ Side had believed that all trainee EPs should be on three year employment contracts but acknowledged that it might not be possible to achieve that objective at the present time in the light of advice from HMRC. She also reiterated that the Side had been more attracted to the idea of pay ranges than to minimum pay figures. In response to those comments, the employers suggested that they would be prepared to make an offer, if it proved acceptable to the Officers’ Side, of a pay range of £20,000 to £27,000 for Y2 and Y3 trainee EPs. Following lengthy discussions, the employers were prepared to propose a pay range of £20,500 to £28,000, with London allowances payable in addition where appropriate. After lengthy consideration of the offer, the AEP proposed and the NUT seconded that the Soulbury associations should reluctantly reach agreement provided that the employers would agree that full Soulbury terms and conditions would apply to Y2 and Y3 trainees and that appropriate joint guidance could be agreed which would also set out the points on the pay range. (b) (c) (d) (e) Report of the Executive 2008 (f) (g) 3.5 (a) (b) 3.6 (a) (b) (c) 195 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The Soulbury Committee then convened and reached agreement on trainee educational psychologists’ pay on the following basis: i. A six point pay range for Y2 and Y3 trainees of £20,500 to £28,000. The pay points would be: £20,500, £22,000, £23,500, £25,000, £26,500 and £28,000. London allowances would be paid in addition where appropriate. The values of the pay range would be reviewed during the 2007 pay claim negotiations. ii. Trainee EPs would be employed on full Soulbury terms and conditions on a “not less favourable “basis. iii. Joint guidance would be agreed and issued. In that guidance there would be a statement that the Officers’ Side would expect that local employers would pay trainee’s university fees in full. The NUT provided detailed advice on behalf of the Officers’ Side on the application and implementation of the agreement. The details of the agreement were set out in Soulbury Circular JESC No. 149. Following that meeting further discussions were subsequently held over the proposal by the Officers’ Side to move towards three year training contracts. At the time of writing, no agreement had been reached. Revision of Soulbury Report The Annual Report for 2006 referred to steps taken to update and revise the Soulbury Report. A number of amendments were required to reflect changes to the Soulbury terms and conditions since the last 2003 edition of the Report had been produced. The Officers’ Side Secretariat had, accordingly, produced a draft revised Report which had been endorsed by all the constituent associations and which had subsequently been sent to the Employers’ Side Secretary for comment. Discussions continued during 2007 and it was agreed that the updating would be completed following conclusion of the 2007 pay round. Key Worker Status The Officers’ Side had expressed concern to the local government employers over the exclusion of most local authority Soulbury-paid officers from Key Worker Status. The government had determined that certain groups would be defined as public sector ‘Key Workers’: teachers in LA maintained schools and PRUs, academies and CTCs; LA employed peripatetic teachers, teachers employed in EMAG, inclusion support or similar services, hospital-based teachers and teachers in non–maintained special schools; educational psychologists; and teachers in sixth form colleges and further education colleges. They could apply for housing assistance under the Key Worker Living Programme (KWLP). That provided for interest free loans towards buying a house whether buying for the first time or moving house or for access to shared ownership (part-buy, part-rent) and subsidised rental schemes. The help available under the Programme was restricted to London and the South East of England. At the present time, however, certain Soulbury paid employees are defined as Key Workers while others are not. The Officers’ Side believed that the definition of Key Worker should extend to all Soulbury paid employees. Given the difficulties in recruiting Soulbury paid employees experienced by authorities in these areas, there was no logic in excluding those employees from the programme. In addition, given the inclusion of peripatetic teachers and those employed in EMAG, inclusion support and “similar” services, it was equally appropriate to include those employed in, for example, services supporting the achievement of national strategies, securing school improvement or securing the key outcomes of the Every Child Matters agenda. As the definitions of Key Worker were reviewed regularly by the Government, the Officers’ Side proposed a joint approach by the Soulbury Committee in order to secure the inclusion of all Soulbury staff within the scheme. The issue was, accordingly, raised with the employers. The employers, however, indicated that they did not feel able at the present to take part in any joint approach to government to secure Key Worker Status for the other Soulbury groups. 3.7 Advisory Committee for Members Paid Under the Soulbury Report Chairperson: Martin Reed Vice-Chairperson: Del Goddard (a) The Advisory Committee for Members Paid under the Soulbury Report met on 23 March and on 9 November 2007. The Committee is serviced jointly by the Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Department, and the Education and Equal Opportunities Department. The Advisory Committee advises the NUT Executive on pay and conditions of service issues in respect of local authority employed Soulbury staff. It also acts as a conduit through which members can share information and monitor developments which might impact on the services provided by local authority Soulbury workforces. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (b) (c) 196 Report of the Executive 2008 At the March meeting the Committee discussed a wide range of matters relevant to Soulbury-paid officers. In the educational policy section of the agenda, the Committee discussed the outcome of the highly successful NUT seminar for educational psychologists, three reports into school leadership, pupil assessment, the OFSTED consultation document Making Good Progress, refugee teacher status and also received information about the NUT CPD programme. In the terms and conditions of employment section of the agenda, the Committee received a report on the main features of the sixteenth School Teachers’ Review Body Report, the progress of the 2007 Soulbury pay claim, an update on trainee educational psychologists’ pay and an update on pensions. At the November meeting, in the terms and conditions of employment part of the agenda the Committee discussed the negotiations on the 2007 pay claim, the progress of implementing the third SPA point, the local government pensions settlement and local joint consultative committees. The Committee was, in particular, pleased with the outcome of the discussions on the pensions issue. In the educational policy section of the agenda, the Committee discussed the Union’s supplementary submission to the STRB on the leadership group, local area agreements, local safeguarding children boards, expanding the 14-19 diplomas programme, the national professional qualification for head teachers and the NUT CPD programme. 4. THE JOINT NEGOTIATING ESTABLISHMENTS (JNCTRE) 4.1 JNC for Teachers in Residential Establishments (JNCTRE) The JNC for Teachers in Residential Establishments is the national negotiating committee for teachers employed in the residential sector of education. It determines the salaries and residential allowances for teachers in local authority run social service establishments (e.g. community homes with education, regional resource centres, observation and assessment centres, secure units), and the residential allowances for teachers employed in local authority run residential special schools (whose main pay is governed by the provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document). The Teachers’ Side of the JNCTRE consists of the NUT, NASUWT and NAHT. The NUT provides the Secretary to the Side, Andrew Morris. 4.2 2007 Pay and Allowances Agreement The Teachers’ Side had reached agreement with the Employers’ Side on 12 June 2006 on increases to pay and allowances for both 2006 and 2007. It had been agreed that the pay scales and residential allowances for teachers in residential social service establishments would be increased by 2.5% from 1 September 2007 (following a 2.5% from 1 September 2006); and to increase the allowances for head and deputies of residential special schools by 2.5% from 1 September 2007 (following a 2.5% increase from 1 September 2006). These increases were implemented as agreed with effect from the due dates. 4.3 (a) Revision of JNCTRE Report On 11 September 2007, the JNCTRE agreed to align the pay and conditions of service of JNCTRE teachers with those of mainstream school teachers. The JNCTRE adopted a revised new national JNCTRE agreement and accompanying guidance to take effect from 1 September 2007. Although the JNCTRE is a freestanding national negotiating body, the pay and conditions of JNCTRE teachers had traditionally mirrored those of school teachers employed in mainstream schools. During 2007, the JNCTRE agreed on a formal basis to align the pay and conditions of service of JNCTRE teachers as closely as possible with those of school teachers in mainstream schools. The NUT and the other teacher unions believed that such alignment would serve the interests of the members employed in the sector as it would ensure an entitlement to comparability in pay and conditions with school teachers in primary, secondary and special schools. On 11 September 2007 agreement was reached, with effect from 1 September 2007, both for teachers employed in residential children’s services establishments and for teachers employed in residential special schools, that the pay and conditions of service provisions would be the same as those set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) and the Burgundy Book except as otherwise provided for by the JNCTRE. The revised JNCTRE national agreement provided for this but also set out additional provisions on pay and conditions of service appropriate to those areas of employment in particular allowances for specific types of activity. The JNCTRE also produced guidance that contained advice on the transition to the new arrangements and on its application and interpretation. (b) COMMITTEE FOR TEACHERS IN RESIDENTIAL Report of the Executive 2008 (c) (d) 4.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 197 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee In practical terms, the new JNC agreement will prevent any delay in future in introducing the application of changes to pay and conditions for teachers in schools into the JNCTRE agreement. The specific provisions determined by the JNCTRE Report which differed from those for teachers in schools largely concerned the specific allowances such as the Extraneous Duty Allowance and the Community Homes Addition paid to teachers in the sector which will be retained. They also, however, included three year general safeguarding arrangements specific to the sector and made available leadership group posts, excellent teachers and advanced skills teachers’ posts to the residential sector. The JNC guidance also contained joint advice on the applicability of previous arrangements for safeguarding and on pay arrangements for leadership group teachers in particular. It was agreed that the JNC should continue to meet from time to time to discuss matters of specific relevance to the residential sector. To that end, the JNCTRE scheduled a meeting to be held in April 2008 in order to review the implementation of the revised and aligned provisions. TLR Payments in JNC Establishments The JNCTRE agreed that a system of Teaching and Learning Responsibility payments should be introduced in residential social service establishments with effect from 1 September 2006. The system would replace the existing system of Management Allowances. Provisions in the JNCTRE Report for Management Allowances and the present JNCTRE promoted post structure would be discontinued. There would no longer be any designated “teacher leader” grade description in the new national framework. Salary rates for posts with differing sets of duties and responsibilities, including posts which were leading the teaching and learning function within establishments, would need to be determined locally within the overall new staffing structures. The JNCTRE agreement on TLR payments followed the implementation of the TLR payments system in mainstream schools. The JNCTRE agreed to adopt the provisions of the STPCD with regard to the numbers of levels and values of TLR payments, in particular that the TLR payment system should consist of two bands, the TLR 2 band and TLR1 band; and that the value of the minimum and maximum payments for those bands should be aligned with those for TLR payments in mainstream schools ((£2,306 to £5,638 (TLR2) and £6,663 to £11,275 (TLR1) from 1 September 2006). The JNCTRE also agreed to adopt the provisions of the STPCD with regard to the criteria for TLR payments. The JNCTRE intended that, as with unattached teachers in the mainstream sector, the interpretation and application of those criteria to teachers in residential social services establishments should take into account the context of their work. The introduction of TLR payments was not intended to be a cost-saving exercise but was rather part of a process of aligning the provisions and arrangements of the JNCTRE more closely with those of school teachers paid under the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD). The various other allowances currently provided for in the JNCTRE agreement remained payable as before, according to the specific and separate criteria prescribed in the agreement. The agreement on the introduction of TLR payments did not affect the continued payment of those allowances to individual postholders. TLR payments should be awarded on the basis of responsibilities undertaken by postholders irrespective of any other allowances paid to those postholders. Although it was appreciated that authorities and establishments would be looking at the restructuring process in the 2006 Autumn term and that it might be some time before new structures were finally determined, the JNCTRE has agreed that the award of TLR payments should be backdated to 1 September 2006. The JNC had, however, agreed that employers should make every effort to ensure that the process was be completed by 31 March 2007. The amount of any Management Allowance payments in the period between 1 September 2006 and payment of backdating should of course be offset when calculating the backdated payment. The safeguarding of Management Allowances for teachers in residential social services establishments would be in accordance with the principles of safeguarding set out in the STPCD and statutory guidance. The JNCTRE agreed, however, that the end date for MA safeguarding will be 30 April 2009 and not 31 December 2008 as prescribed in the STPCD to reflect the later implementation of those changes. 5. THE JOINT NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE FOR YOUTH AND COMMUNITY WORKERS 5.1 JNC for Youth and Community Workers The JNC for Youth and Community Workers is the national negotiating body for workers employed in youth and community services run by local authority and voluntary services. The Staff Side comprises four associations, the NUT, Unite/CYWU, Unison and UCU. The Secretary to the Staff Side was, from 2006, provided by Unite/CYWU. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 5.2 (a) (b) 198 Report of the Executive 2008 Review of the JNC Pay Structure The JNC for Youth and Community Workers formally implemented a new pay structure with effect from 1 April 2005, following the 2003-04 pay agreement. The agreement provided for a review following implementation in order to address any key issues or anomalies arising since implementation. The JNC subsequently carried out that review during 2007 and reached agreement on the following: a new JNC best practice policy on Time-Off in Lieu was agreed for implementation with effect from 1 April 2009; pay protection under the new pay structure would cease from 1 April 2009; the Youth and Community Support Worker Range was re-established as one single scale instead of a scale with two separate ranges; and revised arrangements were established for youth and community workers’ probation and induction. 5.3 2007 Staff Side Pay Claim The Staff Side pay claim for 2007 sought a significant increase in pay and also a number of changes to the pay structure. In response, and following a number of meetings of the JNC, the employers offered to increase pay by 2% plus an additional 0.475% in respect of efficiency gains, thus matching the offers made elsewhere in local government. The Employers’ Side made it clear that there was no scope for any further improvement in their pay offer. Following consultations, the Staff Side agreed to continue discussions to explore in particular the issue of further pay headroom and the prospect of reaching agreement on the Staff Side’s structural proposals. Discussions were continuing at the time of writing. 6. TEACHERS’ PAY AND CONDITIONS IN ACADEMIES 6.1 (a) NUT Support for Members Pay and Conditions in Academies The NUT continued to oppose strongly the government’s programme of Academies. Notwithstanding this opposition the NUT remains committed to supporting and protecting its members who transfer to and/or work in Academies. Each Academy continued to be able to decide for itself the terms of the teachers’ pay and conditions provisions for newly appointed teachers. In its negotiations for teachers in each Academy, the NUT continued to seek, as its over-riding priority, the application of the STPCD provisions on pay structure, pay levels and working time and the Burgundy Book national agreement on conditions of service, or closely comparable arrangements, for all teachers newly appointed to the Academy as well as those transferred from any predecessor school under TUPE arrangements. A further 37 planned Academies had opened during 2007 making a total of 83 Academies opened since 2002. The new Academies were: Bradford (Bradford Academy); Bristol (Bristol Brunel Academy); two in Croydon (Harris Academy South Norwood and Harris City Academy Crystal Palace); Darlington (Eastbourne Academy); Enfield (Oasis Academy Enfield); Hackney (Bridge Academy); Islington (St. Mary Magdalene Academy); six in Kent (Folkestone Academy, Leigh Technology Academy, Marsh Academy, New Line Learning Academy, Cornwallis Academy and Spires Academy); Leicester City (Samworth Enterprise Academy); Lewisham (St. Matthew Academy); Liverpool (Belvedere Academy); two in Luton (Barnfield South Academy and Barnfield West Academy); Manchester (Willliam Hulme Grammar School ULT Academy); three in North East Lincolnshire (Havelock Academy, Oasis Academy Wintringham and Oasis Academy Immingham); Oxfordshire (North Oxfordshire ULT Academy); Rochdale (St. Anne’s Academy); Peterborough (Thomas Deacon Academy); two in Sandwell (George Salter Academy and Shireland Academy); South Gloucestershire (John Cabot Academy); three in Southwark (Bacon’s Academy, St. Michael and All Angels Academy and Walworth Academy); Stockport (Stockport ULT Academy); Swindon (Swindon ULT Academy); Telford and Wrekin (Madeley Academy); Wandsworth (Ashcroft Technology Academy); and Westminster (King Solomon Academy). (b) (c) 6.2 NUT Academies Pay and Conditions Working Group Chairperson: Martin Reed (a) The NUT Academies Pay and Conditions Working Group, reporting to the Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Committee, was established by the NUT Executive in 2005. The Working Group was established to advise the NUT Executive on pay and conditions of service issues in Academies and acts as a forum to share information and monitor developments on existing and future Academies. The Academies Pay and Conditions Working Group met during 2007 on 5 March and 15 November 2007. (b) (c) Report of the Executive 2008 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 199 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee At its meeting in March 2007, the Working Group received and considered materials prepared for NUT divisions and local associations on negotiating with Academy sponsors on prospective pay and conditions of service in Academies both prior to and after the establishment of Academies. The Group was reminded that, while maintaining its opposition to the Academies programme and continuing to campaign against their establishment, the Union had also continued to seek to protect the interests of Union members working in Academies by establishing and maintaining employer-union relations with Academy sponsors. The guidance dealt with issues prior to establishment and covered rights to information and consultation and steps to protect members in predecessor schools; issues prior to and after establishment and also covered securing recognition and arrangements for collective negotiations and representation; negotiations on “Academy Contracts” (eg pay & conditions arrangements for newly appointed teachers); and maintaining TUPE protection for transferred teachers after establishment. The guidance was accompanied by further information and guidance which could also be found alongside the document in the Academies Pay and Conditions section of Hearth > The Knowledge. The Working Group also discussed the issue of union recognition in Academies. In most cases the Union had achieved recognition either on an informal de facto basis or on a more formal basis with signed agreements. The Group was advised that most Academy sponsors had been prepared to meet and discuss a whole range of issues with the Union. The Union’s working assumption had been that Academies would want to establish an ongoing dialogue with a view to achieving harmonious working relationships. In the majority of cases, therefore, the issue of union recognition had not been contentious. Union representatives were advised to adopt a pragmatic approach in which outcomes were more important than formal processes. The Working Group also received a pay and conditions update which gave details of Academies that had opened in September 2006 where known. Finally, the Working Group received a report on the present position in respect of collective negotiations with multi-Academy employers which are detailed separately in this Report. At its meeting in November, the Working Group received an update on the position with regard to pay and conditions in the 37 operational Academies that had opened during 2007. The Deputy General Secretary reported that the Union fully intended to seek to involve members in Academies in the NUT campaign against the Government’s public sector pay policy. The Working Group noted that, unlike in the state sector, the employers in Academies were not local authorities, but various private sector sponsors with a mix of multi-Academy and single-Academy sponsors. In addition, unlike in the state sector, pay arrangements in Academies varied with some paying all teachers on STPCD, others only the TUPE protected teachers but not newly appointed teachers. In order to co-ordinate member involvement and any participation in any industrial action the Union would need further and better particulars over pay arrangements and membership figures in Academies. The Working Group discussed the Union’s model recognition agreement produced following previous discussions at the Working Group. The model – which had been the product of multi-departmental collaboration – was intended to help establish recognition arrangements locally where none had existed previously. The Union’s position was that where an Academy had replaced a predecessor school there would be a transfer of recognition accompanying the transfer of undertakings under the terms of the TUPE Regulations. In such cases, there should be no need to negotiate the principle of recognition with the Academy sponsor. The model could then serve as the basis for establishment of revised arrangements appropriate to the changed circumstances of the Academy. In those Academies where there had been no transfer of undertaking from a predecessor school, however, it might prove necessary to negotiate the principle of recognition afresh. The model could then serve to establish appropriate arrangements to give effect to recognition. The recognition agreement set out objectives in respect of: trade union recognition; collective bargaining, the role and rights of trade union representatives; the rights of individual members; other facilities for representatives and members; machinery for joint consultations; and provisions in the event of a failure to agree. The Working Group welcomed receipt of the model and wished to record its appreciation to al those involved in its production. The Working Group discussed a paper on the issue of health and safety in Academies. The Working Group was informed that the Health and Safety at Work Act had placed overall responsibility for health and safety with the Academy employer. All education employers had the duty to ensure, as far as was reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of teachers and other education staff, the health and safety of pupils in school and on off-site visits and the health and safety of volunteers involved in any school activity. The Working Group was advised that managing health and safety in schools on a day to day basis involved the delegation of management responsibilities to specific employees within the Academy. Having a management responsibility for health and safety matters did not mean that the legal duties and ultimate legal responsibilities had also been transferred to these individual staff. Ultimate legal responsibility remained with the Academy sponsor as employer. The Working Group also received a further up-date on the position in respect of national negotiations in multi-employer Academies (see below). Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (l) (m) 6.3 (a) (b) 6.4 (a) (b) (c) 6.5 (a) (b) (c) 200 Report of the Executive 2008 Finally, the Working Group received details of the NUT Academy representatives training course to be held on 17-18 November 2007. The Working Group was advised that there were 18 participants on the course covering around one-fifth of all currently operational Academies; 15 were representatives from operational Academies and 3 were representatives from schools that were due to become Academies in the future. The Working Group has also been given regular updates in respect of negotiations and talks held with Multi-Academy Employers such as Oasis, ARK and ULT. The Working Group has been assured that the strategy of seeking to secure national collective bargaining arrangements with multi-academy sponsors will maintain the full participation and consultation of division secretaries and members. Oasis During 2007, the NUT opened negotiations at national level with Oasis Community Learning, a multiAcademy employer with three operational Academies and others under development. Oasis made clear that they intend to set common pay, conditions and working time arrangements for all of its Academies. The NUT alongside the other trade unions began discussions with Oasis in respect of securing national machinery for the establishment of appropriate pay and conditions in accordance with the declared shared objective of Oasis. The NUT sought the application of STPCD pay and conditions of service and Burgundy Book conditions of service in Oasis Academies. Oasis have agreed to that and detailed discussion were taking place at the time of writing. ARK Absolute Return for Kids Schools or ARK Schools is part of ARK, an international children’s charity. It has been working with the DCSF and local authorities since 2003 to create a group of inner city Academies. ARK is using the idea of a ‘small schools’ approach in which an Academy will be organised as a set of small schools that operate within the Academy with a substantial degree of autonomy. ARK have expressed support for establishing national negotiating machinery and a meeting between ARK, the NUT and other teaching and non-teaching unions was due to take place early in 2008. United Learning Trust The NUT continued during 2007 to participate in national joint machinery with the other teaching and support staff unions in respect of pay and conditions for teachers and support staff employed by the United Learning Trust (ULT). The ULT - established by the Church Schools Company - continued to be the largest single sponsor of Academies, with 13 operational Academies. Agreement was reached with the ULT to provide that arrangements on national pay, conditions of service and working time for teachers and support staff appointed to ULT Academies would be determined via negotiations between the ULT, the teacher trade unions and Unison. Pay, conditions and working time for teachers were established which were closely related to those in local authority maintained state schools but with some differences (See last year’s Annual Report for further information on pay, conditions and working time in ULT Academies). The ULT announced that it would mirror the 2.5% pay increase given to school teachers from 1 September 2007. Discussions were ongoing with the ULT in respect of a number of issues and policy procedures, details of which had been sent to Division Secretaries. As with the situation in many local authority maintained schools, whilst relations with the ULT at national level were good, difficulties were still encountered on occasion with some Principals of individual ULT Academies. 7. SUPERANNUATION 7.1 (a) Review of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme The full Teachers’ Side of the Teachers’ Superannuation Working Party met on 27 April, and formally recorded its agreement to the changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme from 1 January 2007. The Union’s representatives on the Teachers’ Side of the Teachers’ Superannuation Working Party were Martin Reed, Chair of the NUT Salaries, Superannuation, Conditions of Service and Health and Safety Committee, Tony Tonks, Vice-Chair of the NUT Salaries, Superannuation, Conditions of Service and Health and Safety Committee, Ian Murch, Treasurer, and Jerry Glazier, Chair of CFC. Negotiations have proceeded on a number of outstanding technical issues left over from the main agreement on the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. These negotiations were conducted in the Review Group which comprised representatives of the Teachers’ Side of the Teachers Superannuation Working Party, (ASCL, ATL, EIS, NAHT, NASUWT, NUT, SSTA, the Secretary to the Teachers’ Side and UCU) the local authority and other maintained schools’ employers, the further education employers, the DCSF and the Government Actuary’s Department. (b) (c) Report of the Executive 2008 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 7.2 (a) (b) 7.3 (a) (b) 7.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) 201 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The negotiations were on a UK wide basis and included, therefore, representatives from Scotland and Northern Ireland which have separate, but almost identical pension schemes for teachers in those countries. The Secretary to the Teachers’ Side throughout the negotiations was Barry Fawcett, the Union’s Assistant Secretary, and the NUT was represented on the Review Group by Tony Tonks. A meeting of the Review Group took place on 18 June. At this meeting it was agreed that the existing statutory position regarding premature retirement and compensation be retained, whereby employers have to pay the full actuarial cost for the premature retirement option to be accessed. A second and final meeting of the Review Group took place on 20 July. At this meeting it was agreed that regulations should be drafted to allow individuals aged 60 or over, with a normal pension age of 60 the facility to purchase additional pension using costs based on a normal pension age of 65. The facility had previously been restricted to teachers below age 60. It was also agreed to withdraw the earnings cap upon which teachers’ pensions are calculated (currently £112,800) from 1 April 2008. Adjustments in service are to be made to avoid a windfall gain for people in this category. Employers and high-earning employees who had made alternative remuneration arrangements in the light of the earnings cap would have the option to retain these, for so long as they remained in their current post. Further meetings were held on 30 November and 12 December attended by representatives of all trade unions with representation in England and Wales (ACM, ASCL, ATL, NAHT, NASUWT, NSEAD, NUT, UCAC, UCU and the Secretary to the Teachers’ Side) to consider the detailed regulations covering how the policy decisions made are put into practice. The next business for the Review Group will be a review of the post 1 January 2007 ill-health early retirement arrangements. This will take place in early 2008. Self Invested Personal Pensions In March, the Secretary became aware of an increasing number of transfers from the Prudential Teachers’ AVC to self-invested personal pension (SIPP) funds. The Teachers’ Side regarded this as a questionable practice given the level of commission to the financial adviser paid on transfer and going forward. SIPP annual charges also tended to be higher than the Prudential AVC. Higher growth would be necessary to recoup these charges, which would involve riskier investment choices at a time when members needed to consider lowering risk in the run-up to retirement. Agreement was secured to allow the Teachers’ Side Actuaries, Hewitt, to produce a financial advice document that explained the pros and cons of transferring funds into a SIPP that the constituent organisations of the Teachers’ Side could publicise. The Union has sent this document to every school in England and Wales, and a substantial number of copies have been sent to each regional office and NUT Cymru. The document has also been placed on Hearth. Other Teachers’ Side of the Teachers’ Superannuation Working Party business It had previously been agreed to set up a Constitution Working Group with one member per constituent organisation, to produce a draft constitution for the Teachers’ Side of the Teachers’ Superannuation Working Party. The first meeting of this body took place on 27 April, where a paper setting out the key issues was discussed. The paper and subsequent discussion formed the basis of the draft constitution that was discussed at the second Constitution Working Group meeting of 28 June. At the final meeting of 16 October, a proposal to adopt the draft constitution was agreed. The Secretary wrote on 1 November to all the constituent organisations to seek the formal agreement of their Executives to the constitution. Once this is achieved, there will be a meeting of the full Teachers’ Side to approve and adopt the constitution. Guernsey Teachers’ Pensions Following the agreement on the changes detailed above to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, consideration was given to effecting similar changes to teachers’ pensions in the States of Guernsey. Teachers in Guernsey belong to the overall public sector employees’ pension scheme, the benefits of which mirror those in the UK. Barry Fawcett, together with representatives of the other public sector unions in Guernsey, persuaded the States of Guernsey to continue to maintain their pension provision in line with the rest of the UK and to establish a joint review panel to consider the requisite changes. The review panel was chaired by the former chief executive and senior actuary of Bacon and Woodrow and comprised the vice-chair of the Guernsey Public Sector Remuneration Committee, relevant senior officials and Barry Fawcett, together with two local representatives of the Guernsey public sector unions. After six months of detailed negotiation and discussion, agreement was reached on changes in line with those for the UK for all public sector employees in Guernsey. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 7.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) 7.6 (a) (b) (c) (d) 7.7 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 202 Report of the Executive 2008 Jersey Teachers’ Pensions In the summer of 2007 the States of Jersey introduced new and considerably worse pension provision for newly appointed teachers in Jersey and did not reflect the recent improvements in the UK to existing teachers. The Union coordinated a joint response to the Jersey government to oppose the changes and to seek improvements and changes in line with those for England and Wales. Agreement was reached on holding joint discussions on a without prejudice basis to consider bringing teachers’ pensions into line with those of the rest of the UK. The position was further complicated by the fact that the worsening of pensions for teachers in Jersey mirrored similar changes made some years previously to those for other public sector employees’ pensions. At the time of writing further discussions were due to take place once the requisite actuarial costings had been prepared. Isle of Man Teachers’ Pensions In accordance with long standing practice the Manx Government amended their teachers’ pension scheme in accordance with the changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme in England and Wales. Subsequently however the Manx Government engaged a leading firm of actuaries, Hymans Robertson, to review all public sector pension schemes in the Isle of Man. The Union initiated and coordinated a joint approach to the Chief Minister to defend the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and oppose any change in maintaining parity of provision with the UK. The Chief Minister assured the unions that they will be fully consulted on the Hymans Robertson report. He indicated that they recognised the importance of recruiting and retaining teachers from the UK and the implications of any possible differences in teachers’ pensions that might arise. At the time of writing the Manx Government had not received the report or made any proposals for change. It is understood that the report will be published in March 2008. The position is being closely monitored. Local Government Pension Scheme The Union has continued to work closely with Unison and the other local government unions on the changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which applies particularly to Union members paid in accordance with the Soulbury Committee’s agreement and in membership of the LGPS. Set out below is a summary of the main changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) in England and Wales. Regulations were laid on 4 April 2007, but no changes will come into effect until 1 April 2008. The changes largely reflect the changes previously agreed to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. The new LGPS will remain a final salary scheme, a substantial achievement given that some 75 per cent of other final salary schemes are closed to new members. An important difference in the past between the LGPS and the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) is that the LGPS had a normal retirement age of 65. This however was mitigated in practice by the rule of 85. This enabled a member to retire at 60 on an unreduced pension with 25 years’ service without employer consent, or earlier than age 60 on an unreduced pension, subject to employer consent, where their combined age and years of pensionable service added up to 85 or more. The rule of 85 was abolished for new members from 1 October 2006 onwards on the grounds that it contravened age discrimination legislation. Full protection against the abolition of this rule has been granted to 2016 in England and Wales. Employees can therefore continue to use the rule of 85 until this date, with tapered protection to 2020. The trade unions involved continue to pursue full protection up to March 2020 as agreed in Scotland. The other major changes are set out below: All members of the LGPS will move to a 1/60 scheme for future service from 1st April 2008 (service up to 31 March 2008 accrues at 1/80 pension plus 3/80 lump sum for each year of service). Employees will pay contributions in bands rising from 5.5 per cent on the first £12,000 of their whole time equivalent pay to 7.5 per cent on pay above £75,000, with the average underlying contribution being 6.3 per cent. The bands will increase in line with prices from April 2009. Band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Range £0-£12,000 £12,001-£14,000 £14,001-£18,000 £18,001-£30,000 £30,001-£40,000 £40,001-£75,000 £75,001 and above Contribution rate 5.5% 5.8% 5.9% 6.5% 6.8% 7.2% 7.5% Report of the Executive 2008 (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) 7.8 203 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee There is no built in tax free cash with the new scheme. However up to 25 per cent of the capital value of benefits can be taken as a lump sum by exchanging pension for cash at the rate of £12 of cash for each £1 of pension. Benefits are calculated based on final pensionable pay. Final pensionable pay is defined as the better of the last year’s pay or the best year in the last three years. If a member reduces their pay, they can take the average of the best three years in the last ten years (based on ‘scheme years’ ending 31 March), revalued in line with retail price index inflation. The normal retirement age remains at age 65, but with the right to take pension from age 60 with actuarial reduction (55 with employer consent). Existing members can take benefits from age 50 with actuarial reduction before 31 March 2010 with employer consent. Flexible retirement with employer consent will be permitted from age 55, with members being able to draw part or all of their benefits. Redundancy / efficiency benefits can be paid from age 55 unreduced for early payment (50 for existing members leaving before 31 March 2010) From 1 April 2008 there will be a two-tier ill health benefits system i. A pension based on the accrued membership plus 25 per cent of the shortfall in service to age 65 will be paid if a member leaves work on ill-health grounds and cannot obtain gainful employment within a reasonable period but is likely to be able to before age 65. ii. A pension based on the accrued membership plus 100 per cent of the shortfall in service to age 65 will be paid if a member leaves work on ill-health grounds and there is no reasonable prospect of obtaining gainful employment before age 65. It was also agreed to undertake a consultation on the introduction of a third tier where the accrued pension to date will be paid if a member leaves on ill health grounds but is likely to find alternative work within a reasonable period. If the member gets alternative work this pension will be withdrawn. Spouses’ pensions will be based on a 1/160 accrual rate for each year of service. Civil partners and cohabiting partners pensions will be based on a 1/160 accrual rate for post 5 April 1988 membership only. An improved death grant of three times pay will be paid for death in service. Members can boost their pension by the payment of additional voluntary contributions or through buying additional pension in multiples of £250. Members will not be able to start to buy added years after 1 April 2008, though existing contracts will be honoured Employers can augment membership by up to 10 years and increase their future pension by up to £5,000 a year – which is indexed to inflation from the moment of payment to the drawing of the additional pension. Pensions Increase Teachers’ pensions were increased by 3.6% with effect from 9 April 2007 in accordance with the rise in the cost of living over the period September 2005 to September 2006 as measured by the retail prices index. Those pensioners whose pensions began on or before 24 April 2006 received an increase of 3.6 per cent. Those pensioners who retired since 25 April 2006 received a proportionate increase as follows: Pensions Beginning Date On or before 24 April 2006 25 April 2006 to 24 May 2006 25 May 2006 to 24 June 2006 25 June 2006 to 24 July 2006 25 July 2006 to 24 August 2006 25 August 2006 to 24 September 2006 25 September 2006 to 24 October 2006 25 October 2006 to 24 November 2006 25 November 2006 to 24 December 2006 25 December 2006 to 24 January 2007 25 January 2007 to 24 February 2007 25 February 2007 to 24 March 2007 25 March 2007 onwards Percentage Increase 3.60% 3.30% 3.00% 2.70% 2.40% 2.10% 1.80% 1.50% 1.20% 0.90% 0.60% 0.30% NIL Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 204 Report of the Executive 2008 7.9 Advisory Committee for Retired Teacher Union Members Chairperson: Tony Tonks Vice-Chairperson: Ray Russell (a) The Advisory Committee for Retired Teachers met twice during the year to consider issues relating to retired teachers. As Secretary, Barry Fawcett explained to the Committee that the changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme were endorsed in the 2006 member ballot by 99 per cent of those voting. Most of the changes applied to all members, apart from the normal pension age of 65 for members joining from 1 January 2007 (but with a 1/60 accrual rate). He highlighted the concept of flexible retirement, whereby people could take part of their pension from age 55 and continue to work, provided that salary decreased by at least 25 per cent over a 12 month period. This would enable people to step down, or go part-time, but continue to work and accrue further pension. Barry Fawcett relayed the success of the Union in achieving pre-award dynamism to the calculation of pensionable salary. This allowed the average of the best three consecutive years in the last ten years before retirement, uprated in line with inflation, to be used for calculating pensionable salary. It also provided ongoing pension protection against depressed pay, particularly in any future periods of high inflation such as in the 1970s where teachers’ pay increases did not match the levels of inflation. The Committee received a detailed presentation on Hearth. The Committee was impressed both with Hearth’s current format and the planned improvements at later stages. There was a one-day conference for retired members in October. Joe Harris, General Secretary, National Pensioners’ Convention spoke on the role and objectives of the NPC and highlighted its recent campaigning activity. Wendy Michie, Sales Director, Teachers’ Provident Society outlined the inheritance tax system, including the changes announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Pre Budget Report. Barry Fawcett explained the package of changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme introduced from January 2007, including the protection of a normal pension age of 60 for existing members. He also commented on changes in the private sector pensions landscape. There was also a small group discussion on encouraging retired teacher membership of the Union. The Union continued to work closely with the National Pensioners' Convention and received regular reports from its representatives on the NPC, Ray Russell, Marion Wilson, Len Claisse and Jane Shallice. Ray Russell attended the NPC Pensioners’ Parliament in Blackpool on 8-10 May 2007 and the Committee received a full report from him on this meeting. The Committee recommended that the Union’s current contribution to the NPC of £1,000 a year be increased to £1,200 a year. This has been agreed by CFC. The Union continued its close links with Age Concern Cymru, with Brenda Roberts nominated as its representative. Ms Roberts has submitted a detailed report on the Age Concern Cymru AGM and Conference. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 7.10 Public Service Pensioners’ Council (a) The Union has continued to provide the Secretariat to the Public Service Pensioners’ Council (PSPC). Twenty-six organisations are currently represented on the Council. (b) The Council met in May, where Barry Fawcett as General Secretary of the PSPC, called upon the Government to restore the earnings link from April 2007 for those aged 70 and over, preparatory to the restoration in full of the link to all no later than 2012. It was also agreed to campaign to raise the level of the Basic State Pension to the Guarantee Credit level by 2012. (c) The PSPC wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Alastair Darling MP, regarding the negative effect of the abolition of the 10 per cent income tax band on retirees in the 60-64 age group and urged him to take steps to remedy the situation. It was pointed out that this measure would disproportionately affect public service pensioners, and within this group, a disproportionate number of those affected would be women. (d) The PSPC produced a model letter for constituent organisations for use on websites and in newsletters on the subject of procuring Guaranteed Minimum Pension increases for public service pensioners who had retired overseas to countries where UK state pensions were frozen. (e) In November, Barry Fawcett and the PSPC Chairperson, Mr Brian Sturtevant, met Mr Danny Alexander MP to discuss Liberal Democrat policy towards public service pensions. Mr Alexander has agreed to a further meeting. Report of the Executive 2008 205 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 8. WORKLOAD AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 8.1 (a) Workload Campaign Following the successful outcome of the workload ballot in December 2006, the Union sought to take the campaign forward during the Spring Term 2007. The ballot of members had shown overwhelming support for the NUT’s workload guidelines, “Teachers’ Workload and Working Time Policy”. To coincide with the local officers’ mailing, all schools in England and Wales received a package of documents including an NUT News and a detailed checklist of workload campaign priorities. The checklist provided detailed guidance to NUT Representatives on the key issues affecting teachers’ workload, working hours and work-life balance to enable discussions with members in individual schools and the identification of particular workload problems in their schools. Following Annual Conference 2007, two resolutions on “Workload” and “Work/Life Balance” provided the basis for the Union’s continuing campaign to reduce teacher workload. In accordance with the instructions in the first resolution, the Deputy General gave a detailed presentation on the workload campaign to division secretaries at their Briefing in October 2007. (b) (c) 8.2 (a) (b) 8.3 (a) (b) (c) 8.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Work/Life Balance The resolution on work/life balance highlighted the fact that the Government’s workforce reforms had not brought about a significant reduction in workload to teachers and that the key to resolving this situation lay in schools being committed to developing and implementing effective work/life balance policies which also took account of the statutory duty on schools to promote gender equality. The Executive agreed to consider examples of good practice in this area and distil the components of a good work/life balance policy which divisions could seek to have implemented in their local authorities. Detailed guidance on developing work/life balance policies was produced with sections on employers’ duties under equality and health and safety legislation. The key aims of the policy and examples of good practice in work/life balance provision. The document made clear distinctions between statutory entitlements and Union policy and was designed as a practical aide for local officers in negotiating local work/life balance policies. The document was agreed by the Executive in November 2007 and at the time of writing, the guidance for divisions was in the process of being finalised with a view to distribution early in 2008. Cover The NUT welcomed the commitment in the section 4 guidance on the 2007 School Teachers’ Pay and st Conditions Document that teachers should “rarely cover” from 1 September 2009. The STRB 2007 Teacher Workload Survey revealed that cover remained a considerable burden for many categories of teacher despite the contractual limit of 38 hours introduced in September 2003. In addition, the provisions of the STPCD acknowledged that cover was not an effective use of teachers’ time. At the time of writing, various materials were in the process of preparation including a NUT News, an article for The Teacher and a circular to divisions publicising the objective that teachers should rarely cover from September 2009 and advising local officers and NUT Representatives on ways in which its implementation could be managed by 2009. School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) 2007 Survey of Teachers’ Workload In November 2007, divisions and associations were provided with a detailed summary of the main findings of the STRB 2007 Teacher Workload Survey. Previous surveys had been undertaken by the STRB in 1994, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. The summary provided helpful background information for use in the continuing workload campaign and, in particular, in seeking the implementation of NUT policy on teachers’ workload and working time. The survey revealed that primary teachers in the 45-54 age range and newly qualified teachers worked the longest hours, at 54.3 and 51.5 hours respectively. The survey also revealed that nearly two fifths of secondary head teachers and roughly a third of primary heads continued to work in excess of 60 hours per week. Whilst this represented an improvement on the 2006 figures, in which more than a quarter of secondary head teaches and deputy head teachers worked in excess of 70 hours per week, it was too early to tell whether this improvement could be sustained. More than half of all primary classroom teachers continued to work for more than fifty hours per week – as was the case in 2005 and 2006. Teachers and head teachers in primary schools saw a rise in working hours from those recorded in 2006. There was, however, a fall in the hours worked by deputy heads; to a level marginally lower than those worked by classroom teachers. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (f) (g) (h) (i) 206 Report of the Executive 2008 After several years of unrelenting rises in the hours worked by secondary heads and deputies, 2007 saw a marked reduction in their working time. The totals recorded by both groups fell by about 12 per cent compared with the figures for the previous year. A smaller decrease occurred in the hours worked by secondary heads of department; whilst there was a marginal reduction in working time for classroom teachers. Hours worked by teachers in special schools rose in 2007, for the first time since 2000. It remained to be seen whether the very low figure of 43.9 – in 2006 – was a statistical `blip’, or whether the long term trend will see a continued fall in hours worked by teachers in special schools. In January 2003 the Government’s document “Raising Standards and Tackling Workload” paved the way for a number of reforms to the working patterns of teachers and support staff. The aim of these measures was to enable teachers to concentrate on teaching and learning activities, an objective which would largely be met by reducing the proportion of their time given over to administrative tasks – thereby releasing them `from the shackles of excessive and inappropriate workload’. Despite the contractual changes which have been introduced with the stated aim of facilitating this objective, evidence of progress remained inconclusive. The hours worked by secondary classroom teachers had certainly fallen; but only to the levels observed in the first STRB Workload Survey in 1994. Primary teachers’ hours had risen since 2006. With the last of the workforce reforms having been introduced two years ago, the STRB Workload Survey 2007 did not reveal hopes of significant reductions in working hours for teachers. 9. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 9.1 (a) Submission to the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) – October 2007 – Professional Duties The evidence submitted by the NUT in July 2006 on whether a description of teachers’ professional role and responsibilities was needed and, specifically, whether it was needed in the STPCD itself, argued firmly that such a description was necessary and should remain part of the Document. The NUT welcomed the Review Body’s agreement with the NUT and other consultees on this point. In 2007, the STRB invited evidence on how the roles, responsibilities and entitlements set out in the professional duties descriptions could be both revised and better expressed. The NUT argued in its evidence to the Review Body that the layout of the document should be revised by separating for each category of teacher, the duties of teachers from their entitlements. The NUT argued that the first part of the Conditions of Service section should be devoted to entitlements. It should be set out generically with the particular conditions of service entitlement as the heading, rather than the category of teacher. In each section, the entitlement of different categories of teacher should be listed clearly to provide a consolidated reference point for all users of the Document. Where no entitlement existed for a particular category of teacher, this should be clearly set out. Because of the way in which the current Document was drafted, an assistant head teacher would only know that he or she was not covered by, for example, the 1265 hours directed time limit, because there was no mention of the limit in Part 10 of the Document. The Union suggested that listing the entitlements of the different categories of teacher under the various conditions of service entitlements would bring the additional benefit of assisting teachers and managers to be aware of the different entitlements and thereby assist decisions on the pay and grading of particular posts. This transparent and open approach would be welcomed by teachers, particularly those considering applying for promotion and wishing to find out how their conditions of service would differ. It would also help prevent unnecessary misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the provisions which offer some protection from unlimited workload. The NUT proposed that the second section of the Conditions of Employment section of the Document should list the professional duties of head teachers, deputy head teachers, assistant head teachers, Advanced Skills Teachers, Excellent Teachers and Teachers other than head teachers. The NUT argued that there should also be a new section for teachers in receipt of Teaching and Learning Responsibility payments with reference to the criteria set out in paragraph 23.3 of the current Document. The NUT believes that such teachers play a vital and distinct role within schools and their particular duties should be listed separately in the same way, for example, as are those of ASTs. In considering appropriate duties for TLR holders, there will be differences between the list of duties for teachers other than head teachers. The following are examples of where the duties of TLR holders will vary: i. responsibility for leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of other staff and line management responsibility for a meaningful number of people; ii. the responsibility for the appraisal of teaching staff; iii. the requirement to lead, manage and develop a subject or curriculum area or to lead and manage pupil development across the curriculum. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Report of the Executive 2008 9.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 207 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee Submission to the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) – October 2007 – Short Notice Teachers In its 2006 submission to the STRB in respect of the pay of part time teachers, the NUT was the only respondent to include proposals in respect of the pay of “short notice” teachers. The NUT preferred to use the term “supply” rather than ”short notice” teachers, believing the latter term to be widely misunderstood and misleading. In its last report, the STRB had made recommendations to the Secretary of State in respect of the pay and working time of part-time teachers which largely reflected the proposals submitted by the NUT. The Union has been disappointed that no proposals from the DCSF for the implementation of those recommendations have been forthcoming, resulting in the continuing vulnerability of part-time teachers in relation to their pay and working time arrangements. In its 2007 submission, the NUT set out detailed proposals for the revision of the relevant provisions of the STPCD in relation to the pay and working time arrangements of part-time and supply teachers to ensure consistency and fairness between the two groups. In providing details proposals in the submission, the NUT hoped to assist both the STRB and the DCSF in establishing new and improved arrangements for both categories of teacher. i. The NUT’s proposed revisions to the STPCD are set out below. ii. The inclusion of a revised set of definitions in the document is as follows: • “part-time teacher” means a teacher, other than a supply teacher, employed on terms such that paragraph [xx.x] (Working time of full time teachers) does not apply and includes, for the purposes of pay calculation, a teacher employed in a job sharing arrangement; • “supply teacher” means a teacher employed on a day to day basis whose employment is expressed to be for an expected duration less than the number of days in a term upon which teachers employed to work full time at the place where the supply teacher is contracted to work may be required to teach pupils. In relation to the pay of part-time teachers, the following provisions were suggested. A part-time teacher shall be employed under a contract which specified: i. the number of working days upon which he may be required to teach pupils in any one week or other contractually specified period; ii. the working days upon which such a teacher may be required to be available for work in each week or other contractually specified period; iii. paragraph [xx.x] (hours specified by head teacher or employer) shall apply to a part-time teacher with the substitution for the reference to 1265 hours in that paragraph of a reference to a number of hours which shall be specified in the contract under which the teacher is employed, and that contract shall further specify the number of such hours for which the teacher is employed under that contract on each working day in each week or other contractually specified period; iv. a part-time teacher shall be paid a proportion of the remuneration that would be appropriate if he were employed full time as a school teacher. The proportion shall equate to the proportion which the number of contractually specified hours for the purposes of applying paragraph [xx.x] bears to 1265; v. if at any time a part-time teacher is requested to work additional hours of the kind to which paragraph [xx.x] applies in his case and he so agrees, he shall be paid for each such additional th hour or part thereof 1/1265 of the annual remuneration to which he would be entitled as a full time salaried teacher. In relation to the pay of supply teachers, the following provisions were suggested: i. a teacher employed as a supply teacher shall be paid for each day’s employment 1/195th of the salary to which he would be entitled if employed as a salaried full time teacher; ii. a supply teacher shall be regarded as being employed for a day if, on any day upon which he works, he is required to be available for work during the whole of the normal timetabled school day, notwithstanding that he may not be required to do other work on that day; iii. we obviously recognise that the determination of the provisions for the pay of part-time teachers now rests with the DCSF, but in putting forward the above proposals we are seeking to ensure the consistency and fairness between the two groups which we referred to earlier and to assist both the STRB and the DCSF in establishing new and improved arrangements for both categories of teacher. In November 2007, a supplementary submission on supply teachers’ pay was submitted by the Union in response to RIG’s evidence on that issue. The Union asked the STRB to make recommendations to prevent the misuse of the daily rate provision within the STPCD by applying them to teachers engaged in the same post for extended periods of time. A fuller report of the supplementary submission on supply teachers’ pay is included under the salary section of this annual report. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 208 Report of the Executive 2008 9.3 Supply Teachers The terms of the Annual Conference Resolution on supply teachers provided guidance for the work of the Union on behalf of members working on a supply basis. The resolution had called upon the Executive to raise the profile of supply teachers; to encourage the use of supply teachers for PPA cover; to campaign for national pay and conditions, including access to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, for all supply teachers, and for the refund of the GTC payment. The first stage of the campaign was to establish the pattern of employment of supply teachers in England and Wales and, to that end, the Union surveyed all divisions to seek information about the pay rates, working conditions and pension status of supply teachers in individual local authorities. The survey was circulated in August 2007, with a reminder in October, to Regional and Wales offices. At the time of writing, 50 divisions had responded and consideration was being given to the next steps in the campaign. 9.4 (a) Work and Families Act 2006 – Revisions to Maternity Matters st The provisions of the Work and Families Act 2006 came into effect on 1 April 2007, necessitating the updating of the Union’s document “Maternity Matters”. The Act introduced extensions to Statutory Maternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay from 26 to 39 weeks, removed the service qualification for entitlement to 52 weeks’ maternity leave and extended the right to request flexible working to the carers of adults. The Act also introduced “keeping in touch” days for employees on either ordinary or additional maternity leave for the purposes of returning to work for training or other activities undertaken for the purposes of keeping in touch with the workplace. Under the “KIT” day scheme, a woman would not lose her statutory maternity pay, which would have been the case before the Work and Families Act came into effect, acting as a deterrent to women on maternity leave wishing to maintain links with their workplace. (b) (c) 9.5 (a) (b) (c) 9.6 (a) (b) (c) (d) 9.7 Premature Retirement Compensation and Age Discrimination In February 2007, divisions and associations were advised by circular on ways in which they could protect Premature Retirement Compensation arrangements if faced with local authorities claiming that the new age discrimination legislation precluded such compensation. The advice made clear that the longstanding provisions for PRC for teachers aged 50 or over who retired early on the grounds of redundancy or efficiency had not been over-ridden by the new provisions on agediscrimination. Regulations for all occupational pension schemes specifically exempt from the age discrimination legislation the minimum age for entitlement to benefit with enhancement on the grounds of redundancy. Early retirement in the interest of efficiency remained possible under the PRC provisions but did not have the same dedicated exemption by Regulation. Any use of PRC on grounds of efficiency and any enhancement must henceforth be capable of objective justification. In the same circular, divisions and associations were advised that the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006 had extended the maximum severance payment from 66 weeks to 104 weeks’ pay. This improved provision for severance pay was of particular relevance to teachers under 50 years who were not eligible for PRC. False Allegations The Annual Conference Resolution on false allegations against teachers was taken forward initially by the staff of the L&PS Department who provided regular updates to the Salaries, Superannuation, Conditions of Service and Health & Safety Committee. The current Government guidance states that all allegations, whether made falsely or not, should be reported in references to new employers. At the time of writing, various steps had been taken to implement the terms of the conference motion. Following unsuccessful efforts to seek discussions with the DCSF to promote the Union’s policy on false allegations, the Union had instead sought to reach agreement with other teaching unions. Revised advice and guidance on Criminal Record Bureau disclosures has been prepared and was in the process of being circulated to Division Secretaries at the time of writing. The guidance includes advice on challenging “soft” information on teachers as well as information about frequency of CRB checks, an issue of particular relevance to members working as supply teachers. School Capital Allocations (England) 2008-11 At the time of writing, a circular on school capital funding for 2008-11 was in the process of being finalised following the announcement of the Comprehensive Spending Review. Report of the Executive 2008 10 209 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee HEALTH AND SAFETY 10.1 Health and Safety Working Group (a) The Union’s Health and Safety Working Group, elected by the NUT Executive from nominations from divisions and consisting of Executive members and division/association advisers, continued to make a valuable contribution to the Union’s work on health and safety during 2007. The Working Group met in March, June and October and an annual report of the Group detailing its structure and work was produced for the fourth time and presented at the Health and Safety Advisers’ Briefing in November. (b) During 2007 the Working Group’s membership was as follows: Executive Members: Ms H Andrews (Chair), Mr P Bevis, Ms M Hyde. Divisional Advisers: Mr B Muir (Vice Chair), Mr R Bragger, Mr B Chadwick, Ms S Coggins, Mr D Furness, Mr G Hall, Ms L Hearne, Mr G Jones, Ms S Kortlandt, Ms G Reed, Mr M Timms, Mr T Truscoe, Mr J Wells. 10.2 NUT Website The Health and Safety section of the NUT website continued to expand during 2007. New briefing documents were added on a regular basis and existing documents were revised to take account of new developments. 10.3 Hearth During 2007, health and safety materials began to be transferred onto Hearth. Discrete sections for health and safety were established for health and safety representatives and health and safety advisers. The ‘Knowledge’ section also contained a health and safety sub-category. 10.4 NUT Health and Safety Training (a) The Union continued to provide high quality training courses for Union health and safety advisers and school health and safety representatives and to support regional offices and divisions and associations in organising local training. (b) Training courses for health and safety representatives were held in March, June and November 2007. The annual Health and Safety Advisers’ Briefing was held from 28-30 November 2007 at Stoke Rochford Hall. Topics covered included safety committees, teacher mental health, wi-fi in schools, design quality of new schools, stress and negotiating reasonable adjustments on return to work. 10.5 Planning for a Human Influenza Pandemic (a) In January 2007 guidance was sent to divisions and associations which summarised the Government’s guidance to schools on planning for a possible flu pandemic. (b) The World Health Organisation had warned that a flu pandemic was inevitable and that when it happened, it would spread rapidly to all areas of the UK. It was important therefore for all employers, including local authorities and schools, to develop contingency plans. (c) The briefing for divisions and associations considered one of the key questions for the education service, whether or not schools should close during a pandemic. Government advice was that schools should remain open until the pandemic reached their area and would close once advice to that effect was received from the local authority. Staff would, however, still be asked to work if they were not ill, caring for dependants or authorised to work at home. It was emphasised that the Union would not expect its members to continue working in schools which had been advised to close. (d) The DfES guidance emphasised the importance of consulting with staff unions on contingency plans for a flu pandemic. (e) Divisions were advised, therefore, to seek the following assurances from their local authorities: i. that the local authority was working with local schools to put in place plans on how to deal with a flu pandemic; ii. that such plans include the question of school closures and how these will be communicated; iii. that schools would be given advice on additional hygiene precautions which would be necessary and that additional resources would be made available so that schools can implement fully this advice; iv. that staff would be advised to stay at home if they developed flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pains, sore throats, cough or difficulty breathing; v. that staff who needed time off work to care for sick relatives should receive paid leave; vi. that schools which closed to pupils would permit staff who remained healthy to work from home. This would allow staff to combine a limited amount of work with caring commitments; and vii. that support structures would be put in place to support staff and pupils who suffered bereavements. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 210 Report of the Executive 2008 10.6 Capital Funding Update: Government Funding for Energy and Water Saving Technology in Schools and for Ageing Primary Schools in England (a) In January 2007, information on new capital funding arrangements in England was circulated. The information was specific to England, with no Welsh equivalent of this particular funding initiative. An additional £9.6 million for schools in Wales had, however, been announced by the Welsh Assembly Government in December 2006. (b) The Government had announced in November 2006 that local authorities in England were to be allocated funding to enable them to invest in energy and water conservation measures and in modernising school kitchens. Divisions were advised to contact their local authority to establish what plans their authority had under these arrangements. (c) The capital for this programme, which had been described as ‘a £375 million windfall’ was not actually new funding. It had been made available by the reallocation of funds from programmes such as the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, where there had been delay. Because of these delays the DfES was offering local authorities the opportunity to accelerate other capital programmes. The settlement was, however, an advance. Any local authority taking up the offer would have the allocation deducted from future allocations between 2008 and 2011. 10.7 Fringe Meeting on Asbestos: Annual Conference 2007 (a) In February 2007, divisions and associations were advised that a health and safety fringe meeting on asbestos would take place at Annual Conference 2007. (b) The fringe meeting would be addressed by Michael Lees, the widower of an NUT member who died of mesothelioma in 2000. (c) Divisions and associations were urged to encourage their Annual Conference delegates to attend the meeting, which would also be publicised in the Conference programme. (d) The meeting, which was well attended, took place after the close of Conference on Monday 9 April 2007. Mr Lees provided the audience with an in-depth analysis of the problem of asbestos in schools, as well as a critique of HSE policy. 10.8 Crazy About Work. A Survey by Nottingham City Association (a) In February 2007, the Union was pleased to publicise the results of a survey undertaken by the Nottingham City Association. The survey results were published on Hearth. (b) The Association had surveyed a random sample of members to find out more about teachers’ mental health and work related factors that were potential causes of stress. The survey was conducted and analysed by John Illingworth, previous President of the Union and long time officer of the Nottingham City Association. (c) Divisions and association were reminded that guidance on stress was available from the NUT website at and on Hearth. It included: i. an examination of the nature and extent of stress in the teaching profession; ii. guidance on tackling stress for local NUT casework officers, health and safety advisers and school safety representatives; iii. guidance on securing proper compliance by employers with their obligations to undertake stress risk assessments; and iv. an overview of recent developments arising in response to the issue of stress in the workplace, with particular reference to the HSE Management Standards for Work Related Stress. (d) The Nottingham City Association survey responses provided some stark reminders of the pressure under which NUT members were working and underlined the importance of the Union’s ongoing workload campaign as well as other related work on stress and support for members. Key issues highlighted included: i. more than 7out of 10 teachers felt their working hours were excessive and a similar proportion felt that they had insufficient time to spend with family and friends; ii. 8 out of 10 were anxious about OFSTED inspection; iii. 8 out of 10 felt the increased frequency of classroom observation and other monitoring was adding significantly to work related stress; iv. 6 out of 10 woke up in the night and could not get back to sleep because they were thinking about work; v. 1 in 3 struggled to deal with disruptive pupils; vi. 1 in 4 were afraid of violence from pupils or parents; vii. 1 in 3 felt they had no control over their job; viii. 1 in 3 resorted to alcohol, smoking, unhealthy eating or other substances to help them cope; ix. 1 in 15 took prescribed medication to help them cope; x. 1 in 3 felt they were required to submit excessively detailed planning to their managers; and xi. 1 in 4 had been subject to harassment or bullying at work. Report of the Executive 2008 211 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 10.9 Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 – Clause 45: The Power to Search Pupils Without Consent for Weapons (a) In March 2007 guidance was sent to divisions and associations which described the implications for head teachers and teachers of Clause 45 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act, which gave head teachers, and other staff so authorised by the head teacher, the power to search pupils for concealed weapons without their consent. (b) The guidance document set out the background to the Act and included the following information: i. the scope of the Act; ii. why the Government had decided that head teachers should be given this new power; iii. a summary of Clause 45; iv. existing powers of head teachers, prior to the implementation of the 2006 Act; and v. NUT concerns about the new power. (c) NUT divisions were urged to enter into discussions with their local authority on drawing up policies which offered maximum protection to teachers. Issues to be considered included training, insurance, the need to avoid searching pupils if unsure whether it was safe to do so, the need for advice on what constituted reasonable force, and the need for head teachers to be made aware that, with the exception of security staff, they were not able to direct staff to undertake searches. 10.10 Asbestos – Focus on Removal in 2007 (a) 2007 saw the Union devote much time and resources to its efforts to address the serious problem of asbestos in schools. (b) The Union continued to receive much help in this campaign from Mr Michael Lees, whose wife Gina (an NUT member) died in 2000 from mesothelioma. Mr Lees addressed a fringe meeting at Annual Conference 2007 and also delivered presentations at the Division Secretaries’ Briefing in October 2007 and the Health and Safety Advisers’ Briefing in November 2007. (c) In March 2007, divisions and associations were provided with a briefing document which had as its focus the complete removal of asbestos from all schools. (d) The briefing set out arguments which could be deployed to persuade local authorities to prioritise asbestos removal. These included the following points: i. removal was a permanent solution, eliminating further expenditure or concern; ii. removal would relieve head teachers and governing bodies of the burden of monitoring and managing asbestos; iii. removal would protect children who were more at risk because of their developing body tissues and because they had more years ahead in which to develop disease; iv. removal would protect head teachers and local authorities from the threat of prosecution if asbestos exposure took place; v. unnecessary disruption when inadvertent damage to asbestos takes place would be avoided. (e) Where divisions were unsure as to whether asbestos was being managed effectively, they were urged to make use of a questionnaire attached as Appendix 1 to the Focus on Removal briefing. The questionnaire was aimed at eliciting information from the local authority’s Children’s Services Chief Officer. 10.11 Asbestos Exposure – Lessons to be Learned from an Exposure Incident at a Derby School (a) As part of the Union’s continuing emphasis on the problem of asbestos in schools, a report was sent to divisions and associations in August 2007 which focused on a particular exposure incident which had taken place at a Derby City school in 2004. The report was posted on the NUT website and on Hearth. (b) The particular incident led to an HSE prosecution. Focusing on it as a case study was important because there were so many lessons which could be learned by other local authorities and divisions. (c) The head teacher of the school in question had brought in contractors, who were not local authority approved, to replace windows in the school. The contractors were not told of the presence of asbestos and no control measures were taken. Asbestos insulating board panels were removed with crowbars and were sawn and broken up and then dumped in the playground in heaps. (d) Teachers entered classrooms during the work and subsequently cleaned up debris and dust with dust pans and brushes. (e) The window removal work begin in February 2004 and it was only 3 weeks later that the school was closed. (f) The HSE prosecuted the window contractor, Horizon, Derby City Council and the head teacher over this incident. (g) The head teacher was charged with “failing to ensure the health and safety of ‘others’ from exposure to asbestos and omitting to provide information within his possession, including an asbestos survey”. He was found not guilty by the jury. (h) Derby City Council and Horizon pleaded guilty. The council was ordered to pay a fine of £50,000, plus a further £20,000 towards prosecution costs, following a hearing at Nottingham Crown Court. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (i) 212 Report of the Executive 2008 Divisions were invited to pursue a number of recommendations with local authorities to help prevent incidents of this sort arising. The recommendations included the following: i. All schools should have type 2 or type 3 asbestos surveys undertaken. ii. Head teachers, governors and premises staff must be trained in the management of asbestos and advised to seek local authority advice when unsure. iii. Protocols should be in place at school level so as to ensure that information about asbestos is passed to contractors who are about to start work in schools. iv. All the staff working in a school needed to know the location of any asbestos. v. Schools should use exclusively contractors which were local authority approved. vi. Staff and pupils/parents should be advised by the local authority to visit their doctor to record any details of asbestos exposure on their medical records. vii. Local authorities should adopt policies of openness in relation to asbestos exposure incidents. viii. Local authority safety committees should include the topic of building work approval/asbestos exposure on their agendas. ix. Planned asbestos removal should take place during periods of school closure. In emergency situations, for example when asbestos in poor condition was uncovered, the area should be evacuated and sealed off immediately. 10.12 Asbestos Risks in ‘CLASP’ and other System Built Schools (a) In August 2007 advice was provided through Hearth to divisions and associations about the particular hazards which could arise from asbestos in ‘CLASP’ or similar system/modular built schools. (b) The majority of the 13,000 schools built in England and Wales between 1945 and 1975 were system/modular built. A large number of these were erected according to the Consortium of Local Authority Special Programme (CLASP) or the Second Consortium of Local Authorities (SCOLA) systems. They were designed to be of standard construction using a relatively light-weight steel girder construction with panel infill. Large quantities of asbestos were used in their construction, in such diverse locations as ceilings, partition walls, tiles, heaters, water tanks, pipes and window frames. (c) In the light of a number of incidents involving the release of asbestos fibres in CLASP-type schools, the HSE and DfES convened a working group with the specific task of examining the question of asbestos control in CLASP schools. The group included representation from the Local Government Employers, NASUWT, HSE and DfES. The HSE was at pains to insist that no teachers or children had been exposed to dangerous levels of amosite fibres in these schools; but that a review of available guidelines and advice for CLASP schools and local authorities was prudent. (d) The HSE chose to concentrate on the release of asbestos fibres via gaps in steel-clad columns – a common architectural feature of such buildings. This may lead to the formation of the view that fibre release from column casings is the pre-eminent cause of concern in system-type buildings. Such a view would be erroneous – and the NUT regarded the HSE’s decision to focus on such a specific issue as unfortunate. Much of the damaged, friable asbestos was hidden behind walls in CLASP schools and large quantities of asbestos were an integral part of the structure of these buildings. (e) The August 2007 advice included a copy of an information note for education authorities and governing bodies on how to address the problem of fibre release from steel-clad columns. The NUT remained dissatisfied with the HSE’s recommended measures to reduce asbestos fibre readings which involved the use of silicone sealant and sticky tape. The HSE did not, however, share the NUT’s view that complete removal of the asbestos material was the optimum solution to the problem. Encapsulation might be an acceptable short term expedient and was definitely preferable to inaction. The principles of risk assessment require, however, that employers should seek firstly to remove all risks rather than to institute protective measures. 10.13 High Classroom Temperatures (a) NUT Annual Conference 2007 passed a resolution calling for a maximum indoor working temperature of o 26 C, for anything other than very short periods. The resolution further called upon the Executive to amend its current advice on high temperatures to include practical advice on measures which can be taken to lower the temperature and make the working environment acceptable during heat waves. (b) In May 2007 revised guidance on high temperatures was posted on Hearth. The purpose of the revised briefing was to help local officers to support members in schools who were suffering badly in times of extreme heat. Report of the Executive 2008 (c) 213 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The briefing contained many examples of practical measures which could be taken to reduce temperatures, including: i. redesign of work areas; ii. installation of fans; iii. provision of water coolers; iv. relaxation of dress codes; v. provision of fans; vi. development of shady outside areas; and vii. allowing the drinking of water in the classroom. 10.14 NUT Campaign Against Harassment and Bullying (a) In order to implement the ‘Bullying and Harassment’ resolution passed at Annual Conference 2007, materials were prepared to support members who were being bullied or harassed and also to assist caseworkers acting on behalf of bullied members. (b) In March 2007, the guidance was made available on Hearth and on (c) As well as setting out NUT policy on harassment and bullying, describing the differences between the two forms of behaviour as well as the common features, it focused on the very positive role that could be played by schools safety committees. (d) The emphasis on safety committees as a way of tackling harassment and bullying through strengthening union organisation at school level reflected the emphasis in the conference resolution itself. School safety committees could do much to promote a climate in which harassment and bullying were not tolerated. (e) The guidance included three appendices, each of which would be a useful tool in tackling bullying and harassment. (f) Appendix 1 was a questionnaire. It could be used either by NUT school or health and safety representatives to conduct school-based surveys of NUT members to determine the extent of bullying within establishments. It would also assist individual members who wished to clarify in their own mind that what they were experiencing was, in fact, bullying behaviour, or harassment. (g) Appendix 2 was a simple step-by-step guide to the procedure which should be followed by members who were being bullied or harassed. Although aimed principally at members, it would be equally useful for NUT school representatives or local officers, who were called upon to support members. (h) Appendix 3 was a sample informal letter for members to use, on the advice of their local officer. The purpose of the letter, which could be adapted to suit the particular circumstances, was to seek to ‘nip in the bud’ any unacceptable behaviour, without needing to use formal procedures. (i) This sample letter was intended for divisions and associations only. It was the view of those division secretaries who attended the session on Harassment and Bullying at the October 2006 Division Secretaries’ Briefing that local officers needed to be able to keep track of when and how the sample letter was used. (j) In addition to these materials, other measures were taken to contribute to the NUT campaign. A workshop took place at the 2007 Health and Safety Advisers’ Briefing and at the 2007 Division Secretaries’ Briefing. The topic was also covered at every health and safety representatives’ course at Stoke Rochford. A dedicated 3 day course ‘How Reps can Challenge Harassment & Bullying’ took place from 11 to 13 June 2007 at Stoke Rochford. 10.15 Smoking Ban 2007 (a) July 2007 saw the introduction of a ban on smoking in enclosed and substantially enclosed public places and workplaces in England. The ban came into force two months earlier in Wales, in April 2007. (b) In May 2007 a briefing entitled ‘Smoking Ban 2007 – Implications for Schools and other Premises where Teachers Work’ was posted on Hearth and on (c) The briefing i. described the new legal requirements; ii. set out how the NUT believed the new law should be implemented through ‘no smoking’ policies negotiated with employers; and iii. listed action points to be addressed in any negotiations on non-smoking policies. (d) It was not anticipated that the ban would cause widespread problems across schools in England and Wales, since all should already have banned smoking in classrooms by virtue of regulation 25 of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. 10.16 Teacher Mental Health Working Party (a) Annual Conference 2007 passed a resolution on ‘Teacher Mental Health’ which instructed the Executive to establish a working party of both Executive and lay members to investigate and advise on promoting improved teacher mental health. (b) The Working Party was given the task of providing on-going reports for the Executive and preparing a memorandum for Annual Conference 2009 with relevant policy recommendations. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) 214 Report of the Executive 2008 At its 17 May 2007 meeting the Executive agreed that: i. steps would be taken to establish the Working Party as soon as possible with a view to holding the first meeting before the end of the summer term 2007; ii. the Working Party should be kept to a manageable size, with a maximum of ten members; iii. the Working Party should contain a balance of Executive and lay members, the total number of Executive members being no more than three; iv. the Chairperson of the Working Party should be Helen Andrews, as both Vice-Chairperson as the Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Committee and Chairperson of the Health and Safety Working Group; v. one of the two remaining Executive members should be a member of the Teachers’ Superannuation Working Party; vi. the overall membership of the Working Party should reflect an appropriate balance of age, gender, phase and regional/Wales representation; vii. a circular be sent to divisions and associations inviting lay officers or members to put themselves forward for membership of the Working Party; viii. Executive members be invited to put themselves forward for the Working Party; ix. the Working Party should be constituted from people able to show relevant knowledge and experience of the issues and that, therefore, all candidates for the Working Party, both Executive and lay, be asked to support their applications to that effect. x. final decisions on the constitution and membership of the Working Party would be made by the Salaries, Superannuation and Conditions of Service/Health and Safety Committee at its meeting on Thursday 21 June 2007; and xi. guidance would be sought from external experts, for example TSN and the Association of Local Authority Medical Advisers. Accordingly, in May 2007 divisions and associations were sent a ‘Statement of Experience and Expertise’ form which had to be completed by NUT members or local officers wishing to be considered for membership of the Working Party. NUT local officers were invited to draw the attention of any suitably experienced members to the establishment of this Working Group and provide them with the documentation needed to apply to be a member of the Group. On 21 June 2007 the Executive considered the ‘Statements of Experience and Expertise’ which had been received from interested NUT members. It was agreed that the following members be invited to serve on the Working Party: Chair: Helen Andrews Executive members: Mick Lerry, Tony Tonks, Simon Jones (replaced by Pete Bevis in November 2007) Lay members: Mike Harris, John Illingworth, Susan Jones, Miriam Murch, Marion Wilson, Vin Wynne. Divisions and associations were provided with a list of members of the Mental Health Working Party in September 2007. The Working Party met three times in 2007 (July, October and December). A wide programme of work was initiated including revision of the Union’s stress guidelines and new projects dealing with the role of the head teacher in preventing work-related mental health problems and the role of occupational health services. Consultation with the Support Staff unions was taking place, with the aim of producing joint guidance to head teachers which would take on board their responsibilities to both support staff and teachers. External expertise from Teacher Support Network (TSN) and the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was sought. Professor Tom Cox of Nottingham University who conducted research on stress for the Union in the late 1980s was also approached. Professor Cox was expected to attend a meeting of the Working Party in early 2008. Work began with TSN on a support package, including training, to assist local officers when dealing with distressed members. This would include the mental wellbeing of local officers themselves who were obliged to deal with complex, distressing casework. During 2008 it was hoped to secure involvement from the Association of Local Authority Medical Advisers (ALAMA) in the programme of work. A dedicated area on Hearth was established to allow members of the Working Party to view papers and share information. 10.17 School Safety Committees (a) September 2007 saw the publication on Hearth of a briefing which set out detailed information on the objectives and benefits of school safety committees. The overarching aim of the document was to equip NUT Health and Safety representatives with the key elements required to successful participation in a safety committee. Report of the Executive 2008 (b) (c) 215 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee The briefing addressed the following areas: i. the definition of a safety committee; ii. why schools should have safety committees; iii. how to set them up; iv. the composition of a safety committee; and v. items for the agenda of a safety committee. The briefing highlighted the success of Brent NUT which had championed the development of both school safety committees and school representatives, following a fatality on a school trip. Twenty two per cent of schools now had safety committees, a figure which had increased from 3 per cent. Seventy one per cent of Brent schools had union safety representatives, up from twenty two per cent. Brent schools were now seen as a model for worker involvement in occupational health and safety. 10.18 Health and Safety Quiz: A Module for Local Training (a) In June 2007 divisions and associations were advised that a health and safety quiz was available in the local training section of the Learning Centre on Hearth. (b) The module aimed to raise awareness of health and safety as an NUT issue. (c) It was hoped that divisions and associations would find the quiz useful for both newly qualified and early career teachers. (d) A further local training module was made available in August 2007 which covered the topic of harassment and bullying. 10.19 Replacement Body for Health and Safety Commission’s Schools Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) (a) At the time of writing, the Union was seeking to obtain a place on the DCSF-led strategic health and safety committee for schools which had been established to replace SEAC. The TUC had been invited to help resolve the situation and was offering constructive help. (b) A meeting to discuss the situation with HSE officials had been due to take place in October 2007 but had been postponed by the HSE because of the need to undertake further discussions with DCSF officials. (c) It is hoped that the meeting will be rearranged for early in 2008 and it is hoped that the situation will then be resolved with minimum delay. 10.20 Firm Foundations – Design Issues in PFI Schools (a) In October 2007 a briefing was posted on Hearth which aimed to provide information and guidance for NUT divisions and associations on how to influence the design process of new and refurbished schools via the Building Schools for the Future initiative. (b) It included a detailed guide to spotting common design flaws, a comprehensive dossier of acronyms and technical terms and a list of sources of further information and support. (c) Reporting on the progress of BSF in July 2007, the Education and Skills Select Committee found that “the participation of teachers, other school staff and pupils in the planning process is vital to the success of school redevelopment projects, and this needs to be acknowledged by all those involved”. (d) With increasing numbers of BSF projects in the pipeline, the NUT believed that this argument was especially pertinent. The BSF programme represented a scale of school building not seen since the Victorian era, and unless the exercise was to be seen by subsequent generations as an expensive mistake, it was of vital importance that the planning process for BSF schools was consultative and inclusive of all stakeholders. (e) Divisions were therefore encouraged to: i. seek information from the local authority at the earliest opportunity on the involvement of unions in the design and procurement stages of BSF; ii. participate in the consultation process, aided by the guidance which was contained in the briefing; and iii. make contact with the NUT Health and Safety Unit at Hamilton House should they require further assistance in scrutinising plans and specifications, or in negotiating with other stakeholders. 10.21 European Health and Safety Week 2007: 22-26 October 2007 (a) The theme for European Health and Safety Week 2007 – an annual initiative organised jointly by the HSE and the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work – was ‘Musculo-Skeletal Disorders – Lighten the Load’. (b) As the NUT’s contribution to the Week’s events, the attention of divisions and associations was drawn to four briefings which contained information and advice on how teachers could prevent or minimise the risk of suffering damage to their musculo-skeletal system. These were: i. Ergonomics for Teachers; ii. Manual Handling; iii. Risk Assessments; and iv. Computer Safety. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee (c) 216 Report of the Executive 2008 All documents were available on Hearth. It was suggested that local officers might wish to publicise the documents in local newsletters or copy them to NUT safety representatives in their area. 10.22 Health and Safety Advisers’ Bulletins (a) Health and Safety Advisers’ Bulletins were published on Hearth in May and August 2007. (b) The May issue included items on: i. Installation of sprinkler systems in schools; ii. Abuse of teachers by parents; iii. Use of mobile telephones whilst driving; iv. Safeguarding children using mobile telephones; v. The 2007 TUC Safety Representative Award; vi. Adventure Activities Licensing Agency (AALA); vii. HSE inspector shortage; viii. Cyber-bullying of teachers; ix. Mesothelioma; x. Teachers’ health and wellbeing; xi. Standing on desks; xii. Smoking; xiii. HSC/E merger; xiv. Plaster of Paris; xv. The ninth Safety Minister in nine years; xvi. Breakthrough Breast Cancer; and xvii. The Eighteenth National Hazards Conference. (c) The August issue covered the following areas: i. Health and safety in flooded areas; ii. School design quality; iii. Preparing for a flu pandemic; iv. Safer School Partnerships; v. Oilseed rape; vi. Safety representatives’ rights; vii. New Chair of HSC; viii. Occupational cancers; ix. Tuberculosis; and x. Work/life balance. 11. SCHOOL FUNDING 11.1 DCSF Review of School Funding for 2008-11 (a) In March the DCSF initiated consultation on school funding arrangements in England to cover the period April 2008 to March 2011. (b) The consultation followed the introduction of the new funding system in England in April 2006, with multiyear budgets and ring-fenced funding covered by the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). The DCSF had stated in 2006 that funding arrangements would reviewed for the next multi-year school funding period of 2008-11 coinciding with the period covered by the Government’s next Comprehensive Spending Review. (c) The main issues covered in the consultation were: the method of distributing DSG to local authorities; deprivation funding; changes to grants; the distribution of funding from local authorities to schools, including the Minimum Funding Guarantee; measures to control surplus balances held by schools; funding for specialised diplomas for 14-16 year olds; and funding for early years provision for 3 and 4 year olds. (d) The Union’s response to the consultation argued that meeting the needs of schools must be the overriding objective of the funding system. The Union noted that the fundamental flaws in the current system would not be addressed by the changes proposed by the DCSF. (e) The Union believed that all relevant stakeholders should work to agree a funding mechanism for schoolrelated spending based on a needs-led approach. This approach, which could then inform the Government’s decisions on funding allocations, would meet the pledges on school funding made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in March 2006. (f) The NUT issued advice to divisions in May on the Union’s position on school funding arrangements in order to allow divisions to seek to influence local authority and schools forum responses to the review. (g) When the DCSF published its final proposals it was clear that the NUT had secured a number of successes, including the retention of the “spend-plus” method of distributing the DSG, the creation of an exceptional circumstances grant and arrangements for distributing funding for diplomas at Key Stage 4. (h) Further NUT advice was issued in August summarising the key decisions and giving the Union’s view on each issue. Report of the Executive 2008 217 Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 11.2 DCSF Funding Announcement for 2008-11 (a) In November, the DCSF announced the school funding settlement, including DSG and other grant allocations, for local authorities in England for the financial years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. (b) Also in November, the Welsh Assembly Government announced details of revenue support grant for local authorities in Wales. This included funding for schools as well as other local authority services, due to the fact that school funding was not ring-fenced in Wales. (c) The Union believed that these proposed financial settlements was likely to create significant problems for many schools, as it incorporated a reduction in the rate of increase in school funding and an MFG that was below both inflation and the Government’s assessment of schools’ cost pressures. (d) The NUT issued advice to divisions notifying them of the DCSF and Welsh Assembly Government funding announcements and setting out the Union’s concerns at these developments. The NUT also enclosed a questionnaire seeking information from divisions on the perceived implications of the funding decisions within each authority. 11.3 DSG Formula Review for 2011-12 and Beyond (a) Following the completion of the consultation on school funding for 2008-11, the DCSF invited comments on the terms of reference for a further review of the DSG formula for 2011-12 and beyond. (b) The main points of the Union’s response to the consultation are set out below. (c) The Union noted that local authorities continued to believe it necessary to allocate funding to schools by over and above the level generated by the DSG formula. This showed that the resources generated by the formula were not sufficient to meet the needs of schools. (d) Each school should receive a basic level of funding sufficient to meet not only the statutory requirements placed upon it, but also the costs of enabling effective teaching and learning and adjustments for any special costs faced by individual schools. The proposed replacement of the current “spend-plus” approach from 2011 underlined the need for a credible, robust and accurate needs-led methodology. (e) Any new arrangement needed to combine core national entitlements and resources for schools, identifying the additional resources needed by schools to meet their particular individual circumstances and the demands upon them. The objective and comprehensive measurement of the needs of schools should result in full funding of those needs. (f) The Union reminded the DCSF of the Prime Minister’s commitment to increase per pupil funding for state schools to match the level of funding for pupils at independent day schools. The Union looked forward to taking part in discussions on this challenging objective. A clear timetable was needed for its achievement and significant additional resources would be required. A needs-led approach to funding could inform the level and distribution of these resources. (g) The development of a single formula to replace the “spend-plus” approach implied a need to develop a methodology to take account of locally-identified needs. The implementation of any new funding system needed to be accompanied by arrangements to protect schools against any financial losses. (h) The proposed work also raised significant issues of accountability. The exclusion of the NUT from the School Funding Implementation Group should be ended. (i) The NUT welcomed the inclusion in the terms of the review of the impact of revenue funding of capital projects, in particular the impact of PFI payments for facilities management and other services. (j) The consultation ended in November and further developments were awaited at the time of writing. 11.4 Advice to Divisions – School Funding 2007-08 (a) The NUT issued an NUT circular to divisions in February giving information on funding arrangements for 2007-08 for England and Wales. (b) It reminded divisions that schools in England were now funded by means of a ring-fenced grant known as the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). Local authorities were able to add funding to the DSG if they wish. DSG allocations in England for both 2006-07 and 2007-08 had been announced in December 2005 and had been circulated previously. Divisions were directed to the indicative allocations for each local authority as published on the DCSF website. Final local authority DSG allocations for 2007-08 would be calculated according to known pupil numbers for January 2007. Each local authority would also receive a minimum cash increase of at least 4 per cent over the 2006-07 DSG allocation, to provide additional support for those local authorities with falling rolls. (c) The circular noted that, in Wales, the financial year 2007-08 was the final year in the three-year budget plan set for Wales by the National Assembly. In mid-December 2006 the National Assembly had announced additional school funding over and above existing spending plans. This funding would be delivered by special grant and guaranteed additional amounts for schools based on their size. The National Assembly had also announced plans for increased school funding in respect of energy costs and special educational needs. The NUT provided the website link to this information. Sals, Sup, CoS, H&S Committee 218 Report of the Executive 2008 11.5 Advice to Divisions – Local Authority Funding Formulae (a) The Department continued to provide comment and advice both to regional offices/NUT Cymru and to individual divisions on local authority consultation documents on school funding issues. Key issues raised throughout the year are identified below. (b) In preparing for the move to the first three-year funding period to operate from April 2008, some local authorities proposed to simplify their funding formulae. The Union advised that reflecting the needs of schools remained the main objective for funding formulae. Proposals for simplification of funding arrangements should not be implemented at the cost of making funding formulae less sensitive to the needs of schools. (c) The Union continued to emphasise the need for budget exemplifications showing the impact on individual school budgets whenever local authorities proposed changes to funding arrangements. Such information was essential in assessing whether proposed arrangements would match resources to need. (d) Other issues raised included the operation of the MFG; flexibility to protect small schools and schools with falling rolls; and delegation of funding for threshold and performance progression costs. 11.6 Benchmarking Data (a) The NUT issued a circular to divisions and associations in England in March giving details of benchmarking data made available by the DCSF for schools in England. (b) The information, which related to the financial year 2006-07, provided enabled comparisons to be made between spending levels for different local authorities in England. (c) The NUT provided two briefings on this area via HEARTH. The first gave details of those local authorities in England which planned to make additional cash contributions over and above the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) in 2006-07. Of the 148 local authorities in England listed by the DfES, 29 planned to spend above DSG. (d) The second briefing showed data from local authority Section 52 statements in England on planned spending for the financial year 2006-07, in terms both of funding delegated to schools and other schools funding that was controlled by the local authority and not delegated. Report of the Executive 2008 219 Wales Committee PWYLLGOR CYMRU - WALES COMMITTEE Cadeirydd/Chairperson: Goronwy Jones Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chairperson: Angela Davies 1. RHAGYMADRODD - INTRODUCTION The Wales Committee met on 9 occasions during 2007. 2. CYNHADLEDD FLYNYDDOL 14 – 18 EBRILL 2006 - ANNUAL CONFERENCE 6-10 APRIL 2007 The annual Welsh delegates’ dinner on 14 April. 3. CYNGOR CYMRU - ALL WALES COUNCIL This met on 23 March, 13 July and 16 November 2007. At the March meeting, a preview was given of the NUT’s Education Manifesto for the Welsh Assembly elections in May together with a demonstration of the HEARTH system. In July, Mal Davies, Chair of GTC Wales and NUT Divisional Secretary for Cardiff spoke about the work of GTC Wales and the forthcoming elections to it. Executive member and chair of the Wales Committee Goronwy Jones and Angela Jardine also spoke as GTC Wales members and conveyed a message from a fourth, Ros Nelson, who could not be present. There was also a round-up of news about schools’ reorganisation from the Divisions. In November, John Griffiths, AM for Newport East and Deputy Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, addressed the meeting; Bethan Hicks of the Welsh Assembly Government outlined the Welsh Language Sabbatical Scheme for teachers; and Council members supplied the latest information on school closures. 4. NUT CYMRU CONFERENCES (a) A conference for school leaders, Who Leads, was held in Cardiff in June 2007. It was chaired by Executive member Angela Davies and addressed by NUT General Secretary Steve Sinnott, Chief Executive of DCELLS Steve Marshall, Chief Executive of the WJEC Gareth Pierce, Chair of Cardiff City Football Club Peter Ridsdale and Tracy Isaac of the Teachers’ Group. Workshops were led by Executive member Neil Foden, NUT Cymru Solicitor Sarah Morgan and NUT Cymru Secretary David Evans, who also made the closing remarks. A first conference for young teachers was held in Swansea in September. After attending a dinner on the Friday evening, many delegates gathered on Saturday to discuss ideas and make proposals. A similar event is planned for North Wales at the beginning of 2008. The intention is to make these a rolling programme around Wales. (b) 5. CYFARFOD CYMRU - ALL WALES MEETING This was held on 24 March 2007. NUT General Secretary Steve Sinnott officially launched the NUT’s Education Manifesto for the Welsh Assembly elections in May. There then followed a session for a representative of all four of the major political parties in Wales